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Hilltop Stables - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1972-06... ·...

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fi i . Middle Grades Softball After the first half of play in the Andes central school mid- dle grades softball league, Team 4, led by Montie Hobble, leads with a 5-1 record. Team 2, with Joe Barrett as captain, is sec- ond at 4-2, Team 3, led by Jim Conran, is third at 2-4, while Team 1, with Scott Soderback as captain, trails at 1-5. The second half of play is in prog- ress and should a diffeient team win, there will be a play- off for the league championship. Pupils from grades 4, 5 and 6 are participating. Examinations The scliedule of final exami- nations for grades 7 through 12 has been released. It is as fol- lows: Thursday, June 15: Period 1, 8:30 to 10 a.m.; Period 2, 10 to 11:30 B.m.; lunch, 11:30 to 12:15; Period 3, 12:15 to 1:45 p.m.; Period 4, 1:45 to 3:15 p.m. Friday, June 16: Period 5, 8:30.to 10 a.m.; Period 7, 10 to 11:30 a.m.; lunch, 11:30 to 12:1:5; Period 8, 12:15 to 1:45 p.m.; Period 6, 1:45 to 3:15 p.m. Thfe New York State Regents schedule is as follows: Monday, June 19: 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.—comprehensive Eng- lish and typewriting. 1:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.—business arithme- tic and 10th and 11th year mathematics. Tuesday, June 20: 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. — comprehensive so- cial studies and ninth year mathematics. 1:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.—French 3 and Spanish 3. Wednesday, June 21: 9:15 a.m to 12:;L5 p.m. Wednesday, June 21: 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. — biology and chemistry. 1:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. — business law, earth science and physics. Class at Game Farm Mrs. Millicent Johns’s class spent a day at the Catskill gaine farm last week. Ten class mernbers and their teacher were in tlje group. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Krick also accompanied , them. Mr. Krick, the boys’ physical education teacher, drove the bus. The class enjoyed rides, a pic- nic and feeding the animals. Musical ProgTam A spjecial musical program was held Thursday afternoon on the lawn behind the school. Pupils 'in kindergarten through grade 6 presented acts. Parents and friends attended. Mrs. Kathy Bowen, grade school music teacher, was in charge. Grades 1, 2 and 5 offered musical draanatizations; grade 3 performed action songs; grade 4 pfayed selections on the fluto- phone, and grade 6 sang three songs about ■ transportation. ACS Notes Hafele Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hafele c>f Margaretville have an- nounced the e n g a g e m e n t of their daughter, Frieda, to PFC Andrew Frey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Frey of Andos. Miss Hafele is a senior at Margaretville central school. Mr. Frey is a 1971 graduate of Andes central school. He is . in the Marine corps. A fall wedding is planned. Vet Aid Today Educational and employment opportunities counseling for men and women veterans will be available today, Thursday, from 2 to 5 p.m. ant 6 to 7 p.m. at the American Legion post home in Delhi. EVERGREEN LANES, INC. M argaretville, N, Y. OPEN BOWLING Monday—2 to 5 p.m., 10:30 p.m. to close. Tuesday—10 pjn. to close. Wednesday —Z to 5 pjn., 10 p.m. to close. Thunfdi^y—2 to 5 p.m., 10 p.m. to close. Friday—10 p.m. to close. Saturday —i p.m. to close. Sunday—1 p.m. to close. Mr. and Mrs. Reining MCS Graduates Are Married Miss Janie Dawn Jenkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bur- ton Jenkins of Margaretville, became the bride of David Paul Reining, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Reining of Fleisch- manns, in a morning ceremony on June 3 at the First United Presbyterian church in Marga- retville. Rev. William Harter conduct- ed the service, as the bride was given in marriage by her father. The bride’s father also offered a prayer. She wore an empire waisted dress with a Victorian neckline of silk-faced peau-de-soie with a lace bodice, a full-length train and long, fitted sleeves. She carried white and tinted yellow daisies, pink rosebuds and baby’s breath with white ribbon. Maid of honor was Miss Paul- ette Weddleton of Camillus, N.Y., a cousin of the bride. She wore a pastel green print, em- pire waisted gown with long sleeves and a hair bow of matching ribbon. Bridesmaids were Miss Ann Unkenholz of Monticello, a classmate, and Miss Bonnie Gorbis of Bayonne, N.J. Blacktopping and Crushed Stone for Driveways, Service Stations, Etc. CALL 586-4177 AFTER 6 P. M. K. F. Scott & Doug Shultis Margaretville, N. Y. FOB RESERVATIONS PHOKE 586-4427 Orangeburg Customers Help Curb Pollution When you put in a septic tank system this summer, do it with ecology in mind. USE ORANGEBURG SEWER PIPE Made from Recycled Newsprint 4-in. Solid in 8-ft. lengths ......................... 