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SIX HiTRATE OF SQQA : for fertilizers!' I I Department to Secure Supply and Furnish at Cosl to , Farmers BUT ONLY FOR CASH WILL HAVE A SYSTEM t The Great Increase in Price in Chile Is Without Justification. Secretary Houston stated to-day (September 2G) that the Department cf Agriculture has for some time been giving careful consideration to the problem of securing nitrate of soda for fertilizer use. Under a recent authorization of Congress there is available an appropriation of $10,000,000 to be used, at the discretion of the President, to secure nitrate of soda and to supply it to farmers a' cost for cash. It is imposed to coordinate all the Government purchases of Chilean ni- 1 trate for this country through the purchasing committee of the war industries board, under the immediate supervision of Mr. Baruch, so that there will he no competitive bidding for this material. This should very much simplify the problem and make :t feasible to secure the best nessiblo terms. The price of Chilean nitrate on board ship in Chile has greatly increased wihtin recent months without justification. Shipping: rates a's * hrve increased. The increase in price is due in part to unfounded state- [' ments regarding the demand Chilean nitrate for munition pur- poses and for fertilizers, especially in connection with the S10.00v1.000 re cently appropriated by Congress \< purchase nitrate of soda. As a mat- ter of fact, the demands of this country for nitrate of soda v.-i1! ho smaller li en heretofore. The Na,?y ahead bar placed contracts for tlvs matori: l to satisfy its needs for the next l % I? SAVi *mnu+m,3 smt.^xna^^ They are Precious !and you need them every day. Neglected might be too late # LY CUR< PEGU!,, nonths, The War Department an. flounces that practically all the scdi.nn nitrate wh'ch it has been planned to piocui'e for the gradual building no of the war reserve already has do en contracted for. The quantity which may be purchased for fertilizer L'i*e under tlie special appropriation ef Congress will not be an addition to he quantity normally used. Any quantity purchased by tlie government and sold t<> farmers will simply take the place in part of quantities heretofore supplied to them through private agencies. As a matter of fa t unless satisfactory prices can be secured, it is probable that the farmer-* will not seek as large a quantity of this material as has been used in the lest year or two. Some contracts idready have been made by farmers for nitrate of soda. In view of all these facts, it is probable that the aggregate demand for the next five or six months will be below the normal. It is certain that unless the market prices, which are now in the neighborhood of $100 a ton, fall, the formers' demand for nitrate will deci ease. As has been stated, the purchasing will be handled directly through the war industries board. The Department of Agriculture will cooperate with the purchasing committee in the effort to procure nitrate of soda. It t is authorized by law to secure facts' as to the demand for fertilizers, in eluding nitrate of soda, their supply, cc nsumption, costs, and prices, audi the basic facts re'atinir to their own-- O:\ship. production, traasporation, manufacture, storage, and distribution. This enquiry is now being pros-, Cv utcc. .hrough Bureau of Markets In connection with this the needs of farmers will be ascertained and ail amounts purchased for their use, af-! too the shipments roach the ports, \v:it be taken charge of by the depart- mont and will be distributed through department to farmers at cost for, sh. The collections will be made by 11"( department and will be turned to the Treasury. To assist the department in its activities in this dime n fllo CO'-viiww of Ml* Moll I? \V*1_ h'rsm, of Atlanta, Ga., have been seemed. He will bp given su.h nssisl: "ts as may be reeded and will have aib-»h!e the services of the experts oi; the Bureau of Soils and the Bureau of PI ant Industry. Authority has been given the President., if r.eeessmy, to license the importation, manu facture. storage, and distribution of fertilizers, to rc^rnUinBW B YO¥R. 1 ' r « 'W,.-1 Jtiijir» 'j*»"v- vr« mr-n vin\W4 * ^ 'v>-;,: : \W'J&cin , : Yours for Optometry, . SUS A. WOC EYESIGHT SPECIALIST AR OFFICE DAYS EVERY S.V THE HORKY HERA quired the licenses to submit reports, and to permit entry and inspection of their places of business. The President is further authorized, if he shul" "ir.d that any storage charge, commis- ( sion, profit, or practice of any licensee is unjust, or unreasonable, or discriminatory and unfair, to c use sue*; charge, commission, profit, or pnvtice to be discontinued, and in lieu such charge, commission, profit, or practice, may determine what is ju ' and reasonable and hip finding shah be prima facie evidence in any com" in which proceedings may be brought. It is also provided that licenses may In- revoked for cause. If it becomes necessary