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Headteacher: Mrs N Sansom Cedar Avenue, Upminster, Essex. RM14 2LW Phone: 01708 225186 Web: www.branfil.com Email: [email protected] 5 th June 2020 Dear parents and carers, HOME LEARNING DURING CLOSURE PERIOD: Pack 5 I hope that your child is enjoying their learning at home. Teachers aim to provide a variety of activities for every curriculum subject area so you can choose the approach and content that motivates your child. We feel that this is vital so your child can continue to enjoy their learning at home. In the classroom, teachers personalise each lesson to meet the needs of every pupil as they deliver the content but this is obviously not possible to do when setting work from a distance. We therefore leave it for you to decide what works best for your child. If you are finding it difficult to get the balance right, or your child is beginning to lose their motivation as their time out of school increases, please talk to your child’s class teacher about this. Please remember to share some of your child’s learning with their teacher, via their year group email, each week. This will encourage their engagement throughout this time. Please email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] and so on for all year groups. The information in this pack is from your child’s year group teachers outlining work that your child could complete over the next two weeks: Monday 8 th June – Friday 19 th June 2020. Please remember that there are lots of additional resources on the school website to support you during this time (School Closure Home Learning tab on the left hand side of the home screen). The list produced by the Department for Education detailing ‘Online educational resources to support children to continue learning at home’ has been updated and this can be found on here too. We continue to add resources that we feel will be helpful – please let us know if you would like us to include anything in particular to help you. On the videos section of the home learning tab, you can now find a fantastic message from all of our support staff, a challenge for Year 3 from all of your teachers, plus additional story times with Miss Quinn and Mrs Dawkins. We hope you enjoy these alongside your child. In order to stay connected to our school community, we strongly encourage you to set up a family Twitter account and follow Branfil (@BranfilPrimary). Staff are regularly posting information and challenges; it is lovely to see comments, photos and films of the children responding to the tweets. In line with usual school procedure, we will update you when there is further news in relation to the school closure, via text messages and email. Thank you as always for your support and understanding during this time. Kind regards Mrs Sansom, Headteacher

Headteacher: Mrs N Sansom

Cedar Avenue, Upminster, Essex. RM14 2LW Phone: 01708 225186 Web: www.branfil.com Email: [email protected]

5th June 2020

Dear parents and carers,


I hope that your child is enjoying their learning at home. Teachers aim to provide a variety of activities for every

curriculum subject area so you can choose the approach and content that motivates your child. We feel that this

is vital so your child can continue to enjoy their learning at home. In the classroom, teachers personalise each

lesson to meet the needs of every pupil as they deliver the content but this is obviously not possible to do when

setting work from a distance. We therefore leave it for you to decide what works best for your child. If you are

finding it difficult to get the balance right, or your child is beginning to lose their motivation as their time out of

school increases, please talk to your child’s class teacher about this.

Please remember to share some of your child’s learning with their teacher, via their year group email, each

week. This will encourage their engagement throughout this time. Please email:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected] and so on for all year groups.

The information in this pack is from your child’s year group teachers outlining work that your child could

complete over the next two weeks: Monday 8th June – Friday 19th June 2020.

Please remember that there are lots of additional resources on the school website to support you during this

time (School Closure Home Learning tab on the left hand side of the home screen). The list produced by the

Department for Education detailing ‘Online educational resources to support children to continue learning at

home’ has been updated and this can be found on here too. We continue to add resources that we feel will be

helpful – please let us know if you would like us to include anything in particular to help you.

On the videos section of the home learning tab, you can now find a fantastic message from all of our support

staff, a challenge for Year 3 from all of your teachers, plus additional story times with Miss Quinn and Mrs

Dawkins. We hope you enjoy these alongside your child.

In order to stay connected to our school community, we strongly encourage you to set up a family Twitter

account and follow Branfil (@BranfilPrimary). Staff are regularly posting information and challenges; it is lovely

to see comments, photos and films of the children responding to the tweets.

In line with usual school procedure, we will update you when there is further news in relation to the school

closure, via text messages and email.

Thank you as always for your support and understanding during this time.

