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Home Learn Fin

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  • 7/27/2019 Home Learn Fin



  • 7/27/2019 Home Learn Fin


    Welcome To Your Childs Home Learning Booklet

    At Kingsbury School & Sports College, we are proud of the support and guidance weoffer our students and their parents/carers.We place great importance on developing our home school links and consider it veryimportant for students to know that home and school are working together in theirbest interests.

    We hope you find the information in this home learning booklet useful, furtherinformation can be found on our website which is constantly being updated.


    In addition to this booklet you will receive curriculum overviews at the beginning ofeach term. These will give more specific details of what your child will be learning inthe term to come and will also give information on how you can support this learning.Please keep this booklet safe and read it in conjunction with your childs termly

    reports and home learning activities.If you have any feedback on any of the content please use the evaluation formprovided and let us know so that best practice can continually be improved.

    Senior Staff at Kingsbury School

    Staff Name Role At KSSC

    Ms C. ODriscoll Headteacher

    Mrs M. Sanders Deputy Head Teacher: Care, Guidance & Support

    Mr K. Hull Assistant Headteacher: Curriculum

    Ms E. Thom Assistant Headteacher: Teaching & Learning

    Mr G. Bartlett Assistant Headteacher: Staff Development

    Ms R. Brindley Assistant Headteacher: Data & Student Progress

    Mr J. Halstead Assistant Headteacher: Achievement/ Director of Key Stage 4

    (Years 9,10,11)Mrs S. Jakszta Senior Director: Every Child Matters

    Mr A. Clarke Director of Key Stage 3 (Years 7,8)


    Home School Booklet

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    Students will be allowed on site from 8:15am to get breakfast orattend an organised before school activity.

    First lesson starts at 8:45 am each day so students should be in

    school at least 5 minutes before this time.

    During changeover of lessons, students must go straight to thenext lesson in an orderly manner observing the PACER Behaviour Code of Conduct.

    All students are expected to attend registration and form time at10:45am each day as well as the weekly assembly.

    During breaktimes, Year 7 and 8 can get a selection of both hotand cold food from both canteens. A range of organised breaktimeactivities will be available for those students who wish to attend.

    At the end of each day students are expected to leave the site inan orderly fashion or attend an organised after school activityshould they wish to do so.

    At any time during the school day, students are not allowed toleave the site without the permission of their Achievement Leader

    or a Senior Member of Staff.

    Day/Time Mon Tues Weds Thurs Fri

    8.45 - 9.45 Lesson 1

    9.45 - 10.45 Lesson 2

    10.45 - 11.00 Registration/Form Time/ Assembly

    11.00 - 11.30 1st BREAK

    11.30 - 12.30 Lesson 3

    12.30 - 1.30 Lesson 4

    1.30 - 2.00 2nd BREAK

    2.00 - 3.00 Lesson 5

    3.00 - 4.00 Lesson 6

    The Pattern of the School day and DailyProcedures


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    Student Name



    The School will: Ensure that your child achieves their full academic potential.

    Care for your childs safety and happiness.

    Ensure that your child achieves her full potential as a valued andconsiderate member of the school community.

    Provide a balanced curriculum and meet the individual needs of your child.

    Achieve high standards of work and behaviour through building goodrelationships and developing a sense of responsibility and a caring attitudetowards others.

    Keep you informed about general school matters and about your childsprogress in particular.

    Offer opportunities for you to become involved in the school community.Signed Date


    I shall:

    Attend school regularly and on time.

    Follow the schools Climate for Learning and pacer expectations.

    Bring all the equipment I need for every lesson, including PE kit.

    Wear the full school uniform and be smart in appearance.

    Do all my classwork and homework as well as I can.

    Be polite, caring and helpful to others.

    Care for the school environment and property.

    Take an active part in the life of the school.

    Fully prepare for and attend all of my examinations. Recognise that I am a role model for younger students and as such I will

    conduct myself appropriately in and around school.Signed Date


    I/We shall: See that my/our child aims for the best possible attendance, is on time,

    dressed in full school uniform and properly equipped for school.

    Support the schools policies and guidelines for behaviour.

    Support my/our child in homework and other opportunities for home-learning.

    Attend parents evening and discussions about my/our childs progress.

    Ensure that my/our child completes all controlled assessments andprepares fully for their examinations.

    Ensure that my/our child attends all of their examinations. Make the school aware of any concerns or problems that might affect

    my/our childs work or behaviour


    Home/ School A reement

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    Students are placed in a mixed ability form group when they start at KingsburySchool & Sports College.

