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HOF Hapinings vol 1 issue 3

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Snake and Snots House of Fun Newsletter for May 2009. Special issue for CMN rollout.
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VOLUME 1 ISSUE 3 May 1, 2006 CONTENTS: HOF for CMN………….PG. 2 HOF EATS………...………PG. 3 ON THE LINKS…..PG. 4-5 KNOW a HOF….….PG. 6-7 TWL………………….....…PG. 8-9 LEFT BEHINDE…....PG. 10 ZOMBIE………….PG. 11-13 CMN EVENTS…..….PG. 14
Page 1: HOF Hapinings vol 1 issue 3

VOLUME 1 ISSUE 3 May 1, 2006


HOF for CMN………….PG. 2

HOF EATS………...………PG. 3


KNOW a HOF….….PG. 6-7

TWL………………….....…PG. 8-9


ZOMBIE………….PG. 11-13


Page 2: HOF Hapinings vol 1 issue 3


The mission is set our objectives are

clear. The intent of this campaign foremost is to

help out some true heroes of the human spirit.

The goals of our founders are clear and very

achievable. The attack will be broad and encompass

many fronts. You might be asked to

test your skills in a specialist field. Finally the

end result will show the spirit and generosity

the HOF family possess. �ow that you have

chosen this mission it is best advised you

sharpen your knife, tune up your aim, polish

those clubs, get a fresh deck, and don’t forget

your finger exercises. Why? “You ask” I’ll tell

you. HOF has set our next Charity Tournament.

The Heroes are children stricken with

every illness or dire medical conditions you

could imagine. Yet their courage and determination

to beat the odds is second only to the

light that shines from the spirit in their heart.

Our heroes fight for life on a daily basis and

now we at HOF will be fighting for them. The

children patients at Shannon Medical Center in

San Angelo Texas which is a Children’s Miracle

�etwork Hospital will be receiving all the monies

raised during this four day event.

We launch our attack via a multi prong

assault so everyone will need to take part and

don’t forget to invite a friend. That’s right this

operation is open to all comers HOF and non-

HOF will be needed to accomplish our mission

as it has been set forth before us. There will be

COD 4 action W@W battles and perhaps for a

few lucky ones you might even compete against a

gaming legend. The poker tables will be cleaned and

the chips stacked neatly. My sources also tell me the

golf course has been reserved and some special

awards just might be in the works. As HOF has ex-


so shall our tournaments we are adding a

personal talent contest. This will be limited only by

your imagination as to your best way to show the

HOF spirit in what ever special talent you may pos-


Just remember the inclusion of HOF and CM�

will add bonus points so let your creativity shine

and the respect show. As we show the world what

HOF is truly about.

There we have it our task is upon us and I

know we will put HOF in Action and smiles we be

the reward. We want to break the bank on this


and really make this special for many children that

struggle just for the next day. CM�’s telethon will

be held Saturday June 6 that will be when the do-


will happen so expect our deadline to be before

that so get you brain in gear and do your part to

make this the best HOF event ever. HOF is also

working with our radio friends at KIXY 94.7 FM


get the word out. You might remember them from

our Toys for Tots drive they broadcasted our pres-


to the U.S. Marine Corps and have promised

to help out in this event. An event poster is located

on the back page of this issue and list all

events planned to date. You can also stop by

WWW.SS-HOF.COM for updates or post any

questions you

may have in the Forums section for the Children’s

Miracle �etwork. I also invite you to visit


and see the faces of the people we wish to help.


Page 3: HOF Hapinings vol 1 issue 3

Ingredients: 8 slices bacon

1 med. onion, chopped

12 med. potatoes, peeled & diced

2 cans cream of chicken soup

2 cans milk

Parsley flakes

Directions: In large soup pan, fry bacon. When crisp, remove bacon but leave drippings in

pan. Add onions and sauté until tender. Then add diced potatoes with just enough

water to cover potatoes. Bring to a boil, cover, and simmer until potatoes are ten-

der. Add cream of chicken soup, milk, crumbled bacon bits and parsley flakes.

