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HIS Strategic Plan 2009-2014, 05.08

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TABLE OF CONTEN TSACRONYMS......................................................................................................................................................................... ii i


FOREWORD .........................................................................................................................................................................viACKNOWLEDGEMEN T ................................................................................................................................................... vii

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................................................................................................................................. vii i

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTI ON ..........................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Background .................................................................................................................11.2 Purpose/Rationale for HIS Strategic Plan......................................................... ............1

1.3 Approach and Methodology for developing the Strategic Plan .....................................21.4 The Organization of the Strategic Plan.........................................................................2

CHAPTER 2: H EALTH INFORMATI ON SYSTEM (H IS) .........................................................................................3

2.1 Definition of HIS........................................................................................................32.2 Primary objectives of HIS............................................................................................3

2.3 Current HIS Subsystems..............................................................................................42.4 Health Information System (HIS) Data Sources ..........................................................4

2.5 Users of Health Information........................................................................................52.6 Institutional Review of HIS .........................................................................................5

CHAPTER 3: SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS REPORT ....................................................................................................83.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................8

CHAPTER 4: STRATEGIC MODEL AND AN ALYSIS OF STRATEGIC ISSUES............................................................10

4.1 Vision, Mission and Mandate Statements...................................................................104.2 Key Strategic Issues, Strategic Objectives and Strategies ........ ........ ........ ........ ...........10

4.3 Strategic Objectives ...................................................................................................11CHAPTER 5: STRATEGIC IMPLEMEN TATI ON ............................................................................................................15

5.1 Staffing Level and Requirements ...............................................................................15

5.2. Organizational Structure ............................................................................................15

5.3 Roles and Responsibilities .........................................................................................185.4. Budgetary Requirements............................................................................................20


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AOP - Annual Operational PlanAWP - Annual Work Plan

AMREF- African Medical and Research FoundationAfriAfya- African Network for Health Management and CommunicationCHIS- Community Health Information SystemCSO - Civil Society OrganizationCS- Catholic SecretarialCHAK Christian Health Association of KenyaDHMT- District Health Management TeamDPM - Directorate of Personnel ManagementDH S - Demographic Health SurveyDSS- Demographic Surveillance System

EHRS Electronic Health Records SystemFBO- Faith Based OrganizationFIS Financial Information System Facility Information SystemFTP- File Transfer ProtocolGoK - Government of KenyaGIS - Geographical Information SystemHSPS- Health Sector Programme SupportHR - Human ResourceHIS – 


Health Information System

Health Information System Technical Working GroupHMI S - Health Management Information SystemHMN Health Metrics NetworksHRIO - Health Records and Information OfficerICT - Information Communication TechnologyIT - Information TechnologyJPOW-JHPIEGO

Joint Programme of WorkJohns Hopkins Programme for International Education in Gynaecology and Obstetrics

KDHS- Kenya Demographic Health SurveyKEPH- Kenya Essential Package for Health

KEC Kenya Episcopal ConferenceKHPF - Kenya Health Policy FrameworkKNBS - Kenya National Bureau of StatisticsKNASP - Kenya National HIV/ AIDS Strategic PlanKMTC K M di l T i i C ll

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Baseline:- A reference point used to indicate the initial condition against which futuremeasurements are compared

Baseline data:- A set of data collected at the beginning of the study or before intervention hasoccurred.

Core Values Core Organizational Values are a set of beliefs that specify universal expectations andpreferred modes of behavior in an institution. Core values guide the actions ofeveryone in the organization.

Evaluation: - Periodic assessment of the relevance, performance, efficiency effectiveness and impact

of the projects activities

End – termEvaluation:

End-term evaluation is conducted towards the end of the project to provide decisionmakers and planners with the information with which to review the achievements ofthe programme and generate lessons to guide the formulation and/ or implementationof a new programme/ project.

Goals:- Are general targets to be accomplished that are translated into actionable objectives.


H IS: -

Broad philosophy that guides an organization throughout its life in all circumstances,irrespective of change in its goals, strategies or the top management

The health information system is a comprehensive and integrated structure thatcollects, collates, analyses, evaluates, stores, disseminates, health and health-relateddata and information for use by all.

HMIS: - It is defined as an Efficient collection, Collation, Analysis, Evaluation Strategy,

Dissemination and use of Information about individual patients, population,resources used and health outcomes of intervention and the state and nature ofsystems through which the intervention are applied

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Monitoring:- A systematic process covering routine collection analysis and use ofinformation about how well a project/ programme is going on. It involvescontinuous review of the performance of all the components in the project

to ensure that input deliveries, work schedules, targeted outputs and otherrequired actions are proceeding as per work-plans.

Mid-term Evaluation:- It is conducted to take an assessment of how the project is performing halfway through the project

Needs Assessment:- It is a process to identify the gaps in services and arrange them in priorityorder for resolution

Operational Planning:- The process of setting short-range objectives and determining in advancehow they will be accomplished

Objectives:- State what is to be accomplished in singular, specific and measurable termswith a target date

Outputs/ Results:- Outputs comprise of specific products or services, which an activity isexpected to produce from its inputs.

Strategy:- A plan for pursuing the Mission and achieving objectives

Strategic Planning:- It is defined as the process by which the guiding members of anorganization envision its future and develop the necessary procedures andoperations to achieve that future

Stakeholders:- Refers to individuals, groups of people or institutions which have vestedinterest in an issue or matter

Vision Statement:- Refers to broadest statement of what an organization hopes to achieve orto become

Verifiable (Performance) Performance Indicators are specif ic and objectively verif iable measures of

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Since 2003 various studies have been undertaken to assess Health Information System (HIS). Thefindings of the assessments outlined areas that required immediate attention to strengthen HIS inthe country. One of the priority areas identified was the need to develop a comprehensive StrategicPlan for HIS to guide the implementation of its activities.

This Strategic Plan (2009-2014) is the first to be developed by HIS and is intended to respond to theaspirations of National Health Sector Strategic Plan II (NHSSPII), Health Sector M&E Framework,and Vision 2030. I t was developed through an inclusive, participatory and consultative approach

intended to ensure ownership, commitment and leadership by the key stakeholders. This documentis indeed a great milestone for taking HIS ahead in the health sector to enable it provide better datato inform evidence-based decision making, better policy framework and better health.

The Plan provides a roadmap and strategic direction on key priorities in line with the Health SectorStrategic Plan and articulates the agreed vision, mission, mandate and core values of HIS. I t also setsstrategic objectives, strategies, activities, time frame, resource requirements and assignedresponsibilities for achieving expected outputs in the next five years. It is envisaged that the

implementation of the activities outlined in the Strategic Plan will require a total of Kshs 1.9 billion(US $ 25.3 Million).

The successful implementation of this Strategic Plan is expected to provide a basis for qualityinformation that can be used at all levels of the health system for planning, managing, monitoringand evaluation of desired outputs. The Ministries of Health in partnership with key stakeholders willprovide leadership and finance the implementation of this Plan to build one universal HealthInformation System for the health sector.

In conclusion, we appeal to our development partners and all stakeholders to support theimplementation of the Strategic Plan through collaboration and partnership to enable us achieve thestrategic goal of this Plan: “ Establish a functional robust effective and efficient Health

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This Health Information System (HIS) strategic plan was developed through a comprehensiveconsultation process, intensive health sector Health Information System assessments and detailed

information gathering. The process was driven by the HIS Technical Working Group (HIS TWG)in liaison with Professional Training Consultant (PTC).

We would like to acknowledge the efforts of all those institutions and individuals who participatedand contributed in the development of this document. These include government ministries andAgencies, Development partners, UN Agencies, faith based organization, NGOs, and private sector.

We acknowledge the Director of Medical Services and Ag. Director of Public Health and Sanitation

for their leadership and stewardship, the HIS Technical Working Group (HIS TWG) members forthe coordination, technical input and commitment during the process of developing the Strategicplan. We wish to thank all heads of departments and divisions, programme managers, Governmentparastatals (KEMRI, NHIF, KEMSA), the Provincial Directors, District Directors and HealthManagement Teams for their participation and invaluable inputs during the process of development.

We commend the Professional Training Consultants (PTC) for their critical review andconsolidation of this Strategic plan.

We also extend our gratitude to Ministry of Planning and Vision 2030 (KNBS), Ministry ofImmigration and registration of persons (Vital Registration), Ministry of Home affairs and Nationalheritage (National Archives), Implementing partners (CHAK, KEC, SUPKEM, AfriAfya, AMREF,Aga Khan Health Services, Aga Khan Foundation, APHIAs, KNADS, FHI, NACC, JHPIEGO,Professional bodies (Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentist Board, Nursing Council, KenyaLaboratory Board), training institutions (Kenyatta University, KMTC) for their participation andpractical inputs in the development process.

We are particularly grateful to the Health Metrics Network (HMN) Secretariat and Department forInternational Development (DFID) through Essential Health Services (EHS), in providing technicaland financial support in the development of this strategic plan We also appreciate the role of

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The overall policy guidance for the health sector is through the Government of Kenya Vision 2030and the Kenya Health Policy Framework (KHPF, 1994-2010). One of the key challenges in the

health sector identified in First Medium Term Plan of Vision 2030 is weak health informationsystems. Various weaknesses identified in the existing information systems include lack of guidelinesand policy, inadequate capacities of HIS staff, lack of integration, many parallel data collectionsystems, and poor coordination, amongst others.

Rationale for H IS strategic PlanThis strategic plan is intended to respond to the aspirations of National Health Sector Strategic PlanII (NHSSPII), Health Sector Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and the Kenya Health Policy

Framework envisioning Vision 2030 activities that will ensure a robust HIS to inform on progress ofattainment of set targets. The strategic plan provides a roadmap and direction on key priorities inline with the health sector strategic plan. It sets the vision, mission, strategic objectives, strategiesand activities of HIS.

