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Holistic Healing with Arielle Essex [Episode 20] Wired For Success TV

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Holistic healing was fortunately, very familiar to Arielle Essex when she was diagnosed with a brain tumour. As a complementary health practitioner Arielle set out on a journey to discover the message that this 'dis-ease' had come to deliver. Eagerly she signed up for all manner of courses, including NLP, which might offer enlightenment as to what this message was offering. What unfolded for this feisty woman was a path of understanding. She begun to feel empowered as she came to see that 'if she had created the tumour, then she could also 'uncreate' it! A very determined Arielle, travelled far and wide to learn as much as she could about 'mind-body' healing and was often overwhelmed by the tremendous amount of love and sharing of information that she encountered along the way. Her extensive training and knowledge has now been distilled into her teachings through workshops and one to one coaching programmes as well as her writings - including her soon to be published latest book, 'Practical Miracles: Choices that Heal and Build Resilience'. Her story is one of real courage in facing the unknown and coming face to face with parts of herself that had been suppressed. Few would have chosen this route. Inspiring in every way, Arielle gives us this frank and uncapped interview.
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~ Wired for Success TV ~ Mastering the 7 Areas of Life www.wiredforsuccess.tv Presented by Melanie Gabriel & Beryl Thomas [Episode 20 ] Holistic Healing http://www.wiredforsuccess.tv 1
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~ Wired for Success TV ~Mastering the 7 Areas of Life


Presented by

Melanie Gabriel & Beryl Thomas

[Episode 20]

Holistic Healing

with Arielle Essex



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Holistic Healing with Arielle Essex [Episode 20] Wired For Success TV


Melanie: So welcome everyone to another episode of http://www.wiredforsuccess.tv. Today we’ve got Arielle Essex with us. Now most of us would go into an absolute tailspin at the thought of being diagnosed with a brain tumor and probably we would be looking for the fastest way to have it removed or at least be medically treated.

However, when this diagnosis was given to Arielle, she took a deep breath and decided that as a complementary health practitioner, she would begin her own process of inner inquiry.

That decision took her into a very interesting territory where she was forced to look at her health and in fact her life from a totally different perspective. She really had to walk her talk.

Her latest book Practical Miracles: Choices that Heal and Build Resilience shares Arielle’s beliefs that we are more than just a physical body, that we have incredible inner resources and if we know the steps to tap into, then any condition can be healed.

Today Arielle shares how she went on to cure herself of that brain tumor, how she had to go through a shift in thinking to really heal and the message the tumor had for her. So welcome Arielle.

Arielle: Thank you.

Melanie: It’s an honor to have you here with us today.

Arielle: Well, I’m honored to be here with you. Thank you for having me.

Melanie: So Arielle, we would love you to tell us exactly what was going on in your life when this tumor was diagnosed.



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Arielle: Well, I was exactly 39 when my tumor was diagnosed and I was divorced and the reason I had gotten divorced was I really wanted a family. So at 39, I had fallen in love with the man of my dreams and I thought we were about to get married and embark on a whole new life and I was right at that borderline age, 39, wanting a baby and everything was looking like it was going to turn out right.

But even happy events can be quite stressful and the whole realm of relationships in my life had always been quite stressful. It was at that point out of the blue I received this diagnosis of one centimeter prolactinoma. It was a shock. It was a huge shock and it felt like it came out of nowhere. In fact, it had been there for quite some time. I just didn’t know it was there and it probably had been related to a previous ovarian cyst that I had had years before. But having put two and two together, suddenly I was faced with dealing with …

Melanie: So I want to interrupt it here. So you’re saying that there had been indications which you had been overlooking.

Arielle: Yes, I had an ovarian cyst which also resolved without any kind of medical intervention. I was about to have the operation but at that time, this was about four, five years earlier, I went to see this amazing shaman and the cyst disappeared.

So I just assumed everything would resolve and everything would be fine and forgot all about it until this new diagnosis occurred by sheer fluke.

Beryl: So why did you think there was a connection?

Arielle: Well, prolactinomas have to do with secreting the lactation hormone prolactin which is obviously for making milk for babies. Ovarian cysts are also on the same circuitry in the body. The ovaries make the babies, the eggs for the babies. So it’s all on the same circuit with the thyroid and some of the other glands as well.