40c per foot 4-in. Perforated in 8-ft. lengths ...............33c per foot 10% Discount on Orders of 100 Feet or More Ecology is not new in the manufacture of Orangeburg Sewer Pipe. Since 1893 recycled paper, pulped, washed and screened has been used in the manufac- ture of Orangeburg Sewer Pipe. Once Orangeburg Sewer Pipe is in the ground it never comes out again to become a solid waste problem. Orangeburg Sewer Pipe Is Available at BRIGGS LUMBER COMPANY Stratton Falls Rd. Roxbury, N. Y. Phone 607 326-2311 Store Hours: Monday to Friday—7;30 to 5 Saturday—7:30 to 12 The best man was Roger Deats of North Chili, N.Y., and ushers were A1 and Les Rein- ing. brothers of the bridegroom. Mrs. John Boulton was or- ganist, and a solo was sung by Leslie Reining. Following the ceremony, a re- ception was held at Roxbury Run restaurant for 75 guests. The couple took a wedding trip through southern Pennsylvania and the Pocono mountains. They left yesterday for Alemeda, Calif., where they will make their home. The bride is a graduate of Margaretville central school and of Delhi Tech. Mr. Reining graduated from Margaretville central school in 1969 and is now serving in the Navy aboard the nuclear carrier USS Enter- prise. Kapitko’s Honors William Kapitko, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kapitko of Hub- bell Hill, has been named to the dean’s honor roll at Northeast Missouri State college in Kirks- ville during the 1972 spring semester. Senior Betrothed Roanoke, Va.—Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer Fishwick have announced the engagement of their daughter, Ellen Blair, to Isaiah Guyman Martin III, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Guyman Martin of Washington, D. C., and Arkville. Miss Fishwick was graduated from the Madeira school and Wellesley college. She is with the commodity division of Mer- rill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith in Boston. Mr. Martin attended St. Al- bans school, graduated magna cum laude from Princeton uni- versity in 1970 and has just received a master’s degree in architecture from Princeton uni- versity. Honors Achieved Nancy Kapitko, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kapitko of Margaretville, was named to the dean’s list ,for the spring quarter at Ohio Northern uni- versity at Ada, Ohio. Nancy is a sophomore majoring in physical education. By Mrs. Ralph Felter Kelly Corners, June 15 Mr. and Mrs. William Valk were entertained at dinner Friday evening at the Andes hotel by their children in honor of their 55th wedding anniver- sai^y.' Mr. and Mrj. Julian Valk ci Georgetown, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eckert Jr. of Walden, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Valk and Mrs. Helen M.ller of Fleisch- manns and Virgil Valk. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bush and sons left Thursday and sp^nt the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James Smith at Pa'nt- ed Post. They returned home Sunday evening. Mrs. RaLph Morse and daugh- ters of Deposit spent the week- end with Miss Lena McCann. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Perry and two children of Roxbury were Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John Sprague. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Manon, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Manon of Halcoltville and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Manon attended the fu- neral of their brother-in-law, Roibert Armlin, in Blenheim on Monday. Mrs. Ralp^h Felter Jr. and son, Ralph, were in Coopers- town Wednesday to have Ralph’s foot and leg put in a cast. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoy have received word of the birth of a granddaughter. She was bom Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Sam McCrae of Conesus, N.Y., and weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces. She has been named Erin Christine. , Kelly Comers Hobby Club Dined, Red Cross Training TI'.o Dolav/are county Ameri- c.m Reel Cross chai>tcr has c:>cn'.n s for a iiafe^.y programs t-Tin n;i ins .itute-Juno 25-30 at Co'ga o university at i-iamilton. 