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HOME INTEBESTa The BECOSD FIFTY YKAKS. I'ljiiija Ibb · ot xviii* f V.-t in l BSl there waa mts...

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The BECOSD of FIFTY YKAKS. KKMINlS('KNCK-i OM A .HU'KN ALIS T. HT CHAIM EH T. CONGOON. Xl. OLD TAM IKS AM) K)I.ITU IANS. Iltir KM W-Mdl'lMl BJOYBMBB1 IN Mv-suwi- -:ii- ,,.VKI*.N"K (.tiler,: Mle. wh.--i.nV ri rei ion io mr. be.satk--fki:k-«uii.i:!ta, Ifs> rrilM'AVs AM) .'Dill I lOBtSTB.aXSOSI Bl "K- UM.lMI-MI1IAMKI I'. IHSKS -ntANCIS W. Ililli.BOT liM.Il JilIN A. ABOBBW. When I vent to Bootes), in 1854, to beaomeeaeea' tbe ashton ol lae eVstsa Itfas, politics wara mi* Iraasatery **sodttiat>. With all myaymimtbteaBpaa iee t'" Will"-, | bad bo snapMen of tbe las* p. miine demise ol thc party. 1 thought thal it had anti siavarr aatot aaoagh to sustain it, ami I eiul uni anticipate that thc people would so strongly re-eat th,- obsolete: afaatrna oi tba Hun¬ ker Whigs nf Beaaoa. Ws who dui not atftce with tlte-iu hud tried haiti te> reconcile radical differences. Ons siter one, wa bad mea thc men svlndii wc loved and hoiiore'il. BB BW81 ir.uu ii- into st>»i>tr«' and, to us, nnpalatahh- ;. . toona While we hated the Fugitive Slave Law, uml all the measares whichwereeallad hythe mime of com p.* mn i-,-. wc looked hack with ft In-, t inn upon the nlil \ n-tories iimi even the old defeats, and asked ls es il' the nam.-and th" organisation might nol yet i..* sared. Bot tao nwesure for a thorough re* vuaon nt party lines waa too strong for tbe anti* slavery Whigs of afaasnehaaetta, and tbe tempor- i/.niK in,'jcs nt the Fillmore Administration, with the emu-- which Mr. Webater eau li: toprrrane, waa too machfor the loyalty ol' oar fast dimin ranks. A great many men. I non persuade myaelf. weal away from uk merely because sw* wsmeatted Whigs. It was in vam thal not a f> w eil us ventured tn the \'f me \ ree of (Jarn-nniiii) Bbolittouism io our den um at mn ot the institution, ead oar opposition to thc legislation which it wai fondly ih", igta I would perpetuate lt, lt was in vain that we abaadeaad all policy in the Indulgence ol our ijrmpalhieB, Two elaassa ot men aoa- fr.uiicil ns with looks of disapproval. Thc Democratic party haring utterly given Itsell Bp to tao control of the oligarchy of slaveholders, ileuotineed us, sis it had sonic right to do. Tba Hankel Win-,--, still professing to lie nilli us iiinl if bs, called by oar name and elaiminga place in oar conventions, hated us more heartily and op* j 'us limre ohstin-itcly than did OUT Irtidi- tinnal aaeades, the Democrats, ls it any wei¬ der tit it wa gm* weary of the name ot xviii* f V.-t in l BS l there waa mts battle mnic tn lu- fought, though little did I antici- pate its result. It decided raosl emphstieallj tbe ssarrafls of that year. The organisation nt the Know Nothing party in Massachnsetts waa one of tie uin.st cuiinus of which I have -vcr had any haowledge, li was an anomaly fnr whit h it is impoa- siiih to account. ! went down to Beaton to en| say new duties, late tn thc Autumn of l*>l. with¬ out the slightest idea af tba impending eatastrophe, ami actually entertaining tbe belief that Emory Waahbnrn, the Whtg candidate for GoYernoT, wv.uid be lecteil either by the people ar the ] gi liitnrc. He kteked only shoal r>(>,<ii>!> votes ol fstddeilni that BBceess. At this moment, more , Hom a gaartei of a cent,ny afterward, 1 blush lor the simplicity with which I anticipated a widely different result. I knew that there waa s Know Nothing organisation. I waa In tba way ol pickini" up whatever political itelligmico might tie nes-ttng about: yet aaaoeiatiug eTory day with men wbo ss. re m tbe Know Nothing lodges, and, m Hie ne* editorial position which I occupied,! avery incentive to be vigilant aud wary, 1 no more siupci led tl. Impending rer-ult than 1 looked for an Bsathoaake wbioh a -aid level tbe State Hon reduce Fa'ci il Hall toa beep a! mina. 1 mention thc raettoabow bow falth lally apolitical seeret shared by thousands ap rn tboosands mme 80.000 In sill was kept, I wen! to work on thc Atltt inc- Bisely as if J believed adeeeatWhig victory te bc certain. I km*sv flint thc Know Nothings Ware doing bul I little knew how much. A wok nf,, i I basan mr bbs tm sin. s I wa» pass¬ ing through Congress1 st. with my associate, Dr. Brewer. We mel Henry J. Gardner, fha Know MoBsiag cami,dat,- far Governor. He tonk l»r. Ik-cwer as,de for a loni* conversation, ead when my t i rejoined m.- he till me that Mr. G Bled: "inn hud batter not abase bm un you ai-.' Bhashti ssc la Tlc Atku, 1 shall be sleeted by n very large maj nit..." The dry-goods merchant tnrned politician understood Blatters ¦mab settee than 1 did, tor upai the receipt of thia private information, nol In the least daunted, I wen! back to mr detk and predicted h.*. dcii-at more de rale dy than ever. It I -t perfect mut, res all the world knows; bid I remember, with pardonable r. that 1 .said, tbe morning after the el thnt the whole mattes was an empty piece of tow~ foohiy ; that th. Kt o > Not] ii .. party sou int being; thal I would give il t: Bamtonee, sad noi ona year more, lt seemed to me tlieu rat! r like a huge joh- than BUythii g elac. Qovernot Gardner was an ea tip.' ant re sf its thin and shallow bunin <.. ii\. and nf its h.'.ml-to-iimuili expo* diuiits. Hs Bad bo fentona, aad ii be bad poa- seiss, ', any they would have beea of no value We Bilarward found ont how he waa rwmli ated in tbe K'io, Nothing State Convention. A delegate who bad hs linc h to do with the matter aa anybody told in- the storr. It va-a mongrel aatberin*", fall of people who di I hate the Catholic Irish aad of pen; bj who eiid not. It was bani to agree up >n a camitd-'te, and my Infonnsnl went tn Mr. Omiliict and said: " .May 1 assure tbe Convention thai yan ara beth an aati-alavery ami a temperance mant'" " V"ii mav fhv." Haid thc tatara Qorernor, " tit at I hav alwayi been an anti ilaverr man, and tliat I am a teatperaaes man of hfteen years' stand- in-;." "Huiii!'' saul a Mead to whom I told the Btory, " how wine it, whoa bs ran as a I'm-Slavi-iy, >'ti°ntive>iaso Law, Wehstci Wbigsgauul raefor shs Common Council uml heat lue f " Hum !" said an¬ other friend, " how wae it that not very long ago I waaeoeapeued to throw tbs braadj bottle oat the window tn k. e|. hun Hom drinking any more f" He Wi-r, nominated, ns 1 wine told by oue who wm well-informed, upnn tbs -rtrenirth of theaa rsaauaeeee. The Legislature electel at the aaSBS time was eiYewlielmingly KaOW MetblBg. It neut Mr. Wilson to Un- fjnitcd States Senate, for he too was with tbs Phil¬ istines. ThagS were Kuosv Nothings who would have heeu glad to defeat hun. 'limy came slyly to jff< Aila* i.liiei' ami saul in ; and I data say they went hack lo tho Batts Hobbs and voted for him. Why Shouldn't they T Wasn't Mr. Wilson u in.-mhci ni tbe BBSat Aniericaii parts ! WhCfl he was NB olag for the Vu e-1'iesnli my, and Catholic VOtoa were desirable, if be did noi hims,if dani the fast, BS suttered ethers to deity it : hut BS him¬ self told me that In- was a KaOW Nothing, and i know, agaa good informatioa, that Imwiu* regalarlr fcoitutcil in mi inoije after laang mrasod admiaaliiii go ntmtlier. I migfal write mach, little to it«s credit, of thc Kimw Nothing Legislature, in which tbs partv had every thing (heir OWB way; hui let tin* rathe-rnccupv th- paco winch re-mains with BOBM Belles of several geatlsmea who tonk a prominent part ht alassaehnu .;- polities during thoaa oTaatfal yearn. Among th- ch .er \ouug uieti who worn blOBghl int-ijiiihlic afl'nis by tho biaaklng np of parties and hy th . mi'tc. masai interest which politteal Boatioraraias had ictted, bb bbs ws more popular ami Basra did SBsrs aaselant rutmpaign work lu Ma*--ac unset ls than Mr. Anson Hurlin- BBJSBS, His Ital f"icii,c c:i,.its had the faults of youth. He had lint been t,.nm in a good ti-hool. He had BIBVghl from Hm We*: the bad rhetorical peculiarities ol tba Waal ern stump. Ho exhibited u OWTtalB lack ol aevsta culture ; but his good iisture waa ludomitable| In. verbal re-vourci-s inpious ; hi. wav winning; bte*Is> sire, at a critical BBrsad, to iee elistiuKiiisheil and to do tho State ik real stJisicc, cxtrcmi-ly hon- eiatilc. He had a pleasing Simplicity lu social iutereourse, and all his party a.--nciate- were ready t" -[.- ,| umi tn t.e r>pi-iit in his promotion, I migii; c ill him, iu im dis¬ ci, ditaliie BHiise, BBS BBl Bf BBS IfSBjaa-SJUSSStla Tree bod men. Happening at that time lo be upon the other lida, I found 1:1 Mr. Hurlintaim-'-. SBBBphes BB excellent chaiico foi a gsrsl deal or satirical wnn i ¦uni thoBgk I ¦asia great faa <>f him, ta isv asteTeshr-icnt be did aa. peiBonauj resent u. If uhjImmIv had written of me In the wav, I donht if I shoold hue foaad the attseksoeaay to hear. His mils rheioi eal man¬ uel sask ted ridicule, aad it r qa n d no gr. ai elsi em. -s to call .'HU the PboMil ni i'n-e M.il. I 1 liked m Mr. Burlingame, what ImmeasnraWv m.-od him iu my estimation, after 1 cam- per- soniilly to kims-f !ii:n, ssas ins thorough BweolBeas of disposition sod tbe fseilrtv with which he forgave Hi recounted Ibe Jokes which bad been made bj linn, ami good-bainotwdl] laughed at them, as if ul been made abosI som id i\ else. He wol- n. - : I i'd, I ills h ,-H'l if J nd had not lampooned him. His specohei per¬ sonal vanity, bal those who caine to understand lum beat efoaud that In- had little or nome I was amnotlmsa embsrrased by tin* frank- SeSS With wi:.eli he sis.kc of Ins OWB elcficcncies. " I must study thc political history nt tbe country," be said io ms on.- day. uti, r he l:;id bean mr -o'ne' time a member nf Congrev : and from se hat i subaoqueutly observed <>f ms pub¬ lic eareea. 1 more than suspect timi in- adhered to this resolution, '.-inch ot hei members of Con¬ gress might da \ -ll tn eotunder. For hs exhibited, after he became Minister to <"iin:i. » solid capacity for ss heh 1 md given him credit, Wheu Mr. Brooks uiaeje hi; shameful ie.-..nit upon Senator Sumner, slr. .'HI..I-, who was then iu the House ol Itepre- setitatis¦.-, behaved extreme!j s-.ii. li.- public probablj baa noi ye! forgotten tbe fit terms lu which, in his place, bo charae-tenz d that iinili.tr- hen we found :it ho ac Ihat ssc hud a member -¦¦ ;¦-.¦!¦. to light, if ii was i.. thought to bee I'cc-.-.n *, ,ve did net. I fear, well oiioa ri itj ti tin- duello. I'm Mat-each uset! at that moment, «.,- in a som whal pc if Mr. Hurl ingarno had really gone out, is b. ,ait" ready to go, 1 suspect thal tbe ".toniest moralist would not have remembered it against him. " I nant," ba bbid wbe n an I tbs botte -i sad he prove d it to nc t. boast. 1 remember boa h.s coudud on thc occ ,| bira io lin- good u. u "i b \onng in Bostou, who wss ni a lase i i astonish¬ ment tbal aobody had ehallem -ii Mr. llt-iH.k-, aud who, witb rery slight encouragement, would him- se.i has o gi.h. to Washington to viudictito the nu ag I diguitj of th old com nona -alta. 