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High Notes #9 - 24th June 2013

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Vol. 49 Issue #9 24th June 2013 PROMISES, PROMISES
Page 1: High Notes #9 - 24th June 2013

Vol. 49 Issue #9 24th June 2013


Page 2: High Notes #9 - 24th June 2013


Our annual musical “Promises, Promises” has concluded for another year. Lots of preparations went in to making the performances a spectacular display. With a cast numbering 50 and music, stage, lighting and sound crew of 37, it was a credit to our teachers that the musical was an extremely well coordinated musical event. The educational value to all participants I’m sure is immense.

Within twenty-four hours of writing this article, I will be on a flight to Kolkata with ten other students and staff to begin our annual Immersion to India. Tomorrow will also see Mr McDonnell \leading a group of twelve to Cambodia and Mr Versteegh taking a group to Wadeye mission in the Northern Territory on our first indigenous Immersion experience. We wish all these groups well for the immersions and may they return safely. At the very beginning of Term 3 we also farewell our WYD group who are travelling to Brazil for this special faith based pilgrimage. We also wish this group well on their travels and in the experience of the event itself.

Year 12 should now be readying themselves for their HSC trials exams which begin in Week 3 next term on Monday 29 July. To do well in these exams requires solid organisation and effort, so I suggest that some significant time in the school holiday break should be spent in seeing to this.

Parents/Teacher Interviews for Years 7 to 11 will be taking place on July 22nd (1.30pm – 8.00pm) and July 23rd (from 8.00am – 7.00pm). Logins will be sent to all families either by email or post. We are moving more and more to emailing information to parents because it is more efficient and cost effective. Recently a letter was posted to all parents to endeavour to acquire current email addresses of parents. These need to be up-to-date so please attend to that request promptly. Please ensure your details are correct so that your logins for Parent/Teachers interviews aren’t delayed.

Subject choice evenings for Year 8 (Year 9 2014) and Year 10 (Year 11 2014) are coming up on the evening of Thursday 18 July. Soon after these information evenings subject choices will need to be made via an online process by those two year groups.

As previously advised, our 125th Anniversary Dinner is at the College on the evening of Saturday 17 August. Please mark this date in your calendar and be sure to check our College website for updates as tickets will go on sale Monday 1 July soon.

We have launched our College app through which information about the College and messages can be accessed by all parents on iPhone or Android. You can go to the Apple or Google Play store, search ‘Marist College North Shore’ and download the free app. Remember to set your preferences for which year and house you wish to receive notifications for. There will also be a web base plugin to the app launched in Term 3.

I wish you every blessing for the holidays and look forward to the start of a great term ahead.

Br Peter Corr, fmsHeadmaster

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Last Wednesday students in Years 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12 were engaged in a pastoral lesson. These year groups explored the following topics with their teachers. Year 7, 9 & 10 Years 7, 9 and 10 all gathered in the La Valla Hall for a period on the theme of Understanding Differences/Racism. In this pastoral lesson we looked at: ‘Who we are?’, ‘What is our Identity?’, and ‘What is Culture?’ All students were asked these questions from which they brainstormed and shared their ideas.

A definition of racism was discussed and formed by the the group of students. It was discussed that racism was unacceptable at any level; it cannot be tolerated as a joke or just banter. All students listened to the interview from Adam Goodes in relation to the recent incident at an AFL football game. Furthermore, Ben Davy (10 Chanel) courageously spoke the students present about his life story, the racism that he has experienced and how this affects his emotions.

From these stories we examined the importance of our Catholic and Marist values in understanding the significance of right relationships. We examined the challenge was to be educated, not to be ignorant, to stand together and stand up against racism by being true to our values. I would like to congratulate all boys on the mature and co-operative manner that they listened, observed and responded to such an important issue.

To ensure that the message remains at the forefront of our minds, a competition was launched for all students to design a poster that builds awareness on this issue of understanding differences and racism. Students were all given a booklet to work in and keep from the pastoral period.

Year 11 Year 11 students prepared for their Ministry Week. They looked at the aims and objectives behind the reason why we value such a program here at Marist. The logistics of the week were provided and explained. Students need to ensure that all relevant forms are returned to Ms McGrath by the first day of Term 3.

The dates for this event include a preparation day on Friday 19 July and the Ministry Week will run from the 29 July - 1 August. On Friday 2 August they will have a reflection day.

