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PARENT-CHILD ACTIVITY BOOK 2 weeks of fun activities for learning with your kids at home AGES 3–4
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PARENT-CHILD ACTIVITY BOOK2 weeks of fun activities for learning

with your kids at home

AGES 3 –4

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Dear Parents of Young Children, Given the new reality of the coronavirus facing all of us these days, many parents are finding themselves at home with their young children for extended periods of time. At HIPPY International, we have been implementing a home-based early childhood curriculum for parents for over 30 years in 14 countries worldwide. This evidenced-based program is designed for parents with children ages 2–5 and has proven long-term impacts on children well into their school years. While our HIPPY programs worldwide are creatively finding ways to support parents, we thought we could help more families – families not enrolled on our programs – by providing some daily activities and e-books for your use. The HIPPY curriculum is designed to be role played by parents and home visitors and the guidance for parents is written in a highly structured format. Read through the activities before doing them with your child and then have some fun together!

Hoping this brings some joy and fun into your lives,

The HIPPY International Team


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Sharing books ........................................................ 2


Activity 1: Literacy .................................................. 3

Activity 2: Math ...................................................... 6

Activity 3: Science ............................................... 10

Activity 4: Motor ................................................... 15

Activity 5: Language ............................................ 18

Choose a good time to do the HIPPY activities, when you and your child can pay attention and enjoy spending the time together. The best time to start the activities is when it is quiet, so turn off the TV and radio before you begin.



You will need …Activity 1: Literacy

The book, Sounds I Hear, by Ophra

Gelbart; Activity Sheet 1; crayons or


Activity 2: Math

10 small objects (coins, pebbles, shells,

bottle caps); a pot or saucepan

Activity 3: Science

Activity Sheets 2 and 3; scissors, crayons

or markers; poster putty or tape

Activity 4: Motor

An open space; a radio or music player

Activity 5: Language

Activity Sheet 4; 5 sheets of blank paper;

crayons or markers; tape

When a new book is introduced in the HIPPY curriculum, you will do a “book walk” with your child. Together you will identify the title, author and illustrator of the book. Sometimes you will learn vocabulary words for the parts of the book. You will look at the pictures in the book to predict what the story might be. As you read the book, you will ask questions

and discuss what is happening in the story. A guide for doing a “book walk” is included on page 2 of each week that a new book is introduced.

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More than 50 years ago, a revolutionary educational program for children between 3-5 years old was developed by a team of early childhood researchers at the Research Institute for Innovation in Education at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and HIPPY was born. The HIPPY (Home Interaction for Parents and Preschool Youngsters) progam is founded on the universal and core belief that parents are

teachers and provides parents with the information, tools and support they need to

their children in their homes.

The HIPPY program incorporates activities such as reading, writing, drawing, singing, rhyming, games, puzzles, cooking, baking and more, all aimed to prepare children from families who

face socio-economic challenges to succeed in school. The HIPPY program has been running worldwide for 30 years with an outstanding success record in preparing children for an exciting journey through school and creating strong bonds between them and their parents to support them along the way.

Countries Languages

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Literacy, Sharing Books

What’s good about sharing books?• Your child will enjoy spending time with you.

• Your child will learn about what books are and how to use them.

• Your child will learn listening skills.

• Looking at pictures, listening to you read the book and talking about it will help your child learn new words and ideas.

• Some books help develop children’s imagination.

• Some books give new information.

• Your child understands that reading and books are fun – an important lesson to learn before going to school.

• Loving books will encourage learning to read later.

• Talking about the story helps children’s thinking and language skills.

How do you share books?• Choose a time when your child is interested and you have time to enjoy the book with your child. Try to find a special time every day.

• Ask your child to look at the picture on the cover. Ask what he or she thinks the book is about.

• Read the book, pointing to the pictures on each page and sometimes pointing to the words as you read them.

• Change your voice inflections with different characters.

• Talk about the book with your child. Ask your child if he or she enjoyed the book.

• Ask what he or she liked about it.

• If your child asks questions, or wants to talk about the book, listen and respond.

• When your child is unfamiliar with the book, ask him or her to ‘read’ it to you using the illustrations. You may be surprised by how much your child remembers.

ü Point to the title and tell your child what it is.

ü Point to the author’s name and say it, telling your child that this is the person who wrote the story in the book.

ü Point to the name of the illustrator and say it. Tell your child that this is the person who made the pictures in the book.