'I be last inn* i mu Mr. Burlingame, we walked np and down the sucl-,-j Nahant in-;,-ii., i after the election ,-i Mr. Inn ..In, iimi talked of the poss Ide results ni linet evenr. Ile ssas, SS USUSl, full of enthusiasm. He had jual been beaten in b . own district, but he looked forward wil employment by the new Adit malle capacity. Ih'-s..s -,i ;.. V.entia; but Au ilia, rememberiug his ¦, ... viud it iou of ll garian iadepend nco, refuse' :>> r eas bim. !ii'» fortunate it was thai be ss is thus rep less to conjecture. He wuss! once ace: to Chins, aud awakened a e govern- mei t of thal country *,. hicfa led to Ike most impor¬ tant Ilslllt-. Of lillis,- 1 Republican party toy tbe devious timi was Mr. Nathaniel P. Banks, sine ,-n ni" ki -. S it "fairs, Mr. 1 routh ssa-, passed iu-a position which ipokeu of as bun '. ut, I b lieve, o l>- boy lu a Walt:. quently a good machinist. Ilia peculiar - has b -.'ii bel l up, la oe rtain bioarraphiea, aaaethnalati e example to otb. in -'nu ., ai: I to bot ,n general. !I from tbe start. He delivered tem pei other addn ssas; be tried bisba d al Dditing i ¦ in bia native Waltham j he essayed tbe stage, iel ii VUmdt .'¦.'¦'mitt in a Boston theatre; 1 Uara b ea lateraled that be ere n exhibited al as ;i dancing master. Whee be made speeches Betting forth the heartless way rn ii-i'ii limns .a poof bot clevei rou i mei rs isl sd by the Wing aristocracy ul Mai tachi i not thought to b. ito. inn; uorl uiiiiiir to tt mind Um rd ss bal ba ss as sod of a bat be bad been. He ssas either exti nols fortunate ..r wei unsound. For a ' m- went well with him. Mr. Polk gavel d th e Boat on Cu Ito tbe H< Three years after, tho coalition modi him h] . . bim to tbs X WIlil I be L-i.-d-.i- us a",', from t -*i tbs li k ol au iker of the 1 (beat of a i ... I j ... io com, :<¦ loin ll-- we ll " 111 Know ks, and i- the Wi.ik party, be al le a Whig, .so that there ss - uo parrieids in bis .-!. itiou, ol Loni 1 barlow that sn ss ise BS Iii leioked. Mr. I'. :, le' with s profound gn vity which Pille llsteue r wil h vague Ideas of u ic cis. lt was during the IV:.,',! of IS.'S-'SOt Iii si in aid au intimation of the probable of Colonel Fremont for tbe Presidency, li iva ii'tli lijii: oi .! tbs Tremont Hot which ni iv I ann.,ik i.icm Hi" Hon. Charles vV. Uphai an \- inomber ol Congress, to wh tube, auent trusted the writing of one ol the campaign bi. phiaa Sf the explorer. s ion al! tin soap, Mr. Bank nat il ('olou I I'm mont, and said tiial BS Would BOOB writs a lette! in wblok tbs ss loni's ,,- Kansas would bednlyset forth. I part ¦Bomber that Mr. Hanks wss perfectly buh tl it Colonel Kre.me.-iit could euns Pennsylvania; h ss., such a tuan, be laid, as tb. Q nlelb Ikelj in iotc for. Ile did tm' pi >abli anticipate tbal the Democrats ssnni'l spend so mueh "nie»n< li Inlying np the state, uni perhaps he dui nol expect that Mr. Buchanan woulel bc nominated, I mav remark in passing thal tbe V li. publicans lowed no areal mudera iou in lng to Massachusetts for money, nor anj Btgacity lo spending whatever they nblaiued. I" Kn I isv-k tn Mc. Basks, I mas add thal I ss.;, much Impressed by the cleverness w tb whieh be rn rand the polities! situation.he Beemed to a prescience of every charactcri tie of the coining aanvi ive tbe disastroui def'-al with which it terminate ¦!. \ -, came tito iini'cipiite.l letter lunn Colonel fremont, and n pretty and well writtea ld lei it w.s. Perhsps Mr. Hanks wrote it, lt was band dtome for publica¬ tion 'i The Ho lon dtlot, and I construe ted a be mtt fal leading article about it, in which bl <¦¦¦.:.. Kan- sassndtbe Colonel'i ss tbe eouliuunt wets agreeably aad forcibly bi. ,.i-d. J thought it a gnat stroke of ioarnahstio enterprise i "Cf the Idler exclusively lind ''. hen fill friend, Mr. Elisur Wright, Jr., wno wa* adit og Thi I Chroniele on the other side ol nt ovei lei hi g an advance copy ol tbe Impoi tani dex un Mit. I was hard-hearted enough lo refuse ii ; selfishness, I am bemad to sdadt, did not in the hast diminish Mr. Wright's good ns ure. '1 be norn- inatieiii nf Colonel Irreiuonl rams in tia , bat be¬ fore it u in-i'le'..,,. e .oi-ii ;-,i, la I If Ilia office, about sa had a Lin iidci as possible. «lureorrc ip. mi¬ en' at Washington was Mr. Kimon !'. H, n comb s m.a. with a prodigious passion foi ;:,¦ was sotsrprising and generally trustworthy, ult hough his lattera bare, sad repaid earefol sapemslon. He tonk it Into bis bend to send ns n dispaten. eoutatnlsg the startling Information t bel Oolouel Fremont WBS B Kutmia Ostbottc SUS Weinlel nut, lhatefoia, ho s destrsbls candidate, lhu precious news carno Inti; for sows rssson 1 bad gone hom" earlle-r than SSUSl, ami lim Blght-edltor, with a plcutiinl lack ol BBBBrtly. p. lined Shs rureedfal dlseleaur*, which, wtthht a) fortnight, was reprinted in lurgn esfsttabl in evors Democratic BOWSBJSMJSS III tho ii-eic 11 y, When I .»asv the I'.lspaii rn la ths "B-Srotng it ijuite tosh away m. sppettl Cor my breakf srysell eire a Brassi whether I olitnl Pymont was u CathohV, ii Protest srthrri bot bbbbI ss wmembered that the rdn-n ! Know Norbtag pre- iudice against tbs ftoraea Ctthohe Chnreh wai* then ruin, ia!, ami thst we saaU bsrdlj rxps-i to el -1 CoioneJ l-'rcm nt if Know S di ing votes or without a Kn a ss Ndni-i- Ns ""il li.mii.u.it ,ii. i'iie story tar.' d ripon it- iras- i. In ter -n-le tan though we pre I -ste laud 1 and denn d, e Dover aide to arrest its misehtoYsus meander¬ ing*. People who read il then may lil-'- to know [{ -u-e ni no end of trouble, which might IniV" ti.*-ii s.»si 1 If Mr. Hanscom ie, sslm wai . of tbe bc«t intentioned mes m tbe world, had been just a little irt, or if I had gone bctne sn linn: or so biter. Among the leading asea of these innes wa- Mr. . ranchi W, Bird, waa i- the best hues n nt al! Mmv Hk-huselts politicians who have In-;.I no National nllicc. Mr. Hird s-ae». if 1 may hmm s Dr. Johnson's chi-siiie.n ion- eminently "a dutiable man." The affairs ml the party wran m> eonduoied with¬ out a Btndienm <>f festivity, and Mr. Hud :. il good fellowship, ln-inir never nap¬ pier th in when he contd mal useful in the conduct of the symposium. Wm Soil lights mel in Cornhill Coi >usu 1 ta¬ inui and diet tv refreshment, H wss Mr, Hird ss In. li ni .rn! gave nstbe ti.l-l.it-i hot st ii bot. These were plo saut gath*-nng*e, where, wilb¬ an) formal ty we sat al the hoard to plan r.r- paigus, to i!; uss political ii ameliorate thc austerities "f politics by mo let ate couvi j ality. And who, -'f ali were bettor hhul and more thoi -in* ted inan Prank ta those, whn were entitled t-> do so by tbe familiarity of friendship, ami those ss-in were ii"', .i the habll of f ; lc sn lionel] ¦¦ a never eloiih cant ional. Ii relj lei ai io his p ini .-.¦¦ iii tn remain m it. Ile ssas n toals.- In ss liether they were sb. ul tho Fu I...', or thc I! 1'.: 1, il, be hr,-d ai 1 ni' 'V.I ia id, I iii i*. ,.\, hourly >i;'', cer 11, ,i I ssa. .mt in he ised wti ii be talked >>s or to tlie cu.in n-' t.'i eic'): himself nue ol ibo-. I oeratB from v 'io- i be had rei ii eel and I "oil 1 I-- tln.iL- >si mg in the ink , he th dug of tlv ov-r tn I i -"im ri d ii he in oded f hi¬ ll..eo: !.; tl the eli Inertly .-.: the Democratic he adqn rt i.i and 1 that !l ss mild lie ss. |, ¦¦-, , .; -,: cheers by his eihl re, il .I, an. thing to b given. Al the ('.. ... ,'iii A. min h :¦;). ¦' ss hi-n a' . .*,!. Ile was the me»d cnial snd ¦.-.. - ¦ mi ur nan had I..-,-n kept nu! ti I ol t .. poid ii .i .ftitc. bul bonah he ss a s. ..: in, be ¦>l wrong or rr nelie. Wh. n th ss. i.- sluughli reel mt! l>s- a di-l-'s al mob, i; v. a-t. rm d for at the et ', cut ir that <' .s -. ur Liberty i ly i rn, a b ti in !'. wron. '! ' . , l'ar- k- i di,.: " ',' eu tbe li '¦' uj the if tl Iii -ii coodlei with I'., lae .¦! Cud, 1 ss.,i.ld keep timi's iw in preference niel fall." dad to i dov by the 1 ... m., ul i. Hs mora! i litre- When his Pl nt 'Iii- t'.oi.:-- ifraction o lit*, riv, iwr d d he re nd me ri Y\ r,.r sin plav i lie tn i|, iioss wide ii" ns: N's Al I ll III.ll. ///'.// art oi sn INDI ' I rom < .'/ / ext* ud. il, i iImbi bbein I- ii ans of bing theil Kilt. I ic visiim inquired for lie landlord, i.. whom be pro-mnnded liicejnerj " I ai, \,,., B m B ol lin hlishmeiil were equal lo rnieb a demand, slid lu a few minni uer" was dals ci I in ii ainc il, question "I a iin-iii ; hui d no mom \, sud pim i.,, .mi lie " in-.- Uni." he shem I il have order, ri what Im i- Olid minni' ) thal he hail n ion concerning the ubiluy of tue house and the ii .ir,ali.f ilse lid j him ss uh a oin,ri, ami was mue-h obliged ,'.,| the same .\ :i .|'c.-ii.aii was .-alli-il iii; hut he, derision n .un ,1 i- . ard tbe in" . Inei it might bs e. it¬ el cd u d' ht, hut im-1 lien al lau .ld <],, noth¬ ing, io- giiei departed, lae landlord ground Ina teeth. Nol lons alto, tin-, nuuibe-i tis,, ni ,s, ,1 with tbs qui ry "Can you msc me b r ssl ilma, f \ ¦ ..¦¦. it be lanell.ird's i.o-.-. " Ve-, fi -," ii repl cl ; " lake a « ii." ll,- h.ci,.,,, o nd teii.i in 'i ssh ', ,,i ssat.-i, ss loch ss ult iii* uss ii luui.be li di ted over tl a appin ml foi ii, c. dinner; who there upon jut.i jm .1 to his feel and il ll il de ri ll -'-,;,I..' I extraordinaiy treatment. "Ila! ha!" lauchcd Ute n.e. -,i ed Uoll I IB. c. as lie glared | olin - illina wheres I'hto he obj ci nf his wral h " ha, la!s ,i li llou - c ii 'I Ie "I nie iwii ju lim same i.. -. cn- aid" an il aston nh .1 . ile -nf , lu milord Bpi linus tei kick tbe visitor out, A SI' it o' .-¦ CUITl .!. I oe SS l.hl-l liber. I he min or m the law wu again summoned, charges animist the other. The Infnriat il calli i ot. i . reel il: ii h ss , ,|i 11, eil', uh!" mid « ill iiL'to ,, , mu red »i and vowed i,.- ss,.nhl ll lol slaiid areli, I he lan lo nm coi " i- .: cbeupl) mi "I .ii down bili -i ..... ,i , .. .. r number I FREDEUICE UH: (.Li \T AM) TUE Hi.Ll.-. tUo. ( hie I ""i Paris ri -.- lelent * write Apropos to ne ij,,i .'iou a,,-, ,,,e lu i 11e 1 V Ott e. I Fred tal t "1 be King to me on i.¦ ¦ W mid i 'n i. -u.-ve iff I have just been patting ile tfnauees .i .\ poor Jesuits into "ide. 1'hess ko kJ i. ,- io ss s limn rst ii 1.1 iiutbing shout sn th th ngs, I bey ats useful lo me iu forming mi I elerey, 1 nave ii.n.ii. With his Ito! ic I. ,. li a lo: tl -..as, to tue V'TJ* ss.ii.' Poiutlsg from tb. windowta tbe Cspucuin monastery, he dd-'i. 'Those fellows I mebir me s lillie ssitn their bail-ringing'(tbe ivinj* was ii very old1. 'Tbef ..IT nd to *>r«*|» it ut night for rn, snke, bal I d', lined, On- mu leal everyone to h s. trade ; tbeb mi i" pray, sad 1 shonl1 I, ire been .octy tO dsptll e Hiern of their chi Ul.<*..'" HOME INTEBESTa LUX0BIE8 TOU HIP. TABLE. soi;iii:i;\ v. oki '.ui ks am> muirs.raos-M pboo m. i mi nus -ivciiKisi.il IOTU OP SPBIBSJ I.SMfl .a n i:i>». v's I'linls |> TIIK MAKKflS. In rsarksl im; it is always a ss is- raia to purchase thos thinss which arc in season. This makes Hie we .-hiv eipense mneh smaller ami is a safe principle for tbs health af tbs fandly. .Mans Utttodebili¬ tating dlaasssa bis broaght on hs an nawisa imlui- geoes in what arc palled the luxuries of the bbbbOB- At ptcssnt the markets o.er many delicious fruits ad vegetab'ei from the Boatb. They sbonld be ased in moderation, and. in the ease of children, id! , ihui, d. N,'lum,'.-an lu- umre unwholesome 1 r thu little ones than new potatoes, tomatoes, mal si .,f frosh v, actable* at nm command to-day, ami their little appetites urn qui fe oswell satufied -.sith last yes Ps productions .c's prepared. Phe mcessiiy of late dinners in tbe eitv hos hrouaht limul a verj fottunate -iii.- of affaire for the chil¬ dren. In ali properlrregulated bonses these im- nnrta.it members of the family hare their prinei- I'll uieiil in fie tn nh le nf Hie .lay, anil t his ari nutfe- ateul makes il possible, without seemiuy cruel, to d- ut them i-i, foolish luxuries in which their Idei , hidnlge st evening, and tn provide them ssitli sun- |i e. s, hi,les..nie meals. Boring lem'' is growing more common in thc ii aii.efs. Why .1 don,' he |J L.t.ll IS n question, inasmuch ss ore may ron nb-r ourselves slid ni the ni,tsi ot \N inter. I be supply, ol ooniaa, has reel ur di n price j feire-quar'crs ares now ism-iii bil il-ejuai rs si, ;v; r>o. aixl in marl I carcasses an sold rom b to $12. Tba lllIUI ie iii ll -..