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History of Air Crashes

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If you are afraid to fly, this ebook won't help you overcome it. Remember, no one said flying was safe, just safer than driving...
1 TIMELINE OF AIRLINE CRASHES (...from various online sources...) According to hazmat.dot.gov, each year in the United States 1 out of 6800 drivers dies in an auto accident. The rate for airline passengers is 1 in 1.6 million. The first recorded fatal crash occurred September 17, 1908, and left Orville Wright severely injured and passenger Lieutenant Thomas Selfridge dead. The dubious honor of having had the worst airline crash goes to Tenerife, in Spain’s Canary Islands. On March 27, 1977, two Boeing 747s, operated by KLM and Pan Am, collided on a foggy runway, killing 583 people (including the parents of two schoolmates whose backyard shared a corner of the fence that enclosed my parents' property). The KLM jet departed without permission and struck the Pan Am jet as it taxied along the same runway. Confusion over instructions and a blockage of radio transmissions contributed to the crash.
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(...from various online sources...)

According to hazmat.dot.gov, each year in the United States 1 out of 6800 drivers

dies in an auto accident. The rate for airline passengers is 1 in 1.6 million.

The first recorded fatal crash occurred September 17, 1908, and left Orville Wright

severely injured and passenger Lieutenant Thomas Selfridge dead.

The dubious honor of having had the worst airline crash goes to Tenerife, in

Spain’s Canary Islands. On March 27, 1977, two Boeing 747s, operated by

KLM and Pan Am, collided on a foggy runway, killing 583 people (including the

parents of two schoolmates whose backyard shared a corner of the fence that

enclosed my parents' property). The KLM jet departed without permission and

struck the Pan Am jet as it taxied along the same runway. Confusion over

instructions and a blockage of radio transmissions contributed to the crash.

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"The Canary Islands are located in the Atlantic Ocean, off the Western coast of Africa, between 27 and 29 degrees north latitude, and between 13 and 18 degrees west longitude. They are volcanic islands. Tenerife is the archipelago's middle island and is 81 km long and 45 km wide.

The PanAm Boeing 747-121, on a charter passenger flight from Los Angeles to Las Palmas, had been in the air for eight hours. Some 396 people, including 16 crew, were onboard. Its captain was annoyed as he had not obtained clearance to land at Las Palmas. A bomb had exploded there two hours previously and the airport was closed for repair. The 747 was requested to divert to Tenerife, 70 km west of Las Palmas. The Captain and his passengers were unhappy about this arrangement, but they had no other choice.

At 14h15 GMT, PanAm flight 1736 made its final approach on runway


The landing at Los Rodeos airport (Tenerife) was a smooth one, but the captain noticed the larger than usual number of aircraft at the airport. Many aircraft, including a 747-206B from KLM, had landed there following the closure of Las Palmas airport. The small Tenerife airport was saturated.

The PanAm 747 was requested to park in fourth position, behind the KLM 747. The KLM aircraft was also a charter flight (KLM 4805). It had landed 45 minutes previously, with 248 people onboard, including 14 crew. Its captain was nervous:

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very strict Dutch regulation forbid the crew to exceed their quota of flying hours. Should the plane not take-off soon, its captain and KLM could be in serious trouble.

At 14h30 GMT, good news: the Tenerife control tower informed all grounded aircraft that Las Palmas airport had just re-opened. The controller informed the Panam Captain that in order to speed up take-off he could taxi right behind the KLM 747. The Panam captain agreed.

Photo copyright Stefan Sjogren - Airliners.net

The PanAm Boeing 747 involved in the crash

Weather deteriorated: a heavy fog would soon cover the airport. The visibility rapidly dropped to a few hundred meters (300 feet). At 16h51, the KLM 747 was cleared to start its engines. At 16h52, the Panam 747 requested clearance to start its engines. The control tower's answer was as follows:

16:52 (Tenerife control tower) - PanAm 1736, you are cleared to start. Report ready for taxi. For your information, you will have to backtrack behind the other 747 and leave the runway third taxiway to your left.

Both 747s would therefore backtrack the length of the 3,400-meter (11,000 feet) runway at low speed. The KLM aircraft would backtrack to the end of the runway, make a u-turn and report ready for take-off. The PanAm plane would exit the runway into the third taxiway in order to free the way for the KLM aircraft to take off. This was deemed the simplest solution in view of heavy traffic at the airport.

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At 16h55, the Dutch 747 reached the runway, the American 747 a few hundred meters behind it. The fog was becoming denser: the 747s could not see each other, and neither aircraft could be seen from the control tower. The visibility was less than 200 meters.

Photo copyright Bill Sheridan - Airliners.net

The KLM Boeing 747 involved in the crash

17 :01 :57 (PanAm first officer) – Tenerife the Clipper one seven three six.

17 :02 :01 (Tenerife control tower) – Clipper one seven three six Tenerife.

17 :02 :03 (PanAm first officer) – Ah. We were instructed to contact you and also to taxi down the runway, is that correct?

17 :02 :08 (Tenerife control tower) – Affirmative, taxi into the runway and -ah leave the runway third, third to your left.

17 :02 :16 (PanAm first officer) – Third to the left, OK.

Background conversation in the control tower made it difficult for the crew to hear the instructions.

17 :02 :18 (Mecanician) – Third he said?

17 :02 :19 (Captain) – Three?

17 :02 :21 (Tenerife control tower) – -ird one to your left.

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17 :02 :22 (Captain) – I think he said first.

<17 :02 :26 (First officer) – I'll ask him again.

17 :02 :32 (First officer) – Left turn.

17 :02 :33 (Captain) – I don't think they have take-off minimums anywhere right now.

17 :02 :39 (Captain) – What really happened over there today?

17 :02 :41 (PanAm employee) – They put a bomb (in) the terminal, Sir, right where the check-in counters are.

17 :02 :46 (Captain) – Well we asked them if we could hold and -uh- I guess you got the word, we landed here.

The controller was next heard talking to the KLM jumbo crew.

17 :02 :50 (Tenerife control tower to KLM 747) – KLM four eight zero five how many taxiway -ah- did you pass?

17 :02 :55 (KLM 4805) – I think we just passed charlie four (fourth one) now.

17 :02 :59 (Tenerife control tower) – O.K. ... at the end of the runway make one eighty and report -ah- ready -ah- for ATC clearance.

Both aircraft were still backtracking down the runway, but the PanAm 747 was lost in the fog, the latter making it very difficult to spot the exit taxiways. The control tower had confirmed earlier that the aircraft must exit the runway into the third taxiway.

17 :03 :48 (Tenerife control tower) – ...er seven one three six report leaving the runway.

17 :04 :59 (Tenerife control tower) – -m eight seven zero five and clipper one seven ... three six, for your information, the centre line lighting is out of service.

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This picture was taken at the Tenerife airport, a few minutes prior to the crash. It shows both 747 that will collide in a few minutes. Foreground, the

KLM one. Background, the PanAm one.

Yet more bad news. In addition, the crew of the PanAm 747 had just passed the third taxiway without seeing it. They had seen the first one, missed the second one, and were now passing the third one thinking it was the second one. They were now headed for the fourth one.

Meanwhile, the Dutch 747 had finished backtracking the runway and was now making a u-turn. The fog dissipated slightly and the visibility increased to 700 meters. This was an opportunity that the KLM captain wasn't about to miss.

17 :05 :45 (First officer to the control tower) – Uh, the KLM ... four eight zero five is now ready for take-off ... uh and we're waiting for our ATC clearance.

17 :05 :53 (Tenerife control tower) – KLM eight seven zero five uh you are cleared to the Papa Beacon climb to and maintain flight level nine zero right turn after take-off proceed with heading zero four zero until intercepting the three two five radial from Las Palmas VOR.

17 :06 :09 (KLM first officer) – Ah roger, sir, we're cleared to the Papa Beacon flight level nine zero, right turn out zero four zero until intercepting the three two five and we're now (at take-off ??).

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The 747 obtained clearance, but was not allowed to take off as yet. However, its captain, in a hurry, started advancing the throttle, having forgotten that another aircraft was still taxiing down the runway. The stressful situation was probably to blame.

17 :06 :13 (Captain) : We gaan. (We're going)

17 :06 :19 (Tenerife control tower) : OK

The Panam first officer was talking simultaneously :

17 :06 :19 (PanAm first officer) : No .. eh...

The controller was struck by a sudden doubt. He reminded the KLM captain that he had not been cleared for take-off.

17 :06 :20 (Tenerife control tower) : Stand by for take-off, I will call you.

17 :06 :20 (PanAm first officer) : And we're still taxiing down the runway, the clipper one seven three six.

Paths of both 747

The last two messages were radioed simultaneously and were therefore heard as a long four-second high-pitched sound. The KLM 747 speed increased. Some 1,500 meters further on, the PanAm 747 was still taxiing down the runway.

17 :06 :25 (Tenerife control tower to the PanAm 747) - Roger alpha one seven three six report when runway clear

17 :06 :29 (PanAm first officer) - OK, we'll report when we're clear

17 :06 :30 (Tenerife control tower) - Thank you

The KLM captain did not react. He may have misunderstood and thought that the PanAm 747 had just cleared the runway.

17 :06 :32 (KLM first officer) – Is hij er niet af dan? {Is he not clear then?}

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17 :06 :34 (KLM captain) – Wat zeg je? {What do you say?}

17 :06 :35 (KLM first officer) – EstIs hij er niet af, die Pan American? {Is he not clear that Pan American?}

17 :06 :36 (Angry KLM captain) – Jawel. {Oh yes. - Emphatic}

Areas where debris were found

Meanwhile, the PanAm jumbo jet reached the fourth taxiway. Suddenly, the PanAm captain spotted the landing lights of the KLM Boeing approximatively 700 meters away in the fog.

17 :06 :41 (PanAm captain) – (screaming) He’s coming… look… this son of b**** is coming

17 :06 :41 (PanAm first officer) - (screaming)

The PanAm crew set full throttle to leave the runway as quickly as possible, but it was too late. The KLM captain spotted the PanAm jumbo jet on the runway:

17 :06 :47 (KLM captain) – Oh shit

Computer-generated portrayal of collision between both Boeing 747

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The speed of the Dutch 747 was over 270 km/h. The captain applied full back stick pressure in order to take off and fly over the other 747. The nose climbed, the tail struck the runway, producing sparks. The aircraft climbed one meter above ground, but this wasn't enough.

The 350-tonne giants collided. The forward landing gear wheels of the Dutch 747 struck the right side of the PanAm 747, tearing the fuselage. The left wing cut the vertical stabilizer at rudder level. Passengers saw partitions open, the ceiling disappear and the floor collapse. Right wing fuel tanks were torn apart and fuel started igniting.

The KLM 747 had risen slightly but it had become completely dislocated and it crashed. There were no survivors.

In the PanAm 747, a few people escaped from the burning plane. Some 64 people, including the captain and everybody on the flight deck, survived, out of 396. The heat produced by the fire cleared the fog one kilometer around the crash scene.

Some 583 people died in the crash. 64 people survived."

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Photo of the Tenerife crash shot minutes after the disaster

Wreckage of the KLM 747

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Contents History of Air Crashes Pg. 12

Famous People Pg. 263

Statistics Pg. 303

Worst Disasters Pg. 338

Strange and Unusual Pg. 346

Images (selected ) Pg. 361

Last Words Pg. 502

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History of Air Crashes Since 1912

1912 Jul 1 Drama critic Harriet Quimby (b.1875) took a passenger up in her new

Blériot monoplane from Boston to fly over Dorchester Bay at the Harvard-Boston

Aviation Meet. As she descended for landing, the plane went into a dive and,

without seat belts, she and her passenger were thrown out into the shallow water

of the bay, where they struck the muddy bottom and were crushed to death. Quimby

was the first American to receive a pilot's license (1911) and was the first woman

to solo across the English Channel (1912). Her interest in flight was piqued at an

aviation meet in 1910.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Massachusetts, Women, Aviation

1927 Apr 26 US Navy officers Cmdr. Noel Davis and Lt. Stanton Wooster

were killed when their aircraft crashed near New York while trying to take off

with a huge load of fuel for a final test flight prior to an attempt to cross the


Links: USA, Air Crash, New York, Aviation

1927 May 8 French pilots Charles Nungesser and Francois Coli took off from Paris

in their airplane named L’Oiseau Blanc (the White Bird), in an attempt to cross the

Atlantic. Pilots and plane vanished during the flight.

Links: France, Air Crash, Aviation

1928 May 24 The dirigible Italia crashed while attempting to reach Spitzbergen.

Nine men survived the initial crash. In 2000 Wilbur Cross authored "Disaster at

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the Pole," a revised edition of the 1960 version of the disaster led by Italian

aviator Umberto Nobile. The Russian film "Krasnaya palatka" (1969), starring Sean

Connery, detailed the Nobile expedition and attempted rescue. This movie was

released in North America under the title "The Red Tent."

Links: Arctic, Italy, Russia, Air Crash, Film

1931 May 14 Denys Finch-Hatton, British adventurer and lover to writer Isak

Dinesen (Karen Blixen), died when his plane crashed shortly after take-off from

Kenya’s Voi airport. In 2007 Sara Wheeler authored “Too Close to the Sun: The

Audacious Life and Times of Denys Finch Hatton.”

Links: Britain, Air Crash, Kenya

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1935 Oct 30 The US Army Air Corps held a competition to see which company

would build the country’s -generation of long-range bombers. Boeing’s “flying

fortress” crashed shortly after takeoff and Martin and Douglas won by default.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Aviation

1942 Oct 23 Ralph Rainger (41), pianist and song writer, was among 12 people

killed when their DC-3 crashed after being clipped by a B-34 bomber flown by

Army Lt. William Wilson, who had wanted to thumb his nose at Louis Reppert, a

flight school buddy and co-pilot of the DC-3. An Army court-martial panel later

exonerated Wilson, who had been charged with manslaughter. Rainger’s songs

included “Love in Bloom” and “Thanks for the Memories,” which Bing Crosby made a

hit in 1934.

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Links: USA, Air Crash, Pop&Rock

1942 Nov 2 An amphibious aircraft foundered in rough weather, in the waters

surrounding what is now the Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve in the

eastern Gulf of Saint Lawrence. The plane was based at Presqu'Ile, Maine, in the

US, and serviced an airfield in the village of Longue-Pointe-de-Mingan, Quebec.

Four of the crew escaped the flooding plane and were rescued by local fishermen

rowing out from shore in open boats in rough seas. Five others perished, trapped

inside. In 1941 and 1942, the US had constructed a series of airfields in Eastern

Canada to ferry aircraft to Allied air forces in Northern Europe, as part of the

so-called "Crimson Route." Wreckage of the downed plane was found in 2009.

Links: Canada, USA, Air Crash, Maine

1942 Nov 18 An AT-7 Beechcraft military training plane crashed in the Mendel

Glacier in California’s Kings Canyon National Park. The 4-member training flight

left Mather Field in Sacramento, Ca., and was never heard from again. On Sep 24,

1947, a hiker discovered wreckage of the plane on a glacier in Kings Canyon. On

Oct 16, 2005, a climber on the Mendel Glacier discovered a body believed to be one

of the crew members. He was later identified as Leo M. Mustonen (22) of Brainerd,

Minn. The others were John M. Mortenson (25) of Moscow, Idaho, William R.

Gamber (23) of Fayette, Ohio, and Ernest G. Munn of St. Clairsville, Ohio. A 2nd

body was found under receding snow in 2007 and was identified Ernest G. Munn.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash, Ohio, Minnesota, Idaho

1943 Jul 4 A Liberator II aircraft carrying Gen. Wladyslaw Sikorski, Poland’s

prime minister and chief army commander, crashed into the sea just 16 seconds

after taking off from Gibraltar. In 2008 Poland began an investigation into the


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Links: Poland, Air Crash, Gibraltar

1943 A Vultee BT-13 Valiant disappeared on a flight from San Antonio, Texas, to

Chile. Pilot Werner Martinez and Sgt. Tomas Ayala were on ill-fated flight, which

crashed in Costa Rica. In 2008 police were led to the crash site after an

anonymous caller reported seeing a local resident carrying plane parts in the town

of San Isidro de El Guarco.

Links: Costa Rica, Chile, Air Crash

1944 Nov 30 A US Navy reconnaissance plane crashed into the south face of Mount

Tamalpais, in Marin County, Ca. 8 Navy fliers were killed.

Links: USA, Air Crash, SF Bay Area

1945 Mar 14 Sgt. 1st Class Marvin Steinford, a native of Iowa, was part of a 10-

man crew of a B-17 bomber which was hit, while returning to its base in Italy

from a mission over Hungary. In 2004 his remains were found in a grave in the

town on Zirc in western Hungary, where he had been buried with 26 Soviet

soldiers. In 2009 his remains were returned to the US.

Links: USA, Hungary, Air Crash, Iowa, WWII

1945 May 28 In California the engine of Helldiver aircraft from an aircraft

carrier failed and the pilot ditched the plane in a San Diego reservoir. The pilot

and gunner swam to shore. In 2009 fisherman spotted the plane and set in process

plans to retrieve the plane.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

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1946 Jul 7 William Durkin (1916-2006) rescued Howard Hughes (1905-1976) from

the fiery wreckage of an XF-11 reconnaissance plane that Hughes was testing over

Beverly Hills.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Aviation


A text-based site.

1948 Mar 12 In Alaska 24 merchant marines and six crewmen were flying from

China to New York City, when their DC-4 slammed into Mount Sanford killing all

30. Pilots Kevin McGregor and Marc Millican discovered some mummified remains in

1999 while recovering artifacts to identify the wreckage they had found two years


Links: USA, Air Crash, Alaska, DNA

1950 Jun 23 Northwest Airlines Flight 2501, a DC-4 propliner operating its daily

transcontinental service between New York City and Seattle, crashed into Lake

Michigan killing 58 people. This was to date the worst commercial airliner accident

in American history.

Links: USA, Air Crash, NYC, Michigan, Tragedy

1950 Nov 5 A US bomber caught fire and crashed while flying over China’s

southern Guangdong province. Its mission was not known. Records and eyewitness

accounts indicated that four bodies were buried at the crash site, while the fate of

the other 11 on board wasn't clear.

Links: USA, China, Air Crash

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1953 Oct 29 A British airliner with 11 passengers and 8 crew crashed into Kings

Mountain, 10 miles west of Redwood City, Ca., and all aboard were killed. William

Kapell (b.1922), genius pianist, died in the crash. He was returning from a tour in

Australia when his airplane crashed into a mountain outside San Francisco. A set

of his 1944-1953 recordings was released in 1998 by RCA. In 1999 BMG released

"The William Kapell Edition," a nine-disk set.

Links: Britain, Air Crash, SF Bay Area, Piano, Classical Music

1955 Oct 6 A United Airlines plane bound for SF crashed in Wyoming killing 66

people. It was the worst commercial airline crash to date in US history.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Wyoming

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1955 Oct 13 A US Air Force B-47B crashed while taking off from March Air Base

in California. Capt. Edward A. O'Brien Jr. (Pilot), Capt. David J. Clare (co-pilot),

Major Thomas F. Mulligan (navigator), and Capt. Joseph M. Graeber (chaplain) were

all killed.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

1955 Oct 14 In SF, Ca., a US Navy attack bomber crashed on the eastern shore of

Yerba Buena Island. Pilot Gilbert David Reeve died in the wreck.

Links: USA, Air Crash, SF Bay Area

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1955 Oct 15 Richard Martin Theiler (28) was in the front seat of the Lockheed-

Martin T-33A that went missing just after takeoff from the Los Angeles

International Airport. In 2009 aviation archaeologist G. Pat Macha and a group of

volunteers found the plane underneath 100 feet of water.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

1956 Jun 30 A United DC-7 and a TWA Lockheed Constellation collided during a

thunderstorm over the Grand Canyon (Arizona) killing all 128 people.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Arizona

1956 Oct 15 Pan Am Flight 943, enroute to Hawaii from San Francisco crash

landed in the ocean. All 31 aboard were rescued by the Coast Guard cutter


Links: USA, Air Crash

1957 Mar 17 In the Philippines a plane crash on Mt. Manunggal in Cebu killed Pres.

Ramon Magsaysay (b.1907). 25 of the 26 passengers and crew aboard were killed.

Links: Philippines, Air Crash

1958 Oct 4 In Minnesota a single engine military Cessna L-19 crashed into Green

Lake and took the life of Captain Richard P. Carey, 36, who was returning to the

Willmar airfield from Rochester. The pane was recovered in 2005.

Links: Air Crash, Minnesota

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1960 Mar 21 Capt. John Eaheart (32), a US Marine Corps Reserve pilot, crashed in

his F9F Cougar fighter jet and disappeared into Flathead Lake, Wyoming, near the

home of his fiancée’s parents. His remains were found in 2006.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Montana

1960 Dec 16 A United Air Lines DC-8 and a TWA Super Constellation collided

over Staten Island, New York City. 134 people were killed including 128 people on

both planes.

Links: USA, Air Crash, NYC

1961 Jan 24 A B-52 carrying two nuclear bombs near Goldsboro, North Carolina

encountered a violent gust. The giant plane rolled completely over, came upright,

and continued rolling inverted a second time before whipping into a vicious flat spin

and breaking up.

Links: USA, Air Crash, North Carolina, Nuclear


A text-based site.

1961 Sep 1 TWA Flight 529, a Lockheed Constellation L-049 propliner, crashed

shortly after takeoff from Midway Airport in Chicago, killing all 73 passengers and

5 crew on board; it was at the time the deadliest single plane disaster in US


Links: USA, Air Crash, Chicago, Tragedy

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1961 Nov 8 Imperial Airlines Flight 201/8, a Lockheed Constellation L-049 four-

engine propliner, aircraft crashed as it attempted to land at Byrd Field, near

Richmond, Va. It was chartered by the US Army to transport new recruits to

Columbia, South Carolina, for training.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Virginia, Tragedy

1962 Aug 23 A Colombian DC-3 plane crashed in the Choco jungle killing over 30

people including two Americans, the first Peace Corps volunteers to die in service.

Links: Colombia, USA, Air Crash

1964 May 7 A disturbed man entered the cockpit of a Pacific Airlines flight and

killed pilot Ernie Clark (52). All 44 people aboard the Fairchild F-27A died as the

plane crashed in San Ramon, Ca.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Murder, Mad Man

1966 Jul 24 Oakland-born golfer Tony Lema (32), while flying with his wife Betty

to an exhibition match in Chicago, Illinois, crashed on the seventh hole of a golf

course in Lansing, Illinois, after their chartered twin-engine Beechcraft Bonanza ran

out of fuel. All four people on board were killed.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Illinois, SF Bay Area, Golf

International Red Cross

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1967 Sep 3 Muhammad Bin Laden (b.1908), a Yemeni immigrant to Saudi Arabia,

died in a plane crash. He made a fortune in the construction business and left King

Faisal in charge of some 55 of his children.

Links: Air Crash, Saudi Arabia

1968 Jan 21 An American B-52 bomber carrying four hydrogen bombs crashed at

North Star Bay, Greenland, killing one crew member and scattering radioactive

material. Reports began to surface later and in 1995 the Danish government paid a

$15.5 million settlement to some 1,700 exposed workers.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Denmark, Nuclear, Greenland

1968 Aug 10 In West Virginia 35 people were killed in the crash of a Piedmont

Airlines Fairchild FH-227 at Kanawha County Airport.

Links: USA, Air Crash, West Virginia

1968 Sep 19 Marine Capt. Robert A. Holt and Capt. John A. Lavoo were killed

when their F-4B Phantom jet crashed during combat a mission over Quang Binh

Province. Their remains were identified and returned to the US in 1999.

Links: USA, Vietnam, Air Crash

1969 Feb 11 A Lockheed SP2E Neptune crashed in the Santa Ana Mountains of

Orange County, Ca., while on night training. 7 seamen were killed.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

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1969 Apr 27 Gen. Rene Barrientos (b.1919), military president of Bolivia, died in a

helicopter crash.

Links: Bolivia, Air Crash

1969 Aug 31 Boxer Rocky Marciano died in a light airplane crash in Iowa, the day

before his 46th birthday.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Boxing, Iowa

1969 Sep 9 Allegheny Flight 853 collided with Piper Cherokee above Indiana. 82

were killed.

Links: USA, Indonesia, Air Crash

1970 Feb 15 A Dominican DC-9 crashed into sea at Santo Domingo and 102 people

were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Dominican Rep.

1970 Feb 21 The PFLP-GC, a Palestinian terrorist group, planted a parcel bomb on

Swissair Flight 330 that blew up on a flight from Zurich to Tel Aviv. All 47

aboard were killed.

Links: Switzerland, Air Crash, Israel


A text-based site.

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1970 Jul 3 A British Dan-Air charter, flying a Comet 4 turbojet, crashed near

Barcelona and 112 were killed.

Links: Spain, Britain, Air Crash

1970 Oct 2 A plane carrying the Wichita State Univ. football team crashed near

Silver Plume, Colorado, killing 29 passengers as well as the Captain and Flight


Links: USA, Air Crash, Kansas, Football

1970 Nov 14 The Marshall Univ. football team of Huntington, West Virginia, was

wiped out in air crash of a Southern Airways DC-9 at Kenova, WV. All 75 people

on board were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Tragedy, Football, West Virginia

1971 Feb 11 In SF Officer Charles Lagasa was killed in an accidental helicopter

crash at Lake Merced.

Links: USA, Air Crash, SF

1971 Apr 17 In Vietnam Lance Corporal John Gillespie (24), an Australian army

medic, died when his helicopter crashed and caught ablaze after coming under fire

during a medical evacuation in the Minh Dam Mountains of southern Phuoc Tuy

province. His remains were returned to Australia in 2007.

Links: Australia, Vietnam, Air Crash

International Red Cross

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1971 May 28 Audie Murphy (b.1926), WW II hero and actor, was killed in plane

crash near Roanoke, Va.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Virginia, Film Star

1971 Jul 30 A Japanese 727 collided with a jet fighter. 162 people were killed.

Links: Japan, Air Crash

1971 Sep 4 An Alaska Airlines jet crashed near Juneau, killing 111 people.

Links: Air Crash, Alaska

1971 Sep 13 Lin Biao (b.1907) died in a plane crash in Mongolia as he was trying

to flee to the Soviet Union after the unsuccessful plot to assassinate Mao. He was

once designated as Mao's "closest comrade in arms" and hand-picked to be the

chairman's successor.

Links: China, Air Crash

1971 Dec 24 LANSA Flight 508, a LANSA Lockheed Electra OB-R-941 commercial

airliner, crashed in the Peruvian rainforest. Juliane Diller Kopcke (17) of Lima,

Peru, was the sole survivor of 92 passengers. She and her mother, famed

ornithologist Maria Kopcke, were traveling to meet with her father, biologist Hans-

Wilhelm Kopcke. Juliane traveled for 9 days in the jungle before she found help.

Her experience became the subject of two films: the 1974 Giuseppe Maria Scotese

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film Miracoli accadono ancora, I (Miracles Still Happen), and the 2000 film “Wings

of Hope” by Werner Herzog film.

Links: Peru, Air Crash

1971 A SF police helicopter, a UH-1 Huey, crashed into Lake Merced and co-pilot

Charles D. Lagosa (30) was killed.

Links: USA, Air Crash, SF

1972 Oct 13 Aeroflot Il-62 crashed in large pond outside Moscow and 176 died.

Links: Russia, Air Crash, USSR

1972 Oct 13 A Uruguay to Chile plane carrying 45 people crashed in the Andes

Mountains. The event was concluded by December 23, 1972 when the last of 16

survivors were rescued. The group survived by collectively making a decision to eat

flesh from the bodies of their dead comrades. The book “Alive: The Story of the

Andes Survivors,” published two years after their rescue, was written by Piers

Paul Read, who interviewed the survivors and their families.

Links: Chile, Air Crash, Uruguay

1972 Oct 16 A light plane carrying House Democratic leader Hale Boggs (b.1914) of

Louisiana and three other men were reported missing in Alaska. Nick Begich,

Alaska congressman, his aide, Russell Brown, and the pilot, Don Jonz were also on

the plane and later presumed dead. The plane was never found.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Louisiana, Alaska

Page 26: History of Air Crashes


1972 Dec 3 A Spantax Convair 990A charter carrying West German tourists

crashed in Tenerife, Canary Island, and 155 died.

Links: Germany, Air Crash, Canary Islands

1972 Dec 23 16 plane crash victims (Oct 13 flight from Uruguay to Chile) were

rescued from the Andes after 70 died. The group survived by collectively making a

decision to eat flesh from the bodies of their dead comrades.

Links: Chile, Air Crash, Uruguay, Cannibal

International Red Cross

Make a donation

1972 Dec 29 Eastern Airlines Flight 401, a Lockheed Tri-Star Jumbo Jet carrying

176 people, crashed into the Florida Everglades. 75 people survived. In the end, the

crash was blamed on the crew's preoccupation with a landing gear light.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Florida

1972 Dec 31 Roberto Clemente (b.1934), baseball player, died in a plane crash while

enroute from Puerto Rico to help earthquake victims in Nicaragua. In 2006 David

Maraniss authored “Clemente.”

Links: Nicaragua, Air Crash, Baseball, Puerto Rico, Biography

1973 Feb 21 Israeli fighter planes shot down a Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114

over the Sinai Desert, killing over 100 people.

Page 27: History of Air Crashes


Links: Libya, Air Crash, Israel

1973 Jun 3 A Soviet supersonic Tupelov 144, nicknamed Concordski, exploded in

flight at the Paris Air Show and crashed into a nearby village, killing the six-man

crew and seven people on the ground. The plane beat the French and English

through the sound barrier.

Links: Russia, France, Air Crash, USSR

1973 Jul 20 Robert Smithson (b.1938), minimalist land artist, died in a plane crash

in Texas while surveying a site for his Amarillo Ramp project. His work included

the “Spiral Jetty” (1970) on Utah’s Great Salt Lake.

Links: Artist, USA, Air Crash, Texas

1973 Sep 20 Jim Croce (b.1943), American singer-songwriter, died in an airplane

crash near Natchitoches, La., just as he was beginning to capitalize on his success.

Maury Muehleisen and four others also died as their plane crashed into a tree

while taking off for a concert in Sherman, Texas.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Louisiana, Pop&Rock

1974 Mar 3 A Turkish Airlines DC-10 crashed shortly after takeoff from Orly

Airport in Paris and 346 people were killed. It was the worst air disaster to date.

Links: Turkey, France, Air Crash

1974 Apr 22 A Pan Am 707 crashed into the mountains of Bali, killing 107.

Page 28: History of Air Crashes


Links: Indonesia, Air Crash

1974 Aug 9 Trumpeter Bill Chase (b.1934) and 3 members of the Chase Band died

in a plane crash while enroute to a performance in Minnesota. Lead guitarist Angel

South (aka Lucien Gondron d. 1998 at 55) had struck out on his own solo career.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Jazz, Pop&Rock

1974 Sep 11 In North Carolina an Eastern Airlines DC-9, Flight 212, crashed 3

miles from the Douglas Municipal Airport. Of the 82 persons aboard the aircraft, 11

and two crewmembers survived the accident. One passenger died 3 days after the

crash, and another died 6 days after the crash. One survivor died of injuries 29

days after the accident.

Links: USA, Air Crash, North Carolina


A text-based site.

1975 Apr 4 Some 155 people, most of them children, were killed when a U.S. Air

Force C-5A transport plane evacuating Vietnamese orphans as part of "Operation

Babylift" crashed shortly after takeoff from Saigon.144 adults and 76 babies were

killed. There were over 170 survivors.

Links: USA, Vietnam, Air Crash, Tragedy, Air Force

1975 Jun 24 In New York 113 people were killed when an Eastern Airlines Boeing

727 crashed while attempting to land during a thunderstorm at John F. Kennedy

International Airport. The crash was later attributed to a microburst, not

experienced at the control tower because of a sea breeze front.

Page 29: History of Air Crashes


Links: USA, Air Crash, New York

1976 Oct 6 A Cuban aircraft from Venezuela with 73 people onboard was blown up

on a flight over the Caribbean. Castro blamed the explosion on the US. Luis Posada

Carriles, a veteran of the Cuban exile’s war against Castro, was charged and twice

acquitted in the bombing. Venezuelan authorities kept him in jail for 9 years until

his escape in 1985 when he settled in El Salvador. In April, 2005, Posada sought

asylum in the US. In May, 2005, declassified documents were made public that

linked Posada to the bombing and indicated he was on the CIA's payroll for years.

Links: El Salvador, Venezuela, USA, Air Crash, Cuba, CIA

1977 Mar 27 A KLM Boeing 747, attempting to take off, crashed into a Pan Am

747 on the Canary Island of Tenerife. 583 people were killed with 54 survivors.

Links: Netherlands, Air Crash, Canary Islands

1977 Sep 27 Japan Airlines Flight 715, a DC-8, crashed into a hill in bad weather

while attempting to land at the Kuala Lumpur Subang Airport. 34 people, including

8 of the 10 crew members and 26 of the 69 passengers, were killed when the

aircraft broke on impact.

Links: Japan, Malaysia, Air Crash

International Red Cross

Make a donation

1977 Oct 20 Three members of the rock group Lynyrd Skynyrd were killed in the

crash of a chartered plane near McComb, Miss.

Page 30: History of Air Crashes


Links: USA, Air Crash, Mississippi, Pop&Rock

1978 Jan 1 An Air India jet exploded in midair and killed 213 people near


Links: India, Air Crash

1978 Apr 20 A South Korean Air Lines Boeing 707 crash-landed in northwestern

Russia. Flight 902 was fired on by a Soviet interceptor after entering Soviet

airspace. 107 passengers and crew survived after the plane made an emergency

landing on a frozen lake and 2 passengers were killed.

Links: Russia, South Korea, Air Crash, USSR

1978 Sep 25 In Calif. 144 people were killed when a Pacific Southwest Airlines

(PSA) Boeing 727 and a Cessna private plane collided over San Diego.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

1978 Nov 25 An Icelandic DC-8 jet crashed and killed 183 Muslim pilgrims in Sri


Links: Air Crash, Sri Lanka, Iceland

1979 Jan 16 Aaliyeh (d.2001), R&B singer and actress, was born in Brooklyn and

grew up in Detroit. She was killed (22) in a plane crash in the Bahamas.

Links: Bahamas, USA, Air Crash, Pop&Rock

Page 31: History of Air Crashes


1979 May 25 273 people died in America's worst domestic air disaster when an

American Airlines DC-10 crashed during takeoff at Chicago's O'Hare International

Airport. The left engine was lost on takeoff. 3 of the dead were on the ground.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Chicago

1979 Oct 31 A US DC-10, flown by Western Airlines, crashed at Mexico City when

it struck a vehicle and 74 were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico

1979 Nov 28 An Air New Zealand DC10 en route to the South Pole crashed into

Mount Erebus in Antarctica, killing all 257 people aboard.

Links: Air Crash, New Zealand, Antarctica

1980 Apr 24 An American assault team held 44 Iranians hostage for about 3 hours

when their bus stumbled upon the remote desert site. The failed operation was

commanded by Colonel Charles Beckwith, founder of the US Delta Force. The mission

resulted in the deaths of 8 US servicemen. The US hostage rescue failed when a

plane collided with a helicopter in Iran. The 1996 Iranian film: "Sandstorm"

depicting the event was set for release in Feb, 1997.

Links: USA, Iran, Air Crash, Film


A text-based site.

Page 32: History of Air Crashes


1980 Jun 23 Sanjay Gandhi (b.1946), Indian politician, died in an airplane crash

shortly after his mother's return to power. Captain Subhas Saxena, the only

passenger in the plane, was also killed in the crash.

Links: India, Air Crash

1980 Jun 27 A DC-9 crashed near Sicily and 81 people were killed. In 1999 it was

reported that a fight by warplanes led to the crash and coverup charges were filed

against Italian military officials.

Links: Italy, Air Crash, Sicily

1980 Jun 27 Aerolinee Itavia Flight 870, an Italian domestic jetliner, exploded in

flight and crashed near the island of Ustica. 81 people were killed. In 1999 it was

reported that a fight by warplanes led to the crash and coverup charges were filed

against Italian military officials. Among theories for the jet's demise was a bomb

planted by domestic terrorists, or an errant US or French missile allegedly fired at

a Libyan MiG streaking over the Mediterranean.

Links: Italy, Air Crash

1980 Aug 19 301 people aboard a Saudi Arabian L-1011 died as the jetliner made a

fiery emergency landing at the Riyadh airport.

Links: Air Crash, Saudi Arabia

1981 May 26 14 people were killed when a Marine jet crashed onto the flight deck

of the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz off Florida.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Florida, Ship

Page 33: History of Air Crashes


International Red Cross

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1981 Jul 31 The leader of Panama, General Omar Torrijos, died in a plane crash.

Links: Panama, Air Crash

1981 Dec 1 180 people were killed when a chartered Yugoslav DC-9 jetliner

slammed into a mountain while approaching Ajaccio Airport in Corsica.

Links: Air Crash, Corsica, Yugoslavia

1982 Jan 3 A small plane crashed into the peak of White Mountain in northern

California. Donnie Priest (10), the only survivor, was rescued 5 days later but lost

both legs due to frostbite. His mother and stepfather were killed in the crash.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

1982 Jan 13 An Air Florida 737 crashed into the capital's 14th Street Bridge after

takeoff and fell into the Potomac River, killing 78 people.

Links: USA, Air Crash, DC

1982 Jan 18 Four Thunderbird USAF pilots died when their T-38 Talon jets

crashed at Indian Springs Auxiliary Airfield, Nv. Mechanical failure was cited as

the cause. Shortly after, the precision flying team began flying F-16 fighter jets. It

was the worst accident in the Thunderbirds' history. In all, 18 pilots and one crew

member have died in Thunderbird crashes.

Page 34: History of Air Crashes


Links: USA, Air Crash, Nevada

1982 Feb 9 On approach to Haneda Airport a Japan Airlines DC-8 plunged into

Tokyo Bay killing 24 people. 141 survived the crash caused when the captain pushed

the nose down prematurely and engaged in a struggle with the co-pilot.

Links: Japan, Air Crash

1982 Jun 8 In Brazil a Vasp 747 crashed in the northeastern city of Fortaleza,

killing 137 people.

Links: Brazil, Air Crash

1982 Jul 9 A Pan Am Boeing 727 crashed in Kenner, La., killing all 145 people

aboard and eight people on the ground.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Louisiana

1983 Sep 1 The KAL flight 007 was downed by a Soviet jet fighter after the

airliner entered Soviet airspace. 269 people were killed aboard the Korean Air

Lines Boeing 747 including sixty-one Americans, among them Georgia Representative

Larry McDonald. The order was given by Soviet Gen’l. Anatoly Kornukov who held

that the plane was part of a hostile US operation. In 2005 the History Channel

featured a TV documentary on the tragedy.

Links: GeorgiaUS, Russia, USA, South Korea, Air Crash, USSR

1983 Sep 6 The USSR admitted to shooting down KAL 007 on Sep 1.

Page 35: History of Air Crashes


Links: Russia, USA, South Korea, Air Crash, USSR


A text-based site.

1983 Sep 12 The USSR vetoed a UN resolution deploring its shooting down of of

South Korea’s KAL flight 007 plane.

Links: Russia, UN, South Korea, Air Crash, USSR

1983 Nov 27 In Spain 181 people were killed when a Colombian Avianca Airlines

Boeing 747 crashed near Madrid's Barajas airport.

Links: Spain, Colombia, Air Crash

1983 Dec 7 In Madrid, Spain, an Aviaco DC-9 collided on a runway with an

Iberia Air Lines Boeing 727 that was accelerating for takeoff, killing all 42 people

aboard the DC-9 and 51 aboard the Iberia jet.

Links: Spain, Air Crash

1985 Feb 19 150 were killed when a Spanish jetliner crashed approaching Bilbao,


Links: Spain, Air Crash

1985 Jun 23 All 329 people aboard an Air India Boeing 747 were killed when

Flight 182 from Montreal to London crashed into the Atlantic Ocean near Ireland,

Page 36: History of Air Crashes


apparently because of a bomb. An hour earlier, a bomb in baggage intended for

another Air India flight exploded in a Tokyo airport, killing two baggage handlers.

In 2000 Canadian police arrested 2 men of Sikh origin for the bombing. In 2001

Canadian prosecutors filed murder charges against Inderjit Singh Reyat. In 2003

Reyat was sentenced to 5 years for his role in making the bomb. Reyat spent 10

years in prison for building the bomb that exploded at the Narita airport, and

another five years for helping make the Flight 182 bomb. In 2005 a Canadian judge

acquitted 2 men who had been accused of conspiring in the case. Talwinder Parmar

(1944-1992) was later assumed to have been the mastermind behind the attacks. In

2010 Reyat was found guilty of perjury. In 2011 he was sentenced to an additional

9 years in prison.

Links: Canada, Britain, India, Japan, Air Crash

International Red Cross

Make a donation

1985 Jul 10 A Soviet Tu-154 crashed in Uzbekistan and all 200 people aboard were


Links: Uzbekistan, Russia, Air Crash, USSR

1985 Jul 13 Lt. Cmdr. Michael Gershon, a Navy Blue Angel pilot, was killed when

2 planes collided during an air show at Niagara Falls, NY.

Links: USA, Air Crash, New York

1985 Aug 2 In Texas 137 people were killed when a Delta Air Lines jumbo jet

crashed while attempting to land at the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport.

Links: Air Crash, Texas

Page 37: History of Air Crashes


1985 Aug 12 The world's worst single-aircraft disaster occurred as a crippled Japan

Air Lines Boeing 747 on a domestic flight crashed into Mount Otsuka, 70 miles

northwest of Tokyo, killing 520 of 524 people onboard. A flawed splice made by

Boeing 7 years earlier was the probable cause. In 2006 Japan opened a museum to

remember the crash. Boeing and JAL paid undisclosed settlements to each victim’s

family. Singer Kyu Sakamoto, whose song "Sukiyaki" topped US hit charts in 1963,

was among the dead.

Links: USA, Japan, Air Crash, Museums

1985 Aug 25 Samantha Smith, the schoolgirl whose letter to Yuri V. Andropov

resulted in her famous peace tour of the Soviet Union, was killed with her father

in an airplane crash in Maine.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Maine

1985 Sep 6 All 31 people aboard a Midwest Express Airlines DC-9 were killed

when the Atlanta-bound jetliner crashed just after takeoff from Milwaukee's Mitchell


Links: USA, Air Crash, Wisconsin

1985 Dec 12 248 American soldiers and eight crew members were killed when an

Arrow Air charter crashed after takeoff from Gander, Newfoundland.

Links: Canada, USA, Air Crash, Tragedy

1985 Dec 23 A small plane (Buchanon Field Airport) crashed into Sunvalley Shopping

Mall in Concord, Ca., and 6 people were killed.

Page 38: History of Air Crashes


Links: USA, California, Air Crash

1985 Dec 31 Singer Rick Nelson (45) and six other people were killed when fire

broke out aboard a DC-3 that was taking the group to a New Year's Eve

performance in Dallas.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Pop&Rock

1985 A Soviet Tu-154 crashed in Uzbekistan and all 200 people aboard were


Links: Uzbekistan, Air Crash, USSR

1986 Mar 31

167 people died when a Mexicana Airlines Boeing 727 crashed in a remote

mountainous region of Mexico.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico

1986 Jun 18

25 people were killed when a twin-engine plane and helicopter carrying sightseers

collided over the Grand Canyon.

Links: USA, Air Crash, New Mexico

1986 Aug 31

Aeromexico flight 498 with 64 passengers collided with a light plane as it

approached Los Angeles and crashed to the ground where an additional 15 people

were killed. The National Transportation Safety Board blamed flaws in the

Page 39: History of Air Crashes


overloaded traffic control system. 82 people were killed when an Aeromexico jetliner

and a small private plane collided over Cerritos, Calif.

Links: California, Air Crash, Mexico

1986 Oct 5

American Eugene Hasenfus was captured by Sandinista soldiers after the weapons

plane he was flying in was shot down over southern Nicaragua. An airplane named

Fat Lady was shot down over Nicaragua with a load of arms destined for the

Contras. Documents found on board the aircraft and seized by the Sandinistas

included logs linking the plane with Area 51, the nation's top-secret nuclear-weapons

facility at the Nevada Test Site. The doomed aircraft was co-piloted by Wallace

Blaine "Buzz" Sawyer, a native of western Arkansas, who died in the crash. The

admissions of the surviving crew member, Eugene Hasenfus, began a public

unraveling of the Iran-Contra episode.

Links: Nicaragua, USA, Air Crash, CIA, Drugs

1986 Dec 12

Russian Tupolev-134 crashed in East Berlin and 70 of 82 people were killed.

Links: Russia, Germany, Air Crash

International Red Cross

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1987 May 9

All 183 people aboard a Polish jetliner were killed when the plane, bound for New

York, crashed and burned in Warsaw after the pilot attempted an emergency


Links: Poland, Air Crash

1987 Aug 16

Page 40: History of Air Crashes


156 people were killed when Northwest Airlines Flight 255 crashed while trying to

take off from a Detroit airport; the sole survivor was 4-year-old Cecelia Cichan.

The plane hit a freeway overpass following takeoff.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Michigan

1987 Oct 20

Ten people were killed when an Air Force jet crashed into a Ramada Inn hotel

near Indianapolis International Airport after the pilot, who was trying to make an

emergency landing, ejected safely.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Indiana, Air Force

1987 Nov 15

Twenty-eight of 82 people aboard a Continental Airlines DC-9, including the pilot

and co-pilot, were killed when the jetliner crashed seconds after taking off from

Denver's Stapleton International Airport.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Colorado

1987 Nov 28

A South African Airways Boeing 747 crashed into the Indian Ocean with the loss

of all 159 people aboard.

Links: Air Crash, South Africa

1987 Nov 29

A Korean Air jetliner, Flight 858, disappeared off Burma over the Indian Ocean,

with the loss of all 115 people aboard. North Korean spies had planted a time-bomb

on the South Korean Air jet a day earlier and got off in Abu Dhabi. Kim Hyon-

hui and her accomplice were arrested two days later in Bahrain, where they tried

to kill themselves by taking cyanide. The man died, but Kim recovered and was

extradited to Seoul. She was convicted of the bombing and was sentenced to death.

Even while on trial, she won admirers for her classic good looks. She was

Page 41: History of Air Crashes


eventually pardoned and became a best-selling author, writing books about her time

as a spy.

Links: North Korea, South Korea, Air Crash, Espionage

1987 Dec 7

Forty-three people were killed in the crash of a Pacific Southwest Airlines jetliner

in California after a gunman apparently opened fire on a fellow passenger and the

two pilots.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

1988 Jan 18

An airliner crashed in southwestern China, killing all 108 people on board,

according to the official Xinhua news agency.

Links: China, Air Crash

1988 Mar 8

Seventeen soldiers died when two Army helicopters from Fort Campbell, Ky., collided

in midair.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Kentucky

1988 Jun 26

Three people were killed when a new Airbus A-320 jetliner carrying more than 130

people crashed into a forest during an air show demonstration flight in Mulhouse,


Links: France, Air Crash


A text-based site.

Page 42: History of Air Crashes


1988 Aug 17

Pakistani President Mohammad Zia ul-Haq (63) and US Ambassador Arnold Raphel

were killed in a mysterious plane crash. Zia, president from 1977-1988, was

responsible for the 1977 overthrow and 1979 death of Premier Bhutto. Zia did much

to turn Pakistan towards Islamic fundamentalism. Bhutto’s daughter, Benazir Bhutto,

became prime minister in November.

Links: USA, Pakistan, Air Crash

1988 Aug 28

At least 40 people were killed when three Italian stunt planes collided during an air

show at the US Air Base in Ramstein, West Germany, sending flaming debris into

the crowd of spectators. Over the 2 months the death toll rose to 69.

Links: Italy, USA, Germany, Air Crash

1988 Aug 31

Fourteen people were killed when a Delta Boeing 727 crashed during takeoff from

Dallas-Fort Worth Airport.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Texas

1988 Dec 11

A Soviet military transport plane crashed, killing nearly 80 people involved in

Armenian earthquake relief efforts.

Links: Armenia, Russia, Earthquake, Air Crash, USSR

1988 Dec 21

Pan Am Flight 103 was downed over Lockerbie, Scotland by a terrorist bomb. 270

people were killed aboard the Boeing 747. Libya was accused of responsibility for

the bombing, which killed 259 people onboard and 11 on the ground. Two Libyan

Page 43: History of Air Crashes


operatives, Abdel Basset al-Megrahi and A-Amin Khalifa Fahimah, were indicted in

1991 and thought to be in hiding in Libya. They were sent to the Netherlands for

trial in 1999 and implicated Mohammed Abu Talb, a Palestinian terrorist jailed in

Sweden. In 2000 Ahmad Behbahani (32) told a 60 Minutes journalist from a refugee

camp in Turkey that he proposed the Pan Am operation and coordinated the 1996

bombing of the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia. He also claimed that Iran was

behind the 1994 bombing in Argentina that killed 86 people. Behbahani was later

called a fraud by the CIA and FBI. In 2001 a Scottish court convicted Abdel Basset

Ali al-Megrahi, a Libyan intelligence officer, of murder in the 1998 bombing of Pan

am Flight 103. A 2nd Libyan, Lamen Khalifa Fhimah, was acquitted. The conviction

was upheld in 2002. In 2003 Libya set up a $2.7 billion fund for families of 270

people killed.

Links: Libya, Air Crash, Scotland, Aviation, Fraud

International Red Cross

Make a donation

1988 Dec 26

Another body from the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 was found, bringing the

confirmed death toll to 240.

Links: Air Crash, Scotland

1988 Dec 27

Hundreds of residents of Lockerbie, Scotland, paid silent tribute to five of the

Americans killed in the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, as coffins containing victims'

remains began the journey home.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Scotland

1988 Dec 28

British authorities investigating the explosion that destroyed Pan Am Flight 103

over Lockerbie, Scotland, concluded that a bomb caused the blast aboard the jumbo


Page 44: History of Air Crashes


Links: Britain, Air Crash, Scotland

1989 Jan 1

British PM Margaret Thatcher distanced herself from US vows to punish whoever

bombed Pam Am Flight 103, saying in a TV interview that revenge "can affect

innocent people."

Links: Britain, USA, Air Crash

1989 Jan 8

Forty-seven people were killed when a British Midland Boeing 737-400 carrying 126

passengers crashed in central England. The pilots shut down the good engine and

tried to land with a bad one.

Links: Britain, Air Crash

1989 Feb 8

In the Azores 144 people were killed when an American-chartered Boeing 707 filled

with Italian tourists slammed into fog-covered Santa Maria mountain.

Links: Italy, Air Crash, Azores

1989 Feb 16

Investigators in Lockerbie, Scotland, said a bomb hidden inside a radio-cassette

player was what brought down Pan Am Flight 103 the ious December, killing all

259 people aboard and 11 on the ground.

Links: Air Crash, Scotland

1989 Jun 7

A Suriname Airways airplane crashed in a tropical forest near the Paramaribo

airport killing 169 people.

Page 45: History of Air Crashes


Links: Air Crash, Suriname

1989 Jul 19

112 people were killed when a United Air Lines DC-10 crashed while making an

emergency landing at Sioux City, Iowa; 184 other people survived.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Iowa

1989 Jul 25

The pilot of the United DC-10 that crashed in Sioux City, Iowa, July 19, Alfred C.

Haynes, appeared at a news conference in which he dismissed descriptions of himself

as a hero after he and his crew managed to save 184 of the 296 people aboard the

crippled aircraft.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Iowa


A text-based site.

1989 Jul 27

Eighty people were killed when a Korean Air DC-10 crashed in Libya.

Links: Libya, South Korea, Air Crash

1989 Aug 7

A small plane carrying Congressman Mickey Leland, D-Texas, and 15 others

disappeared during a flight in Ethiopia. The wreckage of the plane was found six

days later; there were no survivors.

Links: USA, Ethiopia, Air Crash, Texas

1989 Aug 12

Page 46: History of Air Crashes


The Pentagon said it was stepping up efforts to find missing Texas Rep. Mickey

Leland and 15 companions in Ethiopia. The wreckage of the group's airplane, with

no survivors, was found the day.

Links: USA, Ethiopia, Air Crash, Texas

1989 Aug 13

Searchers in Ethiopia found the wreckage of a plane which had disappeared almost

a week earlier while carrying Texas Congressman Mickey Leland and 15 other

people. There were no survivors.

Links: USA, Ethiopia, Air Crash, Texas

1989 Aug 13

In Australia 2 hot-air balloons crashed at Alice Springs. 13 people were killed.

Links: Australia, Air Crash, Balloon

International Red Cross

Make a donation

1989 Sep 3

A Cubana de Aviacion jetliner crashed after takeoff in Havana, killing all 126

aboard and 26 people on the ground.

Links: Air Crash, Cuba

1989 Sep 3

In Brazil a Varig 737-300 plane crashed in the Amazon jungle with 52 people

aboard. 14 died and 34 were injured.

Links: Brazil, Air Crash

Page 47: History of Air Crashes


1989 Sep 19

A Paris-bound French DC-10, UTA Flight 772, was bombed over the Sahara desert

of Niger and all 170 [171] passengers died. French authorities placed the blame on

Libya’s Abdallah Senoussi, brother-in-law of Moammar Khadafy and chief of foreign

operations for the Libyan secret service. The six Libyan suspects were named by a

French judge in 1998 and tried in absentia in 1999. The attack was in retaliation

for French intervention on behalf of Chad in a war with Libya since the mid

1980s. In 2004 Libya signed a $170 million compensation accord with families of the

people killed. In 2008 a federal judge in Washington ordered Libya and six of its

officials to pay more than $6 billion in damages to the families of 7 Americans

killed in the attack.

Links: Niger, USA, France, Chad, Libya, Air Crash

1989 Oct 28

Twenty people were killed in the crash of a commuter plane on the island of


Links: USA, Air Crash, Hawaii

1989 Nov 27

A bomb, blamed by police on drug traffickers, destroyed a Colombian jetliner

minutes after takeoff from Bogota's international airport. 107 people were killed.

Links: Colombia, Air Crash

1990 Jan 25

An Avianca Boeing 707 ran out of fuel and crashed in Cove Neck, N.Y.; 73 of the

161 people aboard were killed.

Links: USA, Air Crash, New York

1990 Feb 14

Page 48: History of Air Crashes


Ninety-four people were killed when an Indian Airlines passenger jet crashed while

landing at a southern Indian airport.

Links: India, Air Crash

1990 Dec 3

A Northwest Airlines DC-9 collided on the ground with a Northwest Boeing 727 at

Detroit Metropolitan Airport, resulting in a fire that claimed eight lives.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Michigan

1991 Feb 1

A US-Air jetliner crashed atop a commuter turboprop plane while landing at Los

Angeles International Airport. 34 people were killed.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

1991 Mar 3

25 people were killed when a United Airlines Boeing 737 inexplicably crashed while

approaching the airport in Colorado Springs, Colo.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Colorado


A text-based site.

1991 Mar 16

A plane crash near San Diego, Ca., killed 10 people including 7 members of Reba

McIntire's band.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

1991 Mar 21

Page 49: History of Air Crashes


Two US Navy anti-submarine planes collided about 60 miles southwest of San Diego

and 27 were lost at sea.

Links: USA, Air Crash

1991 Apr 4

Pennsylvania Senator John Heinz III, a leading 3-term Republican voice on health

and trade policy, and six other people, including two children, were killed when a

helicopter collided with Heinz’s plane over a schoolyard in Merion, Pennsylvania.

Mrs. Teresa Heinz took his place as head of the family philanthropies. In 1995 she

married Sen. John Kerry.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Pennsylvania

1991 Apr 5

Former Texas Senator John Tower, his daughter and 21 other people were killed in

a commuter plane crash near Brunswick, Georgia.

Links: GeorgiaUS, USA, Air Crash, Texas

1991 May 26

An Austrian Lauda Air Boeing 767 crashed in Thailand, killing all 223 people

aboard. Crash investigators blamed an engine thrust reverser that had inexplicably

deployed shortly after takeoff. The plane was enroute to Vienna and crashed shortly

after takeoff from the Bangkok airport.

Links: Austria, Thailand, Air Crash

International Red Cross

Make a donation

1991 Jul 11

Page 50: History of Air Crashes


A Nigerian Airlines jet carrying Muslim pilgrims crashed at the Jiddah, Saudi

Arabia, int'l airport, killing all 261 people on board. The plane was a Canadian-

chartered DC-8.

Links: Air Crash, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria

1991 Oct 25

Rock-and-roll impresario Bill Graham was killed in a helicopter crash in Sonoma

County, Calif. Also killed were his girlfriend, Melissa Gold, and pilot, Steve Kahn.

A memorial concert in GG Park drew some 300,000 people with music by the

Grateful Dead; Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young; John Fogerty; Bobby McFerrin; and

Robin Williams.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash, Pop&Rock

1991 Dec 29

A Boeing 747-200F of China Airlines crashed into a mountain at Taipei.

Links: China, Taiwan, Air Crash

1992 Jan 20

A French Airbus A-320 crashed near Strasbourg, killing 87 people.

Links: France, Air Crash

1992 Feb 6

Sixteen people were killed when a C-130 military transport plane crashed in

Evansville, Ind.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Indiana

1992 Feb 9

Page 51: History of Air Crashes


An Air Senegal flight chartered by Club Med crashed and 30 people were killed. In

2000 a French court convicted Club Med founder Gilbert Trigano and his son,

Serge, for involuntary manslaughter.

Links: Senegal, France, Air Crash

1992 Mar 22

Twenty-seven people were killed when a USAir jetliner crashed on takeoff from

New York's La Guardia Airport; 24 people survived.

Links: USA, Air Crash, NYC

1992 Sep 3

An Italian relief plane was shot down by ground-to-air missiles outside of Sarajevo,


Links: Italy, Bosnia, Air Crash

1992 Sep 26

A Nigerian military transport plane crashed shortly after takeoff, killing all 163

people aboard.

Links: Air Crash, Nigeria

1992 Sep 28

A Pakistani jetliner crashed in Nepal, killing all 167 people aboard.

Links: Nepal, Pakistan, Air Crash

1992 Oct 4

Page 52: History of Air Crashes


In the Netherlands an Israeli El Al Jumbo Jet transport, enroute from New York to

Tel Aviv, crashed into an Amsterdam apartment complex and killed 43 people. Since

then scores of people complained of unidentified health problems. In 1998 it was

revealed that the jet carried 50 gallons of dimethyl methylphosphonate, a non-

poisonous ingredient of sarin nerve gas, destined for Israel. A report on the crash

was released in 1999 and said that the plane's ballast included carcinogenic depleted


Links: Netherlands, Air Crash, Israel, Medical

1992 Nov 24

In China, a domestic jetliner crashed, killing 141 people.

Links: China, Air Crash

1992 Dec 21

A Dutch DC-10 burst into fire at landing on Faro, Portugal, and 56 died.

Links: Portugal, Netherlands, Air Crash

1992 Dec 22

A Libyan Boeing 727 jetliner crashed, killing 157 people.

Links: Libya, Air Crash


A US experimental Osprey military aircraft crashed and 7 men were killed. The

Defense Dept. tried to cancel the plane in 1989 but Congress continued the program.

Links: USA, Air Crash

International Red Cross

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Page 53: History of Air Crashes


1993 Apr 19

South Dakota Gov. George S. Mickelson (52) died in an Iowa plane crash.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Iowa, South Dakota

1993 May 19

A Boeing 727 of Columbian SAM regional airline crashed into a jungle mountain

near Medellin and killed all 132 on board.

Links: Colombia, Air Crash

1993 Jul 13

Race car driver Davey Allison died in Birmingham, Ala., of injuries suffered in a

helicopter crash.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Alabama

1993 Jul 26

A Boeing 737-500 crashed in South Korea and 68 people were killed.

Links: South Korea, Air Crash

1993 Dec 1

Eighteen people were killed when a Northwest Airlink commuter plane crashed in


Links: USA, Air Crash, Minnesota

1993 Dec

A U-2 pilot was killed on takeoff from Beale Air Force Base southeast of Oroville,

Calif., on a routine training mission.

Page 54: History of Air Crashes


Links: USA, California, Air Crash, Air Force

1994 Jan 3

A Russian Tupolev-154 airplane operated by Baikal Air, crashed near Mamony in

Siberia and killed all 124 people onboard and one person on the ground.

Links: Russia, Air Crash, Siberia

1994 Jan 28

Helicopter crashed into an office building in San Jose, Calif. 1 person was killed.

Links: California, Air Crash

1994 Mar 23

Twenty-three paratroopers were killed when a F-16 fighter jet and C-130 transport

collided while landing at Pope Air Force Base in North Carolina and the F-16

skidded into another transport on the ground.

Links: Air Crash, North Carolina

1994 Mar 23

A Russian Airbus A-310 crashed in Siberia and some 70 people were killed.

Links: Russia, Air Crash, Siberia


A text-based site.

1994 Apr 6

The presidents of Rwanda and Burundi were killed on a return trip from Tanzania

in a mysterious plane crash near Kigali, Rwanda; widespread violence erupted in

Rwanda over claims the plane had been shot down: Agatha Uwilingiyimana,

Page 55: History of Air Crashes


Rwanda’s and Africa’s 1st female PM, Cyprian Niayamira (Ntaryamira), president of

Burundi (1993-94) and Juvenal Habyarimana, president of Rwanda (1973) were killed

along with the French aircrew. In Rwanda the Interhamwe, an extremist

organization, and the Rwandan armed forces, FAR, launched a massacre of Tutsis

and sympathizers that killed some 800,000. [see Aug 1, 1997] A French report in

2004 concluded that Paul Kagame, Tutsi rebel leader, was behind the crash. In 2010

a Rwandan government-commissioned inquiry said Rwandan Hutu soldiers shot down

the Hutu president's plane and sparked the slaughter of more than 500,000 people.

In 2012 a French judge determined that the missile fire that brought down the plane

and sparked the Rwanda genocide came from a military camp, and not Tutsi rebels.

This finding supported the theory that Habyarimana was killed by extremist

members of his own ethnic Hutu camp.

Links: Burundi, Air Crash, Tanzania, Rwanda, Major Event

1994 Apr 26

A Taiwanese China Airlines A300-600 Airbus crashed at the south end of Nagoya

airport west of Tokyo and killed 264 people. There were 7 survivors.

Links: Japan, Taiwan, Air Crash

1994 Jun 6

A China Northwest Airlines Tu-154 on a flight from Xian to Guangzhou crashed 10

minutes after takeoff, and killed all 160 onboard.

