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March Newsletter
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Hidden Treasures Ministries March 2015 I would like to extend a warm welcome to all those who are reading this publication. There are so many things that the Lord has put on my heart and this is one of them, extending my hand to strengthen and encourage those, who may be going through hard times or a transition in their lives. Whatever it is I pray that our newsletter will encourage and strengthen you on your journey. I don’t want to limit the articles in this newsletter to just myself or those who serve in this ministry. If you have a story or an article that will encourage someone or help someone with advice, please share it with us and we will publish it in future newsletters. If you are a resident of the East Coast, then you know that the weather has been a force to be reckon with. Our prayer is that you will take this time to reconnect with loved ones and find the hidden treasures that the Lord has placed before us each day. Enjoy the journey! Hidden Treasures Ministries of 1 10 In Every Issue Called to Conquer pg. 10 Covenant pg. 6 Leadership Lifters pg. 2 Puzzled ? Pg. 8 Time Out pg.4 Walk It Out: Faith Builders pg.3 Issue Highlights Dethroning The Flesh Covenant: Elder David Riley Serving Our Community Food Pantry pg. 5 Timeout: Elaine Davis Have an article or testimony you would like to share in upcoming newsletters? Submit articles to [email protected] subject line: Newsletter Submission. Not all submissions maybe printed depending on content and space. EQUIPPING THE SAINTS OF GOD! Volume 1 Issue 2
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Hidden Treasures Ministries March 2015

I would like to extend a warm welcome to all those who are reading this publication. There are so many things that the Lord has put on my heart and this is one of them, extending my hand to strengthen and encourage those, who may be going through hard times or a transition in their lives.

Whatever it is I pray that our newsletter will encourage and strengthen you on your journey. I don’t want to limit the articles in this newsletter to just myself or those who serve in this ministry.

If you have a story or an article that will encourage someone or help someone with advice, please share it with us and we will publish it in future newsletters.

If you are a resident of the East Coast, then you know that the weather has been a force to be reckon with. Our prayer is that you will take this time to reconnect with loved ones and find the hidden treasures that the Lord has placed before us each day. Enjoy the journey!

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In Every Issue

✦ Called to Conquer pg. 10

✦ Covenant pg. 6

✦ Leadership Lifters pg. 2

✦ Puzzled ? Pg. 8

✦ Time Out pg.4

✦ Walk It Out: Faith Builders pg.3

Issue Highlights

✦ Dethroning The Flesh

✦ Covenant: Elder David Riley

✦ Serving Our Community Food Pantry pg. 5

✦ Timeout: Elaine Davis

Have an article or testimony you would like to share in upcoming newsletters? Submit articles to [email protected] subject line: Newsletter Submission. Not all submissions maybe printed depending on content and space.


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Hidden Treasures Ministries March 2015

DETHRONING THE FLESH BY PASTOR RILEY During this season, I feel the Lord taking us through a deeper cleansing. Serving in ministry can at times cause us to feel and think that we are pleasing to the Lord because of what do, but at times have we stopped and allowed the Lord to show us areas of our walk that are out of His will?

Romans 8:8 states that those who are in the flesh cannot please God. So what is it about the flesh that is in opposition to God?

1. Flesh insists on self-government. (Independence from God)

2. Flesh is the desire to be in control in one's on strength.

The book of Jonah tells of a prophet who God calls to go to Nineveh to warn the people to repent, but he refuses and thinks that if he goes in a different direction, then the judgement of the Lord will come to Nineveh.

During his journey Jonah discovers that he cannot run or hide from the Lord and he prays to the Lord for deliverance. This is a prime example of what being in the flesh is, the Lord says do one thing and we feel that we have the right to withhold or release What the Lord has said according to our thinking.

Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death. We as leaders must be the first to repent before we can tell someone else to. We must also know that we damage more people than we know when we are in the flesh, countless of people have left the church because of leaders that have lacked character and integrity.

So how do we dethrone the flesh, we must as believers continue the exercise of judging our hearts, motives and intent otherwise we will fall into putting flesh back in control.

The flesh is the old nature of what we used to be, now the new nature is the Holy Spirit living within us. The new nature sets us free from the claims of the law. The scripture states in Romans 8:1 there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit.

