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Home Watch Newsletter K5 and K6 18th-31st July

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Home Watch News Letter Bolton Central and Bolton East 18.07.12 31.07.12 Our Official Website: www.Boltonhomewatch.co.uk Email us on: [email protected]. uk
Page 1: Home Watch Newsletter K5 and K6 18th-31st July

Home Watch News LetterBolton Central and Bolton East

18.07.12 – 31.07.12

Our Official Website: www.Boltonhomewatch.co.uk

Email us on: [email protected]

Page 2: Home Watch Newsletter K5 and K6 18th-31st July

1, – Operations update

2, – Bolton Central Overview

3 – 4, - Bolton Central Update

5, – Bolton East Overview

6 – 8, Bolton East Update

9, - Other News

10, - Letters of thanks

11, - Upcoming events/Police surgeries

Page 3: Home Watch Newsletter K5 and K6 18th-31st July

Today (3rd Aug) a campaign called „Every Action Has a Consequence‟ is being launched in the town centre.The campaign is to raiseawareness around alcohol related violence after a youngman called Adam was killed inBlackburn town centre in 2009.Since this time his family have set up this campaign to raise awareness about how this issue can destroy lives. Sgt Ellis has already helped to train nearly 500 young people between 15 - 18 who are our next generation of town centre drinkers. In Victoria square today there will be people giving out information on the campaign, and all of the venues involved will have t-shirts on with the 'Every Action Has Consequences' motto. Further information on this event can be found on: www.theboltonnews.co.uk/news/local/9854070.New_campaign_pulls_no_punches/?ref=rss

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Safe4Summer Update Pubs and off licences have been caught selling alcohol to

children in a sting last month. Volunteers aged under 18 have visited pubs and off licences and tried to buy alcohol. Four business where caught selling alcohol to under 18‟s last month. The person caught selling the alcohol was given an £80 fixed penalty notice. Partnership Sgt Rob Knight said “ The Bolton public deserve a professional licence trade and if pubs and off licenses are serving people under age that could lead to potential anti-social behaviour: when kids are drinking it can potentially lead to problems. We are trying to educate the establishments to prevent this from occurring”.

To read more on this article it can be found in a copy of the Bolton news 2nd August print, under the headline „Shops and Pubs Caught in Sting‟.

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Update from Central NPT Insp, Paul Devall

Op Viking is still running in the Halliwell area along with a dedicated team supplemented with our NPT officers.This has led to there only being one burglary in the Halliwell area over the last8 days. the extra patrols in the area areletting our offenders know that we mean business through daily targeting. There have also been reductions in vehicle crime over that same period.

Our neighbourhood investigation team are busy looking at crimes and offenders and have arrested 7 people this week for offences ranging from serious assault to shoplifting. We are now well in to the schools holiday period and staff will be working hard to reduce Anti Social Behaviour along with our partners, this has already paid dividends with a reduction of ASB in the Rumworth are for the past 2 weeks.

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There has been one burglary over the past 2 weeks, taking place on Grange road. Here the offenders removed some panels from the fence to gain access to a shed on some wasteland. The offenders then removed the shed door from the old rickety shed and took items from within.

A theft from motor vehicle took place on church avenue. Here the offenders approached the vehicle being used as a taxi and damaged the nearside lock gaining access inside the vehicle

taking a wallet from the seat.

There have been 3 theft of motor vehicles over the past 2 weeks. The first happened as the offenders have forced a lock on a gate to enter a yard. The offenders have then used their own vehicle to tow away the other vehicle. The other occurred as the offenders have smashed a window on the vehicle, removed ignition barrel and started the vehicle taking same. Finally the last one occurred when the offender removed fence panels to a yard to gain access and taking the motor bike from within.

Please ensure residents don't leave valuablesin their vehicles. Also never leave anything oftoo much value in your garden sheds unlessyou have a sufficient lock and or alarm on it.

Town Centre

There have been a number of thefts from persons thisweek. These have all occurred where the offender haseither reached into an open handbag unfastened anopen handbag or snatched a handbag from a victimsshoulder.

There have been 3 thefts of pedal cycles. They have alloccurred where the offender has cut the bike locksecuring the cycle and making off with same.

