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HIGH SCHOOL WAVELL STATE...Wavell High was very honoured to have three students, Rhiannon Hassett,...

Date post: 24-May-2020
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Wavell High was very honoured to have three students, Rhiannon Hassett, Samantha Ellis and Alainya Doyle, win the Premier’s Anzac Prize 2015, and be part of the 70 Queensland student contingent to travel to the ANZAC Day centenary event in Gallipoli and the :HVWHUQ)URQWEDWWOHդHOGVLQ$SULO Students were drawn from Independent, Catholic and State schools - Wavell 6+6KDGWKHODUJHVWUHSUHVHQWDWLRQRIDOO4XHHQVODQGVFKRROV PREMIER’S ANZAC PRIZE TO GALLIPOLI Joshua O’Brien has won a place in the prestigious 38th Professor Harry Messel ΖQWHUQDWLRQDO6FLHQFH6FKRRO7KH students who attended the Science School were selected from 10 countries and spent a two week residential SURJUDPLQ6\GQH\7KLVDOORZHG students to build upon their physics VNLOOVDQGFRQVLGHUDFDUHHULQVFLHQFH Joshua was also honoured by Vice- Chancellor, Professor Peter Coaldrake AO, who hosted the farewell event of WKH487)XWXUH/HDGHUVSURJUDP7KH SDUWLFLSDQWVDWWHQGHGRɝFLDOHYHQWVDQG ZHUHRउHUHGDQXPEHURIDGGLWLRQDOH[FOXVLYHLQYLWDWLRQVWRKHDUIURPZRUOG UHQRZQHGJXHVWVSHDNHUVDQGDWWHQGFRQIHUHQFHV:DYHOO6+6VWXGHQWVIRU 487)XWXUH/HDGHUVDOVRLQFOXGHLucy Dale currently participating in our Year 11 program and Connor Lawrence, who is currently in Year 10, having recently EHHQDFFHSWHGLQWRWKHSURJUDPIRU JOSHUA O’BRIEN $QQDOLHVH7UDSSHWWKDVEHHQVHOHFWHGWRSDUWLFLSDWH LQ4879LFH&KDQFHOORUȇVVFLHQFHWHFKQRORJ\ HQJLQHHULQJDQGPDWKHPDWLFV67(0FDPSIRU KLJKDFKLHYLQJ<HDUVWXGHQWV$QQDOLHVHKDV also been selected to become a Queensland 0LQHUDOVDQG(QHUJ\$FDGHP\40($6WXGHQW $PEDVVDGRUIRU7KLVHQWDLOVSDUWLFLSDWLQJ in many activities within the resource sector, making contact with other students and industry representatives and developing leadership skills LQ:DYHOOVWXGHQWVDUHDEOHWRSDUWLFLSDWHLQ DQXPEHURIH[FOXVLYH67(0DFWLYLWLHVDVVRFLDWHG ZLWKWKH0LQHUDOVDQG(QHUJ\VHFWRULQFOXGLQJHDFK year having the opportunity to work on a mining VLWHZLWKDWHDPRI(QJLQHHUVWRH[SHULHQFHդUVW hand life in a mining community and how project PDQDJHPHQWZRUNVDVDUHVXOWRIRXUPHPEHUVKLSZLWKWKH40($:DYHOO6+6 LVRQHRIRQO\WKUHH%ULVEDQHVFKRROVDEOHWRDFFHVVWKHVHRSSRUWXQLWLHVWKH RWKHUVFKRROVDUH&KXUFKRI(QJODQG*UDPPDU6FKRRODQG$OH[DQGHU+LOOV6+6 ANNALIESE TRAPPETT Alison Clarin, School &DSWDLQZDVWKH'X[RIWKH Senior School, and received Very High achievement for DOOKHUVL[VXEMHFWV6KH also won subject prizes for 0DWKHPDWLFV%DQG3K\VLFV Harrison Kettewell was 'X[RI<HDUDQGUHFHLYHG Very High achievement in all RIKLVVL[VXEMHFWV Siavash SaeedifarZDV'X[RIWKH-XQLRU6FKRRODQGUHFHLYHG9HU\+LJK DFKLHYHPHQWLQDOORIKLVVXEMHFWV+HDOVRUHFHLYHGVXEMHFWSUL]HVIRU*UDSKLFV DQG+LVWRU\*HRJUDSK\PDMRU DUX IN 2015 Joshua White has been successful in gaining entry into the UQ Young Scholars Program for high achieving secondary students with a unique opportunity to participate and develop leadership, academic and community qualities for WRGD\ȇVZRUOG-RVKXDHQMR\HGD great four days in the September holidays as a result of his selection based on outstanding academic DFKLHYHPHQW JOSHUA WHITE GISELLE PICKERING Giselle Pickering was selected to compete at WKH7ZHOIWKΖQWHUQDWLRQDO*HRJUDSK\2O\PSLDG LQ5XVVLD6HOHFWLRQIRUWKH$XVWUDOLDQWHDP commenced at state level with the Australian Geography Competition, where Giselle placed դUVWIROORZHGE\QDWLRQDOVHOHFWLRQIURPWKH *HRJUDSK\%LJ:HHN2XW7KH2O\PSLDGZDV KHOGLQWKHIRUHVWVRI7YHU5XVVLDIURPWR 17 August with the Closing Ceremony hosted DWWKHJUDQG0RVFRZ8QLYHUVLW\VWXGHQWV aged 16 - 19 from forty countries participated, DOOLQWKHRɝFLDOFRPSHWLWLRQODQJXDJHRI (QJOLVK*LVHOOHDOVRZDVLQYLWHGWRե\RYHU$QWDUFWLFDLQ-DQXDU\DVDUHVXOWRI KHUդUVWSODFHLQWKH4XHHQVODQGVHFWLRQRIWKH1DWLRQDO*HRJUDSK\FRPSHWLWLRQ CELEBRATING ACHIEVEMENT IN WAVELL STATE E s s í Q u a ę V i d e r ā SEVENTY-SEVEN ( 77 ) METROPOLITAN NORTH SPORT REPRESENTATIVES The most