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Hoff William Margy 2006 Honduras

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SALUDOS Bill and Mafgy Hoff^]^ 'N.W 79th Ave. Box P2025 Doral,FL 331202-1615 Phone (Honduras): 011-504-566-2440 e-mail: [email protected] website;bajiochristian.org Bajio Christian Mission Lyn Mclntyre - treasurer P.O. Box 50861 Henderson, NV 89016 Published Quarterly ew Professor In July,Miguel Montoya joined us at tlie Bible Institute.He is fromTegucigalpa, tliecapitalof Honduras. He graduated from die BibleInsti tute in 2000 and then went on to continue his studies at Colegio Biblico. Miguel completed his studies and returned to Honduras to help in the teaching of local pastors. We are very pleasedto have Miguel on staff.He lives on the Institute campusand teaches three classes. He is a great addition to the ministry. —]oy Miguel Montana from BAJIO CHRISTIAN MISSION Vol. 37, Number 1 Winter 2006 Work Team Last summer we received a work team of twenty-four young people from Rockville, Maryland, and Seymour, Indiana. They devoted the first week of their trip to helping at the New Generadon Christian School in San Pedro Sula. We assumed theywouldbe tired or sick or both, but theywere well and animated. They installed an electric fence around the top of the Institute'swall, (the last link in our security system,) and built a picket fence to separate the garden area from the lawn. They painted the two remaining apartments for marriedstudents, and a sign for the front wall. They alsoheld a two-day Vaca tion Bible School program at a local public school. Youth Work Team Power to the people During the past four years that die Institute has had electricity it has suffered constant outages. This is because it was at the far end of a line tiiat crossed 7 miles of sugar cane fields. The power company often turned the power off so that the harvesting machines would not hit the lines and electrocute workers. During the rest of the year there were frequent outages due toa lack of maintenance. With this in mind, we were thrilled when a new main line was run down the highway in front of the school. We removed our five poles and half a mile of wire, and installed our transformer just inside of the waU. This means that we are the third customer from a new substation. That should assure stable power. At the same time, Mark and I relocated the meter outside of the wall to make reading it easier. —Bill

SALUDOSBill and Mafgy Hoff^]^'N.W79th Ave. Box P2025Doral,FL 331202-1615Phone (Honduras): 011-504-566-2440e-mail: [email protected]; bajiochristian.orgBajio Christian MissionLyn Mclntyre - treasurerP.O. Box 50861Henderson, NV 89016Published Quarterlyew ProfessorInJuly,Miguel Montoya joined us at tlie BibleInstitute.Heis fromTegucigalpa, tliecapitalofHonduras. He graduated fromdieBibleInstitute in2000 and then went on tocontinue hisstudies at Colegio Biblico. Miguel completedhis studies andreturned to Honduras to helpin the teaching oflocal pastors. We are verypleasedto haveMiguel on staff.Helives on theInstitute campusand teaches threeclasses. Heis a great addition to the ministry. ]oyMiguel MontanafromBAJIO CHRISTIAN MISSIONVol. 37, Number 1 Winter 2006Work TeamLast summer we received a work team of twenty-four young people fromRockville, Maryland, and Seymour, Indiana. They devoted the first weekoftheirtrip tohelping atthe NewGeneradon Christian School in San PedroSula. We assumed theywouldbe tiredor sick or both, but theywerewell andanimated. Theyinstalled anelectric fence aroundthe topof theInstitute'swall,(the last linkin our security system,) and built a picket fence to separate thegarden area from the lawn. They painted the two remaining apartments formarriedstudents, anda sign for the front wall. Theyalsohelda two-day Vacation Bible Schoolprogramat a local public school.YouthWorkTeamPower to the peopleDuring thepast four years that dieInstitute has had electricity it has suffered constant outages. This is because it was at thefarend of aline tiiat crossed 7 miles of sugar cane fields. The power company often turned the power off so that the harvestingmachines would not hit the lines and electrocute workers. During the rest of the year there were frequent outages due toalackof maintenance. With this in mind, we were thrilled when a new main line was run downthe highway in front of the school.We removed our five poles andhalf a mile of wire, andinstalled our transformer just inside of thewaU. Thismeans that wearethe third customer from a newsubstation. That should assure stable power. At the same time, Mark and I relocated the meteroutside of the wall to make readingit easier.BillClassesInthemiddle of Februar)' we re-initiate classes. Thereare currendy nine students. Thissemester they will besmdying Church History, Old Testament prophets, Paul'sEpistles, and Poeticbooks: a total of20 hours of classesa week. Becauseofour emphasis on