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Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books

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Page 1: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books
Page 2: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


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Author of Historicals, Antiq u ities, and G raduates,

of Northampton , Mass.


Thy W ay, 0 G od , is in the Sanctuary .

" —PSALM 77 13.




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The Work here in troduced , covering a period of

two hundred and th irty years,sol icits the charitable

j udgment of an intelligen t community .

It i s not claimed to be perfect,though that has

been the wri ter’s steady purpose and endeavor . At

the beginning,difficulties , arising from the absence

of yearly dates in receiv ing Members,were to be met .

For the fi rst almost 100 years , the precise time when

people united with the church i s omitted . This was

the order stead ily pursued from 1661 ti l l 1754. From

th i s latter date,the beginning of Mr . Hooker

’s min

istry, the admissions and the year go together.

Note another particular. But one in terval appears

when names of Members have been lost . Thi s oc

cu rred near the close of Jonathan Edwards pastorate .

Al i enation exi sted . The church went into a dark

cloud . F ew conversions occurred . Fewer sti l l un i t

ed with the chu rch . The record of that in terval ,

and of those admissions i s mi ssing. The only one of

the kind during the long period covered by th i s

h i story .

Page 7: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


The Work,embracing over forty - two hundred and

fifty names,has been one of

,constantly increasing

interest on the w ri ter’s part. Grati tude i s hereby

expressed that he i s permitted to see i ts completion .

It i s offered as a tribute of the author ’s e steem for

h i s native place . May i t serve as a reminder of the

superior wor th of those , who, so long ago, l aid in

th is community the foundations of the first church .

Page 8: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books



Rev . E leazar Mather’s Ministry ,

1658— 1669 .


Samuel Wrigh t . One of th e fi rst se ttlers. His

home lot l ay between King and Marke t streets .

On i t are, The F i rs t National Bank The Smith

Chari ties and other build ings .

John Marsh .

Thomas Woodford . Was of Springfield in 1636 and

of Hartford 1639 . Where he collected funds in

1645 for the students at Cambridge .

Bathorn Wil ton .

Abigail Strong .

Margaret Wright .

Arthur Willi ams .

Mary Alford .

Sarah Bridgman .

Page 9: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


George Alexander. Had a son Al exander Alexander

in 1656.

Isaac Sheldon . Lived on King Street for near fifty

years,father of fifteen chi ldren . Ancestor of

the Northampton Sheldons .

Mary Sheldon .

Alexander Edwards . Came from Wales . See the

origin of that name in Northampton where he

l ived , Welsh End,

" toward the Hospi tal .

W i ll iam Hannum . Came from Windsor,Conn . His

son John had th i rteen children .

Nathaniel Phelps.

Bathorn Williams .

Ann Bartlett .

Del iverance Hanchett .

George Langton .

Esther Mather.

Dorcas Lyman .

Ruth Baker.

Hannah Langton .

Honor Hannum .

Aaron Cooke . A man of daring and energy,a fa

mous wolf hunter. Had the title of Major .

Joanna Cooke .

Will iam Holton . One of the Springfield pet itioners

and one of the first settlers . The fi rst deacon,

chosen in 1663 .

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Mary Hol ton .

Sarah Clark .

Susan CunlifI.

Elizabeth Woodward .

Al ice Hutchinson .

Susan Al exander .

Richard Lyman . Chosen on the first board of Se

lectmen in 1655 . Prominen t in promoting the

business and welfare of the communi ty . Recorder

of the proprietors of N onotuck, or Northampton ,

from 1654 to 1657. S ix generations fol lowed him

on his Pleasant stree t homestead .

Hephzibah Lyman .

John Lyman , brother of Richard , was in Northampton 1658 . He married Dorcas Plum .

John King. A man of in tell igence and worth . Lived

on King street ; received i ts name from him .

John Ingersoll .

Mary Burt .

Sarah King .

Eleazar Mather .i

The first pastor,preached eleven

years,deceased at th i rty - two . Esther Mather

,hi s

widow,was a remarkable woman . She married

the second minister,Rev . Mr. Stoddard

,and l i ved

seventy - seven years in Northampton .

David W i l ton .

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Will i am Clark,viz . , Lieut . Will iam . In public l ife

one of the associate j ustices for Hampshire County ,

fil led other offices,one of the seven pil lars of the

church .

John Strong. Same as Elder John . Came to

Northampton the same year wi th Lt . Wm . Clark,

1659 . Both aided in developing the infant col

ony . The descendants of both were numbered by

the th ousands .

Henry Cunlifi .

Henry Woodward . One of the early pillars of the

first church , ancestor of the late Samuel Wood

ward , M . D .

Thomas Root . Hi s descendants l ived in Southampton and el sewhere .

Thomas Hanchett . Chosen second deacon in 1668 .

Moved to W estfield wi thin the next two years .

Will iam Janes . Was recorder of l ands for twenty

years, also a school teacher, and bore the honorable

title of Mr. , conferred only on a few .


Thomas Bascom . Came from the North of England .

His grandson . Jonathan , was a first sett ler in

Southampton .

Will iam Hulburd .

Avis Bascom .

Ann Hulburd .

Elizabeth Curtis .

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Abigai l Strong James .

Josi ah Dudy.

Mary Strong.

John Stebbins . Father of sixteen ch i ldren . Ap

pointed in 1661 w i th others to buil d a meeting

house,forty- two feet square

,costing not over 150


Joseph El iot . Born in Roxbury. He came in 1662 ;preached as Mr. Mather’s assi stant, w i th a view

to se ttlement, remained not over two years.

Clemence Mason .

El i zabeth Phelps .

Richard Weller.

Sarah Smith .

Robert Bartlett . Killed by the Indians March 14th

1676, when they broke through the pal isades at

the lower end of Pleasant street, setting fi re to

several hou ses and barns.

Joseph Leeds .

Freedom Strong.

Sarah Hannum .

Sarah Allen .

Samuel Smith .

Mary Smith .

Joseph Parsons . United with the l i ttle band at

Northampton in 1655 . Had the title of Cornet .Kept the first house of entertainment in the place .The Parsons famil ie s there descended from him .

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R ev . Solomon Stoddard’

s Ministry, 1672 1729 .


Solomon Stoddard . The second mini ster . A man

of learn ing ; a plain , successful preacher. F i ve

harvests crowned his l abors . Married Esther

Mather, widow of the fi rst min i ster,the hon

ored mother of th irteen children all reared fam

ilies of thei r own,often a large household . His

son , Anthony Stoddard , preached nearly sixty


Medad Pomeroy . Became one of the fi rst men in

town . Served as selectman,town clerk and

treasurer,register of deeds, representative to leg

islature , forty - one years deacon .

Josiah Dewey .

Thomas Bascom , Jr.

Caleb Pomeroy.

Nehemiah Allen . Ancestor of Col . Ethan Al len

of Vermont .

Judah Wright .

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Timbthy Baker. Belonged to the same race with

O smyn,l ate a member of Congress, President of

the Board of Trustee s of the Smith Charit ies .

Joseph Parsons,Jr. Third justice of the Court of

Common Pleas,a man of large business, publ ic

and private . Lived w i th h i s w ife s ix ty years,

reared twel ve children,all married , had large

famil ies . His son,Joseph

,was pastor at Leba

non,Conn . ,

1700—8 .

John Bridgman . Son of James the settler.

Samuel Davis .

John Hannum .

John Holton .

John Clark . The first deacon John . Son of Lt.

Will iam . Lived where the Art Gallery stands .

Constantly in publ ic service . Went representa

tive to Boston fourteen times. His devotion to

publ ic duties injured h is health and shortened

hi s l ife . By h is ten ch ildren had over eighty

grandch ildren .

David Burt .

Joshua Pomeroy .

Jonathan Hunt . From Hartford . Home lot on

what became Elm street. His dwell ing near the

Mil ls place , afterwards Miss Burnham ’s . A

O ooper , a skill ed workman . Chosen deacon in

1680. A valuable ci tizen .

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John Woodward .

Benjamin Edwards . His daughter , Mindwell, mar

ried Noah Parsons , Sr . , who l ived on Sou th

street,near the entrance to L . B. Will i ams ’

house,where h i s twelve ch i ldren were born .

Eleanor F rarey.

Mary Holton .

Katherine Wilton .

Susanna Alexander .

Hephz ibah Marsh .

Mary Hunt.

Ruth Limon .

Katherine Branch .

El izabeth Weller.

Freedom S trong.

Sarah Al len .

Mary Bascom .

Abigail .

El izabe th Smeade .

Mary Bridgman .

Mary Phelps .

Experience Pomeroy,

Hephzibah Pomeroy.

Thankful Taylor.

Sarah Clapp .

Hephzibah Lyman .

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Joseph Hawley . Graduated ‘ at Harvard,1674.

Came at once to Northampton . Taught a gram

mar school . Chosen captain,rece ived ti tle of

Mr. Ancestor of Northampton Hawleys .

Will iam Smead e .

Enos Kingsley. Came from Dorcheste r. Married

in Northampton , 1662.

Samuel Langton . The Samuel L . Parson s’ place

on West street came into that family through

Samuel Langton,an ancestor

,who bought i t in


Samuel Smith .

Samuel Al len . Came unmarried to Northampton

in 1657. Recei ved h is home lot on King street,

corner of King and Back Lane,now cal l ed Ed

wards street . Married , 1659 , Hannah Woodford .

The Allen s of Northampton and Pittsfield de

scended from them .

Ebenezer Strong. A farmer and tanner . The

th ird and last ruling elder in the Fi rst Church .

The seven th child of Elder John . He was ser

geant, constable, and for a long time one of the

selectmen .

Samuel Bartlett .

John Taylor.

Nathaniel Phelps, Jr.

Thomas Judd .

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John French.

James Wright .

Samuel Clark . Brother of the first deacon John ,

sons of Lt . Wil l iam . The two received from

their father six acres each on Elm street . John

on the south and Samuel on the north side .

Jonathan Parsons. The fi rst of three or more of

that name in Northampton .

John Hulburt .

Ebenezer Wright . Establ ished himself on Bridge

street about 1684. The homestead i s sti ll owned

by his descendants . F il led the office O f deacon

forty - four years.

Will iam Holton , Jr.

Robert Lyman . Fond of hunting, fish ing,and the

l ike,hence from him the names Robert’s H ill s

and Robert’s Meadow . The fi rst who discovered

the Westhampton lead mines .

Jacob Root .

Rachel Strong.

Sarah Al exander .

Joanna Ingraham .

El izabeth Langton .

Rebecca Rust .

Sarah Bartlett.

Elizabeth Lyman .

Sarah Merry.

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Nathaniel Edwards . Son of Alexander from Wales,born in Northampton 1657, soon after the fam

ily came .

Matthew Clessen.

William Phelps . His father,Dea. Nathan iel ,

came from England i n the great sh ip,Mary and

John . Will i am was born in Northampton,1657.

Lived near Shady Lawn .

John Broughton .

Thomas Hun t .

Samuel Smith , Jr.

Samuel Parsons .

John Alexander .

Will iam Southwell .

Nathaniel Curti s .

Philip Paine .

Thomas Sheldon . One of the fifteen ch ildren of

Isaac . Chosen the seventh deacon in 1702.

Samuel W right,'

Jr. A selectman in 1655 . His

homestead on Bridge street t i ll recently,contin

ued in the family, through the long period of

225 years .

Mehetabel Smeade .

Hannah Allen.

Elizabeth Parsons .

Broughton .

Ruth Wright .

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Abigail Phelps .

Mary Clark .

Hannah Sheldon .

Thankful Edwards .

Hephzibah Pomeroy .

Abigail Holton .

Hannah Alexander.

Sarah Baker.

Mindwell Sheldon .

Mary Paine .

Sarah Wait .

Abigai l Al vord .

Clemence Hunt .

Sarah Hol ton .

Martha Dick inson .

El izabeth Stebbins .

Warham Mather . Son of Rev . Eleazar. Has the

honor of be ing the fi rst native of Northampton

who graduated , viz . , at Harvard , 1685 . Preached

some,also taught . Finally was Justice of Peace

at New Haven ; al so Judge of Probate there


Nathaniel Alexander .

John King, Jr. Was a l ieu tenant . Married daugh

ter of Dea. Medad Pomeroy. She l ived in to her

ninet ieth year.2

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Jeded iah Strong,Sr. Was a constable, received

eigh teen shil l ings a year, for blowing the trum

pet Sabbath morning,to summon people to

church . He l i ved to be ninety - six . Had four

teen ch ildren .

Joseph Wright .

Benj amin Carpenter.

Noah Cooke .

Preserved Clap . Son of the renowned Roger of

Dorchester . Chosen second Elder of the church .

Described as a bl essing to Northampton .

Jeded iah Strong,Jr.

John Livermore .

Eleazar Smith,

John Sear", Jr .

Samuel Allen , Jr . He was deacon of the church

in the t ime ' of Jonathan Edward s,third pastor .

Samuel Rus t.

Moses Hutch inson .

Hope Root . In the first half century about si x ty

Roots were born .

Nathaniel Clark . Grandson of L t. Wil li am . The

first of several of the same name who l ived on

the South s treet homestead .

Isaac Sheldon .

John Hutch inson .

Abijah Ingersol l.

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Benj amin Janes .

Abigail Root.

Elsie Ingersoll .

Hephzibah Janes .

Joanna Smith .

El izabeth Parson s .

Mary Parsons .

Abigail Strong .

Sarah Parsons .

Elsie Hannum .

Sarah Alexander .

Mary Sheldon .

Sarah Wright .

Sarah Southwick .

Mary Stebbin s .

Mary Ashley .

Rhoda Parsons .

Sarah King.

Mary Miller .

Abigail Wright .

Elizabeth King.

Samuel Davi s .

Elizur Wrigh t.


Within the first h alf century

about eighty Wrights were born in Northampton .

Benoni Janes . Probably the same,with two ch il

dren,kil led by the Indians , 1704, at Paskhomuck

now Easthampton .

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Joseph Cook .

Mark Warner. From Hadley,1687. His home

s tead included the corner where John Clarke ,

the banker , l i ved . Ancestor of the N orthamp

ton Warners .

Benj amin Hast ings.

Ebenezer Pomeroy . Acted as attorney in the trial

of four Indians,for the crime of murd er


m itted in Hadley . He was a Maj or, al so Hon


Samuel Kingsley .

Nathaniel Rust .

Ebenezer Strong, Jr. His family numbered th ir

teen chi ldren .

Benjamin Wright .

Samuel Phelps .

David Lee . Removed to Coventry, Ct. , in 1709 .

His granddaughter married Rev. Thomas Al len .

first mini ster in Pittsfield .

Preserved Strong .

Roger Clap . Chosen captain . Went represen ta

tive . Had eight sons and a daughter ; all mar

ried and reared famil ies .

Samuel Edwards , Jr . Grandson of Alexander from

Wales . Lived 80 Sou th street. His oldest was

Dea. Samuel , l ived in Southampton , grandfather

of Prof . B . B . Edwards .

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- J0hn Al vord , Sr .

John Alvord,Jr .

J oseph King . Accidentally kill ed while hunting

w ith another.

Sarah Smith .

Ruth Al vord .

Abigail Searls .

Mercy Allen .

Sarah Rust .

Hannah Janes .

Elizabeth Porter .

Hannah Hutch inson .

Marcy F i eld .

Mary Burt .

Pri scilla Webb .

Thankful Davi s .

Lydia Taylor.

Mindwell Lyman .

Joanna Smith .

Mary Hastings .

Sarah Curti s .

Mary Miller .

Sarah Allen .

Thankful Lyman .

Mehetabel Wright .

Anne Lyman .

Abigai l Lyman .

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Mark Warner,Jr. Homestead on Blackpole, same

as Prospect street con tinued ; had seven daugh

ters and four sons ; removed beyond Florence to

what became the Warner district . Attained h i s

n inetieth year .

Thomas Strong. Son of Elder John . Received

from his father a homestead on Pleasant street .

Whole number of h is chil dren , si xteen .

Benjamin Alvord . A weaver, an express rider,

actively engaged in the French and Indian war.

Ebenezer Edwards .

Benj amin Lyman . A l ieu tenan t . An enterpri sing

man , traded some, an extensive farmer, fatted

cattle in the stal l , owned 500 acres near Gran

ville , Mass . Two of h i s sons were graduates.

Jonathan Strong. The fi rst of five or six of the

same name . Selectman five t imes. Number of

h is children , seventeen . Thirteen of them were

married .

William Phelps , Jr .

Jonathan Alvord .

Jonathan Rust .

Ebenezer Hunt . Lived on Bridge stree t. Moved

h is large family in 1723 to Lebanon , Conn .

John Clark . Styl ed the 2d Deacon John . Buil t

1704 on South street . Captain and deacon . De

ceased at the age of eighty - nine .

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Clemence Judd .

Mercy Pomeroy.

Martha Hunt .

Lydia Lee .

Hannah Langton .

Sarah Sheldon .

Mary Strong.

Increase Clark . Born where the Art Gallery stands .

Buil t opposi te the same,1710. One descendant

continues on the place,viz .

, Mrs. Mary Tenny .

John Stoddard . The renowned Col . John . An

eminent civil ian . As a State sman had no supe

rior in hi s day .

Ebenezer Alvord .

Jonathan Sheldon .

John Hannum,Jr . His son


,l ived in

Southampton .

Joseph Meacham .

John Parsons . The two,Esther Alvord and John

Parsons, were drowned the same day, Oct . 8th ,1707.

Samuel Bartlett, Jr. His father recei ved permis

s ion in 1686 to erect a gri st mill at the fall s of

the Manhan river .

Nathaniel Curtis .

Nathaniel Alexander,Jr.

Samuel Baker.

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Thomas Stebbins .

Ebenezer Clark . A l ieutenant . His hou se,the

second buil t by Lieu t . Will iam ,stood near Pres

ident Seelye’

s. His age almost one hundred .

John. Baker. Usual ly styled Capt . John . Buil t

abou t 1710 the John Whittelsey house . His six

sons,verv tall men , averaged eighty - two years

each .

Mindwell King.

Sarah French .

Mary North .

Thankful Phelps.

Mercy Rust .

Rebekah Stoddard .

Mary Phelps .

Mehetabel King.

Thankful Al vord .

Hannah Wright .

Mary Smith .

Sarah Pomeroy .

Ruth Wright .

Rebekah Strong .

Sarah Clark .

Mary Root .

El izabeth Clark .

Dorcas A l vord .

Mary Strong.

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Mary Searl .

Mercy Parsons .

Mary Smith .

Experience Clark .

El izabeth Alvord .

Marv Sheldon .

Rebekah Clark .

Joseph Hawley . The second of thi s name,a l ien

tenant . Married Rebecca,sister of Col . John

Stoddard . This marriage united the Hawley and

Stoddard famil i es and gave to Northampton one

of the ablest advocates of c ivil freedom before

the Revolution,viz . , Major Joseph Hawley .

Will iam Holton .

Samuel Sheldon .

Samuel Strong.

Noah Cook . His house on West street stood on

Smith College grounds . Married,1712, Abigail ,

daughter of first deacon John Clark . When

chosen deacon,1739 , the F i rst Church enjoyed

a bright period .

Josiah Parsons . The Sixth chil d of Esquire Jo


s l arge family and the first of the name in

town .

Preserved Clap,Jr . Was captain

,married Mehet

abel Warner of Hatfield . Among his ch i ld ren

were Roger, Preserved , John , Eliphaz , Ezra .

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Samuel Curti s, Jr.

John Kingsley .

Abraham Miller . He marri ed the daughter of

Elder Preserved Clapp .

Benon i S tebbins .

Thomas Cheney.

Ebenezer Lyman .

Preserved Bartlett .

Jonathan Wright .

John Wrigh t .

Samuel Holton .

Nathan iel Parsons .

Ebenezer Bridgman .

Ebenezer Sheldon . The fi rst Sheldon on the

Bridge s treet homestead . In 1701 , married Mary,

daughter of first deacon Jonathan Hunt, a lady

of refinement, a favori te among the young ; her

age e ighty - seven .

Mary Edwards .

Esther Curtis .

El izabeth Stebbins.

Mary King.

Thankful Strong.

Experience Lyman .

Mary Wright .

Dorothy Hawley .

Lyd ia Warner.

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Abigai l Hol ton .

Mary Sheldon .

Lydia Hawley .

Mary Baker.

Abigail Langton .

Abigail C lark .

Mary Sheldon .

Mehetabel Clap .

Miriam Cook .

Mehetabel Strong .

El izabeth Bartlett .

Thomas Sheldon .

Samuel Clark .

John Bascom .

James Sear".

