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High Rise Report

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68 Go Up Team 3
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  • 70 Studies _ Team 3 _ Go Up

    Title 1: Tahoma 10 BoldText Tahoma 10 Regular Example: Tell something about the process of the team, the teamwork and the experience of working in a team and designing a high rise building.Place pictures and personal info if you like to or try something else, but at least a picture of the group:

    PM/Architect: Tim de RijkStudent nr.: 1550934Date of Birth: 19-05-1987Email: [email protected]: 31619655404Education: TU Delft - Architecture

    Architect: Zhongnan LaoStudent nr.: 4033760Date of Birth: 11-09-1984Email: [email protected]: 31647354955Education: TU Delft - Architecture

    Structural Engineer: Tunis HoekstraStudent nr.: 1213103Date of Birth: 03-08-1988Email: [email protected]: 31638819574Education: TU Delft - Civil Engineering

    Facade Engineer: Karel van der Kaaij.Student nr.: 4040694Date of Birth: 01-24-1987Email: [email protected]: 31654364745Education: TU Delft - Architecture

    Building Services / BIM: Robert Fransen.Student nr.: 4030958Date of Birth: 25-11-1987Email: [email protected]: 31641230553Education: TU Delft - Building Tech

    Team 3 _ Go Up

  • Studies _ Team 3 _ Go Up 71

    How to a

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    How to e

    xtend pu

    blic spa

    ce in ver

    tical way



    Main EntranceMain Entrance


    Parking LoadingSta Entrance

    Plot analysisPlot F

    The layout:Haeder 1: Tahoma 24, Bold, Centrated. Header 2: Tahoma 10, Bold. Possibly Header 3: Tahoma 10, Italic. Standard: Tahoma 10, Space out.

    For each page, the main intent is that the outer column is mainly meant for text and the inner column/frame for images (no text only image titles)

    As with all pages: you may NOT exceed the amount of space in this outer column for your text. Changing the font is not allowed, nor the size of the font. If you have too much text, reduce your alineas and be sure to ONLY state the interesting information. People want to read interesting stuff that matters think about conclusions and design choices that were important for the design.

    You may NOT change the titles above the page (plot anaylsis, architecture etc.) except the first page (Team X team name)Dont forget the footer text change it to your team number & tower name.

    Please look up the books of previous years if you need some examples.

    Dont forget to include all the pictures you use in the Indesign file, on the disk you hand in!

    PLOT: Explain your plot and briefly the conclusions of your plot analysis. Be sure not to forget any info that was important to your (final) design.

  • 72 Studies _ Team 3 _ Go Up

    Concept 1Two tower concept: Attractive plinth invite the people passing by The mixed use transfer levels stimulates the unity of the building and guarantee flexibility The separate and slender volumes make an attractive gesture High efficiency of the floor plan due to the slender core

    Concept 2Single tower concept: The single tower concept is extending the horizontal public space in a vertical way Transparent plinth improves the image of high rise buildings, and is challenging the people to experience the building. Unity of one building proves the integration of functions The atrium inside the building serves the sustainable approach for the climate issue

    Two concepts

  • Studies _ Team 3 _ Go Up 73

    ArchitectureNameF.E. The concept of our high rise is movement and our aim became to bring this concept of movement back in the whole building, not just in the shape, but also in the faade, the internal organization, vertical movement, even the choice of the public functions.

    Interesting areasThe shape of our building creates a lot of corners and areas that other buildings do not have. This gave us a great opportunity to create areas with special features, such as a restaurant with a glass floor and sporting facilities on the roof. We decided to only place mainly public functions in these areas so that they are accessible for everyone.

    Mixing functionsTo make the inside dynamic as well we decided that we would mix the different functions instead of mak-ing one plinth with all the public functions and place all the offices in the high rise. In our high rise we have two other functions besides the offices: relaxing (caf/restaurant) and sporting. We decided to add sporting as a public function, because it has a strong relation with movement.

