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Hittites Emperor Manual

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Sixth grade humanities students created a manual for a future Mesopotamian emperor.
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The Iron Fist: A Hittite's Guide To A Successful Empire
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The Iron Fist:A Hittite's GuideTo A Successful


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Table of Contents

Introduction Letter

Public Works Projects

Geographical Location


Stable Food Supply

Armies Bibliography


8-9 10-11 12

Public Words Projects

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My Eldest Son,

My days as a ruler are coming to an end. The Gods are beckoning me to come join them in the heavens. I am growing older, my strength is failing , and my days are numbered. Before I pass on, I entrust the rule of my empire to you. With this comes a great responsibility, one that I am certain you will be able to handle. Just remember, you shall make mistakes and you shall learn from them.

You will also need much guidance in the ways of building and maintaining an empire. It is a very hard and demanding job. Along with the help of my scribes, I have decided to create a guide to ensure that my empire remains strong and prosperous for generations to come.

May the Gods be with You,Labarna I


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By: Alexandre Jabor

A good geographical location can give an empire advantages over others causing it to thrive. Many empires prosper because of their geographical location. Having a dependable source of water nearby is vital. When you choose the geographical location of your empire, you must have an accessible source of water. With the water your crops and fields will not suffer extreme thirst and death in the dry season. Your people will also be healthier and won't suffer extreme dehydration. The same goes for your animals.

Unfortunately, water by itself is not enough for an empire to thrive. With growing populations, water needs to be more carefully controlled and distributed. Subsequently, you will have to invest more time and money in public works projects. These projects include better flood control systems, larger irrigation systems, and better designs on how to get water into your city-states. With growing populations, an empire will need bigger irrigation systems so the land can produce more food. An empire will also need better designs for bringing water into city-states because more people means more water every day.

A good example is the Assyrian Empire. They engineered a new kind of water transportation system called an aqueduct. Aqueducts were pipes or channels used to carry regular or drinking water. In the Assyrian Empire, a system of pipes and aqueducts brought drinking water to the city of Nineveh from 30 miles away. Irrigation systems helped farmers because they brought water to their fields. Flood control systems also helped because they stopped the farmers fields from being flooded during the flood season. Levees, and dams blocked water from drowning the fields when the water level got too high.

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t.)Resources also play a big part in planning out the geographical location of your

empire. Resources can help the survival of your empire in many ways, giving your empire an advantage over others. One way is for survival purposes. Say you have wheat as a resource and there is a big drought hitting all the empires near you. Wheat can survive in harsh conditions with little water. You already have an advantage. Your empire will not suffer as much as the others. Being near a resource means that you can start creating a resource surplus. This is very similar to how having access to water, you can have a food surplus. You will also have a enough water to ration fairly if you followed the advice in the previous paragraph.

If you are also near other resources such as timber (wood), you can use those resources to your advantage. With wood you can also support big structures and build contraptions such as irrigation systems. You will also have more wood to build houses, walls, parts of chariots and much more. If your are near iron, you can discover how to forge full iron swords before everyone else and you can have an advantage in battle. Build an empire around useful resources and it will do better in the long run.

Another good thing about having resources is trading. With good trade route and much needed resources, you can bring other empires "down to their knees". When you have needed resources catch others by surprise and play the offensive game. Instead of letting them name the price, you should do it. If they say no, then they will suffer and not you.

If your empire will thrive or not, depends a lot on your geographical location. You will be blamed if your empire fails because of its location. You are the one who decides your empire's location, choose wisely.

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Location (Im


Accessible source of water near farmers' fields.

Hittite Empire Map

Wheat, a valuable resource that can survive under harsh conditions.

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le fo

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yA stable food supply is vital for armies to protect and conquer

new land, and it would also keep their city state motivated. One reason that a stable food supply is needed for an empire, is that armies wouldn't be able to serve and protect. The armies were people who protected their city state. They were the ones who were on the lookout for enemies, and the ones who kept their city state safe. Without armies protecting and serving their city state, their empire would fall down and crumble into little pieces. Another reason about armies, was that they needed a lot of food to survive on this long journey for land. If they didn't bring food with them, none of them would conquer land in the name of their city state, and other city states would come in and conquer that piece of land. Last but not least, food supply is needed, because it kept their people motivated. Food supply fed their people ; they needed food so that they could stay strong, healthy, and activated. Without it none of them would be able to stay strong and active, so that they could do their crops or their job. Overall, food supply was needed for the armies to protect and conquer land, and it was also needed to keep their city state motivated.

Name: VanessaPage 6

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Stable food SupplyPictures

They would store their food like image shows here.

It relates to a super market, because they would store their food and eat it later, or trade

stable food supply feeds their people, and gives them a good start to start the day!!!!

It also keeps their armies healthy and motivative.

Page 9: Hittites Emperor Manual

Public works projects helped empires stay in good shape. Irrigation systems are an example of public works projects. Irrigation systems took water to farmers' fields. That made growing crops a lot easier. It also prevented flooding, which ruined the process of growing crops. As a result, farmers were able to grow more crops which was enough to be distributed for people in the empires and still have some stored in warehouses for trading. People would starve if there were no irrigation systems, an example of public works projects. Another example of public works projects are city walls. City walls surrounded empires. It protected empires from enemies. Without city walls, enemies could get in and destroy houses, rob people, and destroy or take records and saved resources. My last example of important public works projects are ziggurats. Ziggurats were built to honor gods. Honoring gods was very important for people in Mesopotamia because they believed gods controlled every aspect of their lives. For instance, they believed gods caused natural disasters when they were angry. By honoring gods, they prevented natural disasters from happening. Another example of public works projects are roads. In conclusion, public works projects was very important for empires because it helped keep empires in good shape. Without public works projects, empires would fall apart with people starving and houses and records destroyed.

Name: Antonia


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Public Works Projects


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Irrigation Systems


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Conquering land was important for a city-states wealth. Land that was conquered by the armies of an Empire was important to get resources for trading, constructions and some were consumed as food. These resources which were either, food, animals, or materials for construction were really everything an empire needs to survive and maintain itself. Also, expanding to new hard to reach locations and building a city state there would make it easier to cover lands that were first impossible. Even though all this may be true, expanding too much was not safe, and it made it really hard for the rulers to control their armies. Armies also help the city-states recover tributes and taxes that were needed for wealth.

Name: Heitor Page 10

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ies Pictures

Wheat was used to make bread.

Timber was used to make houses and other buildings

Two clans fighting for land

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Page 3-5: River Image Map Image Wheat Image

Page 6-7: Stable food supply Market People Armies!!!

Page 8-9: Irrigation Systems Ziggurat

Page 10-11: Wheat timber Two clans fighting




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