Kind regards

Mrs Sansom, Headteacher

Headteacher: Mrs N Sansom

Cedar Avenue, Upminster, Essex. RM14 2LW Phone: 01708 225186 Web: www.branfil.com Email: [email protected]

MATHS White Rose Maths


We will now be using White Rose for your daily maths lessons. We use the White Rose Maths

scheme alongside Power Maths in school. The White Rose Maths Team prepares a series of five

maths lessons for each year group from Reception to Year 6 each week. Every lesson comes with

a short video showing you clearly and simply how to help your child to complete the activity

successfully. Click on the link above and follow the four steps below:

1. Click on the set of lessons for your child’s year group. 2. Watch the video (either on your own or with your child). 3. Find a calm space where your child can work for about 20-30 minutes. 4. Use the video guidance to support your child as they work through a lesson.


White Rose has set out a 12-week learning plan that means children can:

make sure they understand the main concepts they need for their work next year cover any new learning that they have not yet have done in school.

The 12-week plan

The plan shows the work that children will cover, week by week.

Some of the above differs a little from the BBC Bitesize plan – but only for the first two weeks. From Week 3 onwards, their plans run in line with each other.

Headteacher: Mrs N Sansom

Cedar Avenue, Upminster, Essex. RM14 2LW Phone: 01708 225186 Web: www.branfil.com Email: [email protected]

This means that every day, there’s a learning video on the White Rose web page to watch and a link to that day’s BBC Bitesize page for more information and even more lesson content.

TT Rockstars

https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student You can now play against other children in your year group - good luck and enjoy the ‘battle’!



Other Useful websites/links/resources:

Additional useful websites to help support home learning in Maths -

(click on the document towards bottom of page)


https://www.cgpbooks.co.uk/primary-books - additional books can be purchased

Teacher Activities


Explore your surroundings. Can you find and name various 2D and 3D shapes?

Numbers to 100

Make your own 100 squares. Can you colour in the numbers in the 2 x tables, 5 x tables,

10 x tables? Can you colour in the even numbers one colour and the odd another? (You

may need to create different 100 squares for each activity)

Using a 100 square, choose different numbers, can you write out how many tens are one

are in each number. Example if I chose 72, there are 7 tens and 2 ones.

Ask an adult to choose two numbers up to 100. Can you decide which is greater than,

less than or equal to using the correct symbols? (<, >, =)

READING Continue to read every day

You can choose any text type of your choice (e.g. newspaper, comic, book) from home, e-books

from the Havering library app or log on to Oxford Owl (see Spelling section below for log in

details) and select your colour band to read 2 to 3 e-books each week.

Ask your parents/carers to pose lots of questions to develop your understanding of the story.

Respond to the books that you read in one or more of the following ways:

● A book review

● Story prediction (read a few pages and then predict)

● Write answers to questions you have been asked about the book

Headteacher: Mrs N Sansom

Cedar Avenue, Upminster, Essex. RM14 2LW Phone: 01708 225186 Web: www.branfil.com Email: [email protected]

● A story map

● Information booklet about what you have learnt

First News

Each week we will be emailing a copy of First News to all parents which children can either

read on their tablets/devices or you can print off for them to read. There will also be a

selection of quizzes, puzzles and comprehensions in the same email which you can download

and use when needed.

Teacher Activity

Re-illustrate a story you have enjoyed reading.

Can you spot the Common Exception Words during reading?

Oxford Owl Log ins:


Username: willow20

Password: Willow20


Username: 1pine1

Password: year1



Password: lime20

Story Time


Visit the school website to listen to stories being told by teachers at school.

PHONICS Read Write Inc Phonics, the Phonics scheme that we follow at Branfil, are offering daily Phonics

sessions live on YouTube. Each session is just over 10 minutes long and will help your child to

practise reading and writing the sounds they have been learning.

Please follow this link:


Set 1 sounds (single letter sounds + sh, th, ch, nk and ng) are taught daily at 9:30 am

Set 2 sounds (digraphs and trigraphs) are taught daily at 10:00 am

Set 3 sounds (further digraphs and trigraphs) are taught daily at 10:30 am

Further information about these sessions, including the schedule of sounds to be covered, can be

found at: https://www.ruthmiskin.com/en/

Remember to use the packs handed out at parents evening, reading real words and alien words.