We are to die to the things of the flesh not reason with it. When we have been transformed by Gods spirit it will leave a great impact on others.

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Lessons in Leadership

✦ A leaders motives are key, they determine what one does and why.

✦ Leaders must model what they demand from people.

✦ Leaders must lead by example in all areas of their life.

✦ No leader is perfect, but they must walk in the grace that God has given them for their calling.

✦ It is a dangerous thing to compare yourself with other leaders, our service unto the Lord maybe the same, but each calling is a personal walk with the Lord.

✦ Humility should be the trademark of every leader.

✦ The leader must continually examine their heart motives to be effective in leading Gods people.

Leadership Lifters

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Hidden Treasures Ministries March 2015


What is holding you back from going forward? Are you facing something today that is causing you fear and anxiety? Is it a health issue, a marriage issue or maybe it's a financial issue, or a family member that is keeping you up at night. Whatever it is Matthew 6: 25Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? (Matthew 6:25 KJV)

At times we become distracted by life, it catches us off guard and tends to overwhelm us to the point of exhaustion. Why because as the main article stated in dethroning the flesh, we tend to try to take matters into our own hands only to find that we failed miserably, and only then do we cry out for help.

The scripture continues to say: Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much better than they? Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature (Matthew 6:26 - 6:27 KJV)

Our Father knows what we need even before we ask, but when we ask Him we show our dependence on Him to take care of our needs. Faith is a muscle that must be exercised, the more exercise the stronger your faith becomes. We exercise our faith by reading the word and holding fast to his promises according to God's will for our lives, and our faith becomes stronger and stronger, and those things that seemed to overwhelm us, now become small in stature.

There are obstacles on this journey, but they have been put their for your training and growth, don't allow them to trip you up, and even if they do get back up and walk out your faith.

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When it comes to taking time out for yourself, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? I will give you a minute to ponder that question.

If we are truthful with ourselves, I would want to go to lunch with my girlfriend or go buy me something if the money is available or maybe just lay around and watch some of my favorite movies. The reason being, I spend all my time doing for others all day long 7 days a week until when I do get that chance to have that time out, I become selfish and think only

about what I want to do, and in that selfishness, not one time did I think about spending time with the Father so he can refresh me.

Exodus 33:14 And He said, "My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest

We can be in the process of doing things that we feel may give us that much needed break, but on the inside we still feel empty and restless, it is the Lord that refreshes us and gives us the rest that is needed when He is our first priority.

Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Come is an invitation, the Lord is inviting us into His presence, but He won't force us, we must take what He has freely given. As I was writing this I kept hearing Matthew 6:33 “Seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

I ask God to forgive me for putting others and my everyday life before Him. I love the Lord like the next person, but in my busyness I have put Him last not recognizing this until now. When we get so busy doing things for others and not taking time out to spend with the Father so we can be revived or refreshed, we get burned out and have nothing to give out to others but the flesh.

I pray that this will help others to recognize when they get that time out to put God first always. Being

true to yourself is the first step, and God will take care of the rest. 😊

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Hidden Treasures Ministries March 2015



I would like to take this time, and thank all those who wrote letters acknowledging how the food pantry has assisted them during their times of need.

We are very grateful to serve our community in this capacity, and we are so blessed at the smiles and warm comments that we receive because of this venture.

Our vision to go further in serving our community is no small task, and we realize that we cannot accomplish this alone. If you would like to assist us in this journey, send your donations to:

Hidden Treasures Ministries (Missions)

26 Washington street,

East Orange, N.J. 07017

Your donations are tax deductible.

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Hidden Treasures Ministries March 2015




If you are a married man or hope one day to become one, the scriptures has something to say you. Over the next few months we will address some of the duties of a husband to his wife. If the husband wavers in these areas, he can hinder how the Lord desires to use his leadership in the area of marriage.

The first duty of a husband is to love his wife.

Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her,

The love that the scriptures are referring to is agape this means to regard with favor. Agape is spontaneous love irrespective of rights. The word love has become misunderstood, often times when a person says that they love something, with regards to a person, food, clothing or their job most of the times they are speaking of the emotional feeling attached to it. The word love has been used to at times to describe the lust of the flesh.

