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Hollywood Moguls Stop Obama Donations Because Of President’s Piracy Stand

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  • 8/2/2019 Hollywood Moguls Stop Obama Donations Because Of Presidents Piracy Stand


    EXCLUSIVE: Hollywood Moguls Stopping Obama

    Donations Because Of Presidents Piracy Stand: NotGive A Dime Anymore

    By NIKKI FINKE Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:20pm PST

    EXCLUSIVE: Internet sites on their SOPAStrike may be conducting a blackout but

    Hollywood studios are conducting a boycott. Ive learned

    that Hollywood studio chiefs individually and as a group

    are drawing a line in the sand on the piracy issue with the

    Obama re-election campaign and refusing to give anymore donations. The blowup came after President Obama

    on Saturday dashed moguls hopes that he would remain

    on the sidelines in the dispute over the U.S. House Of

    Representatives Stop Online Piracy Act and the U.S. Senates Protect IP Act. In a posting

    on the White House web site, three of the Obama administrations top officials for Internet

    and intellectual property matters said that they share many of the concerns that

    the Internet community has about the Hollywood-supported bills. The trio said that they

    will not support legislation that reduces freedom of expression, increases cybersecurityrisk, or undermines the dynamic, innovative global Internet. Intellectual Property

    Enforcement Coordinator Victoria Espinel, U.S. Chief Technology Officer Aneesh Chopra,

    and Special Assistant to the President Howard Schmidt tried to soften the blow to

    Hollywood by acknowledging that that online piracy is a serious problem that requires a

    serious legislative response. They added that they

    plan to host an online event to get more input on the

    matter. But Hollywood moguls told me they didnt

    know it was going to be as over the top as it was

    and took this as a declaration of war. We just feel

    very let down by the administration and Obama for not

    supporting us, one studio chief explained to me. At

    least let him remain neutral and not go against it until

    we can get the legislation right. But Obama went

    against it. Im personally not going to support him

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    anymore and not give a dime anymore, another movie mogul whos also a well-known

    Obama supporter told me this week.

    So far the most outspoken mogul against the Obama administration on this issue has

    been Rupert Murdoch who on Saturday told his new Twitter audience: So Obama has

    thrown in his lot with Silicon Valley paymasters who threaten all software creators with

    piracy, plain thievery. But Ive learned that other moguls privately are having direct and

    personal conversations with Obama and his administration and the Democratic

    Party. Several moguls have informed Obamas newly anointed Hollywood re-election liason

    to the entertainment community Nicole Avant and her husband who is helping her, Netflix

    chief content officer Ted Sarandos, that they are pulling out of major fundraisers planned

    over the next few days and wont participate in any more headed by Obama and House

    Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (whom they see as in the pocket of the Internet giants like


    One of those events is a major January 31st fundraiser attended by First Lady Michelle

    Obama at the Beverly Hills home of Avant and Sarandos. Theres another LA fundraiser for

    the First Lady on February 1st. And both President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden

    will be coming for more fundraisers here in coming weeks. The moguls are telling Avant

    and Sarandos to count them out. Now is when all the fundraises are starting. But

    everyone in my position is really pissed. Its a real conundrum, one mogul told me.

    Alarmed by the mogul boycott, Sarandos sent a personal plea to the Hollywood studio

    chiefs over the weekend begging them to continue supporting the Obama re-election

    campaign even though he knows they are disappointed with the Obama administrations

    position on the piracy bills. Several moguls, in response, sent back word saying Fuck

    You basically, one insider tells me, expressing how they feel used and abused by the

    President despite their campaign contributions. Ive learned that Fox Filmed Entertainment

    Chairman Jim Gianopulos even sat down and wrote his good friend (and fellow Greek-

    American) Sarandos an articulate note over the weekend the gist of which said that he andhis fellow moguls wont give any more money if they keep getting taken for granted. One

    insider told me, Jim explained that this notion that the Hollywood community will continue

    giving regardless of its business interests has to be taken into consideration. The

    message was, Dont expect Hollywood to show up and say Who do I write the check to


    The moguls are reminding Obama et al that, in the words of one studio chief, God knows

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    how much money weve given to Obama and the Democrats and yet theyre not supporting

    our interests. Theres been no greater supporters of him than weve been from the first day

    and the first fundraisers continuing until he was elected. We all were pleased. And, at its

    heart institutionally, Hollywood supports the Democrats. Now we need the administration

    to support us. This is a very important time for Hollywood. The issue at hand piracy

    is a legitimate concern. But Google and those Internet guys have been swiftboating the

    entertainment industry by saying were trying to shut down the Internet just because we

    dont want them to advertise pirated movies. As for other claims, we make 24. We dont

    make national security problems.