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Activity 1: Literacy, Sounds I Hear

What your child will learn from this activityRead the section ‘What’s good about sharing books’ on the sheet entitled ‘Sharing books’. This is the first time you will share this book with your child. When you read the book to your child and point to pictures and ask questions, your child is developing book knowledge, story comprehension, and language skills. Your child works on fine motor skills and uses imagination to draw and color the pictures on the Activity Sheet.

You will need• The book, Sounds I Hear, by Ophra Gelbart

What to do1. (Find a comfortable spot and choose a good time to share the book.)

Look at the picture on the cover of this book. Can you tell me what you think this book is about from the picture?–a little boy and his dog, he has a horn, he is going for a walk, he is in a parade, etc.

2. (After your child answers, point to the title of the book.)

The book is called, Sounds I Hear.

3. (Point to the author name.)

Ophra Gelbart is the author. She wrote the story.

4. (Point to the illustrator name.)

Mike Eagle is the illustrator. He drew the pictures in the book.

5. (Open to page 3, the first page of the story.)

Here is the little boy. What does he have around him?–a duck, a hammer, a fire truck, music, radio, dog

(Read page 3.)

He hears lots of noises.

• Activity Sheet 1

• Crayons or markers

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Activity 1: Literacy, Sounds I Hear

6. (Read pages 4 and 5. Stop after the question “What is he?” and let your child answer.)

–a dog

Yes, he is a puppy, a little dog.

7. (Read pages 6 and 7. Stop after the question “Who is mooing?” and let your child answer.)

–a cow

Yes, it’s a cow.

8. (Look at pages 8 and 9.)

What do you think the boy heard next? –a car

Let’s read and find out. (Read pages 8 and 9.)

9. (Continue with this pattern of questioning on pages 10-19. For each new sound on these pages, read the sound the boy heard and then the question about the sound. Ask your child to predict what was making that sound.)

10. (Read through the end of the book. Turn back to page 21 and then 22 and 23. Point to each picture.)

What did the boy hear? –a baby (or child), a telephone, a drum, a hammer, a dog, etc.

What do you hear right now?(Accept whatever answers your child gives.)

11 . (Place Activity Sheet 1 in front of your child with crayons.)

Here is a picture of the boy who is listening to some of the sounds. What sounds are they? –the duck quacking, the dog barking (Accept whatever your child answers.)

12. Now you be the illustrator. Draw a picture next to this picture of some sounds you hear right now. (Allow your child time to draw pictures of what he is hearing.)

You may also color the picture of the boy with the duck and the dog.I will write your name at the bottom of the page when you are finished.

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Activity Sheet 1: Literacy, Sounds I Hear

Things to think about

and do

• Gather several items from around your home that make a sound (Ex. - a ticking clock, a rattle, a squeaky dog or baby toy, a timer, 2 spoons tapped together, etc.). Hide them in a bag. Sit with your child and make the sounds. Let your child guess what is making the sound.

• Record each member of your family saying the same words into a recorder (Ex. – “I like to listen to myself talk.”) Ask your child to listen to the recording and see if they can determine who is saying the words by carefully listening to the voices.


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Activity 2: Math, Numbers and Counting

What your child will learn from this activity

This activity begins with counting from 1-5. Counting and understanding numbers is the basis of math. Learning to count is more than just saying the names of the numbers. When you hold up a number of fingers and your child counts them, they are learning what numbers mean. Matching a number to an object is called one-to-one correspondence. Tracing over the numbers written on the page will help your child get ready to write, as well as recognize numbers. Pointing to the number that represents your child’s age supports number recognition.

You will need

• 10 Small objects (like coins, small pebbles or seashells, bottle caps or paper clips)

•A pot or saucepan

What to do

1. Today we are going to count. Let’s begin with number 1 and count in order up to 5.(Hold up a new finger for each number, using one hand, and count together or have your child count until your child reaches 5.)

2. (Keep your five fingers up in front of your child and say:)

Now count my fingers. Begin with my thumb and touch each finger as you count.How many fingers are on my hand? –5

3. Now I will count the fingers on your hand.How many fingers are on your hand? –5

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Activity 2: Math, Numbers and Counting

4. Look at the numerals on this page. These are the numerals 1to5.Let’s say the numerals as we point to each one.(Point to each number with your child as you count together.)

5. Trace over each numeral with your finger. Say the numeral as you trace it.

(Help your child trace each numeral with the index (pointer) finger. Say the numeral as your child traces it.)