    Form Tutors are able to get to know students really well and will monitor theiracademic progress; support them with any problems or concerns they may have;monitor, celebrate and support students with rewards and sanctions and be a firstpoint of contact for parents/carers.

    Each year group has their own dedicated Achievement Leader and AssistantAchievement Leader who supports the Form Tutors.

    The Achievement Leader and Assistant Achievement Leader monitor the academic

    progress, attendance and punctuality of their students and encourage them to makethe most of all the opportunities on offer.

    Most students thrive and move through the school without any concerns. From timeto time, however, some of our students do need extra support and the AchievementTeam are here to offer whatever is thought appropriate and remove any barriers tolearning.

    Form groups meet once a day for 15 minutes. During this time a variety of weeklyactivities takes. These include:

    Year assembly

    Literacy/Numeracy Activities Current affairs/debates/discussions

    PACER activities

    Checks on student progress and behaviour

    Learning Conversations

    Signing of planners/checking equipment

    Assemblies follow a fortnightly pattern. One week is for reflection on a range of moral,spiritual, global, ethical issues and is led by a range of Senior staff and outsidespeakers. The second week is taken by the Achievement Leader and celebratesstudent success, year group issues and year group opportunities.

    Achievement Team

    Staff Name Role At KSSC

    Mr Brotherton Achievement Leader

    Ms Cook Assistant Achievement Leader

    Ms Pearson Achievement Leader

    Miss Sookdeo Assistant Achievement Leader

    Mr Elia Achievement LeaderMrs Hitchins Assistant Achievement Leader

    Mr Thompson Achievement Leader

    Mr Roberts Assistant Achievement Leader

    Mr Moore Achievement Leader

    Miss Perry Assistant Achievement Leader

    Pastoral Care

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    Student Planners

    Students are issued with a planner at the start of each school year.

    The planner helps students organise their time and keeps parents/carers informed.This book is designed to be a complete record of all school activities. It gives you anopportunity to see what home learning activities have been set and find out when they aredue.

    The planner should also be the first point of contact between home and school. If usedeffectively it can be an essential tool in the on-going education of your child.

    t is your childs responsibility to bring the planner to school every day and to have itavailable in every lesson. We expect students to take care of their planners and to keepthem in good condition.

    Planners also provide students with a constant reminder of the school expectations inregards to uniform, attendance, behaviour. By being aware of these expectations andfollowing them on a regular basis students can avoid confrontation and gain rewards.

    The following pages have been reproduced from the planner for your information.


    Expectations Pacer

    Expectations Behaviour

    Prepared to Learn

    Assessment and Feedback

    Rewards and Sanctions

    Please have a look at your childs planner and sign on a weekly basis. Ifyou wish you can

    make comments in the planner where appropriate

    Lost planners are replaced at a cost and are available from your childs AchievementLeader.

    Planners help students

    responsibility for their ownlearnin .

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    Must be navy blue withthe KSSC logo.

    FootwearMust be plain and black, nocoloured logos, stripes, or

    laces. Socks/tights must belain and dark.

    School trousers or skirtMust be dark grey, navy blue or

    black and of a suitable style,length and material. No jeans.

    HeadscarvesMust only be worn forreligious reasons and

    must be plain navyblue.

    Why uniform is important:It encourages a school ethos and a sense of identification with the school

    It encourages a disciplined and purposeful attitude to workIt prepares young people to wear appropriate dress in future work situations

    It is convenient for parents/carersIt discourages bullying and victimisation arising from pupils not wearing certain clothesIt creates a perception of the school in the local Erdington community


    May be worn outdoors ontop of the blazer but must

    be plain and dark

    The following are not allowed and will be challengedHoodies, checked shirts and patterned jumpers. These are not considered suitable as outdoor coats and

    will be confiscated.Jewellerylarge rings or earrings allowed.

    Facial piercings must be removed or covered for school.Hairstyles hair colour must be on the natural spectrum (no green/blue/purple etc.).

    Haircuts should be smart and appropriate for school

    BlazersA compulsory part of

    the KSSC Schooluniform, must be navy

    blue with the KSSClogo

    Shirts and ties

    All students must weara plain white shirt with acollar and a school tie.

    Uniform is important @

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    Our expectations for students

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    Behaviour Expectations

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    ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACKI will produce work which has a date, an underlined title and an objectivewritten at the start. I will look after my book and respect other peoples


    My book will be marked regularly either:


    Check PFPeer

    Feedback CFClass

    Feedback TFTeacher


    Grades/levels will be awarded at least once per unit of work giving me

    feedback on


    Progress MTMinimum

    Target CTChallenge


    My teacher will write constructive comments to help me improve mywork (WWW & EBI). When I correct my work, I will do it under the

    heading Improvementsto my Work.Teachers will use the following abbreviations to inform me of my effort:

    MARKING FOR LITERACYTeachers l use the following symbols to inform me of areas to work on:

    Effort GradeE EXCELLENT:

    You have worked above expectations. Your work is neat, accurate and well-presented and you havedone something extra beyond what you were asked to do. Your answers may be more detailed. Yourwork be better than you previous best.

    G GOOD:This means you have worked with interest and have been keen to produce your best work. The tasksare complete and accurate. You have given it sufficient time, effort and your presentation is good.

    You have taken care with spelling and grammar.I IMPROVEMENT REQUIRED:

    This means that your work is not up to standard for one or more of the following reasons.

    Incomplete work or short answers

    Insufficient time spent on your work so that it is rushed, untidy and/or you have been carelessabout spelling and grammar

    Lack of effort to complete work or seek help when you were stuck

    P POOR:This means you have made very little effort on this piece of work. Your work is well below expectedstandards in terms of task completion, accuracy and presentation. Your work shows a lack ofcommitment and engagement with the lesson.

    S Spelling mistake

    // New paragraph needed

    Something has been missed out

    P Something is wrong with my punctuation

    G Grammar mistakes (e.g. wrong verb tenses)

    M? Meaning is unclear Accurate point Good points made

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    Every student in Kingsbury School and Sports College has the right toenjoy learning and leisure free from intimidation, both in the School andin the surrounding community.

    Our School community will not tolerate any unkind actions or remarks.We want our School to be a place where everyone can feel secure.

    Any attempt to hurt someone physically, mentally, emotionally orverbally will be called bullying. No-one should have to suffer name

    calling, racist or sexist abuse, physical violence or feel victimised orundermined in any way.

    Students should support each other by reporting all instances of bullyingwhether they occur during school time or while travelling to and fromschool. It is every students responsibility to ensure that bullying is nottolerated.

    Bullying should be reported to the Form Tutor, Achievement Leader, or

    any other member of staff.

    Incidents of bullying are logged and dealt with seriously.

    Students need to tell someone about bullying it is too important not to


    Help Stop Bullying

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    KSSC accepts that parents/carers may wish their child to carry a mobilephone. However, the school does not encourage this from a Health andSafety viewpoint.

    KSSC operates a policy of NOT SEEN NOT HEARD. Students areallowed to bring mobile phones, iPods/MP3 players into school which canonly be used at break times.

    If they are seen or heard at any other times these will be confiscated until

    the end of the school day or until parents/carers can come into school at aconvenient to collect. Students should not use earphones within lessonsunless it is for an activity as directed by the member of staff in charge oftheir learning.

    Students are not allowed to use the school power supply at anytime tocharge their devices.

    E- Safety

    Technology is enhancing the world in which we live and we want studentsto get the most from it whilst also recognising that we all need to beresponsible and safe in our usage.

    Good online behaviour can minimise risk and so we would ask our studentsto consider principles such as:

    keeping personal information private

    considering the long-term implications of any content posted online

    not uploading or posting inappropriate, offensive or illegal content totheir own or other online spaces

    adhering to any website's terms of conditions of use - including thosearound age restrictions.

    Parents/carers can support their child in considering on-line behaviour bylooking at the resources from "Know IT All". Produced by ChildnetInternational, the resources help students to understand and address arange of e-safety.

    Electronic Equipment

    Being Safe Online

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    Home School Support Booklet:Parents/Carers Evaluation Feedback July 2013

    CommentsI found the HomeSchool SupportBooklet

    [Please tick one]

    Very useful


    Useful but not essential


    The amount ofhome learning mychild gets is

    [Please tick one]

    Too much


    Not enough

    Very little

    The home learningwork my child getsis

    [Please tick one]

    Too difficult


    Too easy

    I use the homelearning booklet tosupport my childshome learning

    [Please tick one]




    I think homelearning is

    [Please tick one]





    Do you have any further comments that you would like to make on either the home learning booklet orthe home learning activities?


    Please detach and complete this form and return no later than 7th June 2013