So as an osteopath and naturopath, I was well-aware of what the connections might be and also because I was in complementary medicine. My first instinct was well, I want to heal this naturally but I also knew



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enough to go to the medical libraries and research everything I could about my particular tumor.

Here’s where there was a very interesting insight. My particular tumor is known to be related to stress. I thought that’s really odd because here I was happier than I’ve ever been and I didn’t really have what I called a highly stressful life. I had stress in only one realm – relationships.

Melanie: I was just going to say you gave a hint before that. Relationships could be stressful. OK. So using your experience, before we talk about that a bit more, could you for the audience just give a description of the relationship between the stress and illness and the importance of releasing that stress?

Arielle: Sure. It’s now pretty much an established fact that almost 95 percent of illnesses are caused by stress and it’s the type of stress that confuses people because of course if you ask anybody, they always say, “Yeah, I’m stressed. I’m stressed.” But there’s good stress and there’s negative stress. There are conscious levels of stress and then there are unconscious levels of stress.

Now good stress is the stress of being excited, motivated. We want a little bit of stress in life because we don’t like to be bored but if you have a little bit too much stress, it kind of goes over a threshold and then you start to feel tired. That’s the first thing you notice. You’re tired all the time and then it goes into exhaustion and you will even feel slightly burned out. You start developing symptoms because of the tiredness and then you actually develop a full blown disease.

Now that can all happen rather unconsciously because we’re not paying attention of what’s happening in our body. When we feel stressed, we deal with a certain amount of it consciously but a lot of it gets pushed down into our body. When we’re stressed, it stimulates the adrenal response.

The adrenals put us into the fight and flight. Those are the ones we know about but actually there’s four Fs, not two. So it’s fight, flight, freeze or flop. So basically you’re either getting ready to run away, fly away or you’re standing and fighting or you’re freezing like a rabbit in the headlight beams or you’re completely collapsed and you’re flopping.



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Now all of those are responses to stress. Now whether you outwardly show that or do it inwardly is the problem. Most of us have to appear to be functioning so on the outside like I was. Laid back, calm, relaxed, confident, working. In fact, I worked all through my healing journey. I never stopped work. I pulled back. I worked less but I had to keep working because I had to earn a living.

So the outward display looks fine but inside, the body is holding that stress and the better you’re pushing it down in the body, the more likely you are to manifest some kind of symptoms and that was what I was very, very good at doing. I’ve always been very good at looking good on the outside and suppressing the stress on the inside.

Melanie: So I’m curious with your knowledge and background as a healthcare practitioner suddenly receiving this diagnosis. OK, it was a shock. But did it in any way cause you to perhaps point a finger at yourself thinking that as a health practitioner, you should be above this?

Arielle: Absolutely, absolutely. I was humiliated and mortified that it happened to me. Up to that time, I mean my whole life – and still is – my whole life was perfect diet, exercise, meditation, spiritual path. I was doing everything right and because I had always wanted a baby, a healthy baby, I’ve never done any kind of drugs, medical drugs or recreational drugs.

So I was like I was so clean living. It was sort of ironic that I was the one who gets diagnosed with a brain tumor than a lot of people who live much more fun lives.

Melanie: But you’re putting your finger on an important thing here. You went through the motions of living a clean life but it doesn’t sound like you’re having that much fun, the mindset side of things, and clearly the implication here is that fun trumps a lot of the other stuff.

Arielle: Well, I have my own ways of having fun. I mean I love sports and dancing and swimming with dolphins and things like that which for me that is really good fun. For me, doing drugs probably wouldn’t be fun. It’s fun for other people.



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Melanie: So tell us a little bit about the journey then you had to go through to resolve the stress and consequently the tumor.

Arielle: Well, because I wasn’t very stressed on the outside, I realized that the stress that must have caused this tumor had to be deeply buried and I started first of all looking at my symptoms. I had crunching [0:10:10] [Phonetic] headaches and the side effect of my tumor was ironically making me infertile. So here was a woman who had spent her whole life wanting a baby and couldn’t have one because I had grown this brain tumor.