pleasing aspects of the sporting program at Wavell SHS is its diversity. In addition to the reputation as a highly successful Rugby League school, Wavell boasts 77 Regional representatives in Rugby League and eleven (11) other sports. The Netball program also continues to develop with a record number of State representatives across three age groups. In 2015, the elite participation of Wavell students representing Queensland School Sport teams at national level amassed a record number of 13. Ten (10) Wavell teachers have also represented as a coach or manager in a range of Metropolitan North Sporting teams. Wavell has had three students selected to represent Australia. Yessie Fauid played in the U18s School Boys Rugby League team against New Zealand. Jack Paterson and Dejzha Pene played in the U15 team. AUSTRALIAN REPRESENTATIVES QUEENSLAND REPRESENTATIVES Wavell has had eleven students selected to represent Queensland for: Baseball – Joel Strasser Football (Soccer) – Daniel Bassingthwaighte – he will travel to Japan as part of the Queensland team. Netball – Nandia Els, Savannah Vasilakis | 1HWEDOO2ɝFLDO – Olivia Vasilakis Rugby League – Yessie Fauid, Jackson Frei, Carl Jnr Jackson, Jack Lote, Jack Paterson, Dejzha Pene | Track & Field - Ethan Olsen and Jack Lote ȏ7KHUHZHUH4XHHQVODQGVWXGHQWVZKR entered the Queensland Youth Shakespeare Festival competition run by Shake and Stir 7KHDWUH&RPSDQ\)LIWHHQRIRXU<HDU and 12 Drama Excellence students were DPRQJVWWKHVWXGHQWVVHOHFWHGDVVWDWH դQDOLVWVZLQQLQJWKHJURXSVFHQHDWWKH Judith Wright Centre. ȏ7ZR:DYHOOVWXGHQWVBrittany Iseppi (Year 11) and Gerick Leota Thomsen <HDUZHUHVHOHFWHGIURPդQDOLVWVWR perform in a professional production, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, at the Judith :ULJKW&HQWUHLQ-DQXDU\7KLVLVD once in a lifetime opportunity to work collaboratively with industry professionals. ȏȊ3XEOLF3HUIRUPDQFHȋLVDIHDWXUHRIWKH Wavell High Instrumental Music and Vocal programs with playouts at public events, school fetes and school productions. 2YHUVWXGHQWVSDUWLFLSDWHLQRXUVWDJH and concert bands and ensembles. ȏ:DYHOOKRVWHGDQΖQVWUXPHQWDO'D\FDPSLQ June for primary school students in Years 5 DQGZKLFKLQFOXGHGDFRQFHUWIRUSDUHQWV DWWKHHQGRIWKHGD\7KHUHZHUH VWXGHQWVIURPRI:DYHOOȇVIHHGHUVFKRROV plus our Year 7 and 8 instrumentalists. ȏ2XU&RQFHUW%DQG6WDJH%DQG Percussion Ensemble, and vocal group, Rapport, performed to a large crowd at Kedron Wavell RSL annual concert in August. MUSIC ȏ2YHUVWXGHQWVIRUPSDUWRI:DYHOO+LJK'DQFH7URXSHVDQG ([FHOOHQFHSURJUDPV2XU-XQLRUDQG6HQLRU'DQFH7URXSHVSURYLGH opportunities to extend upon technical and performance skills for competitions and public performances such as Brisbane Dance (LVWHGGIRG5HGFOLउH(LVWHGGIRG7KH5HPL[+LS+RS&RPSHWLWLRQ local fetes etc. ȏ$VLJQLդFDQWQXPEHURI:DYHOO'DQFHDOXPQLKDYHJRQHRQWR SXUVXHFDUHHUVLQWKHGDQFHLQGXVWU\7DOLD)RZOHU-HVVLFD6WRNHV Hillary Stowers, Sarah O’Loughlin, Alexandra Hardman, Bethany -RKQVRQDQG7DUD0DVWHUVDQGHQJDJHGLQIXUWKHUGDQFHVWXGLHV DW4875$:DQG$'3Ζ ȏ7KH3HUIRUPLQJ$UWV7RXURIWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVWRRNSODFHLQ We undertook professional workshops with stars of the stage and screen in a wide variety of dance styles, including Broadway, Contemporary and Ballet. DANCE SPORT TOTAL REPS BOYS AFL 3 12yrs (2) 15yrs (1) Baseball 1 14yrs (1) Soccer (Football) 1 19yrs (1) Hockey 1 19yrs (1) 5XJE\/HDJXH \UV \UV \UV Rugby Union 8 18yrs (8) 6ZLPPLQJ \UV \UV 7RXFK)RRWEDOO \UV \UV 7UDFN)LHOG \UV \UV \UV \UV SPORT TOTAL REPS GIRLS $)/ \UV Basketball 5 12yrs (4) 18yrs (1) Netball 7 12yrs (2) 15yrs (3) 19yrs (2) Softball 2 19 yrs (2) 6ZLPPLQJ \UV \UV \UV 7RXFK)RRWEDOO \UV 7UDFN)LHOG \UV \UV \UV OUTSTANDING PUBLIC EDUCATION HIGH SCHOOL T ě b í r a t h e ģ t h a Ě t ě s e e ę t ě b í DRAMA
Page 1: HIGH SCHOOL WAVELL STATE...Wavell High was very honoured to have three students, Rhiannon Hassett, Samantha Ellis and Alainya Doyle, win the Premier’s Anzac Prize 2015, and be part

