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Hofman & van Duijvenbode Eds 2011 - Communities in Contact

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7/23/2019 Hofman & van Duijvenbode Eds 2011 - Communities in Contact http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/hofman-van-duijvenbode-eds-2011-communities-in-contact 1/513 Garmlle C. Haonil & Ille vil @umkvelda`e e`mte` dy Essiys ml irghieacafy, ethlahmstary & ethlafriphy ao the Inerml`mil gmrgun-Girmddeil
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Garmlle C. Haonil &

Ille vil @umkvelda`e

e`mte` dy

Essiys ml irghieacafy, ethlahmstary & ethlafriphy ao

the Inerml`mil gmrgun-Girmddeil

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Wm`estale Zress I lew feleritmal ao Zudcmshmlf

 ]au ire rei`mlf i oucc versmal ao thms daab, oar oree!

Phms daab ms pirt ao the Wm`estale e-cmdriry where nast ao aur

pudcmgitmals ire ouccy iggessmdce oar oree. Oar iggess ta nare

oree daabs vmsmt; www.sm`estale.gan/cmdriry

@awlcai` Oucc Z@O

_msmt the Wm`estale e-cmdriry ta drawse aur e-daabs. Oar i nmlmnic

oee yau gil purghise i ouccy oulgtmalic Z@O il` dy `amlf sa, yau

hecp ta beep aur cmdriry rullmlf.


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Wm`estale Zress

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Essiys ml irghieacafy, ethlahmstary & ethlafriphy ao

the Inerml`mil gmrgun-Girmddeil

Garmlle C. Haonil &

Ille vil @umkvelda`e

e`mte` dy


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MWDL =68-=:-88=:-:?7-9

© 4:99 Iuthars

Zudcmshe` dy Wm`estale Zress, Cem`elwww.sm`estale.ganWm`estale refmstritmal lunder; WWZ?:55:::9

Ciy-aut; Z.G. vil Vaer`eban, Wm`estale ZressGaver `esmfl; B. Veltmlb, Wm`estale Zress

Oralt Gaver Gre`mts

Oarefraul` mnife; Garic irteoigt wmth hunil oige ml recmeo oaul` it the smte ao Ilse ê ci Faur`e, Fui`ecaupe, I@ 9:::-90:: (Zhata dy K. Ziuptmt).

Digbfraul` mnife; @etimc ao oeiture ciyer wmth pasthaces gut mlta the de`ragb it the smte ao Ec Gida, @anmlmgilTepudcmg, I@ 9:::-95:: (Zhata dy I._.N. Winsal).

Digb gaver, ceot ta rmfht; Irtmstmg, cmoe-smze` mlterpretitmal ao the irghieacafmgic smte Ec Gharra `e Niîti, Gudi , I@ 94::-9?:: (Zhata dy I. vil @umkvelda`e). / Vaa`el staac ar `uha regavere` oran the mscil` ao @anmlmgi,`ite` detweel I@ 9795-9046. Giticafue lunder EGD0:??=, Egalanmg Datily Gaccegtmal, Tayic DatilmgFir`els, Bew, UB (Zhata dy K. Astipbawmgz). / Gciy Omfurmle oaul` it the Civautte smte, Wt. Cugmi, I@ 94::-95:: (phata dy N.C.Z. Haafcil`).

Oralt gaver, ceot ta rmfht; Nip ao Fui`ecaupe pudcmshe` dy Ghinpciml ml 985= (Zhata dy I.K. Drmfht). / Pe rma-Abanayili vmccife ao Inatapa ml the nm`west ao Wurmline ml 4::6 (Zhata dy K.C.K.I. Nils). / Oraltic vmewao the upper mlgmsars il` gilmles ao ml`mvm`uic 64D oran the smte ao Ec Gharra `e Niîti, Gudi, I@ 94::-9?::,shawmlf mlteltmalic `eltic na`mgitmal (Zhata dy H.C. Nmgbcedurfh).

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Zreoige =

Garmlle C. Haonil il` Ille vil @umkvelda`e 

Oarewar` 99

 Kasí T. Acmver 


Ulriveccmlf the nuctm-sgice letwarbs ao nadmcmty il` exghilfe ml the pre- 

gacalmic gmrgun-Girmddeil 95

Garmlle C. Haonil il` Nella C.Z. Haafcil` 

Phe sagmic ml the gmrgun-Girmddeil 05awir` i trilsgaltextuic ar`er

 Icexil`er Feur`s 

Drmlfmlf mlterigtmal mlta hmfher spheres ?9

Wagmic `mstilge ml the Cite Gerinmg Ife Freiter Iltmcces is seel thraufhethlahmstarmgic iggaults il` the `mstrmdutmal ao sagmic vicuidces

 Ilfus I.I. Nac 

Eircy phytagucturic pragesses ml the pre-Gacalmic Iltmcces 86

 I pil-Girmddeil survey oar il alfamlf stirgh friml reseirgh Kimne T. Zifél-Kmnílez 

Phe gmrgucitmal ao ki`emtmte igrass the Girmddeilsgipe 996

Telmec Ta`rîfuez Tinas 

‘Phms recmg ao iltmqumty” 976

Omoth ta omoteelth geltury waa` girvmlfs oran the sautherl Cesser Iltmcces Kailli Astipbawmgz, Ghrmstapher Dralb Tinsey, Icex G. Vme`elhaeot, Omali Dragb,Pan Hmfhin, il` Winuec N. Vmcsal

Nugh ta ghaase oran 969

he use il` `mstrmdutmal ao smcmgeaus stale ml the Cesser IltmccesWedistmiil Blmppelderf 

@mverse armfmls, smnmcir `mets 986

 Il mltefrite` msatapmg perspegtmve oran Ilse ê ci Faur`e, Fui`ecaupe Kisal E. Ciooaal il` Dirt T. `e _as 

Prma navenelts il` the Inatapail ocux 4:5

 Kmnny C.K.I. Nils 

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Ec Gharra `e Niîti 445

 I `mverse ippraigh ta i galtext ao `mversmty Taderta _icgérgec Takis, @ircele I. Vestal, Hiycey C. Nmgbcedurfh, Kisal E. Ciooaal

il` Ille vil @umkvelda`e 

Galocmgtmlf gasnacafmes 457

he exghilfe ao drmccmilt adkegts detweel the iîla ao Hmspilmaci il` the WpilmshOcarms V.N. Beehlel

Ml smgbless il` ml heicth 4?=

Zassmdmcmtmes oar stu`ymlf the sagmic il` gucturic mnpcmgitmals ao trepalenic`mseise ml the Girmddeil irei 

Tighec Wghits 

Phraufh the eyes ao the ghralmgcer 489

 I`rmili M. Ghurinpm Tinîrez 

Oran Giya ta Bicmlifa 4=9

 Ispegts ao Mscil` Girmd irghieacafy  Irme Daanert 

–Tenave` oran aoo the oige ao the mscil`„ 7:6

Cite pre-Gacalmic il` eircy Gacalmic Inerml`mil sagmety ml the Cesser Iltmcces Icmstimr K. Drmfht 

 Il ethlahmstarmgic ippraigh ao the Girmd thraufh wrmttel saurges 746

he exinpce ao the Tecitmal dy Kigques DautalDerlir` Frulderf 

@e mlsucms Biriydmgms recitmales nilusgrmptï 707

 I`rmel Ce Dretal, the cist Kesumt nmssmaliry ml the Girmd mscil` ao Wt. _mlgeltDelaìt Taux 

 Kahl Lmghacc 7?9

 Il Haure Fcisse ao Ml`mil Lewes (9?:6)Eufílme `e [utter 

Zmerre Zecceprit 7?6

 I nmssmaliry detweel the Cesser Iltmcces il` the GaltmleltEnmcme Ghitrme 

Phe omrst nmssmalirmes il` the evilfecmzitmal ao dcigb scives ml the Cesser

 Iltmcces ml the eircy yeirs ao Orelgh gacalmzitmal (9?45-9?55) 76=

Ermg Taucet 

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Cmvmlf mscil`s ao the Girmddeil 7=7

 I vmew ao recitmve sei cevec ghilfe oran the witer”s e`fe Kifa Gaaper il` Tmghir` Daathray` 

Zicieaegacafy il` hunil aggupitmal `urmlf the Nm`-Hacagele ml Zuerta

Tmga; the gise ao Ilfasturi 0:6

Msidec G. Tmveri-Gacciza

Phe nast deiutmouc hause ml the warc` 049

he irghieacafy ao iesthetmgs ml eisterl Hmspilmaci  Icmge _.N. Winsal

Zcus `”ule Cilfue (la nare cilfuife / nare thil i cilfuife) 07=

 Irghieacafy, hmstary il` ethlafriphy ml the Fumili hmfhcil`sTelza W. @uml

Ethlairghieacafy ao the Inizalmil hause 055

Zre-Gacundmil il` Kmvira galtmlumty ml Egui`arWtíphel Tastiml

Galtextuicmzitmal ao Inizalmi irteoigts 065

Ml`mfelaus gasnacafmes il` the Liture/Gucture mvm`eWalmi @uml


Wgice, hydrm`mty, il` perspegtmve ml the Girmddeil il` deyal` 0=9

 Nmghiec K. Hegbelderfer 

Cmst ao Galtrmdutars 5:5

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Gannulmtmes ml galtigt ms the autgane ao the oaurth e`mtmal ao Cem`el ml the Girmddeil, isermes ao synpasmi arfilmze` dy the Girmddeil Teseirgh Fraup ao Cem`el Ulmversmty wmththe imn ao drmlfmlf tafether reseirghers oran icc aver the warc` ta `msguss netha`acafmgicil` thearetmgic i`vilges ml Girmddeil reseirgh. he omrst e`mtmal wis arfilmze` ml Cem`elil` Zirms ml 4::4 ml gaccidaritmal wmth Il`rí @ecpuegh, thel issagmite ao the OrelghNmlmstry ao Gucture ml Zirms. hms synpasmun gucnmlite` ml the e`mte` vacune eltmtce`Cite Gerinmg Ife Wagmetmes ml the Eisterl Girmddeil pudcmshe` dy the Drmtmsh IrghieacafmgicTeparts ml 4::0. he segal` il` thmr` e`mtmals dath taab pcige ml Cem`el ml 4::? il`4::6 il` oaguse` al gurrelt irghieacafmgic reseirgh ml the Cesser il` Freiter Iltmcces.Wpegmic fuests ta these synpasmi were Vmccmin O. Beefil, Kahl Gragb, @ivm` Vitters,

Fcelms Nirmi ivirez, Il`rí @ecpuegh il` Kifa Gaaper.Cem`el ml the Girmddeil M_ his tibel i sanewhit drai`er refmalic perspegtmve(Girmddeil mscil`s, Inizalmi, Geltric Inermgi) il` draufht tafether irghieacafmgic,ethlahmstarmgic, il` ethlafriphmg stu`mes. he synpasmun haste` nily mlterlitmaliccyrelawle` sghacirs il` stu`elts il` serve` is i pcitoarn ta `msguss the `mverse il` gan-pcex tapmgs wmth whmgh Girmddeil irghieacafmsts ire galoralte` ta`iy. hese tapmgs ireecidarite` upal il` reocegte` ml the three segtmals galstmtutmlf thms vacune; nadmcmty il`exghilfe,  gucture galtigt  il` settcenelt il` gannulmty . he synpasmun il` the vacunehive deel omlilge` dy the Lethercil`s Oaul`itmal oar Wgmeltmomg Teseirgh (LVA) ml thegaltext ao the _MGM prakegt –Gannulmgitmlf gannulmtmes„ (LVA-la.-466-?4-::9). 

 Ve ire friteouc ta icc mlterlitmalic pirtmgmpilts ao the Cem`el ml the Girmddeil M_ syn-pasmun oar themr stiy ml Cem`el `urmlf whmgh they shire` themr expertmse, m`eis il` blawc-e`fe wmth us. hese ire; Enmcme Ghitrme, Kifa Gaaper, Il`rí @ecpuegh, Eufelme @e [utter,Walmi @uml, Derlir` Frulderf, Nmghiec Hegbelderfer, Kasí Acmver, Kailli Astipbawmgz,

 Kimne Zifél Kmnílez, Telmec Ta`rîfuez Tinas, Wtíphel Tastiml, Ermg Taucet, Delaìt Taux,il` Taderta _icgérgec Takis. wa preselters gauc` uloartulitecy lat pirtmgmpite ml the vac-une, m.e. Emthle Gircml wha preselte` al leste` m`eltmtmes ml the Fumilis il` Kasí Acmverwha `msgusse` i orinewarb oar hms upganmlf reseirgh ml the larthwesterl @anmlmgilTepudcmg. Ve ire, hawever, `ecmfhte` thit Kasí Acmver his iggepte` aur prapasmtmal ta wrmtei oarewar` ta the vacune. Ve were icsa pirtmgucircy halare` wmth Nmghiec Hegbelderfer”s

preselge it the synpasmun il` wauc` cmbe ta thilb hmn oar ‘wrippmlf up” the sessmals il`grmtmgiccy iggessmlf eigh ao the preseltitmals il` the nily lew m`eis thit were put oarwir`.Hms ippregmitmals il` grmtmques ire pravm`e` ml the epmcafue ta thms vacune.

he pipers preselte` here hive deel sudnmtte` oar revmew il` e`mtarmic gannelts dythe Girmddeil Teseirgh Fraup (UC). Ml thms respegt we wauc` cmbe ta thilb ml pirtmgucir

 Irme Daanert, Icex Feur`s, Kisal Ciooaal, Hiycey Nmgbcedurfh, Ilfus Nac il` IcmgeWinsal oar themr exgeccelt kad. Ve wauc` cmbe ta igblawce`fe Wtíphel Tastiml, Nmghecmle

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Dcilgileiux il` Illi Dcilgileiux-Ocares oar themr trilscitmals ao the idstrigts ta Orelghil` Icex Feur`s il` Msidec Tmveri Gacciza oar revmsmlf the Wpilmsh idstrigts. Omliccy, wethilb the nily stu`elts wha hecpe` ta arfilmze the synpasmun ml Nirgh 4:9:. Wpegmicthilbs ml thms respegt fa aut ta Tighec Wghits, Ocarms Beehlel, Winilthi `e Tumter,Nircmebe Erlst il` He`wmf vil `el Derf.

he e`mtarsGarmlle C. Haonil il` Ille vil @umkvelda`e

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 I bey adkegtmve ao the Cem`el ml the Girmddeil sermes ao synpasmi ms ta shire il` exghilfemloarnitmal ao gurrelt reseirgh mlterests al wm`e-rilfmlf tapmgs inalf sghacirs warb-mlf ml the gmrgun-Girmddeil. Mt ms the mloarnic il` cmvecy oige-ta-oige exghilfes thit tibepcige ml detweel il` iraul` the oarnic preseltitmals thit ire i vicuidce galtrmdutmal taGirmddeil irghieacafy. hms synpasmi sermes iooar`s lat alcy il appartulmty oar Eurapeil-dise` sghacirs il` reseirgh stu`elts ta mlterigt dut, equiccy stmnucitmlf, secegte` fuestsghacirs dise` ml the Lew Varc` i`` smflmomgiltcy ml whit atherwmse wauc` de i cagic ex-ghilfe. Mt ms ml sugh il mloarnic il` mlterlitmalic indmilge thit m`eis ire `edite`2 strite-fmes il` pcils oar lew ilfces ar mlsmfhts ta al-famlf prakegts ire festite` ar strelfthele`.he cmvecy questmal/`msgussmal perma` thit oaccaws eigh ao the synpasmi sessmals fmves mt i

senmlir/warbshap indmilge.he twelty-sevel `mooerelt galtrmdutmals galtimle` wmthml the preselt vacune ire ilautgane ao the Cem`el ml the Girmddeil M_ synpasmun, eltmtce` ‘Oran prehmstary ta eth-lafriphy ml the gmrgun-Girmddeil il` Inizalmi” il` ire represeltitmve ao the gurreltsghacircy igtmvmty ml the Girmddeil il` mts lemfhdaurmlf nimlcil` refmals.

Oar the detter pirt ao the tweltmeth geltury the latmal ao ‘nadmcmty” wis cirfecy `edite`ml terns ao i `mghatany detweel `moousmal il` nmfritmal il` dise` eltmrecy al ganpiri-tmve gerinmg ilicyses ta the pamlt where gerinmg styces ‘nmfrite`” oran refmal ta refmal.Zeapces were `eomle` cirfecy is i pissmve vessec ar galtimler, i vehmgce oar the naveneltar `moousmal ao gerinmg patsher`s il` styces. Oran the 9==:s the sagmic, pacmtmgic il`

egalanmg `mnelsmals il` the `ylinmgs ao the nadmcmty ao dath hunil demlfs il` nite-rmic gucture (lat kust patsher`s) thraufh tmne il` spige, hawever, hive degane geltricta i nugh nare elrmghe` ul`erstil`mlf ao the pre- il` past-Gacundmil hmstary ao theGirmddeil. Nareaver tri`e il` exghilfe, mlstei` ao nerecy the ‘`moousmal” ao thmlfs oranale pcige ta ilather, ire law omrncy raate` ml Niussmil thearmes ao regmpragmty, ao whitnust de bept ar de fmvel, al the gmrgucitmal ao lat alcy prestmfe vicuidces dut icsa narenul`ile ganna`mtmes, il` al the eooegts ao thms gmrgucitmal aver `mooerelt sgices ao tmneil` ao spige. Il`, ao gaurse, icc sugh exghilfes ire trilsigtmals thit elfife hunil demlfsml sagmic recitmals.

he irghieacafmgic evm`elge, alge oaguse` icnast exgcusmvecy al pattery, ms law ao the

nast `mverse liture; stidce msatapmg ilicyses ao hunil renimls ta isgertiml whether ml`m-vm`uics ire cagic ar exatmg il` ta `agunelt `met preoerelges2 saurgmlf the petracafmgic il`nmlericafmgic smflitures ao gerinmg il` cmthmg nitermics ta mloer pitterls ao `mstrmdutmal2stirgh resm`ues ta m`eltmoy il` trige the armfml il` `mstrmdutmal ao pcilt resaurges. Mlterestms lat alcy al teismlf aut the liture ao the nadmcmty il` exghilfe, dut al the galse-quelges, sugh is galtigts detweel tri`ers il` exghilfe pirtmes is i pragess ao sagma-guc-turic il` dma-gucturic trilsoarnitmals. Wylgretmsn, trilsgucturitmal, issmnmcitmal (nmn-mgry, nisbmlf) ire galgeptuic taacs wmec`e` ta galtextuicmze oul`ineltic questmals idautgaltmlumty il` ghilfe, the rekegtmal ar resmstilge ta the lew il` exatmg it ale el` il`/armts lefatmite` i`aptmal, trilsoarnitmal il` mlgarparitmal. hese ire icc tapmgs i``resse`

ml thms vacune. Ml thms omrst `egi`e ao the twelty-omrst geltury, il` gceircy reocegte` ml thms

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vacune, i bey galsequelge ao icc ao thms re-mlvmfarite` ippraigh ta nadmcmty il` exghilfeil` the resuctmlf gucturic galtigt his resucte` ml the reapelmlf ao the Vest Ml`mil ‘mlsu-cirmze` theitre” ta i trucy pil-Girmddeil sgape, il` lat kust caabmlf it the larth-eisterl_elezueci il` Fumili is the alcy theitre ao mlterigtmal. hms apelmlf-up ao the ri`mus aoigtmal il` reigtmal ao the Inerml`mil Girmddeil, ta sane extelt restarmlf Kucmil Wtewir`”s

armfmlic Gmrgun-Girmddeil theitre, ms ale ao the nast exgmtmlf ispegts ao the synpasmunil` gipture` ml virmaus pipers ml thms vacune.Ml`ee`, the galtrmdutars ta the Gucture Galtigt segtmal ml thms vacune ourther expil`

the pil-Girmddeil theitre ta galsm`er the Eurapeil il` Iormgil igtars il` themr nitermicgucture, lat kust al whit themr mnpigt wis upal the ml`mfelaus sagmetmes dut is wecc hawthe citter were pergemve` il` partriye` ta `mverse Eurapeil iu`melges. Mssues ao persal-haa`, enda`mnelt, ethlmgmty, ml`mvm`uic is wecc is gucturic il` evel nuctmgucturic m`eltm-tmes ao icc the igtars pre-gacalmic, gacalmic il` evel past-gacalmic ire thenes expcare` dyvirmaus pipers ml thms daab. Il` dy ‘igtars” M `a lat neil alcy hunil demlfs, dut icsa theseltmelt adkegts (genîs  ml the shipe ao `uhas , mgalmg omfures) thit oarn pirt ao the sagmicms-

mlf letwarb ao the Inerml`mils, is ms expcare` dy sane ao the galtrmdutars ta thms vacune.he ilicyses ao ethlahmstarmg text il` lirritmves dy Orelgh, Elfcmsh il` Wpilmsh gacalmiciuthars, ire galgerle` wmth i lunder ao the mssues ao gucture galtigt (il` mnpigt) kustneltmale`. Ml thms vacune the re-exinmlitmal ao the wecc-blawl texts, sugh is Dmshap CisGisis, ire fmvel i oresh autcaab dy oagusmlf lat sa nugh al whit the text gannelts idautthe Girmddeil Inerml`mils, dut al why the wrmter partriye` il` mlterprete` then ml thmsar thit wiy. he texts il` `aguneltitmal fithere` dy the tein it the Ulmversmty ao Temnsil` preselte` ml thms vacune, ourther elrmghes aur ul`erstil`mlf ao the ganpcexmtmes aogucturic galtigt ml the Girmddeil il` ml the Eurapeil netrapacms.

Nadmcmty, tri`e, exghilfe, the gmrgucitmal ao nitermics, peapces, il` m`eis il` the trils-

oarnitmals thit gil resuct oran gucturic galtigts, ao gaurse, `a tibe pcige ml the galtextao gannulmtmes il` themr settcenelts, the thmr` tapmg ao reseirgh mlterest gavere` ml thmsvacune. Il` settcenelts, ao gaurse, ire ende``e` ml i lituric is wecc is gucturiccy gal-strugte` cil`sgipe, lat kust i sagmacafmgic ale. he pipers al thms tapmg `a reocegt thesegalgerls ml terns ao expressmals ao gannulmty, ao themr elfifenelt wmth eigh ather mlthemr settcenelts il` wmth themr hmstary-ci`el cil`-il`-seisgipes.

M in galom`elt thit yau, the rei`er, wmcc oml` wmthml thms pifes oaa` oar thaufht, i rilfeao reoreshmlf (nuctm-`mnelsmalic il` nuctm-sgicir) perspegtmves thit wmcc resalite wmth yaurawl reseirgh mlterests.

 Kasí T. AcmverUlmversmty Gaccefe Cal`al

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Garmlle C. Haonil il` Nella C.Z. Haafcil` 

hms piper draighes the tapmg ao nadmcmty il` exghilfe oran i pil-Girmddeil perspeg-tmve. Usmlf i nuctm-`msgmpcmliry il` nuctm-sgicir ippraigh the reseirgh preselte` here it-tenpts ta nip the navenelt ao peapce thraufhaut the Girmddeil irghmpecifa. Mt ourther

imns ta issess the estidcmshnelt ao cagic, refmalic il` pil-refmalic letwarbs ao mlterig-tmal oar hunil nadmcmty il` the tri`e il` exghilfe ao faa`s il` m`eis it nuctmpce sgicesml ale ao the warc`”s prmne mlsucir `animls. Mt icsa hmfhcmfhts the virmidmcmty il` ghilfesthit gil de adserve` ml the wed ao sagmic recitmalshmps inalf mscil`ers thraufh tmne il`detweel gannulmtmes ao virymlf sagma-pacmtmgic ganpcexmty. hms galtrmdutmal autcmles the_MGM prakegt; Gannulmgitmlf Gannulmtmes, omlilge` dy the Lethercil`s Arfilmsitmaloar Wgmeltmomg Teseirgh (LVA).

Este irtîguca idar`i ec teni `e ci navmcm`i` y `ec mltergindma `es`e uli perspegtmvi pil-Girmdeùi. Utmcmzil`a ul eloaque nuctm`msgmpcmlirma y `e nûctmpces esgicis, esti mlvestm-

figm÷l mltelti `e regalstrumr ec navmnmelta `e padcigmales el ec irghmpmícifa. I`enés,tmele gana adketmva evicuir ec `esirracca `e re`es cagices, refmalices y pil-refmalices `emlteriggm÷l piri navmcm`i` hunili, ec ganergma y ec mltergindma `e nitermices e m`eis inûctmpces esgicis el uli e cas prmlgmpices éreis mlsucires i lmvec nul`mic. indmíl sudriyici virmidmcm`i` y cas gindmas que se pue`el adservir el ci re` `e recigmales sagmices eltrecas msceùas i trivís ec tmenpa y eltre ganulm`i`es e moerelte ganpcekm`i` sagma-pacîtmgi.Esti galtrmdugm÷l `esgrmde ec prayegta _MGM; Gannulmgitmlf Gannulmtmes, omlilgmi`apar ci Oul`igm÷l Leercil`esi `e Mlvestmfigm÷l Gmeltîomgi (LVA).

Get irtmgce idar`e ce suket e ci nadmcmtí et e c”íghilfe secal ci perspegtmve pil-giriáde. El

utmcmsilt ule ippraghe pcurm`msgmpcmlimre et ê `mooíreltes íghecces, ci regherghe príseltíe mgmtelte e girtafriphmer ces nauvenelts e papucitmal ê trivers c”irghmpec e ci Giriáde. Waladkegtmo sumvilt vmse ê ívicuer c”ítidcmssenelt `e ríseiux `”mlterigtmal cagiux, rífmaliuxet pil-rífmaliux, paur ci nadmcmtí hunimle imlsm que ce gannerge et c”íghilfe `e dmelset `”m`íes ê `mooíreltes íghecces, `ils c”ul `es prmlgmpiux `animles mlsucimres `u nal`e.Mc net íficenelt c”iggelt sur ci virmidmcmtí et ces ghilfenelts qum peuvelt ëtre adservís`ils ce tmssu `e recitmals sagmices `es mlsucimres ê trivers ce tenps et eltre ces gannuliu-tís `e ganpcexmtís sagma-pacmtmques `mooíreltes. Gette galtrmdutmal expase eloml ce praket_MGM ; Gannuliutís Gannulmquiltes, omlilgí pir ci Oal`itmal Líercil`imse paur ciTegherghe Wgmeltmomque (LVA).

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Nmfritmal il` mlterigtmal ml the Girmddeil; i retraspegtmve

 Is eircy is the 9=5:”s, Delkinml Mrvmlf Tause, ale ao the oaul`mlf oithers ao Girmddeilirghieacafy, dismlf hmnseco al i orinewarb ao gucturic tixalany, elvmsmale` thit theGirmddeil mscil`s were settce` ml i steppmlf-stale na`e oran larth-eisterl Wauth Inermgiiraul` ?::: DZ (see Guret 4::5 oar il extelsmve revmew ao thms mssue). He suffeste` thit

gucturic `moousmal wis the autgane ao papucitmal navenelt ar nmfritmal oran the niml-cil` mlta the mscil`s, `riwmlf al irghieacafmgic, cmlfumstmg il` dmacafmgic cmles ao evm`elge.Exgeptmlf the gacalmzitmal dy eircy Cmthmg il` Irghimg Ife peapces oran `mooerelt ireisml Wauth il` Geltric Inermgi (Decmze), Tause gcimne` thit the mscil`ers armfmlite` ml theWauth Inermgil gaistic zale. Desm`es papucitmal navenelt il` cagic `evecapnelt Tauseicsa regaflmze` the m`ei ao mlterigtmal ta expciml ghilfes ml the irghieacafmgic regar`(Tause 9=59, 9==4). Ml thms selse, he `eomle` sa-gicce` pissife ireis ml whmgh mlterigtmaldetweel lemfhdaurmlf mscil`s exmste` wmthml whit he gicce` the ‘Girmddeil Gucture Irei”(Tause 9=8?, 9==4). Hawever, aperitmlf it the nigra-sgice ao guctures ar supri-guctures(blawl is ‘sermes” il` ‘sudsermes”) hinpere` the adservitmal it the nmgra-sgice ao cagic

fraups ar gannulmtmes m`eltmomidce dy ‘styces” ar ‘ganpcexes” (see icsa Guret 4::52 Guretil` arres 4:9:). Nmghiec Hegbelderfer (4::5) suffeste` thit thms nissmve papucitmalnavenelt wis the autgane ao i mispari ao Iriwibil-speibmlf peapce aut ao the Inizalvmi the ocaa`pciml ireis ao the Lefra il` Armlaga rmvers, il` oran the Inizal rmver mltathe Girmddeil il` Fumili. Hms m`eis garrespal`e` ml feleric ta the `mstrmdutmal pitterls`riwl dy @alic` Cithrip (9=6:). Weveric hypatheses hive deel put oarwir` aver the pist`egi`es is il expcilitmal oar nmfritmal oran the nimlcil` mlta the mscil`s. Viroire il`papucitmal pressure al the nimlcil` were suffeste` is passmdce push oigtars (Tae 9=8=),the egalanmg ittrigtmveless ao the lew mscil` terrmtarmes wis i`vilge` is i pucc oigtar(Beefil 9=85) il` the ocexmdce i`iptitmal ta ivimcidce resaurges wis prapase` is i nare

appartulmstmg na`ec (Wmefec 9==9). he uphac`mlf ao i cmoecmle wmth gaistic Wauth Inermgita shipe il` nimltiml `enafriphmg il` sagmic omtless inalf the gacalmzmlf mscil`ers,ganpiridce ta the Cipmti smtuitmal ml Ageilmi, his deel use` ta expciml the qumgb `msper-smal ao Wici`am` gerinmgs ml the Cesser Iltmcces il` Zuerta Tmga is wecc is the nilmoesti-tmal ao mscil` mnifery il` nimlcil` nitermic mtens ml the irghieacafmgic regar` ao the eircyGerinmg Ife mlsucir Girmddeil (Haonil et ic . 4:992 Beefil 4::02 Bmrgh 9=88, 4:::2

 Vitters 9=84).Nmfritmal ml the Girmddeil his thus calf deel pergemve` is i rither ulm-cmleir ar ulm-

`mregtmalic evelt. Dreibmlf iwiy oran the ulm`mregtmalic hypathesms i nuctm-cmleir, retmgu-cite il` nare ghiatmg na`ec oar mscil` settcenelt his deel prapase` dy Beefil (4::0) dywhmgh `mregt grassmlf oran the Wauth Inermgil nimlcil` ta Zuerta Tmga il` the lartherlCesser Iltmcces ire elvmsmale`, `awlpciymlf the tri`mtmalic steppmlf stale-na`ec vmi theCesser Iltmcces (e.f. Guret 4::52 Haonil et ic . 4:9:, 4:992 Omtzpitrmgb il` Giccifhil4::=2 Beefil 4::0, 4::=).

Hawever, the neltic tenpcite ao i sace larth-eisterl Wauth Inermgil armfml his dcml`-e` the pateltmic ao nigra-refmalic gallegtmals wmth ather lemfhdaurmlf galtmleltic ireiscmbe gaistic Geltric Inermgi, Gacandmi il` Vesterl _elezueci i`vagite` dy Kucmil H.Wtewir` (9=08) il` oaccawe` dy athers (see Neffers 9=6=2 Wilaki il` _irfis Irelis 9===2_ecaz Niffmaca 9=8: il` see Ilfuci _ic`ís 9=882 Haapes il` Oalsegi 4::7 oar the gal-gept ao Msthna-Gacandmil irei). Wtewir` `eoel`e` the galgept ao i ‘Gmrgun-Girmddeilgucture irei”, whmgh ulmte` the Girmddeil il` Mlterne`mite Gucture Ireis whmgh `mregtcy

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`ermve` ale oran the ather, il` decmeve` ml i nare heterafeleaus `mspersic ao peapce mltathe Girmddeil (see icsa Feur`s, thms vacune).

he m`ei ao i gmrgun-Girmddeil irei (Omfure 9) ta stu`y the nimlcil`-mscil` gal-legtmals il` the wed ao mltercagbmlf sagmic letwarbs thit niy hive deel it pciy igrassthe Girmddeil Wei regeltcy hi` i revmvic (Haonil il` Drmfht 4:9:, Haonil il` Gircml

4:9:). Oar Ta`rîfuez Tinas (4:9:) thms feahmstarmgic irei, whmgh he hi` gicce` the FreiterGirmddeil irei wauc` enphismze the m`ei ao pateltmiccy stralfer recitmalshmps hivmlf ex-mste` detweel the Iltmcces il` the Mshtna-Gacundmil irei rither thil wmth larth-eisterlWauth Inermgi. Ve wauc` rither ceive thms apel oar `msgussmal il` mt ms aur galteltmalhere, ta `riw i nugh nare `ylinmg pmgture ao the gannulmtmes thit eltere` the irghm-pecifa nare thil ?::: yeirs ifa thraufh i galtmluaus pragess mlvacvmlf expcaritary ex-pe`mtmals, exghilfe ao faa`s, m`eis il` mloarnitmal, il` snicc-sgice navenelts oran thevirmaus ireis ml galtmleltic Inermgi gucnmlitmlf ml the uphac`mlf ao sagmic recitmalshmpsdetweel Irghimg il` Gerinmg Ife (ar pre-Iriwib il` Iriwib, see Beefil il` Ta`rîfuezTinas 4::0) gannulmtmes il` citer detweel Gerinmg Ife gannulmtmes thraufhaut the

refmal (Haonil et ic. 4::?). Hunil nadmcmty il` the exghilfe ao faa`s il` m`eis were itthe disms ao the mlterigtmal letwarbs whmgh oulgtmale` it cagic, refmalic il` pil-refmalicsgices (e.f. Dernil il` Flmvegbm 9==52 Guret 4::52 Guret il` Hiuser 4:992 Haonil il`Drmfht 4:9:2 Haonil et ic . 4::62 Beefil il` @minal` 9=862 Vitters il` Tause 9=8=).

 I pil-Girmddeil wed ao sagmic recitmalshmps

 I `ylinmg pil-Girmddeil wed ao sagmic recitmalshmps il` mltercagbmlf letwarbs wauc`cmbecy hive resucte` oran the galtmluaus ganmlf il` famlf ao ml`mvm`uics il` fraups aopeapce wmth i rilfe ao natmves (elvmralneltic, sagma-pacmtmgic, egalanmg, m`eacafmgic) de-tweel virmaus pirts ao the galtmlelt il` the mscil`s (see icsa Haonil 4::?2 Haonil il`Drmfht 4:9:2 Haonil il` Gircml 4:9:2 Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4:9:). hms wauc` hive mlmtm-ite` pragesses whmgh ire regaflmze` is gacalmzmlf nmfritmals, resaurge il` seisalic nadmc-mty, grass-gannulmty nadmcmty, resm`eltmic nadmcmty, mlter-gannulmty nadmcmty (oeistmlf,rim`mlf il` exghilfe il` icsa mlgcu`mlf past-narten nadmcmty) ta line i oew (see e.f.Deccwaa` 4::02 Guret 4::52 Haonil et ic . 4::?2 Beefil 4::?2 Beccy 9==52 Nillmlf4::52 Nagh 4::72 Naare 4::92 Weccet et ic. 4::?). Zermshidce il` lal-permshidce faa`s,m`eis il` mloarnitmal is wecc is gucturic il` sagmic prigtmges wauc` hive deel trilsparte`aver calf `mstilges il` weds ao sagmic recitmalshmps were estidcmshe` it virmaus sgices inic-finitmlf aver tmne ta degane the cil`sgipe ao pcuricmty elgaultere` dy the Eurapeils ml

the cite omoteelth geltury (see icsa Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4:9:). Zragesses ao omssmal il` ousmalil` ghilfmlf sagma-pacmtmgic arfilmzitmal wauc` hive eghae` ocum` sagmic tmes reocegtmlfgannulmtmes nast cmbecy dise` al bmlshmp, nirrmife ar gannulmty nendershmp. hraufhthese letwarbs sagmic, pacmtmgic il` egalanmg recitmalshmps were greite`, nimltimle` il`idacmshe` il` these were galtmluauscy sudkegt ta shmotmlf il` expil`mlf fraup terrmta-rmes. Ipirt oran elsurmlf `enafriphmg omtless, the sagmic letwarbs wauc` hive pravm`e`iggess ta i rilfe ao dismg lee`s il` hive pranate` the oarnitmal il` nimltelilge ao sa-gma-pacmtmgic iccmilges thraufh nirrmife il` rmtuic servmges, dut al the galtriry gauc` icsahive eltimce` iltm-sagmic stritefmes sugh is lefitmve regmpragmty (see Nac, thms vacune). heexghilfe ao utmcmtirmil wires il` sagmiccy vicue` faa`s wauc` hive deel igganpilme` ml

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these mlterigtmal spheres dy the shirmlf ao nyths, tices, salfs, `ilges, rmtuic blawce`feil` expermelge ende``e` ml litmve gasnavmsmal (see icsa Irveca-Kmnílez il` Dmar` 9==02Daanert 4:::2 Narey 9=6?2 Nilsuttm Ta`rîfuez 9=8?).

 I nuctm-`msgmpcmliry ippraigh tawir`s the nuctm-sgice letwarbs ao nadmcmtyil` exghilfe 

Ml ar`er ta ganprehel` the neghilmsns it pciy ml dumc`mlf il` nimltimlmlf the nuctmpceletwarbs ml whmgh hunil nadmcmty il` the exghilfe ao faa`s il` m`eis taab pcige it virm-aus sgices ml the irghieacafmgic regar` ao the Girmddeil, i nuctm-`msgmpcmliry ippraigh hisdeel `esmfle` wmthml the _MGM prakegt gandmlmlf irghieacafy, irghieanetry, dmairghieac-afy, ethlahmstary il` ethlafriphy (Haonil 4::?). Tegeltcy, the mltefrite` ippcmgitmal aopmaleermlf irghieanetrmg netha`s il` teghlmques his pravm`e` pranmsmlf resucts ml omec`ao Girmddeil irghieacafy (see Haonil et ic., e`s 4::8, oar il extelsmve revmew il` Guretil` Wtrmlfer 4:9:).

he imn ao aur ippraigh ms ta drai`el the ul`erstil`mlf ao the sagma-gucturic pirin-eters thit niy hive mlocuelge` the navenelt ao peapce il` the estidcmshnelt ao mlterig-

tmal pitterls thraufhaut the gmrgun-Girmddeil. hms ippraigh ms demlf ippcme` ta nipirteoigt `mstrmdutmal pitterls al cagic, refmalic il` pil-refmalic sgices is wecc is ta gal-textuicmze the armfml ao peapce il` faa`s oran i smte cevec perspegtmve. he gandmlitmal aothe resuctmlf iti ms expegte` ta expil` aur blawce`fe al the liture ao the letwarbs, hawthey mltercagb, is wecc is al the virmidmcmty il` ghilfes thit wauc` hive aggurre` ml sughsagmic recitmalshmps thraufh tmne il` haw these were irtmgucite` detweel gannulmtmes ao`mooermlf sagma-pacmtmgic ganpcexmty. he nuctm-`msgmpcmliry ippraigh mlgcu`es stu`mes aothe mgalafriphy, gucturic issagmitmals il` spitmic `mstrmdutmals ao nitermic gucture renimls,stu`mes mlta nartuiry prigtmges il` picieapithacafy, stirgh friml ilicysms, oulgtmalic ilic-ysms ao irteoigts il` the ippcmgitmal ao irghieanetrmg teghlmques. he citter galsmst ao X-riy

ocuaresgelge il` X-riy moorigtmal ta eternmle the pravelilge ao riw nitermics il` stidce

: ?:: bn Gacandmi





 Itciltmg Ageil


 A r m l a g



Girmddeil Wei




Gasti Tmgi



C e  

s   s   

e   r      









M    s   t  h n a - g a cand m i l   i r e  i

F   r   


i   t   e  r  

I l  t    m    c   c   e   s

Omfure 9 Phe Girmddeil (ms)cil`sgipe.

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msatape ilicysms ta `eternmle the `metiry pitterls il` the armfml ao durme` papucitmals.Wugh `iti al durmic issendcifes represeltitmve dath ml tmne il` spige ire mnperitmve tanip the letwarb ao hunil nadmcmty il` theredy defml ta oithan the neghilmsns it pciy(e.f. exghilfe ao nirrmife pirtlers, gipture ao elenmes, past-narten nadmcmty) aver tmne,igrass `mooerelt sagma-pacmtmgic settmlfs il` it nuctmpce sgices.

Letwarbs ao the gmrgun-Girmddeil; pil-refmalic, refmalic il` cagic`mstrmdutmals ao nitermic gucture renimls

Weveric types ao (riw) nitermic sugh is gerinmgs, cmthmgs, shecc, dale, waa` il`  fuilîl (i fac`-gapper iccay) cmbecy gmrgucite` wmthml cagic, refmalic il` pil-refmalic letwarbsthraufhaut the gmrgun-Girmddeil sylghralmgiccy ar it virmaus pamlts ml tmne. Gerinmgs,cmthmgs il` fuilîl ire the nast vmidce gitefarmes oar ilicysms fmvel themr udmqumtaus (gerin-mgs/cmthmgs) ar hmfhcy mloarnitmve liture ( fuilîl). Hawever, nugh ao the reseirgh ultmc lawhis recme` al oarnic stycmstmg smnmcirmtmes detweel sugh adkegts, ceivmlf i vam` is ta themrsagmic neilmlf (see icsa Feur`s, thms vacune), dut suffestmlf sane `efree ao gannulmtymlterigtmal il` the exmstelge ao letwarbs it virmaus sgices. he sagmic neilmlf il` vicueao sugh adkegts ml i pirtmgucir mlterigtmal letwarb ms `epel`ilt al the liture il` typeao the sagmic sphere they ire pirt ao il` use` ml, m.e. the bml` ao sagmic `mstilge (Nac, thmsvacune).

Ml ar`er ta stu`y the navenelt ao adkegts il` the m`eltmomgitmal ao `mstrmdutmal pit-terls ml themr riw stite ar is omlmshe` adkegts mt ms mnperitmve ta gandmle irteoigt styce stu`-mes wmth pravelilge `iti it icc sgices ao ilicysms. Icthaufh the gurrelt blawce`fe al thepravelilge ao riw nitermics il` adkegts ms stmcc ml mts mloilgy ml the gmrgun-Girmddeil re-fmal whel ganpire` ta ather refmals warc`wm`e (e.f. Dmshap et ic. 9=882 @mgbmlsal et ic. 

4:::2 Wtactnil 9=8=), there ire sane latidce exgeptmals (e.f. Daanert 4:::2 Gaaper etic . 4::82 Guret 4::52 Hircaw et ic. 4::?2 Hecns 9=862 Haonil et ic . 4::82 Blmppelderf4::?2 Lewsan il` Vmlf 4::02 Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4::62 Ta`rîfuez Tinas il` Zifél

 Kmnílez 4::?2 Zifél Kmnílez 4::?, thms vacune2 Wmefec il` Weverml 9==72 _icgérgec Takiset ic. 4::82 _icgérgec Takis et ic ., thms vacune2 Vitters il` Wgifcmal 9==0). he autgane aothese stu`mes his stirte` ta i`vilge i hacmstmg perspegtmve ta the pitterls ao irteoigt `mstrm-dutmal, mlterigtmal il` mlter-sagmetic elfifenelts thit exmste` it `mooerelt sgices thraufhtmne is mccustrite` dy the oaccawmlf exinpces.

Zil-refmalic `mstrmdutmals (Omfure 4)

he eircmest Gerinmg Ife cipm`iry mtens ml the Iltmcces ni`e ao freelstale nitermics sugh islephrmte, ki`emtmte il` serpeltmlmte (reoerre` ta is ‘true ki`e” il` ‘sagmic ki`e” dy Ta`rîfuezTinas 4:9:) hive advmaus mgalafriphmg gaulterpirts ml the Gasti Tmgi irei. hey rep-reselt gal`ars ar bmlf vuctures (see Daanert 4::: il` Ta`rîfuez Tinas, thms vacune)wmth traphy hei`s. Al the disms ao the smnmcirmtmes ml the twa ireis, Ta`rîfuez Tinas(4:9:) hypathesmze` thit nigra-refmalic sagmic mlterigtmals exmste` detweel the Msthna-Gacandmil irei il` Zuerta Tmga il` niyde the Cesser Iltmcces `urmlf eircy Huegam` il`Wici`am` tmnes, represeltmlf emther the navenelt ao peapce, ganna`mty exghilfe ar theocaw ao m`eis. Ml the perma` oaccawmlf the enerfelge ao the Huegam` il` Wici`am`, the ni-

 karmty ao the exatmg riw nitermics were repcige` dy cagic ragb types il` oaremfl mgalafriphmg

thenes, very aotel represeltmlf nimlcil` oiuli were sudstmtute` dy mlsucir natmos (see icsaHaonil et ic . 4::62 Tae 9=8=).

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 Ilather exinpce ms thit ao the `mstrmdutmal ao freelstale (aotel lephrmte) oraf pel`iltsar numriqumtça whmgh gmrgucite` detweel Inizalmi, the Fumilis il` the Iltmcces oranWici`am` tmnes alwir`s (Daanert 9=862 Tastiml 4::?).

he preselge ao ki`emte it Freiter il` Cesser Iltmcceil smtes his deel `agunelte` oareircy ta cite Gerinmg tmnes (Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4:9:, thms vacune). Dy neils ao X-riy`moorigtmal Hircaw et ic . (9==?) pastucite` i passmdce Fuitenicil pravelilge oar gectsoran Iltmfui il` _meques. Tegeltcy, hawever, ki`emte saurges hive icsa deel m`eltmome` mlHmspilmaci il` Gudi rimsmlf `audts aver the Fuitenicil armfml (Gér`elis Zérrifi et ic .4:9:2 Firgmi Gisga et ic . 4::=). Leverthecess, mt ms advmaus thit ki`e nave` thraufh theFreiter il` Cesser Iltmcces thraufhaut the Gerinmg Ife, cmlbmlf gannulmtmes ml thesepciges. he idselge ao pra`ugtmal `edrms suffests thit gects il` ixes gmrgucite` is omlmshe`adkegts. he aggurrelge ao ki`emte gects icc the wiy `awl ta the mscil` ao Wt. Cugmi il`niyde evel ourther sauth urmlf Cite Gerinmg Ife tmnes suffests thit i letwarb ml whmghthese adkegts gmrgucite` wis ml pcige il` evel expil`e` ml the gelturmes prmar ta gacalmzi-tmal. he ixes niy hive oarne` pirt ao i gmrgucitmal systen dy whmgh they were trilsoerre`detweel ecmtes. Ml the citter gise they nast cmbecy oarne` pirt ao il exghilfe letwarb tymlf

tafether the Freiter il` Cesser Iltmcces is supparte` dy the nily rmtuic mtens whmgh gmr-gucite` thraufh the mscil`s it the sine tmne (Haonil il` Haafcil` 4::02 Acmver 4::=2see icsa Astipbawmgh et ic ., thms vacune).

 I cist exinpce ms thit ao the aggurrelge ao  fuilîl  adkegts ml the Freiter Iltmcces.he `mstrmdutmal ao these mtens icsa evmlges calf-`mstilge recitmalshmps wmth the Msthna-Gacandmil irei (_icgérgec Takis et ic . 4::8). Orifnelts ao hinnere` arlinelts ni`eao i type ao fac` il` pel`ilts ni`e ao fuilîl, ire oaul` ml Zuerta Tmga il` _meques mlWici`am` `epasmts il` ml the @anmlmgil Tepudcmg il` Gudi `urmlf the Cite Gerinmg Ife(Wmefec il` Weverml 9==7). Wtycmstmg ilicysms pciges the armfml ao sane ao the fuilîl pmegesml nimlcil` Wauth Inermgi, linecy ml the imrali il` [elû ireis ao Gacandmi. I gan-

piridce pmege ms blawl oran the Nizirulm Tmver irei ml Fuyili (Vhmtehei` 9==?) whmghniy suffest thit tri`e ao these adkegts icsa taab pcige icalf the gaist ar rmvers ao lartherl

?:: bn

Omfure 4 Zil-refmalic `mstrmdutmals ao freelstale il` fuilîl adkegts.

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49H H

Wauth Inermgi. Mt ms very cmbecy thit the tri`e ao  fuilîl wmth the Gacandmil itecmers gal-tmlue` `urmlf the eircy gacalmic perma` is ms evm`elge` dy the smte ao Gharra `e Niîti mllarth-eisterl Gudi where luneraus fac` adkegts hive deel oaul` is frive faa`s ml durmics(_icgérgec Takis et ic . 4::82 Gaaper et ic . 4::82 see icsa _icgérgec et ic . thms vacune).

Tefmalic `mstrmdutmals (Omfures 7 il` 0)he sprei` ao Ghmgil Astmalam` gerinmgs il` rmtuic mtens oran Zuerta Tmga il` Hmspilmacimlta the Cesser Iltmcces ms suffestmve ao the exmstelge ao omrn sagmic recitmalshmps detweelthese twa ireis `urmlf the Cite Gerinmg Ife (Haafcil` il` Haonil 9===2 Gragb 4:::2Gragb il` Zetersel 4::0). Adkegts is shecc mlciys (nastcy ao Caditus  sp. Roarnercy blawlis Wtrandus sp.^), nisbs ( fuiîzis ), stale three-pamlters, il` rmtuic piripherlicmi issagm-ite` wmth the gahadi   rmtuic ire oaul` thraufhaut the Cesser Iltmcces is oir sauth is theFreli`mles. he cirfe stale three-pamlters, aotel reoerre` ta is zenms , shawmlf ilthrapa-zaanarphmg oeitures, galsm`ere` ta de the represeltitmals ao ilgestric spmrmts, were use` dythe iîla gigmques  is cefmtmnmzmlf `evmges, i`vagitmlf esatermg recitmalshmps wmth Freiter

 Iltmcceil shinils il` m`eacafy (see icsa Iccimre 9==:2 Gragb 4:::2 Guret 9==42 Haonil9==62 Haonil et ic . 4::62 NgFmllms 9==62 Zilí 9=== R9569^). Wane ao the adkegts gauc`de mnmtitmals ar gapmes ao iîla mtens il` wauc` reocegt the sylgretmg issmnmcitmal ao iîlamgalafriphmg oeitures mlta the stycmstmg larns ao the irei (Iccimre 9==:2 Haonil 9==62Haonil et ic . 4::6). Wugh mnmtitmals ar gapmes hive deel regavere` oran the mscil`s aoNirtmlmque il` Wt. Cugmi. Ale ao these irteoigts ms i seite` oenice pattery omfurmle, ml-terprete` is i `ruf-mlhicmlf stil`, oaul` it the Civautte smte ml larth-eisterl Wt. Cugmi(Duccel il` Duccel 9=6:2 Haonil il` Driloar` 4::=), whmgh niy de i cagic mnmtitmal aothe waa`el gahadi stil`s ao the Freiter Iltmcces. he trilspartitmal ao i oimr lunder aothese rmtuic adkegts tawir`s the Cesser Iltmcces his deel seel is reocegtmlf iccmilge dumc`mlf,

oeistmlf ar esatermg mlterigtmal, dut nmfht icsa de il expressmal ao iltifalmsn (rim`mlf,ippraprmitmal) (Haonil et ic . 4::82 Acmver 4::=).

Omfure 7 Tefmalic `mstrmdutmals ao Piîla rmtuic piripherlicmi.

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he m`eltmomgitmal ao giriîpe  (durle` dirb) tenper gerinmgs ao the Giya ganpcex mlthe sautherl Cesser Iltmcces presunes galtigts wmth the nimlcil` ao Wauth Inermgi urmlfthe Cite Gerinmg Ife il` eircy gacalmic perma` (Daanert 9=8?, thms vacune). Giya pat-tery ms `mstrmdute` detweel Freli`i il` Disse-erre, Fui`ecaupe, wmth Wt. _mlgelt il`@anmlmgi demlf the geltric la`es ao thms mlterigtmal sphere (Iccimre 9==02 Daanert 9=8?,9==5, 4::=2 Drmfht 4:992 Bmrdy 9=60). Giriîpe  ms lat litmve ta the mscil`s dut ta the Wauth

 Inermgil nimlcil` il` stycmstmgiccy Giya pattery ms ioomcmite` ta the Barmida gerinmgs aothe Fumilis. Mts `mstrmdutmal ml the Iltmcces suffests recitmalshmps wmth lartherl Wauth Inermgi. Al the ather hil`, sane stycmstmg ioomcmitmals icsa exmst detweel pirtmgucir Giyavessec shipes il` `egaritmve natmos il` Ghmgil Astmalam` gerinmgs. Ml i``mtmal, the pres-elge ao iîla rmtuic piripherlicmi, m.e. i sluoo mlhicer ao nilitee dale ml the Giya issen-dcife ao Tmvmère `e Taseiu ml Disse-erre, Fui`ecaupe, suffests thit recitmalshmps icsa ex-mste` wmth the larth-eisterl Girmddeil (Haonil et ic . 4::62 Tmghir` 4::9). hms patteryganpcex his deel issagmite` wmth the elmfnitmg Mscil` Girmd aggupitmal ao the Vml`wir`Mscil`s. hemr preselge al the mscil`s ms seel is the resuct ao i `uic pragess ao papucitmalnavenelt il` mlterigtmal wmth gannulmtmes al the Wauth Inermgil nimlcil` al the ale

hil` il` the tibmlf al ao cagic trimts al the ather. he Mscil` Girmd were ethlmgiccy il`sagma-pacmtmgiccy ouccy nimlcil`ers, dut were cmlfumstmgiccy il` ta i gertiml extelt gucturiccy`evmite` oran the nimlcil` Girmd. hemr pitterls ao settcenelt, bmlshmp il` pacmtmgic iu-tharmty were ouccy m`eltmgic ta thase ao the citter (Daanert 4:::2 Vhmtehei` 4::5).

Cagic `mstrmdutmals (Omfure 5)

Ocmlt wis pragure` oran Calf Mscil`, Iltmfui is eircy is the Irghimg Ife. Usmlf Ml`ugtmvecygaupce` pcisni niss spegtranetry, Blmppelderf (4::?) his pravm`e` i `etimce` ilicysms aothe cagic ar nmgra-refmalic `mstrmdutmal ao thms riw nitermic thraufh tmne. Mts expcamtitmalil` suppcy gannelge` `urmlf the Irghimg Ife ml the irei detweel Iltmfui il` Ilfumcci

wmth i oew pmeges blawl oran Zuerta Tmga. hms letwarb expil`e` `urmlf the Wici`am`/

?:: bn

Omfure 0 Tefmalic `mstrmdutmals ao nimlcil` recite` Giya paery ml the sautherl Cesser Iltmcces.

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47H H

Huegam` il` past-Wici`am` perma`s is oir sauth is Nirtmlmque, Wt. Cugmi il` pateltmic-cy Wt. _mlgelt. Hawever, ml these mscil`s alcy snicc quiltmtmes ao ocmlt hive deel oaul`inalf the atherwmse idul`iltcy represelte` kisper, whmgh ms cagiccy ivimcidce there. heCalf Mscil` ocmlt saurge gil de galsm`ere` i nikar la`e ml the larth-eisterl Girmddeilmlterigtmal letwarb (mlgcu`mlf the lartherl Cesser Iltmcces il` Zuerta Tmga). he saurgenust hive deel `msgavere` dy the eircmest mlsucir settcers wha triverse` il` expcare` theirei iraul` 0::: ta 7::: DZ. Mt his deel suffeste` ecsewhere thit the smtes al Iltmfui,Dirdu`i, Widi, Wt. Nirtml, Ilfumcci il` passmdcy icsa Zuerta Tmga, oarne` pirt ao i yeircygygce ml whmgh gannulmtmes ta-il`-orae` detweel the mscil`s ml i oarn ao irghmpecifmgresaurge nadmcmty il` ml whmgh the Calf Mscil` ocmlt saurge issune` nikar mnpartilge(Haonil il` Haafcil` 4::72 Haonil et ic . 4::?). he hmfh galgeltritmal ao Irghimg

 Ife smtes al Iltmfui il` Calf Mscil` thensecves testmoy ta the mltelsmty ao ocmlt expcamti-tmal iraul` the saurge (`e Nmcce 4::52 Blmppelderf 4::?, thms vacune2 La`mle 9==:2 vilFmkl 9==7).

Wudsequelt Huegam` il` Wici`am` gannulmtmes whmgh pirtmiccy `evecape` cagiccy autao the oarner il` inicfinite` wmth lewganers oran virmaus pirts ao Wauth il` Geltric

 Inermgi. hese nimlcil` gannulmtmes nimltimle` refucir sagmic recitmalshmps wmth thelarth-eisterl Girmddeil thraufh expe`mtmals, expcaritmals il` vayifes deoare gacalmzmlfthe irei (see icsa Guret 9==52 Haonil et ic . ml prep.). Mt ms lat surprmsmlf thit the EircyGerinmg Ife smtes ire cagite` ml exigtcy thms sine irei (Zulti Gil`ecera, Ec Galvelta,egcé il` Higmel`i Fril`e (Zuerta Tmga), Ci Huegi/Wargí (_meques), Hape Estite (Wt.Nirtml), rilts (Nalserrit), Narec (Fril`e erre, Fui`ecaupe), Githí`rice il` FireNirmtmne ml Disse-erre (Fui`ecaupe) icmsseral`e il` Oacce Ilse (Nirme-Ficilte). Daththe Huegam` il` Wici`am` ire blawl ta hive expcamte` the Calf Mscil` ocmlt saurge ex-telsmvecy, eigh enpcaymlf themr awl teghlmque (Dírir` 4::82 Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4:9:).  

Ganpetmtmal aver the ocmlt saurges wauc` hive draufht idaut enucitmve dehivmaur ex-presse` ml the idul`ilt stycmstmg repertamre il` nitermic gucture ml dath gises (Haonil et

Omfure 5 Cagic `mstrmdutmals ao riw nitermics (mlt, Wt. Nirtml freelstale il` gicgm-ru`mte) ml the

lartherl Cesser Iltmcces ml the Irghimg il` Gerinmg Ifes.

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ic . ml prep.). @urmlf thms sine tmne perma` saurges ao freelstale il` gicgm-ru`mte stirte`ta de expcamte` al the mscil` ao Wt. Nirtml. he Hape Estite smte ippeirs ta hive deel ilmnpartilt pra`ugtmal smte oar the freelstale saurge it Hape Hmcc.   Blmppelderf (4::?)pastucite` thit i vist mlterigtmal letwarb exmste` oar thms nitermic il` athers wmthml thelarth-eisterl Girmddeil thraufhaut the Gerinmg Ife, thaufh wmth shmotmlf daul`irmes

aver tmne. Dise` al the preselge il` idselge ao riw nitermics il` oidrmgitmal `edrms hem`eltmome` the gare ireis ao pra`ugtmal il` re`mstrmdutmal ao the omlmshe` adkegts. hms ireigamlgm`es wmth thit ao the Calf Mscil` ocmlt. Gragb (4:::) hypathesmze` al the disms aosmnmcir `iti thit it the el` ao the Gerinmg Ife, Ilfumcci wauc` hive oarne` the gare aoil exghilfe systen thit wauc` hive oulgtmale` is i pacmtmgic iutharmty ar peer pacmty el-ganpissmlf i lunder ao settcenelts ar evel i lunder ao mscil`s. Gragb (4:::) suffeststhit ale ao these pacmtmes wis oarne` iraul` the mscil`s ao Ilfumcci il` Widi tafetherwmth Naltserrit, Levms il` passmdcy Wt. Dirths il` Wt. Bmtts. Usmlf letwarb ilicysms, Nac(4:9:) regeltcy irfue` thit lat Ilfumcci dut Widi niy hive deel the nikar la`e ml thmsnuctm-mscil` systen oran whmgh galtrac wis exergmse` aver the Wt. Nirtml il` Ilfumcci

saurges is wecc is aver the `mstrmdutmal ao the riw nitermics il` omlmshe` adkegts thraufh-aut the refmal. he smte ao Becdey”s Tm`fe 4 al Widi ms blawl ta hive deel il autpast ao iHmspilmacil gigmgizfa ml the oaurteelth geltury (see Haafcil` 9==?2 Blmppelderf 4::?),il` ale ao the smlfce smtes whmgh wis stmcc aggupme` ml the lartherl Cesser Iltmcces `urmlfthit tmne (Haonil il` Haafcil` 4::02 Haafcil` il` Haonil 9===)

Nadmcmty il` exghilfe ml the Cesser Iltmcces; i smte cevec perspegtmve

Tegelt reseirgh ml the Cesser Iltmcces his pravm`e` `etimce` smte cevec mloarnitmal al thepravelilge ao peapce il` (riw) nitermics, pragurenelt stritefmes, il` teghlacafmgic sbmccs.hese `iti hive prave` grugmic ml fettmlf ta frmps wmth the ul`ercymlf neghilmsns, sa-gma-gucturic pirineters il` ghamges thit niy hive mlocuelge` mltri-il` mltergannulmtysagmic recitmalshmps ml spige il` tmne. he oaccawmlf three gise stu`mes oran Fui`ecaupeil` Widi mccustrite the virmaus types ao nadmcmty il` exghilfe thit hive aperite` ml theirei `urmlf the Irghimg il` Gerinmg Ifes il` the passmdce liture ao the ul`ercymlf sagmicrecitmalshmps.

 Irghmpecifmg resaurge nadmcmty (Omfure ?)

he Irghimg Ife smte ao Zcun Zmege `ites ta 74:: gic DZ il` ms smtuite` it il ecevitmal ao0:: n insc ml the mltermar oarest ao the mscil` ao Widi ml the lartherl Cesser Iltmcces. he

restrmgte` expcamtitmal ao seisaliccy daul` spegmes (m.e. the naultiml grid (Fergirgmlusrurmgaci ) il` the  Iu`udal sheirwiter (Zuoomlus chernmlmerm chernmlmermm ), the renimls aolal-`uridce shecters, il` the lunder ao idil`ale` taacs (cirfe frml`mlf stales) ml thereouse nm``el ml`mgite thit Zcun Zmege wis i hane-dise ginpsmte thit wis pradidcy sug-gessmvecy aggupme` `urmlf i pirtmgucir seisal whel the niml sudsmstelge resaurges gauc`eismcy de giufht. he cmnmte` mlvestnelt ml dumc`mlf il` reouse mspasic dehivmaur, the cawelerfy expel`e` al expcamtmlf oaa` resaurges, il` i oarest-armelte` sudsmstelge suffestthit spegmomg resaurges were demlf tirfete`. Dise` al the cagitmal ao the smte il` the typeao irteoigts regavere` (ocmlt sgripers, shecc i`zes, nuctm-purpase stale taacs), mt ms suffeste`thit waa`warbmlf oar the nibmlf ao gilaes il` the fithermlf il` nilifmlf ao pcilt

resaurges wis tibmlf pcige. Ocmlt it Zcun Zmege wis mnparte` oran Calf Mscil`, Iltmfui

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(Blmppelderf persalic gannulmgitmal). he leir tatic cigb ao gartex al the ocmlt nite-rmic suffests thit gares irrmve` it the smte ml pre-warbe` gal`mtmal. Hawever, the sgirgmtyao gares suffests thit they were trilsparte` ourther ta elidce the taacs ta de ni`e it athercagitmals (Dirdu`i, Wt. Nirtml, Ilfumcci il` passmdcy Zuerta Tmga) vmsmte` dy the eircy

 Irghimg Ife peapces wha were pirt ao i yeircy nadmcmty gygce. Oran thms tmne al, the saurgeal Calf Mscil` oulgtmale` is i nikar la`e ml i nmgra-refmalic letwarb whmgh mlgcu`e`pirt ao the Cesser Iltmcces il` Zuerta Tmga il` whmgh aperite` mlta pre-galtigt tmnes.

Zcun Zmege cmbecy oulgtmale` icterlitecy il` ganpceneltirmcy wmth ginpsmtes il` set-tcenelts al ather mscil`s. he aggupilts wauc` hive nimltimle` i yeircy nadmcmty gygcethit taab i`viltife ao the seisalicmty ao dmatmg resaurges igrass the irghmpecifa ml thaseireis thit gauc` de tirfete` oar lal-sudsmstelge igtmvmtmes; i oarn ao irghmpecifmg resaurgenadmcmty ml mts drai`est selse. Weisalicmty nirbers sugh is ilmnic gygces (dree`mlf seisal aodmr`s, lestmlf ao turtces, nmfritmal ao cil` grids il` spiwlmlf tmne ao reeo omshes), the sug-gessmal ao `ry, na`eritecy hunm` il` wet seisals, hurrmgiles, the livmfidmcmty ao the apelsei, il` the ghilfmlf galomfuritmal ao the sul, naal, il` stirs, icc pradidcy galtrmdute`ta shipe the lartherl Cesser Iltmcces is i ‘fea-gygce” ml whmgh Irghimg Ife sudsmstelge, set-tcenelt, il` spegmomg resaurge pragurenelt ratite` (Haonil et ic . 4::?).

Mlter-gannulmty nadmcmty (Omfure 6)

he Cite Gerinmg Ife aggupitmal it the smte ao Ilse ê ci Faur`e ites oran I@ 9::: ultmc975:. Il eircmer ganpalelt `ites ta the cite Wici`am` perma`, m.e. I@ 5::2 durle` pastsil` ish ciyers suffest the su``el idil`alnelt ao the settcenelt ioter thms perma` il` isudsequelt re-aggupitmal citer al ml tmne. he Wici`am` settcenelt wis cagite` gcaser tathe seioralt il` gaistic erasmal his erise` cirfe pirts ao mt. he smte ao Ilse ê ci Faur`ems smtuite` al i cmnestale pciteiu ml the larth-eisterl pirt ao the mscil` ao Fril`e-erre,

Fui`ecaupe ml the lartherl Cesser Iltmcces. he pelmlsuci ao Zamlte es Ghiteiux il` themscil`s ao Ci @ísmri`e il` Mces `e ci Zetmte erre ire `atte` wmth sniccer il` cirfer settce-

?:: bn

Omfure ? ]eircy nadmcmty gygce ml whmgh the Zcun Zmege aggupilts nave` detweel Iltmfui il` Zuerta


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nelts is wecc is spegmic igtmvmty smtes (`e Viic 4::?). he ragby mscil` ao Ci @ísmri`e mscagite` it vmsmdce `mstilge il` ml oralt ao the smte there ms the autgrap ao C”Eperal. Dathhive deel mlterprete` is mnpartilt netearacafmgic il` istralanmgic oeitures oar the ml-hidmtilts ao the smte, pirtmgucircy oar pre`mgtmlf hurrmgiles (@uml ml prep.). Ti`magirdal`ites pamlt ta three aggupitmal phises `urmlf the Cite Gerinmg Ife tmne spil, m.e. iraul`gic I@ =::-99::, 99::-945:, il` 945:-975:. he gerinmg issendcife decalfs ta theNinaril/raunissil raunissam` ta eircy il` cite Wuizil raunissam` sudsermes il` isnicc partmal ao the gerinmgs deirs Giya il` Narle Gydèce trimts (@ecpuegh et ic . 9===2Haonil et ic . 9===, 4::9). he gerinmgs advmauscy reocegt i `mversmty ao mlocuelges orandath the lartherl il` sautherl Cesser Iltmcces suffestmlf thit Ilse ê ci Faur`e wis smtu-ite` ml the trilsmtmal zale detweel twa mlocuelge spheres, where gerinmg styces ao mooereltarmfmls inicfinite`.

he settcenelt ms surraul`e` dy i `aufhlut shipe` reouse nm``el. Hauses il` ather`anestmg strugtures, heirths il` reouse pmts is wecc is i lunder ao iuxmcmiry strugtures sughis `rymlf rigbs, hinnagb supparts il` dirdigais  ni`e up the hidmtitmal irei whmgh dar-`ers i vigilt spige, passmdcy use` is i

 pcizi . here were ippraxmnitecy 40 raul` il` avic

hauses, wmth `mineters detweel 5 il` 94 n il` the picmnpsest ao these strugtures mnpcymltelsmve redumc`mlf ml the sine irei aver nily gelturmes. Iraul` 87 durmics galtimlmlf=4 ml`mvm`uics ire cagite` ml gcusters leir pasthaces ml`mgitmlf thit sane ao then were smtu-ite` ul`er hause ocaars il` athers kust autsm`e the hauses. Hawever, there ms la omrn evm-`elge sa oir thit the pasthaces il` durmics were galtenparileaus. Wane ao the durmics irecagite` ml pasthaces suffestmlf thit they were purpasecy epasmte` ml ac`er (ilgestric) gal-strugtmals. he `mverse il` ganpcex nartuiry dehivmaur (prmniry, segal`iry, smlfce, il`ganpasmte durmics, nilmpucitmal ao dales) reocegts mlterlic mooereltmitmal il` persalicmze`treitnelt ao the `ei` (Haafcil` et ic. 4::9). he `egeise` ml`mvm`uics nastcy ganprmse

i`uct ml`mvm`uics2 ghmc`rel seenmlfcy decalfe` ta ilather gitefary ao sagmic persals ar tala gitefary it icc il` thereoare regemve` i `mooerelt nartuiry treitnelt thil the i`ucts

?:: bn

Omfure 6 Letwarbs ml whmgh the Ilse ê ci Faur`e mlhidmtilts were mlvacve` `urmlf the Cite Gerinmg


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il` were passmdcy durme` autsm`e the vmccife. I quirter ao the oenices il` nices ms ao lal-cagic armfml, il` armfmlite` oran ale ao the lemfhdaurmlf cmnestale ar vacgilmg mscil`s(Haafcil` et ic . 4:9:2 Ciooaal il` `e _as, thms vacune). here ms la `mooereltmitmal mldurmic prigtmges detweel the cagic il` lal-cagic ml`mvm`uics. Hawever, sane ao the lal-ca-gic oenices ire durme` wmth lal-cagic faa`s sugh is freelstale oran Wt. Nirtml, ocmlt oran

Calf Mscil`, Iltmfui, il` ale oenice wis oaul` wmth nare thil i thausil` shecc dei`sao Caditus fmfis  (oarnercy Wtrandus fmfis ), icc ao smnmcir smze. he citter ire issune` ta deao lal-cagic oidrmgitmal degiuse la pra`ugtmal `edrms oar these dei`s wis oaul` it the smte(Haafcil` et ic. 4:9:). hemr armfml ms lat blawl, dut there ms evm`elge ml the refmal thitspegmomg smtes were spegmicmze` ml the pra`ugtmal ao sugh dei`s (Gircsal 9==5). Wtrmlfs aohul`re`s ta severic thausil`s ao snicc, ocit shecc dei`s ao equic smze blawl is uruede  arqumrîpi  oarne` i nikar sagmic vicuidce exghilfe` `urmlf eircy gacalmic tmnes detweel theccilas  ao Gacandmi il` _elezueci ta is oir is rmlm`i`, the Cesser Iltmcces il` the gaistao the Fumilis (Fiss÷l 4:::). Vhether the pre-gacalmic spegmnels represelt adkegts thitoarne` pirt ao il exghilfe gygce sugh is the eircy gacalmic qumrîpi  ms ao gaurse lat seco-evm-

`elt dut pciusmdce (see icsa Daanert 4:::2 Haonil et ic . 4::6).Lext ta these oaremfl durmic faa`s, i rilfe ao lal-cagic cmthmg irteoigts sugh gects, ixes,i`zes, sgripers il` pacmshmlf stales ni`e ao freelstale il` gicgm-ru`mte oran the Wt.Nirtml/Ilfumcci refmal, ocmlt oran Iltmfui il` freel peddces oran Ci @ísmri`e were trils-parte` ta the smte is riw nitermics ar omlmshe` adkegts (Blmppelderf 4::?). Icsa taacs il`arlinelts ni`e ao exatmg ilmnic dale af (Gilms oinmcmirms ), ifautm (@isypragti ceparmli ),apassun (@m`ecphms sp.), irni`mcca (@isypus sp.), il` nilitee (Prmgheghus nilitus nili-tus ) cmbecy armfmlite` oran the nimlcil` (Frauir` 4::9). Wugh adkegts niy hive deel pirtao i shinil”s rmtuic reficmi (see icsa W. @uml, thms vacune). hese ire pradidcy ta de gal-sm`ere` gannal exghilfe mtens is they hive icsa deel elgaultere` it ather smtes ml the re-

fmal (Omtzpitrmgb et ic . 4::=2 Lewsan il` Vmlf 4::0). Weveric gerenalmic mtens ire renm-lmsgelt ao the Freiter Iltmcceil gannulmtmes il` the sine ms true oar orifnelts ao ki`emtegects il` ixes. he oimr lunder ao drabel three-pamlters it the smte ao Ilse ê ci Faur`ehis deel hypathesmze` is the leutricmzitmal ao mlstrunelts ao iîla gigmgic  pawer igqumre`thraufh caatmlf ar rim`mlf (Haonil et ic . 4::8). Wmnmcir adkegts wmth the tmps drabel aooire blawl oran the galtenparileauscy aggupme` smte ao Narec, icsa al Fui`ecaupe, il`oran the sa-gicce` ditey ec genî  ml mdes, Zuerta Tmga (Vicber 4:9:). Here they hive deeloaul` issagmite` wmth the Ecelil Astmalam` aggupitmal ao thms gerenalmic geltre il` wereoaul` deleith the stale pivenelts ao the ditey . hey niy hive deel mlteltmaliccy drabelar ‘bmcce`” ml rmtuic sigrmomge il` `epasmte` is gighes ul`er the pivenelt.

he ciyaut ao the Cite Gerinmg Ife settcenelt it Ilse ê ci Faur`e, mstrmdutmal ao dur-mics il` nartuiry treitnelt il` the liture ao the nitermic gucture renimls sbetgh i pmgtureao i snicc-sgice gannulmty ml whmgh i gcase recitmalshmp detweel the cmvmlf il` the `ei`persmste` aver tmne. he warshmp ao ilgestars wis il mnpartilt ispegt ao the warc`vmew aothms il` ather mlsucir gannulmtmes il` thms niy de reocegte` ml the galtmluaus aggupitmalil` re-aggupitmal ao the sine cagices, the redumc`mlf ao strugtures il` the mlternelt aobml al ilgestric fraul`s ml the galtext ao the hausehac`. hms wauc` strelfthel the m`eiao sagmic nenary wheredy peapce redumc` themr hauses il` dury themr `ei` ml the sine ca-gitmal oar nily gelturmes (Gcmna il` Gittecc 4::42 Ha``er il` Gessoar` 4::02 see icsaNarsmlb 4::?2 vil el Dec il` Tanal 4:9:2 Haonil il` Driloar` 4::= oar ippcmgitmal

ta the Girmddeil). he nuctm-stycmstmg pattery repertamre il` the regurrelt preselge ao oar-

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emfl cmthmg nitermics il` irteoigts oran calf use` saurge ireis iggeltuite the mltefritmal aothe Ilse ê ci Faur`e gannulmty ml i refmalic sagmic letwarb thausil`s ao yeirs ac`. hmsletwarb wis ni`e up ao sniccer il` cirfer mlterigtmal spheres ml whmgh peapce, permshidceil` lal-permshidce faa`s, m`eis il` mloarnitmal is wecc is gucturic il` sagmic prigtmgesnerfe` aver tmne. Bmlshmp systens il` resm`elge ruces wauc` hive pciye` il mnpartilt

race ml `eternmlmlf pre-narten il` passmdcy icsa past-narten nadmcmty pitterls. Ilse êci Faur`e gauc` wecc hive oulgtmale` is il ilgestric durmic fraul` where peapce oran thelemfhdaurmlf vmccifes il` hincets were durme` lext ta the mlhidmtilts ao the settceneltaver i calf perma` ao tmne.

Phe rmse il` `egcmle ao il autpast gacaly (Omfure 8)

he snicc Widil pre-galtigt smte ao Becdey”s Tm`fe 4 `ites ta I@ 945:-90::. @ue ta mtsecevite` pasmtmal, it 90: n insc, the smte pravm`es i faa` vmew ao the lemfhdaurmlf mscil`sao the lartherl Cesser Iltmcces il` galtrac gil de exergmse` aver i oimr stretgh ao sei. he4::: n4 Widi Dilb, blawl oar mts rmgh omshmlf fraul`s, ms smtuite` ml the vmgmlmty ao the

mscil`. he smte galsmsts ao i calf gurve` sgitter icalf the rm`fe wmth mrt swept tawir`s thedigb ao the resm`eltmic irei. he gare ao the hidmtitmal irei ganprmses i trikegtary ao omvesnicc raul` hauses il` gaabmlf huts il` oaur cirfe heirths galtimlmlf cirfe lunders aopirtcy durle` oiulic renimls ao terrestrmic ilmnics, omsh il` shecc. hms suffests thit theywere use` is gaabmlf ar raistmlf omres; dirdigais . Nily ao the omsh spegmes m`eltmome` wereml`ee` giufht al the Widi Dilb (Haafcil` 9==?).

he sevel durmics ire cagite` ul`er the hause ocaars. hey ganprmse tel ml`mvm`uics,linecy three i`ucts il` sevel ghmc`rel, pamltmlf ta i hmfh mloilt narticmty. he durmicrmtuic ms virme` il` ganpcex il` galsmsts ao dath prmniry il` segal`iry durmics2 twa aothe sevel durmics ire ganpasmte, galtimlmlf il i`uct wmth the renimls ao ale ar twa ghmc-

`rel. Wtraltmun msatape ilicysms suffests i heterafeleaus armfml ao the Becdey”s Tm`fe 4papucitmal (Ciooaal il` Haafcil` 4:99). Ale ao the durmics ms thit ao i oenice ml`mvm`uicao nare thil 7: yeirs ac` shawmlf severic exinpces ao triuni thraufhaut the sbecetal(Vestal, persalic gannulmgitmal). he ml`mvm`uic hi` oaur wecc-heice` `epresse` orig-tures al the grilmic viuct, whmgh icc `mspciye` i smnmcir `efree ao heicmlf, suffestmlf thitthey were galtenparileaus. Ml i``mtmal, there ire dmciteric origtures ao the ri`mus il`ucli, whmgh were icsa wecc-heice` il` `mspciye` i smnmcir efree ao heicmlf, suffestmlf theyicsa hippele` it the sine tmne. Mo the citter origtures aggurre` smnuctileauscy, ale gilvmsuicmze i sgelirma wheredy the oareirns were origture` is they were rimse` il` grasse`,`mstic rmfht shiots aver ceot praxmnic shiots, ta prategt the hei` oran i suggessmal ao dcaws.@epresse` sbucc origtures ire giuse` dy dcult-oarge triuni il` usuiccy resuct oran demlfstrugb al the hei` dy i weipal, thaufh pulghes il` bmgbs ao suoomgmelt oarge gil icsa giusethese mlkurmes. hms bml` ao triuni mloers thit mlterpersalic vmacelge his aggurre`.

he nily lal-cagic irteoigts ganmlf oran the lemfhdaurmlf mscil`s ao Iltmfui, Ilfumcci il` Wt. Nirtml suffest mltefritmal mlta the cagic larth-eisterl Iltmcces letwarb,smnmcir ta whit wis evm`elge` oar the eircmer Ilse ê ci Faur`e smte. It thms pamlt ml tmnethe letwarb alcy aperite` ml the Ceewir` Mscil` irei, il` alcy i oew mscil`s were aggu-pme`. he gerinmg issendcife ms stycmstmgiccy ioomcmite` ta the Ghmgil Astmalam` sudsermes aothe Freiter Iltmcces il` nare spegmomgiccy ta the Dagi Ghmgi styce oran eisterl Hmspilmaci.Ganpasmtmalic ilicysms usmlf X-riy ocuaresgelge reveice` thit the nikarmty ao the patteryms niluoigture` ao cagic vacgilmg gciys oran Widi il` lemfhdaurmlf mscil` Wt. Eustitmus. I

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oew orifnelts, thaufh, ire pradidcy Freiter Iltmcceil mnparts (Haonil et ic . 4::8). hegerenalmic piripherlicmi mlgcu`e i sluoo mlhicer ao nilitee dale ml the shipe ao i omshgceircy renmlmsgelt ao the Freiter Iltmcceil sluoomlf tudes (Haafcil` il` Haonil 9===).he shipe ao the omsh niy de suffestmve ao the mnpartilge ao omshmlf oar the mlhidmtilts aothms smte (see icsa Acmver 4::=).

Al the disms ao mts nitermic gucture ioomcmitmals, the pravelilge ao gertiml nitermics il`

faa`s, the `enafriphmg ganpasmtmal ao the papucitmal il` the heterafelemty ao the msa-tape smflitures ao the durme` papucitmal, the settcenelt it Becdey”s Tm`fe 4 gil de seelis il autpast ao ale ao the iîla gigmgizfas . he reisals oar aggupymlf the tmly mscil` aoWidi `urmlf thms epmsa`e niy de oauroac` (see icsa Haafcil` il` Haonil 9===). Omrst,i fraup armfmlitmlf oran the Freiter Iltmcces il` oceemlf sagmic il`/ar pacmtmgic mlstidmc-mty ml the irei gauc` hive settce` ml the lartherl Cesser Iltmcces. hms navenelt wauc`hive mlvacve` i snicc fraup ao iîla gacalmsts ar pmaleers il` wauc` hive eltimce` themlgarparitmal ao thms snicc mscil` mlta the iîla sagmic sphere. he triuni oaul` al aleao the durme` ml`mvm`uics pamlts ta mlterpersalic vmacelge whmgh aggurre` it ceist omve yeirsprmar ta `eith. Icthaufh `anestmg vmacelge gillat de `msgaulte`, mt ms very wecc passmdce

thit the triuni wis the resuct ao vmacelt iffressmal oran autsm`e (wiroire). I segal` ap-tmal niy hive deel the `esmre ta estidcmsh i suppartmve dise ar fitewiy gannulmty ml theCeewir` Mscil`s ml ar`er ta galtrac ale ao the nikar rautes ao exghilfe il` gannulmgi-tmal detweel the Freiter Iltmcces il` the Wauth Inermgil nimlcil`. hms nitghes thefeleric Cite Gerinmg Ife settcenelt pitterl icsa seel al ather mscil`s. Mt ms latewarthythit severic smtes ml sauth-geltric Zuerta Tmga equiccy preselt Dagi Ghmgi styce gerinmgs.hese smtes ire smtuite` ml the hmccs il` icalf the gaist, il` the aggurrelge ao thms patteryhis deel mlterprete` is the resuct ao exghilfe ar passmdcy is reocegtmlf the ghirigter ao thesesmtes is Hmspilmacil autpasts (Cul`derf 9=852 arres 4:9:). hmr`, egalanmg natmvitmalsgauc` hive evacve` oran i lee` ta adtiml spegmomg resaurges thraufh the expcamtitmal ao the

nare extelsmve omshmlf fraul`s ao the Widi Dilb il` smnmcircy the Ilfumcci Dilb il` the_mrfml Mscil`s. Ilefi`i pravm`es i ganpceneltiry smtuitmal where sict ippireltcy wis gac-

?:: bn

Omfure 8 Letwarbs ml whmgh the Becdey”s Tm`fe 4 mlhidmtilts were mlvacve`.

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cegte` oar preservmlf omsh (Cul`derf 9=85). I cist passmdmcmty eltimcs the gandmlitmal ao iccthese oigtars, ml whmgh the omrst aptmal represelts il mlgeltmve oar gacalmzitmal, whereis thesegal` il` thmr` aptmals cefmtmnmze the exmstelge ao thms snicc autpast cirfecy sagma-pacmtm-giccy il` egalanmgiccy `epel`elt al the iîla heirtcil`. he hmfh mloilt narticmty il`the recitmvecy shart aggupitmal spil ao the smte (ipprax. 95: yeirs), hawever, suffest thit

thms autpast uctmnitecy oimce`.


he exmstelge ao hmfhcy nadmce gannulmtmes il` mltercagbmlf mlterigtmal letwarbs ml theGirmddeil nmrrars the gucturic pcuricmty ao the pre-gacalmic sagmic (ms)cil`sgipe, oarnercy`awlpciye` ml i ulm-cmleir ippraigh whmgh pastucite` i lal-`ylinmg ar rither scaw-nav-mlf nmfritary pitterl thit ml oigt faes ifimlst icc we blaw ao haw these sagmetmes cmve` althe nimlcil` (Haonil il` Gircml 4:9:2 @uml 4::=, T. @uml, thms vacune2 Nils, thmsvacune). Zeapce, faa`s il` m`eis nave` it hmfh spee` thraufh the Girmddeil it virmausnanelts ml tmne `urmlf whmgh gucturic daul`irmes detweel gannulmtmes were `audt-cess demlf galstiltcy shmote` il` lefatmite`, i`apte` il` rekegte`. Wane sagmic letwarbswere greite`, ictere` il` ripm`cy idil`ale`2 athers persmste` oar thausil`s ao yeirs. heneghilmsns ul`ercymlf thms ganpcex ao galtigts ire aotel `moomguct ta frisp dut they iregertimlcy mverse, ylinmg il` nuctm-cmleir.

he `mverse feacafmgic strugture ao the Girmddeil, reocegte` ml mts mrrefucir `mstrmdu-tmal ao lituric resaurges, niy hive legessmtite` pragurenelt stritefmes tirfetmlf the wm`errefmal oar cess eismcy ittimlidce nitermics dut stmnucite` griot spegmicmzitmal al thase ni-termics ta whmgh gannulmtmes hi` eisy iggess. Icthaufh gannulmtmes were egalanmgiccyrither ml`epel`elt il` seco-suoomgmelt, they advmauscy spegmicmze` ml gertiml pra`ugts oarthe purpase ao exghilfe il` nimltimlmlf sagmic recitmalshmps wmth lemfhdaurmlf gannu-lmtmes, ganpiridce ta the smtuitmal ml the Fumili”s (e.f. Tastiml 4::?).

he preselge ao riw nitermics, taacs, arlinelts il` mgalafriphmg thenes ml the mscil`sarmfmlitmlf oran the nimlcil`(s) `urmlf the mlmtmic aggupitmalic phises ao the mscil`s niyreocegt cmlbifes ar ‘cmoecmles” thit were galsm`ere` ta de grugmic ml tmnes ao elvmralneltichizir`s ar kust ta pravm`e the `enafriphmgiccy ulstidce gacalmes wmth sumtidce nirrmifepirtlers, thus igtmlf is i sioety let (Haonil et ic . 4::62 Beefil 4::02 Bmrgh 4:::2 Naare4::9). he estidcmshnelt ao omrn mlterigtmal letwarbs ml the Iltmcces `urmlf the Irghimg

 Ife, sugh is ms the gise iraul` Calf Mscil` oar the saurgmlf ao ocmlt nitermic, his prave` tade esseltmic ml the gacalmzitmal il` evecapnelt ao the larth-eisterl Girmddeil nmgra-re-

fmal (Ceewir` Mscil`s ta Zuerta Tmga). Huegam` il` Wici`am` gannulmtmes evecape` il`settce` ml thms refmal oran 0:: il` 4:: DG alwir`s. hey pirtmgmpite` ml il extelsmve let-warb ao sagmic recitmalshmps aperitmlf aver calf `mstilges, m.e. the Iltmcces, lartherl Wauth

 Inermgi, the Msthna-Gacandmil irei il` gaistic Geltric Inermgi (Haonil et ic . 4::62Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4:9:2 Ta`rîfuez Tinas il` Zifél Kmnílez 4::?2 Wmefec il` Wíverml9==7). he gucturic trilsoarnitmals issagmite` wmth the el` ao the Wici`am` eri ire grugmicoar ul`erstil`mlf the sagma-pacmtmgic, egalanmg, il` m`eacafmgic smtuitmal ao the suggee`-mlf perma`s. It omrst, stidmcmze` cmvmlf gal`mtmals iooar`e` dy i`iptitmal ta the lituric il`sagmic elvmralnelt ce` ta il mlgreise ao settcenelt stidmcmty il` i `mooereltmic use ao thecil`sgipe il` the oarnitmal ao cagicmze` nmgra-refmals. Gannulmtmes igte` ml`epel`eltcy

wmth respegt ta resaurge pragurenelt il` sagmic nitters. Cagic irteoigt styces `evecape`igrass the irghmpecifa il` gerinmg styce zales enerfe` reocegtmlf tmes detweel gannulmtmes

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al i smlfce mscil` dut icsa igrass nuctmpce mscil`s. Il mnpartilt wed ao sagmic recitmalshmpswis estidcmshe` detweel the lartherl Cesser Iltmcces il` Zuerta Tmga il` Hmspilmaci. herace ao ki`emte gects il` ixes wmthml thms gmrgucitmal systen persmste`. he idselge ao pra-`ugtmal edrms suffests thit these mtens were trilsparte` is omlmshe` adkegts emther thraufh`mregt pragurenelt ar awl-the-cmle exghilfe il` nast cmbecy oarne` pirt ao il exghilfe

letwarb tymlf tafether gannulmtmes al i refmalic cevec. hms ms icsa supparte` dy the nilyrmtuic mtens whmgh gmrgucite` thraufhaut the mscil`s (see icsa Astipbawmgz et ic ., thms vac-une). hese mtens, whether exghilfe adkegts ar gapmes, niy de refir`e` is sagmic vicuidces(pradidcy ml the sine veml is the ki`emte gects il` ixes) il` wauc` hive fimle` prestmfewhmce they were hil`e` aver igrass cirfe `mstilges (see icsa Nac 4::6, thms vacune). heexigt neghilmsns ul`ercymlf the sprei` ao these faa`s il`/ar m`eis ta the Cesser Iltmccesao gaurse reniml shrau`e` ml ulgertimlty dut the `mstrmdutmal icc the wiy `awl ta thesautherl Cesser Iltmcces stralfcy suffests mlgarparitmal ml the iîla reicn (Iccimre 9==:2Haafcil` il` Haonil 9==92 Tause 9==4). Ml nuctm-vmccife pacmtmes il` refmalic settce-nelt hmerirghmes, sugh is ml the Fumili”s, faa`s wauc` refucircy nave wmthml il` detweel

gannulmtmes (see icsa T.W. @uml, thms vacune) il` gannulmtmes wauc` extel` deyal`ale vmccife. Is Vmcsal (9==:) pamlte` aut, the ocaw ao trmdute il` the tri`e il` exghilfeao faa`s were mnpartilt ml the Freiter Iltmcceil gigmgic sagmetmes, pirtmgucircy ml lefatmit-mlf iccmilges. Wyndacmgiccy ci`el adkegts were navmlf thraufh exghilfe letwarbs tymlftafether the wm`er refmal. Cagic gannulmty hei`nel ar shinil-cei`ers gauc` hive use`‘iîlil” esatermg nitermics ml gannulmty gerenalmes ta remloarge themr pasmtmal is mlterne-`mirmes detweel the lituric il` superlituric warc`s (see icsa Guret 9==?2 Hecns 9=6=).Al the ather hil`, these recitmalshmps smnuctileauscy niy hive fmvel rmse ta iltifalmstmgelterprmses ml whmgh rim`mlf il` ippraprmitmal were mnpartilt telets, is niy de reocegte`dy the drabel ar gerenalmiccy ‘bmcce`” zenms it Ilse ê ci Faur`e (Haonil et ic . 4::8).

Gannulmtmes ml the sautherl Iltmcces al the ather hil` were ml pernilelt galtigtwmth lartherl Wauth Inermgi, is suffeste` dy the nitermic gucture ioomcmitmals. hey re-nimle` sa ultmc the eircy gacalmic perma` dise` al the eircy gacalmic iggaults, dut icsa re-geltcy garradarite` dy irghieacafmgic reseirgh al the mscil` ao Wt. _mlgelt where Barmidarecite` Giya gerinmgs were oaul` mlcim` wmth gacalmic see` dei`s (Daanert, thms vacune2Drmfht, thms vacune). he preselge ao fuilîl ml Gudi il` Hmspilmaci `enalstrites the oirreighmlf galtigts thit were nimltimle` wmth westerl _elezueci il` Gacandmi ml the eri ao

 Inerml`mil-Eurapeil elgaulter, dut whmgh his mts raats is eircy is Wici`am` tmnes. Icc ml icc the `iti suffest thit Girmddeil gannulmtmes pirtaab ml i vist pil-refmalic

letwarb systen oran the alset ao themr `msgavery ao the mlsucir warc` ml whmgh iccmilges

il` hastmcmtmes icterlite`, greitmlf i sgele ao sagmic, pacmtmgic il` m`eacafmgic gannulmgi-tmal igrass the Girmddeilsgipe smnmcir ta whit ms blawl oran the ilgmelt il` galten-pariry Wauth Inermgil nimlcil` (e.f. Icexmi`es 4::=2 Daanert 4:::2 T.W. @uml, thmsvacune2 Fiss÷l 4:::2 Hegbelderfer 4::5, thms vacune2 Hemlel il` Firgîi-Gistra 4:::2Nils, thms vacune2 Tastiml 4::?2 Vhmtehei` 9==7). Oar law mt renimls ta de ulrivecce`haw the nuctmpce letwarbs thit were aperitmlf it virmaus sgices wmthml thms averirghmlfsysten mltercagbe` il` haw the sagmic elfifenelts inalf the gannulmtmes ao `mooermlfsagma-pacmtmgic ganpcexmty wmthml the letwarbs were irtmgucite` thraufh tmne. he ourtherippcmgitmal ao thms nuctm-`msgmpcmliry il` nuctm-sgicir ippraigh ms expegte` ta nibe freitstrm`es ml i`vilgmlf aur ul`erstil`mlf ao the neghilmsns thit ul`erciy hunil nadmcmty

il` the exghilfe ao faa`s il` m`eis ml the gmrgun-Girmddeil (see icsa Guret il` Wtrmlfer4:9:2 Guret il` Hiuser 4:992 Omtzpitrmgb il` Tass 4:9:2 Haonil il` Drmfht 4:9:).

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 Icexmi`es, N.L. (e`mtar)

4::=  Nadmcty il` nmfritmal ml ml`mfelaus Inizalmi; galtenpariry ethlaegacafmgic per-spegtmves . Derfhihl Daabs, Axoar`.

 Iccimre, C.

9==: Zrehmstarmg imla mlterigtmal wmth the Cesser Iltmcces; the vmew oran Nirtmlmque,O.V.M. Ziper Zreselte` it the 55th  Illuic Neetmlf ao the Wagmety oar Inermgil

 Irghieacafy, Cis _efis, Levi`i.

9==0 Hmstarmg Girmd smte `msgavere`! Ulmversmty ao Nilmtadi Wt. _mlgelt IrghieacafmgicZrakegt Lewscetter 9.

 Ilfuci _ic`ís, G.

9=88 Irqueacafîi `e ci Cciluri Itcéltmgi `e Gacandmi. Dicilge y prayeggmales. Ml Igtis `ec seful`a Wmnpasma `e ci Oul`igm÷l `e irqueacafîi `ec Girmde; Tevmsm÷l grîtmgi `eci irqueacafîi `ec girmde, e`mte` dy Mrim`i _irfis Irelis, pp. 76-5?. Vishmlftal, @.G.

 Irveca-Kmnílez, L., il` H. Dmar`

9==0 he mnpigt ao galquest al galtenpariry ml`mfelaus peapces ao the FumiliWhmec`; the systens ao Armlaga mlter`epel`elge. Ml Inizalmil Ml`mils oran prehmstaryta the preselt; Ilthrapacafmgic perspegtmves, e`mte` dy I. Taasevect, pp. 55-68. Ulmversmtyao Irmzali Zress, usgal.

Deccwaa`, Z.

4::0 Omrst oirners; the armfmls ao ifrmgucturic sagmetmes . Dcigbwecc Zudcmshmlf, Axoar`.

Dírir`, D.

4::8 Cmthmg eghlacafy; I Viy ta Nare Ganpcex @mversmty ml Girmddeil Irghieacafy.Ml Grassmlf the Dar`ers, Lew Netha`s il` Peghlmques ml the Wtu`y ao Irghieacafmgic

 Nitermics oran the Girmddeil, e`mte` dy G.C. Haonil, N.C.Z. Haafcil` il` I.C. vilFmkl, pp. =:-9::. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

Dernil, N.K., il` Z.C. Flmvegbm

9==5 he gacalmzitmal ao the Dihini Irghmpecifa; I reipprimsic. V arc` Irghieacafy  4?;049-009.

Dmshap, T.C., _. Gilauts, W.Z. @e Itcey, I. Yÿyiwiyni, il` G.V. Imbmls

9=88 he Oarnitmal ao Gerinmg Ilicytmgic Fraups; Hapm Zattery Zra`ugtmal il`Exghilfe, I.G. 97::-9?::. Kaurlic ao Omec` Irghieacafy  95(7);796-776.

Daanert, I.

9=8? he Giya Ganpcex ao Wt. _mlgelt; Ethlahmstarmgic il` Irghieacafmgic Ispegts aothe Mscil`-Girmd pradcen. Iltrapac÷fmgi  ??;7-?8.

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77H H

9=86 Lates al Dirdi`as Zrehmstary. Kaurlic ao Dirdi`as Nuseun il` Hmstarmgic Wagmety  78;8-07.

9==5 Mscil` Girmd Irghieacafy. Ml Vacves oran the Wei; Tei`mlfs ml the ilthrapacafy aothe litmve Girmddeil, e`mte` dy  L.C. Vhmtehei`, pp. 47-75. BMC_ Zress, Cem`el.

4::: Prmlm`i`, Padifa il` the cawer Armlaga mlterigtmal sphere. Il Irghieacafmgic/ethla-hmstarmgic stu`y . Zh@ `mssertitmal, Cem`el Ulmversmty. Gimrm Zudcmgitmals, Icbniir.

4::= Weirghmlf oar Giya ml @anmlmgi. Ziper preselte` it the 47 r`  MlterlitmalicGalfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy, Iltmfui.

Drmfht I.K.

4:99 Dcaa` ms thmgber thil witer; Inerml`mil aggupitmal il` the mltri- il` mlter-mlsucir-recitmalshmps ml the Vml`wir` Mscil`s. Zh@ `mssertitmal, Cem`el Ulmversmty, Wm`estaleZress, Cem`el.

Duccel, I.B., il` T.Z. Duccel9=6: he Civautte Wmte, Wt. Cugmi; i Girmd Gerenalmic Geltre. Zragee`mlfs ao the 7r`Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar the stu`y ao Zre-Gacundmil Guctures ao the Cesser Iltmcces ,Freli`i, pp. ?9-8?.

Gér`elis Zérrifi, K., I. Firgîi Gisga, B. Lûùez-Gindri, I. Ta`rîfuez-_efi, M.O. DcilgaYumltera9, F.E. Hircaw, il` G. Cézira

4:9: Ki`emtmte ki`e aggurrelge oran the Wmerri `ec Galvelta nícilfe (eisterl Gudi).Dacetîl `e ci Wagme`i` Feac÷fmgi Nexmgili ?4(9);9==-4:5.

Gircsal, D.

9==5 Wtrmlf ao gannil`; niluoigture il` utmcmzitmal ao shecc dei`s inalf the imla.Zragee`mlfs ao the 95th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy , Wil Kuil, pp.=6-9:=. 

Gcmna, K., il` F. Gittecc (e`mtars)

4::4 Wagmic nenary il` hmstary; ilthrapacafmgic perspegtmves . Ictinmri Zress, ViclutGreeb, Gicmoarlmi.

Gaaper, K., N. Nirtml÷l-arres, il` T. _icgérgec Takis

4::8 Inermgil fac` il` Eurapeil driss; netic adkegts il` ml`mfelaus vicues ml thegenetery ao Ec Gharra `e Niîti, Gudi. Ml  Grassmlf the Dar`ers. Lew Netha`s il`Peghlmques ml the Wtu`y ao Irghieacafmgic Nitermics ml the Girmddeil, e`mte` dy G.C.Haonil, N.C.Z. Haafcil` il` I.C. vil Fmkl, pp.70-04. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress,usgicaasi.

Gragb, K.F.

4::: Mltermscil` mlterigtmal il` `evecapnelt ao ghmeo`ans ml the Eisterl Girmddeil.  Zh@`mssertitmal. Ulmversmty ao Zmttsdurfh, Ulmversmty Nmgraomcns, Ill Irdar.

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Gragb, K.F., il` K.D. Zetersel

4::0 Mlter-mscil` exghilfe, settcenelt hmerirghy, il` i iîla-recite` ghmeo`an al the Ilfumcci Dilb, Lartherl Cesser Iltmcces. Ml Cite Gerinmg Ife Wagmetmes ml the EisterlGirmddeil, e`mte` dy I. @ecpuegh il` G.C. Haonil, pp. 97=-958. DIT MlterlitmalicWermes 9467. Irghieapress, Axoar`.

Guret, C.I.

9==4 Phe @evecapnelt ao Ghmeo`ans ml the Freiter Iltmcces; I Tefmalic Wtu`y ao the_iccey ao Niulida, Zuerta Tmga.  Zh@ `mssertitmal, Ulmversmty ao Irmzali, UlmversmtyNmgraomcns, Ill Irdar.

9==? M`eacafy, Ghmeocy Zawer, il` Nitermic Gucture; il Exinpce oran the Freiter Iltmcces. Citml Inermgil Iltmqumty  6(4);990-979.

4::5 Girmddeil Zicea`enafriphy. Zapucitmal, Gucture Hmstary, il` Wagmapacmtmgic Zragessesml Ilgmelt Zuerta Tmga. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

Guret C.I., il` N.V. Hiuser (e`mtars)

4:99 Mscil`s it the Grassrai`s; Nmfritmal, Weioirmlf, il` Mlterigtmal ml the Girmddeil.Ulmversmty ao Icidini press, usgicaasi, ml press.

Guret C.I., il` C.N. Wtrmlfer (e`mtars)

4:9: Pmdes; Zeapce, Zawer, il` Tmtuic it the Geltre ao the Gasnas . Ulmversmty ao IcidiniZress, usgicaasi.

Guret, C.I., il` K.N.arres

4:9: Zcizis, Diteys, il` Gerenalmic Geltres; he Wagmic il` Gucturic Galtext ao mdesml the Ilgmelt Hmstary ao Zuerta Tmga. Ml Pmdes; Zeapce, Zawer, il` Tmtuic it the Geltreao the Gasnas , e`mte` dy C.I. Guret il` C.N. Wtrmlfer, pp. 4?9-48?. Ulmversmty ao

 Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

`e Viic, N.

4::? Zre-Gacundmil sagmic arfilmsitmal il` mlterigtmal mlterprete` thraufh the stu`y aosettcenelt pitterls. Il irghieacafmgic gise-stu`y ao the Zamlte `es Ghäteiux, Ci @ísmri`eil` Ces Ìces `e ci Zetmte Perre nmgra-refmal, Fui`ecaupe, O.V.M. Zh@ `mssertitmal, Cem`el

Ulmversmty, Cem`el.@ecpuegh, I., G.C. Haonil, il` N.C.Z. Haafcil`

9=== Ce smte `e c”Ilse ê ci Faur`e, Wt. Orilæams, Fril`e-Perre, Fui`ecaupe . Tippart`e oaumcce prafrinníe. @mregtmal Tífmalice `es Iooimres Gucturecces `e Fui`ecaupe/Ulmversmtí `e Cem`el. Disse-erre/Cem`el.

@mgbmlsal, V.T., il` T.K. Whutcer

4::: Mnpcmgitmals ao Zetrafriphmg enper Ilicysms oar Ageilmil Zrehmstary. Kaurlic aoVarc` Zrehmstary  90(7);4:7-4??.

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75H H

@uml, T.W.

4::= Viyili sagma-pacmtmgic cil`sgipes; Nuctm-sgicir refmalicmty il` tenparicmty mlFumili . Zh@ `mssertitmal, Ulmversmty ao Ocarm`i, Fimlesvmcce, Ocarm`i.

Ml prepiritmal. @weccmlf ml the Gasnacafy it Ilse ê ci Faur`e Ml  Ilse ê ci Faur`e.

 Il inerml`mil vmccife ml larth-eisterl Fui`ecaupe, e`mte` dy G.C. Haonil, N.C.Z.Haafcil` il` I. @ecpuegh.

Omtzpitrmgb, W.N., il` T.. Giccifhil

4::= Wici`am` Weioirers; Al the Armfmls il` Nmfritmal ao Eircy Gerinmg Ife Inerml`mil Zapucitmals. Ziper preselte` it the Zre-Gacundmil Wagmety illuic synpa-smun, Vishmlftal @.G.

Omtzpitrmgb, W.N., N. Bippers, Y. Biye, G.N. Fmavis, N.K. CeOedvre, N.H. Hirrms, W.Durlett, K.I. Zivmi, B. Nirsifcmi, il` K. Oeithers

4::= Zregacundmil Wettcenelts al Girrmigau, Vest Ml`mes . Kaurlic ao Omec` Irghieacafy  70(7);406-4??.

Omtzpirmgb W.N., il` I.H. Tass (e`mtars)

4:9: Mscil` Whares, @mstilt Zists; Irghieacafmgic il` Dmacafmgic Ippraighes ta the pre-Gacundmil Wettcenelt ao the Girmddeil. Ulmversmty Zress ao Ocarm`i, Fimlesvmcce.

Firgîi-Gisga, I., I. Ta`rîfuez _efi, K. Gér`elis Zérrifi, N.I. Mturric`e-_mlelt, G.Cézira, M. Dcilga Yumltera, ]. Takis-Ifrinalte, I. Brÿler, B. Lûùez Gindri, F. Nmccél,T.C. arres-Tac`él, il` W.Girrisqumcci 

4::= I lew ki`emtmte ki`e cagicmty (Wmerri `ec Galvelta, Gudi); Omrst repart il` sanepetracafmgic il` irghieacafmgic mnpcmgitmals. Galtrmdutmals ta Nmlericafy il` Zetracafy ,958,9-4?.

Fissal, T.I.

4::: Yumrîpis il` Nastigmccis; he Evacutmal ao Whecc Dei`s is i Ne`mun ao Exghilfeml Lartherl Wauth Inermgi . Ethlahmstary  06.

Frauir`, W.

4::9 Wudsmstilge, systènes teghlmques et festmal terrmtarmice el nmcmeu mlsucimre il-tmccims prígacandmel. Expcamtitmal `es vertídrís et `es grustigíes iux ípaques Wici`aá`es etPraunissaá`es `e Fui`ecaupe (0:: iv. K.G. ê 95:: ip. K.G.). Zh@ `mssertitmal, Ulmversmtí`e Zirms X-Lilterre, Zirms.

Hircaw, F.E., I.T. Nurphy, @.K. Hazmil, G.L. `e Nmcce, il` I. Cevmlsal

4::? Zre-Gacundmil ki`emte ixes oran Iltmfui, Vest Ml`mes; `esgrmptmal il` passmdcesaurges. Gili`mil Nmlericafmst  00;7:5-749.

Hegbelderfer, N.K.

4::5 Phe Egacafy ao Zawer. Gucture, Zcige, il` Zersalhaa` ml the Wautherl Inizal, [email protected]:::-4::: . Tautce`fe, Lew ]arb.

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Hemlel, H.@., il` I. Firgîi-Gistra

4::: he Nuctmethlmg Letwarb ao the Cawer Armlaga ml Eircy Gacalmic mnes.  Ethlahmstary  06(7-0);5?9-56=.

Hecns, N.V.

9=86 Irt styces il` mlterigtmal spheres ml Geltric Inermgi il` the Girmddeil; pac-mshe` dcigb waa` ml the Freiter Iltmcces. Ml Ghmeo`ans ml the Inermgis, e`mte` dy T.@.@rellil il` G.I. Urmde, pp. ?6-87. Ulmversmty ao Inermgi Zress, Lew ]arb.

Ha``er, M., il` G. Gessoar`

4::0 @imcy Zrigtmge il` Wagmic Nenary it Æitichÿyób.   Inermgil Iltmqumty  ?=(9);96-0:.

Haonil, G.C.

9==7 hree Cite Zrehmstarmg Wmtes ml the Zermphery ao Fui`ecaupe; Fril`e Ilse, CesWimltes il` Narle Gydèce 9 il` 4, Ci @ísmri`e. Zragee`mlfs ao the 9?th MlterlitmalicGalfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy , Fui`ecaupe, pp.95?-9?6.

9=== Hape Estite; Zattery. Ml Irghieacafmgic mlvestmfitmals al Wt. Nirtml, the smtes ao Ilse`es Zères, Larnil Estite il` Hape Estite. Vmth i galtrmdutmal ta the Ci Huegi pradcen,Zirt three; Hape Estite , e`mte` dy G.C. Haonil il` N.C.Z. Haafcil`, pp. 90=-988.

 Irghieacafmgic Wtu`mes Cem`el Ulmversmty 0. Cem`el.

4::? Gannulmgitmlf gannulmtmes. Ulriveccmlf letwarbs ao hunil nadmcmty il` ex-ghilfe ao faa`s il` m`eis oran i pre-gacalmic, pil-Girmddeil perspegtmve . Zrapasic oar the

Lethercil`s Arfilmsitmal oar Wgmeltmomg Teseirgh, he Hifue.Haonil G.C., il` E.N. Driloar`

4::= Civautte revmsmte`, precmnmliry resucts ao the 4::= resgue exgivitmals it Gis-El-Dis, Wt. Cugmi. Ziper preselte` it ao the 47r` Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil

 Irghieacafy, Iltmfui.

Haonil, G.C., I. Daanert, I.K. Drmfht, N.C.Z. Haafcil`, W. Blmppelderf, il` I._.N.Winsal

4:99 mes wmth the ‘Hanecil`s”; irghmpecifmg mlterigtmal il` the el`urmlf race ao the

galtmleltic Inermgil nimlcil` ml the pre-Gacundmil Cesser Iltmcces. Ml Mscil`s ml theWtrein; Mltermscil` il` Galtmleltic Mlterigtmal ml the Girmddeil, e`mte` dy C.I. Guretil` N.V. Hiuser. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi, ml press.

Haonil, G.C., il` I.K. Drmfht (e`mtars)

4:9: Nadmcmty il` exghilfe oran i Zil-Girmddeil perspegtmve.  Kaurlic ao Girmddeilirghieacafy, Wpegmic Zudcmgitmal 7.

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76H H

Haonil, G.C., I.K. Drmfht, I. Daanert, il` W. Blmppelderf 

4::6 Mscil` Thythns. he Ved ao Wagmic Tecitmalshmps il` Mlterigtmal Letwarbsml the Cesser Iltmcceil Irghmpecifa detweel 0:: DG il` I@ 90=4. Citml Inermgil

 Iltmqumty  98(7);407-4?8.

Haonil, G.C., I.K. Drmfht, il` N.C.Z. Haafcil`4::? Irghmpecifmg resaurge nadmcmty. Whe``mlf cmfht al the 7::: yeirs ac` trapmgicoarest ginpsmte it Zcun Zmege, Widi (Lartherl Cesser Iltmcces).  Kaurlic ao Mscil` il`Gaistic Irghieacafy 9(4);905-9?0.

Haonil, G.C., I.K. Drmfht, N.C.Z. Haafcil`, il` V.O. Beefil

4::8 Ittrigtmve m`eis, `esmridce faa`s; exinmlmlf the Cite Gerinmg Ife recitmalshmpsdetweel Freiter il` Cesser Iltmcceil sagmetmes. Kaurlic ao Mscil` il` gaistic irghieacafy  7(9);96-70.

Haonil, G.C., il` E.D. Gircml

4:9: he ever `ylinmg Girmddeil; Expcarmlf lew ippraighes ta ulriveccmlf sagmicletwarbs ml the pre-gacalmic il` eircy gacalmic perma`s. Ml Cmlfumstmgs il` Irghieacafyml the Inermgis; Phe Hmstarmzitmal ao cilfuife il` sagmety, e`mte` dy E.D. Gircml il` W.vil `e Berbe. Drmcc”s Wtu`mes ml the Ml`mfelaus Cilfuifes ao the Inermgis, _ac. 4., pp.9:6-944. Drmcc, Cem`el il` Dastal.

Haonil, G.C., il` N.C.Z. Haafcil`

4::7 Zcun Zmege. Evm`elge oar Irghimg seisalic aggupitmal al Widi, lartherl Cesser

 Iltmcces iraul` 77:: DZ. Kaurlic ao Girmddeil Irghieacafy  0;94-46.4::0 Wagmic `ylinmgs il` ghilfe ml the Lartherl Cesser Iltmcces. Ml Cite Gerinmg IfeWagmetmes ml the Eisterl Girmddeil, e`mte` dy I. @ecpuegh il` G.C. Haonil, pp. 06-58.DIT Mlterlitmalic sermes 9467. Irghieapress, Axoar`.

Haonil, G.C., N.C.Z. Haafcil`, il` I. @ecpuegh

9=== Lew perspegtmves al i Huegil Wici`am` issendcife al Fui`ecaupe; he giseao Narec M. Ml  Irghieacafmgic Mlvestmfitmals al Wt. Nirtml (Cesser Iltmcces). Phe smtes aoLarnil Estite, Ilse `es Zères il` Hape Estite. Vmth i galtrmdutmal ta the ‘Ci Huegi

 pradcen” , e`mte` dy  G.C. Haonil il` N.C.Z. Haafcil`, pp. 7:7-794. IrghieacafmgicWtu`mes Cem`el Ulmversmty 0. Cem`el.

Haonil, G.C., N.C.Z. Haafcil`, il` I. @ecpuegh (e`mtars)

4::9 Ce smte `e c”Ilse ê ci Faur`e. Wt. Orilæams, Fril`e-Perre, Fui`ecaupe . Oaumcce pra- frinníe pcurmilluecce 9==5-4::: . Tippart `e sylthèse 4:::, @mregtmal Tífmalice `es Iooimres Gucturecces/Ulmversmtí `e Cem`el, Disse-erre/Cem`el.

Haonil, G.C., N.C.Z. Haafcil`, il` I.C. vil Fmkl (e`mtars)

4::8 Grassmlf the Dar`ers. Lew Netha`s il` Peghlmques ml the Wtu`y ao Irghieacafmgic

 Nitermics oran the Girmddeil. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

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Haonil, G.C., I.K. Msel`aarl, N.I. Daa`el, il` O.H.G. Kigads

4::8 Ml uleouc hreeoac`; Gandmlmlf Galveltmalic Irghieacafmgic Netha`s, Irghieanetrmg eghlmques, il` Ethlairghieacafmgic Teseirgh ml the Wtu`y ao ZregacalmicZattery ao the Girmddeil. Ml Grassmlf the Dar`ers, Lew Netha`s il` Peghlmques ml theWtu`y ao Irghieacafmgic Nitermics oran the Girmddeil, e`mte` dy G.C. Haonil, N.C.Z.

Haafcil`, il` I.C. vil Fmkl, pp.49-77. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

Haonil G.C., I.I.I. Nac, T. Ta`rîfuez Tinas, il` W. Blmppelderf

Ml prepiritmal. Oeistmlf oar ocmlt. Ganpetmtmal il` enucitmal ml the eircy larth-eisterlGirmddeil. Ml Mscil`ers al the nave , e`mte` dy G.C. Haonil.

Haafcil`, N.C.Z., il` G.C. Haonil

9==9 I 90th Geltury imla Wettcenelt al Widi, Lethercil`s Iltmcces. Zragee`mlfs ao the90th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy , Dirdi`as.

9=== Expilsmal ao the imla Gigmgizf as tawir`s the Cesser Iltmcces. Kaurlic `e ci Wagmítí`es Inírmgilmstes 85;=7-997.

Haafcil` N.C.Z., G.C. Haonil, il` T.F.I.N. Zilhuysel

4:9: Mltermscil` ylinmgs. Evm`elge oar hunil nadmcmty it the smte ao Ilse ê ci Faur`e,Fui`ecaupe. Ml Mscil` shares, @mstilt Zists. Irghieacafmgic il` Dmacafmgic Ippraighes tathe pre-Gacundmil Wettcenelt ao the Girmddeil, e`mte` dy W.N. Omtzpitrmgb il` I.H.Tass, pp. 908-96?. Ulmversmty Zress ao Ocarm`i, Fimlesvmcce.

Haafcil`, N.C.Z., . Tanal, il` Z. Drissecet

4::9 raunissam` durmic prigtmges it the smte ao Ilse ê ci Faur`e, Fui`ecaupe . Zragee`mlfs ao the 98th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy , freli`i, pp.967-968.

Haapes, K.V., il` A.N. Oalsegi

4::7 Fac`warb il` Ghmdghil m`eltmty; el`afelaus ghilfe il` `moouse ulmty ml theMsthna-Gacandmil irei. Ml Fac` il` pawer ml ilgmelt Gasti Tmgi, Zilini il` Gacandmi, e`mte` dy K. Yumcter il` K.V. Haapes, pp. 0=-8=. @undirtal Aibs Teseirgh Cmdriryil` Gaccegtmal, Vishmlftal, @.G.

Beefil, V.O.9=85 @ylinmg Hartmgucturicmsts; Zapucitmal Expilsmal ml the Zrehmstarmg Dihinis . Zh@`mssertitmal, Ulmversmty ao Gicmoarlmi, Cas Ilfeces. Ulmversmty Nmgraomcns, Ill Irdar.

4::0 Mscil`s ao Ghias. Ml Cite Gerinmg Ife Wagmetmes ml the Eisterl Girmddeil, e`-mte` dy I. @ecpuegh il` G.C. Haonil, pp. 77-00. DIT Mlterlitmalic Wermes 9467.

 Irghieapress, Axoar`.

4::? Irghimg Mlocuelges ml the Armfmls il` @evecapnelt ao iîla Wagmetmes. Girmddeil Kaurlic ao Wgmelge  04;9-9:.

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7=H H

4::= Geltric pcizi durmics ml Wici`am` Zuerta Tmga; Il icterlitmve perspegtmve. Citml Inermgil Iltmqumty 4 :;765‗85.

Beefil, V.O., il` K.N. @minal`

9=86 Gacalmzitmal ao mscil`s dy hunils; I dmafeafriphmgic perspegtmve. Ml I`vilges ml

 Irghieacafmgic Netha` il` Pheary, e`mte` dy N.D. Wghmooer, _ac. 9:, pp. 0=-=4. Igi`enmgZress, Wil @mefa.

Beefil, V.O., il` T. Ta`rîfuez Tinas

4::0 Wml Ta`eas. Ec Girmde Irqueac÷fmga 8; 8-97.

Beccy, T.C.

9==5 Phe Oarifmlf Wpegtrun; @mversmty ml Hulter-Fitherer Cmoewiys . WnmthsalmilMlstmtutmal Zress, Vishmlftal @.G.

Bmrdy, M.I.E.9=60 he Giya pattery ao Wt. _mlgelt‐i pre-Gicmvmfly sermes. Zragee`mlfs ao the 5thMlterlitmalic Galfress oar the Wtu`y ao the Zre-Gacundmil Guctures ao the Cesser Iltmcces ,pp. ?9‗?0.

Bmrgh, Z._.

4::: Al the Tai` ao the Vml`s; Il Irghieacafmgic Hmstary ao the Zigmomg Mscil`s deoareEurapeil Galtigt . Ulmversmty ao Gicmoarlmi Zress, Derbecey.

Blmppelderf, W.

4::? Wtale irteoigt pra`ugtmal il` exghilfe inalf the lartherl Cesser Iltmcces . Irghieacafmgic Wtu`mes Cem`el Ulmversmty 97. Cem`el Ulmversmty Zress, Cem`el.

Cithrip, @.V.

9=6: Phe Upper Inizal. Ilgmelt Zeapces il` Zciges, vacune 6:.

Ciooaal, K.E., il` N.C.Z. Haafcil`

4:99 Nmfritmal il` Nadmcmty ml the Gmrgun-Girmddeil; Mltefritmlf Irghieacafy il`Msatapmg Ilicysms. Ml Nmfritmals ml Zrehmstary il` Eircy Hmstary . AZAM; Dercml Wtu`mes

ao the Ilgmelt Varc`, Dercml, ml press.Cul`derf, E.T.

9=85 Wettcenelt pitterl ilicysms oar sauth geltric Zuerta Tmga. Ml  Irghieacafmgic `itiregavery it Ec Dralge, Zuerta Tmga‐omlic repart, phise 4, e`mte` dy C.W. Tadmlsal, pp.9-47 (Ippel`mx C). Irghieacafmgic Wervmges, Mlg., galtrigt repart sudnmtte` ta theU.W. Irny Garps ao Elfmleers, Kigbsalvmcce. Al omce it the Wtite Hmstarmg ZreservitmalAoomge, Wil Kuil, Zuerta Tmga.

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NgFmllms, W.I.N.

9==6 M`eafriphmg Expressmal ml the Zregacundmil Girmddeil. Zh@ mssertitmal, Ulmversmtyao exis, Iustml.

Nillmlf, Z.

4::5 Nmfritmal ml Varc` Hmstary . Tautce`fe, Lew ]arb.

Nilsuttm Ta`rîfuez, I.

9=8? Hmerra, dirra gagm`a, gurire y gerditilis; ec ganergma mltri e mlterítlmga eltra casUwatkuki. Iltrapac÷fmgi ?5;7-65.

Neffers, D.K.

9=6= Zrehmstarmg Inermgi; Il egacafmgic perspegtmve , 4l` e`mtmal. Ic`mle, Lew ]arb.

Nagh, C.Z.

4::7  Navmlf Eurapeils; Nmfritmal ml Vesterl Eurape smlge 9?5: . Ml`mili UlmversmtyZress, Dcaanmlftal, Ml`mili.

Nac, I.I.I.

4::6 Gastcy Fmvmlf, Fmvmlf Fuiîzis. Pawir`s il arfilmg na`ec ao the exghilfe ao sagmicvicuidces ml the Cite Gerinmg Ife Girmddeil. NZhmc thesms, Cem`el Ulmversmty. Wm`estaleZress, Cem`el.

4:9: Wanethmlf oar Lathmlf; Expcarmlf the Mnpartilge ao Wtralf Tegmpragmty ml theFreiter Girmddeil. Ml Nadmcmty il` Exghilfe oran i Zil-Girmddeil perspegtmve , e`mte`

dy G.C. Haonil il` I.K. Drmfht, pp. 6?-=4. Kaurlic ao Girmddeil Irghieacafy, WpegmicZudcmgitmal Lunder 7.

Naare, K.H.

4::9 Evicuitmlf omve na`ecs ao hunil gacalmzitmal.  Inermgil Ilthrapacafmst   9:7(4);7=5-0:8.

Narey, L.G.

9=6? Ethlahmstarmgic evm`elge oar gucturic ganpcexmty ml the Vesterl Ccilas ao

_elezueci il` the Eisterl Ccilas ao Gacandmi. Iltrapac÷fmi  05;09-?=.Narsmlb, K.

4::? (Te-)Galstrugtmlf Galtrugtmals2 Yuatm`mil cmoe il` sagmic prigtmge it Ilse ê ciFaur`e . Nister thesms, Cem`el Ulmversmty, Cem`el.

Lewsan, C.I., il` E.W. Vmlf

4::0 Al Cil` il` Wei, Litmve Inermgil Uses ao Dmacafmgic Tesaurges ml the Vest Ml`mes .Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

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09H H

La`mle, D.B.

9==: Igerinmg Mlterigtmals ml the Cesser Iltmcces; Evm`elge oran Iltmfui, Vest Ml`mes.Ziper preselte` it the 55th Illuic Neetmlf ao the Wagmety oar Inermgil Irghieacafy,Cis _efis.

Acmver, K.T.4::= Gigmques il` genî m`acs. Phe Ved Wpul dy Pimla Tucers Detweel Hmspilmaci il`Zuerta Tmga. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

Tmghir`, F.

4::9 Gipesterre Decce-Eiu, Irrmère pcife `e Taseiu. Dmcil Wgmeltmomque `e ci TífmalFui`ecaupe 4::9;54-50.

Ta`rîfuez Tinas, T.

4::4 @mlénmgis `e mltergindma el ec Zuerta Tmga prehmspélmga. Ec Girmde Irqueac÷fmga?;9?‗44.

4::6 Zuerta Tmgil Zregacalmic hmstary etghe` ml stale . Zh@ `mssertitmal, Ulmversmty aoOcarm`i, Fimlesvmcce.

4:9: Tethmlbmlf Zuerta Tmgil pregacalmic hmstary . Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress,usgicaasi.

Ta`rîfuez Tinas, T., il` K.T. Zifél Kmnílez

4::? Mlteriggmales Nuctmvegtarmices el ec Gmrgun-Girmde Zregacalmic; Ul _mstiza @es`e

Cis Iltmccis. Girmddeil Wtu`mes  70(4);9:7-907.Tae, Z.F.

9=8= I Frinnitmgic ilicysms ao Ge`rasil Wici`am` _essec oarn gitefarmes il` suroige`egaritmal; iesthetmg il` teghlmgic styces ml eircy Iltmcceil gerinmgs. Ml Eircy GerinmgZapucitmal Cmoewiys il` I`iptmve Wtritefmes ml the Girmddeil, e`mte` dy Z.E. Wmefec, pp.4?6-484. DIT Mlterlitmalic Wermes 5:?. Irghieapress, Axoar`.

Tastiml, W.

4::? Wpígmicmsitmal et gannerge `ils ces Fuyiles inírml`melles. Ml Peghlmques il`

Gucture, Wpígmicmsitmal `es täghes et sagmítí, e`mte` dy I. Iverdauh, Z. Drul, G. Bircml, W.Níry il` Z. `e Nmrasghe`km, pp. 97=-960. Tevue senestrmecce la 0?-06, E`mtmals `e ciNimsal `es sgmelges `e c”Hanne, Zirms.

Tause, M.

9=59 Ireis il` Zerma`s ao Gucture ml the Freiter Iltmcces. Wauthwesterl Kaurlic ao Ilthrapacafy  6;408-4?5.

9=8? Nmfritmals ml prehmstary. Mloerrmlf papucitmal navenelt oran gucturic renimls . ]iceUlmversmty Zress, Lew Hivel.

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9==4 Phe Pimlas; rmse il` `egcmle ao the peapce wha freete` Gacundus . ]ice UlmversmtyZress, Lew Hivel.

Wilaki, N., il` M. _irfis Irelis

9=== Arîfeles `e _elezueci. Tefmales Leahmst÷rmgis Idarîfeles histi 95:: `.G . Ganmsm÷l

Zresm`elgmi. _ Geltelirma `e _elezueci. Girigis.Weccet, O., T. Freives, il` Z.-C. ]u

4::?  Irghieacafy il` Ethlairghieacafy ao Nadmcmty . Ulmversmty Zress ao Ocarm`i,Fimlesvmcce.

Wmefec, Z.E

9==9 Nmfritmal reseirgh ml Wici`am` irghieacafy; I revmew. Phe Ocarm`i Ilthrapacafmst00;6=-=9.

Wmefec, Z.E., il` B.Z. Weverml9==7 he Omrst @agunelte` Zrehmstarmg Fac`-Gapper Iccay Irteoigt oran the VestMl`mes. Kaurlic ao Irghieacafmgic Wgmelge  4:;?6-6=.

Wtewir`, K.H. (e`mtar)

9=08 Hil`daab ao Wauth Inermgil Ml`mils. Ulmte` Wtites Faverlnelt ZrmltmlfAoomge, Vishmlftal, @.G.

Wtactnil, K.D.

9=8= I Yuiltmtitmve Ippraigh ta the Zetrafriphmg Ilicysms ao Gerinmg hml Wegtmals. Inermgil Iltmqumty  50(9);906-9?:.

arres, K.N.

4:9: mdes il` the Wagmic Cil`sgipe; Mltefritmal, Mlterigtmal il` the Gannulmty. MlPmdes; Zeapce, Zawer, il` Tmtuic it the Geltre ao the Gasnas , e`mte` dy C.I. Guret il`C.N. Wtrmlfer, pp. 479-4?:. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

_icgérgec, T., N. Nirtml÷l-arres, K. Gaaper, il` . Tehrel

4::8 Ara, fuilîles y cit÷l. Netices el galtextas idarîfeles `e Gudi . Ec Girmde

 Irqueac÷fmga 9:;99?-979.vil `el Dec, N., il` . Tanal

4:9: I raunissam` smte it rams-Tmvmères, Fui`ecaupe OVM. Ouleriry prigtmges il`hause pitterls it Ci Zamlte `e Fril`e Ilse. Kaurlic ao Girmddeil Irghieacafy  =;9-96.

vil Fmkl, I.C.

9==7 Ocmlt Expcamtitmal al Calf Mscil`, Iltmfui, Vest Ml`mes.  Ilicegti ZriehmstarmgiCem`elsmi  4?;987-9=6.

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07H H

_ecaz Niffmaca, N.

9=8: Cis Wagme`i`es Irgimgis `e Wilta @anmlfa. Nusea `ec Handre @anmlmgila yOul`igm÷l Firgîi Irívica, Wilta @anmlfa.

 Vicber, K.D.

4:9: Cmthmgs oran the mdes Gerenalmic Wmte; Ilicysms ao the Wtale Irteoigts oran the9==?-9=== Omec` Weisals. Ml Pmdes; Zeapce, Zawer, il` Tmtuic it the Geltre ao the Gasnas ,e`mte` dy C.I. Guret il` C.N. Wtrmlfer, pp. 954-96?. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress,usgicaasi.

 Vitters, @.T.

9==6 Nirmtmne ri`e ml the Zrehmstarmg Eisterl Girmddeil. Ml Phe Ml`mfelaus Zeapceao the Girmddeil, e`mte` dy W.N. Vmcsal, pp. 88-==. Ulmversmty Zress ao Ocarm`i,Fimlesvmcce.

 Vitters, @.T., il` M. Tause

9=8= Elvmralneltic @mversmty il` Nirmtmne I`iptitmals ml the Girmddeil Irei. MlEircy Gerinmg Zapucitmal Cmoewiys il` I`iptmve Wtritefmes ml the Girmddeil, e`mte` dyZ.E. Wmefec, pp. 94=-900. DIT. Mlterlitmalic Wermes 5:?. Irghieapress, Axoar`.

 Vitters, @.T., il` T. Wgifcmal

9==0 Dei`s il` Zel`ilts oran rilts, Naltserrit; Mnpcmgitmals oar the ZrehmstarmgCipm`iry Ml`ustry ao the Girmddeil. Illics ao Girlefme Nuseun ?7(7);495-476.

 Vhmtehei` , L.C.

9==7 Ethlmg rilsoarnitmal il` Hmstarmgic @msgaltmlumty ml Litmve Inizalmi il`Uiyili, 95::-9=::. C”Hanne  77;485-7:5.

9==? he Nizirulm `rifal. Fac`el netics il` ecmte exghilfes ml the Girmddeil,Armlaga il` the Inizal. Ml Zawer il` tri`e; refmalic mlterigtmal ml the mlterne`m-ite irei ao the Inermgis , e`mte` dy G.H. Cilfedieb il` O.G. Irraya, pp. 9:6-974.@epirtinelta `e Iltrapacafîi, Ulmversm`i` `e cas Il`es, Dafaté, Gacandmi

4::5 (e`mtar) Vacves oran the Wei; Tei`mlfs ml the ilthrapacafy ao the litmve Girmddeil.BMC_ Zress, Cem`el.

 Vmcsal, W.N.

9==: Mltra`ugtmal. Ml Hmspilmaci Girmddeil Ghmeo`ans ml the ife ao Gacundus, e`mte`dy W.N. Vmcsal, pp. 9-70. Ulmversmty ao Irmzali Zress, usgicaasi il` Cal`al.

9==7 he gucturic nasimg ao the ml`mfelaus Girmddeil. Zragee`mlfs ao the Drmtmsh Igi`eny  89;76-??.

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Pawir` i trilsgaltextuic ar`er

 Icexil`er Feur`s 

Zist irghieacafmgic mlterpretitmals ao the pre-Gacalmic aggupitmal al the Freiter il`Cesser Iltmcces sbetgh ml`mfelaus sagmetmes is recitmvecy msacite` oran the pil-refmalic gmr-gun-Girmddeil. hms na`ec ms `mspute` ml the regelt prapasics oar pil-refmalic mlterig-tmal ml the Girmddeil2 i nare seiwir` armelte` perspegtmve, mlgarparitmlf cirfe pirts ao

the Geltric Inermgil il` Wauth Inermgil Girmddeil gaist. hms irtmgce reocegts al them`eis put oarwir` ml thms gucturic galomfuritmal ta exinmle haw they mlgarparite nitermicgucture oran these nimlcil` refmals. hms reocegtmal wmcc de use` ta shaw thit these stu`messhaw il mndicilge enphismzmlf hanafelemty il` smnmcirmty it the cevec ao the ml`mvm`uicadkegt it the expelse ao `mversmty il` `mooerelge ml refmalic il` cagic-cevec galtexts, il` taprapase the mltefritmal ao galtextuic mloarnitmal oran the Girmddeil cmttaric ml ilicyzmlfthe resendcilge il` neilmlf ao adkegts.

Mlterpretigmales irqueac÷fmgis exmsteltes `e ci agupigm÷l prehmspélmgi el cis IltmccisNiyares y Nelares represeltil i cis sagme`i`es ml`îfelis gana imsci`is `ec Nir Girmde.

Este na`eca es `msgutm`a el prapuestis regmeltes `e mlteriggmales pil-refmalices el ecGirmde, uli perspegtmvi nés armelti`i ic nir, que mlgarpari fril pirte `e cis gastisGirmdeùis `e Inírmgi Geltric y ec Larte `e Wur Inírmgi. El este irtîguca se reocexmalisadre cis m`eis preselti`is el esti galomfurigm÷l gucturic piri exinmlir g÷na mlgarparilci gucturi nitermic e estis refmales galtmleltices. Ci reocexm÷l se ipraveghiré piri nastrirque `mghas estu`mas nuestril ul `esequmcmdrma el eloitmzil`a ci hanafelem`i` y ci smnm-cmtu` i lmvec `ec adketa ml`mvm`uic i gasti `e ci `mversm`i` y ci `moerelgmi el cas galtextasrefmalices y cagices, y `e prapaler ci mltefrigm÷l `e ci mloarnigm÷l galtextuic `ec cmtaricGirmde el ec ilécmsms `e ci senekilzi y ec smflmomgi`a `e cas adketas.

 Kusqu”ê príselt, ces mlterprítitmals irghíacafmques `e c”aggupitmal príhmstarmque `es Iltmcces `ressimelt ce partrimt `e sagmítís inírml`melles recitmvenelt msacíes `u reste `e cirífmal gmrgun-giriáde. Ge na`èce i ítí renms el questmal pir ces rígeltes na`ícmsitmals`e c”mlterigtmal pil-rífmalice `ils ces Giriádes, `iviltife armeltíes vers c”mlteroige nirm-tmne et mltífrilt ule fril`e pirtme `es gðtes giriádes `e c”Inírmque geltrice et `u lar` `ec”Inírmque `u Wu`. Get irtmgce s”mltíresse iux thíarmes `ívecappíes `ils ge gi`re gucturecet exinmle ci nilmère `alt ecces mltèfrelt ci gucture nitírmecce `e ges rífmals galtmlel-tices. Gette ríocexmal idautmri, ê ci oams, ê ule nmse el recmeo `u `ísíqumcmdre naltrí pirges ítu`es, prmvmcífmilt c”hanafílímtí et ci smnmcirmtí ê c”íghecce `e c”adket ml`mvm`uicmsí iu`ítrmnelt e ci mversmtí et `es mooírelges adservíes iux íghecces rífmalices et cagices, nims

iussm ê prapaser ci prmse el ganpte `”mloarnitmals galtextuecces sur ce cmttaric giriáde `ilsc”ilicyse `es smnmcmtu`es et `e ci smflmomgitmal `es adkets.

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he puzzce ao haw ta pergemve the recitmal detweel ml`mfelaus sagmetmes thit surraul`e`the Girmddeil Wei `urmlf the pre-Gacalmic eri renimls vexmlf. Law, nare thil smxty yeirsioter Kucmil Wtewir` prapase` i sacutmal ta thms pil-refmalic pradcen ta whmgh he reoerre`is the Gmrgun-Girmddeil thesms, thms pil-refmalic perspegtmve his seel i relimssilge ao

sane niflmtu`e ml the galgept ao i Freiter Girmddeil gucture irei (ml cmle wmth Ta`rîfuezTinas 4::6i,d2 Ta`rîfuez Tinas il` Zifél Kmnílez 4::62 Vmcsal 4::62 Giccifhil4::92 Guret 4::0). hms ghipter wmcc `msguss the prafress ni`e smlge the nm`-tweltmethgeltury refir`mlf trils-Girmddeil ganpirmsals (see icsa Haonil il` Haafcil`, thms vac-une), il` ilicyse sane ao the regeltcy prapase` evm`elge oar pil-refmalic galtigt igrassthe Girmddeil cmttaric.

Gucturic `mversmty ml the gmrgun-Girmddeil

Tegeltcy, the irghieacafy ao pre-Gacalmic sagmetmes ml the refmals surraul`mlf the Girmddeil

Wei his wmtlesse` il mnpartilt trel`. @mversmty il` orifneltitmal ire la calfer pergemve`is il epmstenacafmgic pradcen, dut rither igblawce`fe` is i calfstil`mlf oeiture ao guctur-ic mlterigtmal. Ml the galtext ao the cawer Geltric Inermgil gaultrmes oar exinpce, Tadert@rellil prapases ta put –the `mversmty ao the Mlterne`mite Irei ta faa` use„ (@rellil9==?;995). hms ms faa` i`vmge whel mlvestmfitmlf the Girmddeil irei whmgh ms ulmte` mluloareseel wiys. Ve gil speib ao i gucturic nasimg ulmte`, ml spmte ao the orifneltiry is-pegts, dy m`eltmtmes oarne` thraufh adkegt il` peapce navenelt rither thil stisms 2 thraufhgaltigt rither thil msacitmal. Wugh i perspegtmve ao orequelt il` `uridce galtigt detweelsagma-pacmtmgiccy ganpiridce gannulmtmes nibes nare selse ml vmew ao the mverse nitermicgucture regavere` ml the refmal. Ocexmdmcmty ar ‘gucturic pcuricmsn” (Ta`rîfuez Tinas il`

Zifél Kmnílez 4::6) ms cmbecy ta hive deel i gare trimt ml the refmal, detweel gannulmtmes,wmth calf-`mstilge tri`ers, ar whel adtimlmlf lal-cagic adkegts. he idmcmty ta ul`erstil`nare thil ale cilfuife, the wmccmlfless ta mlterpret lal-cagic adkegts ml `mooerelt wiys,il` the oree`an ta trilscite gucturic `mooerelge were pradidcy `eomlmlf ghirigtermstmgs mlthe gmrgun-Girmddeil.

Ultmc law, icc ao the prapasics oar pil-refmalic orinewarbs ao ml`mfelaus gucturic `e-vecapnelts ml the gmrgun-Girmddeil enphismze ganpiridmcmty. Wghacirs mnpcmgmtcy pivethe wiy oar the preselge ao i gertiml gucturic oarn, whether thms ms gicce` the Gmrgun-Girmddeil Gucture Irei, the Ghmdghil Irei, Freiter Iltmcces, ar Freiter Girmddeil. Ml`amlf sa, these galgepts galgeic the gucturic prigtmges ao elfifenelt ao `mooerelge il`

stritefmg dehivmaur ml cmfht ao athers.

Gucture-Hmstarmgic defmllmlfs

 Kucmil Wtewir` wis wecc iwire ao the ganpcex tisb ao evm`elgmlf hms ‘Gmrgun-Girmddeilthesms”, is he mloarns the rei`er `urmlf the mltra`ugtmal ta _acune 0 ao the Hil`daabao Wauth Inermgil Ml`mils; –R…^ oew ao the idarmfmlic trmdes survmve ta`iy2 ethlacafmstshive cirfecy mflare` the irei. Irghieacafmsts hive `ale cmttce dut nibe surveys, exgept mlthe Vest Ml`mes„ (Wtewir` 9=08;xvm). Wtewir` ms gceircy traudce` ml hms mltra`ugtary text2iggar`mlf ta hmn ethlahmstarmg saurges ire paarcy esgrmde`, irghieacafmgic warb ms cmnmte`il` orifnelte`2 ethlacafmsts hive vmsmte` alcy i oew cagicmtmes ml the refmal. Ml hms ilicy-sms, the galtenpariry ml`mfelaus gucturic sgele, use` oar hmstarmgic ilicafmes, suooers oran

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smnmcircy ghiccelfmlf mssues; vmccifes ire snicc2 weivmlf ms smnpce, pattery pciml, pacmtmgiccei`ershmp idselt, il` sagmic strugtures oran the pist fale wmth the exgeptmal ao the gal-tmlue` preselge ao the shinil. Ml spmte ao vmewmlf these gucturic trimts is `msgaurifmlf,Wtewir` nilife` ta `evecap hms ‘Gmrgun-Girmddeil thesms”, stralfcy dismlf mt al ganpiri-dce sagma-pacmtmgic arfilmzitmal dath al the nimlcil` il` the (Freiter) Iltmcces (Wtewir`

9=08;9-0). he prapasic hawever m` lat stil` the test ao tmne. @urmlf the hey`iy ao gcis-smomgitary-`esgrmptmve irghieacafy, qumgbcy questmals irase idaut the prigtmgic mnpcmgitmalsao sugh smnmcir sagmic il` pacmtmgic pitterls. Wiys Vmccmin Gae suspmgmauscy; –Ale gil alcypal`er whether ar lat the stmnucitmal ao igtuic galtigt ms legessiry ta iggault oar sughsmnmcirmtmes„ (9=56;48:).

he `evecapneltic trikegtary prapase` dy Wtewir`, whmgh siw the enerfelge ao ghmeo-`an-cevec sagmetmes icalf the Girmddeil Wei, wis qumgbcy avershi`awe` dy il icterlitmvena`ec prapase` dy Mrvmlf Tause (9=57, 9==4). Tause”s galgcusmal thit the gucturic il`cmlfumstmg armfmls ao ml`mfelaus sagmetmes were ta de oaul` ml the Inizal il` Armlaga rmverdismls qumgbcy degine the oivaure` na`ec ml mlsucir Girmddeil irghieacafy. Ml Geltric

 Inermgi, irghieacafmsts caabe` oar cagic `evecapneltic trikegtarmes il` ul`ersgare`daul`irmes il` oraltmers ml ilicyzmlf the cmlbs ta the lemfhdaurmlf Nesainermgil il` Il`eil gucture ireis mlstei` (Wheets 9==4;7?2 Vmccey 9=69;450). he m`ei ao i ‘Gmrgun-Girmddeil Gucture Irei”, ulmte` thraufh mts smnmcir egacafmgic settmlfs, mnpcmgmtcy stite`dy Ziuc Bmrghhaoo (Wtewir` 9=08;late 9) il` `evecape` dy Kucmil Wtewir`, lever fimle` ioaathac` ml sudsequelt pudcmgitmals. Evel thaufh shire` trimt ganpcexes were regaflmze`il` the sagma-pacmtmgic liture ao Gmrgun-Girmddeil sagmetmes seene` ganpiridce, the ir-ghieacafy al the Girmddeil mscil`s, ml Geltric Inermgi, il` Gacandmi welt themr sepi-rite wiys. Irghieacafmsts oaguse` al emther the Freiter il` Cesser Iltmcces ar the refmalganprmsmlf nast ao the Geltric Inermgil gaultrmes. he el` resuct wis thit ‘Girmddeil

 Irghieacafy” ar ‘he Girmddeil” il` ‘Cawer Geltric Inermgi”, ‘the Mlterne`mite Irei” il`gurreltcy the Msthna-Gacandmil Irei (e.f. Haapes il` Oalsegi 4::7) ire law reoereltmicsharthil` ml the `msgmpcmle.

Ml regelt yeirs, the pil-refmalic galgept ao the Freiter Girmddeil his refimle` saneao the mlterest mt hi` cast oar nare thil hico i geltury. Gertimlcy the rite il` orequelgy itwhmgh faa`s il` peapce nave` iraul` it i pil-refmalic sgice his deel ul`erestmnite`,il` il expcmgmt oagus al sugh sagmic `ylinmgs hac`s pateltmic ta `msgcase then. Haonilil` Haafcil` (thms vacune) i``ress thms ganpcex tisb dy prapasmlf i nuctm-sgicir ip-praigh il` galsm`ermlf refmalic ar pil-refmalic sacutmals ta cagic legessmtmes. M galsm`er mtil evagitmve galgept smlge mt elidces reseirgh ta caab igrass refmalic `msgmpcmliry daul`i-

rmes ml exgmtmlf lew wiys il` smlge mt triges digb pil-refmalic `ylinmgs ta cagic armfmls.Tesuctmlf reseirgh gil deleomt dy famlf deyal` i recmilge al oarnic il` stycmstmg smnmcirm-tmes adserve` ml gertiml nitermic gucture gitefarmes il` senmatmgiccy detweel sane ao thasegitefarmes. a irfue oar adkegt gmrgucitmal ms ale thmlf, ta mlterpret whit thms neilt sagmiccyms ilather. Ml thms ghipter M suffest thit gmrgun-Girmddeil mlterigtmal stu`mes gil deleomtoran the gurrelt mlsmfhts oran sagmic theary refir`mlf the ocexmdmcmty il` ocux ao gucturicvicues ao nitermic gucture. Elgaulters, trivec, il` galtigt ire enphismze` is msgrete eveltsoar igtmlf aut these mlterpretitmals il` estidcmshmlf ‘sine” il` ‘ather” (Dutcer 9==:2 Beile9==62 Citaur 9==72 Null 9=8?). Ml i``mtmal, oarnucitmals al prigtmge theary (Daur`meu9=662 Wghitsbm 9==?) enphismze thit irteoigts nust de use` ml ar`er ta de eooegtmve2 il`

prege`mlf ul`erstil`mlf ms lee`e` ta use then - they nust degane pirt ao cagic sagmic

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prigtmge. he prigtmgic ul`erstil`mlf ms the `eomlmlf ecenelt ml the cmlbs detweel ml`mvm`-uics (ar gannulmtmes) il` the adkegt it hil`. M suffest thit these oml`mlfs oran sagmic the-ary ire sumtidce ml detter ul`erstil`mlf nadmcmty il` exghilfe ml the gmrgun-Girmddeil.Ml galsm`ermlf thit pirtmgucir adkegts a lat iccaw kust ily prigtmgic use il` mlterpretitmal‗ they gillat de sumtidce oar irdmtriry prigtmges ‗ we gil ilicyse il` ganpire prigtmges il`

pateltmiccy themr ghilfe thraufh tmne thraufh mlvestmfitmals ao irghieacafmgic galtexts.he recevilge oar mlvabmlf i pil-refmalic perspegtmve ms ta mccustrite whit bml` ao reci-tmal nadmcmty il` exghilfe it thms sgice hi` wmth the cagic galtext it hil`. Ziri`axmgiccythel, editmlf whether i smte, refmal ar adkegt decalfe` ta i nigra-refmal ms i edite whmghms oir renave` oran ul`erstil`mlf sagmic galtexts ml the pre-Gacalmic gmrgun-Girmddeil. Mdecmeve thit the regelt oagus al wm`er refmalic galtexts ao irghieacafmgic settmlfs hive pra-vm`e` i stmnucitmlf ilswer ta the praverdmic mscil` perspegtmves whmgh hi` degane i geltrictelet ao irghieacafmes iraul` the Girmddeil Wei ml the segal` hico ao the tweltmeth gel-tury. Ml galtrist ta these sepirite` refmalic irghieacafmes, reseirgh mlta gmrgun-Girmddeilmlterigtmal pranmses ta refraup the nmgra-cevec cagus ao ilicysms ta oarn pirt ao the wm`er

pil-refmalic oagus. Mt ms the recitmals detweel nmgra sefnelts (e.f. `anestmg settcenelts,gerenalmic smtes, rmver viccey settcenelt systens) ao these nigra refmals whmgh gil destserve ta mccustrite the use ao lal-cagic adkegts.

 I vmew oran the Geltric Inermgil nimlcil`

 Vhel vmewmlf oar exinpce cawer Geltric Inermgi (e.f. Zilini, Gasti Tmgi, Lmgirifuiil` pirts ao Hal`uris) the refmalic perspegtmves ml caabmlf it the irghieacafy ao thms re-fmal ms elcmfhtelmlf. Ml regelt yeirs, the ulmoymlf ritmalice irfue` oar eomlmlf oar exinpcethe Msthna-Gacandmil irei, whmgh dumc`s i cmlb detweel calf-cistmlf mighralmg syndacmgprmlgmpces il` sylghralmg sagmic recitmals ml pateltmiccy useouc wiys oar gmrgun-Girmddeilmlvestmfitmals.

[aanmlf ml al the refmalic cevec ao sautherl Geltric Inermgi mt deganes gceir thit re-seirghmlf i galtextuicmze` na`ec ao pil-Girmddeil mlterigtmal ms galsm`eridcy restrmgte` dythe lefcegt ml reseirgh prakegts thit the Girmddeil witershe` his suooere` whel ganpire`ta the Zigmomg sm`e (Cilfe 9==?). he reisals oar thms lefcegt recite ta paar mloristrugtureil` gcmnitmg gal`mtmals thit `a lat oivaur irghieacafmgic reseirgh, ml pirtmgucir whelganpire` ta the smflmomgiltcy rmer il` nare iggessmdce Zigmomg, oeiturmlf the Zil-InermgilHmfhwiy il` icc ao the nikar na`erl gmtmes `itmlf ta eircy gacalmic tmnes. Ml nily pirts aoGeltric Inermgi the Girmddeil ‗ reoerre` ta is Ec Itcéltmga ‗ ms paarcy iggessmdce dy neils

ao natarmze` trilspart2 `else trapmgic oarests gut dy nikar rmvers hive mnpe`e` reseirgh`urmlf nugh ao the tweltmeth geltury. Heivy rimloicc, aggurrmlf thraufhaut nast ao theyeir, nibes triversmlf thms pirt ao the Girmddeil cmttaric i `egm`e`cy ganpcmgite` iooimr. hepresune` sgirgmty ao irghieacafmgic smtes al the Girmddeil sm`e ao the msthnus thaufh, mslat nerecy giuse` dy i `iti mndicilge. Ml geltric Zilini, the nast extelsmvecy reseirghe`refmal ml thms refir`, hidmtitmal al the Zigmomg sm`e his galsmsteltcy deel shawl ta hivestirte` eircmer il` wis nare mltelsmve thil al the Girmddeil gaist (e.f. Gaab il` Tilere9==42 @racet 9=8:). hus the piugmty ao settcenelts gillat de expcimle` dy `iti mndic-ilge icale, mt `aes seen ta hive deel the cess `elsecy papucite` sm`e ao Geltric Inermgi.

hms `iti mndicilge his mnpe`e` mlvestmfitmlf the prapase` na`ec ao pil-refmalic

nadmcmty il` exghilfe ml the Girmddeil, dut ml regelt yeirs i hil`ouc ao irghieacafmgicsurvey prakegts (Frmffs 4::52 Feur`s 4::=) il` exgivitmals (Fissmat il` Diccdí 4::02

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 Vibe et ic. 4::0) hive stirte` warb al the Girmddeil cmttaric ar ml the rmvermle gaistic hml-tercil`s, dumc`mlf al pmaleermlf reseirgh prakegts (e.f. @racet 9=8:2 Niflus 9=60). Eircyreseirgh hypathesmze` ganpiridce pitterls ml nitermic gucture stretghmlf icalf the Geltric

 Inermgil Girmddeil gaist (Epsteml 9=562 Wtale 9=092 Wtralf 9=08)2 yet nare regelt stu`-mes thit tibe refmalic questmals mlta galsm`eritmal were ulsuggessouc ml galomrnmlf thms

m`ei dy nare cagic testmlf. Mlstei`, irghieacafmgic il` cmlfumstmg `iti pamlt tawir` i sagmicil` egalanmg mltefritmal wmth the nare mlcil` refmals (Galstelci 9==92 Niflus 9=602Wlirsbms il` Mdirri 9=85) rither thil i oarn ao gaistic Girmddeil irghetype. Avericc, theevm`elge pamlts ta galtigt il` exghilfe oran the Girmddeil gaist ta the Zigmomg sm`e, isms irfue` ml the exinpce ao geltric Zilini (Cmlires il` Tilere 9=8:2 Ghivez et ic. 9==?2Gaabe 4::5).

Evm`elge oar gmrgun-Girmddeil mlterigtmal

–Phe Nesainermgil dicc fine seens ta hive ceipt the ]ugitil Ghillec ml the Gcissmg RZerma`^ il`

qumgbcy sprei` eistwir` oran mscil` ta mscil`„ (Gilter 4::?; 4).

 I oagus al the oarnic smnmcirmtmes ao irghmtegturic oeitures detweel Nm``ce Inermgi il`the Freiter Iltmcces oarns the disms oar regelt suffestmals ao galtigt igrass the GirmddeilWei (Gilter 4::?2 Vmcsal 4::6). he gerenalmic smte ao Tmvis, `agunelte` ml Gasti Tmgi(Yumcter 4::0), ms galtriste` ta gerenalmic smtes al Zuerta Tmga (m.e. Gifuili il` mdes)il` i lunder ao smnmcirmtmes ire adserve` ml the mltri-smte ciyaut ao the smtes il` niterm-ics use` ml the galstrugtmal ao the gerenalmic ireis. Ml i smnmcir veml, the gucturic prig-tmge ao rmtuic dicc fines ms irfue` ta hive `moouse` oran the ]ugitél pelmlsuci ta theFreiter Iltmcces (Gilter 4::?). Vmcsal galgcu`es hms ganpirmsals dy stitmlf thit mlterig-

tmal igrass the Girmddeil Wei ms –i questmal thit `eserves ta de tibel sermauscy, evel wmththe `moomguctmes ml nibmlf selse ao the irghieacafmgic evm`elge oar calf `mstilge galtigt„(Vmcsal 4::6;780).

 Vhere Wtewir`”s `esgrmptmal ao ‘Gmrgun-Girmddeil trmdes” wis nimlcy `eomle` dyneils ao smnmcir egacafmgic hidmtits il` sagma-pacmtmgic ghirigter, the preselt push oar iwm`er Girmddeil mlterigtmal perspegtmve ms nare pirtmgucir ml mts ippraigh ml oagusmlf algucture galtigt rither thil gucture ganpiridmcmty. he ‘Gmrgun-Girmddeil Gucture Irei”wis i gcissmg exinpce it il ittenpt ta m`eltmoy i gucture ‗ ml thms gise `eternmle` dy mtselvmralnelt ‗ il` partriymlf the peapce pertimlmlf ta thms gucture is dehivmlf icalf thepitterls presgrmde` dy mt (e.f. ghmeocy iutharmty). he pradcen ao esseltmicmsn caans cirfe

ml thms ippraigh. Wghacirs dehml` the regelt relewe` mlterest ml i pil-refmalic perspegtmveoar the Girmddeil Wei ire iwire ao these esseltmicmst latmals il` mlstei` stress the nadmcmtyao gucturic oarnitmals igrass feafriphmgic il` perhips pacmtmgic daul`irmes (selsu Gcmooar`9==6). he Girmddeil Wei oarns sugh i daul`iry il`, mlgreismlfcy, cmlbs spillmlf thmsda`y ao witer ire hypathesmze`.

 I oucc survey ao icc hypathesmze` cmlbs igrass the Girmddeil Wei ms deyal` the sgape aothms ghipter, dut they gil raufhcy de sud`mvm`e` mlta three stril`s; (9) galtigt hypath-esmze` al feafriphmgic fraul`s, oar exinpce oivauridce nirmtmne gurrelts2 (4) galtigt hy-pathesmze` al fraul` ao ganpiritmve smnmcirmty, oar exinpce three-pamlters elgaultere` mldath the Iltmcces il` the Wauth Inermgil nimlcil`2 il` (7) ghenmgic pravelmelge stu`mes,

oar exinpce al freelstale adkegts.

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he feafriphmgic reisalmlf ms dise` al i lunder ao pudcmgitmals eicmlf wmth the nirm-tmne gurrelts il` vmewshe` ilicyses ml the Girmddeil Wei (Giccifhil 9==7, 4::92 arresil` Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4::8). Mt irfues ml oivaur ao i grassmlf dy neils ao gilaes detweelthe Fuikmri pelmlsuci al the eisterl gaist ao Gacandmi il` the sautherl gaist ao ZuertaTmga, ml i``mtmal ta ather nirmtmne ‘shartguts” icalf the gaist ao the Geltric il` Wauth

 Inermgil nimlcil` is wecc is detweel Gasti Tmgi il` Gacandmi (Giccifhil il` Driy4::6). hese nirmtmne gurrelt stu`mes, mlvacvmlf evicuitmals ao trivec `uritmal, tmne `ur-mlf the yeir, vessec types use`, prapucsmal, il` cmbecy `mregtmal hive themr digbfraul` mlganpirmsals ni`e ta ml`mfelaus seioirmlf ml Ageilmi (see hanis 4::9 oar i regelt aver-vmew). Oar pil-refmalic Girmddeil mlqumrmes they ire il aotel quate` saurge il` represeltthe alcy cmle ao reisalmlf thit caabs it the pateltmic cagitmal ao gannulmgitmal rautes mlgandmlitmal wmth pitterls ml the irghieacafmgic regar` rither thil ganpirmlf thase pit-terls. Ml the citter stu`mes, ta whmgh we wmcc law turl, the pitterls ire use` ta m`eltmoyel`pamlts ao mlterigtmal rautes.

Hypatheses dise` al ganpiritmve resendcilge ml nitermic gucture, dath oran the niml-

cil` il` the Iltmcces, ire the nast gannalcy elgaultere` type ao hypathesms il` hive thecalfest hmstary. Il eircy exinpce wis dise` al the quicmtmes ao drmccmilge elgaultere` alpacmshe` waa`e` irteoigts ml dath the Iltmcces il` Geltric Inermgi (Hecns 9=86). hmsreseirgh wis sudsequeltcy expil`e` upal ml i thesms al the mnpartilge ao drmccmilge is ilispegt ao adkegts nitermicmty (Wiul`ers 9===, see icsa Beehlel, thms vacune).

Usmlf i `mighralmg perspegtmve wmth exinpces oran Nesainermgi, Cawer Geltric Inermgi, Inizalmi il` the Il`eil gucture irei, the geltric irfunelt ml Lmghacis Wiul`ers”`msgussmal al the sigricmty ao adkegt drmccmilge ms thit ml`mfelaus peapces ippeire` ta shirei gannal `mspasmtmal tawir` shmly thmlfs. Wiul`ers cagites thms `mspasmtmal (ar ‘ml`mf-elaus phmcasaphy”) ml i prmnar`mic tmnecess pist. he mnpartilge ao shmlmless ao adkegts ms

ml`uge` oran themr orequelgy ml the irghieacafmgic regar` (aotel ml oigt ulpravelmelge`adkegts ml nuseun gaccegtmals) il` reoerelges oran ethlafriphmg galtexts. he galgcusmalms thit these adkegts were vicue` thraufh ife-ac` latmals pisse` al thraufh tmne ml i ulm-verse galgemve` il` faverle` dy galtmlumty ao syndacmg neilmlf (Wiul`ers 9===).

Nugh ml the sine wiy, the stycmstmg resendcilge ao pirtmgucir adkegts ms dy oir nast ore-queltcy utmcmze` ta hypathesmze tmes igrass the Girmddeil Wei. Caabmlf prmlgmpiccy it stycms-tmg il` senmatmg `iti, these resendcilges ire tibel is ml`mgitmals ao galtigt il` gaherelgeml i feafriphmgiccy il` cmlfumstmgiccy mverse irei. Ganpirmsals ao nigra-dci`e teghlacafyoar the tmne-perma` ao eircmest aggupitmal detweel the Freiter Iltmcces il` cmthmg `iti oranDecmze ire presune` ta suffest sane oarn ao galtigt fmvel the pergemve` cmbeless ao the

Decmzeil nitermics il` the cmthmgs oran the Freiter Iltmcces (Vmcsal et ic.  9==8, dut seeGiccifhil 4::7).

he perspegtmve ao ganpirmsal his i calfer hmstary thil the regelt surfe ml pudcm-gitmals. Il eircy exinpce ms the reoerelge ta i smlfce three-pamlter stale `msgavere` mlthe Wilti Nirti refmal ao larth-eisterl gaistic Gacandmi. Nirgma _ecaz Niffmaca il`Derlir`a _efi `rew al thms Nicidam`e sermes three-pamlter ta suffest i recitmal detweelthe tri`mtmal ao three-pamlters oran the Freiter il` Cesser Iltmcces (_ecaz Niffmaca il`_efi 9=84). Mt ms latewarthy thit the vmews ao reseirghers ire icnast exgcusmvecy oran theFreiter Iltmcces tawir` pirtmgucir ireis ao Geltric Inermgi ar Girmddeil Wauth Inermgiwmth adkegts ocawmlf oran the citter refmals ta the mscil`s il` hir`cy vmge versi. Icsa, the

ganpirmsals ire usuiccy ni`e sacecy oar ale adkegt gitefary it i tmne.

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Omliccy, the exghilfe ao freelstale detweel Geltric Inermgi il` the Iltmcces his deelippraighe` icalf smnmcir cmles ao reisalmlf. Freelstale, i verligucir galgept oar i gan-pcex ao custraus nmlerics il` ragbs, ms udmqumtaus ml Geltric Inermgi il` his i calf hmstaryao stycmstmg is wecc is feanarphacafmgic il` ghenmgic ilicysms (oar il avervmew see Cilfe9==7). Ki`emtmte, wmth mts cmnmte` inault ao pateltmic pamlts ao `epirture ml refmalic ex-

ghilfe letwarbs, ms mlvabe` is i oarn ao nitermic esmre` thraufhaut the gmrgun-Girmddeil(Zetmt 4::?). Ta`rîfuez Tinas his irfue` thit custraus stales thit vmsuiccy resendce` ki-`emtmte were use` mlterghilfeidcy il` vicue` oar smnmcir purpases. @riwmlf al i `mstmlg-tmal prapase` dy Cilfe (9==7), Ta`rîfuez Tinas `mstmlfumshes detweel ‘true ki`es” (demlf

 ki`emtmte il` lephrmte) il` ‘sagmic ki`e” demlf il irriy ao ather freelstales (Ta`rîfuezTinas 4::6i) il` galsm`ers thit the citter ms oul`ineltic ml ilicyzmlf pateltmic exghilfeletwarbs ml the wm`er Freiter Girmddeil, i tern prapase` dy Ta`rîfuez Tinas.

he prapasmtmal ta mlgarparite the ‘sagmic ki`e” galgept his apele` lew ivelues aoilicysms oar pil-refmalic ilicyses. Hawever, the galgept ml ny vmew icsa rimses il alta-cafmgic pradcen. Ml esselge, thms galgept presuppases i cigb ao enmg `mstmlgtmals detweel

custraus stales `itmlf digb ta the pre-Gacalmic tmne ul`er mlvestmfitmal. Ml ather war`s,mt ms issune` thit ml`mfelaus sagmetmes surraul`mlf il` livmfitmlf the Girmddeil Wei,pergemve` la oul`ineltic `mstmlgtmal detweel the freelstales fraupe` ul`er thase ao thesagmic ki`es. hms thel lituriccy oigmcmtites the ‗ etmg ‗ regaflmtmal ao sane oarn ao FreiterGirmddeil gannal expermelge, whmgh ms deffmlf the mlmtmic questmal ul`er galsm`eritmal.Mt seens thit, ml ar`er ta gane ta i nare galtextuicmze` ul`erstil`mlf ao ki`es, sagmic arlat, nare cagicmze` galtextuic stu`mes ire gicce` oar whmgh pravm`e mlsmfhts mlta the prigtm-gic smtuitmals ml whmgh pirtmgucir quicmtmes ao these stale adkegts were vicarmze` il` hawsane ao thase quicmtmes `mighralmgiccy shmote` ml mnpartilge.

Beile (4::7) reoers ta thms ispegt ao adkegt nitermicmty is the ‘gal`mtmal ao passmdmcmty”

il` mt ms gcasecy recite` ta Bapytaoo (9=8?) il` Ippi`urim”s (9=8?) dmafriphy ao thmlfs.he utmcmty il` vicue ao adkegts ml `mooerelt settmlfs il` tmne perma`s tel`s ta shmot. Adkegtsexghilfe` thraufhaut the Freiter Girmddeil ire ‘ocexmdce”, ilicafmgic ta the refmalic ocex-mdmcmty neltmale` dy @rellil, il` shauc` lat de vmewe` is hastmce ta cagic systens aoblawce`fe ml the @urbhemnmil selse. Lewcy irrmve` ‘strilfe” adkegts thel, sylthesmze guc-turic ecenelts it themr pcige ao irrmvic, renmlmsgelt ao the drmgacife   neghilmsn prapase`dy Gciu`e Cívm-Wtrius (R9=0=^ 9=?=). Hawever, M galsm`er the exghilfe` nitermic thmlfslemther alcy is galtimlers ao neilmlf, lar is mts uctmnite eternmlilts. hey gil de i gal-`umt ao neilmlf, dut niy de kust is pawerouc ml elidcmlf lew ales.


Mt seens reisalidce ta issune thit galtigt aggurre` igrass the Girmddeil Wei it sanestife `urmlf the twa nmccellmi ao hidmtitmal icalf mts cmttaric. Evel mo alcy dy ghilge, mtms cmbecy rither thil ulcmbecy thit it sane stife peapce oran `mooerelt extrenes ar refmalsestidcmshe` galtigt wmth eigh ather, mlmtmitmlf i natmal ao adkegts. he nitter it hil`thel deganes haw ta fa idaut thms cmbecmhaa`2 gil we ittest thms galtigt irghieacafmgiccyil` ivam` the pmtoicc ao alcy irfumlf mt thraufh adkegt resendcilge1 he ilswer gillat delat  ta ganpire, oar irghieacafmgic mlvestmfitmals ire ml esselge icwiys ganpiritmve. hequestmal thel ms haw smnmcir twa adkegts nust de, ta de galsm`ere` the ‘sine”, ml the selse

ao demlf recite` emther thraufh galtigt ar mlocuelge (Feur`s il` _il Draebhavel 4:9:).

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he thesms ao i prmnar`mic gucturic sghene is deirmlf respalsmdmcmty oar these resendcilgesul`ernmles the oulgtmal ao ‘smnmcirmty > galtigt” (see NgFmllms 9==? oar i `msgussmal aoprmnar`micmsn is exinmle` oar gmrgun-Girmddeil nitermic gucture).

he reisalmlf eltimce` ml nily ao the ganpiritmve mlvestmfitmals ao gmrgun-Girmddeilnadmcmty il` exghilfe ms suffestmve ao sane oarn ao mlterigtmal. Hawever, ml icc gises, ex-

gept oar the irfunelts dise` al pravelilge stu`mes ao irteoigts, they ire lat dise` al sin-pces ao i pirtmgucir `iti-set2 they ire i oarn ao pradidce irfunelt, perhips i galkegture.Ml esselge, the frawmlf cmst ao pudcmgitmals irfumlf pil-Girmddeil mlterigtmal ms pre`anm-liltcy dumct iraul` ganpirmsals ao resendcilge. hms resendcilge ms `eene` suoomgmeltta wirrilt these galkegtures. hms ms id`ugtmal, ml Zemrgmil terns.9 Dy thensecves, id`ug-tmals gillat wirrilt ily pirtmgucir galgcusmal, they lee` ta de igganpilme` dy oaccaw-upreseirgh tibmlf i refmalic il` smte cevec perspegtmve (see Daanert, thms vacune2 Haonilil` Haafcil`, thms vacune2 Blmppelderf, thms vacune2 Nils, thms vacune). Mo surprmsmlfresendcilges detweel adkegts igrass the Girmddeil Wei ire adserve` ml pre-Gacalmic ni-termic guctures, il` mo we issune  thit these resendcilges gamlgm`e` wmth the exmstelge ao i

Freiter Girmddeil mlterigtmal sphere (selsu Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4::6i), ar i prmnar`miccyshire` Girmddeil warc`vmew (selsu NgFmllms 9==?) il` sa oarth, sugh resendcilges irerel`ere` advmaus, il` we gil issune thit the Freiter Girmddeil thesms ms true. Vhmcst ir-ghieacafmgic reisalmlf hac`s id`ugtmal is pirt ao mts esselge ao reisalmlf idaut the pist,lat ourthermlf mlmtmic pradidce irfunelts dy neils ao cagic sgice gise stu`mes wmcc hive theFreiter Girmddeil thesms oicc shart ao demlf galvmlgmlf.

he pradcen wmth gucturic prmnar`micmsn ms exenpcmome` dy the expcilitmal aooere` dyWiul`ers galgerlmlf the ganpiridmcmty ao adkegts thraufh spige il` tmne. hms ms ittrigtmvesmlge we `a see these smnmcirmtmes thraufh oarn il` mgalmgmty, il` we `a galsm`er thit theyire sanehaw recite`. Hawever, the expcilitmal preselte` here strmbes is a``cy gmrgucir ml

liture; Whmlmless wis mnpartilt ta nily ml`mfelaus peapces il` gannulmtmes thraufhautGeltric Inermgi degiuse thit ms the wiy mt his icwiys deel. he questmal ale ms ceot wmthhere ms haw  thms mnpartilge gine idaut ml the omrst pcige, il` haw  mt nimltimle` mts mnpar-tilge. Ms thms shmlmless i `eep, pernileltcy mlterlicmze` ecenelt ao ml`mfelaus sagmetmes mlGeltric Inermgi il` perhips ml the gmrgun-Girmddeil1 Vhit ta `a wmth the recevilge aoshmlmless ml the Il`eil refmal ar Nesainermgi ml thms refir`1

 Is Citaur neltmale`, oar il adkegt ta hive recevilge ta il ml`mvm`uic, mt lee`s ta dehil`ce`. Mt ms lat prmnirmcy i questmal ao mlterpretitmal dy thit ml`mvm`uic (9==7;Ghipters7 il` 0). hms hil`cmlf aggurs ml galtexts ao prigtmge, whmgh ml turl ire ml pirt iggessm-dce thraufh irghieacafy. M galsm`er thit we lee` ta omrst stu`y these galtexts, ml ar`er ta

ceirl haw these exghilfe` adkegts were use`. hraufh exgivitmals, irghieacafy his iggessta these sagmic prigtmges. Ml these prigtmges, nitermic thmlfs ire rautmlecy `riwl upal il`ippcme` dy `mooerelt ifelts ml `mooerelt smtuitmals. he adkegts hil`ce` ifiml il` ifimlel`ure, thus nibmlf sagmic repra`ugtmal deyal` tenparic il` spitmic cmnmts passmdce. hmsel`urilge gil icsa de ippraighe` thraufh irghieacafy il` mt ms perhips the gcasest ta whitsghacirs gil caab oar whel they galgeptuicmze nadmcmty il` exghilfe ml the Girmddeil.

9 Ghirces Zemrge mltra`uge` the galgept ao id`ugtmal ta `eic wmth the mlmtmic stifes ao the sgmeltmgnetha` (Ega et ic. 9=80). Id`ugtmals gil alcy de pravel neilmlfouc whel they ire oaccawe` dy

`e`ugtmve mloerelges il` liccy ml`ugtmve testmlf ao the hypatheses, ml thms gise the thesms ao theFreiter Girmddeil.

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Hunil pergeptmal ms i galtmluaus pragess ao greitmlf gitefarmes ao ‘athers”. Icc thit msstrilfe il` ulblawl ms mlhereltcy mooerelt oran icc exmstmlf orines ao pergeptuic reoerelge,thus deganmlf icmel, rire, exatmg, il` perhips `esmridce il` prestmfmaus. hms ms esseltmiccyNiry Hecns” thesms (9=6=), il` the recitmal she `riws detweel galvertmlf sugh ‘esatermgblawce`fe” mlta pacmtmgic pateltmic ms aotel gmte` ml pil-refmalic Girmddeil irfunelts.

he adkegts neltmale` ml irfunelts ml oivaur ao gmrgun-Girmddeil mlterigtmal (m.e.dicc gaurts, ki`e gects, gapper/fac` iccay omfurmles, stale three-pamlters il` athers) irenare thil galveyars ao gucturic ‘represeltitmals” ao exatmg oaremflless (selsu Hecns 9=6=);they ire use` il` hive eooegts thraufh themr nitermicmty. Outure reseirgh mlta the pil-re-fmalic mlterigtmal ml the Girmddeil wauc` deleomt oran seebmlf aut adkegts hac`mlf i hmfh-cy spegmomg nitermicmty (see oar exinpce Nac, thms vacune), oar exinpce i pirtmgucir oarnao taac oar i pirtmgucir teghlacafy - ale whmgh gillat smnpcy de repcige` dy sane atherirdmtriry ‘syndacmg adkegt” ta whmgh the sine ‘neilmlf” ms isgrmde`. M galsm`er ganpirmlfgaltexts ao usife ao resendcmlf adkegts thraufhaut the gmrgun-Girmddeil ta cei` ta nareml`ugtmve reisalmlf thil nerecy ml`mvm`uic (`egaltextuicmze`) adkegts.


he irghieacafmes ao respegtmvecy Geltric Inermgi, Gacandmi, _elezueci, il` the Freiteril` Cesser Iltmcces alcy mlorequeltcy exghilfe `iti. Ather thil i hil`ouc ao sghacirs whahive hi` the appartulmty ta i``ress mlterrefmalic tapmgs detweel oar exinpce the irghieac-afy ao Gacandmi il` Gasti Tmgi, irghieacafmes ire ‘litmalicmst” il` `mstmlgtmvecy cagic mloagus. here ms la praoessmalic galoerelge oar il ‘irghieacafy ao the Girmddeil Wei”, larms there i peer-revmewe` kaurlic expcmgmtcy aooermlf i oarun oar mlvestmfitmals mlta FreiterGirmddeil tapmgs.4 a i cirfe `efree, i ganpiridce smtuitmal exmsts ml Geltric Inermgil ir-ghieacafy. @espmte il irghieacafmgic hmstary thit ms cirfecy orifnelte`, the cawer Geltric

 Inermgil refmal il` Gacandmi were regeltcy issagmite` ml the `eomlmtmal ao i Ghmdghilirei (Haapes il` Oalsegi 4::7). hms galstmtute` i nikar galgeptuic shmot ml ganpirmsalta pist prakegts il` stu`mes. Ultmc law, the `moomguctmes ao evicuitmlf galtextuic `iti wereprmnirmcy giuse` dy i cigb ao gannulmgitmal detweel irghieacafmsts warbmlf ml Geltric

 Inermgi il` thase warbmlf ml the Iltmcces. Lates Iltalma Guret; –Vmthaut i felericorine ao reoerelge idaut RCawer Geltric Inermgi^ mt ms `moomguct ta regaflmze passmdce evm-`elge ao mlterigtmal„ (Guret 4::0;=5, ny trilscitmal).7 hms gurrelt cigb ao mlterigtmaldetweel sghacirs warbmlf ml emther irei ms ml`ee` i nikar mnpe`mnelt tawir` i grmtmgicevicuitmal ao evm`elge oar mlterigtmal `urmlf the pre-Gacalmic eri.

@edites al the exmstelge ao i pre-Gacalmic letwarb ao mlterigtmal spillmlf theGirmddeil oicc mlta twa appasmlf perspegtmves; nily sghacirs hive la refir` oar mts patel-tmic exmstelge, whmce sane vmsuicmze i Girmddeil Wei atte` wmth tri`mlf gilaes hmtghhmbmlfal the gurrelts. hms piper `m` lat seeb ta emther vicm`ite ar `msgre`mt i Freiter Girmddeillatmal. Lalethecess, i sudtce reocegtmal al the recitmalshmps thit wauc` galstmtute pil-refmalic letwarbs ml the Girmddeil seens ml ar`er. he suppase` navenelt ao nitermicgucture it i smflmomgilt sgice `aes lat shaw up wmth galvmlgmlf orequelgy ml the Girmddeil

4 Pe illuic galoerelge ao the Mlterlitmalic Issagmitmal oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy aggismaliccy oeitures speib-ers oran the Girmddeil gaist ao Geltric Inermgi. Wtmcc, mt ms esseltmiccy i velue oar pipers al mlsucir Girmddeilirghieacafy il` stu`mes al the Wauth Inermgil trapmgic cawcil`s.

7 Armfmlic quate ml Wpilmsh; –Wml ul nirga feleric sadre ci Rsmg  atri érei es `moîgmc regalager pasmdces evm`elgmis`e mlteriggm÷l„.

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irghieacafmgic regar`, ganpcmgitmlf `eomlmtmals ao galtigt. Mt nmfht de nare deleomgmic tatibe pre-Gacalmic refmalic il` cagic hunil feafriphmes iraul` the Girmddeil Wei mltagalsm`eritmal, il` galsm`er then ta de ni`e up ao sagmetmes ulmte` ml themr mlgcmlitmal il`teghlacafmgic expertmse tawir` livmfitmlf rmvers il` grassmlf `mooerelt galtexts dy seioirmlf(selsu Daanert il` Drmfht 4::6). Is neltmale`, these sagmetmes wmcc hive deel mlgcmle` ta

expcare lew harmzals al the Girmddeil Wei ar icalf mts gaistcmle, il` thms pre`mspasmtmallegessmtites the nuctm-sgicir ippraigh prapase` here (Haonil il` Haafcil`, thms vac-une). Al the questmal haw thms aggurre`, sei gurrelt stu`mes gil pravm`e suffestmals, dutthe oul`ineltic ul`erstil`mlf ms ta de oaul` ml the sagmic ylinmgs eltimce` ml the irrmvicao i gilae drmlfmlf adkegts ta lew sharecmles. Ire these adkegts restrmgte` ta servmlf is gir-rmers ao il exatmg syndacmsn, hivmlf irrmve` oran deyal` neilmlfouc harmzals, ar `a theyi`` ta the estidcmshnelt ao i trilsgaltextuic sagmic ar`er, oar exinpce thraufh fmot-fmvmlf1Oar law the citter renimls questmalidce (Nac, thms vacune). Teoerrmlf ta these exghilfe`adkegts is neilmlfouc strugtures ar syndacs icale gillat aooer i sitmsoigtary ilswer ta thmsquestmal. Galtextuicmze` stu`mes ao sugh adkegts `a hac` the pateltmic ta reveic the eooegt

ao trils-Girmddeil adkegts ml i regemvmlf settmlf. Oar law the nikarmty ao the reoerelge`irteoigts `a lat yet quicmoy oar thms requmrenelt, dut wmth sghacirs mlgreismlfcy defmllmlfta gaccidarite il` tymlf `mooerelt sgices ao reseirgh tafether iraul` the Girmddeil Wei theappartulmty oar i detter ul`erstil`mlf cmes ihei`.


M wauc` cmbe ta thilb Zraoessar Garmlle Haonil oar mlvmtmlf ne ta pirtmgmpite ml the oaurthmlterlitmalic irghieacafmgic galoerelge eltmtce` ‘Cem`el ml the Girmddeil”, il` oar elgaur-ifmlf ne ta galtrmdute thms vacune. he irfunelt preselte` here wis oarne` thraufh ms-gussmals wmth Garmlle Haonil, Irme Daanert, Telmec Ta`rîfuez, Kahl Haapes il` Ciuri_il Draebhavel, dut lituriccy icc apmlmals expresse` ire ny awl. M thilb Ilfus Nac oarrevmewmlf thms ghipter il` aooermlf useouc gannelts.


 Ippi`urim, I. (e`mtar)

9=8? Phe Wagmic Cmoe ao Phmlfs . Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe.

Daanert, I., il` I.K. Drmfht

4::6 Mscil` Irghieacafy; Ml Weirgh ao i lew harmzal. Mscil` Wtu`mes Kaurlic  4(9); 7-4?

Daur`meu, Z.

9=66 Autcmle ao i theary ao prigtmge . Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe.

Dutcer, K.

9==: Fel`er Praudce . Tautce`fe, Cal`al.

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Giccifhil, T..

9==7 Zissife ta the Freiter Iltmcces; Il Ilicysms ao Vitergriot il` the NirmleElvmralnelt. Zragee`mlfs ao the 90th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy ,Dirdi`as, pp. ?0-64.

4::9 Ilicysms ao Gerinmg Ife seioirmlf il` mlterigtmal pateltmic ml the Iltmcces.Gurrelt Ilthrapacafy 04(4);7:8-797.

4::7 Gannelts al the nimlcil` armfmls ao the Zregerinmg guctures ao the Freiter Iltmcces. Citml Inermgil Iltmqumty  90(7);747-778.

Giccifhil, T.., il` V. Driy 

4::6 Wmnucitmlf prehmstarmg sei galtigts detweel Gasti Tmgi il` Gacandmi. Kaurlic aoMscil` il` Gaistic Irghieacafy  4(9);0-47.

Gilter, K.

4::? ]ugitil Ghillec il` tri`e. Ml OINWM Kaurlic ao the Ilgmelt Inermgis  Lavender4::?. Http;//reseirgh.oinsm.arf/iztcil/iztcilQkaurlic.php, iggesse` al Kule ?, 4:9:.

Ghivez, W., A. Oalsegi, il` L. Dic`m

9==? Mlvestmfigmales Irqueacafmgis el ci Gasti Girmde `e Gasti Tmgi, Inermgi Geltric.Tevmsti `e Irqueacafîi Inermgili  9:;947-9?:.

Gcmooar`, K.

9==6 Tautes. Privec il` Prilscitmal ml the Cite Pweltmeth Geltury . Hirvir` Ulmversmty

Zress, Gindrm`fe.Gae, V.

9=56 I @mstmlgtmve Irtmoigt Gannal ta Himtm il` Geltric Inermgi. Inermgil Iltmqumty  44(7);48:-484.

Galstelci Uniùi, I.

9==9 Cis Celfuis `ec Érei Mlterne`mi; Mltra`uggm÷l i su Estu`ma Ireic . E`mtarmic `e ciUlmversm`i` `e Gasti Tmgi, Wil Kasí.

Gaabe, T.4::5 Zrehmstary ao Litmve Inermgils al the Geltric Inermgil Cil`-Drm`fe;Gacalmzitmal, @mspersic il` @mverfelge.  Kaurlic ao Irghieacafmgic Teseirgh  97(4);94=-986.

Gaabe, T., il` I. Tilere

9==4 he Armfml ao Veicth il` Hmerirghy ml the Geltric Tefmal ao Zilini (94,:::-4,:::DZ), wmth Adservitmals al mts Tecevilge ta the Hmstary il` Zhycafely aoGhmdghil-Wpeibmlf Zacmtmes ml Zilini il` Ecsewhere. Ml Veicth il` Hmerirghy ml theMlterne`mite Irei , e`mte` dy O.V. Cilfe, pp. 407-79?. @undirtal Aibs, Vishmlftal


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Guret, C.I.

4::0 Mlteriggmalir a la mlteriggmalir; ec Érei Mlterne`mi, ec Érei Gmrgun-Girmde y cis Iltmcces Niyares. Tevmsti `e Irqueacafîi `ec Érei Mlterne`mi  ?;87-9:8.

@rellil, T,

9==? Detwmxt il` detweel ml the Mlterne`mite Irei. Kaurlic ao Irghieacafmgic Teseirgh 0(4);=5-974.

@racet, T.

9=8: Gucturic Wettcenelt icalf the Namst Girmddeil Wcapes ao Eisterl Zilini . Zh@ `ms-sertitmal, Ulmversmty ao Mccmlams, Urdili-Ghinpimfl.

Ega, U., il` . Wedeab (e`mtars)

9=80 Phe Wmfl ao Phree; @upml, Hacnes, Zemrge . Ml`mili Ulmversmty Zress, Dcaanmlftal.

Epsteml, K.

9=56 Cite Gerinmg harmzals ml lartheist Hal`uris . Zh@ `mssertitmal, Ulmversmty aoZellsycvilmi, Zhmci`ecphmi.

Fissmat, E., il` K. Estívez Diccdí

4::0 Wems iùas `e irqueacafîi el ci gasti itcéltmgi `e Lmgirifui; @esgudrmnmelta `eul pisi`a mlí`mta. Dmeles gucturices; revmsti `ec Mlstmtuta `ec Zitrmnalma Hmst÷rmga Espiùac  7;496-44?

Feur`s, I.

4::= Zrayegta Irqueac÷fmga Geltra `e Lmgirifui. Penpari`i 4::= . Mloarne Píglmga om-lic . Ulpudcmshe` nilusgrmpt al omce it the Litmalic Mlstmtute ao Gucture, Nilifui,Lmgirifui.

Feur`s, I., il` C.L.B. _il Draebhavel

4:9: he Wmnmcirmty rip; Elfmlermlf the Freiter-Girmddeil. I perspegtmve oran theMsthna-Gacandmil Irei. Ml Nadmcmty il` Exghilfe oran i Zil-Girmddeil perspegtmve,e`mte` dy G.C. Haonil il` I.K. Drmfht, pp. 54-65. Kaurlic ao Girmddeil Irghieacafy,Wpegmic Zudcmgitmal Lunder 7.

Frmffs, K.

4::5 Phe irghieacafy ao geltric Girmddeil Zilini . Zh@ `mssertitmal, Ulmversmty aoexis, Iustml.

Hecns, N.

9=6= Ilgmelt Zilini; Ghmeos ml seirgh ao pawer. Ulmversmty ao exis Zress, Iustml.

9=86 Irt styces il` mlterigtmal spheres ml Geltric Inermgi il` the Girmddeil; pacmshe`dcigb waa` ml the Freiter Iltmcces. Kaurlic ao Citml Inermgil Care , 94(9);45-07.

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Haapes, K., il` A. Oalsegi 

4::7 Fac`warb il` Ghmdghil m`eltmty; El`afelaus ghilfe il` `moouse ulmty mlthe Msthna-Gacandmil Irei. Ml Fac` il` Zawer ml Ilgmelt Gasti Tmgi, Zilini, il`Gacandmi , e`mte` dy K. Yumcter il` K. Haapes, pp. 0=-8=. @undirtal Aibs, [email protected].

Beile, V.

9==6 Wmfls  ao Tegaflmtmal; Zawers il` Hizir`s ao Tepreseltitmal ml il Ml`alesmil Wagmety .Ulmversmty ao Gicmoarlmi, Derbecey.

4::7 Wenmatmgs il` the sagmic ilicysms ao nitermic thmlfs. Cilfuife il` gannulmgitmal 47;0:=-045.


9=8? he gucturic dmafriphy ao thmlfs; ganna`mtmzitmal is pragess. Ml Phe Wagmic Cmoe

ao Phmlfs; Ganna`mtmes ml Gucturic Zerspegtmve , e`mte` dy I. Ippi`urim, pp. ?0-=9.Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe.

Cilfe, O. (e`mtar)

9==7 Zregacundmil ki`e; Lew feacafmgic il` gucturic mlterpretitmals . Ulmversmty ao UtihZress, Wict Cibe Gmty.

9==? Ziths ta Geltric Inermgil prehmstary . Ulmversmty Zress ao Gacari`a, Lmwat.

Citaur, D.

9==7 Ve hive lever deel na`erl. Hirvir` Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe.Cívm-Wtriuss, G.

9=?= R9=0=^ Phe Eceneltiry Wtrugtures ao Bmlshmp. Eyre & Wpattmswaa`, Cal`al.

Cmlires, A., il` I. Tilere

9=8: I`iptmve ri`mitmals ml prehmstarmg Zilini . Hirvir` Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe.

Niflus, T.

9=60 Phe prehmstary ao the Nmsbmta gaist ao Lmgirifui; I stu`y ml gucturic recitmalshmps .

Zh@ `mssertitmal, ]ice Ulmversmty, Lew Hivel.

NgFmllms, W.

9==? M`eafriphmg expressmal ml the Zregacundmil Girmddeil. Zh@ `mssertitmal, Ulmversmtyao exis, Iustml.

Null, L.

9=8? Phe  Oine ao Fiwi; I Wyndacmg Wtu`y ao _icue Prilsoarnitmal ml i Nissmn (ZipuiLew Fumlei) Wagmety . Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty, Gindrm`fe.

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Zetmt, G.

4::? Ki`e Ixes Zraao ao _ist Ilgmelt Girmddeil Letwarb, Experts Wiy. LitmalicFeafriphmg Lews . Http;//lews.litmalicfeafriphmg.gan/lews/4::?/:?/:?:?94-girmddeil.htnc, iggesse` al Kule 45, 4:9:.

Yumcter, K.4::0 Gaddce  gmrgces il` stil`mlf stales; irghieacafy it the Tmvis Wmte, Gasti Tmgi . Ulmversmtyao Mawi Zress, Mawi Gmty.

Ta`rîfuez Tinas, T.

4::6i Nigra-refmalic elfifenelts detweel the mlhidmtilts ao the Iltmcces il` theGhmdghil Irei; I `mighralmg perspegtmve. Ziper preselte` it the Wpegmicmst Wenmlir;he Ghmdghil Irei, Kule 90, 4::6. Cem`el Ulmversmty, Cem`el.

4::6d Zuerta Tmgil Zregacalmic Hmstary Etghe` ml Wtale . Zh@ `mssertitmal, Ulmversmty ao

Ocarm`i, Fimlesvmcce.

Ta`rîfuez Tinas, T., il` K.T. Zifél Kmnílez

4::6 Cis Iltmccis el ec galtexta `ec Gmrgul-Girmde; Gmlguelti iùas `espuís. MlZragee`mlfs ao the 49st Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy , rmlm`i` il`adifa, pp. 668-68?.

Tause, M.

9=57 he Gmrgun-Girmddeil theary; Il irghieacafmgic test.  Inermgil Ilthrapacafmst  55(4, Zirt 9);988-4::.

9==4 Phe Pimlas; Tmse il` `egcmle ao the peapce wha freete` Gacundus . ]ice UlmversmtyZress, Lew Hivel.

Wiul`ers, L.

9=== Dmafriphmes ao Drmccmilge; Zeircs, rilsoarnitmals ao Nitter il` demlf, g. I@90=4. Varc` Irghieacafy  79(4);407-456.

Wghitzbm, .

9==? Wagmic Zrigtmges. I Vmttfelstemlmil ippraigh ta hunil igtmvmty il` the sagmic .

Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe.Wheets, Z.

9==4 he pervismve perkaritmve ml Mlterne`mite Irei Wtu`mes. Ml Veicth il` hmerirghy mlthe Mlterne`mite Irei , e`mte` dy O.V. Cilfe, pp. 95-04. @undirtal Aibs, [email protected].

Wlirsbms, N., il` E. Mdirri 

9=85 Ganeltirmas sadre ec mltergindma eltre ci Fril Lmgayi, ci _ertmelte Itcéltmgiy ec _icce Geltric `e Gasti Tmgi el perîa`as pregacandmlas e hmst÷rmgas. _îlgucas  


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Wtewir`, K.

9=08 he Gmrgun-Girmddeil rmdes; Il Mltra`ugtmal. Ml Hil`daab ao Wauth InermgilMl`mils, vac. 0, Phe Gmrgun-Girmddeil Prmdes , e`mte` dy K.H. Wtewir`, pp. 9-09. Dureiuao Inermgil Ethlacafy Duccetml 907(0), Vishmlftal @.G.

Wtale, @.9=09 Phe irghieacafy ao the Larth gaist ao Hal`uris . Nenamrs ao the Zeida`y Nuseun=(9), Gindrm`fe.

Wtralf, V.@.

9=08 he irghieacafy ao Hal`uris. Ml Hil`daab ao Wauth Inermgil Ml`mils, vac. 0,Phe Gmrgun-Girmddeil Prmdes , e`mte` dy K.H. Wtewir`, pp. 69-94:. Dureiu ao InermgilEthlacafy Duccetml 907(0), Vishmlftal @.G.

hanis, .

4::9 he Wagmic Zrigtmge ao Gacalmzitmal; Te-thmlbmlf Zrehmstarmg Zacylesmil Nmfritmal.Zeapce il` Gucture ml Ageilmi  96(9);46-0?.

arres, K., il` T. Ta`rîfuez Tinas

4::8 he Girmddeil; I Galtmlelt @mvm`e` dy Viter. Ml Irghieacaf y il` Feamloarnitmgs;Gise Wtu`mes oran the Girmddeil, e`mte` dy D. Tem`, pp. 97-74. Ulmversmty ao IcidiniZress, usgicaasi.

_ecaz Niffmaca, N., il` D. _efi 

9=84 he Iltmcceil pregerinmg; I lew ippraxmnitmal. Kaurlic ao Lew Varc` Irghieacafy  5(4);77-00.

 Vibe, ., I. Kisal, il` G. Derlic

4::0 Zrehmstarmg Wmtma @rifa, Dagis `ec ara, Zilini. Iltmqumty  68 (7::).

 Vmccey, F.

9=69 Il mltra`ugtmal ta Inermgil irghieacafy . Zreltmge-Hicc, Elfecwaa` Gcmoos.

 Vmcsal, W.N.

4::6 Wtale pivenelts, rai`s il` elgcasures ml Geltric Inermgi il` the Girmddeil.Zragee`mlfs ao the 49st Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy , rmlm`i` il`adifa, 4::6, pp. 789-78=.

 Vmcsal, W.N., H. Mgecil`, il` . Hester

9==8 Zregerinmg Gallegtmals detweel ]ugitil il` the Girmddeil. Citml Inermgil Iltmqumty  =(0);704-754.

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Wagmic `mstilge ml the Cite Gerinmg Ife Freiter Iltmcces isseel thraufh ethlahmstarmgic iggaults il` the `mstrmdutmalao sagmic vicuidces

 Ilfus I.I. Nac 

hms piper stirts aut wmth i drmeo avervmew ao the use ao –mlterigtmal theary„ dy Girmddeilirghieacafmsts, whmgh ms suffeste` ta de i gallegtmlf ecenelt ml nily igi`enmg warbs.Oaccawmlf thms M wmcc preselt i na`ec ao Freiter Iltmcceil Cite Gerinmg Ife sagmic mlterig-tmal dise` al i regandmlitmal ao three thearetmgic na`ecs oran ilthrapacafmgic irghie-acafy; –mlterigtmal sphere„, –exghilfe sphere„ il` –sagmic sphere.„ Usmlf ethlahmstarmgicsaurges il` il avervmew ao Cite Gerinmg Ife sagmic vicuidces M wmcc mccustrite haw i sagmicmlterigtmalic na`ec galtrmdutes ta aur ul`erstil`mlf ao the sagmic reicmtmes dehml` the `ms-trmdutmal ao nitermic gucture ganpcexes ml the Iltmcces.

Este irtîguca ganmelzi gal uli dreve reseùi `ec usa `e ci –tearîi `e ci mlteriggm÷l„ par ir-que÷cafas Girmdeùmstis, ci guic se pue`e adservir gana ecenelta `e galkulgm÷l eltre nu-ghas `e cas tridikas igi`ínmgas. Wmfumel`a esti cîlei, preseltirí ul na`eca `e mlteriggm÷l

sagmic `urilte ec Zerîa`a Gerénmga ir`îa `e cis Iltmccis Niyares, disi`a el ci regan-dmligm÷l `e tres na`ecas te÷rmgas `e ci irqueacafîi iltrapac÷fmgi; –esoeri `e mlteriggm÷l„,– esoeri `e mltergindma„ y –esoeri sagmic.„ Utmcmzil`a oueltes etlahmst÷rmgis y ul vmstiza icas dmeles `e vicar sagmic `urilte ec Zerîa`a Gerénmga ir`îa, mcustrirí ci nileri el queec na`eca `e mlteriggm÷l sagmic galtrmduye i luestri ganprelsm÷l `e cis reicm`i`es sagmicessadre cis que se disi ci `mstrmdugm÷l `e ganpcekas `e gucturi.

Get irtmgce ídute pir ul gaurt pilarini e c”utmcmsitmal e ci « thíarme e c”mlterigtmal ² pirces irghíacafues girmdíels, qum est galsm`íríe ëtre ul ícínelt e gallexmal ils deiugaup`e triviux igi`ínmques. El sumvilt gette m`íe, ke vims príselter ul na`èce `”mlterigtmal

sagmice `e c”Äfe Gírinmque Tígelt `es Fril`es Iltmcces disí sur ci regandmlimsal `estrams na`èces thíarmques `e c”irghíacafme ilthrapacafmque ; ci « sphère `”mlterigtmal ², ci «sphère `”íghilfe ² et ci « sphère sagmice ². El utmcmsilt `es saurges ethlahmstarmques et ulevue ”elsendce es viceurs sagmices e c”Äfe Gírinmque Tígelt, ke vims mccustrer gannelt cena`èce mlterigtmallec sagmic galtrmdue ê latre ganpríhelsmal `es ríicmtís sagmices `errmèreci `mstrmdutmal `es ganpcexes `e gucture nitírmecce `es Iltmcces.

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Vmlstal Ghurghmcc ms ittel`mlf il Elfcmsh upper-gciss pirty. Vhmce stil`mlf ml i garler, puolf

iwiy al hms –Tanea y Kuccmetti„ gmfir, he spats i faa`-caabmlf sagmicmte ml the graw`. He dac`cy wicbs

up ta her, tibes i ?-girit `minal` rmlf aut ao hms pagbet il` isbs; –Ny `eir ci`y, wauc` yau spel`

the lmfht wmth ne ml exghilfe oar thms rmlf1„ Phe ci`mes eyes wm`el wmth surprmse` `ecmfht; –Ah ny!

 Nr. Ghurghmcc, ao gaurse M wauc` spel` the lmfht wmth yau!„ –Vecc, thel, wauc` yau icsa sceep wmth

ne oar the sun ao 9: paul`s1„ Ghurghmcc isbs gheebmcy. –Nr. Ghurghmcc! Vhit bml` ao wanil `a

 yau tibe ne oar!„ the sgil`icmze` sagmicmte grmes aut. Ghurghmcc repcmes; –Ve”ve icrei`y estidcmshe` thit,ni`in2 we ire kust estidcmshmlf the `epth ao yaur gannmtnelt.„ 9


Zre-Gacundmil Girmddeil irghieacafy ms ml i stite ao trilsoarnitmal. Vhere thms `ms-gmpcmle alge oaguse` al stu`ymlf leitcy daxe` irghieacafmgic guctures thit oaccawe` thegceir-gut steps ao the sagma-pacmtmgic evacutmaliry ci``er (Guret 9==42 Tause 9==42 Wmefec9==4), reseirghers ire law grmtmgiccy revmewmlf sugh calf-hec` decmeos. hms ms reocegte`,oar exinpce, ml the regelt `evecapnelt ao il` shmot ml hmfh-cevec thearmes (Beefil 4::6;Ghipter 92 Beefil il` Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4::02 Nac 4::62 arres 4:9:), netha`acafmes(Omtzpitrmgb et ic. 4::=2 Haonil et ic. 4::82 Tem` 4::82 arres 4::5), (re)mlterpretitmalsao irghieacafmgic il` ethlahmstarmgic `itisets (Haonil et ic. 4::62 Beefil 4::62 Acmver4::=2 Wmefec 4:9:), il` the feafriphmg il` gucturic reoagusmlf ao reseirgh ta the Girmddeildisml is i whace (Hircaw et ic.  4::?2 Haonil il` Haafcil`, thms vacune2 Beefil mlpress2 Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4::6, 4::82 Ta`rîfuez Tinas et ic. 4::8). Icthaufh sane ao theprapase` ghilfes wmcc lemther stil` the test ao tmne lar thit ao oicsmomgitmal, the oige aoGirmddeil irghieacafy his icrei`y ghilfe` oar faa`.

Evel wmth icc the regelt upheivic, there ms i smlfce m`ei ta whmgh every Girmddeil ir-ghieacafmst sudsgrmdes il` wmcc sudsgrmde ta ml the outure; the m`ei thit gucture-hmstarmgicpragesses ao the Girmddeil ire dest `esgrmde` thraufh mts mlterigtmals, dath mlterlic il`exterlic. Ml thit selse whel Girmddeil irghieacafmsts `msguss pre-Gacundmil gucture hms-tary mt renml`s ne ao the idave ileg`ate. Ilicafauscy ta Ghurghmcc il` the sagmicmte ci`y,we ire icrei`y wmccmlfcy ar ulwmccmlfcy gannmtte` ta the prmlgmpce ‐ mlterigtmal is ilextelsmve il` mltelsmve neghilmsn il` prigtmge ml pre-Gacundmil sagmic il` gucturic cmoe(Haonil et ic. 4::62 Tause 9=8?2 arres il` Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4::82 Vitters 9==6) ‐dut we ire stmcc `editmlf haw `eep aur gannmtnelt ta thms prmlgmpce shauc` de. I `editewhmgh geltres nimlcy al the extelt ao the mlterigtmals il` the ireis ta il` oran whmghthey ocaw (Haonil il` Drmfht 4::8).

Hmstarmgiccy, mlqumrmes mlta the sagmic liture ao pre-Gacundmil mlterigtmal hive deeloew, hawever, `espmte demlf ale ao the niml prmlgmpces ao Girmddeil irghieacafy. Wa, whmcethere ire nily stu`mes thit tibe mlterigtmal is i bey ecenelt, the strugturmlf prmlgmpcesul`ercymlf the sagmic prigtmge ao mlterigtmal reniml uli``resse`.4  @ue ta thms ciguli mtrenimls cirfecy ulgceir whit oarns mlterigtmals wauc` hive tibel ml terns ao the sagmic

9 Pms ac` stary tibes Ghurghmcc is pratifalmst ml thms gise, dut mt ms ittrmdute` ta virmaus hmstarmgic fures sughis Asgir Cevilt il` Derlir` Whiw ‐ the citter ms use` is pratifalmst oar the sine stary is regaulte` ml aleao thase oinaus `msgussmals detweel the Teic Nesainermgil Irghieacafmst il` hms Wbeptmgic Fri`uite Wtu`elt(Ocillery 9=6?;459-457).

4 Latidce exgeptmals ire the regelt daab dy Kasí Acmver (4::=) il` sane ao the warb ao the Citml Inermgil Wagmic Irghieacafy Wghaac. M shire the oarner, dut lat the citter”s thearetmgic o rinewarb.

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dehivmaur il` prigtmge ao pre-Gacundmil gannulmtmes il` ml`mvm`uics il` whit themrnitermic reocegtmals nmfht de.

hms ms lat ta siy thit there ire la warbs it icc i``ressmlf the liture ao pre-Gacundmilmlterigtmals. he galgept ao exghilfe ml pirtmgucir his seel sane thearetmgic ecidaritmal.7 Nast latidce ml thms refir` ire m`eis thit see the exghilfe ao virmaus sagmic vicuidces is i

oulgtmalic ne`mun oar prestmfe dise` ganpetmtmal ml the sagma-pacmtmgic ireli (Guret 9==?2Acmver 4::=). he m`ei ao exghilfe is i cmoecmle, wheredy nmfrilts galtmlue themr mlterig-tmals wmth themr nather gannulmtmes ml ar`er ta elsure dmacafmgic il` gucturic survmvic, msicsa elgaultere` is il mlterigtmalic theary ml Girmddeil irghieacafy (Haonil et ic. 4:992Beefil 4::02 Bmrgh 9=882 Vitters 9==62 Vitters il` Tause 9=8=). 0 

hese ire ml`ee` prmne exinpces ao mnpartilt types ao sagmic mlterigtmal, dut they alcyrepreselt i snicc origtmal ao the whace finut ao passmdce prigtmges. he nast ganpceteavervmew ao oarns ao mlterigtmal ta `ite ms dy Daanert (4:::;Ghipter 99), wha `evatesi ghipter ta virmaus Wici`am`/Dirrilgam` mlterigtmals. He `msgusses i virmety ao weib il`stralf mlterigtmals, m.e. peigeouc exghilfe il` exghilfe ao vmacelge (go. Cívm-Wtriuss 9=07),

thit wauc` hive pciye` il mnpartilt race inalf the Eircy Gerinmg Ife gannulmtmes aothe Vml`wir` mscil`s il` the Wauth Inermgil nimlcil`. Icthaufh the avervmew ms qumteextelsmve, mt `aes lathmlf ta mlgreise aur ul`erstil`mlf ao sagmic mlterigtmal ml atherGirmddeil refmals il` tmne perma`s.

he nast previcelt thearmes ao pre-Gacundmil mlterigtmal ire thase thit expciml guc-turic il` stycmstmg armfmls il` moousmal, i type ao thmlbmlf whmgh uctmnitecy stens oran thewarbs ao eircy gucture-hmstarmgic irghieacafmsts (Ghmc`e 9=452 Naltecmus 98==). Tegeltcy,Ta`rîfuez Tinas his deel warbmlf oran il –mlterigtmal piri`mfn„ (Wghartnil il`Urdil 9==8), whmgh hac`s thit –mlterigtmals detweel sagmetmes ire the ruce rither thil theexgeptmal, il` these hive i vmtic pcige ml themr repra`ugtmal, evacutmal, il`/ar gaccipse„

(Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4::6; 0?). Haw these mlterigtmals wauc` hive deel strugture` ml sagmicprigtmge renimls ulgceir oran Ta`rîfuez Tinas” warb, hawever.

Ml thit selse the warb ao Mrvmlf Tause renimls the dest Girmddeil exinpce ao il it-tenpt it i theary ao mlterigtmal (Tause 9=7=, 9=8?, 9==4), Tause”s niml `rmve wis taexpciml the armfml ao il` ghilfe ml pre-Gacundmil gucture (Wmefec 9==?), sa, tafetherwmth papucitmal navenelt il` cagic `evecapnelt, mlterigtmal wis the alcy ather cafmgicexpcilitmal oar the ghilfes he il` athers wmtlesse` ml the irghieacafmgic regar`. Tause`m` lat oagus al mlterigtmal is i bey galgept oar hms mlvestmfitmals, recymlf nare aotel alpapucitmal navenelts ta expciml mighralmg il` feafriphmgic shmots ml styce. Leverthecess,stralf m`eis idaut the race ao mlterigtmal ml the pre-Gacundmil Girmddeil ire preselt ml

hms warb; –Mlterigtmal ms the neghilmsn wheredy gucturic larns `moouse mlterliccy inalfthe nenders ao i cagic papucitmal R…^ il` the neils ao exterlic moousmal oran the nen-ders ao ale cagic papucitmal ar peapce ta ilather„ (Tause 9=8?; 99).

7 Vhelever iuthars `msguss exghilfe, they ire gceircy ticbmlf idaut mlteltmalic exghilfe. Wa, smlge la mltel-tmalic exghilfe tibes pciges wmthaut mlterigtmal, thms tern ms use` here is leircy hanacafaus ar is i sud-virmiltao mlterigtmal.

0 Icthaufh mt his deel pre`anmliltcy use` oar the Eircy Wici`am`, the cmoecmle theary gauc` ta ny nml` icsa de

ippcme` ta ather smtuitmals ‐ e.f. the Cite Gerinmg Ife sprei` ao Ghmgil Astmalam` (Haafcil` il` Haonil9===).

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 It omrst fcilge i Tausemil versmal ao mlterigtmal seens rither aut`ite`, demlf sacecygalgerle` wmth neghilmsns thit expciml the shirmlf ao sa-gicce` –gucturic„ stycmstmg trimtsml the irghieacafmgic regar`. Lalethecess, there ire mnpcmgitmals ml usmlf thms theary il`passmdce up`ites il` revmsmals whmgh nibe thms theary”s prmlgmpces i dmt cess nalathetmg.

Phree spheres ml mlterigtmal theary Tause il` athers were mlspmre` dy the galgept ao –the mlterigtmal sphere„ mssumlf oranwarb `ale al Hapeweccmil guctures ml the eircy 9=?:s (Daanert 4:::2 Hivmser 9==92Tause 9=8?). Gic`wecc prapase` ta mlterpret the sa-gicce` Hapeweccmil phelanelal - ipitterl ao shire` nitermic gucture trimts ml i cirfe irei ao Eisterl Larth Inermgi, galsmstmlfao virmaus `mstmlgt elvmralneltic zales il` gucturic tri`mtmals, `urmlf the 4:: DG ta I@0:: Nm``ce Vaa`cil` perma` (@ilgey 4::5) - is the eooegt ao `mooerelt refmalic tri`mtmalsthit were cmlbe` thraufh i recmfmaus mlterigtmal sphere (Gic`wecc 9=?0).

 Icthaufh there ms i scmfht virmitmal ml neilmlf il` use (Ictsghuc 9=682 Dmloar` 9=?52Gic`wecc 9=?02 Omtzpitrmgb 4::82 Firgei il` Hmc`edril` 4::=2 Fcitz 4::=2 Hivmser 9==92Hiy`el il` Wghuctmlf 9==62 Wghartnil 9=8=2 Wtruever il` Hauirt 9=64), il mlterigtmalsphere niy de drai`cy `eomle` is –mloarnitmal il` exghilfe letwarbs thraufh whmghstitus-spegmomg irteoigts is wecc is stycmstmg galgepts il` ather larns gmrgucite„ (Daanert4:::;9). Wtmcc, there exmst sane prmlgmpces ao the mlmtmic theary thit hive lat icwiys deeltibel up dy sudsequelt warbs. Oar exinpce, Gic`wecc stites thit mt ms ta de expegte` thitt ms ta de expegte` thitspheres wmth i hmfh `efree ao mlterigtmal `mspciy i freiter smnmcirmty ml sagma-gucturic pit-terls thil ireis wmth i caw `efree ao mlterigtmal. Ml i``mtmal, mt ms ta de expegte` thitspheres wmth i hmfh `efree ao mlterigtmal `mspciy i hmfher rite ao mllavitmal thil ireiswmth i caw `efree ao mlterigtmal, whmgh esseltmiccy eltimcs thit mlterigtmal cei`s ta gucturichanafelemty il` mllavitmal (Gic`wecc 9=?0).

 Icthaufh they ippeir ta de gannalselse, these ire mnpartilt sudsm`miry thearmes aothe mlterigtmal sphere theary il` shauc` de pirtmiccy i`apte` whel nibmlf use ao mt. Wtmcc,there ms sane grmtmgmsn ta de fmvel ta dath ao then. Tefir`mlf the –mlterigtmal eltimcs ml-lavitmal„ theary mt ms mnpartilt ta late thit mllavitmal niy icsa sprmlf oarth oran virmausather oigtars, sugh is sagmetic stress, ioocuelge, exgeptmalic quicmtmes ao ml`mvm`uic ifeltsil` smnpce hippelstilge. Ml i``mtmal, mt ms aotel i nitter ao galtraversy whether mllavi-tmals sprmlf oarth oran mlterigtmals ar gauc` hive deel mlvelte` cagiccy, sugh is ml the giseao the sa-gicce` –Zre-Iriwib pattery harmzal„ ml the Freiter Iltmcces (Ta`rîfuez Tinaset ic. 4::8). Ml sun, ale gauc` dest siy thit –mlterigtmal issmsts mllavitmal„ mlstei` ao el-

oargmlf mt. Vmth respegt ta the m`ei thit i hmfh `efree ao mlterigtmal oarges i hmfh `efreeao smnmcirmty ml nitermic gucture, mt his ta de late` thit there ms la ale-ta-ale garrecitmaldetweel the quiltmty ao shire` nitermic gucture il` the mltelsmty ao mlterigtmal. Hawever( pige Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4::6;0?), M wauc` siy thit the inault il` the quicmty ao nitermicsit il irghieacafmgic smte ms, it the ceist, ml`mgitmve ao the type il` niflmtu`e ao the mlterig-tmals ml whmgh thms smte pirtmgmpite`.

he nast mnpartilt sudsm`miry prmlgmpce ms thit il mlterigtmal sphere ms icwiys oa-guse` iraul` i pirtmgucir bml` ao mlterigtmal. Gic`wecc, oar mlstilge, prapase` thit shire`recmfmaus m`eacafy wis it the geltre ao the Hapeweccmil mlterigtmal sphere (Gic`wecc9=?0). he m`ei thit shire` ecenelts ao nitermic gucture detweel the Freiter Iltmcces il`

Lartherl Cesser Iltmcces ire giuse` dy esatermg mlterigtmal, rither thil mltelsmve exghilfesao riw nitermics ar sagmic vicuidces, ms ilather prapasic oar sugh i recmfmaus mlterigtmal

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sphere (Iccimre 9==:). here ire ather Girmddeil exinpces ta de fmvel. he mstrmdutmal aoGhmgil pattery oran Zulti Nigia ml the Eisterl @anmlmgil Tepudcmg ms i gise ml pamltao i cagicmze` mlterigtmal sphere dise` al the exghilfe ao gerinmgs oran ale smte (Galri`et ic. 4::82 Winsal 4:9:;=02 vil Is et ic. 4::8). Vhereis feafriphmgiccy extelsmve cmthmgexghilfe niy hive deel the natar dehml` the prapase` Lartherl Cesser Iltmcceil mlter-

igtmal sphere (Gragb 4:::2 Hivmser 9==92 Blmppelderf 4::?). Is prapase` dy Ta`rîfuezTinas, i pil-Girmddeil mlterigtmal sphere nmfht de oaul`e` al the disms ao i Girmddeil-wm`e mlterest ml the exghilfe ao sa-gicce` –sagmic ki`es„ (Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4:9:).

Oran thms oaccaws thit the irteoigts it the heirt ao il mlterigtmal sphere wauc` hivei cirfer il` nare galsmstelt rilfe ao `mstrmdutmal thil thase thit ire lat. he oigt thitspegmomg irteoigts gine ta de it the heirt ao i pirtmgucir systen ms il autgane ao ulmversicsagmic tel`elgmes ni`e nare spegmomg dy cagic hmstarmgic pragesses ao suppcy il` `enil`.Hawever, the resuctmlf pasmtmal ao the irteoigt ml the exghilfe systen wauc` hive deelreisale` aut ml terns ao sagma-gucturic latmals ao vicue dy the persals pirtibmlf ml thitpirtmgucir exghilfe systen (go. Frieder 4::9).

Ale ao these reisals gauc` de thit these sagmic vicuidces were pirt ao i sepirite –sphereao exghilfe.„ hms gcissmgic ilthrapacafmgic m`ei hac`s thit there ire systens ao exghilfeml whmgh adkegts ire issmfle` ta `mooerelt trilsigtmalic gitefarmes ao vicue thit hive larestrmgtmal al exghilfes wmthml themr praper gitefary, dut thit resuct ml il mlganpitmdmc-mty ao vicue galversmal detweel gitefarmes (Wmccmtae 4::?). Ml the exghilfe systen ao theLmfermil mv, oar mlstilge, oaa`stuoos il` every-`iy utelsmcs gil de oreecy exghilfe` ifimlstale ilather, whmce there ms il iutalanaus sphere ao exghilfe thit galsmsts ao driss ra`s,gittce, scives, whmte gcath il` nifmgic mtens, il` ilather sphere galsmstmlf ao –`epel`eltpersals„, e.f. wanel il` ghmc`rel (Dahillil 9=55).

Exghilfe spheres fimle` ulmversic ippeic whel they were `msgusse` ml the galtext ao

na`erl ganna`mtmzitmal (Bapytaoo 9=8?), dut the niml ethlafriphmg exinpces ao iu-talanaus spheres ao exghilfe gane oran the Zigmomg il` Iormgi, wmth very oew gceir-gutgises autsm`e these refmals (Wmccmtae 4::?).5  Mt shauc` icsa de regaflmze` thit exghilfelever tibes pcige ml i viguun, dut girrmes ather nitermic il` mnnitermic gucture wmth mt(Nicmlawsbm 9=44;=4), whmgh wauc` nibe mt hir` ta `mseltilfce spheres ao exghilfe mli pre-Gacundmil picmnpsest ao exghilfe prigtmges (go. Wtruever il` Hauirt 9=64). ]et, Mthmlb thit the exmstelge ao exghilfe spheres shauc` de refir`e` is i reic passmdmcmty ml theGirmddeil, icdemt lat ml sugh i strmgt selse is sane ethlafriphmg gise-stu`mes suffest. Mlthe gise ao Cite Gerinmg Ife shecc fuiîzis mt wis shawl, oar exinpce, thit these sagmic vicu-idces were pirt ao il exghilfe sphere thit galsmsts ao i gciss ao adkegts thit were spegmomgiccy

neilt ta de exghilfe` wmth extri-gannulic athers (Nac 4::6).he exmstelge ao prehmstarmg spheres ao exghilfe, evel thaufh mt ms qumte cmbecy, ms alcy

ale raute ta expciml the exmstelge ao pre-Gacundmil mlterigtmal spheres. Mt ms icsa true thitthe sagma-gucturic `ylinmgs thit greite il` nimltiml mlterigtmal spheres ire paarcy ul`er-staa` dy irghieacafmsts (Hiy`el il` Wghuctmlf 9==6). hereoare, i thmr` sphere lee`s tade i``e` ta the prapase` irghieacafmgic mlterigtmalic theary, linecy the sagmic sphere.

he na`ec, dise` al Wihcmls” (9=64) `msgussmal ao regmpragmty il` bmlshmp `mstilge,galsmsts ao galgeltrmg rmlfs thit ocire autwir` oran the sniccest sagmic ulmt ‐ thms ms theresm`eltmic fraup ml Wihcmls” na`ec ‐ tawir` the exatmg, m.e. the sagmic ulblawl. hms ms

5 Icthaufh i Cawcil` Wauth Inermgil exinpce exmsts (@eil 9==0).

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gaupce` dy m`eis oran evacutmaliry psyghacafy thit shaw thit ml`mvm`uic ifelts il` ml-stmtutmals use `mooerelt sagmic stritefmes ta arfilmze themr ever expil`mlf sagmic gmrgces. Oarthe twa sniccest sagmic ulmts the nast mnpartilt stritefy ms felericmze` regmpragmty il`stralf regmpragmty (Oehr il` Omsghdigher 4::72 Hinmctal 9=?0i,d2 Nac 4:9:). Ml thesphere deyal` thit, the ale ao the vmccife, the previcelt sagmic stritefy wauc` galsmst ao i

nmx ao ml`mregt regmpragmty, regmpragic ictrumsn il` fraup ictrumsn (Tmghersal il` Day`4::02 rmvers 9=69). Ml the sa-gicce` trmdic sphere sagmic stritefmes wauc` nastcy galsmst ao`mregt regmpragmty (Tmghersal il` Day` 4::02 Ghipnil 9=8:2 Niuss 9==:). Ml mltertrmdicrecitmals lefitmve regmpragmty ms the fum`mlf prmlgmpce ao mlterigtmal, whmgh nmfht galsmstao igtuic physmgic vmacelge, dut iltifalmstmg types ao mlterigtmal, sugh is fmvmlf ml ar`er tahunmcmite ar exigtmlf trmdute thraufh threit ao oarge, ire ather exinpces ao lefitmve regm-pragmty (Daur`meu 9=66;9=42 Dawces 4::=2 Wihcmls 9=64;9=5-9=?). Ziri`axmgiccy, elgaul-ters thit tibe pcige ml the cist rmlf, cidecce` –exatmg„, ire lemther sagmic lar iltmsagmic, dutrither nirbe` dy i `mstmlgt idselge ao sagmicmty.

Omfure 9 I na`me` versmal ao Wihcml”s na`ec ao prmnmtmve exghilfe (Wihcmls

9=64;9==). Ml thms versmal –the exatmg„ his deel i``e` is the auter zale ao

the sagmic sphere.

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he three thearmes ao mlterigtmal elgaultere` here ire nutuiccy suppartmve, i``ressmlf`mooerelt ispegts ao il irghieacafmgic mlterigtmalic theary. Mlterigtmal tibes pcige ml re-fmalic spheres thit galsmst ao sagmic ml`mvm`uics il` mlstmtutmals thit ire gallegte` thraufhthemr faa`s il` mloarnitmal exghilfe letwarbs. Nuctmpce mlterigtmal spheres nmfht exmstml the sine refmal, degiuse the exghilfe` nitermic il` mnnitermic gucture nmfht decalf

ta spegmomg trilsigtmalic gitefarmes, m.e. spheres ao exghilfe. hese mlterigtmal spheres il`spheres ao exghilfe ire ghirigtermze` dy themr sagmic stritefmes, oran oree-spmrmte` ictrumsnta icc-aut galocmgt. Galversecy, the trilsigtmalic gitefarmes ao nitermic il` mnnitermic guc-ture il` the rilfe il` quiltmty ao mlterigtmal ‐ exghilfe il` mlterigtmal spheres ‐hivei strugturmlf mlocuelge al the sagmic stritefmes use` ml the mlterigtmal. Ml prigtmge the gan-dmle` thearmes aooer i wiy ao thmlbmlf thit tibes iggault ao mlterigtmal rilfe il` mltelsmty,type ao exghilfe vicuidces il` sagmic neghilmsns ml ar`er ta i``ress pre-Gacundmil ml-terigtmal ml the Girmddeil disml. a shaw haw these thearmes nmfht de use` ml galgert twarautes ao ippraigh wmcc de tibel. he omrst wmcc de il ilicysms ao Freiter Iltmcceil prata-hmstarmg mlterigtmals usmlf ethlahmstarmgic `agunelts. he segal` wmcc de i drmeo avervmew

ao styce, oarn, il` oulgtmal ao Cite Gerinmg Ife (I@ 8::-90=4) sagmic vicuidces.

