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MORNING TORRANCE HERALD Friday, November 9, 1928 IT LEASE MADE IN LOMITA CHANGES HANDS FOUR TIMES first oil lease ever made In , company sold its lease to George F. i has had a varied career. i Getty for *50' We- I back there when only a few optimistic believed there was er Lomlta, the Petroleum cor- I eased some sixteen acres list west of Narbonne avenue. The Unknowing MARGARET KING MOORE pr the Midway Northern gusher In the rush of development. i sprang: up all around. They ill going up. Petroleum company community I was offset many times. The Mi. (letty. probably unwilling to pm«j r 't'r* * *» "P"" the ribbon that he down the ton required offsets, dhl-! wore. posed of all but three acres of the; One * cttaUou but be would not lease to the Mutual Consolidated Onj «*" company. This organization In tarn! What he had see* and done, nor bow- sold to Wilkea A Titus. j Oetty is putting down two well* The rate of shot mmt ahefl. on He I said, -nor It is probable that the tease wfll | There ta the Areoane and In Beflean be split up even more. [ONDAY MEET BIG SUCCESS oen who attomli-.l the Woman's ncpting at the Methodist church Xov. 5, declared It to be the tprpflting meeting held this HOLD-UP MAN Wood; Thaak God. yon need not Know." W« nerd aot know the bell in which they earned Those atan, the b*U through which they araat advance; We aeed aot kaow what other women Maud Wilde and Torrance's -. Millie Proctor, of whom women are justly proud, were .kers. tide in her talk on the Moth- icational Centers said: "These In no way conflict with is, physicians, or any organiza- i They are established for the aent of children. There Is no why a child should not nave a healthy body. The right feed- proper care will bring this Jndernourishment and any ill- mark on the child's In closing. Dr. Wilde pledged ork of herself and Dr. Zada to the mothers of Torrance. dor's subject was "The Care ation's Teeth." With a chart nonstrated how the roots of duoas teeth are absorbed and anent ones are formed, illy pushing the first teeth out* placing them. Stressing upon Bportance of the care of the little teeth, she said: "The time rt cleaning baby's teeth is nother rings up father to tell aby has his .first tooth. She tell him to bring home a brush. Every child has a right clean mouth, with sound Frequent visits to the dentist's correct method of cleaning 8th will obtain the desired re- Ninety per cent of all the : children have bad teeth, some oozing from the gums. If ilduous teeth are kept in good the permanent teeth will ad. Chewing hard foods, such lies, tricketa. celery and let- necesEai-y." Dr. Proetord rec- ;d certain makes of tooth and showed just how one slean one':i teeth, bles were sung to an appreci- Udlencc "Sail, Baby. Hall" and A bye Baby," by Olive Bell "Sleep, My Dearie," by Rose "The Beautiful Land of Nod." Wiilacy. A. F. Freeman Of Her-j mosa Loses His Watch, Too A. F. Freeman of Hi ported to the Torranoe police station. that he was held up and relieved of his watch and SI* last Wednesday night at 11 o'clock. The boJdwn oc- curred at the "8" tarn on Weatoa street, betwee*> Lomita and Mata> Chimmie McFadden, Famous in Stories, Is Speaker Here Tot*. James McFadden of New owner of seven newspapers, of the Newsboys* onion and, toot least, hero of the famoos ~Chis»- mle McFadden" stories, addressed the student body at assembly W< morning. In his talk on -The Value of Bdn- cation" Mr. McFadden explained howl and why he got an education, tm an orphan asylum until the age of 11. he was "on his own" from that time on. At the age of ZC he didn't know the alphabet, and three years later en- tered Cornell university, from which college he graduated when 33 years old- Known in New York as "the Bte; Noise" (the man with the voice in the city), Mr. MeFaddors parting advice to the i -Put It in the. bead, and not in the arms." with soUierB where the see And pratBed of "tmr btt_- We thoBaht we knew; whan they and welcomed a white sad -War staff went oat of date. we know that they are and ffl? That IKS 111 to be the OoTernmenf B EDUCATIONAL CENTER VOTED HUGESUCCESSi Mrs. Stock~ Tells Of the Good Work j Accomplished The first session of the Mothers' Educational Center, conducted by Dr. Maud Wild and her able assistants, and held at the Torrance high school | under the auspices of the Woman's j club and Parent-Teacher association, waa a huge success, according to the interest taken by the many mothers who brought their children to be weighed, measured, and tested men- tally. Forty-nine children were scored the first day, and 35 the second day, making a total of 84. Many mothers registered, before leaving for the next Mothers' Educational Center to be held November SO. The Mothers' Educational Center seems to fill a much-needed want in the lives of the busy mothers, from the college graduate mother to the uneducated Mexican and Japanese mother, and the mother with her ninth infant as well as the mother with her first were all anxious to know how their children scored and have the child's weaknesses brought to their attention, and suggestions made whereby the wrong may be righted. The Parent - Teacher association wishes to thank everyone who co- operated so readily in bringing the Mothers' Educational Center to ttfe mothers of Torrance. MRS. CHAS. STOCK, President. RE8OLUTION OF INTENTION No. 147 A Rpflolutlon of the Board of Trustees of the City of Torrance, California, Declaring Its Intention to Order the Paving and Otherwise Improving of Portions of Martlna Avenue, 218th Street, Manuel Avenue, and Watson Avenue in Bald City; Declaring the Bald Work or Improvement j to Be of More Than Local or Ordinary Public Benefit; De- claring the District to Be Bene- fited by Said Work and Improve- ment and to Be Assessed to Pay the Costs and Expenses Thereof; De- termining That Bonds