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High Peak Borough Council Select...2016/06/15  · Date: Wednesday, 15th June 2016 Time: 6.30 pm...

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COMMUNITY SELECT COMMITTEE AGENDA Date: Wednesday, 15th June 2016 Time: 6.30 pm Venue: Committee Room, Municipal Buildings, Glossop 7th June 2016 PART I 1. Apologies for absence 2. Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair 3. To receive Disclosures of Interest on any matters before the Committee i) Disclosable Pecuniary Interests ii) Other Interests. 4. Any matters referred to the Committee under the call-in procedure. 5. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 23 March 2016 6. Exercise Lineout (Liz Partington – DCC) (presentation) 7. Parks Event Management Procedure (J Redfern) 8. Select Committee Work Programme (M Trillo). 9. Any questions referred to the Executive Member (Democratic Services to be advised of any questions at least 4 days prior to the meeting). SIMON BAKER CHIEF EXECUTIVE High Peak Borough Council a
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COMMUNITY SELECT COMMITTEE AGENDA Date: Wednesday, 15th June 2016 Time: 6.30 pm Venue: Committee Room, Municipal Buildings, Glossop 7th June 2016

PART I 1. Apologies for absence 2. Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair 3. To receive Disclosures of Interest on any matters before the Committee i) Disclosable Pecuniary Interests ii) Other Interests. 4. Any matters referred to the Committee under the call-in procedure. 5. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 23 March 2016

6. Exercise Lineout (Liz Partington – DCC) (presentation) 7. Parks Event Management Procedure (J Redfern) 8. Select Committee Work Programme (M Trillo). 9. Any questions referred to the Executive Member (Democratic Services to be advised of any

questions at least 4 days prior to the meeting). SIMON BAKER CHIEF EXECUTIVE

High Peak Borough Council a

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Name of Committee: Community Select Committee Position Applied For: Chair Surname: Siddall Forename: Edward Address: 4 Eyam Lane Glossop SK13 0HN Telephone number: 07921071776 E-mail address: [email protected] Information in support of your application: (This should include details of any relevant skills, experience or personal qualities and should be linked to the Person Specification and the Role and Responsibilities if possible) I have held the position of Community select Chair for the past year; in my year as Chair I have arranged for visits to the New Mills Leisure Centre and Glossop Leisure Centre. I have arranged for meeting that effect different areas to be held in the area they affect, for example the meeting about Tameside CCG, and I have arranged for both East Midlands and North West Ambulance service to attend the same meeting so that the committee could compare the reports from both organisations at the same time. This was also beneficial as we could ask the 2 organisations questions. As chair, I have asked the members to lead the work plan and one of the biggest issues we had this year was the closure of the respite care beds in Chapel, the closure of children Centre’s and the redevelopment of Glossop Tip. We have had 2 of the 3 issues come to committee for members to provide feedback. As chair, I have also requested that we set up a waste management committee as we need to ensure we get the right deal for the council when the contract ends in 2017. I feel I would be a good choice for Chair, as I have been the chair for the past year, and as such have relevant recent experiencing of chairing the committee and prior to becoming have been Vice chair of Community Select. In addition, I held a similar role at St Andrew’s School for 4 years. Further, I work full time for a local council and understand the day to day issues that are affecting people; my work as a local councilor also helps me understand the day to day issues. If you elect me as Chair, I will ensure the committee has a varied and interesting work programme, scrutinises council policy and decisions, makes valid decisions and passes feedback to the executive members; finally, I will ensure fair and open debate.


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Name of Committee: Community Position Applied For: Chairman Surname: Young Forename: Stewart Address: 16 Hollin Drive, Chapel-en-le-Frith, High Peak SK23 0NA Telephone number: 01298 812304 E-mail address: [email protected] Information in support of your application: (This should include details of any relevant skills, experience or personal qualities and should be linked to the Person Specification and the Role and Responsibilities if possible) During my 9 years on the Council I have been vice chairman of Environment Select Committee for 2 years, which is now covered by Community Select Committee. Also I was vice chairman of Development Control Committee, chairman of the Regeneration Grant Committee for the central area, vice-chairman of Community Select last year, as well as chairman/Mayor of the Council. So with this background I know what a chairman’s job involves. During the time I have been involved with the improvement of our refuse collections and the waste transfer station/refuse site, with regular meetings with veolia. Other projects have included the swimming pool upgrade and the Crescent upgrade. There’s been a good working relationship with housing officers to keep our stock in good order and sort other problems, especially after a fire. This is a short resume of my knowledge to help with the working of the new Committee. With this I would ask for your support in the position as chairman to continue the work of the Committee, as well as helping with the Sub-Committee to sort out the new refuse contract.

