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Hoard's] Jnstrntnc*. Miss f*fAn - Library of...

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CARNEGIE HALLSCHOOL Reopens Oct. 9th. Primary and Kindergarten. English and French. Principals graduate* of Teachers; ColleKe. Columbia Univ. and Froebet Training Class. N. T. Address Studios. 1.103-1,104 Car- negie Hall. Cnu3 Gcl]ool9 mHE MACKENZIE SCHOOL. The School doubled Its enrollment w!fhln th» past year; It had no case of sickness, no case of aertuae discipline; It had ->ne specially trained master for -vary six boys: it receives only boys who can bring satisfactory •» testimonials. WTATT W. RANDALL. Ph.D.. Head Master. Dobbs Fsrry. N. T- CHAPIN O3LLKGIATb SCHOOL. T_i Madison Aye. (t>4th Street.) Er.-llsh. Classical and Primary Depfs. Gj-mnasium. BSd year opeoa September 1A HENKT BAKTON CHAFIN. D t> Ph- D BENJAMIN LORD BUCKLEY. A.' 8.. Principal— financial. YOUNG BOYS (9 TO 14 TEARS OLD) L receive a father's and mother's car* In THE RICHARDSON SCHOOL. New Rochelle. N Y. i.7 ml!es from the city). Terms $300. F-8. RICHARDSON. A. M Prln. London & Paris Exchange, Ltd. GENERAL MINING AND STOCK. Bankers & Brokers. BASILDON HOUSE, AiOOKGATE STREET, LONDON, ENGLAND. (Opposite Bank of England). Business transacted in all the International Stocks aad MiningShares quoted or not quoted on the London Stock Exchange. Advances made on Stocks and Shares. CxCiUsivc daily Cables from New York, South Africa, Australia, etc. American & Canadian Branches. Cablegrams : '' PLENARIL V, LOS DON. " Cede* i Western Union. I.iebers' Broomhea4. ' 1 Bedford McNeill, and Moreinf _ »T«a_ BANKERS, SO. 4O WALL STREET. Chicago. NEW YORK.. Milwaukee Cor.recteJ by private wire. DEALERS IN HIGH-GRADE BONDS. LIST OF CURRENT INVESTMENT OFFt-UNGS SENT ON APPLICATION. **__«_,„ f Ner\- York Stccfc Exznxngs, Members j ChJcago Stock Exc'aangc. COMMISSION okdi'.ks i;xi:ciTt>u IN ALL MARKETS. NEW YORK fiXty-eishth .ear orens Oct. 1. HW2. hay CLASSES with se»- UNIVEII'nfTT flons from 3:30 tc b P. M. (LL. B. *- al after two years). EVENING LAW f?Onr CLASS cession* Bto 10 P. M. LA M-tJUOIi. |ULh _ a >. er tnre , year Gradu- ate. Classes lead to LLM. Tuition. $100. For circular! addre:* 1.. J. TO_Lf__NS. B'jgia-tar. Wa-hlnglon Square. N. -. City. DR. CAI_-ISEN*3 SCHOOL. 132 WEST 713T STREET. A select school tor a. limited number of boy*. Primary department i3ith year) begins October Ist. \u25a0\7EW-TUP.K LAW SCHOOL.— Pay School, SB Nassau _.\ St E/oolng School. 9 W. lbth S'.. Dwlght method Of instruction. L.L 3. in two years. LKM. Ip three years. Bead ro- catalogue GEORGE CHASE. Dean. Fnr Both Sexes Country. JJnslrnciiDns. HAMILTON INSTITUTE. 45 West Eighty-first Street, Manhattan Square North. Average, number of students in College Classes ls eight. Inlividual Attention. Tut.jrlng cot advised. Optional Afternoon or Evening Study Hour, in charge of the regu- lar class instructors. Manual training for junior classes. N. ARCHIBALD SHAW, Jr. (Principal), will be in his ofllce every morning. U-l_. A personal interview is desired. Illustrated Catalogues. Eleventh year begins Oct. 1. IRVING SCHOOL. L. D. RAY. 3D WEST S*TH BT. REOPENS SEPT. 25TH Over eighty graduates fitted successfully for C<.ll«s« since IS9O. I'rirnary Department. Year Book on request. Dr. Ray at school morning* after Sept. 4th. For Young Ladies City. BARNARD PCHOCT, FOR CTRL? —New hutMlntrn. Ccnvent-ave. and 14Sth-st. General and College pre- paratory courses from Klrul-r^arteiithruugrh High School. Class ftr tn.a!! boys; 7th ye;,r b> Klr.3 Sept. -2. Catalogue. KATHARINE H. DAVIS, Resident Principal. WILLIAM I. dAZEN, Hpadmaster. THEODORE K. Ll'ON Asso. Headmaster. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS.—Rev. Dr. and Mrs. CHAKLES HL'NTINGTON GARDNER. 1 pal* <;i>7 sth aye. MORSE & P.OGERS SCHOOL REMOVED TO ONE WEST 46TH-ST. Reopens October Ist. Prlr,. !pal now at the school daily. One vacancy for bearding pupil. DE LANCE. SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. 71 WEST 86Tfl STREET, NEW TORK. Thorouich np'l systematic Instruction. Modem Methods. Physical Tmirine Special and College Preparatory \u25a0. Individual W rk. Small classes. Circulars on ap- plicatlon. Twenty-first year. VATHAS HALE SCHOOL. FOR BOYS IN Opens September 30th. 1902. 10 East 47th Street. WILLIAM 11. CHUhCH. Head Master. CJT. AUSTIN'S SCHOOL. West New Brighton N. T. V^ Half *"'i>r from City. Prepares for Groton. St. Paul*. St. Marks and Pomfret. $400.00. Address See- retarj'- HAMILTON GRANGE SCHOOI* CONVENT AYE. AND 141ST ST. l> , }trjr ]>i\- Sc] l Home In historic Hamilton foi limited . \u25a0 House open for Inspection. Mrs ELLA X MORGAN. Principal. KINDERGARTEN TRAINING—Kroenel Normal Inst Z. A. Cutten. SupC, 48 Irvlni? PI., near E. lTta ht . free \u25a0 holarshlp* limited, fall term. Wed.. Sept. iv. HYMS SCHOOL ROBERT H. BTM3. WILLIAM C. SIMMONS Apply for circular. 22 West 45th Street. THE LYON SCHOOL NO MM FIFTH AYE. WEAR 4«TH ST.). Prepares bnys thor.^uKhly for the If.ding universities, scientirtc and profewlonal schools, or for huEtr,f-ss. Lim- ited to forty, mmber hi \u25a0 etaai atgliE. Varuni training. Athletics. Resident pupils received. Twertleth year. EDWARD D. LTOK, Ph. rx. Head Master. R. L DAY & GO. 3 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK. 40 WATER ST., BOSTON. Memhen N. Y. and Boiton Stoc_ Exckaiji*. Vermilye & Co., BANKERS, naepat: & riNF ktp . 13 CONGRHSS ST., NEW YORK. BOSTON. 301 BAST GERMAN STREET, \u25a0 BALTIMORE. J. Fred rifrmn. Jr., ir,n. a. <' a mi>!>rU. D* Kiiuter fl'iUin Mem. of N. T. Stock Exchange. BpecUO. J. F. Pierson, Jr., & Co., Stocks, Bonds & Investment securlties, 11 WALL STREET. American Writing Paper Co. Securities BOIGHT ANL> SOLD. Ml.^S CARRIER'S SCHOOI, KOR BOYS AND GIRLS. :>2 E. 30th SI Reopen*. Oct. -•!• Manual training and kindergarten. French a specialty. - MISS JACOBINS KINDEROARTEi; AND SCHOOL. 137 Weat 123 d I.of Principals of Puhllc Grammar sch*. >rlv«t' Classes: I-anKU a<;fF . Embroidery, etc. Boarding pupils accepted. Ktr.derßarton Training r '«- ! "»^ -\IRS. LESLIE MORGAN'S ____ Jl BOARDING A KAY SCIIOOt. FOR OIRLS. 13 ar.d 15 \Veet .«»;th Street. Near Central Park. New York City. REOPENS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13T. WOOD'S SCHOOLS. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND. 6TH AYE.. > ov r ,, T r. -_ 7TH AYE.. { ON i- 5™5 ST- 6.118 calls In a sing!" year for «teno&raphers and boos:- eepers._ LARGE BUILDINGS. 40 TEACHERS. Learn •omething of the school Dy seeing It. Day and evening. T. E. WOOD. President. frc<J'R I, IHarquaai 3r.-37 BIIOAD STREET. STOCKS c*3 /INrX>S/ INrX>S I"or in\ •\u25a0\u25a0itnient or on margin. nook of Hnil«>:iv »i •. isi i.-«. nlno charts slr- liiK ilally flaetiiHttoiiH of the m««t urtiv* Hallway and ln<lu»trial stock.*, ,111 applica- tion. TTTHAT to do with my boy. Pnrenolotry will aid you. W PUWLEB _ WISLLS CO.. _0 East 22nd St. OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY. To the Stockholders of the Otis Elevator Company : The Stockholders at the Company, having Authorized an increase in the Preferred capital Stock of the Com- peny to tl.e amount cf Two million dollar- (12,000,000). s-aid Preferred Capital Stock to be of the same character, t.i have the t.nme privileges, and to be subject to the Fame terms an conditions as the present Preferred Capi- tal Stock of the Company. It is proposed to Immediately issue approximately One million dollars ($1,600,000) thereof. Back pnrttof. cli«ll be (»tockli«>lrt<'ra. Preferred or Common, of the Company at the cloying of the registry and transfer !__>__ at the olOße of bu !ne*s <•\u25a0! the twenty-fifth «lay of September, UM>_, are hereby given the risnt to mihscrlbe, at par for one pliare of «al«l utook for each ten Mliares of atoelc I*r«-f«-rml or ClW \u25a0 or i>nrt I'rc- {rrred nnil part Common, owned by them. Subscriptions for atock must he received by the Otis Elevator Company before thr^e «3) lock P. M. of October 1, 1902, on the form of subscription blank to te obtained from the Company, accompanied by a rertifte.i check on a New York Bank or Trust Company or by a blank draft m New York to the order of '•\u25a0• Otis Ele- vntor Company. No subscriptions for fractional ohiires willbe received. Subscription rishtF. Including Fubscrip- tlon lights arrertainirK to iess than '.en 10) shares of M *. may »• boneht <*m old. ar.,l may N> am4g_ed an.l transferred. Subscriptions for fharf« of Ft.vk will be receive! by virtue of subscription rights an«r!alnlng In the «».--\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0> - tn ton (10) fhares of lock or multiples thereof, from persor.s presenting assignmenUl of subscrip- tion rights. >o MiiliKcrliillon ami no aa-ijeu- iiieni 4>f Mili«.«ri|.l ion richtK, except on the lilnuki olxa iti.-.li ti.-.l from I In- t<tm|>Hii>. willbe r«"<-o_,nirt tl: nor will mh-Ii miljuerl pi Innn li«- receiveil before September _<;. l!«»i:, or after three «.'{» o'clock 1". M. of October 1. Jt»(»'_'. The anentlr.n of ftockholjer? is particularly called to the conditions of \u25a0 \'. offer, ar that it Is made to the stock- holders, both Preferred «nd Common, who sha!l b< rpclst«-r- ' is such at the dosing of the registry ami trans- fer b^.ks at the do»» of bufine-s of Septem- ber 1:5. I .!<\u25a0". md that all subscriptions miiFt be made before three <.'»» o'clock P. M. of October 1. I!m_. Additional ruhscrlrtlon Mar.ks or * usslffnmeni b) u_— i may be obtained u;>on appllcati-'n at the \u25a0':\u25a0 •\u25a0 of the Otis Elevator ."oirpany. 'I he registry and transfer bocks for the Mack of the Company will be closed at the clwe. of brines* on September -•">. ISM»—, and will remain r'.o*-' 1 ! until the mornins of October Hi, ltHXt. OTIS ELKVATOR COMPANY. By W. D. BALDWIN. President. Crnst (Tompanics. MRP FINCH'S CLASSES AND BOARDING SCHOOL M FOX GIRLS. DAY SCHOOL* 753 FIFTH AVB.. ''u-UiNvfnKlT., 735 MADISON AVENUEI NEAR 64TH STREET. MIES BVERDELT/S CLASSES FOR OIRLS. i>JL KINDERGARTEN IN FRENCH. Get oher I,t .53 West 45th Street MISS JKNNY HUNTBR'S KINDERGARTEN TRAIN- ING SCHOOL will reopen Sept. 22. at 15 West 127 th Street. Postgraduate classes Sept. 20th. For Both Sexes— City. ELOCT"T£ON. ORATORY AND DRAMATIC ART thnr- ,>U(thly and jirartically taught at THE LAWRENCE SCHOOL OF EXrRKr?ION. 106 West 4Ud-3t.. New- York. The speaking voice trained and developed, recitation- taught, and the principles of oratory md acting Imparted In class and private, day or night. Send for circular to EDWIN GuKDO.N LAWKKNCE. Director. TTWIENDS' SEMINARY JL 1 22u TO 22") EAST 16TH STREET. NEW YORK. 42^D YEAR BEGINS SEPTEMBER 16TH. 1902. Efiiclent equipment, modern methods, airy schoolrooms and ample play-grounds offer exceptional advantages for day pupils cf all agt-s. boy* and girls. Also BROOKLYN SCHOOL under same management. EDWARD B. RAtVSON an! ALICE S. PALMER, Principals. MISS ELIZABETH L KOUF.R. El , ling airi Day School for Girl. 23 2 West Mth-!»t.. corner of West End-nve. and Annex. i>ARK AVENUE SCHOOL; Jti2l-1023 ""irk Avenue, n. c. 1 enr Sflth -Reopen* Thursday. September 28th ... . .. | \u0084_,-\u25a0..r , primary. Intermediate and Hlgli PI Departments.^ College reparation a specialty or the school. Regent* »"£\u25a0"*• orPE MiKIMER. Prln. fcjpSS GERRISH'S COLLEGIATE SCHOOL. 640 West ;\u2666!