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Holy Sword #2 - Heavy Metal Fanzine March 2010 - FREE PDF

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Contents: interviews with Arryan Path, Atlantean Kodex, Convixion, Dexter Ward, Doomsword, Enforcer, In Solitude, Marauder, Mortician, Praying Mantis, Savage Grace, Slauter Xstroyes, Wild Knight, Blaze, Custard, Force Majeure, Hellish War, Hibria, Pagan Altar, Storrmbringer, German 90’s Steel, more than 100 reviews, fanzine reviews, labels' index etc.More info: http://www.holysword.gr
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The Holy Sword team:Antonis Adamakos, Greg Baxevanidis, Kostas KailiazisGraphic design by Eleni Papadea

Athens, March 2010Ps. Some may remember Holy Sword as a CD-rom ‘zine some years back. The idea has not been completely abandoned, since the possibilities are endless.

Holy Sword would like to thank:Greg “Heavy Load” Varsamis/Jim “Winedrinker” Vagiannis (Eat Metal), Eleni Papadea, Aris Kapasakalis, Thanos “Heavy Weight Warrior” Stafylarakis, Mitsos Babalakis for his reviews, Michalis “HMRM” Nochos, Themis Pamfilos & Elina, Kostas Kounadinis (Steel Legacy), Michalis Bakoulas & Georgia, Elena Tsarouchi (Metalfighters), Rowena O’Sullivan, Manolis Stagakis, Michael Vaucher & EMERALD, Manos Koufakis/Kostas Organopoulos (Sonic Age/Cult Metal), Vasilis “Sailor” Koutsomanis, Theodosis Moiras (Secret Port), Chris Mosalos & WRATHBLADE, Chris “Dog” Christodoulou (Sirens), Litsa Trigga, Stella Atsali, Luis for the PAGAN ALTAR interview, Kostas Kousiouris (Hellenic Forces), Nikos Papakostas, Laurent Ramadier (Snakepit Magazine), Manolis Karazeris, Matthias Wulf & Katrin, Marco Concoreggi, Chris Papadatos (No Remorse), Ilias Konstantinou, Antonis Papachristou, Dimitris Starakis and of course ALL the bands appearing in this issue first of all for their music and their co-operation in the process of tributes/interviews.

Antonis Adamakos would like to thank:All of you – YOU know who you are!

Gregory Baxevanidis would like to thank: The entire Bax family for simply everything, ups and downs, laughs and cries!!! Hello and greetings to Dimitris Belbas, Alekos Tagmatarhis, Giorgos Mathioulakis & Maria Kantara, Giorgos Sidiropoulos, Giannis Hatzis, Kostas Salomidis and SORROWS PATH, Kostas Macricostas & Nikos Papadopoulos and BATTLEROAR, Vaggelis Keramidas and CLAIRVOYANT, Manolis Tsiggos and INNER WISH, Dimitris Kokkinos, Simon, Stefan, Tom and the rest of MEMORY GARDEN, Mike Wead and everyone that -in one way or another- still has the strength to believe in Heavy Metal values! SAXON comes naturally first in my mind! God bless you all!

Kostas Kailiazis would like to thank:My family, George “Karaflas” Mitropoulos & Antonella, Nikos Stamelatos, Ilias Konstantakopoulos, Paul van der Burght, Andreas Stasinopoulos, Kostas “Love” Mourdoukoutas and all my comrades and friends not mentioned (you know who you are) who have been helping me one way or another.

Contact: Holy Sword, P.O. Box 4132, 10210, Athens, Greece

Email: [email protected], Web: www.holysword.gr

Cover by Alexandros Vasilopoulos (taken from the cover of STORRMBRINGER – “Among the Flames of War” CD)


Pagan Altar... 3-6

Blaze... 7

Stormwarrior... 8-9

Custard... 10-11

Hellish War... 12


Storrmbringer... 14

Steel for an Age... 15-19

Cult Metal Classics... 20

Arryan Path... 22

Atlantean Kodex... 23

Convixion... 24

Dexter Ward... 25

Doomsword... 26-28

Enforcer... 29

In Solitude... 30

Marauder... 31

Mortician... 32-33

Praying Mantis... 34-35

Savage Grace... 36-37

Slauter Xstroyes... 38-41

Wild Knight... 42-43

Force Majeure... 44-46

Reviews... 47-60

Labels index/Playlist... 61

Editorial. Another printed fanzine? Yes! We understand (and see as fans ourselves) that printed fanzines have been passed over by webzines the last few years. Then why do we insist? It’s simple. With the same belief that digital forms of music will never replace actual albums (be it on LP, CD, eve tape!), despite their usefulness, we also believe that no webzines will ever replace the fun of reading something you can hold in your hands and not on the PC screen (we are not even talking about the danger of myopia, haha).

We finally decided after some years of talk and strong friendship to start a fanzine, which will make its debut at Up the Hammers V Festival. So we considered only fitting to make an “Up the Hammers special” issue, doing interviews/tributes for all the bands participating in the Festival (we are not responsible for those not featured...) along with some others (and the regular columns) that we managed to make in the short time we had in order for this issue to be ready at UTH.

As you have already understood from the cover/contents etc. our main concern will be Classic Metal in all its forms (Power, Speed, Epic, Heavy, Doom, Progressive). Our main bond is our love for Heavy Metal, so every single line of this fanzine is written with passion and not objectivity, so excuse us when we get carried away. It will be happening often…We really hope that you will support this effort and we look forward to your comments concerning this debut issue of Holy Sword. Only the feedback from Metal fans (and our stubbornness) can help us go on (or even cease publication…). From our part, the goal is to have our next issue, that will be a monster compared to this one at the next Up the Hammers Festival. Who knows though. Maybe it will be earlier…Until next time, see you around at our favorite bands’ concerts, at Festivals and remember…

Up the Hammers & Down the Nails

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Greetings, O PAGAN ALTAR, from this your acolyte! I hope winter’s claws aren’t clutching you too tight! How are you all?Terry: Hi Luis, we are all fine and have had a break since the Metal Forces gig in which time we intended to use getting some much needed recording done as it is now becoming embarrassing the length of time it is taking us to get another album out. We have actually lost much valuable recording time by having to rehearse to put the live show back on the road after Andy leaving. If we hadn’t we wouldn’t have been be able to fulfil commitments like the Finland tour, Roadburn, Portugal etc.

It seems an eternity already since last I saw you, and looking back it was a mere 8 months ago, which is already too long! However, you have hardly stood put in the meanwhile! How would you describe the gigs that you played in the summer? Did you have a good time with all highs?Terry: Every time we play is a highlight for us as the audiences we have encountered have made it so and as you know we always give it everything we can in return so it makes each and every one special and most certainly when the PAGAN ALTAR Templars are there. We had initially considered the band to be dead and buried long ago so to be able to return to play live again is like turning the clock back and having jump leads off a seventeen year old. Don’t forget as well that it was only a few short years ago that the idea of me ever fronting PAGAN ALTAR again was a million miles away because after the heart operation I couldn’t even do joined up talking let alone sing. So every time I walk out on that stage now I savour every moment to the full and really appreciate the reaction of the audience because that’s what makes the whole thing worthwhile, without them there would be no point. You will never please all the people all of the time and obviously there are some that can’t see PAGAN ALTAR for what it is for whatever reason but I must say that those that do certainly make up for it and are a pleasure to play in front of. When we were in Belgium, Denmark and Portugal this year for instance although the crowds weren’t the biggest in the world they certainly gave us some great feedback on stage and as far as we were concerned made the every gig

something special.

In the last few months, the PAGAN ALTAR ranks have changed slightly, with the entry of Luke Hunter to fill in the sorely missed second guitar slot, a worthy addition to PAGAN ALTAR! What can you tell us about the quest for a fitting holder of that place? Was it easy to go over the material with him?Terry: Actually, the guy we were originally looking for was Davo Cooke, a great guitarist we had lost contact with years ago and we finally tracked him down playing in the band KILL THE MACHINE with drummer Ian Winters. Both Davo and Ian were part of XYZ as was PAGAN ALTAR’s Alan after the demise of the band about 1984-1985. Davo couldn’t give up the time from work that was required to seriously become part of PAGAN ALTAR and so put us on to Luke Hunter. Luke coming into the band has broadened the live playing potential by a country mile and our type of music suited him like a glove and he certainly suited us. He got his head down and ploughed through the set in good time and was indeed a very fast learner. Luke has the ability to take over finger picking sections that now leaves Al free to put the leads over the top as he always should have been doing and the double leads between the two are really taking off. So great, we couldn’t have wished for a better solution!

That wasn’t the only change though, as Andy Green (all the best to you, brother!) had to leave you quite recently, putting the scheduled gigs at risk. How did you manage to get around this situation?Terry: The chance meeting with Davo also worked in this situation as well as we had also made contact again with another long lost friend of many years standing, drummer Ian (the Bear) Winters. Ian has been playing drums for some thirty-two years now and if anyone as going to dig us out of this predicament Ian was the man for the job! Ian is a very powerful drummer and a larger than life character, they don’t call him the bear for nothing and his style of playing will suit PAGAN ALTAR down to the ground. Because Ian was involved with another band when we met at the gig he was playing at we initially asked him if he knew anyone that would fit the bill and he unreservedly offered his

services to which we readily agreed as we knew from years ago how good he was. He could still carry on with his own band if he wished, as we don’t really play that often it shouldn’t interfere! It does seem odd in some ways though as we scoured everywhere far and wide looking for new band members to fit the bill and actually they were under our nose all the time!

With these line-up changes, it seems the split with DENIAL OF GOD has kept being delayed! Where does that as well as the recordings of new material stand?Terry: This has got to the stage of being embarrassing now because if I give my word I really don’t like letting people down but through no fault of my own this has been the case here. The song we were going to use for the split was called “The Ripper” and we were going to do our variation of the subject and DENIAL OF GOD were going to do theirs. All was going well, the song had been written about 3 or 4 years ago and the rough demo had been recorded that Al and I do when writing songs. But as Andy couldn’t spare the time to come down and rehearse it properly the way we wanted it the drums and bass were coming out totally wrong and not the way we had written it and we would never let anything out if we weren’t happy with it. Then Andy’s leaving meant we have had to shelve everything to get the live set up and running and that’s where we are at the moment I’m afraid.

I would have mentioned I would kill to hear those new tracks but I opted not to since Francisco from The Forge (HAILS MAN!) is bringing you back to our occidental shores once more! Needless to say I will be there eagerly awaiting your return to Portuguese stages, but this calls for a question about the kind of sets you’ll be performing, again considering the two new members aboard! Will they be centred on the first two albums or will we be seeing more of “Mythical and Magical” along with the brand new tracks? I must say the Portuguese scene is bubbling and buzzing around your gig and I can say on behalf of those present at last year’s gig that await you, arms open and Port in hand!Terry: Believe me we are looking forward to coming back to Lisboa and

I suppose there is no need to introduce PAGAN ALTAR… One of the greatest bands in the history of Heavy Metal! Fellow templar Luis (from Portugal, publisher of Hell Bent For Metal ‘zine) was kind

enough to take this amazing interview from Terry. Enjoy!

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there for all to see if you are prepared to look. The difference between the haves and have nots has never been more evident than in the very nature of the monuments they leave behind commemorating their deaths and in turn mark their status and position in life in a far more grandiose way than was available to the very people that actually put them there! As for spookiness that really belongs in the mind of the recipient! Different people have various underlying fears lurking in their subconscious of one form or another and the trick is to trigger it. I personally find most of the mood and feel comes from Als guitar far more so than I could ever portray in words and a lot of my subject matter comes from the mood he generates in the initial writing of a song. I also think with some PAGAN ALTAR songs the spookiness may come from the fact that with a little bit of imagination certain aspects or resulting situations could possibly really come to pass should the lessons and failings of the past or present be ignored and allowed to continue. The personal element and human analysis and assessments are the easiest to portray as you only have to People-watch and listen and the Hypocrisy that abounds within this World and the people running it become blatantly obvious!

As for the lyrics, these ones are far more mystical and old-tale-ish driven than the other two albums, at least to me! Was there any particular element that influenced your lyric writing? Although you did mask some songs with a “fantasy” appearance, like “The Sorcerer”, “The Rise of the Dark Lord” or “Crowman”, there is always a message behind them, even if delivered more subtly than the beautiful and direct “Sentinels of Hate” or “Masquerade”! How important is the creation of lyrics to you, Terry? Do the lyrics come first and then the music later or does the inverse happen?Terry: Not really, I look for inspiration from any quarter; even a chance remark can set the wheels in motion although I suppose my best and most prolific source is when I’m listening to the basic riffs that Al records for me to put lyrics to! Listening to it and seeing what it brings to mind usually leads me on to what the song requires and I always feel this is the time when the music and lyrics become one. Not so long ago though I put up a thread on the PAGAN ALTAR Templars site asking for any instances of fear in their childhood that had made a marked impression on them even to this day. The replies were quite enlightening and also the detailed and explicit memories of these fleeting moments they had retained until adulthood. Albert, the bass player from the band FORSAKEN remembered being frightened by a room that his parents kept antiques in and this became the basis for the song “The room of Shadows”, but to find out more about this you’ll have to wait ‘till the album comes out! This was one of the few occasions when the lyrics come before the music as with “The Ripper” but this scenario doesn’t happen very often! Behind the majority of our songs as I have said before there is an element of truth even “The Crowman” within certain types of Morris

also meeting Drakkar again, I thought they were a great band. The set we will put together will be a mixture of all the albums as usual but possibly with the addition of a couple from “Never Quite Dead” which will be nice to give them an airing. If I can remember I will fetch a copy of the guide tracks for that album over with me so you can have a listen. Every one of us will be “Hell bent” for putting together the best and most varied set we can within the time scale and the two new members are making great strides to bring this scenario about!

Coming back to the creation of “Mythical and Magical”, first of all, I would very much like to tell you it is sublime, all of it wrapped in an almost tangible aura of... “Folksiness”? When listening to it I always get images of a Dark Age Britain with the hamlets and witches and sorcerers and ghosts lurking around! I’m not even dreaming of taking away the deserved valour of “Volume One” and “Lords of Hypocrisy”, but “Mythical and Magical” is simply such a beautiful jewel! How did you go about selecting the tracks for that one? Were they old ones still or brand new?Terry: Most of the tracks on “Mythical and Magical” actually predate the tracks on the first album and possibly fit the name PAGAN ALTAR slightly better as they are more in keeping with Stonehenge i.e. “Dance of the Druids”. Your perception of the mood we tried to portray within the album is spot on. There are no satanic elements there whatsoever and the album is an attempt to bring an even darker side that actually exists within Folklore but is not so obvious or in your face as Satanism but nevertheless still as malevolent. I find it very easy to write about the subjects we use as most have an underlying human element and to me are perhaps, if you open your mind, within the realms of possibility. If the listener would allow himself or herself to be drawn in hopefully they will perceive what is intended, to listen with preconceived ideas about whether it constitutes Doom or not they will never get it. When composing this kind of album whether collectively or individually the songs to my mind must contain the basis of their origin or else they won’t ring true so the folksier side of the subject comes to the fore in some songs and is not so obvious in others like “Samhein” and the “Rising of the Dark Lord”.

You’ve always been quite focused on obscurantism and darker lyrics, and still managed to avoid falling into the typical clichés of so many who “died as they tried”! Your first two albums and quite specially “Volume One” are a perfect example of this! Still, you don’t use it for cheap spookiness and most of your songs have a more or less hidden message in them, and what I’d like to ask is how these ambiences through which you channel them through emerge! I guess Nunhead Cemetery comes heavily into play?Terry: Nunhead Cemetery is always a great source of inspiration as so many facets of the past that were instrumental in the forming of today’s society are

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an adrenalin rush and their undoubted enthusiasm is certainly infectious and seems to catch on with the audience.

Can you comment on the Greek gig? I understand that it was something special for you, as you have stated many times in the past…The Greek gig was a one off; I don’t think we will ever see it’s like again, well unless we go back at some stage even then it will be hard to match. The decision to start playing live again was made in Greece after the amazing reception we received when Alan and I stayed with Themis and Elena in Athens (e.note: October 2005). The attention paid to us by Ted, George, Spiros and Evie saw that we wanted for nothing and they have remained friends ever since. The whole affair made a lasting impression on Alan and I and the night spent in the tavern (e.note: Terry means the “Lefka” tavern where the photo pictured was shot ) where people came from all over to meet us still ranks as a high by any standards. I think it was probably where we first realised the amount of affection the band was held in and in so being made the final definite decision to play live again easy. I have always harboured the hope that when I do finally hang up my microphone the last gig I do will be in Greece, perhaps on the roof of Themis’s beach house like the first time we were there!

Having played a quite reasonable number of places and having interacted with a good deal of bands since your return, what do you guys make of the “scene” in Europe?Terry: From our own perspective the whole of Europe seems to be alive and kicking with some very good, well-organised festivals and gigs etc. We have not to my knowledge found any problem with any of the bands we have shared a stage with in fact to the contrary, we seem to get on fine with everyone. The promoters are always very good and dependable with efficient staff around them to cater for anything you may need. I quite like doing the small ones though as they seem that bit more personal and although the audiences are much smaller you can get much closer to them. In Ireland recently we were standing toe to toe with them and the whole night was great, like playing in your front room, brilliant, almost like a sing a long!

Talking about the live gigging as a whole here, is there still any chance we will be witnessing the fabled stage set ups of yore or is it definitely a subject left behind already? It’s not as if you don’t deliver a great show, and especially show care with the details, as you did with the lights here in Portugal, for instance (Nuno-the-lights-fellow sends his regards!)!Terry: I doubt very much whether we will be able to resurrect the live stage act mores the pity as it would be impossible to cart it all around with us now, the only place we could probably get away with it is in England and we don’t play there much. Back then we had two vans to cart everything around in but I don’t think they would let us get that lot on a plane and God knows what the cost would be? Incidentally, Al still has the coffin in his cellar! Please pass on my

thanks to Nuno he did a great job on the lights even though he didn’t have too much to work with.

Recently you’ve had Diccon put his talents to work on a new guitar-which is looking cooler and cooler as time passes! Together with Al and even some very cool looking pendants and badges! Where did he get all those crafting skills?Terry: Who knows, but he also does a lot to set up various members guitars properly, renew frets, wire in pickups you name it he does it. Diccon was looking for something to do as a private enterprise and we came up with idea of him making pewter pendants and badges of the bands logo on licence from Oracle Promotions. He has put one Hell of a lot of man-hours in to make the moulds and cast and fine up the finished article and every bit of them of course has to be done by hand. I think they are a very good replica of the logo and are well worth what he charges as they are a one off. He is also hoping to create some other designs like Pagan/witchcraft symbols etc but it takes forever to carve the moulds but I think he’s single minded enough to achieve it. If anyone’s interested in the badges and pendants you can order them through the appropriate links on both the PAGAN ALTAR web site or Myspace site!

Coming back throughout the ages to the ill fated year of 1984/5 when the band first broke up, can you tell us first what led to the PAGAN ALTAR’s demise and secondly, what you guys were up to until the times where history began to be chronicled again, in 1998? Did you keep in touch with old band members over the years?Terry: Everyone went their separate ways except Al and I, there were of course encounters over the years but nothing specific until we decided to release all the old material again and decided to put the band back together

dancers still performed at festivals and fetes in England or “The Sentinels of Hate” in Nunhead cemetery looking down on their inferiors in their broken shattered graves! Look back on the lyrics of the song and it’s not hard to see how easy it is to get this perception of how things were and that even after Death the roles still remained the same. The orated passage I added at the beginning of the Crow man wasn’t originally there and came from the time I was in Hospital and this damned old Crow followed me everywhere for two weeks, watching my every move like the eyes of the Crow man and even perched outside the ward window even at night making a Hell of a row waiting to see if I was going to pop my clogs at any moment.

In the same year “Mythical and Magical” was released, Themis created the order to which I proudly belong, the PAGAN ALTAR Templars. Four years after its inception and a few gigs done already since the mythical and magical (pun intended) first one in Athens, are there any striking stories you’d feel like sharing with all of us?Terry: I could go on all day with stories and the wonderful memories of moments that usually occur when meeting people from all over the World at our gigs. As well as the reaction of the audience, that never ceases to amaze me BTW, there are instances that make me personally feel very humble like recently at the Metal Forces Festival in Germany. I was talking outside the venue to a couple of young guys, just in general as they were asking questions and so forth, then they told me they had come to especially to see us. I asked where they had come from expecting somewhere in Europe but no they had travelled all the way from Mexico City!!! Unbelievable that people would now travel so far to see a band that no one wanted to know or cared about when we were in our prime! I suppose it should give us a good idea of the high esteem the band is now held in but for some reason Alan and I still have a bit of trouble getting our heads around the fact that people would now go to those lengths and financial outlay just to see us play. There have of course been many other occasions when similar instances have occurred like meeting the young lady that had travelled on her own from Brazil to see us and young Annick and Nick from Canada and the USA respectively! The very fact that I remember these meetings so vividly shows what an impact they have had on me and are certainly unforgettable although without the vehicle of PAGAN ALTAR of course I would never have experienced them! The Templars are without doubt the biggest and best achievement in the history of PAGAN ALTAR. It was the brainchild of Themis Pamfilos in Greece and all accolades in that department should be solely directed at him not PAGAN ALTAR itself. The camaraderie that exists there is second to none and PAGAN ALTAR are extremely proud and honoured to have this fan club as its flagship. When the various Templars from all countries meet when we are playing it’s akin to a family reunion and gigs take on a whole new perspective when they are there. To look down from on stage and see those red shirts across the front is like

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again to get the recording underway!

Speaking of old band members, what happened to Val and would she agree to perform with you guys on stage? Now that WOULD be priceless, to have you and her great voice performing “The Erl King” or “The Sorcerer” or even “Lords of Hypocrisy”!Terry: I would love Val to do some live work with us but think she has some issues in her private life so I am a bit dubious to ask. I agree that the songs especially “The Erl King” and “The Sorcerer” would be greatly enhanced by her contribution to the point of me not wishing to contemplate even doing them without her.

Letting go of all these “ifs”, as spectacular as they may be and coming back to the only time frame, which really matters, the present and the near future, what are your hopes and goals for 2010?Terry: To get the next album out before I die of old age and to meet and talk to as many people when playing live as I possibly can.

From my part, thank you for taking your time with me and I am dying to meet once more come April! If there’s anything you would like to add to this chat of ours, feel free to do so, the floor is yours! Blessings upon you and May you keep on bewitching us for many a year still!Terry: Just to add on behalf of all the band members and myself a big thank you to all the Templars and audiences alike that have given us such great receptions wherever and whenever we have played. I would also like to add that should anyone feel inclined please come up and introduce yourself to us at gigs, we appreciate it!

Luis Ruivo


“Pagan Altar” demo tape (Private, 1982)

“Volume 1” CD (Oracle, 1998)

“The Time Lord” EP ( I Hate, 2004)

“The Lords of Hypocrisy” CD (Oracle, 2004)

“Judgment of the Dead” LP (Black Widow, 2005)

“The Lords of Hypocrisy” 2LP (The Miskatonic Foundation. 2005)

“Mythical and Magical” CD (Oracle, 2006/2007)

“Walking in the Dark” 7” single (I Hate, 2007, split with JEX THOTH)

“Mythical and Magical” 2LP (The Miskatonic Foundation, 2008)

pagan altar templars

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First of all, I’d like to admit that it’s more than pleasure to include BLAZE in our magazine! I know that almost 2 years have passed since the release of your debut but I’d like to ask you a couple of things concerning your first official release. Are you satisfied by its’ final result and the approval by the fans and press as well?I’m reasonably satisfied about the result of our first album. Of course, it’s not perfect. But we had to make this album in a limited time and the budget. And we did a lot of small mistakes. Especially, it was difficult to record the sound of the drum well. But we did our best. I think that we could record hot of our tunes. So I assumed it’s good in this. The fans who assist in us are small number, but they are very hot and I’m proud of them. It is necessary to make an effort that the person who doesn't know us may learn. But it’s very difficult... Also our album was friendly introduced by Burrn, Daemonic Majesty and some webzines. I greatly appreciate their reviews, because we are just one of local bands and we have no manager and label.

Your songwriting style have much in common with bands from the NWOBHM era, hints of the mighty UFO and of course Swedish metal legends HEAVY LOAD! Do you agree with the aforementioned description?Yes, I agree. I like early 80’s NWOBHM bands and I am influenced by them. And I like 70’s hard rock that they would have heard. Of course, I know HEAVY LOAD. Though I am not influenced by them so much, I think I like same sounds they had loved. Mr.Michael Schenker is my favorite guitarist.

Can you give us in brief the lyrical approach of your songs?I had not written the lyrics until I play with BLAZE. As I had not been interested in lyrics, making lyrics is not easy for me. Some lyrics are written based on my experience and friend's story. Some lyrics are written about crime cases. When I have no idea, I compose based

on murder cases, though that’s easy way.

Which is the songwriting procedure of a BLAZE’s song and who is the main responsible person for the music?It’s me.

Did you face any kind of legal problems with the other Japanese band BLAZE and did you think about changing your name after all to avoid misunderstandings?As we are not popular here, we have not claimed to change by other BLAZE. If we will face some of legal problems in future, we will have to think the name is changed. When we started as BLAZE, another blaze did not exist and we did not know them. The friend who supported us gave the band name, Blaze for us. When the first drummer left, we thought it’s changed. After all, we could not do. Some of our fans opposed to change. Anyway, if we have some troubles about the name, we will have to think.

Taking under consideration the fact that Japan is a big country with a strong metal fanbase, how often are you playing gigs? Have you support any well known artists at their Japanese tour so far?Perhaps, I also think that a lot of heavy metal fans still exist in here Japan. But many of them have not interests in domestic heavy metal bands, especially teens and twenties. Of course, there are a lot of problems also in the bands. I think Japanese heavy metal scene had become small than before. I would like to make people who had lost interest in Japanese metal can take an interest again. We play gig once a month. We have not supported well known artists.

How the idea of signing with a record shop such as Wild One came up? Did they help you to promote the album worldwide?Oh, Wild One is my local record shop in Osaka, so Wild One is not them. We made our album for ourselves, complete private pressing.

Do you think that internet and my space pages more specific give to new bands the opportunity to reach audience that in any other case couldn’t do it?Of course, internet and my space are amazing. 20 years ago, we could not impart our information even to Tokyo.

It seems that vinyl nowdays is coming back stronger after o long period, so should we expect a vinyl version of the album or not?I still like the sound of vinyl. I think we had better to do the mix down for vinyl, because I feel the recent vinyl is not so good. But I would like to make our vinyl someday.

Did you find a replacement after the departure of Yasuhito Yamomamoto?Yes, we had played with new drummer, Takashi Funabiki since May, 2009.

Although BLAZE are existing from 1998 you’ve only released except the album a single with two songs… What kind of problems did you face all these years?After we released first two track demo cdr, the drummer left the band. It took two years to find the drummer, Yasuhito Yamamoto. In addition, it was not possible to act as thought in the convenience of the work of the member for one year.

Are there any plans concerning the forthcoming second album? The new songs will be at the same musical style or not?Yes, I wish to make second album with new drummer, Mr.Funabiki. But we may release two or three tracks single in future... Anyway, I’m keeping make a song. I think our musical style is not changed. I always aim at the sounds that it seems to be bright, but it has a shadow, it seems to be sad, but it’s not dark. I like such a song.

If I was asking you to pick up 10 favorite albums that changed your life forever which should be?It’s difficult. I like many albums had ever released and I like folk, classic rock, progressive rock and blues rock, too. When I was in my teens, I came to like heavy metal. I pick up my favorites in heavy metal and hard rock. They are albums which I had often listened from my teens and twenties.AC/DC - “Highway to hell”DEF LEPPARD - “High ‘n’ dry”IRON MAIDEN - “Iron maiden”LED ZEPPELIN - “IV”MOTORHEAD - “Overkill”SAXON - “Saxon”STATUS QUO - “Quo”THIN LIZZY - “Jailbreak”UFO – “No heavy petting”WISHBONE ASH / “Argus”

I’d like to thank you so much for your time and I really wish you the best for the years to come! Any last words for the readers of this interview?Thank you. Well, I’m very surprised to hear from Greece for this interview, because we had not received the interview even in Japan except Daemonic Majesty fanzine. I’m very happy if you in Greece are pleased in our sounds. Keep on rockin! Many thanks my friend. Arigatooooo!

Gregory Baxevanidis

Well, I must admit that BLAZE was among the most pleasants surprises of the decade and I consider their eponymous debut a truly heavy metal masterpiece! Thanks to my good friend Vassilis, this fine piece of art come to our hands and made our ears bleed, our senses travel to England where NWOBHM artists followed the glorious tradition of U.F.O. and then up to Swedish shores for witnessing the birth of all time European epic metal gods HEAVY LOAD… So to cut things short, here’s the interview with the mastermind of the Japanese commandos, guitarist Hisashi Suzuki and let’s pray that they will continue to offer to us shivers in the back!!! HAIL!!!

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It’s great to see you back in action after merely 3 1/2 years with such a brilliant effort! First of all what has happened with your previous bass player and he left the band?Thank you. Jussi left the band because he could not invest enough time in the band anymore, mainly because of his studying. During the last three years there wasn’t that much going on with STORMWARRIOR except of some festival gigs and one smaller tour but in the meantime there is a lot more work to be done with the new album, promo work and new gigs, etc. so that would have interfered with his studying. We were talking about that with the whole band and decided together to part ways with him. But we’re still best friends and there have never been any personal problems between us.

So you’re “Heading Northe” once again… Your feelings concerning your third studio recording? It’s definitely the best we have done so far in my opinion and I hope that with this album and the good promotional work of our new record label we’re ready to make a huge step forward concerning the band’s size and reputation.

I’ve listened many times the new album and it’s more than obvious that all the elements of the past are present with a slight more melodic approach, especially in the vocal area. Was it a natural move for the band?Yeah, I think so. We wanted to make it all a bit more catchy and grown up but without letting it sound too soft or smooth. We concentrated a lot more on the work-out of the lead guitars and the vocal lines of course. With our new bassist Yenz, who is also a great vocalist, we could try out some different things concerning the backing choirs to make it all sound more majestic or even mystical sometimes. So I would say that with this new release the band could develop into the right direction.

Correct me if I’m wrong but it’s the first time that your sound – especially the mid tempo songs - bring MANOWAR in mind. How was this decision taken?MANOWAR has always been a great influence on us but on the earlier albums it was harder to bring their sound into our music. This time we wanted to widen the spectrum of our sound and open it a bit more to bring in some epic moments. So, of course MANOWAR had been an influence but I would also mention some BATHORY parts as well as some JUDAS PRIEST aspects to have been added to

our sound to let it all together sound more ownstanding than the previous releases.

What has happened with your previous label and you parted ways? Do you know that none of your previous albums has official distribution in Greece ?Yeah, I know. But it is not only in Greece that way. Actually our previous label could not bring up enough power to support the band anywhere else than in Germany the way it would have been necessary (honestly, even in Germany it could have been better). So we sat down with them and talked it over and we could make an arrangement with them that was good for both of us with the result that the upcoming “Live at Wacken” DVD will still be released through Remedy Records this summer but at the same time we are free to sign to another record label with our third album.

How the collaboration with Dockyard 1 achieved? Are they fully support your activities and do you think that the time has come for STORMWARRIOR to reach higher success?Well, since the guys of Dockyard 1 were working at the Noise and Sanctuary office before, we got them to know through our management and the guys of GAMMA RAY so it was not really necessary to search for a new label for a long time. And since the Dockyard 1’s people have a lot of experience I think they are fit enough to put STORMWARRIOR some steps higher especially in the outside of Germany. So far we got more than four times distribution areas and interviews worldwide than we had before, so I think they do a good job so far.

The improvement of the production and the excellent cover artwork were two more elements that place “Heading Northe” one higher level comparing with its predecessors. Can you give us a few more details about those subjects?Since we looked over Kai’s shoulder during the productions of our first two albums and I also studied some audio engineering the last years, we built up our own studio (Thunderhall Studio) in Hamburg and we recorded everything on our own this time. Of course it took way more time than before but the result is what matters in the end. The mix was done by Piet Sielck (IRON SAVIOR, SAVAGE CIRCUS) at Powerhouse Studio and for the mastering we went to Tommy Hansen (Jailhouse Studio) in Denmark to let him give the final sound

adjustments. The artwork was again done by Uwe Karczewski and in my mind it’s the best work he has ever done.

It’s not the most common thing for an underground band to release a live album after only two albums… It seems that “At foreign shores” was the exception to the rule. What do you recall from that period your live shows in Japan ?It was our first tour in general and it was totally overwhelming. The way the fans welcomed us was really unexpected by us. We were supporting GAMMA RAY on their “Majestic” tour but the fans were also really great to us being just the supporting act. It was the best experience the band had done until then so we decided to make a live album out of the recordings that were done during that tour anyway. Of course it was really unusual and maybe too early for a live album after just having two studio albums out, but we did it mainly for ourselves to always have something in our hands to remind us on our first tour…

What does the involvement with themes from Nordic mythology mean for you personally? A simple interesting lyrical approach or a time period that your heart and mind belongs to?We’re living in the northern part of Germany which once belonged to Denmark so there are still some roots in the old northern times concerning mentality and culture, a connection between the pre-christian times and the way people act or feel in these days. So for me this time period also belongs to my past or to my origin in a way, so I feel some kind of necessity to combine my music with this thematic, above all because of the great tales about battles, kings and ancient gods that fit perfectly to heavy metal music.

What do you recall from the early demo recordings of the band and generally do you feel vindicated by your strong will to continue chasing your own dream despite a couple of negative reviews?Definitely. When I started the band and we did the first demo recordings we didn’t have any clue of how to record anything and we didn’t care that much about arrangements of songs and parts. It was just plugging in and playing heavy metal because it was our lifestyle. We didn’t care about what anyone else would say, it just simply didn’t matter. There were a lot of line up changes and problems in the past concerning the band but I never gave up, it just made

One of the bands I really adore from the current German metal scene is without a single doubt STORMWARRIOR from

Hamburg… Following from the very beginning their steps and early demo/single recordings, it’s more than obvious that this bunch

of crazy metallers deliver nothing but pure epic / power / speed mayhem that will bleed the ears of the infidels… The interview with Lars

Ramcke (guitars/vocals), took place soon after the release of the “Heading Northe” album and a couple of weeks before their participation to the Up the

hammers III festival…

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me and the band stronger. I think that fact and all the hard work combined with what we could learn during the first productions with Kai made the band grow to become musicians. So now the band is definitely stronger than ever and, as one says, “ready to conquer the world”… Hahaha...