Shall Be Is- sued to Represent Said Costs and Expenses; and Fixing a Time and Place for Hearing Objections to Said Work and Improvement or to the Extent of the District to Be Assessed, or Both. Traffic Cause Of Another Accident At Intersection They soag.bl to snare aa-^wby not The Board of Trustees of the City of Torrance, California, pursuant to the provisions of the "Improvement Act of 1911" and the 'Improvement Bond Act of 1915" and all acts supple- mentary thereto or amendatory there- of, do resolve as follows: SECTION 1. That the public in- terest and convenience require, and that it is the intention of the Board of Trustees of the City of Torrance, California, to order the following made in said City, to-wit: First: That the roadway of Martlna Avenue froin a line parallel with and fifteen (15). feet northerly of the southerly line of Carson Street, south- Street, and from the southerly line of 21Sth Street, southerly to a line par- allel with and fifteen (16) feet north- Beg Your Pardon, Keystone Pave Western Avenue Plans for Big Fair Nearing Completion Plans for the Poinsettla fair, to be held Friday, Nov. 16, at the American Legion hall, under the auspices of the Central Evangelical guild, are rapidly nearing completion. Practical as well as fancy articles are all ready, and will be priced rea- sonably. Home-made mincemeat and plum padding will be on sale. There will be amusing features for the children. A chicken dinner will be served from the first and third, to the second and fourth re. This change will take December. nd wafers were served to 75. nembers are Mrs. L. Ott, Miss thader, Mrs. Lillian Avery, aymond Rogers, Mrs. Chas. and Mrs. L. Turner. who took their babies to school to be scored last iy receive a coupon from Mrs. Young, 1007 Cota avenue, to at the Angelus studio in Los There the child's photo- a.y be taken and a slide made charge, which will at some ate be shown upon the screen orrance theatre, to Dr. Wilde's Inability to [Torrance the first Friday in It has been decided to ^Mothers' Educational Center ilov. SO, and omit the month ,. EDISON WILL OPEN IFF1CE HERE 'Of New Building Marcelina Is Leased In his report to the police of the accident. W. H. Batter of San Pedro states that he was unable to avoid striking Pan! Morris, a bicyclist, he was crowded. over by motorist at the corner of Carson and Arlington Tuesday afternoon. Morris* leg and ankle were badly Imiisul G. H. Bradford Boys Feed and Fuel Go. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Bradford have purchased the Torraaee Feed and Fuel business from Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. -Hughes, and ' charge Tuesday. NOT. C. Mr. and Mrs. Bradford are wcB and favorably known here, been Keystone residents and owners for several years. as the Mosk ouilding ad- the postofflce, is completed California Edison corn- open an office in Torrance. the word received by Sec- _,ieky of the Torranoe Cham- (jmmerce Tuesday. The Edl- iny has leased half of the ag now being erected on treet and will open ite goon a* the building Is [Hurt As Car Strikes Bicycle Bob McMaster's arms were when hl» bicycle collided car driven by Chris Dqbrick. eldent occurred on Cota avenue. of The Herald has to the possibility of s a news story ___ tost week relative to the r 11 rttoo of a station for Keystone by tmeree. it appear that it Keystone chamber that the _ tion would erect the if a certain number of Key- residents Joined the chamber. The Herald pica nod to correct any wrong nmtresaion that the story __ T have mao>. There was no such aareesaeBt between Keystone and the keystone originally erect the station, chamber agreed to intended to the Torrance do it. Bat the 4th District To Meet At Lynwood The regular meeting of the Fonrth District Chamber of Commerce wffl be held at Lynwood on Tharaaay evening:, Nov. 8. Rev. Morris To Aid . Riverside Church ____ unavoidably delayed. Re- arnmrriag its promise, however, the Torrance chamber butt week instruct- ed Secretary Gadeky to proceed with the erection of the station. The Herald believes that Keystone anal Tonanee" can accomplish much of interest* and If we unintentionally to aumaderstanding be- tween the two Kmiiiiiniil'n n by our story of tut week, we are glad or the opportnalty to accept respoa Rev. J. Walter Morris of the Meth- odist Episcopal church wffl aaatat a* the revival services at the Arlia*tea M. K. church at Riveratdr Novem- ber 1S-ZS. [an Injured In Traffic Mishap Parks reports that D. A. | of the George F. Oetty Oil ^y wan slightly bruised last when he ran out in front of machine and was struck by Jer of the Purtai car. tone dance, Saturday night. Little Miss Ehnan Dances for lions Vote For Water Bonds Detective Speaks To Union Tool Club At the regular monthly meeting of thf Union Tool Industrial Relations club Wednesday evening the usual order of business was suspended and the members were addressed by Nick Harris, well known detective. "Does crime pay?" asked Mr. Har- ris, and in an Intensely interesting talk proved conclusively to his hearers that it does not. Following the lecture the flood was cleared and one of the most enjoyable dances of the season followed. De- licious refreshments were served by the entertainment committee. Preceding the lecture and dance the executives and superintendents of the local plant entertained at dinner at the Palos Verdes Estates Country dub. The guests of honor were J. A. Geisman, D. S. Faulkner, R. F. Hill. H. Williams, and M. T. Archer, executives of the National Supply company (the parent plant) of To- ledo. The Union Tool orchestra, furnished music for both dinner and dance. Street extended westerly; that the roadway of 218th Street from the easterly line of Martina Avenue west- erly to the prolonged westerly line of Manuel Avenue; ajid that the road- way of Manuel Avenue from the southerly line of Carson Street