_ EnJ Avenue. New-York. Special courses of study. Pitting for College a specialty. MRP. DORR'S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Advanced courses. Kindergarten. Small <:a*«es. Individual ntion. Reopens Oct. Ist. 303 'West 106th Street and Annex. JOHN CROSBY BROWN, Chairman. ROBERT L. HARRISON, Secretary. Notice is hereby given that Brown Brothers & Co. will receive deposits of Virginia deferred certificates up to September 25th, 1902, after which date a penalty will be imposed in an amount to be fixed by the committee. fgf B |f B _\u25a0 \u25a0 n^HE BKHLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES. THE BKT.LITZ (1122 Broadway). Brooklyn. 73 Court St. Madison Squ ire (1122 Broadway* Brooklyn 73 Court St. 2<)o Branchea In all leading Cities of the World. Lessons gratuitously transferred to any of them. FOUR MEDALS AT THE PARIS EXPOSITION 1900. Pupils hear and speak exclusively the foreign L_ngu_g« from the very first lesson. New Terms becln Trial Lessons free. riUIB V.BIil.:: SCHOOL for Ho >s ar! Girls—;: I \u25a0 119 \v 12. Kindergarten through College Preparatory. Mis* MAY E BUTCBKB, Inn. EMPIRE STATE TRUST CO. Capital and Surplus, 5t.000,000 88 WALL STREET. NEW YORK CITY. Transacts a General Trust and Banking Business. II ROY W. iMLDWIV, President DIVAN D. PAKMLY. Vice-Prcsident. H. M. GOIGH, Treasurer. C. t. BK'VIM,Secretary. DIRIJCTOItS. Lei j W. Baldwin, Ira >\u0084 Bamberger, Wm. K. Niches. \u0084y, r I.trown. A. lph OtTiK. Kilns W. H':r'. Rlcimrd M. Parmely, Una* D. Car\-er. Duncan D. I'armly, F. Klnjr-hur- furtia. Walter T. Rosen. <-iemont A Griscoro. Jr.. J. Frederick Tttlcott. H H. Harrison. Henry P. Txlmntufi. .• M. HlKKln». Ivlsar \«n .•;\u25a0! .^ Robt. E. J.nnlncs. Oswald <, Ml'.ard. John Kelley. A. E. Wallace. Manual Lbpes. J, hn R Walsh. Thos. N. McCauley. -I"'" 11 •'• Warner. T>EMOVAL--Mlss ROBERT*. *ucc«F»or to Miss l\ WALKER, has m<n-ei her School for Giris, wl th Kinder, »nd laases for Boy«, from US to 27- Mad*- sun Avrrue. Reopen* October Ist. C_ MARY'S SCHOOL _ . >>. 8 an.l - K.ist l«tB Street New York. " HOARDING AND DAT SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Collegiate. intermediate and Primary Grades. ratorlea, Gymnasiums. ner.per.l. October Ut Addre— sister Superior. - \u25a0 HT. AGATHA— CHURCH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. .'..'.7 «nd .ViO We»t End Avenue. New Tort City. rn<*- m.-ntary and High School. College Preparation. Gym- EMMA c,. SEBRINO. A. M.. Principal. THE DP. SAVAGE QTOKASItJ-l AND N. Y. NOR- MAL SCHOOZi OF PHTWCAIi EPTCATION NOW OI'KN- rXiR MEN, WOMEN. BOYS AND GIRLS. PRl- i'N'.'U ir«IAL OR C— ASS INSTRUCTION. CIR- CULARS. .»-^Ui>U. 51>TH ST . NEAR BWAY. N. Y. VX7EINGART INSTTTtrTK. >> \\ X . COR lI.'TH -ST., Afterno cla—m for boy* mm girle attending Publi.- Orhoola, r'rum 4 to 6 p. m . reopen Oct. 1. rpilE VKI/IIN SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. : 0 AND 161 WEST 74TH ST.. N. Y. riTT. .. Preparatory and General Comae, Number of pupils limited to twelve !n each class. FIREPROOF BUILDING. THOROUGH^ EQ-TFPKD. "OROOKLYN HEIGHTS 6EMINART. 13S-140 MONTAGUE ST.. BROOKLYN. N. T. Boarding and Day School for Girls. Open* September 25»h. Prospectus on request. Principals at home after September 10th. Brooklyn. rill) ICIBSES ei-y's BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL TOR GIRLS Reopens Oct. Ist. I'rimary and totertnediate Departmenta CoIU-ko Preparatory Department ia_fh< by experienced college ?rai!uatf9. Laboratory, well equipped for expert- mental work in Science, in charge of trained specialist. i:ncllfh I*ncu.ic»». Literature. History. Modern I.an- puaKes. Art. Music. Gymnastlca. tauglit by highly educated I Instructor*. RIVERSIDE DRIVE. »TH AND S6TH STS.. I NEW YORK. milK KOHUT PRBI'ARATOR^ SCHOOL. - 1 - BOARDING AND DAI SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. R< p«ns : .\u25a0;.!. 2Sth. M **e»i BSth St. Mrs. Alexander Kohut. Principal. HP-HE* COMSTOCKS SCHOOL Reopens October Second. J. Family and Day School for Girls. 4oth year. Miss DAY. Principal. 32 West 4»th-Bt. rpiH-; MADISON SCHOOL FOR OIRLS. TTB-TBO Mhdlson Avenue. New York. Klndercarl?n. CoUe«* Preparatory and General Courses. ROSALIES MOSES. Principal. TUB MISSES COOK D4:.* Fifth Avenue, will reopen X their \u25a0.;..; for youns girls Oct." 9th. rpilK MEHINGTON SCHOOL. 1 iioardms - " d l'uy bchool Mr We.'t S;EBd---e.S ;EBd---e. till West End-aye. 'HUE MISSES WREAKS _ X Primary. Intermediate, and Special lic<>-rrepar_- tory classes Parlor boarders for Art and Music. _ Bt _ mHE misses hayson . „, -L Boarding ana Day School for Girls. Final, Classes. Advanced courses in Literature and Language*. College preparation. lUopen. Octo^ 7. we.^JSth-st^ THK MISSES JAUDONS , ___ i BOARDING ANDDAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. I:. ; - tu. October.!. 20 East 56th Street. THE LE RAP.ON DRUM* _O_K)O__ i BOYS IN PRIM- JL 40 WEST 721) STREET. I AflY CL.VSSES. Thorcußhly graded classes from kindergarten to college preparation. Kc-»pens Oct. id. 1902. milE MISSKS GRAHAM •Successors to the Misoes Oreen) Boarding and Day School for Girls. Itecpens Oct. Ist. EHtaMished In 1816. 170 West 72.1-st.. Sherman Square. fpHE COMSTOCK SCHOOL. - Family and Day School for Girl.-. *nth year. Miss DAY. Principal. 32 West 40th-st. THB PEEBLES _ THOMPSON SCHOOL. Boarding and Day School for Girls. Op* October Ist. 30. 32. 34 East 57th Street. nTHE KI.LIM.A~T SCHOOL. JL 2"4 W. 3Hth-st.. near B'way. Nineteenth year opens Oct. Ist. Training class for kindergarten. Class limited. /»A WEST 12TH STREET. hU MISS LANE'S SCHOOL will open on Wednesday. October Bth. For Boys and Young Men City. BARNARD SCHOOL. 117-119 West 128 th St. and 260 Lenox -ave. College preparatory. All (trades; small classes. Individual attention. 17th year begins Septem- ber 22 Apply for year book at 260 Lt-nox-ave. , WILLIAM L. HAZEN. THEODORE E.. LYON. pOLUMBIA INSTITUTE. / Reopens October Ist. at NEW LOCATION. 122 W. "2nd St.. BETWEEN COLUMBU3 anil AMSTERDAM AYES. Collegiate, Pre- paratory. Primary. Departments. Optional Military Drill. Hot Luncheon. Playground. Optional study hour under instructors. Catalogues. The Principal Is dally at hi* office from 9 to 6. " EDWIN FOWLER. A. 8.. M. D.. PRINCIPAL. COLUMBIA GRAMMAR school ! FOUNDED 1764. 34 AND 36 EAST 51ST STREET. Frlaclous building. Thorough training— and indi- vidual—for -11 Colleges. Scientific Schools, and business. Primary classes. Large Laboratories and Gymnasium. Athletic grounds. Manual Training. Reopens Sept. 21th. ft £ ?SSSE£ £ * } He-d-na^ter. LONG ISXAND BtTSINESS OOIXEGE. 1«8 to 14l> Sooth Bth 81 B- -lya -* Mirh commercial schuol. Henry C. V.ri.tit. C. F. A., i rlnclpai. The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company. The time -within which O-tatandlnc fork of THE CHICAGO. BOCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY mar be deposited with Cf-ntral Trust Company of New York. und<?r the offer of purchase made by the undersigned, dated July Bis) 1902 ha*, been extended to Wednesday, October I, 1902. Holders of Subscription CertH <><-, may deposit the tame at any time up to and - lading October IT.th. IWI2. Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Co.; Bj WILLIAMT. TIANKIN. President. Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Company. NEW YORK, September 22, 1902. TO HOLDERS OF STOCK OF 1->R\TT XNBTITDT_I BROOKLYN. N. T. 1 Fail Term begins September nd. SEABOARO A!R LINE RAILWAY Hoboken. N. J. OTE\"ENS SCHOOL. THE ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT OF THE STEVENS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. River Street, between 3th and tith Sts.. H^oken. N. *• RDOPENS sSBfT. 15 HI. }**>-\u25a0 ___ Recistratlon day far applicants for admission on Sep- "ExamiJaiion. for admission on the nth and 12th of 'Si; course, of study Drepar.»onr .. tMa"-Vt Ma"-VM a "-Vr n e Veral ' ties. Colleges. School* of Selene*. La' a l'?r, M r or The rate of tuition for all classes is tloO per >ear. or $50 i. -i term. \u0084 Thes» term* include all the studies. of Stevens q-»,«m For catalogues apply to th* Principal of Stevens School. For Young Ladies— Country. i DELIGHTFUL HOME AND SCHOOL FOR GIRLS c^. T^mr^. 'SSSTOHK^ £- AL.:OTT. Port Chester. N. T. I NG N^ D ?ULFO^D n^TCH^^:. h CONN. School >ear M %XcioS^ j-resldeTt o}°B^l?bi'r"t^ Helton W. Mable. LL.D. Sk Urkdl.U rk d l. 1 MAX K HAKK.%*D^rIn.. Bethlehem. Pa. T77SS DANA'S SWOOV^KgI^X^X*- && IVL (Suburban to f Ne * mlls Or " four :e»d.ne colleges. MJslrand-ASr^KeTidenf^plu"^. c— on r _ Quest. __.^— ———^———^— \u25a0THE CASTLE. The lto T: ta the vicinity et.KewJ*^ MASO.V. LL. M. 5rf hi:^__^^ngcLAßA C. FULLER. Prinei^. I~7yE SEMINARY. lfll , addrw, STOWE - Ry *- yew Torfc" rran misses .,^-,'i\-nnTvi follezlate School for Girls. fHHE MISSES LOC^^^TVenty-flva mlnutea from 1 M.mnt Vernon. Railroad). Beautiful suburban For Boys and Tounc Men-Country. /^NWOOD WSTTTOTE. MATAWAN. jaaftapaai 1 Or One of the , <> ]««•,. , Primary, Academic and Preparatory Boarding - CI J, DrUl . Outdoor Sport, a Commercial t-ourter- « CG. BROWER. Principal. feature. Sl'oO to SoW- \u25a0r ft " J ____-„_. RrvER MILITARY ACADEMY. Nyack: 23 1Iu.toN^ V\u25a0Y \u25a0 location «uperb, m 111 1 1 11 1 mag- JJL miles to IV *-. ilpment for Infantry, cavalry and nltlcent: conipl<-.* %'„';. fe preparatory achool; Illustrated ?rt»lo^k* cgtjf WILSON. C. S. V.. A. M.. Sup,. TRYING INSTITUTE^ n Hadjeß N AN T. pri raU 1 Non-Military. larryw M FURMAN. Prln. term. Sent. 2*. ____ \| OBBMIOWII SCHOOL;rERsET J WILL REOPEN THURSDAY. SEPT. 23. 1902. COLT^ATERAL TRUST i:. PKR CENT. GOLD EONDS. PIT: OCTOBER FIRST. 1902, Holders of the alwve bonds ar» hereby notified that Ol delivery of same at the offices of the undersigned and payment of $25 per band, they will have the privii"K<» of exchanging them for an equal amount, par value, of the Seaboard Air L!n« Railway REFUNDING COLLAT- ERAL TRUST FIVE FF.R CENT GOLD BONDS DUB MAY 1. 1611. The bonds delivered must carry the coupon due Oc- tober 1. I'JO2. and the Refunding Bonds delivered In ex- chanp« will bear the coupon due November 1, 1902 A LARGE PROPORTION OF THE BONDS HAVING ALREADY BEEN EXCHANGED. THIS OFFER I.S SUBJECT TO WITHDRAWAL at ANY TIME WITH- OUT NOTICE. VERMILYE & CO. HALLGARTEN & CO. NEW YORK, 74 BROADWAY BOSTON. YEW yoRK. BALTIMORE. HASKINS & SELLS, Certified Public Accountants So. 3O BltOAl) STREET, XEW YORK CABLE ADDRESS "HASKSELLS." 204 Dearborn St.. | Williamson Big |'o t^oi« m Chicago. IU. j Cleveland. o. X | fIJS&g. g^ Lincoln Trust Bld C .. St. Louis Mo IF TOTJ HAVE A SON OR A DAUGHTER TO ZTDTT- CATE. cet the free book about Pennington Seminary. It tells much you should know of an educational method that has been In successful practice 62 years, and of Ideal surroundings that associate perfect health with rapid mental and moral growth. The book may be of crea: service wherever you send your child. Addraae THOMAS O'HA.NLON. D. D.. LL. D.. ' \u25a0\u25a0 •*-" Pennlngtoc. N. J. Scfjocl agencies AMERICAN AND FOREIGN TEACHERS' AOENCT J\ supplies Professors. Teachers. Tutors, Ooverneseee., etc. to Collegia. Schools and Families. Apply to Mrs. M- J. TOUNO-rULTON. 23 Union Square. Scatter*. JI'LIAN DE KESTEI^HANKIN. of rr.lverslty Cot'.ts^. Oxford, and Trir.ity College. Dublin. Twelve years' experience in New York and vldalyr. Thorough education in all branches. Preparation for all American and foreign unlr-erstUs*. Clashes or individual pupils In city or suburbs. ADDRESS 301 W. lUTU-ST. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION for collets preparation, regents etc; also coaching for school or college work; fourteenth, year. T. E. SUTCLIFFE (Harvard). » Bast 55'th-st. PRIVATE LESSONS at own home to boys and glrla by X university irrH.luate. Kngttsh. Latin, elementary French and Spanish. W. R. CLARK. Unton Square Hotel. N. Y. PARISIAN 1 Just landed, teaches French. A*Sreee NTHOUt. BOM 43. Tribune Office, or 334 W. 15tn-et. TUTOR— A. Everett Stone (Yale). 313 West Mtb-e*. T Special coachjr-K fur coUege. Resident pupils re- celv»-J. aatocin Uesoria. MEW-YORK. AUTUMN SEASON 1902. IMiuUal^LsjlJuviL'Uav'L^A ULuLVJ MILLBROOK, DCTCHESS CO., N. T. " ~ >Ett-JER>EV. -^m MARLBOROUGH HOUSE. STONE IRON AND SLATE CONSTRUCTION 1 . Atlantic City's newest and most modern hotel. 3*» water in all baths. Telephones in b»d rooms and many other ordinal features. Fall »^.R»°t^trad* *- H^" ""SSSI^ CTTT. N. J. Remains o^en throushout the year. Every known comfort ar«l convenience for fall ar.d winter guests. *\u25a0\u25a0" Hotel Co.. p g white, jr.. pr»ia«it. ~ ~ HI SKTTS. TlnliE iElfl!lA@lnllllitil& liiralKla For September and October sojourn. Matchless f DUage and drives Gulf, tenr.is. shooting, open f.i . steam. B.x>lt.et3. THE COURT INN*. a _ DEC IST TO MAY IST. CAMDEN. S. C- CALEB TICKNOR & SON. Great Barrtngton. Man. __ VERMONT. ! TEI CtSIP OIF rJTHIIM-l Are seen at their best In BEAUTIFUL BRANDON hi Cl« GREEN MOUNTAINS. TOU TTILI. FIND COMFORT and ENJOYMENT at The BRANDON INN. 6 HOURS FROM NEW YORK. GEO. Q. PATTEE. Brandon. Vt. ~ iimifii i r. ' . - <»« I [EDDOEEffiSdWDOD DK3E," EDGETVOOD PARK-GREENWICU-ON-THE-SOUND. Open frcTn June until November. and every m. d^rn c n r.irH^- Th- I-i 1- -\u25a0!\u25a0\u25a0 -i »«h J r^y milk and rream fr^jn lra AddreM FRANK F. SHUTE. Manager. I«K.\.\«iYI,VAMA. THE NEW KITTATINNY. Delaware Water Gap. Pa. OPEN UNTIL NOVEMBER. c->»r!al Fall attractions; beautiful rhangins fnllase. Out- <;oo?ponI Driving anJ golf. Bathliw. boatin< and fish- St New ownership and managenwat. Electric "* ht ». hydraulic elevator, suites with Lath, jteam h-at: opea a'eplaces. Exteri r piazzas. 22 1 * hours from New-York. ' \u25a0n'lu.-trated booklet. ,„, T BBTAXr> 3^ LEEDS * LIPPINCOTT. Proprs . Haddon Hail. Atlantic City. N. J. MOuFrf^POCON O. PA. Deliehtful fall resort. Porono Mountain House. Monr- fan-«.-* .in.l Swlftwater hotels. Booklets and all informa- tion at Lackawanna Report Kureau. 4-0 Broadway. N. T. DELAWARE WATER GAP. PA. Dellllilfiil fall resort; polf. nshinjr. boatins; all *rrm»e~ meats Hotels open tillSo*. I Bt^oklets and all . Infor- mation at LACKAWANNA RESORT BUREAU. 429 Broadway. New-York. - \u25a0 - DOCONO MOUNTAIN HOUSE ASP SPRING?. Mt. X Poc.-.no. Pa., cap. 300; el.. 1.824 ft Golf. Orchestra. foreclosure Sales. YEW YORK SUPREME COURT, COUNTY •*• of New York The Farmers' loan and Trust Com-, pany as Substituted Trustee, etc.. Plaintiff, against Will- lam' Lyman and others. Defendants. In pursuance, of » Judgment of Foreclosure and £ale. duly made and enter** In the above-entitled action, bearing date the 16th day of August 1902 I. the undersigned, the Referee In said Judg- ment named, will sell at Public Auction, at the New York Real Estate Salesroom. No. 11l Broadway »s_Hp Borourh of Manhattan. City of >«• York, on the lltn. day of September. 1002. at 12 o'clock n>v>n on that day. Tv James L, Wells. Auctioneer, the premises directed by said Judgment to be so!d. and therein described as fol- k'ws: All that certain lot. piece or parcel of land, with the building: and improvements there erected, sltaata. lyinft and belns in the. Twelfth Ward of the Borouga of Manhattan. In Urn City of New York bounded ****?- s.ribed as follows; Beginning at a point on the »«»«£ aide of Fifth Avenue distant forty-nine feet --% inches Southerly from the corner formed by the Intersection of the Westerly side of Fifth Avenue with the southerly side of One' hundred and thirty-seventh Mreet. running thence Westerly parallel with One hundred tWrty- seventh Street and part of the distance through a par^y wall etah*y-flve feet; thence Southerly parallel »lth r!ft Avenue twenty-five feet: thwee Easterly again parallel with One hundred and thirty-seventh Street and part of tho distance through another party wall cl S hty-ftv» feet to said Weaterly side of Fifth Avenue, and running taenca Northerly the Westerly aide cf Fifth Avenu*twenty- Hvf feet tot?.! point or place of beginning; be the -am*. more or l". Belne a po-tion of th*« same pr«^ con- veyed to William Lyman by Adolph M. Benuhelin and vevances « page 4SI. Said premises being turth«r k" by the Street number 224* Fifth Avenue. Dated. New T«£^*^W^THROr. Ref^^ TURNER. ROLSTON & HORAX. Attorney, for PlalnUlS. Tnf f W l^n/ira%U^m rr oo k :Tht property tj *.-old « S ?escribeTa^ve S . the street number being 221« 3th At..: TJ:e approximate amount of the lien or charge to ••»> which the ab-r.e-descrlbed P^" tjr m U ,%. '2* 15 *•- \--> '44 with interest thereon fr^ra the lltn aay OC Dated. New Vork.^f-^^^INTHROP. R«I«r««. . rURNER. ROUrTON & HOBA-N Attorney, for FUintiS. 22 WUUam St.. N. X. FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS Trustees' Offlce. Room 88. Drexel ] Building k « i? n«ee. have this -^eJ^S-c^^^^ ™: p. IS: 3$ lit 3% » 5072. 1 isa» urn i:c: aS # || ?110-2C'.? 110- 2C'. 13*>. 1742. 1988 aS r-4r -4- 2*81). 3136. M*. ImS it.-,; -..,,\u25a0. v^.V 25^6 gUi sin. -. \s& $& S ii 14 |S sS ii \& \k sat st B ii B 330. isos: 3--.:, ag 235" =|u # ?S5- 32 21. 06. 1525! ISo»: \u25a0 -\u0084:«,. BSE 2660 - r" ' £?• i ||: pa- i is is: SS 3.6. MS] IH2I. 2110. 24i1. 2H70 :'o/^: 'o/^ as the numbers of the one hundred and 'eighteen a !\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0< under the trust deed of the Chicago * «• nds - Indiana Railroad Company dated NoSlmKr i«?*?S? to be redeemed, by the operaton of the Slnkin? Pl; n ,18, 18 ' 9 Novetnr^r Ist next, a: the office of Meseis ] S P^? d' on i: Co.. New York at 105 "»cseis. j. p. Morgan ANTHONY J. THOMAS ) CHARLES H. RUSSELU $ Trustees. By the operation of the Sinking Fund the remaining -n First ilortEase IJonds. all that win be loiuSne IttVr the above redemption, willbe redeemed January Ist. IU03! Dinibrni) Notices. KNICKERBOCKER TRUST COMPANY. M BROADWAY. Cnoponn pnvolilc on mill ufler October I, 1002. roTTPOKH IfAl BE SENT IN AT ONCE. AND CHECKS IN PAYMENT OF SAME .yvM.!..; •: READY FOR DELIVEHV AT 1" A M. ON OCTOBER '• NEW YORK «'itv :i -. '- American Electric Telephone Co. ' benture r.^ . Buah Terminal Co First 4%. Childs Ellsworth. -_„ «„, ComputlUK Scale Cf). of Amfrira. Trust First Oeaeaee A- IVy<-.m!n»c Railroad Co. First V?e. Grand River Coal & Oke <V>. Kirn We ,_ Up ITn'on l"r.- School DUtrict So. 1 * "\u25a0 , . \u25a0 I>-ggett. Francla H. i- Co. First^ 6%. Mnnroe County C.as Cu. Urst •> r. \u25a0'. Mnnro- county (ia» Go. Consolidated 8%. New York Athletic <'lub Second B*. Watklnn. Village of. Reg. *"* "ter. MORTON •>»<"' <O^ I :^ V ; 17 1602 rrnE REGULAR mL AK'ri'KlA- DIVIDEND -L _, «... \u0084,r •. , \u25a0\u25a0 i .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Boarf^D^cto" . .",,. holder^ of record^ the clos» «I u^rrs- -I- \u25a0 aj - S^^'f iW«»»r ; "" ol - r lst - at ten °' clock a. M. H M FRANCIS. Secretary. the NEW AMStSaM^NATIONAL BANK. Broadway ttn^e 3^| r^- epL 2aA, 1003. ATA MEETING OF THE BOAKIi OF Dl- A rUtoni of '. Beheld this day. a quarterly rector, of ttote Bank, neia , 1f .,. 1;i: ,,.i, payable dividend of EIGHT I h ' ' . |" r Vo' reco, i a the close •\u25a0' ! October let. 1902. to "^.^'^n"" book. close Bep ! l)UBln<-»« September I* l '-- "" :;_ i/ t it;,," j tenber l«h and rccjwn 0 ! -- j*i;.Vr.M INN. Cashier. N^^Y^^^^S^^ R l!«'-. •i.Ki^.SIM.NSUr- A \u25a0^ ooßtrarf betwe«. the Ro«* r -;:;:, 'SS.SSmSS bun Railroad C<uap»W «£d U>« M* \u0084: \u0084 wth 15 ..,. the teml-annual 4lv«en« of thi c*™ rivER RAiL- on the stock of the -' A -- ' ••\u25a0•\u25a0•\u25a0 ' rJl)x - : ' b " raid ROAD COMPANY, due hepUinber -i>. v"- at this office on an.l "^,,l^ a' PRINCE. Treasurer. (Rita turns 1 YORK. By the (Jr..,- ivit '^^ Ma"^ to Jane Homer Meyers. Mathllde Far>er ud iw^ t i;li _ eleine yon Zgllnit*kl Andrew L. . Homo. -, Ann , o dlnga. Louiaa H y°J dw pß*«iflrni?p B *«iflrni? SUM 'i HOrneV. Bea- H. VValnwi«y. »enjamin B Ho:" *r- ' ''*, 3 ,,. U1 .,; . r Will or Jamin Hou^h. Robert W. "\u25a0"Li" ElMU !or ndmed In John Hall. dSwaied; I^uis deceased, the Laat Will and Testament "**?*?£ "znre Company of and The Keal Kstate Tit!« !vn(i , n T " s r l 'gj" d ln the Estate Philadelphia, and tD all 3 f n * A"'"." of :<• York, de or i;ilzal*ih 11. Ford, late of th« Count> * Hn>l ctherwl ., : . ceaeed. as creditors, legatees. « c *' °,1, 1 * her »by cited and Bead Greeting: You and each my™ before our Surrogate required personally to Le and appear htro , . of the County of New York. •' '" c rourt House, In the raid County, held at the Countj . Cou '>,". :ni«. !««. County of New York, on the '™ «on ot that day. then at half-past ten o'clock In the 'ofenoo^o f the ncroun an! there to attend a Judicial f«-i Loan and Trust Com- of proceedUiica of The Farmers Loan nil - Testame nt of pany as Trustee under the J*?*J? 4L*^reny cited, as said deceaued. and such of }\u25a0\u25a0>• * B nr .; required to are under th« age of " > ™'C hie one, or If you have appear by your uardlan. If you »>»>« aPpo i ted. or in the none to appear ««nd apply JOT one to be arpo ardian wlll event of your neglect or Jallure to do so aiid act for " ou be appointed by the Surrogate to reprebc ln th« proceeding. ca usea the Seal of the In Testimony Whereof. VVeh ave ca County of Surrogates' Court or * n £n d witness. Hon York to r* herei-n to a^ T^;. ate o f our said (L. S.J Frank T. Fitzgerald, a birr t (he l2th lay County, at the Coanty oT N^ » > f on6 thou- of September. In th* year o«- « sand nine hundred andl two. m . laITG hLIN. j. FAIKrAX M " , . Court. clerk T»'lV itt 'rnevs for Trustee. TURNER. ROLSTON & HORAN. Attorne> 22 William Street. New ork flnbhc ponces. ______ W ANTED. FOR "T 1 - a°nd*tem?wrat« citizens Of United States, of C«od chare Knf ,, lsh For in- habitß. who can ".peak, a ,t^ ofncer. 25 Third Aye.. 84 formation apply to Hecrultlnß qmce xih Aye.. V, y *- CortUndt St.. 2113 Eighth Aye.. <"O \u25a0 863 Fulton St.. Brooklyn. WAXTED. PITTSBURGH, SHAWM'dT 8 NORTHERN First Morlsrase Uonda, Cltu. an. I Stork li. A. CROSBY, 25 Broad St. TRADE IX CHICAGO. tBT TELEGRAm TO THE TBIBCXE.I Chicago. Sept. Armour put the September •wheat to £5c To-day and then sold- the shorts enough to send it back to B>W\ ar.i close it there.- The September trade to-day has been In the mill- ions. showing- that the short Interest was a larfre on*. In spite of the absence of contract stocks here. The deferred wheat futures have been weak, mainly because of weakness in the Xorthwest. The Minneapolis September was two rents lower, the talk of a strike in the flour mills up there hav- ing Its Influence. The deferred futures here closed *ie to *nC under Monday. December opened at TO^ic sold betv.-een "O^c and C9Vjc bid, and closed at C&»ic seller.-:. May closed at "OVjc bid.' Kvidently there is considerable Armour September line. still ltft. But the. best opinion is that the shorts will not be pushed to extremes. Everything depends, however, on Armour's pood nature, as the con- tract stock here is only 566,000 bushels. With Dalßtfa .ash wheat under Me, the September here cannot be kept at this range Ion»?. and. conse" «JU<-r,tly, there are even those who believe the maximum September price was reached to-day. It \u25a0would take several days, however, to bring; cargoes here, and Duluth has no contract stock la store and vessels could only be loaded from the current r *«feU'U as they come in, so that the bringing of *ay considerable, line of wheat from Duluth in the next ««ek would be an impossibility. The world's *l«iM<: increased half as much as last year— | 28SC000 bushels. Cables were a lit?!.