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hi BTE telecoil (Behind-The-Ear) · 2012-10-18 · hi BTE telecoil ear tube & tip Replacing ear...

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hi BTE telecoil (Behind-The-Ear) User Guide Watch a short video on how to use and maintain the hi BTE telecoil at: www.hihealthinnovations.com/products/BTE
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hi BTE™ telecoil(Behind-The-Ear)

User Guide

Watch a short video on how to use and maintain the hi BTE telecoil at:


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Table of contents

Getting the most from your new hearing devices ...............................................1–3

Caring for your hearing devices .................................... 4

Your hi BTE telecoil at a glance .................................... 5

Turning devices on and off ............................................. 6

Wearing your devices ................................................... 6-7

hi BTE telecoil ear tube & tip ...................................... 8-9

Battery ............................................................................10-11

Using with telephones and cellular phones ...........12

Changing program and volume settings ..........13-14

Troubleshooting .........................................................15-16

Warranty, return and service .......................................17

Technical specifications ...........................................18-19

FDA statements ......................................................... 20-21

Watch a short video on how to use and maintain the hi BTE telecoil at:


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Getting the most from your new hearing devices

Hearing is a vital part of how you connect with the world, from laughing at a punch line to sharing a secret with a loved one. Hearing is also vital to your overall health. Untreated hearing loss can contribute to depression, anxiety and dementia. Congratulations on taking control of your hearing health!

While no hearing device can restore normal hearing and will not prevent or improve a hearing impairment resulting from organic conditions, these tips will help you obtain the most benefits from your devices:

•Ifyouarenewtohearingdevices,itmaytakeafewweeksbeforeyouarecompletelycomfortablewithyour devices and can fully enjoy the benefits. Be patient as you adjust to hearing sounds that you may not have heard in a long time. Some people prefer to start wearing their hearing aids a few hours a day, while others wear them all day right afterreceivingthem.It’suptoyou.Giventhatin most cases infrequent use of devices does not provide full benefits, your ultimate goal is to wear the devices all day, every day

•Youmayfindthataquietenvironmentismorecomfortable in the beginning of the adjustment period. Gradually introduce new listening environments, and increase the space between youandwhoyouarespeakingwith

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•Innoisyenvironments,youmayfinditeasiertounderstandspeechbyfacingthespeaker.Hearing aids are one part of treating hearing loss.Itwillstillbeimportantforyoutoaskfor repetition if you do not understand what isbeingsaid.Often,peoplewhoaretalkingtoyouneedtoknowhowtheycanhelp.Thiswill include them pausing occasionally when speaking.Wehavemanygreatcommunicationtips on our website as well as during our hearing aid orientation teleconferences

•Yourownvoicemayinitiallysoundloud,orsome people describe it as though they are “talkinginabarrel.”Thisisverycommonandiscalledthe“occlusioneffect.”Afterconsistentuse of the hearing aids for a few days, most people no longer notice this

•Ifyouarenewtohearingdevices,youmayhearbackgroundnoise(e.g.,humofafan)thatyou may not have heard in a long time. There are many sounds in the environment that the hearing aids will amplify. These may include sounds you want to hear, as well as those you maynotwanttohear.Itcanbechallenging

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todealwithwhatisoftencalled“backgroundsounds.”Thereisnohearingaidthatcaneliminate the sounds you do not want to hear andonlypickuptheonesyouwanttohear.However, the hearing aids will help the most if you are using good communication strategies such as getting away from noise and facing the sounds you are trying to hear

Itisnotnecessarytoremoveyourhearingaidsatsecuritycheckpoints(e.g.,airports).PleaseremoveyourhearingdevicesforCTandMRIscansorforother electromagnetic procedures.

At hi HealthInnovations, we care deeply about ourcustomers.Ifyouhavequestionsthatarenotaddressed in this guide or the resources on our website at www.hiHealthInnovations.com, please call us at 1-855-523-9355.

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Caring for your hearing devices

DoyourbesttokeepyourhiBTEtelecoilcleananddry at all times.

