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HOLIDAY HOMEWORK SESSION 2018-19 CLASS – X SUBJECT – ENGLISH Long Reading Text Assignment – The Story of My Life Read the novel ‘The Story of My Life’ Write the answers of the questions given belowin about 20 - 30 words.based on the novel ‘The Story of My Life’ on an A4 Size ruled sheet. 1. When was Helen Keller born? Name her birth place. 2. In which month was Helen afflicted with her illness? How old was she at that time? 3. Who were Helen’s companions during her childhood? 4. Who took out Ms. Sullivan when she was locked by Helen in her room? And how? 5. What was the name of the occulist who was consulted by Helen’s father? 6. What advice did Dr. Graham Bell give to Helen’s father? 7. What was the first gift given to Helen by Ms. Sullivan? 8. Which word opened the floodgates of Helen’s consciousness and liberated her? 9. Where did Ms. Sullivan give her first lesson to Helen? 10. How did Helen overcome her fear of climbing a tree? 11. What was Helen’s concept of love? 12. Which was the first book read by Helen when she started her triumph to read? 13. Where did Helen enjoy her lessons of Geography? 14. Which subject was not liked by Helen? 15. Which two things did Helen have while sleeping on the first Christmas after Ms. Sullivan’s arrival? 16. What gift did Ms. Sullivan give to Helen on Christmas and what did Helen name it? 17. What happened to Tim one day? 18. Where did Helen make her first friends with blind children? 19. Where did Helen get her first lesson in History? 20. Where did Helen experience her first trip on the ocean? 21. Who were Helen’s first friends at Boston? 22. Which book inspired Helen to embrace the mighty sea and its roar? 23. What did Helen do to the great horseshoe crab? 24. How did Helen spend her autumn? 25. What was the name of Helen’s pony? 26. What was the favourite amusement for Helen during winters in North? 27. When did Helen learn to speak? 28. What method did Ms. Fuller use to teach Helen to speak? 29. Which was the first story written by Helen and whom was it sent to? 30. Why was Helen’s first story accused of plagiarism? 31. What did Helen do after the incident of ‘The Frost King’? 32. What were the chief events of Helen’s life in 1893? 33. Who all accompanied Helen to the World Fair? 34. What seemed like Arabian Nights to Helen in the World Fair and why? 35. What did Helen learn at the Cape of Good Hope? 36. How did Helenlearn about the progress of man? 37. What all did Helen learn at the World Fair? 38. Which all French books were read by Helen for pleasure? 39. Who taught Latin to Helen? 40. Name the important meeting attended by Helen in 1894? 41. Who was Helen’s German teacher in New York?
Page 1: HOLIDAY HOMEWORK SESSION 2018-19 CLASS – X Long … · HOLIDAY HOMEWORK . SESSION 2018-19 . CLASS – X . SUBJECT – ENGLISH Long Reading Text Assignment – The Story of My Life




Long Reading Text Assignment – The Story of My Life

• Read the novel ‘The Story of My Life’ • Write the answers of the questions given belowin about 20 - 30 words.based on the novel ‘The

Story of My Life’ on an A4 Size ruled sheet. 1. When was Helen Keller born? Name her birth place. 2. In which month was Helen afflicted with her illness? How old was she at that time? 3. Who were Helen’s companions during her childhood? 4. Who took out Ms. Sullivan when she was locked by Helen in her room? And how? 5. What was the name of the occulist who was consulted by Helen’s father? 6. What advice did Dr. Graham Bell give to Helen’s father? 7. What was the first gift given to Helen by Ms. Sullivan? 8. Which word opened the floodgates of Helen’s consciousness and liberated her? 9. Where did Ms. Sullivan give her first lesson to Helen? 10. How did Helen overcome her fear of climbing a tree? 11. What was Helen’s concept of love? 12. Which was the first book read by Helen when she started her triumph to read? 13. Where did Helen enjoy her lessons of Geography? 14. Which subject was not liked by Helen? 15. Which two things did Helen have while sleeping on the first Christmas after Ms. Sullivan’s arrival? 16. What gift did Ms. Sullivan give to Helen on Christmas and what did Helen name it? 17. What happened to Tim one day? 18. Where did Helen make her first friends with blind children? 19. Where did Helen get her first lesson in History? 20. Where did Helen experience her first trip on the ocean? 21. Who were Helen’s first friends at Boston? 22. Which book inspired Helen to embrace the mighty sea and its roar? 23. What did Helen do to the great horseshoe crab? 24. How did Helen spend her autumn? 25. What was the name of Helen’s pony? 26. What was the favourite amusement for Helen during winters in North? 27. When did Helen learn to speak? 28. What method did Ms. Fuller use to teach Helen to speak? 29. Which was the first story written by Helen and whom was it sent to? 30. Why was Helen’s first story accused of plagiarism? 31. What did Helen do after the incident of ‘The Frost King’? 32. What were the chief events of Helen’s life in 1893? 33. Who all accompanied Helen to the World Fair? 34. What seemed like Arabian Nights to Helen in the World Fair and why? 35. What did Helen learn at the Cape of Good Hope? 36. How did Helenlearn about the progress of man? 37. What all did Helen learn at the World Fair? 38. Which all French books were read by Helen for pleasure? 39. Who taught Latin to Helen? 40. Name the important meeting attended by Helen in 1894? 41. Who was Helen’s German teacher in New York?

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42. When did Helen enter the Cambridge School? 43. When did Helen take her preliminary exams for Radcliffe College? 44. When did Helen take her final exams for Radcliffe College? 45. When did Helen fulfil her dream to enter Radcliffe College? 46. What was the major problem faced by Helen at the Radcliffe College? 47. Why did Helen say, “Literature is my Utopia”? 48. Which was Helen’s favourite game when she felt lonely and idle? 49. Which was the first play seen by Helen in theatre ? Who was the actress in it? 50. Who introduced Helen to God and the spiritual world?

SUBJECT – FRENCH Do the assignment given below in A-4 size ruled sheets. Q.1 Lisez le passage et répondez aux questions :

Faire les magasins `a Paris n’est pas seulement `a faire des achatsdans les boutiques de luxeou les nombreuses boutiques de créateurs. Les petites boutiques, les marchés aux puces coexistent également. On trouve des articles `a tous les prix `a Paris (cher, bon marche’, en promotion, d’occasion). Les Parisienset les touristesattendentdiligemment pour le période de soldes qui commence en étévers les 25, 26 Juin et en hiver vers 8 Janvier de chaqueannée.

