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HMMS LINK Spring-Summer Newsletter 2012

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ASBESTOS p24 DANGERS HIGHLIGHTED Living Longer Living Better Paradise Ageing Strategy p7 LIKE US
Page 1: HMMS LINK Spring-Summer Newsletter 2012


Living Longer

Living Better Paradise

Ageing Strategy p7


Page 2: HMMS LINK Spring-Summer Newsletter 2012

We are so pleased to report that State Council

has received overwhelmingly positive feedback

about our first national Conference. Many

participants have told us it was the best

Conference they have ever attended combining

professionalism, fun and entertainment and

producing a great outcome for delegates.

Delegates appreciated the opportunity to

meet and network with people from all over

Australia including those from the industry, with

academics and Government representatives

from both NSW and Canberra.

Our Master of Ceremonies, Andrew Buchanan,

won many hearts with his often hilarious

narratives as did motivational speaker, Robyn

Moore, who entertained us with her wonderful

stories and impersonations. The keynote

speakers and workshop presenters were of a

high calibre giving delegates the opportunity

to learn and return to their workplaces with

valuable information and knowledge. One of

the many highlights of the Conference was

the Q&A Panel with the ABC’s Tony Jones who

facilitated the panel with such ease and grace.

The Trade Exhibition was also highly praised

by delegates and Trade Exhibitors alike, the

Exhibitors being especially grateful for the time

they were able to spend with delegates and for

the contacts they made. Those who attended

the Industry Dinner harbour cruise had a great

time socialising and dancing to the wonderful

music of the Cath Simes band.

We believe that the Conference showcased our

industry admirably and are hopeful we got our

message across to the powers that be about its

needs and future direction. May we take this

opportunity to thank everyone who attended

for your input and support.

Inaugural National HMMS Conference a great success

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spring - summer 2012 3

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We would love to receive feedback from all

delegates who attended the recent Conference

and a big thank you to those who have completed

their forms and returned them to us.

However, as yet we haven’t heard from all of

you and would be grateful if those who have

not completed and returned their evaluation

forms could do so at the earliest opportunity.

If you did not receive an evaluation form, please

contact Christine Casey at c.casey@nswhmms.

org or (02) 6622 8386 and she will forward one

to you.

Inaugural National Conference Evaluation Forms

Page 6: HMMS LINK Spring-Summer Newsletter 2012

Aged Care Reforms Update

Published by the Department of Health and Ageing, the Aged Care Reform Update is a regular newsletter providing the latest news on the progress of the implementation of the Living Longer Living Better aged care reform package.

Five issues have been published thus far. To read them, enter the words “Aged Care Reform Update” in the search box of the Department of Health and Ageing’s website at www.health.gov.au

6 spring - summer 2012

Budget Funding for Aged Care

As part of the development of a nationally consistent aged care system, the Treasurer recently announced in his Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook that the Government will provide $102.2 million over five years, including $7.1 million in 2011-2012, to enable the Department of Health and Ageing to administer HACC services for people aged 65 years and over and for indigenous people 50 years and over. This measure has no impact on the Budget and will redirect resources previously applied to the administration of the HACC Program by the States and Territories.

Under the Living Longer, Living Better package the Government will establish a national Commonwealth Home Support Program

to include services provided under the existing HACC Program. In developing the Commonwealth Home Support Program, the Government will review services being delivered, including meals on wheels, transport and home modifications and maintenance. The Government hopes the review will inform a move to more consistent and equitable service delivery arrangements and more national consistency in what people contribute to the cost of these services.