'ih^ro v\'iil 02 pro^iarris for w. t'T .saroty instrucf.cn, Rei C*\;sr, X'.rU a'd a:iJ smull craft sa.oty. Inr^rmiilon on fees and rc-.iua- ;’ .icn:s is avaikibie at tire ICO 1 ( lOis cri'.ce in Delhi. NEWS, Margaretville, N. Y. Thurs., June 15, 1972—Page Seven McGill To Be Fall Bride Mr. and Mrs. William H. Mc- Gill of Schencetady have an- nounced the engagement of their daughter, Kathleen Mar- garet, to Stephen James Max- im, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Maxim of Fleischmanns. The future bride, a graduate of Colonie central high school and Albany Business college, is employed by the New York State Department of Civil Service. Mr. Maxim, a gradu- ate of Margaretville central school, attended Mohawk Val- ley Community college and is employed by the Del Val Oil company in Margaretville. The couple plans a fall wed- ding. Made Fair Plans Roxbury, June 15. — The Hobby club hold its annual out- ing and dinner Thursday at the Hideaway in Prattsville. A meeting at the fire hall in Rox- bury preceded the outing. Those who attended included Mrs. Margaret Pfanner. Mrs. Josephine Graziano, IMrs. Lee Turano, Mrs. Mnbel Finch, Mrs. Ruth Carmeii, Mrs. Mary Ann Millsaps, Mi'S. M.".rpa'ot Mun- seil, Mrs. Barbara Munsell, Mrs. Lillian Anthony, Elsa Spahn, Mrs. Lela Gibbs, Mrs. Henri- etta Weber, Mrs. Ursula Kunz- ler, Mrs. Susan Armstrong, Mrs. Inez Slauson, Mrs. Claudia Washburn, Mrs. Winifred Schi’eiber, Mrs. Olive Hoyt, Mrs. Theresa Faraci, Mrs. Ber- tha Gray, Mrs. Elma Brower, Mrs. Pauline Long, Mrs. Thel- ma Wheteler and Irma M. Griffin. Plans were made for the annual fair to be held July 13. There will be a smorgasbord at that time and the committee includes Mrs. Mabel Finch, Mrs. Hazel LaRue, Mrs. Carmeii, Mrs. Slauson, Mrs. Schreiber, Mrs. Turano, Mrs. Barbara Munsell, Mrs. Washburn, Mrs. Wheeler and Mrs. Ellen Hughes. Mrs. Margaret Munsell is candy chairman. Mrs. Henri- etta Weber, Mrs. Josephine Di- Giovanni and Mrs. Pauline Long are the bake sale committee. In charge of gift tables, includ- ing Christmas tables, are Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Helen Friend and Elsa Spal.n. Mrs. Graviano and Mrs. Gibbs will have the white elephant table. Mrs. Gray and Mrs. Jo DiGibvanni are in charge of ticket sales. Mrs. Kunzler and Mrs. Brower will take care of the guest book. Mrs. Lloyd Hoyt has charge of the project exhibits. There will be exhibits of the following projects done the last year: crabapple trees, pin cush- ions, cheesecloth pictures, cro- cheting with jewelry, tote bags, knitting hooked rugs aod:'straw and yarn flowers. The fkst fall meeting in Sep- tember will be occupied with the making of pomander balls. For this purpose the members will save fragrant dried flowers, lilacs, carnations, geraniums or pinksters. General Contractors Overland Builders, Inc. Fleisolimanns, N. Y. • Timber Colunm Buildings • Farm Buildings- • Farm Equipment Installed Phone 914 586-3158 or 914 586-3288 Hilltop Stables Bovina Center, N. Y. Tel. 607 832-4342 Trail Rides - Pony Rides $3.00 per hour HORSES AND TACK FOR SALE Boarding, Shoeing & Quarter Horse Stud Service WHOLE GRAINS & FLOUR,FRESH BREAD. NATURAL VITAM1NS,CHEESES, NUTS & NUT BUTTERS,DRY FRUIT, HERB TEAS, HONEY FERTILE EGGS.CEREALS. main street- margaretville. mon.-sat. 10-6 T h ere w a s a tim e in Am erica w h en life w as sim pler. M o st cities w ere ca lled “towns!’ H igh w ays w ere called “roads!’ A n d w h en y ou ta lk ed a b o u t care, y o u ca lled th e m Forcfe. It w a s th e k in d o f ca r a country cou ld live w ith an d grow u p w ith . If it w a s ea sy to b u y a n d sim p le to run, it w a s a Ford. T h at w a s th e original idea. W ell, w e’ve com e a long, lo n g w ay d o w n that road. A lo n g th e w ay, a c a r becam e so m eth in g m ore com p lica ted than transportation. L o ts o f p eo p le g o t cau g h t u p in b ig n ess a n d statu s sym bols. O r carried aw ay b y foreign intrigue. M a y b e a n e w w a y o f look in g a t life a n d b uyin g th in gs h as done it. M ayb e th e risin g co st of everything. B u t n ow , A m erica is com in g h o m e to Ford. T o q u ietn e ss. A n d ea sy care. A n d sty le sh a p ed b y g ood sense, n ot sh ow. F ord ’s P in to s an d M avericks an d T orinos are beautiful m achines, b ut they’re also easy to run. In fact, you r F ord d ea ler h as seven great cars that are. It’s the original idea, really— in its 1972 m odel Y ou w a ited lon g enough. C o m e h o m e to F ord. ©1972Newark District Ford Deakrs Advertising Assn.. Inc.,Westfield, N.l,

