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Holophane HMS High Mast System Brochure 8-78

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  • 7/28/2019 Holophane HMS High Mast System Brochure 8-78


    Johns-Manville Holophane'HMS" Save energy.High MastSystem. Better lighting.Luminaire, pole,loweringdevice.

    JUi Fewer poles.Less maintenance.Lowercosts.


  • 7/28/2019 Holophane HMS High Mast System Brochure 8-78


    Years of experienceprove HMSeffectiveness.

    CoverO Highway interchange, Houston, Texas.T 0 HMS luminaires on each of four 175' polesdo the ghting job of 93 conventionalluminaires on 50' po es.O Containerterminal, lnternationaiTransportation Service Long Beach,California. Uniform, h gh evel illum nationkeeps fre ght mov ng at all hours.O HMS lowering device simp if iesmaintenance.This pageO Highway, Wi lanrette R ver Road, Eugene.Oregon. HMS provides excellent pavementbrightness wlthout po e clutterO Arterial street bounding a shopping malln downtown Eugene, Oregon. Hl,4Sluminaires with Skyscape'f covers add adecorat ve touch by day, provide high-levellighting by n ght.O Plant area of Western Kraft Corp., nearAlbany, Oregon, is protected by HNrSnightt me security light ng.O Railroad classification yard, L&NRa lroad Cornpany, Lou svrl e, Ky. 265 acreslighted w th only 36 poles for'round-the-clock operat on.O Airport terminal, Newark, N.J. Each HMSpole is equipped w th a lowering dev ce tofacilitate quick ma ntenance.O Parking lot, Red B rd MallshopplngcenteI Da 1as, Texas. HMS provides awe I ghted, secure environment whichatlrects customers


  • 7/28/2019 Holophane HMS High Mast System Brochure 8-78


    A highlyefficientsystem for lightinglarge open areas.

    The Holophane HN.4S High l\.4ast Systemfllls the need for better lighting createdby the spread of complex highways andthe ever-growing requjrements of suchlarge outdoor areas as freightterminals, lndustrial plants, shoppingcenters and large parking lots.During the 24-hour-a-day operation ofmines, utility generatlng stations andchem ical and petroleum plants,production increases w th efficientHN.4S light ng.With increased vandalism, there is alsoa growlng demand for after-hoursoutdoor security lighting for storageareas and public parks.Today, Holophane Hl\y'S is the standardwhere safe, comfortable, econom icallighting is required for all these largeo utdoor areas.Superior visibility.Controlled light output in the 60'-90'zone provides the h gh verticalfootcandles and the high surfacebrightness essential for good visibility.High mounting of Hl\y'S f ixtures placesthem out of the normal line of sight.limiting direct glare and minimizing eyeadaptation problems.Wide choice ol lightdistributions.Three refractors - sym metric,asymmetric and long and narrow anda choice of high pressure sod ium,metal halide, and super metal halidelamps permit custom lighting design ofeven the most complex or odd-shapedareas.Overlapping light patterns.The system is deslgned for clustermounting of up to 12 lumina res, eachwith overlapping light patterns.lndividual lamp outag-os s mply result ina slight decrease in light level in anyone locat on, ratherthan the potentiallydangerous dark spots encounter-odwith other lioht inq systems.

    Lower energy requirements.The uniformity of jllumination madepossible by HN,4S lum naires avoids the''puddle of light" under the pole.common w th ovate fixtures. reduc i'rgenergy consL'nption by as much as50%.Fewer poles.The wide pole spacings made possibleby HN,4S luminaires eliminate the needfor a "forest of poles." For example,four 100' poles on 600'centers canreplace sixteen 40' poles on 200'centers.Vehicular safety is improved, sincefewer poles mean potentially fewerpole collrsions and less obstrJction inthe field of view.Lower initial cost.l\.4ore luminaires per pole mean fewerpoles. Th us, foundation, wirlng,trenchlng and installation costs arereduced. Hlgh lumen utilization resultsin the need for fewer fixtures andlarn ps.Reduced operating costs.Expensive cranes and bucket trucksare not necessary to maintain H l\,4Ssystems. Luminaires are brought toground level Jor quick relam ping andcleaning by maintenance person neloperating the lowering device powerdrill assembly. Programmed groupre amplng becomes an economicaloption. Fewer lamps mean lower powerbills and lamp replacement costs.Diverse applications.Highways and interchanges Motoristsentering a m ulti-level, complexinterchange need the full panoramicview provided by HIVS lighting toaccurately assess the location oframps, lanes, barriers, bridgeabutments, dividers and slgns. HIMSluminaires mounted hig h above and tothe side of normal lines of sight, greatlyreduce discomfort glare and disabilityve ling brightness.Freight terminals and railroad yardsHlgh vertical lighting on railroad cars,trucks and containers reduce