to exercise the licensing power, the Department of Agriculture, through a special agency, will utilize the services of the licensing division of the Food Adminsitration. There have been available no thoroughly satisfactory data as to the yields of crops due solely to the aplication of nitrate of soda, and therefore, as to the price at which farmers - an afford to use it. Realizing this fact, the Secretary of Agriculture directed the Bureau of Plant Industry lost spring to make 100 experiments. These experiments are being mad< with corn in 5 Southern States Yir- ginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Gorgia, and Alabama in 10 countie in each State, and on 2 farms in each county. It is hoped that the results of th.e investigation will be available within the next six weeks. When information >s secured it will promptly be given publicity. o Catarrh Cannot Be Cured. with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, a* they cannot reach the seat of the dis- case. Catarrh is a local disease,! great iy influenced by constitutional conditions, and in order to cuie it you must take an internal romedv. Hal '- Catarrh .Medicine is taken internal'y and acts thiu the blood on tlie mucous surfaces of the system. Hall's Ca tarrh Medicine was prescribed by orm of the best physicians in this country i\ r years. It is composed of some of! the best tonics known, combined w'th some of the best blood purifiers. The' perfect combination of th° ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Medicine is what produces results in catarrhal condi- Hons. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. All dnurvrisLs, T'c. Hall's Family Pills for const pa-i tion.---adv Foe to Waste. "Are you a tramp? "No. mum. I'm ft food conserver. lfave you got tins old food you don't want wasted?" .J 5 | P W?** /\ f * m »>® I 1 will be in my of- S fice at Horry Drug g Store every day Fair week Nov 13 to 16. i 3DRUFF TURDAY ' LP, CONWAY, 8. O. HOUR III LOAD OF |J We have in a lot of Horse and Wagons, and expect assortment all the rest of us if in need of any thing Vsm ir»o l Vtll O JENKINS TABOR, N0R1 WILSON ASKS HELP IN FOOD GAMPNSK! President Appeals to Country j j. - 10 rromoic uonsirvauoii Movement MUST ASSIST ALLIES TO WIN THE WAR Every Home and Pu; iic Satins Place in America Urged to Assist. Washington. President Wilson, in a statement issued today, urged eve) y home and public eating place in the United States to pledge its support to the food administration ami to comply with its request. His appeal marked the inauguration of family' ni illmcnt week, during which eve ryot dy in the country v ill ho asked V »o ome a member of the food udmiastration in order to assure nationhie cooperation in foo'd conservation. The president said that in no other v ay than through this cooperation of -he people can the nation act omplish ts object ia the war. The stateuicat follows: "The chief part of the burden of inding food supplier- for the people.! sociated with us in war falls for l*e present upon the A:: i"»* * rr. pe p'o an 1 the drain upon ru ories or uch a scadc necessarily affects the I i o oh vr r.:ressari o life "Ou; country, i ovevrr, is h'o-S'U v:,li an abundance o'' foodstuffs a:v if our people will economize in I'm*" u o o.' foods p'Mvide p! y confinin ! e.T.sc ives to ' r< quire Vr the maintenance '' herith an -1 .a n>»th; if they will oli, n'oate wa Ue and if they will make use of thos j cran.edifies or which have a siv-, j ins and thus free for e::port a large pi oportion of those pequircd by tin oi ld now dependant upon us, we -hall not only he able to accomplish o,M* obligations to thorn but we shall obtain and establish reasonable prices heme. To provide an adequate supply of food both for our own soli licrs on the other side of the sea? and for 'he civil populations and the armies of the Allies is one of on; first and foremost obligations; for if we are to maintain their constancy j ' 1 this struggle for the independence ! >f ah nation:- we must first maintain their health and strength. The solu| ti >;i of our food problems, therefore, is d< p' ndant upon the individual ser{ rice cf every man, woman and child in the United States. The great voluntary effort in this direction which has ben initiated an organized by the food administration under my direction offers an opportunity of seri vTo in the war which is open to every II ii dividual and by which every individual may serve both his own people jj and the peoples of the world. "Wc cannot accomplish our objects in this great war without sacifice and devotion and in no direction can that ;acrifice and devotion be shown more ll.an by each home and public eating place in the country pledging its support to the food administration and complying with its requests. (Signed) "Woodrow Wilson." o NOTICE There ha? taken up at my farm one black frizzle backed sow, marked crop ; and underbit in right, crop and hole in the left ear Owner please call and pay for advertisement. G. F. TODD. Alisbrook, S. C., RFD 1. KMl-Ot-pd, 11 HORSES S MULES , i s and Mules, Busflies, I" to carry on hand a good the season. Come to see I in this line, truly, i BROS. 