¦¦: ,:1- .i -iniiiin mg ph Qtiful and elie -ii" r. '.. niiuda potatoes ors a ;i i hal i ¦¦¦ : We Inti a tomat- cs. io ' mat. es can be had f ir :: 5 and :<> cen [He tis -eels are lo to ,*di cents |..r de ten ; nnd Ntuthern -.'reen peas ."i'lceiit- n i half-neck; lim'ail. I- lu ccu ls per I,- cb, ami tbe stillk aud bunches an improving in ¦ixe; celery.'rom Ne -:- v. is J1.1 cents |»cr huuch ; lina, ii, ::.» " ,,:- mr,".., ruell li '"> cents pur bil ,-h lettui ¦-, ll) io r_' centI .,( 1 tm. e. Ml thai now im sale tn is of P'iorer greiwth than Issi sanson's let- i. . iieiimli.ai.-._.,-.-ni -|>i.-ee: they are also itnprovniii in nn iiis is:iiei-,i «- i- io cenis per md liel ,i d ".. . nls;nyster| lani, lOce ms in i-. lu iv s, eic t'i he tm change in tb. I'h. vast ltn- rr.'i'i Pl .ret: in the marice . So ", of the down-town fruit nt ^1 :. ii ililli ,. in ii'-i «, ,1 .a ll, N! dugs gi y pcs al if." cent* lier |-n iii ot," gea, Kl .c.:- -,. ,;, / ,.- l bu idi li ;. its; A I :.'i cit- |>. r nouiiel ; gre i. ,, - j/. Kutti ii, bij o .ii s i. has - HUH a- low a I'- . Jersey, I il Bini . '! '. ',(- pei holli V '.' Tier ]' ^^T ic ii-- 12 eui I i. n i pei pound ; turk. \ %, I t . 1 lo lo e, in- j i,- gen,'se, - tu -'. nt taine m-ii ab, .-.I rds, if] nu per pair; re db. ml comm >n thll , ll Im- s,, ,, K«|l|j os- |- il lo Ins i..iii,-,,,| I.,, in ;, tbe ,-i L' in IS IO .:» ti n |,H ,,|,,. rest } I ll, . noi . > ii he '. mel j J lol lie iniii' \ mr- 1 s .', .|. l's , . 1 I IhlpM, ¦-.,., - ci* 11 ts J ld; k I*,, -. 1 -i -. i-i ass i.s. I.. .-. ,,.i; ni neb foi buck shu " ents per [muml. liol -I II' -l-l> NOTBdL ce 'in- am- l.'n i. '' ,"i' p sn .¦' ion very fry ,t in butti nil it ira "' a illili -. -I ,. tdd. pilli ol -.-.I Bjravy. miel simmer slow- I . \\ ... I ,, I pill a lilli III ile -j, gt ,:. alt and ,- ppe |,|| -.-li do- le' lt fore i bs hi e, ai il iusi h -else "i iii, kind of m. .a I', ii i l s e. v 'ni up ebie 1. t: ., . s, and ,Jive ml. s- I. dei. Take I'll ', v. ince. Hun rei > e :, S lt. I | I lBS< Huil 1 nml Ucl \\ ben s.I-1 it pu | ..mi i i> 'in arti you wi lo,111 III. ,,, ,i ,i,,.|. || iu p .. billi II ifll h SOU .,, bul ll. m'-rvi the [sdi h. ill. If. ., , .,.,-.. " ..m. \ii i, |," nt: s,.,-r ', V. -, di i iii rn -'¦:¦ il ila the toii-fii pal ls n iel -m. , I hen li ur .Ire-, li nml In a linnell in .-ak the yolks ot two eua* *V nty ol suit u nil ts pel i i.il' ,1 lind ol . ion, jilli*, oi hall Ol I., I.-. I'beuspi i lilt tl'-'lt, .Hld s|i| ihtnlli'h the ::l ;,ase reaelj a pal i. hot tat, ant elrop agon pooufui it s ,, tr. . light noss .; garnish w ||, pal lei i d lined letneiu. Auy clams ma*, be ibis ssas-, Mrs. I.. I. \. loi in -i I'i-h l.s't- On the morning you In¬ tend bsviuii tIm-iii. pare voui potatoes mi boil; v. al,r. Billi cns.-! SS ll li ll ni.ll t-ic ll Ul ¦al s our coelfit lt I I! pull to si,n ii.-, c.,r, lulls leclitui for cverj boue imp. Mash lbs {wtstoes very l'uiely, |>our lu a bille wann milk sud a small lump ol butter; beal ,,| ^ ,ni po ito still Mes Bte IS hg aux with -.''in' fish, and work ail toge! ei then ,. .\ small raw onion, chopped very Hncly, lb rung li, gives a flavor which many persons lil,,.; no i" id' i' nor i-L'if. When reids. roll into ',!,,i'l e il..--lur,'I.s. iimi fry a dedicate br sn. i'l .- uart et ulai nari ietohsve irour nolateca ooiti ss nh thc milk, and bsb with not the suiullest lump. [Mrs. I.. I- V. I,,,,o> e ni l.t., aa.- 1 'o m.'' "|n:irt ni ililli ml. two .. ,,,! i ai, ii", lump linn, hall .:.'¦ ol an egg, gena! i iipful "I « bite naur, a pinch W m I. hi -, loge! hei i, ..i.'.ii.'.,,-. 1, .' viv light h, n-i'i if the I ps ol sour M.,-,.!,ii willi enough milk to mnke hs soft ..ie in roll nm. iisiub as luile (lour ,i inti) is isis, it must be rn vi ,,ks dnusb. K. ip youl I dippe d iii ;|,.,n, li nc ,ii, \. ii ic be io,, s, iii yum cl nilen ss ll ',, i,,,i.' Ho inn '. woiki:i'- will tougheu in, n, i,,,. Have four 1 i"i i elrop in ijnickly and sate srefullj. .:..... I. V. v t tn sm h. K.s'i arru Paint..boil bah a pint ,,; i; .mi and ball b pint nf milk with a bil ol Lemon p |. |0tl a les-, almonds beaten to a paste r and a littleBiicsi she a ir ipoemful ,,i dried Llour, rob ll si.tbly down witb a little col mil uni a Isa lr. pa ul ail toge tliet mid Lei it boil Iel lt r. maiu til! ,i cold, anil tuen add a little lemon Juice, I,, ci.i ».-. Winn Ismiiii. Uabmkmts..-Take thOSS liol ncc,linn ssiisIii.il;, lien,c. ,ci v lllgll ly ,i, .,, I. ...ace tU IU in i 1' ii.I1C ll a Hine. ,;,,,,, b' ll.Hil through it, and .antic ,,, ll, i.m ,i ij looks ss bright ss uew, Itorax U excells i I" «.i--!i il cl-willi, eiissulvod ni liii.e.sai ni water.- [Mrs. E. L. V. uri: a ni isi i.\ Mux. from /< bi li Bar. lin' perfect esse ol thc family life, even hf. bb 1 believe, lt ls too often earned to '.-... biuds the s ,,i ,1,. im is tognther ss nh, literal Ij , c ci II." Nins ii,-iv, IB Iii HO nil. no ll ni ' ilove a d Bask theil ¦¦ if si their fathers <tUlp '. t alni, nd love to I"* Witt! their lind lo Ta ;n ni Sit Iel .. Il ii ...,.t iiio ; the -1 Hiller, ur water- i-iirnci. e.-1 t'.li.'d tbs lan. ls, iimi tbs table ;a "Jun' "'.>' clo.h, ssilli porous [ t \ntlvjar pitchers of classic SBSSMl with a nell/ rolling here ami there; knives, forks, dates, pat na without any regard to order orar- aaassneal; hunches of whito and purple drapes, md a few bottles of n-d astringent wiasithsrad rina, like Burgundy ol Val dc pelias; toa amber* ohm ii wine of AIniera lirreiwn in the sh,pen around Ubufi' 1) ; tin- ml sstneot Catalans J OT, perhaps, be white wine of Seville. Bread lies, in spiral rom- "*, orin French mils, or in /..lera* (loni* thick staves I coarse bread), all about the table; n few aromatic lossers, bought m tbe**tesa, annul in tbs midst, \n old man comes m -s servant girl, sviib hare a .1 iu undress uniform, comes bj. Well, hey Inok mum!- the family bars aol coats to table. Burne : pariencin ."'--" Well, patience !" they say, nd the man lirrhta his imis-r cigarette and leans gainst the door. The mother and father, and one or two daagbtera of he tamily come in amt take their planes; the stber quietly takes tho maloa beauts bim and cms min slices, passing tho piste round from om i the other: all nie wonderfully silent, .spectral, sell-controlled j tin* household s*"tn*i peaceful, so patriarchial in its simple prtrni- iveness, that thc stranger feels out ed place- it is notlur, porer, oleler worlel into which be has atored; sll so simple, rm uatunii. so self-nsoset- ii. im servant-glnhuis, no hells, no waiting at hie ot flunkey or footman, ot awkward oubjust BUShl fl ca t bc i-i ihle- v .nd. The sons Rannter In, maur in mouth, hut reverent iward their parents, sud, tainting them sviib the ionium kiss of affectiou ami of peace, take their ice ni melon. Then the soup, or wIiIk is plseed rtir*-f:l]y on thc ible, anywhere, snd escb takes a plateful; then lines thc\ewidn, for the riebesi families liva mash i the poor, ami in true, natural spain, there ats n gourmet* or gourmands; then comes, as I have nd, the coeido meat atewed to raes, from which ie eu/,lo has lien taken, SVIth lice, -j ml slices of irery -on "i stewed vegetable, ol the luscious, romstic, mi-mingent vegetables of lin-country. little dish of sausage, or "t bacon, follows: then read and cheese, and then fruit again, and tbe i, driuk a little, but verj Utile, wine, tbs si"-, en 1I3 water. Aoupofe iffeo aud a cigarette follow the meal ia over. The clock goes half-,mst 12 or iimi c is sc, ll-nigfa time to lie down, if In sinn¬ er in the darkeneel tilcoba, aud resi lor a few ni-. -it ii issn aiiil make dresses for tbe coming a-t-d-iy. I be il liner nt iiimiiia is but a repetition tbe almucro or breakfast. .1 RELIC OF PRESIDENT HAT' from tnt Tndiatutpolli Journal By tbe kindness of Mr. J. C. S. Harrison, of thu y, a grandson of General William Henrj Ham¬ al, n nne time Presielent of these United e atv permitted to publish the following leti r, et .1 t. Mn-' I J. C. s. Harrison, Aslairy Uni I be 11,lid rear001 ul bis u ill b read n it ii a i-i .-.illili--- flotii-r.-ii's own liberal ortbogi " ii'nii," and other words: .Noe ni lil sn, Dec. IO, 1 - io. M\ 11] 1: Ora* i.s.-.s : li, ceit ni lei. ,,( thc 30th ultimo, I suppose, as von n seholsr, you know what ultimo n II .,- to ii. -it s on say thal yon un* learning "very -.." Ibis son will continue to do if ron a nely halo. 11 ai bj i" evei waj j ",i ss ,ii rurel tuan, « hievh ss ii! mvc j om friends .-'.ic ii,;!-,-ni jfreal sdvautageto your- .!. i ,,i ii yon arc a le urned man, :i get ". confidence of your fellow-citizens) a great preacher, As 1 know ih-it youi Maker ba -risen you talents a. ,| ure ki, 'ss lg., ss ha: I lias.- said above is eu¬ roli .11 yuin oss-ii power to accomplish. Audit lillee a.S 'Veil ;,s B Sill, If J oil Ul. tl"f uprove Hie talents which Hod hs nive you, Hut, leam mu ls a areal aeivautaKc, there is methinii itiil lieitor, that is, t., be good, 1 bael ll ,| he good i.i;in than to have all the learning iu the 1 ha man. I mm 1, Ihere-fore, ;.i el ..¦ il, ove u ii f. If j on du unj ron 1;, tlo not lu itatc I.ufessit stemre. I will re you if 1 hear that yon ire in the habit ! dollars, wi h mora ian ss ,'| buy sour ikeata. What re ut inn-i nive to your teacher, that be uar give il s ,,,1 ,1- i on Iii .salli il. Your inn wiis .'.int. 11 tolerably well, but tbe Helling verj '¦¦:. You must endeavor to correct 1is. v. rite lo t ie, i>r to your grandmamma, is, snd ry to do better, ¦.-ti na and -ll tl..- Ult) theil 1. Your alt at ber, W. H. rUaaiaoiB. LADY UOBO \N*S FIRST NOVEL. from Vtnuplt Btw flaring read of tho large -inns nf money whi h h in received for ber books, Sydney Had M"I'-an S'ill i-sei imnk- .r..t bel IS spirit ere -io lett Itabhu h -d els inca d ¦eli nt ssh in,Soi n.,,-, Si. lair." was written iu imitation ol the then all- P .1 .r "farrows ol Werther,*1 tbs othei rn 1 amii upon si mi" incident-, ii. Milli's " Mi ian, is " .H. inuit the amours ol thc tr, ai Henry. During ,;li s ,,. c ii ile!, ,1 .. *-i. .1 hiblin for it 1 it for poole ,t n. bieal uti, attired lu a beloi giug t" Iii 'I loll Ci, a ber in -t Iventt s. 1 1 lie observes a ah I " i. Hnulli, I'i int- .II urow inc a limed, rtbi in lepls 1.ul -. a s .-.mi.' ii Ho ss ia s oin ii. er iii IVS tl.I liol mulei le 1 . wul the a nfl io 1!.. iles n I'' toslt el si 11 md ti D 1 with a '*.' ition which sall 1 "f the he .. il-i.s - .md inc great .sic- i. thc wants to sell a boob l .he "St. lair." Mr. 8 .ail j In- ha- ,,i lina to do with sermon ,01 1.1 . >l, .-., 1 ai- 1 ito- manuel .." i he a iud mau baa II not ii pu,'Icher "f novels. i'< ir come into her es cs .--ie packs up ber s. fJouipasNtnnstins hoi youth, be otters some 11 and 11 i|iiii.s lo name 1 scii-oi ." she half sobs, "What, anvthiug to weiisou ol the Theatre lioyul f (She tcHs hi ins daughter. Upon which, ssiiii a complete lange of tone, bo invites her to c ;.. in 1 break- 11 be 1 fal hei is 1 be areal! st friend be m in the world, And upon her declining ':n,ts, hi ra letter <>t' introduction to a 1. Urowu, nf Urailon-st., mb person likely toes- ila.1, lo book. *t|ie iii itu Mi. Cross n i.ehiml his counter and pre* lits liol lint.-, anti just t hr 11 out rn the shop pal lot nc s .in nhl hois to summon him ta breakfast, and king c., mit.