Heat until it begins to bubble. Enjoy!

Page 4: HOF Hapinings vol 1 issue 3

What is this has HOF found more space to grow? Is that a bird I hear is that applauds

in the background? Do I smell fresh cut grass on a Saturday morning in the middle of win-

ter? There is something about the in-game chat on the W@W server. Why is nobody going

to the Welcome table after elimination from poker? Had a hard day at work and been look-

ing forward to just getting home and throwing a nade at your favorite nemesis only to find

something is missing. What is the deal with all the traffic in the bottom channels of Vent?

Well my friend there is one answer to all these questions and it is only the latest contribu-

tion from a fellow member. The reason for all this strange behavior: Tiger Woods ’08 from

EA Sports. (It’s In the Game)

It all started simple enough in general conversation while playing Zombies. Nof23

suggested we look into playing some golf online. At first there were a few responses in fa-

vor of looking into it but no one seemed real committed. A few days later the topic came up

again and this time some research had been done and with a price tag of 10 bucks the inter-

est rose quickly. The hunt began as HOFers searched their local Best Buys and Circuit Cit-

ies looking for a copy mostly too find none available. So begins the search online in all the

usual venues but what’s this not available. Finally the word gets out you can download it

from EA’s website. Dang where is the credit card or honey what is the PayPal password

heard in HOF homes throughout the planet.

As HOF has done before it moves into uncharted territory when a bunch of Call of

Duty junkies hit the links for a round of golf. As a fellow HOF member that has been bitten

by this bug all I can say is get it play it for yourself and then you decide. One warning if you

only have one PC in the house don’t let the wife or girl friend play it cause it seems to be

just as addictive to our female friends as well. Consider yourself warned on that one start


BY [HOF]jwsgovols

Page 5: HOF Hapinings vol 1 issue 3


saving now for that second pc at least it doesn’t have to be a power house compared

to one for COD. For example the best mouse for TW ’08 seems to be the smallest

cheapest thing you can find.

I know as a true blue HOF your thinking golf where is the excitement in that

and how can that be fun. Well my friend you may not meet The What coming

around a corner or have Odin coming up from behind you for a hardy Lutin hug in

the back but rest assured you best not let your guard down. It’s not the person

standing beside you that will cause the death of you but an even less controllable

enemy that you never see. This enemy comes from mower shed early in the morn-

ing and decides our fate with a simple or completely imposable placement of the

hole on a green. If this little devil isn’t enough for you there is always Mother Na-

ture that can send a twenty mile an hour gust across your path yet when you hit the

ball it just goes away and the nest thing you know your chasing birds out of the

trees. Ok you got me only two enemies how hard can that be you play on a server

against 30 plus people out for blood yeah you maybe right but until you pick up

that driver and put you best game face on you may just never know the joy of hear-

ing the term that’s transmemberfied. One last thing I almost forgot the worst enemy

to found on the golf course is yourself countless games have turned on a short putt

or a shanked drive. So I invite you and challenge you to put yourself to a true test

drop that AK and pick up a 5 iron and join us on the links you never know might be

the best 10 bucks you ever spent or the least you paid for game you never play but

at least you’ll know what all the excitement is about.

Page 6: HOF Hapinings vol 1 issue 3

By [HOF]Odin

When I came to join HOF there was this guy

named Lutin who went out of his way to help

this �oob. So when the opportunity came to in-

terview someone in HOF it was an easy first

choice for me .I hopped in the HOF jet flew over

to Toulon France to sit down and speak with

him and his wife (HOF)Princess.

The following are the results of that interview.

Odin: Lutin what’s your name in the real

world ?

Lutin: My name is Jerome Bienabe here on

Earth .I’m not allowed to give you the other.

Odin: That would explain some things.

Odin: Where do you live?

Lutin: I live in Toulon. A town in the south of

France with a big military port where a lot of

American ships come in .It’s a medium town of

117,000 inhabitants squeezed between the sea

and the mountains .The weather is very good

here with over 300 days a year of sunshine .

