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Highlights Member Profile 2013

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©2013 Natna Asscatn reAlTorS® 2013 MeMber Profile Natna Assc atn reAlTorS®

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©2013 Natna Asscatn reAlTorS®


MeMber Profile

Natna Asscatn reAlTorS®

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5Nana Acan ReAltoRs®  |  MeMbeR PRofile 2013

Nana Acan ReAltoRs®


in 2012, many aas th cunty statd t s th

hm sas and pcs undng. Unk n past yas,

hwv, ths makts st stuggng saw nt a shtag

uys ut a shtag ss. invnty dppd m

mnths suppy t just a w wks n many makts.

Suvy data m th Investment and Vacation Home Buyers

Survey shw that nvstmnt uys mand hgh, ut many

pmay hm uys w as cmng ack nt th makt.

Data m th Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers suvy

shwd that th hm uys and hm ss wantd t

and dd wk wth a pssna a stat agnt k

at hgh ats than sn n past yas. Cnts cntnu t

want th xpt pssna advc that mms th

Natna Asscatn reAlTorS® hav pvdd n th

past and cntnu t pvd, as ths ya’s pt ustats.

f th scnd ya n a w, th mdan gss ncm

reAlTorS® s m th pvus ya. Th typca ncm

amng mms was $43,500 n 2012, sng m $34,900

n 2011. Th s n mm ncm s ctv n th

ncas n usnss actvty, as w. Th typca kag

spcast had 12 tansactn sds n 2012 cmpad t 10

tansactn sds n 2011. Mms ptd that thy

typcay had n tansactn sd nvvng a csu and

n tansactn sd nvvng a sht sa. Th kag

sas vum s t $1.5 mn n 2012 m $1.3 mn n

2011. Ppty manags managd th mst ppts n

cd m ths suvy, a mdan 49 ppts ach,

whch s a ctn th stng nta makt n 2012.

Th typca reAlTor® s an ndpndnt cntact

aatd wth an ndpndnt cmpany catng t ca

makts. Mms typcay hav n wth th m

svn yas—a s m sx yas n th p ya’s suvy.

Wh th a nw mms ntng th pssn,

th s a dcn n mms avng th pssn, whch

has ncasd th th ag and th mdan yas

xpnc mms. Th typca mm has 13 yas

xpnc cmpad t 11 yas n th ast pt.

Th mdan ag reAlTorS® has stady ncasd n

cnt yas m 51 yas ag n 2007 t 57 n 2013. Th

majty mms a wmn wth a cg ducatn.

reAlTorS® qunty hav had cas n th ds p

t a stat, th mst cmmn ng n managmnt,

usnss, and nanca pssns, wd y sas and

ta. ony 6 pcnt ndcatd that a stat s th st


reAlTorS® a macng nw tchngs andmaktng statgs that uys a ndng usu n th

hm sach pcss, ncudng wsts, gs, and sca

mda. in addtn t mmshp n th Natna Asscatn

reAlTorS®, a stat pssnas hav th ways

dstngushng thmsvs, ncudng aat mmshps,

pssna dsgnatns, and ctcatns. Many

reAlTorS® tk advantag ach ths pptunts.

Sht Sas and fcsus (Sfr) mans th mst ppua

ctcatn, wng a th ya tnd.

lkng wad, 80 pcnt reAlTorS® a vy

ctan thy w man n th makt tw m yas.

Th sha s hgh than ast ya, ndcatng th ptmsm

that s sn n tday’s makt. Nw mms n th

usnss a ss ctan thy w man n a stat, wh

m sasnd mms a m ctan.