    lnrer3tare hiqhway ( -5), near Porl and. oregon H[4s inth ssi.a ghtawayseclionprovidessale.comloriabeqhting ior motor sls.possibility of pilferage and speedidentif ication. Fewer pole locationsequal more usable space and improvefreight movement.Mines, petrochemical lacilities,industrial plants, storage areasUn form illumination from wide polespacing increases'round-the-clockproduction, with less pole blockage ofmotorized hand ling equipment. Placedoutside hazardous areas, H l\.4S permitsnightt me operations with reducedenergy consum ption.Commercial and retail parkinq lotsWide pole spacings provide clean,uncluttered view of buildings, facades,signs; more parking spaces areavailable I customer security isimproved and vandal sm is reducedwhen dark shadows are eliminated.Public parks High mounlrng reducesvanda ism to lum narres. HN-4S polesand lowering devices may be combinedwith Prismaf lood" luminaires forfloodlighting of ball fields. ProvidesAase ol maintenance because loweringdev ce eliminates hard-to-reach towersand cages.Powel plants, prisons N ghttimesecurity, including TV surveillance andprotection of vital equipment areenhanced by the uniformity of verticaland horizontal lighting provided byHN/lS system. Easy maintenance ofsystem assures that this protect on wi Inot be interrupted.

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane HMS High Mast System Brochure 8-78


    Coordinatedlighting system offerssingle-sourceavailability.

    HMS offers a total package of carefullymatched, precisely engineeredcom po nents: lumlnaires, loweringdevices and poles.High-elliciency,low-maintenance luminaire.The Holophane HNIS luminaireincorporates a prismatic glassref lector/refractor optical system forcontro lled light distributions.A key element in the superlorperiormance of the luminaire is theuniq!e Holophane prismatic refractor.It raises the angle of light distributionto achieve better vertical surfaceillum inat io n and higher pavementbrightness. The refractor alsoprismatically spreads the lamp image,reducing glare and enhancing visualcomfort.Three different refractor types areavailable to provide a choice of I ghtpatterns - symmetric, asymmetric, andlong and narrow.Little or no maintenance is requ redwith HN,4S luminaires. Their openbottom/open top, chimney-actiondesign - combined with a durableprismatic glass ref lector with smoothexposed surface ensure neoliq iblereduction in light output from dirtaccu muiat ion.The high mounting also contribues tolumen maintenance. since less dustand dirt can reach the frxtures.Steel poles withstandhigh wind loads.Special poles to su pport the H [,4Sluminaires and lowering device aredesigned to withstand the AASHTO1975 90 N.4PH wind loading criteria.Provis ons are made at the base of thepole to mount the lowering devicewinch, circuit breakers, and otherhardware. Prime painted. galvanized orwpathering sleel poles are ava lable inheiqhts fro m 50 feet to 150 feet.

    Safe, dependablelowering device.The H[,4S lowering dev ce lowers theluminalres to ground level for routinelamp replacement and clean ng.Three heavy-duty aircraft cables holdthe mountlng ring level duringoperation, while irls-action guide armskeep rt so stable il can be operated inwinds up to 30 miles per hour.

    When the ring is raised to the top,trouble-free, posit ve action latchesautomatically lock lt into place,removing allstress from the cables,thus ensurlng long cabJe lfe.The permanently lubricated pulleys androllers at the top of the pole aredesigned for virtually maintenance-Jreeoperation.


