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Holophane Industrial Luminaires Brochure 8-78

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  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Industrial Luminaires Brochure 8-78



    Holophane"lndustrialluminaires.r ,t \; j ii


    FIB A 3 i$79i!-r'," ll .i ir .i :lill,-,'r.i

    Energy-eff icientlamp/lightdistributions.HPS, metalhalide,mercury.

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Industrial Luminaires Brochure 8-78


    Choice of luminairesdesigned for high,medium and low bayapplications.

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Industrial Luminaires Brochure 8-78


    Luminaires, reflectorsand light distributionsfor enqineered) lightin6 sobtions.

    Choice of light dislributionsPrismpack ll luminaires provideunequalled control ot light. TheirCoefficients of Utilization are as highas .96 because the Holophane-designed prismatic glass reflectors arematched to the specilic lamp.l\.4any so-called metal halide and highpressure sodiu m luminaires useref lectors originally designed forphosphor-coated mercury lamps.When such reflectors are used withthese newer compact arc sources, theresult is often poor light distributionand consequent lack of footcandleuniformity. This imprecise control mayalso cause direct and reflected glare.Since these newer lamps are selectedbecause oJ their greater efficacy andsince small sources require moreprecise optical control in order torealize their potentially greaterutilization of light- it is uneconomicalto use them in luminaires not designedto take maximum advantage ot thispotential.Holophane prismatic glass ref lectorsprovide excellent lamp cut-off andhigh-angle brightness control. Theyprecisely redirect this intense lightaway from the arc tube, so that lamplife is not affected.A choice of light distribution patternsfrom various ref lector/lampcombinations makes possible greaterllexibility in meeting any lightingdesign requirement.Ru99ed conslructionThe thermal-shock resistant Enduralr!glass reflector will not pil or corrode innormal industrial use. It is providedwiih a sealed-on metal cover formechanical support and to keep theexternal reflecting prisms clean. Thereflector is made to last, even under themost adverse environmentalcond itions.

    The ballast will achieve rated life atelevated temperatures (up to 55'C) andeven longer life at normal operatingtemperatures.Suggested mainlenance laclorsFor Holophane ventilated prismaticglass reflectors in clean, moderate ord irty industrial environments.

    0510i5202530Monihs ol operai on

    L4aintenance curves for other types ofindustrial reflectors are not shown forlhese reasons: the normal depreciationof a luminaire is based on the contourof the reflector, size and position ofopenings in the reflector, plus the typeol reflector material or reflectorprotective coating, thickness anddegree of control in applying thiscoating.Listing all open bottom luminaires inone category and all closed bottomluminaires in another category istherefore invalid.l\y' ai ntenance c u rves gene ral lypublished indicate only the degree ofdirt accumulation on the reflectorsurJace and do not show thepermanent ref lector deterioration thatoccurs in industrial facilities.Assuminq 10070 restoration of theref lector assembly when the unit iscleaned, may be invalid. Care must beexercised when using maintenancefactors. The Holophane prismatic glassreflector is not subject to anypermanent deterioration as are treatedmetal reflectors in normal industrialenvironments.

    Consequently, the maintenancecurve can be used with confidence todetermine accurate footcandle data,not only when the reflector is new, butafter many years of use.Ease of maintenanceThe self-cleaning chimney action ofPrismpack ll creates a steady stream ofair through the reflector, carrying dirtparticles out the top. Unlike metalrellector surfaces. the smooth glassreflector resists dirt and dust build-up.Lower dirt depreciation and fewerluminaire cleanings mean more light atlower operating cosls. When cleaningis required, a simple wiping of thesmooth inner surface of the glassref lector will restore eff iciency.Engineered for color lidelityN4etal halide lamps give excellent colorrendition. Thus, they should beconsidered whenever color lidelity isimportant. Where color is not critical,you can take advantage of the evenhigher lumen output of high pressuresolrum lamps. No matter which lamp isused, Holophane crystalclearprismatic glass reJlectors will not altersource color.Application versatilityPrismpack ll is excellent for a variety ofinstallations. In industrial applicationsit is idealfor machine shops, inspectionareas, assembly lines, prod uctionareas, warehouses, foundries andhangars. ln commmercial areas. il isunexcelled lor exposition halls, sportsarenas - and, with decorative shades- for terminals, stores and lobbies.UL listedPrisrnpack ll complete luminaires arelisted by Unde wrilers L aboratories.Inc. UL 'Damp Location" label isavailable upon request.

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Industrial Luminaires Brochure 8-78



    Choiceoflight distributions.

    Coetlicienls of Utilization', Cat. No. 1006 Coetficients ol Utilization', Cat. No. 1056

    High Pressure Sodium.