David Rust .

Thomas Alvord . Previou s to 1730 owned the

house,barn , hatter

’s shop which,at the above

date,came into possession of Dea . Ebenezer

Hunt,in the center.

John Lyman . The second of th is name,a lieuten

ant . Settled at South Farms, molested by the

Indians,1704, a year di sastrous to Pascomac

neighbors .

Moses Lyman . Chosen captain . His daughter

Hannah married Elijah Hunt,on Elm street .

His daughter Phebe married Lt . Caleb Strong,and became the mother of Gov . Caleb Strong.

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Will iam Bartlett .

Thomas Holton .

Noah Parsons .

I saac Sheldon .

Will iam King.

John Porter.

Jeremiah Webb .

Benj amin Stebbins .

Will iam Parsons .

Samuel Smith .

Jonathan Parsons .

El izu r Wright,Jr .

W aitstill Strong.

Nathaniel Searl .


i akim Strong .

John Hulbert .

Timothy Dwight . Same as CO ". Timothy . Lived

on Market street,Styled Esqui re and Surveyor

Dwight . One of the fi rst in full,legal practice

in the community .

Grace Phelps .

Mary Clapp .

Sarah French .

Hannah Stebbins .

Sarah Southwel l ;

Ruth Edwards .

Mary Sheldon .

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Hannah Miller.

Sarah Rust .

Hannah Wright.

Lydia Parson s .

Mary Cook .

Mary Stebbins .

Esther Edwards .

Elizabeth Hodge .

Hannah Bascom .

Thankful Bascom .

Sarah Phelps .

Mary Bridgman .

Sarah North .

Hannah Clesson.

Mary Clark .

Abigail Clark .

Sarah Wright .

Mindwell Parson s .

Samuel Hulbert .

John VVaH;

Jarnes IIulbert.

El iak im Cook .

Noah Clark . The ninth chi ld and fifth son of the

fi rst Dea. John . His homestead was at the top

O f the hi ll above the Baptist Church . Eighty

two at hi s decease,younger than any of six

brothers .

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Experience Wright .

El izabeth Judd .

Thankful Al exander .

Hannah Porter.

El izabeth Alexander .

Esther Cook .

Abigail Strong.

Jemima Sheldon.

Sarah Smith .

Sarah Smith .

Hannah Porter.

Priscil la Searl .

Mehetabel Strong.

Hannah French .

El izabeth Phelps .

Sarah Searl .

Hannah Wright .

Elizabeth Wright .

Mindwell Lyman .

Susanna Webb .

Mindwell Hol ton .

Sarah Edwards .

Mindwell Parson s .

Mindwell Strong .

Experience Dwigh t .

Hewett Strong.

Ebenezer Rust .

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Ezra Strong.

Samuel Wright .

Thomas Al exander.

William Sanderson .

Samuel Wright .

John Alexander.

Ebenezer Southwel l .

Ezek iel Bascom .

Joseph Lyman , fi rst born of Lt . Benj amin , home

on Pleasant street . Married in Farmington,Ct .

His second ch ild , Mercy, married Hon . Joseph

Hawley,the patriot .

Jonathan Kingsley .

Eliakim King .

Ezek iel Bascom .

Samuel King.

Ebenezer Pomeroy. Son of Major Ebenezer . Chos

en deacon 1739 . Served th irty - five years . Saw

ten spiritual harvests .

Noah Wright . Captain Noah . Succeeded his

father, Dea. Ebenezer,on Bridge street home

stead .

Will iam Clark .

Del iverance Bridgman .

Samuel Pomeroy.

Samuel Sheldon .

Joshua Lyman .


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George,an Indian .

Josiah Pomeroy . Same as Ensign Josiah , brother

of Dea. Ebeneze r,one of Major Ebenezer’s s ix

son s .

Joseph Al vord . Born 1698, grandson of Alexander

Alvord, by occupat ion a weaver. Married Clem

ence , daughter of Dea . Ebenezer Wright .

Eunice Clark .

Abigai l Lyman .

Mary Lyman .

Abigail Hulbert .

Hannah Hunt .

Jemima Cook .

Sarah Strong .

Martha Strong.

Mary Phelps .

Lydia Searl .


Esther King.

Joanna Clark .

Thankful Sheldon .

Abigail Phelps .

Esther Lyman .

Hannah Root .

Elizabeth Clapp .

Beth iah Lyman .

Mary Strong.

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1 241 14?


Mary Strong.

Abigail Lyman .

Deborah Alvord .

El i zabeth Pomeroy .

Es ther King.

Thomas White .

Willi am Wait, Jr.

Samuel Marshall . A prominent ci ti zen , selectman ,

captain , hou se stood near the site of the Bapti st

Church . Capt . Joseph Hawley m arried Lydia,

daughter of Capt . Samuel Marshall .

Ebenezer Cooke or Cass .

Jonathan Allen .

Noah Sheldon . Born 1709, on the Bridge street

homestead . Second child of Ensign Ebenezer.

Jonathan Hunt, Jr. Same as Lieut . Jonathan,

ancestor of Madam Henshaw . He was the first

to occupy what i s now the S . E . Bridgman place .

A publ ic spiri ted man . Gave twenty pounds

towards the town school s .

Samuel Stebbins .

Phinehas Lyman . He entered Yale and died be

fore completing hi s college course .

G ideon Lyman . Same as Lieut . Gideon,held sev

eral town ofii ces.

Jerijah Strong . The eighteenth and youngest child

of Elder John . Baptized by the first mini ster,

Page 39: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Mr. Mather,he l i ved through Mr. Stoddard’s

l ong pastorate,also through the eventful one of

Mr . Edwards, i nto Mr. Hooker’s attain ing the

age of abou t n inety.

Preserved Clapp . He settl ed on Sou th street. The

place was afterward owned, 1747, by Josiah

Clark , Jr.

John Clark . The th ird Dea . John,l i ved in Sou th

ampton .

Nathan Lyman .

Jonathan Root .

Ebeneze r Miller Jr .

Elias Root.

Aaron Lyman .

Preserved Wright .

Joseph Wright, Jr.

Hezekiah Wright .

John Bridgman.

Benj amin Lyman .

Thomas Bridgman .

Benj amin Root .

Miriam Clark .

Mary Clark .

Mary Alvord .

Mary Wright .

Elizabeth Edwards .

Hannah Southwel l .

Page 40: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Elizabeth Burt .

El izabeth Lyman .

Hannah Strong.

Sarah Parsons .

Anna Wait .

Lydia Wrigh t .

Deborah Phelps .

El i zabeth Hunt .

Rebecca Clary .

Rebecca Strong.

Thankfu l Alexander .

Clemence Wright .

Miriam Sheldon .

Ruth Alexander .

Keziah Wright .

Experience Stebbins .

Margaret Leonard .

Ruth Bascom .

Esther Strong.

Samuel Allen , Jr .

Moses Kingsley .

John Clapp . O ne of the five sons of Capt. Pre

served .

Ebenezer Hawley . His father was the fi rst Jo

seph Haw ley. Gave his property to h i s nephew ,

the eminent Major Joseph .

Ebenezer French .

Page 41: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Jonathan King.

John Burt .

Jonathan Burt,Jr .

Eliakim Clark .

El iakim Phelps .

Supply Kingsley . The church chose h im associate

deacon with Ebenezer Hunt in 1754.

Elisha Clark . The last one k illed by Indian

cruel ty. At the t ime he was thresh ing in hi s

barn , 1747. His father was the second Dea.

John .

Aaron Leonard .

Jonathan Rust .

Amos Loomis .

Samuel Phelps,Jr .

Nathaniel Clark, Jr. Was ensign , afterwards l ieu

tenant, chosen selectman several t imes .

Roger Clapp, Jr. Son of Capt . Preserved . His

son , Roger, was a settler of Southampton .

Jonathan Graves.

Josiah Alvord .

Ebenezer Hunt. The same that was chosen dea

con . He kept a record of passing events,which

has served and sti ll does,a valuable purpose .

Lydia Wright.

Esther Webb .

Eunice Judd .

Page 43: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Rev . Jonathan Edw ards’ Ministry, 1727— 1750.


Jonathan Edwards . The th ird mini ster of North

ampton . His pastorate,attended w i th uncom

mon success,cont inued twenty - three years . Con

sid ered the greatest of American logicians and

theologian s .

Ebenezer Parson s. Same as Captain Ebenezer .

Third son of Esqu ire Joseph . His home lot was

near the Norwood House . Active and u seful in

publ ic affai rs,

Josiah Strong.

Noah Bridgman . The town voted him a tract of

land at Horse Mountain or North Farms .

James Lyman .

Jonathan Dwigh t.

Stephen Root.

Ephraim Ayres.

Jonathan Burt,Jr .

Eleazar Hannum .

Page 44: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books
Page 45: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Page 46: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


El i sha Searl .

Gideon Parsons .

Eleazar Hutch inson .

Eleazar K ingsley.

Eli sha Sheldon .

Zebadiah Miller .

Asa Wright .

Elkanah Burt .

Thomas Burt .

Phinehas King .

Amos,a Negro .

Benj amin Phelps .

Joseph Hunt . Son of second Jonathan . Gradua

ted at Yale , 1729 . Entered no profession . His

dwell ing stood on Elm street,on the left hand

of the road leading to Round Hill .

Jonathan Strong, Jr. He was the first of five

Jonathan Strongs on South street . He married,

1730, Elizabeth , daughter of Capt . Roger Clapp ,

in same neighborhood . The first tything man,

viz : in 1761 .

El izabeth Wait .

Esther Wright.

Mary Parsons.

Mehetabel Strong.

Elizabeth Strong.

Hannah Lyman .

Page 47: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Eunice King .

Mary Leonard .

Elizabeth All en .

Hannah Allen .

Hannah Root .

Martha Root .

Mindwell King.

Mary Hunt .

Hannah Strong.

Hannah Clark .

Rachel Langton .

Mary Bascom .

Hannah Miller .

Theodotia Hunt .

Hephz ibah Pomeroy .

Jerusha Clark .

Abigail Bridgman .

Hephz ibah Hulbert .

Elizabeth Langton .

Aaron Clark .

Samuel Dank .

Samuel Mather,M . D . Graduated at Yale , 1726.

Stud ied medicine . Lived here in ful l practice

fifty years , being the fi rst educated physician

that settled in Northampton . O fii ciated as a

magistrate and selectman .

Samuel Clapp, Jr.

Page 48: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Joseph Clark .

Jonathan Bascom .

Daniel Pomeroy. Same as Lt . Daniel . The

youngest of Major Ebenezer’s six sons . Killed

at the battle of Lake George in 1755 .

Joseph Al l en . Father of fourteen ch ildren . Three

of them were mini sters . His wife acted as phy

sician with remarkable success .

Nehemiah Dwight . Came from Dedham . The

first in town to own a sleigh . It had plank

runners . A t that time pleasure sle igh s did not

exist .

Ben j amin Stebbin s .

Daniel Alexander .

Reuben Case .

Thomas Porter.

Joseph Bascom .

Eleazar Burt.

Jonath an Clark .

Ebenezer Wright,Jr .

Nehemiah Allen .

Ithamar Clark .

Ebenezer Miller,Jr.

Ichabod Strong.

Samuel Mather, Jr. Graduated at Yale,1756.

A physician in W estfield . A special ju stice of

the Court of Common Pleas.

Page 49: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Jonathan Clapp . Born on South street , l ived in

Easth ampton , kept a publ ic hou se, rose to the

rank of major, had fourteen ch ildren , ancestor

of Allens , Lymans, and other races .

Caleb Strong. A lieutenant of superior intel lect,

father of Caleb , eleven times governor of Massa


Daniel Warner. The fi rst of that name who l ived

in the Warner d i strict,near John F . Warner ’s .

Elizabeth ~Warner .

Mary Stebbins .

Hannah Pomeroy.

Mary Marsh all .

Mary Lyman .

Mindwell Burt.

Sarah Edwards .

Martha Bascom .

Mary Clesson.

Eun ice Parsons .

Abigail Lyman .

Rebecca Leonard .

Eunice Strong.

Thankful Pomeroy.

Lydia Rust .

Elizabeth Clap .

Jemima Parson s .

Thankful Phelps .

Page 51: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Hezekiah Root, Jr.

Reuben Wright.

Titu s Wright .

Elnathan Wright.

Joseph Bridgman .

Seth Pomeroy. General Seth,a patriot of the

Revolution,at the battle of Bunker H ill


brave officer . A manufacturer of fire - arms .

Gad Lyman . An early settler i n Goshen .

Ephraim Parsons .

I srael Rust, Jr.

Seth Marshal l .

Josiah Phelps .

Enoch Southwell .

Nathaniel Edwards . He taught the fi rst school on

South street . His son Nathaniel went to college,

but did not graduate .

Sarah Langton .

Lydia Burt.

Mary Bartl ett .

Abigai l Bridgman .

Mary Wright .

Marv Kingsley.

Sarah Root .

El izabeth King.

Sarah Hutchinson .

Bethiah Webb .

Page 52: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Ruth Root.

Mary Clark .

Experience Al l en .

Wait Parson s .

Sarah Clap .

Lyd ia Bridgman .

Mary Burt .

Elizabeth Al vord .

Abigail Langton .

Elizabeth Clark .

Jemima Danks .

Doro thy Mather.

Esther Root .

Mary Hannum .

Mindwell Clapp .

Eleazar King.

Joseph King.

Seth Strong.

Moses Wright .

Pelatiah Holbrook .

Ephraim Wright . His home lot near the center,

between King and Market streets . 1794, he

gave three and one - half acres to h i s son Seth .

Near the end of the century, Seth sold to Asa

hel Pomeroy and went to Boston .

Ebenezer Clark, Jr. Built

,1740, on Elm street.

Three generat ions l ived there, among them Dea .

Jared and his family.

Page 53: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Mark Warner, 3d .

Elihu Parsons .

Charles Wright .

Thomas Strong. Son of the first Jonathan . Grad

uated at Yale,1740. Settled in the mini stry at

New Marlborough,1744—77.

Ebenezer Wright, 3d .

Joseph Mille r.

W aitstill Strong, Jr.

Aaron Miller.

Nathaniel Day .

Selah Clark .

Ebenezer Phelps . The fi rst of that name, house

near Shady Lawn .

John Hunt . Buil t and occupied the Henshaw

mansion where S . E . Bridgman lives . Set ou t

the elms which gave name to the street .

Eliphaz Clap .

John Baker,Jr.

Paul Dudley .

Ezra Clark . Lived on Bridge street near the toll

gate . Commenced there 1739 . Was one of th e

Committee of F ifteen in the war of the Revolu

tion .

Will iam Lyman . Same as Capt . Willi am . His

son,Will iam

,a graduate of Yale

,1776, a mem

ber of Congress,Consul to London under Jef

Page 54: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


ferson, died there 1811

Cathedral,England .

Samuel Cl ark,Jr.

Rebecca Searl .

Lydia Pomeroy .

Sarah Cass .

Mary Pomeroy.

Elizabeth Allen .

Mindwell King.

Prudence Stoddard .

Thankful King.

Rebecca Stebbins .

Miriam Danks .

Mary Parson s .

Rebecca Mix .

Rachel Judd .

Hannah Alexander.

Martha Alexander.

Phebe Stockbridge .

Eli zabeth Danks.

Mindwell Parson s .

Rebecca Alvord .

Hannah Bartlett .

Sarah Janes .

Mercy Edwards .

Elizabeth Clark .

Mary Hulburd.


buried Gloucester

Page 55: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Hannah Phelps .

El ias Lyman,Jr. Kept a publ i c hou se near Rock

Ferry,South Farms . Educated two son s at Dart

mou th College .

Zebulon Wright .

Elisha Strong.

Abel Ingersoll .

Gideon Hale .

Ebenezer Wait .

John Wright,Jr.

Stephen Sheldon and I srael Sheldon . Broth ers,

son s of Ensign Ebenezer on Bridge street .

Samuel Strong.

Aaron Wrigh t .

Reuben King .

Joseph Strong. One of th i s name moved, 1716, to

Conventry, Conn . A man of property and great

worth . Became town treasurer,selectman and

j ustice of the peace . For fifty- two times was

representative . Including extra sessions,he was

a member during sixty - five sessions . In his

ninety - first year he was moderator of the town


Benajah Strong. His son,Asahel

,a deaf mute


was drowned July 9th, 1770.

Phinehas Clark . Lived on Elm street next be

yond Prof. Stoddard’s .

Page 56: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Noah Baker. Became a Bapt ist min i ster, preached

in Sunderl and,l i ved to be n inety - one .

Noah Clark , Jr .

Timothy Baker.

Samuel Bridgman .

Noah Wait .

Eleazar Root .

Simeon King .

Joseph Hunn .

Ezra Clapp . Graduated at Yale,1740. Lived at

Westfield .

Samuel Kingsley . Buil t abou t 1740. The house

stands on South street,number 19 , owned for

merly by Dea . Daniel Kingsley .

Prisc ill a Searl .

Sarah Edwards .

Miriam Edward s .

Mary Warner .

Eunice Parsons .

Esther Wait .

Thankful Clark .

Sarah Baker.

Mary Baker.

Elizabeth Clark .

Mary Strong.

Elizabeth Edwards .

Eleanor Dwight .

Page 57: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Mary Bridgman .

Hannah Loomis .

Naomi Strong.

Hannah Wait .

Damari s Wait .

Sarah Parsons .

Abigail Clesson.

Thankful Clesson.

Hannah King.

Abigail Clark .

Mindwell Lyman .

Dinah Wright.

Aaron Clapp .

Daniel King.

Thomas Wright .

Medad King .

Asahel King.

Timothy Root.

Moses Sheldon .

Moses Kellogg.

Samuel Edwards , Jr . Lived number 80 South

street, great grandfather of Prof. Bela B . and

Dr . Justin Edwards,both eminent Bible scholars.

Abner Lyman . Married about 1726, Lydia, daugh

ter of the first Mark Warner.

Asahel Clapp .

Moses Hannum .

Page 59: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Dorothy Root .

Rachel Clapp .

Experience Strong.

Esther Sheldon .

Anna Bartl et t .

Rachel Parsons .

Anna Phelps .

Eunice Searl .

Eunice Wright .

Abigail Judd .

Submit Clapp .

Rachel Maudsley .

Rachel Searl .

Abigail Hutch inson .

Lois Clark .

Experience Wait .

Rachel Parsons .

Phebe Lyman .

Hannah Edwards .

Catharine Clark .

Naomi Warner.

Martha Sheldon .

Timothy Clark .

Aaron Baker .

Benj amin Edwards,Jr .

Thomas Wait .

Samuel Langton , Jr.

Page 60: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Nathan Graves .

Eldad Pomeroy .

Zebadiah Al vord .

Onesimus Nash .

Elisha Warner. Son of the first Mark . Lived in

Chesterfield . Had no children .

Simeon Clark . Born O pposi te the Art Gal l ery.

Married Rebecca Sheldon, 1749 . The next year

moved to Amherst . Chosen deacon there . The

homestead continu ed till recently in same family.

Jerij ah Strong, Jr. Lived on North Market street .

The fifth and sixth generati on s now occupy the

place .

John Searl . Graduated at Yale, 1745 . Entered

the min istry . Assi sted in preparing some of Ed

wards’ works for publ icati on .

Jacob Parsons . Married daughter of first Ebenezer

Hunt . Father of twel ve ch ildren . Lived on

Bridge street .

Ebenezer Pomeroy, 3d . Son of Deacon and grand

son oi Major Ebenezer.

Nathaniel Searl .

Nathaniel Sear", Jr.

James Downing.

Caleb Clark .

Samuel Burt .

Page 61: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Robert Danks . A descendant probably of the Rob

ert who began , 1665, the settlement at Nasha

wannuck , and from whom Danks’ pond received

its name .

David Burt,Jr.

Edward Cotes.

Will iam Bartlett,Jr. One of the early settlers at

Westhampton in 1768 was Will iam Bartlett .

Buil t the first frame house,paid the largest tax .

Elihu Lyman . Graduated at Yale,1745 . Studied

law,l i ved at New Haven

,partner of his brother

Daniel .

Eunice Sheldon .

Martha King.

Thankfu l Parsons .

Experience Wright .

Sarah Wright .

Sarah Holton .

Lydia Wright .

Naomi Wright .

Martha Phelps .

Sarah Burt.

Silence Clark .

Abigail Janes .

Mary Searl .

Rachel Pomeroy .

Lois Strong.

Page 62: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Hannah Miller .

Sarah Miller.

Mary King.

Eunice Edwards.

Eunice ‘ Cook .

Eunice Wait .