Many people believe that your close friendship with Kai Hansen was the main reason for reaching audiences that in any other case won’t happen. What’s your answer to them?Of course we had the chance to play greater festivals because we played some shows together with Kai but that was not the reason for doing that. We just loved the old “Walls” era best and since Kai also had great fun with the old songs on stage again, we decided to do some more shows of that kind. After the first gig together with Kai he came up on his own and asked “when is the next gig, we should definitely do that again…”. So who could say “no” to that offer…;-). Anyway, of course we learned really a lot from him, but everyone who says that STORMWARRIOR would not be able to function in any case without Kai Hansen should just listen to our new album. This is maybe the best answer to them because “there was no Kai Hansen used on this album…”.

The entire power metal world was shocked by the last releases of HELLOWEEN and GAMMA RAY… Do you think that it’s the best chance for younger fans to get familiar with these bands?I think every younger fan should buy the “Walls of Jericho” album... Concerning both bands in these days I would prefer GAMMA RAY of course.

In April you’ll pay a visit to Athens for the annual UP THE HAMMERS festival so what should we expect for this particular live performance?Yeah, we’re really looking forward to visit Greece for the first time. I think we will mainly play material from the new album, but also some older tunes of course. I don’t know the set length yet, but we will definitely give the maximum of German heavy / speed metal to burn the Athens stage!!! You’ve played in big festivals during the past years including Wacken Open Air, Bloodstock, Earthshaker among the others… Which live performance any why still consider it as the most successful and is there a schedule plan for the promotion of the new album?I think last year’s Wacken show was really great. We had a lot of energy and of course really a lot of pyro stuff on stage. And there were about 20000 people standing in front of the stage that made it all a great party. The album will be released in the end of February in Europe, I don’t know the other release dates of Japan, China, Korea, USA, Brazil, etc. right now, but so far some of the festivals we will be playing (besides Up the Hammers) will be MANOWAR’s Magic Circle Festival, Sweden Rock I think and one festival somewhere in Slovenia. Else we will have some single gigs in Germany. But I think we will get a lot more dates when the album is released and the record label has

finished their whole promotion plan.

The current Underground metal scene is full of astonishing bands that unfortunately can’t easily gain the attention of a wider audience. Which is according to your opinion the main reason of this unpleasant situation?Well, I don’t know exactly, but it has always been hard for smaller bands especially without a good record company in the back. To gain attention you need to be heard in the bigger magazines and mainly it’s not possible for smaller bands to get inside these ‘zines because they don’t have enough money to do some advertising there. Another thing could be that there are way too many bands around and some really bad bands have a record deal that should better have been signed by a smaller but greater band…

Thank you very much for your time and once again congratulations for “Heading Northe”! The last words belong to you…Thank you for the interview and to all crazy bangers out there for reading this. Hope you enjoy the “Heading Northe” album and see ye all at the Up the Hammers festival!!! Rock Hard, Ride Free!

Gregory Baxevanidis


“Metal Victory” demo tape (Private, 1998)

“Barbaric Steel” demo tape (Private, 1999)

“Possessed by Metal” 7” single(Dream Evil, 2001)

“Spikes and Leather” 7” single(Remedy, 2002)

“Stormwarrior” CD/LP(Remedy, 2002)

“Heavy metal fire” mini-CD/EP(Remedy, 2003)

“Odens Krigare” 7” single(Remedy, 2004)

“Northern Rage” CD/LP(Remedy, 2004)

“At foreign shores- Live in Japan” CD/LP

(Remedy/Killer Metal, 2006)

“Heading Northe” CD(Dockyard1, 2008)


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First of all, congratulations for your last record “Forces remain”, I really can’t think of a most suitable title… Do you feel the same enthousiasm as when it was released?Thank you. We did our very best to record this album and for sure we are more than happy when we get some respect for the result of our blood, sweat and tears. I also think that the title is a perfect fit, because there were massive line-up changes from the last album “Wheels of Time” till now and some people were talking about the end of CUSTARD has come. But we got it up and running again quite fast, so the album is a statement: The power & magic is still in the band. I was really happy as i got the first reviews.

Fourth full length for CUSTARD and you’ve changed record label again… Are you satisfied until know by Dr Music and which are the reasons that you don’t stay in the same label for more than a release?Yeah, i know this looks very strange from the outside, but this is quite simple. It is not a secret that I am doing the business-stuff in CUSTARD- and I do this for about 20 years now. So I know exactly what I want and how a relationship between a label and a band should work. I know what happens “behind the scenes”. Some labels sign un-experienced newcomers and try to fuck them up, do no work, do strange things with money and lie. They can not do this with me so I am not really comfortably for them. Fortunately we are in a position where we can choose from a number of labels, so why should we stay with one without being 100% satisfied ? Dr Music is a good fit so far. They have some different politics where a band has to do much more label-work than usual; but can also earn much more $ than usual. Good for the experienced but crap for newcomers. Comfortable home for us so far.

I’ve listened many times to “Forces remain” and I truly believe that it’s probably the most well balanced effort of your entire career! The equal dozes of power/speed metal anthems of the past are coexisting hand in hand with more melodic tunes which prove the talent and intense songwriting of the band! Which one of you is responsible for this and which is the procedure that you follow when you’re writing a song?First of all I have to admit that I am a bad songwriter. All my bandmates are doing a great job, writing stuff, spend a lot of time with heart and soul. Mostly we start out with an idea comming from the guitars and we try to get a feeling out of this and try to find a perfect beat and bassline and put it together with other parts. If we once found the main in kind of “verse, bridge, chorus” we do a simple and crappy recording and Olli listen to this every day in his car on the

motorway or else. Some weeks later he is back with an idea of a vocal line and a main “theme” and we can arrange the song together. A piece of solo-stuff, some backing vocals... until we say “thats it”. Everyone is free to add his personal style and feel- my job is to keep an eye to the results and ask “is this what CUSTARD stands for?”. For sure we will develope our style and try some unusual things like the high-pitched lady-vocals at the song “The Dragonslayer”, but we will not turn around without having a base. If you buy a CUSTARD album you can be pretty sure to find some melodies, some speed, some stomping mid-tempo stuff and something to sing along after two rotations.

Which are the main differences of “Forces remain” and “Wheels of time” your previous album? Do you agree that besides the songs structure, the production sounds massively improved?Truly there are many differences, especially the guitar riffing is more rude and cold and the vocal-lines on “Wheels of Time” are sweeter and not as heavy as they are on “Forces Remain”. The people who wrote the most stuff on “Forces Remain” had a different musical background and different minds- and that you have to hear- otherwise there is no personality in the music. In the end the music is a small view to the inside of all musicians, as long as they have the ability to play with their heart and not with mathematics. Yesss, I also think that the production is way better than all albums before. That is also a question of experience and with “Forces Remain” we tried a different way to produce. We had nearly no time to keep during the recordings and recording and mixing is partly done in different studios. Also we had a first class mastering guy who helped us during the mix before he put the final hand on the album in his mastering-booth. We learned a lot and i am looking forward to the next recordings. I think we can do it even better then.

You are the only remaining member from the early days of CUSTARD… Do you think that all these line up changes help the band gain the success that it definitely deserved?Well, it is hard to keep a stable line-up over many years, because the personal taste and needs are changing everytime. So I have no bad feelings about the changes inside- and in the end the band really grows with every influence who came with the new members. It is very positive, as long as you do not try to renew everything with every new member and keep an eye to the roots. Over the years I have seen a number of musicians come and go with great plans to get rich and famous - but after all nothing happened with them. I am still there, play great shows, record great albums- I am satisfied and I do not hunt

for more and faster success every day. Some of my former bandmates even came back after years, like Micha (bass) and also Dirk (guitar) just stepped back in as a replacement for Robert, who left recently. So there must be something right in my way to steer the ship.

Continuing the previous question, is the current album the beginning of a new era and a statement that CUSTARD will never disappoint the fans and continue to chase their dream?“Forces Remain” was not really planed as a “new era” or something. Just to see thru the eyes of the new bandmates: “Hey, I am in a band now who has done great albums and the guys trust me. Now it is up to me...”. Like you know we had well skilled musicians all the way long and every new member had to work hard to get to the level we need and it also took some time to bring it all together as a real “band” and not as a “few musicians”. We will only record an album when we are 110% with the songs we wrote. So the fans can be sure: when we do an album, it is what CUSTARD stands for. We will definitely chase our dreams and all the fans are invited to join our ride.

Can you give us in a few words what each effort of CUSTARD means for you?Hmmm, it is a bit like a birth of a baby. We stuck in a dark room and wrote songs, every member gave his best and a part of his inside. We had an idea how the album can possibly sound. Nothing more than a rough sketch. And when we have the final album in our hands we are extremely proud- like “fathers”. So when i look back to all of the “babies” I am proud to say that each one has its own spirit and personality. No filler-stuff without face and heart. There are big differences in production, that is a reason of experience and not too much of the studio-equipment and money. We recorded the Demo “Signa Inferre” in our rehearsalroom with rented 16-track equipment and no idea how to use it in two days. The 3 hour studio-mixing was included and we were busy just to recognize “hey, we are rockstars now, we are in a studio” instead of work with the engineer.For “God of Storm” EP we had a friend who had some kind of studio-stuff in his cellar, and a bit more time. But finally it sounds terrible and we had to rescue the mix at home with two tape recorders and an equalizer as last minute action. “Kingdoms of your Life” was the first real studio and engineer thing we did. Was cool for the time, very rough sound and some really nice songs. “For my King” we did in the same studio. As all instruments were done, we faced that we had to get a new singer to increase the quality and match the music. So we had a break for two weeks and came in with Guido and told him what to do. But

One of the bands that I really appreciate from the German Heavy Power Metal scene are CUSTARD. From their inception

until now they stay true to their sound but also remind us that only the European bands will help in the rising of the Metal

Giant once more. We had a very nice talk with the drummer of the band, Chris Klapper and this is what he had to say

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the songs are cool anyway and we still have some of them in every live-set we play. Best selling album we had so far. “Wheels of Time” was a very expensive recording, because we booked a lot of studiotime. Cool sound, good songs, successful. With “Forces Remain” we had the most relaxed recordings and had enaugh time to try out something. We had different people who joined us and improved the sound. I personally learned many things from the production in a technical way. Also great songs, what did you expect ;-)

Merely twenty yeras in the metal business you’ve certainly listen and see many things that probably didn’t expect when you’ve started… Can you point the most significant differences of metal bands, fans and record labels back then and now?

Yepp, as i started out in this biz I had a clear view: write good songs, record them, sell them, get rich and famous- quite easy, eh ? We had a great lack of informations in these times- you know: no internet, no networking, no good friend in the biz. So everything what we have seen is the high-gloss covers of some magazines or some sold out shows- i was 15 years old at this time. We had no idea about the work to reach this point, but we started doing something. It took us 5 years to get a support-slot at a good tour and 6 years to get a record deal. In the end I do this stuff for more than 20 years now and I have never seen my face on a high-gloss cover, but i am satisfied to have a great band up and running for a long time.

How the decision to re-record the fabulous self titled track from your first mini cd “God of storm” came up? I think that your new vocalist Olli Strasser gave to the song an even more attractive shape… Do you agree?Exactly this is the reason why we recorded this track again now. If you would know Olli in person you would agree that he really feels the meaning of the song- he is not just singing along; he is really inside the song. So this was a very magic moment for us all as we played this song with Olli for the first time and we just wanted to share this “magic” and try to bring it to the album. Also this is a statement to our own history- we still like most of our old songs and if we have enaugh time, we always try to put a great old song to our live-set. Interesting for the fans and also for us.

How do you see the role of CUSTARD to the current metal scene? As we

are witnessing the period where internet is probably the most quick and reliable way to reach new fans, do you think that this fact will positive effects to the band in the following years?Well, I am sure that every long-term-metal-fan who listens to power metal knows our name at least. For sure we are not playing the champions league and earn shitloads of money with the band, but we feel very comfortable in this situation. We can play a load of shows each year, but we do not have to play. There is no pressure from label or managements- we are free to do what we want and when we want do it. But when we do something, then with all power and heart and without compromises. For the internet-stuff there are two hearts beating in my chest. It is really great to have an easy communication with the fans by using networking, email and bring news and features to our website and forum. Even people in the the woods of Brazil sometimes drop us a line “hey, great band great tunes, great to know your stuff now” ... fantastic. On the other hand the metal-scene is not longer a “brotherhood” like i felt it back in the 90´s or earlier. It is more open now so there came in a lot of influences from other styles and devided the “metalheads” into metalcore, grindcore, death, black,... something-guys, and all of them have an own “scene”. Also the download-piracy is crap. Surf the web and hunt for good music is great, listen to it at myspace or youtube or... somewhere is brilliant. But if you like it then move your ass to the store and buy the album, damned ! As a future-view: someday the giants of metal (like METALLICA, IRON MAIDEN,...) will be no more, that is true. There is no “second row” in metal-music who can replace them, because there is no money to push them to the “metal-olymp”, because of the downloads. So say goodbye to this kind of “Monsters of metal” and welcome hundreds of smaller bands without being real rockstars. This will definitely kill some metal-spirit.

Do you have the ability to play live in your area or not? Which was the best and the worst live experience that you have witnessed through the years?Yepp, we have quite enaugh clubs and concert-locations around the area where we live. But this is one of the biggest metropolis here in Germany. There is definitely a lack of possibillities for live shows in most areas. It is always great to play in front of a few thousand metalheads, so I should name the big festivals we played- like Wacken Open Air or Rock Hard Open Air as great experiences. I also like the 2006 Tour together with SABATON. We shared a nightliner and we had real great nonstop party for about two weeks. Also the busdriver said “that is un-believable, i have never seen this before”- and i think he have seen hundreds of bands touring. Awesome! For sure one of the worst experience was a tour with GODDESS OF DESIRE back in 1998. We were on the road with two nightliners and the organizer did not pay the bus-company- so the drivers got the order “leave the bands somewhere and come back”- and we were about 600 kilometers from home, it was after midnight and it was snowing. Man, that was no fun- but a

thing to remember... Rock´n Roll !

Many people still believe that music and as a matter of fact heavy metal will return to its’ purity and initial songwriting despite the trends that come and go… Is there a possibility for your style of music to gain the success that once reached in the mid 90’s?As I told before, i think that there will not be some giants like we have today. They all started out in the 90´s or earlier, as there was a load of money to grab for the labels and bands. It was new and it was interesting. If you play kind of “traditional” metal like we do it is not new- not “different” enaugh. You can not shock your parents with this stuff. So especially this traditional styles will come back to its purity more and more. If once all the whatever...core-guys are boared and gone away, there will be a great metal-scene left. And maybe the “brotherhood” will be back. But that is only my hope, we will see.

Which will be the next step for CUSTARD? Did you write any new material yet and can you give us a couple of indications about when it will be recorded, the style of the songs etc? Yes, we are doing some new stuff right now. We have a very open schedule for our liveshows this year- maybe we will do a smaller tour in September just before the two confirmed shows in Switzerland. Also we will play some festivals here in Germany just to keep the wheel turning. I hope we can start the recordings in November, but nothing is scheduled so far. For sure we will keep our trademarks, but I think the attitude will move a bit to a more positive feeling- not so dark like the “Forces Remain” theme is. So our challenge is to bring together the power of “Forces Remain” with the positive feeling of “For my King”. First results are very promising !

Thank you so much for your answers and time, I wish you from heart all the best for the future! Any last comments before we close the interview?I know I talked too much, sorry man. But as you see i like the people to take a look inside the world of CUSTARD... I am really looking forward to get our asses on a stage in Greece and check out the audience over there. All readers: Check out our website, join our community, drop us a line and, most important: Stay metal!

Gregory Baxevanidis



“Signa Inferre” demo-CD,(Private, 1992)

“God of Storm” mini-CD, (Private, 1996)

“Kingdoms of your Life” CD(Twin Records, 1999)

“For my King” CD,(B.O., 2000)

“Wheels of Time” CD(Mausoleum, 2005)“Forces Remain” CD

(Dr.Music, 2008)

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After seven years of silence, Hellish War released their second amazing album “Heroes of Tomorrow”, while recently both of their albums were re-released by Pure Steel Records. JR (Daniel Job – guitars) and Daniel Person (drums) give us all info about the camp of Hellish War…

First of all, congratulations for your new record, according to my humble opinion one of the most pleasant surprises of the previous year! My first question is quite obvious: why did it take you so long to release it?JR: First, I’d like to say thank you for the good words about the album. Well it took so long because we’ve had many obstacles along the way. One of these obstacles was our previous record label. They didn’t had budget to release the album and they never told us they were broken, they kept on beating around the bush for five years. After we solved that problem we decided to do it as a private release. Which by the way turned out to be one of the best things we’ve ever done. Eight years of absence is quite a long time especially for an underground band that must keep the interest of its fanbase at the highest level! Do you think that you lost a number of supporters because of this? JR: For sure we lost some fans along the way but we’re gaining many more. Every concert we do we see and meet new and old fans. All of them show their support for the band and for how long some of them have been waiting for this album to be released. You had also a couple of line up changes during that period… What had happened and do you feel that the new one is stronger than ever? Daniel Person: Yes, we had a couple of line up changes in 2001, right after the release of our debut album. That happens because sometimes people got their focus in other stuffs. They don’t really wanna to do metal music, or record an album or tour as a bunch of crazy motherf…. Or they just don’t have the time or devotion for the band. As for our current line up I can say it’s the strongest ever. We’ve been together for nine years without any changes now and that happens to be while we still as an underground band, with all the difficulties we’ve been through. Everybody in this band wants the same, tour around the world and record great metal albums.The new cd has a more melodic approach comparing to its predecessor… It was a natural evolution of the band or you wanted to begin a new chapter to the history of HELLISH WAR?JR: It really was a natural thing. We don’t sit together and say ‘Hey, let’s change our sound’. We sit down and start writing songs. In the end of the day we’ll see what we’ve done and if it’s fitting in the HELLISH WAR style. If all that’s OK, we got a new tune for an album.Daniel Person: I think that the main elements that identify HELLISH WAR songs can be easily found on both albums, even with the gap of seven years between the

two releases. This means that it has been a natural evolution indeed, but the band hasn’t changed much, definitely; and I think this is good! We have only grown technically and artistically, but the classic heavy metal style remains the same.Can you give us a few details about the recording sessions and the production as well? Any funny moments you want to share with us?Daniel Person: Although we went to the studio with all the songs of “Heroes of Tomorrow” entirely composed, new ideas were also brought to life during the recording sessions. The chorus from the song “Awaken”, for example, was completely changed on the last minutes of the recording sessions. Many arrangements were improved while we were in the studio. And man, there were many funny moments! It can’t be different when you lock a bunch of crazy metalheads inside a recording room! One day, we were searching for a cool effect to be added in one of the songs, but we did not want to use any of the existing samples that were available… Then we went to the kitchen of the studio and searched for anything that could be used and that could result on the cool effect we were searching for… Suddenly someone found two huge pieces of wood (what kind of people keeps these things in the kitchen??) and we realized that this was exactly what we were searching for. You probably won’t even notice, but those giant wood pieces were used during the recordings of the song “Son of the King”!!!Are you satisfied by the sales and the reaction of fans and related press up to now?Daniel Person: Yes, definitely. We know that nowadays the sales of cds are very low if compared with ten years ago, due to the internet downloads. Therefore, the main indicator of the success of our new album is in fact the reaction of the fans and the support we’re having from the press. Here in Brazil, for example, “Heroes of Tomorrow” was considered one of the best 2008 releases by public votes on the biggest rock/metal press vehicles, such as Roadie Crew Magazine and Whiplash website. Our first European tour in September of 2009 is also a result of this work. Which are the bands and artists that influenced your music and way of playing the most?JR: There are many bands but I’ll list some of them: HELLOWEEN, IRON MAIDEN, RUNNING WILD, ACCEPT, SAXON, etc. Most of the bands from the 80s era.HELLISH WAR, HIBRIA, DOMINUS PRAELLI and STEEL WARRIOR are for my taste the most attractive heavy/power metal bands Brazil had offered the last decade… How is the current situation of the local scene? Daniel Person: I totally agree with you on the bands you’ve mentioned! Although there are many great bands here in Brazil, currently there isn’t much support for the metal scene. The situation isn’t easy, even for well known bands such as ANGRA or SHAMAN. On June 2009, we played on the Roça n Roll festival, which is currently one of the biggest metal festivals that we have on Brazil, where KRISIUN were the headliners. So as you can understand we’re grabbing on the chances available around here, but right now or goal is to tour as much as we can in other countries, especially in Europe. We hope that our European tour of this year will be only the first one from many others that will come.

Do you have the ability to play live in your area or not? Which was the best and the worst live experience that you have witnessed through the years?Daniel Person: I believe our best live shows around here were as the opening act for SAXON and U.D.O.! Those were great experiences, as we’ve grown up listening to these 80’s metal giants. About the worst live experience… well, let me think… we’ve surely done some shows for a “crowd” of four people throughout these years, it can happen sometimes!Which are the future plans for HELLISH WAR? Have you ever played in front of the European audience?Well, we already have a scheduled tour around Europe. It’s gonna happen in September ‘09. Unfortunately I think we’re not gonna be able to hit down on Greece but we’ll do Germany, Holland, Belgium, Switzerland and we got a couple of countries not already confirmed. After this tour we’ll have a new studio album and a possible live DVD from this tour. By the way we named this tour as “European First Assault Tour ‘09”.I would like to ask your opinion about the resurrection of bands from the glorious 80’s that seek a second chance to the new millennium… Is there still space for them to reach success even if the current situation doesn’t seem to be the appropriate for underrated giants of the past?JR: If it’s done for the pleasure and the music, yes I think they gonna triumph again. But when it comes down only for the money, most of them gonna go down the well. There’s space for new bands and old bands. Everyone has its place underneath the sun, you just gotta look for it. The metal maniacs are out there just waiting for good music and good bands.Thank you very much for your time… The last words belong to you…JR: First of all, thank you very much!!! Thanks to all of our fans and the ones who will become fan of Hellish War!!! September ‘09 we hope to see all of you crazy as hell motherf… out there. We’ll hit the European road and headbang with all of you metal maniacs!!

Gregory Baxevanidis


“Defender of Metal” CD (Megahard, 2001)

“Heroes of Tomorrow” CD(Private, 2008)

“Defender of Metal” / “Heroes of Tomorrow” DCD

(Pure Steel, 2009)

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First of all congratulations for your magnificent “The Skull Collectors” album! It was a real blast for most of us that we were waiting HIBRIA’s comeback… Your first thoughts about it?Thanks a lot! We feel really glad that our new album has reached such a great feedback, both by the media and audience.

Why did it get so long to release a new album? It seemed that by the release of “Defying the Rules” everything was going perfect for the band and then… silence.Well, the compositions of the “The Skull Collectors” took much longer than we expected. We wanted to release it faster, but due to time constraints it was not possible. Besides that, our aim was to release a killer album, not just another one and that it does take time… We’ve done our best to offer the audience something worth.

I truly believe that “The Skull Collectors” is even better compared with its predecessor in many aspects… First of all the structure of the compositions are much tighter and powerful than before! Which one of you is the main composer?Once again, thanks a lot! We agree with you. Our intention was to keep all the elements we liked in “Defying the Rules” and add new influences to the new one. In short, we wanted the new cd to be better than the previous one. Everybody in the band composes, but it was Diego who contributed the most to “The Skull Collectors”, although all members have done their best contributions to the album. HIBRIA doesn’t have just one composer, but five, and I guess it makes a huge difference comparing to other bands which usually have one or two composers. It means that HIBRIA is the balance of five heavy metal fans melted into a blasting rage of power.

The production, mixing and the mastering as well are reaching the highest level! Was the helping hand of Achim Kohler one of the main reasons of this massive improvement?Achim has done a great job on “The Skull Collectors”, but it was the band that improved a lot as composers and musicians since the release of DTR.

The production was in charge of Diego and Marco, not Achim. They took care of every little detail and it made all the difference.

One of the things that surprised me most was the fabulous guitar work by you and Diego as well that are leading wisely HIBRIA’s sound to fields of perfection… How significant is for a band to have in its’ line up musicians with skills and technique that at the same time pay attention to the feeling of the compositions making the overall result more attractive to the fans?WOW! Really kind of you! Thanks a lot! Well, before being musicians we are heavy metal fans and we do know how boring it is to have all those endless shredding guitar solos on the compositions, so we avoid doing that. For us, melodies come first, then we try to add some technical elements that may work properly with the melodies. In short, first the music, then the musicians.

Can you give us a few details concerning the cover artwork and the lyrical concept of the new album? Any metaphorical messages you want to express through them?The cover artwork was designed and executed by Diego based on Marco’s lyrics. They worked together on the concept of “The Skull Collectors’. The main theme on the album is about anger and revenge and how we deal with them in our lives... if we´re part of the ones who keep spreading the violence received, or if we are able to forgive and not let them keep going.

How is the response of the related press and fans to the new stuff?It’s been definitely great! Both the media and audience have shown their support towards the band. We have received many messages through our guestbook, mail and myspace. Also, the audience in our concerts have been bigger and bigger.

The musical style of the band brings forth the influences that you have from the European power metal scene and especially the German one… Which artists and bands have inspired your way of composing?We have influences from both sides, the European and the American one. We keep listening to our old influences such as IRON MAIDEN, METALLICA, JUDAS PRIEST, BLACK SABBATH, although we have listened to many other bands nowadays such as SOILWORK, ARCH ENEMY, NEVERMORE…

HIBRIA along with HELLISH WAR, DOMINUS PRAELLI and STEEL WARRIOR are for my taste the most attractive heavy/power metal bands Brazil had offered the last decade… How is the current situation of the local scene and what do you think of the aforementioned bands? Thank you! We know HELLISH WAR just by name. DOMINUS PRAELLI and STEEL WARRIOR have shared the stage with us, and they are mighty warriors. We have many cool bands in Brazil that haven’t had the chance to spread their music yet, but I guess it’s only a matter of time. If you guys want to know a little bit of the music made in our town, check these bands out. Their fucking

Brazilian heavy/power metal since the days of VIPER was extremely appealing to European fans… The years have passed by and the local scene made giant steps… If you don’t believe our words you haven’t probably checked the efforts of STEEL WARRIOR, DOMINUS PRAELLI and HELLISH WAR among others… HIBRIA’s second superb album comes to prove that they finally surpassed all the difficulties that stood at their way and unleashed a bunch of songs that will satisfy every devoted headbanger! Guitarist Abel Camargo unveils the magic recipe…


You’ve played a couple of shows in the past in Europe so I’d like your opinion about the European fans and the difference between them and the metal fans of your country… Both audiences are cool. I believe that the main difference is the way they participate in the concerts. The Brazilian audience tends to bang their heads more and sing along with the band than the European, but I believe that the European audience pay more attention to the way the musicians play.

I would like to ask your opinion about the resurrection of bands from the glorious 80’s that seek a second chance to the new millennium… Is there still space for them to reach success even if the current situation doesn’t seem to be the appropriate for underrated giants of the past?If they compose good stuff, yes. Otherwise, they will be just one more band living from the past trying to show how important they were in the old times.

What can we expect from HIBRIA in the near future? Any chance to see you in Greece or in various European festivals such as Keep it true, Headbanger’s open air or Swordbrothers?We’ve just toured Asia and Canada, and our intention was to tour Europe, too, but unfortunately it was not possible this time. We do hope to have a chance to tour Europe soon to show our music live.

Thank you so much for your time… The last words belong to you…We’d like to thank you and Greek fans for the support. It’s been a pleasure answering your questions. We hope to see you soon in a HIBRIA’s concert in Greece! A big headbang from HIBRIA!

Gregory Baxevanidis


“Metal Heart” Demo (Private, 1997)

“Against the Faceless” Demo (Private, 1999)

“Steel Lord on Wheels” CD-Single (Private, 2001)

“Defying the Rules” CD(Remedy, 2004)

“The Skull Collectors” CD(Remedy, 2009)

www.hibria.com www.myspace.com/hibria

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Please give us a short bio of the band.STORRMBRINGER were formed back in summer of 2006 by three friends: Tryfonas (vocals), Jim (guitar) and me (Tasos - drums) who wanted to play the music they adored!!! Long before this, Jim used to compose whole songs all alone and Tryfonas used to write lyrics and in the very first rehearsal we had our first song almost ready!!! We played as a trio for something like a year and then Kostas (bass) entered STORRMBRINGER and also for one year of rehearsing passed before we recorded our debut album which released in November 2009 by Eat Metal Records!!!!

Your debut cd was recently released by Eat Metal. How is it going? Are you happy from the early feedback you have received from fans and press?We don’t know about the sales but Greg told us it is going really great!!! We have received very good and encouraging comments from fans!!! As far the press is concerned, we have seen only two reviews from webzines so far, and musically they considered our cd just good but nothing special. They also considered the production bad or average but in this subject we disagree!! Nevermind, everyone has its own opinion! We hope to get better reviews in the future!!

How would you describe your music style and why did you choose to play this specific style?We play epic heavy metal!!! Our influences are from the classic 80ies metal scene, especially Iron Maiden and US Power / Epic Metal!!! We chose this specific style because we are all fans of this style!! This is obvious!!Is there any specific reason you formed STORRMBRINGER? What

would you like to achieve? What is your biggest dream as far the band concerns?We formed this band to express ourselves and our interest in music!!! We have achieved our goals!! We play the music we like, write new songs and this satisfy us!! The gigs we have played and the release of the album were dreams for us… and now these dreams are reality - so we are extremely happy!! We would like to keep doing these things: concerts and to release a second album in the near future!!!

What is the lyrical background of your songs?Our lyrical background: history and mythology of our fatherland and generally of Europe, and also fantasy themes!!!

Last year, you took part at Up The Hammers festival. What were your impressions?It’s really hard to describe these feelings with words!! We shared the stage with some of the greatest bands in underground metal who are also favorite bands of ours!! The greatest moment for which we are proud is when we finished our sound check, members of Titan Force (hail!!!) were clapping their hands and gave us great comments!!! What an honor for us…

What do you think about festivals like Up The Hammers?It’s great that festivals like U.T.H. take place, they promote true metal and young bands!!! U.T.H. fest gets better year after year and we totally support it!!! It’s like Hellas’ Keep It True fest!!! Congratulations to Manolis for his work!!!

Which are your favorite bands? Moreover, what’s your opinion about the following: SAVAGE GRACE, WARLORD, SLAUTER XSTROYES, WRATHBLADE, JAG PANZER, HELSTAR?Our favourite bands (as the whole band concerns) are Manowar, Iron Maiden, Accept and Warlord. For the bands you mention: Helstar, Savage Grace and Jag Panzer are three of my favourite and also in my opinion, some of the greatest power metal bands!! TOTALLY GODS!!!

Heathens’ Rage Unleashed!STORRMBRINGER is a new band from Hellas dedicated to deliver pure Epic Power Metal!

They have already shown their teeth to the world, as their appearance last year at Up The Hammers festival was really massive! Recently, their debut album was released by Eat Metal

Records and it is devastating, a true masterpiece of 80s US style Power / Epic Metal! We asked Tasos (drummer and fan of Naughty America!) a few questions– let’s see what he has to say!

From Slauter Xstroyes I have listened only one song (and like it) and I can’t express a serious opinion for them!!! For Warlord I already answered and finally Wrathblade is one of the greatest Hellenic bands nowadays along with some others!!! I have seen them live 3 or 4 times and they offered me endless metal pleasure and headbanging mania!!! I am waiting for their full album, the 7inch single is not enough!!! Greetings to Christos(guitar)!!

What are your next plans? What should we expect from STORRMBRINGER in the near future?Surely you can expect a second album in the same direction as the debut (we have some new songs and a lot ideas) - maybe with more US Power Metal elements!!! We also hope to do more live shows with other comrades from Hellenic metal scene!!!!

Thank you very much for your time. The last lines are yours. Any final comments?We would like to thank you for this interview!! We would also like to thank: Eat Metal records, Earcry studio, Antonis Papachristos, and all the fans and ‘zines that were cool to us!!! For the readers: buy our cd!!! Hahahahaha!!! Keep the faith!! HEAVY METAL TO THE FUCKIN’ END!!! HAILZ!!

Antonis Adamakos

Web: www.myspace.com/storrmbringer


Promo CD (Private, 2008)

Among the Flames of War CD (Eat Metal, 2008)

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ATTACK-Seven years in the Past-CD (Iceland, 1992)ATTACK was a Legend for European Epic Metal and in my humble opinion along with HEAVY LOAD the most appropriate answer to those that believed that this genre was exclusively a US affair. The works of Ricky van Helden (vocals, bass, guitar, drums, keys and flute in the particular CD!) is huge and can’t be appreciated through a few lines. “Seven years in the Past” impresses from the first sight, where they present us with one of their best covers. But also the 10 tracks that compromise this CD are not behind…Starting with “In the Gloom”, where in something more than three minutes we taste the band’s thirst for real Steel! From then, come Masterpieces that only Attack could compose. “Seven Years in the Past”, “The Fighter” (Epic!), “On the Run” (Power/Speed holocaust!), “Never Die”, “Indian Lady”…Too many words are poor in order to describe the Majesty of this release, that as the rest of their discography deserves a place in the collections of Epic Metal warriors! The ATTACK chapter is one of the brightest in the history of European Metal and we hope that someday in the future we will return with a big and complete tribute on these great Germans.

Greg Baxevanidis

BUCKSHOT - The Sword’s Tale CD(Private, 1997)This is kind of a weird case of a band, at least weird to me. Not apparently due to the obscurity of their sound (there are bands with much more obscure sound out there),but mainly cause of the low popularity they have, since they were never the “talk of the town” sort of band (always talking about local metal circles), nor have I heard anyone praising (or depreciating) them anywhere. BUCKSHOT is a band drifting around the scene since 1981,releasing 7 albums in total (maybe an 8th one came out the recent years), all in CD format (one live CD among them), with the first being released in 1995 and the last in 2006 on their own private label. This review is about their second CD, “The Sword’s Tale”. Divided into 5 parts, they managed to compose a concept album of pure heaviest metal with rough vocals, simple-structured songs and fantasy lyrics. The story is a nice approach of how man can be a lethal weapon himself, starting his process of self elimination with the use of steel, until he ingeniously evolved and developed mass destruction equipment (bloody gunpowder!!) and abused it. The content of this album can leave the audience

Steel for an Age This is a standard column to all Heavy Metal fanzines, as standard as the reviews I would say. What’s new? Nothing I would say. Nowadays almost everything is one-click away, rare albums that years back you should wait for months to just listen to are available for download. This sudden “explosion” of information led to a contradictory phenomenon (among others). Nowadays PARADOXX and MILITIA may be more known to the average underground fan than DAMIEN THORNE or DAMMAJ.