    Coeflicients of Utilization., Cat. No. 1002

    a5 a2 79 T6 14 73 6876 71 68 69 66 64 6068 63 59 62 s9 55 5261 55 50 .56 51 4a 4554 48 43 .50 ,15 ,11 3948 42 37 45 .40 36 3443 3J 32 40 35 31 293A 32 28 36 3l 27 253s 28 24 32 21 23 2130 23 t9 2A 22 1a 11910

    pw 50% 30% 10q/" 50q/q 3oo/q l0o/o 0o/o pa 501" 301" 10% s0% 30q/q 10o/o 0olo

    !w 50'/. 30'/. 10o/o 50% 30o,! 10% 0% p* sla/o 3O1o 1O7a 5O1o 3Dv" lle/" Oe/"

    84 31 79 17 16 14 7A15 71 67 70 66 6,1 6167 61 57 62 58 55 5259 53 43 55 51 47 14io.440rE!40 l"42 35 30 39 34 30 2837 31 26 35 30 26 .2434 27 23 32 26 22 2129 23 18 21 .22 18 16



    93 91 89 85 84 82 7387 .83 80 80 7a 76 7281 76 73 75 12 7A 67.75 70 66 7A 6T 64 6l70 64 61 66 62 .59 5765 .60 56 62 58 55 5261 55 51 .57 53 50 48.56 51 .47 54 49 41 4553 47 44 50 46 .,13 .4141 42 38 45 4A 37 36



    ,s 50'/. 30'/. 101" 504" 30L 10/ 01"92 89 86 82 8t .79 1483 79 75 76 T3 TA 6676 71 67 70 66 .63 s969 63 59 64 59 56 5363 57 52 .58 5.1 50 4a58 52 41 54 49 46 4353 47 .,13 50 45 41 3949 43 39 46 41 38 3546 40 35 ,13 38 34 .32.4r .35 3r 38 33 30 2A910Table ot initial tootcandles.

    Room size (RCR)/lnitial toolcandlesLarse (1) Medium (3) small(5)calalog



    1987 5l1980 591988 7A923 55 68923-100 701058 711059 691060 691055 971056 861457 841002 I ll1006 142

    83 80 78 14 73 T2 6716 T3 TA 69 67 65 .6170 66 .63 .64 62 59 5664 60 56 59 56 53 5059 .54 .50 55 5t ,18 4654 49 45 50 46 44 4149 44 4A 46 42 39 3T45 40 36 42 38 35 3341 36 32 38 34 31 2935 30 26 33 29 26



    For rapid estimaie of average ighl levels.approx maie nit a fc de vered for each watt persquare foot are shown above. Table is based onlamp lumen ouiputs on photomelric test reports.Rellectances pcc=50?;i pw=30%; rtc=20%.


    Coeflicients ol Utilization*, Cat, No. 1057oetficients of Utilization*. Cat. No. 1055

    'zonalcav ty Merhod.

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Industrial Luminaires Brochure 8-78


    Coetficients of utilization*, Cat. No. 1058 Coeflicients of Utilization*, Cat. No. 1060 Coetlicients ol Utilization', Cat. No. 1980

    pw 507. 30q/o 101" 501" 30.4 104" 07" pw s01o 301o l0% 5o7. 30% 101" 01" pw 507. 30% looh SOeA 3090 10L 0"k85 .83 .81 7A .77 .76 72.78 75 T2 T3 T1 .69 66.72 .6A 65 69 66 63 6166 .62 .58 63 59 57 55.61 56 52 53 54 51 50.56 .51 .47 54 50 46 4551 46 42 49 45 .42 .40.47 4r .38 .45 40 38 36.42 .37 .33 41 36 33 3136 31 27 35 .30 .21 .26

    a1 .7A 76 73 71 .74 .6573 69 66 66 64 62 .58.66 61 57 60 57 .54 s159 s4 .49 54 50 47 4553 .47 .43 49 45 41 39 a.48 42 37 ,r4 .40 .36 34 343 .37 32 39 35 31 .293A 32 28 35 .31 2A 2au .2a 24 32 .27 24 2229 24 19 27 .22 19 1T



    .90 88 86 .82 .81 80 T584 80 78 11 75 .73 7A7a .74 71 .73 70 6A 6573 68 65 .68 65 63 6068 .63 59 64 .61 58 5663 58 55 .60 57 54 .525S 54 5t 56 .53 50 4855 50 .47 53 49 .47 4452 4T .43 .50 46 43 4l46 41 3a 44 40 .37 36



    Coetlicients ol Ulillzalion', Cat. No.1987oeflicients of Utilization*, Cat. No. 1988oetticients ol Utilization*, Cat. No.1059

    pw 50% 30?o 10"h so"k 301" 101" 01" pw so% 30% 1o7" soo/" 301" 1o1" 0% ps 501o 30ao.42 79 .77 75 .74 73 6975 12 69 70 68 66 63.69 65 .62 65 62 60 5863 59 55 .60 56 54 5258 .53 .49 55 51 48 4153 48 44 50 46 43 4248 43 39 46 .42 3A 3743383442373-432.39 34 30 37 .33 30 .2433 2A .24 .32 27 24 220