south- erly to the northerly line of 218th Street, be graded to the grades set forth and described in Ordinance No. 52 passed by said Board of Trustees on the first day of May, 1923, and paved with a one and one-half (1%) Inch Willite Wearing Surface laid upon a three (3) inch Asphaltic Con- crete Base, in accordance with the plan and cross-section therefor. Second: That Watson Avenue in said City, from the extended westerly line of Manuel Avenue northwesterly and northerly to a line perpendicular to the center line of said Watson Avenue and distant seventeen (17) feet southerly thereon from the inter- section of the center lines of Watson Avenue and Carson Street, be graded thcrpon 121.95 foet'pnfltp"rly from thf eastern line of Mat-Una Avenue ex- tended; running thence southerly parallel with the easterly line of Martlna Avenue to the northerly line of 218th Street; thence south- westerly across 218th Street to a point on the southerly line thereof distant 13T.B ffet easterly from tho easterly line of Martlna Avenue; thence southerly parallel with the easterly line of Martlna Avenue to a point 800.71 feet southerly from the southerly lino of 220th Street; thence westerly parallel with the southerly line of 220th Street 400 feet; thence northerly parallel with the westerly line of Martina Avenue 700 feet; thencn westerly at right angles 400 feet- M .4*ence 'northerly at right angles to a line drawn per- pendicular to the wnsterlyX line of Watson Avenue -at the northern terminus of said Watson Avenue; thence northeasterly in a straight line to the Intersection of the cen- ter line of Carson Street with the extended center line of Watson Ave- nue; thence northeasterly and east- erly along the center line of Carson Street to the placi- of beginning (excepting from thf above bounded and described district, the area of ull public streets, alleys and ave- nues contained therein)." SECTION 4. Notice is hereby givon that serial bonds to represent unpaid assessments, and to bear interest at the rate of seven (7) per cent per annum, will be Issued hereunder in the manner provided by the Improve- ment Bond Act of 1915, the last in- stallment of which bonds shall mature nine (9) years from the second day of July next succeeding ten (10) months from their date. SECTION 5. Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the 4th day of De- cember, 192S, at 8 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chamber of said Board in said City of Torrance, any and all persons having any objections to the proposed work and Improvement, or to the extent of the district to be assessed or both, may appear before said Board of Trustees and show cause why said work and improve- ment should not be carried out in entire width of said Watson Avenue from property line to property line, and that the roadway of>siid Wat- son Avenue, between the curb lines hereinafter described, bfc paved with a one and one-half Utt) inch Willite Wearing Surface laid upon a three (S) inch Asphaltic Concrete Base, in accordance with the plan and cross- section therefor. Third: That cement concrete curbs SECTION «. The City Engineer is hereby directed to make a diagram of the property affected or benefited by the proposed work and improvement as described In this Resolution of In- tention and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof. Such diagram shall show each separate lot, piece or parcel of land, the area In square feet of each of said lota, pieces or parcels of land, and the relative location of same to the work pro- posed to be done, all within the limits of the assessment district. SECTION 7. All of the streets and avenues referred to in this Resolution of Intention are public ways in the roadway of Watson Avenue, from the extended westerly line of Manuel Ave- nue, northwesterly and northerly to a line perpendicular to the center line of said Watson Avenue, and distant twenty-six (26) feet southerly thereon from the intersection of the center Street, the said curbs to be construct- ed parallel with and distant fifteen JULIAN HELD BACK BY LOW GAS PRESSURE Can Drill Only at Night on Well East of Lomita TORRANCE LITTLE MISS *ft ** Accompanied by her sister pianist. MUts Bernice Mm«« rendered violin aeketioiw before am ap- preciative audience at the Unao club dinner at Redondo Beach Mon- day evening. JUAN IN TOILS Juan Aiamaraz waa arreatod Ttaia- day by Chief Andenon. chawed with making hootch. A still and ttoo "UMikiu'fl" were brought in aa ert- denoa. daring the week, al- tlia«h Jattaa la bavins trouble on hia No. 1 wcoX «nat of Lowita. The gna aanffii hint to produce to drill on this well . _ the nlcnt. As a result rocreaa has atowed on. The hole is doom IM* wet. with a promising- NOT SANDED UP Reporte that Midway discovery well No. 1 has janiaa and is off production are foundation in fact. This steadily producing about UM a day. SWELL* TREASURY Standard to drilling ahead on Do- niintain Ko- L, and Thursday reached the im tool tevrL Staoaard. landed ISK-tnch cuing on KeUker No. 1 at M* feet Wednesday. Chaaator Cfenfteld apndded in Ket- tfer No. t. on the an drilling ahead, prodnction Pave Western Avenue LOMITA PAYS LAST TRIBUTE TO JAP VICTIM Little Giro Arita Is Laid to Rest in Los Angeles The funeral of IttUe Ciro Arita, -year-old Japanese boy, was held Saturday at the Japanese temple, Dtehi Kiyokai, in Los Angeles. Four tracks were required to re- move the floral offerings to the Evergreen cemetery, where the body was cremated. The little boy met bis death when his bicycle skidded and threw him beneath a rear wheel of a truck driven by Philip' Sepulveda of San Pedro. - At the coroner's inquest, held last Friday at the Stone funeral parlors, Sepulveda was exonerated from all blame. Local people who attended the fu- neral included J. A. Smith. C. M. Smith, Miss Lydia Smith. Miss Annie Walker, Miss Elisabeth Caj-lyle, Mrs. Tom