f ii

. Middle Grades SoftballAfter the first half of play

in the Andes central school mid­dle grades softball league, Team 4, led by Montie Hobble, leads with a 5-1 record. Team 2, with Joe Barrett as captain, is sec­ond at 4-2, Team 3, led by Jim Conran, is third at 2-4, while Team 1, with Scott Soderback as captain, trails at 1-5. The second half of play is in prog­ress and should a diffeient team win, there will be a play­off for the league championship. Pupils from grades 4, 5 and 6 are participating.

ExaminationsThe scliedule of final exami­

nations for grades 7 through 12 has been released. It is as fol­lows:

Thursday, June 15: Period 1, 8:30 to 10 a.m.; Period 2, 10 to 11:30 B.m.; lunch, 11:30 to 12:15; Period 3, 12:15 to 1:45 p.m.; Period 4, 1:45 to 3:15 p.m.

Friday, June 16: Period 5, 8:30.to 10 a.m.; Period 7, 10 to 11:30 a.m.; lunch, 11:30 to 12:1:5; Period 8, 12:15 to 1:45 p.m.; Period 6, 1:45 to 3:15 p.m.

Thfe New York State Regents schedule is as follows:

Monday, June 19: 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.—comprehensive Eng­lish and typewriting. 1:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.—business arithme­tic and 10th and 11th year mathematics.

Tuesday, June 20: 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. — comprehensive so­c ia l studies and ninth year mathematics. 1:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.—French 3 and Spanish 3.

Wednesday, June 21: 9:15 a.m to 12:;L5 p.m.

Wednesday, June 21: 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. — biology and chemistry. 1:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. — business law, earth science and physics.

Class a t Game FarmMrs. Millicent Johns’s class

spent a day at the Catskill gaine farm last week. Ten class mernbers and their teacher were in tlje group. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Krick also accompanied

, them. Mr. Krick, the boys’ physical education teacher, drove the bus.

The class enjoyed rides, a pic­nic and feeding the animals.

Musical ProgTamA spjecial musical program

was held Thursday afternoon on the lawn behind the school. Pupils 'in kindergarten through grade 6 presented acts. Parents and friends attended. Mrs. Kathy Bowen, grade school music teacher, was in charge.

Grades 1, 2 and 5 offered musical draanatizations; grade 3 performed action songs; grade 4 pfayed selections on the fluto- phone, and grade 6 sang three songs about ■ transportation.

A C S N o t e s

H afe le

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hafele c>f Margaretville have an­nounced the e n g a g e m e n t of their daughter, Frieda, to PFC Andrew Frey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Frey of Andos.

Miss Hafele is a senior at Margaretville central school. Mr. Frey is a 1971 graduate of Andes central school. He is

. in the Marine corps.A fall wedding is planned.

