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Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill€¦ · Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill Established in 1830 140...

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Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill Established in 1830 140 Brooke Street, Thornhill, ON L4J 1Y9 Phone: 905 889 5931 ● Fax: 905 889 5632 www.holytrinity-thornhill.ca ● [email protected] Something good is happening here!!THE FEAST OF THE NATIVITY—2016 Christmas Eve 5:00 p.m.
Page 1: Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill€¦ · Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill Established in 1830 140 Brooke Street, Thornhill, ON L4J 1Y9 Phone: 905 889 5931 Fax: 905 889 5632 info@holytrinity-thornhill.ca

Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill Established in 1830

140 Brooke Street, Thornhill, ON L4J 1Y9 Phone: 905 889 5931 ● Fax: 905 889 5632

www.holytrinity-thornhill.ca ● [email protected]

“Something good is happening here!!”

THE FEAST OF THE NATIVITY—2016 Christmas Eve 5:00 p.m.

Page 2: Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill€¦ · Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill Established in 1830 140 Brooke Street, Thornhill, ON L4J 1Y9 Phone: 905 889 5931 Fax: 905 889 5632 info@holytrinity-thornhill.ca


MINISTERS IN THIS SERVICE Celebrant & Preacher The Rev. Canon Stephen Crowther Incumbent The Rev. Canon Stephen Fields Lay Assistants/Lectors Pat Johnson, Ron Tolhurst, Jacqui Getfield Eucharistic Minister Marlee Tolhurst Sidespersons Dave Bezant, Murray Hogeboom, Barbara Howe, Ken

Miyata, Peter Paterson, Cathy Pearson

Prior to the Lighting of the Christ Candle, the lights are turned down in church.

Lighting of the Christ Candle Leader: As the candles of Hope, Peace, Joy and love continue to burn in the Advent wreath, we hope for a time when peace, joy and love are the experience of all God’s children. We will now light the Christ Candle as we celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace.

(The Christ Candle is lit) Leader: Lord Jesus Christ, may the flame of this candle remind us that you are the light of the world and that if we follow you, we will never walk in darkness, but will have the true light of life. All: Come, Lord Jesus, come. Amen.

(Musical interlude as candles on the altar and throughout the church are lit from the Christ Candle.

The Blessing of The Crèche Celebrant: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. All: Praised be Jesus Christ, who dwells among us, now and forever. Amen

Celebrant: Alleluia! When the fullness of time was come, All: God sent His Son, born of a woman, so that we might become His children. Alleluia!

Celebrant: God of every nation and people, from the very beginning of creation you have made manifest your love: when our need for a Savior was great, you sent your Son to be born of the Virgin Mary. To our lives he brings joy and peace, justice, mercy and love. Lord, bless this crèche and all who look upon it; may it remind us of the humble birth of Jesus and raise our thoughts to him, who is God-with-us and Savior of all, and who lives and reigns for ever and ever. All: Amen.


Page 3: Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill€¦ · Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill Established in 1830 140 Brooke Street, Thornhill, ON L4J 1Y9 Phone: 905 889 5931 Fax: 905 889 5632 info@holytrinity-thornhill.ca


Hymn 119 Silent Night Silent night, Holy night, all is calm, all is bright Round yon virgin mother and child. Holy Infant, so tender and mild, Sleep in heavenly peace. Sleep in heavenly peace.

Silent night, Holy night, shepherds quake at the sight, Glories stream from heaven afar, heavenly hosts sing alleluia; Christ, the Savior, is born! Christ, the Savior, is born!

Silent night, Holy night, Son of God, love's pure light Radiant beams from thy holy face, with the dawn of redeeming grace,

Jesus, Lord at thy birth. Jesus, Lord at thy birth.

The Collect of The Day Celebrant: Eternal God, this holy night is radiant with the brilliance of your one true light. As we have known the revelation of that light on earth, bring us to see the splendour of your heavenly glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. All: Amen.

The Candles are extinguished as congregation sings and lights are turned on.