    86 84 82 79 .14 77 T3.79 76 73 74 T2 70 6773 69 65 69 66 .63 .6167 62 58 63 60 57 aa.6t 56 / s8 ..d 51 40 556 .51 .47 54 49 .46 .44 E.51 46 42 .49 44 41 40.46 41 37 45 .40 37 3542 37 33 40 36 32 3136 s0 .26 35 30 .26 25





    30 .78 .76 .72 7A 69 .6s73 70 66 .67 65 63 6068 64 6t 63 60 .58 5563 58 ss .58 .55 52 50s8 53 50 54 50 48 .4553 46 45 .50 46 43 4149 44 4A 46 42 39 3744 40 .36 42 s8 36 .3341 .36 32 .38 34 31 3035 .30 26 33 29 .26 24'ZonalCav ly Melhod

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Industrial Luminaires Brochure 8-78



    Coellicients of Utilization*, Cat. No. 1025

    Coellicienls of Utilization*, Cat. No.1026 Coefficients ol Utilization*, Cat. No.908

    cararos EgIllgllgIIIEI9!3number Large (1) Medium (3) Small(5)

    pw 50% 30'/. 107" 507" 30'h 107" 01" pw 507" 307" 107. 507. 304" 1O% 04"

    pw 50'h 30'/" 104" 504" 30'h 10'/" 07" ps 50.4 3lek 107. 50o/o 30oh 10a/o Olo91 89 87 .83 82 81 76.85 .a1 79 79 76 .74 .7179 75 .72 74 Tt 69 6674 .69 65 69 66 63 6l

    87 85 83 7A T7 T6 7081 78 76 .74 .72 Tt 66TT 73 70 71 68 66 63.72 68 .6s 67 64 62 5968 .64 61 64 61 59 5665 60 57 61 .58 56 .5361 57 .54 .58 55 52 5158 54 .51 55 52 50 4855 51 48 5e 4S 47 .4550 46 43 4A 45 42 41

    .69 .64 60 65 61 .59 5664 59 56 .61 s7 54 5360 55 51 57 53 .50 .49.56 .51 .47 .54 .50 47 4552 47 44 50 46 43 .4247 .42 .34 45 .41 3a 36a910


    .8s 83 8t .76 .75 .74 .6979 15 T3 72 7A 68 64T3 7a 73 68 65 63 .6068 64 60 63 60 53 556ic8rr 1r r^,e5 50 46 51 48 45 4350 46 42 .48 44 .42 39.47 .42 .39 .44 .40 .38 .3641 .36 .33 .39 35 .32 31 78t10

    pw 50!r/o 30% loae 50% 3O7o 101o 07o92 .89 87 .83 81 .80 .7484 .80 76 76 .74 .71 6716 72 6A 70 67 64 60.70 .64 59 64 .60 .57 .5463 57 53 59 54 .51 .48.54 52 4A 54 49 46 44.53 47 .43 50 45 .41 394A 42 3A 46 41 33910 45 39 .34 42 37 .33 .3139 33 .29 .37 .32 2A .26

    Table ol initial tootcandles.



    27 22 1831 25 201982 33 21 22908 42 37 32 Coefficienis of Utilization', Cat. No. 1027 Coelticients ot Utilization*, Cal. No.910252l33332A

    44 3839 3239 3238 2950 4046 3947 36


    For rap d est mate ot average light leve s,approximate initla fc de ivered lor each watt persquare ioot are shown above. Table is based onamp lumen outputs on pholometric lesi reports.qef'ecr"n"F5,.(( -50'".pw 30'" pfc 20'".

    88 85 82 19 77 75 T1.78 .73 .74 71 .68 .65 6170 64 60 64 60 57 5462 .56 51 57 53 49 46'b 49 .44 ..2 .ab .4r 40 550 4a r9 4. .4' .1745 39 .34 .42 37 33 3041 .34 .29 .38 .32 .29 .2737 31 .26 34 29 25 2332 26 21 3A 24 21 19'Zonal Cavity Method.

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    Coefficients ot Ulilization*, Cat. No. 913 Coeflicients ol Utilizalion*, Cat. No. 920 Coefficienls ol Utilizationa, Cat. No. 1983

    pv 5O1a 3O1o 1O1" 50"/" 301" 101" 01" Dw 50e/a 300/o 10v" 501" 30aa 101" o"/" ps 50ao 30ao 101o 5o1o 3O1" 1Oo/" oya.74 .76 74 72 11 69 6671 67 65 66 64 62 .s965 60 57 61 58 .55 5358 54 50 55 .52 49 4753 48 44 50 ,16 43 4148 43 39 46 .41 38 37.43 .38 34 .41 37 .34 32.39 34 30 37 33 30 28.35 30 .26 .34 29 26 243A 25 21 29 24 21 2a