preparing preachers,our students will have more than three times the hours inBible thana four-year student would receive in a U.S. Biblecollegeor Christianuniversity.Pastors* retreatsPastorsin Honduras meet quarterlyto plan eventsand share joysand struggles. These meetings help to develop relationships andbringunitybetweenthe churches. In December, the pastors wentonestepfurtherandhadaretreatat theInstitute. Theyspent fourdays together in the Word and in fellowship with God and eachother. Miguel taught using the book Self-Confrontadon. Pastorstookhomeacopyof the bookto continueto usein theirpersonalspirimal growdi.JoyHurricane SeasonMany of you have asked about the affects of hurricane seasonthis year inHonduras. We appreciate your prayers and concern.Honduras fared well throughout most of the season until Tropical Storm Gamma. This storm brought tremendous amounts ofram andhovered above Honduras for several days. Thirtyinches of rainfell in less than four days. It displaced 20-30 thousandpeople and took out several bridgesmaking it difficult to u-ansport supplies. I was able to locate a very desperate village andconcentrate our efforts on meeting dieneeds of the125 families thatlive there. We tookthem clothing. Bibles, andfood (donatedbythe English speaking church.)We ask that you continue to pray forthe people of Honduras. 2005 was a catastropliic yearfor many around the world and natural disasters have destroyed many lives, butwe must never let the magnitude of the tragedyparalyze us sothat we do nothing. Above all, we must remember topray for those who have suffered these losses and reach outto the manyin need ofa helping hand. Joy & BillBagging clothingfor tropical storm relief Their village jvas under 10feel of water Thej needed help.International Christian Church. . . held its annual Thanksgiving dinner at an agricultural researchfoundationabout25 ininutesfromSan Pedro Sula on dieSunday before Thanksgiving. There was arecord attendance of 170. There was plenty ofgood food and fellowship. The morningworship service was held immediately following the dinner inthe same facility.In December the churchfamilysaid goodbye to two long-time missionary couplesfromthe church. It wasdifficultbecausebothmen frequendyfilled the pulpit of the church and were highly respected.Both couples had more than "paid their dues"infaithful and active service for the Lord during many years inHonduras. Inboth cases there were health and age issues whichprevented their condnuance. MargyrSajin^goodbje tofriettdsLadiesChristmas PartyChristmas in KnoxvilleIt was a joyful time ofbaking, shopping, singing Christmas carols andenjoying family (especially 2-year-old Zach). He helpedme decorate Christmascookieswhichhas been a familytraditionsinceMark and Beka weresmall. After making three largeplatters of goodies (we all took them to theKnoxville Rescue Mission). We attended theChristmas Eve service andthe morningworship on Christmas day with Beka and family. The music was wonderful. Zach spent two anda half days opening his gifts. ItwasaChristmas to remember.7.ach helping Bill reads toZachMeanwhileinHonduras, the churchenjoyed its annualChristmas Eveservicewithspecialappetizers. Therewere70inattendance.Mark andjoy hosteda small service at ourhouse on Christmasdayand then theywenttosome friends'house for dinner.MargyPrayer *n' PraisePrayer Praises . . .We praise God for agoodyear. God has blessed andprotected us.WepraiseGodforour ninestudentsandtheircompletion of theirfirst year ofstudy.We praise God for the workteam and their ministry to the local school and BibleInstitute.We praise God that Miguel has joined our staff andis teaching atthe Bible Institute.We praise Godfor ourEnglish speakingcommunityand the opportunities tofellowshipwith them.We praise God for our house its exterior is currently being painted.We praiseGod for being abletoshareChristmas withfamily andfriends inTennessee.Prayer Concerns . . . . .Pleaseprayfor former studentsas they trytostart anewcongregationin^ y Comayagua.Please pray for Bill and Margy's good health.Please pray for the students as they study andpreparefor ministry.Please pray for our safetyin Honduras.Please Note!Please take a moment to correctall of our contact informationin youraddressbook. Some ofthese changes are related toourmove and others were outside ofour control.Bajfo Christian MissionLyn Mclntyre treasurerP.O. Box 50861Henderson, NV 89016Bill and Margy Hoff2227 N.W. 79th Ave. Box P2025Doral, FL 33122-1615Phone number - In [email protected]'0Z6L Ml HTIIAXOhCiTTieixoa OdSHOIA^HS NOISSD^zz "ow iiwy3dSM 'aniAssoaaivd30VlSOd"S'DDyoiHoad-wow^99 SM'SlilASsoyigpxog OdDU] 'uo[SS!V\/ u9nsuq;^ oifegAq paqsjiqn^jWilliam and Mar^^off, 02:15 PM 2/21/2006 -0600, [Norton AntiSpam] February Report Page 1of 1From: "William andJM^^g^^off" To: "Lowe, CarrieBeth" Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 14:15:39 -0600X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.2180X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 0608-0, 02/20/2006), Outbound messageX-Antivirus-Status: CleanX-SpamScore: 0.1X-MailHub-Apparently-To: [email protected]: [Norton AntiSpam] February ReportX-NAS-Classification: 1X-NAS-MessagelD: 2562X-NAS-Validation: {EB187F76-71F6-4642-90B5-A8593A810903}Dear Friends:The weather is beautiful here in San Pedro Sula. We know that the heat will arrive but meanwhile we areenjoying the rainintertwined with the sunshine. God is good and blessing our lives and the ministry here.I wanted to send out a very brief email to update you about our lives. Classes have begun again and we have lost onestudent. He decided that he would not return. Wenow have eight students. The classes this semester include ChurchHistory, Prophets, Pauhne Epistles, and Poetry of the Old Testament. I am teaching three days a week until March. At thattime one of the local pastors will help and teach one of those days.Margy has had another health problem. Two weeks ago we had been out visiting friends when on the way home she beganto feel numbness creeping over her right side. As soon as we got home I called her neurologist. He prescribed 1000 Mg. ofaspirin. He said it might dissolve the clot. Aspirin and prayer worked. A subsequent MRI showed no new damage.Naturally, we were pleased and rejoicing, but also Margy is predictably on two more medications, but she has been able tostop taking two of the previous ones. Please continue to pray forher; she has had some side effects and the doctor continuesto adjust medicines.The English church has been a blessing. We ministered to amember who just received a pacemaker and shared our homewith some former members who were visiting.We praise God for His goodness every day.Bill and Margy HoffPrinted for Mission Services Association 2/22/2006UWrtDITATISnJ O,SALUDOS!Bill Margy Hoff2227 N.^9th Ave30/P2O25Doral, PL 331^02^15Phone(Honduras): 011-504-566-2440e-mail: [email protected]: bajiochristian.orgBajio Christian MissionAttn: Lyn Mclntyre34428 Yucaipa Blvd. E-192Yucaipa, CA 92399Phone: 909-797-4628fromBAJIOCHRISTIAN MISSIONPublished QuarterlyVol. 37, Number 2 Summer 2006The Church in FellowshipThere is a lot of stress living in San PedroSula. Theheat and crime and frustratingly slowpace of gettinganything accomplished takes its toll on all of us. So itis very important for the church to have special eventsto help relieve this stress and for the members to getto know each other on amore intimate basis.One of my responsibilities in the church is to organize the partiesor any festive occasions. This yearseveral of these activities have taken place. Thefirstone wasfor two ladies of the church who had babiesover the holidays. About twenty ladies came to myhouse in January to play games, share in the cake andother goodies, hold the babies, and watch the ladiesopen their gifts. It was a great time of fun and fellowship.The Spring Banquet is the first of four major eventsthat are held each year. In April, instead of renting aroom in a hotel, a conference center in a nearby townwas reserved. There was adequate space to preparetheplates of food and it saved a lot on the cost al-lotedfor this banquet. Several ladies of the churchcooked the meal and then the young people servedthe adults. They did an excellent job. The food was1sdelicious and the program of music and message wasenjoyed by all.There have beenseveral birthday parties throughoutthe year. Normally, it is a ladies' event andfollowsa Bible study. OnMay 13thShanda Oakley hosteda party for my 65th birthday. It truly was a wonderful night for me. I wore the dress that I had worn inRebecca and Alfredo's wedding five years ago. Myfriends made it special in preparing my favorite foodsand desserts. Even thoughI asked for no gifts, I wasshowered with many nice things. Over forty peoplehelped me celebrate and I will always remember thatevening.It is always a sadtimetosay goodbye to our churchmembers. But every year we have todothisbecauseour churchis made up of many expatriates. We haveheld "despedidas" (going away parties) for twochurchfamilies thusfar this year. It is nice to havea festive gathering, butthe void left after they leavealways hurts. We are always praying that God will sendnew members and he has beenfaithful in doingthatover the years.There were two churchsponsored recreational eventsthis year. The first one was the gathering of about30 people at thenewly constructed water park inSan Pedro. The water slides, etc. were a great enjoyment, especially for the "younger set." My friendsinsisted that I go down the big slides and get tossedand turned at the end of the ride. I tried to be a goodsport about-it all, although I was very tired at the end.of the day. The second water related activity was atrip to the beach. Over 50 people joined in the fun oftheday. Some of them took a "banana boat" ride andfoundthat very enjoyable. Unfortunately, I