Year 12With only one term before our Year 12 students complete their schooling, they focused on the importance of careers. Mrs Brown, the College careers advisor, provided some information, challenges and feedback for our senior class in looking at life after school Year 8 Year 8 students participated in their reflection day. The theme that was explored on the day was a part of the Marist charism being “Family Spirit”. As always, I encourage parents to talk to their sons about the issues, ideas and strategies that were discussed within their pastoral lessons. Essentially we hope to build a deeper understanding of the topic for our young men, thus becoming active and aware citizens in our world.

David ForresterDeputy Headmaster


RANK HOUSE POINTS1st CHANEL 24012nd KELLY 19553rd SALTA 19124th MOORE 1817


RANK TUTOR GROUP POINTS1st KELLY 2 1452nd CHANEL 5 1423rd CHANEL 7 1304th CHANEL 2 1295th CHANEL 3 126

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While the term is coming to an end, it is just the start of an amazing journey for twenty-six Year 12 students and nine staff members as they embark on Immersions to Cambodia, India and the Northern Territory.

Students and staff over the past few months have been meeting on a regular basis in preparation for the journey. As part of the process, each group has been called to “love kindly, to act with justice and to walk humbly with our God” (Micah 8; 6). This passage is very symbolic of the Immersion experience as students and staff will undertake a project within each community they are based at, but more importantly they will have the opportunity to walk side by side and interact with people that sometimes are shunned and judged by society.

It is through standing in solidarity that the students will have an impact. I have no doubt the boys and staff will gain so much from learning about different cultures, seeing different ways to live and learning what is important in life.


I would like to thank Mr Dela Cruz for facilitating our Year 8 Reflection Day. The theme for the day was Family Spirit. Family Spirit is one of the five pillars of Marist spirituality. Speaking to some of the Year 8 students they enjoyed the day, the opportunity to explore their family and to learn more about our Marist Family.


I would like to share with you a homily recently given by Pope Francis that has also been shared within the North Sydney Parish community. The homily is very challenging and a call to all people to do good.

“Every human person despite his or her beliefs can do good, and a sharing in good works is the prime place for encounter among those who disagree,” Pope Francis said.

“The Lord created us in his image and likeness, and we are the image of the Lord, and he does good and all of us have this commandment at heart: do good and avoid evil. All of us, we must

meet one another doing good. ‘But I don’t believe, Father, I am an atheist!’ But do good: we will meet one another there.” The Bishop of Rome reflected on Christ’s response to his disciples, who thought that anyone outside their group could not do good. “If he is not one of us, he cannot do good. If he is not of our party, he cannot do good.” This viewpoint, Pope Francis said, “was wrong... Jesus broadens the horizon.” He went on to explain that all human persons are created in the image of God, who is goodness himself and the source of goodness. “But, Father, this is not Catholic! He cannot do good.’ Yes, he can. He must. Not can: must! Because he has this commandment within him.” The pontiff called this view, that only Catholics can do good, a intolerance and a “closing off” that can lead to war and blasphemy. Blasphemy, he explained, includes “killing in the name of God.” He emphasized the universality of Christ’s saving act on the cross as a compliment to the universal call to holiness, regardless of religious belief.

“The Lord has redeemed all of us, all of us, with the Blood of Christ: all of us, not just Catholics. Everyone. Even the atheists. Everyone,” Pope Francis stressed. The Pope said that because to do good is inscribed on the human heart and does not derive from creeds, “it is an identity card that our Father has given to all of us, because he has made us in his image and likeness. And he does good, always.”Similarly, doing good “is a duty” for all people.The universal commandment to do good, he said, “is a beautiful path towards peace.”

“If we, each doing our own part, if we do good to others, if we meet there, doing good, and we go slowly, gently, little by little, we will make that culture of encounter: we need that so much.” Noting the memorial of Saint Rita of Cascia, he concluded saying, “let us ask of her this grace, this grace that all, all, all people would do good and that we would encounter one another in this work.”

I wish everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday and I ask that you keep in your prayers the students who are about to embark on Immersion as well as those students who are about to head World Youth Day at the start of Term 3.

Stephen VersteeghActing Director of Faith Formation

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In English this term, Year 7 have been exploring the concept of Heroes both real and fictional. In order to diversify their learning, a theatre group were invited to the College to present their production of Heroes.