    .79 .76 74 72 7A 6A 6470 66 62 64 .61 59 5662 57 53 58 54 51 4855 .49 45 51 47 43 .4149 42 38 45 4A 37 3443 37 32 40 .35 .31 29.34 .32 .27 35 30 26 2433 2T 23 31 .26 .22 2A30 23 l9 2a .22 t9 17.25 19 15 23 la 14 13

    70 6563 5958 5552 49.39 37.36 33.32 30

    .81 T9 7T .72 Tl74 T1 68 67 65.69 65 62 63 6063 .59 .55 .58 .5558 53 50 54 50.53 48 45 50 4649 44 40 46 4245 40 36 .42 3841 36 .33 39 34s6 31 27 .34 .29

    Coellicients ol Utilization*, Cat. No, 916 Coefficients of Utilization*, Cat. No.1g82 Coefticients of lJtilizationt, Cat. No. l981

    ps 50% 1Dlo 1O1o SOaa 3Oe/. 10L Ote pw 50% 30o/q 107" 507" 304" 107" 07" pw 507o 301o 10olo 50% 30% 10q/o 00,676 74 72 70 69 68 6470 66 64 65 63 6t .5864 60 57 60 57 55 5358 54 .50 .55 51 49 4T53 48 44 50 46 44 .4248 43 39 46 42 39 3744 39 35 42 37 34 3339 34 31 38 33 31 2936 3r 27 34 3A 27 2531 25 22 29 .25 .22 209

    .78 76 74 72 11 69 66.71 68 65 67 64 62 60.65 .61 58 .61 .59 .56 5459 55 51 56 53 .50 4854 49 45 51 4a 45 43 r(o49 .44 40 4T .43 .40 .38 n.45 40 .36 43 39 35 34.41 .35 .32 .39 35 .32 3037 32 28 35 31 2A .27.32 27 .23 .31 26 23 .22

    .42 79 77 .74 72 71 6674 T1 6a 6a 66 63 60.68 .63 60 62 59 .57 54.61 .56 52 .57 53 50 4756 .50 46 52 .4A .44 42 -e50 .\ .1 4. a1 E45 40 36 .42 38 35 .3341 .35 31 38 34 31 2A37 31 27 35 30 27 .2532 26 22 3A 25 21 2A'Zona Cavrly Melhod

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Industrial Luminaires Brochure 8-78


    Metal Halide.

    Coetficients of Utilization*, Cat. No. 1030 Coefficients of Ulilizalion*, Cat. No.611

    83 81 .79 75 73 72 6T76 72 .69 69 67 65 61.69 65 62 64 61 58 .s563 58 54 58 s5 52 49.57 52 .44 53 48 46 4452 .47 43 49 44 41 .3947 42 37 44 3o 36 34.42 37 33 .40 .35 32 3038 33 29 36 31 28 2633 27 .23 .3t 26 22 21

    Table ol initial footcandles.cararos 199IlE]!!ryqnumber Large {1) Medium {3) Small (5) Coefficients ol Utilization', Cat. No. 1031 Coetficienls of lJtilization*, Cat. No.612

    pe 50'/. 30'/. 10'/' 50'/. 30'/. 10% 0% ,w 50% 30o/q 10Ao 50ao 30aa 1oo/o ole

    r'w 50'h 301" 10?. 50% 30?. 10% 0?. pw 50% 30'/. 1o7o soa/" 3oah 10oh 01o

    96 94 91 88 87 85 a189 85 82 83 80 78 1583 79 75 78 15 72 6977 72 6A 72 68 66 64os od or *f P.62 5T 53 .59 55 52 5051 52 48 .55 .51 .48 .4654 48 44 52 .47 44 42,13 42 33 16 41 38 36





    96 93 91 88 86 85 3088 84 81 82 t9 T1 13a1 .77 13 76 73 7a 6774 69 65 70 66 .63 .6068 .62 58 64 60 56 5462 56 52 59 .54 51 4957 51 46 54 49 45 435r ,15 .41 49 44 .41 .3947 41 36 45 39 36 3440 34 30 39 33 29 2A


    Coetficients of Utilization*, Cat. No. l0l6

    i]w s0'/. 30% 10/ 50% aO1" 104" 01"92 90 .88 .84 83 82 .74.86 83 .80 80 78 76 7381 7T 74 76 T4 71 6975 71 68 71 68 66 .6371 66 63 .67 .64 61 5966 61 5A 636057 5562 .s7 .53 59 .55 52 51s7 .52 .49 .55 .51 .49 4T53 48 45 51 41 44 4341 42 3a 45 4r 3a 36

    s6 ,+6 3756 48 4162 56 5080 70 6084 12 6084 70 57a2 aa T8 74 72 T1 6176 t2 70 69 .67 65 62TO 67 64 65 62 60 5T65 6t .57 .60 57 55 5260 55 52 56 .53 s0 48.55 50 .,17 52 48 46 4451 46 43 4A 44 11 40.46 .42 3A 44 40 38 3643 "3 34 40 36 33 .3237 32 2A 3s 30 27 26

    611612613101 610301031For rapid est mate oi average I ght eve s.approximale in t al lc de vered lor each watl persqLrare foot are shown above Table s based oflamp lumen outputs on photometnc iesi reports.Beilecfances pcc =50% pw =3O?b: pfc=20eo

    'Zona Cavry Method.