Methodology for Developing the Strategic PlanThe Strategic Plan was developed through an inclusive approach and a methodology intended toensure ownership, commitment and leadership by the key stakeholders namely Ministries of Health,

Vital Registration, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, NGOs and development partners.

Desk and literature reviews were carried out. Consultations were done through meetings with theofficials from Ministries of Health, Technical Working Groups and Stakeholder Workshops.Questionnaires were also posted to the sampled provinces and districts, heads ofdepartment/ divisions of ministries of health, development partners and implementing partners.Interviews were also undertaken with selected institutions.

H ealth Information SystemHealth Information System (HIS) is defined as a comprehensive and integrated structure that

ll t ll t l l t t di i t h lth d h lth l t d d t d

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The key components of this strategic plan are:-

Vision StatementBe a centre of excellence for quality health and health-related data and information for use by all.

Mission StatementTo provide timely reliable and accessible quality health service information for evidence-baseddecision making in order to maximize utilization of scarce resources in the health sector.

MandateTo generate, analyze and disseminate health information to facilitate effective policy formulation,management, planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of health services and

programme interventions in the health sector by all.

Core Values

• Integrity:

• Commitment:

• Professionalism:

• Respect:

Strategic ThrustStrategic thrusts are outstanding concerns that have been identified by health sector to haveconsiderable effect on HIS. The strategic thrust identif ied and in line with the First Medium Plan2008-2012 of vision 2030 is Weak Health Information System in the health sector. Consequentlystrategic thrust or priority of HIS is to:“ Establish functional, robust, effective and efficient Health Information System”

Strategic Objectives• To improve data management

• To improve National Vital Registration System

• EnhanceCapacity of HISStaff

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1.1 Background

The overall policy guidance for the health sector is through the Government of Kenya Vision2030 and the Kenya Health Policy Framework (KHPF, 1994-2010). One of the key challenges inthe health sector identified in First Medium Term Plan of Vision 2030 is weak health informationsystems. Various weaknesses identified in the existing information systems include lack ofguidelines and policy, inadequate capacities of HIS staff, lack of integration, many parallel datacollection systems, and poor coordination, amongst others. Overall the current HIS provideslimited information for monitoring health goals and empowering communities and individualswith timely and understandable information on health and health related interventions.

In view of the above weaknesses, the ministries of health, i.e. the Ministry of Medical Servicesand the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation together with her partners decided that this 5year coasted Strategic Plan for Health Information Systems be developed and institutionalized toguide the implementation of HIS activities at all levels.

The Ministries are keen to play their part in improving the efficiency and effectiveness in deliveryof health services by strengthening governance, decentralizing health services and management,

improving resource allocation and enhancement of collaboration with stakeholders under sectorwide approach.

1.2 Purpose/Rationale for HIS Strategic Plan

The strategic plan is intended to respond to the aspirations of NHSSP II, Health sector M&EFramework and the Kenya Health Policy Framework envisioning the Vision 2030 activities thatwill ensure a robust HIS to inform on progress on attainment of set targets.

The primary purpose of an HIS is to support informed strategic decision-making by providingquality data which help managers and health workers at all levels of the health system in planningand managing the health services; monitoring disease trends and control epidemics; and

idi i di l ti t d d t t Th ifi bj ti f thi t i

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1.3 Approach and Methodology for developing the Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan was developed through an inclusive approach and a methodology intended to

ensure ownership, commitment and leadership by the key stakeholders namely Ministries ofHealth, Vital Registration, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, NGOs and developmentpartners. It is recognized that a properly organized health information system is a prerequisite forefficient administration of health services and hence the need for using a participatory andconsultative approach in developing the Strategic Plan.

Desk and literature reviews were carried out. Consultations were done through meetings with theClient, Technical Working Groups and stakeholder Workshop. Questionnaires were also posted

to the sampled provinces and districts, heads of department/ divisions of ministries of health,development partners and implementing partners. Interviews were also undertaken with selectedinstitutions.The key steps of the methodology included;§ Confirmation of the vision, mission and core values§ SWOT analysis to confirm the relevant internal and external factors that impact on the

performance of the Division/ Departments of HIS§ Identification of key challenges which HIS department will need to specifically respond

to as part of its strategy.§ Identification of key priority areas that the ministries will focus on during the strategy

period§ Preparation of Action Plans for each priority area

In adopting the HMN methodology for preparing a strategic plan, the steps used for thepreparation of the strategic plan included analysis of HIS assessment reports and identif ication ofareas which required priority attention in health systems domains. The second stage was working

with Technical Working Groups in the confirmation of strategic objectives, strategies andactivities. The final stage was through preparation of an implementation matrix and costing.The results of the above stated reviews and analysis generated appropriate data and formed thebasis for thedevelopment of HISStrategic Plan for theperiod 2009-2014.

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2.1 Definition of HIS

Health Information System is composed of producers of health statistics including Ministries ofHealth, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), Vital Registration, private healthinstitutions, research institutions, and Faith Based Organizations (FBOs), amongst others.The health information system is defined as a comprehensive and integrated structure thatcollects, collates, analyses, evaluates, stores, disseminates, health and health-related data andinformation for use by all.

The value and importance of a health information system is that it supports the management of

the health system whose ultimate goal is to improve and maintain the health of individuals,families and communities. HIS is considered as a system that provides health and health relatedinformation to facilitate evidence-based decision making processes at all levels of the healthpyramid (Level 1 to Level 6) which are: From the level of individual patient care to themanagement of specific health programmes through to the policy levels where strategic decisionsare made. The current levels of care in the health sector are:Level 1 = CommunityLevel 2 = Dispensary and Clinics

Level 3 = Health Centre including maternity and nursing homesLevel 4 = Sub-district and District Hospitals (Primary hospitals)Level 5 = Provincial and general hospitals (secondary hospitals)Level 6 = National referral hospitals (tertiary)

2.2 Primary objectives of HIS

The primary goal of an HIS is to provide the right information to the right user at the right time.It is therefore considered that properly organized HIS is a prerequisite for the effective and

efficient management of health services. No HIS can afford to discourage the successful use ofits information resources by producing information products that are not aligned with the needsof the user in the forefront. HIS should be developed with a careful assessment of the levels ofthe information generation feedback mechanisms and use by all

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Since a properly organized HIS is needed to produce information for taking action, thedevelopment of HIS strategic plan will provide clear road map for implementation of plannedactivities.

2.3 Current HIS Subsystems

There are various subsystems in HIS. These subsystems are summarized in three categoriesnamely population based data, management information and health services based data as shownin Fig 2.1. The sub-systems exist with their own databases with no links to the centralized HISthus creating disjointed information systems in the health sector.

Fig. 2.1 Current H IS Sub-Systems

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Population based data include census, vital registration and surveys while managementinformation covers administrative records, and health services and disease records as shown inFig 2.2


Source: - HIS documents (various)

2.5 Users of Health Information

Population- based Health and Disease Records


Health Services


Census Administrative


Vital Registration


Service Records

Health and Disease



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Generates information which can be used to evaluate health policies for planning healthprogrammes and the efficient provision and management of health servicesOpens up continuous dialogue and coordination between those who collect data and the users ofinformation with the aim of improving health services.Disseminates timely information to users, including those who work in research and health

administrationProvides regular feedback to all personnel in the information system which helps to emphasizethe important role each of them plays.Creates and maintain a health information data base at district and community levelsProvides health information required for health planning, monitoring and evaluation of healthprogrammes.

2.6.1 Existing Producers of Health Information

Health Information exists at the Ministries of Health where routine health data collection isconducted through a network of community units, 6190 health facilities (Government, FaithBased, Non-governmental Organization and Private) that are distributed throughout the country.

Other key health information producers are Civil Registration Department of the Ministry ofImmigration, the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, Research Institutions, and AfricanNetwork for Health Management and Communication (AfriAfya) which is a consortium of seven

Kenya based health development agencies. In all these institutions major support to HIS comesfrom development partners namely DANIDA, Global Fund, UNICEF, WHO, World Bank,DFID through STATCAP project and EHS, USAID, CDC, European Union, PEPFAR andClinton Foundation.

2.6.2 On-going and Planned HIS Strengthening Activities

Assessment reports on Health Information System identified priority actions required to

strengthen HIS. These included instituting mandatory reporting from private providers andNGO facilities, building capacity for data collection at all levels, developing integratedharmonized data collection tools and conducting census of health providers. The achievementshave been in the areas of harmonization and rationalization of the health sector data

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Civil Registration

Registration of births and deaths at the Department of Civil Registration is still manual.However, data entry of records of births and deaths is being computerized on pilot basis. This isexpected to be rolled out to cover more districts once the Pilot is over. Secondly, the

Government is collaborating with Plan Kenya (International) in awareness creation on birthregistration in selected districts. The Statistical Capacity Project (STATCAP) being implementedby KNBS is planning to undertake social mobilization and training in Mandera and IsioloDistricts. This is expected to scale    up registration of births and deaths in marginalized ruralareas.

Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KN BS)

Analysis of the Kenya Demographic Health Survey 2008. The support for this activity wasthrough the collaboration of Government of Kenya, World Bank, DFID, with technicalsupport from Macro international – Measures evaluation among others.

Mapping of the districts and the enumeration areas through the support from GOK, WorldBank, and DFID.

Preparation for the National Census 2009 to take place in August 2009.

On-going activities National Coordinating Agency for Population and Development(NCAPD)

Preparation of the Service Provision Assessment (SPA). This has been proposed to take placebetween September and December 2009.

Note: Measuring health is conceptually and technically complex, requiring statistical, public

health and biomedical knowledge and expertise unique to each disease or programme area.Accurate measurement depends upon the availability of disease- specific biometric tests,

clinical diagnoses and the feasibility of measuring population behaviours and the coverage of health services. As a result, health statistics may vary greatly in terms of scientific

soundness, usability and timeliness.

