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History of European Cooperation and Integration

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History of European Cooperation and Integration. The Beginnings of European Integration after World War II. Introduction. New website for this class: http://mravinac.pbwiki.com/european_integration Pro-integrationist forces after WWII Post-war challenges in Europe - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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History of European History of European Cooperation and Cooperation and Integration Integration The Beginnings of The Beginnings of European Integration European Integration after World War II after World War II
Page 1: History of European Cooperation and Integration

History of European History of European Cooperation and Cooperation and


The Beginnings of European The Beginnings of European Integration after World War IIIntegration after World War II

Page 2: History of European Cooperation and Integration


New website for this class: New website for this class:


Pro-integrationist forces after WWIIPro-integrationist forces after WWII Post-war challenges in EuropePost-war challenges in Europe The beginnings of economic integrationThe beginnings of economic integration Failure of “common defense” projectFailure of “common defense” project The Treaties of RomeThe Treaties of Rome

Page 3: History of European Cooperation and Integration

1) Pro-integrationist forces after 1) Pro-integrationist forces after WWIIWWII

WWIIWWII – a new impulse for federalist movement – a new impulse for federalist movement Diverging views on how the face of Europe Diverging views on how the face of Europe

should be changedshould be changed DecemberDecember 1947 – 1947 – International Movement for International Movement for

European Unity European Unity – a committee coordinating – a committee coordinating activities of various organizations promoting activities of various organizations promoting European unityEuropean unity- - Prominent members includedProminent members included W. ChW. Churchill aurchill andnd Coudenhove-CCoudenhove-Calerghialerghi; supported by the US; supported by the US

European Congress inEuropean Congress in Haagu Haaguee

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European Congress inEuropean Congress in Haagu Haague – e – May 1948May 1948

Attracted high profile statesmenAttracted high profile statesmen: : Robert Robert Schuman, Alcide de Gasperi, Paul-Henri Schuman, Alcide de Gasperi, Paul-Henri Spaak, Konrád AdenauerSpaak, Konrád Adenauer

GoalGoal: : to negotiate proposals for creation of to negotiate proposals for creation of European organization fostering European organization fostering political, cultural political, cultural and economic cooperationand economic cooperation

Conflict between Conflict between federalistfederalistss a andnd intergovernmentalistsintergovernmentalists

Paved way for the Paved way for the Council of EuropeCouncil of Europe

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Council of EuropeCouncil of Europe

May 5,May 5, 1949 - 1949 - Council of EuropeCouncil of Europe Statute signed in Statute signed in LondLondonon

First post-First post-WWII WWII international political org. in Europeinternational political org. in Europe- - 10 founding members10 founding members (Bel, (Bel, NetNet, Lu, Luxx, D, Denen, Fr, Ir, Fr, Iree, It, Itaa, Nor, , Nor,

SweSwe, , UKUK))- - Seat in StrasbourgSeat in Strasbourg - - Active in the area of Active in the area of human rights and political human rights and political

freedomsfreedoms- Core:Core: European Convention for the Protection of Human European Convention for the Protection of Human

Rights and Fundamentals Freedoms Rights and Fundamentals Freedoms --19501950- European Court of Human RightsEuropean Court of Human Rights- “Democratic conscience of Europe”- “Democratic conscience of Europe”- - today: 46 members vs.today: 46 members vs. puny political impactpuny political impact

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22) ) Post-war challenges in EuropePost-war challenges in Europe

Economic instability – limits of common Economic instability – limits of common actionaction

““The German Problem”The German Problem” USSR and its sphere of influenceUSSR and its sphere of influence

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Economic instability – limits of Economic instability – limits of common actioncommon action

Economic problems threaten political stability and Economic problems threaten political stability and cooperationcooperation

Marshall plMarshall plaann – 1947: 13 – 1947: 13 billionbillion USD = 5% US HNP) USD = 5% US HNP) Conditionality Conditionality – – recipients must strip down trade barriers recipients must strip down trade barriers