    ExperienceWe decided that, as many people should experience the view over Rotterdam from our high rise as pos-sible. Therefore we decided to place glass elevators along the west faade. Going up by these elevators provides you with different views of the building and Rotterdam. In a lot of high rise buildings this would not be possible because the elevators are in the core which is used for stability, but in our high rise this is not the case, therefore we can use glass elevators and place them wherever we want.

    Faade We decided to make a clear distinction between the east/west faade and the north/south faade. Main reason for this was that we wanted to show two totally different things in these facades. The north/south faade should emphasize the shape of the building and therefore has semitransparent dark color. The east/west faade is transparent so that it shows the movement of the elevators and the struc-ture.

    FloorplansEach office has its own entrance level, which houses the reception and the elevators, which will take the employees to their working station. These elevators are not accessible for outsiders.

    Parking Parking

    Retail RetailRetail




    Retail RetailCosinoCosino


  • 74 Studies _ Team 3 _ Go Up











    Logistics analysis -4.000m






    Circulation analysis -4.000m





    Circulation analysis 6.000m

    Hotel plan

    Office plan

    Residencial plan

    6m plan

    Ground plan

    -4m plan

    A A

  • Studies _ Team 3 _ Go Up 75
















































































    G T

    O M






    S &


















































































    GROUP 3 - GO UP



    SCALE 1:200











    GROUP 3 - GO UP



    SCALE 1:200

    A-A section West eletation

  • 76 Studies _ Team 3 _ Go Up

    StructureStabilizing structureIn the plan is shown how the cores and the columns are positioned in the floor plan. The columns measure 1,2 1,2 m. The core dimensions are 37,4 8,4 meter and the core wall thickness is 1,2 m. The stabilizing element is the core. This core prevent the building from deflecting too much on top of the building. It resists the horizontal forces caused by the wind load, and transfer this load to the foundation. The cores themselves are rather slender. In the transverse direction they cannot deliver the required stiffness, therefore the cores are coupled with a truss. The steel truss is connecting the cores every 4 floor levels, the truss beams are circular hollow sections with diameter 760 mm and thickness 50 mm.

    AtriumA special challenge in the structural design was how to design the load bearing structure for the floors which are located above the atrium. The principle is shown in the picture on the right. The load from the floors is transferred to the columns next to the atrium. Therefore inclined columns are placed which provide for this transfer of load. As can be seen, reaction forces arise due to the change in the direction of the column forces. This reaction forces will be taken up by diaphragm action of the floors.

    Setback in the facadeGenerally the columns are placed in the facade, but: no columns were allowed in the setback. Therefore they are shifted inside the building. Structurally this is solved in a way similar to the issue of the atrium. With inclined columns over 4 floors, the loads are transferred in a very smooth way. Also in this case reaction forces arise, they will neutralize each other by the diaphragm action of the floor.

    Modeling with Oasys GSA The 3D model of the core was made with Oasys GSA. To do this, the core was modelled as a system of beams. These beams are rigid connected. With use of GSA could be calculated that there will be no tension stresses in the core in the serviceability limit state (SLS) Therefore the calculations for the deflections could be made with the properties of concrete in a situation without cracks.

    Structural plan of the building

    Part of the core model in GSA

    Structural solution for the atrium

    Core connected with truss

    Example of the stress distribution in the core elements

    Structural solution for setback

    Example of the deflection results in GSA

  • Studies _ Team 3 _ Go Up 77

    FacadeUnitized SystemA unitized panel system was implemented for the facade. This is sustainable in two ways: It optimizes flexibility in the future because the interior spaces do not directly influence the design of the facade. This means that in the future there will be no exterior renovations necessary if the program were to change. Also, the Hebel insulation concrete reduces construction time by incorporating the insulation within the panel and does not need to be applied on site. The panels also coincide perfectly with the grid that is the basis for the entire building.

    Sun screeningTo ensure that the building is properly sunshaded at all times and to compensate for the large areas of glazing in the atria, perforated metal panels act as sun screening over the entire building. This not only gives the blocks a uniform aesthetic, masking the interior functions and program, but has many other key functions such as reducing window loads, which allows for the implementation of operable windows and simplifying the box window unit.