'H CAROLINA DISCOVERY HAS PLACED THE UNITED STATES AT THE LEAR is Already Accomplishing vyontiers Greenwood Men Gains Sixteen Pounds and Overcomes Rheumatism and Stomach Trouble. The i.ircovery of Yitona place America ahead of the world in ;,noth e>- branch. In fact, it is one of t sfirst real medical discoveries tin can be said to be typically American and it is at a par with other urea American inventions, such as ti < telegraph, telephone, aer< plane, an submarine. Richard II. Henry. a wed lp'owi young liiimer, who lives on K. ! *. I) Nu. M, Greenwood, says: "I suffered with rhcumati m ovt since 1 wax a clwild. 1 also listem ach trouble and indigestion so bad had to be very careful about what 1 ate. 1 had severe pains in my slum ach after eating1 and vomiting spell would set in. Gas would form on m\ stomach and give mo misery, i lw< awful rheumatism pains in i v joint and in my foot and ankles, t.nd g r s./ bad off I had to take to the hot and stay there for wo"k a I lox r at' engi h a'P.d foil off usdi' 1 weight only i 'J 1 pounds. )iy heart v. ou' heat fat ami soivKtincs ! foojetl ml hi art trouble. I t: ied all kinds < f odjeinf , but n thi; g . 'ors.od to oh so. *'\ tona got rig':' : f or : ~.y ' v:ubl :tl new i f< cl like a di 'e r.4 ma i i'he rheumatic pain ham- di numoar my heart b; egid;-r and ?ai l . y ;to;r.acb are : ih: i he pa: h: v a good an; li. n ; a., t C-* n.-.t anything I wan '- with so! a y !.: 'Teds. I am no'; r< , voux like ( va Itep *' u '<) and c<r. do n a n urd wo. I: Jo f. rnn a. a lmieh now weigh 110 p nui ls, wi "h is in of si '.ecu pound . red : :>: fail < it* i!t:y. I consider Yitoru, to he tin cutest discovery ef the a.g;c. and !> ievc it will he o'f untold benefit 1' %u fIVving human!t y." Mr. L. >S. Beam, the Vitona exper' nado the following statement: iiuiuan crj-ri:!!.^ i: J'^ vx npon the stomach, khlncys an-! Live:Who i those organs s! irk their (let ambition wanes. Vitona lostoros lone to the system and is delicately adapt ed to all forms of stomach troi'hie etVv/usnois, indigestion, rh;uiaati.xi atarrh of tl.e head and stomach.. !: ' vitalizes those who arc weak and un own. It is pro\i'£, a blessii I models of hops s. Yitona is sold by Nrruo Thug Co.. ionway, S. C.; Adams' Pharmacy \ynor, S. C. adv. o jsoj uo)sn(>H u 11111 -enuoa n acnoaaq o; Xu.w jpt; 11 u| s] soiqiunjb' oqs jj jaq sonjd puu 'skoj) -sjp U| s| aqs j| j,mi jo; A'qjuduiXH soq sjijo.w aqs ;| joq sjoods.u 'Jdqjoui u s; oqs ;j joq wjouoq '(njununq s.aqs .i«»q s«u;iupw oq.u .uoqoj eqj, *J|«J ;h po;ii.)|[duioo Xjoa « jou s| umno.u uuavo; uoni it ;o npnjnjw Jadojd aqj, dpnxuy J0doJd »MX MUSTANG || For Sprains, Lameness, 11 Sores, Cuts, Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals Stops Pain At Once For Man and Beast 25c. 50c. $1. At All Dealers. LINIMENT ire insurance I Lite Insurance - Bonds Office in PEOPLES NATIONAL .BANKW D. A. Spivey W. 55. KlngM H. H. WOODWARD, M Attorney end Counsellor at U», 4^^ CONWAV. S " fl R. a SCARBOROUGH fl Attorney at Law, 'I CONWAY. S. U M WILLIAM EUGENE KIN^. M CM Physician and Surgeon M Office iu Piatt Drug Co. AYNOR,. - - - S. C.1 CH£S. R. SCARBOROUGH CONWAY, .SOUTH CAROLINA W Complete Waterworks, Steam Ho! sa«fl ter and Hot Air Heating Plants H INSTALLED ANYWHERE 1 Only Plumbing ami Heating^g<>odaj^| and material of highest quality used.V Pull line of Tub. Toilet. I,uv#i».rwr5 ....... ,,,J_ Sink and other Bathroom Acr»'s*<,riet]^( and reprir>3 011 hand at all times. W Plnfebing and Heating. J i PUT HOT WATER AND 1 HEAT IN YOUR HOUSE J T. B. LEWIS, 1 Atty. and Councellor at Luv I CONWAY, - - - S. C.J J. M. JOHNSON, 1 CIVIL ENGINEER W MARION, S. C. M My Engineering and Surveying'* office will be open during my ab-H sence, and prepared to take carcB oc any worl; as usual. Addressn all communications as hereto U 11 S.P. HA WES | Auto Supplies, Fancy Grocenetjfl Ajax Tires, guaranteed GOOOjJ miles. Try ® rnuj->i .rj vt. M QUICK DELIVERY. i DR. J. D THOMAS fl Physician and Surgeon J T.ORIS. S. C. 1 J. 0. Norton E. S. C BakerS NORTON & BAKER I ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW I CONWAY, 0.1 LUMJUNG LAUNDRY, 1 CONWAY. S. C, 1 Beginning July lst« 1913 All persons must take iicUot>. 'or I vork left here. Ptivol-, >,o 1 delivered utP.il tiakhf i& J sen ted. Laundry n' t c led for ir. ! 30 day8 vriil be sold tor ubiir^fc*. ^ LU»I JUNG I W C SINGLETON . 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW 1 Conway, S. C. I Office up Stairs Buck Building 'M DR. G. I. LEWIS | DENTAL SURGEON * 1 Office Over Norton Drug Coiapai.j V] CONWAY. S. C. I IS a &a » h sa B si & ss u £11 | HORRY COUNTY ^ gl vra TWRA* n InUol UUMrANY g| [6j L. D. Magrath Q sa Uanager. Q 5 Real Estate et 5? Real Estate Loans ® Bonds ® sa _ Insurance H inaiiBDiinSBag I
Page 1: HiTRATE III11 I