6. How old are you? Point to that numeral.

Note: If your child needs more practice with numerals 1 to 5, then repeat steps 1–5 and attempt the rest of this activity later. This might be especially true for children new to the HIPPY program.

7. Now let’s count from 1 to 10. I will hold up the correct number of fingers as you count.

1 2 543

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Activity 2: Math, Numbers and Counting

(Hold up a new finger for each number using two hands until your child reaches 10.)

8. (Keep your 10 fingers up in front of your child.)

Now you can count my fingers. Touch each of my fingers as you count. Begin with my pinkie (little) finger.How many fingers did you count? –10

(Then count your child’s fingers.)

9. Look at these numbers. These are the numbers 1to10.Let’s say the numbers and point to each number together as we say it.(Point to each number with your child as you count together.)

Trace over each number with your finger. Say the number as you trace it.(You may need to help your child trace over the numbers.)

1 2 3 54

6 7 8 109

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Activity 2: Math, Numbers and Counting

10. (Bring out the small objects and the saucepan.)

Now we will play a game.I will drop the (name the object) into the saucepan. Every time you hear it make a noise, you count.(The first drop is 1, the second 2, and so on, up to 10.)

Note: If your child has trouble, stop and do it again, slowly counting together the first time. Then do it again and let your child count.

Now it is your turn. You drop the coins into the saucepan and I will count.

Things to think about

and do

• You can find many things to count – socks, cans in the cupboard, apples in a bowl and cars in a parking lot. During the week, use numbers, count with your child, ask your child to count, whenever your child is in the mood. Remember that counting is matching numbers with objects, not just saying the numbers.

• You may know a song or a finger play that has numbers in it that you could sing and say with your child. Your home visitor can give you some ideas.

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Activity 3: Science, Weather

What your child will learn from this activityIn this activity, you will help your child to make a weather chart. Making and using a simple weather chart can support your child’s learning in a number of ways. By identifying the day, talking about what the weather is like and attaching the cards to the chart, you are helping your child to learn the sequence for the days of the week.

As your child looks for the day of the week, he or she will be developing reading skills and letter recognition. You will be helping your child to look carefully at written words to investigate written text and patterns in words. You will be encouraging language development when you talk about the type of weather, for example, and what your child may need to wear depending on the weather.

When you work with the weather chart daily and ask, for example, what the weather was like yesterday, you are encouraging your child’s memory.

You will need• Activity Sheets 2 and 3

• Scissors

• Crayons or markers

• Poster putty or tape

What to do1. Today we are going to make a weather chart.

Our weather chart will help us to record what day it is and what the weather is like outside. Do you know what today is? –(Answer whatever the day is.)

Is there anything special we do on __________?

What is your favorite day of the week?(Accept your child’s answer.)

2. (Place Activity Sheet 2 in front of your child.)

Here is what we need for our weather chart. (Point to the first column.)

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Activity 3: Science, Weather

These words are the days of the week. We can read them. (Read each day clearly, stressing the first sound of each word and also stressing as you say, “day”. Run your finger under each word as you read.)

Sunday ... Monday ...Tuesday, etc.

When you listen to the word do you hear that each one ends in day? When you look at the words do you see that each word looks the same at the end?

(Point to each letter in “day” and name them.) –D, A, Y

3. (Point to the second column.)

In this column there are some pictures that tell us about weather. Let’s read these pictures. The pictures also have a weather word written on them. (Read the pictures together.)

Next to the pictures are some words. These are the words that describe the weather. We can read them as well. (Read the words to your child, running your finger under each word as you read.)

4. (If your child thinks of another type of weather, he or she can draw a picture in the empty box and you can write the word. Help your child to cut out the pictures and words.)

5. (Cut all of the weather cards on Activity Sheet 2 along the dotted lines. Put the days of the week in order in front of your child in a column going down.)

Today is Monday. Monday starts with the /m/ sound and the letter M. Tomorrow is Tuesday. It starts with the /t/ sound and the letter T. (Continue with the other days until you have all seven in one column.)

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Activity 3: Science, Weather

6. (Put the weather chart on Activity Sheet 3 in front of your child. Put a small piece of poster putty or a piece of rolled tape in each of the 3 boxes.)

I will write your name on this line. It says ______’s weather chart.Now let’s put the word Monday on our chart. It will go here where it says Today is _____.

7. (Place the weather pictures and the weather words in front of your child.)

Now we need to put a picture of today’s weather on our chart. What is the weather like today?

(Find a picture that shows today’s weather and put it on the chart. Try to find a weather word that matches the word on the picture and put it on the chart. Help your child to identify the weather word.)