    *a II\I_I' -'-1*-t'z- '-

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane HMS High Mast System Brochure 8-78



    HMS luminaire.The uminaire sha I be Holoohane Cataloqwat


    ampMechanical The maximum weiqht oi the lumina reshall be pounds and ts projected area shal nolexceed square ieel.The lunrinaire sha I be of open'venti ated des gnwilh an ool calsystem conssi nq ot a pressedborosi icate glass rellectorand retractor The'!1" or -h.l I d?" a s-ootl- ror po o r< 1'ras!rlace and sha I be encased within a spun andsea ed alumlnum coverThe retractor shall be readily attached io therelleclor by means of a stainless stee c arnp bandequipped w th captive stainless steel nut andmachlne screw The fractor sha lrolate 360'o oLro rla 16lr. lor avF lo dny pos I o. o d -rr oollhe main beamsol non symmelrc fxluresThe ref eclor w th its a um num cover shal be firmlyattached 1o a cast a t]m num ring. Tlris ring shahave keyho e slols n ts Lrppersurlace such ihat therei ectolrefractor assemb y may be readily attachedto. or detached from lhe uminaire brackei entry andlamp support assernbly w lhoul comp eielyremov ng the suppori bo lsThe l!nr naire ballasl sha I be enclosed wilhln a#356 a loy cast a uminum housing wh ch nlegra lyaflachestothe lunrina re bracketentryand lampsupport assemb y. ll sha be readily removeablewithout removing the lum na re from the bracketThe lum na re sha be attached to the brackei arrrby means of a brackel entry and lamp supportassembly. The base forth s assemb y shal be castaluminum #356 al oy. The assembly shall include agasketed sidenlry sl pf tter des gned ior 2" plpewllh prov sion fo. r3'adjustmenl for levei ng theum naire The amp sha be verllcal burn ng andprevented irom !ndLre v brat on and backing ort bymeans of a sta nless stee amp clamp attaclred tothe assemb y blrt separate irom the sockeiAn enc osed lerm na block shal be nc uded slchthai allelectr ca connect ons sha lbe protecledfrom vibration An alum num roled rain sh eld shallbe atiached to the oulside oi this assemblyOpticaupholometric The luminaire shal provide anANS i ES type- diskibut on Thearctubeofthelamp shal be optica ly shielded bymeansoflheref ector andror refractor ai ang es abovedegrees trom na.lir Max mum beam cand epowershall not be less than-atan anqle ofdegrees verlica and-degrees lateral. (Note:ateral ang e not appLicable to iype V d str bui on )The lum na re sha I have a m nimum oulputeiJ c ency of % oi bare lamp lumens. w th a lypeVdistr bul on not lessthan-% oi the bare amplLrmens shallbe in lhe 60{90'verr ca zone Wiih atype (l . I I or V) d striblt on nol ess than -% ol thebare lamp umens shall be n the 60a90'verticalzone on the street side. Wiih atype I dislribU on not6ss la-l _oo o, .t-a oara tdap Jma-ls Sl a I bF rthe 60190'verticalzone. measured over an area 2Vh I \,4 l.a _so. alor glhe onqrLd_a a

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane HMS High Mast System Brochure 8-78


    Choice of lanrps andlight distributions.

    I rr l: )t]l ,, t,i L ' .r !. .r-

    Cat. No.111S SYI!4IMS 1000 Super Meta Ha idcTest No 28133

    ,:Frr I l:r...i ..l.li. - -. - :r-

    Cat. No 1119-SYM1000W Clear IMela Ha ide

    Mounting heighl conversion labie.To converl charl va ues for mount ng he ghis other than 100use the lo lowing mu tiply ng factorsM.t"i. (Fr.) 50 60 70 80 90Mull. Factor 4.00 2 75 2.01 56 1.23Cat No.1171 LAN1000iry Hish Prcssurc Sod umTest No. 27858

    1 00 r T 0 120 130 140 150r.00 0 81 0 68 0.57 0 50 0 .r3

    ,i ._.





    1i l'-a



    Cat. No. I171-SYM1000W Hlgh PressLre Sod umTest No 27895


    Test No 27850

    .i::i, r' l.: r|r r( ,,r, 1., r_ '.lr,r.lrl

    Cat. No 1119 LANMS'1000 Super IMelal HalideTest No 28126

    Cal. No.1171 ASY1000W Hlqh Pressure SocliumTest No 30619

    llI l,,r' ., ., l,'.r',..