•Earwaxisnaturalandcommon.Donotrinseor submerge devices or ear tube & tip in water. Clean your device with a dry cloth, and use the cleaning wire to clean the ear tube & tip regularly(asdescribedonpage9)

•Donotusewater,alcoholorotherliquidagentstocleanthedeviceastheymaydamageit.Ifthe device becomes wet, do not attempt to dry it in an oven or microwave. Open the battery door, remove the battery and let the device dry naturally for 24 hours

•Whenyou’renotwearingyourhiBTEtelecoil,open the battery door to allow any moisture to evaporate. Store your device in a safe, dry place, away from direct sunlight and avoid extreme temperatures

•Removeyourhearingdevicesbeforeusinghairspray, spray perfume or shaving lotions, as these items can clog or damage your hearing devices

Donotdropyourhearingdevicesorknockthemagainst hard surfaces.

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Your hi BTE telecoil at a glance

1. Microphone and speaker – sound enters your device via the microphone. The speakerdeliversamplified sound to you.

2. Rocker switch – switches between listening programs or volume levels.

3. Battery door / on and off – close the door to turn on your device. Open the door to turn off the device.

Left/Right – Upon opening the battery door, a red dot indicates the device is for the right ear. The absence of a dot indicates the left ear.

4. Serial number – Each device has a unique serial number.

5. Ear tube & ear tip – each device comes with an ear tube & tip that connects to the device speaker.Soundtravelsthroughtheeartube&tip to your ear.

6. Retention loop –helpskeeptheear tube&tipin place.

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Your hi BTE telecoil has a two-position battery door that acts as an on/off switch and allows access to the battery.

1. ON: Simply close the battery door.

2. OFF:Whenyou’renotwearingyourdevice,keepthe battery door open to extend battery life. Fully opening the battery door allows internal moisture to evaporate, which keeps device electronics working well.

Wearing your devices

PlaceyourhiBTEtelecoiloverthetopofyourearuntil it rests securely behind your ear.

Turning devices on and off

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While holding the hi BTE telecoil in place, insert theeartipintotheearcanal,andcurl/tucktheretention loop along the body of your ear.

Allergicreactionstohearingdevicesareunlikely.However,ifyouexperienceskinirritation,redness,or soreness in or around your ears, please contact your physician.

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hi BTE telecoil ear tube & tip

Replacing ear tube & tip

Your ear tube & tip will come connected. For optimal performance, replace ear tube & tip every three months.

Removing ear tube & tip from device: Grasp the “deviceend”oftheeartube;gentlyturn~90degreesand pull to remove the ear tube from the device.

Attaching ear tube & tip to device: Gently push the“deviceend”oftheeartubeontothedeviceuntil it snaps into position.

1) Turn ~90 degrees

2) Pull the “device end” of ear tube

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Cleaning ear tube & tip

Betweenreplacements,you’llneedtocleantheear tube & tip with a cleaning wire, typically once a week.

Remove the ear tube & tip from device. Thread the cleaning wire through the ear tube, starting at the “deviceend,”untilitcomesoutatthe“eartipend,”then pull the cleaning wire all the way through. Be sure to wipe off the wire before the next cleaning.

Note: Ensure the wire goes through the ear tube in only one direction, from “device end” to “ear tip end.” Donotreversethewirebackthroughtheear tube.

Clean the ear tip with a dry cloth.

“ear tip end”

“device end”

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Your hi BTE telecoil uses a size 312 battery. The batterylifeisabout150hours,or12days.Please insert a battery upon receipt of the device.

Low battery indicator

A warning of three double beeps every eight minutes indicates that the battery needs to be replaced.Ifyoudonotchangeyourbattery,youwill hear another warning of six double beeps, at which time your device will automatically turn off.

Battery warning information

Dispose of used batteries in an environmentally friendly way. Do not place batteries in your mouth. If swallowed,contactyourphysicianimmediatelyorcall the National Battery Hotline at 1-202-625-3333.

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Inserting/replacing the battery

1. Gently pull open the battery door with your fingernail and remove the used battery.

2. Using the plastic tab of a fresh battery, place the battery into the battery door. While holding the battery in place, peel off the plastic tab.

3. To fully activate the battery, wait for a minute beforegentlyclosingthebatterydoor.Ifthedoordoesnotcloseeasily,checktoseeifthebattery was inserted properly.

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Using with telephones and cellular phones


Hold the phone handset as you normally would. Move the handset up slightly to find the position thatsoundsbesttoyou.Ifyouencounterwhistling(feedback),tiltthephonehandsetatanangleuntilthe whistling stops.