You have recorded the day and the weather on your weather chart. Let’s read your chart._____’s weather chartToday is _____. The weather is _____.

(Keep the days of the week and weather cards in an envelope.)

8. (Each day, refer to the weather chart and talk about the day of the week and what the weather is like. Use the weather cards to update the chart with your child.)

Things to think about

and do

• Talk with your child about what day it is. For example, talk about what you are going to do today, what you did yesterday and what you might do tomorrow.

• You might like to make another chart with days of the week and what happens on each day – preschool, shopping, HIPPY parent group, swimming, etc. It won’t be a long list. Your child will use this as a reminder of what happens on that day.

• You can show your child that there are many ways we can find out about the day, date and weather, for example, from the TV and newspapers.

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Activity Sheet 2: Science, Weather

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Activity Sheet 3: Science, Weather

______________________’s weather chart

Today is

The weather is

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Activity 4: Motor, Moving My Body

What your child will learn from this activity The Moving My Body series focuses on developing your child’s gross motor control and spatial perception. Spatial perception is what helps your child learn how to move about in different surroundings without bumping into things, or knowing how to place letters on paper when writing. The activities are meant to be fun and invite your child to move in a variety of different ways. In this first activity your child will learn new vocabulary words by naming different parts of the body. They are building gross motor control by moving their bodies in a controlled way.

You will need• An open space

What to do1. Today we are going to learn about some new parts of our bodies that move. I am

going to sing a song to you. When I sing about a body part I will point to it. Listen:

(Point to each part that is mentioned. At the end move arms all around, bending them at each place.)

Now I will sing the first verse again. This time you sing with me and do the motions.

My arms have parts that bend and moveEvery time I use them.Shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand.Shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand.Shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand.And this is how I move them!

“Parts that Bend“(Original Author Unknown)Sung to: “B-I-N-G-O”

• Music player or radio

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Activity 4: Motor, Moving My Body

2. There is another verse like this one only it is about my legs. Listen while I sing it.(Point to each part of the leg as you sing it.)

(Move legs all around, bending them at each place mentioned.)

I am going to sing this verse again. You can sing with me.

3. The next verse is about my trunk – this part of my body.(Run your hands down your trunk to show your child what part you are singing about this time.)

(Point to each part as you sing about it and move your trunk all around, bending it at each place mentioned.)

I am going to sing about my trunk again. You can sing with me.

My legs have parts that bend and moveEvery time I use them.Knee, ankle, heel and footKnee, ankle, heel and footKnee, ankle, heel and footAnd this is how I move them!

My trunk has parts that bend and moveEvery time I use them.Neck, back, waist and hipsNeck, back, waist and hipsNeck, back, waist and hipsAnd this is how I move them!

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Activity 4: Motor, Moving My Body

4. There is one more verse. Listen while I sing.(Move arms, legs, and trunk all around, bending them at all the places mentioned.)

I am going to sing this verse again. You can sing with me.(Repeat the verse above.)

5. Let’s try singing the whole song now, pointing to the parts we sing about, and moving our bodies all over.

6. (Take out the music player or radio and begin to play some music that has a good beat and is lively.)

We are going to end our time today by playing some music and you following me around the room and moving your body like I am moving mine.(Lead your child around the room using a variety of different arm movements, then different ways of walking, jumping, hopping, etc., and then moving your trunk in different ways as you walk.)

(Play the follow the leader game to music as long as your child is interested.)

I’m made of parts that bend and moveEvery time I use them.Shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand.Knee, ankle, heel and foot.Neck, back, waist and hipsAnd this is how I move them!

Things to think about

and do

• Play “Simon Says” with many references to the body parts that your child learned today. Example – Simon says to put your elbows on your knees or Simon says to bend your neck from side to side, etc.

• Trace around your child’s body on a large sheet of paper. Label the parts that we learned in the song, saying the letters as you write them. Ask your child to decorate the person that you drew.

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Activity 5: Language, Sounds I Hear

What your child will learn from this activityToday your child will begin working more formally on name writing, giving your child another opportunity to develop fine motor control, letter knowledge, and print awareness. You will also begin to talk about the beginning sound of your child’s name. You will isolate the sound of the first letter and then search for other words that begin with the same sound. Your child is beginning to acquire phonemic awareness through these activities.

You will need• Activity sheet 4

• 5 sheets of blank paper

What to do1. (Place Activity Sheet 4 and a crayon or marker in front of your child.)

