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HG.ECC 11.10

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8/8/2019 HG.ECC 11.10 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/hgecc-1110 1/23 How we deliver µ How we deliver µ  practical  practical advice that works¶ advice that works¶ East Coast Consulting East Coast Consulting Pty Ltd Pty Ltd 
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How we deliver µHow we deliver µ practical  practical advice that works¶ advice that works¶ 

East Coast ConsultingEast Coast Consulting Pty Ltd Pty Ltd 

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An Introduction to East Coast An Introduction to East Coast 





Over 95% of private sector businesses areSME¶s - employing two thirds of the workforce

Most SME businesses suffer from limitedfinancial resources

and  «in many cases weak business management

and marketing skills

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An Introduction to East Coast An Introduction to East Coast 





Unlike larger organisations and corporations,SME¶s generally lack the resources (over 80%

employ less than 20 people) to build amanagement team of professionals experiencedacross a broad range of busi ness critic al  d iscipl i nes.

In fact, the burden of maintaining and growing asuccessful independent business is generallylimited to Managing Director / Owners / Partners.

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An Introduction to East Coast An Introduction to East Coast 





Sometimes this falls on just one person.

With so much to do and with limited resources,many feel frustrated at the ever-increasingdemands being placed upon them.

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W orrying StatisticsW orrying Statistics

85% of all businesses employing less than 60people don¶t know where to go for advice

Less than 35% of all businesses see any needfor marketing

Less than 20% of businesses employing lessthan 30 people have a CEO/Managing Director with any pr ev ious ex  peri enc e i n runni ng  a 

busi ness! 

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W orrying StatisticsW orrying Statistics

27% of all companies employing more than 5sales people have no formal, or ongoing salestraining

74% of all businesses feel they are under-capitalised

More than 60% of businesses f ai l because of poor financial practices

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Typical SME problemsTypical SME problems -- 11

Most Managing Directors / Owners work tooMost Managing Directors / Owners work toohard & receive too little reward.hard & receive too little reward.

For most, the business consumes, rather thanserves their lives.

 Absence of a personal life plan that purposefully Absence of a personal life plan that purposefullyguides their daily actions.guides their daily actions.

Not grasped that they can & should create abusiness that works without them.

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Typical SME problemsTypical SME problems -- 22

Most Managing Directors / Owners wear tooMost Managing Directors / Owners wear toomany hats & havemany hats & have no planno plan to free themselvesto free themselvesfrom the technical work of the business.from the technical work of the business.

Nearly all are organised around existing peopleNearly all are organised around existing peoplerather than business processes = inconsistentrather than business processes = inconsistentperformance & havoc when key players leave.performance & havoc when key players leave.


nable to depend upon employees, many SMEowners feel trapped in business.

Confused reporting lines = overlap & lack of Confused reporting lines = overlap & lack of clarity!clarity!

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Typical SME problemsTypical SME problems -- 33

No examination of impact entire businessNo examination of impact entire businessprocess has on their customers.process has on their customers.

Market & sell by µseat of pants¶ rather than applyproven marketing & selling strategies.

Failure to appreciate that in the best business,Failure to appreciate that in the best business,

syst emssyst ems run the business & ordinary people runrun the business & ordinary people runthe systems.the systems.

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Typical SME problemsTypical SME problems -- 44

65% of all SME¶s feel they have a poor 65% of all SME¶s feel they have a poor relationship with their financial backersrelationship with their financial backers

Many have issues with access to fundsMany have issues with access to funds

Many need funding to expandMany need funding to expand

Funding required typically $1 to $4 millionFunding required typically $1 to $4 million

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Typical SME problemsTypical SME problems -- 55

Many do not have a strategyMany do not have a strategy -- and only get toand only get towhere they are by chance!where they are by chance!


Bad news is that it¶s a long list of problems &unfortunately far from complete««.

Good news is that ever y point DOES have aGood news is that ever y point DOES have a


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M anaging Directors/Owners of M anaging Directors/Owners of 


¶sS ME 


Have usually put up the money!Have usually put up the money!

Dynamic, entrepreneurialDynamic, entrepreneurial

Strong in their own areasStrong in their own areasBu t Bu t 

Often lack broad business experienceOften lack broad business experience

Usually lack formal business training

Usually lack formal business training

Have no specialist advisors / board of directorsHave no specialist advisors / board of directors

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Don¶ t k now what they d on¶ t Don¶ t k now what they d on¶ t 

k now! k now! 

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W hy is this relevant? W hy is this relevant? 