was verysick onthatday, so although I spent much time in theplanning, I didn't get to attend. I was glad that it wasa successful event. Many of our members cametochurch very sunburned the next day.It is very rewarding to see the church family enjoythemselves, because I know of their many strugglesthroughout the week. Please pray for this group.Home ImprovementsThe Hoff's house is slowly improving, but sometimesthe improvements are very stressful. Three weeks agothe electric company informed themthat they hadten days to change the location of the electricmeter.So while the carpenter was installing kitchen cabinets.Bill and Mark the moved meter and connected to themains on the day before the deadline. Whenthey cameto inspect the work, they said it was a beautiful job.(Thanks tothefact that Mark worked as anelectricianin the U.S. whileJoy was finishinggraduate school.)2The old kitchen cabinets were victims of decay anda want-to-be artist who sponge painted flowers andleaves on them. When Margy first saw themshe saidthat they had to go. Bill hopedto strip the paint andreuse them, but soon it was apparent that Margywas right. Now they are replacedby beautiful Lauralwood. Then the question was, what topshould beused? They purchased a Brazilian Granite that was onsale. The kitchen is reallybeginning to look nice. Astime goes on they will tile above the counter top, andinstall upper cabinets. And last of all paint the mustard colored walls. This was the one area of the housethat really neededremodelingAnnual Christian ChurchConventionThe Christianchurches of Honduras have an annual conventionthat is usuallyheld in a campground nearlake Yojoa. Thisyear thethemewas "Security inChrist." Bill was asked topreach thefirst sermon ofthe event. His message was about the security that wehave with Jesus Christ in our family. Healso made acouple of runsto pick up supplies at the nearby town,and helpedJim Riley(a fellowmissionary) set up azip-line. Bill usually enjoys zip lines butthis one wasvery fast and came to too abrupt a halt. He decidedto leave it to the younger set. Bill and Mark enjoyedthe fellowship and took the opportunity to distributebrochures about the Bible institute to all the preachersand prospectivestudents.Nine Creative StudentsThe Bible institute is an ongoing ministry that isn'talways exciting. But there are moments whenbeingthe Old Testament professor is really fun. Occasionally I ask the students to developa skit or a play abouta Bible passage. They can be so creadve! A handful ofdry grass becomes incense, machetesbecome swordsandastuffed animal becomesachild that needs tobe parted downthe middle. I have even seen a bowlfull of grass set as a meal before a king. Since I onlygive them a few minutes to prepare, they are forcedto be creative. Some of the acting is corny, some isgood and sometimes the students help me see a Biblepassage in a new light. The ones who work with youthreport that they have great success with drama, butI can't get them to try it with an adult group. I thinkthey would be surprisedhow well drama would bereceived.Conve}ang the lesson, Teaching Church Historyis hard. It tendsto be boring spelled with a capitalZZZZZZZ. So what can be done to improve that?Well some of the problem is the basic presuppositionof the institute that all teaching should be reproducible in the local church. That precludesthe use ofvideo projectors and overhead projectors. Even if achurch has electricity, a video projector would costa year's wages. The school uses blackboards becausethey are the least expensive media a churchcan purchase (or make.) The cost is less than one quarter theprice of a white board. So the question is, "shouldreproducibility be sacrificed for functionality?" Shouldit be done fora few ofthe more abstract classes butnot in the Bible classes? Probablythe next class groupwill be taught using some modern media as an experiment.We are blessed tostill have nine students at the Institute. The semester is rapidly coming to an end. Thenext semester will end their two years of study. Wehave begun recruiting the next group of students.Recruitment is notalways easy, one preacher told me,"The men who need to be going to study teU me it istoofar away (a whole120 miles,) yet ifthey could getthe money together they would pay a coyote(smuggler) totake themillegally to the USA tomorrow. Asthe sayinggoes in Spanish, "Querer es Poder" (willingenables.) In the past, the Lord has prepared the heartsof men to cometo the school, and he will again.Bill was speaking with a missionary whose missionclosed their preacher training school. With greatdifficultyhe is keeping the school open using fundsfrom independent sources and national churches.They bothagreed that closing a preacher trainingfacilitycondemns the next generation of believers topreacherswho are incompetent. Students of missionstell us that Central America is evangelized, but theyalso advocate missionary