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Historical Background of “Les Miserables” - aianjack.org€œLes-Miserables”.pdf · The...

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The story of Les Miz begins in 1815, more than two decades after the start of the French Revolution. A revolution means a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system. The French Revolution, beginning in 1789, was "a deeply-rooted revolt started by many classes against the whole order of their society." The people in France during this period of time who were very poor, with little or no money, were extremely angry due to their: • economic hardships, • food shortages, • and the unmerciful attitudes they felt from the upper class people of that time in France. However, it wasn’t just the lower class people who were upset. The middle class of people were angry also. The middle class people of France during the early 1800s were were encouraged and inspired by progressive ideologies (new, more advanced way of thinking) and America's newly won freedom. And so, both the lower class and middle class demanded reform (change). Storming the Bastille: Historical Background of “Les Miserables” Setting: France Time period: 1815, more than two decades after the start of the French Revolution. The French Revolution began in 1789. Storming the BASTILLE
Page 1: Historical Background of “Les Miserables” - aianjack.org€œLes-Miserables”.pdf · The musical, Les Miserables, shows the harsh (very difficult) life of the lower class, as

The story of Les Miz begins in 1815, more than two decades after the start of the French Revolution. A revolution means a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system. The French Revolution, beginning in 1789, was "a deeply-rooted revolt started by many classes against the whole order of their society."

The people in France during this period of time who were very poor, with little or no money, were extremely angry due to their:

• economic hardships, • food shortages, • and the unmerciful attitudes they felt from the upper class people of that time in France.

However, it wasn’t just the lower class people who were upset. The middle class of people were angry also. The middle class people of France during the early 1800s were were encouraged and inspired by progressive ideologies (new, more advanced way of thinking) and America's newly won freedom. And so, both the lower class and middle class demanded reform (change).

Storming the Bastille:

Historical Background of “Les M iserab les”

Setting: France Time period: 1815, more than two decades after the start of the

French Revolution. The French Revolution began in 1789.

Storming the BASTILLE

Page 2: Historical Background of “Les Miserables” - aianjack.org€œLes-Miserables”.pdf · The musical, Les Miserables, shows the harsh (very difficult) life of the lower class, as

Finance Minister Jacques Necker was one of the strongest supporters of the lower classes. When the monarchy banished (got rid of) Necker, public anger occurred throughout France. People viewed his banishment as a sign to come together and to work towards over-throwing their oppressive and hated government. This fact in history provides an amazing contrast (strikingly different) to the events in “Les Miserables”, in which the young rebels mistakenly believe that the masses of people will rise up to join their cause against the government in France at that time.

On July 14th, 1789, several days after Finance Minister Necker's banishment, revolutionaries overtook (seized / captured) the Bastille Prison. This is the act that began the French Revolution.

At the time of the siege (a military operation in which enemy forces surround a town or building, cutting off essential supplies, with the aim of forcing the surrender of those inside), the Bastille kept only seven prisoners. However, this old fortress held lots of gunpowder, making it both a strategic as well as a politically symbolic target for the lower and middle class rebels to take control of). The prison's governor was ultimately captured and killed. His head, and the heads of other guards, were skewered (placed, or fastened together or pierced with a pin) onto pikes and paraded through the streets. And to top things off, the mayor of Paris was assassinated (murdered -- of an important person) by the end of the day. While the revolutionaries barricaded (a barrier or wall built to protect against intruders) themselves in streets and buildings, King Louis XVI and his military leaders decided to back-off in hopes of satisfying the masses of lower and middle class people.

So, to really appreciate the story of “Les Miserables”, it is important for you to know about the French Revolution, to better understand the thinking of Marius, Enjolras, and the other members of the Paris Uprising of 1832.

The Reign of Terror:

Things really begin to get messy. The French Revolution starts out bloody, and it doesn't take long for things to become really gruesome (horrible) and gory (lots of violence and bloodshed). King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette are dethroned (no longer the king and queen) in 1792 (despite

Page 3: Historical Background of “Les Miserables” - aianjack.org€œLes-Miserables”.pdf · The musical, Les Miserables, shows the harsh (very difficult) life of the lower class, as

his many attempts to offer reform to French citizens). In 1793 they, along with many other members of nobility, are executed (killed). During the next seven years, the nation of France undergoes a series of coups (sudden, often violent overthrows of governments), wars, famines, and counter-revolutions. During the so-called "Reign of Terror," Maximilien de Robespierre, who was ironically in charge of the Committee of Public Safety, sent as many as 40,000 people to the guillotine. He believed that swift, immediate justice and widespread terror would produce virtue (good behavior) (among France's citizens -- virtue was a character trait found in the Les Miz character of Inspector Javert).

The Rule of Napoleon:

While the new republic of France struggled through what could be called “growing pains”, a young general named Napoleon Bonaparte ravaged (severely damaged) Italy, Egypt, and other countries in that region of the world. When he and his forces returned to Paris, a coup (a sudden, sometimes violent overthrow of the government) was staged and Napoleon became First Council of France. From 1804 until 1814 he held the title of “Emperor of France”. After losing in the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon was exiled (driven away and not allowed to return to France) to the island of St. Helena. Although Bonaparte was a fierce tyrant, many citizens (as well as many of the characters in Les Miserables) view the general/dictator as a liberator (person thought of as bringing freedom) of France.

The monarchy was re-established and King Louis XVIII assumed (took control of) the throne. The story of Les Miserables is set in 1815, near the beginning of the new king's reign.

"At the End of the Day":

In Les Miserables, we, the audience, witness a population plagued (experiencing continuing trouble and constant struggle) by decades of oppression, warfare, economic strife, famine, and disease. Despite all of the revolutions and the changing political parties, the lower classes still have little voice in their society.

Page 4: Historical Background of “Les Miserables” - aianjack.org€œLes-Miserables”.pdf · The musical, Les Miserables, shows the harsh (very difficult) life of the lower class, as

The musical, Les Miserables, shows the harsh (very difficult) life of the lower class, as exemplified by the tragedy of Fantine, a young woman who is fired from her factory job after it is discovered the she bore (gave birth) a child (Cosette) out of wedlock. After losing her position, Fantine is forced to sell her personal belongings, her hair, and even her teeth, all so that she can send money to her daughter. Ultimately, Fantine becomes a prostitute, which meant that she fell to the lowest rung (level) of society.

The July Monarchy:

Jean Valjean promises the dying Fantine that he will protect her daughter. He adopts Cosette, paying off her greedy, cruel caretakers, Monsieur and Madame Thenadier. Fifteen years pass peacefully for Valjean and Cosette as they hide in an abbey. During the course of the next fifteen years, King Louis dies, King Charles X takes over briefly. The new king is soon exiled in 1830 during the July Revolution, also known as the Second French Revolution. Louis Philippe d'Orléans takes over the throne, beginning a reign known as the July Monarchy.

In the story of Les Miserables, Valjean's relatively tranquil (calm and free from disturbance) existence becomes imperiled (becomes dangerous) when Cosette falls in love with Marius, a young member of "Friends of the ABC," a fictional organization created by author Victor Hugo, one that reflects many of the small revolutionary groups of that time in France. Valjean risks his life by joining the rebellion in order to save Marius.

The June Rebellion:

Marius and his friends represent the sentiments (feelings) expressed by many free-thinkers in Paris. They wanted to reject (not accept) the monarchy and return France to a republic once more. The Friends of the ABC strongly support a liberal-minded politician named Jean Lamarque. (Unlike the Friends of the ABC, Lamarque is non-fictional. He was a general under Napoleon who became a member of France's parliament. He was also sympathetic to the republican ideologies (republican beliefs and government practices). When Lamarque lies dying of cholera (an infectious bacterial disease), many people believed that the government had poisoned

Page 5: Historical Background of “Les Miserables” - aianjack.org€œLes-Miserables”.pdf · The musical, Les Miserables, shows the harsh (very difficult) life of the lower class, as

the public wells, resulting in the deaths of popular political in France at that time.

Enjolras, the leader of The Friends of the ABC, knows that Lamarque's death may serve as an important catalyst (a person helpful to their cause) to their revolution.

MARIUS (says): “Only one man and that's Lamarque speak for the people here below... Lamarque is ill and fading fast. Won't last the week out, so they say.”

ENJOLRAS (says): “With all the anger in the land how long before the judgment day? Before we cut the fat ones down to size? Before the barricades arise?”.

The End of the Uprising:

As shown in the novel and musical “Les Miserables”, the June Rebellion did not end well for the rebels. They barricaded themselves in the streets of Paris. They expected that the people would support their cause; however they soon realized that no reinforcements (help) would be joining them.

According to historian Matt Boughton, both sides suffered casualties (deaths / killings): "166 killed and 635 wounded on both sides during the course of the struggle." Of those 166, 93 were members of the rebellion.