    The boycott even extends to many of the moguls families who also are big Obama and

    Democratic Party donors. The situation is serious because many moguls and/or their

    families comprise Obamas top bundlers in the TV/movie/music biz. Bundlers as defined by

    opensecrets.org are people with friends in high places who, after bumping against

    personal contribution limits, turn to those friends, associates, and, well, anyone whos

    willing to give, and deliver the checks to the candidate in one big bundle. These donors

    direct more money to the candidates than anyone else. As of September 2011 these 357

    elite bundlers were directing at least $55,900,000 for Obamas re-election efforts money

    that has gone into the coffers of his campaign as well as the Democratic National

    Committee, according to opensecrets.org. That figure by now has significantly increased

    and will continue to do so.

    COMMENTS (93)

    Bwahahahaha this miserable bill gets killed and The Savior gets cut off the Hollywood creep money teat

    whats not to love this week?

    Comment by Buck Futt Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:31pm PST

    Its just the moguls. Hes still going to get gobs of money from Hollywood, big thinker.

    Comment by writer Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 4:03pm PST

    I dont know. This is clearly a Hollywood ultimatum:


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    Id be pissed, too, if I bought and paid for a President and then they dared to think for themselves! I

    hope they kept their receipts so they can get a refund.

    Comment by Duh Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 6:03pm PST

    This is better entertainment than what they are putting out in Hollywood. I dont know about you but I

    personally cant remember the last movie I saw at the theater. Tickets are too high as well but who wants

    to see the crap they put out there. Of course they are screaming because they are hurting in their

    pocketbook. You are 100% correct. Whats not to love about this week? hahahahahaha

    Comment by Rifka Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 5:24pm PST

    In this article is a microcosm of how broke our political theatre is.

    Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator??? Good God! How many hundreds of thousand dollars

    are we flushing down the toilet paying this twit? The moguls are basically whining Hey I paid for favors

    , now where is mine? We knew this is what our government had become, now here it is out in the open.

    And before someone tries to give Obama ,an unrecognizable waft to him of credibility, watch the tortured

    syntax and squirming his acolytes do,to twist him into a position to side with the public, and still have

    organized hold-ups in Hollywookd.

    Comment by Lenn Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 6:04pm PST

    So these moguls can say that they are pulling out of support Obamas re-election, yet they cant say who they

    are? If you feel strongly about something, say your name.

    Also, I love how they are basically supporting the removal of freedom of speech. I think a lot of people really

    need to read the constitution before they open their mouths. Shame on you Hollywood.

    Comment by Chris Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:32pm PST

    Dude, theres like less than 20 of them in total. Count them yourself.

    Comment by brick Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:49pm PST

    and exactly who will the Hollywood elites vote for? Obama. So dont waste our time with this gibberish.

    Comment by corbin Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:33pm PST

    This jibberish is important. There is a line between supporting a party or an individual you share idealogy

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    with and the statements made here.

    It is illegal to give money with the understanding that you are getting something favorable in return.

    It is bribery before and blackmale after the fact.

    The reason for not revealing the names behind he quotes is called incrimination.

    Comment by Mikki Dean Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 4:53pm PST

    The most shocking thing about this is the openness with which the hollywood moguls are flaunting their

    bribery and vote-buying.

    It used to be that this was all hush-hush, and done behind closed doors, but these guys are screaming

    from the rooftops, I spent a lot of money buying your votes and now that you wont pass this bill, Im

    going to give my money to one of the other guys who will honor my bribery.

    Comment by The truth Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 4:54pm PST

    Gosh, now the moguls know how the average American voter feels.

    Comment by Kitty Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:33pm PST

    I thought buying off politicians was illegal. Hollywood stops donations because they did not pass legislation for

    all of us?

    F*%$ You Hollywood!

    Comment by JoeTheFilmmaker Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:35pm PST

    Ok, so let me get this straight.