Today we are going to do some practice with writing your name. I will print your name on the paper. Watch as I print each letter.(Using the crayon or marker, slowly print each letter of your child’s first name in large letters. Use an uppercase letter for the first letter only. Use lowercase letters for the remainder of the name. Say each letter as you write it.)

2. Now let’s pretend that your finger is a crayon and you trace over the letters that I just made. I will trace first and then you trace.(Trace the first letter of your child’s name with your finger. Say the letter as you trace it.)

Now you try it. (Trace the second letter with your finger and say the letter.)

Now it is your turn.(Continue with this pattern until all the letters are traced.)

3. (Give your child a crayon or marker.)

Try tracing your name using the crayon instead of your finger.(Show your child where to begin the letter as needed.)

• Crayons or markers

• Tape

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Activity 5: Language, Sounds I Hear

4. In our book this week, Sounds I Hear, the little boy was hearing all different kinds of sounds. Did you know that your name has sounds?(Accept your child’s answer.)

What is the name of the first letter of your name?(If your child is unable to answer, give the letter name.)

The first letter of your name, ______ , makes the sound /______/. (Substitute your child’s first letter and sound. When you see a letter marked like this: /L/, say the sound instead of the name of the letter.)

5. Can you think of other words or things that start with the /_______/ sound? (Substitute the sound for your child’s letter.)

(Suggest words that match your child’s first letter. Assist your child as needed.)

6. (Gather your sheets of blank paper, a crayon, and the tape.)

Let’s take a walk around our house and see if we can find things that begin with the /________/sound? (Substitute the sound for your child’s letter. Take a walk through your home and say the names of various objects and ask your child if the name starts with the /________/ sound. For example if your child’s name starts with /L/, go to a lamp and ask, “Does lamp start with /L/ sound?)

Does chair start with /________/? Does rug start with /________/? Does _______ start with /________/? (Be sure your are substituting the sound of your child’s name here.)

We found something. “________” starts with the /________/ sound. I am going to write “________” on a piece of paper and tape it by the _________. That will help us remember that “_________” starts with the same sound as your name.

(Continue this activity as long as your child is interested.)

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Activity Sheet 4: Language, Sounds I Hear

Things to think about

and do

• Continue your search for “_____” words on signs, packages, labels and the /______/ sound in words as you go about each day and travel in your community. At this point, just use the initial letter and sound of your child’s name.

• Staple together several sheets of blank paper. Help your child look through magazines or newspapers for words or pictures that start with the same letter as your child’s name. Cut out the examples and glue them on the pages. Write the names under the pictures to draw attention to the letters.

My name is

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Activity 1: Literacy .................................................. 2

Activity 2: Math ...................................................... 6

Activity 3: Science ............................................... 10

Activity 4: Motor ................................................... 12

Activity 5: Language ............................................ 14



This week you will be working on Auditory Discrimination with your child. This is the ability to hear and understand

differences between sounds that are similar, but not the same, and

interpreting what the different sounds mean. It is important for your child to develop this skill for learning to read as they begin to hear and distinguish the different sounds the letters make.



You will need …Activity 1: Literacy

The book, Sounds I Hear, by Ophra

Gelbart; Activity Sheet 1; crayons or

markers; scissors

Activity 2: Math

Crayons or markers; Activity Sheet 2

Activity 3: Science

A TV, a computer with internet, or a


Activity 4: Motor

2 pieces of rope, string or tape about 6’

long or sidewalk chalk; a square, a triangle,

a circle, a rectangle, and a star from the

HIPPY shapes; 5 small household items

or toys

Activity 5: Language

Activity Sheets 3 and 4; scissors

When your child asks a question, the way you respond is important. Try this: Confirm, Complete, Correct! If your child gives the correct

answer, confirm that it is correct by saying “yes” or “you are right” and by repeating the answer (Confirm). If your child gives a part of the answer, repeat your child’s answer, then give the rest of the answer (Complete). If your child doesn’t respond, or is way off track, give

the correct answer and move on (Correct). In HIPPY we call this the 3Cs. We avoid using the word “no” while doing HIPPY activities. The 3Cs approach will help your child feel successful when you work together.

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More than 50 years ago, a revolutionary educational program for children between 3-5 years old was developed by a team of early childhood researchers at the Research Institute for Innovation in Education at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and HIPPY was born. The HIPPY (Home Interaction for Parents and Preschool Youngsters) progam is founded on the universal and core belief that parents are

teachers and provides parents with the information, tools and support they need to

their children in their homes.

