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Hogan's History- Causes of World War II [Updated May 5, 2015]

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Causes of World War II
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Causes of

World War II

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Political Ideologies

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Il Duce

Mussolini’s Rise to Power

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Benito Mussolini

Totalitarian leader who seized power in Italy in 1922. By 1926, Mussolini had

transformed Italy into a single-party totalitarian regime where he pursued an

aggressive nationalistic policy which won him the support in every sector of

the population.

, He was an ally of Adolf

Hitler during WWII.

Benito Mussolini (Il Duce) became Hitler’s role model throughout the 1920’s and early 1930’s. By the time WWII

began in 1939, Hitler would become the master and Mussolini was forced to take a backseat to is Axis partner.

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All Italians were expected to obey Mussolini and his Fascist Party. Authority was enforced by the use of the Black

shirts. These men were usually ex-soldiers and it was their job to bring into line those who opposed Mussolini. The

motto of the Black shirts was "Me ne frego" (I do not give a damn")

Though they were probably less feared than Hitler’s SS, the Black shirts did maintain an iron rule in Italy.

Italian Fascists “Black Shirts”

FUN FACT: Benito Mussolini was once a

teacher and married one of his students.

Fascism was based on aggressive nationalism and anti-Communist platform. The

Fascists believed that the nation was more important than the individual, and that

a nation became great by expanding its territory and building its military.

Mussolini and the Fascists envisioned the re-establishment of the Roman Empire

by seizing land which surrounded the Mediterranean Sea.

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All strikes were suppressed by the Fascist government.

If you didn’t go to work, you were arrested.

Unemployment relief

Construction of public works and war plants (factories).

Government took over industry and labor.

People were told what job they were to work.

All opposing political parties were dissolved.

Communism was outlawed.

All communications were taken over by the government.

Fascists controlled all newspapers and radio programs.

Law and Order in Italy Under Mussolini

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Fascist View of a Woman’s Role in Society

Woman must be obedient and tend to the needs of men.

Magazines and newspapers were required to show the pleasantness of

family life. Pictures of thin woman were banned.

90% of jobs were reserved for men.

Women were fired from all jobs because their traditional job was to

produce babies for the future Italian army.

By 1928, all female teachers were replaced by male teachers.

University tuition for women was twice as high than the fees for men.

Divorce was abolished and single men had to pay higher taxes.

The task of young girls in Fascist Italy was to get married and have children- lots of them. In 1927, Mussolini launched his Battle for

Births. Families were given a target of 5 children. Mothers who produced 10 or more children were given a medal by the Fascist

government. In 1933, Mussolini met 93 mothers who had produced over 1300 children (an average of 13 each.)

Lead By Example“Duce, our sons belong to you”



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Mussolini Invades Ethiopia (1935)

In 1935, Mussolini invaded Ethiopia. The aim of invading Ethiopia was to

boost Italian national prestige and an opportunity to provide land for

unemployed Italians and also acquire more mineral resources to fight off the

effects of the Great Depression.

Ethiopia’s King, Hailie Selassie:

Addressed the League of Nations to

take action against Italy for invading

his country. However, the League was

very weak and only imposed sanctions.

Only sent a message to the other

dictatorships that the League of

Nations was too weak

Mussolini’s vision to re-

establish the Roman Empire

began with his invasion of



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Reasons for the Failure of the League of Nations

The League of Nations purpose was to provide a world court where countries

could peacefully discuss solutions to their differences or grievances rather than

go to war.

• Most decisions required that all countries agree, which rarely happened.

• There was no means to raise money for its programs.

• The League could not raise an army to enforce its decisions.

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Stalin’s Rise to Power

“Man of Steel”

Stalin’s Rise to Power

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Joseph Stalin "The Man of Steel"

In his youth Stalin studied for the priesthood,

but found the life as a criminal and radical

revolutionary more attractive. He devoted

much of his early years to trying to overthrow

the Russian monarchy and was exiled to

Siberia several times.

He was actually born with the name

Losif Dzhugashvili. He took the name of

Joseph Stalin in about 1910, which

translates as ‘man of steel’. In 1922, he

was appointed General Secretary of the

Russian Communist Party. When Lenin

died in 1924, Stalin was able to seize

power of the entire country.

1Joseph Stalin succeeded Lenin in 1928 as the leader of the USSR.