    Hollywood Executives: (to president) Youre not representing our special interest inspite of what the

    American people want, and so were gonna blackmail you by withdrawing all of the bribes we normally

    give to your re-election campaign! Well put that money in a candidate who will do whatever we want

    when we bribe him to do it!

    Why are the American people not enraged that people have been buying legislation from our elected

    officials up to this point?

    Comment by Rick Walker Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 4:01pm PST

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    Another case of special interests attempting to buy legislation

    Comment by Steve Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:35pm PST

    Hey Hollywood Moguls ..Get out of our free country you freedom hating terrorists!! Take your trashy moviesand music with you!

    Comment by GO Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:36pm PST

    Tech trumps filmed entertainment exponentially. The studios are a croissant on Googles breakfast buffet. Yes.

    Their money is good. But they are not seeing the internet or technology clearly and never have. That is their

    problem. Movies will endure. The studios will skim the cream and distribute thje best of it all. And they need to

    figure out piracy issues that match the scale of the technology. Their mean little solutions take too much and

    dont acknowledge the scope the importance of the internets strengths. They cant make a net deal with theinternet. Great that the president is leaning for common sense and the wealthier, more relevant tech side on this.

    Wikipedia(and the rest of it) matters more than any of Ruperts ^^%$ or objectives, of course.

    Comment by Mini Moguls.... Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:36pm PST

    Good for Obama for standing strong against these thugs! The internet must remain free!

    Comment by ike Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:36pm PST

    This one has some strange bedfellows and alliances shaping up. I detest Obama, but agree with him that this

    SOPA bill is awful in the unfettered power it grants. I have NO sympathy for Hollywood. These jerks have it so

    that it is a major financial decision to see a movie. These same guys dont want me to back up my ebooks

    Comment by David Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:37pm PST

    Yes we want legislation and rules that will help fight piracy, BUT these are half thought-reactionary bills to a

    very serious problem. HOLLYWOOD leading the charge in a digital conversation? Um, no. Ask the record

    business (If you can still find anyone who works in it) about how to best handle this situation.

    Get people in the room who understand how the internet works and finds ways to a workable solution.

    Comment by Bernie Stevens Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:38pm PST

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    Hey, wouldnt it be great to create a business model that worked and allowed for innovative new practices like

    Spotify and Netflix to combat piracy instead of trying to legislate censorship?

    No? Well how about giving content creators whats due? Oh wait, you still want to screw them over?

    Great job

    Comment by Tyler Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:39pm PST

    Well I think it is about time we start boycotting Hollywood and not allow these elitists to get their say. Let them

    start feeling the pain.

    Comment by FH Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:42pm PST

    Ive learned that other moguls privately are having direct and personal conversations with Obama and his

    administration and the Democratic Party.

    Look how easily both Democrats and Republicans can be bought. Perhaps the scorned media moguls should

    invest the money they would have donated toward innovation.

    Comment by Anon E Mouse Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:42pm PST

    HA! Obama turning. Obama not keeping his word. Hey Hollywood welcome to REALITY! The reality of the

    majority of Americans have been experiencing for the last 3 years. HOPE and CHANGE. Average gas price the

    day Obama elected $1.96. Today $4.25. Over 2 million jobs lost and not be reinstated.

    Hey next time Media Mogusl this is what happens when you dont VET a presidential candiate?

    Obama has never released his college or medical records!! We didnt know really anything about this man,

    other, than the one he provided. The media failed because they were in love and romantic over Obama and the

    Democrats to right all the wrongs of history.

    You voted the party line. Well, I guess elections have consequences. As Obama said We won.

    Comment by Mr Chickasaw Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:43pm PST

    And the alternative is Romney? Really? Think again, Hammurapi.

    Comment by cj Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:43pm PST

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    Holy crap, its Disney/Universal versus Sony Betamax all over again.

    Comment by Joe E in the IE Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:43pm PST

    Fantastic. Now Hollywood can put their money behind Mitt Romney, who will flip flop on them at the lastminute.

    Comment by Anonymous Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:44pm PST

    My my

    Maybe their all in candidate is pissing them off

    Maybe the unnamed Moguls should check out Ron Paul

    Comment by Anonymous Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:44pm PST

    Ron Paul is the only candidate whos actively stated that SOPA/PIPA is a bad law. Theyre not going to

    run from Obama to Ron Paul.