Cellular phones

Your hi BTE telecoil is designed to comply with themoststringentStandardsofInternationalElectromagnetic Compatibility. However, not all cell phonesaredevicecompatible.Pleasecheckwithyour cellular phone carrier.

hi BTE telecoil

This device contains a telecoil which receives electromagnetic signals directly from the telephone* and converts it to sound. The telecoil setting, which is program 3, turns off the device’s microphone, so you can hear more clearly on the telephone. After finishing your phone call, you can easily change the program backtoyourpreferredsetting.


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Program control

Our hearing aids are programmed according to a prescription-type setting that is based on your hearingloss.Itisaformulausedaroundtheworld,developed to improve the ability to hear speech soundsandkeepsoundscomfortable.Program2in your hearing aids is set right at that prescription setting.Program1isslightlyquieter,andProgram3is the telecoil setting for use with telephones.

Your hearing aids are already set to reduce sounds from behind you, and to reduce unwanted backgroundnoisesuchasamotorrunning.Inaddition to the program buttons, you have a volume control that you can use if you feel that the aids are too loud or too soft. Keep in mind that you do nothavetomakeanychangesintheprogramsorvolume control if the aids sound good to you. They will return to the last setting you used when you turn themoffandthenbackon(byopeningandclosingthebatterydoor).

Note that if you saw a hearing health care professional in person, your aids may have been setupalittledifferently,sopleaseaskifyouhaveany questions. You can learn how to change the programs and volume control on your specific hearing aids on the next page.

Changing program and volume settings

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YourhiBTEtelecoilfeaturesarockerswitchthatallows you to choose between three program settings. Spend time using each of the programs to determine which one you like best. Use that program the majority of the time. Within each program,youcanusethevolumecontroltomakesounds louder or softer as you wish.

Simply press and hold the rocker switch for two seconds to change the program setting. The device will beeptoletyouknowwhichprogramhasbeen selected.


Volume control

TherockerswitchonyourhiBTEtelecoilalsoallowsyou to choose between five volume levels. Press and quickly release the top of the rocker switch to increase the volume. Press and quickly release the bottom of the rocker switch to decrease the volume. You will hear one beep when you reach the maximum or minimum volume setting.

Program1 ♪ 1 beep

Program2(typicallyloudest) ♪♪ 2 beeps

Program3(TelephonesettingforhiBTEtelecoil) ♪♪♪ 3 beeps

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Cause Possible remedy1. No sound or not loud enough Not turned on Turn on by closing the

battery door Low/dead battery Replace battery Ear wax Clean/replace ear

tube & tipProgramming

adjustmentContact Customer Service

2. Three double beeps Low battery Replace battery3. Whistling or feedback Ear tips not

inserted properlyRemove and reinsert

Hair or clothing near ear

Remove hair or clothing near ear

Checkforcracks in ear tube

Replace ear tube & tip

4. Poor fit Ear tip falling out

of your earsContact Customer Service

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Hearing aids are wonderful electronic devices that arefairlydurableandeasytocleanandtakecareof.However,theycanbreakdown.Themostcommoncauses are moisture and ear wax. There are a few things that you can do to reduce problems.

To avoid moisture problems:

When you are not wearing your hearing aids, keepthebatterydooropenandkeeptheaidsina dry place. There are hearing aid dryers that you can purchase to reduce moisture problems. Our Customer Service team or your provider can help you.Ifyouhaveinternetaccess,anothergoodresource is www.hearingloss.org.

To avoid wax-related issues:

Refer to your user guide or the videos on our website www.hiHealthInnovations.com for more information onhowtocleantheeartubesandtips.Askyourphysician about wax management if there is an excessive problem with wax, as it can cause multiple repair issues.

Ifnoneoftheabovesolvestheproblem,pleasecallCustomer Service at 855-523-9355.

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Eachdevicecomeswithaone-yearmanufacturer’swarrantyfromthedateofshipmenttoyou.Ifatourexaminationitisdeterminedthattheunitfailedtoworkduetoparts,materialsorworkmanship,thedevicewillberepairedorreplaced for free. This warranty does not cover malfunctions due to unusual wear and tear, unauthorized alteration or mistreatmentofthedevice,suchasphysicalshock,damagefrom moisture or sweat, excessive wax build-up, or tampering with the instrument, all of which void the warranty. This warranty does not cover batteries, ear tubes & tips, and accessories. hi HealthInnovations is the only authorized servicecenterforyourwarrantyservice.PleasecontactCustomer Service at 1-855-523-9355 to obtain a return authorization code and a shipping label.