Links: China, Air Crash

1994 Jun 10

Dhirendra Brahmachari (70), a spiritual leader and yoga instructor who became a

confidant of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, died today in a plane crash.

Brahmachari, aka known as the flying swami, was swept into obscurity amid

scandals over a personal arms factory and crooked aircraft deals.

Links: India, Air Crash

Page 56: History of Air Crashes


1994 Jul 2

A US Air DC-9 crashed in poor weather at Charlotte-Douglas International Airport

in North Carolina, killing 37 of the 57 people aboard.

Links: USA, Air Crash, North Carolina

International Red Cross

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1994 Jul 19

A bomb ripped apart a Panama commuter plane, killing 21, including 12 Jews, a

day after a car bomb destroyed a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires,

Argentina, killing 95 people.

Links: Panama, Air Crash, Jews

1994 Aug 21

An Air Morocco regional jet crashed and killed all 44 onboard. It was suspected

that the pilot steered the plane into the ground.

Links: Air Crash, Suicide, Morocco

1994 Sep 8

A US Air Boeing 737 from Chicago crashed near Pittsburgh Int’l. Airport and

killed all 132 people onboard. USAir Flight 427 crashed 6 minutes before it was

due to land. In 2002 Bill Adair authored "The Mystery of Flight 427."

Links: USA, Air Crash, Pennsylvania, Chicago

1994 Sep 12

A stolen, single-engine Cessna crashed into the South Lawn of the White House,

coming to rest against the executive mansion; the pilot, Frank Corder, was killed.

Page 57: History of Air Crashes


Links: USA, Air Crash, DC

1994 Oct 31

An American Eagle French-built ATR-72, en route from Indianapolis to Chicago,

crashed in Roselawn, Ind., and killed 68 people. In 1997 American Airlines and 7

other companies settled a suit filed by relatives for $110 million.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Indiana

1994 Dec 13

An American Eagle commuter plane carrying 20 people crashed short of Raleigh-

Durham International Airport in North Carolina, killing 15.

Links: USA, Air Crash, North Carolina

1994 Dec 29

In East Turkey a B737-400 flew into a mountain at Edremit and 55 people were


Links: Turkey, Air Crash


A California Air National Guard Learjet plowed into a Fresno, Calif., apartment

complex. The 2-member crew was killed and 18 were injured on the ground.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash


A collision between a jet fighter and a troop transport killed 24 soldiers at Pope

Air Force Base, NC.

Links: USA, Air Crash, North Carolina

Page 58: History of Air Crashes


1995 Jan 11

A 9-year-old girl survived a Colombian airliner crash that killed the other 52

people aboard near the Caribbean resort of Cartagena.

Links: Colombia, Air Crash


A text-based site.

1995 Feb 20

An American Marine, Sgt. Justin A. Harris, died in a helicopter crash during the

evacuation of United Nations forces from Somalia.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Somalia

1995 Feb

In Argentina Carlos Menem Jr. (27) was killed in a helicopter crash. It was later

reported that the copter was shot down. A number of witnesses and people involved

in the investigations were also killed. His mother, Zulema Yoma, later pressed for

an investigation and in 1997 staged a sit-in a police headquarters in Buenos Aires

to get a report released that indicated sniper fire in the crash.

Links: Argentina, Air Crash

1995 Apr 17

An Air Force jet exploded and crashed in a wooded area in eastern Alabama,

killing eight people, including an assistant Air Force secretary and a two-star


Links: USA, Air Crash, Alabama, Air Force

1995 Jun 18

Page 59: History of Air Crashes


A private plane carrying the Angolan soccer team crashed in Luanda, Angola,

killing 48 people.

Links: Angola, Air Crash

1995 Aug 9

A Boeing 737 belonging to Guatemala’s Aviateca airline hit the Chichontepec volcano

in El Salvador on a flight from Miami and killed all 65 on board.

Links: El Salvador, Guatemala, Air Crash, Florida

International Red Cross

Make a donation

1995 Aug 21

A commuter plane crashed near Carrollton, Georgia. Atlantic Southeast Airlines

Flight 529 enroute to Gulfport, Miss., crashed with 29 people aboard. 10 died. In

2001 Gary M. Pomerantz authored "Nine Minutes, Twenty Seconds: The Tragedy &

Triumph of ASA Flight 529."

Links: GeorgiaUS, Air Crash

1995 Sep 10

A plane carrying members of a skydivers club crashed in Shacklefords, Virginia,

killing ten parachutists, the plane’s pilot and a man on the ground.

Links: Air Crash, Virginia, Jumper

1995 Sep 22

An AWACS plane carrying US and Canadian military personnel crashed on takeoff

from Elmendorf Air Force Base near Anchorage, Alaska, killing all 24 people


Links: Canada, USA, Air Crash, Alaska

Page 60: History of Air Crashes


1995 Sep

A Fokker-50 operated by a Malaysian airline crashed on arrival at Tawau,

Malaysia airport, killing 34 people. The plane touched down 500 yards short of the

runway, pulled up and crashed into a shantytown.

Links: Malaysia, Air Crash

1995 Nov 8

An air force Fokker 27 crashed in central Argentina’s mountains and killed all 57

on board.

Links: Argentina, Air Crash

1995 Dec 18

A chartered Zairean plane crashed in northern Angola killing 139 [141] people. Five

people survived. The plane was a Lockheed Electra, an old plane with a capacity of

99. It was owned by Trans Service Airlift, a private company.

Links: Angola, Air Crash, CongoDRC

1995 Dec 20

An American Airlines Boeing 757, Flight 965 jet crashed in Columbia with 164

people on board. Four survivors were reported. It smashed into a mountain near

Cali enroute from Miami. It was later reported that pilots had entered an incorrect

code for the approach to Cali.

Links: Colombia, USA, Air Crash

1996 Jan 8

A Russian-made Antonov-32 skidded into a crowded marketplace shortly after take-

off in Kinshasa in Zaire and killed at least 350 people. The twin-turboprop was

Page 61: History of Air Crashes


owned by African Air and was overweight when it took off. At least 470 people

were injured.

Links: Russia, Air Crash, CongoDRC

1996 Jan 29

A Navy F-14 fighter jet crashed in Nashville, Tennessee, demolishing three houses

and killing five people.

Links: Air Crash, Tennessee

1996 Feb 4

Twenty-four people were killed when a Colombian cargo plane in Paraguay caught

fire shortly after takeoff and crashed into a suburban neighborhood.

Links: Colombia, Paraguay, Air Crash


A text-based site.

1996 Feb 6

A Turkish-owned Boeing 757 jetliner crashed into the Atlantic Ocean shortly after

takeoff from the Dominican Republic, killing 189 people, mostly German tourists. The

Boeing 737 crashed Feb 5 off the coast of Puerto Plata.

Links: Turkey, Germany, Air Crash, Dominican Rep.

1996 Feb 22

An F-14 crashed in the Persian Gulf. It was the 3rd this month and the 32nd since

1991. The navy says that record is not alarmingly high but ordered the entire fleet

grounded for 72 hours to check for any common threads.

Links: USA, Air Crash

Page 62: History of Air Crashes


1996 Feb 27

A Sudanese military plane crashed 25 miles south of Khartoum and killed 91 people

on board. The plane was a US made C-130.

Links: Air Crash, Sudan

1996 Feb 29

Mar 2, A Boeing 737 of the Peruvian domestic Fawcett airlines crashed in the

southern Andes and killed 123 people.

Links: Peru, Air Crash

1996 Apr 3

A US Air Force jetliner crashed near Dubrovnik, Croatia, and 35 people on board

were killed including Ron Brown, Sec. of Commerce. Brown had been leading a

delegation of business executives to the former Yugoslavia to explore business

opportunities that might help rebuild the war-torn region.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Croatia

International Red Cross

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1996 Apr 6

A sorrowful President Clinton was on hand at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware

to greet the arrival of 33 flag-draped caskets carrying the remains of Commerce

Secretary Ron Brown and other victims of a plane crash in Croatia.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Croatia, ClintonB

1996 Apr 11

Page 63: History of Air Crashes


Jessica Dubroff (7) was killed with her father and flight instructor when their

Cessna Cardinal 177B crashed during bad weather in Cheyenne, Wyoming. She was

attempting to become the youngest person to fly across the US.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Wyoming

1996 May 3

A Sudanese airliner on a domestic flight crashed in bad weather and killed all 50

[53] onboard. It was an Antonov 24 airplane and had tried to land outside of

Khartoum in an area cleared for a new airport because sand covered the runways

at Khartoum.

Links: Air Crash, Sudan

1996 May 10

Two US Marine helicopters collided and killed 14 servicemen in a piney swamp at

Camp LeJeune, N.C. during a U.S.-British training exercise. An AH-1 Cobra

attack helicopter collided with a CH-46 Sea Knight troop copter.

Links: USA, Air Crash, North Carolina

1996 May 10

A plane crashed and killed 16 people in the rugged mountains of northwestern

Mexico. The twin-turboprop De Haviland Twin Otter DHC-6 was flying from

Durango and crashed in Santa Maria de Otaes, a small mining town.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico

1996 May 11

A ValuJet DC-9 with 110 people onboard caught fire shortly after takeoff crashed

in the Florida Everglades shortly after takeoff from Miami Int’l. airport. In 1999

Florida brought murder charges against Sabre-Tech, a Miami repair facility, that

had loaded hazardous oxygen generators onto the plane. In 1999 SabreTech

Maintenance Co. was convicted for mishandling oxygen canisters that were blamed

Page 64: History of Air Crashes


for the crash. In 2000 a $11 million penalty was ordered against SabreTech. In

2001 8 0f 9 convictions against Sabre-Tech were overturned by a federal appeals


Links: USA, Air Crash, Florida

1996 May 12

Authorities in Florida called off the search for possible survivors from the crash of

ValuJet Flight 592, a day after the jetliner nose-dived into the Everglades with 110

people on board.

Links: Air Crash, Florida

1996 May 13

Recovery workers in the Florida Everglades retrieved the flight data recorder from

ValuJet Flight 592.

Links: Air Crash, Florida

1996 May 26

A police sergeant searching the murky waters where ValuJet Flight 592 crashed

into the Florida Everglades, killing all 110 people aboard, found the crucial cockpit

voice recorder.

Links: Air Crash, Florida

1996 Jun 13

An Indonesian DC-10 skidded of a runway at the Fukuoka airport in Japan and

burst into flames. 3 people were killed, but 270 others were able to flee the

burning jet.

Links: Japan, Indonesia, Air Crash

Page 65: History of Air Crashes


1996 Jun 18

Two Army transport helicopters collided and crashed during training exercises near

Fort Campbell, Ky., killing six and injuring 33.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Kentucky

1996 Jul 8

A 1975 JetRanger Bell Helicopter crashed in Salem, Ohio and killed all 5 people


Links: Air Crash, Ohio

1996 Jul 15

A Belgian plane, Lockheed C-130, crashed during landing in the Netherlands and

killed 32 people.

Links: Belgium, Netherlands, Air Crash

1996 Jul 17

TWA flight 800 crashed off of Long Island, N.Y., shortly after leaving John F.

Kennedy International Airport and 230 people died. It was a 25-year-old Paris-

bound Boeing 747 whose ious flight had been from Greece. Later reports of a

missile attack were tracked to a Navy P-3 Orion flying at 20,000 feet as opposed

to the altitude of the Boeing at 13,600 feet. In 1997 the FBI issued a report that

the disaster was caused by an explosion in the central fuel tank and was not the

result of sabotage.

Links: USA, Air Crash, New York

1996 Jul 18

Page 66: History of Air Crashes


Recovery efforts continued off Long Island, N.Y., for the bodies of the 230 people

who died in the fiery crash of TWA Flight 800; President Clinton urged Americans

not to immediately assume the crash was the work of terrorists.

Links: USA, Air Crash, New York, ClintonB

International Red Cross

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1996 Jul 20

In his weekly radio address, President Clinton paid tribute to America's Olympic

athletes at the just-opened Atlanta games, as well as 16 high school students from

Montoursville, Pa., who died in the crash of TWA Flight 800.

Links: GeorgiaUS, USA, Air Crash, Pennsylvania, ClintonB

1996 Jul 21

Dozens of memorial services were held across the country to remember the 230

people killed in the crash of TWA Flight 800.

Links: USA, Air Crash

1996 Jul 22

Friends and families gathered on a Long Island, N.Y., beach for a tearful memorial

service dedicated to the 230 victims of the crash of TWA Flight 800.

Links: USA, Air Crash, New York

1996 Jul 25

Divers searching the wreckage of TWA Flight 800 off Long Island, N.Y., recovered

the flight data and cockpit voice recorders.

Links: Air Crash, New York

Page 67: History of Air Crashes


1996 Aug 3

In Denmark a Gulfstream jet crashed and killed Copenhagen’s top military officer

and 8 others as it approached a Faroe Islands airstrip.

Links: Air Crash, Denmark

1996 Aug 19

A Russian Ilyushin-76 carrying rescue flares and car wheels destined for Libya

crashed at Belgrade’s airport and killed all 12 aboard.

Links: Serbia, Libya, Air Crash

1996 Aug 29

A Russian Tupelov 154 plane with 141 passengers crashed on a desolate arctic

island 6 miles from Spitsbergen where they were returning to jobs in a Russian-

run coal mine.

Links: Arctic, Russia, Air Crash

1996 Sep 14

There was a rumor published that was gleaned from the Internet that "friendly fire"

caused the crash of TWA Flight 800.

Links: Air Crash, Aviation, Internet

1996 Sep 25

In the Netherlands a DC-3 aircraft went into the North Sea near Den Helder and

killed all 32 people on board.

Links: Netherlands, Air Crash

1996 Oct 2

Page 68: History of Air Crashes


The AeroPeru flight 603, a Boeing 757, crashed shortly after takeoff into the

Pacific and all 61 passengers and nine crew members were killed. The pilot claimed

loss of navigational equipment just before the crash. It was later reported that a

maintenance worker failed to remove tape from sensors after polishing the aircraft.

A judge ordered Aeroperu and the worker to pay $29 million to families of the 70


Links: Peru, Air Crash


A text-based site.

1996 Oct 8

A Russian Antonov 124 cargo plane crashed in San Francisco al Campo in

northwestern Italy. At least 2 crew members and 2 villagers were killed.

Links: Italy, Russia, Air Crash

1996 Oct 22

In Quito, Ecuador, thirty-four people were killed when a flaming Boeing 707 cargo

jet plane sliced through dozens of homes minutes after takeoff from Ecuador's Manta

airport. It struck the bell tower of the La Dolorosa Church and burst into flames

[and 25 people were killed].

Links: Ecuador, Air Crash

1996 Oct 31

In Brazil a Dutch-made Fokker-100, TAM Regional Airlines Flight 402, crashed

after take-off from Sao Paulo into the streets of Vila Santa Catarina. All 96

people on board and three on the ground were killed.

Links: Brazil, Air Crash

1996 Nov 1

Page 69: History of Air Crashes


In Guatemala a Brazilian-made turboprop crashed near Flores in Peten province and

14 people enroute to the Mayan site of Tikal were killed.

Links: Guatemala, Air Crash

1996 Nov 7

In Nigeria Flight 086, a Boeing 727 belonging to the Aviation Development Corp.,

crashed near Epe east of Lagos and 141 [142] people died.

Links: Air Crash, Nigeria

International Red Cross

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1996 Nov 12

Near New Delhi, India, a Saudi Arabian Boeing 747 with 312 passengers crashed

into a Kazak Airlines Ilyushin Il-76 with 39 people in midair. It marked the worst

midair collision in aviation history and the 3rd deadliest air crash. Investigators

later claimed the Ilyushin II-76 failed to maintain its assigned altitude. All 349

passengers and crew were killed.

Links: Kazakhstan, India, Air Crash, Saudi Arabia

1996 Nov 19

Fourteen people were killed when a commuter plane collided with a private plane at

Baldwin Municipal Airport in Quincy, Ill.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Illinois

1996 Nov 23

An Ethiopian Boeing 767 airliner crashed into the Indian ocean near Grand Comore

Island. It had been hijacked after takeoff from Addis Ababa and ran out of fuel

under hijacker demands to fly to Australia. Some 54 of 175 people were saved. The

plane was destined for the Ivory Coast with stops along the way.

Page 70: History of Air Crashes


Links: Ethiopia, Air Crash, Comoros, Hijacking

1996 Nov 27

A Russian military cargo plane, an Ilyushin-76, crashed in central Siberia and 23

were killed.

Links: Russia, Air Crash, Siberia

1996 Dec 17

In Russia an AN-12 military transport crashed and killed all 17 people onboard

shortly after takeoff from St. Petersburg. Colonel General Sergei Seleznyov,

commander of the Leningrad military district, was among the dead.

Links: Russia, Air Crash

1996 Dec 24

In India a British made Avro Air Force plane crashed in Andhra Pradesh and

killed all 22 onboard.

Links: India, Air Crash

1997 Jan 9

A Comair Brazilian made Embraer 120 commuter plane crashed 18 miles southwest

of Detroit and killed all 29 onboard. Icing was blamed for the crash.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Michigan

1997 Feb 1

An Air Senegal plane crashed and at least 23 people died after liftoff from a

wildlife refuge at Tambacounda.

Links: Senegal, Air Crash

Page 71: History of Air Crashes


1997 Feb 4

Two Israeli helicopters collided at the Shaar Yeshuv kibbutz and 73 soldiers were


Links: Air Crash, Israel

1997 Mar 14

In northeastern Iran a C-130 military cargo plane crashed near Mashad and all 86

people aboard were believed killed.

Links: Iran, Air Crash


A text-based site.

1997 Mar 17

In southern Russia a Stavropol Airlines AN-24 airplane crashed and all 50 aboard

were presumed dead.

Links: Russia, Air Crash

1997 Apr 2

An Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt jet with four 500- pound bombs was lost over the

Colorado Rockies. It was piloted by Capt. Craig Button (32). Wreckage of the plane

was found Apr 20 on the sheer face of New York Mountain [Gold Dust Peak], 15

miles from Vail. It was later suspected that he committed suicide due to a possible

revelation of homosexuality. A 1998 official report cited unrequited love for a

former girlfriend and his mother's Christian pacifist faith.

Links: Air Crash, Colorado, Air Force

1997 Apr 15

Page 72: History of Air Crashes


Craig Tate (51), chief technical officer for Colgate-Palmolive, was killed in a

helicopter crash in New York’s East River.

Links: Air Crash, NYC

1997 Jul 8

A US Army Black Hawk helicopter crashed at Fort Bragg, NC, and killed 8


Links: Air Crash, North Carolina

1997 Jul 11

A Cuban An-24 passenger plane with 44 people plunged into the sea after take-off

from Santiago de Cuba enroute to Havana.

Links: Air Crash, Cuba

International Red Cross

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1997 Jul 26

In Belgium at the Ostend Air Show a Jordanian aerobatics airplane crashed and

killed 9 people.

Links: Belgium, Air Crash, Jordan

1997 Aug 6

Korean Air Flight 801 from Seoul, a Boeing 747-300 jumbo jet, crashed into a

hillside a short distance from Guam’s Agana International Airport killing 228 with

26 survivors. A programming glitch in the ground radar system was later identified

as a contributing factor but not the cause.

Links: South Korea, Air Crash, Guam

Page 73: History of Air Crashes


1997 Aug 7

A DC-8 cargo plane crashed on take-off at Miami Int’l. Airport. Four people were

killed on the denim filled 29-year-old plane bound for the Dominican Republic.

Links: Air Crash, Florida

1997 Aug 10

In Taiwan a 19-seat Formosa Airlines Dornier 228 crashed on the island of Matsu

and killed all 16 onboard.

Links: Taiwan, Air Crash

1997 Aug 21

In Afghanistan leaders of the alliance fighting the Taliban army were killed in an

air crash aboard an Antonov 32 about 90 miles NW of Kabul.

Links: Air Crash, Afghan

1997 Aug 31

In Peru 2 small planes collided at the Nazca archeological site and 12 people were


Links: Peru, Air Crash

1997 Sep 3

In Cambodia a Vietnam Airlines, Tupelov 134, Soviet jet crashed on approach to

Phnom Penh airport and killed 65 people. One child, 1-year-old Chanayuth Nim-

Anong, survived. A 2nd child about 4 also survived.

Links: Vietnam, Cambodia, Air Crash

1997 Sep 12

Page 74: History of Air Crashes


In southeast Congo a plane crashed enroute to a religious meeting. All 20 aboard

were killed.

Links: Air Crash, CongoDRC

1997 Sep 13

A German military transport, a Soviet-made Tupelov-154 jet, was reported crashed

with 24 people off the coast of Angola. A midair collision with a USAF C-141

Starlifter cargo plane from Namibia was reported and the total dead reached 32.

Poor communications and faulty regional traffic control were cited as the cause. On

Mar 31, 1988 the German government reported that the German crew was at fault

for flying in airspace reserved for westbound traffic.

Links: Angola, Germany, Air Crash, Namibia

1997 Sep 14

An Air Force F-117A Stealth fighter broke apart in midair at a Baltimore County

air show. The pilot ejected safely but about a dozen people on the ground were

slightly injured.

Links: Air Crash, Maryland, Air Force


A text-based site.

1997 Sep 15

A Marine F/Aa-18 Hornet fighter jet crashed in North Carolina’s Pamlico sound

and its 2 pilots were killed.

Links: USA, Air Crash, North Carolina

1997 Sep 15

In Oman a US Navy F/A-18 crashed and the pilot was killed.

Page 75: History of Air Crashes


Links: USA, Air Crash, Oman

1997 Sep 16

Two Air national Guard F-16 fighters collided off Atlantic City, N.J. All the crew

members survived.

Links: USA, Air Crash, New Jersey

1997 Sep 26

An Indonesian Garuda Air A-300 crashed while approaching Medan Airport in

north Sumatra and all 234 passengers were killed. Low visibility from the areas

fires were thought to have contributed the tragedy.

Links: Indonesia, Air Crash

1997 Oct 2

A Navy F-14 Tomcat fighter jet crashed off the coast of N. Carolina. One crew

member was rescued but the pilot was still missing.

Links: USA, Air Crash, North Carolina

International Red Cross

Make a donation

1997 Oct 2

In Azerbaijan a helicopter with 20 passengers crashed near an offshore oil platform

and no survivors were found.

Links: Azerbaijan, Air Crash

1997 Oct 8

Page 76: History of Air Crashes


A single-engine Cessna-208 was lost in Colorado with 8 employees of the federal

Bureau of Reclamation. The plane was found in the Uncompahgre Plateau and all

nine passengers were killed.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Colorado

1997 Oct 10

An Argentine DC-9 with 75 people crashed in Uruguay. All 74 were killed when

the plane crashed during a torrential rainstorm.

Links: Argentina, Air Crash, Uruguay

1997 Oct 11

Authorities reported no survivors from the overnight crash of an Argentine jetliner

in Uruguay, which killed all 74 people on board.

Links: Argentina, Air Crash, Uruguay

1997 Oct 12

John Denver (53), singer and songwriter, died after his Long-EZ aircraft crashed

into the ocean near Monterey, Ca. He was born as Henry John Deutschendorf Jr.

and came to prominence as a member of the Chad Mitchell Trio. He wrote the song

"Leavin’ on a Jet Plane," that became a hit for Peter, Paul and Mary.

Links: California, Air Crash, Pop&Rock

1997 Oct 22

Two US Air Force jets collided over Edwards Air Force Base in Ca. and two men

in one of the planes, a T-38 trainer, were killed. The other jet, an F-16, managed

to land safely. It was later determined that one pilot had attempted to avoid hitting


Links: China, Air Crash, Labor, Air Force

Page 77: History of Air Crashes


1997 Nov 9

In Alaska a family of 7 and the pilot of a commuter plane died in a crash in


Links: Air Crash, Alaska

1997 Nov 18

The FBI officially pulled out of the probe into the TWA Flight 800 disaster, saying

the explosion that destroyed the Boeing 747, killing all 230 people aboard, was not

caused by a criminal act.

Links: Air Crash, FBI

1997 Dec 6

At least 69 people were killed when a Russian Antonov-124 military jet cargo plane

crashed in the Siberian city of Irkutsk seconds after takeoff.

Links: Russia, Air Crash, Siberia

1997 Dec 8

Federal hearings opened in Baltimore into the TWA Flight 800 disaster that had

claimed 230 lives.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Aviation

1997 Dec 15

In the UAR a Russian Tu-154 charter flight from Tajikistan crashed 9 miles from

Sharjah and 85 people were killed.

Links: UAR, Tajikistan, Air Crash

Page 78: History of Air Crashes


1997 Dec 17

A Ukrainian jetliner from Odessa, a Yakoviev 42, was missing as it approached the

Greek city of Salonica with 70-71 people onboard. The wreckage was located near

Fotina, Greece, on Dec 20, as a Greek military plane, searching for the wreckage,

crashed north of Athens. All five people aboard the C-130 transport plane were


Links: Ukraine, Air Crash, Greece

1997 Dec 19

In Indonesia a Singapore SilkAir operated Boeing 737-300 jet crashed by the Musi

River north of Palembang on its flight from Jakarta to Singapore. All 104 people

on board were feared dead. The 10-month-old plane was later found to have some

fasteners missing. Capt. Tsu Way Ming was later suspected of having committed

suicide due to investment losses.

Links: Indonesia, Air Crash, Suicide

1997 Dec 22

A small plane crashed near Hampshire, Ill., and 4 people were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Illinois

1998 Jan 13

An Afghan Russian-made cargo plane crashed in southwestern Pakistan with as

many as 90 Taliban militia and all were killed.

Links: Pakistan, Air Crash, Afghan

International Red Cross

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1998 Feb 2

Page 79: History of Air Crashes


In the Philippines a Cebu Pacific Air DC-9 crashed on Mount Sumagaya as it

approached for landing at Cagayan de Oro. 104 people were onboard. Rescuers

reached the wreckage the day but found no survivors.

Links: Philippines, Air Crash

1998 Feb 3

In Savannah, Tenn., a helicopter used to install power lines struck a worker on a

utility pole and crashed. Three people were killed and 2 injured.

Links: Air Crash, Tennessee

1998 Feb 6

Two US warplanes collided in the Persian Gulf and one of the pilots was killed.

Links: USA, Air Crash

1998 Feb 16

In Taiwan a China Airlines Airbus A300-600R crashed at Chiang Kai-shek airport

while trying to land in fog. 196 people on board were killed plus 7 on the ground.

The passengers included the governor of Taiwan’s Central Bank and other financial


Links: China, Taiwan, Air Crash

1998 Feb 18

A military helicopter crashed in central California during a training mission and 4

people were killed.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

1998 Mar 19

Two small planes collided over Riverside Ct. in California and 3 people were killed.

Page 80: History of Air Crashes


Links: California, Air Crash

1998 Mar 19

In Afghanistan a Boeing 727 operated by Ariana state airline crashed 12 miles

south of Kabul and killed all 22 people on board.

Links: Air Crash, Afghan

1998 Mar 23

In California a LA Fire Dept. helicopter crashed while transporting an injured 12-

year-old girl to a hospital. The girl and 3 others were killed.

Links: California, Air Crash, Tragedy

1998 Mar 29

In Peru an air force plane evacuating people stranded by flooding crashed in Piura.

Twenty-two people were killed when a Russian-made Antonov military plane crashed

into a Peruvian shantytown outside the northern city of Piura.

Links: Peru, Air Crash

1998 Apr 19

A small plane crashed on the west side of Detroit. It was reported to have

contained cash and marijuana that neighbors quickly picked up. The pilot was

believed to be Douglas C. Dufresne (66) of Florida.

Links: Air Crash, Florida, Michigan


A text-based site.

1998 Apr 20

Page 81: History of Air Crashes


In Colombia a Boeing 727 leased to Air France crashed after takeoff from Bogota

and all 53 people aboard were killed.

Links: Colombia, Air Crash

1998 May 6

In Peru a Boeing 737, chartered by Occidental Petroleum from the Peruvian air

force, crashed in the Amazon jungle. At least 13 of 87 people survived the crash.

Links: Peru, Air Crash

1998 May 27

In Mongolia a Yu-12 plane crash killed all 28 on board.

Links: Mongolia, Air Crash

1998 Jun 25

On Kauai, Ha., a helicopter crash killed at least 5 of 6 people on Mount Waialeale.

Links: Air Crash, Hawaii

1998 Jun 26

In the Ivory Coast Alioune Blondin Beye, a diplomat from Mali, crashed in a small

plane near Abidjan. He had just met with Togo Pres. Gnassigbe Eyadema to

support peace talks in Angola. Three other passengers were Koffi Adjovi of Togo,

journalist Moktar Gueye of Senegal, and Baendegar Dessandre of Chad.

Links: Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal, Togo, Chad, Air Crash

International Red Cross

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1998 Jul 17

Page 82: History of Air Crashes


In Eritrea a Ukrainian IL-78 transport plane crashed near Asmara and killed 9


Links: Air Crash, Eritrea

1998 Jul 30

In France a Proteus Airlines Beechcraft collided with a Cessna off the west coast

and 15 people were killed.

Links: France, Air Crash

1998 Aug 29

In Quito, Ecuador, a Cuban plane with 90 people onboard crashed. 79 people were

killed including 5 children playing on the ground. At least 8 people survived the

crash of the Russian-made Tupelov-154.

Links: Ecuador, Air Crash, Cuba

1998 Sep 2

A Swissair MD-11 jetliner crashed off Nova Scotia with 229 people aboard and all

were feared dead. The New York to Geneva flight had 136 Americans on board.

Links: Canada, USA, Air Crash

1998 Sep 4

In Nevada two Air Force helicopters crashed during training and all 12 people

aboard were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Nevada

1998 Sep 6

Page 83: History of Air Crashes


Divers working off Nova Scotia found the flight data recorder from Swissair Flight

111, which had crashed Sep 2, killing all 229 people on board. However, it turned

out the recorder had stopped working several minutes before the crash.

Links: Canada, Air Crash

1998 Sep 10

In Kazakhstan a rocket, carrying 12 Globalstar satellites valued at $180 million,

crashed shortly after takeoff.

Links: Kazakhstan, Air Crash, Telecom

1998 Sep 11

Divers off Nova Scotia recovered the cockpit voice recorder from Swissair Flight

111, which had crashed Sept. 2, with 229 people aboard. The data recorder was

found Sep 6.

Links: Canada, Air Crash

1998 Sep 25

In Morocco a chartered Spanish airliner crashed and killed all 38 people onboard.

Links: Spain, Air Crash, Morocco

1998 Sep 29

In Sri Lanka a commercial plane carrying 55 people disappeared off the coast after

leaving the Jaffna peninsula. The Ukrainian-built Antonov-24 was bound for

Colombo. The government said 700 soldiers and rebels had died in a 3-day battle in

the north. Later reports put the death toll to 1300.

Links: Air Crash, Sri Lanka


Page 84: History of Air Crashes


A text-based site.

1998 Sep

In Burma Air Myanmar F-27 with 39 people crashed near Tachilek in Shan state.

Shan tribesmen looted the wreckage. 5 adult male survivors were tortured and an

air hostess was raped for days. A surviving baby was left to die. 30 villagers

were arrested.

Links: Burma, Myanmar, Air Crash

1998 Nov 1

In Guatemala 10 Americans were killed when their C-47 cargo plane crashed while

on a mission to distribute medicines and medical care.

Links: Guatemala, USA, Air Crash

1998 Nov 8

Four Navy fliers were lost at sea and presumed dead after their EA-6B Prowler

struck an S-3 Viking aircraft on the carrier Enterprise during nighttime landing

practice off of Virginia. 2 crewmen landed safely on the deck.

Links: USA, Air Crash

1998 Dec 11

A Thai Airways Airbus A310-200 jet crashed near the airport at Surat Thani. 45

people survived and 101 died.

Links: Thailand, Air Crash

1998 Dec 26

In Angola a transport plane with 14 people aboard crashed near Vila Nova, an

area of continued fighting. 8 of the passengers were members of a UN Observer

Page 85: History of Air Crashes


Mission. UNITA rebels reportedly held some of the survivors. A rescue team

reached the site Jan 8 and there were no survivors.

Links: Angola, UN, Air Crash

International Red Cross

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1999 Jan 2

In Angola rebel forces shot down a UN plane with 8 people shortly after takeoff

from Huambo. The plane was later found with bullets in the tail section and the

flight recorders removed.

Links: Angola, Air Crash

1999 Jan 13

A KC-135 refueling tanker crashed while landing near Geilenkirchen, Germany, and

4 US airmen were killed. They were attached to an Air national Guard unit based

in Spokane.

Links: Germany, Air Crash

1999 Feb 2

In Angola a chartered Antonov crashed in a Luanda residential area and 28 people

were killed.

Links: Angola, Air Crash

1999 Feb 8

A French helicopter crashed in Antarctica and 3 people were killed.

Links: France, Air Crash, Antarctica

Page 86: History of Air Crashes


1999 Feb 10

In South Africa a helicopter crashed on the roof of an office building in Cape Town

and all 4 people aboard were killed.

Links: Air Crash, South Africa

1999 Feb 24

A China Southwest Airlines jet crashed near Ruian and all 61 people onboard were

killed. The jet was a Russian-made Tupelov-154.

Links: China, Air Crash

1999 Mar 7

An Antonov 32 Indian air force plane crashed near New Delhi airport killing all 18

onboard and 3 people on the ground.

Links: India, Air Crash

1999 Mar 15

In Haiti a UN helicopter crashed in the mountains and 13 people were killed. They

included 6 Argentines, 6 Russians and 1 American.

Links: Argentina, Haiti, Russia, USA, UN, Air Crash

1999 Apr 3

A small plane crashed in a snowstorm San Diego County and 4 people on board

were killed.

Links: California, Air Crash

1999 Apr 15

Page 87: History of Air Crashes


A South Korean Air cargo MD-11 crashed after takeoff from Shanghai and at least

5 people were killed. Explosives were suspect in the crash.

Links: South Korea, Air Crash


A text-based site.

1999 Apr 22

In Kentucky an Army Black Hawk helicopter crashed during training at Fort

Campbell and 7 people were killed and 4 injured.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Kentucky

1999 May 5

Two US crew members were killed when an Apache helicopter crashed in Albania

during training. Chief Warrant Officer David A. Gibbs (38), of Massillon, Ohio, and

Chief Warrant Officer Kevin L. Reichert (28), of Chetek, Wis., crashed in a

mountainous region 50 miles from Task Force Hawk base.

Links: Albania, USA, Air Crash, Ohio, Wisconsin

1999 Jun 1

In Little Rock, Ark., 9 people died when an American Airlines MD-82 jet carrying

145 people crashed into a light tower on landing in stormy weather. The toll

climbed to 11 after 2 initial survivors died.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Arkansas

1999 Jul 16

John F. Kennedy Jr. (38), his wife Carolyn Bessette Kennedy and sister, Lauren

Bessette, were killed when the Piper Saratoga, which he piloted crashed into the

Atlantic Ocean near Martha's Vineyard, Mass.

Page 88: History of Air Crashes


Links: USA, Air Crash, Massachusetts, Tragedy

1999 Jul 21

Navy divers found the bodies of John F. Kennedy Junior, his wife, Carolyn, and

sister-in-law, Lauren Bessette, in the wreckage of Kennedy’s plane in the Atlantic

Ocean off Martha’s Vineyard.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Massachusetts

International Red Cross

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1999 Jul 23

In Colombia a US anti-narcotics reconnaissance airplane crashed with 5 US Army

personnel and 2 Colombians.

Links: Colombia, USA, Air Crash

1999 Jul 31

In Cottrellville Township, Mich., 10 people died from a skydiving plane crash shortly

after takeoff from Marine City Airport, 40 miles north of Detroit.

Links: Air Crash, Michigan

1999 Aug 10

An Indian jet shot down a Pakistani naval reconnaissance plane over the disputed

Sir Creek area. All 16 people in the plane were killed.

Links: India, Pakistan, Air Crash

1999 Aug 22

Page 89: History of Air Crashes


In Hong Kong a China Airlines plane with over 300 passengers overturned while

landing under high winds from Typhoon [Tropical Storm] Sam. 3 people were killed

and 211 injured of the 313 survivors.

Links: China, Hong Kong, Air Crash, WeatherAsia

1999 Aug 31

In Argentina 72 people were killed, including 5 on the ground, when a Lapa

Airlines Boeing 737 crashed after takeoff from Jorge Newberry airport in Buenos

Aires. There were 26 survivors.

Links: Argentina, Air Crash

1999 Sep 1

In Tanzania a charter plane carrying 10 American tourists from Serengeti National

Park crashed on Mount Meru. 12 people were confirmed dead.

Links: Air Crash, Tanzania

1999 Sep 25

In Hawaii a sightseeing plane crashed on the Mauna Loa Volcano. All ten people

onboard were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Hawaii

1999 Oct 25

Payne Stewart (42), a professional golfer, was killed with 2 agents and 2 pilots

when their Lear Jet crashed near Mina, South Dakota. The plane had flown for

hours on autopilot before it crashed.

Links: Air Crash, South Dakota, Golf

1999 Oct 28

Page 90: History of Air Crashes


Two Navy Blue Angel aviators, Kieron O'Connor (35) and Kevin Colling (32), were

killed when their F/A-18 Hornet crashed during a training flight near Moody Air

Force Base in Georgia. 23 pilots have died at shows or training since the group

was formed in 1946.

Links: GeorgiaUS, USA, Air Crash

1999 Oct 31

An EgyptAir jetliner, Flight 990, enroute from New York to Cairo crashed off

Nantucket Island and all 217 people aboard were killed. Captains Ahmed al-Habashy

and Raouf Noureldin were at the controls. Relief pilot Gamil al-Batouti (59), the

father of five, was suspected to have caused the crash. In 2002 the National

Transportation Safety Board reported that el-Batouty was solely responsible for the


Links: Air Crash, Egypt, Massachusetts

1999 Nov 1

Coast Guard crews searching for clues in the crash of EgyptAir Flight 990, which

claimed 217 lives, found the first large piece of wreckage off the New England


Links: Air Crash

1999 Nov 7

Relatives of the victims of EgyptAir Flight 990 gathered in Newport, Rhode Island,

to bid them a wrenching farewell, a week after the plane crashed into the Atlantic


Links: Air Crash, Rhode Island

1999 Nov 9

Page 91: History of Air Crashes


The flight data recorder from EgyptAir Flight 990 was recovered from the Atlantic

Ocean and shipped to a National Transportation Safety Board laboratory in


Links: USA, Air Crash

1999 Nov 9

In Mexico a TAESA DC-9 jet exploded in flight near Uruapan and all 18 people

onboard were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico

1999 Nov 10

Investigators said the flight data recorder from EgyptAir Flight 990 showed things

were normal until the autopilot mysteriously disconnected and the Boeing 767 began

what appeared to be a controlled descent.

Links: Air Crash

International Red Cross

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1999 Nov 12

In Serbia a World Food Program flight from Rome crashed in northern Kosovo and

all 24 aboard were killed. The plane was a propeller-driven ATR-42.

Links: Serbia, Air Crash, Kosovo

1999 Nov 13

The Navy recovered the cockpit voice recorder from EgyptAir Flight 990, which

crashed into the Atlantic Ocean October 31st with the loss of all 217 people aboard.

Links: Air Crash

Page 92: History of Air Crashes


1999 Nov 17

Officials close to the investigation into the crash of EgyptAir Flight 990 said a

relief co-pilot alone in the cockpit had said, in Arabic: "I made my decision now; I

put my faith in God’s hands" just before the jetliner began its fatal plunge. In

Egypt, relatives angrily rejected any notion that relief co-pilot Gameel el-Batouty

had deliberately crashed the plane.

Links: Air Crash, Egypt

1999 Nov 22

In Japan a T-33 jet crashed and killed 2 crewmen. The crash severed a 275,000-

volt power line and some 800,000 homes lost power in the Tokyo area.

Links: Japan, Air Crash

1999 Nov 26

In New Jersey a small plane crashed in Newark. Pilot Itzhak Jacoby (56), his wife

Gail and daughter Atira (13) were killed. 22 people were injured on the ground.

Links: Air Crash, New Jersey

1999 Dec 6

SabreTech, an aircraft maintenance company, was convicted of mishandling the

oxygen canisters blamed for the cargo hold fire that caused the 1996 ValuJet crash

in the Everglades that killed 110 people. Eight of the nine counts were later thrown

out on appeal.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Florida

1999 Dec 9

Seven Marines were killed after a CH-46 Sea Knight helicopter crashed while

ferrying troops between ships 14 miles off Point Loma, Ca.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

Page 93: History of Air Crashes


1999 Dec 9

In Missouri a twin-engine Cessna crashed near Branson and all 6 people aboard

were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Missouri

1999 Dec 10

In Kuwait a US airmen was instantly killed when an Air Force C-130 transport

landed short of the runway at Al Jaber Air Base. The plane regained altitude,

dumped fuel and made an emergency belly landing following which 2 more airmen

were killed. The pilot was charged with involuntary manslaughter for killing three

servicemen by crashing the plane.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Kuwait

1999 Dec 11

In the Azores a SATA airline ATP turboprop crashed on Sao Jorge island and all

35 people aboard were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Azores


A text-based site.

1999 Dec 21

In Guatemala City a Cubana de Aviacion DC-10 skidded and crashed on landing. At

least 26 people were killed.

Links: Guatemala, Air Crash

1999 Dec 22

Page 94: History of Air Crashes


In Britain a Korean Air 747 cargo plane crashed near London and all 4 people

aboard were killed.

Links: Britain, South Korea, Air Crash

1999 Dec 22

In Venezuela 2 helicopters crashed on aid missions and at least 4 people were


Links: Venezuela, Air Crash

1999 Dec 25

A Cuban airplane, Russian-made YAK-42, crashed just before landing in the

northern Venezuelan state of Carabobo and all 22 people onboard were killed.

Links: Venezuela, Air Crash, Cuba


Helios Airways was founded as Cyprus' first private airline. By 2005 it operated a

fleet of Boeing 737 jets to cities including London; Athens; Sofia, Bulgaria; Dublin,

Ireland; and Strasbourg, France.

Links: Cyprus, Air Crash

International Red Cross

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2000 Jan 10

In Switzerland a Crossair Saab-340 airplane crashed after takeoff from Zurich and

all 10 people aboard were killed.

Links: Switzerland, Air Crash

Page 95: History of Air Crashes


2000 Jan 13

A Swiss Shorts 300-360 airplane carrying Libyan oil workers to a refinery at

Marsa el-Brega crashed off the Libya coast and at least 15 of 41 people were


Links: Switzerland, Libya, Air Crash

2000 Jan 15

In San Jose, Costa Rica, a Czech-built Let 410 Taxi Aereo Centroamericano flight

crashed and 4 people were killed with 17 injured.

Links: Costa Rica, Air Crash

2000 Jan 30

A Kenyan Airbus 310 crashed into the sea after takeoff from Abidjan, Ivory Coast.

Kenya Airways Flight 431 carried 179 people. 10 survivors were pulled from the


Links: Ivory Coast, Air Crash, Kenya

2000 Jan 31

Alaska Airlines Flight 261, an MD-83 jet with 88 people bound for Seattle from

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, crashed about 2.7 miles north of Anacapa Island, Ca.

There were no survivors. A stop had been scheduled in SF.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash, Alaska, Washington

2000 Feb 2

Searchers recovered the cockpit voice recorder from the wreckage of Alaska

Airlines Flight 261 in the Pacific Ocean, off the California coast.

Links: California, Air Crash, Alaska

Page 96: History of Air Crashes


2000 Feb 3

The flight data recorder from Alaska Airlines Flight 261 was recovered from the

Pacific Ocean off California.

Links: California, Air Crash

2000 Feb 8

In Zion, Ill., 2 small planes collided and 3 people were killed including Bob Collins,

a popular Chicago radio host for WGN-AM. One of the planes crashed into the roof

of the Midwestern Regional Medical Center.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Illinois, Chicago

2000 Feb 10

The Federal Aviation Administration ordered inspections of MD-80, MD-90, DC-9

and 717 series jetliners after two Alaska Airlines planes were found to have

equipment damage similar to that on Alaska Airlines Flight 261, which crashed off

the California coast January 31st, killing all 88 people on board.

Links: California, Air Crash, Aviation

2000 Feb 16

In California an Emory Worldwide DC-8 crashed after lifting off from Mather Air-

port near Sacramento and all 3 crew members were killed. A disconnected part in

the control system was later blamed for the crash.

Links: California, Air Crash


A text-based site.

2000 Mar 9

Page 97: History of Air Crashes


In Moscow A Yak-40 aircraft crashed on takeoff from Sheremetyevo Airport and all

9 people aboard were killed. Among the dead were journalist Artyom Borovik and

oil executive Ziya Bazhayev.

Links: Russia, Air Crash

2000 Mar 10

In Texas a medical helicopter crashed and its 3-person crew were killed along with

a 4-month-old baby near Dalhart. West of Longview on I-20 a 5 vehicle crash in

heavy rain left at least 2 people dead.

Links: Air Crash, Texas

2000 Mar 30

In Sri Lanka an air force plane leased from a Ukrainian company crashed and 36

military personnel were killed along with 4 Russian crew members.

Links: Air Crash, Sri Lanka

2000 Apr 8

A Marine Corps aircraft, MV-22 tilt-rotor Osprey, with at least 18 people aboard

crashed at the Avra Valley Airport near Tucson. All 19 Marines onboard were

killed in the crash.

Links: Air Crash, Arizona

2000 Apr 19

In southern Congo 6 Rwandan army officers and 4 Russian crew members were

killed when their Antonov-8 aircraft crashed on takeoff at Pepa.

Links: Russia, Air Crash, Rwanda, CongoDRC

International Red Cross

Page 98: History of Air Crashes


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2000 Apr 19

An Air Philippines Boeing 737-200 jet crashed and all 131 people aboard were

killed on Samal Island following an attempted landing at Davao City. It was the

worst air crash in Philippine history.

Links: Philippines, Air Crash

2000 May 3

The trial of two alleged Libyan intelligence agents accused of blowing Pan Am

Flight 103 out of the sky over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988 opened in the

Netherlands. In January 2001, one of the defendants, Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi,

was convicted of murder; the other defendant, Lamen Khalifa Fhimah, was acquitted.

Links: Libya, Netherlands, Air Crash, Scotland

2000 May 21

In Pennsylvania a commuter plane, returning from Atlantic City, NJ, crashed in the

Pocono Mountains near Wilkes-Barre and all 19 people aboard were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Pennsylvania

2000 Jun 18

A US F-14 Tomcat fighter jet crashed during an air show at Willow Grove, Pa.

Two naval aviators were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Pennsylvania

2000 Jun 22

In China an overloaded ship capsized on the Yangtze River in Sichuan province and

59 people were either killed or missing. Separately a Yunshuji-7 turboprop was

Page 99: History of Air Crashes


struck by lightning in Hubei province and all 42 people aboard were killed. 4 people

were missing.

Links: China, Air Crash

2000 Jul 16

Families and friends of the victims of the TWA Flight 800 explosion broke ground

for a new memorial on the Long Island shore not far from where the plane went

down in 1996, killing all 230 people on board.

Links: Air Crash, New York

2000 Jul 17

In India an Alliance Air Boeing 737 jet with 58 people caught fire and crashed

into two homes just before landing at Patna airport. 7 people survived and another

4 were killed on the ground. A total of 56 people were killed on board and on the


Links: India, Air Crash

2000 Jul 21

In Hawaii a tour helicopter crashed and killed 7 people on Maui.

Links: Air Crash, Hawaii

2000 Jul 21

In Russia 19 airmen were killed when a Mi-8 helicopter crashed north of St.


Links: Russia, Air Crash

2000 Jul 25

Page 100: History of Air Crashes


In France a NY bound Concorde jet crashed in Gonesse after takeoff and all 109

people aboard were killed along with 4 people on the ground. Passengers included

96 Germans, 2 Danes and an Austrian. Debris from a blown tire was later believed

to have caused an engine fire. A 5th body was found in the rubble of the

Hotelissimo. It was the first-ever crash of the supersonic jet. A final probe in

2002 attributed runway junk as the cause of the crash. A French accident inquiry

concluded in December 2004 that the disaster was partly caused by the strip of

metal that fell on the runway from the Continental plane that took off just before

the supersonic jet. In 2010 Continental was ordered to pay a fine of 200,000 euros

for the crash and to pay Concorde's operator Air France a million euros in


Links: USA, France, Germany, Air Crash, Lawsuit


A text-based site.

2000 Jul 25

In Jordan a US-made C-130 transport plane crashed and 13 soldiers were killed.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Jordan

2000 Jul 26

The US Navy reported that an F-14 Tomcat jet crashed in Saudi Arabia during a

training flight. Iraqi air defense later reported that Iraqi units had shot down a

US Air Force F-14 over southern Iraq in mid July and that the Navy report was

a coverup.

Links: Iraq, USA, Air Crash, Saudi Arabia

2000 Jul 27

In Nepal a Canadian built Twin Otter Royal Nepal Airlines plane crashed near

Jogbudha and all 25 people aboard were killed.

Links: Nepal, Air Crash

Page 101: History of Air Crashes


2000 Aug 9

In New Jersey 2 small planes collided in midair and the bulk of one plane crashed

through the roof a house. All 11 passengers were killed.

Links: Air Crash, New Jersey

2000 Aug 10

A US Navy helicopter crashed in the Gulf of Mexico. 2 crew members were

rescued, 2 were killed and 2 were missing.

Links: USA, Air Crash

International Red Cross

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2000 Aug 11

The National Transportation Safety Board released evidence reports in the October

31st, 1999, crash of EgyptAir Flight 990 off the New England coast; a transcript of

the cockpit voice recording showed the chilling details of the pilot’s futile struggle to

save the Boeing 767 and its 217 occupants.

Links: USA, Air Crash

2000 Aug 12

In Congo a Russian-made Antonov crashed on approach to Tshikapa and 27 people

were killed.

Links: Air Crash, CongoDRC

2000 Aug 23

In Bahrain a Gulf Air Airbus A320 crashed on approach to Manama and all 143

people aboard were killed including 36 children.

Page 102: History of Air Crashes


Links: Bahrain, Air Crash

2000 Aug 27

In Costa Rica 10 people were killed when a small plane crashed into a volcano.

Links: Costa Rica, Air Crash

2000 Sep 4

In Australia a Beechcraft King Air 200 plane crashed near Mount Isa after flying

for 6 hours on autopilot. 8 people were killed and believed to have blacked out

after loss of cabin pressure following takeoff from Perth.

Links: Australia, Air Crash

2000 Sep 19

Nine Cubans were rescued at sea after their Antonov AN-2 biplane plunged into the

Gulf of Mexico. The cargo ship Chios Dream pulled found the survivors and a 10th

body. Immigration officials soon granted their legal entry to the US.

Links: Air Crash, Cuba

2000 Sep 29

US navy pilot, Lt. Bruce Joseph Donald, was killed when his F/A-18C Hornet

fighter crashed into the Persian Gulf.

Links: USA, Air Crash

2000 Oct 6

In Reynosa, Mexico, a DC932 plane with 83 passengers overran a runway and

crashed into a group of homes and then a canal. 6 people walking along the canal

were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico

Page 103: History of Air Crashes


2000 Oct 14

Six San Francisco Bay Area people associated with the Flying Doctors aid group

were killed when their plane crashed in Ensenada, Mexico.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico, SF Bay Area

2000 Oct 16

Missouri Gov. Mel Carnahan, his son, Roger Carnahan, and chief of staff Chris

Sifford were killed in a plane crash near St. Louis. Roger Carnahan piloted the

twin-engine Cessna in stormy weather.

Links: Air Crash, Missouri

2000 Oct 25

A Russian plane with at least 75 passengers and crew crashed while trying to land

in Georgia. All were feared dead.

Links: Georgia, Russia, Air Crash

2000 Oct 27

Canadian authorities arrested the men they say masterminded the 1985 bombing of

an Air India jumbo jet near Ireland that claimed the lives of all 329 people aboard.

The men were acquitted at trial in March 2005.

Links: Canada, Indonesia, Air Crash, Ireland

2000 Oct 31

In Angola a Russian Antonov 26 charter plane burst into flames after takeoff and

all 48 people aboard were killed. Unita rebels later claimed responsibility.

Page 104: History of Air Crashes


Links: Angola, Air Crash

2000 Oct 31

A Singapore Airlines Boeing 747-400 jet crashed on takeoff from Taiwan as

Typhoon Xangsane approached. Flight SQ006 was bound for Los Angeles. The plane

apparently hit construction equipment on a closed runway. The airlines announced a

$400,000 payment to victim’s families after admitting to pilot error. 83 people were

killed when the pilots took off on the wrong runway. The pilots were not


Links: Taiwan, Singapore, Air Crash

2000 Nov 13

Two US F-16 military jets collided over waters off of northern Japan. One pilot

was rescued and the other was missing.

Links: USA, Japan, Air Crash

International Red Cross

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2000 Nov 15

In Angola an Antonov 24 airplane crashed near Luanda Int’l. Airport and 39-40

people were killed. All Antonovs were ordered grounded in Sept.

Links: Angola, Air Crash

2000 Nov 16

A US Air Force F-16 collided with a small plane near Sarasota, Fla. The pilot of

the Cessna was killed, the fighter pilot ejected safely.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Florida

Page 105: History of Air Crashes


2000 Dec 11

A US Marine Osprey aircraft crashed in North Carolina and all 4 people aboard

were killed. The fleet was grounded the day.

Links: Air Crash, North Carolina

2000 Dec 12

The Marine Corps grounded all eight of its high-tech V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor

aircraft following a fiery crash in North Carolina that killed four Marines.

Links: USA, Air Crash, North Carolina

2001 Jan 10

In Indonesia searchers found a crashed navy plane in the dense jungle of Irian

Jaya and confirmed the death of ten people.

Links: Indonesia, Air Crash

2001 Jan 13

In Utah a small plane crashed into the Great Salt Lake and all 9 people aboard

were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Utah

2001 Jan 14

In Mongolia 9 people were killed when a Russian-made MI-8 helicopter crashed.

The dead included 4 members of a UN disaster assessment team.

Links: Mongolia, Air Crash

2001 Jan 25

Page 106: History of Air Crashes


In Venezuela a DC-3 Rutaca Airlines flight 225 crashed and all 24 passengers,

American and European tourists, were killed.

Links: Venezuela, Air Crash

2001 Jan 27

A small plane crashed south of Denver and 10 people were killed including

passengers associated with the Oklahoma State Univ. basketball team.

Links: Air Crash, Colorado, Oklahoma

2001 Feb 13

In Hawaii 2 Army Blackhawk helicopters crashed and 6 soldiers were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Hawaii


A text-based site.

2001 Feb 19

A helicopter crash killed Myanmar junta Lt. Gen. Tin Oo (67) and left 14 missing.

Links: Myanmar, Air Crash

2001 Mar 3

A US National Guard C-23 Sherpa plane carrying members of an engineering crew

crashed in Georgia and 21 people were killed.

Links: GeorgiaUS, USA, Air Crash

2001 Mar 17

Page 107: History of Air Crashes


In Angola a small plane crashed into a mountain near Lubango and all but one of

17 people on board were killed.

Links: Angola, Air Crash

2001 Mar 24

An Air Caraibes Twin Otter plane with mostly French tourists from St. Maarten

crashed on the Caribbean island of St. Barthelemy and killed all 19 aboard and one

person in the house.

Links: France, Air Crash, Antilles, St. Kitts & Nevis

2001 Mar 26

A US Army plane crashed in Germany and 2 pilots were killed. In Scotland US

Air Force F15C fighter jets were lost during training. The body of one pilot, Lt.

Col. Kenneth John Hyvonen, and F15 wreckage was found the day. Wreckage of

the 2nd F15 was found after 2 days. The body of Capt. Kirk Jones was found Mar


Links: USA, Germany, Air Crash

International Red Cross

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2001 Mar 29

In Colorado a chartered jet from southern California crashed near Aspen’s Sardy

Field and all 18 people aboard were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Colorado

2001 Apr 4

In Sudan Col. Ibrahim Shamsul-Din, deputy defense minister, and 13 other high

ranking military officers were killed as their Antonov plane crashed on takeoff in


Page 108: History of Air Crashes


Links: Air Crash, Sudan

2001 Apr 7

In Vietnam a Russian-made M-17 helicopter carrying a team searching for

American MIAs crashed and all aboard were reported killed. Rescuers recovered the

bodies of 9 Vietnamese and 7 Americans the day.

Links: USA, Vietnam, Air Crash

2001 Apr 9

In Kosovo a British helicopter crashed near the Macedonia border and 2 people

were killed with 5 injured.

Links: Britain, Air Crash, Kosovo

2001 Apr 28

In Argentina a plane crash killed 10 people near Roque Perez.

Links: Argentina, Air Crash

2001 May 16

In Turkey a Casa CN-235 military transport plane crashed and killed 34 people,

mostly special-forces soldiers returning from a Kurdish region.

Links: Turkey, Air Crash

2001 May 17

In Argentina a Fokker F27 air force plane crashed on takeoff in Medoza and all 5

officers aboard were killed.

Links: Argentina, Air Crash

Page 109: History of Air Crashes


2001 May 17

In Iran a Russian-built Yak-40 plane crashed in Khorasan province and at least 29

people were killed. The dead included Rahman Dadman, the transport minister, and

7 members of parliament.

Links: Iran, Air Crash

2001 Jun 3

In California pilot Daniel Katz (24) disappeared while flying over San Bernardino

National Forest. This spurred one of the most extensive and high-tech searches in

the area's history. In 2008 the wreckage of his rented plane was found on a steep

mountainside north of Rancho Cucamonga near Lytle Creek.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

2001 Jul 3

In Russia Flight TD-352, a Tu-154 operated by Vladivostok Avia, crashed in

Siberia near the village of Burdakovka. All 143 people aboard were killed.

Links: Russia, Air Crash, Siberia


A text-based site.

2001 Jul 5

In South Korea 8 people died when a helicopter crashed into a power tower.

Among the dead was Kim Jong-jin, head of the Dongkuk Steel Mill.

Links: South Korea, Air Crash

2001 Jul 10

In North Carolina 3 Marines were killed in a helicopter crash near Camp Lejeune.

Links: Air Crash, North Carolina

Page 110: History of Air Crashes


2001 Jul 13

In Missouri a private plane crashed into a home in Carterville and all 6 people

aboard were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Missouri

2001 Jul 17

A USAF F-16 crashed in northeast San Bernadino County, Ca. Maj. Aaron George,

pilot, and Judson Brohmer, photographer, were killed.

Links: California, Air Crash

2001 Jul 30

In Alaska a sightseeing plane crashed near Glacier Bay National Park and all 6

people aboard were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Alaska

International Red Cross

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2001 Aug 10

A tourist helicopter crashed near the Grand Canyon and 6 people were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Arizona

2001 Aug 25

In the Bahamas 9 people were killed when a small plane crashed. R&B singer and

actress Aaliyah (Aaliyeh, 22) was among the dead.

Links: Bahamas, Air Crash, Pop&Rock

Page 111: History of Air Crashes


2001 Aug 29

In Spain a Binter Mediterraneo CN-235 airplane crash-landed near Malaga’s airport

and at least 3 of 47 people aboard were killed.

Links: Spain, Air Crash

2001 Aug 31

In Montana a helicopter assigned to the 25,500-acre Fridley fire crashed and 3

crewmen were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Fire, Montana

2001 Sep 11

8:45 a.m. American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767 carrying 92 people, crashed

into the North tower of the World Trade Center in NYC. It was enroute from

Boston to LA.

Links: USA, Air Crash, NYC, Aviation, Major Event

2001 Sep 11

World leaders expressed outrage at terrorist attacks in NYC and the Pentagon and

pledged solidarity with the US. In the West Bank town of Nablus, some 3,000

people celebrated the attacks and chanted "God is great." Later the estimates of the

WTC dead dropped to 4,396. In 2004 the count was reduced to 2,749.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Palestine, NYC, al-Qaida, DC, Major Event

2001 Sep 11

8:45 a.m. American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767 carrying 92 people, crashed

into the North tower of the World Trade Center in NYC. It was enroute from

Boston to LA.

Page 112: History of Air Crashes


Links: USA, Air Crash, NYC, Pennsylvania, al-Qaida, DC, Hijacking, Major Event


2001 Sep 12

Pres. Bush called Tuesday’s terrorist attacks "acts of war." Stunned rescue workers

continued to search for bodies in the World Trade Center's smoking rubble a day

after a terrorist attack that shut down the financial capital, badly damaged the

Pentagon and left thousands dead. The US began building a broad int’l. coalition

for a possible military retaliation against those responsible for the terrorist attacks

on Sep 11. Federal authorities said followers of Osama bin Laden were responsible

for airline hijackings directed at NYC and the Pentagon. The US air system

remained grounded and financial markets closed.

Links: USA, Air Crash, NYC, al-Qaida, DC, BushGW

2001 Sep 12

In Mexico a twin-engine LET 410 plane crashed in the Yucatan and all 19 people

aboard were killed. The 16 passengers were all Seattle-area tourists on a Holland

America cruise.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico, Washington

2001 Oct 4

A chartered Russian Tupelov-154 airplane crashed in to the Black Sea and all 78

people aboard were killed. The Sibir Airlines jet was bound to Novosibirsk from

Tel Aviv. An accidental missile strike from Ukrainian military forces was suspected

but denied by Ukraine officials. Pres. Putin said terrorists might have been

responsible. Later evidence indicated that flight 1812 was hit by an S-200 missile.

On Oct 12 Ukraine and Russia acknowledged that an errant missile was the

probable cause. In 2003 Ukraine agreed to pay $200,000 for each Israeli killed.

Links: Russia, Ukraine, Air Crash, Israel, Siberia

Page 113: History of Air Crashes



A text-based site.

2001 Oct 8

In Milan, Italy, a Scandinavian Airlines SAS jet, Flight 686 to Copenhagen,

crashed into a small Cessna on takeoff and 114 people were killed in both planes

with 4 killed on the ground. The Cessna had moved onto the wrong runway as the

SAS jet took off under foggy conditions.

Links: Italy, Air Crash, Denmark

2001 Oct 10

In Alaska a small plane crashed following takeoff from Dillingham. 10 people were

killed in the Cessna 208 Caravan.

Links: Air Crash, Alaska

2001 Oct 13

Ukraine's defense minister and air defense chief offered to resign, conceding that

the military was involved in the explosion of a Russian airliner over the Black Sea

Oct. 4 that killed 78 people.