The Soviet Union was transformed into a leading self-supporting industrialized

nation. Joseph Stalin was a nationalist and ruthless leader who ordered millions

of Soviets from every level of society jailed, tortured, murdered, or ordered into

labor camps.

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Stalin was only 5’ 2”

and went to great

lengths to make himself

look taller. Photos of

him were often taken

looking up at him.

Stalin’s Embarrassing Physical Traits

Stalin was particularly insecure about his physical

appearance. He was born with the physical

abnormality of having two toes webbed together

which caused him to drag his left foot. He also battled

small pox as a young child and was left permanently

scarred as a result. When Stalin was twelve, he was

involved in an accident involving a horse-drawn

carriage in injured his left arm. His arm had to be

reconstructed by extensive surgery, leaving it

distinctly shorter than the right and stiffened at the


Webbed toes are characterized by

the fusion of two or more digits of

the feet occurring in approximately

one in 2,000 to 2,500 live births.

Webbed toes were thought to be

mark of the Devil. Official photographs of the dictator would be routinely

air-brushed to hide these deformities. Stalin had

several portrait artists shot for their unflattering

depictions of him.

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Stalin’s Five-Year Plans

Stalin devised several five year plans, to help bring Russia financial and industrial might. The first two plans helped

Russia to survive World War II. Stalin successfully led the Russian people through World War II. Russia originally

sided with Germany, but when Germany invaded Russia, Stalin hid in his office for several days.

A radical attempt to bring the Soviet Union into the industrial age. During the

Five-year plans few consumer goods, but instead there was an emphasis on

heavy industry, military build up, and the national defense became the top


Soviet Dam on the Dnieper River

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Individually-owned farms were eliminated and all agriculture was collectivized.

Farmers were forced to give all their crops to the government in exchange for

tools, seeds, and their allotment. Farmers were given one acre of land to grow

their own food. Government set quotas, if not met… imprisonment or death.

Collectivization & Collective Farms

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Collective Farm Resistance

Many Ukrainians (Kulaks and the upper peasantry) resisted the collective farm

system. Many Ukrainians burned their crops, homes, and shot their horses and

other livestock to prevent the communists from seizing the results of their hard

work. Stalin’s unleashed the NKVD (Soviet secret police as millions of Ukrainians

were starved to death or sent to gulags (Russian prison camps.)

When the upper peasant

class, the kulaks,

protested this program,

some 8 million

Ukrainians were killed

during a reign of terror in

1932 to 1933.

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Stalin’s Purges of the 1930’s

Lavrenty Beria was a

ruthless man and in

charge of Stalin’s NKVD

during the purges. He

was responsible for

hundreds of thousands of

deaths during the 1930s.

Stalin was paranoid and lived in constant fear of imagined political rivals. During

the 1930s, Stalin consolidated his power in the Soviet Union by eliminating his

opponents. In 1933, he created the Central Purge Commission, which publicly

investigated and tried members of the Communist Party for treason. In 1933 and

1934, 1,140,000 members were expelled from the party. Millions of Soviets from

every level of society were jailed, tortured, murdered, or ordered into gulags (labor

camps.)Stalin established a very

powerful secret police

(NKVD) which was ordered

to spy on all Soviet citizens,

including communist party

members, military leaders,

and other high-ranking


Stalin was ruthless and murdered several Communist

colleagues and one time friends. Here he calmly signs

an order for executions.

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Stalin’s Legacy

The Soviet Union was greatly expanded through the leadership of Joseph Stalin

and his forced industrialization. The Soviet Union became a modern-state under

Stalin. Stalin’s ruthlessness helped Russia survive the Second World War.

Joseph Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union from the mid-1920s until his death in 1953. He is considered to be

one of the most murderous dictators ever. More people died under Stalin than the total number of causalities of WWI

and WWII combined.

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Joseph Stalin [World Wars] http://safeshare.tv/w/idGCZpWaFZ

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Emperor Hirohito

Emperor of Japan from 1926 until his death in 1989. Despite the power of

Japan’s military leaders, many scholars believe that Hirohito took an active

role in leading the country and shaping its combat strategy during World War

II. After Japan’s defeat, he was allowed to continue to hold his position as

emperor, largely as a figurehead, despite the fact that Japan was under U.S.

occupation. Although many countries favored it, Hirohito was never tried for

war crimes.

Hirohito criticized the alliance of Japan with Nazi Germany and supported talks with the U.S. over the embargo of oil

and called for restraint up to the on eve of Pearl. Even though Hirohito tried to prevent Japan from entering the war

he was a strong supporter once it got going.