Les magasins de Paris ouvrent de 10h `a 19h etilssontfermés le dimanche `a l’ exception des boutiques du Carrousel du Louvre, de l’avenue des Champs-Élysées, du quartier du Marais ou encore de Sèvres-Babylone.

Il y a des quartiers commerçantspopulaires `a Paris :

- `A la Rue de Rivoli, voustrouvez des produits des grandesenseignes (habillement, mode) ou les articles de décorationou de souvenirs (carte postale, magnats pour collersur le frigo, t-shirt de Paris etc.)

- Au quartier de Louvre- des Tuileries- des Champs-Élysées connu pour être la capitale du luxe et entièrementdédié `a la mode et au design voustrouvez les boutiques de grands couturiers (Yves Saint Laurent, Versace, Hermès, Prada…) alorsque la rue de la Paix et la Place de Vendômevoientunegrande concentration des plus grandsbijoutiers et joailliers de Paris (Cartier, Mauboussin, Chanel, Van Clef, Boucheron..)

- Au quartier d’Opéraet de Chausséed’Antin, on trouve de GrandsMagasins, le Printemps et Les Galeries Lafayette qui se partagent tout le Boulevard Haussmann, véritablesymbole de Paris de la Belle époque.

A. Répondez :

a. Où se trouve-t-on les articles de décoration et de souvenirs ? b. Nommez des quartiers commerçants `a Paris ?

B. Complétez en choisissant la bonne réponse :

a. Le Printempset Les Galeries Lafayette sont des _______ `a Paris. (marchés/ magasins) b. Yves Saint Laurent est un grand_______ français. (Bijouterie/couturier) c. Cartier, Chanel et Van Clef sont les ______ français. (Bijouteries/ Boutiques) d. J’aiacheté des ______ pour mes parents. (soldes/souvenirs)

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Q.2 Complétez avec les articles convenables :

Chers Papa etMaman,

Ici, c’estmagnifique ! Nous avons du soleilet je fais _____ ski tous les jours. J’adore _____ ski. Nous sommesdansun petit restaurant. ______ cuisineest bonne. Cesoir, on mange trop _____ fromage et ______ légumes.

Q.3 Utilisezbien le présentprogressif:

a. Tu _______ (sentir) les fleurs de monjardin. b. Vous______ (ne pas visiter) un bon restaurant ici. c. Nous _______ (se promener) ensemble. d. Les hommes _______ (bavarder) lentement. e. Je _______ (ne pas arriver) au cinema.

Q.4 Complétez avec le passe’ récent :

a) Nous _______ (faire) de bruit. b) Les dames _______ (acheter) de belles robes. c) Les enfants _______ (ne pas se réveiller) tôt au week-end. d) Notre tante _______ (retourner) de France. e) Tu ______ (s’habiller) bien pour aller au bureau.

Q.5 Conjuguez au future proche:

a. Nous _______ (jeter) les papiersinutilesdans la poubelle. b. Ils _______ (ne pas devoir) finircerepas. c. Vous _______ (choisir) tousvos plats favoris. d. Tu _______ (s’asseoir) `a cote de moi. e. Mon oncle _____ (finir) son travail `al’heure.

Q.6 Changez les phrases `a l’impératif :

a. Vousavez du courage. b. Tudoiste laver bien. c. Nous sommes sages. d. Nous savonsbiencetteleçon. e. Il ne faut pas parler fort.

Q. 7 Mettez les phrases en bon ordre :

a. Voir/ est/ce/n’/soir/personne/venu/me b. Vais/aujourd’hui/je/la/m’/inscrire/`a/bibliotheque c. Serveuse/que/la/vois/est/gentille/tu/très d. Qui/regarde/porte/la/une/jolie/rouge/fille/robe

Q.8 Complétez avec l’adjectif et le pronominterrogatif :

a. _______ ordinateurs ne marchent pas et ______ marchent ? b. _______ recetteest facile et ______ n’est pas ? c. _______ dictionnaireest en français et ____ est en anglais ? d. Dans ______ entreprise ton frère travaille-t-il ?etdans ______ ta mèretravaille ? e. _______ écrivainssont ton favoris et _____ tun’aimes pas ?

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Q.9 Utilisezl’adjectifdémonstratif :

a. Je vaisvisiter _____ musée la semaineprochaine. b. Regarde _____ château médiévaldevant ______ pyramide. c. N’oubliez pas de mettre _____ documents et ______ page dans _____ dossier. d. _______ imprimante (printer) ne marche pas bien.

Q . 10 Complétez avec l’adjectifpossessif :

a. ______ bouquet de fleur esttras beau. b. Nous parlons de ______ voyage avec ______ amis. c. Vousdonnez des chocolats `a ______ enfant. d. ______ oncle range ______ affaires.

Q.11 Complétez avec l’imparfait et le conditionnelprésent :

a. Si tu _______ (réfléchir) silongtemps, nous ____ (rater) le train. b. Si vous _____ (faire) unrégime, vous _______ (perdre) les pois. c. Si elles ______ (ne pas avoir) les vacancesd’été, nous _______ (ne pas pouvoir) aller en France. d. Si je _____ (consacrer) plus, je ______ (terminer) le travail `al’heure.

Q.12 Complétez avec le passe’ compose’ :

a. Elles _____ (entrer) `al’université. b. Tu ______ (rendre) les livres `a temps. c. Les clients _______ (descendre) du train. d. Je _______ mes courses. (faire) e. Les filles _____ (ne pas sortir) de la chambre.

Q. 13 Répondez au négatif :

a. Vont-ils `a la plage ? b. Est-cequetuachètes des fruits pour ta mère ? c. Est-cequ’ilsrentrent de la discothèque ? d. Mangent-ilstroissandwichs ? e. Préfères-tu les légumesverts ?

Q.14 Complétez avec le futursimple :

a. Qui ______ (obtenir) la meilleurenote ? b. Il _____ (falloir) apprendretous les verbes. c. Vous ______ (ne pas répondre) `a la lettre. d. Nous ______ (ne pas aller) pas `a la plage. e. Tu ______ (pouvoir) finirce travail.

Q.15 Répondez :

a. Qu’est-ceque le Tour de France ? b. Qu’est-ceque La Sorbonne ? c. En France quelssont les différents types des écoles ? d. Queldiplôme on peutobtenir au collège et au lycée ? e. Dites les différentes parties de CV ? f. Quellessont les responsabilitésd’unesecrétaire ?

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g. NommezquelquesécrivainsFrançais et Indiens ? h. Qui étaitPerrault ? i. Quesavez-vous de Panchatantra et qui l’aécrit ?