Wiilacy. and Miss Mary Wll- kinaon. Mrs. Wiilacy and Miss Wilkinson rendered several appropriate vocal solos. of the center line of said Watson Avenue, except at the angle point in Watson Avenue and at the intersec- tion of the northeasterly curb line of Watson Avenue with the westerly line of Manuel Avenue, at which points said curbs shall be constructed on curves with the radii designated and In the manner shown on the plans adopted for said work and Im- provement; also that a cement con- crete curb be constructed along the southerly curb line* of 218th Street from the intersection of said south- erly curb line with the extended cen- ter line of Manuel Avenue, westerly to the Intersection of the southerly curb line of 318th Street with the extended southwesterly curb line of Watson Avenue, and, northwesterly along said extended southwesterly curb line of Watson Avenue to the extended westerly line of Manuel Avenue, said curb at the intersection of the southerly curb line of 218th Street and the extended southwesterly curb line of Watson Avenue to be constructed tm a curve with a radius of fifteen (15) feet In the manner FORDS IN CRASH R. K. Wriaht of Redondo tataa that he waa driving went on Caraoa street when OladweU Boyd. directly acrosa the Vote For Water Bonds H. M. Hall, formerly of Torrance Park, ban sold his property at Tu- Jnnga and has moved to Redondo Villa Tract. City Recorder James Kinff ed IS77.SO in finea dariag the of October. Keystone dance, Saturday nhjht. I Mra. A. D. Putnum, radio soloist of work and improvement SECTION 2. All of said work shall be done and Improvement made in accordance with the plan, profile and ipecifications therefor contained In ReaoluUon adopting specifications iyo. 1S8 (except as modified herein), which said plan, cross-section and specif ica- tionx hava been anproved and adopt- ed aft the plan, cross -section and specifications to be followed in doing said work and in making said im- provement, and by reference thereto, the same are incorporated herein and made a part hereof, and reference 1s hereby made thereto for a more full, complete and detailed description of aald work. SECTION S. That the aaid con- templated work and improvement. In the opinion of said Board of Trustees, SECTION 8. The Torrance Herald, a weekly newspaper, published and circulated in the City of Torrance, is hereby designated as the newspaper in which this Resolution of Intention shall be published, and the City Clerk of said City is hereby directed to cause this Resolution of Intention to be published by two insertions in said newspaper in the manner and form as required by law. The Board >f Trustees does not deem it advis able* that the City Clerk mail copier of the notice of improvement to the owners or reputed owners of property within the assessment district and he is not required to mall same. SECTION 9. The Superintendent of Streets of said City shall, after the adoption of this Resolution of Inten- tion, cause to be conspicuously post- ed along the lines of said contem- plated work and improvement and along all the open street* within the heretofore described assessment dis- trict notices of the passage of thin Resolution of Intention, and in said notices shall call attention to the Cali- fornia Willite Road Construction Company's Plastic Composition Li- cense Mixture Agreement dated the 19th day of June, 192!, and on file In the office of the City Clerk of said City and open to public Inspection, in the manner and form required by law. SECTION 10.- All of the proceed- ings for the aforesaid work and Im- provement shall be had and taken under and in ^accordance with those acts of the Legislature of the State Of California known and designated as the 'Improvement Act of 1911," approved April 7th, 1911, and the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915," ap- proved June llth, 1915, and under all acts supplementary thereto or amendatory thereof. SECTION 11. Reference Is hereby made to the California Willite Road Construction Company's Plastic Com- position License Mixture Agreement, dated the 19th day of Juno, 1928, ajn<i on file in the office of the.City Clerk of lid City of Torrance and open an a bit boat of him. without I Santu Monica, will render several se- The Fords ware' selections at the regular meeting of I the P.-T. A. next Wednesday, Nov. 4. Trustees hereby makes tlA; expenses of said work and Improvement charge- able upon the district, which district said Board of Trustees hereby de- clare* to be benefited by said work and improvement and-to be assessed to pay the coats and expunHes there- of; which said district is bounded and described as follown, to-wit: All that portion of the City of Tor- rance, included within the following described exterior boundary lines, to- wit: Vote For Water Bonds Pave Western Avenue *Bectnuln«r at a point on the can- I tor Una of C&moa Street dUtmt > K to public Inspection. SECTION 12. Notice also hereby given that Resolution of Intention No. 139 adopted by said Board of Trustees on the 21st day of August, 192S (being the original Resolution of Intention for the doing of said work and Im- provement), and all proceedings sup- plementary thereto and taken there- under have been revoked and an- nulled. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly?In- troduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Torrance, California, at a regular meeting there- of held on Tueuday toe 6th day of November, 1928, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Nash, I'roctor, Gil- bert. Noes: Trustees None. Absent: Trustees FlUhugh, Smith Attest: (Seal) ALBERT H. BARTLKTT, City Clerk and ex-offlclo ClerK of the Board of Trustees of tlin City of Torrance, California. Signed and approved this 6th day of November, 1928. W. H. GILBERT, President of the Board of Trustee* oc the City uC Torranoe, California. 27

MORNING TORRANCE HERALD Friday, November 9, 1928


first oil lease ever made In , company sold its lease to George F. i

has had a varied career. i Getty for *50'We- I back there when only a few optimistic believed there was er Lomlta, the Petroleum cor-

I eased some sixteen acres list west of Narbonne avenue.


pr the Midway Northern gusher In the rush of development.

i sprang: up all around. They ill going up.Petroleum company community

I was offset many times. The

Mi. (letty. probably unwilling to pm«j r't'r* * *» "P"" the ribbon that he down the ton required offsets, dhl-! wore.posed of all but three acres of the; One * cttaUou but be would not lease to the Mutual Consolidated Onj «*"company. This organization In tarn! What he had see* and done, nor bow- sold to Wilkea A Titus. j

Oetty is putting down two well* The rate of shot mmt ahefl.on He I

said, -nor

It is probable that the tease wfll | There ta the Areoane and In Befleanbe split up even more.


oen who attomli-.l the Woman'sncpting at the Methodist church

Xov. 5, declared It to be thetprpflting meeting held this


Thaak God. yon need not Know."

W« nerd aot know the bell in whichthey earned

Those atan, the b*U through whichthey araat advance;

We aeed aot kaow what other women

Maud Wilde and Torrance's -. Millie Proctor, of whom women are justly proud, were .kers.tide in her talk on the Moth- icational Centers said: "These

In no way conflict with is, physicians, or any organiza-

i They are established for the aent of children. There Is no why a child should not nave a healthy body. The right feed-

proper care will bring this Jndernourishment and any ill-

mark on the child's In closing. Dr. Wilde pledged

ork of herself and Dr. Zada to the mothers of Torrance. dor's subject was "The Care ation's Teeth." With a chart

nonstrated how the roots of duoas teeth are absorbed and

anent ones are formed, illy pushing the first teeth out* placing them. Stressing upon

Bportance of the care of the little teeth, she said: "The time

rt cleaning baby's teeth is nother rings up father to tell aby has his .first tooth. She

tell him to bring home a brush. Every child has a right

clean mouth, with sound Frequent visits to the dentist's

correct method of cleaning 8th will obtain the desired re-

Ninety per cent of all the : children have bad teeth, some

oozing from the gums. If ilduous teeth are kept in good

the permanent teeth will ad. Chewing hard foods, such lies, tricketa. celery and let-

necesEai-y." Dr. Proetord rec- ;d certain makes of tooth and showed just how one

slean one':i teeth, bles were sung to an appreci- Udlencc "Sail, Baby. Hall" and

A bye Baby," by Olive Bell "Sleep, My Dearie," by Rose

"The Beautiful Land of Nod." Wiilacy.

A. F. Freeman Of Her-jmosa Loses His

Watch, TooA. F. Freeman of Hi

ported to the Torranoe police station. that he was held up and relieved of his watch and SI* last Wednesday night at 11 o'clock. The boJdwn oc­ curred at the "8" tarn on Weatoa street, betwee*> Lomita and Mata>

Chimmie McFadden, Famous in Stories,

Is Speaker HereTot*.James McFadden of New

owner of seven newspapers, of the Newsboys* onion and, toot

least, hero of the famoos ~Chis»- mle McFadden" stories, addressed the student body at assembly W< morning.

In his talk on -The Value of Bdn- cation" Mr. McFadden explained howl and why he got an education, tm an orphan asylum until the age of 11. he was "on his own" from that time on.

At the age of ZC he didn't know the alphabet, and three years later en­ tered Cornell university, from which college he graduated when 33 years old-

Known in New York as "the Bte; Noise" (the man with the voice in the city), Mr. MeFaddors parting advice to the i -Put It in the. bead, and not in the arms."

with soUierB where thesee

And pratBed of "tmr btt_-

We thoBaht we knew; whan they

and welcomed

a white sad

-War staff went oat of date.

we know that they are and ffl?

That IKS 111 to be the OoTernmenf B


HUGESUCCESSiMrs. Stock~ Tells Of

the Good Work j Accomplished

The first session of the Mothers' Educational Center, conducted by Dr. Maud Wild and her able assistants, and held at the Torrance high school | under the auspices of the Woman's j club and Parent-Teacher association, waa a huge success, according to the interest taken by the many mothers who brought their children to be weighed, measured, and tested men­ tally.

Forty-nine children were scored the first day, and 35 the second day, making a total of 84. Many mothers registered, before leaving for the next Mothers' Educational Center to be held November SO.

The Mothers' Educational Center seems to fill a much-needed want in the lives of the busy mothers, from the college graduate mother to the uneducated Mexican and Japanese mother, and the mother with her ninth infant as well as the mother with her first were all anxious to know how their children scored and have the child's weaknesses brought to their attention, and suggestions made whereby the wrong may be righted.

The Parent - Teacher association wishes to thank everyone who co­ operated so readily in bringing the Mothers' Educational Center to ttfe mothers of Torrance.

MRS. CHAS. STOCK, President.


A Rpflolutlon of the Board of Trustees of the City of Torrance, California, Declaring Its Intention to Order the Paving and Otherwise Improving of Portions of Martlna Avenue, 218th Street, Manuel Avenue, and Watson Avenue in Bald City; Declaring the Bald Work or Improvement j to Be of More Than Local or Ordinary Public Benefit; De­ claring the District to Be Bene­ fited by Said Work and Improve­ ment and to Be Assessed to Pay the Costs and Expenses Thereof; De- termining That Bonds Shall Be Is­ sued to Represent Said Costs and Expenses; and Fixing a Time and Place for Hearing Objections to Said Work and Improvement or to the Extent of the District to Be Assessed, or Both.