Wavell High was very honoured

to have three students, Rhiannon

Hassett, Samantha Ellis and

Alainya Doyle, win the Premier’s

Anzac Prize 2015, and be part of the

70 Queensland student contingent

to travel to the ANZAC Day

centenary event in Gallipoli and the


Students were drawn from Independent, Catholic and State schools - Wavell



Joshua O’Brien has won a place in the

prestigious 38th Professor Harry Messel


students who attended the Science

School were selected from 10 countries

and spent a two week residential


students to build upon their physics


Joshua was also honoured by Vice-

Chancellor, Professor Peter Coaldrake

AO, who hosted the farewell event of





487�)XWXUH�/HDGHUV�DOVR�LQFOXGH��Lucy Dale currently participating in our Year

11 program and Connor Lawrence, who is currently in Year 10, having recently






also been selected to become a Queensland



in many activities within the resource sector,

making contact with other students and industry

representatives and developing leadership skills




year having the opportunity to work on a mining


hand life in a mining community and how project





Alison Clarin, School


Senior School, and received

Very High achievement for


also won subject prizes for


Harrison Kettewell was


Very High achievement in all





DUX IN 2015

Joshua White has been successful

in gaining entry into the UQ

Young Scholars Program for high

achieving secondary students with

a unique opportunity to participate

and develop leadership, academic

and community qualities for


great four days in the September

holidays as a result of his selection

based on outstanding academic



GISELLE PICKERINGGiselle Pickering was selected to compete at



commenced at state level with the Australian

Geography Competition, where Giselle placed




17 August with the Closing Ceremony hosted


aged 16 - 19 from forty countries participated,







Essí Quaę Viderā

SEVENTY-SEVEN (77) METROPOLITAN NORTH SPORT REPRESENTATIVES The most pleasing aspects of the sporting program at Wavell SHS is its diversity. In addition to the reputation as a highly successful Rugby League

school, Wavell boasts 77 Regional representatives in Rugby League and eleven (11) other sports. The Netball program also continues to develop with

a record number of State representatives across three age groups. In 2015, the elite participation of Wavell students representing Queensland School

Sport teams at national level amassed a record number of 13.

Ten (10) Wavell teachers have also represented as a coach or manager in a range ofMetropolitan North Sporting teams.

Wavell has had three

students selected to

represent Australia.

Yessie Fauid played

in the U18s School

Boys Rugby League

team against New


Jack Paterson and

Dejzha Pene played

in the U15 team.


students selected to

represent Queensland for:

Baseball – Joel Strasser

Football (Soccer) – Daniel

Bassingthwaighte – he will

travel to Japan as part of

the Queensland team.