    Comment by Jen Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 4:40pm PST

    Talk about the greed of the 1%. All those liberals in Hollywood would crush internet innovation and

    independence to make a few dollars more. Oh yeah, tell that money doesnt matter to these guys.

    Comment by AnneP Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:44pm PST

    How telling. This story confirms that SOPA/PIPA is about money in the pockets of the 1%.

    Comment by Sorry Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:44pm PST

    Haha, looks like even HOLLYWOOD is against the impending police state being constructed before our eyes. I

    guess Obama is gonna have to go back to Chicago for the rest of his cash!

    Comment by James Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:45pm PST

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    How is this a Police State action. He knows the legislation needs to be fine tuned. These so-called moguls

    are acting like spoiled brats. If anything, the Administration is weighing the arguments of internet

    entrepreneurs who argue that the currently written legislation will damage the internet. If anything, it is

    anti-police state.

    Comment by Stacks Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 4:43pm PST

    The moguls are such out of touch jackasses. Go ahead, blame people other than yourself. You should innovate

    your way out of the problem. The problem isnt the internet itself. The problem is companies like Pirate Bay. You

    will never eliminate piracy in a digital age by pointing fingers at others. Its just some crap you want to say so

    investors let you keep your job. There will always always be assholes who steal things. You cant legislate

    morality. Take a cue from the recording industry.

    The day you put ALL the content online in an ad supported way (so you can monetize it), is the day piracy


    Comment by cynical bastard Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:45pm PST

    I hope Obama stands firm and shows the media moguls they cant always buy the laws they want.

    1) If I went over to Century City mall and robbed somebody, nobody would be saying the mall should be blamed

    and shut down. That seems to be the gist of these laws.

    2) The definition of theft here still needs to be clarified. Taking something when the original owner still retains

    their copy is something different from classical theft. When I see a JPG on a website that I like and right click

    save as and make it my wallpaper, am I stealing it? We need to figure out what constitutes theft.

    Comment by James Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:45pm PST

    Any industry that inflicts Sandlers JACK AND JILL on an innocent public needs to punished anyway.

    Think Ill start my own boycott of Hollywood.


    Comment by DFR Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:48pm PST

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    I got the Greatest Respect for both Hollywood and Free Internet but

    I am happy that Hollywood is getting THIS BOOT on the Neck Lesson from this Empty Food Stamp LOONE.

    I hope and Pray all these Great Americans called Hollywood keep their words.

    For American Freedom.

    Comment by Welcome to the BOOT Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:49pm PST

    Ive always been a movie buff, but now my family and I NEVER EVER go to the movies. These moguls have

    gotten their last nickel from me.screw them and their lefty pol buddies.

    Comment by Billy Club Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:49pm PST

    At least they admit their donations are nothing more than bribes the problem for free speech is that Obama

    learnt his politics in Chicago so he takes them.

    Comment by DH Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:49pm PST

    Dear Hollywood: That your boy, you helped birth him now you cant disown him. Just cut him off your

    purse. The problem? Who else you going to turn to. He has you by the short ones.

    Comment by taek kenn Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:50pm PST

    Also, I wonder why that Swiss survey from a few weeks back hasnt gotten more coverage. They asked young

    people who pirate content what their monthly budget for entertainment was, and if they were spending any less

    due to their piracy. Turns out they were just using the money they dont spend on the pirated stuff to, surprise

    surprise, buy other entertainment content.

    The industry, by this survey, would take in just as much money. Admittedly, some people are still getting things

    for free, but theyre not putting any less money into the coffers of the conglomerates than if they had no Internet.

    Very interesting survey, Id like to hear more about it. But of course it doesnt back up the industry mantra/party

    line that (cue Carl Sagan voice) Billions and Billions of Dollars are being lost

    Comment by James Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:50pm PST

    I am a dual Australian/American citizen. I pay taxes and vote in USA and I make my living off of movies, TV,

    music, and materials that may be pirated. Yet Im more concerned with the slippery slope of censorship than I

    am PirateBay. Where are all the actors, musicos, and other 1st Amendment martyrs always fighting to protect

    free speech? Are their studio/label paymasters holding them back?

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    So a bunch of old men in Washington who still cannot figure out email are trying to write laws to alter the

    internet? If you are an influential politco or investor, which side would you join forces with? The old-guard

    Hollywood and Record biz (whove been playing catch up since the web began)? OR the tech/net biz which mints

    oceans of money and jobs and is the future?