Traffic Cause Of Another Accident

At Intersection

They soag.bl to snare aa-^wby not

The Board of Trustees of the City of Torrance, California, pursuant to the provisions of the "Improvement Act of 1911" and the 'Improvement Bond Act of 1915" and all acts supple­ mentary thereto or amendatory there­ of, do resolve as follows:

SECTION 1. That the public in­ terest and convenience require, and that it is the intention of the Board of Trustees of the City of Torrance, California, to order the following

made in said City, to-wit:First: That the roadway of Martlna

Avenue froin a line parallel with and fifteen (15). feet northerly of the southerly line of Carson Street, south-

Street, and from the southerly line of 21Sth Street, southerly to a line par­ allel with and fifteen (16) feet north-

Beg Your Pardon, Keystone

Pave Western Avenue

Plans for Big Fair Nearing Completion

Plans for the Poinsettla fair, to be held Friday, Nov. 16, at the American Legion hall, under the auspices of the Central Evangelical guild, are rapidly nearing completion.

Practical as well as fancy articles are all ready, and will be priced rea­ sonably.

Home-made mincemeat and plum padding will be on sale.

There will be amusing features for the children.

A chicken dinner will be served

from the first and third, to the second and fourth

re. This change will take December.

nd wafers were served to 75. nembers are Mrs. L. Ott, Miss thader, Mrs. Lillian Avery,

aymond Rogers, Mrs. Chas. and Mrs. L. Turner.

who took their babies to school to be scored last

iy receive a coupon from Mrs. Young, 1007 Cota avenue, to at the Angelus studio in Los

There the child's photo- a.y be taken and a slide made charge, which will at some

ate be shown upon the screen orrance theatre, to Dr. Wilde's Inability to

[Torrance the first Friday in It has been decided to

^Mothers' Educational Center ilov. SO, and omit the month


'Of New Building Marcelina Is Leased

In his report to the police of the accident. W. H. Batter of San Pedro states that he was unable to avoid striking Pan! Morris, a bicyclist, he was crowded. over by motorist at the corner of Carson and Arlington Tuesday afternoon. Morris* leg and ankle were badly Imiisul

G. H. Bradford Boys Feed and Fuel Go.

Mr. and Mrs. George H. Bradford have purchased the Torraaee Feed and Fuel business from Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. -Hughes, and ' charge Tuesday. NOT. C.

Mr. and Mrs. Bradford are wcB and favorably known here, been Keystone residents and owners for several years.

as the Mosk ouilding ad- the postofflce, is completed

California Edison corn- open an office in Torrance.

the word received by Sec- _,ieky of the Torranoe Cham- (jmmerce Tuesday. The Edl- iny has leased half of the

ag now being erected on treet and will open ite goon a* the building Is

[Hurt As CarStrikes Bicycle

Bob McMaster's arms werewhen hl» bicycle collidedcar driven by Chris Dqbrick.

eldent occurred on Cota avenue.

of The Herald has to the possibility of s

a news story___ tost week relative to the r 11 rttoo of a station for Keystone by

tmeree.it appear that it

Keystonechamber that the

_ tion would erect the if a certain number of Key-

residents Joined the chamber.The Herald pica nod to correct

any wrong nmtresaion that the story __ T have mao>. There was no such aareesaeBt between Keystone and the

keystone originally erect the station, chamber agreed to

intended to the Torrance

do it. Bat the

4th District ToMeet At Lynwood

The regular meeting of the Fonrth District Chamber of Commerce wffl be held at Lynwood on Tharaaay evening:, Nov. 8.

Rev. Morris To Aid .Riverside Church

____ unavoidably delayed. Re- arnmrriag its promise, however, the Torrance chamber butt week instruct­ ed Secretary Gadeky to proceed with the erection of the station.

The Herald believes that Keystone anal Tonanee" can accomplish much

of interest* and If we unintentionally

to aumaderstanding be­ tween the two Kmiiiiiniil'n n by our

story of tut week, we are glad or the opportnalty to accept respoa

Rev. J. Walter Morris of the Meth­ odist Episcopal church wffl aaatat a* the revival services at the Arlia*tea M. K. church at Riveratdr Novem­ ber 1S-ZS.

[an InjuredIn Traffic MishapParks reports that D. A.

| of the George F. Oetty Oil^y wan slightly bruised lastwhen he ran out in front ofmachine and was struck by

Jer of the Purtai car.

tone dance, Saturday night.

Little Miss EhnanDances for lions

Vote For Water Bonds

Detective SpeaksTo Union Tool Club

At the regular monthly meeting of thf Union Tool Industrial Relations club Wednesday evening the usual order of business was suspended and the members were addressed by Nick Harris, well known detective.

"Does crime pay?" asked Mr. Har­ ris, and in an Intensely interesting talk proved conclusively to his hearers that it does not.

Following the lecture the flood was cleared and one of the most enjoyable dances of the season followed. De­ licious refreshments were served by the entertainment committee.

Preceding the lecture and dance the executives and superintendents of the local plant entertained at dinner at the Palos Verdes Estates Country dub. The guests of honor were J. A. Geisman, D. S. Faulkner, R. F. Hill. H. Williams, and M. T. Archer, executives of the National Supply company (the parent plant) of To­ ledo.