    AtriumThe atria are too large to span in one with steel cables so structural members are needed at intervals of five stories. the braces are incorporated in bridges that run through the atria. they are staggered to allow maximum light inside but also provide structure for the facade.

    Maintenance & RepairThe window frame is operable on a daily use by a tilt system to allow fresh air in at the users discretion. Every six months the outer panel must be raised or lowerd and this is done by the maintence personal of the building. A key is needed to unlock the swing function of the frame which swings inward allowing acces to the back of the window and the inside of the panel for cleaning, as well as the pins to raise or lowerthe panel. In the event that that outer panel needs cleaing or repair the outer frame can unlock and swing inward as well.

    Karel van der Kaaij

    Facade DesignHigh Rise Workshop Fall 2010

    Unitized System

    A unitized panel system was imple-mented for th facade. This is sustainable

    in two ways; It optimizes exibility in the future becasue the interior spaces do not directly in uence the design of the facade. This means that in teh fu-ture there will be no exterior renova-

    tions necessary if the program were to change. Also, the Hebel insulation

    concrete reduces construction time by incorporating the insulation within the

    panel and does not need to be applied on site. The panels also coinicide perfectly

    with the grid that is the basis for the entire building . 1 - Glass Panel & Double Glazing

    2 - Window Frame 3 - Panel Frame

    4 - Mounting Blocks5 - Weatherproo ng

    6 - Insulation7 - Hebel Insulated Concrete





    Karel van der Kaaij

    Facade DesignHigh Rise Workshop Fall 2010g p

    Sun ScreeningTo ensure that the building is properly

    sunshaded at all times and to compensate for the large areas of

    glazing in the atria, perforated metal panels act as sun screening over the

    entire building. This not only gives the blocks a uniform aesthetic, masking

    the interior functions and program, but has many other key functions such as reducing window loads, which allows

    for the implementation of operable windows and simplifying the box

    window unit.

    Karel van der Kaaij

    Facade DesignHigh Rise Workshop Fall 2010

    AtriumThe atria are too large to span in one with steel cables so structural mem-

    bers are needed at intervals of ve stories. the braces are incorporated in bridges that run through the atria.

    they are staggered to allow maximum light inside but also provide structure

    for the facade.

    Scale: 1:50

    18 m

    1 - Atrium bridges2 - Glazing



    Unitized System

    Sun screening

    braces are incorporated in bridges

  • 78 Studies _ Team 3 _ Go Up

    Building servicesBased on the different user requirements are for each different function appropriate climate systems and facilities applied. The use of mass, as the building also conceptually shows, is used extensively in the climate system. Using facade elements, in combination with the technique of a climate window produced an element including a climate based window, which independent of the summer or winter conditions can be used for additional ventilation, and offers extra comfort.

    Greenhouse Technology inside the atriumTo avoid a totally closed concrete ceiling in the top of the atrium, a cloth will be placed below this concrete floor. This cloth is similar to the screenings which are used in the horticulture, and will provide extra heat savings. In cold periods the produced heat will be gained underneath the cloth instead of losing it directly throughout the glass faade. In summer periods this screen can provide extra sun shading or can be removed.

    Besides climate, the logistics are also provided within the high rise project. An approach is made for the amount of elevators, based on reference projects and literature. The use of sky lobbies made it possible to divide the different functions and creates space for human transportation.

    Building Services, Sustainability & BIM High Rise Workshop 2010Robert Fransen [4030958] Groep 3 Go Up


    Afbeelding 3; Installaties van het volledige gebouw op hoofdlijnen

    Afbeelding 3 laat schematisch zien hoe dewarmte en koelbehoefte in de vorm van deverwarming zal worden voorzien in hetpand.

    Verscheidene installatie niveaus zullen hetgebouw in zijn warmte en koude behoeftevoorzien. Deze niveaus zijn allen verbondenmet de aquifer. Op het eerste installatieniveau is een warmtewisselaar geplaatst.

