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Hittites Student Presentation

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  • 8/18/2019 Hittites Student Presentation



     Alli Pritchard

    Robert Schorr Jessica Hamilton

    Nick dehr 

    Nolan Mullikin

    Chad Rallo

  • 8/18/2019 Hittites Student Presentation


  • 8/18/2019 Hittites Student Presentation


    Rise to Power 

    •  Around !!! BC Hittites entered Asia Minor which was"o"ulated by small so"histicated kin#doms

    • $hey were established in %&th century and be#an toe'"and around %(!! BC when a series o) #reat kin#s

    came about• $he e'"ansion went into Syria and "ast the *u"hrates


    • *#y"t also wanted the control o+er Syria, there)ore therewas con)lict

    •  A)ter decades o) con)lict they si#ned a treaty and amutual de)ense "act

  • 8/18/2019 Hittites Student Presentation



    • Ca"ital was Hattusas

    • $hey had the )irst constitutional monarchy

    •$he leader was called .-reat /in#0 or.-reat Sun0

    • $he kin# was in char#e o) the military and

    was also the reli#ious leader 

    • $heir Primary cities were alon# the Halys


    • *+eryone had ri#hts, e+en sla+es1

  • 8/18/2019 Hittites Student Presentation



    • He was killed by a 3ealous


    •/in# Mursuli ransacked Babylon in %4(4 B1C1

    •$hey were ori#inally city5states until kin# 2abarnasleader o) /assara united them•He chan#ed his name to Hattusilis•*'"ansion was blocked by the 6amkhad whose

    ca"ital was Ale""o•Mursilis was able to, a)ter his #rand)ather died, dri+eout the Hurrians and con7uer Ale""o

  • 8/18/2019 Hittites Student Presentation


    2eaders cont1

    • /in# $eli"inus marks the end o) the 8ld /in#dom set


    • instituted "olitical re)orms which hel"ed maintain the

    state until the Hittite *m"ire could be established• Rules )or the succession to the throne

    • insisted on the loyalty o) the nobility

    • established a court 9made u" o) all o) the soldiers and

    nobles, called a "ankus to handle #rie+ances a#ainst

    the kin#

    • the earliest known instance o) anythin# resemblin# a

    ;democratic; body in an

  • 8/18/2019 Hittites Student Presentation


    2eaders -alore

    • $udhaliyas

  • 8/18/2019 Hittites Student Presentation


    /in# Ashurbani"al• 8n an account o) actions taken a#ainst the cities

    who re+olted and callin# u"on the #ods to destroy

    all who o""osed him, o+erthrowin# their kin#dom

    and blottin# out their names )rom the land said

    .>ith the )ury o) my wea"ons < stormed the city1 <

    )layed all the chie) men who had re+olted and <

    co+ered a "illar with their skins1 Some < im"aled

    on the "illar on stakes? < )ashioned a heroic

    ima#e o) my royal sel), my "ower, and my #lory

  • 8/18/2019 Hittites Student Presentation



    • Hittite )oot troo"s made e'tensi+e use o)the "ower)ul recur+ed bow and bron=e5

    ti""ed arrows• $he Hittite army was the )ormation, which

    )or the )irst time in history armed its soldiersin iron and "roduced lar#e amounts1

    • $he main stren#th o) the army was thechariot

  • 8/18/2019 Hittites Student Presentation


    Military continued?

    • $he colla"se o) the state ha""ened about

    %!! BC1• Historians link it with military "ressure o)

    so5called $he Sea Peo"les1

    • Some Hittites mana#ed to withdrew tonorthern Syria, where they )ounded

    se+eral cities5 states1

  • 8/18/2019 Hittites Student Presentation


    Hittite >ar)are

    • $hey also use chariots able to hold @

    "eo"le soldiers and a dri+er1• $he Battle o) /adesh was lost by the

    Hittites a#ainst *#y"t1

    • /in#s are considered chie) rulers, militaryleaders, and su"reme 3ud#es1 $hey also

    become -ods a)ter they die1

  • 8/18/2019 Hittites Student Presentation



    • $he Hittites s"eak an

  • 8/18/2019 Hittites Student Presentation


    Reli#ion Culture

    • $hey were "olytheistic

    • $he kin# o) the hittites was the hi#h "riest• $he storm #od whos name was $eshub,

    was the most im"ortant #od

    • $hey used seal im"ressions

    • $hey had a writin# system usin#


    • $hey also used hiero#ly"hics

  • 8/18/2019 Hittites Student Presentation


    Reli#ion Culture continued11

    • $he local #ods mainly dealt with

    controllin# the weather 

    • Hattia as the oldest #od o) the hittites

    • Hattia would lead the kin# to win a war 

    • $hey did cremation when the kin# died

    • Dsed ( di))erent lan#ua#es in theirterritories

  • 8/18/2019 Hittites Student Presentation



    • >as lar#ely based on a#riculture and raisin#shee"

    • $hey had a lar#e amount o) lead, sil+er, and

    co""er • $hey were +ery #ood metal workers, and one o)

    the earliest iron makers

    • Controlled trade with Meso"otamia

    •  As their em"ire e'"anded and they be#an toha+e more control o+er trade they ran into"roblems with *y#"t

    •  A#riculture included #ra"es, a""le,"ome#ranate, tri#o and barley

  • 8/18/2019 Hittites Student Presentation


    Eecline and Fall

    • $he *m"ire was suddenly destroyed in

    %G!! B1C1

    • $he ca"ital Hattusas was burned

  • 8/18/2019 Hittites Student Presentation


    >orks Cited• htt":history5world1or#hittites1htm

    • htt":www1metmuseum1or#toahhdhtithdIhtit1htm

    • htt":www1britishmuseum1or#e'"loreculturesmiddleIe


    •   World History The Human Experience

    •  http://www.angelfire.com/

    •   http://sugargraphic.com/

    •   http:// chronicle1uchica#o1edu

    • htt":)orums1ci+)anatics1com

    •  htt":www1o=torah1com• htt":www1alternatehistory1com

    • htt":home1earthlink1net

    • htt":commons1wikimedia1or#

    •   htt":www1citybirds1com

  • 8/18/2019 Hittites Student Presentation


    Citations Continued•   http://www.allaboutturkey.com/ 

    •   http://indepthinfo.com/•   http://mapsoftheworld.com/

    •   http://hitties.info/history/

    •   http://shamah-elm.info/hittites/ 

    •   http://youtube.com/ 

    • htt":www1war)actory1co1uk#alleryalan%4alan%4#allery1


    • htt":www1armenian5history1com

    • htt":"redator"ress1blo#s"ot1com

    • htt":e+eryhistory1or#

    • htt":=a#ros5meso"otamia5anatolia5kurds1blo#s"ot1com