The Union Tool orchestra, furnished music for both dinner and dance.

Street extended westerly; that the roadway of 218th Street from the easterly line of Martina Avenue west­ erly to the prolonged westerly line of Manuel Avenue; ajid that the road­ way of Manuel Avenue from the southerly line of Carson Street south­ erly to the northerly line of 218th Street, be graded to the grades set forth and described in Ordinance No. 52 passed by said Board of Trustees on the first day of May, 1923, and paved with a one and one-half (1%) Inch Willite Wearing Surface laid upon a three (3) inch Asphaltic Con­ crete Base, in accordance with the plan and cross-section therefor.

Second: That Watson Avenue in said City, from the extended westerly line of Manuel Avenue northwesterly and northerly to a line perpendicular to the center line of said Watson Avenue and distant seventeen (17) feet southerly thereon from the inter­ section of the center lines of Watson Avenue and Carson Street, be graded

thcrpon 121.95 foet'pnfltp"rly from thf eastern line of Mat-Una Avenue ex­ tended; running thence southerly parallel with the easterly line of Martlna Avenue to the northerly line of 218th Street; thence south­ westerly across 218th Street to a point on the southerly line thereof distant 13T.B ffet easterly from tho easterly line of Martlna Avenue; thence southerly parallel with the easterly line of Martlna Avenue to a point 800.71 feet southerly from the southerly lino of 220th Street; thence westerly parallel with the southerly line of 220th Street 400 feet; thence northerly parallel with the westerly line of Martina Avenue 700 feet; thencn westerly at right angles 400 feet-M .4*ence 'northerly at right angles to a line drawn per­ pendicular to the wnsterlyX line of Watson Avenue -at the northern terminus of said Watson Avenue; thence northeasterly in a straight line to the Intersection of the cen­ ter line of Carson Street with the extended center line of Watson Ave­ nue; thence northeasterly and east­ erly along the center line of Carson Street to the placi- of beginning (excepting from thf above bounded and described district, the area of ull public streets, alleys and ave­ nues contained therein)." SECTION 4. Notice is hereby givon

that serial bonds to represent unpaid assessments, and to bear interest at the rate of seven (7) per cent per annum, will be Issued hereunder in the manner provided by the Improve­ ment Bond Act of 1915, the last in­ stallment of which bonds shall mature nine (9) years from the second day of July next succeeding ten (10) months from their date.

SECTION 5. Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the 4th day of De­ cember, 192S, at 8 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chamber of said Board

in said City of Torrance, any and all persons having any objections to the proposed work and Improvement, or to the extent of the district to be assessed or both, may appear before said Board of Trustees and show cause why said work and improve­ ment should not be carried out in

entire width of said Watson Avenue from property line to property line, and that the roadway of>siid Wat-son Avenue, between the curb lines hereinafter described, bfc paved with a one and one-half Utt) inch Willite Wearing Surface laid upon a three (S) inch Asphaltic Concrete Base, in accordance with the plan and cross- section therefor.

Third: That cement concrete curbs

SECTION «. The City Engineer is hereby directed to make a diagram of the property affected or benefited by the proposed work and improvement as described In this Resolution of In­ tention and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof. Such diagram shall show each separate lot, piece or parcel of land, the area In square feet of each of said lota, pieces or parcels of land, and the relative location of same to the work pro­ posed to be done, all within the limits of the assessment district.

SECTION 7. All of the streets and avenues referred to in this Resolution of Intention are public ways in the

roadway of Watson Avenue, from the extended westerly line of Manuel Ave­ nue, northwesterly and northerly to a line perpendicular to the center line of said Watson Avenue, and distant twenty-six (26) feet southerly thereon from the intersection of the center

Street, the said curbs to be construct­ ed parallel with and distant fifteen


GAS PRESSURECan Drill Only at Night

on Well East ofLomita

TORRANCE LITTLE MISS *ft **Accompanied by her sister

pianist. MUts Bernice Mm«« rendered violin aeketioiw before am ap­preciative audience at the Unao club dinner at Redondo Beach Mon­day evening.


Juan Aiamaraz waa arreatod Ttaia- day by Chief Andenon. chawed with making hootch. A still and ttoo "UMikiu'fl" were brought in aa ert- denoa.

daring the week, al- tlia«h Jattaa la bavins trouble on hia No. 1 wcoX «nat of Lowita. The gna

aanffii hint to produce to drill on this well

. _ the nlcnt. As a result rocreaa has atowed on. The hole is doom IM* wet. with a promising-


Reporte that Midway discovery well No. 1 has janiaa a» and is off production are foundation in fact. This steadily producing about UM a day.


Standard to drilling ahead on Do- niintain Ko- L, and Thursday reached the im tool tevrL

Staoaard. landed ISK-tnch cuing on KeUker No. 1 at M* feet Wednesday.

Chaaator Cfenfteld apndded in Ket- tfer No. t.

on thean drilling ahead,


Pave Western Avenue


Little Giro Arita Is Laidto Rest in Los

AngelesThe funeral of IttUe Ciro Arita,

-year-old Japanese boy, was held Saturday at the Japanese temple, Dtehi Kiyokai, in Los Angeles.

Four tracks were required to re­ move the floral offerings to the Evergreen cemetery, where the body was cremated.

The little boy met bis death when his bicycle skidded and threw him beneath a rear wheel of a truck driven by Philip' Sepulveda of San Pedro. -

At the coroner's inquest, held last Friday at the Stone funeral parlors, Sepulveda was exonerated from all blame.

