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Holocaust timeline

Date post: 11-Apr-2017
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Otto Frank immigrates to Holland August, 1933 Edith and Margot follow December, 1933 Anne arrives February, 1934
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Otto Frank immigrates to Holland

August, 1933

Edith and Margot follow December, 1933

Anne arrivesFebruary, 1934

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Summer Olympic GamesBerlin1936

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Boycott of Jewish Shops April 1, 1933

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Germans hold a book burningTo burn books considered


May 10, 1933

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KristallnachtNovember 9, 1938

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Germany Invades PolandWWII has begun

September 1, 1939

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Germany invadesThe Netherlands, Belgium and

FranceMay, 1940

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Otto Frank must register as a Jew and can no longer

own his business

May, 1940

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Operation BarbarossaGerman Armed Forces

attack the Soviet Union

June 22, 1941

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All Jews required to wear a Yellow Star

on their clothing

May 3, 1942

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Anne receives her diary

June 12, 1942

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Margot receives a call up for “work duty” which

means deportation to a forced labor camp.

The family goes into hiding the next day.

July 5, 1942

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First Jews deported to extermination camps in Poland

July 1942

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Battle for Stalingrad

October 27, 1942

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SS General RauterAnnounces all Jews will be “removed”

from the Netherlands

May 1, 1943

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Raid in Amsterdam3,000 Jews are deported to

extermination camps

May 26, 1943

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Allies land in Sicily

July 10, 1943

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Food situation dramatically worsens in the Annex


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D-DayAllied Invasion on

Beaches of Normandy

June 6, 1944

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The Annex is discoveredThe Franks, and all other residents,

are arrested.

August 4, 1944

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All 8 residents of the Annextaken by train to the

Westerbork Transit Camp

August 8, 1944

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Margot and Annedie of typhus inBergen Belsen

Concentration Camp

March, 1945

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Hitler Appointed Chancellor of Germany

January 30, 1933

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After burning of the ReichstagGerman Parliament passes

the Enabling ActGiving dictatorial powers to Hitler

March 24, 1933

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Hindenburg dies,Hitler becomes Fuhrer

August 2, 1934

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Hitler receives 90% Yes vote to approve his new powers

August 19, 1934

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Nuremberg Race Laws passed

September 15, 1935

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32 Countries convene A League of Nations Conference in Evian, France to discuss aiding Jews fleeing from


No action is taken as no country will accept them

July 1938

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Nazis require Jews to add “Sarah” or “Israel”

as their middle names, in case their last name sounded to


Also required to stamp a red “J” on all Jewish passports.

July-October 1938

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Germany invades Denmark and Norway

April 9, 1940

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France signs an armistice with Hitler

June 22, 1940

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Japan attacks Pearl Harbor. The next day, US and Great Britain

declare war on Japan.

December 7, 1941

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Hitler declares war on the United States.

Roosevelt asks Congress for a declaration of war on Germany

saying, "Never before has there been a

greater challenge to life, liberty and civilization."

The US enters the war in Europe and will concentrate nearly 90% of military resources to defeat Hitler.

December 11, 1941

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Beginning of deportation of Dutch Jews to Aushwitz

July 14, 1942

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Deportation of Jews from Norway to Auschwitz begins

October 25, 1942

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Russian troops liberate the first concentration camp, at Majdanek 

where over 360,000 had been murdered.

July 24, 1944

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The Van Pels join the Franks in hiding.

July 13, 1942

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Fritz Pfeffer (given the pseudonym “Dussell” by Anne),

the eighth and final resident of the Annex,

joins the families.

November 16, 1942

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Bookcase built to hid the entrance to the Secret Annex

August 21, 1942

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Anne and her family receive news of Jewish friends and family

in Holland.

October 9, 1942

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Workman startles Anne and her father by coming to do repairs

outside the Annex door.

October 20, 1942

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The Annex exceeds their electricity ration, cannot use electricity for

two weeks.

November 28, 1942

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Anne and Mr. Pfeffer (Dussell) argue over a new time schedule for

use of the desk in their shared room.

July 13, 1943

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Break-in in the warehouse below the Annex

July 16, 1943

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North Amsterdam heavily bombed by the Germans

July 19, 1943

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The members of the Annex have to give away their radio

August 3, 1943

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Italy surrenders

September 10, 1943

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Anne’s prize possession, a fountain pen, is accidentally


November 11, 1943

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Anne’s friend Hanneli appears to her in a dream, begging for help

November 27, 1943

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Anne begins to develop feelings for Peter

January 6, 1944

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A second break-in in the warehouse below the Annex.

March 1, 1944

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Warehouse is broken into a third time

April 11, 1944

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Anne gets her first kiss

April 16, 1944

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