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COMMUNITY SELECT COMMITTEE Meeting: Wednesday 23 March 2016 at 6.30 p.m. in Pavilion Gardens, Buxton Present: Councillor Siddall (Chair) Councillors Atkins, Boynton, Claff (substitute for Greenhalgh), Dowson, Fox,

Hardy, Howe, Johnson, Kerr, Quinn, Sizeland, Stone, G Wharmby and Young. Councillors Ashton, Haken, McCabe, Thrane and Todd were also in

attendance. An apology for absence was received from Councillor Greenhalgh

16/30 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS (Agenda item 3) Councillor Atkins declared an ‘other’ interest in agenda item 7, “Consultation

on the closure of DCC Children’s Centres” (reason: wife is Chair of New Mills Children’s Centre)

16/31 MINUTES (Agenda Item 4) RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 9 February 2016 be approved as a

correct record. 16/32 QUESTIONS TO THE EXECUTIVE MEMBER (Agenda item 13) Councillor Todd had submitted a question requesting that the allotment policy

be reviewed, the Executive Member responded that as insufficient notice had been given for the question, the issues would be investigated and the Executive Member would report back at the next meeting.

Councillor Kelly had submitted a question regarding land adjacent to Chapel

Lane Park, to which the Executive Member advised that the land in question was not owned by the Council, but that that the landowner would be requested to pay attention to the site.

16/33 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH ANNUAL REPORT (Agenda item 5) Julie Hirst, DCC Public Health, presented DCC’s public health annual report to

the Committee.

High Peak Borough Council

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Community Select Committee

Wednesday 23 March 2016


a The report was based around a different theme each year, and this year’s was around mental health and had been produced in accordance with social marketing principles with a targeted, user friendly approach. 5 ways to wellbeing were tried and tested actions to improve mental and physical health, namely, Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning and Give. The report was web based and readers were encouraged to click on links to access lots of information in each area. In response to a query regarding the public health arrangements for Glossop, members were advised that from April 2016 all services provided throughout Derbyshire would be the same, but could be via different providers. Reference was made to the benefits of simple measures such as increasing the provision of PE at schools, encouraging parents to walk their children to school rather than drive and to maintain leadership at voluntary sports groups. Reference was made to the complexity of providing public health within the context of numerous policies and individual and community needs. RESOLVED: That the presentation be welcomed.

16/34 DERBYSHIRE FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICES (Agenda item 6) Rick Roberts made a presentation to the Committee about Derbyshire Fire

and Rescue Service, outlining the purpose of the service, risk management tools and community risk mapping.

The achievements of the service in terms of reaching their savings targets were also outlined which included a reduction in firefighter, support staff and managerial posts, a reduction in borrowing costs, reduced transport costs, a reduction in the number of members, reduced spend on supplies and services, and a change in the shift system in Swadlincote. A total of £7.8M savings had been made, and the same number of fire stations and engines were still in operation. A number of collaborations had been developed including co-location with EMAS and emergency co-responding, together with a joint police and fire service HQ. A light fire appliance was being trialled in Clay Cross, the results of which would be circulated. A range of holistic safety measures were also being rolled out by the service. In response to a query, it was confirmed that partnership working was undertaken with a range of agencies, including mountain rescue and cave rescue which were stationed at Buxton Fire Station. Regarding smoke alarm checks, members were informed that checks were undertaken on some properties operated by landlords, with the focus being on high risk properties.

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Community Select Committee

Wednesday 23 March 2016


a Regarding DFRS estate, it was confirmed that there were no plans to change where fire stations were located within Derbyshire. RESOLVED: That the presentation be welcomed.


The Committee considered a consultation being undertaken by DCC on plans to close children’s centres.

Members expressed general concern regarding the loss of vital services provided by the centres to communities throughout the borough. The centres are often a gateway to different services which would be lost.

Significant concerns were expressed around the proposals which, with the closure of New Mills and Chapel en le Frith, would mean that there are no centres left open in the central area of the Borough and residents would have to travel to either Fairfield or Glossop to access services. Members confirmed significant use of the centres by residents in Chapel and New Mills.