Odin: How did you find HOF? And how long

have you been a member?

Lutin: When I discovered FPS games with

COD2 in summer of 2007. I was playing only in

on LA�s with friends as a total �oob; I was los-

ing all the time. So I said to myself “You need to

train”, and what did I discover? A big smack in

my face! Why play a game to be called names

and other horrible things. I was about to give up

on the whole idea of online FPS gameing when I

found the HOF server and never looked -

elsewhere. You know people were normal on it.

I mean it wasn’t just a bunch of mean angry un-

supervised kids but civilized players.When

COD4 came out I looked for the magic realm of

SS-HOF.com and found even more fun on it .I

decided to fight my shyness and interact with

others in the game. I looked for the website

(wouldn’t it be cool if we had one?)While I was

here why not apply? I play here all the time why

not give back a little for what I receive here. I

became a member here February 2, 2008.BTW

as for the training I got here I have totally

pwned all my friends at all the LA� games


Background Picture Toulon,

Lutin and Wife Prin-

Page 7: HOF Hapinings vol 1 issue 3

Odin: Wow cool story! What do you do

for a living ?

Lutin: I’m a secret agent of the realm of

Glorg. Placed here to infiltrate the hu-

mans to see if it’s worth the effort to con-

cur your little planet. As a cover I’m an

electro-technician at a waste water re-

treatment plant .I’m in charge of the

automated processor. In other words eve-

rything from the lights to the process of

burning the biological waste but you

really don’t want the details about that.

Odin: Your probably right there .What

do you do in your spare time? (Outside of


Lutin: I love to read books, especially Sci

Fi and fantasy. But I don’t really have

spare time outside of HOF. I’m still not

used to your 24 hr day, and I can’t find

the place to complain about that. So far

every request I’ve made to change the

day to the normal 35 hrs has been re-

jected or laughed at .

Odin: I see, what do you feel are the best

things about HOF?

Lutin: We have many features, of course

the Call of Duty servers, The arcade

games , chess, poker .and all the Tourna-

ments and league play we do ,but what I

think is the best thing is the members ,all

of this would be nothing without out the

great community…..Wait !This sounds

like a beauty pageant speech! �o �o �o

What I like the best is pwning you all and

taking your money !!!

Odin: One more question .Where do you

spend most of your time when you’re on


Lutin: I would like to say on COD4, but

it’s on the forums .I’m not complaining at

all because it gives me a better balance

between gaming and family life .

Well we finished the interview, and I

hopped back into the HOF jet. I had a

blast with Lutin and Princess, and I hope

you’ll get to know him as well as I have.

He’s a great help to not only myself but

without him HOF would not run as

smooth as it does.

Page 8: HOF Hapinings vol 1 issue 3


This team had a great season and a lot of fun doing it, Finished the season at 22nd with a

record of 4-4! They went up against some pretty good opponents this season and per-

formed well!


Map Broadcast HOF-X vs Ivory Gaming 11-13 L

Map CityStreets HOF-X vs Final Destination 2-22 L


Map Crash HOF-X vs HiJackers code_deleated 12-0 W

Map Backlot HOF-X vs TeaM Crazed and Dazed 7-17 L

Map Crossfire HOF-X vs the dIrtY d0zen D12 14-10 W

Map Strike HOF-X vs Ultimate TDM 13-11 W

Map Overgrown HOF-X vs Symphony of Death 12-13 L

Map Broadcast HOF-X vs Zero-Killed 1-23 L

Map Vacant HOF-X vs Rebel Task Force 14-10 W

Consolation Tournament for TWL SnD Open Season League

Round 1

HOF-X vs HOF-Awesome W

Round 2

HOF-X vs -dP- L


Finished the season ranked 36th in the SnD TWL League with a record of 2 wins and 6 losses! This teams record is interesting with

some scores seaming not to be recorded, for some reason some of the matches seem scoreless on both sides!

