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Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Famíliado Povo de Israel; mas, na interpretação de Lucas, a...

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Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família
Page 1: Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Famíliado Povo de Israel; mas, na interpretação de Lucas, a parábola dirige-se aos animadores da comunidade cristã, que devem permanecer fiéis

Holy Family Parish

Paróquia Sagrada Família

Page 2: Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Famíliado Povo de Israel; mas, na interpretação de Lucas, a parábola dirige-se aos animadores da comunidade cristã, que devem permanecer fiéis






Holy Family Parish

Paróquia Sagrada Família

30 Grafton Street Lowell MA 01852

Main Phone: (978) 453-2134 Brazilian Community: (978) 934-0622

Fax: (978) 453-0933 Email: [email protected]

Administrator Reverend Nicholas Sannella

Pastoral Staff Reverend Donald G. Lozier, OMI Reverend Gilmond Boucher, OMI

Deacon Alvaro Soares

Business Manager David McLean

Director of Religious Education Claire Couillard

Immaculate Conception

High School of Religion Director W. Gerald Dockett


Parish Secretaries Rosangela Campos (Brazilian)

Cathy Martel (English)

Custodians John Perry

Immaculate Conception

SATURDAY, August 10, 2019

3:00 PM Choir 3:15 PM Confessions 4:00 PM Muriel Gorman

SUNDAY, August 11, 2019

8:00 AM Priest’s Intention 9:30 AM Choir 10:00 AM Rene Ayotte 11:30 AM Brazilian Mass 5:30 PM Brazilian Choir 6:00 PM Brazilian Mass

MONDAY, August 12, 2019

8:00 AM Royal Estate

TUESDAY, August 13, 2019

8:00 AM Priest’s Intention

WEDNESDAY, August 14, 2019

8:00 AM Priest’s Intention 5:30 PM Eve of Assumption Vigil Mass

THURSDAY, August 15, 2019

8:00 AM Priest’s Intention 6:00 PM Assumption Blessed Mary Mass

FRIDAY, August 16, 2019

8:00 AM McArdle Estate

SATURDAY, August 17, 2019

3:00 PM Choir 3:15 PM Confessions 4:00 PM Jim & Ann Delehanty

SUNDAY, August 18, 2019

8:00 AM Alfred LaPointe 9:30 AM Choir 10:00 AM Mary T. Gentz Dufresne 11:30 AM Brazilian Mass 5:30 PM Brazilian Choir 6:00 PM Brazilian Mass

<< It is most important that the Holy Eucharist becomes life’s focal point: that the Eucharistic Savior is the center of existence; that every day is received from his hand and laid back therein; that the day’s happenings are deliberated with him. In this way, God is given the best opportunity to be heard in the heart. >>

† St. Theresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein)

Page 3: Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Famíliado Povo de Israel; mas, na interpretação de Lucas, a parábola dirige-se aos animadores da comunidade cristã, que devem permanecer fiéis


We pray…..We pray…..We pray…..We pray…..

For those that are sick or recently in the hospital…For those that are sick or recently in the hospital…For those that are sick or recently in the hospital…For those that are sick or recently in the hospital…

Dr. Gertrude Bailey, Lucy Balkus, Rina Bedford, Fr. Gilmond Boucher, , Bob Brown, Fr. Elcio, Buote Family, Loretta Caira, Bill Calhoun, Bernadette Chartrand, Roger Chartrand, Millie Ciszek, Robert Connolly, Anne Marie Countie, Davidson Family, Debbie Demers, DeRocco Family, Jerry Dockett, Mary Dockett, Maura Dolan, Cathy Durand, Cynthia Evans, Roger Geoffroy, Sr. Marilyn Gignac, Andrew Gosselin, Susan Goyette, Donna Gravelle, Sr. Joan Gregoire, Ilene Hallisey, Len Hallisey, Havelka Family, Frank Holden, Pauline Jankowski, Marge Keefe, Carole King, Annette Knust, Jim Knust, Kozowyk Family, Fran & Jerry Labadini, Nora & Bob Labadini, Maryann Lanzara, Anthony Lavina, Betty LeClaire, Jeanne LeLacheur, Raymond LeLacheur, Carol Leonard, Terry Lesard, Pauline Letourneau, Rev. Robert Levesque OMI, Liz Machado, Betty Mallett, Donald Marcouillier, Steven Marks, Barbara Matyl, Hilda McBride, Sheila McCarthy, McDonagh Family, Chris McHardy, Margaret Mello, Georgette Mendonca, Manuel Mendonca, Caryn Misquita, Sr. Shirley Letourneau Morrison, Aparecida Nascimento, Francis O’Donnell, Linda Paradise, Kim Peirce, Jeanne Pinard, Mary Richardson, Mary Agnes Rivanis, Mary Rivas, Robert Rivas, Joel Rivera, Elaine Robinson, Ed Rotondi, Sr. Jeanne Rouillard, Freeman Shepherd, Donna Sherman, Bea Stamp, Marilyn Sullivan, Rose Sweeney, Lorraine Trahan, Barbara Vayo, Steven Vayo, Diane Wingfield, Collette Wooldridge. May they experience God’s healing love and May they experience God’s healing love and May they experience God’s healing love and May they experience God’s healing love and comfortcomfortcomfortcomfort....

August 11, 2019—19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Introduction My friends, it’s easy to put our faith on the back burner as we deal with life’s demands. But today’s Gospel is clear that we are always expected to be aware and prepared. Jesus usually shows up in our lives under unexpected circumstances and in unexpected people. We will only recognize these many opportunities if we’re paying attention. We coast along at our own risk. Faith and readiness are lifelong attitudes, honed one careful day at a time. Prayer of the Faithful My friends, we are aware of our needs and the needs of those around us, and so we pray for them.

For the whole church: that we may live with deep faith and awareness even in the face of contrary evidence … we pray,

For those who have grown weary of believing or have lost faith … we pray,

For faith in the God of peace and for awareness of opportunities for peacemaking … we pray,

For faith in the God of justice and for the courage to work for a just world … we pray,

For faith in the God of healing and for the commitment to serve the sick and discouraged … we pray,

For faith in the God of truth and for the gift of discernment in a culture of exaggerations and half-truths … we pray,

For all who are suffering in our community and for renewed efforts to meet their needs … we pray,

PRAYER: God who fulfills all promises, you call us into unknown territory and urge us to be open to unseen possibilities. Keep us alert when the duties of life distract us and when our focus on the coming of your kingdom wanes. We pray in the name of your Son, Jesus, who calls us to be ready. Amen.

Our parish offers “Online Giving”, a web based electronic contribution application.

Check us out at...



AUGUST 16TH, 2019

John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum Berkshire Theatre Group

Cahoon Museum of American Art Discovery Museum

Fruitlands Museum, The Trustees Fuller Craft Museum

Harvard Museums of Science & Culture Paragon Carousel

Provincetown Art Association & Museum USS Constitution Museum

A Prayer to Jesus in Time of Distress by Padre Pio

Oh my Jesus, give m Your strength when my human nature is weak and I become downcast

because of the distress and suffering of this life. Help me to accept all things with serenity an peace.

With all my heart I pray to draw strength from your merits, Your pain, Your sufferings and

Your tears, so that I may with You in saving souls.

Grant me the Strength to turn away from sin, which is the cause of Your agony, Your sweat of blood

and your death on the Cross.

Cleanse me of all that displeases You and fill my heart with the fire of Your holy love.

Draw me tenderly, powerfully, close to You, that I may never leave You alone and

Your harsh Passion.

I ask only for a place of rest in Your Sacred Heart. I wish only to share in Your agony and be beside

You in the Garden.

May my soul be joyously filled with Your love and nourished by the graces of Your sufferings and sorrows.


The Padre Pio Foundation of America

Page 4: Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Famíliado Povo de Israel; mas, na interpretação de Lucas, a parábola dirige-se aos animadores da comunidade cristã, que devem permanecer fiéis



Tuesday, September 3rd @ 7:00 PM

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Recitation of the Rosary

and special prayers

All are welcome!

Eve of the Assumption Wednesday

August 14th @ 5:30 PM





~St. John of the Cross

<< It is the wisdom of the just to love the truth as it is and to avoid what is false, to do what is right without reward and to be more willing to put up with evil than to do it, not to seek revenge for wrong, and to consider as gain any insult for truth’s sake.>> † Pope St. Gregory the Great

Page 5: Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Famíliado Povo de Israel; mas, na interpretação de Lucas, a parábola dirige-se aos animadores da comunidade cristã, que devem permanecer fiéis


A quem muito foi dado, muito será cobrado! 19º Dom Tempo Comum (Ano C): Sabedoria 18,6- 9; Sl 33(32); Hebreus 11,1-2.8-19; Lucas 12,32-48

O nosso texto começa com uma referência ao “verdadeiro tesouro” que os discípulos devem procurar e que não está nos bens deste mundo (vers. 33-34): trata-se do “Reino” e dos seus valores. A questão fundamental é: como descobrir e guardar esse “tesouro”? A resposta é dada em três quadros ou “parábolas”, que apelam à vigilância.

A primeira parábola (vers. 35-38) convida a ter os rins cingidos e as lâmpadas acesas (o que parece aludir a Ex 12,11 e à noite da primeira Páscoa, celebrada de pé e “com os rins cingidos”, antes da viagem para a liberdade), como homens que esperam o senhor que volta da sua festa de casamento. Os crentes são, assim, convidados a estarem preparados para acolher a libertação que Jesus veio trazer e que os levará da terra da escravidão para a terra da liberdade; e são também convidados a acolherem “o noivo” (Jesus) que veio propor à “noiva” (os homens) a comunhão plena com Deus (a “nova aliança”, representada na teologia judaica através da imagem do casamento).

A segunda parábola (vers. 39-40) aponta para a incerteza da hora em que o Senhor virá. A imagem do ladrão que chega a qualquer hora, sem ser esperado, é uma imagem estranha para falar de Deus; mas é uma imagem sugestiva para mostrar que o discípulo fiel é aquele que está sempre preparado, a qualquer hora e em qualquer circunstância, para acolher o Senhor que vem.

A terceira parábola (vers. 41-48) parece dirigir-se (é nesse contexto que a pergunta de Pedro nos coloca) aos responsáveis da comunidade. Nas palavras originais de Jesus, a parábola devia ser uma crítica aos responsáveis do Povo de Israel; mas, na interpretação de Lucas, a parábola dirige-se aos animadores da comunidade cristã, que devem permanecer fiéis às suas tarefas de animação e de serviço: se algum deles descuida as suas responsabilidades no serviço aos irmãos e usa as funções que lhe foram confiadas de forma negligente ou em benefício próprio, será castigado. Nos dois últimos versículos, o castigo diversifica-se de acordo o tipo de desobediência: os que desobedeceram intencionalmente serão mais castigados; os que desobedeceram não intencionalmente serão menos castigados. A referência às “vergastadas” deve ser entendida no contexto da linguagem dos pregadores da época e manifesta a repulsa de Deus por aqueles que negligenciam a missão que lhes foi confiada. Provavelmente Lucas tem diante dos olhos o exemplo de alguns animadores cristãos que, pela sua preguiça ou pela sua maldade, perturbavam seriamente a vida das comunidades a que presidiam. Em qualquer caso, estas linhas sublinham a maior responsabilidade daqueles que, na Igreja, desempenham funções de responsabilidade… A última afirmação (“a quem muito foi dado, muito será exigido, a quem muito foi confiado, mais se lhe pedirá – vers. 48b) é claramente dirigida aos responsáveis da comunidade; mas pode aplicar-se a todos os que receberam dons materiais ou espirituais.