I thought that irony, that is just – I can’t overlook that. There’s no such thing as a coincidence. So obviously there’s something about the issue of being a mother, of having children that I need to look at, and because I knew that my major source of stress was relationships, I thought that’s the area to delve in. Of course it’s a big area.

So as well as doing a lot of neurolinguistic programming to search and look deeper into what were my beliefs, what were the hidden values, what were the old past experiences. I did many, many journeys back into my childhood and looking at every decision I had made and gradually I started clearing out some of the old stuck thinking and this is the process. Because I didn’t have any particular guide, you could tell me exactly what to do. It was kind of trial and horror. I had to just keep trying different things until something seemed to work.

Melanie: So you didn’t have an Arielle by your side.

Arielle: Not always. I have many Arielles around the world that I worked with whenever I could and I spent most of my money going on trainings, mainly to get my knowledge up and to heal myself as well.

Ironically in the process of going on all these trainings, I accumulated a wall full of certificates and what else happened was my whole work-life changed. I moved from being an osteopath and a naturopath into looking more at the mind-body side of healing and then became more interested in neurolinguistic programming and then psychology and then coaching and gradually my whole career changed very gradually because I started using what I knew with my clients. I started to notice that as I help them do the explorations, they got better quicker.



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Now they didn’t usually come in with brain tumors. They came in with simpler problems. It was very gratifying to see how well it worked and I was getting better results working on the mind-body side than I was working merely on the physical side. So gradually I became more and more convinced I was on the right path and intuitively I could feel when I did a good piece of change work. I could feel when something had really shifted.

So even though I didn’t get an immediate overnight spontaneous remission, I knew when I had done an important piece of work. So there are key stepping stones along the way in my journey and I think looking back, when I tell people, “Yeah, I healed my brain tumor without surgery or medication,” they go, “Wow, that’s really impressive.” Then they hear that it took me 10 years. Hmm, not so impressive.

Beryl: So here’s a question. Why do you think it had to take you 10 years and it wasn’t an overnight healing?

Arielle: I ask myself that question everyday particularly because I was reading all kinds of amazing stories about people having spontaneous remissions in six weeks or a few months or a few days. What’s wrong with me? How come I haven’t healed? And I gradually realized it was one of the most important points in my journey. It was just before I healed my tumor.

I realized I was attached to the whole idea of getting better quickly. I wanted that immediate result. I wanted to get rid of this but I wasn’t conscious of it. It was early one morning I woke up and usually what would happen is I would feel perfectly OK because most of the time, I was fine; and then I would remember and this black cloud would descend on my head and oh, I’ve got this brain tumor to deal with.

I heard this little voice silently saying in my head, “Oh, I’m so sick of this. I just want to get rid of this tumor. I don’t want to deal with this anymore.” It had been nine years at this point and I was fed up with it. It was no question but I was smart enough by that point in my journey to hear that voice.

I went, “Oh, that’s a very angry voice in my own head.” If the voice had a gun, it would shoot the tumor dead. It would get rid of it as fast as possible.



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That’s not a very loving idea and that’s like there’s a part of me trying to cut off another part of me because I knew that this tumor was a part of me. I had put it. It was in my head. Nobody else would put it there and I also had a belief that whatever the body could create, it could un-create. It would [0:15:17] [Indiscernible].

So I thought to myself, “This angry voice, that’s the problem.” So I started to think about, “Well, it’s true. I do want to get rid of the tumor and I haven’t faced that.” I felt well the opposite of course would be to accept the tumor and I don’t want to accept the tumor. That was the last thing I wanted to do. I was really honest and I thought, “Well, you can’t lie to yourself. You can’t pretend you accept something you don’t. That’s going to have no effect, whatsoever. Your body will know you’re lying.”

So I got very clever and using my NLP skills, I did have a whole review of my life and I looked at the journey I’ve been on for the last nine years and I realized then how much I had changed, how much I had grown. I thought about all the people I had met, the wonderful, supportive, wise, amazing people all around the world who had taught me so many things.

I thought, “If I hadn’t had this tumor, I wouldn’t have gone on all those trainings.” I wouldn’t have traveled the world. I wouldn’t have met these people. I wouldn’t have received the love from people all around the world. I was very touched. One of my friends in the States invited her whole prayer group to pray for me, complete strangers. So every week a whole prayer group was including me in the prayers. How cool is that?