Expcarmlf mlterigtmal ml the prata-Galtigt perma`

he very omrst yeirs ao galtigt ire mlterestmlf ml themr awl rmfht, dut ire evel nare mnpar-tilt oar irghieacafmsts wha ittenpt ta teise aut mloarnitmal al pre-Gacundmil Iltmcceilsagmety deoare the mrreversmdce `estrugtmal ao ml`mfelaus cmoewiys ml the eircy Galtigt pe-mrreversmdce `estrugtmal ao ml`mfelaus cmoewiys ml the eircy Galtigt pe-rma`. Mt ms wecc-blawl thit the stu`y ao eircy saurges thit `esgrmde the Gistmcmil expcari-Mt ms wecc-blawl thit the stu`y ao eircy saurges thit `esgrmde the Gistmcmil expcari-tmals ml the Iltmcces ms lat ulpradcenitmg.? hereoare, whel ethlahmstary ms use` mt shauc`de `ale spirmlfcy il` grmtmgiccy il` ml ar`er ta test lew thearetmgic na`ecs ar hypathesesthit ire galstrugte` ta sacve il irghieacafmgic pradcen ‐ ml thms gise haw were mlterigtmalspheres armelte` il` whit were the previmcmlf sagmic stritefmes il` nitermics use` ml these

? Omrst ao icc there ms the mssue thit ethlahmstarmg `agunelts ire ao i smlfucir liture il` hive aotel deel gapme``awl oran armfmlics, sa thit `etimcs nmfht de oicse wmthaut the passmdmcmty ta vermoy thms ml ather garradaritmve

saurges. Icsa, smnpcy trilsgrmdmlf the wecc-blawl prmniry saurges il` usmlf the mloarnitmal ml then oar themlterpretitmal ao Girmddeil nitermic gucture, ms aotel lat thit mlterestmlf, seemlf thit thms his icrei`y deel`ale extelsmvecy (Oewbes 9=:62 Oewbes 9=442 Cavíl 9=75 2 Tause 9=08i,d). Pmr`cy, mt his ta de iggepte`thit ethlahmstary aotel his i wiy ao `anmlitmlf irghieacafmgic iggaults ao the pist, whmgh gil cei` ta i`msprapartmalite recmilge upal sudkegtmve `agunelts ta ecugm`ite hmstarmgic –truth„ (Nighcighcil il` Beefil9==:). Pms ms perhips why, `urmlf the Cem`el ml the Girmddeil Wynpasmun where thms piper wis preselte`,mt wis pamlte` aut ta ne thit the niml saurges M use ml ny ilicysms ire seel is hmfhcy pradcenitmgic oran ihmstarmgic perspegtmve, degiuse the mloarnitmal gillat de galrne` usmlf ather saurges. M decmeve thit thesesaurges shauc` de use` spirmlfcy il` shauc` lat de recme` upal oar `etimce` `esgrmptmals ao the ml`mfelaus wiyao cmoe. Pms pradcen espegmiccy iegts the rst pirt ao ny ilicysms thit trmes ta expciml ml`mfelaus dehivmaur il`ritmalicmzitmals is `esgrmde` dy Eurapeils ml sudkegtmve saurges, whmgh nibes mt, M ifree, sanewhit teltitmve.Pe segal` pirt ao ny ilicysm s recmes al ml`mges thit ire emther preselt ml the text ar ire lat. M rekegt the apmlmalao thase grmtmgs thit siy the saurges shauc` lat de use` it icc. Wugh i `estrugtmve grmtmque ms le oar thase wha

ire alcy mltereste` ml the hmstary ao the `aguneltitmal ao Eurapeil il` ml`mfelaus galtigt, dut lat oar thasewha wmsh ta expcare hypatheses thit ittenpt ta expciml the hunil pist.

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spheres (go. Nac 4::8)1 Vhel tibmlf these pregiutmals ethlahmstarmgic iggaults, sugh isthe oaccawmlf tibel oran the omrst `iys ao galtigt ‐ oran the @miry ao Gacundus is tril-sgrmde` dy Cis Gisis ‐ gil de qumte mlstrugtmve (Livirete 9=44; 77);6

–Cules 95 `e Agtudre R…^ Cules 95 `e Agtudre R…^

] estil`a é ne`ma facoa `estis `as mscis, es `e sider `e iquecci `e Wilti Niréi y `e esti fril`e, éci guic palfa landre ci Oerlil`mli, oiccí ul handre saca el uli icni`mi que sepisidi `e ci msci

`e Wilti Nirîi é ci Oerlil`mli, y trimi ul paga `e su pil, que sermi tilta gana ec puùa, y uli

gicidizi e ifui, y ul pe`iza `e tmerri derneki heghi el pacva y espues inisi`i, y ulis hakis segis

que ede ser gasi nuy ipregmi`i eltre eccas, parque yi ne trukeral el Wil Wicvi`ar eccis el preselte,

 y trimi ul gestmcca é su fumsi, el que telmi ul riniceka `e gueltegmccis `e vm`rma y `as dcilgis, par cis

guices galasgî quec velmi `e ci msci `e Wil Wicvi`ar, y hidmi pisi`a é iquecci `e Wilti Nirîi, y se

 pisidi i ci Oerlil`mli.„ 

hms pirtmgucir exgerpt ms drmnnmlf wmth mloarnitmal idaut the liture ao mlterigtmaltwa `iys ioter the omrst galtigt detweel ml`mfelaus Dihinmils il` Gistmcmils. here ms ml-

oarnitmal idaut the type ao trivec ritmals il` ather taacs oar trivec, the spee` il` mtmleriryao mltermscil` trivec, gavete` exghilfe vicuidces, il` the reisal oar trivec; ta sprei` thelews ao Gacundus”s irrmvic. Ml i``mtmal, mt shaws thit there nust hive deel il mlterigtmalsphere thit galsmste` ao it ceist Tun Giy, Calf Mscil` il` Wil Wicvi`ar. Icsa, the nilwis girrymlf adkegts thit were hmfhcy vicue` inalf icc the mscil`ers, dut wis ulirne` il`triveccmlf icale. Wa, he seens ta lat hive deel ml ily `mregt `ilfer, dut wis equmppe` iswis sagmiccy iggeptidce ta hms lemfhdaurmlf gannulmtmes, m.e. passmdcy deiutmome` dy usmlfthe paw`er oar da`y `egaritmal il` deirmlf tadigga is i snicc fmot. hereoare mt ms qumtereisalidce ta issune thit the pirtmgucir sagmic gmrgce ml whmgh he wis navmlf wis cagite`sanewhere al the nm`pamlt ao the sagmic sphere na`ec, m.e. the cevec Wihcmls giccs –trmdic„

(Wihcmls 9=64;9=0-9=5).he `esgrmptmal ao the mlterigtmals detweel Gacundus il` ml`mfelaus Dihinmils ml

the `miry gil icsa de use` ta ourther expcare prata-Galtigt Dihinmil mlterigtmal il` sa-gmic spheres.8 Zirtmgucircy, the mloarnitmal thit Gacundus fmves idaut the dehivmaur ao hmsml`mfelaus Dihinmil fum`es ms elcmfhtelmlf ml thms refir`. Gacundus”s mlmtmic m`ei wis tagirry sevel ml`mfelaus Dihinmil nel igrass the ageil il` hive then `mspciye` it thegaurt ml Wevmcce, dut he saal gine ta recy al then oar gannulmgitmal wmth ather ml`mfe-

6 Icc trilscitmals ire i`ipte` oran Degbwmth il` Oirmli”s trilscitmal (Degbwmth il` Oirmli 9==:), dut ilathertrilscitmal his deel sudstmtute` dy ne it tmnes thit M oeec themr trilscitmal ms lat ml cmle wmth the saurge text(Livirete 9=44);

–Nal`iy, Agtader 95

 Vhmce M wis detweel these twa mscil`s, m.e. Wilti Nirîi RTun Giy^ il` thms cirfe ale whmgh M line` Oerlil`mliRCalf Mscil`^, M net i nil icale ml i pmrafue Rgilae^ famlf oran the mscil` ao Wilti Nirîi ta Oerlil`mli. Hehi` wmth hmn i snicc caio, the smze ao hms st, i faur` ao witer, sane re` eirth fraul` mlta paw`er il` ni`emlta piste, il` sane `rme` ceives, whmgh these peapce nust freitcy prmze, oar they preselte` ne sane ao mt alWil Wicvi`ar. He hi` icsa i disbet ni`e ml themr litmve oishmal ml whmgh he hi` i snicc strmlf ao fciss dei`s il`twa dcilgis RWpilmsh gamls^. Oran these thmlfs M blew thit he hi` gane oran the mscil` ao Wil Wicvi`ar, hi`taughe` Wilti Nirîi, il` wis law famlf ta Oerlil`mli.„

8 Beefil (9==4;Ghipter 8) his i lmge `msgussmal al Gacundus”s raute il` prata-galtigt Dihinmil smtes ml therefmal.

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laus fraups il` oar feafriphmg il` gucturic mloarnitmal.= Is i frmn spegtre ao the vmacelgethit wauc` oaccaw, the sevel fum`es `m` lat kaml aut ao themr awl vacmtmal, dut were ml oigtid`ugte` oran the mscil` ao Wil Wicvi`ar al the 90th Agtader ao 90=4.9: It omrst the neltrme` ta esgipe, whmgh ale ao then nilife` suggessouccy wmth the im` ao ilather nil ml igilae the oaccawmlf lmfht. Ale ather nilife` ta esgipe ml i smnmcir oishmal the oaccawmlf

`iy, whel Gacundus wis ilghare` aoo the gaist ao Tun Giy (Livirete 9=44;Agtader 95).Oaccawmlf ittenpts were thwirte` il` alge Gacundus”s shmps ceot the Dihinmil irghmpec-

= Mt his icwiys deel i nystery haw Gacundus il` the ather Mdermils gannulmgite` wmth the ml`mfelaus peapceao the Girmddeil `urmlf mlmtmic galtigt. Mt shauc` hawever lat de oarfattel thit Gacundus il` nily atherswere trivecce` nel wha hi` deel warbmlf themr wiy thraufh mltergucturic smtuitmals ml whmgh lal-verdic gan-nulmgitmal wis i legessmty. Pe sine nmfht de sim` ao the ml`mfelaus peapce ao the Girmddeil, wha nmfht hivepirtibel ml mlterigtmal spheres thit were lat hml`ere` dy cilfuife dirrmers.

9: –@anmlfa 90 `e AgtudreR… E^sti felte es nuy smnpcmge el irnis, gana verél vuestris Ictezis `e smete que ya hmge tanir piri ccevir y`eprel`er luestri oidci y vacveccas„ (Livirete 9=44;4=).

–Wul`iy Agtader 90

Pms peapce”s use ao irns ms the smnpcest, is yaur Hmfhlesses RMsidecci M il` Oer`mlil` MM^ wmc c see oran the sevelthit M taab ta de draufht Rta the gaurt^, tiufht aur cilfuife, il` returle` hane.„

Omfure 4 I suffeste` na`ec ao the sagmic sphere ao the Dihinmil fum`es.

Tefmals il` `mstilges detweel then ire lat ml sgice. Alcy cagitmals hive

deel `mspciye` oar whmgh mloarnitmal ms ivimcidce.

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ifa the renimlmlf nel `m` lat fet ilather ghilge ta esgipe. Mt seene` thit thms wis latdegiuse they were resacve` ml themr oite il` were ily cess hanesmgb thil deoare, dut ritherdegiuse they oeire` the mlhidmtilts ao the ather refmals Gacundus vmsmte`.

Mt ms thms bml` ao mloarnitmal thit iccaws i regalstrugtmal ao i gandmle` sagmic il` ml-terigtmal sphere oar the pre-Gacundmil mlhidmtilts ao Wil Wicvi`ar. he resgue ittenpt

- ul`ertibel mnne`mitecy il` it galsm`eridce rmsb ta the resguers - oar exinpce, ms il ir-funelt oar the m`ei thit there were gcase mlterigtmals il` sagmic tmes detweel the mlhidmt-ilts ao Wil Wicvi`ar il` Tun Giy. Mt ms the type ao senm-ictrumstmg igtmal thit gauc` deexpcimle` is dise` al estidcmshe` pitterls ao felericmze` ar stralf regmpragmty. Ml i``mtmal,the wmccmlfless ta ul`ertibe i resgue ittenpt ms lat seel ta de preselt inalf ather peapceao the Dihinmil mscil`s vmsmte` dy Gacundus, ml`mgitmlf thit the Wil Wicvi`armils smnpcy`m` lat shire sugh i stralf sagmic dal` wmth then.

Lalethecess, the bm`lippe` fum`es seen ta hive deel reisalidcy oinmcmir wmth thelines, feafriphy il` sagma-pacmtmgic smtuitmal ao ather mscil`s sugh is Graabe` Mscil` il`Oartule Mscil` (Livirete 9=44;9= il` 49 Agtader). Vhel icsa galsm`ermlf the exgerpt ao

the cale nil triveccmlf ml hms gilae wha drmlfs the lews ao Gacundus”s irrmvic, thms cei`sta il irfunelt thit thms refmal wis ghirigtermze` dy il mlterigtmal sphere ml whmgh strite-fmes oran the mlterne`mite cevec ao the sagmic sphere ‐ ml`mregt regmpragmty il` regmpragicictrumsn dise` al i caase selse ao fraup ulmty ‐ wauc` hive `anmlite`.

Deyal` the Dihinmil irghmpecifa the fum`es seen ta hive cess il` cess frmp al cagiciooimrs. hey seen ta hive sane blawce`fe ao trivec rautes ta the Fmdiri refmal il` sur-raul`mlf refmals ml the larth ao Gudi il` ippeir ta de qumte wmccmlf ta gannulmgitewmth the peapce there (Livirete 9=44; 4?, 4=, 7: il` 79 Agtader). hms seens ta ml`mgitethit there wis it ceist i dal` ao sagmic gannulicmty detweel then, perhips degiuse theyhi` hi` sane pist `eicmlfs ar hi` fimle` sane mloarnitmal thraufh exghilfe pirtlers.

 Vhel Gacundus simcs deyal` the pirt ao Gudi thit ms gcasest ta the Dihinmils” mscil`ao armfml, they degane nare il` nare oeirouc ao the cagic mlhidmtilts (Livirete 9=44;9@egender). he trilsgrmptmal ao Gacundus”s `miry suffests al virmaus aggismals thit theDihinmil fum`es seene` ta de extrenecy iorim` ao prafressmlf eist tawir`s Hmspilmaciil` surraul`mlf mscil`s. hey wirl ao the vmacelt Gilmni  peapce thit cmve ml i refmal armscil` gicce` Dahîa wha ire ale-eye` nalsters wmth `af slauts (e.f. Livirete 9=44;4?Lavender).99 hms suffests thit mlterigtmals detweel the pcige ao armfml ao the Dihinmilfum`es il` these refmals were ao i prafressmvecy iltm-sagmic liture. Mt seens thit blawce`fethraufh expermelge ar heir-siy ms sudstmtute` dy superstmtmal il` i nythmg feafriphy. Iccthe gandmle` exgerpts al the Dihinmil fum`es cei`s ta i teltitmve regalstrugtmal ao themr

gandmle` sagmic il` mlterigtmal sphere (Omfure 4).hms shauc` lat de ul`erstaa` is i sagmic mlterigtmal virmilt ao aptmnic oarifmlf the-

ary. Omrst ao icc, the oagus ao mlterigtmals il` sagmic ittmtu`es wauc` hive shmote` galtmlu-auscy ml the pre-Gacundmil Girmddeil `epel`mlf al cagic –fea„-pacmtmgic pragesses il`ml`mvm`uic ittmtu`es. Ml i``mtmal, the `iti ms lat ao sugh i liture thit mt gil de ouccy recme`

99 Pms reoerelge ta Gilmni  peapce ms igtuiccy the rst reoerelge ta il m`ei thit wis citer galfflite` wmth athers mltathe mloinaus tern –gillmdic„ (Beefil 4::6; 7?). Ml oigt the ml`mfelaus Gudils oran the Tîa `e Nires refmalicsa wirle` Gacundus ao nel cmvmlf ta the eist thit hi` alcy i smlfce eye il` athers wmth `af nuzzces wha itenel thit they gipture, il` sudsequeltcy `egipmtite, `rmlb themr dcaa`, il` gut a themr felmtics. Oartulitecy,

whmce idselge ao evm`elge ms lat icwiys evm`elge oar idselge, the ivimcidce evm`elge seens ta `msnmss the exmst-elge ao these greitures ta the reicn ao oiltisy.

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upal oar sugh `etimce` mlterpretitmals. he exgerpts oran the hil` ao Cis Gisis ‐ whadraufht hms awl sudkegtmve ifel`i ta hms trilsgrmptmal ‐ represelt stitenelts il` dehiv-maurs ao alcy omve ml`mvm`uics, wha hi` faa` reisal lat ta igt truthouccy. Nareaver, theywere mlterprete` dy Gacundus, wha icthaufh il expermelge` triveccer gillat de gicce` iladkegtmve ethlafripher.

Leverthecess, thms na`ec `ermve` oran ethlahmstarmgic mloarnitmal seens ta de digbe`up dy stitenelts al feafriphmgic `mstilges il` sagmic ittmtu`es thit gil de oaul` ml ath-er `agunelts `esgrmdmlf eircy gacalmic ml`mfelaus mlterigtmals. here ms, oar exinpce,the mloarnitmal Ghilgi pravm`es idaut the rilfe ao the Mscil` Girmd ao @anmlmgi il`Fui`ecaupe‐ 95: cefuis ar ?7:bn (7=:nm) ‐, whmgh garrespal`s wmth the Dihinmilrilfe ao the expegtitmal ao iltm-sagmic dehivmaur (Ghilgi 9==4;47).94 Ml i``mtmal, there ireicsa the stitenelts al the iccmilges detweel gigmques oran Hmfuey il` Zuerta Tmga ml theNali Zissife irei, i sphere thit spils raufhcy 75:bn (44:nm2 Acmver 4::=).97 Uctmnitecy,ourther evm`elge his ta de pravm`e` thraufh i `msgussmal ao the irghieacafmgic galtexts aoprapase` mlterigtmal spheres. here ire, hawever, stmcc ather wiys ta expcare mlterigtmal

usmlf the ethlahmstarmgic regar`.

Mloarnitmal exghilfe ml the Freiter Iltmcces

he `miry ao Gacundus hm`es gcues ta ilather sagmic prigtmge thit nust hive deel hmfhcymnpartilt ml pre-Gacundmil mlterigtmal letwarbs; the exghilfe ao mloarnitmal. Whirmlfmloarnitmal ms i vmtic ecenelt ml ily hunil”s cmoe il` ms espegmiccy mnpartilt oar the grei-tmal il` nimltelilge ao mlterigtmal letwarbs (Ixecra` 9==62 Fmcdert et ic. 4::=2 Cevmlsal4::?). Leverthecess, ta vmsuicmze mloarnitmal exghilfe thraufh the irghieacafmgic regar` mslmfh al mnpassmdce wmthaut the use ao wrmttel saurges.

 Is the idave exgerpt ao the nil ml hms gilae girrymlf the Gistmcmil gamls il` dei`sshaws, the lews ao Gacundus”s irrmvic wis il mnpartilt pmege ao mloarnitmal thit trivecce`qumte qumgbcy icalf exmstmlf rautes ao mlterigtmal. he oaccawmlf ilicyses wmcc shaw thit latalcy the lews ao the irrmvic ao Gacundus, dut icsa runaurs ao hms dehivmaur tawir`s theml`mfelaus peapce ao the Girmddeil trivecce` qumte ripm`cy.

he `miry galtimls mloarnitmal al haw Gacundus treite` cagic peapce icalf hms rauteil` oagusse` al dehivmaur thit wauc` hive deel ulequmvagiccy ul`erstaa` dy the ml`mf-elaus papucige is emther ormel`cy, leutric ar hastmce igtmals al the pirt ao Gacundus. hesewere pcatte` al i tmnecmle thit ruls oar the `uritmal ao Gacundus”s stiy ml the Girmddeil`urmlf hms omrst vayife. Oigtuic mloarnitmal galgerlmlf the dehivmaur ao the ml`mfelaus

peapce tawir` Gacundus wis gaccegte` il` themr `mspasmtmal tawir` hmn wis icsa pcatte`al the sine tmnecmle. hemr `mspasmtmal gauc` de adkegtmvecy fiufe` whel the `aguneltneltmals thit they extel` hecp, elfife ml whit Gacundus `esgrmdes is tri`e, ocee oranGacundus il` idil`al themr vmccifes, ar threitel wmth ar elfife ml hastmcmtmes. hese irequmte ulindmfuaus types ao dehivmaur whmgh were gitefarmze` oar the sibe ao drevmty isormel`cy, mltereste`, `mstrustouc, ar hastmce, respegtmvecy.

94 Pms `mstilge ms icsa raufhcy smnmcir ta the `mstilge aver whmgh the Bicmlifa peapce, wha ire the hmstarmg gaul-terpirt ao the Mscil` Girmd, thensecves expegte` iltm-sagmic dehivmaur, vmz . `inifmlf ittigbs ao `irb shinilmsnselt ta then dy themr elenmes al the nimlcil` (Nac 4::=).

97 Pms `mstilge ms, ta nibe il mnpranptu ilicafy wmth ilather irghmpecifmg mlterigtmal sphere, the sine is theoirthest extelts ao the oinaus Necilesmil Buci rmlf (Nicmlawsbm 9=44).

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he resuctmlf friph (Omfure 7) shaws il ulnmstibidce reigtmal oran ml`mfelaus ml`mvm`-uics il` gannulmtmes ta the igtmals ao Gacundus. he iltmsagmic igtmals ao Gacundus irepirtmgucircy reveicmlf ml thms refir`. Mt shauc` de renendere` thit the fraup ao Eurapeilsimcars were exatmg strilfers ml the eyes ao the armfmlic mlhidmtilts ao the Girmddeil.Mlterigtmlf wmth then aooere` appartulmtmes, dut icsa hec` reic `ilfers. Nareaver, the oigtthit Gacundus giptures 46 nel, wanel il` ghmc`rel il` girrmes 47 ao then iwiy al hmsshmp ta Wpiml shauc` de ul`erstaa` oran il ml`mfelaus perspegtmve, ml whmgh rim`mlf il`id`ugtmal pradidcy decalfe` ml the gitefary ao nast hastmce igtmals. Vhit ms vmsmdce oranthe friph ms thit whelever Gacundus id`ugts peapce, the `mspasmtmal ao thase he sudse-queltcy elgaulters `raps ta `mstrustouc ar hastmce. Mo he stirts igtmlf peigeouccy ifiml, therecitmals alcy scawcy mnprave. Mo the Mdermils beep igtmlf sagmidcy recitmals reniml faa`il` evel mnprave ta the pamlt thit virmaus ml`mvm`uics il` gannulmtmes igtmvecy hecpGacundus. he ml`mfelaus peapce ao the Girmddeil gceircy oaccaw i sagmic stritefy thit msdise` al oeir il` caithmlf ao the rim`mlf strilfers, dut apel ta peigeidce mlterigtmal whel

Gacundus seens ta de igtmlf sagmiccy.90

he mlterestmlf oigt here ms thit Gacundus `m` lat mlterigt wmth kust ale ml`mfelausgaulterpirt. Wtmcc, ml`mfelaus ml`mvm`uics il` gannulmtmes respal` ta Gacundus”s igtmalsis mo they ire iwire ao hms treitnelt ao athers ml nare `mstilt refmals. hms gil alcy hivehippele` thraufh the igtmve `mstrmdutmal ao mloarnitmal icalf exmstmlf sei il` gaistic

90 Mt ms strmbmlf thit the stritefy ao the ml`mfelaus peapce ml themr mlterigtmals wmth Gacundus nmrrars –the destpassmdce stritefy„ ml il –Mterite` Zrmsaler”s @mcenni,„ i na`mgitmal ao i gcissmg fine ml fine theary whmghrevacves iraul` trust il` `mstrust (Ixecra` 9==6). Pms stritefy ms dise` al i ‘mt oar it” ippraigh thit ms setoar gaaperitmal, dut pulmshes oreecai`ers, whmce iccawmlf the oreecai`ers ta detter themr dehivmaur ml ar`er taremlmtmite gaaperitmal. Pms shaws alge ifiml thit the ml`mfelaus peapce ao the Girmddeil were qumte i`ept it

hil`cmlf mltergucturic sagmic galtigt il` were icsa qumte mltelt al estidcmshmlf peigeouc recitmals wmth themraverseis vmsmtars (go. Nac 4::6, 4::8).

Omfure 7 I friph pcamlf Gacundus”s dehivmaur il` the imtu`e ao the ml`mfelaus peapce tawir`s hmnml the nalths Agtader, Lavender, @egender il` Kiluiry ao I@ 90=4 il` 90=7. Phere ire three types

ao la`es; trmilfce (Dihinis), gmrgce (Gudi) il` squire (Hmspilmaci). Wepirite la`es ml the friph gaver

three `iys ml the `miry. Phe gacaur ao the la`es eltimcs emther sagmic (cmfht frey) il` iltmsagmic (`irb

 frey) dehivmaur, ar la mlterigtmal (whmte).

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rautes ao mlterigtmal. Dy trigbmlf the igtmals esgrmde` ml the Gacundus miry il` ganpir-mlf these wmth the reigtmals ao the ml`mfelaus peapce icalf Gacundus”s raute mt ms passmdceta m`eltmoy the rautes oar `mooerelt pmeges ao mloarnitmal. Ale sugh exinpce ms the mloar-nitmal al the gipture ao smxteel peapce ml the Dihîi `e Lirilki irei ml Gudi. Gacundustrivecs eistwir`s ioter thms, yet the lews nust hive trivecce` oister, smlge Gacundus `aes

lat hive ily ather mlterigtmals ultmc he ms leir Dirigai al the 46th

 ao Lavender. he ml-hidmtilts ao thms irei try ta prevelt Gacundus oran cil`mlf, whmgh leircy resucts ml i omfhtal the 9st  ao @egender. Gacundus nilifes ta `eouse thms smtuitmal, thaufh, il` omliccypeigeouc exghilfe elsues.

 Vhel ale oml`s the shartest `mstilge   ao ale raute il` `mvm`es thms dy the nixmnunlunder  ao `iys mt gauc` hive tibel the mloarnitmal ta trivec oran the stirtmlf pamlt ta theel` pamlt ao thit raute, mt ms passmdce ta gicgucite the nmlmnun spee` ao the sprei` ao mloar-nitmal  per `iy . Ml thms wiy mt ms passmdce ta eomle nmlmnun spee` ao mloarnitmal/`iy ao iccthe emfht sepirite sei il` gaistic rautes ao mloarnitmal `mspersic.95 Vhel the spee`s oranthese `mooerelt rautes ire gandmle`, the nmlmnun spee`/`iy gil de gicgucite` oar icc these

rautes tafether . he resuct ms i neil il` ne`mil ao 95bn (=.7nm) per `iy.9?

 Vhel the pra-pase` spee` ao trivec dy gilae ml the Girmddeil ms tibel mlta iggault, whmgh ms estmnite`ta de iraul` 5,5 ta ?,5 bn (7.5 ta 0 nm)/haur al calf-`mstilge trmps wmth i cirfe gilae(Dírir` et ic. 4::=2 Dmccir` et ic. 4::=). hms garrespal`s ta i fraup ao it ceist 4: omt nelil`/ar wanel triveccmlf la cess thil three ta oaur haurs per iy dy gilae ml ar`er ta reighthe `mstilge ml`mgite` dy the iverife nmlmnun spee` ao mloarnitmal sprei` per `iy.96

Wmlge lat kust ale pmege ao mloarnitmal ms `mstrmdute`, m.e. the cil`mlf al Wil Wicvi`ar,dut severic `mstmlgt pmeges ao mloarnitmal, these gillat hive trivecce` thraufh the eooart aoale smlfce ml`mvm`uic ar fraup icale. Wa, degiuse i Dihinis ta Eist Hmspilmaci –nirithalrul„ gil de rekegte`, mloarnitmal nust hive sprei` al i reciy disms usmlf eoomgmelt il`

mltergallegte` rautes ao mlterigtmal.98 hms ms thel, i peroegt exinpce ao il mlterrefmalicmlterigtmal sphere ml whmgh sepirite sniccer spheres ire mltercagbe` oar the purpase ao the

95 Pe vicues oar icc the ml`mvm`uic rautes thit gauc` de m`eltme` ire is oaccaws; Vmthml the Dihinis 96bn(9:.5nm)/`iy2 Dihinis ta Gudi 45bn (95.5nm)/`iy, Gudi Larth Gaist I 95-98bn (=.7-99.4nm)/`iy2Gudi Larth Gaist D 9:-94bn (?.4-6.5nm)/`iy2 Gudi ta Hmspilmaci 97-95bn (8.9-=.7nm)/`iy2 Dihinista Hmspilmaci Icterlitmve 8-9:bn (5-?.4nm)/`iy2 Hmspilmaci Larth Gaist I 96-98bn (9:.5-99.4nm)/`iy2Hmspilmaci Larth Gaist D 8-9:bn (5-?.4nm)/`iy.

9? Degiuse la mloarnitmal ms ivimcidce al pre-Gacundmil sei ar gaistic rautes ml thms refmal ao the Iltmcces theshartest `mstilge ms tibel oran i galtenpariry nip il` mt ms suffeste` thit the raute oaccaws the gaist. Ml sanegises i sharter icterlitmve his icsa deel tibel dy sbmppmlf the gaistic raute ml oivaur ao nibmlf i pissife thitwauc` hive mlvacve` i shart kaurley al apel sei. Pe lunder ao `iys mt wauc` hive tibel oar mloarnitmal ta

sprei` ms legessirmcy i nixmnun, degiuse there ms la wiy ta tecc exigtcy whel the mloarnitmal his irrmve` it igertiml spat deoare Gacundus irrmves al the sgele. Pms icc el`s up ml i nmlmnun spee` ao mloarnitmal sprei`,whmgh gauc` hive deel hmfher ml prigtmge. Leverthecess the gcasecy garrespal`mlf neil il` ne`mil suffeststhit the spee` ao mloarnitmal exghilfe wauc` hive deel iraul` 95bn (=.7nm)/`iy.

96 I nesselfer usmlf i gilae ms the nast pradidce neils ao trilspartmlf mloarnitmal icalf pre-Gacundmilmlterigtmal rautes. Vicbmlf wauc` hive deel passmdce, dut nare tmne il` elerfy galsunmlf. Pe eltry al ?@egender ao Gacundus”s `miry icsa pravm`es i `merelt mlterigtmal ne`mun; smflic res, whmgh ire suffeste` isi passmdce expcilitmal oar the cirfe dalres thit were seel `urmlf the lmfht (Livirete 9=44;=9). Icthaufh theseres gauc` hive igte` is smflics ta wirl ao Gacundus”s irrmvic, thms wauc` lat hive deel i sumtidce ne`mun tagalvey mloarnitmal idaut Gacundus”s dehivmaur. Zrmar latmgitmal ao thms mloarnitmal lee`e` ta hive deeltrilsoerre` ariccy.

98 Mt his ta de frilte` thit the irrmvic ao the Eurapeils his icsa deel il evelt ao epmg liture ml the hmstary ao theGirmddeil. Pe extelt il` the spee` wmth whmgh the mloarnitmal al Gacundus il` the ather Mdermils trivecce`

wauc` pradidcy refflegt thms. Lalethecess, the `ermve` spee` ao mlterigtmal ms lat sacecy il irteoigt ao the Galtigtperma` smlge the mlterigtmal wauc` hive deel `msperse` icalf pre-Gacundmil mlterigtmal rautes.

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`mstrmdutmal ao i pirtmgucir bml` ao sagmic vicuidce, ml thms gise mloarnitmal. Mt ms `moomguctta blaw exigtcy whit the pirtmgucir sagmic stritefy wis dehml` the `mstrmdutmal ao mloar-nitmal ml the Cite Gerinmg Ife Girmddeil. Exinpces oran ather pirts ao the warc` suf-fest thit mloarnitmal ‐ espegmiccy thit ao sagmic `mspasmtmals ao athers ‐ ms qumte oreecyexghilfe` is pirt ao ml`mregt il` stralf regmpragic stritefmes (Oehr il` Omsghdigher 4::72

Nac 4:9:).

Mlterigtmal il` nitermic gucture

 Icthaufh ethlahmstarmgic `agunelts she` sane cmfht al the race ao nitermic gucture mlprata-hmstarmg mlterigtmal (Nac 4::6), thms ms lat leircy elaufh ta expciml the race ao ni-termic gucture ml pre-Gacundmil mlterigtmals ml oucc. Vhel extripacitmlf sagmic mlterigtmalsoran the irghieacafmgic regar`, hawever, ale oiges il irghieacafmgiccy `moomguct heurmstmgstep; the step oran the nitermic ta the sagmic (Dmloar` 9=?4).

Mo ale caabs it the nitermic renimls ao pre-Gacundmil Girmddeil guctures oran i nigra-cevec they gil fmve the oicse mnpressmal thit leircy every refmal mlterigte` wmth every atherrefmal, smlge icc nitermic gucture shires it ceist ale stycmstmg ar oarnic trimt wmth ilather re-fmal. Galversecy, whel zaanmlf ml ta the irghieacafmgic refmal ar smte cevec, mt aotel seens

Omfure 0 I sagmic mlterigtmalic na`ec dise` al Cite Gerinmg Ife sagmicvicuidces (phatas tibel dy iuthar ).

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thit cagicmtmes were msgrete gucturic ulmts thit, icthaufh they wauc` hive shire` sane ghir-igtermstmgs wmth lemfhdaurs, hive i ulmque nitermic gucture il` thereoare i ulmque gucture.he nigra-cevec vmew aotel oaguses al mgalafriphy ao m`eacafmgiccy ghirfe` mtens ao nite-rmic gucture, where the nmgra-cevec vmew aotel hmlfes al gerinmg styce il` oarn. Aotel theomrst vmew cei`s ta il iggault thit stretghes mlterigtmal pitterls il` fcasses aver refmalic

`mooerelges, whmce the ather cei`s ta il itanmstmg vmew ao pre-Gacundmil sagma-gucturicprigtmge. Ziri`axmgiccy, lemther ao these vmews ms legessirmcy wralf. hey smnpcy represelt`mooerelt el`s ao the mlterigtmalic spegtrun (Omfure 0).

hms sagmic mlterigtmalic na`ec ms i galocitmal ao Wihcmls” (9=64) sagmic spheres il`Gic`wecc”s (9=?0) mlterigtmal spheres, dut feire` espegmiccy tawir`s the sagmic vicue ao ni-termic gucture. Mt pirtmgucircy mlgarparites pirt ao the m`ei ao exghilfe spheres ml thit thereire gertiml types ao irteoigts whase sagmic vicue ms nast sumte` ta pirtmgucir trilsigtmalicrmlfs ao the mlterigtmal sphere. Oran il mlmtmic grass-gucturic revmew ao exghilfe prigtmgesmt ms passmdce ta siy thit the type ao mten use` ml i pirtmgucir sagmic sphere seens ta de ul-`erciml dy ulmversic pitterlmlf (Nac ml prep.). Leverthecess, the sagmic mlterigtmal sphere ms

nastcy sagma-gucturiccy galstrugte` il` galtmlfelt al elvmralneltic restrimlts il` athercagic egalanmg pragesses. he strugture ao the hypathetmgic na`ec thit ms aooere` hereshauc` thereoare de seel is hivmlf ulmversic pateltmic, dut spegmomgiccy galstrugte` wmth theCite Gerinmg Ife Freiter Iltmcces ml nml`.

he type ao sagmic stritefy use` ml the `mooerelt rmlfs ao the na`ec ms smnmcir ta thesylthesmze` na`ec thit wis `esgrmde` eircmer (Omfure 9), dut here nitermic gucture pciysi spegmomg race. he mller rmlf represelts nitermic gucture thit ms nast vicue` ml cagicmze`agicmze`mlterigtmals icalf shart sagmic `mstilges, m.e. the hausehac` ar gcil, namety, cmleife etget-eri. Degiuse ao mts hmfh previcelge ml `iy-ta-`iy sagmic prigtmge thms ms the sart ao nitermicgucture nast idul`ilt ml hidmtitmal smtes, e.f. lal-gerenalmic gerinmgs, oaa`stuoos il`

taacs.he mlterne`mite cevec ‐ represeltmlf mlterigtmal ml cirfer vmccifes, hauses il` the ca-

gic refmal ‐ ms ghirigtermze` dy adkegts thit represelt garparite vicues (Fa`ecmer 9===).Exinpces nmfht de gerenalmic adkegts, sugh is m`acs, piripherlicmi il` gerenalmic gerin-mgs, il` wauc` hive i rilfe ao stycmstmg il` oarnic `mstrmdutmal thit `epel`s al the smze aothe cirfer gannulic mlstmtutmals. hey niy icsa hive i cirfer refmalic `mstrmdutmal, dutstyces il` oarns wauc` viry scmfhtcy ta na`eritecy aver thms refmal, whmgh wauc` represeltmltercagbe` cagic mlterigtmal spheres.

Navmlf ourther autwir`s, the lext rmlfs represelt mlterigtmals aver extel`e` feafriph-mg il` sagmic `mstilges il` ire ghirigtermze` dy twa `mooerelt types ao vicuidces; exghilfe

vicuidces il` mloristrugturic vicuidces. Exghilfe vicuidces ire adkegts thit ire hmfhcy vicu-idce il` galspmguaus, dut thit gil de icmelite` oran themr cagic vicue systen. hey aoteloicc ml the gitefary ao i`arlnelts, degiuse they hive themr hmfhest vicue whel pranmleltcyal `mspciy. Mloristrugturic vicuidces ire adkegts thit ire cmtericcy pirt ao the mloristrugture aocalf-`mstilge mlterigtmals. hemr oulgtmal ms ta ne`mite ml the sagmiccy pregirmaus smtuitmalao mlterigtmal aver extel`e` sagmic `mstilges. Adkegts sugh is these oulgtmal ta `ecmleitethe mlterigtmal dy settmlf mt ipirt oran the every`iy il` pravm`e i `msgrete ireli ml whmghthe mlterigtmal ms eligte`. Gerenalmic seits ire i leir ulmversic exinpce ao sugh adkegts(Wihcmls 9=65). _ehmgces oar trilspartitmal - aotel iufnelte` wmth spegmicmze` nifmg ta im`ml the mlterigtmal (Nicmlawsbm 9=44) - ire i nare cmteric gise ml pamlt.

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he auternast rmlf represelts iltmsagmic igtmals thit wauc` hive oarne` il mnpar-tilt pirt ao pist mlterigtmal spheres, dut whmgh ire latarmauscy `moomguct ta regalstrugtirghieacafmgiccy (dut see Ghigal il` Nel`azi 4::6). he refmal autsm`e ao the rmlfs msissagmite` wmth thase adkegts thit wauc` lat hive deel pirt ao the sagmic sphere, m.e. exatmgi(Hecns 9=88). hese adkegts gauc` tibe ily oarn is calf is they hive exatmg feafriphmgic

il` sagmic armfmls. Hawever, the `ilferaus –ml detweelless„ ao mlterigtmals wmth the freithe `ilferaus –ml detweelless„ ao mlterigtmals wmth the freitsagmic ulblawl cei`s then ta de treite` ml i spegmic wiy; emther dy ittrmdutmlf ta then ilextrenecy hmfh vicue, ar very cmttce vicue degiuse ao the adkegts” mlidmcmty ta de –sagmicmze`„mlta cagic systens ao vicue.

Ao gaurse, adkegts `a lat sacecy decalf ta ale gitefary. hemr sagmic vicue ms galtextu-iccy `epel`elt. he sine gerinmg dawc oar exinpce nmfht de use` `urmlf spegmic aggi-smals it oinmcy `mllers, is wecc is oar lemfhdaurhaa` oestmvics ar hmfh stitus oaremfl fuests.Hawever, mts previcelt na`e ao use ganes oran i gertiml sagmic mlterigtmal sphere. Mt hista de sim` thit thms na`ec ms i warbmlf hypathesms il` wmcc de ecidarite` dy nare exinpcesil` teste` ml outure warb. Leverthecess, sane Cite Gerinmg Ife exinpces wmcc de drmeocy

preselte` here.Weemlf thit mt represelts sugh i nissmve virmidmcmty ml styce il` oarn - wmth vist ul`ercy-mlf `mooerelges ml the ghiìle apíritamre il` sagma-gucturic galtexts ao use - the Astmalam`sermes ao the Freiter Iltmcceil Cite Gerinmg Ife represelts evel nare ao i –veleer„ is ilirteoigt ao irghieacafmgic gcissmomgitmal thel the Eircy Wici`am` (Beefil 4::0). Mt ms gan-nalcy iggepte` thit the Nemccigil il` Ghmgil sudsermes shauc` rither de seel is iutala-naus sermes - Ghmgam` il` Nemccigam` - thit ire caasecy gallegte` thraufh tmne il` spige.Ourthernare, there ire suffestmals oar i pcethari ao cagicmze` ganpcexes il` styces, whmghire `moomguct ta recite ta the dmffer pmgture. he Zulti Tusmi irghieacafmgic refmal ml theZuerta Zciti il` Nalte Grmstm pravmlges ao the Larth @anmlmgil Tepudcmg, pravm`es i

faa` exinpce ao haw cirfer styce ireis galsmst ao nare ganpcex cagic mlterigtmal il` sagmicspheres. Here smtes hive deel oaul` wmth `mooermlf, galtenparileaus stycmstmg issagmitmalssugh is the Ghmgam` il` Nemccigam` al the sine hidmtitmal smtes, wmth il i``mtmalic nmxe`styce thit `riws al ecenelts oran dath (Uccai Hulf, persalic gannulmgitmal 4::=).Ourther ilicysms dy Uccai Hulf ms pel`mlf, dut mt ms icrei`y passmdce ta see thit the irghiea-cafmgic regar` ao the Zulti Tusmi refmal ms the autgane ao cagic m`eltmty oarnitmals ml ml-terigtmal il` sagmic spheres thit wauc` hive deel pciye` aut ml gharus ml i recitmvecy sniccrefmal il` gauc` evel hive deel ne`mite` al the smte cevec (go. @metcer il` Herdmgh 9==8).Tegelt reseirgh his shawl thit smnmcir ganpcex smtuitmals exmst ml `mooerelt refmals ml theFreiter Iltmcces, sugh is the Ghmgilmze` Nemccigam` ao the Gudil pravmlge ao Hacfuîl ar

the `mstmlgt Nemccigam` gerinmgs ao Kinimgi (Beefil il` Itbmlsal 4::?2 _icgérgec Takis4::4).

Mo ale turls ta adkegts thit hive il mlterrefmalic `mstrmdutmal ml the Iltmcces, the cirfethree-pamlte` zenm  ms ale ao the nast mgalmg exinpces ao Cite Gerinmg Ife nitermic guc-ture. hms galspmguaus irteoigt gitefary wauc` hive represelte` il` oartmome` garparitevicues dath wmthml the gannulmty il` ml mlterigtmals wmth ather gannulmtmes il` super-hunil demlfs. he irei ao `mstrmdutmal ao the –gcissmgic„ three-pamlte` zenmes , hawever, msml igtuic oigt lat thit cirfe (Acmver 4::=;=9). Mt ms galomle` ta the refmal ao the Ghmgam`heirtcil` wmth sane cess ghirigtermstmg exinpces ml ather refmals. Evel wmthml thms heirt-cil` mt ms passmdce ta m`eltmoy `mooerelt refmalic styces il` oarns - e.f. detweel Zuerta Tmga

il` the @anmlmgil Tepudcmg. Nareaver, gertiml ireis thit ire tri`mtmaliccy seel is pirt

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ao thms heirtcil` (Tause 9==4) - e.f. larth @anmlmgil Tepudcmg - hive lat ymec`e` ilycirfe three-pamlte` zenmes  ta `ite (Uccai Hulf 4::=, persalic gannulmgitmal). Ecidaritethree-pamlte` zenmes  ire exinpces ao garparite vicuidces thit wauc` hive deel grmtmgiccymnpartilt oar mltergannulic mlterigtmals il` galstmtutmal ao sagmicmty ml the refmals mlwhmgh they ire oaul` (go. Acmver 4::=). hey wauc` pradidcy lat hive hi` sugh gallati-

tmals autsm`e themr mnne`mite irei ao `mstrmdutmal, where ather types ao nitermic gucturewauc` hive pciye` i smnmcir race ‐ e.f. Kinimgil gaccegtmals hive i pcethari ao pestcesil` ather irteoigts wmth dmr` mgalafriphy, whmgh nibes then gil`m`ites oar i ganpiridcegarparite race.

rue pil-Iltmcceil gitefarmes ao nitermic gucture ire ulgannal. he gerenalmic `uha-seit ms ale ao the oew exinpces ao sugh i phelanelal. Icthaufh `uhas  `eomlmtecy viry mlstyce aver the refmal, `ue ta themr oarn il` oulgtmal they wauc` hive deel regaflmze`oran the Dihinis `awl ta the Vml`wir` Mscil`s il` pradidcy deyal` (Astipbawmgz etic., thms vacune). M suffest thit themr use-galtext ml rmtuic exghilfes detweel exghilfepirtlers wauc` icsa hive deel the sine ar leircy the sine grass-refmaliccy. @uhas  wauc`

hive omfure` is i oagus ao mlterigtmals thit serve` ta stress, dut smnuctileauscy drm`fe cirfesagmic `mstilges is ganpiridce seits `m` inalf sagmetmes ml the regelt pist ao the Wauth Inermgil Cawcil`s il` gerenalmic seits stmcc `a ml nily ather guctures (Baecewmkl il`Tmvmère 9=882 Wihcmls 9=65).

Whecc oiges hive il icnast equiccy cirfe irei ao `mstrmdutmal is the `uha. hese ad- kegts, blawl is fuiîzis ml prata-Galtigt Hmspilmaci, were hmfhcy vicue` is mltergannulicexghilfe vicuidces `ue ta themr idmcmty ta galtrac il` mlocuelge ale”s exghilfe pirtlers(Nac 4::6). Mt gillat de sim` oar sure whether they hi` smnmcir gallatitmals ml Cesser

 Iltmcceil exghilfe systens, dut themr riw nitermic, nimlcy Caditus fmfis wmth sane exin-pces ao Caditus gastitus , oarn il` dismg mgalafriphy ms leircy the sine aver i cirfe irei.

hms neils thit i Cesser Iltmcceil shecc oige wauc` hive deel qumte regaflmzidce inalfFreiter Iltmcceil gannulmtmes il` vmge versi. hms wauc` nibe then i`iptidce ta virmausspheres ao exghilfe il` mlterigtmal il` hive iccawe` then ta oulgtmal ml smnmcir sagmicstritefmes.

Zrecmnmliry galgcusmals al Cite Gerinmg Ife sagmic mlterigtmal

he idave ire gceir exinpces ao haw virmaus irteoigts gil de pirt ao mooerelt sagmic spheresil` thereoare hive `mooerelt vicues ml `mooerelt mlterigtmal spheres. hemr quiltmty al smtesil` themr idsacute vicue, m.e. elerfy expel`e` ml themr pra`ugtmal, ms i neisure ao the spe-

gmomg sagmic sphere ml whmgh they ire use`. hemr `mstrmdutmal il` stycmstmg virmitmal ms icsai neisure hereao, is wecc is il ml`mgitmal ao the type ao mlterigtmal sphere ml whmgh theywauc` hive deel use`, m.e. shart, mlterne`mite il` extel`e` sagmic `mstilges. Mt his ta desim` thit spegmomg gucturic `iti freitcy mnpraves the na`ec il` thit there ms la ale-ta-alegarrecitmal detweel `mooerelt gucturic settmlfs, whmgh cmnmts the nare feleric ippcmgidmcmtyao the prapase` na`ec sanewhit. Leverthecess, the galgepts dehml` the na`ec ire ao ulm-versic smflmomgilge ml the selse thit there ms i ulmversic tel`elgy ta `ecefite gertiml sagmicstritefmes ta gertiml spheres ao exghilfe il` mlterigtmal.

Dath the ethlahmstarmgic gise-stu`mes is wecc is the exinpce ao Cite Gerinmg Ife nite-rmic gucture hive shawl thit expcarmlf pist mlterigtmal dise` al i gandmlitmal ao mlter-

igtmal, exghilfe il` sagmic sphere thearmes ms oeismdce ml the Cite Gerinmg Ife. Mt shawsthit Girmddeil cagicmtmes were mltergallegte` al `mooerelt cevecs thraufh mltercagbe` ml-

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terigtmal spheres ao virmaus smzes il` trilsigtmalic gitefarmes. Mt icsa pamlts ta i smtuitmalml whmgh spegmomg, ulmversiccy regaflmzidce sagmic stritefmes were use` ta ne`mite virmaustypes ao mlterigtmal, sugh is the sprei` ao mloarnitmal, the oarfmlf ao cagic il` garparitem`eltmtmes il` the greitmal ao shire` pcitoarns ao mlterigtmal thraufh grass-gucturiccy reg-aflmzidce mloristrugturic il` exghilfe vicuidces. M mltel` ta galtmlue these expcaritmals ml

outure warb ta cel` i``mtmalic strelfth ta the prapase` irfunelts il` the na`ec.Omliccy, al rei`mlf thms pmege, sane wmcc de renml`e` ao m`eis thit hive deel preselt mlGirmddeil irghieacafy oar i calf tmne. Al ale cevec M in suffestmlf thit we gil speib aogannulmtmes pirtmgmpitmlf ml nare ar cess gmrgunsgrmdidce spheres ao mlterigtmal il` styceireis ao whmgh themr geltric mnpartilge ta Girmddeil hmstary his deel prevmauscy regaf-lmze` (e.f. Tause 9==4). hms ms the sine cevec al whmgh the vicue ao thearmes ao mlterigtmalthit hive calf deel preselt ml Girmddeil irghieacafy ms igblawce`fe` (e.f. Tause 9=8?).Al ilather cevec M igblawce`fe the hmfh pateltmic ao Iltmcceil il` Girmddeil mltergal-legtmvmty, whmce al yet ilather cevec mt shauc` de stresse` thit cagic pitterls ao mlterigtmalsil` exghilfe ire equiccy mnpartilt ta aur ul`erstil`mlf ao pist mlterigtmal pragesses il`

stmcc ml lee` ao ourther ilicysms, emther stycmstmgic ar irghieanetrmgic (go. Haonil et ic. 4::6,4::82 Blmppelderf 4::62 Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4::6). Girmddeil mlterigtmals il` themr gal-ganmtilt sagmic stritefmes il` resuctmlf nitermic gucture ganpcexes gil alcy de ul`erstaa`is nuctm-sgicir pragesses il` thereoare wauc` hive deel i oigtar ao mnpartilge al icc cevecsao the pre-Gacundmil Girmddeil pist.


 Iccimre, C.

9==: Zrehmstarmg imla Mlterigtmal wmth the Cesser Iltmcces. Ziper preselte` it the 55thgalfress ao the Wagmety oar Inermgil Irghieacafy, Cis _efis, Levi`i.

 Ictsghuc, K.H.

9=68 he @evecapnelt ao the Ghigail Mlterigtmal Wphere.  Kaurlic ao IlthrapacafmgicTeseirgh 70(9);9:=-90?.

 Ixecra`, T.N.

9==6 Phe Ganpcexmty ao Gaaperitmal; Ifelt-Dise` Na`ecs ao Ganpetmtmal il` Gaccidaritmal.Zrmlgetal Ulmversmty Zress, Zrmlgetal.

Degbwmth, N.I., il` C.O. Oirmli 

9==: Phe Kaurlic; Zirt 9. Luavi Tiggacti Gacandmili. Mstmtuta Zacmfriomga e [eggi`ecca Wtita il` Cmdrermi `ecca Wtita, Tane.

Dírir`, D., K.-]. Dmccir`, il` D. Tinsteml

4::= Maunaûcmgau; –Baunaûcmgau lhélyen inalghíeltmun aûdia,„ the girmds oranthe ather mscil`s ire peapce oran aur litmal. Ziper preselte` it the 47r` MlterlitmalicGalfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy, Iltmfui.

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Dmccir`, K.-]., D. Dírir`, il` D. Tinsteml

4::= Ippart `e c”hy`rastitmque ê c”irghíacafme expírmneltice; Etu`e `”ule pmrafue`e hiute ner (Biliwi). Ziper preselte` it the 9=th Galfrès Orilæims `e Nígilmque,Ziper preselte` it the 9=th Galfrès Orilæims `e Nígilmque,Nígilmque,Nirsemcce.

Dmloar`, C.T.9=?4 Irghieacafy is Ilthrapacafy. Inermgil Iltmqumty  48(4);496-445.

9=?5 Irghieacafmgic Wystenitmgs il` the Wtu`y ao Gucture Zragess.  Inermgil Iltmqumty  79(4);4:7-49:.

Dahillil, Z.

9=55 Wane Zrmlgmpces ao Exghilfe il` Mlvestnelt inalf the mv.  Inermgil Ilthrapacafmst  56(9);?:-6:.

Daanert, I.4::: Prmlm`i`, Padifa il` the Cawer Armlaga Mlterigtmal Wphere; Il irghieacafmgic/eth-lahmstarmgic stu`y . Zh@ `mssertitmal, Cem`el Ulmversmty. Gimrm Zudcmgitmals, Icbniir.

Daur`meu, Z.

9=66 Autcmle ao i Pheary ao Zrigtmge . Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe,Nissighusetts.

Dawces, W.

4::= @m` Viroire Inalf Ilgestric Hulter-Fitherers Iooegt the Evacutmal ao Hunil

Wagmic Dehivmars1 Wgmelge  740(5=74);94=7-94=8.

Gic`wecc, K.T. (e`mtar)

9=?0 Mlterigtmal Wpheres ml Zrehmstary . Mccmlams Wtite Nuseun, Wprmlfomec`.

Ghigal, T.K., il` T.F. Nel`azi (e`mtars)

4::6 Citml Inermgil Ml`mfelaus Viroire il` Tmtuic _macelge . Ulmversmty ao IrmzaliZress, ugsal.

Ghilgi, @.I.

9==4 –Cetter„ ta the Niyar ao Wevmcce.  Ml Ghrmstapher Gacundus”s @msgavermes ml thePestmnalmics ao @mefa Icvirez Ghilgi il` Il`res Derléc`ez , e`mte` dy I. Ulicm, pp. 99-5=. Mstmtuta Zacmfriomga e [eggi `ecca Wtita il` Cmdrermi `ecca Wtita, Tane.

Ghipnil, I.

9=8: Dirter is i ulmversic na`e ao exghilfe. C”Hanne  4:;77-87.

Ghmc`e, F._.

9=45 Phe @iwl ao Eurapeil Gmvmcmzitmal. Befil Ziuc, relgh, rudler & Ga.,


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Galri`, F.V., G.@. Deeber, G. @esgiltes, K.V. Oaster, il` N.@. Fcisgagb 

4::8 Ganpasmtmalic ilicysms ao gerinmgs oran Ci Iceti, @anmlmgil Tepudcmg;Mnpcmgitmals oar smte oulgtmal il` arfilmsitmal.  Kaurlic ao Girmddeil Irghieacaf y  4;56-?8.

Gragb, K.F.4::: Mltermscil` Mlterigtmal il` the @evecapnelt ao Ghmeo`ans ml the Eisterl Girmddeil. Zh@ mssertitmal, Ulmversmty ao Zmttsdurfh, Zmttsdurfh.

Guret, C.I.

9==4 Phe @evecapnelt ao Ghmeo`ans ml the Freiter Iltmcces; I refmalic stu`y ao the vicceyao Niulida, Zuerta Tmga. Zh@ `mssertitmal, Irmzali Wtite Ulmversmty.

9==? M`eacafy, ghmeocy pawer il` nitermic gucture; il exinpce oran the Freiter Iltmcces.Citml Inermgil Iltmqumty  6(4);990-979.

@ilgey, V.W.

4::5 he Elmfnitmg Hapewecc ao the Eisterl Vaa`cil`s .  Ml Larth Inermgil Irghieacaf y , e`mte` dy .T. Ziubetit il` @. @mZiaca Carel, pp. 9:8-976. DcigbweccZudcmshmlf, Nic`el.

@eil, D.

9==0 Nuctmpce Tefmnes ao _icue; Ulequic Exghilfe il` the Gmrgucitmal ao UrirmliZicn-Omder Veicth. Nuseun Ilthrapacafy  98(9);7-4:.

@metcer, N., il` M. Herdmgh9==8 Hidmtus, eghlmques, Wtyce; Il mltefrite` ippraigh ta the sagmic ul`erstil`mlfao nitermic gucture il` daul`irmes. Ml Phe Irghieacafy ao Wagmic Daul`irmes , e`mte` dyN.. Wtirb, pp. 474‗?7. Wnmthsalmil Mlstmtutmal Zress, Vishmlftal @.G.

Oehr, E., il` U. Omsghdigher

4::7 he Liture ao Hunil Ictrumsn. Liture  045;685-6=9.

Oewbes, K.V.

9=:6 Phe Idarmfmles ao Zuerta Tmga. Illuic Tepart ao the Dureiu ao Inermgil Ethlacafy45. Faverlnelt Zrmltmlf Aoomge, Vishmlftal @.G.

9=44  I Zrehmstarmg Mscil` Gucture Irei ao Inermgi . Illuic Tepart ao the Dureiu ao Inermgil Ethlacafy 70. Faverlnelt Zrmltmlf Aoomge, Vishmlftal @.G.

Omtzpitrmgb, W.N.

4::8 Nirmtmne mlterrefmalic mlterigtmal ml Nmgralesmi; @egmphermlf nuctm-fraupgaltigts il` exghilfe systens thraufh tmne.  Kaurlic ao Ilthrapacafmgic Irghieacaf y  46(9);979-906.

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Omtzpitrmgb, W.N., Y. Biye, K. Oeithers, K.I. Girstelsel, il` B.N. Nirsifcmi 

4::= Evm`elge oar Mlter-Mscil` rilspart ao Hemrcaans1 Cunmlesgelge @itmlf il`Zetrafriphmg Ilicysms ao Gerinmg Mlhicmlf Dawcs oran Girrmigau, Vest Ml`mes.  Kaurlicao Irghieacafmgic Wgmelge  7?(7);5=?-?:?.

Ocillery, B._. (e`mtar)9=6? Phe Eircy Nesainermgil _mccife . Igi`enmg Zress, Lew ]arb/WilOrilsmga/Cal`al.

Firgei, E.I.I., il` E.I. Hmc`edril`

4::= Whmotmlf sagmic letwarbs icalf the Lmce; Nm``ce Hacagele gerinmg issendcifesoran Wim Mscil`, Wu`il. Kaurlic ao Ilthrapacafmgic Irghieacafy  48(7);7:0-744.

Fmcdert, @.., N.I. Bmccmlfswarth, T.L. Eyre, il` .@. Vmcsal

4::= he Wurprmsmlf Zawer ao Lemfhdarcy I`vmge. Wgmelge  747(5=49);9?96-9?9=.Fcitz, G.

4::= Enpmre is letwarb; Wpheres ao nitermic mlterigtmal ml Cite Dralze Ife Ilitacmi. Kaurlic ao Ilthrapacafmgic Irghieacafy  48(4);946-909.

Fa`ecmer, N.

9=== Phe Elmfni ao the Fmot . rilscitar Lari Wgatt. Ulmversmty ao Ghmgifa Zress,Ghmgifa.

Frieder, @.

4::9 Pawir` il Ilthrapacafmgic Pheary ao _icue; Phe Oicse Gaml ao Aur Awl @reins .Zicfrive, Lew ]arb.

Hinmctal, V.@.

9=?0i he feletmgic evacutmal ao sagmic dehivmaur. M.  Kaurlic ao Phearetmgic Dmacafy  6(9);9-9?.

9=?0d he feletmgic evacutmal ao sagmic dehivmaur. MM.  Kaurlic ao Phearetmgic Dmacafy  6(9);96-54.

Hircaw, F.E., I.T. Nurphy, @.K. Hazkil, G.L. `e Nmcce, il` I.I. Cevmlsal

4::? Zre-Gacundmil ki`emte ixes oran Iltmfui, Vest Ml`mes; `esgrmptmal il` passmdcesaurges. Gili`mil Nmlericafmst  00(4);7:5-749.

Hivmser, K.D.

9==9 @evecapnelt ao i prehmstarmg mlterigtmal sphere ml the lartherl Cesser Iltmcces.Lew Vest Ml`mil Fum`e/Lmeuwe Vest-Ml`msghe Fm`s  ?5(7);94=.

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Hiy`el, D., il` T. Wghuctmlf 

9==6 he Zciteiu Mlterigtmal Wphere il` Cite Zrehmstarmg Gucturic Ganpcexmty. Inermgil Iltmqumty  ?4(9);59-85.

Hecns, N.

9=88 Ucysses” simc; il ethlafriphmg A`yssey ao pawer, blawce`fe, il` feafriphmgic `mstilge .Zrmlgetal Ulmversmty Zress, Zrmlgetal.

Haonil, G.C., I.K. Drmfht, I. Daanert, il` W. Blmppelderf 

4::6 Mscil` Thythns; he Ved ao Wagmic Tecitmalshmps il` Mlterigtmal Letwarbsml the Cesser Iltmcceil Irghmpecifa detweel 0:: DG il` I@ 90=4. Citml Inermgil

 Iltmqumty  98(7);407-4?8.

Haonil, G.C., N.C.Z. Haafcil`, il` I.C. vil Fmkl (e`mtars)

4::8 Grassmlf the Dar`ers; Lew Netha`s il` Peghlmques ml the Wtu`y ao Irghieacafmgic Nitermics oran the Girmddeil. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

Haonil, G.C., il` I.K. Drmfht

4::8 M`eis Itrigtmvis, Dmeles @eseidces; mlocuelgmis tiîlis el cis Iltmccis Nelares. EcGirmde Irqueac÷fmga 9:;79-04.

Haonil, G.C., I. Daanert, I.K. Drmfht, N.C.Z. Haafcil`, W. Blmppelderf, il` I._.N.Winsal

4:99 mes wmth the ‘Hanecil`s”; Irghmpecifmg mlterigtmal il` the el`urmlf race ao the

galtmleltic Inermgil nimlcil` ml the Zre-Gacundmil Cesser Iltmcces. Ml Mscil`s it theGrassrai`s; Nmfritmal, Weioirmlf, il` Mlterigtmal ml the Girmddeil, e`mte` dy C.I. Guretil` N.V. Hiuser, Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi, ml press.

Haafcil`, N.C.Z., il` G.C. Haonil

9=== Expilsmal ao the iîla Gigmgizfas tawir`s the Cesser Iltmcces.  Kaurlic `e ciWagmetí es Inírmgilmstes  85;=7-997.

Beefil, V.O.

9==4 Phe Zeapce Vha @msgavere` Gacundus; Phe Zrehmstary ao the Dihinis . Ulmversmty

Zress ao Ocarm`i, Fimlesvmcce.4::0 Mscil`s ao Ghias.  Ml Cite Gerinmg Ife Wagmetmes ml the Eisterl Girmddeil, e`-mte` dy I. @ecpuegh il` G.C. Haonil, pp. 77-00. DIT Mlterlitmalic Wermes 9467.

 Irghieapress, Axoar`.

4::6 Piîla Ml`mil Nyth il` Zrigtmge; Phe irrmvic ao the strilfer bmlf . Ulmversmty Zressao Ocarm`i, Fimlesvmcce.

ml press Nix Wghnm`t il` the Iriwibil `mispari; I vmew oran the Iltmcces .  Ml Phe Iriwib @mspersmal, e`mte` dy I. Ayueci-Giyge`a il` N. Omsgher. Ulmversmty Zress aoOcarm`i, Fimlesvmcce.

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Beefil, V.O., il` C.F. Itbmlsal

4::? he @evecapnelt ao Kinimgil Zrehmstary .  Ml Phe Eircmest Mlhidmtilts; Phe@ylinmgs ao the Kinimgil Piîla, e`mte` dy C.F. Itbmlsal, pp. 97-77. Ulmversmty ao the

 Vest Ml`mes Zress, Bmlfstal, Kinimgi.

Beefil, V.O., il` T. Ta`rîfuez Tinas4::0 Wml Ta`eas. Ec Girmde Irqueac÷fmga 8;8-90.

Bmrgh, Z._.

9=88 Calf-`mstilge exghilfe il` mscil` gacalmzitmal; he Cipmti gise. Larwefmil Irghieacafmgic Tevmew  49(4);9:7-996.

Blmppelderf, W.

4::? Wtale Irteoigt Zra`ugtmal il` Exghilfe Inalf the Lartherl Cesser Iltmcces .

 Irghieacafmgic Wtu`mes Cem`el Ulmversmty 97. Cem`el Ulmversmty Zress, Cem`el.Baecewmkl, G., il` Z. Tmvmère

9=88 Aric Cmteriture ao the Prma Ml`mils ao Wurmlin. BMC_ Zress, Cem`el.

Bapytaoo, M.

9=8? he Gucturic Dmafriphy ao hmlfs; Ganna`mtmzitmal is pragess.  Ml Phe WagmicCmoe ao Phmlfs; Ganna`mtmes ml gucturic perspegtmve , e`mte` dy I. Ippi`urim, pp. ?0-=5.Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe.

Cívm-Wtriuss, G.

9=07 Fuerre et gannerge ghez ces Ml`mels `e c”Inírmque `u Wu`. Telimssilge  9(9);944-97=.

Cevmlsal, W.G.

4::? Al the Hunil Mlterigtmal Elfmle. Ml Taats ao Hunil Wagmicmty; Gucture, Gaflmtmalil` Mlterigtmal, e`mte` dy W.G. Cevmlsal il` L.K. Elomec`, pp. 7=-6:. Derf Zudcmshers,Axoar`.

Cavíl, W.

9=75 Phe Armfmls ao Pimlil Gucture, Vest Ml`mes . Ecil`ers Daboryeberm Ibtmedacif,Ecil`ers Daboryeberm Ibtmedacif,Fÿtedarf.

Nighcighcil, N., il` V.O. Beefil

9==: Irghieacafy il` the Ethla-tyrillmes.  Inermgil Ilthrapacafmst  =4(0);9:99-9:97.

Nicmlawsbm, D.

9=44 Irfaliuts ao the Vesterl Zigmomg . Vivecil` Zress, Zraspegt Hemfhts, Mccmlams.

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Niuss, N.

9==: Phe Fmot; Phe oarn il` reisal oar exghilfe ml irghimg sagmetmes . rilscite` dy [email protected]. Tautce`fe, Cal`al il` Lew ]arb.

Nac, I.I.I.

4::6 Gastcy Fmvmlf, Fmvmlf Fuiîzis; Pawir`s il arfilmg na`ec ao the exghilfe ao sagmicvicuidces ml the Cite Gerinmg Ife Girmddeil. Zudcmshe` NZhmc thesms, Wm`estale Zress,Cem`el.

4::8 Ulmversas Wagma-g÷snmgas el gacmsm÷l; esgrmpgmales etlahmst÷rmgis e smtuigmales`e mltergindma el ci Iltmccis Niyares `urilte ec pera`a `e prata-galtigta Ec Girmde

 Irqueac÷fmga 9:;97-44.

4::= he @irb Wm`e ao the Whinil; he evm`elge oar sargery ml the Iltmcces. Ziper pre-selte` it the 47r` Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy, Iltmfui.

4:9: Wanethmlf oar Lathmlf; Expcarmlf Wtralf Tegmpragmty il` i Zil-Girmddeil the-ary ao exghilfe. Ml Nadmcmty il` Exghilfe oran i Zil-Girmddeil perspegtmve , e`mte` dyG.C. Haonil il` I.K. Drmfht, pp. 6?-=4. Kaurlic ao Girmddeil Irghieacafy, WpegmicZudcmgitmal Lunder 7.

Naltecmus, A.

98== @er Armelt ul` Eurapi . Bÿlmfcmghe Ibi`enme `er sghÿlel Vmsselsghiotel,Fesghmghte ul` Icterthunsbul`e, Wtagbhacn.

Livirete, N.O.

9=44 _mikes `e Grmst÷dic Gacundus . Gicpe, Ni`rm`.

Acmver, K.T.

4::= Gigmques il` Genî M`acs; Phe Ved Wpul dy Piîla Tucers detweel Hmspilmaci il`Zuerta Tmga. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

Tem`, D.I.

4::8  Irghieacaf y il` Feamloarnitmgs; Gise-stu`mes oran the Girmddeil. he Ulmversmtyao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

Tmghersal, Z.K., il` T. Day`4::0 Lat Dy Feles Icale; Haw Gucture Prilsoarne` Hunil Evacutmal. GhmgifaUlmversmty Zress, Ghmgifa.

Ta`rîfuez Tinas, T.

4::6 Zuerta Tmgil Zregacalmic Hmstary Etghe` ml Wtale. Zh@ `mssertitmal, Ulmversmty aoOcarm`i, Fimlesvmcce.

4::8 Oran the Fuilihitidey ta the Irghimg ao Zuerta Tmga; he Lalevm`elt Evm`elge.Ethlahmstary  55(7);7=7-095.

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4:9: Vhit ms the Girmddeil1 Il irghieacafmgic Zerspegtmve. Ml Nadmcmty il` Exghilfe oran i Zil-Girmddeil perspegtmve , e`mte` dy G.C. Haonil il` I.K. Drmfht, pp. 9=-59. Kaurlic ao Girmddeil Irghieacafy, Wpegmic Zudcmgitmal Lunder 7.

Ta`rîfuez Tinas, T., E. Didmcalmi, C.I. Guret, il` K. Uccai Hulf 

4::8 he Zre-Iriwib Zattery Harmzal ml the Iltmcces; I lew ippraxmnitmal. Citml Inermgil Iltmqumty  9=(9);06-?7.

Tause, M.

9=7= Zrehmstary ml Himtm; I stu`y ml netha` . ]ice Ulmversmty Zress, Lew Hivel.

9=08i he Iriwib . Ml Hil`daab ao Wauth Inermgil Ml`mils _ac. 0; Phe Gmrgun-GirmddeilPrmdes , e`mte` dy K.H. Wtewir`, pp. 5:6-50?. Wnmthsalmil Mlstmtutmal, Vishmlftal,@.G.

9=08d he Girmd. Ml Hil`daab ao Wauth Inermgil Ml`mils _ac. 0; Phe Gmrgun-Girmddeil

Prmdes , e`mte` dy K.H. Wtewir`, pp. 506-5?5. Wnmthsalmil Mlstmtutmal, Vishmlftal,@.G.

9=8? Nmfritmals ml Zrehmstary; Mloerrmlf papucitmal navenelt oran gucturic renimls . ]iceUlmversmty Zress, Lew Hivel.

9==4 Phe Piîlas; Tmse il` @egcmle ao the Zeapce Vha Freete` Gacundus . ]ice UlmversmtyZress, Lew Hivel.

Wihcmls, N.

9=64 Wtale Ife Egalanmgs . Tautce`fe, Cal`al il` Lew ]arb.

9=65 Mscil`s ao Hmstary . Ulversmty ao Ghmgifa Zress, Ghmgifa.

Winsal, I._.N.

4:9: Telewmlf the Hause; Prikegtarmes ao Wagmic Cmoe ml the yugiyeque (gannulmty) aoEc Gida, Hmfóey, @anmlmgil Tepudcmg, I@ 8:: ta 95:0.   Zh@ `mssertitmal, Cem`elUlmversmty. Wm`estale Zress, Cem`el.

Wghartnil, E.N.

9=8= Mlterrefmalic Mlterigtmal ml Zrehmstary; he Lee` oar i Lew Zerspegtmve. Inermgil

 Iltmqumty  50(9);54-?5.Wghartnil, E., il` Z. Urdil

9==8 Gucture Galtigt Wtrugture il` Zragess. Ml Wtu`mes ml Gucture Galtigt; Mlterigtmal,Gucture Ghilfe, il` Irghieacafy , e`mte` dy K.F. Gusmgb, pp. 9:4-945. Gelter oar

 Irghieacafmgic Mlvestmfitmals, Girdal`ice, Mccmlams.

Wmefec, Z.E.

9==4 M`eacafy, Zawer il` Wagmic Ganpcexmty ml Zuerta Tmga.  Zh@ `mssertitmal, WtiteUlmversmty ao Lew ]arb, Lew ]arb.

9==? Il Mltervmew Vmth Mrvmlf Tause. Gurrelt Ilthrapacafy  76(0);?69-?8=.

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4:9: Galtmlumty il` ghilfe ml the evacutmal ao recmfmal il` pacmtmgic arfilmzitmal alpre-Gacundmil Zuerta Tmga. Kaurlic ao Ilthrapacafmgic Irghieacafy  4=(7);7:4-74?.

Wmccmtae, Z.

4::? Vhy Wpheres ao Exghilfe1 Ethlacafy  05(9);9-47.

Wtruever, W., il` F.C. Hauirt

9=64 Il Ilicysms ao the Hapewecc Mlterigtmal Wphere. Ml Wagmic Exghilfe il` Mlterigtmal,e`mte` dy E.L. Vmcnsel, pp. 06-6=. he Ulmversmty ao Nmghmfil Zress, Ill Irdar,Nmghmfil.

arres, K.N.

4::5 @egalstrugtmlf the Zacmty; Gannulmtmes il` Wagmic Cil`sgipes ao the Gerinmg- Ife Zeapces ao Wauth Geltric Zuerta Tmga.  Ml  Ilgmelt Darmlquel; Irghieacaf y il`Ethlahmstary ao Litmve Zuerta Tmga, e`mte` dy Z.E. Wmefec, pp. 4:4-44=. Ulmversmty ao

 Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

4:9: mdes il` the Wagmic Cil`sgipe; Mltefritmal, Mlterigtmal, il` the Gannulmty . MlPmdes; Zeapce, Zawer, il` Tmtuic it the Gelter ao the Gasnas , e`mte` dy C.I. Guret il` C.N. Wtrmlfer, pp. 479-4?:. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

arres, K.N., il` T. Ta`rîfuez Tinas

4::8 he Girmddeil; I Galtmlelt @mvm`e` dy Viter. Ml Irghieacafy il` Feamloarnitmgs;Gise-stu`mes oran the Girmddeil, e`mte` dy D.I. Tem`, pp. 97-4=. Ulmversmty ao IcidiniZress, usgicaasi.

rmvers, T.C.

9=69 he Evacutmal ao Tegmpragic Ictrumsn. Phe Yuirtercy Tevmew ao Dmacafy  0?(9);75.

_icgérgec Takis, T.

4::4 Diles pregacandmla. Ci agupigm÷l ifrmguctari . E`mgales Hacfuîl, Hacfuîl, Gudi.

vil Is, I., C. Kigads, il` G.C. Haonil

4::8 Ml seirgh ao pateltmic gciy saurges use` oar the niluoigture ao the pre-Gacundmilpattery ao Ec Gida, eisterl @anmlmgil Tepudcmg. Cem`el Kaurlic ao Zattery Wtu`mes  


 Vitters, @.T.

9==6 Nirmtmne tri`e ml the prehmstarmg eisterl Girmddeil. Ml Phe ml`mfelaus peapce ao theGirmddeil, e`mte` dy W.N. Vmcsal, pp. 88-==. Ulmversmty Zress ao Ocarm`i, Fimlesvmcce,Ocarm`i.

 Vitters, @.T., il` M. Tause

9=8= Elvmralneltic @mversmty il` Nirmtmne I`iptitmals ml the Girmddeil Irei .  Ml Eircy Gerinmg Cmoewiys il` I`iptmve Wtritefmes ml the Girmddeil, e`mte` dy Z.E. Wmefec,pp. 94=-900. DIT Mlterlitmalic Wermes 5:?. Irghieapress, Axoar`.

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 I pil-Girmddeil survey oar il alfamlf stirgh friml


 Kimne T. Zifél-Kmnílez 

hms warb exinmles the ivimcidce irghieadatilmgic mloarnitmal ao the gmrgun-Girmddeil

wmth the imn ao re-evicuitmlf the datilmgic guctures ao the refmal. Ny mlteltmal ms ta `en-alstrite thit the perma` ao the eircmest papucitmal navenelts ta the mscil`s (gi. 5?:: DG)wis ne`mite` dy ganpcex mlterrefmalic pragesses ml whmgh grap pcilts were mnpartiltmtens wmthml exghilfe letwarbs ao faa`s il` m`eis. he irtmgce `enalstrites thit grappcilt `mspersmals icalf wmth ather gucturic prigtmges mltrmlsmgiccy cmlbe` wmth then were ireicmty smlge the `iwl ao hunil irrmvic ta the mscil`s. @etimcs al the niflmtu`e ao thesepragesses ire ulblawl il` ourther reseirgh wmcc `eic wmth these mssues. hms warb ms ml-tel`e` ta de i dismg orinewarb oar the cirfest irghieacafmgic stirgh friml stu`y whmgh ‗ ta`ite - his deel oarnucite` ml the henmsphere.

Este tridika expcari mloarnigm÷l irqueadatélmgi `ec gmrgun-Girmde gal ec adketmva `e re-vicarir ec éndmta `e cis gucturis datélmgis `e ci refm÷l. Nm mlterís es `enastrir que ec pe-rma`a `e cas prmneras navmnmeltas hunilas higmi cis mscis (gi. 5?:: DG) estuva ne`mi`apar ganpcekas pragesas mlterrefmalices y cis pciltis egal÷nmgis oarniral pirte eselgmic ecis re`es `e mltergindma `e dmeles e m`eis. Eloitmzinas que ci `mspersm÷l `e pciltis y atrisprégtmgis mltrîlseginelte recigmali`is gal eccis oueral uli reicm`i` `es`e cas icdares `ecpadcinmelta hunila e cis mscis. @esgalagenas ci niflmtu` e ta`as cas pragesas seùici-`as y `eseinas `eticcirci el outuras tridikas. Este esgrmta es ul nirga `e reoerelgmi désmgapiri ec nés idirgi`ar estu`ma `e icnm`ales irqueac÷fmgas que se hiyi oarnuci`a - histiihari - el ec henmsoerma.

Ge trivimc exinmle ces `allíes irghíadatilmques igtueccenelt `mspalmdces paur ci rífmalgmrgun-Giriáde el vue `e pragí`er ê ule ríívicuitmal `es guctures datilmques `e ci rí-fmal. Nal mlteltmal est `e `ínaltrer que ces prenmers nauvenelts `ínafriphmques ml-sucimres (gi. 5?:: DG) se salt pra`umts pir ce dmims `e pragessus mlterrífmaliux ganpcexes`ils cesquecs ces pciltes icmneltimres repríseltimelt es irtmgces mnpartilts ils ces ríseiux`”íghilfe `e dmels et `”m`íes. C”irtmgce `ínaltre que ci `mspersmal `e pciltes icmneltimres,taut ganne ”iutres pritmques gucturecces mltrmlsèquenelt cmíes ê ges erlmères, alt ítí uleríicmtí `ès c”irrmvíe `e c”hanne `ils ce nal`e mlsucimre. Ces `ítimcs sur c”inpceur `e gespragessus salt taukaurs mlgallus ê ge kaur et `e lauvecces regherghes se ghirferalt `e trim-ter ges questmals. Ge trivimc vmse ê ëtre ul gi`re `e ríoírelge `e dise paur c”ítu`e irghíaca-fmque ci pcus ícirfme `e frimles `”inm`als oarnucíe kusqu”ê ge kaur `ils c”hínmsphère.

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Experts ml Iltmcceil irghieacafy hive sa oir irfue` thit twa `mooerelt pre-Iriwib ar‘Irghimg” tri`mtmals ni`e the pmaleermlf eltry mlta the mscil`s oran sepirite refmals; the

 ]ugitél Zelmlsuci il` the Armlaga `ecti, cagite` leir dath el`s ao the Iltmcceil irg aomsces (Gudi il` rmlm`i`/adifa). Irghieacafmgic lirritmves tecc thit, alge al the mscil`s

(gi. 55:: DG), pre-Iriwib peapce nimltimle` themr navenelt oran Gudi il` rmlm`i`/adifa ta the lartheist ao the mscil` irg, galverfmlf ml Zuerta Tmga. Wuppase`cy equmppe`wmth sudsmstelge stritefmes dise` al hultmlf, omshmlf il` fithermlf, the pre-Iriwib pea-pce cmve` oar it ceist 5::: yeirs al the mscil`s ultmc the irrmvic ao the Wici`am`; i lewil` ‘nare i`vilge`” gucture whmgh iccefe`cy `mspcige` ar issmnmcite` then (see Ta`rîfuezTinas 4:9: oar `msgussmal). Irfunelts il` issunptmals idaut the ‘true armfml” ao thepre-Iriwib peapce hive deel dumct al ganpiritmve (m.e. narphacafmgic) eceneltic stu`mesao cmthmgs (see Gae 9=562 Vmcsal et ic. 9==8) il` girtafriphmg ilicyses ao nirmle gurreltsao the Girmddeil Wei (see Giccifhil 4::72 Tause 9==4), ml galkulgtmal wmth i Vesterlritmalicmzitmal whmgh sees the ]ugitél il` Armlaga refmals is advmaus kunp stitmals ta

the Iltmcceil irg.Wtirtmlf ml 4::0, the iuthar defil ta gaccegt irghieadatilmgic iti whmgh stralfcy suf-

fest i nugh nare ganpcex phelanelal. a`iy, sane ao thase eircy fraups tri`mtmaliccyghirigtermze` is lal-ifrmgucturic il` lani`mg, ire galsm`ere` girrmers il` pra`ugers ao`anestmg pcilts il` graps ao galtmleltic armfml. hese pcilt issendcifes were extrenecymnpartilt oar nily Leatrapmgic guctures smlge it ceist 6::: DG il` thraufh icc the perm-a`s `eomle` ta thms `ite ml the gmrgun-Girmddeil refmal. he irghieadatilmgic `iti icsasuffest ather passmdce galtmleltic pamlts ao armfml il`/ar mltelse nuctm-vegtarmic mlterig-tmals oar the eircy hunil il` grap `mspersics mlta the Iltmcces. hese mlterigtmals seen tahive deel mlmtmiccy galomfure` dy pre-Iriwib peapce il` remloarge` dy sudsequelt guctures

thraufh tmne. Ml thms piper M wmcc nibe i sylthetmg refmalic survey al the phytafeafriphyao sane mnpartilt gmrgun-Girmddeil egalanmg pcilts dise` prmnirmcy al the regavere`nmgradatilmgic renimls, pirtmgucircy stirgh frimls, paccel il` phytacmths. he niml adkeg-tmve here ms ta set up wm`e enpmrmgic oaul`itmals oar the ourther oarnucitmal ao oeismdcephytagucturic sgelirmas iraul` sane ao the nast smflmomgilt hunil mlterigtmals il` nave-nelts ao pcilts ml the pre-Gacalmic Iltmcces il` the Freiter Girmddeil is i whace.

Galtmleltic gmrgun-Girmddeil il` deyal`; mts eircy phytagucturicspegtrun

Geltric Inermgi 

Nimze ( [ei niys ) his deel ul`erestmnite` ml Iltmcceil irghieacafy. Mt his deel refir`e`dy nily reseirghers (e.f. Tause 9==42 Lewsan 4::?) is i nmlar egalanmg pcilt re-saurge oar the pre-Gacalmic guctures ao the irghmpecifmg il` sautherl ireis ao the gmr-gun-Girmddeil refmal, it ceist ultmc i oew gelturmes deoare the Eurapeil mrruptmal ta the

 Inermgis. Nigradatilmgic renimls ao thms pcilt hive deel regavere` ml irghieacafmgic gal-texts ao extriar`mliry arfilmg preservitmal icalf the lartherl refmals ao Geltric Inermgi.Wane ao thase oml`mlfs, icalf the permphery ao the isgrmde` geltre ao nimze `anestmgitmalml Nesainermgi (the Dicsis Tmver _iccey ml sauth-westerl Nexmga), were `ite` gcase ta

0::: DG ml Nexmga (Zmperla il` Ocillery 4::9). Zaccel friml ms icsa orequeltcy use` ta

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estidcmsh the preselge il` virmidce stifes ao `anestmgitmal ao nimze ml the Leatrapmgs. he

ac`est `ites ao `anestmg nimze paccel cme detweel gi. 55:: DG ml the irei ao Xmhuitaxtci,Fuerrera (Zmperla et ic. 4::=) il` 54:: DG (Zahc et ic. 4::62 Zape et ic. 4::9) it Wil Il`rís, idisga, thms cist ale igganpilme` dy the preselge ao `anestmg nilmag ( Nilmhatesgucelti ) paccel (Omfure 9).

Ac`er paccel `ites oran mts wmc` [ei  garrecite ( [. niys  ssp. pirvmfcunms il` ather –te-asmltces„) `ite` digb ta gi. 6::: DG ml the refmal ao mlmtmic `anestmgitmal ao nimze icalfthe `egm`uaus oarests ao Fuerrera, Nexmga (Zmperla et ic. 4::=). Wa oir the ac`est nmgra-datilmgic renimls ao `anestmg nimze il` ather mnpartilt egalanmg pcilts (e.f. squish arGugurdmti  sp.) were regeltcy pudcmshe` dy Zmperla et ic. (4::=) shawmlf segure m`eltmomgi-tmals ao stirgh frimls il` phytacmths regavere` oran stale frml`mlf taacs il` se`mnelts ao

the Xmhuitaxtci ragb shecter (Dicsis Tmver _iccey refmal, Fuerrera). hese nmgradatilmgicrenimls were recmidcy issagmite` ta omle `ite` galtexts stirtmlf it 6::: DG, m.e. detweel95:: il` 45:: yeirs eircmer thil estmnite` wmth paccel frimls ar nigradatilmgic renimlshmtherta stu`me` ml thit drai` refmal. Ml oigt, these lew `ites, `mregtcy cmlbe` wmth the mlm-tmic anestmgitmal ao nimze, nitgh the ghralacafmgic estmnites suffeste` dy feletmg stu`mes`evecape` `urmlf the cist `egi`e (@aedcey 4::02 Nitsuabi et ic. 4::4).

Galsm`ermlf the sinpce ao `iti il` smtes preselt ml tidce 9, mt ms estidcmshe` here thitthe refmal ao the ]ugitél Zelmlsuci il` mts mnne`mite galtmleltic surraul`mlfs ∔ m.e. i ∔ m.e. i  m.e. irefmal tri`mtmaliccy refir`e` is ale ao the ireis oran whmgh sane hunil fraups nave`mlta the oir west ao the Iltmcces gi. 0::: DG (selsu Tause 9==4)∔ were il igtmve terrmtary ∔ were il igtmve terrmtary were il igtmve terrmtary

Omfure 9 Wecegte` eircy irghieacafmgic smtes il`/ar lituric pciges ml the gmrgun-Girmddeil (il` deyal`)

neltmale` ml the text ml whmgh nmgradatilmgic renimls hive deel stu`me`.

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    9    0 .

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    C   i    ]   e   f   u   i    `   i   g   a

   r   e

    [   e   i   n   i   y   s

    Z   a    c    c   e   l   i   l    `

   p    h   y   t   a    c    m   t    h

    5    :    :    :  -    0    5    :    :    D    G

    Z    m   p   e   r   l   a   i   l    `    Z   e   i   r   s   i    c    c    9    =    =    8

    9    5 .

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   i    )    G   i    c   i   t    h   e   i   i    c    c   a   u    m   i ,    N   i   r   i   l   t   i   i   r   u   l    `    m   l   i   g   e   i ,    C   i   f   e   l   i   r    m   i   s   p . ,

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    d    )    [   e   i   n   i   y   s

   g    )    N   i   l    m    h   a   t   e   s   g   u    c   e   l   t   i ,    N   i   r   i   l   t   i

   i   r   u   l    `    m   l   i   g   e   i ,    O   i    d   i   g   e   i   e ,

    @    m   a   s   g   a   r   e   i   t   r    m        `   i   i   l    `   w    m    c    `    @    m   a   s   g   a   r   e   i

    `    )    [   e   i   n   i   y   s ,    N   i   r   i   l   t   i   g   e   i   e

   i    )    Z    h   y   t   a    c    m   t    h

    d    )    Z    h   y   t   a    c    m   t    h

   g    )    W   t   i   r   g    h

    `    )    Z    h   y   t   a    c    m   t    h

   i    )    d   e    o   a   r   e    5    5    :    :    D    G

    d    )   g   i .    5    :    :    :    D    G

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    `    )   g   i .    0    :    :    :    D    G   i   l    `    c   i   t   e   r

    Z    m   p   e   r   l   a   i   l    `    H   a    c   s   t    9    =    =    8

    9    ? .

    Z   i   l   i   n    é

    C   i    N   u    c   i

    [   e   i   n   i   y   s ,    @    m   a   s   g   a   r   e   i   s   p . ,    G   i    c   i   t    h

   e   i   s   p .

    W   t   i   r   g    h

    9    7    :    :    D    G

    Z    m   p   e   r   l   a   i   l    `    H   a    c   s   t    9    =    =    8

    9    6

    Z   i   l   i   n    é

    N   a   l   i   f   r    m    c    c   a

    [   e   i   n   i   y   s

    W   t   i   r   g    h

    7    :    :    :    D    G   i   l    `    c   i   t   e   r

    Z    m   p   e   r   l   a   i   l    `    H   a    c   s   t    9    =    =    8

    9    8 .

    Z   i   l   i   n    é

    C   i    `   r   a   l   e   s

    [   e   i   n   i   y   s ,    @    m   a   s   g   a   r   e   i   s   p .

    W   t   i   r   g    h

    5    =    :    :    D    G   i   l    `    c   i   t   e   r

    @    m   g    b   i   u   e    t   i

    c .    4    :    :    6

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    #    m   l

    O    m   f .    9

    G   a   u   l   t   r   y

    W    m   t   e    /   p    c   i   g   e   l   i   n


    N   i    m   l   p    c   i   l   t   s    m    `   e   l   t    m       e    `

    D   a   t   i   l .   n   i   t   e   r    m   i    c

    I   p   p   r   a   x    m   n   i   t   e   r   i   l   f   e   a    o

    `   i   t   e   s    (   g   i    c    m    d   r   i   t   e    `    )

    W   a   u   r   g   e

    9    = .

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   i    )    [   e   i   n   i   y   s ,    N   i   r   i   l   t   i   i   r   u   l    `    m   l   i

   g   e   i

    d    )    G   i   p   s    m   g   u   n   s   p . ,    N   i   l    m    h   a   t   e   s   g   u    c   e   l   t   i ,    G   i   l   i   v   i    c    m   i   s   p .

   i    )    W   t   i   r   g    h

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    d    )    7    7    :    :    D    G   i   l    `    c   i   t   e   r

    [   i   r   r    m    c    c   a   e    t   i

    c .    4    :    :    8

    4    : .

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   i    )    [   e   i   n   i   y   s ,    N   i   l    m    h   a   t   e   s   g   u    c   e   l   t   i ,    N   i   r   i   l   t   i   i   r   u   l    `    m   l   i   g   e   i ,

    G   i   l   l   i   s   p .

    d    )    [   e   i   n   i   y   s ,    N   i   l    m    h   a   t   e   s   g   u    c   e   l   t   i ,    G   i    c   i   t    h   e   i   i    c    c   a   u    m   i

   i    )    W   t   i   r   g    h

    d    )    Z    h   y   t   a    c    m   t    h

   i    )    4    8    :    :    D    G   i   l    `    c   i   t   e   r    o   a   r

    d   a   t    h   n    m   g   r   a    d   a   t   i   l    m   g   i    c

   r   e   n   i    m   l   s

    Z   e   i   r   s   i    c    c   e    t   i    c .    4    :    :    0

    4    9 .

    G   a    c   a   n    d    m   i

    Z   e    ù   i    T   a    k   i

    G   i    c   i   t    h   e   i   i    c    c   a   u    m   i ,    G   u   g   u   r    d    m   t   i   s   p . ,    I   r   e   g   i   g   e   i   e

    Z    h   y   t   a    c    m   t    h

    6    7    :    :    D    G   i   l    `    c   i   t   e   r

    Z    m   p   e   r   l   a   i   l    `    Z   e   i   r   s   i    c    c    9    =    =    8

    4    4 .

    G   a    c   a   n    d    m   i

    K   i   z   n    m   l ,    F   u   i   y   i

    d    m   t   a   i   l    `

    G   i   n   p   a   i    c   e   f   r   e   s    m   t   e   s

   i    )    [   e   i   n   i   y   s ,    X   i   l   t    h   a   s   a   n   i   s   p . ,    @

    m   a   s   g   a   r   e   i   s   p . ,

    d    )    N   i   l    m    h   a   t   e   s   g   u    c   e   l   t   i

   i    )    Z   a    c    c   e   l

    d    )    Z   a    c    c   e   l

   i    )    6    :    :    :    D    G   i   l    `    c   i   t   e   r

    d    )    4    :    :    :    D    G

    F   l   e   g   g   a   i   l    `    I   g   e    m   t   u   l   a    4    :    :    0

    4    7 .

    O   r   e   l   g    h

    F   u    m   i   l   i

    G    h   e   n    m   l    W   i    m   l   t    C   a   u    m   s

    [   e   i   n   i   y   s ,    M   p   a   n   a   e   i    d   i   t   i   t   i   s ,   w    m    c    `   i   l    `    `   a   n   e   s   t    m   g

    Z    h   i   s   e   a    c   u   s ,    N   i   r   i   l   t   i   g    o .   i   r   u   l    `    m   l   i   g   e   i ,   g    o .    G   i    c   i   t    h   e   i   s   p . ,

    N   i   l    m    h   a   t   e   s   g   u    c   e   l   t   i ,    I   r   e   g   i   g   e   i   e ,

    G   i   p   s    m   g   u   n    (    `   a   n   e   s   t    m   g    ) ,   g    o .

    W   i   f    m   t   t   i   r    m   i   s   p .

    W   t   i   r   g    h

    4    0    ?    :    D    G   i   l    `    c   i   t   e   r

    Z   i   f    é   l    K    m   n    í

   l   e   z   u   l   p   u    d .    `   i   t   i

    4    0 .

    U   l    m   t   e    `

    W   t   i   t   e   s

    O   a   r   t    G   e   l   t   e   r

    [   e   i   n   i   y   s

    Z   a    c    c   e   l

    5    :    :    D    G

    W   e   i   r   s    9    =    8    4

    4    5 .

    Z   u   e   r   t   a    T    m   g   a

    N   i   r   u   g   i

    [   e   i   n   i   y   s ,    O   i    d   i   g   e   i   e ,    N   i   l    m    h   a   t   e

   s   g   u    c   e   l   t   i ,    N   i   r   i   l   t   i   i   r   u   l  -

    `    m   l   i   g   e   i ,    G   i   l   i   v   i    c    m   i   s   p . ,    M   p   a   n   a   e

   i    d   i   t   i   t   i   s ,    X   i   l   t    h   a   s   a   n   i

   s   p .    @    m   a   s   g   a   r   e   i    (   w    m    c    `    ) ,    [   i   n    m   i   p   u   n

    m    c   i ,    I   r   i   g   i   g   e   i   e

    W   t   i   r   g    h

    4    8    :    :    D    G   i   l    `    c   i   t   e   r

    Z   i   f    é   l    K    m   n    í

   l   e   z    4    :    :    =

    4    ? .

    Z   u   e   r   t   a    T    m   g   a

    Z   u   e   r   t   a    O   e   r   r   a

    [   e   i   n   i   y   s ,    O   i    d   i   g   e   i   e ,    N   i   l    m    h   a   t   e

   s   g   u    c   e   l   t   i ,    M   p   a   n   a   e   i

    d   i   t   i   t   i   s ,    G   i   l   l   i   s   p . ,    [   i   n    m   i   p   a   r   t   a   r    m   g   e   l   g    m   s ,    W   i   f    m   t   t   i   r    m   i   s   p .

    W   t   i   r   g    h

    4    9    :    :    D    G   i   l    `    c   i   t   e   r

    Z   i   f    é   l    K    m   n    í

   l   e   z    4    :    :    =

    4    6 .

    Z   u   e   r   t   a    T    m   g   a

    N   i    m   s   i    d   e    c   p   a   l    `

    [   e   i   n   i   y   s ,    G   i   l   l   i   s   p . ,    M   p   a   n   a   e   i   s   p .

    Z    h   y   t   a    c    m   t    h   i   l    `

    Z   a    c    c   e   l

    6    =    :    D    G   i   l    `   i    o   t   e   r

    L   e   w   s   a   n   i   l    `    Z   e   i   r   s   i    c    c    4    :    :    7

    4    8 .

    G   u    d   i

    G   i   l    î   n   i   r    I    d   i    k   a

    [   e   i   n   i   y   s ,    O   i    d   i   g   e   i   e    (   w    m    c    `   i   l    `    `   a   n   e   s   t    ) ,    M   p   a   n   a   e   i

    d   i   t   i   t   i   s ,    [   i   n    m   i    (   v   i   r    m   a   u   s   s   p .    )

    W   t   i   r   g    h

    7    :    :    :    D    G   i   l    `    c   i   t   e   r

    T   a    `   r    î   f   u   e   z    W   u    é   r   e   z    (    m   l    Z   i   z    4    :    :    ?    )

    4    = .

    W   i    d   i

    Z    c   u   n    Z    m   e   g   e

    Z   r   e   s   t   a   e   i   n   a   l   t   i   l   i ,   g    o .    N   i   r   i   l   t   i

   i   r   u   l    `    m   l   i   g   e   i

    W   t   i   r   g    h ,   r   i   p    h    m    `   e

    9    8    6    :    D    G   i   l    `    c   i   t   e   r

    L    m   e   u   w   e   l    h   u

    m   s    4    :    :    8

   P   i   d   c   e   9   W   a  n   e   e   i  r   c   y  s   m   t   e  s   i  l   `  s   e   c   e  g   t   e   `   e  g   a  l   a  n   m  g  p   c   i  l   t  s   m   `   e  l   t   m   o   e   `   d   y   m   t  s  n

   m  g  r   a   d   a  -

   t   i  l   m  g   i   c  r   e  n   i   m  l  s   m  l   t   h   e  g   m  r  g   u  n  -   G   i  r   m   d   d   e   i  l   i  l   `   i   `   k   i  g   e  l   t   m  l   c   i  l   `  g   a  l   t   m  l   e  l   t

   i   c   i  r   e   i  s .

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ao gmrgucitmal oar nikar egalanmg pcilts sugh is nimze, squish, nilmag, il` passmdcy atherhmfh-ymec` pcilts cmbe the gannal deil (Zhiseacus  sp.), oran it ceist 6::: DG (idce 9).

Al the sautherl pirt ao Geltric Inermgi `mooerelt cmles ao irghieadatilmgic evm`elge,nimlcy raate` al stirgh frimls il` phytacmth iti, dut icsa al paccel frimls, hive frawl oarthe cist twa `egi`es ml Gasti Tmgi (e.f., Harl 4::?) il` Zilini (e.f., @mgbiu et ic. 4::6).

Eircy il` segure nimze paccel his deel oaul` il` `ite` oar Cifuli Nirtîlez ml GastiTmgi it iraul` 755: DG (Harl 4::?). Wmnmcircy, nimze paccel il` phytacmths hive deelm`eltmome` ml Ci ]efui`i (Zilini), ml galtexts `ite` detweel 5::: il` 05:: DG, tafetherwmth the galstilt `msgavery ao stirgh frimls il` phytacmths ao nimze, irrawraat ( Niriltiirul`mligei ), nilmag, ceríl/gicitei (Gicthei  sp.), guctmvite` il` wmc` yins (@masgarei  sp.,@. trmom`i ), nirulfuey ar fuéymfi ( [inmi  sp.) il` deils (Oidigeie, Zhiseacus  sp.), inalfathers pcilts. Wmnmcir pcilt issendcifes hive icsa deel reparte` oar i cirfe lunder ao il-gmelt irghieacafmgic il` lituric galtexts `ite` detweel 5=:: ta 97:: DG (@mgbiu et ic. 4::62 Zmperla il` Hacst 9==8). Nmgradatilmgic iti galom`eltcy enalstrite thit fraupsmlhidmtmlf the Geltric Inermgil refmal pirtmgmpite` ml the pragesses ao `anestmgitmal il`

eircy `mspersics ao the pcilts m`eltmome`, calf deoare the iggepte` estmnitmals. Iggar`mlf ta@mgbiu et ic. (4::6), the pragesses ao grap `mspersic ml thms refmal aggurre` ml the galtextao `moousmal il`/ar pcilt exghilfe ao fernpcisn il` lat dy the navenelt ao ifrmgucturicpapucitmals (nmfritmal) oran ather gucture ireis. Mt shauc` de stresse` here thit `moousmalgil lat de ul`erstaa` ml the gcissmg selse (e.f. selsu Wtewir` 9=?7), dut is i set ao nuctm-vegtarmic pragesses dise` al sagmic mlterigtmals il` pradidcy lal-hmerirghmgic exghilfesao faa`s, m`eis il` teghlacafmes (see Ta`rîfuez Tinas il` Zifél Kmnílez 4::?). Ml thmssgelirma, mt his deel irfue` thit the Msthnus ao Zilini serve` is i cil` drm`fe detweelLarth il` Wauth Inermgi oar the eircy `mspersmal ao nily `anestmg resaurges (@mgbiu etic. 4::6;7?59), il` icsa oar teghlacafmes sugh is neticcurfy, il` passmdcy the eircy `evec-

apnelt ao gerinmgs, whmgh gertimlcy mrri`mite` ta icc `mregtmals mlgcu`mlf the Iltmcces.he irghieadatilmgic il` picieaegacafmgic mloarnitmal reveice` oar `mooerelt ghrala-

gucturic galtexts icc aver Geltric Inermgi gceircy elgipsucites the whace refmal ml i phyta-gucturic settmlf ml whmgh the mlmtmic `anestmgitmal ao sane ao the nast mnpartilt ega-lanmg pcilts ao the Inermgis (e.f. nimze, deils, ghmccm pepper, il` squish) aggurre`. Evelthaufh thms drai` refmal `evecape` extrenecy `mverse sagmetmes il` guctures whmgh evacve`it `mooerelt rhythns, the navenelt ao `anestmg il` ather egalanmgiccy mnpartilt pciltresaurges wis i galstilt pragess thraufhaut the terrmtary oran gi. 6::: DG. Icc the ‘guc-ture ireis” il` ‘sud-ireis” elganpisse` wmthml Geltric Inermgi igtmvecy pirtmgmpite` mlthe navenelt il` exghilfe, lat alcy ao pcilt resaurges, dut icsa ao dismg ethladatilmgic

prigtmges. hms exghilfe pernmtte` themr i`aptmal, i`iptitmal il` use inalf the mooereltsystens ao gucturic vicues ao the whace refmal.

Lartherl Wauth Inermgi 

Ml the Wauth Inermgil galtmlelt, irghieadatilmgic il` piceaegacafmgic reseirgh hive icsareveice` i set ao mnpartilt mloarnitmal. Autsm`e the gmrgun-Girmddeil feafriphmg niml-cil` ∔thit ms, ml the hmfh il` tenperite refmals ao Wauth Inermgi∔, oml`mlfs ao `esmggite`∔, oml`mlfs ao `esmggite`, oml`mlfs ao `esmggite`ar ghirre` nimze, nilmag il` ather egalanmgiccy vicuidce pcilts hive deel orequelt oar`egi`es. Gaultcess nigradatilmgic renimls ao nimze hive deel reparte` oar the Itigini@esert, detweel Ghmce il` Zeru, is wecc is oar Egui`ar il` Irfeltmli where sane ao thenwere `mregtcy `ite` detweel 95:: il` 5:: DG (ulgicmdrite`) (Dcibe 4::?). Wmnmcircy,

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nigra- il` nmgradatilmgic renimls ao see` il` tuderaus pcilts ao freit recevilge ta theLeatrapmgs cmbe nilmag, gannal deil, ighmri (Gilli sp.) il` wmc` yins, were blawl il`use` nimlcy ml Wauth Inermgi oran the omoth nmccellmun DG ar evel deoare. Ml the Gisni_iccey, Zeru, hul`re`s ao `esmggite` orifnelts ao nilmag hive deel reparte` ml galtexts`ite` ta is eircy is 98:: DG (Ufelt et ic. 9=8?). hms suffests thit nilmag wis demlf use`

il` nilmpucite` calf deoare thit `ite fmvel thit mts geltre ao armfml wis pradidcy cagite`ml the trapmgic cawcil`s ao larth-eisterl Wauth Inermgi il`/ar sautherl Drizmc (Acsel il`Wghiic 4::?2 Zmperla 4::?). Nigradatilmgic renimls ao sweet patita, regavere` ml res_eltilis Give it the Ghmcgi Gilyal (Elfec 9=67), il` ml the Gisni _iccey (Ufelt et ic. 9=89), hive deel refmstere` ml issagmitmal wmth pre-Gerinmg galtexts `ite` detweel 8:::il` ?::: DG il` detweel 445: il` 9665 DG, respegtmvecy.

Ml Egui`ar, the eircy (0?:: DG alwir`s) il` galsmstelt preselge ao nmgradatilmgicrenimls (stirghes il` phytacmths) it Teic Icta il` Cani Icti ittest thit the eircy prag-esses ao `mspersmal il` use ao mnpartilt egalanmg pcilts sugh is nimze, irrawraat, kigbdeil (Gilivicmi   sp.), nilmag, squish, gannal deil, picn (Irigigeie) il` ghmccm pep-

per (Gipsmgun  sp.) were hmfhcy ganpcex, refmaliccy extelsmve il` ghralacafmgiccy `eep(Zeirsicc et ic. 4::02 [irrmcca et ic. 4::8).Oar the mnne`mite permphery ao the Wauth Inermgil gmrgun-Girmddeil, spegmomgiccy the

mlcil` refmal ao Gacandmi, Gistmcca il` Igemtula (4:::2 see icsa Flegga il` Igemtula4::0) hive prapase` i gaherelt na`ec ao hunil aggupitmals oar the eircy il` nm``ceHacagele ml the Zarge Tmver _iccey, il hy`racafmg oeiture cagite` ml the geltric naultimlrilfe ao the Gacandmil Il`es. Icthaufh the hunil preselge ml thms irei gauc` hive defuliraul` 6::: DG ar eircmer, piceaocarmstmg `iti (nimlcy paccel) ml`mgites cmttce `mversmty aothe oarests il` idselge ao gacalmzmlf pcilt arfilmsns. hms suffests nmlmnun icteritmals`ue ta oarifmlf, whmgh gauc` fa ullatmge` ml picylacafmgic gacunls. Citer, detweel 555:

il` 0::: DG, renirbidce ghilfes ml the ocari ao sane ao the stu`me` smtes were `agunelt-e` ml issagmitmal wmth i set ao gucturic nilmoestitmals (e.f. ghilfes ml sudsmstelge pitterlsil` rmtuics) thit reocegt eeper blawce`fe refir`mlf the lituric ecenelts ao thms refmal il``ecmderite nilifenelt ao the oarests. Zcilts ao the Irigeie  il` Necistanitigeie  oinmcmes,refir`e` is gacalmzmlf arfilmsns ao `msturde` oarests, ire regurrelt ml thms phise whmgh msicsa ghirigtermze` dy the enerfelge ao cmthmg irteoigts sugh is e`fe-fraul` gaddces. Ml citerpre-Gerinmg phises ao the sine refmal (gi. 055:-7::: DG), Gistmcca il` Igemtula (4:::)`agunelte` oar the omrst tmne ml the picylacafmgic regar` the preselge ao `anestmgite`pcilts sugh is nimze il` nilmag, is wecc is ather pateltmic graps ao the Gugurdmti , Wnmcix  il` Inirilthus  felus. Fmvel the idselge ao these pcilts ml the ac`er zales ao the picyla-

cafmgic praomces, the reseirghers suffeste` thit thase pcilts galstmtute i ganpcex ao exatmg`anestmgite` spegmes whmgh were mltefrite` mlta the prevmauscy estidcmshe` guctmvitmal sys-tens. Nareaver, ilicyses ao phytacmths, stirgh frimls il` pirelghynitaus tmssues girrme`aut al stale ixes il` nmccmlf stale dises ao thms phise, reveice` the pragessmlf il` use aopcilts oran the Irigigeie , Frinmleie  oinmcmes il` ao the felus Wgheecei  il` Nilmhat .

Teseirgh ml the Iririguiri refmal ao the Gacandmil Inizal hive pravm`e` mlterestmlfiggaults ao the guctmvitmal ao sane graps il` useouc pcilts (Acmver 4::9). Detweel 67::il` ?95: DG, the peapce wha mlhidmte` the pre-Gerinmg smte Zeùi Taki expcamte` picnsee`s ao the Alaegirpus,  Niurmtmi ,  Nixmnmcmili  il`  Istragiryun felus il` ather e`mdceorumts. hese renimls were regavere` icalf wmth ocibe` il` fraul` stale taacs. Zhytacmth

stu`mes girrme` aut dy @acares Zmperla al thms smte (Zmperla il` Zeirsicc 9==8) icsa re-

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veice` the pragessmlf ao mnpartilt pcilts spegmes sugh is ceríl (Gicithei iccaumi ), fómra(Cifelirmi sp.) il` squish (Acmver 4::9). Wcish il` durl prigtmges hive icsa deel m`eltm-ome` ml the sine refmal eircmer thil 465: DG. I se`mnelt gare extrigte` oran i cagicmty is-sagmite` ta the Idekis irghieacafmgic smte pravm`e` picylacafmgic iti shawmlf the preselgeil` guctmvitmal ao nimze il` nilmag spitmiccy il` tenparirmcy cmlbe` ta the udidalmdi

pre-Gerinmg tri`mtmal (Zmperla il` Zeirsicc 9==8). Mt shauc` de late` thit the eircmest evm-`elge ao nimze wmthml the se`mnelt gare wis regavere` 75 gn decaw the cevec ite` it 465:DG, thus ml`mgitmlf thit the iltmqumty ao thms pcilt wis ac`er thil thit `agunelte` oarthe irei. Ml thms galtext il` iggar`mlf ta the paccel regar` shawmlf ilthrapafelmg oarest`msturdilges, ifrmgucturic pra`ugtmal dise` al scish il` durl teghlmques wis mltelse.

Ml the Giugi _iccey ao westerl Gacandmi virmaus se`mnelt gare sequelges hive deelstu`me`. Ale ao then, blawl is Higmel`i Cusmtilmi (Nalsicve 9=85), m`eltmome` the pres-elge ao nimze paccel 95 gn decaw ale ao the segtmals ao the gare thit wis `ite` ta 74::DG. Alge nimze paccel ippeire` ml these se`mnelts, mts aggurrelge mlgreise`, is `m` atherspegmnels ao the Ganpasmtie  oinmcy, whmce tree idul`ilge `egreise`. Ilather stu`y ao gare

se`mnelts girrme` aut ml the sine rmver viccey (Driy et ic. 9=86), galomrne` the eircy pres-elge ao nimze paccel ml i samc ciyer `ite` ta 067: DG.he alcy eircy irghieacafmgic smte cagite` ml the Girmddeil refmal ao Gacandmi il`

where irghieadatilmgic mloarnitmal his deel receise` ms Wil Kigmlta 9 (Ayueci il` Dalzilm4::5). hms smte, ippireltcy use` oar spegmic purpase igtmvmtmes, wis mlternmtteltcy mlhidmte`dy hulter-fitherers detweel 5::: il` 7=:: DG il` pravm`e` nigra il` nmgradatilmgicrenimls (see`s, ghirre` waa`, phytacmths) ao the felus Gyperus  (kulqumcca), ather frisses,cefunes, irrawraat il` orumts isgrmde` ta the `ry seisal ao the irei. he preselge ao nimzear ather egalanmg pcilts sugh is nilmag wis lat `agunelte` icthaufh mloerelges al themrpateltmic use it the smte hive deel prapase` galsm`ermlf the freit quiltmty ao netites il`

ather fraul` stale taacs regavere`.Wurprmsmlfcy, alcy spirse irghieadatilmgic `iti `mregtcy issagmite` ta the eircy nilife-

nelt il` use ao egalanmg pcilts his deel igqumre` ml the larth-eisterl refmal ao Wauth Inermgi. Is icrei`y neltmale`, thms terrmtary his deel mlterprete` dy nily reseirghers(see e.f., Tause 9==42 Vmcsal 4::6) is the niml epmgeltre oar the cirfe hunil nmfritmalswha settce` the Iltmcces oran mts eircmest perma`s (gi. 55:: DG) il` `urmlf the sa-gicce`Eircy Gerinmg Ife (gi. 5:: DG il` citer). Wtu`mes ml the Zirnili refmal ao _elezuecihive shawl `etimce` gucturic sequelges where ghilfes ml the `enafriphmg il` settceneltpitterls irase dy gi. 49:: DG (Taasevect 9=8:). Detweel thit `ite il` 9?:: DG, themlhidmtilts ao the Ci Fruti phise seen ta hive nimltimle` i caw il` stidce papucitmal

`elsmty, whmgh Taasevect (9=8:) cmlbe` ta the guctmvitmal ao nilmag gandmle` wmth i fith-ermlf-dise` sudsmstelge systen. Wudsequeltcy, iggar`mlf ta Taasevect, leir 8:: DG thepapucitmal mlgreise` ripm`cy ml the refmal. Hawever, thms frawth pragess stidmcmze` whelthe nixmnun cevec ao papucitmal `elsmty wis reighe`. @urmlf the lext Garazic phise,whmgh defil iraul` 8:: DG il` extel`e` ultmc I@ 9::, nimze wis ippireltcy mltra`uge`il` estidcmshe` is the niml pcilt mten ao il mltelsmve ifrmgucturic pra`ugtmal systen.Nimze nigradatilmgic renimls issagmite` ta eircmer aggupitmals ao the Garazic phise (m.e.,Garazic M) were sgirge, dut stmcc aggurre` ml the Garazic il` Zirnili smtes. Ml i``mtmal, thepra`ugtmal, use il` galsunptmal ao nimze ms suffeste` dy the preselge ao netites  ml ir-ghieacafmgic smtes isgrmde` ta the Garazic MM aggupitmals (gi. 0:: DG-I@ 9::). Galversecy,

the ghralacafy il` sane ao the mlterpretitmals oarnucite` dy Taasevect (9=8:) galgerl-

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mlf these mssues were questmale` dy Wilaki il` _irfis (9=87), wha suffeste` thit the guc-turic `evecapnelt ao the Garazic MM aggupitmals it Zirnili, Garazic il` Talquîl smtestaab pcige citer, it i pamlt gcase ta I@ 7?:. hese reseirghers prapase` thit the preselge aonimze ml the Garazic MM smtes wis pirt ao i pragess ml whmgh i lew nmxe` sudsmstelge systengandmle` the pra`ugtmal ao see` (nimze) il` tuderaus (nilmag) pcilts ta tibe i`viltife

ao dath sil`y samcs ao caw pra`ugtmvmty is wecc is hmfh-ymec` gciyey samcs.Ather citer irghieacafmgic galtexts oran the Zaza Izuc Larte-9 smte (gi. I@ 7::-=::),were regeltcy stu`me` dy Cml`i Zerry (4::4, 4::0) ml the nm``ce Armlaga rmver viccey ao_elezueci. Inalf the mlterestmlf resucts ao her stirgh friml reseirgh prafrin, Zerry `agu-nelte` pcilts sugh is nimze, yin, irrawraat, fuipa ( Nyrasani  sp.), fmlfer ( [mlfmdeigeie )il` the ganpcete idselge ao nilmag ml the nily stu`me` friter dair` nmgraocibes whmghhive deel galsmsteltcy isgrmde` ta the prepiritmal ao gissivi (nilmag) drei` ml gmrgun-Girmddeil irghieacafy (see Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4:9:).

Navmlf aut ta larth-eisterl _elezueci, i sequelge ao eircy hunil igtmvmtmes thit defilgi. 065: DG his deel prapase` icalf the gaistcmle ao Zirmi. Iggar`mlf ta Wilaki (9==6),

gucturic nilmoestitmals issagmite` dy hmn wmth hulter-fitherer-omsher fraups irase ml theirei oran thase tmnes. he omrst ml`mregt evm`elge garrecite` ta pcilt pra`ugtmal ms thepreselge ao ixes, haes il` galmgic pestces ml `anestmg galtexts ao senm-pernilelt vmccifes(Fuiyili il` Tenmfma smtes2 Wilaki 9==6) `ite` detweel 7?:: il` 4?5: DG. Citer ir-ghieacafmgic smtes wmth gerinmg teghlacafy (e.f., Cis _iris; gi. 4?5: DG) hive deel use`ta prapase the eircy nilifenelt il` use ao pcilts dise` al narphacafmgic il` use-weirpitterls adserve` ml gertiml cmthmg irteoigts. Uloartulitecy, there ire la pudcmshe` irghiea-datilmgic `iti oar thms refmal il` mts virmaus eircy hunil aggupitmals. hms smtuitmal hisalcy ceot passmdce the prapasic ao galkegtures al the `evecapnelt ao pcilt pra`ugtmal sys-tens (see Wilaki 9==6;9?7).

Ml the Fumilese irei, ather pre-Gerinmg il` Eircy Gerinmg sequelges sugh is DirindmliNaul` (Icibi phise; 759: DG), Hassarara Greeb (9?:: DG) il` the Nidiruni phise(9?:: DG) hive reveice` ml`mregt mloarnitmal idaut the use ao egalanmg pcilts (Wilaki9==6;9?0). Ml sane gises alcy cmthmg taacs hive deel issagmite` ta pcilt pragessmlf whmceathers irteoigts, sugh is sane gerinmg dawcs, hive deel mlterprete` is gaabmlf pats pas-smdcy use` oar the galoegtmal ao oaa` pcilt regmpes.

hms yeir (4:9:) the iuthar wis galtrigte` dy Mlrip (Mlstmtut Litmalic `e Tegherghes Irghíacafmques Zríveltmves) ta gal`ugt i nmgradatilmgic stu`y (stirgh frimls) al frml`-mlf stale taacs, il` gerinmg pat il` gciy frm``ce orifnelts oran the Ghenml Wimlt-Caumsirghieacafmgic smte ml Orelgh Fumili. hms nmgradatilmgic stu`y ms the omrst ao mts type `e-

vecape` al il eircy smte leir the larth-eisterl gaist ao the Wauth Inermgil galtmlelt, althe lartherl dar`er ao Inizalmi. he smte ms ghirigtermze` nimlcy is il Eircy Gerinmg smtewmth i nmlar il` eircmer Irghimg ganpalelt. I set ao twelty 90G `ites pcige the avericcgaltexts detweel 77:: DG il` I@ 94::. he precmnmliry resucts ao the ilicysms ao oaur-teel irteoigts mstrmdute` icalf galtexts whmgh rilfes gi. 40?: DG ta I@ 09: reveice` thepragessmlf ao pcilt arfils oran picn, deils, nimze, irrawraat, gagayin, sweet patita,il` passmdcy nilmag il` ghmccm pepper, inalf ather ulm`eltmome` spegmes (Zifél Kmnílez,ulpud. iti). Il i``mtmalic wmc` pcilt wis teltitmvecy m`eltmome` is irrawhei` (icsa blawlis swinp-patita) ar Wifmttirmi  sp.; i tuderaus pcilt use` ml nily refmals ao the Inermgilgaltmlelts oar ne`mgmle il` oar oaa`.

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he mloarnitmal autcmle` idave wis lat mltel`e` ta de exhiustmve. he m`ei his deelta pravm`e i `esgrmptmve avervmew al the phytafeafriphy ao sane egalanmg pcilts whmghwere mnpartilt oar the gmrgun-Girmddeil nimlcil`, m.e., the fea-gucturic eltmty thitsurraul`(e`) the Iltmcceil irg ao mscil`s ta the sauth il` west. Hivmlf sbetghe` thmsavervmew, i whace mooerelt spil ao mlterpretmve passmdmcmtmes gil enerfe refir`mlf the eircy

navenelt ao peapce il` pcilts ta the Iltmcces oran the galtmleltic nisses surveye` idave.hese `mooerelt passmdmcmtmes nust `epirt oran the rmfm` vmsmals stmcc reocegte` ml the regeltcmteriture (Vmcsal 4::6), whmgh persmsteltcy isgrmde i smlfce sagma-gucturic ghirigter (m.e.,hulter-fitherer-omshers) ta the hunils wha defil ta settce the Iltmcces gmrgi 55:: DG (seeicsa Tmveri-Gacciza, thms vacune).

‘Mlsucir” gmrgun-Girmddeil; eircy mltra`ugtmal il` `mspersics aoegalanmg pcilts il` themr phytagucturic mnpcmgitmals

Ao icc the irghieadatilmgic ar piceaegacafmgic reseirgh girrme` aut ml the Iltmcces, alcy thepaccel, phytacmths il` stirgh frimls hive ymec`e` mccunmlitmlf resucts al the eircy mltra`ug-tmal il` use ao `anestmg, wmc` pcilts il` ather graps (Lewsan il` Zeirsicc 4::72 Zifél

 Kmnílez et ic. 4::52 Wmefec et ic. 4::5) thit pravm`e` sane ao the niml saurges ao girda-hy`rites il` vefetidce prateml oar icc pre-Gacalmic perma`s. Inalf these nmgradatilmgicrenimls, stirgh frimls hive deel sa oir the alcy segure pcilt resm`ue regavere` `mregtcy oranomrncy `ite` pre-Iriwib (–Irghimg„) frml`mlf/paul`mlf cmthmg taacs (Lmeuwelhums 4::82Zifél Kmnílez 4::=). Zaccel il` phytacmths, thaufh stmcc very cmnmte`, ire mnpartilt whelmltefrite` mlta the avericc sgelirma expase` decaw.

Wtirgh friml reseirgh his lat deel peroarne` ml the eircmest pre-Iriwib galtexts ao the Iltmcces sa oir. he nast extelsmve stu`y garrespal`s ta ilicysms ao cmthmg taacs oran twa

eircy pre-Iriwib aggupitmals ml Zuerta Tmga, itmlf detweel gi. 48=: ta 7=: DG (Nirugiil` Zuerta Oerra smtes, Zifél Kmnílez et ic. 4::52 Zifél Kmnílez 4::=). Oaccawmlf the pre-vimcmlf expcilitmal na`ecs (Tause 9==4), these smtes gil de eismcy orine` wmthml the sinesagma-gucturic ghirigtermzitmals oarnucite` oar sane ao the eircmest smtes ao the Iltmcces(e.f., Dilwirm rige, Wt. Kahl il` Artamre ml rmlm`i`, ar Gilînir Idika ml Gudi), whmgh`ite digb ta iraul` 55:: DG. he irghieadatilmgic oml`mlfs oran Zuerta Tmga, cagite`

 kust ml the nm``ce ao the Iltmcceil irgh, shibes galsm`eridcy aur pregalgeptmals idaut thepre-Iriwib guctures ao the irghmpecifa. Vmthaut `msrefir`mlf the evm`elt gucturic `mversmtyao the Iltmcceil irg smlge the eircmest hunil aggupitmals, cagic il` refmalic `evecapnelts`urmlf the pre-Iriwib aggurre` wmthml il mltri- il` pil-Girmddeil settmlf ao `ylinmg

mlterigtmals.Tegelt irghieadatilmgic `iti fithere` ml Nirugi il` Zuerta Oerra `enalstrites thitsane ao thase peapce gicce` –Irghimg„ nilife` il` use` exafelaus `anestmg pcilts il`graps il` expcamte` litmve Iltmcceil wmc` pcilts. hms mloarnitmal, rimse` dy the stu`y aostirgh frimls regavere` oran frml`mlf/paul`mlf cmthmg taacs, m`eltmome` `anestmg pcilts,sugh is nimze il` nilmag, deils il` ather graps, mlgcu`mlf sweet patita il` gagayin.

 Vmc` pcilts were icsa pragesse` wmth the stu`me` taacs; the ul`erfraul` sten ao nirul-fuey ( [inmi partarrmgelsms ), rhmzanes ao ighmri (Gilli sp.), tuderaus raat ao i wmc` yin(@masgarei/Tikilmi   sp.) il` the see`s ao the garaza picn ( Igraganmi ne`mi ). he mlmtmicstu`y wis cmnmte` ta alcy ? cmthmg taacs (Zifél Kmnílez et ic. 4::5). Tegeltcy (Zifél Kmnílez

4::=), i sudstiltmic expilsmal ao stale taac sinpces oran eigh smte (9: oran Zuerta Oerrail` 9? oran Nirugi) galomrne` aur prevmauscy pudcmshe` mloarnitmal, extel`e` the pres-

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elge ao the m`eltmome` pcilts ta the eircmer ghralacafmgic galtexts ao dath smtes il` drai`-ele` the feafriphmgic spegtrun ao sane ao thase pcilts. hms ms the gise, oar exinpce, oarthe preselge il` mlteltmalic pragessmlf it dath smtes ao the sudterrileil stens ao nirul-fuey (il` law icsa [inmi punmci ), ao rhmzanes ao ather wmc` pcilts ml Zuerta Oerra whmghhi` lat deel prevmauscy `agunelte` (irrawhei` ar Wifmttirmi cilgmoacmi ) il` the m`eltmom-

gitmal ao il mnpartilt pcilt oar the egalanmg datily ao the Leatrapmgs; irrawraat.he resucts felerite` sa oir estidcmsh oar the omrst tmne ml the Iltmcces, il` wmth i freitcevec ao resacutmal, thit the hunil fraups wha mlhidmte` Nirugi il` Zuerta Oerra, it ceistoran gi. 48=: DG, hi` ta de usmlf ale ar nare pcilt guctmvitmal systens (e.f. hane fir-`els il` apel pcats) ml i``mtmal ta omshmlf, hultmlf ao snicc ninnics il` hirvestmlf wmc`pcilts il` mlvertedrite oiuli (Lirfiles Wtar`e 9==9, 4::0). Mt ms suffeste`, thereoare, thitml terns ao pcilts, themr sudsmstelge systen wis nmxe` it dath smtes, ml whmgh the pciltmlfil` hirvestmlf ao el`afelaus raat il` tuderaus pcilts wis mltersperse` wmth the pciltmlfil` hirvestmlf ao exafelaus orumt, see` il` tuderaus pcilts. he m`eltmomgitmal ao exafe-laus anestmg pcilts (nimze, nilmag il` sane types ao deil), is wecc is ather graps (sweet

patita, gagayin, yin, ighmri, etg.), suffests thit the `evecapnelt ao senm-se`eltiry cmoe,whmgh mlgcu`es here the greitmal ao hane fir`els il`/ar –snicc„ ifrmgucturic pcats, wereml aperitmal al ar deoare gi. 48=: DG ml Zuerta Tmga (oar i `eeper `msgussmal see Zifél

 Kmnílez et ic. 4::5). Nmgradatilmgic iti, icalf wmth sane nigradatilmgic renimls regav-ere` ml Nirugi (m.e. passmdcy garaza, tartufa RWm`eraxycal sp.^, sipa`mcci R Nilmcbiri  sp.^,

 Nicvigeie  il` ulm`eltmome` tuder orifnelts2 see Lewsan il` Zeirsicc 4::7) aooer i``m-tmalic suppart ta the lew sagma-gucturic sgelirma prapase` ecsewhere.

Mlterestmlfcy, piceaegacafmgic stu`mes girrme` aut al the lartherl gaist ao Zuerta Tmga(Durley et ic. 9==0) ml`mgite` thit detweel 75:: il` 98:: DG i smflmomgilt mlgreise mlpicea-omres (`eternmle` dy ghirgaic pirtmgces) defil leir ao the Cifuli artufuera. he

iuthars i`ku`mgite` thase evelts ta passmdce ilthrapafelmg igtmvmtmes. a`iy, we blaw thitthe hunil fraups wha aggupme` oar severic perma`s the Ilfasturi smte ml Dirgecaleti,Zuerta Tmga, were passmdcy expcamtmlf resaurges ml the irei oran iraul` gi. 0=:: DG, il`settcmlf Ilfasturi wmth sane re`ul`ilgy detweel gi. 40:: il` 98:: DG (see Tmveri-Gacciza, thms vacune). hese il`/ar ather recite` peapce gauc` de the true irghmtegts ao theghilfes adserve` ml the picea-omres sequelges ao the irei `ue ta the passmdce `evecapneltao scish il` durl ifrmgucturic systens (Ta`rîfuez Tinas il` Zifél Kmnílez 4::?). I smnm-cir smtuitmal his deel `agunelte` il` mlterprete` oar the larth ao _meques mscil` (Wiriet ic. 4::7), whel ghirgaic pirtmgces mlgreise` `ristmgiccy dy iraul` 80: DG. Icsa, theregavery ao nigradatilmgic renimls decalfmlf ta irdareic tixi (orumts il` vefetidces) il`

sane frisses (gacalmzmlf arfilmsns sugh is Zartucigi  sp.) ml ather prevmauscy stu`me` pre- Iriwib smtes ao the Iltmcces (see Lewsan il` Vmlf 4::0), suffests thit the `evecapneltao irdarmgucture/hane fir`els, ar the greitmal ao ifrmgucturic omec`s, gauc` de passmdce wmththe prepiritmal (scish il` durl) ao the omec` whmgh pradidcy stmnucite` the ippeirilgeao gacalmzmlf pcilts (Lewsan 9==72 Lewsan il` Zeirsicc 4::72 Zifél Kmnílez 4::4,4::6). he irghieadatilmgic `iti adtimle` oran Nirugi il` Zuerta Oerra icsa ul`erpmlssane ml`mregt resucts prevmauscy pravm`e` dy ather reseirghers whmgh m`eltmome` nimze pac-cel il` phytacmths ml galtexts `ite` ta gi. 6=: il` 905: DG ml lartherl Zuerta Tmga il`the @anmlmgil Tepudcmg, respegtmvecy (Lewsan il` Zeirsicc 4::72 Wilaki 9=8=2 Wmefec etic. 4::5).

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he avericc `iti sunnirmze` idave suffests the strugturic ganpcexmty ghirigtermsmlfthe pre-Iriwib peapce ml vmew ao the cirfe inault ao mloarnitmal thit they hi` ta dumc`,arfilmze il` nimltiml oar pragessmlf il` segurmlf the pra`ugtmal ao `mooerelt pcilts (e.f.,blawce`fe ao samcs il` witer oar eigh spegmes, tmne oar pciltmlf il` hirvestmlf ao graps,type ao treitnelt oar the ecmnmlitmal ao taxmg ecenelts)2 oar gaccegtmlf naccusgs, grusti-

geils il` wmc` pcilts thit were iggessmdce ml `mooerelt seisalic perma`s2 il` oar `evecapmlfomshmlf prigtmges ta pragure drai`-spegtrun spegmes ml nirmle il` rmpirmil elvmralnelts.hms cevec ao expertmse pradidcy gauc` de adtimle`, iggunucite` il` nilife` mo, inalfather thmlfs, i gasnacafmgic ar`er i` hag  wmth the Iltmcceil physmgic il` lituric warc` ex-mste` il` wis, perhips, ittel`e` dy i vicue` (spegmic) ml`mvm`uic ar i fraup ao then.

Dise` al the mloarnitmal ganpmce` hereml, the mlhidmtilts ao Nirugi il` Zuerta Oerra,rither thil represeltmlf i lew il` exafelaus hunil nadmcmzitmal ta the Iltmcces, were`esgel`ilts ao mnnmfrilts wha irrmve` gelturmes ar perhips thausil`s ao yeirs deoare,wha nistere` the pra`ugtmal ao nilmag, nimze, sweet patita il` deils il` gandmle`mt wmth ather galsunptmal prigtmges raate` ml the Iltmcceil tri`mtmal ao pragurenelt,

nimltelilge il` galsunptmal ao nirulfuey. he vist iggunucitmal ao blawce`fe thitthe mlhidmtilts ao Nirugi il` Zuerta Oerra hil`ce` refir`mlf themr lituric elvmralneltsiccawe` then ta aperite i drai`-spegtrun egalany whmgh pernmtte` the galomfuritmalao i virme` il` hmfhcy lutrmtmve nelu galsmstmlf ml oiulic mtens extrigte` oran liture,gandmle` wmth il mnpartilt set ao cagic il` exafelaus oaa` pcilts. here ms lat i gceirhmerirghmgic mstmlgtmal detweel the pra`uge` oaa` pcilts il` thase fithere` oran the li-ture. Hawever, mt shauc` de late` here the renirbidce garrecitmal ao pcilts sugh is nimze,nilmag, deil, sweet patita il` nirulfuey ml the stu`me` smtes (see Zifél Kmnílez et ic. 4::5) hivmlf deel pcilts thit we blaw were trucy recevilt oar citer Iltmcceil ifrmgucturicpre-Gacalmic egalanmes.

 Icthaufh the irghieadatilmgic `iti gaccegte` up ta law ms gertimlcy lat extelsmveelaufh ta mnpcy thit pcilt `ermvites were the oaa` stipce ao the mlhidmtilts ao Zuerta Oerrail` Nirugi 9, mt ms reisalidce ta galgcu`e thit the systenitmg pra`ugtmal ao sane ao then(wmth `mooerelt mltelsmtmes thraufh tmne) wis i oigt oran gi. 48=: DG il` perhips eircmer.Zrevmaus mlterpretitmals gauc` ippcy ta Zuerta Tmga il` deyal` mo i pirtmgucir gandmli-tmal ao irteoigts ms regavere` ml ather pre-Iriwib smtes, mlgcu`mlf (dut lat restrmgte` ta)e`fe-fraul` gaddces, galmgic pestces, mrrefucir nilas  il` nmccmlf stale/garic dises. Ml oigt,il` remloargmlf thase prevmaus prapasmtmals, regelt stirgh friml ilicyses al cmthmg nilas  il` e`fe-fraul` gaddces oran Gilînir Idika (Gudi) ∔ale ao the eircmest Iltmcceil smtes∔ale ao the eircmest Iltmcceil smtesale ao the eircmest Iltmcceil smtes`itmlf ta gi. 5?5: DG∔ m`eltmome` nimze, sweet patita, deils (wmc` il` `anestmg) il` sev-∔ m`eltmome` nimze, sweet patita, deils (wmc` il` `anestmg) il` sev-m`eltmome` nimze, sweet patita, deils (wmc` il` `anestmg) il` sev-

eric spegmes ao nirulfuey ( [inmi sp.), il` ather useouc pcilts al galtexts `ite` detweel94??-89? DG il` eircmer (see Nirtîlez-C÷pez et ic. 4::=2 Ziz 4::?).

 Is icrei`y neltmale`, the irghieadatilmgic mloarnitmal fithere` al sane pre-Iriwibsmtes ao the Freiter Iltmcces questmals the tri`mtmalic expcilitary na`ecs oran aur refmal.hese na`ecs pcige icc the gucturic nilmoestitmals prmar ta the ifra-gerinmg Wici`am` ex-pilsmal ml il extrenecy smnpce il` pissmve cevec ao sagma-gucturic `evecapnelt (see e.f.,Omtzpitrmgb il` Beefil 4::82 Vmcsal 4::6). Weveric cmles ao reisalmlf shipe these na`ecs.he omrst ale enerfes oran the m`ei thit the pre-Iriwib hunil fraups were usuiccy arfil-mze` mlta lal-ifrmgucturic il` oinmcy-dise` lani`mg dil`s, whmgh hi` i sagmic strugture

9 Dale ghenmstry-msatape stu`mes shauc` de peroarne` ta `eternmle these ispegts (see Ciaal il` `e _as, thmsvacune).

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smnmcir ta thit `esgrmde` oar galtmleltic Irghimg peapce (see Tause 9==42 _ecaz Niffmacail` Ziltec 9=882 _ecaz Niffmaca il` _efi 9=86). Il exinmlitmal ao the gurrelt stite aoblawce`fe galgerlmlf the sa-gicce` Ziceaml`mil, espegmiccy urmlf the cite Zcemstagele il`the eircy il` nm``ce Hacagele (see @mccehiy 4::82 Wgatt Tiynal` 4::8), reveics thit theirfunelt ms dumct al il issunptmal ao oinmcy-dise` dil`s arfilmze` iraul` the expcamti-

tmal ao `mooerelt seisaliccy ivimcidce resaurges. hereoare, the estidcmshnelt ao the virmaustypes ao eircy hunil settcenelts ml galtmleltic Inermgi wis seel is evm`elge ao i gertiml`efree ao ritmalic/cafmstmg nadmcmty dise` al the ivimcidmcmty ao `mooerelt resaurges. I faa`exinpce ao thms ms the gise ao Wil Kigmlta 9, il irghieacafmgic smte where suoomgmelt il``mooerelt saurges ao `iti supparte` thms type ao expcilitary na`ecs (Ayueci il` Dalzilm4::5). Oar the Iltmcceil pre-Iriwib harmzal, mt hi` deel eisy ta galsm`er thit settceneltswauc` icsa respal` ta thms bml` ao ritmalic/cafmstmg nadmcmty (Lewsan il` Vmlf 4::02Tause 9==42 _ecaz Niffmaca 9==9, 9==4), icthaufh nare `epel`ilge al the ivimcidmcmtyao gaistic resaurges.

 Ilather cmle ao reisalmlf ml suppart ao the previmcmlf expcilitary na`ecs ao the

 Iltmcceil irghieacafy ms raate` ml the irghieacafmgic reseirgh ao sane ao the –Irghimg„ il` prataifrîgaci  smtes ao the refmal. hese reseirgh prafrins mlmtmiccy dumct il` thel remloarge`ml the igi`enmg gannulmty the wecc-fraul`e` pergeptmal thit pre-Iriwib fraups garre-spal` ta i `evecapnelt cevec gicce` the ‘fitherer wiy ao cmoe” (ar –na`a `e vm`i regacegtar„selsu _ecaz Niffmaca 9==42 _ecaz Niffmaca il` Ziltec 9=882 _ecaz Niffmaca il` _efi9=84, 9=86), ‘ippraprmitar” (e.f., Fuirgh @ecnalte 9==:) ar smnpcy hulter-fitherer-omsh-er (Giccifhil 4::72 Guret 4::72 Faa`wml 9=6=2 Tause 9==42 idîa il` Tey 9=85). hus,the oigtuic evm`elge regavere` ml nily Iltmcceil –Irghimg„ smtes, mlgcu`mlf stale, shecc il`dale taacs tafether wmth oiulic oaa` renimls, hive deel seel is `iti suppartmlf sugh icevec ao sagma-gucturic evecapnelt. hms pilarini, gandmle` wmth the ‘ganpcete idselge”

ao vmsmdce nigradatilmgic (`anestmg) pcilt renimls il` i pergemve` cigb ao gerinmg teghlac-afy (Ta`rîfuez Tinas et ic. 4::8), his deel `egmsmve ta pcige these hunil fraups it thecawest il` –prmnmtmve„ pasmtmal ml the pre-Gacalmic sgice ao sagma-gucturic evacutmal (seeTmveri-Gacciza, thms vacune2 Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4::8).

hereoare, the mloarnitmal pra`uge` oar Nirugi il` Zuerta Oerra, tafether wmth ath-er regelt irghieadatilmgic `iti regavere` aver the cist 8 yeirs ml Zuerta Tmga il` ather

 Iltmcceil mscil`s hive degane sermaus ml`mgitars thit shauc` elgaurife lew thmlbmlf idautthe pre-Gacalmic guctures. Ml sylthesms, it ceist sane pre-Iriwib sagmetmes mlterprete` oarnare thil 8: yeirs is hulter-fitherer-omshers il` wha suppase`cy nimltimle` i lani`mgwiy ao cmoe, ire law mlterprete` is sagmetmes wmth latidce se`eltmsn thit were pra`ugmlf

`anestmg oaa` pcilts il` ather graps (passmdcy ml i –caw-cevec oaa` pra`ugtmal„ oishmal,selsu Wnmth 4::9), il` nilifmlf wmc` pcilt resaurges oar oaa`. Ml`ee`, sane ao the ex-afelaus `anestmg pcilts il` oaa` graps (nimze, nilmag, sweet patita) thit were thaufhtta de draufht ta the Iltmcces dy the omrst strmgtcy ifra-gerinmg settcers ao galtmleltic armfml(m.e., the Wici`am`s il` Huegam`s, gi. 5:: DG, Tause 9==4), ire law ghralacafmgiccy smtu-ite` leircy twa nmccellmi prmar ta the tri`mtmalic galgeptmal wm`ecy iggepte`. Mt shauc` dehmfhcmfhte` thit il mnpartilt pcilt issendcife issagmite` wmth sane gucmliry tri`mtmalsao the Msthna-Gacandmil refmal (ar MGr), his deel icsa m`eltmome` ml Zuerta Tmga il`_meques il` `mregtcy recite` ta irteoigt-types (e.f., e`fe fraul`-gaddces il` nmccmlf staledises) thit ire gannal ta dath feafriphmgic refmals (Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4::5, 4:9:).

 Iggar`mlfcy, pil-Girmddeil mlterigtmals hive deel reveice` detweel the Iltmcces il` the

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MGr, mnpcymlf the navenelt ao peapce il`/ar pcilts thraufh the ghiml ao msces ml eircmer`ites thil thit blawl oar Nirugi il` Zuerta Oerra. Galversecy, is his deel suffeste` dythese il` ather iti (Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4:9:), the navenelt ao peapce il` pcilts detweelthase twa ireis (m.e., the MGr il` Zuerta Tmga) gauc` hive aggurre` thraufh `mregt nirmlevayifes igrass the apel sei (Ta`rîfuez Tinas il` Zifél Kmnílez 4::?).

Citer phytagucturic `ylinmgs ml the Iltmcces; i suroige vmew oranZuerta Tmga il` mts pil-Girmddeil mnpcmgitmals

 Ioter nare thil 5::: yeirs ao pre-Iriwib aggupitmals ml the Iltmcces, virmaus lew guc-turic nilmoestitmals whmgh draufht typmgiccy galtmleltic gerinmg tri`mtmals il` gucmliryprigtmges eltere` the mscil` refmal oran virmaus ireis ao larth il` larth-westerl Wauth

 Inermgi. Ml thms galtext, the stirgh friml ilicysms ippraigh ippcme` ta gucturiccy exafelausil` el`afelaus ifra-gerinmg irteoigt issendcifes ∔cmbe thase ao the Huegam`, Wici`am`∔cmbe thase ao the Huegam`, Wici`am`cmbe thase ao the Huegam`, Wici`am`il` Astmalam` peapce oran Zuerta Tmga il` Gudi∔ his deful ta `enystmoy sane rmfm`∔ his deful ta `enystmoy sane rmfm`his deful ta `enystmoy sane rmfm`pre-ul`erstil`mlfs refir`mlf taac oulgtmal il` the pcilts whmgh were suppase`cy prag-esse` ar gaabe` wmth then (tidce 4). hms ms the gise ao the duríl ar gciy frm``ce thit oarnare thil 6: yeirs his deel issagmite` wmth the gaabmlf ar hil`cmlf ao nilmag (gissivi)drei`. Law, thms irteoigt ms icsa `mregtcy recite` wmth i drai`er spegtrun ao pcilts (e.f.,nimze, deil, irrawraat, sweet patita il` nirulfuey, inalf athers) where nilmag his latyet deel m`eltmome` (see Zifél Kmnílez 4::=). Wmnmcir `iti defil ta enerfe oran i sniccsinpce ao stu`me` nmgraocibes, whmgh were mlterprete` is friter dair` teeth il` hive deelhmstarmgiccy galsm`ere` pirt ao the taacbmt ta pragess the nilmag tuderaus raats. Law thesetmly irteoigts hive reveice` thit nily ao the pcilts m`eltmome` ml the dureles  (nimze, irraw-raat, nirulfuey) were icsa pragesse` wmth then (Zifél Kmnílez 4::?), dut lat nilmag

is his icsa deel shawl oar pre-Gacalmic Dihinis (Dernil il` Zeirsicc 4:::, 4::8) il`_elezueci (Zerry 4::4, 4::0).Wtirgh friml ilicyses hive icsa galtrmdute` ta mlterpretitmals ao the gucturic dmafriphy

ao sane egalanmgiccy mnpartilt pcilts sugh is nimze. hms versitmce pcilt his deel galsmst-eltcy mlterprete` (Lewsan 4::?2 Lewsan il` Vmlf 4::0) is i hmfh stitus oaa` resaurgegalsune` exgcusmvecy dy the cite Astmalam` ml`mfelaus ecmte ao Hmspilmaci il` icsa is ipcilt ao nmlar mnpartilge oar the avericc pre-Gacalmic `met ao the mscil`s ml ily perma`. Mhive estidcmshe` ecsewhere (Zifél Kmnílez 4::6, 4::=, 4:9:) thit the wiys ao pragessmlfil` galsunptmal ao mts see`s fa deyal` the iccefe`cy restrmgtmve il` sanetmnes smnpce usesthit stmcc galtmlue ta de ittrmdute` ta thms datilmgic resaurge (see e.f. Lewsan 4::?, 4::8).

 Iggar`mlf ta Lewsan, the berlecs ao thms pcilt were galsune` freel ar damce` dy the ml-`mfelaus ecmte. Hawever, regelt stirgh friml reseirgh ml the Dihinis (Dernil il` Zeirsicc4::8), Gudi (Ta`rîfuez Wuérez il` Zifél Kmnílez 4::8) il` Zuerta Tmga (see e.f., Zifél

 Kmnílez 4::=), his omrncy `enalstrite` the preselge ao nimze stirghes ml frml`mlf/paul`-mlf/fritmlf stale taacs il` gciy frm``ces ao oaurteel irghieacafmgic smtes il` galtexts, rilf-mlf oran `anestmg/gannulic ta rmtuic/nifmg-recmfmaus spiges il` irteoigts ao icc the perm-a`s eomle` oar the lartherl Iltmcces, whmgh galtrist heivmcy wmth thase prevmaus restrmgtmveissunptmals issmfle` ta thms pcilt (see icsa Zifél Kmnílez 4::6). Niyde nimze wis lever i

Lext pife; Pidce 4 Iltmcceil irghieacafmgic smtes where stirgh friml stu`mes his deel oarniccy peroarne`

ar pudcmshe`. * Gicmdritmals were ni`e usmlf Gicmd Ti`magirdal Gicmdritmal Zrafrin (Tev 5.:.9).

Gicmdritmal `iti sets; mltgic:0.90g (Temner et ic. 4::0) il` nirmle:0.90g (Hufhel et ic. 4::0).

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    W    m   t   e

   l   i   n   e

    T   e   f    m   a   l    /    G   a   u   l   t   r   y

    G    h   r   a   l   a    c   a   f    m   g   i    c   r   i   l   f   e   s   w    m   t    h

    4   χ   g   i    c    m    d   r   i   t    m   a   l   s    D    G  -    I    @    *

    (   l   u   n    d   e   r   a    o   s   i   n   p    c   e   s

   g   a   l   s    m    `   e   r   e    `    m   l   p   i   r   e   l   t    h   e   s    m   s    )

    G   u    c   t   u   r   i    c   i   s   g   r    m   p   t    m   a   l

    Z    h   y   s    m   a   f   r   i   p

    h    m   g   e    c   e   n   e   l   t   s

   i   l    `    `    m   s   t   i   l   g   e   t   a   s    h   a   r   e

    c    m   l   e    (    m   l   n   e   t   e   r   s    )

    L   a .   a    o   i   r   t   e    o   i   g   t   s

   s   t   u    `    m   e    `    (   i   r   t   e    o   i   g   t   s

   w    m   t    h   s   t   i   r   g    h   g   a   l   t   e   l   t

    m   l   p   i   r   e   l   t    h   e   s    m   s    )

    T   e    o   e   r   e   l   g   e

    9 .    N

   i   r   u   g   i

    Z   a   l   g   e ,    Z   u   e   r   t   a    T    m   g   a

    4    8    6    :  ‗    ?    7    :    D    G    (    =    )

    I   r   g    h   i    m   g

    G   a   i   s   t   i    c   p    c   i

    m   l    ∳    9 ,    5    :    :   n

    4    :    (    4    :    )

    Z   i   f    é   l    K    m   n    í   l   e   z    4    :    :    =   2

    Z   i   f    é   l    K    m   n    í   l   e   z   e    t   i    c .    4    :    :    5

    4 .    Z

   u   e   r   t   a    O   e   r   r   a

    _    m   e   q   u   e   s ,    Z   u   e   r   t   a    T    m   g   a

    4    4    ?    :  ‗    7    0    :    D    G    (    9    :    )

    I   r   g    h   i    m   g

    G   a   i   s   t   i    c   s    c   a

   p   e    ∳    9 ,    4    :    :   n

    9    4    (    9    4    )

    Z   i   f    é   l    K    m   n    í   l   e   z    4    :    :    =   2

    Z   i   f    é   l    K    m   n    í   l   e   z   e    t   i    c .    4    :    :    5

    7 .    Z

    c   u   n    Z    m   e   g   e

    W   i    d   i    M   s    c   i   l    `    (    C   e   s   s   e   r

    I   l   t    m    c    c   e   s    )

    9    8    6    :  ‗    9    5    4    :    D    G    (    7    )

    I   r   g    h   i    m   g

    U   p    c   i   l    `    (   n   a   u   l   t   i    m   l    )

    ∳    6    6    4   n

    9    9    (    5    )

    L    m   e   u   w   e   l    h   u    m   s    4    :    :    8

    0 .    Z

   u   l   t   i    G   i   l    `   e    c   e   r   a

    H   u   n   i   g   i   a ,    Z   u   e   r   t   a

    T    m   g   a

    7    0    :    D    G  ‗    I    @    4    4    :    (    4    )

    H   u   e   g   a    m    `

    G   a   i   s   t   i    c   p    c   i

    m   l    ∳    9    4    :   n

    9    8    (    9    5    )

    Z   i   f    é   l    K    m   n    í   l   e   z    4    :    :    6

    5 .    W   a   r   g    í    /    C   i    H   u   e   g   i

    (    `   e   p    ÷   s    m   t   a    [    )

    _    m   e   q   u   e   s ,    Z   u   e   r   t   a    T    m   g   a

    9    ?    :    D    G  ‗    I    @    5    0    :    (    9    9    )

    H   u   e   g   a    m    `

    I    c    c   u   v    m   i    c   p    c   i

    m   l    ∳    7    7    :   n

    0    :    (    7    7    )

    Z   i   f    é   l    K    m   n    í   l   e   z    4    :    :    6

    ? .    T

    î   a    P   i   l   i   n    é    4    (    I    T  -    7    =    )

    I   r   e   g    m    d   a ,    Z   u   e   r   t   a    T    m   g   a

    I    @    7    5    :  ‗    8    =    :    (    ?    )

    C   i   t   e    W   i    c   i    `

   a    m    `    (    G   u   e   v   i   s    )  -    E   i   r    c   y    A   s   t    m   a   l   e   s

    (    W   i   l   t   i    E    c   e

   l   i    )

    I    c    c   u   v    m   i    c   p    c   i

    m   l    ∳    5 ,    =    5    :   n

    ?    (    0    )

    Z   i   f    é   l    K    m   n    í   l   e   z    4    :    :    8   i

    6 .    P    h   r   e   e    @   a   f

    W   i   l    W   i    c   v   i    `   a   r ,

    D   i    h   i   n   i   s

    I    @    ?    :    :  -    9    9    ?    :    (    9    4    )

    A   s   t    m   a   l   a    m    `

    (    E   i   r    c   y    C   u   g   i   y   i   l    )

    Z    c   i    m   l   a   v   e   r   s   i   l    `    `   u   l   e

    ∳    7    :   n

    4    8    (    9    0    )

    D   e   r   n   i   l   i   l    `    Z   e   i   r   s   i    c    c    4    :    :    : ,

    4    :    :    8

    8 .    Z

   u   l   t   i    F   u   i   y   i   l    í   s

    (    B    m   l

   f    ”   s    H   e    c   n   e   t   i   r   e   i    )

    ]   i    d   u   g   a   i ,    Z   u   e   r   t   a    T    m   g   a

    I    @    ?    0    :  -    8    8    :    (    4    )

    C   i   t   e    W   i    c   i    `

   a    m    `    (    G   u   e   v   i   s    )

    Z   r   a   n   a   l   t   a   r

   y   a   v   e   r   g   a   i   s   t   i    c

    h    m    c    c    ∳    5    :  -    9    :    :   n

    5    (    0    )

    Z   i   f    é   l    K    m   n    í   l   e   z    4    :    :    8    d

    = .    Z

   u   l   t   i    G   i   l    `   e    c   e   r   a

    H   u   n   i   g   i   a ,    Z   u   e   r   t   a

    T    m   g   a

    I    @    ?    ?    :  ‗    9    :    4    :    (    4    )

    C   i   t   e    W   i    c   i    `

   a    m    `    (    G   u   e   v   i   s    )

    G   a   i   s   t   i    c   p    c   i

    m   l    ∳    9    4    :   n

    9    7    (    9    4    )

    Z   i   f    é   l    K    m   n    í   l   e   z    4    :    :    ?

    9    : .

    G   u   e   v   i    `   e    c   a   s

    N   u   e   r   t   a   s    (    W    T  -    9    )

    U   t   u   i    `   a ,    Z   u   e   r   t   a    T    m   g   a

    I    @    ?    8    :  ‗    9    9    =    :    (    4    )

    A   s   t    m   a   l   a    m    `

    (   n   a    `    m       e    `    A   s   t    m   a   l   e   s   a   r

   p   r   a   t   a  -   t   i    î   l

   a    )

    B   i   r   s   t    h    m    c    c    ∳    9    6 ,    0    :    :   n

    7    (    7    )

    Z   i   f    é   l    K    m   n    í   l   e   z   i   l    `    A    c    m   v   e   r

    4    :    :    8

    9    9 .

    N   i   g   i   n    d   a    M    M

    F   u   i   l   t    é   l   i   n   a ,    G   u    d   i

    I    @    9    9    5    :  ‗    9    0    =    :    (    9    )

    A   s   t    m   a   l   a    m    `

    (    c   i   t   e    P   i    î   l   a    )

     G   a   i   s   t   i    c   p    c   i    m   l   <    9    :    :   n

    9    (    9    )

    T   a    `   r    î   f   u   e   z    W   u    é   r   e   z   i   l    `

    Z   i   f    é   l    K    m   n    í   l   e   z    4    :    :    8

    9    4 .

    G   e    m    d   i    9    9

    G   e    m    d   i ,    Z   u   e   r   t   a    T    m   g   a

    I    @    9    9    5    :  -    9    4    6    :    (    4    )

    E   i   r    c   y   i   l    `

    c   i   t   e    A   s   t    m   a   l   e   s    (    W   i   l   t   i    E    c   e   l   i

   i   l    `    E   s   p   e   r

   i   l   z   i    )

    G   a   i   s   t   i    c    h    m    c    c    (   t   a   p    )    ∳    6    5    :   n

    5    (    5    )

    Z   i   f    é   l    K    m   n    í   l   e   z    4    :    9    :

    9    7 .    _   e   f   i    L   e    c   a    _   i   r   f   i   s

    (    U   t   u  -    4    6    )

    U   t   u   i    `   a ,    Z   u   e   r   t   a    T    m   g   a

    I    @    9    4    8    :  ‗    9    0    7    :    (    0    )

    A   s   t    m   a   l   a    m    `

    (    c   i   t   e    A   s   t    m   a   l   e   s   a   r    G   i   p    é  -   t   i    î   l   a    )

    B   i   r   s   t   p    m   e    `   n

   a   l   t    /   s   n   i    c    c

   v   i    c    c   e   y    ∳    9    = ,    7    =    :   n

    0    (    0    )

    Z   i   f    é   l    K    m   n    í   l   e   z   i   l    `    A    c    m   v   e   r

    4    :    :    8

    9    0 .

    C   i   f   u   l   i    `   e    C    m   n   a   l   e   s

    F   u   i   l   t    é   l   i   n   a ,    G   u    d   i

    I    @    9    4    :    :  ‗    9    ?    :    :    (   a   l    c   y

   r   e    c   i   t    m   v   e   g    h   r   a   l   a    c   a   f   y    )

    A   s   t    m   a   l   a    m    `

    (    c   i   t   e    P   i    î   l   a    )

    G   a   i   s   t   i    c   p    c   i

    m   l    /   t   e   r   r   i   g   e

    ∳    6 ,    4    :    :   n

    0    (    0    )

    T   a    `   r    î   f   u   e   z    W   u    é   r   e   z   i   l    `

    Z   i   f    é   l    K    m   n    í   l   e   z    4    :    :    8

    9    5 .

    G   e    m    d   i    7    7

    G   e    m    d   i ,    Z   u   e   r   t   a    T    m   g   a

    I    @    9    0    9    :  -    9    0    6    :    (    9    )

    A   s   t    m   a   l   a    m    `

    (    c   i   t   e    A   s   t    m   a   l   e   s   a   r    E   s   p   e   r   i   l   z   i    )

    P   e   r   r   i   g   e   a   l

   i    G   a   i   s   t   i    c    h    m    c    c

    ∳    9    4    5    :   n

    7    (    7    )

    Z   i   f    é   l    K    m   n    í   l   e   z    4    :    9    :

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oaa` stipce ml the refmal it ily pamlt ml tmne, icthaufh mts virmidce uses `eomle` up ta law(Zifél Kmnílez 4:9:) were nare felericmze` thil thase mlterprete` deoare.

Galversecy, ilather exatmg pcilt his deel tirfete` is the nast mnpartilt saurge aogirdahy`rites oar nily pre-Gacalmic sagmetmes ml the Iltmcces; nilmag. hms oaa` pcilt,ta `ite, his deel paarcy `agunelte` ml the irghieacafmgic galtexts stu`me`. Iggar`mlf

ta sane ghralmgcers (Gac÷l 9==42 Cis Gisis 9=:=2 Oerlél`ez `e Avme`a 9859), `urmlfthe mlmtmic Ml`mfelaus-Eurapeil galtigt perma`, nilmag wis the stipce grap ao thase ml-`mfelaus sagmetmes ml sane ao the mscil`s cmbe Zuerta Tmga, Gudi, Hmspilmaci, Kinimgi il`Dihinis. Hawever, there ms icsa gceir mloarnitmal refir`mlf the mnpartilge ao ather pciltssugh is nirulfuey (ar fuéymfi) whmgh oar ghralmgcers cmbe Cis Gisis (9=:=) were evel naremnpartilt thil nilmag ar sweet patita ml the refmal ao Hmfóey ao eisterl Hmspilmaci (seeZifél Kmnílez 4::62 Zifél Kmnílez il` Acmver 4::82 _ecaz Niffmaca 9==4).

Galsm`ermlf thms sgelirma mt wauc` de expegte` ∔it ceist oar thase citer irghieacafmgic∔it ceist oar thase citer irghieacafmgicit ceist oar thase citer irghieacafmgicsmtes ao the Freiter Iltmcces (e.f., eircy il` cite Astmalam` smtes ao Zuerta Tmga il` Gudi)ml whmgh 98 cmthmg il` gerinmg irteoigts hive deel stu`me` oar stirgh galtelt∔ thit nilmag∔ thit nilmagthit nilmag

were udmqumtauscy preselt mo thms pcilt wis sa mnpartilt oar the gucturic spegtrun felerm-giccy elgipsucite` ul`er the iîla. Al the galtriry, stirgh friml stu`mes gal`ugte` saoir evm`elge i `mooerelt pmgture2 linecy thit the blawce`fe il` use ao nily ao the pciltsprevmauscy `agunelte` renimle` mnpartilt il` passmdcy nare sa thil nilmag (see Zifél

 Kmnílez il` Acmver 4::82 Ta`rîfuez Wuérez il` Zifél Kmnílez 4::8). Irghieadatilmgicstu`mes gal`ugte` ml these cite irghieacafmgic smtes refmstere` the use ao pcilts sugh is il-

_erligucir line (tixi)    Z   e   r    m   a    `    M   i

    Z   e   r    m   a    `    M    M    d 

    Z   e   r    m   a    `    M    M   g  

    Z   e   r    m   a    `    M    M    `

    Z   e   r    m   a    `    M    M    M   e

    Z   e   r    m   a    `    M    _    o

    U    d    m   q   u    m   t   y   a    o   p    c   i   l   t   s

   t    h   r   a   u   f    h   p   e   r    m   a    `   s    (    %    )

    T   e   n   i    m   l

   s   r   e   g   a   v   e   r   e    `

    (   r   e    o   e   r   e   l   t   e   s    )

Puders (il` rhmzanes, raats il` tuderausstens)

⊖ Dititi ar Wweet patita (Mpanaei dititis) X X X X X 87.7 Wtirgh92 ghirre` orifnelts7

⊖ ]ugi ar Nilmag (Nilmhat esgucelti Grilz) X X X X ??.? Wtirgh92 ghirre` orifnelts7

♯ Ùine smcvestre(@masgarei/Tikilmi) X X X X ??.? Wtirgh9

♯ Ùine nipuey (@masgarei trm`i) X 9?.? Wtirgh9

♯ Ùine `ulfuey (@masgarei ictmssmni) X 9?.? Wtirgh9

⊖ Ighmri ar Fruyi (Gilli ml`mgi) X X X 5: Wtirgh9

⊖ ]iutîi Dcilgi ( Xilthasani sifmttmoacmun) X X X X ??.? Wtirgh9

⊖ ]iutîi `e picni ( Xilthasani ul`mpes) X X 77.7 Wtirgh9

♯ Nirulfuey ( [inmi partarmgelsms) X X 77.7 Wtirgh9

♯ Nirulfuey ( [inmi indcyphyccm`mi) X X X 5: Wtirgh9

♯ Nirulfuey, Fuéymfi ( [inmi punmci) X X X 5: Wtirgh9, 42 esmggite` ceives5

♯ ]uqumcci, Irrawraat (Nirilti irul`mligei) X X X X X 87.7 Wtirgh9

⊖ Ceríl (Gicithei iccaumi) X X X 5: Wtirgh9

♯ Oceghi e ifui (Wifmttirmi cilgmoacmi) X 9?.? Wtirgh4 

♯ Gicitei (Gicithei go. vemtghmili) X X 77.7 Wtirgh9 

Wuec`i galsuec`i ( Ilre`eri vesmgirmi) X 9?.? Wtirgh9 

Dekuga e nendrmcca (Wnmcix anmlfuelsms) X 9?.? Wtirgh9

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_erligucir line (tixi)    Z   e   r    m   a    `    M   i

    Z   e   r    m   a    `    M    M    d 

    Z   e   r    m   a    `    M    M   g 

    Z   e   r    m   a    `    M    M    `

    Z   e   r    m   a    `    M    M    M   e

    Z   e   r    m   a    `    M    _    o

    U    d    m   q   u    m   t   y   a    o   p    c   i   l   t   s

   t    h   r   a   u   f    h   p   e   r    m   a    `   s    (    %    )

    T   e   n   i    m   l   s   r   e   g   a   v   e   r   e    `

    (   r   e    o   e   r   e   l   t   e   s    )

Wee` pcilts

♯ Ormkac smcvestre (Oidigeie) X X X X ??.? Wtirgh92 Wee`7

⊖ Ormkac anestmgi`a (Zhiseacus vucfirms) X X X X ??.? Wtirgh9

♯ Niîz ( [ei niys)X X X X X 87.7

Wtirgh92 Wee` il` berlec orif-nelts72 ghirre` orifnelts72paccel?

⊖ Hidi (Gilivicmi) X X X X ??.? Wtirgh9

-- Zaigeie X X X 5: Wtirgh92 Wee`7 

έ Ighmate (Dmxi areccili) X X 77.7 Wtirgh92 Wee`7

♯ _er`acifi (Zartucigi sp.) X X 77.7 Wee`7


]erdi gaquî (Hypaxms sp.) X X 77.7 Wee`7

∛ Gahadi ( Ili`eliltheri sp.) X 9?.? Wtirgh6 Wee`/Vaa`7


⊖ Ifuigite (Zersei inermgili) X 9?.? Wee`0

⊖ [ipate inirmcca (Zautermi ginpeghmilun) X X X X X 87.7 Vaa`/Wee`7

⊖ Zicni garaza ( Igraganmi ne`mi) X X X 5: Wtirgh92 Wee`7

⊖ Zipiyi-Ceghasi (Girmgi pipiyi) X 9?.? Wee`7

⊖ Fuiyidi (Zsm`mun fuikivi) X X 77.7 Wee`/Vaa`7

⊖ Fuilédili/gayur/il÷l ( Illali sp.) X X 77.7 Vaa`/Wee`7

⊖ Zicni ( Irigigeie) X X 77.7 Wee`7

έ Hmfóeri (Gresgeltmi gukete) X X 77.7 Wee`/Vaa`7

⊖ Fuégmni (Fuizuni ucnmoacmi) X X 77.7 Vaa`7

⊖ Kifui (Felmpi inermgili) X 9?.? Vaa`7

⊖ Uvi `e pciyi (Gaggacadi uvmoeri) X X X 5: Wee`/Vaa`7

⊖ Gimnmta (Ghrysaphyccmn gimlmta) X 9?.? Wee`/Vaa`7

Pidce 7 Wecegte` egalanmg pcilts m`eltme` dy prevmaus piceaethladatilmgic stu`mes ml Zuerta Tmga.

Zerma`s (ippraxmnite 90G `ite rilfes, see Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4:9:); i , –Irghimg Zerma`„ (55::DG-

 I@9::)2 d , –Ifra-gerinmg Zerma`„, Ci Huegi Gucture (75:DG-I@0::)2 g , –Ifra-gerinmg Zerma`„, EircyWici`am` Gucture (0::DG-I@0::)2  , –Ifra-gerinmg Zerma`„, Cite Wici`am` Gucture (I@7::-=::)2 e ,

–Ifra-gerinmg Zerma`„, Astmalam` –Eircy Pimla„ Gucture (I@0::-99::)2  o  , –Ifra-gerinmg Zerma`„,

Astmalam` –Cite Pimla„ Gucture (I@=::-955:)2 Wyndacs; ⊖ > oaa` pcilts (themr see`s, tuders il`/ar

 orumts)2 ♯ > oaa` il`/ar ne`mgmlic pcilts (themr see`s, tuders, orumts il` nare)2 έ > ml`ustrmic pcilts

(use` oar `ye, gal`mnelt, ouec, galstrugtmal, riw nitermic oar irteoigts ecidaritmal, etg.)2 > ne`mgmlic

(themr see`s, ceives, tuders, etg.)2  ∛ > hiccugmlafel (themr see`s, exu`ites, etg.)2 -- > ulblawl use2 Lates; 

9 , Waurge `iti; Zifél Kmnílez (4::6)2 4 , Waurge `iti; Zifél Kmnílez (4::=)2 7 , Waurge `iti; Lewsan

il` Vmlf (4::0). Gcirmgitmal oar thms saurge; Nigra-datilmgic renimls ao pcilts cmbe nimze, ighm -

ate, dititi, yugi il` ormkac (Oidigeie) hive deel oaul` ml la nare thil 4 ao the ippraxmnitecy 7? smtes

stu`me` oar datilmgic nigra-renimls galtelt ml the refmal2 0 , Waurge `iti; Tause il` Icefrîi (9==:)2 5 ,

Waurge `iti; _ecaz Niffmaca (9==4)2 ? , Waurge `iti; Cile et ic. (4::8)2 6  , Waurge `iti; Zifél Kmnílez(ulpudcmshe` iti).

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litta oar the omrst tmne (see Lewsan il` Vmlf 4::02 Zifél Kmnílez 4::6), whmce nirul-fuey, irrawraat, nimze, deil il` sweet patita, pcige` wmthml the tatic lunder ao sinpcesstu`me`, ire the nast udmqumtaus pcilts ta de oaul` (see sane m`eltmome` tixi per perma`ml tidce 7). Ul`audte`cy, nilmag stirghes hive deel regavere` ml eircy il` cite Astmalam`galtexts oran Zuerta Tmga, icthaufh mts aggurrelge wmthml the tatic issendcife ao stu`me`

irteoigts ms icnast mnpergeptmdce. hese Astmalam` irteoigts wmth nilmag stirgh mlgcu`e istale nartir oran _efi `e Leca _irfis smte (Utu-46; I@ 948:-907:), twa nmccmlf staledises il` ale e`fe-fraul` gaddce oran Guevi `e cas Nuertas (I@ ?8:-99=:), dath smtescagite` ml Utui`a, Zuerta Tmga. Ilather irteoigt where i smlfce nilmag stirgh friml wisregavere` ms i gerinmg pat orifnelt oran Gemdi 99 smte (I@ 995:-946:). hms irteoigtgaltimle` ghirre` grust, presunidcy oaa` renimls, ittighe` ta the mlsm`e ao the utelsmc(Zifél Kmnílez 4:9:). wa ather cite Astmalam` smtes oran Gudi (Cifuli `e Cmnales il`Niginda MM)4 `m` lat reveic the use il` prepiritmal ao ily nilmag regmpe (e.f., gissividrei`) evel whel 5 `mooerelt dureles sudkegte` ta stirgh ilicysms `agunelte` frimls aonirulfuey, deil, nimze, sweet patita, gagayin il` irrawraat ml i smnmcir oishmal thil

thase `agunelte` ml 5 ather dureles  ml Zuerta Tmga issagmite` ta twa cite Wici`am` smtesil` ale cite Astmalam` smte (Zifél Kmnílez 4::8i, 4::8d2 Ta`rîfuez Wuérez il` Zifél Kmnílez 4::8).

 It ceist oar pre-Gacalmic Zuerta Tmga, the adserve` tel`elgy ms qumte gceir; i drai`-spegtrun egalany wis mnpartilt oar icc the gucturic perma`s stu`me` ultmc law. Eigh smte,mts respegtmve egasystens il` the virme` wiys ao expcamtmlf then shauc` hive mts awl spe-gmomgmtmes il` `ylinmgs. Inalf then, we mlterprete` mltri- il` mlter-smte pirtmgucirmtmesrefir`mlf the use ao il` iggess ta gertiml pcilts thraufh tmne (e.f., Zifél Kmnílez 4::6).Ml ather war`s, the phytagucturic `ylinmgs thit exmste` wmthml the stu`me` smtes shaw thitsane pcilts whmgh were ippireltcy hmfhcy esteene` it i fmvel tmne sudsequeltcy egreise`

smflmomgiltcy ar smnpcy `msippeire` oran the irghieadatilmgic regar`, resuctmlf mlversecyml the mlgreise ao ather pcilts. hese ire the spegmomgmtmes thit gil hecp us ta `eomle theliture ao the egalanmg il` datilmgic guctures ao aur ilgestars it the cagic, refmalic il`pil-Girmddeil cevecs.

Galgcu`mlf renirbs

hms drmeo avervmew his ni`e gceir thit the tmne ao the eircmest mlgursmals mlta the Iltmcces(gi. 55:: DG) wis ghirigtermze` dy pragesses ao mltelse hunil nadmcmty aggurrmlf icalfthe eltmre surraul`mlf galtmleltic irei smlge calf deoare. hms tmne icsa nirbs true it-

tenpts it pcilt `anestmgitmal il` `mspersmal whmce `mverse il` stralf, cagic ar refmalicm`eltmtmes stirte` ta tibe shipe il` were citer iggeltuite`. hereoare, nare thil ilswers,thms essiy his mltel`e` ta felerite ourther questmals refir`mlf the gmrgun-Girmddeil phyta-gucturic gmrgunstilges, pirtmgucircy `urmlf the eircmest nmfritmal il` settcenelt epmsa`esal the Iltmcces. he regelt nuctm`msgmpcmliry evm`elge oran the galtmlelt il` the mscil`ssupparts the gicc oar the regalsm`eritmal ao the –ippraprmitar„ ar hulter-fitherer-omsherghirigter ao the omrst Iltmcceil mlhidmtilts, is we hive irfue` ecsewhere (Zifél Kmnílezet ic. 4::52 Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4::82 Ta`rîfuez Tinas il` Zifél Kmnílez 4::?2 see icsaTmveri-Gacciza thms vacune).

4 Cifuli `e Cmnales (I@ 995:-90=:) il` Niginda MM (I@ 94::-9?::, recitmve ghralacafy), dath smtes mlFuiltélina Zravmlge.

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Omfure 4; Mlterrecite` (irraws) pcilts inalf issendcifes thraufh the irghmpecifmg il` galtmleltic ir-

eis ao the gmrgun-Girmddeil, eircy hunil aggupitmals. Phe –questmal„ syndac represelts vam` spiges oar

irghieadatilmgic `iti `urmlf the sine eircy perma`s.

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Usmlf the irghieadatilmgic mloarnitmal sunnirmze` idave oar Zuerta Tmga il` thesurraul`mlf refmal, severic stralf stitenelts gil de galom`eltcy ni`e. he mlterigtmalvegtars mlmtmiccy `evecape` dy the Iltmcceil pre-Iriwib sagmetmes were galsmsteltcy reml-oarge` aver thausil`s ao yeirs. It ceist detweel Zuerta Tmga il` the MGr (omfure 4), therewis i galstilt ocaw ao datilmg resaurges, teghlacafy, m`eis il` vicues inalf pre-Iriwib

fraups il` inalf citer ifra-gerinmst fraups is wecc (e.f., Huegam`s, see Zifél Kmnílez4::62 Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4:9:2 Ta`rîfuez Tinas et ic. 4::82 Ta`rîfuez Tinas il` Zifél Kmnílez 4::?).

Ather tri`mtmaliccy iggepte` mlterigtmal vegtars, sugh is thase detweel the Armlagarefmal il` the Iltmcces, ar detweel the Ocarm`i pelmlsuci il` the Iltmcces, gil icsa deregaflmze` `urmlf the eircmest nmfritmals tawir`s the mscil`s. hms his mnpartilt mnpcmgi-tmals refir`mlf the ocaw ao egalanmg pcilts oran the Iltmcces tawir`s the sautheist Ulmte`Wtites (Ta`rîfuez Tinas il` Zifél Kmnílez 4::?). he Iltmcces wis prevmauscy `msgir`e`is il apel vegtar oar the `mspersic ao mnpartilt datilmgic resaurges cmbe nimze oran Wauth

 Inermgi ta the sautheist Ulmte` Wtites deoare the Ghrmstmil eri, is Weirs (9=84) prapase`,

`ue ta the idselge ao `mregt irghieadatilmgic `iti wmthml the mscil`s il` ta the ittrmdute`hultmlf-fithermlf-omshmlf liture ao themr –Irghimg„ mlhidmtilts (see e.f., Beefil 9=86).hms vmew ao the Iltmcceil refmal gil law de trilsgel`e`, latwmthstil`mlf the oigt thitthe lew `mregt piceaethladatilmgic evm`elge oar the preselge il` use ao nimze il` atheregalanmg pcilts (e.f., nirulfuey  sp.) deoare the Ghrmstmil eri ms stmcc refmaliccy cmnmte` taZuerta Tmga il` Gudi (Zifél Kmnílez et ic. 4::52 Zifél Kmnílez 4::=2 Wmefec et ic. 4::5).Ourther reseirgh al ilgmelt stirgh friml al i``mtmalic Iltmcceil mscil`s il` oran `mooerelttmne perma`s shauc` pravm`e ourther evm`elge ta reoarnucite thms mnpartilt fea-gucturicgallegtmal. Zranmsmlf reseirgh cmles mlgcu`e the exghilfe ao egalanmg datilmg resaurges(e.f. nimze, nirulfuey ar [inmi ) il` ather sagma-gucturic prigtmges issagmite` wmth then,

sugh is the pragessmlf il` galsunptmal ao nirulfuey. Gertimlcy, wmth the oarnucitmalao irghieadatilmgic prakegts cmbe the ale we ire mlmtmitmlf here, we gil pravm`e oran the

 Iltmcces lew il` ulexpegte` `iti idaut sane ao the mnpartilt piceaethladatilmgic mloar-nitmal fips thit stmcc exmst ml sugh galtmleltic refmal (see Drawl 9==02 Beccy et ic. 4::?2Custegb 4::?).

he ittenpt ta ul`erstil` the race ao datilmg guctures wmthml the galtext ao pre-Gacalmic gucturic `evecapnelt il` evacutmal ml ather ireis ao the Iltmcces il` mts galtm-leltic surraul`mlf, gcishes wmth the oigt thit there ms la ganpiridce mloarnitmal lemtherquiltmtitmve lar quicmtitmve, exgcu`mlf Zilini il` Gacandmi. he piceaethladatilmgic(m.e., nigradatilmgic) stu`mes `ale oar icnast 7: yeirs ml the Iltmcces, evel thaufh smflmom-

gilt (see e.f., Lewsan il` Vmlf 4::02 Lewsan 4::8) hive lat pravm`e` oul`ineltic`iti idaut the egalanmg il` lutrmtmaus pcilts thit suppcme` the ducb ao girdahy`rites il`vefetidce prateml ml the ml`mfelaus `met ao ily perma`. Mt ms `eomlmtecy legessiry ta `evecapnuctm`msgmpcmliry sylghralmg il` mighralmg stu`mes refir`mlf the phytagucturic ghirigter-mstmgs ao the Iltmcceil pre-Gacalmic guctures. hms gil de ighmeve`, oar exinpce, thraufhthe mltefritmve reseirgh ao nigra il` nmgradatilmgic renimls, ghenmstry ao hunil renimlsil` ghenmstry ao oaa` grusts ittighe` ta irteoigts. Hawever, the stu`y ao stirgh frimls hisdeel the nast pregmse ippraigh ml these refir`s is mt gil estidcmsh i mregt cmlb detweel raatil` see` resaurges ta the taacs hunils use` ta sitmsoy mverse dmagucturic lee`s. Mltefritmlfthms ippraigh ta the reseirgh prafrin ao the Cem`el Ulmversmty Girmddeil Teseirgh Fraup

wmcc defml ta i``ress sane ao the cirfe mloarnitmal vam`s, lat alcy al the Iltmcceil mscil`s

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thensecves, dut icsa ml sane galtmleltic ireis, sugh is Orelgh Fumili il` surraul`mlfterrmtarmes.


hilbs fa ta ny ormel`s Telmec Ta`rîfuez Tinas il` Msidec Tmveri Gacciza oar shir-

mlf themr pamlts ao vmew al sane ao the mssues rimse` ml thms piper. Msidec icsa hecpe` nefreitcy wmth the trilscitmal ao virmaus pifes ao thms piper il` `amlf i `etimce` garregtmalao ny ‘Elfcmsh”. M lee` ta thilb Nirtmkl vil `el Dec oar pernmttmlf ne ta warb wmth-ml the extriar`mliry reseirgh prafrin ao Mlrip-Fuyile. Omliccy, M ippregmite very nughthe feltce mlterigtmal M hi` wmth the peapce ao the Girmddeil Teseirgh Fraup it Cem`elUlmversmty `urmlf the Cem`el ml the Girmddeil evelt ml Nirgh 4:9:. Wpegmic fritmtu`e `e-serves Zraoessar Garmlle Haonil oar icc bml`cy il` praoessmalic suppart ta ny gireer.


Dernil, N.K., il` @.N. Zeirsicc

4::: Zcilts, peapce, il` gucture ml the prehmstarmg geltric Dihinis; I vmew oran thehree @af smte, il Eircy Cugiyil settcenelt al Wil Wicvi`ar Mscil`, Dihinis. Citml

 Inermgil Iltmqumty  99;49=-47=

4::8 It the Grassrai`s; Wtirgh Friml il` Zhytacmth Ilicysms ml Cugiyil Zrehmstary.Citml Inermgil Iltmqumty  9=(4);989-4:7.

Dcibe, N.

4::? @itmlf the Mlmtmic Wprei` ao [ei niys. Ml Hmstarmes ao Nimze. Nuctm`msgmpcmliry Ippraighes ta the Zrehmstary, Cmlfumstmgs, Dmafeafriphy, @anestmgitmal, il` Evacutmal ao Nimze , e`mte` dy K. Wticcer, T. ybat il` D. Delz, pp. 55-64. Igi`enmg Zress, Wil@mefa.

Driy, V.D., C. Herreri, N. Gir`ice Whrmnpoo, Z. Datera, il` K.F. Nalsicve

9=86 he Ilgmelt Ifrmgucturic Cil`sgipe ao Gicmni, Gacandmi. Ml Zre-Hmspilmg Ifrmgucturic Omec`s ml the Il`eil Tefmal, e`mte` dy   V.N. @elevil, B. Nithewsal il`F. Blipp, pp. 007-089. DIT Mlterlitmalic Wermes 75=. Irghieapress, Axoar`.

Drawl, M.V.

9==0 Tegelt trel`s ml the irghieacafy ao the sautheisterl Ulmte` Wtites.  Kaurlic ao Irghieacafmgic Teseirgh 4(9);05-999.

Durley, @.I., C.Z. Durley, il` [email protected]. NigZhee

9==0 Hacagele Ghirgaic Wtritmfriphy oran Cifuli artufuera, Zuerta Tmga,il` the mnmlf ao Hunil Irrmvic al the Mscil`.  Kaurlic ao Irghieacafmgic Wgmelge  49(4);467-489.

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Giccifhil, T..

4::7 Gannelts al the Nimlcil` Armfmls ao the Zregerinmg Guctures ao the Freiter Iltmcces. Citml Inermgil Iltmqumty 90;748-778.

Gistmcca, L., il` O. Igemtula

4::: Ul na`eca `e agupigm÷l `urilte ec Hacagela tenprila y ne`ma el ec laraggm-`elte gacandmila; ec vicce `ec Tîa Zarge. Irqueawed 4(4);9-90.

Gae, V.T.

9=56 I @mstmlgtmve Irtmoigt Gannal ta Himtm il` Geltric Inermgi. Inermgil Iltmqumty  44(7);48:-484.

Gac÷l, G.

9==4 Cas guitra vmikes. Pestinelta. Icmilzi, Ni`rm`.

Guret, C.I.

4::7 Mssues al the @mversmty il` Enerfelge ao Nm``ce-Tilfe Wagmetmes ao the IlgmeltGirmddeil; I Grmtmque. Kaurlic ao Irghieacafmgic Teseirgh 99(9);9-04.

@mgbiu, T., I.K. Tilere, il` T.F. Gaabe

4::6 Wtirgh friml evm`elge oar the pregerinmg `mspersics ao nimze il` raat graps mltatrapmgic `ry il` hunm` oarests ao Ziliné. Zragee`mlfs ao the Litmalic Igi`eny ao Wgmelgesao the Ulmte` Wtites ao Inermgi  9:0(=);7?59-7?5?.

@mccehiy, .@.

4::8 Zraomces ml Zcemstagele Hmstary. Ml Hil`daab ao Wauth Inermgil Irghieacafy , e`-mte` dy H. Wmcvernil il` V. Msdecc, pp. 4=-07. Wprmlfer, Lew ]arb.

@aedcey, K.

4::0 he Feletmgs ao Nimze Evacutmal. Illuic Tevmew ao Feletmgs  78;76-5=.

@ucc, T.

4::? he Nimze Tevacutmal; I _mew oran Ec Wicvi`ar. Ml Hmstarmes ao Nimze. Nuctm`msgmpcmliry Ippraighes ta the Zrehmstary, Cmlfumstmgs, Dmafeafriphy, @anestmgitmal,

il` Evacutmal ao Nimze , e`mte` dy K. Wticcer, T. ybat, il` D. Delz, pp. 756-7?5. Igi`enmg Zress, Wil @mefa.

Elfec, O.I.

9=67 Lew Oigts idaut Zre-Gacundmil Cmoe ml the Il`eil Canis. Gurrelt Ilthrapacafy  90(7);469-48:.

Omtzpitrmgb, W.N., il` V.O. Beefil

4::6 Hunil Mnpigts il` I`iptitmals ml the Girmddeil Mscil`s; Il Hmstarmgic Egacafy Ippraigh. Eirth il` Elvmralneltic Wgmelge Prilsigtmals ao the Tayic Wagmety ao E`mldurfh=8;4=‗05.

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Flegga, G., il` O. Igemtula

4::0 Zadcinmelta enprila y Espigmas Iltrapafílmgas el Wu`inírmgi. Ganpcutun95;959-9?0.

Faa`wml, G.

9=6= Phe Zrehmstarmg Gucturic Egacafy ao Wt. Bmtts, Vest Ml`mes; I Gise Wtu`y ml Mscil` Irghieacaf y . Zh@ mssertitmal, Irmzali Wtite Ulmversmty, Irmzali. Ulmversmty Nmgraomcns, Ill Irdar.

Fuirgh @ecnalte, K.N.

9==: Estrugturi piri cis ganulm`i`es idarîfeles `e Gudi . E`mgmales Hacfuîl, Hacfuîl.

Harl, W.Z.

4::? Zre-Gacundmil Nimze Ifrmgucture ml Gasti Tmgi; Zaccel il` Ather Evm`elge oran

Cibe il` Wwinp We`mnelts. Ml Hmstarmes ao Nimze. Nuctm`msgmpcmliry Ippraighes ta theZrehmstary, Cmlfumstmgs, Dmafeafriphy, @anestmgitmal, il` Evacutmal ao Nimze , e`mte` dy K.Wticcer, T. ybat, il` D. Delz, pp. 7?8-78:. Igi`enmg Zress, Wil @mefa.

Hufhel, B., N. Dimccme, E. Dir`, I. Diycmss, K. Degb, G. Dertril`, Z. Dcigbwecc, G. Dugb,F. Durr, B. Gutcer, Z. @inal, T. E`wir`s, T. Oimrdilbs, N. Orme`rmgh, . Fumc`ersal, D.Braner, O. NgGarnig, W. Nillmlf, G. Dralb Tinsey, Z. Temner, T. Temner, W. Tennece,

 K. Wauthal, N. Wtumver, W. icina, O. iycar, K. vil `er Zcmght, il` G. Veyhelneyer

4::0 Nirmle:0 Nirmle Ti`magirdal Ife Gicmdritmal, 4? - : bi DZ. Ti`magirdal 0?;9:5=-9:8?.

Beefil, V.O.

9=86 @moousmal ao Nimze oran Wauth Inermgi; he Iltmcceil Gallegtmal Tegalstrugte`.Ml Enerfelt Hartmgucturic Egalanmes ao the Eisterl Vaa`cil`s , e`mte` dy V.O. Beefil, pp.74=-700. Gelter oar Irghieacafmgic Mlvestmfitmals, Aggismalic Ziper La.6. WautherlMccmlams Ulmversmty Zress, Girdal`ice.

Beccy, K., T. ybat, il` K. Nmcilmgh

4::? Evm`elge oar Eircy Use ao Nimze ml Zelmlsucir Ocarm`i. Ml Hmstarmes ao Nimze. Nuctm`msgmpcmliry Ippraighes ta the Zrehmstary, Cmlfumstmgs, Dmafeafriphy, @anestmgitmal,

il` Evacutmal ao Nimze , e`mte` dy K. Wticcer, T. ybat il` D. Delz, pp. 40=-4?9. Igi`enmg Zress, Wil @mefa.

Cile, G.W, W.Z. Harl, il` B.H. Arvms

4::8 he Eircmest Evm`elge ao Astmalam` Nimze Ifrmgucture oran the Mltermar aoHmspilmaci. Girmddeil Kaurlic ao Wgmelge  00(9);07-54.

Cis Gisis, D.

9=:=  Ipacafítmgi Hmstarmi `e Cis Ml`mis . Luevi Dmdcmategi `e Iutares Espiùaces 97,Ni`rm`.

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Custegb, T.

4::? he Nmfritmals ao Nimze mlta the Wautheisterl Ulmte` Wtites. Ml Hmstarmes ao Nimze. Nuctm`msgmpcmliry Ippraighes ta the Zrehmstary, Cmlfumstmgs, Dmafeafriphy, @anestmgitmal,il` Evacutmal ao Nimze , e`mte` dy K. Wticcer, T. ybat il` D. Delz, pp. 549-548.

 Igi`enmg Zress, Wil @mefa.

Nirtîlez-C÷pez, K., G. Irre`al`a, T. Ta`rîfuez-Wuérez, il` W. @îiz-Orilga

4::= Ipraxmnigm÷l ioal÷nmgi el cas @ep÷smtas Hunilas `ec Wmtma Irqueac÷fmgaGilînir Idika, Nitilzis, Gudi. Irqueacafîi Mderainermgili  0;5-49.

Nitsuabi, ]., ]. _mfaraux, N. Faa`nil, K. Wélghez, E. Dubgcer, il` K. @aedcey 

4::4 I Wmlfce @anestmgitmal oar Nimze Whawl dy Nuctmcagus NmgrasiteccmteFelatypmlf. Zragee`mlfs ao the Litmalic Igi`eny ao Wgmelges ao the Ulmte` Wtites ao

 Inermgi  ==(=);99=-909.

Nalsicve, K.F.

9=85 I Zaccel Gare oran the Higmel`i Cusmtilmi. I Zaccel Gare oran the Higmel`i Cusmtilmi. Zra Gicmni  0;0:-00.

Lirfiles Wtar`e, ].N.

9==9 Cas Testas Oiulîstmgas `e Zuerta Oerra, _meques. Zragee`mlfs ao the 90thMlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy , Dirdi`as, pp. =0-990.

4::0 Ilécmsms e cas Testas Oiulîstmgas, ]igmnmelta Nirugi, Zalge, Zuerta Tmga; Zrmneriy Weful`i Zirte. Ml; Exgivigmales el ec ]igmnmelta Irgimga `e Nirugi, Zalge, Zuerta Tmga,e`mte` dy N. Ta`rîfuez. Tepart sudnmtte` ta the Zrafrini `e Irqueacafîi, Mlstmtuta

`e Gucturi Zuertarrmqueùi, Wil Kuil.

Lewsan, C.I.

9==7 Litmve Vest Ml`mil Zcilt Use . Zh@ `mssertitmal, Ulmversmty ao Ocarm`i, Fimlesvmcce.Ulmversmty Nmgraomcns, Ill Irdar.

4::? Girmddeil Nimze; Omrst Oirners ta Gacundus. Ml Hmstarmes ao Nimze. Nuctm`msgmpcmliry Ippraighes ta the Zrehmstary, Cmlfumstmgs, Dmafeafriphy, @anestmgitmal, il` Evacutmal ao Nimze , e`mte` dy K. Wticcer, T. ybat il` D. Delz, pp. 745-775. Igi`enmg Zress, Wil@mefa.

4::8 Girmddeil Ziceaethladatily; Zreselt Wtitus il` Lew Harmzals. Ml Grassmlf theDar`ers; Lew Netha`s il` Peghlmques ml the Wtu`y ao Irghieacafmgic Nitermics oran theGirmddeil, e`mte` dy  G.C. Haonil, N.C.Z. Haafcil` il` I.C. vil Fmkl, pp. 967-9=0.Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

Lewsan, C.I., il` @. Zeirsicc

4::7 rel`s ml Girmddeil Mscil` Irghieadatily. Ml Zeapce il` Zcilts ml Ilgmelt Larth Inermgi , e`mte` dy Z. Nmllms, pp. 706-094. Wnmthsalmil Mlstmtutmal Zress, [email protected].

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Lewsan, C.I., il` E. Vmlf 

4::0 Al Cil` il` Wei. Litmve Inermgil Uses ao Dmacafmgic Tesaurses ml the Vest Ml`mes .Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

Lmeuwelhums, G.K.

4::8 he Wmflmomgilge ao Veir il` Tesm`ue Wtu`mes; Il Exinpce oran Zcun Zmege,Widi. Ml Grassmlf the Dar`ers; Lew Netha`s il` Peghlmques ml the Wtu`y ao Irghieacafmgic

 Nitermics oran the Girmddeil, e`mte` dy G.C. Haonil, N.C.Z. Haafcil` il` I.C. vilFmkl, pp. 945-97?. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

Acmver, K.T.

4::9 he Irghieacafy ao Oarest Oarifmlf il` Ifrmgucturic Zra`ugtmal ml Inizalmi. MlUlblawl Inizal, e`mte` dy  G. NgEwil, G. Dirreta, il` E. Leves, pp. 5:-85. DrmtmshNuseun Zress, Cal`al.

Acsel, B.N, il` D.I. Wghiic

4::? @LI Wequelge @iti il` Mloerelges al Gissivi”s Armfml ao @anestmgitmal. Ml@aguneltmlf @anestmgitmal; Lew Feletmg il` Irghieacafmgic Ziri`mfns , e`mte` dy N.[e`er, @. Dri`cey, E. Enshwmccer, il` D. Wnmth, pp. 947-977. Ulmversmty ao GicmoarlmiZress, Derbecey.

Avme`a, F. O. `e

9859 Hmstarmi feleric y lituric `e cis Ml`mis, Mscis y Pmerri Omrne `ec Nir Agíila (0 vac.).Teic Igi`enmi `e ci Hmstarmi, Ni`rm`.

Ayueci, I., il` T. Dalzilm

4::5 Wil Kigmlta 9; I Hmstarmgic Egacafmgic Ippraigh ta il Irghimg Wmte ml Gacandmi .Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

Zifél Kmnílez, K.T.

4::4 Ifrmgucturi Zregacandmli `e Cis Iltmccis; Tetraspeggm÷l y Ilécmsms.  Ilices `e Iltrapacafîi  7?;07-=9.

4::? Usa e pciltis el uli ganulm`i` Wici`am`e ec este e Zuerta Tmga (Zulti Gil`ecera);estu`ma `e resm`uas vefetices (icnm`ales) el irteoigtas cîtmgas, gerénmgas y `e galghi . Tepartsudnmtte` ta NT_ Irghieacafmgic Wervmges, Wil Kuil.

4::6 @e Iltmfuas Zuedcas y Gucturis Datélmgis el ec Zuerta Tmga Ml`îfeli . ZirmsNalafriphs ml Inermgil Irghieacafy 98, DIT Mlterlitmalic Wermes. Irghieapress,Axoar`.

4::8i Elvmsmalmlf Ilgmelt Hunil Zcilt Use it the Tîa iliné Wmte 4 (IT-7=)hraufh Wtirgh Ilicysms ao Cmthmg il` Gciy Frm``ce Mnpcenelts. Ml I Nuctm`msgmpcmliry

 Ippraigh ta the @iti Tegavery it Pwa _mccife Wmtes al the Tîa Piliné , e`mte` dy C.Gircsal, pp. 409-456. Wautheisterl Irghieacafmgic Teseirgh, UW Garps ao Elfmleers,


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4::8d Usa `e Zciltis y @mlénmgis Wagmagucturices el uli Ganulm`i` ZregacandmliWici`am`e (Bmlf”s Hecnet) `e ]idugai, Zuerta Tmga; Estu`ma `e Tesm`uas _efetices(Icnm`ales) el Irteoigtas Cîtmgas y Gerénmgas„. Ml Mloarne `e Nmtmfigm÷l Irqueac÷fmgi,Bmlf”s Hecnet, ]idugai, Zuerta Tmga, e`mte` dy A. Firgîi il` O. Oreytes. Zisa `ec Ml`ma,Mlg., Wil Kuil .

4::= Luevis Zerspegtmvis sadre cis Gucturis Datélmgis Zregacandmlis `e Zuerta Tmga;Mnpcmgigmales `ec Estu`ma `e Icnm`ales el Herrinmeltis Cîtmgis, Gerénmgis y `eGalghi. Gudi Irqueac÷fmgi  MM(4);6-47.

4:9:  Issessmlf Ethladatilmgic @ylinmgs it Gemdi 99 il` Gemdi 77 Irghieacafmgic Wmtesml Eisterl Zuerta Tmga thraufh Wtirgh Friml Ilicysms ao Zcilt Zragessmlf il` Gaabmlf

 Irtmoigts . @riot repart sudnmtte` ta @r. D. Gircsal, Wauth Eisterl IrghieacafmgicTeseirgh, Mlg., Ocarm`i (ulpudcmshe`).

Zifél Kmnílez, K.T., N. Ta`rîfuez, C.I. Ghilcitte Dimb, il` ].N. Lirfiles Wtar`e

4::5 Ci enprili Mltra`uggm÷l y Usa `e icfulis Zciltis @anístmgis, Wmcvestres yGuctmvas el Cis Iltmccis Zregacandmlis. Uli Zrmneri Tevicarigm÷l `es`e ci Zerspegtmvi`ec –Irgimga„ `e _meques y Zuerta Tmga. @mécafa Iltrapac÷fmga 7(9:);6-77.

Zifél Kmnílez, K.T., il` K.T. Acmver

4::8 Wtirgh Tesm`ues al Cmthmg Irteoigts oran wa Galtristmlf Galtexts mlLarthwesterl Zuerta Tmga; Cas Nuertas Give il` _efi `e Leca _irfis Oirnstei`. MlGrassmlf the Dar`ers; Lew Netha`s il` Peghlmques ml the Wtu`y ao Irghieacafmgic Nitermics

 oran the Girmddeil, e`mte` dy G.C. Haonil, N.C.Z. Haafcil` il` I.C. vil Fmkl, pp.976-958. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

Ziz, O.

4::? Idarîfeles gudilas eril nés que regacegtares `e icmneltas. Kuveltu` Tedec`e , 94`e lavmendre `e 4::? (http;//www.kuveltu`redec`e.gu/gudi/4::?-99-94/idarmfeles-gudilas-eril-nis-que-regacegtares-`eicmneltas/). Ved pife galsucte` al 5 oedruiry4::=.

Zeirsicc, @.N., B. Ghil`cer-Ezecc, il` K.I. [em`cer

4::0 Nimze ml Ilgmelt Egui`ar; Tesucts ao Tesm`ue Ilicysms ao Wtale aacs oran theTeic Icta Wmte. Kaurlic ao Irghieacafmgic Wgmelge  79(0);047-004.

Zerry, C.

4::4 Wtirgh Ilicyses Teveic Nuctmpce Oulgtmals ao Yuirtz –Nilmag„ Friter Ocibesoran the Armlaga Disml, _elezueci. Mltergmelgmi  46(99);?75-?7=.

4::0 Wtirgh Ilicyses Teveic the Tecitmalshmp Detweel aac ype il` Oulgtmal; Il Exinpce oran the Armlaga _iccey ao _elezueci.  Kaurlic ao Ighieacafmgic Wgmelge  79(8);9:?=-9:89.

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Zmperla, @.T.

4::? M`eltmoymlf Nilmag (Nilmhat esgucelti Griltz) il` ather Graps ml Zre-Gaundmilrapmgic Inermgi hrauf Wtirgh Friml Ilicysms; I Gise Wtu`y oran Geltric Zilini.Ml @aguneltmlf @anestmgitmal; Lew Feletmg il` Irghieacafmgic Ziri`mfns , e`mte` dy N.[e`er, @. Dri`cey, E. Enshwmccer, il` D. Wnmth, pp. 0?-?6. Ulmversmty ao Gicmoarlmi

Zress, Derbecey.

Zmperla, @.T., il` @.N. Zeirsicc

9==8 Phe Armfmls ao Ifrmgucture ml the Cawcil` Leatrapmgs . Igi`enmg Zress, Wil @mefa.

Zmperla, @.T., il` B. Ocillery 

4::9 he Eircmest Irghieacafmgic Nimze ( [ei niys   C.) oran Nesainermgi; Lew Iggeceritar Niss Wpegtanetry @ites il` themr Mnpcmgitmals. Zragee`mlfs ao the Litmalic Igi`eny ao Wgmelges ao the Ulmte` Wtites ao Inermgi  =8;49:9-49:7.

Zmperla, @.T., il` M. Hacst

9==8 he Zreselge ao Wtirgh Frimls al Zrehmstarmg Wtale aacs oran the Hunm`Leatrapmgs; Ml`mgitmals ao Eircy uder Use il` Ifrmgucture ml Ziliné.  Kaurlic ao

 Irghieacafmgic Wgmelge  45 (8);6?5-66?.

Zmperla, @.T., I.K. Tilere, M. Hacst, K. Mrmirte, il` T. @mgbiu

4::= Wtirgh Friml il` Zhytacmth Evm`elge oar Eircy Lmlth Nmccellmun D.Z. Nimzeoran the Geltric Dicsis Tmver _iccey, Nexmga. Zragee`mlfs ao the Litmalic Igi`eny aoWgmelge  9:?(97);5:9=-5:40.

Zahc, N., B. Zape, K. Kales, K. Kigad, @. Zmperla, W. @e Orilge, @. Celtz, K. Fmooar`, N.@iloarth, il` K. Kasseril`

9==? Eircy Ifrmgucture ml the Niyi Cawcil`s. Citml Inermgil Iltmqumty  6;755-764.

Zahc, N., @.T. Zmperla, B. Zape, il` K. Kales

4::6 Nmgraoassmc Evm`elge oar Zre-Gacundmil Nimze @mspersics ml the Leatrapmgs oranWil Il`rís, idisga. Zragee`mlfs ao the Litmalic Igi`eny ao Wgmelges ao the Ulmte` Wtitesao Inermgi  9:0(9?);?86:-?865.

Zape, B., N. Zahc, K. Kales, @. Celtz, G. val Lify, O. _efi, il` M. Yumtnyer4::9 Armfml il` Elvmralneltic Wettmlf ao Ilgmelt Ifrmgucture ml the Cawcil`s aoNesainermgi. Wgmelge  4=4;976:-9767.

Temner, T., N. Dimccme, E. Dir`, I. Diycmss, K. Degb, G. Dertril`, Z. Dcigbwecc, G. Dugb,F Durr, B. Gutcer, Z. @inal, T. E`wir`s, T. Oimrdilbs, N. Orme`rmgh, . Fumc`ersal,B. Hufhel, D. Braner, O. NgGarnig, W. Nillmlf, G. Dralb Tinsey, T.V. Temner,W. Tennece, K.T. Wauthal, N. Wtumver, W. icina, O. iycar, K. vil `er Zcmght, il` G.


4::0 MltGic:0 Itnasphermg Ti`magirdal Ife Gicmdritmal, 4?-: bi DZ. Ti`magirdal 


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Ta`rîfuez Tinas, T.

4::5 Ganeltirma ic Irtîguca `e Kimne Zifél Kmnílez et ic. Cienprili Mltra`uggm÷l yUsa `e icfulis Zciltis @anístmgis, Wmcvestres y Guctmvas el Cis Iltmccis Zregacandmlis.@mécafa Iltrapac÷fmga 7(9:);07-06.

4::8 Oran the Fuilihitidey ta the Irghimg ao Zuerta Tmga; he Lal-evm`elt Evm`elge.Ethlahmstary  55(7);7=7-095.

4:9: Tethmlbmlf Zuerta Tmgil Zregacalmic Hmstary . Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress,usgicaasi.

Ta`rîfuez Tinas, T., il` K.T. Zifél Kmnílez

4::? Mlteriggmales Nuctmvegtarmices el ec Gmrgun-Girmde Zregacalmic. Ul _mstiza `es`eCis Iltmccis. Girmddeil Wtu`mes  70(4);9:7-907.

Ta`rîfuez Tinas, T., E. Didmcalmi, C.I. Guret, il` K. Uccai Hulf 

4::8 he Zre-Iriwib Zattery Harmzal ml the Iltmcces; I Lew Ippraxmnitmal. Citml Inermgil Iltmqumty  9=(9);06-?7.

Ta`rîfuez Wuérez, T., il` K.T. Zifél Kmnílez.

4::8 he duríl ml pregacalmic gudil irghieacafy. Lew mloarnitmal refir`mlf the useao pcilts il` gerinmg frm``ces `urmlf the cite gerinmg ife ao eisterl Gudi fithere`thraufh stirgh ilicysms. Ml Grassmlf the Dar`ers; Lew Netha`s il` Peghlmques ml theWtu`y ao Irghieacafmgic Nitermics oran the Girmddeil, e`mte` dy G.C. Haonil, N.C.Z.Haafcil`, il` I.C. vil Fmkl, pp.95=-964. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

Taasevect, I.

9=8: Zirnili; Zrehmstarmg Nimze il` Nilmag Wudsmstelge icalf the Inizal il` Armlaga. Igi`enmg Zress, Lew ]arb.

Tause, M.

9==4 Phe Piîlas. Timse il` @egcmle ao the Zeapce Vha Freete` Gacundus . ]ice UlmversmtyZress, Lew Hivel.

Tause, M., il` T. Icefrîi

9==: Exgivitmals it Nirîi `e ci Gruz Give il` Higmel`i Fril`e _mccife Wmte, CaîziZuerta Tmga. ]ice Ulmversmty Zudcmgitmals ml Ilthrapacafy, La. 8:, ]ice UlmversmtyZress, Lew Hivel.

Wilaki, N.

9=8= Oran Oarifmlf ta Oaa` Zra`ugtmal ml Lartheisterl _elezueci il` the Girmddeil.Ml Oarifmlf il` Oinmlf; Phe Evacutmal ao Zcilt Expcamtitmal, e`mte` dy   @.T. Hirrmsil` F.G. Hmccnil, pp. 547-576. Ale Var` Irghieacafy, Ulmversmty Zrmltmlf Hause,Axoar`.

9==6 Cas Handres `e ci ]ugi y ec Niîz . Nalte Évmci E`mtares, Girigis.

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Wilaki, N., il` M. _irfis

9=87 Lew Cmfht al the Zrehmstary ao Eisterl _elezueci. Ml I`vilges ml Var` Irghieacafy  _ac. 4., e`mte` dy O. Vel`aro il` I. Gcase, pp. 4:9-400. Igi`enmg Zress, Lew ]arb.

Wiri, .T., K.K. Artmz, C.I. Lewsan, L.I. Zirrmsh, K.F. Kales, il` I.F. Ziltec

4::7 Ziceaelvmralneltic Mlvestmfitmals ao Livy Cil`s al _meques Mscil`, Zuerta Tmga.@riot repart prepire` oar Fea-Nirmle, Mlg. ta the @epirtnelt ao he Livy, Itciltmg@mvmsmal, Livic Oigmcmtmes Elfmleermlf Gannil`.

Wgatt Tiynal`, K.

4::8 he Zragess ao We`eltmsn ml Larthwesterl Wauth Inermgi. Ml Hil`daab ao Wauth Inermgil Irghieacaf y , e`mte` dy H. Wmcvernil il` V. Msdecc, pp. 6=-=:. Wprmlfer, Lew ]arb.

Weirs, V.

9=84 Oart Gelter; Il Irghieacafmgic Wmte ml the Cibe Abeeghadee Disml. Ulmversmty Zressao Ocarm`i, Fimlesvmcce.

Wmefec, Z.E., K.F. Kales, @.N. Zeirsicc, il` @.Z. Vifler

4::5 Elvmralneltic il` Gucturic Garrecites ml the Vest Ml`mes; I _mew oran ZuertaTmga. Ml Ilgmelt Darmlquel; Phe Irghieacaf y il` Ethlahmstary ao Litmve Zuerta Tmga, e`-mte` dy Z.E. Wmefec, pp. 88-949. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

Wcuyter, I., il` F. @anmlfuez

4::? Eircy Nimze ([ei niys C.) Guctmvitmal ml Nexmga; @itmlf We`mneltiry ZaccelTegar`s il` mts Mnpcmgitmals. Zragee`mlfs ao the Litmalic Igi`eny ao Wgmelges ao theUlmte` Wtites ao Inermgi  9:7(0);9906-9959.

Wnmth, D.

4::9 Caw-cevec Oaa` Zra`ugtmal. Kaurlic ao Irghieacafmgic Teseirgh =(9);9-07.

Wtewir`, K. (e`mtar)

9=?7 Hil`daab ao Wauth Inermgil Ml`mils, _ac. 5  (Phe Ganpiritmve Ethlacafy ao Wauth Inermgil Ml`mils ). Gaaper Wquire Zudcmgitmals, Lew ]arb.

idîa, E., il` E. Tey

9=85 Zrehmstarmi `e Gudi . E`mtarmic Gmelgmis Wagmices, Ci Hidili.

Ufelt, @., W. Zazarsbm, il` . Zazarsbm

9=89 Zrehmstarmg Tenimls ao the Wweet Zatita oran the Gisni _iccey ao Zeru. Zhytacafmi  0=(5);0:9-095.

9=8? Irghieacafmgic Nilmag ( Nilmhat ) oran Gaistic Zeru. Egalanmg Datily  0:(9);68-9:4.

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_ecaz Niffmaca, N.

9==9 Zilarini Hmst÷rmga `ec Girmde Zregacandmla. Dilga Geltric `e ci Tepûdcmgi@anmlmgili, Wilta @anmlfa.

9==4 Latis sadre ci [inmi el ci Zrehmstarmi `ec Girmde. Tevmsti `e Irqueacafîi Inermgili  

?;945-978._ecaz Niffmaca, N., il` I.F. Ziltec

9=88 Ec Na`a `e _m`i `e cas Tegacegtares el ci Irqueacafîi `ec Girmde (pirte 9).Dacetîl `e Iltrapacafîi Inermgili  98;90=-9?6.

_ecaz Niffmaca, N., il` D. _efi 

9=84 he Iltmcceil Zregerinmg; I Lew Ippraxmnitmal. Kaurlic ao Lew Var` Irghieacafy  5;77-00.

9=86 Na`as `e _m`i el ec Zregerénmga Iltmccila. Dacetîl `e Iltrapacafîi Inermgili  9?;975-905.

 Vedster, @., @.K. Tue, il` I. riverse

4::5 Eircy [ei Guctmvitmal ml Hal`uris; Mnpcmgitmals oar the Mctms Hypathesms. EgalanmgDatily 5=;9:9‗999.

 Vmcsal, W.N.

4::6 Phe Irghieacafy ao the Girmddeil. Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe.

 Vmcsal, W.N., H. Mgecil`, il` . Hester

9==8 Zregerinmg Gallegtmals Detweel ]ugitil il` the Girmddeil. Citml Inermgil Iltmqumty  =(0);704-754.

[irrmcca, W., @.N. Zeirsicc, K. Wgatt Tiynal`, N.I. ms`ice, il` @.K. Yual

4::8 @mregtcy @ite` Wtirgh Tesm`ues @agunelt Eircy Oarnitmve Nimze ( [ei niys  C.)ml rapmgic Egui`ar. Zragee`mlfs ao the Litmalic Igi`eny ao Wgmelge  9:5(97);5::?-5:9.

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Telmec Ta`rîfuez Tinas 

he nuctm-vegtarmic `mstrmdutmal ao the virmaus oarns ao ki`e his regemve` relewe` ittel-tmal ml the Inermgis. hms his resucte` oran twa regelt `evecapnelts; the m`eltmomgitmalao irteoigts ml pre-Gacalmic galtexts ao the Iltmcces ni`e ao i virmety ao ki`emtmte whmghwis purparte`cy adtimle` oran the Natifui Tmver _iccey ml Fuitenici, the niml saurge

ao thms riw nitermic `agunelte` thus oir ml Geltric Inermgi, il`2 the oml`mlf ao ki`emtmteautgraps ml Hmspilmaci il` Gudi, whmgh `ristmgiccy icter prevmaus latmals refir`mlf thefeacafmg aggurrelge ao thms riw nitermic ml the westerl henmsphere. Ml thms piper, M wmcc`msguss the mnpcmgitmals ao these oml`mlfs oar aur ul`erstil`mlf ao the ylinmgs ao mlterig-tmal refmstere` detweel the pre-Hmspilmg mlhidmtilts ao the Freiter Girmddeil.

Ci mstrmdugm÷l nuctmvegtarmic e cis `mversis oarnis e ki`e hi regmdm`a uli relavi`i itel-gm÷l regmeltenelte el cis Inírmgis. Esta hi sm`a ec resucti`a e as eveltas mnpartiltes; cim`eltmomgigm÷l e irteoigtas el galtextas pregacalmices iltmccilas heghas e uli virme`i` e

 ki`emtmti ci guic oue pradidcenelte adtelm`i `ec _icce `e Natifui el Fuitenici, ci ouel-te prmlgmpic `e este tmpa `e nitermic el Inírmgi Geltric, y2 ci m`eltmomgigm÷l `e oueltes `e

 ki`emtmti el Ci Espiùaci y Gudi, ca guic icteri `réstmginelte cis lagmales prevmis el tarlai ci agurrelgmi feac÷fmgi `e este tmpa `e nitermic el ec henmsoerma aggm`eltic. El este irtm-guca, se `msgutmrél cis mnpcmgigmales que estas hiccizfas tmelel piri luestra eltel`mnmeltael tarla i cis `mlénmgis `e mlteriggm÷l refmstri`is eltre cas hidmtiltes prehmspélmgas `ecFril Girmde.

Ci `mstrmdutmal nuctm-vegtarmecce `es `mooíreltes oarnes `e ki`e i oimt c”adket `”ul refiml`”mltírët `ils ces Inírmques. Gegm rísucte `e `eux ívacutmals rígeltes ; c”m`eltmomgitmal `esirteoigts ils ces galtextes prígacalmiux iltmccims, oidrmquís ils ule virmítí e ki`ímte prí-suníe pravelmr `e ci viccíe `e ci rmvmère Natifui iu Fuitenici, saurge prmlgmpice `e gette

nitmère prenmère m`eltmomíe kusqu”mgm el Inírmque geltrice, et ci ígauverte ”iooceurenelts`e ki`ímte ê Hmspilmaci et ê Gudi, qum na`momelt ri`mgicenelt ces latmals iltírmeures sur cipríselge fíacafmque e gette nitmère prenmère ils c”hínmsphère aggm`eltic. @ils gette ir-tmgce, ke `ídittrim `es mnpcmgitmals `e ges trauvimcces sur ci ganpríhelsmal `es `ylinmques`”mlterigtmals rípertarmíes eltre ces hidmtilts príhmspilmques `e ci fril`e Giriáde.

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–El ci adtelgm÷l `e esis pme`ris, gana ta`as cas nitermices que cas idarîfeles enpceidil el ci oidrm- 

gigm÷l `e sus adketas utmcmtirmas, se prigtmgidi ul rmtuic espegmic `e iyulas y idstmlelgmis. Cis pme`ris

i`mvmlitarmis exmfel gmerti re`al`ez y drmcca piri `irce gmerti itriggm÷l sifri`i. Estis aperigmales

sacîil reicmzirse el ec nmsna rîa `al`e `esgudrîil ec nitermic i`egui`a. Es pasmdce que cis nmsnis

 prégtmgis se ipcmgiril el ci adtelgm÷l `e ci nitermi prmni `e cas ki`es„  Ifumcir (4::7;68). 

Ml the pragess ao trilsoarnmlf i ragb mlta i hunilmze` adkegt, the secegtmal ao pirtmgu-cir riw nitermics pciys il esseltmic race. Tiw nitermics were ghasel lat alcy al the dismsao oulgtmalic quicmtmes sugh is themr hir`less ar e`fe-reteltmal gipigmty dut icsa dy vmrtueao m`eateghlmg galsm`eritmals sugh is themr gacaur, custre, ar pcige ao armfml. Wane ragbswere pirtmgucircy vicue` ml ilgmelt tmnes, demlf gmrgucite` igrass vist `mstilges evel whelriw nitermics wmth smnmcir quicmtmes were cagiccy ivimcidce ml themr galtexts ao galsunptmal.Ml the Inermgis, the type ao ragb thit regemve` the nast extelsmve harmzaltic il` vertmgicgmrgucitmal wis ki`emtmte. hms type ao ragb his deel oaul` ml irghieacafmgic `epasmts thitspil oran lartherl Nexmga ta Gacandmi il` the Iltmcces, ml galtexts thit `ite oran 95::DG ml the Acneg refmal icc the wiy ta the galtigt perma`.

 Ki`emtmte `ermves mts line oran the war` ki`e, whmgh mtseco ms `ermvitmve oran the lineregar`e` ml 95?5 dy Lmgacés Nalir`es - pme`ri `e yki`i - oar nibmlf reoerelge ta i hmfhcyvicue` type ao ragb use` ta treit gacmgs inalf the Izteg (Oashif il` Cescme 9=552 Hircawet ic. 4::62 Hawir` 4::4). Ml i``mtmal ta mts guritmve quicmtmes, the reisals oar the mnpar-tilge ao thms type ao ragb virme` nirbe`cy ml tmne il` spige. Oar mlstilge, ki`emtmte hisdeel `eene` ta enda`y smflmomgitmals sugh is witer ar nimze (m.e. oertmcmty) oar the Niyiwhmce inalf the Acneg mt wis revere` degiuse ao mts recitmal ta the serpelt guct (iude etic. 4::0). Evel ta`iy, the ippeic ao ki`emtmte galtmlues ta de nilmoeste` is, oar exinpce,thraufh mts use is the stite il` pravmlgmic fenstale ao Icisbi il` Drmtmsh Gacundmi respeg-tmvecy il` mts enpcaynelt ta gicn wregbe` lerves ml Lew Ife theripy. Vhace nuseuns

hive deel `evate` ta the stu`y il` `mspciy ao irteoigts ni`e ao thms type ao riw nitermic,ifiml ul`ercmlmlf mts sicmelge dath ml the pist il` the preselt.

he smflmomgilge pcige` al thms type ao ragb his pranate` mt ta de ale ao the dest re-seirghe` riw nitermics oaul` ml irghieacafmgic smtes warc`wm`e. Ultmc regeltcy, the ivimc-idce evm`elge ml`mgite` thit prmniry `epasmts ao ki`emtmte aggurre` ml alcy twa saurges mlthe Inermgis; ale ml Gicmoarlmi il` ilather ml the Natifui Oiuct [ale ml Fuitenici. Aothese, the Fuitenicil saurge his regemve` the nast itteltmal, smlge mt his deel `eene`is the galtext oran whmgh nast, mo lat icc, ao the ki`emtmte oaul` ml Nesainermgil il`Msthna-Gacandmil smtes wis adtimle`. Hawever, the regelt oml`mlf ao Iltmcceil ki`emtmtesaurges, pirtmgucircy ml Gudi il` Hmspilmaci, `enil`s thit we reissess the vegtars ao `ms-trmdutmal ao thms riw nitermic ml dath the mlsucir il` galtmleltic Girmddeil. Ml thms warb,M wmcc evicuite the mnpcmgitmals thit the oml`mlf ao ki`emtmte saurges ml the Iltmcces his oarthe ul`erstil`mlf ao pil-refmalic `ylinmgs ao the `mstrmdutmal ao thms riw nitermic igrassthe Girmddeilsgipe.

Phe saurges ao ki`emtmte

 Ki`emtmte ms i netinarphmg ragb ganpase` prmnirmcy ao the nmleric ki`emte, whmgh aggursml serpeltmle-nitrmx nícilfes  thit oarn it hmfh hmfh-pressure/caw caw-tenperiture ml sud-`ugtmal elvmralnelts oran hy`rathernic ocum`s receise` urmlf `ehy`ritmal ao the ictere`

ageilmg grust (Hircaw et ic. 4::?, 4::6, 4:9:2 Warelsel et ic. 4::?). Ki`emtmte (ar ki`emte

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 ki`e) ms `mooereltmite` oran mts gcase recitmve, lephrmte ki`e, dy the oigt thit the oarner msganpase` nastcy ao ki`emte pyraxele whmce the citter nimlcy galtimls oecte` trenacmte-ig-tmlacmte. Lephrmte ki`e oarns ul`er `mooerelt petrafeletmg gal`mtmals (Hircaw et ic. 4::6)il` his i cawer spegmomg frivmty il` reorigtmve ml`ex thil ki`emtmte. Mt ms icsa saoter il` aonare cmnmte` ghranitmg virmitmal.

@ue ta the pirtmgucir gal`mtmals requmre` oar the oarnitmal ao ki`emtmte, ultmc regeltcyalcy twecve aggurrelges ao thms riw nitermic hi` deel m`eltmome` warc`wm`e (Hircaw il`Warelsel 4::5). Ao these, alcy twa saurges ao ki`emtmte hi` deel agunelte` ml the VesterlHenmsphere; ale cagite` ml the Lew M`rmi serpeltmlmte, Wil Delmta Ga., Gicmoarlmi, issagm-ite` wmth the Wil Il`reis Oiuct, il` ilather smtuite` ml geltric Fuitenici i`kigelt ta theNatifui Oiuct [ale (NO[). he Fuitenicil saurge ms ale ao the cirfest ki`emtmte deirmlfireis ml the warc`, extel`mlf oar nare thil 4:: bn ml citeric extelt. Mt preselts picpidce`mooerelges dath ta the larth il` sauth ao the NO[, iccawmlf reseirghers ta `msgrmnmlitewmth hmfh `efrees ao resacutmal themr pravelilge oran emther ao thase twa ireis (Hircaw etic. 4::?, 4:9:). Vhmce the ki`emtmte oaul` ta the larth ao the NO[ galtimls icdmte, ilic-

gmne, il` whmte nmgi is mnpartilt galstmtuelts, the ale thit aggurs sauth ao the NO[ icsagaltimls rutmce, ciwsalmte, il` quirtz, whmgh ire esseltmiccy idselt ml the lartherl saurge.Mt ms thms sautherl aggurrelge the ale irfue` is the nast pradidce pravelilge oar the ki-`emtmte use` oar the niluoigture ao the gects oaul` ml Zuerta Tmga, the _mrfml Mscil`s, il`

 Iltmfui (Hircaw et ic. 4::?, 4::6), is wmcc de `msgusse` decaw.Mt shauc` de late`, hawever, thit lat everyale his ifree` al the exmstelge ao i smlfce

 ki`emtmte saurge ml Geltric Inermgi. Dmshap il` Cilfe (9==7) hive irfue` thit the ganpa-smtmal ao the ki`emtmte irteoigts oaul` ml Cawer Geltric Inermgil galtexts ire lat galsmst-elt wmth thit ao Natifuil nitermics, thus prapasmlf thit there ms i saurge sanewhere mlGasti Tmgi yet ta de `msgavere`. Hawever, Hircaw (9==7) his irfue` thit lat alcy were

the feacafmgic gal`mtmals ippraprmite oar the oarnitmal ao ki`emtmte lat preselt ml Geltric Inermgi exgept the Natifui Oiuct [ale, dut icsa thit the ganpasmtmal ao Natifuil ki-`emtmtes ms suoomgmeltcy virmidce ta elganpiss the ki`emtmte nitermics oaul` ml Gasti Tmgilirghieacafmgic galtexts.

 Ism`e oran the Geltric Inermgil ki`emtmtes, la ather saurge ao thms riw nitermic hi`deel `agunelte` ml the Inermgis. Hawever, regelt reseirgh gal`ugte` dy feacafmgic teinsoran Eurape, the Iltmcces, il` the Ulmte` Wtites his regeltcy `agunelte` ki`emtmte aggur-relges ml the mlsucir Girmddeil, pirtmgucircy ml lartherl Hmspilmaci il` ml the oir eist aoGudi, icc ao whmgh seen ta de feacafmgiccy garrecite` ta the Gretigeaus hmfh-pressure gan-pcexes ao Geltric Fuitenici (Firgîi Gisga et ic. 4::=i). he Hmspilmacil ki`emtmte aggur-

relge ms cagite` ml i serpeltmlmte nícilfe  oarne` ml i sud`ugtmal ghillec cagite` ml larth-erl @anmlmgil Tepudcmg, west ao Winilé, thit oarns pirt ao the Tma Wil Kuil ganpcex(Wghertc et ic. 4::6). Ki`emtmtes ire oaul` ml thms saurge dath is celses ar dcagbs il` is vemlswmthml ciswsalmte-dcueghmst dcagbs (Diese et ic. 4:9:). hese viry whmte ta freel ml gacauril`, ml i``mtmal ta ki`emte (nare thil =:% per vacune) icsa galtiml is nmlar galstmtueltsquirtz, punpeccyte, anphigmte, il` ciwsalmte, inalf athers (Diese et ic. 4::6). Evm`elgeao ki`emtmte his icsa deel ulgavere` ml Gudi ml ale niml saurge. Mt ms cagite` al the eisterlpartmal ao the mscil` ml Wmerri `ec Galvelta (Gér`elis Zérrifi et ic. 4:9:2 Firgîi-Gisga etic. 4::=i). Ml thms saurge irei, ki`emtmte adkegtmve pmeges hive deel oaul` ml frivec dirs il`ghillecs is wecc is ml the nauths ao the Niginda il` Fuir`irriyi rmvers. he ki`emtmte

here wis oarne` it hmfher tenperiture thil typmgiccy mlterprete` oar ki`emtmte oarnitmal

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dut stmcc ml the galtext ao serpeltmlmte nitrmx nícilfe  (Firgîi Gisga et ic. 4::=i). Ki`emtmteaggurs is ml-smtu `epasmts, `etrmtic dauc`ers, il` segal`iry nitermics trilsparte` dy hmfh-elerfy ocuvmic systens ml oaur `mooerelt ireis ao thms sud`ugtmal nícilfe  (Gér`elis Zérrifi4:9:). Ilicyse` sinpces ml`mgite thit the ki`emtmte ao ticmsnil-quicmty ms ao i cmfht freelgacaur, –demlf oarne` dy =5% pyraxele (ki`e ¹ anphigmte) il` icdmte, phcafapmte il`

epm`ate (idaut 5%)„ (Gér`elis Zérrifi 4:9:;4:4). Ather ganpalelts mlgcu`e whmte nmgi,ipitmte, quirtz, `acanmte, il` ghcarmte. here ms icsa i `irber il` nare heterafeleaus vi-rmety ao ki`emtmte ml thms nícilfe , wmth nare ghranitmg virmitmal (oran freelmsh whmte ta`irb freel), icsa galtimlmlf epm`ate il` icdmte ml cirfer inaults. he preselge ao ki`emtmteml the Gretigaus sud`ugtmal ganpcex ao Esgindriy, ml sauth-geltric Gudi, his deel suf-feste` dut la galomrnitmal ao mts aggurrelge ml thit hmfh-pressure iggretmaliry da`y hisdeel pravm`e` (Firgîi Gisga et ic. 4::=i).