 Jessica Lautz

Thomas Doyle

May 2013

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Nana Acan ReAltoRs®  |  MeMbeR PRofile 20136

2013 MeMber Profile


Business Characteristics of REALTORS®

nfty-sx pcnt reAlTorS® w cnsd as sas

agnts, and ght n tn mms spcaz n sdnta


nTh typca reAlTor® has 13 yas xpnc.

nSvntn pcnt mms hav at ast n psna


nSvnty pcnt reAlTorS® ptd havng a wst

at ast v yas, 12 pcnt ptd havng a a

stat g, and 56 pcnt mms a usng sca


nTh mst cmmny und nmatn n wsts,

amng th cmmca and sdnta reAlTorS®, s th

mm’s wn stngs.

neght n tn reAlTorS® a ctan thy w man n th

usnss tw m yas—a s m 76 pcnt n ast

ya’s pt.

Business Activity of REALTORS®

nin 2012, th typca agnt had 12 tansactns—hgh

than th pvus ya whn th typca agnt had 10


nTwnty-u pcnt sdnta kag spcasts

had at ast n cmmca tansactn sd n th as


nTh typca agnt had n tansactn sd nvvng a

csu and n tansactn sd nvvng a sht sa

nTh typca agnt had a sas vum $1.5 mn n 2012

up m $1.3 mn n 2011.

nf th thd ya n a w, th dcuty n tanng

mtgag nancng was th mst ctd asn ptnta

cnts ng mtd.

nTh typca ppty managmnt spcast managd 49

ppts n 2012—th hghst num n cd n ths

suvy, whch s ctv th stng nta cndtns.

nMst reAlTorS® wkd 40 hus p wk n 2012, a

tnd that has cntnud sva yas.

nTh typca reAlTor® and 21 pcnt th usnss

m pat cnts and custms and 21 pcnt thugh

as m past cnts and custms.

nreAlTorS® spnt a mdan $220 t mantan a wst

n 2012.

nMms typcay ught n u nqus and 4 pcnt

th usnss m th wst.

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7Nana Acan ReAltoRs®  |  MeMbeR PRofile 2013

Nana Acan ReAltoRs®

Income and Expenses of REALTORS®

nPcntag spt-cmmssn s th pvang mthd

reAlTor® cmpnsatn, wth ughy svn n tn

spndnts ndcatng ths mthd cmpnsatn,sma t past yas.

nTh mdan gss ncm reAlTorS® was $43,500 n

2012, up m $34,900 n 2011.

nreAlTorS® wth 16 yas m xpnc had a mdan

gss ncm $57,300 cmpad t reAlTorS® wth 2

yas ss xpnc wh had a mdan gss ncm


nTh mdan usnss xpnss s t $4,900 n 2012 m

$4,520 n 2011.

nTh agst sng xpns catgy mst reAlTorS®

was vhc xpnss, whch ncasd t $1,790 n 2012

m $1,770 n 2011.

Office and Firm Affiliation of REALTORS®

nfty-sx pcnt reAlTorS® a aatd wth an

ndpndnt cmpany.

neght n tn mms a ndpndnt cntacts wth

th ms.

nTh typca reAlTor® wks at a m that mpys 23

agnts and ks.

nTh mdan tnu reAlTorS® wth th cunt m

ncasd t svn yas.

nTn pcnt reAlTorS® wkd a m that was

ught mgd n th past tw yas.

Demographic Characteristics of REALTORS®

nTh typca reAlTor® s a 57 ya d wht ma wh

attndd cg and s a hmwn.

nfty-svn pcnt a reAlTorS® a ma.

nNntn pcnt mms had a pvus ca n

managmnt, usnss th nanca sct and 15 pcn

had a pvus ca n sas ta. ony 6 pcnt

mms ptd a stat was th st ca.

nSvnty-svn pcnt reAlTorS® sad that a

stat was th ny ccupatn, and that num jump

t 83 pcnt amng mms wth 16 m yas


nTh mdan gss ncm reAlTor® hushds was

$99,400 n 2012, whch s an ncas m $94,100 n 2011

Ths s a tw ya ncas n hushd ncm amng


nA sustanta majty reAlTorS® - 87 pcnt - wn

th pmay sdnc.