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3.1 Introduction

This section gives a summary of internal strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities andthreats to HIS which were identified The results were achieved through extensive consultationswith key stakeholders by undertaking a Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunity and Threats (SWOT)analysis. The summary of the results are given in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 SWOT Analysis of HIS

Internal Strengths

Existence of vital registration systemRegular periodic population based surveyssuch as KDHS (every 5 years), census(every 10 years)HIS structure and reporting system in placeTechnical personnel availableExisting Training curriculum for healthrecords and information staff.

Provinces and Districts are proactive onHIS activitiesAvailability of manuals and guidelines fordata collectionAvailability of computers at national,provincial and district levelsAvailability of basic communicationinfrastructure

Minimum set of indicators establishedPartnership arrangements in placeDraft Policy document in placeAvailability of harmonized Data Collection

Internal Weaknesses

Lack of clear policy guidelines and legal frameworkfor HISLow reporting rate below 80%Inadequate personnelInadequate financesUnclear funding mechanismLack of/ inadequate M&E skills at all levelsInadequate provision of data collection tools at

facility levelsLack of centralized data base at all levelsLack of mechanisms for enforcing use ofstandardized tools (data collection)Inadequate working and storage spaceInadequate supply of equipments such computers,printers, calculators at all level.Inadequate Facilitative supervision

Weak feedback mechanism and poor dissemination atall levelsPoor coordination of HIS ActivitiesWeak linkages and data sharing

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External OpportunitiesGood working collaboration with thedivisions/ departmentsCollaboration and networking with other

stakeholdersCapacities built on various verticalprogrammes would help to roll out a betterHISRecognition and support of HIS by keystakeholders in the Health SectorDevelopment of a national ICT policyDevelopment of E- health policy and strategy

Implementation of the HIS policyTraining of HIS staff in various institutionse.g. Degree at KUOther existing strategic plans within theministries of healthImplementation of the community healthinformation systemTechnological advancement

External ThreatsHigh staff turnoverPoor scheme of services leading to non-retention ofqualified staff

Donor driven programmes and projects establishingparallel data management systems.Inconsistency in political good willKeeping pace with ICT developmentGlobal economic melt downCorruptionFreeze on EmploymentNatural and manmade calamities

Over dependence on development Partners/ Donorsupport

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This chapter summarizes the agreed Vision, Mission, Mandate and Core Values of HISThe chapter also discusses the strategic issues, objectives, and strategies based on the challenges

outlined in the SWOT analysis.

4.1 Vision, Mission and Mandate Statements

VisionBe a centre of excellence for quality health and health-related data and information for use by


Mission StatementTo provide timely reliable and accessible quality health service information for evidence-baseddecision making in order to maximize utilization of scarce resources in the health sector.

MandateTo generate, analyze and disseminate health information to facilitate effective policy formulation,management, planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of health services

and programme interventions in the health sector by all.

Core ValuesThe core values are the behavior and attitudes that will be practiced and embraced by HIS inorder to create the desired culture to drive towards the vision. HIS recognizes that having theright values will result in more efficient production of quality timely and focused health data. Theattributes are:-Integrity: To be accountable, transparent and devoid of corrupt practices in service delivery

Commitment: To devote all official time to our duties and undertake to deal with those seekingour services without unnecessary delaysProfessionalism: To create and maintain public trust in health statistics by acting professionallyand promoting professionalism and transparency in data production and dissemination.

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• Low staff morale

• Inadequate Finances to support HIS activities

• Presence of many data collection systems with poor coordination

4.2.2 Strategic Thrust (Priority)Strategic thrusts are outstanding concerns that have been identified by health sector to haveconsiderable effect on HIS. The strategic thrust identified and in line with the First MediumTerm Plan 2008-2012 of Vision 2030 is Weak Health Information System in the health sector.Consequently strategic thrust or priority of HIS is to:“ Establish functional, robust, effective and efficient Health Information System”

4.2.3 Strategic ObjectivesThe key strategic issues identified in the HIS assessment of 2006 revolved around improving datarepresentativeness, quality of data and information. In order to address the strategic issues thefollowing strategic objectives have been developed.

4.3 Strategic Objectives

4.3.1 Strategic Objective 1: To improve Data managementData management is considered as the weakest area under HIS. This was as a result of the

existence of too many tools, supporting parallel initiatives/ programmes, inadequate capacity ofstaff collecting, collating, analyzing and managing data, training not geared towards datamanagement or in monitoring and evaluation, and lack of policy guidelines, amongst others.

Strategiesi) Developing HIS Policy and Strategic Planii) Reviewing data management processes, procedures and linkagesiii) Review minimum data sets

iv) Determining the need for key sub-systems and the linkages in the health sectorv) Establishing a manual integrated Community Health Information System (CHIS)vi) Establishing a robust integrated electronic community Health Information Systemvii) Reviewingand developing Facility Information System (FIS)

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4.3.3 Strategic Objective 3: Enhance Capacity of H IS staffCapacity development for the implementation of HIS Strategic Plan is critical at all levelsamongst:-

• HIS staff who produce analyzed information

• Managers who use the information

• Facility staff that produce raw data and primarily use the information.

The reviews undertaken on HIS indicate that while the basic data capture and reporting skills arepresent, there is little attention to data quality and the staff is not skilled to competentlyundertake analysis and interpretation of data. There is therefore urgent need for a comprehensivetraining program for staff in-post and those studying to become health workers. There is alsoneed to have pre-services training for M&E officers, District Health Managers and curricula onHIS principles should be introduced into the courses for nurses, clinical officers, doctors andother health professionals

Strategiesi) Developing focused pre and in-service training program for health professionals in

HISii) Strengthening human resource capacity at all levels by undertaking focused practical

training program on HISiii) Organizing best practice tours in areas with the best performance within and

outside Kenyaiv) Enhancing HIS staff career developmentv) Employ, deploy and retain appropriate health records and information personnel at

all levelsvi) Employing and deploying HIS staff appropriatelyvii) Enhancing transport for HIS operationsviii) Improving general off ice supplies and equipment

4.3.4 Strategic Objective 4: Improve Financial Resources and sustainabi li tyThere is inadequate allocation of financial resources for HIS. This is mainly because the amountallocated is not based on information needs. For purposes of sustainability HIS requires adequate

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Strategiesi) Procuring hardware and software to support data managementii) Developing user friendly integrated web-enabled database system.iii) Rolling out the integrated system at all levelsiv) Supporting data flow, information use and sharing through the FTP

v) Developing capacity for Health Records and Information Officers, ICT personnel andmanagers on use of the software for data management

vi) System maintenance and sustainabilityvii) Data security and backupviii) Developing capacity of ICT personnel and managers to develop, administrate,

implement and manage software for data management

4.3.6 Strategic Objective 6: Improving Monitoring, Feedback, Reporting, Supervision and

Data AuditsAlthough a lot of health data exist there is minimal interaction with the data by health staff.Consequently very little data is used for decision making, performance assessment and resourceallocation. There is therefore need to review selected indicators and therefore reduce the numberof data reported along indicators.

There are a number of vertical systems collecting and reporting data in systems that are parallel toHIS and have no links to it. There is need to harmonize these systems with a view of developing

one standardized system which will interface the parallel systems that exists and the HIS system.The integration of existing data sources into one data warehouse that uses modern technology toenable easy access to information from a variety of platforms at a single point will ensuremaximum use of available information.

Improved information use requires that coordination be strengthened vertically (between levelsof health services) and horizontally (with other stakeholders, health related ministries, NGOs andCSOs). Secondly coordination of surveys such as DHS, facility survey, vital registration and

other surveys should be improved and placed under M&E steering committee. Further, one ofthe frequent problems is lack of feedback at all levels (horizontal and vertical feedback).Feedback of information should therefore be improved by ensuring that reports and publicationsare distributed to Community units facility staff district levels both paper based and

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4.3.7 Strategic Objective 7: Enhancing Governance, partnership, collaboration andcoordinationCommunication, partnership and coordination of HIS activities undertaken by variousstakeholders are weak. The existing HIS are designed with limited involvement and participationwith those who operate the systems and those who use the information from the systems. There

is therefore need to share information with partners and close coordination with other statisticalconstituencies


• Establishment of intra and inter sectoral linkages

• Establishment of governance structures at all levels

• Evaluation of the HIS strategic plan

Evaluate the implementation of the HIS strategic plan

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5.1 Staffing Level and Requirements

Currently HIS at the Ministries of Health is grossly understaffed as indicated in Table 4.1 below.The statistics from Table 4.1 shows that at the current staffing level there is a gap of 4774 staff.This means that only 11% of the total human resource requirements are in post. The major gapsare in the cadre of Health Records & Information Officers (88.3%), ICT officers (96.6%) andstatisticians (100%). In order to effectively implement activities of the strategic plan, it isimperative that staff is recruited and trained. There will also be need to undertake serviceworkload analysis for the staffing.

Table 4.1 Staffing Levels

CADRE Total H umanResourcerequirements as perstaffing norms andstandards

Existingstaffcurrently tosupport H IS

Gap Staff to berecrui ted as perthe strategic plan( 2009-2014)

Health Records

and Informationpersonnel

4882 572 4310



ICT Officers 235 8 227 (96.6%) 20

Statisticians 221 0 221 (100%) 4Epidemiologists 12 2 10 3Public HealthSpecialists 4 0 4 1Health

Economists 2 0 2 1Total 5356 582 4774 1579

5 2 Organizational Structure

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HIS Strategic Plan 2009-201416

Fig 4.1 Organogram of H ealth Information System

Source: - H IS Division


Facility based

Health statistics


health statistics

and Research



Morbidity,mortality and

service statistics

Workload/Hospital administrative



Human Resource Finance

Infrastructure and

fixed assets e.g.Health facilities


management e.g.


Commodities andsuppliers e.g.