    There are 27 laws already existing to combat piracy. The truth is that MPAA and RIAA are willing to concede

    power to the FCC to govern and control in exchange for the ability to thwart new start-up social media sites who

    dont pay royalties to Hollywood. Sounds like Munich in pre-WW2 Europe!

    You have to love the irony of Murdoch using Twitter to show his disgust (a site which itself can be shut-censored

    due to SOPA-PIPA). The best part of this entire debalce is that average citizens (who use the net! wow!) are

    fighting back. To prove how cutting edge they are, the MPAA and RIAA will next likely outlaw casettes, VCRs,

    and CD burners too.


    Nick Cave

    The owner of 247 Copyrights and Intellectual Property including films, scripts, and songs who supports


    Comment by Nick Cave Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:50pm PST

    cannot be said any better. bravo!

    Comment by derby Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 4:04pm PST

    Amen brother Nick and not only do I love your work/art Ive paid for it (not pirated it), both in recorded

    form and in concert and hope you get a royalty from my latest purchase of the Criterion CollectionsWings of Desire DVD.

    P.S. Hwad (what I call Hwood and who I used to work for) did try to put the kibosh on both VCRs and

    DVDs, until realizing both formats saved their collective booties. But, like the fruit fly, their memories

    and life cycle is short, so dont expect them to learn from the pastha

    Comment by JFF Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 4:40pm PST

    This is great news not only is the bill dying off but so are donations to olbarry.

    F*%$ You Hollywood!

    In general I couldnt have said it better, though in this case maybe thanks are in order.

    Comment by SlapChopVince Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:50pm PST

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    Shut up Hollywood Stop trying to screw with the internet, and put all that energy into trying to make an original

    movie! You havent had one in years with all this remakes!

    Comment by Izziem Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:50pm PST

    When youre on the side of Rupert Murdoch youre on the wrong side.

    Comment by AJ Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:51pm PST

    Maybe we should stop giving Hollywood OUR money. Let them rot on the left coast. Soon we will be able to

    create our own movies all with CGI. No actors. No more big paydays for them.

    Comment by edm Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:51pm PST

    Where are all the morons, oh wait, moguls who were crying at the message of hope. I know a screenwriter who

    twits, sorry, tweets all day to try and stay relevant. He googooed over Obama. Was on that bandwagon too,

    trying to be relevant. Hes quiet now. Oh yeah, his total box office is always a loser yet somehow he continues to

    work with only the best. Ah, something fishy when the work output is so far from the level of talent he works

    with. It feels nepotistic.

    Comment by Toh1764aqh99London Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:53pm PST

    Are they really moguls, or are they the 1%?

    Comment by Bob Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:53pm PST

    Shortsighted by the moguls, if true.

    A Republican President would appoint more morality police judges that will uphold ridiculous FCC fees like

    Janet Jacksons wardrobe malfunction.

    Comment by Jon Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:54pm PST

    Why is it that Hollywood doesnt have to adapt to the market? Why does the entertainment industry get to

    dictate the market?

    Shouldnt they adapt? Seems to me this is like a very successful door-to-door salesman paying the government

    to force people to live in his neighborhood so he doesnt have to walk very far from home.

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    There are other ways of achieving their goal besides building the frame work for a regulated internet. Rules are

    already in place, enforce those.

    Comment by jowen101 Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:55pm PST

    When wikipedia goes dark, the world is free of a major source of incorrect and biased information for a while.

    Good riddence..

    Comment by Rick Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:55pm PST

    Hes wrong philosophically, but it wont matter hell make it up in smaller donations from the broader


    Comment by Asuka Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:55pm PST

    Thank you for this story.

    When Hollywood frets about diminishing revenues, it should worry a little less about piracy and instead take a

    long, hard look at its support of Obama as a factor.

    As a Republican voter and Army veteran, Ive been insulted for far too long by the entertainment industrys

    almost exclusively left-leaning, antipatriotic output. I feel alienated by most of what is produced by entertainers

    today, and will not spend my money on work that does not give my values even a fair hearing. Its not worth my

    money or my time.

    Once studios begin treating me and those who think like me with dignity, I will be more than happy to buy their

    DVDs, CDs, and tickets to their films. In the meantime, I wont illegally download their work. Ill ignore it.