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Nana Acan ReAltoRs®  |  MeMbeR PRofile 201376

2013 MeMber Profile


in Januay 2013, NAr mad ut a 72 qustn suvy t

a andm samp 58,068 reAlTorS®. An dntca

qustnna was as dstutd va -ma t th sam

mms t ut a W-asd nn vsn pd.Th Tad Suvy Dsgn Mthd was usd t suvy th

samp, whch ncuds a mang th qustnna and

a -mang t th sam samp. Usng ths mthd, a tta

4,883 spnss w cvd, ncudng 3,171 va had

cpy ma suvy and 1,712 va th W-asd suvy. At

accuntng undva qustnnas, th suvy had an

adjustd spns at 8.4 pcnt.

Suvy spnss w wghtd t psntatv stat

v NAr mmshp. inmatn aut cmpnsatn,

anngs, sas vum and num tansactns s

chaactstcs canda ya 2012, wh a th data a

psntatv mm chaactstcs n ay 2013.

Th Natna Asscatn reAlTorS® s cmmttd t qua

pptunty n th a stat ndusty. in accdanc wth ths

cmmtmnt, aca and thnc nmatn was cctd and

s ncudd n ths pt.

Wh vant, reAlTor® nmatn s kn nt

sugups asd n th cns hd y mms NAr:

a k, k-asscat sas agnt cns. Th tm

“k” s t reAlTorS® hdng a k k

asscat cns unss thws ntd. in sm cass,

nmatn s psntd y reAlTorS® man unctn wthn

th m th a stat spcaty gadss th typ

cns hd.

Th pmay masu cnta tndncy usd thughut

ths pt s th mdan, th mdd pnt n th dstutn

spnss t a patcua qustn , quvanty, th pnt

at whch ha th spnss a av and w a patcua

vau. Data may nt cmpaa t pvus Mm P

pucatns du t changs n qustnna dsgn.

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77Nana Acan ReAltoRs®  |  MeMbeR PRofile 2013

Nana Acan ReAltoRs®

List of Exhibits


exHibiT 1-1 reAlTorS® bY TYPe of liCeNSe

exHibiT 1-2 SPeCiAlTY AND MAiN fUNCTioN of reAlTorS®

exHibiT 1-3 PriMArY bUSiNeSS SPeCiAlTY of broKer/broKer ASSoCiATe liCeNSeeS, 1999-2013

exHibiT 1-4 PriMArY bUSiNeSS SPeCiAlTY of SAleS AGeNT liCeNSeeS, 1999-2013

exHibiT 1-5 SeCoNDArY bUSiNeSS SPeCiAlTY of reAlTorS®

exHibiT 1-6 reAl eSTATe exPerieNCe of reAlTorS®, bY MAiN fUNCTioN

exHibiT 1-7 iNCoMe froM PriMArY reAl eSTATe SPeCiAlTY, bY YeArS of exPerieNCe

exHibiT 1-8 iNCoMe froM PriMArY reAl eSTATe SPeCiAlTY, bY NUMber of HoUrS WorKeD

exHibiT 1-9 NUMber of PerSoNAl ASSiSTANTS

exHibiT 1-10 NUMber of PerSoNAl ASSiSTANTS, bY YeArS of reAl eSTATe exPerieNCe

exHibiT 1-11 TASKS PerforMeD bY PerSoNAl ASSiSTANTSexHibiT 1-12 CHArACTeriSTiCS of PerSoNAl ASSiSTANTS