Return policy

Eachdeviceoffersa70daymoney-backguaranteefromthedate of shipment. To cancel your purchase and receive a full refund, you must give or mail written notice of cancellation tous.PleaseseetheenclosedBillofSaleforcompletedetailsabout the refund policy, visit www.hiHealthInnovations.com or contact Customer Service at 1-855-523-9355.


OurmailingaddressisP.O.Box356,Minneapolis,MN 55440.Please do not mail to this address without contacting Customer Service at 1-855-523-9355.

Warranty, return and service

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Technical specifications

Technical data elements for hi BTE telecoil












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hi BTE telecoil input-output curve


OSL90FRC response


hi BTE telecoil saturation output curvehi BTE telecoil frequency response curve

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FDA statements

Warning to hearing aid dispensers. A hearing aid dispenser should advise a prospective hearing aid user to consult promptlywithalicensedphysician(preferablyanearspecialist)beforedispensingahearingaidifthehearingaiddispenser determines through inquiry, actual observation, or review of any other available information concerning the prospective user, that the prospective user has any of thefollowingconditions:(i)Visiblecongenitalortraumaticdeformityoftheear;(ii)Historyofactivedrainagefromtheearwithintheprevious90days;(iii)Historyofsuddenorrapidlyprogressivehearinglosswithintheprevious90days;(iv)Acuteorchronicdizziness;(v)Unilateralhearinglossofsuddenorrecentonsetwithintheprevious90days;(vi) Audiometricair-bone gap equal to or greater than 15 decibels at 500 hertz (Hz),1,000Hz,and2,000Hz;(vii)Visibleevidenceofsignificant cerumen accumulation or a foreign body in the ear canal;(viii)Painordiscomfortinthe ear.

Important notice for prospective aid users

Good health practice requires that a person with hearing loss haveamedicalevaluationbyalicensedphysician(preferablyaphysicianwhospecializesindiseasesoftheear)beforepurchasing a hearing aid. Licensed physicians who specialize in diseases of the ear are often referred to as otolaryngologists, otologists or otorhinolaryngologists. The purpose of medical evaluation is to assure that all medically treatable conditions that may affect hearing are identified and treated before the hearing aid is purchased.

Following the medical evaluation, the physician will give you a written statement that states that your hearing loss has been medically evaluated and that you may be considered a

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candidate for a hearing aid. The physician will refer you to an audiologist or a hearing aid dispenser, as appropriate, for a hearing aid evaluation.

The audiologist or hearing aid dispenser will conduct a hearing aid evaluation to assess your ability to hear with and without a hearing aid. The hearing aid evaluation will enable the audiologist or dispenser to select and fit a hearing aid to your individual needs.

Ifyouhavereservationsaboutyourabilitytoadapttoamplification, you should inquire about the availability of a trial-rental or purchase-option program. Many hearing aid dispensers now offer programs that permit you to wear a hearing aid for a period of time for a nominal fee, after which you may decide if you want to purchase the hearing aid.

Federal law restricts the sale of hearing aids to those individuals who have obtained a medical evaluation from a licensed physician. Federal law permits a fully informed adult to sign a waiver statement declining the medical evaluation for religious or personal beliefs that preclude consultation with a physician. The exercise of such a waiver is not in your best health interest and its use is strongly discouraged.

Children with hearing loss

Inadditiontoseeingaphysicianforamedicalevaluation,achild with hearing loss should be directed to an audiologist for evaluation and rehabilitation since hearing loss may cause problems in language development and the educational and social growth of a child. An audiologist is qualified by training and experience to assist in the evaluation and rehabilitation of a child with hearing loss.

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For quality batteries, ear tubes & tips, and other accessories, please visit www.hiHealthInnovations.com or call 1-855-523-9355, TTY 711, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. CT, Monday – Friday.

©2012hiHealthInnovations,V2 SPRJ6631

Watch a short video on how to use and maintain the hi BTE telecoil at:

www.hihealthinnovations.com/ products/BTE