    Cat. No.1119 ASYMS 1000 Super Meta HalideTest No 28127

    1 | .: .1r, i. l . i r r : ' ,i. ir. ' I r r. :Cat. No. I llg'LAN1000W Clear Metal HalideTest No. 27856

    'ti)ll'1lii I l: !n.r. r.nrrs ll,) rf r! r"r'


    :,-i.:a,rti,r"r! I qrlCat. No.1ll9-ASY1000W Clear Metrl Hali.leTest No 27853


    st REET]IDE









  • 7/28/2019 Holophane HMS High Mast System Brochure 8-78


    Designed forperformancewithHPS, metalhalideand super metalhalide lamps.

    O Ballasl assembly is a weathertight, castalurninum housing, readily detachable byremov ng three bolts and unplugging thequick-d sconnect electr cal leads.) Bracket entry and lamp supportassembly is a precision cast aluminumhousing conta ning the slipf tter, lampsocket and support, and term nal b ock.O Terminalblock s enclosed with n thebracket entry and larnp support assembly,and prewired with quick-disconnect eads.O Adiustable sliplitter is designed for a 2"pipe bracket and permits a vert calposit oning adlustment of t3'. A built-ingasketed bracket stop assures quickmount ng.O Lamp sockel s heavy-duty nickel plated,porcplain-pnc osed w th 'rtegral lamp I'pand asbestos lined stainless steel lampclam p.

    Luminaire perlormance data.




    O Aluminum weather shield protectss ipfitter and socket.O Reflector/r etraclor assembly isdetachable and isfastened to the bracket entryassembly bythree 3/s" bolts through keyholes ots.O Oplicalassembly cons sts of a pressdborosil cate glass reflector with sealed, spun

    aluminum cover, and an open-bollom,borosilicate glass ref ractotO Prismatic borosilicate glass reflector.(E Sealed, spun-aluminum cover.O Stainless steelclamping ring.(D Prismatic borosilicaie qlass refraclor.

    La mpRefrac-torLuminaire Type

    Refraclor HolophaneCatalog TestNumber NumberANSr/rESDistribulionType

    LumenOutput0'-90'Lumen OpticalOutput Maximum Beam Candle- Shield60"-90' power @ Angle Angle

    400whighpressuresod um




















    11s82 @ 55"V11838 @ 60"V 75"122225 @ 57.5V, B2.s"L

    22232 @ 65V47236 @ 67.5'V,70'L39966 @ 65'V, 80"128992 @ 60'V28378 @ 67.5'V, 75'L51504 @ 60'V 80'L25229 @ 65'V28086 @ 72.5'V 7s'L48226 @ 67.s'V 80'L23032 @ 60"V25021 @ 7c"V.75'L41361 @ 62.s'V BC|'L21028 @ 75'V23988 @ 75'V 75'L40459 @ 67.5"V, BCr" L














    11782 @ 60"V11832 @ 70'V, 7s"L22561 q 62.5'V. 82.5'L10355 @ 65'V12258 @ 75'V,75'L2239s @ 67.5'V B0'L

    1000W h ghpressu re 1171sod iu m





    1000wsu permetalh alide





  • 7/28/2019 Holophane HMS High Mast System Brochure 8-78


    lowering device.Increases safety,simplifiesmaintenance.

    A complete, self-containedsystem.Fig. 1. LD5 lowering deviceaccommodates up to 12 lum naires. Allrnoving latching components are onlowering ringi only pulleys and rollersare permanently installed at top ofpoles.Fig.2. Lowering can be accomplishedeven in 30 MPH winds.Fig.3. Luminaires lower to within 3'olpole base for inspection and servicing.Hoisting and electrical cables can bereplaced at ground level. Allelectricalconnections are at ground level foreasy maintenance.


    Fig.4High-stability suspension.Fig. 4. Three hea!ry-duty aircraft cablesand continuous-contact iris-action gu dearms keep luminaires level and centeredduring raising, lowering, and atching.Aircraf t-grade steel, zi nc electroplatedcables meet Type A Federal Spec ficationRR-W410a. ln normal atmospheres, lifeexpectancy ls 30 years. ln specialcorrosive environments, optionalstainless steel cables may be specified.Full-support latching.Fig. 5. Latching removes all weight fromthe cables. ensunng long cable life sinceno stress is placed on them except whenthe lowering device is in use.Positive-action latches are automaticallyactrvated by moverrenl of Ihe lum nairpring. lndicator "flags" turn automaticallyduring locking process, providing asignal visible from ground level that latchis securely locked. Each latch is strongenough to support three times theweight of the entire ring and themaximum number of luminaires,providing a I to 1 safety factor.