for fertilizers!'I


Department to Secure Supplyand Furnish at Cosl to





The Great Increase in Price in

Chile Is Without Justification.

Secretary Houston stated to-day(September 2G) that the Departmentcf Agriculture has for some timebeen giving careful consideration to

the problem of securing nitrate ofsoda for fertilizer use. Under a recentauthorization of Congress thereis available an appropriation of $10,000,000to be used, at the discretion ofthe President, to secure nitrate of

soda and to supply it to farmers a'

cost for cash.It is imposed to coordinate all the

Government purchases of Chilean ni- 1trate for this country through the purchasingcommittee of the war industriesboard, under the immediate supervisionof Mr. Baruch, so that therewill he no competitive bidding forthis material. This should very muchsimplify the problem and make :tfeasible to secure the best nessibloterms. The price of Chilean nitrateon board ship in Chile has greatlyincreased wihtin recent months withoutjustification. Shipping: rates a's *

hrve increased. The increase in priceis due in part to unfounded state- ['ments regarding the demand f«Chilean nitrate for munition pur-poses and for fertilizers, especiallyin connection with the S10.00v1.000 re

cently appropriated by Congress \<

purchase nitrate of soda. As a mat-ter of fact, the demands of this countryfor nitrate of soda v.-i1! ho smallerli en heretofore. The Na,?y aheadbar placed contracts for tlvs matori: lto satisfy its needs for the next l %

I? SAVi*mnu+m,3 smt.^xna^^

They are Precious

!and you need them

every day. Neglected

might be too late



nonths, The War Department an.

flounces that practically all the scdi.nnnitrate wh'ch it has been plannedto piocui'e for the gradual buildingno of the war reserve already hasdoen contracted for. The quantitywhich may be purchased for fertilizerL'i*e under tlie special appropriation ef