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Industrial Luminaires Brochure 8-78


    Sample specification.

    Complete luminaire shall be Holophanecatalog number . The lumrnaireshdll consist of two sub-assemblres,optical assembly and the ballasthousing containing the electricalcomponents.Optical assemblyGlass reflector shall be prismaticborosilicate glass with a minirnum wallthickness of %". Reflector shall have apermanently spun-on and sealed cover.When tested wita a _ wattlamp, zonal outputs shall be not lessthan iZonal degrees 7o total lamp lumens

    0-6060-900-90Lumina re shall have a spacing criteriaofWatehouse reltaclolThe open prismatic borosilicate glassrefractor shall be attached to thereflector by means of an adjustableclamping ring.Ballast housingLow wattage lum inaires, Ballastassembly shall be complete with atop. containing the electricalcomponents and the socket assemblyhousing. The hinged socket assemblyhousing shall be attached to the topassembly by means of three captivescrews at 1 20' intervals.250.400W luminaires. Ballastassembly shall be complete with diecast aluminum housing and separablesplice box at the top. Spiice box shallbe detachable with access cover andshallterminate with a cast alum num3/a" conduit adaptor and 74" set screw.Housing shall have an inteqral. fu llyventilated yoke w,th zinc platedsupport pins for the reflector housing.Socket shall be an integral part of theballast housrng.

    1000W luminaires. Ballast housingassembly shall be complete with topand bottom die cast aluminu mhousings. Top housinq snall have a lafemale conduit adaptor and a 1lr"locknut which shali secure adaptor toballast housing after installation.Housing shal'have an approveo w.ri19chamber which shall direct line wires toaccess hole. Access hole shall have acaptive cover plate. Socket shall be anintegral part of the ballast housing.ElectricalFor complete ballast data, refer to thetables of electrical characteristics inthe Holophane Ballast Handbook,publication HL-301.UL listingThe aomplete uminaire shall be istedby Underwriters Laboratories, lnc.; UL'Damp Location' label available uponrequest.

    50% 30q/o 10%73la666360575452

    rZona Cavily Mihod

    .91 89 87 83 82 8185 83 .81 8A 78 7781 7a 75 1T 74 12.77 73 7a 73 70 .6873 69 66 70 67 .6570 66 63 67 6,1 6266 62 59 64 61 5A63 59 56 61 .58 57.60 56 53 59 55 5355 5r 43 54 50 43

    Coetficients ol Ulilization*. Cat. No. 613

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Industrial Luminaires Brochure 8-78




    D-- l l+D ,,-rlPetrolux.Drawing no. 'l

    Single Prismpack tr.D.awing no,2

    Giant Prismpacktr.Drawing no.3

    Cai. no. Height (in.) Diameler (in.) Cat. no. Heighl (in.) Diameler (in.) Cat. no. Height (in.) Oiameter (in.)PDSTBCCE








  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Industrial Luminaires Brochure 8-78


    e>l ,-lTwin PrismpackII.Drawing no.4Cat. no. Heiqht (in.) Diameler (in.) Length (in.) Warehouse Prismpack tr.Drawing no. 59082910291329162920264126422643






    Cal. no. Heighl (in.) Diameter (in.)153/a183/a'18Ya153/aI53/,r'lsx/aI53/a

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Industrial Luminaires Brochure 8-78


    warehouse glareand speeds upidentification of labels, tagsand stencilmarkings.Warehouse Prismpack II cuts

    Warehouse Prismpack ll overcomes thetwo types ol glare caused byconventional f luorescenl luminaires.Rellecled glareThis type of glare reduces contrast,making it diff icult to read markings oncartons and tags. Sometimes called'veiling reflections." reflected glare rscaused by light redirected into the eyesof the worker alter striking the cartonsurface.When rows of fluorescent units areused to light a warehouse aisle. veilingreflections appear as a " luminous veil,"several feet high, running along theentire length of the stacks.

    Warehouse Prismpack ll luminairevirtually eliminates this reflected glareby directing light at oblique anglesaway from the worker's line of sight.The Jew remaining reflections areconfined to an extremely narrow zone,visible only when viewed from directlybeneath a luminaire.

    Direct glareThis results from large areas ofunshielded fluorescent units in thelield of view of a worker walking ordriving down the aisle. His eyes mustconstantly readjust as he turns fromthis area of high brightness to thedarker stack area, otten resulting in eyefatigue and errors in identilication.

    Warehouse Prismpack ll overcomesdirect glare in two ways. First, itsunique reflector'refractor optical trainminimizes high-angle light - the majorsource of direct glare - by directinglight away trom the aisle centerline andonto the stacks (see candlepowercurve). ln addition, the prismatic glassrefractor provides maximum lampsh ield ing.