Specifically in relation to the lack of provision in the central area, members

expressed great concerns around: • The deprivation levels in the area, particularly in New Mills and the vital

services provided to the community out of the centre • The potential for the isolation of current service users if services are

removed from the central areas due to the distance, cost and other travelling issues (including severe winter weather) to the remaining centres within the borough

• Concern was also expressed regarding the timing and impact of the County Council’s Review of subsidised bus services which may reduce services further and make travelling more difficult for service users to access services

• Reference was also made to the amount of new housing in the central area which may also increase usage at the centres

It was agreed that the Council’s response to the consultation be approved by the Chair and relevant Executive Member and then circulated to all members of the Committee for information. RESOLVED: That a response be submitted to Derbyshire County Council incorporating the comments as set out above, to be approved by the Chair and relevant Executive Member.

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Community Select Committee

Wednesday 23 March 2016



FUTURE : A NEW STRATEGY FOR AN ACTIVE NATION (Agenda item 8) The Committee considered the Government’s updated Strategy on Sport and

Physical Activity, entitled “Sporting Future : A new Strategy for an Active Nation”. The strategy sets out the Government’s vision for the future direction and physical activity, its funding priorities and focus on outcomes.

The strategy was welcomed, although some concern was expressed around

which organisations would be able to attract funding locally, which would be monitored.

The view was expressed that the area would benefit from additional facilities,

such as a running track, to increase access for residents. RESOLVED: That the new Strategy and the implications and potential impact for the

strategic direction of High Peak Borough Council be noted. 16/37 REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENFORCEMENT (Agenda item 9) The Committee considered a review of environmental enforcement which

provided an update on proposals to implement a more flexible way of delivering environmental enforcement, through the multi skilling of a large number of employees with existing enforcement capability within their job roles.

Comments were made around the benefits of positive enforcement

campaigns, training for councillors around enviro crime, the ease of reporting incidents for members of the public and the importance of education.

RESOLVED: That the contents of the update report and proposed actions be noted. 16/38 THE MICROCHIPPING OF DOGS (ENGLAND) REGULATIONS 2015 (Agenda item 10) The Committee considered an update on the new requirements under the

Micro Chipping of Dogs (England) Regulations 2015 and the proposed awareness raising activities and enforcement of the regulations.

RESOLVED: That the report be noted.

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Community Select Committee

Wednesday 23 March 2016


a 16/39 COUNCILLORS’ INITIATIVE FUND (Agenda item 11) The Committee considered an annual update on the Councillors’ Initiative

Fund and the results and associated proposed funding from the Council’s Community Fund, which includes proposals designed to enable the Council to achieve the efficiency targets in the medium term financial plan.

The Executive Councillor and Leader were requested to consider an

alternative proposal whereby if any funds are unallocated by end of October, November or December then they be placed into a separate fund for supporting local events for which no local funding is available at the moment.

Concerns were expressed regarding the proposed reduction in the amount of

funding available to each councillor from £1000 to £750, although it was noted that it was proposed that the amount of funding available to the current recipients of the Community Fund at the 2015/16 level for a further three years.


1. That the recommended improvements to the operation of the Councillors Initiative Fund as set out in paragraph 7.10 of the report be noted and supported;

2. That the recommended reduction in the Councillors’ Initiative Fund

allocation to £750 per member for the year 2016/17 be supported;

3. That the provision of Community Fund Grants to the Strategic Partners and other voluntary group as set out in paragraph 7.14 and 7.15 of the report be supported.

(Note: In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 12.2, Councillor Stone requested that his vote against resolution 2 above, be recorded)


With reference to minute 16/26, it was agreed that the Waste Sub-Committee be made up of Councillors Atkins (TBC), Howe, Kerr, Siddall, Sizeland and Young. RESOLVED: That the Select Committee Work Programme be noted. The meeting concluded at 9 pm CHAIR

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Community Select Committee

Wednesday 23 March 2016



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Report to Community Select Committee

15th June 2016

1. Reason for the Report 1.1 To advise the Committee of the procedure followed to manage event

applications by organisers wishing to use parks and open spaces owned by the Council. This procedure ensuring event applications are dealt consistently, risks are managed, the Council’s costs minimised and public safety secured.

2. Recommendations 2.1 That the procedure followed by officers managing the events process

in our Parks and Open Spaces is noted. 3. Executive Summary 3.1 On behalf of the Council officers enable over 50 events to take place

each year by organisers wishing to use parks and open spaces 3.2 In many cases event organisers are unused to applying for and

managing events. In working with organisers Officers need to ensure risk elements are taken into account before providing permission for an event to take place.