    Comment by C. Flowers Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:56pm PST

    The money quote and maybe should have been the Headline (by a studio chief, no less): And, at its heart

    institutionally, Hollywood supports the Democrats.

    If there was ever any doubt about institutional bias

    Comment by TruthJunkie Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:56pm PST

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    This article spells it out in plain english. Moguls (extremely wealthy individuals)wont contribute (payoff)

    Obama because he wont deliver up the internet on a silver platter. Even Obama, or more likely someone in his

    administration, is smart enough to figure out that votes are more powerful than money.

    Comment by Shine A Light Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:57pm PST

    So the moguls donate to the campaign, not out of any set of principled political ideology, i.e., were

    Democrats and were supporting our candidate, but strictly as a policy buyout. Normally this is called BRIBE

    MONEY. They, and most other big campaign contributors, no matter what party, are buying votes for legislation

    that advances their particular profit driven agenda. What is not corrupt here? This is what has turned American

    democracy into a spider pit of political hacks guiding our foreign and domestic policy in a time of great political

    and economic peril. These bastards are dangerous and should be widely perceived as such. Time to march, kidz.

    Comment by Walter Alter Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:58pm PST

    Let them pull their support. I am not an obama supporter, but I refuse to be held hostage by a bunch of

    sniveling cry babies. Listen the music industry adapted in the 90s. The movie industry will adapt. It already

    has. I enjoy my Netflix account. Maybe if the movie industry would start utilizing the internet like every other

    freaking industry out there, they might actually have some support.

    People that have things they wish to keep offline will find ways to keep it offline. This is something the

    government does not need to stick its nose into.

    Maybe it is time to boycott the industries that do not support the free and unrestricted use of the internet.

    Comment by tax revolt Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:58pm PST

    So, whats the news here? Obummer throwing his supporters under the bus? Hes been doing that since he was

    crowned. Funny how they thought he would march in lock step with them. He only cares about himself.

    Comment by Matman Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:59pm PST

    Guess what Hollywood..we surround you! We the people are boycotting your movies and your networks because,

    we dont want this divisive huckster in the the Whitehouse to prevail for another four years. You see if we dont

    have a livelihood, neither will you. I dont have a pot to p!ss in let alone money for your propaganda, havent

    since Nov. 2010..Thanks to Obama! If Hollywood wants to go on, America need prosperity not


    Comment by mariee Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 3:59pm PST

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    And where does our money go for buying a movie ticket or a dvd/bluray? Towards 55 million dollars worth of

    political endorsements.

    Comment by Kevin Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 4:00pm PST

    Even an idiot like Obama knows the people will turn on him if they touch the Internet. But he is trying to do his

    usual sit on the sidelines and take credit later for being among/or the first to complain crap. What a tool.

    Comment by YES YOU CANABISSED Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 4:00pm PST

    Its okay . . . he says he doesnt support it but he will sign it . . .

    Comment by MiddleWay Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 4:00pm PST

    Oh Boo Hoo

    Comment by dwoof Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 4:01pm PST

    So Hollywood is one of the biggest 1% in America! Take that Occupiers!

    Comment by Chukkal Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 4:02pm PST

    Hey geniuses,

    The REST of the Democrats in the nation are opposed to this bill. Welcome to democracy. Sorry you had to lose


    Now enjoy continue making terrible product and your ridiculous salaries.

    Comment by writer Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 4:02pm PST

    Fine. Well just take the money we were going to use on movies etc. and donate it to Obama while DLing

    everything were not spending money on. Problem solved.

    Comment by Nick Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 4:03pm PST

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    So essentially it comes down to this:

    Moguls: Only were allowed to buy influence! When internet companies do, its morally wrong!

    For what its worth, both approaches are shitty and will eventually wind up screwing most people most of the

    time. 357 people effectively donating almost $60mm? Yeah, were still fucked.

    Comment by NoOneOfConsequence Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 4:04pm PST

    We definitely need more tools for fight blatant piracy, but either the bills were drafted poorly OR there were a lot

    of misinformed protestors.

    At least one protest email appeared to suggest the bills provisions were targeting those who primarily engage

    in piracy.

    I havent read the bills but, likely most anything on the internet, you need to verify yourself.