    Easy vertical lootcandlecalculations.

    0123Batio of distance along stacks to haLfisle width

    This chart shows lines of equal initialJootcandles (fc) on the vertical stacksurface produced by a single luminaire.Chart is based on a 10 ft. wide aisle;grid lines are ratios of distance alongaisles, or below luminaire, to thehalf-aisle width. Curve is identical onleft side oJ vertical "0" line.Example: a No. 930 produces I fc at apoint 10 tt. below (ratio-2) and 5 ft.along (ratio-1) stack.Contributions from other luminarres rnthe aisle must also be calculated andadded to the above. Actual fc will behigher due to light reflectance fromopposite stack.lf aisle width is other than 10 ft., gridlines represent the ratio of actualhalf-aisle width. Values read from thechart must then be multiplied by

    actual aisle width10 ) '?to obtainactual light level. For convenience,multipliers lor some common aislewidths are given below.Hall-aisle wldth (lt.) Mulllply fc valus by46l1/2



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    I Optionalequipmentavailableforavariety of applications.Choice of mounting hooksStandard hooks and loops areavailable, with 3/a" pipe thread, formounting Prismpack ll.

    ELB (Extraordinary Low Brlghtness)Prismatic reflector, shown at right,creates a visually comf ortableenviron ment by reducing high-anglebrightness up to 6870 over standardprismatic reflector at left.

    FusingOptional external fuse holders makefuse replacement convenient and tast.Single fuse '-F" available for 120,240and 277 volts: double fuse "-FF"available tor 2O8,240 and 480 volts.

    Prismatect f inishSome corrosive atmospheres demandthat all metal components of theluminaire be adequately protected toassure maximum product life,dependability and safety. The degree ofcorrosive action is dependent on thetype oJ metal and on the content andconcentration of the atmosphere.When required, Holophane Prismpack llluminaires will be supplied withPrismatect! treatment. This is a uniquethermosetting acrylic coating, appliedover a carefully pretreated andepoxy-primed substrate, to form a hardprotective surJace that will eliminatedeterioration from mostchemical-laden atmospheres.The prismatic glass is not subject togeneral deterioration (unless exposedto a fluorine atmosphere) and,therefore, needs no coating. All jointsare sealed and the socket is gasketedto prevent possible damage lo interiorparts. l\y'etal parts which are notfeasible to protect are fabricated ofstainless steel. When luminaire isfurnished with cord, the cord entry intothe hook or loop is sealed.To order Prismatect treatment, simplyadd the suffix "-P]" to the catalognu mber (example, 913-277-P1).Standby light systemln order to maintain continuity ofillumination if a momentary powerinterruption occurs, a standby "-ElM"luminaire should be incorporated.When an HID lamp is extinguished dueto an interruption, and power isimmediately restored, the built-in relay

    control energizes a tungsten halogenlamp (Q-CUDC lamp by others) untilthe HID lamp restrikes, at which timethe tungsten halogen lamp goes ofr.With primary voltages other than 120volts, the ballasts are provided with a120 volt tap to insure proper tu ngstenhalogen lamp operatron. Wilh rhe tw'nmercury/metal halide series, a singletungsten halogen lamp system ls alsoused in one of the retlectors.To order, simply add '-EN,4" to thebasic luminaire nu mber(example, 91 3-277 -EM).

    Throughway wiring splice boxldeally replaces the outlet box bycombining a splice chamber andwireway. This allows thru-wireconnections to be made without theuse o{ a separate outlet box.When headroom or fixture heightpresents a problem, this option couldprove to be the solution. lt would allowthe fixture to be mounted tight againstthe cond uit run.


    \PF 116 PF-t I7

    r- t1PF 122


    I _\


  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Industrial Luminaires Brochure 8-78


    Easy to install.

    lnstallation ot



    Decorative coversCylindrical, hou rglass, square andhexagonal shapes are available for usewlth Single Prismpack ll in a variety ofcolors and finishes.

    Choice of Power-HookPower-Hook., shown below mou ntedonto conduit, permits fast, low-costinstallation of lu minaires.

    oSingle Prismpack II.




    Separate splice box leature meansreduction in installation time withlower costs.1. Remove captive cover plate.2. Remove hex head screws from ballastassembly in front ol cover plate and slidesplice box otf housing.3. Thread splice box onto 3/4'rlgld conduitand tighten set screw.4. Slide ballast assembly onto spllce box.5. Screw hex head screws back into bal astassemb y, ocking splice box in place.6. Connect primary ballast w res to circuitlead w res.7. Replace cover plate.8. Mount rellector by hanging lugs ontosupport pins of bailast assemb y and rotatesa'ety latc'les rrwaro Io Secure retle.loronto housing.Note: steps 1-8 require lessthan 2 minutes.