- out ul hoi husband's baud, gist 11 - .-S1 io rs and ,, .k-, " \\ hat is ;| '" " V > ol mu ia, ls m. s. .mis in- m pu Mi-di her novel,whiou I can't do, ms bauds sro tull." sydney is 1 irning away nh lol buudkercbief ta her eyes who 11 tbs old est s thal it should bc c id, md he young dv might return iu a fen days for the decision. dm s can uni) just Ituwer, " I hank s mi. madam," id, depositing her MS. upon the counter, hurry ind hasten heme ,sn disgusted, iwevi r, ss a- ibe with tar reception of her literary ii.iiinu licit -ie forgoi tn Leave her editress, uno. ¦icu 11.nt tm Westmeath adair or two afterward, aid m. more ni it nniil she waa told by some one its publication. All the remuueratiou she svar ceived on account ol ii ssa.- ¦ present of font pies. "im: riaii' ssa.-, afterward rewritten and pub- iiicii lil London, Ii appears to bave bee ,1 a novel it without promise judged by tbe standard ol al period, s, iiicii ssi.s a very hus- otis, 1 analatod iuto Horiuau. and in a notice pi brod,lbs nc la'"I', '" IM il late lin- .sllicl(!;:l taste- of the d i',', the aut boreas, in a fit of despairing love, id stiani.'ie.i h. sdi ss uh an embroidered po 1.et¬ ui..ki nliicl. 1 '1 the Milly iiosci sse he.,r un more, 8UMPTV \R1 LAWS. Fruin 1 hu i> Untie. Its an enactment ul Kn, anl ill. i'm ndghtonty worn bj pera big 1 ropei ty to 1 be sn- t-'l value ol £100 s year. I be Knight 01 baron's dy was I- lu display liner, forb deb u to awi* land du ugh tera of citiecus. Henry VIII. rric -I the us.-ot 11 multitude ol rich fabrics to ie uppi r .-lass, s. tineen Kl./n Ind h. bel sell lo tn- nil .d ci, m, Issued -'-s ere rei niatioi s garetii u im apparel ol icu sa lided al a btSbop ssh,, prose d he¬ ll' be 1 "mi the vault) of d iug t is ..ly too linen, " ; hut ss usn bar In in pi. d toe ijij il !.¦ royal example aud imitate hal is ruff, the Queeu " stati.dm,isa citizens evei. ell gate to cut tbe run"* of all tb. ns wun exceeded a nail of a yard in the depth of cn nils.'' Nexl to the absurd taoesof Hie flt- .-nib ccntni v , which wefts so tong in tbs toes that .s\ civ .h iiiia, in thc knee, tb is fashion of huge LBS must 11 .se li, cn one ol li.o ni.isl lllicnm oi t.i- c I !i s lcti Ul Of nisliiili icul to use a sp,,, 1 extra length of handle to be able to feed himself 1 I be io c lughl Lu a r, a f -ss- drops rain converted the ruff Into "amass of wet outs ,01 hs shoulden,* aa a sixteenth century nt a di s .iii. s it, A Jealous) ol tba lower classes aatng tbsdrsas ai cu Bupsnois runs through all tbs aaoieui sams- n,ry Lissi, Camueu telina story 01 a bu I'uiup C'ulr thorpe, who, in the time of Henry VIII.. " pur-reel a shoeniakerofNorwicliofthe prom! honor ourcotn tuon people have to he ot the gmitleman's out." Heario* (rom his tailor that doha Drakes, s local XS make r. had ordered himself a Winter cloak " of tbs asset like eat as he should make fur .Sir I'ljiiija Hie knight Instructed tho tailor to Btaks Ibb gar. meet " as full of slits as the shears could i ut." IC chink and thc copy were duly made acmrdingto tbi'se eli rec tiona, and the disgusted shoemaker, on resolving Ins togaed purchase, .' swore never to'fol- losv BiMillcineti's fashions again." I he Emperor Haul of Russia conceived an nnsc- emiintabli'dislike to the fashion of wearing panta¬ loons LnsteeeI ol knee-breeches, which dandies en- dravnieii to introiiucc in his reign, ne Bttsrryss> fJnguisbed the atfeinptcd Innovation byof-derhigbhl soldiers to stop every wearer of the obnoxious gar¬ ments, nml svith their SsbtBS cut away thr addi. donal length of materials in tho log.a ssniisnsHBg that bi nn cause da return to the ancient fashion i,f aether garments. Thia may be said to ls* have BBBJ the last vigorous attempt to cufoioe sujuiptuiiry laws In Kurope', THE DOCTRINE OW TOTAL DEI'RAVllY. A PHI A. HM KN T. "Thochiire'h bell, which elsewhere calls people together to worship (md. calls them together m ¦Scotland to liston to syriMSSairaf.**.ISAAC tATtOBi Bis text WSS om- that gav.- him room To fume, and fulminate, and make Tbs house ot (Jed a house of gloom, lu which to make thc -miner quake. Corruption ssas the thama Of lt. And Hell Hie lund gleam ot it. Mankind, be mashed, ss, re poisoned tlu'ongh, Corrupt without, ronum witton, black was the aoiversal hue. " In siiort," -.lid ba," the rock of sin, On every side has wrecked you all, Alni al ami .ntelli cl uah'' Bs prosed sash man from bead to foot A mses of putre/yiug soes, Thoughts rostering in ¦ heart of soot, Bin ooxing ont st everj port; 'i'm* body and t he -nu! ol .is, J he nevil natl tho ssmole of US. He los "d his t h"iiie, 'twas clear enough, lor all the rottenness and dirt Ami rank de QIi n >n of the Mud. Un.- felt he bael the thing at heart, He buirgi d ii so uni h nidlc! it, And dressed it np and d.milled it. Then plunging p isl tbe gates of death He idixe i ihesinuePs awful .un. Till hoi ami red be atoppM for breath, Ami m ippi,) the -; ii'itiou up. If tenn «. raid refashion us, ll, dui uni span* the 1 uh on us. I «iss- him wheo Ins task was done His gown and morsls pocked away; 1! ide. p BClf-satlsId [inn '.sou ; ll'- re kina supper "ii tbs tray ; Ai d looking through tbe imoke e>f it, Twas the n I s,ns tbs j"ke of it. The pinn i ss uh, tba wordy ran, am practised mooth too gtiblr poured, Which makes us feel I mil sse have i|i>no Nun.- so, tor ; ie Lord. Ob. lue de ceivingseed ol it ! 1 be tongue ss n hour the deed of it. AN BXTINi T FLOBIDA KINGDOM. JaektonoilU Letter to Th* Vituumttttti gBUBBWr, lin other dav I weat down oa the boat to iii.- l-l..in! of Pori George, at tbe mouth of the -t. .loon's Uiver, lbs Island of Post Gk oniorsciug toms ten square miles m tis area, is grown np with paJmettoes, dates, palms, live oak and oraugeaiu a < Tbe ground ia grown ,,s r with cartel -. aud on everj -ol.- is to bs wau the wealth of color, the gorgeous forms of vegetable li, and that ona saes m pictures of rsjaaSorial au ibis little islaiid au old planter named Kingslc.v forme riv reigned ssitli absofate sway. Ta in-sine, a.-had oili.-r plantations, three or loin nf t.i.-in furthei np tbe river; hut bera ssa.-, the nfc mp ..- VVhltehallortbeWiudsor Castle [< -|H.t s||l. Hid Kiugsle) want slaves fat his "-tantallon, bs ot-len il h i fast sailing sloop and sailed to Ah i il I,., m. Did be hasc cotton rn tobacco oe ingar i -.-,: >. ieue tbem to the- foreign n srkets st Liverpool eir M nchestei In his own vessels. Was d to any of In hu idrcda of retainers, King-;.- -a: m bur Judgment hm and pronounced it. His wife, indeed, wssaPiiuce i; -val Ali iean blood, ti bise k si oal, bul et ei sQa en. I ii'-ir children, when they voss ap, as* wried theil tonality or rather their super;.uuy ipi) uf color.and ono daughiei marrieds seslthy mt of N -York, while snotber, s sun. went shroud, ente n-.| foreign < nm. sud is today ;i diplo- niats of ackuowienged position, Another mb sa -j -1- him in bis domini rn on Hie d A.'- hoi.sc nbiog the old man built i-i bim ;.¦ occupy ss a palace is said to be h iimf.-,1 noss. Som.- twenty -, cr- ugo old Kings '-s iin-1. ti.- ss -ie having poue b tors hun, ami lb. propertj hus uou beeu divided ap. Hi ,.r;e l-l md belongs principally to ex-Cou- gi.-sloan Rawlins, of New-Hampshire, li recur four New-York gentleraaa bave urang,- groves oo thc island, bul l. , uer. 1 bo Ki ti gs le) empire, however, bas bseu divided, snd no longer enjoys its ol l-t 1ms position. Tlie -cent to il,i.el ,n ted Hom it, ami DOW il ls simply :,,.,,,. oj ss ...il il once WSS.S dreattl of I'.J tropics. __________________ PEPPEBl RAN DO WU, OF BOANOBJC. from le Philadelphia r?***o*-*f. The reporter of I Se /.¦-),' iad a very intel 1 lames V ---t, ;i ui I', ¦' ," d ph well. Mr. I nt to Europe the old Cope lin ss ith Mr. i h.s. C ipi ,.ii West a captain. ( nv the arri si ni \ii. :. way ' .',.?.. ... boonda ,- ssc-, nessed in an old flannel ohje t that very readily cotuiiiandoeJ u, for be lue ken like s walking si,Ci' loll. Asi i itepped "*, board tbe Alexaudria unsell li'iist.-r there, snd st -tied to the Captain that be was prepared tedie- matter with bim, li ssas toe nu.-rn i .. .- sh' uld ,ver. and Inst ss the 1 ii gi a ia nate imau gol u >t was iu I lieae t "i seudingssbors a dog ggle d on board bj a r. Randolph inquired of bim what bs ss:- teloii i sd I he rule sf the company. Kanool-h, m a load, pipu.g vssaa, ilecl,in-ii that the dog shouid not go aahota, aad, -aid hat ll Should, r beCBBM v.c much -vi'!, ard .icc:.ind linn if his bay J :. Iel! hr,iimi tor sollie unknown le lllld lo.ike bim sllllOt C.Ciy red ss n n bim. Pinding thai t.,.* C ptain was determined to cai ry out bis order Bau* s S>2 so gold piece for thi -, s-inn ni the dog during tho trip, and than, as tho if the animal, hs dened the Captain to put .hore, Tbiswasonl] the beginning of the trouble with Mi. ttaudolpb. lt took twenty-Ave days to rn ii,, trip and ti,. ,,nu ,-is bad a serious tuna wuu bim. lb .'.n.t. d to hick iv, ryhoely sshn get tu his wsy, a ,tie ethic,1 to assist bimin bant¬ ing papers, which be kept he c.-'il li ss el! Intered up with, lie drove them ott" witb the rc mail-, thal a ;n a would call them. lie worried tbe Captain out of patience, aud Captain Wcsl -ass thal one eveulua, while ho had tn- second watch below, tbesecoud mate cains ta ii.,n with aa ocdsi from the Captain io make a itraii j kc, as he c-i,id st ,-,l Slr, Raudolpn no longer, ami would try the indueuces of restrainl u;,'a nim. Captain West reasoned sitii Captain Bald ss m. and told bim that be could never keep the .'-, tongue still, for, as be had often said t, "hi- temper ssas spiced with the devil. e .ipi.i.n Weet states thal bc gained theoootide ol Mr. Ltaudolph os espousing bis suss in tin* many wrangles in which be became involved, and I .-. itinl, nee Kal lum to ms ile ti i ti be add. J Int this waa sn lui lu extended to devilish few. Imong other things bs si,;,-, ssas thal be bated yankees.and thal be bad instructed the 1. eperol tl bridge ug io him to n rige for i kai ,tig toll, IOC tba ian kee svnllhl Citallliy bi n. fbe Captain then became ** t-quainted .loll,1, I. sp ,.i', io hun concerning famous duel with air. < ir, abe iftei bs tire 1 in im sud M.. Cia .' bullet we ..* Un ugh the -kiri rn' mdolph's g ¦¦> rn I i B iiti'li in- s ni ila - jp. it,- s im no i to .p, aJi ;l ans lei In* iict.-d ss bc did because be dui uni ss mi s busban blood on hui bauds. Ile siterward presented tbs o .' ip:.-.in West, ipee ;i 1 it ai Captam West's residence s few days aga lt WOllld celia,ols cicaic il m-.i.-iii. ll il' SS ni il nil any nt our pr,nie i,.ni-s. lt is made coan, ss ene tl.ni",.', ss nh a ros,- nf 1, -. snd 'ho me up altin st under ti" arnr-pits. If is judged, from their cspaeious Bise, thal bs assd ilictn inc npls. 1'hemil inme by Mr. Clay's bullet ls plainly to I, .seen in the skin ol the gown, and me gamssl is in au exe-e- lent stale ol prosetratloB. ii-c ciptu.u says thal Hr. ltaudolph seldomever occopied Ins sl.it. -lei in al night, bill ssotl.il OOtne OBI Upon deck .'.ml be about wituout covering, ami when tn .1 thal rbi take cold would repli that there waa tea much ol the blood si Pocaaoasas iu Ins veins for that. Ev ideutly in allusion to \\u- doctor*! own ^in, *n impudent lop nine-dareel to ask Hr. Hnwsou tl tts c.,nh i ndi hun lin- .-idol of t he devi i'a ss ix, a nd prompt sams tbs doctor's replj : "nn, mao. Baal tbs nivinc, " ye :: ann h.- a pair t rks ol aservaU io bsa served a master -sac laug auu no lo ken tbe color vf his v -g."