    Op de andere installatieverdiepingen zijnwarmtepompen geplaatst waardoor hetwater onder hogere druk omhoog gepomptkan worden en niet zijn warmte zal verliezengedurende dit pompproces.






    Warm water

    Koud water


    Naast het transport van water zal er ooklucht moeten worden aangezogen voor deluchtbehandeling. Op elk installatie niveauzijn luchtbehandelings kasten aanwezig.

    Op de volgende pagina wordt dit principeverder toegelicht.

    Installations diagram

    Elevator plan

  • Studies _ Team 3 _ Go Up 79

    ManagementIntegrationIntegrating the various disciplines has different impactson costs. The atrium imply additional costs. Usingthe atrium offers extra quality to the design. It shallalso provide for the lifetime of the building in energycost reduction. The flexibility of the building gives thefreedom to change over the years. By thinking aboutchanges in the lifetime of a building during the designprocess, later costs can be reduced. The combination ofall disciplines with the atrium as the basis of our designmakes this project integrated.

    FlexibilityA high rise building often has a long lifetime. Thisbrings a number of challenges. Over the years, changesoccur in the market and the standards use of functions.To be able with this our building is designed asflexible as possible. Between the cores and the facadespace is kept free of structures to create a flexible floorplan. In this space are different versions of functionalfloorplans for offices, hotel or apartments possible.This is a possible change for over the years to keep itfeasible. A flexible free floor plan also has an impact onthe facade. Most of the time different functions havethere own featured look. We have chosen the makeone facade element for the entire building facade. Thiselement is can be used for all the functions. After yearsfunctions can be changed without changing the facadeas functional element. Besides the free plan and thefacade, all the floors have the same height. The functional use of the atrium and the costs reduction of energy on a sustainable way gives this design more quality. The flexibility of the building is necessary for a building with a long life time.

    ReferenceData organisation

    # employees [-]Part time [%]

    Data building

    Functional area [m] 148.300Net Useable area [m] 163.130Gross Floor Area [m] 245.771# floors [-] 79Outer zone [m'] 7,20Corridor zone [m'] 2,60Mid zone [m'] 10,80Building width [m'] 17,4Building length [m'] 178,8g g [ ] ,Gross floor height [m'] 3,60Net floor height [m'] 2,70Open facade [m] 111.831Facade area [%] 40Facade thickness [m'] 0,40Elevators [-] 20Staircases [-] 4Av. room size [m] 150,0Inner wall area [m] 122926Inner wall open [m] 10792Inner wall closed [m] 112134Inner wall constructive [m] 34043Inner wall non-constructive [m] 88883NUA/FA [-] 1,10GFA/UA [-] 1,51F d /GFA [ ] 0 46Facade/GFA [-] 0,46Innner wall/GFA [-] 0,50

    Data location

    City [-] rotterdamPostal code [-] 30Index [-] 1,01Foundation depth [m] 3Agglomeration [-] urbanLocation [-] A

    Package selection

    Facade [-]Modified faade


    Finishing [-]Modified finishing

    packageModified climate

    Climate control [-] control package


    Description Unit Quantity reference

    Cost per unit Cost total

    BUILDING 118.611.700GROUND, SUBSTRUCTURE 1.689.10011 Groundwork

    Standard + drainage m plot 3111 21 66.90013 Floor beds

    Sand m plot 3111 7 22.20016 Retaining walls, foundations

    Pile foundations m plot 3111 514 1.600.00017 Calculated costs including standard piles

    Piling m plot 3111 0 0

    STRUCTURE PRIMARY ELEMENTS, CARCASS 14.020.300Calculated costs m gfa 245771 57 14.020.300

    ROOF 403.80027 Roof-closed

    Concrete m plot 3111 104 323.40037 Roof-open

    No open parts m 622 0 047 Roof finishes

    Bitumen m plot 3111 26 80.400

    FACADE 45.707.70021 External walls-closed

    Concrete facade m 67098 369 24.782.50031 External walls-open

    Revolving door pc. 1 11.688 11.700Window unit m 44732 409 18.299.300Sun blind: Awnings m 44732 58 2.614.200