Headteacher: Mrs N Sansom

Cedar Avenue, Upminster, Essex. RM14 2LW Phone: 01708 225186 Web: www.branfil.com Email: [email protected]

WRITING Continue to write regularly

Short Writing Tasks

Up-level (improve) the following sentences by adding adjectives, adverbs and


A girl went to the park.

A fox climbed a tree.

The dog swam in the sea.

I went to the beach.

I walked through the forest.

Sit in your garden/park and make a list of everything you can see, hear, smell, taste and

feel. Once you have your list, can you create descriptive sentences?

Example: green, wind, grass – I can see green trees swaying in the light wind. I can

smell the sweet grass that has just been cut.

Extended Writing Tasks

Using the picture below, write a descriptive paragraph about the scene.

Extension: Turn your description into a story set on this beach.

Remember to include:

- Full stops

- Capital letters

- Adjectives (see, hear, smell, taste, feel)

- Similes

Letter writing: Choose a friend in class and write them a letter including lots of exciting

things you have been doing at home.

Remember to include:

- Full stops

- Capital letters

- Address

Headteacher: Mrs N Sansom

Cedar Avenue, Upminster, Essex. RM14 2LW Phone: 01708 225186 Web: www.branfil.com Email: [email protected]

- Greeting/ending (to, from, dear, regards)

- Names

- Adjectives

Visit pobble365.com

Using the picture of the day, describe what you can see. Can you use adjectives, similes and

metaphors to describe?

Imagine you are in the picture. Write a story explaining what is happening to you. What

is happening around you? Why is it happening? Where are you?

Use descriptive sentences to describe what is happening to you.

Can you turn it into a story? Add speech? Add characters?

Punctuation and Grammar

Log on to Sumdog to complete the challenges which have been set with the focus on the


Capital letters

Word endings (s, es)

Encourage your child to use these skills in their writing where appropriate!

You can also visit this website and look at the different videos and activities:


SPELLING Continue to practise spelling the red and orange words that are in your log book.

Sumdog Please log in to Sumdog to find updated spelling challenges for you to complete each week.

Children should practise the spelling of the Year 1 Common Exception Words (listed below).

the, a, do, to, today, of, said, says, are, were, was, is, his, has, I, you, your, they, be, he, me,

she, we, no, go, so, by, my, here, there, where, love, come, some, one, once, ask, friend,

school, put, push, pull, full, house, our

Headteacher: Mrs N Sansom

Cedar Avenue, Upminster, Essex. RM14 2LW Phone: 01708 225186 Web: www.branfil.com Email: [email protected]


Grow a bean in a bag - You can get hold of different types of bean, and grow them in a

plastic bag (sandwich bag/ziplock bag). You can then watch them germinate and see

which bean grows fastest etc.

Visit https://www.sciencekiddo.com/bean-seed-in-a-bag/ for instructions on how to grow a bean

in a bag.

Bean Diary – As your bean grows daily, please take photos/draw and write about the

changes you can see.

Draw pictures of flowers you find in your garden, out on walks or in the park. Can you

name any? You may want to take photos to make a flower collage, or copy the images.

Labelling parts of a flower – can you label the roots, leaves, petals and stem?

Seasonal changes

Keep a calendar or diary of: the temperature, the weather, if it is daylight when you get up, eat

dinner etc. How does this vary?

Write a descriptive paragraph about summer. Take a photo of a summery scene or draw

a picture. Using adjectives linked to senses, write a paragraph about summer and how it

makes you feel, what clothes you wear etc.

Useful Websites



Art Find out about an Artist this half term - The artist is Keith Haring

● Write 5 facts about Keith Haring - can you share these facts with a family member? Can

you remember the facts by the end of the week?

● Produce a piece of art copying Keith Haring – alien figure drawing

Headteacher: Mrs N Sansom

Cedar Avenue, Upminster, Essex. RM14 2LW Phone: 01708 225186 Web: www.branfil.com Email: [email protected]

● Please follow the below link for more ideas for art work.