TWL SnD League PreSeason

Map Broadcast HOF-A vs FunkyFreshBoys 12-0 W

Map CityStreets HOF-A vs TheFat�utGang 0-0 L �ot sure what happened here?

TWL SnD League Season

Map Crash HOF-A vs Str8 Ace 3-21 L

Map Backlot HOF-A vs ExtremeSoldiersAtWar 4-20 L

Map Crossfire HOF-A vs ChoketheBobcat 8-16 L

Map Strike HOF-A vs -AllthatisMan- 0-0 W �ot sure here either?

Map Overgrown HOF-A vs Altered Focus 6-18 L

Map Broadcast HOF-A vs Assassins =7= 5-19 L

Map Vacant HOF-A vs After Life Clan 7-17 L

Consolation Tourney SnD Open Season League

Round 1

HOF-A vs HOF-Xperience L


Currently this team only competes in the TWL Stock SnD Ladders and is

ranked 5th with 2 wins and 2 losses!

TWL Stock Ladders

Map �otPlayed HOF-� vs ThunderMountainForces Forfeit

Map �otPlayed HOF-� vs Team Betrayed Forfeit W

Map Pipeline HOF-� vs Messiahs of Silence �otPlyd W

Map Broadcast HOF-� vs HOF-Stooges 5-11

HOF-P Cubed

Currently this team is competeing in the TWL SnD HC Ladders and is

ranked 82nd with 4 wins and 8 losses! We have struggled alittle but have

begun to pull things together! We continue to improve in this ladder and look

forward to the match's!

TWL SnD HC Ladders

Map Bloc HOF-P vs 3rd Amored Calvary 5-11 L

Map CargoShip HOF-P vs 3rsSS Gaming 3-11 L

Map �otPlayed HOF-P vs #Stealth Forfeit W

Map �otPlayed HOF-P vs Murder Incorporated Forfeit W

Map Countdown HOF-P vs KoF CoD4 5-

11 L

Map Carentan HOF-P vs Knights Of Fury 6-11 L

Map �otPlayed HOF-P vs Team Gray Matter Forfeit W

Map Ambush HOF-P vs FirstStrikeForce 11-4 W

Map Showdown HOF-P vs SLDQ 4-11 L

Map Farm HOF-P vs The Area 51 Clan 8-

11 L

Map Backlot HOF-P vs Black Sheep Warrior 11-

7 W

Map Cargoship HOF-P vs Partners in Terror 11-6 W

Map Showdown HOF-P vs Team MaD 9-11 L

Map Farm HOF-P vs -=KOF=-KnightsofFury 11-

10 W

Map Strike HOF-P vs |Fever| Clan 4-11 L

We have a couple weeks left in this season and some really good maps coming up!

Should be a great ending to the Regular SnD Season.

TWL has also announced a new League that has formed and its a Promod4 SnD

League! I know that the HOF-Invite and HOF-Stooges are

intending to compete in this new League! Best of Luck to all the teams on the remain-

der of the season and the upcoming Promod Season!

Page 9: HOF Hapinings vol 1 issue 3


They had a great season and finished in 18th Overall in TWL SnD Open Season 4! This team also competes in the Promod TWL Ladders and have done really well with a

record of 3 wins and 1 losses and are on rung 8! They also are currently competing in the new TWL Promod League and are currently ranked 11th and are Undefeated at

3-0! Good luck with the rest of the season, cause there's alot of tough competition in this one!

TWL SnD League PreSeason TWL Promod 3 SnD Ladders

Map Broadcast HOF-I vs sic.gaming 10-14 L Map TBD? HOF-I vs BadClan 13-11


Map CityStreets HOF-I vs aAd-DevilDogs 11-13 L Map Crash HOF-I vs ZodiacCollective

Forfeit W Map Vacant HOF-I vs Str8 Ace

13-10 W

TWL SnD League Season Map Vacant HOF-I vs Team Proxy 5-13 L

Map Carenttan HOF-I vs tWs=together we stand 12-12OT W

Map Crash HOF-I vs HOF-S 20-4 W Map Backlot HOF-I vs Str8 Ace 13-4


Map Backlot HOF-I vs ShatteredLegions 16-8 W Map Showdown HOF-I vs Fat Hairy Men 4-13 L