parmerships and presencein training facilities. Tomorrows church needs competent Biblical expositors.Margy and Joy at InstituteMargy and Joy continue to go to the InstituteeachTuesday to teach the student wives and children wholive oncampus. They recentiy completed a studyby Cynthia Heald, Becoming a Woman of Faith.The ladies enjoyed the challenge of this study. Theycompleted homework assignments and participatedin discussion. Margy and Joy are proudto see themlearn to study the Bible with enthusiasm. They arenow selecting passages for them to read and answerseveral standard questions. These basic skills of howto study the Bible will help the ladies to serve besidetheir husbands in their ministries. JoyPrayer *n' PraisePraise:*9institute students finish first semester of second year ofstudy.*Bill had opportunity to speak at Honduran national convention.*Church has remained strong in spite of continuousturnover ofmembers.*New kitchen cabinets*Hoffs' long time missionary friend from Mexico comes for avisit.*Former church member, Jeanette Rowe, comes for a visit.Prayer:*for Bill and Margy as they travel in the U.S. And Germany. Theywill be leaving Honduras on July3rd. After visiting familyand friends, theywill fly from Indianapolis on August 15th toMunich. They will be visiting friends from Honduras for twoweeks and then accompanytheir granddaughter back to SanPedro on August 31st.*for Mark andJoyduringthe time that Bill and Margy aregone.*for Richard Gring who will be substitute teaching for Bill.*for members of the congregation who suffer frommigraineheadaches: Hastings, Shanda, Aleck, Maxine, and Mark.ZZ"OM liwy3dSM 'amiAssoyaivd3DVlSOd S D"oyo llJOdd-klOKIVery importantNew Mission addressBajio Christian Mission34428 Yucaipa Blvd. E-192Yucaipa, CA 92399phone 909-797-4628Boh Walker,former missionary toMexicoJeanette Rom -Jortner member of InternationalChristian Yellowship with Margy andKarenFransen3DIA^3SQ99 SM'siUAssoaigpxog odDuj 'uoissjw UBjisijq^ oifegXq paqsjiqndWijliam andMargy Hoff, 06:02 PM9/2/2006 -0500, Back home inHonduras Page1of 2Delivered-To: [email protected]: No, hits=1.3 required=6.0X-Spam-Level:+From: "William and Margy Hoff' To: "Ray, Sharlotte" Subject: Back home in HondurasDate: Sat. 2 Sep 2006 18:02:41-0500X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2900.2869X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 0635-4, 09/01/2006),Outbound messageX-Antivirus-Status:CleanX-NAS-BWL:No match found for '[email protected]' (137 addresses, 0 domains)X-NAS-Language:EnglishX-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.81233E-187; #1:1X-NAS-Classification: 0X-NAS-MessagelD:1199X-NAS-Validation: {B81840D4-1844^D89-A307-5402BFC1 B327}Dear Friends,Hello from San Pedro Sula once again. It is so good to be back home after traveling over 5000miles in the States and then flying to Germany fromIndianapolis and then back home.We had a wonderful tripvisiting with family and friends fromKnoxville to Las Vegas. It, ofcourse, was tiring but the Lord gave us strength and kept us well. Probably the biggestexcitement of the tripwas when a house boat caught on fire. It was located four boats frommynephew's, where we were staying. Through the cooperation of all the family, the boat waspulled away and taken to a nearby island where it burned. We were thankful that everyone wassafe during the process andno one was on the burning boat. Bill helped untie and cut ropeswhile Margy took digital photos of the burning boat.We made all the connections to Germany and back. The airports had tight security We did a lotof fast walking, and sometimes running, to catch our flights. We had a wonderful time inGermany. Our friends, Helmut and Marianne Lutz, were very gracious hosts. I told people thatwe would be treated like aking and queen and we were. We saw much of the Bavarian areawhichis the most beautiful section of the country. Bill and I took a 7 hour trainride toWittenburg where Martin Luther posted his "95 Thesis". We learned a lot about him. Some longtime friends drove fromBerlin to meet us and show us the city on Sunday afternoon. What ajoy to see them after 35 years.We enjoyed getting to know eight year old Nicole Bemhard, theLutz' granddaughter. Weaccompanied her back to Honduras where her parents were waiting for her. She and hermother attend the church.Our friends and family here are happy to have usback and we lookforward to seeing them.We are trying to catch up and prepare for the coming weeks.Printed for Georgia Sharpe 9/5/2006Wjlliam and Margy Hoff, 06:02 PM 9/2/2006 -0500, Back home in Honduras Page 2 of 2God is good and we thank himfor His protectionin all our travels. Please use our e-mailaddress for Honduras, [email protected] bless,Bill and MargyPrinted for Georgia Sharpe 9/5/2006William andM^^ Hoff, 10:25^^^ 10/23/2006 -0600, News from the Hoffs Page 1of 2X-Spam-^^: No, hits=1.2 requireq=6.0X-Spai^evfel: +From: /Wilh^ and Margy Hoff To:
