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  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    HOISTING and RIGGINGSafety Manual

    Infrastructure Health & Safety Association

    5110 Creekbank Rd., Suite 400

    Mississauga, Ontario L4W 0A1 Canada

    (905) !5"0100


    %a& (905) !5"#99#


    ++ +.isa.*a

  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx



    Introduction "

    Section "# Hoistin$ and Ri$$in$ Ha%ards ?ro*edures and ?re*autions 5>eter/ining Load Weigts 15

    Weigts o' Co//on Materias 17

    Section '# (i)re Ro*es+ ,nots+ Hitches "-%ibre Ro-e Cara*teristi*s !03ns-e*tion o' %ibre Ro-e !1Working Load Li/it (WLL) !!Care, Storage, @se !$nots and 2it*es !

    Section # Hard.are+ /ire Ro*e+ Slin$s 0Wire Ro-e $1Sing Con'igurations 4$Sing Anges 49Centre o' Brait 51Sing WLLs 5$Sing -es 0Rigging 2ard+are 712oisting i-s 7!

    Section 1# Ri$$in$ Tools and De2ices 38a*ks #5o*king and Cribbing ##Roers #93n*ined ?anes 90Leer"O-erated 2oists 91Cain 2oists 91Bri-"A*tion 2oists or ir'ors 9$

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  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx



    6ur*ose of this Manual

    is /anua is intended as a +orking guide 'or training +orkers and su-erisors in te

    'unda/entas o' sa'e rigging and oisting.

    e in'or/ation *oers not on ro-es and knots but oisting eui-/ent 'ro/ *ranes to *ain'as

    and rigging ard+are 'ro/ ro-e *i-s to s-reader bea/s.

  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx



    ere are arious reguations under te A*t 'or *onstru*tion in -arti*uar.

    e /ost e&tensie is te Constru*tion Reguation (Ontario Reguation !1$H91). ere are aso

    s-e*ia reguations 'or *ontroed -rodu*ts under te Work-a*e 2aardous Materias 3n'or/ation

    Sste/ (W2M3S) and 'or designated substan*es su* as asbestos.

    Constru*tion reguations are genera based on eat and sa'et -robe/s tat ae re*urredoer te ears. 3n /an *ases, te reguations ae been -ro-osed Doint b /anage/ent and

    abour grou-s as a /eans o' *ontroing or ei/inating -robe/s tat ae istori*a resuted in

    'ataities, ost"ti/e inDuries, and o**u-ationa diseases.

    e Constru*tion Reguation as been -eriodi*a reised oer te ears.

    Reie+ OntarioGs Occupational Health and Safety Act, te Constru*tion Reguation, and oter

    a--i*abe eat and sa'et reguations to /ake sure tat ou kno+ +at to e&-e*t 'ro/ oters

    on te Dob I and +at oters e&-e*t 'ro/ ou.


  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    Section "

    Hoistin$ and Ri$$in$ Ha%ards

    6rocedures and 6recautions

    Determinin$ Load /ei$hts

    /ei$hts of !ommon Materials


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    Section "

    Hoistin$ and Ri$$in$ Ha%ards

    3t is i/-ortant tat +orkers inoed +it oisting and rigging a*tiities are trained in bot

    sa'et and o-erating -ro*edures. 2oisting eui-/ent soud be o-erated on b trained


    e *ause o' rigging a**idents *an o'ten be tra*ed to a a*k o' kno+edge on te -art o' a

    rigger. raining -rogra/s su* as te 3n'rastru*ture 2eat Sa'et Asso*iationGs asi* Sa'et

    raining 'or 2oisting and Rigging -roide +orkers +it a basi* kno+edge o' -rin*i-es reating to

    sa'e oisting and rigging -ra*ti*es in te *onstru*tion industr.

    A sa'e rigging o-eration reuires te rigger tokno+

    J te +eigt o' te oad and rigging ard+are

    J te *a-a*it o' te oisting dei*e


    te +orking oad i/it o' te oisting ro-e, sings, and ard+are.Wen te +eigts and *a-a*ities are kno+n, te rigger /ust ten deter/ine o+ to i't te

    oad so tat it is stabe.

    raining and e&-erien*e enabe riggers to re*ognie aards tat *an ae an i/-a*t on a

    oisting o-eration. Riggers /ust be a+are o' ee/ents tat *an a''e*t oisting sa'et, 'a*tors

    tat redu*e *a-a*it, and sa'e -ra*ti*es in rigging, i'ting, and anding oads. Riggers /ust aso

    be 'a/iiar +it te -ro-er ins-e*tion and use o' sings and oter rigging ard+are.

    Most *rane and rigging a**idents *an be -reented b 'ied -ersonne 'oo+ing basi* sa'e

    oisting and rigging -ra*ti*es. Wen a *rane o-erator is +orking +it a rigger or a rigging *re+,

    it is ita tat te o-erator is a+are o' te a as-e*ts o' te i't and tat a /eans o'

    *o//uni*ation as been agreed u-on, in*uding +at signas +i be used.

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    lements that can Affect Hoistin$ Safety

    I /or7in$LoadLimit 8/LL9not7no.n:>onGtassu/e.no+ te+orking oad i/itso'


    I Defecti2e com*onents: e'e*tie


    tat is /ere

    dis*arded /a be


    I ;uestiona)le eonotuseeui-/ent tat is sus-e*ted tobeunsa'eor


    I Ha%ardous.indconditions::eer*arroutaoistingorriggingo-eration+en+inds



    +eigto'te oad/abe+itinte*a-a*ito'teeui-/ent, oads+it arge+ind"




    I /eatherconditions:Wenteisibiito'riggersoroist*re+isi/-airedbsno+,'og,


    and i'ne*essar,te i'tsoudbe-ost-oned.Atsub"'reeingte/-eratures,bea+aretat



    aebe*o/e britte.

    I lectrical contact: One o' te /ost 'reuent kiers o' riggers is ee*tro*ution.An















    ie-o+erine and te oad, oist ines, or an oter -art o' te oisting o-eration *oud

    en*roa* on te /ini/u/ -er/itted distan*e (see tabe on te ne&t -age), s-e*i'i*

    /easures des*ribed in te Constru*tion Reguation /ust be taken. %or e&a/-e,

    *onstru*tors /ust ae +ritten -ro*edures to -reent *onta*t +eneer eui-/ent

    o-erates +itin te /ini/u/ -er/itted distan*e 'ro/ a ie oeread -o+erine. e


    I Hoist line not *lum): e

    +orking oad i/its o' oisting

    eui-/ent a-- on to 'ree

    sus-ended oads on -u/b oist

    ines. 3' te oist ine is not -u/bduring oad anding, side oads are

    *reated +i* *an destabiie te





  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    ,ee* the Minimum Distance from 6o.erlines

    is *rane boo/ *oud rea* +itin

    te /ini/u/ distan*e.

    (actors that Reduce !a*acity

    e +orking oad i/its o' oisting and rigging eui-/ent are based on idea *onditions. Su*

    idea *ir*u/stan*es are sedo/ a*ieed in te 'ied. Riggers /ust tere'ore re*ognie te

    'a*tors tat *an redu*e te *a-a*it o' te oist.I S.in$: e s+inging o' sus-ended oads *reates additiona dna/i* 'or*es on te oist

    in addition to te +eigt o' te oad. e additiona dna/i* 'or*es (see -oint beo+) are

    di''i*ut to uanti' and a**ount 'or, and *oud *ause ti-"oer o' te *rane or 'aiure o'

    oisting ard+are. e 'or*e o' te s+inging a*tion /akes te oad dri't a+a 'ro/ te

    /a*ine, in*reasing te radius and side"oading on te eui-/ent. e oad soud be

    ke-t dire*t beo+ te boo/ -oint or u--er oad bo*k. is is best a**o/-ised b

    *ontroing te oadGs /oe/ent +it so+ /otions.

    I !ondition of e

  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx



    A'ter te oist ro-e, te sing is te /ost *o//on used -ie*e o' rigging eui-/ent. Obsere te

    'oo+ing -re*autions +it sings.

    J :eer use da/aged sings. 3ns-e*t sings reguar to ensure teir sa'et. Ce*k +ire ro-e

    sings 'or kinking, +ear, abrasion, broken +ires, +orn or *ra*ked 'ittings, oose seiings and

    s-i*es, *rusing, 'attening, and rust or *orrosion. ?a s-e*ia attention to te areas around

    ti/bes and oter 'ittings.

    J Sings soud be /arked +it an identi'i*ation nu/ber and teir /a&i/u/ *a-a*it on a 'at'errue or -er/anent atta*ed ring. Mark te *a-a*it o' te sing 'or a erti*a oad or at an

    ange o' 45.

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    J :eer ao+ +ire ro-e sings, or an +ire ro-e, to ie on te ground 'or ong -eriods o' ti/e or on

    da/- or +et sur'a*es, rust stee, or near *orrosie substan*es.

    J Aoid dragging sings out 'ro/ underneat oads.

    J ee- +ire ro-e sings a+a 'ro/ 'a/e *utting and ee*tri* +eding.

    J :eer /ake sings 'ro/ dis*arded oist ro-e.

    J Aoid using singe"eg +ire ro-e sings +it and"s-i*ed ees. e oad *an s-in, *ausing te

    ro-e to una and te s-i*e to -u out. @se sings +it %e/is S-i*ed

  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    3' L is greater tan S ten sing ange is O.

    !hec7 on Slin$ An$le

    J o not treat ea* eg as eua oaded

    (i.e., do not diide te tota +eigt b te nu/ber o' egs.) ee- in /ind tat te /otion o' te

    oad during oisting and trae *an *ause te +eigt to si't into di''erent egs. is +i resut

    in in*reases and de*reases on te oad o' an eg.


  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    J Wen using *oker it*es, 'or*ing te ee do+n to+ards te oad in*reases tension in te

    sing, +i* *an resut in ro-e da/age. @se ti/bes and sa*kes to redu*e 'ri*tion on te

    running ine.

    IncorrectI Cuttinga*tion o'ee s-i*eon runningine.

    !orrectI @se ti/besin te ees.

    IncorrectI Sa*ke-in bearingon runningine *an+ork oose.

    !orrectI Sa*ke -in*annot turn.

    J Weneer t+o or /ore ro-e ees /ust be -a*ed oer a

    ook, insta a sa*ke on te ook +it te sa*ke -in resting

    in te ook and atta* te ro-e ees to te sa*ke. is +i

    -reent te s-read o' te sing egs 'ro/ o-ening u- teook and -reent te ees 'ro/ da/aging ea* oter under


    /hene2er ' or more ro*es are to )e

    6laced O2er a Hoo7 > 5se a Shac7le

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    Ri$$in$+ Liftin$+ and Landin$ Loads

    J Rig oads to -reent an -arts 'ro/ si'ting or disodging during te i't. Sus-ended oads soud

    be se*ure sung and -ro-er baan*ed be'ore te are set in /otion.

    J ee- te oad under *ontro at a ti/es. @se one or /ore tagines to -reent un*ontroed


    5se Ta$ Lines to !ontrol All Loads

    J Loads /ust be sa'e anded and -ro-er bo*ked be'ore being unooked and unsung.

    J Li'ting bea/s soud be -ain /arked +it teir +eigt and designed +orking oads, and

    soud on be used 'or teir intended -ur-ose.

    J :eer +ra- te oist ro-e around te oad. Atta* te oad to on te ook, +it sings or oter

    rigging dei*es.

    J e oad ine soud be brougt oer te oadGs *entre o' grait be'ore te i't is started.

    J ee- ands a+a 'ro/ -in* -oints as sa*k is being taken u-.

    J Wear goes +en anding +ire ro-e.

    J Make sure tat eerone stands *ear +en oads are being i'ted, o+ered, and 'reed o' sings.As sings are being +itdra+n, te /a *at* under te oad and sudden ' oose.


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    J e'ore /aking a i't, *e*k to see tat te sing is -ro-er atta*ed to te oad.

    J :eer +ork under a sus-ended oad.

    J :eer /ake te/-orar re-airs to a sing. ?ro*edures 'or -ro-er re-air soud be estabised

    and 'oo+ed.

    J Se*ure or re/oe unused sing egs o' a /uti"eg sing be'ore te oad is i'ted.

    J :eer -oint"oad a ook uness it is designed and rated 'or su* use.