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5.2.1 Governance Structure.In order to implement this Strategic Plan the following governance structure is to beimplemented during the plan period:-

i) Establishment of a National H ealth Information System CoordinatingCommittee (NH ISCC).This is the oversight committee with representative from key partners at senior level inthe ministries of Health, private sector, NGOs and development partners to strengthenHIS function. The committee will ensure periodic review of the data collection tools,ensure that we have minimum data sets, and give guidelines on data quality audit andsupervision. Similar coordinating committees will also be at provincial, district andcommunity levels.

ii) Establishment of an HIS Management StructureAt each level of data collection there will be management teams. At the central level inministries of Health, Technical Working Group will form the management team. Themanagement teams will also be formed at the provincial, district and community levels.

Fig 4.2 Governance Structure






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5.3 Roles and Responsibilities

This section defines roles and responsibilities of the various actors at all levels of the healthsector.

5.3.1 National H IS Coordinating Committee (N H ISCC)A NHISCC with representation from senior level officers in the Ministries of Health, Statisticalconstituencies, implementing partners and development partners shall be formed to strengthenNHIS function. The Permanent Secretary shall appoint a chairperson to steer HIS CoordinatingCommittee. The Ministries of Health together with other participating stakeholders shallprovide the Committee with the financial and human resources needed to undertake its day-to-day activities. The Committee will establish its own internal procedures and work agenda.

The NHISCC shall provide technical advisory role for health and social welfare datamanagement in close collaboration with other strategic partners including KNBS, VitalRegistration and private sector. The committee shall ensure unified and timely data collection,collation, processing and dissemination. To maximize efficiency, the NHISCC shall developstrategic options for human resource development in data and information management andparticipate in operational research.

5.3.2 The General PublicThe public shall ensure that any vital events or other significant health occurrences in thecommunity are reported to the responsible authorities.

On the other hand the public shall be entitled to information on the Ministries of Healthperformance through relevant publications by the Ministries or on specific special requests.

5.3.3 The Private Sector

Currently there is no legal obligation for the private sector to provide their activity data toMinistries of Health. However through the HIS policy private health providers will be enforcedto submit their data regularly as stipulated in order to give a comprehensive picture of thesector.

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5.3.5 Ministries of H ealth (Roles by level)i) Community level

• Every Community Unit (CU) shall maintain and update its CHIS that shall beshared regularly with household members in a forum as stated in the health sector

community strategy.• The community health workers shall maintain registers recording daily activities

and reporting regularly to supervising health facility.

i i) Health faci li ty level

• The health facility shall maintain and update its HIS which shall include records,filing system(s) and registry for primary data collection tools (such as Registers,cards, file folders), summary forms (such as reporting forms, CDs, electronicbackups) safeguarded from any risks e.g. fire, floods, access by unauthorized person,etc.

• Every health facility shall summarize health and health related data from thecommunity and health facility, analyse, disseminate and use the information fordecision-making, provide feedback, then, transmit summaries to the next level.

iii) District level

The District shall have oversight responsibility to manage all health and healthrelated data from all service providers within their area of jurisdiction.

• The district shall give technical, material and financial support to all serviceproviders in HIS.

• The District shall create and maintain a data repository.

• The district shall collaborate and work in partnership with other statisticalconstituencies at the district level to built one HIS.

• The district shall collate, analyse, disseminate, use health and health related data

from all health facilities/ providers and give feedback to all health care providers.

iv) Provincial/ Regional level

Th P i h ll h i h ibili ll h l h d h l h

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• The national level shall collate, analyse, disseminate and use health and healthrelated data from all districts, provinces and service providers and give feedback toall.

• The National level shall create and maintenance a data repository.

• The national level shall collaborate and work in partnership with other statistical

constituencies at the national to built one HIS.

5.3.6. Other statistical consti tuenciesi. KNBSii. Vital Registrationiii. Research and training institutions

There shall be close working relationship and partnerships with HIS to provide data onpopulation- based statistics, vital events (births and deaths) and health related research data forcomparative analysis and warehousing.

5.3.7 Other MinistriesThere shall be close collaboration and partnership with other ministries in strengthening HISsuch other ministries include, Ministry of education, Ministry of home affairs and nationalheritage- Kenya national archives.

5.3.8 Training institutions

• Will be engaged in harmonization of the human resource requirements of HIS to thetraining curricular offered by training institutions.

5.3.9 Mass media

• Shall be involved in advocacy on health and health related information

5.3.10 Implementing partners• Support to strengthen HIS in their areas of operation.

• Work within the existing HIS framework and meet the reporting requirements as definedby minimum datasets

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Table 4.2 Budget Summaries by Strategic Objectives

Projected Resource Requi rements for Plan Implementation

Budget per Financial year in US $ (Dollars)Strategic Objectives2009/ 10 2010/ 11 2011/ 12 2012/ 13 2013/ 14

Total Costin Kshs

Amount US $(Kshs. 75)

To improve datamanagement 1,184,960 2,826,895 2,709,528 2,244,260 2,681,786 888,761,950 11,850,426To improve NationalVital Registration System 442,950 543,352 534,366 407,725 301,058 167,208,800 2,229,461To enhance capacity ofHIS 245,320 1,497,890 706,090 378,150 358,550 236,950,000 3,159,333

Improve financialresources 40,619 40,619 40,619 40,619 40,619 15,232,000 203,093To strengthen use andapplication ofinformation andCommunicationTechnology in datamanagement

402,549 531,584 509,523 393,536 315,134 161,423,000 2,152,307

To improve monitoring,

feedback, reporting,supervision and dataaudits

893,866 1,074,021 1,226,048 1,204,755 988,350 404,028,000 5,387,040

To Enhance Governance,partnerships,collaboration andcoordination

35,227 35,227 73,793 73,793 35,227 18,995,000 253,267

GRAND TOTALS 3,245,491 6,549,568 5,799,966 4,945,837 4,720,721 1,892,618,750 25,234,917

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The overall purpose of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is to track inputs, activities(processes) outputs and ultimate outcome (impact) of strategic Plan implementation. It is a

process of ensuring that resources are spent as planned within the framework of strategic planprojections and Annual Work Plans (AWPs) budgets; and that activities take place as plannedwithin the planned time frames to realize the stated strategic objectives. Specifically, Monitoringof strategic plan implementation will assist in:

• Checking whether the implementation is on schedule as planned (work-plans arefollowed as closely as possible)

• Assisting in making adjustments and corrective action when and where necessary.

• Keeping management and stakeholders informed on time

• Assisting in making timely solutions where bottlenecks are identified• Checking that allocated resources are used efficiently and effectively

• Ensuring that inputs are ready on time.

Evaluation is defined as periodic assessment of the relevance, performance, efficiency,effectiveness and impact of the activities. The relevance will respond to the question to whatextent are the operations responding to the needs and priorities of the system?. Efficiencyfocuses on whether available resources (financial and non-financial) have been optimally usedwhile effectiveness responds to the question, to what extent the beneficiaries are benefitingfrom the system? The purpose of evaluation will therefore be to improve planning andmanagement; to strengthen organization; promote institutional learning and to inform policy.

The HIS recognizes that there will be need for, adequate resources (both human and non-human) to successfully implement the strategic plan within the five year period and beyond. Inlight of this, appropriate strategies and mechanisms will be put in place internally and withsupport from partners to mobilize financial/ funding and material resources to supportimplementation of the plan in terms of recurrent and development expenditures.

In order to justify and enhance funding and resources mobilization to support plan

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• Appropriate data collection tools/ instruments at all levels from community toSecretariat for purposes of monitoring and evaluation

• Preparation of Monitoring and Evaluation indicators

• Monitoring and evaluation process at all stages of inputs, processes, outputs andoutcomes, frequencies (monthly, quarterly, half   yearly and annual etc)

• Feedback reporting mechanism including reporting formats, reports writing,documentation and dissemination processes

The financial and other resources monitoring and evaluation will constitute part of the M&Esystem to ensure that all the resources are utilized according to approved work plans andbudgets, and in accordance with the approved financial management guidelines and regulationsto ensure accountability.

The following activities will generate the information required as process, output and impactindicators to monitor and evaluate the work of the programme.

• Expected outputs, strategic objectives, strategies and respective major activities

• Capacity needs assessments conducted and subsequent capacity building

• Standard M&E instruments and guidelines including report formats, standard checklistsand other tools developed

• Supervision and monitoring visits

• Periodic review meetings• Quarterly and annual reports on performance of the system

• Data bases developed and used to inform policies, planning, decision making and planimplementation.

Interim, Mid-term and End of Period evaluation by external agencies will be undertaken asappropriate.

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The HIS Strategic Plan, 2009    2014 implementation Matrix is presented below. For ease of

presentation, an implementation framework for each objective is provided but should beviewed as integrated components. The matrix consists of:-

• Stated Strategic Objectives

• Expected Output based on the Strategic Objective

• Strategies

• Main activities for the respective strategies

• Responsibility

Strategic Partners• Implementation Time Frame within the five year period

• Performance Indicators

• Budget Projections

The Implementation Matrix is a critical management tool for mobilization, allocation andutilization of resources for plan implementation; management and coordination of StrategicPlan implementation; and monitoring progress as well as evaluating results/ outputs and impact

of the Health Information System.

It is important to note that detailed Annual Work Plans (AWPs) as well as shorter term AnnualOperational Plans (AOPs) are to be developed for each year of the plan as initial andsubsequent operationalization of the Strategic Plan processes.

In addition to the Implementation Matrix as well as Annual Operational Plans (AOPs), therewill be a comprehensive Monitoring and Evaluation System to be developed to facilitate

efficient and effective monitoring and evaluation of Strategic Plan implementation includingfeedback reporting mechanism, documentation and information dissemination.