    Ground-level testing.Fig. 6. The weathertight, r ng-mountedpower inlet enables the system to beenerg zed and tested at ground level.There is no electromechanicaldisconnect at the pole top.

    Power cable.The main power cable and individualluminaire electrical cables are factorypre-wired into the junction box on thelowering ring, greatly simplifying f eldinstallation.Power cables are available for 3-phase3-wire distribution (' 3' ln catalognumber), and for 3-phase 4-wire ( '4" incataloq number). These do not includean equiprnent ground wire. li thjsground wire is required, specify "4" or''5", respectively.A catalog number'2" single-phasepower cord utilizes a third equipmentqround wire as standard.


    I.,:t.'.1,--._..:.1r...t *rt! :: : :..r ir:I a.:-.Y 'i,':


    Fig.5.l'-, --Eb

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane HMS High Mast System Brochure 8-78


    Remote-controlled portablepower unit operates winch.Fig. 7. Portable, heavy-duty reversingelectric power unit drives the winch. Asingle unit services up to 50 loweringdevices. Remote control permitsoperator to stand 20'from the polebase. Average overall speed of raisingand lowering is approximatelY12 fpm.Ground level maintenance.Fig. B. The LDs comes to within 3' oJthe pole base for maintenance. From 2to 12 HMS or Prismallood luminairescan be mounted on the lowering ring.LD5 lowering device.Number Efl. proi.ol Approx. area ol loweringLumi- Weighl device wlth HMSnaires (Lbs.)* Luminaires (sq- lt.)2 362 6.9034568I1012


    8.359.8011 .2512.715.617.418.521 4*The welghts given include head frame,cables, lowering ring and bracket arrns, buiexclude luminaires.

    Effective projected area of lowering deviceis 4.0 sq. ft.

    Fig. 7 Fig.8Head frame, luminaire ring,and winch assembly, Model LD5.

    (mountinq rins)Side /i,""" A-'-----._!_

    lLum na re W ri.! Powers!PPorl r nO chamberand, reway lpre $ r.dl 1!orsyslemlest nq 'nloweredDo5't o.)

    Pole base detail

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane HMS High Mast System Brochure 8-78


    Steelpoles.Designed forand easyassembly.Pole performance data (for LDS lowering devicg poles).*

    Max. BendingMoment Bas;d Sustained Wind Velocily (MPH),,^^n l nool- lor Given Number ot H MS Lumipon 10070Yield Strength Number of HMS Luminairest

    rugged service

    50 H-175160 H-175270 H-175380 H-175490 H-175590 H-1773100 H-1756100 H-1774110 H-1757110 H-1775120 H-17s8

    PoleHeight Pole(Feet) Number (Ft. Lbs.) 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12lor Given Number ot HMS Luminairesr*

    204,000204,000204,000204,000-] ,e zs f--120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 110120 120 120 120 124 120 110 110 100204,000 120 120 120 120 110 100283,000 120 110 100 100 90283,000 120 110 110 100 100 90 - - -83,000 r20 I I0 110 100 r00336.000 120 120 110 100 100 90 -36,000 120 110 110 100 90387,000 120 120 110 100 100 90

    - -87,000 120 110 100 100 90337,000 120 120 120 110 100 90 -52,000 120 110 110 100 100452,000 120 120 120 110 100 90 - - -35,000 120 110 110 100 100635,000 120 120 120 110 100 90 - - -43,000 120 110 100 100 s0

    Base detail

    ,'1e.'l\L>\lc9F-- "\ T,/,v-1-\ \ I(O t -r-l Q) s\ \l-l-Y Ig-e/I

    t l:lC x *rf ,

    TsIT)lls -t Ill0

    Ii +a-


    H-l776H-1759H-l777H-1760H-1774H-176'1H-1779*All poles shown are designed in accordance with '1975 MSHTO specifications for skucturalsupportsfor highway luminaires. lnformation on higher wind velocities or other special potedesigns may be obtained from your local Holophane sales representative.**Poles are designed for wind gusts up to 1.3 times the values shown.tLowering ring will not accommodate 7 or 11 luminaires symmetrically.Note: Hand hole is on opposite side of pole from grounding nut and parallel to flat edge ofbase plate.Since anchor bolt dimensions may change, template inlormation and drawings are availableas part ot the approval drawings. lnformation may be obtained frorn your local Holophanesales representative in advance, but Holophane cannot be responsible lor such informationunless submitted as part of the approval drawings sent with the order acknowledqment.