    J egin a i't b raising te oad sigt to /ake sure tat te oad is 'ree and tat a sing egs are

    taking te oad.

    J Aoid i/-a*t oading *aused b sudden Derking during i'ting and o+ering. ake u- sa*k on te

    sing gradua. Aoid i'ting or s+inging te oad oer +orkers beo+.

    J Wen using t+o or /ore sings on a oad, ensure tat te are a /ade 'ro/ te sa/e /ateria.

    J ?re-are adeuate bo*king be'ore oads are o+ered. o*king *an e- -reent da/age to



  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    Determinin$ Load /ei$hts

    A ke ste- in rigging is deter/ining te +eigt o' te oad tat +i be oisted.

    Nou *an obtain te oadGs +eigt 'ro/ si--ing -a-ers, design -ans, *ataogue data,

    /anu'a*turerGs s-e*i'i*ations, and oter de-endabe sour*es. On ere*tion -ans, te sie o' stee

    bea/s is usua -roided aong +it teir +eigt and engt. 3' +eigt in'or/ation is not -roided,

    ou +i ae to *a*uate it.

    !alculatin$ .ei$ht

    Nou *an *a*uate te a--ro&i/ate +eigt o' a stee obDe*t using a standard +eigt and a--ing

    te 'or/uas 'or area and ou/e. e standard +eigt 'or stee is; 1 suare 'oot o' stee an in*

    ti*k +i +eig about 40 -ounds.

    A--ing tat standard +eigt 'or stee to *a*uate te +eigt o' t+o stee -ates /easuring

    1 1H!F & $G & G resuts in te 'oo+ing;

    ! (seets) & 1.5F (ti*kness) & $G & G (area) & 40 b (+eigt -er suare 'oot, 1F ti*k) !10

    -ounds. P! & 1.5 & $ & & 40 !10 -oundsQ

    /IGHT ? 10 l)s:


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    !alculatin$ the .ei$ht of 2arious sha*es of steel

    o esti/ate te +eigt o' arious sa-es o' stee, it e-s to enision te stee obDe*t as a 'at

    -ateKisua se-arate te -arts, or i/agine 'attening te/ into re*tanges.

    Ange iron as a stru*tura sa-e tat *an be *onsidered a bent -ate. 3' ou 'attened te ange

    iron, te resut is a -ate. %or e&a/-e, 5 & $ & 1H4"in* ange iron +oud 'atten out to

    a--ro&i/ate a 1H4"in* -ate tat is # in*es +ide.

    On*e ou ae 'igured out te 'attened sie, te ou/e and +eigt *an be *a*uated ike +e didin te -reious se*tion. Sin*e te *a*uations 'or te standard +eigt o' stee is e&-ressed in

    suare 'eet -er in* ti*kness, te #"in* +idt /ust be diided b 1! to get te 'ra*tion o' a 'oot

    tat it re-resents. e 1H4F ti*kness is aread e&-ressed as a 'ra*tion o' one in*. 3n tis *ase,

    te ange iron +eigs a--ro&i/ate .7 -ounds (40 b & #F 1!F & 1H4F .7). Muti- tis

    +eigt b te engt (in 'eet) to get te tota +eigt.

    ?ates are o'ten roed into tanks or oter sa-es. 3n order to *a*uate te +eigt o' a *ir*uar or

    s-eri*a -ie*e o' stee, 'irst ou need to deter/ine te suare 'oot area. o deter/ine te suare

    'oot area, ou ae to 'igure out te *ir*u/'eren*e (te distan*e

    around te edge o' te *ir*e) and te area. o get te *ir*u/'eren*e

    o' a *ir*e, /uti- te dia/eter b $.14.

    A sta*k 't. in dia/eter +oud ae a *ir*u/'eren*e o' 't. & $.14, or

    1#.#4 't. o *o/-ute te +eigt o' tis sta*k, i' it +ere $0 't. ig and

    /ade o' $H# in. -ate, /enta unro it and 'atten it out (%ig. 1.1). is

    gies a -ate 1#.#4 't. +ide b $0 't. ong b $H#F ti*k. e +eigt is;

    1#.#4 & $0 & $H# & 40 #,47# 3bs.

    e 'oo+ing 'or/ua gies te area o' *ir*uar obDe*ts.

    radius (r) dia/eter diided b !

    area r! ( $.14)


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  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx



    Ca*uate te 'or*e o' te oad in te 'oo+ing situation. A 15"ton *o/-ressor is to be o+ered 10

    'eet. A ra/- as been buit +it a orionta run o' 50 'eet.


    % (tota 'or*e) W & 2 L (i't 'or*e) T .05W (orionta 'or*e or resistan*e)

    F = Force that the winch must oercome, H = Height, ! = !ength,

    W = Weight of !oad

    e so-e o' te ra/- is 10 diided b 50 or 1H5tU so te 'or*e reuired is ten 15 tons ti/es

    1H5t, -us 5 o' 15 tons to ao+ 'or 'ri*tion.

    is is eua to $ tons -us .75 tons. ere'ore te reuired -u is $.75 tons.

    Wit a +in*, use its rated *a-a*it 'or erti*a i'ting rater tan its orionta *a-a*it so tat ou

    /aintain an adeuate /argin o' sa'et.

    abe ! ists so/e e&a/-es o' *oe''i*ients o' 'ri*tion. :ote tat so/e o' te *o/binations o'/aterias ae a *onsiderabe range o' aues.


  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx




    Weigt (Lbs.)?er %t. o' Lengt


    Weigt (Lbs.)?er %t. o' Lengt



    11 1H#1 $H11 1H4








    1 $H#1 1H!1 5H#1 $H4

    1 7H#!! 1H#! 1H4! $H#! 1H!! 5H#! $H4! 7H#$


    Ta)le ":' >/IGHTS O( MATRIAL 8Based on olume9


    A--ro&i/ateWeigt Lbs.

    ?erCubi* %oot


    A--ro&i/ateWeigt Lbs.

    ?erCubi* %oot

    MTALSAu/inu/rassroneCo--er3ronLeadSteeinMASONRCAsar/asonr ri*k/asonr, so'tri*k /asonr, *o//on (about

    $ tons -er tousand)ri*k /asonr, -ressedCa tie /asonr, aerageRubbe /asonrCon*rete, *inder, aditeCon*rete, sagCon*rete, stoneCon*rete, stone, rein'or*ed

    (4050 3bs. -er *u. d.)I! AND SNO/3*eSno+, dr, 'res 'aen

    Sno+, dr, -a*kedSno+, +etMIS!LLANO5S












    TIMBR+ AIR=DRCCedar%ir, >ougas, seasoned%ir, >ougas, unseasoned%ir, >ougas, +et%ir, >ougas, gue a/inated2e/o*k?ine?o-arS-ru*e

    LI;5IDSA*oo, -ureBasoineOisWaterARTH

  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    Ta)le ": > /IGHTS O( MATRIALS 8Based on Surface Area9


    A--ro&i/ateWeigt Lbs.

    ?erSuare %oot


    A--ro&i/ateWeigt Lbs.

    ?erSuare %oot

    !ILINGS(?er 3n* o' i*kness)

    ?aster boardA*ousti* and 'ire resistie tie?aster, g-su/"sand?aster, igt aggregate?aster, *e/ent sandROO(INGree"- 'et and grae%ie"- 'et and graeree"- 'et, no grae%ie"- 'et, no graeSinges, +oodSinges, asbestosSinges, as-atSinges, 1V4 in* sateSinges, tie6ARTITIONS

    Stee -artitionsSoid !F g-su/"sand -asterSoid !F g-su/"igt agg. -asterMeta studs, /eta at, $H4F-aster bot sidesMeta or +ood studs, -aster

    board and 1H!F -aster bot sides?aster 1H!F2oo+ *a tie ! in*

    $ in*4 in*5 in* in*

    2oo+ sag *on*rete bo*k 4 in* in*

    2oo+ g-su/ bo*k $ in*4 in*5 in* in*

    Soid g-su/ bo*k ! in*$ in*

    MASONRC /ALLS(?er 4 3n* o' i*kness)

    ri*kBass bri*k2oo+ *on*rete bo*k 2oo+sag *on*rete bo*k 2oo+*inder *on*rete bo*k 2oo+adite bo*kStone, aerageearing oo+ *a tie












    (LOORING(?er 3n* o' i*kness)

    2ard+oodSeating?+ood, 'irWood bo*k, treatedCon*rete, 'inis or 'iMasti* baseMortar baseerraoie, in in*ie, inoeu/ $H1 in*ie, *ork, -er 1H1 in*ie, rubber or as-at $H1 in*ie, *era/i* or uarr $H4 in*Car-etingD!,S AND SLABSStee roo' de*k 1 1H!F I 14 ga.

    I 1 ga.I 1# ga.I !0 ga.I !! ga.

    Stee *euar de*k 1 1H!F I 1!H1! ga.I 14H14 ga.I 1H1 ga.I 1#H1# ga.I !0H!0 ga.

    Stee *euar de*k $F I 1!H1! ga.I 14H14 ga.I 1H1 ga.I 1#H1# ga.I !0H!0 ga.

    Con*rete, rein'or*ed, -er in*Con*rete, g-su/, -er in*Con*rete, igt+eigt, -er in*MIS!LLANO5SWindo+s, gass, 'ra/eSkigt, gass, 'ra/eCorrugated asbestos 1H4 in*Bass, -ate 1H4 in*Bass, *o//on?asti* seet 1H4 in*Corrugated stee seet, ga. I 1! ga.

    I 14 ga.I 1 ga.I 1# ga.I !0 ga.I !! ga.

    Wood 8oists I 1F *trs. ! & 1!

    ! & 10! & #

    Stee -ate (-er in* o' ti*kness)














  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    Section '

    (i)re Ro*es+ ,nots+ Hitches

    (i)re Ro*e !haracteristics

    Ins*ection of (i)re Ro*e

    /or7in$ Load Limit 8/LL9

    !are+ Stora$e+ 5se




  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    Section '

    (i)re Ro*es+ ,nots+ Hitches

    %ibre ro-e is a *o//on used too +i* as /an a--i*ations in dai oisting and rigging


    Readi aaiabe in a +ide ariet o' snteti* and natura 'ibre /aterias, tese ro-es /a be usedas

    J sings 'or oisting /aterias

    J andines 'or i'ting igt oads

    J tagines 'or e-ing to guide and *ontro oads.

    ere are *ountess situations +ere te rigger +i be reuired to tie a sa'e and reiabe knot or

    it* in a 'ibre ro-e as -art o' te rigging o-eration. %astening a ook, /aking ees 'or sings, and

    ting on a tagine are a 'e+ o' tese situations.

    is se*tion addresses te *orre*t see*tion, ins-e*tion, and use o' 'ibre ro-e 'or oisting andrigging o-erations. 3t aso e&-ains o+ to tie seera knots and it*es.


    e 'ibres in tese ro-es are eiter natura or snteti*. :atura 'ibre ro-es soud be used

    *autious 'or rigging sin*e teir strengt is /ore ariabe tan tat o' snteti* 'ibre ro-es and

    te are /u* /ore subDe*t to deterioration 'ro/ rot, /ide+, and *e/i*as.

    6oly*ro*ylene is te /ost *o//on 'ibre ro-e used in rigging. 3t 'oats but does not absorb +ater.

    3t stret*es ess tan oter snteti* 'ibres su* as non. 3t is a''e*ted, o+eer, b te utraioet

    ras in sunigt and soud not be e't outside 'or ong -eriods. 3t aso so'tens +it eat and is not

    re*o//ended 'or +ork inoing e&-osure to ig eat.

    Nylon 'ibre is re/arkabe 'or its strengt. A non ro-e is *onsiderab stronger tan te sa/e sie

    and *onstru*tion o' -o-ro-ene ro-e. ut non stret*es and en*e is not used /u* 'or

    rigging. 3t is aso /ore e&-ensie, oses strengt +en +et, and as o+ resistan*e to a*ids.

    6olyester ro-es are stronger tan -o-ro-ene but not so strong as non. e ae good

    resistan*e to a*ids, akais, and abrasionU do not stret* as /u* as nonU resist degradation 'ro/

    utraioet rasU and donGt so'ten in eat.