-:ii- ,,.VKI*.N"K (.tiler,: Mle. wh.--i.nVri rei ion io mr. be.satk--fki:k-«uii.i:!ta, Ifs>

rrilM'AVs AM) .'Dill I lOBtSTB.aXSOSI Bl "K-


Ililli.BOT liM.Il JilIN A. ABOBBW.

When I vent to Bootes), in 1854, to beaomeeaeea'tbe ashton ol lae eVstsa Itfas, politics wara mi*

Iraasatery **sodttiat>. With all myaymimtbteaBpaaiee t'" Will"-, | bad bo snapMen of tbe las*

p. miine demise ol thc party. 1 thought thal it had

anti siavarr aatot aaoagh to sustain it, ami I eiul

uni anticipate that thc people would so stronglyre-eat th,- obsolete: afaatrna oi tba Hun¬

ker Whigs nf Beaaoa. Ws who dui not

atftce with tlte-iu hud tried haiti te> reconcileradical differences. Ons siter one, wa bad mea

thc men svlndii wc loved and hoiiore'il. BB BW81

ir.uu ii- into st>»i>tr«' and, to us, nnpalatahh- ;.

. toona While we hated the Fugitive Slave Law,

uml all the measares whichwereeallad hythe mime

of com p.* mn i-,-. wc looked hack with ft In-, t inn uponthe nlil \ n-tories iimi even the old defeats, and asked

ls es il' the nam.-and th" organisation might nol

yet i..* sared. Bot tao nwesure fora thorough re*

vuaon nt party lines waa too strong for tbe anti*slavery Whigs of afaasnehaaetta, and tbe tempor-i/.niK in,'jcs nt the Fillmore Administration, withthe emu-- which Mr. Webater eau li: toprrrane, waa

too machfor the loyalty ol' oar fast diminranks. A great many men. I non persuade myaelf.weal away from uk merely because sw*

wsmeatted Whigs. It was in vam thal not a f> w

eil us ventured tn the \'f me \ ree of (Jarn-nniiii)

Bbolittouism io our den um at mn ot the institution,ead oar opposition to thc legislation which it wai

fondly ih", igta I would perpetuate lt, lt was in vain

that we abaadeaad all policy in the Indulgence ol

our ijrmpalhieB, Two elaassa ot men aoa-

fr.uiicil ns with looks of disapproval. ThcDemocratic party haring utterly given ItsellBpto tao control of the oligarchy of slaveholders,ileuotineed us, sis it had sonic right to do. TbaHankel Win-,--, still professing to lie nilli us iiinl

if bs, called by oar name and elaiminga place in

oar conventions, hated us more heartily and op*j 'us limre ohstin-itcly than did OUT Irtidi-

tinnal aaeades, the Democrats, ls it any wei¬

der tit it wa gm* weary of the name

ot xviii* f V.-t in l BS l there waa mts

battle mnic tn lu- fought, though little did I antici-pate its result. It decided raosl emphstieallj tbessarrafls of that year. The organisation nt theKnow Nothing party in Massachnsetts waa one oftie uin.st cuiinus of which I have -vcr had any

haowledge, li wasan anomaly fnr whit h it is impoa-siiih to account. ! went down to Beaton to en|say new duties, late tn thc Autumn of l*>l. with¬out the slightest idea af tba impending eatastrophe,ami actually entertaining tbe belief that EmoryWaahbnrn, the Whtg candidate for GoYernoT,wv.uid be lecteil either by the people ar the ] giliitnrc. He kteked only shoal r>(>,<ii>!> votes olfstddeilni that BBceess. At this moment, more

, Hom a gaartei of a cent,ny afterward, 1 blushlor the simplicity with which I anticipatedawidely different result. I knew that there waa s

Know Nothing organisation. I waa In tba way ol

pickini" up whatever political itelligmico might tie

nes-ttng about: yet aaaoeiatiug eTory day with men

wbo ss. re m tbe Know Nothing lodges, and, m Hiene* editorial position which I occupied,!avery incentive to be vigilant aud wary, 1 no more

siupci led tl. Impending rer-ult than 1 looked for an

Bsathoaake wbioh a -aid level tbe State Honreduce Fa'ci il Hall toa beep a! mina. 1 mentionthc raettoabow bow falthlally apolitical seeretshared by thousands ap rn tboosands mme 80.000In sill was kept, I wen! to work on thc Atltt inc-

Bisely as if J believed adeeeatWhig victory tebc certain. I km*sv flint thc Know NothingsWaredoing bul I little knew how much.A wok nf,, i I basan mr bbs tm sin. s I wa» pass¬

ing through Congress1 st. with my associate, Dr.Brewer. We mel Henry J. Gardner, fha KnowMoBsiag cami,dat,- far Governor. He tonk l»r.Ik-cwer as,de for a loni* conversation, ead when myt i rejoined m.- he till me that Mr. GBled: "inn hud batter not abase bm un you

ai-.' Bhashti ssc la Tlc Atku, 1 shall besleeted by n very large maj nit..." The dry-goodsmerchant tnrned politician understood Blatters¦mab settee than 1 did, tor upai the receipt of

thia private information, nol In the least daunted,I wen! back to mr detk and predictedh.*. dcii-at more derale dy than ever. It

I -t perfect mut, res all the world knows;bid I remember, with pardonable r.

that 1 .said, tbe morning after the elthnt the whole mattes was an empty piece of tow~

foohiy ; that th. Kt o > Not] ii .. partysou int being; thal I would give il t:

Bamtonee, sad noi ona year more, lt seemed to metlieu rat! r like a huge joh- than BUythii gelac. Qovernot Gardner was an ea

tip.' ant re sf its thin and shallowbunin <.. ii\. and nf its h.'.ml-to-iimuili expo*diuiits. Hs Bad bo fentona, aad ii be bad poa-seiss, ', any they would have beea of no value WeBilarward found ont how he waa rwmli ated in tbeK'io, Nothing State Convention. A delegate whobad hs linc h to do with the matter aa anybody toldin- the storr. It va-a mongrel aatberin*", fall ofpeople who di I hate the Catholic Irish aad of pen; bjwho eiid not. It was bani to agree up >n

a camitd-'te, and my Infonnsnl went tn Mr.Omiliict and said: " .May 1 assure tbe Conventionthai yan ara beth an aati-alavery ami a temperancemant'" " V"ii mav fhv." Haid thc tatara Qorernor," tit at I hav alwayi been an anti ilaverr man, andtliat I am a teatperaaes man of hfteen years' stand-in-;." "Huiii!'' saul a Mead towhom I told theBtory, " how wine it, whoa bs ran as a I'm-Slavi-iy,>'ti°ntive>iaso Law, Wehstci Wbigsgauul raeforshsCommon Council uml heat lue f " Hum !" said an¬

other friend, " how wae it that not very longago I waaeoeapeued to throw tbs braadj bottle oatthe window tn k. e|. hun Hom drinking any more f"He Wi-r, nominated, ns 1 wine told byoue who wm well-informed, upnn tbs-rtrenirth of theaa rsaauaeeee. The Legislatureelectel at the aaSBS time was eiYewlielminglyKaOW MetblBg. It neut Mr. Wilson to Un-

fjnitcd States Senate, for he too was with tbs Phil¬istines. ThagS were Kuosv Nothings who would have

heeu glad to defeat hun. 'limy came slyly to jff<Aila* i.liiei' ami saul in ; and I data say they went

hack lo tho Batts Hobbs and voted for him. WhyShouldn't they T Wasn't Mr. Wilson u in.-mhci ni

tbe BBSat Aniericaii parts ! WhCfl he was NBolagfor the Vu e-1'iesnli my, and Catholic VOtoawere desirable, if be did noi hims,if danithe fast, BS suttered ethers to deity it : hut BS him¬self told me that In- was a KaOW Nothing, and iknow, agaa good informatioa, that Imwiu* regalarlrfcoitutcil in mi inoije after laang mrasod admiaaliiiigo ntmtlier. I migfal write mach, little to it«s credit,of thc Kimw Nothing Legislature, in which tbspartv had everything (heir OWB way; hui let tin*

rathe-rnccupv th- paco winch re-mains with BOBM

Belles of several geatlsmea who tonk a prominentpart ht alassaehnu .;- polities during thoaa oTaatfalyearn.Among th- ch .er \ouug uieti who worn blOBghl

int-ijiiihlic afl'nis by tho biaaklng np of partiesand hy th . mi'tc. masai interest which polittealBoatioraraias had ictted, bb bbs ws more popularami Basra did SBsrs aaselant rutmpaign worklu Ma*--acunset ls than Mr. Anson Hurlin-BBJSBS, His Ital f"icii,c c:i,.its had thefaults of youth. He had lint been t,.nm

in a good ti-hool. He had BIBVghl from Hm

We*: the bad rhetorical peculiarities ol tba Waalern stump. Ho exhibited u OWTtalB lack ol aevstaculture ; but his good iisture waa ludomitable| In.verbal re-vourci-s inpious ; hi. wav winning; bte*Is>sire, at a critical BBrsad, to iee elistiuKiiisheil and to

do tho State ik real stJisicc, cxtrcmi-ly hon-eiatilc. He had a pleasing Simplicitylu social iutereourse, and all his partya.--nciate- were ready t" -[.- ,| umi tn t.e

r>pi-iit in his promotion, I migii; c ill him, iu im dis¬ci, ditaliie BHiise, BBS BBl Bf BBS IfSBjaa-SJUSSStla Treebod men. Happening at that time lo be upon the

other lida, I found 1:1 Mr. Hurlintaim-'-. SBBBphes BB

excellent chaiico foi a gsrsl deal or satirical wnn i

¦uni thoBgk I ¦asia great faa <>f him, ta isv

asteTeshr-icnt be did aa. peiBonauj resentu. If uhjImmIv had written of me In the

wav, I donht if I shoold hue foaad theattseksoeaay to hear. His mils rheioi eal man¬

uel sask ted ridicule, aad it r qa n d no gr. ai elsiem. -s to call .'HU the PboMil ni i'n-e M.il. I1 liked m Mr. Burlingame, what ImmeasnraWvm.-od him iu my estimation, after 1 cam- per-soniilly to kims-f !ii:n, ssas ins thorough BweolBeasofdisposition sod tbe fseilrtv with which he forgaveHi recounted IbeJokes which bad been made bj

linn, ami good-bainotwdl] laughed at them, as if

ul been made abos I som id i\ else. He wol-n. - : I i'd, I ills h ,-H'l a« if J nd had

not lampooned him. His specohei per¬sonal vanity, bal those who caine to understandlum beat efoaud that In- had little or nome

I was amnotlmsa embsrrased by tin* frank-SeSS With wi:.eli he sis.kc of InsOWB elcficcncies. " I must study thc politicalhistory nt tbe country," be said io ms on.- day. uti, r

he l:;id bean mr -o'ne' time a member nf Congrev :

and from se hat i subaoqueutly observed <>f ms pub¬lic eareea. 1 more than suspect timi in- adhered tothis resolution, '.-inch ot hei members of Con¬gress might da \ -ll tn eotunder. For hsexhibited, after he became Minister to

<"iin:i. » solid capacity for ss heh 1md given him credit, Wheu Mr. Brooks uiaejehi; shameful ie.-..nit upon Senator Sumner, slr.

.'HI..I-, who was then iu the House ol Itepre-setitatis¦.-, behaved extreme!j s-.ii. li.- publicprobablj baa noi ye! forgotten tbe fit terms luwhich, in his place, bo charae-tenz d that iinili.tr-

hen we found :it ho ac Ihat ssc

hud a member -¦¦ ;¦-.¦!¦. to light, if ii

was i.. thought to bee I'cc-.-.n *, ,ve didnet. I fear, well oiioa ri itj ti

tin- duello. I'm Mat-each uset! at that moment,«.,- in a som whal pc if Mr.Hurlingarno had really gone out, is b. ,ait"ready to go, 1 suspect thal tbe ".toniest moralistwould not have remembered it against him." I nant," ba bbidwbe n an I tbs botte -i

sad he prove d it to nc t. boast. 1remember boa h.s coudud on thc occ

,| bira io lin- good ;¦ u. u "i b \onngin Bostou, who wss ni a lase i i astonish¬

ment tbal aobody had ehallem -ii Mr. llt-iH.k-, audwho, witb rery slight encouragement, would him-se.i has o gi.h. to Washington to viudictito the nu

ag I diguitj of th old com nona -alta. 'I be lastinn* i mu Mr. Burlingame, we walked np and downthe sucl-,-j Nahant in-;,-ii., i after the election ,-i

Mr. Inn ..In, iimi talked of the poss Ide results nilinet evenr. Ile ssas, SS USUSl, full ofenthusiasm. He had jual been beaten in b . own

district, but he looked forward wilemployment by the new Aditmalle capacity. Ih'-s..s -,i ;.. V.entia; but Auilia, rememberiug his ¦, ... viud it iou of llgarian iadepend nco, refuse' :>> r eas bim. !ii'»fortunate it was thai be ss is thus rep

less to conjecture. He wuss! once ace:

to Chins, aud awakened a e govern-mei t of thal country *,. hicfa led to Ike most impor¬tant Ilslllt-.Of lillis,- 1

Republican party toy tbe devioustimi was Mr. Nathaniel P. Banks, sine,-n ni" ki -. S it "fairs, Mr. 1routh ssa-, passed iu-a position whichipokeu of as bun '. ut, I b lieve, o l>-

boy lu a Walt:.quently a good machinist. Ilia peculiar

- has b -.'ii bel l up, la oe rtainbioarraphiea, aaaethnalati e example to otb.in -'nu ., ai: I to bot ,n general. ! Ifrom tbe start. He delivered tem pei otheraddn ssas; be tried bisba d al Dditing i ¦

in bia native Waltham j he essayed tbe stage,iel ii VUmdt .'¦.'¦'mitt in a Boston theatre; 1