The HIPPY program incorporates activities such as reading, writing, drawing, singing, rhyming, games, puzzles, cooking, baking and more, all aimed to prepare children from families who

face socio-economic challenges to succeed in school. The HIPPY program has been running worldwide for 30 years with an outstanding success record in preparing children for an exciting journey through school and creating strong bonds between them and their parents to support them along the way.

Countries Languages

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Activity 1: Literacy, Sounds I Hear

What your child will learn from this activityThrough rereading the book, Sounds I Hear, your child develops story comprehension. Your child becomes aware of different sounds (auditory discrimination). As you discuss the pictures, your child is developing language skills. Your child will relate to the story by pretending to be the animals (dramatic play). Fine motor control develops with activities like coloring and cutting.

You will need• The book, Sounds I Hear, by Ophra Gelbart

• Activity Sheet 1

• Crayons or markers

• Scissors

What to do1. (Take the book, Sounds I Hear, to a comfortable place to sit with your child. Reread the

entire book to your child. When you finish reading turn to pages 4-5. Point to the puppy dog.)

What is this? –a puppy dog

What sound does it make? –bow-wow-wow

(Read pages 4-5.)

2. His nose is cold and black.Point to his nose.His tail is wagging.Point to his tail.

3. (Point to the boy on page 4.)

The little boy is pretending he’s a puppy dog.Can you pretend to be a puppy dog?Make sounds like a puppy dog and run to me.

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Activity 1: Literacy, Sounds I Hear

4. (Place Activity Sheet 1 in front of your child on a table.)

Show me which animal goes bow-wow-wow.What is it called? –a puppy dog

5. (Turn to pages 6-7. Point to the cow.)

What animal is this? –a cow

And what sound does it make? –moo, moo, moo

(Read the text on pages 6-7.)

6. Do you know what the cow gives us? –milk

Look at the picture.Do you see where the milk comes from? Show me.(Point to the udders and say:)

The farmer pulls on the udders and the milk comes out.

7. (Place Activity Sheet 1 in front of your child on a table.)

Show me which animal goes moo, moo, moo.What is it called? –a cow

8. (Turn to pages 10-11. Read the pages and point to the sheep.)

What is this animal? –a sheep

Do you remember what sounds the sheep makes? –baa-aa, baa-aa

9. What does the sheep eat? –grass

Look at the sheep’s coat.(Point to it.)

It is soft and curly. Show me the curls.

10. Let’s pretend you are a sheep.

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Activity 1: Literacy, Sounds I Hear

Make sounds like a sheep and jump like a sheep.(If necessary, show your child how to jump.)

11. (Place Activity Sheet 1 in front of your child on a table.)

Show me which of these animals says baa-aa, baa-aa.What is it called? –a sheep

12. (Now turn to pages 12-13. Point to the bee.)

What is this? –a bee

What sound does it make? –buzzzz

(Read the text on pages 12-13.)

13. What does the bee give us? –honey

Honey is made from a sweet liquid in the flowers called nectar.Look at the picture. Do you know where the bee gets the nectar to make the honey? –from the flower

14. Let’s pretend you are a bee buzzing around.I’ll be a cow. Buzz around me – but please don’t sting me.(You make the moo sound as the child buzzes around you.)

15. (Give your child the crayons and scissors.)

We are going to use these pictures for another activity.

Things to think about

and do

• If there is a farm in your area that accepts visitors, schedule a time to go visit. Sometimes zoos have an area of farm animals. Try to find a place to go visit farm animals and listen to the sounds they make.

• Sing the song “Old McDonald Had a Farm” with your child. Let your child suggest the animals and their sounds that you will sing about.

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Activity Sheet 1: Literacy, Sounds I Hear

I will write the names of the animals under their pictures. You can color them and then cut them out on the dotted lines.(As you write the names of the animals, say each letter. Use uppercase letters for the first letter of each name and lowercase letters for the remainder of the word. When you and your child are finished working on the pictures, place them in the envelope and put them in a safe place for use in an activity next week.)

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Activity 2: Math, Numbers and Counting

What your child will learn from this activityIn this math activity, your child will count from 1 to 10. Your child is working on number recognition when you say a number between 1 and 10 and your child points to it on the activity sheet. Your child is using one-to-one correspondence when counting the objects and marking the number that matches a picture. This is an important skill because it helps your child understand what each number means and what written numbers look like. This is different from counting out loud (rote counting) from memory or just saying numbers.