& create an international org. to distribute the aid& create an international org. to distribute the aid Also offered to USSR and its satellites – turned downAlso offered to USSR and its satellites – turned downOEECOEEC – – 1948 – 1948 – to distribute aidto distribute aid, , reduce tariffs & quotasreduce tariffs & quotas, ,

support international tradesupport international trade-- conflict between French conflict between French ( (supranatsupranat.) .) && BritishBritish (intgov.) (intgov.) approachapproach – intgov. – intgov. wonwon


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““The German Problem”The German Problem”

Opposing views on GER future on part of the Opposing views on GER future on part of the occupation powersoccupation powers US, FR, GB US, FR, GB and Uand USSRSSR

AnxiousAnxious FR FR Brusels Bruselss pact in 1948s pact in 1948 Eventually, western allies agreed on common Eventually, western allies agreed on common

stance (reaction to Soviet activities)stance (reaction to Soviet activities) Introduction of Deutsche MarkIntroduction of Deutsche Mark 1948 1948 BerlBerlin in

blockadeblockade considered an opening scene of the considered an opening scene of the Cold WarCold War

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Soviet tSoviet threathreat

US administration feared growing US administration feared growing influence of USSR influence of USSR

NATO – April 4, 1949 – Defensive alliance NATO – April 4, 1949 – Defensive alliance of US, CAN and European allies of US, CAN and European allies (without (without GER), European allies little to contributeGER), European allies little to contribute

FR – FR – very anxious about potential very anxious about potential resurgence of GER power resurgence of GER power need to find need to find a solutiona solution

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33) ) The beginnings of economic The beginnings of economic integrationintegration

Ruhr AuthorityRuhr Authority – – 1948 – 1948 – strategic resources control by strategic resources control by AlliesAllies

Schuman Schuman planplan ( (author - author - Jean Monnet)Jean Monnet)- - Gradual integration of economic sectorsGradual integration of economic sectors- Based on common market with coal and steelBased on common market with coal and steel- By fostering interdependence – growth of trust, By fostering interdependence – growth of trust,

economic prosperity, normalization of international economic prosperity, normalization of international relationsrelations

- Form: Form: supranational organization managed by High supranational organization managed by High Authority Authority – – independent on governments, powerfulindependent on governments, powerful

USAUSA supported the idea from the outset supported the idea from the outset

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Schuman Plan in EuropeSchuman Plan in Europe

GERGER supported supported Schuman plSchuman planan ( (ChancellorChancellor Adenauer) – Adenauer) – reasonsreasons:: emancipation emancipation, , industrial developmentindustrial development

Other interested partiesOther interested parties – IT, Benelux – IT, Benelux UKUK + + “Nordic fringe”“Nordic fringe” – – not supportivenot supportive. .

ReasonsReasons – s – ssovereignty and different sovereignty and different economic policieseconomic policies

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EEuropean Coal and Steel uropean Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)Community (ECSC)

Members not united over the powers and institutional structure of Members not united over the powers and institutional structure of the proposed community the proposed community compromise between compromise between federativfederativee a andnd intergov. approachintergov. approach::

High AuthorityHigh Authority – fed., – fed., CouncilCouncil – – intergovintergov HAHA – – main executive powers within the Treaty’s frameworkmain executive powers within the Treaty’s framework Council Council – – Must approve HA actions, balancing the influence of big Must approve HA actions, balancing the influence of big

member states (MS)member states (MS) AssemblyAssembly – – weak, merely control by national parliamentsweak, merely control by national parliaments Court of JusticeCourt of Justice – – independent arbiter, highest legal authorityindependent arbiter, highest legal authority ECSC based on political consensusECSC based on political consensus

Treaty of Treaty of PaPaririss April April 1951 – 1951 – GER,FR, BEL, NET, LUX, ITA,GER,FR, BEL, NET, LUX, ITA, limited limited to 50 yearsto 50 years

- - Predestined Predestined modus operandi modus operandi of all subsequent ECsof all subsequent ECs

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44) ) Failure of “common defense” Failure of “common defense” projectproject