    A 'ibre ro-es *ondu*t ee*tri*it +en +et. Wen dr, o+eer, -o-ro-ene and -oester

    ae /u* better insuating -ro-erties tan non.


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    3ns-e*t 'ibre ro-e reguar and be'ore ea* use. An esti/ate o' its *a-a*it soud be based on

    te -ortion o' ro-e so+ing te /ost deterioration.

    Ce*k 'irst 'or e&terna +ear and *uts, ariations in te sie and sa-e o' strands, dis*oouration,

    and te easti*it or Ei'eF re/aining in te ro-e.

    @nt+ist te strands +itout kinking or distorting te/. e inside o' te ro-e soud be as brigtand *ean as +en it +as ne+. Ce*k 'or broken arns, e&*essie oose strands and arns, or an

    a**u/uation o' -o+der dust, +i* indi*ates e&*essie interna +ear bet+een strands as te

    ro-e is 'e&ed ba*k and 'ort in use.

    3' te inside o' te ro-e is dirt, i' strands ae started to una, or i' te ro-e as ost i'e and

    easti*it, do not use it 'or oisting.

    Ce*k 'or distortion in ard+are. 3' ti/bes are oose in te ees, seie te ee to tigten te

    ti/be (%igure !.1).

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    /or7in$ Load Limit

    e /a&i/u/ 'or*e tat ou soud oad a *o/-onent is te .or7in$ load limit 8/LL9. e WLL

    in*or-orates a sa'et 'a*tor (S%). e S% -roides additiona -rote*tion aboe te /anu'a*turerGs

    design 'a*tor (>%). e design 'a*tor is te sa'et 'a*tor to +i* te /anu'a*turer buids. e S%

    and >% do not -roide added *a-a*it. Cou must ne2er e@ceed the /LL.

    LetGs *a*uate te WLL o' a *ain or gin +ee rated at 1000 -ounds +it a /anu'a*turerGs >% o'$.

    Note# Se*tion 17! (1) (d) o' te Constru*tion Reguation reuires a S% o' 5.

    is reuire/ent is greater tan our >%, so te *a-a*it /ust be

    redu*ed a**ording.

    WLL 1000 -ounds (rated *a-a*it) & $ (>%) H 5 (S%)

    WLL 00 -ounds

    3n tis e&a/-e, te *ain or gin +ee as a sta/-ed *a-a*it o' 1000 -ounds, but, in

    *o/-ian*e +it te Constru*tion Reguation, it *an sa'e i't a /a&i/u/ *a-a*it o' 00


    (i)re Ro*e SelectionSee*t te sie and t-e o' ro-e to use based on /anu'a*turerGs in'or/ationU *onditions o' useU

    and te degree o' risk to i'e, i/b, and -ro-ert. e WLL o' 'ibre ro-e is deter/ined b

    /uti-ing te .or7in$ load 8/L9 b te S%. e minimum )rea7in$ stren$th 8MBS9 is te

    'or*e at +i* a ne+ ro-e +i break.

    e /anu'a*turerGs >% -roides a aer o' sa'et tat as been deter/ined b te /anu'a*turer.

    e S%, i' greater tan te >%, adds an additiona aer o' sa'et to /eet te reuire/ents o'

    users and reguators. ogeter, tese added aers o' sa'et -roide -rote*tion aboe te

    MS to a**ount 'or redu*ed *a-a*it due to

    J +ear, broken 'ibres, broken arns,

    ageJ ariations in *onstru*tion sie and uait

    J so*k oads

    J /inor ina**ura*ies in oad +eigt *a*uations

    J arian*es in strengt *aused b +etness, /ide+, and degradation

    J arns +eakened b ground"in or oter abrasie *onta/inants.

    3' ou noti*e ro-e tat is de'e*tie or da/aged, *ut it u- to -reent it 'ro/ being used 'or oisting.

    LetGs *a*uate te WLL o' a ro-e to i't a WL o' !50 -ounds.

    Note# Se*tion 17! (1) (d) o' te Constru*tion Reguation reuires a /ini/u/ S% o' 5.

    %or /ore *riti*a i'ts tat *oud risk i'e, i/b, or -ro-ert, a S% o' 10 to 15 /a

    be ne*essar.

    WLL !50 -ounds (WL) & 5 (S%)

    WLL 1,!50 -ounds

    3n tis e&a/-e, to /eet te WLL ou /ust use a ro-e +it an MS o' 1,!50 to oist or o+er

    a WL o' !50 -ounds. See /anu'a*turersG s-e*i'i*ations to see*t te a--ro-riate t-e o' ro-e.

    Si/iar to snteti* sings, ou soud on use *ear identi'ied ro-e 'or oisting. 3denti' a

    ne+ ro-e b atta*ing a strong abe so+ing te /anu'a*turerGs in'or/ation.

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    J o un+ind a ne+ *oi o' 'ibre ro-e, a it 'at +it te inside end *osest to te 'oor. ?u te

    inside end u- troug te *oi and un+ind *ounter*o*k+ise.

    J A'ter use, re*oi te ro-e *o*k+ise. ee- oo-ing te ro-e oer our e't ar/ unti on about 15

    'eet re/ain. Start about a 'oot 'ro/ te to- o' te *oi and +ra- te ro-e about si& ti/es around

    te oo-s. en use our e't and to -u te bigt ba*k troug te oo-s and tie +it a *ou-e

    o' a'"it*es to kee- te oo-s 'ro/ un*oiing ( %igure !.5).

    (i$ure ':4

    J Re/oe kinks *are'u. :eer tr to -u te/ straigt. is +i seere da/age te ro-e and

    redu*e its strengt.

    J Wen a 'ibre ro-e is *ut, te ends /ust be bound or +i--ed to kee- te strands 'ro/

    unt+isting. %igure !. so+s te rigt +a to do tis.

    (i$ure ':


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    J Store 'ibre ro-es in a dr *oo roo/ +it good air *ir*uation I te/-erature 10"!1C (50"70%)

    u/idit 40"0.

    J 2ang 'ibre ro-es in oose *ois on arge dia/eter +ooden -egs +e aboe te 'oor (%igure !.7).

    (i$ure ':E

    J ?rote*t 'ibre ro-es 'ro/ +eater, da/-ness, and sunigt. ee- te/ a+a 'ro/ e&aust

    gases, *e/i*a 'u/es, boiers, radiators, stea/ -i-es, and oter eat sour*es.

    J Let 'ibre ro-es dr be'ore storing te/. Moisture astens rot and *auses ro-e to kink easi. Let

    a 'roen ro-e ta+ *o/-ete be'ore ou ande it. Oter+ise 'ibres *an break. Let +et or

    'roen ro-e dr natura.

    J Was dirt ro-es in *ean *oo +ater and ang to dr.


    J :eer oeroad a ro-e. A-- te design 'a*tor o' 5 (10 'or ro-es used to su--ort or oist

    -ersonne). en /ake 'urter ao+an*es 'or te ro-eGs age and *ondition.

    J :eer drag a ro-e aong te ground. Abrasie a*tion +i +ear, *ut, and 'i te outside sur'a*es

    +it grit.

    J :eer drag a ro-e oer roug or sar- edges or a*ross itse'. @se so'teners to -rote*t ro-e at

    te sar- *o/ers and edges o' a oad.

    J Aoid a but straigt ine -us +it 'ibre ro-e. ends inter'ere +it stress distribution in 'ibres.

    J A+as use ti/bes in ro-e ees. i/bes *ut do+n on +ear and stress.

    J ee- sing anges at /ore tan 45. Lo+er anges *an dra/ati*a in*rease te oad on ea*eg (%igure !.#). e sa/e is true +it +ire ro-e sings.


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    J :eer use 'ibre ro-e near +eding or 'a/e *utting. S-arks and /oten /eta *an *ut troug

    te ro-e or set it on 'ire.

    J ee- 'ibre ro-e a+a 'ro/ ig eat. >onGt eae it unne*essari e&-osed to strong sunigt,

    +i* +eakens and degrades te ro-e.

    J :eer *ou-e e't"a ro-e to rigt"a.

    J Wen *ou-ing +ire and 'ibre ro-es, a+as use /eta ti/bes in bot ees to kee- te +ire

    ro-e 'ro/ *utting te 'ibre ro-e.


    Make sure tat 'ibre ro-e used +it ta*ke is te rigt sie 'or te seaes. Seaes soudae dia/eters at east si& I -re'erab ten I ti/es greater tan te ro-e dia/eter.

    (i$ure ':3


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    Wereer -ra*ti*a, aoid ting knots in ro-e. nots, bends, and it*es redu*e ro-e strengt

    *onsiderab. 8ust o+ /u* de-ends on te knot and o+ it is a--ied. @se a s-i*ed end +it a

    ook or oter standard rigging ard+are su* as sings and sa*kes to atta* ro-es to oads.

    3n so/e *ases, o+eer, knots are /ore -ra*ti*a and e''i*ient tan oter rigging /etods, as 'or

    i'ting and o+ering toos or igt /ateria.

    %or knot ting, a ro-e is *onsidered to ae tree -arts (%igure !.9).


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    :eer Da/s or si-s +en -ro-er tied. A uniersa knot i' -ro-er tied and untied. +o

    intero*king bo+ines *an be used to Doin t+o ro-es togeter. Singe bo+ines *an be used 'or

    oisting or it*ing dire*t around a ring.

    Bo.line on the Bi$ht

    @sed to tie a bo+ine in te /idde o' a ine or to /ake a set o' doube"eg s-readers 'or i'ting-i-e.



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    6i*e Hitch

    Reef or S

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    (i$ure=i$ht ,not

    is knot is genera tied at te end o' a ro-e to te/-orari -reent te strands 'ro/ unaing.

    e 'igure"eigt knot *an be tied si/- and ui*k and +i not Da/ as easi as te oerand

    knot. 3t is aso arger, stronger, and does not inDure te ro-e 'ibres. e 'igure"eigt knot is

    use'u in -reenting te end o' a ro-e 'ro/ si--ing troug a bo*k or an ee.

    o tie te 'igure"eigt knot, /ake an underand oo- (1). ring te end around and oer te

    standing -art (!). ?ass te end under and ten troug te oo- ($). >ra+ u- tigt (4).


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    Hard.are+ /ire Ro*e+ Slin$s

    /ire Ro*e

    Slin$ !onfi$urations

    Slin$ An$les

    !entre of Gra2ity

    Slin$ /LLs

    Slin$ Ty*es

    Ri$$in$ Hard.are

    Hoistin$ Ti*s


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    Hard.are+ /ire Ro*e+ Slin$s

    e rigger /ust be abe to rig te oad to ensure its stabiit +en i'ted. is reuires a

    kno+edge o' sa'e sing *on'igurations and te use o' reated ard+are su* as sa*kes,

    eebots, and +ire ro-e *i-s.

    >eter/ining te +orking oad i/its o' te rigging eui-/ent as +e as te +eigt o' te oad is a

    'unda/enta reuire/ent o' sa'e rigging -ra*ti*e.

    >o not use an eui-/ent tat is sus-e*ted to be unsa'e or unsuitabe unti its suitabiit as

    been eri'ied b a *o/-etent -erson.

    e +orking oad i/its o' a oisting eui-/ent and rigging ard+are are based on a/ost idea

    *onditions sedo/ a*ieed in te 'ied. 3t is tere'ore i/-ortant to re*ognie te 'a*tors su* as

    +ear, i/-ro-er sing anges, -oint oading, and *entre o' grait tat *an a''e*t te rated +orking

    oad i/its o' eui-/ent and ard+are.

    is se*tion des*ribes te see*tion and sa'e use o' arious t-es o' sings and di''erent kinds o'

    rigging ard+are. SubDe*ts in*ude 'a*tors tat *an redu*e *a-a*it, ins-e*tion 'or signs o' +ear,

    *a*uating sa'e sing anges, and reuire/ents 'or sings and ard+are under te "egulations for

    #onstruction $ro%ects.

    /ire Ro*e


    ?ro-er ro-e see*tion +i -rote*t +orkers, te -ubi*, and -ro-ert 'ro/ ar/ and +i get te Dob

    done +e. An e&-erien*ed rigger +i be 'a/iiar +it oisting aards and +i ae te bestkno+edge base 'or see*ting te /ost a--ro-riate ro-e 'or a s-e*i'i* i't. So/e o' te /ain

    as-e*ts to *onsider are strengt, dia/eter, grade, and te t-e o' *onstru*tion.