Note: If your child finds using numbers 1-10 hard, just use 1-5. Continue to do the activity a few times over the next few days and add one or two numbers from 6-10 over time. It’s most important for your child to have fun, be successful and become a confident learner.

You will need• A marker or crayon

What to do1. We’re going to do counting games today.

Let’s count from 1 to 10 together. (Count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 with your child.)

2. Now we will play a clapping game with counting.First, you tell me a number from 1 to 10.Let’s count and clap together that many times.Tell me another number.Let’s clap and count to that number.And another one?

• Activity Sheet 2

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Activity 2: Math, Numbers and Counting

3. Now I’ll say a number and we will clap that many times while counting the claps.If I say one, how many times will you clap? –one time

Ready? Clap and count out loud with me.1 (1 clap) –one 2 (2 claps) –one, two 3 (3 claps) –one, two, three 4 (4 claps) –one, two, three, four 5 (5 claps) –one, two, three, four, five

4. Now I will say numbers out of order. Clap the number of times I say. Count out loud as you clap.3 (3 claps) –one, two, three

1 (1 clap) –one

4 (4 claps) –one, two, three, four

2 (2 claps) –one, two

That’s good clapping and counting.

5. Look at the numbers 1 to 10 on this page. When I say a number, point to it.(Say the numbers, in order, one at a time, stopping to let your child point to the number. If your child points to the wrong number, point to the correct number and name it. Remember, always be encouraging, even when your child makes a mistake.)

6. Now you say a number and I will point to it. Again … again … again.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Activity 2: Math, Numbers and Counting

Things to think about

and do

• You can draw large numbers on the back of old activity sheets or scrap paper using dotted lines for your child to trace with a crayon or marker. Your child may like to add the number of dots for that number under the number as well.

• Invite your child to set the table and count the items needed. Then, check to see if everyone has each item. For example, you could say, “we have 5 plates, 5 forks, 5 glasses and 5 spoons for 5 people”.

7 . (Place Activity Sheet 2 and a crayon in front of your child and point to the first box.)

Look at the numbers in the first box. Let’s say each number together as I point to it. –1, 2, 3, 4, 5

How many chairs do you see in the first box? –3

Yes, there are 3 chairs in the first box. Draw a circle around the number 3.(Continue with all of the boxes, and be sure to repeat the correct number for your child.)

Let’s write your name on the name line. (If your child is ready to write their name, you can encourage that. Use hand over hand guidance, placing your hand over your child’s if help is needed.)

Note: If this is hard for your child, point to each number and say it as you point to it. Ask your child to tell you when you get to the right number, the one that says how many pictures are in the box.

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Activity Sheet 2: Math, Numbers and Counting

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Name: __________________________________________________________________

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Activity 3: Science, Weather

What you and your child will learn from this activityThis activity will help your child to build understanding of the days of the week and weather patterns.

When you give your child opportunities to be involved in the reading, writing and recording of information, written words begin to have meaning for your child. You can help your child become a confident reader at school by introducing many experiences in which reading and writing are part of daily life.

When you use the TV, computers, calendars and newspapers with your child, you are helping your child to use technology as a tool for learning.

You will need• a TV, a computer with internet or a newspaper

What to do1. Last week you made a great chart for days of the week and the weather.

You discovered what the weather was like by looking out the window.

There are other ways to find out about the weather. We can watch TV or look at the computer to find out about the weather.

(Sit with your child and watch the weather report at the end of the morning or evening news. You can also use the computer and go to www.weather.com or use the weather app on your phone to look at the weather for your city or town.)

(You can compare the weather report with the weather picture your child placed on the chart today. Is it the same or different?)

(You can find out what the weather prediction is for the following day and compare it to the actual weather the following day.)

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Activity 3: Science, Weather

Note: If you plan to do this, it’s a good idea to write the weather prediction down and use this information when you do the weather chart with your child.

2. (You can also look at the weather map in the local paper. You can talk about what the paper says about the day’s weather and read it out loud to your child. The newspaper is also another good way to expose your child to the days of the week. The day is printed at the top of each page.)

Let’s look at today’s paper. Here is the day of the week written at the top of the page. What does it say?

(Help your child to read the day.)

Is that the same day that you have put on your chart today?

3. We can find out what the weather is each day by looking out our window or by looking at some other ways to get weather information - the TV, the newspaper or the computer. Which way do you like best?(Accept your child’s answer.)

Why do you like that way the best?

Things to think about

and do

• You have introduced your child to a number of different ways to use technology to find information. You may like to show your child that a calendar also shows the days of the week.