The First Reading: Isaiah 9:2-7 The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness - on them light has shined. You have multiplied the nation, you have increased its joy; they rejoice before you as with joy at the harvest, as people exult when dividing plunder. For the yoke of their burden, and the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor, you have broken as on the day of Midian. For all the boots of the tramping warriors and all the garments rolled in blood shall be burned as fuel for the fire. For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is named Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. His authority shall grow continually, and there shall be endless peace for the throne of David and his kingdom. He will establish and uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time onward and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this. Reader: The Word of the Lord All: Thanks be to God.

Page 4: Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill€¦ · Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill Established in 1830 140 Brooke Street, Thornhill, ON L4J 1Y9 Phone: 905 889 5931 Fax: 905 889 5632 info@holytrinity-thornhill.ca


Hymn 154 Joy To The World Joy to the world! the Lord is come: Let earth receive the King; Let every heart prepare him room, and heaven and nature sing, And heaven and nature sing, and heaven, and heaven and nature sing.

Joy to the earth! the Savior reigns; let us glad songs employ, While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains repeat the sounding joy, Repeat the sounding joy, repeat, repeat the sounding joy.

No more let wrongs and sorrows grow, nor thorns infest the ground; He comes to make his blessings flow far as our sin is found, Far as our sin is found, far as, far as our sin is found.

He rules the world with truth and grace, and makes the nations prove The glories of his righteousness, and wonders of his love, And wonders of his love, and wonders, wonders of his love.

SUNDAY SCHOOL PRESENTATION: The Inn-Keeper’s First Christmas

Hymn 128 The Virgin Mary Had A Baby Boy

The Virgin Mary had a baby boy. The Virgin Mary had a baby boy The Virgin Mary had a baby boy and they say that his name is Jesus. He come from the Glory, he come from the Glorious Kingdom, Oh yes, believer, oh, yes, believer. He come from the Glory, he come from the Glorious Kingdom.

The angels sang when the baby was born. The angels sang when the baby was born. The angels sang when the baby was born. And they sang that his name is Jesus. He come from the Glory, he come from the Glorious Kingdom, Oh yes, believer, oh, yes, believer. He come from the Glory, he come from the Glorious Kingdom.

The wise men saw when the baby born. The wise men saw where the baby born. The wise men went where the baby born. And they said that his name is Jesus. He come from the Glory, he come from the Glorious Kingdom, Oh yes, believer, oh, yes, believer. He come from the Glory, he come from the Glorious Kingdom.

Page 5: Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill€¦ · Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill Established in 1830 140 Brooke Street, Thornhill, ON L4J 1Y9 Phone: 905 889 5931 Fax: 905 889 5632 info@holytrinity-thornhill.ca


Homily Canon Stephen Crowther

The Apostles’ Creed (Page 189) Celebrant: Let us confess the faith of our baptism, as we say, All: I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

THE PRAYERS Leader: Let us pray saying, “Lord, hear our pray”.

For the Church of God, as we recall the circumstances surrounding the birth of Christ, that we may always proclaim his gift of new life for all people, we pray to the Lord. All: Lord, hear our prayer.

Leader: For the world in which we live, that it may come to recognize Christ who was greeted by the angels and shepherds, we pray to the Lord. All: Lord, hear our prayer.

Leader: For families and children who are suffering, lonely and afraid, and who will this night have no where to sleep, nothing to eat, and no one to hug them, we pray to the Lord. All: Lord, hear our prayer.

Leader: For our families and our homes, that Christ who was laid in the manger may dwell with us always, we pray to the Lord. All: Lord, hear our prayer.

Leader: For parents, that their love for their children may be like that of the Mary and Joseph, we pray to the Lord. All: Lord, hear our prayer.

Leader: God of every nation and people, from the very beginning of creation you have made your love known to us: when our need for a Savior was great you sent your Son to be born of Mary. To our lives he brings hope, justice, mercy,

Page 6: Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill€¦ · Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill Established in 1830 140 Brooke Street, Thornhill, ON L4J 1Y9 Phone: 905 889 5931 Fax: 905 889 5632 info@holytrinity-thornhill.ca


and love. May our celebration this day bring us closer to him and to each other, and may we always share in his peace and joy, we pray to the Lord. All: Lord, hear our prayer. Amen. The Peace Celebrant: The Peace of the Lord be always with you. All: And also with you.

Please greet one another with a sign of peace.