So, our main intention will be to present known but underrated albums (I think that the comparison above gives away how we shall move from now on), but on the other hand we will do our best to present very unknown releases, be it LP, CD or demo with the only criteria being the musical value and not the rarity (maybe in a “Rare Trash pt.II” column???). We leave the latter to people that know prices, number of copies and matrix numbers better than the actual music, staying “still sealed” (and you know what may happen if a LP stays sealed for many years…) in their world. We hope you enjoy this effort and we promise to come up with even better material for the next issue. All feedback is welcomed.

When most people see the words “Germany” and “Power Metal” in the same sentence they immediately think of HELLOWEEN and the thousands of bands their success in the 80’s created. This is not the case though. In the 90’s there were lots of bands that played Power Metal with emphasis on the “power” element, that unfortunately not only disbanded but do not even enjoy the “cult” status many of their (active or not) colleagues do. German Metal was chosen (apart from the above reason) because we feel that it had the strongest scene in Europe in the 90’s, both in terms of quality/quantity but also because it produced great albums by mainstream as well as underground acts. So in the end our first effort took the shape of a “90’s German Metal special” and in fact a “CD special” (2 of the albums are also available on vinyl), something done on purpose on the end. Put on one of the albums below in your stereos and enjoy the following pages!

Kostas Kailiazis

Ps. From these lines I would like to thank Matthias Wulf for introducing me to great underground German Metal bands and thus making me looking further the German Metal scene the last few years.

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astounded, with brilliant instrumentation despite the simplicity of the song structure, with the successful use of metal accompanying instruments such as the flute and bagpipes. What is the result? A journey in a fantasy world where heroes rode on horseback and the strongest steel would rule! YES, back in the glorious medieval times! You couldn’t describe it as pure Epic Metal, but the general atmosphere met in here is simple amazing, galloping at times, mid paced at others, yet heavier than Charles Barkley’s ass!!! What I loved in this CD is the fact that although the production can reveal the recording time in a way, they could sound as 80’s as CIRITH UNGOL would, if they had recorded their first 2 LP’s during the 90’s. Not the typical German Metal, but also not CIRITH UNGOL’S European subsidiary, not to be misunderstood. All in all, a worthwhile release that would make you not regret every single cent you have spent on it. Give them a chance, just because these old muthas made it till today loyal to their beliefs without giving up. That’s the spirit, support the underground.

Thanos Stafylarakis

CASTLE WELL - Helpless, CD (Private, 1997)Bands like CASTLE WELL exist no more in our times. I am not living in the past and I am of the opinion that in every decade, Heavy Metal had/has its own Heroes, the bands that served it from their own position. CASTLE WELL should justly feel hard done by, despite the fact that they didn’t make such a big impact in the 90’s underground scene. At least not with mainstream standards! The fact that the band had a very big number of demo releases from the late 80’s but only managed to release its debut CD in 1997 seems like a huge achievement. “Helpless” is the quintessence of German Metal. Not power, not speed, just Classic Metal the way we loved it in the 80’s from their compatriots, but also from the British bands. CASTLE WELL are not THE musicians, their purpose was to create honest, full of passion Heavy Metal as it can be heard in “Win or Lose”, “He comes Alive”, “Attila” (bone-breaking instrumental!), “At Dawn”, “Life is a long hard fight”, “2020” with lyrics that speak directly to the heart. CASTLE WELL was a true revelation for Real Heavy Metal, all the while giving an answer as to how the Metal Giant should live eternally. Seven years later they gave us the exceptional “Back for Revenge” that unfortunately passed unnoticed by everyone. All Hail!

Greg Baxevanidis

COURT JESTER - Forced II Believe, CD (Alister, 1996)I remember this CD getting excellent reviews here in Greece (and not only). This, combined with the fact that the description of the vocals was “like Jon Kimball from OMEN”, made me want to get this CD, which I finally had the chance to do some years ago. Well, I can’t say that I was disappointed, but it was not THE CD, that I had read and heard about. Great Mid-tempo Power Metal (with a small progressive touch) with brilliant vocals (yes, Chitral Somapala, later on AVALON among others, sounds a lot like Kimball-RIP), a very good production and great guitars is what you will get in “Forced II Believe”. Maybe it’s the comments that I had heard/read that (even today) prevent me from appreciating this CD with the same passion that most people I know do. I never had the chance to listen to the band’s debut CD, so I can not comment on it. A worthy addition to any collection.

Kostas Kailiazis

DECEIVER-Tales of Time, (LP, 1991/CD, 1994)(D&S Recording, 1991/Battery, 1994)DECEIVER also had two demos prior to this release (“Deceiver” and “Nightmare”-both in 1989), which unfortunately I haven’t heard (well, all songs of the second demo later appeared on the LP). The album has one (but very important) drawback. The production is very “thin”, resulting in a weak sound. But, songs like “Destination Unknown”, “Children of the Storm”, “Tales of Time” etc. will more than make up for this. Power/Speed Metal the German way with lots of melody, both in the vocals and the guitars, sometimes bringing to mind CROWS, whose only LP was released the same year. The band consisted of very skillful musicians, something very evident in all compositions. The band incorporates (I am pretty sure as a tribute) a part of “Waiting for 22” (QUEENSRYCHE) on the beginning of “Silent Scream”, another killer track by the way. HEAVENWARD are included in the band’s thank-list and I don’t dare to think that these two bands shared the stage together; it would be a dream for me. The band disappeared and no member participated in a band (at least that I know of), leaving us only this album. Fans of German Power Metal, this is essential, heed my words. One of the best albums for the genre, it’s a crime, that this release has been neglected by Metal maniacs. I guess, it’s never too late, right?

Kostas Kailiazis

EMBARGO - The Red Tide CD (D&S Recording, 1997)In 1997, EMBARGO gave us their third album that proved to be their swansong. Another case of a great Teutonic Speed/Power Metal band that left us early, but not without a great legacy, 3 CD’s that they justly placed them in the elite of the genre. “Panem et Circenses” (1992) and “Children of a lesser God” (1994) had paved the way, so when “The Red Tide” was released, many people believed that these stubborn Germans would be in position to present to us even better material, but the end of the band, denied us of this opportunity. It’s a real shame that Embargo were lost like this and even more that the bands’ name doesn’t even ring a bell in today’s Metallers. But how can we forget Speed Metal hymns like “The Red Tide”, “Find, hit and Kill”, “My Battle”, “Mary”, mid tempo Epics like “Lies”, “The true Face of Love” or a excellent ballad like “Lies”? May they be well wherever they are, we will always remember their dedication in Heavy Metal!

Greg Baxevanidis

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FERNGULLY - Tunnel Visions, mini-CD (Gullywood, 1995)FERNGULLY was formed when singer Oliver Hohendorff left PILLOW KILLZ (another great 90’s act!). “Tunnel Visions” was their first CD, released from their own label, Gullywood. If someone overlooks the cover will find himself facing a Power Metal storm that will shake him for good. This mini-CD includes 6 songs (plus an intro) of great Speed/Power Metal that will please all German Metal enthusiasts. Hard to pick favorite songs from such a release that I consider it to be one of the best and most recommended CD’s in the column. Special mention to “Living from the Past”, one of the best songs I have ever listened to, a real gem that would force big bands to commit suicide had they ever listened to it! The band has released another CD after this one (“Slave”, 2001), which I haven’t heard and after that took a very long pause. But nowadays they are working on their website and seem determined to return. Let’s hope that their return (if and when it’s made) will live up to the name they managed to build.

Kostas Kailiazis

FLYING SKULL-Revelation, CD (Private, 1993)One of my favorite German bands, after their very good debut, “Darkness” (and a participation in the “Metal Hour volume 5” compilation LP back in 1987) decided to work hard and release a follow-up that would live to the expectations of the name they had begun to establish in the underground circles of their country (and not only…). “Revelation” was the peak of the short lived “career” of the band that after this CD remained only in the minds of the incurably romantics. The production was better, the tracks more worked and despite their length they didn’t tire at all. One of their biggest advantages proved to be Achim Nohl’s singing, who could be compared with Ricky van Helden’s! But also the band’s music had elements of Ricky’s band, ATTACK. The 10 minute long “Forgotten World (Genesis)” that opens the CD, situates the listener in the album’s spirit, “Red Death” nods to early STORMWITCH (with its basic riff bringing to mind ΕΞΟΡΙΣΤΟΙ), while the triad of killer tracks closes with “Take my Hand”, which (as all their tracks) is characterized by very clever rhythm changes, proving that FLYING SKULL were no random musicians. Traditional Heavy Metal with vision and prospect, which “failed” to continue in the years to come, but “forced” us to love it!

Greg Baxevanidis

HEAVENWARD - Within these Dreams, CD/LP(D&S Recording, 1991)I am under the impression, that mostly progressive fans must be into this band and mainly their second album, “A Future worth talking about?” (1992, Inline Music). I rarely listen to people mentioning this album, which is a shame for me, as in my humble opinion; “Within these Dreams” is a Power Metal Masterpiece! 8 songs are included, full of great vocals (courtesy of Stefan Kessel), very clever rhythm changes and excellent guitars shining in riffs and solos. I would say the band’s music is closer to US Power Metal, while still having elements that “betray” their origin like on “At first Nature…” or “Holding the Key” for example. A great and balanced blend between the two “schools” (US and European) of Power Metal if you ask me with an added progressive touch in the arrangements. I hardly distinguish “The Sky” (the opening track-what a riff!), “Dreams in Disguise” and “Within these Dreams” as the best tracks. This album is not expensive, nor extremely difficult to come by. So, next time you see this wonderful cover, do yourselves a favor and buy it at once, I am sure that you won’t regret it. Another band that has been active again, I really hope that any new recordings will be in the vein of “Within these Dreams”.

Kostas Kailiazis

Ps. we decided to publish the details on each different “pressing” of the album, since there is a certain collectors’ interest on both the band and the label (D&S Recording.). These are:1. DSR CD 10004: 1st edition: album title with small letters, 8 page booklet with lyrics, last page of the booklet is white, Inline distribution, silver CD without print. 2. DSR CD 10004: 2nd edition: like the 1st, print on CD, last page of the booklet is white. 3. DSR CD 10004: 3rd edition: like the 2nd, last page of the booklet is blue. 4. DSR CD 10004: 4th edition: album title with larger letters, 2 page insert, Long Island distribution, black CD with silver print. 5. D&S 318-0024-1: LP version with lyrics (the last known LP that D&S issued)

LIGHTMARE - The Fool, CD (D&S Recording, 1997)One of the most peculiar bands presented here, LIGHTMARE, as well as SEVENTH AVENUE, have chosen to have Christian lyrics their Power Metal music, in a time that was not very fond of such attempts. Not that many things have changed now, but…Some may claim that they restricted their audience with this move, the truth is that “The Fool” had the magic touch its creators wanted to give to it. Their music was a musical amalgam of dynamic Power Metal, symphonic parts but also melancholic/melodic moments that instantly raised interest. Songs like “Terrion”, “Call from Solitude”, “The One”, “My slowly dying”, “Dungeons of Society” are representative of their style, it’s “Rebellion” though one of the reasons that whoever listened to this CD, got addicted immediately. After “The Fool”, some line-up changes took place, as well as some participations in side-projects, but despite this, LIGHTMARE still perform live once in a while in Germany. Let’s hope that they will think very seriously to gather in the studio and the record the heir to “The Fool”.

Greg Baxevanidis

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MORBID JESTER - Irony of Fate, CD (Private, 1996)Another very interesting case of Teutonic Metal is MORBID JESTER, a band with three very significant CD’s, and a sound-tribute to Real Heavy Metal! They didn’t hesitate to incorporate elements and breaks that improved songs that were a step below from the rest. Very capable songwriters, they knew how to avoid repetition and they didn’t release “copy-paste” stuff, like some others colleagues of theirs! Their second CD, “Irony of Fate”, is not the most representative sample of 90’s German Metal, but it will be mentioned as an honest recording of a band that wanted to play what it felt and never cared about selling lots of copies. Listen among others to “So Tired”, “Desert in the Rain” (with its very caustic lyrics), “Why Him” and the more melodic “The Defendant” and maybe you will discover a band matching your tastes and (more importantly) a band having personality, something evident in their entire career.

Greg Baxevanidis

REACTOR - Farewell to Reality, CD (React, 1995)Bavarians REACTOR released their first CD in 1991 (“Rather dead than Dishonoured”) and they quickly established themselves as one of the most hopeful Speed/Power bands of their country! They had big success in Japan, one of the reasons being this CD, which in fact is one of the band’s best releases. By hiring S.L. Coe (SCANNER, ANGEL DUST) on vocals and with their (mostly) up-tempo rhythms, the furious guitars and Coe’s high pitched vocals they set out for the big move. “Farewell to Reality” is one of these albums, that even 15 years later sounds as fresh as it was released yesterday. The band’s performance is in very high levels and the listener can only but admire the inspiration the Germans show us in “Farewell to the Past”, “High price of Passion”, “When Bosnia Falls”, “U.T.O.P.I.A.”, “Conquer the Past”, “Into Blood and Fire” but also congratulate them on their “Roadracin’” (RIOT) and “Devil’s Child” (JUDAS PRIEST) covers. If the “alternative” version of “Living in a Trance” was missing, this CD would be flawless!

Greg Baxevanidis

REAPER - The Years Within, CD (Mausoleum, 1992)REAPER is most known I guess for their highly collectable “Fairies Return” EP (Private, 1986), but less for this CD and their “Beyond all Time” LP (Metal Enterprises, 1990). In fact both the LP and the CD are better (and much easier to get) in my opinion from the (quite good) EP. “The Years Within” was released in 1992, includes 9 songs (one of which, the title track is an instrumental) and has a great production, ideal for this kind of music. The sound of the band hasn’t changed a bit, great Power Metal, with mostly fast-paced songs. Highlights are “Voices from the Sea” (with the great riffs, especially in the fast parts), “Lionheart” and the closing track, “Witchhunt”. Another CD that can be found for a fair price and the most important thing is that it will grant you hours of Metallic pleasure. The band seems to be active again, so we are anxiously waiting for further recordings.

Kostas Kailiazis

REPRESSION - Prevalence of Pain, CD (Private, 1992)While giving the DECEIVER LP a spin and staring at the insert, I noticed REPRESSION on the thank-list, so I thought of reviewing their only release that I have heard (which in fact is their last after a demo in the 80’s and two full-length albums), since the band seems pretty unknown. The 4/5 of the band (minus the singer) later formed the well-known MESSIAH’S KISS. The CD includes 11 songs (plus a small interlude) and has a “weird” production, at least in my ears, with drums sounding detached from the rest of the instruments/band. On the music now. Typical and average Metal is what you will get with an intense melodic/commercial touch. I can’t say that any of the songs impressed me, with the exception of “Boys night out”, “River of Tears” and “When night comes down” that are enjoyable, but again nothing special. It may appeal to some, but I highly doubt it, as it defines “average”. This CD is limited to 500 copies and very hard to get but for me it’s a bright example of a CD that didn’t stand the test of time and if it’s talked nowadays it’s because what the band became later, it’s rarity or as an example to avoid (as it’s the case in this presentation).

Kostas Kailiazis

SHARATAN, The First Dawn, demo-CD (Private, 1999)I was quite skeptical whether to include this CD here, because of its nature (a demo-CD and not an official release). But the music included made me have no second thoughts. This is the band’s only release and I still remember the review/interview in Steel Conjuring #3 that “forced” me to contact the band. Only 5 songs (and an intro), but from the first moment you will listen to “Autumn Ghost”, the song that follows “Intro”, you will understand that SHARATAN unfortunately disbanded too early. The band presents us a very diverse CD, as next to the opener “The Autumn Ghost” (an excellent Power Metal track), “Sundown” (maybe the best track, another mostly fast song) and “Fortress” (a great mid-tempo track) we find songs like “The Wanderers” (a wonderful ballad) and “Lost and Forgotten” (the song that ends this CD, a great, mostly acoustic instrumental). From my point of view, SHARATAN had lots to offer, you can’t go wrong with excellent musicians/composers and one of the best singers I have heard from Germany. By listening to this demo, I am wondering how many CD’s like these are yet to be found/, proving once more that the underground was and will always be a goldmine when it comes to qualitative Heavy Metal.

Kostas Kailiazis

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BREAKER - Dead Rider CDWe understand that BREAKER is probably one of the most common names used by heavy metal bands throughout the metal history from the 70’s ‘till now. With the most reputed bands by that name, being the U.S. and the Canadian BREAKER, here comes one more KILLER band from Germany this time. In

fact, this BREAKER should have been much more known had metal fans known that this is the band which one of the biggest German thrash bands of all time came from....and that band is none other than ACCUSER! Almost immediately after the release of “Dead Rider”, the band called it quits and ACCUSED were created. BREAKER play a blend of powerful 80’s heavy with some speedier arrangements and they’re definitely worth your money 100%. In fact, they KICK-ASS big time!This ultra cool re-issue contains the entire post-BREAKER demo called “Speed Metal” plus a short story of the band and cool reworked artwork and photos. Naming the best song is like forcing us to choose which part of our body we need less, but indubitably stuff like “Rapist Killer”, “Street Fighter”, “Lucifer’s Dream” and the title-track are 80’s jewels that we rarely listen to nowadays. So, waste no time and grab this perfect disc loaded with pure 80’s metal mania. HAIL!

CHAINSAW - Hell’s Burnin’ Up CDThese are the legendary CHAINSAW from Germany. The band formed in 1984 and their one and only release so far, the mighty “Hell’s Burnin’ Up” LP originally released in 1986, remained a lost obscurity to this day. CULT METAL CLASSICS, came to an agreement with the band’s former label and with

pride we present you a pure 80’s speed/thrash metal re-issue that will make your ears bleed and your necks break! Thundering powerful rhythms and killer songs from start too finish, will get you for good into the band’s raging atmosphere.This fine re-issue contains lyrics plus reworked artwork with cool photos of the band’s past plus 6 bonus songs!!! Do not miss the chance and grab this flawless edition now. Songs like “Last Fortress”, “Tombs of the Blind Dead”, “Midnight Hunter” etc. are a total blast from the past. HAIL!

HUNTER - Sign Of The Hunter CDWe could never understand why a MEGA band like HUNTER with such a huge potential was rated by some metal reviewers as commercial heavy metal. This has NOTHING TO DO with reality. This band is a simply GRANDIOSE pure 80’s heavy metal offering that will shock you by how great they are! They

released 2 albums in the 80’s with the one being re-issued here (“Sign of the Hunter”) having originally been released in 1985, containing PURE CLASSIC heavy metal of the highest echelon!This essential re-issue contains their entire RED-BACKS demo (this is the name by which the band started their short-lived career), plus a short story of the band and cool photos. It’s hard to tell which is the best song on the album with killer stuff like “Crusaders of Hell”, “Magnum 45”, “The Wheels Turn On”, “Revenge” etc. Needless to say that this re-issue will be among your favorite ones mostly because HUNTER has always been so low profile and not so well known, unlike other overrated 80’s bands. Definitely go for this one. It comes with our highest recommendation. IT CRUSHES!!!

KUBLAI KHAN - Annihilation CDWords are needless for this classic thrash metal band and disc that was originally in 1987 and is finally offered to you again after 22 years. The band hailed from U.S.A. and they delivered a powerful blend of technical thrash metal that sounds like a concrete wall collapsing on your heads! It’s damn heavy with

wild paranoid vocals and edgy riffs and rhythm section.This re-issue contains remastered sound plus story of the band and super cool reworked artwork. If you are a speed/thrash metal addict,

this disc is for you. The original first press on CD sells nowadays for crazy prices. Grab it for only 13 EURO and taste sheer steel from the golden 80’s. Stuff like “Down to the Inferno”, “Clash of the Swords” and “Kublai Khan” will destroy you! HAIL!

OVERDOSE - Tight Action CDThese are the mighty OVERDOSE from Frankfurt. There are so many metal bands by that name, but believe us, this is the real deal. By far the best OVERDOSE we’ve heard of so far. Their only release in 1985 is a pure metal MASTERPIECE loaded with killer heavy metal music, with clever arrangements,

cool vocals and fantastic rhythm changes and razor sharp riffs. Of course, we couldn’t miss on the opportunity to re-issue this bombastic piece of steel, so here it is for all you metal thirsty freaks!The re-issue contains a short story of the band, plus their entire “Heavy Metal” demo as a bonus. Classic songs like “Curse of the Witch”, “Way in the Dark”, “Touch my Life” etc. will get you on the floor begging for more. At last!! It was about time to hear killer music once again. Thank God for OVERDOSE. HAIL!!!

SATANIC RITES - No Use Crying CDFor the first time ever on CD the legendary second album of the mighty NWOBHM band, SATANIC RITES. This is the OFFICIAL re-issue of their 1987 classic LP that is hard to find in its original form. SATANIC RITES started in the early 80’s and released the classic 7’’ single “Hit and Run / Live to Ride” that is considered to be one of the best singles of that

time.Despite the band’s “black metal” name that was inspired by an old HAMMER movie, they deliver pure traditional heavy metal. “No Use Crying” features the amazing female singer Deborah Ingham wife of bass player David Ingham.What you get in this mindblowing re-issue is the entire full length album of 1987 remastered from the original source, entire new artwork, booklet with photos, lyrics and story of the band and above all 2 never before released bonus songs! This album is a must have for EVERY NWOBHM devotee and lover of good hard rock and heavy metal music. Songs like “Woman of Mystery”, “No Use Crying”, “Changeling” etc. will send you to the metal heaven!This is a limited collector’s edition, so HURRY UP! THESE MATES SIMPLY RULE and we are proud for releasing this jewel. HAIL!!

SATANIC RITES - Which Way The Wind Blows CDFor the first time ever on CD the legendary second album of the mighty NWOBHM band, SATANIC RITES. This is the OFFICIAL re-issue of their 1985 classic LP that is hard to find in its original form. SATANIC RITES started in the early 80’s and released

the classic 7’’ single “Hit and Run / Live to Ride” that is considered to be one of the best singles of that time.Despite the band’s “black metal” name that was inspired by an old HAMMER movie, they deliver pure traditional heavy metal. “Wich Way The Wind Blows” features the amazing female singer Deborah Ingham wife of bass player David Ingham.What you get in this mindblowing re-issue is the entire full length album of 1985 remastered from the original source, entire new artwork, booklet with photos, lyrics and story of the band and above all the entire 2-song single from ‘81, remastered for your listening pleasure! This album is a must have for EVERY NWOBHM devotee and lover of good hard rock and heavy metal music. Songs like “Fear of the Night”, “Law of the Land”, “Feel the Power” or the chilling title-track will simply tear you into pieces!This is a limited collector’s edition, so HURRY UP! THESE MATES SIMPLY RULE and we are proud for releasing this jewel. HAIL!!

Web: www.sonicagerecords.com Email: [email protected]

CULT METAL CLASSICS2009-2010 Re-issues

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“Winds from the black mountain, rend and tear”

i was really astonished when i firstly listened to Pnakotic demos – epic doom metal that generated the same feelings and atmosphere as solstice,

scald, early manowar ! although atlantean kodex is a relatively

new band, they have made serious buzz in the underground scene and many fans (including me!)

claim that this is probably the best band in Germany nowadays!

manuel was kind enough (and very quick!) to answer to this small


Hello! Please present Atlantean Kodex to our readers.Hello. We are Atlantean Kodex and we are alcoholics. We’ve been around for five years now, playing heavy metal in the vein of early Manowar, Viking-era Bathory, Solstice, Manilla Road etc. We’ve released a couple of EPs and are going to release our first full length in 2010. This our first trip to Greece. We’re all in our thirties by now and have been playing in various local metal bands since the early 90s.What has the band been up to lately? What are your recent news and activities?At the moment the main priority is to record our upcoming full length debut album, titled “The Golden Bough”. Currently we’re laying down the vocal lines. Hopefully we can release it around June / July. It’s gonna be massive. Everyone who liked the “Pnakotic Demos” will be satisfied with the album as well. We’ve also been playing a couple of shows, e.g. at the Hammer of Doom festival alongside Saint Vitus and Keep it True 12, of course.You had some line-up problems in the past. Has anything been stable? Are you happy with the current members?Sure I am. I consider this the perfect line-up for the band. We’re all heading in the same direction, the goals are the same and the atmosphere in the band is very good. I hope this line-up will last.How often do you play live? Describe us also a typical Atlantean Kodex show!We’re not playing live very often. Instead, we’re trying to make every show an unique an memorable event. The aim is to take the crowd away to another world. You can expect loads of epic atmosphere, but also pure headbanging action. And beer. Lots of it... Too bad, we’re that ugly. We’d like to have some chicks in the audience as well...You have released some stuff in micro-quantities (10 or 89 copies). Why so? Some people find this frustrating and badly elitist. What is

your opinion? Are you also collectors of rare records?What people tend to underestimate are the costs of producing vinyl releases and the actual demand for the music we’re playing. I knew that the live album for example would appeal only to a very limited crowd of say 90-100 people. So I decided to go for a pressing of 90 copies. In the end I was right. I received about 100 e-mails asking for the album, which means there are really very few people who didn’t have the chance to get it. If I had produced 500 copies, everyone would have had the chance to get the album, but I would have lost 2000 Euros by not having sold the remaining 400 copies. On the other hand I can’t deny that fucking with the collector mafia, who think metal is all about owning the most expensive albums, wasn’t at least a small part of the plan. I hate it, when people forget the actual music over the aspect of OWNING literally every rare and obscure piece of wax, no matter how awful the music is. I’m a collector myself, but I’ll never understand how grown-up people can sulk and whine about not getting every vinyl they want. I also want to have every bit of music released by Tales of Medusa for instance, but if I’m not lucky enough to score a tape or a single, I won’t be “frustrated” as you call it or go sulking about on some internet board or whatever. I think this a very bad development taking place right now. For the money you spend hunting for an obscure 80s release by some irrelevant band you could support 10 young bands of today who are carrying the torch of true underground metal into the 2010s. Don’t get me wrong: like I said, I’m a collector myself, and there’s nothing that can beat the feeling of finally receiving the package with that one rare vinyl you’ve been hunting for 2 years, but in the end it’s the music that counts for me and not the quantity of copies that were pressed. What is your opinion about Up The Hammers festival? How do you feel that you are going to participate in this fest?It’s a great honour and we’re very proud about the fact that we were invited to that great event. Considering the incredible bills the festival had in the past few years, I’d say it’s the best festival in southern Europe. We’re really honoured to play there. We also hope to get to see some Greek culture while we’re in Athens of course.What do you think about the current Heavy Metal scene? Any cool band you listened lately and impressed you?Tons of great new bands! Where shall I start? I have very high hopes for DARK FOREST from the UK, pure NWOBHM-style genius. I’ve heard a couple of songs from the upcoming album and they absolutely kill. Same goes for STRIKER from Canada. Awesome musicians and the music sounds like it’s straight out of 1985. They’re going to tour Germany in April and I can’t miss that. In terms of Doom Metal I’d consider FUNERAL CIRCLE from Canada as one of the finest acts. They definitely have the right attitude. Pure metal, headbanging, beer and Satan. Compared to all those other girlie-doom bands, they’re definitely the real deal.What is your opinion about the following: SOLSTICE, DOOMSWORD, WARLORD, SCALD, BATHORY?SOLSTICE: One of the best bands ever. I guess without “New dark age”

Atlantean Kodex wouldn’t even exist. DOOMSWORD: Good band, but I never really got into Deathmaster’s vocals. Sorry.... WARLORD: One of the main influences on Atlantean Kodex. Bill Tsamis’ guitar work is incredible. The whole work of the band is so mystical and atmospheric. Totally unique. One of my top five bands of all time. SCALD: One of the biggest tragedies for Heavy Metal that the singer took his life. They had so much talent. I saw a clip of one of their unreleased songs on Youtube, recently. Pure magic. They could have become legends. BATHORY: Another tragedy. Quorthon was a genius. Besides “Into glory ride” and “Crystal logic” Bathory’s “Twilight of the gods” to me is the definition of Epic Metal. It’s simply huge, it takes you away to another world. Mind-blowing stuff. You can tell from our sound, that we wouldn’t sound like we do, if Bathory hadn’t existed. What are your next plans and goals for 2010?We’re going to record and release “The Golden Bough” in summer 2010, after that we’re going to play a couple of shows maybe. And hopefully we’ll also make a small trip to Portugal to another festival, in October. Other than that there is not really a plan.The last lines belong to you. Please add any final comments. Thank you.Can’t say how thrilled we all are to come to Greece and play for you guys. The Greek fans have been among the first to support our band and as far as I can tell from the e-mail correspondences and the sales, Greece holds a lot of Atlantean-Kodex-supporters. Really, it’s an honour to play at Up the Hammers. We’re so much looking forward to meet you all and talk to you and drink with you and praise Zeus, the Thunderer, for the power of metal, he bestowed upon humankind. Hails!

Antonis Adamakos Web: www.atlanteankodex.de


The Hidden Folk EP (split with Vestal Scarlet)

(Metal Coven, 2007)

The Pnakotic Demos EP(New Iron Age, 2007)

A Prophet in the Forest EP

(Iron Kodex, 2008)

The Pnakotic Vinyls DoLP 10’’(Iron Kodex, 2009)

The Annihilation of Konigshofen LP (Temple of Katholic Magick, 2009)

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I was excited when the lyrical epic metallers from Cyprus were announced to perform at Up The Hammers festival! Just a few days before the release of “Terra Incognita”, Nicolas Leptos, the charismatic singer of Arryan Path, gives us the latest news from their camp.

Can you provide a short bio of the band?The band was formed around 1997 in Boston, Massachusetts where I was studying. It kind of ‘relocated’ to Cyprus and after two 7-song demos we recorded our debut album ‘Road to Macedonia’ in 2004. Arryan path was put on ice for a few years as my brother, Paris, our bass player and me, were busy with Prodigal Earth, my childhood band since 1995. The band was re-activated again 1,5 years ago and our second cd ‘Terra incognita’ will be out soon. Even though this is like a personal project of mine, I couldn’t have done it without the collaboration of many friends and musicians who helped along the way, dating back to the demo era.

Are you happy with the release of your first cd through Steel Gallery records? Did it go well? 4 years have passed since the release, would you change anything?‘Road to Macedonia’ went very well, especially in Greece. We have created our own little fan-base and I must add that I very often receive emails from many metalheads expressing their admiration and love for this album. Hmm, if I had to do it all over again I think I would mix the keyboards lower. You will hear in our new album that keyboards, even though they play an important role to our sound (from the start), they are mixed lower, giving more emphasis on the guitars. I am having some thoughts of remixing 2 or 3 songs from our debut, making them more guitar-oriented, even though I’m not a fan of remixes.

What has the band been up to lately? What are your recent news and activities?The band is at the moment preparing for UP THE HAMMERS festival. This is a special event for us because it is the first time that the band is playing abroad. We are also waiting for our new album ‘Terra incognita’ to come out. We have signed with Pitch black records and we’re hoping that it will go well. On our part, we have done everything possible to write great songs, have the best possible production, a very good packaging and now it’s up to the label to do their part. When your new cd “Terra Incognita” is coming out? Can you give us some details on the new album?The album is coming out at the beginning of February. It will contain 10 songs that hopefully will satisfy every fan of epic and power metal. I wanted this album to be a step higher than the previous one. Not necessarily song-wise but for sure production-wise. So we decided to record abroad. We travelled to Germany at the Maranis studios and recorded there for two weeks. Stefan Dittrich from Mystic prophecy played the drums, Vangelis Maranis (ex Sanvoisen) played bass,

additional guitars and sang a duet with me and Alexis Kleidaras, a good friend of mine from Greece (he used to play with Deceptor) played some additional lead guitars. Of course my brother Socratis was the main guitarist and George Kallis played the keys. We hope this album will be embraced by everyone who liked our debut and maybe even win us some new fans!

What is your opinion about Up The Hammers festival? How do you feel that you are going to participate in this fest?Well, I know that it’s one of the most important festivals for this type of music and for bands like us. People travel from all over Europe to attend. From what I understand, it is a festival that fans wait for the whole year! I am very happy that we will play there.

Can you give us your opinion about the other bands that will take part in U.T.H.?This event gave me the chance to know more about the music of these bands. I was never too ‘deep’ into the underground scene so I didn’t know all the bands that were playing. But I looked them up and discovered some amazing music! I’m looking forward to seeing all of them play, especially Doomsword!

What do you think about the current Heavy Metal scene? Any cool band you listened lately and impressed you?You know, there are so many albums coming out each week! And from all genres of metal! Before, bands could never put out a cd unless they had a contract with a label. Now they can just record it themselves, promote it through the internet and sell it themselves! I am a fan of all kinds of metal music and I really can’t keep up with all the new releases. One can’t buy everything. But, to answer your question, I think there are some very good bands out there. I liked the new WASP. The new Overkill kicks ass! Kamelot, Symphony X and Rhapsody always write good music. I also like Lost Horizon and Hibria. There’s some great music out there. Nowadays there are many good singers, great guitar players and every neighborhood has a kick-ass drummer!

Can you tell us a few things about the scene in Cyprus? How strong is the scene? Is there enough support from the press and fans? How often a gig is organised? Also, what is your opinion about your cousin’s band SOLITARY SABRED?In Cyprus we have a very small scene and very few bands. Not many people come to the concerts and that forces the bands to play less and less. A band cannot have a live every week or even every month because they’re messing with the balance of demand and offer. You always see the same people in the concerts. The few dedicated fans who are basically holding the scene together and for that it doesn’t fall apart! We have a great metal bar called Rocka Rolla (I recommend it) and people meet there to listen to their metal and enjoy themselves but besides that just a few radio shows (at early morning hours). The good thing is that we have at least one group of high standards for each genre and everyone knows each other. Concerning your question about Solitary sabred; they play a, what one would call, ‘back-to-the-roots’ epic metal, very different from

the epic metal that we play. They have passion in what they’re doing because they’re playing the music that they prefer listening to, and even though it’s not really my style, I really liked some of their songs. I wish them the best for the future!

Recently, you released a cd with PRODIGAL EARTH (ex-Gangland). Your cd is really great. Powerful, melodic and somehow unique sounding... congrats! Can you give us some info about the band and this cd?Prodigal earth has a very special place in my heart. It’s the band that we started when we were 16 years old and a band that consists only of family and close friends! Some of the members of Arryan path are also in Prodigal earth. The band sounds a lot like Iron Maiden but with a bit more ‘progressiveness’ I would say. ‘Zenith II Zero’ is a very special album for me and I know that people liked it because it’s close to selling out. So thanks to everyone who bought it! I hope to do more with this band in the future.

What are your next plans and goals for 2010?Aha… good question! Many things. First I would like to say that Arryan path are back to stay! There are lots of songs yet to be recorded. The plan is to record at least one cd per year. I hope we will be able to do that. I already have an idea of how the next album will sound and I think it’s going to be great. Now for me, this does not end here. We are planning an album with Prodigal earth. I don’t know when but hopefully it can be out in a year from now. I will also participate in a few projects from Cyprus bands and I am also discussing about singing the vocals for an amazing Greek group that is well respected and well-known in Greece ;). So you see, no rest for me at all this year! More news coming soon!

The last lines belong to you. Please add any final comments.I am looking forward to seeing everybody at the front row at UP THE HAMMERS! To headbang, sing the lyrics together and travel to ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and middle earth. Listen to our new album ‘Terra incognita’ and tell us your opinion. I’m leaving you with some lyrics from ‘Molon lave’, a new song that we will play at the festival: ‘300 lions, 300 men, 300 soldiers with ideals to defend, remember us, the fallen ones, the only reason you have pride now, is because we are now dust’, hail!!

Antonis Adamakos


“Return to Troy” demo (Private, 1999)

“Osiris” demo (Private, 2000)

“Road to Macedonia” CD (Steel Gallery, 2004)

“Terra Incognita” CD (Pitch Black, 2010)

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Pure Metal, Pure Banging,

Pure Drinking… that’s CONVIXION,

a Hellenic band that is a big hope

for our scene. Most of our readers will definitely remember

their appearance in the 2nd Up The

Hammers festival. Let’s see what the

mastermind of this band Nick Papakostas

has to say!

Can you provide a short bio of the band?Well, the band exists since the year 2002. We were inactive for some years until the year 2007 when we came back into action. Since then we have released a five track EP from Eat Metal Records and have done many gigs. The line – up remains the same the last three years. Me on guitars and vocals, Stelios Makris on guitars, Mike Bakoulas on the bass and Manos Kehagias on the drums.

What has the band been up to lately? What are your recent news and activities? The last year I had to complete my military duties BUT on the contrary with other bands, when some members serve the military, we weren’t hold back. We did as many lives as we could, wrote some new songs and now we are recording our album. We also played on some great shows with the legendary Angel Witch and Tankard.

Your first mini-CD released by Eat Metal. Did it go well? Can you also give us some info on the new cd that is going to be released on March?As far as I know the CD is sold out. I guess that’s good! The new album will be released by Eat Metal Records. It contains eight new songs on the same heavy – speed – thrash style. It will be self – titled and we have plans for a video clip. The people that come to our shows are already familiar with most of the new songs and the comments are encouraging.

You are also the guitarist of Strikelight. What are the latest news from your other band?Strikelight have composed eight new songs. The drums and bass were recorded almost two years ago. Due to many difficulties and restrictions we couldn’t complete the album. But it is almost ready. It will be released by EMR on the same day as the Convixion album.

The famous gossip reporter of HotMetalGossip.com has published some pics of you and your famous friends in a strip club. Can you tell us what happened that night?It was the first day of the new decade. There was something magic in the air (or was it in our drinks?) that lead us all at an underground strip – club. The drinks were many. So were the babes. So later that night the DJ scored some eighties – disco songs on the decks. We couldn’t resist the feeling so we got on the stage and started dancing. When the stripers saw us came running on the stage and danced along with us. Unfortunately my girlfriend was also there so I couldn’t taste their HOT bodies…but I wouldn’t say the same for the president – C.E.O of Eat Metal Records. The best babe of all grabbed him and Greg didn’t lose the chance to grab her ass!!! What happened next it’s just history…

You had won in a beer contest. How many beers did you drink that night? Who other famous beerdrinkers took part? What was the prize?Yes it is true. Before the contest I had already drunk many beers. On the contest I had to drink six or seven beers before the other five contestants. Pretty easy I thought until I saw the beers. They were warm as hell and awful. It was a very underground – cheap label from LIDL. But with my strategy I wiped the others from the face of the earth. I didn’t even puke as the others did (I puked later!). I don’t remember who else took part because as I told you I was already drunk. The price unfortunately was a twenty four pack of the same lame beers. I took them at Eat Metal’s headquarters but I forgot them there. The next day I went to get them but I found only the empty cans at the garbage!

What is your opinion about Up The Hammers festival? It was about time for someone to take the decision and risk to organise a festival like that. It grows bigger every year and it is a pity that this year the festival doesn’t take place in a bigger venue. It is also a shame that the fans from abroad are almost more than the fans from Greece. It shows that here in Greece we want to give tons of money to the other organisers that don’t respect what metal is all about. I am also disappointed with the major magazines of Greece. They should prompt their readers to support this festival more than any other festival because its spirit is true but on the contrary not even the editors attend it. Lame. And of course it is our honour to participate at the festival for a second time. Yeah.

Can you give us your opinion about the other bands that will take part in U.T.H.?I haven’t seen live most of the bands that will play and I am glad that I will see again the rest for a second or a third time. I can’t wait to see Enforcer again and I hope for Savage Grace to kick ass.

What do you think about the current Heavy Metal scene? Any cool band you listened lately and impressed you?Yes. As I have already mentioned, Enforcer. They blew me away the first

time that I heard their album and when I saw them live in Germany I was just amazed. I also like the works of Cauldron from Canada, Blaze from Japan and White Wizard from California. It seems that there is a come – back on the classic sounds the last years, with those bands taking the lead rolls and it makes me wonder why, God dammed, can’t the bands from Greece be a part of that. The answer is very complicated and not for the moment.

What is your top 10 - all time classics album list?If you had asked me one week ago I would say another list because I change my mind all the time. So for this week I would say: Heavy Load – Death Or Glory, Exciter – Heavy Metal Maniac, Picture – Heavy Metal Ears, Stormwitch – Walpurgis Night, Ostrogoth – Full Moon’s Eyes, Exodus – Bonded By Blood, Testament – The New Order, Sodom – Persecution Mania, Tankard – Zombie Attack, Tyrant (UK) – Anthology.

What are your next plans and goals for 2010?After the UTH is over, we’ll make some gigs to promote our album around Greece. On May we’ll play at Long Live Metal Festival in Belgium and there is a strong possibility we will play in Spain with Brocas Helm, Metal Inquisitor and Released Anger.

The last lines belong to you. Please add any final comments.Thank you very much for the interview and we hope to have a great time at U.T.H. Metal Above All.

Antonis Adamakos


“Metal Drinkin’ Conspiracy” mini CD (Eat Metal, 2007)

‘Ομώνυμο’ CD(Eat Metal, 2010)

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Is DEXTER WARD a normal band or a project?Hail Antonis! Thank you very much, this is Dexter Ward’s interview #1 !DEXTER WARD is a real band by all means! No project at all! We are back on the streets and we’ll take no prisoners!

How did you come up with the line-up? Do you think all members share the same vision?Me and Manolis had the same vision from day one. Besides being best friends, we’ve been doing music together for many years, we love to play and write together. When we decided to create DEXTER WARD and started searching for band members our idea for the line up was a group of individuals who could cooperate smoothly on both the personal and the musical level. Akis used to play classic heavy metal many years ago, nowadays he’s into different styles of music but he’s a good friend and recorded / co-produced our first album with Battleroar, plus he makes a very good guitar partner for Manolis, which is very important. He’s also a very talented soloist with great melodic taste.

John immediately liked our material and he’s a big Iron Maiden fan, he can play any style really but what we needed was this type of bass player, dynamic, technical and fantasious who could easily fit in our Iron Maiden inspired american heavy metal songwriting. We have been friends with John for many years and shared stage and drinks together many times.As for Aggelos, there’s not much to say, you can’t go wrong with him being one of the best drummers in Greece, he’s a real powerhouse. He likes the songs and loves to play!

The songs you have posted on mySpace have a more straightforward classic heavy metal approach, and do not remind the epic side of Battleroar. Was this direction made on purpose? Should we expect more epic stuff in future? Like the tracks of Hyrkanian Blade (the project of Marco, some tracks were also transferred to Battleroar)?

How would you describe your style, by the way?The songs composed under the name HYRKANIAN BLADES could be epic in style (like “Egyptian Doom” or “Sword of Crom” for example) or more straightforward US Metal like “Stars and Stripes”, sometimes it was something in between like “Warlord of Mars”, “The Wrathforge”, or “Vampire Killer”. It was never intentional, to write an epic song instead of a classic heavy metal one, it depends on the feeling you have at that specific moment. I personally find it quite frustrating to feel compelled to write only in a specific style, when I write a song and it comes out epic, for me it’s just a classic heavy metal song with an epic theme or feel. So this is the style for DEXTER WARD ... we play classic heavy metal, Iron Maiden inspired, in the american way! Sometimes more epic, sometimes more straightforward, as it happens afterall with most of our favourite bands.

Do you have enough songs for an album? What should we expect?Yes, between me and Manolis we have a good number of songs ready. At the moment we’re recording three tracks in demo form, our plan is to have them ready for the UTH fest. It will be “Double Dragon” and “Youngblood”, the songs which can be found on the myspace, plus “Antarctic Dream”, a more epic track from the HYRKANIAN BLADES material. The rest of the songs are a mix of epic and classic, I can give some of the titles: “Evil Nightmares”, “Ghost Rider”, “Force of the Pentacle”, “Crusades”, “Return of the Longships”, “The Nameless City”, “Streets of Fire”, “Back to Saigon” and more. How did the name of the band came out? The name was taken from a H.P.Lovecraft story, “The Case of Charles Dexter Ward”. It’s my favourite Lovecraft story since when I was a teenager. I think it stands also as a metaphor ... the dead magician Joseph Curwen (U.S. Metal) coming back to life from his essential salts by the hand of the young Charles DEXTER WARD ... I bet the salts were white, red and blue!

What about the lyrics? Any common concept?No, there’s no common thread, although some of the songs such as “Youngblood” and “Evil Nightmares” have a religious message, you could consider them as White Metal. Our motto is “U.S. Metal for the Light!” and that’s for a good reason. I think there’s a great need for light in our lives, especially nowadays. We are no preachers of course but we think heavy metal with a positive attitude and purpose should uplift and unite the hearts of the young ... that’s what “Youngblood” is about.

On the other hand “Double Dragon” is about the 80s coin-op videogame from TECHNOS ... legendary for the ones who remember! Fighting against mutant warriors and gangs in a post apocalyptic NY city ... it can’t get more american and more epic than that!“Antarctic Dream” takes inspiration from both Lovecraft (“At the Mountains of Madness”) and Howard (the youth of Conan in Cimmeria), and it ends with a Lovecraft quote “Sick of this sphere, in time and conflict old / We yearn for wonders, distant and untold”, which explains perfectly what heavy metal means for us.

Your next plans?To perform two shows at the fest and the warm up, we’re very excited about it!After UTH we’ll start working on more songs and tracking demos for a forthcoming album release. We don’t have a deadline set, we’ll take our time to achieve the best results! As for the live activity, the more, the better! Thank you for the interview! Please add anything you like for the end!See you in Athens and thank you for all the support! It’s great to be back! DEXTER WARD - U.S. METAL FOR THE LIGHT!All the best!Marco

Antonis Adamakos


Heavy Metal Fighters!Immediately after the departure of Manolis and Marco from Battleroar, they formed a new kick-ass band! The first tracks posted at myspace were a sign of what will follow! Marco is giving some info about this newly formed band.

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When and under which circumstances was DOOMSWORD formed? Deathmaster: DOOMSWORD was formed back in 1997. At the time I was the guitarist in a band called AGARTHI, and while I was having a good time I really wanted to form an Epic Metal band. I remember being in a Metal shop in Milan and overhearing a conversation about CIRITH UNGOL which attracted my attention so I joined in and found out that the two guys I was talking to were Maurizio from the label Underground Symphony and Sandro Buti (Italian Journalist). Maurizio already knew AGARTHI so I told him about my wish to form an Epic Metal band in WARLORD/MEDIEVAL STEEL style and he said that if I did that he’d publish us right away. It was not so easy to get a label to publish Classic Metal so when I went home I called Guardian Angel (who was also playing in AGARTHI) and asked him for help. He was both a drummer and a guitarist and all we needed was a bass player, as I was taking care of guitars and vocals.

In late 1997, you released the “Sacred Metal” demo. Can you give us some info about this recording? Deathmaster: We wrote the demo in about a week and recorded it in a few hours, by October 1997 the demo was for sale, I don’t remember selling more than a few copies, the rest were given out as promotional copies or lost.

In 1999, you released “Doomsword”, an album that was hailed with great enthusiasm from the underground press of the time and with very slow steps from the big magazines (here in Greece at least)Deathmaster: It was not so different outside Greece. Well we did get reviewed in a couple of German and Italian big magazines but a killer review, such as the ones in Snakepit or Steel Conjuring was all we wanted.

The follow-up was out in 2002, this time under the Dragonheart label. Better distribution and a “better” timing of course combined with classic material resulted in an album that put the band in the map and started a “strange” journey. I mean DOOMSWORD was / is (as you put it in an interview in 2003-2004) a “huge” underground act, but a small mainstream one. What were the reasons for this? Deathmaster: DOOMSWORD’s music has many elements of melody and sometimes it can even be catchy but by no means is it accessible to the masses. Most people would find DOOMSWORD boring, slow, not clean enough especially if compared to mainstream acts. We always referenced bands such as WARLORD, MANILLA ROAD or CIRITH UNGOL, and this probably contributed to keep DOOMSWORD an underground act for underground fans rather than a mainstream success. Finally, our production was willingly different from the mainstream way of recording, rough and ready, less polished-more Metal.

The baptism of fire concerning live shows came in the 26th of October 2002 in Porto D’Ascoli, supporting no other than MANILLA ROAD. I guess this was a dream for all of you.Deathmaster: No, the truth is that it wasn’t even a dream! We had no plans to play live and never heard of any US Metal legends coming to Europe to play shows so it was completely unexpected when Gianluca Silvi called to ask us to play! Of course we suddenly became a live band in that moment. It was an amazing experience (Mark Shelton even asked me on stage to sing with him). There were probably less than 100 people at the show but you know, to quote a famous band “they were few in number, but the look in their eyes…”

The second show DOOMSWORD gave, was in Athens in the 2nd of March 2003 (supported by BATTLE RAM, DENIAL PRICE and SACRED OUTCRY), where you (we) have some very strong memories. Your comments please.Deathmaster: Athen was incredible. It is probably still the most amazing show we ever played. The atmosphere was magic, the reaction from the crowd was unbelievable, they sang every single word of every song, the most epic feeling I have ever felt on a stage, and it was our very first concert abroad! And not just the show… we were hanging around Athens for a couple of days and it looked to us as if we were in Metal City. Since then I believe you can’t say you’ve witnessed real Metal madness until you’ve been at the right show in Athens. We will simply never forget that experience and I doubt anything will ever match it.

The Horn has resoundedDOOMSWORD. One of the names that definitely commands respect even from people not so

much into their sound. Since 1999, they have released 4 albums and they will release their new (untitled yet) opus, later in 2010. Expecting their appearance at Up the Hammers V Festival, where

they will headline the second day (as well as their new album), I e-mailed a bunch of questions to Deathmaster who was kind enough to answer to some of my queries that I think that will be of

much interest to most fans of this killer band.

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At the time of the 2nd albums’ release, there were some unreleased tracks, namely “Pagan Altar” (inspired by the British Gods, I guess?), “Stygian Council” and “In the Battlefield” (same song as on the 3rd LP???) and you said that they should be reworked, but not included in a future release. Any news or is it just a stupid trivia question? Deathmaster: Well, “Pagan Altar” is “Odin’s Hail”, the title track of “Resound the Horn”. “Stygian Council” has been reworked and may be on our 6th album (we just finished recording the 5th). “In the Battlefield” is not the same song that went on “Let Battle Commence”. In fact it’s a very old composition. Parts of it are as old as the demo.

And what about “Crimson Sky-The Flag of Armageddon”?Deathmaster: It’s basically lost. I get flashes of the riffs every now and then and I really hope to record it one day because I know it was a killer apocalyptic doom song, in the way of the song “The DoomSword”.

As a Metal fan, I would like to ask you what’s your opinion that the first two DOOMSWORD LP’s (and mainly the debut) can be sold for as high as 50€ nowadays? Deathmaster: I imagine that people have paid more than 50€, I certainly have seen the first CD for sale for even more than that. It all comes down to supply and demand…in a perfect world the fans would be able to get a copy of the CD or vinyls for a fair price and the band would even get paid. These days if something is hard to find sellers can get away with charging the price they want (e.note: great answer, if all bands had this attitude…).

The third album, “Let Battle Commence” was released in 2003 and while at first it seemed to

make a very good impression to most of the DOOMSWORD fans (me included) as time passed it got “weaker” in the minds of many fans and nowadays (especially with the “aid” of the killer 4th CD) it can be easily labeled as your weakest one. Do you share this view? (Or parts of it?)Deathmaster: Let me take the opportunity to say that it depends on who I am talking to; fans are continuously telling us which the best album is, it’s always amusing to watch people fighting among themselves on this topic. Does it matter? So I still hear that “Let Battle Commence” is the best DOOMSWORD album from a lot of people and for some aspects it is, looking back with hindsight the songs could have done with less repetition and more lead parts. I am also quite surprised by how people often call “Let Battle Commence” a minimalist album, as it is not easy material to play at all, sometimes I wonder if there wasn’t real genius in making very complicated things sound so simple. I also think that this is the risk with concept albums; they are always ambitious and more difficult to understand. Anyway, lessons are being learned all the time. But yes, some fans’ reaction to “Let Battle Commence” contributed to that “retro” atmosphere of “My Name Will Live On”.

The album sounded very BATHORY influenced and the atmosphere leaned more on the Doom side. Was it a conscious decision the album to sound like this, or were you so much into this songwriting by that time? I know that the URKRAFT / GJALLAHORN material had been prior to this, but could it be that it played some role? If yes, why didn’t you try to “keep” it in a project and let it “spread” in DOOMSWORD? Deathmaster: First of all the biggest element was probably the introduction of Wrathlord at the drums which

made DOOMSWORD sound a lot more violent and Viking sounding. Wrathlord contributed greatly to this album. The problem was the absence of other members. There were some more classic Metal aspects missing but I won’t accept that it is a “BATHORY” album …yes they were a huge influence most probably due to the theme of the album but all five albums sound different to each other anyway. I believe that if something doesn’t sound VERY DOOMSWORD it’s only wise and respectful to the fans to keep it separated maybe to be released with another name. Also as far as I remember GJALLAHORN were formed after “Let Battle Commence” was recorded. In fact I remember thinking GJALLAHORN was an ideal way to “vent” my Viking compositions without “tainting” DOOMSWORD anymore.

After the third album, there was a small period of intense activity for the band with shows etc. but it seems that some band problems kept the band in hiatus for quite some time. Why was that? Deathmaster: After the third album there was a reshuffle in the line up, and it took us time to re-adjust things. There was also a brief period for my part of about 6 months before I began writing “My Name Will Live On”, I had moved country and was busy finding my way but the year didn’t end before I had borrowed a guitar and began work on “My name will live On”. Yes it took some

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time for us to get organized and get into the studio and there was no time for live shows in that period but as soon as we were done we started off with the show in Milan with WOTAN…I’ll be honest with you, I wouldn’t say problems stopped the band from going on, it was more circumstances of life, and not even that unusual or abnormal.

In April 2008, the band performed at the Keep it True Festival (being one of the very few bands to have played twice there). To many fans dismay, the show was not what we expected from you, especially if we take into consideration the very strong 4th album you had, the presence of Nightcomer on vocals and the excitement that many fans had to see you as it has been quite some time. What are your comments on that night? Deathmaster: The show was not what we expected from ourselves! Its difficult to say what exactly went wrong …it was possibly a number of things added up together. There were sound problems and missed timings from the band which didn’t help (Nightcomer also went a bit further with his performance than in rehearsals) but there was also a strange energy on the stage and from the crowd. To add to this I had completely lost my singing voice just previously but decided that the show could not be cancelled...I only heard some clear notes for the first time in months right before going on stage! We are kicking ourselves that the show was not perfect for the fans. The rehearsals were really good and the next show we played was near perfect! There is a part of all of this that is a mystery to me. That show still means a lot now that Nightcomer is no longer involved in the Metal scene, it really was a one-off and the weekend was really amazing, Keep It True is a great festival.

“My Name will live on” is the latest offering of the band, to my ears sounding like the perfect mix between the first two LP’s, bringing back the “old” DOOMSWORD sound and leaving back the minimal, more Doom/BATHORY approach of the third. Was this a deliberate choice? I remember back in 2006 both you and Forger telling me in various occasions that it would be a return to the sound of the first albums. Deathmaster: It was definitely a deliberate choice. The fourth album has elements of all three previous albums and it was time to shake off the new label of “Viking Metal” which we never were nor ever will be. “My Name Will Live On” has a lot more classic references and a far more dedicated lineup in the studio therefore it sounds more like the first two but I think you will agree Kostas that it also stands on its own? (e.note: Absolutely) With the fifth album we will no doubt lose some fans and gain some new ones. Lets us know what you think when it is released!

On “My name will Live on”, you managed to have Vittorio Ballerio from the mighty ADRAMELCH

Deathmaster: No it’s simply not true. Sure we had the advantage that we were looking back to these references and trying to create something new while they were referencing a different generation of rock bands. If anything, I like to think that the 80’s albums mentioned on the first album were all original sounding and that DOOMSWORD too have created something more unique than the clones of bands you often hear (e.note: that’s so true). Having said that, we got some great feedback at the time from Bill Tsamis and Robert Garven and heard from someone

at the time that Mark Shelton had the first CD in his house… we couldn’t really ask for more than that. We continue to march on our own path always playing for ourselves and playing from the heart not according to a definition of what we should play.

What should we expect from DOOMSWORD in the near future? Deathmaster: Album number 5 is due for release soon. It’s another change in sound but still remarkably DOOMSWORD. No doubt we will get lots of feedback from our Hellenic fans which we look forward too…good or bad! Also we hope to release “My Name Will Live On” and the fifth album on vinyl in very limited quantities just for fans.

Thanks a lot for the interview and your time, I really saw more as a friendly talk, rather than a presentation and I think quite a few things have been cleared. The last words are yours…Deathmaster: Thank you my friend, your interview/chat is possibly one of the most interesting I’ve ever done, especially because you know the band so well and probably represent the voice of many fans so well too. hope any doubts have been cleared, all we’re thinking of now is to kick ass at the Up the Hammers Festival. The rest is… beers and gyros. Hails!

Kostas Kailiazis



“Sacred Metal” demo tape (Private, 1998)

“Doomsword” CD/LP(Underground Symphony, 1999)

“Resound the Horn” CD/2LP(Dragonheart/

Metal Supremacy, 2002)

“Let Battle Commence” CD/LP (Dragonheart, 2003/

Metal Supremacy, 2005)

“My name will Live on” CD (Dragonheart, 2007)

making guest vocals. How did this happen?Deathmaster: Vittorio and I are in contact with each other and he asked me if there was a part he could sing on the album. Of course it was a huge honor for me and he did a really great job, definitely made “Once Glorious” sound very special.

Looking back at the 10-years career of DOOMSWORD (and with 4 albums under your name), what are your feelings? Do you feel that the work paid off? Deathmaster: I’ll be honest, I feel very strange about our career. When we started we knew exactly what we wanted to do, how we wanted to do it. And obviously-being young and bold-we wanted some recognition of our value from the Metal scene. But nowadays all that is gone… our only commandment is to play Epic Heavy Metal, but what we want is simply to create great Metal, and nothing else-that’s the only constant nowadays. We don’t play to please the fans. We simply (and strongly) hope that our taste in music and that of our fans match. We never want to repeat ourselves so we also put a genuine effort into being creative, keeping that DOOMSWORD feeling without ever doing a “Resound the Horn pt. 2”. So in this sense, yes it did pay off, because I still like every single song on our albums even though they’re so different to each other.And it also paid off because we’re about to release a fifth album and I can’t think of many bands having five albums out, that in itself is a great achievement in terms of dedication and endurance, and we have tracks for a sixth album already…

In the back of the “Doomsword” LP, there were some 80’s albums/bands mentioned. Even from that time there were reviews/fans stating that you outclassed some of them. I am of the same opinion. Being a fan yourself, how do you view this?

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“Scream of the Savages”Sweden’s metal merchants ENFORCER took us by surprise with the release of “Into the night”, an awesome debut that brought us in mind the glory days of NWOBHM mixed with the characteristic sound of their 80’s compatriots!!! A couple of days before their first ever gig in Greece and in the middle of recording sessions for the forthcoming second release, the quintet found a little time to answer

to our questions…

How do you feel that you’ve participating in one of the greatest underground festivals in Europe such as Up The Hammers?I don’t think too much of it, we play lots of different festivals and occasional gigs with very varied line-ups. But of course it feels great to play with bands that I admire myself and also get the chance to see all those bands. Generally I’m not a big fan of re-united old bands that have lost the flame though, and unfortunately most of the bands have lost it. I’m really excited about seeing Savage Grace, one of my all time favourite bands!

Apart from your fellow compatriots IN SOLITUDE, what do you think of the others bands of the billing?I haven’t got the chance to check out the other bands yet, but I got really excited when I heard that Savage Grace are performing.

I was highly impressed by your debut “Into the night” and it seems that I wasn’t the only one… Which were the reactions by the press and fans in a worldwide basis?The world-wide reactions have been pretty good and the attention has obviously taken us all over the world. But it’s still nothing compared to what’s to come.

It seems that the new wave of traditional heavy metal is going stronger and stronger and ENFORCER surely belong to the elite of the genre. What do you want to

express through your music? Is it a tribute to your idols or something more?I have no goal with the song writing and I’m not writing for anyone else than myself. It’s no tribute or anything, I just write music that I would enjoy myself. I think it is when you start write for something else than your own satisfaction that you will lose it. If it’s something I want to express it would be aggression and energy.

How the tour in U.S. with CAULDRON went and which are the main differences of American fans comparing with the European audience?

It went really well! We played for sold-out venues almost all nights in front of crazy American fans and groupies. It’s really hard to say what American fans are like since it seems like there’s a huge difference depending on where in the US you are. It’s a hell of big country!

Do you think that using internet’s possibilities gives you a chance to spread your music even to people that in any other case they wouldn’t have the opportunity to listen to you?Of course, and to be honest, we wouldn’t exist without internet and all the appreciation that the world-wide fans gave us in the beginning of our carrier through internet.

If someone approaches you and ask you to describe to him in a few words what ENFORCER are about, what you should tell him?It’s all about pure energy. Musically and


What are you listening to up lately and I’d like to give us your opinion about HEAVY LOAD, CANDLEMASS, AXEWITCH, MERCYFUL FATE, SILVER MOUNTAIN, MINDLESS SINNER…I’ve been listening very much to US-metal such as Lizzy Borden, Omen and Death Dealer. I highly appreciate all the Swedish bands you mention and it feels really good to precede the Scandinavian legacy of real hard rock left by those bands.

Which is the most ambitious dream / goal that you want to achieve as a member of ENFORCER?World domination, and that’s no dream.

You’re in the process of recording new songs for the forthcoming second album… What should we expect? You should expect the most raw, heavy and cool metal record ever put out, what else? “Diamonds” are way more varied than the last record though. The concentration is still the same, but some songs tend to be even more towards speed metal and some other songs towards straight hard rock. A compilation of great heavy metal to be appreciated by everyone!

Gregory Baxevanidis



“Evil Attacker” Demo(Private, 2005)

“Evil Attacker / Mistress from Hell” 7” Single

(Iron Pegasus, 2005)

“Into the Night”(Heavy Artillery, 2008)

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taking control, which is a very powerful experience. The people who understand, they understand. How do you feel that you’re coming for first time in Greece and what do you think that underground festivals such as Up The Hammers? I have never been to Up The Hammers before so I don’t know what to expect. But I have a genuine love for the country, its rich history and the serpents that slumbers there. And they shall be awakened… Which is your opinion about the other bands that are participating at the festival? I don’t listen that much to any of the bands except Enforcer, but we’ll see. What the future will bring for the band? Do you have any plans for recording your new stuff soon? Will it be at the same direction or not?That depends on what you mean with ”direction”, but yes, it is the same flesh and blood. If we look upon it as an organic process. It’s the same tree, growing, new branches and new caves. New eyes. So yes, there is new material in progress for a second album, and it is hell. Can you name your all-time top 10 list of albums that in one way or another inspired you to be involved with heavy metal?That doesn’t work for me, there is too much albums that have meant too

Many people believe that IN SOLITUDE is the ideal mix of early IRON MAIDEN and MERCYFYL FATE… Do you agree or not with this description? No, we are In Solitude. Are you the ideal mixture of Iron Maiden and Mercyful Fate? How the underground press and fans behaved to your debut eponymous release? Are you satisfied by the songs as composers and musicians? I am very satisfied with the album. Like a thousand scythes being swinged back and forth in a crowd of lambs, children, cows and gods. I don’t really know about the ”underground”.. There are usually people at our gigs and they seem to appreciate it. Why did you choose two different labels (Pure Steel and High Roller) to release your effort on cd and vinyl as well? Are you vinyl collectors and do you think that true metal bands must follow the tradition of the 80’s where vinyl was the total king of music industry? I personally prefer vinyl for various reasons, but I couldn’t care less weather people buy CD or vinyl. And since some tend to buy CD and some tend to buy vinyl, we released both. Can you give to us the picture of a typical IN SOLITUDE show? Which was the best and worst live experience so far?In Solitude live is our inner demons

“By the Grace of the Witch”MERCYFUL FATE’s musical background undoubtely affected many new

bands which tries to capture the feeling of the Danes early recordings “Melissa” and “Don’t break the oath”… IN SOLITUDE are hailing from Sweden and their eponymous debut proved the abilities of the quintet, so let’s see

what they’ve told us concerning their latest activities…

much for me and the band. But for the moment, things like Nick Cave, Masters Hammer, Dissections ”Reinkaos” and Ozzy Osbourne have been very important. Which is the secret for artists coming from the Swedish shores and they’ve conquered the entire music industry?S a c r i f i c e ! Thank you so much for your answers… Any last comments? Da tariki, tariqat!

Greg Baxevanidis



“In Solitude” Demo(Private, 2005)

“Hidden Dangers” Demo(Private, 2006)

“Hidden Dangers” 7” Single(SMP, 2008)

“In Solitude” CD / LP(Pure Steel / High Roller, 2008)

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Please provide a short bio of the band!

MARAUDER were created in 1990 by the two guitarists Andreas Tsaousis and George Sofronas. Until now, the band has released 2 demo tapes and 4 cd’s. After many live shows during these 20 years, MARAUDER have been established as one of the most important Metal bands in Greece. The band currently is in the studio recording the new upcoming cd – we hope to be released before the summer.

Please give us some info on your fourth album “Face the Mirror”. How would you compare it with your other releases? Are you satisfied with the final result? How was the feedback from the press and fans?

With “Face the Mirror” album we tried to sound more traditional by giving more aggressiveness to our music. We had some arguments about the production of the cd (which was 100% our responsibility), but we think the result was a good Heavy Metal album afterall. We like to believe that the fans liked it to.

What is your opinion about Up The Hammers festival? How do you feel that you are going to participate in this fest? It gets better and better every year, with bigger bands playing and more people turning up. We are honoured to play with such good bands this year. We will try to sound the best we can, and give our 100% on stage. We will play many songs from the“1821”cd, and many more due to the band’s 20th anniversary.

Can you give us your opinion about the other bands that will take part in U.T.H.?All the bands that will take part are great, but I personally like Praying

Mantis the most…because of the age…ha ha ha.

What do you think about the current Heavy Metal scene? Any cool band you listened lately and impressed you?

SABBATON is one band that impressed us since we played together last year. Even though they are young they are very professional. In Sweden there is a much better foundation for music for metal bands than there in Greece. We liked the recent cd from “uncle” UDO a lot, and we are expecting the new GAMMA RAY, POWER CRUE and INNER WISH cd’s as well! As for the global heavy metal scene, we’ve said it before. Chaos. Whoever has an overdrive at his guitar becomes “Metal”. Anyway, thankfully there are still some good bands that keep up the good music. What are your favorite bands?


What are your next plans and goals for 2010? Have you started writing new songs? When do you expect your next release to come out?

Right now we are in the middle of the recordings for the new album at the new C.N.D. studios. For the time being, we are very excited about the result of the

cd. We hope that the cd will be released by the end of this summer.

The last lines belong to you. Please add any final comments.We hope to see you all at the U.T.H. Fest and on April the 18th at the same club (AN CLUB) we will be having a party playing songs from all our demos and albums plus many surprises with old members of the band participating! We will burn the house down! Cheers!!!

Antonis Adamakos



“Try To Live” Demo(Private, 1991)

“The Die Is Cast” Demo(Private, 1993)

“Sense Of Metal” CD(Live rec., 1997)

“1821” CD(Megahard, 2000)

“Life?” CD(Eat Metal, 2004)

“Sense Of Metal” CD Re-issue + bonus (Eat Metal, 2005)

“Face The Mirror” CD (Heart of Steel, 2008)

Still Standing Strong!!

MARAUDER is one of the oldest bands in Greece that is still alive! They are dedicated to deliver Classic Heavy Metal and they do it well! Classic albums like “Sense of Metal”, “1821” and “Life?” should be essential items in every serious heavy metal discography. The guitarist George Sofronas informs us

about their latest news

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When was MORTICIAN founded and by which members?Patrik: MORTICIAN was founded in 1983 by Thomas Metzler (lead guitar) and Roland Konzett (rhythm guitar).

During the MORTICIAN years, did the band share the stage with local acts? With which ones? Patrik: Yes, of course there where some local bands and there was quite a good scene, but I think they were also not well known in the international scene! Bands like VOLTAGE, CORONA, IMPRESSION, BACKFIRE, all bands from our neighborhood, some skilled, some not!

Your first effort came in the shape of a tape demo, named “Street Warrior”, released early 1987. What was the response for it? As a new band what did you do concerning this tape? (sending it to fanzines, labels etc.)? in how many copies was it pressed/circulated? Patrik: We had a very good response from our fans and the local scene but from the big record companies it was even hard to get a response. Most of the answers sounded like: good, nice, but not enough for a record deal and we came from Austria, so that was no advantage at all!!! So we were more focused on national competitions and live performances. The 200 or 300 pressed copies we more or less sold on our live shows.

The first singer of the band, Robert Wilfinger, was replaced with Siegi Burn (RIP) after the demo. What were the reasons behind this decision? Patrik: Actually Siegi was our first singer but he broke with MORTICIAN because of different visions. With Robert we went to the studio to record “Street Warrior”. So that’s why Robert sang on the demo. Street Warrior was good but a lot of fans asked for Siegi and he was a friend of us and a very skilled singer with a tremendous range, so we switched back to him. Siegi was a bit mad in his behavior though and so quite hard to handle, but he surely was – as said – skilled and mad enough to front a Metal band.