“The Sun God”

Emperor Hirohito

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Japan began aggressively expanding its territory in the 1920s and '30s to get

the resources it needed. Japan's leaders decided to conquer territory in the

South Pacific.

• Japan was overcrowded

• Japan didn’t have her own natural resources.

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Japan on the Eve of World War II

Emperor Hirohito was

viewed as a God in Japan.

Japanese warlords came to power in the late 1920’s and began an aggressive

nationalistic and expansionist policy. Numerous Japanese officials who were

pro-western were assassinated.

Japan was became disillusioned with western democracies because the U.S.,

England, France, and the Dutch condemned Japan’s imperialistic goals,

despite maintaining colonies throughout the world themselves.

Emperor Hirohito went along with the warlords and was viewed as a God in


Japan viewed Germany as friendlier

than the U.S., and made closer ties

with the Nazi government.Japanese military came to

power in the late 1920’s

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Japan Invades ManchuriaDifficult economic times in Japan after World War I undermined the country’s

political system. Many Japanese officers and civilians wanted to seize territory to

gain needed resources. In 1931 the Japanese army, without the government’s

permission, invaded the resource-rich Chinese province of Manchuria and

installed a puppet government. The League of Nation's investigation condemned

Japan for its incursion into Manchuria and Japan withdrew from the League of

Nations as a sign of protest.

Japan withdrew

from the League

of Nations as a

sign of protest

because of the

criticism it

received from

other members.

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Japan Invades Mainland China in July 1937The onslaught of the Japanese troops was relentless. Within 5 months over 1

million Chinese people were under Japanese control. All of the major cities in

China were captured by the Japanese by the end of 1937. After this initial

success, the Japanese did not advance much further into China. In many senses

there was no reason for her to do so as most of China’s hinterland contained

nothing of strategic importance.

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The U.S.S. Paney IncidentOn December 12, 1937 the Japanese sank a U.S. patrol boat (U.S.S. Panay) in

China and killed two U.S. crewmen. The Japanese claimed they mistook it for a

Chinese warship. Actually, the Japanese wanted to test of U.S. resolve. After the

U.S. protested, the Japanese apologized and promised to pay $2 million in

restitution to the U.S. The United States began economic sanctions against Japan.


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Rape of Nanking (December 1937)

The Nanking Massacre was a mass murder and war rape that occurred during

the six-week period following the Japanese capture of the city of Nanjing

(Nanking), on December 13, 1937. During this period, hundreds of

thousands of Chinese civilians and disarmed soldiers were murdered and

20,000–80,000 women were raped by soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army.

Japanese general Matsui rides into Nanking.

Subordinate officers under his command allowed the

Japanese army to ransack Nanking murdering and/or

raping tens of thousands. Shortly after the end of World

War II, Matsui was found guilty of war crimes by the

International Military Tribunal for the Far East and


Japanese troops triumphantly enter the city of Nanking.

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The Rape of Nanking December 1937

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Rape of Nanking


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“The Fuhrer”

Adolph Hitler

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Adolph Hitler

Totalitarian leader who rose to power in Germany in 1933 and whose military

aggression led to the start of WWII in Europe. His talents as an inspiring

Speaker promised to restore the glory of the nation.

Adolph Hitler was fascinated by hands. In his library there was a well-thumbed book containing pictures and

drawings of hands belonging to famous people throughout history. He liked particularly to show his guests how

closely his own hands resembled those of Frederick the Great, one of his heroes.

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A jubilant Hitler was among the crowd in Munich,

Germany when war was declared in August 1914.

Adolph Hitler enlisted in the German army (Reichswehr) and was assigned to the 16th Bavarian

(German) Infantry Regiment where he served as a dispatch runner on the Western Front.

Hitler’s was wounded twice and awarded four medals for bravery including the Iron Cross.

Hitler was never promoted beyond the rank of corporal

because his superior officers thought him unstable

because of his anti-Semitic ramblings. Hitler’s several

narrow escapes from death convinced him that God had

put him on earth for some divine mission. Hitler was

temporarily blinded on November 10, 1918 and was in a

field hospital recovering when he received word of

Germany’ surrender.

Hitler Look-Alike

Hitler used to have a full-sized mustache, but was

ordered to trim it down to a ‘toothbrush’ during WWI

to better accommodate wearing a gas mask.

Adolf Hitler in WWI

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Why Hitler: Germany in TurmoilGermany became a republic after World War I called the Weimar Republic. It

was in a bad state. People were short of food and jobs. The political and

economic chaos in Germany led to riots in the street as different political groups

fought for power. Then, in 1921, the allies decided that Germany must pay them

32 billion dollars in damages, known as reparations. It was the last straw. In

1923, French troops moved into the Ruhr, a German industrial area, to claim

their reparations. The German economy went into a nosedive.

The Communist Revolution which succeeded in Russia now threatened Post-WWI Germany. Fierce street battles

were fought between (German) Freikorps and (German) communists seeking to overthrow the Weimar Republic and

seize power.



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Hitler Joins the German Workers Party

Hitler began his political career as a speaker with remarkable skill. From his earliest political days, he publicly

condemned Bolsheviks and Jews. Hitler's appearances and the party's activities began to draw local attention.

Hitler quickly emerged as the top attraction of the party. By 1920, he was the undisputed leader of the party.

Hitler’s membership

card #555

Hitler became a spy for the army and infiltrated radical anti-government groups.

Hitler would take notes on communist or other radical groups. Condemned

communists or revolutionaries were shot by firing squad.

Hitler attended his first German Workers Party meeting on Sept. 12, 1919, which

was just one of the many small extremist political groups that arose in post-WWI


It was a small group and initially only had six members, less than $2.00 in the

treasury, and no organization or leader. During the meeting, Hitler gave a speech

and was asked to join the group.

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Hitler: The Orator

Hitler would practice his speaking

techniques in front of a mirror. He even

had himself photographed so he could

critique himself.

Hitler never took off his coat, regardless of how warm it was. He also never used scents or cologne, and often

paced about the room whistling to himself.

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Hitler's Personal Trainer Preps Him for Politics [Nazis Evolution of Evil]

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Adolf Hitler [Speech 1933]

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Nazi Symbolism

•The white color represented the nationalist idea of creating a Greater

(pure) Germany.

•The red color was for the Nazi movement’s idea of all Germans (blood)

living together.

•The Swastika (facing toward the right) represented the forward

progress of the National Socialist movement.

The Nazi Party was nationalistic and anti-Communist.

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The Nazi Brand is Brutal, Simple and Effective [Nazis Evolution of Evil]


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Questions to Consider:

What kind of person do you think would be drawn to the Nazi Party in its early

days? Assuming you were a jobless, hungry German listening to Hitler’s

promises, how do you think you would have responded?

Did You Know? After World War I, money in Germany became nearly worthless because of high inflation.

Some Germans burned money for fuel to symbolize the little value of German money.

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The S.A. “Sturmabteilung”Hitler’s private army led by former German army captain, Ernest Rohm.

The Storm troopers’ tasks:

• To create so much violence in the streets that the German people

would think that the present government (Weimar Republic) was

too weak to keep control.

• Destroy all opposing political parties. (Communists, Social

Democrats, etc…)

Ernest Rohm: A former German army

captain during the First world War

organized and led the S.A.

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Beer Hall Putsch 1923 (failed coup d'état)

Hitler and his followers conspired to take control of power in Bavaria, Nov. 8,

1923 and then to march on Berlin and seize power of the national government.

German police and army units crushed Hitler’s attempt to take over.

Sixteen Nazis died and Hitler was arrested and put on trial for treason.

Hitler could have faced the death penalty for conspiring against the government,

but instead was sentenced to 5 years in prison at Landsberg Prison.

Hitler represented himself as his own lawyer and to everyone’s surprise,

Hitler pled guilty… but… as he stated that his only crime was his love and

devotion to Germany. Hitler turned his trial into a political success,

gaining national press coverage of his attacks on various "enemies" of

Germany. Thus was born the infamous, “Stabbed in the Back” declaration.

Hitler in a Shootout [World




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Hitler in a Shootout [World Wars]


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Beer Hall Putsch [Nazis Shrine to the Fallen]A memorial to the fallen putschists was erected on the east side of the

Feldherrnhalle, opposite the spot in the street where the dead had fallen and the

Beer Hall Putsch had been halted.

Hitler salutes the "Martyrs of

the Cause" during the annual

putsch commemoration


All who passed the memorial were required to give the Nazi salute.

Legend holds that those who wished to avoid this salute took a shortcut

through the Viscardigaße alley behind the Feldherrnhalle, which came

to be known as Drückeberger-Gaßl, "Shirkers Alley."

After Hitler came to power in

1933, he led an annual re-

enactment of the failed Beer

Hall Putsch.

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Hitler at Landsberg PrisonHitler’s stay at Landsberg prison was likened to being confined to a country club

at government expense. Hitler had his own furnished room, allowed unlimited

visitors and supporters, received specially prepared meals, and received massive

letters from admirers. Hitler was released on parole after serving only ten

months of his sentence for good behavior.

Rudolph Hess, a fanatic supporter of Hitler and

Hitler’s party secretary volunteered to serve time

with Hitler in prison.

While at Landsberg, Hitler concluded that the Nazis would

strive for power legally instead of by force. Next time, he

would “Destroy German democracy by using democracy.”

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Mein Kampf “The Nazi Bible”Mein Kampf (My Struggle) was blueprint for Hitler’s vision of Germany’s future

in which he blamed all of Germany’s economic and social woes on the French,

Communists, and especially the Jews.

Hitler outlined his plans to conquer Europe, attack Russia for Lebensraum,

outlined his theory of a pure Aryan race, and to make Europe Jude rein “Free of


Mein Kampf: Hitler’s original title for the book was, “My Four and a Half Years of Struggle Against Ignorance,

Cowardice, and Stupidity.” On the advice of his editor he shortened it. At first sales were dismal and people

considered it the ravings of a mad man. However, after Hitler came to power in 1933, it sold millions. It even

outsold the Bible in Germany. It was customary to give copies of Mein Kampf as a wedding, birthday, or

Christmas present.

Adolf Hitler called for the

unification of all Germans

under one government and

believed certain Germans were

part of a “master race” destined

to rule the world. He wanted

Eastern Europeans enslaved. He

felt Jews were responsible for

many of the world’s problems.

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The 1932 Presidential Election In Germany

Hitler ran for President of Germany against Paul von Hindenburg, who was

a respected statesman and WWI military war hero. Hitler was an impressive

speaker and campaigned across Germany and promised a cure for each and

every problem in Germany.

However, Hitler losses the election. Hindenburg received 19 million votes to

Hitler’s 13.5 million votes. Despite Hitler’s loss, the Nazis gained seats in the

Reichstag and emerged as the largest single political party in Germany.

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Hitler Appointed German Chancellor

President Hindenburg reluctantly named Hitler the new German Chancellor on

January 30, 1933. Almost immediately he began secretly building up Germany’s

army and weapons. In 1934 he increased the size of the army, began building

warships and created a German air force. Compulsory military service was also

introduced Although Britain and France were aware of Hitler’s actions, they

were also concerned about the rise of Communism and believed that a stronger

Germany might help to prevent the spread of Communism to the West.

Despite being cordial in

public, both men disliked

each other. Hindenburg, a

former Prussian officer

viewed Hitler as a mere

Bavarian corporal, while

Hitler viewed Hindenburg

as an old and senile old


Hindenburg and others wanted to tap Hitler’s popularity, but keep him

under their control. They failed. Hitler would use his position as Chancellor

to manipulate Hindenburg and pass many laws depriving people of their civil


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Reichstag Fire (February 27, 1933)

Reichstag Fire : February 27, 1933 the

German Parliament (Reichstag) burns

down. Some historians believe the Nazis set

fire to the Reichstag Building and blamed it

on the Communists. Hitler used this as

The Reichstag, the German parliament building, mysteriously caught fire on the

night of February 27, 1933. Even though a Dutch Communist named Marius van

der Lubbe was arrested at the scene many historians believe that the Nazis set fire

to the Reichstag building to blame the communists as a way to tarnish the

communists’ image and an excuse to build concentration camps to lock up his

political rivals. This cartoon shows Hitler and Goering

waking a senile and sleepy President

Hindenburg to get permission to round-up

political enemies accused of setting the

Reichstag fire.

Marius van der Lubbe: When they

police arrived they found Lubbe on

the premises. After being tortured by

the Gestapo he confessed to starting

the fire. He was found guilty of

setting the fire and was beheaded on

10th January, 1934.

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Hitler Uses Authority as Chancellor to Crush Opponents

The Enabling Acts allowed Hitler and the Nazis to arrest all political rivals

without due process. Many were murdered or sent to concentration camps.

All political parties outside of the Nazi Party were banned in Germany.

The Nazis began rounding up any

Political opponents and sent them

to Dachau.