Map Crossfire HOF-I vs sic.gaming 9-15 L

Map Strike HOF-I vs Endless Shadow Poseidon 10-14 L

Map Overgrown HOF-I vs Team Gray Matter 8-16 L TWL Promod 4 SnD Ladders

Map Broadcast HOF-I vs AssasinalSunshineRangers 16-8 W

Map Vacant HOF-I vs -[x]-Treme$oldiers 15-9 W Map Crash HOF-I vs soul Gamerz 16-13


Map Crossfire HOF-I vs Legendary Smurfs Alpha 10-13 L

Consolation Tourney SnD Open Season League Map Broadcast HOF-I vs Down To Fudge 24-0


Map Backlot HOF-I vs art of execution 13-9


Round 1

HOF-I vs Zero-Killed L

TWL SnD Promod League PreSeason TWL SnD Promod League Season

Map Broadcast HOF-I vs sic.Gaming 9-15 L Map Citystreets HOF-I vs Stealthy Green Toupees

12-0 W

Map Vacant HOF-I vs -[x]-Treme$oldiers 6-18 L Map Crash HOF-I vs Legendary Smurfs Alpha 13-12


Map Backlot HOF-I vs Ruthl3$$ 15-9



Finished the season ranked 35th in the SnD TWL League with a record of 2 win and 6 losses! We have had a rough first season, but we are learning and

improving! We also competed in the TWL Stock SnD Ladders and finished ranked 4th! We have joined the TWL SnD Promod League as well and are currently

35th with a record of 2-1!

TWL SnD League PreSeason TWL Stock Ladders

Map Broadcast HOF-S vs SLDQ 11-13 L Map Countdown HOF-S vs DynastyClanX 1-11 L

Map CityStreets HOF-S vs Team Heretics 7-17 L Map �otPlayed HOF-S vs Hounds of War Forfeit


Map Bloc HOF-S vs Symphony of Death 2-11 L

TWL SnD League Season Map Broadcast HOF-S vs HOF-�oobs 11-5


Map Convoy HOF-S vs Realm of Chaos 3-11 L

Map Crash HOF-S vs HOF-I 4-20 L Map Carentan HOF-S vs TeamRAov 5-

11 L

Map Backlot HOF-S vs GetShafted 3-21 L Map Vacant HOF-S vs TeamRAov 1-

11 L

Map Crossfire HOF-S vs SLDQ 17-7 W

Map Strike HOF-S vs RebelTaskForce 11-13 L

Map Overgrown HOF-S vs TheCommision 1-23 L

Map Broadcast HOF-S vs SLDQ 16-8 W

Map Vacant HOF-S vs Assassinal Sunshine Rangers 9-15 L

Consolation Tourney SnD Open Season League

Round 1

HOF-S vs TeamHeretics L

TWL SnD Promod League PreSeason TWL SnD Promod League Season

Map Broadcast HOF-S vs Team AfterMath! 7-17 L Map Citystreets HOF-S vs sic.Gaming 2-22 L

Map Vacant HOF-S vs United Task Force 2 8-16 L Map Crash HOF-S vs Church Of Clancey-COC 15-9


Map Backlot HOF-S vs Mato Mesmo 13-11


Currently this team only competes in the TWL Stock SnD Ladders and is


Forfeit W


All these records and scores are taken directly from each teams page on the TeamWarfare.com website. They are found in each teams

match history areas. I do realize that if you look at some of these scores they do not seem to match some of the records! �ot sure why that

is. Consolation Tournament information from the end of the TWL SnD Open Season League could not be located! Looking forward to next

season and finishing up the �ew Promod League that some of the teams are involved with. Great Season and Great job to everyone in-