Later in the same year, you released the “No War” 12” from Autark Records. How did you came in contact with this German label? Patrik: Autark Records was recommended by the studio (EMS) where we did the record. In fact it was self-financed and a self-organized release which we were very satisfied with.

How many copies of the 12” were pressed? I understand that at the time the 12” wasn’t exactly “flying off” the shelves, while nowadays is a wanted 80’s piece of vinyl. Pretty ironic, right? Were you satisfied with the distribution/promotion the label did for the 12”?Patrik: Yes that’s ironic! “No War” was released in only 500 copies! We had good response also from international fanzines and labels, got good reviews, but still not a deal. Regarding distribution it was completely in our hands. Autark only pressed the vinyl we had no deal with them for promotion.

Were you familiar with the other Autark release (that I know of…) the RAVAGE – “Swords & Heroes” EP? Patrik: At that time no, not really!

On the back of the 12”, there was written, “Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity. We want to make love, not war”. Who came up with this?Patrik: That was Siegi. He always was the philosopher of the band and it fits to the EP title track “No War”. That’s why it is there. As spoken, Siegi was an entertainer and a kind of womanizer, too, so that fitted well in these days….

In the photos on the back and the insert of the 12”, you look pretty young, especially Rene. What was the average age of the band members?Patrik: The average in 1987? About 20! So we were young enthusiastic Metalheads and willing to conquer the world – that was our goal and a cool period indeed.

Right after the 12” release, English based Ebony Records, offered the band a deal. Can you shed some light on it, since as far as I know this also resulted in some problems inside the band.Patrik: Getting the call from Ebony was great. We won this deal by sharing a competition. So the first step was to participate on a sampler with some other bands. For this we were invited to Yorkshire (UK). Thomas and myself traveled in advance to have some fun in London before we would have entered the studio. Siegi and Rene were intended to follow by motorbike. We called Siegi from London to find out if everything is fine and then he told us that Rene broke his arm. That was really fucking us up! Whatever happened? Missing this chance was bad for the bands relationship.

Was Ebony Records the only label that showed interest in the band all these years (of course apart from Autark)? Patrik: It’s sad to say but yes, it was. You know, we came from Austria and that was difficult as no band from Austria received international support. There were NO BROS, U8 and SPEED LIMIT but they were also local “heroes” and not more. So Austria was lacking in a leader band like CELTIC FROST or KROKUS from Switzerland which made it easier for other bands to follow. That was a pity for us.

Do you think that the lack of interest was a result of the then dominating thrash/death scene and the almost minimal interest labels showed in classic Metal?Patrik: Hard to answer but I don’t think so. We‘ve got some interest but mainly for national live shows e.g. as support for LIVING DEATH, MAGNUM and MESSIAH. We also won a national competition and participate on the “Metal Battle” live sampler and due to good performances we supported SODOM and SEPULTURA in Vienna. But still no record deal.

In February 1989, the band participated in “Heavy Metal Battle” compilation LP, released from Breakin Records. How did this deal came up?Patrik: “Heavy Metal Battle” was a national contest. MORTICIAN was under the 10 best bands in Austria and that’s why we played the concert in Vienna and the show was recorded for the live album. The show took place in October 1988 and the bands participating were MORTICIAN, SEXTIGER, SABOTAGE (who were also the “winners”), RANDY SKUNK, BE COOL, OBSERVER and EXHIBITION.

Hot Fight in AthensOne of the last additions to this year’s Up the Hammers turned out to be one of the biggest surprises (pleasant one, of course). MORTICIAN is an Austrian band that only managed to release a great 12” single in 1987 and two demos. My first acquaintance with the band was back in 2001 when I got their “No War & More” CD-r that the band had released. Looks like some people don’t give up and here we have two of the original members (Thomas Metzler, also on ART OF FEAR and Patrik Lercher) trying to re-establish the name of the band in the Metal scene. Aided by Pure Steel that has released the above mentioned CD-r in a great CD edition, only time will tell what the future holds for them. The interview was done with Patrik (bass), who was kind enough to send us some unreleased photos of the band for inclusion.

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The last sign of life concerning studio released was in 1989, when the “Break the Rules” demo was released with yet another singer joining the band. What are your impressions? Recording info, copies, press feedback etc.Patrik: “Break the Rules” is different. With Cassy on the vocals and Alex on the drums the MORTICIAN songs changed. Both of them joined the same band called TYRANT VIRGIN before and the songs tended to get more to their and not of Thomas and my liking. The good thing was that the recording took place at a studio right in our neighborhood and did not cost a fortune. I think we pressed 200 pieces of the demo and the feedback was far from our expectations and what we got for “No War”.

The band gigged a lot in Austria, but never extensively in neighboring countries. Why was that? Patrik: If you have nobody doing promotion and having contacts you are lost. And imagine in the 80’s there was no internet, no youtube, no myspace, and no e-mail you could load up your staff and reach the hole globe. And we (still) lived on the country side so it was tough to get out.

In the 90’s, the band’s singer (at least in the single), Siegi Burn committed suicide. If it’s not a problem, can you tell us some more things about it? Patrik: Siegi always wanted to be a rock star more vigorous than all of us. His visions were far away from a nine to five life. One day, back in the early days of MORTICIAN, he told us that he will commit suicide if he is not successful with the age of 25. Nobody took this serious as it sounded totally ridiculous at that time and after Siegi left MORTICIAN the second time we did not have a lot of contact anymore. But hearing from his suicide his words came straight up in our minds. He did what he predicted. That was a shock to us as he was so skilled and a friendly guy as well. MORTICIAN was a special band with him and the live performances were wild and mad, he was a born entertainer but maybe he was too moody to be constant enough for a serious band.

MORTICIAN has been often compared to JUDAS PRIEST. What are your views on this? Patrik: JUDAS PRIEST was one of our favorite bands and that maybe had an impact on our song writing. But we never saw us as band that is linked to JUDAS PRIEST. We had so many influences,

relating to US Metal also, and listening to all our material I can’t really share that opinion.

How do you feel that nowadays there is a lot of interest in MORTICIAN and classic Metal in general compared to the feedback you were getting back in the day?Patrik: It’s amazing getting such a feedback today. Not even having the complete line up together we were already talking with Pure Steel Records about a deal. Thanks to Heinz Konzett (former Snakepit publisher) we’ve got this contact and maybe it was the right e-mail at the right time. If you see how many 80’s bands are on tour again I think this is also the right time for MORTICIAN. As Thomas and Daniel were active in ART OF FEAR the recent years, the band is still kicking and very mature in the live performances, so we are confident to present a good old school Metal band with power and enthusiasm. The right Metal feeling, you know.

And what about the fact that the vast use of internet nowadays (among other factors of course) has given the chance to bands like MORTICIAN to be more known to a younger generation of Metal fans?Patrik: That’s very important for bands like us. It’s not only for the younger generation also Metal fans in our age do now have the possibility to get access to a wide range of metal music. For MORTICIAN this clearly will be the platform to be present in until we have a professional promotion deal.

Didn’t it pass your mind, now that the Pure Steel offer came to re-record the demo or even the 12” songs? Or it wasn’t even the case, be it the label or yourselves? Are you satisfied with the work the label did on your CD?Patrik: As already mentioned the contact to Pure Steel was via Heinz and they liked what we did in the 80’s. Pure Steel made the most possible out of the material. There were no master tapes and they had to re-master from a CD which includes the two demos and the EP songs. So yes we are very happy with the CD. It clearly is the first step to get back on the market and if the good feedback is continuing the chance is high to see MORTICIAN back in the studio and producing new material. We have three new songs so far, all in our old school way and sounding Metal to the bone.

The show at Up the Hammers is part of some reunion gigs you are doing for the release of the “No War and More” CD or should we expect a more “steady” MORTICIAN presence in the future? Patrik: Hopefully yes. It’s our strong intention to be more constant on future Classic Metal Festivals around Europe. We are also looking for a professional promoter to work with and we are confident that due to our performance at the Up the Hammers Festival the attention will rise.

Did you make attempts to have ex-members Jolly and Rene Bickel play in this MORTICIAN line-up? Patrik: When we started in spring 2009,

Rene was on board as well but a too stressful job forced him to stop. Jolly, who always was in close contact with Thomas and is still a good friend of us made a clear statement that he will not start with music again.

The last words are yours, thanks for your time and music of course.Patrik: Last but not least I want to thank our singer Daniel (ex-ART OF FEAR and DUST N’ BONES) and Antee on drums (ex-SEKTOR7, VENDETTA and still SOREHEAD) for their commitment to MORTICIAN. It’s still not easy to find (young) musicians who share the same spirit. Thank you guys! By the way, MORTICIAN is very busy writing new songs and if everything goes well you can hear the premiere on the “Up The Hammers” Festival! Cheers, Patrik

Kostas Kailiazis



“Street Warrior” demo tape(Private, 1987)

“No War” 12”single (Private, 1987)

“Heavy Metal Battle” compilation LP (Breakin’ Records, 1989)

“Break the Rules” demo tape (Private, 1989)

“No War and more” CD-r (Private, 1999)

“No War and more” CD (Pure Steel, 2009)

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First of all congratulations for your new album “Sanctuary”, a truly masterpiece of melodic metal! I’d like to share with us your first thoughts about it?Thanks so much, we too and our record company also believe that it is one of our strongest albums. There was a lot of work involved but overall it was all worth it in the end.

I’ve read in various magazines and webzines enthusiastic reviews concerning the new album and I totally agree that “Sanctuary” is probably the most well-balanced and full of potentiality release since the “Time tells no lies” days! Are you generally satisfied by the reaction of the fans and the sales as well?Very much so.... In all honesty the reaction by the press and fans has been amazing, and there is no doubt that we have had the best reviews that we have ever had for an album.

I think that your new singer Mike Freeland gave to the band a fresh air of renewal to the songs and surely is one of the hidden aces in PRAYING MANTIS’ sleeve! How did you get in touch with him? Did he get any experience before or not?Indeed Mike has given the band new impetus and I think his voice fits the bill immaculately. We had known Mike for many years and was in various bands. It’s strange but because he was in other bands we probably overlooked him for many years. But there he was for all those years right on our doorstep!!

Are you facing any kind of legal problems concerning the cover of the album? Would you like to give us a few details about the lyrical aspect of the songs?I don’t think so!!!!........ Do you know something that we don’t??? Ha ha… In all honesty I really do like the album cover - it is so dark, deep and mystical and fits so many of the songs. As normal there are many deep lyrics in the songs on the album, as it’s always that style that best befits the melodic music.

How do you define the current musical direction of the band and do you believe that NWOBHM lovers will find it tempting?In reality the music style is no different from what it was 30 years ago and any fans that have both albums will appreciate that. Yes, I do believe that the NWOBHM lovers will like it, particularly those that like the real melodic stuff.

Why did it take you almost 6 years to record the follow up of “The

journey goes on”?That’s a good question…! I think it’s that time goes to bloody quickly!! In that time I have got married and had a lovely child and maybe from my perspective, music did take a slight sidestep. The good thing is that sometimes you need that little break to look at things from a fresh perspective and then you can come back stronger. Hopefully the album “Sanctuary” is proof of that fact.

Are you generally satisfied by the terms of collaboration with Frontiers up to now?In this day and age it is very difficult to get what you really want from a record company. However all things said, they have been pretty good and have been influential in the quality of the product.

Let me take you back in time for a while… PRAYING MANTIS were among SAXON, IRON MAIDEN, DEF LEPPARD, SAMSON among the others, the pioneers of NWOBHM explosion… What do you recall from your early days before the first album?Iron Maiden were no doubt the band where we shared the most time. WE supported them over a hundred times, became very good friends and shared some great memories. So much so when members moved or were sacked from Maiden, then Mantis would almost certainly be their second home! (i.e. Dennis Stratton, Paul Dianno, Clive Burr).

Many people - including myself -

consider “Time tells no lies” one of the milestones of that era! Do you think that was the most memorable moment of your career?In some ways yes… The album went down pretty well in many countries with Japan being one of the main successes. At one stage some people though we might overtake Maiden in terms of success!! …Well not quite.

What happened with Arrista Records and parted ways soon after your debut?It’s too long ago to remember! From what I recall they were a pretty good company but I think they got pissed off with our management, and who could blame them!

You’ve played in many gigs during the early 80’s so I’d like to give us the whole atmosphere at your concerts…One of the highlights no doubt was Reading festival in the early 80’s and that was incredible. No matter what people say, the shows/ festivals nowadays do not come close to how they were then... The whole atmosphere was just incredible, bring back the 80’s!

Which were the main reasons that led you to split up and why did you released “Throwing shapes” under the moniker of STRATUS?Sometimes when a band goes quiet people assume that you split up... actually we had not split up at this stage. Just went very quiet. Stratus was a venture we did with Clive Burr (ex-Iron

“Into the valley of the kings”


the British contribution to UP THE HAMMERS festival! We sent a

couple (well not more than twenty actually!) of questions and

besides his very busy schedule, Chris Troy (bass & vocals) found

a little time to take a journey through their glorious days

and sent us a message that quality music knows no borders and

ages… Enjoy…

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Maiden). He had a different writing style so instead of using the mantis name we used Stratus, almost like a ‘splinter group’ - if that makes sense.

Was it nostalgia that pushed things to reform the band in 1990?No it was actually the 10th anniversary on the NWOBHM. That’s when we formed a half Maiden / Mantis band line up (Dennis and Paul from Iron Maiden – Tino, Bruce and me from Mantis).... it was a phenomenal success there, and rejuvenated our success particularly in Japan.

How do you explain the fact that PRAYING MANTIS reputation was always remarkable in Japan? Are they any significant differences concerning the fans’ perception about heavy metal?There is no doubt that Japan has been brilliant to us for so many years. I don’t know quite why (!!!), but they do lap up the British bands when particularly when there is a strong melodic nature. Naturally our album “Sanctuary” has been received there very well indeed.

It’s a great pleasure that you’re coming to Greece again! Which are the memories that you have from the last time?Then, we had a mad vocalist!!.... I think we were playing Thessalonica at the time and the singer was not having a good time with the monitors on stage!!!... That is a wild understatement! During a song in the middle of the set, he picked up a very heavy monitor and hurled it into the crowd! It could have really hurt someone so we were pretty pissed off about it at the time. Looking back on it now, it was eventful.

Do you think that festivals such as Up the Hammers are some kind of test for bands that made and impact 20 or more years ago?We will see... ha ha. If I recall the Greek fans are incredible, and I do so hope they have not changed. I like them loud, boisterous singing the chorus’ of the songs very loudly!! ...roll on the


Have you listened any new interesting band from England the last few months? Why pure heavy metal had this huge downfall after the ending of NWOBHM era? Not really, I tend to listen more to foreign bands.

Which are you initial plans and goals for 2010?There are quite a few important shows coming up and then we will be preparing for the new album later this year.... That will be a tough one as we need to surpass “Sanctuary” and that may be quite a task as most fans have already pointed out.

What do you think PRAYING MANTIS have to offer today? With all these reforming legends of the past, the concerts and the re-releases of their old stuff, is it possible to witness a second wave of NWOBHM?Of course.... Maybe it is already happening. There is certainly a resurgence of rock, and the melodic bands and their songs are stronger than ever.Thank you so much for your time and I wish you from heart good

luck for the future! The last words belong to you.Thanks Gregory… We are looking forward immensely to the Hammers festival and hopefully the fans will prove my memory of them being one of the best in the world!!!

Gregory Baxevanidis



“Time Tells No Lies” - (1981)

“Predator In Disguise” - (1991)

“A Cry For The New World” - (1993)“To The Power Of Ten” - (1995)

“Forever In Time” - (1998)

“Nowhere To Hide” - (2000)

“The Journey Goes On” - (2003)

“Sanctuary” - (2009)

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The history of the band goes back as early as 1981, when Christian Logue, decided to quit playing covers with his band, TIT SQUEEZE and formed MARQUIS DE SADE. The name quickly changed, but the band recorded a demo with Kelly Rhoads (who was Randy’s brother…) on vocals at Stone Fox Studios (North Hollywood).

SAVAGE GRACE was born and the first demo was recorded in Arizona in the summer of 1982, with Dwight Cliff on vocals. The songs on it were “Curse the Night”, “Genghis Khan” and “Scepters of Deceit”. The latter was chosen by the band for inclusion in the “Metal Massacre volume II” compilation LP (Metal Blade, January 1983).

One month later, Kenny Powell, who had come from Oklahoma to play/form a band, was introduced to Christian through Steve Witting (later with OMEN) who had played before with SAVAGE GRACE. The band rehearsed and soon entered the studio to record at Track Record studios (California) what would become “The Dominatress” EP (August 1983) with new vocalist John Birk, 18 years at the time. The band continued playing shows, also on support of the debut vinyl release. The band played in early 1984 in San Francisco with SLAYER and EXODUS (at Mabuhay Gardens and Ruthies Inn). After these two shows, John Birk not being able to control himself over some personal issues was kicked out of the band. Shortly after, Kenny Powell, frustrated with the band not using songs he had

written (he presented them “Die by the Blade” and “Battle Cry”), decided to leave and form his own band (OMEN, for those still wondering).

Enter Mike Smith (vocals), with whom the band recorded two songs, “Betrayer” and “No one left to blame” to see how SAVAGE GRACE sounded with him and possibly attract label interest as they sent out a few copies. These recordings are known as “1984 demo”, although the band as explained never intended to make it available. Kurt Phillips (ex-WITCHKILLER) was handling the guitar chores at the time. The band decided to self-produce “Master of Disguise” and entered Sutton Place studios with Kurt Phillips, who didn’t record though, so all guitars were performed by Christian Logue.

The album was released in September 1985, in the US from Erika/Important Records and in Europe from Black Dragon records, sporting slightly different covers. The same month, SAVAGE GRACE played in Germany at Loreley in Metal Hammer Festival (along with METALLICA, VENOM and RUNNING WILD among others). Former AGENT STEEL guitarist, Mark Marshall joined the band soon after the album’s release. Another line-up change took place, Dan Finch (drums) was replaced by Mark Marcum while Mike Smith left the band despite the European tour that Black Dragon had booked for the band. It was then decided that Christian Logue would sing instead. The first European tour of the band followed

with the band playing in countries like Holland and Germany that were really important for underground US bands like SAVAGE GRACE at the time.

“After the Fall from Grace” was recorded in Wayne Cook studios and released in June 1986 and became their best-selling LP. “After the fall from Grace” was also released in Japan from VAP Records. Black Dragon had booked a European tour with HEIR APPARENT (who had released “Graceful Inheritance” the same year) but the tour ended up a financial disaster for the label. SAVAGE GRACE parted ways with them soon after but for unknown reasons so far, since the band has never stated anything negative for them in interviews.

Brian East, a very important part of SAVAGE GRACE left and was replaced by Derek Peace (ex-HEIR APPARENT), whom the band had met on the 1986 European tour. With him the band

They came, they saw... will they conquer once again?SAVAGE GRACE needs no introduction. One of the Legends of US Metal they certainly left their mark having released albums that are ‘up there’ in the Elite of Metal albums. At first I thought of making a very detailed SAVAGE GRACE, but looks like my friend Laurent Ramadier was faster, so a huge SAVAGE GRACE interview will be published in Snakepit 18, so be sure to check it! After this turn of events I decided to make it an article spanning their career. Many of the vintage photos/flyers used were taken from the myspace site of Ripping Headache. On hold of the band’s European tour and their next steps, enjoy what I consider a short (but complete for its size) story of the band.

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Festivals as well as shows along OMEN. It’s in Christian’s intentions to re-mix and reissue “Master of Disguise”, so let’s wait and see what the future will hold for these US Power Metal Veterans.

Kostas Kailiazis


(we only mention the compilations with unreleased tracks and official

or promotional demos, not pre-recordings etc.)

“1982 demo” (Private, 1982)

“Metal Massacre volume II” compilation LP

(Metal Blade, 1983)

“The Dominatress” EP (Metal Blade, 1983)

“Master of Disguise” LP(Erika/Important, 1985)

“After the fall from Grace” LP(Black Dragon, 1986)

“Ride into the Night” EP(Flametrader, 1987)

“10 track demo”(Private, 1992)

“American Metal-Heavy ‘N’ Dirty”

compilation CD(Eurostar Schallplatten, 1993)

“The DominatressMaster of Disguise” CD (Black Dragon, 1995)

“After the fall from Grace” CD (Black Dragon, 1996)

recorded “Ride into the Night”, a 4-track picture EP, released by Flametrader (the label division of European distributor Semaphore) in 1987. The EP included three originals and a “Burn” (DEEP PURPLE) cover that the band had been playing for years, an idea of Mike Smith and Mark Marshall. There was another Japan license through VAP Records once more, but the band failed to be on time for the deadline (one week late!) and so this never materialized.

After the EP, the band signed with a new management company and continued playing gigs. An important point in the band’s career was the tour they did with MOTÖRHEAD for 20 to 25 dates throughout April 1987, with MALICE also playing in some of them. The band relocated to Georgia (for a while), Derek Peace left the band and thus the band was looking for a replacement. SAVAGE GRACE spent 1988 working on new material with a new musical (more mid-tempo) direction already decided.

The band moved finally to New York in late 1988 (after signing a deal with a NY based management company), signaling the departure of Mark Marshall, who left feeling burned out from the constant changes. The band gigged a lot locally (playing with bands like HELIX and CIRCUS OF POWER among others), but the style was already altered a lot (both lyrically and musically), as heard on the 10-track demo the band recorded (in an alternative Rock style). An MCA deal was to be signed but the band declined. In 1992 the band relocated to Los Angeles with Christian Logue feeling exhausted and the other members going their separate ways.

In 1995/1996, Black Dragon reissued the band’s catalogue (with the exception of “Ride into the Night”) which led to a renewed interest in the band as well as endless speculations and rumors regarding Christian Logue. After many years of silence, he decided to reform SAVAGE GRACE and tour Europe in March/April 2010, playing in various

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“Farther than Yesterday”I guess that SLAUTER XSTROYES need no introduction to underground Metal maniacs. Their only “official” release, “Winterkill” has reached legendary status through the years, and with a just cause. “Free the Beast”, a compilation CD consisting of their 1987 album sessions and various tracks is so far their second and last release. The music of this band must be heard to believed, in my opinion they are one of the very few bands, that liking (or appreciating them if you like) them is not a matter of taste, but a matter of knowing two things about music. The musicianship that these guys had/have is something unreal. In honour of their first ever European performance in Up the Hammers V, we have prepared a small tribute. Special thanks to Laurent Ramadier for his help (the bulk of the info was taken from the killer interview he did in Snakepit #14) and Brent Sullivan who was kind enough to send me some special unreleased so far photos especially for this tribute. Put “Free the Beast” in your stereos, crank it up and enjoy!

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In 1980, Brent Sullivan answering an ad placed by Paul Kratky joins NAJ, a band which featured Paul Kratky (guitars), Ken Shembarger (guitars), Eddie Moravec (drums) and John Hill on vocals. Their style was described by Brent as “Heavy Rock and Roll like BLACK SABBATH”. During the NAJ days, “Mass Confusion” was written by the band (an early version of “Winterkill” which ca be found on the “Free the Beast” CD). This was the only song from the pre-SLAUTER XSTROYES days that was used.

After NAJ, Brent Sullivan and Ed Moravec joined WHITE WITCH, a band which featured John Stewart on vocals.

Brent Sullivan, Paul Kratky, Ed Moravec and Jerry Klein (guitars on WHITE WITCH) formed the band which was to become SLAUTER XSTROYES. Interesting to add is how the band came up with such a name. Initial thought was “Slauter and Destroy”, which later became “Slauter Xstroydes” and in the end SLAUTER XSTROYES. John Stewart was recruited on vocals and Jerry Klein left, so the band was left as a 4 piece. Ed Moravec was replaced in 1983 by Ed Pukstys and later by Dave Bonow (ex-NO MERCY).

1985 and the band enters Orlando Park to record what became “Winterkill”. At the time King Klassic Records (pre-Monster/Rockadrome and then publishers of the Midwest Militia fanzine) wanted to release the LP, but no deal was made. The band decided to release it themselves in an edition of 500 copies. After its release, the band started playing more often live shows, making small radio interviews etc.

In 1986, “No Idea” was included in “Chicago Metal Works volume I” (released by local label, Silver Fin Records). The band chose this particular track due to its duration (they only had 4 minutes and they didn’t want to edit their other tracks) and also because they thought that this choice would open them some doors, due to the song’s “commercial” nature. The band continued playing live shows, which were always improving in terms of stage show etc.

In 1987, the band enters Solid Sound studios to record their second album. Lack of funds led to the album not being fully mixed. The “Free the Beast” sessions were released in 1998 by Monster Records (and once more in 2009 by its forerunner, Rockadrome), but both times, one of the album’s songs (and really one of their best tracks), “Saint’s Revenge” was never included for unknown reasons.

Tension was more evident in the band, which led Brent Sullivan to call it quits. The band continued on for two more years, but it was evident that the unique chemistry these 4 guys had was lost.

Brent joined SQUADRON, while Paul was involved with projects such as SPECIAL ED and JOHNY CHAINSAW. John was doing the ENERGY VAMPIRES thing at the time (assisted by Brent Sullivan and Ed Moravec on a show). In 1991, Paul, Brent and Ed jammed for a solo project Brent was pulling off, but this fell through quickly. At the same time though, the three of them rehearsed NAJ and SLAUTER XSTROYES songs, plus new ideas which were going to be recorded, but this never materialized.

In late 1991, Brent joined ENERY VAMPIRES, which at the time featured Tony Rios (drums) and Vernon Voss (guitar). Brent convinced them to reform SLAUTER XSTROYES with John accepting. This didn’t work though as the band decided to kick John Stewart after he arrived at a band’s concert supporting SAVATAGE (August 1991) after they had already completed more than half their show with instrumental versions and Brent doing some vocals.

Then came Randy Baron (vocals, TYRANT’S REIGN) which joined for a short period of time, in which the band played live shows until the end of the year when the band was renamed to WINTER KILL, due to the fact that the sound was not the same as in the past.

In 1997, Paul Kratky was approached by Dennis Bergeron and Phil Baker (RIP), who at the time were having Monster Records/Rare Ass mail-order (previously Midwest Militia fanzine/King Klassic Records) for a “Winterkill” reissue on LP (1997) and CD (1998/1999). The album got triumphant reviews in all underground Metal publications and led many fans discover this very obscure (at the time) album. As a result, the original pressing of “Winterkill” has become one of the most wanted and expensive US Metal LP’s.

Soon after (1998), “Free the Beast” was unleashed to the Metal world. This CD included the “Free the Beast” album sessions (1987) plus songs from earlier stages of the band. As stated inside the CD booklet, Paul, Brent and Ed were jamming with the goal of releasing a new CD including old and new SLAUTER XSTROYES, but this didn’t move any further than some rehearsals due to Ed’s (once more) inability to dedicate the time needed.

The band once more followed different paths, with Brent releasing albums with WINTER KILL, SPIRIT WEB and NDX. But in 2009, Paul Kratky and Brent Sullivan would reform SLAUTER XSTROYES. What will follow is another story. Part of it you can read in the interview done with Brent Sullivan in the next pages...

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unreal voice, certainly one of the 10 best Metal singers ever!), so are you and Paul and I really can’t understand this point. What’s your opinion? Brent: John without a doubt, is our brother, a great singer and a part of what SLAUTER XSTROYES was. I will say this though. Some have said the same here and after those who have witnessed the couple of shows we’ve done with Steve, those thoughts were put to rest. I guess we’ll just have to prove that as well in Greece. We would have never done this in the first place if we did feel we could find a singer to pull it off. We have, and I promise you, no one will be disappointed.

When and how did you find your new singer, Steve Reimer? Has he participated in any other bands prior to SLAUTER XSTROYES? Brent: He has been a long time friend of all of ours and he’s played in some bands around here. The names I’m not sure of right now. The last thing he was doing was an IRON MAIDEN Tribute band. He has been around SLAUTER XSTROYES since the beginning, even one of his bands played before us so he’s no stranger to the band.

Were Ed Moravec and Dave Bonow, considered in this new attempt? Brent: Ed is a good drummer but just too unreliable. Dave was considered and asked but I think he has a lot of medical issue he’s dealing with.

What about the new drummer, Rik Kroll? Brent: Rik Kroll can be considered one of the original drummers. He was in the band the final 2 years. Although he never recorded with us, he has done most of our live shows with us.

Who took the decision of reissuing the albums? Do you like the work Rockadrome did in the reissues? Brent: We were asked about it and let Dennis at Rockadome reissue them. He did a fine job at it.

I would like to ask a few things about “Free the Beast”. The first question concerns the “Saint’s Revenge” track, a song appearing on tapes with the “Free the Beast” sessions. Why was this song omitted from both versions of the CD? For me it’s one of your 3-4 best songs (if not the best!)

2009 was the year that SLAUTER XSTROYES

returned. For some this means nothing, for

others, it’s just another band reforming.

For me it was something special, as SLAUTER

XSTROYES is one of my all time favorite bands.

As a “continuation” of the tribute above, I

sent some questions to Brent Sullivan as to

what the band is about nowadays, as well as

their future plans. Brent proved once more

what a great guy he is since he replied in less

than a day (!!!) in my (late) questions and photo

requests, himself also having a busy schedule.

What has occurred in the SLAUTER XSTROYES camp in the last years? Brent: Well, the most I can really remember is that as we started to grow as a band, get more professional in what we were doing, we just found John getting more inconsistent with his performances. He rarely showed up to practice, which in the beginning never bothered us because we would just write more music. But, as we we’re trying to play live more, it was doing more harm as a whole. I just kind of just got sick of it one day I guess. With that being said, we have always loved John as a brother but it was just the way it went down.

After the initial split there have been several attempts to reform SLAUTER XSTROYES, but things didn’t move further? What changed this time? Brent: We just couldn’t get the timing right. Either I was too busy with other bands or Paul would be. Then I moved to Florida for a couple of years. Other reasons were that we couldn’t reach John at the time and just felt it wouldn’t be the same without him. The thing that changed this time was I moved back to Chicago and I was no longer with MINDWARP CHAMBER so that left me with more time on my hands. Although, I am still with The David Shankle Group as well, that really hasn’t done much at this time, nor will it interfere anyways. Also, we had the chance to get a local singer, Steve Reimer that is doing a great job replacing John. Again, it was just the right time.

Why wasn’t John Stewart involved in this?Brent: John was asked, but the first time he wasn’t interested in playing out. We have passed tapes back and forth to see what he would sound like nowadays but it really did nothing for us. Not to mention it took him almost a year just to give us a rough idea on one song. We just don’t have that kind of time, hell, we would be dead by the time a new CD would be done at that rate..(laughs). With him living in Las Vegas and no internet, it’s just impossible to do. Not to mention, I believe he has some personal issues that prevent him from leaving the country so with all that, it just can’t be done.

I would like to touch a sensitive subject. There are some fans that claim that there can’t be no SLAUTER XSTROYES without John Stewart on vocals. In my opinion, although John is a huge part of the SLAUTER XSTROYES (not only in the sense that every singer is linked to his band, but because John has/had an

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Brent: To be honest with you, I couldn’t really tell you. But, it’s probably a good thing because we we’re thinking of redoing that song for the new CD anyways.

Another one concerns the lyrics. Why weren’t they included? Brent: I’m not sure, maybe because we didn’t have the lyrics to “Free The Beast” and didn’t want to try and figure them all out.

SLAUTER XSTROYES has unreleased material enough to fill 3 albums (maybe more!). is it in your imminent plans to record them and release them? I mean it would only be fair that songs like “Glacier”, “It”, “Came to bright Lights”, “The Creator”, “Witch’s Honor”, “Deep blue Dreams” and so many others to be recorded and presented to SLAUTER XSTROYES fans. Brent: Wow, you mentioned some old titles there. I’m surprised you know of them. Yes, we do plan to rework a lot of the songs for the new CD. We will probably do half with unreleased music and write new songs as well. “Glacier” and “Witches Honor” are among some we’ve talked about doing.

How did it feel to be on stage with each other after all these years in the Halloween 2009 reunion show? Brent: It was great, we had a great time and the response has been unbelievable after all these years.

Illinois used to have a massive scene back in the 80’s, in my opinion one of the best states in the USA concerning Classic Metal. How are things nowadays? And what do you think the differences are? Brent: It’s not the same as it was but there are still some great bands in Chicago. Classic metal, not so much though.

What should we expect from SLAUTER XSTROYES in the very near future? Brent: A new CD by Fall of 2010, and a new one every year for as long as we can keep going (e.note: just imagine…).

There is a rumor that SLAUTER XSTROYES will perform the Keep it True Festival in 2011 with John Stewart in the lineup. Is this true? Brent: No, I don’t see that happening. For one thing, we will be recording a new CD with Steve and supporting that CD, so that would make it hard to do with John. Anything is possible but I wouldn’t count on it. I’m really hoping when the new CD comes out, people will embrace Steve and the whole John thing will

fade. It’s just better that way, trust me.

Final thoughts and words are yours. We would only like to thank you for the music that you have given us, and wish you the best for both personal and band future.Brent: I would just like to personally thank you and everyone out there that have supported our music whether it’s SLAUTER XSTROYES or separate bands we’ve individually been involved with. It has been our pleasure and honor, and we only hope we can continue to make much more music for everyone and this time. Plus, play many other different counties!

Kostas Kailiazis



“Winterkill” LP (Private, 1985/Monster, 1997)

“Free the Beast” CD(Monster, 1998/Rockadrome, 2009)

“Winterkill” CD (Monster, 1999, Rockadrome, 2009)

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How the whole WILD KNIGHT thing did come into thought? Who came up with the name and why was it chosen?

Majk: All this came about by the idea of Bart Gabriel, our manager (e.note: the latest news is that both parties are no longer working together). He asked Frank Knight, Jens Becker and Stefan Schwarzmann about the idea to reunite X WILD, but Jens and Stefan were too much involved in their own projects. Frank agreed and decided to work with the members of his own band, JACKHAMMER, and again Bart had the idea to look for another guitarist to complete the lineup. Bart asked me and arranged contact. Since there was only one original member of X WILD now, Bart proposed to change the name and came up with the idea of WILD KNIGHT, which we all accepted. How did you hook up with each other?

Majk: Frank and I talked for quite some time via e-mail and then we had a video conference. We agreed to meet in England and found out, that we like each other a lot, and that includes all the other band members as well. We had a rehearsal and found out, that there is a lot of harmony amongst us, and so everything was in line.