Netball – Nandia Els,

Savannah Vasilakis | 1HWEDOO��2ɝFLDO� – Olivia Vasilakis

Rugby League – Yessie Fauid, Jackson Frei, Carl Jnr Jackson, Jack Lote, Jack

Paterson, Dejzha Pene | Track & Field - Ethan Olsen and Jack Lote

ȏ��7KHUH�ZHUH������4XHHQVODQG�VWXGHQWV�ZKR�entered the Queensland Youth Shakespeare Festival competition run by Shake and Stir 7KHDWUH�&RPSDQ\��)LIWHHQ�RI�RXU�<HDU����and 12 Drama Excellence students were DPRQJVW�WKH�����VWXGHQWV�VHOHFWHG�DV�VWDWH�(QDOLVWV��ZLQQLQJ�WKH�JURXS�VFHQH��DW�WKH�Judith Wright Centre. ȏ��7ZR�:DYHOO�VWXGHQWV��Brittany Iseppi

(Year 11) and Gerick Leota Thomsen �<HDU�����ZHUH�VHOHFWHG�IURP�����(QDOLVWV�WR�perform in a professional production, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, at the Judith :ULJKW�&HQWUH�LQ�-DQXDU\�������7KLV�LV�D�once in a lifetime opportunity to work collaboratively with industry professionals.

ȏ��Ȋ3XEOLF�3HUIRUPDQFHȋ�LV�D�IHDWXUH�RI�WKH�Wavell High Instrumental Music and Vocal programs with playouts at public events, school fetes and school productions. 2YHU�����VWXGHQWV�SDUWLFLSDWH�LQ�RXU�VWDJH�and concert bands and ensembles.ȏ��:DYHOO�KRVWHG�DQ�ΖQVWUXPHQWDO�'D\�FDPS�LQ�

June for primary school students in Years 5 DQG����ZKLFK�LQFOXGHG�D�FRQFHUW�IRU�SDUHQWV�DW�WKH�HQG�RI�WKH�GD\��7KHUH�ZHUH�����VWXGHQWV�IURP����RI�:DYHOOȇV�IHHGHU�VFKRROV��plus our Year 7 and 8 instrumentalists.ȏ��2XU�&RQFHUW�%DQG����6WDJH�%DQG�

Percussion Ensemble, and vocal group, Rapport, performed to a large crowd at Kedron Wavell RSL annual concert in August.

MUSICȏ��2YHU�����VWXGHQWV�IRUP�SDUW�RI�:DYHOO�+LJK�'DQFH�7URXSHV�DQG�([FHOOHQFH�SURJUDPV��2XU�-XQLRU�DQG�6HQLRU�'DQFH�7URXSHV�SURYLGH�opportunities to extend upon technical and performance skills for competitions and public performances such as Brisbane Dance (LVWHGGIRG��5HGFOL?H�(LVWHGGIRG��7KH�5HPL[�+LS�+RS�&RPSHWLWLRQ� local fetes etc. ȏ��$�VLJQL(FDQW�QXPEHU�RI�:DYHOO�'DQFH�DOXPQL�KDYH�JRQH�RQ�WR SXUVXH�FDUHHUV�LQ�WKH�GDQFH�LQGXVWU\��7DOLD�)RZOHU��-HVVLFD�6WRNHV� Hillary Stowers, Sarah O’Loughlin, Alexandra Hardman, Bethany -RKQVRQ�DQG�7DUD�0DVWHUV��DQG�HQJDJHG�LQ�IXUWKHU�GDQFH�VWXGLHVDW�487��5$:�DQG�$'3Ζ�ȏ��7KH�3HUIRUPLQJ�$UWV�7RXU�RI�WKH�8QLWHG�6WDWHV�WRRN�SODFH�LQ������

We undertook professional workshops with stars of the stage and screen in a wide variety of dance styles, including Broadway, Contemporary and Ballet.


SPORT TOTAL REPS BOYS AFL 3 12yrs (2) 15yrs (1) Baseball 1 14yrs (1) Soccer (Football) 1 19yrs (1) Hockey 1 19yrs (1) 5XJE\�/HDJXH�� ��� ��\UV����� ��\UV������ ��\UV������Rugby Union 8 18yrs (8) 6ZLPPLQJ� �� ��\UV����� ��\UV����� �7RXFK�)RRWEDOO� �� ��\UV����� ��\UV����� �7UDFN��)LHOG� �� ��\UV����� ��\UV����� ��\UV����� ��\UV����

SPORT TOTAL REPSGIRLS $)/� �� ��\UV����� � �Basketball 5 12yrs (4) 18yrs (1) Netball 7 12yrs (2) 15yrs (3) 19yrs (2) Softball 2 19 yrs (2) 6ZLPPLQJ� �� ��\UV����� ��\UV����� ��\UV�����7RXFK�)RRWEDOO� �� ��\UV����� � �7UDFN��)LHOG� �� ��\UV����� ��\UV����� ��\UV�����




Tě bí ratheģ thaĚ tě seeę tě bí