V e t A i d T o d a y

Educational and employment opportunities counseling for men and women veterans will be available today, Thursday, from 2 to 5 p.m. ant 6 to 7 p.m. a t the American Legion post home in Delhi.


M arg are tv ille , N , Y.

O P E N B O W L I N GM onday—2 to 5 p.m ., 10:30 p.m .

to close.

T uesday— 10 p jn . to close.

W ednesday— Z to 5 p jn ., 10 p.m . to close.

Thunfdi^y—2 to 5 p.m ., 10 p.m . to close.

F rid a y — 10 p.m . to close.

S a tu rd a y — i p .m . to close.

S unday— 1 p .m . to close.

Mr. and Mrs. Reining

M C S G ra d u a te s A re M a r r ie dMiss Janie Dawn Jenkins,

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bur­ton Jenkins of Margaretville, became the bride of David Paul Reining, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Reining of Fleisch- manns, in a morning ceremony on June 3 a t the First United Presbyterian church in Marga­retville.

Rev. William H arter conduct­ed the service, as the bride was given in marriage by her father. The bride’s father also offered a prayer.

She wore an empire waisted dress with a Victorian neckline of silk-faced peau-de-soie with a lace bodice, a full-length train and long, fitted sleeves. She carried white and tinted yellow daisies, pink rosebuds and baby’s breath with white ribbon.

Maid of honor was Miss Paul­ette Weddleton of Camillus, N.Y., a cousin of the bride. She wore a pastel green print, em­pire waisted gown with long sleeves and a hair bow of matching ribbon.

Bridesmaids were Miss Ann Unkenholz of Monticello, a classmate, and Miss Bonnie Gorbis of Bayonne, N.J.

B lack topp inga n d

C rushed S to n efo r

Driveways, Service Stations, Etc.C A L L 5 8 6 -4 1 7 7 A F T E R 6 P . M .

K. F. Scott & Doug ShultisMargaretville, N. Y.


Orangeburg Customers

Help Curb PollutionWhen you put in a septic tank

system this summer, do it with ecology in mind.


Made from Recycled Newsprint4-in . S o lid in 8 - f t . le n g th s .........................40c p e r fo o t

4-in . P e r fo ra te d in 8 -f t. le n g th s ...............33c p e r fo o t

1 0 % D isc o u n t o n O rd e rs o f 100 F e e t o r M o re

E co lo g y is n o t n e w in th e m a n u fa c tu re

o f O ra n g e b u rg S ew er P ip e . S ince 1893

re cy c le d p a p e r , p u lp e d , w a sh e d a n d

sc reen ed h a s b e en u se d in th e m a n u fa c ­

tu re o f O ra n g e b u rg S ew er P ip e .

O n ce O ra n g e b u rg S e w e r P ip e is in th e g ro u n d i t

n e v e r com es o u t a g a in to b eco m e

a so lid w a s te p ro b lem .

Orangeburg Sewer Pipe Is Available at

BRIGGS LUMBER COMPANYS tra tto n F a lls R d . R o x b u ry , N . Y .

P h o n e 6 0 7 326-2311

S to re H o u rs : M o n d a y to F r id a y — 7 ;3 0 to 5

S a tu rd a y — 7 :3 0 to 12

The best man was Roger Deats of North Chili, N.Y., and ushers were A1 and Les Rein­ing. brothers of the bridegroom.

Mrs. John Boulton was or­ganist, and a solo was sung by Leslie Reining.

Following the ceremony, a re­ception was held at Roxbury Run restaurant for 75 guests. The couple took a wedding trip through southern Pennsylvania and the Pocono mountains. They left yesterday for Alemeda, Calif., where they will make their home.

The bride is a graduate of Margaretville central school and of Delhi Tech. Mr. Reining graduated from Margaretville central school in 1969 and is now serving in the Navy aboard the nuclear carrier USS Enter­prise.

K a p i t k o ’s H o n o r s

William Kapitko, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kapitko of Hub- bell Hill, has been named to the dean’s honor roll at Northeast Missouri State college in Kirks- ville during the 1972 spring semester.

S e n i o r B e t r o t h e dRoanoke, Va.—Mr. and Mrs.

John Palmer Fishwick have announced the engagement of their daughter, Ellen Blair, to Isaiah Guyman Martin III, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Guyman Martin of Washington, D. C., and Arkville.