The Nazi reign of terror began

as tens of thousands of people

were arrested to include;

Social Democrats, Socialists,

Catholic Center Party

members, and trade union


Dachau, the first concentration

camp located outside Munich was

established to imprison all political

rivals and other opponents. Arbeit

Macht Frei (German: “Work

liberates") is the cynical slogan

that was in place at the entrances

of number of Nazi concentration


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Night of the Long Knives (June 1934)

The German army threatened to topple Hitler unless he agreed to purge (get rid

of) his S.A. whom the German army said was getting too powerful and growing

unmanageable. Hitler had Ernest Rohm (leader of the S.A.) and several other S.A.

leaders arrested and executed. Afterward, the German army pledged total

support for Hitler and all military personal swore an oath of allegiance. Hitler

promised unlimited financing to rebuild the German military.

Rohm helped Hitler come to power, but after he

served his purpose, Hitler had him murdered.

However, Rohm had a weakness, which made him

a political liability to Hitler, Rohm was a


Because Rohm loyally served Hitler in the early

days and was a high-ranking party member and a

friend… Hitler had the S.S. offer Rohm a pistol

with one bullet and a chance to commit suicide

rather than execution… Rohm chose execution.

What are friends for?

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Hitler Becomes the FuhrerHitler’s official title as leader of Germany

President Hindenburg died in August 1934 and Hitler assumed total control

of Germany and proclaimed “Fuhrer” or supreme leader.

No more elections… Hitler is leader for life.

Commander-in-chief of all of Germany’s armed forces

“Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer”

“One People, One Government, One


After the death of President Hindenburg in 1934, Hitler

combined the titles of President and Chancellor into one. The

new name title: “Fuhrer.”

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German Military Takes Oath of Allegiance to Hitler

"I swear by God this sacred oath that I will obey without

question the Führer of the German Reich and people, to

Adolf Hitler, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces,

and that I am prepared as a brave soldier to lay my life on

the line at any time for this oath."

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Third Reich

What Hitler labeled his new government. He envisioned it as an empire that

would last a thousand years.

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Nazi Propaganda- Hitler the Celebrity

Adolf Hitler poses with a

German girl. Through

control of the newspapers

and radio, Dr. Goebbels

made Hitler into a celebrity.

Hitler was viewed as the German “Messiah,” or Chosen one. The German press depicted

Hitler as an image of perfection whose personal characteristics: Didn’t smoke, didn’t

drink, or eat meat. Hitler loved children and animals. Hitler was devoted to Germany.

Had no time for women or sexual lust.

Nazi propaganda

depicted Hitler as a

knight in shining armor

coming to save Germany.

Some people possess a certain type of

charisma that causes people to react to

them in almost worshipful fashion.

Adolph Hitler was such an individual,

and he used his charismatic powers to

obtain the blind obedience of the

German people. Wherever Hitler went

the crowds turned out in masses to

greet him.

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Nazi Control of Youth and EducationHitler was well aware that it would be difficult to convert many adults to

accepting Nazi ideology and principles, but children were a different matter.

Hitler knew that the minds of children could be shaped like clay and

brainwashed. The sole purpose of the Nazi education structure was to create a

future generation that was blindly loyal to Hitler and Nazi ideology.

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Hitler Youth http://safeshare.tv/w/DNcKdTbEwf

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The New Nazi Church

Hitler intended to replace Christian churches with a new faith based on Nazi


•The swastika was to replace all crucifixes in churches.

•The Bible was to be banned in Germany and replaced by Mein Kampf.

•Hitler was to become the replacement of Jesus Christ as the new Messiah.

•Christmas was to be abolished and replaced with a Nazi holiday.

The Cross was to be replaced by

the Swastika.The New Bible Hitler: “The New German Messiah”

“One is Either a German or a Christian… You Cannot Be Both”

Hitler, 1933

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Education for Death [Disney 1943]


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Gestapo: An Instrument of Terror

The Gestapo (Secret Police) had unlimited powers to enforced Nazi rule

through terror, arrest, and torture.

Who would get arrested?

•Anybody considered being a political threat was arrested.

•Those who made jokes about the Nazi Party were arrested.

•Those who rejected Nazi ideas based on their religious beliefs.

•Those who refused to do military service.

•Homosexuals. The Gestapo, organized

by Herman Goering, it

was not concerned with

ordinary crime. It’s

mission was to suppress

independent thought

and to eliminate all

opposition to Adolph


"I know that there are many in Germany

who feel uncomfortable when they see this

black uniform: we understand this and do

not expect to be loved."