Abigai l Phelps .

Hannah Judd .

Eunice Phelps .

Miriam Wrigh t .

David Bartlett .

Noah Lyman .

Charles Coles .

Jonathan Al vord .

Ephraim Danks.

Samuel Hannum .

Matthew Clark . Married 1754, Sarah , daughter of

the second Dea. John Clark on Sou th street .

Matthew Clark lived at Lebanon , Conn .

Jonathan Edwards .

Benoni Danks .

Zadok Lyman .

Jason,servant to Major Pomeroy .

Simon , servant to Capt . Dw ight ,

Ishmael,servant to Nathaniel Edwards .

Joab, a colored man .

Page 63: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Josiah Clark,Jr . Son of Ensign Josiah . Se ttled

and l ived on Sou th street . O fiiciated as deacon

th irty - four years .

Gideon Henderson .

John Wait, Jr .

Thomas Starr .

Will iam Clark . A farmer on Elm street . Married

and settled nearly opposi te John Whittelsey’s,

1746. Drove fat cattle to Boston between 1753

57. He and Daniel Clark,hi s cou sin , were

neighbors fifty- eight vears.

Daniel Strong . Brother of Job the coll egian , aided

h is brother in obtaining an education . Another

Daniel Strong was drum major in the war of the

Revolution,went by the name of Dub Strong.


Nathaniel Phelps,Jr .

Ebenezer Pomeroy,4th .

Ebenezer Bartlett,Jr.

Benj amin Parsons . An unmarri ed brother of Jo

seph on Sou th street , l i ved to be eighty - eigh t.

The place went into the hands of Will iam Par

sons, hatter, same as Major Will i am .

David Bartlett,Jr .

Rachel King.

Christiana King.

Anna King.

Mary Waters.

Page 64: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Sarah Lyman .

Mercy Searl .

El izabeth Root .

Mary Hannum .

Sarah Pomeroy.

Mary Church ill .

Elizabeth Phelps.

Martha Root .

Mary King.

Freedom Edwards .

Abigai l Danks .

Dorothy Danks .

E l i zabeth Cass .

Hannah Keet .

Rachel Wright .

Patience Alvord .

Abigai l Judd .

Jemima Bartlett .

Esther Parsons .

Mabel Bar tlett .Elizabeth , servant to Col . John Stoddard .

Joseph Parsons . His homestead on South street

j o ined that of Noah Parsons. Always l ived on

the place . Age eighty - five .

Seth Clark .

Ebenezer Al vord .

O l iver Warner.

Page 65: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Bela Strong. Ithamar Strong. Same as Capt .

Ithamar,boatman on the Connecticut ri ver. He

li ved on the westerly corner of Main and South

streets . Bela Strong lived where Memorial Hall

stands .

Obadiah Frary .

Medad Lyman .

Will iam Sheldon .

Simeon Lyman .

John Miller,Jr.

Stephen Wright,Jr .

Timothy Wright . Lived ' on King street . His

daughter,El izabeth

,married Dea. Enos Wright,

one of the best women that ever l ived . Grand

parents of W i ll iam K . Wright .

Gershom Clark .

John Langton .

Samuel Janes, Jr.

John Lyman,Jr. An inn - keeper for fifty

- three

years at South Farms . Himself one of ten ch il

d ren,so in h is tu rn he became the father of the

same number . One went to Yale .

Supply Clapp .

Benjam in Parsons,Jr.

Caleb Wright .

Noah Edwards.

Gideon C lark .

Page 67: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Sarah King .

Jemima Wright .

Martha Hunt .

Mary Baker.

Rachel Phelps .

Sarah Alvord .

El izabeth Edwards .

Lucy Strong .

Charles Brewster .

Samuel King.

Noah Copley .

Jedediah Clark.

Joseph Cook .

Seth Wright .

Edmund Taylor .

Abraham Miller,Jr.

Noah Langton .

Thomas Judd,Jr. His father l ived fi rst in the

center,then at South Farms . Reared ten ch il

dren . The Judds of South Hadley were hi s de


Enoch Clark . Born 1726, near the Art Gallery.

A Lieu t . , also an inn - keeper .

Joseph Hawley . The th ird and most eminent of

th at name . Graduated at Yale,1742. As an

advocate of American l iberty stood pre - eminent .

Rendered important service to hi s country in h i s

Page 68: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


seat in the legisl ature . Served twenty six years

as deacon .

Phinehas Lyman . Son of Lieu t . Gid eon . Eli za

beth Hawley,Capt. Elisha’s widow,

after a few

years of widowed l ife,married Ph inehas Lyman .

Timothy Dwight, Jr., viz . Major Timothy . An

extensive trader,l arge l and holder , for sixteen

years was Judge of Common Pleas . Had fou r

teen ch ildren,several of them graduates.

John Pomeroy .

John Alvord , Jr.

John Macklane .

Moses Webb .

Ebenezer Clapp .

El isha Pomeroy .

Ebenezer Edwards . Killed by the fal l of a tree,

Aug. 22d , 1771,‘

aged fifty- one .

Benjamin Lyman,Jr.

Aaron Hannum .

Jonathan Kingsley,Jr .

Preserved Bartlett,Jr.

Matha Clark .

Jemima Clark .

Eunice Alvord .

Abigai l Lyman .

Sarah Parsons .

Mary Marshal l .

Page 69: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Rebecca Marshall .

Anna Wright .

Jemima Sheldon .

Esther Lyman .

Rachel Hunt .

Sarah Miller.

Hannah Strong .

Mary Parsons .

Lvd ia Parson s.

Phebe Edwards .

Abigail Pomeroy .

Dinah Corse .

Catharine Munn .

Mary Lyman .

Elizabeth Bartl ett.

Loi s Phelps .

Lu cy Warner.

Sarah Clark .

Bathsheba, a colored woman .

Eliakim Wright .

El ish a Baker .

Jonathan Mille r.

Stephen Dorchester .

Eliakim Marshall .

Noah Pomeroy .

Samuel Al vord .

Caleb Sheldon .

Page 70: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Samuel Langton .

Medad Edwards . Home on Sou th street . A tra

di tion remains that be occupied a block hou se,


much used in those times as a means of defence .

Constructed of logs, the lower story penetrated

below the surface of the ground several feet ;the upper proj ected on all sides beyond the


Elias Sheldon . Born 1721 . The second who l ived

on Sheldon place,Bridge street . Continued

there till 1793.

Isaac Lyman . Son of Capt . Moses. Graduated at

Yale, 1747. Was pastor at York,Maine

,s ixty

years,1749—1809 .

Simeon Pomeroy . Lived on King street near the" Edwards Elms

,between Mrs. Dr . F i sk ’s and

the Aaron Breck place .

Samuel Clarke . A native of Windsor, Ct . Came

to Northampton,1747, a saddle and harness

maker. Lived on corner of Bridge and Hawley

streets . N ine children born there . Ancestor of

John the banker, Edward , Chri stopher, Richard ,and


of the present Chri stopher.

Dorcas Lyman .

Lydia Lyman .

Margaret Al vord .

Rachel Keet .5

Page 71: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Elizabeth Ru st .

Ruth Connor.

Mary Down ing .

Sarah Parsons .

Hannah Edwards.

Experience Phelps .

Catharine Wright.

E" perience Birge .

Jerusha Alvord .

Margaret Parsons .

Mary Tule .

Experience Lyon .

Rebecca Sheldon .

Sarah Strong .

Sarah Bartlett .

Jemima Root.

Elizabeth Cook .

Jemima Miller .

Rebecca Searl .

Rachel Barnard .

Sarah Strong .

Lydia Hutch inson .

Martha Alvord .

Sarah Langton .

Mary Canfield .

Sarah Searl .

Beulah Parson s .


Page 72: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


El izabeth Bartlett .

Jeru sha Clark .

Esther Edwards . Married,1752, Rev . Aaron Burr,

pres ident of Princeton Coll ege .

Jerusha Edwards . E" pected to marry Rev . David

Brainerd,m i ss ionary . He died at her father’s



Mary Edwards . Married to Major Timothy Dwight .

O ne of her fourteen ch ildren was Timothy

Dwight,president of Yale College

,1795—1817 .

Her husband bu ilt the Mrs . Dr . F i sk house .

Her ch ildren were all born there . The three

foregoing, Esther, Jeru sha, and Mary Edwards ,

were daughters of Rev . Jonath an Edwards, th ird


Mary Alexander.

Exp erience King.

Hannah Baker.

Ann Judd .

Page 73: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Rev . J ohn Hacker’s Ministry, 1754— 1777.


Abner Barnard .

Charles Clapp .

Stephen Baker.

Silas Brown .

Phil ip Clark .

Obadiah Janes .

Moses Bartlett .

Thomas Willi ston .


scar Munson .

Nathaniel Bartle tt.

Sil as Hamilton .

El ihu Clark . The fi rst of that name . The young

est son of Lieu t . Ebenezer. Lived near Presi

dent Seelye’s .

El ish a Cook . Son of Dea. Noah . Owned w ith

h is brother Aaron,the upper mill .


Page 75: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Mi riam Phelps .

Mary Clark .

Eunice Brown .

Eunice Phelps .

Elizabeth Elmer .

Naomi Bartle tt.

Hannah Baker.

Hannah Bascom .

Joseph Stebbin s.

Medad King.

Eleazar King .

Samuel Judd , 2d . Lived seventy - seven years on

Pleasant street,1685—1762. Followed there by

Samuel , 3d .

El ij ah Hunt . House and lot west of Miss Burn

ham place on Elm street . He reared and edu

cated his si ster’s son , Hon . Elijah Hunt Mill s,

born in Chesterfield .

Joseph Root.

Moses Parsons . Among the removal s to Durham ,

Conn . , i s found the name of Moses Parson s .

Elizabeth Burt .

Mercy Clark .

Esther Hunt.

Margaret Hutch ins .

Page 76: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Catharine Parsons.

Mary Phelps .

Hannah Hunt .


S ilas Clark . Home lot above the Baptist meeting

house . Succeeded h is father, Noah . Whole

number of Silas ch ildren , twelve .

Elij ah Clark. Born and l ived opposi te the Art

Gallery . One of the committee of fifteen in the

war of the Revolution . Chosen deacon in 1785 .

Three of hi s sons were deacons .

Will iam Phelps .

Thomas F airfield .

Samuel F airfield .

Samuel Judd .

S imeon Alvord .

Gideon Lyman .

Thomas All en . Graduated at Harvard College,

1762. F i rst min ister of Pittsfield . On account

of hi s valor at the battle of Benn ington was

called the " fighting parson .

" Father of Presi

dent Wm . Allen , grandfather of Judge Will iam .

Mrs . Nathaniel Phelps .

Haunot Root .

Elizabeth Wright .

Lucy Alvord .

Page 77: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Hannah Clark .

Thankful Clark .

Prudence Parsons .

Mrs. Jonathan Janes .

Sarah Hooker,of Springfield

,wife of Rev . John

Hooker,the fourth mini ster . She was Col .

Worth ington’s daugh ter .

Miriam Lyman .

Thankful Lyman .

Eunice Pomeroy .

Lyd ia Phelps .

Obadiah Clark .

Aaron Kingsley .

Joseph Lyman .

Simeon Clapp,on Sou th street

,practiced as a phy


Rhoda Kingsley .

Mary Bartlett .

Sarah Clapp .

1758 .

George Hodge .

Jane Hodge .

Jerusha Sheldon .

Sarah Allen .

Martha Pomeroy.

Page 78: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Freelove Chilson .

Mrs . Eli sha Alvord .

Lois Shattuck .

Elnathan Phelps .

John Graves.

John Hurlburt .

Samuel Phelps .

Noah Bridgman and Will iam Judd . Both mar

r ied , 1759, and settled at North Farms . Thei r

famil ie s intermarried .

Catharine Brown .

Sarah Allen .

Mercy Bridgman .

Susanna Judd .


Joseph Alvord . A weaver, home Br idge street.

Hannah Parsons .

Prudence Stoddard .

Mary Hunt .

Lydia C lark .

Lois Parsons.

Joel Clark .

Adino Pomeroy.

Page 79: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Paul King .

Joel Parsons.

Pl iny Pomeroy,brother Will i am cloth ier


and father of Gains.

Jerush a Burt.

Martha Clark .

Mary Miller.

Loi s Pomeroy .

Jemima Burt .

Mary Burt.

Lucy Baker.

Thankful S tar .

Experience Clark .

Lydia Cook .

Mary Ring.

Mrs . Joel Parsons .

Oliver Lyman .

Mr. Strickl and .

Asahel Clark.

O l iver Burt .

James Hulburt .

Simeon Strong. Hawley street,

eighty - five years,a farmer and

eleven children .

Joseph Clapp .

Page 80: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Simeon Bartlett .

Elias Lyman . The second El ias , kept a publ ic

house near Rock Ferry, largely patronized .

El ij ah Southwell .

Asahel Danks.

Rufus Brown .

Noah Strong, Jr.

Joseph F airfield .

Ezekiel Bascom .

Moses Kingsley . The third of that name,became

deacon in 1785 . Moved to Chesterfield 1794.

His grand - daughter, Judith, marr ied the late

Moses Breck .

Joel Pomeroy .

Caleb Pomeroy .

Daniel Alexander.

John Strong .

Joe l Strong.

Phinehas Allen .

Jonath an Stearn s.

Joseph Clark . Son of the first Nathan iel , a far

mer in Southampton .

Elisha Wrigh t .

Ebenezer Strong. Son of Elder Ebenezer. Had

thirteen children . His hou se and barn stood on

the homestead of Gov. Caleb Strong.

Eleanor Lyman .

Page 81: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Mrs. Downing Warner .

Jerusha Brown .

M rs . Asahel Clark .

Mrs . Phil ip Clark .

Lucy Bartlett .

Hannah Searl .

Rachel Lyman .

Miss Lyman .

Hannah Strong .

Naom i Bascom .

Mary Buck .

Jerusha Phelps .

Sarah Wrigh t .

Rebecca Burt.

Mary Kingsley .

Rachel Strong.

Hannah Strong.

Elizabeth Bascom .

Mrs . Benj amin Wrigh t.

Jemima Alvord .

Mary Brown .

Jerusha C lark .

Rebecca Miller.

Miriam Tufts .

Hannah Janes .

Mary Rust .

Ann Ash ley.

Page 83: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Moses All en . Born on King street . Graduated at

Princeton,N . J . ,


‘ Became a min ister .

Preached in Virgin i a , Sou th Carol ina. A fai th

ful preacher , highly esteemed .

El ij ah Parson s . Son of I saac . Graduated at Yale,

1768. Settl ed at East Haddam, Ct. , 1772

—1827 .

Left a tract of l and in Ohio to two N orthamp

ton nephews .

Paul Guilford .

Benjamin Edwards .

Mr . Kelton.

John King.

Nathaniel Edwards, 3d . The first at Roberts

Meadow,viz .

, 1773 . Had thirteen ch ild ren .

A farmer, inn - keeper, al so keeper of toll gate .

Titu s King . Same as Master King. Had m any

droll ways as a teacher. His school on School

house Square, between Main and King streets,

was for a time the on ly publ ic sch ool in town .

Nathaniel Day .

Joel Bartlett .

Jonathan Wait .

El i sha Southwell .

Joseph All en , Jr.

Samuel F airfield .

John Parson s . Commenced at Pascomac, 1736,

l ived there 1736—85 . His twin chi ldren, David

Page 84: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


and Jonathan , were much attached


Martha Clark .

Hannah Clark .

Eleanor Strong.

Martha Alexander .

Abigail Clark .

Experience Clark .

Esther W right,

Hannah Birge .

Henry Burt .

Thankfu l Day .

Sarah Alvord .

Eunice Lyman.

Hannah Pomeroy .

Naomi Wright .

Martha Wright .

Mary Starr .

Hephz ibah Chil son .

Mrs . Nathan i el Day .

Esther Wright.

Esther Parsons .

Mrs . Titus King.

Mehetabel Parsons .

Mary Lyman .


Page 85: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Martha Lyman .

Hannah Bridgman .

Mrs . Jonathan Strong .

Phebe Pomeroy.

Mrs. Moses Bartlett.

Abigai l Searl .

Esther Lyman .

Eun i ce Root .

Eunice King.

1765 .

Eli sha Lyman . Lived on Pleasant street . It be

came a public house .

Daniel Pomeroy. Same as Major Daniel . The red

tavern which stood where the present Cathol ic

Church stands, was associated w i th h i s name ,1755—1805 .

Benj amin Sheldon .

Samuel Munson .

Jonathan All en .

Mrs . Benj amin Sheldon .

Sarah Wai t .

Mrs . Samuel Phelps .

Ruth Phelps .

Mrs . Jonath an Allen .

Mrs . Elij ah Hall .

Page 86: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books



David Lyman .

Lemuel Lyman .

John Clark .

Ol iver Wright.

Martha Stoddard .

Eunice Cotes .

Sarah Small age .

Mrs . John Clark .

Mary Bartl ett.

El izabeth Taylor .

Mrs . Joel Wrigh t .

Mrs . N . Langford .


Benjamin Southwick,



Joel Hunt . Brother of El ij ah . His house stood

on Prospect street on the northeast corner of

Elij ah Hunt ’ s homestead .

Sarah Pomeroy .

Abigail Clark .

Tamar Danks .

Lucy Clapp .

Mrs. El i sha Lyman .

Mrs . Elias Lyman .

Sybil Pomeroy .

Mrs . Solomon Ferry .


Page 87: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


1768 .

Robert Breck . From Springfield . Graduated at

Yale,1756. A lawyer and clerk


of the Cou rt

of Common Pleas .

Thomas Bridgman . Graduated at Harvard , 1762.

Read law in the office of Major Hawley. Began

practice in hi s native place . Deceased 1771, age

th i rty - one .

1769 .

Israel Rust .

Joseph Putney .

Samuel Parsons .

Heman Pomeroy .

Esther Clark .

Mrs . Joseph Putney .

Esther Warner .

Mrs . Daniel Elmer.

John Hunt. Graduated at Harvard , 1 764. Four

years pastor O ld South Church , Boston . His

early death , 1775 , much l amented .

Benj amin Tappa‘

n . A patriot of the Revolution .

Acted on the committee of fifteen. Went wi th

others to repel the invasi on of Burgoyne at Sara

toga . Had eleven ch ild ren. A rem arkabl e

family .

Page 88: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books



Moses Clark . Moved to Sunderland,had fourteen

ch i ldren ; one of the number was Dea . Israe l

C lark on Bridge street .

Solomon Al len . Attained th e rank of Major in

the Revolu t i onary war. Chosen deacon in 1797.

Entered the min istry,1801, a pioneer m i ssionary

in western New York . Four churches organized

as the fru i t of hi s l abors .

David Parsons .

Jonathan Parson s . Home at Pascomac. Baptized

by Rev . Jonathan Edwards . Marri ed and admi tted to church by Rev . . John Hooker.

Timothy Wright .

Mrs . Joel S trong.

Naom i Lyman .

Martha Wrigh t .

Abigail Lyman .

Jerusha Rust .

Mrs . Simeon Birge .

Rhoda Strong.

Esther Wright .

Mary Wrigh t.

Mary Wright .

Rachel Al vord .

Catharine Knight.

Rachel Burt.

Page 89: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Lydia Hol ton .

Sarah Alvord .

Mindwell Phelps .

Mrs . Samuel Judd .

Hannah Day .

Sarah Worth ington .

Martin Clark .

Jonathan Strong,Jr. Lived on South street .

Same as Ensign Jonathan. Tything man in


Gideon Clark,Jr.

Benj amin Pomeroy .

Daniel Wright. Was postmaster about seventy

years ago . Father of F . Hunt Wright, a cashier .

Eli sha Mather, a tanner on Hawley stree t .

Azariah Lyman .

Eleazar Wright.

Moses Bartlett . Settl ed at West Farms .

1771 .

Dr . Levi Shepherd . Father of Thomas,Levi and

Charles . The th ree sons buil t on Round Hill .

Dr . Levi 85 Sons had a factory on Pleasant street .

Theodore Hopk ins .

Abij ah Lyman .

Mrs . Timothy Dwight .

Lucy Parson s .

Page 91: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


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Mary Shepherd .

Miriam Bartlett .

Naomi Clark .

Thomas Starr.

Thomas Levake .

Lucius Knight .

Gov. Caleb Strong . Graduated at Harvard , 1764.

U . S . Senator,assi sted in forming the Constitu

t ion of Massachusetts and of the Un ited State s.

Eleven times governor . An eminent lawyer .

Dr. Ebenezer Hunt . Began practice before 1770.

A druggist from 1769 to the present centu ry .

Mrs . Thomas Starr .

Mrs . Elij ah Lyman .

Rachel Bridgman .

Mrs . Samuel Clark .

Mr. Bullard .

Joel Lyman . A l i eu tenant at Sou th Farms . Lived

nearly Sixty years .

Mrs . Bullard .

Hephzibah Guilford .

Esther Hunt.

Mrs. Daniel Al exander.

Page 95: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Abigail Alexander.

Mrs . Benj amin Edwards.


Phinehas Parson s . Lived on West street , father

of Capt . Samuel Parson s .

Herrick Leonard .

Elij ah Rust .

Timothy Parsons . Brother of Noah , Jr. Both

were neighbors on South street . Both set ou t ,

1755 , each an elm tree . Timothy’s tree died

many years ago . Noah ’s st i l l l ive s.

Isaac Parsons . Home on Bridge st reet, 1715—98 .

His descendants st ill occupy the place .

Mrs . Dr . Ebenezer Hunt .

Mrs. Jonathan Lyman .

Mrs . Phinehas Wright.

Hannah Elwell.

Mrs . Enos Kingsley.

Rebecca Clark .

Martha Parson s.

Mrs . Rhoda Fowl e . The Fowl es l i ved in the brick

house on Pleasan t street .

Anna Barnard .

Ruth Edwards .

Mindwell Parsons .

Page 96: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


1775 .

Nathaniel Clark . The th i rd of that name on the

homestead in Sou th street . Lived there seventy

fou r years , ti l l 1823 .

Joseph En sign .

Joel Hannum .

Ebenezer Cl ark, 3d .

I srael Parsons .

Timothy Gui lford .

Ebenezer Stearns .

Mrs. Ebenezer Clark .

Meribah Miller .

Mrs . Ephraim Wright .

Mrs. Benjamin Tappan .

Mrs . Ezra Clark .

Mrs. Josi ah Dickin son .

Amasa Clapp .

Stephen Clark .

Hezeki ah Porter,M . D . Lived street .

Resided there from 1776 until

Mrs . Hezekiah Porter.

Mrs . Amasa Clapp .

Mrs. Stephen Cl ark .

Mrs . Samuel Wright .

Martha Edwards .

Page 97: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Lucy Edwards .

Mrs . Amasa Strong.

Mrs . Noah Jane s.

Mindwell Lyman .

Sarah Hooker . Daughter of Rev. John Hooker

the pastor . She married , 1777, Hon . Caleb

Strong. They were the parents of Hon . Lewis


1777 .

Enos Wright . His son Ebenezer , studied for the

mini stry wi th Rev . Dr . Lyman , of Hatfield .

El isha Alvord . His home lot in the center was

bought by fifty- six persons and given to the

County as a site for a Court House , the remain

der to be u sed for a Common and for no other

purpose .

Quartu s Pomeroy . Brother Of Asahel . A black

smith . Occupied the large mansion on Pleasant

street,known as the N onotuck House . His

shop stood where the first passenger depot on

the Conn . R . R . R . was bu il t . Had ten ch il

dren , four sons and six daughters .

Jonathan Clapp.

Phebe Clark . Lived on Bridge street,a relati ve

of Job Clark .

Elizabeth Wright . Wife of Dea . Enos .

Page 99: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Josiah Sheldon .

Lyman Clark .

Sylvanu s Parsons .

Just in Clark .

Reuben Wright .

Solomon Wrigh t .

Daniel Edwards . Home on West s treet on the


Samuel Breck . Married 1777 Eun ice Allen.

Father of Aaron and Moses Breck .

Seth Wright . Son of Ephraim,a trader at the

corner of King and Main streets . Moved to

Bos ton, became wealthy . In 1809 bought the

place owned by H . Rose Hinckley .

Solomon Clark .

Seth Strong.

Medad Strong .

Simeon Day . He was deaf,used a trumpet, l ived

on North street .

I saac Clark . Married 1784 Nancy , daughter of

Ebenezer Edwards . In 1809 moved from Roberts

Meadow to South street . Had ten chi ldren , one

of them,Isaac

,th e druggist.

Irene Parsons.

Naomi Parsons .

Patty Wright .

Mindwell Parsons.

Page 100: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Rhoda Parsons.

Roxy Brown .

Merab Allen .

Prudence Parsons.

Dorcas Wright .

Anna Parsons .

Eunice Lyman .

Anna Strong.

Susanna Baker.

Susanna Wright .

Phebe Lyman .

Salome Rust .

Mabel Strong.

Lucy Parson s .

Esther Burt .

Phebe Clark .

Rachel Edwards.

Cynthia Wright.

Eunice Root .

Thankfu l Strong.

Abigai l Eliot .

Penelope Cook.

Asenath Clark .

Martha Root .

Jerusha Warner.

Sarah Parson s.

Dorcas Parsons.


Page 101: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Hannah Parson s .

Rhoda Hu lbert .

Elizabeth King.

Abigail Brown .

Rachel Parsons .

Prisc i lla Parson s.

Mrs . Abiathar French .

Mrs . Will iam Pomeroy.

Eli zabeth Strong.

Sarah Wright .

Hannah Lyman .

Mrs . Eli sha Brown .

Mrs . Ebenezer Clapp,Jr .

Phebe Phelps .

Abigail Phelps .

Mrs . Bela Parsons .

Mrs . Jonathan Bartlett .

Heziah Allen .

Anna Wright .


Medad Alvord . Residence on Bridge street, on

left hand going towards the Bridge . Married

Sarah Baker ; for h is second w ife w idow Betsey

Partridge .

Page 103: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


1785 .

El i Clark . Second son of Dea. El ij ah . Moved

to Skaneateles , N . Y .,1801 , then almost a

wilderness . Has descendants in th e place .

Nathan iel Edwards . The second Nathani el on

South street , who went by the name of Master

Edwards . He devoted part of h is le i sure instruct

ing the gi rl s of h i s neighborh ood in the ordi

nary school branches .

Israel Bridgman .

Medad , a colored man .

Sarah Wright .

El i zabeth Pomeroy.

Mrs . Nathaniel Edwards .

Mrs . Job Strong.


Mr. and Mrs . Joseph Cook , Jr. O ne of that name

kept the j ail on Pleasant street in 1786.

Maria Alvord .

Sarah Clapp .

Nabby Baker.

Abigail Phelps .

Bela Strong.

Erastu s Bridgman .

Page 104: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Samuel Hinckley . Nat ive of Brookfield . Gradu

ated at Yale 1781 . Register of Probate twenty

n ine years,Judge of Probate seventeen years .

Home and office on Pleasan t street .

Mrs . Samuel Hinckley .

Nancy Clark .

Hannah Parsons .

Mrs . Sil as Brown .

Esther Wright .

Patty Lyman .


Charle s Starkweather . Came in 1787. His pew

was near the pulpi t . When the choir rose to

sing,he al so rose

,faced the singers, the only

one who did so except the venerabl e Asahel

Pomeroy .

Asahel Wright .

Hezekiah Reed .

Lydia Cook .

Mrs . Charle s Starkweather .


Medad King .

Aaron Cook Jr. The son of Dea. Aaron and

brother of the late Enos Cook .

Page 105: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Luther Clark . Fourth chi ld of Dea. Elij ah . Lived

eigh ty - eight years on Elm street ; bu i lt 1795

the gambrel roof hou se opposite the Art Gall ery .

Held the office of deacon fifty years . Father of

s i x sons and three daughters .

Abner Hun t . Father of Thomas Merrick and

Theodocia Hunt , wife of Sil as M . Smith,al so

other ch i ld ren .

Jacob Clark .

Calvin Clark . The fifth of Deacon El ij ah ’s seven

sons . Marri ed 1 792 Lucy Parson s . That year

started h i s hom e six miles out, at Rail H il l ,

beyond Leeds . Attained the age of 92 . The

4th generation continue on the pl ace .

Enan Clark .

Justin Parson s .

Simeon Parsons Jr . His homestead included the

corner on which John Clarke the banker l ived,

now occupied by the Norwood House .

Joseph King.

Alpha Hurlburt.

Jacob Sprague .

Luke Day . A neighbor at Rai l H il l of Calvin

Clark . Lived one mi le nearer the center .

Thomas Day .

Ebenezer Brown .

Ol i ve r Strong.

Page 107: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Joseph Warner . Son of Daniel . He married Je

rusha. daughter of Noah Edward s . Had fou r

teen chi ld ren . He was the first of several Joseph

Warner’s .

Samuel Henshaw . Born in Eastern part of the

state . Graduated at Harvard College'

in 1773 .

Failure of voi ce compell ed him to leave the

m ini stry for the legal profession . Came to

Northampton in 1788. Appointed in 1797 Judge

of Probate , afterwards Judge of Common Pleas .

His son , John Hunt Henshaw , was admitted to

the Bar of Hampsh i re County .

Mercy Parsons .

Asenath Bartlett .

Eli zabeth Phelps .

Hannah Bartle tt .

Mrs . Ph inehas Parson s.

Mrs . Lewi s Smith .

Mary Bartlett .

Mindwell Whi te .

Mrs . Thomas Clapp .

Mrs . Supply Clapp .

Mrs . Jonathan Miller .

Mrs . Moses Legg .

I rene Parsons .

Page 108: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Deborah Pratt .

Lydia Parsons .

Mrs . Moses K ingsley .

Mrs . Seth Phelps .

Mary Sheldon .

Betty Taylor.

1792 .

Andrew Phelps.

Widow Mary Strong .

Mary Yemons.

Phebe Blackman .

Mrs . Stephen Strong.

Widow Martha Clark .

Martha Barnard .

Mrs . Mary Edwards .

Her niece, Miss Bartlett .

Elizabeth Bartlett .

Lucret ia Lyman .

Mrs . Nabby French .

Esther Parsons .

1793 .

Nathaniel Phelps . The fifth of that name,an

innkeeper on South street, a blacksmith , u sed a

trumpet in church to assist his hearing.

Page 109: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Warham Parson s. His two sons,Thaddeu s and


,1797, in Skaneatel es , N . Y . In

h i s later years sold to Eli sha Graves and fol lowed

h is son s to Western New York .

Daniel Rust .

Ethan Marshall .

Catharine Parsons .

Sally Jypsen.

Mrs . Bohan Clapp .

Mrs . David Wrigh t .

Mrs . Joseph Ring .

Mrs . Levi Upson .

Mrs . Abigail H itchcock .

Mrs . Ebenezer Kingsley .

Mrs . Will iam Rust .

Mrs . Calvin Clark .

Emma Clark .

Rufus Phelps .

Jabez Den ison .

Jonas Clark . Home near the bridge on Bridge

stree t . Keeper of tol l gate,several times chosen

sel ectman , grand father of Jonas M . Clark, Super

intendent of Water Works .

Mrs . David Turner .

Mrs . Hezekiah Parsons , Jr.

Page 111: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Rhoda Bridgman .

Mrs . Benjamin Clark .

Mrs . Eleanor Clark .

Jemima Baker .

John Bull ard .

Hannah Bu llard .

Almey Hewitt .

Azarina Root.

Experience Smith . Wife of Justin Smith,Sr . ,


mother of Mrs . Mary Tenney .

Bancroft Fowler . A native of Pittsfield , a gradu

ate oi Yale, min ister at N orthfield , professor in

Bangor Theological Seminarv.

Benjamin Bartle tt .

Azarina Root .

Mrs . Joseph Root.

Mrs . Thaddeu s Parsons .

Mrs . Julius Barnard .

1798 .

Mrs. Eliza Phelps.

Mrs . Will iam Edwards,daughter of Benjamin

Tappan . Her hu sband and her sons were eminent

business men .

Page 112: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Mrs . Moses Bartle tt .

Hannah Miller .

Mrs . David Nash .

Mrs . Will iam Stockwell .

Esther Pomeroy.

Anna Sackett .

Dorcas Sheldon .

Lydia Lyman .

Mrs. Smith Copeland .

Mrs . Eunice Strong .

Thankful Smith .

Mrs. Will i am Bl i ss .

Eun ice

Rachel Phelps.

Polly Little .

Mrs . Joel Strong.

Mrs . Phinehas Al len

Mrs . Simeon Butler .

ton bookseller .

Mrs . Oli ver Pomeroy .

Mrs . John King, Jr .

Rachel King.

1799 .


N orthamp

Page 113: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Jonathan Strong,Jr . Married

,1799 , Eunice Clark .

Lived farther end of South street . Two unmar

ried brothers , Asahel and Samuel , very tal l men ,l i ved near .

Enos Clark . The youngest of Dea. El ij ah ’s eigh t‘

children . Chosen deacon in 1818 . At the for

mation of the Edwards Church , 1832, rece ived

the same appointment. Held the office ti ll h i s

death,1864. Rev . T . J . Clark, now of North

field , was h is son .

Will i am Carson .

Lydia Patterson .

Mrs . John Clapp .

Mrs . Enos Clark .

Beulah A l len . Married Will iam Clark,of Ut ica


N . Y. A daugh ter married Rev. An sel Eddy,

of Newark,N . J.

1801 .

Abigail Clark .

Mrs . Justu s Parsons . Her home near the Sou th

Street bridge .

Sally Gould .

Esther Cook .

Mrs . Sarah Mather.

Mrs . Rebecca Kingsley.

Mrs . Asenath Baker.

Page 115: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Jul ius Phelps . Capt . Northampton Artillery.

Moved to the Warner d i strict,1815 . Place now

occup ied by h i s son Jul iu s .

Increase Clark . Sixth son of Dea. Elij ah . Home

stead opposi te Dea. Jared Clark ’s, Elm stre et .

Justin Smith . Father of Al vah,Theodore



Jr and several daughters.

Francis Pom eroy.

Samuel Phelps. His hou se stood on Prospect street

where Mr . Trumbul l l ives . He had the name of

being honest . When the publ ic house in the

center was burnt,1792, he wi th others assi sted

in clearing the hou se . He found the money

deposi t, took care of i t , giving i t in due t ime

to the owner,who said


" If i t had not been for

honest Samuel Phelps,I should have lost al l my

money .

Erastu s Clark . An inn - keeper,near President

Seelye’s . In 1807, sold to Major Erastus Lyman

and went west . Lived into the middle of th is

century .

Joseph Bridgeman .

Bilhah .

Mrs . Medad Clark .

1803 .

Rachel Breck .

Widow Holt .

Page 116: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Miss Holt .

Bela Amsden .

Mr. and Mrs . D r. Joseph C lark .

Mr . and Mrs . David Dole .


Nancy Bolter,wife of Will iam Bolter, harness


Mrs . James Dunham .

Mrs . Daniel King.

Mrs . Asahel Phelps .

Mrs . Seth Wright .

Thankful Clapp .

Mrs . Sarah Parsons .

Mrs . Phinehas Rust.

Justus Clark .

Dea . Israel C lark .

Mrs . I srael Clark .

Will iam Phelps .

1805 .

Mrs . David Clark .

Martha Clark.

Mrs. Joel Clark .

Mrs. Ol ive Wrigh t .

Mrs. Thankful Webb .

Mrs . Heman Pomeroy .

Page 117: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books



Enos Cook . A miller at the upper mill , father of

Horace, Rev . Theodore,Aaron , Mrs . El ihu Clark

on Elm street .

Mrs . Enos Cook .

Deborah Ramsdell .

Mary Pomeroy .

Mrs . Merrick Pomeroy . Her husband was a prin

ter ; h i s shop was in the old Tontine bu ild ing ;

His home was on South street. Dec . 1 , 1805 ,

h is ch ild was burnt .

Mrs . Elihu Clark . Her husband was the second

Elihu . Three Elihu Clarks of d ifferent genera

t i ons were born near Smith Col lege .

Anne Kingsley .

Marill a Searl .

Mrs . Asahel Wrigh t .

Mrs . Lydia Hodge .

Ursul a Wright .

Electa S . Lyman .

El izabeth Wright .

Achsa Clark .

Anne Wright .

Widow Mary Wallace .

Mrs . Sylvester Lyman .

Eleanor Clapp .

Esther Clark .

Page 119: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


El isha Parsons . Lived in the upper part of King

street . Father of Esqu ire Enos .

Noah Strong.

Calvin Smith .

Samuel Bosworth .

David B . Spencer .

Alvah Judd, Jr.

Mrs . Nathan iel Clark .

Spencer Clapp .

Mrs . Spencer Clapp .

Electa Bridgman .

Julia Edwards .

Sarah Warner .

Mindwell Strong.

Mary Alexander .

Sally Miller.

Margaret Dwight .

Eliza Tappan .

Sophia Brown .

Laura Hunt .

Chester Clark .

Wainwright Breck . Deceased 1811, at the age of

twenty - one . Brother of Aaron and Moses .

Nabby Everett .

Eleanor Wright .

Sarah Clark .

Betsey Dotey.

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Elizabeth Steel .

Mrs . Aaron Clapp .

Ebenezer S . Phelps . Chosen deacon , 1816. With

others l eft Northampton , 1831, and settled in

Princeton , Ill inoi s . A ttained age of eighty - five .

Levi Strong. A farmer and cooper on Hawley

street . A leading tenor singer in the F i rst

Church choir .

Mrs . Gershom Clark .

Phebe Hurlburt .

Susanna Warner .

Mary Clark .

Elizabeth B . Pomeroy.

Mrs . Jacob Mill er.

Mi riam Wright, a member of the F i rst Church


Nancy Parson s .

Rachel Parsons .

Dorothy Parsons .

Experience S trong.

Aurel ia Tappan .

Jerush a Warner .

Sally House .

Harriet Mills . Wife of Senator Mill s. Thei r

daughter Helen , married Judge 0. P. Hunting

ton . Sally Mill s married Prof. Benjamin Pierce.

Mrs . Mill s l ived to be over n inety.

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Jane K . Welch . A Boston lady,l i ved much in

Senator Mill s ’ family .

Ashur Shepherd . Home in the Warner di strict .

Samuel K entfield .

John Miller . Lived at West Farms .

Lydia M . Elkey, a col ored woman .

Charlotte Jane , a colored woman .


Seth Clark and wife .

Mrs . Seth Pomeroy .

Mrs . Thomas Gardner .

Amasa Strong .

Sally Strong.

Nancy Whitney .

Dolly Edwards .

Josiah Clark . Son of Dea . Isaac . Graduated at

Will iams College,1809 . Principal of Leicester

Academy, . 1809—18 . Pastor at Rutland twenty

seven years . Always an acceptable preacher .

Enos W r ight , Jr.

Timothy Wright .

John Smith .

Ansel Clapp .

Sophia Clapp .

Anne Parsons .

Thomas Warner.

Will iam F i eld .

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Legi slature in the Hou se and the Senate . Chief

Justice of the Court of Se ssions, 1825 . Also,

County Attorney . Married,1808 , Sophia, daugh

ter of Judge Hinckley . Number of their ch il

d ren,th irteen . Four were graduates . In town

meetings an eminent pres id ing officer .

Rebecca Barnard .

Bilhah,a negress .

Paul Wrigh t and wife .

Mrs . Luther Strong .

Sally Evarts .

Martha Parsons.

Asenath Edwards. Daughter of Nathan iel Ed

wards, 3d , at Roberts Meadow . She married

Rev . Josiah Clark , teacher at Leicester and pas

tor at Ru tl and .

Will iam Bl iss . ~A carpenter on Sou th street . Has

a son in business in Troy, another in Philadel

phia,ano ther in New York a banker



Bl i ss (it Co.

Mrs . Cecil Dwight .

Esther Strong .

Elisha Graves. His dwell ing on Market,near

Bridge street , fi tted up early as a fort,was one of

the most ancien t houses i n Northampton .

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1809 .

Polly Graves .

Eleanor Whitney .

Mrs . Sarah Wrigh t .

Mrs . John Breck . Her husband , a trader, was the

fi rst postmaster in Northampton .

Mrs . Samuel Hinckley .

Roxana Starkweather .

Joseph Lyman . Son of Capt . Joseph . Graduated

at Yale,1783 . Admitted to the bar 1787.

Clerk of the Courts, Judge of Common Pleas,

and Probate . President of the old Hampshi re

Bank,High Sheriff. Father of Judge Samuel

F. Lyman .

Theodore Lyman . The si xth and last occupant of

the Richard Lyman homestead on Pleasan t

street . Sold and moved to Amherst,1828 .

Father of Henry , the martyr mi ssionary .

Mrs . Theodore Lyman .


Thomas Wright . Home on Bridge street . Moved

to Tecumseh , Mich igan .

Irene Wright .

Mr . and Mrs . Ralph Payson .

Mrs . Isaac C . Bates . Daughter of Judge and

Madam Henshaw .

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Julia Strong.

Mrs . Martha Strong.

Mrs . Jonathan H . Lyman . Daughter


Mrs . Uriel S ikes .

Electa Roberts .

Lucreti a Allen .

Mrs . Isaac Gere .

Lucy Knight .

1811 .

Mr . and Mrs . Eliph az Burt.

Mrs . Daniel S tockwel l .

Mrs . Lewis Strong. She was Maria Chester of

W ethersfield , Conn . Whole number of their

ch ildren , ten , five sons and five daughters . All

the son s rece ived a publi c education . Two of

the sons,Edward , M . D. ,

and Rev . Stephen

Chester,l ive i n the eastern part of the state .

Mrs . Clemence Patterson .

Mrs . Harvey Till otson .

Mr. and Mrs . John Danks.

Mrs . Daniel Cl ark .

Mr . and Mrs . Isaac Webster.

Mrs . Ebenezer Hunt , Jr. She was a daughter of

Madam Henshaw . Her husband graduated at

Harvard , 1795 . For nearly forty years a drug

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Page 128: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


gist . A member of the Con sti tutional Co ll ren»

tion , 1820—21 . His hou se stood on the site now

occupied by the City Hal l . His succe ssor as

druggist was Winthrop Hi llyer .

Elizabeth Davies .

Ru th Edwards .


Lew i s S trong. Graduated at Harvard , 1803. F or"

th irty years a l awyer of great abil i ty . A trustee

of Amherst Coll ege . For many years deacon of

F i rst Church, universal ly esteemed .

Dan i el Stebbins. Graduated at Yale , 1788 . Came

to N orthampton, 1806. Li ved on Bridge stree t

fifty years . County Treasu rer thi rty - five y ears .

Attained the age of n ine ty . As a ci ti zen , a pub

l i c officer, a member of the chu rch , held in high

esteem .

Clari ssa Stebbin s .

Abigail Graves.

Mrs. WarhamJudd ;Miri am Wrigh t .

Mr . and Mrs . Jonathan Parsons. The second of

that name at Pascomac, born 1784, Continued

there t ill 1841 . Mrs . H . A . Col l ins,a daughter


re sided at Smiths F erry,recently deceased.

Mrs. Reuben Smi th .

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Mrs . Elij ah Allen , Jr .

Ebenezer S . Phelps.

Anna Phelps .

Ceci l Jewett . The O ldest of the four sons of Tim

othy, located at the westerly end of Blackpole,

now North Prospect street .

Mrs . Ebenezer Kingsl ey .

Seth Pomeroy . Buil t the brick hou se on Pleasan t

street . Son of Quartu s . His son George , a pub

lic spiri ted man , was the first to start the ex

press bu siness west of Albany.

Samuel Cl arke,Jr . Brother of John



Edward who bu ilt on Round Hill,Richard who

settled i n Chesterfield . The above , Samuel

Jr., traded for several years in Northampton .

When beyond middle l ife,closed h is busines s.

turned his attention to the min istry . Resided

in Maine , preached only a short t ime . Spent

hi s last davs w ith h i s children at the west .

1813 .

Lorane Redford .

Mrs . Asahel Pomeroy .

Mrs . Polly Crossett .


Nancy P . Russel l .

Electa Russel l .

Page 132: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Sally Judd .

Mrs . Ann Clark .

Ralph Snow . A dry goods trader for many years

on Shop Row . Father of Lorenzo , George , AI

bert,and several daughters . Home on Hawley

street .

Theodosia Snow .

1815 .

Will iam Edwards . Styled CO ". Edward s, grandson

of the dist ingu i shed Rev . Jonathan . Smith Col

lege stands where he l ived . Prof . Park , of An

dover,married h is daughter . Henry and Ogden

were h i s son s . By occupation a tanner.

Thomas Lyman . A farmer,house on Bridge

street .

Dolly Lyman .

Elec ta Stebbins .

Fanny P . Ayres .

Mary Parsons .

Mrs . Hannah Fl in t .

Robert Peckham .

Ruth Peckham .


Ruth Smith .

Sarah Parsons .

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Pol ly Pomeroy . Daughter of Asahel,a prominent

al to singer in the large choi r of the F i rst Church .

Mrs . Eli Ashman . She was Lucy,the youngest

d aughter of Rev . John Hooker,and mother of

two sons much celebrated,viz . , John Hooker

Ashman,professor of law at Harvard

,and George

Ashman,a statesman and lawyer , Springfield .

Samuel Peckham . Became a min ister,preached in

Sou th Royal ston .

Mrs . Hannah Clark .

Zeru iah Clark .

Asenath Wilder.

F idel ia Strong.

Mrs . Jonas Clapp .

Clari ssa Lyman . Daughter of Esq . Levi . She

married,1822, Rev . Will iam Richards, miss ion

ary to Sandwich Islands. Whole number of their

ch i ldren,eight . Her sister El izabeth married

George A. , oldest son of Dea. Luther . Clark .

Harriet Parsons . Daughter of the 3d Moses .

Married for her firs t husband a Mr. Munn of

Greenfield . Her second husband,Rev . Joseph

Knight, preached eighteen years in Peru . She

attained her eighty - eighth year.

Sally Starkweather. She married Rev. James San

ford , uncle of Hon . John E .,Speaker of Mass .

House of Representati ves .

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Fanny Hunt .

Sophia Pomeroy .

Abigail Phelps .

Clari ssa Phelps .

Elizabeth Parsons .

Asenath Sanford .

Denn i s Porter.

George Strong.

George Bridgman . Succeeded Col . Edward s in tan

ning business . Moved to Canada.

Moses Breck . An active temperance worker.

Pl iny Dickinson .

George Strong .

Lucy Clark.

Clarissa Rogers,daughter of Dr. Rogers .

Cordel ia Snow .

Anna Wright.

Mary,a colored woman .

Asahel Lyman . Lived near Rock Ferry . Left for

missionary objects from twenty to twenty - five

thousand doll ars .

Mrs . Asahel Lyman .

Sally Noble .

Lois Kingsbury .

Esther D ickinson .

Anna French .

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Belinda Dickinson . The wife of Zenas Clapp on

South street , and the mother of Rev . Will iam

D . ,remembered for hi s superior pulpit talen ts

and preaching abil iti es.

Sarah Warner.

Sally Clark .

Sally Clapp .

Dolly Allen .

Widow Thankful Sikes .

Reuben Colton .

Mrs. Will iam Clapp .

1817 .

John Grave s .

Mrs . Graves .

Sarah Stebbins .

Elizabeth Gardner.

Mrs . Will iam Gardner .

Mrs . Joseph H . Clark .

Mrs . Nancy Clapp .

Abigail Clark .

Dolly Clark .

Mrs. James Sanford .

Mary Warner .

Mary Hunt .

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Theodore Rust . United wi th the F i rst Church

seventy - four years ago , a remarkable instance of

longevi ty . Continued till recently among the

business men of the commun i ty . Recently de

‘ deceased .

Mrs. John Sanford .


Will i am Clark . The th i rd on Elm stree t,above

the Jewett place . Born 1794. A farmer,owned

the paper mill . Father of Will i am , Lucius,

Fred .

Lou ise Whitney.

Pamela Wright .

Mary Wright .

Chauncey Clark . A member for several years of

the Legislature in the House,twice a State

Senator. Held,

an office in Custom Hou se .

Hiram Ames .

Major Josiah Dwigh t . Graduated at Harvard Col

lege 1786. Clerk of th e Courts,Treasu rer of

Massachusetts . His family numbered seventeen

ch i ldren .

Mrs . Dwight, styled Madam Dwight, tall , hand

somely formed,genial , sympathiz ing, highly

esteemed .

Mrs. Elihu Pomeroy . Her husband was a cooper

next west of Dea. Luther Clark ’s on Elm street .

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Rhoda Clark .

Eunice Clark .

Theresa Hen shaw,El iza Henshaw,

d aughters

Judge Henshaw .

Mrs . Betsey Town .

1819 .

Jane Shepherd .

Lydia Clark .

El i P . Ashman . Received honorary A . M . from

Middlebury College,1807

,and the same from

Harvard,1809 . Chosen U . S . senator 1816.

Bohan Clark . O wned the lower mill , father of

Enoch W . ,Bohan Jr. , Joseph and Luther, th e

last a banker in New York .

Mrs. Mary Clark .

Mrs . Sarah Hooker .

Will iam Warner .

Jul iette Warner.

I saac C . Bates. Graduated at Yale College, 1802.

A member of Congress,also of the Governor ’s

Counci l and of the U . S . Senate . Father of S.

Henshaw Bates,of Mrs . Fordyce Hubbard

,Mrs .

H . H . Chilson , and Mrs . L . J . Dudley .

Eli sha Mather,M . D . An estimable physici an


one time partner of Dr. J . H . F l int . One of

the musicians of the F i rst Church choi r.

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Mrs Sarah Mather .

Joseph Warner, Jr . Brother of O l iver , Solomon ,

Seth,Moses , Rev . Aaron and others .

Mrs . Nancy Warner.

El ij ah M . Hayden .

Lucinda Hayden .

Mary Ingall s .

Hannah Ingall s .

Aaron Breck . Chosen deacon 1839. Father of

Samuel,a teacher and graduate of Brown Uni

versi ty,1848 .

Mrs . Aaron Breck .

Mr . and Mrs . Gains Burt .

Mr . and Mrs . Levi Clark .

Col . Jacob Bates and wife . They were the parents

of Hon . Isaac C . He was a l ieu tenant in the

Revolutionary war.

Adam R . Hamilton , Nancy , hi s wife .

Joseph Strong , Hawley street . 1780—1860. Num

ber of h i s ch ildren , eight .

Chloe Strong.

Luther Strong, Polly Strong . He was grandson

of Jerij ah,Jr . Their home on North stree t .

Esther Strong .

Mehetabel Warner.

Eliza Smith .

Mrs . Enoch Jewett.

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Mary Lee .

Esther Camwell.

Patrick Houghton .

Ansel Bartl ett .

David Syl vester.

Joseph Parson s .

Charles Parson s .

Joseph Allen .

Cordel i a All en .

Betsey Allen .

Sally M . Judd .

Pamela Judd .

Lydia M . Parsons , afterwards Mrs . Eli sh a Turner .

Mother of Wm . E . Turner,a lawyer.

George Wells .

Lyman Knowlton .

Ira Cook .

Horace Lyman . Home on Bridge street . Father

of the l ate Gen . Luke Lyman .

Hiram Ferry . Married,1828

,Lucreti a


of Lemuel Clark . A relic preserved by the

Ferrys i s a cradle , in whi ch Dea. Josi ah was

rocked when a babe , 1721 , in wh ich o thers of

that l ine were rocked .

Hiram Smith .

James Ross .

Johnson .

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Lou ise Winslow .

Mrs . Elij ah Wright .

Betsey Taylor.

Lucinda G . Smith .

Salome Graves .

Abigail W . Clark .

Harriet Shepherd .

Joanna Davenport .

Mrs . Charles Johnson .

Joanna Ingal s .

Hephz ibah Edwards .

Anna Shel ton .

Nancy Graves .

Roxana Cutler.

Esther Clark .

Charlotte Clapp .

Hannah Wright .

Nathaniel Clark . The fourth of th e same name

on the South street homestead . He l ived there

1775—1857, e ighty - two years .

Sarah Whitney . Wife of Josiah D . Whitney . She

was the mother of the two professors , Josiah

D . of Harvard and Will iam D . of Yale , both

eminent in thei r departments of learn ing .

Dolly Fowle .

Betsey D ickinson .

Sally Hunt .9

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Hannah Severance .

Sally Ramsdell .

Joanna Herrick .

Sybil Taylor.

Martha Edwards .

Mrs . Joseph Al len.

Mrs . Urani a Webster .

Fanny Wrigh t .

Nancy Sayre .

Sally D illen .

Jacob Lesten .

Marv Lesten .

Charles Johnson .

Moses Parsons .

Lucy Warner.

Mrs . Warham Judd .

Eunice Judd . She married, 1785, Lewi s Smi th ,

at South Farms . Number of thei r ch ildren ,

el even . Charles Smith,one of the el even , owns

th e place .

Widow Mary Wilson .

Rebecca Cl ark .

Clifton Wh ite .

Eunice White .

Fanny Wright .

El i za S . Stebbin s .

Abigail Ingals .

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Mrs . H . K . Starkweather.

Betsey Shepherd .

Catharine Shepherd .

Mrs . Charle s Shepherd . Her husband graduated

at Yale , 1 798 . Went into bu siness with his

father,Dr . Levi and two brothers . Charle s

Shepherd bu il t on Round Hill .

Mrs . F . Hunt Wrigh t . She l i ved to be over

n inety . Her husband was cash ier of the old

Hampshire Bank .

Abigail H . Pie rce .

Harrie t Clarke .

Miriam Pomeroy . Daughter of Asahel,a member

of the F i rst Church choir, an alto singer.

Sarah Tappan Pierce .

Content Curt is .

El iza Eldredge .

Carol ine Russel .

Theodosia Phelps .

Mary M . Clapp .

Electa Parsons .

Naomi Clark .

Susan Clapp .

Prudence Graves .

Lu ther C lark , Jr .

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Daniel J . Cooke . At one t ime in company with

David Judd,cabinet makers , whose daughter ,

Mal i ssa,he married . Her son , David B . Cooke ,

at l ast accounts , l i ved in Chicago .

Jacob N . Brewster .

Mrs . Sophi a Clapp .

Will iam Bigel ow .

Anna Bigelow .

Martha S tarkweather . Daugh ter of Charles mar

ried Hon . Chauncey Clark . They left no ch i l

dren . Both deceased 1869 .

Frances A . Henshaw .

Mary Pomeroy .

Solomon,a colored man .

Seth Warner .

Harriet Cook,daughte r of Enos Cook .


Widow Esther Smith .

Mrs . F . Dickinson .

Solomon Stoddard . Second son of Solomon the

high sheriff . Was town clerk and clerk of the

courts . His wife was daughter of Benjamin

Tappan .

Nathan Rust,Jr .

Mrs . Nathan Ru st .

Cecil i a Lyman . Married Dea. J . P . Will i ston .

Mother of Hon . A . L . Willi ston .

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Lucy Whipple . A Miss Wh ipple taugh t

for young l adies . The bu ild ing stood

Art Gallery .

Mr. and Mrs . Andrew Lord .

Hannah El iza Harding.

Will iam Hutchens.Alexander Hayden .

Mrs. Nathan iel Edward s .

Sophia Ashmun .


Catharine B igelow . Daughter of Will i am,married

Humphrey Farrar and li ved in Petersham .

Naomi Pomeroy .

Mrs . Justus Clark .

Nancy Breck .

Elizabeth Stebbins .

Mr. and Mrs . Zebina Smith .

Timothy Graves and wife .

Widow Mary Day.

El i Loveland . Married a si ster of Chauncey Clark .

The family moved to Marion,Alabama


they l ived over forty years .

Nancy Kill ingly .

Lydia Strong.

Letiti a Gould .

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Asrmallda Woods . Wo rked in the tanning business .

O ccupied and owned the resi dence where John

WhittelSey l ives . Mrs . Whittelsey was his dungh

1822 .


Lou isa A . Henshaw .

John Doty .

Israel R . Pilgrim . Home on Union stree t .

Mrs . Carol ine Parsons . Wife of Capt . Samuel,

West street . Paren ts of Syd enham . Samuel L .,

Col . Jo seph B .,Sarah, and others .

Mr. and Mrs . Ashur Shepherd .

Widow Sarah Adams . Daughter of Seth Wrigh t .

Lived at the H . R . Hinckley place .

Penley Thayer"

El iphalet Will iams . Son of Rev . Solomon,the

pastor . Presid ent of Northampton National

Bank thi rty - one yea le,deacon In the Fi rs t

‘Church forty - th ree years . A ttain ed the age of

n inety - fou r .

Julia Phillipe.

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Page 155: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Mrs . Sylvester Judd . Her husband was th i rd edi

tor of the Hampshi re Gazette . Under h im the

circulation of the paper stead ily increased . Com

menced a h i story of Hadley . Became an honor

ary member of the Connecticu t and Massachu

setts H istorical Societies .

Laura Bartlett .

Abigai l Ingal s.

Lucy Mather .

Anna Strong .

Mary Bigelow .

Martha Clark .

Lucret i a Clark .

Sarah Parsons .

Sarah Clark .

Jul ia Clark .

Ru th Conners .

Martha Day .

Widow Susan Parsons .

Harri et Hutch ins.

Eunice Strong.

Asenath Clark .

Elizabeth L . Clark .

Esther Maria Cook .

Jul ia Wright .

Jul iu s Rust.

Josiah D . Ashley .

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Henry Hill .

J . Metcal f Wil son .

Reuben Peck .

Stephen Whitney .

Marsh .

Mrs . Lucy Conners .

Jabez French . Father of M . M . French . A

sician of the F i rs t Church choir. Played

double bass v iol .

Page 157: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Rev . Mark Tu cker’

s Ministry, March 10,1824

Aug . 1827 .



Mrs . George Bridgman .

Lyd ia Bartle tt .

Samuel Wells . Graduated at Dartmou th College ,

18 13. A lawyer,Justice of Peace, Clerk of the

Courts,h ighly esteemed ci ti zen

,and member of

the church .

Mrs . Samuel Wells .

A . G . Duncan . A clerk in one of the ~ stores.

J . P . Willi ston . Son of Rev . Payson and brother

of Hon. Samuel Wil l i ston,

of Easthampton .

Deacon for th irty - four years . Practically benev

olent on a large scale .

Nancy Jane Rider .

Emel ine Rider .

Mary Eaton .

Mrs . El ij ah Abbott.

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Page 160: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Elihu Atkins .

Abel Marsh .

Betsey Marsh .

1825 .

Mrs . El izabeth Well s .

Mrs . Desire Atkins .

Thomas Pomeroy . Son of Wil l iam , a clothier ;

brother of Daniel,Northvil le

,Michigan ; also of

Nancy,wife of Will iam Bolter. Attained the

rank of colonel . Chosen deacon in Fl orence

Congregational church .

Enoch Jewett . He and Dea . Thomas Pomeroy

were among the first to bu ild and settle in Flor

ence .

Ursul a Clark . Her home was on Water street .

Widow Charlo tte Wright .

Mrs . Ebenezer Wrigh t .

Zephaniah Hunt . Lived on Market street .

Mary Hunt .

Mrs . El i Judd .

Mary Ann Dwight .

Eli sha Graves,Jr . Brother of Mrs . John Clarke


wife of the banker. Lived eighty - two years on

the Graves’ homestead , Market street .

Eliza A . Graves .

Sally Cutter.

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Benj amin Eastman . Lived on Market stree t , a

cabinet maker .

Persis Parsons .

Esther Upson .

Lydia Upson .

El izabeth Upson .

Edward Upson .

Justus Upson . The Upsons l ived at South Farms .

Carol ine Day .

Jul ia White .

Mrs . Levi Parsons .

Samantha Parsons .

Sally L . Wh ite .

Saphronia Whi te .

Spencer Taylor.

Amos Smith .

Henry B . Winslow .

Milo J . Smith . Home at Sou th Farms . rep

resentative to the Legislatu re in 1842. Chosen

selectman nine times .

Mrs . Mark Tucker. Her husband was the sixth

pastor of the F i rst Church . W i ll i ams College

conferred on him the degree of D . D . i n 1831 .

Fred eric Janes . Married Paulina Burnell,daugh

ter of Joseph the miller, i n 1833 . Pursued col

legiate studies at Yale and Amherst . Lived several years in New York ed i ting the Chri sti an

Parlor Magazine . Deceased in 1890.

Page 163: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


George A . Crossett . An officer on board of U . S .

sh ip Potomac .

Benj amin Barrett,M . D . Came to Northampton


1823 . Partner with Dr. David Hunt,as Hunt

Barrett . Chosen to Legisl ature 1842, State

Senate 1843—4, County Commiss ioner 1847 .

Treasurer of Northampton Savings Bank,1854—64.

Levi Wright . Home on Bridge street .

Jul ia Clark .

Mrs . Anna Birge .

Phebe Tuft .

Sally Willard . Home afterward Chenango County,

Mrs . Fanny Clapp . Became second wife of Phin

ehas Allen , editor of Pittsfield Sun . Has re

cently celebrated h er n inetieth birthday .

David Clark .

Thomas Stearns and wife .

Mrs . Sophi a Clark .

Pri scil la Peck .

Adal ine Brewer .

Sarah Hubbard .

Mrs . Nancy Loveland .

Judith Breck. Wife of Moses Breck,from Ches

terfield .

Sally Eusti s .

Persi s Pease .

Page 164: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Abigail J . Lyman .

Nancy A . and Lucy H . Clark . Sisters,daughters

of Dea. Luther Clark , Elm street . Nancy A .

married Will iam Wells of Greenfield . They l i ved

at Port Gibson,Miss . Paren ts of Helen and

Charles Well s,at Saratoga Springs .

Almira Clapp .

Carol ine Bli ss .

El iza Brown

El izabeth M . Chester .

Angeline and Juli a Snow . Sisters , daughters of

Ralph , the trader . Angel ine married Rev. J O

seph Hunt Breck, a native of Northampton .

Preached in Massachu setts, Vermont and Ohio .

Susan Dwight .

Hannah W . Dwight .

Carol ine W . Dwight . Daughter of Major Josiah .

Married,1832, Rev . Samuel Hopkins . They

l ived together not qu it-e fifty years.

Lucy Pomeroy . Daughter of Heman . She mar

ried Luther,son of Theodore Clapp

,i nn - keeper

at Easthampton . They l ived at Gloversvi lle,

N . Y .

Temperance Clark . She married Charles,fou rth

son of Dea. Luther Clark . They were parents

of James Dickson and Charles Henry Clark .

Page 165: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Mary and Hannah Butler. Sisters, daughters of

Simeon , the bookseller. Hannah married Mr.

Sunstead .

Frances M . Storrs .

Abigail Pease .

Hannah Clapp .

Frances Greenwood . Reared in the family of SO I

omon Stoddard,Esq . , Elm street . Married his

son Solomon,au thor of Latin Grammar and

Professor at Middlebury College .

Fanny Dick inson . Sister of George P . , 57 Elm

street . Fo r many years her home has been at

the west .

Octav i a Smi th .

S tella Shepherd . Daughter of Levi,married


Rev . Mark N i le s . They had five ch ild ren .

Martha Strong.

Erastu s Hopkins . Graduated at Dartmouth,1830.

Settled in mini stry s ix years . Moved to North

ampton 1841 . N ine years a m ember of the Leg

islature . F i rst presiden t of Conn . R . R . R .

Isaac Smith .

O rren Phelps .

David B . Spencer .

Sophia Wilder .

Fanny Jewett.

Lucy Parsons .

Page 167: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Almira Wright .

Del ia Tower .

Sarah and Theodosi a Hunt sisters . Daughters of

Abner Hunt. Sarah m arried Theodore Burt .

Theodosi a married S ilas M . Smith,the paren ts

of W . L. and George H . Smith .

Anson Dwight .

Justice S . Parsons.

Susanna Clark .

Asenath Meachem .

Esther Jewett .

El i sha Parson s, Jr. Born on King street . Left

Northampton and located in Cincinnati,Oh io.

Ann Tappan .

Mary Temple .

Sarah Parsons.

Edward T . Wade .

Ahira Staple s.

Will iam Converse .

Samuel F. Phelps . From Westhampton,a clerk

on Shop Row . Married Phebe,daughter of Ju s

tu s Parsons. A prominent member of D r. Storr’s

Church , Brooklyn, N . Y . , for many years .

Dwight Lathrop.

John L. Clark .

Asa J . Clark .

G eorge Edward s .

Page 168: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


James Col ton .

James Converse .

Thankful Whi te .

Cynth ia Pierce .

Jane F . Fowler.

Jos iah D . Whitney. A merchant, afterwards Cash

ier and President of Northampton Nat ional

Bank . Three of h i s sons are professors in va

rious colleges ; another i s principal assi stant in

Boston Publ ic Library .

Daniel R . Clark . For about fifty years a mason

by occupation . Home near h i s brother,Dea.

Jared .

David Judd . Was cabinet maker on South street .

Edmund M . Bartlett . Home in the meadow ,

South street.

Elizabeth Tower .

Betsey F i sher. Removed to Ch icopee .

Elihu Clark . The th ird and youngest of that

name . His w i dow res ides in the upper part of

Elm street.

Eli zabeth Mather.

Ann Bowers .

Jul ia Butler .

Will iam Butler. The originator of the Hampsh ire

Gazette i n 1786, also editor and propri etor .

Page 169: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Elizabeth Butler.

Theodore Butler . Bookseller,and member of F i rst

Presbyterian Church in Buff alo,N . Y . Has a

son in Chicago in the stati onery business .

Kitteredge Earl .

Clari ssa Mille r.

Rebecca Clapp .

Hannah Day .

Lorenzo and George W . Snow . Sons of Ralph the

trader .

El izabeth Strong. Daughter of Theodore,hom e

formerly at the east end of Shop Row. Mar

ri ed,1841 , Rev . Augustu s C . Thompson , D . D . ,

Roxbury or Boston .

Eliza Day .

Joseph D . Smith .

Abigail T . Smith .

Just in Smith , Jr . Home oppos ite the Art Gallery.

Will iam S . Smith . Residence l ater in Troy,N . Y .

I saac Bridgman .

Lewis Bridgman . Graduated 1839 at Oberl in Theo

logical Seminary . Has preached mostly at the

west . At last accounts was in Dakota.

Moses B ryan t . Resided at Amherst .

Horace Hill s .

John Moies, Jr. Lived at Pawtucket,R . 1.

Edward H . Li tt l e . Home afterward in Pittsfield .

Page 171: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Dan iel Butler,Jr . F ifty - eigh t years ago wen t to

Green Bay . Died there not l ong since .

John Well s . Associated in trade with J . D . Whit

ney,under the firm of Whitney Wells.

Page 172: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Rev . I . S’

. Sp encer’

s Ministry , Sep t. 11 , 1828

March 12,1832 .



Lyman Parsons .

Benjamin Clark,Jr.

Charl es F . Sheldon . Home at Rochester , N

Mrs . James Phelps . Previous to her marriage

taught on Elm street.

James Phelps. Homestead beyond the Hospi tal

toward Easthampton .

Mr . and Mrs. El isha C . Strong . Sou th District .

Mrs . Maria Strong.

Sally O . Lyman .

Mrs . I saac Clark . Wife of the druggist . Clark

Will i ston . They were th e parents of Isaac

Edwards C. , connected with the Bureau of Ed

ucation, Washington , D . C .

Carol ine H . Dewey . Wife of Judge Charles A .

D ewey .


Page 173: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Mary Dwight . Daughter of Ceci l in the Warner

di st rict.

Mrs . Ruth Sheldon .

1829 .

Sophron ia Sheldon .

Nancy Wade .

Rhoda Stetson .

Eunice Hunt .

Roxana Hunt . Married Roswell Hubbard , on

Bridge street . Long a valuable member of the

F i rst Church choir .

Ebenezer M . Dwight .

Edwin Spooner.

Samuel C . Clark .

Laura B . Bartlett .

Mary Edwards .

Stephen Chandler.

Lydia Chandler.

Mrs . Harriet N . Clark .

Mrs . Hannah Spencer.

Mrs . Elvira Bartlett.

Mrs . Charity Judd . From South Hadley. Wife of

Warham . Became one of the oldest persons in

North ampton .

John Phill ips .

Electa Ph ill ips.

Page 175: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Rhoda Everett.

Wil l iam Griffin . Located afterward in Mich igan .

Roxan a Noble .

Octavi a Clapp . At a later d ate l ived in Hartford ,

Conn .

Widow Sarah Edwards .

Clari ssa A . Cook . Home on Pleasant street .

John Bridgman . Brother of Ansel , Sylvester and

Theodore,of Brecksvi lle

,Oh io .

Mrs . John Bridgman .

Mrs . Nancy Wright , Mrs . Ju l i ana Bridgman . Both

l i ved at Horse Mountain .

Amanda Bridgman.

Susannah F . Judd . Afterwards at Brecksville, O .

Horace Wright,Laura Ann Moody

,Clarissa Allen .

These three belonged at Roberts Meadow .

Huldah Converse .

Mrs . Elvira Shepherd . Wife of George Shepherd ,

hatter .

Esther Bridgman .

Mrs . Will iam H . Judd .

Mary B . Kingsley .

Esther H . Starr .

Widow Kezi ah Starr.

O rra Lyon . Home in Whately .

Abigail Warner.

Page 176: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


1831 .

Thankful Phelps .

Mrs . Lucy Barnard . Before her marriage was Lucy

Sage,on Elm street .

Henry R . Hayden .

Charles T. Hayden .

Lavini a B . Hayden . The Haydens l ived at the

Factory , now Leeds .

Cynth i a C . Hunt .

Mary Smith . Now Mrs . Tenney, opposite the Art

Gal lery.

Eli zabeth Pierce . Daughter of Rev . John Pierce

of Brookl ine, grand - daughter of Benj amin Tap

pan .

Lucy Gregory,Mrs . Nancy North

,and Laura

Witherell . The three foregoing l i ved at Leeds .

Marcu s T . Moody .

Solomon Strong.

Solomon Stoddard,Jr. The fourth of that name

in Northampton . Graduated at Yale,1820.

Father of Prof . Franci s H . Stoddard of New

York C ity.

Will iam H . Stoddard . Chosen deacon in Edwards

Church . A merchant for many years in h i s n a

t ive place .

Will iam K . Wright, Prospect street . Son of Rev .

Ebenezer, employed by Hampsh ire Missionary

Society in St . Lawrence County,N . Y.

Page 177: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Justus Taylor.

Theodore B . Rogers .

Marcu s C . Parker .

Charles R . Stearns .

Webster Herr ick .

Roxana R . Parson s . Graduated at Mt . Holyoke.

Seminary 1841 . Married Mr. Green Homer,

N . Y .

Harriet Day .

Tryphena Day . The three l i ved at South Farms .

Daniel Willcu tt .

Mel issa Strong.

Sarah Wh i te .

Fanny B . Eastman .

Ansel Jewett . Third son of Timothy . His widow

still survive s on the homestead , Elm stree t .

Mary H . Kirkland .

Mary Parsons . Home afterward in Springfield,O ;

Tryphena Hartwell .

Charles Morton .

Polly Morton .

Jonathan Wood .

Eliab Barnard .

Lewi s Phelps .

Jonathan Ring.

Elvira Ring .

Or i nda Negus .

Page 179: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Page 180: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Ansel Abel s .

Martha Abels .

Asahel S . Abel s .

Ephraim Cushman .

Wealthy Cushman . Lived at the Paper Mi ll .

Su san Furbu sh .

Mrs. Margaret Clapp .

Joseph T . Herrick .

James P. Bradley .

Silas M . Smith . Lived nearly sixty years in North

ampton . In the fu rn i ture bu siness . Lead ing

singer for many years of the F i rst Church choir .

Trustee of the Lunati c Hospi tal . Chosen dea

con of the F i rst Church . Father of W . L . and

George H . Smith .

Enos Parsons . Son of El isha . A lawyer for

many years .

James Greenwood . Brother of Mrs . Solomon

Stoddard , Jr . Became a min i ster .

Cephas Strong . Home on North street . Sexton

of F i rst Church twen ty years .

Sylvester Judd, Jr. Graduated at Yale , 1836.

Pastor at Augusta, Me . ,1840—53 . A public lec

turer and author.

George Strickland .

John W . Littl e .

Phebe Phelps.

Page 181: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Sarah Hamilton .

Elizabeth Mather.

Mary Ann Sm ith .

Elizabeth Strong.

Mrs . T . Chamberlain .

Susan Pratt .

Mrs . Mary Taylor.

Mary Strong.

Mrs . Harrie t Powers .

Joanna Cl ark .

Estes H . Smith .

Mrs . M . H . Wetherell .

Sarah Li ttle .

Sarah T . Bu tler. A daughter of Dan iel on Pleas

ant street .

Mrs . Hannah Clark .

Lucy Gleason .

Eli zabeth White .

Cynth ia Slack .

Mrs . Mary D . Phelps .

Caroline Strong.

Avesta C . White .

Daniel Kingsley . A tailor for nearly fifty years .

Went twice to the Legisl ature . Superin tend en t

of Sabbath School twen ty years . Served as dea

con sixteen years.

Page 183: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Elizabeth Strong . Daughte r O f Jonathan , South

street .

Will iam N . Moore .

Sarah Eusti s .

Sarah Phelps .

Josiah Dwight . Major Josi ah ’s son ; brother of

Margaret , Susan , Carol in e, Ogden and others .

Harriet S . Clark .

Carol ine Starr.

Ellen M . Moies .

Richard B . Davi s , South street . Carriage maker.

Harriet G . Chandler .

Mrs . Nancy B . Clark .

Elizabeth M . Phelps .

Elij ah Kingsley . A carpenter on South street .

Lewi s Parsons . Son of Justus . Succeed ed h i s

father on th e homestead , near th e Sou th street

bridge .

Sarah A . Strong.

El izabeth W . Russell .

Abigai l Clapp .

George Brown .

John S . Reed . Lived in N orthfield .

Lov i sa Well er. Home on Lyman’s Lane .

George Sheldon , D . D . Graduated at Will iams

Col lege,1835 . O rdai ned 1841 . Married Martha

Lyman,1839 . They had eigh t ch ildren . Four

sons graduated at Princeton College .

Page 184: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Phebe Parsons . Married Samuel F . Phelps , Brook

lyn,N . Y .

Mary Russel l .

Mary Wright .

Mrs. Zebina Smith .

Sarah W . Breck .

Abigail M . Joy .

Ebenezer Allen .

Joseph Al len .

Mrs . Mercy Moody .

Emma C . Phelps .

Emel ine Barnum .

Ru th Edwards .

Lovi sa H . Phelps .

Augusta Shepherd .

Lyd i a M . Clapp .

Lydia Janes .

Sally Prat t .

Mrs . Rachel Clapp .

Clari ssa Phelps .

Mary I . Shepherd .

George Ellsworth .

Edward C . Smith .

Sarah T . Stoddard . An only daughter of the th ird

Solomon . Married, 1837, Rev. Albert Sm i th ,

Prof. at Middlebury. Their son,Rev . Arthur

H . Smith , i s a mi ssionary in China.


Page 185: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Thomas Bridgman . Publ i shed Inscriptions on the

Grave S tones of Nor thampton,1850 ; also sub

sequently several books of in script ions rel at ing to

cemeteries in Boston and el sewhere .

Theodore Bartl ett .

Mrs . Eunice N . Bartlett .

Elizabeth P. Augur.

Mrs . Sarah Wright .

Sarah Clark .

Laura N . Bryant .

Mrs. Wealthy Clark .

Elizabeth Furbu sh .

Evel ina Bannister .

Luther Clark , 2d , Bridge stree t.

Charles Hayden,at Leeds .

Benjamin E . Cook . Came to Northampton , 1827.

Partner of Nathan Storrs , j eweler . Chosen

Brigad ier General , 1850, served five years .

Remini scences of s ix ty years on Shop Row ,


in the Centennial Hampsh ire Gazette,by Gen .

B . E . Cook , i s an interest ing sketch .

Bathsheba Steadman .

Mr . and Mrs . Cornel ius Delano. The name recall s

the mode of travel by the stage coach one and

two generations ago . Mr. Delano’s connection

with a stage l ine fi rst brough t h im to North

ampton .

Page 187: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Catharine M . Graves .

Lucy Gere . Daugh ter of Isaac , a goldsmi th . She

married Dr . Brown,removed to Oh io .

Ellen G ouch .

El i Edwards,West street, right hand .

I srael Graves .

Mrs . Fanny Graves .

Mary Ann Clark . Daughter of Bohan,married


1835 , to Watson Loud , M . D. ,Romeo

,Michigan ;

the parents of eight ch ildren . In January, 1829 ,

he entered the office of Hun t 85 Barrett,North

ampton , as a medical studen t.

Barton Bisbee .

Mrs . Frances F . Merri tt.

Mrs . G eorge Day .

Mrs . Lucretia Taylor .

F idel ia Herrick .

Moses G age .

O sea Church .

Mrs . Melinda Church .

Elihu Sanford .

Mrs . Sanford .

Mrs . Electa Sage .

Mrs . Moses Richmond .

Henry Lyman . O rdained Oct . 1832, at N orthamp

ton . Sail ed , 1833, with other missionaries for

Page 188: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Batavi a, Isle of Java . Started Apri l,1834, on

an exploring tour with h i s associate,M Mun

son . Both suffered martyrdom,June 28 . Ly

man was only twenty - four,Munson was thi rty .

A monument to Lyman ’s memory stand s near

Brainerd ’s grave in the Northampton cemetery .

Page 189: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Ministry of Rev . J oseph P enny, D . D ., J une

5,1833— N ovember 23

,1835 .


1833 .

Mrs . Margaret Penny.

Mrs . Dorcas Hancock .

George Kingsley . The organi st .

Mrs. Nancy Kingsley .

Mrs . Mary W. Bissel l .

Sarah B . Hunt .


Solomon Clark . F ifth son of Dea . Luther. Grad

uated at Williams College , 1837, and the Semi

nary now at Hartford, Ct.

,1840. Pastorates at

Petersham,South Canton

,Plainfield and Goshen .

Author of Antiqu ities,Historicals and Gradu

ates of Northampton . Publ ished Historical Cat

alogue of the F i rst Church,Northampton

,1891 .

Strong Burnell .


Page 191: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Nancy Bl iss .

Maria Tower.

Lydia A. Braden .

Irene Bishop .

Ruth All en .

Harriet Ramsdale .

Hetty S . Butler. The youngest of the four daugh

ters of Daniel . She married , 1846, Rev . El i

Smith,D . D. ,

missi onary to Syria . Since 1869

her home has been at Amherst. The three sons

are graduates . Two daughters married and l ive

at the west .

Sophi a French .

Jul ia Ann Sophi a K ing.

Miranda Wright .

Hadassah Durant .

Sally Strong .

Margaret Tower.

Clarissa C . Barnard . Lived on Bridge stree t,a

dress maker.

Vesta Wright .

Anna Wright .

Maria Barnard .

Mary Bridgman .

Sophia Lyman .

Harrie t Phelps .

Persi s Kingsley .

Page 192: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Lucy M . Work .

Jacob O sborne .

Nathan Storrs . In 1791 opened a j ewelery shop

where Dr. Roberts’ hou se stands . The next year

he located on Shop Row . In 1828,he erected a

gran i te block,considered the finest bu ilding of

the k ind in the county .

El ihu Strong.

Henry R . Noble .

Timothy A . Russell .

Cephas Parson s .

Lewi s C . Tower .

Cyru s Noble,Jr .

Alpheu s Lyman .

Ira Strong.

Charle s Strong.

Zenas Clapp . Homestead on South street . The

father of Will iam D .

Ambrose French .

William Bli ss , Jr. A captain in the war of the

Rebell ion . A book - binder . Lives in Troy, N . Y .

Danie l R . Burnell .

Levi Wright .

Jonas M . Clark . Superintendent of North ampton

Water Works .

Edwin Clark .

Franci s W . Shepherd .

Page 193: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Will iam Judd . The last of the Judds that con

t inned at Horse Mountain .

Abner B . Warner. Son of O l i ver . G raduated at

Will iams 1833,and at Gilmanton Seminary


1834 . Pastor at Milford , N . H .,and Medford ,

fourteen years .

George Day .

O l iver Jones .

Ebenezer Strong .

Medad Strong.

O liver Warner, Jr . Graduated at Will iams 1841 .

For fourteen years Secretary of State . State

Librarian and Clerk of Board of Education .

Elij ah Allen . The third of thi s name,at Roberts

Meadow many years . Married,1849 , Lovisa

Clark,Westhampton .

Asa Strong .

Elihu Judd .

John Smith .

Will iam F i sk .

Henry B . Wolcott .

Neal Sebastin .

Susan Wright .

Hannah Clayton .

Jul ia Ann Hunt .

Elvira Ann Smith .

Eunice Cramp .

Page 195: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Mrs . Electa Smith,wife of Justin Smith

,Jr .

Sidney P . Will iams . Son of Dea . El iphalet .

Graduated at Yale 1829, and at the College of

Physici ans and Surgeon s . Settled in Philadel

ph ia .

Page 196: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


M inistry of Rev . Charles W iley ,N ovember 7

183 7— F ebruary 9,1845 .



Harri et N . Mather.

David Warner.

Lou i sa Chapin . A native of Hatfield . Her home

was in the family of her aunt,Mrs . Asahel Ly

man at South Farms . She Married,1842, Wil

l iam D . Clapp, member of School Commi ttee .

Taught at Will i ston Seminary . An excellent

man , a gifted preacher.

Seth Warner.

1838 .

Mrs . Lydia Clark .

Margaret Clark .

Clarissa Curti s.

Clarissa Curti s,Jr.