Mt shauc` de late`, hawever, thit the evm`elge ivimcidce ms stmcc mlganpcete, is lew pa-teltmic saurges ire cmbecy ta de oaul` ml ather gmrgun-Girmddeil refmals where feacafmgicgal`mtmals nibe oeismdce the oarnitmal ao thms type ao ragb. Oar mlstilge, Firgmi Gisga

et ic.  (4::=d) hive m`eltmome` ather pateltmic ki`emtmte aggurrelges ml Nirfirmti Mscil`,_mcci `ec Guri ml larth-geltric _elezueci, il` the Fuikmri Zelmlsuci ml Gacandmi, laleao whmgh his deel stu`me` ml `etimc. Ml Zuerta Tmga, the alcy pateltmic saurge ao thms riwnitermic gmte` ml the feacafmgic cmteriture ms cagite` `eep ul`erwiter ml the Zuerta Tmgatrelgh, nibmlf mt i very mnpradidce saurge ao hunilcy expcamte` riw nitermic. he atherpateltmic aggurrelge ms smtuite` ml the sauth-westerl pirt ao Zuerta Tmga, ml issagmitmal tathe Wmerri Derneki, Nalte `ec Esti`a, il` Tma Fuilikmda serpeltmlmte dects. @ue ta theoigt thit nast ao these serpeltmlmtes hive deel oaul` wmthml caw pressure aphmacmte da`mesrither thil ml nícilfes , mt his deel `eene` thit thms refmal ms il ulcmbecy gil`m`ite oar thepreselge ao hmfh-pressure dcagbs ao ki`emtmte (Hircaw 4:9: il` I. Firgîi Gisga, persalic


Ghirigtermzitmal stu`mes ao ki`emtmte ml the Iltmcces

Tegelt reseirgh al Iltmcceil pre-Gacalmic nitermics his agunelte` the use ao ki`emtmte oarthe pra`ugtmal ao persalic i`arlnelts il` dmoigmic fraul` stale taacs ml virmaus mscil`s.

 Icthaufh the enpcaynelt ao thms riw nitermic oar irteoigt niluoigture hi` deel pra-pase` smlge the eircy tweltmeth geltury ml the Iltmcces (e.f. Hirrmlftal R9=40^ il` WnmthR9=50^), mt his lat deel ultmc the cist `egi`es thit ghirigtermzitmal stu`mes hive deel gal-`ugte` ml ar`er ta vermoy mts m`eltmomgitmal wmth hmfh `efrees ao resacutmal. hms his deel

pradcenitmg is mt his ce` ta the nmsm`eltmomgitmal is ki`emtmte ao nily omle-frimle` freelmshragbs, pirtmgucircy lephrmte ki`es il` serpeltmlmtes. Ml nast gises, thms his resucte` ml ilaverenphisms ao the quiltmty ao ki`emtmte irteoigts oaul` ml sane irghieacafmgic galtexts.Hawever, the pel`ucun his icsa swulf ml the appasmte `mregtmal, is law we ire defml-lmlf ta m`eltmoy lew ki`emtmte pmeges thit hi` deel prevmauscy nmscidecce` is ather types aoriw nitermics ar mlgcu`e` mlta the gitgh-icc –freelstale„ gitefary. hms cigb ao regaflmtmalao ki`emtmte nmfht expciml ta il extelt the idselge ml the irghieacafmgic cmteriture ao thmsnitermic ml Gudi il` Hmspilmaci, `espmte the oml`mlf ao aggurrelges ao thms riw nitermicml thase mscil`s.

 Icthaufh ml issagmitmal wmth the daan ml Wici`am`/Huegam` reseirgh ml the mlsucir

Girmddeil (pirtmgucircy ml Zuerta Tmga il` the Cesser Iltmcces) thit his tibel pcige ml thepist three `egi`es there his deel il mlgreise ml enphisms ml the `etimce` stu`y ao the senm-

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pregmaus stales mlvacve` ml calf-`mstilge exghilfe oar cipm`iry pra`ugtmal (GhilcitteDimb il` Lirfiles Wtar`e 9=872 Ga`y 9==72 Nurphy et ic. 4:::2 Ta`rîfuez C÷pez 9==72Wue` Di`mcca 9=6=2 Vitters 9==62 Vitters il` Wgifcmal 9==0), there his deel i `eirth aoghirigtermzitmal stu`mes thit hive ittenpte` ta nibe omle-frimle` ilicyses ao sugh riw ni-termics. Vmth oew exgeptmals (e.f. Nurphy et ic. 4:::) themr m`eltmomgitmal il` estmnitmals

idaut themr pravelilge hive deel nastcy dise` al themr nigrasgapmg adservitmals il`cmteriture revmews. hms ms pirtmgucircy pradcenitmg whel galsm`ermlf thit ghirigtermzitmalreseirgh al ki`emtmte his shawl thit, `ue ta the mlhanafeleaus ghirigter ao thms type aoragb, whace ragb ilicysms ms ao cess utmcmty oar saurgmlf stu`mes thil the ilicysms ao mts nmlarnmleric galstmtuelts (Hircaw et ic. 4::62 Wemtz et ic. 4::9).

Oartulitecy, icthaufh petrafriphmg il` ghenmgic ilicyses ao ragbs hive deel scaw ta ir-rmve ta the Iltmcces, ml regelt yeirs ghirigtermzitmal stu`mes hive degane nugh nare gan-nal. he eircmest regar`e` `aguneltitmal ao ki`emte irteoigts usmlf ghirigtermzitmal tegh-lmques ganes oran Zuerta Tmga where x-riy stu`mes where gal`ugte` dy feacafmsts oranthe U.W. Feacafmgic Wurvey al severic gect ocibes il` orifnelts (Wnmth 9=50). afether

wmth neisurenelts ao themr reorigtmve ml`ex (whmgh spille` oran 9,??4 ta 9?67), hir`less(6 ml Nah”s sgice), il` spegmomg frivmty (7.74), the ilicysms ao these irteoigts `enalstrite`thit the riw nitermic use` ml themr pra`ugtmal wis ki`emtmte. Ml thms stu`y, the iuthar irfue`thit mo thms riw nitermic wis lat pragure` oran i yet ulm`eltmome` ki`emtmte aggurrelge is-sagmite` ta the serpeltmlmte dect cagite` al the sauth-westerl pirt ao the mscil`, these werevery cmbecy –adtimle` oran Gasti Tmgi dy the Iriwibs ar dy the nare i`velturaus Girmdtrmdes, emther `mregtcy ar dy trilsoerelge vmi the ]ugitil Zelmlsuci, sautherl Ulmte` Wtites,ar lartherl Wauth Inermgi„ (Wnmth 9=50;4?2 trilscite` dy the iuthar).

hms stu`y wis oaccawe` nare thil three `egi`es citer ml the Dihinis, where X-riy`moorigtmal (XT@) wis ippcme` al i gect issagmite` ta i galtext `ite` gmrgi I@ 9::: oran

the Zmfeal Greeb smte (Tase 9=86). Icthaufh mt wis dise` al alcy ale irghieacafmgic spegm-nel, thms ilicysms wis ao freit mnpartilge smlge mt ce` Tase ta m`eltmoy wmth pregmsmal thepetrafriphmg smfliture ao thms type ao riw nitermic il` ta irfue thit mt wis very cmbecy ad-timle` oran the ioareneltmale` Natifuil saurge. Ourthernare, the preselge ao ki`emtmteal thms smte cel`s sane suppart ta e Daay”s (9=90) eircy adservitmals al the oml`mlf ao thmsriw nitermic ml severic irghieacafmgic galtexts ao the Dihinis.

 Icthaufh `urmlf the pist gaupce ao `egi`es severic ghirigtermzitmal stu`mes hive deelgal`ugte` al cmthmg nitermics oran the Iltmcces (e.f., Hivmser 9===2 Blmppelderf 9===,4::?2 Nurphy et ic. 4:::2 Tastiml 9===), la `etimce` stu`mes ao ki`emtmte irteoigts hi`deel ul`ertibel ultmc regeltcy. he eircmest ao these regelt ki`emtmte stu`mes ganprmse` the

ilicysms ao tel gects il` gect orifnelts uleirthe` dy Tef Nurphy il` gacceifues oranWici`am` galtexts `agunelte` ml Nmcc Teeo il` Eccmat”s smtes ml Iltmfui. hms stu`y wisgal`ugte` dy Fearfe Hircaw ao the Inermgil Nuseun ao Lituric Hmstary utmcmzmlf mnif-mlf il` petrafriphy, sgillmlf-ecegtral nmgrasgapy, X-riy `moorigtmal, il` ecegtral nmgra-

 prade ghenmgic ilicysms   (Hircaw et ic. 4::?). he resucts ao thms stu`y `enalstrite` thitthe nmlericafy (pirtmgucircy the preselge ao quirtz, phelfmte, ciwsalmte, il` whmte-tilnmgi) il` texture ao these dmoigmic fraul` taacs nare gcasecy nitghe` thit ao ki`emtmte oranFuitenici, ml pirtmgucir thit oaul` sauth ao the NO[, thil they `a thit ao ki`emtmte oranGicmoarlmi ar ily ao the ather saurges thit hi` deel m`eltmome` it thit tmne.

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hese resucts were repcmgite` ml ilicyses gal`ugte` dy Hircaw al ki`emtmte irteoigtsoran Zuerta Tmga il` the _mrfml Mscil`s. Ml Zuerta Tmga, x-riy `moorigtmal stu`mes alnitermics oran the smtes ao Zulti Gil`ecera, Ci Huegi-Wargí, Tîa iliné, il` egci Mshawe` the enpcaynelt ao ki`emtmte ao smnmcir ganpasmtmal ta thit m`eltmome` ml Iltmfuioar the pra`ugtmal ao smx dmgalvex gects il` ale pcila-galvex i`ze (Hircaw 4::62 gmte` ml

Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4::6, 4:9:i, see decaw). he smtes oran whmgh these were adtimle` latalcy ml`mgite the wm`esprei` navenelt ao thms riw nitermic ml the mscil`, dut icsa shaw thenirbe` vertmgic extelsmal ao mts gmrgucitmal smlge mt his deel oaul` ml issagmitmal ta smtesthit `ite detweel 05: DG il` I@ 9:::.

Ourther testmlf al 7? irteoigts (gects il` persalic i`arlnelts) oran the Oacner Il`ersel Gaccegtmal oran Wt. Gramx wis gal`ugte` dy Fearfe Hircaw wmth the use aoWEN il` x-riy spegtranetry (gmte` ml Hir`y 4::8). he resucts ao the ilicysms ao the gectswere galsmstelt wmth thase ao Zuerta Tmga il` Iltmfui. Ale mlterestmlf ispegt ao thms gac-cegtmal ms thit mt galtimle` 9? arlinelts, smx ao whmgh were ao the ditrighmil virmety sagalspmguaus inalfst Wici`am` il` Huegam` issendcifes. Ml thms ilicysms, lale ao these

persalic i`arlnelts were m`eltmome` is ki`emtmte. Ml oigt, thus oir there his deel la ghirig-termzitmal stu`y garradaritmlf irghieacafmgic m`eltmomgitmals ao ki`emtmte use` oar arlineltniluoigture ml the mscil`s.

 Icthaufh icc ao the ioareneltmale` stu`mes suffest i Geltric Inermgil armfml oar the ki`emtmtes oaul` ml Iltmcceil irghieacafmgic smtes, nast ao then icsa igblawce`fe` the pas-smdmcmty thit these were pragure` oran yet ul`msgavere` Freiter Iltmcceil saurges ao thmsriw nitermic. hms ms il mnpartilt mssue degiuse the ki`emtmtes oaul` ml Iltmcceil irghiea-cafmgic gaccegtmals hive deel irfue` ta shaw sane ganpasmtmalic galganmtilges wmth theregeltcy m`eltmome` ki`emtmte nitermics oran Gudi il` Hmspilmaci. Oar mlstilge, Wghertc etic. (4::6; 9:) ml`mgite thit there ire nirbe` smnmcirmtmes ml dath the nmleric il` oidrmg smf-

litures detweel the Hmspilmacil ki`emtmtes il` thase oaul` sauth ao the NO[. Zirtmgucircy,the ga-aggurrelge ao quirtz, ciwsalmte, il` punpeccymte tafether wmth ki`emte m`eltmome` mlthe Hmspilmacil aggurrelge his deel eene` ta garrespal` ta whit his icsa deel adserve`ml saurges sauth ao the NO[ (Niresgh et ic. 4::8). hms, iggar`mlf ta Diese et ic. (4::6),niy de pmlpamltmlf i Hmspilmacil rither thil i Fuitenicil armfml oar the Iltmcceil ki-`emtmte nitermics.

he Iltmcceil `ermvitmal ao the ki`emtmtes oaul` ml Freiter Iltmcceil smtes wis icsa pra-pase` dy Firgîi Gisga et ic. (4::=d) al the disms ao the ilicysms ao nitermics oran Gudi.hey irfue` thit –the rire aggurrelge ao quirtz ml Iltmfuil ki`e il` sane Fuitenicilsinpces (ml i``mtmal ta phelfmte, ciwsalmte, il` fciugaphile) ml`mgite` dy Hircaw et ic. 

(4::?) gillat de tibel is `miflastmg degiuse smnmcir quirtz-deirmlf ki`emtmtes ire preseltml the Tma Wil Kuil il` Wmerri `ec Galvelta nícilfes.„ Hawever, Hircaw et ic. (4::=) irestmcc ao the mnpressmal thit the ki`emtmte irteoigts thit he his m`eltmome` oran Zuerta Tmga,the _mrfml Mscil`s, il` Iltmfui hive i Natifuil armfml il` nare ghirigtermzitmal reseirghal nitermics oran the Iltmcces ms gurreltcy demlf ul`ertibel ml ar`er ta evecap grmtermi oarsaurge `msgrmnmlitmal wmth hmfher `efrees ao resacutmal.

Mt ms evm`elt oran the prevmaus `msgussmal thit, it preselt, the ivimcidce feacafmgic `itims lat omle-frimle` elaufh ta mtseco resacve the mssue ao ki`emtmte mstrmdutmal ml the Iltmcces.M wmcc law turl ta the irghieacafmgic evm`elge refir`mlf the use ao thms riw nitermic ml the

 Iltmcces il` surraul`mlf galtmlelts, is mt niy prave very mnpartilt ta `egmpher the `y-

linmgs ao gmrgucitmal ao thms riw nitermic ml the Freiter Girmddeil.

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Peghlacafmgic, stycmstmg, il` galtextuic galsm`eritmals

he irghieacafmgic evm`elge ivimcidce niy de i very useouc ganpcenelt ta feacafmgic ml-oarnitmal ta it ceist defml lirrawmlf `awl the pateltmic saurges ao the ki`emtmtes oaul` mlpre-Gacalmic galtexts ml the mscil`s. Zirtmgucircy, the ilicysms ao the galsunptmal galtexts,teghlacafmgic styces, il` mgalafriphmg thenes adkegtmome` ml thms type ao nitermic niy she`

sane cmfht mlta the pradidce ireis oran whmgh the ki`emtmte oaul` ml Iltmcceil irghieacafm-gic galtexts wis nast cmbecy demlf pragure` thraufh tmne.

he galtextuic mloarnitmal ivimcidce thus oir ml`mgites thit the eircmest evm`elge oarthe galsunptmal ao ki`emtmte ml the Iltmcces `ites ta the galtexts `ite` detweel 5:: DGil` I@ 5::/6::, whmgh oarn pirt ao whit M hive terne` the Mrm`esgelt Zerma` (Ta`rîfuezTinas 4:9:d). hms perma` ms ghirigtermze` dy the enphisms al the calf-`mstilge gmrgu-citmal ao shmly persalic i`arlnelts ni`e ao senm-pregmaus stales il` freelstale gects.he Iltmcceil Mrm`esgelt Zerma` garrespal`s tenpariccy ta the wm`esprei` `mstrmdutmal aoNatifuil ki`emtmte detweel Fuitenici il` Gasti Tmgi ml issagmitmal ta whit FuerreraNmril`i (9==7) cidecce` the Mlmtmic il` Ocaresgelt Zerma`s (5:: DG ta I@ 6::). Ki`emtmte

irteoigts ulgavere` oran Huegam` il` Wici`am` galtexts `itmlf ta thms perma` uleirthe`oran Zuerta Tmga, the _mrfml Mscil`s, il` Iltmfui hive deel ilicyse` ml `etimc dy Hircaw(4::?, 4::6) wha, is prevmauscy late`, his irfue` thit the nast pradidce saurge oar thaseirteoigts ms the Natifui Tmver _iccey ml Fuitenici.

Ourther suppart oar the Natifuil pravelilge ao ki`emtmtmes `urmlf thms perma` ganesoran the oigt thit there ms la evm`elge it thms tmne ao Huegam` ar Wici`am` galtexts ily-where ml Gudi ar Hmspilmaci, lar ms there ily ml`mgitmal ao the galtenparileaus gal-sunptmal ao ki`emtmte dy the pre-Iriwib mlhidmtilts ao thase mscil`s. hereoare, it preselt,there ms la irghieacafmgic suppart oar the cagic expcamtitmal ar the extri-mscil` mstrmdutmalao ki`emtmte oran Gudi ar Hmspilmaci ta Zuerta Tmga il` the Cesser Iltmcces deoare I@

6:: (the eircmest `ite oar the Ec Gida smte ml the @anmlmgil Tepudcmg where ki`emtmte gectshive regeltcy deel m`eltmome`2 Winsal 4:9:). hus, the ivimcidce lefitmve irghieacafmgicevm`elge cel`s gre`elge ta Hircaw”s (4::?, 4::6) irfunelts oar i Natifuil armfml ao the

 ki`emtmte oaul` ml the Iltmcces `urmlf thms Mrm`esgelt perma`.hms, hawever, `aes lat taticcy ruce aut i passmdce eircy mlterigtmal sphere wmthml whmgh

 ki`emtmte nmfht hive deel nave` eist oran Gudi ar Hmspilmaci. Ml oigt, we hive irfue`oar the exmstelge ao i –west ta eist mlocuelge garrm`ar„ `urmlf thms tmne (Ta`rîfuez Tinas4::9), whmgh elganpisse` eircy mlterigtmal letwarbs detweel Huegam`/Wici`am` fraupsml Zuerta Tmga il` pre-Iriwib fraups oran Gudi il` Hmspilmaci. hese mlterigtmals ce`ta the eistwir` navenelt ao nitermics cmbe ghert dci`es il` the lefatmitmal ao teghla-cafmgic tri`mtmals sugh is the geltrmpetic gare re`ugtmal adserve` ml Huegam` smtes oranZuerta Tmga, dath ao whmgh hive deel `agunelte` ml pre-Iriwib galtexts ml dath Gudiil` Hmspilmaci. Icthaufh thms nmfht de i very mlterestmlf passmdmcmty, it thms pamlt therems la galomrnmlf irghieacafmgic evm`elge thit ki`emtmte wis icsa trilsigte` detweel Gudi/Hmspilmaci il` Zuerta Tmga/Cesser Iltmcces ml these eircy mlterigtmal spheres prmar ta I@6::.

Ather cmles ao evm`elge thit seens ta pamlt ta i Natifuil armfml oar ki`emtmtes oaul`ml the mscil`s urmlf thms Mrm`esgelt perma` gane oran the stycmstmg il` teghlacafmgic piric-cecs late` detweel the persalic i`arlnelts il` gects pra`uge` it thms tmne ml the Iltmccesil` Cawer Geltric Inermgi, nast latidcy ml Gasti Tmgi. hus oir, the eircmest evm`elge oar

 ki`emtmte gects ivimcidce ml the Iltmcces ganes oran the Huegam` galtext ao Zulti Gil`ecera

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ml Zuerta Tmga, is wecc is oran Wici`am` galtexts issagmite` ta whmte al re` pattery oranZuerta Tmga, Wt. Gramx, il` Iltmfui. he wm`esprei` navenelt ao ki`emtmte oar gect pra-`ugtmal `urmlf thms perma` ms recite` ta the gmrgucitmal ao ather riw nitermics detweel theCesser Iltmcces il` Zuerta Tmga oar gect nibmlf, whmgh mlgcu`e gherty girdalite oran Wt.Nirtml (Blmppelderf 4::?) il` serpeltmlmte (Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4::6, 4:9:i). Lemther

the pra`ugtmal ao peticam` gects lar the preselge ao emther serpeltmlmte ar gherty girdal-ite his deel `agunelte` ml irghieacafmgic galtexts west ao Zuerta Tmga prmar ta I@ 6::,whmgh seens ta ml`mgite thit the mlhidmtilts ao Hmspilmaci il` Gudi were lat mlvacve` mlthese calf-`mstilge gect exghilfe letwarbs.

 I sicmelt ecenelt ao thms gect pra`ugtmal il` `mstrmdutmal pragess `urmlf thms tmne msthe niluoigture ao the pcila-galvex i`ze issagmite` exgcusmvecy ta Wici`am` galtexts aoZuerta Tmga. @ue ta mts issagmitmal ta nartuiry prigtmges il` mts cigb ao use triges it thenigrasgapmg cevec, the pcila-galvex i`ze his gannalcy deel galsm`ere` ta de niluoig-ture` oar lal-utmcmtirmil igtmvmtmes (Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4::9, 4::62 Wmefec 9==4). he evm-`elge ivimcidce thus oir ml`mgites thit the pra`ugtmal ao thms type ao taac ms lat alcy idselt

ml Gudi il` the @anmlmgil Tepudcmg, dut icsa ml Wici`am` il` Huegam` galtexts ao theCesser Iltmcces il` larth-eisterl Wauth Inermgi. Mlterestmlfcy elaufh, the pra`ugtmalao pcila-galvex i`zes ms gannalcy adserve` detweel Gasti Tmgi il` Fuitenici `urmlfthms perma`. Zirtmgucircy ml Gasti Tmgi, these ire oaul` wmthaut `egaritmals, is pel`ilts,ar `epmgtmlf the ixe-fa` natmo (Fuerrera Nmril`i 9==7). he oigt thit ale ao the dmoigmicfraul` stale taacs ao purparte` Natifuil ki`emtmte oaul` ml Zuerta Tmga ms i pcila-gal-vex i`ze ifiml seens ta pmlpamlt ta i Geltric Inermgil pravelilge ao thms riw nitermic`urmlf thms perma`.

Ourther suppart oar i Geltric Inermgil armfml ao the ki`emtmte oaul` ml Iltmcceil gal-texts ganes oran the mgalafriphy enda`me` ml sane ao the persalic i`arlnelts pra`uge`

`urmlf thms Mrm`esgelt perma` ml the Iltmcces il` Cawer Geltric Inermgi. Icthaufh, itpreselt, la ghirigtermzitmal stu`mes hive deel ul`ertibel wmth cipm`iry irteoigts ni`e ao

 ki`emtmte, we ire gurreltcy gal`ugtmlf sugh ilicyses ml ar`er ta isgertiml themr petracafmg

Omfure 9 Phenes adkegtme` ml persalic i`arlnelts ml Zuerta Tmga il` the Cesser Iltmcces (i, deib

dmr`, Ci Huegi-Wargí2 d, reptmcmil, Ci Huegi-Wargí2 g, gurcy-timce`, Pegci 92 `, squie`, Pegci 92 e, oraf-

shipe`, Ci Huegi-Wargí2 o, ditrighmil, Ci Huegi-Wargí2 f, wmlfe`, Ci Huegi-Wargí2 h, ixe-fa`, Iltmfui

(na`me` oran Ghilcie Dimb il` Lirfiles Wtar`e 4::5, 4::52 Nurphy 4::5).

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smfliture il` m`eltmoy themr cmbecy saurge(s). @espmte thms cmnmtitmal, there ire ather ni-termics thit pciye` avercippmlf syndacmg races wmth ki`emtmte, gaccegtmvecy blawl is –sagmic

 ki`es„ (Fuerrera Nmril`i 9==72 Cilfe 9==7) thit were use` ml the Zuerta Tmga il` theCesser Iltmcces ml ar`er ta adkegtmoy il issendcife ao thenes ao nigra-refmalic smflmomgilge,whmce lat demlf oaul` thus oir ml emther Gudi, Hmspilmaci ar larth-eisterl Wauth Inermgi

`urmlf thms tmne (deoare I@ 5::/6::). Inalf the nast galspmguaus ao these thenes mldath the Iltmcces il` the Msthna-Gacandmil irei ire thase enda`me` dy the deib-dmr`spel`ilts, wmlfe` natmos, gurcy-timce` endcens, reptmcmil mnifes, ixe-fa`s inucets, il`ditrighmil-shipe` i`arlnelts (Omfure 9).

Ao these, the nast sicmelt ale ms the deib-dmr` natmo `epmgte` dy i riptarmic dmr` wmthemther i `eoarne` hunil hei` ar il ilmnic gcispe` ml mts gciws, adserve` prmnirmcy mlHuegam` galtexts ml Zuerta Tmga il` _meques. Is late` ecsewhere (Ta`rîfuez Tinas4::6, 4:9:i2 Ta`rîfuez Tinas il` Zifél Kmnílez 4::?), these preselt nirbe` smnm-cirmtmes wmth ki`emtmte deib-dmr` pel`ilts regavere` oran galtenparileaus galtexts ao theGirmddeil Vitershe` ao Gasti Tmgi. Is ms the gise ml Gasti Tmgi, nily Iltmcceil reseirgh-

ers hive m`eltmome` thms arlmtanarphmg mgal is represeltmlf i bmlf vucture (e.f., Iccimre9===2 Daanert 4:::). Hawever, is his deel `msgusse` wmth Kucma Wélghez (4:9: persalicgannulmgitmal), arlmthacafmst ao the Nusea Ligmalic `e Gasti Tmgi, the ilitanmgic oei-tures ao the dmr`s `epmgte` ml the Huegam` pel`ilts ire ml`ee` ml`mgitmve ao gal`ars, ishi` deel irfue` dy Ghilcitte Dimb il` Lirfiles Wtar`e (9=87, 4::5). hms arlmthacafmstlates thit narphacafmgic ecenelts sugh is the cagitmal ao the girdulgce, the pratuderilgeao themr arsic sm`es, il` the gceir preselge ao sexuic mnarphmsn ire ippirelt narphacafm-gic ml`mgitars ao thms riptarmic dmr`.

Ourthernare, the oigt thit ml the Huegam` spegmnels the dmr` ms girrymlf i da`y ml themrgciws supparts sugh m`eltmomgitmal smlge the bmlf vucture his weib oeet il` shart gciws, sa

they tel` ta oee` stil`mlf aver the girrmal. hms perhips ms why the bmlf vuctures `epmgte`ml Gasti Tmgil cipm`iry warb hive themr deibs gallegte` ta themr preys, very cmbecy ml`m-gitmlf il igt ao oee`mlf, whmce the ales oran Huegam` galtexts hive then gcispe` ml themrgciws, whmgh seens ta de elatmlf il igt ao ocmfht. Vhether thms sghenitmze` ilmnic repre-seltitmal adkegtmomes `mooerelt mlterpretitmals ao i nyth usmlf `mooerelt dut recite` ilmnics(m.e., i vucture guct2 see Delsal 9==6) is his deel `agunelte` ml the Iltmcces (–nythmgsudstmtutmal„ oran kifuirs ta `afs2 Ta`rîfuez C÷pez 9==62 Tae 9==5) ar `mooerelt pirts aoi nythmgic lirritmve, inalf ather passmdce mlterpretitmals, ms il mssue warth expcarmlf our-ther. Nareaver, the mnpartilge ao ilicyzmlf ml nare `etimc the syndacmsmlf ao thms mgal de-ganes nare ippirelt whel galsm`ermlf thit the gal`ar ms lawhere preselt ml the Iltmcces

ar larth-eisterl Wauth Inermgi, whmgh ml`mgites thit mt nmfht represelt sane tatenmgmnife thit serve` ta issagmite the peroarners ao thms Huegam` tri`mtmal ta il ilgestric ca-gitmal ml the cawer Msthna-Gacandmil irei. hms Msthna-Iltmcceil recitmalshmp ms icsa ml-`mgite` dy the oigt thit, is ms the gise ao Gasti Tmgil spegmnels, the lefitmve spiges wmthmlthe Huegam` deib-dmr` pel`ilts ire pra`uge` wmth the use ao strmlf siwmlf. Mlterestmlfcy,thms teghlmque his alcy deel `agunelte` ml galtenparileaus galtexts ta thase ao ZuertaTmga ml Gasti Tmgi, Egui`ar, Nexmga, il` sauth-eisterl Ulmte` Wtites.

 Ilather ao the thenes adserve` ml the Iltmcces it thms tmne, whmgh oarns il mltefricpirt ao Gasti Tmgil mgalafriphy, ms the ixe-fa` natmo. Ml Gasti Tmgi, thms natmo ms ni`eexgcusmvecy aver ki`emtmte adtimle` oran the NO[. Mt usuiccy `epmgts il ivmil ar il ilthra-

panarphmg mnife whase hei` ms mlvirmidcy cagite` ml the praxmnic segtmal ao pcila-galvex

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i`ze-shipe` adkegtmve pmeges. Ml the Iltmcces, i pmege thit eghaes stycmstmgiccy thms ixe-fa`thene wis oaul` ml the Nmcc Teeo smte ml Iltmfui ni`e aut ao whit his deel m`eltmome` islephrmte ki`e (Omfure 9h). Mlterestmlfcy, the Iltmfuil ixe-fa` pel`ilt his mts omfuritmvepartmal surnaulte` tawir`s mt praxmnic el`, thus perhips ml`mgitmlf sane sart ao mlverte`mgalafriphy ml ganpirmsal wmth Gasti Tmgil spegmnels. Is ms the gise ml the Gasti Tmgil

exenpcirs, the ale oran Iltmfui wis `rmcce` trilsversecy oar suspelsmal, whmgh shawgisesilather very pirtmgucir teghlacafmgic ecenelt shire` detweel these ireis.hms use ao trilsverse mlgmsmal his icsa deel adserve` ml the pra`ugtmal ao ditrighmil-

shipe` inucets oran Zuerta Tmga il` the Cesser Iltmcces thit ire galgeptuiccy smnmcir tathase ao Gasti Tmgi il` Zilini, whmce demlf idselt ml Gudi il` Hmspilmaci it thms tmne(see Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4:9:i, 4:99 oar `etimce` ganpirmsals). hms ms icsa the gise oar theather thenes adkegtmome` ml Wici`am` il` Huegam` cipm`iry irtwarb ml Zuerta Tmga il` theCesser Iltmcces (gurcy-timce` natmos, wmlfe` pel`ilts, il` reptmcmil mnifes). he idselgeao irteoigts ml`mgitmve ao the pirtmgmpitmal ao the mlhidmtilts ao Gudi il` Hmspilmaci mlthe pil-refmalic lefatmitmal ao thms syndacmg repertamre ms very mnpartilt degiuse mt ifiml

ml`mgites themr cigb ao mltefritmal ml the sagmic letwarbs wmthml whmgh these thenes weregmrgucite` il` galsune` `urmlf thms tmne.Ml sun, the ivimcidce mgalafriphmg, galtextuic, il` teghlacafmgic evm`elge ml`mgites

thit ki`emtmtes use` ml Iltmcceil galtexts prmar ta I@ 5::/6:: were lat cmbecy adtimle`oran Gudi ar Hmspilmaci, dut rither oran the NO[, is his deel irfue` dy Hircaw (4::62Hircaw et ic. 4::?). Hawever, the pmgture deganes nare ganpcmgite` ioter I@ 6::, whel

 ki`emtmte irteoigts defml ta de oaul` ml Hmspilmaci il`, eveltuiccy, ml Gudi. hms gaml-gm`es tenpariccy wmth the mlterruptmal ml the pil-refmalic letwarbs wmthml whmgh ki`e(dath ki`emtmte il` sagmic ki`e) use` ml cipm`iry pra`ugtmal wis gmrgucite` ml Gasti Tmgi,Zuerta Tmga, il` the Cesser Iltmcces, whmgh ml the mlsucir Girmddeil nirbs the alset ao

whit M hive terne` the Lugceitmal Zerma` (Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4:9:d). Vhmce ml CawerGeltric Inermgi thms seens ta de recite` ta i shmot oran the gmrgucitmal ao ki`emtmte ta thewm`esprei` navenelt ao fac`-gapper iccays (tundifi ar fuilîl), ml the Iltmcces the shmotseens ta de oaguse` al the pra`ugtmal il` `mstrmdutmal ao waa` irtwarb is ms evm`elge`dy igganpilymlf shmots ml cmthmg teghlacafmes (Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4:9:d.). Icthaufh the`mstrmdutmal ao cipm`iry nitermics ni`e aver senm-pregmaus stales `ristmgiccy `egcmles itthms tmne, the calf-`mstilge navenelt ao gects ni`e ao ki`emtmte galtmlues ta de ao nirbe`mnpartilge ml the Iltmcces.

Mt ms ioter I@ 6:: thit the eircmest evm`elges ao ki`emtmte use hive deel ulgavere` oranHmspilmaci il` Gudi. he eircmest galtext where ki`emtmte his deel m`eltmome` dy trimle`

feacafmsts ml emther ao thase twa mscil`s his deel thit oran the smte ao Ec Gida, cagite`ml eisterl @anmlmgil Tepudcmg, whmgh `ites detweel I@ 6:: il` 95:: (Winsal 4:9:).Wtu`mes ire gurreltcy ul`er wiy ta `eternmle mo the ki`emtmtes use` oar these gects ire oranthe cagic Hmspilmacil saurge ar were mnparte` oran autsm`e the mscil` (emther oran Gudi arthe NO[). he use ao ki`emtmte oar the pra`ugtmal ao gects his icsa deel adserve` ml eisterlGudi ml issagmitmal ta –iîla„ galtexts thit cmbecy `ite past-I@ 9:::. Wtu`mes gal`ugte`dy Nel`azi et ic. (4::=) hive ml`mgite` thit the ki`emtmte enpcaye` ml the pra`ugtmal aothese nitermics wis adtimle` oran the Wmerri `ec Galvelta refmal, thus `enalstritmlf thedefmllmlfs ao the expcamtitmal ao thms riw nitermic `urmlf thms tmne ml thit mscil`.

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 Ioter I@ 5::/6:: the nigra-refmalic gmrgucitmal ao ki`emtmte gects mltelsmomes ml ZuertaTmga il` icsa extel`s oirther mlta the Cesser Iltmcces is wecc is mlta the Dihinis (ioter I@85:). Ml Zuerta Tmga, `etimce` stu`mes garradaritmlf the mnpart ao ki`emtmte gects `itmlfta thms perma` hive deel gal`ugte` dy Hircaw (4::6) al nitermics oran Tma iliné. Ilmlspegtmal ao the irghieacafmgic gaccegtmals hause` it the Nusea `e Hmstarmi, Iltrapacafîi

 y Irte  ao the Ulmversm`i` `e Zuerta Tmga his shawl thit the use ao ki`emtmte oar gect pra`ug-tmal ml Zuerta Tmga urmlf thms tmne ms nugh nare galspmguaus thil prevmauscy thaufht, isthese seen ta de oaul` ml nast gaccegtmals, icdemt ml snicc lunders ml eigh ao then (Omfure4). hms mlgreise ml enphisms ml the galsunptmal ao ki`emtmte gects ml Zuerta Tmga gamlgm`eswmth il mlterruptmal ao the `mstrmdutmal ao gherty girdalite gects oran Wt. Nirtml ta themscil` is wecc il` ao serpeltmlmte gects il` ixes. Ml the Cesser Iltmcces, hawever, gherty gir-dalite gects galtmlue` ta gmrgucite eist ao Wt. Nirtml tafether wmth ki`emtmte gects thit werecmbecy nave` `awl the mscil` ghiml ml i west ta eist ixms. Ki`emtmte gects hive deel m`eltm-ome` (dise` al vmsuic mlspegtmals) ml Gaibcey Diy il` Estite I`rmil ml Wt. Gramx, Estite

 Ilfumcci ml Wt. Kahls, Fac`el Tagb ml Wt. Eustitmus, Oarest Larth ml Ilfumcci, Becdy”s

Tm`fe ml Widi, Ilse ê ci Faur`e ml Fui`ecaupe, il` severic ather mscil`s, famlf icc thewiy `awl ta smtes leir Dicendaughe ml Wt. Cugmi. Mlterestmlfcy, ml icc ao these cagitmals, theivimcidce evm`elge icsa ml`mgites thit thms riw nitermic galstmtute` i rither snicc partmal aothe gect issendcifes. hms sgirgmty ao ki`emtmtes ml the avericc ganpasmtmal ao the gaccegtmals,tafether wmth the oigt the m`eacafmgic cai` usuiccy mndue` ta thms riw nitermic, nmfht deml`mgitmlf mts galtmlue` use ml gerenalmic exghilfe is hi` deel irfue` dy Daanert (9=86)oar the gmrgucitmal ao freelstales ml the lartherl Inizal. Mts lunmlaus quicmtmes ire evm-

Omfure 4 Ki`emtmte gects oran Zuerta Tmga (Nusea `e Hmstarmi, Iltrapacafîi y Irte,

Ulmversm`i` `e Zuerta Tmga).

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`elge` dy the oml`mlf ao twa ki`emtmte peticam` gects pcige` is aooermlf ml i durmic galtextml the Nalserrite smte ml eisterl Zuerta Tmga.

 It thms pamlt mt ms ulgceir mo the ki`emtmte oaul` ml Zuerta Tmga il` Cesser Iltmcceilirghieacafmgic galtexts it thms tmne wis adtimle` oran the NO[ il`/ar   oran ily ao thesaurges m`eltmome` ml emther Gudi ar Hmspilmaci. Hawever, the irghieacafmgic evm`elge ml`m-

gites thit mt ms very cmbecy thit ioter I@ 6:: there ms il mlgreise ml enphisms ml the Iltmccesml the galsunptmal ao ki`emtmte gects adtimle` oran Gudi il` Hmspilmaci, is suffeste` dythe ioareneltmale` `egcmle ml the pil-refmalic gmrgumts thit pranate` the calf-`mstilgegmrgucitmal ao ki`emtmte sauth ao the NO[. hms `aes lat neil thit the mnpart ao Natifui

 ki`emtmte ganpcetecy geise`, dut thit the cagic saurges cmbecy degine mlgreismlfcy mnpartiltthraufh tmne ml the Iltmcces. Ioter I@ 85:, Gudil il`/ar Hmspilmacil ki`emtmte wis nave`larth mlta the Dihinis tafether wmth ather nitermics regavere` oran irghieacafmgic gal-texts thit purparte`cy were adtimle` oran thase mscil`s (Dernil 4:::2 Beefil 9==4).

 Ioter I@ 9:::, the race ao gects ml the irtmgucitmal ao superstrugturic tri`mtmals ao pil-refmalic smflmomgilge seens ta hive degane pirtmgucircy recevilt ml the Iltmcces. Ioter thms

tmne, gects degane hmfhcy ecidarite`, nast latidcy thase peticam` ml shipe regavere` oranFreiter Iltmcceil galtexts, whmgh preselt narphacafmes ulcmbe ily ather gects adserve`ml the gmrgun-Girmddeil refmal (Omfure 7). hese peticam` gects ire ghirigtermze` dy hmfh

Omfure 7 Zeticam` gects, Zisa `ec Ml`ma, Zuerta Tmga.

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`efrees ao durlmshmlf, i type ao ternmlitmal thit seen ta hive nare ta `a wmth themr ies-thetmg quicmtmes (m.e., shmlmless) thil themr oulgtmalicmty (see Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4::9 oar i`msgussmal al thms mssue).

he rither galservitmve niluoigturmlf fum`ecmles thit seen ta hive deel oaccawe` mlthe pra`ugtmal trikegtarmes ao these gects ml mooerelt mscil`s serve is il ml`mgitar ao the m`e-

acafmgic mltefritmal thit taab pcige detweel the pirtmgmpilts ml the irtmgucitmal ao the citepre-Gacalmic syndacmg reservamr whmgh M hive gicce` –iîlaless„ (Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4::6,4:9:i). he rautmlmzitmal ao the telets ao thms superstrugturic nasimg lat alcy mlvacve`the greitmal ao oarnicmze` rmtuic spiges (m.e. diteyes ) ml the Freiter Iltmcces, dut icsa thepra`ugtmal ao rmtuic piripherlicmi oar pudcmg `mspciy thit mlgcu`e` nalacmthmg il` `ega-rite` ixes, stale il` waa`el `uhas , stale dects, il` ecdaw stales ni`e ao cagiccy ivimcidcenitermics. Icc ao these irteoigts enda`y i syndacmg ga`e thit seens ta degane mlgreismlfcyiltmcceilmze` `urmlf the cite pre-Gacalmic hmstary ao the mscil`s (see Haonil et ic. 4::62Acmver 4::=). Galganmtilt wmth thms, there seens ta de i `egreise ml mltelsmty ml the calf-`mstilge mstrmdutmal ao ki`emtmte eist ao the @anmlmgil Tepudcmg. Zerhips, thms mccustrites i

rmtuic reicmflnelt ml whmgh the m`eacafmgic gipmtic girrme` dy ki`emtmte ml eircmer tmnes fivewiy ta i nare mltelse recmilge al the syndacmg frinnir thit adkegtmome` the telets ao theioareneltmale` spegtrun ao –iîlaless,„ whmgh wis virmidcy lefatmite` dy the mlhidmtiltsao the Freiter il` the Cesser Iltmcces.

hms iltmcceilmzitmal ao superstrugturic tri`mtmals, hawever, `aes lat neil thit gal-tigts wmth Cawer Geltric Inermgi thit nmfht hive pranate` the mnpart ao ki`emtmte, inalfather nitermics, oran thit irei ganpcetecy geise`. Ml oigt, there ire gceir ml`mgitars aoMsthna-Iltmcceil galtigts, is ms oar mlstilge expresse` dy the mnpart ao fuilîl ar tundifi,whase pra`ugtmal wis cmnmte` ta the Msthna-Gacandmil irei il` Nesainermgi it thmstmne. Ather irteoigts sugh is the trmpa` netites  wmth egarite` pilecs qumte smnmcir ta thase

regavere` oran Gasti Tmgil galtexts hive deel adtimle` oran smtes ml the Freiter Iltmcces.hms, tafether wmth nily ather cmles ao mloarnitmal (see Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4::6, 4:9:i,4:99 il` Ta`rîfuez Tinas il` Zifél Kmnílez 4::? oar i `etimce` `msgussmal), shaws thegaltmlue` exmstelge ao pil-refmalic gannulmtmes ao prigtmge irtmgucite` dy nirmtmne wedsao sagmic trioomg `urmlf the cite pre-Gacalmic hmstary ao the Freiter Girmddeil.

Galgcu`mlf renirbs

 Is his deel ni`e evm`elt thraufhaut thms warb, ki`emtmte wis i riw nitermic ao vist mn-partilge oar the sagmetmes thit mlhidmte` dath the mlsucir il` the galtmleltic Girmddeil.

 Icthaufh mts neilmlf, smflmomgilge, il` the vegtars ao mts `mstrmdutmal seen ta hive vir-me` thraufh tmne il` spige, thms riw nitermic renimle` is i hmfhcy vicue` ganna`mty oariraul` 7::: yeirs ml the Freiter Girmddeil.

he regelt oml`mlf ao the Iltmcceil saurges ao ki`emtmte apels i whace lew ivelue aoreseirgh refir`mlf the neghilmgs ao `mstrmdutmal ao thms riw nitermic it dath the cagicil` pil-refmalic cevecs. Icthaufh were ire stmcc lat it i pamlt ta nibe `eomlmtmve stite-nelts refir`mlf the `ylinmgs ao gmrgucitmal ao ki`emtmte ml the mlsucir il` the galtmlelticGirmddeil, ml thms warb M hive ittenpte` ta preselt sane mlsmfhts mlta whit the irghiea-cafmgic evm`elge ivimcidce seens ta de pamltmlf ta. Al the disms ao galtextuic, mgalafriph-mg, il` teghlacafmgic evm`elge, M hive irfue` thit the ki`emtmte oaul` ml Iltmcceil galtexts

thit pre-`ite I@ 5::/6:: his i Natifuil armfml is irfue` dy Hircaw et ic. (4::?) althe disms ao ghirigtermzitmal stu`mes. M hive icsa suffeste` thit the pmgture deganes nare

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dcurre` ioter I@ 5::/6::, whel mt seens thit the Iltmcceil saurges ao ki`emtmte gane mltathe nmx il` degane mlserte` mlta prevmauscy ecmleite` mlterigtmal letwarbs thit extel`e`detweel the Freiter il` the Cesser Iltmcces, is wecc is wmth the galtmleltic Girmddeil. hecalf-`mstilge gmrgucitmal ao ki`emtmte seens ta egcmle ioter I@ 9::: eist ao the @anmlmgilTepudcmg, whel ather types ao neti-vacgilmg ragbs were use` ml the pra`ugtmal ao hmfhcy

ecidarite` gects il` ather types ao cmthmg sunptuiry irteoigts. Icthaufh M hive nastcy gmrgunsgrmde` the preselt `msgussmal ta the gmrgucitmal ao ki`em-tmte, mt ms evm`elt thit the `mstrmdutmal ao thms riw nitermic shauc` lat de seel ml i viguun.hms ms pirtmgucircy the gise whel galsm`ermlf the mloarnitmal thit ms demlf felerite` oranthe stu`y ao neticcurfmgic, datilmgic, nicigacafmgic, il` gerinmg nitermics, icc ao whmgh ml-`mgites the exmstelge ao nuctmpce mltersegtmlf nirmtmne letwarbs thit were irtmgucite` igrassthe Girmddeilsgipe ml whmgh riw nitermics, omlmshe` pra`ugts, mloarnitmal, syndacs, il`esatermg blawce`fe were demlf gmrgucite` igrass feafriphmg il` gucturic oraltmers.

Wane ao these mlterigtmals seen ta hive eltimce` elfifenelts detweel peapces oranthe mlsucir il` the galtmleltic Girmddeil. hms rimses the questmal ao the passmdce Iltmcceil

armfml ao sane ao the ki`emtmte riw nitermics thit hive deel oaul` ml Gasti Tmgi il`Nesainermgi, whmgh nmfht ta il extelt hecp ta expciml the virmidmcmty thit his deel late`dy Dmshap il` Cilfe (9==7) ml Cawer Geltric Inermgil gaccegtmals. he oigt thit thereire pra`ugts oran the Iltmcces ml the Msthna-Gacandmil refmal ms ta de expegte`, smlgecalf-`mstilge trilsigtmals tel` ta de regmpragic ml liture (Telorew 9=8?2 Wteml 9==8).hms nibes evm`elt thit ourther stu`mes ire lee`e` ml dath the mlsucir il` the galtmlelticGirmddeil ml ar`er ta `eternmle wmth hmfher `efrees ao resacutmal the vegtars ao `mstrmdu-tmal ao thms riw nitermic, whmgh niy iccaw us ta defml ulriveccmlf the liture ao the nmc-celiry mlterigtmals thit taab pcige igrass the Girmddeilsgipe.

 Igblawce`feneltsM wilt ta thilb Fearfe Hircaw, Iltalma Firgîi Gisga, Zidca Cceril`m, Kimne Zifél

 Kmnílez, il` Wedistmiil Blmppelderf oar themr gannelts al the reseirgh heredy preselt-e`. hilbs icsa fa ta Anir Artmz oar nibmlf the `riwmlfs mlgcu`e` ml thms irtmgce il`hms avericc hecp wmth icc ny irghieacafmgic el`eivars. Omliccy, M wilt ta thilb GarmlleHaonil oar her suppart ao thms reseirgh, whmgh ms demlf gal`ugte` is pirt ao the prakegt–Gannulmgitmlf Gannulmtmes„ oul`e` wmth i frilt oran the Lethercil`s Arfilmsitmaloar Wgmeltmomg Teseirgh.


 Ifumcir, G.H.

4::7 Ec Ki`e y ec ghinél. E`mtarmic eglac÷fmgi `e Gasti Tmgi. Girtifa, Gasti Tmgi.

 Iccimre, C.

9=== Irghieacafy ao the Girmddeil Tefmal. Ml Phe Gindrm`fe Hmstary ao the LitmveZeapces ao the Inermgis, _acune MMM, Zirt 9; Wauth Inermgi , e`mte` dy O. Wicanal il` W.D.Wghwirtz, pp. ??8-667. Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe.

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979T T

Diese, T., V. Niresgh, _. Wghelb, il` H.Z. Wghertc

4:9: Feaghenmstry ao ki`emtmtes il` ki`emte-ciwsalmte ragbs oran the Tma Wil KuilGanpcex (lartherl @anmlmgil Tepudcmg); Mlterigtmal detweel ki`emtmte-oarnmlf ocum`sil` netinarphmg ragbs wmthml i sud`ugtmal ghillec. Ml  Idstrigts ao the 88 th Illuic

 Neetmlf ao the Fernil Nmlericafmgic Wagmety , pp. 99=-94:, Nólster.

Diese T., H.Z. Wghertc, il` V._. Niresgh

4::6 Nmlericafy il` petracafy ao Hmspilmacil ki`emtmtes; omrst resucts. Ml Hmfh-pressuredects ao Geltric Fuitenici; the Natifui suture il` the Ghuigus Ganpcex , e`mte` dy U.Nirtels il` I. Firgîi Gisga, MFGZ 50? Wpegmic Galtrmdutmal, 9.

Delsal, E.Z.

9==6 Dmr`s il` Deists ml Ilgmelt Citml Inermgi . Ulmversmty Zress ao Ocarm`i,Fimlesvmcce.

Dernil, N.K., il` @.N. Zeirsicc

4::: Zcilts, peapce, il` gucture ml the prehmstarmg geltric Dihinis; I vmew oran thehree @af smte, il Eircy Cugiyil settcenelt al Wil Wicvi`ar Mscil`, Dihinis. Citml

 Inermgil Iltmqumty  99;49=-47=.

Dmshap, T.C., il` O.V. Cilfe

9==7 Waurges ao Niyi il` Geltric Inermgil Ki`emtes; @itidises il` Mlterpretitmals. MlZre-Gacundmil Ki`e; Lew Feacafmgic il` Gucturic Mlterpretitmals , e`mte` dy O.V. Cilfe,pp. 7:-?:. Ulmversmty ao Utih Zress, Wict Cibe Gmty.

Daanert, I.

9=86 Fmots ao the Inizal; –Freel Wtale„ Zel`ilts il` Dei`s is Mtens ao GerenalmicExghilfe ml Inizalmil il` the Girmddeil. Iltrapac÷fmgi  ?6;77-50.

4::: Prmlm`i`, Padifa il` the Cawer Armlaga Mlterigtmal Wphere; Il Irghieacafmgic/ Ethlahmstarmgic Wtu`y . Zh@ `mssertitmal, Cem`el Ulmversmty, Cem`el. Gimrm Zudcmgitmals,


Gér`elis Zérrifi, K., I. Firgîi Gisga, B. Lûùez Gindri, I. Ta`rîfuez _efi, M.O. DcilgaYumltera, F.E. Hircaw, il` G. Cézira

4:9: Ki`emtmte ki`e aggurrelge oran the Wmerri `ec Galvelta Nícilfe (eisterl Gudi).Dacetîl `e ci Wagme`i` Feac÷fmgi Nexmgili  ?4(9);9==-4:5.

Ghilcitte Dimb, C.I., il` ].N. Lirfiles Wtar`e

9=87 _meques, Zuerta Tmga; Ismelta `e uli luevi gucturi idarmfel iltmccili . MnpresariGarparél, Wilta @anmlfa.

4::4 Ci gucturi Wici`am`e el Zuerta Tmga; Wu rastra nuctmgacar . Nusea `e Hmstarmi, Iltrapacafîi y Irte, Ulmversm`i` `e Zuerta Tmga, Tîa Zme`ris.

4::5 Gucturi Ci Huegi . Nusea `e Hmstarmi, Iltrapacafîi y Irte, Ulmversm`i` `e ZuertaTmga, Tîa Zme`ris.

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Ga`y, I.

9==7 @mstrmdutmal ao Exatmg Wtale Irtmoigts thraufh the Cesser Iltmcces; hemrMnpcmgitmals oar Zrehmstarmg Mlterigtmal il` Exghilfe. Zragee`mlfs ao the 90 th MlterlitmalicGalfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy , Dirdi`as, pp. 4:0-44?.

Oashif, V.O., il` T. Cescme9=55 Ki`emte oran Nilzilic, Fuitenici. Inermgil Iltmqumty  49;89-87.

Firgîi-Gisga, I., I. Ta`rîfuez _efi, K. Gér`elis Zérrifi, N.I. Mturric`e-_mlelt, G.Cézira, M. Dcilga Yumltera, ]. Takis Ifrinalte, I. Brÿler, B. Lûùez Gindri, F. Nmccél,T.C. arres-Tac`él, il` W. Girrisqumcci 

4::=i I Lew Ki`emte Cagicmty (Wmerri `ec Galvelta, Gudi); Omrst Tepart il` WaneZetracafmgic il` Irghieacafmgic Mnpcmgitmals. Galtrmdutmals Nmleric Zetracafy  958(9);9-9?.

Firgîi-Gisga, I., K. Gér`elis Zérrifi, I. Ta`rîfuez _efi, B. Lûùez Gindri, il` F.E.Hircaw

4::=d Gudil Ki`e. (http;//www.ufr.es/~ifgisga/mfgp50?/ << Girmd Net Feac << Ki`e2galsucte` al Iufust 9?, 4:9:).

Fuerrera Nmril`i, K._.

9==7 he Galtext ao Ki`e ml Gasti Tmgi. Ml Zregacundmil Ki`e; Lew Feacafmgic il`Gucturic Mlterpretitmals , e`mte` dy O.V. Cilfe, pp. 9=9-4:4. Ulmversmty ao Utih Zress,Wict Cibe Gmty.

Hir`y, N.

4::8 Wici`am` Egalany il` Ganpcexmty al the Iriwibil Oraltmer . Zh@ `mssertitmal,Ocarm`i Wtite Ulmversmty, iccihissee.

Hircaw, F.E.

9==7 Nm``ce Inermgil Ki`e; Feacafmg il` Zetracafmg Zerspegtmves al _irmidmcmty il`Waurge. Ml Zregacundmil Ki`e; Lew Feacafmgic il` Gucturic Mlterpretitmals , e`mte` dyO.V. Cilfe, pp. =-4=. Ulmversmty ao Utih Zress, Wict Cibe Gmty.

4::6 Peghlmgic Tepart al Ki`emte Gects oran Zuerta Tmga . Nilusgrmpt al omce it the@epirtnelt ao Eirth il` Zciletiry Wgmelges, Inermgil Nuseun ao Lituric Hmstary,Lew ]arb.

Hircaw, F.E., I.T. Nurphy, @.K. Hazkil, G.L. `e Nmcce, il` I.I. Cevmlsal

4::? Zre-Gacundmil Ki`emte Ixes oran Iltmfui, Vest Ml`mes. Gili`mil Nmlericafmst  00;7:5-749.

Hircaw, F.E, il` W.W. Warelsel

4::5 Ki`e (lephrmte il` ki`emte) il` serpeltmlmte; Netisanitmg gallegtmals.

Mlterlitmalic Feacafy Tevmew  06;99?-90?.

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977T T

Hircaw, F.E., W.W. Warelsel, il` _.D. Wmssal.

4::6 Ki`e. Ml Feacafy ao Fen @epasmts , e`mte` dy C.I. Frait, _ac. 76, pp. 4:6-450.Nmlericafmgic Issagmitmal ao Gili`i Whart Gaurse, Yuedeg.

Hircaw, F.E., _.D. Wmssal, il` W.W. Warelsel

4:9: Ki`emtmte oran Fuitenici; @mstmlgtmals inalf nuctmpce aggurrelges. Feacafmgi Igti.

Hircaw, F.E., _.D. Wmssal, W.W. Warelsel, H.B. Druegbler, il` B.B. Wmnnals

4::= Ki`emtmtes ml the Girmddeil Galtext; Tegar`ers ao egtalmg Zragess, Wud`ugtmalOcum` Ganpasmtmal, il` Zre-Gacundmil Gucturic Gallegtmals. Ziper preselte` it MMMGudil Galveltmal ml Eirth Wgmelges, Ci Hidili.

Hirrmlftal, N.T.

9=40 I Vest Ml`mil Fen Gelter. Ml`mil Lates  9(0);980-98=.Hivmser, K.D.

9=== Cmthmgs. Ml  Irghieacafmgic Mlvestmfitmals al Wt. Nirtml (Cesser Iltmcces); Phe smtesao Larnil Estite, Ilse `es Zères il` Hape Estite. Vmth i galtrmdutmal ta the ‘Ci Huegi

 pradcen” , e`mte` dy G.C. Haonil il` N.C.Z. Haafcil`, pp. 98=-4:4. IrghieacafmgicWtu`mes Cem`el Ulmversmty 0, Cem`el Ulmversmty, Cem`el.

Haonil, G.C., I.K. Drmfht, I. Daanert, il` W. Blmppelderf 

4::6 Mscil` Thythns; he Ved ao Wagmic Tecitmalshmps il` Mlterigtmal Letwarbs

ml the Cesser Iltmcceil Irghmpecifa detweel 0:: DG il` I@ 90=4. Citml Inermgil Iltmqumty  98(7);407-4?8.

Hawir`, B.D.

4::4 Ki`emte. Ecegtralmg Nifizmle ao the Gili`mil Mlstmtute ao Fennacafy , Iggesse` Niy94, 4:9:. Ivimcidce it; http;//www.gmfen.gi/079.htnc.

Beefil, V.O.

9==4 Phe Zeapce Vha @msgavere` Gacundus; Phe Zrehmstary ao the Dihinis . UlmversmtyZress ao Ocarm`i, Fimlesvmcce.

Blmppelderf, W.

9=== Cmthmg Zragurenelt @urmlf the Wici`am` Zerma` wmthml the Lartherl Cesser Iltmcces. Ziper preselte` it the 98th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy,Freli`i.

4::? Wtale Irtmoigt Zra`ugtmal il` Exghilfe inalf the Lartherl Cesser Iltmcces . Irghieacafmgic Wtu`mes Cem`el Ulmversmty 97, Cem`el Ulmversmty Zress, Cem`el.

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Cilfe, O.V.

9==7 Oarnic Gcissmomgitmal ao Zrehmstarmg Gasti Tmgil Ki`e. Ml Zregacundmil Ki`e; LewFeacafmgic il` Gucturic Mlterpretitmals , e`mte` dy O.V. Cilfe, pp. 4?=-488. Ulmversmtyao Utih Zress, Wict Cibe Gmty.

Niresgh, V._., H.Z. Wghertc, N. Breds, N. Diese, il` F. @riper4::8 Ki`emtmte oran the Tma Wil Kuil Ganpcex, Lartherl @anmlmgil Tepudcmg. Ml

 Idstrigt il` Zrafrin ao the 98 th Girmddeil Feacafmgic Galoerelge , Wilta @anmlfa.

Nel`azi Guevis, I., N. Mturric`e-_mlelt, il` I. Firgîi-Gisga

4::= M`eltmomgigm÷l la `estrugtmvi `e ki`e el adketas irqueac÷fmgas; Estu`ma `e m`acmc-cas `e idarîfeles iîlas. Ziper preselte` it MMM Gudil Galveltmal ml Eirth Wgmelges,Ci Hidili.

Nurphy, I.T.

4::5  Irghieacaf y Iltmfui .Arf (ivimcidce it http;//www.irghieacafyiltmfui.arf/irte-oigts.htn2 galsucte` al Kucy 4?, 4:9:).

Nurphy, I.T., @.K. Hazkil, G.L. `e Nmcce, il` I.I. Cevmlsal

4::: Zre-Gacundmil Fens il` Arlineltic Nitermics oran Iltmfui, Vest Ml`mes.Fens il` Fenacafy  7;470-405.

Acmver, K.T.

4::= Gigmques il` Genî M`acs; Phe Ved Wpul dy Piîla Tucers detweel Hmspilmaci il`

Zuerta Tmga. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.Zress, usgicaasi.Telorew, G.

9=8? Mltra`ugtmal; Zeer Zacmty Mlterigtmal il` Wagma-Zacmtmgic Ghilfe. Ml Zeer ZacmtyMlterigtmal il` Wagma-Zacmtmgic Ghilfe , e`mte` dy G. Telorew il` K. Gherry, pp. 9-98.Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe.

Ta`rîfuez C÷pez, N.

9==7 Eircy ri`e Letwarbs ml the Girmddeil. Zragee`mlfs ao the 90 th  MlterlitmalicGalfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy , Dirdi`as, pp. 7:?-790.

9==6 Tecmfmaus Decmeos ao the Wici`am` Zeapce. Ml Phe Ml`mfelaus Zeapce ao the Girmddeil,e`mte` dy W.N. Vmcsal, pp. 8:-86. Ulmversmy Zress ao Ocarm`i, Fimlesvmcce.

Ta`rîfuez Tinas, T.

4::9 Cmthmg Te`ugtmal rikegtarmes it Ci Huegi il` Zulti Gil`ecera Wmtes, ZuertaTmga. Ulpudcmshe` Nisters thesms, exis I&N Ulmversmty, Gaccefe Wtitmal, exis.

4::6 Zuerta Tmgil Zregacalmic Hmstary Etghe` ml Wtale. Zh@ `mssertitmal, Ulmversmtyao Ocarm`i, Fimlesvmcce.

4:9:i Tethmlbmlf Zuerta Tmgil Zregacalmic Hmstary . Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress,usgicaasi.

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975T T

4:9:d Vhit ms the Girmddeil1 Il Irghieacafmgic Zerspegtmve. Ml Nadmcmty il` Exghilfe oran i Zil-Girmddeil perspegtmve, e`mte` dy G.C. Haonil il` I.K. Drmfht, pp. 9=-59. Kaurlic ao Girmddeil Irghieacafy, Wpegmic Zudcmgitmal Lunder 7.

4:99 Gcase Elgaulters ao the Girmddeil Bml`. Ml Mscil`s it the Grassrai`s; Nmfritmal,Weioirmlf, il` Mlterigtmal ml the Girmddeil, e`mte` dy C.I. Guret il` N.V. Hiuser.

Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi, ml press.

Ta`rîfuez Tinas, T., il` K. Zifél Kmnílez

4::? Mlteriggmales nuctmvegtarmices el ec Gmrgun-Girmde pregacalmic; Ul vmstiza `es`ecis Iltmccis. Girmddeil Wtu`mes  70(4);9:7-907.

Tae, Z.F.

9==5 Eterlic Ganpilmals; Inerml`mil @afs oran merri Omrne ta the Iltmcces.Zragee`mlfs ao the 95th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy , Wil Kuil, pp.955-964.

Tase, T.

9=86 Cugiyil Cmoewiys it the mne ao Gacundus. Ml Zragee`mlfs ao the Omrst WilWicvi`ar Galoerelge Gacundus il` hms Varc` , e`mte` dy @.K. Frige. GGOC Omec` Wtitmal,Wil Wicvi`ar.

Tastiml, W.

9=== he Wtale Nitermic ao ilbm Ocmp, Irudi. Zragee`mlfs ao the 9?th MlterlitmalicGalfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy , Fui`ecaupe, pp. 409-45:.

Winsal, I._.N.

4:9: Telewmlf the hause; Prikegtarmes ao sagmic cmoe ml the yugiyeque (gannulmty) ao Ec Gida,Hmfóey, @anmlmgil Tepudcmg, I@ 8:: ta 95:0 . Zh@ `mssertitmal, Cem`el Ulmversmty.Wm`estale Zress, Cem`el.

Wghertc H.Z., V._. Niresgh, N. Breds, il` F. @riper

4::6 he Tma Wil Kuil serpeltmlmte ganpcex il` mts ki`emtmtes (@anmlmgil Tepudcmg).Ml Hmfh-pressure dects ao Geltric Fuitenici; the Natifui suture il` the Ghuigus Ganpcex ,e`mte` dy U. Nirtels il` I. Firgîi-Gisga. MFGZ 50? Wpegmic Galtrmdutmal, 9. (ivimc-

idce it http;//www.ufr.es/*ifgisga/mfgp50?/QIgtmvmtmesQFuitenici4::6QIdstrigts).

Wemtz, T., F.E. Hircaw, _.D. Wmssal, il` B.O. iude

4::9 ‘Acneg Dcue” il` Oarnitmve Ki`e Waurges; Lew @msgavermes ml Fuitenici. Iltmqumty  65;?86-?88.

Wmefec, Z.E.

9==4 M`eacafy, Zawer, il` Wagmic Ganpcexmty ml Zrehmstarmg Zuerta Tmga. Zh@ `mssertitmal,Wtite Ulmversmty ao Lew ]arb, Dmlfhintal. Ulmversmty Nmgraomcns, Ill Irdar.

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Wnmth, T.K.

9=50 Irteoigtas tiîlas `e ki`e el Zuerta Tmga. Tevmsti `ec Mlstmtuta `e GucturiZuertarrmqueùi  9?(?:);45-48.

Warelsel, W.W., F.E. Hircaw, il` @. Tundce

4::? he armfml ao ki`emtmte-oarnmlf sud`ugtmal zale ocum`s; GC-fum`e` WMNW axyfelmsatape il` trige ecenelt evm`elge. Inermgil Nmlericafmst  =9;=6=-==?.

Wteml, F.K.

9==8 Varc` Wystens heary il` Icterlitmve Na`es ao Mlterigtmal ml the Irghieacafyao Gucture Galtigt. Ml Wtu`mes ml Gucture Galtigt; Mlterigtmal, Gucture Ghilfe, il`

 Irghieacaf y , e`mte` dy K.F. Gusmgb, pp. 449-45:. Gelter oar Irghieacafmgic Mlvestmfitmals,Aggismalic Ziper La. 45, Wautherl Mccmlams Ulmversmty, Girdal`ice.

Wue` Di`mcca, K.

9=6= Ci ml`ustrmi cipm`irmi pretiîli el cis Iltmccis. Tevmsti Mlterinermgili  8(7);04=-0?4.

iude, B.I., _.D. Wmssal, T. Wemtz, il` F.E. Hircaw

4::0 he saurgmlf ao Nesainermgil ki`e; Expil`e` feacafmgic regalimssilge ml theNatifui Tefmal, Fuitenici. Ml Acneg Irt il` @undirtal Aibs , e`mte` dy B.I. iude,pp. 4:7-448. Zre-Gacundmil Irt it @undirtal Aibs, La. 4, @undirtal Aibs,

 Vishmlftal @.G.

 Vitters, @.T.

9==6 Nirmtmne ri`e ml Zrehmstarmg Eisterl Girmddeil. Ml  Ml`mfelaus Zeapce ao theGirmddeil, e`mte` dy W.N. Vmcsal, pp. 88-8=. Ulmversmty Zress ao Ocarm`i, Fimlesvmcce.

 Vitters, @.T., il` T. Wgifcmal

9==0 Dei`s il` Zel`ilts oran rilts, Naltserrit; Mnpcmgitmals oar Zrehmstarmg Cipm`iryMl`ustry ao the Girmddeil. Illics ao the Girlefme Nuseun ?7;495-476.

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976A .


Omoth ta omoteelth geltury waa` girvmlfs oranthe sautherl Cesser Iltmcces

 Kailli Astipbawmgz, Ghrm stapher Dralb Tinsey, Icex G. Vme`elhaeot,Omali Dragb, Pan Hmfhin, il` Winuec N. Vmcsal

he resucts ao INW `itmlf il` waa` m`eltmomgitmal al three girvmlfs regavere` oran thesautherl Cesser Iltmcces (@anmlmgi, Dittawmi il` rmlm`i`) ire `msgusse`, pcigmlf the ad-

 kegts ml the galtext ao evelts il` mlterigtmals thit spille` the refmal”s prehmstary oranthe omoth ta omoteelth gelturmes I@. Eigh hmlts it i rmgh cefigy ‗ ao themr pissife thraufhthe hil`s ao thase wha mlveste` ml then (whether thraufh nibmlf, usmlf, tri`mlf, gaccegt-mlf ar `mspciymlf then) ml i pragess thit sanetmnes gavers vist feafriphmgic il` gucturic`mstilges. hey reocegt the sagmic `ylinmgs il` ocum` mltergallegtmals detweel Girmddeilpeapces ‗ il` detweel peapce il` adkegts ‗ thit daul` the refmal ml i prixms ao nitermic-mty, nadmcmty il` exghilfe.

We `msgutel cas resucti`as `e oeghinmelta par ne`ma `e Espegtanetrîi `e Nisis (E.N.) yci m`eltmomgigm÷l `e espegmes `e ni`eri `e tres adketas ticci`as, reguperi`as el ec sur `e cis

 Iltmccis Nelares (@anmlmgi, Dittawmi y rmlm`i`), isî gacagil`a `mghas adketas el ec gal-texta gralac÷fmga `e eveltas y mlteriggmales galagm`as `e ci prehmstarmi refmalic (Wmfcas _histi X_). Ec tridika expale sadre ci mnpartilgmi `e revmsir gaceggmales nuseafréomgas, `eestu`mir la ulmginelte cis hmstarmis regmeltes e regapmcigm÷l y galservigm÷l, smla hmstarmispraoul`is `e adketas - galtexta armfmlic, usa y vicar. Ci prage`elgmi `agunelti`i el casrefmstras `e i`hesm÷l gal oreguelgmi agucti hmstarmis rmgis `e irteoigtas - su pisa par cisnilas `e iqueccas que mlvmrtmeral el eccas (yi sei i trivís `e su ticci`a, utmcmzigm÷l, gan-ergmicmzigm÷l, regapmcigm÷l a su exhmdmgm÷l) ne`milte ul pragesa que i veges gudre extelsis`mstilgmis gucturices y feafréomgis.

Laus trimtals `ils get irtmgce `es rísuctits `es `ititmals INW et `e c”m`eltmomgitmal `u damsapíríes sur trams frivures retrauvíes `ils ces Zetmtes Iltmcces nírm`malices (@anmlmque,Dittawmi et rmlm`i`), qum pernettelt `e repciger ges adkets `ils ce galtexte ghralacafmque`es ívèlenelts et `es mlterigtmals qum se salt `íraucís `urilt ci pírma`e príhmstarmque `eci rífmal, `u _ e iu X_ e smègce. Get irtmgce expcare c”mnpartilge `e revamr ces gaccegtmals `enusíe, ”ítu`mer lal seucenelt ces hmstamres rígeltes e gaccegtmal et e galservitmal, nimsiussm c”hmstarmque pcus ippraoal`m `e c”adket, sal galtexte `”armfmle, sal usife et si viceur.Ci pravelilge vmsmdce `ils ces refmstres `”iggessmal nisque sauvelt ci rmghesse `u cefs `esirteoigts, ceur pissife `ils ces nimls `e geux qum alt mlvestm el eux, (samt el ces oidrmquilt,el ces utmcmsilt, el ces íghilfeilt, el ces gaccegtmallilt au el ces mstrmduilt) ils ul prag-

essus qum gauvre piroams `e vistes `mstilges gucturecces et fíafriphmques.

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Ml 9868, ioter sgrindcmlf 7:: oeet up i steep naultiml scape al the mscil` ao Dittawmi,aoo the gaist ao Wt _mlgelt, the hmstarmil Ore`ermgb Ader `msgavere` i snicc waa`el girv-mlf (Omfure 9);

…M frape` inalf the caase orifnelts ao stale leir the nauth Rao i give^, where, ale ao the nel

tac` ne, il Ml`mil ghimr hi` deel oaul` sane oteel yeirs deoare. Gireouccy `mspcigmlf the stale ghmp -  pmlfs, M it cist oaul` whit seene` ta de il mnife ao stale2 dut sgripmlf wmth i blmoe reveice` thit

mt wis ao waa`. Mt wis i tartamse, oaur mlghes calf il` twa il` ale-hico drai`, gurmauscy girve`….

Phms recmg ao iltmqumty wis ul`audte`cy tibel dy the Girmds oran themr elenmes ao Himtm, il` drau- 

 fht here dy the giptar, ar mt niy hive decalfe` ta i giptmve Irawib Rsmg^ cmvmlf inalf the Girmds

Ader (988:;4442 440)

Ader”s cist seltelge, icthaufh wrmttel aver i geltury ifa il` gceircy i pra`ugt ao thecalf-stil`mlf Gacundmil prapifil`i thit pacirmze` the refmal”s guctures icalf stereatypm-

gic extrenes ao ‘wir-cmbe Girmds” il` ‘`agmce, peigeouc Iriwibs/iîla”9, oareshi`awe` gur-relt mlvestmfitmals mlta the extelt il` liture ao mlterigtmal detweel the peapces ao theFreiter il` Cesser Iltmcces (e.f., Haonil et ic. 4::6, 4::82 Haonil il` Haafcil` 4::02Haafcil` il` Haonil 9==7, 9===). a Ader”s eyes, the turtce girvmlf wis gceircy oaremflta Dittawmi ‗ he vmewe` mt is i zenm  (genî ) thit wis emther rim`e` ar decalfe` ta i lal-ca-gic ‘giptmve”. hms ittrmdutmal wis dise` al hms blawce`fe ao ganpiridce nitermic regavere`

9 Pese feleric `mvmsmals (Girmd/iîla) fcass aver i freit `eic ao gucturic `mversmty ‗ nily sagmetmes il` cilfuifesire sudsune` wmthml these drai` tmtces. Pe iltifalmstmg hmstary detweel the twa ‘fraups” wis enphismze` dyeircy Wpilmsh gacalmsers, thaufh nugh oar themr awl purpases, ta kustmoy elscivenelt il` expilsmal. Pms his,

hawever, calf avershi`awe` the peigeouc mlterigtmals thit ul`audte`cy icsa aggurre` ‗ oran exghilfe, tapacmtmgic iccmilges ta bml recitmalshmps dml`mlf `merelt mscil` gannulmtmes tafether.

Omfure 9 Purtce girvmlf/slu tude, Fuimigun sp., resml mlciys, whmte pmfnelt, I@ 99?:-9458

(gandmle` resml il` waa` `ites). C; 9:4 nn2 V; 56 nn2 H; 77 nn. Giticafue lunder I70504-

:, @epirtnelt ao Ilthrapacafy, Litmalic Nuseun ao Lituric Hmstary, Wnmthsalmil Mlstmtutmal,

Vishmlftal, @.G., UW.

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97=A .

Omfure 4 @mstrmdutmal nip shawmlf the @anmlmgi `uha, Diawmi turtce slu tude il` Zmtgh Cibe

zaanarphmg delgh, il` oeiturmlf styce zales oar pravelilge mscil`s galtenpariry ta the irteoigt perm-

a`s (the cier re`riwl oran Haonil et ic. 4::6; Omf ?, 8-=). LD; ather styce zales were preselt `urmlf

the perma`s ml questmal, dut ire lat mlgcu`e` here oar eise ao reoerelge.




Wt Bmtts

Levms  Iltmfui

Dirdu`iWt Gramx

Wt NirtmlUW/Drmtmsh

_mrfml Mscil`s

Zuerta Tmga

       G       i          r


        d        d

     e     i    l    W   e




 Irteoigts lat ta sgice wmth eigh ather.

Dittawmi turtce

sluoo tude

 I@ 99?:-9458

@anmlmgi `uha

 I@ 9795-9046

Zmtgh Cibe delgh

 I@ 079-5=4

Wtyce zale

 I@ ?::/8::-94:: 

il` I@ 94::-90=4 

Wtyce zale

 I@ 0::-?::/8:: 

Wt _mlgelt







Wt Cugmi





Freiter Iltmcces

Cesser Iltmcces

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oran the Freiter Iltmcces, spegmomgiccy the styce ao the pmege il` mts ippirelt issagmitmalwmth il ‘Ml`mil ghimr” ‗ the citter blawl ta hmn oran `uhas  `esgrmde` ml gralmsti  iggaultsil` iltmqumtmes he hi` seel oran Zuerta Tmga (Ader 988:;447-440). ]et, it the tmne, cmttcewis blawl ‗ il` ta `ite, ms blawl ‗ idaut the waa` girvmlf styces ao the Cesser Iltmcceilrefmal, prmnirmcy degiuse sa oew girvmlfs survmve`,4 helge mt ms `moomguct ta `mstmlfumsh whit

wis ni`e cagiccy il` whit wis mnparte` al stycmstmg ittrmdutes icale. Haw, thel, ta ml-vestmfite passmdce saurges ‗ whether cagic ar oaremfl ‗ oar the ulusuic gighe ao adkegts mlDittawmi, ar oar the ather girvmlfs oaul` ml the Cesser Iltmcces1 Il` haw ta ilghar theseghilge-oml`s ‗ vam` ao irghieacafmgic galtext ‗ wmthml gmrgun-Girmddeil prehmstary sa thitthey gil mloarn al cagic `evecapnelts, mlter-mscil` gallegtmals il`/ar shire` prigtmgeswmthml thms refmal1

hms piper oaguses al three girvmlfs oaul` ml the Cesser Iltmcces; the Dittawmi turtce,@anmlmgi `uha, il` Zmtgh Cibe (rmlm`i`) zaanarphmg delgh (Omfure 42 idce 9). Mt sun-nirmzes lew INW ri`magirdal il` waa` m`eltmomgitmal resucts, is wecc is mgalafriphmgstu`mes, whmgh tafether elidce issessnelts ao stycmstmg ittrmdutmal il` ghralacafmgic pcige-

nelt. @msgussmal pragee`s oran i revmew ao the ml`mvm`uic pmeges ta the wm`er mnpcmgitmalsoar ul`erstil`mlf themr hmstarmes, il` thraufh then the hmstarmes il` mlterigtmals ao themrawlers.

4 a the snicc turtce girvmlf gil de i``e` 96 ather irteoigts - i `uha regavere` oran i give al @anmlmgi ml 98?:,twa snicc zaanarphmg arlinelts il` i snicc dawc oran Fui`icaupe (the citter pateltmiccy i hmstarmg pmege), ifuric girvmlf il` i passmdce weivmlf stmgb oran Dirdi`as, il` it ceist 99 waa`el irteoigts oran Zmtgh Cibe(twa staacs, oaur pi``ces, twa weivmlf stmgbs, twa dawcs il` i nartir (Dellec 4:::;992 Daanert 4:::;4=8-==,7:6, 77?, 7==2 Daanert il` Hirrm s 9=80;702 Zetmtkeil Tafet 9==52 Oewbes 9=44;975). Pms exgcu`es the hausepasts regavere` it the smte ao utu, Wt Panis il` Zart Wt Ghirces (Heywaa`s), Dirdi`as (Dellec 4:::;999-994). Ml galtrist, the waa`el garpus oran the Freiter Iltmcces lunders it ceist 7:: pmeges blawl ml nuseunil` secegt prmvite gaccegtmals, il` pateltmiccy thausil`s oran the witercaffe` smtes ao Cas Dughmccales, Gudiil` Nililtmic `e Ci Iceti, @anmlgil Tepudcmg (Astipbawmgz 9==82 _icgérgec Takis et ic. 4::?2 Galri` et ic. 

4::9). Ul`audte`cy, ather pmeges wmth pravelilge ta the Cesser Iltmcces wmcc enerfe wmth tmne ‗ sugh is thasegurreltcy hec` ml prmvite gaccegtmals.

Zravelilge/Mlstmtutmal Nitermic AxI @ite DZ Gic I@ (?8.4%) Gic I@ (=5.0%)

Zmtgh Cibe zaanarphmg delgh, Prmlm`i`Zeida`y Nuseun ao Ilthrapacafyil` Irghieacafy, Lew Hivel905905

Vaa` ( Il`mri

sp.)2 50.99nf2ternmlus

9=960 9578 ¹ 4= 076-08= (75%)57:-56: (77.4%)

I@ 079-5=4 (=5.0%)

Purtce slu tude, DittawmiWt _mlgelt Litmalic Nuseun ao LituricHmstary, Vishmlftal I70504-:

Vaa` (Fuimigun

sp.)2 4.==nf,ternmlus

X-4705-5: 665 ¹ 5: 949=-9466 (?8.4%) I@ 995=-94=5 (=5.0%)

Tesml (resuctspel`mlf) 4.09nf,ternmlus

498=7 8?4 ¹ 48 99?9-949? (?8.4%) I@ 9:5:-9:87 (=.=%)I@ 9940-9976 (4.0%) I@ 9959-9450 (87%)

@anmlmgi @uha, @anmlmgiEgalanmg Datily Gaccegtmals, Bew,Cal`al EDG0:??=

Vaa` (Fuimigun

sp.), 58.40nf,ternmlus

96=96 55? ¹ 45 974?-9700 (46.?%)97=0-909? (0:.?%)

I@ 9795-975? (07.5%)

I@ 9788-9046 (59.=%)

Pidce 9 INW ri`magirdal il` waa` M@ resucts oar the Zmtgh Cibe zaanarphmg delgh, Diawmi tur -

tce slu tude il` @anmlmgi `uha. Phe Axoar` Ti`magirdal Iggeceritar Ulmt cid lunders (AxI) ire

 pravm`e` icalfsm`e the sinpce smzes, the `ites DZ il` gicmdritmals it ?8.0% il` =5.0%. Icc `ites were

gicmdrite` usmlf the MltGic:= `itiset (Temner et ic. 4::=) il` AxGic v0.9.?. Phe nast cmbecy `ites ire

hmfhcmfhte` ml dac` ml the =5.0% gal`elge gacunl.

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909A .

Zrakegt avervmew il` netha`acafmes

he three girvmlfs msgusse` here oarn pirt ao the ‘Zre-Hmspilmg Girmddeil Wgucpturic Irtsml Vaa`” prakegt, oul`e` dy the Fetty Oaul`itmal il` the Drmtmsh Igi`eny (4::6-4:9:),drmlfmlf tafether ?? waa`el irteoigts hec` ml wm`ecy `msperse` nuseun gaccegtmals (4:mlstmtutmals ml emfht gaultrmes). he stu`y oaguse` al ac`er nuseun spegmnels secegte`

al the disms ao themr hmstarmgic smflmomgilge, faa` pravelilge (ta mscil`), wm`e-rilfmlf `ms-trmdutmal (dath Freiter il` Cesser Iltmcces), il` irteoigt type. hms garpus wis sudkegte`ta INW 90G `itmlf, waa` m`eltmomgitmal il` secegt stidce msatape ilicysms ta estidcmsh omrnghralacafmes, `eternmle nitermic resaurge utmcmzitmal il` suffest ar galomrn pravelilge.he waa` m`eltmomgitmal ao the @anmlmgi `uha wis girrme` aut `urmlf the gaurse ao i pre-vmaus prakegt supparte` dy the Ceverhucne rust (4::0-4::?).

 Is estidcmshmlf i ghralacafy oar eigh pmege wis it the gare ao the prakegt il` geltricta mts wm`er adkegtmves (e.f., expcarmlf stycmstmg virmitmal wmthml il` detweel mscil`s avertmne), the 90G sinpces were grmtmgiccy tirfete` ta elsure i `ite gcasest ta the oeccmlf ao thetree, m`eiccy sinpcmlf ily renimlmlf sipwaa`. Vhere thms wis lat preselt, the girvmlf

wis armelte` recitmve ta mts pasmtmal ml the armfmlic dace, il` the sinpce extrigte` oran theextrene auter e`fe ta ighmeve the sine faic. hms stritefy ms espegmiccy mnpartilt oar scaw-frawmlf waa`s, whmgh gil de severic gelturmes ac` it the pmth is appase` ta the sipwaa`.he ippraigh wis ourther omle-tule` dy sinpcmlf the resml use` ml mlciys, where evm`elt,whmgh shauc` recite ta the adkegt”s omlic stifes ao niluoigture ar ta perma`mg reourdmshnelt.Ml tatic, =: `ites were adtimle` oar the prakegt. he uctmnite imn his deel ta mltefritethe resucts mlta aur gurrelt blawce`fe ao Girmddeil prehmstary, whmgh ms cirfecy dise` algerinmg il` stale teghlacafmes, il` elhilge aur ul`erstil`mlf ao haw waa`el nitermicgucture galtrmdute` ta Girmddeil cmoewiys.

 Irteoigt secegtmals; Zmtgh Cibe zaanarphmg delgh

rmlm`i`”s Zmtgh Cibe, ale ao the cirfest lituric `epasmts ao isphict ml the warc`, his ymec`-e` i nmlmnun ao 99 waa`el irteoigts, mlgcu`mlf i zaanarphmg delgh (Omfure 0)( Daanert4:::;4=8-==, 77?, 7==2 Daanert il` Hirrms 9=80;70-76). Mt wis `msgavere` detweel 9=0:il` 9=5:, whel the cibe wis demlf `re`fe` gannergmiccy, il` `alite` ta the Zeida`yNuseun ao Lituric Hmstary ml 9=54 dy V. C. Biccnil, `mregtar ao the rmlm`i` Cibe

 Isphict Ganpily (Daanert il` Hirrms 9=80;70). Cirfe elgrustitmals ao pmtgh stmcc renimlal the cefs il` ul`ersm`e ao the staac, whmce ather ireis ippeir ta hive deel gceile` dy ishirp mnpcenelt. hms sudstiltmic, caw delgh, girve` wmth i ducdaus, zaanarphmg hei`

it the oralt il` i dcult, squire ‘timc” it the digb ‗ suffestmve ao i gilm` ‗ `mooers stycmstm-giccy oran the `uhas regavere` ml the rest ao the Girmddeil mscil`s, mlgcu`mlf thase ao thecaw-digbe` gitefary ta whmgh mt his sane feleric piriccecs. he smze, styce il` mgalafri-phy his nare ml beepmlf wmth the seits stmcc gannalcy use` ml the Armlaga `ecti il` sur-raul`mlf refmals (ganpire ifimlst galtenpariry zaanarphmg exinpces al omfure 72 see`msgussmal).

Winpces extrigte` oran the staac oar ri`magirdal `itmlf ymec`e` the eircmest gurreltcyblawl `ite oar i Girmddeil seit ‗ I@ 079-5=4 (=5.0% galom`elge)(Omfure 5, idce 9).he sinpce wis tibel oran the auter e`fe ao the ceot hml` cef, is oir is passmdce oran thepmth irei ao the girve` dace wmthml the cmnmtitmals ao the girvmlf. he waa` wis prevmauscy

m`eltmome` is Nari (Ghcarphari tmlgtarmi ), nare gannalcy blawl is oustmg, ml 9=57 dy

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 Irthur Baehcer ao the @epirtnelt ao Oarestry, ]ice Ulmversmty2 hawever, mt his deel re-m`eltmome` here dy I. Vme`elhaeot is Il`mri sp. (Omfure ?), i scaw-frawmlf felus, icthaufhthms ml mtseco gauc` lat iggault oar the ife ao the pmege, espegmiccy fmvel the sinpcmlfstritefy. he pmtgh ms i passmdce oigtar, il` icthaufh icc sinpcmlf wis `ale iwiy oran thecirfe ireis ao pmtgh stmcc preselt al the adkegt, mt ms pradidce thit the resm`ues were `eepcyidsarde` mlta the waa`. Ily `ite oran il adkegt wmth extelsmve galtinmlitmal nusthive sane ulgertimlty issagmite` wmth mt. Vmth thms ml nml`, the ghenmgic pre-treitneltwis i`kuste` iggar`mlfcy, il` sudkegte` ta i sacvelt wish prmar ta the stil`ir` ghenmstryoar ri`magirdal `itmlf. Ml i``mtmal, i snicc sinpce ao pmtgh renave` oran the delgh wis

sudkegte` ta the sine sacvelt wish is the waa` sinpce il` `mssacve` eismcy ml the ghcara-oarn, ml`mgitmlf thit the pre-treitnelt wis sumtidce oar renavmlf the pmtgh oran the ri`ma-

Omfure 7 @mstrmdutmal nip ao Wauth Inermgil zaanarphmg staacs oran the 9=th ta 4:th gelturmes wmth

 feleric s mnmcirmtmes ta the prehmstarmg Prmlm`i` delgh (caw-digb, preselge ao zaanarphmg hei`, timc, etg.).

Wtaacs re`riwl oran Tath (9=40), Wivmcce (9=9:) il` [errmes (9=6:).





   G   i   r   m    d   d  e

  i  l  W e


I t  c  i l  t  m   g   A   

g    e   i   


Ireguli, Fuyili

Bicmùi, Wurmlin

Tîa Uiupís

fraups, Drizmc

]ebuili, Fuyili


Enermccal, Orelgh


Iriwib, Fuyili

Zmtgh Cibe delgh

I@ 079-5=4

Virriu, Fuyili

 Irteoigts lat ta sgice wmth eigh ather.

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907A .

girdal sinpce prmar ta `itmlf. Hawever, ic-thaufh thms treitnelt shauc` hive renave`ily triges ao pmtgh, we nust stmcc de giutmauswmth the `ite ultmc ourther stu`mes gil deni`e (i tharaufh mlvestmfitmal ao the pmtgh

galtinmlitmal mssue ms the oagus ao i outureprakegt). Expermnelts al paraus sudstritesExpermnelts al paraus sudstrites`ecmderitecy galtinmlite` wmth dmtunelshaw thit resm`uic galtinmlitmal cevecs irecmbecy ta de 3:.4% (ar 34: 90G yeirs). Vmth Vmththese giveits ml nml`, iggeptmlf thms eircy`ite oar the staac wauc` pcige mt ml the citeGe`rasil Wici`am` perma` (I@ 7::/0:: ‗?::/8::), whmgh ml oigt omts wmth the `iteprevmauscy prapase` dy Daanert il` Hirrms

(9=80;78-7=) oar the fraup ao irteoigts re-gavere` oran Zmtgh Cibe.

Dittawmi turtce sluoo tude

Ader”s (988:;444, 440) oartumtaus `msgaveryymec`e` lat alcy the renirbidce turtce girv-mlf (Omfure 9) ‗ whmgh he `alite` ta theWnmthsalmil Mlstmtutmal ml 9868 ‗ dut icsathe blawce`fe thit il ‘Ml`mil ghimr” (pas-smdcy i `uha) wis prevmauscy regavere` oranthe sine give.7  Mo the turtce girvmlf ms ily-thmlf ta fa dy, thms suffests i gighe ao itceist twa, mo lat nare, ecidaritecy girve`il` passmdcy oulgtmaliccy recite` irteoigts.he purpase ao thms omlecy warbe` adkegt his deel i nitter ao sane `edite. Ader gicce` mti genî , ar m`ac, whmce Oewbes (9=:6;9=?) wis nare teltitmve; ‘Rw^hether the mnife wis ilm`ac ar il inucet ms lat gceircy `eternmle`, dut the twa veltra-`arsic peroaritmals suf-fest thit mt wis tme` ta ar suspel`e` oran sane ather adkegt, passmdcy ittighe` ta sanepirt ao the hunil hei` ar da`y ar warl is il inucet”. Cavíl (9=6=;5=9) galgurs, latmlf

thit eircy gralmstis neltmale` the Girmd weirmlf snicc waa`el omfures iraul` themr legbs.Wudsequelt reseirghers hive iggepte` the inucet m`eltmomgitmal (NgFmllms 9==6;0:9).Hawever, the enphisms pcige` al the twa peroaritmals ‗ themr geltric cagitmal, tafetherwmth themr smze il` rimse` pasmtmal idave the turtce”s shecc ‗ wauc` suffest i oulgtmal de-yal` smnpce suspelsmal haces, whmgh gauc` hive deel nare eismcy `rmcce` thraufh the legbar digb ocmppers ao the girvmlf (nast inucets hive haces `rmcce` thraufh the sm`es, sa thitthe girvmlf ms vmewe` ml oucc oran the oralt). he pasmtmal ao the haces suffests i ganpasmte

7 Wee icsa Hiwtiyle (9886;9=8), wha neltmals the `msgavery ao the ghimr; ‘It Dittewmi Rsmg^… there ms i cirfegive ml whmgh i waa`el seit ar staac wis `msgavere`, il` la `audt ather recmgs nmfht de adtimle` there”. Ml hmsregallimssilge ao prmvite gaccegtmals al the mscil`s ml 9=94, Kesse V. Oewbes (Litmalic Ilthrapacafy Irghmves

00:8;5=i) late` thit ‘Nr. Grapper hi` i `uha oran Dittavmi Rsmg^ whmgh he five ta Ri^ feltcenil ml Elfcil`”,icthaufh he gauc` lat trige mts spegmg cagitmal ourther (Oewbes 9=90;?6:).

Omfure 0 Zmtgh Cibe zaanarphmg delgh, Il`mri

sp., re` pmfnelt (1), I@ 079-5=4. C; 564nn2V; 464nn (nix)2 H; 4::nn (nix). Giticafue

lunder ILP.905905, Zeida`y Nuseun ao

Lituric Hmstary, Lew Hivel, Ulmte` Wtites.

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sluoo tude, use` ml the Freiter Iltmcces oar the mlhicitmal ao gahadi  (i hiccugmlafelmg ruf,passmdcy mlvacvmlf  Ili`eliltheri perefrmli) ‗ i prigtmge `esgrmde` dy the eircy gralmstis  

(Gac÷l 9==4;959, 9562 Cis Gisis 9=?6;MM 9602 see Lewsan il` Vmlf 4::0;907 al mssuessurraul`mlf the felus m`eltmomgitmal). Ourther, the `mstilge detweel the twa haces litu-riccy omts the lastrmcs, the rimse` pasmtmal ao the haces elidcmlf the pcigenelt ao the girvmlfsuoomgmeltcy iwiy oran the nauth oar eise ao use. hms cmbecy mlvacve` the use ao shart tudes,drmlfmlf the lirgatmg sudstilge `mregtcy mlta the mller lastrmcs (Astipbawmgz 9==8;97:).Mo the turtce ms ml`ee` i ganpasmte sluoo tude, mts preselge ml the sine give tafether wmthi `uha gauc` suffest thit gare ecenelts ao the stil`ir` Freiter Iltmcceil ‘gahadi  bmt” werepreselt ‗ whmgh ml turl rimses the questmal ao whether they were ul`erstaa`, il` patel-tmiccy utmcmse`, is sugh ml the Cesser Iltmcces, il` mo sa, dy whan (cagics ar mnnmfrilts/enms-sirmes oran the lartherl mscil`s1 ‗ see `msgussmal).

Omfure 5 Friphe` gicmdritmal `ite (9578 ¹ 4=) oar the Zmtgh Cibe zaanarphmg delgh.

Omfure ? Prilsverse segtmal ao Fuimigun silgtun (ceot) il` Il`mri retusi (rmfht). Phaufh waa`

m`eltmgitmal ms lat `elmtmve it the spegmes cevec, the spegmes preselte` here `epmgt sane ao the ghirigter -

mstmg geccucir oeitures seel ml sinpces oran the three Cesser Iltmcceil irteoigts. Mnifes; I. Vme`elhaeot.

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905A .

Omfure 6 Friphs shawmlf gicmdrite` resucts oar Purtce slu tude waa`

(665 ¹ 5: DZ) il` resml (8?4 ¹ 48 DZ) sinpces.

Omfure 8 Friph shawmlf gandmle` resucts oran resml il` waa` `ites

 oar the Purtce Wlu Pude, it I@ 99?:-9458 (=5.0%). P>4.7 (5% 7.8).

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wa snicc sinpces were extrigte` oran the sluoo tude oar INW 90G `itmlf; the waa`oran the auter-nast tmp ao the rmfht oralt ocmpper il` the resml oran i regesse` irei ml thesine cagitmal. he sinpces were legessirmcy very snicc `ue ta the smze ao the adkegt il` mtsmnpartilge. Icthaufh there wis suoomgmelt quiltmty ao resml, the waa` sinpce wis nmlute(4.6= nf ymec`e` kust :.00 nf ioter pre-treitnelt) il` - `espmte il iggeptidce ymec` ao

5:% G al gandustmal - hi` i caw INW tirfet gurrelt whmgh five i hmfher stil`ir` errarthil usuic. Ml i``mtmal, resml ms `moomguct ta prepire il` treit oar `itmlf is mt ms sacudce mlnily ao the ghenmgic pre-treitnelts thit ire rautmlecy use`2 mlstei`, where mt renimls mlfaa` gal`mtmal, mts auter suroige gil de renave`, sa thit alcy the mller nitermic ms sud-nmtte` oar `itmlf. hms wis aur ippraigh wmth the resml sinpce renave` oran the turtcegirvmlf (4.09nf); the auter suroige wis physmgiccy sepirite` oran the tirfet nitermic il`la ghenmgic treitnelts were ippcme`. hms wauc` fmve il i``e` cevec ao ulgertimlty althe resucts, icthaufh dath grass reoerelge wecc, il` ire icnast gertimlcy iggurite wmthmlthemr wm`er rilfes. he waa` sinpce, m`eltmome` here is Fuimigun sp. (Omfure ?), ymec`e` igicmdrite` `ite ao I@ 995=-94=5 (=5.0% galom`elge), whmce the resml returle` i resuct ao

 I@ 9:5:-9450 (=5.0% galom`elge)(Omfure 62 idce 9). Vmthml the citter rilfe, the hmfh-est pradidmcmty ms I@ 9959-9450 (87%), whmgh avercips very wecc wmth the waa` ite. hetwa resucts gil de gandmle` ta I@ 99?:-9458 (Omfure 8)(φ 4 > `o>9, >4.7 (5% 7.8)). hmssuffests thit the pmege wis cmbecy girve` il` mlcim` ml i smlfce pragess. Mnpartiltcy, the`ite `aes lat mloarn al mts sudsequelt use hmstary; icthaufh girve` dy the nm`-thmrteelthgeltury, mt niy wecc hive deel i gurite` adkegt, i vicue` hemrcaan pisse` `awl the fel-eritmals ar gmrgucite` thraufh exghilfe letwarbs aver the gaurse ao mts hmstary. he `itepciges mts niluoigture il` use ml the Ghmgil Astmalam` perma` ml the Freiter Iltmcces, althe ale hil`, il` the Wuizil raunissam` perma` il` Giya ganpcex ml the Vml`wir`Mscil`s, al the ather ‗ icc raufhcy galtenparileaus it I@ 94:: (Zetersel et ic. 4::0;482

Tause 9==4;94=-9792 Daanert 4:::;4?9).

@anmlmgi `uha

he @anmlmgi `uha (Omfure =) eltere` the Egalanmg Datily Gaccegtmal it Bew Fir`els,Cal`al ml 98?:. hit yeir, Kahl Mnriy (d. 9899, `. 988:), i `agtar il` datilmst warbmlfml @anmlmgi detweel 985: il` 986:, wrate ta Wmr. Vmccmin Haaber, thel @mregtar ao BewFir`els, fmvmlf i drmeo iggault ao the `uha;

M sel` the girve` mnife, ar staac, ar whitever mt niy de. M thmlb M neltmale` thit mt wis oaul` dy i

lefra day ml i give inalf the waa`s ao @anmlmgi. Phere were sane adkegts ao the sine esgrmptmal

whmgh uloartulitecy M wis ulidce ta pragure. Phe mnife ms M thmlb ao Ghirimd Rsmg^ warbnilshmp. Mtms evm`eltcy very ac`. Oran mts wemfht mt ms ni e oran sane hir` waa` ao thms gaultry. M icnast thmlb

Gaudirmc Rsmg^ � �

Ao mlterest here ms the gceir reoerelge ta the `uha demlf oaul` al the mscil`, il` thepreselge ao ather girve` adkegts ‘ao the sine `esgrmptmal”, passmdcy suffestmlf ather `uhas,ml the give. Icthaufh lal-gannmttic al the oulgtmal ao the girvmlf, Mnriy `aes reoer ta mtMnriy `aes reoer ta mtis i staac, il m`eltmomgitmal eghae` dy Wmr Iufustus Vaccistal Orilbs, enmlelt guritar ao

 Iltmqumtmes il` Ethlafriphy ml the Drmtmsh Nuseun detweel 98??-98=?, wha `esgrmde`the `uha ml ale ao hms prmvite late daabs (Drmtmsh Nuseun gaccegtmals, CW9?, oo.9). Dut it

sane citer pamlt ml the adkegt”s hmstary, mt gine ta de m`eltmome` is i netite, il` the oaccaw-mlf cidec wis ittighe` al the ul`ersm`e, idave the twa hml` cefs; ‘Netitc Rsmg^ ar traufh

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906A .

ni`e ao the waa` ao Hyneliei Gaurdirmc  C. Rsmg^ Use` oar ruddmlf `awl ocaur oar nib-mlf gibes. Use` dy Girmds; ao ulblawl iltmqumty. Oaul` ml i Girmd Give ml @anmlmgi”.Mts igtuic oulgtmal wis thus adsgure` ultmc 4::9, whel i reseirgher vmsmte` the gaccegtmalsspegmomgiccy ta caab it nitermic oran @anmlmgi (Haleyghurgh 4::9).

he girvmlf ms, ml oigt, i rire exinpce ao the ilthrapanarphmg hmfh-digb `uha styce; mt kamls alcy sevel athers blawl oran the eltmre Girmddeil (Astipbawmgz 9==8; 988-9=92448-4?6). Ilthrapanarphmg `uhas  oeiture i hei` it the upper el` ao the hmfh digb, wmththe rest ao the da`y galoarnmlf ta the shipe ao the oaur ceffe` seit; the ghest, usuiccy ml-gcu`mlf sbecetic mnifery, il` irns ire girve` al the upper suroige ao the digbrest, wmththe cefs narphmlf mlta the staac”s oralt cefs il` nice felmticmi `epmgte` it the oralt dise.he treitnelt ao the `esmfl ecenelts wmthml the ghest irei il` the tap il` digb ao thehei` tel`s ta de ulmque ta eigh pmege, icthaufh there ire stralf piriccecs ml the natmos

oeiture` wmthml thms fraup. Ml the @anmlmgi `uha, the treitnelt ao the geltric trmilfucir`esmfl pilec ms ganpcex, mltrmfumlfcy oeiturmlf oaur ippel`ifes, eigh wmth oaur mfmts (suf-festmve ao i greiture) il` ocilbe` al emther sm`e dy i sermes ao smx piriccec cmles, `epmgtmlfthe rmds. hms stycmze` treitnelt ms ml galtrist ta the irns, whmgh ippeir nare lituric, theocesh ducfmlf iraul` the tmfhtcy daul` irn dil`s il` greise` it the ecdaws. he hei`,taa, ms galtaure`, wmth hmfh gheebdales, i oceshy lase, wm`e apel nauth il` ilfce` eyes.he gandmlitmal ao i garpareic da`y wmth sbecetic mnifery ms i regurrmlf thene ml GhmgilAstmalam` (I@ 94::-95::) irt, il` ms piriccece` ml severic ather ilthrapanarphmg hmfh-digbs, the nikarmty ao whmgh ire pravelilge` ta the @anmlmgil Tepudcmg, suffestmlf thitmt niy hive deel i stycmstmg geltre oar thms type ao `uha. he @anmlmgi `uha ms ganpiridce

ta the @anmlmgil Tepudcmg exinpces ml ather wiys; thms fraup galsmsteltcy oeitures cirfe,prakegtmlf oralt oeet wmth pratru`mlf ilbce dales il` cirfe eyes il` nauths thit tel` ta

Omfure = @anmlmgi `uha, Fuimigun sp., I@ 9795-9046. C; 7=5nn, V; 950nn, H; 4:6nn. Giticafue

lunder EDG0:??=, Egalanmg Datily Gaccegtmal, Tayic Datilmg Fir`els, Bew, UB.

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de shiccawcy girve`, is mo mlciy wis lat requmre`, ar mo mlgcu`e`, wis alcy il extrenecy thmlscmver ao shecc ar  fuilîl. here ire, oar exinpce, stralf piriccecs detweel the @anmlmgiil` Ccuderes (@T) `uhas, al the ale hil`, ml the ganpcex treitnelt ao the ghest pilec`esmfls, `epmgtmal ao the rmds il` the trmilfucir gut-auts iraul` the dise ao the lases, il`

the Dagi `e ]uni (@T) `uha, al the ather, ml the treitnelt ao the hei`, eigh oeiturmlfmltergallegte` ippel`ifes shawmlf oaur `mfmts (Omfure 9:). Wtidce msatape ilicysms niy de

Ccuderes @uha@anmlmgil TepudcmgC; 09:

Dagi e ]uni @uha@anmlmgil TepudcmgC; 045

@anmlmgi @uha



Omfure 9: @anmlmgi `uha (geltre) il` twa exinpces ao ilthrapanarphmg hmfh-digbs oran the @anmlmgil

Tepudcmg (dath ml prmvite gaccegtmals), shawmlf hei` pilecs il` upper da`y `esmfls. @uhas lat ta sgice.

Oar ourther `etimcs idaut the twa @anmlmgil Tepudcmg `uhas see Astipbawmgz 9==8;405-40=.

Omfure 99 Friph shawmlf the gicmdrite` resucts oar the @anmlmgi `uha

(55? ¹ 45 DZ).

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90=A .

idce ta suffest i pravelilge oar the waa`, pateltmiccy cmlbmlf the `uha wmth freiter ger-timlty ta il mscil`, where mt gil de grass-reoerelge` wmth galtenpariry styces ‗ thms iwimtsourther stu`y.

he waa` hi` icrei`y deel m`eltmome` dy the tmne the `uha eltere` Bew”s gaccegtmals ‗the trilsgrmpt ao eltry al 47 Kiluiry 98?: lates ‘Girve` Mnife ao the waa` ao Hyneliei

Gaurdirmc Rsmg^” (Kucmi Wteec, persalic gannulmgitmal 4::6). Mnriy hi` i `eep mlterest mlthe cagic datily il` ml icc cmbecmhaa` the ittrmdutmal wis ni`e dy hmn, is per hms cetter taHaaber. Hawever, the waa` his deel m`eltmome` ishis deel m`eltmome` ishis deel m`eltmome` is Fuimigun sp. (Omfure ?) ml the gaurseao the preselt reseirgh.

he auter ceot e`fe ao the `uha  wis sinpce` oar ri`magirdal `itmlf, il` the re-suct ml`mgites thit the secegte` tmnder wis oecce`, il` cmbecy girve`, ml I@ 9795-9046thit the secegte` tmnder wis oecce`, il` cmbecy girve`, ml I@ 9795-9046(=5.0%)(Omfure 99). he `ites gamlgm`e wmth the cist phise ao the Wuizil raunissam` pe-rma` (gi. I@ 94::-95::) ml the Cesser Iltmcces, dut fmvel the `uhas  stycmstmg cmlbs ta the il-thrapanarphmg exinpces oran the @anmlmgil Tepudcmg, mt ms qumte cmbecy i iîla (GhmgilAstmalam` ‗ gi. I@ 94::-95::) mnpart oran the Freiter Iltmcces.


Eigh ao the irteoigts galtrmdutes drmeo vmflettes mlta the ghralacafmes il` cmoewiys alrmlm`i`, Dittawmi il` @anmlmgi ‗ is wecc is ourther iomec`. Gaccegtmvecy, they pateltmiccyspil the omoth ta omoteelth gelturmes - i perma` ao galsm`eridce ocux wmthml the Cesser Iltmcces;oran the ilgestric Wici`am`s, whase nmfritmals oran Wauth Inermgi draufht ulmque ni-termic gucture (mlgcu`mlf nmlmiture trmfacmths, `ruf-recite` piripherlicmi il` caw staacs),ta themr `esgel`ilts wha rase ta pawer il` ioocuelge ml the Freiter Iltmcces, `evecapmlfthese nitermic ganpalelts ml lew, vmdrilt il` saphmstmgite` wiys. Kust is nmfritmal il`exghilfe draufht these adkegts, ml themr lisgelt oarn, larth mlta the Freiter Iltmcces io-ter gi. 0:: DG, sa taa `m` these oigtars (inalf athers) hecp ta re`mstrmdute then, ml themrnare `evecape` oarn, digb mlta the Cesser Iltmcces ioter I@ 99::. hraufh then thesagmic letwarbs ul`erpmllmlf the gmrgucitmal ao vicue` adkegts gil de expcare`, mlgcu`mlfmlterigtmals detweel the Freiter il` Cesser Iltmcces, il` detweel the citter il` the Wauth

 Inermgil nimlcil`.hemr ghralacafmgic pcigenelt elidces mlsmfht mlta the hmstarmgic trilsmtmals thit were

aggurrmlf al the mscil`s it the tmne thit they were ni`e ‗ oran shmots ml stycmstmg `evec-apnelt ta the navenelt ao peapces il`/ar adkegts, il` the sagmic/pacmtmgic nilaeuvrmlfthit niy hive igganpilme` the citter. It i dismg cevec, the galtrist detweel the twa staacs

ghirts the trilsmtmal iwiy oran the stralf Wauth Inermgil mlocuelges `anmlilt prmar ta~I@ ?:: (seel ml the rmlm`i` delgh) ta the ulmquecy cagic, lartherl Girmddeil stycmstmg`evecapnelts seel ioter ~I@ 99:: (e.f., the @anmlmgi `uha). Dath staacs pravm`e i vil-tife pamlt al the sagmic galtext il` use ao staacs wmthml the Girmddeil refmal `urmlf iperma` ao frawmlf gucturic ganpcexmty. he sluoo tude pravm`es mlsmfhts mlta the gmrgucitmalao gahadi recite` nitermic ‗ il`, pateltmiccy, the m`eis il` prigtmges thit surraul`e` mt ‗ oiroran mts ‘heirtcil`” (Freiter Iltmcces). mfhtelmlf the oagus elidces i nare omle-frimle`pmgture ao these trilsmtmals; the `uha il` sluoo tude, sa `miflastmg ao Freiter Iltmcceil(Ghmgil Astmalam`) mgalafriphy il` oulgtmalic gitefarmes (gahadi -recite` piripherlicmi2ecmte hmfh-digbe` ghimrs), gmrgucite` ml the Vml`wir`s il` @anmlmgi it i tmne ao patel-

tmiccy iltifalmstmg recitmalshmps detweel the twa refmals ioter idaut I@ 97:: (Vmcsal4::6;90=2 Acmver 4::=;9?6). Is cite is the smxteelth geltury there were reparts ao orequelt

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Girmd ittigbs al Zuerta Tmga il` lemfhdaurmlf mscil`s (Vmcsal 4::6;9?7-9?0). Mo wiroireil`/ar rim`mlf `m` esgicite aver thms perma`, thel the preselge ao sugh adkegts nmfht re-ocegt pcul`er ar ittenpts it regalgmcmitmal il` iccmilge ioter hastmcmtmes. ]et the pcigeneltao the `uha il` sluoo tude ml gives suffests i `efree ao ul`erstil`mlf il` gallegtmal tathese ‘exatmgs” thit decmes i ganpcete severmlf wmth lartherl gustan ‗ whmgh rim`s mnpcy

‗ whmce it the sine tmne ul`ersgarmlf themr cagic smflmomgilge. Ather sgelirmas ire icsapassmdce; Haonil et ic. (4::6;4?4) pasmt thit Cesser Iltmcceil fraups were nm``cenelml the tri`e ao  fuilîl il` ather ecmte adkegts detweel the nimlcil` il` the iîla ao theFreiter Iltmcces, il` thms niy fa sane wiy ta expciml the preselge ao hmfh-stitus exatmgsal the mscil`s. here ms icsa the passmdmcmty ao treisure` adkegts igganpilymlf iîla nm-frilts triveccmlf sauth, il` thms gauc` hive deel oar i nyrmi` ao reisals ‗ oran nirrmifeexghilfe, oarniccy cmlbmlf the calf-`mstilge fraups ta eigh ather, il` sa oigmcmtitmlf tri`eil` iccmilges, ta reoufees `urmlf the smxteelth geltury exa`us oran the Freiter Iltmccesmlta iccme` Cesser Iltmcceil gannulmtmes ml eooarts ta esgipe the `evistitmal ao wirs, sciv-ery il` `mseises thit grmppce` Hmspilmaci il` Zuerta Tmga ioter Eurapeil galtigt (Acmver

4::=;9?82 Haonil et ic. 4::8;48). he enerfmlf passmdmcmtmes ire ml`ee` ganpcex ‗ il` iomttmlf reocegtmal ao the nuctmoigete` reicmtmes ao pre-gacalmic mscil` cmoe.

@afs, seits il` cmlbs ta Wauth Inermgi pre-I@ ?:: 

 Issunmlf thit the ri`magirdal `ite ms drai`cy garregt, the eircmest pmege ‗ the Zmtgh Cibezaanarphmg delgh (I@ 079-5=4) ‗ oiccs tawir`s the el` ao the Wici`am` perma` (gi. 0::DG ‗ I@ ?::), i tmne ao galsm`eridce Wauth Inermgil mlocuelge ml rmlm`i`, il` nugh aothe Girmddeil. Detweel 0:: DG il` I@ 0::, i stralf stycmstmg ulmoarnmty stretghe` oranlarth-eisterl Wauth Inermgil larth ta Zuerta Tmga (Iccimre 9==6;472 Daanert 4::7;9572Haonil il` Haafcil` 4::0;0=), suffestmlf –…i gannal ilgestry ao mltelsmve il` ore-

quelt mlterigtmal detweel cagic fraups, dath wmth eigh ather il` wmth the nimlcil`„ (`e Viic 4::?;60). Tause (9==4;80) gicce` thms i ulmoymlf letwarb ao gmrgucitmlf m`eis il` de-cmeos moousmlf oran Wauth Inermgi vmi the gmrgun-Girmddeil. Dy I@ 7::-5::, Dirrilgam`stycmstmg mlocuelges swept up mlta the Girmddeil refmal oran Wauth Inermgi, nirbmlf iperma` ao –…ulusuic `ylinmsn„ il` estidcmshmlf i letwarb ao tri`e il` gannulmgitmalwmthml the vist irei stretghmlf oran rmlm`i` il` adifa ta the Armlaga @ecti (Daanert4:::;45:). Al rmlm`i`, Dirrilgam` nmfrilts niy hive mlternirrme` mlta the calf-ternWici`am` gannulmtmes dy I@ 75: (Daanert 4::72 Tem` 4::=;74)02 i fri`uic nerfmlf aothese tri`mtmals ms evm`elt ml the Erml ganpcex (past I@ 5::) thit spille` the sauth-erl pirt ao the mscil` ‗ ml the vmgmlmty ao Zmtgh Cibe ‗ il` wis nirbe` dy i ‘praoaul`”Dirrilgam` stycmstmg mlocuelge al the Wici`am` (Daanert 4:::;47=2 Iccimre 4::7;4:?). hmsavercips wecc wmth the Zmtgh Cibe delgh `ite; the gcasest smte (Zmtgh Cibe 4) his ymec`e`Wici`am`/Dirrilgam` gerinmgs, `itmlf ta the Zica Wega perma` (gi. I@ 7::-?5:)(Daanertil` Hirrms 9=80;09) il` the twa gerinmg cufs regavere` oran Zmtgh Cibe mtseco shaw verystralf Dirrilgam` mlocuelge oran raufhcy the sine perma` (Daanert il` Hirrms 9=80;7=).5 

0 La evm`elge oar ml`epel`elt Dirrilgam` settcenelts hive deel oaul` al rmlm`i` (Daanert 4::7;9?9)5 Mt ms ao gaurse mnpassmdce ta irfue oar il issagmitmal detweel the twa gerinmg cufs il` the waa`el nitermic

regavere` oran the cibe fmvel the galstilt navenelt ao the pmtgh (Daanert il` Hirrms 9=80;7=), dut mt `aespravm`e sane digbfraul` ta galtenpariry `epasmts ml the cibe.

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 Vmthml thms galtext ao Wauth Inermgil mlocuelge, il` the refucir mlocux ao peapce il`adkegts oran the nimlcil` mlta rmlm`i` (il` the Cesser Iltmcces) it thms tmne, mt ms lat sur-prmsmlf thit the delgh shaws stralf piriccecs ta nimlcil` staacs.

he staac”s oeitures `mooer oran thase ao Freiter Iltmcceil `uhas   (Astipbawmgz 9==8),the hil`ouc ao ather `uhas  regavere` oran the Cesser Iltmcces, is wecc is oran the ethla-

friphmg `esgrmptmals ao staacs use` dy the citer Girmd/Bicmlifa (Dretal 9==8;82 Tagheoart9???;4=72 Cidit 9==4;9?4). Ml galtrist, mt his stralfer stycmstmg piriccecs ta exinpces stmccml use ml larth-eisterl Wauth Inermgi ‗ where cirfe, caw, zaanarphmg delghes ire gan-nal (e.f., [errmes 9=6:2 Wivmcce 9=9:2 see omfure 7). Wtaacs hive i calf (pre-)hmstary ao useinalf nily nimlcil` guctures, is itteste` dy the survmvmlf stale il` gerinmg exinpces‗ inalf the eircmest `itmlf ta gi. 40:: DG (e.f., Nirgas il` Firgmi `e Nilrmque 9=88;072NgEwil 4::9;96=) ‗ wmth citer gerinmg sgucptures shawmlf omfures seite` al staacs (e.f.,Tause il` Gruxelt 9=?7;Zcite 45-4?). hey reniml inalf the nast `miflastmg oeituresao Wauth Inermgil nitermic gucture. Ml sane armfml starmes, gucture heraes thaufht thewarc` mlta demlf geltre` al themr staacs (Tae 9==5;54). Is sugh, staacs oarn ‘…pirt ao i

gare sumte ao adkegts thit igganpily the greitmal ao hunil demlfs oran spmrmtuic armfmls…il esseltmic neils ao iggess ta the hm``el saurges ao cmoe” (NgEwil 4::9;989). Fmvel thestaac”s udmqumtaus liture il` ghralacafmgic `epth, mt ms qumte cmbecy thit eircmer exinpceseltere` the Girmddeil is ml`mspelsidce, gireouccy gurite` persalic mtens ar were niluoig-ture` al the estidcmshe` Wauth Inermgil stycmstmg pratatypes; themr styces wauc` galtmlue ta`evecap ml sudsequelt yeirs wmthml the mlsucir Girmddeil refmal, reighmlf il irtmstmg zelmthwmth the Freiter Iltmcceil `uha. Icthaufh the zaanarphmg delgh wis nast cmbecy nilu-oigture` ml rmlm`i`, there ms i renate passmdmcmty thit mt niy hive deel il mnpart oranWauth Inermgi, espegmiccy fmvel the nimlcil`”s praxmnmty ta the mscil`, the stralf tri`ecmlbs `urmlf thms perma`, il` the wives ao Wauth Inermgil nmfrilts wha use` the mscil`

is i fitewiy ta the rest ao the Girmddeil irghmpecifa. he mstrmdutmal ao Il`mri sp. gaversdath the Girmddeil il` Wauth Inermgi, sa waa` m`eltmomgitmal icale gillat galtrmduteta the passmdce saurgmlf ao the pmege, icthaufh stidce msatapes niy de idce ta pravm`e sanemlsmfht (these ire pel`mlf).

 Icthaufh the delgh”s dismg oarn suffests Wauth Inermgi (see Tath 9=40;465), the mga-lafriphy, oeiturmlf i ducdaus hei` wmth praflithmg nuzzce, eregt, trmilfucir eirs, i sharttimc il` i pawerouc da`y, ms mlgalgcusmve is ta passmdce pravelilge, espegmiccy is mt cigbstwa-`mnelsmalic `esmfls ‗ thaufh it i very dismg cevec mt perhips suffests i `af ar i kifuir(Daanert 4:::;4=8). Ml thms indmfumty, the staac vmsuiccy elgipsucites ale ao the bey trilsm-tmals ni`e dy the eircy Wauth Inermgil nmfrilts ‗ oran the oiuliccy rmgh Wauth Inermgil

trapmgic settmlf, where the kifuir `anmlite` nyths il` cefel`s, ta the nare restrmgte`mscil` settmlf where the cirfest cil` ilmnic wis the `anestmgite` `af. Wane (Ta`rîfuez9==42 Tae 9==5) hive irfue` oar il expcmgmt cmlb detweel the twa ilmnics, wmth the `aftibmlf the race ao the kifuir al the mscil`s ‗ i ‘nythmg sudstmtute”. Oagusmlf spegmomgiccy althe irghieacafy ao the Girmddeil reveics `eepcy raate` il` wm`esprei` galgepts recite` tathe `anestmgite` `af, espegmiccy is refir`s themr spegmic treitnelt, il` themr `epmgtmal mlmnpartilt piripherlicmi. Weveric Wici`am` smtes oran Nirtmlmque ta is oir larth is ZuertaTmga hive ymec`e` `af durmics, mlgcu`mlf 9? it the Narec smte, Fui`ecaupe, where sanewere durme` ml squittmlf pasmtmals, is were hunils (passmdcy suffestmlf syndacmg piric-cecs), whmce athers hi` shecc arlinelts pcige` al themr da`mes (Haonil il` Haafcil`

4::0;0=2 Ta`rmfuez 9==6;852 Nittmalm il` Duccel 9=60). he grilmi ao sane ao the `afs

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were renave`, whmgh niy ifiml suffest piriccecs ta the gustan ao renavmlf hunil grilmioran durmics (Haonil il` Haafcil` 4::0;0=). It the sine tmne, afs oeiture pranmlelt-cy ml the mgalafriphy, ippeirmlf ml gerinmg cufs (Nittmalm il` Duccel 9=60;9?7-9?0) il`cirfe, oree-stil`mlf gerinmg eoomfmes (Tae 9==5). I pateltmiccy qumte eircy waa`el inucet,ifiml oran Narec, teltitmvecy ittrmdute` ta 0::-7:: DG, ippeirs ta oeiture i `af (Zetmtkeil

Tafet 9==52 @ecpuegh 4::9;56). Dy the Astmalam` perma`, the slircmlf oeitures, praflith-mg nuzzce il` trmilfucir eirs thit ghirigtermse Girmddeil gilmle mnifery ippeir ml i wm`evirmety ao adkegts, oran stale trmfacmths, ta `ecmgite, shecc pel`ilts il` pmgtafriphs il`petrafcyphs (Kmnílez _ézfuez il` Oerlé`ez-Nmceri 4::4;87-802 NgFmllms 9==62 NardilCiuger 9=66;7). @af dales were `egarite` wmth `esmfls il` gilmle teeth were use` ispel`ilts (Vicber 9=852 ila`m ml Icefrîi 9=8:;075). Wevel `uhas , oaur ao whmgh ire caw-digbs, ippeir ta oeiture gilmle mnifery (Astipbawmgz 9==8;0=5-0=?) ‗ oran the Dihinis,Hmspilmaci, Zuerta Tmga il` Kinimgi. Ml thms galtext, the Zmtgh Cibe girvmlf ‗ deirmlf theeircmest gurreltcy blawl `ite oar i delgh oeiturmlf zaanarphmg (pateltmiccy gilmle) mn-ifery ‗ niy de galsm`ere` il iltege`elt.

Phe Dittawmi sluoo tude; turtces, gahadi il` ‘nmfritmlf” adkegts il`neilmlfs ml the mlsucir Girmddeil past-I@ 9::: 

Mo the Zmtgh Cibe delgh aooers i fcmnpse ao the pateltmic gmrgucitmal ao adkegts il`/ar m`eisdetweel the Wauth Inermgil nimlcil` il` the Cesser Iltmcces `urmlf the Wici`am` perma`,the Dittawmi sluoo tude hmlts it the mltergallegtmals thit cmlbe` the Girmddeil mscil`s taeigh ather past-I@ 9:::. Dy I@ 94::, Ghmgil Astmalam` nitermic gucture wis omctermlfmlta the Cesser Iltmcces ‗ mlgcu`mlf cirfe trmfacmths, `uhas il` sluoo tudes (Tause 9==4;97:)‗ icalfsm`e heterafeleaus gerinmg styces (Dagi Ghmgi, Esperilzi il` Itiki`mza/Astmalil/Gimnmta) thit gil de pravelilge` ta spegmomg Freiter Iltmcceil refmals, suffestmlf `mo-

oerelt exghilfe letwarbs (Haonil il` Haafcil` 4::0;95). Lat icc sugh nitermics weremnparts; sane ire thaufht ta hive deel ni`e cagiccy, suffestmlf thit peapce were i`ipt-mlf ganpcex Freiter Iltmcceil styces mlta themr awl repertamres (Iccimre 9==?;002 Iccimre9==: ml Tause 9==4;97: oar Nirtmlmque2 Hitt 9=40;752 7= oar _mrfml Mscil`s2 Haonilil` Haafcil` 4::0;59). Ml galtrist, the cagic Wuizil raunissam` gerinmgs were di-smg ‗ Zetersel et ic. (4::0;4=) late thit the perma` wis nirbe` dy ‘inalf the ceist oml-mshe` il` gru`est Inerml`mil pattery ml the eltmre Vest Ml`mes”. Vmthml thms galtext, thesluoo tude”s ganpcex girvmlf wauc` ml`mgite il mnpart, wmth mts twa-`mnelsmalic `esmflsstralfcy suffestmve ao i lartherl ‗ passmdcy Hmspilmacil ‗ saurge. Hawever, cmttce ms blawlidaut waa`girvmlf ml the Cesser Iltmcces it thms tmne, il` mt ms pradcenitmg ta mloer thit the

‘gru`e” warb seel ml the gerinmgs ippcmes ta ather nitermics. Mt ms hape` thit i outure stidcemsatape stu`y wmcc de idce ta pravm`e mloarnitmal idaut the waa`”s saurge.?

here ms i `mghatany detweel the Freiter il` Cesser Iltmcces wmth refir` ta the sgiceil` ganpcexmty ao `ruf-recite` piripherlicmi. Vhereis il ecidarite set ao mlter`epel`-elt gahadi adkegts ‗ vanmtmlf spitucis, sluoo tudes, ‘gilapme`” stil`s ‗ ippeir ta hivereighe` il ipafee `urmlf the Ghmgil Astmalam` perma` ml the Freiter Iltmcces (gi. I@94::-95::), mo lat eircmer, these adkegts ire rirecy elgaultere` ml the Cesser Iltmcces, il`

? Pe `mstrmdutmal ao Fuimigun spils nugh ao the Girmddeil, il` mlta _elezueci ‗ il` ms blawl spegmgiccy

oran Wt _mlgelt (Tayic Bew Fir`els 98=7;409), sa the pravelilge ao the pmege gillat de `eternmle` thraufhwaa` M@ icale.

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ire aotel vmewe` is mnparts, ar mnmtitmals, whel they ire (e.f., Haonil et ic. 4::6;458).NgFmllms (9==6;446), oar exinpce, `agunelte` 4:6 gahadi-recite` irteoigts oran theeltmre Girmddeil refmal,6 ao whmgh alcy sevel were pravelilge` ta the Cesser Iltmcces mlher stu`y. Ml galtrist, the Cesser Iltmcces ymec` i wm`er `mstrmdutmal ao sa-gicce` mlhicmlfdawcs ‗ 79 gerinmg exinpces ire blawl oran emfht Vml`wir` il` twa Ceewir` mscil`s,

wmth 4= oran _meques il` Zuerta Tmga (Omtzpitrmgb et ic. 4::=;5=8, ?::2 Biye 4::9;4::).Omtzpitrmgb et ic.  (4::=;5==) suffest thit the mlhicmlf dawcs hive the calfest tenparicrilfe ao ily `ruf-recite` irteoigt ml the Iltmcces, spillmlf 5::/0:: DG ta Eurapeil gal-tigt, dut the nikarmty ao these dawcs wmth i gceir irghieacafmgic galtext ite ta the Wici`am`perma`, is `a three dawcs regavere` oran Girrmigau, `ite` prmar ta I@ 0:: vmi thernacu-nmlesgelge (Omtzpitrmgb et ic . 4::=;?:4, ?:5). Hawever, ale ao the Girrmigau dawcs wisoaul` ml epasmts itmlf ta I@ 9:::-94::, il` the ather twa pre-`ite the omrst settceneltao Girrmigau it gi. I@ 0::, suffestmlf perhips thit the dawcs were hemrcaans pisse` awlthe feleritmals (Omtzpitrmgb et ic . 4::=;?:0, ?:5). Mo sugh dawcs were ml`ee` utmcmze` weccmlta the cite pre-gacalmic perma`, is ms icsa suffeste` dy exinpces oran _meques (Lirfiles

Wtar`e ml Biye 9===) il` Wt Cugmi (Zeter Hirrms ml Omtzpitrmgb et ic. 4::=;5==), thel themruse wauc` de galtenpariry wmth the gahadi nitermic seel ml the Freiter Iltmcces, il`niy suffest i nitermic gucture issagmite` wmth il icterlitmve `ruf ‗ perhips oar the mlfes-tmal ao spegmic cmqum`s sugh is paurmlf tadigga ar pepper kumge mlta the lastrmcs (Daanert4::7;9572 Ta`rîfuez 9==6;8?).8 he `epasmt ao these twa seenmlfcy sepirite irteoigt git-efarmes ms icsa qumte `mstmlgt; gahadi nitermic tel`s ta de gireouccy pcige` ml gives, whmcedawcs ire oaul` ml nm``els, orequeltcy drabel (Omtzpitrmgb et ic. 4::=;5=8). Mlterestmlfcy,the eircy gralmsti  reoerelges `a lat neltmal the use ao mlhicitmal dawcs (Biye 9===;5=),ml stirb galtrist ta the pranmlelt `esgrmptmal ao gahadi  piripherlicmi. Is the `mstrmdutmalao the mlhicitmal dawcs stretghes pre`anmliltcy oran Zuerta Tmga sauth ta rmlm`i`, pas-

smdcy suffestmlf i `mooerelt `ruf rmtuic aggurrmlf ml the Cesser Iltmcces, mt defs the questmalao whit gahadi piripherlicmi wis `amlf ml gmrgucitmal is oir sauth is Dittawmi. @m` sughadkegts igtuiccy nimltiml themr gerenalmic oulgtmal ml the sauth, ar `m` they tibe al i `mo-oerelt neilmlf1

 Icthaufh we gillat `msgault the oigt thit hiccugmlafels gauc` hive deel tibel wmthrecitmvecy smnpce equmpnelt ‗ sugh is dmr`-dale sluoo tudes (Acmver 4::=;90) ‗ dise` althe oew irteoigts thit hive deel oaul` ml smtu, the ippeirilge ao spegmomg il` `miflas-tmg gahadi -recite` piripherlicmi ml the Cesser Iltmcces ippeirs ta de i recitmvecy cite phe-lanelal, gamlgm`mlf wmth the ecidaritmal ao the nitermic gucture ml the Freiter Iltmcces.Zerhips lat surprmsmlfcy, the `mstrmdutmal ao vanmtmlf spitucis il` sluoo tudes ippeirs

pre`anmliltcy ml the Ceewir`s, mscil`s gcaser ta the stycmstmg ‘huds” ao Zuerta Tmga il`Hmspilmaci, il` aggurs ioter ~I@ =:: (Omfure 94)(@aufcis 9==9;56=2 @rewett 4:::;

6 Mlgcu`mlf vanmtmlf spitucis, slu tudes, `uhas  il` `ruf tidces, dut exgcu`mlf 7:8 pestces ‗ the citter wauc`drmlf the fril` tatic ao ‘gerenalmic irteoigts” ml NgFmless” ticcy ta 595, il` whmgh wauc` rimse the tatic oar theCesser Iltmcces ‗ mo mlgcu`e` ‗ ta 4=. Ve hive exgcu`e` pestces here is they ire lat gceircy cmlbe` ta gahadi/`ruftibmlf ml the ethlahmstarmg cmteriture ‗ icthaufh mt ms igblawce`fe` thit, `ue ta themr arlite liture, they niyhive serve` sane gerenalmic oulgtmals.

8 Pe `merelges detweel gahadi  slu tudes il` mlhicmlf dawcs ire smflmgilt, suffestmlf thit they were regep-tigces/gal`umts oar `merelt nitermics. Mlhicitmal dawcs ire galsmsteltcy snicc, recitmvecy `eep vessecs wmth theperoaritmals hmfh al the sm`e ao the dawc, aotel gcase ta the rmn, suffestmlf thit the galtelts were ml cmqum`oarn (see, oar exinpce, Artefi il` Zmli 9=64). Wlu tudes, is `esgrmde` dy the gralmstis  il` is ms gceir oranthe calf tudes ao the survmvmlf exinpces, were use` oar paw`ers; gahadi  ‗ is we ul`erstil` mt oran the gralmsti  `agunelts ‗ ms i paw`er, lat i cmqum`.

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omf ?62 Hitt 9=40;75, Omf =i2 Haonil il` Haafcil` 4::0;592 Haafcil` il` Haonil9==7;960-5, 966, 9===;9:8). he rirmty ao these adkegts suffests thit themr exghilfe wislat mltelsmve, dut rither mlternmttelt (Vmcsal 4::6;959) ‗ they were sgirge il` prmze`vicuidces thit cmbecy hi` smflmomgilge wecc deyal` themr oulgtmalic (il` nlenalmg) cmlbsta the gahadi  gerenaly.

he wiys ml whmgh these adkegts were gmrgucite` wauc` mnpigt al whether ily issagm-

ite` syndacmsn wis icsa trilsoerre` ‗ mo dy exghilfe perhips sane ao the armfmlic neil-mlf niy hive deel i`apte` is wecc, is ippeirs ta hive deel the gise oar mnpartilt genîs  


Zuerta Tmga

       G       i           r

                        m        d

        d     e     i     l    W

   e    i






Freiter Iltmcces

Cesser Iltmcces

 Ilthrapanarphmg vanmtmlf spituci

95gn C

Nifel”s Diy, Wt Phanis, _mrfml Mscil`s

Omsh ganpasmte sluoo tude, 9:gn C

Becdey”s Tm`fe 4, Widi

Whecc vanmtmlf spituci

94gn C

Decnalt, Partuci,

_mrfml Mscil`s

Purtce ganpasmte sluoo tude, 9:gn C

Dittawmi, Phe Frele`mles

Dmr` vanmtmlf spituci

94gn C

Nifel”s Diy, Wt Phanis,

_mrfml Mscil`s

Whecc waa`dale

[aanarphmg vanmtmlf spituci

4?.5gn C


@af ganpasmte sluoo tude

90.6gn H, Dirdu`i


Whirb ganpasmte sluoo tude, gi. 9:gn C

Wil`y Hmcc Diy, Ilfumcci

Ir te




Wbucc vanmtmlf spituci

5gn C


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exghilfe` ml the Freiter Iltmcces (Acmver 4::=). Vmth spegmomg reoerelge ta the turtce sluootude - fmvel the egalanmg mnpartilge ao the turtce igrass the Girmddeil, the mniferywauc` gertimlcy hive deel wm`ecy ul`erstaa` ‗ dut whether spegmomg mloarnitmal idautthe adkegt”s neilmlf (mts pravelilge il` ily iggrue` hmstary) wis trilsoerre` ms `moomguct

ta eternmle. Oar exinpce, mt ms gceir oran the omoteelth geltury nyths regar`e` dy Tin÷lZilí ml Hmspilmaci”s Nifui gigmgizfa thit the turtce hi` i `eep cagic syndacmsn cmlbe` tathe gucturic armfmls ao gahadi  ‗ il`, ml`ee`, hunilmty; the gucture hera @enmlél wis hmtal hms digb wmth fuilfuiya  ‗ i sudstilge omcce` wmth gahadi  ‗ whmgh festite` ml hms da`y,frawmlf cirfer il` trilsoarnmlf mlta i oenice turtce (shawmlf gceir piriccecs ta preflilgy).

 Ioter she wis gut oran hms da`y (dmrth), @enmlél il` hms drathers hi` sexuic galfress wmthher, il` oran her da`y the omrst hunils enerfe` mlta the warc`, wha thensecves mlfeste`gahadi . Ml the ganpasmte Dittawmi sluoo tude ‗ passmdcy saurge` oran Hmspilmaci ‗ the tur-tce da`y deganes the geltric gal`umt thraufh whmgh the `ruf pisses, il` thraufh whmghgannulmgitmal wmth the lunmlaus ms ighmeve`, pateltmiccy evabmlf i gmrgucir gahadi /tur-

tce/hunil/lunmlaus syndacmsn. Mltrmfumlfcy, the sluoo tudes enerfe oran the digb aothe turtce, nmnmgbmlf the pasmtmal ao the fuilfuiya al @enmlél”s digb il` ecu`mlf ta thearmfml ao the oenice ilgestress ‗ ifiml ml i ciyermlf ao passmdce neilmlf. Mt ms passmdce thitthese cmlbs niy hive deel ul`erstaa` dy Hmspilmacil gannulmtmes, il`, is ms previcelt mlnyths, niy hive hi` i `eepcy raate` gallegtmal thit welt digb feleritmals. Dut is omt-tmlf is thms syndacmsn ms, mt ms `moomguct ta blaw whether the Nifui nyth reocegte` i wm`er,pil-Girmddeil decmeo systen, il` hi` i nare ‘ulmversic” syndacmsn thit wis ul`erstaa`dy guctures ml the Cesser Iltmcces; fmvel the gucturic `mversmty ao the refmal, thms ms ulcmbecy(dut see Daanert 4:::;0?:2 067). Caabmlf ta lemfhdaurmlf mscil`s, il arlite gerinmg ml-hicmlf dawc ml the shipe ao i turtce regavere` oran _meques il` `itmlf ta pre-I@ 045, ao-

oers sane ganpirmsal ‗ dath ml the selse thit mt `epmgts i turtce il` ms cmbecy i `ruf-recite`adkegt (Ghilcitte Dimb 9=80;7:-792 Omtzpitrmgb et ic. 4::=;Omf 7g) ‗ is `aes i lituricmstmgexinpce oran Dirdi`as (Omtzpitrmgb et ic. 4::=;Omfure 7o ). Wici`am` turtce i`arlas il` eo-omfy dawcs ire oimrcy gannal, spillmlf the refmal oran rmlm`i` ta Zuerta Tmga (Daanert4:::;067). urlmlf ta Wt _mlgelt spegmomgiccy, the pervismveless ao turtce mnifery `urmlfthe Wici`am` perma` (Narivetz 4::6;8:) icalfsm`e the previcelge ao `ruf-recite` nitermicgucture it thms tmne (Ta`rmfuez 9==6) niy aooer teluaus suppart. Narivetz (4::5;5?-56)lates thit nare thil hico ao icc Wici`am` i`arlas  oran Wt _mlgelt exhmdmt turtce mgalafri-phy, il` pasmts thit these niy hive deel syndacmgiccy cmlbe` ta Wici`am` armfml nyths il`decmeos ml il iotercmoe, inalf ather ispegts. Is the Wici`am` nmfritmals swept thraufh the

Cesser mlta the Freiter Iltmcces, mt niy de thit there ms sane smflmomgilge ta the `epmgtmal

Omfure 94 (ceot pife) @mstrmdutmal ao gahadi recite` nitermic gucture ml the Cesser Iltmcces, io -

ter ~I@ =::. Wecegte` irteoigts (gcagbwmse, ceot ta rmfht); Ilthrapanarphmg dale vanmtmlf spituci

(Litmalic Nuseun ao the Inermgil Ml`mil, :?9760) il` shecc dmr` vanmtmlf spituci (Litmalic

 Nuseun ao @elnirb, :.9.9?9), dath Wt Phanis2 Whecc vanmtmlf spituci, Partuci (_mrfml Mscil`s Oacb

 Nuseun2 @rewe pers. gan. 4:9:2 @rewe 4:::;Omf. ?6) shirb-shipe` nilitee d mourgite` slu tude

(@aufcis 9==9;56=, Omf. 5)2 ganpasmte nilitee dale slu tude ml the shipe ao i sh, Widi (Oigucty ao

 Irghieacafy, Cem`el Ulmversmty2 Haonil pers. gan. 4:9:)2 ganpasmte steitmte slu tude ml the shipeao i `af”s hei`, Dirdu`i (Kiy M. Bmscib Oaul`itmal, Cmdriry ao Galfress, ZG :9:?2 Acsel 9=60; f 7:)2

[aanarphmg dale vanmtmlf spituci reparte`cy oaul` al Levms (Vmcsal pers. gan. 4:9:)2 Wbucc vanmtmlf

spituci, Nirtmlmque (Nusee Yuim Drilcy, 69.9=7=.09.9=:2 @ecpuegh pers. gan. 4:9:)2 Purtce ganpasmte

slu tude (Litmalic Nuseun ao Lituric Hmstary, I70504-:).

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ao the turtce thit wis nimltimle` il` `evecape` aver the gelturmes dise` al thms shire`ilgestry, wmth i resalilge thit spille` spige il` tmne.

Ml terns ao tmnesgice, the turtce sluoo tude suffests i past-I@ 995: phise ao mlterig-tmal detweel the Freiter Iltmcces il` the Vml`wir`s. Mlterestmlfcy, thms niy gamlgm`ewmth i perma` ao frawmlf ulrest; Vmcsal (4::6;90=2 4::?) his suffeste` thit i duooer zale

`evecape` ioter I@ 97:: ml the Ceewir` mscil`s `ue ta the iltifalmsn detweel these twarefmals. Mo the turtce sluoo tude wis exparte` shartcy ioter mt wis ni`e, thel thms pravm`esthe omrst omrn `ite oar ecidarite gahadi-recite` piripherlicmi is oir is the Vml`wir` ms-cil`s, il` shartcy deoare the ulrest niy hive ocire` up. Icterlitmvecy, the girvmlf niy hivedeel use` ml the Freiter Iltmcces oar `egi`es, mo lat gelturmes, prmar ta mt ‘nmfritmlf” sauth,whether is wir pcul`er ar thraufh peige treity (see icsa Acmver 4::=;9?6 oar ganpiridceirfunelt oar fuîizis il` cirfe trmfacmths), ar virmaus ather passmdmcmtmes (nirrmife, iccmilge,etg.). Il` wha wis usmlf thms adkegt1 Vis mts use i`apte` dy the lew awler ‗ perhipsi Girmd/Bicmlifa1 Ar, mo mt hi` i `eeper hmstary ml the refmal, wis mt issagmite` wmth guc-tures thit prege`e` the enerfelge ao Girmd1 hese mssues were rimse` aver i geltury ifa

dy Oewbes (9=:6;9=6) whel he `msgusse` the turtce girvmlf, latmlf –…thms adkegt niy deissagmite` wmth Girmd peapce, wha were the cist litmve peapce ta mlhidmt the Cesser Iltmcces,dut mt niy hive deel ni`e dy il iltege`elt rige whmgh these peapce repcige`„. Icthaufhregelt reseirgh his enphismze` thit the pmgture niy lat de sa gceir gut (m.e., the ‘Girmd”niy wecc de `esgel`ilts ao eircmer prehmstarmg mscil` papucitmals ‗ Iccimre 9==6;989), mttaughes al the pamlt ao wha wis usmlf these adkegts, haw they gine ta de igqumre`, il`whit wis ul`erstaa` idaut then, il` themr use. hms ul`ersgares the ganpasmte liture aothese adkegts ‗ haw themr iggrue` hmstarmes niy hive spille` lat alcy feleritmals, dut icsavist `mstilges, turducelt tmnes il` `mooerelt neilmlfs.

Gighes, Piîla `uhas il` Girmd delghes; the cagic galtext ao neilmlfhe Dittawmi sluoo tude, tafether wmth the @anmlmgi `uha, suffest thit the prigtmge aogighmlf mnpartilt adkegts ml gives wis lat i phelanelal msacite` ta the Freiter Iltmcces‗ where the nikarmty ao gahadi nitermic his deel regavere` ml gives. Ather gighes ao cirfe,ganpcex adkegts ire blawl oran the Cesser Iltmcces ‗ sugh is i fraup ao ‘gattal m`acs mlhunil oarn” oaul` ml i give al Nirtmlmque (@u ertre 9??6;7?=-76:). he cagic Girmd/Bicmlifa ul`erstaa` these ta de the –Fa`s ao the ]flerms, whan they nissigre`„, il`reouse` ta renave then oran the give `espmte the beel mlterest ao the Eurapeils ta hivethen is gurmas (they were eveltuiccy tibel ml segret il` shmppe` ta Eurape ‗ @u ertre9??6;7?=-76:2 Astipbawmgz il` Lewsan ml prep). he oigt thit the Girmd were respegt-ouc ao these adkegts ms mltrmfumlf here; ml`ee`, mt ms ul`erstaa` thit the Girmd use` sughgattal omfures is ‘arigces” (@u erte 9??6;7?=2 Tagheoart 9???;48:), perhips i vestmfeao gerenalmes gal`ugte` dy the prege`mlf Wuizil raunissam` guctures, inalf whanthe Girmd niy hive settce` (is appase` ta ‘nissigre`”)(Iccimre 9==6;9892 Haoo 9==5;0?).

 Icterlitmvecy, the calf stil`mlf cmlbs detweel the sautherl irghmpecifa il` the Wauth Inermgil nimlcil` past-I@ 9::: ‗ wmth exghilfe, mlterigtmal il` navenelt detweelthe twa refmals ‗ suffests i efree ao gucturic sylthesms oran whmgh i lew gucturic m`eltmty‗ the Girmd ‗ niy hive enerfe` (Vmcsal 4::6;9082 Iccimre 9==6;989), ale thit mltefrite`estidcmshe` mscil` gucturic prigtmges. Equiccy, these gauc` de renlilts ao prigtmges thitwelt digb gelturmes ‗ perhips ta the Wici`am` nmfritmals, il` were cagic `evecapneltsthit festite` aver tmne; the gceir piriccecs ta the use ao gattal genî arigces al the Freiter

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956A .

 Iltmcces (Nirtyr @”Ilfheri 9=6:;9?6) ms suffestmve ao the citter. hms hmlts it the `moom-guctmes ml trymlf ta trige the neilmlf ao adkegts thraufh the pissife ao tmne, il` thraufh`mooerelt gucturic ‘hil`s” il` galtexts. Mt icsa ul`ersgares the oigt thit there were gertimladkegt gitefarmes thit hi` i oir reighmlf mnpart il` wm`ecy ul`erstaa` gerenalmic vicue,il` thit `espmte the `mstilges they trivecce`, themr neilmlf trilsgel`e` gucturic il` cml-

fumstmg daul`irmes. Wugh wis cmbecy the gise wmth the @anmlmgi `uha.he @anmlmgi `uha ‗ i ghimr cmbecy saurge` oran Hmspilmaci ‗ wis, ml esselge, lat ilmten sa ‘oaremfl” ta the guctures ao the Cesser Iltmcces; fmvel the preselge ao staacs ml thesautherl mscil`s dy it ceist I@ 0:: (`msgusse` idave), mt ms qumte cmbecy thit staacs wereoinmcmir hausehac` adkegts ml the refmal. Gertimlcy, dy the sevelteelth geltury, whel `e-timce` ethlafriphmes ao the Girmd ao Wt _mlgelt, Nirtmlmque, @anmlmgi il` Fui`ecaupewere wrmttel, these were gannal mtens, il` themr use ippeirs ta piriccec, ta i `efree, theuse ao `uhas ml the Freiter Iltmcces, il` staacs ml the wm`er Wauth Inermgi refmal. Oar ex-inpce, I`rmel ce Dretal (d. 9??4, `. 967?) warbe` is i nmssmaliry ml Wt _mlgelt detweel9?=7 il` 96:4 (@mvalle ml Dretal 9==8), il` wrate ao sane ao the gustans he wmtlesse`,

latmlf the mnpartilge ao seits whel vmsmtars omrst irrmve` it the vmccife;Phey hive lathmlf nare it heirt thil ta fmve i peroegt wecgane ta the lewcy irrmve`. Ale ar twa ml- 

`mvm`uics ire ghasel dy the ec`ers ml eigh vmccife… ta oucc the tisb ao fum`mlf the fuests oran themr

gilae ta the pcige `estmle` oar themr regeptmal. Vhel the citter hive irrmve`, themr fum`e irrilfes the

seits prapercy il` smflics ta then thit they shauc` rest, tmre` is they ire ioter themr kaurley (Dretal


he waa`el seits draufht aut oar themr regeptmal ire esgrmde` is demlf ale ar twa oeetcalf il`

… idaut smx lfers thmgb il` wm`e…. Phe upper pirt ms icsa gurve` al dath sm`es tawir`s the gelter

il` the cawer pirt, `mvm`e` mlta oaur il` haccawe` aut, emther oar stidmcmty (the oaur oeet) ar ta de nare

eismcy trilsparte` oran ale pcige ta ilather, thraufh cmfhtelmlf thms niss ao waa`. Phms ms gertimlcy

whit ms sim` inalf the Biriñdes il` turls aut ta de themr typmgic seit. Wa thit ml`ee` oar thms reisal

 yau wauc` siy they were cymlf al the fraul` rither thil smttmlf. (Dretal 9==8;8)

Alge the fuests ire seite`, they tibe themr reoreshnelt il` ire oarniccy freete` (Dretal9==8;45). hms seens il mnpartilt pratagac, is mt wis ml the Freiter Iltmcces whel vmsmt-mlf Wpilmsh were mlvmte` ta smt al fac`-elgruste` `uhas  draufht aut spegmomgiccy oar themrganoart (Cis Gisis 9=59;M 486). Mt icsa ippeirs is gannal haspmticmty inalf nily Wauth

 Inermgil guctures.

 Ilather piriccec ta Freiter Iltmcceil staacs ms late` dy Ghirces `e Tagheoart (9???;4=7),wha drmeocy `msgusse` haw the ‘Girmddmils”   hi` –…cmttce Wtaacs ar Ghimrs ni`e icc ao ipmege, ao i re` ar yeccaw Vaa`, il` is snaath is Nirdce„. Wugh staacs ‗ ar hiciheu (`eTagheoart 9???;ullundere` `mgtmaliry) ‗ were mlterre` ml durmics; –hey ….nibe themrFrives… idaut oaur ar omve oaat `eep, il` raul` cmbe i ul; il` it the dattan ao mt, theyset i cmttce staac, al whmgh the Tecitmals il` Ormel`s ao the egeise` pcige the da`y smttmlf,ceivmlf mt ml the sine pasture is they put mt ml mnne`mitecy ioter the `eith ao the pirty„.Wugh i durmic ms icsa `esgrmde` dy Avme`a (9==4;99=) is il halaur pim` ta il mnpar-tilt gigmque ml the @anmlmgil Tepudcmg, il` icsa piriccecs Wauth Inermgil prigtmge (e.f.,Cathrap 9=6:;Omfure 792 Wivmcce 9=9:;MM 99:2 Cavíl 9=6=;977). Ml`ee`, nily ao these

ispegts niy hive themr oaul`itmal ml nimlcil` etmquette il` gustan.

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Mo there were gertiml piriccecs detweel the Freiter il` Cesser Iltmcces ml the use aoghimrs, whit ao the styces1 Haw `m` the @anmlmgi `uha ‗ whmgh shaws stralf piriccecs taather ilthrapanarphmg hmfh-digbs oran the @anmlmgil Tepudcmg (Omfure 9:) ‗ galoarnta the ghimr styces ml the Cesser Iltmcces1 urlmlf ta the ethlafriphmes, la reoerelges ireni`e ta staacs girve` ml ilthrapanarphmg ar zaanarphmg shipes ‗ ulcmbe the Freiter

 Iltmcces. Lar ms there reoerelge ta mlciy, ar ml`ee`, nugh ml the wiy ao `etimce` girvmlf‗ ifiml, ulcmbe the gralmsti `aguneltitmal oran Hmspilmaci il` Gudi, il` the extilt gar-pus ao gi. 95: `uhas  blawl oran the eltmre Girmddeil (Astipbawmgz 9==8). Il ul`ega-rite`, hmfh-digbe` seit wis oaul` ml Zmtgh Cibe (Daanert 4:::;4=6-7::), sa the gitefarywis preselt ml the refmal, icthaufh mts ghralacafmgic pcigenelt ‗ il` whether cagic ar ilmnpart ‗ nust iwimt nare `etimce` stu`y. Ku`fmlf dy the drmeo ethlafriphmg `esgrmptmals,perhips i nare gannal gitefary ‗ it ceist ml the gacalmic perma` ‗ ippeirs ta de the caw-digbe` seit ao recitmvecy smnpce galstrugtmal (e.f., Dretal 9==8;8, late` idave). he Kesumtprmest Keil Diptmste Cidit (d. 9??7, `. 9678), wha warbe` ml the Orelgh Iltmcces detweel9?=0 il` 96:5 (Hucne il` Vhmtehei` 9==4;955) neltmals the use ao –…i snicc staac,

ni`e ao i smlfce pmege ao waa`, oishmale` i cmttce cmbe i ghagacite dmgarl hit„ ml @anmlmgi(Hucne il` Vhmtehei` 9==4;9?4). hese hits, senmgmrgucir ar trmilfucir ml shipe wmththe drmn pmlle` up ta the grawl it dath oralt il` digb, `a lat rei`mcy cel` thensecves tai gceir ul`erstil`mlf ao the staac”s oarn (m.e., wis the calf dise use` is the smttmlf suroigear the staac”s dise/oeet1 ‗ dath styces ire blawl oran Wauth Inermgi1).

 Il mccustritmal ml Wmeur `e ci Dar`e”s 9?60 Tecitmal `es Giriádes siuvifes `es Msces Iltmcces`e c”Inírmque  niy pravm`e i fcmnpse ao whit these staacs caabe` cmbe; i galgive, regtilfucirseitmlf suroige il` ga-kamle` cefs (Omfure 97). Mt ms m`eltmome` ml the vacune is i nitautau ‗i caw tidce ‗ icthaufh mts feleric shipe ms suffestmve ao i seit; the ecalfite` cawer dise il`sniccer seitmlf suroige `a omt Dretal”s `esgrmptmal ao i staac, wmth the upper pirt –…gurve`

al dath sm`es tawir`s the gelter„. @e ci Dar`e (9?60;98) gceircy lates thit the nitautau msni`e ao –Dresmc Rsmg^ waa`, ar ao ale pmege ao dams e cetre R–cetter waa`„, Drasmnun fumil-else  , servmlf is i tidce il` sanetmnes use` is i seit , omoteel mlghes ml celfth il` oaur ta omvemlghes wm`e il` smx mlghes hmfh„ (enphisms aurs) dut thit nitautau ms icsa the tern oar itidce ni`e ao –ree`s ale ar twa oeet squire il` hico i oaat hmfh„ (@e ci Dar`e 9?60;97).Hms `esgrmptmal gceircy `mstmlfumshes detweel these adkegts, oran the nitermic they wereni`e oran ta themr smze il` shipe, dut hms use ao ale tern oar dath galouses the mssue; atherwrmters late` thit the ‘Girmd” tern oar i staac wis hiciheu (Tagheoart 9???;ullundere`).= he shipe il` styce ao the ‘tidce/staac” ml the igganpilymlf mccustritmal ms renmlmsgelt aoghimrs oaul` inalf severic Wauth Inermgil cawcil` (espegmiccy Fuyili) fraups (Omfure

902 Fmccml 9=?7;877), whmce galtristmlf wmth the typmgic nimlcil` Girmd disbetry tidces(Tath 9=40;79?), il` the disbetry tidces late` dy the ather eircy ethlafriphers inalfthe Mscil` Girmd.9:  he ilalynaus irtmst whase warb ippeirs ml `e ci Dar`e wis gannms-smale` dy the e`mtar, il` he ippireltcy taab gire –…ta resm`e i calf tmne inalfst then,il` ul`erstil` themr cilfuife extrenecy wecc„ (Hucne il` Vhmtehei` 9==4;97=). Mo we

= Tagheoart (9???;4=8) ms gceir ta sepirite the twa terns, alcy usmlf nitautau oar the tidce; –…they gannalcyeit smttmlf al caw staacs, il` every ale hith hms cmttce tidce dy hmnseco, whmgh they gicc Nautautau…„.

9: Cidit (9=79;66), oar exinpce, lates thit the tidce oran whmgh the Girmd/Bicmlifa ite themr neics –…ms i disbetwmth i fflit dattan il` la gaver. Oaur stmgbs ml the garlers prakegt sane oaur ar ve mlghes il` ire the cefs aothe tidce whel the disbet ms turle` upsm`e `awl. Pe disbet ms sa gcasecy wavel mt wmcc hac` witer.„ Wmnmcircy,

Tagheoart (9???;4=72 see icsa 7:?) lates thit –there ire icsa sane inalf then wha hive cmttce idces, whmghhive oaur waa`el Zmccirs, il` thase gaver”` wmth the ceives ao thit bml` ao Zicn whmgh ms gicce` Citilmer„.

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95=A .

gil galomrn thit the irtmst wis igtuiccy warbmlf ml the Cesser Iltmcces (il` lat i lemfh-daurmlf Wauth Inermgil nimlcil` fraup), thel there ire sane fraul`s ta irfue thit themnife represelts i cagic styce. Ourther, fmvel the `efree ao mltergallegtmals detweel thesautherl irghmpecifa il` Wauth Inermgi past-I@ 94:: (Haonil et ic. 4::6;45?-458),thms styce niy hive deel recitmvecy gannal, wmth i calf (pre)hmstary ao use.

Mt ms gceir oran these reoerelges thit staacs were icsa mnpartilt ganpalelts ao Girmd ni-

termic gucture, il` vmtic ta sagmic galveltmals ao haspmticmty. Vhereis ml the Freiter Iltmccesecidarite `uhas  ippeir is ecmte iggautrenelts reserve` oar aggismals ao sagma-pacmtmgic ger-enaly il`/ar sigre` rmtuics ml whmgh `rufs were mndmde` ta ouec gannulmgitmal wmth thelunmlaus, smnpcer Cesser Iltmcceil staacs ippeir ta hive oulgtmale` pre`anmliltcy ml the`iy ta iy sphere, is i restmlf pcige urmlf neics il` evelts. hms his gcaser piriccecs ta theuse ao nast Wauth Inermgil staacs. Ourther, icthaufh the ethlafriphmg stu`mes (Dretal,Tagheoart, Cidit) were `ale wecc mlta the hmstarmg perma` ‗ i tmne ao ripm` ghilfe il` ig-gucturitmal ‗ they ire stmcc cmbecy ta egha ac`er gucturic prigtmges. Ml thms galtext, icthaufhthe ecidarite `uha niy hive `mooere` stycmstmgiccy oran cagic exinpces, mt cmbecy galoarne`ta cagic pratagacs ao use is wecc is cmlbe` the smtter ta ghmeo`ans oir ta the larth, ul`ersgar-

mlf themr mlvacvenelt ml calf-`mstilge mlterigtmals (see icsa Hecns 9=88). Ale passmdce

Omfure 97 Mccustritmal oran Wmeur `e ci Dar`e”s (9?60) Tecitmal `es Giriádes siuvifes `es Msces Iltmcces

`e c”Inírmque, shawmlf i waa`el ‘nitautau” (tidce) ‗ dut cmbecy i seit. Ml Teguemc `e `mvers vay-ifes oimts el Iormque et el c”Inermque, qum l”alt pamlt este elgare pudcmez , Zirms. Gaurtesy, Phe

Da`cemil Cmdrirmes, Ulmversmty ao Axoar`, II 09 Irt, p. 4:, fure ?.

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sgelirma oar mts preselge al the mscil` ms il ecmte fmot exghilfe; ganpiridce exghilfes, sughis the 90 `uhas  Iligiali preselte` ta Dirtacane Gacal ml 90=?/=6 (Cis Gisis 9=59;M006), suffest thit the `uha niy hive deel i pacmtmgiccy dml`mlf fmot detweel iccmes.

 Vhit ourther hml`ers aur ul`erstil`mlf ao the mnpartilge ao these seits ml the refmalms the oigt thit ta `ite, alcy omve exinpces ‗ mlgcu`mlf the @anmlmgi `uha il` Zmtgh Cibezaanarphmg delgh ‗ hive deel ittrmdute` ta the whace ao the Cesser Iltmcces (Daanert4::42 Oewbes 9=44;8=2 Haleyghurgh 4::92 Cavíl 9=6=;97:2 NgFmllms 9==6i; idce 90i-






Zitinali &


Girmd/Bicmlifa 1








   G   i   r   m    d   d  e

  i  l  W e


I t  c  i l  t  m   g   A   

g    e   i   l   

 Irteoigts lat ta sgice wmth eigh ather.

Omfure 90 @mstrmdutmal nip ao Wauth Inermgil caw-digbe` staacs oran the 9=th ta 4:th gelturmes wmth

 feleric s mnmcirmtmes ta the Girmd/Bicmlifa staac (1) m ccustrite` ml Wmeur `e ci Dar`e”s (9?60) Tecit mal `es

Giriádes siuvifes `es Msces Iltmcces `e c”Inermque. Wtaacs re`riwl oran Tath (9=40), Wivmcce (9=9:) il`

[errmes (9=6:).

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9?9A .

g2 Lewsal 9=6?;5=2 Astipbawmgz 9==8;98=),99 i surprmsmlfcy caw lunder fmvel the sevel-teelth il` emfhteelth geltury reoerelges suffestmlf thit staacs were oimrcy gannal ml therefmal (Tagheoart 9???;4=72 Cidit ml Hucne il` Vhmtehei` 9==4;95=), il` themr cmbecymnpartilge pre-gacalmiccy. Zerhips the oigt thit they were every`iy adkegts neilt thit theywere lat segrete` iwiy ml gives, il` helge oew survmve`. he recitmve smnpcmgmty ao the twa

regavere` oran Zmtgh Cibe, rmlm`i` (mlgcu`mlf i hmfh-digb) ms latidce ml ganpirmsal tathe nare ecidarite exinpces oran the Freiter Iltmcces ‗ icthaufh sane ao thms niy de ueta themr ghralacafmgic sepiritmal (thms shauc` lat de tibel ta mnpcy thit smnpcer adkegtsire eircmer ml tmne). Cite sevelteelth geltury ethlafriphmg iggaults, icthaufh oimrcy terseml themr `esgrmptmals ao the ‘cmttce staacs”, `a suffest thit they were ‘pacmshe` cmbe nirdce”.Ultmc i nare `etimce` revmew ao the extilt pmeges ms ul`ertibel ‗ mlgcu`mlf i tharaufh ml-vestmfitmal ao ily eircy nuseun pmeges wmth ulgertiml pravelilge ‗ there ms cmttce ourtherthit gil de pasmte` al the virmety il` `mstmlgtmve stycmstmg trimts ao seits ml thms refmal.

Galgcu`mlf renirbs

 Is nugh is peapce ire ml i galstilt stite ao ux, sa… irteoigts, is nitermic guctures, ire icsa ever

ghilfmlf, wmth the idmcmty ta remloarge, remlvelt il` relefatmite sagmic recitmalshmps detweel peapce…

(Hurgande 4::6;9:7)

Mt shauc` lat de surprmsmlf thit thms snicc garpus ao kust three adkegts gil pravm`e sughi ganpcex pmgture ao hunil ifelgy, weivmlf tafether mssues ao calf `mstilge cmlbs il` cagicil` refmalic neilmlfs (whether dise` al the nitermics use` ta nibe then, the neilmlfsisgrmde` ta then whel exghilfe`, themr races il` neilmlfs `urmlf use ar the smflmomgilgeao themr epasmtmal). Eigh enda`mes mts awl ulmque hmstary, cmlbe` ta ml`mvm`uics wha sioe-fuir`e` then aver the `uritmal ao themr ‘cmoe” ‗ oran the hil`s thit greite` then ta thasethit omliccy `epasmte` then ml i give ar ‘cibe”. hey hive freit pateltmic oar mlsmfht mlta inyrmi` ao mltergallegtmals ‗ lat alcy igrass the `mstilges sane niy hive trivecce` ‗ dutigrass oulgtmalic gitefarmes; they ippeir ta hive peroarne` al i lunder ao cevecs, patel-tmiccy spillmlf everythmlf oran the sagma-pacmtmgic thraufh ta the egalanmg il` esatermg,il` ml`ee` niy hive neilt mooerelt thmlfs ta `mooerelt peapce whel they were exghilfe`.he @anmlmgi `uha, oar exinpce, niy hive peroarne` ml i pacmtmgic ‘evelt” where vmsmt-mlf `mflmtirmes wauc` de oarniccy wecgane`, ar i `ruf mndmdmlf gerenaly, ar ml`ee`, ihundce `anestmg galtext; the adkegt trilsgel`e` these reicns is i nuctmoulgtmalic, il`helge nuctmvagic, greitmal, wmth `mooerelt ciyers ao neilmlf ‗ whether mt de ml mts armfmlicsettmlf (@anmlmgil Tepudcmg) ar mts sudsequelt galtext (@anmlmgi). Wtaacs ippeir ta hivehi` i wm`e virmety ao settmlfs il` uses thraufhaut the gmrgun-Girmddeil, themr neilmlf`epel`elt ml sane respegts al sagmic etmquette ar pacmtmgic nilaeuvrmlf. Evel il adkegtmltmnitecy mlvacve` ml the mlfestmal ao lirgatmgs, il` sa cmlbe` wmth gannulmgitmal wmthlunmlaus saurges ‗ sugh is the Dittawmi sluoo tude ‗ cmbecy hi` i smflmomgilge deyal` mtsvery spegmomg oulgtmal whel exghilfe`, passmdcy cmlbmlf the lew awler ta iccmes ar oinmcyal the cirfer mscil`s ta the larth, il` theredy reocegtmlf themr stitus whmce dumc`mlf i oreshcefigy ao gallegtmals. Mt ms `moomguct ta isgertiml whether the neilmlfs ao these adkegts, il`

99 Pese ire; i zaanarphmg caw digb il` i smnpce, snicc hmfh digb staac oran Zmtgh Cibe, rmlm`i`, the ilthrapa-narphmg stale Fues`e @uha ‗ whmgh niy ar niy lat de oran Fui`ecaupe ‗ the @anmlmgi `uha il` i reoerelge

ta i `uha demlf regavere` oran Dittawmi, il` eveltuiccy nibmlf mts wiy mlta i prmvite gaccegtmal ml Elfcil`(Oewbes LII 00:8;5=i).

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themr issagmite` feleicafmes, were reciye` whel they were tri`e`, dut the oigt thit saneniy hive deel exghilfe` suffests il ul`ergurrelt ao shire` galgepts il`/ar sylgretmsn.Equiccy, they niy wecc hive serve` the sine awler thraufhaut the `uritmal ao themr use-cmves, ‘nmfritmlf” wmth then ta lew terrmtarmes il` iccmes. Here, themr hmstarmes wauc` hivedeel blawl il` regaulte`, whmce igqumrmlf i lew smflmomgilge ml i lew galtext.

 Icc three reocegt i ganpcex perma` wmthml the Cesser Iltmcces, oran the Wici`am` nmfriltswha ushere` ml adkegts il` prigtmges thit degine stil`ir`, ta i `efree, igrass nugh aothe irghmpecifa (trmfacmths, `ruf piripherlicmi, etg.), ta i `ylinmg pre-gacalmic perma` aomlter-mscil` gallegtmals thit draufht peapce tafether igrass cagic il` refmalic daul`irmes.hraufh the INW `itmlf ao the pmeges, these adkegts hive deel mlterwavel digb mlta thehmstarmes il` ghralacafmes ao the refmals where they were oaul` (dut lat legessirmcy ni`e),sa thit we gil defml ta expcare themr smflmomgilge ‗ lat ceist ta the cmlbs thit themr exghilfeniy hive greite`. he nare aur ul`erstil`mlf ao the irghieacafy ao these mscil`s expil`s‗ ta msacite perma`s ao galocmgt, peige, nmfritmal, mlterigtmal ar tri`e ‗ the nare these ad-

 kegts ire idce ta reocegt gallegtmals detweel peapce. Equiccy, the nare we ceirl idaut these

adkegts, the nare themr ‘resm`ues ao neilmlf” gil mloarn al peapce”s lee`s, gipidmcmtmes il`ispmritmals (Hurgande 4::6;7).


he reseirgh wis ni`e passmdce dy frilts oran the Fetty Oaul`itmal, the Drmtmsh Igi`enyil` the Ceverhucne rust, wmth i`nmlmstritmve suppart oran Litmalic Nuseuns Cmverpaac.he oaccawmlf ml`mvm`uics il` mlstmtutmals hive icc deel very hecpouc ml iccawmlf iggess tarecevilt gaccegtmals il` pravm`mlf gaccegtmal mloarnitmal; Nirb Lesdmtt, Kucmi Wteec, il`Hew Zrel`erfist, Bew Egalanmg Datily Gaccegtmal, Cal`al, UB2 @ilmec Tafers, FretiHilsel il` Oecmgmi Zmgbermlf, the Litmalic Nuseun ao Lituric Hmstary, Vishmlftal, UW2Tafer Gactel il` Niureel @iTas, Zeida`y Nuseun ao Lituric Hmstary, Lew Hivel,UW. Il`rí @ecpuegh, Zeter @rewett il` Garmlle Haonil bml`cy suppcme` mloarnitmalidaut gahadi-recite` piripherlicmi oran the Cesser Iltmcces, Frihin Usher issmste` wmththe waa` m`eltmomgitmal ao the @anmlmgi `uha (rullmlf il ml`epel`elt issessnelt), il`Tmgb Wghuctmlf galtrmdute` galstrugtmve gannelts al i prevmaus versmal ao thms piper. Veire friteouc ta the stioo it the Axoar` Ti`magirdal Iggeceritar Ulmt oar themr gireouc warbwmth the sinpces.

Ulcess atherwmse late`, icc phatafriphs il` mccustritmals ire dy K. Astipbawmgz.


 Icefrmi, T.E.

9=8: Etlafriomi imli y cas Galqumsti`ares. Ml Zragee`mlfs ao the 8th MlterlitmalicGalfress oar the Wtu`y ao pre-Gacundmil Guctures ao the Cesser Iltmcces,  Wt Bmtts9=68;07:-00?.

 Iccimre, C.

9=8: Al the Hmstarmgmty ao Girmd Nmfritmals ml the Cesser Iltmcces. Wagmety ao Inermgil Irghieacaf y  05(4);478-405.

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9?7A .

9==? _msmals ao Gillmdics; @mstilt Mscil`s il` @mstilt Cil`s ml iîla Varc` Mnife.Ml Phe Cesser Iltmcces ml the Ife ao Eurapeil Expilsmal, e`mte` dy T. Ziquette il` W.C.Elfernil, pp.77-0=. Ulmversmty Zress ao Ocarm`i, Fimlesvmcce.

9==6 he Cesser Iltmcces deoare Gacundus. Ml Phe Ml`mfelaus Zeapce ao the Girmddeil,e`mte` dy W.N. Vmcsal, pp. 4:-48. Ulmversmty Zress ao Ocarm`i, Fimlsvmcce.

4::7 Ifrmgucturic sagmetmes ml the Girmddeil; he Cesser Iltmcces. Ml Feleric Hmstary aothe Girmddeil; _acune M; Iutaghthalaus Wagmetmes , e`mte` dy K. Wue`-Di`mcca, pp 9=5-446.ULEWGA Zudcmshmlf, Cal`al.

Dellecc, N.

4::: Vaa` irteoigts. Ml Zrehmstarmg Wettcenelts ml the Girmddeil; Omec`warb ml Dirdi`as,Partaci il` the Giynil Mscil`s , e`mte` dy Z.C. @rewett. Irghetype Zudcmgitmals oar theDirdi`as Nuseun il` Hmstarmgic Wagmety, Wt Nmghiec, Dirdi`as.

Daanert, I.

4::: Prmlm`i`, Padifa il` the Cawer Armlaga Mlterigtmal Wphere; Il Irghieacafmgic/eth-lahmstarmgic stu`y . Zh@ `mssertitmal, Cem`el Ulmversmty. Gimrm Zudcmgitmals, Icbniir.

4::7 Ifrmgucturic sagmetmes ml the galtmleltic Girmddeil. Ml Feleric Hmstary ao theGirmddeil; _acune 9; Iutaghthalaus Wagmetmes , e`mte` dy K. Wue`-Di`mcca, pp. 970-9=0.ULEWGA Zudcmshmlf, Zirms.

Daanert, I., il` Z. A”Drmel Hirrms

9=80 he Zmtgh Cibe ml Irghieacafy. Lituricmst  5(99);70-06.

Ghilcitte Dimb, C.I.

9=80 Irqueacafîi `e _meques , Giticafa Irquecafmi e _meques, Weful`i E`mgmal, Geltra`e Mlvestmfigmales Irquecafmgis, Ulmversm`i` `e Zuerta Tmga, Tma Zme`ris.

Gac÷l, O.

9==4 Phe Cmoe ao the I`nmric Ghrmstapher Gacundus dy hms Wal Oer`mlil` , trilscite` dyDelkinml Beel. Tutfers Ulmversmty Zress, Lew Drulswmgb, Lew Kersey.

Galri`, F.V., K.V. Oaster, il` G.@. Deeber

4::9 Arfilmg irtmoigts oran the Nililtmic e ci Iceti, @anmlmgil Tepudcmg; ZrecmnmliryAdservitmals il` Mlterpretitmals. Kaurlic ao Girmddeil Irghieacaf y  4;9-4:.

@e ci Dar`e, W.

9?60 Tecitmal es Giriádes siuvifes es Msces Iltmcces e c”Inírmque. Ml Teguemc `e `mversvayifes oimts el Iormque et el c”Inermque , e`mte` dy H. Kustec, pp. 9-0:. Zirms.

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`e Viic, N.

4::? Zre-Gacundmil sagmic arfilmsitmal il` mlterigtmal mlterprete` thraufh the stu`y aosettcenelt pitterls. Il irghieacafmgic gise-stu`y ao the Zamlte `es Ghäteiux, Ci @ísmri`eil` Ces Ìces `e ci Zetmte Perre nmgra-refmal, Fui`ecaupe, O.V.M. Zh@ `mssertitmal, Cem`elUlmversmty, Cem`el.

@ecpuegh, I.

4::9 Fui`ecaupe inírml`melle . Fum`es irghíacafmques `e ci Orilge, Nalun, Í`mtmals`u Zitrmnamle, Zirms.

@rewett, Z.C.

4::: Zrehmstarmg Wettcenelts ml the Girmddeil; Omec`warb ml Dirdi`as, Partuci il` theGiynil Mscil`s,  Irghetype Zudcmgitmals oar the Dirdi`as Nuseun il` HmstarmgicWagmety, Wt. Nmghiec, Dirdi`as.

@aufcis, L.

9==9 Tegelt Inerml`mil Oml`s al Ilfumcci. Zragee`mlfs ao the 97th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacaf y, Gurigia, pp. 56?-588.

@u ertre, K.D.

9??6 Hmstamre Fílírice es Iltmcces Hidmtíes pir ces Orilæams, Pane MM ; Galtelilt C”HmstamreLiturecce . hanis Caccy, Zirms.

Oewbes, K.V.

9=:6 Phe Idarmfmles ao Zarta Tmga il` Lemfhdarmlf Mscil`s.  45th Illuic Tepart aothe Dureiu ao Inermgil Ethlacafy oar 9=:7-0, Wnmthsalmil Mlstmtutmal, [email protected].

9=94 ns. 00:8;5=i Latedaab. rmps ta Cesser Iltmcces. Ns. al omce it the Litmalic Ilthrapacafy Irghmves, Wnmthsalmil Mlstmtutmal, Vishmlftal @.G.

9=90 Tecitmals ao Idarmfmlic Gucture il` Elvmralnelt ml the Cesser Iltmcces. Duccetmlao the Inermgil Feafriphmgic Wagmety  0?(=);??4-?68.

9=44 I Zrehmstarmg Mscil` Gucture Irei ao Inermgi; I Tepart al Zrehmstarmg Adkegtsoran the Vest Ml`mes ml the Nuseun ao the Inermgil Ml`mil (Heye Oaul`itmal) ml

9=90. Phmrty-oaurth Illuic Tepart ao the Dureiu ao Inermgil Ethlacafy  70;08-469.

Omtzpitrmgb, W.N., Y. Biye, K. Oeithers, K.I. Zivmi, il` B.N. Nirsifcmi 

4::= Evm`elge oar mlter-mscil` trilspart ao hemrcaans; cunmlesgelge `itmlf il` pet-rafriphmg ilicysms ao gerinmg mlhicmlf dawcs oran Girrmigau, Vest Ml`mes.  Kaurlic ao

 Irghieacafmgic Wgmelge  7?;5=?-?:?.

Fmccml, K.

9=?7 rmdes ao the Fumilis. Ml Hil`daab ao Wauth Inermgil Ml`mils; _ac 7; Phe PrapmgicOarest Prmdes , e`mte` dy K.H. Wtewir`. Gaaper Wquire Zudcmshers, Mlg., Lew ]arb.

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9?5A .

Hitt, F.

9=40 Irghieacafy ao the _mrfml Mscil`s. Zragee`mlfs ao the XXMth Mlterlitmalic Galfressao Inermgilmsts  9;4=-04.

Hiwtiyle, F.H.

9886 Tenirbs al the Girmds. Phe Kaurlic ao the Ilthrapacafmgic Mlstmtute ao Freit Drmtimlil` Mrecil`  9?;9=?-9=8.

Hecns, N.

9=88 Ucysses” simc; il ethlafriphmg A`yssey ao pawer, blawce`fe, il` feafriphmgic `mstilge .Zrmlgetal Ulmversmty Zress, Zrmlgetal.

Haoo, D.K.

9==5 Cilfuife galtigt, wir, il` Inermlm`il hmstarmgic tri`mtmal; he spegmic gise ao

the Mscil` Girmd. Ml Vacves oran the Wei; Tei`mlfs ml the Ilthrapacafy ao the LitmveGirmddeil, e`mte` dy L.C. Vhmtehei`. BMC_ Zress, Cem`el.

Haonil, G.C., I.K. Drmfht, N.C.Z. Haafcil`, il` V.O. Beefil

4::8 Ittrigtmve M`eis, @esmridce Faa`s; Exinmlmlf the Cite Gerinmg Ife Tecitmalshmpsdetweel Freiter il` Cesser Iltmcceil Wagmetmes. Kaurlic ao Mscil` il` Gaistic Irghieacafy  7(9);96-70.

Haonil, G.C., I.K. Drmfht, I. Daanert, il` W. Blmppelderf 

4::6 Mscil` Thythns; he Ved ao Wagmic Tecitmalshmps il` Mlterigtmal Letwarbs ml

the Cesser Iltmcceil Irghmpecifa detweel 0:: D.G. il` I.@. 90=4. Citml Inermgil Iltmqumty  98 (7);407-4?8.

Haonil, G.C, il` N.C.Z. Haafcil`

4::0 Wagmic @ylinmgs il` Ghilfe ml the Lartherl Cesser Iltmcces. Ml Cite Gerinmg Ife Wagmetmes ml the Eisterl Girmddeil, e`mte` dy I. @ecpuegh il` G.C. Haonil. DITMlterlitmalic Wermes 9467. Irghieapress, Axoar`.

Haleyghurgh, C.

9==6 Grassrai`s ml the Girmddeil; i smte ao elgaulter il` exghilfe al @anmlmgi.

Varc` Irghieacafy  48(7);4=9-7:0.4::9 Gerenalmic Weit Oaul`, http;//www.cellaxhalyghurgh.gan/irtmgce.gon1m`>7?4

Haafcil`, N.C.Z., il` G.C. Haonil

9==7 Becdey”s Tm`fe 4; I 90th Geltury iîla settcenelt al Widi, Lethercil`s Iltmcces. Ilicegti Zriehmstarmgi Cem`elsmi  4?;9?7-89.

9=== Expilsmal ao the iîla gigmgizfas tawir`s the Cesser Iltmcces. Kaurlic `e ci Wagmítí`es Inírmgilmstes  85;=7-997.

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Hucne, Z., il` L.C. Vhmtehei`

9==4 Vmc` Nikesty; Elgaulters wmth Girmds oran Gacundus ta the Zreselt @iy; Il Ilthrapacafy . Gcirel`al Zress, Axoar`.

Hurgande, C.N.

4::6 Irghieacafmgic Irteoigts is Nitermic Gucture . Tautce`fe, Cal`al.

 Kmnílez _ézfuez, A., il` K.N. Oerlél`ez-Nmceri 

4::4 Gélm`as pregacandmlas e Cis Iltmccis; nmtas y ver`i`es. Fidmlete `e Irqueacafîi ,4(4);68-86.

Biye, Y.

4::9 he piripherlicmi issagmite` wmth mltaxmgilt use dy prehmstarmg Girmddeil ms-cil`ers, wmth pirtmgucir reoerelge ta spaute` gerinmg dawcs. Zragee`mlfs ao the 98 th 

Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy Freli`i, pp.9==-497.9=== Mltaxmgilt use ml the prehmstarmg Girmddeil wmth pirtmgucir reoerelge ta spaute`gerinmg mlhicmlf dawcs. Zipers oran the Mlstmtute ao Irghieacafy  9:;55-67.

Baehcer, I.

9=57 Cetter ta N.B. Wtirr, 94 Kule 9=57. Al omce it the Zeida`y Nuseun ao LituricHmstary, Lew Hivel.

Cidit, K.-D.

9==4 I Wakaurl al @anmlmgi. Ml Vmc` Nikesty; Elgaulters wmth Girmds oran Gacundus

ta the Zreselt @iy; Il Ilthacafy , e`mte` dy Z. Hucne il` L.C. Vhmtehei`, pp. 955-9?8.Gcirel`al Zress, Axoar`.

Cis Gisis, D. `e

9=59 Hmstarmi `e cis Ml`mis.  Dmdcmategi Inermgili (Nexmga), Werme `e Gralmstis `eNexmga, las. 95-96, e`mte` dy Iufustml Nmcires Girca il` Cewms Hilbe, Oal`a `eGucturi Egal÷nmgi, Nexmga.

9=?6  Ipacafítmgi Hmstarmi Wunirmi.  Ulmversm`i` Ligmalic Iut÷lani `e Níxmga,Mlstmtuta `e Mlvestmfigmales Hmst÷rmgis, Níxmga.

Ce Dretal, I.

9==8 Hmstarmg Iggault ao Wimlt _mlgelt the Ml`mil ]aurauniñl, the mscil` ao theBiriñides, dy Tev. Or. I`rmel Ce Dretal W.K. (9??4-967?). E`mte` il` pudcmshe` dy heNiyreiu Elvmralneltic @evecapnelt Arfilmzitmal, Bmlfstawl, Wt. _mlgelt il` theFreli`mles.

Cathrap, W.B.

9=6: Gagce; Il Irghieacafmgic Wtu`y ao Geltric Zilini . Nenamrs, _ac. _MM, Zeida`yNuseun ao Irghieacafy il` Ethlacafy, Hirvir` Ulmversmty, Gindrm`fe, Niss.

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9?6A .

Cavíl, W.

9=6= Armfmls ao the Pimlil Gucture, Vest Ml`mes . 4l` e`mtmal. INW Zress, Lew ]arb.

Nirgas, K.F., il` N. `e Nilrmque

9=88 @e ci `uicm`i` oertmcm`i`-vmrmcm`i` i ca expcmgmtinelte oenelmla a nisgucmla; ci

Tecigm÷l `e cis omfurmlis gal cas gindmas el ci arfilmzigm÷l sagmic _ic`mvmi, Teic-Icta,Egui`ar. Ml Phe Tace ao Fel`er ml Zregacundmil Irt il` Irghmtegture , e`mte` dy _.E.Nmccer, pp 75-59. Ulmversmty Zress ao Inermgi, Cilhin.

Nirtyr @”Ilfheri, Z.

9=6: @e Arde Lava; Phe Emfht @egi`es ao Zeter Nirtyr @”Ilfheri . rilscite` dy Orilgms Iufustus NigLutt, 4 vacunes, Durt Orilbcml, Lew ]arb.

Nittmalm, N., il` T.Z. Duccel

9=60 Zregacundmil @afs ml the Cesser il` Freiter Iltmcces. Ml Zragee`mlfs ao the 5thMlterlitmalic Galfress oar the Wtu`y ao Zre-Gacundmil Guctures ml the Cesser Iltmcces, Iltmfui, pp. 9?4-9?5.

NgEwil, G.

4::9 Weits ao Zawer; Ixmicmty il` Iggess ta Mlvmsmdce Varc`s. Ml Ulblawl Inizal;Gucture ml Liture ml Ilgmelt Drizmc , e`mte` dy G. NgEwil, G. Dirreta il` E. Leves, pp.96?-9=6. Drmtmsh Nuseun Zress, Cal`al.

NgFmllms, W.I.N.

9==6 M`eafriphmg expressmal ml the Zregacundmil Girmddeil. Zh@ `mssertitmal, Ulmversmtyao exis, Iustml.

Narivetz, M.

4::5 Mnifmlf I`arlas; Gcissmomgitmal il` Mgalafriphy ao Wici`am` I`arlas oran Wt._mlgelt, Vest Ml`mes . DIT Mlterlitmalic Wermes 9005. Irghieapress, Axoar`.

Nardél Ciuger, O.

9=66 Gree exmstmeral `as tmpas `e perras prehmspélmgas. Ec Girmde  7(7).

Lewsan, C.I., il` E.W. Vmlf 4::0 Al Cil` il` Wei; Litmve Inermgil Uses ao Dmacafmgic Tesaurges ml the Vest Ml`mes .Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

Ader, O.

988: Ginps ao the Girmddees; Phe I`veltures ao i Lituricmst ml the Cesser Iltmcces. Ceeil` Whepir`, Zudcmshers, Dastal.

Acsel, O.

9=60 Al the Primc ao Phe Iriwibs . Abcihani Ulmversmty Zress, Larnil.

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Acmver, K.T.

4::= Gigmques il` Genî M`acs; Phe Ved Wpul dy Piîla Tucers Detweel Hmspilmaci il`Zuerta Tmga. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

Astipbawmgz, K.

9==8 Piîla waa`el sgucpture; @uhas, Tucershmp il` the _msuic Irts ml the 94 th-9? th GelturyGirmddeil. Zh@ `mssertitmal, Ulmversmty ao Eist Ilfcmi, Larwmgh.

Astipbawmgz, K., il` C.I. Lewsan

Ml prepiritmal. ‘Fa`s… i`arle` wmth the endram`erer”s lee`ce”; i gattal recmquiryoran Hmspilmaci. Nilusgrmpt.

Artefi, E., il` Z. Zmli 

9=64 Ul visa mlhici`ar `e ci gaceggmal `ec Nusea Ligmalic, Tepudcmgi @anmlmgili.

Dacetml `ec Nusea `ec Handre @anmlmgila 4;98-44.Avme`a, F.O. `e

9==4R954?^ Hmstarmi Feleric y Lituric `e Cis Ml`mis , vacunes 9-5. Kuil Zerez `e u`eciDuesa, e`mtar, Dmdcmategi `e Iutares Espilaces, E`mgmales Itcis, Ni`rm`

Zetersel, K.D., G.C. Haonil, il` C.I. Guret

4::0 mne il` Gucture; Ghralacafy il` ixalany ml the Eisterl Girmddeil il` theFumilis. Ml Cite Gerinmg Ife Wagmetmes ml the Eisterl Girmddeil, e`mte` dy I. @ecpueghil` G.C. Haonil. DIT Mlterlitmalic Wermes 9467. Irghieapress, Axoar`.

Zetmtkeil Tafet, H.

9==5 Late Wur @eux Inucettes `e Dams rauvíes é Narec, Fui`ecaupe. Zragee`mlfs aothe 95th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy , Wil Kuil, pp. 096-44.

Tem`, D.

4::=  Nyths il` Teicmtmes ao Girmddeil Hmstary . Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress,usgicaasi.

Temner, Z.K., N.F.C. Dimccme, E. Dir`, I. Diycmss, K.V. Degb, Z.F. Dcigbwecc, G. Dralb

Tinsey, G.E. Dugb, F.W. Durr, T.C. E`wir`s, N. Orme`rmgh, Z.N. Fraates, .Z. Fumc`ersal,M. Hik`is, .K. Heital, I.F. Haff, B.I. Hufhel, B.O. Bimser, D. Braner, O.F. NgGarnig,W.V. Nillmlf, T.V. Temner, @.I. Tmghir`s, K.T. Wauthal, W. icina, G.W.N. urley, K.vil `er Zcmght, il` G.E. Veyheln

4::6 MltGic:= il` Nirmle:= ri`magirdal ife gicmdritmal gurves, :-5:,::: yeirs gicDZ. Ti`magirdal 59(0);9999-995:.

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9?=A .

Tagheoart, G. `e

9??? Phe Hmstary ao the Girmddy-Mscil`s, _mz. Dirdi`as, Wt. Ghrmstapher, Wt. _mlgelts, Nirtmlmga, @anmlmgila, Dirdauthas, Nalserrit, Nevms, Iltefa, &g ml twa daabs. Phe omrstgaltimlmlf the lituric2 the segal` the naric hmstary ao thase mscil`s.  K. @ivms, trilscitar,

 K.N. oar hanis @rmlf il` Kahl Wtirbey, Cal`al.

Ta`rîfuez, N.

9==6 Tecmfmaus Decmeos ao the Wici`am` Zeapce. Ml Phe Ml`mfelaus Zeapce ao the Girmddeil,e`mte` dy W.N. Vmcsal, pp 8:-86. Ulmversmty Zress ao Ocarm`i, Fimlsvmcce.

Tae, Z.

9==5 Irts ao the Inizal. hines il` Hu`sal, Cal`al.

Tath, V.E.

9=40 Il Mltra`ugtary Wtu`y ao the Irts, Griots, il` Gustans ao the Fumili Ml`mils.Phmrty-emfhth Illuic Tepart ao the Dureiu ao Inermgil Ethlacafy, 9=9?-9=96 , WnmthsalmilMlstmtutmal, Vishmlftal @.G.

Tause, M.

9=?7 he Girmd. Ml Hil`daab ao Wauth Inermgil Ml`mils , _acune 0; Phe Gmrgun-Girmddeil Prmdes , e`mte` dy K.H. Wtewir`, pp. 506-5?5. Gaaper Wquire Zudcmshers, Mlg.,Lew ]arb.

9==4 Phe  Piîlas; Tmse il` @egcmle ao the Zeapce Vha Freete` Gacundus . ]ice UlmversmtyZress, Lew Hivel.

Tause, M., il` K.N. Gruxelt

9=?7 _elezuecil Irghieacafy . ]ice Ulmversmty Zress, Lew Hivel.

Tayic Bew Fir`els

98=7 Ocari ao Wt _mlgelt il` I`kigelt Mscets.  Duccetml ao Nmsgeccileaus Mloarnitmal(Tayic Fir`els, Bew ) 89;479-4=?.

Wivmcce, N.H.

9=9: he Iltmqumtmes ao Nilidm, Egui`ar; Omlic Tepart. Heye Oaul`itmal Galtrmdutmalsta Wauth Inermgil Irghieacafy , _ac 4, Lew ]arb.

_icgérgec Takis, T., K. Gaaper, K. Gicveri Tasís, A. Drmta Nirtîlez, il` N. Cidri`i 

4::? Zastes el ec Nir. Exgivigm÷l `e uli estrigturi galstrugtmvi idarmfel el CasDughmccales. Ec Girmde Irqueac÷fmga =;6?-88.

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 Vicber, K.

9=85 I Zrecmnmliry Tepart al the Cmthmgs il` Asteacafmgic Tenimls oran the 9=8:,9=89 il` 9=84 Omec` Weisals it Higmel`i Fril`e (94ZWk6-5). Zragee`mlfs ao the 9:thMlterlitmalic Galfress oar the Wtu`y ao Zregacundmil Guctures ao the Cesser Iltmcces,Nirtmlmque, pp. 989-440.

 Vmcsal, W.N.

4::6 Phe Irghieacafy ao the Girmddeil. Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe.

[errmes, A.

9=6: Dilgas zaanaroas y ismeltas `e cas espîrmtus el ci Inírmgi `ec Wur. Wupcenelta Iltrapacafmga 5(9-4);48=-790.

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Phe use il` `mstrmdutmal ao smcmgeaus staleml the Cesser Iltmcces

Wedistmiil Blmppelderf 

Omle-frimle` smcmgeaus stale, ale ao the dismg riw nitermics oar the niluoigture ao taacs`urmlf the pre-Gacundmil Ife ml the Girmddeil, his nuctmpce saurges ml the Cesser

 Iltmcces. @espmte these nily aggurrelges, the Inerml`mils ni`e secegtmve usife ao these

cagicmtmes. Wane were preoerre` aver athers, il` alcy i oew were smflmomgilt al i refmalicsgice. @iti oran `mooerelt Gerinmg Ife hidmtitmal smtes shaw thit these omle-frimle` ragbnitermics were adtimle` dy `mooerelt neils. he ducb ao nitermic wis gaccegte` thraufh`mregt pragurenelt ta the saurges. Mlter-mscil` exghilfe wmth nuctmpce gannulmtmes, haw-ever, oarne` ilather regurrelt neils thraufhaut icc phises dy whmgh the reniml`er wisigqumre`.

Cis ragis smcîgeis `e frila omla, uli `e cis nitermis prmnis enpcei`is piri ci niluoigturi`e herrinmeltis `urilte ec perma`a pregacandmla `ec Girmde, tmelel nûctmpces oueltes elcis Iltmccis Nelares. Ml`epel`meltenelte `e sus nughis agurrelgmis feac÷fmgis, cas ine-

rml`mas seceggmaliral `moerelgmicnelte icfulis `e estis oueltes. Ulis oueltes eril preoe-rm`is sadre atris y s÷ca icfulis `e eccis oueral smflmomgitmvis i esgici refmalic. @itas adte-lm`as `e smtmas hidmtigmalices `e ci E`i` Gerénmgi nuestril que estis ragis `e frila omlaoueral adtelm`is i trivís `e `mversas negilmsnas. Ci fril niyarîi `ec nitermic oue adte-lm`i ne`milte ci dûsque`i `mregti el cis oueltes. Enpera, ec mltergindma eltre nûctmpcesganulm`i`es `e `mversis mscis oue atra negilmsna regurrelte enpcei`a piri ci adtelgm÷l`ec resta `e `mghas nitermices.

@ils ci Giriáde, mc exmste `e nuctmpces saurges `e raghe smcmgeuse ê friml oml, ule `es nitmè-res prenmères prmlgmpices `ils ci oidrmgitmal `es autmcs `urilt ci pírma`e prígacandmelle.

El ípmt, e gette fril`e oríquelge, ces Inírml`mels oimsimelt ul usife sícegtmo e ges fìtes.Gertimls ítimelt príoírís ê ”iutres, et seuc ul petmt landre ivimt ule mnpartilge ê c”ígheccerífmalice. @es allíes mssues e mooírelts smtes ”hidmtitmal e ci pírma`e gírinmque nal-trelt que ges nitírmiux `e raghe ítimelt adtelus secal `es nilmères `mooíreltes. Ci pcupirt`es nitírmiux ítimt gaccegtíe `mregtenelt sur ces fìtes. Gepel`ilt, ce gannerge mlter-ìcesiveg `e nuctmpces gannuliutís galstmtuimt ul iutre nayel rígurrelt `urilt tautes cesphises `e c”äfe gírinmque `”igquírmr ce recmquit.

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Oar nily yeirs mt ms wecc ifree` inalf Girmddeil Irghieacafmsts thit the ageil `mvm`mlfthe `mooerelt Iltmcceil mscil`s `m` lat oarn i dirrmer oar mlter-mscil` trilspart il` hunilmlterigtmal (Vitters il` Tause 9=8=). Wane pipers ml thms vacune hmfhcmfht thms pamlt dypreseltmlf evm`elge suppartmlf the exmstelge ao mlter-mscil` mlterigtmal il` refmalic sagmic

letwarbs (Haonil il` Haafcil`, thms vacune2 Nac, thms vacune2 Ciooaal il` @e _as,thms vacune2 Ta`rîfuez Tinas, thms vacune). Wtu`ymlf ragb nitermics il` regalstrugtmlfdehivmaur iraul` stale taac niluoigture hive pravel ta de very pra`ugtmve wmth respegtta thms tapmg. hraufh the nippmlf ao refmal wm`e stale irteoigt `mstrmdutmals il` dyulriveccmlf the neghilmsns dy whmgh these were sprei`, thms type ao reseirgh gil pravm`emlsmfht al mlter-mscil` trilspart ao nitermics, il` mt niy `eomle whether thit aggurre` dy`mregt pragurenelt stritefmes, cagic mlter-gannulmty exghilfe, ar calf `mstilge exghilfeletwarbs, is ny warb il` thit ao nily athers ecsewhere iraul` the warc` hive shawl(Blmppelderf 4::?2 see oar exinpce arrelge 9=8?).

he Cesser Iltmcces il` nily ather snicc mscil` irghmpecifas oarn il exgeccelt stife

oar thms bml` ao reseirgh (Blmppelderf 4::?2 see oar exinpce ml the Zigmomg Vemscer il`Bmrgh 9==?). he niml reisal recites ta the exmstelge ao very cagicmze` saurges wmthml thesemscil` settmlfs, aotel hivmlf ulmque ghirigtermstmgs. Ml the Cesser Iltmcces thms ulmquelessms nimlcy ittrmdute` ta the virmitmal ml feacafmgic dumc`-up, pravm`mlf gises ao lemfhdaur-mlf mscil`s wmth very `mstmlgt smflitures, whmgh ms ao grugmic mnpartilge ta pmlpamltmlfsaurge ireis (Blmppelderf 4::?2 Vi`fe 9==0). a thms gil de i``e` thit faa` quicmtyragb saurges ire felericcy the omrst ta de `msgavere`, is ml prehmstary stale taacs oarne` igrugmic pirt ao every `iy cmoe. Fmvel themr `uridce liture il` aotel extelsmve ivimcidmcmty itautgraps, stale aggurrelges reniml very stidce resaurges thraufhaut calf eris ao hunilaggupitmal (see oar exinpce Netzcer 4::=;445-?). Omliccy, mt shauc` de reicmze` thit stale

taac niluoigture ms i sudtrigtmve pragess, il` thit felericcy the `mooerelt steps ml the nil-uoigture ao cmthmg utelsmcs gil ceive `mstmlgt resm`ues ml the irghieacafmgic regar`, ml icc `ueta the faa` preservitmal ao stale irteoigts il` the sicmelt typacafmgic, teghlacafmgic il`oulgtmalic oeitures they passes (Il`rewsbm 9==82 arrelge 9=8?). Gandmlmlf icc ao theseghirigtermstmgs pravm`es us, irghieacafmsts, wmth `iti refir`mlf i drai` irriy ao hunil de-hivmaur mlgcu`mlf the cagicmtmes oran where the Inerml`mils gaccegte` themr riw nitermics,the pciges where they warbe` themr nitermics il` use` themr taacs, il` the purpases oarwhmgh these taacs hi` deel utmcmze`.

he stu`y ao smcmgeaus stale ms ml thms respegt ale ao the nast pra`ugtmve cmles ao reseirghml the Iltmcces. hese omle-frimle` nitermics were gannalcy use` dy the Inerml`mils oarthe pra`ugtmal ao ocibe taacs, whmgh were mltel`e` ta oucomc i whace rilfe ao oulgtmals.Wmlge settcenelt smtes oarn the prmniry cagitmals oar nibmlf these taacs, smcmgeaus staleirteoigts ire aotel oaul` ml vist quiltmtmes `urmlf irghieacafmgic exgivitmals theredy per-nmttmlf saul` stitmstmgic ganpirmsal (Gragb il` Dirtale 9==82 @e Nmcce 9==?, 4::92Blmppelderf 4::?2 Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4::9).

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Wmcmgeaus stale

hms piper pravm`es il avervmew ao the types ao smcmgeaus stale use`, the cagitmals ao themrsaurges, il` themr prehmstarmg mstrmdutmal pitterls inalf the mooerelt mscil`s ml the Cesser

 Iltmcces irghmpecifa (see Omfure 9). Mt ms restrmgte` ta the Gerinmg Ife alcy il` mt gil deseel is i nare ecidarite avervmew ao pist il` alfamlf reseirgh refir`mlf smcmgeaus stale

saurges (see Blmppelderf 4::?).9 Deoare M fa mlta `etimc al the igtuic saurges il` themr expcamtitmal, cet ne stirt dy

expcimlmlf whit M neil dy the tern smcmgeaus stale. Ul`er thms feleric tern M fraup iccgryptagrysticcmle ragb, ni`e up icnast exgcusmvecy dy quirtz. Inermgil feacafmsts aotel usethe feleric tern ghert ta reoer ta these types ao ragbs (Ceu`bte 9==4). hms ms i sanewhitrestrmgte` use ao the tern smcmgeaus stale, smlge mt niy icsa mlgcu`e nigra-grysticcmle virme-tmes ao quirtz (Dites il` Kigbsal 9=80).

Gryptagrysticcmle smcmgeaus ragbs hive ml gannal thit they ire hir`, omle-frimle`, il`aotel very hanafeleaus. Ourthernare they pra`uge i galgham`ic origture whel warbmlfmt. hese oeitures nibe then exgeccelt gil`m`ites is riw nitermic oar taac niluoigture,

smlge they dehive ml i pre`mgtidce niller `urmlf re`ugtmal, il` the niluoigture` taacsire `uridce il` passes shirp e`fes.

Omle-frimle` smcmgeaus stales gil de oarne` ml i whace virmety ao feacafmgic settmlfs(Ceu`bte 9==4). Oar the Cesser Iltmcces i `mstmlgtmal detweel dmafelmg gherts al the alehil` il` lal-dmafelmg gherts al the ather hil` ms very useouc il` mlstrugtmve. Ul`er theoarner icc gherts ire fraupe`, ml whmgh the smcmgi ms `ermve` oran nirmle arfilmsns, helgethey ire oaul` ml se`mneltiry settmlfs. hms niy de ml pecifmg (`eep nirmle ageil) `epas-mts, where oar exinpce ri`macirmil gherts ire aotel oaul`, ar ml nare shiccaw se`mneltiryoarnitmals, ao whmgh la`ucir ocmlt oarne` ml cmnestale ms i wecc-blawl exinpce.

Ml the ather fraup ao gherts the smcmgi ms `ermve` oran smcmgi deirmlf ragb. Ml the Cesser

 Iltmcces thms prmnirmcy ms mfleaus ragb. Ghert niy de oarne` ml vemls wmthml mfleaus ragbis i resuct ao the pregmpmtitmal ao smcmgi rmgh ocum`s `urmlf hy`rathernic icteritmal (Dírir`il` _erlet 9==6). Felericcy kisper ms oarne` ml thms wiy. Wmcmgi niy icsa omcc up givmtmes mlmfleaus ragb ml gise ao ghicge`aly ar ifites. Wmcmgmome` ar petrmome` waa` ms oarne` wheltree trulbs degine gavere` dy smcmgi rmgh se`mnelts il` the smcmgi mnpreflite` the waa`il` preserve` the armfmlic strugture (e.f. Wghunill 4::9)


he pist yeirs M hive deel warbmlf al the nippmlf ao smcmgeaus stale saurges al the mooer-

elt Cesser Iltmcces il` fri`uiccy i nare ganpcete avervmew ao the preselge ao thms fraup aoragbs ms deganmlf ivimcidce wmthml the refmal. Waurges ao smcmgeaus stale ire lat preselt aleigh mscil` ml the Cesser Iltmcces. Is wauc` de expegte` nast saurges aggur al ale ao theganpasmte mscil`s, these ire the mscil`s ao the Cesser Iltmcces auter irg, dumc` up dy dathmfleaus, lal-girdalite il` girdalite se`mneltiry oarnitmals (Blmppelderf 4::?). hemscil`s ao Iltmfui, Wt. Dirth, Wt. Nirtml ire faa` exinpces. hese mscil`s passess i narevirmidce feacafmgic dumc`-up thil the exgcusmve vacgilmg ar cmnestale Iltmcces. hey feler-iccy hast dath mfleaus ragb, is wecc is extelsmve lal-girdalite il` girdalite se`mneltiryoarnitmals. Wtmcc, al sane ao the vacgilmg mscil`s yau niy oml` smcmgeaus gryptagrysticcmle

9 Ml ny Zh@ `mssertitmal (Blmppelderf 4::?) M oagusse` al i nare restrmgte` fraup ao smcmgeaus stales saurges,whmgh nigrasgapmgiccy exhmdmt galsm`eridce avercip ml ippeirilge.

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ragb is wecc. hese ire felericcy issagmite` wmth the ac`est mfleaus ragb oarnitmals ml therefmal, exgcusmvecy preselt al nast ao the Vml`wir` mscil`s, where mscil`-irg vacgil-msn lever shmote` mts pasmtmal (Vi`fe 9==0). he nare pure cmnestale Iltmcces, mlgcu`mlf

 Ilfumcci, Dirdu`i, Fril`e-erre, il` Nirme-Ficilte cigb smcmgeaus stale. Evel ocmlts hivelever deel oaul` al ale ao these Iltmcces, espmte galsm`eridce eooarts ta cagite then. hms

cigb ao ocmlt prmnirmcy recites ta the types ao cmnestale preselt al these mscil`s, whmgh fel-ericcy ire ao i hmfh-elerfetmg liture (e.f. garic cmnestale), whereis ocmlt deirmlf cmnestalems `epasmte` ml i caw elerfetmg settmlf ([mkcstri 9==5).

Wa oir ocmlt ms alcy blawl ta aggur al twa mscil`s. he nast mnpartilt il` extelsmveaggurrelges ire oaul` wmthml the cmnestale oarnitmal al the ganpasmte mscil` ao Iltmfui,where nuctmpce autgraps il` segal`iry saurges hive deel nippe` (Blmppelderf 4::?).

Omfure 9 Waurges ao smcmgeaus stale ml the Cesser Iltmcces.

: 9:: bn

@anmlmgil Tepudcmg

Zuerta Tmga _mrfml Mscil`s


Wt. Gramx

Wt. Dirths


Wt. BmttsLevms Iltmfui


Ci @ísmri`e

Ces Wimltes



Wt. Cugmi





Armlaga @ecti


Cas Taques





   A   r  m l

ag a

Wt. Nirtml



Ghicge`aly - Yuirtz

Kisper - Ghicge`aly - Oassmcmze` waa`


Ather Gherts (nimlcy de``e )

Mnpartilt Zregacundmil saurge

Mlsmflmomgilt Zregacundmil saurge ar ulblawl usife

 Itciltmg Ageil

Girmddeil Wei

Waurges ao smcmgeaus stale

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he ather ocmlt aggurrelge his regeltcy deel oaul` dy Ghrmstmil Wtauvelat, wha oaul`rire ocmlt la`uces ml i `irb gacaure` cmnestale al Wt. Dirths (Wtauvelat, persalic gannu-lmgitmal 4::=). Mts quicmty ms paar il` cmnmte` irghieacafmgic warb al Wt. Dirths `aes laticcaw oar i praper evicuitmal al mts prehmstarmg usife yet. I thmr` mscil` where segal`iryaggurrelges ao ocmlt ire reparte` ms Wt. Bmtts. hese aggurrelges ire cmbecy irtmomgmic il` the

resuct ao Hmstarmg Ife diccist `rappmlfs (see Blmppelderf 4::?). hereoare they ire ceotaut ao thms preselte` cmst.Ather se`mneltiry smcmgeaus stale virmetmes gil de oaul` ml `mooerelt pciges. Nast ex-

telsmve aggurrelges ire al Iltmfui is wecc, where de``e` gherts mlter-ciyere` wmth tuoosire preselt (Blmppelderf 4::?2 Nirtml-Biye 9=5=2 Vemss 9==4). Dut icsa Ci @ísmri`eil` sane ao the _mrfml Mscil`s hast se`mneltiry gherts (Icnmlis et ic. 9==02 Dauysse et ic. 9=872 @alleccy 9=??). Al these citter mscil`s mt recites ta `eep nirmle ri`macirmil gherts.

 Kisper il` ghicge`aly gil de oaul` ml `mooerelt pciges is wecc. Nast extelsmve kisperaggurrelges ire blawl al Nirtmlmque il` hive regeltcy deel oaul` al Wt. Cugmi (Dírir`il` _erlet 9==62 Blmppelderf 4::=). Ather nare cmnmte` kisper saurges hive deel cagite`

al Girrmigau, ale ao the nast sautherl Freli`mles (persalic adservitmal 4::=), erre `eDis ao ces Wimltes (Ghrmstmil Wtauvelat, persalic gannulmgitmal 4::=) il` al Wt. Nirtml(Ghrmstnil 9=57).

 Varb dy Delamt Dírir` il` gacceifues al Nirtmlmque hive reveice` three mnpartiltrefmals, where nuctmpce autgraps gil de oaul` ao `mooerelt types ao kisper, nimlcy ao i re`il` yeccaw-drawl gacaur (see Omfure 4) (Dírir` il` _erlet 9==6). he sautherl refmal aoWiville `es Zítrmomgitmals ms dest blawl il` his reveice` the gceirest evm`elge ao prehms-tarmg expcamtitmal (Dírir` il` _erlet 9==6).

 Kisper aggurrelges al Wt. Cugmi hive alcy very regeltcy deel `msgavere` (Blmppelderf4::=). @urmlf Cem`el Ulmversmty”s 4::= omec` seisal, three weebs were spelt al Wt. Cugmi

ta cagite saurges ao smcmgeaus stale. Vmthml the mscil`”s lartherl tmp, `mooerelt kisper, ghic-ge`aly il` oassmcmze` waa` autgraps il` segal`iry `epasmts were oaul` ml i``mtmal tasgitters ao ocibe` nitermic. Zrmniry kisper nitermic gil nimlcy de oaul` is vemls ml mfleausragb, whmgh ire eismcy vmsmdce it `mooerelt pciges icalf the ragby sharecmles. he kispers ex-hmdmt i freit virmety ml gacaur oran re`, re`-drawl, yeccaw drawl ta evel freel. Te` kisperpre`anmlites, oaccawe` dy the yeccaw drawl virmety, whereis freel kisper his alcy deelm`eltmome` it i smlfce cagicmty, Ilse `u Ficet.

Ghicge`aly gil de oaul` ml mooerelt pciges ml the Iltmcces, aotel is very cagicmze` sniccautgraps, mlgcusmals ar msacite` gaddces. Mt ms nast idul`ilt al Nirtmlmque il` Wt. Cugmi,where mt ms oaul` ml issagmitmal wmth the kisper aggurrelges. Ml i``mtmal mt ms reparte` al

 Iltmfui (Blmppelderf 4::?), @anmlmgi (Haleyghurgh 9==5), il` rirecy al Disse erre,the sautherl vacgilmg hico ao Fui`ecaupe (Wtauvelat, persalic gannulmgitmal 4::=).Nast ghicge`aly ms trilscugelt2 hawever dil`e`4 il` nare `ucc virmetmes aggur is wecc.

Wmcmgmome` waa` ms blawl oran three pciges, al Iltmfui where mt aggurs issagmite` wmththe de``e` ghert ao Gardmsal Zamlt (Nirtml-Biye 9=5=), il` al Nirtmlmque il` Wt. Cugmi,where mt gil de oaul` ml the sine refmals is the kispers il` ghicge`almes. Exgcusmve, dutextelsmve segal`iry aggurrelges ao ghert, oar whmgh mt ms ulgceir haw the ghert wis oarne`il` whit the issagmite` hast-ragb ms, ire blawl ml the westerl pirt ao Zuerta Tmga, ml theGida Taka il` Nagi ireis (Blmppelderf 4::?).

4 Dil`e` virmetmes ao ghicge`aly ire felericcy reoerre` ta is ifite. Oar reisals ao smnpcmgmty M wmcc fraup icc(senm-)trilscugelt virmetmes ul`er the line ao ghicge`aly.

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Ml i``mtmal ta these gryptagrysticcmle smcmgeaus stale virmetmes, aggismaliccy nigragrys-ticcmle quirtz his deel use` oar smnmcir purpases ml the Iltmcces is wecc (Blmppelderf 4::?2Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4::9). I saurge pravm`mlf freit quiltmtmes ao warbidce quirtz his re-geltcy deel m`eltmome` dy the iuthar al Nustmque, it ale ao mts lartherl deighes. Nmcbyquirtz ms blawl ta aggur al _meques (Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4::9).

@espmte lat demlf ivimcidce al every mscil` smcmgeaus stale saurges ire nare ar cessevelcy `mstrmdute` thraufhaut the Iltmcces, whel vmewe` oran i refmalic pamlt ao vmew. heml`mfelaus papucitmals, hawever, ni`e secegtmve use ao these cmste` aggurrelges. Mt gil destite` thit nast ao the mooerelt aggurrelges prevmauscy neltmale` hive deel use` ta saneextelt, themr mnpartilge oran i cagic is wecc refmalic perspegtmve, hawever, virmes freitcy.hey gil de drai`cy gcissmome` mlta oaur fraups;

Waurges whmgh hive alcy deel use` very cmnmte`cy wmthml the `mregt cagic surraul`mlfs(ri`mus ao siy 95 bn)2Waurges whmgh hive deel use` cmnmte`cy ml the `mregt cagic surraul`mlfs, il` whmghrirecy turl up ml the nuctm-mscil` refmal, dut ire ao la smflmomgilge ml thit refmal2

Waurges whmgh hive deel use` nugh cagiccy, dut whmgh ire ao la smflmomgilge oran irefmalic mlter-mscil` perspegtmve2Waurges whmgh hive deel use` nugh cagiccy il` wmthml the surraul`mlf nuctm-mscil`sud-refmal.


Nily, aotel snicc, saurges ar ml`mvm`uic aggurrelges ire mlgcu`e` wmthml the omrst fraup. I faa` exinpce ms oarne` dy the ri`macirmil ghert oran Ci @ísmri`e. Tegelt irghieacafm-gic warb al thms snicc mscil` il` lemfhdaurmlf Fril`e erre dy Cem`el Ulmversmty il`

the cagic @mregtmals Tífmalices `es Iooimres Gucturecces  (@TIG) his reveice` thit nast ao the Inerml`mil hidmtitmal smtes al Ci @ísmri`e il` sane ao the smtes al the lartherl gaist aoFril`e erre hive pra`uge` thms nitermic (`e Viic 4::?2 Blmppelderf 4::?). Icc smtes,hawever, pra`uge` nmlar ta very snicc idul`ilges, evel smtes gcase ta the saurge. Al nastao these smtes Calf Mscil` ocmlt oran Iltmfui galstmtute` the niml smcmgeaus stale use` (seeOmfure 7).

Nily ao the ghicge`aly il` smcmgmome` waa` aggurrelges gil de pcige` ml thms fraupis wecc. Icnast lawhere ml the Cesser Iltmcces, evel al the mscil`s where the saurges iresmtuite`, `a they nibe up the nikarmty ao i smte”s cmthmg sinpces. It sane ao the Nirtmlmquesmtes where they nibe up i smflmomgilt pirt ao the issendcife, the cirfe virmety inalf

the ghicge`aly irteoigts suffests expcamtitmal ao nuctmpce autgraps. he use ao oassmcmze`waa` gil espegmiccy de galsm`ere` rire. hms cmnmte` usife niy de ittrmdute` ta the oigtthit these ghert types icwiys ga-aggur icalfsm`e smflmomgilt saurges ao kispers il` thit the

 Inerml`mils hi` i preoerelge oar the citter types ao smcmgeaus stale.he segal` fraup ao saurges ganprmzes the Gagalut Hicc il` Dcigbnil”s Zamlt ocmlt

aggurrelges al Iltmfui inalf athers. Dath ocmlt virmetmes were use` nugh ml the CiteGerinmg Ife settcenelt smtes ao the sine line, cymlf kust lext ta these segal`iry stalesaurges (Blmppelderf 4::?). Ml i``mtmal, snicc lunders ao irteoigts hive deel m`eltmome`it cirfer `mstilge it i lunder ao smtes al Fui`ecaupe, Wt. Eustitmus, Widi, il` Ilfumcciespegmiccy ml the eircmer phise ao the Cite Gerinmg Ife.





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DicgiWt. Fmriu`y


Ilse Cauvet

Wt. Cugmi




Ilse Pridiu`@mzig iu @minilt

Calf Mscil` ocmlt

yeccaw kisper

re` kisper

ather ghert



smcmgmome` waa`

ather kisper

 kisper, ghicge`aly, il`

smcmgmome` waa` saurge ireis

Tiw nitermic idul`ilges it

Gerinmg Ife smtes ( )

: 45 bn

Ilse `u Ficet

Omfure 4 Cagitmal ao smcmgeaus stale saurge ireis il` use ao smcmgeaus stale it `merelt Gerinmg Ife smtes

al Nirtmlmque il` Wt. Cugmi. Cagitmal ao smcmgeaus stale saurge ireis al Nirtmlmque ire `ermve` oran i

nip pravm`e` ta ne dy Delaìt Dírir` (persalic gannulmgitmal 4::9).

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Zassmdcy the Whmrcey Hemfhts ghert7 saurge ml the sauth-eisterl pirt ao Iltmfui oucomcce`i smnmcir race ml the eircy phise ao the Eircy Gerinmg Ife (Blmppelderf 4::?). Irteoigtsresendcmlf thms nitermic hive deel oaul` ml i sautherl Iltmfui smte, @amfs, il` it eircysmtes al Naltserrit, lartherl Fui`ecaupe il` Nirme-Ficilte (Blmppelderf 4::?). It iccsmtes, hawever, they `a lat nibe up the nikarmty ao the ocibe` stale issendcife.

he thmr` fraup ganprmzes the kisper aggurrelges al Nirtmlmque il` Wt. Cugmi. hestu`y ao the ghirigtermstmgs ao the mooerelt kisper virmetmes ms stmcc ml mts precmnmliry stife. Itpreselt la petracafmg ar feaghenmgic ilicyses hive deel `ale ta mstmlfumsh the Nirtmlmque

 kispers oran the Wt. Cugmil ales. Hawever, sane feleric renirbs gil icrei`y de ni`e wmthrefir` ta cagic use il` `mstrmdutmal pitterls.

7 Pe ghert pradidcy ms i nare `ucc type ao ghicge`aly.

Omfure 7 @mstrmdutmal ao `merelt smcmgeaus stale virmetmes inalf the lartherl Cesser Iltmcces.

 I. @mstrmdutmal ao Dcigbnil”s Zamlt mlt `urmlf the Cite Gerinmg I phise (I@ 85: ‗ 945:)2 D.

@mstrmdutmal ao the Gagalut Hicc mlt `urmlf the Cite Gerinmg I phise (I@ 85: ‗ 945:)2 G. Zassmdce

`mstrmdutmal ao Whmrcey Hemfhts ghert `urmlf the Eircy Gerinmg I phise (5:: DG ‗ I@ 0::)2 @.

@mstrmdutmal ao Calf Mscil` mlt `urmlf the Eircy Gerinmg D phise (I@ 0:: ‗ 85:).

:   9:: bn







Iltmfui   Dcigbnil”sZamlt 



: 9:: bn









Wt. Eustitmus


Iltmfui   Gagalut Hicc 



:   9:: bn













: 9:: bn

Wuppcy zale

Zuerta Tmga  Widi

Wt. Eustitmus

Wt. Bmtts   Iltmfui



Wt. Cugmi

Wt. Nirtml













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he ilicysms ao i lunder ao cmthmg irteoigt gaccegtmals oran `mooerelt Gerinmg Ife smtesal dath mscil`s reveice` thit kisper il` ta i cesser efree ghicge`aly ire the niml nitermicsthit hi` deel use` dy the Inerml`mils al Nirtmlmque il` Wt. Cugmi (see Omfure 4). Narethil =5% ao the nitermic issagmite` wmth the niluoigture ao ocibe taacs decalfs ta ale aothese lal-dmafelmg smcmgeaus stale virmetmes. Icnast icc ao these nitermics resendce lituric

ragb al ale ao these mscil`s. Tire virmetmes, oar whmgh la lituric equmvicelt ms blawl, cmbecyire cagic is wecc, smlge aur blawce`fe ao icc the ivimcidce kisper il` ghicge`aly autgraps msstmcc mlganpcete al dath mscil`s.

Oran the smte ilicysms mt his icsa degane gceir thit `mooerelt kisper il` ghicge`alyvirmetmes were use` wmthml i smlfce smte il` thit the idul`ilges per virmety `mooer oar eighsmte. It nast smtes re` kisper pre`anmlites, sane hawever shaw i preoerelge oar the yeccaw-drawl virmety. Oran thms mt ms it ceist gceir thit nuctmpce autgraps were expcamte` dy eighsmte ml`epel`eltcy il` thit thereoare eigh smte hi` mts ulmque nmxture ao smcmgeaus stalevirmetmes use`. Ourthernare the ilicysms shawe` thit lat icc expcamte` autgraps were al thesine mscil`. Al Nirtmlmque, the @mzig iu @minilt smte pra`uge` sane freel kisper, whmgh

`aes lat aggur al Nirtmlmque il` whmgh nust hive deel gaccegte` oran Ilse `u Ficet alWt. Cugmi. Fmvel the gcase `mstilge oran sautherl Nirtmlmque ta lartherl Wt. Cugmi, thmspradidcy `m` lat mlvacve exghilfe, dut nare cmbecy the `mregt pragurenelt dy the @mzigpeapce it the lartherl Wt. Cugmil freel kisper autgrap.

Ml i``mtmal ta these cagic smtes, the typmgic Nirtmlmque/Wt. Cugmi re` kisper rirecy turlsup it i freiter `mstilge. M hive seel nitermic oran Gerinmg Ife smtes al Fui`ecaupe,Naltserrit, il` Wt. Eustitmus, whmgh resendce these kispers il` ire qumte `mooerelt oranather blawl kisper aggurrelges nare praxmnite (e.f. Ces Wimltes). Mt ms mlterestmlf thit thmsourther `mstrmdutmal alcy recites ta the re` virmety ao kisper il` lat ta the ather lituriccyidul`ilt ale, the yeccaw-drawl.

 Vhel we ganpire thms exinpce oran the Nirtmlmque ‗ Wt. Cugmi nmgra-refmal wmth Iltmfui, the ather mnpartilt mscil` hastmlf i virmety ao smcmgeaus stales, stralf smnmcirmtmesire preselt (see Omfure 0). Caabmlf it riw nitermic use dy smtes al Iltmfui mtseco mt ms late`thit i smnmcir `mooerelge detweel smtes ml the use ao smcmgeaus stale virmetmes exmsts is ms thegise al Wt. Cugmi il` Nirtmlmque. Oartulitecy, al Iltmfui M in detter idce ta `mstmlfumshthe smcmgeaus stale virmetmes oran eigh ao the `mooerelt saurges. Mt ippeirs thit cirfe par-tmals gine oran the gcasest saurges ivimcidce ta thit pirtmgucir smte. Is icrei`y neltmale`the mlhidmtilts oran the Gagalut Hicc cagicmty ni`e use ao the Gagalut Hicc segal`irysaurge ao ocmlt kust iraul` the garler (Blmppelderf 4::?). hms iggaults is wecc oar theDcigbnil”s Zamlt smte, whmgh use` mts cagic ocmlt nitermic orequeltcy. Ml i``mtmal ta these

leir-dy saurge virmetmes, icc smtes ymec`e` i smflmomgilt inault ao nitermic armfmlitmlf oranale pirtmgucir cagicmty, Calf Mscil`. he inault ao Calf Mscil` ocmlt, hawever, virme``epel`mlf al the `mstilge ta the gcasest ivimcidce icterlitmve smcmgeaus stale saurge. Wmtes,whmgh `m` lat hive these icterlitmve aggurrelges leir-dy, nare heivmcy recme` al the useao Calf Mscil` ocmlt, is ml`mgite` dy i hmfh pergeltife it the smte ao Gcirenalt icalf thesauth-westerl gaist ao Iltmfui, ml il irei `evam` ao smcmgeaus stale (Blmppelderf 4::?).

hms preoerelge oar Calf Mscil` ocmlt deganes evel nare ippirelt whel we `mregt auritteltmal ta smtes al ale ao the mscil`s `mregtcy surraul`mlf Iltmfui. Wettcenelt smtes alNaltserrit, Fui`ecaupe, Levms, Wt. Bmtts, il` evel Widi il` Wt. Eustitmus icc pra`uge`

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hmfh idul`ilges ao Calf Mscil` ocmlt, cmbecy nare thil 6:%. Felericcy these idul`ilgesire hmfher thil it nast ao the Iltmfui smtes il` the smcmgeaus stale nmxtures ire qumte`mooerelt.

 Ifiml thms pamlts ta il ml`epel`elt pragurenelt oar eigh smte, suffestmlf thit gan-nulmtmes autsm`e Iltmfui nust hive deel vmsmtmlf the saurge ao Calf Mscil` mtseco, wmthautmlteroerelge dy ale ao the Iltmfui gannulmtmes.0 Atherwmse yau wauc` oml` nmxtures aosmcmgeaus virmetmes smnmcir ta ale ao the Iltmfui smtes. hms nuctm-mscil` refmal surraul`mlf

 Iltmfui ms ml`mgite` is the suppcy zale ao the Calf Mscil` ocmlt pragurenelt. Mt ms gceir thitthe refmal, ml whmgh peapce welt `mregtcy ta Calf Mscil`, ms qumte extelsmve il` mlvacve`sanetmnes trmps ao nare thil 95: bn, whmgh dy-pisse` `mooerelt mscil`s.

0 Exgeptmal ta thms pitterl niy hive aggurre` `urmlf shart perma`s ao the Cite Gerinmg I il` D phises, is daththese phises wmtlesse` snicc sgice settcenelt igtmvmty al Calf Mscil` mtseco.

: 7 bn

Gagalut Hicc

Calf Mscil`



Kundy Diy











Calf Mscil` ocmlt


Zamlt ocmlt

Gagalut Hicc ocmlt




Ather ghert

Tiw nitermic idul`ilge

it Gerinmg Ife smtes ( )(EGI>Eircy Gerinmg I phise,

 CGI>Cite Gerinmg I phise, etg.)


Iltmfui Oarnitmal

Geltric Zciml Fraup

Disic _acgilmg Wumte


Ocmlt il` ghert saurge

Omfure 0 Cagitmal ao smcmgeaus stale saurges il` use ao smcmgeaus stale it `merelt Gerinmg Ife smtes al

 Iltmfui. Feacafmgic nip ms dise` al Nucter et ic. (9=8?;f. 4.9).

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 Ipirt oran thms ml`epel`elt `mregt pragurenelt sane ao the `iti pamlt ta the exmstelgeao mlter-gannulmty exghilfe detweel Iltmfui il` mts mregt surraul`mlf lemfhdaurs. he

 Ilse ê Ci Faur`e smte, icalf Fui`ecaupe”s lartherl gaist, oar exinpce, ymec`e` GagalutHicc il` Dcigbnil”s Zamlt ocmlt ml `epasmts galtenpariry wmth the Inerml`mil settceneltit dath cagicmtmes al Iltmfui (see Omfure 5). Fmvel the oigt thit these settcenelts ta i freit

`efree spitmiccy avercip wmth these saurge cagitmals, mt ms hmfhcy ulcmbecy thit the Ilse ê ciFaur`e peapce igqumre` these nitermics wmthaut mlterigtmlf wmth these Iltmfuil gannu-lmtmes. hms ms stralf evm`elge oar mlter-gannulmty exghilfe.

hms shart `msgussmal ao smcmgeaus stale use al Iltmfui il` mts surraul`mlf mscil`sgceircy shawe` the nmgra-refmalic mnpartilge ao the Calf Mscil` ocmlt saurge aver athers.Wa oir, mt ms the alcy fraup 0 saurge ao smcmgeaus stale thit wis use` il` `mstrmdute` extel-smvecy wmthml the Cesser Iltmcces. Evel deyal` the suppcy zale, Calf Mscil` ocmlt hi` deelutmcmze`, itteste` ta the oml`mlf ao irteoigts it smtes is oir iwiy is eisterl Zuerta Tmga il`sautherl Wt. _mlgelt. It these smtes deyal` the suppcy zale, we ire oml`mlf Calf Mscil`ocmlt ml smflmomgiltcy sniccer pergeltifes. Vhel these pergeltifes ire set ifimlst `mstilge

the oicc-aoo gurve exhmdmts steep expaleltmic `egiy, whmgh ms suffestmve oar i `awl-the-cmlena`e ao exghilfe (Telorew 9=66). @urmlf the Eircy Gerinmg Ife, oar exinpce, thms prad-idcy `m` lat mlvacve nare thil twa ta three exghilfe steps, omliccy resuctmlf ml i `mstrmdu-tmal oran Wt. _mlgelt ml the sauth ta the eisterl pirt ao Zuerta Tmga ml the west.

:   9:: bn

@anmlmgil Tepudcmg1

Zuerta Tmga


Wt. Gramx


Wt. Dirths


Wt. Eustitmus

Wt. Bmtts



Fui`ecaupe   Ci @ísmri`e

Ces Wimltes



Wt. Cugmi


Wt. Nirtml


lartherl _mrfml Mscil`s

Zetmte Perre

Ilse ê ci


Nitermic oran smcmgeaus stale saurge use` it Ilse ê ci Faur`e

Nitermic oran ather stale saurge use` it Ilse ê ci Faur`e

Omfure 5 Zravelilge ao `merelt stale nitermics use` it the Ilse ê ci Faur`e smte (Fui`ecaupe) `urmlfthe Cite Gerinmg I phise (I@ 85: ‗ 945:).

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@msgussmal il` galgcu`mlf renirbs

 Vhel we sunnirmze these `iti there ire sane pitterls thit enerfe. Ml feleric mt gil desim` thit the ducb ao smcmgeaus stale use` renimle` qumte stidce thraufh tmne. Calf Mscil`turls up nugh ml the lartherl Cesser Iltmcces thraufhaut the eltmre Gerinmg Ife. Icsathe re` il` yeccaw kisper virmetmes gil deel oaul` al Nirtmlmque il` Wt. Cugmi thraufhaut

icc aggupitmal phises. Hawever, sane nmlar ghilfes gil de m`eltmome` is wecc. he use aothe Whmrcey Hemfhts ghicge`aly `raps smflmomgiltcy ioter I@ 0::. Ather saurges cmbe theDcigbnil”s Zamlt il` Gagalut Hicc seen ta mlgreise ml mnpartilge oran thit tmne. heocaresgelge ao the `mstrmdutmal ao these smcmgeaus stale virmetmes ms stralfcy issagmite` wmththe leirdy settcenelt il` nust de isgrmde` ta the mlterigtmal ao these gannulmtmes wmththemr lemfhdaurs. he oigt thit ml ather perma`s themr usife wis lefcmfmdce suffests thitthese nitermics were lat spegmomgiccy vicue` is i faa` icterlitmve ta Calf mscil` ocmlt. heynare cmbecy oulgtmale` is i neils ta estidcmsh mlter-gannulmty recitmalshmps, the citterdemlf the prmniry faic, rither thil thit these recitmalshmps were oarne` oar adtimlmlf thesecagiccy lal-ivimcidce ragb nitermics.

Oar the igqumrenelt ao the ducb ao the riw nitermics oar ocibe taac niluoigture nastgannulmtmes `m` lat mlterigt wmth athers dut arfilmze` `mregt pragurenelt trmps ta theniml saurges thensecves, the Calf Mscil` ocmlt il` Nirtmlmque/Wt. Cugmi kisper cagicmtmes.hms renimle` the prmniry neils ao igqumrmlf nitermic oar icnast the eltmre Gerinmg Ife.he galstilt usife il` preoerelge oar thms ocmlt il` these kispers were lat alcy recite` tathemr hmfh quicmty, whmgh spegmomgiccy ms the gise oar Calf Mscil` ocmlt. Ale ather oeiturenibes sane ao these saurges very ittrigtmve il` thit ms themr recitmve renate cagitmal. CalfMscil` ms smtuite` al il aoo share mscet il` the nast mnpartilt kisper saurges ire emthercymlf al the renate tmp ao i pelmlsuci ar ml dath the spirsecy papucite` sautherl el` aoNirtmlmque il` lartherl el` ao Wt. Cugmi. hese renate cagitmals wauc` nibe galtrac dy

cagic gannulmtmes al the sine mscil` `moomguct ta ighmeve il` thms taa sane extelt fuiril-tee` `mregt iggess ta these cagicmtmes dy autsm`ers. Ml ather war`s, thms bept these gannulm-tmes ml`epel`elt oran athers oar the igqumrenelt ao these dismg riw nitermics.

he ather avericc pitterl thit enerfes, whmgh stil`s ml gcase recitmal ta the pamlt ni`eidave, ms the ulmque nmxtures ao smcmgeaus virmetmes thit eigh settcenelt smte use`. Al Wt.Cugmi il` Nirtmlmque eigh gannulmty wis idce ta ml`epel`eltcy ghaase whmgh autgrapsta expcamt. Al the mscil`s surraul`mlf Iltmfui gannulmtmes prmnirmcy recme` al `mregtpragurenelt ta Calf Mscil` ocmlt, dut ml i``mtmal aggismaliccy igqumre` ather virmetmesthraufh mlterigtmal wmth nuctmpce Iltmfuil gannulmtmes. Wugh i sgelirma it ceist ml`mgitesthit re`mstrmdutmal dy geltric smtes `m` lat aggur il` supparts the exmstelge ao sagma-pacmtm-giccy iutalanaus settcenelts.

Mt ourther shaws thit ml`mvm`uic gannulmtmes hi` nily icterlitmves oar adtimlmlf themrocibe taac riw nitermics. Mo we tibe the Ilse ê ci Faur`e smte is il exinpce ifiml, thelwe see thit `urmlf the Cite Gerinmg Ife thms settcenelt adtimle` mts riw nitermic dathdy neils ao `mregt pragurenelt il` exghilfe oran i whace virmety ao saurges, mlgcu`mlfit ceist oaur al Iltmfui, ale al Ci @ísmri`e il` passmdcy ale wmthml the Nirtmlmque-Wt.Cugmi refmal. Nare gil de i``e` ta thms cmst is there ire i oew virmetmes oar whmgh M gillatspegmoy i saurge cagitmal yet. hms alcy iggaults oar the smcmgeaus stale. Mo we ourther caabit the stale nitermics use` oar ather types ao taacs il` mooerelt sarts ao ather adkegts oaul`ml thms smte, we gil it ceist line ilather omve exatmg saurge cagicmtmes ta thms cmst. hms iccittests ta i hmfhcy mlterigtmve refmal ml whmgh stale nitermics, taacs, il` adkegts were gmr-

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gucitmlf ml nuctmpce mregtmals detweel the nily Cesser Iltmcceil mscil`s il` mt ul`ercmlesifiml the latmal neltmale` it the stirt ao thms piper thit the ageil oarne` i hmfh-wiyrither thil i dirrmer oar mlter-mscil` mlterigtmal.


@iti oar thms reseirgh hive deel igqumre` aver the pist 9: yeirs, is pirt ao ny omlmshe`Zh@ il` al-famlf past-`ag reseirgh. he citter oarns i sud-ulmt ao the nuctm-`msgmpcmliryreseirgh prakegt –Gannulmgitmlf Gannulmtmes„ oul`e` dy the Lethercil`s Arfilmsitmaloar Wgmeltmomg Teseirgh.

@urmlf ny regelt omec`trmp ta Wt. Cugmi, Wt. _mlgelt, the Freli`mles, il` Freli`i, ilunder ao peapce were hecpouc ml nily `mooerelt wiys. M wilt thilb Ermg Driloar` il`ather nenders ao the Irghieacafmgic il` Hmstarmgic Wagmety ao Wt. Cugmi, Bithy Nirtmloarn Wt. _mlgelt il` he Freli`mles Litmalic rust, the peapce oran he Wt. _mlgeltMlterlitmalic Imrpart @evecapnelt Ganpily, il` omliccy Nmghiec Kessiny oran theFaverlnelt ao Freli`i.


 Icnmlis, H._., E.E. Oaar`, il` T.E. ugber

9==0 Feaghenmstry, nmlericafy, il` feaghralacafy ao the U.W. _mrfml Mscil`s . U.W.Feacafmgic Wurvey Duccetml 4:56. Ulmte` Wtites Faverlnelt Zrmltmlf Aoomge,

 Vishmlftal @.G.

 Il`reosby, V. Kr.

9==8 Cmthmgs. Nigrasgapmg ippraighes ta ilicysms . Gindrm`fe niluics ml irghieacafy.Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe.

Dites, T.C., il` K.I. Kigbsal (e`mtars)

9=80 @mgtmaliry ao Feacafmgic terns. hmr` e`mtmal, Ilghar Zress/@audce`iy, Fir`elGmty, Lew ]arb.

Dírir`, D., il` F. _erlet

9==6 Ci Wivile `es Zítrmomgitmals, Wimlte Ille. Apíritmal `e oaumcce prafrinníe, IOIL .(@agunelt omlic `e sylthèse) Wervmge Tefmalic `e c”Irghíacafme, Oart `e Orilge,


Dauysse, Z., T. Wghnm`t-Eoomlf, il` @. Vesterginp

9=87 Ci @ísmri`e Mscil` (Cesser Iltmcces) revmsmte`; Cawer Gretigeaus ri`macirmilgherts il` irfunelts ifimlst il aphmacmtmg armfml oar the disict ganpcex. Feacafy  99;400-406.

Ghrmstnil, T.I.

9=57 Feacafy ao Wt. Dirthacanew, Wt. Niirtel il` Ilfumcci. Duccetml ao the FeacafmgicWagmety ao Inermgi  ?0;?5-=?.

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Gragb, K.F., il` Dirtale, T.L.

9==8 Irghieacafy ao rilts, Naltserrit. Zirt 0. Ocibe` stale il` stale dei` ml`us-trmes. Illics ao Girlefme Nuseun ?6;9=6-440.

`e Nmcce, G.

9==? Ilicysms ao the Zast-Wici`am` cmthmg issendcife, Nu``y Diy (ZH-90), Iltmfui,9==0. Ml  Irghieacafmgic mlvestmfitmals it Nu``y Diy (ZH-90), Iltmfui, Vest Ml`mes; iZast-Wici`am` settcenelt , e`mte` dy I.T. Nurphy, pp. 955-9=:.

4::9 Cmthmg Issendcifes ao oaur gerinmg smtes al Iltmfui. Zragee`mlfs ao the 98thMlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy, Freli`i, pp. 445-47:.

`e Viic, N.

4::? Zre-Gacundmil sagmic arfilmsitmal il` mlterigtmal mlterprete` thraufh the stu`y aosettcenelt pitterls. Il irghieacafmgic gise-stu`y ao the Zamlte `es Ghäteiux, Ci @ísmri`e

il` Ces Ìces `e ci Zetmte Perre nmgra-refmal, Fui`ecaupe, O.V.M. Zh@ `mssertitmal, Cem`elUlmversmty, Cem`el.

@alleccy, .V.

9=?? Feacafy ao Wt.hanis il` Wt. Kahl, U.W._mrfml Mscil`s.Feacafy ao Wt.hanis il` Wt. Kahl, U.W._mrfml Mscil`s. Feacafmgic Wagmety ao Inermgi Nenamr  =8;85-96?.

Halyghurgh, C.

9==5 Phe @anmlmgi Wtary; I hmstary ao the mscil` . Nignmccil, Dismlfstabe.

Blmppelderf, W.4::? Wtale irteoigt pra`ugtmal il` exghilfe inalf the Cesser Iltmcces . IrghieacafmgicWtu`mes Cem`el Ulmversmty 97, Cem`el Ulmversmty Zress, Cem`el.

4::= Cmthmgs oran Civautte, Wt. Cugmi. I repart al the ilicysms ao the 4::=-omec`seisal ni-termic . Ulpudcmshe` repart, Cem`el Ulmversmty, Cem`el.

Ceu`tbe, D.E.

9==4 Il Irghieacafmst”s fum`e ta ghert il` ocmlt . Irghieacafmgic Teseirgh taacs 6, Mlstmtuteao Irghieacafy, Ulmversmty ao Gicmoarlmi, C.I.

Nirtml-Biye, Z.H.I.

9=5= Teparts al the feacafy ao the Ceewir` il` the Drmtmsh _mrfml Mscil`s . _amge ZudcmshmlfGa., Ct`., Wt. Cugmi.

Netzcer, @.K.

4::= Omrst peapces ml i lew warc`. Gacalmzmlf Mge Ife Inermgi . Ulmversmty ao GicmoarlmiZress, Derbecy il` Cas Ilfeces.

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Nucter, H.F., N.Z. Vemss, il` @._. Lmghacsal

9=8?  Iltmfui; Teeos, ragbs il` hmfhrai`s ao hmstary. Ceewir` Mscil`s Wgmelge Issagmitesla.9. Iltmfui.

Telorew, G.

9=66 Icterlitmve na`ecs oar exghilfe il` spitmic `mstrmdutmal. Ml Exghilfe systensml prehmstary , e`mte` dy .B. Eirce il` K.E. Ermgsal, pp.69-=:. Igi`enmg Zress, Lew


Ta`rîfuez Tinas, T.

4::9  Cmthmg re`ugtmal trikegtarmes it Ci Huegi il` Zulti Gil`ecera smtes, Zuerta Tmga .Ulpudcmshe` Nister thesms, exis I&N Ulmversmty, Gaccefe Wtitmal, exis.

Wghunill, V.

4::9 Fenstales ao the Varc`. Tevmse` il` expil`e` e`mtmal, Wtercmlf Zudcmshmlf Ga.,Mlg., Lew ]arb.

arrelge, T.

9=8? Zra`ugtmal il` exghilfe ao stale taacs. Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe.

 Vi`fe, F.

9==0 he Cesser Iltmcces. Ml Girmddeil Feacafy. Il mltra`ugtmal, e`mte` dy  W.B. @alavilil` .I. Kigbsal, pp. 9?6-968. U.V.M. Zudcmshers” Issagmitmal, Bmlfstal.

 Vitters, @.T., il` M. Tause

9=8= Elvmralneltic `mversmty il` nirmle i`iptitmals ml the Girmddeil irei. Ml EircyGerinmg papucitmal cmoewiys il` i`iptitmal stritefmes ml the Girmddeil, e`mte` dy Z.E.Wmefec, pp.94=-900. DIT Mlterlitmalic Wermes. Irghieapress, Axoar`.

 Vemscer, N.M., il` Z._. Bmrgh

9==? Mltermscil` il` mlterirghmpecifa trilsoer ao stale taacs ml prehmstarmg Zacylesmi.Zragee`mlfs ao the Litmalic Igi`eny ao Wgmelges, UWI =4;9889-9885.

 Vemss, N.Z.

9==0 Acmfagele Cmnestales ao Iltmfui, Vest Ml`mes; Leptule suggee`s _ucgil.Girmddeil Kaurlic ao Wgmelge  7:;9-4=.

[mkcstri, K.K.Z.

9==5 he We`mneltacafy ao Ghicb. Cegture Lates ml Eirth Wgmelges  50.

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rívècelt pis `e garrícitmal gcimre eltre nadmcmtí, rífmne icmneltimre, et `ínafriphme paurgette papucitmal. Líilnamls, `es garrícitmals eltre ci cagicmtí et ce rífmne icmneltimrepaur gertimls ml`mvm`us ml`mquelt que ces `allíes msatapmques `u girdale et `u lmtrafèlepeuvelt galtrmduer ê c”m`eltmomgitmal `es armfmles fíafriphmques.

Mltra`ugtmal Ve preselt here il mltefrite` msatapmg ippraigh ta mlvestmfitmlf pitterls ao ilgmelt na-dmcmty il` picea`met oar the durmic papucitmal ao Ilse ê ci Faur`e. he ippraigh ms mlte-frite` ml the selse thit cmbe nugh regelt reseirgh utmcmzmlf msatapmg ilicyses we expcmgmtmyseeb ta mltefrite `iti oran nuctmpce msatapes dath wmth eigh ather il` wmth ather cmles aoirghieacafmgic evm`elge ta pravm`e i gceirer pmgture ao the cmoewiys il` cmoe hmstarmes ao pistpeapces (Deltcey il` Blmpper 4::52 Evils, Wtaa`cey, il` Ghelery 4::?2 Evils, Ghelery,il` Omtzpitrmgb 4::?2 Blu`sal il` Zrmge 4::62 Blu`sal et ic. 4::=2 Naltfanerey et ic. 4::52 Naltfanery il` Evils 4::?2 Wghrae`er et ic. 4::=2 Vhmte et ic. 4::6). he msa-tapes ilicyse` oar thms stu`y mlgcu`e straltmun whmgh ms prmnirmcy utmcmze` oar exinmlmlfnadmcmty (_icgirgec et ic., thms vacune), ml i``mtmal ta girdal il` lmtrafel whmgh reocegt`mooerelt ispegts ao `metiry prigtmges.

he recitmve sgirgmty ao sbecetic renimls ml gertiml refmals, sugh is the gmrgun-Girmddeil,requmres thit whel `msgavere` they shauc` de utmcmze` ta themr ouccest pateltmic. rapmgic il`sud-trapmgic elvmralnelts felericcy cei` ta oimrcy paar gal`mtmals oar the preservitmalao sbecetic renimls, il` icthaufh nily durmics hive deel oaul` thraufhaut thms refmal,nily mo lat nast ire felericcy ml paar stites ao preservitmal. Genetermes ar durmic ireisgaltimlmlf cirfe lunders ao durmics ar hunil sbecetals ire evel nare sgirge. Lalethecess,the inault ao useidce `iti felerite` oran the ilicyses ao these renimls hive deel rither`msprapartmalite ta the pateltmic inault ao mloarnitmal thit they galtiml. hms stite aoiooimrs ms ittrmdutidce ta i virmety ao giuses mlgcu`mlf2 ulequic hmstarmes ao irghieacafmgicreseirgh, the felericcy paar gal`mtmal ao nugh exgivite` sbecetic nitermic, the recitmve`eirth ao sbmcce` spegmicmsts warbmlf ml thms refmal il` the cigb ao galtextuic iti oar nite-rmic exgivite` ml the `mstilt pist, ta line i oew.

Ml regelt `egi`es thms `mspirmty detweel the pateltmic rmghless ao the irghieacafmgicregar` il` the mnpceneltitmal ao reseirgh ta igtuicmze sim` pateltmic his deful ta de ren-e`me`. hms ms surecy ml pirt `ue ta il avericc mlgreise ml the vacune ao irghieacafmgic ig-tmvmty thraufhaut the refmal. Nare irghieacafy his ce` ta the `msgavery il` exgivitmal aonare durmics il` sbecetic renimls. hese regelt exgivitmals hive deel gal`ugte` it i tmne

ao mlgreise` itteltmal, oran the pudcmg il` the irghieacafmgic gannulmty, ta the pranmsesil` pateltmics ao sgmeltmomg il` teghlacafmgic `evecapnelts il` the ippcmgitmal ao sughi`vilges ml irghieacafy. Drai`cy speibmlf, we ire reoerrmlf ta irghieacafmgic sgmelges il`ilicytmgic irghieacafy, il` pirtmgucircy ta i set ao irghieanetrmg teghlmques whmgh hivegane ta de rautmlecy ippcme` ta irghieacafmgic sbecetic nitermics thraufhaut the warc`.he mltefritmal ao irghieacafy, irghieanetrmgs, ethlahmstary il` ethlafriphy represeltsthe outure gaurse ao reseirgh mlta the hmstary il` prehmstary ao Girmddeil peapces (Haonilet ic. 4::8).

 Is prevmauscy neltmale` cirfe sbecetic issendcifes exgivite` wmth na`erl irghiea-cafmgic stil`ir`s il` teghlmques ire oimrcy ulgannal thraufhaut the Vest Ml`mes il`

pirtmgucircy sa ml the Cesser Iltmcces. hereoare, the durmic papucitmal ao the smte ao Ilseê ci Faur`e represelts i rire appartulmty ta omcc i very cirfe fip ml aur blawce`fe idaut

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98=C @ _

the prehmstary ao thms refmal. Hawever, thms appartulmty gil alcy de ouccy reicmze` thraufhthe mltefritmal ao i nuctm-`msgmpcmliry ippraigh. Is sugh the sbecetic gaccegtmal oran thesmte ao Ilse ê ci Faur`e, his deel sudkegte` ta i lunder ao ganpceneltiry ilicytmgicippraighes. hese mlgcu`e dut ire lat cmnmte` ta nartuiry ilicysms (durmic pasmtmal il`armeltitmal, frive faa`s, tiphalany) (Haafcil` et ic. 4::9, 4::7), asteacafmgic ilicy-

sms (`enafriphy, pithacafy) (Haafcil` il` Zilhuysel 4::92 Vestal, persalic gannu-lmgitmal 4:9:), `eltic ilicysms (weir, pithacafy, lal-netrmg trimts) (Gappi et ic.  4::82Nmgbcedurfh 4::?), il` dmafeaghenmgic ilicysms (ri`magirdal `itmlf, straltmun, girdalil` lmtrafel msatape ilicysms) ( Daa`el  et ic. 4::82 Haonil  et ic.  4::7i2 Ciooaal il`Haafcil` 4::=2 Wtabes 9==8).

Wmte il` settmlf

he smte ao Ilse ê ci Faur`e ms smtuite` al the larth-eist pelmlsuci ao Fril`e erre, thecmnestale pirt ao the mscil` ao Fui`ecaupe (see Omfure 9). Mt cmes al i cawer cmnestale ter-rige ml i cirfe diy oigmlf larth mlta the Itciltmg Ageil. he diy ms prategte` dy i dir-rmer reeo cymlf kust aoo the gaist. he smte, whmgh gavers ippraxmnitecy 0.5 hegtires, hisdeel extelsmvecy mlvestmfite` detweel 9==5 il` 4:::, wmth ippraxmnitecy 9054 n4 hiv-mlf deel exgivite` (@ecpuegh et ic. 4::92 Haonil et ic. 4::9). hree aggupitmal phiseswere regaflmze`, ri`magirdal `ite` detweel I@ 05: il` 975:, whereis the nikar aggu-


Wimlt _mlgelt



Wimlt Cugmi


Dirdu`iWidiWimlt Eustitmus

Wimlt Bmtts





Wimlt Nirtml Wimlt Dirts


Ilseê ci Faur`e

C  E   E   V   

I   T   @   

M    W    

C   I    

L    @    






 V I







  L @ W 

Omfure 9 Nip ao the Cesser Iltmcces il` the pasmtmal ao Ilse ê ciFaur`e al Fui`ecaupe Oran (Daa`el et.ic., 4::8, f.95.9).

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pitmal taab pcige detweel I@ 9::: il` 975: whmgh ms issmfle` ta the past-Wici`am` arraunissam` perma` (Haonil et ic. 4::7d). Emfhty-three durmics were oaul` galtimlmlf =4ml`mvm`uics whmgh ire icsa isgrmde` ta thms perma`. Icc ao the durmics were smtuite` wmthmlthe hidmtitmal irei, wmth nast ao then mlsm`e hause strugtures (Drmfht 4::72 @ecpuegh etic. 4::92 @uml 9==82 Narsmlb 4::?). I ganpcex il` wm`e virmety ao durmic prigtmges ms

vmsmdce it Ilse ê ci Faur`e suffestmlf sagmic mlequicmty il` gcase ioomlmty wmth the `ei`il` ilgestars (@ecpuegh et ic. 4::92 Haonil il` Haafcil`, thms vacune2 Haafcil` et ic. 4::9, 4::7).

Msatapmg  ippraighWtraltmun msatape ilicysms represelts the ac`est il` nast wm`ecy ippcme` ilicytmgic taac

oar mloerrmlf the navenelt ao ml`mvm`uics ml the pist oran i dmafeaghenmgic perspegtmve.hms teghlmque wis armfmliccy ippcme` ta i partmal ao the durmic papucitmal ao the smte ao

 Ilse ê ci Faur`e dy Daa`el et ic. (4::8) ta mlvestmfite pitterls ao ilgmelt nadmcmty. hmsstu`y gil de ghirigtermze` is the omrst cirfe-sgice ippcmgitmal ao thms netha` ta thms refmal.

Aur reseirgh expil`s al thms eircmer warb thraufh the mlgcusmal ao the resucts oran theilicysms ao il i``mtmalic 98 ml`mvm`uics is we ecidarite al the mlmtmic resucts il` mlterpretthen oran il mltefrite` perspegtmve.

Ml i``mtmal thms reseirgh oaguses al the ilicysms ao girdal il` lmtrafel stidce msatapes(97G il` 95L) ml hunil dale gaccifel ml ar`er ta regalstrugt the picea`met it the smte ao

 Ilse ê ci Faur`e. Oaccawmlf i drai`cy smnmcir stu`y dy Wtabes (9==8) whmgh gavere` icirfe pirt ao the Girmddeil irei, we expil` her `iti al 49 ml`mvm`uics oran thms smte wmthil i``mtmalic 7= ml`mvm`uics. he tatic sinpce oarns i cirfe represeltitmve `itiset ao the=4 ml`mvm`uics exgivite` oran Ilse ê ci Faur`e. he mloarnitmal gaccegte` galtrmdutes ta`metiry regalstrugtmals ao the durmic papucitmal ao Ilse ê ci Faur`e il` gil icsa `msgrmnm-

lite detweel the `mets ao spegmomg ml`mvm`uics ar gertiml fraups, theredy ganpcmneltmlfevm`elge oar pist `met dise` al evm`elge oran oiulic il` ocaric renimls. he gandmlitmalwmth ather iti adtimle` oran the sbecetals, sugh is `enafriphmg strugture il` straltmunmsatape ilicysms, iccaws us ta garrecite picea`met wmth ather adserve` pitterls wmthml thedurmic papucitmal.

Wtraltmun (Wr) msatape ilicyses

 Vhit oaccaws ms i drmeo `msgussmal ao the dismg prmlgmpces ao straltmun msatape ilicysmsdut oar the sibe ao drevmty we reoer the rei`er ta nare `etimce` `msgussmals (Deltcey 4::?2

Deltcey et ic. 4::02 Frupe et ic. 9==62 Ha`ecc et ic. 4::02 Zrmge et ic. 4::4). he spegmomgcidaritary pratagacs il` prage`ures utmcmze` ml thms reseirgh gil de oaul` ml Daa`el et ic. (4::8). he utmcmty ao Wr msatape ilicyses oar mlvestmfitmlf hunil nmfritmals il` nadmc-mty oran hunil renimls recmes al severic mlterrecite` pirineters. Wtraltmun msatapes viryfeafriphmgiccy, awmlf prmnirmcy ta ul`ercymlf `mooerelges ml de`ragb feacafmes ao `mooereltrefmals (Deir` il` Kahlsal 4:::). hms ms rither smnpcmstmg is ml oigt the tatic straltmungaltrmdutmals oar ily pirtmgucir egasysten ire `epel`elt upal the gandmlitmal ao iccelvmralneltic saurges (Deltcey 4::?2 Ciooaal il` Haafcil` 4::=). Awmlf ta mts drai`smnmcirmtmes wmth gicgmun, straltmun ms cmbewmse tibel up dy the da`y il` mlgarparite` mltasbecetic tmssues icthaufh it trige (dut neisuridce) galgeltritmals (Durtal 4::82 Durtal et


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9=9C @ _

Ulcmbe nast cmfht msatapmg systens, straltmun `aes lat ul`erfa dmaorigtmalitmal is mtnaves thraufh i oaa`wed, thus nast ilmnics (mlgcu`mlf hunils) aggupymlf i fmvel ega-systen wmcc shire drai`cy smnmcir Wr msatape smflitures wmthml themr sbecetic tmssues. Degiuse`eltic elinec aes lat ul`erfa ily sudstiltmic icteritmal ioter the ganpcetmal ao nmlericm-zitmal il` ms recitmvecy resmstilt ta past-narten galtinmlitmal (Du`` et ic. 4:::2 Bahl et

ic. 9===), mt preserves the msatapmg smflic ao the perma` ao frawth il` evecapnelt (Hmccsal

Olr. Wex Ife G&L G;L ΰ97G ΰ95L Wr ΰ 86Wr @evmitmal Cagic

:5:i O <0? yrs W 7.46 -9?.?= =.?4 D :.6:=969 :.:::::8 c

:8= O 4?-75 yrs _ 4.60 -97.5= 94.:: D :.6:=9?9 :.:::::6 c

9:8i N 7?-05 yrs W 7.46 -90.78 9:.78 D :.6:=964 :.::::95 c

976i U <98 yrs - - - - C :.6:=979 :.::::90 c

978i O1 <98 yrs W 7.48 -97.8? 9:.05 - - - -

97= N <0? yrs W 7.79 -90.?0 9:.== D :.6:=:70 :.:::::= c

95= O 98-45 yrs _ 4.?= -90.57 9:.89 D :.6:=90? :.:::::= c

969i N 98-45 yrs W 7.46 -97.89 9:.54 D :.6:8?7? :.::::4: l

9=0 O1 <0? yrs _ 4.85 -97.80 9:.=0 - - - -

9=5 U 5-= yrs W 7.94 -94.56 99.=9 C - - -

9=? N <98 yrs W 7.7: -95.99 9:.64 D :.6:=:78 :.:::::= c

9=6 N 98-45 yrs - - - - C :.6:=945 :.::::95 c

9== U <98 yrs W 7.7: -95.94 9:.6: - - -

4:: O 98-45 yrs - - - - C :.6:=::9 :.::::79 c

4:4 O1 <98 yrs W 7.44 -97.=6 9:.04 D :.6:=946 :.::::94 c

4:?i N <98 yrs - - - - D :.6:=946 :.:::::= c

4:6 O 7?-05 yrs W 7.48 -95.7= =.56 D :.6:=99? :.::::97 c

494 O1 <98 yrs W 7.48 -97.60 9:.0: D :.6:=:87 :.::::9: c

498 N1 <98 yrs _ 4.66 -95.40 99.5= - - - -

49= U 9:-90 yrs _ 4.89 -9?.00 9:.:= C :.6:=:?7 :.::::46 c

478i N1 <98 yrs _ 4.67 -90.67 99.?9 - - - -

478d O 4?-75 yrs - - - - C :.6:=908 :.::::99 c

409 U Ulblawl - - - - D :.6:=:58 :.:::::8 c

457 O <98 yrs _ 4.67 -90.=4 99.=: D :.6:=9?4 :.::::95 c

488 O1 4?-75 yrs W 7.47 -90.?9 9:.64 D :.6:8?0? :.:::::8 l

48= O <98 yrs _ 7.9: -90.:? 99.48 - - - -

4=9 U 398 yrs - - - - C :.6:=:88 :.::::99 c

4=4 N1 7?-05 yrs _ 9.05 -95.:6 99.8? D :.6:8655 :.::::9: l

7:0 O 4?-75 yrs W 7.9= -95.:9 =.89 D :.6:=944 :.::::0: c

7:6 N <0? yrs _ 4.84 -90.06 99.5? D :.6:=9?5 :.:::::8 c

799 O 4?-75 yrs W 7.96 -90.5: 9:.0: D :.6:880= :.::::90 l

774 O 98-45 yrs W 7.48 -90.85 9:.45 D :.6:8468 :.:::::= l

775 O <98 yrs W 7.46 -95.58 9:.75 C :.6:6?78 :.::::74 l

77= N1 <98 yrs W 7.00 -90.40 9:.9: C :.6:=9:: :.:::::= c

704 N 4?-75 yrs W 7.40 -90.74 9:.60 D :.6:=:79 :.:::::6 c

708 U <98 yrs - - - - C :.6:=97: :.:::::= c

70=i N 4?-75 yrs - - - - C :.6:=97= :.::::99 c

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Olr. Wex Ife G&L G;L ΰ97G ΰ95L Wr ΰ 86Wr @evmitmal Cagic

70=g O 4?-75 yrs - - - - D :.6:85=: :.:::::= l

75: O 7?-05 yrs _ 7.95 -90.66 9:.54 D :.6:=984 :.::::9: c

766 U 9-0 yrs - - - - D :.6:=:69 :.::::46 c

768 O 98-45 yrs W 7.48 -95.7: 9:.?? D :.6:60=: :.:::::= l

07: O 4?-75 yrs _ 7.4? -90.68 9:.88 D :.6:86=0 :.:::::= l

00? O1 <98 yrs _ 7.:8 -90.?? 99.58 D - - -

006 O 98-45 yrs _ 4.65 -97.=: 99.0= D :.6:=:=: :.::::99 c

00= N1 7?-05 yrs _ 7.48 -9?.84 99.48 - - - -

05: N 4?-75 yrs _ 7.98 -90.9= 99.5: D :.6:8?=: :.:::::= l

059 O 4?-75 yrs _ 4.?= -90.48 99.5? D :.6:=997 :.:::::8 c

054 O 4?-75 yrs _ 4.=9 -95.77 99.:: D :.6:=984 :.:::::? c

050 O <98 yrs - - - - D :.6:=9?0 :.:::::= c

54= O 98-45 yrs _ 4.85 -90.8? 9:.=9 C :.6:=9:6 :.::::94 c

6:? N1 4?-75 yrs _ 4.86 -95.98 99.95 D :.6:=9?8 :.::::98 c

64? N 98-45 yrs _ 7.48 -95.80 99.=4 D :.6:=448 :.::::97 c

=57 O <0? yrs _ 4.?8 -95.54 99.:6 D :.6:=9?4 :.::::94 c

994?i O <98 yrs - - - - C :.6:=94: :.:::::8 c

994?d N <98 yrs _ 7.96 -90.50 99.76 - - - -

94:7 N1 4?-75 yrs _ 7.:: -90.?? 99.=5 D :.6:=979 :.::::94 c

944? N 4?-75 yrs _ 7.7: -90.07 94.:? D :.6:=:?8 :.:::::= c

9097 U 9-0 yrs - - - - D :.6:=9=7 :.::::98 c

90=?i N 98-45 yrs - - - - D :.6:=958 :.:::::6 c

9?59 N 4?-75 yrs _ 7.:4 -90.44 99.=5 D :.6:=9?8 :.:::::? c

9=44 U 9-0 yrs - - - - C :.6:=97? :.::::9: c9=05 O1 98-45 yrs _ 7.59 -95.7? 9:.?: - - - -

9=08 N 4?-75 yrs _ 4.=0 -95.55 99.7? - - - -

9=58 O1 <98 yrs _ 4.60 -95.48 99.=0 C :.6:8==? :.::::9: c

4::5 O1 98-45 yrs _ 4.87 -97.?8 99.:0 D :.6:8065 :.::::94 l

49:? N <0? yrs _ 7.49 -95.40 9:.46 C :.6:=907 :.:::::= c

49:6 O1 9:-90 yrs _ 4.66 -97.6: 9:.?= D :.6:=90= :.:::::8 c

49:= O <98 yrs _ 4.8: -97.85 99.:5 C :.6:=:69 :.::::9: c

4499 U 9-0 yrs - - - - D :.6:=094 :.::::90 l

4494 O 7?-05 yrs _ 7.:6 -90.:9 9:.== D :.6:=9:: :.:::::8 c

4497 O <0? yrs _ 7.94 -90.5= 99.?8 C :.6:8850 :.:::::8 l

4490 U <0? yrs _ 7.:7 -90.:9 99.90 D :.6:=95? :.::::94 c

4495 O 4?-75 yrs _ 7.:8 -9?.8: 9:.77 D :.6:6606 :.:::::6 l

449? N 7?-05 yrs _ 4.89 -90.=? 99.49 D :.6:=9?5 :.:::::? c

4496 O 98-45 yrs _ 4.5= -97.=7 99.70 D :.6:=9?8 :.:::::5 c

490: N1 <98 yrs _ 4.=7 -95.4: 99.?7 - - - -

Pidce 9 Tesucts ao msatapmg ilicyses.

 N>Nice2 O>Oenice2 O1>Zassmdce Oenice2 N1>Zassmdce Nice2

G&L> girdal il` lmtrafel `iti saurge2 W>Wtabes (9==8)2 _>`e _as

Wr> straltmun `iti saurge2 D>Daa`el (4::8)2 C>Ciaalc>Cagic2 l>Lal-cagic2 G;L> girdal ta lmtrafel ritma

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9=7C @ _

9==?). Mo il ml`mvm`uic naves ar nmfrites detweel msatapmgiccy `mstmlgt refmals ioter thetmne ao oarnitmal ao themr `eltic elinec thms gil de `etegte` thraufh the ganpirmsal aothemr elinec vicues wmth thit ao the cagic Wr msatape rilfe. hms iccaws us ta m`eltmoy whmghml`mvm`uics ire lalcagic ta i pirtmgucir smte ar refmal il` ta nibe ourther mloerelges gal-gerlmlf the `enafriphmg ganpasmtmal ao cagics il` lalcagics, the tmnmlf ar ife ao nmfri-

tmal, il` the pateltmic feafriphmg armfmls ao nmfrilts.

Wr msatape; resucts il` pitterls 

he ul`ercymlf feacafy ao Fril`e-erre where the smte ao Ilse ê ci Faur`e ms cagite` msprmnirmcy ganpase` ao upcmote` Zcmagele il` Yuiterliry cmnestale. he Wr msatape smflicao thms oarnitmal ms esseltmiccy m`eltmgic ta na`erl seiwiter il` is sugh ily cagiccy frawlar rimse` dmacafmgic arfilmsn shauc` passes i 86Wr/8?Wr smfliture very gcase ta :.6:=4. Mloigt, ilicyses ao samcs oran durmic pmts, irghieacafmgic oiulic renimls (rmge rit elinec), il`the nikarmty ao the ml`mvm`uics oran thms smte icc hive 86Wr/8?Wr vicues whmgh oicc wmthml ilirraw rilfe smnmcir ta na`erl seiwiter. Mlmtmic reseirgh m`eltmome` 90 ao the 5: ml`mvm`uic

hunils sinpce` is lal-cagics dise` al thms estmnite ao the cagic rilfe, i pitterl suppart-e` dy stitmstmgic issessnelts ao the sine iti set (Daa`el et ic. 4::8). hese resucts prave`pranmsmlf ml thit icc cmles ao evm`elge pamlte` ta i rither lirraw Wr msatape rilfe oar thmssmte il` oar the mscil` is i whace. Ve expegt thit ather feacafmgiccy hanafeleaus settmlfs,sugh is nily ao the girdalite mscil`s, shauc` pra`uge smnmcircy restrmgte` cagic rilfe estm-nites il` thus pernmt the m`eltmomgitmal ao lalcagics oran msatapmgiccy `msgrete refmals.

Mt ms alcy thraufh the ganpiritmve il` galtextuic ilicysms ao the Wr msatape `iti thitthe utmcmty ao thms netha`acafmgic ippraigh gil de ippregmite`. Ganpirmsal ao the Wr msa-tape `iti wmth the `enafriphmg strugture ao the durmic papucitmal reveics severic mlterest-











      8      6      W     r      /      8      ?      W     r





rmge rits

samc sinpces

Omfure 4 Friph ao Wtraltmun Msatape Tesucts.

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mlf pitterls. Is prevmauscy stite`, we ilicyse` il i``mtmalic 98 sinpces nibmlf i tatic ao?8 ml`mvm`uics. Ao these we hive m`eltmome` 96 (45%) is lalcagics, mlgcu`mlf 90 i`uctsil` 7 kuvelmces. hms represelts i sudstiltmic lunder ao mnnmfrilts (lat armfmlitmlf oranFril`e-erre) durme` it thms smte. Ao the i`ucts m`eltmome` is i`uct oenices ar pradidce oe-nices, 9: aut ao 7? (48%) ire lalcagics, whereis ao the i`ucts m`eltmome` is nices ar prad-

idce nices, alcy 0 aut ao 49 (9=%) ire lalcagic (see idce 9 il` Omfure 4).he smflmomgilt `mooerelge ml the pergeltifes ao lalcagic nices versus lalcagic oenicesniy de i reocegtmal ao pitterls ao resm`eltmic nadmcmty tme` ta nirrmife prigtmges ar nerecyil irteoigt ao snicc sinpce smze. @ue ta the oigt thit dath nices il` oenices ippeir ta denmfritmlf ta the smte, we gillat it thms tmne nibe spegmomg mloerelges galgerlmlf typesao past-nirmtic resm`eltmic recagitmal, sugh is i``ressmlf hypatheses galgerlmlf pitrmcagicversus nitrmcagic systens. he resucts niy suffest thit thms fraup emther prigtmge` ocexmdcepast-nirmtic resm`elgy il`/ar thit resm`eltmic nadmcmty ms lat the alcy type ao nadmcmty re-ocegte` ml the msatapmg `iti. he msatapmg vicues ao the lalcagic oenices `mspciy i freiter`efree ao virmilge thil the lalcagic nices nast cmbecy ml`mgitmlf nare `mverse armfmls oar

the oarner recitmve ta the citter.he exigt feafriphmg armfmls ao the lalcagics gillat de eternmle` vmi Wr msatape ilic-ysms icale, ar ily ather smlfce msatapmg systen oar thit nitter, dut the rilfe ao vicues oar thelalcagics pamlts ta pateltmic armfmls oran vacgilmg ar ac`er cmnestale mscil`s/refmals. waao the three kuvelmces m`eltmome` is lalcagics hive Wr msatape vicues thit ire ecevite` recitmveta the estmnite` cagic rilfe. hese vicues ire moomguct ta mlterpret, is Wr vicues hmfher thilseiwiter (~:.6:=4) ire expegte` ta de recitmvecy rire ml the Cesser Iltmcces. Zassmdce armfmlsoar these twa ml`mvm`uics niy mlgcu`e rmlm`i`, sane refmals ao the Freiter Iltmcces, arevel the galtmleltic nimlcil`. Nare reseirgh mlta the msatapmg virmitmal ao the Girmddeilrefmal wmcc hive ta de gal`ugte` ta ourther lirraw `awl passmdce armfmls oar msatapmg

lalcagics.Weveric mlterestmlf pitterls ire icsa reveice` dy the ganpirmsal ao Wr msatape `iti wmth

the nartuiry pitterls ao thms smte. La gceir garrecitmal ippeirs ta exmst detweel durmiccagitmal, type, ar armeltitmal il` msatapmg vicues ar armfmls is `eternmle` dy Wr ilicysms.Hawever, thms cigb ao garrecitmal lee`s ta de nare rmfarauscy teste` thraufh stitmstmgicilicysms. Gceir garrecitmals wmth the preselge il` type ao frive faa`s recitmve ta cagicmtyil` armfmls `a exmst. Ao the 96 lalcagic ml`mvm`uics, emfht ao then ire mlterre` ml i durmicgaltimlmlf ale ar nare frive faa`s. hms ms sanewhit exgeptmalic galsm`ermlf thit nastdurmics it the smte galtimle` la frive faa`s. Ourthernare, ao these emfht lalcagics wmthfrive faa`s, omve ao then ire i`uct oenices mlterre` wmth rire, oaremfl ar exatmg frive faa`s.

wa ml`mvm`uics, O70=g il` O07:, were mlterre` wmth i cirfe ocibe gare ao Calf mscil` ocmltil` i snicc gect passmdcy ao Wt Nirtml freelstale (icthaufh the passmdmcmty thit the gect msigtuiccy ki`emte ms demlf expcare`), respegtmvecy. hemr Wr msatape vicues ire galsmstelt wmth the armfmls ao these pirtmgucir frive faa`s (Iltmfui il` Wt Nirtml, respegtmvecy) dut icsawmth nily ather refmals ao the Vest Ml`mes il` deyal`. Ml ather war`s, the Wr msatape `itisupparts i hypathesms ao smnmcir armfmls oar dath riw nitermics il` hunils oran the sinefrives dut gillat ruce aut the passmdmcmty ao virmilt armfmls. hese pitterls ire suffestmve aopassmdce cmlbs detweel nartuiry treitnelt il` armfmls thit requmre ourther expcaritmal.

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9=5C @ _

97G il` 95L msatape ilicyses

he stidce msatapes 97G il` 95L ire virmilts ao the larnic girdal il` lmtrafel msatapes94G il` 90L, wmth the i``mtmal ao il extri leutral ml the gare ao the itan. he virmiltsire ghenmgiccy smnmcir ta the larnic msatapes, hawever they ire heivmer. Ao icc lituriccyexmstmlf girdal iraul` 9.9% galsmsts ao 97G desm`es the larnic msatape 94G (=8.=%) il` i

very snicc inault ao the ri`maigtmve 90G (9 ml 9:94 ta 9 ml 9:95). Lext ta the larnic lmtra-fel msatape 90L (==.?0%) iraul` :.7?% ao icc lmtrafel galsmsts ao 95L (Wghaelmlfer il`Naare 9==42 Wucznil 4::6). @ue ta the `mooerelges ml niss detweel the cmfhter 94G il`90L il` the heivmer 97G il` 95L msatapes there ire virmitmals ml the ritmas ao these msatapesml lituric systens.

here ire sane nikar `mooerelges ml 97G il` 95L msatape idul`ilges ml liture thitpravm`e mloarnitmal idaut the `mets ao hunils il` ilmnics. I prmniry saurge ao girdalmsatape virmitmal ml pcilts `ermves oran the `mooerelge ml phatasylthesms detweel G7 il`G0 pcilt types. G0 pcilts (oar exinpce sane trapmgic frisses sugh is nimze) `msgrmnmlitecess ifimlst the heivmer 97G `urmlf GA4 uptibe thil G7 pcilts (nast pcilts ml tenper-

ite elvmralnelts) il` ire thereoare cess `epcete` ml 97G. Arfilmsns thit oee` al thesepcilts wmcc smnmcircy hive i cess `epcete` 97G smfliture. Ml i``mtmal, `ue ta `mooerelges mlthe idul`ilge ao 97G il` 95L ml seiwiter recitmve ta the itnasphere, ml feleric nirmlearfilmsns hive ecevite` cevecs ao 97G il` 95L recitmve ta terrestrmic arfilmsns. I omlic vms-mdce trel` galgerls the traphmg cevec eooegt, wheredy the inault ao 97G il` 95L mlgreiseswmth every step up ml the oaa` ghiml (He`fes il` Teylir` 4::62 Wghaelmlfer il` Naare9==42 Wucznil 4::6).

 Il extri mssue i``resse` dy eircmer msatape stu`mes ml the Girmddeil refmal dy Beefilil` @eLmra (9=88) il` Wtabes (9==8) ms the mlocuelge ao reeo omsh galsunptmal al themsatapmg smfliture ao the galsuner. Ather thil pecifmg nirmle omsh whmgh giuse the msa-

tapmg smfliture ao i galsuner ta de elrmghe` ml dath lmtrafel il` girdal, reeo omsh giuse ismnmcir elrmghnelt ml ΰ97G dut alcy i nmlar elrmghnelt ml ΰ95L `ue ta lmtrafel omxitmalaggurrmlf ml reeo elvmralnelts (Gipale il` Girpelter 9=842 Vi`i il` Hittarm 9=6?).

he inault ao 97G il` 95L gil de neisure` ml ily arfilmg tmssue thit galtimls emthergirdal ar lmtrafel. Degiuse the inaults il` `mooerelges ire sa snicc, the msatape ritmasire ganpire` ta i stil`ir` galtimlmlf i blawl inault ao 97G il` 95L. he resucts irepreselte` is `mooerelges ml msatape ritmas recitmve ta il exterlic stil`ir`, ml thms gise ΰ97Gil` ΰ95L. he ilicysms ml thms reseirgh ms peroarne` al hunil dale gaccifel (Naab 4::?2Wghaelmlfer il` Naare 9==42 Weicy 4::9). Degiuse dale gaccifel ms ni`e aut ao pratemlsmt reocegts nastcy the prateml pirt ao i hunil”s `met (Indrase il` Larr 9==7), icthaufh mtms lat passmdce ta `mstmlfumsh detweel ilmnic il` pcilt prateml.

hraufhaut the cmoe ao i hunil, the dales ao il ml`mvm`uic wmcc galtmluauscy rena`ecil` thereoare scawcy i`apt lew msatapmg smflics whel i `met ms ghilfe`. Dale gaccifelthereoare represelts the iverife ao il ml`mvm`uic”s `met aver the cist 9: ta 7: yeirs ao hms/hercmoe. @eltic elinec il` prmniry `eltmle ire lat sudkegte` ta rena`eccmlf ar turlaver ioteroarnitmal il` nmlericmzitmal hive geise`, resuctmlf ml il msatapmg represeltitmal ao theperma` ao the oarnitmal ao the spegmomg taath (He`fes et ic. 4::62 Weicy et ic .9==5).

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G il` L msatapes; resucts il` pitterls 

he warb dy Wtabes (9==8) il` Larr (4::4) his reveice` wm`esprei` feafriphmg virmitmalml `metiry pitterls thraufhaut the Girmddeil irei. Gceir spitmic gcusters ire vmsmdce whmghire expcimle` dy Wtabes is the autgane ao the ivimcidmcmty ao oaa` resaurges al eigh mscil``ue ta mscil` smze, feanarphacafy il` egasystens. here ms i gceir `mstmlgtmal detweelsnicc cmnestale mscil`s wmth extelsmve reeos dut paar terrestrmic resaurges il` cirfer mscil`swmth rmgher terrestrmic oaa` resaurges dut perhips cess iggess ta reeo resaurges. Ml i``mtmal,sniccer `mooerelges ire vmsmdce wmthml mscil`s galgerlmlf the cagitmal ao smtes, oar exinpcethe `mstilge ta the gaist il` il issagmite` recmilge al nirmle resaurges. hms gceir gcuster-

mlf ao `metiry pitterls al `mooerelt mscil`s nibes `metiry regalstrugtmal wmth97

G il`95

Lmsatapes i hecpouc extri pirineter oar nmfritmal il` nadmcmty stu`mes, is `msgusse` ourtherdecaw.

he gandmle` ΰ97G il` ΰ95L resucts oran the stu`y dy Wtabes (9==8) il` thms stu`yal the hunil sbecetals ao Ilse ê ci Faur`e gcuster spitmiccy ml i pitterl whmgh ms galsmst-elt wmth the expegte` `met ao thms papucitmal. I smflmomgilt aooset ms vmsmdce detweel dath`itisets, icthaufh mt `aes lat iooegt the mlterpretitmal ao the resucts (Omfure 7). he resuctsshaw i nmxe` `met ao terrestrmic oaa` resaurges gandmle` wmth il extelsmve inault ao reeoomsh. I nmxmlf na`ec adtimle` oran the msatapmg smflics oran ilmnics wmth i pure nirmleil` i pure terrestrmic `met pravm`es estmnites ao the pergeltife ao reeo omsh ml the `met ao the

 Ilse ê ci Faur`e papucitmal iraul` 5:%, wmth the reniml`er ao the prateml ganpaleltao the `met `ermve` oran terrestrmic G7 saurges.here ms la gceir garrecitmal vmsmdce detweel met il` dmacafmgic sex ar ife it eith. hms

neils thit there ire la adservidce mooerelges ml metiry pitterls dise` al `enafriphy, arml ather war`s, the whace papucitmal shire` i drai`cy smnmcir `met. here ms icsa la gceirgarrecitmal detweel `met il` cagicmty. Vmth oew exgeptmals the ΰ 97G il` ΰ 95L `iti ao icclal-cagics gcuster wmth the cagics, suffestmlf thit the lal-cagics hi` i smnmcir `met ta thecagics. Deirmlf ml nml` thit the straltmun msatape smflic adtimle` oran taath elinec rep-reselts the ghmc`haa` feafriphmg armfml, whereis the ΰ97G il` ΰ95L resucts adtimle` orandale gaccifel represelt the `met ml the cist `egi`es ao il ml`mvm`uic”s cmoe, thms cigb ao gar-

recitmal gauc` de mlterprete` ml nuctmpce wiys. Emther, the `metiry pitterls (il` thus the





-96 -9? -95 -90 -97 -94ΰ97G

      ΰ      9      5      L


`e _as

Omfure 7 Friph ao Girdal il` Lmtrafel Msatape Tesucts.

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9=6C @ _

ΰ97G il` ΰ95L smflics) ao the lalcagics” pcige(s) ao armfml resendces the `metiry pitterl ao Ilse ê ci Faur`e (oar exinpce, ilather gaistic smte al i cmnestale mscil`) ar the lalcagicml`mvm`uics spelt elaufh tmne al Fril`e-erre oar themr dale gaccifel msatape vicues taequmcmdrite ta the cagic `metiry pitterl. Ilicyses ao lmtrafel il` girdal msatape smflics ao`eltmle gaccifel gauc` pravm`e mloarnitmal galgerlmlf metiry galsunptmal urmlf ghmc`-

haa` il` thus pravm`e il appartulmty ta `msgrmnmlite detweel these twa hypatheses. Mli``mtmal, the msatapmg `iti galgerlmlf lal-cagic ghmc`haa` `mets niy galtrmdute ta them`eltmomgitmal il` mlterpretitmal ao feafriphmg armfmls galsm`ermlf the drai` spitmic pit-terlmlf ar gcustermlf ao `metiry msatapmg `iti ml the Girmddeil.

Mltefritmlf msatape resucts il` il ml`mvm`uic cmoe hmstary ippraigh

he mltefritmal ao nuctmpce msatapmg `iti sets wmth ather cmles ao irghieacafmgic evm`elgeshaws freit pateltmic oar fimlmlf mlsmfht mlta picea`metiry il` piceanadmcmty ml thms re-fmal. Vhmce the straltmun msatape resucts hive reveice` sudstiltmic nmfritmal ta the smteil` nuctmpce armfmls oar lalcagics, the girdal il` lmtrafel msatape resucts ml`mgite ha-nafelaus metiry pitterls oar thms durmic papucitmal. Icthaufh there ms la gceir pitterlmlfdetweel met il` cagicmty wmthml the smte, the mltefritmal ao the twa iti sets gauc` pravm`eourther mlsmfhts. he gceir `metiry pitterlmlf wmthml the Girmddeil, wmth `mooerelt mscil`sar refmals demlf represelte` dy rither `mstmlgt gcusters ao msatapmg `iti pamlts, pateltmiccypravm`es il extri pirineter oar the m`eltmomgitmal ao feafriphmg armfmls oar lalcagics. Mlather war`s, whel i garrecitmal ms oaul` detweel cagicmty il` met, the `metiry mloarnitmalgauc` galtrmdute ta the `eternmlitmal ao armfmls.

Dath types ao ilicyses ire sumtidce ta peroarn al `mooerelt sbecetic ecenelts il` tmssueswhmgh represelt `mooerelt perma`s ao il ml`mvm`uic”s cmoe. Vmth thit mloarnitmal, i nare `e-timce` stu`y gil de ni`e al the cmoe gaurse ar hmstary ao spegmomg ml`mvm`uics, oar exinpce,ta `eternmle the ife it whmgh resm`eltmic recagitmal aggurre` oar lalcagic ml`mvm`uics il`whether nmfritmal mtseco ms cmlbe` ta ather ghilfes ml dehivmaur, sugh is `metiry prigtmges.

 Is there ms la gceir garrecitmal wmth cagicmty detweel spegmomg fraups dise` al sex ar ife,thms ml`mvm`uic cmoe hmstary ippraigh ms the alcy wiy ta fiml mlsmfht mlta the natmves oaril` pitterls ao nmfritmal. Weveric pmcat stu`mes wmcc hecp us ta gcirmoy the passmdmcmtmes aothms ippraigh ml thms pirtmgucir gise il` whether mt gil pravm`e ilswers il`/ar feleritelew questmals.

a mccustrite aur pamlt, precmnmliry resucts oran ale pmcat stu`y ml`mgite thit ml`mvm`uicO4495, il i`uct oenice `eternmle` ta de lalcagic dise` al the Wr msatape `iti, passesses

G il` L msatapmg resucts ml her `eltmle whmgh ms gceircy `mooerelt oran thit ao the restao the ilicyse` durmic papucitmal. Ml oigt, the G il` L `iti oran thms ml`mvm`uic gcustervery gcasecy ta thit ao pudcmshe` `iti oran the smte ao Dagi `ec Waga, @anmlmgil Tepudcmg(Wtabes 9==8). hms evm`elge pamlts ta sauth-westerl Hmspilmaci is i pateltmic armfml oarthms ml`mvm`uic whmgh gil de ourther teste` thraufh ganpirmsal ao her Wr vicues wmth estm-nites ao the Wr msatape virmitmal oar thit refmal. he G il` L resucts oran thms sine ml`m-vm`uic”s dale gaccifel ms sanewhit gcaser ta dut stmcc `mstmlgt oran the niml cagic `metirygcuster. Ale passmdce expcilitmal oar thms oigt ms thit thms persal cmve` it Ilse ê ci Faur`ecalf elaufh oar her dale gaccifel ta defml ta equmcmdrite ta the cagic `metiry pitterl dutlat calf elaufh oar the armfmlic msatapmg smflic ta de ganpcetecy adcmterite`. Ourthernare,

outure msatape ilicyses ao virmaus ather tmssues, sugh is `eltic gicgucus il` dale ipitmte,niy ourther ecugm`ite the tmnmlf ao thms ml`mvm`uic”s nmfritmal ta Fril`e-erre il` her

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sudsequelt `metiry ghilfe upal irrmvic. Ml i``mtmal, virmaus ather dmafeaghenmgic neth-a`s mlgcu`mlf sucphur, axyfel, hy`rafel il` cei` msatapes il` trige ecenelt ilicyses ao-oer freit pateltmic oar ourther expcaritmal ao pitterls ao ilgmelt hunil dehivmaur ml thmsrefmal.

 Igblawce`feneltshms reseirgh wis omlilgmiccy supparte` dy the Lethercil`s Arfilmsitmal oar WgmeltmomgTeseirgh (LVA), thraufh the reseirgh prakegt –Gannulmgitmlf Gannulmtmes„ ul`er thesupervmsmal ao Zraoessar Garmlle Haonil. Ve wmsh ta thilb Zraoessar Fireth @ivmes aothe _rmke Ulmversmtemt Inster`in il` Zraoessar Hils vil `er Zcmght ao the TmkbsulmversmtemtFralmlfel oar the supervmsmal ao the straltmun il` girdal/lmtrafel msatape ilicyses, re-spegtmvecy. Ve icsa tibe thms appartulmty ta thilb @r. Nella Haafcil` oar pravm`mlfgannelts il` oee`digb al prevmaus versmals ao thms piper.

Teoerelges Indrase, W.H., il` C. Larr

9==7 Expermneltic evm`elge oar the recitmalshmp ao the girdal msatape ritmas ao whace`met il` `metiry prateml ta thase ao dale gaccifel il` girdalite. Ml Zrehmstarmg HunilDale; Irghieacafy it the Nacegucir Cevec, e`mte` dy K.D. Cindert il` F. Frupe, pp. 9-76. Wprmlfer-_ercif, Dercml.

Deir`, D.C., il` G.N. Kahlsal

4::: Wtraltmun Msatape Ganpasmtmal ao Wbecetic Nitermic Gil @eternmle the Dmrth

Zcige il` Feafriphmg Nadmcmty ao Hunils il` Ilmnics.  Kaurlic ao Oarelsmg Wgmelges  05;9:0=-9:?9.

Deltcey, T.I.

4::? Wtraltmun Msatapes oran the Eirth ta the Irghieacafmgic Wbecetal; I Tevmew. Kaurlic ao Irghieacafmgic Netha` il` Pheary  97;975-986.

Deltcey, T.I., il` G. Blmpper

4::5 Feafriphmgic Zitterls ml Dmacafmgiccy Ivimcidce Wtraltmun, Girdal il` AxyfelMsatape Wmflitures ml Zrehmstarmg WV Fernily. Irghieanetry  06;?4=-?00.

Deltcey, T.I., .@. Zrmge, il` E. Wtephil

4::0 @eternmlmlf the –Cagic„ 86Wr/8?Wr Tilfe oar Irghieacafmgic Wbecetals; I GiseWtu`y Oran Leacmthmg Eurape. Kaurlic ao Irghieacafmgic Wgmelge  79;7?5-765.

Daa`el, N.I., T.F.I.N. Zilhuysel, N.C.Z. Haafcil`, H.L. `e Kalf, F. @ivmes, il`G.C. Haonil

4::8 rigmlf Hunil Nadmcmty wmth 86Wr/8?Wr it Ilse ê ci Faur`e, Fui`ecaupe. MlGrassmlf the Dar`ers; Lew Netha`s il` Peghlmques ml the Wtu`y ao Irghieacafmgic Nitermics

 oran the Girmddeil, e`mte` dy G.C. Haonil, N.C.Z. Haafcil`, il` I.C. vil Fmkl, pp.490-445. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

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9==C @ _

Drmfht, I.K.

4::7 Wpitmic `ylinmgs il` sagmic `evecapnelt ml the Lartherl Cesser Iltmcces ‗ i pmcatstu`y dise` al settcenelt strugture it the smte ao Ilse ê ci Faur`e, Fui`ecaupe . Nisterthesms, Cem`el Ulmversmty, Cem`el.

Du``, Z., K. Naltfanery, D. Dirremra, il` T.F. hanis4::: @mooereltmic @mifelesms ao Wtraltmun ml Irghieacafmgic Hunil @eltic mssues.

 Ippcme` Feaghenmstry  95;?86-?=0.

Durtal, K.

4::8 Dale Ghenmstry il` rige Ecenelt Ilicysms. Ml Dmacafmgic Ilthrapacafy ao theHunil Wbecetal, 4 e`mtmal, e`mte` dy N.I. Bitzelderf il` W.T. Wiul`ers. Kahl Vmcey& Wals, Mlg , Lew ]arb.

Durtal, K.H., .@. Zrmge, il` V.@. Nm``cetal

9=== Garrecitmal ao Dale Di/Gi il` Wr/Gi `ue ta Dmacafmgic Zurmomgitmal ao Gicgmun. Kaurlic ao Irghieacafmgic Wgmelge  4?;?:=-?9?.

Gipale, @.F., il` E.K. Girpelter

9=84 Lmtrafel Omxitmal ml the Nirmle Elvmralnelt. Wgmelge  496;990:-9904.

Gappi, I., I. Gugmli, N.C.Z. Haafcil`, N. Cuggm, O. Culi Gic`er÷l, T.F.I.N. Zilhuysel,F. ivirez Nirîi, T. _icgérgec Takis, il` T. _irfmu

4::8 Lew Evm`elge ao wa @mooerelt Nmfritary Vives ml the Gmrgun-Girmddeil Irei

`urmlf the Zre-Gacundmil Zerma` oran the Ilicysms ao @eltic Narphacafmgic rimts. MlGrassmlf the Dar`ers; Lew Netha`s il` Peghlmques ml the Wtu`y ao Irghieacafmgic Nitermics oran the Girmddeil, e`mte` dy G.C. Haonil, N.C.Z. Haafcil` il` I.C. vil Fmkl, pp.9=5-497. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

@ecpuegh, I., G.C. Haonil, il` N.C.Z. Haafcil`

4::9 Exgivitmals it the Wmte ao Ilse ê ci Faur`e, Fui`ecaupe; Arfilmzitmal, hmstaryil` elvmralneltic settmlf. Zragee`mlfs ao the 98th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil

 Irghieacaf y , Freli`i, pp. 95?-9?9.

@uml, T.9==8  Irghmtegturic Galgepts ml Girmddeil Irghieacaf y; I precmnmliry irghieacafmgic re-

 part ao the oeitures it Ilse ê ci Faur`e, Fui`ecaupe. Phe hause ml pist il` preselt ml eth-la-hmstary, ethlafriphy il` ethla-irghieacafy. Nister thesms, Cem`el Ulmversmty, Cem`el.

Evils, K., L. Wtaa`cey, il` G. Ghelery 

4::? I straltmun il` axyfel msatape issessnelt ao i passmdce oaurth geltury mnnm-frilt papucitmal ml i Hinpshmre genetery, sautherl Elfcil`. Kaurlic ao IrghieacafmgicWgmelge  77;4?5-464.

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Evils, K.I., G.I. Ghelery, il` I.Z. Omtzpitrmgb 

4::? Dralze Ife Ghmc`haa` Nmfritmal ao Ml`mvm`uics leir Wtalehelfe, Teveice` dyWtraltmun il` Axyfel Msatape aath Elinec Ilicysms. Irghieanetry  08;7:=-749.

Frupe, F., .@. Zrmge, Z. Wghrater, O. Waccler, G.N. Kahlsal, il` D.C. Deir`

9==6 Nadmcmty ao Decc Deiber Zeapce Teveice` dy Wtraltmun Msatape Titmas ao aathil` Dale; I Wtu`y ao Wautherl Divirmil Wbecetic Tenimls.  Ippcme` Feaghenmstry  94;596-545.

He`fes, T.E.N., K.F. Gcenelt, [email protected]. hanis, il` .G. A”Gallecc

4::6 Gaccifel turlaver ml the i`uct oenaric nm`-shiot; Na`ece` oran ilthrapa-felmg ri`magirdal triger neisurenelts.  Inermgil Kaurlic ao Zhysmgic Ilthrapacafy  977;8:8-89?.

He`fes, T.E.N., il` C.N. Teylir`

4::6 Lmtrafel Msatapes il` the raphmg Cevec ao Hunils ml Irghieacafy.  Kaurlic ao Irghieacafmgic Wgmelge  70;940:-9459.

Hmccsal, W.

9==? @eltic Ilthrapacafy . Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe.

Ha`ecc, @.I., T.C. Yumll, N. Dreller, il` F. Binelav 

4::0 Wpitmic _irmitmal ao Wtraltmun Msatapes (86Wr/8?Wr) ml the Niyi Tefmal; I aacoar rigbmlf Ilgmelt Hunil Nmfritmal. Kaurlic ao Irghieacafmgic Wgmelge  79;585-?:9.

Haonil, G.C., I. @ecpuegh, il` N.C.Z. Haafcil`

4::9 Exgivitmals it the Wmte ao Ilse ê ci Faur`e, Fui`ecaupe; Wtritmfriphy, gerinmgghralacacafy il` strugtures. Zragee`mlfs ao the 98th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil

 Irghieacaf y , Freli`i, pp. 9?4-964.

Haonil, G.C., N.C.Z. Haafcil`, il` I. @ecpuegh

4::7i Wpitmic Arfilmsitmal it i raunissam` Wettcenelt; he Gise ao Ilse ê Ci Faur`e,Fui`ecaupe. Zragee`mlfs ao the 9=th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy ,

 Irudi, pp. 9?4-964.

Haonil, G.C., N.C.Z. Haafcil`, il` I. @ecpuegh

4::7d Wpitmic Arfilmzitmal it i raunissam` Wettcenelt, he Gise ao Ilse ê ci Faur`e,Fui`ecaupe. Zragee`mlfs ao the 9=th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy ,

 Irudi, pp. 940-979.

Haonil, G.C., N.C.Z. Haafcil`, il` I.C. vil Fmkl (e`mtars)

4::8 Grassmlf the Dar`ers; Lew Netha`s il` Peghlmques ml the Wtu`y ao Irghieacafmgic Nitermics oran the Girmddeil. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

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4:9C @ _

Haafcil`, N.C.Z., il` T.F.I.N. Zilhuysel

4::7 repalenitasms ml i Cite Gerinmg Ife Zapucitmal; I Zrecmnmliry Tepart al theHunil Tenimls Exgivite` it the Wmte ao Ilse ê ci Faur`e, Fui`ecaupe. Zragee`mlfs aothe 9=th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy , Irudi, pp. 974-909.

Haafcil`, N.C.Z., . Tanal, il` Z. Drissecet4::9 Exgivitmals it the Wmte ao Ilse ê ci Faur`e; raunissam` Durmic Zrigtmges. MlZragee`mlfs ao the 98th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy , Freli`i, pp.967-968.

Beefil, V.O., il` N.K. @eLmra

9=88 Wtidce Girdal- il` Lmtrafel- Msatape Titmas ao Dale Gaccifel Use` ta Wtu`yGaric-Teeo il` errestrmic Ganpalelts ao Zrehmstarmg Dihinmil @met.  Inermgil

 Iltmqumty  57;74:-77?.

Blu`sal, B.K., il` .@. Zrmge

4::6 Utmcmty ao Nuctmpce Ghenmgic eghlmques ml Irghieacafmgic Tesm`eltmic NadmcmtyWtu`mes; Gise Wtu`mes Oran mwilibu il` Ghmrmdiyi Ioomcmite` Wmtes ml the Il`es.

 Inermgil Kaurlic ao Zhysmgic Ilthrapacaf y  974(9);45-7=.

Blu`sal, B.K., W.T. Vmccmins, T. Asdarl, B. Oarfey, il` Z.T. Vmccmins

4::= he feafriphmg armfmls ao Lizgi traphy hei`s usmlf straltmun, axyfel, il` gir-dal msatape `iti. Kaurlic ao Ilthrapacafmgic Irghieacafy  48;400-456.

Bahl, N.K., N.K. Wghaelmlfer, il` V.V. Dirber

9=== Ictere` stites; Eooegts ao `mifelesms al oassmc taath ghenmstry. Feaghmnmgi etGasnaghmnmgi Igti  ?7;4676-4606.

Ciooaal, K.E., il` N.C.Z. Haafcil`

4::= Il Ippcmgitmal ao Wtraltmun Msatape Ilicysms ta Girmddeil Galtexts; Zranmsesil` Zradcens. Ziper preselte` it the 47r` Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil

 Irghieacafy. Iltmfui.

Nmgbcedurfh, H.C.

4::? Peeth Pecc tices . Nister thesms, Cem`el Ulmversmty, Wm`estale Zress, Cem`el.

Naltfanerey, K., K.I. Evils, @. Zawcescil`, il` G.I. Taderts

4::5 Galtmlumty ar Gacalmzitmal ml Ilfca-Wixal Elfcil`1 Msatape Evm`elge oarNadmcmty, Wudsmstelge Zrigtmge, il` Wtitus it Vest Hescertal.  Inermgil Kaurlic aoZhysmgic Ilthrapacafy  94?;947-978.

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Naltfanery, K., il` K.I. Evils

4::? Mnnmfrilts al the Msce ao Cewms - gandmlmlf tri`mtmalic ouleriry il` na`erlmsatape evm`elge ta mlvestmfite sagmic `mooereltmitmal, nmfritmal il` `metiry ghilfe mlthe Auter Hedrm`es ao Wgatcil`. Ml Phe Wagmic Irghieacafy ao Ouleriry Tenimls , e`mte`dy T. Fawcil` il` G. Blusec, pp. 944-904. Axdaw, Axoar`.

Naab, V.F.

4::? Mltra`ugtmal ta Msatape Hy`racafy; stidce il` ri`maigtmve msatapes ao Hy`rafel, Axyfelil` Girdal. iycar il` Orilgms/Dicbeni, Cem`el.

Narsmlb, K.

4::? (Te-)Galstrugtmlf Galstrugtmals; Yuatm`iml Cmoe il` Wagmic Zrigtmge it Ilse ê ciFaur`e . Nister thesms, Cem`el Ulmversmty, Cem`el.

Larr, C.

4::4 Dale Msatapmg Ilicysms il` Zrehmstarmg @met it the utu Wmte. Ml Phe Putu Irghieacafmgic _mccife Wmte; I Nuctm`msgmpcmliry Gise Wtu`y ml Hunil I`iptitmal, e`mte`dy E. Tmfhter, pp. 4?7-467. Tautce`fe, Cal`al.

Zrmge, .@., K.H. Durtal, il` T.I. Deltcey 

4::4 he Ghirigtermzitmal ao Dmacafmgiccy Ivimcidce Wtraltmun Msatape Titmas oar theWtu`y ao Zrehmstarmg Nmfritmal. Irghieanetry  00;996-97?.

Wghaelmlfer, N.K., il` B. Naare

9==4 Dale Wtidce Msatape Wtu`mes Ml Irghieacafy.  Kaurlic ao Varc` Zrehmstary  ?;406-4=?.

Wghrae`er, H., .G. A”Gallecc, K.I. Evils, B.I. Whucer, il` T.E.N. He`fes

4::= rils-Itciltmg Wcivery; Msatapmg Evm`elge oar Oarge` nmfritmal ta Dirdi`as. Inermgil Kaurlic ao Zhysmgic Ilthrapacaf y  97=;506-556.

Weicy, K.

4::9 Dale mssue Ghenmstry il` Zicea`met. Ml Hil`daab ao Irghieacafmgic Wgmelges, e`mt-e` dy @.T. Drathwecc il` I.N. Zaccir`, pp. 4?=-46=. Kahl Vmcey & Wals, Ghmghester.

Weicy, K., T. Irnstralf, il` G. Wghrmre

9==5 Deyal` Cmoetmne Iverifes; rigmlf Cmoe Hmstarmes thraufh Msatapmg Ilicysmsao @mooerelt Gicgmome` mssues oran Irghieacafmgic Hunil Wbecetals.  Iltmqumty  ?=;4=:-7::.

Wtabes, I._.

9==8  I Dmafeafriphmg Wurvey ao Zrehmstarmg Hunil @met ml the Vest Ml`mes Usmlf WtidceMsatapes . Zh@ `mssertitmal, Ulmversmty ao Ocarm`i, Fimlesvmcce.

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4:7C @ _

Wucznil, E.V.

4::6 Wtidce msatape ghenmstry il` neisurenelt; i prmner. Ml Wtidce msatapes ml Egacafyil` Elvmralneltic Wgmelge, e`mte` dy T. Nmgheler il` B. Cikthi, pp. 9-49. DcigbweccZudcmshmlf, Axoar`.

 Vi`i, E., il` I. Hittarm9=6? Lituric idul`ilge ao 95L ml pirtmgucite arfilmg nitter ml the Larth ZigmomgAgeil. Feaghmnmgi Et Gasnaghmnmgi Igti  0:;40=-459.

 Vhmte, G.@., .@. Zrmge, il` O.K. Calfstiooe

4::6 Tesm`eltmic Hmstarmes ao the hunil Wigrmomges it the Naal Zyrinm`, eatmhuigil;Evm`elge oran axyfel il` straltmun msatapes. Ilgmelt Nesainermgi  98;95=-964.

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 Kmnny C.K .I. Nils 

a drm`fe the fip detweel irghieacafmgic il` ilthrapacafmgic ul`erstil`mlfs, the `ylin-mgs ao i preselt-`iy rma gannulmty (Wurmline) ire stu`me` ml i sylghralmg, ethlafriphmgperspegtmve dy recitmlf these ta the nitermic `mnelsmal ao i smlfce snicc vmccife. he nave-nelts ao the gannulmty ml the cil`sgipe ire `msgusse` is they hive deel adserve` ml theomec`, is wecc is pirt ao the exghilfes ao thms vmccife wmth ather vmccifes. Wudsequeltcy i`mighralmg perspegtmve ms i`apte` ml whmgh the ‘ganmlf mlta demlf” ao thms lew vmccife ms

ecugm`ite`. he navenelts ao mts mlhidmtilts ire preselte` ml galgert wmth the nitermic`evecapnelt ao the vmccife.

Gal ec oml `e gerrir ci dreghi eltre cas eltel`mnmeltas irqueac÷fmgas y iltrapac÷fmgas, segalsm`eril cis `mlénmgis `e uli ganulm`i` rîa igtuic (Wurmline) `es`e uli perspegtmvietlafréomgi smlgr÷lmgi eltre cis adservigmales etlafréomgis y ci `mnelsm÷l nitermic `eltra`e uli peqeùi ic`ei. Ec navmnmelta `e ci ganulm`i` sadre ec pimsike se `msgute sefûladservi`a el ginpa, isî gana pirte `e cas mltergindmas `e esti ic`ei gal atris ic`eis.Omlicnelte, se i`apti uli perspegtmvi `migr÷lmgi piri `mcugm`ir ec ‘i`velmnmelta” `e estiluevi ic`ei. Cas navmnmeltas `e sus hidmtiltes se preseltil el smltalîi gal ec `esirracca

nitermic `e ci ic`ei. Ioml `”eooegtuer ul rippraghenelt eltre ces ganpríhelsmals irghíacafmques et ilthrapa-cafmques, ces ylinmques `”ule gannuliutí igtuecce e rma u Wurmlin salt ítu`míes se-cal ule perspegtmve ethlafriphmque sylghralmque, el ces recmilt ê ci `mnelsmal nitírmecce`”ul ulmque petmt vmccife. Ces `ípcigenelts `e ci gannuliutí `ils ce piysife salt `msgu-tís tecs qu”mcs alt ítí adservís sur ce terriml, taut ganne oimsilt pirtme `es íghilfes `e gevmccife iveg `”iutres mnpciltitmals. Zir ci sumte, ule perspegtmve `mighralmque est i`aptíeioml `”ícugm`er gannelt ge lauveiu vmccife est «velu iu nal`e ². Ces nauvenelts `e seshidmtilts salt príseltís piriccècenelt iu `ívecappenelt nitírmec `u vmccife.

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Girmddeil irghieacafy il` the theary ao navenelt 

Ml Cem`el, Girmddeil irghieacafmgic reseirgh al the mscil`s ms fum`e` dy reseirgh ques-tmals thit ire raate` ml the reseirgh thenes ao nadmcmty il` exghilfe. he esselge ao thesereseirgh thenes faes ifimlst the latmal ao the msacite` gannulmtmes thit ire sanetmnesmnifmle` whel mscil` gannulmtmes ire galsm`ere`. Tither, Cem`el reseirghers reveic the

`ylinmgmty ao galtigts detweel the `mooerelt smtes il` mscil`s (e.f. Daanert 4:::2 Drmfht4::62 `e Viic 4::?2 Haonil et ic.  4::62 Haonil il` Haafcil` 4::02 Haafcil` il`Haonil 9===2 Blmppelderf 4::?). he ilicytmgic oagus heredy trilsgel`s the daul`i-rmes ao the smte, whmgh ms the irghieacafmgic cagicmty ao adservitmal. he nare expcmgmt ir-ghieacafmgic iwireless thit the prmlgmpce ao hunil navenelt ul`ercmes refmalic mltefri-tmal seens stralfer ml irghmpecifmg elvmralnelts thil ml nimlcil` ales (I`ins et ic .9=68;0=9). Ml irghmpecifmg elvmralnelts the seisgipe surraul`mlf the mscil`s his deeleltere` dy hunils ml ar`er ta omsh ar ta trespiss2 ml ather war`s; ta grass, lat ta mlhid-mt. Mt gil thereoare de reoerre` ta is i lal-pcige nitrmx, whmgh galtrists wmth the pcigesao mscil`s thit gil de mlhidmte`. Ml the cite oarnitmve `iys ao Girmddeil irghieacafy mt

nust hive deel thms mlesgipidce irghmpecifmg `mghatany detweel pcige il` lal-pcige thitgaltrmdute` ta the galtmlumlf papucirmty ao ‘hunil navenelt” is the niml expcilitmaloar `mighralmg ghilfes ml the irghieacafmgic regar` ao the Girmddeil mscil`s (e.f. Tause9=8?;97-90,966-968, 9==4;4?-76).

Ml regelt egi`es i shmot ml thearetmgic oagus ml the irghieacafmgic msgmpcmle his deel suf-feste` iwiy oran usmlf ‘hunil navenelt” is the expcilitmal oar gucturic issendcifes il`themr ghilfe thraufh tmne tawir`s expcimlmlf ‘hunil navenelt” dy questmalmlf the igtmtseco (I`ins et ic. 9=68;5472 Ilthaly 9==:;=:8-=:=, 9==6;4=-7:2 Durnemster 4:::;57=2Cmfhtoaat 4::8;7-?2 Hibeldegb 4::8;4:-49). I oigtar thit freitcy galtrmdutes ta thms shmotms the oigt thit aur ulmts ao adservitmal ml irghieacafy ire deganmlf sniccer. Lew tegh-

lacafmes mnprave the irghieacafmgic resacutmal dy, oar mlstilge, the idmcmty ta pravelilgespegmomg ml`mvm`uics thraufh themr sbecetic renimls il` adkegts thraufh themr ghenmgic ghir-igtermstmgs. Mt ms law passmdce ta ecmgmt the ml`mvm`uic ml thms msgmpcmle (Cmfhtoaat 4::8;7-0).Ml the quest oar theary al thms nitter mlspmritmal ms riwl oran ather msgmpcmles, ales thitigtuiccy `eic wmth the igt ao ‘hunil navenelt”, sugh is gucturic feafriphy, sagmacafy il`ilthrapacafy. Ml these `msgmpcmles the igt ao hunil navenelt gil de `mregtcy adserve`.hms mlevmtidce i`viltife ms surecy respalsmdce oar the cirfe galtrmdutmal ml these omec`s tathe theary ao hunil navenelt. hms demlf sim`, these stu`mes hive lat expcmgmtcy oaguse`al ‘hunil navenelt” ml recitmal ta nitermic gucture.

he preselt irghieacafmgic prigtmge legessmtites nitermic ilghars ao reoerelge, icalfwhmgh theary gil de mlgarparite` ar greite`. Ml irghieacafy pist `ylinmgs ire ecmgmte`thraufh themr nitermic triges. he alcy smtuitmal ml whmgh irghieacafmsts gil `mregtcy ad-serve hunil navenelt, tafether wmth the oarnitmal ao i nitermic issendcife, ms ml thepreselt. a galtrmdute ta the irghieacafmgic thearmzmlf ao prehmstarmg ‘hunil navenelt”mlvacvmlf the nitermic warc`, irghieacafmsts ire thereoare oarge` ta gal`ugt themr awlethlafriphmg stu`mes. Oar Girmddeil irghieacafmsts the pcige ta `a thms ms ml the trapm-gic cawcil`s ao Wauth Inermgi where the navenelts ao the `esgel`ilt gannulmtmes ireadservidce.

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 Irghieacafmsts oagussmlf al the galtenpariry trapmgic cawcil`s aoWauth Inermgi 

 Ve nust beep ml nml` thit the mnife ao the snicc-smze` nadmce gannulmtmes cmvmlf ml thetrapmgic cawcil`s ao Wauth Inermgi ta`iy, gil law, ta i gertiml extelt, de galsm`ere` theresuct ao past-Gacundmil hmstarmes. hms `aes lat neil, hawever, thit spitmic stisms shauc`

de isgrmde` ta icc pratahmstarmg Inizalmil gannulmtmes, lar thit the stu`y ao the nave-nelts ao these il` themr nenders, dath preselt il` pist, shauc` de `msgir`e` icc tafether(Icexmi`es 4::=;9-42 Zacmtms 4::6;709-7072 Tmvic 4::4;966-988). hms gaults lat alcy oarthe stu`y ao hulter-fitherers, dut icsa thit ao hartmgucturicmsts. Icthaufh vmccifes `a latnave, the peapce thit mlhidmt then shaw, il` hive shawl, the eise ao navmlf ml il` aut aothese vmccifes is ml`mvm`uics, ml sud-fraups ar ml fraups. hey hive shawl the wmccmlflessta nave ta lew vmccifes ar ta oaul` lew ales thensecves. Alcy al recitmvecy oew aggismalshis thms deel wmth i whace fraup it alge, whmgh gil de galsm`ere` irghieacafmgiccy thenast rei`mcy vmsmdce nilmoestitmal ao hunil navenelt (I`ins et ic. 9=68;088-08=). agaulterdicilge thms irghieacafmgic enphisms al hunil navenelt, the navenelts ml il`

iraul` i smlfce vmccife, whmgh shipe mts nitermic issendcife ml the pragess, shauc` regemvesane nare galgeptuic itteltmal. Ml ar`er ta ivam` nmsul`erstil`mlfs ao yet ilather tyr-illy ao the preselt, i oew war`s ire lee`e` ta expciml the faic ao thms reseirgh.

 Irghieacafmsts smnpcy lee` ilicafmes ml ar`er ta dumc` il mlterpretitmve irghieacafm-gic orinewarb. he uses ao galtenpariry ilicafmes ml irghieacafy ire thereoare is ac` isthe `msgmpcmle mtseco. he omrst `ecmderite use ao spegmomg hmstarmgic ilicafmes ml irghieacafy`evecape` ml eircy Inermgil irghieacafy, il` wis `ermve` oran the mnpcmgmt stritefy mlthe eircy `egi`es ao the tweltmeth geltury thit citer gine ta de blawl is the `mregt-hms-tarmgic ippraigh (Cynil il` A”Drmel 4::9;9?6-9?82 Wtewir` 9=04). Hawever, the omrstthearetmgic piri`mfn ml irghieacafy thit igtmvecy greite` il` expcmgmtcy garrecite` preseltulmversicmze` ilicafmes wmth the pist ms issagmite` wmth Lew Irghieacafy. Zratifalmsts aothms navenelt endrige` the lew netha`acafy ao ethlairghieacafy thit imne` il` stmccimns ta galstrugt ulmversic ilicafmes dy neils ao galtenpariry ethlafriphy, ta ganeta il mlterpretitmal ao the irghieacafmgic regar` (@ivm` il` Briner 4::9;98-44,762 il`oar sane Inizalmil stu`mes ml thms veml, see Girlemra 9=6=;04-55, @eDaer il` Cithrip9=6=;9:4-9:02 Tae 9=8:;?02 Wmefec 9==:;74:).

Oran the 9=8:s alwir`s, the past-pragessuic reigtmal wis ta nave iwiy oran theseulmversic na`ecs dy ittenptmlf ta tappce felericmze` irghieacafmgic reisalmlf dy theethlafriphmg `enalstritmal ao gucturic spegmomgs. hemr oagus ml the preselt `mooere` dy`enalstritmlf these spegmomgs is dcigb swils ar giutmaliry tices ta `msgre`mt ulmversic-mze` irghieacafmgic reisalmlf oar i spegmomg refmal. Mlstei` the past-pragessuic perspeg-tmve preoerre` i galtextuic-hmstarmgic ippraigh ta irghieacafy is `enalstrite` thraufhthemr nitermic stu`mes ml the galtenpariry preselt (@ivm` il` Briner 4::9;44-40,762 oar

 Inizalmil stu`mes ml thms veml, see Dawser 4:::;409-4002 Zacmtms 4::6;745-7002 Tastiml,thms vacune). I perspegtmve thit his galtmlue` ml thms cmle ms galtenpariry irghieacafy.hms omec` ao stu`y gandmles ilthrapacafmgic nitermic gucture stu`mes il` irghieacafmgicstu`mes al the regelt pist ao the tweltmeth il` twelty-omrst geltury. Here, the perma` stu`-me` ms seel lat is pirt ao i saurge-tirfet galstrugtmal, dut is i stu`y ao the regelt irghieac-afy ml mts awl rmfht (Dughcm il` Cugis 4::9;0, see icsa NgItigbley et ic. 4::6).

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Ml the ippraigh tibel here, dmts ao dath stritefmes ire i`apte`. Al the ale hil`, mtoaccaws the past-pragessuic il` galtenpariry irghieacafmgic perspegtmves ml seemlf the eth-lafriphmg gise stu`y is tenpariccy il` refmaliccy spegmomg. Mt ms mltel`e` omrst il` oarenastta gallegt ta i prege`mlf hmstarmg il` prata-hmstarmg perma` ml mts awl spegmomg refmal. Weeloran il irghieacafmgic perspegtmve, the stu`y ao the regelt perma` thms ethlafriphmg gise ms

set ml, his the i`viltife thit mt gil de mloarne` thraufh the `msgmpcmles ao ilthrapacafy,ethlahmstary il` irghieacafy. Vhit drmlfs these omec`s tafether ml thms perspegtmve ms thenitermic `mnelsmal thit gil de adserve`. Im`e` dy the idul`ilge ao ethlahmstarmg il`ganpiritmve ethlafriphmg texts, the ul`erstil`mlf ao il evacvmlf nitermic gucture set ml ispegmomg refmalic hmstary gil de freitcy elrmghe`.

Al the ather hil`, spegmomg il` pirtmgucir is the gise stu`y niy de, mt nust de stite`thit irghieacafmgic saurge-tirfet galstrugtmals gillat de drabel. Mt evel warbs ml reverse;the irghieacafmst ml the preselt warbs tawir`s ilicafmgic ilswers ta hms ar her irghiea-cafmgic questmals. Mt ippeirs il mlesgipidce ilicafmgic caap ao reisalmlf. he ghiccelfe,thereoare, ms ta galtrist galtextuic sequelges oran `mooerelt perma`s wmth the niml faic ao

elhilgmlf ganprehelsmal ao dath, mlstei` ao prakegtmlf alcy ale alta the ather is hishippele`, oar mlstilge, ml eircy Inizalmil irghieacafy. Ml these `egi`es the na`ec ao thetrapmgic oarest gucture `anmlite` mlterpretitmal ao Inizalmil prehmstary. Ml regelt yeirs,hawever, Inizalmil irghieacafmgic evm`elge his deel pravm`e` ta galtrist thms calf stil`-mlf tyrilly ao the preselt oar i gertiml pirt ao Inizalmi (Hegbelderfer et ic. 9===;757-755). a greite thms galtrist, ganpitmdce reseirgh gitefarmes shauc` de i`apte` ml the stu`yao the regelt perma` thit gil oigmcmtite i sudsequelt galtrist wmth il irghieacafmgic piriccec.Nitermic pirineters ire thereoare saufht thit elidce us ta ceirl is nugh idaut the preseltis wecc is the pist thraufh themr nutuiccy felerite` `mooerelges.

a galtmlue ml thms cmle ao reisalmlf the nitermic pirineters ao i smlfce snicc, preselt

`iy, vmccife (rma, sudfraup Abanayili), gicce` Inatapa, were stu`me`. he naveneltsao mts mlhidmtilts ire mccunmlite` thraufh the nitermic mnelsmal ao the vmccife; mts refmalicmltefritmal ms ethlafriphmgiccy stu`me` oran wmthml.

Phe settmlf ao Inatapa vmccife

he Abanayili vmccife ao Inatapa9  ms pasmtmale` al the eisterl rmver dilb ao theGareltyle rmver ml the nm`west ao Wurmline, kust ta the sauth ao the galocuelge ao theGareltyle il` the rmver Cugme il` kust ta the larth ao the galocuelge ao the Butirm il` the

Lew Tmver. Is hmstarmgic egacafmsts ml Inizalmi hive ni`e us iwire ml regelt `egi`es, igcaser caab gauc` shaw thit we nmfht ml oigt de `eicmlf wmth il ilthrapafelmg cil`sgipe.he vefetitmal ao the irei iraul` Inatapa his uloartulitecy lat deel stu`me` ta ite, dutdatilmsts hive `agunelte` surraul`mlf oarests ourther mlta the Fuyilese mltermar. heseoarests shaw i fri`uic mlgreise oran ceist `msturde` oarests ghirigtermze` dy nala-`anm-lilge ao cirfe see` tree spegmes (ra`elt-, witer- ar frivmty `mspersic) ml geltric Fuyili, tai virme` ganpasmtmal ao sniccer trees ghirigtermze` dy i `anmlilge ao snicc see` spegmes

9  Icc the vmccifes al the Gareltyle neltmale` ml thms irtmgce, mlgcu`mlf Inatapa, ire pasmtmale`al the nip ml fure 9. Ml these vmccifes rma (Girmdil) ms the niml cilfuife. Pms cilfuife fraup

ms ourther `mvm`e` mlta sniccer m`eltmtmes. Pe oinmcmes cmvmlf ml Inatapa, oar mlstilge, galsm`erthensecves is decalfmlf ta the Abanayili, ar –the Visp peapce„.

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(wml`-, dit-, dmr`- ar prmnite `mspersic) ml the Wautherl pirt ao Fuyili, whmgh shaw ihmfh `msturdilge rite nastcy ml`mgitmve ao pmaleer vefetitmal (er Wteefe il` Hinnal`

4:::;9:4). rees ml the ocaa`e` oarests ao the sautherl mltermar, whmgh were sniccer thilthase ao the geltric irei, were icsa `agunelte` dy the datilmst Haoonil oar geltric il`sautherl Wurmline (Haoonil 4::=;58). Extripacite` oran thms refmalic perspegtmve, thevmccife Inatapa, smtuite` ml the nm`west ao Wurmline, wauc` thereoare de pasmtmale` ml inare caw-`msturde` oarest.

Hawever, `espmte thms hivmlf deel gru`ecy estidcmshe`, leir the vmccife ao Inatapagaltristmlf vefetitmal pitghes ao dindaa il` gattal trees gil de oaul` thit, tafether wmthgerinmgs, regicc prmar il` hmstarmgiccy ulblawl aggupitmals (see icsa _ersteef 4::7;7?,78).

 Inatapa mtseco ms pasmtmale` ml i regeltcy gceire` irei. hms irei wis drmeocy expcare` il`expcamte` dy the Wurmlinese faverlnelt kust ioter the ml`epel`elge ao the litmal ml

the cite 9=6:s il` eircy 9=8:s. Il imrstrmp wis galstrugte` there il` evel i rai` oranZirinirmda up ta Inatapa wis galstrugte`. I yeir ar twa ioter the galstrugtmal ao thmsrai`, the Wurmlinese fuerrmcci wir ao the 9=8:s `msrupte` the gaultry espegmiccy ml the ml-termar. he smte il` the lewcy galstrugte` rai` were `eserte` il` qumgbcy averfrawl dy theoarest ifiml. he wmtlesses ao thms perma` leir Inatapa ire the imrstrmp, i rattel waa`eldumc`mlf il` il ac` averfrawl KGD.

Lawi`iys alcy the snicc Abanayili vmccife ao Cugme il` il ega-ca`fe hico il haurupstrein oran Inatapa (the reisal why the imrstrmp ms stmcc apel) gil de oaul` ml the vm-gmlmty. Deyal` these mt tibes i `iy dy natarmze` gilae upstrein ta reigh the Iriniyili(–the Dee peapce„) vmccife ao Burulm ta the sautheist il` icsa i `iy ta reigh the Niwiyili

Omfure 9 Prma vmccifes al the Gareltyle rmver.


5: 9:: 4:: 7:: 0:: bn











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(–he Oraf peapce„) vmccife ao Gisueci ml the sauth. I `iy dy gilae `awlstrein cmes the Iriniyili vmccife ao Vilipil il` ourther tawir`s the gaist cmes mts siteccmte vmccife gicce`Wil`cil`mlf whmgh ms pasmtmale` gcase ta Ipuri.

Mnnadmcmi; Inatapa ml i tmne scmge4

–Wgmelge gillat `eic wmth tmne il` natmal exgept al gal`mtmal ao rst ecmnmlitmlf the esseltmic il`

quicmtitmve ecenelt- ao tmne, `uritmal, il` ao natmal, nadmcmty.„  Derfsal (9=97;995)

he omrst ghiccelfe ml stu`ymlf thms vmccife (seel ml Omfure 4) ms ganmlf ta i ternmlacafythit gallegts the nitermic `mnelsmal wmth the navenelts ao mts mlhidmtilts. Ml the omrstpcige thms ms `ale dy `esgrmdmlf whit, ml vmccife tmne, ms navmlf whmgh we wmcc gicc ‘nadmcmi”,il` thase irteoigts thit ire omxe` ml the cil`sgipe, whmgh here ire reoerre` ta is ‘mnnadmcmi”.Ml il irghieacafmgic settmlf the whace ao the nitermic issendcife exgivite` galsmsts alcy ao

4 Pe celfthy rimly seisal oran Niy tmcc Iufust ml 4::8 ms ghasel here is the tmne scmge oar thms sylghralmg`msgussmal.

Omfure 4 Inatapail mnnadmcmi; Zast strugtures (oran ceot ta rmfht WP-4:, WP-45

il` WP-9) il` stibe strugtures (WP-8 il` WP-=) ml the oarefraul` (4::6).

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mnnadmcmi. he ternmlacafy ml thms gise hecps ta renml` us thit icc thms nitermic wis alge‘nave`”. Icrei`y oinmcmir wmth mts omlic irghieacafmgic smtuitmal, the tisb ms thereoare tareisal ta mts pamlt ao mlmtmitmal; oran where il adkegt ar mts nitermic his deel gaccegte`, tamts recitmalshmp ta the hunil navers, il` omliccy ta mts mnnadmcmzitmal pragess wmthml thedaul`irmes ao the smte. a pravm`e aursecves wmth galtext, we wmcc stirt wmth the mnnadmcmi.

he tern ‘mnnadmcmi” reoers ta ilthrapafelmg triges ml the cil`sgipe thit ire omxe` ml spigeil` ire la calfer naveidce. Icteritmal ao the cil`sgipe, is neltmale` ml the oarner seg-tmal, ms ale ispegt, the dumct elvmralnelt ms ilather. M wmcc `msguss the fraup ao mnnadmcmiomrst, smlge they pravm`e us wmth the legessiry spitmic galtext.

he vmccife ao Inatapa cmes detweel the imrstrmp il` the rmver Gareltyle. he vmccifegalsmsts ao 47 reouse `epasmts, 99 heirths, = `mtghes il` i tatic ao ?7= pasts il` stibes thithive deel regar`e`. Mlgcu`mlf the reouse `epasmts il` permpheric pasts il` stibes, il ireielganpissmlf icc triges, the smte irei his i suroige ao 8904 n´ (:.89 hegtires). Mlstei` aothe pasthaces, the pasts thensecves were `agunelte`. Icthaufh the igtuic `epth ao thereouse `epasmts gauc` lat de `agunelte`, mt wis passmdce ta `agunelt mts autcmle. Nast ao

the pasts il` stibes gil de `eomle` iggar`mlf ta the strugtures they suppart. I `mstmlgtmalms ni`e here detweel the past strugtures (l>9?) il` the stibe strugtures (l>4?). hey ire`mstmlfumshe` al the disms ao the mltel`e` `epths ao the supparts (see Omfure 7). I ourther





Omfure 7 I Prma strugture na`ec wmth spegmg pasts il` stibes il` themr mltel`e` `epths.

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`mstmlgtmal gil de ni`e sudsequeltcy wmthml the gitefary ao the past strugtures. hmsfraup galsmsts ao gannulic strugtures, the hidmtitmal strugtures, gaabmlf strugtures il`pat strugtures. he givmtmes oar the supparts ao the past strugture ire `uf iggar`mlf ta hu-nil da`y neisurenelts. he eccmptmgic strugtures requmre the oaccawmlf supparts; i raaorm`fe suppart (TTW), i raao suppart (TW) il` il ecevite` ocaar suppart (OW). he mltel`e`

past `epths ire neisure` dy hunil cef celfth (gi.9:9 gn), irn celfth (gi.64 gn) il`blee celfth (gi.75 gn) respegtmvecy. Ilather suppart, the raao extelsmal suppart (TEW) msthe alcy ale thit ms thrust mlta the fraul`.

Ao the ‘stibe” strugtures icc the supparts ire thrust mlta the fraul` pradidcy ta i `epthao la cess thil 7: gn eep. he stibe strugture gitefary galsmsts ao rymlf rigbs, mltri-sup-part strugtures, `af strugtures, ginps, civitarmes il` pcilt supparts. hese strugtures iresurraul`e` dy i tass zale ml whmgh 47 galgeltritmals ao reouse, ar reouse `epasmts, wereadserve` (see Omfure 0). @mtghes hi` deel galstrugte` oar severic ao the past strugtures taprevelt riml witer oran paurmlf ml. Ictafether these strugtures, mtghes il` reouse epasmtsoarn the fraup ao mnnadmcmi, smlge they oarn the lal-navmlf irteoigts thit greite the il-

ghars ml spige wmthml whmgh the stmcc navmlf irteoigts aperite. Ao icc these triges, the reouse`epasmts ire the alcy cagicmtmes thit vertmgiccy iggunucite al i `imcy disms. Decaw twa spe-gmomg types ao nadmcmi, linecy oaa` pra`ugts al the ale hil` il` the hunils thensecvesal the ather, il` themr `mooerelt race ml the mnnadmcmzitmal pragess wmcc de ecidarite` al.

Nadmcmi; oaa` ml `uritmal

Nadmccmi ire `eomle` is thase ilmnite demlfs ar mlilmnite adkegts thit ire nave` dy hu-nils wmthaut pernileltcy omxmlf then ta i feafriphmgic pasmtmal. Omrst, we mltra`uge thenavers ao nadmcmi; the mlhidmtilts ao Inatapa galsmst ao nimlcy ale rma speibmlf ex-tel`e` oinmcy decalfmlf ta the Abanayili sudfraup, sud`mvm`e` mlta oaur niml lugceiroinmcmes. Ml 4::8 there were 96 resm`elts ao whmgh 97 were ‘navers” galsmstmlf ao 6 nelil` ? wanel, the ather oaur demlf ghmc`rel. Vmth the tern ‘naver” M neil i persal whadrmlfs sudstiltmic nadmcmi mlta the vmccife.   7  Oar the purpase ao thms irtmgce gertiml oaa`nadmcmi ml the `imcy navenelts ao the Inatapails were trigbe` is they were adserve` oartwa nalths ml the cirfe rimly seisal ao 4::8.

he `imcy navenelts ao the nel il` wanel ire recite` ta themr `imcy tisbs whmgh irestrmgtcy fel`er recite`. he nel fa hultmlf il` omshmlf il` the wanel tibe gire ao theguctmvitmal il` prepiritmal ao the graps. Ml thms respegt nel seen ta hive the omrst galtigtwmth everythmlf thit ms autsm`e the guctmvite` irei ao the vmccife il` the fir`el. Vmthml

the guctmvite` irei ilythmlf gil de hil`ce` il` ourther pragesse` dy wanel. Is we shiccsee, tisb `mvmsmal `aes lat legessirmcy rul icalf `efrees ao physmgic eooart ar strelfth thitms lee`e` ml the pragess. he nitermic oagus thit ms tibel al nadmcmty here, ms al the nixm-nun spitmic `mstilge il` the faa`s trilsparte` digb ta the vmccife aver the perma` ao 56`iys (leircy twa nalths). Omrst M wmcc `msguss the nadmcmty pitterls ao the wanel.

7 Fmrcs ao yaulf ife icrei`y ouccy oulgtmal ml the `imcy tisbs ao the vmccife, whmce days ao the sine ife stmcc prigtmgethemr hultmlf sbmccs, ml i pciyouc niller, al ilythmlf thit naves wmthml the vmccife daul`irmes. wa yaulf fmrcs,

Nermssi ife` 9: il` Oecmtmi ife` 90 yeirs, ire thereoare galsm`ere` ‘navers” ml thms stu`y smlge they icsa drmlfnilmag il` rewaa` oran the fir`els mlta the vmccife.

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Omfure 0 Phe vmccife ao Inatapa il` mts `evecapnelt ml msaghrales.















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Weel oran i nitermic perspegtmve ale ao the tisbs ao the wanel ms ta drmlf cai`s ao omre-waa`, nilmag ( Nilmhat esgucelti ) il` sufirgile (Wighhirun aoomgmlirun) mlta the vmccife.he cai`s they tibe al themr digbs il` drmlf mlta the vmccife gil rilfe up ta 0: bf. hemrnavenelts ire nimlcy restrmgte` ta the fir`els thit cme leir the vmccife. Aver 45 `iys the? wanel ao the vmccife, wmth the aggismalic fuest, gaccegte` 865 bf ao omrewaa`, legessiry

oar the prepiritmal ao oaa` il` `rmlb. Ourthernare, they gaccegte` i tatic ao 540 bf aonilmag il` 6: bf ao sufirgile. Al iverife thms resucte` ml tatics ao 75 bf ao omrewaa`, 49bf ao nilmag il` 4.8 bf ao sufirgile per `iy. he iverife nixmnun `mstilge autsm`e thevmccife gceirmlf ms 4:? n (`msrefir`mlf ale ilanicy) il` ms restrmgte` dy the cmnmts ao thefir`els (see Omfure ?).

he nel fa aut omshmlf il` hultmlf, sa the nadmcmi they drmlf mlta the vmccife al i`imcy disms ire nimlcy ilmnics il` the orumts they hippel ta elgaulter al the wiy. Oar thepurpase ao thms irtmgce M oagus here al the ilmnic ganpalelt. Aver 56 iys these 6 nel, ittmnes issmste` dy aggismalic fuests, omshe` il` hulte` i tatic ao 74: ilmnics. he nikarmtyao thms lunder, 6=% (l>457), ganprmses omsh ml whmgh the gitomsh gitefary anmlites, sugh

is the Nil`udi ( Ifelemasus mlernms ), the re`-timce` gitomsh (Zhrigtagephicus henmacmapterus )il` the tmfer shaveclase gitomsh (Zseu`apcitystani oisgmitun), dut ather spegmes sugh is pigu( Nyceus rhandam`icms ) il` pmrilhi (Werrisicnus sp.) were icsa giufht. he ather 49% gal-

Omfure 5 Omoty-sevel `iys ao nadmcmi gaccegtmal dy the Inatapail nel.
























46-:?  48-:?


4=-:?  7:-:?
















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Nadmcmi; hunils ml `uritmal

–R@uritmal/natmal ms lat i quiltmty, il` is saal is we tr y ta neisure mt, we ulwmttmlfcy repcige mt

dy spige„  

(Derfsal 9=97;9:?)

Desm`es the oaa` nadmcmi thit ire pirt ao the ocux deoare they ire `epasmte`, the sine gaultsoar the hunil resm`elts thensecves, wha nave themr da`mes thraufh the cil`sgipe. Hawire themr navenelts reocegte` ml the dumct elvmralnelt ao the vmccife1 Ve stirt thms `msgus-smal wmth the omrst resm`elts ml 4::9 wha ni`e i gceirmlf il` i fir`el al the cagitmal thitgine ta de blawl is Inatapa.

he Abanayili stepdrathers Zileshm Zilebbe il` Zepu Mpikirm were dath Bipmtemls  ml the vmccife ao Bwinirisinutu whmgh ms the cirfest rma speibmlf vmccife ml Wurmline. Ml9=== Frilnil Isalfa, the pirinault ghmeo ao the rma, reisale` thit themr oarner cil`

hi` ta de guctmvite` ifiml deoare peapce oran the gaist gauc` gcimn mt is themr terrmtary. heAbanayili stepdrathers were isbe` ta fa digb ta the cil` ao themr Abanayili ilgestars,

Omfure ? Pwelty-ve `iys ao nadmcmi gaccegtmal dy the Inatapail wanel.



















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Zehbâtâ, whmgh ms raufhcy the irei detweel the Ore`ermb Vmccen M_ oiccs il` the galocuelgeao Cugme il` the Gareltyle rmvers. Ilather reisal fmvel oar sud-fraup navenelts aut aoBwinirisinutu ms thit the resaurges ao Bwinirisinutu scawcy degine exhiuste`2 theghmc`rel icsa degine smgb, whmgh ni`e sane oinmcmes `egm`e ta ceive the vmccife.6 

he Abanayili oinmcmes were lat the alcy ales ta ceive Bwinirisinutu. Wane yeirs

deoare they ceot, twa Iriniyili (the ‘dee peapce”) sud-fraups, il` i Niwiyili (the ‘orafpeapce”) sud-fraup nave` aut ao Bwinirisinutu ta oaul` lew vmccifes ta the larth-west, icalf the dar`er rmver the Gareltyle. Ale settce` al il idil`ale` nmcmtiry ginp(Burulm), ale gcase dy ilather nmcmtiry ginp (Gisueci) il` ilather ale al i prehmstarmgsmte (Vilipil decaw the Valatada oiccs). Icc seen ta de pasmtmale` al oarner gceirmlfs.

Ml 4::: Bipmteml Zileshm Zilebbe nave` oran Bwinirisinutu ta Burulm il` omliccyta Gisueci. He stiye` there, whmce caabmlf oar i sumtidce spat ml Zâhbâtâ, il` oaul` kustthit leir the imrstrmp ao Inatapa. hel Zepu gine oran Bwinirisinutu il` tafetherthey nave` ta the lew spat. hey `egm`e` ta cmve ml the waa`el dumc`mlf thit wis icrei`ythere, whmce galstrugtmlf i fir`el 9::n ourther iwiy. Is they stirte` wmth kust i snicc

fir`el, they hi` la nilmag il` regemve` sane it tmnes oran the peapce ao Gisueci. Vhelthe omrst nilmag wis rei`y ta de hirveste` ml 4::9 themr wmves abe il` Ipâpál gineaver ta Inatapa, tafether wmth Zepu”s `iufhter-ml-ciw Galsmti, il` i fril`sal line`

 Iterme. Omrst i ginp strugture (W-5) wis dumct, il` oran there the gannulic strugtures(W-:9 il` W-:4) i bmtghel strugture il` sane `af strugtures were galstrugte` ml thefir`el. Wcawcy, i vmccife gceirmlf stirte` ta enerfe. Ioter i yeir Iterme ceot ta fa digbta Bwinirisinutu il` i lephew ao Ipâpál, Ermkin Lunephâ gine aver ta Inatapa.Ermkin wis al hms wiy ta vmsmt hms nather ml the rma vmccife Wil`cil`mlf. Ml Inatapa hehecpe` wmth extel`mlf the cmnmts ao the fir`el il` the vmccife, il` ml the el`, stiye` oartwa yeirs deoare he galtmlue` hms kaurley.

Ml 4::7 the hausehac` fraup ao twa lugceir oinmcmes wis expil`e` wmth ilather lu-gceir oinmcy; thit ao the ec`est sal ao Zileshm, Itmlma Zilebbe. He galstrugte` i hause oarhms lugceir oinmcy (W-94). Ml 4::0, Zutu, the husdil` ao the stepsmster ao Ipâpál, irrmve`ml the vmccife il` stirte` the galstrugtmal ao i hause oar hmnseco il` hms wmoe (W-45, il`i bmtghel, W-4?). I yeir citer stepsmster Wiriwi gine aver. Ml the sine yeir, twa narelugceir oinmcmes gine ta Inatapa. he omrst lugceir oinmcy wis thit ao the ec`est fril`-`iufhter ao Zileshm wmth her sal il` husdil` wha galstrugte` i hause ml the segal` rmlf(W-74). Wegal`cy, the yaulfest sal ao Zileshm, Nepm, tafether wmth hms wmoe Wirmti, irrmve`ml Inatapa il` nave` mlta the hause ao hms oither (W-4:) wha thel nave` hms resm`elgeta il extelsmal ao the gannulic hause (W-:9). Ml thit sine yeir, the ather oaul`mlf

lugceir oinmcy, linecy thit ao Zepu, hms wmoe abe il` themr `iufhter-ml-ciw Balsmti,nave` aut ao the vmccife. hey oaul`e` themr awl vmccife, gicce` Cugme, al il mscil` ml theGareltyle, 5bn `awlstrein oran Inatapa. Ml 4::?, Iterme gine digb ta Inatapa il`stirte` galstrugtmlf hms awl hause ml the thmr` rmlf oran the gannulic hause (W-75).

Ml 4::6 ilather lugceir oinmcy, the step smster ao Ipâpml, Wiriwi, il` her husdil` Zutunave` aut ao the vmccife ta the rma vmccife Wil`cil`mlf ml the larth ta gaccegt her sagmicsegurmty naley il` ta vmsmt her `iufhter. Ml the perma` ao ny cist omec`warb mt wis lat yetgceir mo she wis ganmlf digb. Ml 4::6 ilather lugceir oinmcy, thit ao the segal` sal ao

6 Pe vmccife Bwinirisinutu his deel galtmluauscy mlhidmte` oran 9=6? up ta the preselt. Ml 4::0 the estmnite

oar the lunder ao mlhidmtilts wis detweel 8:: el =:: (Gircml 4::0;4), whereis dy 4::= thms estmnite hi``mnmlmshe` ta ?:: mlhidmtilts (Gircml il` _il Faethen 4::=;96).

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Zileshm, Zetmlmi, hms wmoe Welimrâ il` themr ghmc`rel, gine ta Inatapa. Zileshm dumct ihause oar then (W-7?). Zetmlmi hmnseco wis caabmlf oar fac` ml the eist il` gine i yeirciter. Ml 4::6 yet twa ather lugceir oinmcmes (the oinmcy ao Nepm il` the oinmcy ao Nerea)dath welt ta cmve ml Burulm oar i yeir. Dath Nerea il` Wirmti were preflilt il` Burulmms the leirest vmccife thit aooers faverlneltic heicth gire. Ml 4::8 they dath returle` ta

 Inatapa. Ml 4::8 the lugceir oinmcy ao the segal` sal ceot ta vmsmt oinmcy ml the rma vmc-cifes ml Drizmc, they `m` lat blaw mo they were ganmlf digb. Ml 4::8 Ermkin icsa irrmve`digb ioter hms vmsmt ta hms nather ml Wil`cil`mlf il` stirte` ta galstrugt i lew na`echause (W-04) is he hi` seel there, ml the thmr` rmlf lext ta Iterme”s hause.

 Is deganes gceir oran thms `mighralmg `esgrmptmal, lat icc the mlhidmtilts ao Inatapaire ml resm`eltmic stisms is they nave digb il` oarth detweel `mooerelt cagicmtmes. Vhereis iraufh galgeltrmg vmccife ciy-aut gauc` de `mstmlfumshe` ml 4::8, mt degine gceir thit alcypirt ao mt wis cmve` ml. Vhmce lew resm`elts were dumc`mlf lew strugtures ml the segal` il`the thmr` gmrgce iraul` the gannulic strugture, sane resm`elts ao the omrst gmrgce nmfht ic-rei`y hive ceot. Ml the eircy yeirs ao the vmccife the hunil ocux ms reocegte` ml i harmzaltic

iggunucitmal. he autcmle ao the vmccife ml 4::8 shauc` thereoare lat de seel is the nite-rmic represeltitmal ao the 96 resm`elts, dut mlstei` shauc` de seel is the sun ao mts hunilocux aver the 6 yeirs whmgh ml thms gise ms thit ao 40 resm`elts.

Wa oir, hawever, lale ao the vmccifers hive pisse` iwiy, whmgh neils thit icc ‘navers”ire thensecves stmcc ‘nadmcmi”. hey ire stmcc ml ocux. Wane ao the rma seen ta nave resm`elgeit ceist three tmnes ml themr cmves (Nils 4::=;87) il` degiuse ao themr orequelt trivecs, mtms lat icwiys eisy ta `mstmlfumsh the  pcige ao resm`elge oar eigh ml`mvm`uic it i spegmomg na-nelt. a fet il m`ei ao the mnnadmcmzitmal ao the hunil ocux, we lee` sane hecp oran hms-tary. hraufh mltervmews i regalstrugtmal gauc` de ni`e ao the hunil ocux ao ale ao theomrst nmssmaliry vmccifes, the vmccife ao Iriripiru. Ao the Iriripiru resm`elts `agunelte`

dy ilthrapacafmst Zeter Tmvmère ml the eircy yeirs ao the vmccife (Tmvmère 9=?=;7:=-798),90? resm`elts il` themr sudsequelt resm`eltmic navenelts gauc` stmcc de renendere` dythe Inatapail ec`ers. Ao thms fraup ao resm`elts 95 persals ire sim` ta hive deel durme`ml Iriripiru. he 94= ather resm`elts, il` thase thit irrmve` ml Iririrpiru ioter Tmvmère”somec`warb, icc nave` ta Bwinirisinutu il` ather vmccifes. Icthaufh these lunders `alat fmve us the exigt hunil ocux ao the vmccife, mt `aes pravm`e us wmth i recitmve estmnite.he hunil mnnadmcmzitmal, the renendere` ‘navers” thit were eveltuiccy durme` there,oarn ml thms gise 9:% ao the tatic ao renendere` resm`elts ml the omrst yeirs ao Iriripiru”sexmstelge.

Phe Inatapail ocux hms gise stu`y shaws the recitmalshmp detweel rma `ylinmgs il` Inatapail triges, il`giccs oar ippraighmlf the spitmic galomfuritmal ao the mnnadmcmi elgaultere` ml irghieacaf-mgic exgivitmals is reocegtmlf the ocux ao i cagicmty. Wmlge we gillat gipture navenelt mtseco,we nust ippraigh then thraufh the spitmic galomfuritmal ao mts triges. he stu`y ao thespitmic ciyaut ao i settcenelt gil mloarn us idaut the oarner navenelts ao mts mlhidmtilts.

 I omrst step ta tibe ms ta pergemve i vmccife ml terns ao `uritmal, whmgh ms hecpe` dy pergemv-mlf adkegts ml terns ao navenelt. hereoare, il irghieacafmgic smte shauc` lat de galsm`-ere` i tenpariccy ocittele` nmrrar ao mts papucitmal, dut rither i mstarte` mnife ao mnna-dmcmi. he ocux ao nadmcmi scawcy shipes i cagicmty thraufh i pragess ao mnnadmcmzitmal.

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 Vhit M hape ta hive `enalstrite` ml thms piper ms the `mooerelge detweel the twa `m-nelsmals ao nadmcmi il` mnnadmcmi il` ny perspegtmve al haw they recite ta ale ilather.Ml irghieacafy we tel` ta caab it the tatic ao the nitermic `mnelsmal ao ale aggupitmalphise il` gallegt mt ta i lunder ao peapce wha cmve` there. Hawever, ao the tatic vmccifeocux alcy i pirt ms mnnadmcmze`, whmce the rest naves al. hese mnnadmcmi ml turl hive

il eooegt al the sudsequelt ocux ao nadmcmi. he ocux ao oaa` il` ao hunils, is `msgusse`here, ire alcy twa ecenelts ao thms tatic. he oaa` nadmcmi thit degane vertmgiccy mnna-dmcmze` al tap ao reouse `epasmts hive il eooegt al the sudsequelt frawth ao i settcenelt.

 Icthaufh the hunil nadmcmi ml the vmccife Inatapa hive lat yet mnnadmcmze`, themr ocuxhis icrei`y hi` i cistmlf mnpigt al the spitmic galomfuritmal ao the vmccife. he strugtures,seel is ganpasmte irteoigts, ire mlstiltcy mnnadmcmze` upal themr greitmal wmthml the vmc-cife daul`irmes. Vhelever i strugture ms ni`e dy hunils mt cmnmts the spige ml whmgh thelext strugture gil de dumct, il` sanetmnes mt evel `eternmles mt. Vhmce the peapce then-secves gil nave al, the exmstelge ao themr oarner hauses gil stmcc mlocuelge the pasmtmal aoi lemfhdaurmlf lew strugture ml the sine vmccife. he dumct elvmralnelt ms thereoare il

mlterestmlf gitefary, oran i navenelt perspegtmve, thit lee`s ourther expcaritmal.


 I`ins, V.]., @.Z. Fervel, il` T.W. Cevy

9=68 he retreit oran nmfritmalmsn. Illuic Tevmew ao Ilthrapacafy 6;087-574.

 Icexmi`es, N.L.

4::= Il mltra`ugtmal. Ml Nadmcmty il` nmfritmal ml ml`mfelaus Inizalmi,Galtenpariryethlaegacafmgic perspegtmve, e`mte` dy  N.L. Icexmi`es, il` T. Eccel. Elvmralneltic il-

thrapacafy il` ethladmacafy sermes, _ac. 99. Derfhihl Daabs, Axoar` il` Lew ]arb.

 Ilthaly, @.V.

9==: Nmfritmal ml irghieacafy; the didy il` the dithwiter.  Inermgil Ilthrapacafmst  =4(0);8=5-=90.

9==6 Zrehmstarmg nmfritmal is sagmic pragess. Ml Nmfritmals il` mlvismals ml irghieacafm-gic expcilitmal, e`mte` dy K. Ghipnil il` H. Hineraw, pp. 77-00. DIT MlterlitmalicWermes 9467. Irghieapress, Axoar`.

Derfsal, H.

4::9 R9=97^ Pmne il` oree wmcc; il essiy al the mnne`mite `iti ao galsgmausless . @averZudcmgitmals, Nmleaci il` Lew ]arb.

Daanert, I.

4::: Prmlm`i`, Padifa il` the cawer Armlaga mlterigtmal sphere; Il irghieacafmgic/eth-lahmstarmgic stu`y. Zh@ `mssertitmal, Cem`el Ulmversmty, Cem`el. Gimrm Zudcmgitmals,


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Dawser, D.

4::: Oran pattery ta pacmtmgs; il ethlairghieacafmgic stu`y ao pacmtmgic oigtmalicmsn,ethlmgmty, il` `anestmg pattery styce ml the Egui`armil Inizal. Kaurlic ao irghieacafm-gic netha` il` theary 6(7);49=-408.

Drmfht, I.K.4::6 Igrass the ghillec; sautherlnast Nirtmlmque il` lartherl Wt Cugmi ganpire`.Zragee`mlfs ao the 49st   Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy, rmlm`i`, pp.6=?-8:5.

Dughcm, _., il` F. Cugis

4::9 Irghieacafmes ao the galtenpariry pist . Tautce`fe, Cal`al.

Durnemster, W.

4::: Irghieacafy il` nmfritmal. Gurrelt Ilthrapacafy 09(0);57=-5?6.Gircml, E.D.

4::0 I Frinnir ao rma; I Girmdil cilfuife ao Wurmline. @umsdurf pipers al reseirghml cilfuife il` gucture gucture  55. Zeter Cilf, Orilbourt in Niml.

Gircml, E.D., il` @. vil Faethen

4::= Ml the shi`aw ao the tmfer; Phe Inerml`mils ao Wurmline . BMC_ Zress, Cem`el.

Girlemra, T.C.

9=6= ree oeccmlf wmth the stale ix; il expermnelt girrme` aut inalf the ]ilaninÿMl`mils ao sautherl _elezueci. Ml Ethlairghieacafy; Mnpcmgitmals ao ethlafriphy oar ir-ghieacafy, e`mte` dy G. Briner, pp. 49-58. Gacundmi Ulmversmty Zress, Lew ]arb.

@ivm`, L., il` G. Briner

4::9 Ethlairghieacafy ml igtmal. Gindrm`fe Varc` Irghieacafy Wermes, e`mte` dy L. ]aooee. Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe.

@eDaer, V.T., il` @.V. Cithrip

9=6= he nibmlf il` dreibmlf ao Whmpmda-Galmda gerinmgs. Ml Ethlairghieacafy;

Mnpcmgitmals ao ethlafriphy oar irghieacaf y , e`mte` dy G. Briner, pp. 9:4-978. GacundmiUlmversmty Zress, Lew ]arb.

`e Viic, N.

4::? Zre-Gacundmil sagmic arfilmsitmal il` mlterigtmal mlterprete` thraufh the stu`y aosettcenelt pitterls; Il irghieacafmgic gise-stu`y ao the Zamlte `es Ghéteiux, Ci @ísmri`eil` ces Ìces `e ci Zetmte Perre nmgra-refmal, Fui`ecaupe, O.V.M.. Zh@ `mssertitmal, Cem`elUlmversmty, Cem`el.

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Hibeldegb, W.

4::8 Nmfritmal ml irghieacafy; Ire we leircy there yet1. Ml Navenelt, nadmcmty il`nmfritmal, Irghieacafmgic Tevmew oran Gindrm`fe, e`mte` dy E. Cmfhtoaat, _ac.47 La.4,pp. =-4?.

Hegbelderfer, N.K., K.D. Zetersel, il` E.F. Leves9=== _mccife smze il` pernilelge ml Inizalmi; twa irghieacafmgic exinpces oranDrizmc. Citml Inermgil Iltmqumty  9:(0);757-76?.

Haoonil, D.

4::= @runs il` Irraws; ethladatilmgic gcissmomgitmal il` use ao trapmgic oarest pcilts dy i Niraal il` Inerml`mil gannulmty ml Wurmline, wmth mnpcmgitmals oar dmagucturic gal-servitmal. Zh@ `mssertitmal, Ulmversmty ao Hiwim”m it Nĉlai.

Haonil, G.C., I.K. Drmfht, I. Daanert, il` W. Blmppelderf

4::6 Mscil` Thythns; the Ved ao Wagmic Tecitmalshmps il` Mlterigtmal Letwarbs mlthe Cesser Iltmcceil Irghmpecifa detweel 0:: D.G. il` I.@. 90=4. Citml Inermgil

 Iltmqumty  98(7);407-4?8. 

Haonil, G.C., il` N.C.Z. Haafcil`

4::0 Wagmic ylinmgs il` ghilfe ml Lartherl Cesser Iltmcces. Ml Cite Gerinmg Ife sagm-etmes ml the Eisterl Girmddeil, e`mte` dy I. @ecpuegh il` G.C. Haonil, pp.77-00. DIT il` G.C. Haonil, pp.77-00. DIT DITMlterlitmalic Wermes 9467. Irghieapress, Axoar`.

Haafcil`, N.C.Z., il` G.C. Haonil

9=== Expilsmal ao the iîla Gigmgizfas tawir`s the Cesser Iltmcces.  Kaurlic `e ciWagmetí es Inírmgilmstes  85;=7-997.

Blmppelderf, W.

4::? Wtale irteoigt pra`ugtmal il` exghilfe inalf the Lartherl Cesser Iltmcces . Irghieacafmgic Wtu`mes Cem`el Ulmversmty 97, Cem`el Ulmversmty Zress, Cem`el.

Cmfhtoaat, E.

4::8 Mltra`ugtmal. Ml  Navenelt, nadmcmty il` nmfritmal, Irghieacafmgic Tevmew oran

Gindrm`fe, e`mte` dy E. Cmfhtoaat, _ac.47 La.4, pp. 9-6.

Cynil, T.C., il` N.K. A”Drmel

4::?  Neisurmlf tmne wmth irtmoigts; i hmstary ao netha`s ml Inermgil irghieacafy .Ulmversmty ao Ledrisbi Zress, Cmlgacl il` Cal`al.

Nils, K.C.K.I.

4::= @e irgheacafmsghe nythe el `e he`el`iifse rma. AWA (Pmk`sghrmot vaarWurmlinmstmeb el het Giriádmsghe fedme`) 48(9);60-8=.

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NgItigbley, C., N. Zicus, il` I. Zmggmlm

4::6 Galtenpariry il` hmstarmgic irghieacafy ml theary; pipers oran the 4::7 il` 4::0GHIP galoerelges. DIT Mlterlitmalic Wermes 9?66. Irghieapress, Axoar`.

Zacmtms, F.F.

4::6 Lubib2 ethlairghieacafy ao il Inizalmil peapce . Ceot Gaist Zress, Viclut Greeb,Gicmoarlmi.

Tmvic, C.N.

4::4 Prebbmlf thraufh hmstary; Phe Huiarilm ao Inizalmil Egui`ar . GacundmiUlmversmty Zress, Lew ]arb.

Tmvmère, Z.

9=?=  Nirrmife inalf the Prma; i prmlgmpce ao sagmic arfilmsitmal. Gcirel`al Zress,Axoar`.

9=80 Ml`mvm`uic il` sagmety ml Fumili; i ganpiritmve stu`y ao Inerml`mil sagmic ar- filmzitmal.  Gindrm`fe stu`mes ml sagmic ilthrapacafy , e`mte` dy K. Faa`y , La. 59.Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe.

Tae, Z.

9=8: Irt il` resm`elge inalf the Whmpmda Ml`mils ao Zeru; i stu`y ml nmgraiggucturi-tmal. Inermgil Ilthrapacafmst 84(9);04-69.

Tause, M.

9=8? Nmfritmals ml prehmstary; Mloerrmlf papucitmal navenelt oran gucturic renimls . ]iceUlmversmty Zress, Lew Hivel.

9==4 Phe Pimlas; Tmse il` `egcmle ao the peapce wha freete` Gacundus. ]ice UlmversmtyZress, Lew Hivel.

Wmefec, Z.E.

9==: @enafriphmg il` irghmtegturic retra`mgtmal; il ethlairghieacafmgic gise stu`y mlthe Wauth Inermgil trapmgic cawcil`s. Citml Inermgil Iltmqumty  9(0);79=-70?.

Wtewir`, K.

9=04 he `mregt hmstarmgic ippraigh ta irghieacafy. Inermgil Iltmqumty 6(0);776-707.

er Wteefe, H., il` @. Hinnal`

4::: Il ilicysms it the egasysten cevec; gannulmty ghirigtermstmgs, `mversmty il` `ms-turdilge. Ml Zcilt `mversmty ml Fuyili; wmth regannel`itmals oar i Litmalic Zrategte`

 Irei Wtritef y , 98th e`mtmal, rapeldas Wermes, pp. 9:9-99?. rapeldas Oaul`itmal, Vifelmlfel.

_ersteef, I.H.

4::7 Wurmline deoare Gacundus, Cmdrm Nusem Wurmlinelsms .  Wtmghtmlf WurmliinsNuseun, Zirinirmda.

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445_ T .


 I `mverse ippraigh ta i galtext ao `mversmty 

Taderta _icgérgec Takis, @ircele I. Vestal, Hiycey C. Nmgbcedurfh, Kisal E. Ciooaal il` Ille vil @umkvelda`e 

hms piper ippcmes il mllavitmve, nuctm`msgmpcmliry ippraigh ta the hunil il` gucturicrenimls regavere` oran the genetery ao Ec Gharra `e Niîti, Gudi. he stu`y ao thms ml-`mfelaus genetery, `ite` ta cite prehmstarmg il` eircy galtigt perma`, pravm`es lew mlsmfhts

mlta the mssue ao Ml`mfelaus-Eurapeil mlterigtmal il` pragesses ao gucture galtigt. heiuthars hive use` il mltefrite` asteairghieacafmgic ippraigh, gandmlmlf i `enafriphmgstu`y ao the papucitmal, the stu`y ao mlteltmalic grilmic na`momgitmal, `eltic ilthrapac-afy il` straltmun msatape ilicysms wmth i (re)ilicysms ao the nitermic gucture elgaultere`ml the durmic galtext. hms `ylinmg perma` ao galtigt il` mlterigtmal detweel the ml`mf-elaus papucitmal il` Eurapeils ippeirs ta de ghirigtermze` dy i freiter efree ao gucturic,sagmic, il` dmacafmgic `mversmty thil hmtherta regaflmze` ml the Girmddeil irghieacafmgicregar`.

Este pipec ipcmgi ul igerginmelta nuctm`msgmpcmlirma mllavi`ar i cas restas hunilas y

gucturices reguperi`as `ec genelterma `e Ec Gharra `e Niîti, Gudi. Ec estu`ma `e estegenelterma ml`îfeli, oeghi`a ic perîa`a prehmst÷rmga tir`îa y ic perîa`a `e galtigta ga-calmic tenprila, prapargmali luevas pergepgmales sadre ec teni `e ci mlteriggm÷l eltreinerml`mas y eurapeas y cas pragesas `e galtigta gucturic. Cas iutares hil utmcmzi`a uleloaque asteairqueac÷fmga mltefri`a, que gandmli ul estu`ma `enafréomga `e ci padci-gm÷l, ec estu`ma `e na`momgigm÷l mltelgmalic gréleic, ci iltrapacafîi `eltic y ec ilécmsms `ems÷tapas e estralgma gal ul (re)ilécmsms e ci gucturi nitermic elgaltri`a el ec galtexta ecas eltmerras. Este perîa`a `mlénmga `e galtigta y mlteriggm÷l eltre ci padcigm÷l ml`îfeliy cas eurapeas pirege girigtermzirse par ul niyar fri`a `e `mversm`i` gucturic, sagmic, ydmac÷fmgi histi ihari regalagm`a el ec refmstra irqueac÷fmga `ec Girmde.

Get pipmer prel` ule ippraghe pcurm`msgmpcmlimre mllavilte iux restes hunimles et ni-tírmecs gucturecces retrauvís `ils ce gmnetmère `”Ec Gharra `e Niîti, Gudi. C”ítu`e `e gegmnetmère ml`mfèle, `itilt `e ci príhmstamre tir`mve et `u `ídut `e ci pírma`e Gacalmice,ígcimrgmt deiugaup sur ci questmal `e c”mlterigtmal eltre Inírml`mels et Eurapíels et cespragessus `e galtigt gucturec. Ces iuteurs alt utmcmsí ule ippraghe mltífríe astíairghíaca-fmque, gandmlilt ule ítu`e `ínafriphmque `e ci papucitmal, c”ítu`e `e ci na`momgitmalmlteltmallecce `u gräle, c”ilthrapacafme `eltimre et c”ilicyse `es msatapes `e straltmuniveg ule (lauvecce) ilicyse `u nitírmec gucturec relgaltrí `ils ce galtexte `”mlhunitmals.Gette pírma`e `ylinmque `e galtigt et `”mlterigtmal eltre ci papucitmal ml`mfèle et ces

Eurapíels sendce ëtre girigtírmsí pir ul `efrí pcus íceví `e `mversmtí gucturecce, sagmice etdmacafmque, que i ítí regallu `ils c”irghíacafme `es Giriádes kusqu”ê príselt.

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Ul`erstil`mlf the pragess ao galtigt detweel Eurapeils il` ml`mfelaus peapces ml theGirmddeil ms aotel `moomguct, smlge mt `aes lat icwiys felerite nitermic evm`elge thit ms eis-mcy regaflmzidce ml the irghieacafmgic regar`. Gertiml `etimcs ao the nitermicmty ao galtigtgil ecu`e `etegtmal dy the tri`mtmalic netha`acafmes use` ta stu`y ml`mfelaus smtes2 ml ar-

`er ta ecugm`ite etimcs reseirghers nust defml wmth il ippraigh whmgh ms sumte` spegmomgiccyta cagitmlf il` m`eltmoymlf then (@eifil 4::0;?:7-?:0).

hraufh the use ao sugh tri`mtmalic netha`acafmes, il mnife ao i `mstmlgt `mooereltm-itmal detweel the Litmve il` the Eurapeil his irmsel, dise` al the mnpcmgmt issunptmalthit these gucturic eltmtmes ire hanafelaus. hms ippraigh re`uges the idmcmty ta adservethe mlherelt virmidmcmty ao dath the ml`mfelaus il` Eurapeil warc`s, whmgh wis sa essel-tmic ta the pragesses ao galtigt il` mlterigtmal. Ml thms wiy we hive icsa gane ta case the`mversmty ao the ml`mfelaus warc`, ta ale thit ms eltmrecy reshipe` dy the Eurapeil; i lewil` gacalmze` demlf where nuctmpce ethlmgmtmes ire law fraupe` mlta sagmic pasmtmals il`gitefarmes whmgh ire sacecy `epel`elt al the Eurapeil sghenes ao galtrac. Ml ar`er ta

avergane these `moomguctmes we nust ceirl ta pergemve the pragess ao galtigt is nare thilnerecy i smflmomgilt preselge ao nmxe` gucturic ghirigtermstmgs ml irghieacafmgic smtes. Mt msesseltmic ta use reseirgh taacs thit iccaw us ta evicuite the `mversmty ml pragesses, oran virm-aus perspegtmves, ml thms wiy garradaritmlf ar ganpcetmlf the ml`mvm`uic `iti sets ml ar`erta estidcmsh il mltefrite` il` gaherelt mnife.

Ml regelt yeirs, thms ippraigh his deel the prenmse ao irghieacafmgic mlvestmfitmals aothe smte ao Ec Gharra e Niîti, ml larth-eisterl Gudi. Aur piper hmfhcmfhts the utmcmty ao inuctm`msgmpcmliry ippraigh is i resaurge ta ulgaver rirecy m`eltmome` etimcs ao Ml`mfelaus-Eurapeil mlterigtmal it thms smte il` ml thms wiy detter ul`erstil` i sagmety mnpigte` dygacalmic igtmals. hms stu`y geltres al the hunil il` gucturic renimls ao the genetery

smtuite` it thms smte il` reveics i ulmverse dath `mverse il` ylinmg, is nugh ml mts sghenesao mlterigtmals is ml mts sagmic il` ethlmg strugtures. hms pravm`es i lew perspegtmve thitgaltrists wmth the pre`anmlilt m`eis al thms genetery il` shaws ispegts hmtherta ulregaf-lmze` ml the irghieacafmgic regar` ao thms refmal.

Ec Gharra `e Niîti 

he smte ms cagite` ml the preselt-`iy pravmlge ao Hacfuîl, idaut 0 bn oran the gaist, althe scape ao i hmcc gannalcy blawl is Gerra `e ]ifuikiy. Zreserve` here ire the renimls aoi cirfe settcenelt ao the gucturic type blawl is Etipi ifraicoireri  (idîa Tey 9=80) ar Oise

ifrmguctares  (Fuirgh @ecnalte 9==:). Gerinmgs oaul` it the smte decalf ta i cagic virmiltao the Nemccigil Astmalam` sudsermes (Tause 9==4;=?2 _icgérgec Takis 4::4;?0). Ml 9=09,Delkinml Mrvmlf Tause expcare` the smte il` ganpmce` i repart al hms adservitmals al thesmte mtseco il` the pravelilge ao the irghieacafmgic nitermics oaul` there (Tause 9=04;9:7-9:?). Detweel 9=8? il` 9=86, irghieacafmsts ao the @epirtinelta `e Irqueacafîi mlHacfuîl, ul`er the `mregtmal ao Kasí Niluec Fuirgh @ecnalte, cagite` il` exgivite` igenetery ml the westerl geltric pirt ao the smte (Fuirgh @ecnalte 9==?;4:). he geneterywis the alcy ale reparte` ta `ite oar thms type ao gannulmty ml Gudi.

@urmlf these exgivitmals, lal-ouleriry spiges were icsa mlvestmfite`. Here, il` ml thegenetery, snicc quiltmtmes ao nitermics ao Eurapeil armfml were `msgavere` tafether wmth

ml`mfelaus nitermics. hese prmnirmcy galsmste` ao gerinmgs il` pmf renimls (Wus sgraoi ).

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he lal-ouleriry galtexts ire thaufht ta de the renimls ao i vmccife thit surraul`e` theirei ao durmics (Fuirgh @ecnalte 9==?;9?).

Zrevmaus reseirgh

Oran the genetery the renimls ao it ceist 9:8 ml`mvm`uics were exgivite` (Fuirgh

@ecnalte 9==?;96), mlgcu`mlf ale durmic (la. 7?) ao na`erl ippeirilge, il` i sbucc (la.44) wmth oigmic il` grilmanetrmg ghirigtermstmgs whmgh sane mlvestmfitars mlterprete` is de-mlf Eurapeil (Tmvera `e ci Gicce et ic. 9==:;85). Ml the citter gise, la past-grilmic renimlswere oaul` (Fuirgh @ecnalte 9==?;96-4:).

he mlmtmic mlvestmfitmal oagusse` al the physmgic ghirigtermstmgs ao the hunil renimlsil` the ilicyses ao the nitermics issagmite` wmth the durmics. Zhysmgic ilthrapacafmgic il`grilmacafmgic ilicyses mlgcu`e` i stu`y ao the preselge ao oralta-aggmpmtic grilmic na`momgi-tmal (icsa blawl is tiducir na`momgitmal), il` il mlterpretitmal ao rigmic armfml dise` algrilmic narphacafy il` stiture. he resucts ao these stu`mes ml`mgite` thit nast ml`mvm`u-ics hi` na`mome` grilmi wmth the exgeptmal ao durmic la. 44 (the passmdce Eurapeil), alei`uct (la. 05) il` i lunder ao kuvelmces. he prigtmge ao grilmic na`momgitmal ms typmgicoar Cite Gerinmg Ife gannulmtmes ml Gudi il` the Freiter Iltmcces ml feleric (Fuirgh@ecnalte 9==?2 idîa il` Tey 9=85;907). Ourthernare, exgcu`mlf durmics la. 44 il` la.7?, icc sbecetals were oaul` ta de Inerml`mil (Fuirgh @ecnalte 9==?;49). he regeltre-mlvestmfitmal ao the physmgic ilthrapacafmgic ghirigtermstmgs ao the sbecetic papucitmalit Ec Gharra `e Niîti, hawever, his she` lew cmfht al the ganpasmtmal ao the fraup wmthrefir`s ta lunder ao ml`mvm`uics, ilgestry il` the prigtmge ao grilmic na`momgitmal, is ms`msgusse` decaw.

 I snicc lunder ao durmics galtimle` adkegts ao da`mcy arlineltitmal, eir spaacs,legbciges il` drigecets ganpase` ao stale, garic, ar vefetidce resml (Fuirgh @ecnalte9==?;49). Dut the genetery”s cirfest il` nast ganpcex issendcife ao arlinelts wis du-rme` wmth sbecetal la. 56, il i`uct oenice (Fuirgh @ecnalte 9==?;49). Dei`s ao fac`,quirtzmte, garic il` peirc, is wecc is cinmlir pel`ilts ni`e ao il iccay ao fac`, gapperil` smcver, blawl is  fuilîl, were regavere`. Ather adkegts ni`e ao these terliry iccays,i nitermic ao freit vicue inalfst the ml`mfelaus peapces ao the Girmddeil il` hil`ce`nimlcy dy gigmques  (Acmver 4:::), mlgcu`e` i snicc decc il` i dmr`”s hei` arlinelt wmthWauth Inermgil stycmstmg ioomlmtmes (Fuirgh @ecnalte 9==?;49-44). Ml 96 frives, sniccnetic tudes ao idaut 4= nn ml celfth were `msgavere`, il` were mlmtmiccy thaufht ta hivedeel ni`e ao gapper (Fuirgh @ecnalte 9==?;4:). Ml ale gise (durmic la. 45) the tudes

were ittighe` ta i netic `msg gavere` ml oidrmg, resuctmlf ml il arlinelt whmgh wis pcige`dy the cef ao the ml`mvm`uic. I freit virmety ao durmic pasmtmals, mlgcu`mlf extel`e` durmics were oaul`. Hawever, i

supmle pasmtmal wmth the cefs ocexe` ta virymlf `efrees wis the nast gannal, icthaufhsane ml`mvm`uics, sugh is la. 64D, were mlterre` oige `awl. here wis i gertiml tel`elgyoar armeltitmal ao the sbecetals tawir` the larth il` the west. Icc durmics ippeire` ta deprmniry mlternelts, icthaufh nily durmics hi` deel `msturde`. hms aggurre` nast ore-queltcy ml the geltric pirt ao the genetery, where the cirfest lunder ao durmics wis cagite`.Ml sane gises, ragbs were pcige` al il` iraul` the da`mes2 ml ale durmic the da`y wispcige` al i de` ar dise ao stales.

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Ulcmbe ather blawl durmic galtexts ml Gudi, it thms smte la gerinmg vessecs galtimlmlfoaa` renimls were reparte`, icthaufh ml sane durmics gerinmg il` oiulic (prmnirmcy pmfdales il` nirmle shecc) renimls were preselt dut were galsm`ere` ta de mltrusmve (Fuirgh@ecnalte 9=88;9?7). Ml oigt, there were la galgeltritmals ao renimls ta suffest anestmguse ao the genetery irei.

he pmgture felerite` dy the prevmaus stu`mes ul`ercmle` the mnpartilge ao the smteao Ec Gharra `e Niîti oar ul`erstil`mlf ml`mfelaus ouleriry prigtmges. he exgeptmalicliture ao the genetery, lat alcy mts cirfe smze dut icsa the preselge ao gerenalmic adkegts,persalic arlinelts il` mts cagitmal ml i settcenelt, ms mnpartilt is la athers cmbe mt ireblawl ml Gudi ta ite. hms suffests i pre-enmlelge ao thms pcige il` ml`mgites thit mt niyhive serve` is the seit ar hei` ao il mlgmpmelt gigmgic arfilmzitmal. Wuppartmlf thms mlter-pretitmal ms the passmdce exmstelge ao il ecmte fraup il` ao sagmic `mooereltmitmal mloerre` dythe restrmgte` `mstrmdutmal ao da`mcy arlinelts ml durmics. Ourthernare the use ao  fuilîl il` fac` ml ale gise ms thaufht ta de issagmite` wmth the gigmgic ecmte (_icgérgec Takis il`Ta`rmfuez Irge 4::5;909,90?). Icthaufh mt wis prevmauscy galsm`ere` thit galtigt wmth

Eurapeils gauc` hive mlocuelge` gertiml vmsmdce ispegts ao the genetery, sugh is the id-selge ao grilmic na`momgitmal ml gertiml (nimlcy kuvelmce) ml`mvm`uics il` the prigtmge aoextel`e` durmic pasmtmalmlf (Fuirgh @ecnalte 9==?;44), thms sudkegt wis lat expcare` ml`epth il` is i resuct the smte degine i syndac ao the Litmve, il` ao ml`mfelaus recmfmausprigtmges il` nartuiry gustans.

Tegelt reseirgh

Ml 4::5 the @epirtinelta Geltra Armeltic e Irqueacafîi, ao the Nmlmsterma e Gmelgmis,eglacafîi y Ne`maindmelte, ml Hacfuîl, mlmtmite` i lew mlvestmfitmal ao the smte ul`erthe `mregtmal ao Taderta _icgérgec Takis. hms warb, icthaufh stmcc ml pragess, his deleomte`oran the gaccidaritmal ao severic mlterlitmalic igi`enmg mlstmtutmals, stu`ymlf ml piriccec`mooerelt ispegts il` ireis ao the smte. It the stirt ao thms mlvestmfitmal, ri`magirdal `iteswere adtimle` oran the renimls ao twa sbecetals (_icgérgec Takis 4::4;904); durmic la.45 (galveltmalic ri`magirdal ife 86: ¹ 6: DZ, Deti ‗ 908=5?2 ΰ97G/94G > -9= %2 4 χ gicmdritmal; Gic I@ 9:4: ta 948: (Gic DZ =7: ta ?6:)) il` durmic la. 7= (galveltmalicri`magirdal ife 7?: ¹ 8: DZ, Deti ‗ 908=552 ΰ97G/94G > -9= %2 4 χ gicmdritmal; Gic I@904: ta 9?6: (Gic DZ 57: ta 48:)). Ale i``mtmalic `ite wis segure` oran i spige autsm`eao the genetery ml Ulmt 5, whmgh ml`mgite` the pre-Gacundmil use ao thms pirt ao the smte(galveltmalic ri`magirdal ife 67:¹?: DZ2 Deti ‗908=562 ` ΰ97G/94G > -45.: %2 4 χ gicm-

dritmal; Gic I@ 94:: ta 974: (Gic DZ 65: ta ?7:) il` Gic I@ 975: ta 97=: (Gic DZ ?::ta 5?:)). Ml Ulmt 5, ale sbecetal wis icsa oaul`. Ml i``mtmal, the snicc netic tudes oaul`ml sane ao the frives were oaul` ta de ni`e ao driss (_icgérgec Takis 4::4i), i netic omrstdraufht ta the Inermgis dy Eurapeils.

hese `iti galomrne` dath the pre-Gacundmil armfml ao the aggupitmal il` use aothe smte il` the past-galtigt `itmlf ao sane ao the durmics. ibmlf thms mloarnitmal mltaiggault, sudsequelt mlvestmfitmals oaguse` al `eternmlmlf the mlgm`elge ao icc ispegts aoEurapeil mlocuelge ml the `evecapnelt ao the settcenelt il` the genetery. Mlvestmfitmalsao lal-ouleriry spiges it the smte `mregte` dy Taderta _icgérgec Takis wmth _erlal KinesBlmfht il` I. Draabe Zersals, ao the Ulmversmty ao Icidini (Zersals et ic. 4::62 _icgérgec

Takis et ic. 4::6) ulgavere` ml`mfelaus ecenelts `itmlf ta the thmrteelth thraufh theomrst hico ao the omoteelth geltury, il` samc ciyers galtimlmlf i rilfe ao Eurapeil gerinmgs

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blawl ta hive deel use` detweel 90=: il` 9?5: I@. Ourther mlvestmfitmals shawe` thitthe preselge ao ilmnic il` gerinmg nitermics ao dath ml`mfelaus il` Eurapeil armfmls mlthe genetery ms nare wm`esprei` thil mlmtmiccy thaufht, il` ta `ite mt ms lat passmdce taexpciml themr preselge ml the frives. hese `etimcs requmre ourther itteltmal `ue ta themrpateltmic oar estidcmshmlf i tmneorine oar gertiml durmics. Wane ao the nast reveicmlf `iti,

hawever, hive deel `ermve` oran the stu`y ao nitermics `mregtcy issagmite` wmth ml`mvm`uicfrives, il` oran the re-ilicyses ao the hunil renimls utmcmzmlf lew netha`s il` teghlm-ques ml gaccidaritmal wmth mlvestmfitars oran Ulmversmty Gaccefe ao Cal`al (UGC), il`Cem`el Ulmversmty.


Ml 4::5 _icgérgec Takis, Nirtml÷l-arres, Gaaper il` Tehrel, ilicyse` the snicc netictudes oaul` ml i tatic ao 96 frives ml the Vacosal Cidaritarmes ao Irghieacafmgic Wgmelgesit the Mlstmtute ao Irghieacafy it UGC (Nirtml÷l-arres et ic.  4::62 _icgérgec Takis etic. 4::6). Wmx sinpces were mlvestmfite` usmlf elerfy-`mspersmve X-riy ocuaresgelge (E@-

 XTO), aptmgic nmgrasgapy il` sgillmlf ecegtral nmgrasgapy wmth il ittighe` elerfy-`ms-persmve spegtraneter (WEN-E@W). he ilicysms ml`mgite` thit the sinpces were ganpase`ao driss ‗ is appase` ta gapper is armfmliccy thaufht ‗ wmth i ganpasmtmal smnmcir tadrisses adtimle` dy geneltitmal il` pra`uge` ml Geltric Eurape `urmlf the omoteelth il`smxteelth gelturmes, il` were espegmiccy smnmcir ta drisses ni`e ml Lurenderf, Fernily(Nirtml÷l-arres et ic. 4::6;4::).

Galsm`ermlf the resucts ao these ilicyses, spegmomgiccy the smnmcirmty ml ganpasmtmal det-weel icc ao the ilicyse` pmeges, mt ms hmfhcy cmbecy thit the renimlmlf netic tudes oran thmssmte were icsa ni`e ao thms type ao driss. here ms la evm`elge oar the pra`ugtmal ao thmsnetic ml the Inermgis usmlf the teghlmque ao geneltitmal deoare the irrmvic ao Eurapeils(Nirtml÷l-arres et ic. 4::6;8). Oar thms reisal the tudes nust hive irrmve` it the ge-netery oaccawmlf sane oarn ao galtigt detweel the cagic papucitmal il` the Eurapeils.he shipe ao the pmeges ao netic icsa suppart thms mlterpretitmal2 i revmew ao the pmgtarmicsaurges, the `iti galgerlmlf Eurapeil irghieacafmgic galtexts oran the omoteelth geltury(Nirtml÷l-arres et ic. 4::6;4:9) il` the mloarnitmal oran eircy gacalmic galtexts ml the

 Inermgis (@eifil 4::4;960-965), reveic thit the tudes ire ecenelts use` ml Eurapeil gca-thmlf `urmlf the omoteelth il` smxteelth gelturmes, blawl is ifuketis  (ar ifcets), il` use`ml gar`s il` shaeciges ta oistel irtmgces ao `ress.

Zerhips sane ml`mvm`uics were durme` wmth Eurapeil gcathes. he preselge ao orif-

nelts ao gcath reparte` ml durmic la. 56 supparts thms m`ei2 leverthecess the ivimcidce evm-`elge `aes lat pernmt i gcirmomgitmal ao the smtuitmal it thms tmne. Ml the gise ao durmic la.45 mt ms gceir thit ifcets were use` ta oidrmgite il ml`mfelaus arlinelt2 ml the ather durmicsthe cagitmal ao the ifcets suffests thit they were armfmliccy pasmtmale` dy the wrmsts, leirthe legb il` ghest, ar lext ta the wimst. hese pciges gamlgm`e wmth the ireis where ifcetswauc` hive deel use` ml smxteelth geltury Eurapeil gcathmlf, dut icsa wmth pciges al theda`y where ml`mfelaus peapces ware arlinelts. Oar thms reisal mt gillat de exgcu`e` thitthe ifcets were adtimle` sepiritecy oran mtens ao gcathmlf il` use` is il ml`epel`elt pme-ge ao persalic arlineltitmal. Ml oigt, the ifcets, is ml`epel`elt adkegts were use` dy theWpilmir`s ioter themr irrmvic ta the Lew Varc`, ml exghilfes wmth ml`mfelaus mlhidmtilts

(Écvirez 9=66;=42 Gac÷l 9=?9;90=), wha ittrmdute` sigre` quicmtmes ta driss thit ni`ethen prigtmgiccy is vicuidce is the iccay fuilîl (Acmver 4:::;490). Zassmdcy these m`eis ao

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sigre`less mlocuelge` the use ao thms netic ta nibe the arlinelt oaul` wmth durmic la.45.

he ilicysms ao the neticcmg ganpasmtmals ao virmaus adkegts ao fuilîl il` the snectmlfteghlmques use` ta nibe then galomrne` `etimcs whmgh ire reoerre` ta ml the ethlahmstarmgsaurges where sugh adkegts ire neltmale` (Nirtml÷l-arres et ic. 4::6;9=6). he nilu-

oigture ao iccays dy snectmlf wis lat blawl ml the Iltmcces it the tmne ao the irrmvic ao theEurapeils, il` the armfml ao the fuilîl ms decmeve` ta cme ml Wauth Inermgi (_icgérgec Takiset ic. 4::6;996,94=). he dmr`”s hei` arlinelt icsa mspciys gertiml mgalafriphmg eceneltsthit ire gannalcy oaul` al pegtarics oran the imrali gucture ao Gacandmi (_icgérgecTakis et ic. 4::6;949). he citter perhips galomrns the exatmg armfmls ao these faa`s, aleao the reisals whmgh nust hive galtrmdute` ta themr freit vicue inalfst these ml`mfelauspeapces (Acmver 4:::;9==).

hese `iti lat alcy ghilfe eircmer mlterpretitmals ao the liture ao the netic tudes, dutthey icsa ganpcetecy icter aur pergeptmal ao the genetery dy gceircy `enalstritmlf thit isudstiltmic lunder ao durmics (it ceist 96) `ite ta ioter the irrmvic ao the Eurapeils il`

thus thit the pragess ao galtigt detweel then il` the ml`mfelaus peapces niy hive pciye`i smflmomgilt race ml the oarnitmal il` use ao the ouleriry spige. Al the ather hil`, thepreselge ao i set ao fuilîl adkegts, the cirfest yet regavere` ml the mlsucir Girmddeil (ict-haufh the pregmse `itmlf ao mts irrmvic ms ulblawl), ml`mgites the mnpartilt stitus ao theml`mvm`uics wha were mlterre` wmth driss adkegts, il` suffests the exmstelge ao i gannu-lmty wmth wecc-`eomle` sagmic `mstmlgtmals it the nanelt ao galtigt.

 Ispegts ao nartuiry treitnelt 

he preselge ao i sudstiltmic lunder ao driss tudes shaws thit these durmics `eomlmtecy`ite ta ioter the Eurapeil irrmvic. I cirfe lunder ao ml`mvm`uics were oaul` durme` ml ilextel`e`, typmgiccy Ghrmstmil pasmtmal, ml whmgh the da`y ms pcige` al the digb, wmth cefsstretghe`, the hil`s grasse` al the ghest ar the id`anel, il` il eist-west armeltitmalao the da`y. I cirfe prapartmal ao the extel`e` ml`mvm`uics (0: pergelt) were oaul` wmthdriss adkegts, elidcmlf us ta segurecy `ite then ta ioter galtigt2 hawever the renimlmlf ?:pergelt gauc` lat de `ite` ml thms wiy. Mt ms mnpartilt ta late, hawever, thit thms pasmtmalms mlorequeltcy reparte` oar pre-Gacundmil durmic smtes ml Gudi ar smtes wmth –Nemccigil„ar –Ghmgil„ gerinmgs ml the Freiter Iltmcces ml feleric (Grespa arres 4:::;9562 _ecazNiffmaca et ic. 9=6?;796, late 0). Al the galtriry, ml eircy Eurapeil tawls thms wisthe gustaniry durmic pasmtmal, il` mt wis evel use` ta dury ml`mfelaus ml`mvm`uics it the

galtigt perma` smtes ao Ci Msideci ml the @anmlmgil Tepudcmg (Fuerrera 9===;9:8) il` mlZuerta Teic ml Himtm (Nirrmlil 9==5;96=). Is nily ao the extel`e` durmics it Ec Gharra`e Niîti galoarn nare ar cess ta thms type, il` i cirfe lunder ao then galtiml Eurapeildriss, we suffest thit the nartuiry prigtmges ml these gises were mlocuelge` dy recitmalswmth Eurapeils, il` thereoare thit the lunder ao past-galtigt durmics it the smte niy dequmte cirfe. he preselge ao Eurapeil durmic pasmtmals it Ec Gharra e Niîti suffests sud-stmtutmal ao cagic gucturic prigtmges (sugh is the typmgic ml`mfelaus ocexe` durmic pasmtmal-mlf) dy lew ales, tme` ta Ghrmstmil durmic rmtuics, perhips il eircy expressmal ao Eurapeilittenpts ta Ghrmstmilmze the cagic peapces. Galtristmlfcy, the nikarmty ao durmics galtimlmlfdriss adkegts `a lat oaccaw Eurapeil durmic tri`mtmals dut ml`mfelaus ales, suffestmlf i

smtuitmal ao persmstelge il` galtmlumty ao the cagic gucturic tri`mtmals. Ml oigt, durmic la.45, wha wis armfmliccy ri`magirdal ite` ta the pre-galtigt perma`, wis oaul` wmth i driss

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arlinelt dut wis mlterre` ml il extrenecy ocexe` pasmtmal. he shipe il` ippeirilge aothe arlinelt ire typmgic oar ml`mfelaus gucture il` styce, shawmlf the i`iptitmal ao thmsnetic ta ml`mfelaus gucturic larns. hms `enalstrites persmstelge ao ml`mfelaus gucture`urmlf the eircy galtigt perma`, il` suffests `ylinmg mlterigtmal detweel ml`mfelaus il`oaremfl igtars ml whmgh the ml`mfelaus papucitmal nimltimls gertiml gucturic ispegts whmce

i`iptmlf athers iggar`mlf ta Eurapeil mlocuelges.Al iggault ao the ri`magirdal `itmlf ao durmic la. 45 the genetery wis armfmliccy gal-sm`ere` ta de ‗ ml pirt ‗ pre-Gacundmil (_icgérgec Takis il` Ta`rmfuez Irge 4::5;974).he preselge ao driss ml thms durmic, hawever, `msquicmomes thms `ite. he suppase` pre-Gacundmil armfml ao the genetery ms sanewhit indmfuaus it thms pamlt, is we nustgalsm`er the idselge ao smnmcir genetermes `urmlf thms perma` ml ml`mfelaus Gudil smtes.Ourthernare, the sudstiltmic lunder ao gceircy past-Gacundmil durmics it the smte neilsthit we ire galoralte` wmth the passmdmcmty thit we ire `eicmlf wmth emther il ml`mfelausdurmic irei trilsoarne` mlta i genetery thraufh mlterigtmals wmth Eurapeils, ar i gene-tery estidcmshe` eltmrecy ioter galtigt.

@enafriphy il` ethlmgmty

 I reilicysms ao the Ec Gharra `e Niîti sbecetic papucitmal wis ul`ertibel ml Kule 4:9:dy @ircele Vestal il` smflmomgilt icteritmals were ni`e ta the nmlmnun lunder ao ml-`mvm`uics, il` ife il` sex `mstrmdutmal reparte` dy the armfmlic mlvestmfitars. I`ucts wereife` dise` al narphacafmgic ghilfes ta the pudmg synphysms (Bitz il` Wughey 9=8?2a`` 9=49i, 9=49d), iurmgucir suroiges ao the as gaxie (Cavekay et ic. 9=85), il` ster-lic rmd el`s (Mőgil il` Cath 9=8?i, 9=8?d) is wecc is the `efree ao grilmic suture gcasure(Neml`c il` Cavekay 9=85) il` `eltic ittrmtmal (Drathwecc 9=892 Cavekay 9=85). Kuvelmceife wis `eternmle` usmlf the stife ao `eltic `evecapnelt (Wnmth 9==9), calf dale celfth(Wul`mgb 9=682 Udeciber 9=8=), il` the `efree ao epmphyseic ousmal (Wgheurer il` Dcigb4:::). Is mt ms lat passmdce ta `eternmle the exigt ghralacafmgic ife ao il ml`mvm`uic dise`al narphacafmgic ghilfes ta the sbecetal il` teeth, i`uct il` kuvelmce sbecetals were is-smfle` ta stil`ir` ife fraups.

he dmacafmgic sex ao the Ec Gharra `e Niîti sbecetals wis estmnite` dise` al virm-aus narphacafmgic trimts ao the sbucc (Isgé`m il` Lenesbírm 9=6:2 Dumbstri il` Udeciber9==0) il` pecvms (Dumbstri il` Udeciber 9==02 Zhelmge 9=?=), ml i``mtmal ta netrmg trimtsao the gcivmgce (Kmt il` Wmlfh 9=??), sgipuci (Mar`ilm`ms 9=?9), hunerus (Wtewirt 9=6=),il` oenur (Zeirsal il` Decc 9=96/9=9=2 Wtewirt 9=6=). Is ms gannal prigtmge, dmacafmgic

sex wis lat issmfle` ta the kuvelmce ml`mvm`uics `ue ta i cigb ao segal`iry sex ghirigterms-tmgs oaul` ml the sbucc il` pecvms (Wgheuer il` Dcigb 4:::). idce 9 mccustrites the revmse`Ec Gharra `e Niîti ife il` sex `mstrmdutmals.

Ml tatic there were =: i`ucts (?6.6 pergelt) il` 07 kuvelmces (74.7 pergelt). Inalf theeltmre sinpce papucitmal, the nikarmty (9?.5 pergelt) were ife` I`uct (98+ yeirs). hei`ucts were sprei` oimrcy evelcy inalf the i`uct (98+ yeirs), 98-45 il` 4?-75 ife gite-farmes (9?.5, 90.7 il` 90.7 pergelt respegtmvecy), whmce inalfst the kuvelmces, nast (97.5pergelt) were ife` detweel 5-= yeirs. Ml the i`uct papucitmal, oenices autlundere` ni-ces, wmth gandmle` tatics ao 00 (08.= pergelt) il` 7= (07.7 pergelt), respegtmvecy. Vhelthe ife il` sex `iti oar the eltmre sbecetic sinpce ire gandmle`, the nast gannalcy re-

preselte` fraup ms kuvelmces 5-= yeirs (97.5 pergelt) oaccawe` dy nices 4?-75 (=.8 pergelt)il` i`uct oenices (98+ yeirs).

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he nast latidce oeiture ao the Ec Gharra `e Niîti sbecetic papucitmal ms the recitmvecycirfe prapartmal ao ghmc`rel mt galtimls. ypmgic ittrmtmalic genetermes, m.e. thase thit ig-gunucite lituriccy aver tmne, hive i cirfe prapartmal ao mloilts, wmth i egreismlf lunderao `eiths thraufh ta i`acesgelge, il` il mlgreismlf lunder ao `eiths thraufh i`ucthaa`ta ac` ife (Zimle 4:::). Narticmty ml the Ec Gharra `e Niîti genetery papucitmal peibs itthe 5-= yeir ife fraup il` thel renimls oimrcy stei`y inalf the i`ucts. I genetery wmthi cirfe lunder ao ghmc`rel ms nare galsmstelt wmth i gitistraphmg genetery, m.e. ale wherenarticmty ms ue ta i smlfce ar shart-tern gitistraphmg evelt, sugh is i lituric ar nil-ni`e`msister ar i `mseise epm`enmg. Is the gitistraphmg epmsa`e typmgiccy strmbes wmthaut refir`oar ife ar sex, the genetery papucitmal usuiccy nmrrars the alge cmvmlf papucitmal (Zimle4:::). Ml the gise ao the Ec Gharra `e Niîti genetery, the tenparic galtext ao the smte,spillmlf the pre- il` past-galtigt perma`s, suffests thit epm`enmg `mseise niy hive deelil mnpartilt oigtar ml the strugturmlf ao the smte”s nartuiry praomce.

 Vhel Eurapeils gacalmze` the Lew Varc`, they draufht wmth then i pcethari ao ml-oegtmaus `mseises prevmauscy ulblawl ml the ml`mfelaus papucitmals. Hivmlf la mnnulmtyta these lew `mseises, the cagic papucitmals aotel ripm`cy suggunde` (_erila il` Udeciber9==4). I precmnmliry picieapithacafmgic ilicysms ao the sbecetic papucitmal garradaritesthe passmdmcmty thit igute mloegtmal niy hive iooegte` the papucitmal.

hraufh the use ao grilmanetrmgs, mt wis passmdce ta estmnite the ilgestry ao three ao theEc Gharra `e Niîti ml`mvm`uics; la. 44, 05, il` 89. Wtil`ir` grilmic neisurenelts oranthese three ml`mvm`uics were ganpire` ta Haweccs” (9=67, 9==5) reoerelge papucitmalsusmlf the OAT@MWG 7.: saotwire pigbife (Kiltz il` Awscey 4::5). Grilmun la. 44 sga-re` nast smnmcir ta i Vhmte nice, grilmun la. 05 sgare` nast smnmcir ta il Iormgil nice,whmce grilmun la. 89 sgare` dath equiccy smnmcir ta il Iormgil oenice il` il Hmspilmgoenice, suffestmlf thit thms ml`mvm`uic niy de ao nmxe` ilgestry. hese resucts ire mlteres-tmlf is they reocegt the types ao ilgestric fraups regar`e` is demlf preselt al Gudi ml thehmstarmgic regar`s it thms tmne.


(N + N1) %Oenice(O + O1) % Ml`eternmlite % Patic %

<: (oaetus) - - - - 4 9.5 4 9.5

39 yr - - - - 7 4.7 7 4.7

9-0 yrs - - - - 8 ?.: 8 ?.:

5-= yrs - - - - 98 97.5 98 97.59:-90 yrs - - - - ? 0.5 ? 0.5

95-96 yrs - - - - ? 0.5 ? 0.5

98-45 yrs 6 5.7 99 8.7 9 :.8 9= 90.7

4?-75 yrs 97 =.8 5 7.8 9 :.8 9= 90.7

7?-05 yrs 5 7.8 = ?.8 : :.: 90 9:.5

0?+ yrs = ?.8 6 5.7 : :.: 9? 94.:

i`uct ≥ 98yrs 5 7.8 94 =.: 5 7.8 44 9?.5

Patic 7= 00 5: 977 ≈9::

Pidce 9 Ife il` sex `mstrmdutmal oar Ec Gharra `e Niîti.

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Mlteltmalic grilmic na`momgitmal

Mlteltmalic grilmic na`momgitmal his prevmauscy deel `eomle` is –the `ylinmg `mstartmal aothe larnic vegtars ao mloiltmce leuragrilmic frawth thraufh the ifelgy ao exterliccy ip-pcme` oarges„ (Nass 9=58;465). he saurge ao these oarges gil rilfe oran lituric ‗ `ue tai feletmg `eoegt ar `mseise ‗ ta irtmomgmic na`momgitmals, ml whmgh hunil igtmals greite i

`mooerelt shipe ao the grilmun. I bey `mstmlgtmal ms ni`e detweel mlteltmalic il` ulml-teltmalic na`momgitmal. Ml the omrst mlstilge, il ictere` hei` shipe ms greite` `ecmderitecyusmlf i na`momgitmal `evmge ni`e ao dil`ifes ar dair`s. Ml gises ao ulmlteltmalic na`mom-gitmal the resuctmlf hei` shipe ms il ulexpegte` sm`e eooegt ao ghmc` reirmlf prigtmges, sughis the use ao gri`ce dair`s ml Larth Inermgil ml`mfelaus sagmetmes ar i pracalfe` supmlesceepmlf pasmtmal ml na`erl mloilts (Fersztel il` Fersztel 9==5;7652 Cmttceomec` et ic. 4::5;05-0?).

Mlteltmalic grilmic na`momgitmal ms prigtmse` ml virmaus guctures thraufhaut the warc`.Eigh sagmety his `mooerelt reisals oar ictermlf the hei` shipe ao themr mloilts, dut felericnatmvitmals gil de `e`uge` oran irghieacafmgic, ilthrapacafmgic il` ethlahmstarmgic cmte-

riture. Iesthetmg reisals il` fel`er `mooereltmitmal gil pciy i race. Aggismaliccy, recmfmausnatmvitmals ire neltmale`, sugh is the `esmre ta resendce the naultiml ao armfml ml ger-timl Il`eil sagmetmes (Dcan 4::5;02 Wghmknil 4::5;=06). he expressmal ao sagmic rilb arstitus ms aotel gmte` is i natmvitmal (@mlfwicc 9=792 vil @umkvelda`e 4:9:). Inalf theGhmlaab ao Larth Inermgi, il ictere` hei` shipe expresse` oree`an il` scives were ex-presscy oardm``el ta na`moy the hei`s ao themr ghmc`rel (@mlfwicc 9=79;9?5-9??). Omliccy,the preseltitmal ao fraup m`eltmty gil icsa de il mnpartilt reisal, is his deel `enal-strite` inalf severic Il`eil papucitmals (arres-Tauoo 4::7). Wmlge mlteltmalic grilmicna`momgitmal ms i pernilelt icteritmal whmgh nust de mlmtmite` icnast mnne`mitecy ioterdmrth, these fraup m`eltmtmes ire aotel dise` al bmlshmp; oinmcy, gcil, cmleife ar ethlmg m`el-

tmty (vil @umkvelda`e 4:9:). Esseltmiccy, icc natmvitmals neltmale` here ire expressmals aom`eltmty al i `mooerelt cevec, represeltmlf pirts ao emther ml`mvm`uic ar fraup m`eltmtmes.

 Il ilicysms ao the prigtmge ao mlteltmalic grilmic na`momgitmal it Ec Gharra `e Niîtiwis exegute` dy Ille vil @umkvelda`e ml Kucy 4::=. hms stu`y use` i sinpce ao theeltmre durmic issendcife, dise` nimlcy al the preservitmal ao the grilmi. he sinpce gal-smste` ao 50 ml`mvm`uics; 04 i`ucts, 5 i`acesgelts il` 6 ghmc`rel. he sex `mstrmdutmal msrecitmvecy equic wmth 4: nices il` 9= oenices whmcst the reniml`er ao the sinpce gauc` latde sexe`.

idce 4 shaws thit mlteltmalic grilmic na`momgitmal ms preselt ml ippraxmnitecy 8: per-gelt ao the sinpce. Ourthernare, 84.5 pergelt ao the na`mome` fraup his the sine hei`shipe; oralta-aggmpmtic piriccec na`momgitmal (see idce 7). Omfure 9 shaws il exinpce ao

Mlteltmalic GrilmicNa`mgitmal

Zergeltife aoZapucitmal

Lunder aoMl`mvm`uics

]es 6=.?% 07

Zassmdcy 7.6% 4

La 9?.6% =

Pidce 4 Zrevicelge ao mlteltmalic grilmic na`mgitmal ml

Ec Gharra `e Niîti.

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the oralta-aggmpmtic piriccec na`momgitmal whmgh ms typmgic oar thms sinpce. Avericc, thepitterl it Ec Gharra `e Niîti shaws i cirfe pergeltife ao the papucitmal ul`erfamlf theprigtmge il` cmttce virmitmal ml the type ao hei` shipe. Ourther ilicysms ao the `iti reveice`la smflmomgilt garrecitmals detweel hei` shipe il` sex ar frive faa`s. I pateltmic garre-citmal detweel ife il` mlteltmalic grilmic na`momgitmal wis adserve`. Vhel the sinpcems `mvm`e` mlta ife fraups, =: pergelt ao the i`uct ml`mvm`uics hive il ictere` hei` shipe.

Hawever, inalf the i`acesgelts thms ms alcy ?: pergelt il` inalf ghmc`rel 56.9 pergelt.(vil @umkvelda`e 4:9:).

Ml`mvm`uic 64D ms the alcy exgeptmal ml the hanafelemty ao shipes ml the sinpce. hmsoenice his oralta-aggmpmtic na`momgitmal ao the vertmgic sudtype (see Omfure 7). Whe wis du-rme` ml il ulusuic pasmtmal; oigmlf awl wmth i cirfe stale al tap ao the cefs. he mooereltshipe ao the sbucc suffests thit thms ml`mvm`uic niy lat hive deel darl ml the refmal ao EcGharra `e Niîti.

 I lunder ao natmvitmals oar mlteltmalic grilmic na`momgitmal were `msgusse` eircmer.Fel`er mooereltmitmal gil de ruce` aut, smlge la smflmomgilt garrecitmal wis oaul` detweelsex il` hei` shipmlf. he preseltitmal ao sagmic stitus ar rilb ms icsa ulcmbecy. here wis

la recitmal detweel frive faa`s il` mlteltmalic grilmic na`momgitmal il` the hmfh mlgm`el-ge ao smnmcir shipes wauc` neil thit the stitus ar rilb wauc` hive ta de shire` dy it ceist8: pergelt ao the papucitmal. Alcy ale saurge wis oaul` `msgussmlf pateltmic recmfmausnatmvitmals. Gudil reseirgher Herreri Ormtat suffests thit hei` shipmlf wis il ittenpt tanmnmg the hei` shipe ao i turtce, il mnpartilt ilmnic ml ml`mfelaus Girmddeil nythacafy(ml Tmvera `e ci Gicce 9=?:;454). La evm`elge suppartmlf thms hypathesms wis oaul`.

 Iesthetmg reisals ire i passmdce natmvitmal, smlge the ictere` hei` shipe ms galsm`ere`deiutmouc dy ml`mfelaus mloarnilts ml severic gacalmic saurges al the gmrgun-Girmddeil(@ivmes 9???;7782 Tath 9=40;0942 Wte`nil 9=88;790). Il icterlitmve reisal dehml` the

Pype ao Na`mgitmal Zergeltife Lunder ao Ml`mvm`uics

Oralta-Aggmpmtic Ziriccec 84.5% 77

Oralta-Aggmpmtic _ertmgic 4.5% 9

Aggmpmtic Ocittelmlf 6.5% 7

Oraltic Ocittelmlf 6.5% 7

Pidce 7 @mstrmdutmal ao shipes elgaultere` ml Ec Gharra

`e Niîti.

Omfure 9 I; Citeric vmew ao ml`mvm`uic 59, D; Wupermar vmew ao ml`mvm`uic =9, G; Citeric vmew ao ml`m -vm`uic 64D.

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475_ T .

prigtmge ms the expressmal ao bmlshmp-dise` fraup m`eltmtmes. he recitmvecy hmfh pergeltifeao na`momgitmal inalf the papucitmal gandmle` wmth ale niml type ao na`momgitmal msgallegte` ta the expressmal ao fraup m`eltmty ml sagmetmes wmth i hmfher cevec ao sagmic arfi-lmzitmal (arres-Tauoo 4::7). he pitterl ao mlteltmalic grilmic na`momgitmal ml Ec Gharra`e Niîti elgaultere` urmlf thms reseirgh ms smnmcir ta her resucts il` the recitmal ta fraup

m`eltmty ml the Freiter Iltmcces, whmgh hi` icrei`y deel suffeste` dise` al ethlahmstarmgsaurges il` eircmer irghieacafmgic reseirgh (Grespa arres 4::5;?4), wis galomrne` dy thmsmlvestmfitmal.

Omliccy, the questmal renimls why there ms i smflmomgiltcy cawer pergeltife ao ictere`grilmi inalfst the ghmc`rel il` i`acesgelts. hms ulequic `mstrmdutmal wis icsa late` dythe armfmlic mlvestmfitars il` Fuirgh @ecnalte (9==?;49) suffeste` thit mt nmfht de reci-te` ta i `msgaltmluitmal ao the prigtmge `ue ta Eurapeil mlocuelge. hms expcilitmal ms mlcmle wmth the blawl eooegts ao mltergucturic galtigt al the prigtmge oran ethlafriphmg il`ethlahmstarmg saurges (vil @umkvelda`e 4:9:). Hawever, wmthaut i saul` mlterlic ghra-lacafy oar the durmics ml the genetery, thms hypathesms wis `moomguct ta test is there wis la

evm`elge thit the ghmc`rel il` i`acesgelts galgerle` were galtenparileaus. he regeltreilicysms ao the sbecetic issendcife his galgcu`e` thit the `enafriphy ao the papucitmalsuffests thit the genetery wis the resuct ao i smlfce ar shart tern evelt. hms ms the omrstevm`elge thit these durmics gauc` de galsm`ere` galtenparileaus il` thit the `msgaltmlu-itmal ao mlteltmalic grilmic na`momgitmal nmfht ml`ee` hive deel `ue ta Eurapeil mlocu-elge al the cagic papucitmal.

Mlteltmalic `eltic na`momgitmal

Ml`mvm`uic 64D his deel neltmale` idave oar her renirbidcy `mooerelt type ao mlteltmalicgrilmic na`momgitmal ml ganpirmsal ta the rest ao the persals mlterre` it Ec Gharra `eNiîti, nast cmbecy ml`mgitmlf thit she `m` lat armfmlite oran thit irei. Ml i``mtmal ta the`mssmnmcir type ao mlteltmalic grilmic na`momgitmal, thms ml`mvm`uic preselts i gceir giseao mlteltmalic `eltic na`momgitmal, whmgh wis m`eltmome` `urmlf i `eltic ilthrapacafmgicstu`y ao the hunil renimls oran thms genetery, gal`ugte` dy Hiycey C. Nmgbcedurfh ml

 Kucy 4::=.he prigtmse ao mlteltmalic `eltic na`momgitmal his i calf hmstary ml virmaus guctures

igrass the fcade oar iesthetmg, recmfmaus, rmtuic il` sagma-gucturic reisals. I rilfe ao teghlm-ques oar eltic na`momgitmal ire blawl, sugh is omcmlf, ghmppmlf, guttmlf, rmccmlf, mlgmsmlf,mlciymlf wmth stale nitermics, il` extrigtmal ar idcitmal (Ict il` Zmghcer 9==82 _ubavmg

et ic. 4::=).Ml`mvm`uic 64D”s `eltic na`momgitmal iooegts the upper mlgmsars il` gilmles, wmth thegeltric mlgmsars nast pranmleltcy na`mome`. Icc upper mlgmsars il` dath upper gilmlesippeir ta hive deel omce` extelsmvecy, galsm`eridcy re`ugmlf the grawl hemfht il` ceivmlfthe aggcusic suroiges extrenecy snaath il` ocittele`. he geltric mlgmsars hive i ourtherna`momgitmal ao the aggcusic suroiges it dath the nesmic il` `mstic nirfmls, ml the oarn aoduggacmlfuic fraaves whmgh extel` igrass the eltmre aggcusic suroige. he fraaves ire 9.5ta 4nn wm`e il` 9.5nn `eep. Ml oraltic vmew, the fraaves ippeir ta de senm-gmrgucir mlshipe, hawever the pmts ao the fraaves ire ml igtuic oigt icnast ganpcetecy ocit (see Omfure4). he renimlmlf teeth ml the eltmtmal ire ulna`mome` il` alcy very scmfhtcy warl. here

ms la garrespal`mlf weir al the cawer iltermar teeth, exgcu`mlf i nistmgitary igtmvmty isthe giuse. Nareaver, the strmbmlf synnetry il` pregmsmal ao the fraaves il` ocittele` ag-

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gcusic suroiges ml`mgite thit the na`momgitmal nust hive deel mlteltmalic is appase` taigtmvmty-ml`uge` (m.e. the resuct ao the use ao the teeth is taacs).

 I snicc lunder ao ml`mvm`uics wmth gceir mlteltmalic `eltic na`momgitmal his prevmauscydeel oaul` ml the Girmddeil refmal, hawever ml icc gises these ml`mvm`uics were m`eltmome`is Iormgil scives (Grespa il` Fmustm 9==42 Hil`cer 9==02 Hil`cer et ic. 9=842 Hivmser,

persalic gannulmgitmal 4:9:2 Tmvera `e ci Gicce 9=602 Wtewirt il` Fraane 9=?8). Isnast ao these durmics were iggm`eltic `msgavermes, cmttce mloarnitmal ms ivimcidce al themrpregmse irghieacafmgic galtext. Hawever, whit ms gceir ms ta the `eltic na`momgitmals mlthese gises ire smflmomgiltcy `mooerelt ml ippeirilge il` ietmacafy thil the Ec Gharra `eNiîti gise. he Iormgil na`momgitmals tel` ta de ighmeve` dy raufh ghmppmlf ar guttmlf aothe elinec, icthaufh nare reomle` ghmppmlf icsa aggurs. Ourthernare, nast Iormgil na-`momgitmals resucte` ml i `egm`e`cy pamlte` ar ‘oilf-cmbe” ippeirilge ao the iltermar teeth.he feleric ippeirilge il` `efree ao griotsnilshmp `mspciye` ml ml`mvm`uic 64D ms nare

Omfure 4 I; Oraltic vmew ao the upper mlgmsars il` gilmles ao 64D, shawmlf

gceir mlteltmalic `eltic na`mgitmal, D; Adcmque aggcusic vmew ao the uppermlgmsars il` gilmles ao 64D.

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galsmstelt wmth Nesainermgil types. Vhel ganpire` ta blawl types ao `eltic na`mom-gitmal oran Nesainermgi is `agunelte` dy Tanera, the geltric mlgmsars gil de gcisse`is gitefary I0 wmth ourther I4 na`momgitmals ao the aggcusic suroiges, il` the citeric mlgm-sars il` gilmles is gitefary I0 (Tanera Nacmli 9=8?). La prevmaus gises ao thms type ao`eltic na`momgitmal ire blawl oar the pre-Gacundmil Girmddeil mscil`s. Galsm`ermlf the

idselge ao i prege`elt oar ml`mvm`uic 64D”s type ao `eltic na`momgitmal ml the Girmddeilmscil`s tafether wmth her `mssmnmcir type ao grilmic na`momgitmal, the passmdmcmty thit thmsml`mvm`uic armfmlite` ml Nesainermgi nust de galsm`ere`.

Eircy stu`mes mlta `eltic na`momgitmal resucte` ml ecidarite gcissmomgitmal sghenes stmccml use ta`iy, aotel tibmlf spegmic gire ta sepirite the types ao na`momgitmal iggar`mlf tathemr feafriphmgic armfml (see Tanera Nacmli 9=8?2 Tudîl `e ci Dardacci 9=0:2 Wtewirt9=09). Nare regelt stu`mes al Nesainermgil smtes ml Decmze, Fuitenici, Hal`uris il`Nexmga hive hmfhcmfhte` refmalic il` tenparic `mooerelges ml dath styce il` teghlmque ao`eltic na`momgitmal. Tesucts pamlt ta the use ao eltic na`momgitmal is i niller ao express-mlf m`eltmomgitmal wmth i cmleife, pacmty, rucer ar refmal (Hivmcc et ic. 9==62 C÷pez Acmvires

9==62 mescer Dcas 4::92 Vmccmins il` Vhmte 4::?). hraufh ganpirmsal ao the type ao`eltic na`momgitmal preselt ml the `eltmtmal ao ml`mvm`uic 64D wmth the types preselte`ml these eircy il` regelt warbs mt ippeirs thit thms type ao na`momgitmal ms nast ganpit-mdce wmth types blawl oar the Nesainermgil refmal ao Decmze, Fuitenici il` Hal`uris.Ml pirtmgucir, thms type ao na`momgitmal his deel `agunelte` oar Zastgcissmg smtes ml Decmze(see Vmccmins il` Vhmte 4::?). Galsm`ermlf the `itmlf ao the smte ao Ec Gharra `e Niîti,whmgh oiccs felericcy wmthml the Zastgcissmg tmne perma`, we teltitmvecy suffest thit ml`m-vm`uic 64D armfmlite` oran the nimlcil` refmal ao Decmze.

Omfure 7 Wghenitmg represeltitmal ao the mltel-

tmalic `eltic na`mgitmal ml 64D.

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Tesucts ao aur straltmun msatape ilicyses oran Ec Gharra `e Niîti ire `mspciye` mlOmfure 0. he hunil `iti ms pravm`e` al the ceot sm`e ao the friph il` ms `mvm`e` mlta oaurgitefarmes2 i`uct oenices, i`uct nices, ulsexe` i`ucts, il` kuvelmces (ulsexe`). he oiulicrenimls cme al the rmfht il` ire sepirite` dy type. Ve teltitmvecy `eomle the cagic rilfe ao86Wr/8?Wr is ippraxmnitecy :.6:6=5-:.6:88:, dise` al the idsacute rilfe ao the oiulic iti

(exgcu`mlf the pmf sinpces oar reisals msgusse` decaw). hms rilfe ms ml rither faa` iggar-`ilge wmth the nikarmty ao the hunil sinpces is wauc` de expegte` mo nast cagic resm`eltswere durme` ml ar leir themr pcige ao dmrth. hereoare the nikarmty (l>?:/6=, ar ~60 per-gelt) ao the hunils ire `eternmle` ta de cagic. Icc three pmf renimls hive deel m`eltmome`is lalcagic il` oicc it ar leir the cawer el` ao the rilfe ao hunil vicues.

 Is the feacafy ao Gudi ms rither ganpcex (Zir`a 9=65) we hive lat pcige` taa nughrecmilge al the feacafmgic cmteriture ml aur estmnitmals ao straltmun msatape virmitmal. Mloigt, awmlf ta `mregt il` ml`mregt nirmle mlocuelges al the cagic egasysten we suppart theippraigh prapase` dy Zrmge et ic. (4::4) wheredy cagic rilfe estmnites prmnirmcy recy althe ilicysms ao cagic oiulic renimls. Wmlge aur cagic rilfe estmnite ms dise` al i recitmvecy

oew lunder ao sinpces (l>5) we galsm`er mt ta de precmnmliry it thms tmne. Teseirgh tadetter reomle the cagic rilfe it the smte mtseco mlgcu`mlf ilicyses ao nare cagic oiuli sinpcesil` ta `eternmle the extelt ao spitmic virmitmal ao straltmun msatape smflics thraufhautthe refmal ms alfamlf.

Lalethecess, mloerelges gil stmcc de ni`e dise` al the strugture ao the msatapmg `iti pit-terls thensecves il` ganpiritmve garrecitmals wmth ather `iti sets oran i galtextuic per-spegtmve. Ml ather war`s, outure reseirgh niy suffest i scmfht drai`elmlf ar shmotmlf ao thecagic rilfe dut thms `aes lat ippregmidcy icter aur mlmtmic mlterpretitmals, oar exinpce theoigt i`uct nices il` oenices `mspciy drai`cy smnmcir rilfes il` virmilge. Hawever, thereire sane adservidce `mooerelges detweel these twa fraups. Oar exinpce, ta `ite 8 ao the 7:

i`uct oenices ar passmdce oenices ilicyse` ire m`eltmome` is lalcagics (~46 pergelt), whmce9: ao the 48 nices ar passmdce nices ilicyse` ire m`eltmome` is lalcagics (~7? pergelt),









      8      6      W     r      /      8      ?      W     r








Omfure 0 Wtraltmun Msatape Tesucts oar Ec Gharra `e Niîti.

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suffestmlf scmfhtcy hmfher rites ao nice mnnmfritmal recitmve ta oenices. Ml i``mtmal, theWr vicues oran the nices `mspciy freiter virmilge wmth the 7 cawest il` the smlfce hmfhestautcmers. Ve mlterpret thms is evm`elge ao nare virmidce feafriphmg armfmls oar these lalca-gic nices. Ml the idselge ao i`equite ghralacafmgic galtracs we gillat `eternmle it thmstmne whether these pitterls reocegt emther ar dath, pre- il` past-galtigt nadmcmty pitterls,

icthaufh we nmfht expegt rither `mverse armfmls oar i`uct nices ml eircy galtigt perma` du-rmic issendcifes. Cistcy, 9? ao the 96 kuvelmces ilicyse` hive deel m`eltmome` is cagic. hmsifrees wmth expegtitmals dise` al the prenmse thit kuvelmces ire cess cmbecy thil i`ucts tahive nmfrite` wmthml themr recitmvecy drmeo cmoe spils.

Ather latidce pitterls ire reveice` thraufh the ganpirmsal ao the straltmun msatape`iti set recitmve ta ather cmles ao evm`elge, oar exinpce nartuiry prigtmges (durmic cagitmal,type, pasmtmal, armeltitmal) il` `eltic il` grilmic na`momgitmal prigtmges. Ao the i`uctoenices ilicyse`, alcy ale (la. 89) gceircy cigbs grilmic na`momgitmal, she his deel m`el-tmome` is il ml`mvm`uic ao passmdce nmxe` Iormgil il` Hmspilmg ilgestry il` his icsa deelm`eltmome` is i cagic. Icc oaur ao the oenices mlterre` wmth frive faa`s ire cagics, whmce lale

ao the lalcagic oenices hive deel mlterre` wmth frive faa`s. Ao the oaur i`uct nices wmthgceircy ulna`mome` grilmi, 7 ire lalcagic, mlgcu`mlf la. 05 (`msgusse` decaw), il` ale mscagic (la. 44), il ml`mvm`uic m`eltmome` is demlf ao Eurapeil ilgestry. Mt ms mlterestmlf talate thit whmce driss tudes hive deel regavere` oran dath cagic il` lalcagic frives, arli-nelts ao ather nitermics sugh is stale il` garic ire exgcusmvecy oaul` ml issagmitmal wmthcagic ml`mvm`uics. Icsa, virmaus durmic pasmtmals (ocexe`, senm-ocexe`, il` extel`e`) aggurinalfst cagic il` lalcagic ml`mvm`uics.

he Wr msatape smflitures ao gertiml ml`mvm`uics requmre ourther ecidaritmal. Durmic la.05 his il 86Wr/8?Wr ritma ao :.699:77, whmgh ms i gceir autcmer oar thms papucitmal il` oarthe Girmddeil refmal ml feleric. Ml oigt, aur ilicyses ao severic hul`re` Wr msatape ritmas

oran the Vest Ml`mes, il` i revmew ao prevmauscy pudcmshe` Wr msatape resucts oran irghie-acafmgic il` feaghenmgic reseirgh wmthml thms refmal reveice` la resucts oar cagic ml`mvm`u-ics whmgh ire thms ri`mafelmg (hmfh). Ve mlterpret thms hmfhcy ecevite` smflic is suppartmlfthe hypathesms ao i lal-Girmddeil armfml oar thms ml`mvm`uic, icthaufh thms m`eltmomgitmalnust reniml teltitmve ultmc i `itidise ao straltmun msatape virmitmal oar the Girmddeilrefmal ms `evecape`, i prakegt whmgh ms gurreltcy ul`erwiy (Ciooaal il` Haafcil` 4::=).Wtraltmun msatape smflics icale gillat `eomlmtmvecy pmlpamlt i spegmomg feafriphmg armfmlawmlf ta the cmnmtitmals ao equmomlicmty (Zrmge et ic. 4::6). Is durmic la. 05 his deel m`el-tmome` is i persal ao Iormgil ilgestry, i ganpirmsal ao hms Wr smfliture wmth pudcmshe` Wrrilfes oar virmaus refmals ao Vesterl Iormgi, oran whmgh elscive` nmfrilts were blawl

ta hive armfmlite` oran, niy hecp ta ourther lirraw `awl thms persal”s feafriphmg armfmls(Wghrae`er et ic. 4::=).

Durmic la. 64D his deel hmfhcmfhte` is ulmque dise` al the preselge ao grilmic il` `elticna`momgitmal types whmgh ire rire oar thms refmal dut hive deel reparte` oar Nesainermgilfraups, il` i ulmque durmic treitnelt oar thms issendcife (prale wmth cirfe stales pcige`al the cawer extrenmtmes), is prevmauscy msgusse`. he 86Wr/8?Wr ritma ao ml`mvm`uic la. 64Dms :.6:650?, i resuct thit icsa gceircy m`eltmomes thms ml`mvm`uic is i lalcagic. Icthaufh thmssmflic ms icsa galsmstelt wmth litic armfmls ml nily refmals ao the Girmddeil, the ivimcidcegaltextuic evm`elge suffests i passmdce Nesainermgil armfml oar thms ml`mvm`uic. hms Wrmsatape smfliture ms galsmstelt wmth feafriphmg armfmls ml the ]ugitél Zelmlsuci, pirtmgu-

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circy wmth reparte` Wr rilfes oran the Wautherl Niyi cawcil`s (Ha`ecc et ic. 4::02 Vrmfht4::5).

Cistcy, icc three Wr resucts oran the `anestmg pmf sinpces oicc autsm`e ao aur cagic rilfeestmnite, suffestmlf lalcagic armfmls oar the pmfs icsa. hms mccustrites twa mnpartilt pamltsidaut thms ilicytmgic teghlmque2 9) thit giutmal nust de tibel ml the secegtmal ao ‘cagic”

oiulic sinpces oar cagic Wr rilfe estmnites awmlf ta the passmdmcmty thit gertiml spegmes ireaotel hmfhcy nadmce, ml thms gise pradidcy ittrmdutidce ta trilshunilge, il` 4) thit Wr msa-tape ilicysms thus aooers the pateltmic ta mlvestmfite lal-hunil nadmcmty is wecc (Happe etic. 9===2 Wghwemssmlf il` Frupe 4::7).

@msgussmal il` galgcusmals

Aur nuctm`msgmpcmliry ippraigh ta the genetery ao Ec Gharra `e Niîti his praoaul`cyictere` the pergeptmal ao thms smte, ml pirt awmlf ta i detter ul`erstil`mlf ao the `mversemlocuelges ml the oarnitmal ao thms nartuiry spige. Ul`erstil`mlf the liture ao these `m-verse mlocuelges his deel ganpcex fmvel the `moomguctmes ml estidcmshmlf i ghralacafy oarthe durmics.

he reilicysms ao the hunil renimls his ml`mgite` thit the genetery galtimle` i nughhmfher prapartmal ao ghmc`rel detweel 5 il` = yeirs ao ife thil wauc` typmgiccy de expegte`oar i genetery issendcife whmgh iggunucite` aver i calf perma` ao tmne. hese oml`mlfsseen ta ml`mgite i smlfce ar shart-tern gitistraphmg evelt, sugh is i lituric ar nil-ni`e`msister ar i `mseise epm`enmg. he citter ms nast cmbecy, galsm`ermlf the tenparic galtextao the smte il` the resucts ao the precmnmliry picieapithacafmgic ilicysms. Ourthernare,ilather mnpartilt resuct ao thms stu`y his galomrne` the spegucite` Eurapeil armfml aoml`mvm`uic la. 44, whmce icsa m`eltmoymlf la. 05 is il ml`mvm`uic ao Iormgil armfml il` la.89 is i nestmza ao nmxe` Iormgil il` Eurapeil ilgestry.

he m`eltmomgitmal ao Eurapeil driss pravm`es i recmidce ghralacafmgic ml`mgitar, sha-wmlf thit the genetery wis nimltimle` `urmlf the past-Gacundmil perma` il` thit nilyao the durmics `ite ta thms tmne perma`. he citter garrespal`s wecc wmth the adserve` giti-straphmg narticmty praomce ao thms durmic papucitmal, is mlgreismlf galtigt urmlf thms perma`ce` ta the exghilfe ao `mseises ta whmgh the ml`mfelaus papucitmal hi` la resmstilge. Itthms tmne ml Ec Gharra `e Niîti tri`mtmalic ml`mfelaus nartuiry prigtmges were gandmle`wmth lew gucturic mlocuelges, sugh is extel`e` (Ghrmstmil) durmic pasmtmals il` pragesses aoi`aptmal ao Eurapeil nitermics mlta ml`mfelaus gucture. he pre`anmlilt oralta-aggmpmticpiriccec grilmic na`momgitmal, typmgic oar Cite Gerinmg Ife guctures ml the Freiter Iltmcces,

ippeirs ta hive serve` is il ml`mfelaus fraup m`eltmty nirber it Ec Gharra `e Niîti. Mtsidselge ml ml`mvm`uics” la. 44, 05, il` 89, tafether wmth gceir evm`elge ao `mooerelt ilges-try, niy hive deel i vmsmdce nirber ao themr oaremfl ioomcmitmals. Ml ather gises, espegmiccyinalfst the ghmc`rel, the idselge ao grilmic na`momgitmal gauc` de recite` ta ghilfes fe-lerite` dy Eurapeil igtmals. Ml`mvm`uic 64D ms the alcy persal shawmlf i `mooerelt typeao grilmic na`momgitmal (oralta-aggmpmtic vertmgic). hms oenice icsa his renirbidce `elticna`momgitmal ao the upper oralt teeth. hese twa trimts tafether ire ulmque inalf blawlml`mfelaus durmics oran the Girmddeil mscil`s, il` icalf wmth thms persal”s straltmun msa-tape smfliture ippeir ta ml`mgite i Nesainermgil armfml (passmdcy Decmze). Icthaufh we alat hive recmidce ghralacafmgic `iti oar thms ml`mvm`uic it thms tmne, mt ms passmdce thit her

preselge here ms tme` ta gacalmic igtmvmtmes, mlgcu`mlf the oarge` nmfritmal ao ml`mfelausscives ta the Girmddeil il` Gudi oran `mooerelt refmals ao the Inermgis (@eifil il`

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Gruxelt 9==7;=0). Wmnmcir giuses gil de suffeste` oar ml`mvm`uic la. 05, icthaufh ml thmsgise the durmic ms gceircy past-galtigt il` the armfml ms nast cmbecy Eurape ar Iormgi, ireisoran whmgh eircy scives were tibel ta the Iltmcces.

he straltmun msatape ilicysms shaws thit the ducb ao the papucitmal it Ec Gharra `eNiîti ms ao cagic armfml, whmce mt his icsa reveice` the preselge ao i sudstiltmic lunder ao

lalcagic ml`mvm`uics ao `mverse feafriphmg armfmls, mlgcu`mlf it ceist twa passmdce calf`mstilt nmfrilts ar oaremflers armfmlitmlf oran autsm`e ao the Iltmcces. Ourthernare, thepreselge ao ml`mvm`uic la. 89 ml`mgites feletmg nmxmlf detweel the `mooerelt fraups repre-selte` it the smte.

he resuctmlf pmgture felerite` dy the nmxture ao gucturic ecenelts it Ec Gharra `eNiîti ms thit ao i `ylinmg smtuitmal where galsgmaus mlgarparitmal ao gertiml Eurapeilgucturic ecenelts dy the ml`mfelaus papucitmal taab pcige.

Hmstarmgic il` irghieacafmgic mlvestmfitmals (@eifil il` Gruxelt 9==7;=0-=5) hive ic-rei`y ml`mgite` thit ml nily eircy Girmddeil gacalmic settcenelts ml`mfelaus papucitmalswere fraupe` tafether wmth Eurapeils, Iormgils il` nestmzas . Hawever, the oigt thit ml-

`mvm`uics ao ml`mfelaus Girmddeil, Nesainermgil, Iormgil, Eurapeil il` nmxe` ilgestrywere icc durme` ml the genetery ao Ec Gharra `e Niîti ml`mgites i `efree ao `mversmty thithis hmtherta lat deel m`eltmome` ml the Girmddeil irghieacafmgic regar`. Vhmce nily ques-tmals stmcc reniml, aur lew mltefrite` asteairghieacafmgic ippraigh his she` cmfht al thedrmeo dut turducelt perma` ao ghilfmlf gucturic il` sagmic ylinmgs it Ec Gharra e Niîti.hms perma` ippeirs ta hive deel ghirigtermze` prmnirmcy dy i hmfh efree ao gucturic, sagmicil` dmacafmgic `mversmty. Ourther mlvestmfitmal ao the smte ao Ec Gharra `e Niîti, mlgcu`mlfthe ri`magirdal `itmlf ao ml`mvm`uic la. 64D, wmcc cei` ta il evel detter ul`erstil`mlf aoi perma` ml the hmstary ao the Girmddeil whmgh ms stmcc paarcy ul`erstaa`.

 Igblawce`feneltshms reseirgh ms oul`e` ml pirt dy the Lethercil`s Arfilmsitmal oar Wgmeltmomg Teseirgh(LVA) frilts –Gannulmgitmlf Gannulmtmes„ (prakegt lunder 466-?4-::9) il` eethecc ices (prakegt lunder :49.::4.:=6) is wecc is the Cem`el Ulmversmty Oul` CMWO friltBeepmlf up Ippeirilges (:=:5=).

 Ve wauc` cmbe ta thilb Garmlle Haonil il` Nella Haafcil`, Icekil`ra Oerlél`ez,il` the eltmre Girmddeil Teseirgh fraup, Oigucty ao Irghieacafy, Cem`el Ulmversmty. Veextel` aur fritmtu`e ta Zraoessar Fireth @ivmes il` the Oigucty ao Eirth il` Cmoe Wgmelgesit the Oree Ulmversmty, Inster`in oar themr issmstilge wmth straltmun msatape ilicysms.

 Ve ire icsa ml`edte` ta the Hacfuîl Zravmlgmic Nalunelts Gannmssmal, the Litmalic_mgepresm`elgy ao Nalunelts il` the Litmalic Wudganmssmal al Irghieacafy ml Gudi.Omliccy, thms prakegt wauc` lat hive deel passmdce wmthaut the suppart ao the @epirtineltaGeltra Armeltic `e Irqueacafîi  il` ao the Nusea Ec Gharra `e Niîti.


 Igsé`m, F., il` K. Lenesbírm

9=6: Hmstary ao Hunil Cmoe Wpil il` Narticmty . Ibi`ínmim Bmi`÷ , Du`ipest.

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 Ict, B.V., il` W.C. Zmghcer,

9==8 Irtmomgmic Na`momgitmals ao Hunil eeth. Ml @eltic Ilthrapacafy. Oul`ineltics,Cmnmts, il` Zraspegts , e`mte` dy B.V. Ict, O.V. Tÿsmlf, il` N. esghcer-Lmgaci, pp.78=-095. Wprmlfer Vmel, Lew ]arb.Wprmlfer Vmel, Lew ]arb.

 Écvirez, @.9=66 Girti `e @mefa Écvirez Ghilgi. Ml Ec Weful`a _mike `e @esgudrmnmelta, e`mte` dy  O. Zartual`a, pp. 5=-=6. E`mtarmic `e Gmelgmis Wagmices, Ci Hidili.

Deir`, D.C., il` G.N. Kahlsal

4::: Wtraltmun Msatape Ganpasmtmal ao Wbecetic Nitermic Gil @eternmle the DmrthZcige il` Feafriphmg Nadmcmty ao Hunils il` Ilmnics.  Kaurlic ao Oarelsmg Wgmelges  05;9:0=-9:?9.

Deltcey, T.I.

4::? Wtraltmun Msatapes oran the Eirth ta the Irghieacafmgic Wbecetal; I Tevmew. Kaurlic ao Irghieacafmgic Netha` il` Pheary 97;975-986.

Deltcey, T.I., H.T. Dugbcey, N. Wprmffs, W. De`oar`, G.K. Attcey, F.N. Lawecc, G. F.Nigphersal, il` @.F. Zeirsal

4::6 Cipmti Nmfrilts ml the Zigmomg”s Ac`est Genetery; Msatapmg Ilicysms it eauni,_iluitu. Inermgil Iltmqumty  64(0);?05-?5?.

Deltcey, T.I., N. Zmetrusewsby, N.. @aufcis, il` .G. Itbmlsal

4::5 Nitrmcagicmty `urmlf the Zrehmstarmg rilsmtmal ta Ifrmgucture ml himcil`. Iltmqumty  6=;8?5-889.

Deltcey, T.I., .@. Zrmge, K. Culmlf, @. Fraleldral, K. Vihc, il` Z.@. Ouccifer

4::4 Zrehmstarmg Nmfritmal ml Eurape; Wtraltmun Msatape Ilicysms ao Eircy LeacmthmgWbecetals. Gurrelt Ilthrapacafy  70;6==-8:0.

Dcan, @.E.

4::5 Enda`ymlf Dar`ers; Hunil Da`y Na`momgitmal il` @mversmty ml mwilibuWagmety. Kaurlic ao Ilthrapacafmgic Irghieacafy 40;9-40.

Daa`el, N.I., T.F.I.N. Zilhuysel, N.C.Z. Haafcil`, H.L. `e Kalf, F.T. @ivmes, il`G.C. Haonil

4::8 rigmlf Hunil Nadmcmty wmth 86Wr/8?Wr it Ilse ê ci Faur`e, Fui`ecaupe. MlGrassmlf the Dar`ers; Lew Netha`s il` Peghlmques ml the Wtu`y ao Irghieacafmgic Nitermics

 oran the Girmddeil, e`mte` dy G.C. Haonil, N.C.Z. Haafcil` il` I.C. vil Fmkl, pp.490-445. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

Drathwecc, @.T.

9=89 @mffmlf Up Dales; Phe Exgivitmal, Preitnelt il` Wtu`y ao Hunil Wbecetic Tenimls ,7r` E`. Garlecc Ulmversmty Zress, Mthigi.

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Mar`ilm`ms, Z.

9=?9 @íternmlitmal `u sexe pir ces as `u squecette (itcis, ixms, gcivmguce, anapcite,sterlun). Illices `e Ní`egmle Cífice  09;48:-4=9.

Mőgil, N., il` W. Cath

9=8?i @eternmlitmal ao ife oran the sterlic rmd ml whmte nices; i test ao the phisenetha`. Kaurlic ao Oarelsmg Wgmelge  79;944-974.

9=8?d @eternmlitmal ao ife oran the sterlic rmd ml whmte oenices; i test ao the phisenetha`. Kaurlic ao Oarelsmg Wgmelge  79;==:-===.

 Kiltz, T.C., il` W.@. Awscey

4::5 OAT@MWG 7.:; ganputermse` oarelsmg `msgrmnmlilt oulgtmals. _ersmal 7.: . Ulmversmtyao ellessee, Blaxvmcce.

 Kmt, M., il` W. Wmlfh9=?? he sexmlf ao i`uct gcivmgces. Ml`mil Kaurlic ao Ne`mgic Teseirgh 50;559-569.

Bitz, @., il` K.N. Wughey

9=8? Ife eternmlitmal ao the nice as pudms. Inermgil Kaurlic ao Zhysmgic Ilthrapacafy  ?=;046-075.

Blu`sal, B.K., W.T. Vmccmins, T. Asdarl, B. Oarfey, il` Z.T. Vmccmins

4::= he feafriphmg armfmls ao Lizgi traphy hei`s usmlf straltmun, axyfel, il` gir-dal msatape `iti . Kaurlic ao Ilthrapacafmgic Irghieacafy  48;400-456.

Ciooaal, K.E., il` N.C.Z. Haafcil`

4::= Il Ippcmgitmal ao Wtraltmun Msatape Ilicysms ta Girmddeil Galtexts; Zranmsesil` Zradcens. Ziper preselte` it the 47r` Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil

 Irghieacafy, Iltmfui.

Cmttceomec`, .T., T.N. Hess, B.N. Beccy, il` K.B. Zanitta

4::5 Grilmic Tena`eccmlf; Oran Gucturic Zrigtmge ta Galtenpariry reitnelt aoGrilmic @eoarnmtmes. Dmanítrme Hunimle et Ilthrapacafme 47;07-54.

C÷pez Acmvires, L.N.

9==6 Gucturic A`altacafy; @eltic Icteritmals oran Zetíl, Fuitenici. Ml Dales ao the Niyi; Wtu`mes ao Ilgmelt Wbecetals , e`mte` dy W.C. Vhmttmlftal il` @.N. Tee`, pp. 9:5-99?. Wnmthsalmil Mlstmtutmal Zress, Vishmlftal @.G.

Cavekay G.A., T.W. Neml`c, .T. Zryzdegb, il` T.Z. Nelsoarth

9=85 Ghralacafmgic netinarphasms ao the iurmgucir suroige ao the mcmun; i lew neth-a` oar the `eternmlitmal ao ife it `eith.  Inermgil Kaurlic ao Zhysmgic Ilthrapacafy  ?8;95-48.

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406_ T .

Nirtml÷l - arres, N., T. _icgérgec Takis, K. Gaaper, il` . Tehrel

4::6 Netic, nmgrailicysms il` neilmlf; i stu`y ao netic adkegts exgivite` oran theml`mfelaus genetery ao Ec Gharra `e Niîti, Gudi.  Kaurlic ao Irghieacafmgic Wgmelge70;9=0-4:0.

Nirrmlil, T.I.9==5 Irghieacafy ml Zuerta Teic”s. Zudcmg Wegttar; Dumc`mlf D. Ml Zuerta Teic; Phe

 Irghieacaf y ao i Wmxteelth-geltury Wpilmsh tawl ml Hmspilmaci , e`mte` dy B. @eifil, pp.9?6-9=?. Ulmversmty Zress ao Ocarm`i, Fimlesvmcce.

Neml`c, T.W., il` G.A. Cavekay 

9=85 Egtagrilmic suture gcasure; i revmse` netha` oar the `eternmlitmal ao sbecetic ifeit eith dise` al the citeric-iltermar sutures. Inermgil Kaurlic ao Zhysmgic Ilthrapacaf y  ?8;56-??.

Nass, N.C.

9=58 he Zithafelesms ao Irtmomgmic Grilmic @eoarnitmal. Inermgil Kaurlic ao Zhysmgic Ilthrapacafy 9?;4?=-48?.

Nuccer, V., H. Ormgbe, I.L. Hiccm`iy, N.. NgGuccagh, il` K.-I. Virtha

4::7 Armfml il` Nmfritmal ao the Icpmle Mgenil. Wgmelge  7:4;8?4-8??.

Acmver, K.T.

4::: Fac` Wyndacmsn inalf Girmddeil Ghmeo`ans. Ao Oeithers, Gmdis, il` Fuilîl

Zawer inalf iîla Ecmtes. Ml Zregacundmil Fac`. Peghlacafy, Wtyce il` Mgalafrphy , e`-mte` dy G. NgEwil, pp. 9=?‗49=. Zudcmshe` oar he rustees ao the Drmtmsh Nuseun,Drmtmsh Nuseun Zress, Cal`al.

Zimle, T.T.

4::: Mo i papucitmal grishes ml prehmstary, il` there ms la picea`enafripher there taheir mt, `aes mt nibe i saul`1  Inermgil Kaurlic ao Zhysmgic Ilthrapacaf y  994;989-9=:.

Zir`a, F.

9=65 Feacafy ao Gudi. Ml Phe ageil dismls il` nirfmls , e`mte` dy I. Limrls il` O.

Wtehcm, pp. 557-?97. vac. 7. Zcelun Zress, Lew ]arb.

Zeirsal, B., il` K. Decc

9=96/9=9= I stu`y ao the calf dales ao the Elfcmsh sbecetal. M. the oenur. @ripers”Ganpily Teseirgh Nenamrs. Dmanetrmg Wermes X . @epirtnelt ao Ippcme` Nithenitmgs,Ulmversmty Gaccefe, Ulmversmty ao Cal`al.

Zersals, I.D., T. _icgérgec Takis, _.K. Blmfht, C. Zírez, il` K.E. Varth

4::6 Irghieacafmgic mlvestmfitmals it Ec Gharra `e Niîti. Hacfuîl pravmlge, Gudi. 4::6seisal. Ulpudcmshe` repart, Icidini Ulmversmty, usgicaasi.usgicaasi.

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Zhelmge, .

9=?= I lewcy `evecape` vmsuic netha` ao sexmlf ml the as pudms . Inermgil Kaurlic aoZhysmgic Ilthrapacafy  7:;4=6-7:9.

Zrmge, .@., K.H. Durtal, Z.@. Ouccifir, C.E. Vrmfht, K.E. Dumbstri, il` _. mescer

4::8 Wtraltmun Msatapes il` the Wtu`y ao Hunil Nadmcmty ml Ilgmelt Nesainermgi.Citml Inermgil Iltmqumty  9=(4);9?6-98:.

Zrmge, .@., K.H. Durtal, il` K.D. Wtactnil

4::6 Zcige ao Armfml ao Zrehmstarmg Mlhidmtilts ao Izticil, Keooersal Ga., Vmsgalsml. Inermgil Iltmqumty  64(7);540-578.

Zrmge, .@., K.H. Durtal, il` T.I. Deltcey 

4::4 he Ghirigtermzitmal ao Dmacafmgiccy Ivimcidce Wtraltmun Msatape Titmas oar the

Wtu`y ao Zrehmstarmg Nmfritmal. Irghieanetry  00;996-97?.Zrmge, .@., _. mescer, il` K.H. Durtal

4::? Eircy Iormgil @mispari ml Gacalmic Ginpeghe, Nexmga; Wtraltmun MsatapmgEvm`elge. Inermgil Kaurlic ao Zhysmgic Ilthrapacaf y  97:(0);085-0=:.

Tmvera `e ci Gicce, N.

9=?: @eoarnigm÷l Grileili el cas Idarmfeles `e Gudi. Estu`ma Ganpiritmva. _MeGalfrès Mlterlitmalic `es Wgmelges Ilthrapacafmques et ethlacafmques. Zirms, 7: kumccet ‗ ?iaòt 9=?:. ane 9;454-4?:. Zirms.

9=60 Ci nutmcigm÷l `eltirmi el ci padcigmal Lefram`e `e Gudi . Geltra `e Mloarnigm÷lGmeltîomgi y íglmgi. Ulmversm`i` Ci Hidili, Ci Hidili.

Tmvera `e ci Gicce, N., G. Ta`rîfuez, il` N. Naltera

9==: Estu`ma `e ul Grélea Eurapam`e Elgaltri`a el ec Wmtma Idarmfel `e Ec Gharra`e Niîti, ]ifuikiy, Diles, Zravmlgmi `e Hacfuîl, Gudi. Tevmsti `e Hmstarmi  9;?0‗=4.

Ta`rîfuez Irge, G.

4::7 Estmnigm÷l `e ci Estituri `e cas Esquecetas `ec Genelterma Idarmfel `e Gharra

`e Niîti, Hacfuîl, Gudi. Ec Girmde Irqueac÷fmga 6;8?-=4.9=86 Pidci `e `esgrmpgm÷l `e cas eltmerras `ec smtma irqueac÷fmga Ec Gharra `e Niîti .Ulpudcmshe` repart, Irghmvas `ec @epirtinelta Geltra Armeltic `e Irqueacafîi,Hacfuîl.

Tanera Nacmli, K.

9=8? Gitécafa `e ci gaceggm÷l `e `meltes nutmci`as prehmspélmgas M_ pirte . Gaceggm÷lOueltes, Mlstmtuta Ligmalic `e Iltrapacafîi e Hmstarmi, Nexmga Gmty.

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40=_ T .

Tath, V.E.

9=40 Il Mltra`ugtary Wtu`y ao the Irts, Griots, il` Gustans ao the Fumili Ml`mils. hmrty-emfhth Illuic Tepart ao the Dureiu ao Inermgil Ethlacafy ta the Wegretiry ao theWnmthsalmil Mlstmtutmal 9=9?-9=96. Faverlnelt Zrmltmlf Aoomge, Visthmlftal @.G.

Tause, M.9=04 Irghieacafy ao the Nilmid÷l Hmccs, Gudi . ]ice Ulmversmty Zress, Lew Hivel.

9==4 Phe Pimlas. Tmse il` @egcmle ao the Zeapce Vha Freete` Gacundus . ]ice UlmversmtyZress, Lew Hivel.

Tudîl `e ci Dardacci, @.O.

9=0: ypes ao taath nutmcitmal oaul` ml Nexmga.  Inermgil Kaurlic ao Zhysmgic Ilthrapacafy  4?;70=-7?5.

Wgheuer C, il` W. Dcigb4::: @evecapneltic Kuvelmce Asteacafy . Igi`enmg Zress, Cal`al.

Wghmknil, E.

4::5 Irtmomgmic Grilmic @eoarnitmal ml Lewdarls ml the Zre-Gacundmil Il`es. Ghmc`”sLervaus Wysten 49;=05-=5:.

Wghrae`er, H., .G. A”Gallecc, K.I. Evils, B.I. Whucer, il` T.E.N. He`fes

4::= rils-Itciltmg Wcivery; Msatapmg Evm`elge oar Oarge` nmfritmal ta Dirdi`as. Inermgil Kaurlic ao Zhysmgic Ilthrapacaf y  97=;506-556.

Wghwemssmlf, N.N., il` F. Frupe

4::7 rigmlf Nmfritmal Evelts ml Nil il` Gittce dy Wtidce Wtraltmun Msatape Ilicysmsao Ippasmtmaliccy Frawl Nmlericmze` mssue. Mlterlitmalic Kaurlic ao Asteairghieacafy  97;=?-9:7.

Wnmth, D.H.

9==9 Wtil`ir`s ao hunil taath oarnitmal il` `eltic ife issessnelt. Ml  I`vilges ml@eltic Ilthrapacafy, e`mte` dy  N.I. Beccey il` G.W. Cirsel, pp. 907-9?8. Vmcey-Cmss,

Lew ]arb.Wte`nil, K.F.

9=88 Lirritmve ao i Omve ]eirs Expe`mtmal ifimlst the Tevacte` Lefraes ao Wurmline. E`mte`il` wmth il mltra`ugtmal il` lates dy T. Zrmge il` W. Zrmge. Kahl Hapbmls UlmversmtyZress, Dictmnare.

Wtewirt, .@.

9=09 Lew exinpces ao taath nutmcitmal oran Nm``ce Inermgi.  Inermgil Kaurlic aoZhysmgic Ilthrapacafy  48;996-940.

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459_ T .

_icgérgec Takis, T., il` G. Ta`rîfuez Irge

4::5 Ec Gharra e Niîti. Wagmic Mlequicmty il` Nartuiry Wpige. MlWagmic Mlequicmty il` Nartuiry Wpige. Ml @micafues ml Gudil Irghieacaf y, e`mte` dy C.I. Guret, W. Cee il` F. Ci Tasi, pp. 945-90?. he Ulmversmty he Ulmversmtyao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

_icgérgec Takis, T., N. Nirtml÷l-arres, K. Gaaper, il` . Tehrel4::8 Ara, fuilmles y cit÷l. Netices el galtextas idarîfeles `e Gudi. Ec Girmde

 Irqueac÷fmga 9:;99?-979.

_icgérgec Takis, T., I. Zersals, K. Blmfht, il` C. Zírez

4::6 ridikas irqueac÷fmgas el Ec Gharra `e Niîti. 4::6. Ulpudcmshe` repart,@epirtinelta Geltra Armeltic `e Irqueacafîi. GMWI, GMNI, Hacfuîl.acfuîl.

vil @umkvelda`e, I.

4:9: Beepmlf Up il Ippeirilge, I Wtu`y ao Mlteltmalic Grilmic Na`momgitmal inalfthe Ml`mfelaus Zeapces ao the Gmrgun-Girmddeil.  Ulpudcmshe` Nister thesms, Cem`elUlmversmty.

_ecaz Niffmaca, N., M. _irfis, N. Wilaki, il` O. Culi Gic`er÷l

9=6? Irqueacafîi `e ]uni, Tepudcmgi @anmlmgili . E`mtari iccer, Wilta @anmlfa.

_erila K.V., il` @.H. Udeciber (e`mtars)

9==4 @mseise il` @enafriphy ml the Inermgis . Wnmthsalmil Mlstmtutmal Zress, [email protected].

_ugavmg, I., I. Diksnil , W. [ubmg, il` W. Wegmg

4::= Gasnetmg `eltmstry ml ilgmelt tmnes ‗ i shart revmew. Duccetml ao the Mlterlitmalic Issagmitmal oar Zicea`altacaf y  7(4);=-97.

 Vhmte, G.@., .@. Zrmge, il` O.K. Calfstiooe

4::6 Tesm`eltmic Hmstarmes ao the hunil Wigrmomges it the Naal Zyrinm`, eatmhuigil;Evm`elge oran axyfel il` straltmun msatapes. Ilgmelt Nesainermgi  98;95=-964.

 Vmccmins, K.W., il` G.@. Vhmte

4::? @eltic na`momgitmal ml the Zastgcissmg papucitmal oran Cinilim, Decmze. Ilgmelt Nesainermgi  96;97=-959.

 Vrmfht, C.E.

4::5 M`eltmoymlf Mnnmfrilts ta mbic, Fuitenici; @eomlmlf cagic virmidmcmty ml straltmunmsatape ritmas ao hunil taath elinec. Kaurlic ao Irghieacafmgic Wgmelge  74;555-5??.

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arres et ic. 4::62 Wiul`ers 9===2 _efi 9=6=). Haw vicm` ms thms adservitmal il` haw gilwe expciml the iîla ittrigtmal ta these adkegts1

@mooerelt gaflmtmve pragesses

he exghilfe recitmalshmps detweel the gacalmsts il` the gacalmze` ml the eircy galtigt

perma` were heivmcy mlocuelge` dy the –sagma-gasnmg ulmverses„ ao the mlvacve` igtars; twa`mooerelt guctures thit `m` lat shire the sine pergeptmals trme` ta gane ta the dest passm-dce nutuic ul`erstil`mlf, lat sec`an resuctmlf ml i ganpcete nmsul`erstil`mlf ao whmghthey were aotel uliwire (Nac 4::8). hese pergeptmals gil hawever de mlterprete` is gal-strugts ao nare oul`ineltic mooerelges ml gaflmtmal2 the galverfelge ao `mssmnmcir gucturesdemlf i gaccmsmal ao `mooerelt gaflmtmve orinewarbs. hese peapces hi` `mooerelt warc`vmewsil` `mooerelt na`es ao thaufht. Irfuidcy, these `mooerelges gil de trige` digb ta the pcigesao armfml ao thase peapces. he wiy hunil pergeptmals ao vicue `evecap `epel`s al thesagma-gucturic galtext ml whmgh i persal ms rimse`. Tegeltcy, i sagma-psyghacafmgic stu`y aoLmsdett et ic. (4::9) his prapase` thit sagmic arfilmzitmal ms mlocueltmic ml twa dismg wiysoar estidcmshmlf `mooerelt na`es ao thaufht; –ml`mregtcy dy oagusmlf itteltmal al `mooereltpirts ao the elvmralnelt il` `mregtcy dy nibmlf sane bml`s ao sagmic gannulmgitmal pit-terls nare iggeptidce thil athers„ (Lmsdett et ic. 4::9;4=0). Oar exinpce, Lmsdett il` hergacceifues galtrist Vesterl il` Eisterl thaufht, il` questmal the issunptmal ao il exmst-mlf ulmversicmty ao dismg gaflmtmve pragesses inalf icc hunil fraups. hemr dismg prenmseshaws thit peapce oran the Eist ire –hacmstmg, ittel`mlf ta the eltmre omec` il` issmflmlfgiusicmty ta mt, nibmlf recitmvecy cmttce use ao gitefarmes il` oarnic cafmg, il` recymlf al‘`micegtmgic” reisalmlf, whereis Vesterlers ire nare ilicytmg, piymlf itteltmal prmnirmcy tathe adkegt il` the gitefarmes ta whmgh mt decalfs il` usmlf ruces, mlgcu`mlf oarnic cafmg, taul`erstil` mts dehivmar„ (Lmsdett et ic. 4::9;4=9).7

 Icthaufh thms stu`y his deel gal`ugte` inalf Vesterlers il` Ismils, the sine ap-pasmtmals gil de adserve` detweel Vesterlers il` ather peapces iraul` the warc` (e.f.Hivmser 4::82 Temghec-@acnitaoo 9=89, 9==?). he sagma-gucturic galtext ao i gucture io-oegts the wiy dy whmgh the warc` ms blawl ml thit pirtmgucir gucture2 haw the sagma-gasnmgulmverse ms galstrugte`, il` haw warc`vmew iooegts the wiy ao thmlbmlf. he appasmtmalsdetweel the Armeltic il` the Vesterl neltic tenpcites ire nugh the sine is thase de-tweel Inerml`mil peapce il` Eurapeils. Wystens ao Inerml`mil gcissmomgitmal il` neil-mlfs ire dise` al ilmnmstmg decmeos il` i hacmstmg gasnavmsmal. @mooerelt adkegts, phelan-eli, nitermics etg. ire seel is decalfmlf ta the sine gciss ar fraup, shirmlf raufhcy the

sine smflmomgilge il` neilmlf. Al the galtriry, the westerl gcissmomgitmal ms tixalanmg2 mt`mvm`es the warc` mlta bml`s ao physmgic nitter, whmgh nibes us hmerirghmgiccy `mstmlfumshilmnics oran pcilts, il` nmlerics oran trees (@esgaci 9==?).

he –Lew Varc`„ elgaulter thus wis lat alcy i gaccmsmal ao `mooerelt guctures, dutevel nare sa i gcish detweel peapces wmth taticcy `mooerelt neltic tenpcites. he uloi-nmcmirmty wmth the sagma-gasnmg ulmverse ao the ather ms `enalstrite` ml luneraus aggi-smals `urmlf the eircy galtigt perma` (Nac 4::8). Inerml`mils icc aver the Inermgis wha

7 @merelt na`es ao thaufht oaccaw `merelt cafmgs. Pese na`es ao thaufht ire gucturiccy spegmg, whmgh neilsthms ire lat mllite `merelges thit ire sanehaw giuse` dy ily –rigmic„ `mstmlgtmals. Heredy M wmsh ta stress the

neltic ulmty ao hunilmty ml whmgh there ms la virmitmal ml neltic oiguctmes whitsaever inalf peapce iraul`the warc`.

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were galoralte` wmth the irrmvic ao Eurapeils, trme` ta omt the lewganers il` the adkegtsil` m`eis they draufht wmth then mlta exmstmlf gucturic il` sagmic gitefarmes. he galtigtdetweel the Wpilmsh il` the iîla lee`e` ta de mlserte` ml exmstmlf gasnavmsmals il`gaflmtmve pitterls, whmgh wis lat il eisy pragess. @urmlf the galtigt perma` there wis thegaltmluaus pradcen ao haw ta treit these lewganers il` haw ta gcissmoy then iggar`mlf

ta the ml`mfelaus systen ao vicue2 the questmal wis whether they were equmvicelt ta gan-nalers, ecmtes, ar fa`s (_mvemras e Gistra 9==82 Vmcsal 9==:). hms ulgertimlty ms reocegt-e` ml the mlmtmic respalses ta the preselge ao the Eurapeils thit were cafmgic il` selsmdceoran i iîla pamlt ao vmew, dut nmfht hive seene` strilfe il` mlexpcmgidce ta Eurapeils(Ictnil il` Dutcer 9==0).

Fcmttermlf exghilfe

@mooerelt gaflmtmve pergeptmals, warc`vmews il` systens ao vicue draufht icalf `mooer-elges ml iesthetmg gaflmtmal (Hivmser 4::8). Il ittenpt wis ni`e ta drm`fe these `mo-oerelges thraufh adkegts2 adkegts is ne`mitars detweel the `mstmlgt neltic il` physmgicwarc`s ao the Lew il` the Ac` Varc` peapces (Nmccer 9=86). Icthaufh there were gceir,vmsmdce `mstmlgtmals ml iesthetmg expressmals detweel these peapces ‗ themr warc`vmew demlftrilscite` mlta themr nitermic gucture ‗ it omrst mlstilge mt wis very `moomguct ta `eomle whmghadkegts were praper ta fmve, il` whit adkegts ml returl wauc` hive deel ao gannelsuritevicue. Zerhips, expermelges ao seenmlfcy ulevel exghilfes ao eircmer fmot-fmvmlf wmth litmvefraups icalf the westerl gaists ao Iormgi were wralfcy tibel is ml`mgitmals thit latmalsao vicue il` praperty were lal-exmstelt oar the peapces wha hi` deel elgaultere` ml thelal-westerl warc`. he mlteltmals ao the fmvmlf ao fmots ml the eircy gacalmic Girmddeil‗ i wecc estidcmshe` prigtmge inalf dath pirtmes ‗ nast cmbecy were `mooerelt; the Wpilmshtel`e` ta see fmots ml themr egalanmg vicue, gicgucitmlf il` mltel`e` ta igqumre the freit-est returl oar the ceist expel`mture, whereis the iîla fmots were nare heivmcy mndue` wmthsyndacmg neilmlf, aotel festures ao weicth, respegt ar `anmlilge (Ixtecc 9==4). Wagmicvicuidces were fmvel il` regemve` dy dath pirtmes dut alcy mlterprete` il` ul`erstaa` mlthemr awl gucturic galtexts. he uloinmcmirmty wmth the sagma-gasnmg ulmverse ao the atherce` ta nily adkegts demlf fmvel (espegmiccy ta the Wpilmsh) ao whmgh the neilmlf wis latganpcetecy ul`erstaa` dy the regemvmlf pirty. _ery saal, hawever, the pegucmirmtmes ao theather degine nare ouccy ul`erstaa`, icthaufh stmcc lat ganpcetecy (Nac 4::8). hms prag-ess ao hydrm`mzitmal resucte` ml i oagus al adkegts thit ippeire` equiccy ittrigtmve ta dathsm`es degiuse ao i smlfce ghirigtermstmg; i shmly suroige. a dath guctures thms ghirigtermstmg

wis icrei`y mnpartilt ml themr awl gucturic galtexts, yet the reisals oar thms were very `mo-oerelt. Lext ta fac` il` smcver, the Eurapeils vicue` alcy i gaupce ao ather shmly adkegts,cmbe peircs il` eneric`s, thit hi` hmfh exghilfe rites it the Eurapeil nirbets.0 Oar the

 Inerml`mils, hawever, shmly adkegts il` the mlterpciy ao cmfht al themr suroiges were gal-sm`ere` nugh nare mnpartilt il` oarne` mltefric pirts ao `imcy cmoe (Wiul`ers 9===).

0 Pese adkegts icsa serve` pacmtmgic oulgtmals il` were mndue` wmth syndacmg neilmlf is they were use` is fmots

it the rayic gaurts ao Eurape (see Wiul`ers 9===;459-457 oar the race ao peircs ml Eurape2 il` e.f. [enal @ivms4:::).

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Eurapeil adkegts were ni`e ao, nily ather mnparte` mtens nust hive ittrigte` iîla it-teltmal is wecc.5

Phe sigre`less ao netics

 I spegmic gciss ao adkegts wmth i shmly suroige degine pirtmgucircy mnpartilt wmth the irrmvic

ao the Eurapeils2 netics ‗ espegmiccy gapper-iccays ‗ ittrigte` the itteltmal ao the iîla.Wtu`mes ao Derlir`a _efi (9=6=) il` Kasí Acmver (4:::) hive oaguse` al the syndacmsnil` gcissmomgitmal ao netics oran il enmg perspegtmve. hese warbs pravm`e i useouc digb-fraul` ta ul`erstil` the recitmal detweel the iesthetmg ao drmccmilge il` the gaflmtmvesmflmomgilge ao gapper iccays seel oran il ml`mfelaus pamlt ao vmew. Ml the gise ao neticsmt wis hawever lat alcy themr (aotel re``msh) gacaur il` shmlmless thit iggaulte` oar themrdrmccmilge thit were vicue`, dut ather ghirigtermstmgs seen ta hive pciye` il equic race here.Tenateless, heivelcy gallatitmals, dut icsa snecc il` tiste ire galsm`ere` ta de (it ceist)equiccy mnpartilt reisals oar themr vicuitmal (Hecns 9=882 Acmver 4:::). hms stitenelttaughes upal the galgept ao fuilîl, whmgh M wmcc `msguss decaw ml nare `etimc.

 Icthaufh el`awe` wmth i fcmnpse ao drmccmilge, the ceist vicue` netic wis pure fac`(ar giali ml litmve terns), pradidcy degiuse ao mts lituric aggurrelge. Yumte galtriry taEurapeil m`eis, the iîla alcy use` fac` oar faa` ippeirilge rither thil weicth. hegireouccy griote` ganpasmtmal ao fac` wmth ather nitermics, oar mlstilge luffets ao fac`use` is mlciys ml waa`el stitues (`uhas ) wis vicue` the nast. Mt wis the galomfuritmal aofac` wmth ather (nare vicue`) nitermics thit five mt mts pawer il` thit elhilge` the vicueao the tatic `mspciy ao reficmi. he nitermic mtseco wis smflmomgiltcy cess esteene` il` cesssigre` thil netic iccays thit were dise` al gapper. Nare mnpartilt thereoare were cit÷l ar driss (gapper il` zmlg), dmcc÷l (gapper il` smcver), il`  fuilîl ar ara `e diki cey  (fac`,gapper, smcver) (Acmver 4:::;9=8). Ale thmlf we gil mnne`mitecy galgcu`e oran thms ms theexmstelge ao i `msgrepilgy inalf the vicues the iîla five ta ‘thmlfs ao drmccmilge”2 larnicfac` `m` lat hive the sine ittrigtmal, `espmte hivmlf the sine drmccmilge! Zresunidcy, thus,il iesthetmg ao drmccmilge icale ms lat elaufh ta iggault oar pre-Gacundmil ml`mfelausvicuitmals ao netic.

he netic thit wis the nast spegmic il` vicue` wis fuilîl. Mts `mstilt pravelilge il`issagmitmal wmth renate pciges ni`e mt i very ittrigtmve nitermic (Hecns 9=88). Fuilîl `aes lat aggur lituriccy, dut wis i nilni`e pra`ugt thit hi` ta gane oran the Wauth

 Inermgil nimlcil`. Oar the igqumsmtmal ao the nitermic sane suffest i `mregt raute igrassthe Girmddeil Wei, whmce athers thmlb i raute thraufh the Cesser Iltmcces ms nare cmbecy.

Oar the iîla there wis la wiy ao ul`erstil`mlf haw thms inicfinite` nitermic gauc`hive deel oarne`; ulcmbe the peapce oran Wauth Inermgi, the iîla `m` lat blaw theteghlmque ao nectmlf. he iccay thereoare hi` gallatitmals wmth i `mvmle armfml il` thespmrmt warc`. Ml galtrist ta fac` il` gapper, whmgh were  oaul` al Hmspilmaci, fuilîl wisthus galsm`ere` ta de i very rire nitermic. Usuiccy fuilîl irteoigts were warl dy gigmques  ml gandmlitmal wmth ather i`arlnelts sugh is giali , shecc-dei`e` dects ar quirtzmte legb-ciges (gîdis ). hese reficmi `mspciye` themr ghmeocy pawer il` themr prmvmcefe` race is ne`mi-

5 Inalf these were recmfmaus il` rmtuic adkegts cmbe grasses, ne`ics, inucets, il` ather mtens decmeve` ta passessnifmgic prapertmes thit were tibel oar Wpilmsh nifmga-recmfmaus purpases is wecc is oar the ml`agtrmlitmal ao the

ml`mfelaus peapces wmth the Githacmg Ghurgh. Zradidcy sane ao these were use` is fmots rither thil oar use dythe Wpilmsh. Omlfer rmlfs, limcs il` gamls wauc` hive hi` the sine gallatitmals (@eifil 4::4;76-78, 86).

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tars detweel the praoile il` sigre` warc`s (Driy 9==62 Nirtml÷l-arres et ic. 4::6;4:42Acmver 4:::;4:7-4:=).

he mnpartilge ao driss alcy deganes latmgeidce ioter galquest, smlge mt wis ul`audt-e`cy mnparte` dy the Wpilmsh (_efi 9=6=). Cis Gisis neltmals the ml`mfelaus nitermic”s`elanmlitmal is demlf turey , reoerrmlf ta sanethmlf oran the sby, is themr line oar sby

wis turey  (Cis Gisis 9==4;M-486). hms nitermic shire` nast ghirigtermstmgs wmth fuilîl. Mtarmfmlite` ml i renate pcige, the gecestmic msb (Wmefec 9==8), il` wis thereoare mndue` wmthsigre`less. Cmlfumstmgiccy, fuilîl il` turey  –garrecite wmth il` iccu`e ta the quicmty ao mrm-`esgelge thit wis mnpute` ta i `mvmle il` renate armfml„ (Acmver 4:::;4:?). Ourthernare,mts pegucmir ippeirilge il` snecc ourther i``e` ta mts sigre` ghirigter (Acmver 4:::;9=8-9==). Ale ao the mtens the Wpilmsh use` oar exghilfe purpases were driss hiwb deccs argisgideces . he iîla were very nugh oisgmlite` dy these trmlbets degiuse the nitermic theywere ni`e ao wis thaufht ta de fuilîl. Icsa the saul` they pra`uge` whel tmlbcmlf wisippeicmlf (_efi 9=86;00-0?). Gisgideces thit were tme` tafether resendce` the iîla rittce-cmbe nusmgic mlstrunelts thit they use` `urmlf themr sagmic il` recmfmaus iremtas  (Cis Gisis

9==4;M-48?-486). Ml the gaurse ao the galtigt perma` the Wpilmsh gullmlfcy nmsuse` theiîla vicue systen dy exghilfmlf these Eurapeil trmlbets ml ar`er ta hive the ceist passm-dce expel`mture oar the freitest returl. Ml thms niller, the Wpilmsh adtimle` exghilfe ritesao 4:: giali oar 9 fuilîl (Driy 9==6). Mt ms blawl thit the Wpilmsh pranate` the mnpartao fuilîl oran the Wauth Inermgil nimlcil` ta de use` ml themr exghilfe wmth the iîlaal the Freiter Iltmcces, is ta igqumre pure fac` ml returl (Nirtml÷l-arres et ic. 4::6).

Phe esselge ao thmlfs fuilîl

Wa, the expcilitmal ao the vicue ao fuilîl gillat de restrmgte` ta mts warth is i fac`-gap-per-smcver iccay icale. Is neltmale` eircmer, Inerml`mils `mvm`e` themr warc` mlta gcissesganprmse` ao `mooerelt adkegts, phelaneli, nitermics etg. thit shire raufhcy the sinesmflmomgilge il` neilmlf. he netic  fuilîl wis thereoare alcy ale nitermic decalfmlfta i whace gciss ao  fuilîl. Nily nare thmlfs were galsm`ere` ta de  fuilîl; stirs, thecafferhei` turtce (Giretti giretti ), the Gudil dee hunnmlfdmr` ( Neccmsufi hecelie ), il`spegmomg ocawers (e.f. Gissmi aggm`elticms  il` Zissmocari oaetm`i ) (Acmver 4:::). Ml iîla ny-thacafy evel i Wauth Inermgil aoo-share mscil` ms neltmale` thit ms gicce` Fuilîl, whmghms icsa the tern demlf use` dy the iîla whel reoerrmlf ta the sauth (Wiuer 9=??;?92 _efi9=86;00). Mt ms pastucite` dy Acmver (4:::) thit the recitmal ao these ‘thmlfs ao  fuilîl” ms`enalstrite` dy the cmlfumstmg evm`elge oran iîla vagiduciry. he preomx fui- seens ta

returl ml `elanmlitmals ao nily ml`mfelaus sagmic vicuidces, cmbe fuilîl, fuiginiyi  (theiîla war` oar pirrat),  fuilî   (the hunnmlfdmr`), il`  fuiîzi   (ar shecc oige)2 lines aoghmeos il` nythmgic demlfs galtiml the preomx is wecc.? Icsa the war`s oar the turtce (gif-uina) il` the tifui -tifui  pcilt (m.e. Zissmocari   oaetm`i ) galtiml the narphene - fui -. hesyndacmg mnpartilge ao trees oran the Fuimigun sp. niy de kust ilather i``mtmal ta thmsmltrmfumlf gciss ao vicuidces (Astipbawmgz, thms vacune). Zassmdcy we gil speib ao the es-selge ao ‘thmlfs fuilîl” (Acmver 4:::). hese adkegts ar phelaneli icc passess the iesthetmgao drmccmilge ghirigtermze` dy; i re``msh (-purpcmsh) gacaur, cmbe the  fuilîl netics2 il ip-

? Lext ta themr persalic lines, iîla gigmques  il` prmlgmpic nel aotel dare severic halariry tmtces, whmgh –ic-

nast mlvirmidcy galtimle` i reoerelge ta pregmaus netics, gecestmic da`mes, il` themr shmly quicmtmes„ (Acmver4:::;4:5).

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_ellun, .

9==0  Inermgil Ml`mil Cigrasse, Cmttce Drather ao Vir . Wnmthsalmil Mlstmtutmal, Vishmlftal, @.G.

_mvemras `e Gistra, E.

9==8 Gasnacafmgic @emxms il` Inerml`mil Zerspegtmvmsn. Phe Kaurlic ao the Tayic Ilthrapacafmgic Mlstmtute  0(7);0?=-088.

 Vmcsal, W.N.

9==: Hmspilmaci; Girmddeil Ghmeo`ans ml the Ife ao Gacundus . Ulmversmty ao IcidiniZress, usgicaasi.

[enal @ivms, L.

4::: Phe Fmot ml Wmxteelth-Geltury Orilge . Ulmversmty ao Vmsgalsml Zress, Ni`msal.

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Mccless il` `mseise

Ml irghieacafy, `mseise ms felericcy stu`me` thraufh pithacafmgic cesmals ceot wmthml thehunil sbecetal, i reseirgh irei whmgh ms terne` picieapithacafy. Uloartulitecy oar ir-ghieacafmsts lat icc `mseises ceive themr nirbs al the hunil sbecetal. Kamlt `mseises sughis irthrmtms, mloegtmaus `mseises sugh is ceprasy il` tudergucasms, il` evel gertiml tunaurs

gil ceive gceir nirbs al the hunil renimls. repalenic `mseise ms il mloegtmaus `mseisewhmgh gil icsa ceive nirbs ml the sbecetal. Mt reoers ta i set ao oaur `mseises, velereic syphm-cms, yiws, el`enmg syphmcms il` pmlti, whmgh ire smnmcir ml liture il` giuse` dy the sinedigtermun, Prepaleni piccm`un. Icc oaur prafress ml three stifes2 stirtmlf wmth nmlar, duthmfhcy mloegtmaus il` galtifmaus, sbml cesmals il` el`mlf, exgept oar pmlti 9, wmth severedale cesmals ml the thmr` stife ao the `mseise (Oirlswarth il` Tasel 4::?;989-984). @ueta the dale eoarnitmals issagmite` wmth the thmr` stife ao thms mseise, mt gil de gceircy ad-serve` ml the irghieacafmgic regar`, mo the preservitmal ao the sbecetic nitermic ms i`equite.Hawever, lat icc mloegte` ml`mvm`uics wmcc `evecap the dale cesmals2 ml alcy 5-9: pergeltthe `mseise wmcc nilmoest mtseco ml the dales, nibmlf the irghieacafmgic `itiset smflmomgiltcy

dmise` (Artler 4::7;465). Dise` al asteacafmgic stu`mes gal`ugte` ml the Inermgis averthe pist yeirs, mt ippeirs thit thms `mseise wis previcelt al the Inermgil galtmlelt deoarethe irrmvic ao Gacundus (Zawecc il` Gaab 4::52 Wghits 4:9:). Ourthernare, icsa al theGirmddeil mscil`s, smfls ao i trepalenic mloegtmal hive deel late`. Dale cesmals galsmst-elt wmth the `mseise hive deel oaul` ml nily sbecetic issendcifes oran dath the Freiteril` Cesser Iltmcces oran I@ 0:: alwir`s. Mt ippeirs thit there ire la sbecetic issendcifesshawmlf the smfls ao i trepalenic mloegtmal deoare I@ 0::, exgept oar i very eircy giseoran the mscil` ao Gudi `itmlf ta 8::: DZ (_elta il` Falzicez 9==?;77). he oigt thitthere ire la ather eircy gises gil de `ue ta the cigb ao nily sbecetic issendcifes oran de-oare I@ 0::. Hawever, mt gil icsa de recite` ta the irrmvic ao i lew `mseise ml the mscil`s

oran the nimlcil` (Wghits 4:9:;55-?:).Ml Inermgil il` Girmddeil irghieacafy trepalenitasms his regemve` nugh itteltmal,

nimlcy degiuse irghieacafmgic `iti gil galtrmdute ta the alfamlf `msgussmal al the armfmlao the mseise. It the nanelt mts armfml il` iltmqumty ire hmfhcy edite`. Wbecetic evm`elgeoran the Inermgis supparts the Gacundmil hypathesms, whmgh stites thit trepalenitasmsgine oran the Lew Varc` il` trivecce` ta the Ac` Varc` is i resuct ao galtigt wmth thelitmve mlhidmtilts (Diber il` Irnecifas 9=88;6:7-6:0). hereoare, irghieacafmsts aotelalcy late` the preselge ar idselge ao the dale cesmals issagmite` wmth i trepalenic ml-oegtmal. Hir`cy ily itteltmal wis pim` ta the sagmic il` gucturic mnpcmgitmals ao the `ms-eise. Galsm`ermlf mts hmfh vmsmdmcmty il` galtifmausless, icalf wmth the oigt thit mt ms verypimlouc, mt seens ulcmbecy thit mt wauc` fa ullatmge` wmthml i pist Girmddeil sagmety. Mtms mnpartilt ta stu`y haw sugh i `mseise wis sagmiccy il` gucturiccy pergemve` ao il` `eictwmth. Every hunil sagmety respal`s ta `mseise il` `mstress ml i `mstmlgt wiy il` icsa gal-geptmals ao the `mseise il` thearmes ao giusitmals gceircy `mooer detweel guctures. Mt ms ex-trenecy mlterestmlf ta caab deyal` the dale cesmals il` ta issess whit the `mseise neiltoar ml`mvm`uics suooermlf oran thms mccless ml the pist il` whmgh m`eis il` galgeptmals ireissagmite` wmth mt. Ml ar`er ta ul`erstil` the sagmic il` gucturic mnpigt il` pergeptmal aothe `mseise, thearmes il` orinewarbs thit ire gurreltcy use` ml the omec` ao ne`mgic ilthra-pacafy wmcc de ippcme`.

9 Zmlti ms i sacecy `ernitacafmgic gal`mtmal2 thereoare, thms mseise wmcc lat de tibel mlta iggault ml thms piper.

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Ne`mgic ilthrapacafy ms the stu`y ao ne`mgic phelaneli, sugh is mccless expermelgeil` heicmlf, is they ire mlocuelge` dy sagmic il` gucturic oigtars. hms reseirgh omec` mshmfhcy mlter`msgmpcmliry, riwmlf al ilthrapacafy il` sagmacafy is wecc is al ne`mgmle il`ather heicth praoessmals. Ethlane`mgmle, i sudomec` wmthml ne`mgic ilthrapacafy, oagusesal heicth prigtmges ml recitmal ta the cirfer sagmic systen. hms reseirgh omec` use` ta de cmn-

mte` ta prmnmtmve ar oacb ne`mgmle ml lal-Vesterl gaultrmes. Hawever, it preselt, the ternethlane`mgmle reoers ta the heicth systen ao ily sagmety, mlgcu`mlf thase ao the Vesterlwarc`. Vhmce Vesterl ne`mgmle ms prmnirmcy oaguse` al the `miflasms il` treitnelt ao i`mseise, the stu`y ao ethlane`mgmle oaguses al the taticmty ao ne`mgic decmeos il` prigtmgesml i sagmety. Nugh itteltmal ms fmvel ta the races ao heicers, pitmelts, il` oinmcy nenders,il` ta the syndacmg il` persalic expermelges ao `mseise. he ethlane`mgic thearmes il`orinewarbs ire very useouc oar i``ressmlf sagmic il` gucturic mnpcmgitmals ao trepalenic`mseise (NgEcray 9==?;9:=?).

he ethlane`mgic perspegtmve nibes il mnpartilt `mstmlgtmal detweel `mseise il` mcc-less. Ceal Emselderf (9=66) his `eomle` thms `mvmsmal is oaccaws; –mcclesses ire expermelges

ao `msvicue` ghilfes ml stites ao demlf il` ml sagmic oulgtmal2 `mseises ire idlarnicmtmes mlthe strugture il` oulgtmal ao da`y arfils il` systens„ (Emselderf 9=66;99). –@mseise„ msi ne`mgic tern, ml`mgitmlf i `evmitmal oran ne`mgic larns. –Mccless„ al the ather hil`,ms gucturiccy galstrugte`2 mt ms the expermelge ao the mnpimrnelt ar `mstress, is gucturiccy`eomle`. he giuse ao il mccless ms lat legessirmcy strimfhtoarwir`2 mt niy cme ml the sagmic arspmrmtuic reicn. Il mccless ms sudkegtmvecy expermelge` il` ms issagmite` wmth spegmomg neil-mlfs il` lirritmves.

he lirritmves thit ire greite` ml respalse ta il mccless evelt gil de extrenecy useouc mlilicysmlf the sagmic il` gucturic pergeptmal il` mnpigt ao i `mseise. Il mccless ms i `msrup-tmal ml cmoe whmgh ippeirs ta cigb icc gallegtmal ta eircmer evelts; the selse ao tenparic gal-

tmlumty ms rupture`. he lirritmves, `eomle` is the persalic iggaults/expermelges ao the pi-tmelts, hive the idmcmty ta oarn i lew galtext ml whmgh the mccless wmcc omt. Is Hy`íl (9==6)pamlts aut; – Lirritmves gil pravm`e i galtext thit elganpisses dath the mccless evelt il`surraul`mlf cmoe evelts il` regreites i stite ao mlterrecite`less„   (Hy`íl 9==6;57). Dy mc-custritmlf the mccless ml the oarn ao i lirritmve the mccless evelts il` synptans ire galtex-tuicmze` dy mlgarparitmal wmthml the sine dmafriphmgic orinewarb. Ml thms wiy, synptansao the `mseise ire mltefrite` wmthml sagmic cmoe il` the `miflasms il` praflasms nibe selsewmthml thit orinewarb.

he mccless lirritmve ao trepalenic `mseise his deel prevmauscy lefcegte` dy irghieaca-fmsts. Wacecy dise` al irghieacafmgic `iti the regalstrugtmal ao the mccless ispegt ao the

`mseise wauc` de very `moomguct. Oartulitecy, irghieacafmgic `iti oran the Girmddeil ireigil de ganpcenelte` wmth ethlahmstarmg saurges, whmgh iccaws the stu`y ao persalic il`sagmetic galgeptmals issagmite` wmth il` reigtmals ta the `mseise. Nareaver, dy ilicys-mlf durmic prigtmges, mt ms passmdce ta reseirgh ourther mnpcmgitmals the smgbless niy hivehi`. hms piper `msgusses the passmdmcmtmes ao stu`ymlf sagmic il` gucturic mnpcmgitmals aotrepalenic mseise. Mt oaguses al trepalenitasms is il –mccless„ il` stu`mes the passmdmcmtmesta regalstrugt the mccless lirritmve issagmite` wmth the `mseise al the disms ao ethlahmstarmgsaurges il` nitermic gucture.

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Ethlahmstarmg saurges

he Girmddeil irei ms dcesse` wmth i weicth ao ethlahmstarmg saurges. Oerlél`ez `e Avme`ail` Dirtacaní `e cis Gisis pravm`e i cirfe inault ao mloarnitmal al the `imcy cmoe ao theiîlas cmvmlf al the mscil` ao Hmspilmaci (Cavíl 9=752 Avme`a 9=5=i, 9=5=d). he warbao Tinal Zilí, i nmssmaliry wha igganpilme` Gacundus al hms segal` vayife ta the ms-

cil` ao Hmspilmaci ml 90=7, preselts i ulmque iggault ao the decmeos il` rmtes ao the iîlapeapce (Zilí 9===). Nareaver, icsa al the Cesser Iltmcces ghralmgcers pravm`e` mlterestmlflirritmves idaut the mlhidmtilts ao the mscil`s. he warbs ao oar exinpce Tiynal` Dretalil` Gimccí `e Gistres galtiml frmppmlf mloarnitmal al the cmves ao the mscil` papucitmals.Mlterestmlfcy, nily ao the eircy ghralmgcers neltmal the preselge ao trepalenic `mseise mlthemr iggaults (Wghits 4:9:). hereoare, the ethlahmstarmg saurges hive deel use` is evm-`elge ml the alfamlf syphmcms `edite. Hawever, the iggaults ao these ghralmgcers ire icsaextrenecy useouc ml regalstrugtmlf the sagmic il` gucturic mnpcmgitmals ao the `mseise. hmswmcc de mccustrite` wmth pirts oran the iggaults ao Avme`a il` Zilí. Oar etimcs al trepale-nitasms oran ather ethlahmstarmg iggaults see Wghits (4:9:).

Ml hms Hmstarmi Feleric y Lituric `e cis Ml`mis Avme`a esgrmdes i sbml mseise wmth synp-tans smnmcir ta trepalenitasms is – nic `e cis ml`mis„ neilmlf the Ml`mil `mseise (Avme`a9=5=i;57). Avme`a wis idce ta m`eltmoy the mseise ue ta the oigt thit he hi` wmtlesse` thesyphmcms epm`enmg ml Eurape. he Wpilmsh tern oar trepalenitasms it thit tmne wis dudiswhmgh trilscites is sares, i tern `esgrmdmlf the synptans ao the `mseise. he iîla then-secves icsa `evecape` i line oar the `mseise,  yiyi, neilmlf sare ml Mscil` Girmd cilfuife(Cavíl 9=75;5782 Avme`a 9=5=i;57-55). Mlterestmlfcy, ml iîla nythacafy ]iyi ms i verymnpartilt demlf. ]iyi ms il ac` nil wmth whan the omrst irei ao greitmal defil (Irran9==6;?8). Lext ta the line ao the `mseise, Avme`a `esgrmdes the rene`mes the iîla hi``evecape` oar thms ioocmgtmal. Iggar`mlf ta Avme`a the ne`mgmle they use` wis the waa` ao

the Fuiyigil tree. he waa` ao thms tree ms very stralf il` hir` il` mt ms aotel reoerre` tais i –hacy„ tree. he iîlas use` thms tree ta nibe themr m`acs il` `uhas . Oar the treitneltao the `mseise, spcmlters ao the tree were damce` ml i gertiml inault ao witer. Vhel narethil hico ao the witer eviparite`, the pat wmth the `egagtmal ms renave` oran the omre. heioocmgte` ml`mvm`uic hi` ta `rmlb thms patmal al il enpty stanigh every narlmlf oar ip-praxmnitecy 4: `iys. Lext ta the `rmlbmlf ao the fuiyigil patmal, the `mseise` peapce hi`ta stmgb ta i `met. he pitmelts were lat iccawe` ta eit ily neit ar omsh degiuse these oaa`swere thaufht ta de very hirnouc. Avme`a stites thit thms rene`y his gure` nily oran the`mseise (Cavíl 9=75;57=-50:2 Avme`a 9=5=i;7?0-7?52 Avme`a 9=5=d;98-9=,88-=:).

Ml the daab Tecigm÷l e Oriy Tinal e cis Iltmfóe`i`es e cas Ml`mas Tinal Zilí esgrmdesthe nythacafy, mlgcu`mlf the armfml nyth, il` recmfmal ao the iîla peapce. Mlterestmlfcy,i `mseise wmth synptans resendcmlf trepalenitasms pciys i race ml the nyth. @enmlélGirigirigac wis the omrst ao oaur sals ta de darl aut ao Mtmdi Gihudidi. Girigirigac trils-cites is the sgiddy ale2 mt ms sim` thit he wis darl wmth i very raufh sbml. Evel thaufh Zilí`aes lat cmlb hms ioocmgtmal `mregtcy wmth syphmcms, Wtevels-Irraya (9=88) recites hms sbml`mseise ta galfelmtic syphmcms4. Lext ta the raufh sbml, @enmlél Girigirigac wis suooermlforan i dmf ucger al hms digb whmgh resucte` oran i nmxture ao  fuilfuiya  (tadigga) il`gizide  (gissivi drei`) whmgh wis thrawl upal hms digb dy Diyiniliga ml il ittenpt ta

4 Nathers mloegte` wmth syphmcms gil piss the `mseise al ta themr ghmc`rel wha thel shaw ghirigtermstmg sbecetic`eoarnmtmes.

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heic hmn. hms heicmlf gerenaly m` lat warb il` the ucger al hms digb degine extrenecypimlouc il` swaccel, il` is Zilí stites; – the sweccmlf frew sa nugh thit he wis idaut ta`me„  (Zilí 9===;9?). he three drathers ao @enmlél Girigirigac apele` the ucger il` autgine i oenice turtce. Oran thms pirt ao the nyth mt deganes gceir thit the `mseise ms vmewe`is sermaus, hawever, sane peapce, cmbe @enmlél Girigirigac were idce ta avergane mt. he

`msippeirilge ao the synptans ippeirs ta hive deel i smfl ao oertmcmty (smflmome` dy theoenice turtce) il` shinilmstmg pawer (Wtevels-Irraya 9=88;940-94=). Wtevels-Irraya our-ther shaws thit the turtce his `mregt recitmal wmth the `mseise. He stites thit i tidaa reste`al the galsunptmal ao oresh-witer turtces gicce` ‘hmgateis”  degiuse the eitmlf ao these turtceswauc` resuct ml syphmcms (Wtevels-Irraya 9=88;94=). Mlterestmlfcy, thms oaa` tidaa icsa ip-peirs ta hive deel preselt ml the Cesser Iltmcces (Wghits 4:9:;6=-89)

 Ilather, nare `mregt, reoerelge ta syphmcms ms ni`e dy Zilí whel he `msgusses the armfmlsao the iîla peapce il` sagmic ar`er. Ml sigre` tmne the iîla peapce cmve` ml the nythmgicGive ao Giæmdikifui. @urmlf thms perma`, everythmlf larnic ms mlverse`2 the sagmic ar`erao the iîla hi` lat yet deel estidcmshe`. Nily ao the prata-iîla hunils trme` ta ceive

the give ta greite sagmic ar`er, dut al every aggismal they were pulmshe` oar ceivmlf thegive. Ale `iy, ale ao the nel, Fuiyihali, ms idce ta esgipe the give wmthaut pulmshnelt.He ceives the nel dehml` il` tibes icc the wanel wmth hmn. he fraup trivecce` ta themscil` ao Nitmlmla, where he ceives icc the wanel il` sets aut ta the nifmgic `estmlitmalFuilîl. @urmlf hms kaurley, Fuiyihali resgues i wanil oran the sei wha iggar`mlf taZilí –five hmn freit pceisure, il` it alge he saufht nily civitmals ta dithe hmnseco de-giuse he wis oucc ao thase sares we gicc the Orelgh `mseise„  (Zilí 9===;=-9:). he wanil,line` Fuidalmta, pcige` hmn ml i fuiliri  7, whmgh ms i sepirite pcige. Vhmce Fuiyihaliwis ml fuiliri, he wis gure` ao hms sares (Acmver 4:::;4:=-4942 Zilí 9===;8-9:).

Ml thms pissife mt ms evm`elt thit Zilí ittrmdutes the saurge ao trepalenitasms ta sexuic

recitmals wmth Fuidalmta. Ml cmfht ao whit Zilí blew oran Eurape thms nibes peroegtselse. he mseise wis icrei`y very previcelt there il` wis ittrmdute` ta sexuic mltergaurse(Diber il` Irnecifas 9=88;6:6-6:8). Kasí Kuil Irran pravm`es i `mooerelt mlterpretitmalta the armfml ao the `mseise. Irran irfues thit there ms il mnpartilt pmege nmssmlf oranthe iggault ao Zilí (9==6;6?). he omrst iîla peapce, wha were cmvmlf ml the gives, wereicc drathers il` smsters. Vmthaut galtigt wmth ather hunil fraups, they were oarge` tanite inalfst thensecves ta repra`uge. hms igt wis i gceir vmacitmal ao the prahmdmtmal aomlgest. Irran irfues thit they were pulmshe` oar thms vmacitmal wmth the `mseise thit Zilíterns the ‘Orelgh `mseise” (Irran 9==6;6?). Fuiyihali ceot the give wmth icc the wanelta put il el` ta the mlgest. Mlterestmlfcy, mt ippeirs thit, ml galtrist ta the ilicysms ao Zilí,

Fuiyihali wis icrei`y suooermlf oran the `mseise deoare neetmlf wmth Fuidalmta. Vhmceml  fuiliri , Fuiyihali wishe` hmnseco wmth  fóeya  pcilt he taab wmth hmn oran the giveil` wis gure` oran the `mseise (Irran 9==6;6?).

 Is Irran, Wtevels-Irraya icsa mlterprets the tibmlf ao icc the wanel dy Fuiyihali isestidcmshmlf nirrmife ruces inalf the iîla. Dy ceivmlf the give wmth icc the wanel il`thel idil`almlf then ifiml al the mscil` ao Nitmlmla, Fuiyihali greites the ruce ao ex-afiny. Hawever, evel thaufh Wtevels-Irraya `aes lat stite haw Fuiyihali galtrigte`hms `mseise, he `aes lat vmew the `mseise is pulmshnelt oar mlgest ml the pist lar `aes hethmlb thit Fuiyihali galtrigte` the `mseise degiuse ao sexuic galtigt wmth Fuidalmta.

7 Ml pirts ao Gudi fuiliri  ms the line ao i `ave whmgh cmves ml renate naultiml ireis (Irran 9===;9:)

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Nitermic gucture

Oran il irghieacafmgic perspegtmve, mt ms extrenecy mlterestmlf ta stu`y whether, il` mo sa,haw trepalenitasms ms reocegte` ml nitermic gucture. Mo trepalenic `mseise ms ml`ee` issagm-ite` wmth shinilmsn il` gigmques is irfue` idave, thel mt nmfht de passmdce ta oml` rep-reseltitmals ao thms `mseise al gerinmgs ar ather irteoigts ni`e dy the iîla peapce. It the

nanelt, the evm`elge oar i nitermic preselge ao trepalenitasms ms lat pirtmgucircy stralf.Hawever, there ire twa exinpces ml whmgh gerinmgs niy ml`ee` shaw smfls ao i trepalenicmloegtmal.

he eoomfy vise represeltmlf @enmlél Girigirigac niy de the gceirest exinpce ao irepreseltitmal ao the mseise. Is `msgusse` idave, mt ms irfue` thit he wis darl wmth syphmcmsil` wis gure` oran mt dy hms drathers wha drabe the sweccmlf al hms digb. hms dmf ucger msissagmite` wmth the synptans thit ire `esgrmde` ml recitmal ta trepalenic `mseise.

 I gannal oeiture ao ather iîla eoomfy vessecs ms the thmgb gicves thit the represelt-e` ml`mvm`uics ire shawmlf. hms ispegt nmfht de recite` ta trepalenitasms. Is expcimle`idave il` is gil de seel ml Omfure 9, ml the thmr` stife ao the `mseise the dales ao the smgb

ml`mvm`uic ire iooegte` ml i very ghirigtermstmg wiy. Ale pithaflanalmg eoarnitmal issa-gmite` wmth i trepalenic mloegtmal ms the sidre-shipe` tmdmi. Ml thms gise, the tmdmi ms `msomf-ure` dy il idlarnic epasmtmal ao lew dale whmgh fmves mt i very thmgb il` gurve` ippeir-ilge whmgh gil de seel al the mnife decaw. hms `eoarnmty niy hive deel `epmgte` al theeoomfy vessecs. Hawever, the dml`mlf ao the cefs kust decaw the blee, whmgh wis i gannalprigtmge, niy icsa resuct ml the sine, icthaufh cess pralaulge`, thmgb ippeirilge.


he imn ao thms piper wis ta `msguss the passmdmcmtmes oar reseirghmlf sagmic il` gucturic

mnpcmgitmals ao trepalenic `mseise ml the Girmddeil irei. repalenitasms ms il exgeccelt`mseise ta reseirgh smlge mt ms vmsmdce ml the irghieacafmgic regar`, dut icsa very latmge-idce `urmlf cmoe. Dise` al the ethlahmstarmg saurges mt deganes gceir thit i `mseise gcase-cy resendcmlf trepalenitasms wis ml`ee` sanethmlf thit `m` lat fa ullatmge` wmthml iGirmddeil sagmety. Nast eircy ghralmgcers ml the refmal neltmal the preselge ao the `mseiseil` `esgrmde the treitnelt pcil `evecape` dy the ml`mfelaus mlhidmtilts. Avme`a mccus-trite` spegmomg treitnelt use` ml i gise ao trepalenic `mseise al the mscil` ao Hmspilmaci.he warb ao Zilí mlterestmlfcy `enalstrites the preselge ao the `mseise ml iîla nythac-afy. he armfml heraes @enmlél Girigirigac il` Fuiyihali seen ta hive deel iooegte`dy trepalenitasms.

Mt ippeirs thit trepalenic `mseise hi` spegmic neilmlf thraufhaut the Girmddeil. he`mseise ms issagmite` wmth spegmic decmeos, rene`mes il` evel nyths. hms ml`mgites thit thmspirtmgucir `mseise wis passmdcy nare smflmomgilt thil ily ather `mseise they nmfht hivedeel suooermlf oran. Oran the `msgussmal ao the saurges idave mt ms passmdce ta isses theneilmlfs whmgh the `mseise niy hive hi` oar the Girmddeil mlhidmtilts. he `mseise ip-peirs ta de sanethmlf `ilferaus il` pimlouc2 the ml`mfelaus mlhidmtilts hi` `evecape`spegmic rene`mes oar the `mseise. Nareaver, i oaa` tidaa issagmite` wmth thms `mseise ippeirsta hive deel preselt. Evel thaufh rene`mes oar the `mseise exmste`, mt ms very cmbecy thitlale ao the iooegte` ml`mvm`uics were igtuiccy heice` dy the treitnelt. Hawever, dise`al the nythacafy mt seens passmdce thit the smgb ml`mvm`uics gauc` hive degane gure`

oran thms `mseise. Ne`mgiccy speibmlf, mt ms passmdce ta seenmlfcy avergane the `mseise.

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repalenitasms mlvacves i citelt perma` mlta whmgh sane ao the iooegte` ml`mvm`uics elter.@urmlf thms perma`, whmgh gil cist the cmoetmne ao the ml`mvm`uic, there ire la vmsmdce synp-tans2 thereoare mt ippeirs thit thms persal ms heice`. M wauc` irfue thit ml`mvm`uics suooer-mlf oran thms `mseise were lat pirtmgucircy spegmic. Mt seens nare pciusmdce ta irfue thit theml`mvm`uics wha were idce ta avergane the mseise wauc` de galsm`ere` ta de nare spegmic.

hms latmal ms ourther sudstiltmite` dy the nyths `esgrmde` dy Zilí.hms ilicysms ao the sagmic il` gucturic mnpcmgitmals ao trepalenic mseise his hapeouccyshawl thit thms type ao reseirgh his freit pateltmic, lat alcy oar trepalenitasms dut oarather `mseises is wecc. Hawever, sacecy dise` al irghieacafmgic `iti thms type ao reseirgh msextrenecy moomguct. he niml irfunelts il` mlterpretitmals ire dise` al the ethlahmstarmgsaurges. Outure reseirgh shauc` thereoare gandmle ethlafriphy, ethlahmstary il` irghie-acafy ta de idce ta gane ta the dest passmdce ul`erstil`mlf ao haw trepalenic `mseisewis sagmiccy il` gucturiccy pergemve` il` expermelge` ml the Inerml`mil sagmetmes ao theGirmddeil irei.


 Irran, K.K.

9==6 he Greitmal Nyths ao the iîla. Ml Piîla; Zre-Gacundmil Irt il` Gucture oranthe Girmddeil, e`mte` dy O. Dreght, E. Dra`sby, K.I. Oirner il` @. iycar, pp. ?8-6=.Ec Nusea `ec Dirrma, he Naligeccm Zress, Lew ]arb.

Diber, D., il` F. Irnecifas

9=88 he Armfml il` Iltmqumty ao Wyphmcms; Ziceapithacafmgic @miflasms il`Mlterpretitmal. Gurrelt Ilthrapacafy  4=(5);6:7-676.

Daanert, I.

4:9: Biîrm, rmlm`i`; he Ale rue Mscil`.  Irghieacaf y il` Ilthrapacafy  9?(4);4=-09.

Emselderf, C.

9=66 @mseise il` Mccless; @mstmlgtmals detweel Zraoessmalic il` Zapucir M`eis aoWmgbless. Gucture, Ne`mgmle il` Zsyghmitry  9(9);=-47.

Oi`mnil, I.

9==6 Phe Wpmrmt Gitghes ]au il` ]au Oicc @awl; I Hnalf Ghmc`, her Inermgil @agtars,il` the Gaccmsmal ao Pwa Guctures. Oirrir, Wtrius il` Fmraux, Lew ]arb.

Oirlswarth, L., il` . Tasel

4::? El`enmg repalenitasms; I Tevmew il` Up`ite. Gcmlmgs ml @ernitacafy40(7);989-9=:.

Hy`íl, C.-G.

9==6 Mccless il` Lirritmve. Wagmacafy ao Heicth il` Mccless 9=(9);08-?=.

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C÷pez-Dirict, N.

9=6? Ec Nmta Piîla; Tiîz y Zrayeggmales el ci Inizalmi Galtmleltic. E`mgmales Hurigél,Tma Zme`ris, Zuerta Tmga.

Cavíl, W.

9=75 Armfmls ao the Pimlil Gucture, Vest Ml`mes . Ecil`er, Fÿtedarf.

NgEcray, I.

9==? Ne`mgic Ilthrapacafy. Ml Elgygcape`mi ao Gucturic Ilthrapacafy , e`mte` dy @.Cevmlsal il` N. Ender, pp. 9:=?-9:==. Helry Hact, Lew ]arb.

Acmver, K.T.

4::: Fac` syndacmsn inalf Girmddeil Ghmeo`ans; Ao Oeithers, Gmdis, il` FuilîlFac` syndacmsn inalf Girmddeil Ghmeo`ans; Ao Oeithers, Gmdis, il` FuilîlZawer inalf iîla Ecmtes. MlMl Zre-Gacundmil Fac`; Peghlacafy, Wtyce il` Mgalafriphy ,

e`mte` dy G. NgEwil, pp. 9=?-49=. Drmtmsh Nuseun Zress, Cal`al.Avme`a, F.O. `e

9=5=i Hmstarmi Feleric y Lituric `e Cis Ml`mis. Itcis, Ni`rm`.

9=5=d Lituric Hmstary ao the Ml`mes . rilscite` dy W.I. Wtau`enmre. Ulmversmty ao LarthGiracmli Zress, Ghipec Hmcc.

Zilí, T.

9=== Il Iggault ao the Iltmqumtmes ao the Ml`mils; Ghralmgces ao the Lew Varc` Elgaulter. Mltra`ugtmal, lates, il` ippel`mges dy Kasí Kuil Irran. rilscite` dy Wusil G.

Frmswac`. @ube Ulmversmty Zress, @urhin.

Zermle Z.C., @.T. Hapbmls, Z.C.I. Lmenec, T.B. Wt. Kahl, F. Giusse, il` F.N. Iltic

9=80 Hil`daab ao El`enmg Prepalenitases. Varc` Heicth Arfilmzitmal, 9499 Felevi46.

Zawecc, N.C., il` @. Gaccmls Gaab (e`mtars)

4::5 Phe Nyth ao Wyphmcms; Phe Lituric Hmstary ao Prepalenitasms ml Larth Inermgi,  9 st e`. Ocarm`i Nuseun ao Lituric Hmstary, Tmpcey Z. Duccel sermes, Ulmversmty Zress ao

Ocarm`i, Fimlsesvmcce.Artler, @.K.

4::7 M`eltmomgitmal ao pithacafmgic gal`mtmals ml hunil sbecetic renimls . 4l` e`. Igi`enmgZress, Wil @mefa.

Wghits, T.

4:9: Phe ]iyi Lirritmve; Phe Wagmic il` Gucturic Mnpcmgitmals ao Prepalenic @mseise mlPhe Wagmic il` Gucturic Mnpcmgitmals ao Prepalenic @mseise mlthe Girmddeil irei. Ulpudcmshe` Nister thesms, Cem`el Ulmversmty, Cem`el.

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Wtevels-Irraya, I.N.

9=88 Give ao the Kifui; Phe Nythacafmgic Varc` ao the Piîlas . Ulmversmty ao Lew NexmgaZress, Icduquerque, Lew Nexmga.

_elta, G.E., il` T.@. Falzéces

9==? Ziceapitacafîi idarîfel `e Gudi. Ec Girmde Irqueac÷fmga 9(=?); 79-78.

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 I`rmili M. Ghurinpm Tinîrez 

hms piper ms il ilicysms ao Dirtacaní `e Cis Gisis”s `esgrmptmal ao Hmspilmaci ml hms Ipacafítmgi Hmstarmi Wunnirmi, ml whmgh we `enalstrite thit rei`mlf thms `agunelt re-qumres blawce`fe ao Irmstatce”s Zacmtmgs . he Irmstatecmil na`ec ao the arfilmzitmal ao i gmvmcsagmety ms dismg ta ul`erstil`mlf the liture ao `e Cis Gisis” `esgrmptmals. Alcy i ganpce-neltiry rei`mlf ao dath texts wmcc ecugm`ite the ganpcex westerl phmcasaphmgic msgussmalsthit ilmnite` the ippireltcy smnpce `esgrmptmal ao the hauses il` vmccifes ml Hmspilmaci

dy `e Cis Gisis.

Este irtîguca ilicmzi cis `esgrmpgmales `e Ci Espiùaci heghis par Dirtacaní `e Cis Gisisel su Ipacafítmgi Hmstarmi Wunnirmi . @enastrinas que ceer ci Ipacafítmgi  requmere galagerCi Zacîtmgi  `e Irmst÷teces. Ziri eltel`er ci lituricezi `e cis `esgrmpgmales Cisgismilis, ecgalagmnmelta `ec na`eca irmstatícmga `e arfilmzigm÷l `e uli sagme`i` gmvmc es oul`inel-tic. W÷ca uli cegturi piriceci `e indas textas pasmdmcmti ci ganprelsm÷l `e ci ganpceki`msgusm÷l omcas÷omgi aggm`eltic, trisoal`a e ci esgrmpgm÷l e gisis y ic`eis e Ci Espiùacireicmzi`i par `e Cis Gisis.

Get irtmgce est ule ilicyse `e ci `esgrmptmal `”Hmspilmaci oimte pir Dirtacaní `e Cis Gisis`ils sal Ipacafítmgi Hmstarmi Wunnirmi . Laus `ínaltrals imlsm que ci cegture `e ge `agu-nelt lígessmte ci gallimssilge `e Ci Zacmtmgi `”Irmstate. Ce na`èce irmstatícmgmel `e c”ar-filmsitmal ”ule sagmítí gmvmce est oal`ineltic paur ganprel`re ci liture es `esgrmptmals`e `e Cis Gisis. Weuce ule cegture ganpcíneltimre `es `eux textes paurri ígcimrer ce `íditphmcasaphmque aggm`eltic qum i ilmní ci `esgrmptmal ippirennelt smnpce `es nimsals et`es vmccifes `”Hmspilmaci pir `e Cis Gisis.

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a adtiml useouc mloarnitmal oran gacalmic `agunelts, detter blawl is Ghralmgces aothe Ml`mes, ale ms requmre` ta stirt wmth i pragess ao textuic secegtmal il` thel peroarn ilexergmse ml mltertextuic rei`mlf. he omrst tisb ao the ethlahmstarmil ms ta estidcmsh grmtermita lirraw the lunder ao `agunelts. Wmlge the irrmvic ao Eurapeils ta Inermgi lirri-tmves al thms lew feafriphmgic irei il` the wiy ao cmoe ao the Litmve Inermgils his deelpraouse2 iraul` 4:: ghralmgcers ire regaflmze` dy na`erl sghacirs. Alcy sane ao thenwrate idaut the Girmddeil irei il` il evel nare cmnmte` fraup wis igtuiccy preselt mlthe Inermgil galtmlelt, whmgh lirraws the lunder ao `agunelts. Mt ms icsa legessiry tarenender thit ta ilicyse i text mnpcmes regalstrugtmlf mts galtext ta elidce us ta pcige mtwmthml mts ippraprmite orine ao reoerelge. @mstartmals ml the mlterpretitmal aggur whelwe rei` omoteelth geltury `agunelts dise` al aur na`erl galgepts. I –gmty„ ar i –vmc-cife„ ire oar us smnpce terns dut they pradidcy `m` lat neil oar Gacundus whit we lawul`erstil` is sugh. exts icsa hive il ul`elmidce hmstarmgic galtext2 nast ao aur gacalmic

saurges were wrmttel is il ilswer ta aoomgmic requmrenelts ao the Wpilmsh Grawl il` hivequestmalidce ml`epel`elge il` iutalany. hms ms the gise wmth Gacundus” @mirmes , whmghms why al irrmvic ta Wpiml they were ganpire` wmth the agunelts selt dy il aoomgmic ao theWpilmsh I`nmlmstritmal, wha wis paste` inalfst Gacundus”s grew wmth the spegmomg tisbao `aguneltmlf icc hms adservitmals. Ml thms wiy the Wpilmsh Grawl elsure` the preselgeao i segal` `agunelt ta ganpire il` ghegb the verigmty ao the I`nmric”s versmal. Lat ilulusuic neisure mo we tibe mlta galsm`eritmal the hufe mlvestnelt thit Gacundus” trmpneilt oar the Wpilmsh Grawl. Egalanmgic, pacmtmgic il` recmfmaus oigts pciye` i race ml thepra`ugtmal ao sugh texts. Lat ta neltmal the ulpre`mgtidce ecenelt ao the persalicmty aoevery triveccer ar wrmter. hms persalicmty wis reocegte` ml themr versmal ao the stary (cet”s kust

renender Gacundus” gertimlty ao hms irrmvic ml Ml`mi ar hms citer quest oar Ziri`mse). heGhralmgces ao the Ml`mes ire oir oran i trilspirelt `esgrmptmal dy eye wmtlesses, they ire igalstrugtmal.9 he omoteelth geltury lirritmve hi` pacmtmgic, egalanmg, sagmic il` recmfmausmlterests ganpcmgitmlf the icrei`y `moomguct tisb ao `esgrmdmlf the elgaulter wmth i lewulblawl warc`. hms shart mltra`ugtmal ms neilt is i sghenitmg `esgrmptmal ao the `mooer-elt ecenelts i rei`er ao the ghralmgces his ta tibe mlta galsm`eritmal deoare i``ressmlf thegaltelts ao the `agunelts ar defmllmlf the pragess ao `egalstrugtmal thit niy ml the el`pravm`e useouc mloarnitmal.

Ale ao the tri`mtmalic agunelts galsucte` al ml`mfelaus Girmddeil hmstary ms the textao Dirtacaní `e Cis Gisis, the @anmlmgil Wpilmsh ormir, ghiccelfer ao the elganmel`i,

Dmshap ao Ghmipis il` wecc blawl is the Ipastce ao the Ml`mils . Cis Gisis ms ale ao the nastrespegte` saurges, he wis preselt ml Hmspilmaci il` enalstrite` i gceir mlterest is wecc isil mlqumrmlf nml` ml `esgrmdmlf the cmoe ao the ml`mfelaus papucitmal. Al the ather hil`we nust lat oarfet hms pacmtmgic gannmtnelt ta the ml`mfelaus giuse thit nare thil algeresucte` ml dmise` adservitmals ar mliggurite `iti. he  Ipacafítmgi Hmstarmi Wunnirmi   ms

9 Pe Ghralmgces were `agunelts pra`uge` dy galquerars, sac`mers, ormirs, gmvmc servilts il` lew gmtmzels ao thelew terrmtarmes. Pey icc `esgrmde` il` wrate idaut Inermgi. –Pemr wrmtmlf wis oaul`itmalic, themr `msgaursewis trymlf, thraufh the use ao war`s, ta galstrugt i lew m`eltmty oar the gacalmze` il` hms terrmtary, dut thepamlt ao `epirture wis the syndacmg warc` ao the wrmter„ (Darki 4::4;5) Rny trilscitmal^. Pit ms i geltric m`eiml mlterpretmlf i Ghralmgce ao the Ml`mes. Ve hive ta beep icwiys ml nml` thit galgepts ao hmstary, cmteriture,

the use ao rhetarmg il` the texts pirtmgmpitmlf ml the exergmse ao mltertextuicmty (ne`mevic, dmdcmgic ar gcissmgs) ireicc ao i wrmter ao oteelth ar smxteelth geltury.

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ale ao the cesser galsucte` texts ao `e Cis Gisis, ganpire` wmth the Hmstarmi `e cis Ml`mis  (9546) ar the Drevmsmni Tecigm÷l `e ci @estruggm÷l `e cis Ml`mis   (9554) Rdath pudcmshe`ml 9865-986?^ ar evel hms trilsgrmptmal ao  Gacundus” Cafdaab . he  Ipacafítmgi galtimlsthe esselge ao hms phmcasaphmgic thaufhts idaut the hunil liture ao the mlhidmtilts aoHmspilmaci. Hms irfunelts ire dise` al the Irmstatecmil na`ec thit issmnmcites pru`elge

wmth ritmalicmty. Irmstatce `eomles pru`elge is il esseltmic vmrtue thit iccaws hunil de-mlfs ta `mstmlfumsh detweel faa` il` di`, legessiry oar then is persals dut icsa oar thedeleomt ao the gannulmty. Hunil demlfs passess mlteccegtuic vmrtues recite` ta reisal duticsa ethmgic vmrtues recite` ta wmcc il` gipigmty ao igtmal, dath gandmle` iccaw hunils taighmeve peroegtmal ml igtmal il` ml thaufht. I faa` wiy ao igtmlf ml the warc` wauc` derecite` ta the gipigmty ao galtraccmlf extrenes ar pissmals ml i ritmalic il` i`equite wiy.he adkegtmve shauc` de ta ighmeve dicilge tibmlf `mstilge oran exgesses. Zru`elge ms, mlthit wiy, it the disms ao icc ethmg vmrtues. Demlf pru`elt mlvacves demlf ritmalic il` prigtm-gic whel tibmlf `egmsmals idaut whit ms faa` ar di`.

Wmlge the segal` egi`e ao the smxteelth geltury the msgussmal idaut the Inerml`mils”

cigb ao ritmalicmty il` the oaccawmlf mssue ao the passmdmcmty ao tibmlf themr cmderty iwiy wisigtmvecy preselt detweel Wpilmsh igi`enmgs il` kurmsts. hms wis legessiry ta galstrugt ithearetmgic irfuneltitmal ta cefmtmnmze the Grawl”s pacmtmgic galtrac ao the Ml`mes.

Cis Gisis” adkegtmve wis ta `enalstrite thit ml`mfelaus mlhidmtilts passesse` ritmalicgipidmcmtmes il` were icsa idce ta galstrugt il` nimltiml i`nmridce –repudcmgs.„ Cis Gisistaab the nast mnpartilt requmrenelts neltmale` dy Irmstatce ta ighmeve i pru`elt cmoe il`teste` themr exmstelge ml the `imcy cmoe ao the mlhidmtilts ao Hmspilmaci expegtmlf ml sugh iwiy ta prave thit they passesse` the Irmstatecmil ghirigtermstmgs oar i pru`elt ar i ritmalicpacmtmgic cmoe. Ve turl aur itteltmal ta thms text degiuse ao the passmdmcmty thit the wrmterniy hive defil mts galstrugtmal iraul` 9547 (the sghacirs a lat ifree al i spegmomg tmne)

whmgh neils thit thms thearetmgic orine mlocuelge` icsa the `agunelts pra`uge` citer ml`esgrmdmlf Hmspilmaci il` the mlhidmtilts.

Cis Gisis”  Ipacafítmgi,  ms i `agunelt darl aut ao the galtext ao Wpilmsh `msgussmalsidaut the dirdirmsn ao the Inermgil Ml`mils, il m`ei thit pravm`e` the oaul`itmals ta kus-tmoy the Wpilmsh expcamtitmal ml Inermgi. Cis Gisis preselte` hms phmcasaphmgic irfuneltsifimlst the iccefe` m`ei thit Ml`mils were the lituric scives neltmale` dy Irmstatce.4 Dise`al hms adservitmal ao the ml`mfelaus guctures, he aooere` exinpces ta remloarge every step aohms irfuneltitmal. Vhel he `esgrmde` Hmspilmaci il` mts mlhidmtilts he wis ticbmlf oranil iutharmtirmil perspegtmve fmvel dy hms pasmtmal is il eyewmtless. Cis Gisis ilicyses therequmrenelts neltmale` dy Irmstatce il` galomrns the preselge ao thase ghirigtermstmgs ml

the mlhidmtilts ao Hmspilmaci. hraufh thms exergmse he expegte` ta `msniltce the m`ei aodirdirmsn.7 Hms `esgrmptmals ao physmgic il` elvmralneltic ghirigtermstmgs galstmtute thefeafriphmg oaul`itmal oar hms na`ec. hms ms the omrst ao the ecenelts thit mlocuelge therepreseltitmal ao the Ml`mil”s galstmtutmal. He `esgrmdes the elvmralnelt; the samc, thepcilts, the weither, the sei, the ilmnics, preseltmlf i pmgturesque `esgrmptmal gcase ta uta-

4 Cis Gisis reigts ifimlst Fmles `e Wepucve`i”s irnitmal thit mo Ml`mils ml Inermgi were dirdirmils thel, oac-cawmlf Irmstatce, they were the lituric scives sa they gauc` de expcamte` il` ghimle`. Pey nust iggept Wpilmshruce ml vmew ao themr mlgipigmty ta faverl thensecves. Cis Gisis `eoel`e` the m`ei thit Ml`mils were idce tafaverl thensecves degiuse themr ritmalicmty wis prave` dy the hmfhcy gucturic cevec they hive ighmeve`.

7 Cis Gisis”s stritefy ta `msniltce the galgept ao dirdirmsn ms expcimlmlf the `merelt neilmlfs ao the tern. He

galgcu`es thit alcy whel reoerrmlf ta dirdirmils is peapce il` oeragmaus peapce, mlgipidce ao cmvmlf ml sagmety,mt ms passmdce ta irn thit they wmcc requmre the fuir`milshmp ao the Wpilmsh Faverlnelt (Deughat 4::0;?:).

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pmil piri`mse, rither thil i ghiatmg exuderilt liture.0 Mlstei` ao stil`mlf ml the wiy aoml`mfelaus `evecapnelt every ecenelt ms elgaurifmlf mt. Gcmnite mlocuelges the `mspasm-tmal ao the mlhidmtilts il` sa is i resuct ao sugh il iuspmgmaus elvmralnelt he galgcu`esthit the prapartmale` il` deiutmouc da`mes ao the mlhidmtilts gil alcy galtiml i ladcesauc. Here he quates Irmstatce”s galgept thit the sauc ms `eternmle` dy the strugture ao the

da`y.R…^ smlge icc the mlhidmtilts ao these Ml`mes, oar the nast pirt, il` spegmiccy the days il` fmrcs, hive

i faa` sendcilge il` galgar`ilge ao deiutmouc oiges il` prapartmale` cmnds il` da`mes, il` thms smlge

dmrth, is the Zhmcasapher sim`, mt `enalstrites thit Fa` il` liture five il` el`awe` il` frilte`

then wmth ladce saucs, il` thereoare ni`e then reisalidce il` ao faa` ul`erstil`mlf (Ipacafítmgi


he m`ei ao i sivife litmal defmls ta de erise`, il` ily galtri`mgtary exterlic ecenelts`inifmlf ta the represeltitmal ao Ml`mil”s galstmtutmal ire gaulterigte`. Hivmlf prave`thit evel the lituric warc` hecpe` the Inermgil mlhidmtilts ta `evecap themr pateltmic, Cis

Gisis defmls ta ilicyse every ale ao the Irmstatecmil quicmtmes requmre` oar i ritmalic cmoe.he m`ei thit i hunil demlf his ta de idce ta cmve ml sagmety il` de pirt ao i fraup ms theomrst ecenelt. hms sagmic tel`elgy expresses mtseco ml omrst mlstilge al il egalanmg cevec; dythit he neils the preselge ao i hause, neilt ta de mlhidmte` dy husdil`, wmoe, ghmc`relil` servilts ar axel, degiuse i nil icsa his ta hive passessmals. Idaut the hause, the

 Irmstatecmil prmlgmpce ms thit the nil his ta de idce lat alcy ta igqumre il` secegt the ni-termics dut icsa de idce ta dumc` mt hmnseco pravm`mlf ganoart il` segurmty ta the hidmtilts.Cis Gisis his la traudce oml`mlf i piriccec ta these m`eis ml Hmspilmaci.

Phe mlhidmtilts ao Hmspilmaci R…^ ni`e themr hauses aut ao waa` il` striw ml the oarn ao i decc.

Phey were very ticc il` spigmaus il` 9: ar nare peapce gauc` cmve ml eigh ale. Phey sulb pasts, is

thmgb is hunil cefs ml the fraul`. Icc ao the stmgbs gine tafether ml the gemcmlf where they were tme`

wmth rapes ni`e ao i raat gicce` dekugas (Ipacafítmgi M;08:).

Alge the hause exmsts physmgiccy, the lext ecenelt ms the faverlnelt ao the hause-hac`. he requmrenelt ms the idmcmty ta suppcy the neils oar the oinmcy”s sudsmstelge. Ml

 Irmstatce”s vmew ifrmgucture wis the nast mnpartilt wiy ta ighmeve thms purpase. Ifiml CisGisis ms idce ta `esgrmde haw Hmspilmaci gil ganpcy wmth thms requmrenelt.

Ao icc hunil gipidmcmtmes, the nast mnpartilt ms ifrmgucture. Phms mnpcmes pcaufhmlf il` the pra`ug- 

tmal ao lituric pra`ugts ao the eirth, dmr s, hultmlf il` shmlf, these ire lituric resaurges lee`e ta

nimltiml oinmcy il` ghmc`rel. Icc ao thms they hi` ml idul`ilge. Ml these mscil`s they l` il` adtiml

everythmlf oran liture exgept the gizidm drei` whmgh they pcilt, treit il` prepire, there wis pcelty

ao thms il` mt wis lmge (Ipacafítmgi M;089).

0 @esgrmdmlf the feafriphmg ghirigtermstmgs thit nibe Hmspilmaci i pcige idce ta de mlhidmte`, Cis Gisis wrmtes;–R…^ the pasmtmve mlffluelge ao the sby il` the i`equite `mstilge ao the eirth oran the sul hi` resucte` ml theoertmcmty ao the samc il` the idselge ao swinps, stelgh il` ather `msi`viltifes. Mlstei` there ms i heicthy imril` faa` wml`s nibmlf thms refmal tenperite il` sumtidce oar hunil hidmtitmal il` warthy ta de vmsmte`. Mt ms

passmdce thit Ziri`mse al eirth shauc` caab cmbe thit R…^„ (Ipacafítmgi M;755).5 Icc trilscitmals ao Ipacafítmgi  ire nmle.

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Ml thmr` pcige the i`nmlmstritmal ao the hause requmres ar`er il` arfilmzitmal ml the`mstrmdutmal ao tisbs. Cis Gisis adserve`, is wecc ml the gise ao the husdil` is ml the gise aothe wmoe, thit the mlhidmtilts ao Hmspilmaci oaccawe` the Irmstatecmil na`ec.? he sine ar-`er il` msgmpcmle ippcy ta the gise ao the scives degiuse they galstmtute pirt ao ily hunildemlf”s passessmals. Cis Gisis here oiges i pradcen degiuse he ms ulidce ta oml` i ganpiri-

dce smtuitmal ml Hmspilmaci, oir oran mt, is he stites the idselge ao scives ml the mscil`. I oew peapce ml the galtmlelt wha hi` scives (degiuse ml the mscil` there were la scives detweel the

Ml`mils) treite` then sa bml`cy il` wmth sugh cave thit there wis icnast la `mooerelge wmth themr awl

bm`s R…^ (Ipacafítmgi M;080) REnphisms ms nmle^.

Haw iggurite hms adservitmal ms il` haw oir Cis Gisis wauc` fa ta prave hms irfunelthis deel reseirghe` dy @ivm` Helmfe (9==4) ml hms irtmgce Pa rei` ms ta nmsrei`, ta wrmte msta nmswrmte . Cis Gisis is trilsgrmder . Helmfe stu`me` Cis Gisis”s Hmstarmi `e cis Ml`mis  wherethe ormir quates Gacundus”s @miry orequeltcy ta i`` verigmty ta hms `esgrmptmals. he fel-eric m`ei thit Cis Gisis trilsgrmde` oimthouccy il` wmth sgrupucaus iggurigy ms questmale`

ml the cmfht ao sane pradcenitmg texts, cmbe the ale mltra`ugmlf the latmal ao Ml`mil sciveryao ather Ml`mils. Wugh ioomrnitmal wauc` hive galtri`mgte` Cis Gisis stitenelts thit sciverim`mlf ml the Girmddeil wis i Wpilmsh mllavitmal. Wa whel quatmlf Gacundus” `esgrmp-tmal ao Fuilihilm he kust erises the cmles reoermlf ta scivery 6. he sudkegt ao the preselgeao scives ms sacve` irfumlf thit mo there were scives ‗preselt al the galtmlelt (tmerri omrne)dut lat ml the mscil`s- they were treite` is oinmcy. Idaut the axel, icsa neltmale` dy

 Irmstatce is repcigenelt oar the scives, they gauc`l”t de oaul` ml Hmspilmaci emther. hmstmne Cis Gisis”greitmve adservitmal i`apts i wecc blawl irfunelt ao Gacundus; Fa`pravm`e` the ml`mfelaus papucitmal wmth sugh oertmce fraul`s thit they `m` lat lee` axeloar ifrmgucture.

Zeapce ao these cil`s `m`l”t hive axel ta pcaufh the eirth, cmbe the Zhmcasapher isserts ml Zacmtmgs il`

 Egalanmgs 9»; Ml the paar nil”s hause the ax repciges the scive ta pcaufh the eirth ml pcige ao the

scive2 dut Fa` pravm`e` then wmth oertmce fraul` thit lee`e` alcy i stralf stmgb ta dreib the eirth il`

adtiml graps, sa they `m` lat lee` ta pcaufh R…^ (Ipacafítmgi M;085).

he lext pradcen wauc` de the Irmstatecmil galgept ao naley ar gurrelgy ( pegulmis a`mlera), sanethmlf rither `moomguct ta oml` ml Hmspilmaci. hms ms ganpelsite` dy the isser-tmal thit the Ml`mils were dcesse` wmth sugh lituric weicth thit they lee`e` lathmlf ecse.

R…^Fa` pravm`e` then wmth oertmce fraul` thit lee`e` alcy i stralf stmgb ta dreib the eirth il`

adtiml graps, sa they `m` lat lee` ta pcaufh. Phey hi` thms il` icc the legessiry thmlfs oar themr `imcysurvmvic R…^ thit ms why they `m` lat lee` naley degiuse they cigb lathmlf (Ipacafítmgi M;085).

? –R…^ the husdil` tmcce` the cil` il` warbe` ml the ec`s, she` il` hulte`2 he draufht waa` il` athernitermics ta galstrugt hauses il` dumc`mlfs, il` he dumct hms awl hause il` icc ather thmlfs thit decalf tanilcy warb.„(Ipacafítmgi M;089) –R…^ the wmoeR…^ ni`e drei`, taab gire ao the ghmgbels, mo they hi` then,welt oar witer ta the rmver, gaabe`, spul il` wave gattal, gcathes, shmrts il` dcilbets they weir il` icsa thelifuis  R…^ il` the lets they gicce` hinigis  il` use` is de`s, icc thms they ni`e wmth nugh irt„ (IpacafítmgiM;080).

6 Pe cast pissife ms the ale oran Gacundus” @miry  `esgrmdmlf hms rst mnpressmal idaut Ml`mils ml Fuilihilm,Agtader 94; –M siw sane ao then wmth waul`s il` sgirs ml themr da`mes. M isbe` wmth smfls idaut the neilmlf

ao sugh sgirs il` they ilswere` thit peapce oran ather mscil`s leirdy gine ta tibe then sa they hi` ta `eoel`thensecves. M thaufht il` stmcc thmlb thit peapce oran the galtmlelt use ta irrmve here ta tibe prmsalers.„

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Ganpcmilge wmth the Irmstatecmil requmrenelts ms esseltmic oar Cis Gisis degiuse alcythms piriccec wmcc iccaw hmn ta prave hms esseltmic irfunelt; the hunilmty ao the ml`mfelaus

 Inermgils. hit ms why he faes ourther wmth ilather mnpartilt adservitmal, thms tmneidaut the requmrenelt ao the exmstelge ao vmccifes ar papucaus pciges. a sustiml hms irfu-nelt he uses hms iutharmty is il eye wmtless, dut thel pravm`es galocmgtmlf `esgrmptmals,

cmbe oar exinpce the ale thit wauc` greite nare thil i hei`ighe oar outure reseirghers; –ml-omlmte vmccifes„ ml Hmspilmaci  (mlomlmtas puedcas el Ci Espiùaci). Ml thms gise i ganpiritmverei`mlf ao hms ather agunelts rither thil gcirmoymlf, nibes the smtuitmal evel nare gan-pcex.8 Zhmcasaphmgiccy hms sacutmal ms ta re-`eomle the galgept ao i gmty, tibmlf thms tmne ilm`ei ao Wimlt Ifustmle. Vhit galstmtutes i gmvmc gannulmty, gicce` i gmty, vmccife ar hincet,ms lat the lunder ao mlhidmtilts cmvmlf prategte` dy wiccs wmthml i fraup ao lemfhdaurmlfdumc`mlfs. Tither the esselge ms peige, kustmge il` feleric ifreenelt detweel lemfhdaurs.hit ms why evel whel we gillat oml` vmccifes surraul`e` dy wiccs ar cirfe lunders aodumc`mlfs ml Hmspilmaci, we gil ticb ao gmtmes.

R…^ Mo the peapce ao the Ml`mes hive peige, il they cmve larniccy il` qumetcy il` lada`y hirns

ilyale ml themr gmtmes, vmccifes il` pciges R…^ we gil galgcu`e thit themr repudcmgs ire peroegt il` elau- 

 fh oar then, evel nare peroegt thil ather litmals whmgh `a lat hive sa nugh peige R…^ (Ipacafítmgi


Cis Gisis nilifes ta prave hms pamlt, the mlhidmtilts ao Hmspilmaci ire pateltmic gil-`m`ites ta cmve i pru`elt cmoe degiuse they passes the egalanmg, `anestmg, oinmcmir il`piterlic Irmstatecmil requmrenelts. Ve hive icsa seel haw oir he gil fa ml hms eooarts taomt the ml`mfelaus papucitmal mlta i gertiml westerl na`ec. Dut we hive icsa prave` thecmnmtitmals ao Cis Gisis” adservitmals ml Hmspilmaci. Vhere gil we oml` the `esgrmptmalsao the Inermgil ml`mfelaus pegucmirmtmes1 Vhel `a we oml` the `etimcs ao the Inermgil

cil`sgipe lat galtinmlite` ar `eomle` dy thms thearetmgic Irmstatecmil orine1 Gil we recyal Cis Gisis ta pravm`e us wmth i oresh, niyde evel surprmsmlf omrst caab it the ulblawlHmspilmaci il` the mlhidmtilts1

 Vhit ms gceir oran the Ipacafítmgi  ms the cigb ao i `esgrmptmal ao i strugture`, ulmome`pacmtmgiccy arfilmze` Ml`mfelaus gannulmty. he repudcmg, ml the gise ao Hmspilmaci, wisperoegt degiuse the peapce cmve` ml peige detweel thensecves il` `m` lat hirn eigh ather.

8 Mo we oaccaw Cis Gisis `esgrmptmals idaut lat alcy the `mnelsmals ao the sa gicce` vmccifes dut icsa haw theywere mlhidmte`, mt gil fet rither galousmlf. –I lemfhdarhaa` ms i gcil thit fraws up, oran ale faes ta nily, il`they mlhidmte` nily hauses il` greite` i lemfhdarhaa` ao sals il` fril`sals. Is the Zhmcasapher siys i gmtyms darl oran nily lemfhdarhaa`s tafether„ (Ipacafítmgi M;08?). Ml Ipacafítmgi MM;540; –Ml Hmspilmaci, Gudi,Wil Kuil, Kinimgi il` the Cugiyas there were mllmte vmccifes, hauses icc tafether, nily lemfhdars oran `mer-elt cmleifes tafether degiuse every ale ao thms gauc` hive oarne` nily hauses il` lemfhdarhaa`s.„ Omliccy ml

 Ipacafítmgi MM;0=9; „Evel mo ml these Ml`mes peapce `a lat hive vmccifes ar gmtmes prategte` dy wicc s, deiutmoucdumc`mlfs ar hmfh tawers, is calf is they cmve ml peige il` ulmte`, we gil lat `ely themr vmccifes, hincets argmtmes the `elmtmal ao sugh. Mt ms elaufh thit they cmve tafether, lat nugh ao then dut elaufh ta tibe the oarn

ao i vmccife ar gmty, iggar`mlf ta the lunder ao lemfhdarhaa`s, oinmcy tmes ar cmleifes tafether, evel mo there irealcy striw galstrugtmals degiuse thit ms icc they lee`.„

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Oar thms fraup ao demlfs,= Cis Gisis isserts, mt wis elaufh ta cmve ml peige il` hippmless,wmth whit they icrei`y hi` ighmeve`; cigb ao ghias. Hmspilmaci wis ml thit selse i peroegtrepudcmg degiuse the peroegtmal ao i gmty ar vmccife cmes ml the peapce cmvmlf ml peige il`hirnaly. a remloarge thms irfunelt evel nare Cis Gisis `esgrmdes haw the Inermgil ml-hidmtilts were idce ta cmve ml peige detweel vmccifes. hase vmccifes were oarne` ao ale ta

omve hul`re` hauses (Ipacafítmgi MM;540) il` ml eigh hause 9: ar evel 95 lemfhdars cmve`wmth themr wmves il` ghmc`rel. Evel nare surprmsmlfcy, il` il mnpartilt irfunelt oar thegmvmcmze` liture ao the mlhidmtilts, wis the oigt thit ml i raul` striw hause, nare ar cess 7:ar 0: oeet ml `mineter, wmthaut raan mvmsmals, 9: ar 95 mlhidmtilts cmve` tafether icc themrcmves wmthaut quirrecs ar `msgussmals detweel husdil`s, wmves ar ghmc`rel.

Dut gil we galgcu`e thel thit the na`ec ao Ml`mil vmccifes ml Hmspilmaci wis alcydise` al the preselge ao idstrigt m`eis sugh is peige il` kustmge1 a oml` nare mloarni-tmal idaut ml`mfelaus gannulmtmes ml Hmspilmaci we hive ta nibe use ao mltertextuicmtyil` kunp digb ta i `agunelt oran 959?, the Mlterrafitarma Keralmnmila. Ve elgaulter,pradidcy oar the omrst tmne, il aoomgmic `agunelt ml whmgh il armfmlic line ms use` ta

`esgrmde il Inerml`mil vmccife; i  yugiyeque . Haw `moomguct mt wis ta ul`erstil` il` tafrisp the neilmlf ao these gannulmtmes ms reocegte` ml the lunder ao war`s use` ml the`agunelt every tmne the iuthars trme` ta oml` i sylalyn oar the war` – yugiyeque „.9: heHmeralynmte agunelt pravm`es useouc mloarnitmal idaut the oigt thit ml 959? there werealcy i oew Ml`mil gannulmtmes ceot ml Hmspilmaci, smlge il aoomgmic ar`er oran the Grawl`eternmle` thit icc Ml`mils hi` ta de nadmcmze` ta gmtmes. he Mlterrafitarma wis wrmtteldy the Hmeralynmte ormirs is pirt ao i systenitmg `aguneltitmal ao the oucomcnelt ao thetisb they hive regemve`; ta stu`y the passmdmcmtmes ao il ml`epel`elt Ml`mil settcenelt mlthe Inermgis. he ripm` `msippeirilge ao the Ml`mil papucitmal wis deganmlf evm`elt,sa the ormirs were ghirfe` ta ul`erstil` the Ml`mil guctures il` restare then. hms wis

il ittenpt ta put mlta prigtmge the utapmi ao vmccifes `estmle` exgcusmvecy oar Ml`mils mlthe gacalmes ul`er Wpilmsh fuir`milshmp. he ormirs warbe` ml i very arfilmze` wiy il`ale ao themr omrst neisures wis ta isb the apmlmal ao 97 wecc blawl nenders ao the Wilta@anmlfa gannulmty. he testmfas , wmtlesses thit ilswere` the questmals were nenders aothe Wpilmsh gannulmty; vmsmti`ares RWpilmsh faverlnelt mlspegtars^, awlers ao elganmel-`is  Rcil` il` mlhidmtilts frilte` ta i galqumsti`ar^, peapce thit deleomte` oran repir-tmnmeltas  R`mstrmdutmal ao ml`mfelaus peapce oar oarge` cidaur^. Icc ao then `egcire` thitMl`mils were mlgipidce ao faverlmlf thensecves, thit they were `efelerites il` espegmiccythit they were ulidce ta ul`erstil` dismg ruces ao survmvic; ta nibe praomt. Ml`mils `m` latul`erstil` the m`ei ao piynelt, exghilfe wmth gipmtic fiml ar surpcus. hey were gipidce

ao warbmlf ml themr galugas Rsnicchac`mlf. Ml`mfelaus ifrmgucture^ dut they prave` ulidce

= Demlf hunil demlfs wmthaut blawce`fe ao the true oimth ni`e the Inerml`mils icsa ulidce ta iggess i gertimloarn ao hippmless thit Irmstatce giccs gmvmc hippmless  ar the gipigmty ta faverl thensecves il` athers wmth vmrtue.Cis Gisis estidcmshe` gceir `merelges detweel Ghrmstmil guctures il` heithels ar lal-ghrmstmils il` ml sugh iwiy nibes gceir the exmstelge ao i ulmque oimth il` ather decmeo. Dut the oigt thit Inerml`mils were galsm`ere`heithels wis lat i reisal ta tibe themr saveremflty il` oree`an iwiy. Cis Gisis expcimle` thit m`acitry `m`lat `epel` al nare ar cess ritmalicmty, mt wis ittrmdute` ta i lituric stite ao hunil demlfs ml idselge ao frige.Oaccawmlf Wimlt Panis he isserts thit icc hunil demlfs hi` il mldarl blawce`fe ao Fa`, ml the gise ao the

 Inerml`mils niyde stmcc galouse`, dut thit wis why `agtrmle wis lee`e` ta teigh then, dut thms gauc` leverde use` is i reisal ta sudkufite then.

9: Pe war` yugiyeque repciges; ismeltas, higmel`is, tmerris, estilgmis, padcigmales, ganirgis, puedcas, pravmlgmis,

gmu`i`es il` vmccis. Icc these Wpilmsh galgepts ippcme` icalf the `agunelts ao Ml`mes whel trymlf ta `esgrmdeHmspilmaci”s hausehac` wmthaut frispmlf the exigt `elmtmal.

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ta nibe pravmsmals oar the outure, they gauc`l”t evel secc the drei` they pra`uge`. Ve rei`icsa ml the `agunelt thit Ml`mils were darl il` draufht up ml  yugiyeques  il` were alcyoarge` ta fa ta gmtmes oar warb. Iggepte` il` regaflmze` gigmques were the cei`ers ao thesegannulmtmes (they evel cmste` the lines ao sane ao the gigmques; Icalsa `e Gégeres il`Ze`ra Gac÷l (Vesgh 9==7;99=), `al Orilgmsga ml Dalia il` @atar ml Wiltmifa (Vesgh

9==7;945). Ve icsa oml` the `esgrmptmal ao themr cidaur systen; the Ml`mils cmve` ml  yu-giyeques , welt ta warb ml the Wpilmsh prapertmes il` digb ta themr  yugiyeques . hms iccms mlgm`eltic mloarnitmal fmvel ml the galtext ao i feleric ganpcimlt idaut haw eismcy,whel famlf digb ta the yugiyeques, Ml`mils oarfat the deleomgmic thmlfs they ceirle` urmlfgaltigt wmth Wpilmsh gmvmcmzitmal. hms neilt thit they galtmlue` prigtmgmlf themr fines,iremtas Rnusmg il` `ilge rmtuic^, gahadi rmtuics Rgerenaly ao il ml`uge` trilge^ il` atherprigtmges galsm`ere` uliggeptidce ml i Ghrmstmil sagmety. he `agunelt shaws appasmtmalil` resmstilge ta ghilfes oran i stralf caddy ao Wpilmsh mltereste` pirtmes wha oect themrdismg prmvmcefes ta expcamt the ml`mfelaus papucitmal were threitele`. Ioter twa yeirs theHmeralynmte expermnelt oimce` `ue ta appasmtmal oran mltereste` pirtmes il` the terrmdce

race ao the niyar`anas  ml ghirfe ao the i`nmlmstritmal ao the gannulmtmes wha prmarmtmze`themr awl egalanmg mlterests, il` omliccy `ue ta i terrmdce autdreib ao sniccpax thit taabthe cmves ao i freit lunder ao Ml`mils.

 Is mloarnitmve is thms `agunelt praves ta de we gillat rekegt Cis Gisis. Hms `agu-nelts galtiml useouc mloarnitmal pregmsecy ml the nanelts thit the ghralmgcer ms gal-oralte` wmth the oimcure ao the piriccec detweel the Irmstatecmil na`ec il` the Inermgilreicmty. Mt ms thel whel he ms galoralte` wmth il` trmes ta –ganpelsite„ the suppase` fip mlthe thearetmgic orine thit he `esgrmdes Inermgil ghirigtermstmgs. he hauses ml Hmspilmaciwere ni`e ao faa` nitermics, they were ganoartidce il` stralf, il` themr smnpcmgmty, whmghatherwmse nmfht hive deel i smfl ao dirdirmsn, wis ganpelsite` dy themr gceilcmless, il`

dumc`mlf nitermics sugh is striw, drim`e` mlta i`nmridce il` deiutmouc pitterls dekugasRgcmndmlf pcilts ao the rapmgs smnmcir ta the cmili^ il` the lmge snecc ao sane ao the pciltsuse` oar the galstrugtmal (Ipacafítmgi M;08:-089, MM;545).

Oar i `egalstrugtmve rei`mlf ao Cis Gisis”phmcasaphmgic m`eis these `etimcs niy saul`smnpce dut themr preselge galstmtutes nitermic oar ather `msgmpcmles ta `evecap these pamltsil` regalstrugt il eltmre prakegtmal ao Inerml`mil vicues, dise` al the smnpcmgmty ao `a-nestmg deiuty `esgrmde` dy Cis Gisis.99 

he gacalmic `agunelts galtmlue preseltmlf i ghiccelfe, ta gcissmoy, ta sunnirmze il`evel ta rei`, neilmlf thit the mloarnitmal they galtiml renimls is sane bml` ao ulblawlcil` wimtmlf ta de `ega`e`, line` il` `mspciye` ta the eyes ao the warc`.

99 I gceir exinpce gauc` de irghieacafmst @r. Icmge Winsal”s mssertitmal; Telewmlf the Hause. Prikegtarmes ao sagmiccmoe ml the yugiyeque (gannulmty) ao Ec Gida, Hmfóey, @anmlmgil Tepudcmg, I@ 8:: ta 95:0 . Whe isserts; –R…^ theirghieacafmgic evm`elge suffests thit i gucturic iesthetmg ao `anestmg deiuty exmste` ml Ec Gida whmgh oaguse`al the strugture ao the hause. Pms wis m`eltme` dy oagusmlf itteltmal al virmaus ispegts ao the cmoegygce aothe hause sugh is the gaar`mlite`, kamlt eart il` exigtmlf exegutmal ao hause oaul`itmals, the naluneltic-

mty ao the hause oiæi`e, `ressmlf ao the idil`ale` hause cmbe the `ressmlf ao the hunil sagmic da`y il` therespalsmdmcmty ta repcmgite ar relew the suggessouc hane oar perpetumty„ (Winsal 4:9:;464).

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48=G T


Deughat, N.

4::0 Ci Yuerecci `e ci Galqumsti. Uli pacínmgi `ec smfca X_M.  Níxmga; Wmfca _emltmulaE`mtares. Gaceggm÷l Inírmgi Luestri, Nexmga.

F÷nez, D., il` K. Hunderta

4::4 Cas Ml`mas Ne`mevices `e Oriy Ze`ra `e Ifui`a. Galstruggm÷l `ec M`÷citri y esgrmturi`e ci hmstarmi el uli gr÷lmgi `ec smfca X_M.  GEKI, Dafati.

Helmfe, @.

9==4 a rei` ms ta nmsrei`, ta wrmte ms ta nmswrmte. Cis Gisis is trilsgrmder. Ml Inerml`milMnifes il` the Cefigy ao Gacundus, e`mte` dy T. Kiri il` L. Wpi`iggmlm, pp. 9=8-44=.Ulmversmty ao Nmllesati Zress, Nmllesati.

 Kiri, T., il` L. Wpi`iggmlm (e`mtars)9==4  Inerml`mil Mnifes il` the Cefigy ao Gacundus . Ulmversmty ao Nmllesati Zress,Nmllesati.

Cis Gisis, D. `e

9==4 Ipacafítmgi Hmstarmi Wunirmi M y MM. Ml Adris Ganpcetis , anas ? il` 6. IcmilziE`mtarmic, Ni`rm`.

Winsal, I._.N.

4:9: Telewmlf the Hause. Prikegtarmes ao sagmic cmoe ml the yugiyeque (gannulmty) aoEc Gida, Hmfuey, @anmlmgil Tepudcmg, I@ 8:: ta 95:0 . Zh@ `mssertitmal, Cem`elUlmversmty. Wm`estale Zress, Cem`el.

 Vesgh, I.

9==7 Banneltmerte E`mtmal ul` cmlfumstmsghe Ultersughulf `er Mloarnigm÷l `e cas Ker÷lmnas (Wilta @anmlfa 9596) . Fulter Lirr _ercif ódmlfel, ódmlfel.

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 Ispegts ao Mscil` Girmd irghieacafy 

 Irme Daaner t 

Tegelt mlvestmfitmals al the mscil`s ao Wt. _mlgelt il` @anmlmgi hive ymec`e` irghiea-cafmgic evm`elge galsm`eridcy `eepelmlf aur mlsmfht mlta the Giya pattery ganpcex ao the

 Vml`wir` Mscil`s il` mts settcenelt strugture. Mt ms law felericcy iggepte` thit Giyagerinmgs represelts the eirthelwire repertamre ghirigtermzmlf the Mscil` Girmd (Bicmlifa)

peapce oran the cite-prehmstarmg epmsa`e wecc mlta the gacalmic perma`. Desm`es, the pre`an-mlilt ermvitmal ao Giya pattery oran thit ao the Barmida ganpcex, blawl thraufhaut theFumilis, ms la calfer ml `audt, garradaritmlf the gcimn ao the Mscil` Girmd nel, regar`e`ml the nm`-sevelteelth geltury, ta themr armfml ml the gaistic zale ao the Fumilis il` themr

 kamlt ethlmgmty wmth the Girmds (Bicmli ) ao the nimlcil`.

Mlvestmfigmales regmeltes el cis mscis e Wil _mlgelte y ci @anmlmgi hil pra`ugm`a evm`el-gmi irqueac÷fmgi que praoul`mzi e nileri galsm`eridce luestri ganprelsmal ec ganpcekagerénmga Giya `e cis Mscis `e Dircavelta y `e su estrugturi `e iseltinmeltas. Ihari estéfelericnelte igepti`a que ci gerénmgi Giya represelti ec repertarma icoirera que girigte-

rmzi i cis Girmdes Mlsucires (Bicmlifa) `ec perîa`a prehmst÷rmga tir`îa histi eltril`a el ecperîa`a Gacalmic. I`enés, ci m`ei que ci gerénmgi Giya se `ermve `ec ganpceka Barmida,`agunelti`a par ta`a cis Fuiyilis, yi la gue`i el `u`i, galomrnil`a ec regcina `ehandres Girmdes Mlsucires, refmstri`a i ne`ma smfca `megmsmete, `e su armfel el ci zali gas-teri `e cis Fuiyilis y `e su pertelelgmi ítlmgi gal cas Girmdes (Bicmli ) `e tmerri omrne.

@es regherghes rígeltes sur ces ìces `e Wimlt-_mlgelt et `e @anmlmque alt ippartí ce tí-namflife irghíacafmque pernettilt `”ippraoal`mr galsm`íridcenelt latre pergeptmal `uganpcexe `e paterme Giya `es Ìces `u _elt et `e ci strugture `”hidmtit qum y est issagmíe. Mcest nimltelilt fílíricenelt i`nms que ci gírinmque Giya repríselte ce rípertamre e pate-rmes girigtírmsilt ces Giriádes mlsucimres (Bicmlifa) `e c”ípmsa`e príhmstarmque tir`mo ivilgí`e ci pírma`e gacalmice. El autre, ci `írmvitmal prí`anmlilte e ci paterme Giya e gecce uganpcexe Barmida, gallu `ils tautes ces Fuyiles, l”est pcus nmse el `aute, et garradareimlsm ê ci revel`mgitmal `es hannes Giriádes mlsucimres, elrefmstríe iu nmcmeu `u X_MMesmègce, `e regalliìtre ceur armfmle `ils ci zale gðtmère `es Fuyiles et ceur ippirtelilgeethlmque gannule iveg ces Giriádes (Bicmli ) `u galtmlelt.

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Ul`audte cy the Giya ganpcex oarns the ceist wecc-blawl dut ale ao the nast mltrmfumlfgerinmg issendcifes blawl oran Cesser Iltmcceil irghieacafy ta `ite. Omrst elgaultere`dy M.I. Eirce Bmrdy it the Lew Wil`y Diy smte gcase ta the Giya Tmver ml lartheist Wt._mlgelt ml the 9=6:s (Bmrdy 9=60), sudsequeltcy Giya gerinmgs were m`eltmome` dy the iu-thar is represeltmlf the pattery ganpcex ao the Mscil` Girmd wha mlhidmte` the Vml`wir`

Mscil`s `urmlf cite-prehmstarmg il` pratahmstarmg tmnes (Daanert 9=8?, 9==52 see Omfure

Omfure 9 Nip ao the Eisterl Girmddeil, shawmlf the `mstrmdutmal ao the Giyaganpcex il` the secenelt irei ao the Mscil` Girmd gi. 9?:: (mlterrupte` cmle).

Cefel`; (9) Giya secenelt smtes2 (4) Giya ml`mvm`uic l`s.



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9). Lawhere ms the preselge ao Giya detter blawl irghieacafmgiccy thil ml Wt. _mlgelt,dut gcasecy recite` nitermics hive icsa deel regavere` oran smtes ml Disse-erre, Fui`ecaupe(Tmghir` 4::4i, 4::4d, 4::7), @anmlmgi (Daanert 4::=2 Zetmtkeil Tafet 9=68;Zhatas0-5), Nirtmlmque (Iccimre 9=80;Omfure 7;I), Wt. Cugmi (Haonil il` Drmfht 4::0), Mce `eTal`e, Freli`mles (Zetmtkeil Tafet 4::9/4::4;?:-?9), Freli`i (Ga`y Hac`rel 9==8;8:-

89, 86), il` rmlm`i` (Daanert 9=8?;Omfure 49;6). Desm`es, ml 9==7 Caums Iccimre wis idceta m`eltmoy Giya pattery gceircy issagmite` wmth nitermics itmlf ta the hmstarmg perma` sughis fciss dei`s il` adkegts ao mral, gapper ar driss il` fulocmlt it the Irfyce smte ao Wt._mlgelt, mlgcu`mlf i ulmque Giya patsher` wmth i sermes ao fciss see` dei`s mlcim` ml thermn (Iccimre 9==02 Iccimre il` @uvic 9==5).

Wmlge Iccimre”s mlvestmfitmals it Irfyce oar nare thil i `egi`e la ourther warb wisul`ertibel it the Giya smtes ao Wt. _mlgelt il` alcy spirsecy ecsewhere ml the Vml`wir`Mscil`s. Hawever, ml 4::8 the Girmddeil Teseirgh Fraup ao the Oigucty ao Irghieacafy,Cem`el Ulmversmty, mlmtmite` il irghieacafmgic prakegt mltel`e` ta ul`ertibe ourther ir-ghieacafmgic il` ethlahmstarmgic reseirgh mlta the Mscil` Girmd aggupitmal ao the Cesser

 Iltmcceil irghmpecifa. Is i omrst stife ao thms prakegt i snicc tein ao Cem`el Ulmversmty, ga-aperitmlf wmth @r. Cellax Halyghurgh ao the @anmlmgi Nuseun, Taseiu, surveye` pirtao lartheist @anmlmgi ml ar`er ta ilicyse i sermes ao snicc smtes ao the Giya ganpcex ml

 Kiluiry 4::8. he irei mlvestmfite` ms smtuite` sane ?-95 bn larth ao the preselt Girmderrmtary whmgh hauses i thrmvmlf gannulmty ao (nmxe`) `esgel`ilts ao the hmstarmg Mscil`Girmd ar Bicmlifa is they gicce` thensecves.9 Wudsequeltcy the galstrugtmal warbs oar thelew mlterlitmalic imrpart it Irfyce, Wt. _mlgelt, whmgh wmcc cei` ta the `estrugtmal ao iccirghieacafmgic smtes ml the irei, were reisal oar Cem`el Ulmversmty ta peroarn resgue exgi-vitmals it the Irfyce smte ml 4::= il` 4:9:, ga-aperitmlf wmth Nrs. Bithy N. Nirtml aothe Wt. _mlgelt il` he Freli`mles Litmalic rust il` pirtmiccy oul`e` dy the Wt. _mlgelt

Mlterlitmalic Imrpart @evecapnelt Ganpily. hese mlvestmfitmals ymec`e` oar the omrsttmne ml Girmddeil irghieacafy pitterls ao pastnac`s ao hauses il` ather strugtures ao iGiya/Mscil` Girmd settcenelt lext ta nadmce oml`s mlgcu`mlf Giya pattery issagmite` wmthhmstarmg pattery, fciss il` netic renimls.

Giya il` the Mscil` Girmd

he regaflmtmal ao the Mscil` Girmd gerinmg ganpcex oarne` il irghieacafmgic dale aogalteltmal thraufhaut nast ao the segal` hico ao the prevmaus geltury. Vhmce ml the omrstmlstilge the pattery ao the Wuizil raunissam` sudsermes (thel stmcc gicce` the Wuizey sermes

ar tri`mtmal) wis oect ta represelt Bicmlifa gerinmgs (NgBusmgb 9=?:2 Duccel 9=?0), sud-sequeltcy the iuthar teltitmvecy m`eltmome` the cmttce-blawl Giya ganpcex ao Wt. _mlgelt issugh, usmlf irghieacafmgic il` ethlahmstarmgic `iti (Daanert 9=8?). Icthaufh thereupal@ivms il` Faa`wml (9==:) `msgusse` the ‘Mscil` Girmd Zradcen” whmce ouccy mflarmlf thmsevm`elge, the elsumlf regavery ao Giya gerinmgs oran virmaus smtes detweel Freli`i il`Fui`ecaupe lext ta Iccimre”s `msgavermes al Wt. _mlgelt settce` the nitter qumte galgcusmve-cy. Teseirgh shauc` law oagus al the regavery ao nily nare Giya smtes ml the Vml`wir`Mscil`s, preoeridcy dy gandmlmlf ethlahmstarmgic mlvestmfitmal wmth irghieacafmgic regal-

9 Pit ms ta siy; the nel ml Mscil` Girmd sagmety gicce` thensecves is sugh, whmce the wanel use` the tern

Bicmpuli . Pe nice oarn ms esseltmiccy m`eltmgic ta Bicmli , the line the Girmd ao the nimlcil` stmcc ta`iyenpcay ta reoer ta themr awl peapce (see Daanert 9=8?).

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limssilge. Desm`es, the questmal why mt his tibel sa calf ta m`eltmoy Mscil` Girmd gerin-mgs shauc` de ilswere` whmce the tenparic il` gucturic recitmalshmp detweel the virmausWuizil il` Giya pattery ganpcexes ml the Vml`wir`s his ta de ourther ilicyse`.

Ale ispegt ao the pradcen, aur blawce`fe ao the Bicmlifa gerinmg ganpcex oar is oir mtgil de regalstrugte` oran the `aguneltiry evm`elge his regeltcy deel stu`me` ta freiter

`epth thil prevmauscy (Hirrms 9===2 Haonil il` Drmfht 4::0). Mgalafriphmgiccy Mscil`Girmd gerinmgs ire paarcy blawl. Alcy i oew pmgtures ire blawl shawmlf pattery is pirtao the Inerml`mil sgelery ml the mscil`s (see Iccimre 9=80). Wugh il mccustritmal ms repre-selte` dy il elfrivmlf ao Wídistmel Ce Gcerg whmgh wis pudcmshe` ml @u ertre”s HmstamreFílírice  ao 9?69. Mt shaws i neetmlf detweel Orelgh simcars il` Mscil` Girmd al the deighao ale ao the Orelgh mscil`s (@u ertre 9=67;MM-764). Uloartulitecy, the vessec mccustrite`dy Ce Gcerg ms ao i very feleric shipe. he alcy pudcmgitmal whmgh ms igganpilme` dy `e-timce` pmgtures ao i lunder ao Mscil` Girmd irteoigts mlgcu`mlf pattery vessecs ms Wmeur @e ciDar`e”s Tecitmal `es Giriádes siuvifes `es Msces Iltmcces `e c”Inírmque ao 9?60 whmgh shaws igaupce ao vessecs pravm`e` wmth sanewhit pamlte` dises il` `egarite` wmth `esmfls whmgh

uloartulitecy ippeir ta de cirfecy ar eltmrecy irmsel oran the oiltisy ao the mccustritar (@e

Omfure 4 Mscil` Girmd paery vessecs shawl ml Wmeur `e ci

Dar`e”s Tecitmal `es Giriádes siuvifes `es Msces Iltmcces `ec”Inírmque (9?60).

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ci Dar`e 9==4;Omfures 9:-992 see Omfure 4). Ather mtens sugh is i Girmd wirgcud (dautal),i pi``ce il` i gaum , m.e. i hicve` gicidish use` oar servmlf gissivi deer, ire shawl ta dearlinelte` wmth smnmcir natmos. Vhether the mccustritar mltel`e` ta shaw thit these mtenswere `egarite` wmth pimlte` ar mlgmse` `esmfls ms ulgceir. Iggar`mlf ta the Ilalynausao Girpeltris (4::4;974-970), the Mscil` Girmd pimlte` themr gaums  icc-aver re` ar ippcme`

dcigb natmos al i re` digbfraul`. Dretal (9===;6) lates thit they use` ta snu`fe nastao themr pattery dy omrmlf mt ml i re`ugmlf rither thil axm`mzmlf elvmralnelt resuctmlf mldcigbele` suroiges il` sudsequeltcy virlmshmlf mt wmth ícínm , i lituric resml `ermve` oranthe dirb ao the cagust tree (Hyneliei gaurdirmc ).

Mlterestmlfcy, is late` prevmauscy (Daanert 9==5), the lanelgciture ao the virmausMscil` Girmd vessec shipes, regar`e` dy sevelteelth- ta emfhteelth-geltury iuthars sugh isthe Ilalynaus ao Girpeltris, Dretal, Tagheoart, @u ertre, @u Zums, @e ci Dar`e, Cidit,il` the Ilalynaus ao Wt. _mlgelt, shaws il mlterestmlf `mstmlgtmal detweel twa fel`er-recite` oulgtmalic eirthelwire gitefarmes. _essecs typmgiccy issagmite` wmth the nice sphereao igtmvmtmes girry lines ao Girmdil cmlfumstmg ioomcmitmal whmce oarns gallegte` wmth the oe-

nice aggupitmals ml Mscil` Girmd sagmety ire ml`mgite` dy Nimpuril Iriwibil ar Eurapeillines. he nice-issagmite` vessecs mlgcu`e wecc-omlmshe`, nare ar cess gerenalmic gerin-mgs, use` oar gannulic use `urmlf neics, the prepiritmal ao gissivi deer ar oar servmlf thecitter `urmlf `rmlbmlf oeists, whmce the oenice-recite` eirthelwire ganprmzes alcy purecy`anestmg vessecs lext ta frm``ces.

he `mnarphmsn ml Bicmlifa  vessec lanelgciture igguritecy reocegts the `mstmlgtmaldetweel the fel`er-ioomcmite` refmsters enpcaye` ml Mscil` Girmd sagmety ml whmgh the nel,thaufh speibmlf dismgiccy Lartherl Iriwibil, use` i cirfecy Bicmli   (Nimlcil` Girmd)ar Bicmli -`ermve` vagiduciry, whmce the wanel enpcaye` i ouccy Iriwibil cexmgal (Haoo9==0, 9==5). Is ms wecc blawl, pirt ao the Mscil` Girmd nyths ao armfml isgrmde thms cml-

fumstmg smtuitmal dy pastucitmlf thit the nel ml themr sagmety ire `esgel`e` oran Girmdil-speibmlf wirrmars wha alge mnnmfrite` mlta the Vml`wir` Mscil`s oran the irei ao theFicmdms , m.e. Bicmli , ao the Fumilis, nare spegmomgiccy the cawer Niralm Tmver ml larth-eist Wurmline il` larthwest Orelgh Fumili. hey wauc` hive extmlfumshe` the nel il`nirrme` the wanel ao the armfmlic mlhidmtilts ao these mscil`s wha spabe i Nimpuril

 Iriwibil cilfuife gcasecy recite` ta Cabala ar rue Iriwib ao the Wauth Inermgil niml-cil` il` sauth rmlm`i`. Mt ms wecc ta reicmze thit galtriry ta the gannalcy hec` vmew, theMscil` Girmd lirritmves al themr armfml ire gertimlcy lat ulilmnaus ml gcimnmlf exigtcy thmssgelirma. a the galtriry, ale ao the versmals regar`e` hac`s thit ml oigt the Vml`wir`swere ulmlhidmte` it the tmne ao the Mscil` Girmd mnnmfritmal oran the Fumili gaistic zale

(Fuccmgb 9=8:).he Girmdil lines ghirigtermzmlf the nice-recite` Mscil` Girmd vessec repertamre suf-

feste` ta Iccimre (9=66, 9=80) thit the armfml ao thms partmal ao themr pattery ganpcex hi`ta de saufht ml the Fumilis. haufh hms reisalmlf gillat de iggepte` wmthaut quicmomgi-tmal, the cmlfumstmg resendcilge ms gertimlcy ml`mgitmve ao i nimlcil` gallegtmal. Desm`es,

 Iccimre”s il` the iuthar”s stu`y ao Bicmlifa pattery niluoigture is wecc is vessec narphaca-fy il` egaritmve pitterls gceircy suffests thit the eircy hmstarmg Mscil` Girmd gerinmg gan-pcex `evecape` piriccec ta thit ao the preselt Bicmli Ml`mils ao the Fumilis aut ao i cite-prehmstarmg ilgestric tri`mtmal gannal ta dath. hms citter gerinmg issendcife gauc` dem`eltmome` is the Barmida ganpcex, il aooshaat ao the Barmidil sudsermes ao the Fumilis, mt-

seco oarnmlf pirt ao the Zacyghrane ri`mtmal ar Nirikairam` sermes ao Inizalmi (Daanert

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4::0). Is nugh ao the Giya pattery ao the Vml`wir` Mscil`s shaws typmgiccy Barmidavessec shipes il` `egaritmve natmos, the iuthar his galgcu`e` thit thms mlsucir ganpcexoarns i `ermvitmal oran the Barmida gerinmgs il`, galsequeltcy, represelts the Bicmlifa pattery tri`mtmal. Desm`es, kust is nugh Barmida pattery ml the Fumilis, i lunder ao Giyapatsher`s oran Lew Wil`y Diy, Wt. _mlgelt, ippeir ta de tenpere` wmth girimpí , m.e. the

durle` dirb ao the Cmgilmi  tree, whmgh ms ml`mfelaus ta the Fumilis il` rmlm`i`, dut ul-blawl oran the Vml`wir` Mscil`s (see Daanert 9=8?, 9==5).Mt ms latewarthy thit lat the eltmre Giya gerinmg repertamre gil de mlterprete` is eni-

litmlf oran the Barmida ganpcex ao the Fumilis. Mlstei`, ale pirtmgucir vessec shipe,_essec Oarn 0 ao Daanert (9=8?), gillat de isgrmde` ta thms nimlcil` gerinmg tri`mtmal. Mtganprmzes nare ar cess dmgalmgic dawcs ao ne`mun prapartmals shawmlf galgive legbs il`restrmgte` ganpasmte galtaurs, aotel egarite` wmth pulgtite` ar lmgbe` snicc blads it thegarler pamlt (see Daanert 9=8?;Omfures 7-0, 5-0, il` 9:-0). Oarn is wecc is arlinelti-tmal ao thms vessec shipe shaw gcase smnmcirmtmes ta the Cite Ghmgam` dawcs ao Hmspilmaci,Zuerta Tmga il` the _mrfml Mscil`s, espegmiccy thase mlgcu`e` dy Firgîi Irívica (9=68;

Omfure 4, Cin. MMM;d-g) ml hms gerénmgi grmacci  gitefary ao hmstarmg tmnes. hms gucturic cmlbwmth the cite-prehmstarmg Ml`mils ao the Freiter Iltmcces niy armfmlite oran the gipturmlfao iîla wanel dy the Mscil` Girmds whmgh tafether wmth the rim`mlf ao Cabala (Iriwib)wanel oran the nimlcil` il` rmlm`i` gil de tibel ta hive deel respalsmdce oar i galtml-uaus remloargenelt ao the Nimpuril Iriwibil ecenelt ml Mscil` Girmd sagmety. Atherwmse,mt nmfht de isgrmde` ta iîla Ml`mils wha esgipe` oran Zuerta Tmga il` the _mrfml Mscil`s`ue ta Wpilmsh pressure ml the galtigt perma` (Drmfht, persalic gannulmgitmal 4:9:).

 Icthaufh the nimlcil` ioomcmitmals ao Giya gerinmgs suffest thit the nikar thene mlthe Mscil` Girmd nyths ao themr armfml ms hmstarmgiccy garregt, `audtcesscy the Bicmlifa set-tcenelt ml the Vml`wir` Mscil`s oarne` alcy the uctmnite autgane ao icrei`y exmstmlf

recitmalshmps ao mlternirrmife, tri`e, il` gerenalmic exghilfe, thus geneltmlf ritherthil `msruptmlf calf-estidcmshe` pitterls ao mlterigtmal il` gannulmgitmal detweel thenimlcil` il` the Cesser Iltmcces. Gceircy, the oarnitmal ao the Bicmli /Bicmlifa/Cabala sphere ao mlterigtmal, gcasecy blmt dy tmes ao bmlshmp, ethlmgmty, cilfuife, exghilfe, wir,il` gucture, whmgh elganpisse` the Vml`wir` Mscil`s, rmlm`i` il` the cmttaric zale aothe Fumilis, hi` mts raats ml raunissam` tmnes. Ml`ee`, mo the adifa evm`elge ms exen-pciry oar the Vml`wir` Mscil`s, the fel`er-recite` `mvmsmal ao Mscil` Girmd gerinmgs hi`mts pregursars ml the raunissam` sermes ao the Cesser Iltmcces. Dath sudsequelt adifalmilraunissam` ganpcexes, Fac`el Frave il` Zcynauth, shaw i `mvmsmal mlta dismgiccy twa`mstmlgt wires wmth spegmicmze` oulgtmals il`, galsequeltcy, `mooerelt aggupitmalic il`

fel`er issagmitmals, m.e. i nice-recite` hmfh-quicmty wire servmlf purpases ao nare ar cessgerenalmic ghirigter il` i oenice-ioomcmite` gairse wire wmth purecy `anestmg oulgtmals(Daanert 4::5, 4::62 Daanert il` Bineleoo 4::7).

Ml 4::8 lartheist @anmlmgi wis secegte` oar mlvestmfitmlf irghieacafmgic smtes ymec`mlfGiya gerinmgs dy the Cem`el tein is mt ms i`kigelt ta the preselt Girmd errmtary il` shawssmnmcir elvmralneltic ghirigtermstmgs. he Girmd errmtary galsmsts ao 957: hi ao heivmcywaa`e` hmccy gaultry grasse` dy `eep rivmles il` ragby streins, extel`mlf icalf sane 97bn ao ruffe`, mrrefucir gaistcmle. Mts papucitmal ms galgeltrite` ml sevel gaistic hincets,ao whmgh Wicydmi oarns the i`nmlmstritmve geltre. hese vmccifes, whmgh ire `mstmlfumshe`dy felericcy wm`ecy `msperse` hauses, ire gallegte` dy the wml`mlf gaistic rai` rullmlf

oran Nirmfat ta Gistce Druge (Bauilirm) il` deyal`. Ml i``mtmal, sgittere` `weccmlfs

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ire oaul` icalf the hmccsm`es. he diy ao Wicydmi ms the alcy cil`mlf ao sane sudstilge oarthe omshernel inalf the Girmd. It preselt hauses ire ao @anmlmgil Greace type, rimse`:.5-9.5 n oran the fraul` al pmces, wmth ocaarmlf il` wiccs ao hir`waa` dair`s il` fic-vilmze` mral sheetmlf oar raaos (Halyghurgh 4:::;9:2 iycar 9=78). hey typmgiccy shec-ter lugceir oinmcmes. Eigh hause (numlil) his i nu` gaurtyir` dehml` mt wmth i sepirite

bmtghel il` citrmle. Is Haafcil` (9=80) lates, arfilmg `edrms ms felericcy `mspase` ao dy`unpmlf mt al scapmlf fraul` deyal` the yir` whmce netic il` fciss ire thrawl al tapao i ruddmsh pmce lext ta the yir`. Oaa` renimls sugh is ghmgbel dales il` omsh ire oe` tapmfs ar `afs.

he tri`mtmalic Mscil` Girmd vmccife shawe` i qumte mooerelt ciyaut. Is esgrmde` dy sev-elteelth- ta emfhteelth-geltury adservers sugh is the Ilalynaus ao Girpeltris, Dretal,@u ertre, Tagheoart, Cidit, il` Ce Dretal (gmte` dy Ciomtiu), mt galsmste` ao i cirfe nel”s(issendcy) hause wmth i snicc pcizi ml oralt, surraul`e` dy sniccer oinmcy `weccmlfs. henel”s hause (tédaóm ) wis i dirl-cmbe avic ta regtilfucir dumc`mlf, neisurmlf 98-7:x?-6.5n (975-445 n4) il` reparte`cy gipidce ao hac`mlf up ta 94: hinnagbs. Mt galsmste` ao

i raw ao heivy oarbe` pasts, pcige` it `mstilges ao gi. 4 n il` ende``e` :.5-9.5 n mltathe eirth it the dattan, whmgh supparte` the raao. Oran the tap rioters ri`mite` autwir`il` `awlwir` ta the fraul`, suppartmlf the raao whmgh wis gavere` wmth picn ceives,tme` wmth gar`s. Wanetmnes ale el` wis eltmrecy apel whmce the ather el` wis gcase` dyi wicc ao raseiu ree` ( Irul`a sigghiram`es ) cithes, alcy mlterrupte` dy i `aar. Mo the nel”shause wis eltmrecy gcase`, mt hi` twa `aars, ale it emther el`. Desm`es, mt hi` i snicc apel-mlf ml the raao, the ‘`evmc”s apelmlf”, whmgh iccawe` the shinil”s tuteciry spmrmt ta elter`urmlf i síilge. he tédaóm  wis surraul`e` dy snicc oinmcy hauses, m.e. avic ta raul` hutswmth picmsi`e` wiccs galsmstmlf ao ree`s oistele` igrass il` raaos gavere` wmth picn ceives.hese huts hi` alcy ale apelmlf il` were mvm`e` mlta twa pirts, ale servmlf is the sceep-

mlf quirters ao wanel il` ulnirrme` ghmc`rel il` the ather ale oarnmlf the bmtghel. Isepirite she` wis use` is the stareraan ao weipals il` vicuidce utelsmcs.

he nel”s hause serve` is i `imcy neetmlf pcige oar the nel ao the vmccife, is i pcige taregemve il` igganna`ite fuests, ta hac` gannulic oeists, il` aggismaliccy ta dury `e-geise` (nice) nenders ao the gannulmty. he nel use` ta spel` pirt ao the `iy ml the is-sendcy hause, `msgussmlf nitters ao wir il` peige oran themr hinnagbs. Vanel eltere`alcy ta serve neics ar ta wmpe the (`mrt) ocaar. he alcy galtenpariry represeltitmal ao ilMscil` Girmd (ar Bicmli ) vmccife ms shawl al i ulmque mlb il` witergacaur nilusgrmpt nip,pradidcy `riwl dy Vmccen Naccels, the @utgh faverlar ao the Gaurcil`er settcenelt itpreselt-`iy Zcynauth al the ceewir` gaist ao adifa, `itmlf ta 9?5? (see Daanert 4::4).

hms nip, the armfmlic ao whmgh wis `estraye` `urmlf the Wegal` Varc` Vir, shaws the Inerml`mil vmccife it the digb ao the Gaurcil`er oartress Kebids (Kigad), gicce` ioter the@ube ao Gaurcil` (preselt Citvmi). he vmccife galsmsts ao i regtilfucir, eltmrecy gcase`,dumc`mlf wmth thitghe` raao, advmauscy the nel”s hause, aggupymlf the geltre ao il apelsquire whmgh ms elgmrgce` dy i sermes ao (perhips twelty) raul` oinmcy hauses wmth galmgic,thitghe` raaos (Omfure 7). he `riwmlf suffests thit the wiccs ao dath the nel”s hause il`the oinmcy huts were ni`e ao gcasecy-sets paces ar ree`s. he strugtures ire avershi`awe`dy i tree ao galsm`eridce smze. @irb-sbmlle`, spirmlfcy gci` Ml`mils, hac`mlf speirs ml themrhil`s, ire shawl mlsm`e the vmccife (Nittmesel 9=0:;Birte D).

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Giya pattery revmsmte`

 Is the teghlacafmgic il` gucturic ispegts ao the pattery nitermics regavere` `urmlf the4::8-4:9: surveys il` exgivitmals it Wt. _mlgelt il` @anmlmgi ire stmcc ul`er stu`y itCem`el Ulmversmty, alcy i precmnmliry iggault ao these nitermics gil de fmvel. Is ta nilu-oigture, the pattery oaul` it icc smtes ul`er `msgussmal gil de ghirigtermze` is tenpere`

pre`anmliltcy wmth na`erite inaults ao cagic quirtz sil` il` snicc quiltmtmes ao dcigbnmlerics. Vhether these lal-pcistmgs gil de m`eltmome` is `ecmderite i``mtmals ta the pat-ter”s gciy ar lituric mnpurmtmes his ta de `eternmle` yet. Gamcmlf ippireltcy oarne` theprmniry netha` ao niluoigture. Dises were emther ni`e usmlf nauc`s ar dy ocittelmlf autao i scid ao gciy. Omrmlf taab pcige ml il apel omre. Wuroige wicc gacaur virmes oran dcigbar `irb frey ta drawlmsh re`, `epel`mlf al whether re`ugmlf ar axm`mzmlf gal`mtmalsprevimce` `urmlf omrmlf. Mt ms latewarthy thit hmfh prapartmals ao pattery shawmlf `irbmshsuroiges `ue ta re`ugmlf gal`mtmals ao omrmlf hive deel m`eltmome` it severic smtes ymec`mlfGiya gerinmgs ml the Vml`wir` Mscil`s (Daanert 9=8?).

hree nikar Barmida vessec shipes ire udmqumtaus inalf the Giya gerinmgs elgaul-

tere` `urmlf the Cem`el exgivitmals ml Wt. _mlgelt il` @anmlmgi. he snicc ta ne`mun-smze` kir wmth autgurvmlf rmn, vertmgic ar icnast vertmgic legb il` fcaducir da`y (GiyaOarn 5), whmgh represelts i `mregt gapy ao the Barmida legbe` kir (Oarn 99), ms nastgannal. wa vessecs, iggm`elticcy elgaultere` ml 4::0 it the Vaa`oar` Hmcc smte al@anmlmgi, decalf ta thms gciss (Daanert 4::=2 see Omfure 0). Desm`es, i `egarite` rmnorifnelt ao thms type ao legbe` kir wis elgaultere` dy Wteve Celmb (persalic gannulmgi-tmal) ml pratahmstarmg galtext it the Ml`mil Tmver smte al Zrmlge Tupert Diy, @anmlmgi, ml4::?. Ipirt oran @anmlmgi il` the Lew Wil`y Diy, Irfyce, Drmfhtal, il` Ormel`cy Diysmtes al Wt. _mlgelt (Omfure 5), Giya Oarn 5 legbe` vessecs ire blawl oran Nirtmlmque(Iccimre 9=80;Omfure 7I), Zcife `e Taseiu, Disse-erre, Fui`ecaupe (Tmghir` 4::7;Omfure0), il` Mgigas, sauthwest rmlm`i` (Daanert 9=8?;Omfure 49;6). Ilather typmgiccy Giya

Omfure 7 Zirt ao il mlb il` witergacaur nilusgrmpt nip, pradidcy `riwl dy Vmccen Naccels ml 9?5?,shawmlf i pradidcy Mscil` Girmd vmccife smtuite` larthwest ao the Gaurcil`er oart Kebids (here lat

shawl) it preselt Zcynauth, Padifa. I`ipte` oran i repra`ugtmal dy Nimesel (9=0:;Birte D)2 armfm-

lic `estraye` `urmlf the Wegal` Varc` Vir.

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vessec shipe, the ne`mun-smze` ta cirfe kir shawmlf i galvex legb il` fcaducir da`y aoGiya Oarn 8 (Daanert 9=8?;Omfures 0;D7, ?-0), whmgh gcasecy resendces Barmida Oarn97, his deel m`eltmome` it the Ml`mil Tmver smte al @anmlmgi dy Wteve Celmb (persalic

gannulmgitmal) il` it Ficdy Diy, Freli`i, dy Ga`y Hac`rel (9==8;Omfure 5-4:). Ml Wt._mlgelt thms vessec oarn his deel elgaultere` it the Irfyce smte.

 I thmr`, typmgiccy Barmida-`ermve` vessec oarn ms represelte` dy the ne`mun-smze` apeldawc shawmlf galgive sm`es il` cade` rmns ao Giya Oarn 7 (Daanert 9=8?;Omfures 7-7,5-7, 9:-4). Mt ms the mlsucir gaulterpirt ao Barmida Oarn 5 (Daanert 9=8?;Omfure 94-5)il` ms blawl oran Irfyce il` Ormel`cy Diy, Wt. _mlgelt, il` Zcife `e Taseiu, Disse-erre,Fui`ecaupe. Omliccy, mt ms latewarthy thit the rmns ao icc Giya vessec shipes shaw pre-`anmliltcy ocittele` cmps. hms ippcmes icsa ta sugh lal-`miflastmg oarns is the ne`mun-smze`, restrmgte` dawcs ao Giya Oarn 9 (Daanert 9=8?;Omfure 7-9), the snicc ta ne`mun-smze` apel dawcs wmth galvex sm`es ao Giya Oarn 4 (Daanert 9=8?;Omfures 7-4, 5-4) il`

the ne`mun-smze` dmgalmgic dawcs ao Giya Oarn 0 shawmlf galgive legbs il` restrmgte`

Omfure 0 Kir ao Giya Oarn 5, iggm`elticcy elgaultere` it Vaa`oar` Hmcc, @anmlmgi, ml

4::0. Gaccegtmal @anmlmgi Nuseun, Taseiu.

Omfure 5 Kir ao Giya Oarn 5, pravelilge ulblawl, Wt. _mlgelt. Gaccegtmal

Wt. _mlgelt il` Phe Freli`mles Litmalic Prust, Bmlfstawl.

4 gn

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ganpasmte galtaurs whmgh ire aotel `egarite` wmth pulgtite` ar lmgbe` snicc blads itthe garler pamlt (see Daanert 9=8?;Omfures 7-0, 5-0, 9:-0). Exinpces ao the citter vessecgitefary, whmgh ms gcasest ta the Cite Ghmgam` dawcs ao Hmspilmaci, Zuerta Tmga il` the_mrfml Mscil`s, hive deel elgaultere` it dath the Lew Wil`y Diy il` Irfyce smtes al Wt._mlgelt (Omfure ?).

Zattery arlineltitmal ms recitmvecy cmnmte` dut virme`. Dmgalmgic dawcs il` legbe` ves-

secs ao respegtmvecy Giya Oarns 0 il` 5 aotel shaw vertmgic ar harmzaltic avic blads wmthi sermes ao ml`eltitmals al themr cirfest deccy `mineters. hms il` ather types ao smnpcena`eccmlf (Omfure 6) ire blawl oran virmaus smtes al @anmlmgi (e.f. Zetmtkeil Tafet 9=68;Zhatas 0-5)2 mt ms reparte` oran Irfyce il` Lew Wil`y Diy, Wt. _mlgelt (Daanert 9=8?;Omfure 9:-0) il` Zcife `e Taseiu, Disse-erre, Fui`ecaupe (Tmghir` 4::7;Omfure 0), iswecc. Desm`es, typmgiccy Giya/Barmida luddmls shawmlf pulgtitmals ippcme` wmth i haccawree` hive deel regavere` it the Ml`mil Tmver smte, @anmlmgi. Atherwmse, sugh luddmls ireblawl oran Vaa`oar` Hmcc, @anmlmgi (Zetmtkeil Tafet 9=68;Zhata 5), Lew Wil`y Diy,Wt. _mlgelt (Daanert 9=8?;Omfure 6-6), il` Ficdm, Freli`i (Ga`y Hac`rel 9==8;Omfure5-4:). Taws ao pulgtitmals ar omec`s ao `msperse` pulgtitmals ire gannal al espegmiccyhil`ces icsa arlinelte` wmth feanetrmg il` ilthrapazaanarphmg hei` cufs (e.f. Daanert9=8?;Omfure 6-4,0). he Giya Oarn 4 apel dawc wmth devecce` rmn mlcim` wmth i sermes aofciss see` dei`s, regavere` dy Iccimre (9==0) it Irfyce, ao whmgh i gaulterpmege wis oaul``urmlf the Cem`el warb it thms smte, gil de tibel ta decalf ta thms `esmfl gitefary.

@egaritmve natmos galsmstmlf ao raws ao pulgtitmals rullmlf piriccec ta smlfce ar nuc-tmpce mlgmse` cmles ire blawl oran Irfyce il` Zcife `e Taseiu, Disse-erre, Fui`ecaupe(Tmghir` 4::4i). Mlterestmlfcy, ganpiridce esmfls ganprmsmlf raws ao pulgtitmals, sane-tmnes gandmle` wmth piriccec rullmlf mlgmse` cmles, ire elgaultere` icsa al the gerinmgsao galtenpariry lal-Giya smtes ml the Fui`ecaupeil irghmpecifa sugh is Ilse `u Gaq,Nirme-Ficilte, il` Narle Gydèce, Ci @ísmri`e (Haonil 9==6). Ippcmquí omccets shawmlfraws ao pulgtitmals ire blawl oran Wiuteurs, Freli`i (Ga`y Hac`rel 9==8;Omfure 5-8)

Omfure ? @egarite` dmgalmgic dawc ao Giya Oarn 0, pravelilge ulblawl, Wt. _mlgelt. Gaccegtmal Wt.

_mlgelt il` Phe Freli`mles Litmalic Prust, Bmlfstawl.

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il` Mce `e Tal`e (Zetmtkeil Tafet 4::9/4::4;?:). Exgcusmvecy mlgmse` `egaritmve natmos irecess gannal. Wugh `esmfls hive deel reparte` oran Lew Wil`y Diy, Wt. _mlgelt (Daanert9=8?;Omfure 8), Wiuteurs, Freli`i (Ga`y Hac`rel 9==8;Omfure 5-6;D,@), il` Zcife `eTaseiu, Disse-erre (Tmghir` 4::7;Omfure 7). Ganpcmgite` mlgmse` natmos shawmlf wivycmles issagmite` wmth suppceneltiry `esmfl ecenelts ire blawl oran Irfyce.


Tevmewmlf the Giya pattery ganpcex, mt shauc` de igblawce`fe` thit `ue ta the precmnm-liry stife ao mlvestmfitmal ao the Irfyce gerinmg nitermics `eomlmte galgcusmals gillat de

`riwl. Leverthecess mt ms advmaus thit dath it the @anmlmgil smtes mlvestmfite` il` it Irfyce il` Ormel`cy Diy, Wt. _mlgelt, i nmlarmty ao typmgiccy raunissam` pattery oeituresms represelte` ml issagmitmal wmth the Giya gerinmgs. Oar mlstilge, i gerinmg na`e sugh issgritghe` suroiges orequeltcy aggurs it icc ao these smtes. hms smtuitmal ms nitghe` dy thepreselge ao sgritghe` patsher`s it ather smtes ymec`mlf Giya nitermics ml the Vml`wir`Mscil`s, e.f. Wiuteurs Diy, Freli`i (Ga`y Hac`rel 9==8;Omfures 5-9:,94), suffestmlf thitvessec wicc sgritghmlf oarne` i raunissam` pattery na`e stmcc ml use sane tmne ioter therepcigenelt ao nast Wuizil raunissam` gerinmgs dy the Giya ganpcex. he galtmlue`prigtmge ao sgritghmlf vessec suroiges oaccawmlf the mltra`ugtmal ao Giya vessec shipes il``egaritmve natmos ippireltcy ciste` wecc mlta gacalmic tmnes is mt ms i gerinmg oeiture wecc

blawl oran the hmstarmg oacb pattery ao the refmal (e.f. @rewett 9==6;Omfure 02 Zeterselil` Vitters 9=88;Omfure 8). Mo sa, mt wauc` ml`mgite i fri`uic inicfinitmal ao Giya il`Wuizil raunissam`, rither thil the idrupt sudstmtutmal ao the citter dy Giya (Mscil`Girmd) gerinmgs. hms ms icsa suffeste` dy the preselge ao typmgiccy Wuizil oaate` frm``cesit the Irfyce smte.

Gairse-wire sgritghe` pattery vessecs il` oaate` frm``ces typmgiccy decalfe` ta the`anestmg eirthelwire ml the Wuizil raunissam` gannulmtmes ao the Vml`wir` Mscil`s,Dirdi`as il` adifa, il`, galsequeltcy, were ioomcmite` wmth the oenice sphere ao igtmvm-tmes ml Inerml`mil sagmety. he gairse-wire (caw-quicmty) pattery advmauscy serve` prmni-rmcy is gaabmlf vessecs ar is regeptigces oar oaa` starife il` is gissivi-drewmlf galtimlers

(Daanert 4::62 Daanert il` Bineleoo 4::7). Icc ao thms suffests papucitmal galtmlumty

Omfure 6 @egarite` rmnsher` ao i Giya Oarn 5 kir, regavere` `urmlf the 4::= exgivitmals it Irfyce, Wt.

_mlgelt. Gaccegtmal Wt. _mlgelt il` Phe Freli`mles Litmalic Prust, Bmlfstawl.

9 gn

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il`, nareaver, the idsarptmal ao cagiccy resm`elt Wuizil wanel mlta Giya/Mscil` Girmdsagmety, enerfmlf ml the Vml`wir` Mscil`s ml cite-prehmstarmg tmnes. hms irghieacafmgicsgelirma ms istalmshmlfcy smnmcir ta thit suffeste` dy the Mscil` Girmd tri`mtmals ao themrarmfml, whmgh reoer ta fraups ao nice mnnmfrilts oran the Fumili gaistic zale mlternmx-mlf wmth the oenice papucitmal ao the Vml`wir` Mscil`s. Nareaver, mt reocegts the Mscil`

Girmd `mnarphmsn ml vessec lanelgciture regar`e` ml the nm`-sevelteelth geltury. Althe ather hil`, mt ms wecc ta beep ml nml` thit the suffeste` nice Bicmli  settcenelt al themscil`s nast cmbecy oarne` alcy the uctmnite autgane ao icrei`y exmstmlf recitmalshmps aomlternirrmife, tri`e il` gerenalmic exghilfe, thus geneltmlf rither thil msruptmlf calf-estidcmshe` pitterls ao mlterigtmal detweel the nimlcil` il` the Iltmcces.


he iuthar”s 4::8 il` 4::=-4:9: reseirgh ml @anmlmgi il` Wt. _mlgelt taab pcige ul`erthe iuspmges ao the prakegts ‘Nadmcmty il` exghilfe; @ylinmgs ao nitermic, sagmic il` m`ea-cafmgic recitmals ml the pre-Gacundmil mlsucir Girmddeil” il` ‘Gannulmgitmlf gannulm-tmes; Ulrivecmlf pre-gacalmic letwarbs ao hunil nadmcmty il` exghilfe ao faa`s il` m`eisoran i pil-Girmddeil perspegtmve”, ce` dy Zraoessar Garmlle C. Haonil il` oul`e` dy theLethercil`s Arfilmsitmal oar Wgmeltmomg Teseirgh, he Hifue. Desm`es, mt wis supparte`dy frilts oran the Wtmghtmlf Le`ercil`s Nuseun vaar Ilthrapacafme el Zriehmstarme,

 Inster`in, he Lethercil`s, il` the Wt. _mlgelt Mlterlitmalic Imrpart @evecapneltGanpily. Ml 4:9: the reseirgh taab pcige ml galkulgtmal wmth i prakegt ao gerinmg ilicy-sms ao cite-prehmstarmg smtes it the starife oigmcmtmes ao the @mregtmal Tífmalice `es IooimresGucturecces (@TIG) il` the Nusíe E`fir Gcerg ml Ce Nauce, Fril`e-erre, Fui`ecaupe,oul`e` dy the @TIG.


 Iccimre, C.

9=66 Citer Zrehmstary ml Nirtmlmque il` the Mscil` Girmds; Zradcens ml Ethlmg M`eltmomgitmal.Zh@ `mssertitmal, ]ice Ulmversmty, Lew Hivel, G. Ulmversmty Nmgraomcns, Ill


9==0 Hmstarmg Girmd smte `msgavere`! Ulmversmty ao Nilmtadi Wt. _mlgelt IrghieacafmgicZrakegt Lewscetter 9.

 Iccimre, C., il` @.. @uvic9==5 Wt. _mlgelt revmsmte`. Zragee`mlfs ao the 95th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil

 Irghieacaf y, Wil Kuil, pp. 455-4?4.

 Ilalynaus ao Girpeltris

4::4 Tecitmal `”ul vayife mloartulí oimt iux Ml`es aggm`eltices pir ce gipmtimle OceuryR...^. Ml Ul Ocmdustmer Orilæims ils ci Ner es Iltmcces 9?98-9?4: , e`mte` dy K.-Z. Nareiu,4l` e`. Ziyat & Tmvifes, Zirms. RArmfmliccy wrmttel 9?98-9?4:^

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Daanert, I.

9=8? he Giya ganpcex ao Wt. _mlgelt; Ethlahmstarmgic il` irghieacafmgic ispegts aothe Mscil` Girmd pradcen. Iltrapac÷fmgi  ??;7-?8.

9==5 Mscil` Girmd irghieacafy. Ml Vacves oran the sei; Tei`mlfs ml the ilthrapacaf y ao the

litmve Girmddeil, e`mte` dy L.C. Vhmtehei`, pp. 47-75. BMC_ Zress, Cem`el.4::4 Inerml`mil-Eurapeil elgaulters al il` iraul` adifa (90=8-gi. 989:).

 Iltrapac÷fmgi  =6/=8;69-4:6.

4::0 Barmida il` the Zacyghrane ri`mtmal; he cite-prehmstarmg eri detweel theArmlaga il` Inizal nauths. Ml Cite Gerinmg Ife Wagmetmes ml the Eisterl Girmddeil,e`mte` dy I. @ecpuegh il` G.C. Haonil, pp. 459-4??. DIT Mlterlitmalic Wermes 9467.

 Irghieapress, Axoar`.

4::5 Fac`el Frave; I cite-prehmstarmg gerinmg ganpcex ao adifa. Cem`el Kaurlic aoZattery Wtu`mes 49;46-?:.

4::6 Zcynauth; I cite-prehmstarmg gerinmg ganpcex ao adifa. Cem`el Kaurlic ao ZatteryWtu`mes  47;949-58.

4::= Weirghmlf oar Giya ml @anmlmgi. Ziper preselte` it ao the 47r` MlterlitmalicGalfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy, Iltmfui.

Daanert, I., il` C. Bineleoo

4::7 Zrecmnmliry repart al irghieacafmgic mlvestmfitmals it Freit Gaurcil` Diy,adifa. Zragee`mlfs ao the 4:th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy, Wilta@anmlfa, pp. 056-?8.

Dretal, T.

9=== @mgtmallimre giriáde-orilæims . E`. dy Nirmli Desi`i Zimsi. Í`mtmals Birthici/MT@,Zirms. ROmrst pudcmshe` Iuxerre 9??5^

Duccel, T.Z.

9=?0 Phe Irghieacafy ao Freli`i, Vest Ml`mes . Galtrmdutmals ao the Ocarm`i WtiteNuseun, Wagmic Wgmelges 99, Fimlesvmcce.

Ga`y Hac`rel, I.

9==8 Tim`ers il` Pri`ers; Giriáde Wagmic il` Zacmtmgic Letwarbs it the Pmne ao EurapeilGaltigt il` Gacalmzitmal ml the Eisterl Girmddeil. Zh@ `mssertitmal, Ulmversmty aoGicmoarlmi, Cas Ilfeces. Ulmversmty Nmgraomcns, Ill Irdar.

@ivms, @.@., il` T.G. Faa`wml

9==: Mscil` Girmd armfmls; Evm`elge il` lalevm`elge.  Inermgil Iltmqumty   55(9);76-08.

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@e ci Dar`e, W.

9==4 Il iggault oran the Kesumt Nmssmals; Wmeur @e ci Dar`e (9?60). Ml Vmc` Nikesty;Elgaulters wmth Girmds oran Gacundus ta the Zreselt @iy , e`mte` dy Z. Hucne il` L.C.

 Vhmtehei`, pp. 978-50. Gcirel`al Zress, Axoar`. ROmrst pudcmshe` Zirms 9?60^

@rewett, Z.C.9==6 he Wprmlf Hei` petrafcyph give; I sinpce exgivitmal.  Kaurlic ao the Dirdi`as

 Nuseun il` Hmstarmgic Wagmety  07;5:-8.

@u ertre, K.D.

9=67 Hmstamre Fílírice es Iltmcces Hidmtíes pir ces Orilæams , 0 vacs. Í`mtmals es HarmzalsGiriádes, Oart-`e-Orilge ROmrst pudc. Zirms 9??6-9?69^.

Firgîi Irívica, N.I.

9=68 Mlocuelgmis `e ci `meti ml`a-hmspélmgi el ci gerénmgi iîli. Zragee`mlfs ao the6th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar the Wtu`y ao Zre-Gacundmil Guctures ao the Cesser Iltmcces,Girigis, pp. 4?7-466.

Fuccmgb, G.K.N.T.G.

9=8: Mscil` Girmd tri`mtmals idaut themr irrmvic ml the Cesser Iltmcces. Zragee`mlfs ao the8th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar the Wtu`y ao Zre-Gacundmil Guctures ao the Cesser Iltmcces,Girigis, pp. 487-4=:.

Hirrms, Z. A”D.

9=== Ethlatypacafy; he disms oar i lew gcissmomgitmal ao Girmddeil pattery. Zragee`mlfsao the 9?th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy, Fui`ecaupe, pp. 705-??.

Haoo, D.K.

9==0 Mscil` Girmd, il Iriwibil cilfuife whmgh mlgarparite` i cexmgic refmster aoGirmdil armfml, use` ta i``ress nel. Ml Nmxe` Cilfuifes; 95 Gise Wtu`mes ml CilfuifeMltertwmlmlf, e`mte` dy Z. Dibber il` N. Naus, pp. 9?9-9?8. MOA, Inster`in.

9==5 Cilfuife galtigt, wir, il` Inerml`mil hmstarmgic tri`mtmal; he spegmic giseao the Mscil` Girmd. Ml Vacves oran the sei; Tei`mlfs ml the ilthrapacafy ao the litmveGirmddeil, e`mte` dy L.C. Vhmtehei`, pp. 76-5=. BMC_ Zress, Cem`el.

Haonil, G.C.

9==6 hree cite prehmstarmg smtes ml the permphery ao Fui`ecaupe; Fril`e Ilse, CesWimltes il` Narle Gydèce 9 il` 4, Ci @ísmri`e. Zragee`mlfs ao the 9?th MlterlitmalicGalfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy, Fui`ecaupe pp. 95?-?6.

Haonil, G.C., il` I.K. Drmfht

4::0 Oran Wuizam` ta Oacb pattery; Zattery niluoigturmlf tri`mtmals ml i ghilfmlfsagmic il` gucturic elvmralnelt al Wt. Cugmi. Lew Vest Ml`mil Fum`e/Lmeuwe Vest-

Ml`msghe Fm`s 68(9/4);67-9:0.

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Halyghurgh, C.

4::: Girmd ta Greace; I Hmstary ao Galtigt il` Gucture Exghilfe . he @anmlmgiMlstmtute, Taseiu.

Haafcil`, N.C.Z.

9=80 Armelterel` etla-irgheacafmsgh al`erzaeb ap @anmlmgi. Ml @e Irgheacafme vilWt. Eustitmus el Widi; Mltri-mlsucimre el Mlter-mlsucimre Altwmbbecmlfel ml het GiriádmsghFedme` , e`mte` dy I.H. _ersteef, N.E.T.F.L. Kilsel, C. vil `er _icb il` N.C.Z.Haafcil`, Mltermn-Tippart 9=80; 70-75. Cem`el Ulmversmty, Cem`el.

Bmrdy, M.I.E.

9=60 he Giya pattery ao Wt. _mlgelt ‗ I pre-Gicmvmfly sermes. Zragee`mlfs ao the 5thMlterlitmalic Galfress oar the Wtu`y ao the pre-Gacundmil Guctures ao the Cesser Iltmcces,

 Iltmfui, pp. ?9-0.

Nittmesel, A.H.

9=0: @me Bacalmic- ul` Óderseepacmtmb `er burcàl`msghel Herzÿfe mn 96. ul` 98. Kihrhul`ert . Bahchinner, Wtuttfirt.

NgBusmgb, N.D.

9=?: @mstrmdutmal ao Gerinmg Wtyces ml the Cesser Iltmcces, Vest Ml`mes . Zh@ `mssertitmal, ]ice Ulmversmty, Lew Hivel. Ulmversmty Nmgraomcns, Ill Irdar.

Zetersel, K.D., il` @.T. Vitters

9=88 Iora-Naltserritmil gerinmgs oran the Hirley smte genetery, Naltserrit, VestMl`mes. Illics ao Girlefme Nuseun 56;9?6-86.

Zetmtkeil Tafet, H.

9=68 Tegallimssilge irghíacafmque ê c”ìce `e ci @anmlmque (Vest Ml`mes). Zragee`mlfsao the 6th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar the Wtu`y ao Zre-Gacundmil Guctures ao the Cesser

 Iltmcces, Girigi, pp. 89∔=6.

4::9/4::4 –@e Dicaue ê Girmigau„; Oigettes e c”Irt Inírml`mel Ilgmel es Zetmtes Iltmcces‗ Giticafue `es Zmèges Expasíes. Eganusíe `e Nirmtmlmque, Oart-`e-Orilge.

Tmghir`, F.4::4i  riviux et regherghes irghíacafmques `e terriml. Gipesterre Decce-Eiu; Irrmèrepcife `e Taseiu. Dmcil Wgmeltmomque `e ci Tífmal Fui`ecaupe 4::9;54-0.

4::4d riviux et regherghes irghíacafmques `e terriml. Gipesterre Decce-Eiu; Taseiu.Dmcil Wgmeltmomque `e ci Tífmal Fui`ecaupe 4::4 ;74-7.

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4::7 Ce smte irghíacafmque `e ci Zcife `e Taseiu ê Gipesterre Decce Eiu. Tívíciteur`”ule aggupitmal Giriáde Mlsucimre el Fui`ecaupe. Zragee`mlfs ao the 4:th MlterligmalicGalfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy, Wilta @anmlfa, pp. 95-44.

iycar, @.N.

9=78 Phe Girmds ao @anmlmgi . Wnmthsalmil Mlstmtutmal, Dureiu ao Inermgil EthlacafyDuccetml 99=. Vishmlftal, @.G.

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Cite pre-Gacalmic il` eircy Gacalmic Inerml`mil sagmety mlthe Cesser Iltmcces

 Icms ti mr K. Drmfht 

 Irghieacafmgiccy speibmlf, the trilsmtmal oran pre-Gacalmic ta Gacalmic Inerml`milgucture ml the Cesser Iltmcces ms stmcc paarcy ul`erstaa`. Al nily mscil`s, ri`magirdal`ites extel` la citer thil the eircy omoteelth geltury, il` irghieacafy ao Gacalmic pe-

rma` Inerml`mil sagmety ms icnast lal-exmstelt. Hawever, oran the nm`-sevelteelth gel-tury alwir`s, Cesser Iltmcceil Inerml`mil sagmety disbe` ml galsm`eridce itteltmal oranEurapeil triveccers, tri`ers il` nmssmalirmes. Nily ao these gannmtte` themr adservitmalsta piper, ymec`mlf i pcethari ao ethlacafmgic iggaults ivilt-ci-cettre is wecc is nips aooresh Gacalmic passessmals. hms irtmgce exinmles the rmgh ethlahmstarmgic il` girtafriphmgregar` ao the Gacalmic perma` Girmddeil, wmth the imn ao pravm`mlf i disecmle oar i yet tade mlmtmite` irghieacafy ao Gacalmic perma` Inerml`mil sagmety ml the Cesser Iltmcces. Latalcy the freit pateltmic dut icsa the pradcens issagmite` wmth these cmles ao evm`elge wmccde `msgusse`.

@es`e ci perspegtmvi e ci irqueacafîi, ci trilsmgm÷l e ci gucturi pre-Gacalmic i ci Gacalmicel cis Iltmccis Nelares smfue smel`a nic galagm`a. El nughis mscis, oeghis `e ri`magirda-la la sadrepisil cas prmlgmpmas ec Wmfca X_ y uli irqueacafîi sadre ci sagme`i` inerml`mi`ec perîa`a gacalmic es prigtmginelte mlexmstelte. Wml endirfa, i pirtmr `ec Wmfca X_MM, cisagme`i` inerml`mi `e cis Iltmccilis Nelares es adketmva `e galsm`eridce itelgm÷l `e pir-te `e vmikeras eurapeas, ganergmiltes y nmsmaleras. Nughas `e eccas esgrmdmeral sadre susadservigmales, pra`ugmel`a `e tic nileri uli pcítari `e nenarmis etlac÷fmgis i`eciltasi su tmenpar , isî gana nipis `e cis pasesmales gacalmices regmel adtelm`is. Este irtmgucaexinmli ec refmstra etlahmst÷rmga y girtafréomga el ec Girmde `ec perîa`a Gacalmic, gal ecadketmva e prapargmalir uli cîlei dise piri uli irqueacafîi e ci sagme`i` ml`îfeli el cis

 Iltmccis Nelares el ec perîa`a Gacalmic, que iûl es par estir mlmgmi`a. La s÷ca ec patel-gmic, smla tindmíl cas pradcenis isagmi`as gal estis cîleis `e pruedis se `msgutmré.

Wur ce pcil irghíacafmque, ci trilsmtmal eltre ci gucture inírml`melle prígacalmice et ga-calmice est taukaurs nic ganprmse `ils ces Zetmtes Iltmcces. Wur ci pcupirt `es ìces, ces `itesri`magirdales le renaltelt fuère pcus caml qu”iu `ídut `u X_e smègce et c”irghíacafme `e cisagmítí inírml`melle e ci pírma`e gacalmice est quism mlexmstilte. Gepel`ilt, ès ci namtmí`u X_MMe smègce, ci sagmítí Inírml`melle `es Zetmtes Iltmcces i reæu ule itteltmal galsm`í-ridce `e ci pirt es vayifeurs, ganneræilts et nmssmallimres eurapíels. Dal landre ”el-tre eux alt galsmflí ceurs adservitmals pir ígrmt, cimssilt ule pcíthare `e ganptes-rel`us

ethlacafmques ivilt-ci-cettre, `e nëne que `es girtes `es lauvecces passessmals gacalmices.Get irtmgce exinmle ci rmghesse `es refmstres ethla hmstarmque et girtafriphmque girmdíels

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`e ci pírma`e gacalmice, `ils ce dut `e oaurlmr ule dise `e ríoírelge paur ule irghíacafme Inírml`melle `e gette pírma`e qum `amt elgare ëtre elfifíe `ils ces Zetmtes Iltmcces. Laus`msguterals mgm lal seucenelt u fril` pateltmec e gette lauvecce ippraghe, nims iussm espradcènes qum y salt issagmís.

Mltra`ugtmal Irghieacafmgiccy speibmlf, the trilsmtmal oran pre-Gacalmic ta Gacalmic tmnes ml the Cesser Iltmcces ms is yet paarcy ul`erstaa`. Al nily mscil`s, ri`magirdal `ites extel` la citerthil the eircy omoteelth geltury, il` irghieacafy ao Gacalmic perma` Inerml`mil sagmetyms stmcc ml mts mloilgy ml the Cesser Iltmcces. Ethlahmstarmgic iggaults ao Cesser Iltmcceil

 Inerml`mil sagmety ire extrenecy spirse il` oceetmlf it dest ultmc the defmllmlf ao the sev-elteelth geltury, il` alcy reiccy pmgb up oran the nm` 9?::s alwir`s. here ms i fip aoirfuidcy sane 95: yeirs detweel the omrst eyewmtless iggaults ao the Wpilmsh ml the Cesser

 Iltmcces ml the 90=:s (Ghilgi 9==72 Gacundus 9==6) il` the nare celfthy iggaultspra`uge` nimlcy dy Orelgh nmssmalirmes oran the nm`-9?::s alwir`s, oaccawmlf ml thewibe ao pernilelt Eurapeil settcenelt ao the refmal. Zrmar ta thit, spari`mg il` oceet-mlf Eurapeil oariys mlta the Cesser Iltmcces ymec`e` spirmlf, superomgmic reparts, whmce theWpilmsh galgeltrite` themr elerfmes al the Freiter Iltmcces il` citer Nm``ce Inermgi il`Wauth Inermgi. hms cei`s ta i smtuitmal ao irfuidcy sane 45: yeirs urmlf whmgh aur vmewao Inerml`mil sagmety ms nurby it dest il` lal-exmstelt it warst. hereoare, thms irtmgcewmcc omrst sbetgh the autcmles ao cite pre-Gacalmic (cite phise Cite Gerinmg Ife; I@ 9:::-95::) Inerml`mil sagmety al the disms ao irghieacafmgic reseirgh, deoare navmlf al ta ms-guss Inerml`mil sagmety ml Gacalmic tmnes is fcmnpse` thraufh ethlahmstarmgic saurges il`Gacalmic girtafriphy. he avervmew wmcc geltre nimlcy al the Vml`wir` Mscil`s, degiusenast (extelsmve) ethlahmstarmgic saurges oagus al the Vml`wir` Mscil`s (il` Fui`ecaupe).haufh hmfhcy precmnmliry il` oir oran exhiustmve, mt ms hape` thit thms secegtmve avervmewao eircy Gacalmic perma` resaurges wmcc fa sane wiy ml galtrmdutmlf ta i yet ta de ecida-rite` irghieacafy ao Gacalmic perma` Girmddeil Inerml`mil sagmety.

Tegalstrugtmlf cite pre-Gacalmic-perma` Inerml`mil sagmety 

he Vml`wir` Mscil`s ire felericcy galsm`ere` ta hive seel galtmluic aggupitmal oranthe Eircy Gerinmg Ife (I@ 7::/0::-6::) up ta Gacalmic tmnes (Iccimre 9=662 Daanert9=862 Duccel il` Duccel 9=642 @rewett, e`. 9==9), icthaufh ri`magirdal evm`elge oar the

 Vml`wir` Mscil`s ml the niml `aes lat stretgh deyal` I@ 97:: (see icsa Drmfht 4:992

Omtzpitrmgb 4::?). Oran the 90=:s alwir`s, (ethla)hmstarmgic saurges ittest ta i smflmomgilt Inerml`mil preselge ml the refmal (Ilalynaus ao Girpeltris 4::42 Dretal 9=68, 9==82@e Ciet 9=792 Lmghacc 9?:6). Hawever, the questmal ms lat whether there wis il ml`mf-elaus survmvic, dut rither whmgh (ml`mfelaus) peapces survmve` il` helge were reparte` alml the Eircy Gacalmic Zerma`. Ulcmbe the Freiter Iltmcceil mscil`s, whmgh seen ta hive ex-permelge` i recitmvecy ul`msturde` cagic evecapnelt oran the Eircy Gerinmg Ife alwir`s,sane ao the Cesser Iltmcces (il` the sautherl ml pirtmgucir), ippireltcy siw the galtmluicirrmvic ao nimlcil` Wauth Inermgil lewganers (Haonil et ic. 4::62 Haonil et ic. 4:99),nast mltelsmvecy `urmlf the omlic gelturmes ao the pre-Gacalmic perma` (see decaw).

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Ml feleric, Inerml`mil settcenelt ml the Vml`wir` Mscil`s reighe` mts peib `urmlfthe cite phise ao the Cite Gerinmg Ife, wmth sane 9:: settcenelts `mstrmdute` aver themscil`s, is wecc is ilather 95: sniccer smtes (Drmfht 4:99). Nast Inerml`mil settceneltsire pastucite` ta hive deel smtuite` icalf the gaist, il` gcase ta naccusg-rmgh nilfravehidmtits il` aooshare garic reeos, rither thil ta the namst, oareste` ireis il` oreshwiter rmv-

ers thit were sa mnpartilt ml eircmer tmnes (Dírir` il` _m`ic 4::7;4?2 Beefil 4:::;90?).Wettcenelt ciyaut cmbewmse ippeirs ta hac` aver oran eircmer tmnes, wmth la ippirelt smlfcestrugturmlf prmlgmpce, il` `weccmlfs ao virymlf shipes il` smzes (Drmfht 4::72 Narsmlb4::?). Durmic prigtmges ire nare ganpcex thaufh, wmth i latmgeidce shmot oran gannulicta prmvite mlternelt il` icc bml`s ao past-narten nilmpucitmal ao the frive il` the ml-terre` tibmlf pcige (Haonil il` Haafcil` 4::0). Iccimre (9==9;69?-696) ghirigtermze`Cite Gerinmg Ife Vml`wir` sagmety is Inizalmil ml the drai`est selse ao the war`,wmth mts trapmgic oarest egasysten settmlf, sudsmstelge dise` al scish-il`-durl guctmvitmalao nilmag, suppcenelte` dy hultmlf il` omshmlf, recitmvecy caw papucitmals il` smnpce,vmccife-dise` sagmic arfilmzitmal. Iccimre (9==9;696, 644) icsa i`vilge` the passmdmcmty ao

il mlgmpmelt, nare mltefrite` cevec ao sagmic `evecapnelt, ml `eoerelge ta Taasevect”s warb(ul`ersgare` dy citer `evecapnelts ml Inizalmil irghieacafy) il` grass-ganpiritmve re-seirgh al gaistic sagmetmes warc`wm`e. Icrei`y oir oran gucturiccy hanafeleaus ml eir-cmer tmnes, Vml`wir` Mscil` sagmety ippeirs ta hive `mversmome` `rinitmgiccy ml omlic pre-Gacalmic tmnes. Tefmalic ulmty five wiy ta nare cagicmze` galtigt letwarbs perhips ul`erthe mlocuelge ao il mlgreismlf mlocux ao peapce oran the nimlcil` ao Wauth Inermgi il`passmdcy the Freiter Iltmcces il` Ceewir` Mscil`s (Haonil et ic. 4::6). I lunder ao citepre-Gacalmic/eircy Gacalmic-perma` gerinmg issendcifes evmlge i nirbe` Fumilil mlocu-elge (pirtmgucircy ao the Barmida ganpcex), il` hive deel terne` Giya wire (Daanert9=8?, 4::0, thms vacune). hese gerinmgs ire teltitmvecy cmlbe` ta the hmstarmgiccy regar`e`

Mscil` Girmd (Iccimre 9=8:, 9=802 Daanert 9=8?, 9==5, thms vacune), wha regault starmesao themr nmfritmal oran the Wauth Inermgil nimlcil` ta the mscil`s (see decaw).

Oran the cite 90::s alwir`s, we nave mlta the reicn ao wrmttel regar`s oar theGirmddeil refmal, icthaufh the iggaults `msgussmlf the Cesser Iltmcces reniml spirse il`ulrepreseltitmve ultmc the i`velt ao the sevelteelth geltury. he ethlahmstarmgic regar`wmcc law de galsm`ere`, omrst oar the Girmddeil ml feleric, il` thel oar the Vml`wir`Mscil`s ml pirtmgucir.

Tegalstrugtmlf eircy Gacalmic-perma` Inerml`mil sagmety 

Hivmlf sbetghe` the autcmles ao il Inerml`mil mscil`sgipe urmlf cite pre-Gacalmic tmnes,mt ms tmne ta i`vilge mlta the Gacalmic eri, il` `riw whit we gil oran hmstarmgic saurgesil` Gacalmic-perma` girtafriphy. here ms i galsm`eridce inault ao cmteriture al the useao ethlahmstarmgic saurges dy irghieacafmsts, pirtmgucircy `eicmlf wmth haw –RH^ mfh cev-ecs ao gucturic galtmlumty R…^  hive pranpte` irghieacafmsts ta exinmle the hmstarmgic regar`ta iufnelt, ecugm`ite il` expciml prehmstarmg gucture pitterls il` `evecapnelts „ (Wpares9=8:;568-56=). Vhmce irghieacafmgic il` `aguneltiry `iti ire dath galverfelt il` pir-iccec gitefarmes ao evm`elge, ta de utmcmze` tafether ar ml`epel`eltcy ao ale ilather (Wpares9=8:;56=), Vmcsal (9==0) his rimse` luneraus mssues galgerlmlf the use ao ethlahmstarm-gic saurges dy irghieacafmsts. Oarenast, there ms the mssue ao nmxe` epmstenacafmes. Usmlf

hmstarmgic iggaults ml galkulgtmal wmth irghieacafmgic `iti oran deoare galtigt perma`rimses smnmcir pradcens is vmewmlf strugture il` hmstary ml i sylthetmg oishmal; linecy the

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`moomgucty ao mltefritmlf nigrasgice il` nmgrasgice pragesses Rao sagmapacmtmgic ghilfe^ mltai gaherelt expcilitmal (Vmcsal 9==0;47-40). Ethlahmstarmg `agunelts regar` evelts il`persalicmtmes, il` fmve fcmnpses ao the strugture ao recitmalshmps detweel peapce, il` itdest, mlsmfht mlta the strugture il` aperitmal ao gucturic systens. Irghieacafy i``resseshunil dehivmaur al i nugh cirfer sgice ‗ oar exinpce ml the lunders il` smzes ao set-

tcenelts thraufh tmne, ghirigtermstmgs il` ghilfes thraufh tmne ao irteoigt issendcifes,settcenelt pitterls il` sa al. Hawever, oar thms reseirgh, these galgerls ire cess fernile,is the prmniry mlteltmal ms lat sa nugh ta prakegt ethlahmstarmgic oml`mlfs digb mlta theirghieacafmgic pist, dut rither ta issess the pateltmic oar i ganpceneltiry irghieacafmgicperspegtmve al ehlahmstarmgic saurge nitermic. I segal`iry mlteltmal wauc` de ta ganpirecite pre-Gacalmic `iti ta eircy Gacalmic mloarnitmal, ml i selse drm`fmlf the hmstarmgic `m-vm`e, ta mlqumre is ta whit pateltmiccy stiye` the sine il` whit ghilfes niy hive tibelpcige oran pre-Gacalmic ta Gacalmic tmnes.

 Vhmgh Inerml`mils1

Ale ao the nast mltrmfumlf `evecapnelts ml Cesser Iltmcceil sagmety oran pre-Gacalmic taGacalmic tmnes ms thit ao the suppase` cirfe-sgice irrmvic ao lewganers al the sgele orangaistic ireis ao the Fumilis ao Wauth Inermgi. hms phelanelal ganes is la surprmse tairghieacafmsts ao the refmal, wha hive calf regaflmze` thit mlsucir Girmddeil sagmety msnirbe` dy i galstilt ta-mlf il` ora-mlf detweel mscil`s il` nimlcil`s (go. Haonil et ic. 4::6, 4:99). he omlic nmfritmal ippeirs ta hive deel nare mnpigtmlf thil ily eircmernavenelt thaufh, iccefe`cy eltimcmlf the eri`mgitmal ao the nice Iriwib resm`elts ao themscil`s il` the usurpmlf ao the oenice papucitmal oar the purpases ao the lew irrmvics, whagine ta de blawl is Bicmlifa ar Mscil` Girmd. Hawever, Daanert (9==5;79-74) giutmalsthit, latwmthstil`mlf the Girmds” awl iggaults ao themr irrmvic, mt niy de sioer oar law tarefir` then is mnnmfrilts rither thil mlvi`ers. Iggar`mlf ta Dretal (9=68) these Mscil`. Iggar`mlf ta Dretal (9=68) these Mscil`Girmd reoerre` ta il ulspegmome` nimlcil` armfml, whmce @u Zums (9=64) il` @u ertre(9?50) i`` thit they were `esgel`e` oran the nimlcil` Bicmdms  (m.e. Ficmdm ). Icc three ifreethit the lewganers omrst settce` al @anmlmgi (see icsa _erril` 4::9;9:7-9:0). Tagheoartregar`s thit the Mscil` Girmd thensecves gcimne` `esgelt oran the Ficmdms  ao Fuyili, il`omrst settce` al adifa, ale ao the mscil`s gcasest ta the nimlcil` (Tagheoart 9?58;740-77:). Tagheoart icsa reoers ta the nimlcil` armfml ao the eircmer mlhidmtilts ao the mscil`s,hmfhcmfhtmlf the smnmcirmty ml cilfuife detweel thit spabel dy Iriwibs ao the nimlcil`il` Mscil` Girmd wanel (Hucne il` Vhmtehei` 9==4;94:). Gistres (4::4;6:) `aes lat

nibe neltmal ao i nimlcil` armfml, dut wrmtes thit the Inerml`mils decmeve` ml i freitocaa`, whmgh alcy i nil line` Cavega survmve`, oran whan they were icc `esgel`e`.hese mscil` testmnalmes ire garradarite` dy i scmfhtcy eircmer nimlcil` saurge, il ig-

gault wrmttel dy Kines Cey iraul` 9?:8 (Carmner, e`. 4::?). He wrmtes the oaccawmlf;–he Girydes hive tell Tmvers, awyi Biyilm, Niguccmi, Giwrur, Wurmlinni. awpillaniil` ale ather cmttce Tmver. Il` ale ather cmttce Mcil` gicce` @anmlmgi2 Il` ale Mcil`gicce` silti dmssml, Il` ale Mcil` gicce` silti Cuei, il` il Mcil` gicce` Giniwyi, themrGiptimle ms Niyeriwal„  (Cey ml Carmner 4::?;74?-746). he rmvers thit hive deel m`eltm-ome` (Nigurmi, Baurau, Wurmline il` Gappeline) ire icc cagite` ml Wurmlin il` OrelghFuyili, the mscil`s reoerre` ta ire @anmlmgi, Wimlt _mlgelt, Wimlt Cugmi il` Freli`i (see

icsa Carmner 4::?;798-74:, 74?-746). Gistres icsa neltmals thit the Girmd wha oarnercypassesse` nily ao the Cesser Iltmcceil mscil`s were it the tmne ao hms wrmtmlf nimlcy estid-

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cmshe` ml Wt. _mlgelt, @anmlmgi il` al the nimlcil` iraul` the Inizal rmver, leir theWurmline rmver il` gcase ta Giyelle (Gistres 4::4;60).

 Is the Gacalmic perma` ware al, yet ilather nikar `enafriphmg upheivic wis tatibe pcige hawever, ganpaul`mlf the hizy vmew ao ethlmgmty ml the irei `urmlf the eircyGacalmic perma`. Ml the war`s ao Whepir` (9=69;49); –Ml the aggismalic vmsmts ta Wimlt

_mlgelt, twa `mstmlgt riges ao nel were `msgavere`, they were ao `mooerelt armfmls, il`themr ippeirilges il` nillers pcimlcy garrespal`e` wmth thase ao mooerelt partmals ao thefcade. Ale ao these trmdes hi` evm`eltcy `esgel`e` oran the Idarmfmles ao the Mscil`, thaseao the ather trmde were is evm`eltcy mltru`ers„ . he –mltru`ers„ represelte` the mlternmxe`he –mltru`ers„ represelte` the mlternmxe`fraups ao Inerml`mils il` esgipe` Iormgil scives, wha gine ta de blawl is Dcigb Girmd(go. ]aulf 9=69), il` citer Firmouli   (Falzicez 9=88). I lunder ao eircy saurges reoer(Falzicez 9=88). I lunder ao eircy saurges reoerta severic shmpwregbs ao scivmlf shmps aoo the gaist ao Wt. _mlgelt ar Dequmi ml the sevel-teelth geltury is the mlgeptmal ao thms mlternmlfcmlf. Wurvmvars ao the shmpwregb ni`e mtta the share il` were iggepte` mlta Inerml`mil sagmety (Oaster 9=862 Falzicez 9==:;452

 Kahlsal 4::6;989). Hawever, Oaster (9=86) pamlts ta the eircy mlternmxmlf ao Iormgils

wmth Inerml`mils darle aut dy three terns ml Dretal”s 9??5 Girmd-Orelgh `mgtmaliry;–Ghmdéricm, gighîalli, yidaûcaupau, salt ces eloilts elfel`rís `es Wiuvifes et `es Lífresses,qum salt lannís imlsm„   (Dretal 9==8;6). hus, whmce the shmpwregb niy hive oarne` i (Dretal 9==8;6). hus, whmce the shmpwregb niy hive oarne` igalsm`eridce mnpetus ta thms pragess ao ethlafelesms, there hi` pradidcy deel spari`mg ml-gm`elges ao mlternmlfcmlf icnast is saal is Iormgil scives irrmve` ml the Girmddeil eircy mlthe smxteelth geltury, is i resuct ao prmsalers tibel oran the Wpilmsh `urmlf Mscil` Girmdrim`s al Zuerta Tmga (Oaster 9=86;652 Nareiu 9==4;?=). hemr lunders frew is esgipe`scives oran ather Vml`wir` Mscil`s kamle` up wmth then ml `eomilge ao Gacalmic iutharm-tmes (Daanert 4::4;95:2 Falzicez 9==:).

hese Dcigb Girmd i`apte` ispegts ao Mscil` Girmd gucture, evel famlf sa oir is ta prig-

tmge grilmic na`momgitmal ta set thensecves ipirt oran dcigb scives ao Eurapeils, il` gicce`thensecves Bicmlifa (Whepir` 9=69;40). –he lext feleritmal thus degine is mt were, ilew rige, they fri`uiccy qumtte` the waa`s, eregte` huts, il` oarne` cmttce gannulmtmesal the gaist„ (Whepir` 9=69;40). Ml tmne, the Dcigb Girmd gine ta autlunder the armfmlicGirmd, il` nilmoeste` thensecves is the nast igtmve il` eooegtmve appalelts ao EurapeilGacalmic velture. Iggar`mlf ta Whepir`, they icsa mlmtmite` hastmcmtmes ifimlst the ]eccawGirmd (m.e. ulnmxe`) papucitmals wha –it celfth were adcmfe` ta retmre ta the Vml`wir`pirts ao the Mscil`, sane oce` ta the Galtmlelt, il` sane ta adifa„ (Whepir` 9=69;45).

Hivmlf pravm`e` the drmeoest ao autcmles ao cite pre-Gacalmic il` eircy Gacalmic perma` Inerml`mil cmoewiys, we law turl ta i galsm`eritmal ao the ethlahmstarmgic regar` il`

Gacalmic girtafriphy oar evm`elge ao Inerml`mil hidmtitmal il`/ar preselge ml the mscil`s. Vhmce nily saurges nibe feleric renirbs idaut Inerml`mil cmoewiys, ghamges faverlmlfsettcenelt cagitmal il` the strugture ao vmccifes (go. Dretal 9=68, 9==82 Ce Dretal 9==8),themr adservitmals ire felericcy lat spegmomg elaufh ta iccaw m`eltmomgitmal ao ily exigt set-tcenelt cagitmals, il` wmcc thereoare lat de galsm`ere` here.

Ml`mregt ethlahmstarmgic evm`elge

Ml`mregt evm`elge galsmsts ao reparts ao elgaulters il`/ar mlterigtmal wmth Inerml`mils,oar whmgh emther the feleric cagicmty ao the elgaulter ar ao Inerml`mils settcenelts gauc`

pateltmiccy de regalstrugte`.

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– M bept al simcmlf icalf the gaist ao thms mscil` RFui`ecaupe^ wmthaut demlf idce taoml` i part ar i dattan where M gauc` ilghar ultmc M reighe` the larth sm`e, wherenast ao the papucitmal cmves, il` M welt ml very gcase ta cil` il` ilghare` wmth thewhace oceet R…^ he vmccifes ao thms mscil` were lat nily, il` they were sgittere` mlvirmaus cagitmals al the e`fes ao the mscil`„  (Gacundus 9==6;4:5)

–  Icalf the seigaist there were snicc gcusters ao hincets whase mlhidmtilts wauc` iccocee is saal is they latmge` aur ganmlf „  (Ghilgi 9==7;9=).

– Oran the sim` msce RCi @esei`e ml text, dut pradidcy igtuiccy Nirme-Ficilte^ wepisse` ta ilather mscil`, gicce` Fui`ecaupe, whmgh ms very naultimlaus il` mlhid-mte` dy sivifes2 ml mt there ire lunders ao faa` parts, ml ale ao whmgh, line` Nigau,we taab ml witer, il` is we cil`e` we siw nare thil three hul`re` sivifes, wha oce`mlta the naultimls it aur ippraigh R…^„  (Ghinpciml 9=5=;?).

Al the eve ao the 7:th ao Iufust 9?45, Feleric Dau`ewmkl Hel`rmgbszaal irrmve`it the sauth gaist ao Wt. _mlgelt, il` ilghare` smx shmps ml eigh ao the three diys, ta

`riw nare Inerml`mils al dair` il` ta detter reoresh themr `wml`cmlf suppcmes. hey`epirte` ifiml al Weptender 9:th, wecc pravmsmale` (@e Ciet 9=79;=7-=0).

Al Kule 0th 9?7:, the I`nmric”s oceet oaul` mtseco kust aoo Dirdi`as, il` irrmve` itWt. _mlgelt the `iy ioter, ilgharmlf aoo the sauth gaist ml the Wmlt Ilthalms Diy (@eCiet 9=74;9?0).

Al Oedruiry 9:th 9?4?, Feleric Dau`ewmkl Hel`rmgbszaal oaul` hmnseco aoo thelarth-west gaist ao @anmlmgi, leir i cirfe sil`y diy il` i cmttce rmver where oresh wi-ter gauc` de tibel ml. Il Inerml`mil vmccife wis cagite` idaut hico i nmce iwiy, whasemlhidmtilts were `esgrmde` is nicevacelt il` ultrustwarthy (@e Ciet 9=79;99?).

Al Kucy 94th 9?4=, Feleric Zmeter Zmetersz. Heyl il` hms oceet ilghare` aoo the sauthgaist ao Wt. _mlgelt, it the Wmlt Ilthalms Diy. wa ather shmps hi` `epirte` i cmttcedeoare the rest ao the oceet, il` hi` irrmve` it Freli`i al Kule 46th. he grew hi`set oaat al share, il` hi` `uf i lunder ao haces al the deigh ta igqumre oresh witer.hey hi` icsa fale i  cmttce mlcil` ta vmsmt twa vmccifes where nily Inerml`mils cmve`,wha hi` regemve` then ml ormel`cy oishmal. hese wirle` then ao ilather fraup ao

 Inerml`mils wha cmve` al the ather sm`e ao the mscil` ml the hmccs, wha were evmc il`shawe` ilmnasmty ta strilfers il` evel then (@e Ciet 9=74;58).

Gannil`er Kil Kilsz. _il Haarl il` hms oceet ilghare` it i diy icalf the sauth-west gaist ao Freli`i al Kule 94th 9?4=. he Inerml`mils ao the mscil` ire esgrmde`

is demlf i very nicmgmaus peapce, wha icc ril aoo upal the irrmvic ao the @utgh. heygauc` lat de ni`e ta gane aut il` galverse, dut `mspciye` extrene ilmnasmty, omrmlfpamsale` irraws it the grew oran the thmgbets. he oceet `epirte` ifiml, ci`el wmthoresh witer, diccist il` cunder, dut la vmgtuics (@e Ciet 9=74;=9-=4).

Nareiu `e Kallès (9=4:), i Orelghnil wha im`e` the Girmd ml themr wir ifimlst theElfcmsh regar`s hms irrmvic it Wt. _mlgelt ml 96=5 dy shmp inalf the Te` Girmd sane-where icalf the eisterl gaist. Inerml`mils ml gilaes gane aut oran the share ta hecpfum`e the shmp pist treigheraus reeos il` dilbs ta themr lituric hirdaur, whmgh Nareiu`e Kallès `esgrmdes is oaccaws;

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Phms hivel wis i disml surraul`e` dy i sheco ao disict 95 ta 4: oeet hmfh2 the `epth ao mts witer wis

elaufh ta ait i ormfite. Pwa hmccagbs gavere` wmth i rmgh vefetitmal staa` al eigh sm`e ao mts apelmlf ta

the sei, il` themr tuote` trees, del`mlf aver the suroige, oarne` i gilapy ta mt. Desm`e i rushmlf strein

whmgh awe` oran the naultimls ao the mltermar mlta the hirdaur rase the nily huts ao i cirfe hincet,

cmbe deehmves ml the shipe ao themr raaos, ni`e ao picn-ceives, dut themr wittce` sm`es iccawe` i oree

 pissife ta the dreezes il` riys ao cmfht. Ml the nm``ce ao the vmccife wis i gannulic hause galtimlmlf

il issendcy-hicc it ceist 8: oeet calf2 there M oaul` fithere` tafether the ghmeos il` wirrmars ao the twatrmdes, the Te` il` the Dcigb Girmds (Nareiu `e Kallès 9=4:;995).

@mregt ethlahmstarmgic evm`elge

@mregt ethlahmstarmgic evm`elge ms sugh thit Inerml`mil settcenelts ire `esgrmde`, thecagicmty ao whmgh gil de pmlpamlte` qumte galom`eltcy. _irmaus saurges wmcc de galsm`ere`,raufhcy ml feafriphmgic ar`er oran sauth ta larth.

Whepir` (9879), ml hms avervmew ao the Wegal` Girmd Vir `etimcs the cagitmal ao severic(tenpariry) Girmd settcenelts al Wt. _mlgelt; the _mfme Girmd ginp, eistwir` ao the up-per Virriwirrau _iccey lat very oir oran the Oaultiml Estite, the Nault ]aulf Girmdsettcenelt, the Viccmda settcenelt, il` the settcenelt ao Fril` Widce where the Elfcmshsnishe` 4:: Girmd gilaes. he Narle Tal` settcenelt renimle` aggupme` ioter the gal-gcusmal ao the wir. Ioter the Elfcmsh vmgtary aver the Girmd ml the Wegal` Girmd Vir, theseltmnelt ao the Elfcmsh settcers al Wt. _mlgelt wis is oaccaws; – R…^ mt ms represelte` thitthe cite ittigb upal then dy the Ghirimds wis whaccy ulpravabe`2 il` thit ml mts aperi-tmal gruecty il` perom`y were sa dcel`e`, thit la outure galom`elge gil sudsmst2 il` thitthe sace icterlitmve renimls, ao thensecves, ar ao the Ghirimds demlf renave` oran aoothe oige ao the mscil`„  (]aulf 9=69;4). he faverlnelt `egm`e` upal i oargmdce `eparti-tmal ao the nikarmty ao the Dcigb Girmd ta the mscil` ao Taitél, aoo the gaist ao Hal`uris(Falzicez 9=88). Hawever, the Dcigb Girmd were mlmtmiccy raul`e` up il` her`e` alta thetmly mscil` ao Dicmgeiux, sauth-eist ao Wt. _mlgelt. Here they were oarge` ta spel` nilynalths iwimtmlf themr omlic renavic ta Geltric Inermgi. I freit lunder `me` al the ms-cil`, weibele` dy hulfer il` rivife` dy `mseise, il` nare `me` `urmlf the pissife taTaitél (Falzicez 9=88).

Ml 9?:5, the shmp the Acmve Drilgh il` mts grew hi` deel daul` oar the lew Elfcmshgacaly ao Ghirces Cemfh ml Fumili, whmgh wis ml esperite lee` ao suppcmes il` nel (Kesse9=??2 Carmner, e`. 4::?;xgmv2 Narfil 4::02 see icsa Daanert 4::4 il` @e [utter, thmsvacune). he Acmve Drilgh wis saal ml `mre strimts mtseco thaufh, is mt ganpcetecy nmsse`

mts nirb ao Fumili, `ue ta di` cugb il` mlganpetelt seinilshmp. Ioter sevelteel weebs aosimcmlf, the nutmlaus il` stirve` grewnenders ippraighe` the gaist ao Wt. Cugmi. Ml`milsoran i leirdy settcenelt mnne`mitecy gine aut ta the shmp ml themr gilaes, ta tri`e wmththe Elfcmsh. Teicmzmlf thit the Acmve Drilgh gauc` lat stagb up al elaufh pravmsmals tasuppart the eltmre grew al mts ourther kaurley il` ml cmfht ao the ippirelt faa`wmcc ao the

 Inerml`mils, i pirty ul`er the cei`ershmp ao Giptiml Lmghacis Wimlt-Kahls `egm`e` tastiy dehml` al the mscil`, ultmc sane neils ao resgue preselte` mtseco. he `etimce` litureao Kahl Lmghacc”s iggault ao the pregirmaus sakaurl ao the Elfcmsh ml the sauth ao the ms-cil` his iccawe` Girmddeil irghieacafmst Tmpcey Duccel (9=??) ta regalstrugt the cagicmtmesneltmale` ml the text il` teltitmvecy cmlb sane ao these cagicmtmes ta blawl irghieacafmgic

smtes. Wane 4:: yeirs citer, Zuflet (98:0), i Orelgh `agtar ghirfe` wmth mlspegtmlf the

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heicth ao the gacalmsts al Wt. Cugmi, regar`s the preselge ao i Dcigb Girmd oinmcy it Ghagicalf the larthwesterl gaist il` i sa-gicce` Te` Girmd9 oinmcy resm`mlf it _meux Oart.

Ml 9?=0 al Nirtmlmque, Zère Cidit, al hms wiy ta Guc-`e-Wig Tadert dy gilae, fatgiufht ml i squicc il` saufht reoufe it ci Zamlte ê ci Tase. I Girmd oinmcy cmve` here, il`Cidit `esgrmde` the oinmcy, the hause il` mts vmsmtars ml `etimc; –hms dumc`mlf ms the cist

Girmd Girdet renimlmlf ml Nirtmlmque. Mt wis idaut smxty oeet calf dy twelty-omve oeetwm`e il` dumct sanethmlf cmbe i dirl. he sniccest pasts were idaut lmle oeet hmfh aut aothe fraul`. he rioters reighe` the fraul` al eigh sm`e, il` were gavere` dy i thitgh aopicnmste ceives supparte` dy cithes ao raseiux. Ale el` ao the girdet wis eltmrecy gcase`dy i wicc ao raseiux il` picnmste, exgept oar il apelmlf cei`mlf ta the bmtghel, the atherel` wis apel (Cidit 9=6:;86-8=). I oew yeirs citer, ml 96::, Cidit wis al hms wiy taFui`ecaupe, dut stappe` aoo it @anmlmgi ta tibe al i girfa ao cunder. Hms shmp ilghare`al the ceewir` sm`e ao the mscil` appasmte the girdet ao Ni`ine Auverlir` (the natherao hanis ‘Ml`mil” Virler) (Cidit 9=6:;=4). Cidit thel grasse` the mscil` ta the wml`-wir` sm`e where he spelt i ourther smx `iys, vmsmtmlf nily girdets –oran the pamlt oigmlf

Nigaudi ta the pamlt oigmlf Nirme Ficilte„ (Cidit 9=6:;=?). Ale ao these Vml`wir` sm`egirdets niy hive deel thit ao the @anmlmgil Girmd ghmeo Aóiccéghaóici (blawl ta theOrelgh is Ce Diral) ar hms oaccawers, wha ms neltmale` ml the eircmer ghralmgces ao the nm`-9?::s il` wis ml oigt the hast ao Oither Dretal (Dretal 9==8;67). Ce Diral”s settceneltwis gicce` Mtighm (Dretal 9==8;476), il` wis it ar leir preselt-`iy _memcce Gise.

Galgerlmlf Fui`ecaupe, Girmd were galomle` ta msacite` ireis ao Fril`e-erre, whereevel there themr lunders `wml`ce` aver the yeirs, presunidcy ul`er the mnpigt ao el-graighmlf Eurapeils. Ml 967:, sane sevelty-smx Inerml`mils were regar`e` il` ml 960?,Girmd ire reparte` is cmvmlf al Mcet ê Ghrmstaphe ml the Fril`-Guc-`e-Wig. Ml the lmle-teelth geltury, i lunder ao Girmd oinmcmes ire regar`e` it Ilse `u Zetmt Zartcil`, il` dy

9855, the cist Inerml`mils ire `agunelte` ta hive tibel reoufe it Ilse-Dertril`, Zamlte`es Ghäteiux il` Ce Nauce. he cist neltmal ao Inerml`mils al Fui`ecaupe ganes ta-wir`s the el` ao the lmleteelth geltury, whel `esgel`ilts ao the Girmd ao Ilse-Dertril`gcimn cil` ta the west ao Zamlte `e ci Fril`e _mfme (@ecpuegh 4::9;79-74).

Phe use ao hmstarmg nips

Wmnmcircy ta regelt warb ml the omec` ao Ml`alesmil irghieacafy (Cipe 4::4), M prapase tanibe freiter use ao the galsm`eridce pateltmic ao hmstarmg nips is testmnalmes ao ml`mf-elaus Inerml`mil igtmvmty. Ao gaurse, every nip ms esseltmiccy i –sagmic galstrugtmal ao the

warc` expresse` thraufh girtafriphy„ (Hircey 4::9;75), il` is sugh hirdaurs the sinepateltmic oar nilmpucitmal il` dmis is ily ather type ao hmstarmgic evm`elge. Fcizmer (9=87)wis perhips the omrst Girmddeilmst ta expcmgmtcy i``ress the reseirgh pateltmic ao –iltmque„nips oar the stu`y ao Girmddeil prehmstary, hmfhcmfhtmlf oaur pateltmiccy orumtouc ireis aomlqumry; (9) the cagitmal ao irghieacafmgic smtes (nmssmal smtes il` idarmfmlic settcenelts),(4) cmlfumstmg il` ethlmgmty `iti ml the oarn ao tapalyns, (7) girtaughes thit partriy li-tmve ocari il` oiuli il`, (0) evm`elge ao trmdic nmfritmals (Fcizmer 9=87;55?). Zirtmgucircythe omrst twa pamlts wmcc de tibel up here. Is idave, evm`elge wmcc de mvm`e` mlta mregt il`

9 Pe tern Te` Girmd is enpcaye` dy Gacalmic Eurapeil ghralmgcers felericcy neils Inerml`mils ao pure `e-Te` Girmd is enpcaye` dy Gacalmic Eurapeil ghralmgcers felericcy neils Inerml`mils ao pure `e-

sgelt (go. icsa the tern ]eccaw Girmd), is appase` ta the Dcigb Girmd, wha ire ao nmxe` Iormgil il` Inerml`mil`esgelt.

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ml`mregt, il` `msgusse` ml thit ar`er. Ul`er `mregt girtafriphmg evm`elge oiccs ily `epmgtmalao Inerml`mil settcenelts ar ather type ao preselge. Ml`mregt evm`elge ao Girmd preselgear settcenelt tibes ale ao the oaccawmlf oaur oarns; (9) ml`mgitmal ao Inerml`mil preselge,usuiccy ml oarn ao i vmsuicmze` tri`mlf elgaulter, (4) ippraxmnite cagitmal ao settcenelt(praxmnmty issune`), (7) feleric ireis `enirgite` is Inerml`mil, il` (0) Inerml`mil


@mregt girtafriphmg evm`elge

Al the 966: Keooerys nip ao adifa, neltmal ms ni`e ao il –Ml`mil awl„, il` three vmc-cifes whmgh ire smlfce` aut is resm`elges ao Bmlfs (Gir`mlic, Zeter il` Taussec ‗ igtuiccyi Orelghnil wha hi` tibel il Inerml`mil wmoe) il` ourlmshe` wmth extri mloarnitmal(see icsa Daanert 4::4). Is sugh, we rei` thit –Bmlf Zeter the Ml`mil Ghmeo wmth idaut90 ar 9? Zeapce cmves hereidauts„, –he Ml`mil Bmlf Gir`mlic wmth hms Vmves il` idaut8: Zeapce cmve al i hmcc hereidauts„ il` –he Ml`mil Bmlf Tausecce wmth hms Vmves il`Zeapce idaut 7: ml Lunder cmves here„. Ml i``mtmal, there ire three neltmals ao –Ml`mils„.Omve yeirs citer, Bmlf Gir`mlic wis `rappe` oran il up`ite` nip, is wis the i``mtmalicmloarnitmal wmth whmgh the twa ather Bmlfs hi` deel ourlmshe`. hey ire law smnpcyreoerre` ta is –Bmlf Zeter”s Zeapce 9?„ il` –Bmlf Taussec”s Zeapce„. he Ml`mil awl re-oerre` ta deoare law reverts ta the smnpce –Ml`mils„ fcass, kamlmlf the three ather –Ml`mils„reoerelges. Dy the tmne Dawel pudcmshe` hms 966= nip ao adifa ml Cal`al”s Feltcenil”sNifizmle, Bmlf Zeter hi` ippireltcy `msippeire` oran the sgele, il` alcy three neltmalsao –Ml`mils„ were ni`e. hms fri`uic erismlf ao Inerml`mil preselge oran the nips msperhips reocegtmve ao the mlgreismlfcy nirfmlic Inerml`mil preselge al adifa is i resuctao Eurapeil elgraighnelt.

Deccml”s Wt. Cugmi nips ao 9658/96?7 ire the omrst ta regar` the cagitmal ao i Girmd set-tcenelt, ml the oarn ao i fcass –Girdet `e Girimdes„ nm`wiy icalf the eisterl gaist kustsauth ao preselt-`iy Ilse Cauvet (see icsa omfure 9). Mt ms perhips la gamlgm`elge thit thesmte ms cagite` desm`e Ilse Nidauyi (nidauyi  ms the tern repeite`cy regar`e` dy Orelghms the tern repeite`cy regar`e` dy Orelghnmssmalirmes inalf the Inerml`mils ao the Cesser Iltmcces oar the `evmc ar il evmc spmrmt)is al the nip.

 Keooerys” 9665 nip ao Wt. Cugmi (see icsa Haonil il` Drmfht 4::0; Nip 4) uphac`s thmsm`eltmomgitmal, law fcasse` is –Girmds„ il` endeccmshe` wmth i gcuster ao three trmilfces(the stil`ir` girtafriphmg galveltmal oar il Inerml`mil settcenelt it thms tmne). Ceoart`e Citaur”s survey nip ao 9686 nibes la neltmal ao Girmd ilynare, lat it thms cagitmal

ar ilywhere ecse al the mscil`, il` ms pradidcy nare recmidce thil the citer Omec`mlf nip ao9847 whmgh repeits the preselge ao –Girmds„, dut ms cmbecy il ulmloarne` gapy ao il eircmernip, perhips thit ao Keooerys.

 I lunder ao pregmse ml`mgitmals ao Inerml`mil settcenelts ire pravm`e` oar Nirtmlmquetaa. I 9?56 nip ao Nirtmlmque dy _mssgher `epmgts luneraus Girmd cagicmtmes, nastlatidcy ale leir preselt-`iy Ilse Omfumer icalf the sautherl gaist (fcasse` is Girdet`e Gipmtimle Zmcate ), ilather leir preselt-`iy Ce _iugcml icalf the sautheisterl gaist(fcasse` is Girdet, cmeu au ces Girimdes oalt ceur Rsmg^ issendceís ) il` i settcenelt reoerre` tais Gise `e Giernil (i Girmd ghmeo ) leir preselt-`iy Wte-Nirme icalf the larth-eist gaist.here ire i ourther three neltmals ao Girdet `e Girimdes , ale icalf the sauth-eist gaist

leir preselt-`iy Niceviut, il` twa nare hicowiy up the eisterl gaist it the stirt ao il`icalf the omrst pirt ao the pelmlsuci law gicce` Zresqu”ìce `e ci Girivecce. Wilsal”s nip

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(Da`mlftal 4::5), pudcmshe` kust i yeir citer thil _mssgher”s, mlgcu`es oir oewer ml`mgitmalsao Inerml`mil preselge; alcy Girdet `u Gipmtimle Zmcate  il` Girdet, cmeu au ces Girimdes

 oalt ceur Rsmg^ issendceís  ire retimle`. I 9??5 nip dy Dcal`ec `epmgts alcy the citter Girmdcagicmty (_erril` 4::9; omfure 9). Mlterestmlfcy elaufh, i 96:5 nip dy Lmghacis `e Oer`epmgts i lew Girmd cagicmty, il issendcy ao hauses fcasse` is Girdet `e Wiuvifes Nigidau (Huyfhues-Decrase 4::8;6).

Ml`mregt girtafriphmg evm`elge

Galgerlmlf vmsuicmze` tri`mlf elgaulters, the nips igganpilymlf Lmgacis `e Gir`ali”siggault Feafriphmg il` hy`rafriphmg `esgrmptmals ao nily Lartherl il` Wautherl cil`s il`seis ml the Ml`mes, spegmomgiccy ao the `msgavery ao the bmlf`an ao Gicmoarlmi (9=60) ire omleexinpces.  Ao pirtmgucir mlterest wmth respegt ta Mscil` Girmd ire the nips ao   Freli`i,

Wt. _mlgelt, Wt. Cugmi il` Fui`ecaupe, whmgh `epmgt stretghes ao gaistcmle il` tri`mlf

Omfure 9 Deccml”s Girte `e c”Msce `e Wimlte Cugme 9658 il` gcase-up ao Girdet Girimdes.

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elgaulters wmth Inerml`mils thit taab pcige there, aotel ml the oarn ao ale ar severic Inerml`mil gilaes ganmlf aut ta neet the Wpilmsh shmps. hilbs ta the ganpiss armelti-tmal, these elgaulters gil de pmlpamlte` ta the lartherl gaists ao Freli`i, Wt. Cugmi il`Wt. _mlgelt, il` the westerl gaist ao emther Disse-erre ar Fril`e-erre. I nare mltelsmveexinmlitmal ao the gaistcmle oeitures (diys, hei`cil`s il` rmver nauths) niy iccaw i narepregmse tapacafmgic `eternmlitmal.

he nip ao Fui`ecaupe mlgcu`e` ml Winuec Ghinpciml”s Lirritmve ao i vayife ta theVest Ml`mes il` Nexmga ml the yeirs 95==-9?:4 (985=)   epmgts i traupe ao libe` Inerml`milsirne` wmth daw-il`-irraw il` speirs ml the west, is wecc is three Inerml`mil dirl-cmbecalfhause strugtures ml the lartherl pirt ao the mscil` (see Omfure 4). he nip igtuiccy cmstsi –pat `e ligau„ (go. Nigau neltmale` idave), is wecc is Eurapeils `msendirbmlf icalfwhit ippeirs ta de the eist gaist ao Disse-erre.

Cmfal”s 9?56 nip ao Dirdi`as ms i cist exinpce ao il mlterestmlf yet sanewhit elmf-nitmg Inerml`mil girtafriphmg preselge. Upal i etimce` nip (presunidcy galtimlmlf ig-gurite mloarnitmal al scive ghismlf, oinmcy estites il` cagic ilmnics), we oml` i `epmgtmalao il Inerml`mil wmth i ticc daw il` i gilae, fcasse` is – Wicynmlfae hms Gilawe 75 oaatcalfe„  (see icsa Hil`cer 9=66;9=9-9=7).

Feleric ireis `enirgite` is Inerml`mil

 Il exinpce ao ml`eternmlite girtafriphmg mloarnitmal al Girmd settcenelt ao mscil`s msthe nippmlf ao Nirtmlmque thraufhaut the citter hico ao the sevelteelth geltury. Wtirtmlf

wmth _mssgher”s 9?56 nip, il` galtmlumlf wmth Wilsal”s 9?58 nip, _il Beucel”s 9?80 nip

Omfure 4 Nip ao Fui`ecaupe (Ghinpciml 985=;detweel pifes ? il` 6).

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il` Larwaa`”s 9?=: nip, the eltmre eisterl hico ao the mscil` ms `esmflite` –Gidesterre,au `eneure `es Wiuvifes„. Hawever, dy 9??:, the `esmflitmal wauc` igtuiccy hive deelaut`ite`, is the Girmd hi` deful ta vigite the mscil` `urmlf the nm` 9?5:s is i resuct aowirs ifimlst the Orelgh, il` were cirfecy renave` oran the mscil` oaccawmlf the smflmlfao i treity wmth the Orelgh il` Elfcmsh ml 9?5= thit iccefe`cy segure` oar then eterlic

passessmal ao Wt. _mlgelt il` @anmlmgi (Daugher 9==4;5:-54). he Wt. _mlgelt nip dyDryil E`wir`s oeitures the fcass –Cil` frilte` ta the Ghirmds ml 9667„ igrass the larth-erl pirt. hms galgurs wmth irtmgce M_ ao the 9667 reity detweel the Elfcmsh il` theGirmd; –I partmal ao the cil`s hereioter neltmale`, shicc de iccatte` oar the resm`elge aothe Girmds, oran the Tmver Dyeri ta pamlt Espiflace al the ale sm`e, il` oran the Tmver

 Iumcidau ta Espiflace al the ather sm`e„ (Whepir` 9=69;79). Keooerys” 9667 nip ao Wt._mlgelt reveics the fcasses –Girmds ao Virriwirau _iccey„ il` –Girmds ao Gudimnirau il`Tmdmshm„ is wecc is shawmlf the –Girmds Daul`iry„ il` cideccmlf cil` larth ao the daul`-iry –Girmds Cil`s„. Dyres” 966? nip ao Wt. _mlgelt shaws pcats ao cil` sac` ta –Ghirmdds„ml Virriwirrau _iccey, Tmdmshm il` Gudimnirau, il` ml the eisterl, westerl il` geltric

pirts ao Wt. _mlgelt idave the cmle `enirgitmlf the 9667 reity daul`iry (Dyres 9666;vmm).Ourthernare, mt shaws i pcat ao cil` kust idave the reity cmle al the west gaist sac` dy theGirmd ta Gacalec Ethermlftal ml 9665 (Dyres 9666;vmm). Cugis Omec`mlf”s 9847 nip ms aogaurse nugh cess `etimce`, thaufh mt retimls the reity daul`iry cmle il` deirs the `esmfli-tmal –Ml`mils ao Gudimnirau il` Tmdmshm„ ml the sauth-eist qui`rilt ao the mscil`.


he regar`mlf ao Inerml`mil tapalyny il` hy`ralany gannelge` is eircy is Gacundus,wis ecidarite` dy Dretal ml hms `mgtmallimre, il` omliccy ilicyse` dy iycar (9=5?, 9=582smte cevec, Wt. _mlgelt il` @anmlmgi), Huyfhues-Decrase (4::=2 smte cevec, Nirtmlmque)C”Ítilf (4::02 mscil` cevec, Girmddeil) il` Daanert (4::92 mscil` cevec, adifa) ml pir-tmgucir. Wpegmic late shauc` de ni`e ao the warb dy Frilderry il` _esgecmus (4::0),wha ilicyse` virmaus iîla tapalyns, pirtcy oar gcues is ta `mregtmalicmty il` ar`er aosettcenelt ao the Dihinis irghmpecifa. Ml i``mtmal, Iccimre (9=66;88) his suffeste` oarNirtmlmque thit the tapalyns Ziquenir, Nigidau, Wmnal, Orilæams il` _iugcml icc re-oer ta (the resm`elges ao) Inerml`mil ghmeos. he sine gauc` de sim` oar Mce `e Giernilil` Ilse `”Ircet (Nirtmlmque). Al Wt. Cugmi il advmaus galtel`er oar i tapalyn wmthcmlbs ta Inerml`mils ms Zamlte Girimde ar Girimde Zamlt, ml the sauth-west garler ao themscil`. he smflmomgilge ao the pcigeline Ilse Nidauyi his icrei`y deel neltmale` ml

the `msgussmal ao the Deccml il` Keooerys nips. Deccml”s 9658 nip ao Freli`i cmsts severictapalyns thit niy regicc Inerml`mil preselge; Ilge `es Ficmdms, Ilge `es Nirmlfamls(go. i smnmcir pcigeline ml Orelgh Fumili dut nare cmbecy i felermg tern thit reoers ta thepreselge ao nasqumtaes) il` Ilge Giauelle (garruptmal ao Giárauile) (Zetmtkeil Tafet9=65;?0), Ilge u Yuesle (Zetmtkeil Tafet 9=65;?5) il` Ilge ”Iltamle / Mscet ”Iltamle(Zetmtkeil Tafet 9=65;49), icc Girmd ghmeos neltmale` ml the ethlahmstarmgic regar`. hegipmtic gmty ao Dirdi`as, Drm`fetawl, wis armfmliccy gicce` Ml`mil Drm`fe, presunidcy ioteril Inerml`mil strugture ml the vmgmlmty (Ghiccelfer et ic.  9===). he tapalyns Ml`milNaul` il` Ml`mil Tmver (icsa al @anmlmgi) presunidcy hive i smnmcir deirmlf al thearmfmlic mscil` mlhidmtilts.

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Galgcu`mlf renirbs

Galsm`ermlf thit we ire `eicmlf wmth cite pre-Gacalmic / eircy Gacalmic perma` renimls,there ms every ghilge thit irghieacafmgic regavery ao Girmd oml`s gauc` de pradcenitmg. heshiccaw `epth ao the renimls decaw the suroige, the pateltmic oar `msturdilge dy Gacalmicil` na`erl `iy igtmvmtmes sugh is pcaufhmlf il` galstrugtmal is wecc is (gaistic) erasmal

ar cigb ao samc `evecapnelt wauc` icc galspmre ta nibe retrmevic ao these renimls nare `mo-omguct thil ac`er, `eeper renimls. Hawever, regelt resgue exgivitmals girrme` aut dy teinsoran Cem`el Ulmversmty it the smte ao Irfyce al Wt. _mlgelt (Haafcil` et ic. ml prep2 _il`el Dmffeciir il` Daanert 4:9:) hive ymec`e` Giya gerinmgs, Eurapeil Gacalmic gerin-mgs il` fciss dei`s ml the galtext ao i settcenelt wmth pasthace oeitures thit gil de regal-strugte` mlta luneraus Inerml`mil hause pcils. Is sugh, alfamlf exgivitmal it thms smtethit wis omrst exgivite` dy Iccimre ml the eircy 9==:s (Iccimre 9==02 Iccimre il` @uvic 9==5)ul`ercmles the freit pateltmic ao il Mscil`/Dcigb Girmd irghieacafy il` hmlts it nilynare oisgmlitmlf msgavermes thit gil de ni`e dy saul` (ethla)hmstarmgic reseirgh mlta thmsperma` gaupce` wmth appartule exgivitmal. Tevmewmlf the cite pre-Gacalmic il` Gacalmic

perma` `iti, mt ms gceir thit there ms elaufh pateltmic ta estidcmsh i lew cmle ao elqumry mltaCesser Iltmcceil Girmd sagmety mloarne`, thaufh lat gal`mtmale` dy, `mregt il` ml`mregtcmles ao evm`elge `riwl oran Gacalmic perma` ethlahmstary, girtafriphy il` tapalyny.


 Iccimre, C.

9=66 Citer prehmstary ml Nirtmlmque il` the Mscil` Girmds; pradcens ml ethlmg m`eltm- omgitmal. Zh@ `mssertitmal, ]ice Ulmversmty, Lew Hivel. Ulmversmty Nmgraomcns, Ill

 Irdar.9=8: Al the hmstarmgmty ao Girmd nmfritmals ml the Cesser Iltmcces. Inermgil Iltmqumty05;478-405.

9=80 I regalstrugtmal ao eircy hmstarmgic Mscil` Girmd pattery. Wautheisterl Irghieacafy  7;949-977.

9==9 Ul`erstil`mlf Wuizey. Zragee`mlfs ao the 97th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacaf y, Gurigia, _ac. 4, pp. 695-648.

9==0 Hmstarmg Girmd smte `msgavere`! Ulmversmty ao     Nilmtadi Wt. _mlgelt IrghieacafmgicZrakegt Lewscetter ;9-7.

 Iccimre, C., il` @.. @uvic

9==5 Wt. _mlgelt revmsmte`. Zragee`mlfs ao the 95 th  Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacaf y, Wil Kuil, pp. 455-4?4.

 Ilalynaus ao Girpeltris

4::4 Tecitmal `”ul vayife mloartule oimt iux Ml`es aggm`eltices pir ce gipmtimle OceuryR...^. Ml Ul Ocmdustmer Orilæims ils ci Ner es Iltmcces 9?98-9?4: , e`mte` dy K.-Z. Nareiu,4l` e`. Ziyat & Tmvifes, Zirms.

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Dírir`, D., il` L. _m`ic

4::7 Essim `e fíafriphme inírml`melle `e ci Nirtmlmque. Zragee`mlfs ao the 9= th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy, Irudi, pp. 44-75.

Da`mlftal, K.

4::5 he nippmlf ao Nirtmlmque il` Fui`ecaupe ta 98::.  Nipoarun 8;0?-5:.

Daanert, I.

9=8? he Giya Ganpcex ao Wt. _mlgelt; Ethlahmstarmgic il` Irghieacafmgic Ispegts aothe Mscil` Girmd Zradcen. Iltrapacafmgi  ??;7-?8.

9=86 Lates al Dirdi`as prehmstary. Phe Kaurlic ao the Dirdi`as Nuseun il` HmstarmgicWagmety  78(9);8-07.

9==5 Mscil` Girmd irghieacafy. Ml Vacves oran the sei; Tei`mlfs ml the ilthrapacaf y ao thelitmve Girmddeil, e`mte` dy L.C. Vhmtehei`, pp. 9-4?. BMC_ Zress, Cem`el.

4::9 Lines oar adifa. Kaurlic `e ci Wagmítí `es Inermgilmstes  86;77=-70=.

4::4 Inerml`mil-Eurapeil elgaulters al il` iraul` adifa (90=8-gi. 989:). Iltrapac÷fmgi  =6-=8;69-4:6

4::0 Barmida il` the Zacyghrane ri`mtmal; the cite-prehmstarmg eri detweel theArmlaga il` Inizal nauths. Ml Cite Gerinmg Ife Wagmetmes ml the Eisterl Girmddeil,e`mte` dy I. @ecpuegh il` G.C. Haonil, pp. 459-4??. DIT Mlterlitmalic Wermes 9467.

 Irghieapress, Axoar`.

Daugher, Z.Z.

9==4 Gillmdic Elgaulters; Eurapeils il` Mscil` Girmds, 90=4-96?7. he Kahls HapbmlsUlmversmty Zress, Dictmnare.

Dretal, T.

9=68 R9?06^ Tecitmals `e c”mce `e ci Fui`ecaupe . Wagmítí `”hmstamre `e ci Fui`ecaupe,Disse-erre.

9==8 R9??5^ @mgtmallimre Giriáde-Orilæims . Birthici, Zirms.Birthici, Zirms.

Drmfht, I.K. I.K.

4::7 Wpitmic `ylinmgs il` sagmic `evecapnelt ml the Lartherl Cesser Iltmcces; i pmcat stu`ydise` al settcenelt strugture it the smte ao Ilse ê ci Faur`e, Fui`ecaupe . Ulpudcmshe`Nister thesms, Cem`el Ulmversmty, Cem`el.

4:99 Dcaa` ms thmgber thil witer; Inerml`mil aggupitmal il` the mltri- il` mlter-mlsucirrecitmalshmps ml the Vml`wir` Mscil`s . Zh@ `mssertitmal, Cem`el Ulmversmty, Wm`estaleZress, Cem`el.

Duccel, T.Z.

9=?? he Omrst Elfcmsh Wettcenelt al Wt. Cugmi. Girmddeil Yuirtercy 94(4);4=-75.

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Duccel, T.Z., il` I.B. Duccel

9=64  Irghieacafmgic Mlvestmfitmals al Wt. _mlgelt il` the Freli`mles, Vest Ml`mes . Vmccmin C. Dryilt Oaul`itmal, Inermgil Wtu`mes, Tepart La. 8. Ocarm`i eghlacafmgicUlmversmty, Arcil`a.

Dyres, K.9666 Teoerelges ta the pcil ao the mscil` ao Wt. _mlgelt, is surveye` oran the yeir 96?5 ta9667. W. Haaper, Cal`al.

Gistres, G. `e

4::4 R9?=0^ @e wmc`e au ces siuvifes girmdes mlsucimres `”Inírmque . Giriáde E`mprmlt,Giriáde E`mprmlt,Oart-`e-Orilge.

Ghiccelfer, @., C. Kahlsal, K. Dillmster, il` I. Viternil

9=== he Wtreets ao Drm`fetawl Gmrgi 96?5.  Kaurlic ao the Dirdi`as Nuseun il`Hmstarmgic Wagmety XC_;88-==.

Ghinpciml, W.

985=R95==^ Lirritmve ao i vayife ta the Vest Ml`mes il` Nexmga ml the yeirs 95==-9?:4 .rilscite` dy I. Vmcnere. Hibcuyt Wagmety, Cal`al.

Ghilgi, @.I.

9==7 ‘Cetter” ta the Niyar ao Wevmcce. Ml Ghrmstapher Gacundus”s @msgavermes ml the tes-tmnalmics ao @mefa Icvirez Ghilgi il` Il`rís Derléc`ez , Luavi Tiggacti Gacandmili

_acune _., e`mte` dy C.O. Oirmli il` G.B. [igher, pp.99-5=. Mstmtuta Zacmfriomga e[eggi `ecca Wtita, Cmdrermi `ecca Wtita, Tane.

Gacundus, G.

9==6 Cmdra Gapmi`ar, MM. MlMl Iggaults il` cetters ao the segal`, thmr`, il` oaurth vayifes ,Luavi Tiggacti Gacandmili _acune _M Zirt 9, e`mte` dy C.O. Oirmli, pp.4:9-47=.Mstmtuta Zacmfriomga e [eggi `ecca Wtita, Cmdrermi `ecca Wtita, Tane.

@e Gir`ali, L.

9=60R9?74^ Feafriphmg il` hy`rafriphmg `esgrmptmals ao nily Lartherl il` Wautherl

cil`s il` seis ml the Ml`mes, spegmomgiccy ao the msgavery ao the bmlf`an ao Gicmoarlmi (9?74).rilscite` il` e`mte` dy V.N. Nithes. @iwsal”s Daab Whap, Cas Ilfeces.

@e Ciet, K.

9=79 R9?00^ Miercygb _erhiec vil `e _errmghtmlfhel `er Feagtrayeer`e Vest-Ml`msgheGanpiflme ml `erthmel Daegbel Daeb M-MMM (9?40-9?4?). E`mte` dy W.Z. C”Halarí Lider.E`mte` dy W.Z. C”Halarí Lider.Nirtmlus Lmkhaoo, ”s Frivelhife.

9=74 R9?00^; Miercygb _erhiec vil `e _errmghtmlfhel `er Feagtrayeer`e Vest-Ml`msgheGanpiflme ml `erthmel Daegbel Daeb M_-_MM (9?46-9?7:). E`mte` dy W.Z. C”HalaríE`mte` dy W.Z. C”Halarí

Lider. Nirtmlus Lmkhaoo, ”s Frivelhife.

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@ecpuegh, I.

4::9 Hmstarmgic irghieacafy ml the Orelgh Vest Ml`mes; regelt reseirgh ml Fui`ecaupe.Ml Mscil` Cmves; Hmstarmgic Irghieacafmes ao the Girmddeil, e`mte` dy Z. Oirlswarth, pp.49-5=. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

@rewett, Z.C. (e`mtar)9==9 Zrehmstarmg Dirdi`as. Irghetype Zudcmgitmals, Cal`al.

@u Zums, N.

9=64 R9?54^ Tecitmal `e c”estidcmssenelt `”ule gacalme orilæamse `ils ci Fir`ecaupe, msce `ec”Inírmque et `es naeurs `es siuvifes . Wagmítí `”Hmstamre `e ci Fui`ecaupe, Disse-erre.

@u ertre, K.-D.

9?50 Hmstamre felerice, `es msces `e W. Ghrmstaphe, `e ci Fui`ecaupe, `e ci Nirtmlmque, et

iutres `ils c”Inermque Retg^. Kigques et Enniluec Cilfcams, Zirms.Omtzpitrmgb, W.N.

4::? I grmtmgic ippraigh ta 90G `itmlf ml the Girmddeil; Usmlf ghralanetrmg hyfmeleta evicuite ghralacafmgic galtrac il` prehmstarmg settcenelt. Citml Inermgil Iltmqumty  96(0);78=-098.

Oaster, D.

9=86 Gecedritmlf Iutalany; the `evecapnelt ao Firmouli rmtuic al Wt. _mlgelt.Girmddeil Yuirtercy  77(7/0);65-87.

Fcizmer, W.@.

9=87 Iltmque Nips il` the Wtu`y ao Girmddeil Zrehmstary. Zragee`mlfs ao the =thMlterlitmalic Galfress oar the Wtu`y ao Zre-Gacundmil Guctures ml the Cesser Iltmcces , pp.555-56:.

Falzicez, L.C.

9=88 Wakaurlers ao the Girmddeil. Ethlafelesms il` (ethla)hmstary ao the Firmouli .Ulmversmty ao Mccmlams Zress, Ghmgifa.

9==: Oran Gillmdics ta Nergelirmes; Girmd Nmcmtirmsn, 9?::-980:.  Kaurlic ao Ilthrapacafmgic Teseirgh  0?(9);45-7=.

Frilderry, K., il` F.W. _esgecmus

4::0 Cilfuifes ao the pre-Gacundmil Iltmcces . Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

Hil`cer, K.W.

9=66 Inerml`mils il` themr Galtrmdutmals ta Dirdi`mil Cmoe ml the Wevelteelth Geltury.Phe Kaurlic ao the Dirdi`as Nuseun il` Hmstarmgic Wagmety  XXX_(7);98=-49:.

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Hircey, K.D.

4::9 Phe lew liture ao nips; essiys ml the hmstary ao girtafriphy . Z. Cixtal (e`mtar). he Kahls Hapbmls Ulmversmty Zress, Dictmnare.

Haonil, G.C., il` I.K. Drmfht

4::0 Oran Wuizam` ta Oacb Zattery; pattery niluoigturmlf tri`mtmals ml i ghilfmlfsagmic il` gucturic elvmralnelt al Wt. Cugmi. Lew Vest Ml`mil Fum`e  68(9-4);67-9:0.

Haonil, G.C., il` N.C.Z. Haafcil`

4::0 Wagmic @ylinmgs il` Ghilfe ml the Lartherl Cesser Iltmcces. Ml Cite Gerinmg IfeWagmetmes ml the Eisterl Girmddeil, e`mte` dy I. @ecpuegh il` G.C. Haonil, pp. 9-44.DIT Mlterlitmalic Wermes 9467. Irghieapress, Axoar`.

Haonil, G.C., I.K. Drmfht, I. Daanert, il` W. Blmppelderf

4::6 Mscil` Thythns; the Ved ao Wagmic Tecitmalshmps il` Mlterigtmal Letwarbs ml theCesser Iltmcceil Irghmpecifa detweel 0:: DG il` I@ 90=4. Citml Inermgil Iltmqumty98(7);407-4?8.407-4?8.

Haonil, G.C., I. Daanert, I.K. Drmfht, N.C.Z. Haafcil`, W. Blmppelderf, il` I._.N.Winsal

4:99 mes wmth the ‘Hanecil`s”; irghmpecifmg mlterigtmal il` the el`urmlf race ao thegaltmleltic Inermgil nimlcil` ml the pre-Gacundmil Cesser Iltmcces. Ml Mscil`s it theGrassrai`s; Nmfritmal, Weioirmlf, il` Mlterigtmal ml the Girmddeil, e`mte` dy C.I. Guretil` N.V. Hiuser. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi, ml press.

Haafcil`, N.C.Z, G.C. Haonil, I. Daanert, il` L. Fraat

4:99  Irfyce, Wt. _mlgelt; lew mlsmfht mlta the Mscil` Girmd aggupitmal ao the Cesser Iltmcces . Ziper preselte` it the 40th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy,Nirtmlmque.

Hucne, Z., il` L.C. Vhmtehei`

9==4 Vmc` Nikesty; elgaulters wmth Girmds oran Gacundus ta the preselt `iy . Gcirel`alGcirel`alZress, Axoar`.

Huyfhues-Decrase, _.4::8 Ce lan `es cmeux ê ci Nirtmlmque; ul pitrmnamle m`eltmtimre neligí. Ítu`es gir-mdíelles  99;4-96.

 Kesse, G.

9=?? Il Haure Fcisse ao Ml`mil Lews. Girmddeil Yuirtercy 94(9);0?-?6.

9=?6 Phe Inerml`mils ml Wt. Cugmi (Mauilicia). Wt. Cugmi Irghieacafmgic il` HmstarmgicWagmety, Gistrmes.

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 Kahlsal, Z.G.

4::6 Al Ceivmlf il` Kamlmlf Iormgilless hraufh Tecmfmal; he ‘Dcigb Girmds” IgrassNuctmpce @misparmg Harmzals.  Kaurlic ao Tecmfmal ml Iormgi 76;960-499.

Beefil, V.O.

4::: Vest Ml`mil Irghieacafy. 7. Gerinmg Ife.  Kaurlic ao Irghieacafmgic Teseirgh 8(4);975-9?6.

C”Ítilf, .

4::0 apalynme ml`mfèle `es Iltmcces. Ml Ces Gmvmcmsitmals Inírml`melles `es Zetmtes Iltmcces , e`mte` dy G. Gecni, pp. 74-5?. Mnprmnerme Giriád E`mprmlte, Oart `e Orilge.

Cidit, K.-D.

9=6: Phe nenamrs ao Zère Cidit, 9?=7-96:5 . rilscite` dy K. Ei`el. Giss Cmdriry ao

 Vest Ml`mil Wtu`mes, la. 8. Orilb Giss, Cal`al.Cipe, Z._.

4::4 Hmstarmg nips il` irghieacafy is i neils ao ul`erstil`mlf cite pre-gacalmic set-tcenelt ml the Dil`i Mscil`s, Ml`alesmi. Ismil Zerspegtmves  09(9);07-6:. 

Ce Dretal, I.

9==8 R9644^ Hmstarmg iggault ao Wimlt _mlgelt, the Ml`mil ]aurauniyl, the mscil` aothe Biriydes, 9??4-967?.  he Niyreiu Elvmralneltic @evecapnelt Arfilmzitmal,Bmlfstawl.

Carmner, K. (e`mtar)

4::? Wmr Victer Ticemfh”s @msgaverme ao Fumili . Varbs mssue` dy the Hibcuyt Wagmety,hmr` Wermes, La. 95, e`mte` dy V.O. Tyil il` N. Drellil. Ishfite, Cal`al.

Nareiu, K.-Z.

9==4 Ces Zetmtes Iltmcces `e Ghrmstaphe Gacand ê Tmghecmeu; 90=7-9?75 . Birthici, Zirms.

Nareiu @e Kallès, I.

9=4: R9858^  I`veltures ml the Virs ao the Tepudcmg il` the Galsucite . rilscite` dy I.

 K. Ir`y. Kahl Nurriy, Cal`al.

Narfil, D.

4::0 Lmghacc, Kahl. Axoar` `mgtmaliry ao litmalic dmafriphy. _acune 0:;6?=-66:.

Narsmlb, K.

4::? (Te-)Galstrugtmlf Galstrugtmals; quatm`mil cmoe il` sagmic prigtmge it Ilse ê ciFaur`e . Ulpudcmshe` Nister thesms, Cem`el Ulmversmty, Cem`el.

Lmghacc, K.

9?:6 Il Haure Fcisse ao Ml`mil Lewes  Retg^. Lithilmecc Dutter, Cal`al.

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Zetmtkeil Tafet, K.

9=65 Hmstamre `e c”msce `e Freli`e el Inírmque;9?0=-9?5= . Nilusgrmt ilalyne e 9?5=,príseltí et illatí pir Kigques Zetmtkeil Tafet, texte ítidcm pir Ícmsideth Graslmer.Zresses `e c”Ulmversmte `e Naltreic, Naltreic.

Zuflet, K.-O.-X.98:0 Essim sur ci tapafriphme `e c”ìce Wimlte-Cugme . @m`at Keule, Zirms.

Tagheoart, G. `e

9?58 Hmstamre Liturecce et Narice `es Mces Iltmcces `e c”Inírmque . Irlaut Ceers,Tatter`in.

Whepir`, G.

9=69 R9879^  Il hmstarmgic iggault ao the mscil` ao Wt. _mlgelt . Giss Cmdriry ao Vest

Ml`mil Wtu`mes, La. 47. Orilb Giss, Cal`al.Wpares, T.

9=8: Lew Varc` Ethlahmstary il` Irghieacafy, 9=6:-9=8:.  Illuic Tevmew ao Ilthrapacafy  =;565-?:7.

iycar, @.

9=5? Lines al @anmlmgi . Vest-Ml`msghe Fm`s 7?;949-940.

9=58 Lines al Wimlt _mlgelt. Vest-Ml`msghe Fm`s 78;9:?-99:.

vil `el Dmffeciir, @., il` I. Daanert4:9: Tesgue exgivitmals it the smte ao the outure Irfyce Mlterlitmalic Imrpart, Wautheist Wt._mlgelt (Kule 4::=). Vmth il Ippel`mx dy Wedistmiil Blmppelderf . Ulpudcmshe` nilu-sgrmpt, Oigucty ao Irghieacafy, Cem`el Ulmversmty, Cem`el.

_erril`, C.

4::9 Ci vme quatm`melle `es Ml`mels Giriádes iux Zetmtes Iltmcces (X_MM e  smègce). Í`mtmalsBirthici, Zirms.

 Vmcsal, W.N.

9==0 Wtrugture il` Hmstary. Gandmlmlf Irghieacafy il` Ethlahmstary ml the GaltigtZerma` Girmddeil. Ml Gigmques il` themr Zeapce; i vacune ml halar ao Talic` Wpares, e`-mte` dy K. Nirgus il` K.O. [emtcml, pp. 9=-7:. Ilthrapacafmgic pipers la. 8=, Nuseunao Ilthrapacafy, Ulmversmty ao Nmghmfil, Ill Irdar.

 ]aulf, V.

9=69R96=5^  Il iggault ao the Dcigb Ghirimds ml the Mscil` ao Wt. _mlgelt”s; wmth theGhirimd treity ao 9667, il` ather armfmlic `agunelts ganpmce` oran the pipers ao WmrVmccmin ]aulf . Giss Cmdriry ao Vest Ml`mil Wtu`mes, la. 98. Orilb Giss, Cal`al.

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Phe exinpce ao the Tecitmal dy Kigques Dautal

Derlir` Frulderf 

 Kigques Dautal, the omrst recmfmaus ghralmgcer ao Nirtmlmque (9?0:), fmves il mlterestmlf`esgrmptmal ao the mscil` il` mts mlhidmtilts. Icthaufh mt ms prmnirmcy i warb ao ‘prapifil-

`i” `esmfle` ta issmst il` pranate the gacalmzitmal ao the mscil`, the oigt renimls thit mlthe cist twa ghipters ao hms daab, the iuthar aooers i drmeo `esgrmptmal ao the Girmd, whmghwmcc very aotel de reoerre` ta ml the vist cmteriture al the ml`mfelaus papucitmal. Ve mlte`ta oml` aut haw thms text wis wrmttel il` whit mloarnitmal we gil `riw oran mt oar aurblawce`fe ao the Girmd ao Nirtmlmque.

Zrmner gralmsti recmfmasa `e Nirtmlmgi (9?0:), Kigques Dautal `i uli mlteresilte `e-sgrmpgm÷l `e ci msci y sus hidmtiltes. Iulque se triti sadre ta`a `e uli adri `e ‘prapifil-`i”, estmli`i i iyu`ir y i pranaver ci gacalmzigm÷l e ci msci, esa la mnpm`e que el cas `asûctmnas gipîtucas e su gr÷lmgi, ec iutar las eltrefi uli esgrmpgm÷l sugmlti e cas Girmdes,que nuy i nelu`a servmré `e reoerelgmi i lunerasas esgrmtas respeta i esti padcigm÷l ml`î-feli. Mlteltirenas galager g÷na este texta oue esgrmta y guéces sal cis mloarnigmales quepa`enas sigir piri luestra galagmnmelta `e cas Girmdes `e Nirtmlmgi.

Zrenmer ghralmqueur recmfmeux e ci Nirtmlmque (9?0:), Kigques Dautal alle ule esgrmp-tmal mltíressilte `e c”ìce et `e ses hidmtilts. W”mc s”ifmt surtaut `”ule aeuvre `e ‘prapifil`e”,`estmlíe ê im`er et pranauvamr ci gacalmsitmal `e c”ìce, mc l”el reste pis namls que `ils ces`eux `erlmers ghipmtres `e sal auvrife, c”iuteur laus cmvre ule `esgrmptmal suggmlgte `esGiriádes, qum servmri très sauvelt `e ríoírelge ê `e landreux ígrmts sur gette papucitmalml`mfèle. Laus ghergherals ê sivamr gannelt ge texte i ítí ígrmt et quecces salt ces mloar-nitmals que laus pauvals el tmrer paur latre gallimssilge `es Giriádes `e Nirtmlmque.

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 Vest Ml`mil reseirgh, il` pirtmgucircy the stu`y ao Inerml`mils, stmcc suooers oran `moomguctiggess ta the prmlte` ar nilusgrmpt saurges, mlgcu`mlf thase ml Orelgh, galgerlmlf theCesser Iltmcces `itmlf oran the cite omoteelth geltury ta the sevelteelth geltury (g.90=7-g.9?=:). Advmauscy, we ire lat galgerle` dy the wrmtmlfs ao K.D. Cidit ar K.D. @u ertre,dut dy ghralmgces, cetters il` trivec iggaults pudcmshe` alge, aotel ml alcy i oew gapmes,ar ulpudcmshe`. hese `agunelts ire esseltmic ml ar`er ta ul`erstil` the sagmety ao themscil`s ml the sevelteelth geltury, il` pirtmgucircy the ml`mfelaus peapces, wha wauc`vmrtuiccy `msippeir ul`er Orelgh ruce ml the Cesser Iltmcces ml ul`er i geltury. Mt ms mlthms galtext thit the prafrin E`mtmal `”ul garpus ganpcet `e saurges rires au mlí`mtes sur cesZetmtes Iltmcces (90=7-9??:) wis darl, oul`e` dy the Litmalic Teseirgh Ifelgy (ILT) il``mregte` dy Zraoessar D. Frulderf it the Ulmversmty ao Temns. @msgmpcmliry `mversmty de-mlf law wecc pcige` ml hmstarmgic il` sgmeltmomg stu`mes, mt seene` gceir ta us thit ta smnpcyrestrmgt aursecves ta `aguneltiry saurges, wauc` de ta `eprmve aursecves ao i whace rilfe

ao Vest Ml`mil reseirgh gurreltcy ul`erwiy; Girmddeil irgheacafy.9

 he armfmlicmty il` purpase ao thms prafrin ms ta pravm`e oar the omrst tmne i ganpre-helsmve da`y ao saurges, rire il` ulpudcmshe`, al the Cesser Iltmcces ml the cite omoteelthta the nm`-sevelteelth geltury, pirtmgucircy ml the irei ao the mscil`s whmgh wauc` de ul-`er Orelgh galtrac ml the sevelteelth geltury il` ta oigmcmtite the stu`y ao Inerml`milpapucitmals ao thms refmal; ‘the Girmddeil Mscil`s”. he da`y”s imn ms ta pravm`e i reoerelgetaac il` ta smnpcmoy iggess ta the saurges, the wm`e `mssenmlitmal ao these agunelts ta depreselte` sgmeltmomgiccy, mlgcu`mlf trilscitmals ao Citml, Wpilmsh, Mticmil il` Elfcmsh texts,dmafriphmes ao iuthars, grmtmgic taacs ta gcirmoy the galtelt ao texts, etg.

he hmfhest strmgtless degine i prmniry requmrenelt oar the stu`y ao the saurges secegt-

e` oar the `evecapnelt ao the garpus. Mo mt seene` reiccy legessiry ta pudcmsh ar repudcmshnitermic oran the garpus, mt hi` ta hive deel galsucte` omrst. Mt wis thereoare legessiry taisgertiml the exigt cagitmal ao the armfmlics (ar gapmes) ta vermoy the trilsgrmpts mlgcu`e`ml prevmaus e`mtmals, ta exinmle the liture ao the `agunelt oar nilusgrmpt warbs (armfm-lic `agunelt wrmttel dy the hil` ao i gacunlmst, ar galtenpariry gapy ao the armfmlicwarb ar citer). Alge thms warb wis ganpcete`, severic gises enerfe`. Emther the aguneltwis ulpudcmshe`, ml whmgh gise mt wis legessiry ta nibe i gapy il` trilsgrmde mt, ar the`agunelt whmgh hi` icrei`y deel pudcmshe` shawe` errars il` mt wis legessiry ta restarethe text”s mltefrmty, ar the `agunelt hi` icrei`y deel pudcmshe` ml mts armfmlic versmalil` mt wis elaufh ta trilsgrmde. Avericc, the omrst twa gises ire the nast gannal ales.

Gurreltcy, i cirfe pirt ao grmtmgic pudcmshmlf his deel pra`uge` il` icc wmcc de `ecmvere` tathe pudcmg ml eircy 4:94.Ml i``mtmal ta these `aguneltiry saurges, we nust tibe stagb ao Vest Ml`mil irgheac-

afy. Oran drmlfmlf these `aguneltiry il` irghieacafmgic saurges ta cmfht oaccaws i `uicganpiritmve il` ganpceneltiry ippraigh. Is oir is the irghieacafmgic saurges ire gal-gerle`, the nast recevilt ippraigh ms ta sylthesmze gurrelt blawce`fe ml thms omec`; the nm-fritmal pitterls ao the Girmddeil Mscil`s il` the stu`y ao the ghirigtermstmgs ao Girmddeilnitermic gucture. Hawever, mt shauc` de enphismze` thit these ml`mfelaus peapce ao the

9 Pe niml issagmites ao thms prafrin ire; Garmlle C. Haonil (Cem`el Ulmversmty), Il`rí @ecpuegh (Nusíe `uYuim Drilcy) il` Delaìt Dírir` (Ulmversmtí `es Iltmcces et `e ci Fuyile).

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Cesser Iltmcces ire lat it icc ml the sevelteelth geltury whit they were ml the omoteelth gel-tury, `urmlf themr elgaulter wmth the Eurapeils (@e ci Dar`e 9?60).

hms prafrin faes oir deyal` the smnpce orinewarb ao omcmlf `iti. Mo thms ms ml`ee`idaut pudcmshmlf ale ar nare daabs wmth i sgmeltmomg e`mtmal ao texts il` pravm`mlf ilavervmew is ganpcete is passmdce ao the irghieacafmgic oml`mlfs.

Phe ghralmgces ao Kigques Dautal (9?0:) 

Ml 9?75, Zmerre Deciml `”Eslindug ceot wmth hul`re`s ao settcers oran Wt. Bmtts ta gacalmzeNirtmlmque. He wis igganpilme` dy i nalb, Oither Hyigmlth, wha welt wmth hmn mlar`er ta gecedrite the recmfmaus gerenaly nirbmlf the tibeaver ao the mscil`, shartcy ioterwhmgh the nalb returle` ta Wt. Bmtts (Tellir` 9=50;7=). Lat hivmlf ily recmfmaus omf-ure4 ml Nirtmlmque, ml cite 9?7? `mregtars ao the Ganpily ao the Mscil`s ao Inermgi, wharil the mscil`s il` nalapacmze` the tri`e, `egm`e` ta sel` Gipughmls, dut these ire calfiwimte` (Tellir` 9=50;0:). Oar Tellir`, thms Ar`er, whmgh elgaultere` sane `moomguc-tmes, mlgcu`mlf i omrst oimcure ml Fui`ecaupe, wis recugtilt ta tibe al Nirtmlmque.7 Deoare9?0:, thms mscil` `m` lat hive ily pernilelt recmfmaus iutharmty il` the ‘`mvmle servmge”wis pravm`e` dy i oew segucir prmests.0 Alge mt degine gceir thit the Gipughmls were latganmlf, the Ganpily, mlgcu`mlf Orilæams Oauquet, ale ao the cei`mlf nenders, gicce`upal the Kesumts ml 9?78 oar hecp, wha thel iggepte`.5 Al Lavender 45, 9?7=, Dautal,Ce Gcerg il` Hinpteiu endirbe` it Liltes oar Inermgi. ?

 Kigques Dautal, darl ml Liltes Kule 9=, 95=:, ml i weicthy oinmcy (hms oither wis inerghilt), eltere` the lavmtmite ao Tauel ml 9?9: il` stu`me` phmcasaphy il` theacafy itCaums ce Fril` (Zirms). Ioter fri`uitmlf, he girrme` aut hms praoessmal ao the oaur vaws itCi Ocèghe (9?48)6 il` degine praoessar it Tauel, Daurfes, Telles, Zirms il` the Gaccefeao Ci Ocèghe (Wirthe). haufh demlf mcc, he wis ippamlte` prmlgmpic ao Ci Ocèghe dair`-mlf sghaac (9?75-9?7?), deoare `mregtmlf the gaccefe ao Telles (9?7?-9?7=). He ceot oarNirtmlmque ml 9?7= ta set up i nmssmal there. He welt digb ta Orilge ioter i oew nalthsta fet nare naley il` thel wrate hms Tecitmal. Al ar`ers oran hms supermars, he returle`ta Nirtmlmque ml 9?04 ta `eomlmtmvecy estidcmsh the Kesumt nmssmal, dut oiccmlf smgb, he wisadcmfe` ta ceive the mscil`. He returle` ta teigh it Ci Oceghe (9?07-05), it Yumnper

4 Pe @anmlmgil Zmerre Zícmgil Wupermar ao the Nmssmal ao the Ml`mes, ni`e i ciyaver ml Nirtmlmque ml Kule 9?75,deoare ceivmlf oar Fui`ecaupe (Ginus 9=84;=).=).

7 Ioter the irrmvic ao the Kesumts, Gipughmls isbe` ta settce ml the mscil`. Ml 9?04, the Zrapifil`i wauc` repcyfriltmlf themr request dut Kesumts wauc` beep themr pirmshes il` Gipughmls wauc` de idce ta greite lew ales,

degiuse ao the mlgreismlf papucitmal (Tellir` 9=50;00).0 Pey welt ta Nirtmlmque it themr awl expelse, dut were lat pim` dy the Ganpily. Pey regemve` i snicc oee

there oran thase wha ni`e then gane (Tellir` 9=50;0:).5 Pe Ganpily isbe` oar three recmfmaus peapce ta whan mt wauc` frilt twa ar three servilts il` ?:: ‘cmvres taur-

lams” ta settce al the mscil`, (Tellir` 9=50;09). Zetmtkeil Tafet (9=8:;6=6); –Ci Nirtmlmque `amt c”mlsti ccitmal`es Kísumtes ê ci prategtmal taute spígmice `u prísm`elt Oaugquet, c”ul `es `mregteurs. Ce père Zecceprit eltínamflife `e fritmtu`e `í`meri si Tecitmal `e 9?55 iu cs `e ge `erlmer, ce Wurmltel`ilt Lmgacis Oaugquet„.Zecceprit wrate ml hms epmstce ; –Mc l”i pis seucenelt ítí c”iuteur `u `esseml qu”al prmt `”elvayer `es pères `elatre Ganpiflme `ils ces ìces nims mc el i taukaurs sm pumssinnelt pratífí ces Nmssmals que sm ecces cum `amveltceur gannelgenelt, ecces le cum salt pis namls adcmfíes `e ceur galservitmal „ (go. Zecceprit 4::= R9?55^ ;57).@u ertre (9=68 ;970) gcimns thit preoerelge wis fmvel dy –Zrísm`elt Oaugquet qum imnimt ci Ganpiflme `esTZ Kísumtes” ml spmte ao cetters ao `u Zirquet wha ‘`enil`i `es Tecmfmeux `e latre ar`re au `es TZ Gipugmls„.

? Dautal `aes lat fmve the `ite ao `epirture, he alcy wrmtes –ce vel`re`m vmlft-gmlqumène `e lavendre, kaur `e

Wimlte Githermle„ (Dautal9?0:;9). Pms Orm`iy garrespal`s alcy ta the yeir 9?7=.6 Pe Kesumts i`` ta the three vaws ao paverty, ghistmty il` ade`melge, thit ao ade`melge ta the Zape.

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(9?05-08) il` thel it Daurfes (9?08-59) deoare returlmlf ta Ci Ocèghe where he `me`Lavender 96, 9?58.

 Ve seeb ta mccustrite il` ta ul`erstil` whit Dautal”s nmssmal ml Nirtmlmque wis idautil` haw he `esgrmde` thms mscil` `eicmlf wmth icc the quicmtmes gal`ugmve ta i gacalmic set-tcenelt. hel we wmcc shaw haw Dautal pergemve` the litmves; i pergeptmal whmgh wis i

saurge oar nily wrmters, evel i na`ec ao stereatypmgic vmews ao the Girmd.

Dautal”s nmssmal

 I calf il` permcaus kaurley 

Ceivmlf Liltes Lavender 45, 9?7=, the Kesumts” shmp el`ure` –nare thil omve weebs„ aostarn il` di` weither, il` hi` ta tibe reoufe ml i part ml @eval. 8 he Nmssmalirmes re-nimle` ml Elfcil` oar smx weebs (oran Kiluiry ? ta Oedruiry 4:) deoare famlf ta Inermgi2they grasse` the Gilirmes thel the Gipe _er`e Mscil`s deoare irrmvmlf ml Dirdi`as al Iprmc4, where they ceirle` thit the Girmd hi` ittigbe` Fui`ecaupe.= Mt wauc` tibe then oaur`iys ta reigh themr `estmlitmal.

Phe irrmvic ml Nirtmlmque 

he Kesumts irrmve` ml Nirtmlmque al Iprmc ?. he Ganpily hi` icrei`y mssue` ar`ers oarthen ta de prapercy wecgane` il` wecc igganna`ite` (Tellir` 9=50;MMM 09-04). @uZirquet, the faverlar ao the mscil`, wecgane` then –very gaurteauscy„. Is the Nmssmalirmes,iggar`mlf ta Dautal (9?0:;M 80), `m` lat wilt ta stiy it hms hane oar oeir ao dathermlfhmn, they were ca`fe` dy @u Zirquet ml hms ghipciml”s hut, iwimtmlf galstrugtmal ao themrhanes. Dut, iggar`mlf ta @u ertre, the –faverlar wha hi` lat requeste` then oaul`

hmnseco it omrst very recugtilt ta regemve then„.9:

 Dautal hmnseco late` thit he hi` fale–ta cei` nily wecc-irne` nel turtce omshmlf... Ril` ta^ estidcmsh the fuir` oar the sioety aoomshernel, il` ta ceirl mo wir wauc` dreib aut ifimlst the Wivifes„. 99 Vmth the omshmlf de-mlf `ale il` the lews reissurmlf, it the el` ao Iprmc the faverlar welt ta the pcige wherehe hi` `egm`e` ta settce the Kesumts. Ioter gceirmlf the cil`, leir Oart Wt. Zmerre, themr hausewis dumct ao waa` il` Niy 97, the Kesumts gauc` nave ml il` –stirt Rthemr^ `utmes, ta thefcary ao Fa`„.94 Dut mt seens thit the settcers caabe` paarcy upal the irrmvic ao the Kesumtswhan ml themr eyes, hi` deel selt dy the Ganpily (@u ertre 9=80;M 970).

Ml`ee`, the settcers, wha igguse` the Ganpily ao the Mscil`s ao Inermgi ao lat sel`-mlf then the legessmtmes ta sustiml cmoe al the mscil`, turle` themr reseltnelt ifimlst the

 Kesumts famlf is oir is wiltmlf ta `epart then. Fmvel the turnamc thit ragbe` Nirtmlmque,Zhmcmppe Calfvmccmers `e Zamlgy, `”Eslindug”s suggessar, cmeutelilt feleric ao the mscil`s,illaulge` the `epcaynelt ao i gannmssmaler mo the faverlar il` the mlhidmtilts `m` lat

8 –@meu le laus vaucimt pis sm peu `e dmel, mc laus t ell trauver c”eltríe `u hivre `e Hidce`ac, qum vi kusqu”ê`eux petmtes vmcces lanníes Dí`moart, et Dirlstipce„ (Dautal 9?0:;M 8). Oran thms pamlt al icc reoerelges taDautal”s text wmcc de fmvel dy the ghipter lunder, oaccawe` dy the pifmlitmal ao the armfmlic text ao 9?0:.

= –C”mrruptmal `es Wiuvifes `ils ci Fui`ecaupe„ (Dautal 9?0:;M 47).9: –Fauverleur qum le ces ivimt pis `enil`ís se trauvi `”idar` oart peu `mspasí ê ces regevamr„ (@u ertre 9=68;

M 970).99 –Neler landre ”hannes dmel irnís ê ci pëghe `e ci tartue R... et^ ítidcmr `es garps `e fir`e paur ci sòretí es

pëgheurs, et ipprel`re sm al iurimt fuerre galtre ces Wiuvifes„(Dautal M 45).94 –Gannelger Rceurs^ oalgtmals, ê ci fcamre `e @meu„ (Dautal 9?0:;9 4?-46).

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oaccaw ar`ers. he peapce redecce` il` `egm`e` ta sege`e. he gannmssmaler irrmve` kust`iys ioter, girrymlf i cetter isbmlf Dautal ta restare ar`er il` issmst the gannmssmaler.Dautal oaul` i ganpranmse, il` the mlhidmtilts eltruste` hmn wmth the tisb ao preselt-mlf themr lee`s (@ivm` 9=80;7:-77) deoare the `mregtars ao the Ganpily. hms wis gal-omrne` dy @u ertre, whmgh enphismzes thit Dautal, wha wis –i warthy nil il` il exgec-

celt preigher, taughe` then wmth hms preighmlf il` ni`e then ghilfe themr nml`s„.97

Dautal ceot hms gacceifues Hinpteiu il` Ce Gcerg ta caab ioter the Kesumt nmssmal il`ceot pradidcy ml Kucy. He welt al ta vmsmt @anmlmgi 90, Fui`ecaupe (Dautal 9?0:;M_ 56,_M 80) il` perhips Wt. Bmtts (@ivm` 9=80;74). Irrmvmlf ml Zirms, he wrate, Weptender 96,9?0:, ta the feleric ao hms Ar`er il` defil ta wrmte the Tecitmal, ta de pudcmshe` deoarethe el` ao the yeir, is reocegte` ml the Zernmssmal dy Kigques @mlet, Zravmlgmic Wagmety ao

 Kesus, `ite` Agtader ?, 9?0: (Dautal 9?0:;_).

Dautal”s repart al hms nmssmal

Upal hms returl, Dautal saufht wiys ta elsure the cmoe ao the Kesumt nmssmal ml Nirtmlmque,

espegmiccy dy trymlf ta sel` ather Kesumts there. Kigques @mlet iutharmze` the `epirture ao kust ale Kesumt, Caums Galir`, wha ceot cite ml 9?0: oar Nirtmlmque. Al Kiluiry 4, 9?09,he preselte` i repart ta Oauquet thit requmre` the `mregtars ta ar`er @u Zirquet ta expil`themr hauses ao the Nmssmalirmes. Al Oedruiry ?, 9?09, the @mregtars ao the Ganpily wrateta the faverlar ta see –mo the hause ao the Kesumt Oithers gauc` de eismcy extel`e`„ 95 il` molat, where ta oml` ilather ale. Ourthernare, the Ganpily pravm`e` then wmth smx ittel`-ilts, wha were exenpte` oran ather `utmes il` @u Zirquet shicc –mo he drmlfs Lefraes tathe mscil` ta secc il` thit the Kesumts ire isbmlf oar sane„ they gil de –celt i gaupce„.9? Ml

 Kucy 9?09, the Ganpily selt 4:: cmvres taurlams  oar Oither Hinpteiu ta Nirtmlmque. he Kesumt pravmlgmic wis lat very prale ta sel`mlf Nmssmalirmes ta the mscil`s. Mt ms alcy it the

el` ao 9?09 thit he iutharmze` i gaupce ao Kesumts ta ceive, Oither Galir` il` DratherDurec. Dautal stiye` ml Orilge, pradidcy thmlbmlf thit he hi` ta galtmlue trymlf ta hivenare recmfmaus peapce ml ar`er ta nimltiml the Nmssmal ml Nirtmlmque. Ml Weptender 9?04,the `mregtars five hmn 5:: cmvres taurlams  –ta dumc` il` ourlmsh themr hanes„ il` fmve oreepissife ta the nmssmalirmes il` themr servilts il` i gertiml sun ta pravm`e oar themr lee`salge there.96  Dautal oaul` twa lew oithers, @u Nirbet il` Cirgilmer, wha endirbe`wmth hmn ml eircy Lavender 9?04.

Hivmlf kust returle` ta Orilge, Dautal pudcmshes hms Tecitmal98, wrmttel oar the Nessmeurs `e ci Ganpiflme `es ìces `e c”Inírmque . He expresses ml hms preoige thit he hi`, ishi` deel expegte`, fmvel issmstilge ta the settcers” sicvitmal. Vhel he `egm`e` ta pudcmsh

97 –Hanne `e nírmte et exgeccelt prí`mgiteur„ (@u ertre 9=68;M 970).90 –Ganne laus pissmals ê latre retaur pir ci @anmlmque, ul siuvife vmlt vers laus kusqu”ê nm ghenml, nims

sm tðt qu”mc iperæut latre petmt diteiu qum ítimt `errmère ce vimsseiu, mc s”el retaurli dmel vmte„ (Dautal 9?0:;MX99?).

95 –Wm c”hidmtitmal `es Zères Kísumtes se peut iggraìtre oigmcenelt„ (@ivm` 9=80;74).9? –W”mc inèle `es lèfres ê vel`re ils c”ìce et que ces pères kísumtes el `enil`elt quecques uls Rceur el^ dimccer

ul gaupce„ (@ivm` 9=80;74).96 Pe Kesumts adtimle` i cail ao –0:: orilgs `e secal ci viceur `u piys et 4:: orilgs el irfelt paur ceurs líges-

smtís„2 servilts were frilte` idair` –kusqu”ê ge que c”al ceur im dimccí `es lèfres, qum seri carsqu”mc el vmel`ri elc”ìce„. I tatic ao emfht servilts ao the niml resm`elge `m`l”t hive ta piy the sa-gicce` tixe ( gipmtitmal), il` alcyoaur ao then ao the ather hause. Omliccy the `mregtars spegme` thit mo there were stmcc prmests al the mscil` they

shauc` recy upal the Kesumts (@ivm` 9=80;74).98 –@aller iu pudcmg ge petmt lirrí„(Dautal 9?0:;MM).

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the Tecitmal,  mt wis wmth the mlteltmal ao `msidusmlf –thase wha Rgauc` lat^ decmeve thitthere Rwis^ sa nugh faa` al Rthe^ mscil`, thit Rthemr^ gire il` `evatmal Rhi`^ pravm`e`,il` sa nugh hape thit mt Rgauc`^ citer fraw, Fa` wmccmlf, wmth the sine neils fmvel itthe defmllmlf„.9=  Mt icsa ittenpte` ta elcmfhtel the –mflarilt„ wha `m` lat blaw whitwis reiccy hippelmlf al the mscil`s (MMM). Ao gaurse, mt wis icsa idaut primsmlf the nen-

ders ao the Ganpily ao the Mscil`s ao Inermgi dy latmlf whit they hi` icrei`y –`ale mlthe pist„, il` dy smcelgmlf the grmtmgmsn ao thase wha –grmtmgmze then oar lat fettmlf whitthey wilte`„, iggusmlf then ao demlf, dy themr awl nmstibes, the saurge ao `msar`ers mlthese cil`s.4: Vhmce Dautal ms cugm`, he wis idce ta wmtless the `estmtutmal ao the settcers,ta whan he oect pirtcy gallegte`, il` he wis lat iorim` ta express the oaccawmlf grmtmgmsn,icdemt very gaurteauscy; –mo M hmfhcmfhte` i oew ociws il` legessmtmes is thmlfs ao thms warc`whmgh ire lat icc peroegt ml themr defmllmlf, mt ms alcy ta shaw haw nugh respalsmdmcmtyyau fiml oar the mlhidmtilts ao these mscil`s, galtmlumlf ta enpcay sugh gire il` sughexpel`mture ta put then it eise„.49 Omliccy, he pudcmshes the Tecitmal ml ar`er ta elgaurife`epirtures degiuse, his he sim`, –mt ms icsa mnpartilt thit thase wha wilt ta fa there, ceirl

thit they gil reisalidcy pranmse thensecves whit they gil cefmtmnitecy `esmre oar themrspmrmtuic il` tenparic deleomt„.44

Dautal hi` gceircy rei` i cat ao warbs al the Lew Varc`. Ve blaw he blew thewrmtmlfs ao the Gili`mil Kesumt nmssmalirmes, mlgcu`mlf thase ao Nirg Cesgirdat, KírðneCicenilt il` Ziuc Ce Keule.47 Dautal”s Tecitmal pradidcy reoers ta these starmes dy ticbmlfidaut dmr`s40, the durmic fraul`s ao the Girmd45 il` idaut the mscil` gilaes thit `mooere`nirbe`cy oran thase ao the Gili`mils4?. Dut espegmiccy Dautal sees the Girmd ta de cessgruec thil the Ml`mils ao Gili`i, pradidcy degiuse the citter hi` bmcce` nily ao hms recm-fmaus drathers.46

Mt ms gceir thit urmlf the oew weebs he renimle` ml Nirtmlmque (cess thil three nalths),

Dautal, espmte hms freit mlteccmfelge, m` lat hive tmne ta late awl icc the ecenelts thitnibe up the Tecitmal. He hi` ta use emther tices ar, il` nast cmbecy, the wrmtmlfs thit wereit hms `mspasic. Hawever, the iuthar ao the Tecitmal `e c”ítidcmssenelt `es Orilæims  `aes lat

9= –Geux qum le peuvelt gramre qu”mc y imt nimltelilt tilt `e dmel el gette ìce, que vas samls et vatre pmítí y el altpragurí, et tilt `”espírilge qu”mc gramsse ê c”ivelmr iu pamlt qu”mc graìtri, @meu im`ilt, pir ces nënes nayels qumcum alt `allí gannelgenelt „ (Dautal 9?0:;MM).

4: –Oimt pir ce pissí R...^ ígrmelt paur l”y ivamr pis trauví ceur ganpte„ (Dautal 9?0:;MMM).49 –Yue sm k”im nirquí quecques `íoiuts et lígessmtís, ganne ces ghases `e ge nal`e l”alt pis taute ceur peroegtmalYue sm k”im nirquí quecques `íoiuts et lígessmtís, ganne ces ghases `e ge nal`e l”alt pis taute ceur peroegtmal

`ils ceur gannelgenelt, g”est paur oimre vamr gandmel vaus igquerrez `”adcmfitmals sur ces hidmtilts `e ges ìces,galtmluilt `”enpcayer tilt `e samls, et oimre tilt `e `ípelses paur ces nettre ê ceur ims e „ (Dautal 9?0:;MMM).

44 –Est iussm mnpartilt que geux qum y veucelt iccer ipprellelt qu”mcs peuvelt iveg rimsal se pranettre ge qu”mcsst iussm mnpartilt que geux qum y veucelt iccer ipprellelt qu”mcs peuvelt iveg rimsal se pranettre ge qu”mcspeuvelt cífmtmnenelt `ísmrer paur ceur prat et spmrmtuec et tenparec„ (Dautal 9?0:;MMM-M_).„ (Dautal 9?0:;MMM-M_).(Dautal 9?0:;MMM-M_).

47 Cesgirdat (9?:=) dut is oir is Kírðne Cicenilt il` Ziuc Ce Keule ire galgerle` go. Cicenilt il` Ce Keule(98=?-9=:9).

40 –Zumsque laus ivals pircí `es amseiux, ke veux nirquer mgM, que laus l”el ivals auá iugul qum nírmte `”ëtreprms paur sal ghilt, et qu”mc y i iussm el ge piys ganne iu Gili`i, gertimls petmts amsmccals `”ul très deiupcunife, qum vmvelt `e ffleurs iussm dmel que ces idemcces; laus ces ippecals gacmdrms„ (Dautal 9?0: ;_ 67).

45 –@e recmfmal al l”el regalliìt iugule pirnm eux. Mcs alt quecque gallimssilge `e c”mnnarticmtí `e c”äne,`”iutilt qu”mcs `allelt iux änes `es `íoults, ganne ces Gili`mels, `es hir`es, `es vmvres pel`ilt quecques

 kaurs, et `es neudces paur ces servmr„ (Dautal 9?0:;MX 9:?)4? –Autre ges gilats, oimts `”ule pmège `e dams, et lal pis `e c”ígarge `”ul irdre ganne geux `es Gili`mels, mcs

alt `es pmrafues, oimtRe^s `e `eux au trams pmèges2 Recces^ salt pcus fril`Re^s que ces gilats, et y el i qum parteltquirilte et gmlquilte hannes„ (Dautal 9?0:;X 946).

46 –Mcs tuelt et nilfelt ceurs giptmos iveg nmcce gírínalmes, et gruiutís, lal pis tauteoams sm fril`es que gecces `esGili`mels„(Dautal 9?0:;X 946).

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fmve us ily mloarnitmal. Ve blaw lathmlf ao the saurges thit Dautal wis idce ta galsuct,ar ao the mloarnilts wha gauc` hive fmvel hmn mloarnitmal.

 I nilusgrmpt ao the daab wrmttel dy Dautal ms lat blawl dut mt gil de reisalidcyfuesse` thit he wrate mt hmnseco. He lee`e` alcy ta reoer ta the styce ao hms rei`mlfs, wmthreoerelges ta hms vmsmts. he daab galtimls ecevel ghipters, whmgh gil de `mvm`e` mlta oaur

fraups; i stary ao the kaurley (Gh.9), the feafriphmgic `esgrmptmal il` lituric hmstary ao–Orelgh Nirtmlmque„ (Gh. 4 il` 7) the i`viltifes il` `msi`viltifes ao gacalmzmlf il ms-cil` (Gh. 0, 5, ?, 6, 99) il` the `esgrmptmal ao the mscil`”s papucitmals (Gh. 8, =, 9:).

he ganpasmtmal ao the daab shaws thit thms ms prmnirmcy i warb ao prapifil`i aldehico ao the Ganpily ao the Mscil`s ao Inermgi, ao whan Dautal wis the –servilt„.he oaur ghipters `etimcmlf the averwhecnmlf pasmtmves oir autwemfh the smlfce ghipter althe `riwdigbs. he oigt renimls thit the `esgrmptmal, oist ml`ee`, ao the –Vmc` Girmds„ms the omrst reic prmlte` lirritmve we hive al the ml`mfelaus mlhidmtilts ao Nirtmlmque(Ilalynaus ao Girpeltris 9==0).

Dautal”s returl ta Nirtmlmque Ml Lavender 9?04, Oithers Dautal, Ghirces `u Nirghí il` Tadert Cirgilmer welt aver-seis ta kaml Oithers Hinpteiu il` Galir` ml Nirtmlmque. Oran thit nanelt al, the ms-cil` hi` smx Kesumts, iggar`mlf ta the wmsh ao the Ganpily. Vhmce we `a lat blaw exigtcywhit Dautal wis `amlf al the mscil`, mt ms gertiml thit he `m` icc thit wis legessiry oar icistmlf settcenelt ao the nmssmal.

Dut, tmre` il` smgb, il` demlf perhips la calfer legessiry, Dautal pradidcy degine ipradcen oar hms ganpilmals, wha `eene` mt wmse ta returl hmn ta nimlcil` Orilge. Mt mstawir`s nm`-Agtader ml 9?07 thit Dautal endirbs, pradidcy wmth Oithers Galir` il`@u Nirghí, ceivmlf the nmssmal ta trustwarthy nel wha wmcc lat alcy nimltiml mt dut

icsa mlgreise mt `espmte the settcenelt ao lew recmfmaus peapce, the @anmlmgils il` theGipughmls (Tellir` 9=50;07).

 Il mscil` ml oivaur ao gacalmic settcenelt 

Phe issets ao Nirtmlmque 

Omrst ao icc, the weither; the mscil` his la wmlter (MM, 4=)  4848 il` the vefetitmal ms everfreel(MM, 4=). he segal` isset ms the mnpartilge ao mts rmvers (MM, 79) il` the preselge ao i faa`part oar shmps ta Oart Tayic (MM, 79).

Dautal, wha rei` cetters oran hms gacceifues ml Gili`i, shaws thit the mscil` niy mlcirfe pirt iccaw the `evecapnelt ao i gacaly `ue ta the stralf suppart ao ifrmgucture. he

 Kesumt late` the mnpartilge ao cagic pra`ugts, gissivi (M_, 54-50), litmve e`mdce pcilts sughis picn, Girmddeil giddife, etg. (M_, 06-08) il` exatmg orumts (_, ?9-?7). He icsa mlsmstsal the preselge ao nily herds (M_, 05). Dut oar hmn the nast mnpartilt ispegt ms thitEurapeil pcilts sugh is peis il` deils, eismcy iggcmnitmze ta the Vest Ml`mes (M_, 0=) whmcegmtrus orumts gil de frawl suggessouccy (_, 58-5= ). he gacalmsts ar outure settcers shauc`,ml hms vmew, hive la galgerls oar themr oaa` suppcy. Il` is mo thit wis lat elaufh, he i``sthit the mscil` his virme` fine (_, 69-66) il` i sei ao omsh (_, 66-68). Nirtmlmque ms thusi cil` ao pcelty, i piri`mse.

48 Ghipter lunder, oaccawe` dy the pifmlitmal ao the armfmlic text ao 9?0:.

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Dautal icsa galsm`ers the pra`ugts frawl al the mscil` oar expart, `esmfle` ta elrmghthe Ganpily; tadigga (_M, 8:), gattal (_M, 89) il` sufir (_M, 84-87). a thms trma, he gili`` ilitta il` sucour (_M, 87-80). He `aes lat oarfet, hawever, degiuse he heir` gan-pcimlts oran settcers thit there wis i cigb ao niluoigture` faa`s al the mscil`, mlgcu`mlfoidrmgs, tri`mtmalic utelsmcs il` ather adkegts ao `imcy cmoe whmgh shauc` thereoare de mn-

parte` sane ta sitmsoy the lee`s ao the mlhidmtilts ao Nirtmlmque (_M, 8?-86), espegmiccy isthe papucitmal wis sarecy cigbmlf irtmsils (MM, 74).

Phe dirrmers ta the settcenelt 

Dautal m`eltmome` three –mlgalvelmelges„ thit niy giuse pradcens oar settcers. Omrst, thereire oevers; –Mt ms wal`erouc mo saneale esgipes, oran thase wha hive irrmve` al the mscil`s,wha hi` oaur ar omve ittigbs ao oever, evel nare, thit he ms dce` al irrmvic„.4= hey hi` tathereoare recy al igtmve, pawerouc nel il` Dautal presgrmde` the rene`y; –eisy ta aver-gane hms mccless whmce wicbmlf il` warbmlf, il` lat ta de drabel `awl„7:  i``mlf thit–thase wha stil` m`ce, wha alcy sceep `urmlf the `iy ar fmve ml ta si`less, `a lat cmve calf

al thms mscil`; the cef ucgers thit ire `moomguct ta gure, stanigh pimls il` ather imcneltswecgane then il` saal sprei`. Here we nust esgipe the necilghacy, il` wicb drmsbcy tawarb, beep gceir, il` wish aotel, oar thms purpase the servilts ml the ioterlaal al Witur`iyire oree ta dithe il` wish themr gcathes il` ather gcathes; mo they `a lat wish ar beep gceilil` warb, they mnne`mitecy degane smgbcy, thit ms ta siy gawir`cy, smgb, il` usecess„.79 Aur

 Kesumt icsa late` the preselge ao il evmc, whmgh wis blawl ta de el`enmg ml Inerml`milpapucitmals, the yiws, whmgh iggar`mlf ta Dautal (_MM, =:) strugb pirtmgucircy dcigb pea-pce il` very rirecy the Orelgh. he `esgrmptmal galtmlues wmth the `esgrmptmal ao –ghmques,whmgh oarn ml the `ust Ril` whmgh^ ire taa snicc ta de seel„74 whmgh fet stugb nimlcy mlthe oeet il` hive ta de renave` ul`er pelicty ao ucgeritmal, emther wmth i pml, ar puttmlf

then ml seiwiter, ar dy usmlf freel pítul (_MM, =4).he iuthar ao the Tecitmal, ticbmlf idaut whit ms oeire` the nast il` whmgh ms i reic

`rif oar settcers77, hawever, alcy `evates i oew cmles ta the –freit slibes, ar rither vmpers,degiuse they hive icc the prapertmes ao aur awl whmgh hive i ei`cy dmte, mo lathmlf ms alequmgbcy„.70 He lates thit there ire lat is nily is they siy il` spegmomes thit these slibes`a lat ittigb peapce wha `a lat taugh then, il` nast ao then retreit ta the nast renatepciges ml the waa`s.75

4= –G”est nervemcce sm quecqu”ul íghippe, `e geux qum irrmvelt `e lauveiu iux ìces, qu”mc l”imt quitre au gmlq iggès`e èvre, elgare nëne, qu”mc se samt oimt purfer et simfler ê c”irrmvíe„ (Dautal 9?0:;_MM 8=).„ (Dautal 9?0:;_MM 8=).

7: –Oigmce qum est `e garranpre sal nic el nirghilt et trivimccilt, et le se cimsser idittre„ (Dautal 9?0:;_MM 8=)Oigmce qum est `e garranpre sal nic el nirghilt et trivimccilt, et le se cimsser idittre„ (Dautal 9?0:;_MM 8=)„ (Dautal 9?0:;_MM 8=)79 –Ces persalles qum se t mellelt ams mves , qum le oalt que `arnmr ce kaur, au qum s”idil`allelt ê ci trmstesse, lees persalles qum se tmellelt amsmves, qum le oalt que `arnmr ce kaur, au qum s”idil`allelt ê ci trmstesse, le

salt pis paur vmvre calfuenelt el gette ìce; ces ucgères iux kindes qum salt issez `mgmces ê fuírmr, ces niux`”estanig, et iutres mlganna`mtís ces igguemccelt, et `ípëgheRl^t dmeltðt. Mc oiut mgm oumr ci nícilgacme, nirgheret trivimccer fimccir`enelt, se telmr lettenelt, et se civer sauvelt2 paur get eet ces servmteurs alt c”iprès-nm`m`u sine`m cmdre, paur se dimfler, et civer ceurs cmlfes et iutres hir`es. W”mcs le se civelt, et tmellelt praprenelt,et trivimccelt, mcs `evmellelt mlgaltmlelt nicmlfres, g”est ê `mre cäghes, nici`es, et mlutmces„ (Dautal 9?0:;_MM„ (Dautal 9?0:;_MM8=).

74 –Ghmques, qum se oarnelt `ils ci paussmère Ret qum^ salt sm petmtes qu”al le ces iperæamt„ (Dautal 9?0:Ghmques, qum se oarnelt `ils ci paussmère Ret qum^ salt sm petmtes qu”al le ces iperæamt„ (Dautal 9?0:„ (Dautal 9?0:_MM;=9).

77 –Ge qum i ce pcus `ígrmí c”ìce, et enpëghí `eux nmcce persalles `”y velmr„ (Dautal 9?0:;_MM =4-=7).e qum i ce pcus `ígrmí c”ìce, et enpëghí `eux nmcce persalles ”y velmr„ (Dautal 9?0:;_MM =4-=7).„ (Dautal 9?0:;_MM =4-=7).70 –Fril`es gauceuvres, au pcutðt vmpères, gir ecces alt tautes ces praprmítís `es lðtres, qum alt ule narsureril`es gauceuvres, au pcutðt vmpères, gir ecces alt tautes ces praprmítís `es lðtres, qum alt ule narsure

nartecce, sm al l”y rení`me pranptenelt „ (Dautal 9?0:;_MM =7).

75 –L”ittiquelt pis ces hannes qum le ces taughelt pamlt, et se retmrelt ci pcupirt iux cmeux pcus ígirtís `ils cesL”ittiquelt pis ces hannes qum le ces taughelt pamlt, et se retmrelt ci pcupirt iux cmeux pcus ígirtís `ils cesdams„ (Dautal 9?0:;_MM =7).„ (Dautal 9?0:;_MM =7).

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he thmr` set digb oar Nirtmlmque were the ittigbs ao the Wivifes, wha gauc` threitelil` ittigb the Orelgh it ily tmne dy rullmlf nuctmpce surprmse ittigbs. Dautal, cmbe hmsoeccaws, wis uloinmcmir wmth the armfmls ao the wir wmth the Girmd, whmgh wis sa `mooereltoran thase wife` dy the Orelgh. Oar the Kesumt, the Girmd were –oimthcess„ il` –trimtars„(_MM, =0-=5), il` they blew peroegtcy wecc haw ta use the mscil` ta hm`e il` surprmse thase

wha ire lat al themr fuir`.a ganpcete the drmeo sbetgh ao the –mlgalvelmelges„ ao Nirtmlmque, Dautal renirbsthit itteltmal nust de fmvel ta the preselge ao hastmce oceets (Elfcmsh, @utgh ar Wpilmsh),whmgh ml hms tmne use` ta piss leir the mscil`, ar evel –ta nibe i stapaver oar witermlf„.He galgcu`es thit thms wis lat i freit `ilfer degiuse –lemther Wivifes lar oaremflers wmcchive ily i`viltife aver the Orelgh, whmce the citter ire al themr fuir` kust is they ire„. 7?

Phe lee` ta estidcmsh i nmssmal

 Is we hive seel, there were nily nare i`viltifes thil `msi`viltifes ta gacalmzmlf themscil` il`, nare mnpartiltcy, estidcmshmlf i nmssmal there. Dautal kustmome` the rmfht ao the

Orelgh ta trucy settce ml Nirtmlmque, enphismzmlf thit they were the omrst. Vmth the irrmvicao Dautal (MMM, 75), i thausil` Orelghnel were icrei`y settce` there. Dautal latmge`,hawever, thit they were paar (MM, 74), il` cmve` cmbe the Girmd ml –huts„ il` –hinnagbs„(MM, 74, MMM, 04). Ale gil oeec i gceir gal`enlitmal ao the cmoestyce ao the settcers here. Hegalsm`ers thit the Orelgh ire –icnast idil`ale` dy ily spmrmtuic hecp wmthaut Niss, wmth-aut prmest, wmthaut preighmlf, wmthaut sigrinelt„ il` thus they were cmvmlf –ml taa nughoree`an il` mnpulmty„76. here were three prmests al the mscil` dut there were lat elaufhao then ta gaver icc the ireis aggupme` dy the settcers (_MMM, =?-=6). Aur Kesumt wis qumgbta pamlt aut thit –Fa` blaws mo these faa` Gcermgs hive hi` i cat ao iutharmty il` mo themreooarts there gine ta orumt„2 whmce he latmge` thit there were icsa sane –heretmgs, is wecc is

cmdertmles il` Ithemsts, stupm` il` drutic nml`s„, dut thms shauc` lat pcige il uloivaur-idce cmfht al the Orelgh, wha, he siys, –ire lat sa vmgmaus il` sa di` is they were ni`e autta de ml Orilge„.78 he alcy ghurgh dumct wis lat elaufh, il` mt wis up ta the iuthar aothe Tecitmal ta dumc` three nare ghurghes oar the spmrmtuic wecoire ao the mlhidmtilts (_MMM,=8). hms wis pradidcy the warb ao the Kesumts, il esseltmic tisb degiuse Dautal expcimlsthit –aur ganpitrmats wha, wmthaut the legessiry gucture wauc` degane dirdirmils il`wmc` ml these waa`s„.7=

Mo the settcers hi` ta de prategte`, mt wis kust is legessiry ta evilfecmze the dcigb pea-pce ml Gipe _er`e il` ather Iormgil scives (XM, 977-970), gicce` –Naars„, wha –oar thenast pirt Rhi`^ ru`e il` stupm` nml`s, lat blawmlf haw ta rei` lar wrmte, il` mt Rwis^decmeve` thit mt Rwis^ icnast mnpassmdce ta teigh then. Leverthecess they ciufh il` nagb,

7? –Lm ces Wiuvifes, lm ces ítrilfers l”iuralt iugul iviltife sur ces Orilæims, til ms qu”mcs seralt sur ceur fir`em ces Wiuvifes, lm ces ítrilfers l”iuralt iugul iviltife sur ces Orilæims, til`ms qu”mcs seralt sur ceur fir`eganne mcs salt„ (Dautal 9?0:;_MM =5).„ (Dautal 9?0:;_MM =5).

76 –Zresque idil`allís `e taut segaurs spmrmtuec, sils nesse, sils prëtre, sils prí`mgiteur, sils sigrenelt” et qu”mcsresque idil`allís `e taut segaurs spmrm tuec, sils nesse, sils prëtre, sils prí`mgiteur, sils sigrenelt” et qu”mcsvmvelt `e ge oimt ‘ ils ule trap fril`e cmgelge, cmdertí, et mnpulmtí„ (Dautal 9?0:;_MMM =?).„ (Dautal 9?0:;_MMM =?).

78 –@meu simt sm ges dals eggcísmistmques alt eu deiugaup `”iutarmtí, et oim t dmel `u orum t cê aý mc s í ti melt R...^@meu simt sm ges dals eggcísmistmques alt eu deiugaup `”iutarmtí, et oimt dmel `u orumt cê aý mcs ítimelt R...^hírítmques, et quecques cmdertmls et ithíes, esprmts stupm`es et drutiux R...^ le salt pis sm vmgmeux, et sm niuvimsqu”al ces oimt el Orilge„ (Dautal 9?0:;_MMM =6).„ (Dautal 9?0:;_MMM =6).

7= –Las ganpitrmates, qum sils ci gucture lígessimre `evmel`rimelt dirdires, et siuvifes `ils ges dams et retrimtes `eas ganpitrmates, qum sils ci gucture lígessimre `evmel`rimelt dirdires, et siuvifes `ils ges dams et retrimtes `eci dirdirme et siuvifmles„ (Dautal 9?0:; XM 979-974).„ (Dautal 9?0:; XM 979-974).

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il` latmge qumte wecc thit the thmlfs we `a seen ta de mlsacelt„.0: he iuthar teccs us thitwhmce sane ire diptmze`, they reniml –ml il mlsuooeridce mflarilge ao the nystermes ao auroimth; thit ms why there ire oew wha hive deel i`nmtte` ta Hacy Gannulmal„ 09, espegmiccysmlge they `a lat felericcy ul`erstil` Orelgh. Nareaver, fmvel themr stupm`mty ale his tapragee` wmth giutmal il` tibe tmne refir`mlf Ghrmstmilmzitmal evel mo sane wilt ta de


  Vhmce the evilfecmzitmal ao dcigb peapce wis lat il eisy thmlf, whit ms hippelmlfinalf the Girmd wis nugh nare moomguct. Dautal i`nmts thit degiuse ao –themr hidmts il`wiys ao `amlf thmlfs„, mt wauc` de very `moomguct ta galvert then (XM, 975). he Girmd `m`lat lee` the Orelgh wha –siy mt ms we wha lee` then, is we gine ta themr cil`, they were`amlf wecc wmthaut us il` gauc` very wecc galtmlue ta `a sa„.07 Dautal latmges thit sanewere hawever amlf the smfl ao the grass il` siymlf the lines ao Kesus il` Niry (XM, 97=)dut he i``es thit thms wis ta mnmtite the Orelgh. He wmshe`, hawever, thit they wauc` degalverte` (XM, 90:-909). he alcy sacutmal regannel`e` dy aur Kesumt wis ta –tibe saneao themr ghmc`rel iwiy ta teigh then, il` ta use then icc is hastifes„00, is `m` the Kesumts

ml Lew Orilge.

Dautal il` the Girmd

Ml 9?0:, litmves il` settcers were cmvmlf ipirt2 the mscil` wis ml`ee` spcmt mlta twa, alesm`e mlhidmte` dy the Orelgh, the ather dy the litmves (MM, 7:, MMM, 76). Dautal i`nmts heblaws cmttce ao these peapce degiuse they cmve ml themr sepirite` terrmtarmes, ireis ghirigter-mze` –dy mliggessmdce hmccs„, the Orelgh alcy siw then –rirecy, il` alcy whel they ganedy sei ta tri`e„.05 Dautal hape` thit ioter i calfer galtigt, the settcers wauc` ceirl nareidaut then. He gauc` lat issess then degiuse they aotel welt oran mscil` ta mscil`, hmfh-cmfhtmlf the senm-lani`mg ghirigter ao thms sagmety (MX, 9:5). Cmbe hms pre`egessars, he wissurprmse` ta see themr libe`less il` the puccmlf aut ao themr deir`s (MX, 9:8-9:=). He sim`they re``ele` themr da`mes wmth illitta, the wanel weirmlf i bml` –ao daats oran theblee ta the ilbce„, il` the nel il` wanel hivmlf –legbciges ni`e ao dei`s, ar grystic,ar snicc, wecc-arfilmze` dales„ il` they put ml themr himr –oeithers ao nigiws, ocinmlfasil` ather dmr`s R…^ il` ittigh i oew lmge thmlfs ta mt is wis themr oishmal„. Desm`es saneGirmd, mlgcu`mlf cei`ers, ware hits al themr hei`s.0?

0: –C”esprmt sm frassmer et hídítí paur ci pcupirt, qu”iugul le simt lm cmre lm ígrmre, et gramt-al qu”mc est presquemnpassmdce `e ceur ipprel`re. Mcs salt líilnamls rmeurs et naqueurs, et renirquelt issez dmel ge qu”al oimt qumceur sendce mnpertmlelt„ (Dautal 9?0:;_MMM ==-9::).

09 –@ils ule mlsuppartidce mflarilge `es nystères e latre oam; g”est paurquam mc y el i peu qum imelítí i`nms ê cisimlte gannulmal„ (Dautal 9?0:;_MMM 9::).

04 –Zragí`er ul peu celtenelt R...^ dmel prel`re fir`e `e rmel prígmpmter„ (Dautal 9?0:;XM 970-975).07 –@mselt que g”est laus qum ivals desaml `”eux, pumsque laus velals el ceurs terres, qu”mcs se salt dmel pissís `e

laus, et s”el pisseralt dmel elgare„ (Dautal 9?0:;XM 975-97?).00 –mrer `”eux quecques-uls `e ceurs eloilts paur ces mlstrumre, et elsendce s”el servmr paur atifes„(Dautal 9?0:;

 XM 97?-976).05 –Zir `es narles mliggessmdces„, que ces Orilæims ces vamelt –rirenelt, et seucenelt carsqu”mcs vmellelt pir ner

paur trimter„(Dautal 9?0:;MX 9:?).0? –@e dra`equmls, `epums ce felau kusqu”ê ci ghevmcce `u pme` Rqu”hannes et oennes alt^ es gaccmers `e rissi`e,

au `e grmstic, au `e petmts as dmel ifelgís Ret qu”mcs nettelt `ils ceurs ghevecures^ `es pcunes `”iris, `e fflinilts,et iutres amseiux R...^ et y ittighelt quecques feltmccesses ê ceur na`e„ (Dautal 9?0: MX;9:=).

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 I litmal wmthaut recmfmal...

Cmbe nily Kesumts, Dautal decmeve` the Girmd ta de i peapce wmthaut recmfmal (MX, 9:5).he oigt renimls thit ml speibmlf idaut ml`mfelaus decmeos, he wis idce ta late thit theyhive sane blawce`fe idaut the mnnarticmty ao the sauc (MX, 9:?) degiuse they hive durmicgustans ibml thase ao the Gili`mils, –they fmve ta the saucs ao `ei` R…^ gcathes, oaa`

oar severic `iys, il` ourlmture dut M decmeve they `a lat galgerl thensecves ta blaw whitdeganes ao these saucs„.06 Dut Dautal evabes the spmrmts, he neltmals the –`evmc they gicc

 Nidayi , Rwhmgh^ sanetmnes deit then ta `eith„ dut they –`a lat warshmp hmn, thit Mblaw il` `a lat aooer hmn ily sigrmomges„. Aur Kesumt icsa speibs ao i `mooerelt spmrmt –theygicc Ghenml, whmgh `aes lat treit then ily detter thil Nidayi „ il` ao peapce wha –prm-vitecy galverse wmth hmn, smlge they pre`mgt outure evelts whmgh they gauc` alcy blaworan hmn„. hese ire pradidcy Dayís  il` ale tac` Dautal ml ar`er ta shaw themr idmcmty is–the `iy deoare we irrmve`, il ac` Ml`mil wanil tac` i Orelghnil, niflile   shmp oranOrilge, whmgh neils tanarraw, i shmp oran Orilge wmcc gane, whmgh wis true„. 08

Dautal teccs i Girmd stary ml`mgitmlf the exmstelge ml @anmlmgi ao –i slibe, whmgh ms

sanetmnes cirfe, sanetmnes snicc, whmgh his i girdulgce ar i stralf, shmly stale ml mtsoarehei` whmgh mt renaves whel mt wilts ta `rmlb il` thel puts mt digb, il` lada`y gillar `ires ta fa mlta mts give wmthaut oistmlf it ceist three `iys ml i`vilge, il` idstimlmlforan hms wmoe, atherwmse he wauc` lat see mt, ar wauc` rmsb demlf `eoeite` dy mt, thit ms tasiy demlf bmcce`„.0= Mt ms pradidcy thms decmeo, icsa reparte` dy Dretal (9=68;490) hmnsecowha speibs ao –i dmf slibe they gicc acauderi  whmgh cmves ml i ormfhtelmlf give„.5: hese irethe alcy ecenelts thit aur Kesumt fmves us. Lat ultmc the Wmeur @e Ci Dar`e we fet narepregmse mloarnitmal (@e ci Dar`e 9?60).

Dautal ms nare mltereste` ml the `imcy cmoe ao the Girmd, themr blawce`fe il` themr gus-tans. He siys thit they gil alcy gault up ta tel, dut thit sanetmnes they gil fa up ta

–twelty, ar twa tmnes tel, shawmlf themr omlfers il` taes, il` deyal` thit mo they wiltta siy nare il` express i cirfer lunder, they use sil`„. 59  hey gil sanetmnes pre`mgtthe weither il` hive i faa` blawce`fe ao the stirs (X, 944-947). he Girmd cilfuife msoar Dautal very –spegmic„ il` –very `moomguct ta ceirl„ (XM, 97:). He icsa teccs us thit theyuse, ml ar`er ta gannulmgite wmth the Eurapeils, –sane fmddermsh nmxe` wmth Orelgh,Wpilmsh, Elfcmsh il` Ocenmsh„, whmgh they”ve ceirle` dy tri`mlf wmth then. Oar Dautalthms ms i gceir i`viltife degiuse, he siys, –ml i shart spige ao tmne, yau gil heir then il`

06 –Mcs `allelt iux änes `es `íoults, ganne ces Gili`mels, `es hir`es, `es vmvres pel`ilt quecques kaurs, et `es

neudces paur ces servmr nims `e sivamr ge que ges änes `evmellelt, ke grams qu”mcs le s”el nettelt pis el pemle„(Dautal 9?0:;MX 9:?).

08 –@midce qu”mcs ippeccelt Nidaái, Rqum^ ces dit quecques oams kusqu”ê ci nart R...^ rel`elt iugul halleur, que kesighe, et le cum oalt iugul sigrmge R...^ qu”mcs lannelt Ghenml, qum le ces trimte pis nmeux que Nidaái R...^ule gannulmgitmal pirtmgucmère iveg cum, pumsqu”mcs prí`mselt ces ghases outures, qu”mcs le peuvelt sivamr que `ecum R...^ ce kaur `”ivilt que laus irrmvissmals, ule vmemcce siuvifesse `mt ê ul Orilæims, niflile livmre `e Orilge,g”est ê `mre, `eniml irrmveri mgm ul livmre `e ci Orilge, ge qum out vrim„ (Dautal 9?0:;MX 9:?-9:8).

0= –Ul serpelt, qum se oimt tiltðt fril`, tiltðt petmt, qum i iu nmcmeu `u oralt ule esgirdaugce, au pmerre oartcumsilte, ciquecce mc tmre carsqu”mc veut damre, et pums ci renet, que persalle le ce peut, au ase iccer vamr el sigiverle, s”mc l”i iu príicidce keòlí trams kaurs, et s”est idstelu `e si oenne, iutrenelt mc le ce verrimt pis, auserimt el `ilfer `”ëtre nití pir cum, g”est ê `mre tuí„ (Dautal 9?0:;MX 9:8).

5: –@”ule frasse gauceuvre qu”mcs ippeccelt ‘acauderi” qum est `ils ule giverle erayidce„ (Dautal 9?0:;MM 66:).

59 –_mlft, au `eux oams `mx, naltrilt ces `amfts `es nimls et `es pme`s2 iprès geci, s”mcs veucelt el `mre `iviltife,et exprmner Rul^ pcus fril` landre, mcs prellelt `u sidce„ (Dautal 9?0:;X 948).

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de heir` dy then Rthit^ wmcc de i freit deleomt ta us ta teigh then„. 54 Il` aur iuthar `aeslat hesmtite ta use thms fmddermsh ml hms daab.57

Phe Girmd gerenalmes 

Dautal lates thit the Girmd –aotel nibe wmles oar `mooerelt aggismals ml themr girdets  

whmgh neils they fet tafether ml cirfe huts dumct oar thms purpase, where they `rmlb exges-smvecy... mt sanetmnes cists emfht ar tel `iys„50 il` he i``s thit thms ms the tmne ta ittigbthen degiuse thel they ire icnast icwiys rulb. Mo aur iuthar m` lat ul`erstil` the trueneilmlf, he lates, hawever, thit these –wmles„ ire il appartulmty ta ticb idaut mnpartiltsudkegts, mlgcu`mlf the wir (X, 94:), il` faes al ta m`eltmoy the `mooerelt stifes ao theseneetmlfs. Aur Kesumt icsa teccs us idaut mnpartilt Girmd gerenalmes thit he `esgrmdes, es-pegmiccy the omrst ale, is –rm`mgucaus„2 mt ms idaut the dmrth ao themr ghmc`rel (MX, 994-997).

 Vhit inizes hmn ms thit ioter fmvmlf dmrth, the wanel fa digb nare ar cess ta i larniccmoe whmce the husdil`s fa ta de` smnucitmlf preflilgy. he citter hive ta oist, ire heivmcysgirmome` il` hive ta idstiml oran gertiml oaa`s (MX, 997-995). he Girmd hive icnast the

sine gerenaly ta ghaase i ghmeo (gicce` gipmtimle ); –we nibe hmn oist, he ms tarl ta pmegesil` thel we thraw `ry omsh sbml it hms hei`, sa mo he `aes lat sbmccouccy prategt hmnseco, hems ml `ilfer ao demlf hurt il` gillat de galsm`ere` i faa` ghmeo„.55 Dautal icsa stressesthit these ghmeos hive recitmvecy cmttce pawer ml sagmety.

–Gruec, omgbce, `egemtouc, oimthcess, ciwcess nel...„ 

Dautal pimlts i pekaritmve partrimt ao the litmves. hey ire –suspmgmaus, gruec, omgbce, `e-gemtouc, il` wmthaut oimth, wmthaut ciw, wmthaut oeir ao `mvmle kustmge„5?, they igt dy surprmseil` we nust de galstiltcy wiry ao then (MX, 996-998). hey `a whit they wilt il` `a

lat hive ily kustmge (MX, 99:-999). Lat icwiys ul`erstil`mlf whit they `a, mlgcu`mlfnibmlf aumgau, Dautal `epmgts then is –extrenecy `mrty ml the wiy they eit„56.Dut whit ms nast strmbmlf oar aur Kesumt ms the wiy they cmve; –he nel ire wal`erouccy

cizy il` spel` tmne ml themr de`s ar `rmlbmlf ar ghittmlf al tap ao then, demlf gande`dy themr wanel, lat il haur faes dy wmthaut demlf gande` il` they `a lat evel datherfamlf omshmlf, hultmlf, they” rither spel` tmne al thensecves preoerrmlf omshmlf grids il`ceivmlf the hut alcy ta gitgh cmzir`s, turtces ar sanethmlf ecse„.58 Mo Dautal `m` lat ul-

54 –Ul gertiml dirifauml nëcí `e orilæims, `”espiflac, ilfcims, et fflinil` R...^ el peu `e tenps al peut et ceseltel`re, et se oimre eltel`re ê eux, Rge^ qum laus seri ul fril` iviltife paur ces mlstrumre„ (Dautal 9?0:; XM97:).

57 –Niflile livmre `e Orilge„ (tanarraw shmp oran Orilge), –nití pir cum „ (bmcce` dy hmn), –naughe daurighe„(very `rulgb), –naughe nilmfit„ (very ifmce) (Dautal 9?0:;999, 996).

50 –Oalt sauvelt paur `mverses aggismals `es vmls `ils ceurs girdets, g”est ê `mre `es issendcíes `ils `e fril`esgises oimtes exprès, aý mcs damvelt exgessmvenelt R...^ geci `ure quecques oams kusqu”ê humt au `mx kaurs„ (Dautal9?0=;X 94:).

55 –Al ce oimt keòler, al ce `íghmquette, pums al cum kette ê ci tëte `es peiux `e pamssal sèghes, `e sarte que s”mcle se pire `extrenelt, mc est el `ilfer `”ëtre dcessí, et l”ëtre telu paur ul dal gipmtimle„ (Dautal 9?0:;MX990-995).

5? –@íilts, gruecs, mlgalstilts, tranpeurs, sils oam, sils cam, sils ippríhelsmal `e ci kustmge `mvmle„ (Dautal9?0:;XM 97?).

56 –Extrënenelt sices el ceur nilfer„ (Dautal 9?0:;MX 998).58 –Ces hannes salt nervemcceusenelt oimlíilts, et pisselt ce tenps `e`ils ceurs cmts, au `essus ê damre, giuser, et

se oimre pemfler pir ceurs oennes, mc le se pisse pamlt ule heure qu”mcs le se oisselt pemfler, et le prellelt pis

nëne ci pemle `e pëgher, au ghisser, imnilt nmeux se pisser ê eux, et le nilfer que `e ci gissive, et `es grides,que `e sartmr `e ci gise paur prel`re `u cízir`, `e ci tartue, au iutre ghase„ (Dautal 9?0:;MX 999-994).

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`erstil` themr cmoe, he lalethecess latmge` thit the wiy –they cei` themr cmves wis sa pceis-ilt thit they ire sa hippy il` galtelt, thit la nitter haw wecc yau treit then, there mslathmlf thit yau gauc` `a ta nibe then stiy wmth yau„.5= He i``s thit evel thase whacmve` sane tmne wmth the Orelgh hive ceot it the omrst appartulmty ta fa digb ta themr awlpeapce (MX, 99?).

he iuthar ao the Tecitmal wis strugb dy the gal`mtmals the Girmd wanel oml` then-secves ml. Ulidce ta ul`erstil` thms sagmety, he nibes gceir ml hms iggault, haw the tisbsdetweel nel il` wanel ire `mstrmdute`. he omrst `eic wmth wir, omshmlf il` hultmlf2 thesegal` wmth fir`els il` `anestmg iooimrs. he wanel seen ta hmn thel –uloartulite il`treite` cmbe scives„?: desm`es the oigt thit the nel gil hive severic wmves il` treit then verydi`cy il` sanetmnes, he siys, bmcc then degiuse they ire very keicaus (MX, 99:).

Phe Girmd Vir 

hemr weipals ire esseltmiccy –re` waa`el daws, wmth irraws ni`e ao ree`s, whmgh mlstei`ao mral hive i stralf shirp il` pamsalaus waa`el tmp„2 they `a lat shaat strimfht ihei`

dut hmfh up il` themr `extermty elidces then ta hmt themr tirfets very aotel, they icsa hive–re` waa`el speirs„ il` oar gcase gandit, they hive dautaus , –whmgh ire cirfe re`waa`s,ocit, il mlgh thmgb, il` hico i oaat wm`e it the el`, twa ar three oeet calf, wmth whmghthey trinpce the hei` ao themr elenmes„.?9 hey use` `ufaut gilaes ta trivec oran mscil`ta mscil` thit gauc` girry oarty ta omoty nel il` Dautal teccs us thit sane put up simcs, tamnmtite the Eurapeils (MX, 946).

 Iggar`mlf ta Dautal, the Girmd girrme` aut icc themr wirs dy surprmse it `iwl ml nib-mlf is nugh lamse is passmdce wmth themr grmes. hey ire pimlte` dcigb iraul` themr eyeswmth kulmper. hey seen` ta hive reicmze` the eooegts ao omreirns il` galstiltcy nave` taivam` demlf il eisy tirfet il` whel they siw the ouse demlf cmt, they gist thensecves al the

fraul` ta ivam` the duccets (X, 940-945). Dautal icsa reparts thit sane Girmd hive omre-irns il` blaw haw ta use then (X, 94?). Ml themr ittigbs, they hive i stralf `eoelge, theygeise` omfhtmlf il` gaccegte` themr `ei`. Dautal icsa lates themr freit gaurife (X, 94?).

Ml 9?0:, the Girmd elfife` ml omfhtmlf ifimlst the Orelgh ml Fui`ecaupe, ifimlst theElfcmsh ml Wt. Cugmi, Iltmfui il` Naltserrit, il` ifimlst icc thase wha saufht ta aggupythemr mscil`s. Dut they icsa wife` wir ifimlst the Ficmdms, the Inerml`mils wha were althe galtmlelt il` ni`e iccmilges wmth the Iriwibs ta omfht ifimlst then (X, 944)  ?4?4.

5= –Yu”mcs nèlelt ceur est sm ifríidce, qu”mcs el salt très galtelts et quecque dal trimtenelt que vaus ceur oissmez,–Yu”mcs nèlelt ceur est sm ifríidce, qu”mcs el salt très galtelts et quecque dal trimtenelt que vaus ceur oissmez,Yu”mcs nèlelt ceur est sm ifríidce, qu”mcs el salt très galtelts et quecque dal trimtenelt que vaus ceur oissmez,vaus le ces retmel`rez pamlt paur `eneurer iveg vaus„ (Dautal 9?0:;MX 995).„ (Dautal 9?0:;MX 995).

?: –Nicheureuses, et trimtíes ganne `es esgcives„(Dautal 9?0:;MX 99:).?9 –Irgs `e dams raufe, iveg `es fflèghes `e raseiux, qum iu cmeu `e oer alt iu daut ul dams oart pamltu, et enpam-

sallí R...^ sifimes `e dams raufe R...^ qum salt fras dams raufes, pcits, ípims `”ul dal pauge, cirfes pir ce daut`e près `e `enm pme`, calfs `e `eux au trams pme`s, `alt mcs ígriselt ci tëte `e ceurs ellenms„ (Dautal 9?0:;MX

947-940).?4 Dautal ul`audte`cy nibes i nmstibe here.

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Wane ghirigters 

Dautal reoers alcy ta three ml`mvm`uics, three Girmd cei`ers. he omrst ao then ms Biáernilwha @u Zirquet hi` mnprmsale` ta fmve twa litmves digb ta hmn thit hms nel hi` gipture`oran the Orelgh. He nilife` ta esgipe dut wis dmttel dy i slibe il` `me` shartcy ioter (M,4?). hms iggault ms galomrne` dy @u ertre wha gmtes i cetter `ite` Lavender 8, 9?7=,

repeitmlf the sine stary (@u ertre 9=68;979).he ather twa Girmd gipmtimles  ire Ce Zmcate?7 il` hms drather Ircet. Ce Zmcate ms par-

triye` is i freit ormel` ao @u Zirquet oran whan he taab the line (MMM, 0:). He seene` taseeb peige wmth the Orelgh, sa nugh sa thit sane settcers oect thit wmthaut hmn the Orelghgauc` lat settce pernileltcy al the mscil`. He seene` ta de rekegte` dy hms awl peapce il`Dautal gcimnes thit he wmshe` ta cmve icalfsm`e the Orelgh.?0 he thmr` giptiml ms Ircet,ale ao Ce Zmcate”s drathers, –wha hi` snicc pmeges ao driss hilfmlf oran the cmps, ghml, il`lase„?5, il` wmshe` ta de diptmze` mo hms wanel hi` iccawe` hmn (XM, 90:).


Ms the Tecitmal ao Kigques Dautal i na`ec ao reoerelge oar sudsequelt wrmters1 Dautal, oarthe omrst tmne ml aur gurrelt stite ao blawce`fe, `riws up i drmeo autcmle ao the Girmd il`themr gustans ml the cist twa ghipters ao hms daab. hms esgrmptmal, the saurge ao whmgh theiuthar”s mlspmritmal ms ulblawl, wmcc serve is i na`ec oar nily ather –reparters„, mlgcu`-mlf Wmeur @e Ci Dar`e (9?60), Niurmc `e Wimlt-Nmghec (9?54), Keil Hicciy (9?56), il`very pradidcy Ghirces `e Tagheoart, Nithmis @u Zums (9?54) il` Zmerre Zecceprit. hms`esgrmptmal, il` espegmiccy the –stereatypes„ use` dy Dautal, wmcc de reuse` thraufhaut thesevelteelth geltury il` evel nugh citer, il` wauc` fa al ta oarfe i nmsrepreselte` il`graabe` mnife ao the Girmd peapce, whmgh stmcc cmlfers al ta`iy.

Dautal”s Tecitmal ms il esseltmic text oar ul`erstil`mlf the settcenelt ao the Orelgh mlNirtmlmque il` mt fmves us, ml i``mtmal, il iggurite pmgture ao Girmd Nirtmlmque ml 9?0:.


 Ilalynaus ao Girpeltris

9==0 Tecitmal `”ul vayife mloartule oimt iux Ml`es aggm`eltices pir ce gipmtimle OceuryR...^. Ml Ul Ocmdustmer Orilæims ils ci Ner es Iltmcces 9?98-9?4: , e`mte` dy K.-Z. Nareiu.Ziyat & Tmvifes, Zirms.

Dautal, K.9?0: Tecitmal `e c”ítidcmssenelt `es Orilæams `epums c”il 9?75 el c”msce `e ci Nirtmlmque,c”ule `es iltmcces `e c”Inírmque. @es naeurs `es siuvifes, `e ci smtuitmal et `es iutres smlfu-cirmtez `e c”ìce . Wídistmel Grinamsy, Zirms.

?7 He five hms line ta the gannule ao Gise-Zmcate. Hms girdet ms nirbe` al sevelteelth geltury nips.

?0 –Wils cum ces Orilæims l”eusselt pu se cafer, et nimltelmr `ils c”ìce„ (Dautal 9?0:;XM 976-978).?5 –Yum ivimt `e petmtes pmèges `”imriml pel`ues iux cèvres, iu neltal, et iu lez„ (Dautal 9?0:;MX 99:).

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Dretal, T.

9=68 Tecitmals `e c”ìce `e ci Fui`ecaupe . Wagmítí `”Hmstamre `e ci Fui`ecaupe,Disse-erre.

Ginus, N.

9=84 Iu `ídut `es Orilæims ê ci Fui`ecaupe, Cettre `u Z. Zecmgil iu Z. Girrí (98 iaòt9?75). Duccetml `e ci Wagmítí `”Hmstamre `e ci Fui`ecaupe , CMM, pp. 5-9=., go. p. =.

@ivm`, D.

9=80 @mgtmallimre dmafriphmque `e ci Nirtmlmque. Pane 9; Ce Gcerfí; 9?75-9695. Wagmete`”Hmstamre `e ci Nirtmlmque, Oart-`e-Orilge.

@e ci Dar`e, W.

9?60 Tecitmal e c”armfmle, naeurs, gautunes, recmfmal, fuerres et vayifes es Giriádes.

Ml Teguemc `e `mvers vayifes oimts el Iormque et el Inírmque , e`mte` dy H.  Kustec, pp.9-0:.Zirms.

@u Zums, N.

9?54 Tecitmal `e c‘ítidcmssenelt `”ule gacalme Orilæimse `ils ci Fir`ecaupe, ìce `ec‘Inírmque, et `es nŗurs `es siuvifes. Nirml ]val, Giel.

@u ertre, K.-D.

9=68 Hmstamre fílírice `es Iltmcces. E. Baca`zmek, Oart-`e-Orilge.

Hicciy, K.

9?56 Tecitmal `es Msces `e ci Nirtmlmque et `e Wimlt-Ghrmstaphce pir ce Zère Keil Hicciy `eci Ganpiflme `e Kísus esgrmtte ê Lmsnes el 9?56 . Dmdcmathèque Litmalice `e Orilge, gac-cegtmal Nareiu, nilusgrmt 809, oº958-9?7.

Cicenilt, K., il` Z. Ce Keule

98=?-9=:9 Tecitmals `es Kísumtes galtelilt ge qum s”est pissí `e pcus renirquidce `ils cesnmssmals `es pères `e ci Ganpiflme `e Kísus `ils ci Lauvecce-Orilge . E`mtmal Teudel Fac`hwimtes, 67 vacunes, Yuídeg.

Cesgirdat, N.9?:= Hmstamre `e ci Lauvecce-Orilge . K. Nmcat, Zirms.

Zecceprit, Z.

4::= R9?55^ Tecitmal `es nmssmals `es pères `e ci Ganpiflme `e Kísus `ils ces Ìces et `ilsci Perre Oerne `e c”Inírmque nírm`malice. E`mtmal `e Teic Aueccet. Zresses Ulmversmtimres`e Civic, Yuedeg.

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Zetmtkeil Tafet, K.

9=8: Ci sagmítí `”hidmtitmal ê ci Nirtmlmque, ul `enm-smègce `e oarnitmal, 9?75-9?85. Cmcce MMM ; Itecmer `e repra`ugtmal `es thèses, 4 vacs.

Tellir`, K.

9=50 Hmstamre recmfmeuse `es Iltmcces orilæimses `es armfmles ê 9=90 `”iprès `es `aguneltsmlí`mts. Cmdrimrme Cirase, Zirms.

Wimlt-Nmghec, N. `e

9?54 _ayife `es ìces Ginergiles, el c”Inírmque, qum oalt pirtme `es Ml`es aggm`eltices .Hmerðne Acmvmer, Ce Nils.

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 I`rmel Ce Dretal, the cist Kesumt nmssmaliry ml the Girmdmscil` ao Wt. _mlgelt 9

Delaìt Taux 

Oran hms expermelge al Wt. _mlgelt, I`rmel Ce Dretal his ceot i set ao omve nilusgrmpts,law demlf preserve` it the  Nusíun litmalic `”hmstamre liturecce  ml Zirms. Mt reveics ml pir-tmgucir il Herdmer biriáde  ml whmgh he `esgrmdes leircy 5:: pcilt spegmes adserve` it Wt.

_mlgelt il` @anmlmgi. hms piper, hawever, oaguses al nilusgrmpt =7= (Ns. =7=); the @emlsucms Biriydmgms recitmales nilusgrmptï. hms ganpasmte nilusgrmpt, wrmttel ml dath Citmlil` Orelgh, galsmsts ao 949 pifes il` `esgrmdes the mscil`s ao Wt. _mlgelt il` Nirtmlmque,wmth spegmomg reoerelges ta the Inerml`mil papucitmals ao these mscil`s. Advmauscy, the Ns.=7= wis neilt ta de pudcmshe`, dut thms his lever deel `ale. Hawever, mt ippeirs ta hiveoarne` the disms ao il ilalynaus nilusgrmpt eltmtce` @esgrmptmal e c”msce `e Wimlt-_mlgelt, preserve` ta`iy ml the  Irghmves `ípirteneltices `e ci Nirtmlmque . hms piper wmcc caab itNs. =7= ml `etimc il` ilicyse the `agunelt, il` spegmomgiccy mts `esgrmptmal ao ml`mfelauspapucitmals, ml mts hmstarmgic galtext.

Wadre su expermelgmi el Wil _mgelte, I`rmel Ce Dretal las hi eki`a ul galkulta e gmlganilusgrmtas galservi`as el ec  Nusíun litmalic `”hmstamre liturecce  `e Zirîs. Las pernmte`esgudrmr espegmicnelte ul Herdmer biriáde  el ec que `esgrmde gergi `e 5:: espegmes vefeti-ces adservi`is el Wil _mgelte y el ci @anmlmgi. Zera el este irtîguca lasatras eloaginasel ec nilusgrmta =7= (Ns. =7=); ec tmtuci`a @e mlsucms Biriydmgms recitmales nilusgrmptï.Este nilusgrmta ganpuesta, re`igti`a el citîl y el orilgís, que ganprel`e 949 péfmlis,`esgrmde `e na`a ul tilta `eshmcvili`a ci msci `e Wil _mgelte, ci `e ci Nirtmlmgi y sadreta`a cis padcigmales inerml`mis `e `mghis mscis. I pesir `e hider sm`a `estmli`a i ta`is cu-ges i ci pudcmgigm÷l, ec Ns. =7= lulgi ccef÷ i ser pudcmgi`a. La adstilte, pirege que smrvm÷`e dise i ul nilusgrmta il÷lmna tmtuci`a @esgrmptmal `e c”msce `e Wimlt-_mlgelt , galservi`a

hay el îi el cas Irghmves `ípirteneltices `e ci Nirtmlmque . I pirtmr ec Ns. =7= y tanil`agana reoerelgmi lunerasas `aguneltas irghmvîstmgas, las esoarzirenas el sider guéc oueci nmsm÷l `e I`rmel Ce Dretal y guéces sal cis mloarnigmales extriîdces `e este nilusgrmtapiri luestra galagmnmelta `e cas ml`îfelis girmdes `e Wil _mgelte.

@e sal expírmelge ê Wimlt-_mlgelt, I`rmel Ce Dretal laus i cimssí ul elsendce `e gmlqnilusgrmts galservís iu Nusíun litmalic `”hmstamre liturecce ê Zirms. Al y `ígauvre la-tinnelt ul Herdmer biriáde  `ils cequec mc `ígrmt près `e 5:: espèges vífítices adservíes

9 Irtmgce `riote` wmthml the orinewarb ao i Zh@ stu`y idaut the Inerml`mil sagmetmes ao the Cesser Iltmcces (oran the

el` ao the otheelth geltury ta the nm``ce ao the emfthteelth geltury), supervmse` dy Zraoessar Derlir` Frulderfit the Ulmversmtí `e Temns Ghinpifle-Ir`elle.

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ê Wimlt-_mlgelt et ê ci @anmlmque. Nims laus laus mltíresserals `iviltife iu nilusgrmt=7= (Ns. =7=) ; Ce @e mlsucms Biriydmgms recitmales nilusgrmptï. Ge nilusgrmt ganpasmte,rí`mfí el citml et el orilæims, oarní `e 949 pifes, `ígrmt `e oiæal pcus au namls ípirsc”ìce `e Wimlt-_mlgelt, `e ci Nirtmlmque et surtaut ces papucitmals inírml`melles `e gesìces. _msmdcenelt `estmlí ê ëtre pudcmí, ce Ns. =7= le ce out paurtilt kinims. Líilnamls,

mc sendce ivamr servm `e dise ê ul nilusgrmt ilalyne mltmtucí @esgrmptmal `e c”msce `e Wimlt-_mlgelt , galserví iukaur`”hum iux Irghmves `ípirteneltices `e ci Nirtmlmque. Ê pirtmr `uNs. =7= et ê c”iule `e landreux `agunelts `”irghmves, laus ghergherals ê sivamr quecce iítí ci nmssmal `”I`rmel Ce Dretal et quecces salt ces mloarnitmals que laus pauvals tmrer`e ge nilusgrmt paur latre gallimssilge `es Ml`mels giriádes `e Wimlt-_mlgelt.


–He wis i wmse nil, sbmcce` it Nithenitmgs, extrenecy pmaus il` zeicaus oar the fcary ao Fa` il`

the sicvitmal ao these paar Dirdirmils„ (Cidit 9644;M_ 00=).

he oinaus @anmlmgil Keil-Diptmste Cidit uses these terns ta `riw the alcy blawlpartrimt ao the Kesumt nmssmaliry I`rmel Ce Dretal, whan he net ml Wt. _mlgelt alWeptender 40th, 96::. Evel mo nily alcy see i cmteriry omgtmal ml thms phrise, we gil haw-ever retiml the primse ao i –nmssmaliry il` datilmst al whan we wauc` hive cmbe` ta blawnare idaut„ (@ivm` 9=80;9572 Ghitmccal 9=6=;76-7=).

 I`rmel Ce Dretal wis diptmze` al Oedruiry 5th, 9??4 ml Dcams.4 Tecite` ta i rmgh daur- feams   oinmcy ao Dcams, the Zeccuys, he wis the sal ao the squmre Zmerre Ce Dretal, smeur `eDir`y, il` Nirme Zetmt, herseco `iufhter ao ale ao the Bmlf”s ciwyers, icsa i`vmsar it the prí-sm`mic  (ku`mgmic trmdulic) ao Dcams.7 Hivmlf stu`me` phmcasaphy oar twa yeirs, he eltere` thelavmtmite ao the Wagmety ao Kesus ml Zirms (@anus Zraditmalms Zirmsmelsms ) ml Agtader 9?6=.0 Oran 9?84, he stu`me` frinnir, phmcasaphy il` hunilmtmes it the Kesumt gaccefe ao Dcams. 5 hel he tiufht there ( praoessar lal siger`as ) hunilmtmes (9?87-9?85) il` rhetarmg (9?85-9?8?).? Ml 9?8?, he welt ta the Kesumt gaccefe ao Levers ta teigh hunilmtmes.6 Ml 9?86, hedegine repetmtar  it the oinaus Kesumt gaccefe ao Ci Ocèghe il` pursue` there hms stu`mes mltheacafy (9?88-9?=9).8 It the el` ao 9?=4, the Tanil irghmves neltmal hmn is demlf Mlmtmlere i` Mlsucis.= Ml`ee`, he cil`e` al Nirtmlmque pradidcy it the defmllmlf ao 9?=7.9: Mnne`mitecy, he wis selt al i nmssmal inalf the Girmd Ml`mils ao Wt. _mlgelt. He cmve`there ultmc Iprmc 96:9 (Cidit 9644;M ?8).

4 Irghmves `ípirteneltices `u Camr-et-Gher RI@ 09, Dcams^, 5 Nm 98, T5, Tefmstres `es diptënes `e ci piramsse Wimlt-Halarí , 

Dcams , :5/:4/9??4.7 I@ 09, O 468, Galtrit `e nirmife `e Zmerre Ce Drethal et Nirme Zetmt , 97/:9/9?5:, 99 oº2 Dmdcmathèque geltrice `u

Nusíun litmalic `”hmstamre liturecce RDGNLHL, Zirms^, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms Biriydmgms recitmales nilusgrmptï, p.R9^(45).

0 Irghmvun ranilun sagmetitms Mesu RITWM, Tani^, Orilgmi, vac. 47, Giticafm dreves (9?0:-9?89), 9?6=, oº007v2 ITWM,Orilgmi, vac. 95, Giticafm trmellices (9?65-9?85), 9?89, oº4=6r il` 706r, lº4:.

5 ITWM, Orilgmi, vac. 95, Giticafm trmellices (9?65-9?85), 9?85, oº09?r il` 060r, lº6.? ITWM, Orilgmi, vac. 40, Giticafm dreves (9?84-9?==), 9?87, oº5?r, 9?80, oº=7r, 9?85, oº940v.6 ITWM, Orilgmi, vac. 40, Giticafm dreves (9?84-9?==), 9?8?-9?86, oº955r.8 ITWM, Orilgmi, vac. 40, Giticafm dreves (9?84-9?==), 9?86-9?88, oº987v, 9?88, oº490v, 9?8=, oº470v, 9?=:,

oº456v, 9?=9-9?=4, oº4=4v2 ITWM, Orilgmi, vac. 9?, Giticafm trmellices (9?=:-9?=?), 9?=:, oº0=r il` 998r,lº04.

= ITWM, Orilgmi, vac. 40, Giticafm dreves (9?84-9?==), 9?=4, oº700r.9: ITWM, Orilgmi, vac. 40, Giticafm dreves (9?84-9?==), 9?=7, oº754v2 ITWM, Orilgmi, vac. 9?, Giticafm trmellices

(9?=:-9?=?) , 9?=7, oº40:r il` 4=?v, lº96.

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Oran hms expermelge al Wt. _mlgelt, whmgh put il el` ta omoty yeirs ao Kesumt evilfe-cmsn ml thms mscil`, I`rmel Ce Dretal ceot us severic testmnalmes, inalf whmgh lunerauspipers al Iltmcceil datily, pudcmshe` detweel 964? il` 9677 ml the Nínamres `e Prívaux  ‗ i cmteriry il` sgmeltmomg perma`mgic greite` dy the Kesumts ml 96:9.99 Wane nilusgrmpts icsareippeire` ml the lmleteelth geltury thilbs ta the sgittermlf ao severic prmvite cmdrirmes.

Oar exinpce, ml Oedruiry 9858, the iugtmal sice ao the cmdriry ao the Kussmeu oinmcy iccawe`the  Nusíun litmalic `”hmstamre liturecce  ao Zirms ta igqumre twa nilusgrmpts ao I`rmel CeDretal; the Tecitma hmstarmgi `e Wilgtì _mlgeltmm mlsucä Biriñdmgä (gcissmomgitmal nirb Ns.=7=) il` the Herdmer biriáde  (gcissmomgitmal nirb Ns. =76-=78).94 I oew yeirs deoare, the

 Nusíun hi` daufht three ather nilusgrmpts ittrmdute` ta Ce Dretal.97

Dut here we wmcc oagus al Ns. =7=, reline` dy the cmdrirmils ao the  Nusíun; @e ml-sucms Biriydmgms recitmales nilusgrmptï. Mt ms i ganpasmte nilusgrmpt ao 949 pifes, wrmttelil` pife` al dath sm`es, ganpase` ao three `mooerelt pirts. he omrst ale (pp.9-7:) ms theTecitma hmstarmgi `e Wilgtì _mlgeltmm  strmgtcy speibmlf. he segal` ale (pp.79-74) ms i shart`esgrmptmal ao Nirtmlmque eltmtce` @e Nirtmlmgä mlsucä inermgilä . he thmr` pirt (pp.77-

949) galsmsts ao i set ao sgittere` ecenelts, lates ml Orelgh il` Citml al the Girmd Ml`milsao Wt. _mlgelt il` al the Iltmcceil ocari. he nilusgrmpt ms prege`e` dy i cetter ml Orelghoran I`rmel Ce Dretal, whmgh wis ittighe` ta the galsmflnelt ao the Tecitma ta Orilge. Mtwis selt oran Nirtmlmque ta hms drather –Nr. Dretal `e Dir`y„ il` ms `ite` Niy 6th, 9644(pp.R9^-R7^). Wa, Ns. =7= wis `riote` it the citest ml 9644, dut mt ms lat passmdce ta `ite mtnare igguritecy. he cetter ms oaccawe` dy i  Nínamre , ml Orelgh, `esgrmdmlf the galteltsao i pigbife ao pcilts mltel`e` oar –Nrs `e Kussmeu, @agtars ao Ne`mgmle, etg. ml Zirms„(p.R0^). hms cist `agunelt gauc` expciml the preselge ao Ns. =7= ml the Kussmeu cmdriry.he nilusgrmpt his deel wrmttel ml i smlfce hil`, gertimlcy Ce Dretal”s.

Ml 9=84, Ns. =7= wis pudcmshe` il` trilscite` mlta Orelgh dy T. Cipmerre il` T.

@mvale ml the Illices `es Iltmcces . hms e`mtmal his deel pirtmiccy trilscite` mlta Elfcmsh ml9==8 (Ce Dretal 9=84;75-998, 9==8). Hawever, the pife ar`er ao the nilusgrmpt hivmlfdeel na`mome` ml these twa e`mtmals, aur stu`y rests idave icc al the armfmlic nilusgrmpt.90 

 Icthaufh Ns. =7= ms i cite testmnaly, mt his twa niml mlterests; omrst ao icc, Ce Dretal msthe cist nmssmaliry ta hive stiye` `uridcy inalf the Inerml`mils ao Wt. _mlgelt, whmgh

99  Kaurlic `e Prívaux au Nínamres paur c”hmstamre `es sgmelges & `es deiux-irts. rívaux; Mnprmnerme `e W.I.W.,964?-9677.

94 Giticafue `e ci dmdcmathèque sgmeltmque `e NN. `e Kussmeu. Zirms; Helrm Cidmtte Cmdrimre, 9856, p.059, lº7=68-7=6=2DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms Biriydmgms recitmales nilusgrmptï. Ziper. 949 p. 47:Ö9?5 il` 965Ö995 nn. Gicosbmldml`mlf2 DGNLHL, Ns. =76-=78, Herdmer biriáde, au Primtí es pciltes qum gramsselt ils ces msces biriydes e ci @anmlmqueet `e Wimlt-_mlgelt . Ziper. 480 p. il` 907 oº. 965Ö995 nn. Hir`digb.

97 DGNLHL, Ns. ?7, Adservitmals `u T.Z. Ce Dretal, `e ci Ganpiflme `e Kísus, sur quecques pciltes `es msces `e c”Inírmque,`ígrmtes pir Fumcciune Zmsal. Ziper. ?5 p. 79:Ö9=: nn. Ziper-digbe`2 DGNLHL, Ns. ??6, @esgrmptmal `es pciltes `ec”Inírmque, pir ce Zère Ce Dretal, iveg ule cettre `e ge recmfmeux . Ziper. 75 oº. 96:Ö99: nn. Ziper-digbe`2 DGNLHL,Ns. ??8, Adservitmals sur quecques pciltes `e c”Inírmque, iveg `es `esgrmptmals et quecques fures elvayíes ê Nessmeurs Oifal,

 prenmer ní`egml `e Caums XM_, ray `e Orilge, et Tiu`at, pir ce T.Z. Ce Dretal, nmssmallimre ipastacmque `e ci Ganpiflme`e Kísus, `u Gip orilæams `e Wimlt-@anmlfue , ce 46 kumccet 9695 . Ziper. ?7 il` 977 oº. 985Ö94: nn. Drawl gicosbmldml`mlf .

90 Ve shicc fmve, desm`es the reoerelges ao the nilusgrmpt, the garrespal`mlf pifmlitmal oar the e`mtmal ao 9=84 mldrigbets ().

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mscil` degine i Girmd terrmtary ioter the peige treity ao Disse-erre ml 9??:.95 Nareaver,he ms the alcy ale, icalf wmth the Wmeur @e ci Dar`e il` Nalsmeur @u Naltec, ta hive ceoti testmnaly idaut the Ml`mils ao thms mscil` (@e ci Dar`e 9?60;0:).9?

Oran Ns. =7= il` luneraus ather irghmvic `agunelts, we wmcc oagus al expcimlmlf I`rmel Ce Dretal”s nmssmal ml Wt. _mlgelt. hel we shicc reocegt al the reisals il` gal-

`mtmals ao the wrmtmlf, il` ml omle  al the ethlahmstarmgic reigh ao @e mlsucms Biriydmgms . Ve wmcc omliccy try ta shaw whit thms nilusgrmpt, stmcc recitmvecy ulblawl, gil i`` ta aurblawce`fe ao the Girmd ao Wt. _mlgelt.

Phe nmssmal ao I`rmel Ce Dretal ta Wt. _mlgelt 

Ml 9?=7, whel I`rmel Ce Dretal cil`e` ml Wt. _mlgelt, the Kesumts hi` icrei`y estidcmshe`i nmssmal there oar oarty yeirs. Hawever, the ormirs lever oect taticcy sioe, is ms shawl dy thenirtyr`an ao the Kesumts Iuderfeal il` Fueyneu, wha were bmcce` dy sane Ml`mils whmceaoomgmitmlf ml Wt. _mlgelt ml 9?50 (@u ertre 9??6;M 0??2 Zecceprit 9?55;M 68-=7).

 I`rmel Ce Dretal; il mlstrunelt ao i lew Orelgh-Inerml`mil `mpcanigy 

Caabmlf it the aoomgmic garrespal`elge, Ce Dretal”s nmssmal ta Wt. _mlgelt wis pirt ao iwm`er prakegt ao imnmlf it refimlmlf galtrac al the Girmd terrmtarmes dy the i`nmlmstritarsao the Orelgh mscil`s. Ml`ee`, ml 9?8?-9?86, the i`nmlmstritars ao the Orelgh mscil`s,Feleric Faverlar Dcílig il` Mltel`ilt @u Nimtz `e Famnpy `eomle` tafether i gahereltpacmgy oar the Girmd Ml`mils. Degiuse ao the mnpassmdmcmty ta cei` nmcmtiry aperitmals ifimlstthe citter, dath i`nmlmstritars ghase ta prmvmcefe the `mpcanitmg wiy.96 Tecmfmal ippeire`ta de il esseltmic pirt ao themr hil`cmlf ao the feleric smtuitmal il` helge nmssmalirmes de-gine the mlstrunelts ao thms lew pacmgy. Ml Nirgh 9?=0, @u Nimtz `e Famnpy `esgrmdes

the nmssmal ao Ce Dretal ta Wt. _mlgelt is i stritefmg aperitmal oaccawmlf –the ittenpt thitthe Elfcmsh ni`e ta eltmge the sivifes Rm.e. Ml`mils^„. Ml`ee`, ml 9??0 the Elfcmsh ni`e isermaus ittenpt, dy hil`mlf aver i gannmssmal ao @eputy-Faverlar ao @anmlmgi ta theElfcmsh-Ml`mil hico-dcaa` hanis Virler (–Ml`mil Virler„) (@u ertre 9??6;MMM 85-8?).rymlf ta ceirl oran thms mssue, the Orelgh i`nmlmstritars `egm`e` ta reigtmvite the Kesumtnmssmal ta Wt. _mlgelt, hivmlf –latmge` the galsequelge ao thms mlteltmal whmgh galsmsts mlnibmlf detweel then Rm.e. the Ml`mils^ the mooerelge ao the preselts il` the gannmssmalsta mlgmte ml then i spmrmt ao supermarmty whmgh wauc` nimltiml the athers ml il ippeirilgeao sudar`mlitmal where they gauc` degane use` dy the mlterveltmal ao the nmssmalirmeswha fa ta nmssmal ml themr msces„.98 Dy trymlf ta estidcmsh i hmerirghy inalf the Ml`mils

il` dy cei`mlf then ta iggept i sagmic arfilmzitmal gcase ta thit ao the Eurapeils, Dcíligil` @u Nimtz thus hape` ta sudkegt then ta the gacalmic ar`er, ar it ceist ta nimltiml mlthen sane cayicty ta the Bmlf ao Orilge.

95 @u ertre (9??6;M 564-568)2 Irghmves Litmalices `”Autre-Ner RILAN, Imx-el-Zravelge^, GAC, G8D9, lº0-5, Primtígalgcu eltre Ghirces Hauec, fauverleur `e ci Fui`ecaupe et ces Giriádes  il` Gapme elrefmstríe iu galsemc supírmeur`e ci Nirtmlmque `u trimtí `”iccmilge `íoelsmve et aelsmve galgcu eltre ces Orilæims et ces Ilfcims galtre ces Giriádes`e Wimlt-_mlgelt et `e ci @anmlmque , Fui`ecaupe il` Nirtmlmque, 79/:7/9??:-:?/:0/9??:.

9? a`iy cast, the pipers ao Nalsmeur `u Naltec ire ml`mregtcy blawl thilbs ta Ghirces `e Tagheoart (9?58;90:-909)wha quates then.

96 ILAN, GAC, G8I 4, Dcílig ê Gacdert , Nirtmlmque, 98/99/9?6=, oº4:?r-4:6r2 ILAN, GAC, G8I 4, Dcílig êGacdert , Nirtmlmque 7:/:9/9?8:, oº4=:.

98 ILAN, GAC, G8I 8, @u Nimtz , Nirtmlmque, :9/:7/9?=0, oº46v2 ILAN, GAC, G8I 8, @u Nimtz , Nirtmlmque,:9/:7/9?=0, oº957r-957v.

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Dcílig il` @u Nimtz five thensecves the pacmtmgic il` omlilgmic neils ta ighmeve themrindmtmals. Al i pacmtmgic cevec, espegmiccy `mregte` tawir`s the Elfcmsh, the i`nmlmstritars(al the ar`ers ao the Bmlf) dise` themr cefmtmnigy ao igtmal al the treity smfle` ml Disse-erre ml 9??:, whmgh stmpucite` thit the Ml`mils gil de e`ugite` dy Orelgh nmssmalirmes,whan they ire oree ta wecgane it hane.9= Dut the reic taur-`e-oarge taab pcige ml 9?86,

whel the nmssmaliry Zmerre Gandiu` fat iutharmzitmal oran Dcílig il` hms supermars tadise hms nmssmal ml Wt. _mlgelt, ul`er the prategtmal ao the Elfcmsh ml ar`er ta de pravm`e`oar icc galtmlfelgmes.4: It the sine tmne, Dcílig il` @u Nimtz icsa taab gire ao pravm`mlfelaufh resaurges ta the @anmlmgil il` Kesumt nmssmals ml the Cesser Iltmcces.49 Ml 9?86,@u Nimtz wrate; –Mt”s legessiry ta piy the Kesumts oar the nmssmal thit they ul`ertaab mlWt. _mlgelt, 90:?tt Rm.e. paul`s^ 95, iggar`mlf ta the repart whmgh they sel`. hms niyseen taa hmfh il expelse, dut wmcc de seel is legessiry ta eismcy mlomctrite wmthml the siv-ifes dy demlf feleraus wmth then„.44 Ml the oaccawmlf `iys, the Kesumts isbe` pernmssmalta `eomlmtmvecy settce thms nitter dy omxmlf the inault thit shauc` de pim` dy the Bmlf oarthemr servmges.47 hms omlilgmic ispegt gceircy nirbs i dreib ml the pergeptmal ao the race ao

the nmssmals dy the Orelgh iutharmtmes. hey use` ta de mlmtmitmves dy recmfmaus ar`ers, fel-ericcy ipprave` dy Ganpilmes ar weicthy pitrals (@u Zums 9?54;448-44=). Dy 9?86, theipastacmg igtmal ml Girmd terrmtary degine il aoomgmic nmssmal whmgh wis pim` dy the Bmlfiraul` 95:: paul`s i yeir.40

Phe nitermic gal`mtmals ao the nmssmal ml Wt. _mlgelt 

 Vhmce the prakegt wis gceir il` blawl, the wiys ta ighmeve mt were adsgure. Ourthernare,the idselge ao i reic orinewarb stifmlf the iuthar ml @e mlsucms Biriydmgms ml`udmtidcyganpcmgites aur stu`y ao the nmssmal ao Ce Dretal. Wpeibmlf ao hms settcmlf, Ce Dretal alcysuffests thit he `m` lat cmve ml il Ml`mil vmccife dut rither leirdy is he wrmtes; –Ale `iy, M

siw, nyseco, thit omve hul`re` nel R…^, hi` hurrme` ta the vmccife ta fither qumte gcase tany hause„.45 Cidit i``s; –there ire tel ceifues oran the pcige where we hi` gist ilghar mlthe Disseterre ao Wt. _mlgelt ta the rmver ao Taseiux, cagite` ippraxmnitecy ml the nm``ceao Disseterre ao the mscil` ao Wimlte-Icausme Rm.e. Wt. Cugmi^„ (Cidit 9644;M_ 008). he nms-smal wis thus pradidcy cagite` ml the larthwesterl pirt ao the mscil`, is ms galomrne` dyicc the texts neltmalmlf the Kesumt preselge ml Wt. _mlgelt (Zecceprit 9?55;MM 9482 Ci Zmerre9=8:;7?). Dut ml 9657, i Orelgh mlhidmtilt ao Wt. _mlgelt, sue` it the gaurt ao Nirtmlmqueoar hivmlf tibel passessmal ao i cil` ippireltcy fmvel dy the Ml`mils ta I`rmel Ce Dretal,

9= ILAN, GAC, G8I 0, Dcílig et @u Nimtz , Nirtmlmque, 95/:8/9?8?-:?/:5/9?86, oº40=v. il` 45:v-459r2 @u ertre(9??6;M 566-568)2 ILAN, GAC, G8D9, lº5, Gapme elrefmstríe iu galsemc supírmeur `e ci Nirtmlmque `u trimtí`”iccmilge `íoelsmve et aelsmve galgcu eltre ces Orilæims et ces Ilfcims galtre ces Girimdes `e Wimlt-_mlgelt et `e ci@anmlmque , Nirtmlmque, 79/:7/9??:-:?/:0/9??:.

4: Pe Litmalic Irghmves (UB) RIL, Cal`al^, GA 9/?:, lº57, Gandiu` ta the Elfcmsh gannil`er ao the H.N.W. NiryTase , Wt. _mlgelt, 95/:8/9?8?, oº968r-968i v2 ILAN, GAC, G8I 0, Dcílig et @u Nimtz iu Tam , Nirtmlmque, :?/:7/9?86,oº470r-470v.

49 Idaut the lilgmlf ao the @anmlmgil nmssmal go  . ILAN, GAC, G8I 0, Dcílig et @u Nimtz iu Tam , Nirtmlmque,:?/:7/9?86, oº47?r-47?v.

44 ILAN, GAC, G9:@4, Garrespal`ilge , Wimlt-_mlgelt, 44/:0/9?86, oº9.47 ILAN, GAC, G8I 0, @u Nimtz , Wimlt-Ghrmstaphe, 40/:0/9?86, oº749r.

40 ILAN, GAC, O758, Oal`s Nareiu `e Wimlt-Níry , Nínamres `es hidmtilts `e ci Nirtmlmque , Wimlt-_mlgelt, 964:.45 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.48 (?8).

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`egcires thit the citter –cmve` wmth the persal wha frilte` hmn isycun, Ril` thit he his^lever igqumre` oran the Girmd Ml`mils the cil` ml questmal„ (Ce Dretal 9=84;8). Mt nustthereoare hive deel i ravmlf nmssmal.

Mt ms icsa very `moomguct ta estmnite haw nugh tmne Ce Dretal reiccy spelt ml Wt. _mlgelt.Ml`ee`, icthaufh ippamlte` ta thms nmssmal oran 9?=7 ultmc 96:9, he refucircy returle`

ta Nirtmlmque ta serve severic pirmshes there. Oar exinpce, Keil-Diptmste Cidit neltmalshms preselge ml the oart ao Wimlt-Zmerre ml Kiluiry 9?=0 il` thit he renimle` there ultmcNirgh ao the sine yeir (Cidit 9644;M ?8,44?). Zirmsh refmsters ao Nirtmlmque icsa shawhms orequelt preselge al thms mscil`. He serve` Gise-Zmcate oran Weptender 9?=0 tmcc Niy9?=5 il` oran Oedruiry tmcc Niy 9?=?.4? Neilwhmce, he pralaulge` hms vaws al Iufust9?=5.46 Ml 9?=8, he ms ifiml ml Nirtmlmque. Omliccy, mt ms `moomguct ta `riw up i pregmse ghra-lacafy ao hms navenelts. Ve niy smnpcy late thit, iggar`mlf ta i cetter selt ta FelericFaverlar Nighiuct ml 96:5, mt ms sim` thit Ce Dretal ‘wis al i nmssmal ao icnast threeyeirs ml Wt. _mlgelt”, whmgh nibes hmn the ormir wha stiye` the calfest inalf the Ml`milsao Wt. _mlgelt.48

he Kesumt prmest”s orequelt kaurleys detweel Wt. _mlgelt il` Nirtmlmque shaw thelunermgic weibless ao nmssmalirmes ml the Cesser Iltmcces. hms `eomgmelgy ms nare advmauswhel the sgice ao the ipastacmg nmssmals ms tibel mlta iggault. Vhel Ce Dretal irrmve` mlWt. _mlgelt, he net the ormir gai`kutar Lmgacis A`at there, wha hi` deel stiymlf icale althe mscil` smlge the prevmaus yeir.4= Ml 9?=0, they returle` ta Nirtmlmque tafether whereA`at `me` ml Weptender 9?=5.7: Ce Dretal thus oaul` hmnseco icale ultmc the irrmvic aohms gacceifue Iltamle `u Ghimccaux ml 9?=6. Dut the oaccawmlf yeir, `u Ghimccaux”s heicthoarge` then ta returl ta Nirtmlmque. Ce Dretal fat digb ta Wt. _mlgelt i cmttce citer, verycmbecy icale.79 Hawever, ml 96::, Cidit ul`ercmle` the preselge ao three mlgundelts dy CeDretal”s sm`e, –ale Orelghnil il` twa Dcigbs„. Dut thms stitenelt ms galtri`mgte` dy the

testmnaly ao i Orelghnil ml Wt. _mlgelt ml 9657 (Cidit 9644;M_ 0082 Ce Dretal 9=84;8).Hawever thit niy de, these ecenelts prave thit igtuic mlvestnelt ml the nmssmal it Wt._mlgelt wis caw il` shaw the fip detweel the pcil ao the gacalmic iutharmtmes, the ipas-tacmg prakegt ao the Kesumts, il` the reic lunder ao nmssmalirmes.

hms ms evel nare advmaus whel we stu`y the papucitmal thit wis ta de evilfecmze`.Ce Dretal aes lat nibe quiltmtitmve issessnelts, dut he latmges the heterafeleausless aothe papucitmal ao Wt. _mlgelt. Icalfsm`e the –Girmd Tepudcmg„ (Cidit 9644;M_ 004-007),–oar omoty yeirs it nast, nily scives wha gine oran the Iormgil gaist mlomctrite` there Rio-ter^ the shmp thit trilsparte` then R…^ wis wregbe`„. Icc the –Ethmapmils„ permshe` exgeptoar the oew wha fat tafether wmth sane Ml`mils il` –hi` ghmc`rel wha mlgreise` ml lun-

ders sa oist `urmlf the oaccawmlf yeirs thit they equic, mo lat exgee`, the Girmd papucitmalta`iy„.74 hms lirritmve teccmlf the armfml ao thase thit ire lat yet line` the –Dcigb Girmds„ms eltmrecy stereatype` il` gil de oaul` ml icc the texts idaut Wt. _mlgelt (@e ci Dar`e9?60;462 Ci Zmerre 9=8:;78). Dut ulcmbe ather iuthars, Ce Dretal `aes lat neltmal the

4? ILAN, @ZZG, 5 Nm 0=9, Tefmstres piramssmiux `e Gise-Zmcate , Nirtmlmque, 9?65-9668.46 ITWM, Ficcmi, vac. 0:, Epmstacï `e pranavel`ms i` fri`un (9?9:-9655), 9?=5, oº949r2 ITWM, Orilgmi, vac. 9?, Giticafm

trmellices (9?=:-9?=?), 9?=?, oº7=4v, lº97.48 ILAN, GAC, G9:I 9, Wmeur `e Deiunalt , Nirtmlmque, 90/9:/96:5, ?oº.4= ITWM, Orilgmi, vac. 40, Giticafm dreves (9?84-9?==), 9?=4, oº700r, 9?=7, oº754v.7: ITWM, Orilgmi, vac. 40, Giticafm dreves (9?84-9?==), 9?=5-9?=? oº78:v.

79 ITWM, Orilgmi, vac. 40, Giticafm dreves (9?84-9?==), 9?=6-9?=8, oº78=v, 9?==, oº096r.74 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.7-0 (76-78).

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Niraals il` the scives bm`lippe` dy the Ml`mils, icthaufh they were preselt prmar ta the9?65 shmpwregb thit he neltmals (]aulf 96=5;?). Ml`ee`, oran the el` ao the smxteelthgeltury, the Wpilmsh iutharmtmes late` the nissmve preselge ao Dcigbs ml Ml`mil vmccifes (go.Nareiu 9==4;96?-966). Mt wauc` atherwmse de `moomguct ta expciml thit i snicc fraup aoDcigb survmvars were idce ta exgee` the Inerml`mil papucitmal ml alcy twa feleritmals.

Ml Oedruiry 9?87, Faverlar Dcílig il` Mltel`ilt Dífal galsm`ere` thit there were ip-praxmnitecy 4::: Girmd Ml`mils il` 0::: Dcigbs al Wt. _mlgelt. 77 @espmte il epm`enmgao sniccpax thit aggurre` ml 9?=:, the prapartmals ao Ml`mils il` Dcigbs nust hive deelrither smnmcir ta whit they were it the defmllmlf ao Ce Dretal”s nmssmal.70 Mt ms thus wmth iluneraus il` nmxe` papucitmal thit the Kesumt wis galoralte`.

Oran the nmssmal ta the pirmshes; the el` ao the Kesumt preselge al Wt._mlgelt 

 Ve hive ul`erstaa` thit the pacmtmgic prakegt estidcmshe` dy Dcílig il` @u Nimtz requmre`peapce, omlilgmic neils il` i galtmlumty ao igtmal, icc ao whmgh lee`e` suppart oran the

gacalmic iutharmtmes. he ippamltnelt ml 9?=? ao Feleric Faverlar `”Indcmnalt il`Mltel`ilt Tadert greite` i lew ar`er. mlfe` wmth i restrmgtmve vmsmal ao Orelgh pacmgy althe Ml`mils, dath i`nmlmstritars were lat galvmlge` ao the legessmty ta pursue themr evil-fecmzitmal, the resuct ao whmgh seene` mlsmflmomgilt ta then. Ml Nirgh 9?==, the gacalmiciutharmtmes thus `egree` thit the very oew ormirs ivimcidce hi` ta de iccatte` ta supervmsmlfthe Orelgh il` the scives, rither thil ta the Ml`mil nmssmals.75 @eprmve` ao the suppartao the i`nmlmstritars, the Kesumts were oarge` ta fmve up themr nmssmal al Wt. _mlgelt. Ml96::, Ce Dretal drmeocy ceot Wt. _mlgelt il` exergmse` hms nmlmstry it Wt. Bmtts is nmssmal-irmus Ficcarun et Lmfrmtirun. @urmlf thms shart perma`, Iltamle `u Ghimccaux il` Ghirceshanis ]al suggee`e` hmn ml Wt. _mlgelt.7?  Ml Iprmc 96:9, Wupermar Feleric ZmerreGandiu` `eomlmtmvecy gicce` digb Ce Dretal ta Nirtmlmque, ml ar`er ta exergmse hms nml-mstry ml the Oart –is prmest ao the Lefraes„, il` thel ml the pirmshes ao Zrëgheur il` Gise-Zmcate.76 Ml 96:5, he wis selt wmth omve ather Kesumts il` twa segucirs ta Wilta @anmlfa, taserve emfht pirmshes ml the larth ao the mscil`.78 He renimle` there oar idaut tel yeirs, de-oare omliccy returlmlf ta Nirtmlmque, where he girrme` al wmth hms pistaric warb ml Girdet,ml Gise-Zmcate il` ml the Oart, ultmc hms `eith al Kucy 90 th, 967? ml Wimlt-Zmerre.7=

he el` ao the Kesumt nmssmals al Girmd terrmtary gceircy shaws i shmot ao the Orelgh pac-mgy tawir`s the Inerml`mils rither thil i ghilfe ml the stritefy ao the nmssmalirmes. Oar icalf tmne, the Kesumt nmssmaliry prakegt wauc` de la calfer dise` al the evilfecmzitmal aothe Mscil` Girmd dut al the ml`agtrmlitmal ao the scives il` the Ml`mils ao the nimlcil`.

77 ILAN, GAC, G8I 7, Dcílig et Dífal iu Tam , Wimlt-Ghrmstaphe, 97/:4/9?87, oº459 .70 ILAN, GAC, G8I ?, Dcílig , Nirtmlmque, :5/:0/9?=:, oº?r-?v2 ILAN, GAC, G8I ?, Dcílig , Nirtmlmque, 7:/:5/9?=:,

oº08v.75 ILAN, GAC, G8I 99, `”Indcmnalt , Nirtmlmque, 79/:7/9?==, oº49r-47r.7? ITWM, Orilgmi, vac. 40, Giticafm dreves (9?84-96::), 96::, oº04?v2 ITWM, Orilgmi, vac. 45M, Giticafm dreves (96::-

9697), 96::, oº8v.76 ILAN, @ZZG, 5 Nm ?49, Tefmstres piramssmiux `e Zrëgheur , Nirtmlmque, 9??5-96662 ILAN, @ZZG, 5 Nm 0=9,

Tefmstres piramssmiux `e Gise-Zmcate , Nirtmlmque, 9?65-96682 ITWM, Orilgmi, vac. 45M, Giticafm dreves (96::-9697), 96:9,oº9=v-4:r.

78 ITWM, Orilgmi, vac. 45M, Giticafm dreves (96::-9697), 96:5, oº?7v.7= ITWM, Orilgmi, vac. 45MM, Giticafm dreves (9690-964:), 969=, oº546v2 ILAN, @ZZG, 5 Nm 084, Tefmstres piramssmiux `u

Girdet , Nirtmlmque, 9?66-966:2 ILAN, @ZZG, 5 Nm 0=9, Tefmstres piramssmiux `e Gise-Zmcate , Nirtmlmque, 9?65-96682 ITWM, Orilgmi, vac. 46, Giticafm dreves (9679-9600), 967?, oº9:0v.

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Desm`es, whel lefatmitmlf idaut the rayic oul`mlf ao the nmssmal ao Wt. _mlgelt, the Kesumtsicsa isbe` ta de ml ghirfe ao –the galversmal ao the Wivifes ao the nimlcil` il` lat ta decmnmte` ta Wt. _mlgelt alcy„.0:

 Ve nust, hawever, i`` thit ml 96:9 the hape ao restarmlf the Kesumt nmssmal ml Wt._mlgelt wis stmcc reic.09 Nareaver, Ce Dretal galtmlue` ta pciy i cei`mlf race ml the Orelgh-

 Inerml`mil recitmalshmps. Ml Weptender 96:5, he wis selt wmth the Wmeur `e Deiunaltta Freli`i ml ar`er ta gcirmoy the evelts whmgh ce` ta the nur`er ao severic mlhidmtiltsdy the Ml`mils ao the mscil`, il` ivam` i wir. Ce Dretal il` il Ml`mil ao Wt. _mlgelt(pradidcy i trilscitar) `msendirb ml the –quirtmer ao the Girmd Ml`mils„, al the wml`wir`gaist ao Freli`i, ml ar`er ta neet Acmvmer, the Ml`mil igguse` ao the nur`ers. Hawever,lada`y ippeirs oar twa `iys.04 Al the 7r` ao Agtader, the shmp thit taab Ce Dretal digbta Nirtmlmque ni`e i stapaver it Wt. _mlgelt. he Kesumt wis thel put ml ghirfe ao ex-ghilfmlf –emfht Wivifes (exgept the Ml`mil pisselfer) Roar^ three Elfcmsh prmsalers ao theGirmds„.07 hms cist nmssmal wis i suggess dut the ne`mitmal ul`ertibel dy Ce Dretal msil avericc oimcure, smlge i lew Orelgh-Inerml`mil wir wis `egcire` ml the oaccawmlf `iys,

nugh ta the illayilge ao the mlhidmtilts ao Freli`i.00

 Leverthecess, ioter hms returl oranWilta @anmlfa, Ce Dretal pursue` hms igtmal inalf sane Ml`mils ml Nirtmlmque il` ref-ucircy faes ta @anmlmgi (idil`ale` dy the @anmlmgils) –ta tecc Fa`”s war`„.05 Gurmauscy,Ce Dretal `aes lat siy i smlfce war` idaut the Ml`mil preselge ml Nirtmlmque ml the pirtao Ns. =7= `e`mgite` ta thms mscil`.

@e mlsucms Biriydmgms ; detweel il aoomgmic repart il` i gurmausrepart 

Phe wrmtmlf gal`mtmals 

Ce Dretal very cmbecy wrate the nilusgrmpt ml 9644, idaut twelty yeirs ioter the el` aohms nmssmal ml Wt. _mlgelt. he Tecitma  ms i ganpmcitmal ao sgittere` lates tibel `urmlfthit nmssmal.0? he styce ms epmstaciry il` the ganpasmtmal el`s wmth the pranmse ao sel`-mlf –the rest thit ms nmssmlf„.06 he segal` il` thmr` pirts ao Ns. =7= pirtcy ganpcetemt, dut the ghipters idaut cilfuife il` –Ml`mil superstmtmals„ were lever wrmttel. 08 hewhace `agunelt wis selt ta –Nr Tiu`at, Feleric Mltel`ilt ao the Orelgh Livy„ wmthwhan Ce Dretal refucircy garrespal`e` thraufh hms drather –Nr Ce Dretal `e Dir`y„. 0= Gannmssmaler is wecc is Feleric Mlspegtar ao the Livy il` oarner Mltel`ilt ao LewOrilge, Iltamle-@elms Tiu`at icsa hec` the aoomges ao gaistfuir` ao the Mlvicm`es il`

0: ILAN, GAC, G8I 0, @u Nimtz , Wimlt-Ghrmstaphe, 40/:0/9?86, oº749r.09 ILAN, GAC, G8I 99, `”Indcmnalt , Nirtmlmque, 79/:7/9?==, oº49r-47r2 Irghmves W.K. Zravmlge `e Orilge RIWKO,

_ilves^, MD4, lº74, Gandiu` ê Dífal, Nirtmlmque, :?/:?/96:9, oº9r2 ITWM, Orilgmi, vac. 45M, Giticafm dreves (96::-9697), 96:4, oº7?r.

04 ILAN, GAC, G9:I 9, Wmeur `e Deiunalt , Nirtmlmque, 90/9:/96:5, ? oº.07 ILAN, GAC, G9:I 9, Wmeur `e Deiunalt , Nirtmlmque, 90/9:/96:5, ? oº.00 ILAN, GAC, G8I 95, Wmeur Wiuvil ê Nighiuct , Ci Freli`e, 97/9:/96:5, oº7=:r2 ILAN, GAC, G8I 95, Nighiuct ,

Nirtmlmque, 94/94/96:5, oº7=0r-7=5v.05 ILAN, GAC, G8D9, lº4:, Girte `e ci Nirtmlmque pir c”mlfílmeur Dcal`ec , g.9?8:2 ILAN, GAC, O700, Oal`s

 Nareiu `e Wimlt-Níry , :8/:9/9648, oº080r-085v2 @I_M@. @mgtmallimre , ane 9, p.950.0? DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.R9^ (45).06 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.7: (?=).

08 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.7 (76), p.00 (87).0= DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.R9^ (45).

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Gacalmes, il` gaulgmccar ml gacalmic iooimrs smlge 9699(Drawl et ic. 9=??). Mt wis lat theomrst tmne thit Ce Dretal selt hmn `agunelts idaut the Vest Ml`mes. Ml 9695, whmce mlWilta @anmlfa, the Kesumt selt hmn hms Adservitmals sur quecques pciltes e c”Inírmque 5:. Itthe defmllmlf ao the 964:s, he refucircy selt hmn –emther gurmasmtmes ar see`s ao thms gaultryRm.e. the Iltmcces^„.59 Ce Dretal igtuiccy galoesse` thit the wrmtmlf ao Ns. =7= ilswere` i

`mregt request oran Tiu`at.54

 @urmlf the emftheelth geltury, mt ms gannal thit nmssmalirmes garrespal`e` `mregtcywmth the Nmlmstry ao the Livy. Desm`es, Ce Dretal, icsa mltereste` ml datily, nimltimle`epmstaciry recitmalshmps wmth the  Igi`ínme rayice `es Wgmelges  il` wmth the  Kir`ml `u Tam ,ta whmgh he i``resse` luneraus reparts, datilmgic il` zaacafmgic pigbifes whmgh aotelgrasse` the Itciltmg Ageil mlsm`e gagaluts ar faur`s, oar cigb ao daxes.57 He icsa suppcme`the Inermgil gaccegtmals ao the gidmlet ao gurmasmtmes ao Nmghec Dífal, thel Mltel`iltao the Livy ml Tagheoart. Ml 96:9, he selt hmn –sane snicc gurmasmtmes Rao Wt. _mlgelt^,eigh wmth themr pirtmgucir cidec ml i``mtmal ta the feleric repart pravm`e` ml the dax„.50 Uloartulitecy, lale ao these pigbifes reighe` aur tmne.

Tmfht oran the mltra`ugtmal ao the Tecitma, Ce Dretal mltra`uge` hmnseco is i –hmsta-rmil„ ml ghirfe ao regar`mlf ml wrmtmlf whit –`eserves ta de blawl il` bept ml nenary„idaut the Inerml`mils; –themr line, themr rige, themr mlstmtutmals, gustans, mlteccmfelge,teghlmgic igtmvmtmes, ghirigter, tistes, recmfmaus prigtmges, cilfuife, wiy ao cmvmlf il` ao igt-mlf„.55 hms `agunelt ganes wmthml i ditgh ao sel`mlfs mltel`e` ta suppcy gidmlets aogurmasmtmes is nugh is the gacalmic sgmeltmomg nighmlery mnpcenelte` dy Gacdert. Desm`es,Tiu`at ms the iuthar ao i Tecitmal  pir  cettres  `e  c”Inírmque  septeltrmalice , wrmttel oran sev-eric reparts selt ta hmn idaut the Mccmlams il` Nminm Ml`mils (go. Bmlmetz 9=0:). @m` hehive smnmcir mlteltmals wmth Ce Dretal”s lirritmve1 Ulcess Tiu`at wilte` ta tibe i`viltifeao the Ce Dretal”s mloarnitmal ta suppart the `mooerelt Orelgh ittenpts ta fet i oaathac`

al Wt. _mlgelt ml the yeirs 964:s.5? Ve blaw lathmlf idaut mt.

Ce Dretal”s lirritmve; il ethlahmstarmg saurge ar the repra`ugtmal ao i wecc-blawl na`ec1 

Mt ms advmaus thit I`rmel Ce Dretal `riws the niml pirt ao hms lirritmve oran the yeirs hespelt ml Wt. _mlgelt. Hawever, fmvel the lunder ao sugh `agunelts wrmttel ml the emfth-eelth geltury, mt ms cefmtmnite ta questmal the wiy he gaccegte` the mloarnitmal il` wal`eridaut hms rei`mlfs recitmlf ta the Iltmcces. Is nily ghralmgcers, Ce Dretal siys lathmlf aohms mloarnilts. Aoomgmic garrespal`elge mloarns us thit he spabe the Iriwibil cilfuifeao the Mscil` Girmd, whmgh ms galomrne` dy hms supermars whel they late hms mlgcmlitmal taceirl cilfuifes.56 Desm`es, the repeite` use ao igtmal verds sugh is heir, ceirl il` see suf-

5: DGNLHL, Ns. ??8, Adservitmals , oºR9^.59 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.R9^ (45).54 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.R9^ (45).57 DGNLHL, Ns. ??6, @esgrmptmal, oº0v il` 5r-?r.50 IWKO, MD4, lº74, Gandiu` ê Dífal, Nirtmlmque, :?/:?/96:9, oº9r-9v.55 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.9 (75), p.7 (76), p.45 (?4).5? ILAN, GAC, O758, Oal`s Nareiu `e Wimlt-Níry , Wimlt-_mlgelt, :7/94/969=2 ILAN, GAC, O758, Oal`s

 Nareiu `e Wimlt-Níry ,  Nínamres `es hidmtilts `e ci Nirtmlmque , Wimlt-_mlgelt, 964:2 ILAN, GAC, O758,Oal`s Nareiu `e Wimlt-Níry , Wimlt-_mlgelt, :6/99/9646.

56 ILAN, GAC, G8D4, lº89,  Nmthal , Nirtmlmque, 9=/:=/96:5, oº8v-=r2 ITWM, Orilgmi, vac. 9?, Giticafm trmel-lices (9?=:-9?=?), 9?=7, oº4=?v, lº96, 9?=?, o º000v, lº97.

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fest thit ‗ galtriry ta Tiynal` Dretal, i oew yeirs deoare ml @anmlmgi, wha wis issmste`dy i Orelgh-speibmlf Ml`mil ‗ Ce Dretal (9=68;58) `mregtcy late` `awl Ml`mil war`s.Hawever, the calf gannelts ittrmdute` ta the Ml`mils ire pradidcy lat verditmn  tril-sgrmptmals. here ire three niml `mstartmals ta the armfmlic Inerml`mil cilfuife; it omrsti `audce trilscitmal (oran Girmd cilfuife ta Orelgh il` oran Orelgh ta Citml), thel il

advmaus dy stycmstmg i`kustnelt whmgh ictere` the Ml`mil rhetarmg.Ce Dretal nmfht hive rei` sane ao the nily warbs icrei`y pudcmshe` idaut the Lew Varc` il` the Iltmcces it the defmllmlf ao the emfhteelth geltury. Dut he `aes lat fmve ilymloarnitmal idaut thit. he sbetghy ispegt ao the pcil ao hms nilusgrmpt nibes i ganpiri-tmve stu`y detweel the shipmlf ao hms text il` thit ao prevmaus iuthars icnast mnpassmdce.Exgept oar sane ecenelts icrei`y preselt ml nily ao the Iltmcceil ghralmgces, there ms laocifrilt darrawmlf oran ilather iuthar. Al the galtriry, he `mverfes oar exinpce oran

 Keil-Diptmste @u ertre”s lirritmve whel stifmlf il Ml`mil gaite` wmth ragau (illitta) whaceot i nirb al the whmte de` ao the faverlar”s wmoe, is he sit `awl al mt. Iggar`mlf ta CeDretal, the sgele taab pcige ml Nirtmlmque it Faverlar Kigques @yec @u Zirquet”s hause,

whmce @u ertre cagites mt ml Fui`ecaupe ml the hause ao Faverlar Keil Iudert.58

he use ao gertiml spegmomg terns gil icsa de i `msgrmnmlitmlf oigtar ml the stu`y ao the Iltmcceil textuic tri`mtmal. Ce Dretal uses oar exinpce the Girmd war` pmiñe  is i sylalynao dahyí  (i shinil), i war` rirecy use` ml the Iltmcceil cmteriture (nare gannal ml the

 Inizalmil cmteriture).5= he Wmeur @e ci Dar`e (9?60;=) ms the alcy ale ta use mt ml thewhace prmlte` garpus. Ce Dretal nmfht hive deel mlspmre` dy @e ci Dar`e”s lirritmve.Hawever, thms tern niy de spegmomg ta the Ml`mils ao Wt. _mlgelt, fmvel thit the KesumtÍtmelle `e Ci Zmerre (9=8:;7=), wha icsa stiye` al thms mscil`, use` mt ml hms garrespal`-elge. Hawever thit niy de, Ns. =7= ms niyde nare the resuct ao persalic expermelge thilthe smnpce repeit ao ecenelts icrei`y blawl. Ml thms refir`, Ce Dretal”s lirritmve ms i omrst-

hil` saurge oar the stu`y ao the Inerml`mil papucitmals ao the Cesser Iltmcces.

Ci @esgrmptmal `e c”msce Wimlt-_mlgelt; il igganpcmshe` versmal ao @emlsucms Biriydmgms1 

Mo la recitmalshmp gil de estidcmshe` detweel Ns. =7= il` prevmaus saurges, mt ms passmdceta `riw i piriccec detweel thms text il` ilather, i prmarm citer, `agunelt. Ml 9=56, the `e-pirtneltic irghmves ao Nirtmlmque igqumre` il ilalynaus nilusgrmpt ao 9:6 pifes eltm-tce` @esgrmptmal `e c”msce `e Wimlt-_mlgelt.?: Zudcmshe` ml 9=?9 dy T. Zmlghal ml the Illices`es Iltmcces , thms nilusgrmpt ms lat eltmrecy ulblawl smlge Ghirces Cegcerg, i dmdcmaphmce,neltmals mt ml hms Dmdcmathegi Inermgili ao 9886.?9 he ilicysms ao the wrmttel oarn is-serts thit Ce Dretal `m` lat `riot mt il` thit mt ms il emftheelth geltury `agunelt. hestrugture ao the @esgrmptmal  ms nugh nare igganpcmshe` thil thit ao Ns. =7= dut tibesup ifiml nily pamlts icrei`y tigbce` ml the citter, is ms shawl dy luneraus smflmomgiltresendcilges. here ms la `audt thit the iuthar ao the @esgrmptmal hi` blawce`fe ao thetext ao Ce Dretal. Dath agunelts mlsmst al the heterafeleaus liture ao the papucitmal ao

58 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.08-0= (8?-86)2 @u ertre9??6;MM 7=9-7=4).5= DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.75 (65) .?: Irghmves `ípirteneltices e ci Nirtmlmque RI@ =64, Oart-`e-Orilge^, 9 K 494, @esgrmptmal `e c”ìce `e Wimlt-_mlgelt , 9:6


?9 @esgrmptmal `e c”msce `e Wimlt-_mlgelt. Illices `es Iltmcces; Duccetml `e ci Wagmítí `”Hmstamre `e ci Nirtmlmque , 9=?9, lº=,p.79-892 Cegcerg (9886;7:).

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Wt. _mlgelt, usmlf the tern –Ethmapmils„ ta reoer ta Dcigbs. hey icsa piy equic itteltmalta ouleric rmtes. hey nibe m`eltmgic reoerelges ta the Freebs il` the Tanils ta gal`enlthe presunptmal ao mlhunilmty ao the Eurapeils tawir`s the Inerml`mils. Nareaver, theydath fmve primse ta the Wpilmir`s” oaresmfht mltra`ugmlf severic Eurapeil ilmnic spegmesmlta the mscil`s ta pravm`e oar hultmlf. hey evel tecc the sine ileg`ate ao i Girmd cei`er

gaite` wmth ragau il` stife mt ml Nirtmlmque it @u Zirquet”s. Wane ispegts ire hawever `mo-oerelt; the iuthar ao the @esgrmptmal `ites the wregbife ao the scive shmp ml 9?56 il` stitesthit the Dcigbs hi` taticcy suppcilte` the Ml`mils ml lunders.?4 Omliccy, the m`yccmg vmsmalao Ce Dretal ms omlecy shi`e`, ml pirtmgucir dy the use ao repeite` pekaritmve terns sugh is–vml`mgtmve„, –cizy„ il` –superstmtmaus„.?7 he mssue ao the phmcacafmgic tme detweel the twanilusgrmpts renimls hawever ul`eternmle`.

Ce Dretal il` the Girmd Ml`mils ao Wt. _mlgelt 

Phe Girmd Ml`mils; il mtmlerilt papucitmal ao livmfitars 

Cmbe icc the Iltmcceil ghralmgcers, Ce Dretal wal`ers idaut the armfmls ao the Girmd Ml`mils.Dut he ms pradidcy the omrst ale lat ta cmlb then wmth i nythmgic Inerml`mil lirritmve(Bicmlifa-Ibiyanil). Al the galtriry, he dises hms mlterrafitmal al i `eternmlmst pre-sgm-eltmomg reocegtmal. He `ites the irrmvic ao the Girmd Ml`mils ml the mscil`s iraul` the thmr-theelth geltury.?0 hms eircy `itmlf ms ghralacafmgiccy ml cmle wmth irghieacafmgic thearmes`evecape` detweel 9=?: il` 9=65, whmgh cmlbe` the irrmvic ao the Girmd Ml`mils ta theenerfelge ao the Wuizil raunissam` gerinmg sudsermes, it the defmllmlf ao the thmrth-eelth geltury (go. Duccel il` Nittmalm 9=6:;9-7). he ilicafy staps here, hawever, smlgeCe Dretal dises hms `itmlf al the prmnmtmve ispegt ao the vefetitmal ao the mscil`s il` al

the oigt –thit there ms lat the scmfhtest vestmfe ao i `mstilt iltmqumty„.


Oran the defmllmlf ao the Tecitma, Ce Dretal mlsmsts al the oigt thit the Girmd Ml`milsire lat se`eltiry dut –mtmlerilt„ (we wauc` rither use the tern senm-lani`mg). Ml`ee`,he seens ta hive deel strugb dy themr hmfh nadmcmty il` dy themr orequelt ghilfes ao set-tcenelt, whmgh he rilbs inalf the Inerml`mil –gustans„. He enphismzes the eooegtmvemnpartilge ao the mlter-mscil` recitmalshmps ml the preservitmal ao pacmtmgic iccmilges.?? Oarexinpce, ale `iy he evabes the preselge ml Wt. _mlgelt ao 5:: nel `resse` ml themr ger-enalmic omlermes thit gine ta ittel` i giauylife  (i rmtuic `rmlbmlf oeist).?6 hms eceneltms icc the nare mnpartilt, smlge oran the yeirs 9?6:-9?8:, the Orelgh gacalmic iutharmtmesni`e severic ittenpts ta refucite the navenelts il` egalanmg igtmvmtmes ao the Ml`mils.?8 

 Ippireltcy, these `m` lat warb very wecc.Ce Dretal”s mlterest ml Inerml`mil livmfitmal ms icsa pergeptmdce. Ml`ee`, he `e`mgites irither calf pissife ta –`ufauts il` daits„ ml the ghipter al –the kaurleys„ ml the Tecitma,il` ilather ghipter ta –Ml`mil shmpdumc`mlf„ ml the thmr` pirt ao the nilusgrmpt.?= Ml the

?4 I@ =64, 9 K 494, @esgrmptmal, p.8-= (78).?7 I@ =64, 9 K 494, @esgrmptmal, p.9? (09), p.47 (00), p.45 (05), p.58 (5=).?0 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.? (0:-09).?5 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.? (0:-09).?? DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.6-= (04-07).?6 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.48 (?8).?8 ILAN, GAC, G8I 4, Primtí galgcu eltre Dcílig et Zmerre Namfli et Kalili, gheos Giriádes e Wimlt-_mlgelt , Wimlt-_mlgelt,

97/:4/9?6=, oº9:0r-9:5r.?= DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.49-46 (58-?0), p.66-84 (9:9-9:0).

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citter, he preselts three types ao daits, use` dy the litmves; the  pmpery  ta simc al rmvers, thebaucmici   ar dait il` the biliai  ar `ufaut ta simc ml apel sei, espegmiccy `urmlf wirs. Ighipter evate` ta –omshmlf„ ms the appartulmty ta esgrmde ml etimc the virmaus Inerml`milomshmlf teghlmques (ml the rmver ar ml the sei).6: 

Phe Girmd –fac`el ife„ ar the m`eicmze` vmsmal ao the –ilgmelt litmves„69

Oaccawmlf the pitterl ao luneraus Iltmcceil ghralmgcers, Ce Dretal cmlfers al `esgrmdmlfthe heivelcy elvmralnelt ao Wt. _mlgelt. he gcmnite ms wal`erouc il` ippraprmite oar thepreservitmal ao faa` heicth. Wprmlfs ao witer ire luneraus. he Kesumt icsa lates the oertmc-mty ao the fraul` il` the –galtmluaus idul`ilge„ ao Ml`mil pra`ugts, sugh is –pmleippce,dilili, Ml`mil omf, virmaus virmetmes ao picn-berlecs, sweet patitaes, yins, omve sarts aogustir` ippce, yeccaw il` whmte fuivi, yeccaw nandml, nihafily, nilmag„.64 he usuic`msi`viltifes ao the irei ire idselt oran Wt. _mlgelt whmgh ms, oar exinpce, exenpt –orannasqumtaes il` oran icc ather snicc velanaus greitures„. Leverthecess smxty yeirs deoare,hms gacceifue Keil Hicciy ticbe` idaut the mnpartilt preselge ao –vmpers„ al the mscil`!67

Ce Dretal his the sine heivelcy vmsmal whel ticbmlf ao the Inerml`mils. He pimlts i–smlgere naric partrimt„ ao the Ml`mils thit el`s wmth thms seltelge whmgh sunnirmzes hmsvmsmal; –Il` there ms omliccy, everywhere, pure cave oran i smlgere heirt, sa thit the Ml`milstrucy elkay the fac`el ife sa gecedrite` dy the paets„.60 hms mnpressmal ao i tmnecess fac`-el ife ms strelfthele` dy the idselge ao i oigtuic orinewarb il` dy the use ao lunerausmnpcmgmt reoerelges ta gcissmgic iuthars (Avm`, Cugil, Haner ar Gmgera). Ce Dretal evelveltures mlta fmvmlf i Freeb etynacafy ta the tern –`ufaut„ ( pmrafue   ml Orelgh), whmghstirts wmth the Freeb preomx pyra-, whmgh neils omre, –degiuse ao the spee` ao mts rige whmghml i wiy renml`s thit ao the omre„.65 hms vmsmal ms lat surprmsmlf smlge heivelcy mnifmliryil` iltmque m`yccmsn were very wm`esprei` it the tmne whel the omrst ghralmgcers (Dautal,

Zecceprit, @u ertre) pudcmshe` themr reparts. Desm`es, ta ivam` `msturdmlf thms m`yccmg mn-ife, Ce Dretal very qumgbcy kuffces iwiy the preselge ao the Dcigbs whmgh were idaut taautlunder the Ml`mils il` taticcy anmts ta neltmal the preselge ao Orelgh settcers al themscil`, whmgh `ites digb it ceist ta the 9?6:s.6? 

Cmbe Naltimfle ar Círy, Ce Dretal puts icsa the –mlhunilmty„ ao the Ml`mils ml per-spegtmve usmlf exinpces oran Iltmqumty. He ao gaurse gal`enls themr exgesses; themr rmlb-mlf sessmals, themr vmacelge il` superstmtmals, dut he systenitmgiccy enphismzes the faa` mlthen, thit girrmes i hmfher hape thil the evmc.66 Mt ms thereoare il ulusuic lirritmve `espmteCidit”s repart stitmlf thit Ce Dretal”s smtuitmal ml Wt. _mlgelt wis hir`cy nare m`yccmg thilthit ao hms pre`egessars. Cmbe the Iltmcceil Kesumt nirtyrs, the ormir wis icwiys iorim` aodemlf sciufhtere` dy the Ml`mils, espegmiccy whel they were `rulb (Cidit 9644;M_ 008).

6: DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.97-95 (5:-57).69 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.0 (7=).64 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.5-? (09).67 Dmdcmathèque litmalice `e Orilge RDlO, Zirms^, Ns. Nareiu 809, Tecitmal `es Msces `e ci Nirtmlmque et `e W.

Ghrmstaphce pir ce Z. Keil Hicciy `e ci Ganpiflme `e Kísus esgrmtte ê Lmsnes el 9?56 , oº9?9r.60 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.?? (=6).65 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.49 (58).6? ILAN, GAC, G8I 4, Primtí galgcu eltre Dcílig et Zmerre Namfli e t Kalili, gheos Giriádes `e Wimlt-_mlgelt , Wimlt-

_mlgelt, 97/:4/9?6=, oº9:0r-9:5r.66 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.?0 (=?).

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Hawever, Ce Dretal”s lirritmve `aes lat cet ilythmlf trilspmre ao the gal`mtmals `esgrmde`dy Cidit.

Phe Ml`mils ul`er the eyes ao the datilmst; i pregmse `esgrmptmal aoevery`iy cmoe 

Ce Dretal ms pirtmgucircy mltereste` ml the imcy  cmoe ao the Ml`mils, themr gustans il` blawc-e`fe. Every ghipter ms il appartulmty ta esgrmde mtens ao themr every`iy cmoe. He evabes thewecganmlf gerenaly ao vmsmtars ml i vmccife il` gireouccy `esgrmdes the ourlmture they use`;seits, higtey  (hinnagbs), nitautau (tidce triys).68 He ms icwiys warrme` idaut the scmfhtest`etimc, oar exinpce whel `esgrmdmlf the Girmd seits; –Zmgture i snicc pmege ao waa` ale artwa oeet calf, thmgb il` ippraxmnitecy smx omlfers wm`e, wmth the tap delt ml al eigh sm`etawir`s the nm``ce il` the dattan pirt gut il` `uf ml oaur pciges, sa thit it tmnes mt gilde stidce, il` it ather tmnes renave` oran the rest„. Gicidishes hive i geltric pcige is theyire use` ml the nibmlf ao dawcs il` utelsmcs. Helge gerinmg seens segal`iry.6=

Ml spmte ao i gertiml tmnecess `mnelsmal, Ce Dretal”s lirritmve `aes lat pimlt the pmg-

ture ao Ml`mil sagmety it i stil`stmcc. Al the galtriry, the orequelt appasmtmals detweelpist il` preselt gceircy nirb evacutmal. Oar exinpce, he stresses themr teghlacafmgic dar-rawmlfs oran the Eurapeils, sugh is netic taacs (ml pirtmgucir thase ao the girpelter) arthe teghlmque ao simcmlf. Dut mt ms espegmiccy ml the omec` ao Ml`mil weipalry thit Ce Dretallates nast ghilfes; netic irraw pamlts, il` the evel nare orequelt use ao omreirns, whmghthe Ml`mils hil`ce is issure`cy is themr daws.8: Dut Ce Dretal ms idave icc the omrst ale talate thit sane Ml`mils girry swar`s mlstei` ao the tri`mtmalic dautaus  (wir gcuds).89 Heicsa latmges the preselge ao gagbs, faits, il` pmfs mnparte` oran Eurape il` hulte` dythe Inerml`mils wmth afs (icsa ao Eurapeil armfml).84 he very pregmse esgrmptmals ao the

 Inerml`mil arlinelts iccaw Ce Dretal ta ul`ercmle evel nare the mnpartilge ao rissi`es  (snicc Eurapeil fciss dei`s).87 Evel whel he ticbs idaut mtens thit the litmves rekegt, sughis the ganpiss, mt ms ta shaw the eoomgmelgy ao the enpmrmgic Ml`mil blawce`fe ml nithenit-mgs, istralany ar livmfitmal.80 Ce Dretal thus `esgrmdes i cirfecy ictere` Inerml`mil sagm-ety. Hawever, mt renimls very `moomguct ta reveic the mlocuelge ao Dcigbs al thms sagmety.

 I nirbe` mlterest oar the Girmd Ml`mils” –lal-recmfmal„ 

 Is nily ather ormirs, I`rmel Ce Dretal galsm`ers the Girmd Ml`mils is peapce wmthautrecmfmal. @espmte thit, he `evates luneraus pifes ta the `esgrmptmal ao themr decmeos il`gerenalmes. hms galtri`mgtmal gil de expcimle` dy the oigt thit the Kesumt dise` the Girmd

–lal-recmfmal„ al the idselge ao priyers, rmtes, tenpces il` sigrmomges il` lat al the Ml`mildecmeos.85 Kust cmbe hms galtenpariry ghralmgcers, he mstmlfumshes twa spmrmts; Ghenmkl idautwhan he siys icnast lathmlf exgept thit mt ms lat legessiry ta halaur hmn degiuse he –msseco-suoomgmelt ta hmnseco ta elkay icc sarts ao dcmss„2 il` Nidauñi  ar Nidañi  respalsmdce oar

68 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.=-9: (00-06).6= DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.=6-9:9 (997-995).8: DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.98-9= (55-56).89 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.48 (?6).84 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.9? (50).87 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.85 (9:6).

80 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.47 (?:).85 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.77-70 (67-60).

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icc sarts ao traudces sugh is hurrmgiles, wregbs, il` Nic `e Wmin (yeccaw oever) etg.8? Cmbehms gacceifue Kigques Dautal, Ce Dretal latmges thit thms –`enal Rm.e. Nidayi „ very aoteldeits the Ml`mils.86 He ms ippireltcy `msturde` dy whit he sees il` heirs idaut thms spmrmt,is he citer galoesses; –M in ul`audte`cy lat i nil ta cmstel ta thms twi``ce, dut sa nilythmlfs, il` ao mnpartilge, ire tac` ml faa` oimth dy recmidce nel, wmtlesses wha lat alcy

heir` dut icsa siw, thit M hive sgrupces ta `ely icc thms„.88

 Ce Dretal thel evabes the dañez  ar  pñiñes  wha suooer the hirshest treitnelt oran the Nidayi . He `esgrmdes then is demlf it the sine tmne –prmest, nifmstrite, Ril`^ ne`mgmlenil„.8= Oaccawmlf the exinpce ao @u ertre, Ce Dretal `aes lat galsm`er dayís  is prmestsdut is nmlmsters smlge they `a lat `evate thensecves eltmrecy ta themr fa`s, thus estidcmsh-mlf i piriccec wmth the Zratestilts, heretmgic nmlmsters ml the eyes ao the Kesumt.=: Dut deoare–demlf refmstere` inalf the ippreltmges Dayhez „, lavmges nust oaccaw il ippreltmgeshmp,the mlmtmitmal tests whmgh ippeir ta hmn is –gruec tarture„ (purfes dy neils ao enetmgs,sgirmomgitmals, oists).=9 Esseltmiccy, the `esgrmptmal ao the neetmlf detweel Nidayi , the dayí  il` hms ippreltmge (the cist step ao the ippreltmgeshmp) ms smnmcir ta the gerenaly ao mlva-

gitmal ao the Ghenml `esgrmde` i geltury eircmer dy the Ilalynaus ao Girpeltris.=4

 heigtmal icwiys tibes pcige it lmfht, ml i `irb hut is – Nidayi  hites cmfht„. He irrmves ml i dmfgrish il` stmrs i cat `urmlf hms galversitmal wmth the lavmge. Ce Dretal seens rither fuc-cmdce whel oigmlf thms rmtuic stifmlf. Ourthernare, he galtri`mgts hmnseco twmge ml hms lir-ritmve. Al ale hil`, Nidayi , wha ultmc thel hi` ippeire` is i ulmque eltmty ‗ il` thusganpiridce ta the `evmc ‗ `mvm`es hmnseco ml severic –felmuses„, ale oar eigh ao the dayí . Althe ather hil`, thms –Witil„ ms gicce` –Cire„, i prategtmve `mvmlmty ao the Tanil hausehac`,mltrmlsmgiccy deleomgmic.=7 Ms mt i gcunsy trilscitmal ar i reic nmstibe1 Ve gil see here thecmnmts ao the nmssmalirmes” ul`erstil`mlf ao the Girmd spmrmtuic warc`.

he dayí  ms icsa i ne`mgmle nil. He ms the ale wha –treits R…^ dy ulgaultidce trmgbs,

ta emther nibe mccusmal nare eismcy, ar dy idul`ilt il` repeite` idsarptmal ao esselgesthit ire extrigte` dy hil`, ar ioter gaabmlf, oran trees is wecc is oran ne`mgmlic herds„.=0 Dut Ce Dretal icsa mltra`uge` the m`ei thit the dayí  hac`s i nifmstrigy ‗ ml the iltmqueneilmlf ao the war` ‗ –enpawere` alcy ml reisal, he ms ml ghirfe lat alcy ao expciml-mlf il` mlterpretmlf, dut icsa ao refucitmlf the gustans, `egmsmals, usifes il` ciws ao theeltmre gannulmty„. Vmthaut ticbmlf ao the praphetmg race ao the shinils ml gertiml Wauth

 Inermgil sagmetmes, thms renirb aooers i remlterpretitmal ao the race ao the dayís   ml Girmdsagmety. Igtuiccy they seen ta hive mlocuelge` the `egmsmals ao the fraup nare eooegtmvecythil the cei`ers thensecves (Pmaudautaucm hiuthe/Audautau). hms race seens strelfthele`whel the iuthar ao Ns. =7= evabes –the wmtghes„, ac` wm`aws ar yaulf vmrfmls, respalsmdce

oar evmc speccs, `mseises il` `eith.=5 Ml`ee`, mt ms the dayís  ‗ thel quicmome` is –grmnmlic wmz-

8? DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.70 (p.60).86 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.70-75 (60-65)2 Dautal (9?0:;MX 9:?).88 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.75 (65).8= DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.7? (6?).=: @u ertre (9??6; MM 7?5).=9 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.7?-7= (6?-68).=4 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.7=-00 (68-87)2 Dmdcmathèque Mlfumndertmle RGirpeltris^, Ns. 5=:, Tecitmal

`”ul vayife mloartulí oimt iux Ml`es aggm`eltices pir ce gipmtimle Oceury iveg ci `esgrmptmal `e quecques ìces qu”al yrelgaltre, reguemccme pir c”ul `e si ganpiflme qum t ce vayife , g.9?4:, oº54r-57v.

=7 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.7= (68), 09 (8:).

=0 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.55-56 (=6-=8).=5 DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.66-68 (87-80).

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ir`s„ ‗ wha ire ml ghirfe ao expasmlf thase respalsmdce oar the fraup”s nmsoartule ta pud-cmg gal`enlitmal, thus expasmlf then ta exegutmal. hey thus exergmse i very mnpartiltgaltrac al themr sagmety (@esgaci 9=88;898-846). Evel mo Ns. =7= iccaws us ta she` sanecmfht al thase ispegts, Ce Dretal ms taticcy uliwire ao mt whel he wrmtes; –Icc demlf eltmrecyequic, they Rm.e. the Ml`mils^ i`nmt la hmfhcy rilbe` nil, la cei`er, la nifmstrite„. =?

@espmte il extrenecy nirbe` mlterest ml –the lal-recmfmal„ ao the Girmd Ml`mils, CeDretal icnast lever ticbs idaut hms ipastacmg igtmal. Dy galtrist wmth nily ather Iltmcceilghralmgces, the blawce`fe il` `esgrmptmal ao the Inerml`mil decmeos `a lat ippeir here ispirt ao the evilfecmzitmal pragess. Is he persaliccy galoesse`, Ce Dretal his –ganpcetecycast Rhms^ faa`s Rm.e. the preselts oar the Ml`mils^ il` Rhms^ eooart„ oar i tmly resuct. Dutwis lat the mlterest ao hms nmssmal, il` ml omle  ao hms lirritmve, uctmnitecy sanewhere ecse1Gertimlcy!


 Vhit lew blawce`fe ao the Girmd Ml`mils `aes Ce Dretal”s text drmlf us1 Omrstcy, the ex-mstelge ao @e mlsucms Biriydmgms  fmves il appartulmty ao mccustritmlf the cist Kesumt nmssmalml Wt._mlgelt, cmttce stu`me` deoare. It the turl ao the sevelteelth il` emfhteelth geltu-rmes, the nmssmalirmes wmccmlfcy degine `mpcanits inalf the Ml`mils, wmth the suppart aothe gacalmic iutharmtmes. Ce Dretal”s lirritmve reocegts thms lew pacmgy. Hms ethlafriphmgicquest ms thus imne` it mnpravmlf hms blawce`fe ao the Ml`mils, rither thil evilfecmzmlfthen. Dut, galtriry ta the ather ghralmgces ao the sevelteelth geltury, Ns. =7= `aes lat`esgrmde the Inerml`mil sagmetmes ao the Cesser Iltmcces, mt rither trmes ta oimthouccy `esgrmdethemr tri`mtmalic ghirigtermstmgs. hms ms galstilt ml the Iltmcceil texts ao the emftheelthgeltury. Hawever, Ce Dretal”s lirritmve pimlts i very `etimce` pmgture ao the every`iy cmoeao the Girmd Ml`mils, ml whmgh the rei`er gil `etegt nily prigtmgic ghilfes ceirlt oranthe recitmalshmps wmth the Eurapeils, il` evel wmth the Iormgils. Ns. =7= ms thus il es-seltmic saurge oar aur blawce`fe ao the Ml`mils ao Wt. _mlgelt it the el` ao the sevelteelthgeltury il` it the defmllmlf ao the emftheelthh geltury, deoare the enerfelge ao the DcigbGirmd il` the ]eccaw Girmd.


Dautal, K.

9?0: Tecitmal `e c”ítidcmssenelt `es Orilæims `epums c”il 9?75 el c”msce `e ci Nirtmlmque,

c”ule `es Iltmcces `e c”Inírmque. @es nŗurs `es siuvifes, `e ci smtuitmal `es iutres smlfucir-mtís `e c”msce . Wídistmel Grinamsy, Zirms.

@e ci Dar`e, W.

9?60 Tecitmal e c”armfmle, nŗurs, gautunes, recmfmal, fuerres et vayifes es Giriádes.Ml; Teguemc `e `mvers vayifes oimts el Iormque et el Inírmque , e`mte` dy H. Kustec, pp.9-0:.Caums Dmccimle, Zirms.

=? DGNLHL, Ns. =7=, @e mlsucms , p.6 (07).

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Duccel, T.Z., il` N. Nittmalm

9=6: I Ghralacafmgic ghirt oar the Cesser Iltmcces. Zragee`mlfs ao the 7r` MlterlitmalicGalfress oar the Wtu`y ao Zre-Gacundmil Guctures ao the Cesser Iltmcces , Freli`i.

Dretal, T.

9=68 Tecitmal `e c”ìce `e ci Fui`ecaupe . Wagmítí `”Hmstamre `e ci Fui`ecaupe,Disse-erre.

Drawl, F.V., @.N. Hiyle, il` O.F. Hicpelly 

9=?? @mgtmallimre dmafriphmque `u Gili`i . Zresses `e c”Ulmversmtí Civic, Yuídeg.

Ghitmccal, N.

9=6= Ce père Cidit ê trivers ses nilusgrmts. Ces mlí`mts `e Cidit. Duccetml `e ci Wagmítí`”Hmstamre `e ci Fui`ecaupe  0:-04;76-7=.

@ivm`, D.

9=80 @mgtmallimre dmafriphmque `e ci Nirtmlmque. Pane 9; Ce Gcerfí; 9?75-9695 . Wagmítí`”Hmstamre `e ci Nirtmlmque, Oart-`e-Orilge.

@esgaci, Z.

9=88 Ci gheooerme inírml`melle `ils c”ilthrapacafme pacmtmque. Tevue orilæimse `e sgm-elge pacmtmque  78(5);898-846.

@u Zums, N.

9?54 Tecitmal `e c”estidcmssenelt `”ule gacalme orilæimse `ils ci Fui`ecaupe, msce `ec”Inírmque, et `es nŗurs `es Wiuvifes . Nirml ]val, Giel.

@u ertre, K.-D.

9??6 Hmstamre fílírice `es Iltmcces hidmtíes pir ces Orilæams . hanis Kaccy, Zirms.

Bmlmetz, V. _.

9=0: Phe  Ml`mils  ao   the  Vesterl Freit  cibes, 9?95‗96?: . Ulmversmty ao Nmghmfil Zress, Ill Irdar.

Cidit, K.-D.9644 Lauveiu vayife iux msces `e c”Inírmque . Fumcciune Givecmer, Zirms.

Ci Zmerre, Í. `e

9=8: _ayife `u T.Z. `e Ci Zmerre el erre Oerne ê ci gðte `e Zirmi sur ci oml `e 9??8,iyilt oimt quecque síkaur el c”msce `e Wimlt-_mlgelt.  Illices `es Iltmcces; Duccetml `e ciWagmítí `”Hmstamre `e ci Nirtmlmque  47;79-54.

Ce Dretal, I.

9=84 Tecitmal hmstarmque sur c”ìce Giriáde e Wimlt-_mlgelt. Illices `es Iltmcces; Duccetml`e ci Wagmítí `”Hmstamre `e ci Nirtmlmque  45;75-998.

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9==8  Hmstarmg Iggault ao Wimlt _mlgelt the Ml`mil ]aurauniyl the mscil` ao theBiriñdes. Niyreiu Elvmralneltic Arfilmzitmal, Niyreiu Mscil`, Wt. _mlgelt il` theFreli`mles.

Cegcerg, G.

9886 Dmdcmathegi Inermgili. Hmstamre, fíafriphme, vayifes, irghíacafme et cmlfumstmque .Wuppcínelt lº4 . Nimsalleuve orères et Ghirces Cegcerg, Zirms.

Nareiu, K.-Z.

9==4 Ces Zetmtes Iltmcces `e Ghrmstaphe Gacand ê Tmghecmeu, 90=7-9?75 . Birthici, Zirms.

Zecceprit, Z.

9?55 Tecitmal `es nmssmals `es Z.Z. @e ci Ganpiflme `e Kísus `ils ces msces et `ils ci terre oerne `e c”Inírmque Nírm`malice . Wídistmel et Fidrmec Grinamsy, Zirms.

Tagheoart, G. `e9?58 Hmstamre liturecce et narice `es ìces Iltmcces `e c”Inírmque . Irlauc` Ceers,Tatter`in.

 ]aulf, V.

96=5 Il iggault ao the Dcigb Ghirimds ml the Mscil` ao Wimlt-_mlgelt”s, wmth the Ghirimdtreity ao 9667, il` ather armfmlic agunelt . K. Wewecc, Garlhmcc il` Blmfht il` rmphaab,Cal`al.

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 Il Haure Fcisse ao Ml`mil Lewes (9?:6)

Eufílme `e [utter 

 Il Haure Fcisse ao Ml`mil Lewes  ms i lirritmve idaut il expcaritmal trmp ni`e ml 9?:6 il`wrmttel dy Kahl Lmghacc, il Elfcmsh simcar. Mt `esgrmdes the expe`mtmal ao i fraup ao simc-ars il` sac`mers endirbe` al i shmp galveymlf faa`s ta suppcy il Elfcmsh gacaly ml the

 Vest Ml`mes. Ippraighmlf themr omlic `estmlitmal, the fraup fets cast ml the Itciltmg Ageil.

 Vhel they rul aut ao pravmsmals, the nel `egm`e ta nibe cil` al il mscil` thit turls autta de Wt. Cugmi. Zirt ao the fraup (mlgcu`mlf Lmghacc) `egm`es ta try ta settce al the mscil`whmce the rest set aoo ta Elfcil`. he lirritmve `esgrmdes the iggm`eltic gahidmtitmal de-tweel these Elfcmshnel il` the Ml`mils ao Wt. Cugmi. Mt faes wmthaut mlgm`elt `urmlf theomrst smx weebs deoare su``elcy turlmlf mlta il irne` galocmgt. Nily reisals expciml themnpartilge ao thms agunelt is mt mnpraves aur blawce`fe ao the every`iy cmoe ao the Girmdil` the liture ao themr recitmalshmp wmth the Elfcmsh.

 Il Haure Fcisse ao Ml`mil Lewes  es ul recita `e vmike esgrmta par ul nirmlera mlfcís, KahlLmghacc. Guelti ci expe`mgm÷l `e ul frupa `e Mlfceses endirgi`as el ul girretera piri

idisteger uli gacalmi `e cis Ml`mis aggm`eltices. Ic igergirse `e su `estmla, ec duque sepmer`e y ec equmpike resuecve itrigir el ci msci e Wilti Cugîi. Uli pirte ec frupa, mlgcum`aLmghacc, egm`e estidcegerse iccî uridcenelte, nmeltris que cas enés vuecvel i Mlfciterri.Enpmezi eltalges ec recita `e uli gahidmtigm÷l eltre Mlfceses y Inerml`mas que prmnerase eoegtûi sml mlgm`eltes iltes `e galvertmrse el ul galocmgta irni`a. Este `agunelta laspernmte praoul`mzir luestra galagmnmelta `e ci vm`i gatm`mili `e cas ml`mas Girmdes y `ectmpa `e recigmales que niltuvmeral gal cas Mlfceses.

 Il Haure Fcisse ao Ml`mil Lewes  est ul rígmt `e vayife ígrmt el 9?:6 pir ul nirml ilfcims, Kahl Lmghacc, qum recite c”expí`mtmal `”ul fraupe `”Ilfcims endirquís sur ul raucmer pauriccer rivmtimccer ule gacalme ilfcimse `es Ml`es aggm`eltices. Ce livmre se per` ê c”ippraghe`e si `estmlitmal et c”íqumpife `ígm`e `”iggaster sur c”ìce `e Wimlte-Cugme. Ule pirtme `ufraupe, `alt Lmghacc, eltreprel` `e s”y mlsticcer `uridcenelt, til`ms que ce reste repirtvers c”Ilfceterre. Gannelge icars ce rígmt ”ule gahidmtitmal eltre Ilfcims et Inírml`melsqum se `írauce `”idar` sils mlgm`elt ivilt `e se trilsoarner el ul galocmt irní. Zaurpcusmeurs rimsals, ge `agunelt est mnpartilt gir mc pernet ê c”hmstarmel `”ippraoal`mr sesgallimssilges sur ci vme quatm`melle `es Giriádes et sur ci liture `e ceurs recitmals iveg ces


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 Il Haure Fcisse ao Ml`mil Lewes  ms i lirritmve idaut il expcaritmal trmp ni`e ml 9?:6 il`wrmttel dy Kahl Lmghacc, il Elfcmsh simcar. Mt `esgrmdes the expe`mtmal ao i fraup ao simcarsil` sac`mers endirbe` al i shmp galveymlf faa`s ta suppcy il Elfcmsh gacaly ml the VestMl`mes, cagite` al the dilbs ao the Ayipagb Tmver, thit oarns ta`iy nast ao the dar`er

detweel Orelgh Fumili il` Drizmc. Ippraighmlf themr omlic `estmlitmal, the fraup fat cast al the Itciltmg Ageil. Vhel

they ril aut ao pravmsmals, the nel `egm`e` ta nibe cil` al il mscil` thit turls aut ta deWt. Cugmi. Zirt ao the fraup (mlgcu`mlf Lmghacc) `egm`e` ta try ta settce al the mscil` whmcethe rest set aoo ta Elfcil`. he lirritmve `esgrmdes the iggm`eltic gahidmtitmal detweelthese Elfcmshnel il` the ml`mfelaus peapce ao Wimlt-Cugmi. Mt welt wmthaut mlgm`elt `ur-mlf the omrst smx weebs deoare su``elcy turlmlf mlta il irne` galocmgt. Ioter i oew ml`egmsmvedittces, Elfcmsh il` Girmd Ml`mils gine ta il ifreenelt; the Elfcmsh regemve` il Ml`mil`ufaut ta ceive the mscil` mnne`mitecy.

Lmghacc”s lirritmve ms ippeicmlf oar nily reisals. Omrst ao icc, mt ms lat the stary ao il

expcaritmal dut alcy the iggault ao i simcar”s expermelge; lemther war`pciy lar ecevite`cilfuife `mstart reicmty. Ourthernare, the oucc text his rirecy deel use` ultmc law, icthaufhthe ganpcete armfmlic nilusgrmpt wis pudcmshe` oar the omrst tmne ml 9?:6. 9 I sunnirygil icsa de oaul` ml Winuec Zurghis” oinaus gaccegtmal ao lirritmves (Zurghis 9=:5-:6).he oaccawmlf pudcmgitmals ire nare regelt dut mlganpcete; oar exinpce, they `a lat recitethe kaurley digb ta Elfcil` ioter the `epirture oran Wt. Cugmi (Kesse 9=??2 Hucne il`

 Vhmtehei` 9==4). he `e`mgitmals ta Lmghacc”s pitral il` ta the rei`er ire icsa nmssmlf.Cistcy, mt ms ale ao the eircmest `agunelts settmlf aut calf-cistmlf recitmalshmps detweelElfcmshnel il` the litmves ao the Cesser Iltmcces. Ultmc thel, Elfcmsh igtmvmtmes ml thms ireihi` ml`ee` renimle` superomgmic degiuse the Cesser Iltmcces were alcy stapavers oar Elfcmsh

prmviteers” shmps al the wiy ta the Freiter Iltmcces il` the nimlcil`. Ml themr ittenpt tasettce ml Wt. Cugmi, Lmghacc il` hms ganpitrmats gceircy stil` aut oran themr pre`egessars.

 Is shawl idave, thms `agunelt ms mnpartilt. Mt hecps mnpravmlf aur blawce`fe ao theevery`iy cmoe ao the ml`mfelaus peapce ao Wt. Cugmi il` ao the liture ao themr recitmalshmpswmth the Elfcmsh.

Cmoestyce ao the litmves ao Wt. Cugmi 

@urmlf the omrst smx weebs ao pigmomg recitmalshmps, Lmghacc nibes sane adservitmals idautthe cmoestyce ao the litmves ao Wimlt-Cugmi. here ire, hawever, recitmvecy oew gannelts

idaut the `met ao the litmves `espmte nily neltmals ao Elfcmsh il` Girmd eitmlf tafether.Nilmag seens ta de il mnpartilt ecenelt ao themr `met. he litmves use mt i cat, ml pirtmgu-cir ta dibe drei` thit –beepeRs^ calf„ (Lmghacc 9?:5;96). He icsa neltmals turtces (eiteloar themr neit, themr oit ar themr effs) is wecc is hels, ghmgbels, waa`gagbs, slmpes, pecmgils,pciltimls il` pipiws. Leverthecess, `espmte eitmlf Ml`mil oaa`, the Elfcmsh beep sane aothemr awl oaa` hidmts. Oar exinpce, they aotel seisal mt wmth sict whmgh freitcy surprmsesthe litmves. Lmghacc mlsmsts thit –dy la neiles Rthe Elfcmsh^ gauc` lat nibe then eite

9 Pe nilusgrmpt wmcc de ouccy pudcmshe` il` trilscite` ml Orelgh wmthml the sgape ao the ILT-GWIprafrin (4:99-4:94)2 Lmghacc, K. 9?:6. Il Haure Fcisse ao Ml`mil Lewes. Ar i ... `msgaurse, shewmlf

the ... nmsermes ... ml`ure` dy ?6 Elfcmshnel, whmgh were selt oar i suppcy ta the pciltmlf ml Fumili, mlthe yeir 9?:5, etg., Drmtmsh Cmdriry .

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sict„ (Lmghacc 9?:5;96). he Ml`mils preoer seisalmlf oaa` wmth –Fmllme pepper„(Lmghacc9?:5;96). La spegmomg `rmlb ms neltmale` exgept dril`y thit the litmves `rmlb ml cirfequiltmtmes.

Dy galtrist, we gil oml` nare `etimcs idaut the gustans ao the Girmd Ml`mils. Lmghaccneltmals thit nel fa libe` il` pimlt themr whace da`y ml re`. hey cmbewmse `riw three

re` strmpes oran themr eirs ta themr eyes, whmgh fmves then harrmdce oiges (–Iltmgbe oiges„)il` nibes then caab cmbe `evmcs (Lmghacc 9?:5;90). Lmghacc evel partriys then is –strilfeil` ufcy„ ml themr omrst elgaulter (Lmghacc 9?:5;90). hey icsa weir il arlinelt thitcaabs cmbe –i oaure-squire pcite„ il` thit they weir –upal the snicc ao themr libe` irnes„(Lmghacc 9?:5;9=). Vanel fa libe` is wecc. Lmghacc nibes gannelts idaut the ufcmlessao the ac`er wanel, `esgrmdmlf –themr sm`e dreistes, whmgh `aath cme cmbe enptme diffes„whmce yaulf wanel ire –praper„ (Lmghacc 9?:5;96). Evel mo they rirecy see Ml`mil wanel,Lmghacc il` hms ganpilmals oeec sa endirrisse` thit they fmve then –shmrts ta gaver themrlibe`less„ eigh tmne they neet (Lmghacc 9?:5;96).

Lmghacc”s adservitmals ire lat surprmsmlf smlge ml Wt. Cugmi, he il` hms ganpitrmats neet

nel il` wanel thit averturl the ga`es ao Eurapeil sagmety; they fa libe`, they pimltthemr da`y ml re` il` idave icc, they ire gillmdics. hms cist pamlt ms mnpartilt; Lmghacc`esgrmdes the litmves is gillmdics icthaufh he lever praves thms issertmal. Oar exinpce,we gil rei` thit Wt. Cugmi ms alcy mlhidmte` dy –gruecc Gilmdiccs il` nil-eiters„, wha ireicsa –dcau` thmrsty elenmes„ thit alcy `rein ao –eitRmlf^ RElfcmshnel”^ ocesh„ (Lmghacc9?:5;95,4=-7:,79). hms galtri`mgtmal ippeirs oran the defmllmlf; deoare evel cil`mlfml Wt. Cugmi, he `esgrmdes mt is il mscil` alcy peapce` wmth gillmdics2 yet these sa-gicce`nil-eiters su``elcy degane smnpce Girmd Ml`mils whel they qumgbcy drmlf pravmsmals tathe oinmshe` Elfcmsh fraup.

Tecitmalshmps detweel Elfcmsh il` Girmd Ml`milshe twa fraups gannulmgite ml Wpilmsh. he Elfcmsh evel hive il mlterpreter. Desm`es, theMl`mil ghmeo, line` Ilthalma ml the text, his deel i scive ta the Wpilmir`s al NirfirmtiMscil` il` gil –speib i cmttce Wpilmsh„(Lmghacc 9?:5;90). Dath fraups nust icsa use Orelghsanetmnes. Gannulmgitmal ms thereoare lat eisy is mt ms dise` al twa cilfuifes thit ireicmel ta eigh gannulmty.

Elfcmsh il` Ml`mils beep –peigidce„ recitmalshmps `urmlf smx weebs, is ms shawl dynily exinpces (Lmghacc 9?:5;9?). hey aotel shire neics il` degane very gcase (–oinmc-mir„) (Lmghacc 9?:5;96). Il Elfcmshnil evel stirts smlfmlf gaultry salfs ta the Ml`mils

ioter i `mller wishe` `awl wmth pcelty ao icgahac. Nareaver, dath fraups tri`e faa`s ali `imcy disms il` the Elfcmsh ippamlt themr awl nm``cenil ta nilife thms tri`e. hey fetpravmsmals is wecc is Ml`mil hauses ml exghilfe oar mtens sugh is blmves, hitghets, peircsil` thmndces. hey icsa adtiml oidrmgs il` gcathes (serfe oidrmg, waa`el gcathes, gcaibs),sane ao then ao Eurapeil galoegtmal. Ml`ee`, lat calf deoare the Elfcmsh irrmve` ml Wt.Cugmi, three Wpilmsh shmps wregbe` leir the mscil` il` the litmves hurrme` ta pmgb up isnugh ao the cai` is they gauc`.

Hawever, Lmghacc”s tale ms exifferite`cy m`yccmg whel speibmlf idaut the recitmalshmpswmth the litmves. Ml oigt the Elfcmsh ire wiry ao then rmfht oran the stirt; they hurry ta setup themr alcy gillal al i tidce ta nibe mts use qumgb il` eisy ml gise –the Girredyes shauc`

ily tmne issiuct Rthen^„ (Lmghacc 9?:5;98). Ourthernare, Lmghacc latmges thit the litmvesfet terrmome` whel they see thms gillal, galvmlge` thit the Elfcmsh pcil ta bmcc then. he

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Elfcmsh icsa ippamlt i seltmlec ml turls ta witgh the ginp, ml whmgh la irne` Ml`mil msiccawe` ta elter. Ml i``mtmal, tri`e ms rmfarauscy restrmgte` dy ruces thit oar exinpce oardm`seccmlf i swar` ta il Ml`mil. Vhel thms hippels, i fraup mlgcu`mlf Lmghacc `enil`s theswar` digb oran the hause ao the Ml`mil ghmeo hmnseco. he citter deganes sa ilfry it theElfcmsh thit –lever ioter thit wauc` he de oinmcmir wmth Rthen^„(Lmghacc 9?:5;9=).

he litmves ire equiccy nmstrustouc. hey icwiys reouse ta cel` hinnagbs ml spmte ao re-peite` Elfcmsh enil`s, pradidcy ta nibe themr stiy is ulganoartidce is passmdce. Ml`ee`,hulf idave snicc omres, hinnagbs pravm`e prategtmal ifimlst nasqumta dmtes. he litmvesicsa cure the Elfcmsh mlta decmevmlf thit they gil oml` fac` ml –i freit Naultimle al theLarth-west pirt ao the mscil`„ (Lmghacc 9?:5;9=). Wpurre` dy themr giptiml, the Elfcmshnault il expe`mtmal. hms expe`mtmal lever fets digb ta the ginp lar fmves ily lews.hase thit renimle` it the ginp thereoare suspegt the Girmd ao sciufhtermlf themr gan-pitrmats. hey thmlb idaut –putRmlf^ then ta the swar`e„ dut omliccy ghilfe themr nml`s,nast pradidcy degiuse ao themr cigb ao prepiritmal il` oeir ao demlf autlundere` (Lmghacc9?:5;47).


he peigeouc recitmalshmp su``elcy turls mlta il irne` galocmgt ciulghe` dy the litmves.he galocmgt gil de `mvm`e` mlta twa niml epmsa`es. Ml the omrst ale, twelty Elfcmshnelire su``elcy averwhecne` dy i nissmve shaatmlf ao irraws whmce wicbmlf peigeouccy il`–da`cy„ tawir`s the hause ao the Ml`mil ghmeo (Lmghacc 9?:5;47). @urmlf the segal` epm-sa`e, the litmves desmefe the Elfcmsh ginp oar severic iys. Is la fraup reiccy previmcs averthe ather, they nibe i truge oaccawe` dy il ifreenelt whmgh iccaws the Elfcmsh ta qumt Wt.Cugmi idair` i `ufaut fmvel dy the litmves.

he Ml`mils icwiys ittigb dy surprmse. hms ms why Lmghacc ticbs idaut –treisal„ il`–indush„ (Lmghacc 9?:5;47-40). Oar exinpce, the omrst ittigb stirts wmth i su``el swar`shat ta il Elfcmshnil. Nareaver, the litmves use themr daws il` irraws praousecy ml ar`erta avergane themr elenmes. Lmghacc il` hms ganpitrmats ire qumgbcy ocaa`e` dy i riml aoirraws (gurve` shats) sa thmgb thit Lmghacc ticbs ao –hiyce„ (Lmghacc 9?:5; 48). he litmvestirfet virmaus da`y pirts; shauc`ers, digb il` icsa cefs (ml ar`er ta prevelt themr elenmesoran rullmlf iwiy). Alge oiccel al the fraul`, the Elfcmsh ire mnne`mitecy radde`.Lmghacc hmnseco ms hmt dy twa irraws ml the digb il` fets hms hil` limce` ta hms swar` hil-`ce (pradidcy waa`el) dy ilather.

he Elfcmsh use themr nusbets ta prategt thensecves. Dut `urmlf the omrst ittigb, they

gil alcy omre omve ar smx shats ml tatic. Ml oigt, they oeec sioe, galvmlge` thit the smfht ao themrnusbets ms elaufh ta sgire the Ml`mils. Dut mt tibes tmne ta cai` i nusbet il` mt lee`s tade supparte` dy i pmtghoarb ta shaat prapercy. Nusbets qumgbcy degane ducby il` ire saalset ism`e, fmvmlf the Elfcmsh la ather ghamge thil ta ocee. Wane ao then stmcc try ta `eoel`thensecves wmth themr swar` (whel they nilife ta tibe mt oran mts sheith). Lmghacc sees hmsganri`es oiccmlf ta `eith, ale ioter ilather.

he litmves ire lat sa suggessouc ml themr ittigb ao the Elfcmsh ginp. Ml`ee`, Lmghacc,the alcy survmvar ao the omrst indush, nilifes ta reigh the ginp deoare then il` wirlshms ganpitrmats, wha helge gil fet themr nusbets il` gillal rei`y. Ulidce ta averganethese weipals, the Girmd fmve up the dittce. hey gane digb i oew `iys citer (Lmghacc

neltmals iraul` –97 ar 90 Rhul`re`s^„ Girmds surraul`mlf the ginp) (Lmghacc 9?:5;46).Dut the Elfcmsh nilife ta resmst thms segal` smefe, ml spmte ao ittigbs repeite` every`iy

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oar severic haurs. he gillal beeps then iwiy evel whel, cigbmlf nulmtmals, the Elfcmshcai` mt wmth ragbs.


 Ve gil `riw the oaccawmlf galgcusmals oran the ilicysms ao Lmghacc”s text. Omrst ao icc, the

stary shaws thit the Eurapeil preselge ml the Cesser Iltmcces ms ilgmelt. Ml`ee`, the li-tmves ao Wt. Cugmi `m` lat cmve ml msacitmal il` hi` estidcmshe` tri`mlf recitmalshmps wmthEurapeils shmps oar i calf tmne. hey icsa icrei`y oaufht Eurapeils deoare, smlge theyseen ta de wecc iwire ao the pawer ao gillal il` nusbets.

he Wpilmsh mlocuelge seens ta de the nast mnpartilt ao icc. he Ml`mils spabe Wpilmshil` wmccmlfcy hi` galtigts wmth ather Eurapeils, is whel they egm`e` ta neet the Elfcmshgrew whmgh irrmve` dy iggm`elt al themr mscil`. Dut they gauc` icsa turl ifimlst these lew-ganers mo they oect thit these degine taa mlvismve.

he Inerml`mils icsa shawe` gertiml blawce`fe ao Eurapeil hidmts. Oar exinpce,they use` the Elfcmsh thmrst oar fac` ml ar`er ta `mvm`e themr fraup. Dy ganpirmsal, theElfcmsh seene` aut ao taugh wmth reicmty; ce` dy themr giptiml, they hurrme` ta the naul-timl, ce` dy themr decmeo ml the exmstelge ao Ec @ari`a, pradidcy mlocuelge` dy Wmr VicterTicemfh”s @msgavery ao Fumili (9=:7-9=:5) (pudcmshe` i oew yeirs deoare, mt wis i dest-seccer ml Elfcil`). hms ul`ercmles the nikar `mstartmal detweel whit the Wpilmsh blewidaut the Vest Ml`mes il` whit the Elfcmsh thaufht they blew. Ml`ee`, the Wpilmsh hi`stappe` decmevmlf ml Ec @ari`a  `egi`es deoare il` awe` themr praspermty it the tmne tathemr Zeruvmil smcver nmles. Lmghacc icsa nibes nily neltmals idaut the Ml`mils demlfgillmdics, dut lever pravm`es ily `etimc ar adservitmal ao then igtmlf ml sugh i wiy. hmssuffests thit he il` hms ganri`es were galvmlge` deoare ganmlf ta the Vest Ml`mes thitthe litmves ao the Cesser Iltmcces were gruec nil-eiters, perhips dy gertiml daabs idaut therefmal pudcmshe` ml Eurape.

Mt ms mlterestmlf ta late, hawever, thit the reputitmal ao gillmdicmsn ao the Girmd Ml`mils`m` lat hive nugh mnpigt al citer Eurapeil settcmlf ittenpts, is gil de seel oran the vay-ife lirritmal wrmttel i oew yeirs citer dy the Ilalynaus ao Girpeltris (Nareiu 4::4).


 Kesse, G.

9=?? Il Haure Fcisse ao Ml`mil Lewes ; i regar` ao settcenelt ml Wimlt Cugmi 9?:5.

Girmddeil Yuirtercy  94(9);0?-?6.

Hucne, Z., il` L.C. Vhmtehei`

9==4 Vmc` Nikesty; Elgaulters wmth Girmds oran Gacundus ta the Zreselt @iy . Axoar`Ulmversmty Zress, Axoar`.

Nareiu, K.-Z.

4::4 Ul Ocmdustmer `ils ci ner `es Iltmcces (9?98-9?4: ). Ziyat & Tmvifes, Zirms.

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Lmghacc, K.

9?:5 Il Haure Fcisse ao Ml`mil Lewes. Ar i ... `msgaurse, shewmlf the ... nmsermes ... ml-`ure` dy ?6 Elfcmshnel, whmgh were selt oar i suppcy ta the pciltmlf ml Fumili, ml the yeir9?:5, etg . Drmtmsh Cmdriry.

Zurghis, W.9=:5-:6 Hibcuytus Zasthunus, ar Zurghis, hms Zmcfrmnes, galtiylmlf i hmstary ao the warc`ml sei vayifes il` cil` triveccs dy Elfcmshnel il` athers . K. NigCehase il` sals, X_M,Fcisfaw.

Ticemfh, V.

9=:7-9=:5 @msgaverme ao Fumili. Ml Phe prmlgmpic Livmfitmals, _ayifes, Prioomques il`@msgavermes ao the Elfcmsh Litmal, e`mte` dy T. Hibcuyt, pp. 778-009. Hibcuyt Wagmety,Fcisfaw.

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 I nmssmaliry detweel the Cesser Iltmcces il` the Galtmlelt 

Enmcme Ghitrme 

hms irtmgce `msgusses thethe Tecitmal `es nmssmals `es pères `e ci Ganpiflme `e Kísus `ils ces Ìces,et `ils ci Perre Oerne `e c”Inírmque Nírm`malice  dy Oither Zmerre-Mflige Zecceprit (9?:?-9??6).hms nmssmaliry Kesumt wrate the warb ioter hivmlf stiye` ml the mscil`s il` mlFuiripmghe, al the nimlcil`, oran 9?59 ta 9?55. he spegmomtmes ao thms warb espegmiccy

gane oran the iuthar”s ghirigter il` oran hms ittmtu`e `urmlf hms stiy, thit ire reveice`here. Hawever, ta expciml Oither Zecceprit”s vmew ao the litmves inaults ta seirghmlf hawhe suggee`e` ml gaccegtmlf hms mloarnitmal refir`mlf the Girmd al the ale hil`, il` theFicmdms al the ather hil`. he hmstarmil nust ilicyse the vicm`mty ao hms wmtless idautthe Girmd ‗ il ml`mregt il` mlevmtidcy evismve wmtless ‗ smlge he dise` hmnseco al OitherNescil`”s expermelge il` gannelts wmth these peapce. Exgept oar thms `moomgucty, hms neth-a`s icsa reveic the iuthar”s reisalmlf, whase mlterest galgeltrites al the litmves ao thenimlcil`. Oran there, the Tecitmal, the adkegtmve ao whmgh demlf ta persui`e LmgacisOauquet ta omlilge the `mspitgh ao luneraus nmssmalirmes Kesumts ta the Wauth Inermgilgaltmlelt, nust de seel thraufh, ul`er the gal`mtmal ta galgeltrite upal Zecceprit”s pist

ml Orilge, il` pirtmgucircy upal the gre`mdmcmty whmgh he igqumre` wmthml the Wagmety ao Kesus, il` hms pernilelt wmsh ta ittrigt the rei`er”s vmew al hms faa` igtmals.

Este irtîguca `msgute Tecitmal `es nmssmals `es pères `e ci Ganpiflme `e Kísus `ils ces Ìces, et`ils ci Perre Oerne e c”Inírmque Nírm`malice  `ec pi`re Zmerre-Mflige Zecceprit 9?:?-9??6).Este nmsmalera kesumti re`igt÷ ci adri gmti`i tris hider eoegtui`a uli estilgmi el cis mscisy el Fuiripmghe, el tmerri omrne, `e 9?59 i 9?55. Ci espegmomgm`i` `e esti adri pravmelesadre ta`a `ec girégter `e su iutar y `e ci igtmtu` que i`apt÷ `urilte su estilgmi, ecenel-tas indas puestas `e nilmomesta el `mghi adri. La adstilte, expcmgir ci vmsm÷l `ec pi`reZecceprit sadre cas ml`îfelis supale ml`ifir g÷na galsmfum÷ reulmr ta`i ci mloarnigm÷l

igergi `e cas girmdes par uli pirte, y `e cas ficmdms par atri. Ec hmstarmi`ar hi `e ilicmzir ecvicar ec testmnalma ec iutar sadre cas girmdes - testmnalma ml`mregta y oarzasinelte sesfi-`a- puesta que se oul`i el ci expermelgmi y el cas ganeltirmas `e atras nmsmaleras. Ipirte`e esti `momgucti`, cas níta`as enpcei`as par Zecceprit revecil tindmíl su rizalinmeltay g÷na su mlterís se geltri ilte ta`a el cas ml`îfelis `e ci tmerri omrne `e Wu`inermgi. Ipirtmr `e ihî, ci Tecigm÷l, guya adketmva es galvelger i Lmgacis Oauquet `e que omlilgme ecelvîa `e lunerasas nmsmaleras kesumtis ic galtmlelte su`inermgila, se eltmel`e el dise`e que se mlterese el ec pisi`a `e Zecceprit el Orilgmi, y espegmicnelte el ci gre`mdmcm`i`que se frilke÷ el ec sela `e ci Ganpiùîi, isî gana el su pernilelte `esea `e itrierse cinmri`i `ec cegtar sadre sus duelis iggmales.

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Get irtmgce `msgute ci Tecitmal `es nmssmals `es pères `e ci Ganpiflme `e Kísus `ils ces Ìces, et`ils ci Perre Oerne `e c”Inírmque Nírm`malice  `u père Zmerre-Mflige Zecceprit (9?:?-9??6).Ge nmssmallimre kísumte i rí`mfí get auvrife iprès ivamr eooegtuí ul síkaur `ils ces ìces et êAóiridmghe, el erre Oerne, `e 9?59 ê 9?55. Ces spígmomgmtís `e get auvrife pravmelleltsurtaut u girigtère e sal iuteur et e sal ittmtu`e cars e sal síkaur, qum salt rívícíes mgm.

Zaurtilt expcmquer ce refir` `u père Zecceprit vms-ê-vms `es ml`mfèles revmelt ê regherghergannelt gecum-gm i ríussm ê gaccegter ses mloarnitmals ê prapas `es Giriádes `”ule pirt, et`es Ficmdms `”iutre pirt. C”hmstarmel `amt ilicyser ci vicm`mtí `e sal tínamflife iu suket `esGiriádes ‗ tínamflife ml`mregt et oargínelt dmimsí ‗ pumsqu”mc s”est disí sur c”expírmelge etces ganneltimres `”ul iutre. Harnms gette `moomguctí, ses nítha`es rívècelt iussm ce rimsal-lenelt `e c”iuteur, `alt c”mltírët se parte surtaut sur ces ml`mfèles `e erre Oerne. I pir-tmr `e cê, ci Tecitmal, `alt c”adkegtmo est `e galvimlgre Lmgacis Oauquet `e omlilger c”elvam`e landreux nmssmallimres kísumtes sur ce galtmlelt su`-inírmgiml, prel` taut sal sels, êgal`mtmal `e s”mltíresser iu pissí `e Zecceprit el Orilge, et latinnelt ê ci grí`mdmcmtí qu”mci igqumse iu seml `e ci Ganpiflme, et ê sal `ísmr pernilelt `”ittmrer ce refir` `u cegteur

sur ses dalles igtmals.


 Inalf the saurges whmgh elidce ta`iy the hmstarmil ta regalstrugt the hmstary ao theOrelgh gacalmzitmal ml the Vest Ml`mes il` thit al the Inermgil galtmlelt, we hive therecitmals ceot ta us dy the expcarers, the gacalmsts il` the nmssmalirmes wha welt there. AleAleao then ms the ale dy the Kesumt Zmerre-Mflige Zecceprit (9?:?-9??6), eltmtce` Tecitmal `esnmssmals `es pères `e ci Ganpiflme `e Kísus `ils ces Ìces, et `ils ci Perre Oerne `e c”Inírmquenírm`malice , ganpcete` dy i `mgtmaliry ao the Ficmdm   cilfuife. hehe Tecitmal  ao OitherZecceprit wis pudcmshe` it Zirms dy the Tayic Zrmltmlf-hause ml 9?55. Mt his regeltcy deelreprmlte` il` illatite` dy Tíic Aueccet.

Zmerre Zecceprit wis darl ml Dar`eiux ml 9?:?. Ve hive cmttce mloarnitmal idaut hms oi-nmcmic armfmls il` al hms cmoe deoare he eltere` the Wagmety ao Kesus . He pradidcy gine oran irecitmvecy rmgh oinmcy whmgh pernmtte` hmn ta elracc it i Kesumt gaccefe. He eltere` the la-vmgmite ao Dar`eiux ml 9?47 il` degine i gai`kutar drather ml 9?45.9 Ioter hms lavmgmite,he wis selt ta severic Orelgh gaccefes ml ar`er ta teigh frinnir.4 Ml 9?79, Zecceprit kamle`i nmssmal it Lírig, ar`ere` dy the Bmlf il` ml ghirfe ao omfhtmlf ifimlst Zratestiltmsn.Ml 9?77 he wis ar`ile`. Ml 9?78, he wis mltefrite` mlta the nmssmal ao Cau`ul, ml whmghhe pirtmgmpite` is il exargmst, oaur yeirs ioter the `eith al the stibe ao the prmest Fril`mer

oar sargery. he nmssmal imne` ta pigmoy the saucs il` ta mnpcenelt i ganpetelt recmfmausservmge. Hms pirtmgmpitmal shaws thit he hi` fimle` i gertiml gre`mt wmth hms supermars de-giuse the nmssmal wis ar`ere` dy Bmlf Caums XMMM il` Tmghecmeu. Mt expcimls hms mlvacve-nelt ml the omfht ifimlst Zratestiltmsn. Oran 9?09, he wis selt ta severic gaccefes isgaloessar, preigher il` spmrmtuic preoegt. he mlcil` nmssmals `m` lat `mssui`e` Zeccepritoran the wmsh ta fa idrai`, i wmsh thit he shawe` al severic aggismals smlge the el` ao hmstrimlmlf, il` wmthaut resuct ultmc 9?59, whel hms supermars iggepte` hms request il` selthmn ta Inermgi. hms yeir he endirbe` ml Ci Taghecce wmth twa ather Kesumts, Fumcciune

9 @epirtneltic irghmves RI.@.^ ao the Fmral`e, H 7900, oacma 40r.

4 Pe Kesumt tiufht frinnir detweel 9?45 il` 9?46 it the gaccefe ao ucce, it Ziu oran 9?46 ta 9?4=, il` thelit Wimltes il` Ilfaucëne.

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 Iuderfeal7 il` Orilæams Fueyneu0 il` kamle` the Kesumt nmssmal estidcmshe` ml the OrelghCesser Iltmcces smlge 9?0:, the faic ao whmgh demlf the evilfecmzitmal ao the Ml`mils il`dcigb scives. he expermelge fimle` `urmlf hms luneraus trmps ml Orilge il` hms pirtmgmpi-tmal ml the omfht ifimlst heresy wis pradidcy esseltmic oar hms mlvacvenelt ml the nmssmalta the Vest Ml`mes.

@urmlf hms stiy ml the Cesser Iltmcces il` it Fuiripmghe, cagite` ml the larth ao_elezueci, Zmerre Zecceprit wis ml galtigt wmth the ml`mfelaus papucitmals. a whit ex-telt Zmerre Zecceprit mltefrite` hmnseco mlta the Ml`mil gannulmtmes1 Vhit wis hms vmsmalao themr guctures1 Vhit gre`mt gil we frilt ta the luneraus mloarnitmal `ecmvere` dy hmswarb il` oran where `m` he fet mt1 Vhit vmsmal ao the Ml`mils `aes the Kesumt fmve ml theTecitmal1 Ve wmcc omrst stu`y the mloarnitmal fmvel dy Zecceprit idaut the ml`mfelaus il`dcigb papucitmals, fithere` urmlf hms nmssmal ta the Cesser Iltmcces il` the Armlaga disml.Omliccy, we wmcc isb aursecves whether the Tecitmal galstmtutes il ethlahmstarmg testmnaly.

Phe nmssmals ml the Girmddeil

Phe Iltmcceil nmssmal

a regalstmtute the `mooerelt oulgtmals thit Zecceprit aggupme`, the hmstarmil ms galoralte`wmth sane ulgertiml reoerelges ml the Tecitmal. Ve blaw thit he qumgbcy kamle` ioter hmsirrmvic ml the mscil`s the Kesumt gaccefe ao Wt. Bmtts. He nimlcy taab ghirfe ao gurmic tisbs oarthe Orelgh nisters ar elcmste` il` sanetmnes net the dcigb scives.

Ml hms daab, the iuthar fmves nily `etimcs idaut the prigtmges ao scives il` Girmd prig-tmges, il` idaut themr gustans il` wiys ao cmoe. He expcimls ml pirtmgucir the armfml ao theGirmd peapce il` themr cilfuife, whmgh niy de darl oran the ulmal detweel the wanel

ao the galquere` peapce ao the mscil`s (gicce` Mflerms  dy Zmerre Zecceprit) wmth Ficmdm  nel(Zecceprit 9?55;M-?8). Ourthernare, the gannulmty galstmtute` the oaul`itmal ao Ml`milsagmety. hms vicue ms expresse` dy the race ao the girdet , thit Zecceprit `esmflites is i –gan-nal raan„ (Zecceprit 9?55;M:-60). He `esgrmdes haw mlterfeleritmalic recitmals ire gal-sm`ere`, is wecc is thase detweel nel il` wanel. he Tecitmal  enphismzes the wircmbeliture ao the Girmd, the mnpartilge ao revelfe. Every autrife gannmtte` ifimlst thms pea-pce nmfht resuct ml i sermes ao reprmsics il` sciufhters.5 Zecceprit aes lat neltmal gillmdicdehivmar, he alcy pamlts aut the dirdirmty ao the Girmd wha nibe –whmstces„ (Zecceprit9?55;M-85) oran hunil dale. Hawever, he `aes lat alcy `esgrmde the gucturic spegmomgm-

7 Fumcciune Iuderfeal (9?90-9?50) kamle` the lavmgmite ao the Wagmety ao Kesus   ml 9?70. Ultmc 9?5:, whel heendirbe` ta Inermgi wmth Zmerre Zecceprit il` Orilæams Fueyneu, he tiufht gaurses ml frinnir il` rhetarmgit the gaccefes ao Cmnafes, Zamtmers, Ifel, Ilfaucëne il` Ci Taghecce. Ml 9?54 he wis selt ta Wt. _mlgeltinalf ta the Girmd papucitmal. He wis bmcce` al Kiluiry 47, 9?50 `urmlf the Niss he gecedrite` (Zecceprit4::=;467).

0 Orilæams Fueyneu (9?98-9?50) wis i Kesumt nmssmaliry. He kamle` the Gaccefe ao Dar`eiux ta girry aut hmslavmgmite ml 9?78. He pralaulge` the oaur vaws al Oedruiry 97, 9?0: (I.@. Dar`eiux, H 7900, oacma 07v).

 Ioter hms stu`mes, he tiufht frinnir il` rhetarmg ml Orilge. He pirtmgmpite` ml the nmssmal selt ta the mscil`sil` thel trivecce`, wmth Oithers Zmerre Zecceprit il` Fumcciune Iuderfeal ml 9?59. Orilæams Fueyneu wisselt wmth Oither Iuderfeal, ta the Girmd it Wt. _mlgelt. Dath ao then were ississmlite` al Kiluiry 47, 9?50(Zecceprit 4::=;468).

5 –R…^ Wur ge saupæal mc ce t cmer iu nis `u diteiu, et le se galtelti pis `e ce nictrimter cum-nëne, nims cet oauetter grueccenelt pir pcusmeurs `e ses hannes. Ce Giriáde ítilt `e retaur ê c”ìce `e Wimlt-_mlgelt, le

nilqui pis `e oimre sivamr iux iutres siuvifes c”autrife qu”mc ivimt reæu, et l”audcmi rmel paur ces parter ê velferul iralt qum tandimt sur taute ci litmal„ (Zecceprit 9?55;M 89).

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tmes ao thms papucitmal. Hms ku`fnelt idaut then ms very issertmve. Oran hms pamlt ao vmew,dcigb scives ire rither `ucc il` scaw, espegmiccy ml ceirlmlf latmals whmgh we issune ta dethe giteghmsn.? hey icsa ire di`cy caabmlf.6 Dut the apmlmal ao the Kesumt ghilfes is saalis the scives ire ghrmstele`.8 

Tefir`mlf the Girmd, Zecceprit his i nare ri`mgic vmew. Ml`ee`, he gceircy `elmfrites

Ml`mil peapce oran the msces ao Wt. _mlgelt il` @anmlmgi ml the Tecitmal. Ml the `e`mgi-tary epmstce, he regiccs the eith ao hms twa oarner trivec ganpilmals, bmcce` ml 9?57 dy theGirmd `urmlf themr aoomge.= he cmves ao these nmssmalirmes ire icsa i``resse` ml the daab isi hifmafriphmg lirritmve, oagusmlf al themr nirtyr`an.9: he arfilmzitmal ao the Tecitmal galomrns Zmerre Zecceprit”s `ms`iml tawir`s the Girmd papucitmals. he Kesumt wmshes ta gal-vmlge the rei`ers thit they ire exergmsmlf extrene vmacelge ifimlst the Kesumts. He siys thitmt wauc` de usecess il` `ilferaus ta sel` il ipastacmg nmssmal ta evilfecmze then degiusethey igt cmbe dirdirmils. Wa he expcimls thit he latmge` `urmlf hms vmsmt it Wt. _mlgelt thitFumcciune Iuderfeal preoerre` ta tibe nily pregiutmals lat ta rimse the mre ao the litmveswhmce diptmzmlf peapce. Iuderfeal oeire` the reigtmal ao the Girmd it the illaulgenelt

ao hms `epirture oran the msce.99

 Ml oigt, mt ippeirs thit the apmlmal ao Zmerre Zecceprit wis mlocuelge` dy i cigb ao sel-smtmvmty ao the Girmd papucitmal tawir`s the Githacmg recmfmal, il` dy hms `moomgucty taul`erstil` the dehivmaur il` gustans ao the litmves. Ml`ee`, ioter hivmlf `esgrmde` thenissigre ao Oithers Iuderfeal il` Fueyneu, the Kesumt siys thit sane Girmd retimle` ad-

 kegts decalfmlf ta dath vmgtmns.94 He `e`uge` thit sane Ml`mils oect renarse il` wmshe`peige, whereis mt ms nare cmbecy thit the Girmd bept then is evm`elge ao themr vmgtary il`revelfe al the Eurapeils. he enphisms al the sivifery ao the Girmd ml the omrst pirt ao theTecitmal, elidces the iuthar ta mltra`uge hms stiy al the Fuiripmghe Tmver ml the Armlagadisml, where he wauc` shaw the `mooerelge wmth the Ficmdms .

? –Ces lèfres ar`mlimrenelt l”alt pis deiugaup `”esprmt, et salt oart pesilts, ge qum est giuse qu”mc oiut dmel `e cipitmelge, et dmel `u trivimc paur ceur ipprel`re quecque ghase R…^„ (Zecceprit 9?55;M 5?).

6 –R…^ autre taus ges ísiviltifes, mcs salt puilts ganne `es ghirafles, et sm hm`eux, et sm nic oimts qu”mcs giuselt

`e c”harreur R…^„ (Zecceprit 9?55;M 5?).8 –Ke le sims sm nes yeux ítimelt ghirnís, nims ke ces trauvims paur c”ar`mlimre dmel oimts, et ifríidces iprès ceur

diptëne„ (Zecceprit 9?55;M 56).= –G”est `ils gette ìce, aý `eux `e las pères cimssèrelt c”illíe pissíe ci vme R…^„ (Zecceprit 9?55;Epìtre

`í`mgitamre;?-6).9: –Ce Zère Iuderfeal ítimt litmo `e Ghmlal el aurimle, et ce Zère Fueyneu `e Gisteckicaux petmte vmcce `e

Fisgafle ; mc y ivimt vmlft ils que gecum-cê ítimt kísumte 2 et gecum-gm qumlze. Mcs oalt taus `eux narts el ci ffleur`e ceur äfe, et cars qu”mcs sendcimelt ëtre pcus lígessimres iu nal`e, paur ci galversmal `e ges peupces ; nimsmcs le pauvimelt naurmr el ul tenps pcus oivaridce, pumsqu”mcs alt ítí sigrmís eux-nënes carsqu”mcs arimelt

 Kísus-Ghrmst el sigrmge, paur ce sicut `e ges piuvres dirdires„ (Zecceprit 9?55; M 80-85).99 –Nims ce Zère, qum grimflimt que ci lígessmtí `e las Orilæims `es Ìces, l”adcmfei ces Wupírmeurs ê ce rippecer, ganne

mcs ivimelt `íkê prígí`er el get enpcam, l”asimt ceur galoírer ge sigrenelt, qu”iveg tautes prígiutmals requmses,`e peur `e ce hisir`er nic ê prapas„ (Zecceprit 9?55;M 6?).

94 –Al laus i rippartí que ces prmlgmpiux siuvifes `e gette ìce alt ítí oart oäghís `e ceur nart, et qu”mcs galserveltelgare ceurs arlenelts `”iutec, et ceurs hidmts paur ces rel`re quil` ci pimx seri oimte„ (Zecceprit 9?55; MM 85).

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Phe nmssmal ml Fuiripmghe 

Upal hms irrmvic, Zmerre Zecceprit seene` ta hive mltel`e` ta settce al the galtmlelt. Digboran the nmssmal ao the Kesumt @elys Nescil`97 ml the mscil`s, he ms ippamlte` ta iggan-pily hmn ta pirtmgmpite ml i segal` nmssmal ml Fuiripmghe, ml the Armlaga disml. Whartcyioter the irrmvic ao the Orelgh, Oither Nescil` ms mlvmte` dy the Wpilmsh ta ceive the oigmc-

mty ml ar`er ta nave ta Wt. hanis. Zecceprit oml`s hmnseco icale wmth i Orelgh nil whadeganes hms ganpilmal. Wuooermlf oran i `mseise whmgh ms nare il` nare pimlouc, he msoarge` ta stiy ml the Ficmdm   vmccife. He tibes thms appartulmty ta mnprave hms cmlfumstmgvmccife. He tibes thms appartulmty ta mnprave hms cmlfumstmgsbmccs il` ta prepire i `mgtmaliry ao the Ficmdm  cilfuife. Hms vmsmt icsa pernmts hmn ta ad-cilfuife. Hms vmsmt icsa pernmts hmn ta ad-serve the gucturic spegmomgmtmes ao these peapce. He neltmals the strmgt `mvmsmal ao the tisbsdetweel nel il` wanel, wha seen very hecpouc ta themr husdil`s (Zecceprit 9?55;MM?4-?7). Zacyfiny wis iggepte` ml Ficmdm  sagmety. Mts iggeptilge seens ta hive deel oigmcm-agmety. Mts iggeptilge seens ta hive deel oigmcm-tite` dy i very mnpartilt selse ao gannulmty ml thms trmde (Zecceprit 9?55;MM ?9-?4). Hewis icsa idce ta ittel` the ouleriry rmtuics.90 He latmges thit gaurife ms i very mnpartiltHe latmges thit gaurife ms i very mnpartiltvicue. Ghmc`rel ire e`ugite` ta fet i gertiml resmstilge ta piml, il` gaurife.95 Zecceprit

icsa hmfhcmfhts the race ao lu`mty, mlgcu`mlf the mnpartilge ao raugauife  il` gcathmlf ar-l` gcathmlf ar-linelts. Iggar`mlf ta the Kesumt, the Ficmdms   `a lat shaw ily dirdirmg ar gillmdicmstmg`a lat shaw ily dirdirmg ar gillmdicmstmgdehivmaur. He leverthecess lates gertiml prigtmges; –Wane ao then neilt thit they eite`then, is severic ather litmals oran Inermgi `a, dut M hive lat latmge` thms prigtmge ml aurwmc` papucitmals2 alcy ms mt true thit they sanetmnes gut i hil`, ar i oaat oran the `ei`da`y ao themr eleny, thit they raist then aver i scaw omre ultmc there ms la nare sudstilge,ta beep then wmthaut putreoigtmal„.9? 

Ml the Tecitmal, the Kesumt ms icwiys ul`ercmlmlf the Ficmdm ”s  bml`less, `agmcmty il`haspmticmty.96 Wmfls ao nutuic `mstrust ire oect, hawever, ml the ittmtu`e ao these litmves.98 Zecceprit i`vmses hms ganpilmal ta ceive Fuiripmghe ml 9?50, il` ta de rei`y ta `me. 9= he

 Kesumt `aes lat seen ta gire idaut these smfls dut mt ms passmdce thit he `m` lat wmsh ta icerthms supermars ao the Wagmety il` the rei`ers ao the Tecitmal. Al the galtriry, il` severictmnes aver, Zecceprit evabes ml the daab thit il ipastacmg nmssmal al i cirfer sgice wauc`

97 @elys Nescil` (9?95-9?64) wis il apel il` mlteccmfelt nil. He nimltimle` il epmstaciry recitmal wmth Telí@esgirtes. He irrmve` ml Nirtmlmque ml 9?05. Wupermar ao the Nirtmlmque nmssmal ml 9?06, he oaul`e` i Kesumtmlstmtutmal ml Wt. Bmtts. Ml 9?59, he pirtmgmpite` ml rst nmssmal it Fuiripmghe il` renimle` cess thil ale yeirdeoare ceivmlf ta the mscil`s ml ar`er ta arfilmze i segal` cirfer nmssmal (Zecceprit 9=?5;0?).

90 –Ke le oims pis ítit `e rigalter el ge cmeu tautes ces gautunes `es siuvifes qum hidmtelt ges galtríes 2 nims `e

pircer seucenelt `e gecces `alt k”im eu quecque gallimssilge. Gannelæals pir ceurs oulírimcces„ (Zecceprit9?55;MM ?0).

95 –Las siuvifes iggautunelt ceurs eloilts `ès ceurs pcus keules illíes ê níprmser ces `auceurs, paur ces rel`repcus gaurifeux `ils ces gandits„ (Zecceprit 9?55;MM 64).

9? –Yuecques-uls alt vaucu `mre qu”mcs ces nilfeimelt, ganne oalt pcusmeurs iutres litmals `e c”Inírmque, nims ke l”im pis renirquí gette pritmque el las siuvifes 2 seucenelt est-mc vrim qu”m cs gaupelt quecques oams ule niml,au ul pme` `u garps nart `e ceur ellenm, qu”mcs oalt rðtmr ê petmt oeu, kusqu”ê ge qu”mc l”y imt pcus `e sudstilge,paur ces galserver sils putreoigtmal„ (Zecceprit 9?55;MM 5=).

96 –Laus R…^ oònes reæus `es Ficmdms iveg `e fril`s tínamflifes `e kame, et `”inmtmí. Ges piuvres fels lausrel`imelt taus ces servmges `alt mcs se pauvimelt ivmser R…^„ (Zecceprit 9?55;MM 45).

98 –R…^ Laus nesurimelt `es yeux, et le se pauvimelt siaucer `e laus refir`er, mcs le sartimelt `e latre gise quesur ci lumt R…^„ (Zecceprit 9?55;MM 45).

9= –R…^ Ke c”ivertms R…^ `eneurilt seuc, et sm keule iu nmcmeu e ci dirdirme, et e tilt `e litmals ml`èces, mc evimt

ëtre galtmlueccenelt sur ses fir`es, et que ganne mc serimt sils prëtre, et sils sigrenelt, mc `evimt oimre sauvelt`es igtes `e galtrmtmal, se telilt taukaurs prët `e naurmr R…^„ (Zecceprit 9?55;MM 995-996).

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hive faa` resucts inalf the Ficmdms , wha ire regeptmve ta evilfecmzitmal.4: hms perhipsgil expciml why the Kesumt Zmerre Zecceprit pasmtmvecy `esgrmdes the Ficmdm  peapce, ml whanhe oml`s la `eoiuct. Cmoe gcase ta then seens ifreeidce. Mt ms thereoare legessiry ta exinmleta whit extelt thms vmew ms `mooerelt oran thit al the papucitmal ao Mscil` Girmd, il` whitmt neils.

Phe `mooerelge ml the ipprimsic ao the mlsucir il` galtmleltic Ml`mils

@urmlf hms stiy ml the Cesser Iltmcces, the Kesumt `aes lat ippeir ta hive deel mlvacve` mlthe nmssmal `estmle` ta evilfecmze the Girmd. Hms galtigts wmth these Ml`mils inault ta ishart stapaver thit he hi` deel oarge` ta nibe al the mscil` ao Wt. _mlgelt.49 Ml hms warb,the Kesumt nimlcy oaguses al the vmacelge il` sivifery ao these peapce. Ml the Tecitmal Zecceprit”s preoerelge oar the Ficmdms   ms advmaus.44  Hms oeecmlf ifimlst the Ficmdms   seensseenspasmtmve il` Zecceprit ms galvmlge` thit the Orelgh preselge wauc` de wecgane` dy the

 Inerml`mils, it ceist thms ms whit the Kesumt trmes ta galvmlge the rei`er (Zecceprit 9?55;MM-9:8). Dut cess thil smx nalths ioter hms irrmvic, Zecceprit ms oarge` ta returl ta the mscil`s

degiuse ao heicth traudces.47 He ticbs idaut hms faic ta fa digb qumgbcy ta Fuiripmghe il`He ticbs idaut hms faic ta fa digb qumgbcy ta Fuiripmghe il`idaut the sgape ao hms ipastacmg prakegt.40 Ml`ee`, he wauc` cmbe ta greite senmlirs al thenimlcil`, `estmle` ta ml`mfelaus days il` fmrcs, ml ar`er ta oarn il Inerml`mil gcerfywhmgh wauc` de nare idce ta evilfecmze Ml`mil papucitmals.45  Ml thms galtext, he fmvessane mlstrugtmals ta the Orelgh al the wiy ta dehive wmth the litmves ml ar`er ta elsurethe freitest segurmty ta the settcers il` i suggessouc nmssmal.4? 

Hawever, the `agmcmty ao the Inerml`mils pradidcy issune` ilather `mnelsmal.Ml`ee`, the Ficmdms  ire lat nare hastmce ta the preselge ao nmssmalirmes thil the mlsucirMl`mil papucitmals. Hawever, mt ippeirs thit the recitmals detweel the nmssmalirmes il`the nimlcil` Ml`mils galtimle` il mnpartilt gannergmic ispegt. he Ficmdms  exghilfe`

adkegts il` oaa` ifimlst taacs niluoigture` ml Eurape.46  Mt wauc` seen thit thms dirterhecpe` ta nimltiml peigeouc recitmals inalf these papucitmals. Ml the sine galtext, snicc

4: –R…^ Ce galtmlelt, peupcí `”ule mllmtí `e litmals dirdires, `estmtuíes `e taut segaurs, qum salt sm `agmces,et sm dmel `mspasíes paur regevamr c”Evilfmce, qu”ecces l”el ittel`elt pcus que ci prí`mgitmal, paur endrisser cirecmfmal ghrítmelle„ (Zecceprit 9?55;Epìtre `í`mgitamre;6).

49 –R…^ Laus oònes ell adcmfís `e qumtter latre prenmer esseml `”iccer ê Gaupelin, et `e laus rel`re ê c”ìce `eWimlt-_mlgelt R…^„ (Zecceprit 9?55;MM 98).

44 Mt ms mlterestmlf ta late thit Zmerre Zecceprit appases the Ficmdm peapce  ta the Girmd peapce whereis they ire twafraups mssue` oran the sine ethlmgic fraup. Pe Ficmdm  peapce ire the Nimlcil` Girmd il` galsm`er thit they

decalf ta the sine ethlmgic fraup is the Mscil` Girmd.47 –@meu n”iyilt iffmfí `”ule ml`mspasmtmal qum le mnmluimt pamlt, ke prms rísacutmal `”iccer iux Ìces, paur ghilfer

`”imr, et paur y trauver quecque renè`e R…^„ (Zecceprit 9?55;MM 997).40 –Ke l”ittel`s paur ge vayife que ces nayels `”y pauvamr pisser, et ul dal landre `e pères gipidces `”exíguter

ul sm fril` `esseml R…^„ (Zecceprit 9?55;MM 998).45 –Laus oerals ce pcus tðt que laus paurrals `eux sínmlimres el erre Oerne R…^. G”est ce nemcceur nayel `e

galvertmr dmeltðt taut ce piys, et paur fifler ces pères, et ces nères pir ces eloilts (Zecceprit 9?55;MM 94:).4? –_amcê `eux fril`es partes auvertes ê c”Evilfmce, paurvu que ces Orilæims qu”al y elverri le laus ces oernelt

pis, ganne `”iutres alt oimt el quecque pirtme `e ci Fuyile, pir ces gruiutís qu”mcs alt exergíes sur ges piuvresml`èces, et pir ule gal`umte `ísipprauvíe `e taut ce nal`e R…^ g”est paurquam ke galkure taus geux qumvau`ralt s”ulmr, et oimre ule ganpiflme, paur oivarmser ci galversmal `es siuvifes, `e oimre ul fril` ghamx `espersalles qum ganpaseralt ci gacalme qu”mcs y elverralt R…^„ (Zecceprit 9?55;MM 994-997).

46 –Ces siuvifes qum ne velimelt vmsmter ítimelt ghirfís ar`mlimrenelt `e taute sarte `e vmvres `ils c”espírilge `e

laus ces vel`re paur `es gauteiux, `es highes, `e ci rissi`e, et iutres `elríes `alt mcs ivimelt desaml„ (Zecceprit9?55;MM =:).

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fmots aooere` dy the nmssmalirmes pciye` i smnmcir race.48 hese exghilfes hecpe` ta suppcyil` ta suppart the tri`e detweel the `mooerelt Inerml`mil peapces oran the Armlaga re-fmal (@reyous 9==4;89).

 Iggar`mlf ta hms pcil, Zecceprit `m` lat mltel` ta fa digb ta the mscil`s, dut alcy tathe galtmlelt. Mt `aes lat `eoel` the evilfecmzitmal ao the Girmd dut mlsmsts al thit ao the

Ml`mils wha ire nare luneraus ml the Armlaga disml. Nareaver, the rei`er ms eltmtce`, alrei`mlf the Tecitmal, ta thmlb thit the Vest Ml`mil nmssmal fets nare resucts wmth dcigbscives, ta whan Zmerre Zecceprit frilts i ganpcete ghipter. Ml`ee`, they seen ta hive de-gane the niml tirfet ao the Kesumt prasecytmsn ml oralt ao the `eoeit ao the Girmd evilfe-cmzitmal, is shawl dy the sciufhter ao dath Kesumts, whmgh praves thit the Ml`mils `m` latrespegt the silgtmty ao the oulgtmal ao these twa nel.

Mt ms lat passmdce ta `eternmle mo oran 9?59 alwir`s, Kesumts pcille` ta trivec ta thenimlcil`. Oar thms, mt wauc` de legessiry ta stu`y the Cettrie ml`mpetie  thit he selt ta hmssupermar ml ar`er ta adtiml the iutharmzitmal ta ceive oar i `mstilt nmssmal.4= Zresunidcy,the nmssmaliry heir` idaut the exmstelge ao Ml`mil peapces ml the cmteriture ao the smx-

teelth il` sevelteelth gelturmes. Zecceprit seens ta hive gaccegte` `agunelts idaut theGirmd il` the galtmlelt is he quates ml the Tecitmal Dirtacaní `e Cis Gisis”s adservitmals(Zecceprit 9?55;MM 50,60).

Ml hms daab, Zmerre Zecceprit fmves hms vmsmal ao the peapce he net `urmlf hms stiy ml themscil`s, il` nily `etimcs idaut themr gucture, themr cmoestyce il` decmeos. Hms apmlmal `aeslat `mooer oran the Eurapeil galgept it thit tmne. he nmssmaliry thus appases the –ladcesivife„ mlgirlite` here dy the Ficmdms , ta the Girmd, whmgh ire galsm`ere` is nare wircmbeMl`mils. Ml thms perspegtmve, haw oir gil the Tecitmal pravm`e the hmstarmil wmth hmstarmgicblawce`fe idaut the Ml`mil peapces ao the gmrgun-Girmddeil irei1 Vhit gre`mt gil wefrilt ta then1

Phe  Tecitmal; I testmnaly ao ethlahmstary1

 I testmnaly ao hms awl expermelge1

@urmlf hms stiy ml the mscil`s, Zecceprit rirecy orequelte` the dcigb il` Girmd papuci-tmals. He nimlcy issune` gurmic ghirfes upal the Orelgh settcers il` ml`elture` serv-ilts. Hawever, ml hms daab he `e`mgites ale ao the twa pirts ta `esgrmdmlf the Girmddeilelvmralnelt, dut icsa ta the nmssmal ao the oithers ao the Wagmety upal the Girmd il`dcigb scives, ta whmgh recmfmaus mlstrugtmal his ta de fmvel. Dut we nust isb aursecves haw

Zecceprit gauc` gaccegt icc ao the ileg`ates he fmves ml the Tecitmal, il` `e`uge thit pras-ecytmsn his sane deleomgmic eooegts al the dcigb papucitmal il` icnast lale al the Girmd1Zecceprit”s adservitmals, dath idaut the gucture il` the recmfmaus selsmtmvmty ao these peapceta Githacmgmsn, ire pradidcy the resuct ao ml`mregt testmnalmes. hey ire gertimlcy mlspmre`dy ather nmssmalirmes” expermelges, sugh is thase ao Kigques Dautal (9?0:).

48 –Ce Zère out reæu `ils ul girdet , au vmccife `e Ficmdms iveg `e fril`s tínamflifes `”iegtmal, qum re`audcèreltê ci vue `e quecques highes, serpes, gauteiux 2 et iutres petmts príselts qu”mc ceur `mstrmdui R…^„ (Zecceprit 9?55;M 7).

4= Oar thms mt wauc` de legessiry ta stu`y the cettrie ml`mpetie  he selt ta hms supermar ml ar`er ta fet pernmssmal taceive oar i `mstilt nmssmal. Ml thms galtext, Fmavillm Zmzzarussa lates thit ml nast gises, the cettrie ml`mpetie  ao

the nmssmaliry ispmrilts `a lat galtiml ily spegmg `estmlitmal, iggar`mlf ta the mlstrugtmals ceot dy Mflitmusao Cayaci il` the Orilgmsgil tri`mtmal2 Zmzzarussa (9==0;8=:).

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Tefir`mlf the Ficmdms , we gil latmge thit Zmerre Zecceprit renimle` idaut omve nalthsil` i hico it Fuiripmghe. he Kesumt wis thel suooermlf oran i `mseise thit prevelte` hmnoran triveccmlf il` vmsmtmlf ather Ml`mil papucitmals. Mt seens thit he stiye` ml the girdet  il` thit the litmves welt ta neet hmn.7: Ul`er these gmrgunstilges mt ms `moomguct ta mnif-mle thit he gauc` ittel` icc gucturic evelts oran the girdet , where he cmve`. Al the ather

hil`, mt seens thit he `m` lat ul`erstil` the neilmlf ao gertiml prigtmges, sugh is theweirmlf ao i firnelt dy the Girmd whmce they were `ilgmlf wmth the Ficmdms , ar the cigbao wanel `urmlf these fithermlfs.79 He cmbele` thms ta i selse ao na`esty, `egelgy, whmcethese dehivmaurs were pradidcy ml`uge` dy the exmstelge ao i –tidaa„ inalf the `mooereltMl`mil gannulmtmes. he Kesumt mlterprete` the ittmtu`e ao the litmves recitmlf ta hms awlEurapeil galsm`eritmals.