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HIS Strategic Plan 2009-201425



IM PLEMENTATION MATRIXStrategic Objective 1: To improve data management

Time Frame (Implementation Period) Total BudgetExpectedOutput/ Results

Strategies Main Activities Responsibility VerifiableIndicators

2009/ 2010 2010/ 2011 2011/ 2012 2012/ 2013 2013/ 2014 Kshs US$


Operationalization andEnforcement of HI SPolicy


HISPolicy in placeand operational

X2,939,000 39,187

i)Developing HI SPolicy andStrategic Plan

Develop HISStrategicPlan 2015-2020

HIS, TWG Strategic Plandevelopmentcompleted andlaunched

X 2,955,000 39,400

Review datamanagementprocesses, andprocedures

Ministries of Health(HIS)

Framework for DataManagement processand proceduresreviewed and in place

X X 2,588,800 34,517

ii)Reviewing datamanagementprocesses,procedures and

linkagesEstablish linkages forthe existing sub-systems

HI S, TWG Linkages betweensub-systems in placeand functional X 96,000 1,280

iii) Reviewminimum data sets

Review and definehealth sector coreindicators

HI STWG Standardized minimaldatasets defined X X 7,131,600 95,088

Revise data collection,collation and analysistools and set upquality assuranceprocedures

HIS Revised datacollection, collationand analysis tools inplace and qualit yassurance procedures

X X 3,139,000 41,853

Conduct orientationtraining for health careworkers on use ofrevised integrated HISM&E tools

HIS List of health careworkers trained onHISM& E tools andtraining report

X X 29,300,000 390,667

Improvedpolicy,procedures andinstitutionalCapacity

Print anddistribute M&Etools for datacollection andreporting

Supply of data captureand reporting tools

HIS Printed M&E toolsX X X X X 202,200,000 2,696,000

Sub- total 250,349,400 3,337,992

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HIS Strategic Plan 2009-201426

Time Frame (Implementation Period) Total BudgetExpectedOutput/ Results

Strategies Main Activities Responsibility Verifiable I ndicators

2009/ 2010 2010/ 2011 2011/ 2012 2012/ 2013 2013/ 2014 Kshs US$

Source ofFunds

Assess plan and linkthe sub systems:-Master health facilit y,Finances, Drugs, andlogistic management,Human Resources,

Assets, Vitalregistration.

Ministries ofHealth (HIS)

Needs AssessmentReport (s) &Centralized databaselinked to sub-systemsin place

X X 3,058,050 40,774

Report ofkey sub-

systems andlinkages

Determine theneed for key sub-systems and thelinkages in thehealth sector

Print other healthsystems datacollection forms

Ministries ofHealth (HIS)

Health Systems datacollection tools printedand utilized

X X X X 21,500,000 286,667

Develop theintegrated CHIS(Community HealthInformation Systems)tools

HIS,DCH, AllStakeholders

Number of CHIStools developed

X X 80,000 1,067

Pre-test the CHIStools in 6 selectedsites in t he provinces

HIS,DCH, AllStakeholders

Reports on pre-testedCHIStools X X 3,810,000 50,800

Hold consensus


HIS Number of consensus

workshops held X X 750,000 10,000

Print CHIStools HIS CHIStools in placeX X X X X 122,000,000 1,626,667


Establish a manualintegratedcommunity HealthInformationSystem (CHI S)

Procure andsynchronize PDAsfor CHIS

All stakeholders Number of PDAs forCHISprocuredList of participantsattending theworkshops

X X X X X 95,740,000 1,276,533

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HIS Strategic Plan 2009-201427

Time Frame (Implementation Period) Total BudgetExpectedOutput/ Results

Strategi es M ai n Acti vi ti es Responsi bi li ty Veri fiabl e I ndi cators

2009/ 2010 2010/ 2011 2011/ 2012 2012/ 2013 2013/ 2014 Kshs US$

Source ofFunds

Design and develop aCHISsystem for datamanagement

HI S/ D CH I ntegrated electronicCHISin place X X 1,737,500


Hold consensus

workshop for CHIS

Number of consensus

meeting held 650,000 8,667

Technical support tothe system

Technical supportprovided 1,400,000



Establish a robustintegratedelectroniccommunity


Establish and equipCHEWs and resourcecenters in eachadministrativedivision forinformation sharing

HIS,DCH, CDFCommittee

Community ResourceCenters established

X X X X 297,000,000 3,960,000

Sub- t otal 547,725,550 7,303,008

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HIS Strategic Plan 2009-201428

Time Frame (Implementation Period) Total BudgetExpectedOutput/ Results

Strategi es M ai n Acti vi ti es Responsi bi li ty Veri fiabl e I ndi cators

2009/ 2010 2010/ 2011 2011/ 2012 2012/ 2013 2013/ 2014 Kshs US$

Source ofFunds

Design and develop arobust facilit ymanagementinformation system

HIS Robust facility MISinplace and functional



Rollout the facilitysystem in the 400hospitals

System roll ed out inthe 400 hospitals

X X 11,760,000 156,800

Maintenance offacilit y system

Maintenance reportX X X X 20,000,000 266,667

Develop anElectronic HealthRecords System(EHRS)

EHRSin place andoperational X X 13,843,000 184,573

EHRSrol led out in allthe 400 hospitals

EHRSrolled out inthe 400 hospitals X X 34,580,000 461,067

Developedintegratedelectronic datamanagementandInformation

health facili tysystem

Review anddevelop FacilitydataManagementand InformationSystems

Maintenance reportsM&E Reports inoperations of HERsystem

Maintenance reportX X

8,300,000 110,667

Sub-Total 90,707,000 1,209,427

Total 888,781,950 11,850,427

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HIS Strategic Plan 2009-201429

Strategic Objective: 2 To Improve National Vital Registration SystemTime Frame (Implementation Period) Total BudgetExpected

Output/ Results

Strat egi es M ai n Acti vi ti es Responsi bi li ty Veri fi abl e I ndi cat ors

2009/ 2010 2010/ 2011 2011/ 2012 2012/ 2013 2013/ 2014 Kshs US$

Sourceof Funds

i) CivilRegistrationawarenesscampaigns andsocial


Conduct socialmobilizationcampaigns atnational, provincialand district levels.

VR, DCR, HI S RegistrationCoverage of birthsincrease from 40% to80% and coverage ofdeaths increased from

50% to 90% by 2014

X X X X X 35,223,000 469,640

Sensitize thecommunity throughmedia

VR Number of Airedprogrammes andproportion ofcommunities reached

X X X X X 3,850,000 51,333

Capacity Building ofregistrars andregistration agents onvital registration

VR No of staff trained anVit al Registration anduse of information

X X 4,495,000 59,933

Train 21,600 Chiefsand sub-chiefs oncauses of deaths

VR, DCR, HIS No of chiefs trainedX X X X 13,865,000 184,867

Raisedregistrationcoverage ofbirths from46% to 80%

and Deathsfrom 50% to90% by 2014

ii) Capacitybuilding

Train VR staff onshort course

VR Number of stafftrained X X X


Train 800 cliniciansand nurses on vitalregistration, causes ofdeaths ,basic codingof diseases and use ofvital information

HI S, VR Number of clinicianand nurses sensiti zed

X X X X X 1,280,000 17,067

Improvedtransport forVitalRegistration

Enhance transportfor Monitoring

Provision oftransport (vehiclesand motorcycles)

VR Number of vehiclesand motorcyclespurchased

X X X X X 37,500,000 500,000

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HIS Strategic Plan 2009-201430

Time Frame (Implementation Period) Total BudgetExpectedOutput/ Result


Strat egi es M ai n Acti vi ti es Responsi bi li ty Veri fi abl e I ndi cat ors

2009/ 2010 2010/ 2011 2011/ 2012 2012/ 2013 2013/ 2014 Kshs US$

Sourceof Funds

Data Conversion VR Number of Recordsentered/ converted X X X X X 50,000,000 666,667

Design and develop arobust vitalregistrationinformation system

VR I ntegrated electronicvital data managementand informationsystem developed andin place

X 1,499,000 19,987

Train districtregistrars on use ofthe software databasesystem

VR Number of registrarstrained X X 5,759,800 76,797

Roll out the softwaresystem in all district

VR Number of Districtsinstalled the system X 825,000 11,000

Monitorimplementation ofthe system

VRX X X X 7,250,000 96,667

Developedintegratedelectronic Vi talRegistrationdatamanagementandinformationsystem

Review anddevelop, a VitalRegistrationInformationSystems (VRI S)

Total 167,208,800 2,229,451

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HIS Strategic Plan 2009-201431

Strategic Objective 3: To Enhance Capacity of H IS

Time Frame (Implementation Period) Total BudgetExpectedOutput/ Results

Strategies Main Activities Responsibility VerifiableIndicators

2009/ 2010 2010/ 2011 2011/ 2012 2012/ 2013 2013/ 2014 Kshs US$

Source ofFunds

i) Develop focusedpre and in-servicetraining programfor healthprofessionals

Mainstreaming HISin the regular pre-service training ofhealth workers andReview curricula forhealth recordsprofessionals

HIS& Traininginstitutions

HISmainstreamed inthe medicalTrainingcurricular

X X 1,665,000 22,200

Orientate 100lecturers/ Trainerson curricula

Training institutions Number oflecturers oriented

X X 2,966,000 39,547

Develop a trainingmanual ininformationmanagement forhealth workers

HIS Training manualin place X X 1,935,000 25,800

Train managers oninformationmanagement and use

HIS Number ofmanagers trained X X X X 5,410,000 72,133

Train Health careworkers on datamanagement and use

HIS/ province/ District

Number ofhealth careworkers trained

X X X X 33,530,000 447,067


ii) Strengthenhuman resourcecapacity at alllevels byundertakingfocused practicaltraining programon HIS

On Job Training ondata management forhealth workers

District/ Province Number ofhealth care withproficiency

X X X X 6,500,000 86,667

Conduct fi veexchangeprogrammes incountry byprovinces/ districts

HIS Number ofexchangeprogrammesconductedExchangeprogrammesreports

X X 1,350,000 18,000

Study tourreport

Organizebestpractice tours inareas within Kenyaand outside withthe bestperformance

Conduct exchange

programme in 3 bestcountries in theregion (AFRO)

HIS Exchange


X X 3,295,000 43,933

Sub-Total56,651,000 755,347

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HIS Strategic Plan 2009-201432