3.3 Fundamentally for each event to proceed it requires:

• Signed application form

• Signed Terms and Conditions

• A copy of current Public Liability Insurance

TITLE: Parks Event Management Procedure

EXECUTIVE COUNCILLOR Cllr John Haken – Executive Member for

Operational Services CONTACT OFFICER: Joy Redfern – Principal Officer – Waste and

Street Scene WARDS INVOLVED: Non-Specific

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• Robust risk assessments 3.4 Due to the number of applications being received as well as the large

variations of event types it is essential that the council has a clear management procedure in place to ensure they are dealt with effectively and efficiently.

3.5 Depending on the type, size, location and date of the event there may

be a requirement for a bond to protect the Council against unnecessary post event costs.

3.6 The Council has a duty to inform organisers of any potential hazards

associated with the land or buildings. Responsibility, and liability, of the event itself then lies with the organisers. The Council’s role is to ensure requisite documentation is in place. Officers can provide advice, but must not approve or amend information supplied. If the Council approve or amend any documents or procedures, such as risk assessments, it would then become at least partially liable. The essence is to ensure due consideration is given to event planning and risks are thought through and managed. Ultimately so events can run successfully and to public benefit.

4. How this Report Links with Corporate Priorities

Aim 4 - Protect and improve the environment - Operational Services is responsible for providing quality parks and open spaces throughout the Borough. Event applications for these sites need to be managed effectively to ensure that the event is appropriate and safe.

5. Options

Option 1 - Note the Parks Event Management Option 2 – Do not note the Parks Event Management Procedure and recommend alternative procedures.

6. Implications


Community Safety - (Crime and Disorder Act 1998) All events need to have completed the minimum application process which will include an application form, signed terms and conditions, risk assessment and proof of public liability insurance. Events may have the potential for Community Safety implications but with a robust management procedure in place this can be reduced to an acceptable level of risk.

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Safeguarding is also a factor to be considered especially for events with young people or vulnerable adults. In such cases the event organiser will be required to consider this when undertaking the event.

6.2 Workforce The onus of any cleaning during and after the event would be the responsibility of the event organiser under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 – Code of Practice on Litter and Refuse. The procedure followed reduces the incidents whereby reinstatement and / or cleansing is required after the event. The requirement for a bond requirement offsets any costs incurred when this work is required.

6.3 Equality and Diversity/Equality Impact Assessment This report has been prepared in accordance with the Council's Equality and Diversity Policy. No events would be considered if they contravened the Councils Equality and Diversity policies which are also referred to as guidance notes for event applications.

6.4 Financial Considerations As detailed within the report.

6.5 Legal Guidance from the Health and Safety Executive recommends a responsible venue or site owner to ensure that the venue or site is safe and without risk to anyone who hires the premises. The Council retains responsibilities under the Occupiers Liability Act 1957 and Health and safety at Work Act 1974. The responsibility and liability of the event itself lies with the organisers. The Council must ensure that all documentation is in place and may provide advice, though must not approve or amend any of it.

6.6 Sustainability None

6.7 Internal and External Consultation

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The procedure has been internally reviewed by officers in the Health and Safety team, Event Intelligence Group, Regulatory services and DCC Emergency Planning Unit. External consultation has included responses from the West Midlands Parks Forum (WMPF) and Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE).


Risk Assessment Each event is individually unique and required to submit a risk assessment. Guidance notes are provided to each applicant and are available online for consideration.

Keith Parker Head of Operational Services

Web Links and Background Papers

Location Contact details

Event definitions Application form Terms & Conditions Fees and charges

Joy Redfern Principle Officer Waste and Street Scene

7. Background and Introduction 7.1 Community Select Committee asked for a report on the procedure

followed when managing events in parks and open spaces, to enable Members to review the process.

7.2 On average, over the last 3 years there have been over 50 events per

annum that have taken place on High Peak parks. These events can range from a duck race to a fun fair.

It is worth adding contact is made with the Council for permission to

use parks and open spaces for activities which would not be considered an event under existing procedures but which nevertheless require consideration and response. Such requests include request to use sites for such things as family picnics and, increasingly, drones.

7.3 Each event is required to go through an application process before

permission is granted. The process ensures organisers are dealt with consistently whether they have run successful events in the past or are completely new to the process. Similarly the risks associated with events such as fire safety, crowd control, vehicle movements and

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similar such issues are properly thought through and managed. The Council’s incurs officer time and thus costs in facilitating events and potentially through stewarding, litter clearance and post event damage repair. Our procedures seek to minimise the impact of third party event costs falling on the Council’s. Equally and perhaps most importantly in seeking to enable events to take place public safety has to be assured insofar as is reasonably practicable.