    INTERNAL WALLS 15.018.20022 Internal walls-closed

    Partitions (-12 dB) m 153 84 12.800Brandwerende separatiewand m 6911 104 721.300Corridor wall (-12 dB) m 71027 84 5.932.100Stability wall 15 cm m 34043 104 3.553.100

    32 Internal walls-open 0Door (semisolid core) m 5247 158 830.600Fire-retarding wall m 5546 224 1.241.200

    42 Internal wall finishesStandard m 277544 10 2.727.100

    FLOORS 41.772.60023 Floors-closed

    Imposed load 600 kN m gfa 233482 107 24.868.40033 Floor openings

    Void (5% GFA) m 443 315 139.90043 Floor finishes

    Floor finishing-hard: ceramic tiles m 24577 94 2.310.700Floor finishing-soft: carpet m 208905 31 6.538.100

    24 Stairs and slopesFunctional pc. 312 1.513 472.100

    45 Ceiling finishesRepresentative m gfa 245771 30 7.443.400

    SERVICES, MAINLY MECHANICAL 17.340.20051 Heat generation

    Improved efficiency m gfa 245771 3 750.30052 Drainage

    Standard m gfa 245771 1 298.40053 Water

    Standard m gfa 245771 2 475.50054 Gas

    Standard m gfa 245771 1 308.50055 Cold generation and distribution

    Topcooling m gfa 245771 19 4.606.90056 Heat distribution

    Radiator with individual control m gfa 245771 35 8.656.00057 Air treatment

    Natural ventilation m gfa 245771 0 058 Monitoring climate and sanitary

    Expanded m gfa 245771 9 2.244.600SERVICES, MAINLY ELECTRICAL 33.571.20061 Electrical supply

    Standard m gfa 245771 70 17.156.30062 Power

    Standard m gfa 245771 4 1.013.20063 Lighting

    Standard m gfa 245771 46 11.279.50064 Communication

    Tel + Intercom m gfa 245771 14 3.488.90065 Security

    Lightning and fire protection m gfa 245771 0 5.00067 Building monitoring facilities

    Standard m gfa 245771 3 628.300TRANSPORT SERVICES 14.787.50066 Transport

    Functional pc. 20 739.374 14.787.500FACILITIES 3.336.60071 Traffic facilities

    Standard m gfa 245771 4 1.076.90072 User facilities

    Standard m gfa 245771 3 783.20073 Food processing facilities

    Standard m gfa 245771 3 783.20074 Sanitary facilities

    Standard m gfa 245771 1 332.00075 Maintenance facilities

    Window cleaning system: Ladder m gfa 245771 0 61.10076 Storage facilities

    Standard m gfa 245771 1 300.200GROUND FACILITIES 125986 6.206.600901 Ground facilities m

    Standard m 0 5 0902 Secondary buildings m

    fietsenberging (berekend) m 1229 660 810.500903 Enclosure m

    Fence m 710 22 15.300904 Ground fittings

    Simple m 0 6 0parkeren op terrein pc. 4915 1.095 5.380.800Basement car parking - norm 1 pc. 0 0 0

    Direct building costs 193.853.800Site costs % 12,0 23.262.500General contractor costs % 6,0 13.027.000Profit % 3,0 6.904.300

    Building costs 237.047.600


    The table presents three different types of fl oor space can be found. The gross fl oor area includes all surf-aces of the building. The usable fl oor space contains only the space is functional. This excludes the core, construction, facade, interior walls and corridor. At last I calculate the lettable fl oor space. This is just the fl oorspace that can be rented. This is different for each function. For the apartments corridors are not calcu-lated. The lettable fl oorspace for the offi ces contains corridor space. This is because an offi ce can use this space, but his depends on the layout of the offi ces. In our fl exible plan there are possibilities to use this cor-ridor space

    4.2 Cost calculation

    To calculate the costs I used the program Svinsk. In this program, I used the functional fl oor space as the main input of the program. The program automatically calculates the gross fl oor space. This was similar with my data I had calculated in the table of program functi-ons. In the middle of our building an atrium is located. This has less impact on the number of square meters of fl oor space, but does ensure more interior walls in the building are. By using a heigher average size of the rooms the program calculates a greater number of in-ner walls.