    Comment byjeb Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 4:04pm PST

    Publish the names if these moguls in the article so we can stop supporting them. The impact of SOPA and PIPA

    is bigger then protecting profits and IPs. Stay of the couch and wake up!!!

    Comment by Creative grunt Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 4:38pm PST

    Can I ask the Hollywood geniuses a question?

    HOW exactly would SOPA be enforced on foreign entities in China or Taiwan outside US jurisdiction?

    Obviously, there MUST be another agenda to the SOPA.

    ANSWER-Internet censorship

    Once it starts, where does it stop?

    That is WHY we hoi polloi are upset.

    YOU people dont see the BIG PICTURE.

    Comment by Lowell Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 4:41pm PST

    Where the hell were these moguls when Obama signed the NDAA a few ago, making it legal to send a United

    States Citizen to jail for life without ever having a trial???

    Obama has become the tyrant that first shows up with a box of candy and a bouquet of flowers before he strips

    you of your rights!

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    Comment by John Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 4:43pm PST

    You know, Boycotts are sounding like an excellent idea these days.

    I mean, a boycott against Hollywood that is.

    Comment by Matthew W Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 4:43pm PST

    The Hollywood moguls dont get their way and they stomp their feet like two year olds. SOPA is bad all around.

    And, yes it is nice they admit their money is pure and simple bribery.

    Comment by Deb Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 4:44pm PST

    This coming from the guys who go out of LA (like Canada/Mexico) to film because it is cheaper due to taxincentives. I work in the industry, and yes, even though stealing is wrong, the only pockets this hurts is the suits

    at the top of the food chain. I still remember the commercials of people like me, working in the biz, saying that

    you are stealing from them (a grip/screenwriter/a makeup artist etc). Every single last one of us gets paid are

    salary regardless of how well these movies do in the box office. I have not yet understood why the suits havent

    changed there business model. Look at the music industrythey finally accepted digital distribution (ie, iTunes,

    which actually saved their business). These guys are all idiots, just saying. ..

    Comment by Jordan Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 4:44pm PST

    God knows how much money weve given to Obama and the Democrats and yet theyre not supporting our



    Comment by Mya Nama Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 4:53pm PST

    What? Hollywood got screwed? They paid for Obama and he isnt producing? They FORCED an

    unconstitutional POTUS on us with their money. bite the pillow Hollywood.

    I for one an glad those asshats are suffering from their poor choices in Obama.

    Supreme Court Case Minor v Happersett in 1875 defined Natural Born Citizen and that definition is a person

    born to TWO parents who are citizens in the US or its territory.

    Obama says he was born under the British Nationality Act of 1948 (See factcheck or Fightthesmears the

    Obama campaign site) because his father was British, and so Obama was born British.

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    He never was and never could have been a Natural Born Citizen and Hollywood is RESPONSIBLE for helping to

    HIDE this historical TRUTH. CitizenMAYBE if he was born in Hawaii and can prove it but really, forget the

    birth certificate, it is irrelevant. It doesnt matter where the bastard was born, even if it was in JFKs lap in the

    Oval Office. His Dad was British, and so is Obama.

    Obama is an usurper and should be REMOVED from office immediately and put in prison for high crimes and

    misdemeanors. EVERYTHING that bastard has done is illegal and unconstitutional, starting with the oath of


    Hollywood, WAKE THE HELL UP! Stop supporting this illegal candidate in every possible way and force him

    out of the office he has NO LEGAL RIGHT TO.

    Comment by Dianna Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 4:54pm PST

    People need to read what the administration is saying. Theyre not against this legislation. Just like NDAA the

    admin is lying to you. Theyll pretend to be against it but behind closed doors theyll actually want it stronger or

    find another way to get it through in another bill or something.

    This is a very dangerous administration that wants dictatorial type powers.

    Comment by Fat Libertaran Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 4:55pm PST

    Quit funding all of them!

    Kick them all out on 11/6!

    Comment by Saul Levy Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 5:19pm PST

    Obama, or whoevershould start taxing the hell out of Hollywood.

    Comment by Get them back Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 5:19pm PST

    Enraged, party of 1.

    Comment by Lula Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 5:19pm PST

    If theres one thing we know about studio executives, its that they are gutless. What they say and actually do are

    two entirely different things. When Obama comes to town, theyll be lining up to kiss his ass.