It’s just amazing. It touched my heart so much and it was – as I gradually began to appreciate how much this tumor had been my guide and how it had been my friend, and how it had been leading me step by step on my journey and then I started thinking, “Oh, I’m very different now than I was 10 years ago.” Ten years ago when I was 39, I just wanted a baby. I thought I would get married, have a baby, 2.5 children. I will be happy, blah, blah, blah. I had a very limited view of what was going to be happiness.

What I got instead was this very incredible learning journey which was richer and deeper and my whole spirit and soul had evolved. Then I



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realized, “Oh my god, I actually like myself better now than I ever liked myself before.”

That’s a big thing. It’s a really big thing. I thought, “If the tumor is still here, and it’s my guide, then the reason it’s still here must be because there’s something more it wants to teach me.” Maybe I get to go to Hawaii and swim with the dolphins again. Hey, that’s not a bad idea. It was better and bigger adventures that it wants to show me.

So maybe I should trust it and it was with that idea in mind that I finally could say, “OK. I accept you being in my head. I give you permission to stay. In fact, I give you permission to stay until the end of my days because you obviously have a better plan for my life than I ever had.” And I let go. I sincerely let go of the idea that I needed to get rid of it there and then. You know what happened? Really funny thing happened then. I forgot I had it.

Melanie: You stopped focusing on it.

Arielle: Didn’t wake up in the morning thinking, “Oh, I’ve got a brain tumor.” I got on with my life and luckily by that stage, I had learned how to handle my symptoms better. I had dealt with so much of my stuff that I was in a much cleaner, better state inside. So I was just getting back into my life and living my life normally and it was six months later I had my normal meeting with my specialist. My blood test and everything and the results came through and I looked at them. I thought, “Oh, must be a mistake. Looks normal.”

So I go into his office and handed him the blood test results and he was just astonished, absolutely astonished. He says, “This is amazing! This is incredible. How have you done this?” He said, “You know what’s interesting? I’ve been your doctor for 10 years. You have really changed. You’re not the same person you were 10 years ago. Whatever you’ve done, however you’ve done that, it’s a real credit to you.”

I was so thrilled and I said, “Well, is it a mistake? Because maybe it’s just that I’m 10 years older and the hormones.” [0:19:39] [Indiscernible] this can only mean one thing, that the prolactin has gone down. That means the tumor has gone down. It’s the only way it could happen.



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So I realized that was really good news and I was so, so pleased but at first I was cautious and I didn’t want to sort of rock the boat too much because I thought it could be that my tumor didn’t want me to jump on a soapbox and [Inaudible] and I’m still cautious on that. I very cautiously advice people who are on a similar journey to welcome the exploration that they’ve been invited to do and to welcome whatever they’ve got as a guide.

Melanie: So what kind of response do you get when you put that to people? Because here’s the thing, people traditionally unfortunately don’t seek help for things like tumors or chronic illnesses until it’s well advanced. They tend to ignore symptoms and then only when they can’t ignore it anymore, they ask for help; and then I’m wondering what kind of responses when you begin to communicate to them, “Look, you have a mentor or coach here in the condition.” Let’s in a sense get with the program and see what we can learn from it. What kind of responses do you get?

Arielle: Well Mel, you’re absolutely right. Most people don’t think to hire a coach like me until they’ve got a full blown diagnosis and often they’re in a flap trying to decide what kind of treatments to have and sometimes they’re undergoing treatments and not feeling too good because they’re suffering the side effects as well as whatever illness they’re going through.

There is a lot I can do to help a person in that state. Obviously it takes a while to get to the point of the stress but whatever I can do with a person at that stage will greatly accelerate the effectiveness of whatever healing path they’ve chosen. So that’s the ideal place to catch something. If you could catch it a little bit earlier, if people were just a little bit more aware of their symptoms and took them seriously, then you could actually nip things in the bud. That’s one of the reasons I wrote my new book because I’m hoping to make that connection so that the message gets out there and people start to pay more attention to their bodies.

They read their symptoms better and they’re more mindful of their internal state because it is that quality of mindfulness, of noticing what’s going on inside and not just stuffing it away and thinking, “Oh, tomorrow will be better.”

