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History of Romania

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History of ROMANIA
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HISTORY OF ROMANIA Created by: Marcu Alexandru Dascalaș Olga

History of Romania

History of RomaniaCreated by: Marcu Alexandru Dascala OlgaRomania is a country localed in Europe, north of the Balkan Peninsula and on the western shore of the Black Sea. It borders Hungary, Serbia, Ukraine, Moldova, and Bulgaria

Its capital and largest city, Bucharest, is the sixth largest city in the European UnionRomania is a member of the European Union and NATO

AntiquityAncient Romania was inhabited by Thracian tribes. The Greeks called them the Getae, the Romans called them Dacians, but they were actually a single Geto-Dacian people. Their principal religion was the cult of ZalmoxisIn the 1st century BC, a strong Dacian state was established by King Burebista to counter the Roman threat

AntiquityThe last Dacian king, Decebal (87106), consolidated this state but was unable to stave off attacks led by the Roman emperor Trajan in 1012. Further attacks ensued in 1056, leading to the Roman victory at the Dacian capital of Sarmizegetusa and the final Roman conquest of the region. Dacia thus became a province of the Roman EmpireDACIA

BUREBISTADECEBAL6The middle agesWaves of migrating peoples, including the Goths, Huns, Avars, Slavs, Bulgars and Magyars (Hungarians), swept across this territory from the 4th to the 10th centuries, each leaving their mark on the local culture, language and gene poolIn the Middle Ages, Romanians lived in three Romanian principalities: Wallachia (Romanian: ara Romneasc "The Romanian Land"), Moldavia (Romanian: Moldova) and in Transylvania

The middle agesBy 1541, as with the entire Balkan peninsula and most of Hungary, Moldavia, Wallachia, and Transylvania were under Ottoman suzerainty, preserving partial or full internal autonomy until the mid-19th century (Transylvania until 1711)The rulers important in this period is: Stephen the Great, Vasile Lupu, and Dimitrie Cantemir in Moldavia; Vlad Tepes in WallachiaIn 1600 the Wallachian prince Mihai Viteazul united for the first time the three principalities into a single country

Ottoman empire

Stephen the GreatVlad epesIndependence and monarchyNationalistic themes became principal during the Wallachian uprising of 1821, and the 1848 revolutions in Wallachia and Moldavia. The flag adopted for Wallachia by the revolutionaries was a blue-yellow-red horizontal tricolour, while Romanian students in Paris hailed the new government with the same flag "as a symbol of union between Moldavians and Wallachians". The same flag, with the tricolour being mounted vertically, would later be officially adopted as the national flag of RomaniaIndependence and monarchyBut in the aftermath of the Crimean War, the electors in both Moldavia and Wallachia voted in 1859 for the same leader, Alexandru Ioan Cuza, as Domnitor (prince in Romanian), and the two principalities became a personal union formally under the suzerainty of the Ottoman EmpireIn 1877 Romania became independent from the Ottoman Empire

Alexandru Ioan Cuza the first ruler of Romania ROMANIA IN 1877World Wars and Greater RomaniaRomania remained neutral for the first two years of World War IFollowing the secret Treaty of Bucharest, according to which Romania would acquire territories with a majority of Romanian population from Austria-Hungary, it joined the Entente Powers and declared war on 27 August 1916After the war, the transfer of Bukovina from Austria by the 1919, of Banat and Transylvania from Hungary by the 1920, and of Bessarabia from Russian rule by the 1920ROMANIA IN 1920During World War II, Romania tried again to remain neutral, but on 28 June 1940, it received a Soviet ultimatum with an implied threat of invasion in the event of non-complianceFollowing the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Romania lost Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina

Seperation of Romania in 1941Romanian contribution to Operation Barbarossa was enormous, with the Romanian Army of over 1.2 million men in the summer of 1944, fighting in numbers second only to Nazi Germany. Romania was the main source of oil for the Third ReichROMANIA IN 1942From 1946 to 1989 Romania was a communist stateIn 1965, Nicolae Ceauescu came to power and started to conduct the foreign policy more independently from the Soviet Union

NICOLAE CEAUESCUThe Romanian Revolution was a period of violent civil unrest in Romania in December 1989 and part of the Revolutions of 1989 that occurred in several Warsaw Pact countries

The Romanian Revolution started in the city of Timioara, ultimately culminating in the show trial and execution of longtime Communist leader Nicolae Ceauescu, and the end of the 42 years of Communist rule in RomaniaThe total number of deaths in the Romanian Revolution was 1,104.The number of wounded was 3,352After 1989 Romania has become a democratic country

In 2004 the country became a member of NATO

and in 2007 in the European UnionTHE END

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