Links: Russia, Ukraine, Air Crash

2001 Nov 12

American Airlines Flight 587, bound for the Dominican Republic, crashed in Belle

Harbor in the Far Rockaway district of Queens just after takeoff from JFK

Airport. All 260 crew and passengers were killed as well as 5 people on the

ground. The A300-600 plane appeared to have fallen apart. The vertical tail

section cracked off when composite fittings failed possibly due to turbulence from a

preceding 747. In 2004 a safety board said the pilot’s “unnecessary and excessive“

use of the rudder contributed to the crash.

Page 114: History of Air Crashes


Links: USA, Air Crash, NYC, Dominican Rep.

2001 Nov 19

A Russian airliner crashed 90 miles north of Moscow and all 24 on board were

killed. The Ilyushin-18 was chartered by Israero and was from the Siberian city of


Links: Russia, Air Crash, Siberia

International Red Cross

Make a donation

2001 Nov 24

In Switzerland a Swiss Crossair Jumbolino Avro RJ-100 crashed with 33 people on

board. 24 were killed including American pop singer Melanie Thornton.

Links: Switzerland, Air Crash, Pop&Rock

2001 Dec 12

A $200 million US Air Force B-1 bomber crashed into the India Ocean near Diego

Garcia Island. The 4 crewmen were rescued.

Links: USA, Air Crash

2002 Jan 4

In England a twin-engine Bombardier Challenger plane crashed at Birmingham

International Airport. Pilots Thomas Boydston (51) Robert Norton (58) and Timothy

Vandevort (41) were killed along with John Shumejda (56) the president and chief

executive of agricultural giant AGCO, and Ed Swingle (60), the company's senior VP

for sales and marketing. A 2004 report said that the crash was caused by the

crew's failure to de-ice the wings before takeoff.

Page 115: History of Air Crashes


Links: Britain, Air Crash

2002 Jan 5

In Florida Charles J. Bishop (15) crashed a stolen Cessna 172 airplane into the 40-

story Tampa Bank of American building. Bishop left a note saying he acted alone

and expressed sympathy for Osama bin Laden.

Links: Air Crash, Florida, al-Qaida

2002 Jan 9

A US KC-130 aerial refueler crashed at Kharan, Pakistan, and all 7 marines

aboard were killed.

Links: USA, Pakistan, Air Crash

2002 Jan 10

An F-16 crashed near the Garden State Parkway in New Jersey. The pilot ejected


Links: Air Crash, New Jersey

2002 Jan 16

In Indonesia a Boeing 737-300 with 60 people crash-landed on a river in Java.

One person was killed and 23 injured.

Links: Indonesia, Air Crash

2002 Jan 17

An Ecuadoran oil-company plane crashed in Colombia and all 26 aboard were feared

dead. The plane was found Jan 24 with no survivors.

Links: Ecuador, Air Crash

Page 116: History of Air Crashes


2002 Jan 17

In Arizona 2 A-10 Thunderbolt II attack jets collided and 1 pilot was killed.

Links: Air Crash, Arizona

2002 Jan 20

A US CH-53E Super Stallion helicopter crashed in Afghanistan after take off from

Bagram air base. Marines Dwight Morgan and Walter Cohee III were killed.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Afghan

2002 Jan 27

A Russian military helicopter crashed in Chechnya and all 14 aboard were killed

including generals.

Links: Russia, Chechnya, Air Crash

2002 Jan 28

An Ecuadoran TAME Airlines Boeing 727-100 crashed along the Colombia bor-der

with 92 people aboard. The wreckage was found on a glacier of the Nevado de

Cumbal vol-cano and there were no survivors.

Links: Ecuador, Air Crash

2002 Feb 12

An Iran Air Tours Tupelov Tu-154 crashed into the Sefid Kouh mountains near

Khorramabad. All 188 people aboard were killed. An Iranian passenger jet crashed,

killing all 119 on board.

Links: Iran, Air Crash

Page 117: History of Air Crashes


2002 Feb 22

In Russia an AN-26 military cargo plane crashed in Lakhta and 17 people were


Links: Russia, Air Crash

2002 Mar 9

A Marine Corps helicopter from Beaufort, SC, crashed in the Atlantic Ocean during

a rescue operation from a downed civilian helicopter. 2 people were killed.

Links: Air Crash, South Carolina

International Red Cross

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2002 Mar 28

A US Navy helicopter crashed on Split Mountain in the Sequoia National Forest and

2 crew members were killed.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

2002 Apr 15

In South Korea an Air China jet Boeing 767, CA-129, with some 166 passengers

crashed into a mountain near Kimhae. 122 people died in the crash.

Links: China, South Korea, Air Crash

2002 Apr 18

In Italy a small plane crashed into the 25th floor of the 32-story Pirelli building in

Milan. Pilot Luigi Fasulo (67) made a distress call and flew off course. He was

Page 118: History of Air Crashes


killed along with 2 government lawyers working inside. Suicide over financial

problems was later suspected.

Links: Italy, Air Crash

2002 Apr 19

In Colombia a Russian-made Antonov jet, used to transfer inmates, crashed near

Popayan airport and at least 2 prison officials were killed.

Links: Colombia, Air Crash

2002 Apr 20

A US Navy F-4 crashed during an air show at Ventura, Ca., and its 2 crew

members were killed.

Links: USA, Air Crash

2002 Apr 28

In Russia Alexander I. Lebed (52), governor of Krasnoyarsk, was killed in a

helicopter crash with 6 others at Abakan, 200 miles from Mongolia. Gen. Lebed

was instrumental in helping Yeltsin retain power in 1991.

Links: Russia, Air Crash

2002 May 3

In India an air force jet crashed into an office building in the Adda neighborhood

of Jullundur in Punjab state. At least 8 people were killed. 2 pilots escaped from

the MiG-21.

Links: India, Air Crash

2002 May 4

Page 119: History of Air Crashes


A Nigerian jet crashed in Kano. 4 of 76 onboard survived. Nigeria's EAS Airlines

owned the British Aerospace twin-engine jet. The Red Cross reported 145 dead. A

total of 154 people on the plane and the ground were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Nigeria

2002 May 7

A China Northern Airlines with 112 people crashed off the northeast coast. Flight

6136 was an MD-82 enroute from Beijing to Dalian. Xinhua news later reported

that it was due to an act of sabotage by a passenger who lit a fire on board.

Links: China, Air Crash

2002 May 7

An EgyptAir Boeing 737 with 62 people crashed in bad weather near Tunis. 14

people were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Egypt, Tunisia


A text-based site.

2002 May 25

A Taiwanese China Airlines Boeing 747 airliner bound for Hong Kong crashed into

the sea and 225 people were killed.

Links: Hong Kong, Taiwan, Air Crash

2002 May 30

In Oregon 3 of 9 hikers were killed while climbing Mt. Hood. A Pave Hawk rescue

helicopter crashed in an attempt to rescue the climbers.

Links: Air Crash, Oregon

Page 120: History of Air Crashes


2002 Jun 12

A U.S. military transport plane, Air Force MC-130, carrying 10 people crashed on

takeoff in Afghanistan, killing three Americans, military officials said. Seven

escaped with minor injuries.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Afghan

2002 Jun 17

A converted C-130 air tanker crashed over a flaming ridge near Walker in Mono

County, Ca., and 3 crew members were killed. It was later reported that the 1956

plane had been used by the CIA and lacked maintenance records.

Links: California, Air Crash, CIA

2002 Jun 27

A US Air Force pilot was killed when his A10 "Warthog" crashed during a

training mission in eastern France.

Links: USA, France, Air Crash

International Red Cross

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2002 Jul 1

Bashkirian flight 2937 with 45 Russian children headed for a beach vacation in

Spain were among 71 people killed when their chartered Tupolev airliner slammed

into a Boeing 757 DHL cargo plane over southern Germany. The flights were under

Swiss air control. An onboard device told the pilot to climb but he followed a

controller’s order to dive instead. In 2007 four employees of a Swiss air traffic

control company were convicted of negligent homicide for the crash of flight 2937.

Links: Russia, Germany, Switzerland, Air Crash

2002 Jul 3

Page 121: History of Air Crashes


Swiss authorities said a collision-warning system was out of service in the Zurich

tower when it took control of a Russian airliner and a cargo jet shortly before

they collided on July 1 at 35,000 feet, killing 71 people, including 45 children

headed for an end-of-school beach holiday. One of 2 required air controllers was on

a break.

Links: Russia, Germany, Switzerland, Air Crash

2002 Jul 4

In Bangui, CAR, a Boeing 707 cargo plane crashed in a sparsely populated

residential area in this central African capital, killing at least 20 people.

Links: Air Crash, CAR

2002 Jul 4

A Cessna 310 plane crashed at Frank G. Bonelli Regional County Park at San

Dimas and 3 people were killed.

Links: California, Air Crash

2002 Jul 10

In Cyprus a military helicopter crashed during a nighttime training exercise, killing

the commander of the east Mediterranean island's military and the air force chief.

Two crew members and a navy officer on board were also killed.

Links: Cyprus, Air Crash

2002 Jul 18

A Canadian Forces helicopter crashed in a remote region of Labrador, killing two

pilots and injuring two other helicopter personnel.

Links: Canada, Air Crash

Page 122: History of Air Crashes


2002 Jul 27

In Lviv, Ukraine, a fighter jet slammed onto the tarmac and sliced through a crowd

watching an air show, killing 85 people and injured 116.

Links: Ukraine, Air Crash

2002 Jul 28

A Russian Il-86 cargo plane crashed into a forest shortly after taking off from

Moscow's Sheremetyevo-1 airport, killing 14 people. There were two survivors,

officials said.

Links: Russia, Air Crash

2002 Aug 7

A U.S. Air Force cargo plane crashed on a Puerto Rican mountaintop with at least

10 military personnel on board, and all were feared dead.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Puerto Rico

2002 Aug 19

A Russian Mi-26 military helicopter loaded with troops crashed in Chechnya. 127

were killed and 32 injured when the troop transport fell into a minefield in what

Russian media called the nation's biggest military helicopter crash and the biggest

single-day casualty count in the Chechen war. Chechen rebels claimed to have shot

the helicopter down.

Links: Russia, Chechnya, Air Crash


A text-based site.

2002 Aug 22

Page 123: History of Air Crashes


Two US helicopter pilots were reported lost in South Korea. Their bodies were

found the day 13 miles south of Camp Page.

Links: USA, South Korea, Air Crash

2002 Aug 22

In Nepal a small plane carrying 18 people, including tourists from Germany, the

United States and Britain, crashed into a mountain in bad weather, killing all


Links: Britain, USA, Nepal, Germany, Air Crash

2002 Aug 29

In Russia a small plane disappeared in the Far East region of Khabarovsk. The

plane crashed into a cliff and 16 people were killed.

Links: Russia, Air Crash

2002 Aug 30

A twin-engine plane with 31 people crashed while trying to land in heavy rains

near Rio Branco, a northwestern Brazilian city, killing 24 people.

Links: Brazil, Air Crash

2002 Sep 2

In New Hampshire 7 people were killed when their small plane crashed near


Links: Air Crash, New Hampshire

International Red Cross

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Page 124: History of Air Crashes


2002 Sep 6

A US Navy helicopter crashed in the Persian Gulf, killing an American television

cameraman and injuring four sailors.

Links: USA, Air Crash

2002 Oct 1

Two Indian naval reconnaissance planes taking part in a ceremonial flypast collided

in mid-air over the western state of Goa, killing 15 people.

Links: India, Air Crash

2002 Oct 18

Two US Navy planes, F/A-18F Super Hornet jets, collided off the Big Sur coast of

California and 4 pilots were killed.

Links: California, Air Crash

2002 Oct 25

In Minnesota a small plane crash killed Sen. Paul Wellstone (58), his wife, daughter

and 5 others. His re-election race was seen as critical to the balance of power in

the Senate, where the Democrats held a 50-to-49 edge.

Links: Air Crash, Minnesota

2002 Oct 25

In Utah 2 F-16 fighter jets collided during training and 1 pilot survived. The 2nd

pilot's body was found Oct 26.

Links: Air Crash, Utah

2002 Nov 6

Page 125: History of Air Crashes


In Luxembourg a twin-engine Fokker-50 plane crashed in fog as it approached

Findel Airport, killing 17 people and seriously injuring five others.

Links: Air Crash, Luxembourg

2002 Nov 7

In Indonesia a light plane crashed on an islet off Borneo 3 minutes after it took

off, killing seven of the 10 people aboard.

Links: Indonesia, Air Crash

2002 Nov 11

In the Philippines a Fokker passenger plane, trailing smoke from its left engine,

plunged into Manila Bay shortly after taking off from Manila, with 18 of the 34

people aboard killed or missing and presumed dead.

Links: Philippines, Air Crash

2002 Nov

A Fokker-50 caught fire and crashed on a flight from Berlin to Luxembourg, killing

20 people.

Links: Germany, Air Crash, Luxembourg

2002 Dec 11

A US Black Hawk helicopter on routine training crashed and killed five American

soldiers in the hills of central Honduras.

Links: Honduras, USA, Air Crash


A text-based site.

Page 126: History of Air Crashes


2002 Dec 21

In Afghanistan 6 people in a German military helicopter and up to eight on the

ground were killed when the aircraft crashed before landing at an airport near the

capital Kabul.

Links: Air Crash, Afghan

2002 Dec 23

In central Iran a Ukrainian An-140 aircraft, carrying Ukrainian and Russian

aerospace scientists from Turkey, flew into a mountainside while preparing to land

killing all 46 people on board. Airport officials said pilot "carelessness" caused the

plane to crash.

Links: Russia, Ukraine, Iran, Air Crash

2002 Dec 26

In Curtiba, Brazil, a C-95 Bandeirante air force plane crashed during an emergency

landing, killing two people and injuring the other 14 people aboard.

Links: Brazil, Air Crash

2003 Jan 8

In Charlotte, NC, a US Airways Express Beech 1900 turboprop crashed on takeoff

and all 21 aboard were killed.

Links: Air Crash, North Carolina

2003 Jan 8

In Turkey the pilot of the British Aerospace RJ-100 missed the runway because of

heavy fog in the southeastern city of Diayarbakir. 75 people were killed with 5


Page 127: History of Air Crashes


Links: Turkey, Air Crash

International Red Cross

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2003 Jan 9

A Peruvian airliner carrying 46 people, including eight children, disappeared amid

cloud-covered mountains in the Amazon jungle. On Jan 11 rescue workers found the

wreckage of TANS Airlines Flight 222, a Fokker 28 near the jungle town of

Chachapoyas. There were no survivors.

Links: Peru, Air Crash

2003 Jan 9

In southeastern Turkey 2 Turkish F-4 warplanes collided in heavy fog during a

training flight killing the four crew members.

Links: Turkey, Air Crash

2003 Jan 23

In Texas 2 military helicopters collided and 4 marine reservists were killed.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Texas

2003 Jan 24

A plane carrying members of Kenya's new government crashed, killing one minister,

two pilots and injuring at least three other members of the government.

Links: Air Crash, Kenya

2003 Feb 13

Page 128: History of Air Crashes


In southern Colombia a U.S. government plane carrying 5 people crashed short of

an airport in rebel territory, and those on board may have been spirited away by

leftist rebels. 2 days later an American and a Colombian were executed at close


Links: Colombia, USA, Air Crash

2003 Feb 19

An Iranian military plane carrying 275 members of the elite Revolutionary Guards

crashed in southeastern Iran, killing all on board.

Links: Iran, Air Crash

2003 Feb 20

In Pakistan a military plane crashed into a mountainside in a remote northwestern

region, killing all 17 people on board, including the chief of the air force, Mushaf

Links: Pakistan, Air Crash

2003 Feb 24

Afghanistan's minister of mines and industry died along with seven other people

when their plane crashed in the Arabian Sea shortly after takeoff from the

southern Pakistan port city of Karachi.

Links: Pakistan, Air Crash, Afghan

2003 Feb 25

A US Army Black Hawk helicopter on night training crashed in the Kuwaiti

desert, killing all four crew members.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Kuwait

2003 Feb 26

Page 129: History of Air Crashes


A Colombian army Black Hawk helicopter carrying 23 crewmembers and elite troops

crashed in the northern mountains. All aboard were feared dead.

Links: Colombia, Air Crash

2003 Mar 1

A small plane crashed in central Russia, killing 11 people.

Links: Russia, Air Crash

2003 Mar 6

An Air Algerie Boeing 737 jet crashed killing 102 passengers and crew in the

southern Algerian province of Tamanrasset. At least 1 person survived.

Links: Algeria, Air Crash

2003 Mar 11

A US Army Black Hawk helicopter crashed in Fort Drum, NY, and 11 of 13

soldiers were killed.

Links: USA, Air Crash

2003 Mar 14

Amanda Davis (32), writing professor at Mills College in Oakland, Ca., was killed in

a small plane crash near Ashville, NC, along with her parents. She was on a book

signing tour for her novel "Wonder When You'll Miss Me."

Links: Air Crash, SF Bay Area

2003 Mar 21

Page 130: History of Air Crashes


A CH-46 Sea Knight helicopter crashed in Kuwait and killed 12 British and 4 US

soldiers. US Marines captured the strategic port in the southern Iraqi city of Umm


Links: Iraq, Britain, USA, Air Crash, Kuwait

International Red Cross

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2003 Mar 25

A light plane carrying 3 Americans crashed in southern Colombia while searching

for 3 other Americans captured by rebels last month.

Links: Colombia, Air Crash

2003 Mar 29

In Mexico a small government plane crashed in the mountains of southern Mexico,

killing all five people aboard. Passengers included Porfirio Encino Hernandez, state

sec. for Indian affairs; his son and brother; Berenice Lopez, the daughter of former

Gov. Javier Lopez; and pilot Guadalupe Gil.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico

2003 Apr 8

In Ohio a Dassault Aviation Falcon 20 crashed short of the runway at Toledo

Express Airport and 3 people were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Ohio

2003 Apr 25

A Pakistani army helicopter crashed into a mountain in northern Pakistan, killing

all 13 military personnel on board.

Links: Pakistan, Air Crash

Page 131: History of Air Crashes


2003 May 3

In far eastern Russia a transport helicopter crashed as it returned from dropping

water on a forest fire, killing all 12 people on board.

Links: Russia, Air Crash

2003 May 8

A Russian-built cargo plane lost a back door ramp over Congo, hurling more than

100 Congolese soldiers and their families to their deaths.

Links: Air Crash, CongoDRC

2003 May 26

An airplane carrying Spanish peacekeepers crashed into a mountain in northeastern

Turkey while making its third attempt to land in thick fog. All 74 people aboard

were killed. The Yak-42 was chartered from a Ukrainian company.

Links: Turkey, Ukraine, Spain, Air Crash

2003 Jun 6

In California a small plane plunged into an apartment building near Hollywood,

sending the three-story structure into flames within minutes and killing at least two


Links: California, Air Crash

2003 Jun 6

In southern New Zealand a twin-engine plane crashed in dense fog, killing eight

people and injuring two others.

Links: Air Crash, New Zealand

Page 132: History of Air Crashes


2003 Jul 8

A Sudanese airliner crashed minutes after its captain reported technical problems

following takeoff, killing 116 people. The only survivor was a 2-year-old boy.

Links: Air Crash, Sudan


A text-based site.

2003 Jul 15

Four US crew members were killed in a fiery crash of a Navy helicopter in Italy.

Links: Italy, USA, Air Crash

2003 Jul 19

In Kenya a twin-engine plane carrying 12 American tourists and two South African

crew members en route to a game reserve crashed into Mount Kenya, apparently

killing everyone on board.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Kenya

2003 Aug 11

A helicopter chartered by one of India's largest oil companies crashed into the

Arabian Sea near Bombay with 29 people on board. Two people were rescued.

Links: India, Air Crash

2003 Aug 20

Authorities in the Russian Far East lost contact with a helicopter carrying a

regional governor and 16 other people over the volcanoes of the Kamchatka


Links: Russia, Air Crash

Page 133: History of Air Crashes


2003 Aug 23

Emergency officials discovered the wreckage of a helicopter that crashed Aug 20 in

the Russian Far East. All 20 people aboard were killed. Among the dead were Igor

Farkhutdinov, governor of the oil-rich Sakhalin region, and top regional officials

and business leaders.

Links: Russia, Air Crash

International Red Cross

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2003 Aug 24

A twin-engine turboprop Let L-410 crashed in Haiti and 21 people were killed.

Links: Haiti, Air Crash

2003 Aug 26

Two Russian military helicopters collided over an airfield in Russia's Far East,

killing five people and injuring one.

Links: Russia, Air Crash

2003 Sep 11

In Canada 10 people were killed in two separate plane crashes in Northern Ontario,

police said on Friday.

Links: Canada, Air Crash

2003 Sep 12

In Portugal's Madeira Islands a small airplane crashed into the sea, apparently

killing all nine people on board. The Beechcraft 200 was carrying eight Spaniards

Page 134: History of Air Crashes


and a British pilot from the islands off northwest Africa to the southern Spanish

city of Malaga.

Links: Portugal, Spain, Air Crash

2003 Sep 18

A Russian military jet crashed in central Russia during a test flight and four crew

members are missing.

Links: Russia, Air Crash

2003 Sep 20

A Grand Canyon sightseeing helicopter crashed and all 7 aboard were killed.

Links: USA, Air Crash, New Mexico

2003 Oct 4

In southwest Brazil a small airplane carrying congressman Rep. Jose Carlos

Martinez and three others went missing. All 4 were found dead the day.

Links: Brazil, Air Crash

2003 Oct 4

Eight Indonesian soldiers plummeted into the ocean and were presumed dead after a

helicopter crew cut the ropes carrying them during rehearsal of a mid-air stunt.

Links: Indonesia, Air Crash

2003 Oct 29

In Indonesia an air force helicopter crashed at an air strip on the southern

outskirts of Jakarta, killing all 7 people aboard.

Links: Indonesia, Air Crash

Page 135: History of Air Crashes


2003 Nov 29

In central Congo a Soviet-made plane crashed, killing 33, including 13 people on the


Links: Air Crash, CongoDRC


A text-based site.

2003 Dec 6

Paul Louis Halley (b.1934) French founder of Promodes (later Carrefour SA), died in

a light plane crash.

Links: France, Air Crash, Retail

2003 Dec 25

A passenger plane bound for Beirut crashed into the sea shortly after takeoff from

the west African nation of Benin and at least 138 people, mostly Lebanese, were

killed. Some 35 people survived.

Links: Benin, Air Crash, Lebanon

2003 Dec 25

A small plane crashed after takeoff at the North Las Vegas and 6 family members

were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Nevada

2004 Jan 3

An Egyptian Air Flash, Boeing 737, carrying 148 people, most of them French

tourists on New Year family holidays, crashed into the Red Sea off the resort of

Sharm el-Sheikh, killing all on board.

Page 136: History of Air Crashes


Links: Air Crash, Egypt

2004 Jan 8

Libya agreed to compensate family members of victims of a 1989 bombing of a

French passenger plane over the Niger desert that killed 170 people.

Links: Niger, France, Libya, Air Crash

International Red Cross

Make a donation

2004 Jan 13

In Tashkent, Uzbekistan, a domestic airliner crashed on approach to the airport.

All 37 people, including the top U.N. official for Uzbekistan, were killed.

Links: Uzbekistan, Air Crash

2004 Jan 17

A Cessna 208 regional plane carrying hunters went down in Lake Erie about one

mile west of Pelee Island, Canada. All 9 aboard were killed.

Links: Canada, Air Crash

2004 Jan 30

A 25-30 seat passenger plane plunged into the Atlantic Ocean off Lagos, Nigeria.

Links: Air Crash, Nigeria

2004 Feb 10

An Iranian Fokker-50 plane carrying mostly foreign workers crashed as it

approached Sharjah airport in the United Arab Emirates, killing 43 people aboard.

3 survived.

Page 137: History of Air Crashes


Links: UAR, Iran, Air Crash, Labor, Migrant

2004 Feb 24

In Sardinia a small plane carrying a medical team and a heart for a transplant

patient crashed, killing all six people aboard.

Links: Air Crash, Sardinia

2004 Feb 26

Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski, a moderate leader who helped unite his

ethnically divided country, was killed when his plane crashed in bad weather in

mountainous southern Bosnia.

Links: Bosnia, Macedonia, Air Crash

2004 Mar 11

In San Diego 4 Marines were killed when their small UC-35 jet crashed on landing

at Air Station Miramar.

Links: California, Air Crash

2004 Apr 2

Two Indian Air Force fighter jets went missing and were believed to have crashed

during routine flights over Kashmir.

Links: India, Air Crash, Kashmir

2004 Apr 17

Soundarya (32), an Indian movie star, and three other people were killed when their

plane crashed in southern India minutes after takeoff.

Links: India, Air Crash, Filmstar

Page 138: History of Air Crashes


2004 May 2

In Mexico a small plane carrying federal anti-narcotics agents crashed, killing all

seven people on board.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico


A text-based site.

2004 May 14

A Brazilian domestic airliner crashed near the Amazon city of Manaus, killing all

30 passengers and three crew members.

Links: Brazil, Air Crash

2004 May 18

An Azerbaijani cargo plane crashed in a forest after taking off from an airport in

China's northwest, killing its seven-member crew.

Links: Azerbaijan, China, Air Crash

2004 Jun 8

In Gabon a small airliner crashed after takeoff from Libreville. At least 14 of 30

people aboard were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Gabon

2004 Jun 29

A UN helicopter crashed in Sierra Leone and all 24 aboard were killed.

Links: UN, Sierra Leone, Air Crash

Page 139: History of Air Crashes


2004 Jul 2

In Panama a US-registered small jet crashed into an airport hangar during takeoff

and burst into flames, killing seven people.

Links: Panama, Air Crash

International Red Cross

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2004 Aug 5

A helicopter conducting a forest survey crashed in northern Siberia after apparent

engine trouble, killing all 15-16 people aboard.

Links: Air Crash, Siberia

2004 Aug 21

A military plane crashed into a mountain in central Venezuela, killing 25 people,

including five children.

Links: Venezuela, Air Crash

2004 Aug 24

A Russian airliner crashed and a second disappeared from radar about the same

time night after both planes took off from the same Moscow airport, raising fears

that terrorism was involved. A distress signal was activated on the second plane.

All 89 passengers and crew were killed, 46 aboard a TU-154 and 43 aboard a


Links: Russia, Air Crash

2004 Aug 27

Page 140: History of Air Crashes


Officials said one of two Russian airliners that crashed nearly simultaneously was

brought down by a terrorist act, after finding traces of explosives in the plane's

wreckage. An Islamic militant group claimed responsibility for the attack in a Web

statement. Chechen women Amanta Nagayeva (30) and S. Dzhebirkhanova (27) had

purchased their tickets at the last minute.

Links: Russia, Chechnya, Air Crash

2004 Aug 28

Officials said they had found traces of the explosive hexogen on the wreckage of the

second of two Russian airliners that crashed just minutes apart earlier this week.

Attention focused on the roles of two dead female passengers believed to be of

Chechen origin.

Links: Russia, Chechnya, Air Crash

2004 Sep 20

A small plane with 5 aboard crashed in Montana’s Glacier National Park. 2

survivors were found 2 days later.

Links: Air Crash, Montana

2004 Sep 22

In India's mountainous northeast 10 people, including a state government minister

and two lawmakers, were killed in a helicopter crash.

Links: India, Air Crash

2004 Oct 5

A Russian cargo plane crashed in war-ravaged southern Sudan, killing all four

people onboard.

Links: Air Crash, Sudan

Page 141: History of Air Crashes


2004 Oct 14

A Boeing 747-200 cargo jet owned by British-based MK Airlines crashed upon take

off at the Halifax International Airport. The Ghanaian-registered Boeing, which

was taking off for Spain with a cargo of seafood, crashed and burned killing all

seven crew on board.

Links: Canada, Ghana, Air Crash

2004 Oct 19

Thirteen people were killed when a Corporate Airlines commuter turboprop crashed

near Kirksville, Missouri. 2 survived with only broken bones.

Links: Air Crash, Missouri

2004 Nov 21

In northern China a Bombardier CRJ-200 passenger plane crashed in an ice-covered

lake seconds after takeoff, killing all 54 people aboard and one person on the ground

after an apparent midair explosion.

Links: China, Air Crash

2004 Nov 27

In Afghanistan 6 Americans died when a private plane used by the US Air Force

crashed in snow-covered mountains. Search teams later recovered the bodies.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Afghan

2004 Nov 28

Page 142: History of Air Crashes


A private jet crashed while taking off in Montrose, Colo., killing 2 crewmen and

Edward Ebersol (14), the son of NBC Sports chairman Dick Ebersol, who escaped

with his other son Charles.

Links: Air Crash, Colorado

2004 Nov 29

A US Army Black Hawk helicopter crashed near Fort Hood, Texas, and 7 soldiers

were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Texas

2004 Nov 30

A Lion Air MD-82 passenger plane from Jakarta carrying nearly 150 people

skidded off a runway in Solo, Indonesia, and split into two pieces killing at least 31


Links: Indonesia, Air Crash

International Red Cross

Make a donation

2005 Jan 13

A Russian passenger plane with 10 people on board went missing on a flight over


Links: Russia, Air Crash

2005 Feb 3

An Afghan passenger jet carrying 104 people disappeared from radar screens

during a snowstorm near the mountain-ringed capital. NATO helicopters found the

wreckage of 2 days later. There were no survivors.

Links: Air Crash, Afghan

Page 143: History of Air Crashes


2005 Feb 3

In Sudan the pilot of a cargo plane that was losing altitude steered away from a

built-up area and crashed in open space outside Khartoum, killing 7 crew members.

Links: Air Crash, Sudan

2005 Feb 16

A corporate jet crashed in Pueblo, Colo., and 8 people were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Colorado

2005 Feb 24

In western Mexico an executive jet crashed, killing the governor of Colima state and

all five other people aboard.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico

2005 Mar 9

In southern Mexico a federal government helicopter searching for gunmen protecting

drug plantations crashed into a mountain, killing all nine soldiers and two pilots


Links: Air Crash, Mexico, Drugs

2005 Mar 10

At least 15 Russian servicemen were killed and 12 others were injured when a

federal helicopter crashed in Chechnya.

Links: Russia, Chechnya, Air Crash

2005 Mar 16

Page 144: History of Air Crashes


A Russian turboprop airliner carrying at least 52 people crashed and caught fire

while trying to land near an oil port along the Arctic coast. At least 29 people,

mostly Yukoil workers, were killed.

Links: Russia, Air Crash

2005 Mar 26

A twin-engine commercial Czech-built Let-410 airplane, crashed while taking off

from the tiny Colombian island of Old Providence, killing 8 people, including a 3-

year-old boy, and injuring six other passengers.

Links: Colombia, Air Crash

2005 Mar 31

A US C-130 airplane crashed near the remote village of Rovie and all 9 Americans

onboard were killed in mountainous southern Albania during a joint exercise.

Links: Albania, USA, Air Crash


A text-based site.

2005 Apr 2

An Australian navy helicopter crashed on the earthquake-devastated Indonesian

island of Nias. Media reported that nine people were killed and two were rescued.

Links: Australia, Air Crash

2005 Apr 6

In southeast Afghanistan a US military helicopter crashed in bad weather. 15 US

service members and 3 American civilians were killed when their Chinook helicopter


Page 145: History of Air Crashes


Links: USA, Air Crash, Afghan

2005 Apr 20

An air tanker Lockheed P-3 Orion crashed in California’s Lassen National Forest

killing 3 crew members during a training run. A report in 2006 was unable to

determine the cause of the crash.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

2005 Apr 28

A twin-engine army plane slammed nose-first into Peru's southern desert coast,

killing all 13 people aboard.

Links: Peru, Air Crash

2005 Apr 28

A military helicopter crashed into a wooded ravine on a northern Philippine

mountain, killing all nine people on board.

Links: Philippines, Air Crash

International Red Cross

Make a donation

2005 May 5

In central Congo a Russian-made airplane crashed, killing 10 of the 11 passengers


Links: Air Crash, CongoDRC

2005 May 21

In NYC a Cessna 172S crashed at Coney Island killing all 4 people aboard.

Page 146: History of Air Crashes


Links: Air Crash, NYC

2005 May 23

A Russian-made plane crashed shortly after takeoff near Bunyakiri, Congo, killing

26 people.

Links: Air Crash, CongoDRC

2005 Jun 2

In Sudan 5 people were killed and 16 others injured when a passenger plane

crashed shortly after take-off from Khartoum and caught fire.

Links: Air Crash, Sudan

2005 Jun 27

Wal-Mart heir John T. Walton (58), crashed and died while at the controls of a

homemade, experimental aircraft near Jackson Hole Airport, Wyoming. His net

worth was over $18 billion. Walton supported efforts to educate low-income children.

Links: Air Crash, Wal-Mart, Wyoming

2005 Jul 16

A small plane from Costa Rica, piloted by the son of a former owner of the San

Jose Sharks hockey team, crashed off the Pacific Coast, killing six people.

Links: Costa Rica, Air Crash

2005 Jul 16

A Russian-made plane that disappeared from radar shortly after takeoff in

Equatorial Guinea crashed with 55 people aboard.

Page 147: History of Air Crashes


Links: Air Crash, Eq. Guinea

2005 Jul 16

A Russian air force helicopter carrying border guards crashed in mountainous

southern Chechnya, killing eight people.

Links: Russia, Chechnya, Air Crash

2005 Jul 31

John Garang (60), Sudan's vice president and former southern rebel leader, died

when the helicopter he was flying in crashed into a mountain in southern Sudan in

bad weather killing him and the other 13 people on board.

Links: Air Crash, Sudan

2005 Aug 2

An Air France jet skidded off a Toronto runway and burst into flames, prompting

309 passengers and crew to slide down escape chutes. In Dec, 2009, a Canadian

judge approved a C$12 million ($11.4 million) class-action settlement with 184

passengers of the Air France jet.

Links: Canada, France, Air Crash, Lawsuit


A text-based site.

2005 Aug 6

A Tunis Air jet carrying 35 passengers went down in the sea off the Sicilian

coast, and rescuers were on their way. 16 people were killed, while 23 survived. A

bad fuel gauge on the Tuninter plane caused the crash. On March 23, 2009, the

Tunisian pilot who paused to pray instead of taking emergency measures before

crash-landing his plane, was sentenced to 10 years in jail by an Italian court along

Page 148: History of Air Crashes


with his co-pilot. Another five employees of Tuninter, a subsidiary of Tunisair,

were sentenced to between 8 and 9 years in jail.

Links: Air Crash, Sicily, Tunisia

2005 Aug 10

The Sikorsky 76 helicopter on a scheduled flight from Tallinn to Helsinki, Finland,

went down with 2 pilots and 12 passengers about 3 miles off the coast of Estonia.

Links: Estonia, Air Crash

2005 Aug 13

A small plane carrying tourists crashed in southern Italy, killing at least two


Links: Italy, Air Crash

2005 Aug 14

A Cypriot airliner, Helios Air 737, crashed into a hill north of Athens, killing all

121 people on board. An inquiry in 2006 ruled pilots erred in setting pressurization


Links: Cyprus, Air Crash, Greece

2005 Aug 16

Two helicopters carrying NATO-led forces to prepare for month's elections crashed

in the desert in western Afghanistan, killing at least 17 Spanish troops.

Links: Spain, NATO, Air Crash, Afghan

International Red Cross

Make a donation

Page 149: History of Air Crashes


2005 Aug 16

A chartered jet filled with tourists returning home from Panama to the French

Caribbean island of Martinique crashed in western Venezuela, killing all 160 people

on board. The pilot had been attempting an emergency landing after both engines


Links: Venezuela, Air Crash, Martinique

2005 Aug 23

TANS Peru Flight 204, a Boeing 737-200 with 100 people on board, split in two

after an emergency landing during a fierce storm, killing at least 41 people. The

pilot tried to land in a marsh to soften the impact but the landing split the aircraft

in two. The plane was enroute from Lima to Pucallpa and landed 20 miles from


Links: Peru, Air Crash

2005 Sep 5

In eastern Congo a Russian-made airplane crashed in the forest, killing 7, including

3 Russian crew members.

Links: Air Crash, CongoDRC

2005 Sep 5

In Indonesia a domestic jetliner slammed into a crowded neighborhood after taking

off from Medan, bursting into flames and killing at 143 people including 44 on the

ground. 18 passengers survived the crash, including an 18-month-old boy.

Links: Indonesia, Air Crash

2005 Sep 15

Page 150: History of Air Crashes


A Russian Su-27 fighter bomber crashed in Lithuania during a flight across the

former Soviet republic to the Russian Baltic enclave of Kaliningrad.

Links: Russia, Lithuania, Air Crash

2005 Sep 21

A cabinet minister who helped lead Mexico's anti-drug fight, his deputy and seven

others died in a helicopter crash in the mountains west of Mexico City. The

helicopter, carrying Public Safety Secretary Ramon Martin Huerta, Federal entive

Police Chief Tomas Valencia, five other passengers and a crew of two, had taken

off from a military parade ground in Mexico City.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico

2005 Oct 16

In Tanzania 4 British tourists and a Canadian pilot who were killed in a weekend

plane crash in the western part of the country.

Links: Canada, Britain, Air Crash, Tanzania

2005 Oct 22

In Nigeria a passenger jet crashed shortly after takeoff from Lagos, killing all 117

on board.

Links: Air Crash, Nigeria

2005 Oct 26

A Swiss court found Vitaly Kaloyev, a Russian architect, guilty of premeditated

homicide for the Feb 2004 killing of the air traffic controller on duty at the time of

the Jul 1, 2002, midair plane collision in which his wife and child were lost.

Links: Russia, Switzerland, Air Crash

Page 151: History of Air Crashes


2005 Nov 11

In Afghanistan a Pakistani-owned plane carrying cargo for the US-led coalition

crashed into mountains near Kabul, killing at least eight people.

Links: Pakistan, Air Crash, Afghan


A text-based site.

2005 Nov 20

A helicopter carrying a Colombian congressman and five others crashed Sunday in a

storm in the mountains north of Bogota, killing all aboard. Conservative Party

congressman Roberto Camacho, Cundinamarca state deputy Efren Bejerano and former

Cundinamarca deputy governor Adolfo Leon were among those killed.

Links: Colombia, Air Crash

2005 Dec 2

Peter Menegazzo, one of Australia's main cattle barons, was among four people

killed in a light plane crash in the Outback.

Links: Australia, Air Crash

2005 Dec 6

A C-130 Iranian military transport plane crashed into a 10-story apartment building

as it was trying to make an emergency landing, ripping open the top of the

structure and igniting a huge fire. At least 115 people were killed including 21 on

the ground in the Azadi suburb of Tehran.

Links: Iran, Air Crash, Tragedy

Page 152: History of Air Crashes


2005 Dec 10

Nigeria’s Sosoliso Airlines Flight 1145 carrying 110 passengers crashed while

landing during a storm in the southern city of Port Harcourt. Some 107 people

were killed including 71 children. The runway lights were off because the airport

had not bought a generator.

Links: Air Crash, Nigeria, Kids

2005 Dec 19

In Florida a propeller seaplane, owned by Chalk’s Ocean Airways, crashed in the

water off Miami Beach after taking off for Bimini in the Bahamas. 20 people were


Links: USA, Air Crash, Florida

International Red Cross

Make a donation

2005 Dec 23

An Azerbaijani Airlines An-140 twin-engine turboprop crashed on the Caspian Sea

coast and all 18 passengers and five crew were killed. Equipment failure was


Links: Azerbaijan, Air Crash

2006 Jan 2

In eastern Australia 5 people were killed when a plane carrying a group of

skydivers plunged into a dam near Brisbane.

Links: Australia, Air Crash

2006 Jan 9

Page 153: History of Air Crashes


In northwestern Iran a small military passenger jet crashed, killing at least 13

people, including the commander of the ground forces of Iran's elite Revolutionary


Links: Iran, Air Crash

2006 Jan 16

A US-registered private jet crashed in the French Alps outside Bourdeau and 4

people were killed.

Links: USA, France, Air Crash

2006 Jan 19

In northeastern Hungary a Slovak military plane crashed as it ferried troops back

from Kosovo, killing at least 42 people. Only one person survived the crash of the

AN-24 aircraft.

Links: Hungary, Slovakia, Air Crash

2006 Jan 21

A helicopter used by the Red Cross for earthquake relief operations in Pakistan

went missing with seven crew members on board. The wreckage of the copter and

the bodies of the seven people on board were found in June 2006.

Links: Pakistan, Air Crash, Tragedy

2006 Jan 24

Officials said 4 people were killed in Carlsbad, Ca., when a twin-engine plane from

Idaho skidded off an airport runway and burst into flames.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash, Idaho

2006 Jan 28

Page 154: History of Air Crashes


A 20-million US dollar FA-18 Hornet strike fighter jet was lost when it crashed

during a training exercise off the Queensland coast.

Links: Australia, USA, Air Crash

2006 Feb 11

In southern Sudan a military transport plane blew a tire while landing at Aweil,

swerved off the runway and exploded, killing all 20 people on board.

Links: Air Crash, Sudan

2006 Feb 12

In northern California 2 people were killed when their home-built aircraft crashed

into a 2-story house in Roseville.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

2006 Feb 17

Two US CH-53E helicopters crashed off the coast of Djibouti. Only 2 of 12 crew

members survived.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Djibouti

2006 Feb 18

A German plane from Azerbaijan went missing in northern Iraq. 5 Germans and an

Iraqi on board were found dead the day.

Links: Iraq, Germany, Air Crash

2006 Feb 24

Page 155: History of Air Crashes


In northwest Colombia Pedro Juan Moreno, a leading senatorial candidate and

former adviser to President Alvaro Uribe, was killed along with three other people

in a helicopter crash in a mountainous rainforest region.

Links: Colombia, Air Crash

2006 Mar 9

An Argentine air force plane providing aid for Bolivian flood victims crashed

outside of La Paz, killing all six people on board.

Links: Argentina, Bolivia, Air Crash, Flood

2006 Mar 13

Peter Tomarken (63), former host of the 1980s TV game show "Press Your Luck,"

and his wife, Kathleen Abigail Tomarken (41), were killed along with 2 others when

their small plane crashed into Santa Monica Bay, Ca.

Links: USA, Air Crash, TV

International Red Cross

Make a donation

2006 Mar 24

In southern Ecuador a plane crashed into the side of a tire factory in Cuenca,

killing five of the 14 people aboard.

Links: Ecuador, Air Crash

2006 Mar 31

A plane carrying 19 people crashed in a mountainous region outside Rio de Janeiro,

killing all aboard. A small LET 410 twin-engine plane belonging to the local Team

airline went missing about 20 minutes after leaving the city of Macae.

Links: Brazil, Air Crash

Page 156: History of Air Crashes


2006 Apr 10

A Kenyan military plane carrying politicians to a peace conference crashed while

attempting to land in northern Kenya, killing a Cabinet minister, six other

politicians and at least seven other people.

Links: Air Crash, Kenya

2006 Apr 20

Scott Crossfield, the hotshot test pilot who in 1953 became the first man to fly at

twice the speed of sound, was killed in the crash of his small plane in Georgia.

Links: GeorgiaUS, USA, Air Crash

2006 Apr 28

A cargo plane carrying telecom equipment crashed in eastern Congo, killing as many

as eight passengers and crew on board. Another aircraft carrying three people

disappeared in the same region.

Links: Air Crash, CongoDRC

2006 May 3

An Armenian Airbus A-320 crashed in stormy weather off Russia's Black Sea coast

while readying to land at the Sochi resort, killing all 113 people on board, most of

them Armenians.

Links: Armenia, Air Crash

2006 May 5

South Korean protesters clashed with police for the second day at a planned site for

a new US military base, leaving scores of people wounded, some seriously. A

Page 157: History of Air Crashes


military training jet crashed during an air show in South Korea. The pilot was

presumed killed, but no spectators were hurt.

Links: USA, South Korea, Air Crash

2006 May 5

In eastern Afghanistan a US-led coalition military transport helicopter crashed

while conducting combat operations, killing all 10 American soldiers on board. The

CH-47 Chinook crashed while on a mission in support of Operation Mountain Lion,

an offensive to root out Taliban and al-Qaida militants near the border with


Links: USA, Air Crash, Afghan

2006 May 13

In southern Hungary a model airplane crashed into a crowd at an air show killing

two spectators.

Links: Hungary, Air Crash

2006 May 16

The Pentagon released the first video images of American Airlines Flight 77

crashing into the military headquarters building and killing 189 people on 9/11.

Links: USA, Air Crash


A text-based site.

2006 May 23

Warplanes from Greece and Turkey collided over the Aegean Sea island of

Karpathos as they shadowed each other. Officials said the Turkish pilot was

rescued unhurt, and a search was launched for the Greek pilot.

Page 158: History of Air Crashes


Links: Turkey, Air Crash, Greece

2006 Jun 4

In China a military transport plane carrying 40 crashed in eastern Anhui province.

All 40 people aboard were killed. 2 Beijing-backed newspapers later reported that

the plane was a surveillance aircraft carrying nearly 3 dozen electronics experts.

Links: China, Air Crash

2006 Jun 11

A military transport plane crashed as it tried to land at an unlit airport at night

in Chad's main eastern city, killing five people. Chad rebels claimed that they shot

the C-130 military plane down at Abeche airport.

Links: Chad, Air Crash

2006 Jun 21

In Nepal a small plane carrying nine Nepalese crashed into a mountain as it was

approaching an airstrip.

Links: Nepal, Air Crash

2006 Jun 26

In California 2 Navy jets collided near King City and one pilot was killed.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

International Red Cross

Make a donation

2006 Jul 8

Page 159: History of Air Crashes


In western Mexico 4 children, who won an airplane ride for good grades at school,

were killed along with the pilot when the small aircraft crashed near Tepic.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico

2006 Jul 9

A Russian Airbus 310 passenger plane skidded off a rain-slicked Siberian runway

and plowed through a concrete barrier, bursting into flames. At least 125 of 203

people on board were killed.

Links: Russia, Air Crash, Siberia

2006 Jul 10

In eastern Pakistan a Fokker F-27 twin-engine aircraft operated by Pakistan

International Airlines slammed into a wheat field and burst into flames minutes

after takeoff. All 45 people on board were killed.

Links: Pakistan, Air Crash

2006 Jul 13

Three Canadian military personnel were killed and four others injured on after

their helicopter crashed into the Atlantic Ocean during a search and rescue training

exercise off Canada's east coast.

Links: Canada, Air Crash

2006 Jul 16

A small German tourist plane crashed on takeoff from the Italian island of Elba,

killing four people aboard and seriously injuring one.

Links: Italy, Germany, Air Crash

2006 Jul 26

Page 160: History of Air Crashes


In Afghanistan 5 militants were killed and 11 were wounded when they battled 200

Afghan police in Garmser. All 16 people including two Dutch soldiers and at least 2

American civilians were killed when their helicopter crashed in southeast

Afghanistan. The Russian-made helicopter was operated by a logistics company

ferrying supplies and fuel from Kabul to the Khost airport.

Links: USA, Netherlands, Air Crash, Afghan

2006 Aug 3

In eastern Congo a small passenger plane crashed into a mountain and then tumbled

into a valley, killing all 17 passengers and crew.

Links: Air Crash, CongoDRC

2006 Aug 22

A Russian passenger jet with at least 170 people aboard crashed in Ukraine after

sending a distress signal. The Pulkovo airlines Tupolev 154, en route from the

Russian Black Sea resort of Anapa to St. Petersburg, crashed near the Ukrainian

city of Donetsk.

Links: Russia, Ukraine, Air Crash

2006 Aug 27

In Kentucky a Comair commuter jet carrying 50 people, crashed in a field and

caught fire shortly after taking off in light rain. The co-pilot was the sole

survivor. The taxi route for commercial jets using Blue Grass Airport's main

runway was altered a week before Comair Flight 5191 took the wrong runway and


Links: USA, Air Crash, Kentucky

2006 Aug 28

Page 161: History of Air Crashes


In southeastern Kentucky a small plane from Wichita Fall, Texas, crashed and all 7

people aboard were killed.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Kentucky


A text-based site.

2006 Sep 1

In northeastern Iran a Russian-made Tupolev 154 airplane with 148 people on board

skidded off the runway and caught fire, killing 29 people.

Links: Iran, Air Crash

2006 Sep 8

In Mexico a small plane crash near Ensenada on the US-Mexico border killed three

American medical volunteers.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Mexico

2006 Sep 11

In southern Russia a military helicopter crashed on the outskirts of Vladikavkaz,

the provincial capital of the republic of North Ossetia, killing at least 10 servicemen

and injuring another four.

Links: Russia, Air Crash, Ossetia

2006 Sep 13

A helicopter crashed in Siberia, killing three of the four people aboard, an

emergency official said. The MD-600 helicopter crashed about 12 miles from the city

Novokuznetsk in the Kemerovo region about 1,850 miles east of Moscow.

Links: Russia, Air Crash, Siberia

Page 162: History of Air Crashes


2006 Sep 17

A Nigerian military transport aircraft, traveling from Abuja to the southern town

of Obudu, went down in the southeast with a group of military officers on board.

12 of 17 people were killed and most were senior military personnel.

Links: Air Crash, Nigeria

International Red Cross

Make a donation

2006 Sep 19

In southern Germany a US AH-64D Apache Longbow attack helicopter crashed on a

training mission, killing two American soldiers.

Links: USA, Germany, Air Crash

2006 Sep 23

In Nepal's mountainous east a helicopter with 24 people aboard went missing.

Searchers found the wreckage on Sep 25. The 24 dead included 2 Americans,

Nepalese Forestry Minister Gopal Rai, Finnish Embassy Charge d'Affaires Pauli

Mustonen and Canadian Jennifer Headley, a coordinator for WWF, several Nepali

journalists, government officials and four crew members, two Russians and two


Links: Nepal, Air Crash

2006 Sep 29

A Brazilian jetliner, Gol airlines Flight 1907, with 155 people aboard crashed in the

Amazon jungle after reportedly colliding with a smaller ExcelAire executive jet

carrying 16 passengers. The Legacy jet stabilized after the apparent collision and

then landed at a Brazilian air force base in the Amazon state of Para. It was

later reported that the US executive jet was at the wrong altitude and Brazil

confiscated the passports of the pilots. In November it was reported that the flight

recorder transcript from the executive jet involved in the air disaster showed that

Page 163: History of Air Crashes


the jet's American pilots were told by Brazilian air traffic control to fly at the

same altitude as a Boeing 737 before the planes collided over the Amazon

rainforest. Pilots Joseph Lepore (42), of Bay Shore, N.Y., and Jan Paladino (34), of

Westhampton Beach, N.Y., were allowed to return to the US on Dec 8 after

signing a document promising to return to Brazil for their trial or when required

by local authorities. In 2010 Air force Sgt. Jomarcelo Fernandes dos Santos was

sentenced to 14 months in jail for failing to take action when he saw that the

Legacy's anti-collision system had been turned off. In 2011 the American pilots were

sentenced to four years of unspecified community service in the USA. On May 19

air traffic controller Lucivando de Alencar was convicted of endangering air safety

and sentenced to three years and four months of community service.

Links: Brazil, USA, Air Crash

2006 Oct 10

In Norway a charter plane caught fire and skidded off the runway while landing at

Stord Airport.

Links: Air Crash, Norway

2006 Oct 11

A small plane, carrying New York Yankees pitcher Cory Lidle (b.1972) and

instructor Tyler Stanger, crashed into a 50-story condominium tower on Manhattan's

Upper East Side killing both men. It was not clear who was at the controls.

Links: USA, Air Crash, NYC, Baseball

2006 Oct 11

In the Dominican Republic Resort tycoon Howard "Butch" Kerzner was killed along

with three others when a helicopter they were traveling in crashed into a building

on the north coast.

Links: Air Crash, Dominican Rep.

Page 164: History of Air Crashes


2006 Oct 13

In Brazil a small private plane with six people aboard went missing after losing

contact with air traffic controllers in Vitoria.

Links: Brazil, Air Crash

2006 Oct 29

A Nigerian airliner carrying 104 people, including the man regarded as a spiritual

leader of Nigeria's Sunni Muslims, crashed in a storm after taking off from the

airport in Abuja. Most of those on board were feared dead. 9 people survived. The

Nigerian pilot of the plane did not heed air traffic controllers' advice to not depart

in stormy weather.

Links: Air Crash, Nigeria

2006 Nov 24

In southern Chile a twin-engine plane crashed, killing the Chilean pilot and five

Brazilian tourists.

Links: Chile, Air Crash

2006 Nov 26

David Hermance (59), a US engineer for Toyota, was killed when his experimental

plane, a Interavia E-3, crashed off San Pedro near Los Angeles, Ca. Hermance’s

job had been to take technology developed in Japan, as in the Prius hybrid, and

bring it to the US.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash, Cars


A text-based site.

Page 165: History of Air Crashes


2006 Nov 27

In Iran a Russian-designed antonov-74 crashed in Tehran, killing 38 people. They

included members of the elite Revolutionary Guards and high-ranking officers. This

was Iran’s third military air plane crash in the last year.

Links: Iran, Air Crash

2006 Nov 27

Iraqi President Jalal Talabani arrived in Tehran to meet with his Iranian

counterpart amid increasing calls for Washington to enlist Iran's help in calming the

escalating violence in neighboring Iraq. In Baghdad gunmen opened fire on a

crowded street, killing six Iraqis and wounding three, some of whom were sitting in

a parked car. Police in western Baghdad found the bodies of two Iraqis who had

been kidnapped, blindfolded and shot. A bomb exploded under an oil pipeline and set

it on fire south of Baghdad. A US Air Force F-16 jet crashed northwest of

Baghdad and Maj. Troy Gilbert was killed.

Links: Iraq, USA, Air Crash

2006 Dec 16

In Mexico hundreds of federal police officers packed up their tents and marched out

of Oaxaca’s central square, ending their seven-week occupation to put down a

lengthy protest by leftists that had left nine people dead. A Mexican air force plane

crashed into the sea near the resort city of Acapulco and rescue teams were

searching for its four crew members.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico

2006 Dec 17

In Ohio a plane crashed in a field killing Paul and Lillian Martin of Austin, Texas,

and their two children.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Ohio, Texas

Page 166: History of Air Crashes


2006 Dec 18

A small plane crashed into a raw sewage plant in Gilroy, Ca., killing a flight

instructor and 2 students.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

International Red Cross

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2006 Dec 21

In Concord, Ca., 4 people died when their small plane struck Highway 4 as it

attempted to land at Buchanan Field.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

2006 Dec 27

A helicopter carrying natural gas workers crashed off the northwest English coast,

killing six people and leaving the only other person aboard missing.

Links: Britain, Air Crash


The number of air crashes around the world in 2006 was the lowest in 53 years,

making it one of the safest in aviation history.

Links: Air Crash, Aviation

2007 Jan 1

Flight KI-574, an Indonesian passenger plane carrying 102 people, disappeared in

stormy weather off Sulawesi island. Rescue teams were sent to search in the area

where the Boeing 737-400 sent out a distress signal. In 2008 investigators said the

Page 167: History of Air Crashes


pilots had accidentally disconnecting the plane's autopilot. A speed boat capsized in

poor weather off the coast of Borneo island, killing 15 people.

Links: Indonesia, Air Crash

2007 Jan 7

A helicopter crashed into the garden terrace of a restaurant in southeastern

France, killing three people on the ground and severely injuring a fourth.

Links: France, Air Crash

2007 Jan 9

Iraqi and US soldiers, backed by American warplanes, battled suspected insurgents

for hours in central Baghdad, and 50 militant fighters were killed. A cargo plane

carrying Turkish construction workers crashed during landing at an airport near

Baghdad, killing 32 people and injuring two. 4 members of a family died when their

house in Baghdad's Sadr City section was destroyed. Police initially said the attack

was from two mortar shells, but later a police official and witnesses said the home

was fired on by US aircraft. 3 US soldiers were killed in Anbar province.

Links: Iraq, Turkey, USA, Air Crash

2007 Jan 10

In England 2 RAF training helicopters collided in mid-air in Shropshire, with some

reports claiming that one person was killed and three injured.

Links: Britain, Air Crash

2007 Jan 13

A Bolivian air force plane crashed in a southern state, killing all eight people on


Links: Bolivia, Air Crash

Page 168: History of Air Crashes


2007 Jan 23

The UN refugee agency said that men allegedly wearing uniforms of the Iraqi

security forces abducted a group of 17 Palestinian refugees from a building rented

by the agency in Baghdad. Two bombs struck separate Shiite targets in Baghdad,

killing five people. A Blackwater USA security helicopter crashed in a Sunni

neighborhood in central Baghdad and 5 men were shot execution style in the back of

the head.

Links: Iraq, USA, UN, Air Crash, Palestine

2007 Jan 24

Ecuador's first female defense minister died in a collision of two helicopters that also

killed her daughter and five members of the military.

Links: Ecuador, Air Crash

2007 Jan 26

A US Navy helicopter crashed during a training mission in the ocean about 50

miles off the southeastern coast of California. One sailor was reported dead and 3


Links: USA, California, Air Crash

2007 Feb 7

A twin-engine plane crashed in Brazil’s Amazon jungle, killing all six people


Links: Brazil, Air Crash

2007 Feb 28

Page 169: History of Air Crashes


An air force helicopter crashed in Peru's highlands, killing 3 military personnel and

injuring an army general who commanded a military base in the area.

Links: Peru, Air Crash

2007 Mar 5

In Austria a helicopter and a small plane collided in the air and crashed near a ski

slope, killing all eight people aboard the two aircraft.

Links: Austria, Air Crash

2007 Mar 7

A packed Garuda Indonesia jetliner crash-landed and erupted in flames at

Yogyakarta airport, killing 22 people trapped inside the burning wreckage. More

than 115 others escaped through emergency exits as black smoke billowed behind


Links: Indonesia, Air Crash

International Red Cross

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2007 Mar 8

In Hawaii a tour helicopter crashed at an airport on the island of Kauai, killing

four people and critically injuring three.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Hawaii

2007 Mar 11

In Hawaii a tour helicopter crashed on Kauai and one person was killed. This was

the 2nd fatal copter crash on the island in 4 days.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Hawaii

Page 170: History of Air Crashes


2007 Mar 14

In Brazil a twin-engine plane was carrying $2.6 million worth of Brazilian reals

crashed near the city of Salvador. Locals made off with bags of cash before

rescuers arrived on the scene.

Links: Brazil, Air Crash, Robbery

2007 Mar 17

A Russian Tu-134 airliner crash landed in heavy fog in the central Russian city of

Samara, killing 6 people and injuring 26.

Links: Russia, Air Crash

2007 Apr 3

Taiwan Presidential front-runner Ma Ying-jeou pleaded not guilty at his corruption

trial in Taipei, saying that his use of a special municipal fund was in keeping with

government standards. A helicopter crashed into a radio tower near Kaohsiung and

killed 8 crew members.

Links: Taiwan, Air Crash, Corruption

2007 Apr 21

A US Navy Blue Angel jet went down during an air show in South Carolina,

plunging into a neighborhood of small homes and trailers and killing the pilot.

Links: USA, Air Crash, South Carolina

2007 Apr 27

A Russian military helicopter crashed in Chechnya, killing all 18 people aboard,

emergency officials said. There were conflicting reports about whether the craft was

shot down.

Links: Russia, Chechnya, Air Crash

Page 171: History of Air Crashes


2007 Apr 28

A Philippine air force helicopter crashed on a busy street in Lapu Lapu City, Cebu

Island, pinning a motorcycle taxi and hitting another with its spinning rotors. At

least 9 people on the ground and one airman were killed. Norberto Linao Jr., the

mayor of Morong town in Bataan province, escaped injury after assailants sprayed

his house with gunfire.

Links: Philippines, Air Crash

2007 May 5

A Kenya Airways jet with 114 people on board crashed after sending out a distress

signal over a remote rainforest in southern Cameroon. The Boeing 737-800 was

carrying 114 people, including 105 passengers, from 23 countries. There were no


Links: Cameroon, Air Crash, Kenya

2007 May 6

In Egypt a plane carrying foreign peacekeepers across the Sinai desert crashed

near a stretch of highway where it had tried to make an emergency landing, killing

eight French soldiers and a Canadian.

Links: Canada, France, Air Crash, Egypt


A text-based site.

2007 May 24

A Peruvian government flight serving as a link between isolated jungle communities

disappeared in the country's northeastern rain forest with 20 people on board. 7

survivors were rescued the day.

Links: Peru, Air Crash

Page 172: History of Air Crashes


2007 May 30

Afghan and US-led coalition forces clashed with Taliban militants in eastern

Afghanistan, leaving six suspected insurgents dead and one wounded. A roadside

bomb killed four policemen and wounded another in the southern province of

Uruzgan. A CH-47 Chinook helicopter was shot down by Taliban militants in an

attack that killed everyone on board, five US soldiers, a Canadian and a Briton. In

western Farah province, insurgents attacked the Pusht Rod district, and ensuing

clashes with police left 10 militants dead and 15 wounded.

Links: Canada, Britain, USA, Air Crash, Afghan

2007 Jun 1

In a key legal step toward assigning blame for Brazil's deadliest plane crash, two

US pilots and four Brazilian air traffic controllers were indicted on charges

equivalent to involuntary manslaughter for the Sep 29, 2006, mid-air collision that

killed 154 people.

Links: Brazil, USA, Air Crash

2007 Jun 3

In Sierra Leone a helicopter ferrying passengers to the main airport crashed,

bursting into flames and killing 22 people, mostly Togo soccer fans.

Links: Sierra Leone, Air Crash, Soccer

2007 Jun 4

A small plane from Milwaukee carrying a six-member organ transplant team and

their cargo of donor organs to Michigan crashed in Lake Michigan with no


Links: USA, Air Crash, Michigan, Wisconsin

Page 173: History of Air Crashes


International Red Cross

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2007 Jun 13

In Mongolia a helicopter carrying firefighters and equipment crashed into a mountain

killing 14 of 22 aboard. The crash site was not discovered until June 16.

Links: Mongolia, Air Crash

2007 Jun 15

The US launched a large offensive operation in several al-Qaida strongholds around

Baghdad. The remains of 13 members of an Iraqi taekwondo team kidnapped last

year were found near the main highway leading to Jordan. US attack helicopters

killed four suspects and wounded three in operations south of Baghdad. An

American soldier was killed in a roadside bombing in southern Baghdad and an Ohio

National Guard pilot was killed when his F-16 fighter crashed shortly after takeoff

from Balad Air Base in central Iraq.

Links: Iraq, USA, Air Crash, al-Qaida

2007 Jun 25

A charter plane carrying 22 people between two popular Cambodian tourist

destinations crashed in a mountainous region in the south of the country. All

aboard were killed.