Nareaver, Zecceprit trmes ta ittrigt the rei`er”s itteltmal ta hms persalic expermelgeswhmce enphismzmlf the `ilfers he hi` ta oige `urmlf the nmssmal. Hms renirbs ire sane-tmnes epmg.74  Ioter hivmlf `esgrmde` haw the Orelgh esgipe` oran il ittigb, Zeccepritstresses thit the citter wis lathmlf ganpire` ta the prakegts prepire` dy the Ml`mils. 77 Ml

reicmty, mt ms oimrcy eisy ta `mstmlfumsh hms igtmals il` expcamts oran thase whmgh were iggan-pcmshe` dy ather nmssmalirmes, whase line he rirecy neltmals. He uses nast ao the tmne,the pralauls –M„ il` –we„ oar nmssmals thit he `m` lat girry aut it icc. he m`eltmomgitmalao the saurges whmgh elidce` the Kesumt ta wrmte hms daab renimls grugmic.

Zecceprit”s saurges

Every hmstarmgic stu`y nust oagus al `eternmlmlf the vicue il` the iutheltmgmty ao saurges.he armfml ao the mloarnitmal thit hecpe` Zmerre Zecceprit ta wrmte hms daab ms very mn-partilt, degiuse we blaw thit he `m` lat hive the appartulmty ta adserve the ml`mfelauspeapce calf elaufh ta nibe the adservitmals pudcmshe` ml the Tecitmal.

Zecceprit neltmals thit he mlspmre` hmnseco oran lates ao ilather nmssmaliry oar hms awlwrmtmlfs. hms galgerls Oither Nescil`, wha wmth Zecceprit ni`e the trmp ta Fuiripmgheml 9?57. He wauc` hive ceot hmn hms –nenarmes„70 deoare ceivmlf oar the gacaly ao Wt.hanis, whmgh wauc` hive iccawe` the iuthar ao the Tecitmal ta wrmte hms `mgtmaliry. Icetter wrmttel dy Nescil`, al 47 Weptender 9?50, galomrns thit he wrate i frinnir il` i

7: –@meu ne príselti ule aggismal oivaridce paur ipprel`re ceur cilfue, n”elvayilt ule elfflure pra`mfmeuse iux kindes, et iux pme`s, qum n”irrëtimt iu vmc cife aý ke n”ítims cafí, et n”enpëghimt `”iccer iux litmals galoí`íríes,et vamsmles R…^„ (Zecceprit 9?55;MM =6).

79 –Ke ces im vus sauvelt `ilser, et im renirquí ceur na`estme el `eux pamlts. Ce prenmer, que ces Giriádes, qum salttaukaurs lus, se gauvrimelt `”ul petmt tidcmer sur ce `evilt quil` mcs `ilsimelt iveg ces Ficmdms, et ce segal` que

 ke l”im kinims vu `ilser ces oennes, lm ces cces, nims ces keules hannes seucenelt„ (Zecceprit 9?55; MM ??).74 –R…^ laus iperæònes smx pmrafues e Giriádes qum laus iccimelt mlvestmr 2 laus l”ivmals que humt au `mx hannes

`e `íoelse `ils latre dirque , et mcs ítimelt trams gelts fuerrmers `ils ges pmrafues 2 l”iyilt pu laus surprel`remcs laus paursumvmrelt et laus le ceur pauvmals íghipper R…^ 2 mcs ivimelt inelí tautes ceurs vamces, ceurs irgsítimelt ikustís paur ce gandit, et laus ces vaymals `íkê taus prëts ê `ígagher sur laus ceurs fflèghes enpamsallíesR…^„ (Zecceprit 9?55;M 88).

77 –Laus ivals su `epums, que ce `ilfer que laus ivmals gauru, ivimt ítí pcus fril` que laus l”ivmals pelsí ;pirge qu”mcs ivimelt elgare `”iutres pmrafues irnís el fuerre praghes `e laus, que laus le pauvmals pis `ígau-

vrmr„ (Zecceprit 9?55;M 8=).70 –Ces nínamres `u père Nescil` ne servmrelt deiugaup ê ge `esseml„ (Zecceprit 9?55;MM 88).

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`mgtmaliry urmlf hms omrst kaurley.75 Mt icsa shaws thit Nescil` pradidcy hi` nare tmne tafither mloarnitmal idaut the Ficmdm  cilfuife thil Zecceprit hi`, smlge the stiy ao the citterit Fuiripmghe wis sharter.7? Nescil` ceot Fuiripmghe ioter i cmttce cess thil ale yeir, whmceZecceprit stiye` wmth the Ficmdms  `urmlf omve nalths il` i hico. Vhit Zecceprit `esgrmdes isdemlf –nenarmes„ ire ml oigt –i frinnir il` i `mgtmaliry„. Nescil`”s wrmtmlfs nust hive

deel nare galsequeltmic thil Zecceprit siys ml the Tecitmal. Nareaver, hms ganpilmal”shecp nust hive deel useouc degiuse thms yaulf nil wis the ganpilmal ao Oither Nescil``urmlf hms omrst nmssmal. hereoare, Nescil` ippireltcy pciye` i cei`mlf race ml the igqumsm-tmal dy Zecceprit ao nugh cmlfumstmg mloarnitmal. hraufh the Tecitmal, we blaw the wrmt-mlfs ao Oither Nescil`, dut ultmc law they hive renimle` ul`msgavere`. Oar the nanelt,we gillat `eternmle wmth gertimlty whether Zecceprit icsa mlspmre` hmnseco oran Nescil`”swrmtmlfs, ta wrmte ghipters ao the Tecitmal whmgh `esgrmde the Ml`mils” gucture, themr wiy aocmoe il` decmeos. he `msgavery ao these `agunelts wauc` de legessiry ta blaw thms.

Zecceprit”s armfmlicmty 

he armfmlicmty ao the Tecitmal ao Oither Zmerre Zecceprit, ms thit the iuthar wmshes ta `riwthe rei`er”s itteltmal ta the mnpartilt perspegtmves thit wauc` fmve i nmssmal al the gal-tmlelt. Evel mo he `aes lat grmtmgmze `mregtcy the cmnmte` resucts adtimle` dy the Kesumt nms-smal ml the Cesser Iltmcces, he `esgrmdes i smtuitmal thit gillat fuiriltee mts suggess. Oarhmn, nare resaurges oar the preselt nmssmalirmes al the nimlcil`, wauc` elidce ta adtimlnare eoomgmelgy il` thereoare i freiter suggess thil the nmssmal whmgh wis eltruste` ta theWagmety ml the mscil`s. Ml`ee`, hms purpase ms ta greite idsacutecy la `audt ml the rei`er”snml` recitmlf ta the idmcmty ta cei` i Kesumt ipastacite nmssmal, dut hms preoerelge oar theMl`mil peapce oran the galtmlelt renimls very pergeptmdce.76 He icsa expresses hms `esmreta ceive is saal is passmdce oar i lew nmssmal ml Inermgi, oar whmgh he his i very spe-

75 Zecceprit 4::=;Cetter ao @elys Nescil` `ite` Weptender 47, 9?50 il` i``resse` ta Oither Cegise;4?? (ig-gar`mlf ta the versmal trilscite` mlta Orelgh dy T. Aueccet, il` preserve` ml the Irghmves ao the Tanil Wagmetyao Kesus ul`er the oaccawmlf reoerelge; ITWM, Fic. 9:?, oacma 4=4-4=7); –R…^ ke ous elvayí ê ci Freli`e paurmlstrumre ê ci oam ces siuvifes `e gette ìce, iveg ar`re `e pisser el erre Oerne ê ci prenmère ganna`mtí R…^ aýiprès ivamr `eneurí presque ul il el ipprelilt ceur cilfue et el ganpasilt ule frinnimre et ul `mgtmallimreR…^„.

7? Zmerre Zecceprit renimle` idaut ve nalths il` i hico it Fuiripmghe. He irrmve` al Iufust =, 9?57 il` weltiwiy al Kiluiry 44, 9?50 (Zecceprit 9?55;MM 452 Zecceprit 9?55;MM 996).

76 –Ke prme taus geux qum cmralt gette recitmal, `e kaml`re ceurs vŗux iux lðtres, et `e prmer ce niìtre `e ci namssal`”elvayer iutilt `”auvrmers qu”mc el oiut paur oimre ule sm decce rígacte. Nims laus iccals vamr `e pcus fril`eslígessmtís, el erre Oerne, qum nírmtelt dmel que ghigul s”y mltíresse pcus pirtmgucmèrenelt, il que ci `mvmle

Zravm`elge y paurvamt `e ci oiæal qu”ecce kuferi ci pcus iviltifeuse paur ce sicut `e ges peupces mllandridces,qum vmvelt sils gallimssilge `e @meu R…^„ (Zecceprit 9?55;M =4-=7).

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gmomg prakegt. he citter tibes is i na`ec the ale dy Zigmomque `e Zravmls.78 Ml oigt, ZmerreZecceprit wilte` ta de gcaser ta the Ficmdms  il` triml il Inerml`mil gcerfy dy greitmlfsenmlirs al the nimlcil`.

Hawever, evel mo the msgaurse ao the nmssmaliry ms armelte` ta galvmlge the rei`er thiti Kesumt nmssmal wauc` neet nare suggess ml the Armlaga disml thil ml the Vest Ml`mes, hms

testmnaly galgerlmlf the Ml`mils il` themr gustans ms i very rire ale. Ve gillat `eter-nmle ta whit extelt the adservitmals ao Zecceprit gane oran persalic expermelge, dut theyire ml icc gises the resuct ao ale dy nmssmalirmes, il` dy Orelgh wha were wmth the Ml`mils.Galselqueltcy, we decmeve thit the Tecitmal his i stralf mlterest oar the blawce`fe ao thesepapucitmals.

Galgcu`mlf renirbs

Zmerre Zecceprit expresse` i freit mlterest ml oaremfl nmssmals dy the el` ao hms trimlmlfwmth the Kesumts. Ml the Tecitmal, he `aes lat shaw i freit mlterest oar the dcigb il` Girmdpapucitmals. hese ire lat pirt ao hms ipastacmg prakegt. hms niy de giuse` dy the oigt thithe wis wmth these papucitmals oar taa shart i perma` ao tmne. he oew galtigts aggurre`dy ghilge il` he recme` al the renirbs il` wrmtmlfs ao ather nmssmalirmes ta endeccmsh hmsgannelts al the gucture il` decmeos ao these peapce. Vhmce the Tecitmal ao Oither Zeccepritnust de galsm`ere` is il ethlahmstarmg saurge, mt ms omrst i prapifil`i warb, ale ao mts tir-fets demlf ta sacmgmt pacmtmgic suppart whmgh wauc` elidce hmn ta hive nare naley oar inmssmal `estmle` ta the Ml`mils ao the Armlaga disml, il` cirfer thil thit he peroarne`wmth @elys Nescil`. Zecceprit i`ipte` hms renirbs ml ar`er ta appase the Ficmdms  ifimlstthe Girmd2 the oarner seen ta garrespal` detter ta the mnife ao the –faa` sivife„, rei`yta regemve the –faa` nessife„.


Dautal, K.

9?0: Tecitmal `e c”ítidcmssenelt `es Orilæims `epums c”il 9?75 el c”ìce `e ci Nirtmlmque,c”ule es Iltmcces e c”Inírmque. @es nŗurs es siuvifes, e ci smtuitmal et es iutres smlfu-cirmtís `e c”ìce . Wídistmel Grinamsy, Zirms.

78 Zigmomque `e Zravmls, ar iggar`mlf ta hms reic line Telí `e C”Esgice, wis darl ml Tauel ml 9588. He eltere`the Ar`er ao the Orères-Nmleurs Gipughmls ml 9?:5. He oaul`e` i nalistery ml hms dmrth-pcige ml 9?97. Ml9?44, hms request ta fa al i nmssmal ta Galstiltmlapce wis iggepte`. He ni`e twa trmps, the rst ale tibespcige ml 9?44 il` ciste` ale yeir, il` the segal` ale oran 9?4? ta 9?48. Al hms returl, hms igtmal ml the Eistwis grmtmgmze`. Hms Tecitmal `u _ayife `e Zerse wis gal`enle` dy the Wardalle ml 9?79. He isbe` ta de seltifiml ml i oaremfl nmssmal dut hms supermars rither eltruste` hmn the oulgtmal ao Gipughml nmssmal ittarley. Hehi` the m`ei ta greite ml Zirms i senmlir oar oaremfl nmssmals il` ta triml il Ml`mil gcerfy. Oar thms prakegt, theGipughml delete`, oran the suppart ao the Cívms hause il` oran the Oither ao Irghilfe `es Oassís, preoegtao the Gipughml nmssmal ml Zirms. Ml 9?05, he simce` ta Fui`ecaupe. Hms supermars five hmn the tisb ta nave issaal is the appartulmty irase, ta the nimlcil`. He el`e` the sine yeir hms Drève Tecitmal es Ìces e c”Inírmque .He pcille` ta estidcmsh i senmliry oar yaulf days. Line` Gipughml preoegt ao the Cesser Iltmcces, he returle`ta Orilge ml 9?0?. Pe oaccawmlf yeir he wis ippamlte` preoegt ao Igi`mi, @anmlmgi, Nirme-Ficilte, Wt.

_mlgelt il` Freli`i. Ml 9?08, he ni`e i segal` trmp. He `msippeire` the sine yeir, `urmlf il expe`mtmal tathe nimlcil` (Zravmls 9=7=;=-04).

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@reyous, W.

9==4 Ces ríseiux pacmtmques ml`mfèles el Fuyile aggm`eltice et ceurs trilsoarnitmalsiux X_MMè et X_MMMè smègces. C”Hanne  74(944);89.

Zecceprit, Z.

9=?5 Tecita `e ci nmsmales `e cas pi`res `e ci Ganpilmi `e Kesus el cis mscis y el PmerriOmrne `e Inermgi Nerm`malic . Estu`ma precmnmlir par Kasí `ec Tey. Dmdcmategi `e ci

 Igi`enmi Ligmalic `e ci Hmstarmi, Girigis.

4::= R9?55^ Tecitmal `es nmssmals `es pères `e ci Ganpiflme `e Kísus `ils ces Ìces et `ilsci Perre Oerne `e c”Inírmque nírm`malice . E`mtmal `e Tíic Aueccet. Zresses Ulmversmtimres`e Civic, Yuídeg.

Zmzzarussa, F.

9==6 Ce ghamx `e c”ml`mooírelt ; nelticmtís et itteltes `es kísumtes ispmrilts nmssmal-

limres `ils c”Inírmque orilæimse iu X_MMè smègce.  Nícilfes `e c”Egace orilæimse `e Tane.Mticme et Ní`mterrilíe  9:=(4).

Zigmomque `e Zravmls

9=7= Ce vayife `e Zerse2 Drève recitmal `u vayife `es Ìces `e c”Inírmque . Gaccefma W.Gaccefma W.Carelza `i Drml`msm `em nmlarm gippugmlm, Issmsm.

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Ermg Taucet 

he evilfecmzitmal ao Ml`mfelaus peapce wis ale ao the niml adkegtmves ao the Githacmg

ghurgh ml the Cesser Iltmcces `urmlf the sevelteelth geltury. Hawever, is saal is they ir-rmve`, the nmssmalirmes oaul` thensecves galoralte` wmth i ganpcex gacalmic sagmety wmthnily `mooerelt gucturic fraups. hus, Gipughml il` @anmlmgil ormirs el`eivaure` tapravm`e recmfmaus e`ugitmal ta the Iormgil Wcives, wha were icrei`y very luneraus it thedefmllmlf ao the Orelgh gacalmzitmal. he omrst evilfecmzitmal ao the Iormgil scives pase`nily pradcens il` mt wmcc de grmtmgmze` dy the oaccawmlf feleritmals ao nmssmalirmes.

Ci evilfecmzigm÷l e cas Ml`îfelis e cis Iltmccis Nelares oue ula e cas niyares adketmvas`e ci Mfcesmi Gitacmgi `urilte ec Wmfca X_MM. Wml endirfa, ic ccefir el cis mscis cas recmfma-sas elgueltril uli sagme`i` gacalmic ganpceki gal nutmpces frupas gucturices. Ism que,

cas orimces Gipughmlas y @anelmgilas el`agtrmlil i cas esgcivas Iormgilas cas guices yiestidis nuy lunerasas ic mlmgma`e ci gacalmzigm÷l Orilgesi `e cis mscis. Ci evilfecmzigm÷lmlmgmic `e cas esgcivas Iormgilas elgueltri virmis `momgucti`es y oue grmtmgi`a par cas sudse-gueltes felerigmales `e recmfmasas que ccefil.

Ci galversmal `es Ml`mels `es Zetmtes Iltmcces est ul `es duts nikeurs `e ci nmssmal iux Iltmcces iu X_MMe smègce. Gepel`ilt, ê pemle irrmvís, ces nmssmallimres salt galoraltís ê ci`mversmtí `e ci sagmítí gacalmice. Iussm, gipugmls et `anmlmgimls s”ittighelt ê mlstrumre et êelgi`rer ghrítmellenelt ces esgcives lamrs, `íkê très landreux iu `ídut `e ci gacalmsitmalorilæimse. Gette prenmère ívilfícmsitmal es esgcives lamrs l”est pis sils paser e landreuxpradcènes et seri `ígrmíe pir ces fílíritmals sumviltes `e nmssmallimres, al cum repragherilatinnelt `”ivamr ítí eooegtuíe sannimrenelt sils ces gal`mtmals requmses.

9 rilscite` oran Orelgh dy Hufues Cedimccy.

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Ml the sevelteelth geltury, the githacmg nmssmalirmes oaguse` al the Inerml`mils cmvmlf mlthe Cesser Iltmcces where the Orelgh hi` settce`, Wt. Bmtts, Nirtmlmque il` Fui`ecaupe.Calf renimle` ml mflarilge ao the Ghrmstmil oimth, they hi` ta de mlstrugte` ta segure themrsicvitmal, il` thit tisb degine the nmssmalirmes” niml natmvitmal oar themr epirture ta themscil`s. hit ms it ceist the stary themr mlstrugtmals il` recitmals tecc. hey were lalethecessgaloralte` wmth the sagmic il` gucturic `mversmty ao i gacalmic sagmety ganprmsmlf Ml`mils,Eurapeils il` Iormgils, dumc`mlf is nily `mooerelt pudcmgs. Dut haw oir were they igtuiccymltereste` ml dcigb scives1 Wane hmstarmafriphmg ippraighes dise` al the @anmlmgils Keil-Diptmste @u ertre il` Keil-Diptmste Cidit”s lirritmves tigbce thms mssue dut wmth refir` tathe cite sevelteelth geltury, whel the lunder ao scives hi` mlgreise` `rinitmgiccy wmththe `evecapnelt ao the sufir ml`ustry, mnpcymlf thit the galgerl oar i recmfmaus supervm-smal ao the scives wis lat refir`e` ultmc thel is i nikar imn, lar `m` mt inault ta i smf-lmomgilt pirt ao the nmssmalirmes” igtmvmtmes. Nirgec Ghitmccal yet pamlte` aut, ml 9=80, thit

the Kesumts `enalstrite` il mlterest ml the dcigb scives is eircy is the cite 9?5:s. Dut thealcy evm`elge he pravm`es ire cetters wrmttel dy Keil Nalfml ml the 9?8:s, thus repeitmlfil` remloargmlf the gcissmgic vmew whel the apelmlf ao lew perspegtmves gauc` de expegte`(Ghitmccal 9=80;7,9=). Whauc` thms de seel is i galsequelge ao the smflmomgilge frilte`dy hmstarmils ta Kesumt saurges il` the idul`ilt garrespal`elge the ar`er `evate` ta thittapmg (inalf nily athers), ta the pamlt ao cettmlf themr rei`ers thmlb mt wis the alcy aleta piy itteltmal ta dcigb scives1 Mt ms true thit the eircy nmssmalirmes wrate recitmvecy cmt-tce il` `m` lat beep up refucir garrespal`elges (dut perhips oar Gipughml Zigmomque `eZravmls). he smflmomgilge frilte` ta the lirritmves il` igtmals ao @anmlmgil Tiynal`Dretal, wha expresse` the vmew thit –mlstrugtmlf the sivifes Rm.e. the Inerml`mils^ aufht

ta de the freitest ao themr gires„ (Dretal 9=68i;998) niy icsa hive dmise` the hmstarmils”ippraigh ta thit mssue ml thit `mregtmal (go. @upums 9?54;9-4). Mt ilywiy pravm`e` i pirtmicil` mliggurite vmew ao the reicmty ao the ormirs” nmssmaliry warb. Gcase exinmlitmal ao thecetters il` lirritmves wrmttel dy the omrst wives ao nmssmalirmes, mlgcu`mlf Zmerre Zícmgil,Tiynal` Dretal, Kigques Dautal il` the Ilalyne ao Wimlt-Ghrmstaphe, suffests thit thedcigb scives ittrigte` themr itteltmal it i nugh eircmer `ite thil ms usuiccy igblawce`fe .4 

 Vhit selse `m` they fet ao then, il` `m` they galsm`er evilfecmzmlf then `urmlf the omrst`egi`es ao Orelgh gacalmzitmal1 @m` they mnpcenelt i spegmomg stritefy1 @m` thit cei` thenta regalsm`er themr nmssmal ml the Vest Ml`mes1

Phe dcigb scives is i nmssmaliry stibeMo the nmssmalirmes turle` ta the dcigb scives, mt wis al the ale hil` degiuse there werenily ao then, il` al the ather degiuse they eene` then omt oar ml`agtrmlitmal.hey dumcti nikar fraup ml the virmaus Orelgh mscil`s is eircy is the yeirs 9?75-9?0:. @anmlmgilZmerre Zícmgil, wha hei`e` the omrst nmssmal selt dy hms ar`er ml 9?75, wis mnpresse` dythemr lunder, it i tmne whel the Orelgh hi` dut regeltcy settce` al the mscil`s. Ilather

4 Pe alcy nmssmaliry recitmal oran thit tmne whmgh taab cmttce hee` ao the scives wis thit wrmttel dy Gipughml

Zigmque `e Zravmls ml 9?05. He neltmals the scives ml Fui`ecaupe, dut nerecy ta stress thit they were latluneraus elaufh ta iccaw the `evecapnelt ao the mscil` (Zigmque `e Zravmls 9=7=;4:,46).

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nender ao thit nmssmal, Tiynal` Dretal, smnmcircy recite` the preselge ao nily dcigbpeapce there ml the 9?7:s. Kesumt Kigques Dautal `esgrmde` then is qumte luneraus mlNirtmlmque ml 9?7= (Dretal 9=68i;=72 Dautal 9?0:;==2 Zícmgil ta Girrí 9?75).

hey were the vmgtmns ao the Iormgil scive tri`e. Inalf the nily scive shmps thit pcme`the mscil`s, Giptiml @rauilt”s gil de quate` is hivmlf draufht smxty dcigb peapce ao dath

sexes ta the ganpily”s cil`car`s ml 9?07, ganmlf digb the oaccawmlf yeir wmth ilatherditgh oar the deleomt ao faverlar Ghirces Hauâc. Wtmcc ml 9?07, il Elfcmsh shmp cai`e` wmthscives cil`e` ml Fui`ecaupe. Hauâc purghise` then icc il` `mstrmdute` then inalf hmsaoomgers. He evel sac` twa ta the @anmlmgils. Ml 9?0?, ?: dcigb peapce were oarwir`e` taHauâc (Dretal 9=68i;94:-949,940). Felericcy speibmlf, faverlars awle` nily scives.7 he smflmomgilge ao the trioomgbmlf wis thus dcitilt. Dut haw luneraus were they exigtcy1Ghralmgcers cmnmte` thensecves ta vifue galsm`eritmals il` m` lat pravm`e ily recmidce is-sessnelt. ]et, there were advmauscy severic hul`re`s ao then. Ml the nm` 9?5:s, Tiynal`Dretal ittenpte` i bml` ao gelsus. He `eene` there were twecve thausil` Orelgh peapceil` three thausil` dcigb scives ml Fui`ecaupe ml 9?50. Kesumt Zmerre Zecceprit gaulte` de-

tweel twecve il` thmrteel thausil` dcigb scives ml the mscil`s ml 9?55, is nily is Orelghpeapce thel. Ml 9?58, Zratestilt Ghirces `e Tagheoart shire` thit mnpressmal thit dcigbpeapce il` Ml`mils were is luneraus is whmtes (Dretal 9=68d;9582 Zecceprit 9?55;552Zecceprit ta Lmgbec 9?552 Tagheoart 9?58;96).

he nmssmalirmes eltertimle` la `audt thit the dcigb scives hi` ta de evilfecmze`, iseveryale wis ta de mltra`uge` ta the Ghrmstmil `agtrmle. Icc the recmfmaus ar`ers preselt mlthe Orelgh Vest Ml`mes (Gipughmls, @anmlmgils, Kesumts il` Girnecmtes) refir`e` evilfe-cmzmlf the scives is i nikar tisb set oar then il` fat awl ta mt. Kigques Dautal stresse` hawcugby they were ta de ml Orelgh hil`s rither thil thase ao ather litmals. Evilfecmzitmalwis i galgerl whmgh halaure` Githacmg gaultrmes, whereis the Elfcmsh il` @utgh m` lat

warry idaut sugh trmoces (Dautal 9?0:;9:42 Ghitmccal 9=80;975).he nmssmalirmes thus galverte` nily dcigb scives. Vhmce stiymlf ml Wt. Bmtts, Zmerre

Zecmgil pamlte` aut the faa` warb girrme` aut dy the Gipughmls wha hi` irrmve` therewmth Zmerre Deciml `”Eslindug is eircy is 9?77. Tiynal` Dretal smnmcircy primse` themrigtmal. Ml the 9?0:s, the @anmlmgils pursue` the Gipughmls” eooarts (Dretal 9=68i;862Zícmgil ta Girrí 9?75).

he nmssmalirmes were yet dut i hil`ouc il` oaguse` al spegmomg pudcmgs. hey taabhee` ao the scives ittighe` ta the settcers whase estites they vmsmte`. hey `m` lat fa mlseirgh ao then, dut alcy warbe` wmth thase ivimcidce ml themr gcase elvmralnelt. hey la-tidcy mlstrugte` il` diptmze` the faverlars” il` the cei`mlf Orelgh oinmcmes” scives. hey

five themr suppart ta Ni`enamsecce `e C”Acmve, the faverlar ao Fui`ecaupe”s wmoe wha,galgerle` wmth the recmfmaus mlstrugtmal ao yaulf dcigb scives, tiufht then giteghmsn ml9?75. Ml 9?05, @anmlmgil @anmlmque `e Wimlt Fmcces diptmze` 55 ar ?: dcigb scives oranthe faverlar”s hausehac`. Iraul` 9?0?-9?0=, Girnecmte Niurmce `e Wimlt-Nmghec dip-tmze` sane oenice scives decalfmlf ta Ni`ine `e ci _erli`e, is they were wmth ghmc`, sheoect ganpecce` ta expciml. He `m` lat wilt ta set then it rmsb shauc` themr `ecmvery hivefale wralf (Dretal 9=68i;86,9492 Niurmce `e Wimlt Nmghec 9?54;8:).

7 Pe faverlar ao Nirtmlmque, Kigques @yec @u Zirquet, hi` i weccmlf it Girdet where luneraus scives warbe`

ul`er the Kesumts” supervmsmal (Tagheoart 9?58;95). Pe Orelgh faverlar ao Wt. Bmtts, Zamlgy, wis ml la wiydehml`. He hi` idaut ?:: ar 6:: scives warbmlf oar hmn idaut 9?5: (Zecceprit 9?55;55).

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Mt shauc` de darl ml nml` thit lat icc Iormgils were pergemve` ml the sine wiy dy thenmssmalirmes wha, oar mlstilge, `mstruste` thase oran the Gipe _er`e Mscil`s is they wereNuscmns (@u ertre 9?50;060-065). Aver tmne, they were lalethecess idce ta fet ml taughwmth the whace scive papucitmal. he ghralmgcers ml`ee` pamlte` aut the cirfe lunderao dcigb galverts iraul` 9?05-9?55. Tiynal` Dretal wrate ml 9?50 thit icnast icc the

scives ml Fui`ecaupe hi` deel mlstrugte` il` diptmze`, il` thit ever smlge, they hi` lacalfer deel tarnelte` il` ioocmgte` dy the enals is they use` ta de deoare themr ghrmstel-mlf. Zmerre Zecceprit late` ml9?55 thit the galverte` dcigb scives were is luneraus is theOrelgh il` hi` ta de `eict wmth (Dretal 9=68d;9582 Zecceprit ta Lmgbec 9?55).

Mt thereoare seens thit the eircy nmssmalirmes hi` fat sa nugh mlvacve` ml themr warbwmth dcigb scives is ta reoagus themr nmssmal it qumte il eircy ite. Mt nust de igblawce`fe`thit themr armfmlic pudcmg, the Ml`mils, wis qumte spirse. Vhel they hi` lat deel `rmvelaut ao themr mscil`s is ml Wt. Bmtts il` Fui`ecaupe, they were restrmgte` ta i cmnmte` pirtao the mscil` is ml Nirtmlmque il` thaufh they eltertimle` recitmalshmps wmth the Orelgh,they `m` lat cmve wmth then.0 a mlstrugt then, the nmssmalirmes hi` ta trivec ta the ms-

cil`s where they hi` tibel shecter al the Orelgh”s very irrmvic, @anmlmgi il` Wt-_mlgelt.Wane ormirs `m` ciulgh al sugh i sghene. Tiynal` Dretal thus spelt nily yeirs ml@anmlmgi. Gipughml Icexms `”Iuxerre bept hmn ganpily oar sane tmne ml 9?0?. Citer,

 Kesumts Orilæams Fueynu il` Fumcciune Hiuderfeal settce` al Wt-_mlgelt, it the rmsb aothemr cmves (Dretal 9=68d;958). Dut mt nust de igblawce`fe` thit very oew ml`ee` ghaseta cei` sugh i cmoe. Wcives aooere` i nare ganoartidce icterlitmve ta the nmssmalirmes whadicbe` it velturmlf al the Girmddeil Wei il` oigmlf, ourther ta the hir`shmps ao livmfitmalil` ao cmoe inalf the Ml`mils, the nily telsmals detweel the gannulmtmes. Ml the 9?5:s,nily nmssmalirmes `espimre` ao the Ml`mils wha la calfer ippeire` is i smflmomgilt pud-cmg. @anmlmgil Il`rí Ghevmccir` isserte` ml 9?5= thit dcigb peapce were –nare ticbitmve

il` mlteccmfelt„ thil the Ml`mils thel hec` ml caw esteen, is the oarner cmve` lext ta theEurapeils (Ghevmccir` 9=67;905).

Phe nmssmaliry netha`

he eircy nmssmalirmes `a lat seen ta hive resarte` ta ily spegmomg netha` ml ar`er tatriml the dcigb scives ml recmfmaus nitters. he oarenast nitter wis ta oinmcmirmze then wmthGhrmstmilmty dy teighmlf then il` isbmlf then ta regmte themr priyers is wecc is ta tibe pirtml recmfmaus gerenalmes. he omrst @anmlmgils thus hi` the cmtilmes ta the _mrfml sulf il`the rasiry tac` icau` sa thit dcigb peapce gauc` ceirl then (Dretal 9=68i;86). hey tiufht

then the nast smflmomgilt priyers sugh is the Ziter Laster  il` the Ive Nirmi  is wecc is theel Gannil`nelts. Is Dretal ms blawl ta hive trilscite` icc three ao then mlta theMl`mils” litmve cilfuife ml the 9?0:s (Dretal 9=68i;945), mt ms nast cmbecy thit they wereicsa tiufht ta the scives wha nust hive deel expegte` ta regmte then ta the @anmlmgils.Ml hms 9?55 recitmal, Zecceprit neltmale` teighmlf dcigb peapce the Ziter Laster , the  Ive

 Nirmi , the Gre`a il` the el Gannil`nelts (Zecceprit 9?55;58). Zícmgil wis delt aloinmcmirmzmlf then wmth `evatmalic adkegts il` five then dei`s ml 9?75 (Zícmgil ta Girrí

0 Pe Ilalyne `e Wimlt-Ghrmstaphe recites thit, is eircy is 9?4?, Ml`mils were expecce` oran the mscil` dythe Orelgh ( Ilalyne `e Wimlt-Ghrmstaphe   9=74;9:). Pey were expecce` oran Fui`ecaupe ml the 9?7:s. Ml

Nirtmlmque, the smtuitmal wis `merelt; the Ml`mils were estidcmshe` ml ale pirt ao the mscil` (Dretal 9=68i;80,9=68d;9742 Zigmque `e Zravmls 9=7=;96).

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9?75). he grasses eregte` dy the nmssmalirmes whel the Orelgh taab passessmal ao the ms-cil`s niy hive igte` lat alcy is smflics ao the mnpasmtmal ao Ghrmstmilmty il` the vicues aothe lew gacalmic sagmety al the terrmtary, dut icsa is neetmlf pciges oar the lew Ghrmstmils,lext ta ghurghes il` ghipecs, thel qumte pciml dumc`mlfs. he gerenalmes il` spegmomgiccythe `ecmvery ao the sigrinelts taab pcige ml the ghurghes, il` nugh wis expegte` oan the

scives” tibmlf pirt ml recmfmaus oeists (Zecceprit 9?55;58). ]et the nmssmalirmes `m` lat `ecmver icc the sigrinelts ta the scives, dut alcy diptmsnil` nirrmife. he Gipughmls il` @anmlmgils oect la pilfs idaut ghrmstelmlf dcigb pea-pce, wmth the oarner apelmlf the wiy. Ml 9?75, Zícmgil enphismze` the igtmve pirt theyhi` pciye`. Eircy ml 9?06, the Gipughmls, wha hi` oaul` shecter wmth faverlar Hauâc mlFui`ecaupe ioter demlf expucse` oran Wt. Bmtts, diptmze` 7: ar 75 dcigb peapce (Dretal9=68i;9452 Zícmgil ta Girrí 9?75). he @anmlmgils oaccawe` sumt. Tiynal` Dretal testm-ome` ta the luneraus diptmsns `ecmvere` dy the oithers ao hms ar`er ml 9?09, pamltmlf autthit Lmgacis `e ci Nirre –diptmze` nily dcigb peapce„. Keil @ukeil diptmze` dcigb i`ucts,presunidcy ml the Wimlte-Nirme pirmsh he wis nmlmstermlf ta, tafether wmth sane Ml`mil

ghmc`rel. Al Vhmtsultm`e Eve 9?0? ar 9?06, Irnil` `e ci Zimx diptmze` 44 dcigb nelil` wanel (Dretal 9=68i;9472 Dretal 9=68d;904, 900, 908).Nily ao thase dcigb scives wha hi` deel draufht ta the Vest Ml`mes al Zartufuese

shmps hi` icrei`y deel diptmze` prmar ta themr fettmlf al dair`. Mt nust de issune` thitthe nmssmalirmes oaul` sane bml` ao oiuct wmth thms omrst ghrmstelmlf, sa thit they oect gan-pecce` ta `ecmver ale ao themr awl, dut la expcmgmt iggaultmlf oar thit `egmsmal dy the eircynmssmalirmes his reighe` us.5 hemr wrmtmlfs `a lat quate ily prerequmsmtes oar demlf dip-tmze`, nerecy neltmalmlf the oigt thit dcigb peapce hi` deel mlstrugte`, wmthaut pravm`-mlf ourther mloarnitmal idaut the liture ao thit mlstrugtmal. hmlfs nust hive pragee`e`qumte oist, it ceist ml the eircy yeirs. Dut the @anmlmgils” `enil`s qumgbcy frew, il` the

 Kesumts” evel oister. Tiynal` Dretal stresse` the oigt thit dcigb peapce hi` ta de mlstrugte`deoare they were ghrmstele` (Dretal 9=68i;949). Ml the 9?5:s, the Kesumts eomle` the gal-`mtmals requmre` ta de diptmze` il` expaul`e` themr enil`s ta pateltmic regmpmelts ao thesigrinelt. Diptmsn wis alcy `ecmvere` al oaur aggismals ml the yeir, wmth `ue sacenlmty(Zecceprit 9?55;56). Zecceprit (9?55;?4), oar mlstilge, `elme` diptmsn ta i scive he `eene`paarcy mlstrugte`. he Kesumts were lat the alcy ales ta put oarwir` sugh hmfh stil`ir`s.Girnecmte Niurmce `e Wimlt-Nmghec (9?54;8:) diptmze` scives dut ml gises ao idsacute le-gessmty, wmth mlstrugtmal is i prerequmsmte.

hms rmse ml `enil`s gil pirtcy de expcimle` dy the prafress ao evilfecmzitmal; algethe dismgs ao Ghrmstmilmty hi` deel pravm`e`, ourther mlstrugtmal gauc` oaccaw. Dut mt wis

icsa gallegte` wmth the wiy virmaus ar`ers pergemve` themr nmssmal. Is true Nmlarmtes, theGipughmls diptmze` dcigb peapce il` Ml`mils sa thit they degine pirt ao the Ghurgh.Gipughml Zigmomque `e Zravmls thus prm`e` hmnseco al galvertmlf 90: Ml`mils whereisDretal diptmze` dut oaur Ml`mils aver the icnast twelty yeirs he stiye` ml the mscil`s, il`thit alcy degiuse they were it `eith”s `aar (`e Zravmls ta Wpi`i 9?0?). hms `aes lat neilthit the Gipughmls `m` lat gire idaut ml`agtrmlitmal, dut the citter gauc` de nare dismgil` wis lat vmewe` is i prerequmsmte. hey hi` yet ilather imn ml nml`; estidcmshmlf the

5 Citer, ml 9?84, Kesumt Nalfml isserte` thit the diptmsns `ecmvere` dy ule`ugite` Wpilmir`s gauc` lat de`eene` vicm` (Cettre `e K. Nalfml ê ule persalle `e gal`mtmal `u Cilfue`ag , Wt. Bmtts, Niy 9?84, ml Ghitmccal

9=80;8?). Weveric lirritmves thus neltmal the scive tri`e girrme` al dy the Zartufuese il` the Wpilmsh ml the Vest Ml`mes (@upums 9?54;==2 Tagheoart 9?58;79=).

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Eurapeil na`ec ml the mscil`s, the sheer lunder ao galversmals ceivmlf mts nirb al thegucturic il` recmfmaus sgele il` turlmlf diptmsn mlta il mnperitmve wmthml thms lew sagm-ety. Dut whit bml` ao recmfmaus mlstrugtmal wis mnpcme`1 he @anmlmgils” il` Kesumts” isser-tmals ire apel ta `msgussmal. Vhit `m` mt reiccy inault ta1 Vhit `m` they igtuiccy teigh1Mt gauc` galsmst ml the ceirlmlf il` regmtitmal ao i oew priyers il` ao haw ta nibe the smfl

ao the grass is wmtlesse` ml ather nmssmals it the tmne, qumte dismg requmrenelts.Diptmsmlf dcigb scives seens ta hive gist audts al themr stitus wmthml the gacalmic sagme-ty. Gauc` i Ghrmstmil de elscive` ta ilather Ghrmstmil1 Vhere `m` i galverte` scive omt mltathe sagmic ar`er1 Mo oimth gil de celt ta Girnecmte Niurmce `e Wimlt-Nmghec, the Gipughmlswauc` thus hive i`vagite` al Wt. Bmtts thit i Ghrmstmil gauc` la calfer de hec` ml scivery,il` thit –the ghmc`rel ao Ghrmstmil dcigb scives hi` ta de oree il` enilgmpite` oran sciv-ery alge they were ghrmstele`„ (Niurmce `e Wimlt Nmghec 9?54;8:-89). Deirmlf ml nml`the nikar pirt pciye` dy scives ml the `evecapnelt ao thit mscil` il` faverlar Zamlgy”sawl mlterest ml sugh nitters, mt ms la wal`er sugh i `msgaurse ce` ta themr expucsmal oranthe mscil`. ]et, rither a``cy, la ather ghralmgcer neltmale` thit `edite. here ms hawever

la fraul` oar questmalmlf the Girnecmte”s testmnaly is, al the ale hil`, he wis ml`ee`preselt ml 9?0?, il` al the ather, sane gcues ml the recitmal ao the Ilalyne `e Wimlt-Ghrmstaphe pamlt ml the sine `mregtmal, stitmlf thit dcigb wanel wha hi` deel diptmze`il` fmvel is wmves ta whmtes were theredy enilgmpite` (Ilalyne `e Wimlt-Ghrmstaphe9=74;9?). Iggar`mlf ta hmn, thase diptmsns net ather requmrenelts, oivaurmlf ulmalsil` segurmlf the papucitmlf ao the gacaly. Ourther ta the a``mty ao thit issertmal whmghgauc` de oaul` ml la ather ghralmgcer”s wrmtmlfs, the caw mnpigt ao sugh i neisure nust destresse`, is dcigb wanel were il` renimle` oir taa sgirge ta neet thit lee`.

 I decmeo ml sugh passmdce autganes oran diptmzmlf dcigb scives `aes lat seen ta hivedeel shire` dy the ather recmfmaus ar`ers, wha refir`e` then is mltrmlsmgiccy servmce.

Diptmsn gauc` lat icter thit. Girnecmte Niurmce `e Wimlt-Nmghec cmbele` then ta Ghin”ssals. Zecceprit wrate –they were `esmfle` oar servmtu`e„. He recite` thit i dcigb nilwauc` rither de i scive inalf the Orelgh thil oree inalf hms peapce is he hi` `msgavere`Fa` (Niurmce `e Wimlt Nmghec 9?54;802 Zecceprit 9?55;5?). Hms `enalstritmal wis thusdumct al `mssagmitmlf sagmic gal`mtmal oran the recmfmaus sphere. he spmrmtuic `mnelsmalwis ml`ee` the nast smflmomgilt ale, dut mt `m` lat icter nitermic gal`mtmals. he `editewis emther wive` iwiy, ar cefmtmnite` dy the Dmdcmgic tri`mtmal ar dy Iormgil prigtmges, isDautal `m` .? @anmlmgil Keil-Diptmste @u ertre wis the alcy ale ta stress ml 9?50 thitGhrmstmilmty pranate` the oree`an ao mts ghmc`rel, is mt –rekegts il` idhars scivery„ (@uertre 9?50;067).

Phe pradcens net dy the nmssmalirmes

Deyal` the galsm`eritmals al the ippraigh ta the nmssmal pegucmir ta eigh ar`er, mo latta eigh ml`mvm`uic, il` gcasecy gallegte` wmth ghralacafy, the nmssmalirmes saul`e` qumte`audtouc idaut the mnpigt ao the evilfecmzitmal they ighmeve`. Mo they `m` lat questmal mt,they lalethecess stresse` mts cmnmtitmals il` moomguctmes. he Kesumts prave` nast grmtmgic ao

? –Pit nmseridce litmal seens ta hive deel greite` dut oar servmtu`e il` scivery, mlgcu`mlf ml themr awl gaultrywhere nast ao then ire elscive` ta the bmlf ar ather pateltites„ Rarmfmlic; Gette nmsíridce litmal sendce l”estre

iu nal`e que paur ci servmtu`e et esgcivife, et `ils ceur piys nesne mcs salt ci pcus pirt esgcives `u Tay au`”iutres^ (Dautal 9?0:;9:9).

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thms eircy evilfecmzitmal. Ml 9?0:, Kigques Dautal five velt ta twa bml`s ao grmtmgmsns. Althe ale hil`, he pamlte` aut thit the diptmsns nmfht hive deel scmfhtcy histy il` themrdcigb regmpmelts hir`cy verse` ml the oimth they were suppase` ta i`here ta. Al the ather,he dcine` the moomguctmes ao evilfecmzitmal al the dcigb scives” very liture, –themr shawmlfsugh ml`mooerelge ta recmfmaus nitters„ (Dautal 9?0:;9:4). Iggar`mlf ta hmn, they were

omgbce ml themr oimth, il` wauc` pranptcy oicc digb mlta themr ac` gustans shauc` they returlta themr litmve gaultry. Wugh ku`fnelts were aotel pisse` al lewcy galverte` Ghrmstmils,expressmlf i nikar oeir lat ta hive deel idce ta evilfecmze il` galtrac the papucitmal.He lalethecess mnne`mitecy na`erite` hms utterilge dy enphismzmlf the gcase witgh thescives were ul`er, is they cmve` inalf the settcers .6 Dautal late` thit dcigb peapce blewdut very cmttce, hi` gairse il` aotel `und nml`s, il` were taa cmnmte` ta de idce ta ceirlta rei` il` wrmte. He lalethecess quicmome` hms hirsh ku`fnelt dy igblawce`fmlf hivmlficsa net i oew `evaut dcigb peapce (Dautal 9?0:;9:7). He pru`eltcy urfe` lat ta histelthmlfs, galom`elt thit –pitghmlf icc thit up wmcc lat de eisy, dut cmttce dy cmttce we shicc fetthraufh il` mlstrugt then…„ (Dautal 9?0:;9::). he tale wis stmcc galom`elt, `ecmder-

itecy aptmnmstmg, dut prafress wis scaw ml`ee`, il` omoteel yeirs citer, Zecceprit late`; –Ve`a whit we gil, the rest ms up ta Fa`„ (Zecceprit 9?55;57). hms `aes lat neil the ormirshi` cast icc oimth ml themr nmssmal, dut thms eircy evilfecmzitmal `m` lat sitmsoy then evel mothey put up wmth mt.

Ather testmnalmes saul`e` nare aptmnmstmg. @u ertre (9?50;065) wrate thit alge dcigbpeapce hi` deel mlstrugte`, –they ire nast galom`elt ml themr oimth, very faa` Ghrmstmils„.Zratestilt Ghirces e Tagheoart esgrmde` dcigb peapce is rither sudnmssmve il` adservmlficc the requmrenelts set ta then; –sane lefraes oist thraufhaut Celt, is wecc is al icc theather `iys they ire tac` ta„ (Tagheoart 9?58;749).

Ale ao the adstigces thit ni`e dcigb peapce”s ml`agtrmlitmal `moomguct wis verdic gan-

nulmgitmal, hawever rirecy neltmale` ar histmcy `msnmsse` mt nmfht de dy nmssmalirmeswha systenitmgiccy mlsmste` thit they eveltuiccy nilife` ta nibe thensecves ul`erstaa`.hms `moomgucty wis lalethecess reic, il` raate` dath ml the wm`e rilfe ao cilfuifes spa-bel dy the Iormgils il` al the hir` warb mt wis ta teigh then Orelgh. Ml whit cilfuifewere the nmssmalirmes ta i``ress dcigb scives1 Icc ghralmgcers stresse` themr `mverse armfmls ;Gipe _er`e, Fumlei, Ilfaci is wecc is the very `mooerelt m`mans they galsequeltcy spabe.hey `eomlmtecy `m` lat dumc` i hanafeleaus fraup oran i cmlfumstmg il` gucturic pamlt aovmew. he scives were very saal pravm`e` wmth snittermlfs ao Orelgh dut ml 9?7=, KigquesDautal enphismze` thit they blew la nare thil i oew war`s –wmthaut the irtmgces il`ather pirtmgces thit we ioomx ta then„ (Dautal 9?0:;9::). Oither @anmlmque `e Wimlt-

Fmcces pimlstibmlfcy mlstrugte` faverlar Hauâc”s scives wmth i vmew ta diptmzmlf then,thaufh he blew la nare ao themr cilfuife thil they `m` ao Orelgh (Dretal 9=68i;949).hereoare, ml ar`er ta stress themr war`s, sane nmssmalirmes resarte` ta luneraus festuresml the hape ao nibmlf thensecves detter ul`erstaa` (Zecceprit 9?55;57).

@m` the smtuitmal evacve aver tmne1 Niurmce `e Wimlt-Nmghec wrmtes thit ml hms `iys,nily scives gauc` ul`erstil` Orelgh il` evel speib mt oimrcy wecc (Niurmce `e WimltNmghec 9?54;?:). Zecceprit (9?55;57) stites thit teighmlf Orelgh hi` degane i prmarmty.Ml`agtrmlitmal gauc` alcy de ighmeve` ioterwir`s. Dut Kesumt Keil Nalfml saul`e` narena`erite ml 9?84, stitmlf thit dcigb peapce hi` ceirlt –sane Orelgh kirfal„ the nms-

6 Kesumt Keil Nalfml repeits i smnmcir ilicysms ml 9?84 (Cettre `e K. Nalfml ê ul feltmchanne `u Cilfue`ag , 9?84,ml Ghitmccal 9=80;970).

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smalirmes were oinmcmir wmth il` resarte` ta ml ar`er ta gannulmgite wmth then. Mt nusthive deel sane bml` ao eismcy ceirlt fmddermsh (Ghiltmccal 9=80;970). hit the scives hi`qumgbcy igqumre` oran themr nisters sane snittermlfs ao Orelgh saul`s qumte advmaus, dutmt nust hive deel ml`ee` averaptmnmstmg ta mnifmle they gauc` pergemve icc the sudtcetmes aothe cilfuife, il` ao the Tanil Githacmg `agtrmle.

hit cilfuife mssue wis ml la wiy daul` ta degane cess igute, deirmlf ml nml` thetrilsitciltmg scive tri`e systen il` the hmfh narticmty rite inalf scives. Mt galstiltcyreenerfe` il` ily bml` ao mnpreflitmal ao the lewganers dy themr elvmralnelt gauc`hir`cy de recme` al. Lale dut the `anestmg scives cmvmlf ml the Orelgh oinmcmes” hanes ig-tuiccy ceirlt the cilfuife. hit nmfht hive deel the reisal why the nmssmalirmes oaguse`nast ao themr eooarts al then. Ul`er sugh gmrgunstilges, mlterpreters renimle` ml`mspelsi-dce, thaufh themr cevec ao praomgmelgy wis aotel taa caw ta fuiriltee iggurite trilscitmals.Zecceprit reparte` thit they ul`erstaa` dut idaut hico ao whit they were tac` il` gauc`lat oml` war`s ml themr awl cilfuife ta express the latmals the nmssmalirmes were trymlf taexpciml (Zecceprit 9?55;57).

he citter `a lat seen ta hive evmlge` ily wmcc detter ta blaw Iormgil cilfuifes issane `m` wmth refir` ta thase ao the Ml`mils cmvmlf dath al the mscil`s il` al the niml-cil`. Zecceprit”s lirritmve nerecy neltmals the oigt thit sane priyers hi` deel trilscite`mlta the scives” cilfuifes, dut lathmlf nare (Zecceprit 9?55;58). 8 @aes thit mnpcy i reoa-gusmlf ao the nmssmal tawir`s dcigb peapce1 he ormirs usuiccy `m` lat shaw nugh mlterestoar Iormgil guctures, nerecy pissmlf i oew feleric ku`fnelts al dcigb peapce”s physmgic ip-peirilge il` tenper. Ml sugh i galtext, whit gauc` the scives igtuiccy nibe ao whit theywere tiufht1 haufh the nmssmalirmes hi` nmsfmvmlfs idaut the sgape il` `epth ao themrul`erstil`mlf ao Ghrmstmil `agtrmle il` whit mt mnpcme` ml terns ao `imcy cmoe, they urfe`then ta galtrigt i Ghrmstmil nirrmife. Dut haw gauc` ale cmve aut ao we`cagb ml the sev-

elteelth geltury1 hit legessmty wis reisserte` dy Ilalyne `e Wimlt-Ghrmstaphe. KigquesDautal (9?0:;9::) epcares the oigt thit thms sigrinelt wis aotel ecmvere` wmthaut icc therequmre` gerenalmic. he scives were nast cmbecy lat ta ul`erstil` the stibes ao Ghrmstmilnirrmife, sugh is nalafiny il` the ml`mssacudmcmty ao the dal` mt mnpcme`. Zecceprit thusregar`s; –i lmffer, hivmlf surprmse` hms wmoe gannmttmlf i`uctery, al the mscil` ao Wt. Bmtts,tac` hms nister idaut mt il` isbe` hmn ta fmve hmn ilather wmoe. he nister ilswere` hmnthit, is i Ghrmstmil, he wis lat iccawe` ta nirry ilather wanil„ (Zecceprit 9?55;??).haufh the pratifalmst ao thit stary iggepte` ta sudnmt hmnseco ta hms oite, galgcu`mlf; –MGhrmstmil, M thel suooer thit!„, mt wis ml`ee` thit ml`mssacudce liture ao the dal` thit wisceist ul`erstaa` il` aotel mcc iggepte`.

he nmssmalirmes wauc` hawever ecmver then lemther the Hacy Gannulmal lar the sig-rinelt ao pelilge. Kigques Dautal (9?0:;9::) kustmomes themr exgcusmal oran the Eughirmstal the fraul` ao themr mflarilge ao the nystery ao oimth. Niurmce `e Wimlt-Nmghec reparteshivmlf `ecmvere` pelilge il` the Eughirmst ta i scive alcy degiuse he wis mcc il` he oeire`he wauc` `me. Hawever, the uloartulite, hivmlf galoesse` hms smls, wis pilmg-strmgbelwhel he siw the ormir gane gcase ta hmn ta fmve hmn the Hacy Wigrinelt is he hi` heir`the ymlf were omlmshe` aoo dy the litmves il` thaufht he wis famlf ta de tibel ta hms frive(Niurmce `e Wimlt Nmghec 9?54;8:). he alcy twa sigrinelts the nmssmalirmes `ecmvere`praousecy were diptmsn il` nirrmife, the athers demlf `mspelse` pirsmnalmauscy mo it icc.

8 Zecceprit 9?55;58. Pe seltelge ms lalethecess indmfuaus is Zecceprit wis tigbcmlf the evilfecmzitmal ao dathdcigb peapce il` Ml`mils.

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he dcigb scives” ul`erstil`mlf ao Ghrmstmilmty wis dismg, mo lat lmc. hemr pergeptmal aomt rimses nily questmals. Vhy `m` they degane galverts1 Il` `m` they ml`ee` hive themrsiy idaut mt1 Nily scives were diptmze` wmthaut it omrst blawmlf exigtcy whit wis tibmlfpcige, icc the nare sa is lada`y wis i``ressmlf then ml themr awl cilfuife. hey hi` lapawer ta reouse. Mt wis igtuiccy up ta themr nister”s ittmtu`e.= Is Zecceprit reparts, nast

were diptmze` aut ao legessmty, i oew alcy aut ao `evatmal (Zecceprit 9?55;?0). I lunder aoscives niy hive refir`e` themr Ghrmstmil diptmsn is i wiy ta prategt thensecves oran sar-gerers il` degane mnnule ta the speccs they gauc` gist. Ghrmstmilmty thus mlsgrmde` mtsecowmthml i nifmgic quest oar prategtmal. Zecceprit (9?55;?4) recites thit i scive hi` deffe`hmn ta ghrmstel hmn sa thit he gauc` de receise` oran the `evmc thit wis pcifumlf hmn.

 Keil-Diptmste @u ertre aptmnmstmgiccy issertes thit dcigb peapce hi` qumte qumgbcy omt-te` mlta the nauc` ao Ghrmstmilmty. Ml 9?50, he recites haw thase al Wt. Bmtts `ilge` ta thesaul` ao `runs, ml the waa`s, ioter the recmfmaus servmges al Wul`iys il` ghurgh hacm`iys.Ghirces e Tagheoart wis leverthecess very suspmgmaus ao thase ilges, thaufh they seene`ta omt mlta i Ghrmstmil galtext, il` he wrate ml 9?58 thit the iutharmtmes hi` elaufh nms-

fmvmlfs idaut then ta dil themr tibmlf pcige it lmfht il` requmre thit the scives wha ml-tel`e` ta tibe pirt ml then shauc` wirl themr nisters deoarehil` (@u ertre 9?50;06?2Tagheoart 9?58;744-747). hey ml`ee` gauc` is wecc de refir`e` is Iormgil rmtuics il`gerenalmes esgipmlf ily bml` ao galtrac.

he nmssmalirmes” recitmals hir`cy neltmal ily tri`mtmals adserve` ar rmtuics peroarne`dy dcigb peapce, nast cmbecy degiuse adservers sec`an ittel`e` ar ul`erstaa` then, issane nust hive tibel pcige ml`ee`. Ml the eircy emfhteelth geltury, @anmlmgil Keil-Diptmste Cidit reparte` haw i dcigb scive isbe` hmn ta returl hmn i snicc dif he hi` tibeloran hmn `urmlf hms ghrmstelmlf is he thaufht mt wis el`awe` wmth `mvmlitary pawers. Heicsa recite` haw ilather mlgelse` il m`ac it i smgb oeccaw gaultrynil”s de`sm`e ml ar`er ta

blaw whether he wis famlf ta regaver ar lat (Cidit 9==7;997, 996).


Oran the very autset ao the gacalmzitmal ao the Cesser Iltmcces dy the Orelgh, the Gipughmlil` @anmlmgil nmssmalirmes, latmgmlf the cirfe lunder ao dcigb scives draufht there oran

 Iormgi, oect galgerle` idaut themr recmfmaus supervmsmal. hey latidcy `ecmvere` then thesigrinelt ao diptmsn. he scives saal seene` ta hive degane the ormirs” niml iu`melge,tafether wmth the settcers, thaufh they bept issertmlf ml themr lirritmves il` cetters thitthemr nikar galgerl wis the galversmal ao the Ml`mils. hms `mstartmal detweel reicmty il`

mlteltmal ms gertimlcy whit his ce` hmstarmils ta frilt nare smflmomgilge ta themr warb wmththe litmves il` piy cmttce itteltmal ta themr ittmtu`e tawir`s the scives it thit tmne. Ulcessthe nmssmalirmes hi` oaul` thit ispegt ao themr nmssmal ulwarthy, ar it ceist cess warthy aothen. haufh nily dcigb scives were diptmze` il` evilfecmze`, i `efree ao gmrgunspeg-tmal nust de adserve` wmth refir` ta the reicmty ao themr galversmal. hemr ul`erstil`mlfao the Ghrmstmil `agtrmle wis dismg il` themr mlstrugtmal wis hinpere` dy the nikar mssue

= Pe 9?85 Ga`e lamr  ni`e dcigb peapce”s galversmal ganpucsary; –icc the scives preselt ml aur mscil`s wmcc deghrmstele` il` mlstrugte` ml the githacmg, ipastacmg il` Tanil recmfmal„ Rarmfmlic; taus ces esgcives qum seralt

`ils las ìces seralt diptmsís et mlstrumts `ils ci recmfmal githacmque, ipastacmque et ranimle^ (Wicis-Nacmls 9=86;=0).

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ao cilfuife. Mt wis dut ml the cite sevelteelth geltury thit the galverte` scives were ta denare eoomgmeltcy tibel ml ghirfe. Dut the evilfecmzitmal ao the 9?7:s il` 9?0:s wis lale-thecess i nikar stife ml thit pragess. 


 Ilalyne `e Wimlt-Ghrmstaphe

9=74 Ci pcus ilgmelle recitmal `e vayife iux Gacalmes orilæimses `es Iltmcces. Fíafriphme,terre, imr, ner , vac. 58.

Dretal, T.

9=68i Tecitmal orilæimse. Ml Tecitmals `e c”ìce `e ci Fui`ecaupe . Wagmítí `”hmstamre `e ciFui`ecaupe, Disse-erre.

9=68d Tecitma. Ml Tecitmals e c”ìce e ci Fui`ecaupe . Wagmítí `”hmstamre `e ci Fui`ecaupe,

Disse-erre.Dautal, Z.

9?0: Tecitmal `e c”ítidcmssenelt `es Orilæims `epums c”il 9?75 el c”msce `e ci Nirtmlmque.@es naeurs `es siuvifes, `e ci smtuitmal et `es iutres smlfucirmtez `e c”ìce . WídistmelGrinamsy, Zirms.

Ghitmccal, N.

9=80 C”ívilfícmsitmal `es esgcives iu X_MMe smègce. Cettres `u TZ Keil Nalfml. Duccetml`e ci sagmítí `”hmstamre `e ci Fui`ecaupe ; ?9-?4.

Ghevmccir`, I.

9=67 Ces `essemls `e Wal Ínmlelge `e Tmghecmeu paur c”Inírmque . Wagmítí `”Hmstamre `e ciFui`ecaupe, Disse-erre.

@e Zravmls, Z. ta D. Wpi`i 

9?0? Z. `e Zravmls ta D. Wpi`i . Irghmvma `ecci Zrapifil`i `i Om`e (IZO, Tane), WAGF,900, 45 kiluiry 9?0?, o. 987.

@u Zums, N.

9?54 Tecitmal `e c”estidcmssenelt `”ule gacalme orilæimse `ils ci Fui`ecaupe, ìce `ec‘Inírmque, et `es naeurs `es siuvifes . Nirml ]val, Giel.

@u ertre, K.-D.

9?50 Hmstamre fílírice `es msces `e Wimlt-Ghrmstaphe, `e ci Fui`ecaupe, `e ci Nirtmlmque etiutres `ils c”Inírmque . Kigques et Enniluec Cilfcams, Zirms.

Cidit, K.-D.

9==7 _ayifes iux ìces . Zhedus, Zirms.

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Wimlt Nmghec, N. `e

9?54 _ayifes `es msces ginergiles el c”Inírmque qum oalt pirtme `es Ml`es Aggm`eltices . H.Acmvmer, Ce Nils.

Zigmomque `e Zravmls

9=7= Ce vayife `e Zerse; Drève recitmal `u vayife iux ìces `e c”Inírmque.  Gacefma W.Carelza `i Drml`msm `em or. nmlarm gippuggmlm, Issmsm.

Zícmgil, Z. ê K.-D. Girrí

9?75 Gapme `”ule cettre `u Z. Zícmgil ê K.-D. Girrí.   Dmdcmathèque litmalice `e Orilge(DLO, Zirms) Ns Or 950??, Fui`ecaupe, 48 Iufust 9?75.

Zecceprit, Z.

9?55 Tecitmal `es nmssmals `es r.p. @e ci Ganpiflme `e Kísus `ils ces msces et `ils ci Perre

Oerne `e c”Inírmque Nírm`malice . Wídistmel et Fidrmec Grinamsy, Zirms.Zecceprit, Z. ta F. Lmgbec

9?55 Z. Zecceprit ta F. Lmgbec . Irghmvun ranilun sagmetitms Mesu (ITWM, Tane), Ficcmi,9:?, aucause, 9st lavender 9?55, os 4=0r-4=?v.

Tagheoart, G. `e

9?58 Hmstamre liturecce et narice `es ìces Iltmcces `e c”Inírmque . Irlauc` Ceers,Tatter`in.

Wicis-Nacmls, C.

9=86 Ce ga`e lamr au ce gicvimre `e Giliil. ZUO, Zirms.ZUO, Zirms.

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7=7G D


 I vmew ao recitmve sei cevec ghilfe oran the witer”s e`fe

 Kifa Gaaper il` Tmghir` Daathray` 

Ml thms piper we expcare the liture il` extelt ao recitmve sei cevec ghilfe ml the pre-Gacundmil Girmddeil. Ganpiritmve perspegtmves oran `mooerelt spitmic il` tenparicsgices wmcc pravm`e il avervmew ao haw pre-Gacundmil papucitmals wauc` hive oige` ri`m-giccy ghilfmlf cil`sgipes il` cagic elvmralnelts ml the mooerelt mscil`s ao the Girmddeil.

Usmlf i FMW pcitoarn ta gandmle refmalic, litmalic il` cagic `itisets2 dithynetrmg il``mfmtic ecevitmal na`ecs ire garrecite` wmth recitmve sei cevec `iti oran the pist 8::: yeirsta pravm`e na`ecs ao ghilfmlf mscil`sgipes thraufh tmne. Irghieacafmgic smte cagitmals irethel re-exinmle` ml cmfht ao icterlitmve perspegtmves ao themr galtenparileaus mscil`sgipegaltext. he recitmve vicm`mty ao aur irghieacafmgic `itisets wmcc icsa de galsm`ere` ml cmfhtao the `mooereltmic mlul`itmal ao pre-Gacundmil gaistic ireis. Drai`er pamlts ao mlterestrimse` thraufh the ilicysms ao gairse-frimle` refmalic `iti ire thel exinmle` ml nare `e-timc thraufh the exinmlitmal ao omle-frimle` cagic piceaelvmralneltic il` irghieacafmgicevm`elge tibel oran gise stu`y ireis. hms piper wmcc pravm`e sane mlterestmlf perspegtmvesal the wiy ml whmgh mscil`s, is wecc is pist hunil gannulmtmes, ghilfe thraufhaut themr

cmoetmnes. Il elhilge` pmgture ao these Girmddeil mscil`sgipes ms elidce` thraufh il mn-prave` ul`erstil`mlf ao the pulgtuite` equmcmdrmun it whmgh ghilfe aggurs. Mt ms hape`thit thms warb wmcc hecp ta pravm`e il mnprave` gilvis upal whmgh ta pimlt the evecapmlfpmgture ao pre-Gacundmil cmoewiys ml the Girmddeil.

El este pipec expcarinas ec girégter y icgilge e cas gindmas el ec lmvec recitmva ec nir elec Girmde pregacandmla. Ci ganpirigm÷l `ec ilécmsms `e `moereltes esgicis espigmices y ten-parices sunmlmstriré uli vmsm÷l feleric `e g÷na cis padcigmales pregacandmlis ioraltiralgindmas `rinétmgas el cas eltarlas ne`maindmeltices cagices `e virmis mscis girmdeùis.Na`ecas `e ecevigm÷l `mfmtic y ditmnítrmgas sal garrecigmali`as gal mloarnigm÷l sadre

lmvec recitmva `ec nir `urilte cas ûctmnas 8::: iùas i trivís `e uli pcitioarni WMF quegandmli `itas cagices, refmalices y ligmalices gal ec oml `e greir regalstruggmales `e casgindmas el ec pimsike e ci refm÷l. Este irtîguca praveeré luevis perspegtmvis sadre ci oarniel que cis mscis, isî gana cis ganulm`i`es hunilis pregacandmlis, gindmiral `uriltesu exmstelgmi. Uli mnifel nekari`i `ec pimsike mlsucir girmdeùa es prapargmali`i i trivís`e ul eltel`mnmelta nés praoul`a `ec equmcmdrma pultui`a que pra`uk÷ cas gindmas.Esperinas que este tridika iyu`e i galstrumr ul relavi`a cmelza sadre ec guic pcisnir cisoarnis `e vm`i pregacandmlis el ec Girmde.

@ils get pipmer, laus expcarals ci liture et cӒtel`ue `e cӒvacutmal `u lmveiu `e ci ner

`ils ci Giriáde ê c”ípaque prígacandmelle. Ces perspegtmves ganpiritmves pravelilt `e`mooíreltes íghecces spitmices et tenparecces valt oaurlmr ule vue `”elsendce `e ci nilmère

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`alt ces papucitmals prígacandmelles alt pu oimre oige ê `es ghilfenelts ri`mgiux `epiysife et `”elvmrallenelt cagiux `ils ces `mooíreltes ìces `e ci Giriáde. Fräge ê ule pci-teoarne FMW paur gandmler ces sírmes `e dise `e `allíes rífmalices, litmalices et cagices,ces na`èces `”ícívitmal dithynítrmques et `e recmeo salt garrícís iux `allíes `u lmveiu`e ci ner recitmves iux 8::: `erlmères illíes, ioml `e regalstrumre c”ívacutmal tenparecce

`es piysifes. Get irtmgce ipparteri quecques perspegtmves mltíressiltes sur ci oiæal `alt cesmces, `e nëne que ces gannuliutís hunimles `u pissí, peuvelt ívacuer iu gaurs `e ceurvme. Ule mnife pcus lette `e ges piysifes mlsucimres girmdíels est rel`u passmdce pir ulenemcceure ganpríhelsmal `e c”íqumcmdre palgtuí iuquec irrmve ce ghilfenelt. Laus espí-rals que ge trivimc im`eri ê oaurlmr ule tamce `e quicmtí pcus rioomlíe sur ciquecce peml`re ultidceiu `e c”ívacutmal `es na`es `e vme `es papucitmals prígacandmelles `ils ci Giriáde.


he mscil`s ao the Girmddeil ire lat stitmg cil`oarns orazel ml tmne, hawever, thms ms aotelhaw they ire partriye` dy the use ao na`erl nips ta mccustrite prehmstarmg evelts sugh ismscil` gacalmzitmal ar the `mstrmdutmal ao pre-Gacundmil smtes. Tither the mscil`s ta`iyrepreselt i na`erl `iy slipshat ao il epmg struffce detweel cil` il` witer thit his seelthe mscil`s fraw il` shrmlb aver tmne wmth eltmre mscil`s ippeirmlf il` `msippeirmlf it`mooerelt pamlts ml the refmal”s pist. hms ylinmg pragess lee`s ta de galsm`ere` wmth gireis mt oul`inelticcy ghilfes haw the feafriphmgic galtext ao the Girmddeil ms pergemve`.he tern cmvmlf mscil`s his deel use` ml the tmtce ao thms ghipter ta hmfhcmfht the ghilfmlfdmafriphy ao eigh mscil` ml the Girmddeil. Ml thms ghipter we `evecap i pmgture ao cmvmlfmscil`s thit hive deel trilsoarne` thraufhaut the Hacagele rmfht up ta the na`erl `iy.hms pmgture galtri`mgts the eep tmne perspegtmves ao feacafmgic tmne wmth whmgh ghilfmlfcil`oarns ire aotel issagmite`. Oran il irghieacafmgic perspegtmve thms ms gceircy mnpar-tilt, is the mscil`s thit freete` the omrst mscil` gacalmzers wauc` hive deel `mstmlgtcy `mo-oerelt oran the mscil`s we see ta`iy. hereoare ul`erstil`mlf the pragesses dehml` thesecmvmlf mscil`s il` haw recitmve sei cevec ghilfe iooegte` pre-Gacundmil papucitmals ms ilmnpartilt tapmg ta expcare ml nare etimc. Oartulitecy the regelt mlgreise ml piceaelvmral-neltic `iti ml the Girmddeil gandmle` wmth `evecapnelts ml fcadic `mfmtic nippmlf sys-tens gil oigmcmtite il mnprave` ul`erstil`mlf ao recitmve sei cevec ghilfe. hms mnprave`ul`erstil`mlf gil icsa oigmcmtite i wm`er `msgussmal ao the mnpigts these ghilfes niy hivehi` al pre-Gacundmil gaistic gannulmtmes cmvmlf ml the Girmddeil .  Ilather mnpartiltgalsm`eritmal thit wmcc de `msgusse` ml thms ghipter ms the extelt ta whmgh recitmve sei cevec

ghilfe his iooegte` the sinpce ao regavere` pre-Gacundmil irghieacafy ml the Girmddeil.Ms mt passmdce thit recitmve sei cevec rmse his dmise` aur ul`erstil`mlf ao smte `mstrmdutmalpitterls il` pre-Gacundmil igtmvmtmes ml the Girmddeil1

hms piper wmcc utmcmze refmalic dithynetrmg `itisets il` refmalic recitmve sei cevecgurves ta pravm`e il mnprave` ul`erstil`mlf ao haw the mscil`s ao the Girmddeil hiveghilfe` thraufhaut the Hacagele. Yuestmals ao mscil` spegmomg pitterls ao mlul`itmalswmcc de expcare` ml Gudi, where the mnpigts ao recitmve sei cevec ghilfe gil de smtuite`wmthml i drai` tenparic orinewarb ta exinmle haw the Gudil mscil` irghmpecifa histrilsoarne` aver tmne. hms mnprave` mscil` dmafriphy oar Gudi gil thel de use` ta `ms-guss pre-Gacundmil smte `mstrmdutmal pitterls ta evicuite whether recitmve sei cevec ghilfe

his iooegte` the litmalic sinpce ao irghieacafmgic `iti il` thus mlocuelge` pist mlterpre-titmals ao pre-Gacundmil igtmvmty. I cagic gise stu`y wmcc thel de expcare` usmlf hmfher

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7=5G D

resacutmal dithynetrmg il` recitmve sei cevec `iti, gandmle` wmth regeltcy igqumre` cagicpiceaelvmralneltic il` smte spegmomg irghieacafmgic `iti, ta regalstrugt il mnprave` pmg-ture ao the mnpigts ao recitmve sei cevec ghilfe il` the eooegts thms wauc` hive hi` al cagicpre-Gacundmil papucitmals.

Hy`rasphermg galtext ao the Girmddeilhe Girmddeil Wei ms lat il msacite` da`y ao witer al the e`fe ao the Larth Itciltmg dutms ml oigt ale ao the `rmvmlf oarges dehml` the thernahicmle systens ao the Itciltmg Ageilthit `rmve ageil gurrelts il` mlocuelge fcadic gcmnite systens. he wirn shiccaw witersao the Girmddeil Wei ire the saurge ao stralf ageil gurrelts thit hecps `rmve the gmrgu-citmal ao the Larth Itciltmg. hms henmsphermg gallegtmal ao the Girmddeil Wei ta theLarth Itciltmg ms mnpartilt is gcmnitmg il` hy`rasphermg ghilfes ml the Larth Itciltmggil hive praoaul` mnpigts al the Girmddeil. here his deel extelsmve reseirgh mlta thepicea`ylinmgs ao the Larth Itciltmg hy`rasphere, mlspmre` dy the mnpartilge ao thms re-fmal ml galtraccmlf the gcmnite ao the wm`er refmal. hms `iti his mnpartilt galsequelgesoar the Girmddeil is mt gil oigmcmtite i nugh nare `etimce` ul`erstil`mlf ao the wm`erpiceagcmnitmg galtext oar the Girmddeil Wei il` hmfhcmfht the idrupt mnpigts ao henm-sphermg evelts al the Girmddeil (Dmff et ic. 4::72 Il`rews 9==8). hms ghipter ms oaguse`al recitmve sei cevec ghilfe il` ml thms refir` the `etimce` regalstrugtmals ao the mnpigtsao gryasphermg mlstidmcmty al eustitmg sei cevec ghilfe ml the Larth Itciltmg his praoaul`galsequelges oar the Girmddeil.

 I faa` exinpce ta mccustrite the mnpartilge ao thms hy`rasphermg galtext ms the Cibe Ifissmz autdurst gi. 84:: DZ. hms piceacibe, gavermlf sane 0::,::: squire bmcanetres aolartherl Gili`i, wis oarne` dy the nectmlf Irgtmg mge sheets `urmlf the eircy Hacagele(Gcirbe et ic . 4::7). Hawever, shartcy ioter the Hacagele gcmnitmg aptmnun il mge `inthit galtimle` thms cibe al the Larth Inermgil galtmlelt wis dreighe` greitmlf il aut-durst ao trmccmals ao cmtres ao gac` witer mlta the Larth Itciltmg (Cikeulesse il` Wt-Alfe4::8;985). Tegalstrugtmals ao thms mnpigt ml Eurape hive shawl haw thms autdurst hecpe`ta sever the Ulmte` Bmlf`an oran nimlcil` Eurape il` pernileltcy ocaa` cirfe ireis aocil` thraufhaut Vesterl Eurape. Ml the Girmddeil we gil defml ta na`ec smnmcir mnpigtsis sei cevecs rase dy aver ale netre ml is cmttce is i yeir ar twa oran the mlmtmic autdurst. he`ite ao thms autdurst ms aotel galsm`ere` ta pre-`ite hunil aggupitmal ao the Girmddeil.Hawever, mt ms mlterestmlf ta galsm`er haw sugh il idrupt il` hmfh mnpigt evelt niyhive mnpigte` upal the Girmddeil mscil`sgipe. Wugh il evelt icsa hmfhcmfhts the lee` oar

mnprave` `itisets ta na`ec these mnpigts is spegucitmal ao the pateltmic cass ao evm`elgeao pre-Gacundmil aggupitmal ao the Girmddeil thms evelt niy hive giuse`, ar haw thmsautdurst wauc` hive ri`mgiccy ghilfe` ageil gurrelts ml the refmal il` thus iooegte` thepateltmic oar mscil` gacalmzitmal ire mlterestmlf dut requmre nugh nare radust orinewarbsoar themr `msgussmal. Hawever, is neltmale` idave thms gise stu`y hmfhcmfhts haw mnpar-tilt mt ms ta smtuite the stu`y ao recitmve sei cevec ghilfe ml the Girmddeil wmthml the wm`erhy`rasphermg galtext ao the Larth Itciltmg. Mt icsa shaws thit recitmve sei cevec ghilfes mlthe Girmddeil gil de rinitmg il` idrupt, thereoare i etimce` pmgture ao the mnpigts sughghilfes nmfht hive hi` lee` ta de expcare` ml nare `etimc.

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Girmddeil recitmve sei cevec rmse

he Girmddeil his seel sane nikar ghilfes ml recitmve sei cevecs thraufhaut the Hacagele.he giuse ao thms recitmve sei cevec ghilfe wis `mregt eustitmg sei cevec rmses ml the eircy tanm` Hacagele il` ml`mregt msastitmg recitmve sei cevec rmses ml the nm` ta cite Hacagele.Tefmalic iverifes suffest i recitmve sei cevec rmse ao aver 7: netres `urmlf the pist 94,:::

yeirs. Zre-Gacundmil gacalmzitmal ao the Girmddeil his lat deel gceircy `eomle` tenpa-riccy ar spitmiccy dut mo i `ite ao gi. ?::: DZ, ml cmeu ao pateltmiccy eircmer `ites oran alfa-mlf reseirgh, ms fmvel oar mscil` gacalmzitmal thel there his deel aver omve netres ao sei cevecrmse `urmlf the estidcmshe` pre-Gacundmil aggupitmal ao the mscil`s (Vmcsal 9===2 idmail` Tey 9=6=2 Bazcawsbm 9=60).

Wei cevec `iti ganes pre`anmliltcy oran piceagaistcmle regalstrugtmal usmlf pcilt(nilfrave) ar ilmnic (garic) praxy `iti gandmle` wmth feanarphacafmgic il` se`mnel-tiry ilicyses (Vaa`raooe il` Frml`ra` 9==9). here his deel nugh `edite surraul`mlf`mooerelt netha`s oar regalstrugtmlf pist sei cevecs il` thereoare these omfures hive ta deul`erstaa` wmthml the galtext ao nirfmls ao errar (Dcilghal 4::5). Ml i``mtmal refmalic

na`ecs gandmle il` iverife cagic `itisets adsgurmlf cagic virmitmal ml sei cevec `ylin-mgs (asgila il` Nigmltyre 4::7). Mt ms mnpartilt ta hmfhcmfht these cagic virmitmals istegtalmg navenelt, gaistic erasmal il` se`mneltitmal pragesses gil freitcy iooegt recitmvesei cevec ghilfe ml cagic ireis (Hel`ry 9==72 Tinghiril 4::02 Daurraumch-Ce Kil 4::6).Hawever, i refmalic pmgture ao calf-tern il` galstilt recitmve sei cevec rmses thraufhautthe pre-Gacundmil aggupitmal ao the Girmddeil pravm`es il mlterestmlf digb`rap ifimlstwhmgh ta re-galsm`er the wiy ml whmgh `mooerelt mscil`s niy hive deel iooegte` (NgBee etic . 4::62 Nmcle et ic. 4::02 arresgila il` Mscede 4::?2 Niuc 9==7). Ml ar`er ta ighmevethms mnprave` pmgture mt ms legessiry ta dumc` i orinewarb oar na`eccmlf the mnpigts aorecitmve sei cevec rmse al the `mooerelt mscil`s ao the Girmddeil.

@iti igqumsmtmal il` na`eccmlf netha`s

Ml ar`er ta na`ec recitmve sei cevec ghilfe ml the Girmddeil i FMW pcitoarn wis use` tagandmle dithynetrmg, terriml ecevitmal, na`erl sharecmle il` irghieacafmgic `iti. hecirfe feafriphmgic irei ao the Girmddeil requmres i ganpiritmvecy cirfe iti set oar nilmpu-citmal. he refmalic gandmle` dithynetrmg il` `mfmtic ecevitmal `iti use` gine oran theEAZA-9 `itiset oran the Ulmte` Wtites ao Inermgi Litmalic Ageilmg il` Itnasphermg

 I`nmlmstritmal”s Litmalic Feaphysmgic @iti Geltre (Inilte il` Eibmls 4::=). hms `itiset his i 9-irg nmlute resacutmal oar i frm`2 citmtu`e 77º dy 8º Larth il` calfmtu`e 9::º

dy 55º Vest. hms `iti, mlgcu`mlf 0,:50,4:9 ecevitmal il` dithynetrmg `iti pamlts, wismnparte` is dmliry pamlt `iti mlta IrgFMW il` mlterpacite` usmlf the hy`rafriphmg dise`tapafrm` extelsmal. Na`erl sharecmle `iti represeltmlf hmfh witer cmles were tibel oranthe Litmalic Feaspitmic-Mlteccmfelge Ifelgy fcadic sharecmle `itidise it i resacutmal ao9;65::: il` use` ta m`eltmoy na`erl mscil` autcmles oar the Girmddeil Mscil`s il` lemfh-daurmlf galtmleltic nimlcil` (Litmalic Feaspitmic-Mlteccmfelge Ifelgy 4:9:).

he cagic gise stu`y irei dithynetrmg `iti were felerite` dy hil` `mfmtmzmlf i cagiclivmfitmal ghirt wmth dithynetrmg pamlt `iti it gi. 9:: n mltervics (Mlstmtuta Gudila `eHm`rafrioîi 9==?) (Omfure 9). hese `iti, mlgcu`mlf sane 8:: dithynetrmg `iti pamlts,were mnparte` mlta IrgFMW. Irghieacafmgic `iti mlgcu`mlf settcenelt cagitmals il` smte

gcissmomgitmals were tibel oran prevmaus reseirgh al litmalic smte `itidises girrme` aut dy

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7=6G D

Gaaper (Gaaper 4::6, 4:9:).  Icc ao these `itisets were regcissmome` il` reprakegte` ml VFW UN 96l usmlf spitmic reprakegtmal extelsmals ml IrgFMW ta oigmcmtite ganpiritmveilicysms.

Tecitmve sei cevec `iti were tibel oran i gandmle` refmalic `iti gurve dy Zeras i`ipte`il` up`ite` oran asgila il` Nigmltyre (Zeras 4::52 asgila il` Nigmltyre 4::7).Cagic recitmve sei cevec `iti were tibel oran piceaelvmralneltic regalstrugtmals girrme`aut dy Zeras dise` al trilsegts ao piceaelvmralneltic gares tibel thraufh the gise stu`yirei (Omfure 9) (Zeras et ic. 4::6). Na`ecs ao ghilfmlf sei cevecs were vmsuiccy represelte`thraufh shipeomce tidce regcissmomgitmal il` ghilfmlf `iti syndacafy omec`s.

 Is wmth icc na`ecs, themr vicm`mty ms alcy is faa` is the `iti resacutmal upal whmgh they

ire dise`. hereoare, mt ms mnpartilt ta late the `mooerelt resacutmal ao these `itisets il`the nirfmls ao errar mlherelt ml themr greitmal il` garrecitmal. Hawever, these `itisetsdraufht tafether ml IrgFMW gil iccaw i nugh-mnprave` pmgture ao the Girmddeil mscil`s isthey ghilfe` thraufh tmne il` icsa elidce the ilicysms ao recitmve sei cevec ghilfe mnpigtsupal al ml`mvm`uic mscil`s il` al smte-spegmomg pre-Gacundmil settcenelts.


 I refmalic pmgture ao ghilfmlf recitmve sei cevecs ml the Girmddeil shaws haw the mscil`sao the Girmddeil, is wecc is the pil-refmalic galtmleltic gaistcmles, hive ghilfe` `urmlfthe Hacagele (Omfure 4).

Omfure 9 Nip shawmlf cagitmal ao gise stu`y irei ml Gudi il` cagitmal ao irghieacafmgic smtes, piceael -

vmralneltic gares il` dithynetrmg `iti pamlts.

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Omfure 4 Nip ao the Girmddeil shawmlf the mnpigt ao ghilfmlf recitmve sei cevecs al the mscil`s ao the


Omfure 7 Nip shawmlf mnpigts ao recitmve sei cevec ghilfeal the mscil` ao Wt Nirtml ml the Cesser Iltmcces.

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7==G D

Zrevmauscy late` oeitures sugh is the ghiml ao mscil`s detweel Hal`uris il` Kinimgiire shawl, is ms the cirfe cil`niss ao the Dihinis il` extelsmal ao the Ocarm`i Beys. Nilyao the mscil`s hive deel freitcy re`uge` ml smze `urmlf the pre-Gacundmil aggupitmal aothe Girmddeil il` thms his mlterestmlf mnpcmgitmals oar mssues ao mlter-mscil` vmsmdmcmty il`the cass ao piceagaistic pre-Gacundmil gaistic smtes deleith the rmsmlf seis. Mt ms icsa ml-

terestmlf ta late thit mt ms lat alcy the cirfer, feacafmgiccy ac`er, Freiter Iltmcces thit ireiooegte` is exinpces ml the Cesser Iltmcces, sugh is Wt Nirtml, icsa fmve i gceir `enalstri-tmal ao the ghilfmlf liture ao mscil` oarnitmal `urmlf themr praspegtmve pre-Gacundmilaggupitmal.

Gudi is i cmvmlf mscil` ml the Girmddeil

hms irtmgce wmcc law oagus al Gudi ml ar`er ta i``ress bey mssues refir`mlf the tenparicmtyao cil` cass, cagic virmitmal ml mnpigts il` the mnpcmgitmals oar irghieacafmgic smte vmsmdmc-mty . Dy na`eccmlf i sermes ao slipshats ao sei cevecs ml Gudi it `mooerelt pamlts ml tmne mt mspassmdce ta dumc` up i pmgture ao the tenparicmty ao ghilfe ml the mscil` irghmpecifa. Omfure0 shaws the ghilfmlf pmgture ao Gudi smlge the blawl pre-Gacundmil aggupitmal ao themscil` (Fuirgh @ecnalte et ic. 9==52 Bazcawsbm 9=60).

Ale ao the nast mnpartilt adservitmals ta nibe oran thms sermes ao mnifes ms haw nughcil` his deel mlul`ite` aver the pist ?::: yeirs. Dy pergeltife terns 46.0% ao the mscil`his deel sudnerfe` ul`er witer `urmlf the pist ?::: yeirs. Ilather adservitmal ms thitthms cil` cass his lat deel ulmoarn iraul` the mscil` dut rither oaguse` ml `mooerelt ireiswmth sane gaistcmles retreitmlf dy aver ?: bmcanetres is piceagaistcmles ire dreighe` il`

Omfure 0 Nip shawmlf mnpigt ao recitmve sei cevec rmses al Gudi it spegmg it `merelt pamlts `urmlf the pre-Gacundmil aggupitmal ao the mscil`.

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mscil`s oarne` dy autcymlf upcil` ireis. Mt ms icsa mlterestmlf ta late thit the mnpigts aorecitmve sei cevec ghilfe ippeir ta hive hi` il mnpartilt mlocuelge thraufhaut the pre-Gacundmil aggupitmal wmth evm`elge ao gaistic ocaa`mlf up mlta the eircy omrst nmccellmun

 [email protected] adservitmals ao the mnpigts ao ghilfmlf sei cevecs al Gudi rimse the questmal ao

themr mnpigt al the irghieacafmgic regar`. Dy na`eccmlf these ghilfes ml sei cevecs wmthblawl pre-Gacundmil smte `mstrmdutmal pitterls thms tapmg gil de expcare` ml nare `e-timc. Usmlf blawl smte gcissmomgitmals, irghieacafmgic smtes gil de fmvel i recitmve tenparicgaltext wmth whmgh ta garrecite wmth the blawl tenparicmty ao recitmve sei cevec ghilfe.Hawever, oar the purpases ao thms ghipter we shicc kust shaw haw na`ecs thit use icc blawlirghieacafmgic smtes gil hmfhcmfht the mnpigts ao recitmve sei cevec rmses al smte `mstrmdutmal

Omfure 5 Nip shawmlf pateltmic mnpigts ao recitmve sei cevec rmse al smte pre-Gacundmil smte `mstrmdutmal pierls ml Gudi.

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pitterls. Omfure 5 shaws the `mstrmdutmal ao pre-Gacundmil irghieacafmgic smtes ml Gudiil` there ire sane latmgeidce ireis wmth i `mstmlgt piugmty ao smtes (Gaaper 4::6, 4:9:).

 Ireis al the sauth gaist ao the nimlcil` detweel the na`erl `iy tawls ao rmlm`i`il` Nilzilmcca il` the irei ao gaistcmle iraul` the Fuco ao Ditidila ta the larth ao theMsci e ci Kuveltu` cigb evm`elge ao pre-Gacundmil aggupitmal. here ire i lunder ao mo-

oerelt gise stu`y ireis, smnmcir ta these twa ireis, dut these secegte` ireis hmfhcmfht hawrecitmve sei cevec rmses hive ocaa`e` these ireis urmlf the pre-Gacundmil aggupitmal ao therefmal il` piceagaistcmles where there niy wecc de i lunder ao irghieacafmgic smtes lawul`erwiter. Dy galtrist ireis wmth hmfh `elsmtmes ao irghieacafmgic smtes sugh is the larthgaist ao Nitilzis, the sauth gaist ao the Zmlir ec Tma pelmlsuci ar the Wauth Gaist ao theNimlcil` detweel Gmelouefas il` rmlm`i` hive renimle` recitmvecy uliooegte` (Omfure5). hereoare thms rimses the passmdmcmty thit the mnpigt ao recitmve sei cevec ghilfe al thevmsmdmcmty ao pre-Gacundmil irghieacafy ml Gudi his deel praoaul` il` shauc` de tibelmlta iggault whel mlterpretitmals ao smte mstrmdutmal, mscil` gacalmzitmal, papucitmal el-smty il` ghilfmlf resaurge il` sudsmstelge stritefmes ire galsm`ere`.

hese na`ecs icsa rimse the questmal ao haw recitmve sei cevec ghilfe wis expermelge`dy pre-Gacundmil papucitmals. Vere these gaistic mlul`itmals calf-tern mnpergeptmdcermses ar shart-tern idrupt ocaa`mlf evelts thit wauc` hive hi` nikar mnpigts oar pre-Gacundmil gaistic gannulmtmes1 a i``ress these questmals i sniccer sgice ao ilicysms msrequmre` where dithynetrmg, piceaelvmralneltic il` irghieacafmgic `iti it hmfher resacu-tmals gil de garrecite` il` mlterprete`.

Gise stu`y irei 

 Is `msgusse` idave, the mlter`msgmpcmliry omec`warb girrme` aut ml the gise stu`y irei dyGaaper il` Zeras aver i lunder ao yeirs his elidce` hmfh-resacutmal piceaelvmralnel-tic il` irghieacafmgic `iti ta de gaccegte`. Nare `etimcs ao thms reseirgh gil de oaul`ecsewhere (Gaaper 4::82 Gaaper il` Zeras 4:9:2 Zeras et ic.  4::?2 _icgérgec Takis etic. 4::?). hese `iti pravm`e i `etimce` pmgture ao ghilfmlf cagic sei cevecs il` ghilfmlfpre-Gacundmil settcenelt pitterls il` oaa` pragurenelt stritefmes. he galstrugtmal ao`etimce` dithynetrmg il` `mfmtic ecevitmal na`ecs iccaw `mooerelt sgelirmas ao recitmve seicevec ghilfe ta de exinmle`. hese na`ecs hmfhcmfht the oigt thit the gaistic cil`sgipe ms iganpcex pmgture ao tapafriphmg, egacafmgic il` irghieacafmgic `iti . Ml the gise stu`y irei,mt ippeirs thit there wis i piceagaistcmle thit ril icalf the lartherl e`fe ao the Kir`mles`ec Tey irghmpecifa gcase ta the na`erl `iy reeo where the Gudil galtmleltic sheco `raps

aoo mlta the Dihini Ghillec. he m`eltmomgitmal ao i lunder ao irghieacafmgic smtes oran`mooerelt tmne perma`s al aooshare mscil`s icalf thms piceagaistcmle shaws haw thms reeoresaurge his pciye` i race ml the resaurge il` sudsmstelge stritefmes ao pre-Gacundmilpapucitmals cmvmlf ml the irei oar thausil`s ao yeirs. Hawever, na`ecs ao the eooegts aorecitmve sei cevec ghilfe ml the irei shaw thit thms gise stu`y irei his deel oir oran stidce.he tapafriphy ao the gise stu`y irei ms mltrmfumlf is the rimse` piceagaistcmle iraul` the

 Kir`mles `ec Tey irghmpecifa ippeirs ta hive igte` is i dirrmer prategtmlf cawer tapafriphmgireis dehml`. hereoare is recitmve sei cevecs rase `urmlf the pre-Gacundmil aggupitmal aothe refmal mt ippeirs thit thms piceagaistcmle wis dreighe` il` i cirfe-sgice ocaa`mlf eveltar i sermes ao ocaa`mlf evelts aggurre`. he mnpigt ao these ocaa`mlf evelts wauc` hive

deel praoaul` is cirfe ireis aver 4: squire bmcanetres wauc` hive deel ocaa`e` ml idruptevelts ri`mgiccy ghilfmlf the gaistcmle il` trilsoarnmlf the cagic egacafy. he mnpigts ao

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these ocaa`mlf evelts is i resuct ao recitmve sei cevec rmses wauc` hive deel praoaul` oar thepre-Gacundmil papucitmals cmvmlf ml the refmal. It thms stife the tenparic resacutmal oarpravmlf giuse il` eooegt detweel ocaa`mlf evelts il` ghilfes ml pre-Gacundmil cmoewiysms lat suoomgmelt ta `riw radust garrecitmals. Hawever, mt ms mnpartilt ml mtseco ta galsm`erhaw these na`ecs suffest thit calf-tern recitmve sei cevec ghilfe wauc` hive greite` very

shart-tern mnpigts oar pre-Gacundmil papucitmals cmvmlf ml the irei.


Ml thms piper, we hive autcmle` i orinewarb oar na`eccmlf recitmve sei cevec ghilfe ml theGirmddeil. Dy gandmlmlf regeltcy `evecape` refmalic dithynetrmg il` sharecmle `itisetswmth refmalic recitmve sei cevec gurves il` suppceneltmlf thms refmalic pmgture wmth cagiccyigqumre` dithynetrmg, piceaelvmralneltic il` irghieacafmgic `iti mt his deel passmdceta expcare the mnpigts ao recitmve sei cevec ghilfe al the mscil`s ao the Girmddeil il` althe pre-Gacundmil papucitmals thit cmve` upal then. Mt ms mnpartilt ta hmfhcmfht hawthe Girmddeil ms `mregtcy gallegte` wmth the wm`er hy`rafriphmg il` gcmnite systens aothe Larth Itciltmg. Mt ms gceir thit recitmve sei cevec ghilfe ml the pist it i henmsphermg,refmalic il` cagic sgice his lat deel galstilt il` ulmoarn dut rither `ylinmg il` cagiccygaltmlfelt. hereoare the m`ei ao i pulgtuite` equmcmdrmun ms perhips useouc ml whmgh therecitmalshmp detweel cil` il` witer ml the Girmddeil shauc` lat de seel is ml stisms dutrither ml ocux wmth pulgtuite` evelts ri`mgiccy ghilfmlf the liture il` extelt ao cil`oarnsml the refmal.

Mt seens cmbecy thit the mnpigts ao recitmve sei cevec ghilfe il` virmitmal ml ageil gur-relts wauc` hive hi` mnpartilt mnpcmgitmals oar dath the gacalmzitmal ao the Girmddeildy pre-Gacundmil papucitmals il` the galsequelt vmsmdmcmty ao these evelts ml the ir-ghieacafmgic regar`. @urmlf the blawl aggupitmal ao the Girmddeil mt ms gceir thit re-fmalic recitmve sei cevec rmse ao nare thil 5 netres wauc` hive hi` i praoaul` eooegt althe mscil`s il` themr surraul`mlf witersgipes. I ganpiritmve exinpce ao recitmve sei cevecghilfe ml Gudi il` pre-Gacundmil smte `mstrmdutmals hmfhcmfhts the cagiccy galtmlfeltil` `rinitmg liture ao the mnpigts ao these recitmve sei cevec ghilfes. he cagic gise stu`yirei oran lartherl Gudi his hmfhcmfhte` haw the mnpigts ao recitmve sei cevec rmse gil denilmoeste` ml idrupt il` hmfh mnpigt gaistic ocaa`mlf evelts thit wauc` hive sudnerfe`piceagaistcmles il` ri`mgiccy ictere` gaistic egacafy. hese mnpigts wauc` mlevmtidcy hivemlocuelge` pre-Gacundmil settcenelt cagitmals il` oaa` pragurenelt stritefmes il` mt msalcy thraufh mlgreismlf the tenparic resacutmal ao irghieacafmgic il` piceaelvmralneltic

`iti it cagic sgices thit these tapmgic mssues gil de ourther expcare`. Mt ms gceir thit whmcethe na`ecs use` ml thms `msgussmal `a lat galtiml peroegt `itisets they ire oir nare ip-praprmite thil usmlf i stitmg na`erl `iy pmgture ao the Girmddeil Mscil`s. hereoare, thmspiper hmfhcmfhts the `ylinmg liture ao the cmvmlf mscil`s ao the Girmddeil il` irfues thitreseirghers mltereste` ml the pre-Gacundmil perma` ao the refmal niy de detter serve` dygalsm`ermlf tenpariccy il` spitmiccy galtextuic mscil`sgipes whel girrymlf aut irghiea-cafmgic reseirgh ml the refmal.

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 Inilte, G., il` D.V. Eibmls

4::= EAZA9 9 Irg-Nmlute Fcadic Tecmeo Na`ec; Zrage`ures, @iti Waurges il` Ilicysms. LAII Peghlmgic Nenaril`un LEW@MW LF@G-40 , 9=pp.

 Il`rews, K..

9==8 Idrupt ghilfes (Hemlrmgh evelts) ml cite Yuiterliry Larth Itciltmg nirmle el-vmralnelts; i hmstary il` revmew ao `iti il` galgepts.  Kaurlic ao Yuiterliry Wgmelge  97;7-9?.

Dmff, F.T., .@. Kmgbeccs, Z.W. Cmss, il` .K. Asdarl

4::7 he Tace ao the Ageils ml Gcmnite. Mlterlitmalic Kaurlic ao Gcmnitacafy  47;9946-995=.

Dcilghal, Z.4::5 Gannelts al ‘‘Garregte` westerl Itciltmg sei-cevec gurve oar the cist 99,:::yeirs dise` al gicmdrite` 90G `ites oran Igrapari picniti orinewarb il` mltertm`icnilfrave peit”” dy asgila il` Nigmltyre RGaric Teeos (4::7) 44;456‗46:^. GaricTeeos  40;987-98?.

Daurraumch-Ce Kil, O.

4::6 _ery hmfh elerfy se`mneltitmal (supritm`ic hurrmgile `epasmts) il` Nm`-Hacagelehmfhstil` al girdalite pcitoarns, Il`ras, Dihinis; Il icterlitmve vmew. We`mneltiryFeacafy  9==;4=-0=.

Gcirbe, F., @. Cevermlftal, K. eccer, il` I. @ybe

4::7 Wupercibes, Nefiocaa`s, il` Idrupt Gcmnite Ghilfe. Wgmelge  7:9;=44-=47.

Gaaper, K.

4::6 Tefmstra Ligmalic `e Irqueacafmi Idarîfel `e Gudi; uli `msgusm÷l `e neta`asy prégtmgis. Ec Girmde Irqueac÷fmga 9:;974-95:.

4::8 Greitmlf Gallegtmals detweel Girmddeil Mscil`s; il irghieacafmgic perspegtmveoran lartherl Gudi. Ml Ganpiritmve Mscil` Irghieacafmes, e`mte` dy K. Galaccy il` N.

Ginpdecc, pp. 96=-9=:. DIT Mlterlitmalic Wermes 984=. Irghieapress, Axoar`.

4:9: Zre-Gacundmil Irghieacafy ao Gudi; i stu`y ao litmalic smte `mstrmdutmal pit-terls il` ri`magirdal ghralacafmes. Ml Mscil` Whares, @mstilt Zists; Irghieacafmgic il`Dmacafmgic Ippraighes ta the Zre-Gacundmil Wettcenelt ao the Girmddeil, e`mte` dy W.N.Omtzpitrmgb il` I.H. Tass, pp. 89-9:6. Ulmversmty Zress ao Ocarm`i, Fimlesvmcce.

Gaaper, K., il` N.G. Zeras

4:9: he Irghieacafy ao Gcmnite Ghilfe ml the Girmddeil. Kaurlic ao IrghieacafmgicWgmelge  76;944?-9474.

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Fuirgh @ecnalte, K. N., E.E. Tey Detilgaurt, il` K. Oedces @uelis

9==5 Hmstarîi Idarîfel `e Gudi . G@ TAN. iîla; Irqueacafmi `e Gudi. Geltra `e Iltrapacafîi y GE@MWIG, Gacmni.

Hel`ry, N.

9==7 Wei-Cevec Navenelt il` Wharecmle Ghilfe. Ml Gcmnitmg Ghilfe ml the Mltri- Inermgis Wei, e`mte` dy F.I. Niuc, pp. 995-9?9. Ha``er il` Wtaufhtal, Cal`al.

Mlstmtuta Gudila e Hm`rafriomi 

9==? Nipi `e Dihîi e Dueli  _msti; 99048. Mlstmtuta Gudila e Fea`esmi y Girtafriomi,Hivili.

Bazcawsbm, K.B.

9=60 Zregerinmg Guctures ml the Girmddeil. Zrige Irgheacafmgzle, Bribaw.

Cikeulesse, Z., il` F. Wt-Alfe

4::8 he sudfcigmic armfml ao the Cibe Ifissmz-Akmdwiy omlic autdurst ocaa`. LitureFeasgmelge  9;980-986.

Niuc, F.I.

9==7 Mnpcmgitmals ao the Outure Gcmnite al the Egasystens il` Wagma-EgalanmgWtrugture ml the Nirmle il` Gaistic Tefmals ao the Mltri-Inermgis Wei. Ml GcmnitmgGhilfe ml the Mltri-Inermgis   Wei,  e`mte` dy F.I. Niuc. Ha``er il` Wtaufhtal,Cal`al.

NgBee, B.C., @.T. Gihaal, il` M.G. Oeccer

4::6 Girmddeil nilfraves i`kust ta rmsmlf sei cevec thraufh dmatmg galtracs al ghilfeml samc ecevitmal. Fcadic Egacafy il` Dmafeafriphy  9?;505-55?.

Nmcle, F.I., I.K. Calf, il` W.E. Dissett

4::0 Na`eccmlf Hacagele recitmve sei-cevec adservitmals oran the Girmddeil il` Wauth Inermgi. Yuiterliry Wgmelge Tevmews  40;9987-94:4.

Litmalic Feaspitmic-Mlteccmfelge Ifelgy

4:9: Fcadic Wharecmle @iti . http;//sharecmle.laii.fav/`iti/.

Zeras, N.G.

4::5 Nm``ce ta Cite Hacagele Elvmralnelt Ghilfe il` Irghieacaf y al the Larth Gaistao Geltric Gudi. Zh@ `mssertitmal, Ulmversmty ao aralta, aralta.

Zeras, N.G., E. Frihin, il` I.N. @ivms

4::? Wtritmfriphmg Mlvestmfitmals it Cas Dughmccales, i iîla Wmte al the LarthGaist ao Geltric Gudi; Evm`elge oran Feaghenmstry, Nmlericafy, Zicealtacafy, il`We`mneltacafy. Feairghieacafy  49;0:7-048.

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Zeras, N.G., E.F. Temlhir`t, il` I.N. @ivms

4::6 I ?::: gic yr regar` ao egacafmgic il` hy`racafmgic ghilfes oran Cifuli `e ciCeghe, larth gaistic Gudi. Yuirterliry Teseirgh ?6;?=-84.

Tinghiril, E.B.

4::0 Nm`-ta-cite Hacagele sei cevec mlocuelge al gaistic wetcil` `evecapnelt mlrmlm`i`. Yuiterliry Mlterlitmalic  94:;905-959.

idma, E., il` E. Tey 

9=6= Zrehmstarmi `e Gudi. E`mtarmic `e Gmelgmis Wagmices, Hivili.

arresgila, L., il` F.I. Mscede

4::? rapmgic oarest il` nilfrave hmstary oran sautheisterl Nexmga; i 5::: yr pac-cel regar` il` mnpcmgitmals oar sei cevec rmse. _efetitmal Hmstary il` Irghieadatily  

95;9=9-9=5.asgila, N.I., il` M.F. NigMltyre

4::7 Garregte` westerl Itciltmg sei-cevec gurve oar the cist 99,::: yeirs dise` algicmdrite` 90G `ites oran Igrapari picniti orinewarb il` mltertm`ic nilfrave peit.Garic Teeos  44;456-46:.

_icgérgec Takis, T., K. Gaaper, K. Gicveri Tases, A. Drmta, il` N. Cidri`i 

4::? Zastes el ec Nir; Exgivigm÷l `e uli estrugturi galstrugtmvi idarmfel el CasDughmccales. Ec Girmde Irqueac÷fmga =;6?-88.

 Vmcsal, W.N.

9=== Zre-gerinmg gallegtmals detweel the Girmddeil il` the ]ugitil pelmlsuci.Zragee`mlfs ao the 9?th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy , Fui`ecaupe,pp. 7=9-7==.

 Vaa`raooe, G.@., il` K. Frml`ra`

9==9 Nilfrave Dmafeafriphy; he Tace ao Yuiterliry Elvmralneltic il` Wei-CevecGhilfe. Kaurlic ao Dmafeafriphy  98;06=-0=4.

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Msidec G. Tmveri-Gacciza

Ml the Girmddeil there ms mlgreismlf evm`elge thit the nm`-Hacagele wis i tmne ao nirmtmnetrivec, pil-Girmddeil galtigt il` igtmve na`momgitmal ao mscil` elvmralnelts. Haweverthe ulgrmtmgic ippcmgitmal ao –hulter-fitherer„ is i piri`mfn his sa oir gcau`e` aur ul`er-

stil`mlf ao the perma`. Evel thaufh there ms i frawmlf trel` ta nave iwiy oran thms lar-nitmve galgept, we stmcc lee` ta fither nare evm`elge il` `evecap lew na`ecs ta reissessil` oarnucite icterlitmve mlterpretitmals ao the perma`. Irghieanicigacafmgic il` feair-ghieacafmgic ilicyses it the smte ao Ilfasturi `enalstrite thit nm`-Hacagele papucitmalshi` pre`mgtidce pitterls ao nadmcmty thit suppcme` ml`mvm`uic il` sagmic requmrenelts itnmgra il` nigra cevecs thit gil de expcimle` wmth i nuctmsgicir ippraigh. he stu`y icsa`enalstrites thit, wmthml ocexmdce systens, resaurge `epcetmal ms lat il ulivam`idce aut-gane ao se`eltmsn, degiuse `met drai`elmlf il` `mversmomgitmal gil de use` is il icterli-tmve ta averexpcamtitmal. hese resucts hmfhcmfht the ganpcexmty ao hunil `egmsmal nibmlfml i `eep-tmne perspegtmve il` remloarge the lee` ta regalgeptuicmze the perma`.

Wefûl cis nés regmeltes mlvestmfigmales irqueac÷fmgis, ec Hacagela ne`ma el ec Girmde oueul perîa`a e livefigm÷l nirîtmni, esirracca e cizas e mlteriggm÷l i lmvec pil-girmdeùay ci na`momgigm÷l igtmvi `e cas indmeltes msceùas. Wml endirfa ci ipcmgigm÷l piri`mfné-tmgi `ec galgepta –gizi`ar-regacegtar„ histi iharihi enpiùi`a luestri ganprelsm÷l `eci ípagi. I pesir `e cis regmeltes tel`elgmis i icekirse `e este galgepta larnicmzi`a, iûles legesirma reicmzir nés estu`mas y `esirraccir luevas na`ecas piri reevicuir ec perîa`ay oarnucir mlterpretigmales icterlitmvis. Estu`mas irqueanicigac÷fmgas y feairqueac÷fm-gas `ec smtma `e Ilfasturi (Dirgecaleti, Zuerta Tmga) `enuestril que cis padcigmales `ecHacagela Ne`ma telîil pitrales pre`egmdces `e navmcm`i` piri idisteger cis legesm`i`es

ml`mvm`uices y sagmices i lmvec nmgra y nigra, cis guices se pue`el expcmgir gal ul eloaque`e esgicis nûctpces. Ec estu`ma tindmíl enuestri que, `eltra e smstenis ocexmdces, ec ifa-tinmelta `e regursas la es ul resucti`a mlevmtidce `ec se`eltirmilmsna, yi que ci inpcmi-gm÷l y `mversmomgigm÷l `e ci `meti se pue`e utmcmzir gana icterlitmvi i ci sadreexpcatigm÷l.@es`e uli perspegtmvi `e praoul`m`i` tenparic, estas resucti`as resictil ci ganpcekm`i``ec pragesa `e tani `e `egmsmales hunilis y reouerzil ci legesm`i` `e regalgeptuicmzir ecperîa`a pre-Irihuiga.

@ils ci Giriáde, mc y i ule ívm`elge gramssilte que c”Hacagèle Nayel out ule ípaque `evayife nirmtmne, `e galtigt pil-giriáde et `e na`momgitmal igtmve `es elvmrallenelts ml-

sucimres. auteoams, c”ippcmgitmal lal-grmtmque `u ghisseur-guemcceur ganne ul piri`mfne

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i adsgurgm latre ganpríhelsmal `e ci pírma`e. Nëne s”mc y i ule tel`ilge fril`mssilte`e sartmr `e ge galgept oarnicmsí, laus ivals elgare desaml `e gaccegter pcus `e preuveset `e `ívecapper `e lauveiux na`èces paur regalsm`írer et oarnucer `es mlterprítitmalsicterlitmves e ci pírma`e. @es ilicyses irghía-nicigacafmques et fíairghíacafmques u smte`”Ilfasturi `ínaltrelt que ces papucitmals `e c”Hacagèle Nayel sumvimelt `es na`èces

`e nadmcmtí prívmsmdces qum rípal`imelt ê `es desamls ml`mvm`uecs et sagmiux ê `es nmgra- etnigra-lmveiux, qum peuvelt ëtre expcmquís pir ule ippraghe ê `mooíreltes íghecces. C”ítu`e`ínaltre íficenelt qu”ê c”mltírmeur `e systènes ocexmdces, ci `mnmlutmal `es ressaurgesl”est pis ul rísuctit mlívmtidce `e ci sí`eltirmtí, pirge que c”ícirfmssenelt et ci `mversmom-gitmal `e ci `mète peuvelt ëtre utmcmsís ganne ule icterlitmve `e ci sur-expcamtitmal. Gesrísuctits oalt ressartmr ci ganpcexmtí `e ci prmse `e `ígmsmal hunimle `ils ule perspegtmveê calf-terne et saucmflelt ce desaml `e rí-galgeptuicmser ci pírma`e.


Ml shirp galtrist wmth tri`mtmalic `msgaurses, there ms frawmlf evm`elge thit the nm`-Hacagele ml the Girmddeil wis i tmne ao nirmtmne trivec (Giccifhil 9==5, 4::72 Cithrip9=?82 Weirs 9=662 arres il` Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4::8) pil-Girmddeil galtigt (Acmver4::=;?-062 Ta`rîfuez Tinas il` Zifél Kmnílez 4::?2 arres il` Ta`rîfuez Tinas4::8) il` igtmve na`momgitmal ao mscil` elvmralnelts (Lewsan il` Vmlf 4::02 Zifél

 Kmnílez, 4::62 Zifél Kmnílez et ic.  4::52 Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4::6). Hawever the dcml`ippcmgitmal ao the –hulter-fitherer„ galgept is i piri`mfn his sa oir gcau`e` aur ul`er-stil`mlf ao the perma` (Acmver 4::=;6-462 Tmveri-Gacciza 4:992 Ta`rîfuez Tinas 4::8).hms piri`mfn (Tmveri-Gacciza 4:99) stirts il` el`s wmth il issune` idselge ao gerinmgteghlacafy, galtmlues thraufh ulsupparte` issunptmals ao nadmcmty il` sagmic smnpcmgmty,il` cei`s eveltuiccy ta the mlterpretitmal ao gerinmg ml pre-Iriwib galtexts is mltrusmve.

 Ve hive nastcy nave` al oran thms reisalmlf, dut we stmcc lee` ta fither nare evm`elgeil` `evecap na`ecs ta orine the reissessnelt ao the perma`.

Nily ippraighes gil de ippcme` ta thms el`. M hive `evecape` i na`ec oar the ul`er-stil`mlf ao oarifers al mscil`s il` ml nirmtmne galtexts thraufh the ippcmgitmal il` na`-momgitmal ao the heary ao I`iptmve Ghilfe, Nirmtmne Gucture il` Hunil DehivmauricEgacafy. Ml thms piper M preselt pirt ao ny resucts, prapasmlf il icterlitmve mlterpretitmalao thms perma` usmlf the smte ao Ilfasturi il` ather pre-Iriwib smtes al Zuerta Tmga is gisestu`mes. M use the tern pre-Iriwib, oaccawmlf Ta`rîfuez Tinas (4::8), Acmver (4::=;9?)M use the tern pre-Iriwib, oaccawmlf Ta`rîfuez Tinas (4::8), Acmver (4::=;9?)il` Zifél Kmnílez (4::6). Eghamlf Ta`rîfuez Tinas (4::8, 4:9:;59), ny use ao the

tern pre-Iriwib igblawce`fes the pateltmiccy wm`e gucturic `mversmty ao these eircy papu-citmals il` mts avercip wmth citer pragesses. Mt ms enpcaye` lat is i gitefary, dut is i lineta ivam` the strugturic oeitures mnpase` dy the line Irghimg. Ml thms irtmgce, M use mt isi tenparic galgept ta i``ress the eircmest sagmic galtexts, `mooereltmitmlf then oran thesagmic pragesses aggurrmlf ioter the relewe` nmfritmals gi. 4.5 byi, m`eltmome` irghieacafm-giccy dy lew gerinmg styces (Wici`am`/Huegam`). M icsa igblawce`fe thit the tern Iriwib M icsa igblawce`fe thit the tern Iriwibmtseco ms mnpregmse il` gil de nmscei`mlf2 na`erl Iriwib fraups ire is smnmcir ta ilgmeltales is Mticmils ire ta ilgmelt Tanils ar Efyptmils ire ta themr ilgmelt gaulterpirts.

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Calfue `uríe

Deoare galtmlumlf mlta the `etimcs ao the smte mtseco, we lee` ta pcige mt wmthml mts refmalicil` elvmralneltic galtext (Gaaper il` Zeras 4:9:). he nm`-Hacagele wis i perma`ao mltelse gcmnitmg virmidmcmty (Drigallat et ic . 4:::2 Wghnm`t et ic. 4::02 Viller et ic. 4::8). he eirth wis ml the eircy stifes ao the calf pragess ao i`kustnelt ta i past-fcigmic

eri. Freiter mlsacitmal gaupce` wmth wml` il` sei suroige tenperiture virmitmals iooegte`the cagitmal ao the mltertrapmgic galverfelge zale (MG[), the caw pressure rimldil` thitrefucites gcmnite ml the refmal (Hiufh et ic. 4::9). hms ghilfe ml the MG[ pravabe`mlgreise` pregmpmtitmal, nare igute seisalicmty il` mlgreise` aggurrelge il` mltelsmty aohurrmgiles, supparte` dy virme` evm`elge oran iraul` the Girmddeil disml (Dertril et ic. 4::02 @alleccy il` Vaa`ruoo 4::62 Ha`ecc et ic. 9==92 Belle`y et ic. 4::?2 huleccil` e`esga 4::72 Vaa`ruoo et ic. 4::8). Hemfhtele` namsture `urmlf the eircy Hacagelepranate` the expilsmal ao oarests, whmgh peibe` `urmlf the nm`-Hacagele (Lewsan il`

 Vmlf 4::02 Hmfueri-Ful`y et ic. 9===2 Mscede et ic. 9==?). Hmfher pregmpmtitmal, gaupce`wmth rmse ml sei cevec (evel passmdcy hmfher sei cevecs thil ta`iy ml sane ireis, iffirt

9==4), iooegte` icsa the witer tidce cevecs, oivaurmlf the oarnitmal ao oreshwiter sprmlfsil` nirshes, il` reshipmlf the ghirigtermstmgs ao the gaistic feanarphacafy (Telbel etic.  4::4). Ioter the cawer sei cevecs ao the Zcemstagele, the rmver ocaa` pcimls were cessgcaffe` wmth se`mnelt ceivmlf the disic suroige cawer thil na`erl tapafriphy (Dcun il`ÿrlqvmst 4:::). Tmsmlf sei cevecs il` nare igtmve sprmlfs wauc` hive rawle` the gaisticireis, greitmlf gal`mtmals whmgh oivaure` the `evecapnelt ao rmgh gaistic lmghes oar thegacalmzitmal ao omsh, naccusgs, dmr`s, nilitee, il` nilfrave oarests2 icc resaurges expcamte`dy hunils.

Al the galtmlelt, rmsmlf sei cevecs `rawle` i smflmomgilt partmal ao the gaistic zale(Virle et ic. 4::42 Ocenmlf et ic.  9==8). Evel thaufh hunil settcenelt pitterls il`

sagmic pragesses al the galtmlelt urmlf the eircy il` nm`-Hacagele ire icsa ml lee` ao re-exinmlitmal, the pitterl thit enerfes suffests ganpcex sagmic pragesses thit iooegte` thevelturmlf ao peapce tawir`s the Girmddeil irghmpecifa. Galtriry ta gannal issunptmalsml Girmddeil irghieacafy, nmfritmals ire lat smlfce, ulmtiry evelts trmffere` is i `mregtrespalse ta ghilfes ml smnpce oigtars. Nmfritmal ms i pragess ganprmsmlf nuctmsgicir cevecsao nadmcmty thit mlvacve nuctmpce oigtars, mnelsmals, il` cevecs ao `egmsmal nibmlf (Guret4::5;46-=0). Ather mlterests, ism`e oran ghilfes ml papucitmal `elsmty, nust hive deel itpciy ta stmnucite the velturmlf il` expcaritmal ao the Girmddeil Mscil`s. Aver 75 yeirs ifaCithrip (9=?8, 9=67) suffeste` the exmstelge ao ganpcex calf-`mstilge tri`e letwarbs althe Inizal disml ao Wauth Inermgi, espegmiccy icalf rmver ghillecs. he spee` ao `msper-smal ao `anestmg pcilts oran geltric Inermgi, is Kimne Zifél his `msgusse` (thms vacune2see icsa Zifél Kmnílez 4::6), remloarge the m`ei ao very calf `mstilge galtigt il` tri`e(Ta`rîfuez Tinas il` Zifél Kmnílez 4::?). Expcaritmal ao the Girmddeil wis mlgarpa-rite` mlta thms letwarb.

he `mstrmdutmal ao eircy 90G `ites thraufh the irghmpecifa suffests thit the prag-ess ao expcaritmal, expcamtitmal il` settcenelt `m` lat legessirmcy oaccaw the –steppmlfstale„ na`ec, dut tirfete` the cirfer mscil`s wmth nare resaurge `mversmty. Iggar`mlf taGiccifhil”s ganputer smnucitmals (Giccifhil 9==:, 9==7, 9==5, 4::9, 4::72 Giccifhilil` Driy 4::6), whmgh `a lat tibe mlta galsm`eritmal gal`mtmals ml the pist, dut gil deuse` is i heurmstmg fum`e, the `mregt trmp detweel nimlcil` Wauth Inermgi gaist il` theFreiter Iltmcces (Zuerta Tmga, Hmspilmaci) wauc` tibe alcy i oew `iys (Giccifhil 4::9).

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hms vayife wauc` hive galstilt cil` nirbers wmthml smfht rilfe is arres il` Ta`rîfuez(4::8) hive pamlte` aut regeltcy. he trmp requmres ne`mun ta snicc smze` `uf-aut gilaes,na`erite livmfitmalic sbmccs, il` i spee` ao iraul` 4 blats (Giccifhil 4::9). he irghm-pecifa, thereoare, wis lat il ulreighidce cagitmal wmth the teghlacafmgic il` livmfitmalicgipidmcmtmes ao the Girmddeil papucitmals `urmlf the nm`-Hacagele (Weirs 9=66). Weirgh

il` expcaritmal veltures ta the irghmpecifa ta expil` il` suppcy nm`-Hacagele tri`eil` exghilfe letwarbs wauc` hive deel gannal evel deoare nare pernilelt settce-nelts were estidcmshe`. he oigt thit nast pre-Iriwib smtes ire cagite` al gaistic ireis,ar scmfhtcy nare mlcil` cagitmals wmthml eisy iggess ta the gaist, pamlts tawir`s the exmst-elge ao nirmtmne rautes gaupce` wmth the expcaritmal il` expcamtitmal ao mlcil` resaurges,passmdcy ta suppcy tri`e. M`eltmomgitmal ao whmgh adkegts were saurge` al the irghmpecifastmcc lee`s ta de caabe` mlta, fmvel thit, is Cithrip (9=67) pamlte` aut2 nast ao the tri`e`adkegts wauc` hive deel arfilmg il` permshidce.


 Vmthml thms ganpcex sgelirma, the eircmest settcenelt ao Zuerta Tmga aggurre` iraul` 0.?byi al the larth il` sauth gaist ao the mscil` icnast smnuctileauscy (Omfure 9). Wa oir,the eircmest evm`elge ao hunil igtmvmty ml Zuerta Tmga his deel cmlbe` ta mlgreise` ghir-gaic pirtmgces ml i se`mnelt gare oran artufera Cifaal (Durley et ic. 9==0), mlterprete`is evm`elge ao ilthrapafelmg omres stirtmlf iraul` 5.7 byi wmth i peib detweel 0-7.5 byi.he eircy `ite ao the artufuera Cifaal gare supparts expcaritary veltures ta the mscil`sdeoare nare pernilelt settcenelts were estidcmshe`, is wecc is na`momgitmal il` use ao thecil`sgipe ioter settcenelts degine nare pernilelt, mlgcu`mlf the wm`esprei` use ao omre.

he smte ao Ilfasturi (Omfure 4) wis `msgavere` ml 9=88 `urmlf the galstrugtmal ao ihmfhwiy il` shappmlf geltre. Mt ms cagite` al the larth gaist ao Zuerta Tmga, i`kigelt tathe Tîa Fril`e `e Nilitî, dut ms usuiccy iwiy oran the rmver”s larnic ocaa`mlf cevecs. hesmte gavers il irei ao ?.4 hegtires il` galsmsts ao 0 tapafriphmg pratuderilges ar naul`s(m`eltmome` is I, D, G il` @) surraul`mlf i cawer geltric irei reparte` ta de gceir ao ir-ghieacafmgic renimls. here ms icsa il mlternmttelt cifaal ar nirshy irei mnne`mitecy tathe sauth. Teouse iggunucite` aver oaur lituric ragby autgraps, ar caw nafates , al theiccuvmic pciml.

Omfure 9 Cagitmal ao smtes neltmale` ml the text. 9) Ilfasturi (0?5: ‗ 760= gic DZ). 4) Zisa `ec Ml`ma

(0?0: gic DZ ‗ past 97:: ar 90:: I@). 7) Nimsidec (la reparte` pre-Iriwib ecenelts, dut nimze phyta-

cmths reparte` ml gare wmthml ciyer `ite` ta 485: gic DZ. Wee decaw). 0) Nirugi (056: ‗ 485: gic DZ).

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he smte his deel exgivite` irghieacafmgiccy severic tmnes, nast mltelsmvecy detweel9=88 il` 9==5 dy Gircas Iyes-Wuérez il` Avm`ma @évmci (Iyes-Wuérez 9=882 Iyes-Wuérezil` @ivmci 9==7, 9==52 Nasgasa et ic. 9===), il` nare regeltcy dy ny awl exgivitmalsml wmlter 4::8 ‗ 4::=. Iyes-Wuérez il` @évmci”s warb al the smte preselts nily sermausnetha`acafmgic mssues thit M in lat famlf ta `msguss ml `etimc it thms tmne, dut whmgh rilfeoran mlgalsmstelt ta lal-exmstelt use ao smeves, dmise` gaccegtmal ao renimls il` mlgan-pcete ilicysms il` exgivitmal reparts. hemr galgcusmals ire icsa hmfhcy spegucitmve il`dise` nare al fut-oeecmlf thil al hir` `iti. Oar these reisals M wmcc lat use themr galgcu-smals, dut re-mlterpret the stril`s ao evm`elge thit gil de sicvife` oran the reparts, il`gandmle then wmth the resucts ao ny awl exgivitmals.

he smte ao Ilfasturi ms oinaus oar ale pirtmgucir ri`magirdal `ite ao 5=?:¹45: ul-gicmdrite` DZ (see W99E76Wt1 ml Omfure 7). he ne`mil ao thms `ite ioter gicmdritmal ms ?84:gic DZ. Hawever, i stritmfriphmg ilicysms ao the ather 9: ri`magirdal ites ao the smte (Omfure7), tibel oran severic ulmts wmthml the sine naul` (D), ml`mgites thit thms `ite nmfht deml oigt ilanicaus. he rest ao the `ites, adtimle` oran shecc il` ghirgaic sinpces, spiloran 0?5:-765: gic DZ. hese `ites suffest i galtmluaus aggupitmal ao the smte thraufhi perma` ao idaut 9::: yeirs. Ul`erstil`mlf the sagmic pragesses wmthml thase thausil`yeirs ms ganpcmgite` dy the oigt thit the stritmfriphmg il` se`mneltiry `esgrmptmals ao theeircy nissmve exgivitmals ire very paar, il` ny awl hmfh resacutmal `aguneltitmal ms verycmnmte` ml smze. Hawever, Iyes il` @évmci `m` galsmsteltcy regar` the `anmlilt naccusgspegmes oar eigh stritun. Oar thms reisal, M hive `evecape` i stritmfriphmg ilicysms il` gar-recitmal dise` al naccusg spegmes issendcife galtelt.

Aggupitmal phises ao Ilfasturi 

Wmxteel `mooerelt shecc spegmes ire refmstere` al the naul`s (idce 9), dut alcy sevel aothese `anmlite the issendcifes. hese sevel ire preselt thraufhaut the ciyers, dut themridul`ilge ghilfes ml the `mooerelt phises, wmth the exgeptmal ao Grissastrei rhmzapharie ,

whmgh eveltuiccy `msippeirs. he ilicysms ao the irghieanicigacafmgic issendcife, gan-

Omfure 4 Ceot mnife; @etimce` vmew ao stu`y irei wmth smte cagitmal. Phe ruffe` cil`sgipe ta the sauth ms

the birstmg rilfe (nafates) surraul`mlf the smte. Tmfht mnife; _mew ao Ilfasturi wmth mts naul`s m`el-

tme` is I, D, G il` @. Mnife shaws the 9=88 tapafriphmg nip aver the iermic phatafriph ao the smte.

Phe dcigb squire al Naul` @ nirbs the extelsmve exgivitmals there `urmlf the 9==:s. Phe yeccaw cmle

nirbs i `rimlife ghillec thit his deel galsm`ere` smte daul`iry smlge 9=88.

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Omfure 7 Gicmdrite` ri magirdal `ites ao Ilfasturi. Icc sinpces were ilicyse` it Deti IlicytmgGicmdrite` ri`magirdal `ites ao Ilfasturi. Icc sinpces were ilicyse` it Deti Ilicytmg

Cidaritarmes. Phe sinpce nirbe` W99E76Wt1 wis mlmtmiccy reparte` ml Gircas Iyes (9=88) dut his la

stritmfriphmg mloarnitmal. Phe rest ao the sinpces were adtimle` oran Naul` D dy Gircas Iyes `urmlf

the sine seisal W99E76Wt1 wis gaccegte`, dut selt ta ilicysms il` mlterprete` dy Kesûs _efi (4::4). Ml

thms friph the sinpces ire irrilfe` stritmfriphmgiccy dise` al reparte` stritun oran whmgh the sinpcewis adtimle` (e.f. Wt4, Wt7, Wt0, Wt5), il` gacaur-ga`e` dise` al the exgivitmal ulmt they were retrmeve`

 oran (re` > W99E762 pmlb > W99E7?2 purpce > W=E752 dcue > W9:E752 freel > W9:E762 il` yeccaw >

W9:E75). Icc the ulmts ire galtmfuaus 9 x 9n dcagbs ao i = x =n exgivitmal. Gicmdritmal wis gicgu -

cite` usmlf AxGic 0.9.9(Dralb Tinsey 4::=) il` the MltGic:0 itnasphermg gurve (Temner et ic 4::0).

 Nirmle reservamr > ΐT; 99, Wtil`ir` @evmitmal; 08, Iverife Ulgertimlty; 9:.

Nast idul`ilt spegmes Ather nirmle naccusgs Cil` slimcs

Fistrapa`s Dmvicves Fistrapa`s Dmvicves

Grissastrei rhmzapharie Lermtmli sp Gacundecci sp Pmveci nigtram`es Zceura`alte girigacci

 Ilanicagir`mi drismcmili Gmttirmun pmgi Varn secc Fcygmnerms sp Zceura`alte nirfmlecci

Zhigam`es pegtmlitus Dirligces Grissastrei sp Zceura`alte sp

Nytmcapsms siccem Istriei sp Luguciti iguti Neficanistani grageun

Pifecus sp Lissirmus icdus Ghmale gilgeciti Iustragecelmtes galgacar  

Wtrandus sp Zacy`altes cmni

 Icgi`mi strmiti

Pidce 9  Naccusbs ao Ilfasturi.

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dmle` wmth the se`mneltiry `esgrmptmals il` feairghieacafmgic ilicyses his iccawe` them`eltmomgitmal ao three sepirite phises ao aggupitmal. Hmfh resacutmal stritmfriphmg ilicysmsao Naul` G suffests thit these phises were galtmluaus il` fri`e` mlta ale ilather.

Zhise 9

Ml phise 9 reouse stirts ta iggunucite al the ragby autgraps ao Naul`s I, D il` @, gav-ermlf the armfmlic gciy il` cmnestale suroige ao the caw nafates. he phise ms ghirigter-mze` dy the expcamtitmal ao nilfrave resaurges, ml pirtmgucir Grissastrei rhmzapharie   il`Zhigam`es pegtmlitus  suppcenelte` wmth estuiry il` rmver elvmralnelts. he feairghiea-cafmgic ilicysms ao i sinpce ao thms stritun oar Naul` D suffests thit sane segtmals ao thmsciyer gauc` hive deel `ecmderitecy greite`. Ml thms naul` is wecc is segtmals ao Naul` @the ciyer galtimls shecc ao smnmcir smze rilfe il` icnast lathmlf ecse, lat evel omle frimle`se`mnelts. he ghenmgic il` nmgrairteoigt ilicysms ao i sinpce oran Naul` D suffeststhit ism`e oran trinpcmlf, lat nily ather igtmvmtmes iooegte` the ciyer wmth the sine mltel-smty is ather ciyers. Mt seens thms ciyer wis lat il iceitary iggunucitmal ao oaa` reouse, dut

i oeiture ciml `awl passmdcy ta greite i detter `rimle` suroige.hms shecc ciyer wis sudsequeltcy gavere` dy i omle-frimle` cainy `epasmt ao cagic arm-

fml. hms epasmt wis armfmliccy mlterprete` is il idil`alnelt phise ar i passmdce ocaa`mlfevelt ao rmsmlf witer tidce cevecs. Hawever, the idselge ao thms ciyer ml ather ireis ao thesmte ul`ernmles thms mlterpretitmal. he feairghieacafmgic ilicysms suffests thit thms ciyerwis ml oigt il aggupitmal suroige rmgh ml dale il` orifnelte` sheccs, wmth hmfh nifletmgsusgeptmdmcmty il` phasphite galtelt whmgh gil de galsm`ere` i hidmtitmal suroige. hms`esmflitmal gil de ourther supparte` dy ciyers ao ish il` durlt cmnestale aver the cainyciyer al Naul` @. Al Naul` G, mt ms passmdce thit the eircmest hidmtitmal stirte` it theel` ao Zhise 9 ar eircy Zhise 4, `mregtcy aver the gciyey ciyer ao the de`ragb, wmthaut the

ciyer ao sheccs ul`erleith.

Zhise 4 

Zhise 4 ms ghirigtermze` dy the expcamtitmal ao nastcy estuirmle il` rmver elvmralnelts isrepreselte` dy the Ilanicagir`mi drismcmili, Pifecus sp il` Nytmcapsms siccem. Nmgracil`sgipeuse `urmlf thms perma` deganes nare ganpcex il` mltelse. he smte expermelges i frawth,extel`mlf ta reigh Naul` G. Nm``el ciyers wmth thms type ao naccusg spegmes issendcifegandmlitmal ire preselt icsa ml Naul`s I il` @. Naul` D hawever seens ta galtmluedemlf use` oar hidmtitmal is i ciyer wmth Zhise 4 ghirigtermstmgs wis lat reparte` oar thms

naul`. Wuroiges wmth evm`elge ao ather igtmvmtmes ire icsa m`eltmome` surraul`mlf the hmfh-est segtmals ao the naul`s, oar exinpce thmgb ciyers ao whit seens ta de terri preti, theilthrapafelmg trapmgic samc issagmite` wmth mltelsmve, pernilelt hunil igtmvmty il` ag-gupitmal, ire preselt leir Naul` D. Galgeltritmals ao durlt cmnestale il` grushe` sheccsnmxe` wmth the `irb (passmdce terri preti ) se`mnelts ire reparte` icsa oar the geltric seg-tmals ao Naul` @ it thms tmne, suffestmlf the relewe` use ao thms naul` oar aggupitmal.Ather ireis wmth `irb se`mnelts hive deel adserve` issagmite` ta Naul` G il` ta therenimls ao Naul` I. 

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Zhise 7

Zhise 7 ms ghirigtermze` dy i `anmlilt oagus al rmver il` estuirmle elvmralnelts, is suf-feste` dy the gandmlitmal ao lermtm`s il`  Ilanicagir`mi drismcmili . hms ms evm`elt mlnaul`s I il` D, is wecc is sane segtmals ao Naul` @ ml issagmitmal wmth `irb se`mneltsil` ish ciyers. hms ciyer ms idselt ml Naul` G, dut, is the tap segtmal ao thms naul` his

deel trulgite`, mt ms passmdce i``mtmalic ciyers hive deel cast. Hidmtitmal suroiges expil`citer thraufhaut the smte, is the eltmre suroige ao Naul` @ seens ta hive deel gavere`dy `irb se`mnelts il` smnmcir `epasmts galtmlue iraul` Naul`s D, G il` I. he omlicsegtmals ao thms perma` ire `msturde` dy erasmal, exatmg eirthwarn igtmvmty (m.e. mltra`uge`spegmes), tmccmlf, il` past-Gacalmic aggupitmal.

Tegalsm`ermlf the hulter-fitherer piri`mfn

Teturlmlf ta the regalsm`eritmal ao the hulter-fitherer piri`mfn, there ire twa mnpartiltispegts thit M wauc` cmbe ta i``ress; nadmcmty il` sustimlidmcmty.

Tefir`mlf nadmcmty, the shecc ilicysms oran the smte suffests thit the hane rilfe ireiuse` oar expcamtitmal wis restrmgte` ta the irei mnne`mitecy surraul`mlf mt. Icc the resaurg-es adserve` ml the shecc heips ire ivimcidce ml na`erl elvmralnelts wmthml i 5 bn ri`musao the smte, il` wauc` hive deel nugh gcaser ml the ilgmelt cil`sgipe. hese neisuresseen ta de galsmstelt wmth the imcy nadmcmty rilfe reparte` dy Nils (thms vacune) oar the

 Inizal rma `ylinmgs. Elerfy mlvestnelt tawir`s the expcamtitmal ao thms hane rilfewauc` hive deel freitcy re`uge` dy the use ao nirmtmne trilspart teghlacafy. hms hanerilfe smze pravm`es ourther evm`elge ao pernilelt, se`eltiry settcenelt, wmth pragess-mlf ginps leirdy where prey gauc` hive deel pragesse` deoare drmlfmlf then ta the smte.Wmnmcir pitterls ire suffeste` dy the naccusg issendcife ao Nirugi, i smte galtenparile-

aus ta Ilfasturi dut al the sauth ao the mscil` (Ziltec 9==02 Ta`rîfuez 4::0. Wee Omfure9). he cmthmg issendcife ao Ilfasturi, hawever, ml`mgites peapce nave` deyal` themrhane rilfe. he preselge ao exatmg ragb types suffests there ire ather rilfes ao nadmcmtydeyal` the mnne`mite `imcy hane rilfe.

Nadmcmty gil de neisure` al `mooerelt sgices. Nmgrasgice nadmcmty, ippcmes ta `imcy sud-smstelge igtmvmtmes, where peapce wauc` hive renimle` wmthml the snicc sgice spige iraul`the smte, mlgcu`mlf the pragessmlf ginps. Nesasgice nadmcmty wauc` de expegte` al il‘every-oew-nalths ta every-oew-yeirs” disms, reighmlf `mstilt ireis ao the mscil` mtseco il`i`kigelt mscil`s, il` wauc` iggault oar the expcamtitmal ao nitermics il` resaurges saurge`iwiy oran the smte emther thraufh seirgh il` gaccegtmal ar tri`e. Omliccy, the pragurenelt

ao very spegmic syndacmg il` gucturiccy mnpartilt mtens il` letwarbs deyal` the nesasgicespitmic rilfe gauc` de expegte` ta aggur is nigrasgice nadmcmty ao alge every oew yeirsar alge i `egi`e ar feleritmal, il` gauc` reigh very `mstilt cagitmals. he eltmre fraupwauc` lat de expegte` ta nave every tmne there ms i nadmcmty evelt, il` the cirfer the sgiceao nadmcmty, the oewer peapce expegte` ta exegute mt. hese nuctmpce nadmcmty rilfes wauc`iggault oar galtmlue` galtigt il` gucturic exghilfe wmth the nimlcil` evel thaufh therewere pernilelt, pateltmiccy se`eltiry, settcenelts al the mscil`s.

he segal` ispegt ms the sustimlidmcmty ao se`eltmsn. We`eltmsn his twa mnpcmgitmals;the lee` oar pradcen sacvmlf il` tisb nilifenelt, il` the mlgreise` expcamtitmal pres-sure al ivimcidce lituric resaurges ml i restrmgte` cagitmal. Eoomgmelt pradcen sacvmlf il`

tisb nilifenelt requmres the `evecapnelt ao nare ganpcex sagmic arfilmzitmal strug-

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tures, whmgh lee` ta de re-thaufht wmthml pre-Iriwib galtexts. he preselge ao prmniryil` segal`iry durmics wmthml the naul`s ml Ilfasturi suffests the exmstelge ao ilgestrictmes wmth the cil`sgipe il` i selse ao terrmtarmicmty. Wmnmcir stitenelts gil de ni`e oarNirugi. Wegal`cy, pernilelt expcamtitmal ao omxe` resaurges ippcmes mlgreise` pressure althe cagiccy ivimcidce resaurges. Ml Ilfasturi, the preselge ao frml`mlf il` pcilt pragess-

mlf taacs, use` ta extrigt nixmnun lutrmtmalic vicue oran pcilts, suffests thit neisureswere demlf tibel ta suppart i cirfe papucitmal wmth cmnmte` pcilt resaurges. Vmth refir`ta the prateml ganpalelt ao the `met mt ms felericcy issune` thit hunils expcamt resaurgesultmc `epcetmal. he irghieanicigacafmgic regar` ao Ilfasturi suffests thit `epcetmal aoprateml saurges wis ivam`e` dy `mversmoymlf the `met, il` mlgarparitmlf resaurges thit ath-erwmse wauc` hive deel avercaabe`, is suffeste` dy the fri`uic shmot oran the Grissastreirhmzapharie ta Ilanicagir`mi drismcmili  ta Lermtmli sp. hms shmot gil de mlterprete` is iligtmve il` sustimlidce nilifenelt ao the resaurges il` resmcmelt i`iptitmal ta elvmral-neltic ghilfe.

 Ilfasturi ml hmstary Fmvel the gal`mtmals ao the smte, we `a lat blaw oar gertiml whel il` haw Ilfasturiwis idil`ale`. Zre-Iriwib settcenelts were mlmtmiccy estidcmshe` ml egatalic ireis wmthfaa`, eisy iggess ta i wm`e rilfe ao resaurges, whmgh galtmlue` ta nimltiml galtigt wmthnirmtmne tri`e letwarbs il` rautes. Mt ms passmdce thit, is the endiynelts il` estuirmesstirte` ta gcaf up wmth se`mnelts galtmlue` aggupitmal ao the smte wis lat praomtidce, il`cagitmals gcaser ta the gaist il` wmthml eismer reigh ta the nirmtmne tri`mlf rautes werepreoerre`, sugh is Nimsidec (Wmefec et ic. 4::5). Evel thaufh pre-Iriwib ciyers hive latdeel reparte` oar thms smte, the preselge ao nimze phytacmths ml i nilfrave gare oran iciyer segurecy `ite` ta ipprax. 485: gic DZ (Wmefec et ic. 4::5;999) suffests the preselgeao peapce wmth `anestmg pcilts ml the irei citer (dut lat nugh ioter) the citest `ite ivimc-idce oran Ilfasturi.

Nirugi al the ather hil`, wis mlhidmte` oar calfer thil Ilfasturi, passmdcy degiusemts cagitmal galtmlue` ta pravm`e eisy iggess ta the gaist, evel whel the nirshes il`swinps iraul` the smte gcaffe` wmth se`mnelts. Ml galtrist, Zisa `ec Ml`ma (Vicber 4::5),i smte wmth pre-Iriwib galtext mlcil` oran Nimsidec, evel thaufh stirte` lat calf ioter

 Ilfasturi, the smte wis lat idil`ale`, dut mlstei` ghilfe` aver tmne. Expcaritmal ao themscil` nmfht hive greite` lew appartulmtmes, mlterests il` prmarmtmes il`, whmce nirmtmnerautes galtmlue` ta de mnpartilt is evm`elge` dy lew nmfritmals ao the eircy Iriwib pe-

rma`, ather pragesses were icsa demlf `evecape` il` lee` ta de reseirghe`.

Galgcu`mlf renirbs

Calf-exmstmlf pregalgeptmals, ml pirtmgucir the –hulter-fitherer piri`mfn„, hive gcau`e`aur ul`erstil`mlf ao the eircmest aggupilts ao the Girmddeil. Evm`elge ao gucturic galtigt,sagmic ganpcexmty il` pernilelt settcenelt requmre us ta regalsm`er il` re-galgeptuicmzethe ghirigtermstmgs ao the hunil aggupitmals ao the Girmddeil `urmlf the nm`-Hacageleil` the mnpcmgitmals ao the eircmest gacalmzitmal ao the irghmpecifa. It the ather el` aothe perma`, ilicysms ao cmthmg re`ugtmal pratagacs ire suffestmlf ganpcex pcuric sagmic ml-terigtmals il` mlocuelges dcurrmlf the tri`mtmalic daul`irmes detweel –the Irghimg„, –the

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Wici`am`„ il` –the Huegam`„. he mlterigtmal detweel the –Iriwib„ (Gerinmg Ife) il`the pre-Iriwib fraups lee`s icsa ta de re-exinmle` ml `etimc, iwiy oran the –`mspcige` arillmhmcite` hulter-fitherer„ galgept.


hms nitermic ms dise` upal warb pirtcy supparte` ul`er i Litmalic Wgmelge Oaul`itmalFri`uite Teseirgh Oeccawshmp. Ily apmlmals, oml`mlfs, galgcusmals ar regannel`itmalsexpresse` ml thms pudcmgitmal ire thase ao the iuthar il` `a lat legessirmcy reocegt thevmews ao the Litmalic Wgmelge Oaul`itmal. M wauc` cmbe ta thilb Zraoessar Ircele Taseloar her gannelts al thms irtmgce il` the reseirgh ml feleric2 @r. Kasí Acmver il` ZraoessarBelleth hanis oar themr gannelts il` suffestmals il` Icmge Hult oar her hecp wmth nyElfcmsh frinnir. Icc nmstibes ire ny awl respalsmdmcmty.


 Iyes-Wuérez, G.N.

9=88 Evicuigm÷l Irqueac÷fmgi Pmpa Oise 4. Ilfasturi, Ocarm`i Ioueri, Dirgecaleti, ZuertaTmga. Galseka piri ci Zrateggm÷l `ec Zitrmnalma Irqueac÷fmga errestre `e Zuerta Tmga,Wil Kuil.

 Iyes-Wuérez, G.N., il` A. @évmci 

9==7  Ilfasturi, ul ginpinelta irgimga tenprila el ec _icce `ec Nilituidal. DirrmaOcarm`i Ioueri, Dirgecaleti, Zuerta Tmga. Mloarne Zrecmnmlir `e ci nmtmfigm÷l pirgmic `ecsmtma. Galseka piri ci Zrateggm÷l `ec Zitrmnalma Irqueac÷fmga errestre `e Zuerta Tmga,

Wil Kuil.9==5  Nmtmfigm÷l pirgmic `ec naltmguca I `ec yigmnmelta Ilfasturi . Galseka piri ciZrateggm÷l `ec Zitrmnalma Irqueac÷fmga errestre `e Zuerta Tmga, Wil Kuil.

Dertril, Z., @. Dallmsselt, @. Mndert, Z. Cazauet, L. Werril`, il` G. Wtauvelat

4::0 Zicíagcmnit `es Zetmtes Iltmcces `epums 0::: ils DZ ; c”elrefmstrenelt `e ci cifule`e Fril`-Gise ê Wimlt-Nirtml. G.T. Feasgmelge  77?;95:9-959:.

Dcun, N.@., il` .E. ÿrlqvmst.

4::: Ocuvmic respalses ta gcmnite il` sei-cevec ghilfe; i revmew il` caab oarwir`.We`mneltacafy  06;4-08.

Durley, @.I., C.Z. Durley, il` [email protected]. NigZhee

9==0 Hacagele ghirgaic stritmfriphy oran Cifuli artufuera, Zuerta Tmga, il` thetmnmlf ao hunil irrmvic al the mscil`. Kaurlic ao Irghieacafmgic Wgmelge  49;469-489.

Drigallat, Z., W. Kaussiune, L. @e Ladcet, il` F. Tinsteml

4::: Nm`-Hacagele il` Cist Fcigmic Nixmnun Iormgil nalsaal ghilfes is smnu-cite` wmthml the Ziceagcmnite Na`eccmlf Mlterganpirmsal Zrakegt. Fcadic il` Zciletiry

Ghilfe  4?;59-??.

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Dragb Tinsey, G.

4::= Diyesmil Ilicysms ao Ti`magirdal `ites. Ti`magirdal 59(9);776-7?:.

Giccifhil, T..

9==: Zassmdce Zre-Gerinmg gallegtmals detweel Geltric Inermgi il` the Freiter

 Iltmcces. Zragee`mlfs ao the 99th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy, ZuertaTmga, pp. ?5-69.

9==7 Zissife ta the Freiter Iltmcces; il ilicysms ao witer-griot il` the nirmle el-vmralnelt. Zragee`mlfs ao the 90th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy,Dirdi`as. pp. ?0-64.

9==5 Iltmcceil Gucturic Galtigts wmth the Nimlcil` Tefmals is i Livmfitmal Zradcen.Zragee`mlfs ao the 9=th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy , Wil Kuil, pp.989-9=:.

4::9 Gerinmg Ife Weioirmlf il` Mlterigtmal Zateltmic ml the Iltmcces; I GanputerWmnucitmal. Gurrelt Ilthrapacafy  04;7:8-797.

4::7 Gannelts al the nimlcil` armfmls ao the Zregerinmg guctures ao the Freiter Iltmcces. Citml Inermgil Iltmqumty  90;747-778.

Giccifhil, T.., il` V. Driy

4::6 Wmnucitmlf Zrehmstarmg Wei Galtigts detweel Gasti Tmgi il` Gacandmi. Kaurlicao Mscil` il` Gaistic Irghieacafy  4;0-47.

Gaaper, K., il` N. Zeras

4:9: he irghieacafy ao gcmnite ghilfe ml the Girmddeil.  Kaurlic ao IrghieacafmgicWgmelge  76;944?-9474.

Guret, C.I.

4::5 Girmddeil picea`enafriphy; papucitmal, gucture hmstary, il` sagmapacmtmgic pragessesml ilgmelt Zuerta Tmga. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

@alleccy, K.Z., il` K.@. Vaa`ruoo 

4::6 Mltelse hurrmgile igtmvmty aver the pist 5,::: yeirs galtracce` dy Ec Lmùa il` the

 Vest Iormgil nalsaal. Liture  006;0?5-8.Ocenmlf, B., Z. Kahlstal, @. [wirtz, ]. ]abayini, B. Cindegb, il` K. Ghippecc

9==8 Teomlmlf the eustitmg sei-cevec gurve smlge the Cist Fcigmic Nixmnun usmlf oir-il` mlterne`mite-omec` smtes. Eirth il` Zciletiry Wgmelge Cetters  9?7;746-704.

Hiufh, F., B.I. Hufhel, @.N. Wmfnil, C.G. Zetersal, il` U. Tÿhc

4::9 Wauthwir` Nmfritmal ao the Mltertrapmgic Galverfelge [ale thraufh theHacagele. Wgmelge  4=7;97:0-97:8.

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Hmfueri-Ful`y, I., N. Dreller, @.I. Ha`ecc, K.H. Gurtms, D.V. Cey`el, il` N.V.Dmloar`

9=== I 9:,7:: 90G yr Tegar` ao Gcmnite il` _efetitmal Ghilfe oran Himtm. YuiterliryTeseirgh 54;95=-96:.

Ha`ecc, @.I., K.H. Gurtms, F.I. Kales, I. Hmfueri-Ful`y, N.Dreller, N.V. Dmloar`, il`B.. @arsey 

9==9 Tegalstrugtmal ao Girmddeil gcmnite ghilfe aver the pist 9:,5:: yeirs. Liture  754;6=:‗6=7.

Mscede, F.I., H. Haafhmenstri, N. Dreller, K.H. Gurtms, il` @.I. Ha`ecc

9==? I Hacagele vefetitmal hmstary oran cawcil` Fuitenici. Phe Hacagele  ?;4?5-469.

Belle`y, C.N., W.Z. Harl, il` B.H. Arvms

4::? I 0:::-yeir regar` ao omre il` oarest hmstary oran _icce `e Dia, Gar`mcceri Geltric,@anmlmgil Tepudcmg. Zicieafeafriphy, Zicieagcmnitacafy, Zicieaegacafy  479;46=-4=:.

Cithrip, @.V.

9=?8 he –Hultmlf„ Egalanmes ao the rapmgic Oarest [ale ao Wauth Inermgi; Il Ittenpt it i Hmstarmgic Zerspegtmve. Ml  Nil the Hulter , e`mte` dy T.D. Cee il` M.@e_are, pp. 47-4=. Ic`mle `e Fruyter, Lew ]arb.

9=67 he iltmqumty il` mnpartilge ao calf-`mstilge tri`e recitmalshmps ml the namsttrapmgs ao Zre-Gacundmil Wauth Inermgi. Varc` Irghieacafy  5;96:-98?.

Nasgasa, O., G.N. Iyes-Wuérez, il` A. @évmci 

9=== Irgimgas `e Ilfasturi; Zisi`a Tenata `e Zuerta Tmga. Wagme`i` `e Mlvestmfigmales Irqueac÷fmgis e Hmstarmgis Weduga, Mlg, _efi Diki.

Lewsan, C.I., il` E.W. Vmlf 

4::0 Al Cil` il` Wei; Litmve Inermgil Uses ao Dmacafmgic Tesaurges ml the Vest Ml`mes .Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

Acmver, K.T.

4::= Gigmques il` Genm M`acs. Phe Ved Wpul dy Piîla Tucers Detweel Hmspilmaci il`Zuerta Tmga. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

Zifél Kmnílez, K.T.

4::6 @e iltmfuas puedcas y gucturis datilmgis el ec Zuerta Tmga ml`îfeli. Ec irghmpmícifaDarmlgila y ci ccefi`i `e cas prmneras padci`ares ifragerinmstis.  DIT Mlterlitmalic Wermes9?86. Irghieapress, Axoar`.

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Ziltec, I.F.

9==0 Evicuigm÷l e Tegursas Gucturices e Oise MM. ]igmnmelta Zregacanmla Nirugi, DirrmaGilis. Nulmgmpma `e Zalge, Zuerta Tmga. Galseka piri ci Zrateggm÷l `ec Zitrmnalma

 Irqueac÷fmga errestre `e Zuerta Tmga, Wil Kuil.

Temner, Z.K., N.F.C. Dimccme, E. Dir`, I. Diycmss, K.V. Degb, G.K.H. Dertril`, Z.F.Dcigbwecc, G.E. Dugb, F.W. Durr, B.D. Gutcer, Z.E. @inal, T.C. E`wir`s, T.F. Oimrdilbs,N. Orme`rmgh, .Z. Fumc`ersal, I.F. Haff, B.I. Hufhel, D. Braner, F. NgGarnig, W.Nillmlf, G.D. Tinsey, T.V. Temner, W. Tennece, K.T Wauthal, N. Wtumver, W. icina,O.V. iycar, K. vil `er Zcmght, il` G.E. Veyhelneyer

4::0 MltGic:0 errestrmic ri`magirdal ife gicmdritmal, : ‗ 4? gic byr DZ. Ti`magirdal0?(7);9:4=‗9:58.

Telbel, T.I., V.G. Vir`, M.Z. Fmcc, O. F÷nez-F÷nez, il` K. Ta`rmfuez-Nirtmlez

4::4 Feacafy il` Hy`rafeacafy ao the Girmddeil Mscil`s Iqumoer Wysten ao theGannalweicth ao Zuerta Tmga il` the U.W. _mrfml Mscil`s . U.W. Feacafmgic WurveyZraoessmalic Ziper 909=. _mrfmlmi; U.W. Feacafmgic Wurvey. Testal.

Tmveri-Gacciza, M.

4:99 he Fhast ao Gicmdil; Mscil` Irghieacafy, Mlsucir Irghieacafmsts il` theGirmddeil. Ml Mscil`s it the Grassrai`s; Nmfritmal, Weioirmlf, il` Mlterigtmal ml theGirmddeil, e`mte` dy C.I. Guret il` N.V. Hiuser. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress,usgicaasi, ml press.

Ta`rîfuez Tinas, T.

4::6 Zuerta Tmgil pregacalmic hmstary etghe` ml stale.  Ulpudcmshe` Zh@ @mssertitmal,Ulmversmty ao Ocarm`i, Fimlesvmcce.

4::8 Oran the Fuilihitidey ta the Irghimg ao Zuerta Tmga; he Lalevm`elt Evm`elge.Ethlahmstary  55;7=7-095.

Ta`rîfuez Tinas, T., il` K.T. Zifél Kmnílez

4::? Mlteriggmales nuctmvegtarmices el ec gmrgun-girmde pregacalmic; ul vmstiza `es`ecis iltmccis. Girmddeil Wtu`mes  70;9:7-907.

Ta`rîfuez, N.4::0 Mloarne Omlic. Exgivigmales el ec yigmnmelta Irgimga `e Nirugi, Zalge, Zuerta Tmga.Ul prayegta irqueac÷fmga iuspmgmi`a par ec Mlstmtuta `e Gucturi Zuertarrmqueùi.

Wghnm`t, F.I., @.. Whml`ecc, T.C. Nmccer, N.E. Nill, il` @. Tml`

4::0 Feleric gmrgucitmal na`eccmlf ao Hacagele gcmnite virmidmcmty. Yuiterliry WgmelgeTevmews  47;49?6-4989.

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Weirs, V.H.

9=66 Weidarle Galtigts detweel Eircy Guctures ml Cawer Wautheisterl Ulmte` Wtitesil` Nm``ce thraufh Wauth Inermgi. Ml Phe Wei ml the Zre-Gacundmil Varc`. I galoer-elge it @undirtal Aibs, Agtader 4?th il` 46th, 9=60 , e`mte` dy E.Z. Delsal, pp. 9-95.rustees oar Hirvir` Ulmversmty, Vishmlftal, @.G.

Wmefec, Z.E., K.F. Kales, @.N. Zeirsicc, il` @.Z. Vifler

4::5 Elvmralneltic il` Gucturic Garrecites ml the Vest Ml`mes; i vmew oran ZuertaTmga. Ml Ilgmelt Darmlquel. Irghieacaf y il` Ethlahmstary ao Litmve Zuerta Tmga, e`mte`dy Z.E. Wmefec, pp. 88-949. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

iffirt, D.E.

9==4 Pegtalmg il` Eustitmg Garrecitmals ao Ti`manetrmgiccy @ite` Cite Yuiterliry NirmlePerriges al Larthwiesterl Zuerta Tmga il` Msci `e Nali, Zuerta Tmga. Ulpudcmshe` Zh@`mssertitmal. Ulmversmty ao Zuerta Tmga, Niyifóez.

hulecc, T.G, il` B. e`esga

4::7 Hmfh resacutmal trapmgic gcmnite regar` oar the cist ?,::: yeirs. FeaphysmgicTeseirgh Cetters  7:;GCN 4-9-GCN 4-0.

arres, K., il` T. Ta`rîfuez Tinas

4::8 he Girmddeil, i Galtmlelt @mvm`e` dy Viter. Ml Irghieacaf y il` Feamloarnitmgs.Gise Wtu`mes oran the Girmddeil, e`mte` dy D. Tem`, pp. 97-4=. Ulmversmty ao IcidiniZress, usgicaasi.

 Vicber, K.

4::5 he Zisa `ec Ml`ma Wmte, _efi Diki, Zuerta Tmga; I prafress repart. Ml  IlgmeltDarmlquel. Irghieacafy il` Ethlahmstary ao Litmve Zuerta Tmga, e`mte` dy Z.E. Wmefec, pp.55-86. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

 Viller, H.

4::8 Nm`- ta Cite Hacagele gcmnite ghilfe; il avervmew. Yuiterliry Wgmelge Tevmews  46;96=9-9848.

 Virle, I.F., E.H. Fueviri, il` I. Iscil4::4 Cite Yuiterliry Evacutmal ao the Armlaga @ecti, _elezueci.  Kaurlic ao GaisticTeseirgh 98;445-457.

 Vaa`ruoo, K.@., K.Z. @alleccy, @. Nahrmf, il` V.T. Feyer

4::8 Tegalstrugtmlf recitmve ocaa`mlf mltelsmtmes respalsmdce oar hurrmgile-ml`uge` e-pasmts oran Cifuli Zciyi Fril`e, _meques, Zuerta Tmga. Feacafy  7?;7=9.

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Phe irghieacafy ao iesthetmgs ml eisterl Hmspilmaci 

 Icmg e _.N. Winsal

Ml`mfelaus iesthetmgs ire retrmevidce ml the irghieacafmgic regar` ao the pre-Gacundmilhauses ao the @anmlmgil Tepudcmg. hms ghipter preselts evm`elge oran thmrty exgivite`hauses spillmlf the lmlth ta smxteelth gelturmes oran the gaistic settcenelt ao Ec Gida.he exgivitmals ml Ec Gida were pirt ao the prakegt –Hauses oar the Cmvmlf il` the @ei`„

oul`e` dy LVA (he Lethercil`s Arfilmsitmal oar Wgmeltmomg Teseirgh). Here, lituricwaa`, picn il` de`ragb nitermics were trilsoarne` mlta hauses shirmlf smnmcir irghmteg-turic ghirigtermstmgs il` cmoe hmstarmes. he iesthetmg ghamges ao the mlhidmtilts fmve mlsmfhtsmlta sagmic `ylinmgs, espegmiccy wmth respegt ta the mltri-settcenelt ethas ao hirnaly il`gannulmty.

Ci estítmgi ml`îfeli pue`e elgaltrirse el ci irqueacafîi e cis vmvmel`is pregacandmlis elci Tepûdcmgi @anmlmgili. El este gipîtuca se preselti evm`elgmi `e tremlti gisis exgivi`is`ec iseltinmelta gastera `e Ec Gida, y `iti`is eltre ec smfca lueve y ec mlmgma `ec smfca`megmsíms. Cis mlvestmfigmales irqueac÷fmgis el Ec Gida oarnil pirte `e ul prafrini i cir-

fa pciza, `elanmli`a –_mvmr y narmr el uli ganulm`i` iîli„ omlilgmi`a par ec Oal`aHacil`ís piri Mlvestmfigmales Gmeltîomgis (LVA). Iquî, cas nitermices liturices e ci ni-`eri, picni y ragi se trilsoarniral el gisis gal smnmcires girigterîstmgis irqumtegt÷lmgise gmgcas `e vm`i. Cis preoerelgmis estítmgis `e cas hidmtiltes las prapargmalil mloarnigm÷lsadre ci `mlénmgi sagmic, espegmicnelte el ca reoerelte i ci ítmgi `e irnalîi y ganulm`i``ec iseltinmelta.

C”esthítmque ml`mfèle est iggessmdce `ils c” irghíacafme `e ci nimsal prígacandmelle `ilsci Típudcmque @anmlmgimle. Ge ghipmtre príselte `es `allíes pravelilt `e trelte nim-sals `u =ène et 9?ène smègces oaumccíes `u smte gðtmère `e Ec Gida. Ces oaumcces `e EcGida oimsimelt pirtme `u praket –Nimsals paur ces vmvilts et ces narts„, omlilgí pir LVA(Arfilmsitmal líercil`imse paur ci regherghe sgmeltmomque). Mgm, ces nitírmiux liturecs gan-ne ce dams, ce picnmer et ci raghe alt ítí trilsoarnís el nimsals pirtifilt ces nënes girig-tírmstmques irghmtegturices et gygces `e vme. Ces ghamx esthítmques `es hidmtilts `allelt uliperæu `e ci `ylinmque sagmice, el pirtmgucmer el ge qum galgerle c”íthmque `e c”hirnalmeet `e ci gannuliutí.

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Mltra`ugtmal; Irghieacafy il` iesthetmgs

Mt ms irfue` thit iesthetmg mlteltmal, m.e. thit whmgh `ecmderitecy seebs ta ecmgmt i pasmtmvereigtmal ta il adkegt wmthml i sagmic settmlf, ms retrmevidce ml the irghieacafmgic regar` ao EcGida. Nareaver thms iesthetmg mlteltmal fmves mlsmfht mlta ml`mfelaus galgepts ao deiutyil` vicue. Ml the pre-Gacundmil smte ao Ec Gida, ml eisterl Hmspilmaci, i gucturic iesthetmg

ao `anestmg deiuty exmste` whmgh wis the nilmoestitmal ao m`eics ao `anestmg hirnaly,stidmcmty il` faa` sagmic cmoe.

@msgussmal ao iesthetmgs ml irghieacafy ms usuiccy shme` iwiy oran ml oivaur ao the cirferil` suppase`cy nare leutric preaggupitmal wmth styce (Daist 9==62 Vadst 9=662 Vmessler9=87, 9==:). hms ms pirtcy `ue ta the issagmitmal detweel irt il` iesthetmgs il` `msip-pravic ao ittenpts ta evicuite pist iesthetmgs. Cmteriture al the ilthrapacafy ao irt wirlsifimlst the mlterpretitmal ao the iesthetmg vicue ao adkegts al the disms ao aur awl gucturiciesthetmg ku`fnelts (Gardey et ic. 4::02 Narphy il` Zerbmls 4::?;90). Oar exinpce, aleiesthetmg oagus ao tri`mtmalic Lmce oirners ml sautherl Wu`il ms themr gittce, espegmiccy theshmle ao the hm`e, the shipe ao themr harls il` themr oitless (Gaate 9==4/9==5 reprmlte`

4::?). hms nmfht lat mltumtmvecy ippeic ta aur awl tiste, dut nust de ul`erstaa` ml thegaltext ao thit pirtmgucir sagmety. Oar ilthrapacafmsts thms pases twa ghiccelfes2 omrstcy taestidcmsh the quicmty ao the iesthetmg eooegt, il` segal`cy, ta pcige mt ml il mlterpretmve gal-text ta estidcmsh mts neilmlf (Fecc 9==82 Narphy il` Zerbmls 4::?). Oar irghieacafmsts thequicmty il` neilmlf nmfht seen evel nare ecusmve is cmvmlf mloarnilts ire lat ivimcidce.Ml nily gises hawever, the nitermic il` strugturic prapertmes ao the irghieacafmgic regar`ire spegmiccy sumte` ta fiml iggess ta pist iesthetmgs.

Wa haw gil irghieacafmsts evicuite the teghlacafmgic pra`ugts il` irteoigts ao i pistgucture al litmve, m.e. enmg, iesthetmg fraul`s1 hms ms `eene` eismer oar sane gcisses aoadkegts, ar regaflmze` irt adkegts m.e. partidce, griote`, prestmfmaus exghilfe mtens, thil

oar athers. Hauses, al the ather hil`, demlf ducby, omxe` il` cmve`-ml, `a lat rei`mcy omtthms gitefary. Hawever, ml Ec Gida sgrupucaus itteltmal ta the dumct elvmralnelt il`gannulmty pirtmgmpitmal ml `anestmg relewic , m.e. gygces ao hause galstrugtmal, hidmti-tmal, idil`alnelt, il` re-galstrugtmal, mlgarparitmlf deiutmoymlf dehivmaurs, galstmtutesi `anestmg iesthetmg. Ml ather war`s, the irghieacafmgic evm`elge stralfcy suffests thitthe `anestmg elvmralnelt wis ni`e ta ippeic ta the physmgic il` enatmalic selses ao themlhidmtilts.

 Il ethlafriphmg ilicafy; Inizalmil sagmicmty il` the deiuty ao

the every`iy Girmddeil irghieacafmsts ire iggustane` ta `riw upal the ethlafriphy ao cawcil` Wauth

 Inermgi, ale ao the niml armfml ireis ao the hartmgucturic peapces ao the Girmddeil mscil`s,ml themr mlterpretitmal ao the ilgmelt papucitmals ao the Iltmcces. Ml thms piper, rither thil`a thms oar the purpases ao mlterpretitmal ao gasnacafy, sagma-pacmtmgic arfilmzitmal, arsudsmstelge, is ms gannal prigtmge, M expcare the ghirigtermstmgs ao ml`mfelaus Inizalmilsagmicmty al ny mnife-oarnmlf ao `anestmg cmoe ml pre-Gacundmil Ec Gida. hms shauc` deseel is il expermnelt ml quicmtitmve kuxtipasmtmal detweel the pre-Gacundmil hause il`

 Inizalmil iesthetmgs, rither thil i oarnic ilicafy.

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Galtrmdutars ta the e`mte` vacune Phe ilthrapacafy ao cave il` ilfer; Phe iesthet-mgs ao galvmvmicmty ml Litmve Inizalmi   (Avermlf il` Zisses e`s. 4:::) galgur thit Litmve

 Inizalmil peapces felericcy prm`e thensecves al themr sbmccs ml galfelmic sagmic mlterigtmalil` themr idmcmty ta de sagmic, espegmiccy ml the `anestmg reicn. hms mlgcu`es i tel`elgyta ticb it freit celfth idaut haw ta cmve wecc il` hippmcy ml gannulmty wmth athers, haw

ta fa idaut greitmlf –faa`/deiutmouc„ peapce wha gil cmve i trilqumc, sagmidce cmoe ta-fether, il` the `moomguctmes ao ighmevmlf thms tisb (piriphrismlf gcasecy Avermlf il` Zisses4:::;4). he iuthars galtmlue2 –Phemr  Rm.e. Litmve Inizalmils, armfmlic mticmgs^ enphismsms upal ighmevmlf i ganoartidce iooegtmve cmoe wmth thase wmth whan they cmve, warb, eitil` rimse ghmc`rel.„ he iuthars enphismze the mltelsmty ao ml`mfelaus sagmicmty (–galvmvm-icmty„) whmgh fmves freit mnpartilge ta inmidmcmty, mltmnigy, peige il` equicmty ml sagmiccmoe. hms ms is true ao the mloinauscy partriye` ]ilaninm, is oar nily ather Inizalmilpeapces whase iffressmal tawir`s elenmes ms prapartmalite ta themr sacm`irmty wmth il` caveoar bmlspeapce il` ormel`s (Icès 4:::;908).

Ale wiy Litmve peapces ao Inizalmi ighmeve thms ms dy pcigmlf stress al –the deiuty ao

the every`iy„ (Avermlf il` Zisses 4:::;94), the arlineltitmal il` ecidaritmal ao every-`iy mtens ao nitermic gucture il` the nast gannal hausehac` adkegts sugh is galtimlers,gaabmlf utelsmcs il` taacs sugh is ixes. hms extel`s ta every ispegt ao cmoe sugh is da`yarlineltitmal il` pasture, speegh, hirnaly il` ar`er ml the `anestmg spige il` sbmcc mlgriot pra`ugtmal (il autstil`mlf exinpce ao thms ms ]eguili disbet weivmlf RFuss 9=8=^).he wiy thms ms nilmoeste` `mooers, leverthecess, the cilfuife ao iesthetmgs il` the prigtmgeao deiutmoymlf dehivmaurs ms i sagmic el`eivaur cmlbe` ta the greitmal ao il iuspmgmaus gan-nulmty elvmralnelt (Hufh-Kales 4::=;0=2 Avermlf il` Zisses 4:::).

Zre-Gacundmil iesthetmgs

Zre-Gacundmil sagmetmes ml the Freiter Iltmcces hi` i hmfhcy `evecape` iesthetmg whmghgeltre` al the iggautrenelts ao `imcy cmoe il` whmgh ms ippirelt ml nily ispegts ao nite-rmic gucture, ci`el wmth syndacmsn il` diraquecy endeccmshe`. Girve` il` mlcim` waa`elsgucpture, gerinmg eoomfy vessecs, il` dei`warb ire kust sane exinpces (Derght et ic. 9==62Firgîi Irívica 9=662 Berghighe il` Cighiune 9==02 Acmver et ic. 4::8). hms galgerlwis gertimlcy lat kust il ispegt ao ecmte nitermic gucture dut very nugh pirt ao the feleric`anestmg il` persalic sphere itteste` dy the idul`ilt `egaritmal il` ippel`ifes alinalf ather thmlfs, pattery, il` the orequelgy wmth whmgh da`mcy i`arlnelts sugh isdei`s, shecc pciques il` stinps oar `egaritmlf the da`y ire regavere` it settcenelt smtes.

hms selse ao the iesthetmg wis lat galomle` ta partidce adkegts alcy, dut wis ende``e` mlevery`iy expermelge, mlgcu`mlf the animl ao the hause. Eircy ghralmgcers renirbe` al thegceil, ar`ere` il` wecc-ippamlte` weccmlfs they elgaultere` ml Hmspilmaci, Gudi il` theDihinis. Hauses, il` spegmomgiccy the detter quicmty type gicce` the giley , hi` pitterle`wiccs ao wavel, gacaure` dekugas  (vmles), il` snect ao sweet pcilt nitermics (Oerlél`ez `eAvme`a 9859;_/_ 907). Hause galtelts mlgcu`e` griote` pra`ugts sugh is `uhas  (waa`elstaacs) il` hinnagbs, `egarite` `anestmg utelsmcs oar oaa` prepiritmal il` servmlf, il`starife vessecs sugh is waa`el pcites il` dawcs, gicidishes, disbets il` pattery. Wugh mtenshive icsa deel regavere` oran irghieacafmgic galtexts (Gicveri et ic. 9==?2 Galri` et ic. 4::9). Alcy aggismaliccy were ghralmgcers idce ta esgrmde the mltermar ao hauses (aotel the

mlhidmtilts oce` ar dcagbe` `aarwiys). Gacundus oar exinpce neltmals hausehac` mtensleitcy cim` aut (–sus i`ereæas nuy ganpuestas„ , 9==:;8:-89) il` nmstibes i hause ml Gudi

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oar i tenpce `ue ta the oigt thit mt wis hulf wmth sheccs, il` ilather omcce` wmth oenicestituettes (Gacundus 9==:;68-6=2 Livirrete 9=44;88). here were la raan pirtmtmals,dut passmdcy `ripes il` sgreels. Mtens suspel`e` oran the raao deins mlgcu`e` taacs,`anestmg utelsmcs, omshmlf equmpnelt, il` disbets ar gicidishes galtimlmlf the dales il`sbuccs ao ilgestars (Gacundus 9==:;9752 Zilí 9===). Hinnagbs oar sceepmlf il` restmlf

were sculf detweel the pasts.Hauses oarne` the cagus ml whmgh pacmtmgic, recmfmaus il` egalanmg igtmvmtmes galverfe`sugh is sceepmlf, eitmlf, griot pra`ugtmal il` oaa` prepiritmal (Cis Gisis 9==4;MM 770) iswecc is the regeptmal ao fuests, heicmlf, starife il` galsuctitmal ao genîs  (adkegts mlveste`wmth sigre` pawer2 Zilí 9===;Ghs xvm, xxm il` xxmm). Ml Hmspilmaci ilgestar galsuctitmal,the gahadi   gerenaly (rmtuic oistmlf, purfmlf il` mlfestmal ao hiccugmlafels) il` rmtesmlvacvmlf genîs  wauc` tibe pcige ml hauses, usuiccy thase ao pranmlelt peapce ml the vmc-cife. Nareaver, mt ms evm`elt oran ml`mfelaus nythacafy thit hauses were ao syndacmg il`gucturic mnpartilge il` i legessiry gaulterpirt ta the sagmic persali. Genîs  gauc` ar`er ihause ta de eregte` oar then il` hauses oeiture ml the trilsoarne` warc`s ao the `ei` il`

the gahadi  gerenaly (where they ire upsm`e `awl) (Zilí 9===;Ghs xmx, xxmv, xmm, xmx). hehause wis icsa seel is the cagitmal ao sagmicmzitmal (is seel ml the lirritmve ao @enmlélil` hms drathers wha dumc` i hause oar i turtce RZilí 9===;Gh. xm^) il` the galtext oarnilifmlf bml telsmals (seel ml the epmsa`e ml whmgh ]iyi dilmshes il` bmccs hms sal RZilí9===;Ghs mx, x^).

Omfure 9 Papafriphmg nip ao Hmspilmaci (@anmlmgil Tepudcmg il` Himtm) il` mts cagitmal wmthml the

Girmddeil refmal (mlset). Ec Gida irghieacafmgic smte nirbe` wmth i stir. Nip i`ipte` oran @EN, U.W.

Feacafmgic Wurvey @epirtnelt ao the Mltermar/UWFW.

: 9:: 4::



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he oarefamlf `msgussmal ml`mgites thit hauses were nuctmoulgtmalic spiges it the ml-tersegtmal ao sagmic cmoe. he reoerelge ta the deiuty ao sane hauses, the ar`ere` leitlessao the ourlmshmlfs il` the hmfhcy griote` liture ao hausehac` galtelts ml`mgites thit thehause wis i oagus ao itteltmal, dath mlsm`e il` aut, il` il ireli ao `mspciy omttmlf ta thenuctmoigete` race mt pciye`. Ml the rest ao thms piper, we wmcc exinmle haw il irghieacafmgic

exinmlitmal ao the hause gil elrmgh thms vmew oran the ghralmgces il` haw iesthetmg vicueswere `eepcy mlgarparite` mlta the oidrmgs, strugture il` cmvmlf expermelge ao the hause.

Omfure 4 Phe Ec Gida gaistic pranaltary shawmlf the trigb mlta the vmccife il` sane vmccife dumc`mlfs

(frey), il` the exgivite` ulmts (dcigb, nikarmty ao sniccer ulmts ire 4Ö4 n, the cirfest ulmt, 9::: n´ msthe niml tapmg ao thms piper ). Nip N.C.Z. Haafcil`.

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Ec Gida irghieacafmgic smte

he prmniry cagus il` sgice ao the irghieacafmgic reseirgh ml Ec Gida wis the settcenelt.Teseirgh wis thereoare galgerle` wmth the `anestmg pacmtmgic egalany, m.e. reicn ao gan-nulic cmvmlf, ar thase wha eit, fir`el, warb, dumc` hauses tafether, il` shire the sine`ei` il` ilgestars. Mt ms ifimlst thms digbfraul` thit irghieacafmgic evm`elge oar i galgerl

wmth hause iesthetmgs il` deiutmoymlf the hause ml Ec Gida ms `msgusse`.Ec Gida ms i Cite Gerinmg Ife (I@ ?:: - gi.95:0) settcenelt smte al the eist gaist

ao the @anmlmgil Tepudcmg (Omfure 9). he smte wis omrst mlvestmfite` dy the Nusea `ecHandre @anmlmgila ml the cite 9=6:”s whel twa, snicc test-pmts were exgivite` (Artefi9=68). Iraul` the turl ao thms nmccellmun the Nusea girrme` aut il mnpigt issessneltihei` ao nmleric extrigtmal ml the refmal mlgcu`mlf Ec Gida il` `eene` the smte it rmsb,regannel`mlf ouccer mlvestmfitmal (Acsel 4:::;Gh.?). Detweel 4::5 il` 4::8 irghiea-cafmgic reseirgh, mlgcu`mlf extelsmve exgivitmal, taab pcige ml Ec Gida ul`er the prakegtHauses oar the Cmvmlf il` the @ei` , oul`e` dy LVA (he Lethercil`s Arfilmsitmal oarWgmeltmomg Teseirgh) ul`er prmlgmpce mlvestmfitars @r Nella Haafcil` il` Zraoessar

Garmlle Haonil. he prakegt wis i gaccidaritmal detweel the Girmddeil Teseirgh Fraup,Oigucty ao Irghieacafy, Cem`el Ulmversmty, il` the Nusea `ec Handre @anmlmgila, Wilta@anmlfa. he faic ao thms reseirgh wis ta mlvestmfite settcenelt il` resm`elge ml i iîlagannulmty ta `evecap il irghieacafmgic perspegtmve al the ml`mfelaus hause il` settce-nelt `ylinmgs (Haonil et ic. 4::?, 4::82 Winsal 4:9:2 Winsal il` Haafcil` 4::6).hese imns were pursue` dy i omec`warb stritefy ao extelsmve exgivitmal whmgh `agunelt-e` hidmtitmal oeitures, `anestmg strugtures il` settcenelt spige.

Omfure 7 Exgivitmal ml prafress ml the niml ulmt. Late the whmte cidecs nirb oeitures gut mlta the


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Omfure 0 @etimc ao oeiture ciyer wmth pasthaces gut mlta the de`ragb.

Omfure 5 Gerinmg i`arla (hil`ce ar cuf) wmth zaanarphmg `egari -

tmal, typmgic ao the Ghmgam` paery exgivite` ml the niml ulmt.

Omfure ? Wtale dei`s exgivite` oran the niml ulmt.

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he aggupitmal ml the cirfest exgivite` irei, ar niml ulmt, whmgh galgerls thms gurreltpiper9, `ites oran gi. I@ 85: ta 9:-4: yeirs ioter Eurapeil galtigt il` reveice` aver twathausil` oeitures ml 9:::n´ (Winsal 4:9:;970-90?) (Omfure 4). he averwhecnmlf ni-

 karmty ao these oeitures were mlterprete` is pasthaces (Omfures 7 il` 0). he ulmque preservi-tmal ao pasthaces, `mregtcy gut mlta the cmnestale de`ragb, elidce` m`eltmomgitmal ao aver

omoty strugtures, thmrty ao whmgh ire mlterprete` is hauses, ml i``mtmal ta i gannulmgitmalpcitoarn, stareraans oar gannulmty reficmi, oelges, wml`dreibs il` warb huts (Winsal4:9:;959-4002 Winsal 4::=). Hause strugtures, the `anmlilt ml`mfelaus irghmtegturicoarn, ire mlterprete` is smflmomgilt il` prmniry nitermic il` sagmic ulmts.

 I snicc lunder ao durmics, nimlcy oran nm``el ireis, is wecc is i cirfe issendcife aopattery, shecc, dale, garic, il` stale irteoigts oran the oml` ciyer ao the niml ulmt (Omfures5 il` ?) ittest ta the `imcy il` calf-tern pcige-nibmlf igtmvmtmes ao the gannulmty.

Phe hause ml Ec Gida

Ec Gida ml the lmlth ta smxteelth gelturmes wis i tawl galsmstmlf ao sane hico i `azellemfhdaurmlf gcusters ao hauses irrilfe` ml cmleir oishmal icalf the e`fe ao i caw gaisticpranaltary. Hause gcusters, galsmstmlf ao three ta omve hauses oarnmlf recite` hausehac`fraups ao thmrty ta oarty peapce, were ourther mvm`e` mlta ml`mvm`uic hauses whmgh were pe-

9 Ml i``mtmal ta thms niml ulmt, il iufer-testmlf prafrinne, il mltelsmve suroige survey, tapafriphmg nippmlf,feaphysmgic mlvestmfitmals il` 79 sniccer ulmts were exgivite` igrass the smte (Winsal 4:9:;Gh.0).



Omfure 6 Zerspegtmve pcil ao i hause strugture (Wtrugture 9) shawmlf the `mineter il` recitmve `epths ao

the pasthace oeitures.

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rma`mgiccy redumct, ar relewe` , greitmlf calf-cmve` mlstmtutmals. Hause nenders were there-

oare cmbecy idce ta trige themr ilgestars digb ta gannal, hause armfmls (Winsal 4:9:).hemr hauses were gmrgucir strugtures whmgh nast gannalcy rilfe oran ?.5 ta 9: n ml`mineter il` galsmst ao twa past gmrgces2 il auter permneter wicc ao gcasecy-spige`, scel`erpasts, il` il mller, raao-deirmlf galomfuritmal ao emfht, cirfe suppart pasts, icmflmlf al iwestercy `aarwiy (Omfures 6 il` 8). Hause strugtures (l>79) ire galsmsteltcy cirfer, narerefucir il` ecidarite thil ather strugtures (l>49) il` ire the cagitmals ao gannenaritmveigts il` gcasmlf rmtuics.


 Vhel the `egmsmal wis tibel ta dumc` i hause, the igt ao ceveccmlf the ulevel cmnestale

de`ragb al the e`fe ao the gcmoo il` the pcigenelt il` hewmlf ao the pasthaces mlta theragb wis i smflmomgilt il` neilmlfouc igtmvmty. he oaul`itmals were ni`e wmth freit gireil` extrene refucirmty iggar`mlf ta i pcil whmgh elsure` strmgt synnetry. Felericcy speib-mlf, verligucir hause oaul`itmals, evel whel hmfhcy stil`ir`mze`, `mspciy mrrefucirmtmes._irmitmal ms aotel `ue ta sugh oigtars is the `mooerelt gipidmcmtmes ar da`y `mnelsmals aothe dumc`ers ar ao galstrugtmal nitermics. Mnperoegtmals lat tacerite` ml steec il` galgretedumc`mlfs gil de igganna`ite` dy the ocexmdmcmty il` ymec`mlf quicmtmes ao arfilmg nite-rmics. Vhy thereoare ire the oaul`itmals ao the strugtures ml Ec Gida exegute` wmth sughsgrupucaus exigtmtu`e1 Ifiml, thms ms lat smnpcy i oulgtmalic galgerl, dut remomes the igts ao


Omfure 8 Zerspegtmve pcil ao i hause strugture (Wtrugture 4) shawmlf the `mineter il` recitmve `epths ao

the pasthace oeitures.

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niluoigture, ml whmgh the pragess il` lat kust the el` resuct ms smflmomgilt, sanethmlf seelnare felericcy ml dumc`mlf tri`mtmals ml tri`mtmalic sagmetmes (Ziubetit il` Ict 4::52 Awag4::5). I reousic ta reuse ac` hause oaul`itmals, preserve` ml the ragb ml icnast the sinespat, il` the lal-expe`melt preoerelge oar nibmlf lew pasthaces ul`ersgares thms pamlt.

he galgerl oar refucirmty galtmlues ml the secegtmal il` settmlf ao the pasts.

Galstrugtmalic ecenelts virme` ml smze iggar`mlf ta themr pasmtmal wmthml the hause, lat kust iggar`mlf ta oulgtmal, dut icsa oran oralt ta digb, ml whmgh i nalunelticmze` el-trilge wis ni`e ta `mnmlmsh ta il mlgreismlfcy cmfhter galstrugtmal tawir`s the digb. Mlnily hause strugtures thms aver-irghmlf galgept mlgarparites ilather pitterl ao refuciricterlitmal detweel cirfer il` sniccer pasts icalf the whace permneter. hese sniccer pit-terls gaicesge wmthml the cirfer oarn. Ml ather war`s, the hausepcils shaw `mooerelt cevecsao mlterlic synnetry lat strmgtcy recite` ta oulgtmal. Zasts thensecves were ni`e ao waa`ao the sipa`mcci, ar oicse nistmg oinmcy (m`eltmome` dy @r Cee Lewsan, Zellsycvilmi WtiteUlmversmty). hese ire hane-fir`el spegmes wmth sneccy, e`mdce orumts il` whmgh pra`ugevery else hir`waa`, m`eic oar galstrugtmal (Lewsan il` Vmlf 4::0). he elsmty ao the

waa` il` the `moomgucty ml warbmlf mt wis ganpelsite` dy i strimfht friml, snaath omlmshil` `uridmcmty, evm`elge ao the galsm`ere` ghamges ao the dumc`ers.


he strugtures ml Ec Gida, icthaufh very refucir il` gmrgucir ml pcil, `m` lat legessirmcytrilsnmt thms gmrgucirmty ml the cmvmlf expermelge. Is saal is the pasts were put mlta thepasthaces, the hause stappe` demlf dise` al galgeltrmg prmlgmpces, il` degine anmlite`dy il ixmic ciyaut wmth i caw il` `irb digb il` i hmfh, cmfht il` mnpasmlf oralt. heoralt ms the nast `anmlilt oeiture ao the hause ml Ec Gida. Ml feleric eltrilge oiæi`es aohause strugtures were nalunelticmze` il` nirbe` wmth uprmfhts aotel is nissmve is the

raao-supparts mlsm`e. hese cirfer pasts orequeltcy rul oar i thmr` ao the permneter oarnmlfil auter wicc whmgh ms isynnetrmgiccy dicilge` tawir`s the west, iwiy oran the sei, il`nibes the oralt, ar the oige ao the dumc`mlf the nast mnpasmlf ispegt ao the strugture. Iccigtmvmtmes sugh is the irrmvic il` `epirture ao hausehac` nenders il` fuests taab pcigethraufh thms eltrilge is mt pradidcy oarne` the alcy iggess pamlt ml the hauses. @aarwiysthensecves were qumte snicc (al iverife 64 gn wm`e), whmgh wmthml the cirfe oiges wauc`hive ourther elhilge` the mnpasmlf oiæi`e. Nareaver, the nalunelticmty ao eltrilgespravm`e` shecter oran the sei wml` greitmlf i stmcc irei autsm`e the oralt ao the hause wherepeapce pradidcy galfrefite` il` warbe`. Mt ms lat blawl whether the eltrilge oiæi`es aothe hauses were i``mtmaliccy `egarite`. Hawever, mo ily pirt ao the hause wis `egarite`,thms wauc` de the nast cmbecy spat. Ml the rire gises ao hause `egaritmal ml Wauth Inermgi,mt ms usuiccy the oralt whmgh regemve` sugh treitnelt.4

4 Pms ms the gise wmth the oralt el`s ao Dirisili (Gacandmi) il` ubila (_iupís) nicagis   (Datecha Nichila

9==62 @ucy 9=6=2 Hufh-Kales 9=6=2 Hufh-Kales 9==5). Aggismaliccy mltermar wiccs ire `egarite` (Vmcdert9=89;Omf.44).

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Wmnmcir ta the gire seel ml hause galstrugtmal, idil`alnelt wis i oarnic pragess ml whmghthe hause wis msniltce`, pasts renave`, il` mtens ao da`mcy i`arlnelt, gerinmg i`arlas  il` ather mtens were epasmte` mlta enpty pasthaces, whmgh were thel re-omcce`. Wmflmomgiltpasts were pradidcy gurite` igrass suggessmve hause strugtures (Winsal 4:9:;4?4-4?8).

Gerinmg vessecs il` themr ulmque m`eltmomers, the i`arlas , gil de seel is irteoigts mgalmgao hausehac` m`eltmtmes (Au`hums 4::82 see Capmpira 4::6 oar i smnmcir `msgussmal algerinmgs il` hauses ml ernmlic Gcissmg Hal`uris). _essecs, use` ml the starife, prepiri-tmal il` servmlf ao oaa` il` `rmlb ire mltmnitecy daul` up wmth the m`eltmty ao the hauseil` the `anestmg gygce ao mts mlhidmtilts. Nareaver, eigh hausehac` pradidcy emther pra-`uge` mts awl pattery, ar regemve` vessecs oran ather hausehac`s ml regmpragic ocaws whmghsustimle` sagmic recitmalshmps (thraufh exghilfe wmthml ar autsm`e the gannulmty, seeWpmecnill 4::4). Zra`ugtmal, use il` `msgir` ao sugh hausehac` galoegtmal ms mltefric tahausehac` repra`ugtmal. Mt ms thereoare hmfhcy ippraprmite thit i`arlas   were galsm`ere`omttmlf oar `epasmtmal, is they wauc` lat alcy mlsgrmde the hause wmth the m`eltmty ao mtsmlhidmtilts, dut reoer ta the quatm`mil igtmvmtmes ao gannulic oaa` prepiritmal il` shirmlfwhmgh aggurre` ml il` iraul` the strugture.

Dei`s il` pel`ilts were icsa secegte` ta de `epasmte` mlta bey pasthaces wmthml thehause. Wugh mtens ao da`mcy i`arlnelt ire nirbers ao the gucture` il` m`eltmome` da`y.hemr `epasmtmal mlta smflmomgilt cagitmals ml the hause ml`mgites sane mnpartilt recitmal-shmps; thit cmbe the da`y, the hause shauc` de gucturiccy il` persaliccy mlsgrmde` (see Nmccs

4::8 al the rmtuic `ressmlf ao the hause ml the Inermgil sauthwest), thit the m`eltmtmes aothe hausehac` were tme` up wmth thit ao the hause, il` thit da`y il` hause were sudkegt

Omfure = Hause pcil (Wtrugture 0) wmth pasthaces ml whmte (Ö7) ml`mgitmlf the cagitmal ao gcasmlf


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ta smnmcir iesthetmg prasgrmptmals. hms suffests i sagmety ml whmgh mlhidmtilts il` hause,il` da`y il` hause ire recite` il` reoerelge eigh ather.


Cistcy, ioter the oarner hause wis idil`ale`, ilather strugture wis dumct ml the sine

pcige, `mspcige` dy i oew geltmnetres ar netres. he lew hause strugture wis icnast ex-igtcy the sine is the ac` strugture, repcmgitmlf mt ml smze, oarn il` dumct ml whit nust hivedeel il mltelsmve gannulic eooart seemlf is the ac` hause wis lat ivimcidce oar hidmtitmaldegiuse the lew ale avercippe` mts pcat. Hause relewic wis lat faverle` dy oulgtmaliclegessmty (m.e. raao rattmlf, hurrmgiles), dut dise` al gygces `eternmle` igrass the hausefraup ar whace gannulmty is suffeste` dy ri`magirdal `ites il` the spitmic pitterlmlfao the irghieacafmgic `iti (Winsal 4:9:;Gh. ?). Ml ather war`s, there ms evm`elge thitrelewic wis i gaar`mlite` prigtmge igrass hauses. he oigt thit thms pragess ao relewic ag-gurs twa, three, oaur, il` up ta omve tmnes oar sane hauses, oarnmlf –Hause rikegtarmes„(Winsal 4:9:), ml`mgites there wis il expcmgmt galgerl wmth the perpetuitmal ao the hause.

Nareaver, cigb ao mllavitmal il` calfevmty ml`mgites the hause wis i stidce il` galservi-tmve mlstmtutmal.


Ml sunniry, the irghieacafmgic evm`elge suffests thit il iesthetmg ao `anestmg deiuty ex-mste` ml the pre-Gacundmil smte ao Ec Gida whmgh expresse` mtseco thraufh the strugture aothe hause. hms wis m`eltmome` dy oagussmlf itteltmal al virmaus ispegts ao the cmoegygce aothe hause sugh is the gaar`mlite` eooart it galstrugtmal, idil`alnelt il` relewic , theexigtmlf exegutmal ao hause oaul`itmals, the nalunelticmty ao the hause oiæi`e, gire-

ouc secegtmal ao dumc`mlf nitermics, `ressmlf ao the idil`ale` hause cmbe the `ressmlf aothe hunil sagmic da`y il` i respalsmdmcmty ta repcmgite ar relew the suggessouc hause oarperpetumty.

Ghiccelfers niy gannelt thit the preseltitmal ao the `iti enphismzes i rase-tmlte`pmgture ao `anestmg sagmicmty whmgh `msnmsses the race ao galocmgt ml sagmic cmoe. he pasm-tmal tibel here hawever ms thit questmals ao tmne il` sgice, lat kust reseirgh piri`mfn,ire grugmic ta the `msgussmal il` thit galocmgt il` galselsus stritefmes nust de tenpariccyil` galtextuiccy smtuite` (Wiltas-Frilera 4:::;4?8-486). Il irghieacafmgic oagus al themlterlic `ylinmgs ao the settcenelt, aver il extelsmve tmne-sgice (6:: yeirs ao hidmtitmal)it grmtmgic stifes ml the cmoegygce ao the hause (espegmiccy galstrugtmal, idil`alnelt il`

relewic) reveics stritefmes imne` it pranatmlf gannulmty vicues ao ar`er, deiuty il` gal-tmlumty thraufh pirtmgucir iesthetmg dehivmaur. hms stritefy niy hive nisbe` galsm`eridceganpetmtmal, telsmal il` mvmsmal ml reic anestmg recitmals. Leverthecess, m`eltmoymlf sughstritefmes ms the omrst step ml ilicyzmlf pre-Gacundmil mltri-settcenelt `ylinmgs.

Nareaver, mt ms irfue` thit thms ghipter galtrmdutes i gaulterwemfht ta the hmstarmgmlkustmge ml Girmddeil irghieacafy, icsa ippirelt ml Inizalmil ilthrapacafy (Wiltas-Frilera 4:::2 see icsa _mvemras `e Gistra 9==?), ml whmgh galocmgt his deel enphismze`,ta the exgcusmal ao galtrigt, wmth mnpartilt galsequelges oar the galstrugtmal il` essel-tmicmzmlf ao the  litmve ghirigter. Ml the irghieacafy ao the pre-Gacundmil Girmddeil, therems cmttce sudstiltmic evm`elge suppartmlf galocmgt, yet wiroire, gaergmal, rim`mlf oar nir-

rmife pirtlers, pre`itmal (gillmdicmsn) il` persalic iffril`mzenelt ire issune` mnpar-

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tilt giticysts ar natars ao sagmic cmoe (Beefil il` Nighcighcil 9=8=2 Acmver 4::=2 Wmefec4::0, 4:9:), whereis the `anestmg egalany, gannulmty il` hausehac`, il` heterirghm-gic pawer `ylinmgs ire recitmvecy ul`erthearmze` (dut see Daanert 4:::; gh.992 Guret il`Wtrmlfer 4:9:2 Nac 4::62 Acmver 4::=; _ecaz Niffmaca 9=80).

Mo we turl aur itteltmal ifiml ta Litmve Inizalmi, is `msgusse` dy Wiltas-Frilera,

the greitmal ao the rmfht gal`mtmals oar suggessouc sagmic cmoe `aes lat kust exmst ml il m`eicreicn, is il –ulittimlidce utapmi„, rither mts settmlf ms the cagic gannulmty, vmccife il`ga-resm`eltmic fraup, il` mt oml`s mts ouccest expressmal ml the frawmlf settcenelt ml whmghgannalcy hec` m`eics ire nilmoest (Wiltas-Frilera 4:::;487). hese prmlgmpces ao anes-tmg sagmicmty wmthml the gannulmty hive mnpcmgitmals oar naricmty (seco-galtrac, prahmdmtmalao lefitmve enatmals/dehivmaur, mltelse sagmicmty), gasnacafy (represelte` ml nythaca-fmes), `imcy cmoe (gannulic warb il` sagmicmzmlf) il` iesthetmgs (nimltimlmlf i deiutmouc,ar`ere` elvmralnelt) (Avermlf il` Zisses 4:::). Galsequeltcy, there ms il iesthetmgsta Inizalmil naricmty, degiuse nimltimlmlf il ar`ere` elvmralnelt ms i naric respal-smdmcmty, il` i `msar`ere` elvmralnelt cei`s ta ulhippmless, il` lefitmve galsequelges

(Avermlf il` Zisses 4:::;0 il` ml the sine vacune Deciul`e 4:::2 Bm`` 4:::). @espmtethe oigt thit the spegmomg na`ec ao hause-cmoe whmgh `evecape` ml Ec Gida wis cagiccy il`hmstarmgiccy spegmomg, leverthecess ethlafriphmg ilicafmes whmgh hmfhcmfht shire` `mspasm-tmals gil mlspmre irghieacafmgic mlterpretitmal.

Mo we kuxtipase thms ethlafriphmg smtuitmal wmth the quicmtitmve ittrmdutes, oarn il` cmv-mlf expermelge ao the hause ml pre-Gacundmil Ec Gida mt suffests thit there niy hive deelil equmvicelge detweel ml`mfelaus `anestmg iesthetmgs il` presgrmde` sagmic larns. hehause enerfes is i kamlt elterprmse oran the gaccegtmve gannulmty vicues ao ar`er, deiutyil` galtmlumty. Ml ather war`s, `anestmg iesthetmgs ml Ec Gida galtrmdute` ta the greitmalao i trilqumc il` hirnalmaus elvmralnelt oar praper sagmic cmoe.


hms ghipter ms `e`mgite` ta the nenary ao the niyar ao Ec Gida, Cmalec Ivmci, wha pisse`iwiy ml Agtader 4::=, il` hms oinmcy, Kuili il` themr ghmc`rel wha survmve hmn. he re-seirgh ml Ec Gida wis oul`e` dy LVA frilt 7?:-?4-:7: ul`er the supervmsmal ao @r.Nella Haafcil` il` Zraoessar Garmlle Haonil. M in friteouc ta the Nusea `ec Handre@anmlmgila, the Girmddeil Teseirgh Fraup, Cem`el Ulmversmty il` icc stu`elts il` gac-ceifues wha pirtmgmpite` ml reseirgh ml Ec Gida. he iuthar expresses thilbs ta Ermb vil@rmec oar the irteoigt riwmlfs, Nmbe Hegbelderfer il` Tiynal` Gardey oar grmtmgic gan-

nelts al the piper preseltitmal.


 Icès, G.

4::: Ilfer is i nirber ao cave; he ethmg ao galvmvmicmty inalf the ]ilaninm. Ml Pheilthrapacafy ao cave il` ilfer; Phe iesthetmgs ao galvmvmicmty ml litmve Inizalmi , e`mte` dy

 K. Avermlf il` I. Zisses, pp. 977-959. Tautce`fe, Cal`al il` Lew ]arb.

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Deciul`e, C.E.

4::: he galvmvmic seco il` the oeir ao ilfer inalfst the Imra-Zim ao Inizalmil Zeru.Ml Phe ilthrapacafy ao cave il` ilfer; Phe iesthetmgs ao galvmvmicmty ml litmve Inizalmi ,e`mte` dy K. Avermlf il` I. Zisses, pp. 4:=-44:. Tautce`fe, Cal`al il` Lew ]arb.

Derght, O., E. Dra`sby, K.I. Oirner, il` @. iycar (e`mtars)9==6 Piîla; Zre-Gacundmil irt il` gucture oran the Girmddeil . Naligeccm Zress, EcNusea `ec Dirrma, Lew ]arb.

Daist, T.

9==6 I snicc ganpily ao igtars; I grmtmque ao styce.  Kaurlic ao Nitermic Gucture  4(4);967-9=8.

Daanert, I.

4::: Prmlm`i`, Padifa il` the Cawer Armlaga Mlterigtmal Wphere; il irghieacafmgic/eth-lahmstarmgic stu`y . Zh@ `mssertitmal, Cem`el Ulmversmty, Cem`el. Gimrm Zudcmgitmals, Icbniir.

Datecha Nichila, H.

9==6 Birmd-Iruib-upm (Nita Frassa). Ml Elgygcape`mi ao verligucir irghmtegture ao thewarc`; Guctures il` hidmts, vac. 7, Elgygcape`mi ao _erligucir Irghmtegture ao the Varc` ,e`mte` dy Z. Acmver, pp. 9?4=. Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe.

Gicveri, K., E. Werrila, . Tey, N. Ze`rasa ]u`ecsy, il` M. ]pirrifumrre

9==? Ec smtma irqueac÷fmga Cas Dughmccales. Ec Girmde Irqueac÷fmga 9;5=-?6.Gacundus, G.

9==: Phe kaurlic . _ac. M. Luavi Tiggacti Gacandmili. Mstmtuta Zacmfriomga e [eggi `eccaWtita, Tane.

Galri`, F.V., K.V. Oaster, il` G.@. Deeber

4::9 Arfilmg irtmoigts oran the Nililtmic e ci Iceti, @anmlmgil Tepudcmg; Zrecmnmliryadservitmals il` mlterpretitmals. Kaurlic ao Girmddeil Irghieacafy ;9-4:.

Gaate, K.9==4/9==5 Nirvecs ao every`iy vmsmal; he ilthrapacafy ao iesthetmgs il` the git-tce-beepmlf Lmcates. Ml Phe ilthrapacafy ao irt; I rei`er , e`mte` dy H. Narphy il` N.Zerbmls, pp. 489-7:9. Dcigbwecc, Nic`el.

Gardey, T., Ciytal, T., il` K. iller

4::0 9=. Irghieacafy il` irt. Ml I ganpilmal ta irghieacaf y , e`mte` dy K. Dmltcmoo, pp.756-76=. Dcigbwecc Zudcmshmlf, Axoar`.

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Guret, C.I., il` C.N. Wtrmlfer (e`mtars)

4:9: Pmdes; Zeapce, pawer, il` rmtuic it the gelter ao the gasnas. Girmddeil irghieacafyil` ethlahmstary . Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

@ucy, G.

9=6= Phe hauses ao nilbml` . hines il` Hu`sal, Cal`al.

Firgîi Irívica, N.I.

9=66 Ec Irte Piîla `e ci Tepûdcmgi @anmlmgili . Nusea `ec Handre @anmlmgila il`Oul`igm÷l Firgîi Irívica, Mlg., Wilta @anmlfa.

Fecc, I.

9==8 Irt il` ifelgy; Il ilthrapacafmgic theary . Gcirel`al Zress, Axoar`.

Fuss, @.N.

9=8= Pa weive il` smlf; Irt, syndac, il` lirritmve ml the Wauth Inermgil riml oarest .Ulmversmty ao Gicmoarlmi Zress, Derbecey, Gicmoarlmi.

Haonil, G.C., N.C.Z. Haafcil`, K.T. Acmver, il` I._.N. Winsal

4::? Mlvestmfigmales irqueac÷fmgis el Ec Gida, armelte `e ci Tepûdcmgi @anmlmgili;Tesucti`as precmnmlires `e ci ginpiùi `e 4::5. Ec Girmde Irqueac÷fmga =;=5-9:?.

Haonil, G.C., N.C.Z. Haafcil`, I._.N. Winsal, il` K.T. Acmver

4::8 Mlvestmfigmales irqueac÷fmgis el Ec Gida, armelte `e ci Tepûdcmgi @anmlmgili;

Tesucti`as precmnmlires `e cis ginpiùis 4::5 y 4::?. Dacetîl `ec Nusea `ec Handre@anmlmgila 04;7:6-79?.

Hufh-Kales, G.

9=6= Oran the Nmcb Tmver; Wpitmic il` tenparic pragesses ml Larthwest Inizalmi .Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe.

Hufh-Kales, W.

9==5 Mlsm`e-aut il` digb-ta-oralt; he il`rafylaus hause ml larthwest Inizalmi. Ml Idaut the hause; Cívm-Wtriuss il` deyal` , e`mte` dy K. Girstel il` W. Hufh-Kales, pp.

44?-454. Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe.

4::= he oidrmgite` da`y. Adkegts il` ilgestars ml larthwest Inizalmi. Ml Phe ag-guct cmoe ao thmlfs; Litmve Inizalmil thearmes ao nitermicmty il` persalhaa` , e`mte` dy O.Wiltas-Frilera, pp. 77-5=. he Ulmversmty ao Inizalmi Zress, ugsal.

Beefil, V.O., il` N.@. Nigcighcil

9=8= he Evacutmal ao Ivulgucagic Ghmeo`ans; I Tegalstrugtmal ao iîla Bmlshmpil` Zacmtmgs. Inermgil Ilthrapacafmst  =9;?97-?7:.

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Berghighe, K., il` F. Cighiune

9==0 C”irt `es sgucpteurs Pimlas; Gheos-`”Aeuvre `es Fril`es Iltmcces pregacandmelles sausci `mr. `e Kigques Berghighe 2 Rtri`. pir Fmcdert Cighiune^. E`mtmals `es Nusíes `e ci_mcce `e Zirms, Zirms.

Bm``, W.4::: Blawce`fe il` the prigtmge ao cave il` hite inalf the Elxet ao Zirifuiy. Ml Pheilthrapacafy ao cave il` ilfer; Phe iesthetmgs ao galvmvmicmty ml litmve Inizalmi , e`mte` dy

 K. Avermlf il` I. Zisses, pp. 990-974. Tautce`fe, Cal`al il` Lew ]arb.

Cis Gisis, D. `e

9==4 Ipacafítmgi Hmstarmi Wunirmi `e cis Ml`mis . Icmilzi, Ni`rm`.

Capmpira, K.

4::6 Hause sagmetmes il` heterirghy ml the ernmlic Gcissmg Ucûi _iccey, Hal`uris. Ml

Phe `uridce hause; Hause sagmety na`ecs ml irghieacafy , e`mte` dy T.I. Degb, pp. 67-=?.Gelter oar Irghieacafmgic Mlvestmfitmals, Girdal`ice.

Nmccs, D.K.

4::8 Tenendermlf whmce oarfettmlf; @epasmtmalic prigtmges il` sagmic nenary itGhiga. Ml  Nenary warb; Irghieacafmes ao nitermic prigtmges , e`mte` dy D.K. Nmccs il`

 V.H. Vicber, pp. 89-9:8. Wghaac oar I`vilge` Teseirgh Zress, Wilti Oe.

Nac, I.I.I.

4::6 Gastcy fmvmlf, fmvmlf fuiîzis; Pawir`s il arfilmg na`ec ao the exghilfe ao sagmicvicuidces ml the Cite Gerinmg Ife Girmddeil. NZhmc thesms, Cem`el Ulmversmty, Cem`el.Wm`estale Zress, Cem`el.

Narphy, H., il` N. Zerbmls (e`mtars)

4::? Phe ilthrapacafy ao irt; I rei`er . Dcigbwecc ilthacafmes ml sagmic il` gucturic il-thrapacafy R6^. Dcigbwecc, Nic`el.

Livirrete, N.O. `e

9=44 _mikes `e Grmst÷dic Gac÷l. Ni`rm`.

Lewsan, C.I., il` E.W. Vmlf 

4::0 Al cil` il` sei; Litmve Inermgil uses ao dmacafmgic resaurges ml the Vest Ml`mes .Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

Acmver, K.T., G. NgEwil, il` I.G. Fmcderfi (e`mtars)

4::8 Ec Girmde pregacandmla; Oriy Tin÷l Zilí y ec ulmversa Piîla. Nuseu Dirdmer-Nueccer il` Oul`igmal Gimxi Ficmgmi, Dirgecali.

Acmver, K.T.

4::= Gigmques il` genî m`acs; Phe wed spul dy Piîla rucers detweel Hmspilmaci il`Zuerta Tmga. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

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Acsel Dafiert, H.

4::: Zraspeggm÷l Irqueac÷fmgi; Estu`ma `e Mnpigta Indmeltic Zrayegta Galgesm÷l `eExpcatigm÷l Nmleri Girneca, Hmfuey, Zravmlgmi Ci Ictifrigmi. Wegretirmi e Esti`a e Ne`ma

 Indmelte y Tegursas Liturices . Ulpudcmshe` repart, Nusea `ec Handre @anmlmgila.

Artefi, E.K.9=68 Mloarne sadre mlvestmfigmales irqueac÷fmgis reicmzi`is el ci refmal este `ec piîs,zali gasteri `es`e Nigia i Zulti Espi`i. Dacetîl `ec Nusea `ec Handre @anmlmgila99;66-9:5.

Au`hums, L.N.

4::8 Ocugtuitmlf m`eltmtmes; Il mgalafriphmg stu`y ao the Piîla i`arlas ao the smte Ec Gida,eisterl @anmlmgil Tepudcmg . Ulpudcmshe` Nister thesms, Cem`el Ulmversmty, Cem`el.

Avermlf, K., il` I. Zisses (e`mtars)

4::: Phe ilthrapacafy ao cave il` ilfer; Phe iesthetmgs ao galvmvmicmty ml litmve Inizalmi .Tautce`fe, Cal`al il` Lew ]arb.

4::: Mltra`ugtmal; Galvmvmicmty il` the apelmlf up ao Inizalmil ilthrapacafy. MlPhe ilthrapacafy ao cave il` ilfer; Phe iesthetmgs ao galvmvmicmty ml litmve Inizalmi , e`-mte` dy K. Avermlf il` I. Zisses, pp. 9-7:. Tautce`fe, Cal`al il` Lew ]arb.

Avme`a, F.O. `e

9859 Hmstarmi Feleric y Lituric `e cis Ml`mis, Mscis y Pmerri-Omrne `ec Nir Agíila. _ac.9. Ci Teéc Igi`enmi `e ci Hmstarmi, Ni`rm`.

Awag, N.I.

4::5 Oran the fraul` up; Ifelgy, prigtmge, il` gannulmty ml the sauthwesterl DrmtmshDralze Ife. Kaurlic ao Irghieacafmgic Netha` il` Pheary  94;456-489.

Zilí, T.

9===  Il Iggault ao the Iltmqumtmes ao the Ml`mils; I lew e`mtmal wmth il mltra`ugtarystu`y, lates il` ippel`mxes dy Kasí Kuil Irran. @ube Ulmversmty Zress, @urhin, LG.

Ziubetit, .T., il` W.N. Ict

4::5 Ifelgy ml i pastnac`1 Zhysmgicmty il` the irghieacafy ao gucture-nibmlf. Kaurlicao Irghieacafmgic Netha` il` Pheary  94;497-475.

Winsal, I._.N.

4:9: Telewmlf the hause; Prikegtarmes ao sagmic cmoe ml the yugiyeque (gannulmty) ao Ec Gida,Hmfóey, @anmlmgil Tepudcmg, I@ 8:: ta 95:0 . Zh@ `mssertitmal, Cem`el Ulmversmty,Cem`el. Wm`estale Zress, Cem`el.

4::= Hause trikegtarmes ml Ec Gida, @anmlmgil Tepudcmg; he dumc`mlf dcagbs ao CiteGerinmg Ife gucture. Ziper preselte` it the 47r` Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil

 Irghieacafy, Iltmfui.

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Winsal, I._.N., il` N.C.Z. Haafcil`

4::6 Tesm`elgmi iîli; Hueccis `e iseltinmelta el Ec Gida, Tepûdcmgi @anmlmgili.Ec Girmde Irqueac÷fmga 9:;=7-9:7.

Wiltas-Frilera, O.

4::: he Wmsyphus syl`rane, ar the struffce oar galvmvmicmty ml Litmve Inizalmi. MlPhe ilthrapacafy ao cave il` ilfer; Phe iesthetmgs ao galvmvmicmty ml litmve Inizalmi , e`-mte` dy K. Avermlf il` I. Zisses, pp. 4?8-486. Tautce`fe, Cal`al il` Lew ]arb.

Wmefec, Z.E.

4::0 Vhit hippele` ioter I@ ?:: ml Zuerta Tmga1 Garparite fraups, papucitmal re-strugturmlf, il` past-Wici`am` sagmic ghilfes. Ml Cite Gerinmg Ife Wagmetmes ml the EisterlGirmddeil, e`mte` dy I. @ecpuegh il` G.C. Haonil, pp. 86-9::. DIT MlterlitmalicWermes 9467. Irghieapress, Axoar`.

4:9: Galtmlumty il` ghilfe ml the evacutmal ao recmfmal il` pacmtmgic arfilmzitmal alpre-Gacundmil Zuerta Tmga. Kaurlic ao Ilthrapacafmgic Irghieacafy  4=(7);77:4-74?.

Wpmecnill, B.I.

4::4 Oeistmlf, griot spegmicmzitmal, il` the rmtuic na`e ao pra`ugtmal ml snicc-sgicesagmetmes. Phe Inermgil Ilthrapacafmst  9:0(9);9=5-4:6.

_ecaz Niffmaca, N.

9=80 Ci irqueacafmi `e ci vm`i gatm`mili; Nitmges, hmstarmi y `moerelgmis. Dacetîl `e Iltrapacafîi Inermgili `ec Mlstmtuta Zilinermgila `e Feafrioîi e Hmstarmi  9:;5-49.

_mvemras `e Gistra, E.

9==? Mnifes ao liture il` sagmety ml Inizalmil ethlacafy.  Illuic Tevmew ao Ilthrapacafy  45;96=-4::.

 Vmessler, Z.

9=87 Wtyce il` sagmic mloarnitmal ml Bicihirm Wil prakegtmce pamlts. Inermgil Iltmqumty  08(4);457-46?.

9==: Ms there i ulmty ta styce1 Ml Phe uses ao styce ml irghieacafy , e`mte` dy N. Galbey

il` G. Histaro, pp.9:5-994. Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe. Vmcdert, K.

9=89 Viria gasnacafy il` ]ebuili raul`hause syndacmsn. Kaurlic ao Citml InermgilCare  6;76-64.

 Vadst, N.

9=66 Wtycmstmg dehivmaur il` mloarnitmal exghilfe. Ml Zipers oar the mregtar; Teseirgh es-siys ml halaur ao Kines W. Frmooml, e`mte` dy G.E. Gcecil`, pp. 796-704. Ilthrapacafmgicpipers ?9, Ill Irdar.

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Telza W. @uml

Wmx `egi`es ioter the pudcmgitmal ao Prapmgic Oarest Prmdes , Inizalmi ippeirs nare ganpcex

thil issune` thus oir, nare heterafeleaus, nare `ylinmg, il` nare sagma-pacmtmgiccyganpcex wmth refmalic ecenelts ao arfilmzitmal. hms stu`y enalstrites il mltefrite` re-fmalicmty ml Viyili sagma-pacmtmgic arfilmzitmal, dise` al ml-`epth ethlafriphmg omec`warbgal`ugte` oran 9==? ta 4::0 ml aver twelty Viyili vmccifes il` idil`ale` pciges ao theupper Niralm disml (ml Wurmline il` Orelgh Fumili). Ml ue pragess, thms piper grmtmgiccyevicuites pist irghieacafmgic il` ilthrapacafmgic stu`mes ao the refmal, pirtmgucircy is tawhy the pasmte` refmalic mltefrite` arfilmzitmal his lat deel regaflmze` hmtherta.

Wems `ígi`is `espuís `e ci pudcmgigm÷l `ec Prapmgic Oarest Prmdes , Inizalmi pirege ser nésganpceka que ca oue presunm`a iltes, nés heterafílea, nés `mlénmga, nés ganpceka sa-gmapacîtmginelte gal eceneltas refmalices e arfilmzigm÷l. Este estu`ma enuestri uli re-fmalicm`i` mltefri`i el ec arfilmzigm÷l sagmapacîtmgi Viyili, oul`i`i el tridika `e gin-pa etlafréomga gal`ugm`a `e 9==? histi 4::0 el nés `e vemlte puedcas Viyili y cufiresidil`ali`as `e ci guelgi supermar Niralm (Wurmline y Fuiyili orilgís). Eltretilta, estetriti`a grîtmginelte evicûi cas estu`mas irqueac÷fmgas y iltrapac÷fmgas iltermares, pirtm-gucirnelte el ca que se reomere i expcmgir parque ci arfilmzigm÷l refmalic mltífrice ta`ivîila hi sm`a regalagm`i.

Wamxilte ils iprès ci pudcmgitmal `e rapmgic Oarest rmdes, c”Inizalme ippirimt pcus hítí-rafèle, pcus `ylinmque et sagma-pacmtmquenelt pcus ganpcexe qu”al le ce pelsimt kusquecê, cimssilt piriìtre `es ícínelts rífmaliux `”arfilmsitmal. Oal`íe sur `es regherghes eth-

lafriphmques `e terriml ippraoal`mes, nelíes `e 9==? ê 4::0 `ils pcus `e vmlft vmccifes Viyilis et smtes idil`allís `u dissml `u Hiut Niralm (iu Wurmline et el Fuyile oril-æimse), gette ítu`e net el ívm`elge ule rífmalicmtí mltífríe ils c”arfilmsitmal sagma-pacmtm-que `es Viyilis. Ziriccècenelt, ge trimtí exinmle `”ul ŗmc grmtmque ces ítu`es ethlafriphm-ques et irghíacafmques iltírmeures `e gette rífmal gherghilt el pirtmgucmer ê ganprel`repaurquam ce pastucit `”ule arfilmsitmal rífmalice l”i pis ítí regallue kusqu”ê príselt.

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Deyal` Prapmgic Oarest Guctures il` Wtale Ife Ml`mils

hms stu`y ms smtuite` ml the gurrelt edite al sagma-pacmtmgic ganpcexmty ml the lea-trapmgs.M wmcc spegmomgiccy oagus al the Fumili Hmfhcil`s, the witershe` detweel the Fumili Whmec`il` the Inizal Disml (Omfure 9). Inizalmi ippeirs nare ganpcex thil issune` thus oir(Hegbelderfer il` Leves 4::=2 Wmcvernil il` Msdecc 4::8). he Fumili Hmfhcil`s ireirghieacafmgiccy icnast vmrfml terrmtary (Idallelg 9=542 @uml 4::?) il` the ethlafriphyao thms refmal renimls `eepcy raate` ml whit E`uir`a _mvemras `e Gistra (9==?) gicce` the–stil`ir` na`ec„ ao trapmgic oarest guctures. Hmstarmgiccy, hawever, ganpcex il` geltricmze`sagmetmes hive deel regaflmze` ml the Fumilis (@reyous 9=87/9=802 Frelil` 9=692 Tmvmère9=802 Ficcams 9=8?2 Vhmtehei` 9=88, 9==0, 9==8, 9===). Tegelt nuctm-`msgmpcmliry stu`-mes reveic thit galtenpariry ml`mfelaus Fumili gannulmtmes ippeir nare heterafeleaus

thil prevmauscy issune`, nare ylinmg, il` nare sagma-pacmtmgiccy ganpcex wmth refmalicc

Perri Omrne_irzíi_irzíi

   T  e  l  z  a   W .

   @  u   m  l




Orelgh Fumili



5:º59º54º57º50º55º5?º 0=º











Bmlf Ore`ermgb 

Vmccmin M_ Oiccs



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 i  r e i

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rmver + oiccs

L9::: bn 4::


litmal dar`er 

Omfure 9 Viyili smtuite` ml the oraltmer zale ao Wurmline, Orelgh Fumili, il` Drizmc.

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ecenelts ao arfilmzitmal (@uml 4::=2 go. Ficcams 4::5). Vhel igblawce`fmlf i `eep hms-tary ao the ml`mfelaus peapces ao Fumili, il` la calfer recymlf al smte-dise` ippraighesalcy, i `mooerelt pmgture enerfes.

Zregalgemve` m`eis il` pradcens ao trilscitmal ire it the heirt ao the gurrelt reseirghml the Fumili Hmfhcil`s. hereoare M reoer ml the tmtce ao thms stu`y ta Kigques @errm`i”s

`egalstrugtmve oarnuci ao the – pcus `”ul„ il` the reocegtmal upal the smlfucir il`/ar pcu-ric. here ms i tri`mtmal ao gcissmoymlf irghieacafmgic ganpcexes ml the Girmddeil il` theFumilis oaccawmlf the cilfuife dise` `mghatany ao Iriwibil ar Girmdil. hel ifiml, thepmtoicc ao cmlbmlf patsher`s ta cilfuifes `enalstrites the pawer ao @errm`i”s –pcus `”ul„ isthe irghieacafmgic regar` ms –la nare„ cilfuife il` –nare thil i„ cilfuife. Gannulmtmesire smlfucir il`/ar pcuric. Gannulmtmes ire nare ocum` thil cilfuife fraups ar nitermicguctures. mne il` ifiml, ethlafriphmg `iti ms supermnpase` al irghieacafmgic oml`mlfswmthaut grmtmgic evicuitmal. Imn ao the preselt warb ms ta pravm`e i neetmlf fraul` ta oi-gmcmtite nuctmvagicmty ml pastgacalmic trils`msgmpcmliry reseirgh (drm`fmlf detweel irghiea-cafmgic, hmstarmgic, ethlafriphmg, il` ml`mfelaus vamges) ao sagma-pacmtmgic arfilmzitmal ml

the pist ml the cirfecy ulblawl Fumili Hmfhcil`s. Law ms the tmne oar i peapcmlf ao theirghieacafmgic regar` il` `eep-tmne ethlafriphy.he Hil`daab ao Wauth Inermgil Ml`mils  (Wtewir` 9=08-9=5:) gucnmlite` il` ne`m-

ite` the stil`ir` na`ec ao rapmgic Oarest Guctures is the gucture types ao Wauth InermgilMl`mils were eomle` il` giticafue`. Ganpcex sagmetmes ml Wauth Inermgi were the Il`eilmrrmfitmal gmvmcmzitmals (esseltmiccy the Mlgi) is wecc is the theagritmg il` nmcmtirmstmg ghmeo-`ans ao the Freiter Iltmcces (iîla) il` the ‘Gmrgun-Girmddeil” (see icsa Wtewir` il`Oiral 9=5=). he freiter pirt ao Wauth Inermgi (nimlcy Inizalmi) wis cigbmlf the typm-gic –gucture gare„ ghirigtermstmgs ao ghmeo`ans, il` thereoare, dy `eoiuct, cidece` –rapmgicOarest rmdes„ (Wtewir` 9=082 upfri`e` ta –rapmgic Oarest Guctures„ ml Wtewir` il` Oiral

9=5=) wmth here il` there dil`s ao lani`mg hulter/fitherers. Mt wis ml the dar`er zaleao Drizmc, Wurmline, il` Orelgh Fumili (ml the unug-Hunig refmal2 Omfure 9), thit the9=76 @utgh daul`iry expe`mtmal elgaultere` dil`s ao lani`mg hulter/fitherers (vilCyl`el 9=7=;8572 Neuc`mkb 9=7=;867-86?2 see icsa Ihcdrmlgb 9=5?2 `e Faeke 9=07i2Femksbes 9=6:). hmrty yeirs citer i segal` –omrst galtigt„ wis ni`e wmth these sa-gicce`–Wtale Ife Ml`mils„ whmgh exgmte` sgmeltmsts, i`velturers, il` nmssmalirmes (Girlemra9=?=2 Wghael 9=?=). Wugh elgaulters supparte` the hypathesms thit Inizalmi wis lath-mlf nare thil i –gaulteroemt piri`mse„ (Neffers 9=69, 9==?) ulsumtidce ta sustiml hmfhgmvmcmzitmals.