Sarah M . Wright .

Page 197: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books



Mrs . Marcia H . Wright .

Theodore Parsons .

Mrs . Theodore Parson s .

Anna Parsons.

Mrs . Electa S . Strong .

Pamel i a Strong.

Seth Parsons .

Hannah H . Lyman . Daughter of Jonathan H .

Esq . , married Rev . Charl es Mason of Grace

Church,Boston .

Mary C . Dickinson . Sister of George P ., 57 Elm

street .

Will iam A . Graves .

Elizabeth W . Hubbard .

Fanny W . Lyman . Married and l ived in Michigan .

Home in Ohio.

Sarah P . Hubbard . Married ; her home was in

Michigan .

Adal ine F. Woodward .

Emily Davi s .

Harriet A . Smith .

I sabel Lyman .

Martha C . Hitchcock .

Frankl in K . Hitchcock .

Alexander Wright .

Ansel C . Parsons .

Page 199: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Dorcas A. Clark .

Martha A. Weller.

Nancy Wright .

Rev . Wm . Allen , D . D . President of two colleges,

Dartmouth,N . H . , and Bowdoin Me . Removed

" to Northampton , 1839 . Delivered the second

Centennial Address at Northampton,Oct . 29th



Mrs . Sarah J . Allen,Elizabeth L . Allen , Charlotte

F . Allen . Wife and two daughters of Presi dent

Allen . Elizabeth L . married,1843, Rev . Henry

B . Smi th , Prof . of Theology i n Union Theolog

ical Seminary , New York C ity. Charlotte F .


,Rev . Erastu s Hopkins .

Susan W . Clark. Married,1849

,Rev . Josiah Ty

l er,missionary to Sou th Africa for forty years .

Hannah Elwell .


Nancy Parsons .

Jane Anna Cook .

Joseph Lathrop . Merchant on Shop Row,

fi rm of

Stoddard Lathrop .

Abba A . Lathrop .

Sydenham Parsons . Druggist,member of the F i rst

Church choir.

Mrs . Mary L . Will iams.

Page 200: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Erastus Slate .

Mrs . Sarah Slate .

1842 .

Mrs . Mary Miller.

Mira Chapin .

Hannah W . Lyman .

Eunice Hunt .

Nancy E . Warner .

Emily C . Shepherd .

Jul iu s Phelps . Son of Capt . Jul iu s . Homestead

the same as h i s father’s in F lorence .

Marietta B . Levake .

Lydia A. Clark .

Jane S . Daniel s . Married,1844, Hon . O l i ver War

ner, Secretary of Massachu setts .

Caleb Clapp .

Sara Maria Clapp .

Roland Weller .

Zenas Joy . He originated in Plainfield .

Willi am Strong, Hawley street. Reserved one acre

of hi s father Joseph ’s home lot where he l ived .

Number of h is ch ildren n ine .

George Sergeant . A clerk in Stoddard Lath rop’s

store .

George A . Abbott .

O zro Hillman .


Page 201: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Silas D . Thayer .

Franci s Hunn .

Aaron Breck,Jr. Moved to Lawrence, Kansas,

where the family resides .

Levi Parsons .

Lewi s C . White .

O shea Walker .

Thaddeus Gooch .

John Adams .

Mrs. Abby S . Adams .

Harriet El iza Strong.

Abigai l J . Shepherd .

Lucius A . Clapp .

El izabeth N . Thayer .

Samuel Breck . Son of Aaron , graduated at Brown

Un iversi ty , 1848. Taught in several places .

Gave up teaching and came home to rest . Sick

ness ensued . He deceased 1853 .

George Shepherd . In company with N athan Dike

man , hatters .

Jul ia Ann Janes .

Martha A . Janes .

Josiah W . Smi th .

Jane Sophia Smith .

Jul i a R . Phelps .

Marion Laidlow .

Page 203: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


1845 .

David B . Phelps .

Jesse McIntire.

Mary McIntire .

Hatty B . H . Bull .

Adel ia Shepherd .

Mrs . Corin th E . Bartlett .

O l ivi a Noble .

David S . She ldon . Graduated at M iddlebury, 1831 .

Principal of Northampton High School . Prof.

i n Gri swold Col lege , Davenport, Iowa .

Mrs . Mary L . Sheldon .

Lewi s McIntire.

Mrs . Margaret McIntire.

J . W . Smi th , M . D . A dent ist. His successor was

Dr . Thomas W . Meekins .

Mrs . Clarinda Smith .

Page 204: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Mini stry of R ev . E . Y. Sw ift N ovember 19

1845— Sep tember 22 , 1851 .



James Lyman . Brother of Henry the martyr m is

sionary. Lived at Toledo,Oh io .

Frances P . Lyman .

Mrs . Levi Strong.

Mrs . Mary A. Bray .

Elihu King.

Rev . C . J . Tenny , D . D . Resigned pastoral l abors

on account of failure of voice . Dr. Sprague

styles h im " a man of princely intel lect . " His

daugh ter married Judge Will iam Allen .

Ruth C . Tenny .

Lydia Morton .

Catharine G ilfillan. Graduated at Mt . Holyoke


Electa B . Lee .

Page 205: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Catharine L . Swift . Wife of the pastor, Rev . E .

Y . Swift .

G . H . King.

Charlo tte King .

Ebenezer T . Wood .

Betsey R . Wood .

Robert Chase .

Andrew S . Wood . A druggist,succeeded Winthrop

Hillyer on Shop Row . Afterward l ived in

Montreal .

Will iam Boies . Son of Justu s,studied and prac

ticed law in Northampton . In the l ife insurance

business .

Silas D . Chi lds .

Jonathan H . Lyman . A physic ian,afterwards in

Cal iforn ia . Grandson by marriage of the fi rst

Pres ident Dwight of Yale Coll ege .

Samuel B . Bridgman .

Reuben Pierce .

Jonathan Brewster . Kept the Mans ion House ,

which stood near the present Cathol ic Church .

Moses Gilfillan. Father of Thomas and James .

El izabeth G ilfillan.

Anna M . Phelps .

El iza D . Clafiin.

Harriet W. Clafiin.

Persis L . Clark .

Page 207: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Mary L . Kingsley,West street.

Carol ine R . Parsons . Daughter of Capt . Samuel ,

West stree t.

Eli zabeth H . Strong.

Carol i ne M . Durant .

Catharine C lark .

Susan S . Stebbins .

Nancy H . Powers .

Jul ia W . Shepherd . Daughter of George,King


Sarah E . Bois,Goth ic street . Daughte r of Justu s .

Lucy A . Wade .

Harriet Davi s .

Carol ine B . Dewey . Daughter of Judge Chas . A .

Martha P. Lyman . Home afterward in Boston .

Jane Elwell and Harriet Elwel l,Water street .

O l ive Converse and Wealthy Slate . Lived on

North street.

Mary S . Davis .

Barton B isbee and Sarah G. Bisbee . Removed to

Spr ingfield , Ill inois .


Mrs. Frances Hanners and Mary A . Hanners,

street . Came from Charlemont .

Fanny W . Hayden .

Harriet C . Elwell .

Page 208: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Harriet E . Davis .

Helen M . Clark .

Sarah W . Al l en .

Ann Sophia Allen .

Mrs . Hannah D . Clark and Helen M . Clark .

Mother and daughter, Maple street .

Mrs . Experience D . Kel logg.

Frances C . Bascom .

Mary Bascom .

Martha A . Strong.

Soph ia Chester.

Frankl in Stiles .

Mrs . Roxana Stil es .

Mrs . Soph ia P. Strong. Wife of Will i am,Hawley

street .

Nancy J . Parsons .

Martha S . Damon, Boston .

Frances S . Lyman .

Mrs . Harriet A . Abbottf

George Kellogg.


El iza M . Cook .

Jul ia Ell iot .

Mrs . Frances E . Stoddard . W idow of Prof . Solo

mon,who deceased 1847, at Middlebury, Vt .

Mrs . Amelia P . Warner.

Page 209: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Charles H . Dickinson , Martha C . Dick in son , Mar

ket stree t .

Mrs . Emma Graves .

Mrs . Princes Wood .

Mrs . Harriet Hutch in s .

Mrs . Lucy B . Lyman .

Horace Clark .

Mrs . Mary Clark .

Truman Meekins .

Polly Meekins .

Luthera Meekins .

Cordel i a A . Case .

Eliza M . Barnard .

Sally Ann French .

Mary E . French .

Lucy M . Burnel l .

Franci s Will i ams .

Sarah B . Delano .

Moses Clark .

Alli son H . Palmer. Teacher of music,chorister


the F irst Church . Removed to Chelsea .

Mrs . Ruth G . Palmer .

Thomas G reen .

Mrs . Sarah Green .

Sarah P . Green .

Page 211: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Minerva Smith .

El izabeth H . Tenny .

Sarah P . Kingsley,Judi th B . Kingsley , of South

street .

Charles C . Rust .

Catharine Davi s .

Esther A . Graves .

Lou isa Heal ey . Married,1855 , Rev. Stephen C .

Pixley, a missionary to South Africa .

Carol ine Lawrence .

Joseph H . Parsons .

Edwin G . Durant .

Eli zabeth Adams.

Charle s B . Kingsley . Druggist,successor to An

drew Wood . Chosen deacon in 1873 .

John Warner.

David Allen. Removed to Davenport, Iowa.

Laura Day .

Harriet Hunt .

Sarah E. Allen .

1851 .

Mrs . Esther A . Loomis .

Sarah C . Bray.

Camillu s M . Chapin .

El iza White .

Maria Hubbard .

Page 212: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Mrs . George Kingsley.

Mrs . Susan F . Clark .

1852 .

Mrs . Frances P . Clark . Removed to Plainfield in

1873 . Deceased 1891 .

Mrs . Martha B . Whittelsey. Mother of cashier

Whittelsey, al so of Jul i a W . and Mary W . ,

South street .

Mrs . Jul ia Parsons .

Ruth Wolcott .

Rev . S . S . Smith . Pastor at Westmin i ster. Agen t

for one of the benevolent societie s . Lived at

Northampton .

Mrs . L . B . Smith .

Cornel i a E . Smith .

Caleb Wright .

Mrs . Sarah L . Wright .

Amanda S . Wright .

Page 213: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Ministry of Rev . J . P . C leaveland

1853 - Jv.ly 11,1855 .


1853 .

James Will iams .

Nancy Willi ams .

Mrs . Elvira Parson s .

Mrs . Charlotte P . Edwards at Pine Grove .

Rev . John P . Cleaveland . Pastor at Detro it Sa

lem,C incinnati

,and Providence .

Mrs . Jul iana C . Cleavel and .

Susan P . Cleaveland .

Will iam M . Lathrop . Graduated at Yale, 1825 .

F irst a lawyer at Enfield , next in mercanti le

business. Later in the insurance work,Boston .

Mrs . Diana Dumont .

Julia Butler . Widow of El ihu,ed i tor of Commer

cial Adverti ser in New York .

Rial Clafiin.

Hannah W . Clafiin, Cherry street.


Page 215: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Dan iel Strong . Son of Joseph,Haw ley street.

reserved one acre for h is homestead .

Rachel S trong.

Susan D . Phelps .

Mrs . Clari ssa M . Smith .

Mrs . Sarah Ann Parsons .

Mrs . Harri e t E . Parsons .

Mrs. Pamel i a F i tts , Removed to Sunderland .

Emel ine C . Bourne .

Page 216: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Ministry of Rev . Zachary E ddy ,Jll arch 8


1858— Ap ril 1 , 1867


1858 .

Rev . Zachary Eddy . Twelfth pastor of North

ampton F i rst Church . Publ i shed a Church

Manual in 1860.

Mrs . Malvina R . Eddy .

George L. Wright,from Westhampton . Chosen

deacon 1877 . Residence 42 South street .

Betsey Bentley .

Leonard H . F i eld . Went into business in Jackson

Mich igan .

Submi t F i el d and Dency L . F ield . Res ided on

Union street .

Samuel T . Spaulding. Se ttl ed in Northampton ,

1856. District At torney for n ine years . Ap

pointed Judge of Probate, 1872.

I sabel la Simpson .


Page 217: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Haynes K . Starkweather, Jr. Chosen deacon in

1873 . Martha P . Starkweather , Maple street .

A . Lyman Will i ston . President F i rs t National

Bank . One of the deacon s of the F i rst Church .

Home on Round Hill .

Hannah M . Will i ston . Married,1864, Rev. George

S . Bishop , D . D. , pastor at East O range , N . J .

Martin L. Will i ston . Pastorates in several pl aces.

Professor at Carle ton College , N orthfield , Minn .

John W hittelsey. Cash ier N orthampton National

Bank . Trustee and Treasu rer of Cooley Dickin

son Hospi tal .

Henry Roberts .

Addison W . Beals. Removed to Warren,Mass .

Edward L . Bartl ett . Residence New York City .

Theodore Bartlett.‘Mary Jane Church .

Jul ia E . Clark .

David B . Clafiin.

Mary J . Perigo .

Charles Hillman .

Mindwell K . Parson s .

Charles T . Parsons .

Mary S . Lathrop , Abby P . Lathrop,Elizabeth D .

Lathrop , Hawley street .

Carol ine M . Kingsley,Nancy E. Kingsley


street .

Page 219: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Will iam B . Hale. Formerly President of F i rst

National Bank,Northampton .

Harriet A . Hale .

Mary S . Lee .

J . S . Lath rop .

El izabeth S . Lathrop .

Albert H . K ingsley .

Will iam M . Barnard .

Will iam Bli ss .

Martin L. Clapp .

Frederic C . Hillman . Removed to Sou th Deerfield .

Edward M . Kingsley.

J . Dwight Kellogg.

Elij ah D . Clapp .

Mary Clapp .

Martha A . Clark .

Emma C . Bliss .

Frances C . Hunt.

Mary E . Shepherd .

Frances A . Phelps .

Martha M . Phelps.

Ellen W . Converse .

Helen M . Clapp .

Mary Edward s.

El izabeth H . Clark.

Abby P. Lathrop .

Elizabeth D. Lathrop .

Page 220: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Alfred J . Munyan .

Jonathan E . Col l ins .

Laurentia P . Col lins .

Will iam P. Derby .

Susan E . Clark .

Helen E . Phelps .

Sarah T. Stoddard . Daughter of Prof. Sol omon ,

Married , 1861 , Hon . A . L . W ill i ston , Presiden t

F i rst National Bank .

Louisa G . Stoddard . Daughter of Prof. Solomon ,

married,1869, Martin Luther Will i ston


studied in Germany . Prof. in Carleton College .

George W . Edwards, at Pine Grove .

Frances A . Clark .

O zro C . Wright.

Ellen M . Kingsley .

Sarah W . Lyman .

Mary Jane Simpson .

Sarah B . Foster.

Sarah E . Parson s.

Emily Kingsley .

Sarah C . Bridgman .

El izabeth P. Knapp.

Joseph B . Whitehou se .

Martha A. Whitehouse .

Mary Elwell .

Lizz ie H . Stockwel l .

Page 221: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Emily S . Love .

Martha R . Birge .


Edward W . Curti s. Removed to Cambridgeport.

Mary E . Ferry .

Anna E . Clark .

El izabeth C . Kingsley.

Mary Baker.

Jane A . Baker.

Clari ssa E . Clark .

Jemima H . Thayer .

Elizabeth B . Lyman .

George W . Perigo .

Sally H . Perigo .

Elbridge Kingsley .

Mercy Moody .

Clari ssa Hancock .

Laura A. Perkin s .

Sarah C . Strong.

Ebenezer W . Strong.

Mrs . E . W. Strong.

George D . Clark . Druggi st, under the firm of

Clark Parsons .


El izabeth Wood .

Mary S . Clafiin.

Page 223: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


I saac R . Clark .

Sarah R . Clark .

M . Josephine Kell ogg .

Mrs . Catharine J . Prince .

Elizabeth P . W righ t . Graduated at Mt. Holyoke


Charlotte E . Graves.

Heman White,Jr.

Clari ssa Wh ite .

Mrs . Maria Noble .

Mrs . Amanda Edwards .

Almira A . Eames .

Mrs . A . W . O lmsted .

Henry Tucker and Amel ia E Tucker . Removed

to the west .

1863 .

Timothy P . Phelps .

Anna Phelps,West Farms .

Sophroni a Starkweather .

Will iam Richardson .

John M . Knox.

Jeru sha E . Warner.

Elizabeth 0. Baker.

Edith M . Eddy,daughter

Known by her writings .

Page 224: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Henry A . Dwight . Son of Cecil . Gradu ated at

Will iams , 1829 . Taught at Norfolk,Va. After

the war he l i ved in Northampton .

Lucia D . Dwigh t .

Achsa L . Shumway .

Helen G ilfillan. graduated,1854, at Mt . Holyoke

Seminary . Afterward s Mrs. H . G . Coll ins,

Eli zabeth,N . J .

Luthera F . Norton .

Eliza Towne .

Will is W . Clapp .

Charles F . Warner.

Lucy A . Ayres .

George Bennett .

Franci s P. Searle .

Everett R . Sanders .

Harrie t E . Brooks .

Henrietta Strong,Hospital Hill .

Abby P. Burnham .


Jul ia H . Strong.

Harriet Will iams.

Henry F . Will iams Sarah Will i ams

Pomeroy Terrace .

M argaret D ickey .

Will i am A . Clark .

Page 225: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


George E . B . Howard .

Helen D . Howard .

S . W . Lee, Jr. O rgan ist of F i rs t Church in 1884.

Hephzibah Lee .

Frances Livermore .

Lucy Phelps .

Rosetta E . Crossett .

Sarah Norri s .

Milo Lovel and .

Mary M . Loveland .

James Allen .

O ti s A . Skil ton .

Adal ine M . Skil ton .

Hatt ie C . Davi s .

Ella S . Thompson .

Sarah J . Strong .

Effie Warner.

L . W . Joy . From Hawley . The fourteenth post

master in Northampton . Held the office twenty

four years .

Rebecca W . Joy .

John Hunt Hastings.

E . Will iams Tyler,lawyer, Peckham 81 Tyler,

Trinity Building,N. Y . City .

Wilbert A . North .

Mary A . Knapp .

Eliza Ring.

Page 227: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Marie tta C . Copeland .

Rev . Ephraim Lyman . Removed to Northampton

1864. Spent h i s l ast years in Minnesota.

Hannah D . Lyman .

Lucy D . F . Lyman .

George R . Lyman .

Ellen H . Lyman .

Minerva Hart .

Jul ia Brown .

1865 .

Henry J . Walker.

Phi la A . Walker .

Jonathan P . Strong. By occupation a mason .

Long a member of the F irst Church choi r.

Levi Parson s Morton .

Lucy E . Dewey .

Mary E . Clark .

Noah H . Lee .

Carol in e A . Nutting.

H . J . Rudd .

Ann ie C . Rudd .

Orrin E . Livermore .

Elizabe th L . Livermore .

Andrew S . Cook .

Marion A . Cook .

Elizabeth L . Baker .

Page 228: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Ju l i a Pren tiss .

Lew i s H . Fellows.

Elizabeth R . Fellows .

Will i am P . S trickland . Graduated at Will iams

1858 . Admitted to the Bar 1861. Clerk of the

Cou rts 1864. Judge of the District Court . Dea

con oi F i rst Church .

Mary Strickland .

Sarah Strong. Daughter of Jonathan , South street .

A teacher ; taught in the same school bu ild ing

on Center street over a quarter of a century .

Shortened her days by teaching.

Sarah C . Phelps .

J . Hunt Butler . Booksel ler on Shop Row . Father

of several graduates . President of Northampton

Nat ional Bank .

Sarah M . Butler.


Mrs . E . P . Strickland .

Laura L. Davenport.

Mary H . Northam .

Harriet W . Harrington .

Erastu s C . Hall .

Elizabeth Hal l .

O l iver Walker. Secretary and Treasurer

Hampshire Mutual F i re Insurance Co .

Page 229: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Virgin ia Clark .

Catharine Slate .

Catharine S . Kingsley .

George S . Seymour .

Mary F . Clark . Graduated at Mt . Holyoke Sem i

nary,1865 .

Lizz ie A . Clark . Taught Kindergarten School in

Northampton .

Ella L . North .

Mary Anna Parsons .

Harriet Lyman , Sarah C . Lyman , Bridge street

and Grant avenue .

Horace Lamb, Harriet H . Lamb , 14 High street .

Emily S . Church .

James O ’N eil.

Eunice C . Walcott .

Sarah J . Prou ty.

Mrs . Margaret J. Hooker.

David E . Phill ips .

Mrs . Lucy E . Morton .