Page 7: HMMS LINK Spring-Summer Newsletter 2012

The NSW Government has recently released its Ageing Strategy which involves measures to address the needs of older people as well as supporting population ageing. Some of the highlights of the Strategy include:

• a new Help Line to stop abuse of older people

• promotion of healthy lifestyles

• safer driving for older drivers including support for transition from a driving to a non-driving life

• exploring affordable housing solutions for older people

Measures to address population ageing include:

• removal of barriers to work for mature age workers

• promoting early decision-making about later life including wills, powers of attorney and enduring guardianship

• grants to support local government to improve mobility access and liveability in built environments and town centres

Ageing Strategy for NSW

For detailed information about the Strategy, visit http://www.adhc.nsw.gov.au/about_us/strategies/nsw_ageing_strategy

spring - summer 2012 7

Page 8: HMMS LINK Spring-Summer Newsletter 2012

Home modifications

reduce falls

The most recent Cochrane review published on 14 September 2012 now lists environmental interventions as being significant in falls reduction amongst older people particularly for those at a higher risk of falling including those with severe visual impairment. The study also found that interventions reduce cost and appear to be more effective when delivered by an Occupational Therapist. The review was led by the University of Otago in New Zealand and also involved researchers from the Home Modification Information Clearinghouse at the University of Sydney.

8 spring - summer 2012

For more information, visit http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD007146.pub3/abstract

Page 9: HMMS LINK Spring-Summer Newsletter 2012

Living Longer, Living BetterUnder the Living Longer, Living Better

aged care reform package, lesbian,

gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex

(LGBTI) Australians will now be

treated as a special needs group. In

the package, the Government has

allocated $192 million to support

initiatives for older people with diverse

needs and this includes $2.5 million to

support staff training that is sensitive

to the specific needs of older LGBTI

Australians. This means that from 1 July

2012 the needs of LGBTI people will be

specifically considered by community

and residential aged care providers

who work with this group.

At the time of writing, the COAG meeting had just

ended and there were some good outcomes for the

NDIS. At the meeting, the Commonwealth made

agreements with Tasmania, South Australia and

the ACT which will launch trial sites for the NDIS

beginning 1 July 2013. However, by the time the

meeting ended, no deal had been struck with New

South Wales and Victoria which had lodged a joint

bid to launch the NDIS in the Hunter and Geelong

regions. Some two days later and following intense

public disapproval of the lack of action by both

the NSW and Victorian Governments, the Premiers

agreed to the launch of a trial in the Hunter and

Geelong regions from 1 July 2013.

The Western Australian government has just

announced the launch of its own Scheme which

they say embodies the key hallmarks of the NDIS.

Called “My Way”, the Government says it will

improve the choice, flexibility and control that

people with disability have over their supports

and services. This of course leaves Queensland

which still has to be persuaded over the validity

of the NDIS and whose Premier suggested a levy

be instituted to find the additional $8 billion per

year required for the NDIS beyond the immediate

five launch sites. The levy idea has been rejected

by both the Prime Minister and the Leader of the


How to fund the NDIS over the long term has still

not been decided. The Productivity Commission

recommended that it be funded from general

revenue and Accountants and Consultants Price

Waterhouse Coopers has estimated that the

amount of money required to fund disability in

Australia by preserving the current fragmented

system will reach $45 billion per year by 2035. We

shall have to wait and see.

Where to Now for the National Disability Insurance Scheme

spring - summer 2012 9

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On 27 June 2012, legislation was passed by the NSW Parliament regarding the way workers compensation benefits and claims are assessed and paid.

The changes affect all new and existing workers compensation claims except for claims from police officers, paramedics, firefighters, workers injured in or around a coal mine, emergency service volunteers and people with a dust disease claim.

It has also been announced that workers injured after 1 October 2012 will receive benefits under the new legislation while all other injured workers will move to the new scheme from 1 January 2013. Guidelines on the WorkCover reforms will be published soon.

The Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Act 2012 includes:

Active claimsFor injured employees already receiving weekly payments, special arrangements will apply. The changes differ depending on the length of time the employee has been receiving payments and their level of work capacity.

Journey ClaimsOne of the most significant changes is where an employee is injured whilst travelling between home and work while off duty. Employees will now only be eligible for workers compensation benefits where there is

a substantial connection between the person’s employment and the incident out of which the injury arose. What constitutes a substantial connection will depend on the circumstances of each claim.

