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SIAM REVIEW c 2020 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Vol. 62, No. 3, pp. 000–000 Hodge Laplacians on Graphs Lek-Heng Lim Abstract. This is an elementary introduction to the Hodge Laplacian on a graph, a higher-order generalization of the graph Laplacian. We will discuss basic properties including coho- mology and Hodge theory. The main feature of our approach is simplicity, requiring only knowledge of linear algebra and graph theory. We have also isolated the algebra from the topology to show that a large part of cohomology and Hodge theory is nothing more than the linear algebra of matrices satisfying AB = 0. For the remaining topological aspect, we cast our discussion entirely in terms of graphs as opposed to less familiar topological objects like simplicial complexes. Key words. cohomology, Hodge decomposition, Hodge Laplacians, graphs AMS subject classifications. 05C50, 58A14, 20G10 DOI. 10.1137/18M1223101 Contents 1 Introduction 2 2 Cohomology and Hodge Theory for Pedestrians 2 2.1 Cohomology on a Bumper Sticker ..................... 3 2.2 Harmonic Representative ......................... 3 2.3 Hodge Theory on One Foot ........................ 4 2.4 Terminologies ................................ 5 3 Coboundary Operators and Hodge Laplacians on Graphs 6 3.1 Graphs .................................... 6 3.2 Functions on a Graph ........................... 7 3.3 Operators on Functions on a Graph ................... 8 3.4 Helmholtz Decomposition for Graphs ................... 10 4 Higher Order 12 4.1 Higher-Order Cochains ........................... 12 4.2 Higher-Order Coboundary Operators ................... 13 4.3 Hodge Theory ................................ 13 5 Detailed Proofs and Calculations 15 5.1 Linear Algebra over ........................... 15 Received by the editors October 26, 2018; accepted for publication (in revised form) June 11, 2019; published electronically August 6, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1137/18M1223101 Funding: This work was supported by AFOSR through grant FA9550-13-1-0133, DARPA through grant D15AP00109, and NSF through grants IIS 1546413, DMS 1209136, and DMS 1057064. Computational and Applied Mathematics Initiative, Department of Statistics, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637 ([email protected]). 1
Page 1: Hodge Laplacians on Graphs - University of Chicagolekheng/work/hodge-graph.pdfHodge Laplacians on Graphs\ast Lek-Heng Lim\dagger Abstract. This is an elementary introduction to the

SIAM REVIEW c\bigcirc 2020 Society for Industrial and Applied MathematicsVol. 62, No. 3, pp. 000–000

Hodge Laplacians on Graphs\ast

Lek-Heng Lim\dagger

Abstract. This is an elementary introduction to the Hodge Laplacian on a graph, a higher-ordergeneralization of the graph Laplacian. We will discuss basic properties including coho-mology and Hodge theory. The main feature of our approach is simplicity, requiring onlyknowledge of linear algebra and graph theory. We have also isolated the algebra from thetopology to show that a large part of cohomology and Hodge theory is nothing more thanthe linear algebra of matrices satisfying AB = 0. For the remaining topological aspect,we cast our discussion entirely in terms of graphs as opposed to less familiar topologicalobjects like simplicial complexes.

Key words. cohomology, Hodge decomposition, Hodge Laplacians, graphs

AMS subject classifications. 05C50, 58A14, 20G10

DOI. 10.1137/18M1223101


1 Introduction 2

2 Cohomology and Hodge Theory for Pedestrians 22.1 Cohomology on a Bumper Sticker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.2 Harmonic Representative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.3 Hodge Theory on One Foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.4 Terminologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

3 Coboundary Operators and Hodge Laplacians on Graphs 63.1 Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63.2 Functions on a Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73.3 Operators on Functions on a Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83.4 Helmholtz Decomposition for Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

4 Higher Order 124.1 Higher-Order Cochains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124.2 Higher-Order Coboundary Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134.3 Hodge Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

5 Detailed Proofs and Calculations 155.1 Linear Algebra over \BbbR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

\ast Received by the editors October 26, 2018; accepted for publication (in revised form) June 11,2019; published electronically August 6, 2020.

https://doi.org/10.1137/18M1223101Funding: This work was supported by AFOSR through grant FA9550-13-1-0133, DARPA through

grant D15AP00109, and NSF through grants IIS 1546413, DMS 1209136, and DMS 1057064.\dagger Computational and Applied Mathematics Initiative, Department of Statistics, The University of

Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637 ([email protected]).


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5.2 Div, Grad, Curl, and All That . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185.3 Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

6 Topology, Computations, and Applications 246.1 Topological Caveats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256.2 Computations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266.3 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Acknowledgments 28

References 28

1. Introduction. The primary goal of this article is to introduce readers to theHodge Laplacian on a graph and discuss some of its properties, notably the Hodgedecomposition. To understand its significance, it is inevitable that we will also haveto discuss the basic ideas behind cohomology, but we will do so in a way that isas elementary as possible and with a view toward applications in the informationsciences.

If the classical Hodge theory on Riemannian manifolds [37, 60] is “differentiableHodge theory,” the Hodge theory on metric spaces [6, 55] “continuous Hodge theory,”and the Hodge theory on simplicial complexes [26, 28] “discrete Hodge theory,” thenthe version here may be considered “graph-theoretic Hodge theory.”

Unlike physical problems arising from areas such as continuum mechanics orelectromagnetics, where the differentiable Hodge–de Rham theory has been appliedwith great efficacy for both modeling and computations [1, 2, 27, 40, 47, 58, 59],those arising from data analytic applications are likely to be far less structured[3, 9, 11, 14, 15, 17, 22, 30, 36, 38, 41, 42, 48, 49, 51, 52, 61, 62, 63]. Often onecan at best assume some weak notion of proximity of data points. The Hodge theoryintroduced in this article requires nothing more than the data set having the structureof an undirected graph and is conceivably more suitable for nonphysical applicationssuch as those arising from the biological or information sciences (see section 6.3).

Our simple take on cohomology and Hodge theory requires only linear algebraand graph theory. In our approach, we have isolated the algebra from the topologyto show that a large part of cohomology and Hodge theory is nothing more than thelinear algebra of matrices satisfying AB = 0. For the remaining topological aspect, wecast our discussions entirely in terms of graphs, as opposed to less familiar topologicalobjects like simplicial complexes. We believe that by putting these in a simple frame-work, we can facilitate the development of applications as well as communication withpractitioners who might not otherwise see the utility of these notions.

We write with a view toward readers whose main interests may lie in machinelearning, matrix computations, numerical PDEs, optimization, statistics, or theoryof computing, but who have a casual interest in the topic and may perhaps want toexplore potential applications in their respective fields. To enhance the pedagogicalvalue of this article, we have provided complete proofs and fully worked-out examplesin section 5.

The occasional whimsical section headings are inspired by [10, 44, 45, 53, 54].

2. Cohomology and Hodge Theory for Pedestrians. We will present in thissection what we hope is the world’s most elementary approach to cohomology andHodge theory, requiring only linear algebra.

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2.1. Cohomology on a Bumper Sticker. Given two matrices A \in \BbbR m\times n andB \in \BbbR n\times p satisfying the property that

(2.1) AB = 0,

a property equivalent toim(B) \subseteq ker(A),

the cohomology group with respect to A and B is the quotient vector space

ker(A)/ im(B),

and its elements are called cohomology classes. The word “group” here refers to thestructure of ker(A)/ im(B) as an abelian group under addition.

We have fudged a bit because we haven’t yet defined the matrices A and B.Cohomology usually refers to a special case where A and B are certain matrices withtopological meaning, as we will define in section 3.

2.2. Harmonic Representative. The definition in the previous section is abun-dantly simple, provided the reader knows what a quotient vector space is, but can it befurther simplified? For instance, can we do away with quotient spaces and equivalenceclasses1 and define cohomology classes as actual vectors in \BbbR n?

Note that an element in ker(A)/ im(B) is a set of vectors

x + im(B) := \ x + y \in \BbbR n : y \in im(B)\

for some x \in ker(A). We would avoid such equivalence classes if we could choosean xH \in x + im(B) in some unique way to represent the entire set. A standardway to do this is to pick xH so that it is orthogonal to every other vector in im(B).Since im(B)\bot = ker(B\ast ), this is equivalent to requiring that xH \in ker(B\ast ). Hence, weshould pick an xH \in ker(A)\cap ker(B\ast ). Such an xH is called a harmonic representativeof the cohomology class x + im(B).

The map that takes the cohomology class x + im(B) to its unique harmonicrepresentative xH gives a natural isomorphism of vector spaces (see Theorem 5.3),

(2.2) ker(A)/ im(B) \sim = ker(A) \cap ker(B\ast ).

So we may redefine the cohomology group with respect to A and B to be the subspaceker(A) \cap ker(B\ast ) of \BbbR n, and a cohomology class may now be regarded as an actualvector xH \in ker(A) \cap ker(B\ast ).

A word about our notation: B\ast denotes the adjoint of the matrix B. Usually wewill work over \BbbR with the standard l2-inner product on our spaces, and so B\ast = B\sansT .However, we would like to allow for the possibility of working over \BbbC or with otherinner products.

Linear Algebra Interlude. For those familiar with numerical linear algebra, the way wechoose a unique harmonic representative xH to represent a cohomology class x+im(B)is similar to how we would impose uniqueness on a solution to a linear system ofequations by requiring that it has minimum norm among all solutions [31, section 5.5].More specifically, the solutions to Ax = b are given by x0 + ker(A), where x0 is any

1Practitioners tend to dislike working with equivalence classes of objects. One reason is thatthey are often tricky to implement in a computer program.