Fraul`e` ml the lea-evacutmaliry epmstene thit smnpce sagmetmes `evecape` mlta gan-

pcex sagmetmes, Evils il` Neffers (9=?:) ippcme`, wmthaut grmtmgic evicuitmal, themr eth-lafriphmg adservitmals inalf the Vimwim ml sautherl Drmtmsh Fumili ta mlterpret themrirghieacafmgic oml`mlfs ml the refmal. Ve hive ta gre`mt then oar these eircy ethla-ir-ghieacafmgic expe`mtmals ml Inizalmi, il` mt wis the spmrmt ao the tmne ta gal`ugt –resgueethlafriphy„ al these `msippeirmlf –prmnmtmve„ gannulmtmes. hey issune` thit ml`mf-elaus cmoe hi` lat ghilfe` il` thit these snicc iutalanaus il` epheneric vmccifes werecagite` ml i prmstmle rimloarest settmlf. hese tri`mtmalic settcenelts galsmstmlf ao i smlfceraul`hause hausmlf the eltmre gannulmty were galsm`ere` the ulmt ao ilicysms. Oaccawmlfthe thel gurrelt `eomlmtmal ao –rapmgic Oarest rmdes„, the vmccife wis il iutalanaus ulmtil` gauc` thus de stu`me` ml msacitmal.

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Nugh his ghilfe` the pist smxty yeirs ml Inizalmil irghieacafy il` ethlafriphy. Oar Inizalmi ml feleric, there ms i frawmlf lunder ao irghieacafmsts uleirthmlf cirfe nil-ni`e strugtures (e.f., Ermgbsal 4::82 Hegbelderfer 9==?, 4::5, 4::82 Hegbelderfer etic. 9===, 4::9, 4::72 Cmni et ic. 4::?2 Taasevect 9=86, 9==9, 9===2 Tastiml 9==0, 4::82_ersteef 4::8). hemr oml`mlfs evm`elge pre-galtigt sagma-pacmtmgic suprivmccife arfilmzi-

tmals, ml`mgitmlf thit sagmic ganpcexmty il` cirfe papucitmals were lat ruce` aut dy elvm-ralneltic oigtars. Vhmcst ispegts sugh is gasnacafmes enalstrite renirbidce galtmlumty,irghieacafmgic oml`mlfs smflmoy mnpartilt ghilfes ao ml`mfelaus cmoe ml the pist.

Taul`hauses il` vmccifes

Taul`hauses ire irghetypic ml Fumili il` seen ta previmc (Tae 9=86). I gelter oar pudcmgfithermlf il` rmtuic gerenalmes surraul`e` dy prmvite `weccmlf ganpirtnelts ms `en-alstrite` ml gise-stu`mes inalf the ]ebuili (Fuss 9=8=2 Irvecca-Kmnílez 9=69, 9=66),

 Vimwim (Oagb 9=?72 Hawir` 4::92 Wmefec 9==:2 ]`e 9=?5), il` rma (Das 9=672 Tmvmère9==5) (icc Girmdil-speibmlf peapces ml the mltermar ao Fumili). hese stu`mes ourthernareigblawce`fe the mlocuelge ao nmssmalirmes oran the 9=5:s alwir` (oar the gise ao Vesterlmlocuelges al the Viyili see Davel 4::?). @ue ta nmssmaliry mlterveltmal il` atherfcadic mlocuelges, the –tri`mtmalic„ gannulic raul`hause na`ec –expca`e`„ mlta i set-tcenelt pitterlmlf whereml `weccmlf ganpirtnelts ao the gannulic raul`hause degineprmvite `weccmlfs surraul`mlf i gannulmty raul`hause. hms gannulmty raul`hausewis i re`uge` versmal ao the gannulic raul`hause thit alge hause` the eltmre gan-nulmty (Omfure 4). hms na`ec ao i past-9=5:s Fumili vmccife wmth i gannulmty raul`-hause ml mts gelter ms galfruelt wmth the cmteriture al the Viyili, exenpcmome` dy thevmccife ao Kilinice (@irdams 9=5?2 Nizmère il` @irdams 9=57, 9=5=). Dise` al the pha-tas ao @anmlmque @irdams, il` the persalic hmstarmes ao the sal il` `iufhter ao the cite

 Kilinice, i pcil vmew ao the vmccife ao Kilinice wis regalstrugte`. he resuct wis smnmcirta the wm`esprei` past-9=5:s Fumili vmccife, linecy i pudcmg raul`hause ta regemve fuestssurraul`e` dy prmvite `weccmlfs hausmlf cagic mlhidmtilts. Weveric Viyili vmccifes oaccawthms typmgic na`ec, evel thaufh they ire destawe` wmth na`erl mlocuelges sugh is garru-

Omfure 4 Wbetghes ao vmccife pcil vmews wmth i gannulic raul`hause (ceot) il` i gannulmty raul` -hause surraul`e` dy prmvite `weccmlfs (rmfht).

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fite` mral raaos, regtilfucir hauses al stmcts, i Orelgh sghaac, il` i `mspelsiry. Ecsewhere(@uml 4::=), M hive leverthecess `enalstrite` haw the vmccifes wmth gannulmty raul`-hauses ire ulmque rither thil typmgic Viyili settcenelts.

 It omrst, M taab oar frilte` thit the Viyili gannulmty raul`hause (line` tubusmpil)wis the alcy –tri`mtmalic„ strugture. hel ifiml, thit thms raul`hause wmthstaa` the na`-

erl mlocuelges ao fcadicmzitmal ms rither renirbidce. hese raul`hauses, rither thil demlfi nere digb`rap ifimlst whmgh vmccife cmoe tibes pcige, pciy i geltric race ml the ganpcexsagma-pacmtmgic arfilmzitmal ao the Viyili. Oenice spegmicmsts pra`uge dattancess vessecsta prategt the raao where mt ms peletrite` dy the geltric pace. hese vessecs ire dattancessis they ire neilt ta de peletrite` dy the geltric pace ao the gannulmty raul`hause. Nicespegmicmsts pra`uge the mstmlgtmve waa`el msb (nicuwili ) alta whmgh hmstarmgic nel-bmcc-mlf nalsters ire pimlte`. he shipe ao the raul`hause ms ml reoerelge ta i `ane-shipe`mlsecderf it the witershe` detweel Orelgh Fumili il` Drizmc. Viyili aric hmstary ml-oarns thit mt wis it thms naultiml thit the hmstarmgic hera Bimciwi, oaul`er ao the Viyiligaloe`eritmal, welt ta degane mnnartic (@uml 4::5;4=4). hese raul`hauses il` the

nicuwili  idave icc, ire exenpciry ao haw Viyili nilife themr hmstary, ta`iy il` ml thepist. Lat mlsmflmomgilt ms thit alcy i pirinault ghmeo hac`s the pawer ta request peapce tafither il` niluoigture the 0:.:::-pcus picn oral`s lee`e` ta raao thms ane` strugture.Late thit raaomlf ao i tubusmpil ms lat i dismg legessmty is these ire pudcmg dumc`mlfs ritherthil i `weccmlf thit hauses the eltmre gannulmty.

Deyal` the hause, vmccife, il` ethlmg daul`irmes

Deoare expil`mlf the ilicysms deyal` the daul`irmes ao the settcenelt, i oew issunp-tmals hive ta de estidcmshe`. Omrst we hive ta igblawce`fe thit tri`mtmalic ethlmg fraup-mlfs were dise` al cmlfumstmg fraupmlfs sugh is Viyili, rma Rácáya^, Vimwim, Ipicim,Enermccal Reba^ il` Viyçpm (the citter twa ire upm-speibmlf peapces, whereis the athersire Girmdil-speibmlf peapces). Wegal`cy, we hive ta igblawce`fe the pacmtmgiccy mnpase`daul`irmes ao Fuyili (oarner Drmtmsh Fumili), Wurmline (oarner @utgh Fumili), OrelghFumili ar Fuyile , il` Drizmc. Galteste` zales reniml. Ve icsa hive ta de iwire thit prmarta 9=::, Orelgh Fumili wis cirfer thil ta`iy. hmr`cy, Ilfcaphale reseirghers nimlcystu`me` the ml`mfelaus peapce ao Drmtmsh Fumili, @utgh reseirghers oaguse` al Wurmline,Orelgh reseirghes renimle` al Orelgh terrmtarmes, whmce Drizmcmils il` Fernils gal`ugte`reseirgh ml Drizmc. Wtu`mes al the Viyili il` Ipicim, oar exinpce, were wrmttel ml @utgh,Orelgh, Elfcmsh, Fernil, il` Zartufuese, whmgh `aes lat oigmcmtite cmteriture reseirgh.

Ourthernare, is na`erl pacmtmgic daul`irmes gut thraufh the Viyili refmal (Omfure 9),these stu`mes aooer alcy pirt ao i cirfer whace. Viyili il` Fumili gil thus de pergemve`is smlfucir il`/ar pcuric (selsu @errm`i 9=8?), is aver tmne daul`irmes ghilfe il` (lew)m`eltmtmes enerfe aut ao mlterigtmal.

Weveric vmccifes hive deel nippe` il` pcatte` al the nip. ri`mtmaliccy, settceneltshive deel the ulmt ao ilicysms ml Fumili, icdemt mltervmccife recitmalshmps were regaflmze`(Tmvmère 9=80). Ethlmg ulmts were `eomle` yet the cagitmal ao ml`mfelaus peapces –ippeir tade is eomlmte is ilythmlf gil de ml thms ethlafriphmg ghias„ (Tmvmère 9=?=;49). Ml ar`er tanibe sane selse ao thms –ippirelt ethlafriphmg ghias„ the `iti his ta de pergemve` orani nare `ylinmg perspegtmve. Mt ms idaut hmstarmgiccy smtuite` (ml`mvm`uic + sagmety), rither

thil oreezmlf (ml`mvm`uic) + (sagmety) ml tmne. Tither thil warbmlf al `mooerelt sgices, itrue nuctm-sgicir ippraigh oaguses al the recitmals detweel the virmaus sgices, is wecc is

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al the recitmals detweel the ulmts. Ml thms gise; the recitmals detweel the settcenelts, thitms, the recitmals detweel the `ats al the nip. Ml ather war`s, we hive ta oagus al the `y-linmg sagmic cil`sgipe ci`el wmth hmstary.

here ms ale hmstarmgic reoerelge ao nare ganpcex sagmetmes ml the Fumili Hmfhcil`s,linecy oran Gciu`e aly (9875, 9807). Dise` al thms saurge, Zmerre Frelil` (9=69) il`

@anmlmque mcbml Ficcams (9=8?, 4::5) igblawce`fe` sagma-pacmtmgic `mooerelge detweelgeltricmze` galoe`eritmals (galoe`eriæões ) ao the pist, appase` ta the iutalanaus itanms-tmg ulmts ( frupas itanmzi`as ) ml the preselt. Icthaufh Zeter Tmvmère (9=80;87) reoerre` tal the preselt. Icthaufh Zeter Tmvmère (9=80;87) reoerre` taaly”s iggault, mt wis lat ourther expcare` why thms ganpcex sagma-pacmtmgic arfilmzitmalml 96?= ml the Viyili heirtcil` wis la calfer preselt. Ar, is M irfue, the ganpcex sagma-pacmtmgic arfilmzitmal wis lat regaflmze` degiuse the galveltmalic na`ec ao iutalanausvmccifes remfls suprene ml Fumili. Nast gise-stu`mes servmlf is disms oar averirghmlf stu`-mes (sugh is Tmvmère 9=802 Wtewir` 9=082 Ficcams 4::5) were smte-dise`, il` i smte-dise`ippraigh wmcc lat iccaw oar il ul`erstil`mlf ao refmaliccy mltefrite` sagma-pacmtmgic ar-filmzitmal. I refmaliccy mltefrite` sagma-pacmtmgic arfilmzitmal sugh is `esgrmde` dy aly

ml 96?= il` regaflmze` `urmlf ny ml-`epth ethlafriphmg reseirgh gal`ugte` smlge 9==?inalf the Viyili.Cet ne zaan ml al the oraltmer zale detweel Wurmline, Orelgh Fumili, il` Drizmc

(Omfure 7), ml ar`er ta she` sane cmfht ml thms ippirelt –ethlafriphmg ghias„ smtuite` mlhmstary. Zeter Tmvmère primse` Zratésma Ormbec (9=56;509-5?4, 9=?:;4) oar hms –galsgmel-tmaus il` netha`acafmgic ittenpt ta ar`er il` gcissmoy the trmdes ao the whace refmal Rm.e.,Eisterl Fumili^„ (Tmvmère 9=?=;9?), deyal` i nere cmstmlf ao reic il` mnifmle` peapces(go  . `e Faeke 9=09, 9=07d). Vhel nippmlf aut thms ippirelt ghiatmgiccy ganpcex hmstaryao rma sudfraups (Tmvmère 9=?=;96-4?2 see icsa Das 9==82 Ghipums 4::?2 Ormbec 9=56;509-5?4, 9=?:;4), il mnife enerfes thit spitmiccy `mstmlfumshes –ormel`cy„ rma sudfraups (cmfht

frey) oran the sa-gicce` –wmc`„ rma sudfraups. he –wmc`„ sudfraups (`irb frey) gar-respal` wmth i spitmiccy rither restrmgt irei ml the nythmgic unug-Hunig rilfe wherelani`mg hulter/fitherers were elgaultere`, sugh is the –Wtale Ife„ Iburmya reoerre` taeircmer. Dy `riwmlf the nip ao rma sudfraups il` sane ather litmals ml the oraltmer zale(Omfure 7) M trme` ta ivam` eomlmlf ethlmg fraups il` oreezmlf then ml tmne il` spige (oi`-mlf daul`irmes il` `atte` cmles ire ta nibe dar`ers cess strmgt), degiuse we hive ta oagusal mlterrecitmalshmps detweel these peapces.

Mt wis ml thms oraltmer zale thit ml 96?= Gciu`e aly (9875, 9807) neltmale` theTaugauyels. Nare thil i geltury citer, Kuces Greviux stite` thit –the Ml`mils ao the upper-Niralm, Kirm il` Ziru, wha ire blawl ml Orelgh Fumili ul`er the line Taugauyelle,

line thensecves Auiyilis R> Viyili^„ (Greviux 9884;962 ny trilscitmal). Hmstarmgiccy,the Bubumyili were smtuite` ml the refmal vmsmte` dy aly. Bubumyili were line` ioter thebubum   (fcawwarn2(fcawwarn2 Cinpyrms lagtmcugi , Eciterm`ie) il` galtenpariry Viyili siy thit theBubumyili ire shart ao stiture. hemr lartherl lemfhdaurs were the Abanâyili. Icthaufhgcissmome` is i ormel`cy peapce dy Zratésma Ormbec (9=56;505), galtenpariry Viyili siythit the Abanâyili were omerge is the abanâ -wisp (helge themr line). Dath Bubumyili wisp (helge themr line). Dath Bubumyiliil` Abanâyili ire issune` ta hive `msippeire` whel the Viyili nmfrite` oran thesauth. Vhel `msgussmlf the rma sudfraups wmth Viyili, they tac` ne thit, igtuiccy,

 Kilinice (the Viyili pirinault ghmeo oran the nm`-tweltmeth geltury neltmale` eir-cmer) wis il Abanâyili, il` welbe (i oeccaw pirinault ghmeo oran the nm` tweltmeth

geltury) wis i Bubumyili. M thus hi` ta rethmlb galveltmalic cmlfumstmg gitefarmes is ácáya

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(rma) il` Viyili. Wane rma sudfraups issune` extmlgt, spegmomgiccy the Abanâyiliil` Bubumyili, law ippeire` it the heirt ao Viyili sagmety. Ethlmgmty ms i ocum` galgeptil` M irfue thit –the Viyili„ `m` lat nmfrite el dcag  oran Drizmc ta Wurmline il` Orelghoran Drizmc ta Wurmline il` OrelghFumili, is felericcy issune`. Viyili ethlafelesms, M pasmt, aggurre` whel Vikilihceil` Upucum (oran sauth ao the witershe`) elgaultere` Bubumyili il` Abanâyili (larthao the witershe`) il` estidcmshe` gannal fraul`s ul`er the cei`ershmp ao Bimciwi2 the

 Viyili galoe`eritmal (galsmstmlf ao heterirghmgic galtmluaus sagmic ulmts) wis darl ml theFumili Hmfhcil`s.

9:::bn 4::

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Punug Hunig









Omfure 7 I lunder ao ethlmg fraups nippe` ml the oraltmer zale ao Wurmline, Orelgh Fumili, il`


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 Viyili lirritmves al mlterrecitmalshmps ire enda`me` dy ucupere (@uml 4::=;959-95=). he pitterle` reptmcmil sbml ao ucupere wis `mvm`e` detweel Viyili il` Ipicim il`serve` is i tenpcite oar themr disbetry natmos (vil _ecthen 9=6?, 9==5, 9==8, 4::9), il`thit ms why Viyili il` Ipicim disbetry natmos caab icmbe. hms evelt ms sim` ta hive aggurre`it greeb Ighmbm, the ac` oraltmer detweel Ipicim il` Viyili/Upucum (Wghaepo 9=64;50).

Bmccmlf thms nalster ulmte` Viyili il` Ipicim. Is pasmte` idave, Viyili hi` ni`e ic-cmilge wmth rma sudfraups (Abanâyili il` Bubumyili ml pirtmgucir), thus the bmccmlf aothe witer-nalster ucupere ms netipharmg oar the drm`fmlf ao the ac` oraltmer detweel rmasudfraups il` the Ipicim (Omfure 7). Disbetry natmos ire i nlenalmg `evmge ta regicc thmswitershe` nanelt. Ilather ulmque smfhtmlf ao ucupere (thms tmne mts sbml wis eltmrecydcigb), aggurre` it the Icetilm, il` wecc it the citmtu`e ao the oraltmer detweel Abanâyiliil` Bubumyili (respegtmvecy i –ormel`cy„ il` i –wmc`„ rma sudfraup is `msgusse` idave).hese were lat mllite ormel`cy ar wmc` peapce, ather thil these cidecs were fmvel ml reci-tmal ta the niml rma sudfraups, Zmkilibata idave icc. he hmstarmgic hera Bimciwi ms sim`ta hive bmcce` i ucupere, dut mt wis alcy ioter he hi` bmcce` il` eltande` the nalstraus

giterpmccir Bucuwikib ml the unug-Hunig naultimls (@uml 4::5;4=4), thit the Viyiligaloe`eritmal wis estidcmshe`. Mlterrecitmalshmps exmst ml averganmlf daul`irmes.


Tenirbidce ms thit the starmes ao galtigt wmth the sa-gicce` –Wtale Ife Ml`mils„ nel-tmale` ml the defmllmlf ao thms essiy, taab pcige ml the very sine refmal ao the nythm-gic unug-Hunig naultimls where the Viyili galoe`eritmal wis darl ioter the hms-tarmgic hera Bimciwi hi` bmcce` il` eltande` the nalstraus giterpmccir Bucuwikib ml theunug-Hunig naultimls, ioter he hi` estidcmshe` i pith igrass the witershe`, il` ioterBimciwi hi` gcmnde` the naultiml resendcmlf i `ane` raul`hause (@uml 4::=; 095-044). Viyili drm`fe` daul`irmes ml the oraltmer zale detweel Wurmline, Orelgh Fumili,il` Drizmc. hms cil`sgipe where the Viyili galoe`eritmal nitermicmze`, `eepcy siturite`wmth hmstary, wis smcelge` dy the seirgh oar Wtale Ife Ml`mils. hms cil`sgipe, i sigre`cil`sgipe siturite` wmth Viyili sagmic nenary, ms ta`iy gcissmome` is –prmstmle„ rimloarest.he ml`mfelaus peapce hive thus deel wrmttel aut ao hmstary.

Tesucts ao blawce`fe pra`ugtmal ire `mregtcy recite` ta reseirgh stritefmes. Vhel gal-`ugtmlf reseirgh it smte-dise` cevec, ale wmcc lat igblawce`fe mltefrite` refmalic strug-tures. Vhel `iti ms gaccegte` ml eismcy iggessmdce pciges, e.f., icalf the gaist, niml rmvers,niml rai`s, il` leir nmssmaliry stitmals, la `iti ms gaccegte` ml hirsh il` `moomguct ta

iggess terriml. hereoare the Fumili Hmfhcil`s reniml icnast vmrfml terrmtary irghieacafm-giccy il` ethlahmstarmgiccy. Ve hive direcy sgritghe` the suroige ao Viyili sagmicmty, thegucturic hmstary ao the refmal, il` sagma-pacmtmgic arfilmzitmal ml Fumili … deyal` thedaul`irmes ao i smlfce vmccife.

hms `eep-tmne ethlafriphmg stu`y grassmlf pacmtmgic daul`irmes il` the daul`irmesao estidcmshe` `msgmpcmles ms lat alcy ao mnpartilge ta the Fumili Hmfhcil`s. Girmddeilirghieacafy ms fraul`e` ml i ganpiridce smtuitmal ao i mvmsmal ao mscil`s detweel gacalmicoarges (Drmtmsh, @utgh, Orelgh, inalf athers). Na`erl pacmtmgic daul`irmes `m` lat exmstoar ml`mfelaus peapce ml the pist. Wegal`cy the rinmomgitmal ao tri`mtmalic ulmts ao ilicysmswhere ale settcenelt represelts ale gannulmty `aes lat iccaw oar il ul`erstil`mlf ao

refmalicmty. M`eltmtmes enerfe ml the mlterrecitmalshmps ao gannulmtmes. he gallatitmal ao–wmc`„ versus –ormel`cy„ peapce, sugh is inalf rma sudfraups, niy im` il ul`erstil`mlf

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ao these terns ippcme` ta ml`mfelaus peapce ml the Girmddeil, sugh is the gcissmg mstmlgtmaldetweel –wmc`„ Girmd il` –ormel`cy„ Iriwib. hese terns ao reoerelge ire recitmalic il`sudkegtmve rither thil adkegtmve cidecs. I nuctm-`msgmpcmliry ippraigh oagusmlf al mlterre-citmalshmps ms lee`e` oar nuctm-sgicir reseirgh questmals.

Ny reseirgh inalf the Viyili wauc` lat hive deel passmdce wmthaut Tallme ábimne,

fril`sal ao Kilinice. Ather Viyili, wha hi` warbe` wmth ilthrapacafmsts, tac` ne thitTallme `m` lat blaw ilythmlf idaut Viyili hmstary. Ve thus hi` oaul` i gannal re-seirgh ifel`i. a galgcu`e ml il endcenitmg Viyili niller; hms M blaw. here ms nughnare ta tecc, dut thit wmcc de very calf ml`ee`. Vecc, mt ms cmbe thms. ( Puwice câbel. Bahcelnicep, cane buhpmne tâtáhe nicicâ . Ni , huwicâbel).


 Idallelg, E.

9=54 Mlveltimre et mstrmdutmal es smtes irghíacafmques el Fuyile orilæimse. Kaurlic `e

ci Wagmítí `es Inírmgilmstes, Lauvecce Wírme 09;07-?4. Nusíe `e c”Hanne, Zirms.

 Ihcdrmlgb, V.

9=5? Ap zaeb liir `e Ml`milel. Ne`e`ecmlf La. GX_MMM. Io`ecmlf Gucturece elZhysmsghe ilthrapacafme La. 54. Balmlbcmkb Mlstmtuut vaar `e rapel, Inster`in.

 Irveca-Kmnelez, L.

9=69 Zacmtmgic recitmals ml i Prmdic Wagmety; i Wtu`y ao the ]e”guili Ml`mils ao _elezueci .Garlecc Ulmversmty Citml Inermgil Zrafrin @mssertitmal Wermes, 79. Garlecc Ulmversmty,Mthigi.

9=66 I Wtu`y ao the Zragess ao _mccife Oarnitmal ml ]e”guili Wagmety . Ml Girmd-WpeibmlfMl`mils, e`mte` dy E. Dissa, pp. 9:?-997. Ulmversmty ao Irmzali Zress, ugsal.

Das, F.

9=67 Gannulice huttel dmk `e rma ml`milel. Lmeuwe Vest-Ml`msghe Fm`s  0=(7);907-9?4.

9==8 Wane Tegavermes ml Fumili Ml`mil Ethlahmstary . Zh@ mssertitmal, _rmke Ulmversmtemt, Inster`in.

Davel, B.N.

4::? Avercevel ml eel Frelsfedme`. _eril`ermlfspragessel dmk `e Viyili ml Wurmline elOrils-Fuyili . MDW, Tazelderf Zudcmshers, Inster`in.

Girlemra, T.C.

9=?= Galtigt wmth the Wtale Ife, dy Mvil Wghael. Lituric Hmstary  (68);9:-98, ??-?6.

Ghipums, K.

4::? Oar i @ylinmg Ippraigh ta the Wagmic Arfilmzitmal ao the Girmd ao Mller Eisterl

Fumili; Il Avervmew ao Viyili Ethlasagmafelesms. Ethlahmstary 57;7.

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Greviux, K.

9884 _agiducimre Orilæims-Taugauyelle. Ml Frinnimres et _agiducimres Taugauyelle, Irrauifue, Zmipaga et `”iutres cilfues `e ci rífmal `es Fuyilis , e`mte` dy K. Greviux,Z. Wifat il` C. I`ins, ane _MMM, pp. 9-4:. Dmdcmathèque Cmlfumstmque Inírmgimle,Zirms.

@irdams, @.

9=5? ]ilinice, vmccife ao the Inizal. Gaccmls, Cal`al.

@e Faeke, G.H.

9=09 @e Aiyili-Ml`milel. Dmk`rifel tat `e Piic-, Cil`- el _acbelbul`e vilLe`ercil`sgh-Ml`mâ 9::;6:-945. Drmcc, Cem`el.

9=07i Leacmthmsghe Ml`milel ml Wurmline (net fefevels `er expe`mtme Ihcdrmlgb9=78). Pmk`sghrmot vil het Balmlbcmkb Le`ercil`s Iir`rmkbsbul`mf Felaatsghip, `eec CX

(7). Drmcc, Cem`el.9=07d Zhmcasaphy, mlmtmitmal il` nyths ao the Ml`mils ao Fumili il` i`kigelt gaul-trmes. Mlt. Irghmv oór Ethlafriphme , D`. XCM_;9-97?.

@errm`i, K., il` Z. @e Nil

9=8? Nenamres; oar Ziuc `e Nil. Gacundmi Ulmversmty Zress, Lew ]arb.

@reyous, W.

9=87/9=80 Hmstarmgic il` pacmtmgic ilthrapacafmgic mlter-gallegtmals; the nuctmcml-

fumstmg ml`mfelaus pacmty ao the –Girmd„ Mscil`s il` Nimlcil` Gaist oran the 9?th tathe 98th geltury. Iltrapacafmgi 5=-?4;7=-55.

@uml, T.W.

4::5 Lmeuwe devml`mlfel ml het frelsfedme` vil Wurmline, Orils Fuyili el Drizmcmâ.AWA 40.4;48=-7:4.

4::? Ethla-Irghíacafme et ule iutre hmstamre Viyili. Ml Iu gaeur `es Punug Hunig ,e`mte` dy E. Zeccet il` @. Wimlt-Keil, pp. 999-998. Mdms Taufe E`mtmals, Giyelle.

4::= Viyili Wagma-Zacmtmgic Cil`sgipes; Nuctm-Wgicir Tefmalicmty il` Penparicmty ml

Fumili . Zh@ `mssertitmal, Ulmversmty ao Ocarm`i, Fimlesvmcce.Ermgbsal, G.C.

4::8 Inizalmi; he Hmstarmgic Egacafy ao i @anestmgite` Cil`sgipe. Ml Hil`daabao Wauth Inermgil Irghieacafy, e`mte` dy H. Wmcvernil il` V.H. Msdecc, pp. 956-980.Wprmlfer, Lew ]arb.

Evils, G., il` D.K. Neffers

9=?: Irghieacafmgic Mlvestmfitmals ml Drmtmsh Fumili . Wnmthsalmil mlstmtutmal, Dureiu ao Inermgil Ethlacafy, Duccetml 966. Vishmlftal @.G.

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Oagb, L.

9=?7 Vimwim; Tecmfmal il` Wagmety ao il Inizalmil rmde. Phe Litmalic Nuseun (Litmalicnuseets Wbrmoter, Etlafriomsb Taebbe) _MMM. Gapelhifel.

Ormbec, Z.

9=56 [ur cmlfumstmsgh-ethlacafmsghel Fcme`erulfel `er Ml`milerstànne val Lar`Ziré (Drismcmel) ul` `el ilcmefel`el Fedmetel. Ilthrapas . 54;5:=-5?7.

9=?: As mrmya. Dacetmn `a Nuseu Zirielse Enmcma Faec`m, Ilthrapacafmi  =.

Ficcams, @..

9=8?  Nmfriæça, Fuerri e Ganírgma; as Vimipm li Fumili . Wça Ziuca; OOCGH-UWZ.(Armfmlicnelte ipreselti`a gana `mssertiæça `e Nestri`a, 9=8:).

4::5 Te`es `e reciæões lis Fumilis . Wça Ziaca; LHMM-UWZ.

Femksbes, @.G.9=6: @aguneltiry Mloarnitmal idaut the Wurmlin Vini ar Iburma Ml`mils. LmeuweVest-Ml`msghe Fm`s  06(7);4?:-485.

Frelil`, Z.

9=69 Ces Tecitmals mltertrmdices el Hiute Fuyile `u X_MMMe smègce ê las kaurs . Nínamre`e Niìtrmse, Zirms.

Fuss, @.N.

9=8= Pa weive il` smlf -Irt, Wyndac, il` Lirritmve ml the Wauth Inermgil Timl Oarest .Ulmversmty ao Gicmoarlmi Zress, Derbecey.

Hegbelderfer, N.K.

9==? Vir il` Zeige ml the Whi`aw ao Enpmre; Wagmapacmtmgic Ghilfe ml the Upper Xmlfuao Wautheisterl Inizalmi, I.@. 90::-4::: . Zh@ `mssertitmal, Ulmversmty ao Zmttsdurfh,Zmttsdurfh.

4::5 Phe Egacafy ao Zawer . Tautce`fe, Cal`al.

4::8 Inizalmil Nasimgs; M`eltmty, Mlterigtmal, il` Mltefritmal ml the rapmgic Oarest.

Ml Hil`daab ao Wauth Inermgil Irghieacafy, e`mte` dy H. Wmcvernil il` V.H. Msdecc,pp. 956-980. Wprmlfer, Lew ]arb.

Hegbelderfer, N.K., I. Bumbura, U. . Bumbura, K.G. Tussecc, N. Wghnm`t, G. Oiusta, il`D. Orilghetta

4::7 Inizalmi 90=4; Zrmstmle Oarest ar Gucturic Zirbcil`1 Wgmelge  7:9(5?0:);969:-9690.

Hegbelderfer, N.K., K.D. Zetersel, il` E.F. Leves

9=== _mccife smze il` pernilelge ml Inizalmi; twa irghieacafmgic exinpces oran

Drizmc. Citml Inermgil Iltmqumty  9:(0);757-76?.

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4::9 Ao cast gmvmcmzitmals il` prmnmtmve trmdes, Inizalmi; repcy ta Neffers. Citml Inermgil Iltmqumty  94(7);748-777.

Hegbelderfer, N.K., il` E.F. Leves

4::= Inizalmil Irghieacafy. Illuic Tevmew ao Ilthrapacafy  78;459-4??.

Hawir`, G._.

4::9 Vraufht M`eltmtmes2 Phe Vimwim Expe`mtmals ml Weirgh ao the ‘Ulseel Prmdes” aoLartherl Inizalmi . Zh@ `mssertitmal, Ulmversmty ao Ghmgifa, Ghmgifa.

Cmni, H.Z., E.F. Leves, il` K.D. Zetersel

4::? Ci oise Iæutudi; un lava ganpcexa geränmga li Inizðlmi geltric.  IrquecafîiWurinermgili  4(9);4?-54.

Nizmère, O., il` @. @irdams

9=57 Ml`mels `”Inizalme . @ec @ugi, Zirms.

9=5= Zirili, day ao the Inizal. Oaccet Zudcmshmlf Ganpily, Ghmgifa.

Neffers, D.K.

9=69 Inizalmi; Nil il` Gucture ml i Gaulteroemt Ziri`mse . Ic`mle, Ghmgifa.

9==? Inizalmi; Nil il` Gucture ml i Gaulteroemt Ziri`mse . Tevmse` E`mtmal. WnmthsalmilMlstmtutmal Zress, Vishmlftal @.G.

Neuc`mkb, B.

9=7= Tems ap `e laf aldebel`e Aecenirm-rmvmer. Kucm-Iufustus 9=76. Pmk`sghrmot vil hetBalmlbcmkb Le`ercil`s Iir`rmkbsbul`mf Felaatsghip, wee`e Teebs C_M;864-86?.

Tmvmère, Z.F.

9=?=  Nirrmife Inalf the Prma, i prmlgmpce ao sagmic arfilmzitmal. Gcirel`al Zress,Axoar`.

9=80 Ml`mvm`uic il` Wagmety ml Fumili, i ganpiritmve stu`y ao Inerml`mil sagmic arfilm-zitmal. Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe.

9==5 Hauses, Zciges il` Zeapce; gannulmty il` galtmlumty ml Fumili . Ml Idaut thehause, Cívm-Wtriuss il` deyal`, e`mte` dy K. Girstel il` W. Hufh-Kales, pp. 98=-4:5.Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe.

Tae, Z.F.

9=86 _mccife Wpitmic Arfilmzitmal ml the Wauth Inerml`mil Cawcil`s; Evm`elge oranEthlairghieacafy. Ziper preselte` ml the synpasmun, –Wmte Wtrugture il` WpitmicArfilmzitmal ao We`eltiry Gannulmtmes,„ 54l` Illuic Neetmlf ao the Wagmety oar

 Inermgil Irghieacafy, Niy 8, 9=86, aralta.

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Taasevect, I.G.

9=86 Ghmeo`ans ml the Inizal il` Armlaga. Ml Ghmeo`ans ml the Inermgis, e`mte` dyT.@. @rellil il` G.I. Urmde, pp. 957-980. Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe.

9==9  Naul`dumc`ers ao the Inizal, Feaphysmgic Irghieacafy al Nirika Mscil`, Drizmc .

 Igi`enmg Zress, Wil @mefa.9=== he @evecapnelt ao Zrehmstarmg Ganpcex Wagmetmes; Inizalmi, i rapmgic Oarest.Ml Ganpcex Zacmtmes ml the Ilgmelt Prapmgic Varc` , e`mte` dy E.I. Digus il` C.K. Cugera,pp. 97-77. IZ7I, Ircmlftal.

Tastiml, W.

9==0 C”Aggupitmal Inírml`melle Ilgmelle `u Cmtaric `e Fuyile . wa _acunes. hèse,ATWAN.

4::8 he Irghieacafy ao the Fumilis; Il Avervmew . Ml Hil`daab ao Wauth Inermgil

 Irghieacaf y , e`mte` dy H. Wmcvernil il` V.H. Msdecc, pp. 46=-7:4. Wprmlfer, Lew ]arb.

Wghael, M.C.

9=?= Galtigt wmth the Wtale Ife. Lituric Hmstary  68;99-98, ??-?6.

Wghaepo, @.

9=64 Hmstarmque et smtuitmal igtuecce `es Ml`mels Viyili-Ipirim `u Drísmc. Ducc. Illuec`u Nusíe `”ethafriphme `e Felève 90;95-?8.

Wmefec, Z.E.9==: @enafriphmg il` irghmtegturic retra`mgtmal; il ethlairghieacafmgic gise stu`y mlthe Wauth Inermgil rapmgic Cawcil`s. Citml Inermgil Iltmqumty  9(0);79=-70?.

Wmcvernil, H., il` V.H. Msdecc (e`mtars)

4::8 Hil`daab ao Wauth Inermgil Irghieacafy . Wprmlfer, Lew ]arb.

Wtewir`, K.H. (e`mtar)

9=08-9=5: Hil`daab ao Wauth Inermgil Ml`mils , ? vacunes. Wnmthsalmil Mlstmtutmal,Dureiu ao Inermgil Ethlacafy. Ulmte` Wtites Faverlnelt Zrmltmlf Aoomge, [email protected].

9=08 Phe Prapmgic Oarest Prmdes. Hil`daab ao Wauth Inermgil Ml`mils vac. 7. WnmthsalmilMlstmtutmal, Dureiu ao Inermgil Ethlacafy, Duccetml 907, Vishmlftal @.G.

Wtewir`, K.H., il` C.G. Oiral

9=5= Litmve Zeapces ao Wauth Inermgi . NgFriw-Hmcc Daab Ganpily, Lew ]arb.

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aly, G.

9875 _ayife . Illex ta; Dirdí-Nirdams Kaurlic ”ul @ípartí ê ci Fuyile, pp. 7:9-74:.p. 7:9-74:.Ghitecet, Zirms.

9804 _ayife oimt ils c”mltírmeur u galtmlelt e ci Fuyile ghez ces ml`mels Taugauyels

pir Gciu`e aly, nucätre cmdre `”Ipprauique 96?=. Ml  Essims et Latmges paur servmr êc”hmstamre ilgmelle `e c”Inírmque, ane 48, pp. 497-475. H. erliux-Ganpils, Zirms.

vil Cyl`el, I.K.H.

9=7= Ap [aeb liir Wurmline”s [um`frels. @e Frelsdepicmlf tussghel Wurmlineel Drizmcmâ. 9=75‗9=78. Pmk`sghrmot vil het Balmlbcmkb Le`ercil`s Iir`rmkbsbul`mfFelaatsghip, wee`e Teebs C_M;6=7-889.

vil _ecthen, C.H.

9=6? Tepreseltiæões fréomgis Viyçli-Ipiriî.  Iltrapacafmi Nuseu Zirielse Enîcma

Faec`m, Decín ?0;9-9=.9==5 A deca í i oeri ; i estítmgi `i pra`uæça e `i pre`iæça eltre as Viyili . Zh@ msserti-tmal, UWZ, Wça Ziuca.

9==8 I pece `e Pucuperë. Uni etlafriomi `as trilæi`as Viyili . Nuseu Zirielse EnîcmaFaec`m, Decín.

4::9 he Vavel Ulmverse, Girmd Disbetry. Ml Phe Ulblawl Inizal,izal,  e`mte` dy G.NgEwil , E.F. Leves il` G. Dirreta, pp.9=8-497. Drmtmsh Nuseun Zress, Cal`al.

_ersteef, I.

4::8 Dirrilgam` il` Iriuqumlam` Naul` Dumc`ers ml Gaistic Wurmline. Ml Hil`daabao Wauth Inermgil Irghieacafy , e`mte` dy H. Wmcvernil il` V.H. Msdecc, pp. 4:7-798.Wprmlfer, Lew ]arb.

_mvemras `e Gistra, E.

9==? Mnifes ao Liture il` Wagmety ml Inizalmil Ethlacafy.  Illuic Tevmew ao Ilthrapacafy  45;96=-4::.

 Vhmtehei`, L.C.

9=88 Car`s ao the Pmfer Wpmrmt. I hmstary ao the Girmds ml Gacalmic _elezueci il` Fuyili90=8-984: . Oarms Zudcmgitmals, @ar`reght.

9==0 he Ilgmelt Inerml`mil Zacmtmes ao the Inizal, the Armlaga, il` the ItciltmgGaist; I Zrecmnmliry Ilicysms ao hemr Zissife oran Iltmqumty ta Extmlgtmal. Ml

 Inizalmil Ml`mils oran prehmstary ta the preselt; ilthrapacafmgic perspegtmves, e`mte` dy I.G. Taasevect, pp. 77-50. Ulmversmty ao Irmzali Zress, ugsal.

9==8 Gacalmic Ghmeotimls ao the Cawer Armlaga il` Fuiyili Gaist. Ml Ghmeo`ans il`Ghmeotimlgy ml the Inermgis, e`mte` dy E.N. Te`nal`, pp. 95:-9?7, Ulmversmty Zress aoOcarm`i, Fimlesvmcce.

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9=== Litmve Zeapces Galoralt Gacalmic Tefmnes ml Lartheisterl Wauth Inermgi (g.95::-9=::). Ml Phe Gindrm`fe Hmstary ao the Litmve Zeapces ao the Inermgis  _ac. MMM Wauth

 Inermgi, pirt 4, e`mte` dy   O. Wicanal il` W.D. Wghwirtz, pp. 784-004, Gindrm`feUlmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe.

 ]`e, K.

9=?5 Nitermic gucture ao the Vimwém. Phe Litmalic Nuseun (Litmalicnuseets Wbrmoter,Etlafriomsb Taebbe) X. Gapelhifel.

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Zre-Gacundmil il` Kmvira galtmlumty ml Egui`ar

Wtíphel Tastiml

he Upila viccey, ml upper Egui`armil Inizalmi, ms ghirigtermze` dy luneraus pre-Gacundmil irtmomgmic eirth naul`s. Dumct il` sudsequeltcy idil`ale` dy gannulmtmes aothe Upila gucture detweel 6:: DG il` I@ 0::, sane ao these nil-ni`e naul`s werere-aggupme` dy fraups ao the Huipuci gucture detweel I@ 8:: il` 94::. Irghieacafmgic

exgivitmals ao ale naul` pra`uge` i wecc-preserve` `anestmg cevec, pernmttmlf i spi-tmic ilicysms ao igtmvmtmes. Ethlairghieacafmgic stu`mes hive deel gal`ugte` ml the pre-Gacundmil Huipuci hause il` ml gurrelt `iy Kmvira hauses. he spitmic arfilmzitmal aoale oinmcy ulmt gauc` de ul`erstaa`. he regalstrugtmal ao igtmvmty ireis ml the Huipucihause his smnmcir ghirigtermstmgs il` spitmic arfilmzitmal is the na`erl Kmviras `anestmgulmts. hms stu`y thus galgcu`es thit gucturic galtmlumty exmsts detweel the Huipuci gan-nulmtmes il` the preselt-`iy Kmviras ml the refmal.

Ec vicce `ec Upila, el ci icti Inizalîi eguitarmili, se girigtermzi par ci preselgmi `e lu-nerasas naltîgucas irtmomgmices `e tmerri pregacandmlas, e`momgi`as y cuefa idil`ali`as

par ganulm`i`es `e gucturi Upila eltre 6:: IG y 0:: @G y vuectas i agupir, icfulas`e eccas, par frupas `e gucturi Huipuci eltre 8:: y 94:: @G. Ci exgivigm÷l harmzaltic`e ul naltîguca revec÷ ul pmsa hidmtigmalic nuy dmel galservi`a pernmtmel`a isî, reicm-zir ec ilécmsms espigmic `e cis igtmvm`i`es prigtmgi`is. We ccev÷ tindmíl i gida, ul estu`maetlairqueac÷fmga el ci hidmtigm÷l pregacandmli `esgudmerti el ci gmni `e ul naltîguca,exgivi`i el ec smtma `e Huipuci, i oml `e ganprel`er ci arfilmzigm÷l espigmic `e uli ulm-`i` oinmcmir Huipuci. Ci regalstruggm÷l `e cis éreis `e igtmvm`i` el ci gisi Huipuci pre-selti girigterîstmgis y uli arfilmzigm÷l ganpiridces gal iquecci `e cas Kîdiras na`erlas.Omlicnelte, se ccef÷ i ci galgcusm÷l `e que cis ganulm`i`es Huipuci oueral cas iltepisi-`as `e cas Kîdiras el ci refm÷l.

Ci viccíe `e c”Upila, el hiute Inizalme íquitarmelle, est girigtírmsíe pir ci príselge `elandreux naltmguces irtmomgmecs `e terre prígacandmels, í`momís pums idil`allís pir `esgannuliutís `e gucture Upila eltre 6:: iv. K.-G. et 0:: ipr. K.-G.. Gertimls `”eltre euxourelt ríaggupís pir es fraupes e gucture Huipuci eltre 8:: et 94:: ipr. K.-G. Ci oaumcceharmzaltice `”ul tertre i nms iu kaur ul sac `anestmque très dmel galserví, pernettilt uleilicyse spitmice `es igtmvmtís pritmquíes. Ule ítu`e ethlairghíacafmque i íficenelt ítínelíe `ils c”hidmtitmal Huipuci `ígauverte iu sannet `”ul naltmguce et oaumccíe `ilsce smte `e Huipuci. C”arfilmsitmal spitmice `”ule ulmtí oinmcmice Huipuci i ítí mlterprítíe.Ci regalstrugtmal `es imres `”igtmvmtís `e ci nimsal Huipuci príselte `es girigtírmstmques

et ule arfilmsitmal ganpiridces i gecces `es Kmviras na`erles. Gette ítu`e galgcut que cesgannuliutís Huipuci ourelt ces ilgëtres `es Kmviras `ils ci rífmal.

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Ml dath Inizalmi il` the Girmddeil, mt ms gannal oar irghieacafmsts ta dise themr mlter-pretitmals al ethlafriphmg ganpirmsals. Hawever, na`erl ml`mfelaus nitermic gucture,settcenelts, il` spitmic arfilmzitmal, ire aotel very `mooerelt oran the pre-Gacundmilsmtuitmal. he mltra`ugtmal ao mral irteoigts (espegmiccy ixes) shartcy ioter the Eurapeil

galtigt perma`, ganpcetecy ghilfe` the ml`mfelaus taacbmt il` is i resuct Inerml`miligtmvmtmes. he nare regelt mltra`ugtmal ao pcistmg galtimlers wmcc mlevmtidcy cei` ta theprafressmve idil`alnelt ao tri`mtmalic gerinmg vessecs. hms cirfe msgrepelgy detweel thepre-Gacundmil il` na`erl galtext nibes i ale-ta-ale ganpirmsal ao nitermic gucture`moomguct mo lat mnpassmdce. Nare smnmcirmtmes gil de expegte` ml the settcenelt arfilmzi-tmal, spitmic ciy-aut il` sagmic `mstrmdutmal wmthml the vmccife.

 Il ethlairghieacafmgic ippraigh iccaws oar i detter mlterpretitmal ao the irghieacafm-gic evm`elge il`, perhips, oar i regalstrugtmal ao the galtmlumty ao sane refmalic guc-turic oeitures. Usmlf ethlairghieacafmgic netha`acafy ml i snicc Zicmbur vmccife ml OrelghFumili idaut 4: yeirs ifa (Omfure 9), M hive evicuite` haw mloereltmic reisalmlf use` dy

irghieacafmsts gil cei` ta nmsul`erstil`mlfs il` oiucty mlterpretitmals (Tastiml ml prep.).Ml ather gises, ethlairghieacafy ml the Inizal refmal his deel use` ta `enalstrite theoarnitmal ao the irghieacafmgic galtext il` the pragesses cei`mlf ta oeitures elgaultere``urmlf exgivitmal (Wmefec il` Tae 9=8?). Ny expermelge ml the Zicmbur vmccifes ao OrelghFumili teighes ne thit ethlairghieacafy ms aotel the dest wiy ta sacve pirtmgucir irghiea-cafmgic pradcens il` ta pravm`e il ilswer ta questmals rimse` dy exgivitmals.

he pateltmic gucturic galtmlumty detweel the galtenpariry il` pre-Gacundmil ml-`mfelaus peapces ao Inizalmi iccaws oar i ganpiritmve stu`y. el yeirs ifa, M hi` theappartulmty ta use ethlairghieacafy ml ar`er ta mlterpret irghieacafmgic `iti ml the up-per Inizalmil refmal ao Egui`ar. Cirfe-sgice exgivitmals hive deel gal`ugte` `urmlf i

Orelgh-Egui`armil prafrin ml pre-Gacundmil smtes ao the Upila viccey, it the oaat ao the

Omfure 9 Taao ao il idil`ale` Ml`mfelaus hause ao the Nimccir` Wivillih vmccife ml Orelgh Fumili.

Phms Zicmbur secenelt wis stu`me` `urmlf il ethlairghieacafmgic reseirgh ml 9==:. Phe Huipuci aar

 preselte` ml thms piper seens ta deel prategte` dy i ripm` durymlf ganpiridce ta thms raao whmgh his oiccel al the fraul` (phata dy W. Tastiml).

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 Il`es, ml sautherl Egui`ar (Tastiml 9===). Ml thms refmal, Upila fraups dumct lunerausirtmomgmic naul`s detweel gi. 5:: DG il` I@ 0::/?:: (Tastiml 4::8). Il eruptmal ao theleirdy Wilfiy vacgila ce` ta the idil`alnelt ao the settcenelts. Wane gelturmes citer,lew gannulmtmes irrmve` ml the refmal il` settce` al the exmstmlf naul`s. Exgivitmalao the tap ao i naul` it the Huipuci/Wilfiy smte reveice` i very wecc-preserve` ilthra-

Omfure 4 Nip ao the Upila viccey cagitmlf pre-Gacundmil smtes wmthirtmgmic naul`s (`riwmlf dy W. Tastiml).

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pasac shawmlf nily gucturic oeitures il` renimls. Ganpirmsal wmth na`erl ml`mfelaushauses shawe` stralf smnmcirmtmes detweel the irghieacafmgic ocaar pcils il` thase ao thegaltenpariry Kmvira ml the irei. Kmvira gannulmtmes ire blawl ta hive deel preselt mlthe Il`eil oaathmccs oar i calf tmne, il` thms mlvestmfitmal his ce` ta i nare pregmse ul`er-stil`mlf ao the gallegtmal ta themr pre-Gacundmil ilgestars.

Phe Upila viccey ml Egui`armil Inizalmi 

he stu`me` irghieacafmgic smtes ire cagite` ml i spegmomg cil`sgipe detweel the Il`es il`the Inizalmil irei ml the sauth ao Egui`ar (Omfure 4). hms refmal ms nimlcy ghirigtermze`dy Hmfh Inizalmil rimloarest, yet sane naultimlaus oeitures ire icsa preselt. he Upilaviccey tibes il ulusuic gaurse degiuse mt ruls piriccec ta the Il`es il` lat perpel`mgucirta mt cmbe nast ao the ather rmvers ml the irei. Ml oigt, it gi. 94:: n insc the Upila ruls`mregtcy larth-sauth degiuse mt ms surraul`e` al dath sm`es dy gar`mcceris; the Il`es ml thewest il` the _meki Gar`mcceri `e Gutugû (47:5 n) ml the eist. he Upila rmverde` ms :.5ta 4 bn wm`e, dar`ere` dy hmfh il` steep gcmoos detweel 6: ta 9:: n hmfh thit oarn twa arthree suggessmve terriges (Omfure 7). Irghieacafmgic smtes ire oaul` detweel the snicc hmccsal the tap ao these gcmoos. he steep gcmoos icalf the rmver resuct oran renirbidce teccurmg ig-tmals. Cagite` al the pawerouc il` igtmve semsnmg oiuct ao the Wud-Il`es (Dès e Derg et ic .4::0, Cefril` et ic . 4::0), the Upila disml oarns i ghiatmg cil`sgipe sudkegt ta vmacelttrilsoarnitmals. he semsnmg rmsb ms hmfh ml the Upila viccey il` galstmtutes i pernileltthreit oar mts mlhidmtilts.

he Upila viccey ms `anmlite` dy the erritmg Wilfiy vacgila reighmlf il ictmtu`e ao547: n il` neisurmlf 9:-94 bn ml `mineter it mts dise. Mt ms cagite` 75 bn larthwest aothe Huipuci smte il` represelts ale ao the nast igtmve vacgilaes ml the warc`. Ish gcau`s,ocaws ao civi il` nu`, il` pyragcistmg enmssmals ghirigtermze mts pernilelt eruptmve ig-tmvmty (val Hmccedril`t 9==9). It the defmllmlf ao the tweltmeth geltury, the saul` ao mtsexpcasmals gauc` de heir` it nare thil ?:: bn iwiy. he eruptmals ao the Wilfiy iooegtthe eltmre Upper Upila viccey il` mlocuelge the wiy ao cmoe ao mts mlhidmtilts degiuse they

Omfure 7 Phe Upila viccey (phata dy W. Tastiml).

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gil `estray everythmlf ml the surraul`mlf refmal. he vefetitmal galsmsts ao i very hunm`Zme`nalt oarest, dut the viccey his deel prafressmvecy `eoareste` dy feleritmals ao gaca-lmsts wha hive mnnmfrite` oran the Il`es, dy expcamtmlf waa` il` sawmlf frinicate  friss( Ixalapus sgapirmus ) oar gaws. he resuct ms i cil`sgipe ao extelsmve pistures icterlitmlfwmth msacite` pitghes ao oarest. @urmlf pre-Gacundmil tmnes, oarest nust hive gavere` the

eltmre refmal.hms oertmce viccey his i calf hidmtitmal hmstary. Oran gi. 6:: DG alwir`s, sugges-smve fraups hive aggupme` the terriges ao the Upila Tmver. Irghieacafmgic stritmfriphmesreveice` `urmlf exgivitmals il` ri`magirdal `itmlf grasse` wmth typacafmgic stu`y ao thepattery `enalstrite i galtmluaus gucturic sequelge wmth oaur suggessmve phises (Tastiml4::8);

 he omrst gannulmtmes ao the Wilfiy gucture irrmve` iraul` 6:: DG ml the Upila vic-cey dut they `m` lat dumc` irtmomgmic naul`s. Oew renimls hive deel oaul` degiuse mt wisippireltcy lat i `else aggupitmal il` the quicmty ao the gerinmgs ms paar. he gerinmg`egaritmal ms very smnpce; galsmstmlf ao piriccec mlgmse` cmles, ul`ucite` rmds, il` blads.

 Detweel 5:: il` 4:: DG, Upila fraups dumct the omrst irtmomgmic naul`s icalf thermver terriges (Omfure 0), tibmlf i`viltife ao the lituric terriml wherever passmdce. Upilapattery ms wecc ni`e il` his nily `egaritmal types, dut nast gannal ms re`-dil`e` ml-gmsmal; strimfht ar gurve` mlgmse` cmles thit `ecmnmt re` ireis ml ar`er ta greite ecidaritefeanetrmgic natmos. Ather gannal `egaritmals mlgcu`e mlgmsmal, pimltmlf il` lefitmvepimltmlf. he nast papucir oarn ms i ocit dawc, aotel wmth i pe`estic. Upila peapce ex-ghilfe` themr pattery, il` pradidcy ather pra`ugts oran the rimloarest, wmth Il`eil gan-nulmtmes. he tmne il` cidar mlvacve` ml dumc`mlf the naul` ganpcexes, the ippirelthmerirghy ao smtes, il` the calf-`mstilge exghilfes suffest i stritmome` arfilmzitmal ao theUpila sagmety.

Omfure 0 Phe cirfe ganpcex ao irtmgmic naul`s ao @anala icalf the Upila Tmver (phata dy W. Tastiml).

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 It sane smtes, the Upila phise wis repcige` dy the Bmcinape phise. he pattery mssmnmcir ta the Upila virmilt dut lew egaritmal teghlmques il` very ecidarite` natmos ip-peir; sugh is strmlf mnpressmal, mlgmsmal, pulgtitmal, lefitmve pimltmlf, etg. hms nmxtureao Upila egaritmal wmth exafelaus egaritmal gauc` resuct oran the mltefritmal ao i lewstyce ml the Upila viccey. Wane teghlmques il` natmos ire very smnmcir ta Zistizi pattery,

whmgh ms galtenpariry (Wiucmeu il` Tinp÷l [ir`a 4::?). Iraul` I@ 0::-?::, il eruptmal ao the Wilfiy vacgila gavere` the upper Upila vic-cey wmth i thmgb ciyer ao ishes il` giuse` the `estrugtmal ao settcenelts (Tastiml 4:::).he Upila peapce idil`ale` themr vmccifes, ippireltcy navmlf ta the sauth is oir is theUgiyicm Tmver ml Zeru.

Detweel I@ 8:: il` 94::, snicc Huipuci fraups settce` al the exmstmlf irtmomgmicnaul`s, dut they were gceircy cess luneraus thil themr pre`egessars. he pattery ms gairsershawmlf garrufite` `egaritmal il` whmte-il`-re` pimltmlf. Exgivitmal ao cirfe ireis re-veice` i wecc preserve` `anestmg ocaar wmth heirths, pmts, pasthaces, see`s il` `anestmgtaacs. Wpitmic ilicysms ao the oeitures il` the `mstrmdutmal ao irteoigts pernmts the regal-

strugtmal ao virmaus igtmvmtmes il` the `anestmg arfilmzitmal. Ale ao these pre-Gacundmil gannulmtmes dumct hidmtitmal smtes refraupmlf naul`sganpcexes, whmgh sanetmnes oarn extel`e` settcenelts. Huipuci ‗ oarnercy gicce`–Wilfiy„ (Zarris 9=86)-, the cirfest smte, extel`s ippraxmnitecy 40:: n icalf the ceot dilbao the Upper Upila, wmth il iverife wm`th ao 7:: n; gavermlf nare thil 6: hegtires. hmssmte ms ni`e up ao thmrty naul` ganpcexes gallegte` dy i wed ao wm`e `mtghes (Omfure 5).@ue ta mts mnpartilge, the niml exgivitmals hive deel gal`ugte` ml Huipuci.

Omfure 5 Nip ao the Huipuci/Wilfiy smte wmth the `etimc ao the Ganpcex XM(`riwmlf dy W. Tastiml).

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Ganpcex XM ms cagite` al the hmfh dilb ao the Huipuci rmver, ?:: n sautheist ao theHuipuci smte geltric ganpcexes wmth cirfe naul`s. Mt gavers il irei ao 6: dy 5: n icalfthe Huipuci Tmver, whmgh ms i snicc il` caw witergaurse (Omfure 5). hms ganpcex ms `ms-

trmdute` iggar`mlf ta i regurrelt spitmic pitterl; i geltric apel spige elgcase` dy permpher-ic naul`s. Ganpcex XM his twa pcizis sepirite` dy i cirfe geltric pcitoarn (the –GeltricPaci „) surraul`e` dy avic ar regtilfucir irtmomgmic naul`s wmth ocit ar galvex taps il`gut lituric galtaurs oarnmlf three pseu`a-naul`s (Omfure 6). he ganpcex ganprmzes aosevel naul`s, twa pcizis il` i `uf pithwiy. Cagite` al the lituric naultiml scape, thegeltric pcitoarn reighes i hemfht ao 7.5 n whmce the ocit tap gavers gmrgi 97: n4 (9? dy 8n). Pe geltric pcitoarn il` the larth pcizi hive deel mlvestmfite` dy irei exgivitmal (Omfure?). I `uf pithwiy, wmth i scape ao 8º ta 9?º ruls oran the oaat ao the geltric pcitoarn tathe Huipuci Tmver. hms pithwiy ms `eeper where the lituric scape deganes steeper il`cawer `awl mt deganes feltce, oigmcmtitmlf the iggess ta the witer. here ms i nm``el irei

al the lartherl e`fe ao the ganpcex, kust it the tap ao the rmver rivmle.he naul`s, regtilfucir ar avic, ire 7-9: n wm`e it the tap il` 9:-5: n calf, the

hemfht virymlf detweel 4 il` 9: n. Wane ao then ire eltmrecy nil-ni`e, whmcst athers irena`mome` exmstmlf scapes. he naul`s ire `mstrmdute` iggar`mlf ta i spegmomg pitterl. Nastorequeltcy, ale ganpcex galsmsts ao oaur naul`s iraul` i geltric pcizi. Ml ather gises,smx naul`s `enirgite twa pcizis `mvm`e` dy i geltric naul` (Ganpcex XM). @rimlifesil` exgivite` pithwiys grass the ganpcexes. Zithwiys reigh i rmver ar gallegt, sanetmnes`mstilt, smtes.

Omfure ? Geltric naul` ao the Ganpcex XM ao Huipuci/Wilfiy `urmlf the exgivitmal (phata dy W.


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 Irghieacafmgic ippraigh ta the Huipuci hause

Nily ispegts ao the Huipuci hause gil de ganpire` ta galtenpariry Kmvira hauses. Ilecevite` cagitmal ao the hause ms il mnpartilt ispegt oar these gannulmtmes. Ml Inizalmi,`rimlife ao the resm`eltmic spige ms i tap prmarmty. Felericcy, fuccmes ire `uf iraul` the haus-es ta `riml witer il` ivam` i nu``y ocaar. Oar thms reisal, hmfh spats ire aotel preoerre`

pciges ta dumc` hauses. he Huipuci peapce settce` al the tap ao the irtmomgmic naul`s dumctdy themr pre`egessars ao the Upila gucture. Oeitures ao i Huipuci hause hive deel oaul`al tap ao the geltric pcitoarn ao Ganpcex XM it the Huipuci smte (Omfure 6). Na`erl

 Ighuir ao the Zistizi Disml icsa ghaase hmfh cagitmals it the e`fe ao streins ta dumc`themr hauses, whmgh felericcy stretgh piriccec ta the rmver (@esgaci 9=8?;950). ri`mtmaliccy,there ire la vmccifes ar galgeltritmals ao hauses dut eigh oinmcy cmves msacite`. Ml the giseao Ganpcex XM, mt wis legessiry ta re`uge the steep scape up ta the snicc Huipuci Tmver.he mlhidmtilts hi` ta `mf the gcmoo ml ar`er ta re`uge the mlgcmlitmal il` ta shipe i fel-tcer pithwiy `awl ta the witer. Ml i smnmcir wiy, the Ighuir segure rmver iggess oran themrhauses dy greitmlf i pcilb rai` (@esgaci 9=8?;97=). I firdife `unp wis icsa cagite` al

the e`fe ao the gcmoo ml Ganpcex XM.Nily ghirigtermstmgs ao the Huipuci hause hive deel reveice` dy the ghamge ao i spe-

gmiccy i`ipte` exgivitmal netha`acafy. Up ta the el` ao the tweltmeth geltury, irghieacaf-mgic omec`warb wis cmnmte` ta restrmgte` test-pmts ml Egui`armil Inizalmi il`, nare feler-iccy, ml the eltmre trapmgic oarest irei ao Wauth Inermgi. @urmlf aur prafrin ml the Upilaviccey (9==?-4::9), i `mooerelt netha`acafy wis use` ml ar`er ta fet i nare ganpcetepmgture ao pist igtmvmtmes. Irei exgivitmals ao the upper irghieacafmgic cevecs ao naul`s il`pcizis hive shawl nily settcenelt oeitures. he stu`y ao these oeitures il` the irteoigt

Omfure 6 @anestmg aar ml the Eisterl pirt ao the geltric pcitoarn ao the Ganpcex XM ao Huipuci/

Wilfiy (`riwmlf dy W. Tastiml).

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`mstrmdutmals pravm`e` i pmgture ao the use ao `anestmg spige il` ao the oarner aggupitmalao the smte. Ml Ganpcex XM the eltmre tap ao the geltric pcitoarn, m.e. =:n4, his deel cev-ece` irghieacafmgiccy. he nast gannal oeitures were 0= pasthaces. hey ippeir is `irbspats surraule` dy cmfhter samc il` hive strimfht wiccs wmth galvex dattans. a`iy, ta `rmveml i past, the Kmvira use i dcult stmgb ni`e ao ghalti  (Digtrms fismpies ) ml ar`er ta `mf the

hace, thel renave the eirth dy hil` il` thit oran the cawer pirt ao the pmt wmth i ghappe`trulb ao dindaa (Fui`ui ilfustmoacmi ), whmgh tibes the se`mnelt is pcmers (Dmilghm 9=84).he pregmse hause pcil gauc` lat de regalstrugte` dut mts feleric shipe wis regaflmzidce.Mt wis settce` al i nixmnic irei ao 8: n4 il` aggupme` icnast the eltmre cevec suroige aothe naul` whmgh reighes gmrgi 97: n4 (Omfure 6). hms smze ms ganpiridce ta the nikarmtyao na`erl Kmvira hauses.

Omve 90G `ites hive deel adtimle` oran ghirgaic oaul` ml the heirth ao the `anestmgHuipuci ocaar;

949: ¹ 8: y. DZ m.e. gic I@ ?=4 ‗ 8=4.9  (Deti-9::576)9:6: ¹6: y. DZ m.e. gic I@ 8=4 ‗ 9:47. (Deti-9::578)

=0: ¹ ?: y. DZ m.e. gic I@ 9:79 ‗ 9955. (Deti-9::7:8)85: ¹ ?: y. DZ m.e. gic I@ 9:55 ‗ 945=. (Deti-9:?:86)66: ¹ ?: y. DZ m.e. gic I@ 9499 ‗ 9485. (Deti-9::57=)

hese `ites gaver i rilfe ao omve gelturmes. Hawever, mt ms advmaus thit the hause wislat mlhidmte` galtmluiccy oar 5:: yeirs. Nast ao the oeitures ire gallegte` suffestmlf theygarrespal` ta i sylghralmg aggupitmal. Mt ms nast pradidce thit the hause wis aggupme` oari sharter spil ao tmne wmthml thms rilfe.

Oaur raul`e` pmts wmth raul` ar avic pcils hive deel oaul` mlsm`e the Huipuci hause.hemr `mineters rilfe oran 0: ta 8: gn. wa ao then were enpty il` the thmr` ale gal-timle` i cirfe gerinmg kir. hms vessec wis mlstidce degiuse ao i raul`e` dise, sa mt wis leg-

essiry ta suppart mt dy pirtmiccy durymlf the vessec ml i pmt. a`iy, the Kmvira il` Yumghui`mf gmrgucir haces mlta the hause ocaar ta hac` cirfe drewmlf kirs wmth raul`e` dises. hecist pmt, cagite` it the eisterl sm`e ao the hause, lat oir oran the e`fe ao the naul`, de-giuse mt hi` i pirtmgucir omccmlf. Mt galtimle` i cirfe kir shawmlf i restrmgte` legb whmgh wisgireouccy gut kust icalf mts nixmnic `mineter. Lat ale sher` ao the dattan ao thms vessec wisoaul` ml mts mnne`mite surraul`mlfs. he vessec hi` deel pcige` idave the pmt sa is ta deuse` is i cm` thit gcase` the hace. Ml thms wiy, i starife spige wis greite` thit gauc` eismcyde gcase` wmth i pmege ao waa`.

Wevel smnpce heirths were oaul` ta de `mstrmdute` mlsm`e the hause. hey hi` minetersdetweel 45 il` 05 gn. hey represelt strugtures oar gaabmlf `mregtcy al the hause ocaarwmthaut spegmic equmpnelt ar requmrmlf ily `mffmlf. hey were ni`e ao i thmgb il` mr-refucir ciyer ao hir` gciy wmth i re` gacaur. Ve ni`e expermneltic heirths it the smte thitshawe` thit the gciymsh yeccaw samc degine re` whel omre`. Ioter twa yeirs, these experm-neltic heirths preselte` il ispegt ganpiridce ta thase oaul` `urmlf the exgivitmal. Mlthe gelter ao the hause, three heirths were cagite` very gcase ta eigh ather oarnmlf i cirfeil` smlfce gaabmlf irei ao ippraxmnitecy 0 n4. Mt oarns il extel`e` suroige ao ganpigtsamc, hir` il` re``msh, wmth luneraus pirtmgces ao ghirgaic il` durlt see`s, mlterprete` isresuctmlf oran the `mspersmal ao the virmaus heirths ganpalelts. Wmnmcir phelaneli gilde seel ta`iy ml Kmvira hauses;

9 Gicmdrite` 9 smfni2 Gicmd Ti`magirdal Gicmdritmal Zrafrin rev. 0.7 © 9=8?-4::5 N. Wtumver & Z.K. Temner.



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–… ml the mnne`mite surraul`mlfs ao heirths (…) mnpartilt quiltmtmes ao resm`uic nitermics hive

deel ganpigte` ml the iggunucitmal ao the trinpce` ishes thit gallegt ml`mvm`uic heirths. Phms

 phelanelal wis advmauscy the galsequelge ao the hmfh orequelgy ao use `urmlf the `imcy prepiritmal

ao oaa` whel wiste ms galtmluauscy mlgarparite` ml the trinpce `epasmts ao saot ish iraul` heirths„

([em`cer 9=87;989) 4.

wa ather heirths were oaul` fraupe` tafether nare ta the larth, dut icsa ml thegelter ao the hause. he twa citter heirths were cagite` it the twa el`s ao the hause, re-spegtmvecy 0 n eist il` west oran the nikar geltric fraup. Cmbe ta`iy ml the Kmvira hause,virmaus heirths ire `mstrmdute` ml the Huipuci hause. Mt ms pradidce thit the twa cirfe gel-tric sets hi` i gucmliry oulgtmal. Ale dmf frml`mlf stale gavere` ale ao the three kamle`heirths. hms ms mlterprete` is the resuct ao rearfilmzitmal ao the bmtghel utmcmzitmal. hetwa heirths it the extrenmtmes ao the hause pradidcy hi` the oulgtmal ao cmfhtmlf il` heit-mlf (thms wis legessiry degiuse the smte ms 9::: insc).

Wevel dmf, ulna`mome` stales were oaul` pcige` leir the geltric heirths. hey cmbecyserve` is supparts oar vessecs `urmlf gaabmlf. a`iy, the Kmviras felericcy use three stales

ta suppart i galtimler idave the omre ar they put three trulbs ri`miccy iraul` the heirth._irmaus stale taacs were oaul` ml the bmtghel. wa cirfe frml`mlf stales were oaul` mlthe gelter ao the hause iraul` the three geltric heirths. hey ire ni`e ao disict il` weregireouccy niluoigture` il` pacmshe` ml the shipe ao i traufh. hey were `mspase` piriccecta eigh ather, it i `mstilge ao cess thil 9 n, oige-ta-oige wmth themr `msghirfmlf sm`es ml ap-

4 Icc the gmtitmals hive deel trilscite` dy the iuthar.

Omfure 8 Phe twa frml`mlf stales (netites) ml the gelter

ao the bmtghel ao Huipuci gucture (phata dy W. Tastiml).

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Omfure = Wghenitmg nip ao the bmtghel oeitures ml the Ganpcex XM (`riwmlf dy W. Tastiml).

Omfure 9: Phe garrufi`e` vessecs ao the Huipuci hause were use` oar ghmghi prepiritmal. Ml

the oarefraul`, the sniccest neisures 40,5 gn hmfh il` the da`y `mineter ms 48 gn. Phe cirf-est, it ceot dehml`, neisures 08 gn hmfh il` 0=,0 gn `mineter (phata dy T. Kales).

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pasmte pasmtmals (Omfure 8). Wa, the twa wanel were ml oralt ao eigh ather whel they werefrml`mlf il` gcase ta the heirths heit. he twa issagmite` gmrgucir frml`mlf taacs (nilas )were elgaultere` gcase ta the pissmve frml`mlf scids. hree ather regtilfucir il` ocit nilas  hive deel oaul` ml the sine irei dut they were taa cirfe ta de use` mlsm`e the frml`mlfscids. Mt ms pradidce thit they warbe` al ather pissmve taacs thit hive lat deel preserve`,

perhips ni`e ao waa`. Ale ao these regtilfucir nilas gauc` segal`irmcy de use` is ipacmshmlf stale ta niluoigture lee`ces ar pamlts. I snicc trmilfucir scid whmgh wis omlecypacmshe` dy use serve` is i shirpeler. Ml spmte ao i cirfe rilfe ao ivimcidce ragbs, the staleissendcife ao the Huipuci smte ms paar il` lat very `mverse. Ippireltcy, ather riw niterm-ics, cmbe waa` ar dale, were preoerre` whel mt gine ta the niluoigture ao taacs.

Huipuci pattery ms gairse il` thmgb. Nast ao the vessecs stmcc hive renimls ao saat althemr dises, ml`mgitmlf thit they were use` ta gaab al apel omres. Orifnelts ao lmle gan-pcete vessecs - emfht ao then oaul` ml the bmtghel - hive deel regalstrugte`. hey mlgcu`eomve dmf fcaducir kirs wmth restrmgte` legbs `egarite` wmth garrufite` natmves. Degiuse aothemr mlstidmcmty `ue ta the raul`e` dise, they were bept vertmgic ml i pmt ar were supparte`

dy ragbs. Ale ao these kirs wis gut il` use` is i cm` ta gaver i starife pmt. wa snicc, smn-pce dawcs wmthaut `egaritmal were oaul` tafether. Omliccy, i snicc kir wmth i vertmgic legbil` i raul`e` dawc use` is i cm` were elgaultere` whmgh ire detter ni`e thil the athervessecs il` ire `egarite` wmth whmte-al-re` pimlte` piriccec dil`s.

he bmtghel wis cagite` it the gelter gavermlf il irei ao gmrgi 95 n4  whmgh repre-selts 9/?th ao the tatic suroige ao the hause (Omfure =). Mt galsmsts ao twa fraups ao geltricheirths, suppartmlf stales, twa frml`mlf stales il` themr nilas , stale taacs, pattery ves-secs il` oaa` renimls. Oaur cirfe kirs, wmth the sniccest ale pirtmiccy durme`, were fraupe`

 kust larth ao the geltric heirths (Omfure 9:). wa dawcs were oaul` gcase ta these vessecs.Wher`s ao the sine galtimler were lat sgittere` al nare thil gi. 9: n4 whmgh ms i very caw

rite ao `mspersic oar i vessec it il irghieacafmgic smte ml Inizalmi. Ilather ghirigtermstmgao the pattery ms thit the dise ao eigh vessec wis gavere` wmth saat, evel the whmte-al-re`pimlte` kirs il` cm`. here ms i thmgb ciyer ao saat al the dmf kirs il` i thmller ale al thedawcs il` the `egarite` snicc kir. hms mnpcmes thit icc ao the vessecs were use` ta gaab althe heirth. hms irei wis `e`mgite` ta the starife ao oaa`, espegmiccy ao ghmghi , i thmgb il`laurmshmlf nimze deer.

@urmlf the exgivitmal, nily durlt see`s hive deel gaccegte` oran the bmtghel irei mlthe gelter ao the hause. I tatic ao 86 durlt see`s hive deel oaul`, ao whmgh 49 mltigt speg-mnels il` 07 orifnelts gauc` de m`eltmome` it the felus cevec, whmce the 47 renimlmlf see`srenimle` ulm`eltmome` (Cealir` 9==62 F÷nez `e ci Zeùi 9==8). [ei niys  ms the nast gan-

nalcy oaul` spegmes. Grushe` frimls ao nimze were oaul` stmgbmlf mlsm`e i kir pravmlf thitghmghi  deer pradidcy oernelte` ml mt. Ather pcilts - fuidi   (Mlfi e`ucms ), gherry  (Zrulus ),dcigbderry (Tudus ) il`  frili`mcci (Zissmocari )- whmgh gil de eitel ar use` is i ne`mgmle.hms sinpce ms mlterestmlf degiuse mt wis the omrst tmne thit sugh i cirfe virmety ao useoucpcilts were oaul` ml i prmniry irghieacafmgic galtext ml Inizalmi. Irghieadatilmgic ilic-yses ce` ta the m`eltmomgitmal ao 98 narpha-spegmes represeltmlf omve oinmcmes (Nmnasigeie,Zissmocarigeie, Zhytaciggigeie, Zaigeie, Tasigeie) il` virmaus nushraan types. Zrmar tathe Huipuci exgivitmal, oew datilmgic renimls ao smnmcir preservitmal hi` deel gaccegte`ml prmniry irghieacafmgic galtexts ml Inizalmi (Taasevect 9=8:). Oar thms reisal, the lu-neraus durlt see`s gaccegte` ml the geltric pcitoarn ire very mlterestmlf degiuse ao themr

`mversmty il` themr preselge ml i gucmliry irei. Guctmvite` ar wmc`, these pcilts were fith-

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ere` il` tibel ta the settcenelt dy mts oarner mlhidmtilts. Vhmce nast ao then were eitel,sane icsa hi` i passmdce use is phirnigapaemi.

Wweet il` dmtter nilmag ( Nilmhat   sp.) pra`uge very oew `msgerlidce renimls ml theirghieacafmgic refmster. Galsequeltcy, mt ms passmdce thit thms pcilt wis icsa guctmvite` il`galsune` ml i``mtmal ta nimze, whmgh wis the niml stipce. Nimze gil de gaabe` ml virmaus

wiys, dut mt seens thit the Huipuci peapce preoerre` ta galsune mt is ghmghi . Ioter sepiri-tmal oran the gad, wanel fraul` the frimls al the frml`mlf stales. he adtimle` ocaurwis nmxe` wmth witer, wmth the passmdmcmty ta viry the tiste dy the i``mtmal ao `mooereltorumts. he oerneltitmal ifelt wis adtimle` wmth sicmvi dy nistmgitmlf the ocaur. hms wisspmt mlta the cmqum`, whmgh wis cet ta settce it ceist ale lmfht ar gaabe` al ale heirth. Mt hisdeel pravel thit ghmghi  wis prepire` ml the cirfe fcaducir kirs oaul` ml the bmtghel. Oaa`renimls stugb ifimlst the mller wicc ao ale the kirs preselte` typmgic nmgra-strmitmals oaul`al the suroige ao nimze frimls. Wa, mt ms advmaus thit nimze galstmtute` pirt ao the oaa` thitwis prepire` ml thms vessec. he thmgb saat ciyer al the dise ao the pattery vessecs shawsthit oaa` wis gaabe` ml then. a`iy, nily ml`mfelaus sagmetmes galsune ghmghi  whmgh gil

evel repcige culgh degiuse mt ms very laurmshmlf. Mt ms prepire` ml dmf drewmlf vessecs smnmcirta thase oran the Huipuci hause. he `rmlb ms aooere` ml faur`s ar pattery dawcs il` veryhmfh quiltmtmes ire pra`uge` il` galsune` `urmlf gannulic pirtmes.

he eircy hmstarmg ghralmgces pravm`e sane ml`mgitmals ao pcilt use dy ml`mfelaus sagme-tmes ml Egui`armil Inizalmi (Telir`-Gisevmtz et ic . 9=8?2 Tuniza Falzécez 9=84). Oarmlstilge, ml 9504, `urmlf the nibmlf ao i dait al the dilb ao the Gagi Tmver, FalzicaZmzirra tri`e` –nimze, yuggi il` fuidis „ ml the lemfhdaurmlf ml`mfelaus vmccifes (Girvikic(9504) 9==4). a`iy, the fuivi orumt ms stmcc hmfhcy ippregmite` il` galsune` aotel.Hawever, mt ms lever nare thil i smnpce suppcenelt ta the ar`mliry `met. he pucp ms eiteloresh ar prepire` il` the dmf see` gil de raiste`. Fuivi kumge ms sanetmnes use` is i `ye.

he dirb, du`s il` ceives ao the pcilt ire use` ne`mgmliccy ta re`uge rheunitmsn mlocin-nitmal, ta treit cmver ganpcimlts, ta oigmcmtite dawecs, ta gure nauth `ernitasms il` tasaathe piml oran ilt stmlfs. he Vmtata frite the raat il` nmx mt wmth witer ml ar`er taoivaur the dmrth ao i day.

Ather e`mdce pcilts oaul` ml the Huipuci hause mlgcu`e dcigbderrmes (Tudus ), gher-rmes (Zrulus ) il` frili`mccis (Zissmocari ). Nast orumts ao the Tasigeie oinmcy ire eitel ml

 Inizalmi, dut Zissmocari orumts ire vicue` is wecc. Oar mlstilge, ml 9?=9, Ze`ra Ar`÷ùez`e Geviccas trme` ta estidcmsh peige wmth the Yumkas il` reparte` idaut frili`mcci; – mt msidsacutecy the dest orumt ml the warc` il` eitmlf mt i snecc ao nusb ganes ta the lase il` i dettertiste thil aur panefrilites „ (gmte` dy Estrecci 9==8;965). hese pcilts icsa serve` is phir-

nigapaemi. Zrulus  ms use` ml i virmety ao wiys; is iltm-mlocinnitary, iltmseptmg, istrmlfelt,purfitmve, muretmg, cixitmve il` talmg. Zhytaciggi  gures sbml iooegtmals, `msmloegts il` heicswaul`s, il` ecmnmlites `il`ruoo. Ml i smnmcir wiy, pacyparus nushraan renimls oaul`ml the hause gil gure `ernitasms. Degiuse Zrulus  waa` ms rat praao, mt ms use` ta dumc`hauses il` ta niluoigture taacs. Omliccy, twa pattery spml`ce wharcs hive deel oaul` itthe westerl el` ao the hause, lat oir oran i heirth lat use` oar gaabmlf. hey ire evm`elgeao the guctmvitmal il` use ao gattal (Fassypmun dirdi`else ), stmcc inpcy use` dy peapces ao

 Inizalmi ta niluoigture gcathes il` hinnagbs.

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Ethlairghieacafmgic ippraigh ta the Kmvira hause

Ethlairghieacafmgic stu`y ao galtenpariry Kmvira hauses im`s the mlterpretitmals ao pre-Gacundmil oeitures oaul` urmlf the geltric pcitoarn exgivitmal. @ue ta the faa` preser-vitmal ao the irghieacafmgic galtext it the Huipuci smte, mt his deel passmdce ta regalstrugtthe ocaar pcil il` the `mstrmdutmal ao ilgmelt igtmvmtmes ml the hauses. Mt wis mlterestmlf ta

ganpire these `iti wmth the na`erl smtuitmal. Hawever, oew spitmic ilicyses hive deelgal`ugte` ml na`erl Inizalmil hauses. Nast stu`mes ao resm`eltmic ireis ire armelte` ta-wir`s the feleric vmccife ciy-aut rither thil the mltermar `mstrmdutmal ao igtmvmtmes ml i sml-fce hause (Giumdy Lavies et ic . 9=87). I revmew ao preselt Inizalmil hause pcils shawsthit i freit virmety ao hause types exmst thraufhaut the refmal, oran very smnpce shectersta the cirfer nicagis  (Girstel il` Hufh-Kales 9==52 Hufh-Kales 9=85). he giticafue aothe virmaus ml`mfelaus resm`eltmic pitterls shaws thit the pre-Gacundmil Huipuci hausems espegmiccy smnmcir ta the na`erl Kmvira hause. Oar thms reisal, the Whuir hauses ao theUpila viccey were stu`me` `urmlf the irghieacafmgic prafrin. Desm`es, i stu`y gal`ugte`dy Kines [em`cer (9=87) ml il Ighuir hause ao the Zistizi viccey, Narali-Wiltmifa prav-

mlge, prave` ta de pirtmgucircy useouc. Nily smnmcirmtmes ippeire` ta exmst detweel theHuipuci il` Kmvira hauses.

 It preselt, the Ighuir trmde, whmgh ms ao Kmvirail cmlfumstmg ioomcmitmal, aggupmes theZistizi viccey, eist ao the Upila Tmver, detweel 4:: il` 5:: n insc. he hidmtitmalic

 Ighuir pitterl ms ghirigtermze` dy il msacite` hause thit galstmtutes the dismg vmccife ulmt.Aggismalicy twa ar three hauses ire oaul` ta hive deel fraupe` tafether. he ocaar pcilao the hause ms eccmptmg. Mt his la extermar wicc, exgept `urmlf galocmgt smtuitmals whel mtms prategte` dy i hmfh picmsi`e. he raao ms ni`e ao wavel picn ceives. Felericcy, hausesneisure 97-95 n ml celfth, 8-9: n ml wm`th il` 5-6 n ml hemfth (Dmilghm 9=84). Mt gil deexgeptmaliccy cirfe, galtimlmlf is nily is 4: persals il` neisurmlf 47 dy 94 n (@esgaci

9=8?;909). Uxarmcagic hausehac`s tel` ta resm`e ml ale hause, mlhidmte` dy 5 ta 4: per-sals; thit ms the hei` ao the oinmcy, hms wmves il` ghmc`rel (@esgaci 9=8?2 [em`cer 9=87).

 Ighuir il` Whuir hauses ire arfilmze` iggar`mlf ta sexuic `mghatany (Hirler 9==5). Vhmce gaupces sceep tafether `urmlf the lmfht ml de`s `mstrmdute` ml the hause, the mllerspige ms `mvm`e` mlta twa exgcusmve ireis `urmlf the `iy. Ale segtar, represeltmlf nare arcess hico ao the hause, ms reserve` oar wanel (ebelt ), whmce the ather ale ms oar nel (tilbi-nish). Bmtghel il` vessecs ire cagite` ml the oenice irei where the wmoe his ganpceteiutharmty. Ml the nice spige, delghes ire ivimcidce ta regemve vmsmtars, ta `rmlb ghmghi , taeit il` ta niluoigture taacs. Eigh i`uct his i spegmic pcige ta peroarn igtmvmtmes il` eighwanil his i persalic irei wmth her heirth il` ganna`mtmes ([em`cer 9=87). Heirths iremnpartilt oeitures oar the aggupilts; wanel use then ta gaab il` prepire phirnigapemiwhmcst nel lee` heirths ta pragess ne`mgmlic il` hiccugmlafelmg pcilts is wecc is ta nibepamsal oar hultmlf `irts. Wane cidaur il` igtmvmtmes ire alcy peroarne` ml spegmomg pciges(Omfure 99). Oar mlstilge, nimze ms fraul` ml i smlfce irei. Ghmghi  ms preserve` iwiy oranheirths il` galsune` ml the geltric spige. Eigh wanil stares ale ar nare kirs (numts )omcce` wmth ghmghi ml i pirtmgucir pcige, icalf wmth sane dawcs ta aooer mt. Wa, eigh wanilms m`eltmome` dy her cirfe vmsmdce drewmlf vessecs ml the gelter ao the hause whmgh ire synp-tanitmg ao her stitus cevec ml the oinmcy il` the sagmety. –Zrestmfmaus wanel wha hac` cirfe

 fithermlfs ml themr hauses nibe i cat ao deer, il` the lunder ao deer kirs ml i wanil”s hause msi stitmstmgic ml`mgitar ao her stitus „ (Dawser 4::0;44). he spige `e`mgite` ta `rmlb ghmghi  ms use` dy dath nices il` oenices. wa typmgiccy nice igtmvmtmes ire gal`ugte` ml the pe-

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Omfure 99 @anestmg igtmvmtmes ml the Kmvira hause it Zunpueli (oran [em`cer, 9=87; f. 5). 9? persals

cmve` ml thms dumc`mlf ao 98,4 x 9: n.

Omfure 94 @anestmg igtmvmtmes ml the Huipuci hause ao the Ganpcex XM (`riwmlf dy W. Tastiml).

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rmphery ao the hause; shirpelmlf ao nighetes  il` the niluoigture ao dcawpmpes. De`s irepcitoarns ( peib ) `mstrmdute` icalf the wicc ao the hause wmth i persalic heirth it the oaatao eigh.

Ziriccecmsns detweel the Huipuci il` Kmvira hauses

he regalstrugtmal ao igtmvmty ireis ml the Huipuci hause pravm`es ghirigtermstmgs il` i`anestmg arfilmzitmal ganpiridce ta thase ao the Ighuir hause (Omfure 94). Cagite` altap ao il ecevite` irei, mt his i suroige ao ippraxmnitecy 8: n4. he geltric bmtghel wisganpase` ao heirths wmth stale supparts, frml`mlf stales il` issagmite` nilas , cirfe pat-tery kirs il` dawcs. Alcy ale oinmcy mlhidmte` thms hause dut the preselge ao twa frml`mlfsets suffests thit twa wanel cmve` there. Wugh i ghirigtermstmg garrespal`s ta i pacyfinmgstrugture ao sagmety. _irmaus guctmvite` il` wmc` pcilts were use`; nimze wis the nimlstipce, galsune` prmnirmcy is ghmghi . Fuidis , gherrmes, dcigbderrmes il`  frili`mccis  wereeitel. Wane ao these pcilts gauc` icsa hive serve` is phirnigapaemi, espegmiccy the spegmesMlfi, Zrulus il` Zhytaciggi . Vanel spul gattal strmlf ml the westerl pirt ao the hause.Omliccy, the `anestmg renimls oaul` ml the Huipuci hause ao Ganpcex XM ganprmze aosevel heirths, sevel supparts ao stale, oaur pmts oar vessecs, twa netites  il` the igganpi-lymlf twa nilas , three cirfe nilas , guttmlf stale taacs, omve cirfe drewmlf kirs, twa dawcs,ale snicc kir il` mts cm`, i oew ather vessecs, 86 durlt see`s, icc the resuct ao gaabmlf igtmvm-tmes. Ourthernare, mtens mlgcu`mlf i hinner stale, i shirpeler, i pacmshmlf stale il` twaspml`ce wharcs ml`mgite griot igtmvmtmes were tibmlf pcige. wa heirths mltel`e` oar heitmlfwere cagite` it the twa extrenmtmes ao the hause.

Nimze frml`mlf il` gaabmlf wis `ale ml the gelter ao the hause. he preselge aotwa frml`mlf stales (netites ) il` the twa issagmite` hil` taacs (nilas ) leir the geltricheirths, is wecc is the twa spml`ce wharcs suffests thit twa wanel cmve` ml the hause.a`iy, eigh Ighuir wmoe awls her persalic taacs; –the oenice ‘taac bmt” ms `upcmgite` ml eighigtmvmty irei il` galsmsteltcy cagite` iraul` mnnadmce oeitures, is the geltric heirth, the de`,etg „ ([em`cer 9=87;964). Ml thms gise, the preselge ao `audce taacs nast cmbecy ml`mgites inather il` `iufhter cmvmlf ml the sine hausehac`. Cirfe drewmlf kirs il` the issagmite`pattery dawcs were bept ml the eisterl pirt ao the bmtghel. Vanel gaccegte` the ghmghi  mldawcs oran thms starife irei ml ar`er ta serve nel il` vmsmtars. Ml na`erl Ighuir hauses,sugh dmf kirs ire fraupe` ml the geltric irei ao the oenice segtar is wecc. Nareaver, shipe,piste, smze il` garrufite` `egaritmal ao the Huipuci il` igtuic Kmvira kirs ire smnmcir. hepersmstelge ao vessec shipe il` i spegmomg type ao egaritmal urmlf nare thil ale nmccellm-

un ml the Narali-Wiltmifa pravmlge ao Egui`ar ms renirbidce. Hawever, thms smtuitmal hisicsa deel elgaultere` ml ather pirts ao Egui`armil Inizalmi (Fuooray 4::?). Cmbe ta`iy,`mooerelt igtmvmtmes were gal`ugte` ml spegmomg ireis; shirpelmlf ao guttmlf taacs, pacmshmlfao waa`, spmllmlf ao gattal strmlf wmth pattery spml`ce wharcs. Nily irghieacafmgic `itipamlt ta the exmstelge ao i gannal spitmic pitterl ml the Huipuci il` the Ighuir hauses.he preenmlelt oeiture ms the `mvmsmal ao the mller spige iggar`mlf ta the fel`er `mvmsmalil` the exmstelge ao ireis `e`mgite` ta spegmomg tisbs.

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Cirfe-sgice exgivitmals it the Huipuci smte aooere` mlsmfht mlta i prehmstarmg settceneltcagitmal. Gallegtmals hive deel estidcmshe` detweel the renimls il` oeitures oaul` mlthe sine ilthrapasac, ite` detweel gi. I@ 8:: il` 94::. hms pirtmgucir irghieacafmgicsuroige represelts the cist aggupitmal ao the pcige il` mts triges ire very wecc preserve`. he

exgivitmal reveice` the teghlmques ao hause dumc`mlf, the naul` oulgtmal il` the ghra-lacafy ao the aggupitmal. Nareaver, mt wis passmdce ta regaflmze the pcil ao ale pirtmgucirhause il` ta mlterpret the ilgmelt igtmvmtmes thit taab pirt ml mt. he spitmic arfilmzitmal aoale Huipuci oinmcy ulmt gauc` de ul`erstaa`.

 Il avervmew ao the na`erl ml`mfelaus settcenelts ml Inizalmi shaws thit the Huipucihause ms ganpiridce ta thit ao the Kmvira. hese twa papucitmals settce` ml the sine irei it`mooerelt tmnes, dut sugh il m`eltmgic cagitmal `aes lat prave ily gucturic galtmlumty de-tweel then. Mt ms nare mlterestmlf ta stu`y the Kmvira hause whmgh shaws oeitures smnmcir tathase exgivite` ml the Huipuci hause. La ather hause wis oaul` ml the surraul`mlf irei.he Huipuci hause gavers il irei ao gmrgi 8: n4 wmth i regtilfucir ciyaut il` raul`e`

el`s. hese `mnelsmals suffest thit ms wis mlhidmte` dy i smlfce oinmcy. Nast ao the taacs

Omfure 97 –I sghenitmg `epmgtmal ao the spitmic arfilmzitmal ao wanel”s il` nel”s vmsmtmlf ireis ml Ighuir il` Yumghui hauses ml Galinda„ (re`riwl oran Dawser il` Zial, 4::0; f. ?).

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il` irteoigts oaul` gauc` de ittrmdute` ta oenice igtmvmtmes. Nast ao the dismg taacs, sugh isfrml`mlf stales il` spml`ce wharcs, were oaul` ml pimrs. hms suffests the preselge ao twaoenice aggupilts ml the hause, eigh wmth her awl dismg mnpcenelts (Omfure 97). I smnmcirpacyfinmg arfilmzitmal il` msacite` `weccmlf smtes ire icsa typmgic ao Kmvira sagmety.

Cagitmal, smze, oeitures il` renimls ao the Huipuci hause ire gcasecy ganpiridce ta

thase ao na`erl Kmvira settcenelts, cagite` ml the sine Upila viccey il` the leirdy ZistiziDisml. Nareaver, the gerinmg vessecs shaw stycmstmg smnmcirmtmes wmth Kmvira pattery. he ig-tmvmtmes girrme` aut ml the lemfhdaurhaa` ire smnmcir ml dath gises. he `eomlmtmal ao thepregmse mller spiges oar nel il` wanel wmth pirtmgucir use, sagmidmcmty il` rmfhts, seensta de i prmarmty ml the Huipuci is wecc is the Kmvira hauses. Desm`es thms fel`er `mvmsmal,ireis wmth i spegmomg oulgtmal ire `ecmnmte` dy the irrilfenelt ao ourlmture il` oeitures.he –`anestmg spiges ire pudcmg pciges, taa, thit the daul`iry detweel pudcmg, pacmtmgic cmoe il`

 prmvite, `anestmg cmoe ms aotel ml`mstmlfumshidce, thit mltmnite, sagmic, il` pudcmg mlterigtmalsaggur ml icnast every hane, il` thit wanel”s il` nel”s `anestmg il` pacmtmgic cmves ire `mstmlgt

 yet mlsepiridcy mltertwmle` „ (Dawser il` Zittal 4::0;96=). he nily smnmcirmtmes ao the

pre-Gacundmil il` galtenpariry hauses suffest thit Huipuci sagmety niy represelt theomrst ippeirilge ao Kmvira gucture ml the Upila viccey. Mo sa, mt ms passmdce ta push digb theirrmvic ao the Kmvira ml the refmal dy nare thil 5:: yeirs.


Dès `e Derf, W., Z. Didy, K. Tasera, N. Waurms, K.-G. Wauci, O. Grmstaphauc, il` K. _efi

4::0 Ci superomgme Neri-Upila; nirgi`ar feanaroac÷fmga e ci mlgusm÷l ocuvmitmc y `ecceviltinmelta tegt÷lmga e ci zali sudil`mli eguitarmili. Ml Ci guelgi armelte; feacafîi

 y petr÷cea, e`mte` dy Z. Didy, N. Tmvi`elemri il` T. Dirrifél, pp. 957-9?6. MOEI/MT@/Zetraegui`ar, Cmni.

Dmilghm, G.

9=84 Irtesilîis y Píglmgis Whuir. E`mgmales Nul`a Whuir, Yumta.

Dawser, D.K.

4::0 he Inizalmil hause. I pcige ao wanel”s pacmtmgs, pattery, il` prestmfe.Expe`mtmal 0?(4);98-47.

Dawser, D.K., il` K.Y. Zittal

4::0 @anestmg spiges is pudcmg pciges; il ethlairghieacafmgic gise stu`y ao hauses,fel`er, il` Zacmtmgs ml the Egui`armil Inizal.  Kaurlic ao Irghieacafmgic Netha` il`Pheary  99(4);956-989.

Girstel, K., il` W. Hufh-Kales (e`mtars)

9==5  Idaut the hause, Cívm-Wtriuss il` deyal` . Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress,Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress,Gindrm`fe.

Girvikic, F. `e

R9509-9504^ 9==4 Tecigm÷l `ec lueva `esgudrmnmelta `ec rîa fril`e `e cis Inizalis .Dmdcmategi Eguitarmili Iniz÷lmgi 9, Yumta.

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Giumdy Lavies, W. (e`mtar) 

9=87 Hidmtiæões Ml`îfelis . Cmvrirmi Ladec, E`mtari `i Ulmversm`i`e `e Wça Ziuca.

@esgaci, Z.

9=8? Ci liture `anestmque. Wyndacmsne et prixms `ils c”ígacafme `es Ighuir.Wyndacmsne et prixms `ils c”ígacafme `es Ighuir. Oal`itmal

Wmlfer-Zacmflig/E`mtmals `e ci Nimsal `es Wgmelges `e c”Hanne, Zirms.

9==7 Ces cilges `u grípusguce. Tecitmals Kmviras, Hiute Inizalme. Gaccº erre Hunimle,Gaccº erre Hunimle,Zcal, Zirms.

Estrecci, E.

9=88 Ec pil `e Inírmgi. Etlahmstarmi `e cas icmneltas idarîfeles el ec Egui`ar. Idyi-]ici,Yumta.

F÷nez `e ci Zeùi, I.

9==8 Wmtma irqueadatélmga Huipuci, reparte sadre nigrarestas . Oul`igm÷l Ermfime, Wti oí`e Dafaté.

Fuooray, K.

4::? Ec Harmzalte garrufi`a; garrecigmales estmcîstmgis y gucturices. Duccetml `e c”MlstmtutOrilæims `”Etu`es Il`mles  75(7);706-75=.

Hirler, N.K.

9==5 Ces Kmviras; Hannes `es gisgi`es sigríes. Zetmte Dmdcmathèque Ziyat 4?0, Zirms.

Hufh-Kales, W., W.9=85 he Nicagi; i Varc` ml i Hause. Ml Phe Hm``el Zeapces ao the Inizal, e`mte`dy E. Girnmghiec, W. Hufh-Kales, D. Naser il` @. iycar, pp.66-=7. Drmtmsh NuseunDrmtmsh NuseunZudcmgitmals, Cal`al.

Cealir`, B.

9==6 Huipuci smte irghieacafmgic repart 9. MOEI, @epirtnelt ao Ilthrapacafy, UlmversmtyNault Iccmsal, Gili`i, Yumta.

Zarris, Z.

9=86 Mlvestmfigmales irqueac÷fmgis i cis oic`is `ec Wilfiy . Geltra `e Mlvestmfigmales Irque÷cafmgis, ZUGE, Yumta.

Telir`-Gisevmtz, O.-N., . Wimfles, il` I.-G. iycar-@esgaci

9=8? C”Mlgi, c”Espiflac et ces Wiuvifes ; ripparts eltre ces sagmítís inizalmelles et il`mles`u X_e iu X_MMe smègces. E`mtmals Tegherghe sur ces Gmvmcmsitmals, Wylthèse 49, Zirms.

Taasevect, I.G.

9=8: Zirnili, Zrehmstarmg Nimze il` Nilmag. Wudsmstelge icalf the Inizal il` Armlaga, 

 Igi`enmg Zress, Lew ]arb.

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Tastiml, W.

9===i Exgivigm÷l el érei `e ul naltîguca `e Huipuci, prayegta Wilfiy-Upila. Nenarmis `ec Zrmner Galfresa Eguitarmila `e Iltrapacafîi , vac. 7;446-45?. Nusea Kigmlta Kmk÷l y Giiniùa/ZUGE/NITBI, Yumta.

9===d Weguelgmi irqueac÷fmgi el naltîgucas `ec vicce `ec Upila el ci Inizalîi egu-itarmili. Duccetml `e c”Mlstmtut Orilæims `”Etu`es Il`mles  48(9);9-76.

9===g Aggupitmals hunimles et oalgtmal `anestmque `e naltmguces príhmstarmques elhiute Inizalme íquitarmelle. Duccetml `e ci Wagmítí Wumsse `es Inírmgilmstes  ?7;69-=5.

4::: Ilicyse ”ul sac ”hidmtit prígacandmel el Inizalme íquitarmelle. Ml Zeupceneltsilgmels et igtuecs `es oarëts trapmgices, e`mte` dy X.X. Oranelt il` K. Fuooray, pp.904-90?. Cidaritamre ETNEW-MT@, Arcíils.

4::? Etlairqueacafîi `e ci gisi Huipuci y Kîvira. Duccetml `e c”Mlstmtut Orilæims `”Etu`es Il`mles  75(7);776-70?.

4::8 Ces tertres irtmomgmecs `u pmínalt inizalmel es Il`es, Íquiteur. Ces Lauvecces `ec”irghíacafme  999-994; 87-88. Í`mtmals `e ci Nimsal `es Wgmelges `e c”Hanne/í`mtmalsErrilge, Zirms.

Tuniza Falzêcez, K.

9=84 Ci refm÷l iniz÷lmgi `ec Egui`ar el ec smfca X_M . Dilga Geltric `ec Egui`ar,Yumta.

Wiucmeu, F. `e, il` C. Tinp÷l [ir`a

4::? Gaceggm÷l irqueac÷fmgi `e Narali-Wiltmifa. Idyi ]ici, Yumta.Wmefec, Z.E., il` Z.F. Tae

9=8? Whmpmda irghiea-ethlafriphy; smte oarnitmal pragesses il` irghieacafmgic mlter-pretitmal. Varc` Irghieacafy 98(9);=?-995.

rupp, O.

9=89 Phe Cist Ml`mils. Wauth Inermgi”s Gucturic Hermtife. Vÿrfc, Zercmlfer.

_al Hmccedril`t, G.

9==9 Evicuigm÷l `e cas pecmfras vacgélmgas y su nmtmfigm÷l el ci repûdcmgi `ec Egui`ar. Ml Ec pimsike vacgélmga `e ci smerri eguitarmili , Estu`mas e Feafrioîi 0, gaar`mlite` dy Z.Nathes, pp.7=-57. Garparigm÷l E`mtari Ligmalic, Gacefma `e Fe÷frioas `ec Egui`ar,Yumta.

[em`cer, K.I.

9=87 Ci etlairqueacafîi `e uli vmvmel`i Ighuir y sus mnpcmgigmales irqueac÷fmgis. Nmsgecélei Iltrapac÷fmgi Eguitarmili, Dacetîl `e cas Nuseas `ec Dilga Geltric `ecEgui`ar, 7;95?-9=0.

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Ml`mfelaus gasnacafmes il` the Liture/Gucture `mvm`e

Walmi @uml

hms stu`y `enalstrites haw the ethlafriphy ao ml`mfelaus recmfmals pravm`es il ip-praigh ta drm`fe the liture/gucture `mghatany. Ml-`epth ethlafriphmg stu`mes ire gru-gmic oar the galtextuicmzitmal ao Inizalmil Ml`mfelaus peapces” recitmal ta liture. he

 Inizalmil Gaccegtmal it the Ocarm`i Nuseun ao Lituric Hmstary ao the Ulmversmty ao

Ocarm`i wis galomsgite` oaccawmlf cefic prege`elts ao the GMEW galveltmal. Avercaabe`ml thms mlterlitmalic cefmscitmal ms the ganpcexmty mlvacve` ml the sagmic il` spmrmtuic vicuesml the gucturic galtext ao sane el`ilfere` spegmes, il` rither mnpases il irtmomgmic `mvm`edetweel liture il` gucture. Galtextuicmzitmal ao adkegts niy passmdcy hive mnpcmgitmalsoar galgeptuicmzitmal ao gertiml sa-gicce` –ega-oigts„ ao the irghieacafmgic regar`.

Este estu`ma `enuestri gana ci etlafrioîi `e cis recmfmales ml`îfelis prapargmali uleloaque piri ulmomgir ci `mgatanîi `e ci lituricezi/gucturi. Estas estu`mas etlafréom-gas praoul`as sal grugmices piri ci galtextuicmzigm÷l `e ci recigm÷l eltre cas ml`îfelis

 Iniz÷lmgas y ci lituricezi. Ci Gaceggm÷l Iniz÷lmgi `ec Nusea `e Hmstarmi Lituric `e ci

Ulmversm`i` `e Ocarm`i oue galomsgi`a smfumel`a cas prege`eltes cefices `e ci galvelgm÷lGMEW. Mflari`a el esti cefmscigm÷l mlterligmalic es ci ganpcekm`i` `e cas vicares sagmicesy espmrmtuices `ec galtexta gucturic `e icfulas `e cas espegmes el pecmfra `e extmlgm÷l, y hiirraki`a ul `mvmsm÷l irtmomgmic eltre ci lituricezi y ci gucturi. Ci galtextuicmzigm÷l `e ad-

 ketas pa`rîi teler mnpcmgigmales piri ci galtextuicmzigm÷l `e gmertas –ega-oigtas„ supuestas`ec refmstra irqueac÷fmga.

Gette ítu`e naltre gannelt c”ethlafriphme `es recmfmals ml`mfèles pernet ule ippraghequm gandce ci `mghatanme eltre liture et gucture. @es ítu`es ethlafriphmques ippraoal-`mes salt grugmices paur galtextuicmser ci recitmal qu”eltretmellelt ces peupces ml`mfèlesiveg ci liture. Ci gaccegtmal inizalmelle iu Nuseun `”Hmstamre Liturecce `e Ocarm`e `ec”Ulmversmtí `e Ocarm`e i ítí simsme ê ci sumte `e prígí`elts kurm`mques ínilelts `e ci gal-veltmal GMEW. Ci ganpcexmtí es viceurs sagmices et spmrmtuecces que repríseltelt gertimlesespèges neligíes `ils ul galtexte gucturec est lífcmfíe pir gette cífmscitmal mlterlitmalicequm príoère mnpaser ule `mvmsmal irtmomgmecce eltre liture et gucture. Zir imcceurs, ci galtex-tuicmsitmal `es adkets ethlafriphmques paurrimt peut-ëtre ivamr `es mnpcmgitmals paur cigalgeptuicmsitmal `e gertimls prítel`us « ígaoigts ² ittestís pir c”irghíacafme.

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RMl Wauth Inermgi, dmr`s ire^ sigre` demlfs, trilsoarnitmals ao the `mvmle Wul il` ather `eme` phe - 

laneli ao liture, is wecc is iccmes ao the shinil, whan they issmst ml hms race is ne`mitar detweel

the hunil il` lalhunil reicns. Phus, ml Wauth Inermgi, dmr`s il` the use ao themr pcunife ire

mlextrmgidcy daul` up ml the m`eacafy il` teghlmques ao shinilmsn (Ourst 9==9;=7).

Wgmelge ms gertimlty2 reseirgh ms ulgertimlty. Wgmelge ms suppase` ta de gac`, strimfhtil` `etighe`2 reseirgh ms wirn, mlvacvmlf il` rmsby. Wgmelge puts il el` ta the vifirmesao hunil `mspute2 reseirgh greites galtraversmes. Wgmelge pra`uges adkegtmvmty dy esgipmlfis nugh is passmdce oran the shigbces ao m`eacafy, pissmals il` enatmals2 reseirgh oee`sal icc thase ta rel`er adkegts ao mlqumry oinmcmir (Citaur 9==8;4:8-4:= ml Lawatly et ic.4::9;4).

hms stu`y ms i grmtmgic evicuitmal il` galtextuicmzitmal ao the ethlafriphmg ad- kegts preselt ml the Inizalmil Gaccegtmal oran the Ocarm`i Nuseun ao Lituric Hmstary(OCNLH) it the Ulmversmty ao Ocarm`i (UO). he thene thit fum`es thms stu`y ms Ml`mfelaus

 Inizalmil perspegtmves il` prigtmges, represelte` dy the piyí”s  (shinil”s) pamlt ao vmew, mlgaltrist ta the Liture/Gucture `mvm`e preselt ml westerl sgmeltmomg blawce`fe pra`ugtmal,m.e., lituric sgmelge. hese ire twa altacafmgiccy mstmlgt pergeptmals al liture. Icterlitmvereicmtmes degane ippirelt ml ethlafriphy is oran il ml`mfelaus perspegtmve2 Liture il`Gucture ire mlterwavel il` galstiltcy enerfmlf. Ml galtrist, the lituric sgmelge stil`ir`gcissmomgitmal, ar tixalany, is ende``e` ml westerl sgmeltmomg blawce`fe, mnpases i `mvm`edetweel –liture„ il` –gucture„.

Omfure 9 Darara shinil”s turtce rice wmth oeither i`arle` giripige (I) il` ul`egarite` pcistral (D).

Hei` il` cefs nac`e` ml deeswix. Gaccegtmals ao the Ilthrapacafy @mvmsmal ao the Ocarm`i Nuseun ao

Lituric Hmstary, OCNLH Penp. La. 449?. (Zhata”s dy @uml 4::6).

i d

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he grmtmgic evicuitmal il` galtextuicmzitmal ao the Inizalmil Gaccegtmal galtrmdutes tathe msgussmal ao ethlafriphmgic mlvestmfitmal ml the galtext ao irgheacafy. Ethlafriphmgicil` ethla-hmstarmgic iggaults hive deel ippcme` ta ittest ta the evm`elge ao shinilmsn il`ourther galtextuicmzitmal ao the use ao shinil”s adkegts ml the irghieacafmgic pist is, oarexinpce, the iîla shinil (dehmque ) (Tae 9==6). Tae (9==6) `riws al Inizalmil eth-

lafriphmes (e.f., Tae 9=84) ta mlterpret irghieacafmgic oml`s il` the mnpartilge ao ilmnicmgalafriphy. Ml i``mtmal ta ilmnic mgalafriphy, ilmnic da`y pirts ire use` ml i shinil”sadkegts (Omfure 9). @ue ta irghieacafmgic netha`s il` teghlmques enpcaye` (pirtmgucircyzaairghieacafy), sane ao these adkegts gil passmdcy de avercaabe` is adkegts ao i shinil(m.e., gucturic adkegts), mo zaairgheacafmgic reseirgh ms nimlcy smtuite` ml the galtext ao oaa`galsunptmal. I nuctm`msgmpcmliry gaccidaritmal inalf zaairghieacafmst, irghieacafmst,hmstarmil il` ilthrapacafmsts ms legessiry ta avergane the liture/gucture `mghatany.

Tevmsmtmlf the Liture/Gucture @mghatany

he lituric sgmelges, ar whit Lawatly et ic. (4::9) gicce` i –na`e-9 blawce`fe pra`ug-tmal,„ ire smtuite` ml whit Drula Citaur (9==7) gicce` –he Omrst Freit @mvm`e„ (Omfure4). he Omrst Freit @mvm`e ms mlterlic pirtmtmalmlf Liture oran Gucture. he Wegal` Freit@mvm`e giuses `msgallegtmal detweel –Us„ il` –hen„ ar the –Vest versus the Test.„he estidcmshe` `msgmpcmles preoer themr altacafy ao na`e-9 blawce`fe pra`ugtmal idaveml`mfelaus blawce`fe pra`ugtmals. Is `enalstrite` dy ethlafriphmes ml virmaus pirtsao Inizalmi (e.f., Århen 9==72 @esgaci 9=8?2 Cmni 9==?2 _mvemras `e Gistra 9==8)the Liture/Gucture `mvm`e issune` dy lituric sgmelges ms lat preselt inalf ml`mfelauspeapces.

Lawatly i``resse` the mssue ao `msgallegt detweel the –Vest„ versus –the rest„ isale-wiy gannulmgitmal. hms gannulmgitmal ocaws oran Wgmelge (west) ta sagmety (therest), wmth cmttce itteltmal fmvel ta the wiys ml whmgh sagmety gannulmgites wmth Wgmelge(Lawatly et ic. 4::9). Nast sgmeltmomg `msgmpcmles imn oar repcmgidce resucts il` `eomlmtmveilswers, e.f., `eomlmlf the tixalany ao spegmes (Cívm-Wtriuss 9=?4), ar the –gcissmomgitmalao pcilts il` ilmnics ms ale ispegt ao the sagmic adkegtmomgitmal ao liture„ (@esgaci il`Zécssal 9==?;85). Lawatly et ic . (4::9) ecidarite` upal the na`e-4 blawce`fe pra`ug-tmal ar mlter`msgmpcmliry reseirgh, nuctmvagic, felerite` ml the galtext ao ippcmgitmal, il`aotel resuctmlf ml lew questmals. Ilthrapacafy ms sugh il mlter`msgmpcmliry na`e thit ml-

Omfure 4 Phe Liture/Gucture @mvm`e.

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gcu`es spegmicmsts oaccawmlf dath na`es ao blawce`fe pra`ugtmal. Na`e-4 blawce`fe pra-`ugtmal ms espegmiccy wecc sumte` ta ilthrapacafy degiuse mt iccaws oar i lal-westerl vamge,il` ms thereoare sagmiccy iggaultidce.

Mlstei` ao il esseltmicmst netiphysmg where Liture ms appase` ta Gucture, the  pikí  warc`vmew, ar –shinil”s perspegtmve,„ iccaws oar i nare `ylinmg ippraigh where there

ms la gceir `mstmlgtmal detweel Liture il` Gucture. Inerml`mil Zerspegtmvmsn (_mvemras`e Gistra 9==4, 9==?2 see icsa Cmni 9==?) ms il exinpce ao il ilthrapacafmgic ippraighta ul`erstil`mlf the ganpcex recitmalshmp detweel liture il` gucture. Ml thms ippraigh,E`uir`a _mvemras e Gistra stites thit hunilmty ms the gannal gal`mtmal ao dath hunilsil` ilmnics, ecidaritmlf al Zhmcmppe @esgaci”s m`ei thit the –gannal pre`mgite is li-ture”s demlfs ms lat Rhu^nil is spegmes dut hunilbml` is gal`mtmal„ (@esgaci il` Zécssal9==?;=72 @esgaci 9=8?;94:). he tern Inerml`mil perspegtmvmsn ms dise` al the geltricm`ei ao the ghirigtermzitmal ao ml`mfelaus gasnacafmes. Mt ms the latmal thit the warc` aolitmve guctures ml the Inermgis ms mlhidmte` dy nily spegmes ao demlfs el`awe` wmth gal-sgmausless il` gucture. hms m`ei ms hec` al the prenmses thit the extermar physmgicmty ao

every spegmes ms i type ao gcathmlf (i gcaib), hm`mlf i hunil autwir` ippeirilge. Larniccythe gannal gal`mtmal ao hunilmty ms alcy vmsmdce thraufh the eyes ao the sine spegmes,ar ta gertiml trilsspegmomg demlfs sugh is the shinil. Vhit `mstmlfumshes Inerml`mil gas-nacafmes ms i `evecapnelt sum felerms  ao the m`ei thit eigh spegmes ms el`awe` wmth i pir-tmgucir smlfucir pamlt ao vmew.

 Inerml`mil perspegtmvmsn, is autcmle` idave, his mts oaul`itmal ml nythacafy2 i ulm-versic thaufht thit ml nythmgic tmne hunils il` lal-hunils gaexmst (ml the preselt tmne,ilmnics ire ex-hunils). he pirtmtmal ao liture il` gucture, omrst autcmle` ml Ci  ZelsíeWiuvife  (Cevm-Wtriuss 9=?4) il` ourther `evecape` ml Gciu`e Cevm-Wtriuss”s  Nythacafmques  (gannelgmlf wmth Phe Tiw il` the Gaabe` ) where nyths al recitmals detweel hunils

il` lal-hunils ml Inerml`mil sagmetmes galgcu`e` ml i `mghatany detweel liture il`gucture. Wane 45 yeirs ioter mts pudcmgitmal the liture/gucture `msgaurse reenerfe`, rith-er i`vagitmlf thit the liture/gucture `mghatany ms mlexmstelt oar Inerml`mils (Århen9==72 @esgaci il` Zécssal 9==?2 Cmni 9==?2 _mvemras `e Gistra 9==?). Na`erl gucturicrecitmvmsn `eens ale Liture wmth severic guctures. Vhel galsm`ermlf ethlafriphmes ao

 Inerml`mils, mt ms ippirelt thit icc demlfs see the warc` it the sine niller2 whit ghilfesms the warc` thit they see. _mvemras e Gistra stite` thit perspegtmvmsn ms lat recitmvmsn dutnuctmlituricmsn, he prapase` thit ml Inerml`mil thaufht there exmst alcy ale gucture wmthnuctmpce litures. Iggar`mlfcy, perspegtmvmsn ms nuctmlituricmsn degiuse perspegtmve ms lati represeltitmal, is represeltitmal ms praperty ao the spmrmt, dut perspegtmve ms ml the da`y.

Oar Cívm-Wtriuss, strugturic recitmals detweel dmliry appasmtmal were smtuite` ml the nml`,lat ml the da`y.

Ml thms Liture/Gucture `msgaurse, Zhmcmppe @esgaci oaguse` al the recitmalshmp detweelhunils il` lal-hunils. He prapase` thit, inalf Inizalmil ml`mfelaus peapce, the`mooerelges detweel hunils il` lal-hunils ire ao ‘`efree”, lat ao Liture. Mlmtmiccy heprapase` ilmnmsn ta expciml these recitmalshmps, is mlspmre` dy the sagmacafmgic theary aotatenmsn ao Ti`gcmooe-Drawl, il` he galstrugte` i hydrm` ao the thearmes ao Cívm-Wtriussil` Ti`gcmooe-Drawl whmgh he gamle` –ilmnmsn.„ Citer, @esgaci retrigte` oran thms thea-retmgic sagmageltrmg pasmtmal il` `eomle` hms –lew ilmnmsn„ is il ‘adkegt” ‘da`y” thit hissmnmcir mltermarmty il` `mooerelt physmgicmty. Inalf ml`mfelaus peapce hunils il` lal-

hunils hive smnmcir mltermarmty2 they icc hive saucs, `espmte ao themr `mooerelt physmgicmty.

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 Ilmnmsn pranmlelt inalf Inizalmil ml`mfelaus fraups ms i galtmlumty ao saucs il` i`msgaltmlumty ao da`mes, where peapce el`aw pcilts, ilmnics il` ather ecenelts ao themrphysmgic elvmralnelt wmth sudkegtmvmty il` estidcmsh wmth these eltmtmes icc types ao per-salic recitmals. Ml thms na`ec, degiuse ao mts gannal sudkegtmvmty, ilmnics il` spmrmtsire sim` ta passess sagmic ghirigtermstmgs. @esgaci (9==?, 4::=) prapase` thit hunilmty ms

the gannal gal`mtmal il` thit there ire three na`es ao adkegtmoymlf liture; tatenmsn,ilmnmsn il` lituricmsn. Iggar`mlfcy, ale smlfce na`e ao recitmals detweel hunils il`lal-hunils shauc` lat de the `eoiuct ml ul`erstil`mlf icc hunil recitmals ml the warc`.@esgaci wis idce ta `edulb the ulmversicmty ao the lituricmsts is i `eoiuct, il` drmlf ta theoarefraul` whit athers sghacirs gauc` lat, whmgh wis i warc` oree ao the oicse ulmomgitmalao i lituricmst na`e ao thaufht.

he `mghatany detweel Liture il` Gucture ms thus lat is gceir-gut is mnpcmgmt dythe lituric sgmeltmsts. Tegeltcy urler (4::=) il` Wiltas-Frilera (4::?) gicce` oar i re-lewe` ilthrapacafy ao the selses ml Inizalmil stu`mes gcimnmlf thit thms ms whit ms cigb-mlf ml the Inerml`mil perspegtmvmsn. I regelt galtrmdutmal ta Inerml`mil perspegtmvmsn

wis pravm`e` dy Avermlf (4::?) ml the oarn ao i garpareic perspegtmvmsn ao the selses(mpmtm, _acune 0, Lunder 9-4, 4::?, ganpmce` dy Fearfe Neltare il` Oerlil`a Wiltas-Frilera). Iggar`mlfcy, these enda`me` Inerml`mil Na`es ao Blawce`fe drai`el theselses ao nimlcy vmsuic armelte` perspegtmvmsn (–pamlt ao vmew„ R_mvemras `e Gistra 9=8?^wmth enphisms al the vmsuic) (ganpire wmth Tmvmère 9==0). Lat alcy hunils il` ilmnics–see„ ather demlfs is `mooerelt, these `mooerelges ire enda`me` ml the selses. Neilwhmce

 Inizalmilmsts sghacirs galtmlue themr quest oar i gannal fraul`, where icc these `mooer-elt oigets ao mltersudkegtmvmty gil de `msgusse` mltefriccy.

hms `msgussmal his mnpcmgitmals oar irghieacafy. Irghieacafy recmes upal the lituricsgmelges ml mts netha`s il` teghlmques. Oar mts mlterpretitmal, hawever, mt aotel `riws al

ilthrapacafmgic na`ecs, il` gil thus serve is giticyst oar drm`fmlf dath na`es ao blawc-e`fe pra`ugtmal. Nuctm`msgmpcmliry reseirgh, mlgcu`mlf zaairghieacafy il` ethlairgheac-afy, inalf athers, gil de i taac ta ul`erstil` the `mvm`e detweel liture/gucture. heoarnitmal ao i neetmlf pcige oar na`e-9 il` na`e-4 blawce`fe pra`ugtmal ml the galtextao ippcmgitmal ms sumtidce oar mlvestmfitmve reseirgh ta irrmve it il irghieacafmgic galtext.

 Inizalmil Gaccegtmal it the Ocarm`i Nuseun ao Lituric Hmstary 

he Inizalmil Gaccegtmal oran the Ocarm`i Nuseun ao Lituric Hmstary (OCNLH) it theUlmversmty ao Ocarm`i (UO) wis galomsgite` oaccawmlf the fum`mlf prmlgmpce ao the Galveltmal

al Mlterlitmalic ri`e ao El`ilfere` Wpegmes ao Vmc` Oiuli il` Ocari (GMEW). he gac-cegtmal wis galomsgite` dy the Ulmte` Wtites Omsh il` Vmc`cmoe Wervmge (UWOVW) ml vmaci-tmal ao the oaccawmlf ciws il` cefmscitmal; (9) the Galveltmal al Mlterlitmalic ri`e mlEl`ilfere` Wpegmes (GMEW), (4) the Cigey Igt, (7) the Nmfritary Dmr` reity (0) the UWEl`ilfere` Wpegmes Igt, il` (5) UW Gustans il` Dar`er Zrategtmal. he InizalmilGaccegtmal wis `alite` ta the Dair` ao rustees ao the Ulmversmty ao Ocarm`i. he gacceg-tmal wis `epasmte` ul`er the gire ao the Ocarm`i Nuseun ao Lituric Hmstary ml Nirgh ao

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4::5 dy UWOVW. he OCNLH ms the repasmtary 9  mlstmtute ao the Gaccegtmal. Ul`er thefum`ecmles ao the rilsoer Ar`er Wurpcus Zersalic Zraperty ao UWOVW, the gal`mtmals aothe `alitmal ire is oaccaws2 la sice, dirter, ar tri`e ao mtens, the purpase ao the `ali-tmal ms ta e`ugite the pudcmg idaut the mccefic tri`e ml wmc`cmoe pra`ugts il` `urmlf nu-seun exhmdmtmals avertcy ml`mgite thit the adkegts were exparte` aut ao Drizmc mcceficcy. he

GMEW preindce4

, mltel`e` ta prategt il` preserve wmc` oiuli il` ocari, wis `evecape`dy lituric sgmeltmsts usmlf fum`ecmles ao estidcmshe` `msgmpcmles sugh is dmacafy il` zaac-afy. Vmthml lituric sgmelges mt his deel i tri`mtmal ao cidecmlf il` tixalany gcissmomgitmal.Galsequeltcy the gare ao GMEW ms mts ippel`mges wmth tixalanmg cmsts ao spegmes ta de pra-tegte`. hms oarn ao feleritmlf blawce`fe ms whit Hecfi Lawatly il` gacceifues (4::9)gicce` na`e-9 blawce`fe pra`ugtmal.

Ml oicc 4::5, the iuthar, per @r. Hegbelderfer”s request, m`eltmome` the gucturic fraup aoluneraus adkegts ml the Inizalmil Gaccegtmal, inalf athers oran the Witere-Niwe (ml-`mfelaus peapce oran the Geltric Inizal). hese adkegts mlgcu`e` severic hul`re` faur`dawcs, waa`el spaals, rmlfs, legbciges, il` dindaa tudes, m`eltmome` is taurmsts” tri`e

mtens (see @uml 4::=). Ml the sunner ao 4::6 the iuthar defil aguneltmlf the reniml-mlf ulm`eltmome` adkegts (aver 5:: adkegts) ao whmgh nast ire ulmque pmeges ao oeitherwarb.Aver 45:: adkegts hive deel refmstere` il` giticafue`. he aguneltitmal mlgcu`e` m`el-tmoymlf, phatafriphmlf, itidise refmstritmal il` giticafumlf. I secegtmal ao 98 adkegts oranthe Inizalmil Gaccegtmal represeltmlf the freit virmety ao oeitherwarb oaul` thraufhaut

 Inizalmi, mccustrite` ml the Nip ao the Ocarm`i Nuseun Inizalmil Gaccegtmal (@umlil` @uml 4::6)7. hms gaccegtmal ao ml`mfelaus Drizmcmil ethlafriphmg irtmoigts galtimlsadkegts i`arle` wmth oeithers il` ather pirts ao el`ilfere` ilmnic spegmes, sugh is dale,teeth, gciws, il` oeithers. a `enalstrite the ganpcexmty ao the Inizalmil Gaccegtmal,the iuthar gurite` the exhmdmtmal tmtce` –_amgmlf Ml`mfelaus Irteoigts,„ `mspciye` it the

Winuec Z. Hirl Nuseun ao Irt ml Fimlesvmcce, Ocarm`i (Kucy ta Weptender 4::=). Lmlespegtigucir oeitherwarb adkegts were secegte` oran the Inizalmil Gaccegtmal, inalfstwhmgh i shinil”s shecc turtce rittce (Omfure 9).

Ethlafriphmg galtextuicmzitmal ao shinil”s adkegts preselt it the Inizalmil Gaccegtmal

Oar thms piper M wmcc oagus al the adkegts ao the shinil preselt ml the Inizalmil Gaccegtmal,riw nitermic, use, il` syndacmsn, il` the irghieacafmgic smflitures ao, ar the cigb ao, theseadkegts. Ml Wauth Inermgi the –shinil„ ms gicce`  pikí  (upm) ar pmyim  (Girmd). @urmlf omrst

elgaulters mt wis sim` thit Inizalmil peapce –ire sa autsm`e ao reisal thit they i`are the@evmc dy neils ao hms nmlmsters, gicce` pifí „ (Il`rè hevet R9556^ ml Lirdy il` Huxcey4::0;97). –hey (the litmve peapces ao Drizmc) decmeve ml i thmlf…cmbe i punpbml (m.e.,nirigi rittce). Eigh nice his hms awl Rnirigé  . Wane whan they gicc Ziyfm R pikí  il`

9 I repasmtary ifreenelt ms il ifreenelt ul`er whmgh i oigmcmty sugh is i nuseun ar irghieacafmgic gelterpravm`es praoessmalic, systenitmg il` iggaultidce guritarmic servmges al i calf-tern disms ta ilather eltmty(sugh is i stite faverlnelt, ar the Oe`eric faverlnelt) oar gaccegtmals thit the nuseun `aes lat awl (Ml IIN

 Iggre`mtitmal Zrafrin ‗ Ippcmgitmal; Mlstrugtmals, Fum`ecmles il` Fcassiry. 4::5;5).4 –Tegaflmzmlf thit wmc` oiuli il` fflari ml themr nily deiutmouc il` virme` oarns ire il mrrepcigeidce pirt ao the

lituric systens ao the eirth whmgh nust de prategte` oar thms il` the feleritmals ta gane2 Galsgmaus ao theever-frawmlf vicue ao wmc` oiuli il` fflari oran iesthetmg, sgmeltmg, gucturic, regreitmalic il` egalanmg pamlts

ao vmew„ (GMEW Zreindce ml Vmklstebers 4::7;087).7 Ivimcidce it http;//pcizi.uffl.e`u/`uml/ pudcmgitmals/ZudcmgitmalsalViyili/HITLQ4::=QZaster.kpf.

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these ire caabe` up ta Rml the sine niller^ is we revere saathsiyers. hese R pikí  peapce

trivec thraufh the cil` alge i yeir, vmsmtmlf icc the huts. hey pretel` thit i spmrmt oran ioaremfl, oir-aoo pcige… mo Ralcy^ they Rthe  pikí  isb the spmrmt ta `a sa, thms pawer wauc`de frilte`„ (Wti`el R9556^ ml; Vhmtehei` 4::8;940-9452 i``mtmals ml squire drigbets dy

 Vhmtehei` 4::82 enphisms il` i``mtmal ml drigbets dy iuthar). Lext ta the nirigi, thegmfirette ms icsa ale ao the niml taacs ao the shinil ta mlterigt wmth the atherwarc` (e.f.,Temghec-@acnitaoo 9=65;892 _mvemras `e Gistra 9=8?;579-76). –adigga ms anlmpreseltml the cmoe ao the Iriwetí peapce ... he gmfirettes ire 7: geltmneters calf, ni`e oran theceives thit ire `rme` dy omre il` racce` ml ceives ao tiuirm , mt ms the uctmnite sagmic exgeccelge… dut kust oew nel ire ‘the eiters ao snabe” ‗ the shinil„ (_mvemras `e Gistra 9=8?;5792

Omfure 7 Gcase-up ao shinil”s gmfirees. Gaccegtmals ao the Ilthrapacafy

@mvmsmal ao the Ocarm`i Nuseun ao Lituric Hmstary, OCNLH Penp. La. 4440

(Zhata dy @uml 4::6).

Omfure 0 Iriwetí rice line` iriy. Gaccegtmals ao the Ilthrapacafy @mvmsmal ao the Ocarm`i Nuseun ao

Lituric Hmstary, OCNLH Penp. La. 4000 (Zhata dy @uml 4::6).

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ny trilscitmal) (see Omfure 7).0 Mt ms deyal` the sgape ao thms piper ta `msgus ml `etimc thehmstarmgic `agunelts il` ethlafriphmg stu`mes recite` ta shinilmsn, ather thil M wmcc oa-gus al the taacs use` dy the shinil.

here ms i wm`e virmety ao shinils rittces ml Inizalmi il` sane exenpcirs ire preseltit the Inizalmil Gaccegtmal, sugh is the Darara shinil”s rittce (Omfure 9). Ml 9640,

Ciomtiu `esgrmde` il` mccustrite` i wm`e virmety ao rittces, mlgcu`mlf i rittce ml the shipeao i turtce smnmcir ta the Darara shinil”s rittce preselt it the Inizalmil Gaccegtmal. hmsrittce ms ni`e ao i tartamse shecc i`arle` wmth dcue il` yeccaw oeithers, set aoo wmth re`oeithers. he ittighe` hei` il` cefs ire shipe` oran deeswix. Ilather exinpce ao i shi-nil”s rittce ml the Inizalmil Gaccegtmal ms the rittce ao the Iriwetí shinil gicce` iriy  (Omfure 0). hms rittce ms ni`e oran wavel irunç  (Msghlasmphal sp.) ml the shipe ao il ml-verte` gale. he gale ms gavere` wmth ocagbs ao wmc` gattal, exgept the dise whmgh ms ceotexpase`. Orifnelts ao sheccs ire oaul` mlsm`e the gale. hese shecc orifnelts pra`uge ihmfh-pmtghe` saul` whel the rittce ms shibel. Oar the Iriwetí shinil, ioter snabmlf hmsgmfirette, thms rittce ms the nast esseltmic mlstrunelt. he rittce gil hawever de use` dy

lal-shinils oar snicc gures, is icnast icc Iriwetí nice i`ucts ire i cmttce dmt ao i shinil. Iggar`mlf ta ethlafriphmgic iggaults, il` idselt ml Omfure 0, ire oaur re` timc oeithers ao Iri nigiw mlserte` detweel the gale il` the gattal. he iriy  ms galsm`ere` il mlstrunelt pir exgeccelge  ao trilsoarnitmal. Wmnmcir ta tadigga, the iriy  ms il mlstrunelt ao blawce`fethit elcmfhtels the shinil. Iggar`mlf ta _mvemras `e Gistra (9=8?;576), the Iriwetí”s rit-

0 –A tidiga í almpreselte li vm`i Iriwetí. As ghirutas `e 7: geltmneltras, oemtas `e oachis segis ia oafa e

elraci`is en gisgi `e tiuirm , sça uni gamsi sagmic par exgecelgmi…, ipelis icfuns hanels sça –gane`ares `eouna„ ‗ xinç„ (_mvemras `e Gistra, 9=8?;579).

Omfure 5 Darara shinil kifuir legbcige. Gaccegtmals ao the Ilthrapacafy @mvmsmal ao the

Ocarm`i Nuseun ao Lituric Hmstary, OCNLH Penp. La. 4969 (Zhata dy @uml 4::6).

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tce garrespal`s ta the upmlindé nirigi  `esgrmde` dy Wti`el. Icthaufh permshidce nite-rmics is disbetry il` gattal nast cmbecy wmcc de idselt ml the irghieacafmgic regar`, i turtcegiripige il` pmeges ao shecc niy de regavere` irghieacafmgiccy. Dut thms ms lat ta mnpcy thiticc turtce shecc il` shecc orifnelts ire pirt ao shinil”s adkegts.

 Il ilmnic thit his i spegmic pcige ml the shinil”s warc` ms the kifuir. he Kifuir ms

galsm`ere` the icter efa ao the shinil. he ubila tern oar  piyí  R ye”e  ar  yiî  ms the verysine line oar the kifuir ml ubila (Temghec-@acnitaoo, 9=65;9:9). he shinil ( piyí )enda`ymlf the Kifuir ms twaoac`; i) dy neils ao kifuir sbml da`y pimltmlf the da`y ao theshinil deganes i kifuir sbml, d) the shinil gil weir Kifuir da`y pirts, oar exinpce kif-uir teeth mlgarparite` ml i legbcige (Omfure 5), thus ippraprmitmlf the kifuir da`y pirts isthe shinil”s awl. he ocum`mty detweel liture il` gucture ms thus perhips nast latmgeidceml the gise ao the Kifuir/Whinil.

he shinil”s adkegts `msgusse` idave, exgept the gmfirettes, ire i`arle` wmth oeithers.Felericcy mt ms issune` thit these oeithers armfmlite oran wmc` dmr`s. M wmcc thereoare ourtherexpcare the recitmalshmp detweel the shinil‐il` ml`mfelaus Inizalmil peapce‐il`

the warc` ao dmr`s. Oar exinpce, ml Wauth Inermgil gasnacafy, the hirpy eifce his i spe-gmic pcige (Tae 9=84;456-458), lat alcy ms thms cirfest ao Inermgil eifces, mt ms galsm`ere`the shinil”s icter efa ml the sby (Ourst 9==9). he recitmal detweel ilmnics il` dmr`sml pirtmgucir, sugh is `esgrmde` oar Inizalmi, ms icsa igblawce`fe` ml the Girmddeil; –Moseltmelt trees `enalstrite` wmcc il` blawce`fe, sa nugh nare sa `m` ilmnics, dmr`s, il`mlsegts…the shinil gicce` upal ta resm`e ml hms da`y. hese greitures were the wmc` ilm-nics ao the iîla mscil` warc`, nythmg sudstmtutes oar nimlcil` ilicafues Rilmnics^. a it-trigt spmrmts, iîla shinil orequeltcy deiutmome` hmnseco wmth oeither i`arlnelts il` oigepimltmlf, is `a galtenpariry shinils ml the Inizal„ (Tae 9==6;978). Hawever, dise`al ethlafriphmg il` ethlahmstarmgic iggaults the galgept ao –wmc`„ dmr`s ms nare smtuite`

ml i westerl pamlt ao vmew, thil il ml`mfelaus Inizalmil perspegtmve.

Phe `anestmgitmal ao dmr`s

Nily ml`mfelaus papucitmals, pist il` preselt, dree` pet dmr`s oar the sace mlteltmal aoadtimlmlf oeithers oar the purpase ao nibmlf oeithere` i`arlnelts, sugh is `esgrmde` mlthms piper. hms prigtmge ms `agunelte` ml hmstarmgic iggaults, il` gil de galsm`ere` ilesseltmic ganpalelt ao Inizalmil gucture. Ml ale ao the eircmest ethlafriphmg iggaultsao Inizalmi, Hils Wti`el (9=48, 4::8 R9556^) `esgrmde` the gcase recitmalshmp ao the

 Inizalmil Ml`mils (spegmomgiccy the upm speibmlf upmlindi) wmth gacaurouc dmr`s il`

ather ilmnics. Mccustritmals ml Wti`el”s iggaults il` thase ao hms smxteelth geltury gal-tenparirmes (Keil `e Círy 95682 Il`rí hevet 95562 hea`ar `e Dry 95=4) `epmgt civmshoeithere` gastunes. Wti`el late` thit the upmlindi treisure` the oeithers ao dmr`s, mlthit –he thit his nily oeithers ms rmgh„ (Wti`el 9=48;906 R9556^). @urmlf hms giptmvmty,Wti`el adserve` the mnpartilge ao fithermlf oeithers oran niture lestmlf dmr`s degiusethey ire nare gacaurouc;

–M wis gipture` ml il mscil` ml whmgh witer-dmr`s lest, the dmr`s ire gicce` Uwiri, il` they hive re`

 oeithers. Phe sivifes isbe` ne whether themr elenmes the Puppml Mbmls hi` deel there thit yeir ta tibe

dmr`s urmlf the lestmlf seisal. M tac` then the Puppml Mbmls hi` deel there, dut they prapase` ta vmsmt

the mscil` ta see oar thensecves mo thms wis sa, oar they vicue the oeithers ao these dmr`s exgee`mlfcy smlge

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icc themr i`arlnelt `epel`s upal then. Mt ms i pegucmirmty ao these dmr`s thit whel they ire yaulf the

 oeithers ire i whmtmsh-frey. Phey thel degane `irb frey il` sa they y oar idaut i yeir, ioter whmgh the

 oeithers turl re`, is re` is pimlt„ (Wti`el 9=48;?0-?5 R9556^).

Dree`mlf pet dmr`s inalf ml`mfelaus peapce ms lat alcy ittrmdute` ta the pist, icsagaltenpariry ethlafriphers hive `agunelte` the mnpartilge ao dmr`s oar themr oeither

use ippcmgitmal. Vhmce E`uir`a _mvemras `e Gistra (9=8?) wis gal`ugtmlf ethlafriphmgreseirgh inalf the upm speibmlf Iriwete, he `esgrmde` the oaccawmlf; –augils, nigiws,hirpy eifces, sniccer hiwbs, gurissaws, arapel`acis, il` twa types ao gatmlfis ire saufhtoar themr oeithers ta nibe irraws il` i`arlnelts. Wgircet il` gilml`e nigiws il` pir-rats ire gipture` icmve il` rimse` ml the vmccife is pets (tenmni ) (ml 9=84, the vmccife hi`50 tine nigiws).he hirpy eifce, mo gipture` icmve, ms bept ml i gife„ (_mvemras `e Gistra9=8?;9502 ny trilscitmal).5 Il` whmce gal`ugtmlf ethlafriphmg reseirgh inalf the Fespeibmlf Xmbrml, oar the galtextuicmzitmal ao Nuseun Faec`m”s Xmbrml ethlafriphmg gacceg-tmal, @anmlfues-Capes late`; –M adserve` thit the Xmbrml dree` dmr`s sugh is Iri nigiw,piribeet, il` pirrat ta renave the oeithers. Ml prepiritmal oar the oeithers i`arlnelts, ml

 Kucy 4::: M gauc` adserve, twa wanel pcugbmlf oeithers il` `awl ao Iri nigiw il`, mlOedruiry 4::9, M adserve` nather il` sal pcugbmlf oeithers. hey renave` the oeithersvery feltcy, oran ul`er the hei` il` the wmlfs ao the dmr`„ (@anmlfues-Capes 4::0;48=2ny trilscitmal).? Luneraus exinpces ao ethlafriphmg iggaults ittest thit upm speibmlffraup sugh is the Iriwete (_mvemras `e Gistra 9=8?;950), the Fe speibmlf fraup sugh isthe Xmbrml (@anmlfues-Capes 4::0;48=), il` Girmd speibmlf fraups sugh is Vim-Vim(Temli il` Zressnil 9==9;995), ire stmcc regeltcy beepmlf dmr`s is pets. Idaut omve gel-turmes ioter Hils Wti`el”s iggault, pet dmr`s ire ultmc ta`iy galsm`ere` the nast prmze`passessmals, oar exinpce, the pet dmr`s ao the upm ire icwiys the nast deiutmouc gacauroucdmr`s (_mvemras `e Gistra 9=8?;??0). Ethlafriphmgic il` hmstarmgic iggaults ire grmtmgic`epmgtmal ao ispegts ao the sagmic cmoe ao ml`mfelaus peapce.

Galgcu`mlf Tenirbs; Deyal` the Liture/Gucture @mghatany 

he Inizalmil Gaccegtmal it the Ocarm`i Nuseun ao Lituric Hmstary, is ms geltric ml thmsstu`y, wis galomsgite` oaccawmlf cefic prege`elts ml the Galveltmal al Mlterlitmalic ri`eml El`ilfere` Wpegmes (GMEW). GMEW, is il mlterlitmalic da`y, wis greite` ml ar`er taprahmdmt the mccefic tri`e ao el`ilfere` spegmes. Avercaabe` ml the GMEW cefmscitmal msthe ganpcexmty mlvacve` ml the sagmic il` spmrmtuic vicues ml the gucturic galtext ao saneel`ilfere` spegmes, i galtext thit recites ta the Inizalmil ml`mfelaus peapce. Idselt

oran GMEW, oar exinpce, shauc` de pravmsmals reoerrmlf ta the use ao ilmnic pirts oarthe galstrugtmal ao irteoigts ml the galtext ao ml`mfelaus rmtuics il` shinil”s prigtmges.Ml`mfelaus peapce”s warc`vmew ms latidcy idselt oran the feapacmtmgic msgaurse, pirtcy ueta oiccigy.

5 –As tugilas, iriris, i hirpmi e fivmões nelares, a nutun, a kipu e `ams tmpas `e galtmfm`eas –ilindes„ sçapragur`as pecis pelis, piri fflexis e i`arlas. Is iriris vernechi e gilml`e, e as pipifimas, sça gipturi`as vmvas,e grmi`as gana xermndidas (tenmni) li ic`emi. (En 9=84, i ic`emi Iriwete tmlhi 50 iriris grmi`is sactis). Ihirpmi (bilaha) se gipturi`i vmvi, e niltm`i en fimaci„ (_mvemras `e Gistra 9=8?;950).

? –Adservem que as Xmbrml grmin ives gana iriri, permqumta, e pipifima piri retmrir is pelis. Yuil`a `i prepi-rigia `e i`arlas pcunirmas, pu`e adserver en Kucha `e 4:::, `uis nucheres irrilgil`a pelis e pelufels `e

iriri e, en autra nanelta en oeveremra `e 4::9, nie e cha reicmzivin tic tireoi. Irrilgivil, hidmcnelte, ispelis e pelufels que givin idimxa `i gidegi e `is isis„ (@anmlfues Capes 4::0;48=).

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@urmlf the cefic prege`elge ao the Inizalmil Gaccegtmal, UWOVW issmfle` i nal-etiry vicue ta the semze` adkegts, dut oar the ml`mfelaus peapce the vicue ao oeithers msdeyal` smnpcy naletiry2 the vicue ms smtuite` ml sagmic repra`ugtmal. Inalf ml`mfelaus

 Inizalmil sagmetmes, the shinil pciys i geltric race ml the sagmic repra`ugtmal, il` saneao themr bey taacs, ao whmgh sane smnmcir adkegts ire preselt ml the Inizalmil Gaccegtmal,

ire i`arle` wmth oeithers. Mlstei` ao –ecenelts ao el`ilfere` spegmes„ the adkegts ml theLituric Hmstary Nuseun Gaccegtmal ire ecenelts ao ml`mfelaus gucture. Inm`st adkegtsoran the Gaccegtmal, severic ire shinil”s adkegts thit, whel oaul` ml irghieacafmgic gal-text, wauc` cmbecy de `esgrmde` is oiulic renimls, e.f., turtce shecc, ilmnic teeth, il` sheccs(mlsm`e the shinil”s rittce). he gannal neetmlf fraul` lee`s ta i``ress these tri`mtmal-ic rmfhts rither thil oagusmlf al egalanmgs icale (Zasey 9==?), ar the westerl stil`pamltis the liture/gucture `mvm`e is ende``e` ml dma`mversmty galservitmal. he `mstmlgtmaldetweel liture il` gucture ms thus lat is gceir-gut ml Inizalmil gasnacafmes. Daul`irmesdetweel liture il` gucture degane adsacete, il` ta ouccy ul`erstil` these Inizalmilml`mfelaus adkegts we hive ta avergane the liture/gucture `mvm`e.


 IIN Iggre`mtitmal Weco-Wtu`y Fum`e

4::5 I Hmfher Wtil`ir`; Weco-Wtu`y Iggre`mtitmal Fum`e.  Inermgil Issagmitmal ao Nuseuns, vac. 7. Vishmlftal, @.G.

 Århen, B.

9==7 Egasaomi Nibuli. Ml Ci secvi hunilmzi`i; egacafmi icterlitmve el ec trapmg hune`agacandmila, e`mte` dy O. Garrei, pp.9:=-94?. Mlstmtuta Gacandmila `e Iltrapacafmi,Oal`a OEL, Dafati.

@e Dry, .

95=4 Inermgie tertmi pirs nenaridmcen pravmlgmie Drismcmie hmstarmin galtmlels, ... iMaille Wti`ma ... I``mti est Lirritma praoegtmalms Maillms Cermm ml ein`en pravmlgmin... Hms iggessmt @esgrmptma narun et oeragmtitms mlgacirun mccmus refmalms. Orilbourt.

`e Círy, K.

9==0 Rsegal` e`mtmal 958:^ Hmstarme @”ul _ayife Oimgt El Ci Perre `u Drísmc (9568) .

Cmdrimrme Fílírice Orilgimse, Zirms.@esgaci, Z.

9=8? Ci liture `anestmque; syndacmsn et prixms `ils c”egacafme `es Ighuir. Nimsal `esNimsal `esWgmelges `e c”Hanne, Zirms.

4::= Hunil litures. Wagmic Ilthrapacafy / Ilthrapacafme Wagmice  96(4);905-956.

@esgaci, Z., il` F. Zécssal

9==? Liture il` Wagmety;Ilthrapacafmgic Zerspegtmves . Tautce`fe, Cal`al.

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@anmlfues-Capes, T.G.

4::0 Irteoitas `a Gatm`mila `is Ic`emis Xmbrml; Galtextuicmzil`a uni gaceæça eth-lafriomgi. Ml Zraprme`i`e Mltecegturic e Zitrmnalma Gucturic; Zrateæça `a galhegmnelta e`is expressões gucturims tri`mgmalims , pp. 480-7:9. Decín-Ziri.Decín-Ziri.

@uml, W., il` T.W. @uml4::6 Phe Ocarm`i Nuseun Inizalmil Gaccegtmal. (Nip ao secegte` oeitherwarb irtm-oigts) OCNLH, Fimlesvmcce.

@uml, T.W.

4::= Viyili Wagma-Zacmtmgic Cil`sgipes; Nuctm-Wgicir Tefmalicmty il` Penparicmty mlFumili . Zh@ `mssertitmal, Ulmversmty ao Ocarm`i, Fimlesvmcce.

Ourst, Z.

9==9 Grawls ao Zawer; Dmr` il` Oeither Wyndacmsn ml Inizalmil Whinilmsn. Ml PheFmot ao Dmr`s; Oeitherwarb ao Litmve Wauth Inermgil Zeapces, e`mte` dy T. Temli il` B.Belsmlfer, pp. =7-9:=. Ulmversmty Nuseun Zellsycvilmi, Zhmci`ecphmi.

Citaur, D.

9==7 Ve Hive Lever Deel Na`erl. Hirvir` Zress, Gindrm`fe.

4::0 Zacmtmgs ao Liture; Haw ta Drmlf the Wgmelges mlta @enagrigy . Hirvir` Zress,Gindrm`fe.

Cmni, .

9==? A @ams e seu Nuctmpca; Teocexões sadre Zerspegtmvmsna e ni Gasnacafmi upm. NILI 4;49-06.

Cívm-Wtrius, G.

9=?4 Ci pelsíe siuvife . Zcal, Zirms.

9=?= Phe Tiw il` the Gaabe` . Hirper & Taw, Lew ]arb.

Lirdy, K., il` O. Huxcey

4::0 Whinils Phraufh Pmne; 5:: yeirs al the Zith ta Blawce`fe . Zelfuml Fraup, Lew


Lawatly, H., Z. Wgatt, il` N. Fmddals

4::9 Te-thmlbmlf Wgmelge, Blawce`fe il` the Zudcmg ml il Ife ao Ulgertimlty . Zacmty,Nic`el NI.

Avermlf, K.

4::? Wpegmic Mssue ml Halar ao Kailli Avermlf ml the Varc` il` idaut the Varc`; Inerml`mil Na`es ao Blawce`fe. Pmpmtî; Kaurlic ao the Wagmety oar the Ilthrapacafy aoCawcil` Wauth Inermgi  0(9/4);7-6.

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Zasey, @.

9==? Zrategtmlf ml`mfelaus peapce”s rmfhts ta dma`mversmty. Elvmralnelt 78(8);?-97.

Tmvmère, Z.

9==0 V]WMLV]F ml Inizalmi.  Kaurlic ao the Ilthrapacafmgic Wagmety ao Axoar`  


Temghec-@acnitaoo, F.

9=65 ubila Whinilmsn. Ml Phe Whinil il` the Kifuir , pp.6?-9:6. enpce UlmversmtyZress, Zhmci`ecphmi.

Temli, T., il` K.O. Zressnil

9==9 Hirvestmlf Oeithers. Ml Phe Fmot ao Dmr`s; Oeitherwarb ao Litmve Wauth InermgilZeapces,  e`mtars T. Temli il` B. Belsmlfer, pp. 99:-990. Ulmversmty Nuseun

Zellsycvilmi, Zhmci`ecphmi.Tae, Z.

9=84 Phe Gasnmg [yfate; Gasnacafy ml the Inizal Disml. Tutfers Ulmversmty Zress, LewDrulswmgb, Lew Kersey.

9==6 Kust Vistmlf Iwiy; imla Whinilmsn il` Galgepts ao Oertmcmty. Ml Pimla;Zre-Gacundmil Irt il` Gucture oran the Girmddeil, e`mte` dy O. Derght, E. Dra`sby,

 K.I.Oirner, il` @. iycar, pp.940-956. he Naligeccm Zress il` Ec Nusea `ec Dirrma,Lew ]arb.

Wiltas-Frilera, O.4::? Mltra`ugtmal; Inerml`mil Na`es ao Blawce`fe. Pmpmtî; Kaurlic ao the Wagmety oarthe Ilthrapacafy ao Cawcil` Wauth Inermgi  0(9&4);7-6.

Wti`el, H.

9=48 Hils Wti`el Phe Prue Hmstary ao hms Giptmvmty 9556. rilscite` il` e`mte` dy N.Cetts. Tautce`fe il` Wals, Cal`al.

4::8 Hils Wti`el”s Prue Hmstary; il iggault ao Gillmdic Giptmvmty ml Drizmc . rilscite`il` e`mte` dy L.C. Vhmtehei` il` N. Hirdsnemer. @ube Ulmversmty Zress, @urhin.

hevet, I.

9556 Ces smlfucirmtíz `e ci Orilge iltirgtmque, iutrenelt lanníe Inírmque et `e pcus-meurs terres et msces `ígauvertes `e lastre tenps . Ghrmstaphce Zciltml, Ilvers.

urler, .

4::= he Grmsms ao Cite Wtrugturicmsn, Zerspegtmvmsn il` Ilmnmsn; TethmlbmlfGucture, Liture, Da`mcmles, il` Wpmrmt. Pmpmtî; Kaurlic ao the Wagmety oar the Ilthrapacafyao Cawcil` Wauth Inermgi  6(9).

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Ulmte` Wtites v. N. H. U.W. @mstrmgt Gaurt - Lartherl @mstrmgt ao Ocarm`i. @ite ternmlite`:?/7:/4::7.

Ulmte` Wtites v. N. H. Ilswer Drmeo ao Zcimltmoo-Ippeccee, Ulmte` Wtites ao Inermgi. U.W.Gaurt ao Ippeics Ecevelth Gmrgumt, Lavender 40, 4::7.

_mvemras `e Gistra, E.9=8? ITIVEPE; As @euses Gilmdims . E`mtar Karfe [ihir, Tma `e Kilemra.E`mtar Karfe [ihir, Tma `e Kilemra.

9==4 Oran the Eleny”s Zamlt ao _mew. Hunilmty il` @mvmlmty ml il Inizalmil Wagmety .Ulmversmty ao Ghmgifa Zress, Ghmgifa.

9==? As Zralanes Gasnac÷fmgas e a Zerspegtmvmsna Inerîl`ma. NILI (4);995-900.

9==8 Gasnacafmgic @emxms il` Inerml`mil Zerspegtmvmsn.  Kaurlic ao the Tayic Ilthrapacafmgic Mlstmtute  (0);0?=-088.

 Vhmtehei`, L.C., il` N. Hirdsnemer4::8 Hils Wti`el”s Prue Hmstary; Il Iggault ao Gillmdic Giptmvmty ml Drizmc.  @ubeUlmversmty Zress, @urhin, LG.

 Vmklstebers, V.

4::7 Phe Evacutmal ao GMPEW . GMEW Wegretirmit, Ghitecimle, Felevi.

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 Nmghie c K. Hegbelderfer 

Cem`el ml the Girmddeil M_   kamle` Eurapeil il` Citml Inermgil spegmicmsts ta galsm`errecitmals igrass the Girmddeil Disml ‗ the gmrgun-Girmddeil ‗ oran prehmstary ta thepreselt. Is il autsm`er, il Inizal spegmicmst oran the UWI, mt wis il ipt pcige ta galsm`erthe lartherl dar`ercil`s ao Freiter Inizalmi, dumc`mlf al ny drmeo omec` expermelge ml

adifa (4::5-4::?), Wurmline (4::5), il` Fuyili (4::=) il`, nare mnpartiltcy, mlter-igtmals wmth virmaus gacceifues wha spegmicmze ml the irei. Ny prmniry warb oaguses al ir-ghieacafy il` ml`mfelaus hmstary ml the Drizmcmil Inizal, pirtmgucircy warbmlf wmth i theBumbura (Upper Xmlfu) Inerml`mil gannulmty ml the sautherl permphermes ao Inizalmi.he Bumbura speib i Girmd cilfuife, themr lemfhdaurs ather cilfuifes, mlgcu`mlf Iriwib,ml thms pcurm-ethlmg refmalic sagmety ao peer gannulmtmes. Cmvmlf oar aver twa yeirs ml i paceil` thitgh hause, cagite` it the e`fe ao i cirfe gmrgucir pcizi, eitmlf nilmag il` omsh, the`metiry stipces, ml cagiccy-ni`e gerinmg pats, witghmlf luneraus rmtuic peroarnilges, il`

 kust demlf there ml the nm`st ao –tri`mtmalic„ every`iy cmoe, pravm`es il mlterestmlf viltifepamlt ta galsm`er the peapces wha cmve ml il` iraul` the Girmddeil Wei.

Haonil il` Haafcil`”s (thms vacune) mltra`ugtary avervmew hmfhcmfhts mlterigtmalil` the lee` ta `evecap ilicytmgic na`ecs il` mlterpretmve stritefmes ta ul`erstil` nuctm-sgicir perspegtmves al sagmicmty il` exghilfe, wmthml il` detweel `msgrete refmals ‗ fea-friphmg il` sagma-gucturic mscil`s ‗ thit, ml turl, were ende``e` ml drai` refmalic sys-tens ao mlterigtmal igrass the cawcil` trapmgs. hms regaflmzes the mlterpciy ao exterlicil` mlterlic oigtars ml hmfhcy virmidce sagma-gucturic systens, mlgcu`mlf ganpcex questmalsao gucturic pcuricmsn, hydrm`mty, il` the calf-tern `ylinmgs ao gaupce` hunil-lituricsystens. Mt icsa ul`ersgares the `mooerelt perspegtmves thit reseirghers drmlf ta deir ar, mlather war`s, haw pist il` preselt sagmicmtmes ire fmvel vamge.

Phe Gmrgun-Girmddeilhe galgept ao i ‘Gmrgun-Girmddeil Irei” fimle` wm`e usife ioter the pudcmgitmal aothe smx vacune Hil`daab ao Wauth Inermgil Ml`mils  (Wtewir` 9=0?-9=5:). It the tmne aomlmtmic Eurapeil mltrusmals, the refmal, mlgcu`mlf Geltric Inermgi, Gacandmi, _elezueci,il` the Iltmcces, wis `anmlite` dy snicc- ta ne`mun-smze` pacmtmes thit nm`-tweltmethgeltury ilthrapacafmsts gine ta gicc –ghmeo`ans.„ he tern, i trilscitmal ao the IriwibRiîla^ war` gizmgizfa, omrst ippcme` ta pacmtmes it the sautherl nirfmls ao the trapmgic caw-cil`s (Aderf 9=55), wis mnne`mitecy i`ipte` ta Wtewir`”s feafriphmg gun evacutmalirysghene oar icc ao Wauth Inermgi; nirfmlic dil`s, trapmgic oarest trmdes, Gmrgun-Girmddeil

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ghmeo`ans, il` Il`eil stites (Wtewir` il` Oiral 9=5=). Mt wis citer citer exparte` oran Inizalmi ta Zacylesmi, where mt fimle` wm`e gurrelgy, il` thel ta i hast ao warc` ireis tareoer ta pre-stite ar lal-stite ganpcex sagmetmes.

he HWIM   `mstmlfumshe` the ‘Gmrgun-Girmddeil Irei” oran the trapmgic oarests ao Inizalmi, mlgcu`mlf the lartherl gaistic settmlfs eist ao the Armlaga, whmgh were late`

oar eficmtirmil, pacmtmgiccy iutalanaus, snicc, il` nadmce ar senm-se`eltiry gannulm-tmes, the –ale smze omts icc„ trapmgic oarest vmccifes. Wtewir` il` Oiral (9=5=;4=9) suffeste`thit –the feleric strugture ao the trapmgic-oarest gucture `mooere` oran thit ao the Gmrgun-Girmddeil irei il` the Il`es lat alcy ml mts oir freiter smnpcmgmty R…^ dut ml the spegmicwiys ml whmgh sagmic, recmfmaus, il` pacmtmgic pitterls were iooegte` dy gucturic-egacafmgici`iptitmals,„ latidcy elvmralneltic cmnmtitmals (di` samcs il` caw prateml). Vhmce eircyiuthars late` thit sane papucitmals were nare `elsecy galgeltrite` ml rmver il` gaisticireis, the trapmgic oarest peapces –cigbe` nast ao the teghlacafmgic il` sagmapacmtmgic gan-pcexmtmes ghirigtermstmg ao the geltric Il`eil enpmre il` the Gmrgun-Girmddeil ghmeo-`ans.„ Nimlcil` trapmgic oarest peapces –cigbe` i selse ao hmstary il` taab la mlterest ml

feleicafmes„ il`, ml oigt, –there ms la fraup whase aric hmstary extel`e` digb nare thil ihul`re` yeirs.„ Wpegmomgiccy, they –cigbe` tenpces, prmesthaa`s, il` ethmgic systens,„ gal-omrnmlf the galgcusmal ao mlmtmic Eurapeil eye-wmtlesses ao the gaistic upm; sen oe , sen cem ,sen rem  (see Wtewir` il` Oiral 9=5=;8-=, 486-4=9).

he tri`mtmalic vmew wis ghiccelfe` oran the autset; ifrmgucture gauc` de mltelsmome`dy cil`sgipe na`momgitmal il` use il` nilifenelt ao wetcil`s il` iquitmg resaurges,iccawmlf the `evecapnelt ao renirbidce systens ao sagmic rilbmlf, nalunelticmty, il`refmalic mltefritmal (see sunnirmes ml Wmcvernil il` Msdecc 4::8). Wpegmomgiccy, regelt ir-ghieacafy ml Inizalmi suffests thit the types ao snicc ta ne`mun-smze` ganpcex sagmetmes- ghmeo`ans - thit `anmlite` the Gmrgun-Girmddeil, were icsa preselt ml virmaus pirts ao

the hunm` oarests ao the nimlcil`, latidcy oran westerl _elezueci ta the Cawer Inizal,icalf the Inizal Tmver, il` ml the sautherl trilsmtmalic oarests ao Inizalmi ml Drizmc il`Dacmvmi. Nily ireis hi` senm-mltelsmve systens ao irdarmgucture il` raat grap guctmvitmalml hmfhcy `anestmgite` cil`sgipes il` mlgcu`e` ilmnics, sugh is turtces, `ugbs, nilitees,whmgh were nilife` is cmvestagb, whether ar lat they ul`erwelt the fela- ar phela-typmg ghilfes typmgic ao gaws, pmfs, il` ather ulfucites (true thraufh the Inermgis, whereginecm`s were the alcy ouccy `anestmgite` ulfucites).

Tegelt reseirgh ganpcmgites Wtewir`”s egacafmgic gun evacutmaliry `mvmsmal ao Wauth Inermgi. Ml`ee`, mt ms qumte passmdce thit, ml 90=9, the iverife Inizalmil, il` Girmddeil,ml`mfelaus persal wis i nender ao i settce`, ifrmgucturic refmalic pacmty, sane bml` ao

eircy urdil il` lal-urdil, lal-stite il` stite sagmety, rither thil the –ale smze omts icc„trapmgic oarest trmde. Gurrelt perspegtmves enphismze virme` pithwiys ta sagmic ganpcexmty,mlgcu`mlf the ganpcex irtmgucitmal ao heterirghmgic il` hmerirghmgic oeitures, paces ao sa-gma-pacmtmgic pawer, wmthml refmalic pacmtmes il` drai` systens ao mlterigtmal. Ourthernare,thms mltefrite` sagma-pacmtmgic cil`sgipe his very `eep raats; i –oarnitmve„ thit ms evm`elt,nast advmauscy ml the Iriwib `mispari.

Phe Iriwib `mispari 

hraufhaut the Girmddeil, nast mscil`s, il` icc ao the cirfer ales, ire `anmlite` dy

trapmgic oarest smnmcir ta nimlcil` Wauth Inermgi. he ml`mfelaus peapces wha anmlite`these ireis shire` advmaus gucturic pitterls wmth Inizalmi, latidcy ml teghlacafy il` ega-

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lanmgs. Nareaver, regar`e` cilfuifes issagmite` wmth the refmal ire `anmlite` dy twa aothe prmniry cilfuife oinmcmes ao the trapmgic cawcil`s ao the galtmlelt; Iriwib il` Girmd.Tause”s (9==4) gucturic hmstarmgic sgheni enphismze` the nmfritmal ao Wauth Inermgilpapucitmals mlta the Girmddeil, dise` al shire` teghla-egalanmg systens, latidcy her-ic`e` dy gerinmgs. Tegaflmtmal ao Inizalmil nmfritmals mlta the Girmddeil ms stmcc wm`ecy

iggepte`, dut the Cem`el galoerelge ul`ersgare` ylinmg ghilfe ml hunil-egacafmgic il`sagmapacmtmgic systens, mlgcu`mlf eircy pre-Iriwib ifrmgucturic sagmetmes il` drai` systensao mlterigtmal thit extel`e` igrass the Girmddeil Disml.

Fmcmk (968:-80) omrst regaflmze` drai` cmlfumstmg recitmals ao Iriwib speibers ml larth-erl Wauth Inermgi. Birc val `el Wtemlel (98=0) `agunelte` cmlfumstmg recitmals wmth thesautherl Inizal Ziregm il` Xmlfuila, whit he gicce` –Lu-Iriwib.„ Ioter warbmlf oarseveric yeirs (9==:-9==7) wmth the Xmlfuila peapce, M wis mltra`uge` ta the Zartufuesetrilscitmal ao Nix Wghnm`t”s (9=96) stu`y –@me Iruibel,„ the omrst stu`y ta galsm`er ml`etimc shire` gucturic oeitures wmthml the oinmcy. Dise` al prmniry omec`warb, Wghnm`twis wecc igquimlte` wmth the Xmlfuila peapces il` ather fraups wmthml i drai` refmal

ao recite` Iriwib peapces, whmgh he fcasse` is Ziregm ioter the gucturic fraup wmth whmghhe wis nast oinmcmir (wha cmve ml the Upper ipik÷s Tmver hei`witers mnne`mitecy westao the Xmlfû) (Wghnm`t 9=90). Evel gursary exinmlitmal ao refmalic ethlacafy `agu-nelts the gceir gucturic recite`less ao Iriwib speibmlf fraups igrass sautherl Inizalmi.Wghnm`t enphismze` three mnpartilt oeitures ao Iriwib sagmetmes; settce` ifrmgucturic il`rmver/gaistic i`iptitmals, sagma-pacmtmgic hmerirghmes, latidcy il ecmte rilb, il` refmaliccymltefrite` sagmetmes. he Ganpiritmve Iriwibil Hmstarmes galoerelge ml Zilini ml 4:::enphismze` these il` ather ispegts ao Iriwib sagmetmes, whmgh were sanewhit ulmque tathese fraups ml cawcil` ethlacafy (Hmcc il` Wiltas Frilera 4::4).

Fertru`e @ace (9=?9/?4) late` smnmcirmtmes detweel Upper Xmlfu il` Armlaga irghie-

acafmgic gerinmgs. Nare drai`cy igrass the cawcil`s, @alic` Cithrip (9=6:) il` MrvmlfTause (9==4) late` the ioomlmtmes detweel the Wici`am`-Dirrilgam` sermes `eomle` al theCawer Armlaga il` the Wici`am` ao the Girmddeil il` whit Cithrip gicce` the InizalmilDirrilgam` ar Mlgmse`-Na`ece` tri`mtmal ml the Upper Inizal. he eircy prapalelts aoil irghieacafmgic gucture thit garrespal`e` ta the Iriwib speibmlf peapces oaguse` aladvmaus gerinmg smnmcirmtmes il` themr recitmal ta ifrmgucturic teghlacafmes (Cithrip 9=6:).he urfe ta nave his deel felericcy cmlbe` ta emther the mlgreise` pateltmic ao `evecape`ifrmgucturic systens ar the enerfelge ao stitus rmvicry wmthml rilbe` sagmetmes, icthaufh la`audt dath pciye` mnpartilt races ml the `mispari. Dath ire recite` ta `enafriphmg oig-tars, dut the oarner pranates the m`ei thit frawth resucte` ml i lee` ta expil` mlta lew

ireis, il` pasmts i wive ao i`vilge nmfritmal (Cithrip 9=6:), whereis the citter sees gan-petmtmal aver sgirge prestmfe resaurges is grmtmgic, whmgh, icthaufh cmlbe` ta the smze ao bml-fraups il` gannulmtmes, ms lat ue ta papucitmal pressure recite` ta ifrmgucturic resaurges(Hegbelderfer 4::4). Ml reicmty, virmitmal ml the oeitures il` neghilmsns ao papucitmalnavenelt were mnpartilt.

Taasevect (9==6;967), il autspabel grmtmg ao garrecitmals detweel gerinmg styces il`cilfuife fraups, lalethecess suffests thit nenders ao the Wici`am`-Dirrilgam` sermes –seencmlbe` dy gannal armfmls Rrither^ thil dy galtenpariry gannulmgitmal„ il` –spitma-tenparic pitterlmlf ao the sermes ms galsalilt wmth i scaw nmfritmal,„ ar ml ather war`si –scapmlf tri`mtmal.„ Detweel gi. 45:: il` 4::: DZ, eircy Iriwib speibmlf fraups hi`

sprei` thraufhaut nast ao the irei `anmlite` dy then ml hmstarmg tmnes. he prmniry ex-

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pilsmal, ao peapce il` m`eis, wis oimrcy ripm` detweel gi. 4.5:: ta 4::: DZ, dut, mo ale ig-gepts i calfer ghralacafy al the nm``ce Armlaga, thms niy extel` `eeper ml tmne. [ugghm(4::4) suffests i very `eep hmstary, extel`mlf wecc aver three nmccellmi oar Iriwib speib-ers ml the drai` irei ao Larthwest Inizalmi, oran the Lefra ta the Nm``ce Armlaga.

Taasevect (9==6;967) faes al ta siy, hawever, thit the garrecitmal ao these gerinmgs

wmth Iriwib speibers his –weib enpmrmgic fraul`s„ smlge the styce hi` –fale aut ao useit the tmne ao galquest, il` la fraup `agunelte` is speibmlf il Iriwibil cilfuifehis ever deel shawl ta de usmlf i styce ao the sermes.„ Ml oigt, galtenpariry Xmlfuilagerinmsts ire Iriwib il`, cmbe themr ilgestars deoare then oar aver i nmccellmun ml the re-fmal, stmcc nibe gerinmgs thit ire dest isgrmde` ta the sermes, nibmlf mts hmstarmgic scape evelnare renirbidce. I``mtmaliccy, wm`esprei` nitermic gucture oeitures, sugh is rudder diccs,virme` nisbs il` nusmgic mlstrunelts, recite` ta rmtuicmze` igtmvmtmes wmthml il` detweelgannulmtmes, il` evel sanethmlf is nul`ile is the twmst ao gar`ife il` scilt ao weivmlfecenelts shaw i garrecitmal detweel Iriwib speibers il` gertiml partidce nitermic gucture(Zetersel et ic. 4::9).

he Iriwib speibmlf peapces wha gacalmze` the Girmddeil il` gine ta `anmlitenily ireis were lat the eircmest aggupilts ao nily mscil`s, is ms suffeste` dy the preselgeao pre-Wici`am` gerinmgs, ifrmgucture, il` settce` gannulmtmes. Dy the nm`-Hacagele, saneGirmddeil papucitmals ippireltcy cmve` ml oimrcy se`eltiry gannulmtmes wmth ifrmgucturicgraps, mlgcu`mlf nilmag, the super-grap ao the hunm` Inizalmil cawcil`s, dy the omothnmccellmun DZ (see Zifél Kmnílez, thms vacune2 Tmveri-Gacciza, thms vacune). Icalf theDerdmge ml Fuyili, hmstarmgiccy `anmlite` dy Cabala peapces ‗ the armfmlic –Zravmlgmi `ecas Iruigis,„ eircy settce` gannulmtmes (gi. 5.::: DZ) were preselt, is wis true oar severicather pirts ao the nimlcil` ml the nm`-Hacagele (Vhmtehei` et ic. 4:992 Acmver 4::8).hese fraups cmbecy expcamte` i rilfe ao guctmvite` pcilts, sane `anestmgite` severic nmc-

cellmi eircmer. Ml the nm``ce Derdmge, the Iriwib preselge gil de suffeste` gi. 4::: DZ areircmer dise` al ghilfes ml gerinmgs il` ifrmgucturic teghlacafmes (rimse` omec`s).

Tause averenphismze` the Iriwib, is the armfmlic ifrmgucturic gacalmsts il` `anm-lilt gucturic fraup thraufhaut prehmstary. Gucture hmstary wis nare ganpcex thil smnpcewive-ao-i`vilge navenelts ar ulmoarn egacafmgic ar `enafriphmg mnperitmves. _irmausnavenelts ao peapces il` m`eis il` gucturic mlterigtmal gil de `ecmleite`, mlgcu`mlf gan-pcex pitterls ao nmfritmal. Eircmer gucturic fraups, mlgcu`mlf ifrmgucturicmsts, hi` aggupme`the refmal oar nmccellmi, dy the segal` nmccellmun I@ Girmd speibers gacalmze` the Cesser

 Iltmcces, il` mlterigtmals igrass the gmrgun-Girmddeil greite` the gal`mtmals oar i renirb-idcy pcuric sagma-gucturic cil`sgipe. Lalethecess, the `anmlilt mlocuelge `urmlf the cist

three nmccellmi gine oran Wauth Inermgi, omrst the Iriwib il` citer the Girmd. hms nibesganpirmsals wmth the Iriwib il` Girmd speibmlf peapces ao Inizalmi pirtmgucircy orumt-ouc, wmth the giveit thit eigh nikar sud-refmal il` nmgra-refmalic sagmic systens wis icsaulmque. Hawever, we shauc` shirpel ilicafmes ta caab lat alcy it drai`cy recite` fraupsdut it the spegmomg hmstarmes ao ml`mfelaus peapces thit ire regar`e` ethlafriphmgiccy.

Phe Wautherl dar`ercil`s

Ml hmstarmg tmnes, Iriwib speibmlf peapces represelte` the nast wm`esprei` cilfuife oin-mcy ml the Inermgis, ml nily gises issagmite` wmth lavec oarns ao senm-mltelsmve cil`sgipe

`anestmgitmal, il` sagma-pacmtmgic ganpcexmty, aggismaliccy irfuidcy represeltitmve virmiltsao pre-na`erl urdil pacmtmes. Hawever, ml Inizalmi the sagma-hmstarmg pilarini ms qumte

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ganpcex smlge severic cilfuife oinmcmes msperse` igrass drai` ireis dy the omrst nmccellmun I@. he cirfest, the Iriwib il` upm-Firilm oinmcmes, ire issagmite` wmth ifrmgucturicmstswha hi` ippireltcy sprei` igrass nugh ao the trapmgic cawcil`s dy 4::: DZ. he wm`e-sprei` `mspersic ao the Girmd il` Fë cilfuife oinmcmes niy hive smnmcir tmne `epth. Ml

 Inizalmi, hawever, upcil` sagmetmes issagmite` wmth these ather oinmcmes cigb the settce`,

ifrmgucturic egalanmes il` cagic il` refmalic sagmic hmerirghmes ao the Iriwib.hraufhaut Inizalmi, is wecc is the Girmddeil Disml, gucturic pcuricmsn wis il mn-partilt ecenelt ao refmalic mlterigtmal, mlgcu`mlf the ethlafelesms ao pcurm-ethlmg sagmicoarnitmals. Dath phycafeletmg il` retmgucite oeitures ire grmtmgic. Ml eigh gise, mt ms cil-fuife, omrst il` oarenast, whmgh pravm`es the disms oar hmstarmgic regalstrugtmal ao `mstrm-dutmals il` ganpirmsals detweel fraups. Exinpces ao cmlfumstmg hydrm`mty idaul`, ml-gcu`mlf refmalic tri`e cilfuifes, sugh is icalf the Inizal, Ccilas `e Nakas, il` atherireis, greacmzitmal, il` fel`er `mfcassmi, oar mlstilge recite` ta the Girmd gacalmzitmalao the sautherl Girmddeil ml cite pre-Gacundmil tmnes (Daanert, thms vacune). Ml theGirmddeil, pcurm-ethlmg sagmic oarnitmals were typmgic ao nily mscil`s il` mlter-mscil`

systens thraufhaut nugh ao prehmstary. Mlterigtmal wis icsa orine` ml il m`man ao rmtuic,mlgcu`mlf the mgalafriphmg wrmtmlf suffeste` dy Inizalmil Zacyghrane gerinmgs, the vistsigre` cil`sgipes ao the LV Inizal, ar the refmalic pirtmgmpitmal ml ghmeocy rmtes ao pis-sife ml the Upper Xmlfu. Icsa grmtmgiccy mnpartilt ire oeitures ao teghlacafy, egalanmgs,sagma-pacmtmgic arfilmzitmal, il` dumct elvmralnelt, latidcy cil`sgipe na`momgitmals il`rmtuic spige, whmgh, whmce lat msanarphmg wmth cilfuife `a shaw smflmomgilt garrecitmaligrass cilfuife oinmcmes.

Ml sautherl Inizalmi, upcil` ireis were `anmlite` dy upm-Fuirilm il` Fë speib-ers, whereis Iriwib speibmlf fraups were `elsecy settce` ml the dattancil`s ao the nikarsautherl trmdutirmes ao the Inizal. Vhit cmlbs these ireis ms lat kust cilfuife, lar smn-

pcy i gertiml teghla-egalany ar sagma-pacmtmgic oarn, dut i hidmtus  ar i teghlacafy ao theda`y thit ms mlsgrmde` igrass da`mes, ar gannulmtmes ao prigtmge, ao `mverse smzes il` shipes,`weccmlfs, settcenelts, il` evel whace cil`sgipes. Vhmce feles, cilfuife, il` teghlaca-fmes, mlgcu`mlf da`y cilfuife, nitermic gucture, il` dumct elvmralnelt, `a lat ghilfe mlcagb-step, they ire icsa lat iutalanaus. he galtelt ms war`s il`  festures, mlgcu`mlf thegalstrugtmal ao sagmic da`mes il` `anestmgitmal ao liture thit mlgcu`es, virmidcy, i whacehast ao nitermic thmlfs, recite` oarns ao teghlacafy, gerinmgs, permshidce irteoigts, vmccifeoarns, irghmtegturic oeitures, mlgcu`mlf gmrgucir pcizis il` `evecape` dumct elvmralnelts.

M wis mltereste` cess ml irteoigts thil cmvmlf irrilfenelts, latidcy i oeiture shire` dy Iriwib speibmlf peapces ml the Girmddeil il` sautherl Inizal aver the pist twa nmc-

cellmi; pcizi vmccifes. Ml`ee`, whmce M wis cmvmlf ml i pcizi vmccife, @ive Vitters il` KmnZetersel were warbmlf al the Wici`am` rmlf vmccife it rilts al Nalserrit, whmgh caabe`cmbe i sniccer irghieacafmgic versmal (Hegbelderfer il` Zetersel 9===). @espmte irfu-nelts thit enpty geltric ireis ml sane smtes (Ilse ê ci Faur`e) reocegt tenpariccy `msgretehausehac` ireis, there ms naultmlf evm`elge thit gmrgucir pcizi settcenelt arfilmzitmal wispreselt thraufhaut Wici`am` tmnes, mlgcu`mlf it sugh smtes is rilts (Nalserrit), Nimsidec(Zuerta Tmga), il` Fac`el Frave (adifa), il` extel`e` ta galtigt ml sane ireis, sughis it El Dis Wicmle (Himtm), icthaufh demlf trilsoarne` mlta regtilfucir gaurts ar diteys  mlpirts ao the Freiter Iltmcces il` lal-pcizi aggupitmals, cmbecy issagmite` wmth Girmd speib-ers ml nily pirts ao the Cesser Iltmcces.

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Nily peapce cmve ml sugh gannulmtmes ml the sautherl Inizal, sugh is upmil peapces(Nul`urugu, ipmripí) il` Fë, dut ganpirmsal wmth the Girmddeil `riws aur itteltmalta the oigt thit ml oareste` Inizalmi they ire i gannal oeiture ao Iriwib fraups. Gmrgucirpcizi vmccifes ire recitmvecy rire ml the refmal, dut regaflmze` ml the Girmddeil, Armlaga,cawer Lefra, il` ml sautherl Inizalmi, icc ireis `anmlite` dy Iriwib speibers hmstarm-

giccy. Ml sautherl Inizalmi, the sautherl el`pamlt ao the `mispari, they ire leircy udmq-umtaus inalf Iriwib speibers (il` latidcy ather gucturiccy recite` fraups). Gmrgucir pcizivmccifes represelt i smflmomgilt virmitmal ao cawcil` settcenelt pitterls, whmgh eltimcs spe-gmicmze` navenelts ao the da`y, strugture` pirtmtmalmlf ao spige, il` m`eacafmes ao sagmic`mooerelges, is wecc is i –dcueprmlt„ ao settcenelt oarn, il`, is `msgusse` decaw, refmalicarmeltitmals, whmgh galtrists wmth cess rmfm`cy `eomle` settcenelts pitterls, mrrefucir, cmleir(icalf rmvers), il` iffcutmlite` oarns nare typmgic ao the refmal.

Zcizis hive gertiml grmtmgic thmlfs ta siy idaut sagmic `mooerelges, latidcy fel`er, ife,bmlfraup, ioomlmty, issagmitmals, il` rilb. Vhit staa` aut idaut the sautherl Iriwibpcizis wis themr recitmalshmp ta nisbs, nusmgic mlstrunelts, espegmiccy ocutes, il` ather

peroarnitmve teghlacafmes, mlgcu`mlf the preselge ao ecmte rmtuics, latidcy ghmeocy nartuiryoeists. Zcizis were tme` ta feleicafmes il` ilgestars, pravm`e` thraufh the da`mes ao ger-timl persals, mlgcu`mlf yaulf, nm``ce il` ac` ghmeos thensecves, dut icsa `egeise` ghmeos,seel ml the Upper Xmlfû ta ilmnite waa`el da`mes, m`acs. hms, ao gaurse, wis the dismsao Wtewir`”s tenpce-m`ac-prmest ganpcex, icthaufh the Xmlfuilas wauc` gicc themr wemfhtypersalifes ghmeos rither thil prmests.

he gcasest gucturic recitmves ire the Ziregm il` recite` fraups (Wicunç il` EliweleLiwe) shire nmlute `etimcs lat alcy ao teghla-egalany, e.f., ulmque nilmag fritersil` ather pragessmlf taacs, hinnagbs, il` hauses, dut icsa ao themr pcizi rmtuic gan-pcex, inalf ather irghmtegture, sugh is omshmlf il` wetcil` galstrugtmals (wemrs). Ml`ee`,

Wghnm`t mlgcu`e` Xmlfuilas il` `mverse Ziregm fraups is ale –litmal.„ Nur`agb (9=57),ml hms grmtmque ao Wtewir`”s qui`ri-pirtmtmte gucture ireis ao Wauth Inermgi, cmbewmse reg-aflmze` the sautherl Inizal refmal is i `msgrete gucture irei, the –Xmlfu.„ Ale ao theeircmest reparts al the –Ziregm litmal, whmgh rei`s icnast cmbe il ethlafriphmg iggault ao

 Xmlfuila peapces, lates;

Phese peapce exmst ml sugh vist quiltmtmes, thit mt ms lat passmdce ta gault themr settcenelts ar vmccifes,

Ril`^ nily tmnes ml ale `iy”s nirgh ale pisses tel ar twecve vmccifes, il` ml eigh ale ao then there

ire tel ta thmrty hauses, il` ml these hauses there ire sane thit ire thmrty ta oarty piges igrass R…^

evel themr rai`s they nibe very strimfht il` wm`e R…^ (Zmres `e Ginpas 98?4R964:^;007-000).

Gacalmic expilsmal `egmnite` dath fraups `enafriphmgiccy, sa the `esgrmptmal ao themr`else papucitmal il` settcenelts, la `audt typmgic oar the Upper Xmlfû it the tmne,is wecc, `m` lat omt wmth tweltmeth geltury pitterls, whel alcy i oew vmccifes were ceot.Fmvel whit we law blaw idaut the pre-Gacundmil letwarbs ao settcenelts ml the Upper

 Xmlfu (Hegbelderfer et ic. 4::8) there ms cmttce `audt thit evel dy the eircy 96::s nissmve`epapucitmal hi` icrei`y `egmnite` refmalic papucitmals. hms systen ao gucturiccy il`sagma-pacmtmgiccy recite` terrmtarmic pacmtmes, eigh mlterliccy arfilmze` dy i origtic cafmg aosagmic il` spitmic recitmals, shaws the pateltmic ganpcexmty ao thms pitterl, lat ta neltmalmts cirfe smze, wmth pacmtmes ml the thausil`s, eigh wmth terrmtarmes ao hul`re`s ao squirebmcanetres, wmthml i refmal ao cmbecy 7:,::: bn´ il` tels ao thausil`s ao persals. Gcissmg

urdilmsn requmres smlfucir gelters, ulmque oran themr ruric gaultrysm`e ao snicc tawls il`

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vmccifes, whmgh were dath strugturiccy il` egalanmgiccy heterafeleaus. he Xmlfu nuctm-geltrmg pacmtmes, wmth gares `eomle` dy exenpciry gelters il` oaur nikar wicce`, resm`eltmicsiteccmtes, ire renmlmsgelt ao whit Hawir` (9=:4) gicce` –Fir`el Gmtmes,„ where urdil il`ruric oarne` i ganpcmgite` nasimg il` cirfe gelters dismgiccy cirfer, nare ecidarite ver-smals ao sniccer ales. he fir`el gmtmes ao sautherl Inizalmi, cmbe thase M wauc` irfue

ao the lartherl ireis, oarge us ta galsm`er icterlitmve oarns ao urdilmsn, mlgcu`mlf i lew`eomlmtmalic ghirigtermstmg thit seens nare recevilt thil smze ao smlfucir gelters ‗ gmtmes ‗ aroulgtmalic heterafelemty wmthml then; refmalic pcillmlf il` mltefritmal.

Wgice, perspegtmve il` vamge

Cite pre-Gacundmil Girmddeil il` Inizalmil pacmtmes omt wecc wmthml the ulmverse aosnicc- ta ne`mun smze` ganpcex sagmetmes igrass the Inermgis. Cmbewmse, gcissmg urdil gelt-ers enerfe` citer il` were felericcy sniccer ml the Inermgis thil al the nm`-lartherlcitmtu`es ao the Ac` Varc`, il` papucitmals nare `moousecy `mstrmdute`. Nill (9=8?)suffests thit sugh refmalic il` aotel hmerirghmgic pacmtmes ‗ ghmeo`ans, petty bmlf`ans,ar –nmgra-stites„ ‗ were the nast wm`esprei` type ao sagmety warc`wm`e ml 90=4, whmghseens reisalidce oar the cawcil`s, is wecc. Gelters seen ta hive galgeltrite` sagma-pa-cmtmgic il` syndacmg resaurges, thraufh il m`man ao rmtuic peroarnilge, il` weicth aroaa` surpcus, ar, nare pregmsecy, the citter were greite` il` mlstiltmite` oar pacmtmgic il`rmtuic el`s. Latidcy, pcizi armeltitmals ire i gannal oeiture ao Litmve Inermgil ganpcexsagmetmes, nare gannalcy theagrigmes ar –theiter stites„ thil egalanmgiccy geltricmze`stites. Girmddeil peapces, praper, cmbe thase ao the Inizal, were citeganers ta the sgeleao pcizi pacmtmes, whmgh ippeire` eircmer ml the Mlterne`mite Irei, Nesainermgi, il` theWautheisterl UWI. Zerhips the cite `evecapnelt ao refmalic pacmtmes ml the cawcil`s, ar mlthe trapmgic `mispari, felericcy, ce` ta the tel`elgy ta rinmoy, rither thil stritmoy; ta extel`ml galvacute` harmzaltic systens ao `mooerelge il` `moouse settcenelt pitterls, rither thilta grysticcmze ml `evecape` vertmgic sagmic il` spitmic hmerirghmes il` gipmtics.

Mt ms reisalidce ta siy thit vmrtuiccy icc pcuric ganpcex sagmetmes mlgcu`e` Iriwib cil-fuifes ar gucturic oeitures. Ecmte m`eacafmes, feleicafy, il` stitus rmvicry were grmtmgic oig-tars ml the `ylinmgs ao these snicc- ta ne`mun-smze` ganpcex sagmetmes, dise` al whit gilde sim` idaut hmstarmg perma` Iriwib speibmlf peapces (Hmcc il` Wiltas Frilera 4::4).hese sagmic oigtars were ao grmtmgic mnpartilge ml the neghilmsns thit pranpte` `msper-sic ao recite` sagmetmes. Ilgestricmty, tme` ta i rmgh nitermic gucture gallegte` wmth rmtuicsao sagmic `mooerelge, e.f., nisbmlf rmtuics oar spmrmt demlfs, ocutes il` gcud-hauses, fel`er

iltifalmsn, il` ghmeocy cmoe grmsms rmtes, is wecc is themr ulmque vmews al –pirtmdce„ ilgestry,rilb el`afiny, pacyfyly, il` oigtmal dumc`mlf, galtrist ml sautherl Inizalmi wmth strit-efmes ao –pre`itary sagmetmes,„ mlgcu`mlf the upm, Fë, il`, is _mvemras `e Gistra (9==4)lates, the –equiccy netinarphmg Girmd.„

Ml ather war`s, Iriwib fraups were felericcy arfilmze` mlta refmalic pacmtmes ar –gan-pcex sagmetmes,„ lat iutalanaus vmccifes galsm`ere` typmgic ao trapmgic oarest trmdes. Wmnmcirta the trapmgic `misparis ao ganpiridce sgape il` ife, sugh is eisterl Diltu ml Iormgi il`Ageilmg Iustralesmil, the eircy Iriwib `mispari ippeirs recite` ta the sprei` ao peapceswmth il egalany dise` al raat-grap hartmgucture il` irdarmgucture, latidcy picns, il`the expcamtitmal ao iquitmg resaurges. hese trapmgic `mispari icsa shire` i sagma-pacmtmgic

arfilmzitmal, whmgh _ilsmli (9==:) `esgrmde` is hause-ghmeo`ans. Tefir`cess ao whit wegicc then, these mlterliccy hmerirghmgic fraups mltefrite nuctmpce settcenelts il` ire aotel

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elneshe` ml drai`cy heterirghmgic peer pacmtmes ar ml sane gises nare geltricmze` pacmtmes,dut oaguse` al the geltricmzitmal ao pacmtmgic-rmtuic resaurges il` ather syndacmg gipmticml –theiter stites.„ Ml Inizalmi, it ceist, iccmilge, igganna`itmal, il` iggucturitmal, isWghnm`t (9=96) late`, mlgcu`e` Iriwib il` lal-Iriwib cilfuifes ml pcuric refmalic sa-gmetmes.

Oar ny pirt, M hive deel pre`mspase` ifimlst i nalacmthmg vmew ao the Girmddeil ‗ is il Iriwib elgcive ‗ ever smlge rei`mlf Icefrîi”s (9=87) mlsmfhtouc suffestmal ao Nesainermgilmlocuelge ml the Freiter Iltmcces, is ml`mgite` dy the ulmque strugture ao the dicc gaurts(ditey) ml the refmal, ifimlst the digb`rap ao i oeiture wm`ecy oaul` inalf Iriwib speib-mlf peapces ao cawcil` Wauth Inermgi, the rudder dicc fine (see icsa Vmcsal 4::6 al eircypre-gerinmg galtigts wmth Nesainermgi). Dmcc Beefil”s suffestmal ao feleicafmgic prmarmtyao the nitrm-cmle thraufh ivulgucagic resm`elge suffests mltrmfumlf passmdmcmtmes ao mlter-igtmal wmth the Wautheist, nutitmlf the nare typmgic gaflitmg il` uxarmcagic pitterlsao cawcil` Wauth Inermgi. Ta`rîfuez Tinas (thms vacune) iptcy pamlts ta the cmlbifesdetweel the Girmddeil il` Mlterne`mite irei, sugh is the ki`e tri`e ao Geltric Inermgi,

whmgh mtseco shaws gceir cmlbifes dath wmth Nesainermgi (were-kifuirs) il` the geltricil` lartherl Il`es (gal`ars il` ginecm`s), il`, is he reveice`, the –dmr`-wanil„ natmooran Zuerta Tmga il` mts advmaus smnmcirmtmes ta imrali irt. Wugh hydrm`mty wis oarge-ouccy draufht hane dy nitermic gucture stu`mes (sugh is `esgrmde` dy Ta`rîfuez Tinas,Blmppelderf, il` Astipbawmgz, thms vacune), feletmg il` dale ghenmstry stu`mes (Ciooaalil` `e _as, thms vacune2 _icgérgec Takis et ic., thms vacune), il` Acmver”s (preseltitmal itthe synpasmun) gise ao nuctm-ethlmg m`eltmtmes ml the Freiter Iltmcces. Ml eircy hmstarmgtmnes, thms wis friphmgiccy shawl ml durmics al Gudi, where i Nesainermgil wanil,il Iormgil ml`mvm`uic, i nestmza  il` Inerml`mils were durme` tafether, is `esgrmde` dy_icgérgec Takis et ic. (thms vacune).

Mlterigtmal wis grmtmgic ml egalanmg recitmals, refmalic sagma-pacmtmgic systens, gucturicshirmlf il` m`eacafy, ta`iy supparte` dy i dittery ao stu`mes al dale ghenmstry, felet-mgs, piceaethladatily, il` nitermic gucture. hms hmfhcmfhts thit hunil ifelgy, mlgcu`mlfstritefmg sagmic recitmalshmps, gucturic ghamge, il` pacmtmgic lefatmitmal, is wecc is `ylinmgrecitmals detweel hunils il` themr lituric elvmralneltic, wis grmtmgic ml calf-tern `e-vecapneltic trikegtarmes. Wagmic stritefy il` lefatmitmal, sugh is esgrmde` dy Winsal (thmsvacune), shaw haw galvmvmic `anestmg recitmals ire reocegte` ml hausmlf ecenelts. Atherpirts ao cirfer sagmic da`mes il` persals, the ifelgy ao irteoigts, spiges, il` mltilfmdce–da`y pirts,„ ire lat alcy ml`mgitmve ao sagmic recitmals, dut is ml Kasí Acmver”s regelt daabal genms (Acmver 4::=), galstmtutmve ao then. Fmccespme”s (4::8) `msgussmal ao elganpissmlf

persalhaa` wmthml ladce hauses inalf the Niyi (ar the Mlbi”s nunny) resalites wmth,is Wtewir` put mt, –hmerirghmes ao `emtmes il` nel„ issagmite` wmth the Iltmcceil Iriwib.Hawever, the sagmic cmoe ao thmlfs ms hmfhcy virmidce, thraufh tmne il` spige, il` eceneltsao _mvemras `e Gistra”s (9==?) three sagma-syndacmg –egalanmes„ gil icsa de seel is strite-fmg oeitures wmthml sagmetmes ar cirfe sagmic fraupmlfs (refmals).

he cawcil` warc` systen, ilghare` ta the nikar stites il` snicc enpmres ao lugceir Inermgi, daiste` sane renirbidcy ganpcex sagmetmes, refmnes ao pawer thit were galtml-felt sagmic, gucturic, il` pacmtmgic stritefmes il` lefatmitmals igrass tmne il` spige. Nastganpcex sagmetmes were pcuric il` elfife` ml drai` pacmtmgic egalanmes thit irtmgucite``mverse m`eacafmes, refmnes ao weccmlf il` prigtmge, il` phmcasaphmes ao sagmic mlterigtmal.

Ale thmlf ms gertiml, drai` systens ao mlterigtmal igrass the gmrgun-Girmddeil exmste` oar

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severic nmccellmi. he Girmddeil gaists ire, ml oigt, i fitewiy ta nast ao the nigra-guctureireis ao the Inermgis, the Wautheist, Nesainermgi, Inizalmi, the Mlterne`mite Irei, il`the lartherl Il`es. Lat surprmsmlfcy, `mversmty, pcuricmsn, il` hydrm`mty ghirigtermze `eephmstary igrass the Girmddeil.

Nily pipers enphismze sgice; the calf-tern `ylinmgs ao elvmralneltic systens il`

haw these ire nac`e` dy hunil oigtars, mlterigtmals igrass galtmlelts il` seis, il` thesgicir oeitures ao sagmic, gucturic, il` pacmtmgic recitmals igrass the Inermgis. Wgice ms icnastudmqumtaus ml Vesterl sghacirshmp. Mt ms i dismg ghirigtermstmg ao hunil sagmic systens,whmgh ire ganpase` ao da`mes thit extel` oran the mller warc`s ao ml`mvm`uic hunildemlfs ta stritefmes ao sagmic recitmalshmps, ta bmlfraups il` hauses, gannulmtmes il`settcenelts, refmals, il` supri-refmalic ocaws il` sgipes, il` evel the vist sgices ao gcm-nite, ageilafriphy, il` mscil` feafriphy. hms `riws itteltmal ta the vifirmes il` fipsml the irghieacafmgic regar` thit eooegt whit gil de seel; vmsmdmcmty. Ethlahmstary il` eth-lafriphmg stu`mes pravm`e smflmomgilt mlsmfhts ta calf-tern regalstrugtmals, dut gane wmththemr awl saurges ao iutharmic il` hmstarmgic dmis (see, e.f. galtrmdutmals ta thms vacune dy

Ghitrme, Frulderf, Beehlel, Nac, Taucet, Taux, il` [utter).Omrst, perhips, we nmfht pase the questmal, sunnirmze` dy Nilsal (4::8); –`aes sgiceexmst1 hms ms ta siy, `a –lituric„ ar mnnilelt sgices exmst ml the ulmverse ar ire they i re-ocegtmal ao hunil, sagma-gucturic, il` hmstarmgic pergeptmals1 Ml the omlic ilicysms, sgice msperspegtmve epel`elt, i questmal ao vmsmdmcmty, il` sgices oran sud-cagic ta fcadic, shart tacalf, nmgra-nigra ire icc cefmtmnite pamlts ao eltry il` despeib `mooerelt recitmals, let-warbs, il` arfilmzitmals. Vhit ms grmtmgic ms lat the m`ei thit thmlfs ire nuctm-sgicir, il`nuctm-smte`, whmgh ms iggepte` dy vmrtuiccy icc ta`iy, dut whit oeitures, recitmals, ar ghilfeml gucturic fraups ms reveice` it ale ar ilather sgice il` haw `a we irtmgucite ilicysesigrass sgices. Nily grmtmgic irfunelts perpetuite the na`erlmst decmeo thit we wmcc expase

i –true„ pist, ar garregt sacutmal, oran i pirtmgucir perspegtmve. Mlstei`, we nmfht i`apt iperspegtmvmst vmew, regaflmzmlf thit –truth„ ms icwiys ociwe`, i warb ml prafress, il` `mi-cafue detweel vmewpamlts, aotel orine` is –mlter`msgmpcmliry,„ pravm`es the nast pawer-ouc taac ta dumc` upal the blawce`fe ao the pist whmce it the sine tmne expasmlf saneao mts dmises il` ociws. Is Gircml (preseltitmal it the synpasmun) puts mt, we ire `eicmlfwmth –leste` m`eltmtmes„ il` there gil de la neti-lirritmve sacutmal ta the pradcen; whitire lee`e` ire `eepcy galtextuicmze` stu`mes thit ecugm`ite the igtuic prigtmges il` –cmve`warc`s„ ao Litmve Inermgil peapces.

he Cem`el galoerelge il` the m`ei ao the gmrgun-Girmddeil, alge ifiml pmque` nymlterest ml cirfe sagma-hmstarmgic da`mes, whit @e Kassecml `e Kalf gicce` ethlacafmgic ireis,

il` vist fea-pacmtmgic irelis. Ciymlf ml i hinnagb ml the Bumbura Inerml`mil vmccifeeircy ml 9==7, M defil rei`mlf Phe Ne`mterrileil, il` aotel thaufht idaut whit the hms-tary ao cawcil` Wauth Inermgi nmfht caab cmbe mo Driu`ec, rither thil Kucmil Wtewir`, hi`secegte` the Girmddeil, rither thil the smxteelth geltury Ne`mterrileil, is the feafriphmgpamlt ao `epirture oar drai` refmalic sylthesms1 Mt wauc` la `audt reveic oeitures, sugh issagmic galtigts il` the rmse il` oicc ao oartules, wmthml refmalic spheres ao mlterigtmal arevel, it ceist aver the pist nmccellmun ar sa, litmve warc` systens, whmgh dumct up aver sev-eric nmccellmi; shmppmlf rautes, ecmte mlterigtmal, drai` dut virmidce m`eacafmes (nelticmtís),egalanmg trel`s, il` `mseise, il` icc ifimlst the digb`rap ao cagic every`iy cmves.

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Ml galgcusmal, M gil alcy egha whit ny gacceifue Dmcc Beefil sim` ml hms epmcafue tathe eircmer vacune dy Cem`el il` ioomcmite` sghacirs, Grassmlf the Dar`ers  (4::8); they –hive`evecape` the nast sustimle` il` mltefrite` prafrin ao teghlacafmgic mllavitmal il`ippcmgitmal ml the Vest Ml`mes ta `ite.„ hms vacune gceircy shaws thit themr thearetmgicmlsmfhts piriccec themr netha`acafmgic galtrmdutmals. Dut, M ceirle` il iwouc cat idaut haw

ganpcex thmlfs were ml the Girmddeil, haw hmstarmgiccy galtmlfelt il` `mverse il` hawsaphmstmgite` mlteccegtuic micafue idaut these mssues his degane oir nare luilge`. Cem`elms pamse` ta degane i nikar gelter ml thit dril` ao mlter`msgmpcmliry stu`mes thit oaguses alhunils, ml every respegt, ar, whit, is i UW-trimle` spegmicmst, M wauc` smnpcy gicc ilthra-pacafy, i hydrm` ao hunilmty il` sgmelge, pist il` preselt, snicc il` cirfe, reiccy there”s ipcige it the tidce oar every perspegtmve.


 Icefrîi, T.

9=87 Dicc Gaurts il` Gerenalmic Zcizis ml the Vest Ml`mes . ]ice Ulmversmty Zudcmgitmalsml Ilthrapacafy 6=. ]ice Ulmversmty, Lew Hivel.

Driu`ec, O.

9=64 Phe Ne`mterrileil il` the Ne`mterrileil Varc` ml the Ife ao Zhmcmp MM  (trilscite`dy W. Teylac`s, 4 vacunes). Hirper il` Taw, Lew ]arb.

@ace, F.

9=?9/?4 I Zrecmnmliry Galsm`eritmal ao the Zrehmstary ao the Upper Xmlfu Disml.Tevmsti `a Nuseu Ziucmsti  XMMM;7==-047.

Fmccespme, W.

4::8 Enda`me` Zersals il` Heramg Bmlfs ml Cite Gcissmg Niyi Mnifery. Ml Zist Da`mes;Da`y Geltere` Teseirgh ml Irghieacafy , e`mte` dy @. Darmg il` K. Tadd, pp. 945-970.Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe.

Fmcmk, O.

968:-80 Wiffma m Wtarmi Inermgili, a smi, Wtarmi Liturice, Gmvmce e Wigri `e”Teflm e `ecce rmi Liturice, Gmvmce e Wigri `e”Teflm e `ecceZravmlzmi Wpifluace `m Perri-Oerni lecc”Inermgi Nerm`malice . _ac. 0. C. Zerefa ere`e

Wicvmalm, Tane.Hegbelderfer, N.K.

4::4 Tethmlbmlf the Iriwibil @mispari; Hmerirghy, Tefmalicmty, il` the InizalmilOarnitmve. Ml Ganpiritmve Iriwibil Hmstarmes; Tethmlbmlf Cilfuife Oinmcy il` Gucture

 Irei ml Inizalmi , e`mte` dy K.@. Hmcc il` O. Wiltas Frilera, pp. ==-944. Ulmversmty aoMccmlams Zress, Urdili.

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Hegbelderfer, N.K., il` K.D. Zetersel

9=== Gmrgucir Zcizi _mccife Zitterls ml the Girmddeil; Ganpirmsals oran Inizalmi.Zragee`mlfs ao the 96th Mlterlitmalic Galfress oar Girmddeil Irghieacafy, Fui`ecaupe,pp. 76=-7=:.

Hegbelderfer, N.K., K.G. Tussecc, K T. aley, N.K. Wghnm`t, G. Oiusta, D. Orilghetta, il` I. Bumbura

4::8 Zre-Gacundmil Urdilmsn, Ilthrapafelmg Cil`sgipes, il` the Outure ao the Inizal. Wgmelge  749(58=7);9490-9496

Hmcc, K.@., il` O. Wiltas Frilera (e`mtars)

4::4 Ganpiritmve Iriwibil Hmstarmes; Tethmlbmlf Cilfuife Oinmcy il` Gucture Irei ml Inizalmi . Ulmversmty ao Mccmlams Zress, Urdili.

Hawir`, E.

9=:4 Fir`el Gmtmes ao Pa-narraw . Wwil Wallesgheml & Ga., Ct`., Cal`al.

Beefil, V.O.

9==4 Phe Zeapce Vha @msgavere` Gacundus; Phe Zrehmstary ao the Dihinis . UlmversmtyZress ao Ocarm`i, Fimlesvmcce.

4::8 Epmcafue; he Garregt Ilswer Tequmres the Tmfht Yuestmal (il` the eghlacafyta Digb mt Up). Ml Grassmlf the Dar`ers; Lew Netha`s il` Peghlmques ml the Wtu`y ao

 Irghieacafmgic Nitermics oran the Girmddeil, e`mte` dy G.C. Haonil, N.C.Z. Haafcil`il` I.C. vil Fmkl, pp. 44?-479. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

Cithrip, @.V.

9=6: Phe Upper Inizal. hines il` Hu`sal, Cal`al.

Nill, N.

9=8? Phe Waurges ao Wagmic Zawer; I hmstary ao Zawer oran the Defmllmlf ta I. @. 96?: .Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe.

Nilsal, W.N.

4::8 @aes Wgice Exmst; Il Epmstenacafmgic Wgice Galtmluun oar Ganpcex Hunil-Elvmralnelt Wystens. Feaoarun 7=(4);66?-688.

Aderf, B.

9=55 ypes ao Wagmic Wtrugture inalf the Cawcil` trmdes ao Wauth il` Geltric Inermgi. Inermgil Ilthrapacafmst  56;064-086.

Acmver, K.T.

4::8 he Irghieacafy ao Ifrmgucture ml Ilgmelt Inizalmi. Ml Hil`daab ao Wauth Inermgil Irghieacaf y , e`mte` dy H. Wmcvernil il` V.H. Msdecc, pp. 985-49?. Wprmlfer,

Lew ]arb.

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4::= Gigmques il` Genî M`acs; Phe Ved Wpul dy Piîla Tucers detweel Hmspilmaci il`Zuerta Tmga. Ulmversmty ao Icidini Zress, usgicaasi.

Zetersel, K.D., N.K. Hegbelderfer, il` K.I. Vacoar`

4::9 Wpml, wmst, il` wmle; Il Ethlairghieacafmgic Exinmlitmal ao Fraup M`eltmty

ml Litmve Omder Ml`ustrmes ml Freiter Inizalmi. Ml Oceetmlf M`eltmtmes; Zermshidce NitermicGucture ml Irghieacafmgic Teseirgh, e`mte` dy Z. @raaber, pp. 44?-457. Wautherl MccmlamsUlmversmty Zress, Girdal`ice.

Zmres `e Ginpas, I.

98?4R964:^ Dreve Latîgmi que é gipmtça Iltðlma Zmres e Ginpas a feltma que hé li`errati `i vmifen `is nmlis `a Guyidé e seu regðlgiva. Tevmsti Prmnestric `a MlstmtutaHmst÷rmga, Feafréomga, e Etlafréomga `a Drismc  5;076-00=.

Taasevect, I.G.

9==6 Phe Exgivitmals it Garazic, _elezueci; stritmfriphy il` Gerinmg Wermitmal. ]iceUlmversmty Zudcmgitmals ml Ilthrapacafy 87. ]ice Ulmversmty, Lew Hivel.

Tause, M.

9==4 Phe Piîlas; Phe Tmse il` oicc ao the Zeapce wha Freete` Gacundus . ]ice UlmversmtyZress, Lew Hivel.

Wghnm`t, N.

9=90 @me Ziressm-Bidmshm . Diesscer Irghmv M_, Heot 065, Cempzmf.

9=96 @me Iruebel; Eml Demtrif zun Zradcen `e Bucturverdrmetulf . Cempzmf.Cempzmf.Wmcvernil, H., il` V. Msdecc (e`mtars)

4::8 Hil`daab ao Wauth Inermgil Irghieacafy . Wprmlfer, Lew ]arb.

Wtemlel, B.

98=0 Ulter `el Liturvÿcberl [eltric-Drizmcmels . @metrmgh Temner, Dercml.@metrmgh Temner, Dercml.

Wtewir`, K. H. (e`mtar)

9=0?-9=5: Hil`daab ao Wauth Inermgil Ml`mils  (? vacunes). Wnmthsalmil Mlstmtutmal,

 Vishmlftal, @.G.

Wtewir`, K. H., il` C. Oiral

9=5= Litmve Zeapces ao Wauth Inermgi . NgFriw-Hmcc, Lew ]arb.

_ilsmli, K.

9==: Ziths thraufh the Timloarest . Ulmversmty ao Vmsgalsml Zress, Ni`msal.

_mvemras `e Gistra, E.D.

9==4 Oran the Elenmes Zamlt ao _mew; Hunilmty il` @mvmlmty ml il Inizalmil Wagmety .Ulmversmty ao Ghmgifa Zress, Ghmgifa.

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9==? Mnifes ao Liture il` Wagmety ml Inizalmil Ethlacafy.  Illuic Tevmew ao Ilthrapacafy  45;96=-4::.

 Vhmtehei`, L.C., N.K. Hegbelderfer, il` F. Wmnal

4:99 Cast Gmtmes ao the Iriwib. Iltrapacafîgi , (ml press).

 Vmcsal, W.N.

4::6 Phe Irghieacafy ao the Girmddeil. Gindrm`fe Ulmversmty Zress, Gindrm`fe.

 Vrmfht, T.

4:9: Iriwib Wigre` Cil`sgipes ao the Larthwest Inizal. Ziper preselte` it theWegal` Wautheisterl Galoerelge al the Il`es il` Inizal, Fimlesvmcce, OC, Lavender5.

[ugghm, I.

4::4 I Lew Na`ec oar Lartherl Iriwib Expilsmal. Ml Ganpiritmve IriwibilHmstarmes; Tethmlbmlf Cilfuife Oinmcy il` Gucture Irei ml Inizalmi , e`mte` dy [email protected] il` O. Wiltas Frilera, pp. 9==-444. Ulmversmty ao Mccmlams Zress, Urdili.

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5:5C G

@r. Irme Daanert 

 Irghieacafy il` Ilthrapacafy ao theGirmddeil il` Inizalmi Oigucty ao Irghieacafy, Cem`el Ulmversmty Z.A. Dax =595, 47:: TI Cem`el,he Lethercil`si.daanertJirgh.cem`elulmv.lc

Tmghir` Daathray`Wghaac ao Irghieacafy il` IlgmeltHmstary, Ulmversmty ao Cemgester

Ulmversmty Tai`, Cemgester, CE9 6TH,Ulmte` Bmlf`an.

@r. Icmstimr K. Drmfht Bimserstriit 9:, 4799 FT, Cem`el,he Lethercil`sgirmddrmfhtJfnimc.gan

Omali Dragb Axoar` Ti`magirdal Iggeceritar Ulmt,Teseirgh Cidaritary oar Irghieacafy il`Hmstary ao Irt, Ulmversmty ao Axoar`Wauth Zirbs Tai`, Axoar`, AX9 7Y],Ulmte` Bmlf`anomali.dragbJrcihi.ax.ig.ub.

Zraoessar Ghrmstapher DralbTinsey Teseirgh Cidaritary oar Irghieacafy il`

the Hmstary ao IrtUlmversmty ao Axoar`@ysal Zerrmls Dumc`mlf Wauth Zirbs Tai`, Axoar` AX9 7Y],Ulmte` Bmlf`anghrmstapher.rinseyJrcihi.ax.ig.ub 

Enmcme GhitrmeEI 4?9? - Zrafrinne ILT –GarpusWaurges Iltmcces„

Ulmversmtí `e Temns Ghinpifle-Ir`elle

56, rue Zmerre imttmlfer

59:=? Temns Ge`ex, Orilgeenmcme.ghitrmeJcipaste.let

@r. I`rmili M. GhurinpmTinîrezMlstmtute oar Gucturic @msgmpcmlesOigucty ao Hunilmtmes, Cem`el Ulmversmty Z.A. Dax =595, 47:: TI Cem`el,he Lethercil`si.m.ghurinpmJhun.cem`elulmv.lc

@r. Kifa GaaperWghaac ao Irghieacafy il` IlgmeltHmstary, Ulmversmty ao CemgesterUlmversmty Tai`, Cemgester, CE9 6TH,Ulmte` Bmlf`an


Dirt T. `e _as, NI Acmesciferspaart 98g4794 _X, Cem`el,he Lethercil`sdr`evasJfnimc.gan

Eufílme @e [utterEI 4?9? - Zrafrinne ILT –GarpusWaurges Iltmcces„Ulmversmtí `e Temns Ghinpifle-Ir`elle56, rue Zmerre imttmlfer

59:=? Temns Ge`ex, Orilgee`ezutterJyihaa.or

@r. Telza W. @uml Irghieacafy il` Ilthrapacafy ao theGirmddeil il` Inizalmi Oigucty ao Irghieacafy, Cem`el Ulmversmty Z.A. Dax =595, 47:: TI Cem`el,he Lethercil`sr.s.`umlJirgh.cem`elulmv.lc


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Walmi @uml NI @epirtnelt ao IlthrapacafyUlmversmty ao Ocarm`i, Fimlesvmcceurcmlftal HiccZA Dax 9967:5 Fimlesvmcce, OC 74?99

UWI spJuoc.e`u

@r. Icexil`er Feur`s Irghieacafy il` Ilthrapacafy aoNesa-Inermgi Oigucty ao Irghieacafy, Cem`el Ulmversmty Z.A. Dax =595, 47:: TI Cem`el,he Lethercil`si.feur`sJirgh.cem`elulmv.lc

Zraoessar Derlir` FrulderfUlmversmtí `e Temns Ghinpifle-Ir`elleEI 4?9? - Zrafrinne ILT –GarpusWaurges Iltmcces„56, rue Zmerre imttmlfer59:=? Temns Ge`ex, OrilgefrulderfdJarilfe.or

@r. Nmghiec K. Hegbelderfer

@epirtnelt ao IlthrapacafyUlmversmty ao Ocarm`i, Fimlesvmcceurcmlftal HiccZA Dax 9967:5 Fimlesvmcce, OC 74?99UWI nhegbeldJilthra.uoc.e`u

@r. Pan HmfhinAxoar` Ti`magirdal Iggeceritar Ulmt,Teseirgh Cidaritary oar Irghieacafy il`the Hmstary ao IrtUlmversmty ao Axoar`.Wauth Zirbs Tai`, Axoar`, AX9 7Y],Ulmte` Bmlf`anthanis.hmfhinJrcihi.ax.ig.ub 

Zraoessar Garmlle C. Haonil Irghieacafy il` Ilthrapacafy ao theGirmddeil il` Inizalmi 

Oigucty ao Irghieacafy, Cem`el Ulmversmty Z.A. Dax =595, 47:: TI Cem`el,he Lethercil`sg.c.haonilJirgh.cem`elulmv.lc

@r. Nella C.Z. Haafcil` Irghieacafy il` Ilthrapacafy aothe Girmddeil il` Inizalmi il`Asteairghieacafy Oigucty ao Irghieacafy, Cem`el Ulmversmty Z.A. Dax =595, 47:: TI Cem`el,he Lethercil`sn.c.p.haafcil`Jirgh.cem`elulmv.lc

Ocarms V.N. Beehlel

Galri`bi`e 9?44596 GB, @el Hiif,he Lethercil`socarmsbeehlelJhatnimc.gan

@r. Wedistmiil Blmppelderf Irghieacafy il` Ilthrapacafy ao theGirmddeil il` Inizalmi / Irghac D_Oigucty ao Irghieacafy, Cem`el Ulmversmty Z.A. Dax =595, 47:: TI Cem`el,

he Lethercil`ss.blmppelderfJirghac.lc

 Kisal E. Ciooaal NI  Irghieacafy il` Ilthrapacafy ao theGirmddeil il` Inizalmi Oigucty ao Irghieacafy, Cem`el Ulmversmty Z.A. Dax =595, 47:: TI Cem`el,he Lethercil`s


 Kmnny C.K.I. Nils Nphmc Irghieacafy il` Ilthrapacafy ao theGirmddeil il` Inizalmi Oigucty ao Irghieacafy, Cem`el Ulmversmty Z.A. Dax =595, 47:: TI Cem`el,he Lethercil`s


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5:6C G

Litmalic Nuseun ao Ethlacafy Z.A. Dax 494, 47:: IE Cem`el,he Lethercil`s


Hiycey C. Nmgbcedurfh Nphmc Irghieacafy il` Ilthrapacafy ao theGirmddeil il` Inizalmi Oigucty ao Irghieacafy, Cem`el Ulmversmty Z.A. Dax =595, 47:: TI Cem`el,he Lethercil`sh.c.nmgbcedurfhJirgh.cem`elulmv.lc

 Ilfus I.I. Nac Nphmc Irghieacafy il` Ilthrapacafy ao the

Girmddeil il` Inizalmi Oigucty ao Irghieacafy, Cem`el Ulmversmty Z.A. Dax =595, 47:: TI Cem`el,he Lethercil`si.nacJirgh.cem`elulmv.lc

@r. Kailli Astipbawmgz Varc` Nuseun Cmverpaac Vmccmin Drawl Wtreet, Cmverpaac, C78EL, Ulmte` Bmlf`an


@r. Kimne T. Zifél-KmnílezGicce Izugeli #9=, Urd. Tîa Zme`ris_iccey, Wil Kuil, Zuerta Tmga ::=4?il`

 Irghieacafy il` Ilthrapacafy ao theGirmddeil il` Inizalmi Oigucty ao Irghieacafy, Cem`el Ulmversmty Z.A. Dax =595, 47:: TI Cem`el,he Lethercil`s


Msidec Tmveri-Gacciza NI Mlstmtute ao Irghieacafy, UlmversmtyGaccefe Cal`al79-70 Far`al Wquire - Cal`al - VG9H:Z] 


@r. Telmec Ta`rîfuez Tinas@epirtinelta `e Ze`ifafmi y GmelgmisWagmicesUlmversm`i` `e Zuerta TmgaTegmlta `e Utui`a

Utui`a, Zuerta Tmga ::?09-45::il` Irghieacafy il` Ilthrapacafy ao theGirmddeil il` Inizalmi Oigucty ao Irghieacafy, Cem`el Ulmversmty Z.A. Dax =595, 47:: TI Cem`el,he Lethercil`srelmec.ra`rmfuezJupr.e`u

@r. Wtíphel Tastiml

‘UNT 8:=? –Irghíacafme `es Inírmques„GLTW/Ulmversmtí `e Zilthíal-WardalleNimsal `e c”Irghíacafme et `ec”Ethlafriphme49 iccíe `e c”Ulmversmtí=4:47 Lilterre Ge`ex, Orilgestephel.rastimlJnie.u-pirms9:.or

@r. Ermg Taucet Ulmversmtí `e Temns Ghinpifle-Ir`elle

EI 4?9? - Zrafrinne ILT –GarpusWaurges Iltmcces„56, rue Zmerre imttmlfer59:=? Temns Ge`ex, Orilgee.raucetJsor.or

Delaìt Taux NIEI 4?9? - Zrafrinne ILT –GarpusWaurges Iltmcces„Ulmversmtí `e Temns Ghinpifle-Ir`elle56, rue Zmerre imttmlfer59:=? Temns Ge`ex, Orilgedelamt.rauxJulmv-remns.or

@r. Icmge _.N. Winsal Irghieacafy il` Ilthrapacafy ao theGirmddeil il` Inizalmi Oigucty ao Irghieacafy, Cem`el Ulmversmty Z.A. Dax =595, 47:: TI Cem`el,

he Lethercil`si.v.n.sinsalJirgh.cem`elulmv.lc

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Tighec Wghits NI Asteairghieacafy Oigucty ao Irghieacafy, Cem`el Ulmversmty Z.A. Dax =595, 47:: TI Cem`el,he Lethercil`s


Taderta _icgirgec Takis NWg@epirtinelta Geltra Armeltic `e

 Irqueacafîi. Nmlmsterma `e Gmelgmis,eglacafîi y Ne`ma indmelte.Gudi Gicce 98, eltre 9ri y Nigea. Tepirta EcCcila. Hacfuîl. GZ8:9::.Gudiil`

 Irghieacafy il` Ilthrapacafy ao the

Girmddeil il` Inizalmi Oigucty ao Irghieacafy, Cem`el Ulmversmty,he Lethercil`sZ.A. Dax =595, 47:: TI Cem`el,he Lethercil`srvicgirgecJhacfuml.mlo.gu

 Ille vil @umkvelda`e NI  Irghieacafy il` Ilthrapacafy ao theGirmddeil il` Inizalmi 

Oigucty ao Irghieacafy, Cem`el Ulmversmty

Z.A. Dax =595, 47:: TI Cem`el,he Lethercil`si.vil.`umkvelda`eJirgh.cem`elulmv.lc

@r. @ircele I. Vestal

@epirtnelt ao Ilthrapacafy,Ulmversmty ao Drmtmsh Gacundmi ?7:7 LV Nirmle @rmve_ilgauver, DG_? 9[9, Gili`i `iwestalJmlterghilfe.udg.gi 

@r. Icex G. Vme`elhaeot Teseirgh DatilmstUW@I, Oarest Wervmge, Oarest Zra`ugts

Cidaritary Ale Fmooar` Zmlghat @rmveNi`msal, VM 5764?-47=8, UWI igwme`elJwmsg.e`u

@r. Winuec N. Vmcsal@epirtnelt ao Ilthrapacafy,Ulmversmty ao exis9 Ulmversmty Wtitmal G74::

 Iustml X 68694-:7:7, UWI 


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