    Wire Rope for Crane Hoists

    e 'oo+ing are reuire/ents +en see*ting +ire ro-e 'or *rane oists;

    1. e /ain oisting ro-e /ust -ossess enoug strengt to take te /a&i/u/ oad tat /a be


    !. Wire ro-es tat are su--ied as rigging on *ranes /ust ae te 'oo+ing design 'a*tors;

    J ie or running ro-es tat +ind on dru/s or -ass oer seaes

    " $.5 to 1

    " 5.0 to 1 +en on a to+er *rane

    J -endants or standing ro-es

    " $.0 to 1

    $. A +ire ro-e /ust be

    J stee +ire ro-e o' te t-e, sie, grade, and *onstru*tion re*o//ended b te

    /anu'a*turer o' te *rane


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    J *o/-atibe +it te seaes and dru/ o' te *rane

    J ubri*ated to -reent *orrosion and +ear.

    4. e ro-e /ust not be s-i*ed.

    5. e ro-e /ust ae its end *onne*tions se*ure 'astened and ke-t +it at east tree 'u turns

    on te dru/.

    . Rotation"resistant +ire ro-e /ust not be used as *abe 'or boo/ oist reeing and -endants, or

    +ere an inner +ire or strand is da/aged or broken.

    A -ro-er see*ted ro-e +i

    J +itstand re-eated bending +itout 'aiure o' te +ire strands 'ro/ 'atigue

    J resist abrasion

    J +itstand distortion and *rusing

    J resist rotation

    J resist *orrosion.

    Ty*es of !onstruction

    e nu/ber o' +ires in a ro-e is an i/-ortant 'a*tor in deter/ining a ro-eGs *ara*teristi*s. ut

    te arrange/ent o' te +ires in te strand is aso i/-ortant.

    asic !ypes

    e 'our basi* *onstru*tions are iustrated in %igure 1 ;

    1. Ordinary I a +ires are te sa/esie.

    !. /arrin$ton I outer +ires are aternate arger ands/aer.

    $. (illerI s/a +ires 'i s-a*es bet+een arger +ires.

    4. Seale I +ires o' outer aer are arger dia/eter tan +ires o' inneraer.

    On ro-es o' Ordinary *onstru*tion te strands are buit in aers. e basi* seen"+ire strand

    *onsists o' si& +ires aid around a *entra +ire. A nineteen"+ire strand is *onstru*ted b adding a

    aer o' t+ee +ires oer a seen"+ire strand. Adding a tird aer o' eigteen +ires resuts in a

    $7"+ire strand.

    3n tis t-e o' *onstru*tion te +ires in ea* aer ae di''erent a engts. is /eans tat te

    +ires in adDa*ent aers *onta*t ea* oter at an ange. Wen te ro-e is oaded te +ires rub

    against ea* oter +it a sa+ing a*tion. is *auses eentua 'aiure o' te +ires at tese -oints.

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    (i$ure "


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    /ire Ro*e Ins*ection

    3t is essentia to ae a +e"-anned -rogra/ o' reguar ins-e*tion *arried out b an e&-erien*ed


    A +ire ro-e in *ontinuous seri*e soud be *e*ked dai during nor/a o-eration and ins-e*ted

    on a +eek basis. A *o/-ete and toroug ins-e*tion o' a ro-es in use /ust be /ade at east

    on*e a /ont. Ro-e ide 'or a /ont or /ore soud be gien a toroug ins-e*tion be'ore it is

    returned to seri*e.

    A re*ord o' ea* ro-e soud in*ude date o' instaation, sie, *onstru*tion, engt, e&tent o'

    seri*e and an de'e*ts 'ound.e ins-e*tor +i de*ide +eter te ro-e /ust be re/oed 'ro/ seri*e. 2is de*ision +i be

    based on;

    1. detais o' te eui-/ent on +i* te ro-e as been used,

    !. /aintenan*e istor o' te eui-/ent,

    $. *onseuen*es o' 'aiure, and

    4. e&-erien*e +it si/iar eui-/ent.

    Conditions su* as te 'oo+ing soud be ooked 'or during ins-e*tion.

    Bro7en /iresO**asiona +ire breaks are nor/a 'or /ost ro-es and are not *riti*a -roided te are at +e

    s-a*ed interas. :ote te area and +at* *are'u 'or an 'urter +ire breaks. roken +ire ends

    soud be re/oed as soon as -ossibe b bending te broken ends ba*k and 'ort +it a -air o'

    -iers. is +a broken ends +i be e't tu*ked bet+een te strands.

    Constru*tion reguations under e Occupational Health and Safety Act estabis *riteria 'or

    retiring a ro-e based on te nu/ber o' +ire breaks.

    /orn and A)raded /ires

    Abrasie +ear *auses te outer +ires to be*o/e E>F sa-ed. ese +orn areas are o'ten sin in

    a--earan*e (%igure !). e ro-e /ust be re-a*ed i' +ear e&*eeds 1H$ o' te dia/eter o' te +ires.

    Reduction in Ro*e Diameter

    Redu*tion in ro-e dia/eter *an be *aused b abrasion

    o' outside +ires, *rusing o' te *ore, inner +ire 'aiure,

    or a oosening o' te ro-e a. A ne+ ro-es stret*

    sigt and de*rease in dia/eter a'ter being used.


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    Snagged +ires resuting 'ro/ dru/ *rusing

    Ro-e tat as been Da//ed a'ter Du/-ing o''seae

    Ro-e subDe*ted to dru/ *rusing. :ote tedistortion o' te indiidua +ires and dis-a*e/ent'ro/ teir origina -ostion. is is usua *ausedb te ro-e s*rubbing on itse'.

    Lo*aied *rusingo' ro-e >ru/ *rusing

    Wit no /ore tan ! aers on dru/,use an kind o' ro-e.

    Wit /ore tan ! aers on dru/, tere is dangero' *rusing. @se arger ro-e or 3WRC ro-e.


    STRANDS (i$ure


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    Ro*e Stretch

    A stee ro-es +i stret* during initia -eriods o' use. Caed E*onstru*tiona stret*F, tis

    *ondition is -er/anent. 3t resuts +en +ires in te strands and strands in te ro-e seat

    te/sees under oad. Ro-e stret* *an be re*ognied b in*reased a engt. Si&"strand ro-es

    +i stret* about si& in*es -er 100 'eet o' ro-e +ie eigt"strand ro-es stret* a--ro&i/ate 10

    in*es -er 100 'eet. Ro-e stret*ed b /ore tan tis a/ount /ust be re-a*ed.


    Corrosion is a er dangerous *ondition be*ause it *an deeo- inside te ro-e +itout beingseen. 3nterna rusting +i a**eerate +ear due to in*reased abrasion as +ires rub against one

    anoter. Wen -itting is obsered, *onsider re-a*ing te ro-e. :oti*eabe rusting and broken

    +ires near atta*/ents are aso *auses 'or re-a*e/ent. Corrosion *an be /ini/ied b

    kee-ing te ro-e +e ubri*ated.

    !rushed+ (lattened or Fammed Strands

    ese dangerous *onditions reuire tat te ro-e be re-a*ed (%igure $). e are o'ten te

    resut o' *rusing on te dru/.

    Hi$h Strandin$ and 5nlayin$

    ese *onditions +i *ause te oter strands to be*o/e oeroaded. Re-a*e te ro-e or rene+

    te end *onne*tion to reset te ro-e a (%igure 4).

    HIGH STRANDING(i$ure 1


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    Bird !a$in$

    ird *aging is *aused b te ro-e being t+isted or b a sudden reease o' an oeroad (%igure 5 ).

    e ro-e, or te a''e*ted se*tion, /ust be re-a*ed.

    Muti"strand ro-e Ebird*agesF be*ause o' torsiona unbaan*e. -i*a

    o'buidu- seen at an*orage end o' /uti"'a *rane a--i*ation.

    A bird*age *aused b sudden reease o' tension

    and resuting rebound o' ro-e 'ro/ oeroaded *ondition. ese

    strands and +ires +i not return to teir origina -ositions.

    A bird*age +i* as been 'or*ed troug a tigt seae.


    (i$ure 4

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    inking is *aused b 3oo-s tat ae been dra+n too tigt as a resut o' i/-ro-er anding (%igure

    ). inks are -er/anent and +i reuire tat te ro-e, or da/aged se*tion, be taken out o' seri*e.

    !ore 6rotrusion

    Core -rotrusion *an be *aused b so*k oads andHor torsiona i/baan*e (%igure 7). is

    *ondition reuires tat te ro-e be taken out o' seri*e.

    lectrical !ontactRo-e subDe*ted to ee*tri*a *onta*t +i ae +ires tat are 'used, dis*ooured or anneaed and

    /ust be re/oed 'ro/ seri*e.

    An o-en kink ike tis is o'ten *aused b i/-ro-er

    anding and un*oiing as so+n.

    ese ro-es so+ te seere da/age resuting 'ro/ te use o' kinked ro-es.

    Lo*a +ear, distortion, /is-a*ed +ires, and ear 'aiure are ineitabe.

    RO6 ,IN,S


    Core -rotrusion as a resuto' torsiona unbaan*e*reated b so*k oading

    ?rotrusion o' 3WRC'ro/ so*k oading


    (i$ure E

  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    (i$ure 3 illustrates e@am*les of ro*e dama$e+ .hile Ta)le identifies li7ely causes of ty*ical faults:

    :arro+ -at o' +ear resuting in 'atigue 'ra*tures *ausedb +orking in a gross oersied grooe or oer s/asu--ort roers.

    reaku- o' 3WRC 'ro/ ig stress. :ote ni*king o' +ires inouter strands

    +o -arae -ats o' broken +ires indi*ate bending

    troug an undersie grooe in te seat.

    Wire 'ra*tures at te strand or *ore inter'a*e, as distin*t

    'ro/ *ro+n 'ra*tures, *aused b 'aiure o' *ore su--ort.

    %atigue 'aiure o' +ire ro-e subDe*ted to ea oads oers/a seaes. 3n addition to te usua *ro+n breaks, tereare breaks in te aes o' te strands *aused b strandni*king 'ro/ oeroading.

    Wire ro-e so+s seere +ear and 'atigue 'ro/ runningoer s/a seaes +it ea oads and *onstantabrasion.

    Ro-e 'aiing 'ro/ 'atigue a'ter bending oer s/a seaes.Wire ro-e tat as Du/-ed a seae. e ro-e is de'or/edinto a *ur as toug bent around a round sa't.

    Me*ani*a da/age due to ro-e /oe/ent oer sar-edge under oad. Ro-e break due to e&*essie strain.

    TC6I!AL RO6 DAMAG 8continued on the ne@t *a$e9

    (i$ure 3

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    Ra-id a--earan*e o' /an broken +ires.A singe strand re/oed 'ro/ a +ire ro-e subDe*tedto Estrand ni*kingF. is *ondition is te resut o'adDa*ent strands rubbing against one anoter and isusua *aused b *ore 'aiure due to *ontinuedo-eration o' a ro-e under ig tensie oad. euti/ate resut +i be indiidua +ire breaks in te

    Wear and da/age on one side o' ro-e. aes o' te strands.


    (i$ure 3 8continued9


    %A@L ?OSS3L< CA@S< %A@L ?OSS3L< CA@Sa/aged seaes and dru/s.

    roken Wires :ear%ittings

    Ro-e ibration.

    urns Seae grooe too s/a.Seaes too ea.Seae bearings seied.Ro-e dragged oer obsta*e.

    Ra-id A--earan*eo' roken Wires

    Ro-e is not 'e&ibe enoug.Seaes, roers, dru/s too s/a in dia/eter.Oeroad and so*k oad.istortions

    3/-ro-er instaation.3/-ro-er anding.

    Redu*tion in>ia/eter

    roken *ore.Oeroad.Corrosion.Seere +ear.

    isturbed ro-e a.Ro-e unas.Load s-ins.

  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    6rocedures and 6recautions .ith /ire Ro*e

    J o not dro- ro-e 'ro/ eigts.

    J Store a unused ro-e in a *ean, dr -a*e.

    J :eer use +ire ro-e tat as been *ut, kinked, or *rused.