Return to WorkInjured workers and their employers still need to work together to ensure the best possible return-to-work results. Workers who are able to work are obligated to do so and should make reasonable efforts to return to work in suitable employment. If a worker who is able to work fails to make reasonable efforts to do so, they may have their weekly payments suspended or even terminated.

Medical BenefitsPayment for medical and related treatment will end 12 months after the claim for compensation is made or 12 months after the last payment of weekly benefits, whichever occurs last. For those workers with a whole person impairment over 30%, medical cover continues.

Nervous Shock and Death BenefitsThere is now no entitlement for family members of deceased or injured workers to make nervous shock claims. However, existing compensations for shock and death will still apply. This includes an indexed lump sum payable to financial dependents, indexed weekly payments for dependent children and funeral expenses.

Changes to Workers Compensation in NSW

New free service for injured workers

12 spring - summer 2012

For detailed information about the changes, please go to http://www.workcover.nsw.gov.au/formspublications/publications/Documents/wc-faqs-3794.pdf

For more information see www.workcover.nsw.gov.au/aboutus/newsroom/Pages/workerscomPensationissuesPaPer.asPx

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Changes to Workers Compensation in NSW

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01 21 09

57 001 57 001


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88.2 85.1 47.2 05.1 59.1 89.0 32.3 77.1

2FK 2FK 2FK 2FK 2FK01 21 09

57 001 57 00196.0 14.0 87.0 74.0 33.1 37.0 73.1 28.0

2FK 2FK 2FK 2FK 2FK21 41 011

57 001 57 001

34.1 68.0 31.1 86.0 64.1 08.0 45.1 29.0

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01 21

05 57 001 57 001


21 4105 57 001 57 001

86.0 73.0

2FK 2FK 2FK 2FK 2FK01 21

05 57 001 57 00162.0 41.0

2FK 2FK 2FK 2FK 2FK21 41

05 57 001 57 001

14.0 22.0

Load performance of Powers Adhesives in CSR HEBEL materials

POWER-FAST PLUS® Epoxy injection gel KF2 Polyester injection gel

Installation of POWER-FAST PLUS® Epoxy and KF2 polyester injection gels

Drill a hole to the size and embedment required.

Blow the hole clean with com-pressed air, brush the hole, and blow it clean again.

Fill the hole approximately half way with adhesive mortar starting from the rear of the hole. Slowly withdraw the static mixing nozzle as the hole fills to avoid creating air pockets within the hole.

Push the threaded rod or rebar into the hole while turn-ing slightly to insure full dis-tribution of the adhesive. The rod or rebar should be free from dirt, grease, oil, or for-eign material.

Allow the adhesive mortar to cure for the specified time prior to applying any load.

Powers Fasteners Australasia Pty. Ltd. PASS Document v1 11/2001

1 2 3 4 5

Contact Toll Free: 1800 677 872

Page 19: HMMS LINK Spring-Summer Newsletter 2012

� � � � � � � � �®

Load performance of mungo® by Powers anchors in CSR HEBEL material

MUNGO Nylon Plug (MN)

Powers Fasteners Australasia Pty. Ltd. PASS Document v1 01/2002

Contact Toll Free: 1800 677 872

noitpircseD noitpircseD noitpircseD noitpircseD noitpircseD dnagulP dnagulP dnagulP dnagulP dnagulPllird llird llird llird llird ØØØØØ


htgneL htgneL htgneL htgneL htgneL


epytwercS epytwercS epytwercS epytwercS epytwercS



dednemmoceR dednemmoceR dednemmoceR dednemmoceR dednemmoceRdaolgnikrow daolgnikrow daolgnikrow daolgnikrow daolgnikrowraehS/noisneT