Links: Cambodia, Air Crash

2007 Jun 28

An Angolan Airlines plane crashed into a house on landing, killing at least six

people in M'banza Congo, a town about 180 miles north of the capital, Luanda.

Links: Angola, Air Crash

Page 174: History of Air Crashes


2007 Jun 28

In central Bolivia 3 Bolivian soldiers and a Venezuelan sergeant died when an air

force helicopter crashed.

Links: Bolivia, Air Crash

2007 Jun 28

Bruce Kennedy (b.1938), former CEO of Alaska Airlines (1979-1991), was killed

when his Cessna 182 crashed in Cashmere, Wash.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Aviation, Alaska, Washington

2007 Jul 5

In Mexico a small cargo jet failed to take off in Culiacan and barreled onto an

adjacent highway, killing at least 9 people, including two soldiers assigned to the

Mexican president's security detail.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico

2007 Jul 8

In the Philippines 2 small planes collided in the air and crashed in a rice field

north of Manila, killing two Indian citizens and a Filipino flight instructor.

Links: Philippines, Air Crash

2007 Jul 10

In Florida a small plane trying to make an emergency landing crashed into a

suburban Orlando neighborhood, killing both people aboard and starting two house

fires that seriously burned two adults and a 10-year-old boy.

Links: USA, France, Air Crash

2007 Jul 17

Page 175: History of Air Crashes


In Sao Paulo, Brazil, a TAM airlines Airbus-320 slammed into a gas station and a

TAM building and burst into flames after trying to land on a short, rain-slicked

runway at Congonhas airport. All 187 people aboard were killed along with 12 on

the ground.

Links: Brazil, Air Crash


A text-based site.

2007 Jul 23

An attempt to break an aviation speed record went horribly wrong when a small

"experimental" plane crashed through an apartment building in the Swiss city of

Basel, killing the pilot and injuring at least three other people.

Links: Switzerland, Air Crash

2007 Jul 23

A Greek firefighting plane crashed, killing one of its two-member crew while trying

to stop a forest fire reaching homes on the island of Evia.

Links: Air Crash, Greece, Fire

2007 Jul 25

In Alaska a sightseeing plane crashed leaving a pilot and 2 couples from a visiting

cruise ship dead.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Alaska

2007 Jul 27

In Phoenix, Arizona, 2 news helicopters covering a police chase on live television

collided and crashed to the ground, killing all four people on board.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Arizona

Page 176: History of Air Crashes


2007 Jul 29

A 43-year-old Russian cargo plane crashed minutes after taking off from a Moscow

airport, killing all seven crew on board.

Links: Russia, Air Crash

International Red Cross

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2007 Aug 2

In Washington state a helicopter with four people aboard crashed and burst into

flames on the east slopes of the Cascade Range, starting a wildfire. By the day it

spread through dry timber to cover 300 to 400 acres.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Washington, Fire

2007 Aug 3

Four people were killed after a helicopter flying from northern England to southern

Scotland crashed in northwest England. The wreckage was found the day.

Links: Britain, Air Crash

2007 Aug 5

A medical plane left the Ruidoso Regional Airport on a flight to University of New

Mexico Hospital, and crashed almost immediately in Devil's Canyon in the Lincoln

National Forest. 5 people were killed including a 15-month-old patient and her


Links: USA, Air Crash, New Mexico

2007 Aug 7

Page 177: History of Air Crashes


Darfur rebel commanders shot down a government MiG 29 plane they say was

bombing civilian villages in their areas in Sudan's Darfur region.

Links: Air Crash, Sudan

2007 Aug 8

A British air force helicopter crashed near an army base in northern England,

killing two military personnel and injuring 10.

Links: Britain, Air Crash

2007 Aug 20

In Okinawa, Japan, passengers used emergency slides to evacuate a China Airlines

Boeing 737-800 just minutes before the plane burst into a fireball on the tarmac.

All 165 people aboard escaped unhurt, including the pilot, who jumped from the

cockpit at the last second.

Links: China, Japan, Air Crash

2007 Sep 1

In Poland 2 small planes collided during an acrobatic display at the Radom Air

Show killing both pilots.

Links: Poland, Air Crash

2007 Sep 1

In eastern Tennessee a small plane carrying 5 Jehovah’s Witness ministers crashed

in the Cherokee National Forest killing all 5 aboard.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Tennessee

2007 Sep 3

Page 178: History of Air Crashes


Steve Fossett (b.1944), tycoon turned record seeker, disappeared in Nevada after

flying from the Flying M Ranch, owned by billionaire Baron Hilton. In 2002 Fosset

became the 1st person to fly around the world in a balloon. In 2006 Fossett

authored his autobiography “Chasing the Wind.” A search was formally suspended on

Oct 2. On Feb 15, 2008, an Illinois court declared him legally dead. In 2008

wreckage of his plane was found on Oct 1 in the rugged eastern mountains of


Links: USA, California, Air Crash, Illinois, Nevada, Biography, Balloon

2007 Sep 11

In northeast Alabama a US Army helicopter on a training flight in foggy weather

struck a power line and crashed, killing all three soldiers on board.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Alabama


A text-based site.

2007 Sep 14

Two airplanes collided at the Reno National Championship Air Races, killing one

pilot and injuring another in the third fatal crash at the event in four days.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Nevada

2007 Sep 15

In western Mexico a bus carrying tourists including passengers of a flight from

Phoenix crashed, killing at least 17 people.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico, Arizona

2007 Sep 15

Former world rally champion Colin McRae (39) and his five-year-old son were

among four people killed in a helicopter crash in southern Scotland.

Page 179: History of Air Crashes


Links: Air Crash, Scotland

2007 Sep 16

In Thailand a One-Two-Go Airlines passenger plane filled with foreign tourists

crashed as it tried to land in pouring rain on the island of Phuket, splitting in two

and bursting into flames. 89 people were killed.

Links: Thailand, Air Crash

2007 Sep 24

A US navy MH60 helicopter crashed into a lake on the Pacific island of Guam,

killing one crew member.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Guam

International Red Cross

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2007 Oct 4

In Congo a cargo plane crashed in a residential neighborhood near the main airport

in Kinshasa, plowing into homes and killing at least 52 people. The day Congolese

President Joseph Kabila sacked Transport Minister Remy Henri Kuseyo Gatanga.

Links: Air Crash, CongoDRC

2007 Oct 7

A Cessna 208 Grand Caravan crashed in the Cascade Mountains after it left Star,

Idaho, near Boise, en route to Shelton, Wash., northwest of Olympia. 9 skydivers

and the pilot were killed. Searchers found the wreckage the day.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Washington

Page 180: History of Air Crashes


2007 Oct 8

In Colombia a plane carrying 15 soldiers and three civilians disappeared. The

wreckage was spotted Oct 11 high in the Andes and the armed forces chief said

there was no chance of survivors.

Links: Colombia, Air Crash

2007 Oct 19

A twin-engine plane crashed into the ninth floor of a suburban Vancouver

apartment building, killing the pilot and injuring at least two people in the building.

Six people were found dead in what police described as a graphic murder scene in

an apartment building in a Vancouver suburb. Police later said the killings, which

took place on the 15th floor of a suburban Vancouver apartment building, were

related to gang activity. They said that two of the dead were murdered because

they chanced upon the crime scene.

Links: Canada, Air Crash, Murder

2007 Nov 20

A British Puma helicopter crashed southeast of Baghdad, killing two soldiers and

seriously injuring two others. A sophisticated roadside bomb killed a US soldier and

an Iraqi interpreter and wounded three other soldiers on patrol in eastern Baghdad.

Links: Iraq, Britain, USA, Air Crash

2007 Nov 21

A South African police officer died when a helicopter carrying 14 police officers

and five air force officials crashed near the border with Lesotho.

Links: Air Crash, South Africa

2007 Nov 26

Page 181: History of Air Crashes


An Iranian air force F-4 Phantom jet crashed into the Oman Sea off the

southeastern coast of Iran, killing both pilots.

Links: Iran, Air Crash

2007 Nov 30

In southwest Turkey an Atlasjet plane crashed on a rocky mountain shortly before

it was due to land, killing all 57 people on board.

Links: Turkey, Air Crash

2007 Dec 9

A charter aircraft flying from the Czech Republic crashed near Kiev airport in

Ukraine killing at least 5 people.

Links: Ukraine, Air Crash, Czech Rep.

2007 Dec 25

In Panama the bodies of Michael Klein (37), a California hedge fund manager, his

daughter Talia Klein (13) and pilot Edwin Lasso (23) were found in an uninhabited

region known as Las Ovejas on the slope of the Baru volcano. Francesca Lewis (12)

survived the Dec 23 crash, but cold, wet weather ented authorities from evacuating

her immediately.

Links: Panama, USA, Air Crash

2008 Jan 4

A private plane carrying 14 people, including 8 Italians, crashed into the sea after

taking off from Venezuela's Los Roques islands.

Links: Italy, Venezuela, Air Crash

Page 182: History of Air Crashes


2008 Jan 5

In Alaska a small plane crashed at the end of a runway off Kodiak Island killing 6

people enroute to celebrate Eastern Orthodox Christmas.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Alaska

2008 Jan 11

In central Mexico a helicopter carrying volunteers on a mission to distribute toys to

needy children crashed, killing eight people, including a government official.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico

2008 Jan 12

A Macedonian Army helicopter returning from a peacekeeping mission in Bosnia

crashed in foggy conditions, killing all 11 people on board.

Links: Macedonia, Air Crash

2008 Jan 17

A British Airways jet from Beijing carrying 152 people crash-landed, injuring 19

people and causing more than 200 flights to be canceled at Europe's busiest airport.

Links: Britain, Air Crash

International Red Cross

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2008 Jan 20

In southern California The two small Cessnas crashed near the small Corona

Municipal Airport, killing five and raining debris and bodies down on car dealership

parking lots.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

Page 183: History of Air Crashes


2008 Jan 23

A Polish military plane carrying 20 passengers and crew crashed in flames in

northwestern Poland, killing all aboard including an air force general.

Links: Poland, Air Crash

2008 Jan 26

In Indonesia a small cargo plane disappeared and apparently crashed during a short

flight over Borneo island, and all three people aboard were feared dead.

Links: Indonesia, Air Crash

2008 Feb 17

In New Zealand 3 people were killed after a light plane and a helicopter collided in

mid-air in the coastal settlement of Paraparaumu.

Links: Air Crash, New Zealand

2008 Feb 21

In Venezuela a plane carrying 46 people crashed in the western mountains, 6 miles

from the airport in the Andean city of Merida. All aboard were believed killed.

Links: Venezuela, Air Crash

2008 Feb 23

A B-2 stealth bomber crashed on take-off from the Pacific island of Guam, the first

such incident involving the futuristic craft. Both pilots on board ejected safely as

the 1.2-billion-dollar radar-evading plane went down at Andersen airbase.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Guam

Page 184: History of Air Crashes


2008 Feb 27

In Chile a small police plane crashed at a sports field in Chile's capital, killing all

six aboard and five on the ground.

Links: Chile, Air Crash

2008 Mar 3

A UN helicopter crashed while flying in bad weather in Nepal's mountainous east,

killing at least 10 people.

Links: Nepal, Air Crash

2008 Mar 11

In Peru a helicopter ferrying passengers from the La Granja copper mine owned by

the Rio Tinto Group crashed in the Andes with 10 people aboard. The wreckage

was found the day.

Links: Peru, Air Crash

2008 Mar 15

In Nigeria a Wings Airline 19-seater aircraft went missing shortly after leaving

Lagos for the Obudu Cattle Ranch in Cross River state. On Aug 30 hunters found

the wreckage of the plane and the bodies of its three crew members.

Links: Air Crash, Nigeria


A text-based site.

2008 Mar 20

A Russian air force Su-25 fighter jet blew up in flight near the Far East city of

Vladivostok and the pilot was killed.

Links: Russia, Air Crash

Page 185: History of Air Crashes


2008 Mar 27

A helicopter belonging to Ukraine's border guards crashed off an island in the Black

Sea. One officer was rescued and 12 were missing.

Links: Ukraine, Air Crash

2008 Apr 3

In Suriname a twin-engine Antonov-AN28, operated by Surinamese carrier Blue

Wing airlines, crashed on approach to an airstrip in the Benzdorp mining region,

near the country's border with French Guiana. All 19 aboard were killed. Blue

Wing, which has operated since 2002, was barred from landing at European

airports in June 2006 after French aviation officials found safety deficiencies during

an inspection of planes. The airline was removed from the blacklist in 2007 after a

commission said the company had resolved the issues.

Links: Air Crash, Suriname

2008 Apr 8

In Vietnam a small military plane crashed near Hanoi, killing all five aboard.

Links: Vietnam, Air Crash

2008 Apr 9

In Peru 5 French tourists visiting the Nazca lines were killed when their small

plane crashed after becoming tangled in power lines.

Links: Peru, France, Air Crash

International Red Cross

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2008 Apr 11

Page 186: History of Air Crashes


In Moldova a Sudanese-owned transport plane laden with fuel crashed shortly after

takeoff from an airport near the capital and burst into flames, killing all 8 people

on board.

Links: Air Crash, Sudan, Moldova

2008 Apr 15

In eastern Democratic Republic of Congo at least 44 people were killed and up tot

100 injured when a passenger plane crashed onto a market district after taking-off

at Goma.

Links: Air Crash, CongoDRC

2008 Apr 16

A military plane belonging to Equatorial Guinea crashed off its coast with at least

13 people on board. There are no survivors.

Links: Air Crash, Equatorial Guinea

2008 Apr 18

In western Mexico a military helicopter crashed, killing 11 soldiers and seriously

injuring another.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico

2008 Apr 28

A Ukrainian helicopter crashed onto an offshore drilling platform in the Black Sea,

killing all 20 people on board.

Links: Ukraine, Air Crash

2008 May 2

Page 187: History of Air Crashes


South Sudan's defense minister, Lieutenant General Dominic Dim Deng, was killed in

a plane crash along with 23 other people, most of them senior members of the

southern former rebel leadership.

Links: Air Crash, Sudan

2008 May 10

In Wisconsin a medical helicopter crashed killing a surgeon, nurse and pilot.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Wisconsin

2008 May 13

In Canada a helicopter with three people on board appeared to hover as if looking

for a landing spot before it crashed onto a street and burst into flames in

Cranbrook, British Columbia. A pedestrian Kenyan exchange student, was killed

along with the 3 in the helicopter.

Links: Canada, Air Crash, Kenya

2008 May 24

In California a tour helicopter crashed on Santa Catalina Island killing 3 people and

injuring 3 others.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

2008 May 26

A Russian an An-12 cargo plane crashed near Chelyabinsk, Siberia, killing all 9

people onboard.

Links: Russia, Air Crash, Siberia


A text-based site.

Page 188: History of Air Crashes


2008 May 29

Chile's national police chief and 10 other people were killed when the aging

Panamanian government helicopter they were riding in crashed into a three-story

building in the heart of Panama City.

Links: Panama, Chile, Air Crash

2008 May 30

In Honduras a Grupo Taca Airbus A320 overshot a runway and raced onto a busy

street in Tegucigalpa, killing the pilot, two passengers and a motorist on the

ground. At least 65 people were injured.

Links: Honduras, Air Crash

2008 May 31

Chinese authorities had evacuated nearly 200,000 people and warned more than 1

million others to be ready to leave quickly as a lake formed by a devastating

earthquake threatened to breach its dam. A Russian-designed Mi-171 transport

helicopter carrying 10 people injured in the devastating earthquake and four crew

members crashed in fog and turbulence, and authorities searched for survivors. The

confirmed death toll from the May 12 earthquake, reached nearly 69,000, with

another 18,000 still missing.

Links: China, Air Crash, Tragedy

2008 Jun 8

In Texas a medical helicopter crashed on an isolated ranch in Sam Houston National

Forest, killing a patient and three crew members.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Texas

2008 Jun 8

Page 189: History of Air Crashes


In Ohio a small plane crashed in a residential area of Sandusky County and all 6

people aboard were killed.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Ohio

International Red Cross

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2008 Jun 10

A Sudan Airways plane carrying 214 people veered off a runway and burst into

flames after landing at Khartoum International Airport, killing at least 30 people.

Links: Air Crash, Sudan

2008 Jun 11

A plane carrying 10 people that disappeared four days ago in Chile's frigid

southern forests was found with nine survivors who stayed alive by huddling for

warmth, sharing food and sheltering in the plane's wreckage. The only fatality was

the pilot Nelson Bahamondes (65). The plane had disappeared June 7 after taking

off the Chilean city of Puerto Montt en route to La Junta.

Links: Chile, Air Crash

2008 Jun 19

In central Bosnia a helicopter carrying two Spanish pilots of the EU peace force

and two German officers crashed, but it was not clear if there were any casualties.

Links: Bosnia, Air Crash

2008 Jun 26

In Indonesia a 1984 Casa-212 plane disappeared during an aerial surveillance

mission about 60 miles south of the capital, Jakarta. All 18 aboard were killed.

Links: Indonesia, Air Crash

Page 190: History of Air Crashes


2008 Jun 27

In Guatemala a helicopter crash killed Interior Minister Vinicio Gomez and three

other people.

Links: Guatemala, Air Crash

2008 Jun 27

In Sudan a small cargo plane crashed mid-flight, killing 7 crew members, including

5 foreigners, in the third fatal aviation accident to blight the African country in

the past two months. There was one survivor. Gunmen killed a Ugandan driver

contracted to deliver aid for the World Food Program in Sudan, in the 7th such

killing in the country in three months.

Links: Air Crash, Sudan

2008 Jun 28

A small plane crashed outside Las Vegas killing 4 residents of Oakley, Ca.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Nevada

2008 Jun 29

A helicopter ferrying a patient with a medical emergency from the Grand Canyon

collided into another chopper carrying a patient near a northern Arizona hospital,

leaving six people dead and critically injuring a nurse.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Arizona

2008 Jun 30

In Sudan a cargo plane crashed shortly after takeoff from Khartoum's airport,

killing all four Russian crew members aboard. The plane hit an electricity pole

shortly after takeoff and then crashed into an empty field.

Page 191: History of Air Crashes


Links: Air Crash, Sudan

2008 Jul 6

In northern Mexico a plane carrying a load of auto parts crashed s it was trying

to land, killing the pilot and severely injuring the co-pilot.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico


A text-based site.

2008 Jul 7

In Colombia a rose-laden US cargo plane headed for Miami crashed before dawn

near Bogota, killing a father and son in their home on the ground. It was the

second time in six weeks that a Boeing 747 flown by Ypsilanti, Michigan-based

Kalitta Air has crashed.

Links: Colombia, USA, Air Crash, Michigan

2008 Jul 20

In central Bolivia a Venezuelan military helicopter often used to transport Bolivian

President Evo Morales crashed. Four Venezuelan military personnel and a Bolivian

officer were reported killed.

Links: Bolivia, Venezuela, Air Crash

2008 Jul 21

A US B-52 bomber that was due to fly in a Liberation Day parade in the US

territory of Guam crashed into the Pacific Ocean soon after take-off. All of the

bomber's six-man crew were killed.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Guam

Page 192: History of Air Crashes


2008 Jul 31

A small jet crashed while preparing to land at Degner Regional Airport in

Minnesota killing 8 people including several casino and construction executives.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Minnesota

2008 Aug 3

In Canada a small plane crashed on Vancouver Island. Two survivors were pulled

from the wreckage but five other people on the aircraft died.

Links: Canada, Air Crash

International Red Cross

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2008 Aug 3

In Gearhart, Oregon, a small plane crashed into a seaside house killing 2 people

aboard and 2 children in the vacation home.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Tragedy, Oregon

2008 Aug 5

In California 9 firefighters were killed and 4 injured when their helicopter crashed

after battling a blaze in Trinity County. Investigators in 2010 concluded that lax

federal oversight and Carson Helicopter’s decision to underestimate the craft’s weight

led to the crash.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash, Fire

2008 Aug 17

Two small planes collided in midair and crashed near Coventry in central England,

killing five people.

Links: Britain, Air Crash

Page 193: History of Air Crashes


2008 Aug 20

A Spanair MD-82 bound for the Canary Islands caught fire while trying to make

an emergency landing just after departing from Madrid airport leaving 153 people

dead. This was the nation's worst air disaster in nearly 25 years. The toll rose to

154 on Aug 23 leaving 18 survivors. In 2010 authorities investigating the crash of

Spanair flight 5022 discovered a central computer system used to monitor technical

problems in the aircraft was infected with malware.

Links: Spain, Air Crash, Tragedy

2008 Aug 22

In North Las Vegas, Nevada, an experimental aircraft crashed into a house killing

the pilot of the Velocity 173 RG and 2 people in the home.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Nevada

2008 Aug 23

In Utah a small plane crashed and burned shortly after takeoff from Canyonlands

Field airport. All 10 aboard, including 9 employees of a Cedar City dermatology

company, who traveled to remote areas to provide medical treatments.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Utah

2008 Aug 24

In Guatemala a Cessna Caravan carrying humanitarian workers crashed about 60

miles east of Guatemala City killing 10 people, including five Americans. At least 2

people survived. The plane was headed to a village in the area of El Estor to build

homes for CHOICE Humanitarian, a group based in West Jordan, Utah.

Links: Guatemala, Air Crash, Utah

2008 Aug 24

Page 194: History of Air Crashes


In Kyrgyzstan a Boeing 737 passenger jet carrying 90 people to Iran crashed near

Bishkek’s Manas Int’l. Airport. At least 65 people were killed.

Links: Kyrgyzstan, Air Crash

2008 Aug 25

A 41-year-old Lockheed Martin C-130 military cargo plane crashed in the waters

off the southern Philippines. Two Philippine Air Force pilots and 7 crewmen were

feared dead.

Links: Philippines, Air Crash

2008 Sep 1

In Nevada an air tanker being used to drop retardant on a wildfire in the Sierra

Nevada crashed after taking off for its last flight of the day, killing all three crew


Links: Air Crash, Nevada

2008 Sep 3

A helicopter carrying foreign contractors crashed into an oil platform off the coast

of Dubai, killing all seven people on board and halting production in one of the

emirate's four offshore oil fields.

Links: Air Crash, Dubai

2008 Sep 4

A US coast Guard helicopter went down off Oahu, Ha., killing 4 crew members.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Hawaii

2008 Sep 10

Page 195: History of Air Crashes


In northern Israel a military helicopter crashed at sundown and burst into flames

killing two crew members.

Links: Air Crash, Israel

2008 Sep 14

In Western Australia's 4 people died in a helicopter crash in the Bungle Bungle

National Park of the remote Kimberly region.

Links: Australia, Air Crash

2008 Sep 14

Aeroflot Flight 821, traveling from Moscow to the Ural Mountains city of Perm,

crashed near residential buildings as it was preparing to land, killing all 88 people

aboard, including 21 foreign nationals. A Russian investigator said the crash of the

Boeing-737-500 was most likely caused by engine failure.

Links: Russia, Air Crash

International Red Cross

Make a donation

2008 Sep 18

In Iraq an explosives-laden car parked at a bus station in the southern city of

Nasiriyah killed two people and wounded one. 7 American soldiers were killed in

southern Iraq when their helicopter crashed as it was flying into the country from


Links: Iraq, USA, Air Crash

2008 Sep 19

Former Blink-182 drummer Travis Barker and celebrity DJ AM were critically

injured in a fiery Learjet crash in South Carolina that killed four people just

before midnight.

Page 196: History of Air Crashes


Links: Air Crash, North Carolina, Pop&Rock

2008 Sep 28

In Maryland a medical helicopter crashed and killed 4 of 5 people on board.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Maryland

2008 Sep 29

In Sudan a helicopter contracted to UN-led peacekeepers crashed in the Darfur

region, killing two people with two more feared dead.

Links: Air Crash, Sudan

2008 Oct 8

In Nepal a small airplane crashed and caught fire as it tried to land in foggy

weather at a tiny mountain airport near Mount Everest, killing 18 people, including

16 tourists from Germany, Australia and Nepal.

Links: Australia, Nepal, Germany, Air Crash

2008 Oct 15

In Illinois a medical helicopter crashed just before midnight and killed a desperately

ill 1-year-old girl and three crew members when the aircraft clipped a radio

structure's wire and went down in a suburban Chicago field.

Links: Air Crash, Illinois

2008 Oct 23

An Italian military helicopter crashed in northeastern France, killing all eight people

on board.

Links: Italy, Air Crash

Page 197: History of Air Crashes


2008 Oct 24

In Paraguay a small plane crashed shortly after takeoff in Asuncion, killing all five

people on board. The plane belonged to the private hospital Asismed and was used

to transport patients. Hospital President Miguel Figueredo said the pilot had said he

would be conducting a test flight, and did not tell officials he would have


Links: Paraguay, Air Crash

2008 Nov 2

In Guyana American pilots James Barker and Chris Paris and Canadian technician

Patrick Murphy were doing uranium survey work for Prometheus Resources Guyana

Inc., a subsidiary of U308 Corporation of Toronto, Canada, when the plane went


Links: Canada, USA, Air Crash, Guyana

2008 Nov 4

One of Mexico's top pointmen in the war against drug trafficking died when a

government jet crashed into a Mexico City street, setting fire to dozens of vehicles.

The loss of Interior Secretary Juan Camilo Mourino, former anti-drug prosecutor

Jose Luis Santiago Vasconcelos and six others thinned the ranks of Mexico's already

embattled leadership. 9 people on the plane were killed as well as 5 people on the

ground. A 15th victim died 2 weeks later. A 16th victim died in On Dec 11. Three

alleged hitmen suspected in the killing of a top border-state police official died in a

gunbattle with police in Nogales. They were suspected of having helped kill Sonora

state police chief Juan Manuel Pavon on Nov 2. One Sonora state police officer died

in the shootout. A suspect in Pavon's killing was taken into custody.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico, Drugs


A text-based site.

Page 198: History of Air Crashes


2008 Nov 13

An American soldier died of a noncombat cause in western Iraq. A civilian cargo

aircraft crashed in the desert south of Fallujah.

Links: Iraq, USA, Air Crash

2008 Nov 16

On Canada's Pacific coast 7 people were killed and one was injured when the

charter plane they were flying in crashed on Thormanby Island.

Links: Canada, Air Crash

2008 Nov 27

An Airbus A320 passenger plane crashed off France's southern coast during a

maintenance flight, killing 3 people and leaving the 4 others on board missing.

Links: France, Air Crash

2008 Dec 3

In Puerto Rico a Rockwell International 690B plane slammed into El Yunque

mountain, killing Caribbean pilot Ken Webster and two US tourists on board. A

spokesman for the Medical Mutual of Ohio health insurance company later identified

the two Americans as Kent W. Clapp, the firm's chief executive, and his fiancee,

Tracy Turner.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Ohio, Puerto Rico

2008 Dec 7

A Mexican government Learjet plunged into Atlangatepec lake in central Mexico,

killing two pilots in the second deadly crash in a month involving a federally owned


Page 199: History of Air Crashes


Links: Air Crash, Mexico

International Red Cross

Make a donation

2008 Dec 8

In San Diego The F/A-18D Hornet crashed into a street about two miles from

Marine Corps Air Station Miramar as the pilot was returning from a training

flight. 4 people, a mother, 2 children and a grandmother, were killed in one house.

Two homes were destroyed.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

2008 Dec 15

A plane from the Dominican Rep. went missing near the Turks and Caicos Islands

that reportedly had 12 people, including 11 migrant workers, on board. Several days

after the disappearance, Dominican authorities said Adriano Jimenez, the pilot, was

allowed to take off even though he had only a US student pilot's license.

Links: Air Crash, Dominican Rep., Turks and Caicos

2008 Dec 17

Two Australian women were killed when their light aircraft slammed into a

suburban house in Sydney after a mid-air collision between two flying school planes.

Links: Australia, Air Crash

2008 Dec 19

In northern Mexico a small plane carrying government officials and television

reporters crashed in northern Mexico and all five people on board are in serious

condition. The plane was carrying state water commission chief Rafael Reyes, his

assistant and two TV Azteca reporters. They were hospitalized along with the


Page 200: History of Air Crashes


Links: Air Crash, Mexico

2009 Jan 2

In Britain 2 people were feared dead after a light aircraft crashed into a major

railway line, causing severe disruption to train services between Rugeley and


Links: Britain, Air Crash

2009 Jan 4

In Louisiana 8 people were killed when a PHI Inc. helicopter, bound for offshore oil

fields, crashed about 100 miles southwest of New Orleans.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Louisiana

2009 Jan 9

A Russian helicopter owned by the state gas giant Gazprom crashed while on a

hunting trip in the mountains of Western Siberia, killing eight aboard. 3 people

survived. The crash involved government officials on an illegal hunt.

Links: Russia, Air Crash

2009 Jan 11

Marcus Schrenker's plane went down en route to Destin, Fla., from Anderson, Ind.

Schrenker (38), an Indiana investment manager, had reported that the windshield

imploded and that he was bleeding profusely. Federal marshals believe he faked a

distress call before parachuting from his plane over Alabama and disappearing on a

motorcycle he had stashed in advance. US Marshals apprehended Schrenker on Jan

13 at a northern Florida campground. Officers had to tend to Schrenker's self-

inflicted gash to the wrist before he was airlifted to Tallahassee Memorial Hospital.

In August Schrenker pleaded guilty was sentenced in Florida to 4 years and 3

months in federal prison.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Florida, Alabama, Indiana, Scam

Page 201: History of Air Crashes


2009 Jan 15

In western Afghanistan Gen. Fazaludin Sayar, a top Afghan army general, was

killed in a helicopter crash. All 12 others aboard were also killed.

Links: Air Crash, Afghan

2009 Jan 17

A helicopter carrying 10 French soldiers crashed off the coast of Gabon in central

Africa. At least 2 survived and 2 were killed as rescuers searched for 6 missing.

Links: France, Air Crash, Gabon


A text-based site.

2009 Jan 26

In northern Iraq 2 US helicopters crashed in Tamim province, killing four American

troops, in the deadliest single incident for US forces in more than four months.

Enemy fire was later reported as the cause of the collision.

Links: Iraq, USA, Air Crash

2009 Jan 30

In West Virginia a small plane crashed in snowy weather killing all six on board.

Links: USA, Air Crash, West Virginia

2009 Feb 3

A Russian military Mi-24 helicopter gunship crashed about 700 kilometers (450

miles) southeast of Moscow, killing all three people aboard.

Links: Russia, Air Crash

Page 202: History of Air Crashes


2009 Feb 7

In Brazil 4 people at the rear of a plane that crashed in a muddy Amazon river

managed to open an emergency door and swim to safety as the aircraft sank,

dragging 24 others to their death.

Links: Brazil, Air Crash

2009 Feb 8

A single-engine plane carrying six US citizens crashed into the Atlantic Ocean off

the north coast of Puerto Rico.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Puerto Rico

International Red Cross

Make a donation

2009 Feb 12

A commuter plane, Continental Connection Flight 3407 from Newark, N.J., coming in

for a landing nose-dived into a house in suburban Buffalo, sparking a fiery

explosion that killed all 49 people aboard and a person in the home. It was the

nation's first fatal crash of a commercial airliner in 2 1/2 years. Historian Alison

Des Forges (66), prominent human rights advocate who documented genocide in

Rwanda, was among the victims of the crash.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Rwanda, New York, New Jersey

2009 Feb 20

In Egypt 5 crew members died when a Ukrainian cargo plane crashed during

takeoff, burst into flames and slid down the runway in the city of Luxor.

Links: Ukraine, Air Crash, Egypt

Page 203: History of Air Crashes


2009 Feb 25

A Turkish Airlines plane with 135 people aboard slammed into a muddy field while

attempting to land at Amsterdam's main airport. Nine people were killed and more

than 50 were injured, many in serious condition.

Links: Turkey, Air Crash

2009 Mar 9

In Uganda a cargo plane carrying equipment for African Union peacekeepers in

Somalia caught fire and crashed into Uganda's Lake Victoria shortly after takeoff,

killing all 11 people on board.

Links: Air Crash, Uganda

2009 Mar 12

In Canada 17 people died in the frigid waters off Canada's Atlantic coast after a

Sikorsky S-92 helicopter crashed while ferrying workers to an offshore oil platform.

It went down about 47 nautical miles southeast of the Newfoundland and Labrador

capital of St. John's. One person was rescued.

Links: Canada, Air Crash

2009 Mar 19

In Quito, Ecuador, a small army plane crashed into an apartment building, killing

seven people and sending a fireball into the evening sky. The dead included 3

soldiers, the pilot’s wife and son and 2 people on the ground.

Links: Ecuador, Air Crash

2009 Mar 22

In Montana a single-engine turboprop airplane crashed just short of Butte’s Bert

Mooney Airport, killing all 14 people aboard, including 7 children. The aircraft had

Page 204: History of Air Crashes


departed from Oroville, Calif., and the pilot had filed a flight plan showing a

destination of Bozeman.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash, Montana

2009 Mar 23

In Japan an MD-11 aircraft operated by FedEx crashed at Tokyo's main

international airport, killing its two-member crew. Though largely retired from

passenger use for economic reasons, the MD-11 aircraft is still employed for cargo


Links: Japan, Air Crash

2009 Mar 25

One of the US Air Force's top-of-the-line F-22 fighter jets crashed in the high

desert of Southern California, killing test pilot David Cooley (49), an employee of

prime contractor Lockheed Martin Corp.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

2009 Mar 25

An Ecuadorean air force training jet crashed in a jungle area near the Colombian

border. The pilot and a member of the air force rescue team were killed when a

cable snapped as they were being lifted to a helicopter.

Links: Ecuador, Air Crash


A text-based site.

2009 Mar 25

In Turkey a helicopter crashed in the snow-covered mountains of southern Turkey.

Muhsin Yazicioglu, leader of the small conservative Great Unity Party, was one of

six people on board. Authorities the day released a recording of an emergency call

Page 205: History of Air Crashes


made after the crash by journalist Ismail Gunes, who said he thought he was the

only survivor. Rescue workers found the wreckage on March 27. All 6 people

aboard were found dead.

Links: Turkey, Air Crash

2009 Apr 1

A helicopter returning to Aberdeen with 16 people from an oil platform crashed in

the North Sea. The Bond Super Puma helicopter went down off the northeast coast

of Scotland. 8 bodies were recovered and the others were presumed dead.

Links: Britain, Air Crash, Scotland

2009 Apr 6

An Indonesian military plane carrying 24 people crashed into an airport hangar

during heavy rains and burst into flames, killing everyone on board.

Links: Indonesia, Air Crash

2009 Apr 29

A Boeing 737 on a test flight from Brazzaville crashed southeast of Kinshasa,

killing 7 people.

Links: Air Crash, CongoDRC, Congo Rep.

2009 May 3

Sixteen Venezuelan soldiers and a civilian were killed when a military helicopter

crashed near the Colombian border. A brigadier general was among those killed.

Links: Venezuela, Air Crash

International Red Cross

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Page 206: History of Air Crashes


2009 May 5

A Marine Corps helicopter crashed shortly before midnight in a remote area of

Southern California, killing the two people who were on board.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

2009 May 10

A small plane filled with cocaine crashed in Honduras. The plane registered in

Venezuela was carrying around 3,300 pounds (1,500 kilograms) of cocaine when it

crashed on Utila, one of the Bay Islands off the country's northern coast.

Links: Honduras, Venezuela, Air Crash, Drugs

2009 May 14

A small plane crashed into a yard in Guatemala City, reportedly killing six people

on board and setting a home on fire near the airport.

Links: Guatemala, Air Crash

2009 May 19

A Spanish court sentenced three senior army officers to prison for knowingly

misidentifying the bodies of 30 peacekeepers killed in a plane crash on May 26,

2003, in northwestern Turkey. 32 of the Spaniards were identified correctly but

relatives of the other 30 got the wrong bodies.

Links: Turkey, Spain, Air Crash

2009 May 20

An Indonesian C-130 Hercules military transport plane, carrying troops and their

families, crashed into a row of houses in East Java and burst into flames, killing

99 people.

Page 207: History of Air Crashes


Links: Indonesia, Air Crash

2009 May 22

In Brazil a twin-engine plane crashed near a private airport in a northeastern

coastal resort area, killing all 11 people aboard.

Links: Brazil, Air Crash

2009 Jun 1

A missing Air France Airbus A330 jet, Flight 447, carrying 228 people from Rio

de Janeiro to Paris ran into lightning and strong thunderstorms over the Atlantic

Ocean. Brazil soon began a search mission off its northeastern coast.

Links: Brazil, France, Air Crash

2009 Jun 2

An airplane seat, a life jacket, metallic debris and signs of fuel were found in the

middle of the Atlantic Ocean by Brazilian military pilots searching for a missing

Air France airliner Flight 447.

Links: Brazil, France, Air Crash

2009 Jun 6

Brazilian search crews retrieved the first 2 bodies in the Atlantic from the May 31

crash of Air France Flight 447. Investigators said faulty speed readings had been

found on the same type of jets.

Links: Brazil, France, Air Crash

2009 Jun 7

Brazilian and French ships recovered 14 more bodies from ocean near Air France

crash, bringing the total to 16.

Page 208: History of Air Crashes


Links: Brazil, France, Air Crash

2009 Jun 8

Brazilian and French ships recovered 8 more bodies from Air France Flight 447,

bringing the total recovered to 24. The tail section of the plane was also recovered.

The plane disappeared during a flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris on May 31

amid strong thunderstorms.

Links: Brazil, France, Air Crash

2009 Jun 9

An Indian air force transport plane crashed near the disputed Chinese border in the

mountains of northeast Arunachal Pradesh state. All 14 on board were killed.

Links: India, Air Crash

2009 Jun 9

In New Mexico a helicopter crashed while attempting to rescue Megumi Yamamoto, a

Japanese graduate student who was hiking in the mountains above Santa Fe. Police

Sgt Andy Tingwall and Yamamoto died in the crash.

Links: USA, Air Crash, New Mexico

2009 Jun 10

The French nuclear submarine Emeraude reached the crash zone of Air France

Flight 447 where 41 of 228 bodies have been recovered.

Links: France, Air Crash, Submarine

2009 Jun 12

Page 209: History of Air Crashes


A Brazilian ship recovered three more bodies from the Atlantic bringing the total

to 44. Searchers said weather and currents complicated their job and warned it is

unlikely that all the dead from Air France Flight 447 will be found.

Links: Brazil, France, Air Crash

International Red Cross

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2009 Jun 13

Brazil reported that a French ship had found six more bodies from Air France

Flight 447, which would bring the total to 50. It went down May 31 with 228 on


Links: Brazil, France, Air Crash

2009 Jun 22

US pilot Capt. George B. Houghton (28), of Candler, NC, died in an F-16 crash at

the Utah Test and Training Range near the Nevada-Utah state line.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Utah

2009 Jun 24

In Arizona a private plane crashed killing 4 people. The plane was returning to

Texas from California and carried over 12 pounds of marijuana and over $8,000


Links: USA, Air Crash, Arizona, Drugs

2009 Jun 30

A Yemenia Airbus 310 jet with 153 people on board crashed into the Indian Ocean

as it tried to land during strong winds on the island nation of Comoros. The

passengers were on the last leg of a journey from Paris and Marseilles to Comoros

with a stop in Yemen to change planes. Bahia Bakari (14), the only person to

Page 210: History of Air Crashes


survive, was plucked from the sea after clinging to wreckage for 13 hours.

Investigators on Aug 28 retrieved the slightly damaged flight data recorder and 10

more bodies from the Yemenia Airways flight. The voice recorder was recovered on

Aug 29.

Links: France, Air Crash, Yemen, Comoros

2009 Jul 2

A British RAF Tornado fighter aircraft crashed in a remote area of Scotland.

Links: Britain, Air Crash

2009 Jul 3

In Pakistan US missiles slammed into the hideout of Taliban commander Noor Wali,

allied to warlord Baitullah Mehsud in the tribal belt in South Waziristan. Another

missile strike hit an insurgent communications center in Kokat Khel. The strikes

reportedly killed a total of 17 people. Pakistani warplanes bombed suspected militant

hide-outs, killing at least four insurgents and wounding seven others. The Pakistani

military said at least 13 militants and four local tribesmen were killed over the last

24 hours in the districts of Swat and Dir. A Pakistani helicopter crash killed 26

security personnel on the mountainous border of the Orakzai and Khyber ethnic

Pashtun tribal regions. The Taliban claimed responsibility, but a senior security

official said the military MI-17 helicopter had crashed due to a technical fault.

Ehsan, alias Abu Jandal, a mid-level Taliban commander, was killed in Qambar


Links: USA, Pakistan, Air Crash

2009 Jul 14

In Afghanistan a NATO-contracted helicopter was shot down killing six Ukrainian

crew members on board and an Afghan child on the ground in Helmand province. A

roadside bomb killed one Italian soldier and wounded three others in western

Afghanistan. Another roadside blast hit a civilian vehicle in Uruzgan province,

killing three people and wounded six others. US coalition and Afghan forces

Page 211: History of Air Crashes


searched compounds in Kandahar and found bomb-making materials, mortar rounds,

AK-47 rifles, rocket-propelled grenades and 100 pounds (45 kilograms) of opium.

Links: Italy, Ukraine, USA, NATO, Air Crash, Drugs, Afghan

2009 Jul 15

In Iran a Russian-made Caspian Airlines TU-154 jet plane carrying nearly 170

people crashed shortly after takeoff from Tehran's Imam Khomeini International

Airport. It was headed to the Armenian capital Yerevan. All on board were killed.

Links: Armenia, Iran, Air Crash

2009 Jul 18

In Afghanistan a US Air Force F-15E Strike Eagle fighter jet crashed in central

Ghazni, killing the two crew members. A suicide driver blew up his explosive-laden

vehicle to an Afghan army convoy in Zabul province, killing three soldiers and

wounding three others. 35 militants were killed during a joint operation by Afghan

and coalition troops in the Shah Walk Kot district of Kandahar province. In

Nangarhar province a suicide bomber attacked the Afghan-Pakistan border crossing

at Torkham, killing a border police officer and a civilian.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Afghan

2009 Jul 19

In southern Afghanistan a Russian-owned civilian Mi-8 helicopter crashed and burst

into flames shortly after takeoff from the Kandahar NATO base, killing 16 civilians

in the latest in a string of deadly aircraft crashes in the country. Gunmen killed a

candidate for provincial council in Kunduz province as he was traveling to a

campaign event. The US military denounced the release of a video showing a

soldier captured in Afghanistan, describing the images as Taliban propaganda that

violated international law. 3 civilians were killed when German troops opened fire

on their pickup truck. In Farah province, a van full of civilians hit a roadside

bomb, killing 11 people on board, including a child and his mother. A British soldier

Page 212: History of Air Crashes


was killed by an explosion while on a foot patrol in the Sangin region of Helmand


Links: USA, Air Crash, Afghan


A text-based site.

2009 Jul 24

In Iran a Russian Ilyushin-62 plane, operated by Tehran-based Aria Airlines and

carrying 153 passengers and crew, skidded off the runway and hit a wall while

landing in the northeastern city of Mashhad. 13 of the 16 people killed in the crash

were members of the crew, 9 of them from Kazakhstan. The plane landed at high

speed and the tires failed.

Links: Kazakhstan, Iran, Air Crash

2009 Aug 2

In eastern Indonesia a plane carrying 16 people disappeared over a jungle-clad and

mountainous region of Papua. All aboard were killed.

Links: Indonesia, Air Crash

2009 Aug 4

In Thailand a passenger plane skidded off the runway and crashed into a building

after landing on the Thai resort island of Samui, killing the chief pilot and injuring

at least seven people including foreign tourists.

Links: Thailand, Air Crash

2009 Aug 8

Near Hoboken, New Jersey, 9 people died in an air collision over the Hudson

River, including 3 members of a Pennsylvania family in the private plane and five

Italian tourists and a pilot from New Jersey in a Liberty Tours helicopter.

Page 213: History of Air Crashes


Links: USA, Air Crash, New Jersey

2009 Aug 11

In Papua New Guinea a charter plane carrying 13 people to a popular tourist site

vanished on approach in bad weather to an airport nestled in rugged terrain. No

survivors were found in the wreckage, which was located the day in the

mountainous Kokoda region.

Links: Air Crash, Papua New Guinea

International Red Cross

Make a donation

2009 Aug 16

Two Russian air force fighters rehearsing acrobatic maneuvers collided near

Moscow, killing one pilot and sending the jets crashing into nearby vacation homes.

Links: Russia, Air Crash

2009 Aug 20

In Colorado a Black Hawk helicopter crashed during training on Mount Massive, the

state’s 2nd highest mountain. 4 soldiers were killed in the crash.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Colorado

2009 Aug 22

Vicki Cruse (40) from Santa Paula, Calif., died in an accident during the World

Aerobatic Championships at Britain's Silverstone motor racing circuit. She was a

former member of the US national aerobatics team and was the first woman to

qualify to race in her class at the Reno National Championship Air Races.

Links: Britain, California, Air Crash

Page 214: History of Air Crashes


2009 Aug 26

In the Republic of Congo 7 people, including five Russian crew members, were killed

when a cargo plane crashed on the outskirts of Brazzaville.

Links: Russia, Air Crash, Congo Rep.

2009 Sep 2

In India a helicopter carrying Y.S.R. Reddy (60), a powerful politician from

southern Andhra Pradesh state, disappeared in heavy rains as it flew over a

forested region largely controlled by Maoist rebels. Wreckage and the bodies of all

5 aboard were found the day.

Links: India, Air Crash

2009 Sep 5

A small airplane crashed into a Tulsa, Okla., park killing all 5 people on board.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Oklahoma

2009 Sep 7

A small Indonesian military plane crashed on Borneo with nine passengers and crew

aboard, killing four.

Links: Indonesia, Air Crash

2009 Sep 13

In Israel Capt. Asaf Ramon (21), the son of Ilan Ramon, Israel's first and only

astronaut, was killed when his F-16 warplane crashed on a routine training flight.

Ilan Ramon was one of seven crew members killed when the Columbia exploded as it

re-entered the atmosphere in 2003.

Links: Air Crash, Israel

Page 215: History of Air Crashes


2009 Sep 22

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that Iran is stronger than ever and warned

that its military will "cut the hand" of anyone who attacks. But a military parade

where he spoke was marred when an air force plane crashed, killing seven people.

Links: Iran, Air Crash

2009 Sep 24

Two French military fighter Rafale jets crashed into the Mediterranean Sea during

a training mission and one pilot was missing.

Links: France, Air Crash


A text-based site.

2009 Sep 25

In South Carolina a medical helicopter, which had just dropped off a patient in

Charleston, crashed near Georgetown killing the pilot, a flight nurse and a


Links: USA, Air Crash, South Carolina

2009 Oct 9

In Haiti 11 UN peacekeepers were killed when a CASA C-212 surveillance flight

slammed into a mountain. The victims were Uruguayan and Jordanian troops

serving with the 9,000-strong UN peacekeeping force that has been in Haiti since


Links: Haiti, UN, Air Crash, Jordan, Uruguay

2009 Oct 10

Page 216: History of Air Crashes


In Louisiana 2 Cessna 150s, each carrying 2 people, collided near Pineville Regional

Airport, killing 2 and injuring 2.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Louisiana

2009 Oct 14

A hot air balloon crashed in a southern Chinese resort town with dramatic

limestone formations, killing four Dutch tourists.

Links: China, Air Crash, Balloon

2009 Oct 15

Two F-16 planes collided around 8:30 p.m. about 40 miles off Folly Beach, near

Charleston, SC. One jet, piloted by Capt. Lee Bryant, landed safely at Charleston

Air Force Base. The missing plane was piloted by Capt. Nicholas Giglio.

Links: USA, Air Crash, South Carolina

International Red Cross

Make a donation

2009 Oct 17

In the Philippines a propeller-driven plane on a test flight crashed and burst into

flames in a suburb of Manila, killing at least four people onboard.

Links: Philippines, Air Crash

2009 Oct 21

A Sudanese cargo plane crashed shortly after takeoff from Sharjah International

Airport north of Dubai, killing the 6-member crew but causing no other casualties

on the ground.

Links: Air Crash, Sudan, Dubai

Page 217: History of Air Crashes


2009 Oct 26

In Afghanistan Nangarhar province Gov. Gul Agha Sherzai survived an

assassination attempt after a gunman fired automatic weapons at his convoy in

Jalalabad. Sherzai's bodyguards killed the gunman, as well as another attacker

wearing a suicide vest and carrying grenades. Security forces in Kabul fired

automatic rifles into the air for a second day to contain hundreds of stone-throwing

university students angered over the alleged desecration of Islam's holy book. US

and Afghan authorities have denied any such desecration and insist that the Taliban

are spreading the rumor to stir up public anger. A UH-1 and an AH-1 Cobra

helicopter collided in flight before sunrise over the southern province of Helmand,

killing 4 American troops. Another helicopter went down in the west of the country

after leaving the scene of a firefight, killing 10 Americans, including 7 service

members and 3 Drug Enforcement Administration agents.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Afghan

2009 Oct 29

A US Coast Guard airplane on a nighttime search for a boater collided with one of

four Marine Corps helicopters flying in formation to a military training island off

Southern California. All seven people aboard the Coast Guard plane and the two-

person crew of the Marine Corps AH-1W Super Cobra helicopter were missing.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

2009 Oct 29

In the US Virgin Islands a small plane crashed into a field and burst into flames

shortly after taking off in St. Croix, killing all three people on board.

Links: Air Crash, Virgin Islands

2009 Oct 29

In Brazil a single-prop Cessna Caravan plane went down on the Itui River in a

remote part of the Amazon rain forest. Members of the Matis Indian tribe found

the plane with 9 survivors of 11 on board.

Page 218: History of Air Crashes


Links: Brazil, Air Crash

2009 Nov 1

A Russian heavy-lift military cargo plane crashed on takeoff in Siberia, killing all

11 crew members on board.

Links: Russia, Air Crash, Siberia

2009 Nov 8

In Iraq 2 American pilots were killed in a helicopter crash while a Marine died of

noncombat related injuries in a separate incident.

Links: Iraq, Air Crash, Yemen

2009 Nov 12

In Rwanda a passenger plane with a recent history of technical problems crashed

into an airport VIP lounge Kigali, killing one passenger. The CRJ-100 aircraft was

leased from Kenya's Jetlink.

Links: Air Crash, Rwanda

2009 Nov 14

In South Africa a civilian pilot was killed when his fighter jet crashed shortly

before he was to participate in an air show near Bredasdorp, about 200 km west of

Cape Town.

Links: Air Crash, South Africa


A text-based site.

2009 Nov 14

Page 219: History of Air Crashes


In Lassen County, Ca., a medical Aerospatiale AS350 helicopter crashed near the

Nevada state line killing all three crew members. They were returning to Susanville

after dropping off a patient in Reno.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash, Nevada

2009 Nov 28

In China a Zimbabwe-registered cargo plane crashed in flames during takeoff from

Shanghai's main airport, killing 3 American crew members and injuring 4 others on


Links: USA, China, Air Crash, Zimbabwe

2009 Dec 17

In the Bahamas 2 US pilots were the only people aboard the small jet when it

crashed in an unpopulated area of Great Inagua shortly after taking off from the

Dominican Republic en route to Miami. The Jet Falcon was owned by a trust for

which the San Francisco, California-based Wells Fargo company acts as trustee.

Links: Bahamas, USA, Air Crash

2009 Dec 23

A Mexican military Bell 212 helicopter crashed in the Pacific coast state of

Guerrero, killing an air force sergeant and seriously injuring two soldiers. US

officials recently delivered five Bell helicopters of a different model to Mexico as

part of the "Merida Initiative" for aiding the Mexican campaign to curb drug


Links: USA, Air Crash, Mexico

2010 Jan 5

Page 220: History of Air Crashes


In California 3 biologists with the California Dept. of Fish and Game were killed

along with their helicopter pilot while they were surveying deer in the foothills of

Sierra national Forest after their vehicle clipped a power line and crashed.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

International Red Cross

Make a donation

2010 Jan 5

In Illinois a small Learjet cargo plane crashed into the Des Plains River in

Glenview killing two pilots onboard.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Illinois

2010 Jan 24

In Iran a Russian-made Iranian Taban Air plane carrying 157 passengers and 13

crew caught fire upon landing at northeastern Mashhad airport injuring at least 46


Links: Iran, Air Crash

2010 Jan 25

An Ethiopian Airlines plane carrying 90 people caught fire and crashed into the sea

minutes after taking off from Beirut. At least 34 bodies were recovered, but no

survivors were found by nightfall. In 2012 a Lebanese report put the blame on pilot

error and inexperience. Ethiopian Airlines immediately rejected the Lebanese

findings saying the crash was likely caused by sabotage or a lightning strike.

Links: Ethiopia, Air Crash, Lebanon

2010 Jan 26

A Nigerian naval helicopter crashed in the Niger Delta, likely killing the four

people onboard.

Page 221: History of Air Crashes


Links: Air Crash, Nigeria

2010 Jan 28

In the southern Philippines a decades-old military plane crashed into a residential

area, killing a two-star air force general and eight other people.

Links: Philippines, Air Crash

2010 Feb 6

In Colorado 2 small planes collided in flames over Boulder's outskirts and killed all

three people aboard, while a glider under tow by one aircraft cut loose and flew

through the fireball to safety.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Colorado

2010 Feb 10

In Brazil a TV news helicopter pilot steered his crippled, out-of-control aircraft

away from a busy highway in Sao Paulo before crashing in a grassy field during

rush hour, losing his own life but avoiding greater casualties. A cameraman

onboard was seriously injured.

Links: Brazil, Air Crash

2010 Feb 14

A Yemeni military helicopter crashed killing at least 10 troops in the north, as the

government sought to implement a ceasefire with Shiite rebels in the area.

Links: Air Crash, Yemen

2010 Feb 14

In Arizona a helicopter crashed north of Phoenix killing 5 people onboard including

Thomas Stewart (64), the head of Services Group of America.

Page 222: History of Air Crashes


Links: USA, Air Crash, Arizona

2010 Feb 15

In New Jersey a small plane crashed at Monmouth Executive airport killing 5 people


Links: USA, Air Crash, New Jersey

2010 Feb 17

In Palo Alto, Ca., a Cessna 310 crashed into a neighborhood after takeoff from the

fogged-in Palo Alto Airport, killing all 3 people aboard. 4 houses were damaged,

but no one on the ground was injured. Pilot Doug Bourn (56), Brian Finn (42) and

Andrew Ingram (31) worked for Tesla Motors Inc.

Links: USA, Air Crash, SF Bay Area

2010 Feb 19

In California Albert Halluin (70), former biotech patent attorney, and his fiance

Judy Perchonock (60) were killed when Halluin’s single-engine plane crashed near

Pine Lake Airport in Tuolemne County.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

2010 Feb 23

In Mexico gunmen stormed the southern town of San Vicente Camalote and killed 13

people, including a rancher and his 3 sons. Gunmen attacked the police headquarters

in the town of Miguel Aleman. 6 officers were missing and presumed to have been

kidnapped. A series of clashes along the northern border killed 6 gunmen and one

soldier. 10 soldiers and a police officer were wounded. A small military anti-drug

Page 223: History of Air Crashes


patrol plane was reported missing in northern Mexico. Wreckage of the plane with

3 dead occupants was reported found on Feb 26.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico, Murder

2010 Feb 26

In Belize a single-engine aircraft crashed. Michael and Jill Casey of Albany, NY,

and their two young children died in the accident on the island of San Pedro along

with former senator and bottling magnate Sir Barry Bowen as the group headed to

a fundraising event hosted by Bowen. The Caseys taught at a school in

northwestern Belize owned by Bowen.

Links: Belize, Air Crash

2010 Mar 20

In Florida 3 people were killed when a single-engine plane collided with a kit-built

aircraft over Williston.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Florida

International Red Cross

Make a donation

2010 Mar 25

In western Tennessee a medical helicopter crashed ion stormy weather killing its

crew of three.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Tennessee

2010 Mar 26

The head of Abu Dhabi's sovereign wealth fund, the world's largest, went missing

after his glider crashed in Morocco. Ahmed bin Zayed Al Nahyan's glider went

down in a lake in Morocco. The pilot of the aircraft was rescued in good condition.

The body of al-Nahayan was found on March 30.

Page 224: History of Air Crashes


Links: Air Crash, Morocco, Abu Dhabi

2010 Mar 31

US Navy Lt. Steven Zilberman's E-2C Hawkeye went down in the North Arabian

Sea after it "experienced mechanical malfunctions." Three other crew members

survived the crash without significant injuries.

Links: USA, Air Crash

2010 Apr 8

Afghan police thwarted a major attack in Kabul, arresting five would-be suicide

bombers, the largest such group apprehended in the capital. In Helmand province a

local Taliban commander killed a Marjah tribal leader, his nephew and three others.

In eastern Afghanistan one international service member died in combat with

insurgents. A US Air Force Osprey aircraft crashed in southeastern Zabul

province, killing 3 service members and one government contractor. It was the first

combat crash of the tilt-rotor aircraft, each valued at nearly $70 million.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Afghan

2010 Apr 10

Polish President Lech Kaczynski (60) and some of the country's highest military and

civilian leaders died when the presidential plane crashed as it came in for a landing

in thick fog in western Russia, killing 96. The 26-year-old Tupolev was taking the

president, his wife and staff to events marking the 70th anniversary of the

massacre in Katyn forest of thousands of Polish officers by Soviet secret police. On

board were the army chief of staff, the navy chief commander, and heads of the air

and land forces. Also killed were the national bank president, deputy foreign

minister, army chaplain, head of the National Security Office, deputy parliament

speaker, Olympic Committee head, civil rights commissioner and at least two

presidential aides and three lawmakers.

Links: Russia, Poland, Air Crash, Major Event

Page 225: History of Air Crashes


2010 Apr 14

In Mexico a cargo plane crashed while trying to land overnight in the northern city

of Monterrey, killing at least four crew members. A fifth crew member was missing

and presumed dead.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico

2010 Apr 16

In eastern Haiti 4 soldiers died in the fiery crash of a Spanish military helicopter

in the rugged mountains of the Fond Verrettes area.

Links: Haiti, Spain, Air Crash

2010 Apr 20

Colombian Gen. Fernando Joya and five other members of the military died in a

helicopter collision at a base in the nation's southwest.

Links: Colombia, Air Crash

2010 Apr 21

In the Philippines an electrical fire forced a cargo plane's pilots to attempt an

emergency landing in a Philippine rice field when the Russian-made Antonov-12

aircraft burst into flames, killing three of its six crew. The dead included two

Russian ground engineers and a Bulgarian.

Links: Russia, Philippines, Air Crash

2010 Apr 24

In New Zealand 3 airmen were killed and a fourth seriously hurt after a military

helicopter en route to a military memorial flyover crashed on farmland north of


Page 226: History of Air Crashes


Links: Air Crash, New Zealand


A text-based site.

2010 May 7

In southern California CHP officer Danny Benavides (39) was killed when his patrol

plane went down near Highway 78 in Imperial County.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

2010 May 12

A Libyan Afriqiyah Airways Airbus A330-200 carrying 104 people crashed on

approach to Tripoli's airport. Ruben van Assouw, a Dutch boy (9), was the only

known survivor. The Royal Dutch Tourism Board said 61 of the dead came from the


Links: Libya, Netherlands, Air Crash

2010 May 17

In northern Afghanistan a Pamir Airways passenger plane crashed with 44 people

on board. The British Embassy in Kabul confirmed that three British nationals were

among 6 foreigners on the plane. Poor weather hampered search efforts. No

survivors were found. 5 Afghan UN staffers kidnapped in northern Afghanistan a

month ago were freed in a military operation. 2 Italian soldiers in the NATO

mission were killed by a roadside bomb while riding in a convoy near the western

city of Herat. Two other soldiers were wounded. Two other NATO service members

died in separate bomb attacks.

Links: USA, NATO, UN, Air Crash, Afghan

2010 May 17

Page 227: History of Air Crashes


In the Philippines a helicopter carrying Quezon Gov. Rafael Nantes, two security

personnel and the pilot, crashed into houses south of Manila, killing all four people

aboard and a girl on the ground.

Links: Philippines, Air Crash

2010 May 22

An Air India Express plane trying to land at a tricky hilltop airport in southern

India overshot the runway, crashed over a cliff and burst into flames at dawn,

killing 158 people. There were 8 survivors. An investigative panel later said Serb

flight commander had slept through more than half the flight and was disoriented

during landing.

Links: India, Air Crash

International Red Cross

Make a donation

2010 Jun 13

In Mexico 9 people were killed when a plane belonging to a politician running for

governor in Quintana Roo state crashed. Roberto Borge, the powerful Institutional

Revolutionary Party (PRI)'s candidate for governor, was not aboard at the time.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico

2010 Jun 18

A South Korean Air Force fighter jet crashed into the sea after a training mission

and its two pilots were killed.

Links: South Korea, Air Crash

2010 Jun 19

A plane carrying a group of Australian mining executives disappeared en route

from Cameroon to Congo-Brazzaville. All 11 on board were killed wiping out the

Page 228: History of Air Crashes


entire board of the Sundance Resources company including mining tycoon Ken

Talbot. The wreckage was found June 21 in the Congo jungle.

Links: Australia, Cameroon, Air Crash, Congo Rep.

2010 Jun 23

In Canada 7 people were killed when a small plane crashed near Jean-Lesage

International Airport in Quebec City in Eastern Canada.

Links: Canada, Air Crash

2010 Jul 4

In Texas an air ambulance crashed after takeoff in Alpine killing all 5 people on

board including a patient and his wife.

Links: Air Crash, Texas

2010 Jul 5

A Romanian military plane crashed near the Black Sea, killing 10 people and

injuring three. The Antonov AN-2 plane with 13 people on board took off for

parachuting training and crashed soon after takeoff.

Links: Romania, Air Crash

2010 Jul 7

A Mexican air force helicopter crashed in the western state of Jalisco, killing three

military personnel on board.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico

2010 Jul 23

In South Africa a police helicopter crashed, killing seven officers on board, as it

flew to the scene of a suspected hostage-taking northeast of Johannesburg.

Page 229: History of Air Crashes


Links: Air Crash, South Africa

2010 Jul 25

In Japan 5 people died when a rescue helicopter sent to help a party of climbers

crashed in mountains near Tokyo.

Links: Japan, Air Crash

2010 Jul 26

In central Romania an Israeli helicopter crashed with no survivors among the six

Israeli and one Romanian soldiers on board.

Links: Romania, Air Crash, Israel


A text-based site.

2010 Jul 28

In Arizona a medical helicopter crashed on a Tucson street killing all three people


Links: Air Crash, Arizona

2010 Jul 28

In Pakistan an Airbus A321 passenger jet, flight number ED202, crashed into the

hills overlooking Islamabad amid poor weather, killing all 152 people on board and

blazing a path of devastation strewn with body parts and twisted metal wreckage.

