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Higher order programming

Date post: 05-Jan-2016
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Higher order programming. Using C++ and boost. C++ concepts. // T must model MyFuncConcept template generic_function(T t) { t.MyFunc(); }. C++ concepts. T is a model of MyFuncConcept if T has a member function called MyFunc which takes no arguments. C++ concepts. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
Higher order programming Using C++ and boost
Page 1: Higher order programming

Higher order programmingUsing C++ and boost

En introduktion till några väldigt andvändbara bibliotek.Även C++, generic programming och STL.Bitvis mycket tekniska detaljer - avbryt och fråga!Tänkt som diskussionKom gärna förbi mig och fråga saker
Page 2: Higher order programming

C++ concepts

// T must model MyFuncConcept

template<class T>

generic_function(T t)




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C++ concepts

T is a model of MyFuncConcept if T has a member function called MyFunc which takes no arguments

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C++ concepts

struct MyFuncClass { void MyFunc() {...} };


MyFuncClass mfc;

generic_function(mfc); // Compiles

int i;

generic_function(i); // Compilation error


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C++ example concepts

Concept Assumed valid statment

Default constructible T t;

Copyable T t2(t1);

Assignable t1 = t2;

Convertible to OtherType static_cast<OtherType>(t);

Output streamable stream << t;

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C++ concepts• An assumption about a type parameter• Compilation error if assumption fails• Language support for concepts will be added in C++0Xtemplate <DefaultConstructible T> ...

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Polymorphism through concepts

Compile-time polymorphism through ”impicit interfaces”

template<class T> void foo(T& t) {



Run-time polymorphism through explicit interfaces

class FooType { virtual void bar() = 0; };void foo(FooType& t) {



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Sidenote: boost::concept_check

• Provide easy to read compilation errors• Earlier compilation errors• Helps writing understandable code

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boost::concept_check example

template <class RandomAccessIter>

void stable_sort(RandomAccessIter first,

RandomAccessIter last)


using namespace boost;

function_requires< RandomAccessIteratorConcept<RandomAccessIter> >();

typedef typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIter>::value_type


function_requires< LessThanComparableConcept<value_type> >();



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Higher order programming

Passing functions as values

Having values requires a type

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C++ function pointers• Unintuitive syntax• Casting between member function pointers problematic• Pointers to virtual functions problematic• Different compilers behave differentally

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C++ concept of a functorA class which defines operator()

struct SomeFunctor{void operator()() {...}


template <class F> void foo(F f){...f();...


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C++ concept of a functor

Some STL algorithms also require internal typedefs for return_type, first_argument_type, second_argument_type

struct SomeFunctor


typedef bool return_type;

typedef int first_argument_type;

bool operator()(int x) {...}


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Hand made functor examplesCan take various amounts of arguments

struct MyNullaryFunctor{void operator()();


struct MyUnaryFunctor{void operator()(int arg1);


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Hand made functor examplesCan hold state

struct NullaryFunctor{NullaryFunctor(int state);void operator()();

private:int iState;


Some STL algorithms requires stateless functors

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Hand made functor examples

Can return a value

struct SomePredicate


bool operator(int i)();


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STL algorithm exampletemplate <class InputIterator, class Predicate>


std::count_if(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Predicate pred)

• InputIterator is a model of the Input Iterator concept• Predicate is a model of the Predicate concept• InputIterator's value type is convertible to Predicate's argument type

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STL functor examplenamespace


struct MyPredicate


bool operator()(int i) const { return i>=0 && i<=9; }




std::vector<int> vec = ...;

unsigned int single_digits = std::count_if(vec.begin(),




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Generalized callback through functors

• Compatible with free functions, member functions and other functors

• Abstracts away callback type• Intuitive semantics• Easy to read syntax

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boost::function examplevoid free_func(int x);


boost::function<void(int x)> callback = free_func;



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boost::function examplestruct MyFunctor { void operator()(int x); };


boost::function<void(int x)> callback = MyFunctor();



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boost::function examplestruct MyClass { void member_func(int x); };


// Need an instance to call a member function variable

boost::function<void(MyClass*, int x)> callback

= &MyClass::member_func;

MyClass my_class;

callback(&my_class, 10);


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boost::function semantics {

boost::function<void(int x)> callback; // unitialized


if (callback) callback(10);


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boost::function usage exampleclass OkCancelDialog


OkCancelDialog(const boost::function<void()>& onOk,

const boost::function<void()>& onCancel);


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Recall from RAII presentation






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Recall from RAII presentationprepare_something();try{


possibly_throwing_call_2();} catch (...){


}} catch (...){



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Recall from RAII presentation• Error-prone to write• Difficult to read• Difficult to change• Poor scalability