exHibiT 1-13 freQUeNCY of USe of CoMMUNiCATioNS AND TeCHNoloGY ProDUCTS

exHibiT 1-14 freQUeNCY of USe of bUSiNeSS SofTWAre

exHibiT 1-15 PreferreD MeTHoD of CoMMUNiCATioN WiTH ClieNTS

exHibiT 1-16 reAlTor’S® firM Web PreSeNCe

exHibiT 1-17 reAlTorS® WiTH WebSiTeS, bY liCeNSe AND fUNCTioN

exHibiT 1-18 reAlTorS® WiTH WebSiTeS, bY exPerieNCe

exHibiT 1-19 leNGTH of TiMe reAlTorS® HAVe HAD A WebSiTe for bUSiNeSS USe

exHibiT 1-20 iNforMATioN oN reAlTor® WebSiTeS

exHibiT 1-21 reAl eSTATe bloGS

exHibiT 1-22 ACTiVe USe of SoCiAl or ProfeSSioNAl NeTWorKiNG WebSiTeS

exHibiT 1-23 AffiliATe MeMberSHiP of reAlTorS®

exHibiT 1-24 ProfeSSioNAl DeSiGNATioNS AND CerTifiCATioNS of reAlTorS®

exHibiT 1-25 reloCATioN ACTiViTY of reAlTorS®

exHibiT 1-26 Will reMAiN ACTiVe AS A reAl eSTATe ProfeSSioNAl DUriNG THe NexT TWo YeArS

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2013 MeMber Profile


eht 2-1 APPrAiSAl: TYPeS of ProPerTieS APPrAiSeD

eht 2-2 APPrAiSAl: NUMber of ProPerTieS APPrAiSeD, 2012

eht 2-3 APPrAiSAl: oTHer reAl eSTATe ACTiViTieS of APPrAiSAl SPeCiAliSTS

eht 2-4 broKerAGe: AGeNCY relATioNSHiPS

eht 2-5 broKerAGe: liSTiNGS SolD, 2012

eht 2-6 broKerAGe: NUMber of TrANSACTioN SiDeS or CoMMerCiAl DeAlS, 2012

eht 2-7 broKerAGe: NUMber of TrANSACTioN SiDeS or CoMMerCiAl DeAlS, bY exPerieNCe, 2012

eht 2-8 broKerAGe: NUMber of TrANSACTioN SiDeS iNVolViNG ProPerTieS iN foreCloSUre, 2012

eht 2-9 broKerAGe: NUMber of TrANSACTioN SiDeS iNVolViNG ProPerTieS iN foreCloSUre,

bY exPerieNCe, 2012

eht 2-10 broKerAGe: NUMber of TrANSACTioN SiDeS iNVolViNG SHorT SAleS, 2012

eht 2-11 broKerAGe: NUMber of TrANSACTioN SiDeS iNVolViNG SHorT SAleS, bY exPerieNCe, 2012

eht 2-12 broKerAGe: SAleS VolUMe, 2012eht 2-13 broKerAGe: SAleS VolUMe, bY exPerieNCe, 2012

eht 2-14 THe MoST iMPorTANT fACTor liMiTiNG PoTeNTiAl ClieNTS iN CoMPleTiNG A TrANSACTioN

eht 2-15 THe MoST iMPorTANT fACTor liMiTiNG PoTeNTiAl ClieNTS iN CoMPleTiNG A TrANSACTioN,

bY exPerieNCe, 2012

eht 2-16 broKerAGe: WebSiTeS WHere reAlTorS® PlACe THeir liSTiNGS

eht 2-17 ProPerTY MANAGeMeNT: TYPeS of ProPerTieS MANAGeD

eht 2-18 ProPerTY MANAGeMeNT: NUMber of ProPerTieS MANAGeD

eht 2-19 ProPerTY MANAGeMeNT: MANAGeMeNT fUNCTioNS PerforMeD

eht 2-20 HoUrS WorKeD Per WeeKeht 2-21 rePeAT bUSiNeSS froM PAST CoNSUMerS AND ClieNTS, bY SPeCiAlTY, 2012

eht 2-22 rePeAT bUSiNeSS froM PAST CoNSUMerS AND ClieNTS, bY exPerieNCe, 2012

eht 2-23 bUSiNeSS THroUGH referrAlS froM PAST CoNSUMerS AND ClieNTS, bY SPeCiAlTY, 2012