Offertory Hymn 118 O Come, All Ye Faithful O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant, O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem; Come, and behold him, born the King of angels; O come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord.

God from God, Light from Light eternal, Lo! he abhors not the Virgin's womb; Very God, begotten not created: O come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord. Sing, choirs of angels, sing in exultation, Sing, all ye citizens of heaven above; Glory to God, in the highest: O come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord.

See how the shepherds, summoned to his cradle, Leaving their flocks, draw with lowly fear; We too will thither bend our joyful footsteps; O come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord.

Yea, Lord, we greet thee, born this happy morning; Jesus, to thee be glory given; Word of the Father, Now in flesh appearing: O come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore him,

O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord.

Page 7: Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill€¦ · Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill Established in 1830 140 Brooke Street, Thornhill, ON L4J 1Y9 Phone: 905 889 5931 Fax: 905 889 5632 info@holytrinity-thornhill.ca


Prayer over The Gifts Celebrant: Source of light and gladness, accept all we offer on this joyful feast. May we grow up in him who unites our lives to yours; for he is Lord now and for ever. All: Amen. Eucharistic Prayer 3 (Page 198) Celebrant: The Lord is with you. People: And also with you.

Celebrant: Lift up your hearts. People: We lift them to the Lord.

Celebrant: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. People: It is right to give our thanks and praise.

Celebrant: Blessed are you, gracious God, creator of heaven and earth; we give you thanks and praise through Jesus Christ our Lord, who in the mystery of his incarnation was made perfect man of the flesh of the Virgin Mary his mother; in him we have seen a new and radiant vision of your glory. Therefore with all the angels of heaven, we lift our voices and sing our joyful hymn of praise to proclaim the glory of your name. All: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

Please kneel or sit as you are able.

We give thanks to you, Lord our God, for the goodness and love you have made known to us in creation; in calling Israel to be your people; in your Word spoken through the prophets; and above all in the Word made flesh, Jesus your Son.

For in these last days you sent him to be incarnate from the Virgin Mary, to be the Saviour and Redeemer of the world. In him, you have delivered us from evil, and made us worthy to stand before you.

In him, you have brought us out of error into truth, out of sin into righteousness, out of death into life.

On the night he was handed over to suffering and death, a death he freely accepted, our Lord Jesus Christ took bread; and when he had given thanks to you, he broke it, and gave it to his disciples, and said, “Take, eat: this is my body which is given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me.”

Page 8: Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill€¦ · Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill Established in 1830 140 Brooke Street, Thornhill, ON L4J 1Y9 Phone: 905 889 5931 Fax: 905 889 5632 info@holytrinity-thornhill.ca


After supper he took the cup of wine; and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, and said, “Drink this, all of you: this is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Whenever you drink it, do this for the remembrance of me.”

Therefore, Father, according to his command, All: we remember his death, we proclaim his resurrection, we await his coming in glory; And we offer our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving to you, Lord of all; presenting to you, from your creation, this bread and this wine.

We pray you, gracious God, to send your Holy Spirit upon these gifts, that they may be the sacrament of the body of Christ and his blood of the new covenant.

Unite us to your Son in his sacrifice, that we, made acceptable in him, may be sanctified by the Holy Spirit.

In the fullness of time, reconcile all things in Christ, and make them new, and bring us to that city of light where you dwell with all your sons and daughters; through Jesus Christ our Lord, the firstborn of all creation, the head of the Church, and the author of our salvation; by whom, and with whom, and in whom, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all honour and glory are yours, almighty Father, now and for ever. Amen. The Lord’s Prayer Celebrant: As our Saviour taught us, let us pray, People: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

The Breaking of the Bread – 6 (page 213) Celebrant: We break the bread of life, and that life is the light of the world. People: God here among us, light in the midst of us, bring us to light and life. The Communion Celebrant: The Gifts of God for the People of God. All: Thanks be to God.

All who are baptized may receive Holy Communion at Holy Trinity. Those not wishing to receive may either remain in your seat in quiet meditation or come forward for a blessing. To receive a blessing, please come to the altar rail and cross your arms. For those receiving Holy Communion, please raise your hands above the rail to receive the Bread. When receiving the

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wine, guide the chalice to your lips or simply touch the base of the chalice without receiving. Intinction (dipping the host into wine) is not allowed.

