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Hive Blockchain : Building A Better Blockchain For NFT’s And Social Media

Date post: 22-Jul-2021
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The impact of crypto art on cryptocurrency creativity and the future of NFTs As a result, you can earn by posting, commenting, and upvoting content on their platform. This platform rewards content creators and contributors that engage and further the conversation. Of course, the other thing that I like about it is that has a very low energy cost and carbon footprint because it uses DPOS which is energy efficient. Its servers are also in countries that use sustainable energy like solar and hydro. For more details https://bit.ly/3BummR9 .
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Page 2: Hive Blockchain : Building A Better Blockchain For NFT’s And Social Media



I mentioned Hive blockchain and NFTshowroom in my post on eco-friendlycryptoart gal leries. The thing that I l ike about Hive and their blog platformis that they pay their user's with their cryptocurrency. So you can earn byposting, commenting, and upvoting content on their platform.

This platform rewards content creators and contributors that engage andfurther the conversation. Of course, the other thing that I l ike about it isthat has a very low energy cost and carbon footprint because it uses DPOSwhich is energy eff icient ( l ike 99x more so than Bitcoin and Ethereum). Itsservers are also in countries that use sustainable energy l ike solar andhydro.

The downside with Hive is that using it requires a few more steps than younormally would for Eth-based NFTs. And there are a few more moving partswithin the blockchain that can cause some confusion. So I 'm going to post afew l inks that wil l be helpful for beginners that explain what this is al labout and an easy way to do f inancial transactions on the Hive blockchain.

There are three main parts to Hive blockchain. There's Hive token (or justHive) , Hive dollar, and Hive power. Hive (token) and Hive dollar are l iquidcryptocurrencies and could be traded with other cryptos. Hive Power isyour influence on their blog platform. The more Hive Power you have themore valuable your vote is . Your Hive Token can be converted to Hive powerand visa-versa. The catch is that powering up with Hive (token) to HivePower is instant, but powering down from Hive Power to Hive (token) takes13 days. It can feel a l itt le that Simpson's episode where Homer can't buyanything with Itchy and Scratchy money.


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If you'd l ike to try out Hive on NFTShowroom and help me out as well youcan use my referral l ink: https://nftshowroom.com/?r=jcrash

This article talks about the ins-and-outs of Hive blockchain and how exactlyit gets used and why would you want to use Hive. To me, the mostimportant thing is that it rewards content creators and contributors.

What is Hive and How Does it Work? A beginner's Guide

Just l ike any other form of cryptocurrency you're going to need a digitalwallet that holds it or in this case a digital keychain as well . You can use thedigital keychain to login to any of the Hive blogs, to post, upvote andcomment. You can also use the keychain to transfer funds. Transfer yourhive token into Hive power or power down from high-power to Hive token.You can of course buy things with Hive Dollar.

Hive Wallet Explained: Beginner's Guide to Hive

How to Download, Instal l and Use the Hive Keychain Browser Extension

There are several other wallets for Hive and you can check here and seewhich one you l ike best: https://hive. io/wallets/

Buy and deposit HIVE via Bittrex

How to buy and sel l HIVE tokens using the Ionomy exchange

How to purchase Hive through Blocktrades and Wazirx(18 pics)


Page 4: Hive Blockchain : Building A Better Blockchain For NFT’s And Social Media

My main interest in Hive blockchain of course is NFTs andNFTshowroom. You can check my review of NFTshowroom here. I wil lmost l ikely make my Genesis drop on one of these eco-friendlyblockchains. I 've been accepted by NFTshowroom so that makes it themost l ikely candidate.

Ultimately there is a lot of tech that 's involved to be able to sel ltokenize digital art . It 's a shame, to be honest. I wish a marketplaceexisted where it wasn't relying on cryptocurrency to purchase NFTs.Where it was a simple transparent process that didn't involve a lot ofjumping through tech hoops. . . but we have to remember that this is al lin its infancy. NFTs are real ly only four years old, they started in 2017.I think it 's great that we're already at the stage where we can say thatthere are very eff icient blockchains involved with making NFTs moreeco-friendly.

I think as this industry evolves we wil l see start seeing and moreefficient transactions and fewer risks and fees for col lectors andartists. Hive already has the fees very very low and have al lowed thedemocratization for entry-level NFT artists. It 's a very exciting timeto be a digital artist and f inal ly be able to get paid what you're worthwithout translating your art to a different medium, it can just staydigital .

My main interest in Hive blockchain of course is NFTs and NFTshowroom.You can check my review of NFTshowroom here. I wil l most l ikely make myGenesis drop on one of these eco-friendly blockchains. I 've been acceptedby NFTshowroom so that makes it the most l ikely candidate.

Ultimately there is a lot of tech that 's involved to be able to sel l tokenizedigital art . It 's a shame, to be honest. I wish a marketplace existed where itwasn't relying on cryptocurrency to purchase NFTs. Where it was a simpletransparent process that didn't involve a lot of jumping through techhoops. . . but we have to remember that this is al l in its infancy. NFTs arereal ly only four years old, they started in 2017. I think it 's great that we'realready at the stage where we can say that there are very eff icientblockchains involved with making NFTs more eco-friendly.

I think as this industry evolves we wil l see start seeing and more eff icienttransactions and fewer risks and fees for col lectors and artists. Hive alreadyhas the fees very very low and have al lowed the democratization for entry-level NFT artists. It 's a very exciting time to be a digital artist and f inal ly beable to get paid what you're worth without translating your art to adifferent medium, it can just stay digital .




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