Managing Director/Owner only sees symptomsManaging Director/Owner only sees symptomsof the problemsof the problems

Has no time or possibly lacks skills to findHas no time or possibly lacks skills to find

solutions to specific business problemssolutions to specific business problems

This can seriously damage the businessThis can seriously damage the business

We are able to facilitate changeWe are able to facilitate change AND AND makemakeclients more secure and profitableclients more secure and profitable

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Being a M anaging Being a M anaging 

Director/Owner Director/Owner 

I s one of  the toug hest & l onel i est positions i n I s one of  the toug hest & l onel i est positions i n busi nessbusi ness

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Sol u tionSol u tion

T he Busi ness Support Prog r am v i a E ast Coast T he Busi ness Support Prog r am v i a E ast Coast 

Consul ti ng Consul ti ng 

All busi nesses could benef it f rom hel  p, and   All busi nesses could benef it f rom hel  p, and  bett er w ant ed  than needed bett er w ant ed  than needed 

A t ai l or ed co A t ai l or ed co--or d i nat ed prog r am del i ver ed by or d i nat ed prog r am del i ver ed by 

speci al istsspeci al ists Acc ess to an ong oi ng si ngle sourc e of hel  p, Acc ess to an ong oi ng si ngle sourc e of hel  p,

g ui danc e, mentori ng & adv ic eg ui danc e, mentori ng & adv ic e

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Bu siness S u  pport ProgramBu siness S u  pport Program

E ach member withi n Your Virtual Boar d , g i vesE ach member withi n Your Virtual Boar d , g i ves

some ti me every month to busi nesses, to:some ti me every month to busi nesses, to:

Discuss conc er ns, problems, opportuniti es

Discuss conc er ns, problems, opportuniti es

Deal with speci f ic busi ness r equir ementsDeal with speci f ic busi ness r equir ements

Discuss f utur e plansDiscuss f utur e plans

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T ypic al T ypic al Ar eas of N eed  Ar eas of N eed 

Planning & StrategyPlanning & Strategy


Sales & MarketingSales & Marketing


Import / ExportImport / Export

Systems & ProcessesSystems & Processes

Occupational Health &Occupational Health &SafetySafety

IT/ EIT/ E--commercecommerce

Human ResourcesHuman Resources


Cash FlowCash Flow


T hese c an aff ect many ar eas of  the busi ness! T hese c an aff ect many ar eas of  the busi ness! 

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F illing the M anagement GapF illing the M anagement Gap

Business analysis and support complimentingBusiness analysis and support complimentingskills in placeskills in place


Practical advicePractical advice

Hotline accessHotline access

Project design and implementationProject design and implementation

Someone to turn to««««Someone to turn to«««« Your Virtual BoardYour Virtual Board

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Business Suppor t ProgramBusiness Suppor t Program

Enables Managing Director/Owner to access the combinedEnables Managing Director/Owner to access the combinedbusiness experience of accredited senior business professionalsbusiness experience of accredited senior business professionals

Most have sat in CEO/Owners chair Most have sat in CEO/Owners chair -- they know how lonely it can bethey know how lonely it can beand will understand the issues they faceand will understand the issues they face

Networked in to Managing Director/Owners in thousands of Networked in to Managing Director/Owners in thousands of businesses worldwidebusinesses worldwide

It can be what Managing Director/Owners wants it to be, long termIt can be what Managing Director/Owners wants it to be, long termsupport or project basedsupport or project based ± ± No Contr actsNo Contr acts

Managing Director/Owner retains control of the businessManaging Director/Owner retains control of the business

ProvenProven -- ³³ pr actic al  adv ic e that works´  pr actic al  adv ic e that works´ 

Independent, ImpartialIndependent, Impartial -- NoNo baggage or office politicsbaggage or office politics

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In effectIn effect ± ± the Managing Director /the Managing Director /Owner has at his disposal his / her Owner has at his disposal his / her own Non Executive Board of own Non Executive Board of 


What might that do for your What might that do for your business?business?

Business Suppor t ProgramBusiness Suppor t Program

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Business Suppor t ProgramBusiness Suppor t Program

We understand that it is theWe understand that it is the

Managing Director/Owners businessManaging Director/Owners businessand will work alongside them toand will work alongside them todevise and implement the solution(s)devise and implement the solution(s)

 Available when and for as long as Available when and for as long asthey neededthey needed ± ± No Contr actsNo Contr acts

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H arry GoldsteinH arry Goldstein

Can be reached at:Can be reached at:

East Coast Consulting Pty LtdEast Coast Consulting Pty Ltd

Phone:Phone: 1300 835 6671300 835 667Phone:Phone: + 61 2 4945 2285+ 61 2 4945 2285

Fax:Fax: + 61 2 4945 4228+ 61 2 4945 4228

Email:Email: [email protected]@yourvirtualboard.com.au

Web:Web: www.yourvirtualboard.com.auwww.yourvirtualboard.com.au

To answer all your questionsTo answer all your questions

Accredited Associate of the Institute for Independent Business