Please present to our readers any other activities you were involved after “Wild Animal” (1990).

Majk: After RUNNING WILD I played in a SEX PISTOLS Revival Band for a couple of years, just for fun, and another Rock ‘n’ Roll band, but I can’t remember the name. Later on I focused on my career as a software developer, which I have pursued until 2008, when I decided to return to music. If we take into consideration that Majk used to be RUNNING WILD guitarist during their best period and that Frank sang for X WILD, a band consisting of ex - Running Wild members with a sound very similar, what should we expect from Wild Knight?

Majk: Definitely not a band that sounds like RUNNING WILD. Rolf’s style is quite unique and we have no intention of referring to that. I had some influence on the style of “Death or Glory” and even “Port Royal”, but you should not expect me to write songs that sound like RUNNING WILD/Rolf. And keep in mind: Now there are three other experienced musicians (Rob Ronson, Simon Strangeway and Robin Hazlehurst), who never had anything to do with RUNNING WILD. Every member of the band will have influence on the songwriting, as

it should be in every vivid band. On the same train of thought, don’t you think that your legacy is “heavy” but also linked with RUNNING WILD in such a way that comparisons shall be inevitable, plus fans expectations will be very high?

Majk: Well, comparisons are there all the time, but to be quite frankly: I don’t give a rip of what other people think. I don’t mean to be rude here, but I have my own ideas and people either like them or not, but I would still do everything my way. And I believe, all the other members of the band think along that line, too. We’d be very happy if even RUNNING WILD fans would like our style, but that is no reason to accept any “legacy”. What’s your opinion on X WILD? Had you heard their albums before forming WILD KNIGHT?

Majk: Can’t say much about it. I knew there were there

at that time, but I did not listen. On your myspace website, there is an announcement about the debut full length in 2010. can you give us some more details? Label, style etc.?

Majk: Nope, not yet decided at this time. We will reveal any information about those issues on our website as soon as possible. Why did you decide to “kick-off” the band’s life with concerts where you will perform X WILD / RUNNING WILD songs? I mean, I understand the fact that many fans want to see this (me included mates, both hands raised!!!!) but wouldn’t it be better to have a debut / demo and present originals to the fans rather than playing “covers” (they are not covers in the strict sense of the word, I hope you get my point). Have you thought the “danger” of being established as a “cover” band to the hearts and minds of Metal fans before your debut?

Majk: Basically I agree about the “danger”, but it is so much fun to play live, that we could not resist. If you keep in mind that I live in Germany and the rest of the band in England, it is not easy to work on a new album. It can be done, but we found out that personal contact and practicing a lot is a much more natural way of doing it. So we decided to take the longer way in order to ensure a natural product in the end. At the same time we just love to play live, and I have to say, that doing so also improves the relationship with my mates in England. I never had so much pleasure and fun playing live as with those guys, honestly. I will move to England in July 2010, and of course we have already written a couple of songs for the record. Not very long time after my tenancy changeover to Chorley we will record the CD and then see, what happens. Seeing how crowded the Metal scene seems to be in the recent years, what will you think that will be WILD KNIGHT’s position in it?

Majk: Well, on top of the European Metal Scene, selling millions of records, of course :-) Thanks a lot for your time. We wish you the best for the future of the band. We will talk again when the debut CD is out.Majk: You’re welcome, it was my pleasure

Kostas Kailiazis


WILD KNIGHT. A new name in the Metal scene, but with two members whose History goes way back.

They are no other than Frank Knight (X WILD) and Majk Moti (RUNNING WILD). Their debut should be

out in 2010, but until then the band has decided to play across Europe classic RUNNING WILD/X WILD

tracks. Initial plan was to have the questions below answered by both Frank and Majk, but Frank

didn’t reply due to a busy schedule on time, so we only have Majk’s answers.

wild knight

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followed a lot of fan discussions about the development of RUNNING WILD over the last few years, and I would say, it was a logical step.

Kostas Kailiazis

You played in RUNNING WILD during what is considered by most fans as their best period, the years 1985-1990 (“Branded and Exiled” to “Death or Glory”). Can you please comment on each album?

“Branded and Exiled” LP (Noise, 1985)Majk: I hooked up with the band one week before the recordings started and just played a couple of solos. Not exactly my favorite album.

“Under Jolly Roger” LP (Noise, 1987)Majk: The first attempt to get away from the old death and demons image into the idea of metal pirates. Although I did not like the sound of the album, I think it was a good start for the pirate thing.

“Ready for Boarding” LP (Noise, 1988)Majk: Basically a recording from a live tour. There has been a lot of friendship on that tour.

“Port Royal” LP (Noise, 1988)Majk: The first record as a real band. The impact of Jens Becker and Stefan Schwarzmann was huge, and for the first time since “Gates To Purgatory” Rolf could not deny other people’s influence and songwriting. Very important step for the development of the band.

“Death or Glory” LP (EMI, 1989)Majk: To me it was a huge step into the right direction. We started to become a real band, every musician made contributions and we had a very experienced and skilled sound engineer

(Jan Nemec). I would have loved to continue right in that way and develop our style even further, but unfortunately Rolf disagreed and started to dismantle the band.

“Wild Animal” EP (Noise, 1990)Majk: Just a mini CD with material that was not included into “Death or Glory”.

If someone notices the credits in the LP’s you participated, will note that you have penned few songs. Was this because Rolf wanted to have total control over the material/direction?

Majk: Well, that is a valid description. When I joined the band, everything was basically controlled by our manager, who supported Rolf beyond description. And everybody believed, the record company would think right along the same line. But as a matter of fact, if we had not fired our manager and changed our style, as we did with “Port Royal”, our contract would not have been renewed after “Under Jolly Roger”. After that Rolf could not deny other influences for quite some time, but obviously he managed to regain control after a couple of years. What was the reason you left/kicked out of RUNNING WILD?

Majk: Regarding the reasons of me leaving the band Rolf and I agreed to keep it confident, and I have no intention of breaking that agreement.

Have you followed their career after you left?

Majk: For quite some time, yes. I even had long talks with Rolf after Axel Morgan left the band, discussing a possible return to the band. But we found out that almost the same disagreements were still in place, so it did not happen.

RUNNING WILD has officially disbanded after their farewell show in Wacken Festival 2009. What are your thoughts?

Majk: Other than being surprised and somewhat impressed, that Rolf made it for so long, I cannot say that I had very special thoughts about that. I have

“The Years of Piracy”Since Majk played in RUNNING WILD for many years (plus the band performs classic RUNNING WILD

tracks on their concerts), so I asked Majk some questions concerning his past that didn’t “fit” in

the WILD KNIGHT interview. Below, enjoy what Majk said (and didn’t say) in this small feature about

his ex-band.

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There are thousand of reasons one can recall to answer a question like “What is it that you like in Heavy Metal music?”Anyone really into this, would mention among an endless list of reasons the interminable thirst to discover new unburied treasures this music had offered. There is not a single second that you will listen to a new or newly discovered band of the past with worthwhile musical material and that you can say, “Ok, I’ve got enough for now, I think I’m full and complete”, nor that the sounds of a mind-blowing act with recordings 10,15 or even 20 and more years back would sound obsolete. Not when you are a true fan, appreciating music itself and not what stupid narrow-minded so-called music experts working for major labels and magazines will demand that is Heavy Metal that you should listen to at this time, till something new comes up of course. That’s the case with the band featured here. Hailing from Denmark, FORCE MAJEURE is a band that managed to offer a perfect mixture of US Metal with Euro Steel, an achievement of a combination scarcely seen in the European scene. Cause of the recent re-release of the three demo tapes they had out that Greek label Steel Legacy took over, axeman Jesper Schmidt, along with the essential assistance and comments of his comrades, drummer Morten Nielsen and singer Dennis Peterssen, accomplished to get away safe and sound from a thorough interrogation about all that concerns the past, present and future of this newcoming old act. Here is what the poor guys said under heavy pressure of a desperate fan and let’s hope for a follow up as bright as the album that recently came into light.

How was the band formed in the first place? Members, name etc.? Jesper: We started as a trio with Morten (Drums), Michael Groennemose (guitar), and myself. We were changing band names every other week, I believe we were called CRANIUM at some point. :-) Allan Soerensen, a member of Morten´s old band, joined on bass. We found vocalist Rene Gade through an ad in the paper. We were 15-16 at the time, and we settled for the band name APOCALYPSE. But Allan and Rene left to form their own band, so we were back to trio-format again.

When did FORCE MAJEURE not only as a name, but a complete band came into the picture? Jesper: The three of us thought: “Fuck-if ANYTHING is going to happen, we’ve got to do SOMETHING”. So we booked studio time for a demo. We called up Al and Rene and asked if they would play on the demo as session musicians. They agreed and the horrible “Out in the night” demo was recorded live in one day and mixed within the same evening. Horrible as it was, it still got us in touch with Bums Records. We recorded 2 tracks for a Danish metal compilation “Metal Outlet”. Peter Thorslund had joined on bass then, and we borrowed Maltese Falcon’s Singer Charlie for the vocals. We still needed a permanent singer though, so we found Per Onink through an add in the paper. Per quickly suggested a new band name – FORCE MAJEURE, which we immediately adopted. In 1988 we entered the studio to do our first “real” demo. It turned out really well, actually! The band really needed an extra guitarist for the gigs, so Tonni Rahm joined. He was the hottest guitar player in Copenhagen at the time, so it was quite a scoop for us.

Did any band members took part in other bands on the local scene, before or after FORCE MAJEURE?Jesper: After FORCE MAJEURE, I was in FURIOUS TRAUMA for 8 months. About the other members now…Per Onink was actually the original singer in ARTILLERY. After FORCE MAJEURE, he joined STONEHENGE, later known as NARITA. Peter is still active with ARTILLERY today. Michael Rasmussen - the bass player from demo III, used to play in ARTILLERY. Quite weird!?! Tommy used to play in CRYSTAL KNIGHT. Tonni

came from SUITE 16, and after FORCE MAJEURE, he was briefly with ROYAL HUNT, and later with PRIME TIME. Morten: I have played with numerous bands since FORCE MAJEURE: FURIOUS TRAUMA, ZOZER MEZ, MERCYFUL FATE and RED WARSZAWA (where I still play). Dennis: I used to front my own band NOISE ATTACK and DISASTER and also played in a pop rock band called NO BAD FEELINGS for 4 years.

So, let’s dig deep into the band’s bio.You recorded your first 4-track demo tape on 1988. How did the press and audience responded at the first attempt of a newcoming band? Jesper: Really well! We got fairly good reviews, we were even elected “demo of the month” in German “Breakout”-magazine. As for fans, hmm...I think we were more known as a live act back then. For some reason, FORCE MAJEURE had always been a “musician’s” band , in the sense that we were really praised by other Danish bands, but we never really had a huge fan base amongst “common” headbangers. What was the situation like back then concerning newcoming bands in Denmark, since you were at a transient stage with bands such as PRETTY MAIDS promoting a more melodic and “light” sound than yours. Was it easy for you to get along with that “current” and stand out in some way?Jesper: I remember it as a time when thrash was really the upcoming thing. Growl vocals and detuned guitars were really the happening thing, so we were sort of in an empty space between thrash and more melodic hard rock/metal. To this day, few Danish bands use melodic vocals. And those who do, are having a hard time. But it seems like 80’s metal is having a revival these days. Trying to make a break and keep you motivated for more was out of the question or you were aiming to gain “professional” status by signing a contract with a record label would probably be your prime goal? Since things didn’t come that easy, did you go on composing music for your own sake and your fans or you tried harder to achieve your goals?

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Jesper: To be completely honest, we would obviously have LOVED to get a deal back then. But it was never a question of do or die. We would still play, with or without a deal. No one in the band had any ambition of making a living from music, it would just be a cool bonus if this happened. We definitely wrote music for our own sake, music we liked. And then, maybe someone else would like it, too. A year later, a 3-track demo tape followed. Did you ever thought about changing musical direction in order to “go with the flow” and gain larger publicity?Jesper: We’ve never speculated in musical direction, really. Any change of sound would come because of new inspirations the band members had acquitted. A change of taste, you might say. At the time the songs for demo II were recorded, we were listening to heavier stuff at home. The song “Eternal Sleep”, for instance - It is fair to say it is “slightly” HELSTAR-sounding. It is almost embarrassing!!(e.note: not to my ears at least) Recording-wise, FORCE MAJEURE remained idle after the 2nd demo, What were your activities in-between the first two releases?Jesper: Between demo I and II, we were really optimistic. Tonni joined, and we really kicked ass as a live band. French label Black Dragon showed interest in the band, but nothing came from it. We were invited to Holland to negotiate with Dutch label, Ivory Tower Records. They wanted us, but we said no, believing something better would turn up. It didn’t! After demo II, things were a bit frustrating; Per and Peter left. It was really hard to get a melodic singer in those days, if not to say: Impossible. So the band was laid to rest. But then we move on to 1991 after that short pause, when any metal attempts were discouraged due to lack of interest all over the world. Then you release another great demo tape consisting of 4 tracks. Being part of the strong underground movement all this time, you decided

to go on with this demo. What was the original idea? A final attempt to make the big break? The previously mentioned offers to make a record deal that fell apart did not inhibit you from chasing you dream?Jesper: A new line-up was quickly gathered for demo III, because Dirk Steffens showed interest in the band. He had read about us in Breakout, and called us up. “Can you send me a demo?” Sure! We actually lied, and said the band was still existing. We came up with fake band members on bass and vocals. Morten and I shared a two-room apartment at the time, and we sent a demo, thinking nothing would happen anyway.

So, the 3rd demo came out accidentally in a way? Pure luck? You mean it?Jesper: YES!! We had completely forgotten about it. 3 weeks later, on a Sunday, Morten and I were chilling watching TV, with a serious hangover from the night before. The phone rang, it was Dirk: “Nice demo, guys! Let me hear some of your new material, with the new line-up”. As you can imagine, this was sort of a problem for us: There was no band, and no new material! But quickly we got Dennis and Michael Rasmussen to join, and new song were written and recorded with light speed. And a couple of weeks later, we sent the tunes to Germany. Why did FORCE MAJEURE disband at last?Jesper: Dirk Steffens came to see us live in Denmark. We did a pretty lousy gig, it was embarrassing. Michael left, he was replaced by Bo Lund on bass. Then Morten left to play with ZOZER MEZ. He was replaced by Allan Soerensen, later NARITA/ROYAL HUNT. Then Dennis got tired with the whole thing, and left. Phew, it was just to hard to keep the faith. And without Morten and Dennis, it really wouldn’t be FORCE MAJEURE. I finally called up Dirk, and said “Let’s forget about it”. I think we were all a little ashamed to be so unprofessional in front such a professional guy. So we “died” again. What is the lyrical content of your songs? Jesper: On the first two demos, Per Onink wrote all the lyrics. Actually, when Steel Legacy asked me to send the lyrics, I had to transcribe them as best I could, from mp3 files. It was really hard. And hilarious, too! There were a few topics metal bands could always write about: War/why?, don’t do drugs, save the rainforest. And for some reason it was trendy to be scared of the improving technology. A lot of bands made doomsday lyrics about this, and we did too: “Technical Solution”. Other than that, I think Per wrote fantasy-like lyrics, typical of metal bands at the time. It really wasn’t until Dennis joined, that lyrics started to matter. Before Dennis, lyrics were more or less something that HAD to be written, so the singer wouldn’t go “la-la-la”. A necessary evil, almost. After Dennis joined, vocals were treated with much higher priority. On the previous demos, it was sort of a bunch of metal riffs linked together, with vocals on top. Now it was more vocals with Metal underneath, if you know what I mean? The melody line for

vocals were a top priority. We wrote the lyrics together, or Dennis would write something that fitted the melody line.

And what about the lyrics in the third and last demo? Dennis: “Phantom Soul” is about a love/hate relationship. We actually had junk-addicts in mind for this one. “The Fortress” is about alienation from your surroundings, and being depressive as a result. It’s funny, many years later, I have days were I can really relate to this one. “Take-off” is just a story of this pilot crashing with his plane, and his thoughts while crashing/dying. “Crime academy” is about staying out of trouble with the law. Although no one in the band has ever had as much as a parking offence.

Can you give me the names of a few bands that were influential to FORCE MAJEURE?Jesper: As for musical influences, I always liked prog-rock with a pompous sound. In my teens, my favourite bands were SAGA and KANSAS, and later DIXIE DREGGS and ELP. I tried to write that kind of music, and present it in a Metallic fashion. Bands like METAL CHURCH, HELSTAR, SAVATAGE and QUEENSRYCHE were inspirations here. Dennis: I was influenced by IRON MAIDEN, DIO, SAVATAGE, QUEENSRYCHE STEVE VAI, VAN HALEN, DOKKEN and STING!?! What were your activities as a band during the time you were around. Did you ever performed abroad?Jesper: We never played outside Denmark. I think we played about 25 gigs in all, over the years. We headlined a Danish metal festival in 1988, it was the coolest gig, people went nuts. And we supported Swedish ICE AGE in Copenhagen. A European tour with ICE AGE was scheduled, but never happened. ICE AGE? The cool all-female power/speed/thrash band? It should have been a nice show!! Anyways, Denmark had a strong underground movement going along, with bands as the mighty WITCH CROSS, RANDY, MIRAGE, WASTED, CRYSTAL KNIGHT, ANGER, EVIL, DAMNATORY,

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MALTESE FALCON and many more wallowing around in the 80’s. What were the bands from your country that you enjoyed the most? Did FORCE MAJEURE play with any of them? How did the crowd reacted with a less known band such as FORCE MAJEURE watching them perform live?Jesper: We never played with any of the above mentioned bands. Sadly. Unless you were MERCYFUL FATE or PRETTY MAIDS, it was hard to draw 200 people to a gig in Copenhagen. If you did a triple bill, there was a chance people would show up. We did one of those with INVOCATOR and FURIOUS TRAUMA, and 500 people showed up. But if you weren’t a thrash band, it was hard to get an audience. For me, MERCYFUL FATE were the big heroes. They were really original, and heavy at the same time. I also liked EVIL´s stuff, and HERO, a very underrated Danish band, in a more hard rock fashion. CRYSTAL KNIGHT´s LP still works today, whereas some other Danish recordings don’t really stand the test of time, for me today. Going back in the past, Jesper Schmidt played with APOCALYPSE, a band featured in “Metal Outlet” compilation LP released in 1987 by Bums records, recruiting MALTESE FALCON’s singer to record 2 tracks for this compilation. Did APOCALYPSE have other recordings? Was there any similar participation in a compilation LP for FORCE MAJEURE? Quite lots of releases like that occurred in the past to promote unsigned bands that deserved to achieve more than a demo, 2 years after “Metal Outlet” the interest had already decreased for underground metal bands?Jesper: Apocalypse was really early FORCE MAJEURE, with a different band name. We never recorded anything after the compilation as APOCALYPSE, but a demo before. The band name FORCE MAJEURE is less... limitating than APOCALYPSE, which kind of suggests more violent metal than we play. I don’t really remember it as a time when the underground “disappeared”, it just took a step in the thrashy direction. Sadly for us! What’s your opinion about the local scene of the past compared to the present one of today. Being an active musician, which bands do you appreciate in the metal scene of this new era and how much the local metal scene has changed from back in the day, apart from the obvious changes evolution has offered? Is there any interest in bands playing 80’s influenced heavy metal?Jesper: VERY interesting question! With Myspace, it’s easy to check out

the current Danish bands. And I’m astonished by what I hear. Bands today play really well! And the production is mostly superb. But then again - Today, all bands have their own home studio. You can produce good sounding demos/records fairly cheap at home , whereas in our days, entering a studio would cost a fortune. And you actually had to PLAY the stuff. Today, drums are corrected with “beat detector”, a program that divides the drums to mathematical perfection, like a drum machine would play it. And the drums are “triggered”, when the drummer hits his snare drum, a sample sound is produced, so it’s not the drummer’s snare you hear, but a sampling. This of course sounds very professional and convincing, but I would MUCH rather hear Morten fuck up a fill, than hear him sound like a drum machine. But all in all, the Danish scene is really huge now. Bands are really going for it, and sounding good. There are a few bands playing 80’s style: ANUBIS GATE and IRON FIRE. But if you want to make it big with this type of music, you have to get out of Denmark.

Other than FORCE MAJEURE, you Jesper and Morten credited in another project called VICIOUS AROMA. What was this band about and did you record anything with them?Jesper: VICIOUS AROMA was made as a joke, really! Morten, myself and a couple of other crazy musicians from Copenhagen used to hang out. We would have fart-contests, and act really immature. And of course, we had to make a true metal band. The plan was to take all clichés and stereotypes of Heavy Metal, and overdo them. We had stage names inspired by death/thrash/black-metal bands; I was “Henning Holocaust”, Morten was “Sven Slaughter” etc. Of course we were Satan worshippers, and we would enter the stage clad as warriors, with swords and leather. I’m tellin’ya, MANOWAR could fuck off with their girlie stage appearance, and their disco/pop-metal. We played Slayer-inspired thrash, with lame lyrics. We recorded a demo in the rehearsal room, on a 4-track, just for fun. But it became cult in Copenhagen :-) So we recorded another demo, in a real studio. The sound was way better, of course, but it wasn’t as fun to do as the first one. One of the songs “Smell Awaits” was put on a Danish metal compilation called “Fuck you, we’re from Denmark”. VICIOUS AROMA has a myspace-site as well. And someone has put some video on Youtube. A friend did a VHS amateur video to our song “Heavy Metal”. It was recorded on a cemetery, of course. Some compared us to SOD, you be the judge of that. VICIOUS AROMA and SOD were inspirations to Mortens current band RED WARSZAWA.

They are HUGE in Denmark, frequently performing Roskilde Festival in front of 15.000 people. And selling tons of records. Now let’s move on to the present tense and talk about the recent F.M release. Steel Legacy records decided to re-release all FORCE MAJEURE stuff on vinyl and CD format, after being well-hidden in the chests of metal history, How did this deal come up and how do F.M members feel about that?Jesper: This happened totally unexpected, and in a funny way: One day, a Greek dork (you might know him?) wrote me, and asked if I had any FORCE MAJEURE demos. I didn’t, but I sent him the full catalogue on mp3. HE seemed to like the music, and sent it to his friend Kostas, who runs Steel Legacy Records. Thus it happened. Kostas liked the music too, and we decided to go for an album. We are really thrilled with this opportunity, and it has made us get in touch with each other again, which is cool. We’ve made a myspace-site for the occasion, everybody is welcome to visit.Dennis: I think it is funny that the Internet brings this opportunity-this is music made 20 years ago or more… well, since music should be valid forever this is a great thing! Getting it on vinyl like the good old days is just unbelievably awesome! Rock on dudes! What is the bands state at this moment, any plans of reuniting?Jesper: We all love music so anything is possible, but at the moment spare time for some of us (Dennis for instance) is less than needed to be in a band full time, but he is building a recording studio, so when work will take less time compared to today, who knows…? If reuniting I guess music will be a lot more mature and hopefully way more cool!

I hope you will be back on studio and stage soon to deliver some more great music as you did before, keep up the good work and best of luck to all of you guys.Force Majeure: Thanks a lot and we hope fans will enjoy the Steel Legacy recent release as much as we did while recording the tunes and as happily as we embraced the idea of offering our music to the masses….

Thanos Stafylarakis


“Demo I” (Private, 1988)

“Demo II” (Private, 1990)

“Demo III” (Private, 1991)

“Force Majeure” CD/LP

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ALTAR OF OBLIVION“Sinews of Anguish” CD

(Shadow Kingdom Records, 2009)Altar of Oblivion is an epic doom metal band from Denmark which started in 2005 and until now they have one demo and a full length album released in 2009 under the name “Sinners of Anguish”. Altar of Oblivion is a band, that with the first listening will not satisfy you completely, but if you listen to that carefully you will detect the very good components that they have… like a good production, nice music arrangements - they are not the classic mournful epic doom metal influenced by bands like Isole, Warning and that stuff, but their style is mixed with many heavy metal elements which compose the one that we call Altar of Oblivion. Also, the particular kind of vocals is the one that I like in doom metal personally. Check this band – recommended!Web: www.myspace.com/altarofoblivion


ANVIL CHORUS “The Killing Sun” CD(Rockadrome, 2009)

This release has been talked so much that in the end I thought that I would never see it. Even when Thaen Rasmusen assured me in 2008 (when he played in Athens with VICIOUS RUMORS) that it would be released, I still couldn’t believe it. Well, here it is. This CD contains 12 songs, of which 7 come from the CLASSIC 1983 demo of the band, “Thought Crimes”, 2 from their 1984 demo while the other 3 from various band recordings (to tell you the truth, I don’t know if they are from older band demos or new songs, I have the

impression that they are all 80’s tracks). The production is great, while I would prefer a better cover, but OK. When I had first read that this CD would not be re-released material, but re-recorded, I was quite hesitant, as they are very few bands that manage to capture the feeling and energy of their early recordings, many years after. Well, ANVIL CHORUS definitively made it! For those unfamiliar with the band, I will just say that their sound is very original and I find it very difficult to characterize them. Quality Metal maybe? Fans of the band that are skeptical about how the songs would sound 20+ years later, give it no second thought and buy this CD. Metal fans in general, this CD is also for you, even so late, it will be a crime (not of thought, haha) ANVIL CHORUS to be ignored by Metal fans. www.myspace.com/anvilchorusssf

Kostas Kailiazis


“Terra Incognita” CD(Pitch Black, 2010)

Sometimes words aren’t enough when we stand in front of a true masterpiece… I simply can’t find the appropriate words to describe my feelings about the second album of Cyprus’ best outcome through the years… It’s not a common secret that ARRYAN PATH approached the fields of supremacy with their debut “Road to Macedonia” in 2003 but merely six years later I strongly believe that they fulfilled all of their (ours too) expectations with “Terra Incognita”! Their style remains so close to Epic/Power territories with lots of classic Metal elements, memorable choruses and inspiring melodies that will catch the breath of every devoted fan! Nikolas Leptos’ interpretation behind the microphone is phenomenal, while the other musicians equally contribute to the overall exceptional result! The production by the band and Vangelis Maranis (SANVOISEN) is magnificent too and what we’re holding in our hands is probably one of the most potential efforts of the last five or ten years as far as this particular style is concerned… Who said Heavy Metal is dead? www.myspace.com/arryanpath

Gregoryory Baxevanidis

BATTLERAGE “Blood, Fire, Steel” CD(Metal on Metal, 2009)

Let me start by saying that I really like BATTLERAGE, as in their two demos and

the “Steel Supremacy” CD they showed that they are a force to be reckoned with in Epic Power Metal. After the first listening, I was very disappointed and so I decided to give it a try. After having listened to the CD for three times, I guess that I can give an accurate opinion. Unfortunately, BATTLERAGE didn’t live to the expectations (at least I had) and “Blood, Fire, Steel” sounds very boring and monotonous. The band balances between mid-tempo and faster tracks, but all I get is “power for the sake of power”. Fans of SACRED STEEL, CAGE, HELLISH WAR and DOMINUS PRAELII may want to check this CD, but I would suggest to start from “Steel Supremacy”. www.battlerage.cl

Kostas Kailiazis

BATTLE RAM“Smash the Gates” mini-CD

(My Graveyard, 2009)Many years after their only release so far (the 2003 demo that got also released on vinyl), BATTLE RAM returns with a mini-CD as an appetizer for their forthcoming album, “Long live the Ram”. I never was a fan of the band, despite enjoying their live concerts (not only for the covers they were performing, but also because they are a very good live band). This mini-CD includes 2 new songs, an acoustic rendition of their “Dark Command” demo track, an “Angel Witch” cover plus two live songs (“Burning Lives” and “The Vow”-both in their demo) from their performance at Keep it True X in 2008. “Smash the Gates” is very average and typical, while the other new song, “A Warrior’s life and Death” is way better, but again nothing special. I also find the new singer to have a very “flat” voice and being very weak when he tries to reach higher notes, something that certainly doesn’t help. This mini-CD didn’t change my opinion about the band, I still consider them an average band and I would really like to see Gianluca focusing on JOTENHEIM. Try to listen to it and then decide whether to buy this mini-CD, otherwise wait for the full length album.www.battleram.it

Kostas Kailiazis

BLACK FATE“Deliverance of Soul” CD

(Astral, 2009)Holy mother of God! Am I dreaming or what I hold in my bare hands is the continuation of this fabulous band from Larissa, Thessaly? The period where the

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band was overshadowed by silence is finally over and the new appealing form of BLACK FATE arises like the phoenix from the ashes! “Deliverance of soul” is their second effort so far which carries out a lot of member and musical changes as well! If you dig the sound of the mighty CONCEPTION and early KAMELOT era with Roy Khan, this is your favorite cup of tea! Brilliant power metal anthems with a slight hint of progressive just to fill the whole package, “Deliverance of soul” is what the title means! Simply magnificent! www.myspace.com/blackfateband

Gregory Baxevanidis

CARDINAL’S FOLLY “Orthodox Faces”EP 2009 (private)

Cardinal’s Folly, hailing from Finland is a quite new band, existing though from 2004 under a different moniker (The Coven), which was latterly changed in 2007 in the one that we know. Their EP called “Orthodox Faces” was the one that made them one of the most worth checking bands in doom metal. However, with slogan like N.W.O.F.D.M. nothing more but true traditional doom metal is expected. We all know that Finland is a goldmine for every doom metal fan as it has produced sincere bands like Minotauri, Spiritus Mortis, Fall of the Idols, Reverend Bizarre and many more which have raised doom metal to another class. Cardinal’s Folly is one of them and the signs are clear; they have entered strongly the doom metal scene as they play pure heavy doom metal, a music style that Finnish people know at its best. The production of the album is the one that I prefer in a doom metal band and the vocals are also classical for a Finnish doom band. What I like most in this group, is that they have a unique style. Their arrangements are classic and in general I don’t have to add something more. All I have to say is: fans of Reverend Bizarre and Minotauri don’t waste more time and go check this band like I do.Web: www.myspace.com/cardinalsfolly



“Mother of Mercy” 7”single(Nasjonal, 2009)

A pleasant surprise from the States, from Washington to be more precise. The first thing that impressed me was the plain, but beautiful cover. The music on offer is a little hard to describe. Let me start with the easy part. The band has a female singer. NWOBHM in a more up-tempo direction with some doom elements and a “loose” sound could be a description, but again…The title-track brought to mind the very early TWISTED TOWER DIRE (with Janet on vocals and more specifically the “Fuck You” track), but maybe not. Very good guitar work can be heard in both songs resulting in a 7” that I enjoyed a lot. I guess that it will also appeal to quite a few fans, so contact the band to get your copy (for a very low price) and don’t forget to ask for the demo tape they released soon after the single. [email protected]

Kostas Kailiazis

CONDENADOS“La Gran Muerte”

EP 2009 (Legion of Death)

Condenados is a pure doom metal band from Chile, that has been created during 2005. I was familiar with this band about 3 years ago but I never listened to their songs for unknown reason. However, when their first EP (La Iniciacion) was released, they totally persuaded me that they have entered the doom metal scene for sure. All lyrics and vocals are in Spanish which is something new for doom metal and I have to say that this band is very easy listening to. Condenados play slow mournful doom metal including a very characteristic sound strongly influenced by the classic sound of Latin America. A band, that has much to give to doom metal. Web: www.myspace.com/condenadosdoom


COUNT RAVEN “Mammons War” CD

(I Hate, 2009)The Swedish Doom Gods return many years after “Messiah of Confusion” (1996) with a brand new album. Although the reunion took place years back with the band performing in various Festivals and gigs around Europe kicking ass (as I was lucky to see them in Keep it True and very

recently in Athens) it took them quite some time to release a new CD. But it was worth the wait. Everything you knew, loved and expected from COUNT RAVEN is here. I would say that the album sounds like a mix of “High on Infinity” (mainly) with “Messiah of Confusion” with a more Epic sound/approach. Songs like “The Entity”, “A Lifetime”, “To kill a child” leave few points to argue. It’s duration (68 min.) doesn’t tire at all the listener, in the right places we find majestic songs like “Mammons War”, “To love, wherever you are” & “Increasing Deserts” that only add variety to the final result, apart from proving once more of the tremendous emotions these Swedes can transcend also in their “softer” moments. Doom fans already have this, those that know the band by name and so far have been hesitant, buy this CD, I am sure that it will be an addition that you won’t regret. www.myspace.com/countraventheband

Kostas Kailiazis

CRESCENT SHIELD “The Stars of Never Seen” CD(Cruz del Sur Music, 2009)

The known suspects… the company of New Eden, Onward, Legend Maker, Cypher Seer, Seven Witches etc. has made it again! Their first album “The Last of my Kind” was highly appraised by the metal fans and press all over the world!! And they return, after 3 years, with another marvelous opus! All the ingredients that made their debut album a success are present here, too: melody, feeling and power. Divine vocals and choruses, amazing guitar harmonies and melodies, solid pounding… all of them combined with the professionalism and the passion of these experienced musicians! Opening track is good, but a bit tiring, while “The Grand Horizon” is a thunder! “Tides of Fire” starts slowly and melodic and then… another thunder! “10.000 Midnight Ago” offers variety, slow, bursting and pomp parts – a real anthem! Michael rips the sky with his stunning vox at “Temple of the Empty”, “My Anger” is all about classic US Speed Power we all love, but “The Bellman” is not my cup of tea, not so inspired. “The Endurance” is 9-minute track with very good ideas and themes - and finally “Lifespan” is another metal blaster with great “aggressive” and theatrical vocals! Waiting for their next attack!www.crescentshield.com

Antonis Adamakos

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CROSSWIND“Beyond” + “Opposing forces”

demo CD’s (Private, 2007 + 2009)

To tell you the truth, I consider CROSSWIND one of the most potential bands emerging from Greece the last ten years! No kidding! The quartet delivers high class power metal with lots of references from both European and American tradition, combining modern speed/power metal, NWOBHM and Epic Metal as well, the production and the cover artwork on both releases are extremely appealing and the interpretation of the bands’ members is what I call phenomenal! Don’t get me wrong but I’m more than sure that if luck doesn’t turn its back on them, the future holds even more stunning efforts by them! Latest news is that Stormspell Records will have released both demo-CD’s in one CD by the time you are reading these lines, so you know what to do. www.myspace.com/crosswindmetal

Gregory Baxevanidis

CRYSTAL VIPER – “Metal Nation” CD(Karthago, 2009)

It seems that the Polish CRYSTAL VIPER are very active! This is their second full length album, while in the meantime they have released various other goodies! The inspiration and energy is still here, as in the first album. European Heavy Metal with fresh ideas, full of energy, crystal clear production, great melodies and amazing female vocals!! The CD contains 8 tracks plus one cover of the all-time classic “Agents of Steel”. I would consider this album inferior than the previous, but do not get me wrong - “Metal Nation” is a great album and very professional in all aspects! It is just me that I prefer more Epic songs. Best tracks of the cd: “Legions of Truth”, “Bringer of the Light” and “Metal Nation”. Recommended!PS. This band really kicks at their live shows!!www.crystalviper.com

Antonis Adamakos

CRYSTAL VIPER“The Wolf and the Witch” 7”single

(High Roller, 2009)After the very good “Metal Nation” album, CRYSTAL VIPER release this 7” single with the title track on A-side and “Mr. Gold” from WARLOCK as a B-side, which is very

well played and performed. I wasn’t very impressed with their song, not that it was bad or something, it’s just that the band with both albums has proved that they can pen excellent songs. This single comes with a great cover and is limited to 500 copies. www.crystalviper.com

Kostas Kailiazis

DARK NIGHTMARE“The Human Liberty” CD

(Eat Metal, 2009)After a couple of demos and a split CD with BLADE OF SPIRIT, DARK NIGHTMARE unleashed their inner power and “The Human Liberty” came to our bare hands! With a sound quite close to Epic Metal the melodic way and adding influences from traditional metal and NWOBHM sound, the band is without a single doubt in a very good shape and all you can judge by yourself while you’re listening this ten song cracker! Moreover, “Dragonlakes” is one my most favorite songs of the last five and even more years composed by Greek metal artists!!!www.myspace.com/darknightmaregrevena

Gregory Baxevanidis

DIPHTHERIA“To wait for fire” CD (Pitchblack, 2009)

For many Underground metal freaks the name of DIPHTHERIA may bring beautiful memories… The band from Cyprus released back in the mid 90’s a couple of very promising demos but due to various reasons they returned back in action in 2003! “To wait for fire” is a collection of old songs that ring the bell for all true lovers of heavy/power metal with fair production and shows the undying passion and technical abilities of the outfit! Get in touch with them for further details…www.myspace.com/diptheriametal

Gregory Baxevanidis

FORSAKEN “After the Fall” CD

(I Hate, 2009)New label for Maltese Doomsters FORSAKEN and it was proved that we had very high expectations. In no way is “After the Fall” an average album, on the contrary it has some of the familiar characteristics of the band (power, melody and epic atmosphere) but what comes to destroy almost everything is the awful production that especially in the guitars section is so intense that makes a simple listening very difficult. It’s a shame for FORSAKEN to “fall” a level, since they are one of the last representatives of Epic Doom Metal. www.myspace.com/forsakenmalta

Gregory Baxevanidis

GRIFTEGARD“Solemn, Sacred, Severe” CD

(Van Records, 2009) Solemn, sacred, severe… These three words are absolutely not enough to describe Griftegard’s new masterpiece but they are able to prepare you for what you are about to listen. Hymns of epic doom metal influenced by the solemnity of our Lord with gospel mourning parts, slow depressing melodies of both guitars, amazing clean melodic vocals and tempting emotions which are reborn during the listening of this album. Nothing less to expect from a doom metal band from Sweden, a country which has the most important doom metal bands ever like Candlemass, Count Raven, Isole, Ereb Altor, Memory Garden and many more. According to my opinion maybe the best doom metal album of 2009. Songs like “I refuse these Ashes”, “Punishment and Ordeal”, “Drunk with Wormwood” are definitely not composed every day and with the way that are performed they succeed in describing something divine and sacred, a thing that is totally reflected in the music of Griftegard. The album has also been released in vinyl format by Nachtgnosis (various editions).Web: www.myspace.com/griftegrd


HIBRIA “The Skull Collectors” CD

(Remedy, 2009)Porto Alegre’s pride returns after 4+ years of absence with another amazing CD!