- lower; clear- *" '* only 268,003 bushels. The Northwest had good * ~ tner - and Northwestern receipts were i,216 cars. ** ciil " 1.22$ last year. Liverpool cabled good " BEL'S"* w°"ldw °"ld be in continuous demand. I •b '- -'-Wit weekly crop bulletin announced consld- \ DVERTISEMENTS and subscriptions for The Trlhnna U\. received at their Uptown Office. nDU " 9 No. 1.3*4 BROADWAY. Between Ktn and 3.th ets.. until a o'clock, p. m Advertls<-m<>nts will be received at the following branch offices at recular office rates until 8 o'clock p. m v'li _•-. « -«iii-ii\«-.. \u25a0 <•. ear. 23d-st.: 183 i;tli-R V » cor" 12th-st.; iiti Kant 1 lth-«t.; •_T. 7 Went 4^d-st. >," tween "ih and Bth area.: iiiill V>»t l^.'th -ut.j 1 Tt'lsi 3d-ave., between 70th and 77th *ts.: LjHM 3d-arc near r.let-et.: 1 .70S I»t-nvp., near S9th-»t-: 157 Ea«i L2stfc-at.i 75« Tremont-avc.i «5O Ud-ave. NEW- YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 24, 1902. i3ankers an& DroKert. I Jnatrornon. For Boys and Young Men Country. KINGSLBT SCHOOL, Essex Fells, Caldwel], New Jersey. Home school for boys of seven to fourteen year». K«w buildings. Gymnasium. MilitHry drill. Best teachers— on« to every 3 boys. Thorough work. Fall term begin* Sept. 24 J. R. CAMPBELL. Headmaster. Jnstrntnc*. f APLEWOOD. Cdncorctvllle. Pa. $294. Location be&n- I>± tttul. elevated healthy. Yale. Wesleyan and Harvard men in Board of Instruction. Former students now suc- cessful business men. donors, lawyers, judges. &c Every year boys failures in other schools with us suc- cessful students. Department for small boys. No totacco, J. SHORTLIDGE. Prta. For Boys and Young Men City. COLLEGIATB SCHOOL. \_J 241 WEST SEVENTY-SEVENTH ST Boys prepared for the Colleges and Scientific Schools. Primary Department. \\ ell-etjuipped Gymnasium. Reopen* SEPTEMBER 29. L. C. MYGATT, Head Master. fijpT BOSTON STOCKS. ?'' £,*»*** by *•" L. Pay & Co.. No. 3 Nassau-*.) -'" ort ..- Sept- •-. ' f_pt. 22. Sept. 23. \u25a0 . _2f » **» \u25a0Un Shoe Mach.... \u25a0 54 I . 4 Alb*n>.--^ s do pref 31 31 \u25a0'KjW £,* " 5^4 15«4 Atlantic Mining.. 27 25tf C«« *\ ! c v I*7 lf.fi Arcadian Mining. 4^ 4>j fjß* l '!) ' 14* ii_ Hineham Mining. »»i fT» H* " "•",".- 3»*t'cent««nial Mm... IT-, 16J4 &&**.**'& "•«:. Copper Range M. KM* 10 , SSftF.n.l mI- ,;•.: „.. pySnkHn Mining.. KMi 1" *£>-\u25a0 %\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -{^ 37* Mass Con M,r..... l«% l«% __„ £!«* Co*..- -. * w j Ml>nawk Mining.. 4TS OP V re K"-r 7-V17<> 1<» i«"«=ceola Mining... M" 2 RJ4 ' d &Ji 141', «<> |Old Pom Mln ... 16^ MS - i 3*w3?Zr*2ZZ -J-U Parrot i me... an* g^» - Jf T«4 &* * ' 17m I'll jQulncy Mining 12."> l-> i \u25a0fle^FlVrV.V.nl^ |«»Vj Tamarack Mm... .ITS 172 , tffrtil* El 1J" - If* Wolverine Mm.. -i" «'» joprrf \u25a0: «.V "i, 72 II" X Mining -'\u25a0\u25a0« -'•« \u25a0 j^ff&ffw* »ii--o°-- a% *s* ' . CHICAGO STOCKS. Tracy & Co.. No- «> Wtf.-rt.) _— | Open. I HJph. ! Low. |Close. - z 13?'-' 139«» I •*• I 139 r'xr-.-' >>; ••••\u25a0 101 -. : ,_*_ "'\u25a0' j iom im>; i-4'. i^'.. 1-v-- jjlji ChicW 0 ;;;... \u25a0 9614 ;..,i.. »r,t,| :..•.'.. b^lrS- 'is. 111 in in IV-, is". is", IS", . rt'aTUrt""" \u25a0•". ' .j ss"! S3 SI 33 raibon common \u25a0--- \u25a0•: \u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0<-'\u25a0: s*T', ; N^-Sr^-::..., 41 ' 41 i- 41 i «1 '.«.;. 5«.i 4 \u25a0.-\u25a0 JW ' 4,pi*lerr*« j K.r im iJ Km, mm : «-,«\u25a0•-\u25a0•• \u25a0 ".'. I S2»«i 32\| "-\ 3- J « , ?tr «4WtnTnon_-^ _ _ . i E.ULROAD EARNINGS. \u25a0VTIFCOXSIN CENTRAL. ion" I"*"! I' "'' l \u0084«2 J*^ SBB*« - '"?,. J144«h«1 »115.47« J115.83S »**JL*%; ' Subs* 1.3W.7M 1.2.-.4.744 : *" TORONTO* HAMILTON AND BCFFAI^. >-vnher of mile* -;•\u25a0•\u25a0 ?!1 -;„-, gtcord week In Pfit.-- v- (1 .. 4 101.696 \u25a0*•• S ' ! ' : - PENTRAI. cirossTOwx. 1302. 1901. Changes. Quarter June S^-. i(^ f47fi.6J>« Inc. Il«.471 < Gr,*.. *»™ ln^'^.-- -\u0084,.„ KU.S72 Inc. 4.884 07-erat;r.s *' i «i-,4 SB 1M0.3C3 Inc. f 1.1 "577 Set eamiTifs -". . .-.77.: I>*c. 680 1 Other lnconie \u25a0• _ i Sir.9 2fVt-. f14«.03!> In*. J13.1P7 Tn:il income fiEsao $;«» Ino. «35 Charge* ______ - &'<" : . $40.23S Inc. J12.5C2 SUTTIU* 00i>«l fio.oon riA-idenil* .-•\u2666' ' ; J7 -r. J19.T37 Dec. $12,362 j T ' ffi^ "rinn on deulwams. <: !n^! ended June 30. !»(»-\u25a0 $r;3 m ! Gross earalnc '.'..'.'.'.'.. '. t 3?7.<'7ti j ExT'tnse? ' .11.......... 76.0 M i Net eamtap* '"\u25a0 ' ,_ ... 1.733 Other income SO.SOB Charees . . ... 3.017 T»ef:rtt _ ; c.371 !\u25a0,.!, m »\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ••• S36.OGS MXNeZpOUE ANP ST. WOlfi 0:h«r ir.r.imr w..w* '^j Total income 51.553.5C4 $1,618,625 Dec $31 -21 A-VNTAL .STATEMENTS. NE-JV-TOKK. WESTCHESTER AND CONNECTICUT ; TRACTION COYPANT. Te«-eaa»fl \u25a0;-.• 30— 15>°2. 1911. Char.pe». | Gws~e^4l^ t-.v^ J9.«34 D-c. «i.«i Oi-eralics expenses... 9.?2i> 8.275 Inc. 1.045 Low _ _ $2,517 " "--> Inc. $3,276 J Charges 71 Inc. 71 . i Deficit ' J2.5«S »J7tß Inc. $3,347 j •surrlDß. "cATBanUi AND FARMERS^TLLE. Gross earnings $4,623 $3.7^6 Inc. 9BK £zpens»s '•' -*7- T.4JM Inc. 1.878 Lo,« _ J4.555 J3.544 Inc. JLOII I Other'income 4.R00 4.<y>o Chanres _ 2.«4 2.7:7 Pea. 283 DeSett tar yt*r.... $2.4 0 11.771 Inc. fTIS- Dividend .... !>*• l.^O Total fleflclt $3.»5» $3,271 Inc. $713 SETT-TORK AND NORTH SHORE RAILWAY COM- PANY. Grots earnings $124,508 $117,055 Inc. J7.501 Eipea»"« 86.599 81.90* Inc. 4.f*3 Net earr.'-x? (•?.«« $Ss.of» Inc. J2.50« | Other Income . \u25a0''< 477 Inc. 93 Tettl lncom* $35,177 535J76 Inc. $2,601 Charges 39.373 34.231 Inc. 8.4J81 Dfsdt _ 51.19R " '11.2*5 Inc. $2,481 } OMB on hand - B*l« 3.046 Inc. 8.787 ! PrtSt and ton Ma- fi-len^i 1.198 21.740 Dee. 20.544 < Beuenaret <yrar).... 57.634 47.4^S Dec. 524 ! •snrj>ln«. U-^' EOVTHERN BOULEVARD RATL-WAT. Gr->« earnings $fiO.S(H $52,303 Inc. $".201 ! Operating expenses... 43.20* 37.029 Ino. 6.176 Net •arniTir* $17.2«» $15,274 Inc. $2,023 Charges 1-.:;:?. 17.« M Ins. 653 ' IKlltl Mil year " $Toi4 $23.V» D»e. $1,342 i ,Cash m hand -. I -\u25a0\u25a0 0.153 Dec. 41 ( Pm2t and loss *ur- L plus J343 $l.S.i« Dee. $1,013 Jettensenta (rear's... 1.023 4.454 Dee. 3.431 rHIRTT-FOCRTH STREET CROtSSTiJWS RAILWAY. HOB earnlncs 5455.668 ItOT.^W Inc. 555.720 Operating lII'IMI .. . 278.321 24'».04* Inc. 35.2T7 ' Net earnings $177,347 $156,904 Inc. $20,443 Other Income. 1.172 l. '"«\u25a0» Inc.' 172 : Total income $175,519 $107.90* Inc. $2^'.«15 : ; Charge* 63,003 r.-.VKt Inc. 6/193 Ft3TT>ltn $113.51« $98,994. Inc.. $14,522 nnm STREET RAILWAY. Grow earnings $43,497 f 45.671 Dec $2,174 : Operating expenses... 31.747 KM Inc. 1.309 K«t earelrirs , $11 75" $15,233 Dec $3,483 I Other lecome .. 19« 250 Dec 54 ; ; Charges 21,667 21.880 Dee. 1 3 Defl-lt " $:<,tm $<5.397 Inc. $3.3 M "nrENTT-K;'":?iTH AND TWENTY-NINTH STREET RAILWAY. . Gross esrr'.rcii ttm.SM $177,113 Inc. $3,381 Expense 106.696 11ti.762 Dec. f>.W> Set «arrtr.cs $73.«14 $iv>.s:.7 Inc. $13.257 Other income \u25a0\u25a0' 250 Inc. l '" Char£«i V..477 65.553 Inc. 194 IXdt $11,446 $24,675 Dee $13,229 TONKERS RAILROAD. Grow canines $2».6CT 9UBJBU Inc. $42.17« r^ecses : 1%7.494 149.C93 Inc. 47.501 Net earnings $33,193 $38,818 Dec $5.63 Othelr.come 84.286 S'.<.So9 Dec. 5.523 Total Income $34,286 $39,809 Dec $5,523 Charge* ti1.745 6^.447 Inc. 1.298 IWadt J27.459 $20. Inc. $«.'2l Cash en hanfl 13.053 10.678 Inc. 2.405 Pro Star?t ar? loss <S*scit) $75,643 $1?.154 Inc. $27,439 WESTCHESTER ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Gros<i earnings ...... $222,K»G $185,285 lac. 537.311 Expenses 251.137 202.653 Inc. 48,484 Deficit ~~. ~ $25,541 $17,368 Inc. $11,173 Charge* ._ 35.268 34.723 Inc. 545 Deficit $63.50» $52,091 Inc. $11,718 Cash on hand 1.722 7.044 Dec £.322 Profit 4- loss (flefidt) $1C9.41S $105,608 Inc. $63,610 TAP.RYTfiWN. WHITE PL-\INS AND MAMARONECK RAILWAY. Orna earnings 565..-.14 ?<«.f133 Inc. 53.4R1 Expenses 63.230 56.2*4 Inc. 6.1*46 Net earnings $2,284 *5.74» Dec $3,465 Other Income 221 227 Dec. •> Charges 16.917 16>4» Dec. I DeSdt - $14,441 $10,972 Inc. $3.4G9 Cash on hand 3.293 8.61S 1•«;. 325 Treat & loss (aeSclt) $22.154 $7,743 Inc. $14,441 PENNSYLVANIA MITJTART COLLEGE. ' i: CHESTER. PA. Forty-first year begins September 17th. CIVIL. ENGINEERING (C. E). CHEMISTRY (B. a). ARTS IX. 9.X Thorough work »p. Laboratories. I>rauß^tlr.«-room. Field. ALSO PREPARATORY COURSES. INFANTRY. ARTILLERY AND CAVALRY DRILLS. ••A Military School of the highest order.' —V. 3. War D*pt. Catalogues of CoL C. E. HYATT. President. CUTLER SCHOOL. NO. 20 EAST 50TH ST. REOPENS WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER IST. Mr. Cutler or the l«Wni will be at the School House after Sept. 10. Summer address. HoUiston. Muss. Miss Hoard's] Home School for Girls I fAn ideal environment for study and \(V tr* recreation. Broad culture, real training of JQ-t "T mind, body end manners, and a home like t| atmosphere. Parents appreciate the moth- _J erly interest and attention shown their t y\ daughters, the thorough mental culture, and the (tains In health and happiness. It ifj f* \u25a0 is a home school attention highest sense. Cll *. iii'i- r< i»'rs, tho thoi'iugn mental culture, ir.l the rains in healih and happiness. It »9i ta ". li»m<» Bcho ! in the highest sense. r J }L .„, for catalogue, address ft/" UP Miss CORNELIA F. BAIRD, Norwalk. Conn. Up 1 erable corn damage in the north central part of the State and a large amount of unmerchantable corn likely. There was wet weather all over the corn belt. Nebraska is to have frost to-night. But, with all these helps, corn closed unchanged to l c under Monday. The Patten party added to its line, but about all the other lonprs took profits. December opened at 4S a «c. Fold between 45*j,c and 44?ic, and closed at 45V»c. September closed at 6iUc; May. 41". -. Receipts were 4*3 cars; to-morrow's esti- mate. 275. The lowa weekly bulletin declares half the lowa oats crop lost or damaged. That helped to close the market unchanged to *bC higher. The specula- tion is light, the Eastern demand still poor. Stocks here are Increasing, hut the cash demand i*not so pear. New September closed at 23\i>c; new Decem- ber. 30?ic; May, _*__ Shipping sales, 75.C00 bushels. To-days receipts, 263 cars; Wednesday's estimate, 135 car?. The stock of standard, 652.000 bushels; increased 363 AX) bushel-. Pork closed 10c higher: lard unchanged to 40c higher and ribs 5c to 30c higher. Shorts were cover- ing September; on the swell the September longs were selling lard and ribs. It is a manipulated and uncertain market. Hogs were Me to ir,c higher; hoes West. 39.000. against 65,000 last year. BERKELEY SCHOOL, 5 west 75th street. Re-opens October Ist- The circular* for the S3rd year present a list of honors iron by Herkeley xrailnates in college, and lists of parent* \u25a0who have had from one to five sons in the School «! urine: an aßJSrej?ate of from flve to thirty-eight years— also Infor- ! station as to new couraes In manual trntninjr, biolosry, anil work In Physical training. Speedy and thorough preparation for Harvard. \ ale, Columbia, and Princeton. ! The j'l.-.MI Master 111 l.c at the School building from to 1 dally after Septem- ! *' ~°* JOH\ BTT'ART WHITE. M*.D.. Head Master.