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particular solution; we impose uniqueness by requiring that x0 \in ker(A)\bot = im(A\ast ),which gives the minimum norm (or pseudoinverse) solution x0 = A\dagger b. The onlydifference above is that we deal with two matrices A and B instead of a single matrixA.

2.3. Hodge Theory on One Foot. We now explain why an element in ker(A) \cap ker(B\ast ) is called “harmonic.” Again assuming that AB = 0, the Hodge Laplacian isthe matrix

(2.3) A\ast A + BB\ast \in \BbbR n\times n.

We may show (see Theorem 5.2) that

(2.4) ker(A\ast A + BB\ast ) = ker(A) \cap ker(B\ast ).

So the harmonic representative xH that we constructed in section 2.2 is a solution tothe Laplace equation

(2.5) (A\ast A + BB\ast )x = 0.

Since solutions to the Laplace equation are called harmonic functions, this explainsthe name “harmonic” representative.

With this observation, we see that we could also have defined the cohomologygroup (with respect to A and B) as the kernel of the Hodge Laplacian, since

ker(A)/ im(B) \sim = ker(A\ast A + BB\ast ).

We may also show (see Theorem 5.2) that there is a Hodge decomposition, an orthog-onal direct sum decomposition

(2.6) \BbbR n = im(A\ast ) \oplus ker(A\ast A + BB\ast ) \oplus im(B).

In other words, whenever AB = 0, every x \in \BbbR n can be decomposed uniquely as

x = A\ast w + xH + Bv, \langle A\ast w, xH\rangle = \langle xH , Bv\rangle = \langle A\ast w,Bv\rangle = 0

for some v \in \BbbR p and w \in \BbbR m.Recall the well-known decompositions (sometimes called the Fredholm alternative;

see Theorem 5.1) associated with the four fundamental subspaces [57] of a matrixA \in \BbbR m\times n,

(2.7) \BbbR n = ker(A) \oplus im(A\ast ), \BbbR m = ker(A\ast ) \oplus im(A).

The Hodge decomposition (2.6) may be viewed as an analogue of (2.7) for a pair ofmatrices satisfying AB = 0. In fact, combining (2.6) and (2.7), we obtain

\BbbR n =

ker(B\ast )\underbrace \underbrace im(A\ast ) \oplus ker(A\ast A + BB\ast ) \oplus im(B)\underbrace \underbrace



The intersection of ker(A) and ker(B\ast ) gives ker(A\ast A+BB\ast ), confirming (2.4). SinceA\ast A + BB\ast is Hermitian, it also follows that

(2.8) im(A\ast A + BB\ast ) = im(A\ast ) \oplus im(B).

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For the special case when A is an arbitrary matrix and B = 0, the Hodge decom-position (2.6) becomes

(2.9) \BbbR n = im(A\ast ) \oplus ker(A\ast A),

which can also be deduced directly from the Fredholm alternative (2.7) since

(2.10) ker(A\ast A) = ker(A).

Linear Algebra Interlude. To paint an analogy like that in the last paragraph ofsection 2.2, our characterization of cohomology classes as solutions to the Laplaceequation (2.5) is similar to the characterization of solutions to a least squares problemminx\in \BbbR n\| Ax - b\| as solutions to its normal equation A\ast Ax = A\ast b [31, section 6.3].Again, the only difference is that here we deal with two matrices instead of just one.

2.4. Terminologies. One obstacle that the (impatient) beginner often faces whenlearning cohomology is the considerable number of scary-sounding terminologies thatwe have, by and large, avoided in the treatment above.

In Table 1, we summarize some commonly used terminologies for objects in sec-tions 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3. Their precise meanings will be given in sections 3 and 4, withan updated version of this table appearing as Table 3. As the reader can see, thereis some amount of redundancy in these terminologies; e.g., saying that a cochain isexact is the same as saying that it is a coboundary. This can sometimes add to theconfusion for a beginner. It is easiest to just remember equations and disregard jar-gon. When people say things like “a cochain is harmonic if and only if it is closedand coclosed,” they are just verbalizing (2.4).

In summary, we have seen three different ways of defining cohomology : If A andB are matrices satisfying AB = 0, then the cohomology group with respect to A andB may be taken to be any one of the following expressions:

(2.11) ker(A)/ im(B), ker(A) \cap ker(B\ast ), ker(A\ast A + BB\ast ).

For readers who have heard of the term homology, that can be defined just bytaking adjoints. Note that if AB = 0, then B\ast A\ast = 0 and we can let B\ast and A\ast play

Table 1 Topological jargon (first pass).

name meaning

coboundary maps A \in \BbbR m\times n, B \in \BbbR n\times p

cochains elements x \in \BbbR n

cochain complex \BbbR p B - \rightarrow \BbbR n A - \rightarrow \BbbR m

cocycles elements of ker(A)

coboundaries elements of im(B)

cohomology classes elements of ker(A)/ im(B)

harmonic cochains elements of ker(A\ast A+BB\ast )

Betti numbers dimker(A\ast A+BB\ast )

Hodge Laplacians A\ast A+BB\ast \in \BbbR n\times n

x is closed Ax = 0

x is exact x = Bv for some v \in \BbbR p

x is coclosed B\ast x = 0

x is coexact x = A\ast w for some w \in \BbbR m

x is harmonic (A\ast A+BB\ast )x = 0

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the role of A and B, respectively. The homology group with respect to A and B maythen be taken to be any one of the following:

(2.12) ker(B\ast )/ im(A\ast ), ker(B\ast ) \cap ker(A), ker(BB\ast + A\ast A).

As we can see, the last two spaces in (2.11) and (2.12) are identical, i.e., there is nodifference between cohomology and homology in our context (see Theorem 5.3 for aproof and section 6.1 for caveats).

3. Coboundary Operators and Hodge Laplacians on Graphs. The way wediscussed cohomology and Hodge theory in section 2 relies solely on the linear algebraof operators satisfying AB = 0; this is the “algebraic side” of the subject. Thereis also a “topological side” that is just one step away, obtained by imposing therequirement that A and B be coboundary operators. Readers may remember fromvector calculus identities like curl grad = 0 or div curl = 0 in \BbbR 3—these are, in fact,pertinent examples of when AB = 0 naturally arises, and as we will soon see, div,grad, and curl are our most basic examples of coboundary operators. Restricting ourchoices of A and B to coboundary operators allows us to attach topological meaningsto the objects in section 2.

Just as the last section requires nothing more than elementary linear algebra,this section requires nothing more than elementary graph theory. We will discusssimplicial complexes (family of subsets of vertices), cochains (functions on a graph),and coboundary operators (operators on functions on a graph)—all in the context ofthe simplest type of graphs: undirected, unweighted, no loops, and no multiple edges.

3.1. Graphs. Let G = (V,E) be an undirected graph where V := \ 1, . . . , n\ isa finite set of vertices and E \subseteq

\bigl( V2

\bigr) is the set2 of edges. Note that once we have

specified G, we automatically obtain cliques of higher order—for example, the set oftriangles or 3-cliques T \subseteq

\bigl( V3

\bigr) is defined by

\ i, j, k\ \in T iff \ i, j\ , \ i, k\ , \ j, k\ \in E.

More generally the set of k-cliques Kk(G) \subseteq \bigl( Vk

\bigr) is defined by

\ i1, . . . , ik\ \in Kk(G) iff \ ip, iq\ \in E for all 1 \leq p < q \leq k,

i.e., all pairs of vertices in \ i1, . . . , ik\ are in E. Clearly, specifying V and E uniquelydetermines Kk(G) for all k \geq 3. In particular, we have

K1(G) = V, K2(G) = E, K3(G) = T.

In topological parlance, a nonempty family K of finite subsets of a set V is calleda simplicial complex (more accurately, an abstract simplicial complex) if for any setS in K, every S\prime \subseteq S also belongs to K. Evidently the set comprising all cliques of agraph G,

K(G) :=\bigcup \omega (G)


is a simplicial complex and is called the clique complex of the graph G. The cliquenumber \omega (G) is the number of vertices in the largest clique of G.

There are abstract simplicial complexes that are not clique complexes of graphs.For example, we may just exclude cliques of larger sizes—

\bigcup mk=1 Kk(G) is still an

abstract simplicial complex for any m = 3, . . . , \omega (G) - 1, but it would not in generalbe a clique complex of a graph.

2In what follows,\bigl( Vk

\bigr) denotes the set of all k-element subsets of V . In particular, E is not a

multiset since our graphs have no loops or multiple edges.

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3.2. Functions on a Graph. Given a graph G = (V,E), we will consider real-valued functions on its vertices f : V \rightarrow \BbbR . We will also consider real-valued functionson E and T and Kk(G) in general, but we shall require them to be alternating. Byan alternating function on E, we mean a function of the form X : V \times V \rightarrow \BbbR , where

X(i, j) = - X(j, i)

for all \ i, j\ \in E and

X(i, j) = 0

for all \ i, j\ \not \in E. An alternating function on T is one of the form Φ : V \times V \times V \rightarrow \BbbR ,where

Φ(i, j, k) = Φ(j, k, i) = Φ(k, i, j) = - Φ(j, i, k) = - Φ(i, k, j) = - Φ(k, j, i)

for all \ i, j, k\ \in T and

Φ(i, j, k) = 0

for all \ i, j, k\ \not \in T . More generally, an alternating function is one where permutationof its arguments has the effect of changing its value by the sign of the permutation,as we will see in (4.1).

In topological parlance, the functions f,X,Φ are called 0-, 1-, 2-cochains. Theseare discrete analogues of differential forms on manifolds [60]. Those who prefer toview them as such often refer to cochains as discrete differential forms [23, 24, 35], inwhich case f,X,Φ are 0-, 1-, 2-forms on G.