Miss Fishwick was graduated from the Madeira school and Wellesley college. She is with the commodity division of Mer­rill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith in Boston.

Mr. Martin attended St. Al­bans school, graduated magna cum laude from Princeton uni­versity in 1970 and has just received a master’s degree in architecture from Princeton uni­versity.

H o n o r s A c h i e v e d

Nancy Kapitko, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kapitko of Margaretville, was named to the dean’s list ,for the spring quarter at Ohio Northern uni­versity at Ada, Ohio. Nancy is a sophomore majoring in physical education.

By Mrs. Ralph Felter

Kelly Corners, June 15Mr. and Mrs. William Valk

were entertained at dinner Friday evening at the Andes hotel by their children in honor of their 55th wedding anniver- sai^y.' Mr. and Mrj. Julian Valk ci Georgetown, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eckert Jr. of Walden, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Valk and Mrs. Helen M.ller of Fleisch- manns and Virgil Valk.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bush and sons left Thursday and sp^nt the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James Smith at Pa'nt- ed Post. They returned home Sunday evening.

Mrs. RaLph Morse and daugh­ters of Deposit spent the week­end with Miss Lena McCann.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Perry and two children of Roxbury were Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John Sprague.

Mr. and Mrs. Claude Manon, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Manon of Halcoltville and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Manon attended the fu­neral of their brother-in-law, Roibert Armlin, in Blenheim on Monday.

Mrs. Ralp^h Felter Jr. and son, Ralph, were in Coopers- town Wednesday to have Ralph’s foot and leg put in a cast.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoy have received word of the birth of a granddaughter. She was bom Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Sam McCrae of Conesus, N.Y., and weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces. She has been named Erin Christine. ,

K e l l y C o m e r s

H o b b y C l u b D i n e d , R e d C r o s s T r a i n i n g

TI'.o Dolav/are county Ameri- c.m Reel Cross chai>tcr has c:>cn'.n s for a iiafe .̂y programs t-Tin n;i ins .itute-Juno 25-30 at Co'ga o university a t i-iamilton. 'ih^ro v\'iil 0 2 pro^iarris for w. t'T .saroty instrucf.cn, Rei C*\;sr, X'.rU a'd a:iJ smull craft sa.oty. Inr^rmiilon on fees and rc-.iua- ;’.icn:s is avaikibie at tire ICO 1 ( lOis cri'.ce in Delhi.

NEWS, Margaretville, N. Y. Thurs., June 15, 1972—Page Seven


T o B e F a l l B r i d e

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Mc­Gill of Schencetady have an­nounced the engagement of their daughter, Kathleen Mar­garet, to Stephen James Max­im, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Maxim of Fleischmanns.

The future bride, a graduate of Colonie central high school and Albany Business college, is employed by the New York State Department of Civil Service. Mr. Maxim, a gradu­ate of Margaretville central school, attended Mohawk Val­ley Community college and is employed by the Del Val Oil company in Margaretville.

The couple plans a fall wed­ding.

M a d e F a i r P l a n s

Roxbury, June 15. — The Hobby club hold its annual out­ing and dinner Thursday at the Hideaway in Prattsville. A meeting at the fire hall in Rox­bury preceded the outing.

Those who attended included Mrs. Margaret Pfanner. Mrs. Josephine Graziano, IMrs. Lee Turano, Mrs. Mnbel Finch, Mrs. Ruth Carmeii, Mrs. Mary Ann Millsaps, Mi'S. M.".rpa'ot Mun- seil, Mrs. Barbara Munsell, Mrs. Lillian Anthony, Elsa Spahn, Mrs. Lela Gibbs, Mrs. Henri­etta Weber, Mrs. Ursula Kunz- ler, Mrs. Susan Armstrong, Mrs. Inez Slauson, Mrs. Claudia W a s h b u r n , Mrs. Winifred Schi’eiber, Mrs. Olive Hoyt, Mrs. Theresa Faraci, Mrs. Ber­tha Gray, Mrs. Elma Brower, Mrs. Pauline Long, Mrs. Thel­ma Wheteler and Irma M. Griffin.