Page 10: HOF Hapinings vol 1 issue 3

By HOFOdin

Well as if we didn’t have enough games around HOF, we

just had to add another. Left 4 Dead has come out and it

has taken HOF by storm .In this new twist on the zombie

idea we have our four heroes , Zoey , a young woman;

Bill, the grizzled veteran;

Louis, the middle-class of-

fice worker; and Francis,

the biker. The objective for

our quartet is to make their

way to the safe house on

each level sounds easy


Once on their jour-

ney our foursome will en-

counter Boomers who

vomit on you bringing the

hordes of zombies. If you

do shoot one make sure

he’s not to close for he will

explode he’s goo over you

and bring the hordes that

way as well. Next is the

Smokers who will grab you

with their tongue to bring

you in for a kill. Followed

by the hunters who will leap great distances to attack and

kill .The worst of all is the Tank he looks like the Incredi-

ble Hulk on a bad day and is just as tough to bring

down .Oh and don’t forget not to startle the witch whose

bite is worse than her bark.

The campaign mode contains four movie themed

scenarios where you must navigate the maps to find the

safe house at the end of the map. That is when the big fight

scene begins at the end when rescue finally arrives to take

you away. The best

strategy is to work as a

team helping and heal-

ing each of your team

mates when necessary;

however as in Call of

Duty it is a bit of fun

to shoot your team-

mate on the expert


The other way to play

is to do VS where you

will try your skill

against other members

as one is a survivor

and the others play as

the infected. The sur-

vivors must make it to

the safe house before

they can be stopped by

their friends playing the infected.

All in all it’s a very addicting game with loads of

laughs and even a few scares.

Keep your eye’s open in case Steam puts it on sale again



Page 11: HOF Hapinings vol 1 issue 3

.. The Incident at Keinfluchten

by [HOF]Onslaught

Excerpts taken from Field Journal found after WWII Dates covering October 21 - October 30th 1945

HOF Expeditionary Team

Team Members HOF|Slaught0.o

[HOF-A]WildECyote [HOF]Rambo [HOF]Lutin

This story is fictitious. Any resemblance of characters living or ... dead ... is purely coincidental. Extensive creative license has been used as well as real facts. This story takes place using the locale of a HOF|Slaught0.o Zombie Map I'm making (nazi_zombie_escape) for CoD5. Many years prior to the start of WWII it was rumored that Hitler was assembling groups of specialists and re-searchers. All in the hopes of finding the true beginnings of the Aryan race. In fact, according to Alexander Berzin in a May 2003 article, "Several postwar studies on Nazism and the Occult, such as Trevor Ravenscroft in The Spear of Des-tiny (1973), have asserted that under the influence of Haushofer and the Thule Society, Germany sent annual expedi-tions to Tibet from 1926 to 1943. Their mission was first to find and then to maintain contact with the Aryan forefathers in Shambhala and Agharti, hidden subterranean cities beneath the Himalayas. Adepts there were the guardians of se-cret occult powers, especially vril, and the missions sought their aid in harnessing those powers for creating an Aryan