    Svinsk is a program that is not really meant for high-rise. The costs of a higher building will rise signifi cantly more than some elements of low-rise, I used the di-gram of van Oss for a factor which calculated more each fl oor in relation with a high rise building. With these factors a calculated the total building costs.

    A few interesting aspects are that the cost of the fa-cade and inner walls, a large percentage of the total building cost amounts.

    Besides the building costs, I calculated the investment costs. I did this by using the values of the investment model tall. To calculate the location costs, I made an assumption of 600euro/m2. Further information about the land prices can be found under feasibility.

    Svinsk results calculation program

    Basic input Svinsk


    Flexibility of function

    Cost chart

  • 80 Studies _ Team 3 _ Go Up

    BIM. BIM; BIM is a 3D building information model (BIM). One model (database) in which data from an architect, designer, engineer and contractor are processed. In this model is immediately visible how the different disciplines behave alongside each other.

    Source: www.hetnationaalbimplatform.nl

    Its the groups task to achieve this as completely and good as possible to finally create a 3D model in which each group member and discipline has its own part. Theoretically, a properly functioning system, practical difficult to perform with the various use of software for each discipline. By adapting the software in case of exchange possibilities the process could be optimized.

    Different problems have been tackled during the project. The exchange and interaction between different software had some problems, but eventually it was possible to combine different files in case of the total result. By creating one 3D model it was possible to see problems coming after combining the different solutions made in different disciplines. In that way better, more complete and integrated solutions, could be designed.

    Building Services, Sustainability & BIM High Rise Workshop 2010Robert Fransen [4030958] Groep 3 Go Up


    3.4 BestandsmanagementAan het begin van het project is er een schema gemaakt over de verschillende programmas dienaar verwachting gebruikte zouden worden en hoe deze met elkaar samenwerken. Gedurendehet project bleek dat sommige programmas veel minder of zelfs niet gebruikt werden dan voorafverwacht werd. Op afbeelding 24 is hetzelfde schema te zien zoals het uiteindelijk gebruikt is.

    Het bestandsbeheer is, zoals aangegeven in het schema, georganiseerd via Dropbox. Ditexterne programma, aan de hand van een voor ieder groepslid toegankelijke map op een server,biedt de mogelijkheid de bestanden op te slaan op een locatie die voor iedereen toegankelijk isen van waaruit gewerkt kan worden.

    Daarnaast is veel communicatie gedurende de gezamenlijke uren gegaan. Door veel teoverleggen en elkaar vragen te stellen tijdens het uitvoeren van de taken is het voor iedereenoverzichtelijk gebleven wie met welke taak aan de gang was.

    1. INPUT




    Afbeelding 24; Schematische weergave bestandsmanagement

    BIM flow

    Tools for cooperation

  • Studies _ Team 3 _ Go Up 81


    Natural ventilationIn order to create a sustainable building a number of issues are important within the building. The use of the atrium will not only be based on architectural value and creating meeting points, but this will effectively participate in the operation of the building. The use of natural ventilation in the atrium and the climate window will contribute to the sustainability of the installations. By decreasing the demand of mechanical installations, the remaining space can be used better.

    Sun shadingThe permanent sun shading, in combination with the architectural concept, based on the ecliptic, and required minimal amount of sunlight in the building combines different disciplines within the faade technology and makes the faade an integrated part of the building.

    Flexible floorplanBy creating a flexible floorplan, the building can easily adapt when the internal function will change. This feature of a building can increase its lifetime and also can save a lot of costs.

    Cost chart

    Natural ventilation

    Seasonal panal

    Flexible foolplan