Congress will not be an addition tohe quantity normally used. Anyquantity purchased by tlie governmentand sold t<> farmers will simplytake the place in part of quantitiesheretofore supplied to them throughprivate agencies. As a matter of fa tunless satisfactory prices can be secured,it is probable that the farmer-*will not seek as large a quantity ofthis material as has been used in thelest year or two. Some contracts idreadyhave been made by farmers fornitrate of soda. In view of all thesefacts, it is probable that the aggregatedemand for the next five or sixmonths will be below the normal. Itis certain that unless the marketprices, which are now in the neighborhoodof $100 a ton, fall, the formers'demand for nitrate will deciease.As has been stated, the purchasing

will be handled directly through thewar industries board. The Departmentof Agriculture will cooperatewith the purchasing committee in theeffort to procure nitrate of soda. It t

is authorized by law to secure facts'as to the demand for fertilizers, ineluding nitrate of soda, their supply,cc nsumption, costs, and prices, audithe basic facts re'atinir to their own--

O:\ship. production, traasporation,manufacture, storage, and distribution.This enquiry is now being pros-,Cv utcc. .hrough Bureau of MarketsIn connection with this the needs offarmers will be ascertained and ailamounts purchased for their use, af-!too the shipments roach the ports, \v:itbe taken charge of by the depart-mont and will be distributed through

department to farmers at cost for,sh. The collections will be made by

11"( department and will be turnedi» to the Treasury. To assist the departmentin its activities in this dime

n fllo CO'-viiww of Ml* Moll I? \V*1_

h'rsm, of Atlanta, Ga., have been seemed.He will bp given su.h nssisl:"ts as may be reeded and will haveaib-»h!e the services of the experts

oi; the Bureau of Soils and the Bureauof PI ant Industry.Authority has been given the President.,if r.eeessmy, to license the

importation, manu facture. storage,and distribution of fertilizers, to rc^rnUinBW

B YO¥R. 1' r « v« 'W,.-1 Jtiijir» 'j*»"v- vr« mr-nvin\W4 * ^

'v>-;,: : \W'J&cin, :

Yours for Optometry, .




quired the licenses to submit reports,and to permit entry and inspectionof their places of business. The Presidentis further authorized, if he shul""ir.d that any storage charge, commis- (sion, profit, or practice of any licenseeis unjust, or unreasonable, or discriminatoryand unfair, to c use sue*;charge, commission, profit, or pnvticeto be discontinued, and in lieusuch charge, commission, profit, or

practice, may determine what is ju '

and reasonable and hip finding shahbe prima facie evidence in any com"in which proceedings may be brought.It is also provided that licenses mayIn- revoked for cause. If it becomesnecessary to exercise the licensingpower, the Department of Agriculture,through a special agency, willutilize the services of the licensingdivision of the Food Adminsitration.There have been available no thoroughlysatisfactory data as to the

yields of crops due solely to the aplicationof nitrate of soda, and therefore,as to the price at which farmers- an afford to use it. Realizing thisfact, the Secretary of Agriculture directedthe Bureau of Plant Industrylost spring to make 100 experiments.These experiments are being mad<with corn in 5 Southern States Yir-ginia, North Carolina, South Carolina,Gorgia, and Alabama in 10 countiein each State, and on 2 farms in eachcounty. It is hoped that the resultsof th.e investigation will be availablewithin the next six weeks. When information>s secured it will promptlybe given publicity.


Catarrh Cannot Be Cured.with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, a*they cannot reach the seat of the dis-case. Catarrh is a local disease,!great iy influenced by constitutionalconditions, and in order to cuie it youmust take an internal romedv. Hal '-

Catarrh .Medicine is taken internal'yand acts thiu the blood on tlie mucoussurfaces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by ormof the best physicians in this countryi\ r years. It is composed of some of!the best tonics known, combined w'thsome of the best blood purifiers. The'perfect combination of th° ingredientsin Hall's Catarrh Medicine is whatproduces results in catarrhal condi-Hons. Send for testimonials, free.F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo,O.

All dnurvrisLs, T'c.Hall's Family Pills for const pa-i


Foe to Waste."Are you a tramp? "No. mum. I'm

ft food conserver. lfave you got tinsold food you don't want wasted?"


|P W?** /\ f* m »>® I

1 will be in my of- Sfice at Horry Drug gStore every day Fair

week Nov 13 to 16.