    I ilt? )lI rtIF-q----*lCylinclricalFA---'iSquare

    F- a---*|Hourglass

    F- r -*lHexagonalt_l

    width DepthA (in.) B (in.)Cai. no.sullix 221, 3017Y2 2627 3022 2422Y2 26171/2 2622Y2 33221, 26171, 2622Y2 33

    cYs-3cYs-5HGS-2HGS-5HEX-3H EX.5H EX-7soR-3soR-5SQR.7

    Throughway PowerHookUPH-35-PHCA


    Top entry PoweFHookUPH-36-PHCAr t--o:"Ll#5Y LI1/a' Ts1r6"I

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Industrial Luminaires Brochure 8-78



    Ordering data.

    High Pressure Sodium. Options.catalog spacingnumber* Larnp criteria drawing wl.no. (lbs.) Cat. no..CDP LI

    - P F-105-PF-t I6PF-121




    923-55 150W 55V ] 5:l9291m 150W l00V ] 5:1i002 1000W A.7:11006 r 000w 1.4 11055 400W r.0 l1056 400W 1.8:11057 400W 1.4:11058 250W 1.0 11059 250W 1.4:11060 250W 1.8:11980 I00W 1.4:11987 70W 1s:11988 150W,55V r.5:l1989 l50W 100V 1.5:1Warehouse Prismpack930 250W Narrow aisle 5939 400W Narrow aisle 5948 250W W de aisle 5949 400W W de aisl 5

    Three-conductor 3' cordand twisl ock plugSe ect hook or oop iror.lol owing

    Safety hook, 3/a" maleSaieiy hook. 3/4, lemaleAntirotal ona hook, %" ma eLow br ghiness reflector250W tungsten halogenD.C bayonel base socketemergency {siandby) lighisyslem (l50W supp ied with I980 thru 1989)250W lungsten halogenD.C. bayonet base sockelonly (use with exlerna relay)Single fuse for 120 240 277VDouble fLrse ior 208, 240 480VPower Hook cord. un queconl guration p ug cap andPF-105 oop ailached Foruse with UPH-35 and UPH-36Throughway w ring sp icebox w th lwo %"threaded

    Minimalno se leveba last (not ior "-Eli,4 'Fecessed box mo!ntinqCeil rg nro untingF ex ble pendani mountingStanchior mounl ng

    Metal Halide.

    611,612 613.908.910,913.916 920923 930 932.936.937.938 939,948.949. 1055 1056 I0571058. 1059. r 060All400W nrercury

    I980lhru I989I980lhru 1989I980lhr! 19891980lhr! 19891980 t hru I989



    FixtureCatalog Spacing drawing Wt.number' Lamp criteria no. (lbs.)611 400W 1.6:1 2 36612 400W 1.3:l 2 34613 400w 0.8 1 21016 1000w 1.21 31030 1000W l.l 11 31031 1000W 1.5:1 32641 2-400W 1.6:T 42642 2-400W T.3:T 42M3 2-400W 0.8 r 4Wareho!se Prlsmpack L936 400W W de ais e 5938 400W Narrow aisle 5 5650



    STWLlnsertNEMAplugnumber: L5 l5forT20V: L6-15 tot2OBat24AV L7j5tat277y L820tor480V.(NEMAnumbers conlain suilixes P for p ug and R for receptacte. b!t are not part of cata oq number)Matching receptac es are nol supplied.,l980lhru 1989 uniis availabte with -FP option on y


    Catalog LampFinureSpacing drawing Wt.criteria no. (lbs.)


    400W 0.8:l4mW 10:l400W T 3:l400w 1.6 l400w 2.a 1r000w r.3 11000W ] l:l1000W 15:1l00W T.5:l250W 1 4:1T75W r.4:l2,400w 0.8 12-400w 1.0 12-400W 1.35:12-400W 1.6:l2-400W 2A:1


    Warehouse Pr smpack 11.932 400W Wide aisle 5937 400W Narrow ais e 5*Alliixtures avaiable for 12O,2AB 24A 217 a( 48OVope'a'on SubslitLL" oesi.ad volraqe as .Jl'r' ,tcatalog number ie l055fixture 277voli operalion,cat. no. s 1055-277.38

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Industrial Luminaires Brochure 8-78


    Accessories.Cylln- Hour-

    NA NA NA NA 02186 02244 NANA NA NA NA 02186 O22M NANA NA NA NA 02186 02244 NANA NA NA NA 02186 02244 NANA NA NA NA 02T86 02244 NANA NA NA NA 02186 02244 NANA NA 02186 A2244 NANA NA 02186 42244 NA