Time Frame (Implementation Period) Total BudgetExpectedOutput/ Results

Strategies Main Activities Responsibility VerifiableIndicators

2009/ 2010 2010/ 2011 2011/ 2012 2012/ 2013 2013/ 2014 Kshs US$

Source ofFunds

Develop curriculafor pre-servicetraining programfor HI Sstaff

Training institution Curricula for pre-service trainingdeveloped X X 300,000 4,000

Sponsor HISstafffor short term

courses in-post(statistical software,Planning, M&E,GIS, )

HIS Number of staffsponsored

X X X X 29,400,000


Train Healthrecords andinformationofficers andclinicians on ICD10 use

HIS Number of healthrecords andinformationofficers andclinicians trainedon ICD 10 use

X X X 14,410,000 192,133

60% 0f staffdeveloped

Enhance HIS staffcareerdevelopment

Support long termtrainings for HIS(Medicaldemography,Epidemiology,

Medical statistics,Informatics, HealthRecords andInformationManagement)

HI S/ developmentpartners

Number ofofficers supportedfor t raining. X X X X X 20,000,000 266,667

Number ofstaff employedand deployed

i) Employ, deployand retainappropriate healthrecords andinformationpersonnel at alllevels

Review, Developand implementnorms and standardfor staffing atvarious levels ofHIS

HRD,HIS Norms andstandardsdeveloped andimplemented X X 2,670,000 35,600

Develop and pilotretention scheme ofservice for HealthRecords and


HRD,HIS Scheme of servicedeveloped andpiloted X 64,000 853

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HIS Strategic Plan 2009-201433

Time Frame (Implementation Period) Total BudgetExpectedOutput/ Results

Strategies Main Activities Responsibility VerifiableIndicators

2009/ 2010 2010/ 2011 2011/ 2012 2012/ 2013 2013/ 2014 Kshs US$

Source ofFunds

ii)Employ anddeploy HI Sstaffappropriately

Advertise the positions PS Number ofPositionsadvertised

X X X X X 1,500,000 20,000

Employ and deploy750 health records andinformationtechnicians

PS Number ofHRITs of staffemployed anddeployed

X X X X X 15,000,000 200,000

Employ and deploy750 health records andinformation Officers

PS Number ofHRIOs of staffemployed anddeployed

X X X X X 26,250,000 350,000

Employ and deploy200 Health recordsand informationdegree/ mastersholders

PS Number ofDegree/ Mastersholders employedand deployed

X X X 9,000,000 120,000

Employ and deploy 20ICT officers in allprovinces to givetechnical support

PS Number of ICToff icers employedand deployed X X 900,000 12,000

Employ and deploy 10statistical officers for

national and provinciallevels

PS Number ofstatistical officers

employed anddeployed

X X 180,000 2,400

Enhancedtransport for H ISactivities

Enhancetransport forHISoperations

Provision of transport(vehicles andmotorcycles) at alllevels

Developmentpartners and HIS

Number ofvehicles andmotorcyclesprovided to alllevels

X X X X X 42,000,000 560,000

Improvedinfrastructure,office suppliesand generalequipment

Improve generaloffice suppliesand equipment

Renovate the officebuildings in selectedsites.

HIS Number of officesrenovated X X 2,000,000 26,667

Equip one resourcecentre at the nationallevel

HI S/ Administration

National resourcecenter equipped X X 10,500,000 140,000

Procure officesupplies at all levels

Register of officesupplies procuredat all level

X X X X X 6,125,000 81,667

Sub- Total 180,299,000 2,403,987Total

236,950,000 3,159,333

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HIS Strategic Plan 2009-201434

Strategic Objective 4: Improve Financial Resources

Time Frame (I mplementation Period) Total BudgetExpectedOutput/ Results

Strategi es M ai n Activi ti es Responsi bi lity Veri fiabl e I ndicators

2009/ 2010 2010/ 2011 2011/ 2012 2012/ 2013 2013/ 2014 Kshs US$

Source ofFunds

Lobby for more GOKfunds

PS/ HIS 10% of the fundingare allocated to HI Sand M&E X X X X X

Increaseallocation ofGOK funds forimplementingHIS


Lobby for at least

10% funds fromdonor/ partnersfunding for everyproject in the healthsector towards M&Eand HIS

DP/ PS/ HIS 10% of the fun ding

are allocated to HI Sand M&E.

X X X X X 320,000 4,267

At least 10% oftotal budgetsallocated forM&E/ HIS

activities at all


Consolidatedfunds gearedtowardsHIS/ M&Eactivities

Support one M&Eframework

DP/ PS/ HIS one M&E framework

X X X X X 2,655,000 35,400

Support and generateFinancial informationon allocations andexpenditures

HI S/ HCF/ DPs Strengthened financialinformation system inplace X X X X X 2,150,000 28,667

StrengtheningFinancialInformationSystem (FI S)

Train managers andsystem operators onfinancial informationsystem

HCF/ HIS Number of managersand system operatorstrained on f inancialmanagement

X X X X X 9,517,000 126,893


Increasefinancial fl owand funding atall levels

Support districts,provinces and nationallevel by allocation offunding at all levels.

PS Number of provincesand districtssupported/ allocatedwith funds

X X X X X 590,000 7,867

Total 15,232,000 203,094

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HIS Strategic Plan 2009-201435

Strategic Objective 5: To Strengthen use and application of Information and Communication Technology in Data Management

Time Frame (I mplementation Period) Total BudgetExpectedOutput/ Results

Strategies Main Activities Responsibility VerifiableIndicators

2009/ 2010 2010/ 2011 2011/ 2012 2012/ 2013 2013/ 2014 Kshs US$



Develop a user fr iendlyintegrated, web-baseddatabase that can linkmultiple data sourcesand ensure controlled

access by users.

HIS/ ICT Web   based datawarehouseestablished andintegrated X X 3,635,000 48,467

Pre-test the integratedsystem

HI S/ I CT Pre testing reportX X 825,000 11,000

Hold stakeholdersconsensus workshop

HIS Consensus reportX 535,000 7,133

Develop userfriendly integratedweb-enableddatabase system.

Develop systemmanuals

HI S/ I CT System/ operationalmanual in place X X 400,000 5,333

Roll out theintegrated systemat all levels

Roll out the system in 8provinces

HI S/ I CT System roll out in all8 provinces

X X X 6,740,000 89,867

DevelopedFunctionalInt egrated datawarehouse

Support data flow(FTP) andinformation useor sharing

Support and developcapacity on use of FileTransfer Protocol(FTP) as a mechanism

of data transfer

HIS FTP mechanism fordata transfer ismaintained andoperational X X X X X 20,880,000 278,400

Procure computerhardwares and itsaccessories and printersfor data management

HIS/ ICT Number ofequipment(computers,accessories andprinters) acquired

X X X X X 64,000,000 853,333

Procure PDAs andLaptops for datamanagement

HIS/ ICT Number ofPDAs/Laptopsprocured

X X X X X 31,500,000 420,000

Improved use ofICT and computers

Procure hardwareand software tosupport datamanagement

Train managers atdistrict, province andnational level on use ofPDAs

Number of managerstrained on use ofPDA and trainingreports

X X X X X 3,700,000 49,333

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HIS Strategic Plan 2009-201436

Time Frame (I mplementation Period) Total BudgetExpectedOutput/ Results

Strategies Main Activities Responsibility VerifiableIndicators

2009/ 2010 2010/ 2011 2011/ 2012 2012/ 2013 2013/ 2014 Kshs US$



Train Users on use ofthe hospital softwaremodel

HIS Number of HRIOstrain and trainingreport

X X 11,790,000 157,200

Train Users on use ofthe integrated districtHI Sdatabase

HIS Number of DHRIOstrained and trainingreport

X X X X X 5,386,000 71,813

Number of HRI Osand otherhealthcaremanagers capacityin I CT developed

Develop capacityfor H ealthRecords andInformationOff icers, ICTpersonnel and

managers on useof the softwarefor datamanagement

Orientate managers onuse of integrated HISsoftware

HIS Number of managersorientated train andtraining report X X X 4,170,000 55,600

Maintained and upto date system

Systemmaintenance andsustainability

Support maintenanceof hard and software,including in-housecapacity

HIS/ I CT Number of districtsupported

X X X X X 730,000 9,733

Establish remote sitesfor data backup andprocure backup devices

HIS/ ICT/e-Government

Number of backupand remote siteestablished

X X 5,900,000 78,667

X X 1,232,000 16,427

Established datasecurity guidelines,remote sites andbackups (storage)

Data security andbackup

Develop data securityguidelines and SOPs ondata recovery

HIS/ ICT Data securityguidelines and SOPsdisseminated and in

useTotal 161,423,000 2,152,306

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HIS Strategic Plan 2009-201437

Strategic Objective 6: To I mprove Monitoring, Feedback, Reporting, Supervision, use of Data and Data Audits

Time Frame (I mplementation Period) Total BudgetExpectedOutput/ Results

St rat egies Main Act ivi ti es Responsibi li ty Veri fi able I ndi cat ors

2009/ 2010 2010/ 2011 2011/ 2012 2012/ 2013 2013/ 2014 Kshs US$

Source ofFunds

Produce IECmaterials on HIS

HIS Types and quantities ofIEC materialsdeveloped anddistributed

x x x x x 2,000,000 26,667

Conduct localradio and TVprogrammes


Number of radio andTV p rogrammesdeveloped andcommunicated

x x x x x 5,000,000 66,667

Strengthen Effectivemarketing of HISproducts andempowering themanagers and public

Support,maintain andmarket theMOH website

ICT Up to date Healthinformation andOperational MOHwebsite

x x x x x 3,200,000 42,667

Conduct Healthstatisticssymposiums/ conference

HIS and allstakeholders

Conference reports

x x 4,300,000 57,333

Increasedawareness, accessand use ofinformation

Organize forums forproducers,researchers and usersof health statistics

Support themembership inEast A fricaCommunity andinternationalhealthinformationnetworks

HIS Membership of thehealth informationNetwork (s)

x x x x x 100,000 1,333

Sub-Total 14,600,000 194,667

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HIS Strategic Plan 2009-201438

Time Frame (I mplementation Period) Total BudgetExpectedOutput/ Results

Strat egi es M ai n Act ivi ti es Responsi bi li ty Veri fiabl e I ndi cators

2009/ 2010 2010/ 2011 2011/ 2012 2012/ 2013 2013/ 2014 Kshs US$



Increased use ofavailableinformation

Promote research Strengthen researchand survey capacityat all levels


Reports onstrengthened researchand survey capacity,coordination of HISactivi ties; and int egrationof data collection and

reporting tools

x x 20,195,000 269,267

Support TWGsAdministration andCoordination ofquarterly review.