eht 2-24 bUSiNeSS THroUGH referrAlS froM PAST CoNSUMerS AND ClieNTS, bY exPerieNCe, 2012

eht 2-25 bUSiNeSS oriGiNATeD froM AN oPeN HoUSe, bY SPeCiAlTY, 2012

eht 2-26 bUSiNeSS oriGiNATeD froM AN oPeN HoUSe, bY exPerieNCe, 2012

eht 2-27 CUSToMerS AND ClieNTS WHoSe PriMArY lANGUAGe iS NoT eNGliSH, 2012

eht 2-28 CUSToMerS AND ClieNTS WHo Were foreiGN NATioNAlS, 2012

eht 2-29 exPeNDiTUreS To MAiNTAiN reAlTor® WebSiTe, 2012

eht 2-30 CUSToMer iNQUirieS GeNerATeD froM WebSiTe, 2012

eht 2-31 CUSToMer iNQUirieS GeNerATeD froM WebSiTe bY AMoUNT SPeNT To MAiNTAiN, 2012

eht 2-32 bUSiNeSS GeNerATeD froM reAlTor® WebSiTe, 2012

eht 2-33 bUSiNeSS GeNerATeD froM reAlTor® WebSiTe, bY AMoUNT SPeNT To MAiNTAiN, 2012

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79Nana Acan ReAltoRs®  |  MeMbeR PRofile 2013

Nana Acan ReAltoRs®


eht 3-1 CoMPeNSATioN STrUCTUreS for reAlTorS®

eht 3-2 CoMPeNSATioN STrUCTUreS for reAlTorS®, bY exPerieNCe

eht 3-3 CoMPeNSATioN STrUCTUreS for reAlTorS®, bY GroSS PerSoNAl iNCoMe

eht 3-4 ToTAl reAl eSTATe bUSiNeSS exPeNSeS, 2012

eht 3-5 ToTAl reAl eSTATe exPeNSeS, bY GroSS PerSoNAl iNCoMe, 2012

eht 3-6 ADMiNiSTrATiVe exPeNSeS, 2012

eht 3-7 AffiNiTY/referrAl relATioNSHiP exPeNSeS, 2012

eht 3-8 MArKeTiNG of SerViCeS exPeNSeS, 2012

eht 3-9 offiCe leASe/bUilDiNG exPeNSeS, 2012

eht 3-10 ProfeSSioNAl DeVeloPMeNT exPeNSeS, 2012

eht 3-11 bUSiNeSS ProMoTioN exPeNSeS, 2012

eht 3-12 TeCHNoloGY ProDUCTS AND SerViCeS exPeNSeS, 2012

eht 3-13 bUSiNeSS USe of VeHiCle exPeNSeS, 2012

eht 3-14 ANNUAl iNCoMe of reAlTorS®, 2012

eht 3-15 ANNUAl iNCoMe of reAlTorS®, bY MAiN fUNCTioN, 2012

eht 3-16 ANNUAl iNCoMe of reAlTorS®, bY exPerieNCe, 2012

eht 3-17 ANNUAl iNCoMe of reAlTorS®, bY HoUrS WorKeD, 2012

eht 3-18 bUSiNeSS CHArACTeriSTiCS AND ACTiViTY of reAlTorS®, bY GroSS PerSoNAl iNCoMe


eht 4-1 firM AffiliATioN, bY liCeNSe TYPe AND fUNCTioN

eht 4-2 firM AffiliATioN, bY SPeCiAlTYeht 4-3 firM AffiliATioN, bY firM SiZe

eht 4-4 reAlTor® AffiliATioN WiTH firMS

eht 4-5 SiZe of firM, bY NUMber of CoMMerCiAl AND reSiDeNTiAl broKerS AND AGeNTS

eht 4-6 NUMber of offiCeS

eht 4-7 SiZe of offiCeS, bY NUMber of CoMMerCiAl AND reSiDeNTiAl broKerS AND AGeNTS