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    Sings are o'ten seere +orn and abused in *onstru*tion. >a/age is *aused b;

    J 'aiure to -roide bo*king or so'teners bet+een sings and oad, tereb ao+ing sar- edges

    or *o/ers o' te oad to *ut or abrade te sings

    J -uing sings out 'ro/ under oads, eading to abrasion and kinking

    J so*k oading tat in*reases te stress on sings tat /a aread be oeroaded

    J tra''i* running oer sings, es-e*ia tra*ked eui-/ent.

    e*ause o' tese and oter *onditions, as +e as errors in *a*uating oads and esti/ating sing

    anges, it is strong re*o//ended tat +orking oad i/its be based on a design 'a*tor o' at east


    %or te sa/e reasons, sings /ust be *are'u ins-e*ted be'ore ea* use.

    Slin$ An$les

    e rated *a-a*it o' an sing de-ends on its sie, its*on'iguration, and te anges 'or/ed b its egs +it te


    %or instan*e, a t+o"eg sing used to i't 1000 -ounds

    +i ae a 500"-ound oad on ea* eg at a sing ange

    o' 90. e oad on ea* eg +i go u- as te ange

    goes do+n. At $0 te oad +i be 1000 -ounds on

    ea* eg See %igure 9.

    ee- sing anges greater tan 45 +eneer -ossibe.

    e use o' an sing at an ange o+er tan $0 is

    e&tre/e aardous. is is es-e*ia true +en anerror o' on 5 in esti/ating te sing ange *an be so


    Slin$ !onfi$urations

    Sings are not on /ade o' arious /ateria su* as

    +ire ro-e and non +eb. e aso *o/e in arious

    *on'igurations 'or di''erent -ur-oses. Co//on

    *on'igurations are e&-ained on te 'oo+ing -ages.

    (i$ure -

  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    Slin$ !onfi$urations

    e ter/ EsingF *oers a +ide ariet o' *on'igurations 'or 'ibre ro-es, +ire ro-es, *ains and

    +ebs. Corre*t a--i*ation o' sings *o//on used in *onstru*tion +i be e&-ained ere be*ause

    i/-ro-er a--i*ation *an be dangerous.

    e Sin$le ertical Hitch (%igure 10) su--orts a oad b a singe erti*a -art or eg o' te sing.

    e tota +eigt o' te oad is *arried b a singe eg, te sing ange is 90 (sing ange is

    /easured 'ro/ te orionta) and te +eigt o' te oad *an eua te +orking oad i/it o' te

    sing and 'ittings.

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    e Dou)le Bas7et Hitch (%igure 15) *onsists o' t+o singe basket it*es -a*ed under te

    oad. On s/oot sur'a*es te egs +i tend to dra+ togeter as te oad is i'ted. o *ounter tis,

    bra*e te it* against a *ange in *ontour, or oter reiabe /eans, to -reent te sings 'ro/

    si--ing. Nou /ust kee- te egs 'ar enoug a-art to -roide baan*e, but not so 'ar a-art tat

    te *reate anges beo+ 0 degrees 'ro/ te orionta. On s/oot sur'a*es, a Dou)le /ra*

    Bas7et Hitch /a be a better *oi*e.

    R3B2 o -reent

    egs 'ro/si--ing

    o -reent

    si--age kee-ange 0or /ore.

    WRO:B Legs +isidetogeter.

    0 or /ore


    (i$ure "4

    e Dou)le /ra* Bas7et Hitch (%igure 1) is a basket it* +ra--ed *o/-ete around te oad

    and *o/-ressing it rater tan /ere su--orting it, as does te ordinar basket it*. e doube

    +ra- basket it* *an be used in -airs ike te doube basket it*. is /etod is e&*eent 'or

    anding oose /ateria, -i-e, rod or s/oot *indri*a oads be*ause te sing is in 'u $0

    *onta*t +it te oad and tends to dra+ it togeter.

    is it**o/-resseste oad and-reents it'ro/ si--ingout o' tesings. ?air o' >oube Wra- asket 2it*es


    (i$ure "


  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    e Sin$le !ho7er Hitch (%igure 17) 'or/s a noose in te ro-e. 3t does not -roide 'u $0

    *onta*t +it te oad, o+eer, and tere'ore soud not be used to i't oads di''i*ut to baan*e

    or oose bunded. Coker it*es are use'u 'or turning oads and 'or resisting a oad tat +ants

    to turn.

    :ot re*o//ended+en oads are ong.


  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    @sing a *oker it* +it t+o egs (%igure 1#) -roides stabiit 'or onger oads. Like te singe

    *oker, tis *on'iguration does not *o/-ete gri- te oad. Nou /ust i't te oad orionta +it

    sings o' een engt to -reent te oad 'ro/ siding out. Nou soud i't oose"bunded oads

    +it a >oube Wra- Coker 2it*.

    (i$ure "3

    A Dou)le /ra* !ho7er Hitch (%igure 19) is 'or/ed b +ra--ing te sing *o/-ete around te

    oad and ooking it into te erti*a -art o' te sing. is it* is in 'u $0 *onta*t +it te oadand tends to dra+ it tigt togeter. 3t *an be used eiter sing on sort, easi baan*ed oads

    or in -airs on onger oads.

    is it**o/-resses teoad and -reentsit 'ro/ si--ingout o' te sing.

    ?air o' >oube Wra- Cokers


    (i$ure "-

    ndless Slin$s or Grommet Slin$s (%igure !0) are use'u 'or a ariet o' a--i*ations.

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  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    Slin$ An$les

    e tota +eigt tat ou *an -i*k u- +it a set o' sings is redu*ed +en te sings are used at

    anges ('or/ed te +it orionta). %or instan*e, t+o sings used to i't 1000 -ounds +i ae a

    500" -ound 'or*e on ea* sing (or eg) at a sing ange o' 90 degrees (see %igure !!b). e 'or*e

    on ea* eg in*reases as te ange goes do+n. At $0 degrees te 'or*e +i be 1000 -ounds on

    ea* eg

    ee- sing anges greater tan 45 degrees +eneer -ossibe. @sing an sing at an ange o+er

    tan$0 degrees is e&tre/e aardous. 3n su* *ases, an error o' 5 degrees in esti/ating te sing

    *an be er dangerous. e sar- in*rease in oading at o+ anges is *ear so+n in %igure !!a.

    Lo+ sing anges aso *reate arge, *o/-ressie 'or*es on te oad tat /a *ause bu*kingKes-e*ia in onger 'e&ibe oads.


    SL3:B A:BL< 3: >

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    So/e oad tabes ist sing anges as o+ as 15 but te use o' an sing at an ange ess tan $0

    is e&tre/e dangerous. :ot on are te oads in ea* eg ig at tese o+ anges but an error in

    /easure/ent as itte as 5 *an a''e*t te oad in te sing drasti*a. %or e&a/-e, te data in

    %igure !$ iustrates te e''e*t o' a 5 error in ange /easure/ent on te sing oad. :oti*e tat

    tere is a 50 error in te assu/ed oad at te 15 sing ange.

    (i$ure '






    (?ounds ?er Leg)

    A*tua Ange(is 5 Less an

    Assu/ed Ange)

    A*tua Load(?ounds ?er Leg)

  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    !entre of Gra2ity

    3t is a+as i/-ortant to rig te oad so tat it is stabe. e oadGs *entre o' grait /ust be

    dire*t under te /ain ook and beo+ te o+est sing atta*/ent -oint be'ore te oad is i'ted

    (%igure !4).

    @nstabe ook isnot aboeC o' B. Load +i si't

    unti C o' B isbeo+ ook


    C o' B is aboei't -oints.

    Stabe I 2ook

    is aboe *entero' grait.

    ((!T O( !NTR O( GRAITC ON LI(T

    (i$ure '1

    Centre o' grait is te -oint around +i* an obDe*tGs +eigt is een baan*ed. e entire

    +eigt /a be *onsidered *on*entrated at tis -oint. A sus-ended obDe*t +i a+as /oe unti its

    *entre o' grait is dire*t beo+ its sus-ension -oint. o /ake a ee or stabe i't, te *rane or

    ook bo*k /ust be dire*t aboe tis -oint )efore the load is lifted. us a oad +i* is sungaboe and troug te *entre o' grait +i not to--e or side out o' te sings (%igure !5).


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    Load intis egis *riti*a

    @nstabee oad *an to--e be*ause teatta*/ents are beo+ te C o' B.

    StabeAtta*/ents areaboe te C o' B.

    ((!T O( !NTR O( GRAITC ON LI(T

    (i$ure '4

    3' an obDe*t is s//etri*a in sa-e and uni'or/ in *o/-osition, its *entre o' grait +i ie at its

    geo/etri* *entre. e *entre o' grait o' an odd sa-ed obDe*t, o+eer, *an be di''i*ut to

    o*ate. One +a to esti/ate its o*ation is to guess +ere te *entre o' grait ies, rig te oad

    a**ording, signa 'or a tria i't, and ten +at* te /oe/ent o' te sus-ended oad. e *entreo' grait +i seek to /oe, +itin te *onstraints o' our rigging, to+ard te ine dra+n erti*a

    'ro/ te ook to te ground (Dust ike a -u/b bob). AdDust te sing sus-ension 'or te best

    baan*e and stabiit.

    e *entre o' grait a+as seeks out te o+est -oint to+ard te ground. %or tis reason, te

    sing atta*/ent -oints on our oad soud be o*ated aboe te *entre o' grait +eneer

    -ra*ti*a. 3' te sing atta*/ent -oints ie beo+ te *entre o' grait, our oad *oud 'i- oer or


    Wen te *entre o' grait is *oser to one sing eg tan to te oter, te *osest sing eg bears a

    greater sare o' te +eigt.

    Wen a oad tits a'ter it is i'ted, te tension in*reases in one sing eg and de*reases on te oter

    sing eg. 3' our oad tits, and te oad and rig it again to euaie te oad on ea* eg.

  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    /or7in$ Load Limits

    no+edge o' +orking oad i/its (WLLs) is essentia to te use o' ro-es, sings, and rigging

    ard+are. As indi*ated in -reious se*tions, te +orking oad i/it soud be sta/-ed, -ressed,

    -rinted, tagged, or oter+ise indi*ated on a rigging eui-/ent.

    "iel# Calculation "ormula

    e field calculation formula *an be used to *o/-ute te +orking oad i/it o' a +ire ro-e in

    tons (!,000 -ounds). e 'or/ua a--ies to ne+ +ire ro-e o' 3/-roed ?o+ stee and a design

    'a*tor o' 5.

    WLL >3AM

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    Slin$ An$le an# W%%

    3n rigging tabes, sing *a-a*ities are reated to set anges o' 90 degrees, 0 degrees, 45 degrees,

    and $0 degrees. Measuring anges in te 'ied *an be di''i*utU o+eer, ou *an deter/ine tree

    o' te/ +it readi aaiabe toos. Wen a 90"degree ange is 'or/ed at te *rane ook, ou *an

    /easure tis +it a suare. 3t 'or/s t+o 45"degree anges at te oad (see %igure !).

    90 ange at ook*orresonds to45 sing ange


    (i$ure '

    A 0"degree ange *an aso be easi identi'ied (see %igure !7). Wit a t+o"eg brida it*, a 0"

    degree ange is 'or/ed +en te distan*e bet+een te atta*/ent -oints on te oad euas te

    engt o' te sing eg.

    Wen L S,sing ange is 0

    0 SLING ANGL(i$ure 'E


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    &stimatin$ Slin$ W%%s

    e*ause it is di''i*ut to re/e/ber a oad, sie, and sing ange *o/binations -roided in tabes,

    so/e genera rues *an be used to esti/ate +orking oad i/its 'or *o//on sing *on'igurations.

  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    Bridle Hitches 8'=Le$9 8(i$ure '-9

    e 'or/ua 'or te WLL o' a t+o"eg brida it* is;

    WLL (o' t+o"eg it*) WLL (o' singe erti*a it*) & 2HL & !

    Wen sing egs are not o' euaengt, use s/aest 2HL ratio.


    (i$ure '-

    Bridle Hitches 8= and 1=Le$9 8(i$ures 0 and "9e 'or/ua 'or te WLL o' a $"eg brida it* is;

    WLL ($"eg it*) WLL (singe erti*a it*) & 2HL & $

    e 'or/ua 'or te WLL o' a 4"eg brida it* is;

    WLL (4"eg it*) WLL (singe erti*a it*) & 2HL & 4

    ree"eg it*es are ess sus*e-tibe to uneua distribution sin*e te oad *an tit and euaie

    te oads in ea* eg. 2o+eer, i'ting an irreguar sa-ed, rigid oad +it a tree"eg it* /a

    deeo- uneua oads in te sing egs. o be sa'e, use te 'or/ua 'or a t+o"eg bride it*

    under su* *ir*u/stan*es.

    Wen egs are noto' eua engt, uses/aest 2HL ratio.



    (i$ure 0



    (i$ure "

    :ote; Wit $" and 4"eg brida it*es, te oad *an be *arried b on t+o egs +ie te tird

    and 'ourt egs si/- baan*e te oad. ere'ore, in tese situations ou soud be *autious

    and use te 'or/ua 'or a !"eg *on'iguration.5

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    !A5TIONree" and 'our"eg brida it*es are sus*e-tibe to une

  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    Dou)le Bas7et Hitch

    %or erti*a egs;

    WLL WLL (o' singe erti*a it*) & $

    %or in*ined egs;

    WLL WLL (o' singe erti*a it*) & 2HL & $

    Dou)le /ra* Bas7et Hitch

    >e-ending on *on'iguration, WLLs are te sa/e

    as 'or te singe basket or doube basket it*.



    Sin$le !ho7er Hitch%or *oker anges o' 45 degrees or /ore;

    WLL WLL (o' singe erti*a it*) & $H4

    A *oker ange ess tan 45 degrees

    ('or/ed b te *oker) is not

    re*o//ended due to e&tre/e

    oading on te sing. 3' te ange

    does go beo+ 45 degrees, use *aution

    be*ause it *oud si- tigter during te

    i't. A-- te 'oo+ing 'or/ua;

    WLL WLL (o' singe erti*a it*) &AH

    Wen tis ange is greater tan 45WLL WLL (o' singe erti*a it*) & $H4

    ndless and Grommet Slin$s

    Wen tis ange is ess tan 45WLL WLL (o' singe erti*a it*) &AH



    Atoug gro//et sings su--ort a oad +it t+o egs, teir +orking oad i/it is usua taken as

    1.5 ti/es te +orking oad i/it o' a singe erti*a it*. is redu*tion ao+s 'or *a-a*it ost

    be*ause o' sar- bends at te ook or sa*ke.


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    T.o=Le$ !ho7er Hitches

    Wit t+o"eg *oker it*es tere are t+o redu*tions to *onsider;

    1. te anges 'or/ed b te *oker

    !. te ange 'or/ed b te sing (brida it*).

    %or brida"it* sing anges;

    WLL WLL (o' singe erti*a it*) & 2HL & !

    %or *oker anges o' 45 degrees or /ore;

    WLL WLL (o' singe erti*a it*) & $H4

    A *oker ange ess tan 45 degrees ('or/ed b te *oker) is not re*o//ended due to

    e&tre/eoading o' te sing. 3' te ange does go beo+ 45 degrees, use *aution be*ause it *an

    si- tigter during te i't. A-- te 'oo+ing 'or/ua; WLL WLL (o' singe erti*a it*) & AH

    Wen ou *a*uate bot redu*tions togeter, te WLL is *a*uated as 'oo+s;

    WLL WLL (o' singe erti*a it*) & 2HL & ! & $H4.

    Or, 'or s/a *oker anges, te 'or/ua is;

    WLL WLL (o' singe erti*a it*) & 2HL & ! & AH.

    Wen te *oker ange is greater tan 45WLL WLL (o' singe erti*a it*) & $H4 & 2HL & !

    Wen te *oker ange is ess tan 45WLL WLL (o' singe erti*a it*) & AH & 2HL & !


    Dou)le /ra* !ho7er Hitch

    >e-ending on *on'iguration, +orking oad i/its are te sa/e as 'or te Singe Coker 2it* or te>oube Coker 2it*.


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    Ty*es of Slin$s

    Wire ro-e sings soud be ins-e*ted 'reuent 'or broken +ires, kinks, abrasion and *orrosion.

    3ns-e*tion -ro*edures and re-a*e/ent *riteria outined in te session on +ire ro-e a-- and

    /ust be 'oo+ed regardess o' sing t-e or a--i*ation.

    A +ire ro-e sings soud be /ade o' i/-roed -o+ stee +it inde-endent +ire ro-e *ores to

    redu*e te risk o' *rusing. Manu'a*turers +i assist in see*ting te ro-e *onstru*tion 'or a gien


    It is recommended that all eyes in .ire ro*e slin$s )e eHd ratioF to e&-ress te seerit o' bend.

    E>F is te dia/eter o' *urature tat te ro-e or sing is subDe*ted to and EdF is te dia/eter o' te


    /ire Ro*e Slin$se use o' +ire ro-e sings 'or i'ting /aterias

    -roides seera adantages oer oter t-es o'

    sing. Wie not as strong as *ain, it as good

    'e&ibiit +it /ini/u/ +eigt. reaking outer +ires

    +arn o' 'aiure and ao+ ti/e to rea*t. ?ro-er

    'abri*ated +ire ro-e sings are er sa'e 'or genera

    *onstru*tion use.

    On s/oot sur'a*es, te basket it* soud be

    snubbed against a ste- or *ange o' *ontour to

    -reent te ro-e 'ro/ si--ing as oad is a--ied.

    e ange bet+een te oad and te sing soud be

    a--ro&i/ate 0 degrees or greater to aoid


    On +ooden bo&es or *rates, te ro-e +i dig into

    te +ood su''i*ient to -reent si--age. On oter

    re*tanguar oads, te ro-e soud be -rote*ted b

    guards or oad -rote*tors at te edges to -reent


    Loads soud not be ao+ed to turn or side aong

    te ro-e during a i't. e sing or te oad /a

    be*o/e s*u''ed or da/aged.


    WRO:BLegs +i sidetogeter.

    o -reentsi--age,kee- ange0 or /ore.

    0 or /ore


  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    /or7in$ Load Limit 8/LL9# Tons of '000 l)s

    5NI=LO! =strand /ire Ro*e Slin$s= @ "-+ @ '+ @ '4 and @ I/R! =

    Desi$n (actor ? 4

    ertical !ho7er' Slin$ Bridle+ or sin$le Bas7et Hitch

    Weigt o'one 10 'tong Std

    Nom: Loo- SingRo*e +Ho anDia: ard+areInch 0X 14X 0X a--ro&. bs

    "1 0:4 0:13 ":" 0:-" 0:4 1. &H3 ":1 ":" ':4 ':0 ":1 $.5"H' ':4 ":- 1:1 : ':4 .#

    4H3 &:- ':- D:3 4:4 &:- 10.9&H1 4: 1:" -:E E:- 4: 1.5

    EH3 E:D 4:D "& "" E:D !$.5" -:3 E:' "E "1 -:3 $!.5

    "="H3 "' -:" '" "E "' 41.0"="1 "4 "" ' '" "4 5$.5

    "=&H3 "3 "& &" '4 "3 #.5"="' '" " E 0 '" #5.0

    "=&H1 '3 '" 1- 10 '3 1$0.0' E '3 4' E 17#.0

    '="H1 11 &4 EE D& 11 !4$.0'="' 41 1' -1 EE 41 $15.0

    %or Coker rideSing, /uti-aues b $H4.

    %or >oubeasket Sing,

    /uti- auesb !.

    :OHd ratio o' !5.

    Re-rinted +it -er/ission 'ro/ @:3RO?< Ltd.


  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    !hain Slin$s

    Cain sings are suited to a--i*ations reuiring 'e&ibiit and resistan*e to abrasion, *utting and

    ig te/-eratures.

    Ao stee *ain grade #0 is /arked +it an #, #0, or #00U grade 100 is /arked +it a 10, 100, or

    1000. Ao stee *ain is te on t-e +i* *an be used 'or oeread i'ting.

    As +it a sings and asso*iated ard+are, *ain sings /ust ae a design 'a*tor o' 5. 3n :ort

    A/eri*a, *ain /anu'a*turers usua gie +orking oad i/its based on a design 'a*tor o' $.5 or

    4. A+as *e*k +it /anu'a*turers to deter/ine te design 'a*tor on +i* teir +orking oad

    i/its are based.

    3' te design 'a*tor is ess tan 5, *a*uate te +orking oad i/it o' te *ain b /uti-ing te

    *ataogue +orking oad i/it b te /anu'a*turerGs design 'a*tor and diiding b 5.

    C A ALOB@< WLL & MA:@%AC@R.%. WLL (based on design 'a*tor o' 5)5

    @am*leI 1H!F Ao Stee Cain Cataogue WLL 1$,000 3bs.

    >esign %a*tor $.5

    1$,000 3bs & $.5 9,100 3bs.5

    is *ain sing /ust be de"rated to 9,100 3bs. 'or *onstru*tion a--i*ations.

    Wereer te bear on sar- edges, *ain sings soud be -added to -reent inks 'ro/ being

    bent and to -rote*t te oad. :eer tie a knot in a *ain sing to sorten te rea*. Sings *an be

    su--ied +it grab ooks or sortening *ut*es 'or su* a--i*ations.

    3ns-e*t *ain sings 'or inner ink +ear and +ear on te outside o' te ink barres (%igure $$).

    Manu'a*turers -ubis tabes o' ao+abe +ear 'or arious ink sies. Man *o/-anies +i aso

    su-- +ear gauges to indi*ate +en a sing /ust be retired or inks re-a*ed. Bauges or tabes

    'ro/ a -arti*uar /anu'a*turer soud on be used on tat brand o' *ain sin*e e&a*t di/ensions

    o' a gien no/ina sie *an ar 'ro/ one /anu'a*turer to anoter.


  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    e de-t o' a *i-s, *uts, et*., /ustnot e&*eed tat ao+ed b /anu'a*turer.


    (i$ure 1

    :eer use re-air inks or /e*ani*a *ou-ing inks to s-i*e broken engts o' ao stee *ain. e

    are /u* +eaker tan te *ain inks. :eer use a *ain i' te inks are stret*ed or do not /oe


    /or7in$ Load Limit 8/LL9# LBS

    RIGGRJS !HOI! !hain Slin$s= Grade 30 O2erhead Liftin$ !hain =

    Desi$n (actor ? 1

    /or7in$ Load Limit 8/LL9# LBS

    RIGGRJS !HOI! !hain Slin$s= Grade 30 O2erhead Liftin$ !hain =

    Desi$n (actor ? 1

    ertical !ho7er' Slin$ Bridle+ or sin$le Bas7et Hitch '=le$ AdKusta)le Bridle 8ADOS= & 1=le$ Bridle Slin$ 8TOS;OS9

    Weigt o'one 10't

    ong *aineg +it

    Nom:!hainDia:inch 0X 14X 0X

    Link and2ook(SOS)

    a--ro& bs

    Nom:!hainDia:inch 0X 14X 0X 0X 14 0X

    -' +400 '+300 +"00 1+-00 +400 9.5 -' +"00 1+-00 +400 -+"00 E+100 4+'00 3 E+"00 4+30 "'+00 "0+000 E+"00 !0.0 3 "'+00 "0+000 E+"00 "3+100 "4+"00 "0+00

    "' "'+000 -+00 '0+300 "E+000 "'+000 $.7 "' '0+300 "E+000 "'+000 "+'00 '4+400 "3+000

    43 "3+"00 "1+130 "+00 '4+00 "3+"00 5$.5 43 "+00 '4+00 "3+"00 1E+000 3+400 'E+"00

    1 '3+00 ''+10 1-+000 10+000 '3+00 #9.0 1 1-+000 10+000 '3+00 E+400 0+000 1'+100

    (or Desi$n (actor 4#" for !onstruction sites multi*ly 2alues )y :30: (or Desi$n (actor 4#" for !onstruction sites multi*ly 2alues )y :30:

    %or Coker rideSing, /uti-

    %or >oube asket

    2it* /uti- aboeRemo2e alloy liftin$ chain from ser2ice if you detect#


    aues b aues b !.gouged,

    burned, or*orroded

    Links+i* are


    Links+i* are


    :Oo not use Cain i' e&-osed to te/-eratures oer !0X C (500X %).$) Re/oe *ain 'ro/ seri*e i' inks are bent or stret*ed (/ore tan

    Wear o' /oretan 10

    Links +i* arestret*ed or *oseu- and get onger

    Ce*k /aster inks and ooks. 2ooks /ust bere/oed i' o-ened u- or t+isted. Sings +itno, or unreadabe tags /ust be dis*arded. >oNOT tr to re-air te sing ourse'.

    5) or ooks are bent o-en (at*es donGt *ose an/ore).4) >o NOT knot *ain to sorten it. @se -ro-er *ain sorteners.5) >o NOT tr to re-air te *ain ourse'.) 3n reguar interas ae *ain ins-e*ted, -roo'"oaded, and re"*erti'ied.

    :Oo not use Cain i' e&-osed to te/-eratures oer !0X C (500X %).

    !) >o NOT knot *ain to sorten it. @se -ro-er *ain sorteners.$) >o NOT tr to re-air te *ain ourse'.4) 3n reguar interas ae *ain ins-e*ted, -roo'"oaded, and re"*erti'ied.

    Re-rinted +it -er/ission 'ro/ @:3RO?< Ltd.



    Consut @niro-e

  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    Synthetic /e) Slin$s

    Web sings are aaiabe in t+o /aterias I non and -oester (>a*ron). :on is resistant to

    /an akais +ereas -oester is resistant to /an a*ids. Consut te /anu'a*turer be'ore using

    +eb sings in a *e/i*a eniron/ent. :on sings are /ore *o//on but -oester sings are

    o'ten re*o//ended +ere eadroo/ is i/ited sin*e te stret* on a' as /u* as non


    Snteti* +eb sings o''er a nu/ber o' adantages 'or rigging -ur-oses.

    I eir reatie so'tness and +idt *reate /u* ess tenden* to /ar or s*rat* 'ine /a*ined,

    ig -oised or -ainted sur'a*es and ess tenden* to *rus 'ragie obDe*ts tan 'ibre ro-e,

    +ire ro-e or *ain sings (%igure $5).


    LOADS (i$ure 4

    I e*ause o' teir 'e&ibiit, te tend to /od te/sees to te sa-e o' te oad (%igure $).


    LOAD (i$ure

    I e do not rust and tus +i not stain orna/enta -re*ast *on*rete or stone.

    I e are non"s-arking and *an be used sa'e in e&-osie at/os-eres.

    I e /ini/ie t+isting and s-inning during i'ting.

    I eir igt +eigt -er/its ease o' rigging, teir so'tness -re*udes and *uts, and te danger o'

    ar/ 'ro/ a 'ree"s+inging sing is /ini/a.

    I e are easti* and stret* under oad /ore tan eiter +ire ro-e or *ain and *an tus absorb

    ea so*ks and *usion oads. 3n *ases +ere sing stret*ing /ust be /ini/ied, a sing o'

    arger oad *a-a*it or a -oester sing soud be used.

    Snteti* +eb sings are aaiabe in a nu/ber o' *on'igurations use'u in *onstru*tion.


  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    ndless or Grommet Slin$s > bot ends o' one -ie*e o' +ebbing a--ed and se+n to 'or/ a

    *ontinuous -ie*e. e *an be used as erti*a it*es, bride it*es, in *oker arrange/ents or

    as basket it*es. e*ause oad *onta*t -oints *an be si'ted +it eer i't, +ear is een

    distributed and sing i'e e&tended (%igure $7).


    (i$ure E

    Standard ye=and=ye > +ebbing asse/bed and se+n to 'or/ a 'at bod sing +it an ee at

    ea* end and ee o-enings in te sa/e -ane as te sing bod. e ees /a be eiter 'u +eb

    +idt or ta-ered b being 'oded and se+n narro+er tan te +ebbing +idt (%igure $#).


  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx



    (i$ure -

    3n -a*e o' se+n ees, +eb sings are aaiabe +it /eta end 'ittings. e /ost *o//on are

    triange and *oker ard+are. Co/bination ard+are *onsists o' a triange 'or one end o' te singand a triangeHre*tange (*oker atta*/ent) 'or te oter end. Wit tis arrange/ent, *oker and

    basket as +e as straigt it*es /a be rigged. Su* atta*/ents e- redu*e +ear in te sing

    ees and tus engten sing i'e (%igure 40).

    Coker Sing


  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    >es-ite teir inerent tougness, snteti* +eb sings *an be *ut b re-eated use around sar-"

    *ornered obDe*ts and abraded b *ontinua oisting roug"sur'a*ed oads.

    ?rote*tie dei*es o''ered b /ost sing /anu'a*turers *an /ini/ie tese e''e*ts.

    I Buffer stri*s o' eater, non, or oter /aterias se+n on te bod o' te sing -rote*t against

    +ear (%igure 41A). Leater -ads are /ost resistant to +ear and *utting, but are subDe*t to

    +eatering and deterioration. e are not re*o//ended in engts oer si& 'eet be*ause teir

    stret* *ara*teristi*s di''er 'ro/ tose o' +ebbing. On te oter and, non +eb +ear -ads

    are /ore resistant to +eatering, ois, grease and /ost akais. Moreoer te stret* in tesa/e ratio as te sing bod.

    I d$e $uards *onsist o' stri-s o' +ebbing or eater se+n around ea* edge o' te sing (%igure

    41). is is ne*essar +eneer sing edges are subDe*t to da/age.

    I Slee2e or slidin$ tu)e .ear *ads are aaiabe 'or sings used to ande /ateria +it sar-

    edges. e -ads are -ositioned on te sing +ere reuired, +i not /oe +en te sing

    stret*es, adDust to te oad and *oer bot sides o' te sing (%igure 41C).

    AI R

  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    3' te sing ange is too o+,te +eb *an tear ere.


    (i$ure 1'

    Sings +it au/inu/ 'ittings soud neer be used in a*id or akai eniron/ents. :on and

    -oester sings /ust not be used at te/-eratures aboe 194% (90C).

    3ns-e*t snteti* +eb sings reguar. >a/age is usua eas to dete*t. Cuts, oes, tears, 'ras,

    broken stit*ing, +orn ees and +orn or distorted 'ittings, and burns 'ro/ a*id, *austi*s or eatare i//ediate eident and signa te need 'or re-a*e/ent. >o not atte/-t re-airs ourse'.

    Synthetic .e) slin$s must )e la)elled to

    indicate their load ratin$ ca*acity:

    " +in"?at and @ni"Web 3ns-e*tion 2anding "

    e"ais /ust be isibe Coer da/age

    2eat or A*id urns Abraided +eb, 'aded *oour(@= degradation)

    :O knots in an sing

    CutsCrused +ebbing

    Snags ?un*tures


  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    Metal Mes' Slin$s

    Meta /es sings, aso kno+n as +ire or *ain /es sings, are +e ada-ted 'or use +ere oads

    are abrasie, ot or tend to *ut 'abri* sings and +ire ro-es. e resist abrasion and *utting, gri-

    te oad 'ir/ +itout stret*ing and *an +itstand te/-eratures u- to 550 (!##C). e ae

    s/oot, 'at bearing sur'a*es, *on'or/ to irreguar sa-es, do not kink or tange and resist

    *orrosion (%igure 4$).


    (i$ure 1

    %or anding oads tat +oud da/age te /es, or 'or anding oads tat te /es +oud

    da/age, te sings *an be *oated +it rubber or -asti*.

    :ote tat tere is no redu*tion in +orking oad i/it 'or te *oker it*. is is be*ause te inge

    a*tion o' te /es -reents an bending o' indiidua +ire s-iras. Ce*k te /anu'a*turerGs

    rating 'or te WLL o' te s-e*i'i* sing ou are using.


  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    (i)re Ro*e Slin$s

    %ibre ro-e sings are -re'erred 'or so/e a--i*ations be*ause te are -iant, gri- te oad +e

    and do not /ar its sur'a*e. e soud be used on on igt oads, o+eer, and /ust neer be

    used on obDe*ts tat ae sar- edges *a-abe o' *utting te ro-e or in a--i*ations +ere te

    sing +i be e&-osed to ig te/-eratures, seere abrasion or a*ids.

    e *oi*e o' ro-e t-e and sie +i de-end on te a--i*ation, te +eigt to be i'ted and te

    sing ange. e'ore i'ting an oad +it a 'ibre ro-e sing, be sure to ins-e*t te sing *are'u.

    %ibre sings, es-e*ia /ania, deteriorate 'ar /ore ra-id tan +ire ro-e sings and teir a*tuastrengt is er di''i*ut to esti/ate.

    Like oter sings, 'ibre ro-e sings soud be ins-e*ted reguar. Look 'or e&terna +ear and

    *utting, interna +ear bet+een strands, and deterioration o' 'ibres.

    O-en u- te ro-e b unt+isting te strands but take *are not to kink te/. e inside o' te ro-e

    soud be as brigt and *ean as +en it +as ne+. Ce*k 'or broken or oose arns and strands.

    An a**u/uation o' -o+der"ike dust indi*ates e&*essie interna +ear bet+een strands as te

    ro-e is 'e&ed ba*k and 'ort during use.

    O-en @- Ro-e >uring 3ns-e*tions

    6ro*er Method of O*enin$ 5* the Ro*e


  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    Ri$$in$ Hard.are

    no+ +at ard+are to use, o+ to use it, and o+ its +orking oad i/its (WLL) *o/-are +it te

    ro-e or *ain used +it it.

    A 'ittings /ust be o' adeuate strengt 'or te a--i*ation. On 'orged ao stee oad"rated

    ard+are soud be used 'or oeread i'ting. Load"rated ard+are is sta/-ed +it its WLL (%igure


    3ns-e*t ard+are reguar and be'ore ea* i't. etae signs in*ude;I +ear

    I *ra*ks

    I seere *orrosion

    I de'or/ationHbends

    I /is/at*ed -arts

    I obious da/age.

    Ce*k 'or +earand de'or/ation.

    Ce*k 'or *ra*ksand t+isting.

    Ce*k 'or signso' o-ening u-.

    Ce*k 'or +earand *ra*ks.

    Hoo7 Ins*ection Areas

    (i$ure 11 (i$ure 14

    Hoistin$ Hoo7s

    J Soud be eui--ed +it sa'et *at*es (e&*e-t 'or sorting or grab ooks).

    J Soud be 'orged ao stee +it WLL sta/-ed or /arked on te sadde.

    J Soud be oaded at te /idde o' te ook. A--ing te oad to te ti- +i oad te ook

    e**entri*a and redu*e te sa'e +orking oad *onsiderab.

    J Soud be ins-e*ted reguar and o'ten. Look 'or +ear, *ra*ks, *orrosion, and t+isting Ies-e*ia at te ti- I and *e*k troat 'or signs o' o-ening u- (%igure 45).


  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    ST6 "

    A??LN %3RS CL3? one base +idt 'ro/

    dead end o' +ire ro-e. @"ot oer dead end.

    Lie end rests in *i- sadde. igten nutseen to re*o//ended torue.

    ST6 '

    A??LN S CL3? as *ose to oo- as

    -ossibe. @"ot oer dead end. urn nuts

    'ir/ but >O :O 3B2

  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx



    J Redu*e bending oads on rigging atta*/ents b ao+ing te oad to orient itse' 'ree.

    J Soud be used instead o' sa*kes in situations +ere te sa*ke /a t+ist and be*o/e

    e**entri*a oaded.


    J Aaiabe in arious t-es (%igure 49).

    J %or oisting, soud be /anu'a*tured o' 'orged ao stee.

    J >o not re-a*e sa*ke -ins +it bots (%igure 50). ?ins are designed and /anu'a*tured to

    /at* sa*ke *a-a*it.

    J Ce*k 'or +ear, distortion, and o-ening u- (%igure 51). Ce*k *ro+n reguar 'or +ear.

    >is*ard sa*kes noti*eab +orn at te *ro+n.

    J >o not use a sa*ke +ere it +i be -ued or oaded at an ange. is seere redu*es its

    *a-a*it and o-ens u- te egs (%igure 5!).

    J >o not use s*re+ -in sa*kes i' te -in *an ro under oad and uns*re+ (%igure 5$).