CARNEGIE HALLSCHOOL Reopens Oct. 9th. Primaryand Kindergarten. English and French. Principals

graduate* of Teachers; ColleKe. Columbia Univ. and FroebetTraining Class. N. T. Address Studios. 1.103-1,104 Car-negie Hall.

Cnu3 Gcl]ool9


The School doubled Its enrollment w!fhln th» pastyear; It had no case of sickness, no case of aertuaediscipline; It had ->ne specially trained master for -vary

six boys: it receives only boys who can bring satisfactory •»

testimonials.WTATT W. RANDALL. Ph.D.. Head Master.

Dobbs Fsrry. N. T-CHAPIN O3LLKGIATb SCHOOL.T_i Madison Aye. (t>4th Street.)

Er.-llsh. Classical and Primary Depfs. Gj-mnasium.BSd year opeoa September 1A




YOUNG BOYS (9 TO 14 TEARS OLD)L receive a father's and mother's car* In

THE RICHARDSON SCHOOL.New Rochelle. N Y. i.7 ml!es from the city). Terms $300.


London &Paris Exchange, Ltd.GENERAL MINING AND STOCK.


LONDON, ENGLAND.(Opposite Bank of England).

Business transacted in all the International Stocks aadMiningShares quoted or not quoted on the

London Stock Exchange.Advances made on Stocks and Shares.

CxCiUsivc daily Cables from New York, South Africa,Australia, etc.

American & Canadian Branches.Cablegrams :


"Cede* •iWestern Union. I.iebers' Broomhea4.'

1 Bedford McNeill, and Moreinf_



Chicago. NEW YORK.. MilwaukeeCor.recteJ by private wire.



ON APPLICATION.**__«_,„ f Ner\- York Stccfc Exznxngs,Members jChJcago Stock Exc'aangc.

COMMISSION okdi'.ks i;xi:ciTt>u IN ALLMARKETS.

NEW YORK fiXty-eishth .ear orens Oct. 1.HW2. hay CLASSES with se»-

UNIVEII'nfTT flons from 3:30 tc b P. M. (LL.B.*-al after two years). EVENINGLAW f?Onr CLASS cession* Bto 10 P. M.LA M-tJUOIi. |ULh

_a >. er tnre

,year Gradu-ate. Classes lead to LLM. Tuition. $100. For circular!addre:* 1.. J. TO_Lf__NS. B'jgia-tar. Wa-hlnglon Square.N. -. City.


A select school tor a. limited number of boy*.Primary department i3ith year) begins October Ist.\u25a0\7EW-TUP.K LAW SCHOOL.— Pay School, SB Nassau

_.\ St E/oolng School. 9 W. lbth S'.. Dwlght methodOf instruction. L.L3. in two years. LKM. Ip threeyears. Bead ro- catalogue


Fnr Both Sexes—



HAMILTON INSTITUTE.45 West Eighty-first Street, Manhattan Square North.

Average, number of students in College Classes ls eight.Inlividual Attention. Tut.jrlng cot advised. OptionalAfternoon or Evening Study Hour, in charge of the regu-lar class instructors. Manual training for junior classes.N. ARCHIBALD SHAW, Jr. (Principal), will be in hisofllce every morning. U-l_.A personal interview is desired.Illustrated Catalogues. Eleventh year begins Oct. 1.


Over eighty graduates fitted successfully for C<.ll«s«since IS9O. I'rirnary Department. Year Book on request.

Dr. Ray at school morning* after Sept. 4th.

For Young Ladies—


BARNARD PCHOCT, FOR CTRL? —New hutMlntrn.Ccnvent-ave. and 14Sth-st. General and College pre-

paratory courses from Klrul-r^arteiithruugrh High School.Class ftr tn.a!! boys; 7th ye;,r b>Klr.3 Sept. -2. Catalogue.KATHARINE H. DAVIS, Resident Principal.

WILLIAM I. dAZEN, Hpadmaster.

THEODORE K. Ll'ON Asso. Headmaster.


1 pal* <;i>7 sth aye.


Reopens October Ist. Prlr,. !pal now at the school daily.One vacancy for bearding pupil.


Thorouich np'l systematic Instruction. Modem Methods.Physical Tmirine Special and College Preparatory

\u25a0. Individual W rk. Small classes. Circulars on ap-plicatlon. Twenty-first year.

VATHAS HALE SCHOOL. FOR BOYSIN Opens September 30th. 1902.

10 East 47th Street.WILLIAM 11. CHUhCH. Head Master.

CJT. AUSTIN'S SCHOOL. West New Brighton N. T.V^ Half *"'i>r from City. Prepares for Groton. St.Paul*. St. Marks and Pomfret. $400.00. Address See-retarj'-HAMILTON GRANGE SCHOOI*


l>, }trjr ]>i\- Sc] l Home In historic Hamilton

foi limited . \u25a0 House open for Inspection.Mrs ELLA X MORGAN. Principal.

KINDERGARTEN TRAINING—Kroenel Normal InstZ. A. Cutten. SupC, 48 Irvlni? PI., near E. lTta

ht . free \u25a0 holarshlp* limited, fall term. Wed.. Sept. iv.


ROBERT H. BTM3. WILLIAMC. SIMMONSApply for circular. 22 West 45th Street.


Prepares bnys thor.^uKhly for the If.ding universities,scientirtc and profewlonal schools, or for huEtr,f-ss. Lim-ited to forty, mmber hi \u25a0 etaai atgliE. Varuni training.Athletics. Resident pupils received. Twertleth year.

EDWARD D. LTOK, Ph. rx. Head Master.


40 WATER ST., BOSTON.Memhen N. Y. and Boiton Stoc_ Exckaiji*.

Vermilye & Co.,BANKERS,

naepat: & riNF ktp. 13 CONGRHSS ST.,


\u25a0 BALTIMORE.J. Fred rifrmn. Jr., ir,n.a. <'ami>!>rU. D* Kiiuter fl'iUin

Mem. of N. T. Stock Exchange. BpecUO.

J. F. Pierson, Jr., & Co.,Stocks, Bonds & Investment securlties,


American Writing Paper Co. SecuritiesBOIGHT ANL> SOLD.

Ml.^S CARRIER'S SCHOOI, KOR BOYS AND GIRLS.:>2 E. 30th SI Reopen*. Oct. -•!• Manual training

and kindergarten. French a specialty. -

MISS JACOBINS KINDEROARTEi; AND SCHOOL. 137Weat 123 d I.of Principals of Puhllc Grammar sch*.

>rlv«t' Classes: I-anKUa<;fF. Embroidery, etc. Boarding

pupils accepted. Ktr.derßarton Training r'«-!"»^-\IRS. LESLIE MORGAN'S


13 ar.d 15 \Veet .«»;th Street.Near Central Park. New York City.



6TH AYE..>ov r,,Tr. -_

7TH AYE.. {ON i-5™5™ST-

6.118 calls In a sing!" year for «teno&raphers and boos:-eepers._ LARGE BUILDINGS. 40 TEACHERS.Learn •omething of the school Dy seeing It. Day and

evening.T. E. WOOD. President.

frc<J'R I, IHarquaai3r.-37 BIIOAD STREET.

STOCKS c*3 /INrX>S/INrX>SI"or in\•\u25a0\u25a0itnient or on margin.

nook of Hnil«>:iv »i•. isii.-«. nlno charts slr-liiK ilally flaetiiHttoiiH of the m««t urtiv*Hallway and ln<lu»trial stock.*, ,111 applica-tion. TTTHAT to do with my boy. Pnrenolotry willaid you.


WISLLS CO.. _0 East 22nd St.

OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY.To the Stockholders of the

Otis Elevator Company :The Stockholders at the Company, having Authorized

an increase in the Preferred capital Stock of the Com-peny to tl.e amount cf Two million dollar- (12,000,000).

s-aid Preferred Capital Stock to be of the same character,

t.i have the t.nme privileges, and to be subject to the

Fame terms an conditions as the present Preferred Capi-

tal Stock of the Company. It is proposed to Immediately

issue approximately One million dollars ($1,600,000)

thereof. Back pnrttof. n» cli«ll be (»tockli«>lrt<'ra.

Preferred or Common, of the Company at the cloying of

the registry and transfer !__>__ at the olOße of bu !ne*s

<•\u25a0! the twenty-fifth «lay of September, UM>_,

are hereby given the risnt to mihscrlbe, at par for

one pliare of «al«l utook for each ten Mliaresof atoelc I*r«-f«-rml or ClW

—\u25a0 or i>nrt I'rc-

{rrred nnil part Common, owned by them.Subscriptions for atock must he received by the OtisElevator Company before thr^e «3) lock P. M. of

October 1, 1902, on the form of subscription blank to te

obtained from the Company, accompanied by a rertifte.i

check on a New York Bank or Trust Company or by a

blank draft m New York to the order of '•\u25a0• Otis Ele-vntor Company. No subscriptions for fractional ohiireswillbe received. Subscription rishtF. Including Fubscrip-tlon lights arrertainirK to iess than '.en 10) shares ofM *. may »• boneht <*m old. ar.,l may N> am4g_ed an.ltransferred. Subscriptions for fharf« of Ft.vk will bereceive! by virtue of subscription rights an«r!alnlng Inthe «».--\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0>

-tn ton (10) fhares of lock or multiples

thereof, from persor.s presenting assignmenUl of subscrip-tion rights. >o MiiliKcrliillon ami no aa-ijeu-iiieni 4>f Mili«.«ri|.lion richtK, except on thelilnukiolxa iti.-.li ti.-.l from IIn- t<tm|>Hii>. willber«"<-o_,nirt tl: nor willmh-Ii miljuerlpiInnn li«-receiveil before September _<;. l!«»i:, or afterthree «.'{» o'clock 1". M. of October 1. Jt»(»'_'.

The anentlr.n of ftockholjer? is particularly called to theconditions of \u25a0 \'. offer, ar that it Is made to the stock-holders, both Preferred «nd Common, who sha!l b<rpclst«-r-

'is such at the dosing of the registry ami trans-

fer b^.ks at the do»» of bufine-s of Septem-ber 1:5. I.!<\u25a0". md that all subscriptions miiFt be madebefore three <.'»» o'clock P. M. of October 1.I!m_. Additional ruhscrlrtlon Mar.ks or *usslffnmenib) u_—imay be obtained u;>on appllcati-'n at the \u25a0':\u25a0 •\u25a0 ofthe Otis Elevator ."oirpany. 'Ihe registry and transferbocks for the Mack of the Company willbe closed atthe clwe. of brines* on September -•">. ISM»—, andwill remain r'.o*-'1!until the mornins of October Hi,ltHXt.


Crnst (Tompanics.




MISS JKNNY HUNTBR'S KINDERGARTEN TRAIN-ING SCHOOL will reopen Sept. 22. at 15 West 127 th

Street. Postgraduate classes Sept. 20th.

For Both Sexes— City.


,>U(thly and jirartically taught at THE LAWRENCESCHOOL OF EXrRKr?ION. 106 West 4Ud-3t.. New- York.