Links: Pakistan, Air Crash, Tragedy

2010 Jul 31

Page 230: History of Air Crashes


A Canadian waterbombing plane with 2 crew members crashed while fighting the

blaze in British Columbia. 318 forest fires were burning across British Columbia,

with the largest covering 25 square km (10 square miles).

Links: Canada, Air Crash

2010 Aug 1

In Alaska a Fairchild C-123 registered to All West Freight of Delta Junction

crashed in Denali National Park killing all 3 people on board.

Links: Air Crash, Alaska

2010 Aug 3

In northern Siberia a twin-engine Antonov-24 turboprop passenger plane crashed

near Igarka, killing at least 11 of the 15 people on board.

Links: Russia, Air Crash, Siberia

International Red Cross

Make a donation

2010 Aug 9

In Alaska a small plane crashed killing former US Sen. Ted Stevens (86) and 4

others at a mountainside on Bristol Bay. 4 others survived the crash of the 1957

De Havilland DHC-3T.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Alaska

2010 Aug 12

In Oregon a small plane crashed in the Steens Mountain killing 2 men, including

prominent California horse breeder Frank Vessels (58).

Links: USA, Air Crash, Oregon

Page 231: History of Air Crashes


2010 Aug 16

A Boeing 737 jetliner with 131 passengers aboard crashed on landing and broke

into three pieces at Colombia’s at San Andres Island in the Caribbean. The region's

governor said it was a miracle that only one person died. On Sep 1 a girl (11) died

from her injuries raising the death toll to two.

Links: Colombia, Air Crash

2010 Aug 17

An Iranian fighter jet crashed in southern Iran near the country's nuclear power

plant that is to start up over the weekend. The two pilots ejected safely.

Links: Iran, Air Crash, Nuclear

2010 Aug 17

A North Korean military plane, what appeared to be a MiG-21 fighter jet, crashed

in northeastern in Liaoning province. China’s official Xinhua News Agency later

said it went down because of mechanical failure. The pilot reportedly died on the


Links: China, North Korea, Air Crash

2010 Aug 21

In Alaska a float-plane carrying 4 people went missing 285 miles southwest of

Anchorage. The passengers included 3 Katmai National Park rangers.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Alaska

2010 Aug 24

In China a Henan passenger plane with 91 passengers and crew overshot a runway

in northeastern Hichun city. 43 people were killed and 53 injured.

Links: China, Air Crash

Page 232: History of Air Crashes


2010 Aug 24

In Nepal an Agni Air plane heading to the Mount Everest region crashed in heavy

rain outside Katmandu, killing all 14 people aboard, including 4 Americans, a Briton

and a Japanese national.

Links: Nepal, Air Crash

2010 Aug 25

In western Congo a passenger plane, operated by local airliner FILAIR, crashed,

killing 19 people. Police said there were two survivors.

Links: Air Crash, CongoDRC

2010 Aug 26

Two Greek fighter jets crashed in mid-air during a training exercise south of the

island of Crete, killing one of the three crew members and leaving the other two


Links: Air Crash, Greece


A text-based site.

2010 Aug 27

A Venezuelan National Guard helicopter crashed during a counter-drug mission near

the Colombian border, killing all 10 soldiers on board.

Links: Venezuela, Air Crash

2010 Aug 31

In Arkansas a medical helicopter crashed in Van Burn County killing 3 crew

members trying to reach a person injured in a traffic accident.

Page 233: History of Air Crashes


Links: Air Crash, Arkansas

2010 Sep 2

In California Robert Borrmann (91), founder of the R.E. Borrmann Steel Co., was

killed along with his pilot and the pilot’s girlfriend when their small plane crashed

in a lagoon in Redwood City shortly after takeoff from the San Carlos Airport.

Links: USA, Air Crash, SF Bay Area

2010 Sep 3

A UPS Boeing 747-400 cargo plane with two crew members on board crashed

shortly after takeoff outside Dubai. The 2 crew members, Captain Doug Lampe (48)

of Louisville, Kentucky, and First Officer Matthew Bell (38) of Sanford, Florida.

were killed. On Nov 5 al Qaeda's Yemen-based wing claimed responsibility for the

crash, even though the United Arab Emirates' civil aviation authority said that

there was no evidence of an explosive device aboard the jet.

Links: Air Crash, Yemen, al-Qaida, Dubai

2010 Sep 3

Two members of Mexico’s Congress were among six people killed on when their

private plane crashed near a popular Pacific beach resort. Guillermo Zavaleta and

Juan Huerta, members of President Felipe Calderon's National Action Party, or

PAN, died in the crash in Huatulco in the state of Oaxaca.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico

International Red Cross

Make a donation

2010 Sep 4

Page 234: History of Air Crashes


In New Zealand's Southern Alps a light aircraft carrying skydivers crashed in

flames near a popular tourist spot, killing nine people including four foreign


Links: Air Crash, New Zealand

2010 Sep 13

In eastern Venezuela a plane carrying 51 people crashed in a steel mill yard. 17

people on board were killed leaving 34 survivors.

Links: Venezuela, Air Crash

2010 Sep 14

A Venezuelan military helicopter crashed into a navy research boat and plunged

into the sea, leaving two missing and five injured.

Links: Venezuela, Air Crash

2010 Sep 18

A Honduras military helicopter crashed during an exhibition for children and the

pilot was killed.

Links: Honduras, Air Crash

2010 Sep 21

In southern Afghanistan a NATO helicopter crashed killing 9 international troops in

a region where forces are ramping up pressure on Taliban insurgents. It was the

deadliest chopper crash for the coalition in four years. 5 Afghan road construction

workers were killed and 4 wounded when their vehicle hit a roadside bomb in

Shinwari district of Parwan province. In Khost province insurgents attacked a

NATO and Afghan army outpost near the Pakistan border and at least 25 of the

militants were killed in the resulting skirmish.

Page 235: History of Air Crashes


Links: NATO, Air Crash, Afghan

2010 Sep 25

Mexican authorities sighted the wreckage of a small plane in the mountains of Baja

California believed to have taken off from Los Angeles, Ca., with four people on


Links: Air Crash, Mexico

2010 Sep 29

In Tanzania a hot air balloon carrying tourists over Serengeti National Park

crashed, killing an American and a Danish tourist and wounding eight others.

Links: Air Crash, Tanzania, Balloon

2010 Oct 2

In Peru a small plane carrying British tourists crashed near the famed Nazca

Lines, killing all six people on board.

Links: Peru, Air Crash

2010 Oct 5

In the Bahamas a twin-engine Cessna 402 carrying a pilot and at least eight

passengers crashed into Lake Killarney near the international airport in, Nassau,

after one of its engines caught fire. Officials soon found the body of a 9th victim

from the crash of what may have been an illegal charter flight to a cultural

festival. they said a 10th passenger may missing as well.

Links: Bahamas, Air Crash

2010 Oct 9

Page 236: History of Air Crashes


In southern Utah a small plane crashed and killed 2 National park Service law

enforcement agents in the Dixie National Forest.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Utah

2010 Oct 12

In Afghanistan a cargo plane, carrying NATO supplies went down east of Kabul

shortly after taking off from Bagram Air Field. The bodies of 5 of 8 people on

board were recovered the day. The plane, owned by United Arab Emirates-based

TransAfrik, was under contract by the US-based company National Air Cargo.

Links: UAR, NATO, Air Crash, Afghan

2010 Oct 15

A light plane carrying four US citizens on a medical aid flight crashed in Baja

California, killing all four aboard. The plane that went down was one of three on a

mission from the San Luis Obispo, Ca., area.

Links: California, Air Crash, Mexico

2010 Oct 15

In southeastern Mexico a helicopter carrying oil workers crashed killing all 8 people


Links: Air Crash, Mexico

2010 Oct 21

In CongoDRC a small plane was owned by a local airliner Starec Congo crashed into

a gorilla park in eastern Congo killing its pilot and co-pilot. It was carrying some

3,300 pounds (1,500 kg) of commercial goods.

Page 237: History of Air Crashes


Links: Air Crash, CongoDRC

2010 Oct 25

In Wyoming a single-engine plane disappeared after takeoff from the Jackson

airport. The plane’s wreckage was found Nov 1. Luke Bucklin (40) of Minneapolis

and his 3 sons were killed. Bucklin was co-founder of Sierra Bravo Corp., a web

development company.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Minnesota, Wyoming

International Red Cross

Make a donation

2010 Oct 28

A French helicopter crashed in Antarctica during rough weather conditions killing

all 4 aboard. The downed AS350 Squirrel helicopter was operated in Antarctica

from the French research vessel, L'Astrolabe, which was currently icebound about

230 miles (370 km) northeast of the Dumont-d'Urville station.

Links: France, Air Crash, Antarctica

2010 Nov 1

In Romania a MiG-21 Lancer fighter jet crashed during a training exercise, killing

two experienced pilots.

Links: Romania, Air Crash

2010 Nov 4

In Cuba all 68 people on board an Flight 883 of Aero Caribbean were killed when

their plane crashed in the central mountains after issuing an emergency call. The

plane was a 15-year-old ATR-72-212 twin turboprop built by ATR, a joint venture

of Europe's EADS and Italian group Finmeccanica.

Links: Air Crash, Cuba

Page 238: History of Air Crashes


2010 Nov 5

In Pakistan a private plane chartered by an Italy-based oil company crashed near

the airport in Karachi after the pilot warned of engine trouble. All 21 people on

board, including an Italian, were killed.

Links: Italy, Pakistan, Air Crash

2010 Nov 11

In Sudan a Tarco Airline Russian-built Antonov 26 carrying 36-38 people crashed

on landing in the western Darfur region killing at least 6 and wounding four


Links: Air Crash, Sudan

2010 Nov 22

UAR state media said a military Hawk training jet has crashed in Ras al-Khaimah,

killing the pilot. The single-engine Hawk is made by British defense company BAE


Links: UAR, Air Crash

2010 Nov 23

A BP executive, James Patrick Black (58), helping to guide recovery from the Gulf

of Mexico oil spill died with two others when a small plane crashed in waters off

the Florida Panhandle.

Links: USA, Oil, Air Crash, Florida

2010 Nov 24

A Mexican air force cargo plane crashed at Monterrey International Airport killing

five military personnel.

Page 239: History of Air Crashes


Links: Air Crash, Mexico

2010 Nov 28

In Pakistan a cargo plane carrying 8 people crashed in a residential area of

Karachi setting buildings on fire killing all 8 crew and at least 3 people on the


Links: Pakistan, Air Crash

2010 Dec 8

In Mexico a federal police helicopter that had transported two inmates to a Mexican

prison crashed in Veracruz state, killing four people and injuring two others.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico


A text-based site.

2010 Dec 15

In Nepal a small passenger plane with 22 people on board went missing while flying

over a mountainous region. All people were killed after the plane’s wing apparently

clipped a mountaintop.

Links: Nepal, Air Crash

2010 Dec 18

In Louisiana a small plane crashed after takeoff in Crowley killing 3 people and

injuring 2 others.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Louisiana

2010 Dec 20

Page 240: History of Air Crashes


A Puerto Rico National Guard UH-72 Lakota helicopter crashed in the ocean while

returning from a drug raid on Vieques. 3 bodies of the six people on board were

found and the remaining were feared dead. The last body was recovered on Jan


Links: Air Crash, Puerto Rico

2010 Dec 22

A small Pakistani army training plane crashed into mountains in the country's

southwest. The pilot and co-pilot died in the crash.

Links: Pakistan, Air Crash

2010 Dec 28

An aging Russian military cargo plane crashed, killing all 12 people aboard. The

An-22 plane was on a flight from the southwestern region of Voronezh region when

it crashed in the Tula region, about 120 miles (190 km) south of Moscow.

Links: Russia, Air Crash

International Red Cross

Make a donation

2010 Dec 31

In western Virginia a small aircraft collided with a medical helicopter in the air,

killing two people on the plane.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Virginia

2011 Jan 1

A Russian passenger jet carrying 124 people caught fire as it taxied down a snowy

runway and then exploded at a Siberian airport, killing three people and injuring

43, including six who were badly burned.

Page 241: History of Air Crashes


Links: Russia, Air Crash

2011 Jan 7

In western Venezuela a 10-year-old girl survived a plane crash that killed the five

other people on board, apparently her family members.

Links: Venezuela, Air Crash

2011 Jan 9

In northwestern Iran a passenger jet broke to pieces on impact while trying an

emergency landing in a snowstorm killing at least 77 people in Orumiyeh. The

Boeing-727, operated by Iran's national airline, carried 104 passengers and crew.

Links: Iran, Air Crash

2011 Feb 8

In South Africa a private plane carrying nine people, including the chief executive

of tile company Italtile Ltd., crashed in a nature reserve 320 miles east of Cape

Town. There were no survivors. The Johannesburg-based retailer of ceramic tiles

and bathroom accessories has been publicly traded on the Johannesburg Stock

Exchange since 1988.

Links: Air Crash, South Africa

2011 Feb 10

In Ireland a commuter plane crashed and burst into flames, killing six people and

injuring another six, as it tried to land in heavy fog at Cork airport.

Links: Air Crash, Ireland

2011 Feb 11

Page 242: History of Air Crashes


In Switzerland a twin-engine plane crashed at an altitude of 9,200 feet (2,800

meters) in the Val d'Anniviers near the border with Italy. A Swiss pilot and a

French family of 4 were killed in the crash.

Links: Switzerland, Air Crash

2011 Feb 14

In the Democratic Republic of Congo a small plane used to deliver World Food

Program aid crashed in Bukavu, killing its Russian pilot and his Congolese co-pilot.

Links: Air Crash, CongoDRC

2011 Feb 14

A small Honduran commercial airliner crashed near the capital, killing all 14 people

aboard. It was carrying two pilots and 12 passengers, including Assistant Secretary

for Public Works Rodolfo Rovelo, United Workers Federation of Honduras leader

Jose Israel Salinas and former Economy Secretary Carlos Chain.

Links: Honduras, Air Crash

2011 Feb 17

Swiss media reported that a private helicopter carrying five people has crashed

near the western Swiss ski resort of Les Diablerets.

Links: Switzerland, Air Crash


A text-based site.

2011 Feb 26

In Kingston, NY, a privately owned, vintage military jet crashed into the Hudson

River. Divers the day recovered the body of pilot Michael Faraldi (38).

Links: USA, Air Crash, New York

Page 243: History of Air Crashes


2011 Mar 5

A mid-sized Russian-built plane crashed during a training flight in Belgorod

province, killing all six people on board including two pilots from Myanmar.

Links: Russia, Air Crash

2011 Mar 7

Two Colombian air force helicopters crashed during a training exercise, killing four

Colombian soldiers and a Mexican lieutenant participating in the operation.

Links: Colombia, Air Crash

2011 Mar 16

In California 5 of 6 people died in the crash of a small corporate plane near Long

Beach Airport.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

2011 Mar 21

In the Republic of Congo at least 16 people were killed when an Antonov 32 cargo

plane crashed in the Mvoumvou area of Pointe-Noire.

Links: Air Crash, Congo Rep.

International Red Cross

Make a donation

2011 Mar 21

In Libya an American fighter jet crashed. Both crew members ejected safely.

Links: USA, Libya, Air Crash

Page 244: History of Air Crashes


2011 Apr 2

In New Mexico a 4 Gulfstream employees died in a crash of a test twin-engine

business aircraft at the airport in Roswell.

Links: USA, Air Crash, New Mexico

2011 Apr 3

The French air accident investigation agency BEA said that a team aboard the

expedition ship Alucia using underwater robots "has located pieces of an aircraft ...

in the past 24 hours." Air France Flight 447 slammed into the ocean June 1, 2009,

after running into an intense high-altitude thunderstorm.

Links: France, Air Crash

2011 Apr 4

In CongoDRC a UN plane crashed while attempting to land at the airport serving

Kinshasa, killing 32 UN officials and peacekeepers. One survivor was confirmed.

Links: UN, Air Crash, CongoDRC

2011 Apr 18

A Sudanese army helicopter crashed in North Darfur, killing all five people on


Links: Air Crash, Sudan

2011 Apr 19

In India a helicopter hit a wall and burst into flames as it was trying to land in

the remote northeast, killing at least 17 people.

Links: India, Air Crash

Page 245: History of Air Crashes


2011 Apr 21

In Brazil a small plane crashed in the Amazon soon after taking off from Manaus,

killing seven people. 8 others on the air taxi survived.

Links: Brazil, Air Crash

2011 Apr 22

In India an army helicopter went down in the state of Sikkim, killing four.

Links: India, Air Crash

2011 Apr 24

In New Mexico a small plane crashed in Heron Lake near the town of Chama.

Police divers the day recovered some human remains and bundles of cocaine.

Links: Air Crash, New Mexico, Drugs

2011 Apr 30

In India a single-engine helicopter, carrying Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister

Dorjee Khandu (56), two other passengers and two pilots, disappeared in bad

weather just 20 minutes after taking off from the Himalayan Buddhist retreat of

Tawang for the state capital, Itanagar. Wreckage and bodies were found on May 4.

Links: India, Air Crash


A text-based site.

2011 May 1

A French submarine probing 3,900 meters (12,800 feet) below the ocean's surface

located and recovered the flight data recorder of Air France Flight 447, which

crashed June 1, 2009, in a remote area of the mid-Atlantic.

Links: France, Air Crash, Submarine

Page 246: History of Air Crashes


2011 May 2

A twin engine cargo plane crashed near an airport in the Miami, Flo., area killing

the pilot.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Florida

2011 May 3

French investigators recovered the cockpit voice recorder from an Air France Flight

447 that plunged into the Atlantic Ocean on June 1, 2009, killing all 228 people on


Links: France, Air Crash

2011 May 5

In Bolivia a plane monitoring the cultivation of coca went missing. Wreckage of the

plane and the bodies of the two crew members and four UN workers was found on

May 7.

Links: Bolivia, Air Crash

2011 May 7

In Indonesia a passenger plane carrying 25 people plunged into the ocean as it

approached an airport in bad weather in the eastern province of West Papua.

There were no survivors.

Links: Indonesia, Air Crash

International Red Cross

Make a donation

2011 May 9

Page 247: History of Air Crashes


In New York two small planes collided near New Hampton killing two people. Both

planes were registered to men from New Jersey.

Links: USA, Air Crash, New York

2011 May 18

In Argentina a turboprop plane carrying 22 people crashed and exploded in the

southern Patagonia region, killing all on board.

Links: Argentina, Air Crash, Tragedy

2011 May 23

A Saudi pilot died when his US-made F-15 fighter jet crashed in eastern Saudi


Links: USA, Air Crash, Saudi Arabia

2011 Jun 18

A Cessna 210 crashed down near the Westchester County Airport, NY. The victims

were identified as Keith Weiner, the 63-year-old pilot; his wife, Lisa Weiner (51),

their daughter Isabel (14) and her friend, Lucy Walsh (14).

Links: USA, Air Crash, New York

2011 Jun 19

In Ohio a small plane crashed near Columbus killing 2 people.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Ohio

2011 Jun 20

In northwestern Russia a TU-134 passenger jet slammed into the ground and caught

fire while trying to land on a foggy night at Petrozavodsk, killing 44 people and

leaving eight survivors badly hurt. 3 more victim died days later bringing the

Page 248: History of Air Crashes


death toll to 47. Russian authorities later reported that the navigator was in a

state of “light alcoholic intoxication.”

Links: Russia, Air Crash

2011 Jun 24

In Michigan Dr. Stephen Hatch (46) of Indiana and his current wife were killed in

a plane crash near Charlevoix. 8 years earlier Hatch survived a crash that killed 2

of his children and his wife Julie (38).

Links: USA, Air Crash, Microbiology

2011 Jul 6

In Afghanistan an Azerbaijani cargo plane carrying supplies for the Afghan NATO

mission crashed into treacherous mountains killing all nine crew on board outside

Kabul. The nine crew were from Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan. The plane was

operated by private Azerbaijani airline Silk Way.

Links: Azerbaijan, Air Crash, Afghan

2011 Jul 7

In California Santa Cruz residents David Edward Houghton (43), his wife and two

sons were killed when his small plane crashed following takeoff in Watsonville.

Links: USA, California, Air Crash

2011 Jul 8

In CongoDRC a Hewa Bora Airways plane crashed in a thunderstorm as it was

attempting to land in Kisangani airport, killing at least 48 people, and leaving a

dozen or more buried in the wreckage. 53 passengers survived.

Links: Air Crash, CongoDRC

Page 249: History of Air Crashes


2011 Jul 11

In northeastern Brazil a regional Noar Airlines plane crashed in Recife city, killing

all 16 people on board.

Links: Britain, Air Crash

2011 Jul 11

Russia's Investigative Committee said a Tangara airline plane carrying 33 people

crashed as it tried to make an emergency landing on the Ob river in Siberia,

killing five people.

Links: Russia, Air Crash, Siberia

2011 Jul 19

A Thailand Black Hawk helicopter crashed during bad weather in a forested area

near Myanmar. 9 dead included an infantry division commander and a television

cameraman. The craft had been sent to retrieve the bodies of five soldiers killed in

the crash of another helicopter on July 16.

Links: Thailand, Air Crash

2011 Jul 19

A United Arab Emirates fighter plane crashed during a training mission, killing the


Links: UAR, Air Crash

2011 Jul 26

Page 250: History of Air Crashes


In Morocco a C-130 military transport plane crashed into a mountain in Western

Sahara in bad weather, killing 78 people. There were three survivors.

Links: Air Crash, Morocco

International Red Cross

Make a donation

2011 Jul 28

A South Korean Asiana Airlines cargo plane crashed in waters off southern Jeju

resort island. South Korean pilot, identified by the airline as Choi Sang-ki, was

flying a Boeing-747 with a co-pilot, transporting computers, semiconductors, resin

solution and paint among other items to Pudong in China.

Links: South Korea, Air Crash

2011 Jul 30

In Alaska two small planes collided. One managed to land in Anchorage, the other

crashed killed a pilot, his wife and their 2 children.

Links: Air Crash

2011 Jul 30

In Ohio a new model of a Wright brothers biplane crashed near Springfield killing

2 volunteer pilots.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Ohio

2011 Jul 30

A Caribbean Airlines jet coming from New York crashed and broke in two while

landing in Guyana with 163 people aboard, causing several injuries but no deaths.

Links: Air Crash, Guyana

Page 251: History of Air Crashes


2011 Jul 30

In southwest Nigeria two women and a male pilot died after a helicopter crashed in

a hilly area outside Ife-Odan in Osun state.

Links: Air Crash, Nigeria

2011 Aug 2

A Brazilian Air Force plane crashed near the city of Bom Jardim da Serra in the

state of Santa Catarina, killing all eight people aboard.

Links: Brazil, Air Crash

2011 Aug 3

In Indonesia 9 people, including two Australians, two South Africans and five

Indonesians, were killed when a helicopter flying to a Newcrest mine crashed with

10 on board.

Links: Indonesia, Air Crash

2011 Aug 14

In eastern South Africa two planes carrying 13 people went missing. The wreckage

was spotted from a helicopter on Aug 16 and there were no survivors.

Links: Air Crash, South Africa

2011 Aug 17

A Venezuelan military helicopter carrying 10 soldiers crashed into the sea off the

Caribbean coast. Searchers rescued one soldier and found the body of one of the

helicopter's pilots. The wreckage and remaining bodies were recovered by Aug 20.

Links: Venezuela, Air Crash

2011 Aug 20

Page 252: History of Air Crashes


In New Jersey 2 small planes performing aerobatic maneuvers over Hammonton

collided in midair killing one of the pilots.

Links: USA, Air Crash, New Jersey


A text-based site.

2011 Aug 20

A British military Red Arrows jet crashed while taking part in an air show in

Bournemouth. Lt. John Egging (33) was the first Red Arrows pilot to die since

1978, when two were killed in a training accident. The Red Arrows display team

were formed in 1965.

Links: Britain, Air Crash

2011 Aug 20

In Canada 12 people were killed when a Boeing 737, chartered by First Air,

crashed near Resolute Bay in the far north of the Canadian Arctic, but three

people survived.

Links: Canada, Air Crash

2011 Aug 21

In Poland two small planes have crashed within half an hour of each other in

separate accidents in the southern part of the country, killing six people.

Links: Poland, Air Crash

2011 Aug 26

In Missouri a medical helicopter crashed in Mosby killing a female patient, a pilot

and two medical workers.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Mississippi, Tragedy

Page 253: History of Air Crashes


2011 Aug 30

A Lithuanian military plane collided midair with a French fighter jet during a

NATO training flight and crashed into a swamp in northern Lithuania after its two

pilots safely ejected. The French Mirage fighter was only "lightly damaged" and

landed safely.

Links: France, Lithuania, NATO, Air Crash

International Red Cross

Make a donation

2011 Sep 2

A Chilean CASA 212 military plane crashed after two failed attempts to land in

difficult weather on the Juan Fernandez islands, 400 miles (670 kilometers) from the

Chilean mainland. All 21 aboard were believed killed. Among those aboard was

popular Chilean television personality Felipe Camiroaga.

Links: Chile, Air Crash

2011 Sep 6

In Bolivia a small plane disappeared in the country's Amazon region. The wreckage

was found 2 days later. All 9 people aboard, including 2 Colombians and 7

Bolivians were aboard, were killed.

Links: Bolivia, Air Crash

2011 Sep 7

A Russian Yak-42 jet carrying the Lokomotiv Yaroslavl ice hockey team crashed

while taking off near the city of Yaroslavl, killing 43 of 45 people. One of the 2

survivors died on Sep 12. Flight crew member Alexander Sizov remained in

intensive care at Moscow's Sklifosovsky hospital. The Kontinental Hockey League

included 24 teams from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Latvia and Slovakia.

Page 254: History of Air Crashes


Links: Russia, Air Crash, Hockey

2011 Sep 13

Taiwan's Defense Ministry searched for three pilots aboard two reconnaissance F-5

aircraft which crashed on a training flight. The remains of the three pilots were

recovered from a mountain crash site.

Links: Taiwan, Air Crash

2011 Sep 14

An Angolan air force plane crashed as it took off from a central base, killing 30

people including three generals. Six people survived the fiery crash in Huambo


Links: Angola, Air Crash, Tragedy

2011 Sep 16

In Reno, Nevada, a World War II-era P-51 Mustang fighter plane competing in an

event described as a car race in the sky suddenly pitched upward, rolled and did a

nose-dive toward a crowded grandstand. 9 people were killed and more than 60

injured. Pilot Jimmy Leeward (74) was among those killed. A 10th victim died on

Sep 19.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Nevada, Tragedy

2011 Sep 20

In northern Haiti 3 people died when a small, twin-engine turboprop aircraft used

by a domestic Haitian airline crashed while trying to land during heavy rain. The

single passenger was a regular customer from Vietnam.

Links: Haiti, Air Crash

2011 Sep 22

Page 255: History of Air Crashes


In Indonesia a small plane has crashed in the eastern province of Papua, killing all

three people on board, including American pilot Paul Westlund.

Links: USA, Indonesia, Air Crash

2011 Sep 25

In Nepal a small plane taking tourists on a sightseeing trip around Mount Everest

crashed into a hillside near Kathmandu, killing all 19 people on board.

Links: Nepal, Air Crash

2011 Sep 29

In Indonesia a Casa 212 turboprop plane, carrying 14 passengers including four

children, and four crew, went down after departing Medan city, in Sumatra. All 18

were killed.

Links: Indonesia, Air Crash


A text-based site.

2011 Oct 4

A private helicopter crashed into New York City’s East River, killing one British

passenger and injuring a British couple and a New Zealand woman. The helicopter

went down shortly after takeoff from a riverbank heliport. On Oct 12 the New

Zealand woman died of her injuries.

Links: USA, Air Crash, NYC

2011 Oct 13

A Papua New Guinea Dash 8 passenger plane carrying 32 people crashed near the

coast. Witness reports said only four people on board had survived.

Links: Air Crash, Papua New Guinea

Page 256: History of Air Crashes


2011 Oct 14

A British pilot (29) and his passenger (40) died in the crash of their small plane in


Links: Britain, Switzerland, Air Crash

2011 Oct 14

A Chinese air force JH-7 jet crashed at an air show outside the northern city of

Xi'an, leaving one of the pilots missing and presumed dead.

Links: China, Air Crash

2011 Oct 18

In Botswana 3 French, 3 Swiss and 2 Britons were killed when their Moremi

Moremi Air Charters Cessna 208 crashed shortly after take-off from the island of

Pom Pom in the Okavango delta in the northern tourist area. 4 passengers survived

the crash.

Links: Botswana, Air Crash

International Red Cross

Make a donation

2011 Oct 21

In Mexico a helicopter carrying Mexico state Metropolitan Development Secretary

Fernando Garcia and his assistant crashed against a wall and on top of some cars

in the Coyoacan borough. A secretary and co-pilot were killed.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico

2011 Oct 23

Page 257: History of Air Crashes


In Mexico two Americans died in the crash of a small plane in the city of Angela

R. Cabada, Veracruz state.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Mexico

2011 Oct 31

In Mexico a light airplane taking off from the border city of Tijuana crashed into

an auto repair shop near a street market, killing three people and setting fire to

several cars.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico

2011 Nov 10

In Hawaii a helicopter on a tourist excursion of West Maui and Molokai went down

near an elementary school killing the pilot and 4 tourists.

Links: Air Crash, Hawaii

2011 Nov 11

Mexico’s Interior Secretary Francisco Blake Mora (45) was killed in a helicopter

crash, a stunning mishap too odd for some Mexicans to accept as an accident. Mora

was appointed in June 2010, the 4th interior secretary since Calderon was elected

five years ago. The crash of the Super Puma helicopter, part of the presidential

fleet, also killed the undersecretary for legal affairs and human rights, Felipe

Zamora, two other interior officials, the chief of Blake Mora's security detail and

three crew members.

Links: Air Crash, Mexico

2011 Nov 15

In the Republic of Congo Alexandre Kossiarev, a native of Belarus, was killed when

an MI-8, a Russian-designed helicopter, crashed in the country's north.

Links: Belarus, Air Crash, Congo Rep.

Page 258: History of Air Crashes


2011 Nov 21

An Argentine air force Piper P-28 Dakota collided with a civilian plane being used

for flight school training as both were nearing the small airport in the town of

Mercedes. 2 people were killed when the civilian plane crashed.

Links: Argentina, Air Crash

2011 Nov 23

In Arizona 6 people on board a small twin-engine plane were killed when it crashed

in a ball of fire in a remote area of the Superstition Mountains east of Phoenix.

The dead included a pilot and his 3 children.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Arizona

2011 Nov 26

In Illinois 4 people were killed when their plane crashed nearthe Chicago suburb of

Crystal Lake.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Illinois

2011 Dec 3

In Colorado a small plane with 4 people crashed in the mountains near Silverton.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Colorado


A text-based site.

2011 Dec 3

In Panama a small plane, piloted by a US citizen, crashed about 50 miles west of

Panama City, killing pilot Monty Polo and Panamanian passenger Josue Cedeno.

Page 259: History of Air Crashes


Links: Panama, USA, Air Crash

2011 Dec 7

In Nevada 5 people were killed when a helicopter flying tourists over the Hoover

Dam crashed into a mountain range bordering Lake Mead.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Nevada

2011 Dec 10

In the Philippines a four-seater cargo plane crashed onto a crowded Manila slum,

sparking a fire that killed 13 people and left five missing and at least another 20


Links: Philippines, Air Crash

2011 Dec 12

In Washington state 2 reconnaissance helicopters crashed during training near

Tacoma killing all 4 people on board.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Washington

2011 Dec 20

A small plane crashed on I-287 in New Jersey killing all 5 people aboard.

Links: USA, Air Crash, New Jersey

International Red Cross

Make a donation

2011 Dec 24

In Ohio a single-engine plane crashed 50 miles southeast of Columbus killing 2

women on board. The pilot died of his injuries a day later.

Page 260: History of Air Crashes


Links: USA, Air Crash, Ohio

2011 Dec 28

In southern Kyrgyzstan a Soviet-built jet operated by a Kyrgyz carrier broke its

wing, overturned and caught fire as it tried to land in deep fog in Osh, leaving 31

people injured.

Links: Kyrgyzstan, Air Crash

2011 Dec 30

In Sudan all six crewmen aboard a military helicopter were killed when it crash-

landed and burned in North Kordofan state.

Links: Air Crash, Sudan

2012 Jan 14

A French Mirage and a Saudi F-15 collided in the kingdom's northern region of

Tabuk without causing casualties.

Links: France, Air Crash, Saudi Arabia

2012 Jan 15

In Massachusetts the bodies of two people were recovered on a beach in Brewster

following a crash of their small plane.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Massachusetts

2012 Jan 16

In southern Afghanistan a civilian helicopter crashed, killing all three people on

board. Police said the Russian-made aircraft probably went down because of a

technical malfunction. At least 14 people died in avalanches after heavy snowfall in

the mountainous Badakhshan province.

Page 261: History of Air Crashes


Links: Air Crash, Tragedy, Afghan

2012 Jan 18

In Venezuela a helicopter crashed into Auyantepui mountain during a tour of the

tabletop mountains in the Canaima National Park. 5 people were killed.

Links: Venezuela, Air Crash

2012 Jan 19

In southern Afghanistan a suicide bomber killed at least seven people and wounded

eight in an attack at Kandahar international airport. Hundreds of people took to

the streets in Dewa Gul Vally, Kunar province, in protest over a recent night raid

by Afghan and NATO forces that allegedly killed six civilians. A NATO-US

helicopter crashed killing 6 Marines. Taliban fighters attacked a police checkpoint in

Helmand province. At least 2 police officers and 12 Taliban fighters were killed.

Links: NATO, Air Crash, Afghan

2012 Jan 30

In CongoDRC a plane crashed after takeoff in South Kivu. There were at least five

people on board.

Links: Air Crash, CongoDRC

2012 Feb 3

In Idaho Micron CEO Steve Appleton (51 died after his small experimental plane

crashed following takeoff at the Boise airport.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Idaho

Page 262: History of Air Crashes


2012 Feb 4

In Australia celebrated filmmakers Andrew Wight (52) and Mike deGruy (60) died in

a helicopter crash at Jasper's Brush. They were working on a documentary with

Oscar-winning director James Cameron and National Geographic.

Links: Australia, Air Crash, Tragedy

2012 Feb 11

In eastern Afghanistan gunmen burst into a family home of a provincial judge,

killing him and his niece in the latest assassination of an Afghan government

official. Mohammad Nasir, the head of the appeals court for Kunar province, was

visiting family in neighboring Nangarhar province. A helicopter operated by US

military contractors crashed in the mountains of Zabul province, killing all four

Tajik crew members.

Links: Air Crash, Afghan

2012 Feb 12

In CongoDRC a private jet crashed while landing in the eastern city of Bukavu.

Presidential aid Augustin Katumba Mwanke (48) was among those killed. There

were 2 pilots and 7 passengers on the private jet. Two American crew members

also died, as well as two people crushed by the plane as it came down at Bukavu


Links: Air Crash, CongoDRC

2012 Feb 15

In Wyoming a search and rescue helicopter crashed while attempting to rescue an

injured snowmobiler. A volunteer crew member was killed.

Links: USA, Air Crash, Wyoming

Page 263: History of Air Crashes


Famous People Who Died in Aviation


Page 264: History of Air Crashes


1910s Date/Time Person Location Aircraft Details Notes

Sep 17,



Lt. Thomas E.


26, first person to

be killed in recorded

aviation history.

Fort Myer,


Wright Flyer


During a demonstration flight, a U.S. Army flyer flown by Orville Wright nose-dived into the ground from a height of approximately 75 feet, killing Lt. Thomas E. Selfridge who was a passenger. This was the first recorded airplane fatality in history. One of two propellers separated in flight, tearing loose the wires bracing the rudder and causing the loss of control of the aircraft. Orville Wright suffered broken ribs, pelvis and a leg. Selfridge suffered a crushed skull and died a short time later. 1 killed

details in


Jan 4, 1910 Ferdinand Léon


36, French aviation


Pau, France Blériot XI


Was killed when the left wing to his plane collapsed. This was caused by fitting too powerful of a motor to his plane. 1 killed.

Jul 12,


Charles Stewart


33, co-founder of

Rolls Royce



Wright Flyer His biplane broke-up in mid air. Although falling only 20 feet, he was killed when he cracked his skull. Britain's first aviation accident fatality. 1 killed.

Sep 27,


Jorge Chavez

23, aviator, first

person to fly over

the alps

Milan, Italy Bleriot Crash landed his plane at Milan while attempting to fly over the alps from Brigue to Milan. He died of his injuries four days later. 1 killed.

Oct 19,


Eugene Burton Ely

24, U.S. naval

aviator. First to

land an airplane on

a ship.

Macon, Georgia Wright Flyer Crashed during a demonstration flight at the Georgia State Fair.

Apr 3,


Calbraith Perry


33, U.S. aviator,

first to make a



Long Beach,


Wright EX Crashed into the Pacific during an air show after hitting a seagull which fouled his controls. He died of a broken neck. First person to die from a bird strike. 1 killed.

Jul 1,


Harrriet Quimby

37, pioneer female






Quimbly was killed when she was hurled out of the plane as the aircraft suddenly pitched forward during an air show demonstration. A friend, William Willard, was also killed. 2 killed.

Sep 13,


Aurel Vlaicu

30, Romanian

airplane designer

Câmpina, Romania Vlaicu II Killed while attempting to cross the Carpathian Mountains. 1 killed.

Mar 14,


Lincoln Beachley

28, aviation pioneer

San Francisco,




Died after crashing San Francisco Bay after the wings tore off his plane while attempting to perform a stunt during an exhibition flight at the Panama Pacific International Exposition. 1 killed

Aug 7,


Samuel Franklin


46, aviation pioneer


Berkshire, England

Floatplane While out for a joyride in his floatplane, which he designed, it broke up at 500 ft and he and his passenger were both killed. 2 killed.

Feb 15,


Vernon Castle

33, dancer

Benbrook, Texas American


Castle was killed during a training mission. He was thrown out of the plane and fell 45 feet after maneuvering to avoid a collision with another plane. He was a pilot during WWI.

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Page 265: History of Air Crashes


Apr 21,


Manfred von


"The Red Baron"

25, famous WWI

flying ace

Somme Canal,




Killed during a WWI air battle. Canadian pilot Captain Roy Brown was originally credited with shooting down Richthofen, but some accounts credit Australian forces on the ground. 1 killed.

Page 266: History of Air Crashes



Date/Time Person Location Aircraft Details Notes

Jul 4,


Jaime González Grocier

28, famous Cuban aviator.

Havana, Cuba Blériot XI


Grocier was killed piloting this plane when it stalled during takeoff and fell to the ground. This were the first recorded civil airplane fatalities in Cuba. 2 killed.

Aug 2,



Milton 'Skeets' Elliott

Ormer Locklear

24, 27 actors, stunt flyers

Los Angeles,


Died in a crash during the filming of The Skywayman at De Mille Airfield. He was not able to pull out of a dive after the crew forgot to cut the lights and he was blinded and wasn't able to see the ground in time.

Jul 4,


Lothar von Richthofen 27, World

War I ace and brother of

Manfred von Richthofen (The Red




LVG C VI While taking off the plane lost it's engine and crashed into trees. 2 of 3 killed.

Oct 21,


Marvin Goodwin

33, baseball player, Cincinnati

Reds pitcher





Crashed his plane on a training flight while a member of the Army Air Corps.

Apr 30,


Bessie Coleman

30, African-American pioneer

female aviator





First African-American woman pilot. Also known as "Queen Bessie" she was practicing for an air show when she was thrown from the plane and fell to her death. A wrench left by mechanic William Wills, who was piloting the plane, become stuck in the control gears which caused him to lose control of the aircraft. 2 killed.

Jan 26,


Earl Metcalfe

38, actor



Fell 2,000 feet from an airplane during a flying lesson

after the plane went into a double roll.

May 1,


Thaddeus C. Sweet

55, New York U.S. Rep.


Point, New





Sweet was on the way to give a speech in Oswego County, N.Y. While landing in a field to escape a thunder storm, uneven ground caused the plane to flip over killing Sweet. The pilot survived. 1 killed.

Jun 22,


Roald Amundsen

56, Norwegian explorer



Latham Lost at sea while attempting to fly a rescue mission to the airship Italia stranded in the Arctic. All 6 aboard killed.

Jul 4,


Alfred Lowenstein

50, Belgian businessman and


Over the



Fokker While flying on his private plane across the English Channel, Lowenstein went to the rear of the plane to use the lavatory. After a noticeable length of time passed, one of his employees went to check on him and found that he had vanished through the plane's rear door and had plunged several thousand feet to his death. It is speculated he committed suicide.

July 12,


c 16:00

Emilio Carranza

22, Mexican aviation pioneer.

Sandy Ridge,

New Jersey

Excelsior Killed when his plane flew into a thunderstorm during a goodwill flight from New York to Mexico City.

Nov 9, Carl Ben Eielsen North Cape, Died alongside his mechanic Earl Borland in an air crash while attempting to rescue 15 passengers of the Nanuk, a

Page 267: History of Air Crashes


1929 32, aviaiton pioneer Siberia cargo vessel trapped in the ice at North Cape. 2 killed

Dec 20,


William Kaynor

45, Massachusetts U.S. Rep.






Killed in a military plane crash at Boling Field air base. It was his first time in an airplane.


Date/Time Person Location Aircraft Details Notes

Oct 5, 1930


Lord Thompson

British air minister

Beauvais, France Airship



The airship crashed into a hill after losing altitude in a rainstorm. Overweight and underpowered. Forty-eight out of 56 aboard killed.

details in


Mar 31,


c 10:45

Knute Rockne

43, Notre Dame

football coach

Bazaar, Kansas Trans Cont. & Western


Flight 599

Fokker F-10A Tri-motor

NC999E cn:1063

One of the plane's wings separated in flight after penetrating a rainstorm and the aircraft crashed into a wheat field. A structural design flaw caused wing-aileron flutter which led to the wing separation. All 8 aboard killed.

details in


May 14,


Denys Finch Hatton

43, professional


Voi, Kenya de Havilland Gypsy Moth Lifted off the ground, stalled and crashed.Hatton was the character played by Robert Redford in the movie Out of Africa. 2 killed

Apr 4,



Rear Admiral

William Moffet

64, naval aviator

Off Barnegat,

New Jersey

Goodyear-Zeppelin U.S.S.

Akron (airship)

Killed when the airship USS Akron crashed into the Atlantic after penetrating a thunderstorm.

details in


Jul 17,



Steponas Darius

Stasys Girėnas Lithuanian-

American aviators



Bellanca CH-300



Difficult weather conditions and engine defects caused the plane to crash while on a record setting flight.

June 24,


Jimmie Wedell

34, Airplane

designer and speed




de Havilland Gypsy Moth


Wedell was at the controls of the plane. The crash was most likely due to structural failure. 2 killed.

May 6,


Bronson M. Cutting

46, New Mexico


Macon, Missouri Transcontinental and

Western Air


NC13785 cn:1295

Crashed while attempting to make an emergency landing after running out of fuel. 4 out of 10 aboard killed.

details in


Jun 24,



Carlos Gardel

44, actor, singer



Servicio Aero Colombiano

Ford C-31 Tri-motor

C-31 cn:5-AT-112

Collision with another Tri-motor as it was taking off. Alfredo Le Pera, his lyricist, also killed. 17 of 20 aboard killed.

details in


Aug 15,


Will Penn Adair


56, American


Walakpi, near

Point Barrow


Lockheed Orion Explorer



After making a forced landing in fog, the plane took off, rose about 50 feet and crashed into shallow water. 2 killed.

details in

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Wiley Post

37, adventurer


Sep 17,


Len Koenecke

31, baseball player

Dodgers, Giants

Over Canada


Charter plane After being thrown off an American Airlines flight for being drunk, Koenecke boarded a charter flight. A fight broke out between the pilot, Koenecke and another passenger. After Koenecke grabbed for the controls, the pilot hit him over the head with a fire extinguisher killing him.

Nov 8,



Sir Charles

Kingsford Smith

38, Australian

aviator. WW I ace.

First to cross the

Pacific from the US

to Australia.

Off the southern

coast of Burma

near Aye Island

Lockheed Altair


Disappeared off the coast of Burma while attempting an England to Australia speed record. Both Smith and his mechanic were killed.

Dec 7,



Jean Mermoz

35, French aviator

Over the south

Atlantic, off

Dakar, Senegal

Latecoere 300 ''Croix du

Sud'' Tri-engine

The last message from the aviator was "we have switched off the rear engine." The plane and crew of four were never found.

Dec 9,


Juan de la Cierva

41, pioneer of

rotary flight

Arvid Lindman

74, Prime Minister

of Sweden

Croydon, England KLM

Douglas DC-2

PH-AKL cn:1358

The aircraft crashed into houses while attempting to take off in heavy fog. All 16 aboard killed.

details in


Jan 12,


Martin Johnson

52, explorer



Western Air Express

Boeing 247



Crashed into Stone mountain while attempting to land at Burbank Airport in fog and rain. Pilot error. Descended without knowing his position. 5 of 13 aboard killed.

details in


Mar 22,


Mary Du

Caurroy Tribe


71, Dutchess of


Over the North


de Havilland Gypsy Disappeared over the North Sea on a solo flight. Her body was never found. 1 killed.

Jul 2, 1937 Amelia Earhart

40, aviator

Off Lea, New


Lockheed 10E Electra



Disappeared en route from Lae to Howland Island. Most likely ran out of fuel and ditched into the ocean. 2 killed.

details in


Nov 16,


Grand Duke Ernest

Ludwig and Duchess

Eleanore of Hesse

69, 66

Ostende, Belgium Sebena

Junkers 52/3m

OO-AUB cn:5827

The airliner crashed into a factory chimney on approach, in fog, after being diverted from Brussels to Ostende. All 11 aboard killed.

details in


Jan 11,


Captain Edwin


44, Pan American's

Pango Pango,

U.S. Samoa

Pan American Airways

Sikorsky S-42 seaplane

Exploded in mid-air as the crew dumped fuel in preparation for an emergency landing. All 6 aboard killed.

details in


Page 269: History of Air Crashes


first pilot NC16734 cn:4207

Aug 31,


Frank Barnwell

58, Aircraft




Experimental Designed Bristol aircraft. He was a poor pilot and banned from flying any Bristol aircraft. He was killed while test flying his home built plane. 1 killed.

Oct 28,


Ramón Franco

42, Spanish aviation


Mallorca, Spain Cantz Z-506/73-1


Crashed killing all aboard, cause unknown.

Mar 18,


Jack Kylstra

Boeing's chief


A.G. von


Dutch helicopter




Boeing 307Stratoliner



Crashed after the tail broke off of the aircraft. All 13 aboard killed.

details in



Date/Time Person Location Aircraft Details Notes

Aug 31,


Ernest Lundeen

62, Minnesota U.S. Senator







Douglas DC-3



Flying through a thunderstorm in turbulence the plane nosed over and plunged to earth. Lightning strike disabled crew and caused loss of control. All 25 aboard killed.

details in


Jan 5,


Amy Johnson

37, pioneer woman aviator




AS10 Oxford


While ferrying an aircraft for the RAF from

Prestwick to Kidington, she became lost in poor

weather and parachuted into the Thames River and

drowned. Her body was never recovered. 1 killed.

Feb 20,



Sir Fredrick Grant Banting

49, Canadian co-discoverer of


Near Gander,



Hudson MK

III bomber


Crashed into trees at the side of a lake, 10 miles out of Gander en route to England. Double engine failure. Banting died of his injuries a few days later. Three out of 4 aboard killed.

Feb 26,



William Byron

45, Maryland U.S. Rep.





Douglas DC-3



The aircraft crashed into a hill in pine woods, near Chandler Field, while attempting to make an instrument landing approach in rain and fog. Pilot error. 9 of 16 aboard killed.

details in


Dec 11,


John Gillespie Magee Jr.

19, American pilot and poet



VZ-H Spitfire


Magee was killed when his VZ-H Spitfire V collided with an Oxford Trainer from Cranwell Airfield during World War II. 1 killed.

Jan 16,


Carole Lombard

33, movie actress

Near Las Trans Con. &


Flight 3, crashed into Mt. Potosi. Lombard was returning from a war bond promotion. The aircraft drifted off course for reasons unknown. All 22

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19:23 real name Alice Jane Peters Vegas, Nevada Airways

Flight 3

Douglas DC-3



aboard killed including Lombard's mother and press agent.

details in


Feb 8,


Dr. Fritz Todt

50, chief designer of the

German autobahn. Third Reich

minister for armaments and




Junkers 52 The aircraft crashed after exploding shortly after taking off.

Aug 21,


Baron Carl-August von Gablenz

48, founder of Lufthansa




Siebel Si 204 von Gablenz's plane which he was piloting, crashed after experiencing mechanical failure. 2 killed.

Aug 25,



George Edmund

39, the Duke of Kent

Near Dunbeath,






The plane crashed while on a flight to Iceland during WWII. The aircraft was part of the 228th Squadron RAF. The plane hit high ground at Eagle Rock in the Scottish Highlands in poor visibility. Possible navigation error but exact cause unknown. All 14 aboard killed.

Oct 23,


Ralph Rainger

41, composer and song writer

Palm Springs,


Douglas DC-3



Midair collision with an Army B-34 bomber. The bomber pilot attempted to draw attention to his friend the co-pilot in the airliner and struck the tail of the airliner. All 12 aboard the airliner killed. The bomber landed safely.

Jan 15,


Eric Mowbray Knight

46, U.S. novelist


Dutch Guiana

Douglas C-54 Crashed into a jungle while on a secret mission during a WW II military flight on the way to the Casablanca Conference. All 35 aboard killed.

Feb 22,


Ben Robertson

U.S. novelist

Tamara Drasin

34, actress, singer



Pan Am

Boeing 314



The flying boat was attempting to land when the left wing hit the water. Actress Jane Froman seriously injured. 25 of 39 aboard killed.

details in


Apr 18,


Admiral Isorok Yamamoto

42, Japanese naval commander



Solomon Islands




Shot down by U.S. fighters. The allies knew where his plane would be after the Japanese code was broken.

Jun 1,


Leslie Howard

42, movie actor

Off the coast

of France




Douglas DC-3



Shot down by German military aircraft. All 17 aboard killed.

Jun 2,


Nile Clark Kinnick Jr.

24, 1939 Heisman trophy

winner at the University of


Over the Gulf

of Paria in the

Caribbean Sea

Navy fighter Rather than land on a carrier and risk a fire, Kinnick ditched his fighter plane into the Caribbean Sea during a training flight after developing an oil leak. Kinnick and the aircraft were never found.

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Jul 4,


Wladyslaw Sikorski

62, Prime Minister of Poland

in exile

Off Gibraltar B24C



Crashed into the Mediterranean Sea shortly after takeoff while on a flight to London. 12 of 13 aboard killed.

details in


Jul 21,


Charles Paddock

43, Olympic track star, Marine

Captain, depicted in the film

Chariots of Fire

Near Sitka,


Killed in the line of duty. The Navy plane he was flying in crashed near Sitka killing all 6 aboard.

Aug 31,


Leonard Supulski

23, Football player for the

Philidephia Eagles



B-17 Flying



Killed on a routine Army Air Corps training flight. 8 killed.

Sep 21,


John William Ditter

55, Pennsylvania U.S. Rep.



Military plane

Single engine

Ditter was flying on a Navy plane. The crew dropped flares in heavy rain but ultimately crashed and burned. 2 killed.

Oct 7,


Prince Christoph Ernst of



Forli, Itay Killed in an crash over the Italian Apennine mountains while on active duty.

Nov 27,


Edward O'Hare

29, decorated war hero.

Pacific Ocean F6F Hellcat His plane was shot down in combat. Namesake of Chicago O'hare Airport

Apr 12,


Tommy Hitchcock Jr.

44, champion polo player




P-51Mustang Crashed while flying for the Air Force during World War II. Hitchcock was unable to pull out of a dive as he conducted tests.

Jul 31,


Antoine de Saint- Exupery

44, French writer


off Marseille,


Lockheed P-

38 Lightning

Lost over the Mediterranean during a World War II mission for the U.S. Air Force. Probably due to mechanical failure. 1 killed.

Aug 12,


Joseph P. Kennedy

29, brother of President John

F. Kennedy






Intending to bail out to leave another aircraft to guide a plane via remote control into a German sub pen, the plane blew up before he could exit. 2 killed.

details in


Dec 15,


Glenn Miller

40, band leader and musician

Over the

English Channel




Disappeared over the English Channel. Most likely accidentally hit by bombs jettisoned by RAF bombers returning from an unsuccessful raid. 2 killed.

details in


Jan 2,


Sir Bertram Ramsey

62, British Admiral

Toussus le

Noble, France



Dived into the ground and crashed shortly after taking off.

Mar 17,


Robert Hutchins

19 "Wheezer" of the Little






Hutchins crashed his plane while attempting to land during a trainin exercise.

Aug 6,


Maj. Richard Bong

25, WW II Ace



P-80 jet


Crashed while testing the P-80 jet fighter. Highest scoring ace in American history with 40 victories.

Jan 26,


Grace Moore

48, singer

Copenhagen, KLM

Douglas C-47

Crashed during takeoff. Failure to remove the elevator locking pins during takeoff. All 22 aboard

details in

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15:30 Prince Gustav Adolf

41, Swedish crown prince

Denmark PH-TCR


killed. database

Aug 23,


Roy Chadwick

54, English aircraft designer

Lake District,


Avro 688

Tudor II

Avro's chief designer, Chadwick was killed when the Avro Tudor II prototype he was testing crashed on takeoff. Incorrectly installed aileron controls.

Oct 24,


Jeff Burkett

rookie punter for the Chicago

Cardinals football team

Bryce Canyon,




Flight 608

Douglas DC-6



A design flaw allowed vented gasoline to be drawn into the heater air intake scoop. The plane exploded and crashed. Burkett stayed behind because of an emergency appendectomy and was returning to his team in Chicago. All 53 aboard killed.

Oct 28,


Earl Snell

52, Governor of Oregon

Near Lakeview,




Crashed in the Cascade mountain range east of Klamath Falls in a private plane. All 4 aboard killed including the state's Attorney General and Senate President.

Jun 17,



Earl Carroll

55, U.S. theatrical impresario

Berryl Wallace


Mount Carmel,


United Air


Flight 624

Douglas DC-6


cn: 42871

Flight 624 crashed after an in-flight fire in the cargo hold. Carbon dioxide extinguishers leaked into the cockpit incapacitating the crew. All 43 aboard killed.

details in


Sep 25,



Joe Lynam

31, pro wrestler

Bend, Oregon Navy surplus



The plane struck Horse Ridge, 500 feet from the

summit, just after taking off from Bend in rain and


Apr 20,


Robert Coffey Jr.

31,Pennsylvania U.S. Rep.


New Mexico

P-80 Shooting

Star Jet


Crashed on takeoff while on a cross country proficiency flight.

May 13,


Kathleen KennedyCavendish

28, sister of President John


Mount Coron,



de Havilland

Dove 1


cn:N 04058

Crashed in a storm. All 10 aboard killed.

May 4,



Torino soccer team Superga, Italy Avio Linee


Fiat G212CP



The left wing struck a wall while trying to land in rain, low visibility and thunderstorms. All 31 aboard killed.

details in


Oct 1,



Buddy Clark

37, singer

Los Angeles,


Twin engine



The aircraft ran out of gas and clipped trees and power lines as it crash landed onto Beverly Boulevard. Clark was the only one of 5 aboard killed when he was thrown from the plane.

Oct 28, Marcel Cerdan

33, French boxing champion

San Miguel Air France


Flew into a mountain after two failed attempts at landing at the Azores. Cerdan, former middleweight champion, was en route to fight Jake LaMotta in

details in

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1949 Ginette Neveu

30, French violinist

Island, Azores Constellation



New York. All 48 aboard killed. Ironically, Jake LaMotta's son was killed in the Swissair crash in 1998.


Nov 1,


George Bates

58, Massachusetts U.S. Rep.

Michael Kennedy

52, New York U.S. Rep.

Helen Hokinson

46, cartoonist for the New




Eastern Air


Flight 537

Douglas C-54B



Midair collision with a U.S. Air Force P-38 fighter. Fighter pilot survived, tried for causing accident and cleared. All 56 aboard killed.

details in



Date/Time Person Location Aircraft Details Notes

Mar 28,


Laurence Steinhart

57, U.S. ambassador


Ontario, Canada

Douglas C-47 Crashed in flames in a snow covered field. Enigne failure. 5 killed. One crew member parachuted to safetly.

Aug 26,


Bill Barilko

24, Toronto Maple Leafs

hockey player

Near Cochrane,

Ontario, Canada

Fairchild 24 Crashed while returning from a fishing trip at James Bay with friend Henry Hudson. Wreckage found 12 years later on June 7, 1963. 2 killed

Jan 22,


Robert PorterPatterson

60, Secretary of War

under President Roosevelt

Elizabeth, New




Flight 6780

Convair 240-0



Crashed into an apartment building during the approach. Official cause unknown. Possibly carburetor icing. All 23 aboard killed including 7 on the ground.

details in


Mar 18,



Richard E. Ellsworth

42, Brigadier General

who Ellsworth Air Force

Base is named after

Trinity Bay,


Convair RB-



Flew into a hill while on a training mission from Lajes, Azores to Rapid City, South Dakota, All 23 aboard killed.

Sep 1,


Jacques Thibaud

72, French Violinist




Air France.

Lockheed 749C


F-BAZZ cn:


Flew into Mt. Cemet in the French Alps. All 42 aboard killed.

details in


Oct 29,


William Kapell

31, American pianist

Near Half Moon

Bay, California

British Com.

Flight 304

Pacific AL

Douglas DC-6



Crashed while on approach to SF airport. Pilot error. Crew failed to follow prescribed procedures for a instrument approach. All 19 aboard killed.

details in


Nov 30,


Kimber "Kim" Sigler

59, Former Governor of


Battle Creek,




Crashed into a TV broadcast tower in fog while piloting his plane. All 4 aboard killed.

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Jan 10,



Reginald "Chester" Wilmot

42, Australian



Elba, Italy de Havilland

DH106 Comet



Broke up in midair due to a design flaw. All 35 people aboard killed.

Jan 10,



Thomas E. Braniff

71, Co-founder of Braniff






While on a hunting trip his plane crashed into a house on the shore of Lake Wallace shortly after taking off. Icing. All 12 aboard killed.

Jun 30,


R.W. Blackwood


Bill Lyles

33, gospel singers in the

Blackwood Brothers


Clanton, Alabama Beech 18 During a practice landing the plane aborted the landing, stalled and dove into the ground. Blackwood who was piloting the plane forgot to re-trim the tabs from landing to takeoff. All 3 aboard killed.

Jul 1,


John McBride

Alabama halfback

Kelly Air Force

Base, Texas

Army trainer Killed in an ROTC training flight. 2 killed.

Oct 30,


Wilbur Shaw

52, president Indianapolis

Motor Speedway

Decatur, Indiana Cessna Crashed into a corn field and broke into pieces. All 3 aboard killed.

Jul 31,


Robert Francis

25, Actor





The plane landed and then took off. The engine sputtered

and the plane stalled and spun into the ground, bursting

into flames. All 3 aboard killed. Appeared in the Caine


Sep 20,



Thomas Gastall

23, baseball player,

Baltimore Orioles catcher

Riviera Beach,


Aerocoupe The last message received from the plane was Gastall was trying to make an emergency crash landing into Chesapeake Bay. His body was found 5 days later. 1 killed.

Nov 24,


Guido Cantelli

36, orchestra and opera


Paris, France Linee Aeree


Douglas DC-6B



Crashed during takeoff. Cause undetermined. 34 of 35 aboard killed.

details in


Nov 27,


Charlie Peete

27, baseball player, St.

Louis Cardinal outfielder








Fight 253


Crashed into a 6,700 ft. mountain while on approach. Peete was on his way to play winter ball in Venezuela. All 25 aboard killed.

Dec 9,



Gordon Sturtridge, Mel

Becket, Ray Syrnyk,

Mario DeMarco, Calvin


Canadian football players


British Columbia,


Trans Canada

Air Lines

Canadair DC-



Flight 810-9

The plane crashed into Mount Slesse after an engine caught fire and the plane experienced severe icing and turbulence. Five members of the Canadian Football League, returning from an all star game, were killed. Wreckage not found until May 10, 1957.

Page 275: History of Air Crashes



cn: 128

Jan 31,



Archie Twitchell

50, test pilot / actor






cn: 45192

Doublas DC-7B

Twitchell, a test pilot for Douglas Aircraft, was killed when the plane he was copiloting crashed and burned on it's first test flight after a midair collision with a U.S. Air Force jet fighter. Twitchell was also an accomplished actor. All 5 aboard the plane, 1 of 2 aboard the jet and 3 on the ground killed.

details in


Mar 17,


Ramon Magsaysay

50, president of the


Cebu, Philippines Philippine Air


Douglas C-47

Crashed into Mt. Manunggal while on a campaign tour for reelection. All 24 aboard killed.

details in


Apr 15,



Pedro Infante Cruz

39, Mexican actor, singer

Merida, Mexico TAMSA

B-24 Liberator


An engine failed on takeoff, causing the plane to spiral to the ground killing 2 on the ground as well as all occupants on the plane. Infante was co-piloting the plane. All 3 aboard killed.

Feb 6,



Manchester United

football team

Munich, Germany British



Flight 609

Amb. A5-57



Unable to gain altitude, crashed at the end of the runway in a snowstorm. Controversy as to if the cause was ice on the wings or drag from slush on the runway. 23 of 44 aboard killed. 8 team members killed.

details in


Mar 22,



Mike Todd

49, film director and


Art Cohn

50, screenwriter

Grants, New






The aircraft crashed in an area of fog snow and thunderstorms. Liz Taylor, his wife, stayed home ill with bronchitis. The plane was named The Lucky Liz. All 4 aboard including Art Cohn, his biographer were killed.

details in


Aug 14,


c 3:45

Egyptian fencing team North Atlantic

Ocean, 100 miles

W. of Ireland

KLM Flight


Flight 607E





Six member of the Egyptian fencing team were killed after the aircraft experienced overspeeding of the outer propeller. All 99 aboard killed.

details in


Feb 3,


c 01:00

Ritchie Valens,17

Buddy Holly, 22

Jiles "the Big Bopper"


28, rock and roll singers

Mason City,





Crashed shortly after taking off into poor weather conditions. The pilot was not IFR qualified and flying VFR. Possibly caused by spatial disorientation, unfamiliarity with the attitude indicator or icing. Valens got to go on the flip of a coin leaving Tommy Allsup behind. 4 killed, including pilot Roger Peterson.

details in


Mar 29,


Barthélémy Boganda

49, president of the

Central African Republic

Near Bangui

Central African


Atlas flying


The plane exploded in mid-air while on a flight from Berberati to Bangui. Speculation is the plane was shot down. All 9 aboard killed.

