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High definition printing - using hid access cards

Date post: 22-Nov-2014
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When faced with the issue of security, companies face a stark reality: they need to issue each em- ployee with an HID access card. Failure to properly protect their business from outside interference could lead to a swift demise. HIGH-DEFINITION PRINTING- USING HID ACCESS CARDS SAFECARDID.COM
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When faced with the issue of security, companies

face a stark reality: they need to issue each em-

ployee with an HID access card. Failure to properly

protect their business from outside interference

could lead to a swift demise.

H I G H - D E F I N I T I O N P R I N T I N G -









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High-Definition Printing:

Using HID Access Cards

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B e careful if you work

for a government

office. You may one day

encounter a threat to your

security. A lot of

government offices process sensitive information,

so these are often the targets of illegal activities

like theft, unlawful entry, kidnapping, bombings,

forcible occupation and sabotage.

One way to diminish the security threats against a

government office is to erect effective barriers.

These can be both physical and psychological.

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If you work for a government

office, you may want to check

out your office security

profile. Once you have

identified just how much your

office is at risk, you can come up with ideas on

how to boost your security and reduce the threat

against your office. Read on for some tips.

Contact the FPS

First things first. If you work in a government-

owned or leased office or building, you should

immediately contact the nearest Federal Protection

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immediately contact the

nearest Federal Protection

Office (FPS). The FPS can

conduct a thorough,

professional assessment of

your office’s security needs. From here, you can

then start to build a successful security program.

Most criminals target people or offices that lack

security planning. This is why it’s a good idea to

assess what security measures your office has put

into place. What are your weak points? Here are

some of the questions that you should ask:

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Will you be a vulnerable target?

How seriously does your office regard its


Who is in charge of your office’s security


How are security policies carried out?

In case of emergencies such as a fire, power

failure or natural disaster, does your office have

an up-to-date emergency plan?

Does your town have resources to support your

office with security services? How reliable are the

fire department, police department, and


When it comes to physical security, does your

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your office have a system in place?

Are your office’s existing security resources, plans

and procedures up to dealing with potential


One way to boost physical security is to provide

employees who access classified information with

an HID access card. This can be printed using a

machine like a Fargo Printer. If your office

routinely deals with sensitive information, it may

be worth it to install key-card access at main

entrances and on other office doors .

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You and all your other

officemates should also start

taking precautions. Don’t

stop worrying about your

security after the FPS has

conducted a risk assessment. You should definitely

follow up with them as well as your local law

enforcement to put measures into place to address

your security threats.

Security Measures

Make phone numbers public and be sure that

everyone in the office is aware of whom they

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should call in case of


Each employee, as well any

authorized contractor that

your office regularly deals with should carry an

access control badge that features a recent


You should also secure your perimeter. Install

intercom system and make use of closed circuit

monitoring gadgets. This way you can be in

constant contact with everyone at the office and

your security personnel will always be able to see

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what’s going on.

You should always have a

master key as well as extra

keys squirreled away and

kept in a very secure office.

These are only a few tips to ensure that your office

is secure. Follow these tips so that you won’t have

to worry about your security whenever you go to


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Factors to Consider in Choosing an

ID Card Software for Your Business

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W hen it comes to

choosing an ID

card printer to print

identification cards such as

hid proximity cards, there are a lot of choices out

there, so much that it may boggle your mind.

Since you’ve already gotten to the stage where

you’re deciding what brand of id printer to buy,

you’ve probably done your research and you know

exactly what features you need in an ID card


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Your company has also

already decided to add an

ID card printer to its array

of gadgets and gizmos. After

all, there is definitely an

advantage to being able to instantly print

employee IDs, event passes and business cards.

Still when it comes to looking at the different

brands of printers, you may be stymied. You may

already know which ID printer can print an hid

proximity card, but you still need a little help

when it comes to determining which ID printer

brand is the right one for you. Here are some tips.

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Data Card Printers

Datacard is already a well-

known name in the ID card

printing business. This

company has printed custom cards for over 200

companies around the world. The company says

that is dedicated to quality and precision. Datacard

printers come with a wide variety of features.

Evolis Card Printers

The European brand is another well-regarded

name in the custom card printing business. For a

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long time, Evolis has

focused on producing high-

quality printers to offer

quick business solutions.

Evolis is known for its

versatile, sturdy and dependable line of printers.

Its card printers are capable of producing sharp

images and good results.

Fargo Printers

Fargo printers have gained recognition in the

corporate world for their toughness, speed, and

quality results. Fargo printers also come with a

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substantive manufacturer’s

warranty. In case your Fargo

printer breaks down, you

can easily have it serviced

or replaced at no additional


Magicard Card Printers

Magicard printers offer ID cards that the company

says are secure and cutting-edge. This could be

what many picky companies are looking for.

Magicard printers also offer a wide range of

features and are available in many different

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models. Small business can

buy small-volume printers

while corporations might

want to look into heavy-duty

printers that can tackle giant

printing orders.

Nisca Card Printers

The Nisca company is proud of the image clarity,

precision, and efficiency of its custom ID card

printers. In addition to delivering sharp images,

Nisca printers are also known to last for long-

periods of time. This brand also says that its

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printers are high-

performance. This is one

brand that you might want

to look into.

If you’ve done your research well, then you’ll

know exactly what kind of printer you’re looking

for. Now that you’ve become familiar with what

some of the different brands have to offer, it’s time

to buy your very own ID card printer. You’ll

soon be able to print your very own custom one-of

-a-kind IDs. This will allow you to boost your

office security and keep track of your employees.

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