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The Brazilian quintet seems unstoppable with the frenzied, bombastic Power Metal rhythms triggering off merciless headbanging, certifying that HIBRIA belong to the elite of the genre’s new generation. Albums like “The Skull Collectors” are the best answer to those believing that modern Power Metal has nothing to offer, with its very high quality and the musicians that composed it giving every ounce of their talent! Undoubtedly it’s an excellent CD and you should better not ignore it. www.myspace.com/hibria

Gregory Baxevanidis


(Private, 2009)Holy shit!!! This is an unbelievable band!! HIEROPHANT is a band formed in Texas and they’ve been around for a couple of years - their Youtube videos had made real sense, and now they have their first demo ready. They play the US Metal we all love, but with unique sound. I could say they are a perfect mix of US Power / Speed Metal with some influences from Euro Metal. Vocals are... from the heaven and above..., fantastic harmonies and meaningful soloing, great ideas in bass and a thunder on the the drums! “Heart of Fire” and “Enslaved” are for sure some of the best tracks written ever! The faster you get this demo, the better! Endless pleasure of TX Metal Assault!! Labels, labels... sign this band!!!www.myspace.com/hierophanttheband

Antonis Adamakos

HURLEMENT“De Sang et d’Acier” CD

(Emanes Metal Records, 2009)Another killer French newcomer that you are going to love!! HURLEMENT were formed in 2003 and this is their debut release through Emanes Metal (see ya in U.T.H.!). The main influences come from Running Wild, Lonewolf and the likes… bombastic heavy metal in your face!! No bad moments here, just well-played classic heavy metal with variety and good ideas. Some lyrics are in French and I really love ‘em, while the others are in English. A release you should check for sure, but we will be waiting for their second album to see what they are capable for and have a better picture of them. Note: the vinyl version was released by Metal Coven Records with a different artwork cover.

www.myspace.com/hurlement Antonis Adamakos

HYBORIAL STEEL “An Age Undreamt Of...” CD

(My Graveyard Productions, 2009)When this cd came out it was like a thunder, the buzz and mystery around this US band was serious... but in the end it turned out to be somehow like a joke!! HYBORIAL STEEL do not come from the States, but from Italy and it seems to be a project of ex-ASSEDIUM members Luca (vocals) and Guido (guitars), as they have confirmed! On the musical side, this release is a real masterpiece of well crafted US Epic Heavy Metal – a glorious tribute to the gods of steel! Manilla Road, Omen, Ironsword are definitely some of the influences of “An Age Undreamt Of...”, while they present a unique approach, nonetheless! The opening track “Hyborean Steel” is one of the best tracks I’ve ever listened to! This song has easily achieved a place in the pantheon of the most classic US Metal tracks! A must-have release! Epic to the bone!Note: a great cover of Heavy Load’s “Heavy Metal Heaven” is included!www.myspace.com/hyboriansteel

Antonis Adamakos


(Pure Steel/ High Roller, 2009)

The resurgence of the Classic Metal sound is getting stronger as time passes by and the Swedish bands once more prove that they belong to the elite…IN SOLITUDE don’t play something innovating and they never will. They do in the best manner what they do though! Their same-titled debut is a “unofficial” tribute to early IRON MAIDEN and MERCYFUL FATE (also on the lyrical approach) with very notable compositions that may not reach the levels of the aforementioned bands, they don’t cease to be some of the most

attractive propositions for all those that still believe that they are musicians out there expressing themselves with pure and honest Heavy Metal www.myspace.com/insolitudeheavymetal

Gregory Baxevanidis

LAST EMPIRE “Heir to the Throne” CD

(Private, 2009)I was really blown away with the debut album of LAST EMPIRE back in 2004 – technical US Power Metal at its best! The second album “Heir to the Throne” continues with the same successful recipe: very powerful vocals, heavy, technical and speedy parts blended nicely, great production and feeling. I think this band has not received much recognition or attention – and if you count on the fact that the signer is of the fame of Malice and Vicious Rumors, then you can understand how underestimated this band is. A must have for fans of Helstar, Syris, New Eden etc.www.myspace.com/lastempire

Antonis Adamakos

LICK THE BLADE “Graveyard of empires” CD

(Auburn, 2009)LICK THE BLADE hail from Cleveland, Ohio and after two demos they release their debut, “Graveyard of Empires”. Typical, predictable Heavy Metal that owes almost everything to IRON MAIDEN, while on the other hand, when they choose to follow more Power oriented paths they bring to mind all the great US bands of the 80’s. The final result though, despite having the right influences is average mainly due to their singer who hasn’t yet learned to control his vocal range. Let’s hope that they will get better on their next album. www.myspace.com/licktheblade

Gregory Baxevanidis

LONEWOLF“The Dark Crusade” CD/LP

(Karthago /Killer Metal, 2009)After the great “Made in Hell” CD (2008) and a label change, LONEWOLF decided to prove why they should be considered one of the leading forces in today’s underground Heavy Metal scene. They don’t claim that they invented the wheel, on the contrary. The band consists of Metal fans that play the music they like, without

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caring about being innovative, selling lots of copies or whatever. LONEWOLF’s music brings to mind RUNNING WILD (there is even a “tribute” song, “Legacy of the Wild”). Ok, that’s a fact. So what? Do they perform with passion and inspired guitars their Power Metal? The answer is yes. Both hands raised. And because I feel that it must be made clear, since I have heard many fans shunning LONEWOLF, accusing of them of being just copycats, let me say one more thing. It’s another thing to steal a bigger band’s music and another to compose music “based” on the style/band you love. If such a thing is performed with honesty and the final result sounds good to my ears, I prefer it over the bands that are original for the sake of it (who, at the bottom line we have all seen where their “never-ending” quest for originality has led them, playing shit that has nothing to do with Metal). This is the best album LONEWOLF has released (after their debut of course) and I am really happy that the band has never strayed not only from the path of REAL Metal but has given us 4 great albums showing no sign of compromising. Just a quick listen to HYMNS like “Viktoria”, “Warrior Priest”, “Hail Victory”, “Winter Farewell” (what a crazy driving riff!), “The Hour Zero” (over 10 minutes, the entire track slays!) or ANY of the albums songs will convince you. Well done brothers! www.myspace.com/metalonewolf

Kostas Kailiazis

MANOWAR “Thunder in the Sky” mini-CD(Magic Circle Music, 2009)

After lots of thought, I decided to review the newest MANOWAR release. I was reluctant, because it may seem unfitting to see reviews from such releases in such a publication and also because MANOWAR is my all-time favorite Metal band and I want to be careful. “Gods of War” was an album that got neglected by the Metal fans and in most things they were right. I personally enjoyed the album’s Metal songs, but I ended up listening to a 30 minutes EP when I had bought a 70+ minutes album, something I didn’t like. “Thunder in the Sky” is here. The mini-CD includes 6 songs and these are: “Thunder in the Sky”, a very typical song, “Let the Gods decide”, a song based on and saved by Eric Adams, since musically is nothing special. “Father” is a typical ballad, while “Die with Honor” is an ok track known from the band’s previous single. The new (Metal) version of “The Crown and the Ring” shouldn’t be included, as the original is such a CLASSIC track that should be left untouched. “God or Man” ends this release in the best way, as it is a great fast song sounding like an outtake from “Warriors of the World”. The bonus CD includes 15 (!!!) different versions of “Father”, sung in different languages. Useless if you ask me. If the band and fans like it, who am I to judge this? If this CD is indicative of the forthcoming full-length, then it’s a good sign. On the other hand, so was “The Sons

of Odin” mini-CD before “Gods of War”. The old times are long gone, I guess that by now we ALL know and accept this, so this review will probably add nothing. Those that have abandoned MANOWAR, will shun this CD, those liking the band’s direction all these years have already bought it and don’t wait my opinion. Both parties have acted well if you ask me. And something for the end. All this “Asgard Saga” thing, doesn’t “smell” good, but I hope that I am wrong. www.manowar.com

Kostas Kailiazis

Ps. The return of Donnie Hamzick (the best drummer the band ever had!) is more than welcome, but all I hear is the typical MANOWAR drumming of the post-“Triumph of Steel” era and not the “Battle Hymns” drummer.

METALUCIFER “Heavy Metal Bulldozer” CD/LP

(Iron Pegasus, 2009)Years (lost count) after “Heavy Metal Chainsaw” and with live albums/singles, compilations and other pretty unnecessary releases in the meantime, the Japanese Masters of cliché Metal strike back! I admit that I love this band, despite their major drawbacks (we all know them, but is it because of these that we love them even more?). I was puzzled when I saw how the album would be released. Japanese version and Teutonic (the one I bought and review here) played by the German METALUCIFER line-up leaded by Blumi (of METAL INQUISITOR fame. Hey guys what about a new LP?). Pointless for me to have the same album/songs recorded by two “bands” and even more pointless (or does another word apply here?) to have them released as two separate albums…well, enough with my general thoughts. It’s the music that matters, right? Yes! Did you expect METALUCIFER to play anything else than Hellish Metal knee deep in the NWOBHM tradition with killer guitars and mega-cult lyrics? No! This is the case once more, but the result is not as killer in their previous LP’s. Far from average guys! This LP is great, the trademarks of the band are here, Blumi sings great, but from the spins I have given it so far, I can’t say I was so blown away, as from their previous recordings. Maybe my opinion will change with time. Their fans have already picked it up. Those never heard of the band should try their two previous releases, “Heavy Metal Drill” and “Heavy Metal Chainsaw” and then get this one. www.truemetal.org/metalucifer

Kostas Kailiazis

MIDNIGHT IDOLS “Sworn to the Night” CD (Metal On Metal, 2009)

As hard as it is to admit sometimes, as much as the truth hurts us, US Metal hasn’t for many years now reached even in the smaller extent the quality of European bands. MIDNIGHT IDOLS are no exception and their new CD just gathers some nice ideas and riffs but as a whole is just above mediocrity. Good will, NWOBHM and IRON MAIDEN (mainly) influences are not enough. More persistence and effort are required for the future…www.myspace.com/idols

Gregory Baxevanidis

MIDNIGHT PRIEST “Rainha Da Magia Negra” EP

(Stormspell, 2009)Great Heavy Metal from Portugal sung in their native language! The EP consists of 6 tracks that are interesting from the start to the end (“Juizo Final” is simply fantastic!). Powerful heavy metal with balls and epic elements, 80’s feeling and production, amazing artwork cover. Certainly, they do not play something new, but their classic heavy metal sound with the Portuguese vocals makes it really interesting and exotic. Recommended!www.myspace.com/midnightpriest

Antonis Adamakos

MILES BEYOND“Discovery” mini-CD

(Rock Revolution, 2009)MILES BEYOND hail from Michigan, USA and this is their second release after “Miles Beyond” (2004), a CD that has gotten great reviews but I learned only after buying this mini-CD and so far haven’t heard. Classic Metal with Epic tones (mainly because of the singer and some guitars) is what you will get with Tim Moody sounding very similar to Bruce Dickinson. This mini-CD

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includes 3 songs with great guitar work (is it only me or the opening riff to “My Able Axe” sounds very similar to AIRGED L’AMH?) and very professional layout/production. I really think that a label contract is the next logical step, the band has great potential that with the help of a label and of course their more intense efforts will further blossom. www.milesbeyond.net

Kostas Kailiazis

PICTURE“Old Dogs New Tricks” CD

(Rocktalent, 2009)When Dutch PICTURE were making their comeback some years back, satisfying lots of fans that wanted to see them live, what we all wished for was to enter the studio and record new songs…Of course let’s not hide behind our finger…In the vast majority of reunions what we get has nothing to do with the glorious past, PICTURE seem to be an exception. “Old Dogs, new tricks” rightfully gathers the attention of Classic Metallers, since it is based on the foundations the band has laid in the 80’s (and especially with their 4 first albums), without following current trends that would lower the respect we have for them. I really wish that they will also give us in the future such good albums. www.myspace.com/pictureholland

Gregory Baxevanidis

PRODIGAL EARTH“Zenith II Zero” CD(Pitchblack, 2009)

Cypriot metal bands seem to leave behind their own cell and PRODIGAL EARTH is a fine example about the dignity and devotion of artists come from the island of Aphrodite! Not a single dull moment, just an extremely balanced, powerful, yet melodic bunch of songs, possibly the best outcome from Cyprus along ARRYAN PATH! To be more precise, “Zenith II zero” belongs to the most welcomed underground heavy/power metal gems of

2009! I only wish them to succeed all the targets they set as musicians and band as soon as possible with this release…www.myspace.com/prodigalearth

Gregory Baxevanidis

RAM“Lightbringer” CD

(AFM, 2009)Swedes RAM had left us very good impressions from their precious releases (“Sudden Impact” and “Forced Entry”), as well as from their presence in the first Up the Hammers Festival in 2006. With “Lightbringer” they showed us that they didn’t “manage” their success well and the final results swims in shallow waters. Their classic Metal style hasn’t retreated a bit, but has given place in Epic references, something that would have left us more than satisfied. The mid-tempo character of most songs tires instead of challenging our senses. The Gothenburg band does not convince us that this change will help them fulfill its goals. We shall see… www.myspace.com/rammetal

Gregory Baxevanidis

Ps. For those interested, “Lightbringer” will be released in LP from (who else?) High Roller Records in May.

RAVEN “Walk through Fire” CD

(King, 2009)Long time, no see. I don’t even remember how many years have passed when the Brits had released a studio album. Looks like the wait was worth it, since their return is signaled with songs that travel us back in their glory days, when RAVEN were in the forefront of NWOBHM! There may not be a comparison between “Walk through Fire” and their early works, but we should not forget how many years before their debut was released and what has happened in the between. Simple and direct Heavy Metal with the known speed outbursts but also more staccato and up-tempo, a return that may not be talked by the majority of the Metallic world, but will leave their fans satisfied! www.ravenlunatics.com

Gregory Baxevanidis

REVELATION “For the Sake of No One”

CD 2009

(Shadow Kingdom Records)This is the sixth album of Revelation and I have to say that this band continues to surprise me always even more. Their talent is very hard to be described and even though they released 2 albums in the same year, this band not only has not become boring but they made an album which is quite different from the previous one. The particular album combines heavy, slow doom metal with few stoner elements – these stoner elements do not influence the doom metal parts and I think that this is what makes Revelation so special and continue to play so many years doom metal mixing and combining these 2 genres. This album includes many instrumental sections - not boring at all as well. In conclusion what I have to say is that I can’t wait until their next album. Web: www.revelation-usa.netBland Hand Records: www.againstnature.us/BH/Revelation/ (official download)


RISING CROSS“Trumpets of Victory” mini-CD

(Private, 2009)One of the biggest surprises of the last year, Brazilians RISING CROSS come to prove us that white Metal, despite being neglected from the Metallic press, never ceases to offer us intense emotions! Despite they started out in 2000, “Trumpets of Victory” is their debut, has amazing sound and compositions that will satisfy all fans of dynamic Power Metal the European way. The quintet in no case is a copy of the genre’s big bands, on the contrary they do their best in the three songs (plus an intro) included and I believe that they should be included among the rising forces of the genre. I hadn’t heard such qualitative Power Metal with melody and epic lyricism for a long time. A great release that you must not lose. By the way, “Victory” is a huge Epic! www.myspace.com/risingspace

Gregory Baxevanidis

RITUALS OF THE OAK“Hour of Judgement”

CD / LP 2009 (Eyes Like Snow)

Rituals of the Oak, is a doom metal band from Australia. When I first listened to this band was because of their 2009 demo.

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Considering the fact that from Australia there are not so many doom metal bands, I was enough prejudiced when it was time to listen to their album. Fortunately, I was wrong because from the very first second of the first song, I realized that Rituals of the Oak, are my new favourite band. As time was passing by, and I was even more used to their sound, I believed that even more. It is a doom metal band with female vocals and their sound is exactly how doom metal should sound like nowadays. Clean vocal lines reminding The River. All the songs are true masterpieces, and you don’t know to which you want to listen first. The last 12-minute opus song of the album under the massive title “Spell of Doom” is a song that before you listened to it, you clearly know what to expect. I am not going to say anything else about this band. Listen to their album and you will understand exactly what I mean. As I have said before, with bands like them, doom metal will never die. As for those of you who haven’t listened to this album yet, follow my advice and do it immediately. Web: www.myspace.com/ritualsoftheoak


SACRED STEEL“Carnage Victory” CD

(Massacre, 2009)The German Metalworkers after their return to very good LP’s with “Hammer of Destruction” they continue undaunted giving us pure Heavy Metal in their seventh album, “Carnage Victory”. Let’s not lie, we all know what to expect from a SACRED STEEL album and the band does exactly this. They offer generously pure Metal, at times aggressive and powerful, at times dark and following mid-tempo paths, always capable of causing huge problems in our necks from the relentless headbanging. Gerrit P.Mutz seems in a creative trance with inspiration “escaping” for very few moments. “Carnage Victory” is the album that can restore its creators in the highest places of real Heavy Metal, where they should really be www.myspace.com/truesacredsteel

Gregory Baxexavanidis

Ps. The album is also released on LP and in a limited edition box-set, as well as the “normal” CD.

SAINTSBLEED“The Mighty Monster” CD (Mighty Monster, 2009)

Debut for the German quintet of

SAINTSBLEED, the demo of which (2003) I didn’t have the opportunity to listen. Dynamic Heavy/Power in the steps of GRAVE DIGGER and WIZARD (mainly in the faster parts), with many up-tempo moments adding variety in the bands’ sound canvas. To be honest, “The mighty monster” has certain compositions that hardly surpass mediocrity, on the other hand I cannot overlook the fact that it also contains many good tracks that help to the final impression. www.myspace.com/saintsbleed

Gregory Baxevanidis


(Metal Heaven, 2009)New German band, but some of its members have a rich past having played in STORMWITCH, EVIDENCE ONE, THE ARMADA. In “The Last Day”, SANCTION X do not present something new, but I cannot admit that their material is respectable and will apply to those enjoying classic Metal with a melodic approach. Don’t think of US bands, their sound is entirely based on the European tradition. Very good musicianship and compositions are found in the CD, listen to them and you will not regret it. www.myspace.com/sanctionxebbypaduch

Gregory Baxevanidis

SAVAGE BLADE“We are the Hammer” CD/LP

(Pure Steel, 2009)Canada has started producing lots of bands that live and breathe for Heavy Metal the way we learned it from the British in the 80’s. The results are not always the best for their inspirers but also for the fans of this sound around the world. “We are the Hammer” is the first effort of the trio, that wants but cannot do more, despite having some quite memorable compositions. When they decide to add power to their songs, they seem to be doing very good, this does not apply to the case when they decide to enhance them with more bulk. www.myspace.com/wearethehammer

Gregory Baxevanidis

Ps. “We are the Hammer” LP was released by the band and Pure Steel decided to release it in CD format.

SEAMOUNT “Light II Truth”

CD 2009 (Church Within)

After the much promising debut album (Seamount), they are back to strike again with the brand new album “Light II Truth”. When I first heard the rumours about releasing a new album I was excited because I expected an album better that the previous one. Unfortunately, when I

first listened to that, I was disappointed comparing this album with the previous one which I adore. Seamount, in this album appear to be strange and even though they have kept the elements that we were used to (like the melodies of the vocals and the characteristic riffing of the guitars as well as the production of the album), a conformational change is been observed. Seamount in general, combines the traditional doom metal with some epic influences and many heavy metal elements played in a more modern way. Finally, in order to conclude, I should say that this album is from the one hand a very good album, but on the other hand it is not that good as their first one. However, Seamount, with only 2 albums on their discography, managed to make a personal sound which gives us the opportunity to distinguish them from other bands - so this band is definitely worth checking. Web: www.myspace.com/seamountdoom


SESTA MARCONI“Where the Devil Dances”

CD 2009 (Metal On Metal)

Classical example of Italian doom metal band!. Sesta Marconi according to my opinion is among the best bands that have been shown in the doom metal scene as well as with Doomenicus. They combine the Cathedral and Pentagram style along with some doom/rock influences. Fans of this particular sound will appreciate this band. Sesta Marconi is an example of a band which tries to create their own sound and I believe that they have succeeded in it so far. For sure it’s a band which you have to check if you are a fan of doom metal.Web: www.myspace.com/sestamarconi


SOLITARY SABRED“The Hero, the Monster, the Myth” CD

(Steel Legacy, 2009)For those who still believe that American epic metal has been totally disappeared from the map of metal, SOLITARY SABRED is one of the very few exceptions to the rule… Hailing from Cyprus, they follow the aforementioned path, with some good ideas and orchestration parts but after all the result don’t vindicate their efforts. Not necessarily a bad or a mediocre release, I guess that the future will bring better days so it’s preferable to wait and see…

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www.myspace.com/solitarysabredGregory Baxevanidis


(Thunderkinights Records, 2009)SPEEDTRAP is a new band formed in 2007 and they come from Finland. This is their first official release (their demo contained almost the same tracks) and I can say they are on a good way! Their style is Heavy / Speed Metal, most influences come from NWOBHM and bands like Jaguar, Avenger or Diamond Head. No modern stuff here, but old 80s feeling all over! Fans of NWOBHM and 80’s European Heavy Metal should definitely check ‘em!!Note: the EP has also been released in vinyl format by High Roller Records.www.myspace.com/speedtrapmetal

Antonis Adamakos

SPITFIRE“Die Fighting” CD

(Emotion Art, 2009)It’s always good to see familiar faces of our childhood to get back in business… SPITFIRE’s debut “First attack” from 1986 is according to my humble point of view the most complete effort of all ages as far as the Greek Heavy Metal scene is concerned but unfortunately fate was never their ally… “Die fighting” comes after a long period of silence but it fails to capture the feeling of the past, I think that the majority of the songs lack of emotion and pure feeling and the production surely needed improvement… I guess “First attack” will always stand unreachable…www.myspace.com/spitfirespitfire

Gregory Baxevanidis


(Pak, 2009)The heart of Classic Metal beats also in the Iberian peninsula and in Spain, with a bands that recently played in Greece as a support act in the latest show of BATTLEROAR! Classic Metal approach, in both production and songwriting-wise, without having common points with the feigned approach some of their colleagues’. The quartet, shows patience and zeal, elements that give them the comfort not becoming retro and repetitive. If the beginning is the half of everything (as a saying goes), then STEEL

HORSE make a very positive first step in modern discography’s jumble. www.myspace.com/steelhorsemetal

Gregory Baxevanidis

STORRMBRINGER“Among the Flames of War” CD

(Eat Metal, 2009)Time has finally come for STORRMBRINGER to release their debut under Eat Metal and offer shivers in the back for every devoted Epic Metal worshipper! Besides the young age of its’ makers, the album in its’ entirety stands on a high level, with songs full of lyricism, potential and passion that definitely draw your interest… Check it out and let’s hope that “Among the Flames of War” will be the beginning of a golden era for this young outfit!www.myspace.com/storrmbringer

Gregory Baxevanidis

STRESS “Live ‘n’ Memory” CD

(Metal Soldiers, 2009)I was totally unfamiliar with the band (I only knew the Hungarian band by the same name) until I found this CD and decided to give it a try. STRESS exists since the 80’s and have released their fair share of albums through the years. Not being familiar with them I started listening to this CD, which includes 11 songs from a live show that took place in 2005, 4 from a rare demo from 1985 and a bonus demo track recorded in 2005, a total of 16 songs in total. The First of all the sound is really good, although the crowd does not sound so “hot”. The second thing that you notice are the vocals. The singer has a very average voice and when he is “stretching” his voice a little more (on choruses for example) he is making an even worse impression. As for the music now. Classic Metal is what STRESS plays here and I guess that the songs are selected from all albums since they have a certain variety, ranging from mid-tempo to faster-paced tracks bordering on Power Metal, but I wasn’t impressed by any of them, as any good ideas are ruined by the vocals. The 2005 bonus track is a fast-paced one, but nothing special and the 1985 demo sounds good in a more melodic/commercial vein. The booklet looks excellent and must be very informative. I say it “must” because I can’t read a single word! Yes, it’s written in Spanish. A shame, since it looks very interesting and the layout is very nice. This is the first release of the Metal Soldiers label and I wish them the best,

since they proved that they are willing to release works of high quality, so more power to them. www.stress.mus.br

Kostas Kailiazis

STRIKER “Road Warrior” EP

(Iron Kodex, 2009)Well done. STRIKER many not play something that will remain in history or something innovative, but at least they seem to totally respect their influences and the fans that are not bored listening to the much loved 80’s classic Metal sound and support every effort from wherever it comes from. The EP of the Canadians is one of the best and most honest efforts of the last years and it honors them that they do their best so their style will not be characterized retro and outdated. They play Heavy Metal from their hearts and they show that they have all that is needed in order to play an important role in the next few years. All it takes is not to become content with the wonderful “Road Warrior”. For your info this EP has been released in a limited edition of 525 copies. www.myspace.com/listentostriker

Gregory Baxevanidis

TEMPLE OF PAIN“Lord of the Undead Knights” EP

(unreleased, 2010)The Temple Of Pain is project group of Fabio, lead singer and guitarist of the doom metal band Thunderstorm from Italy. Not along time ago, their first demo cd (Lord of the undead) came to my hands and I admit that when I firstly listened to that, I was excited and I continue listening to that for 5-6 times more. This is how doom metal should sound like; slow, heavy, epic, sabbathic. It is a band much worth checking and a band that you can count on, and I hope that they also believe that this demo is not enough and that it is time for a full length album to start being prepared. For all the true supporters and fans of doom metal, I suggest you to find and listen to this demo. The sound is very good and very easy listening, even though it is a demo. Also, it is well known that the doom metal scene of Italy is among the best in the whole world and that’s one more reason to listen to The Temple of Pain. At last, we all know Thunderstorm, so we can all congratulate Fabio for this masterpiece which gave us. www.myspace.com/templepain


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THE GATES OF SLUMBER“Hymns of Blood and Thunder” CD / LP

(Rise Above, 2009)We continue with The Gates Of Slumber and with their last album named “Hymns of Blood and Thunder”. To be honest, when I first listened to that album, my emotions were mixed as I am not the biggest fan of this band. I surely prefer their first demo and albums though. This band has so many heavy metal elements within its music and as a result is the tempo of their songs which makes them too “speedy” for my taste. After saying all these about my personal beliefs about this band, let’s move to the review of this album. Generally it is a quite good album, and I have to say that I liked it. We shall never forget that The Gates Of Slumber is among the most worth checking bands in doom metal and this album contains many good ideas. It is a doom metal album which refers not only to doom metal fanatics but also to people with different tastes in metal in general. Thus, this album is among the best releases of 2009 for sure. www.myspace.com/thegatesofslumber



(Cruz Del Sur, 2009)I have been following this great for many years; every release of Slough Feg is a trademark of their uniqueness and endless inspiration. Album by album they present a different face: the first album was more of Sabbath and Ungol inheritance, the next three albums revealed a pure Epic Metal attitude (my favourite era!), while the following two and finally this one was a (slow) return to their roots… and even more back in the past! Following the same tradition as of “Hardwolrlder” album, their style cannot be described as pure Heavy Metal, but as a crossover of 70’s hard rock and 80’s heavy metal with obvious influences from Thin Lizzy. The leads are simply amazing and Scalzi’s performance is once again phenomenal!

The best tracks are the self-titled “Ape Uprising” (a 10-minute opus) and the opening “The Hunchback of Notre Doom” with a doomy Sabbathic approach. I am not sure how this album can be appealing to younger fans or to those that have not listened to Slough Feg before, but fans of “mature” heavy metal, nwobhm and hard rock will surely appreciate it! Well done!www.sloughfeg.com

Antonis Adamakos

THE WOUNDED KINGS“The Shadow over Atlantis” CD

(I Hate, 2009)This is the second album from The Wounded Kings and I personally believe that with this album they showed an expected improvement with a positive result of gaining more fans. This album includes the basic elements which fanatics of this genre of music adore; occult, atmospheric, dark, doom and heavy as hell! Various emotions are been created while listening to this band – it travels you to secret paths and makes you wander. All of you that have listened to the previous album make a favour to yourselves and listen to this album as well. Enthusiasm is waiting. Heavy guitars, nice melodies and vocals driving you to another dimension of depression are pretty good combined with the production of the whole album. In conclusion, The Wounded Kings is a much promising doom metal band, and this release has been added to the list with my favourite albums ever!www.myspace.com/thewoundedkings2


TRAZOM“A Reclamation of Power” EP

(Trazometal, 2009)This the second effort of TRAZOM, a band that formed in 2006 in Ohio, USA and I must say this release was a pleasant surprise. Their style is pure US Metal, balancing between Power, Speed and Thrash Metal with lots of 80’s references poured with some “modern” elements in the guitars. The opening track “Natural Disaster” is a real blaster; full of speed and power, aggressiveness, bombastic rhythm section and killer vocals – almost the same thing is happening for the other tracks, too! I find their style to be on the edge for my tastes – if they were more thrashy, then they would not interest me so much. “A Reclamation of Power” EP contains 6 tracks plus the 3 tracks of their demo 2007 (same tracks).

www.myspace.com/trazomband Antonis Adamakos

VALKYRIE’S CRY“Valkyrie’s Cry” CD(Pure Steel, 2009)

After the “Black Knight” demo (2005), the Canadians sign with German label, Pure Steel and through this collaboration they introduce themselves in Epic Metal fans through the world. I tried to ignore the amateur approach they have throughout the procedure of listening to their debut. Unfortunately I haven’t. the band seems hermetically closed in its shell and its influences, their ideas have nothing shocking to offer, the production in the same average levels…Since our ears have heard many things, I prefer to hold a “small basket” for conducting safer conclusions. www.myspace.com/officialvalkyriescry

Gregory Baxevanidis

V/A “Hellenic Forces Compilation Vol. III” CD

(Private, 2009)HELLENIC FORCES is a brilliant Underground fanzine that all those years of its existence exclusively presents at its issues Greek heavy/power/doom/progressive metal bands… The guy behind this effort, Kostas Kousiouris, is one of those that helped a lot our scene to develop through the years and spread its wings to a wider fanbase and the third compilation (issued a couple of months ago) is another proof! Each participant gives its soul and inner strength, you can listen exclusive recordings and songs that can be found to demos/promos etc and it’s a matter of taste what you’ll like the most! For the record the bands participating are: BATTLEROAR, WISHDOOM, NEMESIS, INNER AXIS, EVERDOME, THE SILENT RAGE, HEART ATTACK, HAND OF GOD, LAST CHANCE, STORRMBRINGER, ATRIA MORTIS, BRAIN FADE, POWER CRUE, WITCHCURSE and SHADOW VEIL. To sum things up, if you want to have the exact picture of the Greek heavy metal underground in the year 2010, look no further! The compilation comes with excellent artwork and useful information about every band! OUTSTANDING!www.myspace.com/[email protected]

Gregory Baxevanidis

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V/A“Texas Metal Archives

volume I” CD(Brainticket, 2009)

Another release that has been talked for quite some time is finally released. Was it worth the wait? My answer is yes. The purpose of the compilation is to “document the bands that never went beyond the demo or self financed releases stage” according to the label (John Perez to be more precise). And so it is. The bands featured are: BATTALION, SENTINEL (2 songs), VALKYRIE, DEATH TRIPPER, NECROVORE, BARON STEELE, WARLOCK, HEAVENS FORCE, WICKED ANGEL, FORCED ENTRY, SCYTHIAN OATH, MORBID TERMINATION (2 songs), ROTTING CORPSE. I don’t feel like commenting on the best bands/songs, or what should be omitted and included instead. This review makes a presentation of a compilation CD that must be obtained by all fans of 80’s Metal, as it is just that. A real document. I really hope that the “volume I” included in the title is this, just the beginning and the feedback will force the label to release further volumes and motivate bands/labels to release properly their demo/rehearsal recordings. www.brainticket.com

Kostas Kailiazis

WHILE HEAVEN WEPT “Vast Oceans Lachrymose” CD

(Cruz Del Sur, 2009)6 whole years we have been waiting this album from the Americans WHILE HEAVEN WEPT, the cult status of whom is undeniable. After the very good “Of Empires Forlorn”, Tom Phillips & co., strike back with their third CD and a new label on their side, attempting to gain the lost ground. “Vast Oceans Lachrymose” in my humble opinion may not fully justify the triumphing reviews it has gotten from almost everywhere, this doesn’t mean that it’s not an album that will satisfy every qualitative Metal fans with emphasis on atmosphere and lyricism. Their new singer, Rain Irving (ex-ALTURA) is pretty expressive and especially in “To Wander the Void” brings to mind the first FATES WARNING singer, John Arch. Don’t bypass it, I think the long wait was more than worth it. www.myspace.com/whileheavenwept

Gregory Baxevanidis

Ps. The album has also been released in

vinyl from High Roller/Iron Kodex/Maniacal in a limited edition of 600 copies.