Plans were made for the annual fair to be held July 13. There will be a smorgasbord at that time and the committee includes Mrs. Mabel Finch, Mrs. Hazel LaRue, Mrs. Carmeii, Mrs. Slauson, Mrs. Schreiber, Mrs. Turano, Mrs. Barbara Munsell, Mrs. Washburn, Mrs. Wheeler and Mrs. Ellen Hughes.

Mrs. Margaret Munsell is candy chairman. Mrs. Henri­etta Weber, Mrs. Josephine Di- Giovanni and Mrs. Pauline Long are the bake sale committee.

In charge of gift tables, includ­ing Christmas tables, are Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Helen Friend and Elsa Spal.n. Mrs. Graviano and Mrs. Gibbs will have the white elephant table. Mrs. Gray and Mrs. Jo DiGibvanni are in charge of ticket sales. Mrs. Kunzler and Mrs. Brower will take care of the guest book. Mrs. Lloyd Hoyt has charge of the project exhibits.

There will be exhibits of the following projects done the last year: crabapple trees, pin cush­ions, cheesecloth pictures, cro­cheting with jewelry, tote bags, knitting hooked rugs aod:'straw and yarn flowers.

The fkst fall meeting in Sep­tember will be occupied with the making of pomander balls. For this purpose the members will save fragrant dried flowers, lilacs, carnations, geraniums or pinksters.


O v e r la n d B u ild e rs , In c .Fleisolimanns, N. Y.

• T im ber C olunm B uildings• F a rm B u ild in g s-• F a rm E q u ip m en t In s ta lled

P h o n e 9 1 4 5 8 6 -3 1 5 8 o r 9 1 4 5 8 6 -3 2 8 8

H illtop StablesB ovina C e n te r , N . Y . T e l. 6 0 7 8 3 2 -4 3 4 2

Trail Rides - Pony Rides $3.00 per hour


B o ard in g , S h o e in g & Q u a r t e r H o rse S tu d S e rv ice





m ain s tre e t- m argare tv ille . m o n .-sa t . 10 -6

T h e r e w a s a t i m e i n A m e r i c a

w h e n l i f e w a s s i m p l e r .

M o s t c i t i e s w e r e c a l l e d “ t o w n s ! ’

H i g h w a y s w e r e c a l l e d “ r o a d s ! ’

A n d w h e n y o u t a l k e d a b o u t c a r e ,

y o u c a l l e d t h e m F o r c f e .

I t w a s t h e k i n d o f c a r a c o u n t r y

c o u l d l i v e w i t h a n d g r o w u p w i t h .

I f i t w a s e a s y t o b u y a n d s i m p l e

t o r u n , i t w a s a F o r d .

T h a t w a s t h e o r i g i n a l i d e a .

W e l l , w e ’v e c o m e a l o n g ,

l o n g w a y d o w n t h a t r o a d .

A l o n g t h e w a y , a c a r b e c a m e

s o m e t h i n g m o r e c o m p l i c a t e d t h a n

t r a n s p o r t a t i o n .

L o t s o f p e o p l e g o t c a u g h t u p

i n b i g n e s s a n d s t a t u s s y m b o l s .

O r c a r r i e d a w a y b y f o r e i g n i n t r i g u e .

M a y b e a n e w w a y o f l o o k i n g a t

l i f e a n d b u y i n g t h i n g s h a s d o n e i t .

M a y b e t h e r i s i n g c o s t o f e v e r y t h i n g .

B u t n o w , A m e r i c a i s c o m i n g

h o m e — t o F o r d .

T o q u i e t n e s s . A n d e a s y c a r e .

A n d s t y l e s h a p e d b y g o o d s e n s e ,

n o t s h o w .

F o r d ’s P i n t o s a n d M a v e r i c k s

a n d T o r i n o s a r e b e a u t i f u l m a c h i n e s ,

b u t t h e y ’r e a l s o e a s y t o r u n .

I n f a c t , y o u r F o r d d e a l e r h a s

s e v e n g r e a t c a r s t h a t a r e .

I t ’s t h e o r i g i n a l i d e a , r e a l l y —

i n i t s 1 9 7 2 m o d e l

Y o u w a i t e d l o n g e n o u g h .

C o m e h o m e t o F o r d .

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