eht 4-8 TeNUre of reAlTorS® AT THeir PreSeNT firM

eht 4-9 broKer oWNerSHiP iNTereST, 2012

eht 4-10 beNefiTS reCeiVeD THroUGH firM, fAMilY, or, PAYS oUT of PoCKeT

eht 4-11 WorKeD for A firM THAT WAS boUGHT or MerGeD

eht 4-12 reAlTorS® CHANGiNG firMS DUe To CoNSoliDATioN

eht 4-13 CHANGe iN CoMPeNSATioN reSUlTiNG froM MerGer

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2013 MeMber Profile


eht 5-1 GeNDer of reAlTorS®, bY AGe

eht 5-2 GeNDer of reAlTorS®, bY exPerieNCe

eht 5-3 GeNDer of reAlTorS®, bY fUNCTioN

eht 5-4 AGe of reAlTorS®, 1999-2013eht 5-5 AGe of reAlTorS®, bY fUNCTioN

eht 5-6 AGe of reAlTorS®, bY reAl eSTATe exPerieNCe

eht 5-7 forMAl eDUCATioN of reAlTorS®

eht 5-8 Prior fUll-TiMe CAreerS of reAlTorS®

eht 5-9 Prior fUll-TiMe CAreer of reAlTorS®, bY reAl eSTATe exPerieNCe

eht 5-10 reAl eSTATe iS oNlY oCCUPATioN

eht 5-11 MAriTAl STATUS of reAlTorS®

eht 5-12 SiZe of reAlTor® HoUSeHolDS

eht 5-13 rACiAl AND eTHNiC DiSTribUTioN of reAlTorS®, bY reAl eSTATe exPerieNCe

eht 5-14 rACiAl AND eTHNiC DiSTribUTioN of reAlTorS®, bY AGe

eht 5-15 GroSS HoUSeHolD iNCoMe of reAlTorS®, bY reAl eSTATe exPerieNCe, 2012

eht 5-16 reAl eSTATe iS PriMArY SoUrCe of iNCoMe for HoUSeHolD

eht 5-17 HoMeoWNerSHiP of reAlTorS®, bY AGe

eht 5-18 reAl eSTATe iNVeSTMeNTS of reAlTorS®

eht 5-19 VoTiNG PATTerN of reAlTorS®

eht 5-20 lANGUAGe flUeNCY of reAlTorS®

eht 5-21 CoUNTrY of birTH of reAlTorS®

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Th Natna Asscatn reAlTorS®, “Th Vc ra estat,”

s Amca’s agst tad asscatn, psntng 1.1 mn mms, ncudng

NAr’s nsttuts, scts and cuncs, nvvd n a aspcts th a stat

ndusty. NAr mmshp ncuds ks, saspp, ppty manags,

appass, cunss and ths ngagd n th sdnta and cmmca a


Th tm reAlTor® s a gstd cctv mmshp mak that dnts a

a stat pssna wh s a mm th Natna Asscatn reAlTorS®

and suscs t ts stct Cd ethcs.

Wkng Amca's ppty wns, th Natna Asscatn pvds a acty

pssna dvpmnt, sach and chang nmatn amng ts mmsand t th puc and gvnmnt th pups psvng th ntps

systm and th ght t wn a ppty.



Th Mssn th Natna Asscatn reAlTorS® rsach Dvsn s t cct

and dssmnat tmy, accuat and cmphnsv a stat data and t cnduct

cnmc anayss n d t nm and ngag mms, cnsums, and pcy-

maks and th mda n a pssna and accss mann.

T nd ut aut th pducts m NAr’s rsach Dvsn, vst



rsach Dvsn

500 Nw Jsy Avnu, NW

Washngtn, DC 20001


[email protected]

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500 New Jersey Avenue, NW • Washington, DC 20001-2020 800.874.6500 • www.REALTOR.org 