Geography Seasons, Weather & climate You will need to log on to https://www.oddizzi.com/schools/login/ User name: 1Pine 1Willow 1Lime Password: 1Pineclass 1Willowclass 1Limeclass Please click on and work on all the sub categories for: Weather & Climate > seasons > Seasonal Effects - Complete Question time and challenge A worksheet can be found in: Learning zone > Lower KS1.> Weather & Seasons To continue: Weather & Climate > Weather and the sub categories. - Complete Question Time and Challenge. Weather & Climate > Extreme Weather and all the sub categories - Complete Question Time and Challenge. There will be a quiz at the end of the learning this subject. This will take several weeks. Please work a reasonable pace.

Useful Websites https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/geography-ks1--ks2-the-united-kingdom/zhtgrj6 https://www.bbc.com/bitesize/subjects/zcdqxnb https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/geography-ks1--ks2-maps/zdwhpg8 https://www.natgeokids.com/uk/

Music Your Imagination

Please Log on to the below website and use the login provided.

Here you will have access to a music topic which can be accessed at home.

http://www.charanga.com - Click on the teacher and student log in box and then put the

username and password in the middle box (YUMA).

Username - Branfil1

Password - year1

Headteacher: Mrs N Sansom

Cedar Avenue, Upminster, Essex. RM14 2LW Phone: 01708 225186 Web: www.branfil.com Email: [email protected]

P.E. Joe Wicks’ Daily P.E.


Log on to BBC Supermovers and complete a workout each day


Daily mile

Even though the Tokyo Olympics are not happening this year, we can all still get involved with sports and exercise to help us keep fit and active. We have signed up to participate in Team GB's Get Set Tokyo events where we could be in with the chance of winning some great sports resources for the school. To take part is very easy;

Visit https://www.getset.co.uk/travel-tokyo/log-activity

Type in the school's post code: RM14 2LW

Choose Branfil Primary school

Select your year group

Log the activity you have done You can log your exercise as often as needed and the more we log, the more chance we have of winning some fabulous prizes.

On the website, you will also find lots of great activities you can try with your families

at home. (https://www.getset.co.uk/resources)

R.E. How do the stories of Jesus inspire Christians today? Watch the video and song of Noah and his Ark. Think about what this means to Christians today.

Design your own word search with keywords from the story.

Rewrite the story and include illustrations of all the different animals.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ni1Y_ZHG-es&t=433s Beginners Bible – Noah’s Ark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ntct8NvIByY Noah’s Ark song Additional activity linked to maths: Find two of the same items in your house and count them in


PSHE Time to Talk

• Would you rather be a doctor or a scientist? • Would you rather be really fast or really strong? • Would you rather set the table before dinner or wash the dishes after dinner? • Would you rather jump into a pool of chocolate pudding or a pool of strawberry ice

Headteacher: Mrs N Sansom

Cedar Avenue, Upminster, Essex. RM14 2LW Phone: 01708 225186 Web: www.branfil.com Email: [email protected]

cream? • Would you rather have hamburgers or hot dogs?

For fun We are aware that some children are missing school and their teachers.

Miss Quinn, Mrs McGovern and Ms Parveen have therefore attached an emoji of themselves, you

can find these at the bottom of the document.

Why not cut them out and have them watch you complete your learning or take them on a walk

with you?

We would love to see pictures of how they have been supporting you, and having fun! Send your

pictures to the year 1 email account to make your teacher smile.







Maths for ages 4-12 with Carol Vorderman: https://www.themathsfactor.com English with David Walliams https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/ Cooking with Jamie Oliver https://www.jamieoliver.com/features/category/get-kids-cooking Music with Myleene Klass https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQh2wgJ5tOrixYBn6jFXsXQ

Headteacher: Mrs N Sansom

Cedar Avenue, Upminster, Essex. RM14 2LW Phone: 01708 225186 Web: www.branfil.com Email: [email protected]

Miss Quinn

Headteacher: Mrs N Sansom

Cedar Avenue, Upminster, Essex. RM14 2LW Phone: 01708 225186 Web: www.branfil.com Email: [email protected]

Mrs Parveen

Headteacher: Mrs N Sansom

Cedar Avenue, Upminster, Essex. RM14 2LW Phone: 01708 225186 Web: www.branfil.com Email: [email protected]

Mrs McGovern