Apr 29, Joaquin Blume

Spanish gymnastics

Valdemeca, Iberian


Crashed into the east slopes of Sierra de Valdemeca after being diverted due to poor weather. All 28 aboard

details in

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Page 276: History of Air Crashes


1959 champion Spain DC-3



killed. database


Date/Time Person Location Aircraft Details Notes

Feb 25,



U.S. Navy Band Rio de Janeiro,




cn: 43685-


Midair collision with a REAL DC-3 at 5,000 ft. Total of 61 killed on both planes,

details in


Aug 29,


David Diop

33, French West

African poet

Off Dakar,


Air France

Flight 343





Crashed into the Atlantic Ocean after an unsuccessful landing attempt. Possible structural failure due to turbulence or distraction of the flight crew associated with a lighting strike.

Oct 29,


Cal Poly San

Luis Obispo

football team

Toledo, Ohio Arctic

Pacific AL

Curtiss C-




Crashed while taking off. Premature liftoff, partial loss of power in the No.1 engine, overweight. 22 of 48 aboard killed. 16 team members killed.

details in


Feb 15,



U.S. figure

skating team

Near Brussels,



Flight 548

Boeing 707-




Nosed down and crashed after executing a go-around. Failure of the aircraft's flying controls. All 72 aboard killed. 18 team members killed.

details in


Apr 3,


Green Cross

Chilean soccer


Llico, Chile LAN

Flight 310

Douglas DC-3



Crashed in the Las Lastimas Mountains. Possibly icing. Official cause unknown. All 24 aboard killed.

details in


Sep 17,





56, U.N.



Ndola, Zambia Douglas DC-




Crashed into jungle. Rumors persist alleging that victims were shot prior to the crash or that a bomb was onboard. All 16 aboard killed.

details in


Jan 25,


Donald Nutter

47, Governor of


Wolf Creek,


Douglas C-47 Crashed in snow storm. The plane went out of control in turbulent weather and crashed in a mountain canyon All 6 aboard killed.

Mar 1,


Johnny Dieckman

35, world fly-

New York, NY American


Crashed into Jamacia Bay after the plane experiencing a rudder details in

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10:09 casting champion Boeing 707

Flilght 1


cn: 17633/12

malfunction. All 95 aboard killed. database

Apr 12,


Ron Flockhart

39, Scottish race

car driver




Mustang P-


Lost control of a borrowed plane he was flying. The aircraft emerged from cloud cover, in a spin and crashed. Pilot error. Lack of IFR flying experience.

Oct 6,



Tom Slick

46, Texas



Dell, Montana, Beechcraft

Bonanza 35

The Texas millionaire who financed expeditions in search of Big Foot was killed in an airplane crash that some say was under suspicious circumstances.

Oct 7,


Clement Miller

46, California

U.S. Rep.

Near Eureka,




Crashed into Chapparal Mountain in a storm during a campaign flight. All 3 aboard killed.

Mar 5,



Patsy Cline

30, county

western singer



39, country

western singer

Cowboy Copas

49, country

western singer







The plane took off from Dyersburg and flew into a storm. The pilot was not instrument rated and lost control and crashed after entering an area of stormy weather. Randy Hughes, Cline's manager also killed. All 4 aboard killed.

details in


Feb 15,



Ken Hubbs

22, baseball

player, Chicago

Cubs 2nd


Near Provo,


Cessna 172D


Hubbs used poor judgment in continued VFR flight into adverse weather conditions. 2 killed.

Jul 31,



Jim Reeves

40, country

western singer

Near Nashville,






Piloted by Reeves, the plane crashed in an area of thunderstorms into dense woods 10 miles south of Nashville en route from Batesville to Nashville. It took 2 days to find the wreckage. Pilot error. VFR flight into adverse weather conditions. His manager, Dean Manuel, also killed. 2 killed.

details in


Oct 23,



Harold "David"


21, rock & roll


Houston Texas Cessna 172



The plane crashed nose first into the ground and overturned. Cause undetermined. All 4 aboard killed.

Oct 31,




34, U.S.


Houston, Texas T-38 trainer Killed while attempting to land at Ellington Air Force Base following a proficiency flight. Struck a snow goose which shattered the canopy and debris entering both engines. He ejected but was too low for his chute to fully deploy.

Jul 8


Albert "Paul"


Winterhaven, Phoenix P-1 Killed while filming the movie "The Flight of the Phoenix" when his plane broke apart on landing after he misjudged his altitude.

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05:51 61, movie stunt


California N93082 Alcoholic impairment of efficiency and judgment. He took the place of stunt pilot Frank Tallman who was injured. Tallman later died in another accident in 1978. 1 killed.

Nov 11,



William "Bill"


45, world

champion rodeo


Salt Lake City,


United Air


Boeing B-727




The plane crashed short of the runway after the captain made too high of a descent during the approach. 43 out of 91 aboard killed.

details in


Dec 12,



Dr. W. Randolph

Lovelace II

NASA doctor in

the early space


Near Aspen,





Flying on the Cutter Air Service, the pilot became disoriented and flew into a blind canyon. Lovelace's wife was also killed. 3 killed.

Jan 24,


c 08:00

Hombi Bhabha

father of India's

nuclear program

Mt. Blanc,


Air India

Flight 101

Boeing 707-




Descended below minimum safe altitude and crashed into Mt. Blanc. Miscalculation by the crew of their position. All 117 killed.

details in


Feb 28,


Elliot See Jr.

39, U.S.


Charles Bassett


35, U.S.


St. Louis,


T-38 jet


Killed during an instrument landing approach at McDonnell Aircraft Corporation's plant. Came in too low and slow, hit the afterburners and crashed into the roof of a building.

May 1,




34, Balloonist

Balloon Died four months later after enduring a severe explosive decompression of his spacesuit on board Strato Jump III at 57,600 feet in his third quest to acquire the world record for a skydiving jump.

Apr 13,


Abdul Salam


45, President of


Southern Iraq Helicopter Died mysteriously in a helicopter accident. Reported to have gone down in a thunderstorm.

Jul 24,



Tony Lema

32, pro golfer

Near Munster,





Crashed after both engines failed due to fuel starvation. The plane came to rest in a shallow pond on the golf course. Lima was on a Buick promotional tour. Wife, Betty, also killed. All 4 aboard killed.

details in


Jan 27,


Virgil Grissom,


Edward White,


Roger Chaffee,







Killed during the simulated launch of an Apollo I spacecraft. Short circuit in a 100%oxygen atmosphere caused a flash fire. 3 killed.

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U.S. astronauts

Apr 24,



Komarov, 40


Russia Soyuz I Parachute lines tangled during re-entry. Crashed to ground. First person to die while on a space mission.

Jul 19,


John T.


U.S. Navy




North Carolina



Boeing 727-




Collided with a Cessna 310 while attempting to land. All 82 aboard killed which included McNaughton's wife and son. details in


Sep 3,


Mohammed bin


73, father of

Osama bin Laden

Usran, Saudi





Bin Laden landed at Khamis Mushayt airport in his HS125, changed planes to his Beechcraft 18, and took off for the landing strip near Usran which had been cut out of the rough terain by his workers so that he could land and inspect the work in progress. He crashed trying to land on the mountain strip. 2 killed.

Oct 5,


Clifton Williams


35, astronaut




T-38 jet


A mechanical failure caused his control to malfunction.

Nov 4,


June Thorburn

36, actress









The aircraft descended too low and flew into the southern slope of Black Down Hill.

details in


Nov 15,


Michael Adams

37, test pilot

California North

American X-


Killed while testing the X-15. The plane went into a spin and dive while re-entering. The aircraft disintegrated after reaching 15 Gs.

Dec 8,


Robert Lawrence

32, astronaut

Edwards Air

Force Base,




Crashed while performing maneuvers.

Dec 10,



Otis Redding

26, singer

Near Madison,






Went into a spin and crashed into icy Lake Monona in fog. Undetermined cause Four members of his Bar-Kays band also killed. 5 of 6 aboard killed.

details in


Mar 27,


Yuri Gagarin

34, Soviet


Near Moscow,


MiG 15 UTI Crashed 30 miles east of Moscow, while training in a military fighter. He was the first man in space. 2 killed.

details in


Apr 28,



Lamar Tech

Track Team

Near Beaumont,


Beech 65


Impacted the ground and caught fire. Cause undetermined. All six members of the team, along with the pilot killed.

Mar 16, Nestor Chavez

22, baseball

Maracaibo, Venezolana

Inter. de

Struck power lines while taking off. Incorrect information supplied to details in

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1969 player, San

Francisco Giants


Venezuela Aviacion

Flight 742




crew. All 84 aboard and 70 on the ground killed. database

Apr 27 1969

Rene Barrientos 49, President of Bolivia

Near Arque Village, Bolivia

Helicopter The helicopter struck high tension wires and crashed. 3 killed.

Jun 4, 1969 08:42

Rafael Osuna 30, Mexican tennis star

Near Salinas Victoria, Nuevo Leon, Mexico

Mexicana Airlines Flight 704 B-727-64 XA-SEL cn: 19256/355

While the crew was aligning with the runway, the plane hit high ground several miles from the airport. Pilot error. All 79 aboard killed.

details in database

Aug 31,



Rocky Marciano

45, boxer

Newton, Iowa Cessna 172H



Took off in rainy weather barely climbing. Crashed into a lone oak tree. Inexperienced pilot not IFR qualified. Marciano was returning home for his birthday party. 3 killed.

details in


Sep 26,


The Strongest,

Bolivian soccer


Near La Paz,


Lloyd Aereo


Douglas DC-




The aircraft hit a 15,500 ft. mountain. Cause unknown. All 74 aboard killed.

details in



Date/Time Person Location Aircraft Details Notes

Feb 15,


Carlos Cruz

featherweight champion


Members of the Puerto

Rican women's

volleyball team

Santo Domingo,

Dominican Republic


Dominicana de





Lost an engine on takeoff. Circled back to the airport and crashed into the sea. All 102 aboard killed.

details in


May 9,



Walter Reuther

63, UAW labor leader

Pellston, Michigan Gates Learjet




During an instrument landing the plane broke through clouds, hit trees and burst into flames short of the runway. Reuther's wife and 4 others also killed.

details in


Jul 31,



George Paul

23, champion bull




Beech C50


Struck a mountain slope in VFR conditions. Pilot fatigue. Paul hadn't slept the night prior to the flight. 1 killed.

Oct 2,


Wichita State College

football team

Silver Plume,

Colorado, Mt.

Golden Eagle


Flight 108

Aircraft entered a mountain valley route from which it could neither climb over or execute a course reversal.

details in


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13:00 Trelease Martin 404



Pilot error. 32 of 40 aboard killed.

Oct 4,



Curtis Turner

46, race car driver






Crashed into mountains 20 minutes after takeoff.Turner, who was piloting the plane, was under the influence of alcohol. Turner suffered a severe heart attack prior to the accident. 2 killed.

details in


Nov 14,



Marshall University

football team

Near Huntington,

West Virginia



Flight 932

Douglas DC-9-31

N97S cn:47245

Crashed short of the runway. Improper procedures by crew. Used autopilot throughout landing. Call-outs not made. All 75 aboard killed. 41 from the Marshall University team.

details in


May 28,



Audie Murphy

46, WW II hero and

movie actor

Roanoke, Virginia Aero

Commander 680



Crashed in mountains in heavy thunderstorms. Continued VFR flight into adverse weather conditions. Entered instrument weather at too low an altitude to clear mountain. All 5 aboard killed.

details in


June 30,


Georgi Dobrovolsky, 43

Viktor Patsayev, 38

Vladislav Volkov, 35


In space Soyuz II A valve opened as the descent module separated from the orbital module depressurizing the space craft. The crew died within 45 seconds.

Jul 24,


Lance Reventow

36,Woolworth heir and

formula one race car


Aspen, Colorado Cessna U206


Died when the plane he was riding in crashed in a storm over the Rocky Mountains after the pilot flew into a blind canyon. 4 killed.

Aug 28,


Prince William Henry


30, Windsor of





Piper Cherokee Killed while taking place in the Goodyear Air Race near Wolverhampton. The plane crashed and exploded shortly after taking off after losing height suddenly. Both aboard killed.

Oct 13,


Old Christians Rugby


Near San

Fernando, Chile

Uruguayan Air

Force - TAMU

Fairchild Hiller


T-571 cn:572

Crashed in the Andes. Flew into mountain wave leading to loss of control. Found 72 days after crash. Resorted to cannibalism to stay alive by eating the dead. 29 of 45 aboard killed. The movie and book "Alive" based on this crash.

details in


Oct 16,


c 09:00

Hale Boggs

58, Louisiana U.S.


Nick Begich

40, Alaska U.S. Rep.

Off the Alaskan


Cessna 310C


Disappeared while approaching the Chugach mountain range on a flight from Anchorage to Juneau. Cause unknown. 4 killed.

details in


Dec 8,



George Collins

47, Illinois U.S. Rep.

Dorothy Hunt

52, wife of E. Howard

Hunt of Watergate

Chicago, Illinois United Air


Flight 553

Boeing 737-222


Crashed while making a non-precision instrument

approach. Pilot error. Failure to exercise positive flight

management. 43 of 61 aboard killed.

details in


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fame cn:19069

Dec 31,



Roberto Clemente

38, baseball player,

Pittsburgh outfielder

San Juan, Puerto



Express Leasing

Douglas DC-7CF



Crashed after taking off after losing power in the No. 2 and 3 engines. Overloaded, poor maintenance. Clemente was on a relief mission to deliver supplies for earthquake victims in Nicaragua. All 5 aboard killed.

details in


Jan 22,


Alexander Onassis

son of Aristotle


Athens, Greece Piaggio Rolled to the right and nose-dived into the ground after attaining a height of 100 ft. during takeoff.

Jul 20,



Robert Smithson

35, American artist

Amarillo Texas Beech E55


The plane stalled and crashed after the pilot's attention was diverted from flying the aircraft. Smithson was photographing his sculpture site from the air. 3 killed.

Sep 20, 1973 22:45

Jim Croce 30, singer

Natchitoches, Louisiana

Beechcraft E18SN50JR BA-176

Crashed into trees at the end of the runway while taking off after not gaining altitude. Pilot failed to see/avoid objects, obstructions. Also killed were his publicist Kenny Cortese, singer Maury Muehleisen, road manager Dennis Rast, comedian George Stevens and pilot Robert Elliot. All 6 aboard killed.

details indatabase

Nov 30, 1973 19:50

Bruce Yarnell 37, Actor

Near Gorman, California

Beech 23N2360Z

Yarnell who was piloting the plane, used poor judgment in continuing a VFR flight into adverse weather conditions resulting in spatial disorientation and loss of control of the aircraft. He was attempting to return to Van Nuys airport when the accident occurred. All 3 aboard killed.

Aug 09, 1974 17:00

Bill Chase 39, jazz rock musician

Jackson, Minnesota Piper PA-30 Comanche N8129Y

Crashed short of the runway while attempting to land in heavy rain. Pilot error. Improper IFR operation. All 6 aboard killed.

Feb 14, 1975 08:25

Jerry Pettis 59, California U.S. Rep.

Cherry Valley, California

Beech V35BN23JP

Crashed his plane while on a flight from Palm Springs to San Bernardino. Continued VFR flight into adverse weather conditions. 1 killed.

Feb 20, 1975 01:20

Bobby Shane "Robert Schoenberger" 29, pro wrestler

Tampa Bay, Florida

Cessna 182JN456BC

The small plane crashed into Tampa Bay after the pilot became disoriented in clouds and darkness while attempting to land. Shane drowned in the back seat of the plane. Wrestlers Gary Hart, Dennis McChord and Buddy Colt, who was piloting the plane, survived.

Jun 24, 1975

Wendell Ladner 27, basketball player, N.Y. Nets forward

New York, New York

Eastern Air Lines Flight 66 Boeing 727 N8845E cn:20443

Crashed while landing at JFK in a storm. Windshear.113 of 124 aboard killed.

details in database

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Sep 3, 1975 14:49

Irv Medlinger 48, MLB player

Wheeling, Illinois Piper PA-24N68073

Inadequate maintenance of the aircraft caused engine failure and a forced landing resulting in destruction of the aircraft. 2 killed.

Nov 29, 1975

Graham Hill 46, race car driver Tony Brise 23, race car driver

Hertfordshire, England

Piper AztecN6645Y cn:27-3960

Piloted by Hill. Crashed after getting lost in fog. All 6 aboard killed.

details indatabase

Dec 26, 1975 14:49

Myrna Ross 36, American actress

Rollinsville, Colorado

Star AviaitonMitsubishi MU-2B N133MA

Crashed into mountains. Continued VFR flight into adverse weather conditions. All 9 aboard Killed.

Jul 30, 1976

Joel Rakotomalala 47, Prime Minister of Madagascar

Tananarive, Madagascar

Helicopter Crashed into the sea. All 4 aboard killed.

Aug 3, 1976

Jerry Litton 39, Missouri U.S. Rep.

Chillicothe, Missouri

Beech 58N1553W

A broken crankshaft in the left engine caused a loss of control and the plane to crash during takeoff. 6 killed including Litton's wife and 2 children.

Sep 3, 1976 21:45

Orfeon University Choir

Lajes, Azores, Portugal

Lockheed C-1307772 cn: 4408

Crashed into a hill 1 mile short of the runway in heavy rains from hurricane Emmy. All 68 aboard killed.

details in database

Oct 6, 1976 13:24

Cuban National Fencing Team

Off Bridgetown, Barbados

CubanaDC-8-43 CU-T1201 cn: 45611/48

Explosion of a terrorist bomb in the cabin led to an unontrollable fire and incapacitation of the crew which caused the plane to crash into the ocean. All 73 aboard killed.

details in database

Jan 6, 1977 17:05

Natalie "Dolly" Sinatra 82, mother of entertainer Frank Sinatra

Near Palm Springs, California

Gates Learjet 24B N12MK

After leaving Palm Springs Municipal Airport, the plane never changed heading and flew into a mountain. Crew error. 4 killed.

details in database

Jan 18, 1977

Džemal Bijedić 60, Premier of Yugoslavia

Sarajevo, Yugoslavia

Gates Learjet Crashed into a Lisin Mountain during a snowstorm. All 7 aboard killed.

Mar 19, 1977

Jose Carlos Pace 32, Brazilian champion race car driver

Near Mairiporã, Brazil

Piper Killed along with colleague and pilot Marivaldo Fernandes while traveling to a ranch in western Sao Paulo. All 3 aboard killed.

Mar 27, 1977 17:07

Eve Meyer 48, June 1955 Playmate of the month, film producer

Tenerife, Canary Islands

Pan Am/KLMBoeing 747 N736PA/PH-BUF 19643/11 / 20400/157

Two jumbo jets collided on the runway after the KLM captain took off without clearance. 583 out of 644 killed.

details indatabase

May 2, 1977 09:25

Edward Cole 67, GM president creator of the Corvair.

Mendon, Michigan Beagle 206S2N500KR

The plane, Cole was piloting, crashed after he flew VFR into adverse weather conditions and suffered spatial disorientation. 1 killed.

May 16, 1977

Michael Findlay 33, horror film

New York New Sikorsky S61L helicopter

While boarding the helicopter the gear collapsed due to a fatigue fracture, decapitating Findlay and killing 3

details in

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07:35 director York N619PA other passengers. database

Aug 1



Francis Gary Powers

47, newscaster

Encino, California Bell 206B




Flying for Channel 4 news, the helicopter ran out of fuel returning from covering a fire. Powers was famous for piloting the U2 aircraft that was shot down over Russia in 1960. 2 killed.

details in


Oct 20,



Ronnie Van Zant

29, lead singer for

Lynyrd Skynyrd Band

Near Gillsburg,


L & J Company

Convair CV-300

N55VM cn:


Ran low on fuel and crashed into a wooded area. Malfunctioning engine that used excessive fuel. Three other band members killed. 6 of 26 aboard killed including Cassie & Steve Gaines.

details in


Dec 13,



Evansville basketball


Evansville, Indiana National Jet


Douglas DC-3



Crashed on takeoff in rain and fog. Aileron and rudder remained locked during takeoff. Improperly loaded luggage. All 29 aboard killed.

details in


May 21,



Bruce Geller

47, writer, producer


Santa Barbara,


Cessna 337D



Crashed in fog into Buena Vista canyon while on a pleasure trip from Santa Monica to Santa Barbara. Misread instruments. Both aboard killed. Creator of "Mission Impossible"

Apr 15,



Frank Gifford Tallman

59, movie stunt pilot

Trabuco Canyon,


Piper PA-23


Crashed into Santiago Peak in the Santa Ana Mountains while on a routine ferry flight in turbulence and a rainstorm. Continued VFR flight into adverse weather conditions. 1 killed.

Feb 19,



Norman Ollestad I

43, American child


Mt. Baldy,


Cessna 172


Crashed into the San Bernardino mountains at 7,300 feet while on a flight to Big Bear, CA. 2 of 4 aboard killed. One killed in a fall after the accident. Pilot continued VFR flight into adverse weather conditions.

Jun 28,


Philippe Cousteau

39, son of Jacques


Off Lisbon,




Crashed while attempting to land and was killed when one of the plane's propellers separated and cut through the cockpit.

Aug 2,


Thurman Munson

32, baseball player,

N.Y. Yankee catcher

Canton, Ohio Cessna 501




Munson crashed short of the runway while practicing takeoffs and landing. He stalled the plane. Aircraft allowed to get too low and too slow. 1 of 3 killed killed.

Aug 11,




TashkenRussian soccer



Ukraine, USSR


Tupolev TU-


SSSR- 65735

cn:- 2351516

A midair collision occurred between two Tupolev

134As. Separation error by Russian ATC. Fourteen

players and 3 staff members of the Russian soccer team,

Pakhtakor Tashkent, killed. All 84 aboard killed.

details in



Date/Time Person Location Aircraft Details Notes

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Jan 11,



Robert "Bo" Rein

34, Louisiana

State University

football coach

Over the

Atlantic Ocean

Cessna 441



The plane veered off course and flew out over the Atlantic running out of fuel and crashing into the sea. Cause unknown.

details in


Mar 14,


c 11:00

U.S. Olympic

boxing team

Anna Jantar

polish singer

Near Warsaw,


Polskie Linie


Flight 007




An engine disintegrated after power was applied during a go-around severing the rudder and elevator controls. All 87 aboard were killed including 22 members of the team.

details in


Jun 23,


Sanjay Gandhi

34, son of Indira


Delhi, India Pitt Special

stunt plane

Killed while flying a stunt plane that was not properly tested and which he was not familiar with. 2 killed.

Dec 4,


Francisco Sá


45, Portuguese

prime minister



Cessna 421 A parliamentary inquiry in 1995 concluded the crash was the result of sinister elements.

May 22,



Boris Sagal

58, film director

Near Portland,


Bell 206B


Segal was decapitated, when he accidentally walked into the tail rotor of a helicopter while on location filming a movie. Father of actress Katey Sagal (Married with Children).

May 24,



Jaime Roldos


President of




Beech Super

King Air



Crashed in poor weather. Rumored to not been an accident but deliberately engineered. All 9 aboard killed.

Jul 31,



General Omar


52, leader of





Air Force

The plane crashed under suspicious circumstances. Possible sabotage. 7 killed.

Oct 5, 1981 Jud Strunk

45, country

western song

writer, singer,




Fairchild M-




vintage open



The plane, piloted by Strunk, crashed while attempting to take off with full flaps. 2 killed.




Randy Rhoads

25,lead guitarist

for Ozzy





Bonanza F35



The plane crashed into a house after a wing clipped Ozzy Osbourne's tour bus. The pilot was fooling around and attempting to to buzz the bus. All 3 aboard killed including the pilot and Rachel Youngblood, the band's hairdresser.

details in


Apr 7,


Harald Ertl

33, formula one

race car driver





He was killed while flying his family to their holiday home in northern Germany. His wife and son survived. 1 killed.

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May 17,


John Felten

48, singer, sang

with the Diamonds

Mount Shasta,


Beech A24R


Crashed into Mt. Shasta en route from Reno, Nevada to Grants Pass, VFR flight into IFR conditions. Oregon. Felten's wife Linda and the pilot were also killed. 3 killed.

Jul 23,



Vic Morrow

57, movie actor



Bell UH-1B




cn: 6414038

The helicopter crashed while filming the movie "Twilight Zone",

decapitating Vic Morrow and killing 2 child actors, Myca Dinh Le

and Rene Chen. Special effect explosion hit the tail rotor causing

the helicpoter to crash.

details in


Jul 28,


Keith Green

28, Christian

singer and


Lindale, Texas Cessna 414


Shortly after taking off, the plane nose dived into the ground.Overloaded by 200 lbs. Green, along with his two children and 9 others aboard killed.

Nov 23,


Grady Nutt

47, Christian





Beech 95-B55


The plane crashed while attempting to take off. All 3 aboard killed.

Jun 2,



Stan Rogers

33, Canadian folk


Cincinnati, Ohio Air Canada

Flight 797

Douglas DC-




In-flight lavatory fire of unknown origin. Landed safely but passengers died of flash fire and smoke inhalation. 23 of 46 aboard killed.

details in


Jun 27,


Maxie Anderson


Don Ida


Bavarian Alps Balloon During a balloon race, explosive bolts misfired, causing the gondola of their helium balloon to plunge to the ground. 3 killed.

Sep 1, 1983

c 06:30



48, Georgia U.S.


Near Sakhalin

Island, Russia



Flight 007

Boeing 747-




Shot down by a Soviet Air Force fighter after the plane drifted into Soviet airspace. Crashed into international waters in the Sea of Japan. All 269 aboard killed.

details in


Nov 27,





55, Mexican


Angel Rama

57, Uruguayan


Marta Traba

53, Argentinean

art critic

Manuel Scorza

55, Peruvian poet




Flight 11

Boeing 747-




While attempting to land the plane impacted a series of hills. Procedural error by crew. 181 of 192 aboard killed.

details in


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Dec 07,



María "Fanny

Cano" Damián

39, Mexican


Madrid, Spain Iberia






The Boeing 727 struck a DC-9 while taking off in fog, snow and poor visibility. The DC-9 wandered on the runway by accident. 93 of 135 aboard both planes killed.

details in


Dec 12,

1983 17:30

Rex Dockery

41, head coach,

Memphis State







On a dark, rainy night, the plane took a nose dive into the ground while attempting to land. Spatial disorientation. A staff and team member were also killed. 4 killed.

Feb 11,



Ben Abruzzo

54, Balloonist


New Mexico

Cessna 421C


Collided with tops of trees after a baggage door opened, diverting the attention of Abruzzo,who was piloting the plane. All 6 aboard killed including Abruzzo's wife.

details in


Aug 12,



Kyu Sakamoto

43, Japanese


Ueno Village,


Japan Air


Flight 123

Boeing 747-




Pressure bulkhead failure, improperly repaired 7 years earlier. Worst single aviation accident. 520 of 524 aboard killed. Sakamoto was famous for his hit song “Sukiyaki.”

details in


Aug 25,



Samantha Smith


Auburn, Maine Bar Harbor


Flight 1808





Famous for writing to Soviet leader Andropov about nuclear war. Crashed short of runway while landing. Pilot error. All 8 aboard killed.

details in


Sept 1,


Richie Panch

30, race car


Rion, South


Piper PA-



Flew into heavy rain and squall line and came apart in mid-air.Pilot error. Poor judgment and planning. 4 killed.

Sep 16,


Art Scholl

53, professional

stunt pilot

Off Carlsbad,


Aerotec Pitts



Crashed into the Pacific Ocean while performing an inverted flat spin while filming for the movie "Top Gun."

Sep 23,


Larry Shue

39, playwright

Grottoes Grove,




Flight 1517





The commuter plane he was flying in hit a 2,400 ft. mountain while attempting to land. Improper IFR procedure and lack of radio equipment.

details in


Nov 25,


Iowa State


women's cross-

Des Moines,





The aircraft crashed into tree tops and a power pole while

attempting to land. Icing of wings. All 7 aboard including 3 team

members and 2 coaches killed.

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country team N81589

Dec 31,



Ricky Nelson

45, singer

De Kalb, Texas Douglas DC-3



Crashed into a field after smoke filled the cockpit and cabin. Possible faulty heater. Nelson's fiancé Helen Blair, soundman Clark Russell and members of his back-up group The Stone Canyon Band, Andy Chapin, Rick Intveld, Bobby Neal, and Patrick Woodward also killed. Both pilots survived.

details in


Jan 14,



Daniel Balavoine

34, French singer

and songwriter

Thierry Sabine

36, French

motorcycle racer

Mali AS 350



The helicopter crashed into a dune during a sand storm. All 5 aboard killed.

Jan 28,



Ronald McNair,

35 Ellison

Onizuka, 39

Judith Resnik, 36

Michael Smith, 40

Gregory Jarvis,

41 Francis

Scobee, 46

Sharon Christa

McAuliffe, 37

Crew of the

Space Shuttle


Cape Canaveral,


Space Shuttle


The craft broke up in flight, 73 seconds after launch, due to damage from an exhaust flame, leaking through a defective O ring in the solid fuel rocket. Six astronauts and civilian teacher, Christa McAuliffe, 37, killed.

May 24,


Stephen D.


33, U.S.


Near Santa Fe,


Aerotec Pitts



Thorne was killed when the stunt plane he was a passenger in spun into the ground. Short in electrical system distracted the pilot. 2 killed.

Jun 4,


Bruce Wayne


53, Los Angeles

radio station KFI

traffic reporter



Cessna 177B


Taking off to report traffic, the plane's engine misfired and the aircraft nosed into the ground. The pilot had an elevated blood alcohol. One killed.

Oct 19,


c 19:21

Samora Machel



Lembombo Mts.,

South Africa



Tupolev 134A



Crashed in a storm into high ground while trying to land at Maputo. Pilot error. Navigation error. GPWS ignored. Possible pirate signal disoriented pilot. 34 of 43 aboard killed.

details in


Oct 22,


Jane Dornacker

WNBC traffic


Manhattan, New


Enstrom F-




While on the air conducting a traffic report, Dornacker's helicopter crashed from a height of 75 feet into a fence and fell into the Hudson River. She died on the way to the hospital. This was her second crash that year. Maintenance error. The clutch that was installed in the helicopter was a military surplus part which was

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not intended for use in a civil aircraft. 1 of 2 aboard killed.

Nov 25,


Nancy McCormick

WKRC traffic


Cincinnati, Ohio Bell 206B



The helicopter crashed after the non-instrument rated pilot entered an area of fog and crashed into rising terrain. 2 killed.

Mar 5,



Don Yenko

59, race car

builder, designer


West Virginia

Cessna 210M


The plane landed hard, bounced, veered off the runway and hit a dirt bank dove into a ravine and crashed. Pilot error. All 4 aboard killed.

Mar 21,


Dino Martin

35, son of

entertainer Dean


Mount San




Phantom jet


While performing a maximum takeoff climb, the Air National Guard aircraft, entered clouds and crashed into a wall of granite while inverted at a speed of 560 mph. 2 killed.

details in


Aug 16,



Nick Vanos

24, basketball

player, Phoenix

Suns center





Flight 255




Crashed into underpass shortly after takeoff. Stalled and crashed on takeoff. Slats and flaps not properly set. 154 of 155 killed.

details in


Dec 8,


Alianza Lima

soccer team

Near Lima,


Fokker F-27



Crashed into the sea after a fly-by to see if landing gear was down. 42 of 43 aboard killed.

May 29,


Salem bin Laden

42, brother of

Osama bin Laden

Near San

Antonio, Texas



Took off and crashed into high power lines and fell 115 feet to the ground. 1 killed.

Aug 17,


c 16:30

Arnold Raphel

45, U.S.

Ambassador to


Mohammed Zia


64, President of





Pakistan Air


Lockheed C-



Crashed 10 minutes after taking off from Bahawalpur. Act of sabotage. Detonation of a low-explosive device. All 30 aboard killed.

details in


Sep 30,


Al Holbert

41, race car


Columbus, Ohio Piper PA-



Piloted by Hobert, the plane flew in an erratic manner and crashed into terrain shortly after taking off. Clamshell door not closed.

Dec 21,



Paul Jeffreys

33, Musician,

bass player with

Cockney Rebel





Flight 103




Terrorist bombing. Jeffreys was killed along with his newlywed wife Rachel. All 259 aboard killed.

details in


Jun 7,


Colorful 11 Paramaribo, Surinam


Hit a tree after 3 landing attempts in fog. Running out of fuel the crew could not get an ILS signal and ignored GPS warnings.

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04:27 Dutch soccer team Suriname Flight 764




Of the 187 aboard, 176 killed.

details in


Jun 17,


S. David Griggs

49, U.S.


Earle, Arkansas North




Killed when the single-engine stunt plane he was flying crashed Pilot error Improper planning, over confidence. 1 killed.

Jul 19,



Jay Ramsdell

25, CBA


Sioux City,




Flight 232




Catastrophic failure of the No. 2 engine which lead to loss of all hydraulics. Crash landed while attempting an emergency landing. 111 of 298 killed.

details in


Aug 7,


George Thomas

"Mickey" Leland

45, Texas U.S.


Near Gambela,


de Havilland

Twin Otter



Crashed into a mountain in thunderstorms and poor weather conditions during a refugee relief inspection flight. Pilot flew into an area of bad weather at low altitude and failed to maintain visual contact with the ground. All 16 aboard killed.

details in


Aug 13,



Larkin Smith

45, Mississippi

U.S. Rep.








Spiraled into the ground. Pilot error. His non-instrument rated pilot flew into IFR conditions and lost control in hazy weather conditions. 2 killed.

details in



Date/Time Person Location Aircraft Details Notes

Aug 27,



Stevie Ray Vaughan

35, blues guitarist



Bell BHT-206B




Crashed into terrain after taking off in fog. Pilot error.

Failure of pilot to attain adequate altitude before flying over

rising terrain. All 5 aboard killed.

details in


Mar 9,


Jim Hardin

47, former Baltimore

Orioles pitcher

Key West,


Beech 35-C33A


Unable to maintain airspeed, stalled and went into a spin

following propeller failure due to faulty maintenance

procedures. All 3 aboard killed.

Mar 16,



Reba McEntire band

singing group

San Diego,


Hawker Siddeley




Seven members of the Reba McEntire band killed. Hit rising

terrain at the top of a mountain after taking off. Pilot

error. All 10 aboard killed.

details in


Apr 4,


H. John Heinz III

53, Pennsylvania




Piper Aerostar


Bell 412SP


While inspecting the nose gear of the Piper, helicopter

blades struck the underside of the plane. All 5 aboard both

planes killed. Two children in a school yard also killed.

details in


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Apr 5,



John Tower

66, Texas Senator

Manley "Sonny"

Carter Jr.

44, U.S. astronaut

Davis Love Sr.

professional golfer






Flight 2311

Embraer 120RT



While on approach the aircraft rolled left and crashed in a

nose down attitude. Malfunction of the left engine propeller

control unit. All 23 aboard killed.

details in


Jul 31, 1991

Al Loquasto

48, race car driver



Piper PA28-236


The wings of the plane separated from the fuselage after the

VFR rated pilot, Loquasto, flew into a violent thunderstorm.

2 aboard killed.

Oct 25,


Bill Graham

60, rock promoter



Bell 206B



The helicopter struck a transmission tower and exploded

shortly after taking off into high winds and rain. Pilot

error. All 3 aboard killed.

details in


Apr 1,



Alan Kulwicki

39, race car driver







The Hooters restaurant private plane crashed while

attempting to land. Pilot error. Failure of pilot to follow

anti-icing procedures. All 4 aboard killed.

details in


Apr 19,


George Mickelson

52, South Dakota


Zwingle, Iowa Mitsubishi MU-




Crashed into silo. Fracture of the propeller hub resulted in

separation of the propeller blade and damage to the engine,

leading to loss of control. All 8 aboard killed.

details in


Apr 27,


Zambian national

soccer team

Off Libreville,


Zambia Air


de Havilland


# 319

Crashed into the sea after an engine fire. All 30 aboard

including 18 members of the team killed.

details in


Jul 12,



David "Davey" Allison

30, race car driver



Hughes 369HS




The helicopter piloted by Allison, crashed while attempting

to land in the infield of Talladega Speedway. Pilot's failure

to properly compensate for the tailwind condition, coupled

with the pilot's lack of experience in the airframe. 1 killed.

details in


Aug 3,


Dr. Alwyn Gentry

48, botanist

Theodore Parker III

40, ornithologist




Private plane The aircraft crashed into a cloud covered mountain peak

while performing an aerial reconnaissance survey for

Conservation International. 4 of 7 aboard killed.

Dec 15,


Rich Snyder

41, president of the

In-N-Out Hamburger


Santa Ana,


Charter plane

Israel Aircraft

Industries 1124A


The aircraft followed in a Boeing 757 for landing, became

caught in its wake turbulence, rolled into a deep descent and

crashed. All 5 onboard killed.

Mar 23,


Robert Richards





Piper PA-23-



Committed suicide by taking off and deliberately diving the

plane vertically into the ground. He was despondent over

news media accounts of an extra marital affair and

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Page 292: History of Air Crashes


attempted suicide twice prior to the suicide. 1 killed.

Apr 3,


Frank Wells

62, president of


Beverly Johnson

46, documentary film




Bell 206-B2



The accident occurred while on a skiing trip. The helicopter

lost engine power while attempting to take off crashing in

the Ruby Mountains. Snow accumulation in the engine while

on the ground resulting in a flameout. 4 of 5 aboard killed.

Apr 6,


Cyprien Ntaryamira

president of Burundi

Juvenal Habyarimana

president of Rwanda

Kigali, Rwanda Dassault Facon



Shot down by a missile while on approach to the Kigali


details in


Sep 18,




Nigerian soccer






BAC One-




After circling for almost an hour and a half and aborting

four landing attempts in adverse weather conditions, the

aircraft ran out of fuel and crashed. 5 of 39 aboard killed.

Oct 25,


Lt. Kara Hultgren

first female fighter


Off San Diego,


F-14 Tomcat Killed while attempting to land her fighter jet on the

aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln. 1 killed.

Dec 13,


Bryan Kerchalt

23, Bass Masters

Classic winner


North Carolina

American Eagle

Jetstream 3201

N918AE cn: 918

After a suspected engine flameout the pilot attempted a go-

around, stalled the plane and crashed. Pilot error. 15 of

20 aboard killed. details in


Jan 4,


Eduardo Mata

52, Mexican

conductor and




Piper Aerostar Piloted by Mata, the small plane crashed shortly after taking

off from Cuernavaca Airport after an engine failed. 2 killed.

Mar 14,



Silvio Oltra

Argentine race car


Carlos Menem Jr.

son of the president

of Argentina

San Nicholas,


Bell 206-B3



Struck power lines while taking off. Menem was piloting

the helicopter. 2 killed.

Apr 27,


Sylvester J. "Steve"


91, aircraft designer

and racer



Wittman O&O

N41SW cn:13

Crashed after aileron wing flutter caused Wittman to lose

control of the aircraft. The flutter was caused by the

separation of fabric on the wing as a result of improper

installation. Wittman and his wife both killed.

Mar 2,


Mamonas Assassinas

Brazilian rock group

São Paulo,


Learjet 25



All eight aboard, including five members of the band were


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Mar 22,



Robert Overmyer

59, U.S. astronaut



Cirrus VK30



Lost control, rolled inverted and crashed while flying a small

test plane for Cirrus Design Corp. He was not able to free

himself in time to use his parachute. 1 killed.

Apr 3,


c 13:00

Ron Brown

55, U.S. Secretary

of Commerce




Boeing 737-T43



Strayed off course and hit a hill 16 kms SE of Dubrovnik in

poor weather. Crew used unapproved approach procedure.

All 35 aboard killed.

details in


Apr 11,



Jessica Dubroff

7, trainee pilot



Cessna 177B



Stalled after taking off into a thunderstorm and

deteriorating weather. Engaged in transcontinental record.

Overloaded. Pilot error. 3 killed.

details in


Apr 16,


Charlie Hillard

62, aerobatic




Hawker Siddeley



Veered off the runway and nosed over while attempting to

land in a crosswind. Pilot's improper use of brakes and

ailerons while landing in crosswind. 1 killed.

Apr 18,



Brook Berringer

22, University of

Nebraska quarterback



Piper J3C-65




Crashed into an alfalfa field. Loss of engine power due to

fuel starvation due to a partially closed fuel lever. Pilot

error. Berringer was piloting the plane. 2 killed.

May 11,



Walter Hyatt

46, singer,


Rodney Culver

26, San Diego

Chargers running


Near Miami,



Flight 592




An in-flight fire caused by illegally transported oxygen

generators lacking safety caps caused an uncontrollable fire

and loss of control of the aircraft. The plane crashed into a

swamp in the Everglades. All 110 aboard killed.

details in


Jul 17,



Marcel Dadi

45, French country

and western guitarist

Sylvain Delange

35, French artist

Rico Puhlmann

62, photographer

Off East

Moriches, New


Trans World


Flight 800

Boeing 747-131



An explosion in the center fuel tank of the aircraft caused

the plane to break-up in mid-air and crash into the Atlantic

Ocean. All 230 aboard killed. details in


Nov 23,



Mohamed "Mo" Amin

53, famous Kenyan


Off Moroni,




Flight 961

Boeing B-767



Three drunken hijackers caused the plane to run out of fuel

and crash 500 yards off shore. 127 of 175 people aboard

were killed.

details in


Mar 2,


Lars Bergstrom

62, sailboat, sailplane


Near Sarasota,


Windex 1200





Bergstrom was killed while he was performing stall tests in

preparation for an air show.

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Jun 6,


Jeffrey Ethell

49, aviation writer





Ethell, who was piloting the plane failed to maintain

minimum control speed after loss of power in one engine,

which resulted in a loss of aircraft control and collision with

terrain. 1 killed.

Aug 10,



Marie-Soleil Tougas

27, French Canadian

movie actress

Jean-Claude Lauzon

43, French Canadian

film director



Quebec Canada

Cessna 180K



Flew into a mountainside in strong winds and rain while

returning from a fishing trip. Cause unknown. 2 killed.

details in


Oct 12,



John Denver

53, singer

Monterey Bay

near Pacific



Rutan Long EZ


N555JD cn:54

Piloted by Denver. Lost control and went into a dive while

reaching behind to turn a fuel transfer switch. 1 killed.

details in


Jan 9,



Richard Graff

winemaker, co

founder of Chalone

Wine Group



Cessna 182P


Crashed while attempting to make an emergency landing at

Salinas Airport after loosing engine power. Loss of power

was due to a missing valve keep (maintenance error). 1


Mar 15,


Tal Shmuel Eldar

45, Israeli Brigadier


Off Jerusalem,


Cobra attack


Crashed into the Mediterranean Sea after the tail began to

shake violently and separated from the aircraft during a

training flight. 2 killed.

Jul 26,


Lt. General

David McCloud

51, U.S. Air Force



Yakovlev Yak-



McCloud just completed a loop and four-step corkscrew turn

when his plane went down in a near-vertical position into a

small grove of trees. The pilot's inadequate remedial action

to recover from an inverted spin, while performing

aerobatics. 2 killed.

Sep 2,



Jonathan Mann

52, AIDS researcher

Joseph LaMotta

49, noted chef, son

of boxing champ Jake


Off Peggy's

Cove, Nova



Flight 111




Crashed into the Atlantic after the crew reported smoke in

the cockpit and cabin. A major fire broke out near the

cockpit. All 229 aboard killed. details in


Nov 21,





56, movie actor



Burgess RV-6



The plane, piloted by Knight, failed to clear trees while

attempting to land in the dark and crashed into Beard's

Creek. 1 killed. details in


Dec 20,



Phil Stubbs

36, ocean rowing


Auckland, New


Piper PA-18



Piloted by Stubbs, the plane took off, turned to the right

and nose-dived into Karekare Beach. 2 aboard 1 killed.

Apr 2,


Michael Bell

33, New Zealand


Tuatapere, New


South West


Aerospatiale AS



Flew into trees in Rowallan forest, while en route on a

hunting trip from Clifden to Fiordland. Possible pilot

incapacitation. All 5 aboard killed.

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May 19,



Juergen Staudte

61, inventor of the

quartz crystal for

digital watches


Tucumcari, New


Piper PA-23E-




After losing power in one engine during takeoff, the pilot

attempted to return to land. When it was discovered the

gear was not down a go-around was initiated. Soon after,

the plane entered a left bank, stalled and crashed to the

ground. 2 killed.

Jul 16,1999


John F. Kennedy Jr.

38, son of President


Off Martha's



Piper Saratoga




Piloted by Kennedy, the aircraft went out of control and

spiraled into into the Atlantic Ocean SW of Martha's

Vineyard. Kennedy, not IFR qualified, lost reference with

the ground. His wife and sister-in-law also killed. VFR

flight into IFR conditions. All 3 aboard killed.

details in


Sep 18,



Gary Levitz

61, champion air


Reno, Nevada P-51R




Crashed during the Reno National Championship Air Races

after his plane suffered structural failure. 1 killed.

Sep 25,


Stephen Canaday

55, former member of

singing group Ozark

Mountain Daredevils



North American



The vintage WW II plane he was riding in, rolled inverted

and crashed into a tree. The pilot failed to maintain speed

which resulted in a stall. Impairment of the pilot due to the

use of drugs. 2 killed

Sep 25,


Mark Hanna

40, preserver of

vintage aircraft

Sabadell, Spain Hispano Buchon Hanna was part of a large flying display when his plane

crashed and burst into flames while attempting to land.

Hanna died of his injuries a day later.

Oct 25,



Payne Stewart

42, pro golfer


South Dakota

Gates Learjet




The aircraft flew out of control on autopilot for 1,500 miles

before crashing in a field . Pressurization failure. All six

aboard killed. details in


Oct 31,


Claude Masson

58, Canadian


Off Nantucket




Flight 990

Boeing 767



After attaining an altitude of 33,000 ft. the aircraft made

several dives before breaking apart and crashing into the

Atlantic Ocean. All 217 aboard killed. details in


Dec 12,



Peter La Haye Sr.

59, inventor of

implant lenses for

cataract patients



Westwind 24



The aircraft impacted trees and crashed into woods while

attempting to land. The accident was caused by improper

assembly of the horizontal stabilizer trim actuator unit by

maintenance personnel. All 3 aboard killed.


Date/Time Person Location Aircraft Details Notes

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Jan 8,



Joe Dan Petty

52, Allman Brothers

guitar tech and

former member of


Macon, Georgia Beech 23


The plane collided with trees and burst into flames after the

engine failed on climbout. Loss of engine power for

undetermined reasons. 2 killed.

Jan 31,



Cynthia Oti

radio financial talk-

show host

Dean Forshee


Jean Gandesberry


Tom Stockley


Off Point Mugu,


Alaska Airlines

Flight 261




Crashed into the ocean after the crew radioed they were

having trouble with a jammed stabilizer. All 88 aboard killed.

details in


Feb 8,



Robert "Bob" Collins

57, radio talk show

host for WGN,


Zion, Illinois Zlin Z-242L

acrobatic plane

N5ZA cn:0695

Collin's plane, which he was piloting, collided with a Cessna

172 while attempting to land. Both planes then nose-dived and

crashed. A total of 3 killed aboard both planes. An air traffic

controller failed to properly separate the two planes.

Feb 14,



Tony LeeBettenhausen

48, CART Indycar

racing team owner



Beech Baron




While flying from Blountville Tenn. to Indianapolis,

Bettenhausen reported ice on the wings and soon after lost

control and spiraled into the ground. Failure of the pilot to

maintain airspeed during a climb, initiated because of ice

formation, which resulted in a loss of aircraft control. All 4

aboard including Bettenhausen's wife were killed.

Mar 9,


c 08:45

Artyom Borovik

Russian journalist

Moscow, Russia Vologodskiye


Yakovlev 40



Climbed to 150 ft., lost control and crashed during takeoff.

All 9 aboard killed.

Apr 16,


Bishop Thomas


72, missionary





Cessna 172 Piloted by Lobsinger, the aircraft crashed on Fox lake.

Jun 2,


Svyatoslav Fyodorov

72, Russian inventor

who pioneered radial

keratotomy surgery

Near Moscow,


Helicopter Mechanical failure. All 4 aboard killed.

Jun 19,


William "Bill" Papas

72, artist and


Nipmo Lake,



de Havilland



Crashed into a lake while taking off on a fishing trip. Papas

drowned while attempting to swim to shore in 40 degree

water. 3 of 12 aboard killed.

Jul 2,


Salvator Socrates

Philippine Governor

Santiago Madrid

Philippine Air Force



Fokker 50 GAF


Crashed after the military aircraft experienced engine trouble

and tried to return to the airport. The pilot overshot the

runway and crashed into the ocean. General Santiago Madrid

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general also killed. All 12 aboard killed.

Aug 4,



Thomas Allgood Sr.

71, former Georgia

State Senator



Piper PA-46-

350P Malibu



Collided with a utility pole, bus stop and brick wall while

attempting to take off. Overloaded. All 3 aboard including

Allgood's wife, killed.

Oct 6,



Charles B. Yates

61, former state

Senator from New




Mitsubishi MU-



Crashed while approaching the airport at Martha's Vineyard

after receiving an altitude alert. Yates was piloting the plane

and his wife an 2 children were also killed. All 4 aboard


Oct 12,


Gary McPherson

37, Colorado state





Piper PA-24-

250 Comanche


McPherson who was piloting the plane, was not able to gain

altitude while taking off from a grass strip at a lodge and

crashed into trees. Flaps not extended. 3 of 4 aboard killed.

Oct 16,



Mel Carnahan

66, Governor of




Cessna 335



Crashed into a densely wooded area in a high speed dive after

reporting instrument problems. All three aboard killed,

including an campaign aide and the governor's son who was

piloting the aircraft.

details in


Jan 27,



Members of the

Oklahoma State

University basketball


Byers, Colorado Beech King

Air 200



The aircraft banked sharply to the right and crashed on a

farm in light snow shortly after taking off from Jefferson

County Airport. Two members and six staffers of the Oklahoma

State University basketball team killed along with 2 others.

details in


Apr 4,


Ibrahim Shamsul-Din

Deputy Defense

Minister of Sudan

Adar Yeil,


Antonov AN-24 Crashed on takeoff during a sandstorm, killing Sudan's deputy

defense minister and 13 high-ranking military officers. 14 out

of 30 killed.

details in


May 22,



Dr. Patricia Hilliard


38, astronaut

Manvel, Texas Wittman

Tailwind W8


N3GJ cn:GR 1

Cartwheeled and crashed into trees as the pilot practiced

takeoff and landing maneuvers. Robertson died of her injuries

2 days after the accident. 1 killed.

Jul 8,



Capt. Rolim Adolfo


58, President and

founder of the

Brazilian airline TAM

Near Juan

Peter Caballero,


Robinson R-44



Lost power from a height of 2,000 ft. and crashed to the

ground. Amaro, was piloting the helicopter, was killed along

with his secretary/girlfriend Patrícia dos Santos Silva. 2





Fernanda Vogel

20, Brazilian fashion


Off Maresias,


Augusta 109



The helicopter ditched into the ocean while attempting to land

at Maresias and although all four survived the ditching only

the co-pilot and Vogel's boyfriend were able to swim ashore.

Vogel and the pilot drowned. 2 killed.

Aug 25,



Aaliyah Haughton

22, singer and


Marsh Harbour,


Cessna 402B



The aircraft crashed in flames past the end of the runway as

the plane attempted to take off. Pilot had traces of alcohol and

cocaine in his blood. All 9 aboard killed. details in


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Aug 29,



Graham "Shirley"


49, Australian

television and rock


Mt. Archer,

near Kilcoy,



Bell 47


Severe turbulence led to loss of control of the helicopter

Strachan was piloting, causing it to crash into a rugged

mountainside. 1 killed.

Sep 11,



David Angell

54, creator and

executive producer of


Berry Berenson

53, actress and


New York,

New York



Boeing B-767

Flight 11



The plane was hijacked by terrorists and deliberately crashed

into the north tower of the World Trade Center. details in


Sep 11,



Garnet "Ace" Bailey

53, former Boston

Bruins hockey

player. Scout for

the LA. Kings.

New York,

New York

United Airlines

Flight 175

Boeing B-767



The plane was hijacked by terrorists and deliberately crashed

into the south tower of the World Trade Center.

details in


Sep 11,



Barbara Olsen

46, CNN/Fox






Flight 77

Boeing B-757



The plane was hijacked by terrorists and deliberately crashed

into the Pentagon. details in


Nov 24,



Melanie Thornton

34, American pop


Maria Serano Serano

Nathaly van het Ende

both 27, members of

the pop-music trio,

Passion Fruit.




Flight 3597

Avro RJ100



The plane crashed while attempting to land in rain and snow ,

5.5 miles from Zurich Airport. 24 of 33 aboard, killed. details in





Hansie Cronje

32, former South

African Cricket


George, South





Siddeley HS-




Croje was the lone passenger aboard the private postal service

plane when it crashed into mountains after a missed landing

attempt in poor weather. Croje caught a lift on the plane after

missing his scheduled SAA flight. Croje was banned from

playing cricket after a bribery scandal in 2000.

details in





Galen Rowell


Barbara Rowell


Nature photographers








The couple were returning from an Arctic trip when the plane

crashed 2 miles from Bishop Airport. All 4 aboard killed.

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Oct 25,



Paul Wellstone

54, Minnesota Senator



King Air A100



Crashed 2 miles from Eveleth Municipal Airport while

attempting to land in freezing rain and light snow. Wellstone,

along with his wife, daughter and 3 staff members killed while

campaigning. Pilot error in flying the plane too slowly on the

approach until it stalled. All 8 aboard killed.

details in


Oct 31,


Lionel Poilâne

57, famous French

baker President of the

French helicopter


Bay of Cancale,




Agusta 109

The helicopter which Poilâne was flying crashed into the bay

after fog rolled in affecting his visibility to land. He was on

the way to his home on Ile des Rimains, His wife Irena was

also killed. 2 killed.

Nov 13,



Henry Howard


70, satellite TV

broadcasting pioneer

San Andreas,







The plane experienced engine failure while attempting to climb

out after taking off. The aircraft went into a right turn and

crashed into a bed of rocks in an otherwise grassy field. Two

of 3 aboard killed.

Feb 1,



Rick Husband, 45

William McCool, 40

Michael Anderson, 42

Kalpana Chawla, 41

David Brown, 46

Laurel Clark, 41

IIlan Ramon, 47

Crew of the Space

Shuttle Columbia

Over north

central Texas

Space Shuttle


Disintegrated over north central Texas at 200,000 feet as it

was approaching the Kennedy Space Center in Florida for a

landing. All 7 astronauts aboard were killed.

Jun 06,



Jesica Kaplan

24, screenwriter

Los Angeles,






cn: EA-27

The plane nose-dived into a 15 unit apartment house shortly

after taking off from Santa Monica Airport. All 4 aboard


Jul 30,


Steve Hislop

41, British superbike

motorcycle champion.



Helicopter Crashed near a remote farmhouse. 1 killed.

Dec 15,



Steve Kaplan

43, musical director

for Jeopardy and

Wheel of Fortune

game shows.



Cessna 421C



Crashed into a house shortly after takeoff. Fatigue fracture of

the right engine propeller. 1 killed.

Feb 26,



Boris Trajkovski

47, president of


Bitonja, Bosnia-



Super King

Air 200



Crashed into mountains while attempting to land in poor

weather at Mostar. All 9 aboard killed. Pilot error. The two-

man crew misinterpreted crucial flight data in stormy weather.

details in


Mar 1,


Toni Onley Maple Ridge, LA-4-200


The floatplane Onley was piloting crashed into Fraser River

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13:30 75, Canadian artist Canada C-GHJE

cn: 646

while he was practicing takeoffs and landings. 1 killed.

Apr 17,




32, Indian actress and

film star



Cessna 180


The aircraft crashed into a field and burned after taking off

from Jakkur Aerodome. 4 killed.

Apr 30,



Ian Groom

56, acrobatic pilot




Sukhoi SU-31


cn: 01-02

Crashed into the ocean while practicing spins for the Fort

Lauderdale Air and Sea show. 1 killed.

Sep 11,



Patriarch Pedros VII

of Alexandria

55, spiritual leader of

orthodox Christians

throughout Africa

Off Mount

Athos, Greece

CH47D Chinook


Crashed into the Aegean Sea, 5.5 nautical miles off Halkidiki

peninsula Killing the Patriarch and clergy members. All 17

aboard killed.

details in


Oct 1,



Gertrude Dunn

72, multi-sport

athlete including

playing for the All

American Girls

Professional Baseball

League of the 50s



Piper PA-28-



cn: 28-7405050

Crashed on takeoff after the engine failed. 1 killed.

Jun 27,



John Walton

58, billionaire and

second son to Sam

Walton founder of


Jackson Hole,


CGS Hawk


Crashed shortly after taking off from Jackson Hole Airport.

Improper reinstallation of the rear locking collar on the

elevator control torque tube, which loosened the elevator control

cable tension. 1 killed.

Jul 30,


Dr. John Garang

60, Vice President of


Near New

Kush, Sudan



Crashed into a mountain range in southern Sudan in poor

weather and visibility. All 14 aboard killed.

Oct 8,



Art Vance

64, champion air


Near Monterey,


Grumman F6F-

5 Hellcat


Crashed and burst into flames, while attempting an emergency

landing on a median of Interstate 40. 1 killed.

Jan 6,



Eric Anthony Beard

47, world famous

stunt pilot



Piper PA 34-

200T Seneca


Crashed in a wooded area while on approach while on a

routine flight for Airpac Airlines, a cargo carrier based in

Seattle. 1 killed.

Mar 13,



Peter Tomarken

63, former game show

host (Press Your


Off Santa



Bonanza A-36


cn: E-443

Crashed after experiencing engine trouble after taking off from

Santa Monica Airport. An attempt to return to the airport

failed and the plane crashed into Santa Monica Bay 200 yards

offshore. Engine failure. Mechanic made an improper repair. 2

killed including Tomarken's wife.

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Apr 19,



Scott Crossfield

84, famous test pilot,

aviator, aircraft


Near Ellijay,


Cessna 210A


cn: 21057579

Crashed in mountains about 60 miles Northwest of Atlanta,

Georgia. Flew into a level 6 thunderstorm. Plane broke up. 1


Sep 10,


Gabor Varga

45, Swedish

aerobatics champion

Off Valletta,


Yak-55 Collided with an Extra 200, piloted by Eddie Groggins, during

an aerobatics meet (Aero GP). 1 killed

Sep 15,


Pablo Santos

19, actor

Toluca, Mexico Piper Malibu The plane he was flying cashed over a mile short of the

runway while attempting to land. 1 killed.

Oct 11,



Corey Lidle

34, New York Yankee


New York, NY Cirrus SR-20


cn: 1930

The small plane crashed into the 20th floor of a 50 story

residential building in Manhattan shortly after sending a

distress call. The pilot, who could not be determined, made too

narrow of a turn in the flying corridor, stalled and lost

control. 2 killed.

Jul 28,



Jim Leroy

46, American

aerobatic pilot

Dayton, OH Bulldog Pitts



cn: 1

LeRoy’s plane was performing a stunt at the Vectren Dayton

Airshow when he hit the ground and slid about 300 yards and

burst into flames. 1 killed.

Sep 3,


Steve Fossett

63, aviation





Citabria Super




Crashed into a granite cliff at 10,000 feet, seven miles from

Mammoth Lakes. 1killed. PC Inadvertent encounter with

downdrafts that exceeded the climb capability of the airplane.

Sep 16,



Colin McRae

39, Scottish World

Rally Championship


Lanark Scotland AS350B2




Crashed in a thick wooded area on the grounds of his Lanark

home. McRae was piloting the hellicopter. His 5 year-old son

was also killed. 4 killed.

Mar 30,



Richard Lloyd


David Leslie

63, British race car




Cessna 500

Citation I

Crashed into homes in a residental area of Farnborough shortly

after taking off from Briggin Hill airport. All 5 aboard killed.

Sep 11,



William "Skipper"


49, Businessman and

co-owner of the

Charlette Bobcats

Rock Hill,

South Carolina

Cirrus SR-22



After departing Rock Hill Airport the plane attempted to

return but nosedived into the taxiway. 1 killed.


Date/Time Person Location Aircraft Details Notes

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Apr 10,



Lech Kaczynski

60, President of




Tupolev 154M



The militiary jet crashed into a forest and broke-up while

attempting to land in dense fog. The president's wife and 86

other high ranking government officials were killed. 96 killed.

Aug 9,



Ted Stevens

86, Former Senator

from Alaska



de Havalland



cn: 206

The floatplane crashed on a mountainside in rain and fog. 5 of 9

aboard killed.

Sep 7,





Russian ice hockey




Yakovlev 42D




The plane failed to climb after takeoff and crashed into an

antenna outside the airport perimeter and came to rest in the

Volga River, 1km from the runway. 44 of 45 aboard killed.

Feb 4,



Michael de Gruy

60, American


Andrew Wight

52, Australian TV


Berry, NSW,


Robinson R44

Raven II

cn: 10421

The helicopter crashed soon after taking off from Jaspers Brush

Airport. Both were working on a documentary for National



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Causes of Fatal Accidents by Decade (percentage) Cause 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s All

Pilot Error 41 34 24 26 27 30 29

Pilot Error (weather related) 10 17 14 18 19 19 16

Pilot Error (mechanical related) 6 5 5 2 5 5 5

Total Pilot Error 57 56 43 46 51 54 50

Other Human Error 2 9 9 6 9 5 7

Weather 16 9 14 14 10 8 12

Mechanical Failure 21 19 20 20 18 24 22

Sabotage 5 5 13 13 11 9 9

Other Cause 0 2 1 1 1 0 1

The table above is compiled from the PlaneCrashInfo.com accident database and represents 1,085 fatal accidents involving commercial aircraft, world-wide, from 1950 thru 2010 for which a specific cause is known. This does not include aircraft with 18 or less people aboard, military aircraft , private aircraft or helicopters.