Often people come to me after they’ve had treatment and they’ve been given the “all clear” but they’re really nervous because they’re afraid that



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it’s going to come back. The smarter ones will say to me, “Well, I’ve had the physical treatment but I know I haven’t eradicated the cause.” So I want to know where this came from in the first place.

Now that’s beautiful because then we can do the work [0:23:00] [Indiscernible] and we can clear out the whole cause so that it never comes back and the person can really move on and benefit from the whole experience. So that’s good and sometimes people only learn because one of their loved ones is going through a healing crisis and by helping them, they suddenly wake up to, “Maybe I better look at this too.”

That’s another group of people who probably would benefit greatly from this idea. But I think people are getting smarter. I think people are much smarter and now that some of the true statistics are coming out about the ineffectiveness of our physical medicine – and I’m not trying to knock it but we need to make it more effective. We need to look at the whole body. We need to look at the energetic side of the person as well as the physical side of the person.

Our medical model is rooted in Newtonian physics from the past. It’s outdated and it’s still treating the body as if the body is a car that carries us from place to place and when something is broken, it replaces parts of it, sticks new bits in and it’s not as simple as that. We are holistic, energetic beings and it’s [0:24:19] [Indiscernible] that we could heal a lot, lot better if we looked more holistically at the big picture.

Beryl: It’s not such a hard thing to get my head around or for other people to get their head around. I’ve been in this world for a while of complementary healing and working with energy. But what you’re really saying is there’s something out of balance. Energetically there’s something out of balance and we know that everything in the universe is made up of frequencies, of vibrations. And if we can just see in that quite simple way that this is the way it is isn’t it? There’s something that’s out of balance because there’s no separation between mind and body. Why not look into the mind for where the answers are?

Arielle: Absolutely.



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Beryl: Here’s a question that was just going through my mind here and I know some people will find it difficult perhaps when they first come to you, to actually acknowledge that they have played a part in this because many in society play victim and we’ve all done it at some point. It’s an easy option to blame something outside of you or to just not have to look at yourself because it’s not always easy to look at yourself and say, “I did this.” How do you help people move into that space where actually they can feel empowered by this?

Arielle: Well I have to confess that I was one of those people myself and that’s kind of ironic considering that I was totally immersed in being an osteopath and a naturopath and mind-body medicine and all that stuff. I heard a voice in my own head saying, “I did not create this. I had nothing to do with this and I didn’t want this. This has been the biggest intrusion of my life. It has been my biggest saboteur. It stopped me from being who I wanted to be and doing what I wanted to do.” That was the inner anger and rage inside my own head talking.

So I can really relate to people who have resistance to the whole concept of mind-body medicine and if there was one thing I wanted to get across, it’s the idea that it’s not a conscious choice. Nobody gets up in the morning and [0:26:34] [Inaudible] an illness. I think I will have cancer or how about a bad cold or a flu or something. Nobody does that.

What happens is it’s like we have a pattern of thoughts that goes through our mind on a continual basis. Everyday, we think about 60,000 thoughts but the problem is, they’re the same 60,000 thoughts we thought yesterday and the day before that and the day before that. We are very habitual creatures and we think in habitual ways and these habits, these thought habits go down and create grooves in our minds so we’re more likely to think in those ways.

This is all unconscious. We’re not aware of 60,000 thoughts or aware of a very small percentage of those thoughts. The river of thoughts that’s going around our mind and body is what creates the problem. That’s the unconscious level of thinking and lots of times, there are more than one aspect of our habitual thinking that creates an illness and this is where I created this metaphor of a thought cloud and a thought cloud can be a



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whole group of related and unrelated thoughts sometimes that trigger each other.

So it’s kind of like if you can imagine a wiring system, a whole branch of Christmas tree lights all lighting up and some event triggers you in one aspect and it switches on the …

Melanie: A whole lot.

Arielle: And the whole lot starts lighting up and then you have a full blown response. We know that his happens in rage and think of somebody having road rage. They were fine a minute ago and then somebody cuts them up in traffic and then whamo, they have an overblown reaction. It’s like their thought cloud has just been lit up and it’s obviously over the top. It’s inappropriate. It’s an overreaction to events and that’s what we do in a quiet, physical way too.