EECSCCSC – – partially dispelledpartially dispelled FR FR anxiety overanxiety over GERGER USA USA pushing for GER remilitarization for defense pushing for GER remilitarization for defense

purposespurposes FR FR against GER admission toagainst GER admission to NATO – NATO – weakly policedweakly policed PlevenPleven plplaann – – European armies joined under single European armies joined under single

supranational command, creation of European Defense supranational command, creation of European Defense CommunityCommunity

• EEDCDC linked withlinked with E ECSC via politicalCSC via political cooperation in the cooperation in the framework of framework of EEuropean uropean PPolitical olitical CCommunity (EPC)ommunity (EPC)

• 1953 – EDC turned down by FR parliament1953 – EDC turned down by FR parliament

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Further Economic IntegrationFurther Economic Integration

Federalists’ attempts for political community Federalists’ attempts for political community failedfailed

EECSCCSC – – successfulsuccessful, , fast development of new fast development of new economic sectors offered another chanceeconomic sectors offered another chance

Further developmentFurther development – – intergovernmental or intergovernmental or supranationalsupranational??

- IntergovernmentalIntergovernmental – – broad support by most WE broad support by most WE statesstates

- SupranationalSupranational – – greater added value from greater added value from federalists’ point of viewfederalists’ point of view

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Further Economic Integration (2)Further Economic Integration (2)

ECSC member chose the supranational ECSC member chose the supranational formula (influenced by Monnet)formula (influenced by Monnet)

Two strands Two strands

- Common market- Common market- Nuclear energyNuclear energy

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5) The Treaties of Rome5) The Treaties of Rome

March March 1957 – EURATOM a1957 – EURATOM andnd E EECEC Unlimited time-spanUnlimited time-span Three Three „E„Euuropropeanean CommunitiesCommunities““ Similar institutional structureSimilar institutional structure Mandate given by international treatiesMandate given by international treaties

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EURATOMEURATOM GoalGoal: : common market with nuclear material, common market with nuclear material,

R&D support for peaceful purposes, proliferation R&D support for peaceful purposes, proliferation control control

Common development strategy, sharing of Common development strategy, sharing of informationinformation

Initially perceived as more progressive (broader Initially perceived as more progressive (broader consensus) consensus)

- LIMITS: project limited by changing national LIMITS: project limited by changing national interestsinterests

- Common market limited, states kept control of Common market limited, states kept control of strategic resources supply chainsstrategic resources supply chains

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EEuropean Economic Community uropean Economic Community (EEC)(EEC)

Goal: creation of common market based Goal: creation of common market based on the so-called 4 freedoms – goods, on the so-called 4 freedoms – goods, capital, persons and servicescapital, persons and services

In steps:In steps: Free trade area, customs union Free trade area, customs union and harmonization of legal requirements and harmonization of legal requirements

Broad and often open-ended mBroad and often open-ended mandandaattee ((seesee ArtArt 2) 2)

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InstituInstituttionionaal l SStrutruccturturee of EECof EEC

Based on Based on EECCSSC modelC model Commission, Council of Ministers, Commission, Council of Ministers,

Assembly, Court of Justice and an Assembly, Court of Justice and an advisory body called Economic and Social advisory body called Economic and Social Committee (ECOSOC)Committee (ECOSOC)

Assembly and CourtAssembly and Court – – Common for all Common for all CommunitiesCommunities

Other institutions merged in 1965 via Other institutions merged in 1965 via Merger TreatyMerger Treaty

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Reasons forging EC both external and Reasons forging EC both external and internal pressuresinternal pressures

Supranational cooperation, only six “core” Supranational cooperation, only six “core” countries countries

Other states reluctant to compromise on Other states reluctant to compromise on their sovereignty their sovereignty

Economic cooperation – viable alternative Economic cooperation – viable alternative to political and defense cooperationto political and defense cooperation

Similar trends observable till todaySimilar trends observable till today

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Founding Treaties ECSC, EURATOM, Founding Treaties ECSC, EURATOM, EEC at EEC at http://eur-lex.europa.euhttp://eur-lex.europa.eu


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