HOUR IIILOAD OF |JWe have in a lot of Horseand Wagons, and expectassortment all the rest ofus if in need of any thing

Vsm ir»ol Vtll O



President Appeals to Countryj r» j. -

10 rromoic uonsirvauoii



Every Home and Pu; iic Satins

Place in America Urgedto Assist.

Washington. President Wilson, ina statement issued today, urged eve) yhome and public eating place in theUnited States to pledge its support tothe food administration ami to complywith its request. His appealmarked the inauguration of family'ni illmcnt week, during which everyotdy in the country v ill ho asked V»o ome a member of the food udmiastrationin order to assure nationhiecooperation in foo'd conservation.The president said that in no other

v ay than through this cooperation of-he people can the nation act omplishts object ia the war. The stateuicatfollows:"The chief part of the burden of

inding food supplier- for the people.!sociated with us in war falls forl*e present upon the A:: i"»* * rr. pep'o an 1 the drain upon ru ories or

uch a scadc necessarily affects the Ii o oh vr r.:ressari o life"Ou; country, i ovevrr, is h'o-S'U

v:,li an abundance o'' foodstuffs a:v

if our people will economize in I'm*"u o o.' foods p'Mvide p! y confinin

! e.T.sc ives to ' r< quireVr the maintenance '' herith an

-1 .a n>»th; if they will oli, n'oate wa Ueand if they will make use of thos

j cran.edifies or which have a siv-,j ins and thus free for e::port a largepi oportion of those pequircd by tin

oi ld now dependant upon us, we

-hall not only he able to accomplisho,M* obligations to thorn but we shallobtain and establish reasonable prices

heme. To provide an adequatesupply of food both for our own solilicrs on the other side of the sea?

and for 'he civil populations and thearmies of the Allies is one of on;

first and foremost obligations; for ifwe are to maintain their constancy

j '

1 this struggle for the independence! >f ah nation:- we must first maintaintheir health and strength. The solu|ti >;i of our food problems, therefore,is d< p' ndant upon the individual ser{rice cf every man, woman and childin the United States. The great voluntaryeffort in this direction whichhas ben initiated an organized bythe food administration under my directionoffers an opportunity of serivTo in the war which is open to every

II ii dividual and by which every individualmay serve both his own peoplejj and the peoples of the world.

"Wc cannot accomplish our objectsin this great war without sacifice anddevotion and in no direction can that;acrifice and devotion be shown more

ll.an by each home and public eatingplace in the country pledging its supportto the food administration andcomplying with its requests.

(Signed) "Woodrow Wilson."o


There ha? taken up at my farm one

black frizzle backed sow, marked crop; and underbit in right, crop and holein the left ear Owner please call andpay for advertisement.

G. F. TODD.Alisbrook, S. C., RFD 1. KMl-Ot-pd,



s and Mules, Busflies, I"to carry on hand a goodthe season. Come to see

I in this line,truly,



is Already Accomplishing vyontiers GreenwoodMen Gains

Sixteen Pounds and OvercomesRheumatism andStomach Trouble.

The i.ircovery of Yitona placeAmerica ahead of the world in ;,nothe>- branch. In fact, it is one of t sfirstreal medical discoveries tincan be said to be typically Americanand it is at a par with other ureaAmerican inventions, such as ti <

telegraph, telephone, aer< plane, an

submarine.Richard II. Henry. a wed lp'owi

young liiimer, who lives on K. ! *. I)Nu. M, Greenwood, says:

"I suffered with rhcumati m ovt

since 1 wax a clwild. 1 also listemach trouble and indigestion so badhad to be very careful about what 1ate. 1 had severe pains in my slumach after eating1 and vomiting spellwould set in. Gas would form on m\

stomach and give mo misery, i lw<awful rheumatism pains in i v jointand in my foot and ankles, t.nd g r

s./ bad off I had to take to the hotand stay there for wo"k a I lox

r at' engi h a'P.d foil off usdi' 1 weightonly i 'J 1 pounds. )iy heart v. ou'heat fat ami soivKtincs ! foojetlml hi art trouble. I t: ied all kinds < fodjeinf , but n thi; g . 'ors.od to oh