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Activity 4: Motor, Moving My Body

What your child will learn from this activityIn this activity your child has opportunities to do some aerobic motor activity. It's an activity that can also be done outside. Daily motor activity is recommended for children to help develop gross motor skills and maintain a healthy weight. In addition, your child is working on listening skills and shapes (math concepts).

You will need• 2 pieces of rope, string, or tape about 6 feet or 2 meters long or sidewalk chalk

• A square, a triangle, a circle, a rectangle and a star from the HIPPY shapes

• 5 small household items or toys

What to do

1. (Place the two pieces of rope parallel to each other and about 20 feet apart. Put the shapes along one rope and you and your child will stand along the other rope, facing the shapes. If your child is not familiar with the HIPPY shapes from the Year 1 curriculum, you may want to use 5 other objects for this activity.)

Today we are going to collect the shapes that are lying along the other rope. I will tell you how to move and you move that way over to the shapes and get the one I ask for. Then run back and bring me the shape. Listen carefully to what I ask you to do. Don't move until I say go.

2. Jump on two feet to the other line and pick up a rectangle. Then run back to me and give me the shape. Go!(Allow your child to pick up the shape they think is right. If your child selects the wrong shape, name the shape and suggest your child try again.)

3. Walk with big steps to the other line and pick up a triangle. Run back with the shape. Go!

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Activity 4: Motor, Moving My Body

4. Now hop on one foot to the other line and pick up a square. Run back with the shape. Go!

5. Tip toe to the other line and pick up a rectangle. Run back with the shape. Go!

6. Walk on your hands and feet to the other line and pick up a star. Run back with the shape. Go!

7. You are a star! You collected all the shapes.

8. (Now place the 5 household items or toys you have collected on the one rope. Stand with your child on the other rope. Play the game again, but change up how you have your child move from one rope to the other.)

Things to think about

and do

• Take your child outside daily, weather permitting, for aerobic play (running, jumping, climbing, etc.) that gets them breathing harder. Children need active play daily to improve gross motor skills and keep weight at an appropriate level.

• Visit a nearby park that has climbing equipment and/or a running/walking path. Take a jog around the park with your child.

• When you ask your child to go get something for you, give directions on how to move as well. This builds listening skills as well as motor skills, e.g. Tip toe into your room to get your pajamas.

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Activity 5: Language, Sounds I Hear

What your child will learn from this activityLotto is a popular children’s game. Cutting out the pictures for the game is a fine motor activity. Your child builds vocabulary by naming the picture and using picture reading to find the pictures that answer the question. Listening to the sounds of the objects in the pictures develops auditory discrimination skills.

You will need• Activity Sheets 3 and 4

• Scissors

What to do(Sit with the child next to a table with Activity Sheets 3 and 4. Ask your child to cut out the pictures, on the bottom of each sheet, for the lotto boards along the dotted lines.)

(Place the lotto boards on the table, one in front of the child and one in front of you. Spread the picture cards upside down on the table.)

Game 1Today we will play lotto.

On the boards there are pictures from the story Sounds I Hear. Look at them.

I will chose a card. (Pick a card.)

Look, it is a ________? Who has it?(Whoever has the picture puts the card on his or her board.)

Now you choose a picture card. You say, “Who has a _______?(Continue taking turns until both boards are full.)

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Activity 5: Language, Sounds I Hear

Game 2(Return the cards, face down on the table.)

Now I will choose a card.

I will tell you what sound it makes. You look at your board. Maybe you have it.(Choose a card. Do not show it. Make the sound that matches the picture. For example, if you choose a cow say, “I have a moo-moo.”)

Now you take a card. Don’t show me. Just say what sound it makes.(The child chooses a card and says the sound. Whoever has that picture puts the card on his or her board. Continue until the boards are full.)

Things to think about

and do

• Fill three glasses (not plastic) with different amounts of water: ¼ full, ½ full and almost to the top. Give your child a metal spoon and ask them to gently tap the different glasses. Do they make the same sound? Are the sounds high or low? Change the amounts of water in each glass and try again.

• Cut a picture out of a magazine or the newspaper. Glue the picture to a piece of paper. Show it to your child and ask them to tell you a story about what is happening in the picture (picture reading). Write the words for your child as they tell you the story.

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Activity Sheet 3: Language, Sounds I Hear

Lotto Board (1)

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Activity Sheet 4: Language, Sounds I Hear

Lotto Board (2)

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