4NM 4NM 4NM 4NM 4NM 4 02 5-2 - )2(20.05NM 5NM 5NM 5NM 5NM 5 52 8-3 3M )4(40.06NM 6NM 6NM 6NM 6NM 6 03 01-6 4M )6(60.07NM 7NM 7NM 7NM 7NM 7 53 01-9 4M )7(70.08NM 8NM 8NM 8NM 8NM 8 04 41-9 5M )9(90.001NM 01NM 01NM 01NM 01NM 01 05 02-41 6M )02(2.021NM 21NM 21NM 21NM 21NM 21 06 42-02 8M )04(4.041NM 41NM 41NM 41NM 41NM 41 07 - 01M )05(5.061NM 61NM 61NM 61NM 61NM 61 08 - 21M )06(6.002NM 02NM 02NM 02NM 02NM 02 09 - 41M )001(0.1

MUNGO Nylon Plug Long (MNL)

noitpircseD noitpircseD noitpircseD noitpircseD noitpircseD dnagulP dnagulP dnagulP dnagulP dnagulPllird llird llird llird llird ØØØØØ


htgneL htgneL htgneL htgneL htgneL


eziswercS eziswercS eziswercS eziswercS eziswercS


dednemmoceR dednemmoceR dednemmoceR dednemmoceR dednemmoceRdaolgnikrow daolgnikrow daolgnikrow daolgnikrow daolgnikrowraehS/noisneT


6LNM 6LNM 6LNM 6LNM 6LNM 6 05 01-6 )6(60.08LNM 8LNM 8LNM 8LNM 8LNM 8 06 41-9 )9(90.0

Method of installationThrough and pre-assembly fixing

ApplicationsSkirtings, coat hangers, small light fittings, towel rails, mirrors, pictures, pipe brackets, shelves, light cupboards.

Fixing with MN and metric screw -through fixing Fixing with MN and wood/chipboard screw -pre-assembly fixing

Method of installationThrough and pre-assembly fixing

ApplicationsTimber door frames, timber window frames Suitable for frame fixing

Tested in Thermoblok. Reached with max. diameter wood screw. Safety factor = 5

Tested in Thermoblok. Reached with max. diameter wood screw. Safety factor = 5

Page 20: HMMS LINK Spring-Summer Newsletter 2012

� � � � � � � � �®

Load performance of mungo® by Powers anchorsin CSR HEBEL material

MUNGO Multi Plug Nylon (MU)

Powers Fasteners Australasia Pty. Ltd. PASS Document v1 01/2002

Contact Toll Free: 1800 677 872

noitpircseD noitpircseD noitpircseD noitpircseD noitpircseD dnagulP dnagulP dnagulP dnagulP dnagulPllird llird llird llird llird ØØØØØ


htgneL htgneL htgneL htgneL htgneL


epytwercS epytwercS epytwercS epytwercS epytwercS



dednemmoceR dednemmoceR dednemmoceR dednemmoceR dednemmoceRdaolgnikrow daolgnikrow daolgnikrow daolgnikrow daolgnikrowraehS/noisneT


6UM 6UM 6UM 6UM 6UM 6 53 8-6 4M *)03(3.0**)51(51.0

8UM 8UM 8UM 8UM 8UM 8 05 41-9 6M *)05(5.0**)03(3.0

01UM 01UM 01UM 01UM 01UM 01 06 02-41 8M *)05(5.0**)04(4.0

21UM 21UM 21UM 21UM 21UM 21 07 42-01 01M )021(2.141UM 41UM 41UM 41UM 41UM 41 57 42 21M )031(3.1

MUNGO Nylon Frame Plug (MB-S) zink plated screw

ApplicationsMirrors, light fittings, plaster board, shelving, light weight cupboards,meter boxes, toolracks, curtain rails, towel rails, communication systems

ApplicationsWindow frames, door frames, grab rails, hand

rails, cisterns, clothes dryers, hand basins, sinks, kitchen cupboards.