    Of course, they can always support Romney but something tells me that Romney blames Hollywood for the

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    problem with todays youth. Thats a relationship that seems doomed from the beginning.

    Comment by Joe in SM Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 5:20pm PST

    Well, now that i just found out where my NETFLIX subscription money is going (To the OBAMAS and

    Democrats), I Guess I will consider cancelling my NETFLIX movies subscription. Any one else want to keep

    supporting the OBAMAS and DEMS?

    Comment byJoe Dionne Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 5:22pm PST

    There are so many ways to technically overcome this problem legislation is NOT required.

    The internet is not the problem. Hollywierd is pissed because their boy didnt play along as predicted. well.


    They got the world by the stones when they got the DMCA handed to them. and now they want more (read:


    I have NO sympathy for Hollywood at all

    Comment by Steven Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 5:56pm PST

    Good! Like the music industry did, Hollywood is starting to get a stink all its own with this nonsense. And

    consumers cant be bought like politicians.

    Make better movies, lower the ticket prices, make content more available online faster steps to better

    business. Not biting the hand that feeds you.

    Comment by Max Renn Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 5:58pm PST

    Since President Obama has no connections to special interests Im sure the controversy shouldnt bother him

    much. After all, he was able to choose between the Unions and environmentalists on the Keystone pipeline issue.

    Those groups arent special interests either.

    This is quite a hoot.

    Comment by Jim M Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 5:58pm PST

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    No biggie.

    Obama, just let us know how much your campaign is short because of these increasingly irrelevant fossils and

    we will send in the donations..

    Just like last time, remember?

    Comment by Heretic3e7 Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 5:59pm PST

    Hey, now there is an idea. Cutting off monetary contributions to a person or group that is acting counter to your


    What a good idea!

    Hey Hollywood, want to guess who Im cutting off?

    Hint: Its not Obama and they have been doing nothing but turning out crappy sequels of late.

    Comment by Heretic3e7 Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 6:02pm PST

    Hollywood has already been shown to violate FCC privacy and software laws, act in conspiratory manners, and

    have a defacto monopoly on the production and distribution of all media. It wants to turn the internet into a

    consumer-only platform to control, and turn general computing PCs into XBoxes which have little function

    except proprietary tasks.

    Hollywod doesnt belong on the internet.

    Mabye there needs to be anti-trust investigations

    Comment by johnT Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 6:03pm PST

    Theyre just pitching a hissy fit. Theyll clam down and be there with check books in hand at crunch time.

    Comment by ICallBS Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 6:08pm PST

    Now is the time to return copyright law to its constitutional base.

    To protect only for a limited time the power to solely exploit a creators idea, then return that idea to the

    freedom of the public domain, not to protect Mickey Mouse for the Disney Corporation in perpetuity.

    Lets abandon the police state that Hollywood demands for its own greed and instead open the copyrights to 20

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    years, as we do with patents.

    Imagine the incredible movies that will arise, and the income they will generate, when everything written prior

    to 1992 becomes free to use.

    Comment by RS Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 6:10pm PST

    Its extremely entertaining watching the Drudge readers trying to figure out who to yell and scream the most

    about the MPAA (which a lot of these geniuses clearly are confusing with the news media) or Obama (who

    they hate because someone on TV told them to).

    This is one of the rare situations where theres a good guy and a bad guy, folks. If you guys had even an ounce of

    self-awareness or intellectual integrity, youd give Obama credit for doing the right thing on this one. Of course,

    most of you still cant even give him credit for killing Bin Laden, so I know that kind of honesty, maturity and

    nuance may be too much for you.

    Again, Obummer (hardy har!) didnt punt, hoping to keep everybody happy he made a statement. He LED.But feel free to get excited about Santorum or whatever.

    Comment by Elmore Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 6:10pm PST

    Screw the greedy Whorelywood bastards! The only reason all this piracy exists is because of their outrageous

    pricing and fee structures! To hell with all of you, and may the piratical practices of the free Internet drive you

    all to lower your prices to reasonable levels. When people can purchase for a reasonable price, they will

    generally conform to the ethical norm. When prices and fees are like they are now, people will seek alternative


    Wake up Hwood!

    Comment by Doubltap Wednesday January 18, 2012 @ 6:10pm PST

    This article was printed from http://www.deadline.com/2012/01/exclusive-hollywood-moguls-stopping-obama-donations-


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