The speaking voice trained and developed, recitation-taught, and the principles of oratory md acting ImpartedIn class and private, day or night. Send for circular toEDWIN GuKDO.N LAWKKNCE. Director.


NEW YORK.42^D YEAR BEGINS SEPTEMBER 16TH. 1902.Efiiclent equipment, modern methods, airy schoolrooms

and ample play-grounds offer exceptional advantages forday pupils cf all agt-s. boy* and girls. Also BROOKLYNSCHOOL under same management.


MISS ELIZABETH L KOUF.R.El , ling airi Day School for Girl.

232 West Mth-!»t.. corner of West End-nve. and Annex.

i>ARK AVENUE SCHOOL; Jti2l-1023 ""irk Avenue, n. c.1 enr Sflth -Reopen* Thursday. September 28th... ... | \u0084_,-\u25a0..r

, primary. Intermediate and Hlgli

PI Departments.^ College reparation a specialty orthe school. Regent* »"£\u25a0"*• orPEMiKIMER. Prln.

fcjpSS GERRISH'S COLLEGIATE SCHOOL. 640 West;\u2666!_ EnJ Avenue. New-York. Special courses of study.Pitting for College a specialty.


—Advanced courses. Kindergarten. Small

<:a*«es. Individual ntion. Reopens Oct. Ist. 303 'West106th Street and Annex.


Notice is hereby given that BrownBrothers &Co. will receive deposits

of Virginia deferred certificates up to

September 25th, 1902, after whichdate a penalty will be imposed inanamount to be fixed by the committee.

fgf B |fB _\u25a0 \u25a0

n^HE BKHLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES.THE BKT.LITZ(1122 Broadway). Brooklyn. 73 Court St.Madison Squ ire (1122 Broadway* Brooklyn 73 Court St.

2<)o Branchea In all leading Cities of the World.Lessons gratuitously transferred to any of them.

FOUR MEDALS AT THE PARIS EXPOSITION 1900.Pupils hear and speak exclusively the foreign L_ngu_g«

from the very first lesson.New Terms becln

—Trial Lessons free.

riUIB V.BIil.:: SCHOOL for Ho>s ar! Girls—;:I •

\u25a0 119 \v 12. Kindergarten through CollegePreparatory. Mis* MAY E BUTCBKB, Inn.


Capital and Surplus, 5t.000,00088 WALL STREET. NEW YORK CITY.

Transacts a General Trust andBanking Business.

IIROY W. iMLDWIV,PresidentDIVAND.PAKMLY. Vice-Prcsident.

H. M. GOIGH, Treasurer.C. t.BK'VIM,Secretary.

DIRIJCTOItS.Lei j W. Baldwin,

Ira >\u0084 Bamberger, Wm. K. Niches.\u0084y, r I.trown. A. lph OtTiK.

Kilns W. H':r'. Rlcimrd M. Parmely,Una* D. Car\-er. Duncan D. I'armly,

F. Klnjr-hur- furtia. Walter T. Rosen.<-iemont A Griscoro. Jr.. J. Frederick Tttlcott.H H. Harrison. Henry P. Txlmntufi..• M. HlKKln». Ivlsar \«n .•;\u25a0!.^Robt. E. J.nnlncs. Oswald <, Ml'.ard.

John Kelley. A. E. Wallace.Manual Lbpes. J, hn R Walsh.Thos. N. McCauley. -I"'"11 •'• Warner.

T>EMOVAL--Mlss ROBERT*. *ucc«F»or to Miss

l\ WALKER, has m<n-ei her School for Giris, wlthKinder, »nd laases for Boy«, from US to 27- Mad*-sun Avrrue. Reopen* October Ist.

C_ MARY'S SCHOOL_ .>>. 8 an.l

-K.ist l«tB Street New York."

HOARDING AND DAT SCHOOL FOR GIRLS.Collegiate. intermediate and Primary Grades.

ratorlea, Gymnasiums.ner.per.l. October Ut Addre— sister Superior.



.'..'.7 «nd .ViO We»t End Avenue. New Tort City. rn<*-m.-ntary and High School. College Preparation. Gym-

EMMA c,. SEBRINO. A. M.. Principal.





CULARS. .»-^Ui>U. 51>TH ST. NEAR BWAY. N. Y.

VX7EINGART INSTTTtrTK.>> \\ X. COR lI.'TH-ST.,Afterno • cla—m for boy* mm girle

attending Publi.- Orhoola,r'rum 4 to 6 p. m. reopen

Oct. 1.


:0 AND 161 WEST 74TH ST.. N. Y. riTT... Preparatory and General Comae,

Number of pupils limited to twelve !n each class.FIREPROOF BUILDING. THOROUGH^ EQ-TFPKD.



Boarding and Day School for Girls. Open*

September 25»h. Prospectus on request.

Principals at home after September 10th.

Brooklyn.rill)ICIBSES ei-y's

BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL TOR GIRLSReopens Oct. Ist. I'rimary and totertnediate Departmenta

CoIU-ko Preparatory Department ia_fh< by experiencedcollege ?rai!uatf9. Laboratory, well equipped for expert-mental work in Science, in charge of trained specialist.

i:ncllfh I*ncu.ic»». Literature. History. Modern I.an-puaKes. Art.Music. Gymnastlca. tauglit by highly educated




R< p«ns :.\u25a0;.!. 2Sth. M **e»i BSth St.

Mrs. Alexander Kohut. Principal.

HP-HE* COMSTOCKS SCHOOL Reopens October Second.

J. Family and Day School for Girls. 4oth year.Miss DAY. Principal. 32 West 4»th-Bt.

rpiH-; MADISON SCHOOL FOR OIRLS.TTB-TBO Mhdlson Avenue. New York.

Klndercarl?n. CoUe«* Preparatory and General Courses.


TUB MISSES COOK D4:.* Fifth Avenue, will reopenX their \u25a0.;..; for youns girls Oct." 9th.

rpilK MEHINGTON SCHOOL.1 iioardms- "d l'uy bchool MrWe.'t S;EBd---e.S

;EBd---e.tillWest End-aye.


X Primary. Intermediate, and Special lic<>-rrepar_-tory classes Parlor boarders for Art and Music. _


mHE misses hayson . „,-L Boarding ana Day School for Girls. Final, Classes.

Advanced courses in Literature and Language*. College

preparation. lUopen. Octo^ 7.


-tu. October.!. 20 East 56th Street.


Thorcußhly graded classes from kindergarten to collegepreparation. Kc-»pens Oct. id. 1902.

milE MISSKS GRAHAM•Successors to the Misoes Oreen)

Boarding and Day School for Girls.Itecpens Oct. Ist.

EHtaMished In 1816.170 West 72.1-st.. Sherman Square.

fpHE COMSTOCK SCHOOL.—- Family and Day School for Girl.-. *nth year.Miss DAY. Principal. 32 West 40th-st.


THOMPSON SCHOOL.Boarding and Day School for Girls.

Op* October Ist.30. 32. 34 East 57th Street.

nTHE KI.LIM.A~T SCHOOL.JL 2"4 W. 3Hth-st.. near B'way.

—Nineteenth year opens

Oct. Ist. Training class for kindergarten. Class limited.


willopen on Wednesday. October Bth.

For Boys and Young Men—


BARNARD SCHOOL. 117-119 West 128 th St. and 260Lenox -ave. College preparatory. All (trades; small

classes. Individual attention. 17th year begins Septem-ber 22 Apply for year book at 260 Lt-nox-ave. ,


pOLUMBIA INSTITUTE./ Reopens October Ist.

at NEW LOCATION. 122 W. "2nd St.. BETWEEN

COLUMBU3 anil AMSTERDAM AYES. Collegiate, Pre-

paratory. Primary. Departments. Optional MilitaryDrill.Hot Luncheon. Playground. Optional study hour under

instructors. Catalogues.

The Principal Is dally at hi* office from 9 to 6."EDWIN FOWLER. A. 8.. M. D.. PRINCIPAL.



Frlaclous building. Thorough training— and indi-

vidual—for -11 Colleges. Scientific Schools, and business.

Primary classes. Large Laboratories and Gymnasium.

Athletic grounds. Manual Training. Reopens Sept. 21th.

ft £?SSSE£ £*

} He-d-na^ter.

LONG ISXAND BtTSINESS OOIXEGE.1«8 to 14l> Sooth Bth 81 B- -lya -* Mirh

commercial schuol. Henry C. V.ri.tit.C. F. A., irlnclpai.

The Chicago, Rock Island and PacificRailway Company.

The time -within which O-tatandlnc fork of THECHICAGO. BOCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC RAILWAYCOMPANY mar be deposited with Cf-ntral Trust Companyof New York. und<?r the offer of purchase made by theundersigned, dated July Bis) 1902 ha*, been extended to

Wednesday, October I,1902.Holders of Subscription CertH <><-, may deposit the

tame at any time up to and-

lading October IT.th. IWI2.

Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Co.;Bj WILLIAMT. TIANKIN.President.

Chicago, Rock Island andPacific Railroad Company.



1 Fail Term begins September—





STEVENS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY.River Street, between 3th and tith Sts.. H^oken. N. *•

RDOPENS sSBfT. 15HI. }**>-\u25a0___

Recistratlon day far applicants for admission on Sep-

"ExamiJaiion. for admission on the nth and 12th of

'Si; course, of study Drepar.»onr .. tMa"-VtMa"-VM

a"-Vrne Veral'ties. Colleges. School* of Selene*. La' al'?r,M™v«r orThe rate of tuition for all classes is tloO per >ear. or$50 i.-i term. \u0084

Thes» term* include all the studies.of Stevens q-»,«m

For catalogues apply to th*Principal of Stevens School.

For Young Ladies— Country.


c^. T^mr^. 'SSSTOHK^ £- AL.:OTT.Port Chester. N. T.


School >ear M%XcioS^j-resldeTt o}°B^l?bi'r"t^Helton W. Mable. LL.D.

Sk Urkdl.Urk

dl.1MAXKHAKK.%*D^rIn..Bethlehem. Pa.

T77SS DANA'S SWOOV^KgI^X^X*-&&IVL (Suburban tofNe*


four :e»d.ne colleges.

MJslrand-ASr^KeTidenf^plu"^. c—

—on r

_Quest. __.^—



TheltoT: ta

the vicinity et.KewJ*^ MASO.V. LL. M.

5rfhi:^__^^ngcLAßA C. FULLER. Prinei^.

I~7yE SEMINARY. lfll,addrw,

STOWE - Ry*-yew Torfc"

rran misses.,^-,'i\-nnTvifollezlate School for Girls.

fHHE MISSES LOC^^^TVenty-flva mlnutea from1 M.mnt Vernon.Railroad). Beautiful suburban

For Boys and Tounc Men-Country.

/^NWOOD WSTTTOTE. MATAWAN. jaaftapaai 1Or One of the,<>]««•,. , Primary, Academic andPreparatory Boarding

-CIJ, DrUl. Outdoor Sport, a

Commercial t-ourter- «CG. BROWER. Principal.

feature. Sl'oO to SoW- \u25a0r ft"


____-„_. RrvER MILITARY ACADEMY. Nyack: 231Iu.toN^ V\u25a0Y\u25a0 • location «uperb, m 1111 111 1 mag-JJL miles to IV *-. ilpment for Infantry, cavalry andnltlcent: conipl<-.* %'„';.fe preparatory achool; Illustrated?rt»lo^k* cgtjf WILSON. C. S. V.. A. M.. Sup,.



raU1 Non-Military. larryw M FURMAN.Prln.term. Sent. 2*.





Holders of the alwve bonds ar» hereby notified that Oldelivery of same at the offices of the undersigned andpayment of $25 per band, they will have the privii"K<»of exchanging them for an equal amount, par value, ofthe Seaboard Air L!n« Railway REFUNDING COLLAT-ERAL TRUST FIVE FF.R CENT GOLD BONDS DUBMAY 1. 1611.

The bonds delivered must carry the coupon due Oc-tober 1. I'JO2. and the Refunding Bonds delivered In ex-chanp« willbear the coupon due November 1, 1902




HASKINS & SELLS,Certified Public Accountants

So. 3O BltOAl) STREET, XEW YORKCABLE ADDRESS "HASKSELLS."204 Dearborn St.. | Williamson Big |'o t^oi«m.« c»Chicago. IU. j Cleveland. o.X |fIJS&g. g^Lincoln Trust BldC.. St. Louis Mo


CATE. cet the free book about Pennington Seminary.It tells much you should know of an educational method

that has been In successful practice 62 years, and of

Ideal surroundings that associate perfect health withrapid mental and moral growth. The book may be of

crea: service wherever you send your child. Addraae

THOMAS O'HA.NLON. D. D.. LL. D..'\u25a0\u25a0

•*-"Pennlngtoc. N. J.

Scfjocl agencies

AMERICAN AND FOREIGN TEACHERS' AOENCTJ\ supplies Professors. Teachers. Tutors, Ooverneseee.,etc. to Collegia. Schools and Families. Apply to

Mrs. M- J. TOUNO-rULTON. 23 Union Square.

Scatter*.JI'LIAN DE KESTEI^HANKIN. of rr.lverslty Cot'.ts^.

Oxford, and Trir.ity College. Dublin.Twelve years' experience in New York and vldalyr.

Thorough education in all branches.Preparation for all American and foreign unlr-erstUs*.

Clashes or individual pupils In city or suburbs.ADDRESS 301 W. lUTU-ST. •

INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION for collets preparation,regents etc; also coaching for school or college work;

fourteenth, year. T. E. SUTCLIFFE (Harvard). » Bast55'th-st.

PRIVATE LESSONS at own home to boys and glrla by

X university irrH.luate. Kngttsh. Latin, elementary Frenchand Spanish. W. R. CLARK. Unton Square Hotel. N. Y.


Just landed, teaches French. A*SreeeNTHOUt. BOM 43. Tribune Office, or 334 W. 15tn-et.

TUTOR—A. Everett Stone (Yale). 313 West Mtb-e*.T Special coachjr-K fur coUege. Resident pupils re-celv»-J.

aatocin Uesoria.