"Pilot error (weather related)" represents accidents in which pilot error was the cause but brought about by weather related phenomena. "Pilot error (mechanical related)" represents accidents in which pilot error was the cause but brought about by some type of mechanical failure. "Other human error" includes air traffic controller errors, improper loading of aircraft, fuel contamination and improper maintenance procedures. Sabotage includes explosive devices, shoot downs and hijackings. "Total pilot error" is the total of all three types of pilot error (in yellow). Where there were multiple causes, the most prominent cause was used. Source: PlaneCrashInfo.com database

Accidents and Fatalities by Phase of Flight

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Source: Statistical Summary of Commercial Jet Airplane Accidents, 1959 - 2008, Boeing

Which type of flying is safer

Type of Flight Fatalities per million flight hours

Airliner (Scheduled and nonscheduled Part 121) 4.03

Commuter Airline (Scheduled Part 135) 10.74

Commuter Plane (Nonscheduled Part 135 - Air taxi on demand) 12.24

General Aviation (Private Part 91) 22.43

Sources: NTSB Accidents and Accident Rates by NTSB Classification 1998-2007

Odds of being involved in a fatal accident

Odds of being on an airline flight which results in at least one fatality

Odds of being killed on a single airline flight

Top 30 airlines with the best accident rates 1 in 11.4 million

Top 30 airlines with the best accident rates 1 in 29.4 million

Bottom 25 with the worst accident rates 1 in 1.3 million

Bottom 25 with the worst accident rates 1 in 1.7 million

Source: OAG Aviation & PlaneCrashInfo.com accident database, 1992 - 2011

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Survival rate of passengers on aircraft involved in fatal accidents

carrying 10+ passengers Decade % surviving

1930s 21

1940s 20

1950s 24

1960s 19

1970s 25

1980s 34

1990s 35

2000s 24

Survival rate of passengers on aircraft ditching during controlled flight


Source: PlaneCrashInfo.com accident database

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Notable Accident Causes by Category

Bird Strikes10/04/1960 Boston, Massachusetts Eastern AL During takeoff the aircraft struck a flock of starlings lost three engines

and crashed.

11/23/1962 Ellicott, Maryland United AL The aircraft struck a Whistling Swan tearing off the left horizontal stabilizer.

09/15/1988 Bahar Dar, Ethiopia Ethiopian AL Engine failure due to ingestion of 10-16 Columbia Guinea birds causing a crash.

04/18/1990 Off Panama Aero Perlas Crashed on takeoff due to engine failure caused by bird ingestion.

09/22/1995 Anchorage, Alaska U.S. Air Force Flew into a flock of 100 or more Canada Geese, lost two engines, and crashed.

04/19/2000 Pepo, Congo Centrafricain Airlines Crashed after losing its engines after striking birds.

01/15/2009 New York, New York US Airways Ditched in Hudson River after losing both engines after collision with Canadian Geese.

Air Traffic Control Error 04/14/1958 Castel de Fels, Spain Aviaco Another aircraft was permitted to takeoff without knowing the exact

position of the plane.

07/21/1961 Shemya, Alaska Alaska AL Lack of guidance from air traffic controller during last stages of flight.

02/08/1965 New York, New York Eastern AL Placement of the two aircraft on a near head on course causing one to crash.

03/05/1969 San Juan, Puerto Rico Prinair A trained vectored the aircraft into mountainous terrain under IFR conditions.

02/06/1970 Samarkand, USSR Aeroflot Misidentification of aircraft by the ATC causing the plane to impact a mountain.

12/20/1972 Chicago, Illinois Delta/North Central The ATC gave ambiguous instructions to the crew.

09/09/1976 Adler, Russia Aeroflot / Aeroflot Violation of separation rules.

08/11/1979 Dneprodzerzhinsk, USSR Aeroflot Separation error by the ATC causing a midair collision.

04/19/1983 Keninakan, Russia Aeroflot ATC procedural error in not identifying the planes position.

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02/01/1991 Los Angeles, California USAir/Skywest ATC cleared a plane to land while the runway was occupied by another aircraft.

11/07/1996 Lagos, Nigeria Aviation Dev. Corp. The controller thought he had cleared to aircraft to the correct altitude but didn't.

09/26/1997 Buah Nabar, Indonesia Garuda Indonesian AL ATC error in directing the plane in the wrong direction into mountainous terrain.

07/01/2002 Uberlinger, Germany Bashkirian AL / DHL Conflicting information give to pilot by ATC and what he was receiving on his TCAS.

Cargo Hold / Cabin Fire 09/07/1945 Florence, South Carolina Eastern AL A fire of undetermined origin in the rear cargo compartment or


08/02/1949 Jaquirana, Brazil Varig A fire broke out in cargo hold G.

01/09/1964 Zarate, Argentina Aero Litoral Argentina The crew was possibly overcome by fumes from a fire.

07/09/1964 Parrottsville, Tennesee United AL An uncontrollable fire of unknown origin which started below the passenger floor and eventually involved the passenger cabin.

07/26/1969 Biskra, Algeria Air Algerie A fire in an electrical panel led to a cabin fire.

08/14/1972 Konigs, East Germany Interflug Melting insulation ignited flammable fluid which led to an uncontrollable fire that eventually weakened the structure until the tail fell off.

08/31/1972 Magnitogorsk, Russia Aeroflot Fire caused by spontaneous ignition of passenger baggage.

07/11/1973 Paris, Orly, France Varig A fire started in the aft right toilet either from an electrical short or discarded cigarette.

11/03/1973 Boston, Massachusetts Pan American Smoke in the cockpit and uncontrollable fire caused by spillage of nitric acid on sawdust packing in the cargo hold.

11/26/1979 Ta'if, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Pakistan Inter. AL A fire may have been started by a passenger possibly from a leaking kerosene stove.

08/19/1980 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabian AL A fire broke out in the aft cargo compartment.

12/24/1982 Guangzhou, China CAAC A passenger's cigarette caused a fire in the cabin which led to an oxygen tank exploding.

06/02/1983 Covington, Kentucky Air Canada An in-flight fire in the rear lavatory, of unknown origin.

07/02/1986 Syktyvar, Russia Aeroflot An in-flight fire was caused by baggage that ignited in the rear cargo hold.

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05/09/1987 Warsaw, Poland LOT A fire in the cargo hold was not detected because of damage to the fire warning system.

11/28/1987 Mauritius, Indian Ocean South African Airways A fire originated in a front pallet on the right side in the upper deck cargo hold.

01/13/1990 Pervouralsk, Russia Aeroflot A fire broke out in the rear cargo hold.

05/11/1996 Everglades, Florida ValuJjet An in-flight fire caused by activation of oxygen generators in the forward cargo hold.

09/02/1998 Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia Swissair A fire in the entertainment system wiring started in a hidden area above the cockpit ceiling when arcing ignited the cover material made of thermal insulation blankets.

Design Flaw03/31/1931 Bazaar, Kansas Trans Cont. & West

AW Aileron flutter, brought about by moisture leaking into the wing's interior, weakening the glue that bonded the wooden spars.

10/24/1947 Bryce Canyon, Utah United AL Allowed vented fuel to be carried back into the cabin heater air intake causing a fire.

11/11/1947 Gallup, New Mexico American AL Allowed vented fuel to be carried back into the cabin heater air intake causing a fire.

06/17/1948 Mt. Carmel, Pennsylvania United AL Design flaw allowed carbon dioxide used to suppress a fire to leak into the cockpit and asphyxiate the crew.

08/29/1948 Winona, Minnesota Northwest Orient AL Loss of the outer panel of the left wing which separated as a result of a fatigue crack which was induced by a faulty design of a wing flange.

01/10/1954 Elba, Italy British Overseas AW Metal fatigue due to a design flaw.

04/08/1954 Off Stromboli, Italy Trans Canada AL Metal fatigue due to a design flaw.

02/05/1955 Calabar, Nigeria West African AW A design flaw in the wing led to fatigue cracks and wing failure.

09/29/1959 Buffalo, Texas Braniff AL A design flaw caused an oscillation known as mode to transfer propeller wobble to the outboard nacelles and induce flutter in the wing which led to the separation of the wing.

03/17/1960 Tell City, Indiana Northwest Orient AL A design flaw caused an oscillation known as mode to transfer propeller wobble to the outboard nacelles and induce flutter in the wing which led to the separation of the wing.

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07/05/1970 Toronto, Canada Air Canada Faulty design by allowing the spoiler handle to perform two different unrelated tasks.

03/03/1974 Ermenonville, France Turkish AL A defect in the latching mechanism on the cargo door.

07/06/1982 Moscow, Russia Aeroflot Failure of the aircraft's power plant fire warning system due to design deficiencies which resulted in false fire indications in both engines.

04/06/1993 Over the Pacific Ocean China Eastern AL Inadequate design of flap/slat actuation handle that allowed it to be inadvertently dislodged from the UP/RET position causing extension of the leading edge slats.

03/03/1991 Colorado Springs, Colorado United AL Uncommanded deflection of the rudder caused by the jamming of the main rudder PUC servo valve. Design flaw.

09/08/1994 Aliquippa, Pennsylvania USair Uncommanded deflection of the rudder caused by the jamming of the main rudder PUC servo valve. Design flaw.

12/05/1997 Irkutsk, Russia Russian Air Force Design flaw which led to uncoordinated operation of the high-pressure compressors.

Sabotage / Explosive Device 03/28/1933 Dixmude, Belgium Imperial AW Fire started by a passenger in an attempt to commit suicide.

10/10/1933 Chesterton, Indiana United AL Explosive device placed in the cargo hold, nitro-glycerin with timing device.

05/07/1949 Sibuyan Sea, Philippines Phillipine AL Bomb placed aboard to kill the husband of a woman involved with another man.

09/09/1949 Sault-aux-Cochons, Canada Canadian Pacific AL Bomb placed aboard by husband to collect insurance on wife.

08/12/1952 Palmeria de Goias, Brazil Trans Aero Nac. A bomb exploded aboard killing everyone aboard.

04/11/1955 Great Natuna Island, Sarawak Air India An aircraft worker placed an incendiary device in the starboard wheel well.

11/01/1955 Longmont, Colorado United AL Jack Graham placed a bomb aboard to collect insurance on the death of his mother.

07/25/1957 Daggett, California Western AL Jeweler Saul Binstock detonated a bomb in lavatory in suicide for insurance plot.

04/17/1959 Puerto Kino,Mexico Tigres Voladores A bomb is believed to have exploded onboard.

09/08/1959 Poza Rica, Mexico Mexicana A passenger, who was believed to have been carrying a bomb, fell from the airplane.

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11/16/1959 Gulf of Mexico National AL Explosion of a bomb aboard was strongly suspected.

01/06/1960 Bolivia, North Carolina National AL A passenger detonated a bomb under his seat in suicide for insurance plot.

05/10/1961 In Amenas, Libya Air France Detonation of a nitrocellulose bomb.

05/22/1962 Unionville, Missouri Continental AL Detonation of a dynamite bomb in the right rear lavatory in a towel bin.

12/08/1964 Tripuani, Bolivia Aerolineas Abaroa Detonation of a bomb in the tail section. A suicide for insurance plot was suspected.

07/08/1965 Dog Creek, British Columbia Canadian Pacific AL A bomb exploded in the cabin. Acid and gunpowder may have been poured in toilet.

11/22/1966 Aden, Yemen Aden AW Detonation of an explosive device placed in hand luggage in the cabin.

02/09/1967 Mexico City, Mexico Cubana Crashed due to bomb explosion.

10/12/1967 Rhodes, Greece British European AW Destroyed by a detonation of a bomb within the cabin.

12/22/1969 Nha Trang, Vietnam Air Vietnam An explosive device was detonated in the cabin just as the aircraft was about to land.

02/21/1970 Zurich, Switzerland Swissair A bomb with an altimeter trigger was believed to have been placed in a mail package.

04/21/1970 Manila, Philippines Philippine AL Crashed into mountainous terrain after an explosion in the rear lavatory.

11/21/1971 Penhu Island, Taiwan China AL Detonation of an explosive device.

01/26/1972 Hermsdorf, Czechoslovakia JAT Detonation of a bomb in the forward cargo hold.

06/15/1972 Pleiku, Vietnam Cathay Pacific AW Detonation of an explosive device in the passenger cabin in a suitcase under a seat.

03/19/1973 Ben Me Thout, South Vietnam Air Vietnam Crashed after an explosion in the cargo hold.

12/17/1973 Rome, Italy Pan American AW Two phosphorus bombs were thrown into the aircraft prior to its departure.

09/08/1974 Ionian Sea, Greece Trans World AL Detonation of an explosive device in the aft cargo hold.

01/01/1976 Al Qaysumah, Saudi Arabia Middle East AL Detonation of an explosive device in the forward cargo compartment.

10/06/1976 Bridgetown, Barbados Cubana Detonation of an explosive device in the aft of the cabin.

02/19/1979 Barentu, Ethiopia Ethiopian Airlines Crashed after a bomb exploded aboard.

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06/27/1980 Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy Itavia An explosive device aboard the aircraft causing the plane crash.

12/21/1980 Rio Hacha, Colombia Trans. Aereos del Caribe

Explosion possibly caused by a bomb placed in the rear section of the aircraft.

09/23/1983 Mina Jebel Ali, UAE Gulf Air Detonation of an explosive device in the baggage compartment.

06/23/1985 Atlantic Ocean, Ireland Air India Detonation of an explosive device in the forward cargo hold.

04/02/1986 Athens, Greece Trans World AL Detonation of a explosive device in the cabin causing 4 passengers to be sucked out.

05/03/1986 Colombo, Sri Lanka Air Lanka Detonation of an explosive device in the rear section of the cabin while on the ground.

11/29/1987 Andaman Sea Korean AL Detonation of an explosive device in the passenger cabin.

03/01/1988 Johannesberg, South Africa Comair Detonation of a nitro-glycerine bomb in the cabin. Suicide for insurance.

08/17/1988 Bahawalpur, Pakistan Pakistan Air Force Detonation of a low level explosive device or incapacitating gas.

12/21/1988 Lockerbie, Scotland Pan American AW Detonation of an explosive device in the forward cargo area planted by terrorists.

09/19/1989 Bilma, Niger Union des Trans. Aer. Detonation of a bomb in a container location 13-R in the forward cargo hold.

11/27/1989 Bogota, Colombia Avianca Detonation of a bomb at seat 15F causing ignition of fuel vapors in an empty fuel tank.

07/19/1994 Colon, Panama Alas Chiricanas Crashed after a bomb exploded aboard.

07/09/1997 Suzano, Brazil TAM A small bomb containing only 7 oz. of explosives was placed under a passenger seat.

05/07/2002 Off Dalian, China China Northern Airlines Out of control fire after a passenger deliberately started a fire.

08/24/2004 Toula, Russia Volga-Avia Express Detonation of an explosive device aboard.

08/24/2004 Rostov-on-Don, Russia Sibir Airlines Detonation of an explosive device aboard.

Fuel Starvation

05/18/1935 Knowles Flying Service Flint, Michigan Negligence on the pilot for not replenishing his fuel supply before it got dangerously low.

12/31/1935 Imperial Airways Alexandria, Egypt Ran out of fuel.

07/02/1937 Lae, New Guinea Purdue Res. Found. The aircraft had to be flown higher than expected due to storms which used extra fuel.

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11/29/1938 Off Point Reyes, Calif. United Air Lines Ran out of fuel forcing a ditching at sea.

02/09/1943 Gander, Newfoundland British Overseas AW Ran out of fuel.

12/28/1946 Michigan City, Michigan American AL Ran out of fuel for unknown reasons.

01/05/1947 Carmel, New Jersey Nationwide Air Trans. Near fuel exhaustion forced the crew to carry out an emergency landing.

01/11/1947 Lympne, England BOAC Ran out of fuel because of poor weather conditions encountered throughout the flight.

01/07/1948 Savannah, Georgia Coastal Air Lines The fuel valves were positioned so that both engines were supplied from only one tank.

01/30/1948 Near Bermuda British So. Am. AW Ran into strong head winds in the Atlantic and ran out of fuel.

08/15/1949 Lurga Point, Ireland Transocean Air Lines Ran out of fuel and ditched in the Atlantic.

07/28/1950 Porte Alegre, Brazil Penair do Brasil Ran out of fuel while in a holding pattern.

04/30/1952 Delhi, India Deccan, AW Fuel starvation after the plane banked to make a turn and the tank wasalmost empty.

05/26/1952 Atar, Mauritania British Overseas AW Became lost in the desert and ran out of fuel.

06/19/1954 Folkestone, England Swissair Ditched into the Atlantic Ocean after running out of fuel.

12/22/1954 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Johnson Flying Service Ditched into the Monongahela River after running out of fuel.

05/02/1970 St. Croix, Virgin Islands Antillian AL Ran out of fuel and ditched into the Mediterranean Sea.

12/05/1970 Delhi, India Jamair The No. 2 engine failed on takeoff due to fuel starvation.

02/01/1972 Tegal, Indonesia Penas Due to a compass error the aircraft became lost and crashed due to fuel starvation.

07/24/1973 Honolulu, HI Air Hawaii Fuel starvation. Rear auxiliary tanks not serviced.

08/11/1974 Ouagadougou, Upper Volta Air Mali After being diverted and a navigation error the crew circled the wrong city.

10/20/1977 Gillsburg, Mississippi L & J Company A malfunction in the No.2 engine caused a higher than normal fuel consumption.

12/02/1977 Al Bayda, Lebanon Balkan Bulgarian AL Because of fog, the crew could not find the alternate airport and ran out of fuel.

12/28/1978 Portland, Oregon United AL Ran out of fuel while the crew was distracted with a landing gear problem.

09/04/1982 Rio Branco, Brazil Cia Bras. de Tratores Ran out of fuel on the third approach in poor weather.

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07/23/1983 Gimli, Manitoba, Canada Air Canada Accidentally used pounds/liter for the specific gravity factor instead of kilograms/liter.

09/03/1989 Sao Jose do Xingu, Brazil Varig The crew flew in the wrong direction for two hours then ran out of fuel.

01/25/1990 Cove Neck, New York Avianca Put in series of holding patterns because of heavy traffic and ran out of fuel.

09/11/1990 Off Newfoundland, Canada Faucett Ran out of fuel and crashed into the Atlantic Ocean.

06/26/1991 Sokotu, Nigeria Okada Air After circling for an hour, unable to locate the air field, the plane ran out of fuel.

11/15/1993 Kerman, Iran Magistralnye Avialinii Ran out of fuel while in a holding pattern.

09/18/1994 Tamanrasset, Algeria Oriental AL After circling for1 1/2 hours and aborting four landing attempts the plane ran out of fuel.

09/26/1994 Vanavera, Russia Cheremshanka AL After three landing attempts, the crew diverted to their alternate but ran out of fuel.

09/11/1995 Jalalabad, Afghanistan Ariana Afghan AL Ran out of fuel.

10/31/1995 Piedras Negras, Mexico TACSA Ran out of fuel trying to land in fog.

04/05/1996 Petropavlovsk, Russia Krasnoyarskie AV Crashed into a mountain after running out of fuel.

01/13/1998 Tor Kach, Pakistan Ariana Afghan AL Crashed into a mountain after being diverted to their alternate due to bad weather.

03/24/2000 Kadirana, Sri Lanka OMSK After 2 messages they were low on fuel, the plane crashed while attempting to land.

08/12/2001 Lajes, Terceira, Azores Air Transat Improperly installed part caused a fuel leak and the plane to run out of fuel.

06/11/2002 Winnipeg, Manitoba Keystone Air Services Ran out of fuel.

11/11/2002 Manila, Philippines Laoag Int. Airlines Failure of the pilot and co-pilot to check the fuel valves.

08/13/2004 Cincinnati, Ohio Air Tacoma Flightcrew's failure to monitor the fuel gauges and to recognize a fuel imbalance.

08/06/2005 Off Palermo, Italy Tuninter The maintenance crew incorrectly installed a fuel gauge for a ATR-42 on the ATR-72.

Hijacking (resulting in fatalities)

07/16/1948 Pacific Ocean Cathay Pacific AW Crashed after being hijacked and losing control during a struggle in the

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11/01/1958 Nipe Bay, Cuba Cubana Crashed after being hijacked and running out of fuel.

04/28/1960 Calabozo, Venezuela Linea Aero. Venezolana Detonation of a hand-grenade brought aboard by a Russian immigrant.

05/07/1964 San Ramon, California Pacific AL Francisco Gonzales, a passenger, shot both the pilot and first officer.

01/23/1971 Korean Air Lines Sokcho, South Korea A hijacker detonated grenades he was carrying.

12/06/1971 Tikaka, Sudan Sudan AW Hijacked and ran out of fuel.

05/18/1973 Chita, Russia Aeroflot Detonation of a bomb in the cabin being carried by a hijacker.

09/15/1974 Phan Rang, Vietnam Air Vietnam Detonation of two hand grenades in the passenger compartment by a hijacker.

05/23/1976 Zamboanga, Philippines Philippine AL A hijacker set off grenades in the cabin.

06/27/1976 Entebbe, Uganda Air France Seven passengers were killed during a commando raid by Israeli forces.

12/04/1977 Kampung Ladang, Malaysia Malaysia AL Hijacked with both pilots shot.

06/14/1985 Athens, Greece Trans World AL U.S. Navy diver Robert Stethem was murdered aboard by hijackers.

11/24/1985 Luqa, Malta Egyptair Several hand grenades were thrown into the cabin causing a fire.

09/05/1986 Karachi, Pakistan Pan American AW Hijackers opened fire on the passengers and crew and threw grenades among them.

12/25/1986 Ay, Saudi Arabia Iraqi AW Two hand grenades exploded in the cockpit causing the plane to lose control & crash.

07/24/1987 Geneva, Switzerland Air Afrique A hijacker killed one passenger before the plane was stormed by troops.

12/07/1987 San Luis Obispo, California Pacific Southwest AL David Burk, a fired employee, shot the pilot and first officer.

04/05/1988 Combi, Cyprus Kuwait AW Two hostages killed on the ground by hijackers.

10/02/1990 Guangzhou, China Xiamen/China SW AL After a struggle in the cockpit with a hijacker the pilot hit three parked planes.

08/28/1993 Khorag, Tajikistan Tadzhikistan Nat. AL The crew was coerced into taking off with an overloaded plane by armed hijackers.

12/26/1994 Algiers, Algeria Air France Three passengers and four hijackers were killed when the plane was stormed.

11/23/1996 Moroni, Comoros Islands Ethiopian AL The plane was hijacked and ran out of fuel crashing in the ocean.

07/23/1999 Tokyo, Japan All Nippon AW The plane crashed after the pilot was stabbed by a mentally ill passenger.

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12/24/1999 Amritsar, India Indian Airlines One crew member was killed after the plane was hijacked.

05/25/2000 Manila, Philippines Philippine Air Lines A hijacker was killed after jumping out of plane with a homemade parachute.

03/15/2001 Medina, Saudi Arabia Vnukovo Airlines Three people were killed after the hijacked plane was stormed.

09/11/2001 New York, New York American AL Hijacked and flown into the twin towers in New York.

09/11/2001 New York, New York United AL Hijacked and flown into the twin towers in New York.

09/11/2001 Arlington, Virginia American AL Hijacked and flown into the Pentagon.

09/11/2001 Shanksville, Pennsylvania United AL Hijacked and flown into the ground in Pennsylvania.

Lightning09/03/1929 Mt. Taylor, New Mexico Trans Con. Air

Transport Struck by lightning during a thunderstorm.

07/22/1938 Stulpica, Romania LOT Struck by lightning.

08/31/1940 Lovettsville, Virginia Penn Central AL Disabled pilots by a severe lightning discharge in vicinity of plane.

01/17/1951 Civitavecchia, Italy Alitalia Lightning ignited mixture of air and fuel fumes in the fuel tank.

06/26/1959 Varese, Italy Trans World AL Ignition of gasoline vapors emanating from the fuel tank vent pipes by static discharge.

07/19/1961 Azul, Brazil Aerolineas Argentinas Stuck by lightning and extreme turbulence.

12/19/1962 Warsaw, Poland LOT Stalled after being struck by lightning.

08/12/1963 Lyon, France Air Inter Possibility of a flash of lightning dazzling the crew and causing temporary blindness.

12/08/1963 Elkton, Maryland Pan American AW Lightning induced ignition of fuel tank vapors.

04/18/1967 Zarand, Iran Iranian Air Force Crashed after being struck by lightning.

12/24/1971 Puerto Inca, Peru Lineas Aereas Nac. Lightning caused a fire which led to the separation of the right wing.

05/09/1976 Madrid, Spain Iran Air Force Lightning caused an explosion in the No. 1 fuel tank which caused the left wing to fail.

09/05/1980 Montelimar, France Kuwait Air Force Struck by lightning.

02/08/1988 Mulheim, Germany NFD Struck by lightning and suffered a complete electrical failure.

06/22/2000 Shitai, China Wuhan AL Struck by lightning causing the plane to explode and crash.

10/10/2001 Off Valencia, Spain Flightline Electrical power was lost following a lightning strike.

12/27/2002 Anjouan, Comoros Islands Ocean Airlines Struck by lightining causing loss of artificial horizons and gyro

Page 320: History of Air Crashes



Pilot Incapacitation10/06/1955 Centennial, Wyoming United AL Incapacitation of crew by carbon monoxide emanating from a faulty cabin


10/30/1959 Waynesborough, Virginia Piedmont AL Mental breakdown of captain during flight.

12/14/1962 Burbank, California Flying Tiger Line Incapacitation of the captain with a heart attack at a critical point in the approach.

04/22/1966 Ardmore, Oklahoma American Flyers AL Incapacitation of the captain with a heart attack during final stages of approach.

03/13/1967 East London, South Africa South African AW The captain suffered a heart attack and first officer could not regain control of aircraft.

01/14/1970 Mt. Pumacona, Peru Faucett The mental state of the pilot adversely affected his judgment and efficiency.

06/18/1972 Staines, Surrey, England British European AW Incapacitation of the captain due to a possible arterial hemorrhage.

10/13/1972 Krasnaya, Polyana, USSR Aeroflot Sudden incapacitation of the crew for reasons unknown.

02/09/1982 Tokyo, Japan Japan AL The captain, known to have mental problems, put the inboard engines into reverse.

03/31/1995 Balotesti, Romania Trans. Aeriene Rom. The captain was incapacitated shortly after taking off.

09/04/2000 Near Burketown, Australia Central Air Incapacitation of the captain due to depressurized cabin and lack of oxygen.

08/14/2005 Grammatikos, Greece Helios Airways Pressurization failure incapacitated the entire crew.

Page 321: History of Air Crashes


Pteromerhanophobia is a fear of being on an airplane

(aeroplane), or other flying vehicle, such as a helicopter,

while in flight. It is also sometimes referred to as

aerophobia, aviatophobia, aviophobia or simply, fear of


Page 322: History of Air Crashes



Airline Accident Rates These accident rates are not safety ratings. There are many factors that contribute to the safety rating of an airline including, but not limited to, accident history, maintenance and operational procedures, types of training programs, age of fleet and specific routes flown. In addition there are different ways to analyze past accident data. The accident rates below are based on only three basic parameters. Number of flights, the number of fatal accidents and the fatality rate of those accidents. The methodology is listed below the tables. Aviation accidents are extremely rare, with the probability of a passenger being killed on a single flight at approximately eight million-to-one. If a passenger boarded a flight at random, once a day, everyday, it would statistically be over 21,000 years before he or she would be killed.

DISCLAIMER These accident rates should not be used to provide an assessment of an airline’s safety profile or

future risk of an accident. These rates are derived from past accidents and notan estimate or prediction of

future risk. There are many factors in judging the safety of an air carrier which are not found here. These

rates are not meant to endorse or condemn any particular airline or group of airlines nor are they intended to

persuade or dissuade use of any particular airline. The accident rates and method of calculation of the accident

rates are solely the opinion of this web site and the creator is not responsible for how this information is used

and will not be held legally responsible for any consequences arising from the misuse of this information. There

are numerous commercial organizations that provide complete and extensive safety ratings of commercial air


TWENTY YEARS OF DATA 1992 - 2011 TEN YEARS OF DATA 2002 - 2011


Airline Million

Flights Fatal

Events Adj. Fatal





Above / Below





Airline Million

Flights Fatal


Adj. Fatal





Above / Below Average



Page 323: History of Air Crashes


Air Canada 4.37 0 0 (1983) -537%


Airways(ValuJet) 2.60 1 1.00 1996 +75%

Alaska Airines/ Horizon 5.08 1 1.00 2000 -174%

American Airlines 16.51 5 4.04 2001 +5%

American Eagle /

Executive 11.10 4 2.72 1994 -28%

Comair 4.86 2 2.00 2006 +283%

Continental AL/Cont.

Exp. 12.39 4 1.0 2009 -905%

Delta Airlines 16.03 1 0.02 1996 -1695%

Hawaiian Airlines 1.25 0 0 None -225%

JetBlue 1.62 0 0 None -262%

Southwest Airlines 18.15 0 0 None -1915%

United Airlines 12.87 3 2.00 2001 -517%

United Express 11.50 2 1.50 1996 -598%

US Airways 11.91 3 2.51 1994 -200%

WestJet 1.30 0 0 None -230%


Million Fatal Adj. Fatal Last Above / Below

Air Canada 2.41 0 0 (1983) -341%


Airways(ValuJet) 2.17 0 0 (1996) -317%

Alaska Airines/ Horizon 2.00 0 0 (2000) -300%

American Airlines 7.85 0 0 (2001) -885%

American Eagle /

Executive 5.29 0 0 (1994) -629%

Comair 2.54 1 1.00 2006 +353%

Continental AL/Cont.

Exp. 7.30 1 1.00 2009 -123%

Delta Airlines 6.60 0 0 (1996) -760%

Hawaiian Airlines 0.64 0 0 None -164%

JetBlue 1.58 0 0 None -258%

Southwest Airlines 10.82 0 0 None -1182%

United Airlines 4.93 0 0 (2001) -593%

United Express 5.09 0 0 (1996) -609%

US Airways 4.17 0 0 (1994) -517%

WestJet 1.13 0 0 None -213%


Million Fatal Adj. Fatal Last Above / Below Average

Page 324: History of Air Crashes


Airline Flights Events Events Fatal





Aer Lingus 1.28 0 0 (1968) -228%

Aeroflot Russian Airlines 2.37 5 4.93 2008 +1807%

Air Europa 0.90 0 0 None -


Air France 6.68 5 3.95 2009 +949%

Alitalia-Compagnia Aerea 3.84 0 0 (1990) -


Austrian Airlines 1.03 0 0 (1960) -


British Airways 5.06 0 0 (1976) -


British Midland 2.07 0 0 (1989) -


EasyJet 2.69 0 0 None -


Finnair 2.00 0 0 (1963) -


Iberia 3.71 0 0 (1985) -471%

Icelandair 0.53 0 0 (1951) -153%

JAT Yugoslavian

Airways 0.28 0 0 (1973)



Airline Flights Events Events Fatal




Aer Lingus 0.66 0 0 1968 -166%

Aeroflot Russian

Airlines 0.84 1 1.00 2008 +523%

Air Europa 0.56 0 0 None -156%

Air France 3.79 2 2.00 2009 +935%


Aerea 1.84 0 0 (1990) -284%

Austrian Airlines 0.46 0 0 (1960) -146%

British Airways 2.06 0 0 (1976) -306%

British Midland 1.20 0 0 (1989) -220%

EasyJet 2.51 0 0 None -351%

Finnair 1.11 0 0 (1963) -211%

Iberia 1.87 0 0 (1985) -287%

Icelandair 0.35 0 0 (1951) -135%

JAT Yugoslavian

Airways 0.18 0 0 (1973) -118%

KLM Royal Dutch

Airlines 1.90 0 0 1994 -290%

Lufthansa Airlines 3.99 0 0 1993 -499%

Page 325: History of Air Crashes


KLM Royal Dutch

Airlines 3.10 1 0.1 1994



Lufthansa Airlines 8.19 1 0.02 1993 -911%

Malev- Hungarian

Airlines 0.72 0 0 (1977) -172%

RyanAir 3.34 0 0 None -434%

SAS Scandinavian

Airlines 5.87 2 1.94 (2008) +157%

TAP Air Portugal 1.22 0 0 (1977) -


Transaero airlines 0.25 0 0 None -125%

Turkish Airlines 2.33 3 1.74 (2009) +423%

Ukraine Int. Airlines 0.15 0 0 None -115%

Virgin Atlantic Airlilnes 0.29 0 0 None -125%







Adj. Fatal





Above / Below




Air China 3.18 1 0.78 2002 -78%

Air India /Indian Air 0.62 1 0.95 2010 +251%

Air New Zealand 1.14 0 0 (1979) -214%

Malev- Hungarian

Airlines 0.45 0 0 (1977) -145%

RyanAir 3.00 0 0 None -400%

SAS Scandinavian

Airlines 2.66 1 0.94 (2008) +299%

TAP Air Portugal 0.74 0 0 (1977) -174%

Transaero airlines 0.18 0 0 None -118%

Turkish Airlines 1.47 1 0.99 (2009) +453%

Ukraine Int. Airlines 0.11 0 0 None -111%

Virgin Atlantic Airlilnes 0.19 0 0 None -119%







Adj. Fatal





Above / Below Average



Air China 2.61 1 0.78 (2002) +190%

Air India / Indian Air 0.40 1 0.95 2010 +532%

Air New Zealand 0.60 0 0 (1979) -160%

All Nippon Airways 2.06 0 0 (1971) -306%

Asiana Airlines 1.00 0 0 (1993) -200%

Cathay Pacific Airways 0.69 0 0 (1972) -169%

Page 326: History of Air Crashes


All Nippon Airways 4.02 0 0 (1971) -502%

Asiana Airlines 1.74 1 0.62 1993 -


Cathay Pacific Airways 1.16 0 0 (1972) -216%

China Airlines 0.81 4 3.01 2002 +1127%

China Eastern Airlines 3.83 3 1.04 2004 -31%

China Southern Airlines 5.08 2 1.48 1997 +35%

Dragon Air 0.45 0 0 None -145%

Garuda Airlines 1.59 3 0.17 2007 -185%

Hainin Airlines 1.56 0 0 None -256%

Japan Air Lines 2.92 0 0 (1985) -392%

Korean Airlines 2.58 1 0.9 1997 +33%

Malaysia Airlines 3.13 1 0.65 1995 -130%

Pakistan Airlines 1.14 2 2 2006 +655%

Philippine Air Lines 0.97 1 0 1994 -197%

Qantas Airways 2.74 0 0 (1951) -374%

Singapore Airlines/Silk

Air 1.48 2 1.5 2000 +404%

Thai Airways 1.84 2 1.68 1998 +446%

China Airlines 0.45 1 1.00 2002 +562%

China Eastern Airlines 3.25 1 1.00 2004 +282%

China Southern Airlines 4.07 0 0 (1997) -507%

Dragon Air 0.37 0 0 None -137%

Garuda Airlines 0.92 1 0.15 2007 -


Hainin Airlines 1.29 0 0 None -229%

Japan Air Lines 1.70 0 0 (1985) -270%

Korean Airlines 1.34 0 0 (1997) 234%

Malaysia Airlines 1.40 0 0 (1995)


Pakistan Airlines 0.48 2 2.00 2006 +1266%

Philippine Air Lines 0.50 0 0 1994 -150%

Qantas Airways 1.56 0 0 (1951) -256%

Singapore Airlines/Silk

Air 0.79 1 0.50 2000 +174%

Thai Airways 0.93 0 0 (1998) +193%

Virgin Blue 1.10 0 0 None -213%


Page 327: History of Air Crashes


Virgin Blue 1.14 0 0 None -214%







Adj. Fatal





Above / Below




Aerolíneas Argentinas 1.03 0 0 (1970) -203%

Aeromexico 2.08 0 0 (1986) - 308%

Air Jamaica 0.37 0 0 None -137%

Avianca 1.38 0 0 (1990) -238%

Cubana Airlines 0.22 4 2.76 1999 +1077%

GOL / Varig 3.92 1 1.00 2006 -


LAN Chile S.A. 0.62 1 0.31 (1991) +162%

Mexicana de Aviacion 1.83 1 1.00 (1986) -


TACA International

Airlines 0.46 2 0.26 2008



TAM 2.84 3 2.01 2007 +490%


Million Fatal Adj. Fatal



Above / Below







Adj. Fatal





Above / Below Average



Aerolíneas Argentinas 0.52 0 0 (1970) -152%

Aeromexico 0.95 0 0 (1986) -195%

Air Jamaica 0.18 0 0 None -118%

Avianca 0.79 0 0 (1990) -179%

Cubana Airlines 0.11 0 0 (1999) -111%

GOL / Varig 2.57 1 1.00 2006 +350%

LAN Chile S.A. 0.28 0 0 (1991) -128%

Mexicana de Aviacion 0.84 1 1.00 (1986) -184%

TACA International

Airlines 0.24 2 0.26 2008 +59%

TAM 2.29 2 1.01 2007 +385%







Adj. Fatal





Above / Below Average



Air Zimbabwe 0.06 0 0 (1979) -106%

EgyptAir 0.60 1 0.20 2002 - 19%

El Al 0.22 0 0 (1955) -122%

Page 328: History of Air Crashes


Airline Flights Events Event Accident Accident


Air Zimbabwe 0.16 0 0 (1979) - 116%

EgyptAir 1.00 2 1.2 2002 +322%

El Al 0.39 0 0 (1955) -139%

Emirates Airline 1.11 0 0 None -211%

Iran Air 0.80 4 2.9 2011 +1081%

Kenya Airways 0.45 2 1.94 2007 +699%

Kuwait Airways 0.34 0 0 (1988) -134%

Olympic Air 1.68 0 0 None -


Oman Aviation 0.27 0 0 None -127%

Royal Air Maroc 0.73 1 1.00 1994 +262%

Royal Jordanian 0.37 0 0 (1979) -137%

Saudi Arabian Airlines 2.13 2 1.00 2005 +122%

South African Airways 1.11 0 0 (1987) -211%

Data for number of flights provided by OAGback Aviation Solutions

Emirates Airline 0.87 0 0 None -187%

Iran Air 0.43 3 1.90 2011 +1200%

Kenya Airways 0.30 1 1.00 2000 +577%

Kuwait Airways 0.20 0 0 (1988) -120%

Olympic Air 0.81 0 0 None -181%

Oman Aviation 0.20 0 0 None -120%

Royal Air Maroc 0.47 0 0 (1994) -147%

Royal Jordanian 0.24 0 0 None -124%

Saudi Arabian Airlines 1.19 1 1.00 2005 +488%

South African Airways 0.60 0 0 (1987) -160%

Data for number of flights provided by OAGback Aviation Solutions

A negative (-) percentage means the airline has an accident rate below the average (better). A

positive (+) percentage means the airline has an accident rate above the average (worse).

Page 329: History of Air Crashes


• Million Flights - the number of departures in millions.

• Fatal Events - the number of passenger flights on which there was at least one passenger fatality.

• Adjusted Fatal Event -

The Adjusted Fatal Event is calculated as follows:The actual fatal events is adjusted downward depending on what percentage of passengers were killed in each accident. The calculation of the Adjusted Fatal Events is illustrated in the following example. An airline has 3 accidents involving fatalities: In the first accident 120 out of 120 passengers are killed. In the second accident 75 out of 150 passengers are killed. In the third accident 5 out of 200 passengers are killed. 120/120 = 1 75/150 = 0.5 5/200 = 0.025 Instead of 3 actual fatal events, the Adjusted Fatal Events becomes, 1 + 0.5 + 0.025 or 1.525.

• Last Event - the year in which the last fatal accident took place (dates in parenthesis are accidents not included in the calculations as they are older than 10 or 20 years).

• Accident Rate - (not shown in chart) is calculated as follows:

• The Accident Rate is calculated as follows:

Accident Rate = (D-(A*(B/C)))

Where: A = number of million flights completed by the airline B = adjusted fatal events for all airlines on list C = number of million flights for all airlines on list D = adjusted fatal events of the airline

Page 330: History of Air Crashes


Page 331: History of Air Crashes


• Above or Below Accident Rate - the individual airline accident rate is compared to the average accident rate for all airlines on the list and reported at above or below the average. A negative (-) number is a lower accident rate. A positive (+) number is a higher accident rate.

Some Airlines with no Passenger Fatalities*

Aerorepublica Colombia (1992)

Air Anatolia (1996)

Air Austral (1990)

Air Baltic (1995)

Air Berlin (1991)

Air Comet (2006)

Air Do (1997)

Air Express Tanzania (2006)

Air Europa (1984)

Air Transport Europe (1991)

Air Jamaica (1966)

Page 332: History of Air Crashes


Air Macau (1994)

Air Malta (1973)

Air Mauritius (1967)

Air Namibia (1991)

Air Niugini (1973)

Air One (1995)

Air Seychelles (1985)

Air Transat (1986)

AirAsia (1993)

Airlink - Australia (1994)

Allegiant Air (1998)

AMC Airlines (1994)

America Trans Air (2005)

Arkia Israeli Airlines (1980)

ASCERA (1990)

Atlantic Airways (1987)

Aurigny Air Services (1968)

Page 333: History of Air Crashes


Austrian Airlines (1957)

Awair International (2005)

Bahamasair (1973)

Blue Panorama (1998)

Canadian North (1990)

Cayman Airways (1968)

Corsair Int. (1991)

Croatia Airlines (1990)

Cypress Airways (1947)

Dragonair (1985)

EasyJet (1995)

Edelweiss Air (1995)

Emirates Airlines (1985)

Estonian Air (1991)

Eurocypria Airlines (1990)

Eurofly (1989)

Eurowings (1993)

Page 334: History of Air Crashes


EVA Air (1990)

Falcon Air Express (1995)

Frontier (1994)

Hainan Airlines (1989)

Hawaiian Airlines (1941)

Inter Air Airlines (1979)

Islandsflug (1991)

Japan TransOcean Air (1993)

Jet Airways (1992)

Jet Blue Airways (1999)

LTU International Airways (1955)

Macedonian - Greece (1992)

Macedonian - Macedonia (1994)

Maersk Air (1969)

Mahan Air (1991)

Malmo Aviation (2000)

Meridiana (1991)

Page 335: History of Air Crashes


Mesa Airlines (1980)

Monarch Airlines (1967)

Myanmar Airways Intl. (1993)

National Airlines (2008)

Nature Air (1991)

North American Airlines (1989)

Norwegian Air Shuttle (1993)

Nouvelair Tunisie (1996)

Novair (1997)

Oman Air (1993)

Omni Air International (1997)

Onur Air (1992)

Pace Airlines (1995)

Pegasus Airlines (1990)

PLUNA (1936)

Portugalia Airlines (1997)

Qatar Airways (1993)

Page 336: History of Air Crashes


Royal Brunei Airlines (1974)

Ryanair (1985)

SATA International (1998)

Shaheen Air Int. (1993)

Shanghai Airlines (1985)

Sichuan Airlines (1990)

Skymark Airlines (1996)

Skyservice Airlines (1994)

Skyways Express (2000)

Southwest Airlines (1971)(z)

Spirit Airlines (1992)

SriLankan Airlines (1979)

Sun Country Airlines (1982)

Swiss International Air Lines (2002)

Syrianair (1977)

Titan Airways (1988)

Trans States Airlines (1989)

Page 337: History of Air Crashes


Transaero (1990)

TransAsia Airways(1992)

Transavia Airlines (1986)

Travel Service Airlines (1997)

Tunisair (1990)

Ukraine International (1992)

UNI Airways (1996)

Virgin Atlantic (1984)

Virgin Blue (2000)

WestJet Airlines (2002)

* Includes no fatalities with a subsidiary or parent airline.

(z) A Southwest Airlines accident caused one fatality on the ground.

Page 338: History of Air Crashes



Fatal Date Location Carrier Type Photo

1 2907* 09/11/2001 New York City, New York American /United Airlines B767 / B767

2 583 03/27/1977 Tenerife, Canary Islands Pan Am / KLM B747 / B747

3 520 08/12/1985 Mt. Osutaka, Japan Japan Air Lines B747

4 349 11/12/1996 New Delhi, India Saudi / Kazastan B747 / Il76

5 346 03/03/1974 Bois d' Ermenonville, France Turkish Airlines DC10

6 329 06/23/1985 Atlantic Ocean West of Ireland Air India B747

7 301 08/19/1980 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabian Airlines L1011

8 290 07/03/1988 Persian Gulf Iran Air A300

9 275 02/19/2003 Shahdad, Iran Islamic Revolution's Guards Co. Il-76MD

10 273 05/25/1979 Chicago, Illinois American Airlines DC10

11 270 12/21/1988 Lockerbie, Scotland Pan American World Airways B747

12 269 09/01/1983 Sakhalin Island, Russia Korean Airlines B747

13 265 11/12/2001 Belle Harbor, Queens, New York American Airlines A300

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Page 339: History of Air Crashes


14 264 04/26/1994 Komaki, Japan China Airlines A300

15 261 07/11/1991 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Nationair/charter Nigeria AW DC8

16 257 11/28/1979 Mt. Erebus, Antarctica Air New Zealand DC10

17 256 12/12/1985 Gander, Newfoundland, Canada Arrow Airways DC8

18 234 09/26/1997 Buah Nabar, Indonesia Garuda Indonesia Airlines A300

19 230 07/17/1996 Off East Moriches, New York Trans World Airlines B747

20 229 09/02/1998 Off Nova Scotia, Canada Swissair MD11

21 228 06/01/2009 Atlantic Ocean Air France A330

- 228 08/06/1997 Agana, Guam Korean Airlines B747

23 227 01/08/1996 Kinshasa, Zaire African Air AN32

24 225 05/25/2002 Off Penghu, Taiwan China Airlines B747

25 223 05/26/1991 Ban Nong Rong, Thailand Lauda Air B767

26 217 10/31/1999 Off Nantucket, Massachusetts EgyptAir B767

27 213 01/01/1978 Off Bandra, Maharashtra, India Air India B747

28 203 02/16/1998 Taipei, Taiwan China Airlines A300

29 200 07/10/1985 Uchuduk, Uzbekistan, USSR Aeroflot TU154

30 199 07/17/2007 Sao Paulo, Brazil TAM Brazil A320

31 191 12/04/1974 Maskeliya, Sri Lanka Martinair Holland DC8

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32 189 09/11/2001 Arlington, Virginia American Airlines B757

- 189 02/06/1996 Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic Alas Nacionales (Birgenair) B757

34 188 08/03/1975 Immouzer, Morocco Aila Royal Jordanian Airlines B707

35 183 05/09/1987 Warsaw, Poland Polskie Linie Lotnicze IL62

- 183 11/15/1978 Katunavake, Sir Lanka Loftleidir DC8

37 181 11/27/1983 Madrid, Spain Avanca B747

38 180 12/01/1981 Mt. San Pietro, Corsica, France Index Adria Avioproment MD80

39 178 10/11/1994 Omsk, Russia Aeroflot TU154

- 178 08/11/1979 Dneprodzerzhinsk, USSR Aeroflot / Aeroflot TU134/TU134

41 176 06/07/1989 Paramaribo, Surinam Surinam Airways DC8

- 176 09/10/1976 Gaj, Hrvatska, Yugoslavia Index Adria Avio / BA DC9 /Trident

- 176 01/22/1973 Kano, Nigeria Aila Royal Jordanian Airlines B707

44 174 10/13/1972 Krasnaya Polyana, USSR Aeroflot IL62

45 171 09/19/1989 Bilma, Niger Union des Trans. Aeriens DC10

- 171 09/03/1989 Havana, Cuba Cubana IL62M

47 170 08/22/2006 Donetsk, Ukraine Pulkovo Airlines Tu-154M

48 169 01/30/2000 Off Abidjan, Ivory Coast Kenya Airways A310-304

49 168 07/15/2009 Qazvin, Iran Caspian Airlines Tu-154M

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50 167 09/28/1992 Bhadagon, Katmandu, Nepal Pakistan Inter. Airlines A300

- 167 03/31/1986 Maravatio, Mexico Mexicana B727

52 166 07/07/1980 Nar Alma-Ata, Kasakastan, USSR Aeroflot TU154B

53 163 07/30/1971 Morioko, Japan All Nippon / Japanese AF B727 / F86F

54 160 08/16/2005 La Cucharita, Venezuela West Carribean Airlines MD-82

- 160 12/20/1995 Buga, Columbia American Airlines B757

- 160 06/06/1994 Xi'an, China China Northwest Airlines TU154M

57 159 11/28/1987 Mauritius, Indian Ocean South Africian Airways B747

58 158 05/22/2010 Mangalore, India Air India Express B737

59 157 12/22/1992 Tripoli, Libya Libya Arab Airlines / Lib AF B727

60 156 08/16/1987 Romulus, Michigan Northwest Airlines MD82

- 156 08/14/1972 KKönigs Wusterhausen, E. Germany Interflug IL62

- 156 11/26/1979 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Pakistan Inter. Airlines B707

63 155 12/03/1972 Tenerife, Canary Islands Spantax Convair 990

- 155 04/04/1975 Siagon, Vietnam U.S. Air Force C-5 Gallaxy

65 154 03/16/1969 Maracaibo, Venezuela Venezolana Inter. de Av. DC9

- 154 09/19/1976 Karatepe Mountains, Turkey Turkish Airlines B727

- 154 09/29/2006 Sao Felix do Araguaia,Brazil Gol Airlines B-737

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68 153 07/09/1982 Kenner, Louisiana Pan American World Airways B727

- 153 08/20/2008 Madrid, Spain Spanair MD-82

70 152 06/30/2009 Mitsamiouli, Comoros Yemenia A310

152 07/28/2010 Islamabad, Pakistan Airblue A321

72 149 05/04/2002 Kano, Nigeria EAS Airlines BAC-111

73 148 02/19/1985 Mt. Oiz, Spain Iberia Airlines B727

- 148 01/03/2004 Off Sharm el Sheikh-Ophira, Egypt Flash Air B737

75 146 04/25/1980 Tenerife, Canary Islands Dan Air B727

76 145 07/04/2001 Irkutsk, Russia Vladivostokavia TU154

77 144 02/08/1989 Santa Maria, Azores Independent Air Inc B707

- 144 09/25/1978 San Diego, California Pacific Southwest/Private B727 /C172

79 143 11/07/1996 Lagos, Nigeria Aviation Devel. Corp. B727

- 143 03/17/1988 Cucuta, Colombia Avianca B727

- 143 08/23/2000 Off Manama, Behrain Gulf Air A320

- 143 09/05/2005 Medan, Indonesia Mandala Airlines B737

83 141 08/29/1996 Spitsbergen, Norway Vnokovo Airlines TU154

- 141 12/18/1995 Kahengula, Angola Trans Service Airlift L188C

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- 141 11/24/1992 Liutang, Guangxi, China China Southern Airlines B737

86 140 12/25/2003 Cotonou, Benin UTA B727

87 137 06/08/1982 Near Pacatuba, Brazil VASP B727

88 135 08/02/1985 Ft. Worth-Dallas, Texas Delta Air Lines L1011

89 134 12/16/1960 Staten Island/Brooklyn, New York United Air Lines / TWA DC8 / L1049

90 133 02/04/1966 Tokyo Bay, Japan All Nippon Airways B727

- 133 02/08/1993 Tehran, Iran Iran Air / Air Force TU154M

92 132 09/08/1994 Aliquippa, Pennsylvania USAir B737

- 132 05/19/1993 Medellin, Colombia SAM B727

- 132 06/28/1982 Southern Belarus, USSR Aeroflot YAK42

95 131 11/19/1977 Funchal, Is. of Madeira, Portugal TAP B727

- 131 04/19/2000 Samal Island, Philippines Air Philippines B737

97 130 10/02/1990 Kuwait City, Kuwait Iraqi Airways IL76

- 130 11/08/1983 Lubango, Huila, Angola TAAG Angola Airlines B737

- 130 11/16/1967 Near Sverdlovsk, Russia Aeroflot IL62

- 130 06/03/1962 Villeneuve-le-Roi, France Air France B707

* Two separate planes hit the World Trade Center minutes apart. The total number of fatalities includes passengers and crew on both planes and those killed on the ground.

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Fatal Date Location Carrier Type

1 2907* 09/11/2001 New York City, New York American / United Airlines B767 /B767

2 583 03/27/1977 Tenerife, Canary Islands Pan Am / KLM B747 / B747

3 273 05/25/1979 Chicago, Illinois American Airlines DC10

4 270 12/21/1988 Lockerbie, Scotland Pan American World Airways B747

5 265 11/12/2001 Belle Harbor, Queens, New York American Airlines A300

6 256 12/12/1985 Gander, Newfoundland, Canada Arrow Airways DC8

7 230 07/17/1996 Off East Moriches, New York Trans World Airlines B747

8 189 09/11/2001 Arlington, Virginia American Airlines B757

9 160 12/20/1995 Buga, Columbia American Airlines B757

10 156 08/16/1987 Romulus, Michigan Northwest Airlines MD82

11 153 07/09/1982 Kenner, Louisiana Pan American World Airways B727

12 144 09/25/1978 San Diego, California Pacific Southwest/Private B727 /C172

13 135 08/02/1985 Ft. Worth-Dallas, Texas Delta Air Lines L1011

14 134 12/16/1960 Staten Island/Brooklyn, New York United Air Lines / TWA DC8 / L1049

15 132 09/08/1994 Aliquippa, Pennsylvania USAir B737

16 128 06/30/1956 Grand Canyon, Arizona United Airlines / TWA DC7 / L1049

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17 115 06/24/1975 New York, New York Eastern Air Lines B727

18 112 07/19/1989 Sioux City, Iowa United Airlines DC10

- 111 09/04/1971 Juneau, Alaska Alaska Airlines B727

20 110 05/11/1996 Everglades, Miami, Florida Valujet DC9

* Two separate planes hit the World Trade Center minutes apart. The total number of fatalities includes passengers and crew on both planes and those killed on the ground.

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Strange and Unusual Accidents Details of the accidents can be obtained by looking up the dates in the main database.

03/28/1933 Imperial



Argosy II



A fire, possibly started by a passenger attempting to

commit suicide, caused the plane to crash killing all 15

aboard. This is thought to be the first act of sabotage

on a commercial airliner.

10/10/1933 United Air


Boeing 247



The aircraft was destroyed by an explosive device using

nitroglycerin. This was the first proven case of

sabotage in the history of commercial aviation.

02/09/1937 United Air



San Francisco,


The co-pilot dropped his microphone which jammed the

controls preventing the pilot from pulling out of the

glide. The plane crashed killing all 11 aboard.


U.S. Army


New York City,

New York

A U.S. Army Air Force B-25 crashed into the 79th

floor of the Empire State Building in fog, killing 3

aboard and 11 on the ground.

08/02/1947 Brit So







Wreckage of the plane was found on January 19, 2000,

53 years after the plane crashed.

10/24/1947 United Air



Bryce Canyon,


While transferring fuel from one tank to another, the

crew allowed fuel to overfill and overflow out the

vent. A design flaw allowed the gasoline to be carried

back in the slipstream to the cabin heater combustion

air intake scoop. When the cabin heater came on, an

explosion and fire destroyed the plane killing all 53


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10/08/1947 American



El Paso, Texas As a prank, a captain riding in the jump seat engaged

the gust lock in flight. The command pilot, not knowing

the gust lock had been engaged, rolled the elevator trim

tab with no response. When the jump seat captain

disengaged the gust lock, the aircraft went into into a

steep dive, executed part of an outside roll and become

inverted. Neither the command nor jump seat captain

had seat belts on and they accidentally feathered No. 1,

2 and 4 engines when they hit the controls with their

heads. No one realized it at the time but the feathering

reduced power and allowed the co-pilot, who was

strapped in, to pull out of the dive 350 feet from the


06/17/1948 United Air



Mount Carmel,


Carbon dioxide extinguishers were discharged in

response to a fire warning in the cargo hold. The

plane's nose was lowered for an emergency descent and

due to a design flaw, carbon dioxide entered the cockpit

and rendered the crew unconscious after which the plane

crashed killing all 43 aboard.







Cochons, PQ,


The DC-3 disintegrated in flight outside of Quebec

killing all 23 aboard.. A dynamite bomb was planted in

the forward baggage compartment by Albert Guay, a

jeweler, in a plot to kill his wife who was a passenger

on the plane. Guay, who assembled the bomb, had his

accomplice, Marguerite Pitre air expressed the bomb on

the aircraft. Ms. Pitre's brother, a clockmaker, helped

make the timing mechanism. The insurance policy was

for 10,000 dollars. All three were hanged for their


03/03/1953 Canadian



de Havilland



The first crash of a commercial jet airliner in aviation


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The aircraft crashed 11 minutes after taking off from

Denver on a flight to Seattle. John Graham placed a

dynamite bomb in his mother's luggage in the No. 4

cargo hold in order to collect $37,500 in insurance. A

delayed flight caused the bomb to detonate over flat

land rather than the mountains as planned. Forty-four

people were killed. Graham never showed any remorse

for his actions and refused to file any appeals. He was

executed for the crime on November 11, 1956.

02/01/1957 Northeast



New York, NY Shortly after lifting off from La Guardia Airport in a

snowstorm, the plane rolled sharply to the left and

crashed on Rikers Island. Several inmates from the

Rikers Island Prison made some heroic rescues and were

later pardoned.

12/01/1959 Alleghney


Martin 202



Crashed onto a mountain after a malfunctioning compass

indicated an erroneous heading. Only one of the 25

passengers survived, found up in a tree, still buckled in

his seat. This was his second plane crash.

01/06/1960 National




North Carolina

A despondent passenger detonated a dynamite bomb in

his lap blowing the airliner out of the sky and killing

34 people. He was insured for 1 million dollars.

10/04/1960 Eastern Air







While taking off, the aircraft hit a flock of Starlings

which were ingested into the engines. Three of the 4

engines lost power which resulted in loss of control of

the aircraft killing 62 out of 72 passengers aboard.

12/21/1961 British



Ankara, Turkey The plane assumed an extremely steep climbing angle,

stalled and crashed during takeoff. One of three screws

on the captain's horizon indicator worked its way loose

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de Havilland


and blocked the pointer on the dial indicating an

incorrect pitch. Twenty-seven of 34 aboard were killed.

07/15/1962 Indian



Lahore, Pakistan A vulture crashed through the cockpit window and killed

the copilot.

11/23/1962 United Air


Ellicot, Maryland The aircraft struck a flock of Whistling Swans at night,

at 6,000 ft. One, estimated to be 13 pounds, struck the

leading edge of the tail stabilizer, weakening the

structure and causing it to detach. The aircraft lost

control and crashed killing all 21 aboard.

09/04/1963 Swissair

Caravelle III



Without authorization, the pilot taxied half-way down

the runway to try and clear fog. Braking done during

the fog clearing overheated the brakes. Soon after

takeoff, the overheated brakes caused a tire to burst

which damaged a fuel line and started a fire. The plane

crashed shortly after killing all 80 people aboard.

05/07/1964 Pacific Air


Fairchild F-


San Ramon,


The aircraft went into a steep dive and crashed while

on a flight from Stockton to San Francisco, CA. The

last message which had to be obtained through

laboratory analysis was "Skipper's shot. We've been

shot. I was trying to help." Francisco Gonzales, a

passenger, who had told several people he was going to

kill himself, shot both the pilot and co-pilot causing the

plane to crash killing all 44 aboard.

06/28/1965 Pan




San Francisco,


Just after the aircraft took off from San Francisco

International Airport the No. 4 engine disintegrated

tearing off 25 feet of the right wing. An emergency

landing was safely made at Travis Air Force Base. A

plane was dispatched to pick up the passengers at

Travis Air Force Base. While attempting to land, and

in plain view of the passengers, the nose gear collapsed.

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Mt. Fuji, Japan The aircraft crashed into Mt. Fuji after encountering

severe turbulence when the pilot decided to give the

passengers a view of the mountain. The aircraft

encountered severe clear air turbulence and started to

come apart in the air before crashing killing 124


04/22/1966 American







The airliner crashed into foothills while attempting to

land killing 83 of 98 aboard. The captain was

incapacitated with a heart attack during the final stages

of the approach. The captain, who suffered from a long

standing heart condition and diabetes, managed to keep

his pilot's license by falsifying his medical records.

06/23/1967 Mohawk






The airplane crashed after an in-flight fire destroyed

the pitch control systems. All 34 people aboard were

killed. A malfunctioning nonreturn valve allowed hot

engine bleed air to flow back through an open air

delivery valve, through the APU and into an acoustic

blanket lined section of the fuselage. This caused flexible

hoses with hydraulic fluid to ignite and lead to an

uncontrollable fire.

11/22/1968 Japan Air



San Francisco,


The plane landed in Pacific Ocean, 2.5 mile short of the

runway in the shallow waters of San Francisco Bay. All

107 people aboard were safely evacuated off the plane.

The aircraft was recovered from the San Francisco Bay

55 hours after the accident, repaired and eventually flew

back home to Japan and was in service for many


04/01/1970 Aeroflot

Antonov 24



The aircraft crashed killing 61 of 82 aboard after

colliding with a balloon.

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Air Canada


Toronto, Canada While landing and approximately 60 feet above the

runway, the spoilers were inadvertently deployed by the

first officer causing the aircraft to fall to the runway

and lose the No. 4 engine. The crew then decided to

go-around. While circling to land the aircraft exploded

after leaking fuel ignited. All 109 aboard were killed.

09/08/1970 Trans




New York, NY A piece of asphalt flew up and wedged itself in the

right stablizer leading to a loss of pitch control The

plane crashed killing all 11 aboard.

11/24/1971 Northwest


Boeing 727



Not really an "accident" but:

On November 24, 1971, a man calling himself Dan Cooper

boarded a Boeing 727, Northwest Airlines, Flight 305 at

Portland Oregon bound for Seattle Washington. Soon

after the plane took off , Cooper, seated in seat 18C,

stated he had a bomb. He demanded $200,000 in cash

and several parachutes. After the plane landed at

Seattle, the passengers were allowed to leave. Cooper

and four crew members took off with his instructions to

fly towards Mexico. The pilot was instructed to fly no

higher that 10,000 feet and below 200 mph. He asked

the flight attendant how to open the tail stairway and

ordered her to the front of the plane. Shortly after, the

crew felt a thud and Cooper jumped from the plane with

a 21 lb. package of money tied to his waist. He was

never heard from again. Despite a massive search, no

sign of him was ever found. The FBI calculated he

landed somewhere near Ariel, Washington. Cooper

jumped into the darkness at 7 below zero temperatures

with strong winds and freezing rain. He was not

equipped to survive in the wilderness. Cooper, who

became somewhat of a folk-hero in succeeding years,

was probably killed in the jump or succumbed to the

elements. The day after the skyjacking, FBI agents

checked out a Portland man with the name D.B. Cooper

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but quickly cleared him. The newspapers picked up on it

and incorrectly call the hijacker D.B. Cooper which

stuck and was never corrected. In 1980, a boy playing

on the banks of the Colombia River found 5,800 dollars

in 20 dollar bills buried in the sand which matched the

serial number of the money given to Cooper. Cooper’s

lasting contribution to aircraft design is the "Cooper

Vane," a latching device on Boeing 727s that prevents

the tail stairway from being lowered in flight.