µ inamnailaiKt p``SnaaoM ko ]%tr ApnaI ]%trpuistka ³naaoTbauk´ maoM ilaiKe.

1 Aapko ivad\yaalaya ma oMek saPtah ko ilae ' nao~ icaik%saa iSaivar' lagaayaa jaa rha hO̧ ijasamaoM inaÁSaulk nao~¹prIxaNa

ikyaa jaaegaa.sqaanaIya janata kao saUicat krnao ko ilae 20¹30 SabdaoM maoM ek saUcanaa tOyaar kIijae.

2 Aap ApnaI saaosaa[TI ko AQyaxa hOM.saaosaa[TI kao svacC rKnao hotu saUcanaapT\T ko ilae saUcanaa tOyaar kIijae.

3 Kad\ya pdaqaao-M maoM haonao vaalaI imalaavaT saMbaMQa maoM dao ima~aoM kI baatcaIt kao saMvaad $p maoM ilaiKe.

4 ilaipk pd ko ir@tsqaana ko ilae ek iva&apna tOyaar kIijae ijasamaoM ihMdI TMkNa ka &ana rKnao vaalaaoM kao

P``aaqaimakta donao kI baat kIijae.

µ inamna ilaiKt maoM sao iksaI ek ivaYaya pr³3¹4 imanaT ka´ ek vaR%tica~ ³Documentry´ tOyaar kIijae¸ ijasa maoM

svayaMsaovaI saMsqaaAaoM¸

gaOr¹sarkarI saMsqaaAaoM tqaa sarkar ko p`yaasa saimmailat haoM.

1 p``akRitk saMsaaQanaaoM ka saMrxaNa ³jaOsao¹naidyaaи kueи talaaba Aaid´

2 idllaI kI mah%%vapUNa - eoithaisak [maartoM


inad- oSa: ¹ sampUNa - kaya-ma\ (A 4 Sheet) maQyaoilaKntu.

Q.1 kark p`krNa¹ savaa -saama\ ivaBak\itnaama\ inayamaana\ ilaiK%vaasmaRntu.

Q.2 “svarsainQa” [it inayamaana \ ilaiK%vaa pcMa ]dahrNaaina ilaKntu va smaRntu.

Q.3 svakIya pircayaM ilaKntu.pMcadSavaa@yoaYau.

Page 6: HOLIDAY HOMEWORK SESSION 2018-19 CLASS – X Long … · HOLIDAY HOMEWORK . SESSION 2018-19 . CLASS – X . SUBJECT – ENGLISH Long Reading Text Assignment – The Story of My Life

Subject Mathematics

To do the following assignments on A-4 sized white ruled sheets only.

1. Real Numbers

Q.1) Express each of the following positive integers as the product of primes:

(i) 468 (ii) 5005 (iii) 13915

Q.2) Use Euclid’s Division Algorithm to find HCF of:

(i) 56 and 88 (ii) 609 and 957 (iii) 9367 and 3451 (Ans 8, 87, 493)

Q.3) Obtain HCF and LCM of the following pairs of positive integers by applying the prime factorization method. Also verify that the product of LCM and HCF = the product of the numbers.

(i) 180 and 192 (ii) 306 and 657

Q.4) Find LCM and HCF of the numbers 6, 72 and 120. Also show that HCF × LCM ≠ product of numbers. (Ans = 360, 6)

Q.5) Given that HCF (60, 168) = 12, find LCM (60, 168) (Ans = 840)

Q.6) Find HCF of the numbers 96 and 404 by prime factorization method. Hence find their LCM. (Ans = 4, 9696)

Q.7) Show that 8n can never end with the digit zero for any natural number n.

Q.8) Show that 15n can never end with the digit zero for any natural number n.

Q.9) Show that any positive integer is of the form: 3q, 3q + 1 or 3q + 2 for some integer q.

Q.10) Show that the square of any positive integer is of the form 8q + 1 where q is some integer.

Q.11) Show that the cube of any positive integer of the form 6q + r, q is an integer and r = 0, 1, 2, 3,

4, 5 is of the form 6m + r.

Q.12) Three light houses flash their lights every 15 seconds, 12 seconds and 18 seconds respectively.

If they last flashed together at 9:15 a.m., then at what time will they next flash together?

(Ans = 9:18 a.m.)

Q.13) Kiran goes to Big Bazaar every 64 days and Harpreet goes to the same every 72 days. They met

each other one day. How many days later will they meet each other again? (Ans = 576 days)

Q.14) Prove that the following numbers are irrational:

(i) √11 (ii) √7

Q.15) The following real numbers have decimal expansions as given below. In each case decide whether they are rational or not. If they are rational and of the form p/q , what can you say about the prime factors of q?

(i) 21.145897 (ii) 1.10100100010000…… (iii) 43.245631����������

Q.16) Explain why 5 × 7 × 11 × 13 + 13 is composite number? Q.17) Prove that the following numbers are irrational:

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(i) 7 – 2√5 (ii) 32√5

(iii) √5 + √3 (iv) 2√7

(v) 2√3 – 1

Q.18) Without actually performing the long division, state whether the following rational numbers

will have a terminating decimal expansion or a non terminating repeating decimal expansion?

If they have a terminating decimal expansion then expresses them in the decimal form:

(i) 432253

(ii) 441225772

(iii) 145871250

(iv) 35250

HOTS Q.19) Prove that the numbers 864 and 1001 are co primes and hence find their LCM , without using

formula. (Ans = 864864)

Q.20) Prove that �𝑝 is an irrational number for any prime 𝑝.

Q.21) Can two positive numbers have 812 and 28 as their HCF and LCM respectively? Justify.

Q.22) What is the greatest number which divides 442, 569, 697 leaving remainder 1, 2 and 4

respectively? (Ans = 63)

Q.23) Find the HCF of 90 and 144 and express it as a linear combination of 90 and 144.

(Ans= 18, 90x + 144y)

Q.24) Prove that n2 – n is divisible by 2 for every positive integer n.

Q.25) Prove that one of every three consecutive positive integers is divisible by 3.

2. Polynomials

1. Find the quadratic polynomial the sum of whose zeroes is 8 and their product is 12.

2. If 𝛼,𝛽 are the zeroes of a polynomial, such that 𝛼 + 𝛽 = 6 and 𝛼𝛽 = 4, then write the polynomial.

3. If one zero of the polynomial (𝑎2 + 9)𝑥2 + 13𝑥 + 6𝑎 is reciprocal of the other, find the value of a.

4. If the product of the zeroes of the polynomial 𝑎𝑥2 − 6𝑥 − 6 = 4, find the value of a.

5. If 𝛼 and 𝛽 are the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial 𝑝(𝑥) = 𝑥2 + 𝑘𝑥 + 45, such that (𝛼 − 𝛽)2 = 144, find the value of k.

6. If 𝛼 and 𝛽 are the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial𝑓(𝑥) = 3𝑥2 − 5𝑥 − 2, find the value of 1 𝛼

+ 1𝛽


7. If 𝛼 and 𝛽 are the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial 𝑓(𝑥) = 4𝑥2 − 4𝑥 + 1, find the value of 𝛼𝛽

+ 𝛽𝑎.

8. If 𝛼 and 𝛽 are the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑥2 − 𝑥 − 2, find the polynomial whose zeroes are (1 + 2𝛼) and (1 + 2𝛽).

9. If 𝛼 and 𝛽 are the zeroes of a quadratic polynomial such that 𝛼 + 𝛽 = 24 and 𝛼 − 𝛽 = 8, find a quadratic polynomial having 𝛼 and 𝛽 as its zeroes.

10. If 𝑛 − 𝑘 is a factor of the polynomials 𝑥2 + 𝑝𝑥 + 𝑞 and 𝑥2 + 𝑚𝑥 + 𝑛, prove that 𝑘 = 𝑛 + 𝑛−𝑞𝑚−𝑝


11. Verify that -1, 3 and 6 are the zeroes of the cubic polynomial𝑝(𝑦) = 𝑦3 − 8𝑦2 + 9𝑦 + 18 and then verify the relations between the zeroes and the coefficients.

12. Find the cubic polynomial whose zeroes are 0, 23and −2


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13. Find the zeroes of the polynomial 𝑝(𝑥) = 𝑥3 − 2𝑥2 − 49𝑥 + 98, if its two zeroes are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign.

14. If the zeroes of the polynomial 𝑥3 − 15𝑥2 + 71𝑥 + 𝑝 are in AP, find the value of p. 15. Divide 3𝑥2 − 𝑥3 − 3𝑥 + 5 by 𝑥 − 1 − 𝑥2 and verify the division algorithm. 16. Find all the zeroes of the polynomial 2𝑥4 + 7𝑥3 − 19𝑥 − 14𝑥 + 30, if two of its zeroes are √2 and –

√2. 17. If √5 and – √5 are two zeroes of the polynomial 𝑥3 + 3𝑥2 − 5𝑥 − 15, find its third zero. 18. What must be subtracted from the polynomial 4𝑥4 + 2𝑥3 − 8𝑥2 + 3𝑥 − 7, so that the resulting

polynomial is exactly divisible by 2𝑥2 + 𝑥 − 2?

19. Find the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑥2 + 8𝑥 + 15 and verify the relationship between the zeroes and the coefficients.

20. Find the zeroes of the polynomial 𝑓(𝑥) = 2𝑥2 − 5𝑥 − 12 and verify the relationship between its zeroes and coefficients.

3. Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables

Q.1) At what point will the line x – y = 8 intersect y-axis?

Q.2) If x = 3m – 1 and y = 4 is a solution of the equation x + y = 6, then find the value of m.

Q.3) A father is 3 times as old as his son. After two years, his age will be two and a half times as old

as his son. Represent this situation algebraically and solve it.

Q.4) Write the condition for which the pair of equations ax + 2y = 7 and 3x + by = 16 represent

parallel lines.

Q.5) Is 5x – 7 = – 2 and 10x – 14y + 4 = 0 a pair of dependent linear equations?

Q.6) For what value of p does the pair of equations given below has a unique solution?

4x + py + 8 = 0; 2x + 2y + 2 = 0.

Q.7) The sum of numerator and denominator of a fraction is 8. If 3 is added to both the numerator and

denominator, the fraction becomes ¾. Find the fraction.

Q.8) The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 12. The number obtained by interchanging the digits exceeds the given number by 18. Find the number.

Q.9) Abdul travelled 300 km by train and 200 km by taxi, it took him 5 hours and 30 minutes. But if he travels 260 km by train and 240 km by taxi, he takes 6 minutes longer. Find the speed of the train and that of the taxi.

Q.10) A boat goes 30 km upstream and 44 km downstream in 10 hours. In 13 hours it can go 40 km upstream and 55 km downstream. Find the speed of the stream and that of the boat in still water.

Q.11) Solve the system of linear equations graphically: x + y = 4; 3x − 2y = −3

Shade the region bounded by these lines and x − axis.

Q.12) Solve the system of linear equation graphically:4x − 5y − 20 = 0; 3x + 5y − 15 = 0

Determine the vertices of the triangle formed by the lines, representing the above equations and y – axis.

Solve the following pairs of linear equations in Q.13 to Q. 16 by using cross – multiplication method:

Q.13) 2x − y = 6; x − y = 2

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Q.14) x + y = 7; 5x + 12y

Q.15) 2x + y = 35; 3x + 4y = 65

Q.16) (a3 + b3)x − (a3 − b3)y = 0; x + y − 2a2 = 0

Q.17) Find the value of k for which the following linear equations have no solution.

(3k + 1)x + 3y − 2 = 0; (k2 + 1)x + (k − 2)y − 5 = 0

Q.18) Find the value of α for which the system of linear equations has an infinite number of solutions.

(α − 1)x − y = 5; (α + 1)x + (1 − α)y = 3α + 1

Q.19) Find the value of k for which the pair of linear equations5x − 3y = 0; 4x + ky = 0 has a non-zero solution.

Q.20) The ratio of incomes of two persons is 9:7 and the ratio of their expenditures is 4:3. If each of them saves Rs. 200 per month, find their monthly incomes.

Q.21) Solve the system of equations: bxa

– ayb

+ a + b = 0 and bx – ay + 2ab = 0

Q.22) Solve for x and y: ax + by – a + b = 0 and bx – ay – a – b = 0


Q.23) Find the value of p and q for which the following system of linear equations has an infinite number of solutions. 2x − y = 5; (p + q)x + (2q − p)y = 15

Q.24) Solve: axb

- bya

= a + bax − by = 2ab

Q.25) Show that the straight lines represented by the equations: 3x + y + 5 = 0; 3y − x = 5and 2x + 5y = 1 are concurrent and find the coordinates of the point where they intersect.

Q.26) 8 men and 6 boys can finish a piece of work in one day while 2 men and 3 boys can finish it in 3 days. Find the time taken by one man alone and that by one boy alone to finish the work.