" ~>Ett-JER>EV.—


STONE IRON AND SLATE CONSTRUCTION1.Atlantic City's newest and most modern hotel. 3*»

water in all baths. Telephones in b»d rooms and many

other ordinal features. Fall »^.R»°t^trad* *-

H^"""SSSI^ CTTT. N. J.Remains o^en throushout the year. Every known

comfort ar«l convenience for fall ar.d winter guests.

*\u25a0\u25a0" Hotel Co.. p g white, jr.. pr»ia«it.~ ~


TlnliE iElfl!lA@lnllllitil& liiralKlaFor September and October sojourn. Matchless fDUage and

drives Gulf, tenr.is. shooting, open f.i—. steam. B.x>lt.et3.



CALEB TICKNOR & SON. Great Barrtngton. Man. __VERMONT. !

TEI CtSIP OIF rJTHIIM-lAre seen at their best InBEAUTIFUL BRANDON hi Cl«



GEO. Q. PATTEE. Brandon. Vt.~iimifiiir. '. -



Open frcTn June until November.

and every m. d^rn c n r.irH^-Th- I-i1- -\u25a0!\u25a0\u25a0 -i »«h J r^ymilk and rream fr^jn

lraAddreM FRANK F. SHUTE. Manager.


THE NEW KITTATINNY.Delaware Water Gap. Pa.

OPEN UNTIL NOVEMBER.c->»r!al Fall attractions; beautiful rhangins fnllase. Out-<;oo?ponI DrivinganJ golf. Bathliw. boatin< and fish-

St New ownership and managenwat. Electric "*ht».hydraulic elevator, suites with Lath, jteam h-at: opeaa'eplaces. Exteri r piazzas. 221* hours from New-York.'

\u25a0n'lu.-trated booklet. ,„,T BBTAXr> 3^

LEEDS *LIPPINCOTT. Proprs .Haddon Hail. Atlantic City. N.J.

MOuFrf^POCON O. PA.Deliehtful fall resort. Porono Mountain House. Monr-

fan-«.-* .in.l Swlftwater hotels. Booklets and all informa-

tion at Lackawanna Report Kureau. 4-0 Broadway. N. T.

DELAWARE WATER GAP. PA.Dellllilfiilfall resort; polf. nshinjr. boatins; all *rrm»e~

meats Hotels open tillSo*.IBt^oklets and all.Infor-mation at LACKAWANNA RESORT BUREAU. 429Broadway. New-York. -


-DOCONO MOUNTAIN HOUSE ASP SPRING?. Mt.X Poc.-.no. Pa., cap. 300; el.. 1.824 ft Golf. Orchestra.


of New York—

The Farmers' loan and Trust Com-,pany as Substituted Trustee, etc.. Plaintiff, against Will-lam' Lyman and others. Defendants. In pursuance, of »Judgment of Foreclosure and £ale. duly made and enter**In the above-entitled action, bearing date the 16th day ofAugust 1902 I. the undersigned, the Referee In said Judg-ment named, willsell at Public Auction, at the NewYork Real Estate Salesroom. No. 11l Broadway »s_HpBorourh of Manhattan. City of >«• York, on the lltn.day of September. 1002. at 12 o'clock n>v>n on that day.

Tv James L, Wells. Auctioneer, the premises directed bysaid Judgment to be so!d. and therein described as fol-

k'ws: All that certain lot. piece or parcel of land, withthe building: and improvements there erected, sltaata.

lyinft and belns in the. Twelfth Ward of the Borouga ofManhattan. In Urn City of New York bounded ****?-s.ribed as follows; Beginning at a point on the »«»«£aide of Fifth Avenue distant forty-nine feet --% inches

Southerly from the corner formed by the Intersection of

the Westerly side of Fifth Avenue with the southerly

side of One' hundred and thirty-seventh Mreet. running

thence Westerly parallel with One hundred tWrty-

seventh Street and part of the distance through a par^ywalletah*y-flve feet; thence Southerly parallel »lth r!ft

Avenue twenty-five feet: thwee Easterly again parallel

with One hundred and thirty-seventh Street and part of

tho distance through another party wall clShty-ftv» feet

to said Weaterly side of Fifth Avenue, and running taencaNortherly the Westerly aide cf Fifth Avenu*twenty-

Hvf feet tot?.! point or place of beginning; be the -am*.

more or l". Belne a po-tion of th*« same pr«^ con-veyed to William Lyman by Adolph M. Benuhelin and

vevances « page 4SI. Said premises being turth«rk" by the Street number 224* Fifth Avenue.

Dated. New T«£^*^W^THROr. Ref^^TURNER. ROLSTON & HORAX. Attorney, for PlalnUlS.

Tnf fWl^n/ira%U^m rr

ook:Thtproperty tj*.-old

«S?escribeTa^ve S. the street number being 221« 3th At..:

TJ:e approximate amount of the lien or charge to ••»>which the ab-r.e-descrlbed P^"tjr

mU '°,%. '2* 15*•- \--> '44 with interest thereon fr^ra the lltn aay OC

Dated. New Vork.^f-^^^INTHROP. R«I«r««. .

rURNER. ROUrTON & HOBA-N Attorney, for FUintiS.22 WUUam St.. N. X.

FIRST MORTGAGE BONDSTrustees' Offlce. Room 88. Drexel ]Building

k«i?n«ee. have this -^eJ^S-c^^^^

™: p. IS: 3$ lit 3% » 5072.

1 isa» urn i:c: aS # || ?110-2C'.? 110-2C'. 13*>. 1742. 1988 aS r-4r-4- 2*81). 3136.M*. ImS it.-,; -..,,\u25a0. v^.V 25^6 gUi sin.-. \s& $& S ii14 |S sSii \& \k sat st B iiB330. isos: 3--.:, ag

235" =|u # ?S5- 3221.06. 1525! ISo»: \u25a0 -\u0084:«,. BSE 2660

-r"' £?•

i||: pa-iis is: |§ SS3.6. MS] IH2I. 2110. 24i1. 2H70 :'o/^:'o/^as the numbers of the one hundred and 'eighteen x« a!\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0< under the trust deed of the Chicago * «• nds

-Indiana Railroad Company dated NoSlmKr i«?*?S?to be redeemed, by the operaton of the Slnkin? Pl;n ,18,

18'9Novetnr^r Ist next, a: the office of Meseis ]

SP^? d'oni: Co.. New York at 105 "»cseis. j. p. Morgan

ANTHONYJ. THOMAS )CHARLES H. RUSSELU $ Trustees.By the operation of the Sinking Fund the remaining -nFirst ilortEase IJonds. all that win beloiuSne IttVrthe above redemption, willbe redeemed January Ist.IU03!

Dinibrni) Notices.


Cnoponn pnvolilc on mill ufler




American Electric Telephone Co.'

benture r. .Buah Terminal Co First 4%.Childs Ellsworth. -_„«„,ComputlUK Scale Cf). of Amfrira. Trust First

Oeaeaee A- IVy<-.m!n»c Railroad Co. First V?e.Grand River Coal & Oke <V>. Kirn We,_

Up ITn'on l"r.-School DUtrict So. 1*

"\u25a0,. \u25a0

I>-ggett. Francla H. i- Co. First^ 6%.Mnnroe County C.as Cu. Urst •> r. \u25a0'.Mnnro- county (ia» Go. Consolidated 8%.New York Athletic <'lub Second B*.Watklnn. Village of. Reg. *"* "ter.

MORTON •>»<"' <O^I:^V;17 1602rrnE REGULAR mL AK'ri'KlA- DIVIDEND-L _, «... \u0084,r •. , \u25a0\u25a0 i.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

Boarf^D^cto" . .",,.holder^ of record^ the clos» «I u^rrs- -I- \u25a0



S^^'fiW«»»r ;""ol

-r lst

-at ten


a. M. H M FRANCIS. Secretary.

the NEW AMStSaM^NATIONAL BANK.Broadway ttn^e3^|r^-epL 2aA, 1003.

ATA MEETING OF THE BOAKIi OF Dl-A rUtoni of '.Beheld this day. a quarterly

rector, of ttote Bank, neia ,1f .,.1;i:,,.i, payabledividend of EIGHT I h''.|"rVo' reco, ia the close •\u25a0'

! October let. 1902. to "^.^'^n""book. close Bep! l)UBln<-»« September I*l'-- ""

:;_ i/t it;,,"j tenber l«h and rccjwn 0 !

--j*i;.Vr.MINN. Cashier.



•i.Ki^.SIM.NSUr- A

\u25a0^ooßtrarf betwe«. the Ro«* r-;:;:, 'SS.SSmSS

bun Railroad C<uap»W «£d U>« M*\u0084: \u0084 wth 15

..,.the teml-annual 4lv«en« of thi c*™ rivER RAiL-on the stock of the -'A

-- '••\u25a0•\u25a0•\u25a0'rJl)x

-:' b" raid

ROAD COMPANY, due hepUinber -i>. v"-

at this office on an.l "^,,l^a' PRINCE. Treasurer.

(Rita turns

1YORK. By the (Jr..,- ivit'^^Ma"^

to Jane Homer Meyers. Mathllde Far>er ud iw^ t i;li

_eleine yon • Zgllnit*kl Andrew L.. Homo. -, Ann


dlnga. Louiaa H y°Jdwpß*«iflrni?pB*«iflrni? SUM 'i HOrneV. Bea-

H. VValnwi«y. »enjamin B Ho:"*r-'''*,3,,. U1.,;.r Will orJamin Hou^h. Robert W. "\u25a0"Li" ElMU!or ndmed InJohn Hall. dSwaied; I^uis deceased,the Laat Will and Testament "**?*?£"znre Company ofand The Keal Kstate Tit!« !vn(i,nT"s

rl'gj"d ln the Estate

Philadelphia, and tD all 3fn*A"'"."of :<• York,de

or i;ilzal*ih11. Ford, late of th« Count>*

Hn>l ctherwl.,:.ceaeed. as creditors, legatees. «c*' °,1,1 *

her »by cited andBead Greeting: You and each my™ before our Surrogaterequired personally to Le and appear htro , .of the County of New York. •'

'"crourt House, In the

raid County, held at the Countj. Cou '>,". :ni«. !««.County of New York, on the '™ «on ot that day. thenat half-past ten o'clock In the 'ofenoo^o f the ncrounan! there to attend a Judicial f«-iLoan and Trust Com-of proceedUiica of The Farmers Loan


-Testame nt of

pany as Trustee under the J*?*J? 4L*^reny cited, assaid deceaued. and such of }\u25a0\u25a0>•

*B ™nr.; required to

are under th« age of ">™'Chie one, or If you haveappear by your uardlan. If you »>»>«

aPpoi ted. or in thenone to appear ««nd apply JOT one to be arpo

ardian wlll

event of your neglect or Jallure to do soaiid act for " ou

be appointed by the Surrogate to reprebc

ln th« proceeding. causea the Seal of the

In Testimony Whereof. VVehave caCounty of

„Surrogates' Court or *n£n d witness. HonYork to r* herei-n to a^T^;.ate of our said

(L.S.J Frank T. Fitzgerald, a birr t (he l2th layCounty, at the Coanty oTN^» >

f on6thou-of September. In th* year o«- «sand nine hundred andl two.m.laITGhLIN.

j. FAIKrAX M" , . Court.

clerkT»'lV itt 'rnevs for Trustee.TURNER. ROLSTON & HORAN. Attorne>

22 William Street. New ork

flnbhc ponces.______


- a°nd*tem?wrat«citizens Of United States, of C«od chare

Knf,, lsh For in-

habitß. who can ".peak, a,t^ ofncer. 25 Third Aye.. 84

formation apply to Hecrultlnß qmcexih Aye.. V, y *-

CortUndt St.. 2113 Eighth Aye.. <"O \u25a0

863 Fulton St.. Brooklyn.

WAXTED.PITTSBURGH, SHAWM'dT 8 NORTHERNFirst Morlsrase Uonda, Cltu. an.IStork

li.A. CROSBY, 25 Broad St.


Chicago. Sept.—

Armour put the September•wheat to £5c To-day and then sold- the shortsenough to send it back to B>W\ ar.i close it there.-The September trade to-day has been In the mill-ions. showing- that the short Interest was a larfreon*. In spite of the absence of contract stockshere. The deferred wheat futures have been weak,mainly because of weakness in the Xorthwest.The Minneapolis September was two rents lower,the talk of a strike in the flour mills up there hav-ing Its Influence. The deferred futures here closed*ie to *nC under Monday. December opened at

TO^ic sold betv.-een "O^c and C9Vjc bid, and closedat C&»ic seller.-:. May closed at "OVjc bid.' Kvidentlythere is considerable Armour September line.stillltft. But the. best opinion is that the shorts willnot be pushed to extremes. Everything depends,however, on Armour's pood nature, as the con-tract stock here is only 566,000 bushels. WithDalßtfa .ash wheat under Me, the September herecannot be kept at this range Ion»?. and. conse"«JU<-r,tly, there are even those who believe themaximum September price was reached to-day. It\u25a0would take several days, however, to bring; cargoeshere, and Duluth has no contract stock la storeand vessels could only be loaded from the currentr*«feU'U as they come in, so that the bringing of*ayconsiderable, line of wheat from Duluth in thenext ««ek would be an impossibility. The world's*l«iM<: increased half as much as last year— |28SC000 bushels. Cables were a lit?!.- lower; clear-*" '* only 268,003 bushels. The Northwest had good*~tner-

and Northwestern receipts were i,216 cars.**ciil" 1.22$ last year. Liverpool cabled good

" BEL'S"* w°"ldw°"ld be incontinuous demand.I

•b'--'-Wit weekly crop bulletin announced consld-

\ DVERTISEMENTS and subscriptions for The TrlhnnaU\. received at their Uptown Office. nDU"9

No. 1.3*4 BROADWAY.Between Ktn and 3.th ets.. untila o'clock, p. m

Advertls<-m<>nts will be received at the following branchoffices at recular office rates until 8 o'clock p. m v'li •_•-.« -«iii-ii\«-.. \u25a0 <•. ear. 23d-st.: 183 i;tli-RV» cor"12th-st.; iitiKant 1 lth-«t.;•_T.7Went 4^d-st. >,"tween "ih and Bth area.: iiiillV>»t l^.'th-ut.j 1Tt'lsi3d-ave., between 70th and 77th *ts.: LjHM 3d-arcnear r.let-et.: 1.70S I»t-nvp.,near S9th-»t-: 157 Ea«iL2stfc-at.i 75« Tremont-avc.i «5O Ud-ave.


i3ankers an& DroKert. I Jnatrornon.For Boys and Young Men


KINGSLBT SCHOOL,Essex Fells, Caldwel], New Jersey.