HISTWG Number of TWGmeetings held and sharedRegular reports x x x x x 1,350,000 18,000

Participate inquarterly ReviewMeetings Provincialand National levels

HIS, Provinceand stakeholders

Number of quarterlymeetings held and sharedRegular reports x x x x x 3,360,000 44,800

Improvedgovernance,coordination andenhancedlinkages

Improvecoordination ofdata sources

Joint Monitor ingand Evaluation

HISTWG Regular reports 6,200,000 82,667

Harmonize andintegrate datacollection andreporting tools

H ISTWG Minimum dat a sets andindicators

x x 1,290,000 17,200

Develop medicaldata dictionary

H ISTWG Standard medical datadictionary x x 4,110,000 54,800

Establishstandardizedmethod of datacollection, collation,analysis andpresentation

Establish andmaintain datacoding and MasterHealth facility

HIS and Districts Updated Master healthfacility list andEstablished criteria forcoding

x x x x x 13,398,000 178,640

Establishedstandards andSOPs for datacollection,collation, analysisanddissemination

Increase use ofexisting data at alllevels

Developdashboards atdifferent levels ofservice delivery anduse of data

H ISTWG Updat ed Dashboards atall levels and regularreports x x x x x 192,000 2,560

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HIS Strategic Plan 2009-201439

Time Frame (I mplementation Period) Total BudgetExpectedOutput/ Results

Strat egi es M ai n Act ivi ti es Responsi bi li ty Veri fiabl e I ndi cators

2009/ 2010 2010/ 2011 2011/ 2012 2012/ 2013 2013/ 2014 Kshs US$



Train Healthrecords andinformation officerson data analysis,presentations anduse

HIS Number of healthrecords and inf ormationofficers trained x x x x x 13,045,000 173,933

Train districtregistrars on dataanalysis,presentation anduse

HIS/ VR Number of districtregistrars trained

x x x x x 3,945,000 52,600

Develop annualhealth statisticalreports

HI STWG Number of annualreports produced anddisseminated

x x x x x 18,615,000 248,200

Develop quarterlybulletins

H IS TWG N umber of quarterlyreports produced anddisseminated

x x x x x 4,735,000 63,133

Develop annualHealth data sheet

HIS and Districts Number of health factsheets produced andDisseminated

x x x x x 8,260,000 110,133

Enhanced andpublished HI Sreports

Increase capacity toProduce regularreports

Develop MDGprogress report andother relevantrecord reviews andsurveys

HI STWG Number of reportsdisseminated 3,114,000 41,520

Sub-Total 101,809,000 1,357,453

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HIS Strategic Plan 2009-201440

Time Frame (Implementation Period) Total BudgetExpectedOutput/ Results

Strategi es M ai n Acti vi ti es Responsi bi li ty Veri fi abl eIndicators

2009/ 2010 2010/ 2011 2011/ 2012 2012/ 2013 2013/ 2014 Kshs US$



Conduct RapidHealth FacilityAssessments (R-HFAs)

Conduct R-HFAs inspecif ic areas ofservice delivery

HI S/ K N BS Reports on R-HFAsconducted

x x 6,016,000 80,213

Conduct SAM HIS/ KN BS/ 

planning andpolicy

Reports on

SAM conducted x x x 8,280,000 110,400

R-HFA and SAMreports


ServiceAvailabilityMapping (SAM)

Train SAMfocal persons onGISand use ofinformation

HI S/ RCMRD Reports onSAM and GISfocal personstrained

x x x x 11,500,000 153,333

Strengthenmonitoring ofthe health sectorAOPs

HIS Number ofAOP reportsproduced anddisseminated

x x x x x 59,443,000 792,573

Strengthenperformancemonitoring ofperformance


HIS/ MMU Number ofPerformancecontracts signedand monitored

x x x x x 240,000 3,200

Monitorimplementationof the HISstrategic plan

HISTWG Regularmanagementsupport reportson progress HI Sindicators

x x x x x 174,550,000 2,327,333

Performancemonitoring of healthsector, HI S strategicplan, Legislation andother statisticalconstituencies

StrengtheningPerformancemonitoring ofthe Healthsector

Ensure verticalprograms andservicemanagers usingHIS format forfeedback andreports to

respond to andreport on healthevents/ managementsupport

DMS/ PS One M& Eframework forthe health sector

x x 240,000 3,200

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HIS Strategic Plan 2009-201441

Time Frame (Implementation Period) Total BudgetExpectedOutput/ Results

Strategies MainActivities

Responsibi li ty Ver ifi ableIndicators

2009/ 2 010 2010/ 2011 2011/ 2012 2012/ 2013 2013/ 2014Kshs US$

Sourceof Funds

Conduct a jointSupportsupervision ofhealthinformationactivities

HISTWG Number ofsupportSupervisionsconducted

x x x x x7,600,000 101,333

Strengthen HISand otherstatisticalconstituenciesincludinglegislation

Develop thehealthinformationlegislation

HISTWG HISlegislation inplace

x x 2,200,000 29,333

Data qualit yaudits

Improve dataQuality

Conduct Dataqualit y audits

HISTWG Improveddata qualit yand DQAreports

x x 17,550,000 234,000

Total Sub-Total 287,619,000 3,834,920

Total 404,028,000 5,387,040

S i Obj i T E h G P hi C ll b i d C di i

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HIS Strategic Plan 2009-201442

Strategic Objective7: To Enhance Governance, Partnership Collaboration and CoordinationTime Frame (Implementation Period) Total BudgetExpected

Output/ ResultsStrategies Main Activities Responsibility Verifiabl e


2009/ 2010 2010/ 2011 2011/ 2012 2012/ 2013 2013/ 2014Kshs US$



Developstrategies foreffectivecommunicationbetween dataproviders and

data users atdifferent levels,including theprovision ofregular feedbackmechanisms

HIS TWG andHIScoordinatingcommittee

Data Base of allstakeholders at alllevels availableQuarterly HISCoordinatingCommittee reports

and Quarterly TWGmeeting reports

x x x x x 1,250,000 16667

Strengthen intraand inter sectorallinkages andpartnership

HIS TWG andHIScoordinatingcommittee

Good collaboration,harmonization andalignment x x x x x 6,550,000 87,333

Establishment ofintra and intersectoral linkages

Coordinate andlink with otherstatisticalconstituencies

HIS TWG andHIScoordinatingcommittee

Number of Meetingsand linkages amongthe statisticalconstituencies

x x x x x 2,660,000 35,467

ConductQuarterly HIScoordinatingcommitteemeetings at alllevels


Number of quarterlymeetings

x x x x x 2,750,000 36,667

Enhancedmechanisms foreffectivecommunication,collaboration andcoordination

Enhancement ofgovernancestructures at alllevels

Conductquarterly TWGregular meetings

Number of quarterlyTWG meetings held x x x x x

Reports on externalevaluation of StrategicPlan implementation(mid-term and end ofperiod)

x x 5,785,000 77,133

HIS EvaluationReport

Evaluate theimplementation ofthe HISstrategicplan

Conduct Midand End Termevaluation ofHI Sstrategicplan


Total 18,995,000 253,267

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1) Republic of Kenya: - Health Sector  

Health Information System  

Assessment Report  

June 20082) Republic of Kenya- Ministry of Health    Annual Health Sector Status Report 2005-2007

3) Republic of Kenya    Ministry of Public Heal and Sanitation Draft Ministry of Public Heal and

Sanitation Strategic Plan 2008 -2012

4) Republic of Kenya   Ministry of Medical Services:- Draft Ministry of Medical Services Strategic Plan

2008    2012

5) Republic of Kenya    Health Sector: Indicator and Standard Operating Procedures Manual for

Health Workers 2008

6) Health Metrics Network Manual

7) Ministry of Health: Strengthening District Level M&E and HIS in Phase I Districts

8) Republic of Kenya Health Sector: From Data Production to Data use

9) Strengthening of the Zambian Health Management Information System   Plan of Action    2008

10) Cordaid    IICD Health Programme Uganda

11) DFID Health Resource Centre    Health, Management Information Systems

12) The HIS in Zambia: A Trace on the implementation steps   2003

13) Pepela Wanjala   The Role of HIS in SWAP and M&E

14) National Bureau of statistics, Dares-Salaam: Strategic Plan 2008/ 09  

2010/ 1115) Republic of Uganda, Ministry of Health    Assessment of the Health Information System in Uganda

16) KenyaVision 2030

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1 Dr. Kibet Sergon Head, HIS 0722659568 [email protected] Sophia Karanja HIS 0722436048 [email protected] Nancy Amayo HIS 0721991652 [email protected] J.M. Kavale Vital Registration 0722618623  [email protected] Rose Ayugi T/ Planning 0722710176 [email protected]

6 Dr Martha Muthami HIS 0722246717 [email protected] Hannah Gitungo HIS 0722849123 [email protected] Julius Mutiso NASCOP 0728968515 [email protected] Olum Gondi PTC 0720677189 [email protected] Duncan Ochoro PTC [email protected] Dr. Odhiambo-Otieno PTC 0720716770 [email protected] Francis Gikunda HIS 0722299309 [email protected] Faith Ikiara ICT 0722990749 [email protected]

14 Dorcas N. Nguyo HIS 0720265846 [email protected] Jedida Obure DCH 0722831629  [email protected] Boniface Isindu DMC 0722493307 [email protected] Dr Koki Kinagwi AFRIAFYA 0722875171 [email protected] A N Mutua Vital Registration 0721298811 [email protected] Pepela Wanjala HIS 0722375633 [email protected] Samuel Cheburet HIS 0721624338 [email protected]

21 Dr. Maina W. I. Tech/ Planning 0722710176 [email protected] Benadette Ajwang Opthalmic Services 0726773870 [email protected]. John Mwihia NPHLS 0722918272  [email protected]

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S/ No.