Q.27) The denominator of a fraction exceeds the numerator by 3. If the difference between the square of the denominator and the square of the numerator is 21, find the fraction

4. Quadratic Equations

1) Check whether the following is quadratic equation or not? Justify. x3- 4x2 – x +1 = (x-2)3 2) Find the roots of the equation 6x2 – x -2=0 by factorization method. 3) Find the nature of the roots of quadratic equation 3x2 – 4 √3 x + 4=0. 4) Find the value of k, if the equation:kx(x-2) + 6 = 0 has equal roots. 5) Find the roots of the quadratic equation 2x2 – 2√2 x +1=0 by quadratic formula. 6) Find the roots of 4x2 + 3x +5 = 0 by completing the square. 7) Find the value of k so that the quadratic equation x2 – 2 (1 + 3k) x + 7 (3 + 2k) = 0 has equal roots. 8) The area of a rectangular plot is 528 m2. The length of the plot in meters is one more than twice its

breadth. We need to find the length and breadth of the plot. Represent it in the form of a quadratic equation.

9) The sum of the reciprocals of Rehman’s age in yrs 3 yrs ago and five yrs from now is 1/3. Find the present age.

10) The altitude of right angled triangle is 7 cm less than its base. If the hypotenuse is 13 cm, find the

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other two sides. 11) An express train takes 1 hr less than a passenger train to travel 132 km b/w Mysore and Bangalore. If

the average speed of the express train is 11 km/h more than the passenger train. Find the average speed of two trains.

12) Solve for x: 2𝑥𝑥 − 3

+ 12𝑥+ 3

+ 3𝑥+9(𝑥 −3)(2𝑥+3)

. 13) 300 apples are distributed equally among a certain number of students. Had there been 10 more

students, each would have received one apple less. Find the number of students. 14) If the roots of the equation (a – b) x2 + (b – c) x + (c – a) = 0 are equal, prove that 2a = b + c. 15) A two digit number is 4 times the sum of its digits and twice the product of its digits. Find the



16) Solve the quadratic equation : 4x2 + 4bx – (a2– b2) = 0 for x. 17) If twice the area of a smaller square is subtracted from the area of a larger square, the result is 14

cm2. However, if twice the area of the larger square is added to three times the area of the smaller square, the result is 203 cm2. Determine the sides of the two squares.

18) Anil takes 6 days less than the time taken by Varun to finish a piece of work. If both Anil and Varun together can finish the work in 4 days, find the time taken by Varun to finish the work independently.

19) Two pipes running together can fill a tank in 1119 minutes. If one pipe takes 5 minutes more than the

other to fill the tank, find the time in which each pipe would fill the tank separately. 20) If the equation (1 + m2) x2 + 2mcx + (c2 – a2) = 0 has equal roots, prove that: c2 = a2 (1 + m2)

5. Circles

1. In a circle with centre C, PQ is a tangent at Q. If CP = 17 cm and the radius of the circle is 8 cm, find the length of the tangent.

2. Find the distance between two parallel tangents to a circle whose radius is 4.5 cm.

3. If PA and PB are tangents from P to a circle with centre C and ∠APB = 50°, find ∠ACB.

4. In a circle with centre C, PA and PB are tangents from P. If the radius of the circle is 4 cm and

PA ⊥ PB, then find the length of each tangent.

5. A point P is 7 cm from the centre of a circle whose diameter is 8 cm. how many tangents can be

drawn to the circle? Justify.

6. The sides AB, BC and AC of a triangle ABC, touch a circle at P, Q and R respectively. If PA = 4 cm, BP = 3 cm and AC = 11 cm, find the length of BC.

7. Two circles are touching externally at the point T. QR is a common tangent to these circles at Q and R. the tangent at T meets QR at P. If PT = 3.8 cm, find the length of QR.

8. Prove that the perpendicular at the point of contact of the tangent to a circle passes through the centre of the circle.

9. If PQ and PR are tangents from an external point P to a circle with centre O, ∠POR = 55°, find


10. Prove that the tangent at any point of a circle is perpendicular to the radius through the point of contact.

11. Prove that the lengths of tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are equal.

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12. Prove that in two concentric circles, the chord of the larger circle , which touches the smaller circle, is bisected at the point of contact.

13. In figure, from an external point P, tangents PA and PB are drawn to a circle. CE is a tangent to the circle at D. If AP = 15 cm, find the perimeter of the triangle PEC.

14. In figure, XP and XQ are two tangents to a circle with centre O from a point X outside the circle.

ARB is a tangent to the circle at R. Prove that XA + AR = XB + BR.

15. Prove that the sum of opposite sides of a quadrilateral circumscribing a circle is equal.

16. If all sides of a parallelogram touches a circle, show that the parallelogram is a rhombus. (In other words, prove that the parallelogram circumscribing a circle is a rhombus.)

17. AD is a diameter of a circle with centre O and AB is a tangent at A. C is a point on the circle

such that DC produced intersects at B and ∠ABC = 50°. Find ∠AOC.

18. PA and PB are tangents drawn from an external point P to a circle with centre O. Prove that

∠APB = 2 ∠OAB.

19. A circle is touching the side BC of a ∆ABC at P and is touching AB and AC when produced at Q and R respectively. Prove that AQ = 1

2 (perimeter of ∆ABC)

20. PQ is a chord of length 8 cm of a circle of radius 5 cm. The tangents at P and Q intersect at a point T. Find the length TP.


21. The radii of two concentric circles are 13 cm and 8 cm. AB is a diameter of the bigger circle. BD is a tangent to the smaller circle, touching it at D. Find the length AD.

22. In figure, PA and PB are tangents from P to the circle with centre O. At the point M, a tangent is drawn cutting PA at K and PB at N. Prove that KN = AK + BN.

23. In the figure, a circle is inscribed in a ∆ABC having sides BC = 8 cm, AC = 10 cm and

AB = 12 cm. Find AD, BE and CF.

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24. In figure, AB is the diameter of a circle with centre O and AT is a tangent. If ∠ AOQ = 58°, find ∠ATQ.

25. In the figure, ABC is a right angled triangle with AB = 6 cm and AC = 8 cm. A circle with centre O has been inscribed inside the triangle. Calculate the value of r, the radius of the

inscribed circle.

6. Statistics

Q.1 Find the class mark of the class 10 – 25.

Q.2. If mean =60 and median =50, then find mode using empirical relationship.