7.4 For an event to proceed it requires:

• A completed application form The application form provides basic information relating to the organiser such as name, address and contact details as well as the details of the event including description, venue, date, time and the type of event. Further questions explore if there are any licensable activities planned, if road closures are required, first aid provision and questions around litter and toilet provision.

• Agreed Terms and Conditions These set out the general rules and conditions for use of the Council’s parks and open spaces by event organisers.

• Public Liability Insurance Every event must have PLI. This ensures event organisers (and the Council) running an event are protected from unfortunate occurrences. The default level for PLI is £10 million although this level can be varied on an event by event basis in consultation with the Council’s insurers.

• Risk assessments Every event will need to submit a risk assessment no matter how big or small. This should identify all the hazards and risks which might be encountered by the event and ways to reduce or manage these to an acceptable level. Risk assessment guidance is available to those who are unfamiliar with the risk assessments process.

7.5 The Council has a duty to inform organisers of any potential hazards

associated with the land or buildings. Responsibility, and liability, of the event itself then lies with the organisers. The Council’s role is to ensure requisite documentation is in place. Officers can provide advice, but must not approve or amend information supplied. If the Council approve or amend any documents or procedures, such as risk assessments, it would then become at least partially liable. The essence is to ensure due consideration is given to event planning and

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risks are thought through and managed. Ultimately so events can run successfully and to public benefit.

7.6 Appended to this report are the events procedure itself and a process

flow chart used by officers as a check list to ensure all requirements are met when working with events organisers.

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Event Management Procedure (Operational Services).

Purpose & Aim

The purpose of this management procedure is to provide a clear approach to managing

event applications from both external and internal organisers wishing to use land owned by

High Peak Borough Council.

The aim of this procedure is to ensure those involved in administrating event applications are

aware of their responsibilities and to explain to those wishing to organise events the

processes involved.

Available Land & Suitability for Event Types

A number of the main parks and open spaces are regularly used by event organisers. These

are usually the larger main parks which have good locations in the centre of the towns. They

generally have available space and some infrastructure such as car parking, toilets and

electricity supply.

The main sites (listed below) have specific site based Premises Licences permanently

attached to them.

• Pavilion Gardens (Buxton)

• Manor Park (Glossop)

• Norfolk Square (Glossop)

• Bankswood Park (Hadfield)

• Memorial Park (Whaley Bridge)

• Fairfield Common (Buxton)

The licences allow certain licensable activities to take place without the event organiser

having to obtain a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) via the Council’s Licensing Team. Not all

activities are covered by the Premises Licence, for example the sale of alcohol is not

covered, and therefore the Licensing Team should be contacted at the initial application by

the event officer if this or any other licensable activities are involved.

Some sites are more suited to holding events than others and therefore each application will

be assessed on its merits with all things considered including:

• Type of event

• Time of year

• Access issues

• Ground conditions

• Site risk assessment

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• Proximity of residential housing

• Impact on any current concession contracts

High Peak Borough Council reserve the right to refuse any application.

Temporary Event Notices (TEN) are required to cover certain licensable activities at sites

which do not have permanent premises licence or when the activity is not already covered

such as the sale of alcohol. Other activities which require a licence include recorded and live

music, playing of films and performance of dance for example.

Application Process

Each event request should be dealt with by way of the agreed application process. There are

four basic requirements for all events:

1. Signed Application Form

The application form provides basic information relating to the organiser such as

name, address and contact details as well as the details of the event including

description, venue, date, time and the type of event. Further questions explore if

there are any licensable activities planned, if road closures are required, first aid

provision and questions around litter and toilet provision.

2. Agreed Terms & Conditions

These set out the general rules and conditions for use of the Council’s parks and

open spaces by event organisers.

3. Public Liability Insurance (PLI)

Every event must have PLI. This ensures event organisers (and the Council) running

an event are protected from unfortunate occurrences. The default level for PLI is £10

million although this level can be varied on an event by event basis in consultation

with the Council’s insurers.

4. Robust Risk Assessment

Every event will need to submit a risk assessment no matter how big or small. This

should identify all the hazards and risks which might be encountered by the event

and ways to reduce or manage these to an acceptable level. Risk assessment

guidance is available to those who are unfamiliar with the risk assessments process.

Initially an application form should be completed and returned to the appropriate Officer

along with the signed rear page from the terms & conditions. The application will then be

assessed and if it is deemed suitable /appropriate it can be authorised ‘in principle’subject

toa full risk assessment and proof of public liability insurance (at a suitable level*) being

submitted prior to the event taking place.