Pinned by HOF|onslaught

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master race." (*1 - The Berzin Archives) Most all of this, one could as-sume, was under the direct supervision of either Hitler or Himmler them-selves. It was this fascination with daunting and dangerous missions, af-ter secret and unexplained artifacts and knowledge, that led a joint US/European military task force to send a group to a purported remote Ger-man location for the express purpose of Reconnaissance and Intelligence gathering. Based on various intelligence sources gathered from multiple agencies over many years and just after the end of the 2nd World War ... they were sent to see what they could find. Sent to a town that supposedly didn't exist. To find what was, purportedly, proof of the SS's dabbling in stical and non-natural experiments and research. The following account is an excerpt from the field journal kept by the team as they were documenting anything and everything that they found or came across. This is the only first hand account of what hap-pened at that remote destination ... as the team never returned from their mission, nor were there any other survivors or evidence found, save for the destruction of what appeared to be a long dead research station ... and this journal ... at that desolate locale. No bodies. Nothing but de-stroyed buildings old lab equipment and rusted weapons. These pages hold the answer to what happened not only to the team sent to investigate the town's mysteries. It holds the key to unlocking what truly happened in this place that was on no known map. This town that the Germans left be-hind for whatever reason as a failure of Nature to retake. Perhaps, we will find, it was with good reason. We will see. The year is now 2009. January 25th. A full 64 years later. It had taken this long just to find the once unreachable and mysterious town. Technology has advanced far enough to allow surveyors and researchers to see the remnants, via satellite, of what looked to be a small, but devi-ated, German complex buried under brush and Trees in the remote stretches of the German Black Forest near Feldberg Mountain. It seems Nature had quickly taken back what had once been hers. Finding nothing but the rotting infrastructure ... and no bodies ... left many in the recovery team uneasy. There were no quick answers. Only too many hard ques-tions. The initial entries were in English as was expected ... but later en-tries became ... garbled. Almost nonsensical. As if the team was losing itself to hysterics and paranoia. But that wasn't the strangest thing about these later entries. It seems that the last few entries were all written in an ancient and difficult to decipher form of German. Why the team chose to do this ... or a better question may be HOW they did this ... as none of the team members were fluent in Ancient German dialects was an ex-tremely difficult question to answer. Why, or how, the team decided to fin-ish writing their entries in this obscure language is not known. Nor may it ever be known. All we can hope is that our team of interpreters, scientists,

and scholars here at the joint US/Euro Outpost 31, located on the eastern edge of Iceland near HOF, can figure out as much as they can from this lone piece of evidence. Then, perhaps, we can put to rest a 6 decade old mystery.For the sake of continuity and time some entries have been left out. You will note this by the entry numbers sometimes jumping ahead. Day 1 Wednesday 1345 Hours Wet/Rainy/Overcast Entry 21 (Slaught) "Well ... it's been 2 days since we were dropped at the coordinates that all our intel sources said were close to the location of Keinfluchten. So much for those sources being valid. Searched every square mile North, East, South, & West with no trace of anything even resembling a village ... let alone a town large enough to hold a research station. We'll keep looking." Entry 24 (Cyote) "Don't know how much longer we'll be able to last here in this godforsaken area. It's heavily forested ... and mountainous to boot. We've got plenty of food to last a week. Long enough to get back to the extract point if we leave in the next day or so. But ... this area ... just seems ... dead. Hard to move ... even seems hard to breathe. Something’s just not right. I think this town doesn't exist." Entry 26 (Lutin) "The intel we were given has obviously not panned out. We've dis-cussed it and will give it 1 more day before we head back for the extraction site. I find it strange that this area of the Black Forest has no sounds of ani-mals. No birds. No crickets. Nothing. I think Cyote might be right about this area having something wrong with it. Perhaps that is why reports of dark dealings and German experiments have run amuck about this place." Entry 27 (Rambo) "This place is giving all of us that feeling on the back of your neck. During the day it's bad enough. No birds, no deer, not even a freaking squir-rel. Nothing." Entry 29 (Slaught) "We're stopping soon to rest. I can't explain it .. but I feel like we're being watched. Have to have a look around later." Day 2 Thursday 0746 Hours Damp/Overcast Entry 32 (Cyote) "Well ... last night was .... weird. Hard to explain but ... we've been keeping single watch during the night. Just in case there are any lone German soldiers still holding up out here ... or this mystery town is actually legit. Well ... lucky for us we've been doing that minimum at least. It seems we're not the only ones out here after all. Something came by our camp last night. Just close enough for us to hear it moving through the brush and overgrowth.

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and scholars here at the joint US/Euro Outpost 31, located on the eastern edge of Iceland near HOF, can figure out as much as they can from this lone piece of evidence. Then, perhaps, we can put to rest a 6 decade old mystery. For the sake of continuity and time some entries have been left out. You will note this by the entry numbers sometimes jumping ahead.

"Well ... it's been 2 days since we were dropped at the coordinates that all our intel sources said were close to the location of Keinfluchten. So much for those sources being valid. Searched every square mile North, East, South, & West with no trace of anything even resembling a village ... let alone a town large enough to hold a research station. We'll keep looking."