Our body is overreacting to the things that we are not addressing. So my process with people is about literally pulling some of those lights out and looking at them [0:28:44] [Inaudible] and some are more important than others. There are like major circuits in the brain.

If you capture that event or that old memory or that decision or that big, fat, negative emotion that’s floating in the brain and you can resolve where that came from, it literally evaporates because it’s not made of anything. It’s just a thought habit that has created a pathway in the brain.

What’s fascinating is all the research into how the brain works and even how we see. The more I read, the more amazing and the more [Indiscernible]. We don’t automatically see what we see. When a baby first looks out at the world, they don’t see anything at all and if they’re not presented with the same familiar kind of shapes and stimulus, their eyes do not learn how to focus and after a certain point in time, if they haven’t received that input, they will never learn to see.

What you do see is very much affected by what you have already decided to see. So we don’t really see the full picture at all and an example of that is we have a blind spot in each eye and everybody knows we have a blind spot.



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But if you look around the room, you don’t notice bits of the room missing, do you? That’s because the brain fills it in. It just sort of imagines what’s there. Now what’s disturbing is that the brain is doing that for 90 percent of your picture. You’re not really seeing what you think you’re seeing. Ninety percent of what you look out and see, you’re making it up. Your brain is imagining it’s seeing things and we can’t really trust the perceptions that we’ve put into our memory banks.

Beryl: And they’re different for everybody aren’t they? Those filters are different for everybody depending on your experiences of life.

Arielle: That’s why if you’re a witness on the accident scene for instance and there are three or four other witnesses, they’re all going to say they saw something completely different.

Melanie: Yeah.

Beryl: Which is why one size doesn’t fit all in terms of healing, isn’t it?

Arielle: Exactly. There’s no one quick path thing that’s going to work on everybody and this is where having a coach who understands. It’s about finding out what’s happening in this person here, not trying to take this and put it on this person, if you know what I mean. Finding that individual way because we all think differently. We all make different associations. This is what makes us unique. There are patterns. There are definitely patterns to human behavior that are worldwide. We all feel feelings in similar ways. We all have similar facial expressions to go with those feelings and we stuff things down into our body in similar ways.

This can begin to get clues about what’s going on by reading what a person’s body is demonstrating.

Beryl: So you’re – go on, Melanie.

Melanie: Go on Beryl, because I was going to go off on a slightly different track. I was going to talk about her practical magic courses but you finish.



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Beryl: Well, in a previous conversation you mentioned to us a study. I think it was the 1500 cancer patients that had some spontaneous remissions. That was fascinating. Would you just share that with the audience please?

Arielle: Sure, sure. This was a study done by IONS, the Institute of Noetic Science out in California and they looked at the records of 1574 people who had medically supervised spontaneous remissions from cancer. That means they were medically diagnosed to have cancer with the scans and tests and everything else.

They were seen by doctors. The doctors verified they had cancer. They didn’t have treatment and then it was verified by the doctors on the hospitals and the tests that the cancer was gone. So that’s a large number of spontaneous remissions and my heart leapt with joy at reading this study because I thought, “At last, we’re looking at how do people heal rather than just what makes people sick.”

Now what was interesting about the study is they looked at everything that people did, physically, nutritionally, biologically, chemistry; but more importantly for me, there have been mental and emotional changes that these people made.

They all made the same eight changes which was extraordinary so they were able to see that they all had the same eight things in common. Number one on the list was they faced their crisis. They didn’t go into denial. They didn’t just try to get rid of it. They faced it. They owned it. They took responsibility for it and they sort of said, “Right. I’m going to deal with this. This is my responsibility.”

So the eight changes that they made where when I looked at the list, I was able to go tick, tick, tick. Oh, I had done all those and then I realized, my goodness, this is a great checklist for people. When they’ve got an illness, if they could look at this list and say, “Where am I doing well? Where am I doing less well and how could I do better at the things that I’m not doing well at?” It’s a great, useful checklist if nothing else.

Melanie: So do you think that the speed with which people worked their way through this checklist probably is the extent to which they accelerate their recovery?