Failure to provide all of the required paperwork prior to the event will result in the event being

refused permission.

For more detail on the application processes please see the event process map attached.

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Safety Guidance

All events which are held on the council’s parks and open spaces will need to go through the

application process as mentioned above. The information provided will be reviewed and if

appropriate the event will be given permission to take place.

Further information and liaison maybe required depending on the type and size of event

being planned. This could include a site plan, full event safety plan, licences, food hygiene

information, fairground equipment safety certificates, liaison with other agencies such as the

emergency services and County Council for example.

All event applications should be made at least 28 days in advance of the event but for larger

events the applications should be made at least 56 days in advance.

Any event which has an estimated attendance of 3000 or more also require Derbyshire

Events Safety Advisory Group (DESAG) to be notified. DESAG is organised through

Derbyshire Local Resilience Forum which is managed by Derbyshire County Council. The

core members of the group include officers from all of the emergency services and relevant

local agencies and Council Services.

Derbyshire Local Resilience Forum has produced two documents which are useful for

organisers of medium to large events, one is a Guide for Event Organisers and the other is

an Events Management Plan template which can be downloaded from their website.

An Event can be stopped at any time by a member of the licencing team, health and safety

team, events team or any other delegated officer.


A bond may be required if the holding of the event is deemed to carry a causing risk of

damage to the site. The reason for this could be the time of year and the likely ground and

weather conditions, the size of the event, the number of vehicles entering the site or the

likely number of attendees.

When an event is given permission, it is made clear that the cost of any remedial works will

be recovered from the organisers. Therefore the cost will be covered either by request of a

bond to external organisers, which should be submitted prior to full permission being

granted, or by pre-agreement with internal service partners.

The bond would normally be in the form of a cheque made payable to High Peak Borough

Council which would be held until the site has been surveyed at an agreed time after the


The bond will cover any damage to the site and the subsequent reinstatement works; any

litter clearance or removal of fly-tipped waste and / or any cleansing work such as removing

mud from paths or highways.

The organiser will first be given the opportunity to resolve any issues themselves, if suitable

and in agreement with an authorised officer, before the Council takes action and recharges

via the bond.

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If the Council does need to undertake works an estimated cost will be given to the organiser

as soon as possible after consultation with members of the Operational Services team.

The level of bond will be dependant on the event, usually the larger the event the larger the

bond, but usually £200, £500, £1000 or £2000 will be requested.

Fees & Charges

The Council sets fees and charges in relation to events, the current fees and charges are

available on the website.



In some cases an administration fee has been implemented to cover staff time involved in

administrating and managing the event. HPBC currently do not charge for the hire of a site

for any community or charity based event although depending on its size and / or level of

commerciality there may still be an administration fee.

Useful References

HSE – Event Safety: http://www.hse.gov.uk/event-safety/

Derbyshire Prepared: http://www.derbyshireprepared.org.uk/events/

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Event Process Map

Yes No



For large events or events

with risk of damage. Pre-

site visit, photos & post

site visit & photos if

damage seen.

Send full permission


confirmation (retain)

Are all documents received? Send letter/email request completion

Send ‘in principle’

letter/email await

documents (PLI & RA)


Documents received No further

documents received

Follow up email. If

nothing received

send refusal letter/


If Bond requested confirm

this has been received &

return if all is in order.

Application Complete?

(all forms signed & dated)

Inform EH, Licensing, AEG

and H&S if appropriate.

Application Assessed

Application Returned

Confirm any licenses

have been issued.

Is the event

chargeable? Will a

bond be required?

If event size is

estimated to be 3000 or

over DESAG should be


Website Application

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07 June 2016 8.1


Chairman: Councillor Vice Chairman: Councillor

Lead Officer: M Trillo

Date Items Contact Officer Purpose/Method of Consideration

Appointment of Chairman and Vice Chairman Events Policy and Procedure J Redfern Exercise Lineout (Multi-Agency) L Partington DCC Work Programme


Residual Waste Bin Trial Work Programme


Places for People Annual Development Plan K Parker

Work Programme


Work Programme


Work Programme



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07 June 2016 8.2

COMMUNITY Work Programme


Update on Glossop Household Recycling Centre C Brailsford DCC Mountain Rescue TBC

Review of Places for People Contract K Parker 2016/17 Community Rights M Forrester Update from EMAS and NWAS EMAS / NWAS Waste Sub

To add in/current and planned Sub-Committees:
