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hesham naw c[1].v. s.a.last (1)

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C.V. NAME: HESHAM REFAT ISMAIL SEX: MALE NATIONALITY: EGYPTIAN BIRTHDAY: 10/1/1966 RELIGION: MUSLIM TELEPHONE: SAUDI ARABIA mobile 09966507513502/ home 046629118 EGYPT mobile 0123477149 / home 025855592 EMAIL: [email protected] QUALIFICATIONS: -B.Sc, ORAL & DENTAL MEDICINE CAIRO UNIVERSATY 1988 -MASTER DEGREE IN ORAL SURGERY & ANAETHESIA CAIRO UNIVERSATY 2002. ………………………………………………………………… Special qualifications: - Full ability in performing minor oral surgeries as impactions (over 300 impacted last molar and canine totally and patially impacted ), gingivoplasty, alveoplasty ( after removal of big cysts in both jaws), done many enucleations and marsupulization of cysts , excision of soft & hard tissue lesions etc. - Full ability in management of fractures of mandible and maxilla and bone plating as rigid internal fixation with intermaxillary fixation in an intraoral approach, with plastic surgeries to the lip and mouth ( Saudi Arabian news paper wrote about one of those operations ) - Full ability to use CO2 laser in prosthetic & plastic surgeries. - excellent administration ( now posted as medical director and coordinator for the specific higher dental center in S.A. ) Also head of C.M.E. Programs and training team for medical and paramedical staff.
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BIRTHDAY: 10/1/1966


TELEPHONE: SAUDI ARABIA mobile 09966507513502/ home 046629118

EGYPT mobile 0123477149 / home 025855592

EMAIL: [email protected]







Special qualifications:

- Full ability in performing minor oral surgeries as impactions

(over 300 impacted last molar and canine totally and patially

impacted ), gingivoplasty, alveoplasty ( after removal of big cysts

in both jaws), done many enucleations and marsupulization of

cysts , excision of soft & hard tissue lesions etc.

- Full ability in management of fractures of mandible and maxilla

and bone plating as rigid internal fixation with intermaxillary

fixation in an intraoral approach, with plastic surgeries to the lip

and mouth ( Saudi Arabian news paper wrote about one of those

operations )

- Full ability to use CO2 laser in prosthetic & plastic surgeries.

- excellent administration ( now posted as medical director and

coordinator for the specific higher dental center in S.A. ) Also head

of C.M.E. Programs and training team for medical and

paramedical staff.

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Examples of some surgeries done

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Semi -rigid internal fixation ( miniplates )

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Semi- rigid internal fixation ( miniplates ) and intermaxillary fixation

by Erick arch bar

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Many minor surgeries on the tongue

-Providing first aid ttt and emergency care for traumatized cases:-

# first aid care for gawhara ceramic factory exccuted

by KAJIMA corporation consultant Bechtel and Daniclly,

phase 1 from 1991 to 1992 phase 2 from 1992 to 1994

# first aid center and emergency for LE Meredian site project

consultant IBI. Bechtel phase 1 from 1996 till 1998, phase 2

Kajima company from 1998 till 2001.

Previous and recent jobs

- From 1988 – 1989 dentist in kasre eliny hospital.

- From 1989 – 1990 dentist in ministry of health Cairo.

- From 1990 – 1991 dentist in ministry of health Libya.

- From 1992 – 1993 dentist in military hospitals.

- From 1993 – 1994 dentist in elgezera hospital.

- From 1994 – 2005 dentist & oral surgeon in Cairo health


- From 11/2005 – till now oral surgeon in ministry of health Saudi

Arabia specific higher dental center northern bourder

Medical director and coordinator of the center. Also head of C.M.E.

Programs and training team for medical and paramedical staff.

( Including news paper writings on some operations I did and a thank full

letter from the general director in the northern area in Saudi Arabia )0

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2009-03-15 محليــات

نجاح إزالة ورم من مواطنة بعرعر

عبدهللا القاران -عرعر ن مساعد آل سعود التخصصي لطب األسنان نجح فريق طبي بمركز األمير عبدهللا بن عبد العزيز ب

بعرعر في استئصال ورم كبير بعظم قبة الحنك بالفك العلوي لمواطنه سعودية كانت تعاني من آالم متواصلة، وقد استمرت العملية ثالث ساعات بإشراف الدكتور هشام رفعت إسماعيل أخصائي

نسيق مع قسم الجراحة ومعمل جراحة الوجه والفكين في عيادة جراحة الوجه والفكين بالت

تم تركيبه للمريضة بعد االنتهاء من لسقف الحلق وقد( اوبتيرايتر)التركيبات، حيث تم صنع جهاز دعم . العملية

وقد راجعت المريضة المركز بعد أسبوع من إجراء العملية وتمت إزالة الجهاز، وأكدت نتائج الفحوصات . الطبية شفاء المريضة وهلل الحمد مما كانت تعاني منه

. أوضح ذلك مدير اإلعالم الصحي بالمركز خالد حجي

Copyright -2007. Al-Jazirah Corp.

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