Local people who attended the fu­ neral included J. A. Smith. C. M. Smith, Miss Lydia Smith. Miss Annie Walker, Miss Elisabeth Caj-lyle, Mrs. Tom Wiilacy. and Miss Mary Wll- kinaon.

Mrs. Wiilacy and Miss Wilkinson rendered several appropriate vocal solos.

of the center line of said Watson Avenue, except at the angle point in Watson Avenue and at the intersec­ tion of the northeasterly curb line of Watson Avenue with the westerly line of Manuel Avenue, at which points said curbs shall be constructed on curves with the radii designated and In the manner shown on the plans adopted for said work and Im­ provement; also that a cement con­ crete curb be constructed along the southerly curb line* of 218th Street from the intersection of said south­ erly curb line with the extended cen­ ter line of Manuel Avenue, westerly to the Intersection of the southerly curb line of 318th Street with the extended southwesterly curb line of Watson Avenue, and, northwesterly along said extended southwesterly curb line of Watson Avenue to the extended westerly line of Manuel Avenue, said curb at the intersection of the southerly curb line of 218th Street and the extended southwesterly curb line of Watson Avenue to be constructed tm a curve with a radius of fifteen (15) feet In the manner


R. K. Wriaht of Redondo tataa that he waa driving went on Caraoa street when OladweU Boyd.

directly acrosa the

Vote For Water BondsH. M. Hall, formerly of Torrance

Park, ban sold his property at Tu- Jnnga and has moved to Redondo Villa Tract.

City Recorder James Kinff ed IS77.SO in finea dariag the of October.

Keystone dance, Saturday nhjht.

I Mra. A. D. Putnum, radio soloist of

work and improvementSECTION 2. All of said work shall

be done and Improvement made in accordance with the plan, profile and ipecifications therefor contained In

ReaoluUon adopting specifications iyo. 1S8 (except as modified herein), which said plan, cross-section and specif ica- tionx hava been anproved and adopt­ ed aft the plan, cross -section and specifications to be followed in doing said work and in making said im­ provement, and by reference thereto, the same are incorporated herein and made a part hereof, and reference 1s hereby made thereto for a more full, complete and detailed description of aald work.

SECTION S. That the aaid con­ templated work and improvement. In the opinion of said Board of Trustees,

SECTION 8. The Torrance Herald, a weekly newspaper, published and circulated in the City of Torrance, is hereby designated as the newspaper in which this Resolution of Intention shall be published, and the City Clerk of said City is hereby directed to cause this Resolution of Intention to be published by two insertions in said newspaper in the manner and form as required by law. The Board >f Trustees does not deem it advis

able* that the City Clerk mail copier of the notice of improvement to the owners or reputed owners of property within the assessment district and he is not required to mall same.

SECTION 9. The Superintendent of Streets of said City shall, after the adoption of this Resolution of Inten­ tion, cause to be conspicuously post­ ed along the lines of said contem­ plated work and improvement and along all the open street* within the heretofore described assessment dis­ trict notices of the passage of thin Resolution of Intention, and in said notices shall call attention to the Cali­ fornia Willite Road Construction Company's Plastic Composition Li­ cense Mixture Agreement dated the 19th day of June, 192!, and on file In the office of the City Clerk of said City and open to public Inspection, in the manner and form required by law.

SECTION 10.- All of the proceed­ ings for the aforesaid work and Im­ provement shall be had and taken under and in ̂ accordance with those acts of the Legislature of the State Of California known and designated as the 'Improvement Act of 1911," approved April 7th, 1911, and the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915," ap­ proved June llth, 1915, and under all acts supplementary thereto or amendatory thereof.

SECTION 11. Reference Is hereby made to the California Willite Road Construction Company's Plastic Com­ position License Mixture Agreement, dated the 19th day of Juno, 1928, ajn<i on file in the office of the.City Clerkof lid City of Torrance and open

an a bit

boat of him. without I Santu Monica, will render several se- The Fords ware' selections at the regular meeting of

I the P.-T. A. next Wednesday, Nov. 4.

Trustees hereby makes tlA; expenses of said work and Improvement charge­ able upon the district, which district said Board of Trustees hereby de­ clare* to be benefited by said work and improvement and-to be assessed to pay the coats and expunHes there­ of; which said district is bounded and described as follown, to-wit:

All that portion of the City of Tor­ rance, included within the following described exterior boundary lines, to- wit:

Vote For Water Bonds Pave Western Avenue *Bectnuln«r at a point on the can- I

tor Una of C&moa Street dUtmt > K

to public Inspection.SECTION 12. Notice i» also hereby

given that Resolution of Intention No. 139 adopted by said Board of Trustees on the 21st day of August, 192S (being the original Resolution of Intention for the doing of said work and Im­ provement), and all proceedings sup­ plementary thereto and taken there­ under have been revoked and an­ nulled.

I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly?In­ troduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Torrance, California, at a regular meeting there­ of held on Tueuday toe 6th day of November, 1928, by the following vote:

Ayes: Trustees Nash, I'roctor, Gil­ bert.

Noes: Trustees None. Absent: Trustees FlUhugh, Smith


City Clerk and ex-offlclo ClerK of the Board of Trustees of tlin City of Torrance, California.

Signed and approved this 6th day of November, 1928.

W. H. GILBERT, President of the Board of

Trustee* oc the City uC Torranoe, California.