Uara b ea lateraled that be ere n exhibited alas ;i dancing master. Whee be made speechesBetting forth the heartless way rnii-i'ii limns .a poof bot clevei rou i mei

rs isl sd by the Wing aristocracy ul Mai tachii not thought to b. ito. inn; uorl

uiiiiiir to tt mind Um rd ss bal ba ss as sod of a bat bebad been. He ssas either exti nols fortunate ..r

wei unsound. For a ' m-

went well with him. Mr. Polk gaveld the Boaton Cu

Ito tbe H<Three years after, tho coalition modi him h]


. bim to tbsX WIlil I be L-i.-d-.i- us

a",', from t

-*i tbs li k ol au

iker of the 1(beat of a i

... I j ...

io com, :<¦ loinll-- we ll " 111

Know ks, and i-

the Wi.ik party, be al lea Whig, .so that there ss - uo

parrieids in bis .-!. itiou,ol Loni 1 barlow thatsn ss ise BS Iii leioked. Mr. I'. :,

le'with s profound gn vity which Pille

llsteue r wil h vague Ideas of u ic

cis. lt wasduring the IV:.,',! of IS.'S-'SOtIii si in aid au intimation of the probableof Colonel Fremont for tbe Presidency, li iva

ii'tli lijii: oi .! tbs Tremont Hotwhich ni iv Iann.,ik i.icm Hi" Hon. Charles vV. Uphai an \-

inomber ol Congress, to wh tube, auenttrusted the writing of one ol the campaign bi.

phiaa Sf the explorer. s ion al! tin

soap, Mr. Bank nat il ('olou I I'mmont, and said tiial BS Would BOOB writsa lette! in wblok tbs ss loni's ,,-

Kansas would bednlyset forth. I part¦Bomber that Mr. Hanks wss perfectly buh tl it

Colonel Kre.me.-iit could euns Pennsylvania; h ss.,

such a tuan, be laid, as tb. Q nlelb Ikeljin iotc for. Ile did tm' pi >abli anticipate tbalthe Democrats ssnni'l spend so mueh "nie»n< liInlying np the state, uni perhaps he dui nolexpect that Mr. Buchanan woulel bc nominated, Imav remark in passing thal tbe Vli. publicans lowed no areal mudera iou inlng to Massachusetts for money, nor anjBtgacity lo spending whatever they nblaiued. I"Kn I isv-k tn Mc. Basks, I mas add thal I ss.;, muchImpressed by the cleverness w tb whieh bernrand the polities! situation.he Beemed toa prescience of every charactcri tie of thecoining aanvi ive tbe disastroui def'-alwith which it terminate ¦!. \ -, came titoiini'cipiite.l letter lunn Colonel fremont, and n

pretty and well writtea ld lei it w.s. Perhsps Mr.Hanks wrote it, lt was band dtome for publica¬tion 'i The Ho lon dtlot, and I construe ted a be mttfal leading article about it, in which bl <¦¦¦.:.. Kan-sassndtbe Colonel'i ss tbe eouliuuntwets agreeably aad forcibly bi. ,.i-d. J thought ita gnat stroke of ioarnahstio enterprise i

"Cf the Idler exclusively lind ''. hen fill friend,Mr. Elisur Wright, Jr., wno wa* adit og Thi IChroniele on the other side ol nt ovei leihi g an advance copy ol tbe Impoi tani dex un Mit. Iwas hard-hearted enough lo refuse ii ;

selfishness, I am bemad to sdadt, did not in thehast diminish Mr. Wright's good ns ure. '1 be norn-

inatieiii nf Colonel Irreiuonl rams in tia , bat be¬fore it u in-i'le'..,,. e .oi-ii ;-,i, la I If Ilia office,about sa had a Lin iidci as possible. «lureorrc ip. mi¬en' at Washington was Mr. Kimon !'. H, n comb s

m.a. witha prodigious passion foi ;:,¦was sotsrprising and generally trustworthy,ult hough his lattera bare, sad repaid earefolsapemslon. He tonk it Into bis bend to send ns n

dispaten. eoutatnlsg the startling Information t belOolouel Fremont WBS B Kutmia Ostbottc SUS Weinlelnut, lhatefoia, ho s destrsbls candidate, lhuprecious news carno Inti; for sows rssson 1 badgone hom" earlle-r than SSUSl, ami lim Blght-edltor,with a plcutiinl lack ol BBBBrtly. p. linedShs rureedfal dlseleaur*, which, wtthht a)fortnight, was reprinted in lurgn esfsttabl in evorsDemocratic BOWSBJSMJSS III tho ii-eic 11 y, When I.»asv the I'.lspaii rn la ths "B-Srotng it ijuite tosh away

m. sppettl Cor my breakf sryselleire a Brassi whether I olitnl Pymont was u

CathohV, ii Protest srthrri bot i» bbbbI ss

wmembered that the rdn-n ! Know Norbtag pre-iudice against tbs ftoraea Ctthohe Chnrehwai* then ruin, ia!, ami thst we saaUbsrdlj rxps-i to el -1 CoioneJ l-'rcm nt

if Know S di ing votes or without a

Kn a ss Ndni-i- Ns ""il li.mii.u.it ,ii. i'iie storytar.' d ripon it- iras- i. In ter -n-le tan

though we pre I -ste laud 1 and denn d, e

Dover aide to arrest its misehtoYsus meander¬ing*. People who read il then may lil-'- to know

[{ -u-e ni no end of trouble, whichmight IniV" ti.*-ii s.»si 1 If Mr. Hanscom ie, sslm wai. of tbe bc«t intentioned mes m tbe world, hadbeen just a little irt, or if I had gone bctnesn linn: or so biter.Among the leading asea of these innes wa- Mr.

. ranchi W, Bird, waa i- the best hues n nt al! MmvHk-huselts politicians who have In-;.I no Nationalnllicc. Mr. Hird s-ae». if 1 may hmm s Dr. Johnson'schi-siiie.n ion- eminently "a dutiable man." Theaffairs ml the party wran m> eonduoied with¬out a Btndienm <>f festivity, and Mr. Hud

:. il good fellowship, ln-inir never nap¬pier th in when he contd maluseful in the conduct of the symposium. Wm

Soil lights mel in Cornhill Coi >usu 1 ta¬inui and diet tv refreshment, H wss Mr, Hird ss In.li ni .rn! gave nstbe ti.l-l.it-i hot st ii

bot. These were plo saut gath*-nng*e, where, wilb¬an) formal ty we sat al the hoard to plan r.r-

paigus, to i!; uss politicalii ameliorate thc austerities "f politics by

mo let ate couvi j ality. And who, -'f aliwere bettor hhul

and more thoi -in* ted inan Prankta those, whn were entitled t-> do so by tbe

familiarity of friendship, ami those ss-in were ii"',.i the habll of f

; lc sn lionel] ¦¦ a never eloiihcant ional.

Ii reljlei ai io his p ini .-.¦¦ iii tn remain m it.Ile ssas n toals.- Inss liether they were sb. ul tho Fu

I...', or thc I! 1'.: 1, il, behr,-d ai 1 ni' 'V.I ia id, I iii i*.

,.\, hourly >i;'', cer 11, ,i I ssa.

.mt in he ised wti ii be talked >>s or totlie cu.in n-' t.'i eic'): himself nue

ol ibo-. I oeratB from v 'io- i be had rei ii eel and

I "oil 1 I--

tln.iL- >si mg in the ink , he th dug oftlv ov-r tn I i

-"im ri d ii he in oded f hi¬ll..eo: !.; tl the eli Inertly .-.:

the Democratic he adqn rt i.i and 1that !l ss mild lie ss. |, ¦¦ -, , .;-,: cheers by his eihl

re, il .I, an. thing to bgiven.

Al the ('.. ... ,'iii A.

min h :¦;). .¦ ¦' ss hi-n a' . .*,!. Ile was the me»dcnial snd¦.-..

- ¦ mi ur nanhad I..-,-n kept nu!

ti I olt .. poid ii .i .ftitc. bul bonah he

ss a s. ..: in, be

¦>l wrong or rr nelie. Wh. n thss. i.- sluughli reel mt!

l>s- a di-l-'s al mob, i; v. a-t.

rm d for at the et


cut irthat <' .s -.

ur Liberty i ly i rn, a b ti

in !'. wron. '! ' . , l'ar-k- i di,.: " ',' eu tbe li '¦'uj the

if tl Iii -ii coodlei with I'., lae .¦! Cud, 1ss.,i.ld keep timi's iw in preference

niel fall."dad to i dov

by the 1... m., ul i.

Hs mora! i

litre- When his Pl

nt 'Iii- t'.oi.:--

ifraction o lit*, riv, iwr d d he re

nd me

ri Y\


sin plav i lie tn i|, iioss wide

ii" ns:

N's Al I ll III.ll.

///'.// art oi sn INDI '

I rom < .'/ /

ext* ud. il, i iImbi bbein I-ii ans of bing theil

Kilt. I ic visiim inquired for lie landlord,i.. whom be pro-mnnded liicejnerj " I ai, \,,.,

B m B ol linhlishmeiil were equal lo rnieb a demand, slid lu

a few minni uer" wasdals ci I in ii ainc il, question "I a

iin-iii ; hui d no mom \, sud pim i.,, .milie "

in-.- Uni." heshem I il have order, ri what Imi- Olid minni' ) thal he hailn ion concerning the ubiluy of tue house and theii .ir,ali.f ilse lid j him ss uh a

oin,ri, ami was mue-h obliged ,'.,| the same .\:i .|'c.-ii.aii was .-alli-il iii; hut he, derision n .un ,1i- . ard tbe in" . Inei it might bs e. it¬

elcd u d' ht, hut im-1 lien al lau .ld <],, noth¬ing, io- giiei departed, lae landlord groundIna teeth.Nol lons alto, tin-, nuuibe-i tis,, ni ,s, ,1 with tbs

qui ry "Can you msc me b r ssl ilma, f \¦ ..¦¦.it be lanell.ird's i.o-.-.

" Ve-, fi -," ii repl cl ;" lake a « ii." ll,- h.ci,.,,, o

nd teii.i in 'i ssh', ,,i ssat.-i, ss lochss ult iii* uss ii luui.be li di ted over tl a appin mlfoi ii, c. dinner; who there upon jut.i jm .1to his feel and il ll il de ri ll -'-,;,I..' I

extraordinaiy treatment. "Ila! ha!" lauchcd Uten.e. -,i ed Uoll I IB. c. as lie glared | olin -

illina wheres I'hto he obj ci nf his wral h" ha, la!s ,i li llou - c ii 'I Ie "I nie iwii ju lim same

i.. -. cn- aid" an il aston nh .1 . ile -nf ,

lumilord Bpi linus tei kick tbe visitor out,A SI' it o' .-¦ CUITl .!. I oe SS l.hl-l

liber. I hemin or m the law wu again summoned,charges animist the other. The Infnriat ilcalli i ot. i . reel il: ii hss , ,|i 11, eil', uh!" mid « ill iiL'to ,, ,

mu red»i and vowed i,.- ss,.nhl

ll lol slaiid areli, I he lanlo nm coi " i- .: cbeupl)

mi "I.ii down bili -i ..... ,i, .. ..

r number I


tUo.( hie I ""i Paris c« ri -.- lelent * write Apropos

to ne ij,,i .'iou a,,-, ,,,e

lu i 11 e 1 VOtt e . IFred

tal t "1 be King to me on i.¦ ¦W mid i 'n

i. -u.-ve iff I have just been patting ile tfnauees.i .\ poor Jesuits into "ide. 1'hess ko kJ i. ,-

io ss s limn rst ii 1.1 iiutbing shout sn th th ngs, I beyats useful lo me iu forming mi I elerey, 1nave ii.n.ii. With his Ito! ic I.

,. li a lo: tl -..as, to tue V'TJ*ss.ii.' Poiutlsg from tb. windowta tbe Cspucuinmonastery, he dd-'i. 'Those fellows I mebir me slillie ssitn their bail-ringing'(tbe ivinj* was ii

very old1. 'Tbef ..IT nd to *>r«*|» it ut night for rn,snke, bal I d', lined, On- mu leal everyone toh s. trade ; tbeb mi i" pray, sad 1 shonl1 I, ire been.octy tO dsptll e Hiern of their chi Ul.<*..'"


soi;iii:i;\ v. oki '.ui ks am> muirs.raos-M pboom. i mi nus -ivciiKisi.il IOTU OP SPBIBSJI.SMfl .a n i:i>». v's I'linls |> TIIK MAKKflS.

In rsarksl im; it is always a ss is- raia to purchasethos thinss which arc in season. This makes Hie

we .-hiv eipense mneh smaller ami is a safe principlefor tbs health af tbs fandly. .Mans Utttodebili¬tating dlaasssa bis broaght on hs an nawisa imlui-

geoes in what arc palled the luxuries of the bbbbOB-

At ptcssnt the markets o.er many delicious fruitsad vegetab'ei from the Boatb. They sbonld beased in moderation, and. in the ease of children,id! , ihui, d. N,'lum,'.-an lu- umre unwholesome1 r thu little ones than new potatoes, tomatoes, mal

si .,f frosh v, actable* at nm command to-day,ami their little appetites urn qui fe oswell satufied-.sith last yesPs productions .c's prepared. Phemcessiiy of late dinners in tbe eitv hos hrouahtlimul a verj fottunate -iii.- of affaire for the chil¬dren. In ali properlrregulated bonses these im-nnrta.it members of the family hare their prinei-I'll uieiil in fie tn nh le nf Hie .lay, anil t his ari nutfe-ateul makes il possible, without seemiuy cruel, tod- ut them i-i, foolish luxuries in which their Idei ,

hidnlge st evening, and tn provide them ssitli sun-|i e. s, hi,les..nie meals.Boring lem'' is growing more common in thc

ii aii.efs. Why .1 don,' he |J L.t.ll IS n

question, inasmuch ss ore may ron nb-r ourselvesslid ni the ni,tsi ot \N inter. I be supply, ol ooniaa,has reelur di n price j feire-quar'crs ares now ism-iii

bil il-ejuai rs si, ;v; r>o. aixl inmarl I carcasses an sold rom b to $12. Tba

lllIUI ie iii ll -..¦¦: ,:1- .i -iniiiinmgph Qtiful and elie -ii" r. '.. niiuda potatoes ors

a ;i i hal i ¦¦¦ : We Inti a tomat- cs. io'mat. es

can be had f ir :: 5 and :<> cen [He tis -eels arelo to ,*di cents |..r de ten ; nnd Ntuthern -.'reen peas."i'lceiit- n i half-neck; lim'ail. I- lu ccu ls perI,- cb, ami tbe stillk aud bunches an improving in

¦ixe; celery.'rom Ne -:- v. is J1.1 cents |»crhuuch ;lina, ii, ::.» " ,,:- mr,".., ruell li '"> cents pur

bil ,-h lettui ¦-, ll) io r_' centI

.,( 1 tm. e. Ml thai now im saletn is of P'iorer greiwth than Issi sanson's let-

i. . iieiimli.ai.-._.,-.-ni -|>i.-ee: they are alsoitnprovniii in nn iiis is:iiei-,i «- i- io cenis per

md liel ,i d ".. . nls;nyster| lani, lOce ms

in i-. lu iv s, eic t'i he tm change in tb.