  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    :eer re-a*e a sa*ke -in+it a bot

    S*re+ -in an*or sa*ke Round -in an*or sa*ke Sa'et t-e an*or sa*ke

    S*re+ -in *ain sa*ke

    Round -in *ain sa*ke Sa'et t-e *ain sa*ke e oad +i bend te bot

    (i$ure 1- (i$ure 40

    Ce*k 'or +ear

    Ce*k 'or +ear and straigtness

    Ce*k tat -in is a+as seated

    Ce*k tat sa*ke is not Eo-ening u-F

    (i$ure 4"

    ?a*kings 2ook >onGt use a s*re+ -in sa*ke i' te -in *an rounder oad and uns*re+.

    6oor 6ractice :eerao+ sa*ke to be-ued at an angeI

    teegs +i o-en u-.

    Good 6ractice ?a*kte -in +it +asers

    to *entraie tesa*ke.

    3' oad si'ts, sing +iuns*re+ sa*ke -in

    (i$ure 4' (i$ure 4


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  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx



    J Can be su--ied +it ee end 'ittings, ook end 'ittings, Da+ end 'ittings, stub end 'ittings, and

    an *o/bination o' tese (%igure 5#).

    J Rated oads are based on te outside dia/eter o' te treaded -ortion o' te end 'itting and on

    te t-e o' end 'itting. 8a+, ee, and stub t-es are rated euaU ook t-es are rated o+er.

    J Soud be +edess ao stee.

    J Wen turnbu*kes are e&-osed to ibration, o*k 'ra/es to end 'ittings. is +i -reent turning

    and oosening. @se +ire or /anu'a*turer"su--ied o*k nuts to -reent turning (%igure 59).J Wen tigtening a turnbu*ke, do not a--, /ore torue tan ou +oud to a bot o' eua sie.

    J 3ns-e*t turnbu*kes 'reuent 'or *ra*ks in end 'ittings (es-e*ia at te ne*k o' te sank),

    de'or/ed end 'ittings, de'or/ed and bent rods and bodies, *ra*ks and bends around te

    interna treaded -ortion, and signs o' tread da/age.


  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx



    abe # gies te +orking oad i/its 'or turnbu*kes based on te dia/eter o' te sank.

    :ote o+ te use o' ook end 'ittings redu*es *a-a*it.

    Ta)le 3

    Turn)uc7le Ty*es and !a*acities

    /LLSi%e .ith /LL A2aila)le

    & Fa. or .ith Ta7e=5*

    Thread ye Hoo7 si%esdia: l)s l)s inch

    "1 400 100 1

    4" 300 E00 1="'

    3 "+'00 "+000

    "' '+'00 "+400 +-+"'

    43 +400 '+'40 +-+"'

    1 4+'00 +000 +-+"'+"3

    E3 E+'00 1+000 "'+"3

    " "0+000 4+000 +"'+"3+'1

    "="1 "4+'00 +400 "'+"3+'1

    "="' '"+100 E+400 "'+"3+'1

    Re-rinted +it -er/ission 'ro/ @:3RO?< Ltd.

    %igure 0 so+s te areas o' a turnbu*ke tat reuire s-e*ia attention during ins-e*tion.

    Ce*k 'or *ra*ks bends

    Ce*k 'or treadda/age bent rods

    Ce*k 'or *ra*ks bends

    Ce*k 'or treadda/age bent rods

    Ce*k 'or *ra*ks bends

    Ce*k 'or tread

    da/age bent rods

    Ce*k 'or *ra*ks de'or/ations


    (i$ure 0

  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    S*reader and

  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx



    Hoistin$ Ti*s

    J :eer +ra- a +ire ro-e sing *o/-ete around a ook. e tigt radius +i da/age te sing.

    J Make sure te oad is baan*ed in te ook.

  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    Section 1

    Ri$$in$ Tools and De2ices

    Fac7s 8ratchet+ hydraulic9

    Bloc7in$ and !ri))in$


    Inclined 6lanes

    Le2er=O*erated Hoists

    !hain Hoists

    Gri*=Action Hoists 8Tirfors9

    lectric Hoists and 6endant !ranes


    Anchora$e 6oints


  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    Section 1

    Ri$$in$ Tools and De2ices

    e "egulations for #onstruction $ro%ects reuire tat an ins-e*tion and /aintenan*e -rogra/ be

    i/-e/ented to ensure tat rigging eui-/ent is ke-t in sa'e *ondition. ?ro*edures /ust ensure

    tat ins-e*tion and /aintenan*e ae not on been *arried out but ae been du re*orded.

    Rigging o-erations o'ten inoe te use o' arious toos and dei*es su* as Da*ks, roers, oists,and +in*es.

  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx



    Wie tere are a great /an t-es o' Da*ks, te rat*et Da*k and ea dut draui* Da*k are te

    t+o t-es /ost *o//on used in *onstru*tion.

    Rat*et Da*ks are usua i/ited to *a-a*ities under !0 tons be*ause o' te -si*a e''ort reuired

    to raise su* a oad. e do, o+eer, ae a /u* onger trae tan draui* Da*ks and *an

    tere'ore i't oads iger +itout aing to re"bo*k. Most rat*et Da*ks ae a 'oot i't or EtoeF

    near te base to i't oads +i* are *ose to te ground. Li'ts *an be /ade 'ro/ te EeadF or te

    EtoeF o' te Da*k. ese Da*ks are o'ten *aed toe Da*ks or tra*k Da*ks (%igure 1).


    Li'ts *an be/ade 'ro/ teead or te toe


    RAT!HT FA!,

    (i$ure "

    >o not use e&tensions or E*eatersF on te andes su--ied +it rat*et Da*ks. 3' *eaters are

    ne*essar te Da*k is oeroaded.

    2draui* Da*ks are er -o-uar in *onstru*tion be*ause te are uite *o/-a*t and *an i't er

    ea oads. e are readi aaiabe in *a-a*ities ranging 'ro/ a 'e+ tons to 100 tons. So/e

    s-e*iat units ae *a-a*ities u- to 1,000 tons. Li't eigts are usua i/ited to a--ro&i/ate #

    in*es or ess but so/e *an go as ig as $ in*es (%igure !).


    FA!, (i$ure '


  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    2draui* Da*ks are aso aaiabe in o+ -ro'ie /odes tat *an be -ositioned under a oad *ose

    to te ground (%igure $). Aso kno+n as Ebutton Da*ksF, tese are use'u 'or i'ting a oad ig

    enoug to get a reguar Da*k in -a*e.

  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    2oses *onne*ting -u/-s to Da*ks reuire *are'u attention. Make sure te are 'ree o' kinks and

    *ra*ks. Ce*k te *ou-ings, es-e*ia at te *ri/-. is area is -rone to *ra*king and is o'ten

    te +eak ink in te ose asse/b. reads soud aso be *e*ked 'or da/age, +ear, *ross"

    treading and tigtness. Re/e/ber tat tese oses ae to +itstand -ressures u- to 10,000


    >onGt use oses tat are unne*essari ong. Sorter oses +i eae te area ess *ongested and

    redu*e te *an*e o' a**identa da/age.

    e andes on Da*ks or and"o-erated -u/- units are designed so tat te rated *a-a*it and-ressure *an be obtained +it itte -si*a e''ort. >onGt use e&tensions or E*eatersF on te

    andes. Again, i' te oad *anGt be raised +it te ande su--ied te Da*k is oeroaded.

    8a*ks soud on be used in a true erti*a -osition 'or i'ting. Oter+ise side"oading *an *ause

    te -iston to rub against te ousing. 3' tis a--ens, te -iston +i be s*ored and ao+ 'uid to

    eak at te sea +i* /a *ause te Da*k to si-.

    e e&tre/e *are'u +en using draui* Da*ks in +eding areas or around *orrosie *e/i*as.

    S-arks or a*ids *an *ause -itting on te ra/ or da/age oses.

    2draui* Da*ks are genera not eui--ed +it *e*k aes. ut *e*k aes *an be instaed in

    te oses o' an e&terna -u/- and are re*o//ended. Aternatie, so/e draui* Da*ks ae

    retaining nuts tat *an be s*re+ed against te ousing to od te oad 'or a sort ti/e.

    8a*ks soud neer be used 'or ong"ter/ su--ort o' a oad. o*king is /u* /ore stabe and

    sa'e. Weneer -ossibe, te oad soud be -rogressie bo*ked as Da*king -ro*eeds. is +i

    ao+ 'or te une&-e*ted.

    A+as Da*k oads one end at a ti/e. :eer Da*k oads one side at a ti/e as tis +i be 'ar ess

    stabe tan Da*king te ends.

    3' it is ne*essar to +ork or een rea* under a oad on Da*ks, -a*e sa'et bo*king under te oad

    as a -re*aution.

    Make sure ti/bers used 'or bo*king or *ribbing are ong enoug to distribute te oad oer a arge

    enoug area and -roide su''i*ient stabiit. Crib eigt soud not e&*eed te engt o' ti/bers


    A Da*ks soud be toroug ins-e*ted -eriodi*a, de-ending on o+ te are used. %or reguar

    use at one o*ation te soud be ins-e*ted eer si& /onts or /ore 'reuent i' te i'ts

    a--roa* *a-a*it. 8a*ks sent out 'or s-e*ia Dobs soud be ins-e*ted +en re*eied and +en

    returned. 8a*ks subDe*ted to ig oads or so*k soud be ins-e*ted i//ediate.

    e*ause Da*k bases are reatie s/a, *are /ust be taken to ensure tat te 'oor or ground *an

    +itstand te ig -ressures o'ten asso*iated +it Da*king o-erations. o*king or /atting underte Da*ks +i distribute te oad oer a greater area and redu*e bearing -ressure.


  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx


    Fac7s> Ins*ection

    Weter rat*et or draui*, a Da*ks soud be ins-e*ted be'ore ea* si't or use. Ce*k 'or;

    J i/-ro-er engage/ent or e&tre/e +ear o' -a+ and ra*k

    J *ra*ked or broken ra*k teet

    J *ra*ked or da/aged -unger

    J eaking draui* 'uidJ s*ored or da/aged -unger

    J s+ie eads and *a-s tat donGt 'un*tion -ro-er

    J da/aged or i/-ro-er asse/bed a**essor eui-/ent

    Remem)er# Wen using Da*ks, a+as tr to bo*k as ou go. :eer use Da*ks 'or ong"ter/

    su--ort. o*k -ro-er instead.

    Bloc7in$ and !ri))in$

    o*king or *ribbing /ust

    J be su''i*ient to su--ort oad

    J be set on 'ir/, ee ground or 'oor

    J be *ose togeter

    J be dr and 'ree o' grease


    J be sta*ked no iger tan te engt o' te ti/bers used

    J 'oo+ te Da*king -ro*ess

    J distribute oad oer enoug area to -roide stabiit.

    Note# 3n so/e *ases, soid bo*king /a be reuired.



  • 8/10/2019 Hoisting & Rigging Safety Manual.docx



    Roers *an be used 'or /oing oads orionta or on sigt in*ines, -roided te sur'a*e is 'ir/

    and een. Roers /a be au/inu/ or stee round sto*k, ea stee -i-e, or a /anu'a*tured

    *aster unit (%igure 5).


    (i$ure 4

    Cinder roers are use'u 'or sort distan*es or +ere te oad +i ae to negotiate *orners. e

    roers *an be -a*ed on anges to s+ing te ends o' te oad, ao+ing turns in tigt areas (%igure




    Cinder roers soud be round, true and s/oot to /ini/ie te 'or*e reuired to /oe te oad.

    Caster roers *an be su--ied in a nu/ber o' *on'igurations 'or 'at sur'a*es, tra*ks, 3"bea/s or

    *annes. e *reate er itte 'ri*tion and ao+ ea oads to be /oed +it itte 'or*e. 3n 'a*t,

    te rigger /a so/eti/es reuire /ore 'ri*tion to -roide an e&tra /easure o' *ontro.

    e /ost i/-ortant as-e*t in roing is *ontro o' te oad. Make sure tat a eui-/ent in*uding

    sings and ard+are is su''i*ient to ande te oads tat +i be deeo-ed at ea* stage o' te

    o-eration. A+as atta* a se*ond /eans o' restraint su* as a tir'or or +in* to te oad to ao+

    'or te une&-e*ted. e -ossibiit o' so*k oads soud be *onsidered +en siing +in*es or

    tir'ors 'or ba*k"