On Tuesday 18 June, Year 7 were treated to a performance by Carpe Idiotus’ production of Heroes. Dennis and Tony the actors, explored the concept of heroes in our world today. Using humour, music, mime and story they challenged many of the stereotypes of male behaviours and our strange attraction to deifying particular persons in our contemporary world. Whether it is our obsession with popstars, sportsmen or celebrities, they encouraged us to look beyond the superficial and amusing and to consider the real heroes of our world.

Students were well entertained and demonstrated a keen interest in the skits with two students, Michael Spano and Thomas Fay being invited on stage to participate in the Robin Hood skit. Both students lived up to the expectation and perhaps next year we will see them in the musical!

All in all, it was a good time had by all but more importantly the performance raised issues that affect us all and have relevance to our daily lives. I would like to commend Year 7 on their fantastic behaviour and for getting involved in the spirit of the performance.

P.S. On Tuesday 16 July, Year 10 will be involved in a Shakespeare workshop with theatre group Grand Theatrics who will explore the idea of Men, Women and Villains in Shakespeare’s Macbeth.

Janette DurandEnglish Coordinator


On Tuesday 11 June, twenty-two Year 9 Science students attended Sacred Heart Catholic School Mosman. The purpose of the visit was for Marist students to act as mentors for 120 Year 5 and Year 6 students from both Sacred Heart and Blessed Sacrament Clifton Gardens.

More specifically, the Marist students were asked to assist primary school students to carry out activities that related to the topic “Ecosystems”. The activities included testing water for the presence of nitrates from fertilisers, using microscopes to observe plant leaves, identifying means of making schools more sustainable and looking at the effect of ecosystem breakdown on Australian animals.

The activities were all focused on Big Ideas taken from the Australian Curriculum for NSW Stage 3 Science Syllabus, which is to be implemented by all Primary schools in NSW in 2014.

It was clear that many of the Marist students enjoyed and benefited from the experience and the opportunity to display responsibility and leadership in a new setting. A few Marist students were also clearly chuffed at the opportunity to return to their alma mater!

The next stage of the Primary Schools Science Project is to host the primary students here at the College when Marist students will again be given the opportunity to implement their mentoring skills.

I wish to offer my congratulations to all students and staff who were involved. The success of the day was dependant on their expertise and support.

Russell KamScience Coordinator

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JAZZ IMPROVISATION TUITIONBeing able to improvise is one of the important performance skills that assist musicians of all levels. This is especially would assist performers aiming for HSC and Elective Music.

The College is now offering individual lessons teaching students how to improvise in Jazz including both performance improvisation work with accompaniments and basic jazz theory by Mr Tony Gardiner. Tuition offered is for Piano, Oboe, Clarinet, Saxophone and Flute.

These lessons should be used in conjunction with the regular instrumental lesson with your usual tutor who teaches all aspects of playing your instrument in all styles. Lessons can be taken weekly or fortnightly. Please contact Mr. Herbert for more details and a tuition enrolment [email protected]


After months of rehearsal and planning, after months of learning lines and dance routines, after months of set painting and prop making, the time had finally come for the curtain to go up on Promises, Promises – Marist College North Shore’s 2013 Musical.

Starting with auditions in Term 4 of 2012, students from Marist College North Shore, with girls from Mercy Catholic College Chatswood and Willoughby Girls High School, gathered every Wednesday afternoon and Sunday to rehearse for Promises, Promises – the story of Chuck Baxter (Daniel Cavalcanti Martins), a young insurance accountant in 1960s New York, trying to navigate through the crazy farce and hijinx of his work life and love life; all set to the swinging music of Burt Bacharach, with a book and lyrics by comedy greats Neil Simon and Hal David.

The performances were fantastic, with all the students in the cast performing with great enthusiasm, maturity and energy. Particular mention go to Year 12 students Daniel Cavalcanti Martins, Declan McWhinney and Alex Radovan, who successfully created wonderfully engaging performances while managing the rigorous requirements of their HSC work.

More special mentions go to Mr Rod Herbert and his brass band, who managed to recreate the dulcet tones of the swinging music of Burt Bacharach. The costumes, coordinated by Ms Carolyn O’Brien, and the set, designed and built by Ms Paula Reinhold and Mr Peter Sherringham, helped bring to life the 1960s Mad Men world on stage.

I would like to personally thank Br Peter for all his support, Mr Tony McDonnell for his tireless effort and all the staff who were involved with the production.