Q.3 Find the mean by direct method for the following data:

Classes 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80

Frequency 4 8 10 12 10 4 2

Q.4 Find the mean of the following frequency distribution [by assumed mean method]

Class : 0 – 6 6 – 12 12 – 18 18 – 24 24 – 30

Frequency : 7 5 10 12 6

Q.5 Find the mean of following frequency distribution:

Class-inetrval: 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50

No. of workers: 7 10 15 8 10

Q.6. Find the mode of the following frequency distribution

Class : 0 – 6 6 – 12 12 – 18 18 – 24 24 – 30

Frequency : 7 5 10 12 6

Q.7. Find mean for the following data using step deviation method :

Class : 0 – 10 10 – 20 20 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50

Frequency : 8 16 36 34 6

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Q.8. Find the mode for the following data:

Classes 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80

Frequency 4 8 10 12 10 4 2

Q.9 Consider the following frequency distribution

Class : 0 – 5 6 – 11 12 – 17 18 – 23 24 – 29

Frequency : 13 10 15 8 11

Find the upper limit of the median class.

Q.10. Find the median class of the following distribution

Class : 0 – 10 10 – 20 20 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50 50 - 60 60 - 70

Frequency : 4 4 8 10 12 8 4

Q.11 Find the value of f1 from the following data if its mode is 65:

Class 0 – 20 20 – 40 40 – 60 60 – 80 80 – 100 100 – 120

Frequency 6 8 f1 12 6 5

Q.12 Find the median for the following data:

Classes 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80

Frequency 4 8 10 12 10 4 2

Q13 If the mean of the following distribution is 27, find the value of p

Class : 0 – 10 10 – 20 20 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50

Frequency : 8 P 12 13 10

Q.14 The median of the following frequency distribution is 28.5 and the sum of all the frequencies is

60. Find the values of p and q :

Classes : 0 – 10 10 – 20 20 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50 50 – 60

Frequency : 5 P 20 15 q 5

Q.15 For the following frequency distribution, draw a cumulative frequency curve of less than type.

Class : 200 – 250 250 – 300

300 – 350

350 – 400

400 – 450

450 – 500

500 – 550

550 – 600

Frequency: 30 15 45 20 25 40 10 15

Q.16 The distribution below gives the marks of 100 students of a class

Marks: 0 - 5 5 -10 10 - 15 15 – 20 20 - 25 25 - 30 30 - 35 35 - 40

Frequency : 4 6 10 10 25 22 18 5

Draw ‘less than’ and ‘more than’ ogives for the following distribution. Also find the median marks from the graph. Verify the median by calculating it using the formula.

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Q. 17 Draw ‘less than’ and ‘more than’ ogives for the following distribution. Also find the median from the graph.

Scores : 20 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50 50 – 60 60 – 70 70 – 80

Frequency : 8 10 14 12 4 2

Q. 18 The annual profits earned by 30 shops of a shopping complex in locality give rise to the following distribution:

Profit 9 (in lakhs) Number of shops More than or equal to 5 30 More than or equal to 10 28 More than or equal to 15 16 More than or equal to 20 14 More than or equal to 25 10 More than or equal to 30 7 More than or equal to 35 5

Draw both the ogives for the above data and hence obtain the median.

Q.19 50 students enter for a school javelin throw competition. The distance (in meter) thrown are recorded below

Distance (in m) 0 – 20 20 – 40 40 – 60 60 – 80 80 – 100 No. of students: 6 11 17 12 4

a) Construct a cumulative frequency distribution table. b) Draw a cumulative frequency (less than type) curve and calculate the median distance thrown by

using this curve. c) Calculate the median distance by using the formula for median.

Q.20 Find the mean , mode and median of the following frequency distribution

Classes : 0 – 10 10 – 20 20 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50 50 – 60 60 - 70 Frequency : 8 8 14 22 30 8 10 Q.21The following are the ages of 300 patients getting medical treatment in a hospital on a particular day: Age (in years) : 10 – 20 20 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50 50 – 60 60 – 70 No. of Pateints : 60 42 55 70 53 20 Form

a) Less than type cumulative frequency distribution b) More than type cumulative frequency distribution c) HOTS

Q. 22 The mode of a distribution is 55 & the modal class is 45-60 and the frequency preceding the modal class is 5 and the frequency after the modal class is 10.Find the frequency of the modal class.

Q.23 Calculate the median for the following distribution : Marks obtained Number of students Below 10 6 Below 20 15 Below 30 29

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Below 40 41 Below 50 60 Below 60 70 Q.24Find the missing frequencies f1 and f2 in the following frequency distribution table, if N =100 and median is 32. Class : 0 – 10 10 – 20 20 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50 50 – 60 Total Frequency 10 f1 25 30 f2 10 100 Q. 25The mean of the data in the following table is 50. Find the missing frequencies f1 and f2.

Class : 10 – 30 30 – 50 50 – 70 70 – 90 90 – 110 Total Frequency : 90 f1 30 f2 40 200 Q.26 Find the unknown entries a, b, c, d, e and f in the following distribution and hence find their mode. Height (in cm) : 150–

155 155–160 160–165 165–

170 170–175 175–180 Total

Frequency : 12 b 10 d e 2 50 Cumulative frequency :

A 25 C 43 48 F

Subject Science

General Instructions:

1.All questions are compulsory 2.Attempt the assignment onA4 sheets(ruled for Physics and Chemistry and Interleaf For Biology) 3. Support your answers with suitable diagrams and paste relevant pictures( wherever needed) 4. Submit the assignment on 2.07.18 5. Paste the assignment in your Physics ,Chemistry and Biology notebooks respectively once they are returned after corrections. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Q1. Write and balance the following chemical equation:

a) Nitric acid reacts with Calcium Hydroxide and forms Calcium Nitrate and water

b) Sodium bicarbonate decomposes to give Sodium Carbonate ,Carbon dioxide and water

c) Sodium Chloride reacts with water to give Sodium Hydroxide ,Hydrogen gas and Chlorine molecule

d) Aluminium metal reacts with Sulphuric acid to give Aluminium Sulphate and Hydrogen gas

e) Phosphorus Pentoxide reacts with water to give Phosphoric acid

Q2. What change in colour is observed when white silver chloride is left exposed to sunlight? State the type of chemical reaction in this change. Also write the equation.

Q3. Solid Calcium Oxide was taken in a container and water was added slowly to it a) State the two observations made in the experiment. b) Write the name and chemical formula of the product formed.

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Q4.What changes in the colour of iron nails and Copper Sulphate solutions do you observe after keeping the iron nails dipped in Copper Sulphate solution for about 30 minutes?