WHITE WIZZARD“Over the Top” CD (Earache, 2009)

Lots of buzz lately for Americans WHITE WIZZARD, but as it mostly the case, the truth is not as some people are trying to present it to us. “Over the Top” is the band’s first full length and musically it’s very faithful to the British 80’s with em-phasis on twin guitars, strong bass lines, steady drumming and melodic vocals. What is wanted though, is if they are in position to play a leading role in the spe-cific sounds’ revival, since their material has ups and downs in terms of quality and lacks stability. They have a very long road to travel…www.myspace.com/whitewizzard

Gregory Baxevanidis

Ps. The limited edition of the CD includes two bonus tracks, “Gates of Gehenna” (CLOVEN HOOF) & “Heading out to the Highway” (JUDAS PRIEST).

WISHDOOM“Winds of War” demo-CD

(Private, 2009)For those with a strong relationship with the Greek metal scene, WISHDOOM from Thessaloniki is one of the most promising young acts concerning the Epic/Doom tag! “Up the hammers” their self released demo was a rather good one but with “Winds of War” they took their music many steps further! All you have to do is listen to the opener “My wish your doom”, a monstrous composition that will leave everyone speechless! The rest of the songs are very interesting and worth digging, the cover artwork by Dimitar Nikolov is excellent so don’t waste a minute and grab at once this fine of pure metallic art!!!www.myspace.com/wishdoom

Gregory Baxevanidis

WIZARD“Thor” CD (Massacre)

The Germans have been around for many years with some really inspired moments (“Son of Darkness”, “Odin”) but also some others not on the same high levels. With

“Thor” they prove us that they haven’t lost their ability to compose beautiful Epic Metal elegies, which can take by storm fans combined with the right lyrics. Words are poor to describe tracks like “Asgard”, “Serpents Venom” or the laudatory “The Visitor” that travel us with their drakkars in the stormy seas of the Scandinavian North. It’s a shame that the works of the Germans has passed unnoticed from underground fans and I really hope that “Thor” will be the stepping stone in changing this situation soon. www.myspace.com/wizardband

Gregory Baxevanidis

WOLF “Ravenous” CD

(Century Media, 2009)Without reaching the high levels of its predecessor, “The Black Flame”, the 5th album of the beloved Swedes still finds them devoted in Classic Metal the way we learned it and loved it in the 80’s. This attempt, to transfer the atmpsphere of your child years in current times, requires from the bands nowadays not being contented with the simple logic of “copy/paste” but also adding-when possible- their own touch. WOLF never had such problems and despite their transition to a bigger label (Century Media), which by the way was followed by lots of cries that now was their time to sell out, the band members contradicted them by releasing a mature album, with catchy songs that will not pass unnoticed. www.myspace.com/wolfheavymetal

Gregory Baxevanidis

ZANDELLE“Flames of Rage” CD(Pure Steel, 2009)

Label change for ZANDELLE and after the masterly “Vengeance Rising” (2006), I was expecting the New Yorkers to come up with another excellent release. Unfortunately, they didn’t. The approach is the same as in the previous two CD’s, US Power Metal with many European elements in the songwriting and in the vocal melodies, but this time the songs sound a bit uninspired (plus the CD lasts over 70 minutes!). The CD is a good one featuring some great tracks, but ZANDELLE can do a lot better, something they have already proved to us. I also think that the production could be better, as it sounds very “messy” at times. Let’s hope that this was just a bad moment, after 4 great Power Metal CD’s.www.zandelle.net

Kostas Kailiazis

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ANCIENT CROSS“Ancient Cross” CD(Stormspell, 2009)

I did not know the existence of this band, until Stormspell re-issued this album (it was firstly released in 2006 by the band). ANCIENT CROSS hail from San Antonio, Texas. Initially, I thought they would play my beloved TX Metal drug… but I was wrong. Their style is straightforward, pounding and epic heavy metal with fantastic arrangements, interesting guitar themes, solid and strong vocals (very few parts remind Martin Walkyier’s style!). Tracks like “Teach the Child”, “Gates of Hell” or “In Dreams” are real anthems! Another amazing release that you should not miss! No mediocre or boring parts… just divine US Epic Metal!!! Hailz!www.ancientcross.com

Antonis Adamakos

BATTERING RAM“Back through the Main Gate” LP(High Roller/Metaleros, 2009)

A familiar name I guess, since this the same band that had a 7” single released from Eat Metal in 2004 featuring two songs off their 1987 demo. This LP includes both demos the band did (“Breaking through the main Gate”, 1987 & “Intruder”, 1989). The music on offer is very raw Metal very typical of the Belgium scene of the 80’s (which produced many great demo bands). The LP is limited to 500 copies, comes in an excellent edition with 4-page insert loaded with photos, lyrics and a very detailed biography (but a cover more appropriate for a video-game). Something worth mentioning is that the band has “released” a mini-CD (available to download at their website) and is active once more, but judging from the musical direction they follow now, they are better

off remembered as the band captured in this LP.www.battering-ram.net

Kostas Kailiazis

BLACKSTORM“Twist of Fate” CD

(Arkeyn Steel, 2009)Another US Metal demo release by Arkeyn Steel. This time its BLACKSTORM from California, a band that I knew from their second demo, “Tales from the Wishing Well” and the participation of their guitar player Robert Kolowitz in HELLHOUND. This CD includes the “Twist of Fate” (1989) and “Tales from the Wishing Well” (1990) demos, plus 5 of the 6 songs (the missing song is also available on the 1990 demo, so…) from the 1992 demo (“The Lands of Yesterday”). Killer Power Metal with wonderful vocals (the band’s first singer, William Sablan sounds very similar to another US singer, whose name refuses to come to mind…), guitars that spit massive riffs and very intricate songwriting/structures bordering on late 80’s US progressive. Necessary buy for US Power Metal lunatics. This CD is limited to 1000 (numbered) copies, get it a.s.a.p.

Kostas Kailiazis

BLOODY SIX“In the Name of Blood” CD

(Blower, 2009)Very unknown Swiss band that did this LP and faded into obscurity, apart from their singer who later joined KROKUS (1990-1992). The LP was released in 1985 from Camel/Gama Records and is a very nice example of mid-80’s Heavy Metal with quite a few Hard Rock elements. I would say a mix between OVERDOSE (the Germans that had released “To the Top” LP) and CUTTY SARK (EP), but not reaching as a whole the above releases. “Way of the Hunter” is a song that you must listen by all means though, a real Metal Classic. Nothing groundbreaking as a whole, but also far from labeled as average, a very enjoyable listening throughout. This CD is limited to 300 copies for your information (few in my opinion, since this is the first time this album gets reissued) and includes the video the band did for “Let it Burn”. The label states inside the CD that the found band members weren’t too interested in the reissue and so didn’t help with extra stuff that would make this reissue more interesting. Sad. The LP is easy and cheap to get, so vinyl maniacs start searching!

Kostas Kailiazis

COMMANDMENT “Engraved in Stone” CD(Arkeyn Steel, 2009)

This album was recorded in 1987 and got first reissued by OPM in 1999. After a bootleg reissue in 2005, Arkeyn Steel took the wise decision to reissue it once more (the OPM LP is sold out years now and already expensive). Of all the albums/demos that have been unearthed-reissued the last 10 years, this album is one of the best. Pure US Power Metal of the highest caliber with raging riffs, proud vocals (RIP David Nava) and 10 songs that will blow your brains (well, the ballad “Never be Afraid” doesn’t fit this description, but….). Another greatly packaged Arkeyn Steel CD (I am used to their bad covers, so I am not commenting) which also includes a bonus track and the lyrics which weren’t available in the vinyl. www.myspace.com/commandmenttheband

Kostas Kailiazis

COMMANDMENT “No Mercy” CD/LP(Pure Steel, 2009)

I have been waiting for this LP with great anticipation, ever since learning of its release and hearing some songs on the bands’ myspace webpage which I liked a lot. Recorded shortly after “Engraved in Stone”, “No Mercy” includes 8 songs (plus a small guitar solo) in the “known” COMMANDMENT vein. I got this LP very late and haven’t listened to it as much as I would like, but so far it didn’t impress as much as “Engraved in Stone”, not even close I dare say. US Power Metal with David Nava’s (RIP) impressive vocals and great guitars, but the album is a step below as songwriting goes I fear. Don’t get me wrong, “No Mercy” is a great album and my guess is that I will like it even more with time. I recommend this to all COMMANDMENT and US Power Metal fans in general, but those wanting a first acquaintance with the band, better check the album reviewed above. Pure Steel did a magnificent work on the LP (gatefold with thick sleeve) as always (my only objection being the cover, which is not that great). The LP is limited to 525 numbered copies and you should act fast in order to make sure you get a copy. www.myspace.com/commandmenttheband

Kostas Kailiazis

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CRUSH“Kingdom of the kings” CD

(Sirens, 2009)The legendary quartet from Athens that made a huge impact in the Greek metal scene by releasing “Kingdom of the kings” in 1994, strikes back! Well, this is not new stuff but a re-release of the aforementioned masterpiece on CD format for those that they can’t find the authentic vinyl copy. CRUSH need no further introduction, according to my humble opinion this album is rated among the ten most exceptional Greek metal efforts ever! Classic heavy metal the way British bands teached the whole world, songs that will leave you speechless with their quality and true passion, CRUSH deserved to be at the pantheon of our music. The bonus opus “Morpheus world” is truly unbelievable, so don’t be late to your appointment with history…www.myspace.com/crushgreece

Gregory Baxevanidis

DAGGER’S EDGE“Dagger’s Edge” CD/LP

(Steel Legacy, 2010)“Featuring James Rivera on vocals” (as stated on the cover of the album). For some people this is a reason alone to buy this album. I was totally unfamiliar with this demo, until Kostas from Steel Legacy mentioned it to me some months ago. And here I hold the LP in my hands. DAGGER’S EDGE was the band that Guy Hoffmann (bass) and Ian Sanders (guitars) formed and this demo is the only official recording. Side A has the 4 songs of the 1987 demo, very good Power Metal with “Three Wicked Kings” and “Enticer” being my favorite tracks. Side B has 5 songs from a live show of the band, one of which is “Green Manalishi”. The sound is average to bad, but if this was the only way to listen to more songs from the band, it’s ok. The band sounds more powerful on stage and judging by their songs presented live they had chosen to go for a harder direction by that time (1988). Very good release, nothing near HELSTAR though. I have one minor complaint. The bio provided by Guy Hoffmann in the insert/booklet is not very informative about the band’s history and to what extent DAGGER’S EDGE was a “real” band, taking into consideration that James Rivera was in HELSTAR in the years 1987-1988. Nevertheless, a worthy release limited to 330 (LP) and 1000 (CD) copies.

Kostas Kailiazis

DARK QUARTERER“The Etruscan Prophecy” CD

(My Graveyard, 2009)It was about time this album was properly reissued on CD, as previously it was only available on vinyl (1989, Cobra Records and the Comet Records reissue from 2003). There could be a bootleg CD but I don’t remember now. “Etruscan Prophecy” is the second DARK QUARTERER album. In the same vein of the debut, mysterious, technical (with a progressive touch) Epic Metal with an atmosphere straight out of your worse nightmares, “The Etruscan Prophecy” will grab you as soon as “Retributioner” begins. Gianni Nepi’s incredible vocals and Fulberto Serena’s unbelievable guitar work will destroy you. I hardly distinguish “Retributioner” and “Devil Stroke” above the other cuts. The CD is released in a wonderful edition, including a well-written biography of the band (in English and Italian-the same that can be found on the LP reissue) plus two bonus tracks, “Queen of the Sewer” and “Retributioner” live from 2009. A video for “Gates of Hell” (from the debut LP) dating from band rehearsals back in 1985 is also included, a real document. The band continues releasing CD’s, but in my opinion, this is where the band “died”, since their later works moved in a more progressive direction with boring (to my ears) results apart from very few songs. The “daring” should also check their later releases. Those wanting something “safer” go for the debut CD of ETRUSGRAVE (“Masters of Fate”, 2008), the band Fulberto Serena formed and of course the first two albums of DARK QUARTERER. .www.darkquarterer.com

Kostas Kailiazis

FINAL VENGEANCE“Within the Realm” CD

(TMU, 2009)Another very longed release, this CD includes the second FINAL ASSAULT demo and 5 tracks from the band that evolved from them, VENGEANCE. This release lacks the obvious, the killer “First Warning” demo (from 1985), but I guess this was done for copyright reasons. This CD needs some time to get into. At least it was this way for me. More complex than “First Warning”, but with the same killer guitars and divine vocals, courtesy of Alex Robles. For me, it’s a great CD, but this may not be the case for all. Listen and then decide. Great work has been done in the booklet with lyrics, photos/flyers

and a short biography. What about more great Texas Metal demos getting the same treatment? I am sure that there would be a market for them, especially if someone sees that nowadays almost everything labeled as “80’s US Power Metal” seems to be selling like crazy, despite its musical (or not…) value. www.myspace.com/finalvengeancetx

Kostas Kailiazis


(Steel Legacy, 2010)This anthology album contains all songs the band recorded and released from between 1988 and 1991 in three demo tapes (1988, 1990 and 1991), a total of 11 tracks. More info on the band’s history on the interview found in this issue. FORCE MAJEURE certainly was a band with great potential that was made for bigger things in my opinion. Power Metal with a progressive edge on the songwriting department is what you will get. In the band’s last sign of life, the 1991 demo, FORCE MAJEURE had a new singer (Dennis Petersen) who reminds me a lot the singer from the English TYRANT and also presented a more “progressive” side of their music, all the while keeping the Power element. A necessary release for Power Metal fans, if you ask me. The LP is limited to 333 copies (CD to 1000) and comes with a beautiful cover by Dimitar Nikolov.

Kostas Kailiazis

HELLISH WAR“Defender of Metal/Heroes of Tomorrow”

2CD(Pure Steel, 2009)

Very nice reissue from Pure Steel including both albums of the band plus two bonus tracks. “Defender of Metal” (Megahard, 2001) is the band’s debut and I personally consider one of the best albums of the decade that just ended. Totally-inspired RUNNING WILD Metal, I will agree, but the passion and power coming from ALL

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compositions is something that is hard to believe. We are talking about a band that released a CD with a duration of 70+ minutes and achieved something that only few can, not tire the listener for a single second. I still consider “Defender of Metal” to be one of the best examples of Speed/Power Metal and I really doubt if something as killer will be released in the years to come. “Heroes of Tomorrow” (Private, 2008) is the band’s second CD and I was really happy to see it released even after all these years since it proved that HELLISH WAR are dedicated Metallers not quitting when the first hardships appear. On the musical side now, things are not as they were in the debut. The musical approach remains the same, but this time the band incorporated more melodic elements in their music, while still having their own identity. This CD set also includes two bonus tracks (well, one of them is an instrumental version of a debut song) and is a great way to know this band that unfortunately has passed unnoticed. Metal Forever! www.myspace.com/warhellishwar

Kostas Kailiazis

HIRAX“1984 demo” 7”single(Stormbringer, 2009)

It was about time this legendary demo got a proper reissue. Before HIRAX became the band that we all knew/know (and either we like or don’t like-count me in the second category), they had released this 4-track demo back in 1984 (with a duration of 10 minutes!). Well, I guess that the ones familiar with this tape have already bought this single, as for HIRAX fans, I would suggest to give it a listen first. Epic/Power Metal fans, don’t hesitate for a single second and order this single at once! This single comes in a great edition with a very cool fold-out insert.www.myspace.com/hirax

Kostas Kailiazis

JONAH QUIZZ“Anthology 1980-1982” CD

(Stormspell, 2009)Does the name ring a bell? I guess not, since this Swedish quintet only managed to release two demos (with the first one being very unknown until this CD got released). Johan Langquist (later sang on an album you might know, “Epicus Doomicus Metallicus”) is the singer of this band and I remember some years back when the 1982 demo started being talked

by Metal fans my friend Jim Vagiannis (a HUGE CANDLEMASS fan) pestering me to listen to it. JONAH QUIZZ chose to sing in their native language, a choice also made by other Swedish bands in those years. This anthology includes two demos, released in 1980 and 1982. I have a slight preference for the 1982 demo because it contains their best and heavier material (in my opinion). JONAH QUIZZ is a band that definitely would have a bigger impact have they released a single (as it was talked) or a full length since they had great potential. Fans of NWOBHM and the very early Swedish sound of the 80’s (as presented by great bands like ZONE ZERO, 220 VOLT, SILVER MOUNTAIN but mostly average ones like TURBO, RENEGADE etc.) will like this one. But I really think that the very limited audience that listens to this kind of bands will be interested in this CD mainly for reasons of having an official release in its hands since I really doubt if there will be more than a few dozen fans buying this without having heard the band before. Is this a bad thing? I don’t know…CANDLEMASS fans seeing the name of Johan Langquist, not into the sound of the bands mentioned, stay away. Very nice work has been done in the packaging and layout of this release (which cries for a vinyl release, or is just me?)

Kostas Kailiazis

LONGINGS PAST“An Angel’s Tale” CD(Arkeyn Steel, 2009)

The second LONGINGS PAST album was released in 1994 by the band in CD and tape format, limited to 500 copies each. After “Meadows of Maseilya” (their 1992 debut), Arkeyn Steel continues with “An Angel’s Tale”. More “weird” than its predecessor, this time the Metal elements are very limited leading to a more “relaxed” album, which is filled with enchanting melodies and very heavy work which is evident in all sectors. Once again we have a concept, being the continuation of the 1st album story (apart from the first and last song). This is a recommended release, but proceed with caution. I know guys that love the first tape, but not this one, so even “Meadows of Maseilya” fans must be warned. Recommended, I just wish that the CD had a better cover (the original one would be a great choice!)

Kostas Kailiazis

MANILLA ROAD“After Midnight Live” EP

(High Roller, 2009)I remember some years ago seeing an ad in the Monster Records website about an old MANILLA ROAD radio recording that would be released by them. Well, the years passed and I am sure that most fans had forgotten about it when High Roller Records decided to “remind” it to us in the best possible way. This EP (including 5 songs, 40 minutes in duration) is part of a late 1979 radio recording the band did

for a local radio show. The sound is very good, but I guess the most important is the music. Well, if you take into consideration the date (1979) and how MANILLA ROAD sounded in their early recordings (“Invasion” & “Mark of the Beast”) you know exactly what to expect, and this is exactly what you will get. This EP comes in a beautiful vinyl edition, limited to 1000 copies and my guess is that it will go fast, so act as usually. The cover incidentally is the same that THUNDERSTORM used in their “Sad Symphony” album. www.myspace.com/manillaroadofficial

Kostas Kailiazis


(Shadow Kingdom, 2009)A very obscure Italian EP, which only in 2006 (as far as I remember) was unearthed and started to be talked about, while finding a copy has become virtually impossible. So, while some might (justly seeing the rare stuff that gets praised as great Metal while they are not even worth the paper and plastic they are pressed upon) think “another crappy rare EP”? the answer is no. “Old Yron” is in fact a great EP, with a “weird” sound. I would say that the closer to them would be DARK QUARTERER but not that occult in atmosphere. Even the guitar sound is quite similar. So, this means a sort of Epic Metal with strange arrangements and Doom elements. If this (and the DARK QUARTERER comparison) intrigues you, then go for this CD. We also find two bonus tracks, “Moto Perpetuo” (a Paganini tribute as stated in the liner notes) and “Opera 60”, a rendition of a classic track composed between 1700-1800. The only remaining member, Antonio Ferrari/Salvatore Falluca, inside the CD informs us that an OLD YRON incarnation is in the procedure of releasing a new album. Let’s wait and see what will come out of this.

Kostas Kailiazis

RUTHLESS“Metal without Mercy”

mini-CD(My Graveyard, 2009)

RUTHLESS need no introduction. A band epitomizing the US Power Metal sound of the mid-80’s (along with bands like THRUST, PURGATORY, POWERLORD etc.), they only had two vinyl releases in the 80’s and a CD collecting their EP & LP in 1998 from Axe Killer Records. Seeing the scarcity of the above mentioned CD and

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the pretty obvious fact that the band is reunited and kicking ass live (as witnessed in Keep it True Festival), My Graveyard reissued their debut EP with two bonus tracks. The 5 songs of the EP will blow you away, POWER Metal the way it should be, leaving no excuses to any Power Metal fan for not owning this release. In the same vein are the two bonus tracks. If the band has unreleased songs of the same level, then maybe they should think more seriously of releasing them. A more complete release would make more sense, maybe the band/label couldn’t secure the rights to “Discipline of Steel”? The cover is based on the original US one, but its inferior to me, but then again times better than the Axe Killer reissue from 1985. www.myspace.com/metalwithoutmercy

Kostas Kailiazis

SABOTAGE“Behind the Lines” CD(My Graveyard, 2009)

“Behind the Lines” is the band’s debut (after the 1982 & 1985 demos and the “Rumore nel Vento” LP that remained unreleased until now) and was first issued on Trans-Euro (an Iron Works subsidiary) in 1986 and one year later in Europe through LM (with a different cover-the same the CD has). At first I thought that this was going to be a reissue of the LP, but the band decided to re-record the album in 2008. Strange if you ask me, since I can not think of reasons, but since it is their decision…The only difference between the two recordings is the time that passed between them. I mean, “Behind the Lines” in 2008 sounds more fresh and “updated” while retaining ALL the elements that made me (and other fans) love to death this album. Furious rhythms, great riffs/guitars and excellent songwriting from start to finish. Morby sounds more mature and it’s pretty clear that he has learned to sing a lot better than so many years ago (not that he was bad, on the contrary). I really cannot say which recording someone should prefer. I guess that I will follow the diplomatic way. Vinyl fans, prefer the LP (it’s not that hard & expensive to get), while CD maniacs, go for (what else?) the CD. A bonus track, “Dawn of Fire” (in the same vein, but with a slightly more modern approach) is also included and if it is a new composition (it says that it was recorded in 2008, but not when composed) it proves that SABOTAGE have the ability not only to successfully “transfer” their recordings in the new age, but also compose songs of the same caliber. Well done!

Kostas Kailiazis


(Rockadrome, 2009)No words I guess, since there are many things written in the last 13 years, since Monster reissued (and introduced) this US Metal Masterpiece to the Metal world. This is the second time this album gets reprinted in CD format, after the 1999 pressing has been sold out for quite some time now. The CD has a new cover (which I didn’t like that much) based on the original design and it includes the same tracklist (the 7 original songs plus the “Winterkill” remix) but this time with a bonus video track from 1985 and an enhanced booklet. “Winterkill” it’s one of the very few albums that are flawless, not a single second is here without a reason, the musicianship of the band is beyond comprehension and KING John Stewart reigns on vocals bleeding your ears. 37 minutes of PURE Metal Mayhem from one of the most underrated bands in the History of the Music. A must, you ask? No, great albums are just that, great albums. “Winterkill” is no great album. It’s as essential to Metalheads as water to fishes, period. www.myspace.com/slauterxstroyesband Kostas Kailiazis


(Rockadrome, 2009)“Free the Beast” is the band’s second release, including the 1987 sessions for the “Winterkill” follow-up that unfortunately were never completed plus various demo tracks. Rockadrome corrected the mistake of the 1998 release (a very simple booklet) by including a great booklet with photos, interview excerpts etc., even a video track, but omitting again the lyrics, which I find it quite strange to say the least. And it’s also the second time that the entire “Free the Beast” sessions are not included (this means “Saint’s Revenge”) but enough with my complaints, they come from a fan’s point of view. “Free the Beast” (for those unfamiliar-really are there any, or am I just satisfying my ego now?) is in the SLAUTER XSTROYES vein of Metal, Heavy, intricate, emotional, raging, EVERYTHING! Power Metal with INSANE vocals (listen to the GOD John Stewart on “Free the Beast” or “NSZ 190”), reaching levels of musicianship and inspiration that very few bands would even dream of. There is NO chance to consider yourself a Metal maniac and not having this CD, an Eternal

Masterpiece that will remind us forever that Metal is not about zombie mascots and endless singles. A Masterpiece reminding us that “Metal’s no Sin” and if it is, then we prefer to live as sinners rather than “holy men” knee deep in trends and bullshit hybrids that have nothing to do with our Music! Long live SLAUTER XSTROYES, long live HEAVY METAL!www.myspace.com/slauterxstroyesband

Kostas Kailiazis


(Arkeyn Steel, 2009)Anyone remembers this band? It’s the same band that had the “December Dark” mini-CD (2000), but most importantly the s/t LP from Doomed Planet Records (2002). For me TRAMONTANE is one of the best demo bands in US Power Metal, mainly for their legendary 1989 demo. This CD compilation includes: the 1989 and 1994 demos plus three demo tracks from 1999 that remained unreleased so far, a total of 15 songs so far. The band still doesn’t want the 1986 demo released (anyone having a copy, since I haven’t heard this one?). This combined with the fact that the same band story as in the Doomed Planet LP was used and the 1991 unreleased demo tracks (“Through eyes of the dying” & “The White Wolf”) are not included make me think that they must not be so much into this. Or maybe I am wrong? I don’t want to bitch and I really think that Kostas from Arkeyn Steel tried his best, but I worship this band and would love to see a more complete release. Enough with my grumbling. “Tramontane” is a must buy release, if you are into early MYSTIC FORCE and OLIVER MAGNUM this band will destroy you, guaranteed, just listen to “The Passage”, one of the best Power Metal tracks EVER to understand what I mean! www.myspace.com/tramontanemetal

Kostas Kailiazis


(Stormbringer, 2009)What we have here is a collection of the two demos VICE released and two more, the band that evolved from them (the two core members were the drummer, Chuck Terhune and guitar player, Ken Villeneuve), THE KILL did. Side A contains the two 1984 VICE demos, very good Heavy/Power Metal with the second demo ranking higher for me. THE KILL’s first

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(1985) demo includes 3 songs (one of them reworked from VICE) and is the best demo of the 4 included here in my opinion. The new singer (reminding Halford in the low notes) is very good and adds to the result which is more “powered up” compared to the VICE material. The last THE KILL demo (1986, 2 tracks) flirts with thrash but despite that “Murder by Metal” is a good track (the other is “Kill or be Killed”, re-recorded from the 1985 demo). Very good Power Metal album (demos if you like), nothing groundbreaking though. A total of 8 songs (plus 2 different recordings) are to be found this beautiful gatefold edition, limited to 300 copies. The label doesn’t have any copies left (seeing the response and how quick it sold a second pressing would be necessary in my opinion), so check mail-orders and distributors.

Kostas Kailiazis


Morbid Tales issue 6MORBID TALES #6 is a regressive full-size fanzine featuring in-depth interviews with VOIVOD, METALIAN, DARKTHRONE, PORTRAIT, MASTER’S HAMMER, PAGAN ALTAR, FAUSTCOVEN, SOOTHSAYER, MORNE, INEPSY, LAMP OF THOTH, FLOWER TRAVELLIN’ BAND, SACRED BLADE, ELIXIR, TROP FEROSS and CAULDRON. This monster - which took two years to write - also includes live reviews, London / Prague / France / Montreal record hunting guides, 80+ album / EP / demo / fanzine reviews, an Italian horror metal report as well as an exclusive COUNTESS / BARATHRUM / SABBAT tour report from 1997, written descriptively by Orlok of COUNTESS. In addition, the ‘zine contains the bizarre Hell Bent for Cooking special; a 13-page “cookzine” featuring 24 recipes of entrees, main meals and drink mixes from UG/non-UG metal bands around the world!! 120 pro-printed pages of total metal madness!http://www.morbidtales.ca.

On the March #6Another great On the March issue is here, including interviews with: ADRAMELCH, ATLANTEAN KODEX, CAST IRON, CRUSH, CRYSTAL VIPER, EREB ALTOR, ETRUSGRAVE, IRONSWORD, MAEL MORDHA, SACRED BLOOD, SOLITARY SABRED, TARAMIS, WISHDOOM, fantasy writer Richard L. Tierney, columns with old demos/LP’s, fanzines/new releases reviews, Epic literature, Epic movies, non-Metal Epic music and finally two excellent tributes to Basil Poledouris and the demo years of DOMINE. This is a must for all Metal fans into underground, On the March has already taken up from where Greek fanzines like Singing Swords, Knights of Sunrise and Steel Conjuring have left. Contact George and order this fanzine (ask also for older issues if there are any left) at once: www.myspace.com/onthemarchzine

Kostas Kailiazis

The Candlemass ChroniclesThis fanzine has already reached its third issue, but since I still haven’t bought it, I will only present the first two issues here. The general idea behind each issue is to present in its entirety a CANDLEMASS

album from all aspects (interviews with band members, producers etc.). very interesting idea and so far both issues that I have, have proved to be very interesting, filled with lots of info. Issue 1 is dedicated to “From the 13th Sun”, issue 2 to “Epicus Doomicus Metallicus”, while the 3rd (and last for the moment issue) to “Chapter VI”. I only have one complaint. Even though the fanzine is released by guys located in Sweden and USA, you can only order it from USA, resulting in a very high price (especially if you take into consideration the number of pages, 24 for the 1st and 36 for the 2nd issue). I really think that this is the only disadvantage. Essential for all CANDLEMASS fans. Well done guys! www.myspace.com/candlemasschronicles

Kostas Kailiazis

Snakepit issue 17A new Snakepit issue is here. It’s an undeniable fact that after issue 11 back in 2002, Snakepit made a turn in more extreme Metal acts. Myself, I keep enjoying (and buying) every issue, even if it includes few interviews with bands that I like. But, this issue will destroy Classic Metal fans, that’s guaranteed. This issue includes interviews with: ASSASSIN (CA), BACKWATER, BEEHLER, BURNER, COMMANDER, DEVASTATION (TX), ENFORCER (IL), EVIL, EXCITER, FATAL VIOLENCE, HAMMERON, KARION, KICK ASS, LEVIATHAN (NY), MAYHEM (IL), OVERKILL (NY), RAT ATTACK, RIOT, RUTHLESS, SLAYER (TX), SORTILEGE, TRIAL. Plus the classic label special (this time with Rainforest Records-the label that issued the SLAYER-“Prepare to Die” EP) and reviews. This issue comes with bonus ASSASSIN (California) single (in either 7” or 12” version). Good news is that Shadow Kingdom will reissue Snakepit starting from issue 1 with bonus singles in each issue. www.myspace.com/snakepitmagazine

Kostas Kailiazis

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COUNT RAVEN – “Mammons War” CD COURAGE – “Gold and Ivory” EP

FERNGULLY – “Tunnel Visions” mini-CDFORCE MAJEURE – “Force Majeure” LP

FRANKENSTEIN – “Don’t cry when I Die” 7”HIEROPHANT – Various demo recordings

IRON CROSS – “Iron Cross” 2LPLONEWOLF – “The Dark Crusade” CDMESSIAH FORCE – “The Last Day” LP

STORRMBRINGER – “Among the Flames of War” CDKostas Kailiazis

ARRYAN PATH – “Terra Incognita” CDCROSSWIND – “Beyond” demo-CDEXCALIBUR – “The bitter End” EP

PRAYING MANTIS – “Sanctuary” CDRISING CROSS – “Trumpets of Victory” mini-CD

STRIKER – “Road warrior” EPMEMORY GARDEN – “Tides” CD

MINDLESS SINNER – “Turn on the Power” LPSAXON – “Saxon” LP

WISHDOOM – “Winds of War” demo-CDGregory Baxevanidis

LUCIFER WAS – “Blues From Hellah” CDVATICAN – “Power Is Obsession” Demo DAYS OF YORE – “By The Blood Flowing

Through My Vein” Demo Tape BANSHEE – “Cry In The Night” EP

PAGAN ALTAR – “Mythical & Magical” CD PASSAGE – “Passage” CD

V/A – “Heavy Artillery” TapeVENGEANCE – “Predator” LP Tape

SAVAGE GRACE – EverythingAntonis Adamakos

Labels, distributors, mail orders:

Arkeyn Steel www.arkeynsteel.com



Church Withinwww.doom-dealer.de

Cruz Del Surwww.cruzdelsurmusic.com

Cult Metal Classics / Sonic Agewww.sonicagerecords.com

Eat Metalwww.eatmetalrecords.com

Emanes Metalwww.emanesmetalrecords.com

Eyes Like Snowwww.myspace.com/eyeslikesnow

High Rollerwww.high-roller-records.de

I Hatewww.ihate.seIron Pegasus


www.karthagorecords.de Killer Metal


www.massacre-records.comMetal on Metal

www.metalonmetalrecords.comMetal Soldiers



www.metalfighters.comMy Graveyard

www.mygraveyardproductions.comNo Remorse

www.noremorse.grNorthern Silence

www.northern-silence.deObscure NWOBHM Releases

www.onr-records.comPure Steel

www.puresteel-records.com Rockadrome

www.rockadrome.comSecret Port

www.truemetal.org/secretportShadow Kingdom

www.shadowkingdomrecords.comSirens Records

www.sirens-records.comSteel Gallery

www.steelgallery.comSteel Legacy


www.myspace.com/stormbringerrecordsTexas Metal Underground


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