Henrich Himmler, Reichsfuhrer der S.S.

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Anti-Semitism in Hitler’s Third Reich (1933-1945)

Anti-Semitism (Hatred of Jews)

Anti-Semitism has been in existence for hundreds of years, the Nazis did not

invent it.

The original plan of the Nazis was to expel (force to leave) the Jews from

Germany. It was not until after the war had started that the Nazis began the

systematic murder of the Jews.

Jews Not Wanted Here

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Defining Who was JewishDefining who was Jewish? (According to the Nazis)

1. A person with three Jewish grandparents.

2. A person who had two Jewish grandparents and practiced Judaism.

3. A person who was married to a Jew and had two Jewish grandparents.

4. Any child born to at least one Jewish parent after Sept. 15, 1935.

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Nuremberg Laws (November 1935)Nuremberg Laws were issued in 1935, which became the basis for further

legal exclusion of Jews from German life and ensuing anti-Jewish policies.

Only Germans could be Reich citizens.1. Jews were forbidden to marry Aryans.

2. Jews could not vote or hold public office.

3. Jews were no longer allowed to enroll at universities.

4. Jewish doctors could no longer assist Aryan patients.

5. Jews were forbidden from public entertainment and transportation.

Public Humiliation

This woman was forced to wear a sign

stating that she is poisoning the

German race by having a relationship

with this Jewish man.

All signs on a park benches

stating, "For Aryans only,"

were temporarily removed

during the 1936 Olympics to

shield Nazi Germany from

international criticism.

This sign reads,

"Juden sind hier

unerwunscht" (Jews

Are Unwanted Here)

Marriages between Jews

and Aryans was forbidden

after 1935.


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Kristallnacht “Night of the Broken Glass” (Nov. 8-9, 1938)

Began when Ernest Rath, a German embassy worker was shot and killed by a

German Jewish student named Herschel Grynszpan in Paris, France.

German (Nazi) mobs beat and murdered Jews and looted and burned Jewish

homes and synagogues. Before it was over; 400 Jews were killed, $400 million

of damage done to Jewish property, and 10,000 Jews were rounded up and sent

to concentration camps.

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Hitler Youth Choir & Kristallnacht [The Book Thief ]

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Hitler Prepares for War

Luftwaffe (Air force)

Banned by the Treaty of


Kriegsmarine (Navy)

Banned by the Treaty of


*Main focus on the

construction of battleships

and U-Boats

Wehrmacht (Army)

Was limited by the Treaty of

Versailles to 100,000

In October 1933, Germany withdrew from the League of Nations and by 1935,

Hitler discarded the Treaty of Versailles by rearming the German Military.

1. Recreated the German Navy (Banned by Treaty of Versailles)

2. Recreated the German Air Force (Banned by Treaty of Versailles)

3. Increased the size of the German Army (Previously limited to 100,000)

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Neutrality Act

This act pledged to have the United States stay out of the war by not

choosing sides or getting involved.

Secretly, President Roosevelt wanted to find a way to join the

conflict, but as worried about upsetting the majority of Americans

who were against joining the war.

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Rhineland (March 1936)

In 1936 Hitler ordered German troops to enter the Rhineland. At this point the

German army was not very strong and could have been easily defeated. Yet neither

France nor Britain was prepared to risk another war.

Not a shot was fired by the

Western Allies.

FUN FACT: Adolph Hitler had a half brother named Alois Hitler

who owned a bar in Germany that was frequented by prominent

Nazi officials. Alois would never share his opinion on Adolph

because he was afraid Adolph would revoke his liquor license.

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Anschluss of Austria (March 12, 1938)

In February 1938, Adolf Hitler threatened to invade Austria unless Austrian Nazis

were given important government posts. In March 1938, Hitler announced the

Anschluss, or unification, of Austria and Germany. Hitler promised that the

Anschluss was the end of his expansionist aims and not wanting to risk war, the

other countries did nothing.

Once Again… Not a

shot was fired by the

Western Allies.

Fun Fact: Hitler was voted

Time Magazine's “Man of

the Year” in 1938.

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Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)

Bloody civil war erupted in Spain in between 1936-1939 when the communist

attempted to take over the Spanish government. General Francisco Franco

commanded the Nationalist forces against the Republican forces (communist).

Germany and Italy provided military aid to General Franco.

In 1939, Franco won and chased the Communists out of Spain and became a

Fascist country and soon withdrew from the League of Nations.