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Arielle: Yes, and I think certain factors are more important than others. The most important factor seems to be reducing stress and that’s a big subject because what stresses one person may not be as stressful to another. The quicker that somebody can get back to that place of truly knowing and loving themselves, that is what shifts faster than anything else.

Now what assists that is having the loving support of somebody else, having at least one loving relationship if not a whole group of people; having good relationships with your doctors so you feel supported; practicing good things so that you are taking care of your body. You’re taking good kinds of treatments. You’re feeding yourself well. You’re getting rest. You’re doing what’s necessary instead of accelerating it.

One of the major things that really is important is to manage your emotions and that means to be able to manage your own state and to be able to say yes when it’s right to say yes and no when it’s right to say no. Now that demands a lot of maturity.

Now automatically when you look at this list, you say, “Yes, logical.” These are all good ideas and in order to fulfill them, you will have to evolve as a human being. You will have to become more mature. You will have to manage your own state. You will have to take responsibility. These are no small issues.

So that’s where I’ve come to see a healing journey as an evolutionary journey [0:35:54] [Indiscernible] for a person to become more of who they came to be. It’s as if your body is saying somewhere you just stepped off your path a bit and we’re inviting you to focus on the things. We’re motivating you to focus on the things with a little bit of pain and discomfort until you get back on track again and when you do get back on track, your body knows exactly what to do to heal itself.

One of my most favorite stories at the moment is a book that just came out, the story of Anita Moorjani. I don’t know if you heard about her story. She has written a book called Dying to Be Me and she had a very severe terminal lymphoma and lymphoma is usually exceedingly serious and people usually die within two to five months.



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So she got lymphoma at a time in her life. Similar to me, she had just married. She was ecstatically happy, looking forward to having a family. She had finally developed the career of her dreams. Everything was going well in her life and she suddenly gets lymphoma and she got very, very ill and lost massive amounts of weight.

She shrank to a skeleton. She had lumps of lymphoma all over her body. She was being fed intravenously and they had such huge holes in her neck to put the tubes in. They thought they would have to do plastic surgery to heal those tube holes and she was getting weaker and weaker and weaker. Her family was devastated and she died. She had a near death experience and she was in so much pain that when she left her body, she had instant euphoria. So she had a total memory of the whole experience of dying.

She said she was looking down at her body with all the doctors and nurses rushing around trying to revive her, her family in a flap. She could see her brother flying in on an airplane from another city to visit her and she was aware of all this and she said, “Oh, you shouldn’t worry. I feel wonderful. I’ve never been so full of joy. I’m fine. Please don’t cry. I’m fine.” Then she sort of floated up even higher and she reconnected with her father who had passed on years before. She adored her father.

So it was like a reunion with a few other friends and she was having a wonderful time. Never felt better. Gradually she came to the realization that she had a choice. She could come back if she wanted to and if she did choose to come back and live her life, she would heal.

Curiously, even though she was having such a wonderful time up there, she decided to come back. So she came to her body and the doctors were astonished that she revived. They thought she would be dead within hours and she came back into her body and within four days she completely healed. Four days. Even the holes in her neck completely healed without a scar.

Beryl: Wow.

Arielle: That’s the sort of story that is just mind-boggling and what’s really amazing is that she came back with the joy. She came back with an expansive awareness of love and joy and she committed to feeling that and



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living that everyday of her life from now on and she changed her work flow somewhat to go out and speak to people about it as well.

So I haven’t met her yet but I’m sure she’s a soul sister and I admire her greatly for being able to have that opportunity to heal on only four days. But I don’t mind having taken longer. My situation is very small in comparison to hers. My tumor was not life-threatening and that’s what gave me the grace to do the exploration. But I see that as my university because I’m having an opportunity to go very slowly through every aspect and learn about all the different kinds of thoughts that could lead to the stress. It has given me so much insight into what holds people back.

Beryl: A true gift.

Arielle: It is.

Melanie: Amazing.

Arielle: A true gift. It’s funny I had to test it again. A few years after I was completely healed, I unfortunately didn’t marry that man of my dreams and was still having relationship difficulties. I had a particular hot relationship difficulty and suddenly within two days of that sort of explosive experience, I developed breast lumps; and two in one and one in the other breast. Really big, angry breast lumps and my breasts actually swelled and were hot and red. I thought, my god, I’m really expressing my rage on what has happened in this relationship and applying to self all my own tools. I thought, “No, this is fine. I’m going to heal this. I’m going to deal with this,” and gradually the redness and the swelling went down but the lumps didn’t go.