    BasePole Wt.lncl.Pole Anchor Outer Diametea**Helght Pole Bolb (lnches)



    No, ofSectlon8 No. olBoltsMinimumGrout(lnches)

    BoltSize "BC" ,,tO" ,,S" "P"(Feet) Number (Lbs.)' Bottom T50 H-1751 2,327 17.98 11.4860 H-1752 2,533 17.98 10.0670 H-1753 2,705 17.98 8.6880 H-1754 2,888 17.98 7.6490 H-1755 3.020 17.98 6.2490 H-1773 3,573 17.98 6.24100 H-1756 3,82S 17.98 4.84100 H-1774 4.171 17.S8 5.12110 H-1757 4.546 19.58 5.54110 H-1775 4.878 19.58 5.68120 H-1758 5,151 20.98 s.s4120 H-1776 5,483 20.98 5.68130 H-1759 s.956 21.25 5.05130 H-1777 6,498 22.65 6.45140 H-1760 6.606 22.65 5.05140 H-1778 7.830 24.05 6.45150 H-1761 8.028 24.05 5.05150 H-1779 8,820 24.20 5.59



    13/ax9613/ax961%x9613/ax9613/ax9617ax9613/ax9613/ax9613/qx96'13lax961!ax9613/ax9613/ax9613/ax961 7axg613/ax9613/ax9613laxg6

    (lnches) (lnches)23.5 12 23.2523.5 12 23.2523.5 12 23.2523.5 12 23.2523.5 12 23.2523.5 12.25 25.7523.5 12.25 25.7523.s 12.25 25.7s26 12.75 28.0026 12.75 28.0028 15.00 30.5028 15.00 30.5028 15.00 30.5030 17.25 33.2s30 17.25 33.2530 13.50 33.0030 13.50 33.0030 13.50 33.00

    1.51.5'*Pole weight does not include lowering device and luminaires.**Nraximu m outer diameter of pole to allow operation of LDs is 28.5".


    es"max.-- -

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane HMS High Mast System Brochure 8-78



    HMS luminaire physical data.


    wt. Hr. E.PA. Wt. Ht-(Lbs.) (ln.) (sq. Ft.) (Lbs.) (ln.) E.PA. Wt. Ht. E.PA.(sq. Ft.) (Lbs.) (ln.) (sq. Ft)68 30 2.672 32.s 2.866 30 2.6

    Skyscape decorative covers.F ve geometric shaped covers, in a choice ofcolors, are avarlable to complementarchitectural themes. For informat on onthese decorative lum ina res and spec al poledesigns, see Skyscape brochure, HL-54.


    Prismallood lloodlighting.Where large areas must be lighted from theirperiphery, Holophane Prismaf loodluminalres may be ncorporated into theHMS systern. These etiic ent floodlights canall be aimed in the same direction whilemounted syrnmetr cally around the pole onspec ally engineered brackels attached tothe lowering ring. Enclosed, weathertightPrismallood luminaires are described indetail in Holophane data sheet HL-324.

    Luminaire vrithSymmetrical (SYM)RefraclorLuminaire withAsymmetrical (ASY)Retractor

    Luminaire withLong and Narrow (LAN)RefrcclorLamp400w HPS 67 30 2.61000w HPS 72 32.s 2.81000w MH 65 30 2.6

    7A 32.572 32.5 2.A2.A2.8Prismaf lood/pole/LD5 capability.PoleHeight Pole(Ft.) Nurlbel50 H-175160 H-175270 H-1753

    Maximum number of Prismalloodluminaires for 90 MPH steady- Maximum numbeJ ol Prismalloodluminaires for 80 MPH steady-slate wind*tate wind*




    100 H-'1756100 11,1774110 H-1757110 H-1775120 H-1758120 H-1776*Poles are designed for wind gusts up to 1-3 times the values shown.Prismallood uni-directional lighting.


    L!m fr r.s.an b. rotat-edI rnd dn!f afd s de lo s ie

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane HMS High Mast System Brochure 8-78


    Ordering data.