"Don't know how much longer we'll be able to last here in this god-forsaken area. It's heavily forested ... and mountainous to boot. We've got plenty of food to last a week. Long enough to get back to the extract point if we leave in the next day or so. But ... this area ... just seems ... dead. Hard to move ... even seems hard to breathe. Something’s just not right. I think this

"The intel we were given has obviously not panned out. We've dis-cussed it and will give it 1 more day before we head back for the extraction site. I find it strange that this area of the Black Forest has no sounds of ani-mals. No birds. No crickets. Nothing. I think Cyote might be right about this area having something wrong with it. Perhaps that is why reports of dark dealings and German experiments have run amuck about this place."

"This place is giving all of us that feeling on the back of your neck. During the day it's bad enough. No birds, no deer, not even a freaking squir-

"We're stopping soon to rest. I can't explain it .. but I feel like we're being watched. Have to have a look around later."

"Well ... last night was .... weird. Hard to explain but ... we've been keeping single watch during the night. Just in case there are any lone German soldiers still holding up out here ... or this mystery town is actually legit. Well ... lucky for us we've been doing that minimum at least. It seems we're not the only ones out here after all. Something came by our camp last night. Just close enough for us to hear it moving through the brush and overgrowth.

No one got a good look at it though. It was big whatever it was. It seemed slow moving and heading off in a direction we'd not scouted yet. Didn't seem to notice us ... as we had no fire and kept sound to a minimum. Plus it was dark as anything last night. No moon. We're go-ing to see if we can find some evidence of whatever it was passing and track it if possible. Right after breakfast and weapons check." Entry 35 (Slaught) "We've found some evidence of last night's guest. Some bro-ken branches and lo' and behold. Boot prints! It was a human. Proba-bly a soldier of some kind holding out up here now that the wars over. This secret town must be legitimate. We're going to track as far as we can ... pretty muddy from yesterdays rain .. so the prints are few and far between. Either covered in water or too soupy to keep there shape. But there's just enough to get a general direction. Another thing ... the prints seem ... staggered somehow .. like the soldier's wounded. I don’t know. Something strange about it. I knew we weren't alone out here. I could feel it." Entry 39 (Rambo) "Last nights little encounter had everyone spooked. We we're on our last day before heading back to the pickup and waiting for something to happen to stop us from doing just that. Well ... we've all decided to push on after this seemingly wounded soldier. It's most likely he's headed directly for this town we're looking for. He must be pretty hurt ... he's lost alot of blood. We've been trailing the blood more than the footprints. On top of that .. the blood doesn't look ... quite .. right. It's darker ... thicker ... than normal. Very strange." Entry 42 (Cyote) "We've been tracking last night's guest for over 7 hours now. It seems like he never stops to take a rest. Just keeps pushing on. It's just ... strange. Not natural. Especially for someone so obviously wounded. Lutin has taken point ... trying to give us a buffer zone in case we stumble into any hostiles. Plus we all feel more comfortable having a lookout giving us an edge. Any edge. He doesn't have to say it ... but I'm starting to see the same thing on his face that I feel. That we all feel. We're getting close to something and I'm not sure it's something we're going to like." Entry 48 (Lutin) "I've been scouting ahead of the team. Roughly 100 yards or so. Trying to follow the trail. It's really starting to get to me this guy's blood loss. We probably should have stumbled across his body by now. That much blood loss ... is ... terminal. Period. Yet still ... the trail goes on." Entry 51 (Rambo) "We're about to stop for camp again. We've tracked this dude for over 10 hours now ... blood loss and all ... and still no sign of him or the town. It's nuts! We're going to rest and try again in the morning. There's definitely something weird going on in these god-forsaken mountains." TO BE CONTINUED .... End of Part I Part II coming soon

Works Cited *1 - http://www.berzinarchives.com/web/en/archives/advanced/kalachakra/shambhala/nazi_connection_shambhala_tibet.html

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