Everyone can help end Parkinson’s disease. That's why I've registered for the 12th annual New England Parkinson's Ride on Satur-

day, September 7, 2019 where over 1,000 cyclists will gather to help pedal closer to a cure.

Last year with your help I was able to raise $1,450 and Howell Team reached over $12,000. With your support this year I hope we can go over this mark.

An estimated five million people worldwide live with Parkinson's today. It is the second most common neurological disorder. In the

United States, approximately 60,000 new cases will be diagnosed this year alone. There is no known cure.

Together, we can change this.

Team Fox is the grassroots community fundraising program at The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research (MJFF). MJFF accelerates high-impact science through smart risk taking and problem solving with a commitment to urgency and efficiency. I’m one of thousands of people around the globe who are turning their passions into Team Fox fundraisers to help them speed a cure

for Parkinson’s. When you give today, 100 percent of Team Fox proceeds go straight to MJFF’s programmatic efforts.

Thank you for supporting the New England Parkinson's Ride and the mission of The Michael J. Fox Foundation to help speed a cure for Parkinson's! https://www.neparkinsonsride.com

Page 6: Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Famíliado Povo de Israel; mas, na interpretação de Lucas, a parábola dirige-se aos animadores da comunidade cristã, que devem permanecer fiéis


Page 7: Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Famíliado Povo de Israel; mas, na interpretação de Lucas, a parábola dirige-se aos animadores da comunidade cristã, que devem permanecer fiéis

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June 28th to July 1st

New England Jr. Clay Court Championships July 10th to July 13th

New England Jr. Hard Court ChampionshipsAugust 14th to August 17th

Francisco Montoya Academy Director

Celeste Frey Academy Manager

Alex Howard Head Coach

Dave ColbyJunior Program Director

Daniel Quiceno Tennis Professional

Chris ClaytonTennis Professional

Francisco Montoya | [email protected] 978-526-8900 ext. 232

Celeste Frey | [email protected] 978-526-8900 ext. 351


Ramp up Your GameJune 14th to August 27thMondays - Fridays

1:30 - 5:30 pm 8 years and up


Join us as we welcome Summer with delicious desserts and music from the Jazz Trio “String Swing.” Enjoy our lovely outdoor garden area, and tour our beautiful community.

Saturday, June 26 th, 2 – 4 pm

Kindly RSVP by June 23 | 978.369.4728

68 Commonwealth Avenue West Concord, MA 01742 ConcordPark.net

BookletsBookmarksBusiness CardsCalendarsDoor HangersFlyers/BrochuresGreeting CardsMagnetsNewsletters

NotepadsPlastic CardsPostcardsPostersPresentation FoldersStickersTable Tent Cards& much more

Proud Printers of This Bulletin

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or other printer, money is leaving with those print jobs.

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What’s Inside

617-779-3777 [email protected]





Through a unique collaboration with The Cambridge Homes, a local assisted living residence and The Gri�n Museum, come view remarkable and inspiring photography in a comfortable home-like setting.


N E E New England Open May 28th to June 1st

June 28th to July 1st

New England Jr. Clay Court Championships July 10th to July 13th

New England Jr. Hard Court ChampionshipsAugust 14th to August 17th

Francisco Montoya Academy Director

Celeste Frey Academy Manager

Alex Howard Head Coach

Dave ColbyJunior Program Director

Daniel Quiceno Tennis Professional

Chris ClaytonTennis Professional

Francisco Montoya | [email protected] 978-526-8900 ext. 232

Celeste Frey | [email protected] 978-526-8900 ext. 351


Ramp up Your GameJune 14th to August 27thMondays - Fridays

1:30 - 5:30 pm 8 years and up



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Page 8: Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Famíliado Povo de Israel; mas, na interpretação de Lucas, a parábola dirige-se aos animadores da comunidade cristã, que devem permanecer fiéis

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