    How to order a total HMS system.2,3,4,s,6.8,9,10,12rl-150-8-LDs

    Catalog Number/Light DistiibutionsSymmetrical Asymmetrical Long and Narrcw

    Footnoles.1. For poles without lowering systems,obtaln ordering information from Holophanerepresentative.2 The LD5lower ng device can also besupplied for either existing poles or polessupplied by others. Extensive engineer ngcoordination is required to analyze poledimensions, wind loadings, physical fit, easeof operation, etc. Contact your locaiHolophane representative to obtain detailed3. 2, 4 and 5 conductor power cables arealso available. but must be coordinated withthe plLrgs and receptacles necessary forproper operation. lf ground" wire isrequired on 3 or 4 conductor cable, use 4'or "5" in catalog number, respectively.2conductor cable has ground wire rn cord.4. For Pr srratlood'loodl.g,]ting lumina reinformation and ordering data, see datasheet HL-324. Consult your Holophanerepresentat ve for details on incorporatinginlo H[,4S system. Fo'Skyscape dFco'ar vcluminaire, see data sheet HL-54.5. Primary voltaqe, specily : 120, 208, 240,277, or 480; i.e., 1 '171-208-SYt\,4.Electrical chaJaclerislics.Forcomplete ballast data, refertothetablesof electrical characterjstics in theHolophaneBallastHandbook, HL-301.The phvs ca properi es of Holophane HMS um .a res.owerlnq dev ce and po es represenl typ ca averaoevaluesobtaned n accordance w lh accepted lestr"lhod. o d d e \r bj". lo o'ma n a.Lla I r' rq' rPP rad. d16 1-r.. )F , r6.-dares!blecrto changewitho!t nol ce. Checkyour ocalo ophane sa es.epresentat ve to assure c!(entniormation.Holophane sad visionof Johns Ma.vlleContact your local Holophane salesrepresentative for applicationassistance, computer-aided design andcost studies, and sample units for trialinstallation. For information on otherJ-[.4 products and systems, calltheProduct lntormation Center at303-979- 1 000.

    UMJohns-ManvilleHo ophane Drv, Johns Manville sa es Corp. Ken caryFanch.Denver Co o 80217iTheHolophareCompany.Ltd,B.amalea.Ont.andSt Hyacinihe.Oue CanadaiHo ophane Eorope L mited Bond Ave . M llon KeynesMKI 1JG. Eng andr Ho ophaneS.A.deC.V AparladoPostalT5-415 Mexlco 14. O F, Mexico

    i3-LIJ 1171-480-SYM Othe. options andaccessoriesSee below

    4OOW HPS 1137-12GSYM 1137-12GASY1138-12GASY1139-12GASY1171:l2q4sY111&12GASY111$12GASY

    1137-12GLAN113&12GLAN113g12GLAN1171-12GLAN111&12GLAN11 1912G1AN

    tlqqry lls1000W metal halideor super metal halide113&12GSYM113q12GSY[,41171-12GSYNi111&12GSYN.41119'12GSYN,1

    Cat. No.Suftix Description-BsD-115sD-12G90so-12G120sD,12G.180sD7990sD79-120sD.7+180

    90" shield12CP shield180'shield90" shield120'shield180" shield

    Photocontrol receptacleShield, 85'vertical x 360" horizontal (max., 6 per lower ng dev ce)

    Shield for 1171 and LAN luminaires only

    Shield lo. all other HMS luminaires

    Pole Numbe. ofpackagel luminaires-LMSPole height50' to 150'in'10'increments

    Lowefng Completeluminairedevice2 catalog numberSee belowExample: HMS package, 150' pole with galvanized finish, lowering system, 3 conductors inmain power cable, eight 1000W HPS luminaires, 480 volts, symmetrical distribution, photocellreceptacle, stainless steel cables: H MS150-B-LDS3'1 1 71-480-SYN,4-GALV-R-SS.Lowering device options & accessories.C8t. No.Sutfix

    Stainless steelcablesSingle aircraft warning lightDouble aircraft warning lightDouble aircraft warning light with transfer relayLightning arrestorLightning rodPortable power unit

    HMS luminaires, options & accessoriesa.

    - FAA- 1205- FAA-2-1205- FAA-2TR-120s.LRLDP-120s



    Number ol conductorsin main power cable3 Pole linishGALV galvanized steelWS - weathering steelPP - prime-painted steel- GALV - R-SS