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Recall from RAII presentationclass ScopeGuard{ ScopeGuard(const boost::function<void()>& rollback) : mRollBack(rollback) {}

~ScopeGuard() {

if (mRollBack) mRollBack(); }

void Dismiss() {

mRollback = boost::function<void()>(); }

private:boost::function<void()> mRollback;


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Recall from RAII presentationprepare_something();ScopeGuard preparation_guard(rollback_preparation);possibly_throwing_call_1();ScopeGuard call_1_guard(rollback_call_1);possibly_throwing_call_2();

// Commit preparation_guard.Dismiss();call_1_guard.Dismiss();

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Writing custom made functors• Is boring• Generates a lot of code• Takes some time

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Generates unnamed functors from:• Function pointers• Member function pointers • Other functors

Meant to be used as unnamed temporaries

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boost::bind examplevoid foo (int arg1, int arg2, int arg3)


std::cout << arg1 << ” ” << arg2 << ” ” << arg3 << std::endl;



boost::bind(foo, _1, _2, _3) (1, 2, 3);

boost::bind(foo, _3, _2, _1) (1, 2, 3);

boost::bind(foo, _1, _1, _1) (20);

boost::bind(foo, _3, _3, _3) (10, 20, 30);

boost::bind(foo, 1, 2, 3) ();

boost::bind(foo, 1, _1, 1) (1, 2, 3);


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boost::bind, what’s happening?void foo (int arg1, int arg2, int arg3);

boost::bind(foo, 10, _1, 30);

What’s the return type of the bind expression?

struct some_super_strange_type_with_loads_of_templates


void operator(int x) { foo(iArg1, x, iArg3); }

int iArg1, iArg3;


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boost::bind examplenamespace {

bool my_pred (int i) { return i>=0 && i<=9; }



std::vector<int> vec = ...;

unsigned int single_digits =

std::count_if(vec.begin(), vec.end(), boost::bind(my_pred, _1));


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boost::bind logical operators


std::vector<int> vec = ...;

unsigned int single_digits =

std::count_if(vec.begin(), vec.end(), _1>=0 && _1<=9);


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boost::bind member functionsstruct X


void SomeFunc(int arg1, int arg2);



std::vector<X> vec;

std::for_each(vec.begin(), vec.end(),

boost::bind(&X::SomeFunc, _1, 1, 2));


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boost::bind nested expressionsstd::string f(std::string const & x) { return "f(" + x + ")"; }

std::string g(std::string const & x) { return "g(" + x + ")"; }

std::string h(std::string const & x, std::string const & y)

{ return "h(" + x + ", " + y + ")"; }

std::string k() { return "k()"; }

template<class F> void test(F f) { std::cout << f("x", "y") << '\n'; }


using namespace boost;

test( bind(f, bind(g, _1)) );

test( bind(f, bind(h, _1, _2)) );

test( bind(h, bind(f, _1), bind(g, _1)) );

test( bind(h, bind(f, _1), bind(g, _2)) );

test( bind(f, bind(k)) );


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boost::bind semantics

Bound values are stored by value!

struct some_super_strange_type_with_loads_of_templates


void operator(int x) { foo(iArg1, x, iArg3); }

int iArg1, iArg3;


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boost::bind referencesvoid foo(const X& arg);


X x;

boost::bind(foo, boost::cref(x))();


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boost::bind and shared_ptrstruct X


void foo() {}



boost::shared_ptr<X> x;

boost::bind(&X::foo, x)();


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bind&function usage

Bind• Pass as unnamed temporaries for templated functions• Bind arguments as state• Specifically bind instances to member functions• Reorder arguments

Function• Pass as arguments for non-templated functions• Abstracts away function type• Store as non-templated variables• Can be uninitialized

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Combining bind and function

function and bind both model the functor conceptBoth are compatible with other functors

void func(int arg1);


boost::function<void()> call = boost::bind(func, 1000);


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Combining bind and function// Non-templated higher order function

void register_callback(boost::function<void()> callback);

void my_callback(int source);


register_callback(boost::bind(&my_callback, 10));


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Boost lambdaSimilar to bind, larger and more advanced libraryPushes the limits of the C++ language

using namespace boost;

std::vector<int> v = ...;std::for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), if_(_1 % 2 == 0)[ cout << _1 ]);

int a[5][10]; int i; std::for_each(a, a+5, for_loop(var(i)=0, var(i)<10, ++var(i), _1[var(i)] += 1));

std::for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), (

switch_statement( _1, case_statement<0>(std::cout << constant("zero")),

case_statement<1>(std::cout << constant("one")), default_statement(cout << constant("other: ") << _1) ), cout << constant("\n") )