9/06/1971 Pan



Hasloh, Germany The aircraft collided with a bridge, shearing off both

wings, after a double engine failure occurred during

takeoff. The water-injection system to cool the engines

during takeoff was inadvertently filled with kerosene

instead of water.

01/26/1972 JAT




The plane crashed after the detonation of a bomb in the

forward cargo hold. A flight attendant, 22 year old

Vesna Vulovic, fell 33,330 feet in the tail section and

although she broke both legs and was paralyzed from the

waist down, survived. She was in a coma for 27 days

and it took 16 months for her to recover.

10/13/1972 TAMU



Near San

Fernando, Chile

The plane left Montevideo bound for Santiago, Chile

carrying the Old Christians Rugby Team. The flight

crashed into Andes mountains at 12,000 feet. The

aircraft flew into a rotor zone or mountain wave which

led to loss of control of the aircraft. The survivors

were not found until 12/22/72 after two passengers

hiked to civilization. Survivors resorted to cannibalism

to stay alive. Twenty-nine of 45 aboard were killed

including five passengers who died in an avalanche on

Page 353: History of Air Crashes


October 30th. The book and movie "Alive" is based on

this accident.


Eastern Air




The crew of the L-1011was preoccupied with a nose

gear problem and the co-pilot was trying to replace the

landing gear indicator light, while on autopilot and in a

holding pattern. As the captain got up to help, he

inadvertently pushed on the yoke releasing the autopilot.

With no ground reference and under nighttime

conditions, the aircraft gradually descended until it

crashed into Everglades, 18.7 miles west-northwest of

Miami. The accident was caused by the failure of the

crew to monitor the flight instruments during the final 4

minutes of flight and to detect a descent soon enough to

prevent impact with the ground. After spare parts from

the crashed L-1011 were used on other planes,

apparitions of the dead captain, Bob Loft and the FE

Don Repo, began to be reported by Eastern Air Line

employees on the planes using the spare parts. The book

and movie "Ghost of Flight 401" is based on this


11/3/1973 National




New Mexico

Out of boredom, the captain and flight engineer decided

to experiment and see what would happen to the

autothrottle system if the circuit breakers which supplied

power to the instruments which measured the rotational

speed of each engine's low pressure compressor were

tripped. This led to engine overspeeding and destruction

of the engine. Pieces struck the fuselage, breaking a

window, causing rapid explosive decompression and a

passenger was sucked out of the plane. The plane landed


09/10/1976 Intex Adria


Gaj, Hrvatska, After a midair collision caused by an ATC error,

killed total of 176 people, the entire shift of controllers

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DC-9 /

Trident 3B

Yugoslavia were arrested. One was found guilty of criminal

negligence and sentenced to 7 years in jail but release

after a little over 2 years.

11/29/1976 Grand



Piper 32-


Grand Canyon,


An unrestrained German Shepard interfered with flight

controls and caused the plane to crash.

05/16/1977 New York




New York, NY While passengers were loading aboard the helicopter on

top of the Pan Am building, the landing gear collapsed

causing the helicopter to tip on its side. Four people,

waiting to board the craft were killed by the rotating

blades. One of the blades tore loose and struck a

window breaking in two. One-half of the blade then

sailed two blocks striking and killing a pedestrian.

12/23/1980 Saudi



Lockheed L-


Qatar, Qatar Two passengers were sucked out of the plane after a

tire exploded in the wheel well causing damage to the


02/09/1982 Japan Air



Tokyo, Japan The aircraft flew into shallow water after a struggle

with a mentally ill pilot. During the approach, the

captain, known to have mental problems, put the

inboard engines into reverse in an attempt to destroy

the aircraft while the co-pilot and flight engineer battled

to restrain him. Twenty-four of 174 aboard were killed.

05/25/1982 VASP


Braslila, Brazil The aircraft broke in two after a hard landing killing 2

people. The pilot's misuse of rain repellant, caused an

optical illusion leading to the hard landing.

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06/24/1982 British





The aircraft flew into a plume from a volcanic eruption

at 37,000 feet during the night. While over the Pacific

Ocean, all engines failed and the windshield lost

transparency because of pitting from the volcanic ash.

The first engine was restarted at 12,000 feet, followed

by the other three and the plane landed safely at


07/23/1982 Western


Bell UH-1




During the filming of "Twilight Zone, The Movie," a

helicopter crashed, killing actor Vic Morrow, 57, and

two child actors. The helicopter was hovering low over

a make-believe Vietnamese village when an explosive

charge from the special effects hit the tail rotor of the

helicopter sending it crashing to the ground. One child,

Rene Chen, was crushed to death with the right skid.

Vic Morrow and the other child, Myca Dinh Le, were

decapitated. Criminal charges against the production

company were eventually dismissed in a much publicized

trial. The civil trail ended in awards of 2 million

dollars to the families of each of the children and

$700,000 to the estate of Vic Morrow.

12/24/1982 CAAC

Illyshin IL-




A passenger's cigarette caused a fire in the cabin which

led to an oxygen tank exploding. The plane crashed

killing 25 of 69 aboard.

07/23/1983 Air Canada


Gimli, Manitoba,


The aircraft took off from Ottawa bound for Edmonton

with less than half the fuel required to make the trip.

A computer known as the "Fuel Quantity Information

System Processor" was not working properly so the

ground crew made manual calculations for the amount of

needed fuel. However, they used pounds/liter for the

specific gravity factor instead of kilograms/liter. This

was first model of aircraft of Air Canada to use

kilograms. The aircraft ran out of fuel at 41,000 feet.

With only standby instruments (magnetic compass,

artificial horizon, airspeed indicator and altimeter) and

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no slats or flaps, the plane landed safely on a 7,200 ft.

runway at Gimli, a former Air Force base converted

into a racing drag strip. The plane became known as

the "Gimli Glider." The TV movie Falling from the Sky:

Flight 174 was made about this incident in 1995.

10/28/1983 Pennsylvania


Shorts 330-




A passenger committed suicide by opening the right rear

door and jumping out at 3,500 ft.

10/11/1984 Aeroflot



Omsk, Russia The flying control officer (ATC) fell asleep and did not

inform the controllers cleaning vehicles were on the

runway. While attempting to land the aircaft hit the

cleaning vehicles killing 174 of 179 aboard.

04/16/1985 American



Las Cruces,

New Mexico

While cruising at FL 350 a loud noise was heard

followed by a severe jolt. The No. 3 engine separated

from the aircraft. A damaged O ring allowed leakage

from the forward lavatory waste drain valve. Four

gallons of fluid leaked and froze on the exterior of the

plane and then broke away in chunks and smashed into

the engine. The plane landed safely

08/15/1985 Alyemda



Aden, Yemen As the plane reached FL230, water was spilled on the

autopilot panel and the crew had to disengage the

autopilot because the stabilizer trim wheel started to

rotate. Control was lost as the plane pitched up and

down. Control was regained at 1,000 ft. and an

emergency landing was carried out. Three of the 73

passengers aboard were killed.

12/07/1987 Pacific




San Luis

Obispo, Calif.

A fired USAir employee, David Burke, after leaving a

goodbye message to friends, shot both pilots. The

aircraft went into a steep dive and crashed killing all

43 people aboard.

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While en route, a fan blade on the No. 1 engine

detached and caused a compressor stall and vibration of

the aircraft. The crew throttled back the No. 2 engine

and the vibration stopped and the No. 2 engine was

shut down. While attempting to land, power was lost in

the No. 1 engine, the aircraft stalled and crashed a few

hundred meters short of the runway. The plane then slid

across the M1 motorway missing many cars and

embedded itself on the west embankment of the

motorway. Forty-seven of the 126 aboard were killed.

The crew mistakenly shut down the wrong engine.

02/24/1989 United Air



Honolulu, Hawaii After leaving Honolulu, on a flight from Los Angeles to

Sydney, Australia, an electrical short caused the

forward lower lobe cargo door to suddenly open resulting

in explosive decompression and loss of power in the No.

3 and 4 engines. Nine passengers were sucked out of

the plane and lost at sea but the plane landed safely.

06/10/1990 British





On a flight from Birmingham, England to Malaga, Spain,

at FL 173, a large section of windshield fell away from

the aircraft. The decompression pulled the captain out

from under his seatbelt. Despite trying to hold onto the

yoke, the captain was sucked out into the opening. A

steward in the cockpit was able to grab hold of his

legs. Another steward was able to strap himself into the

vacant seat and aid in holding onto the captain's legs.

The copilot wearing full restraints made an emergency

landing at Southampton. The captain remained half way

out of the aircraft for 15 minutes and suffered only

frostbite and some fractures. Improper bolts used to

replace the windshield two days earlier resulted in the


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The aircraft crashed after a captain allowed his child to

manipulate the controls of the plane. The pilot's 11 year

old daughter and 16 year old son were taking turns in

the pilot's seat. While the boy was flying, he

inadvertently disengaged the autopilot linkage to the

ailerons and put the airliner in a bank of 90 degrees

which caused the nose to drop sharply. The co-pilot

pulled back on the yoke to obtain level flight but the

plane stalled. With his seat pulled all the way back, the

co-pilot in the right hand seat could not properly control

the aircraft. After several stalls and rapid pull-ups the

plane went into a spiral descent. In the end, the co-pilot

initiated a 4.8g pull-up and nearly regained a stable

flight path but the aircraft struck the ground in an

almost level attitude killing all 75 aboard.

05/11/1996 ValuJet



Miami, Florida

An uncontrollable in-flight fire was caused by activation

of one or more oxygen generators in the forward cargo

hold. The generators were outdated, improperly labeled,

lacked safety caps and were prohibited from being

transported on a passenger flight. The plane cashed

killing all 110 people aboard.

10/02/1996 Aeroperu


Pasamayo, Peru The aircraft crashed into the ocean 28 minutes after

taking off from Lima, Peru. Pieces of duct tape were

found covering sensors, placed there by personnel during

aircraft maintenance causing the malfunction of

instruments. The crew was not able to correctly

determine their altitude and airspeed and with no

ground reference over water and at night, crashed into

the ocean killing all 70 aboard. A maintenance worker

was tried and convicted of negligent homicide for failing

to remove the adhesive tape and received 2 years in


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11/23/1996 Ethiopian



Off Moroni,


The aircraft was hijacked shortly after taking off from

Ethiopia by three drunken escaped prisoners. They

demanded to be flown to Australia, but wouldn't let the

pilot stop to refuel. The plane eventually ran out of fuel

and ditched 500 feet offshore killing 127 of 157 aboard.

04/15/1997 Azerbaijan


Yakovlev 40



A stray bullet from training soldiers struck the landing

plane, hitting an oxygen cylinder. A fire broke out and

control of the plane was lost and it crashed.

07/23/1999 All Nippon



Tokyo, Japan Two minutes after taking off a man carrying a knife

forced a flight attendant to take him in the cockpit of

the plane. A fan of computer flight-simulation games, he

stated he just wanted to fly a real plane. After forcing

the co-pilot out of the cockpit he ordered the captain to

fly to a U.S. Air Force base in western Tokyo. When

he refused, he stabbed the captain and seized the

controls. After a sudden drop in altitude, the co-pilot

and an off duty crew member entered the cockpit and

overpowered the hijacker. A one point the plane plunged

to within 984 feet of the ground. The plane ultimately

landed safely but the captain died of his injuries.

05/25/2000 Philippine

Air Lines

Airbus A-


Near Manila,


A hijacker robbed passengers, jumped out of the plane

with a homemade parachute and was killed in the jump.

08/24/2001 Air Transat

Airbus A-




The Airbus 330, without engine power, glided for almost

20 minutes, descending from for more than 30,000 ft.

before landing safely at Lajes Airport. Several tires

blew out causing a fire which was quickly extinguished

by emergency crews. The leak was caused by a

damaged fuel feed pipe that was caused by interference

from the aft hydraulic pump which was improperly

installed. No one was seriously injured.

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08/27/2006 Comair





The plane took off from the wrong runway that was too

short. The aircraft ran off the end of the runway and

crashed killing 49 of the 50 aboard.

08/25/2010 Filair Bandundu, Congo



A passenger brought aboard a crocodile hidden in a

sports bag. The crocodile escaped, causing a panic

among passengers who all rushed to one end of the

plane. This caused an imbalance in the aircraft which

led to loss of control and a crash.

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Images of various crashes in aviation history

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Date: September 17, 1908

Location: Ft. Myer, Virginia

Aircraft: Wright Flyer III

Airline: N/A

Flight No: N/A

Fatalities: 2 : 1

The first airplane fatality in history occurred in 1908 when Lt. Thomas Selfridge was killed in this plane piloted by Orville Wright. The accident was caused by propeller separation. Orville Wright suffered broken ribs, pelvis and a leg.

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Date: March 31, 1931

Location: Bazzar, Kansas

Aircraft: Fooker 10A Trimotor

Reg: NC-999

Airline: Trans Continental & Western Air

Flight No: 599

Fatalities: 8 : 8

Notre Dame football coach Knute Rockne killed after his plane crashed into a wheat field. Wing-aileron flutter, brought about by moisture leaking into the wing's interior, weakening the glue that bonded the wooden spars.

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Date: January 15, 1934

Location: Corbigny, France

Aircraft: Dewoitine D-332


Airline: Air France

Flight No: Unknown

Fatalities: 14 : 14

The aircraft crashed while en route in a severe snowstorm. Icing was the cause of the crash. The aircraft was named Emeraude.

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Date: January 16, 1942

Location: Near Las Vegas, Nevada

Aircraft: Douglas DC-3

Reg: NC1946

Airline: Trans Continental and Western Air

Flight No: 3

Fatalities: 22 : 22

The wreckage of a Trans Continental & Western Airways DC-3 at Mt. Potosi, near Las Vegas. Actress Carole Lombard, her mother and press agent were killed along with 19 other people aboard. The captain failed to follow the prescribed course for reasons unknown.

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Date: October 20, 1948

Location: Prestwick Airport, Scotland

Aircraft: Lockheed 049-46-25 Constellation


Airline: KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

Flight No: Unknown

Fatalities: 40 : 40

After attempting a go-around due to strong cross winds, the aircraft, while circling to line up with the runway, ran into a heavy fog bank and crashed into high voltage power lines at an elevation of 400 feet and burst into flames.

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Date: November 01, 1955

Location: Longmont, Colorado

Aircraft: Douglas DC-6B

Reg: N37559

Airline: United Air Lines

Flight No: 629

Fatalities: 44 : 44

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(Upper left) What's left of a United Air Lines DC-6B airliner after Jack Gilbert Graham (right) placed a bomb aboard in his mother's luggage in order to collect a $37,500 life insurance policy on her. All 44 people aboard were killed. He showed no remorse for the crime and was executed a year later.

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Date: February 01, 1957

Location: New York, New York

Aircraft: Douglas DC-6A

Reg: N34954

Airline: Northeast Airlines

Flight No: 823

Fatalities: 101 : 21

The remains of Northeast Airlines Flight 823 on Rikers Island, New York which crashed shortly after taking off from La Guardia Airport in a snowstorm. The accident was attributed to pilot error.

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Date: February 03, 1959

Location: Mason City, Iowa

Aircraft: Beechcraft Bonanza 35

Reg: N3794N

Airline: N/A

Flight No: N/A

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Fatalities: 4 : 4

The wreckage of the Beechcraft Bonanza that killed Ritchie Valens, Buddy Holly and the Big Bopper near Mason City, Iowa. The accident was most likely caused by icing and the unwise decision of the pilot to fly into deteriorating weather conditions when he was not instrument rated.

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Date: October 04, 1960

Location: Boston, Massachusett

Aircraft: Lockheed 188A Electra

Reg: N5533

Airline: Eastern Air Lines

Flight No: 375

Fatalities: 72 : 62

An Eastern Air Lines Lockheed Electra is fished out of the water near Logan International Airport. The plane crashed after hitting a flock of Starling during takeoff disabling the No. 1, 2 and 4 engines.

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Date: May 10, 1961

Location: Near Hasci Messaoud, Libya

Aircraft: Lockheed 1649A Starliner


Airline: Air France

Flight No: 406

Fatalities: 78 : 78

While en route from Fort Lamy, Chad to Marseilles, France, the airliner crashed and burned in the Sahara Desert due to the detonation of a nitrocellulose bomb.

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Date: May 22, 1962

Location: Near Unionville, Missouri

Aircraft: Boeing B-707-124

Reg: N70775

Airline: Continental Airlines

Flight No: 11

Fatalities: 45 : 45

A bomb exploded aboard this Continental Boeing 707, killing all 45 people aboard. This was the first known case of sabotage aboard a commercial jet airliner. The bomb was believed to have been carried aboard by a passenger in a suicide-for-insurance plot.

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Date: March 05, 1963

Location: Camden, Tennesee

Aircraft: Piper PA-24-250 Comanche

Reg: N7000P

Airline: N/A

Flight No: N/A

Fatalities: 4 :4

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The wreckage of the Piper Comanche in which Patsy Cline, Cowboy Copas, Hawkshaw Hawkins and Cline's manager Randy Hughes were killed in near Camden, Tennessee. The non-instrument rated pilot attempted visual flight in adverse weather conditions resulting in a loss of control.

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Date: December 08, 1963

Location: Elkton, Maryland

Aircraft: Boeing B-707-121

Reg: N709PA

Airline: Pan American World Airways

Flight No: 214

Fatalities: 81 : 81

The airliner was struck by lightning resulting in an explosion and destruction of the aircraft. The cause was lightning induced ignition of fuel tank vapors. Within two weeks after the accident the FAA ordered lightning discharge wicks to be installed on all commercial jet airliners.

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Date: May 7, 1964

Location: San Ramon, California

Aircraft: Fairchild F-27A

Reg: N2770R

Airline: Pacific Air Lines

Flight No: 773

Fatalities: 44:44

This is what's left of Pacific Air Lines Flight 773 after a passenger, Francisco Gonzales shot both pilots causing the plane to go into a dive and crash.

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Date: July 31, 1964

Location: Near Nashville, Tennesee

Aircraft: Beechcraft 35-B33 Debonair

Reg: N8972M

Airline: N/A

Flight No: N/A

Fatalities: 2 : 2

The wreckage of country-western singer Jim Reeves' Beechcraft Debonair which crashed near Nashville during a heavy rainstorm. Reeves who was piloting the plane, lost reference with the ground and experienced spatial disorientation. It took searches 2 days to find the wreckage.

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L. Roger Turner State Journal archives

Date: December 12, 1967

Location: Near Madison, Wisconsin

Aircraft: Beech 18H

Reg: N390R

Airline: Private

Fatalities: 8 : 7

Wreckage of singer Otis Redding's Beech 18H is recovered from Lake Monona after his plane crashed in heavy fog. Trumpet player, Ben Cauley was the only survivor.

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Date: August 31, 1969

Location: Newton, Iowa

Aircraft: Cessna 172H

Reg: N3149X

Airline: N/A

Flight No: N/A

Fatalities: 3: 3

The wreckage of a Cessna 172 in which boxer Rocky Marciano and two others were killed when it crashed in Newton, Iowa. The pilot, who was not instrument rated and had minimum night flying experience, took off at night despite warnings of a building storm front. Marciano was hitching a ride home to a planned birthday party.

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Date: September 09, 1969

Location: Near Fairland, Indiana

Aircraft: MD Douglas DC-9-31

Reg: N988VJ

Airline: Allegheny Airlines

Flight No: 853

Fatalities: 83 : 83

A midair collision occurred at at 2,500 ft. with a Piper Cherokee. The Piper crashed into the tail of the DC-9 as it prepared to land. Inadequate VFR separation and deficiencies in the ATC system in the terminal area with mixed VFR/IFR traffic.

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Date: November 14, 1970

Location: Near Huntington, West Virginia

Aircraft: McDonnell Douglas DC-9-31

Reg: N97S

Airline: Southern Airways

Flight No: 932

Fatalities: 75 : 75

Wreckage of a Southern Airways DC-9 on which all 75 aboard were killed, including 41 players and coaches from the Marshall University football team. The plane crashed one mile short of the runway in rain and fog. Descent below Minimum Descent Altitude during a nonprecision approach under adverse operating

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conditions was the cause.

Date: June 18, 1972

Location: Staines, Surrey, England

Aircraft: Hawker Siddeley Trident 1C


Airline: British European Airways

Flight No: 548

Fatalities: 118 : 118

A British Airways Trident crashed near London, England after the leading edge slats were prematurely retracted after takeoff. The captain possibly was incapacitated by an arterial hemorrhage.

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Date: December 03, 1972

Location: Tenerife, Canary Islands

Aircraft: Convair CV-990-30A-5 Coronado


Airline: Spantax

Flight No: Unknown

Fatalities: 155 : 155

After reaching a height of 300 feet the plane suddenly plunged to earth and crashed. Loss of control was precipitated by abnormal maneuvers made by the pilot in command in zero visibility.

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Date: September 20, 1973

Location: Natchitoches, Louisiana

Aircraft: Beechcraft E18S

Reg: N50JR

Airline: N/A

Flight No: N/A

Fatalities: 6 : 6

The wreckage of a Beechcraft D-18 in which Jim Croce and five others were killed after hitting trees during takeoff at Natchitoches, Louisiana. Croce's company had just completed a performance before a crowd of 2,000 at Northwest State University.

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Date: March 13, 1974

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Location: Bishop, California

Aircraft: Convair CV-440

Reg: N4819C

Airline: Sierra Pacific Airlines

Flight No: 802

Fatalities: 36:36

This aircraft carrying the Wolper Productions movie crew crashed into Poleta Ridge near Bishop California. It could not be determined why the crew did not maintain a safe distance from hazardous terrain.

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Date: August 1, 1977

Location: Encino, California

Aircraft: Bell 206B JetRanger

Reg: N4TV

Airline: Private KNBC

Flight No:

Fatalities: 2:2

The wreckage of Francis Gary Power's helicopter. Francis Gary Powers was famous for piloting the U-2 spy plane in 1960 that was shot down by the Russians and caused a major political crisis for President Eisenhower. He was covering a news story for KNBC. The helicopter apparently ran out of fuel.

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Date: October 20, 1977

Location: Near Gillsburg, Mississippi

Aircraft: Convair CV-300

Reg: N55VM

Airline: L & J Company

Flight No:

Fatalities: 26:6

The plane, chartered by the Lynyrd Skynyrd band, crashed after running out of fuel. Lead singer Ronnie Van Zant, 29, guitarist Stevie Gaines, back up vocalist Cassie Gaines and assistant manager Dean Kilpatrick of the Lynyrd Skynyrd band killed. Several other members of the band were seriously injured.

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Date: September 25, 1978

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Location: San Diego, California

Aircraft: Boeing B-727-214

Reg: N533PS

Airline: Pacific Southwest Airlines

Flight No: 182

Fatalities: 137 : 137 +7

These are pictures of a Pacific Southwest Airlines Boeing 727 as it goes down over San Diego, California after a mid-air collision with a Cessna 172. All 135 aboard the Boeing 727 and 2 on the Cessna as well as 7 people on the ground were killed

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Date: December 28, 1978

Location: Portland, Oregon

Aircraft: McDonnell Douglas DC-8-61

Reg: N8082U

Airline: United Air Lines

Flight No: 173

Fatalities: 189 : 10

While on a flight from Denver to Portland, the DC-8 ran out of fuel while the crew was distracted with a landing gear problem and crashed near the airport. Miraclously only 10 people were killed.

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Date: May 25, 1979

Location: Chicago O'Hare, Illinois

Aircraft: McDonnell Douglas DC-10-10

Reg: N110AA

Airline: American Airlines

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Flight No: 191

Fatalities: 271 : 271 +2

These pictures was taken by an amateur photographer seconds before an American Airlines DC-10 crashed at Chicago O'Hare Airport, after losing an engine during takeoff. Improper maintenance procedures was to blame.

Date: Aug 2, 1979

Location: Akron, Ohio

Aircraft: Cessna 501 Citation

Reg: N15NY

Fatalities: 3 : 1

Rescue workers inspect the wreckage of a Cessna Citation airplane in Canton, Ohio. Yankees catcher Thurman Munson was killed in the plane crash in which two other passengers survived.

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Date: November 28, 1979

Location:Near Mt. Erebus, Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica

Aircraft: McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30


Airline: Air New Zealand

Flight No: 901

Fatalities: 257 : 257

What started out as a Antarctic sightseeing tour, ended in disaster, when this Air New Zealand DC-10 crashed into Mt. Erebus killing all 257 aboard. An incorrect computer-stored flight plan led to a navigational error which brought the plane near Mt. Erebus in whiteout conditions.

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Date: March 14, 1980

Location: Near Warsaw, Poland

Aircraft: Ilyushin IL-62


Airline: LOT Polish Airlines

Flight No: 007

Fatalities: 87 : 87

While attempting to land at Warsaw, the crew initiated an overshoot procedure after there were indications that the landing gear was not down. When thrust was applied, the No. 2 engine disintegrated, damaging two other engines and severing the rudder and elevator control lines. The plane crashed one-half mile from the runway threshold. Metal fatigue in the No. 2 engine turbine disc. The dead included 22 members of the U.S. boxing team and Polish singer Anna Jantar.

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Date: February 19, 1985

Location:Near Durango, Vizcaya, Spain

Aircraft: Boeing B-727-256


Airline: Iberia Airlines

Flight No: 610

Fatalities: 148 : 148

The B727 crashed into an antenna on Mt. Oiz. The captain ignored warnings from the Ground Proximity Warning System. The captain was heard shouting "shut up" at the GPWS as it announced "pull up."

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Date: December 12, 1985

Location: Gander, Newfoundland, Canada

Aircraft: McDonnell Douglas DC-8 Super 63PF

Reg: N950JW

Airline: Arrow Airways

Flight No: MF1285R

Fatalities: 256 : 256

This DC-8 crashed at Gander Newfoundland while attempting to takeoff, killing all 256 military passengers and crew aboard. Icing was the most likely cause although some believe a bomb was planted aboard the aircraft.

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Date: December 31, 1985

Location: De Kalb, Texas

Aircraft: Douglas DC-3

Reg: N711Y

Airline: Private

Flight No: -

Fatalities: 9 : 7

Remains of a DC-3 in which Ricky Nelson and members of his Stone Canyon band were killed. Smoke in the cockpit and cabin from a faulty cabin heater caused the pilots to make a crash landing in a field.

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Date: August 31, 1986

Location: Cerritos, California

Aircraft: MD Douglas DC-9-32


Airline: Aeromexico

Flight No: 498

Fatalities: 67 : 67 +15

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An Aeromexico DC-9 going down over Cerritos, California after colliding with a Piper Archer. All 64 aboard the DC-9, 3 on the Piper and 15 on the ground were killed. The Piper flew into unauthorized commerial air space.

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Date: April 08, 1988

Location: Maui, Hawaii

Aircraft: Boeing B-737-297

Reg: N73711

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Airline: Aloha Airlines

Flight No: 243

Fatalities: 95 : 1

An Aloha Airlines Boeing 737 landed safely after fatigue cracking caused the top portion of the fuselage to peel away. Everyone survived except for a flight attendant who was sucked out of the plane and lost at sea.

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Date: January 08, 1989

Location: Leicestershire, England

Aircraft: Boeing B-737-4Y0


Airline: British Midland Airways

Flight No: 92

Fatalities: 126 : 47

After experiencing severe vibrations, the crew mistakenly shut down the wrong engine, lost power in the disabled engine and was unable to maintain flight in the final approach.

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Date: April 04, 1991

Location: Marion, Pennsylvania

Aircraft:Piper Aerostar 601 / Bell 412SP

Reg: N3645D / N78S

Airline: N/A

Flight No: N/A

Fatalities: 5 : 5 +2

The wreckage of Pennsylvania Senator John Heinz's plane which crashed in a school yard killing him along with 4 others. Also killed were 2 children playing in the schoolyard. The plane crashed after the blades of a helicopter performing an in-air inspection of the landing gear struck the bottom of the plane.

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Date: February 01, 1991

Location: LAX, Los Angeles, California

Aircraft:Boeing B-737-300 / Swearingen SA-227AC

Reg: N388US/N683AV

Airline: USAir / Skywest Airlilnes

Flight No:

1493 / 5569

Fatalities: 99 : 34

The Skywest Metroliner was told to taxi into position for takeoff and hold. The ATC became preoccupied with another aircraft that departed the tower frequency. A Wings West aircraft reporting "ready for takeoff", caused some confusion because the controller didn't have a flight progress strip in front of her. The strip appeared to have been misfiled at the clearance delivery position. The USAir, which was cleared to land, landed on top of the Metroliner. After the collision, both planes slid off the runway into an unoccupied fire station and

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burst into flames.

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Date: February 14, 1990

Location: Near Bangalore, India

Aircraft: Airbus A320-231


Airline: Indian Airlines

Flight No: 605

Fatalities: 146 : 92

On final approach, the aircraft descended below the normal approach profile until it hit the ground 2,300 ft. short and 200 ft. to the right of the runway centerline. The co-pilot's (in this case check captain's) flight director was left in the Open Descent Idle Mode instead of the Vertical Speed Mode, the prescribed setting for an approach and landing.

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Date: January 25, 1990

Location: Cove Neck, New York

Aircraft: Boeing B-707-321B

Reg: HK 2016

Airline: AVIANCA

Flight No: 052

Fatalities: 158 : 73

This Avianca Boeing 707 ran out of fuel and crashed in the woods of Cove Neck, New York after the crew, which spoke very little English, failed to declare an

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emergency after running low on fuel.

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Date: September 28, 1992

Location:Near Bhadagon, Kathmandu, Nepal

Aircraft: Airbus A300B4-203


Airline: Pakistan International Airlines

Flight No: 268

Fatalities: 167 : 167

The plane hit cloud covered high ground while attempting to land 9 miles short of the runway. The pilot began the descent too early and had miscalculated the aircraft's altitude.

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Date: October 04, 1992

Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Aircraft: Boeing B-747-258F

Reg: 4X-AXG

Airline: El Al

Flight No: 1862

Fatalities: 4 : 4 +47

This El Al Boeing 747 cargo plane crashed in Holland, killing all 4 crew members and 47 people on the ground. The

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aircraft lost its No.3 and 4 engines. The separation of the No. 3 engine was initiated by fatigue (corrosion) in the inboard midspar fuse pin.

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Date: April 26, 1993

Location: Aurangabad, India

Aircraft: Boeing B-737-2A8


Airline: Indian Airlines

Flight No: 491

Fatalities: 118 : 56

During take off, the aircraft failed to climb and struck a vehicle on a public road just beyond the end of the runway. The aircraft was substantially damaged and the pilot elected to carry out a forced landing. During the attempted landing, the aircraft struck powerlines, crashed and burned.

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Date: March 23, 1994

Location: Near Mezhdurechensk, Russia

Aircraft: Airbus A310-304


Airline: Russian International Airways

Flight No: 593

Fatalities: 75 : 75

The aircraft crashed after a captain allowed his child to manipulate the controls of the plane. The pilot's 11 year old daughter and 16 year old son were taking turns in the pilot's seat. While the boy was flying, he inadvertently disengaged the autopilot linkage to the

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ailerons and put the airliner in a bank of 90 degrees which caused the nose to drop sharply. The co-pilot pulled back on the yoke to obtain level flight but the plane stalled. With his seat pulled all the way back, the co-pilot in the right hand seat could not properly control the aircraft. After several stalls and rapid pull-ups the plane went into a spiral descent and crashed.

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Date: July 02, 1994

Location: Charlotte, North Carolina

Aircraft: McDonnell Douglas DC-9-30

Reg: N954VJ

Airline: USAir

Flight No: 1016

Fatalities: 57 : 37

This USAir DC-9 crashed into trees and a residence after a missed approach at Charlotte, North Carolina. The crew failured to recognize a windshear situation in a timely manner was determined as the cause.

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Date: December 20, 1995

Location:Near Buga, Valle del Cauca, Colombia

Aircraft: Boeing B-757-223

Reg: N651A

Airline: American Airlines

Flight No: 965

Fatalities: 164 : 160

The remains of an American Airlines Boeing 757 after it crashed in the mountains near Buga, Colombia after the crew's confusion led to an navigation error causing the plane to impact a mountain.

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Date: April 03, 1996

Location: Near Dubrovnik, Croatia

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Aircraft: Boeing B-737-T43

Reg: 73-1149

Airline: Military - U.S. Air Force

Flight No: 21

Fatalities: 35 : 35

The wreckage of a U.S. Air Force Boeing 737 in which U.S. Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown was killed along with 34 others. The plane crashed into a mountainside after the pilot used an unapproved approach.

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Date: September 19, 1989

Location: Near Bilma, Niger

Aircraft: McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30

Reg: N54629

Airline:Union des Transportes Aeriens

Flight No: 772

Fatalities: 171 : 171

While climbing through FL 350 ft., 46 minutes after

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takeoff, a bomb exploded in a container in location 13-R in the forward cargo hold. The aircraft disintegrated and crashed into the desert. A Congolese man, who boarded at Brazzaville and disembarked at Ndjamera was believed to have brought the bomb aboard.

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Date: November 27, 1989

Location: Bogota, Colombia

Aircraft: Boeing B-727-21

Reg: HK-1803

Airline: AVIANCA

Flight No: 203

Fatalities: 107 : 107

The plane burst into flames and crashed shortly after taking off from El Dorado Airport. Detonation of an explosive device placed on the floor on the starboard side of the passenger cabin at seat 15F which ignited fuel vapors in an empty fuel tank.

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Date: August 10, 1997

Location:100 miles SW of Kuujjuaq, Quebec, Canada

Aircraft: Cessna 180K


Airline: N/A

Flight No: N/A

Fatalities: 2 : 2

French Canadian actress Marie-Soleil Tougas, 27, and film director Jean-Claude Lauzon, 43, were killed when their Cessna crashed into a mountainside in strong winds and rain.

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Date: October 12, 1997

Location:Monterey Bay, near Pacific Grove, California

Aircraft: Rutan Long EZ (experimental aircraft)

Reg: N555JD

Airline: N/A

Flight No: N/A

Fatalities: 1 : 1

The motor from John Denver's plane is recovered from the Pacific Ocean under 40 feet of water off Pacific Grove, California. Denver lost control of the plane from a height of 500 ft. after reaching around to switch fuel tanks.

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Date: September 03, 1997

Location: Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Aircraft: Tupolev TU-134

Reg: VN-A120

Airline: Vietnam Airlines

Flight No: 815

Fatalities: 66 : 65

The plane clipped palm trees and exploded in flames after crashing into a rice paddy, one-half mile from the runway. The only survivor was a one-year-old boy. The captain failed to heed the warnings of the flight engineer and first officer that the plane was flying too low and failed to abort the landing.

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Date: November 21, 1998

Location: Edgewater, Maryland

Aircraft:Burgess RV-6 experimental

Reg: N956DB

Airline: N/A

Flight No:


Fatalities: 1 : 1

The plane, piloted by Knight, failed to clear trees while attempting to land in the dark and crashed into Beard's Creek.

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Date: February 02, 1999

Location: Rui'an, China

Aircraft: Tupolev TU-154

Reg: B-2622

Airline: China Southwest Airlines

Flight No: 4509

Fatalities: 61 : 61

The aircraft was on a flight from Chengdu to Wenzhou when it crashed into a field while on approach to Wenzhou Airport. An improperly installed nut worked its way lose and led to loss of elevator control.

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Date: August 22, 1999

Location: Hong Kong, China

Aircraft: McDonnell Douglas MD-11

Reg: B-150

Airline: China Airlines

Flight No: 642

Fatalities: 315 : 3

While making a landing in strong winds and rain, the pilot-in-command disconnected the autopilot but left the autothrottle engaged. The aircraft, with a weight close to the maximum landing weight permitted, stabilized slightly low on the glideslope. An attempt was made to flare but the aircraft landed hard on its right landing gear and the No.3 engine touched the runway. The right main landing gear and right wing separated. The MD-11 then inverted and skidded off the runway in flames.

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Date: October 25, 1999

Location: Aberdeen, South Dakota

Aircraft: Gates Learjet 35

Reg: N47BA

Airline: N/A

Flight No: N/A

Fatalities: 6: 6

The wreckage of golfer Payne Stewart's Learjet that hit the ground at over 600 mph creating a 10 foot deep crater. A pressurization failure rendered all aboard unconscious. The plane flew on autopilot for over 1,500 miles before crashing.

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Date: October 31, 1999

Location: Off Nantucket Island, Massachusetts

Aircraft: Boeing B-767-366ER


Airline: EgyptAir

Flight No: 990

Fatalities: 217 : 217

Soon after reaching cruising altitude the B767 entered several dives and recoveries before plunging into the Atlantic Ocean. The accident was caused by the relief first officer's flight control inputs which caused the airplane's departure from normal cruise flight and subsequent impact with the Atlantic Ocean. The reason for the first officer's actions were not determined by the NTSB. One could conclude the actions were deliberate in an attempt to commit suicide.

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Date: January 10, 2000

Location: Niederhasli, Switzerland

Aircraft: Saab 340B


Airline: Crossair

Flight No: 498

Fatalities: 10 : 10

A number of procedural errors by the crew led to the crash of this Crossair Saab in an open field soon after takeoff.

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Date: January 31, 2000

Location: Off Point Mugu, California

Aircraft: McDonnell Douglas MD-83

Reg: N963AS

Airline: Alaska Airlines

Flight No: 261

Fatalities: 88 : 88

Wreckage of a Alaska Airlines MD-83 which crashed into the Pacific Ocean becuse of a jambed horizontal stabilizer. resulted in the The component failed because of excessive wear resulting from Alaska Airlines' insufficient lubrication of the jackscrew assembly.

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Date: February 14, 2000

Location: Leesburg, Kentucky

Aircraft: Beech Baron 58

Reg: N875JC

Airline: N/A

Flight No: N/A

Fatalities: 4 : 4

Indy racing team owner Tony Lee Bettenhausen was killed when ice on the wings led to a lost control and caused the plane to spiral into the ground.

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Date: March 09, 2000

Location: Moscow, Russia

Aircraft: Yakovlev YAK-40

Reg: RA-88170

Airline: Vologodskiye Airlines

Flight No: Unknown

Fatalities: 9 : 9

The aircraft climbed to an altitude of about 100 ft., stalled, lost control and crashed. Ice build up on the wings. Flaps incorrectly set.

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Date: April 19, 2000

Location: Samal Island, Philippines

Aircraft: Boeing B-737-2H4

Reg: RP-C3010

Airline: Air Philippines

Flight No: 541

Fatalities: 131 : 131

The aircraft disintegrated upon impact when it hit Mt. Kalangan. The elevation of the accident site was about 500 feet above sea level but the plane should have been at a altitude of 1,500 feet.

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Date: June 22, 2000

Location: Shitai, China

Aircraft: Xian Yunshuji Y-7-100C

Reg: B-3479

Airline: Wuhan Airlines

Flight No: 343

Fatalities: 44 : 44 +7

The plane was attempting to land at Whuan's Wanjiatun Airport in thunderstorms and heavy rain when it was struck by lightning causing it to explode and crash.

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Date: July 17, 2000

Location: Patna, India

Aircraft: Boeing B-737-2A8 Advanced


Airline:Indian Airlines/Alliance Airlines

Flight No: 7412

Fatalities: 58 : 55 +5

During the second landing attempt, the aircraft was high, veered to left and lost altitude until it crashed into houses and burst into flames.

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Date: July 25, 2000

Location: Gonesse, France

Aircraft:Aerospatiale BAe Concorde 101


Airline: Air France

Flight No:


Fatalities: 109 : 109 +4

An Air France Concorde took off from Charles de Gaulle airport with port engines ablaze. Moments later, it crashed into a hotel-restaurant complex killing all 109 aboard along with 4 on the ground. A piece of debris on the runway caused a tire to burst and puncture a fuel tank.

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Date: October 31, 2000

Location: Taipei, Taiwan

Aircraft: Boeing B-747-412

Reg: 9V-SPK

Airline: Singapore Airlines

Flight No: 006

Fatalities: 179 : 83

The pilot took off from a closed runway, struck construction equipment and burst into flames.

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Date: July 04, 2001

Location: Near Irkutsk, Russia

Aircraft: Tupolev TU-154M

Reg: RA-85845

Airline: Vladivostokavia

Flight No: 352

Fatalities: 145 : 145

his Tupolev 154M crashed in flames in Siberian woodlands after the co-pilot entered a too wide bank angle and caused the aircraft to go into a flat spin.

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Date: July 27, 2001

Location: Off Maresias, Brazil

Aircraft: Augusta 109 helicopter


Airline: N/A

Flight No: N/A

Fatalities: 4 : 2

Fernanda Vogel, Brazilian fashion model. was killed when the helicopter she was riding in ditched into the ocean while attempting to land at Maresias. Although all four survived the ditching only the co-pilot and Vogel's boyfriend were able to swim ashore. Vogel and the pilot drowned.

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Date: August 25, 2001

Location: Marsh Harbour, Bahamas

Aircraft: Cessna 402B

Reg: N8097W

Airline: Blackhawk Int. Airways

Flight No: N/A

Fatalities: 9 : 9

Singer/actress Aaliyah Haughton was killed, along with eight others, when the Cessna 402 she was flying on crashed while attempting to take off from Abaco Island, Bahamas. The plane was overloaded.

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Date: September 11, 2001


New York, NYNew York, NY Arlington, Virginia Shanksville, Pennsylvania


Boeing 767-223ERBoeing B-767-222 Boeing B-757-223 Boeing B-757-222


N334AAN612UA N644AA N591UA


American AirlinesUnited Airlines American Airlines United Airlines

Flight No:

11175 77 93

Fatalities: 265 : 265 +2583

Hijacking and deliberate destruction of 4 separate aircraft by terrorists resulted in the deaths of thousands.

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American Airlines, Flight 11, a Boeing 767, on a scheduled flight from Boston to Los Angeles, crashes into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York.

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United Airlines, Flight 175, a Boeing 767, on a scheduled flight from Boston to Los Angeles, crashes into the south tower of the World Trade Center in New York.

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American Airlines, Flight 77, a Boeing 757, on a scheduled flight from Washington D.C. to Los Angeles, moments after crashing into the Pentagon.

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Wreckage of United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757, on a scheduled flight from Newark to San Francisco, which crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

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Date: October 08, 2001

Location: Milan, Italy

Aircraft: MD-87


Airline:Scandinavian Airlines

Flight No:


Fatalities: 114 : 114 +4

The aircraft was taking off from Linate Airport in fog and poor visibility when it struck a German Cessna Citation II business jet. The MD-87 then swerved off the runway and collided with the airport's baggage handling building, bursting into flames. Caused largely by human error and poorly followed safety procedures.

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Date: November 12, 2001

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Location: Belle Harbor, Queens, New York

Aircraft: Airbus A-300-605R

Reg: N14053

Airline: American Airlines

Flight No: 587

Fatalities: 260 : 260 +5

Three minutes after taking off and while in a climbing left turn, at 2,800 ft., parts of the plane, including the vertical stabilizer and rudder, fell from the aircraft. The crew soon lost control of the plane which nose dived and crashed into a residential neighborhood. After flying into the wake turbulence of two aircraft about two minutes into the flight, investigators believe a series of quick rudder swings by the copilot whipped the tail so severely that the fin broke off

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Date: November 24, 2001

Location: Birchwil, Switzerland

Aircraft: BAE Avro RJ100


Airline: Crossair

Flight No: 3597

Fatalities: 33 : 24

The aircraft was flying through a mix of rain and snow on final approach, when it crashed in a wooded area. American pop singer, Melanie Thornton, 34, killed. Maria Serano Serano and Nathaly van het Ende both 27, and members of the pop-music trio, Passion Fruit, also killed.

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Date: April 15, 2002

Location: Busan, South Korea

Aircraft: Boeing B-767-200ER

Reg: B-2552

Airline: Air China

Flight No: 129

Fatalities: 166 : 128

The aircraft crashed onto a mountain, in fog, wind and rain while attempting to land at Kimhae Airport. A strong southerly wind required the aircraft to make a turn and approach the runway from the north. The aircraft crashed near the peak of Mt. Mulbong, approximately 3 mile north of the runway. The plane bounced three times before hitting the ground and exploding

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Date: January 09, 2003

Location: Near Chachapoyas, Peru

Aircraft: Fokker 28 Fellowship 1000

Reg: OB-1396

Airline: TANS Airlines

Flight No: 222

Fatalities: 46 : 46

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The aircraft crashed into 11,500 ft. Coloque mountain at an altitude of 7,550 ft., about 30 minutes after leaving Chiclayo and three minutes from landing at Chachapoyas. Controlled flight into terrain. Crew did not follow standard procedures. Lack of communication between the crew.

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Date: July 08, 2003

Location: Port Sudan, Sudan

Aircraft: Boeing 737-2J8C


Airline: Sudan Airways

Flight No: 139

Fatalities: 117 : 116

The plane's crew reported technical difficulties 10 minutes after taking off from Port Sudan Airport. The plane crashed into a hillside, 3 miles from the airport as the crew tried to return and make emergency landing. A three-year-old boy was the only survivor.

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Date: February 02, 2005

Location: Near Peshawar, Pakistan

Aircraft: Boeing B-737-200

Reg: EX-037

Airline: Kam Air

Flight No: 904

Fatalities: 104 : 104

Unable to land at Kabul because of a blizzard, the crew tried to reach Peshawar, Pakistan but crashed into 11,000 ft. Chaperi Mountain near Kabul.

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Date: July 09, 2006

Location: Irkutsk, Russia

Aircraft: Airbus A-310-324ET


Airline: Sibir (S7)

Flight No: 778

Fatalities: 203 : 128

The plane was landing at Irkutsk International Airport in rain and low visibility when it veered off and overran the runway, struck a building and burst into flames. It was reported the plane was traveling at a high rate of speed when it landed. The braking system may have failed.

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Date: February 4, 2012 Time: 15:55

Location: Near Berry, NSW, Australia

Operator: Bankstown Helicopter Pty. Ltd.

AC Type:

Robinson R44


Aboard:2 Fatalities: 2 Ground: 0

Route: Jaspers Brush - Jervis Bay

Details: The helicopter crashed and burned soon after taking off from Jasper Bush Airfield. American cinematographer Michael deGruy 60, and Australian TV producer Andrew Wight, 52 were killed. They were working on a documentary for National Geographic.

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Date: January 30,2012 Time: 08:45

Location: Namoya, Congo

Operator: TRACEP Congo Aviation

AC Type:

Antonov AN-28

Reg: 9QCUN cn:

Aboard: 5 Fatalities: 3 Ground: 0

Route: Bukavu - Namoya

Details: The cargo plane was on approach to land when it crashed in a forest 10km from Namoya.

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Date: January 12, 2012

Location: Near Skopje, Macedonia

Operator: Military - Macedonian Air Force

AC Type:


Reg: ?

Aboard: 11 Fatalities: 11 Ground: 0

Route: Bosnia - Macedonia

Details: The helicopter crashed in foggy conditions while on a peace keeping mission, 15 miles southeast of Skopje.

AP Photo

Date: January 10,2012 Time: 10:00

Location: North Spirit Lake, Ontario, Canada

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Operator: Keystone air Service Limited

AC Type: Piper PA-31-350 Navajo Chieftain

Reg: C-GOSU cn: 31-7752148

Aboard: 5 Fatalities: 4 Ground: 0

Route: Winnipeg - North Spirit Lake

Details: While on approach, the plane crashed on a frozen lake, 1 km from the runway. The crash occurred during blizzard conditions.

Date: December 10, 2011 Time: 14:45

Location: Paranaque City, Philippines

Operator: Aviation Technology Innovators

AC Type: Beechcraft 65-80 Queen Air

Reg: RP-C824 cn: LD-21

Aboard: 3 Fatalities: 3 Ground: 11

Route: Manila - San Jose

Details: The cargo plane crashed into a school building of Felixberto Serrano Elementary school shortly after taking off. All three occupants of the aircraft and at least eleven residents of the neighborhood around the school were killed. The pilot reported a mechanical trouble before crash, and was attempting to return to the airport when it crashed.

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Date: December 7, 2011 Time: 16:45

Location: Near Henderson, Nevada

Operator: Sundance Helicopters Inc.

AC Type: Aerospatiale AS-350 B2 Ecureuil

Reg: N37SH cn: 2300

Aboard: 5 Fatalities: 5 Ground: 0

Route: Sightseeing

Details: The touring helicopter on a sightseeing flight of the Las Vegas Strip and Hoover Dam, crashed into a mountainside between Lake Mead and Henderson.

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Date: November 28, 2011 Time: 22:50

Location: Riverwoods, Illinois

Operator: Trans North Aviation Ltd.

AC Type: Piper PA-31-350 Navajo Chieftain

Reg: N59773 cn: 31-7652044

Aboard: 5 Fatalities: 3 Ground: 0

Route: Jesup - Chicago

Details: The air ambulance crashed into a wooded area after the pilot reported having fuel problems. The patient, the patient's wife and one other person onboard was killed.

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. AP Photo

Date: November 23, 2011

Location: Near Sugapa, Indonesia

Operator: Susi Air

AC Type: Cessna 208B Grand Caravan

Reg: PK-VVG cn: 208B-1308

Aboard: 2 Fatalities: 1 Ground: 0

Route: Nabire - Sugapa

Details: While attempting to land, the pilot of the cargo plane pulled up from the approach to avoid a pedestrian on the runway and crashed into the surrounding mountains, seven miles away. The copilot was killed.

Date: November 11, 2011 Time: 08:55

Location: Near Santa Catarina Atoyzingo, Mexico

Operator: Fuerza Aerea Mexicana

AC Type: Aerospatiale AS 332L1 Super Puma

Reg: XC-UHM cn: 2127

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Aboard: 8 Fatalities: 8 Ground: 0

Route: Campo Militar Marte, Mexico City - Ciudad de Cuernavaca, Morelos

Details: The Mexican presidential helicopter crashed into the side of a hill in low clouds, at a height of 2,600 meters. The helicopter carried the Secretary of the Interior, José Francisco Blake Mora and other government officials.


Date: November 10, 2011 Time: 12:15

Location: Near Kilohana, Molokai, Hawaii

Operator: Blue Hawaiian Helicopter

AC Type: Eurocopter EC-130

Reg: ?

Aboard: 5 Fatalities: 5 Ground: 0

Route: Sightseeing

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Details: The sightseeing helicopter, on a tourist excursion of West Maui and Molokai, slammed into a mountainside and burst into flames while flying in heavy rain and winds.

Date: November 1, 2011 Time: 14:35

Location: Warsaw, Poland

Operator: LOT Flight: 16

AC Type: Boeing B767-35DER

Reg: SP-LPC cn: 28656/659

Aboard: 231 Fatalities: 0 Ground: 0

Route: Newark, NJ - Warsaw, Poland

Details: The crew carried out a gear-up landing, after the landing gear could not be deployed. No one aboard the plane was injured.


Date: October 27, 2011 Time: 04:12

Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

Operator: Northern Thunderbird Air Inc.

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AC Type: Beechcraft 100 King Air

Reg: C-GXRX cn: B-36

Aboard: 9 Fatalities: 1 Ground: 0

Route: Vancouver - Kelowna

Details: After taking off, the pilot reported problems with the aircraft and began returning to the airport. The plane crashed 900 meters short of Runway 26L. The pilot was killed.

Date: October 14, 2011

Location: Xakanaka Airstrip, Botswana

Operator: Moremi Air Charters

AC Type: Cessna 208B Grand Caravan

Reg: A2-AKD cn: 208B-0582

Aboard: 11 Fatalities: 8 Ground: 0

Route: Xakanaka Airstrip - Pom Pom Airstrip

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Details: The sightseeing plane crashed immediately after taking off from Xakanaka Airstrip in the Okavango Delta. A pilot and seven passengers were killed.

Date: October 13, 2011 Time: 17:00

Location: Near Madang, Papua New Guinea

Operator: Airline PNG Flight: 1600

AC Type: de Havilland Canada DHC-8-102

Reg: P2-MCJ cn: 125

Aboard: 32 Fatalities: 28 Ground: 0

Route: Lae - Madang

Details: While on approach to Madang, the plane crashed into dense forest near the Gogol River, 20 km south of Madang. The two pilots and two pasengers survived the accident.

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Date: October 4, 2011 Time: 11:47

Location: Near Lutsek'e, NT, Canada

Operator: Air Tindi Flight: 200

AC Type: Cessna 208B Grand Caravan I

Reg: C-GATV cn: 208B-0308

Aboard: 4 Fatalities: 2 Ground: 0

Route: Yellowknife - Lutsek'e

Details: The plane hit the top of a hill while enroute, approximately 20 nm from Lutsek'e Airport. The pilot and one passenger were killed.

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Date: September 29, 2011 Time: 07:38

Location: Near Bohorok, Indonesia

Operator: Nusantara Buana Air

AC Type: CASA NC-212 Aviocar 200

Reg: PK-TLF cn:

Aboard: 18 Fatalities: 18 Ground: 0

Route: Medan - Kutacane

Details: Contact with the plane was lost 10 minutes after taking off from Medan. Wreckage was located near Bohorok, on the slope of a mountain 6,100 feet high. Fourteen passengers and a crew of 4 were aboard the plane.

Date: September 25, 2011 Time: 07:31

Location: Near Kathmandu, Nepal

Operator: Buddha Air

AC Type: Beechcraft 1900D

Reg: 9N-AEK cn: UE-295

Aboard: 19 Fatalities: 19 Ground: 0

Route: Sightseeing

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Details: The Mt. Everest sightseeing flight struck terrain while on approach to Kathmandu-Tribhuvan Airport. All 16 tourists and crew of three were killed. One passenger survived the accident but died on the way to the hospital.

Date: September 22, 2011 Time: 13:15

Location: Yellowknife, Northwesst Territories, Canada

Operator: Arctic Sunwest Charters

AC Type: De Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter

Reg: C-GARW cn: 367

Aboard: 9 Fatalities: 2 Ground: 0

Route: Thor Lake - Great Slave Lake

Details: While coming in for a landing at Great Slave Lake the float plane hit powerlines, a car and part of a building. Both pilots were killed.

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Date: September 20, 2011

Location: Near Cap-Haitien, Haiti

Operator: SALSA d'Haiti Flight: 112

AC Type: Beachcraft 99A

Reg: HH-APA cn: U-123

Aboard: 3 Fatalities: 3 Ground: 0

Route: Port au Prince - Cap Haitien

Details: The plane crashed into a flooded sugar cane field while attempting to land in heavy rain and thunderstorms. The passenger and both pilots were killed.

Date: September 14, 2011 Time: 12:00

Location: Huambo, Angola

Operator: Military - FANA Forca Aerea Nacional Angolana

AC Type: Embraer 120ER Brasilia

Reg: T-500 cn: 120357

Aboard: 36 Fatalities: 30 Ground: 0

Route: Huambo - Luanda

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Details: The military plane crashed, broke in two and burned while attempting to takeoff from Huambo Airport. Six persons survived including the pilot and copilot.

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You will need an MP3 player to hear the recordings.

Caution, may be disturbing to some individuals! Discretion is advised!

The reader of these reports is cautioned that the transcription of a CVR tape is not a precise science but is the best product possible from an NTSB

group investigative effort. The transcript, or parts thereof, if taken out of context, could be misleading. The attached CVR transcript should be viewed as

an accident investigation tool to be used in conjunction with other evidence gathered during the investigation. Conclusions or interpretations should not be

made using the transcript as the sole source of information.

PlaneCrashInfo.com makes no claim of copyright of the audio files on this page. Copyright of Cockpit Voice Recordings belongs to the airline whose aircraft

was involved in the accident.


07 Jul 1962 Alitalia 771 Unable to make out your last message, will you please repeat

07 May 1964 Pacific Air Lines 773 Skipper's shot! We've been shot. I was trying to help.

08 Nov 1965 American Airlines 383 Have you still got the runway OK? Ah .. just barely .. we'll pick up the ILS here.

30 Jun 1967 Thai International 601 I have no radar contact with you.

06 Nov 1967 Trans World Airlines 159 Not very # far off the runway. Sure as # isn't.

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10 Aug 1968 Piedmont Airlines 230 Watch it!

05 Jan 1969 Ariana Afghan Airlines 701 We're finished!

20 Mar 1969 Avion Airways - Four two delta got the strobe lights in sight

05 Jul 1970 Air Canada 621 Pete, sorry.

08 Dec 1972 United Air Lines 553 Sound of stickshaker begins and continues to end of recording

29 Dec 1972 Eastern Air Lines 401 Hey, what's happening here?

27Mar 1977 Pan Am / KLM 1736/4805 There he is .. look at him! Goddamn that son-of-a-bitch is coming! Get off!

ATC 04 Apr 1977 Southern Airways 242 We’re going to do it right here.

11 Feb 1978 Pacific Western Airlines 314 He's the emergency he's crashed and is burning off the end of the runway.

ATC 25 Sep 1978 Pacific Southwest Airlines 182 Ma I love you.

23 Dec 1978 Alatalia 4128 So he gave us wrong indications. We thought we were to the left.

28 Dec 1978 United Air Lines 173 United 173, Mayday! We're... the engines are flaming out - we're going down!

ATC 25 May 1979 American Airlines 191 Look at this. He blew up an engine. Equipment. We need equipment.

28 Nov 1979 Air New Zealand 901 Actually, these conditions don't look very good at all, do they?

19Aug 1980 Saudi Arabian Airlines 163 No need for that, we are okay, no problem, no problem.

CVR 13 Jan 1982 Air Florida 90 Larry, we're going down, Larry.... I know it!

01 Sep 1983 Korean Airlines 007 What's happened?

CVR 02 Aug 1985 Delta Airlines 191 Push it way up.

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CVR 12 Aug 1985 Japan Airlines 123 All hydraulics failed.

BDCST 22 Oct 1986 WNBC news copter - ...hit the water...hit the water...hit the water.

08 Jun 1988 VASP 168 What? There's what? Some hills, isn't there?

31 Aug 1986 Aeromexico 498 Oh #### this can't be!Oh #### this can't be!

09 May 1987 LOT Polish Airlines 5055 Goodnight, Goodbye, We Perish!

28 Nov 1987 South African Airways 295 We have, er, a smoke problem and we are doing an emergency descent!

ATC 28 Apr 1988 Aloha Airlines 243 We cannot communicate with the flight attendants.

26 Jun 1988 Air France 296Q Watch out for those pylons ahead, eh. See them? Yeah, yeah, don't worry.

CVR 31 Aug 1988 Delta Airlines 1141 We got an engine failure. We're not gonna make it. Full power..

08 Feb 1989 Independent Air 1851 Can't keep this SOB thing straight up and down.

24 Feb 1989 United Airlines 811 What the hell was that? I don't know.

07 Jun 1989 Surinam Airways 764 That's it I'm dead.

CVR 19 JUl 1989 United Air Lines 232 Nah, I can't pull 'em off or we'll lose it, that's what's turning ya.

25 Jan 1990 AVIANCA 052 Flame out! Flame out on engine number four.

01 Feb 1991 USAir/Skywest 1493/5569 Okay, we just had a seven thirty-seven land and blow up

03 Mar 1991 United Airlines 585 Oh, God ... flip!

26 May 1991 Lauda Air 004 Ah, reverser's deployed.

ATC 04 Oct 1992 El Al 1862 Going down...eh...1862, going down, going down, copied going down?

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21 Dec 1992 Martinair 495 A bit low, bit low, bit low.

31 Mar 1993 Japan Airlines 46E Lost number one and two.

18 Aug 1993 American Int. Airways 808 There it goes, there it goes! Oh no!

04 Apr 1994 KLM Cityhopper 195 Watch your speed. Going around.

26 Apr 1994 China Airlines 140 It's OK, It's OK, don't hurry, don't hurry.

02 Jul 1994 USAir 1016 Down, push it down.

08 Sep 1994 USAir 427 Hang on. What the hell is this?

31 Oct 1994 American Eagle 4134 OK, mellow it out, mellow it out.

13 Dec 1994 American Eagle 3379 Why's that ignition light on? We just had a flame-out?

21 Aug 1995 Atlantic Southeast Airlines 529 Amy, I love you.

22 Sept 1995 U.S. Air Force 27 Crash landing. We're goin' in. We're going down.

20 Dec 1995 America Airlines 965 Uh.. where are we.

06 Feb 1996 Birgen Air 301 Oh what's happening

ATC 11 May 1996 Valujet 592 Uh, smoke in the cockpit... smoke in the cabin.

ATC 17 Jul 1996 TWA 800 I think that was him. I think so. God bless him.

29 Aug 1996 Vnokovo Airlines 2601 Mountains!!!

02 Oct 1996 Aeroperu 603 What shit have they done?

19 Nov 1996 United Express 5925 What, oooh ###. Oh ### me.

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ATC 06 Aug 1997 Korean Air 801 Well, he must have crashed then.

26 Sep 1997 Garuda Indonesia Airlines 152 Aaaaaa. Allah Akbar.

16 Feb 1998 China Airlines 676 Oh my God! Oh my God!

ATC 02 Sep 1998 Swissair 111 And we are declaring emergency now Swissair one eleven.

01 Jun 1999 American Airlines 1420 Aw ####, we're off course...we're way off.

31 Oct 1999 Egypt Air 990 I rely on God

13 Jan 2000 Avisto - OK we are ditching.

ATC 31 Jan 2000 Alaska Airlines 261 Ah here we go.

17 Jul 2000 Indian/Alliance Airlines 7412 Would like to do one 360 due to high on approach Sir.

19 Jul 2000 Airwave Transport 9807 What the #### is going on?

25 Jul 2000 Air France 4590 Concorde forty-five ninety you have flames, you have flames behind you.

31 Oct 2000 Singapore Airlines 006 #### something there.

04 Jul 2001 Vladivostokavia 352 That’s all guys! Fuck!

11 Sep 2001 United Air Lines 93 When they all come, we finish it off.

12 Nov 2001 American Airlines 587 What the hell are we into. We're stuck in it.

08 Nov 2002 Richmor Aviation - Oh # what's that.

22 Jun 2003 Brit Air 5572 I have nothing in front of me.

03 Jan 2004 Flash Air 604 See what the aircraft did!

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27 Aug 2006 Comair 5191 That's weird with no lights.

ATC 15 Jan 2009 US Airways 1549 We're gonna be in the Hudson.

12 Feb 2009 Continental Express 3407 We're down.

ATC 04 Apr 2010 Polish Air Force 1549 F*ckkkkkk