Let's turn to 1 Corinthians 13:

4 Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily.

5 It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Love (God’s love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong].

6 It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail.

7 Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening].

This is a powerful and also humbling definition of how God's love in us should operate. This love that the scriptures are speaking of only comes we when have surrendered all that we are so that the greater purpose that we are created for, would come forth.

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This is what Jesus did when he went to the cross, He emptied Himself for the greater purpose, he surrendered all that He was. We are His bride and He is the Husband man, and Jesus has shown us in His word how to model His example. Jesus did not die because we were lovable, he died to make us lovable.

1. Endurance and patience, we must pray and ask the Lord to give us the grace to endure the trials associated with marriage, as well as the patience to not move ahead of God's will.

2. We should not operate in envy or jealousy for these are the works of the flesh.

3. We are not to allow pride to enter into our walk, for God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.

4. Love does not insist on its on rights, but seeks out ways to please the other, without looking for anything in return.

5. Gods love in us does not look for ways to repay a wrong done unto us?

6. The Love of God in us does not look for a way out when things go wrong, His love enables us to bear-up under any evil done to us.

7. God's loves in us rejoices when truth and righteousness prevail.

8. God's love in us gives hope in all circumstances, and it enables us to endure all things without growing weak.

Now that we have a better example of what love is, we can now see that our love can only be measured by what we sacrifice, and Jesus proved not only His love for us but His passion for us, by taking our place on the cross.

This is a true example of sacrificial love, loving someone to the point that you are willing to die for them.

To all the husbands and soon to be husbands reading this article, Christ has commanded us to love our wives as He Loved the church and gave His life for her. I don't love my wife because of what she does for me, I love her because together we are one flesh and I am to love her as loving my own body.

I pray this example of God's agape love in us will change our mindsets as we walk together in God's grace. I invite you on this journey as we go forward on this topic of the Duties of a Scriptural Husband as we learn in the next issue how to honor our wives and not take her for granted.

Grace and Peace

Elder David Riley

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Hidden Treasures Ministries March 2015


The generation of our youth and young adults is one of great temptation and many distractions that vie for their attention, to fit in, to be popular, and to be on board with whatever is trending at the moment. With this constant barrage of social media, and video gaming, it's no wonder that our young adults, as well as some of us more mature adults, have very short attention spans.

Our young people become bored and restless unless they are having an experience, and this is almost like the affects of a drug, keep them excited and pumped or else they turn their attention elsewhere, for that which offers the experience that they desire.

How are we as leaders in the church, are to compete with the culture that vies for our youths attention?

Some of our worships services and concerts mimics some secular artists venues with the most elaborate equipment to create an atmosphere of awe and excitement.

How do we as leaders accomplish this great task?

1. We take the time and mentor, this is what Jesus did, he did not just preach to his disciples, but He spent time with them so they could see him in His everyday life.

2. Jesus was not creating an experience, He was preparing them for their destiny.

3. We teach our youth by having them serve in areas of ministry, setting up, cleaning up, greeting the people.

4. We instill the word of God in them, and allow the word to take root.

5. We provide ministry for them where their gifts and callings can be exercised within the church?

Salt and Light

Matthew 5:13"You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men. 14"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden;…

We as leaders have to allow the Holy Spirit to set the atmosphere for our services, and allow the fruits of Holy Spirit to be displayed in our lives as we lead the next generation into their destiny.

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Hidden Treasures Ministries March 2015

Serving Our Community Food Pantry

Saturday's 1:30-3:30, updates via Twitter @Michelewr.

Pantry is closed during inclement weather.

Assistance verification and ID are required.

(No Exceptions)


Visit us on the web@ www.hiddentreasureministries.info

For video teachings and lesson downloads are available.

Ministry Schedule

Sabbath Service: Saturday's 11am


26 Washington Street, East Orange, NJ,07050

Office: 973-676-5100

Parking is located on Morton Pl.

Donate. March 8th Spring Forward

Donate to Hidden Treasures Ministries while shopping on

Amazon. Simply to go smile.amazon.com and when you make a

Purchase, a portion of it will be donated to our ministry.

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