*'\ tona got rig':' : f or : ~.y ' v:ubl:tl new i f< cl like a di 'e r.4 ma i

i'he rheumatic pain ham- di numoarmy heart b; egid;-r and ?ai

l . y ;to;r.acb are : ih: i he pa:h: v a good an; li. n ; a., t C-*

n.-.t anything I wan '- with so! a y !.:'Teds. I am no'; r< , voux like ( vaItep *' u '<) and c<r. do n a n

urd wo. I: Jo f. rnn a. a lmiehnow weigh 110 p nui ls, wi "h isin of si '.ecu pound . red : :>: fail <

it* i!t:y. I consider Yitoru, to he tincutest discovery ef the a.g;c. and !>

ievcit will he o'f untold benefit 1'%u fIVving human!t y."Mr. L. >S. Beam, the Vitona exper'

nado the following statement:iiuiuan crj-ri:!!.^ i: J'^ vx

npon the stomach, khlncys an-! Live:Whoi those organs s! irk their (letambition wanes. Vitona lostoros loneto the system and is delicately adapted to all forms of stomach troi'hieetVv/usnois, indigestion, rh;uiaati.xiatarrh of tl.e head and stomach.. !:' vitalizes those who arc weak andun own. It is pro\i'£, a blessii Imodels of hops s.

Yitona is sold by Nrruo Thug Co..ionway, S. C.; Adams' Pharmacy\ynor, S. C. adv.


jsoj uo)sn(>H u 11111

-enuoa n acnoaaq o; Xu.w jpt; 11 u| s]soiqiunjb' oqs jj jaq sonjd puu 'skoj)-sjp U| s| aqs j| j,mi jo; A'qjuduiXH soqsjijo.w aqs ;| joq sjoods.u 'Jdqjoui u

s; oqs ;j joq wjouoq '(njununq s.aqs.i«»q s«u;iupw oq.u .uoqoj eqj, *J|«J

;h po;ii.)|[duioo Xjoa « jou s| umno.uuuavo; uoni it ;o npnjnjw Jadojd aqj,

dpnxuy J0doJd »MX

MUSTANG|| For Sprains, Lameness, 11Sores, Cuts, RheumatismPenetrates and HealsStops Pain At Once

For Man and Beast25c. 50c. $1. At All Dealers.


ire insurance ILite Insurance

- BondsOffice in


H. H. WOODWARD, MAttorney end Counsellor at U», 4^^


Attorney at Law, 'ICONWAY. S. U M

WILLIAM EUGENE KIN^. M CMPhysician and Surgeon MOffice iu Piatt Drug Co.


Complete Waterworks, Steam Ho! sa«flter and Hot Air Heating Plants HINSTALLED ANYWHERE 1

Only Plumbing ami Heating^g<>odaj^|and material of highest quality used.VPull line of Tub. Toilet. I,uv#i».rwr5

....... ,,,J_Sink and other Bathroom Acr»'s*<,riet]^(and reprir>3 011 hand at all times. W

Plnfebing and Heating. Ji


T. B. LEWIS, 1Atty. and Councellor at Luv ICONWAY, - - - S. C.J


My Engineering and Surveying'*office will be open during my ab-Hsence, and prepared to take carcBoc any worl; as usual. Addressnall communications as hereto U

11S.P. HAWES |

Auto Supplies, Fancy GrocenetjflAjax Tires, guaranteed GOOOjJ

miles.Try ®

rnuj->i .rj vt. M


Physician and Surgeon JT.ORIS. S. C. 1



CONWAY. S. C, 1Beginning July lst« 1913

All persons must take iicUot>. 'or Ivork left here. Ptivol-, >,o 1

delivered utP.il tiakhf i& Jsen ted. Laundry n' t c led for ir. !30 day8 vriil be sold tor ubiir^fc*. ^




Office up Stairs Buck Building 'M

DR. G. I. LEWIS |DENTAL SURGEON * 1Office Over Norton Drug Coiapai.j V]CONWAY. S. C. I

ISa &a»h saB si& ss u £11| HORRY COUNTY ^ glvra TWRA*

n InUol UUMrANY g|[6j L. D. Magrath Qsa Uanager. Q5 Real Estate et5? Real Estate Loans® Bonds ®sa_

Insurance HinaiiBDiinSBag