Observe that a 1-cochain X is completely specified by the values it takes on theset \ (i, j) : i < j\ and a 2-cochain Φ is completely specified by the values it takeson the set \ (i, j, k) : i < j < k\ . We may equip the spaces of cochains with innerproducts, for example, as weighted sums

\langle f, g\rangle V =

n\sum i=1

wif(i)g(i), \langle X,Y \rangle E =\sum i<j

wijX(i, j)Y (i, j),(3.1)

\langle Φ,Ψ\rangle T =\sum


wijkΦ(i, j, k)Ψ(i, j, k),

where the weights wi, wij , wijk are given by any positive values invariant under ar-bitrary permutation of indices. When they take the constant value 1, we call it thestandard L2-inner product. By summing only over the sets3 \ (i, j) : i < j\ and\ (i, j, k) : i < j < k\ , we count each edge or triangle exactly once in the innerproducts.

We will denote the Hilbert spaces of 0-, 1-, and 2-cochains as L2(V ), L2\wedge (E), and

L2\wedge (T ), respectively. The subscript \wedge is intended to indicate “alternating.” Note that

L2\wedge (V ) = L2(V ), since for a function of one argument, being alternating is a vacuous

property. We set L2\wedge (\varnothing ) := \ 0\ by convention. The L2 prefix is merely to indicate

the presence of an inner product. L2-integrability is never an issue since the spacesV , E, T are finite sets; e.g., any function f : V \rightarrow \BbbR will be an element of L2(V ) as\| f\| 2V = \langle f, f\rangle V is just a finite sum and is thus finite.

3Our choice is arbitrary; any set that includes each edge or triangle exactly once would also servethe purpose. Each such choice corresponds to a choice of direction or orientation on the elements ofE or T .

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The elements of L2\wedge (E) (i.e., 1-cochains) are well known in graph theory and

often called edge flows. While the graphs in this article are always undirected andunweighted, a directed graph is simply one equipped with a choice of edge flow X \in L2\wedge (E)—an undirected edge \ i, j\ \in E becomes a directed edge (i, j) if X(i, j) > 0 or

(j, i) if X(i, j) < 0; and the magnitude of X(i, j) may be taken as the weight of thatdirected edge. So L2

\wedge (E) encodes all weighted directed graphs that have the sameunderlying undirected graph structure.

3.3. Operators on Functions on a Graph. We consider the graph-theoretic ana-logues of grad, curl, and div in multivariate calculus. The gradient is the linearoperator grad : L2(V ) \rightarrow L2

\wedge (E) defined by

(grad f)(i, j) = f(j) - f(i)

for all \ i, j\ \in E and zero otherwise. The curl is the linear operator curl : L2\wedge (E) \rightarrow

L2\wedge (T ) defined by

(curlX)(i, j, k) = X(i, j) + X(j, k) + X(k, i)

for all \ i, j, k\ \in T and zero otherwise. The divergence is the linear operator div :L2\wedge (E) \rightarrow L2(V ) defined by

(divX)(i) =

n\sum j=1


wiX(i, j)

for all i \in V .Using these definitions, we may construct other linear operators, notably the

well-known graph Laplacian, the operator ∆0 : L2(V ) \rightarrow L2(V ) defined by

∆0 = - div grad,

which is a graph-theoretic analogue of the Laplace operator (see Lemma 5.6). Lesswell known is the graph Helmholtzian [38], the operator ∆1 : L2

\wedge (E) \rightarrow L2\wedge (E) defined

by∆1 = - grad div + curl\ast curl,

which is a graph-theoretic analogue of the vector Laplacian. We may derive (seeLemma 5.5) an expression for the adjoint of the curl operator: curl\ast : L2

\wedge (T ) \rightarrow L2\wedge (E)

is given by

(curl\ast Φ)(i, j) =

n\sum k=1


wijΦ(i, j, k)

for all \ i, j\ \in E and zero otherwise.The gradient and curl are special cases of coboundary operators, discrete analogues

of exterior derivatives, while the graph Laplacian and Helmholtzian are special casesof Hodge Laplacians.

The matrices A and B that we left unspecified in section 2 are coboundary oper-ators. We may show (see Theorem 5.7) that the composition

(3.2) curl grad = 0

and so setting A = curl and B = grad gives us (2.1).

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Note that divergence and gradient are negative adjoints of each other:

(3.3) div = - grad\ast

(see Lemma 5.4). Given this relationship we find ∆1 = A\ast A + BB\ast as in (2.3).If the inner products on L2(V ) and L2

\wedge (E) are taken to be the standard L2-innerproducts, then (3.3) gives ∆0 = B\ast B = B\sansT B, a well-known expression of the graphLaplacian in terms of the vertex-edge incidence matrix B. The operators

grad\ast grad : L2(V ) \rightarrow L2(V ) and curl\ast curl : L2\wedge (E) \rightarrow L2

\wedge (E)

are sometimes called the vertex Laplacian and edge Laplacian, respectively. Thevertex Laplacian is of course just the usual graph Laplacian, but note that the edgeLaplacian is not the same as the graph Helmholtzian.

Physics Interlude. Taking the standard L2-inner products on L2(V ) and L2\wedge (E), the

divergence of an edge flow at a vertex i \in V may be interpreted as the netflow,

(3.4) (divX)(i) = (inflowX)(i) - (outflowX)(i),

where inflow and outflow are defined, respectively, for any X \in L2\wedge (E) and any i \in V

as(inflowX)(i) =

\sum j:X(i,j)<0

X(i, j), (outflowX)(i) =\sum


X(i, j).

Sometimes the terms incoming flux, outgoing flux, and total flux are used insteadof inflow, outflow, and netflow. Figure 2 shows two divergence-free edge flows, i.e.,inflow equals outflow at every vertex.

Let X \in L2\wedge (E). A vertex i \in V is called a sink of X if X(i, j) < 0 for every

neighbor \ i, j\ \in E of i. Likewise, a vertex i \in V is called a source of X if X(i, j) > 0for every neighbor \ i, j\ \in E of i. In general, an edge flow may not have any sourceor sink,4 but if it can be written as

X = - grad f

for some f \in L2(V ), often called a potential function, then X will have the propertyof flowing from sources (local maxima of f) to sinks (local minima of f).

Example 3.1. We highlight a common pitfall regarding curl on a graph. ConsiderC3 and C4, the cycle graphs on three and four vertices in Figure 1.

Number the vertices and consider the edge flows in Figure 2. What are the valuesof their curls? For the one on C3, the answer is 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 as expected. However,the answer for the edge flow on C4 is not 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8; it is in fact 0.

The second answer may not agree with a physicist’s intuitive idea of curl andis a departure from what one would expect in the continuous case. However, it iswhat follows from the definition. Let X \in L2

\wedge (E(C3)) denote the edge flow on C3 inFigure 2, which is given by

X(1, 2) = X(2, 3) = X(3, 1) = 2 = - X(2, 1) = - X(3, 2) = - X(1, 3),

and the curl evaluated at \ 1, 2, 3\ \in T (C3) is by definition indeed

(curlX)(1, 2, 3) = X(1, 2) + X(2, 3) + X(3, 1) = 6.

4There is an alternative convention that defines i \in V to be a source (resp., sink) of X as longas divX(i) > 0 (resp., divX(i) < 0), but our definition is much more restrictive.

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Fig. 1 Cycle graphs C3 (left) and C4 (right).


2 3





3 4





Fig. 2 Edge flows on C3 (left) and C4 (right).

Table 2 Electrodynamics/fluid dynamics jargon.

name meaning alternate name(s)

divergence-free element of ker(div) solenoidal

curl-free element of ker(curl) irrotational

vorticity element of im(curl\ast ) vector potential

conservative element of im(grad) potential flow

harmonic element of ker(\Delta 1)

anharmonic element of im(\Delta 1)

scalar field element of L2(V ) scalar potential

vector field element of L2\wedge (E)

On the other hand C4 has no 3-cliques and so T (C4) = \varnothing . By convention, L2\wedge (\varnothing ) =

\ 0\ . Hence, curl : L2\wedge (E(C4)) \rightarrow L2

\wedge (T (C4)) must have curlX = 0 for all X \in L2\wedge (E(C4)) and, in particular, for the edge flow on the right of Figure 2.

3.4. Helmholtz Decomposition for Graphs. The usual graph Laplacian ∆0 :L2(V ) \rightarrow L2(V ),

∆0 = - div grad = grad\ast grad,

has been an enormously useful construct in the context of spectral graph theory[20, 56], with great impact on many areas. We have nothing more to add exceptto remark that the Hodge decomposition associated with the graph Laplacian ∆0 isgiven by (2.9),

L2(V ) = ker(∆0) \oplus im(div).

Recall from (2.10) that ker(∆0) = ker(grad). Since grad f = 0 iff f is piecewiseconstant, i.e., constant on each connected component of G, the number \beta 0(G) :=dim ker(∆0) counts the number of connected components of G—a well-known fact ingraph theory.

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The Hodge decomposition associated with the graph Helmholtzian ∆1 : L2\wedge (E) \rightarrow

L2\wedge (E),

∆1 = - grad div + curl\ast curl = grad grad\ast + curl\ast curl,

is called the Helmholtz decomposition. It says that the space of edge flows admits anorthogonal decomposition into subspaces,

(3.5) L2\wedge (E) =

ker(div)\underbrace \underbrace im(curl\ast ) \oplus ker(∆1) \oplus im(grad)\underbrace \underbrace



and moreover the three subspaces are related via

(3.6) ker(∆1) = ker(curl) \cap ker(div), im(∆1) = im(curl\ast ) \oplus im(grad).

In particular, the first equation is a discrete analogue of the statement “a vector fieldis curl-free and divergence-free if and only if it is a harmonic vector field.”

There is nothing really special here—as we saw in section 2.3, any matrices A andB satisfying AB = 0 would give such a decomposition: (3.5) and (3.6) are indeed just(2.6), (2.4), and (2.8) where A = curl and B = grad. This is, however, a case thatyields the most interesting applications (see section 6.3 and [14, 38]).

Example 3.2 (Beautiful Mind problem on graphs). This is a discrete analogue ofa problem5 that appeared in a blockbuster movie A Beautiful Mind : Let G = (V,E)be a graph. If X \in L2

\wedge (E) is curl-free, then is it true that X is a gradient? In otherwords, if X \in ker(curl), must it also be in im(grad)? Clearly the converse alwaysholds by (3.2), but from (3.5) we know that

(3.7) ker(curl) = ker(∆1) \oplus im(grad)

and so it is not surprising that the answer is generally no. We would like to describea family of graphs for which the answer is yes.

The edge flow X \in L2\wedge (E(C4)) on the right of Figure 2 is an example of one that

is curl-free but not a gradient. It is trivially curl-free since T (C4) = \varnothing . It is not agradient since if X = grad f , then

f(2) - f(1) = 2, f(3) - f(2) = 2, f(4) - f(3) = 2, f(1) - f(4) = 2,

and summing them gives “0 = 8”—a contradiction. Note that X is also divergence-free by (3.4), since inflowX = outflowX. It is, therefore, harmonic by (3.6), i.e.,X \in ker(∆1) as expected.

Every divergence-free edge flow on C4 must be of the same form as X, takingconstant value on all edges; otherwise we would not have inflowX = outflowX. Sinceall edge flows on C4 are automatically curl-free, ker(∆1) = ker(div) and is given bythe set of all constant multiples of X. The number

\beta 1(G) = dim ker(∆1)

counts the number of “1-dimensional holes” of G and in this case we see that indeed\beta 1(C4) = 1. To be a bit more precise, the “1-dimensional holes” are the regions thatremain uncovered after the cliques are filled in.

5Due to Dave Bayer [12]. See http://www.stat.uchicago.edu/\sim lekheng/work/bayer.png.

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We now turn our attention to the contrasting case of C3. Looking at Figure 1, itmight seem that C3 also has a “1-dimensional hole” as in C4, but this is a fallacy—holes bounded by triangles are not regarded as holes in our framework.

For C3 it is in fact true that every curl-free edge flow is a gradient. To see this,note that as in the case of C4, any divergence-free X \in L2

\wedge (E(C3)) must be constanton all edges, and so

(curlX)(1, 2, 3) = X(1, 2) + X(2, 3) + X(3, 1) = c + c + c = 3c

for some c \in \BbbR . If a divergence-free X is also curl-free, then c = 0 and so X = 0.Hence, for C3, ker(∆1) = \ 0\ by (3.7) and ker(curl) = im(grad) by (3.6). It alsofollows that \beta 1(C3) = 0 and so C3 has no “1-dimensional hole.”

What we have illustrated with C3 and C4 extends to any arbitrary graph. Amoment’s thought should reveal that the property \beta 1(G) = 0 is satisfied by anychordal graph, i.e., one for which every cycle subgraph of four or more vertices has achord, an edge that connects two vertices of the cycle subgraph but that is not part ofthe cycle subgraph. Equivalently, a chordal graph is one where every chordless cyclesubgraph is C3. See Figure 3.

Fig. 3 Left two graphs: not chordal. Right two graphs: chordal.

4. Higher Order. We expect the case of alternating functions on edges, i.e.,k = 1, discussed in section 3 to be the most useful in applications. However, forcompleteness and since it is no more difficult to generalize to k > 1, we provide theanalogue of section 3 for arbitrary k here.

4.1. Higher-Order Cochains. Let K(G) be the clique complex of a graph G =(V,E) as defined in section 3.1. We will write Kk = Kk(G) for simplicity.

A k-cochain (or k-form) is an alternating function on Kk+1 or, more specifically,f : V \times \cdot \cdot \cdot \times V \rightarrow \BbbR , where

(4.1) f(i\sigma (0), . . . , i\sigma (k)) = sgn(\sigma )f(i0, . . . , ik)

for all \ i0, . . . , ik\ \in Kk+1 and all \sigma \in Sk+1, the symmetric group of permutationson \ 0, . . . , k\ . We set f(i0, . . . , ik) = 0 if \ i0, . . . , ik\ \not \in Kk+1.

Again, we may put an inner product on k-cochains,

\langle f, g\rangle =\sum

i0<\cdot \cdot \cdot <ikwi0\cdot \cdot \cdot ikf(i0, . . . , ik)g(i0, . . . , ik),

with any positive weights satisfying wi\sigma (0)\cdot \cdot \cdot i\sigma (k)= wi0\cdot \cdot \cdot ik for all \sigma \in Sk+1.

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We denote the resulting Hilbert space by L2\wedge (Kk+1). This is a subspace of

L2(\bigwedge k+1

V ), the space of alternating functions with k + 1 arguments in V . Clearly,

dimL2\wedge (Kk+1) = #Kk+1.

A word of caution regarding the terminology: a k-cochain is a function on a(k + 1)-clique and has k + 1 arguments. The reason for this is the different namingconventions—a (k+1)-clique in graph theory is called a k-simplex in topology. In thetopological lingo, a vertex is a 0-simplex, an edge a 1-simplex, a triangle a 2-simplex,and a tetrahedron a 3-simplex.

4.2. Higher-Order Coboundary Operators. The k-coboundary operators \delta k :L2\wedge (Kk) \rightarrow L2

\wedge (Kk+1) are defined by

(4.2) (\delta kf)(i0, . . . , ik+1) =

k+1\sum j=0

( - 1)jf(i0, . . . , ij - 1, ij+1, . . . , ik+1)

for k = 0, 1, 2, . . . . Readers familiar with differential forms may find it illuminating tothink of coboundary operators as discrete analogues of exterior derivatives. Note thatf is a function with k + 1 arguments, but \delta kf is a function with k + 2 arguments. Aconvenient and often-used notation style is to put a carat over the omitted argument:

(4.3) f(i0, . . . ,\widehat ij , . . . , ik+1) := f(i0, . . . , ij - 1, ij+1, . . . , ik+1).

The crucial relation AB = 0 in section 2 is in fact

(4.4) \delta k\delta k - 1 = 0,

which may be verified using (4.2) (see Theorem 5.7). Equation (4.4) is often verbalizedas “the coboundary of a coboundary is zero.” This generalizes (3.2) and is sometimescalled the fundamental theorem of topology.

As in section 2.1, (4.4) is equivalent to saying that im(\delta k - 1) is a subspace ofker(\delta k). We define the kth cohomology group of G to be the quotient vector space

(4.5) Hk(G) = ker(\delta k)/ im(\delta k - 1)

for k = 1, 2, . . . , \omega (G) - 1.To keep track of the coboundary operators, it is customary to assemble them into

a sequence of maps written in the form

L2\wedge (K0)

\delta 0 - \rightarrow L2\wedge (K1)

\delta 1 - \rightarrow \cdot \cdot \cdot \delta k - 1 - \rightarrow L2\wedge (Kk)

\delta k - \rightarrow L2\wedge (Kk+1)

\delta k+1 - \rightarrow \cdot \cdot \cdot \delta \omega - \rightarrow L2\wedge (K\omega ).

This sequence is called a cochain complex. It is said to be exact if im(\delta k - 1) = ker(\delta k)or, equivalently, Hk(G) = \ 0\ , for all k = 1, 2, . . . , \omega (G) - 1.

For k = 1, we obtain \delta 0 = grad, \delta 1 = curl, and the first two terms of the cochaincomplex are

L2(V )grad - - - \rightarrow L2

\wedge (E)curl - - \rightarrow L2

\wedge (T ).

4.3. Hodge Theory. The Hodge k-Laplacian ∆k : L2\wedge (Kk) \rightarrow L2

\wedge (Kk) is definedas

∆k = \delta k - 1\delta \ast k - 1 + \delta \ast k\delta k.

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We call f \in L2\wedge (Kk) a harmonic k-cochain if it satisfies the Laplace equation

∆kf = 0.

Applying the results in section 2.3 with A = \delta k and B = \delta k - 1, we obtain theunique representation of cohomology classes as harmonic cochains

Hk(G) = ker(\delta k)/ im(\delta k - 1) \sim = ker(\delta k) \cap ker(\delta \ast k - 1) = ker(∆k),

as well as the Hodge decomposition

(4.6) L2\wedge (Kk) =

ker(\delta \ast k - 1)\underbrace \underbrace im(\delta \ast k) \oplus ker(∆k) \oplus im(\delta k - 1)\underbrace \underbrace

ker(\delta k)

and the relationim(∆k) = im(\delta \ast k) \oplus im(\delta k - 1).

Example 4.1 (hearing the shape of a graph). Two undirected graphs G and Hon n vertices are said to be isomorphic if they are essentially the same graph up torelabeling of vertices. The graph isomorphism problem, an open problem in computerscience, asks whether there is a polynomial-time algorithm6 for deciding whether twogiven graphs are isomorphic [4]. Clearly, two isomorphic graphs must be isospectralin the sense that the eigenvalues (ordered and counted with multiplicities) of theirgraph Laplacians are equal,

\lambda i(∆0(G)) = \lambda i(∆0(H)), i = 1, . . . , n,

a condition that can be checked in polynomial time. Not surprisingly, the converse—the graph theoretic analogue of Kac’s famous problem [39]—is not true, or we wouldhave been able to determine graph isomorphism in polynomial time. We should men-tion that there are several definitions of isospectral graphs, in terms of the adjacencymatrix, graph Laplacian, normalized Laplacian, signless Laplacian, etc.; see [13, 32]for many interesting examples of nonisomorphic isospectral graphs.

The reader may perhaps wonder what happens if we impose the stronger require-ment that the eigenvalues of all their higher-order Hodge k-Laplacians be equal aswell:

\lambda i(∆k(G)) = \lambda i(∆k(H)), i = 1, . . . , n, k = 0, . . . ,m.

For any m \geq 1, these indeed give a stronger set of sufficient conditions that can bechecked in polynomial time. For example, the eigenvalues of ∆0 for the two graphsin Figure 4 are 0, 0.76, 2, 3, 3, 5.24 (all numbers rounded to two decimal figures). Onthe other hand, the eigenvalues of ∆1 are 0, 0.76, 2, 3, 3, 3, 5.24 for the graph on theleft and 0, 0, 0.76, 2, 3, 3, 5.24 for the graph on the right, allowing us to conclude thatthey are not isomorphic. These calculations are included in section 5.3.

Nonisomorphic graphs can nevertheless have isospectral Hodge Laplacians of allorders. The two graphs in Figure 5 are clearly nonisomorphic. Neither containscliques of order higher than two, so their Hodge k-Laplacians are zero for all k > 2.We can check (see section 5.3) that the first three Hodge Laplacians ∆0, ∆1, ∆2 ofboth graphs are isospectral.

6An astounding recent result of Babai [5] is that there is a quasi-polynomial-time algorithm.

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Fig. 4 These graphs have isospectral Laplacians (Hodge 0-Laplacians) but not Helmholtzians (Hodge1-Laplacians).

Fig. 5 Nonisormorphic graphs with isospectral Hodge k-Laplacians for all k = 0, 1, 2, . . . .

Table 3 Topological jargon (second pass).

name meaning

coboundary maps \delta k : L2\wedge (Kk) \rightarrow L2

\wedge (Kk+1)

cochains elements f \in L2\wedge (Kk)

cochain complex \cdot \cdot \cdot - \rightarrow L2\wedge (Kk - 1)

\delta k - 1 - \rightarrow L2\wedge (Kk)

\delta k - \rightarrow L2\wedge (Kk+1) - \rightarrow \cdot \cdot \cdot

cocycles elements of ker(\delta k)

coboundaries elements of im(\delta k - 1)

cohomology classes elements of ker(\delta k)/ im(\delta k - 1)

harmonic cochains elements of ker(\Delta k)

Betti numbers dimker(\Delta k)

Hodge Laplacians \Delta k = \delta k - 1\delta \ast k - 1 + \delta \ast k\delta k

f is closed \delta kf = 0

f is exact f = \delta k - 1g for some g \in L2\wedge (Kk - 1)

f is coclosed \delta \ast k - 1f = 0

f is coexact f = \delta \ast kh for some h \in L2\wedge (Kk+1)

f is harmonic \Delta kf = 0

5. Detailed Proofs and Calculations. In this section, we provide proofs of thelinear algebraic facts in section 2, verify various claims in sections 3 and 4, and workout the details of Example 4.1.

5.1. Linear Algebra over \BbbR . We now provide routine proofs for some linear alge-braic facts that we have used freely in section 2. We will work over \BbbR for convenience,but every statement in Theorems 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 extends to any subfield of \BbbC .

Theorem 5.1. Let A \in \BbbR m\times n. Then\ding192 ker(A\ast A) = ker(A),\ding193 im(A\ast A) = im(A\ast ),\ding194 ker(A\ast ) = im(A)\bot ,\ding195 im(A\ast ) = ker(A)\bot ,\ding196 \BbbR n = ker(A) \oplus im(A\ast ).

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Proof.\ding192 Clearly, ker(A) \subseteq ker(A\ast A). If A\ast Ax = 0, then \| Ax\| 2 = x\ast A\ast Ax = 0, so

Ax = 0 and thus ker(A\ast A) \subseteq ker(A).\ding193 Applying the rank-nullity theorem twice with \ding192, we get

rank(A\ast A) = n - nullity(A\ast A)

= n - nullity(A) = rank(A) = rank(A\ast ).

Since im(A\ast A) \subseteq im(A\ast ), the result follows.\ding194 If x \in im(A)\bot , then 0 = \langle x,Ay\rangle = \langle A\ast x, y\rangle for all y \in \BbbR n, so A\ast x = 0. If

x \in ker(A\ast ), then \langle x,Ay\rangle = \langle A\ast x, y\rangle = 0 for all y \in \BbbR n, so x \in im(A)\bot .\ding195 By \ding194, im(A\ast )\bot = ker(A\ast \ast ) = ker(A) and the result follows.\ding196 \BbbR n = ker(A) \oplus ker(A)\bot = ker(A) \oplus im(A\ast ) by \ding195.

Our next proof ought to convince readers that the Hodge decomposition theorem\ding200 is indeed an extension of the Fredholm alternative theorem \ding196 to a pair of matrices.

Theorem 5.2. Let A \in \BbbR m\times n and B \in \BbbR n\times p with AB = 0. Then\ding197 ker(A\ast A + BB\ast ) = ker(A) \cap ker(B\ast ),\ding198 ker(A) = im(B) \oplus ker(A\ast A + BB\ast ),\ding199 ker(B\ast ) = im(A\ast ) \oplus ker(A\ast A + BB\ast ),\ding200 \BbbR n = im(A\ast ) \oplus ker(A\ast A + BB\ast ) \oplus im(B),\ding201 im(A\ast A + BB\ast ) = im(A\ast ) \oplus im(B).

Proof. Note that im(B) \subseteq ker(A) as AB = 0, im(A\ast ) \subseteq ker(B\ast ) as B\ast A\ast = 0.\ding197 Clearly, ker(A)\cap ker(B\ast ) \subseteq ker(A\ast A+BB\ast ). Let x \in ker(A\ast A+BB\ast ). Then

A\ast Ax = - BB\ast x.\bullet Multiplying by A, we get AA\ast Ax = - ABB\ast x = 0, since AB = 0.

So A\ast Ax \in ker(A). However, A\ast Ax \in im(A\ast ) = ker(A)\bot by \ding195. SoA\ast Ax = 0 and x \in ker(A\ast A) = ker(A) by \ding192.

\bullet Multiplying by B\ast , we get 0 = B\ast A\ast Ax = - B\ast BB\ast x, since B\ast A\ast = 0.So BB\ast x \in ker(B\ast ). However, BB\ast x \in im(B) = ker(B\ast )\bot by \ding194. SoBB\ast x = 0 and x \in ker(BB\ast ) = ker(B\ast ) by \ding192.

Hence, x \in ker(A) \cap ker(B\ast ).\ding198 Applying \ding196 to B\ast ,

ker(A) = \BbbR n \cap ker(A) = [ker(B\ast ) \oplus im(B)] \cap ker(A)

= [ker(B\ast ) \cap ker(A)] \oplus [im(B) \cap ker(A)]

= ker(A\ast A + BB\ast ) \oplus im(B),

where the last equality follows from \ding197 and im(B) \subseteq ker(A).\ding199 Applying \ding196,

ker(B\ast ) = \BbbR n \cap ker(B\ast ) = [ker(A) \oplus im(A\ast )] \cap ker(B\ast )

= [ker(A) \cap ker(B\ast )] \oplus [im(A\ast ) \cap ker(B\ast )]

= ker(A\ast A + BB\ast ) \oplus im(A\ast ),

where the last equality follows from \ding197 and im(A\ast ) \subseteq ker(B\ast ). Alternatively,apply \ding198 with B\ast , A\ast in place of A,B.

\ding200 Applying \ding196 to B\ast followed by \ding199, we get

\BbbR n = ker(B\ast ) \oplus im(B) = im(A\ast ) \oplus ker(A\ast A + BB\ast ) \oplus im(B).

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\ding201 Applying \ding196 to A\ast A + BB\ast , which is self-adjoint, we see that

im(A\ast A + BB\ast ) = ker(A\ast A + BB\ast )\bot = im(A\ast ) \oplus im(B),

where the last equality follows from \ding200.

Any two vector spaces of the same dimension are isomorphic, so saying that twovector spaces are isomorphic isn’t saying very much—just that they have the samedimension. The two spaces in (2.11) are special because they are naturally isomorphic,i.e., if you construct an isomorphism, and the guy in the office next door constructsan isomorphism, both of you would end up with the same isomorphism, namely, theone below.

Theorem 5.3. Let A \in \BbbR m\times n and B \in \BbbR n\times p with AB = 0. Then the followingspaces are naturally isomorphic:

ker(A)/ im(B) \sim = ker(A) \cap ker(B\ast ) \sim = ker(B\ast )/ im(A\ast ).

Proof. Let \pi : \BbbR n \rightarrow im(B)\bot be the orthogonal projection of \BbbR n onto the or-thogonal complement of im(B). So any x \in \BbbR n has a unique decomposition into twomutually orthogonal components,

\BbbR n = im(B)\bot \oplus im(B),

x = \pi (x) + (1 - \pi )(x).

Let \pi A be \pi restricted to the subspace ker(A). So any x \in ker(A) has a uniquedecomposition into two mutually orthogonal components,

ker(A) =\bigl( ker(A) \cap im(B)\bot

\bigr) \oplus im(B),

x = \pi A(x) + (1 - \pi A)(x),

bearing in mind that ker(A) \cap im(B) = im(B), since im(B) \subseteq ker(A).As \pi is surjective, so is \pi A. Hence, im(\pi A) = ker(A) \cap im(B)\bot . Also, for any

x \in ker(A), \pi A(x) = 0 iff the component of x in im(B)\bot is zero, i.e., x \in im(B).Hence, ker(\pi A) = im(B). The first isomorphsim theorem,

ker(A)/ ker(\pi A) \sim = im(\pi A) = ker(A) \cap im(B)\bot ,

yields the required result, since im(B)\bot = ker(B\ast ) by \ding194. The other isomorphism maybe obtained as usual by using B\ast , A\ast in place of A,B.

In mathematics, linear algebra usually refers to a collection of facts that followfrom the defining axioms of a field and of a vector space. In this regard, every singlestatement in Theorems 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 is false as a statement in linear algebra—theydepend specifically on our working over a subfield of \BbbC and are not true over arbitraryfields. For example, consider the finite field of two elements \BbbF 2 = \ 0, 1\ and take

A = B =

\biggl[ 1 11 1

\biggr] .

Then A\ast = A = B = B\ast , and AB = B\ast A\ast = A\ast A = BB\ast = A\ast A + BB\ast = 0, whichserves as a counterexample to \ding192, \ding193, \ding196, \ding198, \ding199, \ding200, \ding201, and Theorem 5.3.

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5.2. Div, Grad, Curl, and All That. We now provide routine verifications ofstatements made in sections 3 and 4.

Lemma 5.4. Equip L2(V ) and L2\wedge (E) with the inner products in (3.1). Then we


grad\ast X(i) = - n\sum



wiX(i, j) = - divX(i).

Proof. The required expression follows from

\langle grad\ast X, f\rangle V = \langle X, grad f\rangle E=

\sum i<j

wijX(i, j) grad f(i, j)


i<jwijX(i, j)[f(j) - f(i)]


i<jwijX(i, j)f(j) +

\sum i<j

wijX(j, i)f(i)


\sum j<i

wjiX(j, i)f(i) +\sum

i<jwijX(j, i)f(i)


\sum j<i

wijX(j, i)f(i) +\sum

i<jwijX(j, i)f(i)


i\not =jwijX(j, i)f(i)

=\sum n


\Bigl[ \sum j:j \not =i


wiX(j, i)

\Bigr] f(i)


\sum n


\Bigl[ \sum n



wiX(j, i)\underbrace \underbrace

grad\ast X(i)

\Bigr] f(i).

\ding192 follows from swapping labels i and j in the first summand.\ding193 follows from wij = wji.\ding194 follows from X(i, i) = 0.

Lemma 5.5. Equip L2\wedge (E) and L2

\wedge (T ) with the inner products in (3.1). Then wehave

curl\ast Φ(i, j) =

n\sum k=1


wijΦ(i, j, k).

Proof. The required expression follows from

\langle curl\ast Φ, X\rangle E = \langle Φ, curlX\rangle T =\sum

i<j<kwijkΦ(i, j, k) curlX(i, j, k)


i<j<kwijkΦ(i, j, k)[X(i, j) + X(j, k) + X(k, i)]


i<j<kwijkΦ(i, j, k)X(i, j) +

\sum i<j<k

wijkΦ(i, j, k)X(j, k)


i<j<kwijkΦ(i, j, k)X(k, i)


\sum i<j<k

wijkΦ(i, j, k)X(i, j) +\sum

i<j<kwijkΦ(j, k, i)X(j, k)


i<j<kwijkΦ(k, i, j)X(k, i)


\sum i<j<k

wijkΦ(i, j, k)X(i, j) +\sum

k<i<jwkijΦ(i, j, k)X(i, j)

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i<k<jwikjΦ(j, i, k)X(j, i)


\sum i<j<k

wijkΦ(i, j, k)X(i, j) +\sum

k<i<jwkijΦ(i, j, k)X(i, j)


i<k<jwikjΦ(i, j, k)X(i, j)



\Bigl[ \Bigl( \sum n

k=j+1+\sum i - 1

k=1+\sum j - 1


\Bigr) wijkΦ(i, j, k)

\Bigr] X(i, j)



\Bigl[ \sum k:k \not =i,j


wijΦ(i, j, k)

\Bigr] X(i, j)


\sum i<j


\Bigl[ \sum n



wijΦ(i, j, k)\underbrace \underbrace

curl\ast \Phi (i,j)

\Bigr] X(i, j).

\ding192 follows from the alternating property of Φ.\ding193 follows from relabeling j, k, i as i, j, k in the second summand and swapping

labels j and k in the third summand.\ding194 follows from Φ(j, i, k)X(j, i) = Φ(i, j, k)X(i, j), since both changed signs.\ding195 follows from Φ(i, j, i) = Φ(i, j, j) = 0.

Lemma 5.6. The operator ∆0 = - div grad gives us the usual graph Laplacian.

Proof. Let f \in L2(V ). By definition,

grad f(i, j) =

\Biggl\ f(j) - f(i) if \ i, j\ \in E,

0 otherwise.

Define the adjacency matrix A \in \BbbR n\times n by

aij =

\Biggl\ 1 if \ i, j\ \in E,

0 otherwise.

The gradient may be written as grad f(i, j) = aij(f(j) - f(i)) and so


(∆0f)(i) = - [div(grad f)](i) = - [div aij(f(j) - f(i))](i)

= - n\sum


aij [f(j) - f(i)] = dif(i) - n\sum



where for any vertex i = 1, . . . , n, we define its degree as

di = deg(i) =

n\sum j=1

aij .

If we regard a function f \in L2(V ) as a vector (f1, . . . , fn) \in \BbbR n, where f(i) = fi, andset D = diag(d1, . . . , dn) \in \BbbR n\times n, then (5.1) becomes

∆0f =

\left[ d1 - a11 - a12 \cdot \cdot \cdot - a1n - a21 d2 - a22 \cdot \cdot \cdot - a2n

.... . .

... - an1 - an2 \cdot \cdot \cdot dn - ann

\right] \left[ f1f2...fn

\right] = (D - A)f.

So ∆0 may be regarded as D - A, the usual definition of a graph Laplacian.

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Theorem 5.7. We have that

curl grad = 0, div curl\ast = 0,

and more generally, for k = 1, 2, . . . ,

\delta k\delta k - 1 = 0, \delta \ast k - 1\delta \ast k = 0.

Proof. We only need to check \delta k\delta k - 1 = 0. The other relations follow from takingthe adjoint or specializing to k = 1. Let f \in L2

\wedge (Kk - 1). By (4.2) and (4.3),

(\delta k\delta k - 1f)(i0, . . . , ik+1) =\sum k+1

j=0( - 1)j\delta k - 1f(i0, . . . ,\widehat ij , . . . , ik+1)


\sum k+1

j=0( - 1)j

\Bigl[ \sum j - 1

\ell =0( - 1)\ell f(i0, . . . ,\widehat i\ell , . . . ,\widehat ij , . . . , ik+1)

+\sum k+1

\ell =j+1( - 1)\ell - 1f(i0, . . . ,\widehat ij , . . . ,\widehat i\ell , . . . , ik+1)

\Bigr] =

\sum j<\ell

( - 1)j( - 1)\ell f(i0, . . . ,\widehat ij , . . . ,\widehat i\ell , . . . , ik+1)


j>\ell ( - 1)j( - 1)\ell - 1f(i0, . . . ,\widehat i\ell , . . . ,\widehat ij , . . . , ik+1)


\sum j<\ell

( - 1)j+\ell f(i0, . . . ,\widehat ij , . . . ,\widehat i\ell , . . . , ik+1)


\ell >j( - 1)j+\ell - 1f(i0, . . . ,\widehat ij , . . . ,\widehat i\ell , . . . , ik+1)


j<\ell ( - 1)j+\ell f(i0, . . . ,\widehat ij , . . . ,\widehat i\ell , . . . , ik+1)

- \sum

j<\ell ( - 1)j+\ell f(i0, . . . ,\widehat ij , . . . ,\widehat i\ell , . . . , ik+1) = 0.

The power of - 1 in the third sum in \ding192 is \ell - 1 because an argument preceding \widehat i\ell isomitted, and so \widehat i\ell is the (\ell - 1)th argument (which is also omitted). \ding193 follows fromswapping labels j and \ell in the second sum.

5.3. Calculations. We will work out the details of Example 4.1. While we havedefined coboundary operators and Hodge Laplacians as abstract, coordinate-free lin-ear operators, any actual applications invariably involve “writing them down” asmatrices to facilitate calculations. Readers might perhaps find our concrete approachhere instructive.

A simple recipe for writing down a matrix representing a coboundary operatoror a Hodge Laplacian is as follows: Given an undirected graph, label its vertices andedges arbitrarily but differently for easy distinction (e.g., use numbers for vertices andletters for edges) and assign arbitrary directions to the edges. From the graphs inFigure 4, we get the labeled directed graphs G1 (left) and G2 (right) in Figure 6.

The next step is to write down a matrix whose columns are indexed by the verticesand whose rows are indexed by the edges, and whose (i, j)th entry is +1 if the jthedge points into the ith vertex, - 1 if the jth edge points out of the ith vertex, and 0

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a b










a b





Fig. 6 The graphs in Figure 4, with vertices and edges arbitrarily labeled and directions on edgesarbitrarily assigned.

otherwise. This matrix represents the gradient operator \delta 0 = grad. We obtain

A1 =


1 2 3 4 5 6

a - 1 1 0 0 0 0b 0 - 1 1 0 0 0c 0 0 - 1 1 0 0d 1 0 0 - 1 0 0e 0 0 - 1 0 1 0f 0 0 0 0 - 1 1g 0 0 - 1 0 0 1

\right] , A2 =


1 2 3 4 5 6

a - 1 1 0 0 0 0b 0 - 1 1 0 0 0c 0 0 - 1 1 0 0d 1 0 0 - 1 0 0e 0 0 - 1 0 1 0f 0 0 0 - 1 0 1g 0 1 0 0 0 - 1

\right] for G1 and G2, respectively. Note that every row must contain exactly one +1 and one - 1, since every edge is defined by a pair of vertices. This matrix is also known as avertex-edge incidence matrix of the graph. Our choice of \pm 1 for in-/out-pointing edgesis also arbitrary—the opposite choice works just as well as long as we are consistentthroughout.

The graph Laplacians may either be computed from our definition as

L1 = A\ast 1A1 =


1 2 3 4 5 6

1 2 - 1 0 - 1 0 02 - 1 2 - 1 0 0 03 0 - 1 4 - 1 - 1 - 14 - 1 0 - 1 2 0 05 0 0 - 1 0 2 - 16 0 0 - 1 0 - 1 2

\right] ,

L2 = A\ast 2A2 =


1 2 3 4 5 6

1 2 - 1 0 - 1 0 02 - 1 3 - 1 0 0 - 13 0 - 1 3 - 1 - 1 04 - 1 0 - 1 3 0 - 15 0 0 - 1 0 1 06 0 - 1 0 - 1 0 2

\right] ,

or written down directly using the usual definition [20, 56],

\ell ij =

\left\ deg(vi) if i = j,

- 1 if vi is adjacent to vj ,

0 otherwise.

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We obtain the same Laplacian matrix irrespective of the choice of directions on edgesand the choice of \pm 1 for in-/out-pointing edges. For us there is no avoiding thegradient operators since we need them for the graph Helmholtzian below.

We may now find the eigenvalues of L1 and L2 and see that they indeed take thevalues we claimed in Example 4.1:

\lambda (L1) = (0, 3 - \surd

5, 2, 3, 3, 3 +\surd

5) = \lambda (L2).

To write down the graph Helmholtzians, we first observe that G1 has exactly onetriangle (i.e., 2-clique), whereas G2 has none.7 We will need to label and pick anarbitrary orientation for the triangle in G1: We denote it as T and orient it clockwise3 \rightarrow 5 \rightarrow 6 \rightarrow 3. A matrix representing the operator \delta 1 = curl may be similarlywritten down by indexing the columns with edges and the rows with triangles. Herewe make the arbitrary choice that if the jth edge points in the same direction as theorientation of the ith triangle, then the (i, j)th entry is +1, and if it points in theopposite direction, then the entry is - 1. For G1 we get

B1 =\bigl[ a b c d d e f

T 0 0 0 0 1 1 - 1\bigr] .

Since G2 contains no triangles, B2 = 0 by definition.We compute the graph Helmholtzians from the definitions

H1 = A1A\ast 1 + B\ast

1B1 =


a b c d d e f

a 2 - 1 0 - 1 0 0 0b - 1 2 - 1 0 - 1 0 - 1c 0 - 1 2 - 1 1 0 1d - 1 0 - 1 2 0 0 0e 0 - 1 1 0 3 0 0f 0 0 0 0 0 3 0g 0 - 1 1 0 0 0 3

\right] ,

H2 = A2A\ast 2 + B\ast

2B2 =


a b c d d e f

a 2 - 1 0 - 1 0 0 1b - 1 2 - 1 0 - 1 0 - 1c 0 - 1 2 - 1 1 - 1 0d - 1 0 - 1 2 0 1 0e 0 - 1 1 0 2 0 0f 0 0 - 1 1 0 2 - 1g 1 - 1 0 0 0 - 1 2

\right] ,

and verify that they have different spectra, as we claimed in Example 4.1:

\lambda (H1) = (0, 3 - \surd

5, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3 +\surd

5) \not = (0, 0, 3 - \surd

5, 2, 3, 3, 3 +\surd

5) = \lambda (H2).

We now repeat the routine and convert the undirected graphs in Figure 5 intolabeled directed graphs G3 (left) and G4 (right) in Figure 7. We label both trianglesin G3 and G4 as T and orient it clockwise 2 \rightarrow 1 \rightarrow 3 \rightarrow 2, giving us a matrix thatrepresents both curl operators on G3 and G4,

B3 = B4 =\bigl[ a b c d e f g

T 1 1 - 1 0 0 0 0\bigr] .

7Those who see two triangles should note that these are really squares, or C4's to be accurate.See also Example 3.1.

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3 4




a b

c d






3 4




a b

c d


f g

Fig. 7 Labeled directed versions of the graphs in Figure 5.

With these choices, we obtain the following matrix representations of the gradi-ents, Laplacians, and Helmholtzians on G3 and G4:

A3 =


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

a 1 - 1 0 0 0 0 0b - 1 0 1 0 0 0 0c 0 - 1 1 0 0 0 0d 0 0 - 1 1 0 0 0e 0 0 0 - 1 1 0 0f 0 0 0 - 1 0 1 0g 0 0 0 - 1 0 0 1

\right] ,

A4 =


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

a 1 - 1 0 0 0 0 0b - 1 0 1 0 0 0 0c 0 - 1 1 0 0 0 0d 0 0 - 1 1 0 0 0e 0 0 0 - 1 1 0 0f 0 0 - 1 0 0 1 0g 0 0 0 - 1 0 0 1

\right] ,

L3 = A\ast 3A3 =


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 - 1 - 1 0 0 0 02 - 1 2 - 1 0 0 0 03 - 1 - 1 3 - 1 0 0 04 0 0 - 1 4 - 1 - 1 - 15 0 0 0 - 1 1 0 06 0 0 0 - 1 0 1 07 0 0 0 - 1 0 0 1

\right] ,

L4 = A\ast 4A4 =


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 - 1 - 1 0 0 0 02 - 1 2 - 1 0 0 0 03 - 1 - 1 4 - 1 0 - 1 04 0 0 - 1 3 - 1 0 - 15 0 0 0 - 1 1 0 06 0 0 - 1 0 0 1 07 0 0 0 - 1 0 0 1

\right] ,

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H3 = A3A\ast 3 + B\ast

3B3 =


a b c d e f g

a 3 0 0 0 0 0 0b 0 3 0 - 1 0 0 0c 0 0 3 - 1 0 0 0d 0 - 1 - 1 2 - 1 - 1 - 1e 0 0 0 - 1 2 1 1f 0 0 0 - 1 1 2 1g 0 0 0 - 1 1 1 2

\right] ,

H4 = A4A\ast 4 + B\ast

4B4 =


a b c d e f g

a 3 0 0 0 0 0 0b 0 3 0 - 1 0 - 1 0c 0 0 3 - 1 0 - 1 0d 0 - 1 - 1 2 - 1 1 - 1e 0 0 0 - 1 2 0 1f 0 - 1 - 1 1 0 2 0g 0 0 0 - 1 1 0 2

\right] .

As we intend to show that G3 and G4 have isospectral Hodge k-Laplacians for allk, we will also need to examine the Hodge 2-Laplacian ∆2. Since G3 and G4 have nocliques of order higher than two, \delta k = 0 for all k > 2 and, in particular, ∆2 = \delta 1\delta

\ast 1 .

So the 1 \times 1 matrix representing ∆2 is just

P3 := B3B\ast 3 = [3] = B4B

\ast 4 =: P4

for both G3 and G4.Finally, we verify that the spectra of the Hodge k-Laplacians of G3 and G4 are

identical for k = 0, 1, 2, as we claimed in Example 4.1:

\lambda (L3) = (0, 0.40, 1, 1, 3, 3.34, 5.26) = \lambda (L4),

\lambda (H3) = (0.40, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3.34, 5.26) = \lambda (H4),

\lambda (P3) = 3 = \lambda (P4).

Observe that three eigenvalues of L3, L4, H3, H4 have been rounded to two decimalplaces—these eigenvalues have closed-form expressions (zeros of a cubic polynomial)but they are unilluminating and a hassle to typeset. So to verify that they are indeedisospectral, we check their characteristic polynomials instead, as these have integercoefficients and can be expressed exactly:

det(L3 - xI) = - 21x + 112x2 - 209x3 + 178x4 - 73x5 + 14x6 - x7

= - x(x - 3)(x - 1)2(x3 - 9x2 + 21x - 7) = det(L4 - xI),

det(H3 - xI) = 63 - 357x + 739x2 - 743x3 + 397x4 - 115x5 + 17x6 - x7

= - (x - 3)2(x - 1)2(x3 - 9x2 + 21x - 7) = det(H4 - xI).

6. Topology, Computations, and Applications. We conclude our article withthis final section that (a) highlights certain deficiencies in our simplistic approach andprovides pointers for further studies (section 6.1); (b) discusses how one may computethe quantities in this article using standard numerical linear algebra (section 6.2);and (c) proffers some high-level thoughts on applications to the information sciences(section 6.3).

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6.1. Topological Caveats. The way we defined cohomology in section 2.1 is moreor less standard. The only simplification was that we worked over a field. The notionof cohomology in topology works more generally over arbitrary rings where our simplelinear algebraic approach falls short, but not by much—all we need is to be willingto work with modules over rings instead of modules over fields, i.e., vector spaces.Unlike a vector space, a module may not have a basis and we may not necessarily beable to represent linear maps by matrices, a relatively small price to pay.

However, the further simplifications in sections 2.2 and 2.3 to avoid quotientspaces only hold when we have a field of characteristic zero (we chose \BbbR ). For ex-ample, if instead of \BbbR we had the field \BbbF 2 of two elements with binary arithmetic(or indeed any field of positive characteristic), then we can no longer define innerproducts and statements like ker(B)\bot = im(B\ast ) make no sense. While the adjoint ofa matrix may still be defined without reference to an inner product, statements likeker(A\ast A) = ker(A) are manifestly false in positive characteristic, as we saw at theend of section 5.1.

We mentioned in section 2.4 that in the way we presented things, there is nodifference between cohomology and homology. This is an artifact of working overa field. In general, cohomology and homology are different and are related via theuniversal coefficient theorem [34].

From the perspective of topology, the need to restrict to fields of zero characteristiclike \BbbR and \BbbC is a significant shortcoming. For example, one would no longer be ableto detect “torsion” and thereby perform basic topological tasks like distinguishingbetween a circle and a Klein bottle, which is a standard utility of cohomology groupsover rings or fields of positive characteristics. We may elaborate on this point if thereader is willing to accept on faith that the cohomology group Hk(G) in (4.5) maystill be defined even when (i) G is a manifold and (ii) we replace our field of scalars\BbbR by a ring of scalars \BbbZ . We will denote these cohomology groups over \BbbR and \BbbZ by Hk(G;\BbbR ) and Hk(G;\BbbZ ), respectively. For the circle S1, techniques standard inalgebraic topology [34] but beyond the scope of this article allow us to compute thefollowing groups:

(6.1) Hk(S1;\BbbZ ) =

\left\ \BbbZ , k = 0,

\BbbZ , k = 1,

0, k \geq 2,

Hk(S1;\BbbR ) =

\left\ \BbbR , k = 0,

\BbbR , k = 1,

0, k \geq 2.

Likewise, for the Klein bottle K, one gets

(6.2) Hk(K;\BbbZ ) =

\left\ \BbbZ , k = 0,

\BbbZ , k = 1,

\BbbZ 2, k = 2,

0, k \geq 3,

Hk(K;\BbbR ) =

\left\ \BbbR , k = 0,

\BbbR , k = 1,

0, k \geq 2.

Here, \BbbZ 2 = \ 0, 1\ with addition performed modulo 2, and whenever a cohomologygroup contains a nonzero element of finite order,8 we say that it has torsion. Therecan never be torsion in Hk(G;\BbbR ), since every nonzero real number has infinite order.As we can see from (6.1) and (6.2), S1 and K have identical cohomology groups over\BbbR , i.e., we cannot tell a circle apart from a Klein bottle with cohomology over \BbbR . On

8Recall that the order of an element is the number of times it must be added to itself to get 0,but if this is never satisfied, we say it has infinite order. In \BbbZ 2, 1 + 1 = 0, so 1 has order two.

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the other hand, since H2(K;\BbbZ ) = \BbbZ 2 \not = 0 = H2(S1;\BbbZ ), cohomology over \BbbZ allows usto tell them apart.

Despite the aforementioned deficiencies, if one is primarily interested in engineer-ing and scientific applications, then we believe that our approach in sections 2, 3,and 4 is by and large adequate. Furthermore, even though we have restricted ourdiscussions in sections 3 and 4 to clique complexes of graphs, they apply verbatim toany simplicial complex.

We should add that although we have not mentioned it, one classical use of coho-mology and Hodge theory is to deduce topological information about an underlyingtopological space. Even over a field of characteristic zero, if we sample sufficientlymany points V from a sufficiently nice metric space Ω, and set G = (V,E) to be anappropriately chosen nearest neighbor graph, then

(6.3) \beta k(G) = dimHk(G) = dim ker(∆k)

gives the number of “k-dimensional holes” in Ω, called the Betti number. Whilethe kernel or 0-eigenspace captures qualitative topological information, the nonzeroeigenspaces often capture quantitative geometric information. In the context of graphs[20, 56], this is best seen in ∆0—its 0-eigenpair tells us whether a graph is connected(\beta 0(G) gives the number of connected components of G, as we saw in section 3.4),while its smallest nonzero eigenpair tells us how connected the graph is (eigenvalueby way of the Cheeger inequality [20, p. 26] and eigenvector by way of the Fiedlervector [50]).

6.2. Computations. A noteworthy point is that the quantities appearing in sec-tions 3 and 4 are all computationally tractable9 and may in fact be computed usingstandard numerical linear algebra. In particular, the Hodge decomposition (4.6) canbe efficiently computed by solving least squares problems, which among other thingsgives us Betti numbers via (6.3) [29]. For simplicity we will use the basic case insection 3 for illustration, but the discussions below apply almost verbatim to thehigher-order cases in section 4 as well.

Since V is a finite set, L2(V ), L2\wedge (E), and L2

\wedge (T ) are finite-dimensional vectorspaces. We may choose bases on these spaces and obtain

L2(V ) \sim = \BbbR p, L2\wedge (E) \sim = \BbbR n, L2

\wedge (T ) \sim = \BbbR m,

where p, n,m are, respectively, the number of vertices, edges, and triangles in G.See also section 5.3 for examples of how one can in practice write down matricesrepresenting k-coboundary operators and Hodge k-Laplacians for k = 0, 1, 2.

Once we have represented cochains as vectors in Euclidean spaces, to computethe Helmholtz decomposition in (3.5) for any given X \in L2

\wedge (E), we may solve the twoleast squares problems

minf\in L2(V )

\| grad f - X\| and min\Phi \in L2

\wedge (T )\| curl\ast Φ - X\|

to get XH as X - grad f - curl\ast Φ. Alternatively, we may solve

minY \in L2

\wedge (E)\| ∆1Y - X\|

9Although other related problems with additional conditions can be NP-hard [25].

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for the minimizer Y and directly get XH as the residual X - ∆1Y directly. Havingobtained ∆1Y , we may use the decomposition (2.8),

im(∆1) = im(grad) \oplus im(curl\ast ),

∆1Y = grad f + curl\ast Φ,

and solve either

minf\in L2(V )

\| grad f - ∆1Y \| or min\Phi \in L2

\wedge (T )\| curl\ast Φ - ∆1Y \|

to obtain the remaining two components.We have the choice of practical, efficient, and stable methods like Krylov subspace

methods for singular symmetric least squares problems [18, 19] or specialized methodsfor the Hodge 1-Laplacian with proven complexity bounds [21].

6.3. Applications. Traditional applied mathematics largely involves using PDEsto model physical phenomena, and traditional computational mathematics largelyrevolves around numerical solutions of PDEs. However, one usually needs substantialand rather precise knowledge of a phenomenon in order to write it down as PDEs.For example, one might need to know the dynamical laws (e.g., laws of motions,principle of least action, laws of thermodynamics, quantum mechanical postulates)or conservation laws (e.g., laws of energy, momentum, mass, charge) underlying thephenomenon before being able to “write down” the corresponding PDEs (as equationsof motion or continuity and transfer, constitutive equations, field equations, etc.). Intraditional applied mathematics, it is often taken for granted that there are knownphysical laws behind the phenomena being modeled.

In modern data applications, this is often a luxury. For example, if we want tobuild a spam filter, then it is conceivable that we would want to understand the “lawsof emails.” However, we would quickly come to the realization that these “laws ofemails” are too numerous to enumerate and too inexact to be formulated precisely,even if we restrict ourselves to those relevant for identifying spam. This is invariablythe case for any human-generated data—movie ratings, restaurant reviews, browsingbehavior, clickthrough rates, newsfeeds, tweets, blogs, instagrams, status updates onvarious social media, etc.—but it also applies to data from biology and medicine [43].

For such data sets, all one often has is a rough measure of how similar two datapoints are and how the data set is distributed. Topology can be a useful tool in suchcontexts [16] since it requires very little—essentially just a weak notion of separation,i.e., is there a nontrivial open set that contains those points?

If the data set is discrete and finite, which is almost always the case in applications,we can even limit ourselves to simplicial topology, where the topological spaces aresimplicial complexes (see section 3.1). Without too much loss of generality, these maybe regarded as clique complexes of graphs (see section 6.1): data points are verticesin V and proximity is characterized by cliques: a pair of data points are near eachother iff they form an edge in E, a triplet of data points are near one another iff theyform a triangle in T , and so on.

In this article we have implicitly regarded a graph as a discrete analogue of aRiemannian manifold and cohomology as a discrete analogue of PDEs: standardpartial differential operators on Riemannian manifolds—gradient, divergence, curl,Jacobian, Hessian, scalar and vector Laplace operators, and Hodge Laplacians—allhave natural counterparts on graphs. An example of a line of work that carries thispoint of view to great fruition may be found in [7, 8, 46]. In this article we have also

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only scratched the surface of cohomological and Hodge theoretic techniques in graphtheory; see [33] for results that go much further.

In traditional computational mathematics, discrete PDEs arise as discretizationsof continuous PDEs, intermediate by-products of numerical schemes, and this ac-counts for the appearance of cohomology in numerical analysis [1, 2, 27]. But in dataanalytic applications, discrete PDEs tend to play a more central and direct role. Thediscrete partial differential operators on graphs introduced in this article may per-haps serve as a bridge over which insights from traditional applied and computationalmathematics could be brought to bear on modern data analytic applications. Indeed,we have already begun to see some applications of the Hodge Laplacian and Hodgedecomposition on graphs to the following fields:

(i) ranking [3, 36, 38, 48, 61],(ii) graphics and imaging [23, 47, 59],(iii) games and traffic flows [14, 15],(iv) brain networks [42],(v) data representations [17],

(vi) deep learning [11],(vii) denoising [52],(viii) dimension reduction [49],(ix) link prediction [9],(x) object synchronization [30],

(xi) sensor network coverage [63],(xii) cryo-electron microscopy [62],(xiii) generalizing effective resistance to simplicial complexes [41],(xiv) modeling biological interactions between a set of molecules or communication

systems with group messages [51].

Acknowledgments. The author owes special thanks to Gunnar Carlsson and VinDe Silva for introducing him to the subject many years ago. He also gratefully ac-knowledges exceptionally helpful discussions with Sayan Mukherjee and Yuan Yao, aswell as the thorough reviews and many pertinent suggestions from the two anonymousreferees that led to a much improved article.


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