Jorge VafeasMusical Director


Mr Vafeas in action

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Ten Marist North Shore students recently competed in the 2013 All Schools Championship, held at Yellomundee in the Blue Mountains. They were: Harry Creed, Ben Suthers, Nathan Gambi, Trenton Van Loon, Morgan Hanan, Lucas Mayer, Alex Butler, Tom Zwart, Louis Sollano-Antonio and Lachlan Brink.

Our Marist North Shore Mountainbiking Team

Around 200 students competed overall from schools all over NSW (most of which have MTB as a school sport). The Marist teams all put in an excellent effort and achieved creditable rankings even though it was the first time for many of the boys.

Peter BennettMountainbiking Team Manager


Thomas Manos (12 Chanel) last week competed in the NSW championships as goalkeeper of the NSW CCC team. They finished in an impressive 3rd place overall with Thomas only conceding one goal whilst on field.Thomas has been rewarded with his

selection in the NSW All Schools Combined state team to compete at the National Championships in August. We wish Thomas all the best!

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CANTEEN24 Jun: PUPIL FREE DAY25 Jun: Stephanie Lainey, Andrea Morgan, Chris Saunders26 Jun: Leanne Bishop, Ann Catanzariti, Margie Morgan, Katharine Watts27 Jun: Suzanne Devine, Julie Gaidzkar, Maureen McKee, Sandra Robinson, Anton Singh, Kasumi Tucker28 Jun: PUPIL FREE DAY15 Jul: Donalda Brown, Rosalind Elliot, Andrea Morgan, Theodora Manos, Annette Bradford16 Jul: Cathie Bladen, Julie Bourgeat, Louise Frith, Nola Xenakis17 Jul: Joyce Aimond, Elizabeth Byrne, Dianne Pastuszak, Cindy Van Kampen18 Jul: Lynda Challenger, Sally Engeman, Margaret Weller, Karen Whitehead, Marg Mitchell19 Jul: Brid Bowers, Mim Gazzoli, Sue Rennie, Teresa Ukrainetz, Anne Young

UNIFORM26 Jun: Donalda Brown, Maureen McKee, Josie Spano, Odette Droulers17 Jul: Helen Briggs, Megan Sturrock, Tracy Pitts

VOLUNTEER ROSTERS LOOKING AHEAD24 Jun: PUPIL FREE DAY (Staff Day)26 Jun>9 Jul: Year 12 Immersion26 Jun: HSC Studies of Religion Focus Day Uniform Shop Open Solidarity - Matthew Talbot27 Jun: FINAL DAY OF TERM28 Jun: PUPIL FREE DAY (In lieu of Expo Day)29 Jun>14 Jul: SCHOOL HOLIDAYS15 Jul: First Day of Term 3 Night Patrol - Chanel16 Jul: Year 10 Macbeth Workshop17 Jul: Uniform Shop Open18 Jul: Year 8 Subject Information Evening Year 10 Subject Information Evening19 Jul: Year 11 Ministry Week Preparation Day Sandwich Making - Kelly CSDA Debating Semi-Finals Solidarity - Moore (Surry Hills)22 Jul: Year 7 - 11 Parent/Teacher Interviews (1.30pm - 8.00pm)23 Jul: Year 7 - 11 Parent/Teacher Interviews (8.00am - 7.00pm)24 Jul: Assembly: Year 7-11Academic Awards Solidarity - Matthew Talbot 26 Jul: Year 11 Industrial Technology Excursion CSDA Debating Grand Final

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125th Anniversary Polo ShirtSizes: M, L, XL, XXL

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Shirts can be purchased in the Office, by phone or email [email protected]


On the first Fee Statement issued in February, all students were incorrectly charged $30.00 for a Mathletics computer licence. The credit has now been raised and all accounts have had the entry reversed. If the first Fee Statement was paid in full including the error, the $30.00 credit has been taken off your second Fee Statement issued in May. As our standard Fee Statement only shows items unpaid, the credit does not show on the Fee Statements that have been paid. If you would like confirmation that you have received the credit, please email [email protected] and a detailed Fee Statement showing all your transactions for the year (payments, credits etc) will be emailed to you.

Term 2 Fees were due for payment on Thursday 30 May. All other previous Term Fees unpaid are now outstanding. These must be paid as soon as possible unless on authorised payment plan.Any queries, please email [email protected]

Mark BrooksBusiness Manager