I'h. vast ltn-rr.'i'i

Pl.ret: in the marice . So ", of the down-town

fruit nt ^1:. ii ililli ,. in ii'-i «, ,1

.a ll, N! dugs gi ypcs al if." cent* lier |-niii ot," gea, Kl .c.:- -,. ,;, / ,.- l bu idi li

;. its; A

I :.'i cit- |>. r nouiiel ; grei. ,, - j/.

Kuttiii, bij o .ii s i. has-

HUH a- low a

I'- .

Jersey, I ilBini . '! '. ',(- peiholli V '.' Tier

]' ^^Tic ii-- 12 eui I i. n i pei pound ; turk. \ %, I t

. 1 lo lo e, in- j i,- gen,'se,- tu -'. nt taine m-iiab, .-.Irds, if] nu per pair; re db. ml comm >n

thll , ll Im- s,, ,, K«|l|j os- |-

il lo Ins i..iii,-,,,| I.,, in ;, tbe


L' in IS

IO .:» tin |,H ,,|,,. rest } I

ll, . noi . > ii he '. mel j Jlol lie iniii'

\ mr- 1 s

.', .|. l's , . 1 I


- ci* 11 ts J ld; kI*,, -. 1 -i

-. i-i ass i.s. I.. .-. ,,.i; ni nebfoi

buck shu " ents per [muml.liol -I II' -l-l> NOTBdL

ce 'in- am- l.'n i. '' ,"i' p sn .¦' ion veryfry ,t in butti nil it ira "' a

illili -. -I ,.

tdd. pilli ol -.-.I Bjravy. miel simmer slow-I . \\ ... I ,, I pill a lilli III ile -j,

gt ,:. alt and ,- ppe|,|| -.-li do- le' lt

fore i bs hi e, ai il iusi h-else

"i iii, kind of m. .a

I', ii i l s e. v 'ni upebie 1. t: ., . s, and

,Jive ml. s-

I.dei. Take I'll

', v.ince.

Hun rei >

e :, S lt. I |IlBS<Huil 1 nml


\\ ben s.I-1 it pu| ..mi i i> 'in arti you wi

lo,111 III.,,, ,i ,i,,.|. || iu p .. billi II ifll h SOU

.,, bul ll.m'-rvi the [sdi h. ill. If.

., , .,.,-.. " ..m. \ii i, |," nt: s,.,-r ',V. -, di i iii rn -'¦:¦ il ila the toii-fii pal ls

n iel -m., I hen li

ur .Ire-, li nml In a linnellin .-ak the yolks ot two eua* *V nty ol suit u nil ts

pel i i.il' ,1 lind ol . ion, jilli*, oi hall OlI., I.-. I'beuspii lilt

tl'-'lt, .Hld s|i| ihtnlli'h the::l ;,ase reaelj a pal

i. hot tat, ant elrop agon pooufui it s,, tr. . light noss .; garnish

w ||, pal lei i d lined letneiu. Auy clams ma*, beibis ssas-, Mrs. I.. I. \.

loi in -i I'i-h l.s't- On the morning you In¬tend bsviuii tIm-iii. pare voui potatoes mi boil;

v. al,r. Billi cns.-! SS ll li ll ni.ll t-ic ll Ul¦al s our coelfit lt I I!

pull to si,n ii.-, c.,r, lulls leclitui for cverj boueimp. Mash lbs {wtstoes very l'uiely, |>our lu a

bille wann milk sud a small lump ol butter; beal,,| ^ ,ni po ito still Mes Bte IS hgaux with -.''in' fish, and work ail toge! ei then

,. .\ small raw onion, chopped very Hncly,lb rung li, gives a flavor which many persons

lil,,.; no i" id' i' nor i-L'if. When reids. roll into',!,,i'l e il..--lur,'I.s. iimi fry a dedicate br sn. i'l .-

uart et ulai nari ietohsve irour nolateca ooitiss nh thc milk, and bsb with not the suiullest lump.[Mrs. I.. I- V.I,,,,o> e ni l.t., aa.- 1 'o m.'' "|n:irt ni ililli ml. two

.. ,,,! i ai, ii", lump linn, hall

.:.'¦ ol an egg, gena! i iipful "I « bite naur, a pinchW m I. hi -, loge! hei

i, ..i.'.ii.'.,,-. 1, .' viv light h, n-i'i if the I ps ol sourM.,-,.!,ii willi enough milk to mnke hs soft

..ie in roll nm. iisiub as luile (lour,i inti) is isis, it must be rn

vi ,,ks dnusb. K. ip youl I dippe d iii;|,.,n, li nc ,ii, \. ii ic be io,, s, iii yum cl nilen ss ll',, i,,,i.' Ho inn '. woiki:i'- will tougheu in, n,

i,,,. Have four 1 i"i i elrop inijnickly and sate srefullj. .:..... I. V.

v t tn sm h. K.s'i arru Paint..boil bah a pint,,; i; .mi and ball b pint nf milk with a bil ol Lemonp |. |0tl a les-, almonds beaten to a paste

r and a littleBiicsi she a ir ipoemful,,i dried Llour, rob ll si.tbly down witb a littlecol mil uni a Isa lr. pa ul

ail toge tliet mid Lei it boil Iel lt r. maiu til!,i cold, anil tuen add a little lemon Juice,

I,, ci.i ».-. Winn Ismiiii. Uabmkmts..-TakethOSS liol ncc,linn ssiisIii.il;, lien,c. ,ci v lllgll ly,i, .,, I. ...ace tU IU in i 1' ii.I1C ll a Hine.,;,,,,, b' ll.Hil through it, and .antic ,,, ll, i.m ,i ijlooks ss bright ss uew, Itorax U excells i I" «.i--!iil cl-willi, eiissulvod ni liii.e.sai ni water.- [Mrs.E. L. V.

uri: a ni isi i.\ Mux.

from /< bi li Bar.lin' perfect esse ol thc family life, even hf. bb 1

believe, lt ls too often earned to '.-... biuds thes ,,i ,1,. im is tognther ss nh, literal Ij ,

c ci II." Nins ii,-iv, IB Iii HO nil. no ll .¦ ni '

ilove a d Bask theil ¦¦ if si their fathers<tUlp '. t alni, nd love to I"* Witt! their lind lo Ta ;n niSit Iel ..

Il ii ...,.t iiio ; the -1 Hiller, ur water-i-iirnci. e.-1 t'.li.'d tbs lan. ls, iimi tbs table;a "Jun' "'.>' clo.h, ssilli porous [ t

\ntlvjar pitchers of classic SBSSMl with a

nell/ rolling here ami there; knives, forks,dates, pat na without any regard to order orar-

aaassneal; hunches of whito and purple drapes,md a few bottles of n-d astringent wiasithsradrina, like Burgundy ol Val dc pelias; toa amber*ohm ii wine of AIniera lirreiwn in the sh,pen aroundUbufi' 1) ; tin- ml sstneot Catalans J OT, perhaps,be white wine of Seville. Bread lies, in spiral rom-

"*, orin French mils, or in /..lera* (loni* thick stavesI coarse bread), all about the table; n few aromaticlossers, bought m tbe**tesa, annul in tbs midst,\n old man comes m -s servant girl, sviib hare

a .1 iu undress uniform, comes bj. Well,hey Inok mum!- the family bars aol coats to table.Burne : pariencin ."'--" Well, patience !" they say,nd the man lirrhta his imis-r cigarette and leansgainst the door.The mother and father, and one or two daagbtera ofhe tamily come in amt take their planes; thestber quietly takes tho maloa beauts bim and cmsmin slices, passing tho piste round from om

i the other: all nie wonderfully silent,.spectral, sell-controlled j tin* household s*"tn*i

peaceful, so patriarchial in its simple prtrni-iveness, that thc stranger feels out ed place- it isnotlur, porer, oleler worlel into which be hasatored; sll so simple, rm uatunii. so self-nsoset-ii. im servant-glnhuis, no hells, no waiting athie ot flunkey or footman, ot awkward oubjustBUShl fl ca t bc i-i ihle- v .nd.The sons Rannter In, maur in mouth, hut reverentiward their parents, sud, tainting them sviib theionium kiss of affectiou ami of peace, take theirice ni melon.Then the soup, or wIiIk is plseed rtir*-f:l]y on thcible, anywhere, snd escb takes a plateful; thenlines thc\ewidn, for the riebesi families liva mashi the poor, ami in true, natural spain, there atsn gourmet* or gourmands; then comes, as I havend, the coeido meat atewed to raes, from whichie eu/,lo has lien taken, SVIth lice, -j ml slices ofirery -on "i stewed vegetable, ol the luscious,romstic, mi-mingent vegetables of lin-country.little dish of sausage, or "t bacon, follows: thenread and cheese, and then fruit again, and tbe

i, driuk a little, but verj Utile, wine, tbs si"-, en

1I3 water. Aoupofe iffeo aud a cigarette followthe meal ia over. The clock goes half-,mst 12 oriimi c is sc, ll-nigfa time to lie down, if In sinn¬er in the darkeneel tilcoba, aud resi lor a fewni-. -it ii issn aiiil make dresses for tbe cominga-t-d-iy. I be il liner nt iiimiiia is but a repetitiontbe almucro or breakfast.


from tnt Tndiatutpolli JournalBy tbe kindness of Mr. J. C. S. Harrison, of thuy, a grandson of General William Henrj Ham¬

al, n nne time Presielent of these Unitede atv permitted to publish the following leti r,

et .1 t. Mn-' I J. C. s. Harrison, Aslairy UniI be 11,lid rear001 ul bis u

ill b read n it ii ai-i .-.illili--- flotii-r.-ii's own liberal ortbogi

" ii'nii," and other words:.Noe ni lil sn, Dec. IO, 1 - io.

M\ 11] 1: Ora* i.s.-.s : li, ceitni lei. ,,( thc 30th ultimo, I suppose, as von

n seholsr, you know what ultimo nII .,- to ii. -it s on say thal yon un* learning "very-.." Ibis son will continue to do if ron a

nely halo. 11 ai bj i" evei waj j ",i ss ,iirurel tuan, « hievh ss ii! mvc j om friends

.-'.ic ii,;!-,-ni jfreal sdvautageto your-.!. i ,,i ii yon arc a le urned man,

:i get". confidence of your fellow-citizens) a great

preacher,As 1 know ih-it youi Maker ba -risen you talentsa. ,| ure ki, 'ss lg., ss ha: I lias.- said above is eu¬

roli .11 yuin oss-ii power to accomplish. Auditlillee a.S 'Veil ;,s B Sill, If J oil Ul. tl"f

uprove Hie talents which Hod hs nive you, Hut,leammu ls a areal aeivautaKc, there is

methinii itiil lieitor, that is, t., be good, 1 baelll ,| he

good i.i;in than to have all the learning iu the1 ha man. I mm 1, Ihere-fore,

;.i el ..¦ il, ove u iif. If j on du unj

ron 1;, tlo not lu itatc I.ufessit stemre. I willre you if 1 hear that yon ire in the habit

! dollars, wi h moraian ss ,'| buy sour ikeata. What reut inn-i nive to your teacher, that be uar give ils ,,,1 ,1- i on Iii .salli il.Your inn wiis .'.int. 11 tolerably well, but tbeHelling verj '¦¦:. You must endeavor to correct1is. v. rite lo t ie, i>r to your grandmamma,

is, snd ry to do better,¦.-ti na and -ll tl..- Ult) theil

1. Your alt at ber,W. H. rUaaiaoiB.


from Vtnuplt Btwflaring read of tho large -inns nf money whi h

h in received for ber books, SydneyHad M"I'-an S'ill i-sei imnk-

.r..t bel IS spiritere -io lett Itabhu h -d els inca d

¦eli nt ssh in,Soi n.,,-, Si.lair." was written iu imitation ol the then all-P .1 .r "farrows ol Werther,*1 tbs othei rn 1amii upon si mi" incident-, ii. Milli's " Mi ian, is


.H. inuit the amours ol thc tr, ai Henry. During,;li s ,,. c ii ile!, ,1 .. *-i.