    Catalog drical Hexagonal glass Square Wire Louver Drip Top bollomnoJ cover2 cover2 cover2 cover2 quard3 guard3 cover3,a clogurea closure3611 CYS,5 HEX-s HGS 5 SOR-5 05845 NA 02186 02244 NA612 CYS-s HEX 5 HGS-s SQR-s 05845 0412 02186 02244 NA613 CYS-3 HEX 3 HGS-2 SOR 3 0379 0413 02186 42244 NA908 CYS-3 HEX-3 HGS-2 SOR-3 0379 0413 02186 02244 02224s10 cYs-3 HEX-3 NGS-2 SQR-3 0379 0413 02186 02244 02224913 CYS,5 HEX-5 HGS 5 SOR-5 05845 0412 02186 42244 02222916 CYS'5 HEX 5 HGS-5 SQR-s 05845 0412 02186 02244 42222920 CYS's HEX'5 HGS-s SOR-5 05845 A412 02186 02244 02222923 CYS-5 HEX-5 HGS 5 SOR-5 05845 0412 02186 02244 02222930 NA NA932 NA NA936 NA NA931 NA NA938 NA NA939 NA NA948 NA NA NA NA949 NA NA. NA NA1AO2 NA HEX.7 NA1006 NA NA NA1016 NA NA NA1025 CYS-3 HEX-7 NA

    1027 CYS.3 HEX-7 NAT O3O CYS-3 HEX.7 NA]031 CYS-3 HEX.7 NA1026 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA- NA NA

    soR-7 m79 0413 NA NA NANA NA NA NA NA NANA NA NA NA NA NAsoR-7 0379 0413 06200 06204 NAsQR 7 02195 0329A 06200 06204 NAsoB-7 0379 0413 06200 06204 NAsoB-7 02195 0329A 06200 06204 NA

    198OPD NA NAT 98T PD NA NA1982PD NA NA1983PD NA NA1988PD NA NA]989PD NA NA2641 NA NA2642 NA NA NA NA2643 NA NA NA NA2908 NA NA NA NA2910 NA NA NA NA

    10ss cYS-3 HEX-3 l-lGS-2 SOR-3 0379 Ml3 02186 02244 NA1056 CYS 5 HEX-5 HGS-s SOR-5 05845 NA 02T86 02244 NA1057 CYS-5 HEX-s HGS-5 SQR-s 05845 0412 02186 02244 NA1058 CYS-3 HEX 3 HGS-2 SQR 3 0379 0413 02T86 42244 022241059 CYS-5 HEX 5 HGS-s SQR-5 05845 0412 02186 02244 022221060 cYS 5 HEX-5 HGS-s SOR-5 05845 0412 02186 02244 02222NA NA 06943 06850 NA NA NANA NA 06943 06850 NA NA NANA NA 06943 06850 NA NA NANA NA 06943 06850 NA NA NA1987PD NA NA NA NA 06943 06850 NA NA NANA NA 06943 06850 NA NA NANA NA 06943 06850 NA NA NANA NA 05845 NA 02193 NA NA05845 0412 02193 NA NA0373 0413 02193 NA NA0379 04T3 02193 NA 022240379 0413 02193 NA 022242916 NA NA NA NA2920 NA NA NA NA

    Electricalcharacte sticsFor complete electrical data, seetables of electrical characteristics inHolophane Ballast Handbook,publication HL-301.The phys cal properlies oilhe Holophane Prismpack Iserles umi.airerpresenl lypical avo.agevaluesobtainedn accordance with accepled lesl melhods and are subjeclto normal ma.llaclur ng var alions. They are supplied as arechnica serv ceand aresubjecl to changewiihoul nolice.Check your loca Holophane sales represenlal ve lo assurecuiienl inlormation. Horophane s a division ofJohns-Manville Sales Corporat onContact your local Holophane lightingsales representative f or applicationassistance, computer-aided design andcost studies, and sample unitslortrialinstallation. For information on otherJ-lV products and systems, call theProduct ln{ormation Center at303-979-1000.

    JMJohns-ManvilleHolophane Div., Johns-t\,4anville Sales Corp.,Ken-Caryl Ranch, Denver, Colo. 802'17 / TheHolophane Company, Ltd., Bramalea, Ont., andSt. Hyacinthe, Oue., Canada / Holophane EuropeLimited, Bond Ave., Mi ton Keynes [,1K1 ] JG,England / Holophane S.A. de C.V., ApartadoPostalT5-415 Mexico 14, D.F., [,iex]co

    2913 NA NA NA NA 05845 0412 02T93 NA 0222205845 0412 02193 NA 022220584s 0412 02193 NA 42222rPower-Hook (IJPH-35 and UPH'36)available on a I lrnits and should be used with -PHCA" option For1980 thru I989 units, -FP opiion must a so be ordered.,Avallable ln red, blue, canary, grey, 1an, pink, black or oyster white baked ename Specify color requiredDecorative covers include 3/a" ihreaded nipp er it required use terrale loop or hook li ' -PHCA or'CDP-L is ordered w th the unlt, it wll be shipped separately, and rrust be wired in ihe field3Two required on twin units. For access doors, use 0277 with 0379 or 05845.aDo nol use with -Et\,l or "'EMLR oplions.
