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History assignment4 american colonies, france and england

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Theme 4. American Colonial Empires: France and England By: Lindsay Nelson

Theme 4. American Colonial Empires: France

and EnglandBy: Lindsay Nelson

French Colonies of North America

American Colonies 5- Canada and Iroquoia

France needed a steady and enduring share in the America trade.

Found profit in fish and fur along the mouth of the St. Lawrence river.

French traders were hostage to the Indian trade protocols because the Natives considered a cutoff trade an act of war and the French needed them as allies.

By 1580, the fisheries and whale and seal hunts employed 4 vessels and around 12,000 men

Mariners traded Indians fur for European manufactured goods.

Furs hot commodity in Europe

French established permanent but small posts around Tadoussac in Canada.

Did this to allow for fur trade all year long.

The French reclaimed the St. Lawrence Valley, now Canada.

Canada was perfect for 5 reasons:1. Valley was safely distant from Spanish power2. Northern location meant especially thick and

valuable furs3. Resident Montagnais and Algonkin were

especially skilled hunters4. St. Lawrence river offered deepest access

westward5. At Quebec, the river narrowed which

provided a good harbor and higher ground for posts

Firearms were introduced to Indian warfare when the French helped their ally natives to the north fight the Five Nation Iroquois.

Selling of firearms was previously prohibited, but it was such a profitable sale it was allowed.

The Iroquois were a formidable enemy with large, fortified hilltop villages.

Their cohesion was a direct result of practicing ceremonial torture and cannibalism of their captured enemies.

American Colonies 16- French Colonies

French Canadians stayed safe from invasion because of their small numbers and location. The small number of people kept the friction down with the Indians and their northern setting kept them safe from British Invasion.

Recruited Natives to help fight against British expansion

Founded Louisiana at the end of the 17th centuryThis new colony became the chief rival for British

Carolina in American southeast.◦ Like new France, Louisiana was thinly populated and

relied on Indian allies

Until 1663, Canada belonged to the fur-trading company of New France, not the French crown.◦ Saw no need to have

colonists shipped from France to build a bigger colony because it would drive up cost, and they had the Indians to do the work.

Eventually they had to bring people over to help defend against the British.◦ Most were male

emigrants from the northern and western seaports of France

Most people that went to Canada and stayed significantly improved their standard of living◦Plots of farm lands much bigger, more meat and

bread available, able to hunt and fish, which was denied to peasants in France

Had a more militaristic, paternalistic, and centralized form of authority compared to British.

Governed by 3 people: a military govenor-general, a civil administrator known as an intendant, and a Catholic bishop

Selective settlement divided Louisiana into 2 different landscapes: a small plantation core remade by settlers, and an immense hinterland led by Indians

New France and Louisiana cost the crown more to run than they profited.

As Indians became dependent on French trade, the French empire became captive to Indian demands.

Indian alliances were more for political well-being rather than financial profit

English Colonies of North America


Established by West Indian planter during the 1670’s

Was founded to honor King Charles II Included present day North and South

Carolina and GeorgiaOwned by 8 of the kings political

favorites-the Lords ProprietorRan by Sir John Yeamans and his son

CarolinaIn 1670 3 ships

from Barbados bore 200 colonists to the mouth of he Ashley River

Named this Charles Town◦ Changed to

Charleston in 1783◦ Defied Spanish

claim to the coast, signifying England’s new confidence in its emerging imperial power


Attracted more colonists by offering religious tolerance, political representation in an assembly with power over public taxation and expenditures, a long exemption from quitrents, and large grants of land.

South Carolina grew from 200 colonists in 1670 to 6,600 in 1,700

Attracted mostly farmers and artisans of modest means◦Common colonists were essential to build farms in

the forest and fighting the frontier warfare.

Carolina A male servant who

survived his term received “freedoms dues”- a set of clothes, barrel of maize, an an, a hoe, and a land grant of 100 acres

Also wanted to attract great planters so they offered “absolute power and Authority of is Negro Slave”◦ Since the slave was

defined as a family member, the planter also received a full 150-acre headright per slave


Originally named for the whole coast from Florida to Arcadia◦ Named after Queen Elizabeth I because she was a

supposed virginStarted out with get rich quick schemes such as

gold mines and raiding Spanish ships, but this was found to be too expensive◦ Instead found profit in tobacco which permitted an

explosive growth in land, power, and wealthThe crown subcontracted out colonization because

it lacked the financial stability to pay for such a venture itself

Virginia Earliest English

colonial promoters were dreamers and gamblers driven by visionary imagination.◦ Most were politically

well connected from the wouthwestern counties of England

Known as “West Country men” and included: Sir Francis Drake, Sir Richard Greenville, Sir John Hawkins, Sir Walter Ralegh, and Sir Humphrey Gilbert


Planters, led by John Rolfe, learned to raise tobacco in 1616.

Was an ideal colonial commodity because people were willing to pay high prices to satisfy their addictive cravings.

Virginia’s tobacco production grew from 200,000 pounds in 1624 to 3,000,000 in 1638◦Chesapeake outstripped the West Indies to become the

principal supplier of tobacco to EuropeBecause of the boom of profit, more laborers were

needed◦This increased Chesapeake’s population from 350 in 1616 to

13,00 by 1650

Virginia New land was needed to

supply the tobacco. ◦ This land came at the Indians’

expense. They brought with them voracious pigs and cows that destroyed Indian corn fields

The English would attack the Indians and destroy their crops right before harvest as to force them to suffer a miserable winter and spring.

In may 1623, they invited 250 starving Indians to a toast of alcohol. The Indians’ share had poison.