.1 hiblin forit 1 it for poole ,t n.bieal uti, attired lu abeloi giug t" Iii

'I loll Ci,a ber in -t

Iventts. 1 1 lie observes a ah

I " i. Hnulli, I'i int-.II

urow inc a limed,

rtbi in lepls 1.ul-. a s .-.mi.' ii Ho ss ia s oin ii. er iii

IVS tl.I liolmulei le 1

. wul the

a nfl io 1!..

iles n I'' toslt el si 11 md tiD

1 with a '*.'ition which

sall 1 "f thehe .. il-i.s - .md inc great .sic- i.

thc wants to sell a boob l .he"St. lair." Mr. 8

.ail j In- ha- ,,i lina to do with sermon ,011.1. >l, .-., 1 ai-

1 ito- manuel .." i he a iud mau baaII

not ii pu,'Icher "f novels. i'< ircome into her es cs .--ie packs up ber

s. fJouipasNtnnstins hoi youth, be otters some11 and 11 i|iiii.s lo name

1 scii-oi ." she half sobs, "What, anvthiug toweiisou ol the Theatre lioyulf (She tcHs hiins daughter. Upon which, ssiiii a complete

lange of tone, bo invites her to c ;.. in 1 break-11 be 1 fal hei is 1 be areal! st friend be

m in the world, And upon her declining':n,ts, hi ra letter <>t' introduction to a1. Urowu, nf Urailon-st., mb person likely toes-ila.1, lo book.*t|ie iii itu Mi. Cross n i.ehiml his counter and pre*lits liol lint.-, anti just t hr 11 out rn the shop pal lotnc s .in nhl hois to summon him ta breakfast, andking c., mit.- out ul hoi husband's baud, gist 11 -

.-S1 io rs and ,, .k-, " \\ hat is ;| '" " V > olmu ia, lsm. s. .mis in- m pu Mi-di her novel,whiou I can't do,ms bauds sro tull." sydney is 1 irning awaynh lol buudkercbief ta her eyes who 11 tbs old

est s thal it should bc c id, md he youngdv might return iu a fen days for the decision.dm s can uni) just Ituwer, " I hank s mi. madam,"id, depositing her MS. upon the counter, hurry

ind hasten heme ,sn disgusted,iwevi r, ss a- ibe with tar reception of her literaryii.iiinu licit -ie forgoi tn Leave her editress, uno.¦icu 11.nt tm Westmeath adair or two afterward,aid m. more ni it nniil she waa told by some oneits publication. All the remuueratiou she svarceived on account ol ii ssa.- ¦ present of fontpies."im: riaii' ssa.-, afterward rewritten and pub-iiicii lil London, Ii appears to bave bee ,1 a novelit without promise judged by tbe standard olal period, s, iiicii ssi.s a very hus- otis, 1

analatod iuto Horiuau. and in a notice pi brod,lbsnc la'"I', '" IM il late lin- .sllicl(!;:l taste- of the d i',',

the aut boreas, in a fit of despairing love,id stiani.'ie.i h. sdi ss uh an embroidered po 1.et¬ui..ki nliicl. 1 '1 the Milly iiosci sse he.,r un more,


Fruin 1 hu i> Untie.Its an enactment ul Kn, anl ill. i'm ndghtontyworn bj pera big 1 ropei ty to 1 be sn-

t-'l value ol £100 s year. I be Knight 01 baron'sdy was I- lu display liner, forb deb u toawi* land duughtera of citiecus. Henry VIII.rric -I the us.-ot 11 multitude ol rich fabrics toie uppi r .-lass, s. tineen Kl./n Ind h. bel sell lo tn-

:¦ nil .d ci, m, Issued -'-s ere rei niatioi sgaretii u im apparel ol icu sa

lided al a btSbop ssh,, prose d he¬ll' be 1 "mi the vault) of d iug t is..ly too linen, "

; hut ss usn bar Inin pi. d toe ijij il !.¦ royal example aud imitate hal

is ruff, the Queeu " stati.dm,isa citizensevei. ell gate to cut tbe run"* of all tb.ns wun exceeded a nail of a yard in the depth ofcn nils.'' Nexl to the absurd taoesof Hie flt-.-nib ccntni v , which wefts so tong in tbs toes that.s\ civ .h iiiia, in thc knee, tb is fashion of hugeLBS must 11 .se li, cn one ol li.o ni.isl lllicnm oi t.i-c I !i s lctiUl Of nisliiili icul to use a sp,,,1 extra length of handle to be able to feed himself 1

I be io c lughl Lu a r, a f -ss- dropsrain converted the ruff Into "amass of wet

outs ,01 hs shoulden,* aa a sixteenth centurynt a di s .iii. s it,A Jealous) ol tba lower classes aatng tbsdrsas aicu Bupsnois runs through all tbs aaoieui sams-n,ry Lissi, Camueu telina story 01 a bu I'uiup C'ulr

thorpe, who, in the time of Henry VIII.. " pur-reel ashoeniakerofNorwicliofthe prom! honor ourcotn tuonpeople have to he ot the gmitleman's out." Heario*(rom his tailor that doha Drakes, s local XSmake r. had ordered himself a Winter cloak " of tbsasset like eat as he should make fur .Sir I'ljiiijaHie knight Instructed tho tailor to Btaks Ibb gar.meet " as full of slits as the shears could i ut." ICchink and thc copy were duly made acmrdingtotbi'se eli rec tiona, and the disgusted shoemaker, onresolving Ins togaed purchase, .' swore never to'fol-losv BiMillcineti's fashions again."

I he Emperor Haul of Russia conceived an nnsc-emiintabli'dislike to the fashion of wearing panta¬loons LnsteeeI ol knee-breeches, which dandies en-dravnieii to introiiucc in his reign, ne Bttsrryss>fJnguisbed the atfeinptcd Innovation byof-derhigbhlsoldiers to stop every wearer of the obnoxious gar¬ments, nml svith their SsbtBS cut away thr addi.donal length of materials in tho log.a ssniisnsHBgthat bi nn cause d a return to the ancient fashion i,faether garments. Thia may be said to ls* have BBBJthe last vigorous attempt to cufoioe sujuiptuiirylaws In Kurope',THE DOCTRINE OW TOTAL DEI'RAVllY.


"Thochiire'h bell, which elsewhere calls peopletogether to worship (md. calls them together m¦Scotland to liston to syriMSSairaf.**.ISAAC tATtOBi

Bis text WSS om- that gav.- him roomTo fume, and fulminate, and make

Tbs house ot (Jed a house of gloom,lu which to make thc -miner quake.Corruption ssas the thama Of lt.And Hell Hie lund gleam ot it.

Mankind, bemashed, ss, re poisoned tlu'ongh,Corrupt without, ronum witton,

black was the aoiversal hue." In siiort," -.lid ba," the rock of sin,On every side has wrecked you all,Alni al ami .ntelli cl uah''

Bs prosed sash man from bead to footA mses of putre/yiug soes,

Thoughts rostering in ¦ heart of soot,Bin ooxing ont st everj port;'i'm* body and t he -nu! ol .is,J he nevil natl tho ssmole of US.

He los "d his t h"iiie, 'twas clear enough,lor all the rottennessand dirt

Ami rank de QIi n >n of the Mud.Un.- felt he bael the thing at heart,He buirgi d ii so uni h nidlc! it,And dressed it np and d.milled it.

Then plunging p isl tbe gates of deathHe idixe i ihesinuePs awful .un.

Till hoi ami red be atoppM for breath,Ami m ippi,) the -; ii'itiou up.

If tenn «. raid refashion us,ll, dui uni span* the 1 uh on us.

I «iss- him wheo Ins task was doneHis gown and morsls pocked away;

1! ide. p BClf-satlsId [inn '.sou ;ll'- re kina supper "ii tbs tray ;

Ai d looking through tbe imoke e>f it,Twas the n I s,ns tbs j"ke of it.

The pinn i ss uh, tba wordy ran,am practised mooth too gtiblr poured,

Which makes us feel I mil sse have i|i>noNun.- so, tor ; ie Lord.Ob. lue de ceivingseed ol it !1 be tongue ss n hour the deed of it.


JaektonoilU Letter to Th* Vituumttttti gBUBBWr,lin other dav I weat down oa the boat to

iii.- l-l..in! of Pori George, at tbe mouth of the-t. .loon's Uiver, lbs Island of Post Gkoniorsciug toms ten square miles m tis area, is

grown np with paJmettoes, dates, palms, live oakand oraugeaiu a < Tbe ground ia grown,,s r with cartel -. aud on everj -ol.- is to bs wauthe wealth of color, the gorgeous forms of vegetable

li, and that ona saes m pictures of rsjaaSorialau ibis little islaiid au old planter named

Kingslc.v forme riv reigned ssitli absofate sway. Tain-sine, a.-had oili.-r plantations, three or loin nft.i.-in furthei np tbe river; hut bera ssa.-, thenfcmp ..- VVhltehallortbeWiudsor Castle

[< -|H.t s||l.

Hid Kiugsle) want slaves fat his "-tantallon, bsot-len il h i fast sailing sloop and sailed to Ah i

il I,.,m. Did be hasc cotton rn tobacco oeingar i -.-,: >. ieue tbem to the- foreign n srkets stLiverpool eir M nchestei In his own vessels. Was

d to any of In hu idrcda ofretainers, King-;.- -a: m bur Judgment hm andpronounced it. His wife, indeed, wssaPiiucei; -val Ali iean blood, ti bise k si oal, bul et eisQa en. I ii'-ir children, when they voss ap, as*wried theil tonality or rather their super;.uuyipi) uf color.and ono daughiei marrieds seslthy

mt of N -York, while snotber, s sun. wentshroud, ente n-.| foreign < nm. sud is today ;i diplo-niats of ackuowienged position, Another mbsa -j-1- him in bis domini rn on Hie

d A.'- hoi.sc nbiog the oldman built i-i bim ;.¦ occupy ss a palace is said tobe h iimf.-,1 noss. Som.- twenty -, cr- ugo oldKings '-s iin-1. ti.- ss -ie having poue b tors hun, amilb. propertj hus uou beeu divided ap.

Hi ,.r;e l-l md belongs principally to ex-Cou-gi.-sloan Rawlins, of New-Hampshire, li recur

four New-York gentleraaa bave urang,- groves oothc island, bul l. , uer. 1 boKi tigsle) empire, however, bas bseu divided, sndno longer enjoys its ol l-t1ms position. Tlie -cent to

il,i.el ,n ted Hom it, ami DOW il ls simply:,,.,,,. oj ss ...il il once WSS.S dreattl of I'.Jtropics. __________________


from le Philadelphia r?***o*-*f.The reporter of I Se /.¦-),' iad a very intel

1 lames V ---t, ;i uiI', ¦' ,"

d ph well. Mr. I .¦ nt to Europethe old Cope lin

ss ith Mr. i h.s. C ipi ,.ii West a

captain. (nv the arri si

ni \ii. :.way ' .',.?.. ... boonda

,- ssc-, nessed in an old flannelohje t that very readily

cotuiiiandoeJ u, for be lue ken like s walkingsi,Ci' loll.Asi i itepped "*, board tbe Alexaudria

unsell li'iist.-r there, sndst -tied to the Captain that be was prepared tedie-

matter with bim, li ssas toe nu.-rn i ..

.- sh' uld,ver. and Inst ss the 1 ii gi a ia nate imau gol u

>t was iu I lieae t "i seudingssborsa dog ggle d on board bj a

r. Randolph inquired of bim what bsss:-teloii i sd I he rule sfthe company. Kanool-h, m a load, pipu.g vssaa,ilecl,in-ii that the dog shouid not go aahota, aad,

-aid hat ll Should, r beCBBMv.c much -vi'!, ard .icc:.ind linn if his bay

J :. Iel! hr,iimi tor sollie unknownle lllld lo.ike bim sllllOt C.Ciy

red ss n n bim. Pinding thai t.,.*C ptain was determined to cai ry out bis order Bau*

s S>2 so gold piece for thi-, s-inn ni thedog during tho trip, and than, as tho

if the animal, hs dened the Captain to put.hore,

Tbiswasonl] the beginning of the trouble withMi. ttaudolpb. lt took twenty-Ave days to rnii,, trip and ti,. ,,nu ,-is bad a serious tuna wuubim. lb .'.n.t. d to hick iv, ryhoely sshn get tu hiswsy, a ,tie ethic,1 to assist bimin bant¬ing papers, which be kept he c.-'il li ss el! Intered upwith, lie drove them ott" witb the rc mail-, thal a ;n a

would call them.lie worried tbe Captain out of patience, aud

Captain Wcsl -ass thal one eveulua, while ho hadtn- second watch below, tbesecoud mate cains taii.,n with aa ocdsi from the Captain io make a

itraii j kc, as he c-i,id st ,-,l Slr, Raudolpn nolonger, ami would try the indueuces of restrainlu;,'a nim. Captain West reasoned sitii CaptainBald ss m. and told bim that be could never keep the

.'-, tongue still, for, as be had often saidt, "hi- temper ssas spiced with the devil.

e .ipi.i.n Weet states thal bc gained theoootideol Mr. Ltaudolph os espousing bis suss in tin* manywrangles in which be became involved, and I.-. itinl, nee Kal lum to ms iletii '¦ ti be add. J Int this waa sn lui

lu extended to devilish few. Imong otherthings bs si,;,-, ssas thal be bated yankees.andthal be bad instructed the 1. eperol tl bridge

ug io him to n rige for i kai,tig toll, IOC tba ian kee svnllhl Citallliy

bi n.fbe Captain then became ** t-quainted

.loll,1, I. sp ,.i', io hun concerningfamous duel with air. < ir, abe iftei bs

tire 1 in imsud M.. Cia .' bullet we ..* Un ugh the -kiri rn'I» mdolph's g ¦¦> rn I i B iiti'li in- s

ni ila - jp. it,- s im no i to .p, aJi ;lans lei In* iict.-d

ss bc did because be dui uni ss mi s busbanblood on hui bauds. Ile siterward presented tbs

o .' ip:.-.in West, ipee ;i 1 itai Captam West's residence s few days aga ltWOllld celia,ols cicaic il m-.i.-iii. ll il' SS ni il nil anynt our pr,nie i,.ni-s. lt is made coan, ss ene

tl.ni",.', ss nh a ros,- nf 1, -. snd 'home up altin st under ti" arnr-pits. If is

judged, from their cspaeious Bise, thal bs assd ilictninc npls.

1'hemil inme by Mr. Clay's bullet ls plainly toI, .seen in the skin ol the gown, and me gamssl is

in au exe-e-lent stale ol prosetratloB. ii-c ciptu.usays thal Hr. ltaudolph seldomever occopied Inssl.it. -lei in al night, bill ssotl.il OOtne OBI Upon deck.'.ml be about wituout covering, ami when tn .1 thal

rbi take cold would repli that there waa teamuch ol the blood si Pocaaoasas iu Ins veins forthat.

Ev ideutly in allusion to \\u- doctor*! own ^in, *nimpudent lop nine-dareel to ask Hr. Hnwsou tl ttsc.,nh i ndi hun lin- .-idol of t he devi i'a ss ix, a nd promptsams tbs doctor's replj : "nn, mao. Baal tbsnivinc, " ye :: ann h.- a pair t rks ol aservaU io bsaserved a master -sac laug auu no lo ken tbe color vfhis v -g."