Communion Hymn 126 Away in A Manger Away in a manger, no crib for his bed, The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head. The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay, The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay.

The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes, The little Lord Jesus no crying he makes. I love thee, Lord Jesus- look down from on high And stay by my side until morning is nigh.

Be near me, Lord Jesus; I ask thee to stay Close by me for ever, and love me I pray. Bless all the dear children in your tender care,

And fit us for heaven to live with you there. Communion Hymn 121 O Little Town of Bethlehem

O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie! Above thy deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by; Yet in thy dark streets shineth the everlasting light; The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.

For Christ is born of Mary; and, gathered all above, While mortals sleep, the angels keep their watch of wondering love. O morning stars, together proclaim the holy birth! And praises sing to God the King, and peace to all on earth.

How silently, how silently, the wondrous gift is given As love God imparts to human hearts the blessings of God’s heaven. No ear may hear his coming, but in this world of sin, Where meek souls will receive him, still the dear Christ enters in.

O holy Child of Bethlehem, descend to us, we pray; Cast out our sin and enter in, be born in us today. We hear the Christmas angels the great glad tidings tell; O come to us, abide with us, our Lord Emmanuel!

Page 10: Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill€¦ · Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill Established in 1830 140 Brooke Street, Thornhill, ON L4J 1Y9 Phone: 905 889 5931 Fax: 905 889 5632 info@holytrinity-thornhill.ca


Prayer after Communion Celebrant: Father of all, tonight you have united earth and heaven in sending your Son to take our human nature. May we who have tasted heavenly things share in the life of his eternal kingdom. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. All: Amen

Celebrant: Glory to God All: whose power, working in us, can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. Glory to God from generation to generation, in the Church and in Christ Jesus, for ever and ever. Amen. The Blessing Celebrant: May the God of infinite goodness scatter the darkness of sin and brighten your hearts with holiness; and the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always. All: Amen. Recessional Hymn 138 Hark! The Heralds Angels Sing

Hark, the herald-angels sing “Glory to the new-born King, Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled.” Joyful, all ye nations, rise, join the triumph of the skies; With the angelic host proclaim, “Christ is born in Bethlehem.” Hark, the herald-angels sing “Glory to the new-born King.”

Christ, by highest heaven adored, Christ, the everlasting Lord, Late in time behold him come, offspring of a virgin's womb. Veiled in flesh the God-head see: Hail, the incarnate Deity, Pleased as one of us to dwell, Jesus, our Emmanuel. Hark, the herald-angels sing “Glory to the new-born King.”

Hail, the heaven-born Prince of Peace: Hail, the Sun of Righteousness. Light and life to all he brings, risen with healing in his wings. Mild he lays his glory by, born that man no more may die, Born to raise each child of earth, born to give them second birth. Hark! the herald-angels sing “Glory to the new-born King.”

Minister: This act of worship is ended! Our service in the world continues! Let us go in peace, to love and serve the Lord. All: Thanks be to God.

Page 11: Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill€¦ · Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill Established in 1830 140 Brooke Street, Thornhill, ON L4J 1Y9 Phone: 905 889 5931 Fax: 905 889 5632 info@holytrinity-thornhill.ca


The flowers in the Church this Christmas are given to the Glory of God by: Gary & Elaine Ainlay, in loving memory of Dorothy & Walter Turner and

Marion & Ernest Ainlay. Fred & Hilda Blain, in memory of our parents. Carol & Marjorie Drieberg, in memory of our parents, Gilbert & Pearl

Nugara, Denzil & Phoebe Drieberg, and all Loved Ones. June Giggey and family, in memory of Vern. George Griffiths, in loving memory of my wife Mary. Pat Peters & Xenia Cooper, in memory of Aretta, Tom and Wally Peters. Ronald Purcell, in memory of Henry & Joan Purcell. Barrie & Dorothy Rutherford, in memory of Midge & Doug Rutherford and

Rose & Mac Gregg. Rowena & Gavin Zealey, Sarah & Chris, in memory of Rowena’s father Victor

Smith, and Gavin’s father Jim Zealey and uncle Richard Martin.