*Woodscrew max. diameter, **Chipboard screw max. diameter. Safety factor = 5, tested in Thermoblok

noitpircseD noitpircseD noitpircseD noitpircseD noitpircseD dnagulP dnagulP dnagulP dnagulP dnagulPllird llird llird llird llird ØØØØØ


htgneL htgneL htgneL htgneL htgneL


htgnelelbasU htgnelelbasU htgnelelbasU htgnelelbasU htgnelelbasU


dednemmoceR dednemmoceR dednemmoceR dednemmoceR dednemmoceRdaolgnikrow daolgnikrow daolgnikrow daolgnikrow daolgnikrowraehS/noisneT


0801HSBM 0801HSBM 0801HSBM 0801HSBM 0801HSBM


08 01


00101HSBM 00101HSBM 00101HSBM 00101HSBM 00101HSBM


001 03


02101HSBM 02101HSBM 02101HSBM 02101HSBM 02101HSBM


021 05

)011(1.104101HSBM 04101HSBM 04101HSBM 04101HSBM 04101HSBM

01041 07

)011(1.106101HSBM 06101HSBM 06101HSBM 06101HSBM 06101HSBM 01 061 09 )011(1.100201HSBM 00201HSBM 00201HSBM 00201HSBM 00201HSBM

01002 031


04201HSBM 04201HSBM 04201HSBM 04201HSBM 04201HSBM


042 071


08201HSBM 08201HSBM 08201HSBM 08201HSBM 08201HSBM


082 012


00301HSBM 00301HSBM 00301HSBM 00301HSBM 00301HSBM


003 032


0801PSBM 0801PSBM 0801PSBM 0801PSBM 0801PSBM


08 01


00101PSBM 00101PSBM 00101PSBM 00101PSBM 00101PSBM


001 03

)011(1.102101PSBM 02101PSBM 02101PSBM 02101PSBM 02101PSBM

01021 05

)011(1.104101PSBM 04101PSBM 04101PSBM 04101PSBM 04101PSBM

01041 07


06101PSBM 06101PSBM 06101PSBM 06101PSBM 06101PSBM


061 09


00201PSBM 00201PSBM 00201PSBM 00201PSBM 00201PSBM


002 031


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Important:Fixings in HEBEL blocks - without hammer drillingValues only valid when using MUNGO Safety Wood Screws. Safety factor = 3

Tested in Thermoblok

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� � � � � � � � �®

Load performance of Powers anchorsin CSR HEBEL material

ZiP-It® Metal Hollow body self drilling metal anchor (For Thermoblok only)

Installation of ZiP-It®

Powers Fasteners Australasia Pty. Ltd. PASS Document v1 01/2002

Contact Toll Free: 1800 677 872

htgnelrohcnA htgnelrohcnA htgnelrohcnA htgnelrohcnA htgnelrohcnAmm

eziswercS eziswercS eziswercS eziswercS eziswercS.oN

dednemmoceR dednemmoceR dednemmoceR dednemmoceR dednemmoceRdaolgnikrow daolgnikrow daolgnikrow daolgnikrow daolgnikrow


03 8-6# )82(82.05=rotcafytefasdetaroprocnI

Rubber Nut multi purpose anchor

Installation of Rubber Nut

noitpircseD noitpircseD noitpircseD noitpircseD noitpircseD rohcnA rohcnA rohcnA rohcnA rohcnAhtgnel htgnel htgnel htgnel htgnel


daerhT daerhT daerhT daerhT daerhT wercS wercS wercS wercS wercShtgnel htgnel htgnel htgnel htgnel


eloH eloH eloH eloH eloH.aiD .aiD .aiD .aiD .aiD


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Conference Keynote Presentations As promised, presentations given by Keynote Speakers at the Conference are now available on our website at http://www.nswhmms.org.au/program

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Conference PhotosCheck out some of the great photos taken at the Conference on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/#!/NswHmmsStateCouncil/photos_albums

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Proudly represent ing Home Modi f icat ion and Maintenance Serv ices across NSW

For an overview of the Conference please go to Training and Events at www.nswhmms.org

The New South Wales Home Modification and Maintenance Services State Council is the peak

organisation proudly representing HMMS across New South Wales.

PO Box 45, Lismore, NSW, 2480Phone: (02) 6622 8386

Fax: (02) 6622 8693

email: [email protected] www.nswhmms.org

© copyright 2012 NSW HMMS State Council Inc.

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