Name Organization/  Affiliation

Tel/ Cell Phone E-mail Address/ phone

1. Stella Alusiola MOPHAS  Western 0729-080966 [email protected] Christine Ayuyo Johpiego 0726-429663 cayuyo@jhpiego3. Patrick Kisabei NPHLS 0722-249282 [email protected]. Geoffrey K imani Planning & Policy

(MOMS) Ext. 45145

0721-854492 [email protected]

5 Lisha Lala Aga Khan Foundation +255-784-221887 [email protected]. Dr. Akanga Zebedee DMOH Kaloleni 0722-936230 dmohkaloleni @yahoo.com7. Christopher Ziro PHRIO Coast 0722-653387 [email protected]. Naomi Choge NHIF 0722-703084 [email protected]. David Wambua Nursing Council 0733-622593 [email protected]. Robert Kinoti DHRIO Imenti North 020-2114942 [email protected]. Dr. James Gitonga DMOH    Imenti North 0722-916765 [email protected]. Mathews Odongo MOPHAS  Nyanza 0721-551318 [email protected]. Raphael Kimeu KEMSA 0722-700465 [email protected]. Rankesh Mutisya CNOs Office 0724-172158 [email protected]. Joseph Onwonga DEH-MOPHS 0722-468500 [email protected]. Tecla J. Kogo PMO - Nairobi 0721-284216 [email protected]. Dr. Ruth Kitetu MOPHS 0729-344256 [email protected]. Dorcas Mugure Afya House- DOCs 0720-475522 [email protected]. Mkaya Gifton MOMS  Afya House 0722-617608 [email protected]. J.M. Kavale Vital Registration 0722-618623  [email protected]

21. Douglas Ngaira MOMS (Tech P/ C) 0721-828395 [email protected]. Titus K. Waita MPHS  Human

Resources0735-544863 [email protected]

23 F i G M i KNADS 0722 785604 f i i@ h k

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S/ No.

Name Organization/  Affiliation

Tel/ CellPhone

E-mail Address/ phone

39. Dr. J. Gitonga MOPHS 0722-916765 [email protected]. Dr. Paul Dielemans EHS/ DRH 0723-777963 [email protected] Dorcas Wandera MOMS 0722-233265 [email protected]. Linda N. Muyumbu APHIA I I R.V. 0720-200536 [email protected]. Gideon Emukule APHIA II R.V. 0721-323749 [email protected]. Onesmus M. Kamau DNCD-Afya-House 0721-670730 [email protected]. Washington Omwomo USAID/ K 0721-739435 womwomoAusaid.gor46. Job Ollongo PHRIO Nyanza Province 0734645684  [email protected]. Ambrose Rotich DMOH Kericho 0722-884603 [email protected]

[email protected]. Franklin Songok DHRIO Kericho 0722-839011 [email protected]

49. George Onguru DDSC - Migori 0722-379424 [email protected]. John Odira DHRIO Migori 0734-735206  [email protected]. Paul Malusi DLTLD 0721-359910 [email protected]. Edward Odhiambo PTC [email protected]. Peter Opondo PTC [email protected]. Duncan Ocholo PTC [email protected]. Olum Gondi PTC [email protected]. Odhiambo Otieno PTC [email protected]

57. Dorcas Nguyo HIS Secretary 0720-265846 [email protected]. Nancy Amayo HIS 0721-991652 [email protected] Sophia Karanja HIS 0722-436048 [email protected]. Samuel Cheburet HIS 0721-624338 [email protected]. Pepela Wanjala HIS 0722-375633 [email protected]. Hannah Gitungo HIS 0722-849123 [email protected]. David Mwangi DDSR 0722-988395 [email protected]. Tumo Kimeto DHRIO Kaloleni 0722-998582 [email protected]. Dariah Sikolia KMTC 0724-666180 [email protected]. Mrs. Margaret Kungu Kenyatta University 0722-586713 [email protected]. Hannington O. Onyango NACC South Rift 0722-275478 [email protected]. Anna Nduku Mutua Vital Registration 0721298811 [email protected]


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HIS Strategic Plan 2009-201447


Budget per fi nancial year in US $ (Dollars)

Strategic objectives Out put 2009/ 10 2010/ 11 2011/ 12 2012/ 13 2013/ 14Total cost in

KSHSAmount US$(KSHS. 75)

1,184,960 2,826,895 2,709,528 2,447,260 2,681,784 888,781,950 11,850,426Improved policy, procedures andinstitutional capacity 578,387 557,739 556,459 628,597 1,016,811 250,349,400 3,337,992Report of key sub-systems and linkages

- 163,720 163,720 - - 24,558,050 327,441Functional CHIS

606,573 616,573 580,640 580,640 580,640 222,380,000 2,965,067Developed functional electronic CHIS

- 1,040,500 990,000 990,000 990,000 300,787,500 4,010,500

To Improve datamanagement

Developed integrated electronic datamanagement and communication healthfacility system

- 448,362 418,709 248,022 94,333 90,707,000 1,209,427

442,950 543,352 534,366 407,725 301,058 167,208,800 2,229,451

Raised registration coverage of births from

46% to 72% and Deaths from 50% to 90%by 2014 139,617 215,800 215,800 143,558 143,558 64,375,000 858,333

Improved transport for Vital Registration 170,000 111,667 111,667 106,667 - 37,500,000 500,000

To I mprove NationalVital Registrationsystem

Developed integrated electronic Vitalregistration data management andcommunication system

133,333 215,885 206,899 157,500 157,500 65,333,800 871,117

245,320 1,497,890 706,090 378,150 358,550 236,950,000 3,159,333

Improved institutional capacity22,200 184,140 184,140 151,467 151,467 52,006,000 693,413

Study tour report- 18,000 43,933 - - 4,645,000 61,933

60% 0f staff developed 53,333 315,378 315,378 117,378 53,333 64,110,000 854,800Number of staff employed and deployed

36,453 704,400 - - - 55,564,000 740,853Enhanced transport for HIS activities

133,333 80,000 133,333 80,000 133,333 42,000,000 560,000Improved infrastructure, office suppliesand general equipment - 195,973 29,306 29,306 20,417 20,625,025 275,000

To enhance capacityof HI S

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HIS Strategic Plan 2009-201448

Budget per fi nancial year in US $ (Dollars)Strategic objectives Out put 2009/ 10 2010/ 11 2011/ 12 2012/ 13 2013/ 14

Total cost inKSHS

Amount US$(KSHS. 75)

40,619 40,619 40,619 40,619 40,619 15,232,000 203,093At least 10% of total budgets allocated forM&E/ HIS activities at all levels 7,933 7,933 7,933 7,933 7,933 2,975,000 39,667Improved Financial Resources 32,685 32,685 32,685 32,685 32,685 12,257,000 163,427

Improve financialresources

402,549 531,564 509,523 393,536 315,134 161,423,000 2,152,307Developed Functional Integrated datawarehouse 115,147 98,102 85,636 85,636 55,680 33,015,000 440,200Improved use of ICT (PDAs andcomputers) 254,667 271,111 271,111 271,111 254,667 99,200,000 1,322,667Number of HRIOs and other healthcaremanagers capacity in ICT developed 14,363 121,071 111,496 32,896 4,787 21,346,000 284,613Maintained and up to date system 1,947 1,947 1,947 3,893 - 730,000 9,733Established data security guidelines, remotesites and backups (storage) 16,427 39,333 39,333 - - 7,132,000 95,093

To Strengthen use andapplication of

Information andCommunication

Technology in datamanagement

893,866 1,074,021 1,226,048 1,204,755 988,350 404,028,000 5,387,040Increased awareness, access and use ofinformation 38,933 38,933 38,933 38,933 38,933 14,600,000 194,667Increased use of available information - - 89,756 89,756 89,756 20,195,000 269,267Improved governance, coordination andenhanced linkages 29,093 29,093 29,093 29,093 29,093 10,910,000 145,467Established standards and SOPs for datacollection, collation, analysis anddissemination

36,240 63,640 72,240 44,840 36,240 18,990,000 253,200

Enhanced and Published HIS reports 129,600 129,600 150,360 150,360 129,600 51,714,000 689,520R-HFA and SAM reports - 131,867 78,711 93,263 40,107 25,796,033 343,947

Performance monitoring of health sector,HIS strategic plan, legislation and otherstatistical constituencies

659,999 680,888 649,955 641,510 624,621 244,273,008 3,256,973

Data quality audits - - 117,000 117,000 - 17,550,000 234,000

To Improvemonitoring, feedback,reporting, supervision

and data audits

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Budget per fi nancial year in US $ (Dollars)

Strategic objectives Out put 2009/ 10 2010/ 11 2011/ 12 2012/ 13 2013/ 14Total cost in

KSHSAmount US$(KSHS. 75)

35,227 35,227 73,793 73,793 35,227 18,995,000 253,267To EnhanceGovernance,partnerships,

collaboration andcoordination

Enhanced mechanisms for effectivecommunication, collaboration andcoordination

35,227 35,227 73,793 73,793 35,227 18,995,000 253,267

Grand Totals 3,245,491 6,549,568 5,799,966 4,945,837 4,720,721 1,892,618,750 25,234,917