Emily W . Fairman .

Will iam P . Starkweather.

Charles D . Hastings.

Farnum E . Sawin .

John A . Prenti s s. Formerly Sexton

Church .

Page 231: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Rev W illiam S. L eavitt’

s Ministry 1867 188 1 .


1867 .

Mrs . Theodosia H . Leavi tt.


Sarah J . Gibbs .

Mrs . Fel i ci a S . Burt .

Mrs . Clarissa Fox .

Mrs . Martha A . Turner.

Maria N . Dewey . Daughter of Judge Charles A .

Dewey .

Mrs . Sarah Marshall .

Mrs . Lucretia Smith .

James D ickson Clark . Son of Charles, grand son

of Dea . Luther . Graduated at W i l l i ams , 1848.

S tudied law and admi tted to practice, 1851 .

Taught in Brooklyn,1855—64. Publi shed B io

graphical Record of Kappa Alpha Society of

Will iam s College , 1881 .


Page 232: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Mrs . Catharine A . Edwards .

Mrs . Susan R. Boies . Wife of Will iam Boies,who

practiced law in Northampton . In 1871 he re ~

moved to Troy,N . Y .

Evans B . Hard ing. Graduated at Medical Depart

ment of Bowdoin College,1863. Located in

North ampton,1864.

Mrs . E . B . Harding .

1869 .

Mary C . Dickinson . Had a private school on

King s tree t .

Ann McLaughlin.

Mrs . Lydia W . Will i ams .

Fred G . Hastings .

I saac D . Smi th .

Mrs . I . D . Smith .

Fanny J . Walker .

J . B . Ackerman .

Mrs . E . G . Ackerman .

Mary H . Ackerman .

Henry A. Wright.

Jennie Wright .

G eorge S . Hunt, Mrs . Fanny Hunt,19 South

street. He originated in Goshen .

Newton Thayer.14

Page 233: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Frank Cl iff ord Lyman . Graduated at Yale,1876.

Taugh t in N ew York C i ty , al so i n Peeksvi ll e,

N . Y .

Will iam H . Nowell , Mrs . W . H . Nowell . He was

chosen deacon of the F i rst Church in 1877 .

El i zabeth Ann a Dwigh t .


Mrs. Henry R . Hinckl ey. Wife of Henry Rose II .

By profession a lawyer . He was l ieu tenant in

Mass . Caval ry in the Rebell ion .

Mrs . Lucy M . Webb .

Maria L . Wood .

Alfred Starkweather .

Mrs . Fann ie A . Starkweather .

El iza J. Witherell .

Mrs . I . R . Miner .

Catharine D . F . Sergeant .

Nell i e E . Kellogg.

Fanny A . Edwards.

Mary G . Leavi tt .

Elizabeth L . Fai rman .

Susie H . Lyman .

Jenn ie Jenkin s.

Charles H . Chandler.

Mrs. Stella S . Chandler.

Page 235: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


1873 .

George W . Hubbard . Treasurer of Smith Col lege

Trustee of Savings Bank and of Forbes Library ;al so of Hampsh ire Mutual F i re Insurance Co .

Presiden t of Cooley D ickinson Hospital ; Presi

den t of Smi th Charit ie s .

Mrs . Philena T . Hubbard .

Mrs . Carol ine B. Alvord . Removed to Worcester.

Mother of Rev . James C . Alvord .

Wil li s W. Clapp .

Frederic A . Hildreth .

H . K . W . Dickin son .

Angel ine D ickinson .

Sidney Dickinson . A journal i st . In 1885 lectured

on Art at Smith Coll ege .

Edward D ickinson . Son of Henry . Graduated at

Amherst Coll ege,1876. In the musical profes

si on at Elmira,N . Y .

C . H . Dickinson , Jr. Graduated at C ollege of

Physici ans and Surgeons, 1878 . Practiced at

Faribaul t,Minn .

Andrew Sawin .

Mrs . Mary J . Stone .

Mrs . Sarah J . Bates.

Mrs . Sarah W . Lyman . Home at Montreal .

Mrs . Kitty L. Hill .

Mrs . W . P . Abernathy .

Page 236: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books



Franci s H . Stoddard . Son of Prof. Solomon .

Graduated at Amherst College,1869 . At Oxford

Un iversity 1885 . Professor in Un iversity of New

York .

Lucy M . Stoddard .

Jenny Spaulding.

Nancy L. Mil ler.

Sarah M . Butler .

Clara W. Lathrop .

Bess ie Lath rop, 21 Bridge stree t .

Etta Theresa B . Kraus . Home in Boston .

Mrs . Sarah B . Smith .

Mrs . Harrie t A. Kingsley.

Arthur W . Clark . Removed to Hartford , Ct .

Lucy L. Strong .

Lucy R . Rutherferd .

John M . Turner.

Mrs . J . M . Turner.

Lizzie Turner.

1875 .

E . W . Higbee, M . D . Began medical p ractice at

Northampton, 1871 . Made European tour , 1881 .

Ida J . Parsons .

Lizz ie G. Parson s .

Jennie W . Kellogg.

Page 237: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


El ias C . Lyman .

Mrs . Jane B . Crouch .

Mrs . Hannah Belden .

Rev . L . Clark Seelye,D . D . Graduated at Uni on

College , 1857. Studied Theology at Andover and‘ in Germany . Pastorate at Springfield . Profes

sor of Engl i sh Literature at Amherst College .

Became President of Smith College,1873 .

Mrs . Henri etta C . Seelye .

Lucia G . Lovel and , Annie B . Loveland, 35 Mar

ket stree t .

Myra G . Strong .


Mrs . Fanny B . Seymou r .

El izabeth P . Breck .

Alvah Foote .

Mrs . L . Elizabeth Foote .

Ruth A. Parsons .


Myra Nowell .

Will iam M . Parson s . Removed Haven .

Mrs . E . F . Comstock .

Mrs . Harriet R . Abbott .Ella B . Parsons .

Sarah W. Hillman .

Page 239: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Emma J . Rice .

Arthur L . F isk . At New Haven . Graduated at


Mrs. Mary P . Bruce , Maria E . Bruce,3 Market

street .

Mrs . Nett ie B . Rust.

Hattie B . Comstock .

Dr . John T . Stoddard . Graduated at Amhers t,

1874. Studied in Europe . Chosen Professor of

Physics and Chemistry in Smith Col lege,1878 .


Harriet E . Strong.

Alvin L . Clapp .

George P . Dickinson .

Mrs . Mary R . Dickinson .

Anna M . Dickinson .

Charle s E . Williams .

Mrs . Sarah M . Shipman .

Mrs. C . E . Laidley .

Mrs . Alvira A. Clary .

Mrs . Katharine S . Leavi tt .

Mrs. Ameli a P. Warner.

Mrs . Sophia H . Parkhurst .

Ceylon Moody, Mrs . Lucy Moody,


street .

Mrs . Mary C . Maynard .

Page 240: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


1881 .

Ephraim L . Hastings,Mrs . Julia D . Hastings , 23

Market street .

Charles E . Stevens, Netti e M . Stevens, 9 North

street .

Mrs . K . M . Wright .

Lucy H . Smith .

James C . Al vord . Graduated at Will iams College ,

1885 . Grandson of Judge Charles A . Dewey .

Pastor at Hamil ton .

Sally M . Bush .

S tephen D . Hadley . Superintendent of Sabbath

School of the F irst Church .

Page 241: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Ministry of R ev . H erbert W . L athe,1882 1891 .


1882 .

Mrs . Mary A . Jones .

Ruth B . Dickinson .

Zerviah C . Hillman .

Jennie D . Smith .

Sarah A . Clapp .

Harriet L. Hillman . Graduated at Smi th College ,


Harriet C . Seelye . Graduated at Smith College,

1888 . Abigail T . Seelye,Elm street .

Minnie D . Gibbs .

Fred W . Connolly. Home in Boston .

Irene F . Pratt .

Rev . Herbert W . Lathe . Graduated at Yal e 1873,

and at Andover,1877. Pastorate in Portland ,

1877—8 1.

Mrs . H : W . Lathe .

Page 243: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books
Page 244: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books
Page 245: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books
Page 247: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Mrs . Esther P . Phelps .

Mrs . Electa N ims .

A . L . Will i ston . A corporate member of the

A .


B. C . F . M .

Mrs . S . T . Will i ston .

Lucy Will iston .

Prof . J . B . Clark . Graduated at Amherst,

- 1872 .

Professor in Carleton College,Minn . Now Pro

fesse r at Smith College .

Mrs . Myra S . Clark .

Charle s H . Dickin son . Graduated at Amherst,

1881 . Took the Ely Prize for Compositi on, Ju

n ior year , 1880. Graduated at Yale Theological

Seminary, 1884.

Samuel D . Smi th,Lavinia M . Smith , 23 King

street .

Mattie C . Burnham .

Heloise E . Hersey,Hatfield House .

Mary B . Safford .

Carol ine Thayer .

Mrs . Marietta K . Smith .

1883 .

Charle s B . Kingsley,Jr . Druggist . Son and suc

cessor in business of h is father, Dea . Charles B .

Kingsley .

Helen A . Hillman .

Page 248: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Sarah D. W oodrufl".

Sarah M . Marsh .

Jul i a Parsons .

Theodore C . Gladden,Harriet C . Gladd en

, 36

Bridge street .

Mrs . Maria Porier .

Elij ah Allen,Lovi sa C . Allen

,Miriam L . Allen


43 Elm street .

Mary E . Clark .

Waldo H . Lamb,Helen 0 . Lamb , 15 Frankl in

avenue .

Helen W . Shu te,and Mary A . Shute members of

Smith College,1883 .

Kate B . Sh ipman .

Mary P. F i sher .

Mary B . Dwight .

Henry E . Smith .

Dora C . Smith .

Harrie t N . Rowland , O l i via J . Rowland , Jul iette

Rowland, 7 Fru it stree t.


Prof. Benj . C . Blodgett . Born in Boston . Grad

uated 1861 , at Univers i ty of Leipsic , Germ any .

Professor of Music at Smith Coll ege .

Mattie B . Blodgett .

Annie B . Bacon .

Page 249: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Loui sa B . Adams .

Anna W . Edwards . Graduated at Smith Coll ege,

1888 .

Carrie G . Brigham .

Elizabeth A . Wright .

Mary J . Herrick .

Mary L . Spauld ing .

Nell i e B . Spaulding . Graduated at Smith Coll ege ,


Mary A . Maynard .

Annie P . Kellogg. Graduated at Smith College ,

1888 .

Harriet L . Bill ings .

Martha L . Hadley .

Josie P . Robertson .

Laura E . Sawin .

Mabel D . Kingsley.

Mrs . Mary L . Lyman .

Harry Norman Gard iner . Graduated at Amherst

1878. Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy

at Smith College .

1885 .

Mrs . Lydia A . Clark .

Carol ine R . Clark .

Berth a M . Clark.

Anna B . Strong .

Page 251: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Bess ie H . Kellogg.

Emma B . Starkweather.

Mary F . Merrick .

Katherine E . Phelps .

Maud E . Parsons .

Mrs . Martha A . Clark .

Mrs . Esther M . Wetherell .

Eliz a A . Wilder.

Ella M . Platt .

Harri e t F . Copel and .

Eva M . Robin son .

Theresa B . Will iams .

Walter C . Kingsley .

Robert L . Willi ston . A member of Amherst Col

l ege .

Harry S . Will i ston . Entered Amherst Col l ege,

1891 ; broth er of the preced ing. Both sons of

Hon . A . L . Will i ston .

Charles A . Clark .

Mary Hussey.

Mrs . Mary E . Staab.

Charlotte Webber.

Jessi e Peasely.

Nell ie C . Moody .

Susie Lathrop .

Mary L. Roberts .

Page 252: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Maud E . Strong .

Lottie B . Strong.

Mrs . Ne'

tta E . Higbeefi

Mrs . E . A . Simison .

Charles M . Starkweather. Graduated at Amherst

Coll ege,1886. Connected with a Un iversity pa

per in New York Ci ty .

Sarah J . Edwards .

Clementine M . Davi s .

Ellen A . Watson .

John L . Clapp .

Annie G . Snel l .

Mrs . Martha M . Rol fe .

Cornel ia B . Strong.

Bertha F . Clapp .

Myron L . Elwell .

Mrs . K . M . Elwell .

1889 .

Mrs . Elizabe th A . Wright .

Charles M . Wrigh t .

F annv I . Hussey .

Thomas B . Ewing.

Ada L . Ewing.

Mrs . Clara F letcher .

Annie F . F letcher .

Hewitt G . Fletcher .


Page 253: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Mrs. Eli zabeth Spear.

Mrs . Lill ian D . F i tts .

Mrs . Harriet E. Bates .

Mrs. Dian tha L . Graves .

Mrs . Ellen Clark .

Mrs . Sarah L . Clark .

Mrs . Annie A . Parsons .

Mrs . Alice M . Walker.

Anna M . Strong .

Etta M . Locke .

Sarah L . Daly .

El izabeth Simison .

George H . Walker .

Allen L . Strong .

Walter C . Seelye . Preparing to enter col lege .

Will iam G . Bassett . Judge of Probate Court .

Mrs . Mary C . Bassett . Daughter of Rev . A .

Col ton , Easth ampton .

Mrs . Mary Swift .

Rufus Ames .

Mrs . Sarah A . Ames .

Lucy J . Ames.

Bstie B . Ames .

Add ie Pease .

Mrs . Elizabeth N . Luques.

Mrs. Ella M . Bradley .

Page 255: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Ministers settled since the organization of the

F irst Church.

Eleazar Mather,

Solomon Stoddard

Jonathan Edwards,

John Hooker,

Solomon Will iams,

Mark Tucker,

1. S . Spencer,

Joseph Penney,

Charles Wiley ,

E . Y . Swift,

J . P . Cleaveland ,

Zachary Eddy,

W i l l i am S . Leav i tt,

Herbert W . Lathe ,

O rdained 1661— 1669

1672— 1729

1727— 1750

1753— 1777

1778— 1834

Installed 1824— 1827

O rdained 1828— 1832

Instal led 1833— 1835

O rdained 1837— 1844

Instal led 1845— 185 1

1853— 1855

1858— 1867

1867— 1881

1882— 1891

Page 256: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


E lders and Deacons Since the organ ization

the F irst Chu rch, Jane 18,1661 .


John Strong, ordained 1663 .

Preserved Clapp .

Ebenezer S trong.


W i ll i am Hol ton , Chosen 1663

Thomas Hanchet, 1668

Removed to W estfield .

Medad Pomeroy ,

Jonathan Hunt,

Nathaniel Phelps,

John Clark ,

Thomas Sheldon,

Ebenezer Wright ,

Samuel Allen ,

John Clark ,

Noah Cook ,

Ebenezer Pomeroy,

Page 257: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


S tephen Wright,

Chosen 1739

Removed to Easthampton .

Ebenezer Hunt

Supply Kingsley,

Joseph Hawley,

Jonathan Hunt,

Aaron Cook,

Josiah Clark ,

Elij ah Clark,

Moses Kingsley,

Removed to Chesterfie ld , 1794.

Enos Wrigh t, 1791

Solomon Allen, 1797

Became a minister 1804. Preached in Western

New York t ill 1821 .

I srael Clark,

chosen 1804

Luther Clark, 1805

Ebenezer S . Phelps , 1816

Removed to I l l inoi s, 1831.

Enos Clark,

Dismissed to the Edwards Church .

El iphalet Will i ams,

Lewis S trong,

Dismissed to the Edwards Church,1858.

David S . Whitney,

chosen 1831

John P. Will i ston , 1838

Aaron Breck, 1839

Page 259: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


H om e and F oreign llf issionaries of the N orth

amp ton F irst Chu rch .

Job Strong l abored in company with David

Brainerd among the Indians in New Jersey .

Solomon Allen ,1804—21, a pioneer preacher . in

Western N ew York . Planted several churches .

Ebenezer Wright, 1809

—14. Under the patron

age of the Hampshire Missionary Society in S t .

Lawrence County,N . Y .

Clarissa Lyman,daughter of Esq . Levi . Married ,

1822, Rev . Will iam Richards of the Sandwich

I sland s Mission .

Jerusha Lyman,married about 1825 , Jack son

Kemper,missionary Bishop of the Northwest.

Ansel Bridgman . Home Mi ssionary in Mich igan .

Henry Lyman,martyr missionary to Batavia .

Joseph Hunt Breck and wife , both of North

ampton . Home Miss ionaries on the Western Re

serve . Q

Page 260: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Timothy Dwight, son of Cecil . His early death

prevented h im from be ing a foreign missionary .

Robert Ogden Dwight, son of Major Josi ah , mis

sionary to Madura .

Miss Hetty S . Butler,married Rev . Eli Smi th


missionaries to Syria .

Susan Wright Clark , married Rev . Josiah Tyler,

about forty years in South Afri ca.

David T . Stoddard , miss ionary to Persia .

Clara M . Brewster,or Mrs . Hiram Bingham , over

th irty - five years in the foreign field . Now at the

Sandwich Isl ands .

S . Russel l Butler for twelve years on the Lab

rador coast .

Sarah M . Cooke , married Prof. Sil sby . F ive

years at Siam .

Page 261: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Deceased Membe rs of F irst Church and Par ish

w ho left large bequests to Hom e and

F oreign JlIiss ions and other

Charitable Obj ects .

Benjamin Tappan .

John Hopkins .

Asahel Lyman .

Mrs . Asahel Lyman .

Dr . Benj amin Barret t .

Dr . Edward B . Barrett .

Dea. J . P . Will i ston .

Mrs. J . P. Will i ston .

John Clarke,the banker.

Willi am Allen,D . D .

Solomon Stoddard,third Clerk of Courts .

George W . Hubbard .

Tam esin Clark .

Silas M . Smith .

Two names of the last century may be added .

Thomas Allen,deceased 1754, gave between six


Page 263: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


Churches a id ed in their F ormation and Mem

bership ,during the last century and s ince

by the N orthamp ton F irst Chu rch.

Almost a score could be mentioned , indebted to

th i s Mother in Israel . Begin with some near at

home . Southampton,Westhampton , Easthampton ,

settled largely from the mother town . They were

model communities and the churches in them .

Count up the graduates,min isters

,authors , teach


,valuable men , they have sent out

into the world,more than one hundred and twenty.

Lebanon, Ct. ,

settled previously,stands h igh on

the rol l of educated communit ies . But that place

received i ts fi rst start from famil ies connected with

the Northampton F i rst Church . The same re

specting Durham , Coven try, Woodbury, of that

state . One of the first mini sters of Woodbury,

Rev . Anthony Stoddard, was a Northampton boy .

Sett l ed in 1702, preached nearly sixty years, was

Clerk of Probate forty years,acted as l awyer and


Page 264: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


physic ian , managed one of the largest farms in

town , r eared a family of eleven children , admitted

500 to the church .

I t i s proper to say that the in tell igence of some

Northampton famil ies wh ich se ttled in Amherst

abou t 1750 and earl i er, had something to do in

bringing in to exi stence that noble in st itution, Am

herst Coll ege .

Recall the influence of the F irst Church in the

early t imes of N orthfield , Pittsfield , Skaneate

l es,N . Y .

, Princeton , Ill . , Brecksville , O . The

churches in those places were much indebted for

their excellent beginning to families of the North

ampton F i rst Church .

Coming back to the Connecticut Valley,the

Edwards Church , so efficient , far reach ing in i ts

influence for good , owns and acknowledges the

F i rst Church as Mother. Has not thi s been the

feel ing on the part of both toward each other from

the fi rst ti l l now ?

Will conclude by adducing the F lorence Congre

gational Church . In aid ing i ts early membership,

did not the Northampton Fi rst Church perform an

importan t part ?

Page 265: Historical Catalogue 1661 - Forgotten Books


W hat Hath G od W rought 2

Two hundred thirty years ago,A faithful few

,a l ittle band


Wishing to serve their G od below,

And thus confess his guiding hand ,

Un ited al l with wil ling mindTo form a church

,a sacred band

Rej oicing in a pastor k ind,To gu ide them to the better land.

The l ittle ones were gathered inBy Cov

’nant vows of parents dear,

And early taught to hate all sin ,As from these records doth appear .

First Mather came, a holy man ;And Stoddard ne" t, of earnest mien


And many souls took a firm stand,

Whose names within this book are seen .

Edwards,a wonder of logic rare ;

His preaching,earnest




His book s profound beyond compare ,Have spread his fame the world around.

G ifted Hooker in manhood’s prime,

Well served his three and twenty years ;And Wil liams preached a longer time ,E ’en si" and forty busy years .