General Franco: Came to power in Spain

after a bloody Civil War against the

Communists. Both Hitler and Mussolini

sent military aid to assist Franco during

the war. After the Second World War had

started, Hitler tried to convince Franco to

join the Axis. Not only did Franco refuse to

join the Axis, but he also refused to

surrender Spain’s Jewish population to the

Nazis. Hitler, of course, became angry and

felt betrayed.

Franco became an oppressive dictator, a

position he maintained until 1975.

General Franco

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During the Spanish Civil War, on April 25, 1937, the small northern town of

Guernica was bombed by the Nationalists, and civilians were gunned down as they

fled the scene. In this brutal massacre 1500 died and 800 were wounded, but the

military targets in the town remained intact. While the casualty figures pale in

comparison to later numbers, Guernica was crucial in crushing the spirit of the

Republicans and convincing many that to resist the Nationalists was to open the

doors to bloodbath.

Pablo Picasso

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Failure of AppeasementAppeasement means giving in to someone provided their demands are seen as

reasonable. During the 1930s, many politicians in both Britain and France

came to see that the terms of the Treaty of Versailles had placed restrictions

on Germany that were unfair. Hitler's actions were seen as understandable

and justifiable. This policy became known as the policy of Appeasement.

Neville Chamberlain

British Prime Minister

In May 1937, Neville Chamberlain

became Prime Minister of Britain.

He believed that the Treaty of

Versailles had treated Germany

badly and felt that giving in to

Hitler's demands would prevent

another war.

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Sudeten Crisis and the Munich Conference (September 1938)

Hitler demanded that the Sudetenland, an area of Czechoslovakia in which over

3.5 million Germans lived be annexed and given to Germany. On Sept. 29, 1938

Germany, Italy, France, and Great Britain signed the Munich Pact, which gave

Germany the Sudetenland ((1/5) of Czechoslovakia). Czechoslovakia was not

consulted. British Prime Minister Chamberlain justified the pact with the belief

that appeasing Germany would prevent war. Hitler was convinced that the Western

Allies were weak.

Neville Chamberlain: “In my hand… I have the instrument with Herr Hitler’s

signature, which ensures peace in our time…” Chamberlain believed that

Hitler was a man who could be trusted. He will die of a heart attack shortly

after England declared war on Germany in Sept. 1939.

Did You Know? When British

Prime Minister Neville

Chamberlain returned to

Britain after agreeing to turn

over Czechoslovakia’s

Sudetenland to Germany,

British people met him with

cheers and sang “For he’s a

jolly good fellow.”

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Hitler Takes the Rest of Czechoslovakia (Mach 1939)

Hitler was not a man of his word and ordered the rest of Czechoslovakia to be

occupied by the German army in March 1939. Despite breaking the terms of the

Munich Agreement and the passionate calls for help from the Czechoslovakian

government, neither Britain nor France was prepared to take military action

against Hitler.

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Storm Clouds on the Horizon

Chamberlain believed that appeasement would stop Hitler’s territorial aggression.

Chamberlain was wrong if he thought Hitler would be intimidated by the prospect

of war against England & France again.

However, some action was now necessary and believing that Poland would be

Hitler’s next target, both Britain and France promised that they would take

military action against Hitler if he invaded Poland. Soon Hitler demanded the

return of Poland’s Baltic Sea port called Danzig. This time, the British and French

realized that appeasement had failed and made a guarantee to come to Poland's

aid if Hitler invaded Poland.

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Nonaggression Pact Between Germany and U.S.S.R. (August 23, 1939)

Germany and Russia agreed not to attack each other, which allowed Hitler to open

up a second front in the West without worrying about defending against Russia.

Granted Western Poland to Germany, but allowed Russia to occupy Finland,

Estonia, Latvia, and Eastern Poland. Hitler intended to break the pact.

As early as 1924, Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf, that

conquering the Soviet Union was his ultimate goal. He was

greatly disappointed when France and England declared

war on Sept. 3, 1939 (see the next unit’s notes) which had

delayed his military timetable. Hitler secretly desired an

alliance with England to join him in his crusade against

the Soviet Union. That dream ended with the death of

Neville Chamberlain and the appointment of Winston

Churchill as England’s new Prime Minister.


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Expansion of Nazi Germany, 1933-1936 (Map)

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Axis PowersA military alliance formed by Germany, Italy, and Japan in 1940.