Q5.What is corrosion? Give three example of corrosion. Perform an activity to demonstrate corrosion at home and record your observations. Click and paste pictures of metallic objects before and after corrosion. Suggest three methods of prevention also.

Q6.What is rancidity? Write different methods of preventing rancidity.

Q7. PbO2 + 4HCl → PbCl2+ Cl2+ 2H 2O .Identify the oxidizing agent and reducing agents

Q8. What is oxidation reaction? Give an example of oxidation reaction.


Q1.What happens when an acid reacts with Sodium hydrogen Carbonate ? Write the equation for the reaction that takes place?

Q2.Plaster of Paris should not be kept in wet containers. Explain why? Write the equation for the preparation of Plaster of Paris.

Q3. Why do acids not show acidic behavior in the absence of water? What are strong & weak acids?

Q4.A milk man adds a very small amount of baking soda to fresh milk. Why does he shift the pH of fresh milk from 6 to slightly alkaline? Why does this milk take longer time to become curd?

Q5. Name the substance which on heating forms washing soda? How is baking soda different from baking soda? Explain the action of baking powder in the making of cake (or bread). Write equation of the reaction involved. Explain how it acts as an antacid.

Q6. What is water of crystallization of certain salts? What happens when Copper Sulphate crystals are slightly warmed ? What happens when anhydrous Copper Sulphate is treated with few drops of water? Write the equation.

Q7. Explain why pH in a person’s mouth lower after each meal. What damage could be caused while the pH is low? How could the person change his eating habits to lessen the chances of suffering tooth decay?

Q8. Fresh solutions A, B, C, D & E when tested with Universal indicator showed pH as 4 , 1 , 11 , 7 &9 respectively. Which should be a) Neutral b) strongly alkaline c) Strongly acidic ? d) Weakly acidic e) Weakly alkaline?



Q1. What is the role of blood in transportation of materials in our body?

Q2. Draw and explain a well labeled diagram showing internal structure of human heart.

Q3. How does the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide take place in human body?

Q4. Justify the difference in the structure of heart of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fishes? Q5. What is blood pressure? What is “Systolic” and ‘’Diasytolic” pressure?

Q6. What is the composition of Lymph? What is its function?

Q7. What is the difference between blood plasma and lymph?

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Q8. Given reason for the following:-

(a) The blood pressure is much greater in arteries than in veins.

(b) The walls of ventricles are thicker

(c) The veins have valves

(d) Valves are present between auricles and ventricles.

(e) Right and left side of heart are separated by a wall (Septum)


Q1. Why is proper system of transport essential in plants?

Q2. Why do plants have low energy needs as compared to animals?

Q3. Differentiate between Transpiration and Translocation?

Q4. How do roots absorb water? Write the factors which help to do so?

Q5. What are the advantages of transpiration?

Q6. Differentiate between Xylem and Phloem?


Q1.What do you mean by Excretion? Why is it essential in living organism?

Q2. Draw a well labeled diagram of excretory system in humans?

Q3. How is urine produced? What is its composition?

Q4. Name the basic filtration unit in the kidney? Draw its labeled diagram and explain its function?

Q5. How can we control the urge to urinate?

Q6. What are the functions of Kidneys?

Q7. What is Dialysis? How is it done?

Q8. Name the excretory products in plants? How are they excreted?


Q1. Under what condition will a glass lens placed in a transparent liquid become invisible?

Q2. Define refractive index. The refractive index of water is 1.33 and the speed of light in air is 3 × 108 m/s. Calculate the speed of light in water.

Q3. (a) State and define the SI unit of power of a lens.

(b) A convex lens of focal length 25 cm and a concave lens of focal length 10 cm are placed in close contact with each other. Calculate the power of this lens combination.

Q4. An object of size 2cm is placed at a distance of 3 cm from a concave lens of focal length 12 cm. Find (i) position and (ii) nature and (iii) size of the image formed.

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Q5. An object is placed at a distance of 12 cm in front of concave mirror. It forms a real image 4 times larger than the object. Calculate the distance of the image from the mirror.

Q6. A person can comfortably read a book but finds it difficult to read the number on a bus parked 5 m away from him. Name the type of defect of vision he is suffering from. Which type of lens should he use in his spectacles to correct his vision?Draw ray diagrams to illustrate the image formation before and after he uses the prescribed lens.

Q7. Give reasons:

(i) Planets do not twinkle, but the stars twinkle.

(ii) A star appears slightly higher above than its actual position in the sky. Draw diagram to illustrate this.

(iii)Lights of red colour are used for danger signals. Q8. Draw ray diagrams to show image formation by a concave mirror when an object is placed in front of

it at

(a) itscentre of curvature (b) between F and C (c) between F and P

Also write the characteristics and position of the image formed.

Q9. Draw ray diagrams to show image formation by a convex lens when an object is placed in front of it at

(a) between F and 2F (b) at 2F (c) between F and optical centre

Also write the characteristics and position of the image formed.


• Students to prepare a project file on any one of the following (either Economics or Political Science or Geography)


"Some things cannot be taught; they must be experienced. You never learn the most valuable lessons in life until you go through your own journey." With the above thought, and to educate ourselves on financial literacy, this time in the vacations students will learn some basic banking processes.

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Project-Banking Process

1)Students to visit a bank with their parents and do the following tasks under their supervision only. • DepositingRs 500 in their Account • Withdrawal of Rs 500 from their Account • Depositing a cheque of Rs 1000 ( this can be done from one parent's account to another)

2)Students will do the transactions from their parent's bank Account.

They will keenly observe the whole process and will write a detailed report on the same. 3)The report should be hand writtenand should include the following: • Procedure of the above mentioned tasks • Date and day of visit • Name and address of the branch • Photoccpy of deposit and withdrawal slips • Photocopy of cheque • at least 5 photographs.

Material required • Scrap file • Relevant pictures, which have been clicked by the students and any other of his/her choice. •



Project-The Significance of Interest Groups in Democracy

Movements and struggles are an indispensable part of a dynamic Democracy. They ensure that citizens have their right of participation and that they use it to the optimum whenever needed. Recently the Supreme Court of India declared Euthanasia as a part of Right to Life. This landmark verdict came after a PIL was filed by, Common Cause which is a Public Interest Organization or Group.

Study and research about the journey of this particular Public Interest Group: • The basic information on Common Cause • Its struggle before filing the PIL. • The reason for filing the PIL • The arguments that were presented for and against the proposal.

Student are free to include in their project about any such landmark judgment which was achieved due to the perseverance of an NGO/Public Interest Group/Sectional Interest Group. Project should also consist of

• Index • Acknowledgement • Bibliography

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Material required • A4 size sheets single lined on one side and plain on one side, spirally bounded. • Relevant pictures.

Project should be hand written.


GEOGRAPHY Project-First Aid

I) Prepare a Pocket Guide on First Aid and choose awareness campaign strategy for either senior citizens or illiterate people and supplement it with photographs so that it becomes easy for everyone to understand.

Objective of making the First Aid Guide is • To provide initial care to the victim until more advance care is provided. • To preserve life. • To prevent the victim’s condition from worsening. • To promote recovery.

1. Keeping in mind the above objectives prepare a Pocket Guide on First Aid on A6 size notepad for your school. 2. The First Aid pocket guide should contain aid that needs to be given for

• Fracture and Sprains. • Nose Bleeding • Heat stroke • Burns. • Minor cuts

3. The content shared in the guide should be supported with adequate pictures so as to give a clear and elaborate understanding about the topics.

OR Project-Communication facilities for Disaster Management Prepare a report onany one method of communication systemlike Radio/Satellite/Television/ Ham radio which are used by Government departments such as the Indian Meteorological Department to disseminate information. Find out how the information is disseminated by them at various levels during disasters.

The report should contain: 1. Acknowledgement. 2. Index 3. Content 4. Conclusion 5. Bibliography 6. Relevant pictures

Material Required: • A4 Size light colouredsheets (For preparing the report), decorative items, • The report shouldn't exceed 12(full script) pages.

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Database Design- Vehicle Parking Record File

1. Print the screenshot of Table in design view. Create any six fields, related to the database with appropriate data types for each field.

2. Make one primary key 3. Print the screenshot of the any ten appropriate records of the database. 4. All the printouts should be submitted in the FIT practical file. • Students should paste newspaper cuttings on an A4 size sheet, about any two latest news articles related to

the field of IT. This sheet should also be submitted in the same FIT practical file.

SEWA (Social Empowerment through Work Education and Action)

SEWA (Social Empowerment through Work Education and Action) an endeavor by CBSE is a program that aims to focus on the mental, emotional and social health of a student.

The main objective of SEWA projects is to direct children’s mind in constructive activities with positive outcomes through the facilitation of creative and critical thinking. This would help them to develop self- confidence and self-esteem.

Another objective of this programme is to underline the significance of the interdependence of all human beings and our dependence on the environment in this shrinking global village. Students must acknowledge that they have a responsibility towards the less privileged, the disadvantaged, the CWSN (Divyang), the society, and the environment. The principle of giving to society has to become second nature to them.

Keeping these objectives in mind, SEWA project 1 and SEWA project 2 have been designed for preparing students to be active global citizens that enhance the quality of life both for others and for themselves.


• Prepare an A-4 size folder using biodegradable ,eco friendly material. • Both the project to be presented on A-4 size ruled sheets and organized in the folder neatly. • A self appraisal form,given at the end of this holiday homework is to be attached at the end

of each project.

SEWA Project - 1

Dignity of Labour

Project Focus – Empathy and Compassion

Target Point- As individuals we should encourage students to respect all jobs and understand the value and dignity of work. Sweepers, shoe makers, laborers and launderers contribute to comfortable living. We should respect people for their perseverance, hard work and effort. If we have to accord dignity to labour, social services must be commended and community has to be sensitive to individuals and learn to understand and respect them.

Key Objectives:

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Students will:

● understand the value of toil. ● understand the importance of different occupations in our social system – such as, ice-cream lorry, balloon man, chai stall, kite seller, bangle seller, knife sharpener, food lorry, etc. ● learn to respect people from different vocations of life. ● understand and value of Human Rights. ● be empathetic and compassionate. ● respect people despite nature of work involved in their vocations. ● instill love for labour. Procedure

Get into regular interactions with two different community helpers (Ice cream seller , domestic help , cobbler ,sweeper , driver etc) and discuss their problems and threats.

Make a list of the issues that matters to them and how improvement in their work conditions may be brought about them.


Record your observations in the format given below on A-4 size sheets:

S. no. Name and address Occupational Problems & Threats

Assistance Required


SEWA Project - 2

Environment Conscious Citizens: Connecting with Nature

Project Focus

This is a leadership building exercise and will help the students to become a thinking and environmentally conscious individual. It is a journey of self-evaluation and personal and professional growth.

Key Objective –

Our world is changing, and changing fast. Our environment is pressured due to overexploitation of our finite natural resources, climate change, and rapidly changing economic and social situations. This is leading to us leaving behind a complicated and difficult mess for our future generations to deal with. Unless the young generation does not build an appreciation for nature and see value in its preservation, we will continue to deplete our natural resources, causing irreparable damage to our planet.


• Go on a walk in a park /garden/forest nearby area. Choose a time when there is likelihood of minimum disturbance.

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• Sit down on green grass and compose yourself. • Take deep breath and feel the air around you (warm/cool) • Visit regularly and observe different kind of trees that grow in that area. • Compare their size, kinds of leaves, flowers, seeds, bark ,canopy etc. • Observe different kinds of birds, insects any other animal that you see on the walk. • Choose a plant and observe it closely to find some additional information about the tree such as

flowers, fruits, bark, trunk, any special adaptation, size, kind of soil it grows on etc. • Find out the name of the tree, its importance in nature and for humans.


Design a portfolio for the tree on A-4 size sheets and present it in an innovative manner. You may draw or paste relevant pictures or dried plant parts to edify the portfolio .Prepare the portfolio using the following pointers :


Name of Plant:

Common Name/Vernacular Name :

Botanical Name :

Plant Classification :

Type of Root:

Type of flowers:

Type of Seed :

Type of Pollination:

Commercial uses :

Medicinal uses (if any):

Traditional Importance(if any) :

Any other relevant information :

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My SEWA Appraisal Form

The following questions should be addressed at the end of each activity /project. These are guiding questions. Candidates can either answer on this form or write a reflective , continuous , text incorporating responses to these questions.

My SEWA Appraisal Form

My Name ______________________________________

My Activity/project _______________________________

My commitment towards the project/ Activity

This activity/project has been a great learning experience because

The project has definitely changed me as apersoninterms of behavior , attitude and life skills because

The challenges I faced and the things I might do differently next time to improve?

I have completed the Activity/Project with full responsibility and dedication

Student’s Name ___________ Class _________

Student’s Signature _______________ Date_____________

Parents Signature _____________ Date_________