I learned to be patient and every month I thought, “Well, after my next period, they will go. They will go.” And they didn’t and of course I confided in a few friends and my friends were horrified and they immediately said, “Go to the doctor. You need treatment. You don’t know,” blah, blah, blah, and of course I was worried and I thought, “Well, I should be responsible. I really should go to the doctor.” So I went to the specialist and he took one look and said, “Yeah, these are going to have to come out. I want to do a mammogram and a biopsy and an ultrasound.”



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I said, “I’m not having a mammogram and mammograms cause cancer. I’m not going to have a mammogram. So you can do biopsy and you can do ultrasound. That’s it.” So he wasn’t too thrilled but he agreed and there was a delay because funny enough it was Christmas or something. So there was a delay before I could have the biopsy.

So I decided I would really intensify my search and I went to one of my favorite therapists and did a really, really deep piece of change work which got root of why I have been so upset in this particular relationship flare-up. I also did a fast so I cleansed my body. Then I went for the biopsy and the biopsy was done and again we had to wait for the results and the doctor gave me this long lecture. Well there are six different grades. We have cells and it reads this and that. My biopsy came back. I loved it. I was sitting in his office. He looked at the biopsy results and totally benign.

So no aberrant cells. The lumps were still there. They could see them on the other cell. I could feel them and he said, “Yeah, but I think even though they are benign, we should still take them out.” But by this time, I had read up in the medical libraries and I had heard that if you have fibrotic lumps or lumps in the breast like this, it would probably resolve by themselves. If you operated on them, they would probably grow back and I started giving you a few people who had the operation and they all had them grow back.

So I thought, “Why should I put my body through an operation and potential scarring and stuff like that?” I will just trust my body can heal it. So I just continued sort of dealing with stuff in my own cloud and kept living my clean life. Nine months later, the lumps completely vanished and they never came back.

So I thought that was confirmation. I did my own process and it worked. So I was very thrilled.

Beryl: Arielle you are a total inspiration. You really are. It has been just wonderful listening to this story. If somebody is watching right now and is a bit concerned about their health issues and would like to get in touch with you, maybe work with you, how can they find you Arielle?

Arielle: Well, I have a website. My website is www.PracticalMiracles.com and Practical Miracles happens to be the name of my new book coming out



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in February 2013, Practical Miracles: Choices That Heal and Build Resilience, because I don’t want to just have a quick healing technique. I want something that builds that internal force field of strength that’s bounced off if I want real resilience and real healing.

I teach these workshops. I’m teaching a three-day workshop called Practical Miracles which help people at any stage of their healing journey to find insights, to apply these tools, to learn what it is that I did that really helped and people who want to learn these to teach them to others are welcome to come along as well.

Beryl: That’s wonderful. Thank you so much. And you have a Facebook page, do you? Are you active on social media? People might come find you.

Arielle: It’s Arielle Essex, funny enough. Arielle Essex and yes, I’m also on Twitter and LinkedIn so you can find me there.

Beryl: And I’m sure people have comments on our blog where this episode goes up. So I’m hoping that you will come and answer some of those questions.

Arielle: I would be delighted. Absolutely delighted.

Beryl: Well, it has been a delight for us, Arielle, and thank you for sharing so openly your experiences. It has just been a total privilege for us.

Arielle: My pleasure.

So thank you everyone for tuning in to today’s episode of http://www.WiredforSuccess.TV. We would just like to mention before we wrap up that if you’re watching this episode on our site, then please comment in the box below and leave any thoughts and questions there Arielle will come along and answer them for you.



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If you head over there, there will be a transcript of this episode too. We reply to all comments and suggestions and we would love to hear from you. So thank you for tuning in. Remember to tune in for the next episode of Wired for Success where we help you to master the seven areas of life.

So from me Beryl and my co-host Melanie and from our interviewee Arielle we bid you farewell and next time. So ladies, if you would like to say good-bye.



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