Home school for boys of seven to fourteen year». K«wbuildings. Gymnasium. MilitHrydrill. Best teachers—on« to every 3 boys. Thorough work. Fall term begin*Sept. 24 J. R. CAMPBELL. Headmaster.

Jnstrntnc*. fAPLEWOOD. Cdncorctvllle. Pa. $294. Location be&n-I>± tttul. elevated healthy. Yale. Wesleyan and Harvardmen in Board of Instruction. Former students now suc-cessful business men. donors, lawyers, judges. &c Everyyear boys

—failures in other schools

—with us suc-

cessful students. Department for small boys. No totacco,J. SHORTLIDGE. Prta.

For Boys and Young Men—



Boys prepared for the Colleges and Scientific Schools.Primary Department. \\ell-etjuipped Gymnasium. Reopen*SEPTEMBER 29.

L. C. MYGATT, Head Master.

fijpT BOSTON STOCKS.?''£,*»***by *•"L. Pay & Co.. No. 3 Nassau-*.)


..- Sept- •-. ' f_pt. 22. Sept. 23.\u25a0 ._2f» **»\u25a0Un Shoe Mach.... \u25a0 54 I.4 Alb*n>.-- s do pref 31 31

\u25a0'KjW £,* " 5^4 15«4 Atlantic Mining.. 27 25tfC«« *\!c v I*7 lf.fi Arcadian Mining. 4^ 4>jfjß*l'!)'14* ii_ Hineham Mining. »»i 2«


"•",".- 3»*t'cent««nial Mm... IT-, 16J4&&**.**'&

"•«:. Copper Range M.KM* 10

,SSftF.n.l mI- ,;•.: „.. pySnkHn Mining.. KMi 1"

*£>-\u25a0 %\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -{^ 37* Mass Con M,r..... l«% l«%__„ £!«*Co*..- -.*w jMl>nawk Mining..4TS 4«

OP VreK"-r7-V17<> 1<» i«"«=ceola Mining... M"2 RJ4t£'d &Ji 141', «<> |Old Pom Mln ... 16^ MS-

i3*w3?Zr*2ZZ -J-U Parrot i me... an* g^»

-Jf T«4 &*

* '17m I'll jQulncy Mining 12."> l-> i

\u25a0fle^FlVrV.V.nl^ |«»Vj Tamarack Mm....ITS 172 ,tffrtil*El 1J"

-If* Wolverine Mm.. -i" «'»

joprrf \u25a0: «.V "i, 72 II" X Mining -'\u25a0\u25a0« -'•« \u25a0

j^ff&ffw*»ii--o°-- a% *s*' .CHICAGO STOCKS.

Tracy & Co.. No- «> Wtf.-rt.)


|Open. I HJph. !Low. |Close.—-——z •

13?'-' 139«» I •*• I 139

r'xr-.-' >>; ••••\u25a0

101-.: ,_*_ "'\u25a0' j iomim>; i-4'. i^'.. 1-v--jjljiChicW0 ;;;... \u25a0 9614 ;..,i.. »r,t,| :..•.'..

b^lrS- 'is. 111 in inIV-, is". is", IS", .

rt'aTUrt""" \u25a0•".'• .j ss"! S3 SI 33

raibon common \u25a0---

\u25a0•: \u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0<-'\u25a0: s*T', ;

N^-Sr^-::..., 41'

41 i- 41 i «1'.«.;. 5«.i4 \u25a0.-\u25a0 JW

'4,pi*lerr*« j K.r imiJ Km, mm :

«-,«\u25a0•-\u25a0•• \u25a0 ".'. I S2»«i 32\| "-\ 3- J« ,?tr«4WtnTnon_-^

_ _ . i


\u25a0VTIFCOXSIN CENTRAL.ion" I"*"! I'


\u0084«2 J*^SBB*«

-'"?,. J144«h«1 »115.47« J115.83S»**JL*%; ' Subs* 1.3W.7M 1.2.-.4.744 :*"


>-vnher of mile* -;•\u25a0•\u25a0 ?!1 -;„-,gtcord week InPfit.-- v- (1.. 4 101.696\u25a0*•• S


-PENTRAI. cirossTOwx.

1302. 1901. Changes.

Quarter June S^-. i(^ f47fi.6J>« Inc. Il«.471 <Gr,*.. *»™ln^'^.-- -\u0084,.„ KU.S72 Inc. 4.88407-erat;r.s

*'i«i-,4 SB 1M0.3C3 Inc. f1.1"577

Set eamiTifs -".. .-.77.: I>*c. 680 1Other lnconie \u25a0•


Sir.9 2fVt-. f14«.03!> In*. J13.1P7Tn:il income fiEsao $;«» Ino. «35

Charge*______ -

&'<":.• $40.23S Inc. J12.5C2SUTTIU* 00i>«l fio.oon

riA-idenil* .-•\u2666'' — ;

J7 -r. J19.T37 Dec. $12,362 jT'ffi^ "rinn on deulwams.<:!n^!ended June 30. !»(»-\u25a0

$r;3 m !Gross earalnc '.'..'.'.'.'.. '. t 3?7.<'7ti jExT'tnse?

'.11.......... 76.0 Mi

Net eamtap* • '"\u25a0'

,_ ... 1.733Other income SO.SOBCharees . . ... 3.017T»ef:rtt • _ ; c.371!\u25a0,.!, m »\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 •••


0:h«r ir.r.imr w..w* '^j

Total income 51.553.5C4 $1,618,625 Dec $31 -21



TRACTION COYPANT.Te«-eaa»fl \u25a0;-.• 30— 15>°2. 1911. Char.pe». |

Gws~e^4l^ t-.v^ J9.«34 D-c. «i.«iOi-eralics expenses... 9.?2i> 8.275 Inc. 1.045

Low_ _


""--> Inc. $3,276 J

Charges 71 Inc. 71 .



J2.5«S »J7tß Inc. $3,347 j•surrlDß."cATBanUi AND FARMERS^TLLE.

Gross earnings $4,623 $3.7^6 Inc. 9BK£zpens»s

'•' -*7- T.4JM Inc. 1.878


_J4.555 J3.544 Inc. JLOII I

Other'income 4.R00 4.<y>o——

Chanres _ 2.«4 2.7:7 Pea. 283

DeSett tar yt*r.... $2.4 0 11.771 Inc. fTIS-Dividend .... !>*• l.^O

Total fleflclt $3.»5» $3,271 Inc. $713


Grots earnings $124,508 $117,055 Inc. J7.501Eipea»"« 86.599 81.90* Inc. 4.f*3

Net earr.'-x? (•?.«« $Ss.of» Inc. J2.50« |Other Income . \u25a0''< 477 Inc. 93

Tettl lncom* $35,177 535J76 Inc. $2,601Charges 39.373 34.231 Inc. 8.4J81



'11.2*5 Inc. $2,481 }OMB on hand

- B*l« 3.046 Inc. 8.787 !PrtSt and ton Ma-

fi-len^i 1.198 21.740 Dee. 20.544 <

Beuenaret <yrar).... 57.634 47.4^S Dec. 524 !


U-^' EOVTHERN BOULEVARD RATL-WAT.Gr->« earnings $fiO.S(H $52,303 Inc. $".201 !Operating expenses... 43.20* 37.029 Ino. 6.176

Net •arniTir* $17.2«» $15,274 Inc. $2,023Charges 1-.:;:?. 17.« M Ins. 653 '

IKlltlMil year"

$Toi4 $23.V» D»e. $1,342 i,Cash m hand -. I•

-\u25a0\u25a0 0.153 Dec. 41

( Pm2t and loss *ur-L plus J343 $l.S.i« Dee. $1,013Jettensenta (rear's... 1.023 4.454 Dee. 3.431rHIRTT-FOCRTH STREET CROtSSTiJWS RAILWAY.HOB earnlncs 5455.668 ItOT.^W Inc. 555.720

Operating lII'IMI... 278.321 24'».04* Inc. 35.2T7'

Net earnings $177,347 $156,904 Inc. $20,443Other Income. 1.172 l.'"«\u25a0» Inc.' 172

: Total income $175,519 $107.90* Inc. $2^'.«15 :;Charge* 63,003 r.-.VKt Inc. 6/193

Ft3TT>ltn $113.51« $98,994. Inc.. $14,522nnm STREET RAILWAY.

Grow earnings $43,497•f45.671 Dec $2,174

: Operating expenses... 31.747 KM Inc. 1.309

K«t earelrirs , $11 75" $15,233 Dec $3,483I Other lecome . . 19« 250 Dec 54 ;; Charges 21,667 21.880 Dee. 1 3


$:<,tm $<5.397 Inc. $3.3 M"nrENTT-K;'":?iTH AND TWENTY-NINTH STREET

RAILWAY.. Gross esrr'.rcii ttm.SM $177,113 Inc. $3,381Expense 106.696 11ti.762 Dec. f>.W>

Set «arrtr.cs $73.«14 $iv>.s:.7 Inc. $13.257Other income \u25a0\u25a0' 250 Inc. l

'"Char£«i V..477 65.553 Inc. 194

IXdt $11,446 $24,675 Dee $13,229TONKERS RAILROAD.

Grow canines $2».6CT 9UBJBU Inc. $42.17«r^ecses : 1%7.494 149.C93 Inc. 47.501

Net earnings $33,193 $38,818 Dec $5.63Othelr.come 84.286 S'.<.So9 Dec. 5.523

Total Income $34,286 $39,809 Dec $5,523Charge* ti1.745 6^.447 Inc. 1.298

IWadt J27.459 $20. Inc. $«.'2lCash en hanfl 13.053 10.678 Inc. 2.405

Pro Star?t ar? loss <S*scit) $75,643 $1?.154 Inc. $27,439

WESTCHESTER ELECTRIC RAILWAY.• Gros<i earnings ...... $222,K»G $185,285 lac. 537.311Expenses 251.137 202.653 Inc. 48,484

Deficit ~~.

~$25,541 $17,368 Inc. $11,173

Charge* ._ 35.268 34.723 Inc. 545

Deficit $63.50» $52,091 Inc. $11,718Cash on hand 1.722 7.044 Dec £.322

Profit 4- loss (flefidt) $1C9.41S $105,608 Inc. $63,610TAP.RYTfiWN. WHITE PL-\INS AND MAMARONECK

RAILWAY.Orna earnings 565..-.14 ?<«.f133 Inc. 53.4R1Expenses 63.230 56.2*4 Inc. 6.1*46

Net earnings $2,284 *5.74» Dec $3,465Other Income 221 227 Dec. •>Charges 16.917 16>4» Dec. I


$14,441 $10,972 Inc. $3.4G9Cash on hand 3.293 8.61S 1•«;. 325

Treat & loss (aeSclt) $22.154 $7,743 Inc. $14,441


i: CHESTER. PA.Forty-first year begins September 17th.


Thorough work »p. Laboratories. I>rauß^tlr.«-room. Field.ALSO PREPARATORY COURSES.

INFANTRY. ARTILLERY AND CAVALRY DRILLS.••A Military School of the highest order.' —V. 3. War

D*pt. Catalogues of CoL C. E. HYATT. President.CUTLER SCHOOL.NO. 20 EAST 50TH ST.

REOPENS WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER IST.Mr. Cutler or the l«Wni willbe at the School House

after Sept. 10. Summer address. HoUiston. Muss.

Miss Hoard's]Home School for Girls I

fAnideal environment for study and \(V

tr* recreation. Broad culture, real training of JQ-t"T mind, body end manners, and a home like t|

atmosphere. Parents appreciate the moth- _Jerly interest and attention shown their t y\daughters, the thorough mental culture,and the (tains In health and happiness. It ifjf*


is a home school


highest sense. Cll*. iii'i-r< i»'rs, tho thoi'iugn mental culture,ir.l the rains in healih and happiness. It »9ita ". li»m<» Bcho ! in the highest sense. rJ }L.„, for catalogue, address ft/"

UP Miss CORNELIA F. BAIRD,Norwalk. Conn. Up1

erable corn damage in the north central part of theState and a large amount of unmerchantable cornlikely. There was wet weather all over the cornbelt. Nebraska is to have frost to-night. But, withall these helps, corn closed unchanged to lc underMonday. The Patten party added to its line, butabout all the other lonprs took profits. Decemberopened at 4Sa«c. Fold between 45*j,c and 44?ic, andclosed at 45V»c. September closed at 6iUc; May.41". -. Receipts were 4*3 cars; to-morrow's esti-mate. 275.

The lowa weekly bulletin declares half the lowaoats crop lost or damaged. That helped to closethe market unchanged to *bC higher. The specula-

tion is light, the Eastern demand still poor. Stockshere are Increasing, hut the cash demand i*not sopear. New September closed at 23\i>c; new Decem-ber. 30?ic; May, _*__ Shipping sales, 75.C00 bushels.To-days receipts, 263 cars; Wednesday's estimate,

135 car?. The stock of standard, 652.000 bushels;increased 363AX) bushel-.

Pork closed 10c higher: lard unchanged to 40chigher and ribs 5c to 30c higher. Shorts were cover-ing September; on the swell the September longs

were selling lard and ribs. Itis a manipulated anduncertain market. Hogs were Me to ir,c higher;

hoes West. 39.000. against 65,000 last year.

BERKELEY SCHOOL, 5 west 75th street.Re-opens October Ist- The circular* for the S3rd year present a list of honors iron

by Herkeley xrailnates in college, and lists of parent* \u25a0who have had from one to fivesons in the School «!urine: an aßJSrej?ate of from flve to thirty-eight years— also Infor-

! station as to new couraes In manual trntninjr, biolosry, anil work In Physical training.Speedy and thorough preparation for Harvard. \ale, Columbia, and Princeton.

! The j'l.-.MIMaster 111 l.c at the School building from !» to 1 dally after Septem-


JOH\ BTT'ART WHITE. M*.D.. Head Master.