A theft from motor vehicle has occurred onBradshawgate. Here the offender has entered a taxiand engaged the driver in conversation. When theoffender gets to his destination he refuses to pay thefair so the driver asks him to get out. As he does hetakes the drivers leather jacket containing a sum ofmoney.

Please advise residents to ensure they are morevigilant and aware with their personal belongings.Be aware of bags on your shoulders and alwaysensure they are zipped up or fastened. This will makeit harder for pick pockets to reach into your bags.

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There have been 3 burglaries over the past 2 weeks. They allHappened due to insecurities in main doors. The first on Dinglewalk occurred due to the front door being unlocked. The second 2on Columbia road and Lindfield drive, occurred due to thecommunal door to a block of flats being open. The offenderentering and then forcing the flat door to gain access and takeitems from within.There has been one theft from motor vehicle, here the offendersmashes a window on the vehicle to gain access. Offender reachesin and removes items. Finally there have been 2 theft of motorvehicles. The first happened where the offender climbs over wallinto a yard and wheels out the motor cycle taking same. And theother the offenders gained access into the vehicle via unknownmeans driving off in same.

Please ensure residents keep their front doors locked andsecured at all times. This will make you and easy target foropportunist thieves. Especially keeping communal doors locked As this leaves you and your neighbours vulnerable to thieves.

A suspect being lead away following the success of operation Viking in the Halliwell area.

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You will notice that the East update and other teams updates have been focused on domestic burglary in recent weeks. This is correct as we have had to raise to this challenge as a division. As you look through the Neighbourhood updates you will notice areas with several burglaries and understand the challenge we face. However, I am delighted to say that this week the whole East area has not had a single domestic burglary. As such we hope that the hard work of the team and the division as a whole is now bearing fruit and we will continue our efforts to maintain this.

In the meantime classic Neighbourhood Policing continues and I am delighted to have received correspondence from residents of Hypatia Street praising the community work of my officer‟s who have assisted neighbours to settle issues and come closer together.

This combination of fighting crime and dealing with local problems the core of good policing.

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Tonge Moor, Tonge Fold and The Haulgh

There have been 5 burglaries over the past 2 weeks. 2 occurring on Tong Moor road, Edditch Grove, Olaf Street and Cross Moor Drive. Here the offenders have entered the premises via insecurities. Either insecure doors or windows. Once inside the offenders have taken items from within.There have also been 2 offences where the offender has taken items from an insecure shed and also cutthe lock off another and entered same.

A theft of a motor cycle has also occurred. Here theoffenders have approached a secured motor cycle andcut the chain securing it making off with same.

Please ensure residents are more vigilant with homesecurity. Always ensuring windows and doors aresecurely locked when the house is empty andovernight. Never leave valuables on show in yourhome as this can make you an easy target for thieves.

Breightmet North and South

There have been two burglaries over the past twoweeks. The first occurred on Scorton Av, here the offender is invited into the property after requesting a glass of water. Once inside the offender unlocks the rear door without the victims knowledge and says he will return later. When the victim is asleep the offender returns and enters through rear door previously unlocked and takes mobile phone. The secondoccurred on Breightmet fold lane here the offender smashed a window to gain access inside to take property. There was also a burglary from a shed were the offender entered via an insecure shed door and took items from within.

There have been a number of thefts from vehicles over the past 2 weeks. The majority have happened when the offender has smashed the front offside window to gain access into vehicle to remove items. The other occurred due to an insecure door and the last one the offenders used an unknown instrument to remove lock barrel to gain access.

Never let people you don't know into your homes as this willleave you vulnerable to burglars. Some criminals won‟t go tothe trouble of breaking into your home if they can just knock and be invited in. They will distract the resident while they steal items or make the property insecure and return at a later time like above.

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Bradshaw and Harwood

Over the past 2 weeks two burglaries haveoccurred in this area. The first on Harwood Vale where the offenders have entered the property via and car. The other occurred on Hardy Mill road.When the victims were on holiday the offender/shave entered rear Garden damaging a securitylight. Then forced the rear French doors gainingaccess inside, searching and stealing property.

There have also been 5 thefts from motor vehicleswere the majority of the offenders have smashed A window on the vehicle to gain access, taking items from within.

You‟ll enjoy your holiday far more if you‟re notWorrying about crime. Prepare anti-crime measuresnow – not just before you go away. Make your homelook occupied;

Get your neighbours to check your house, collect post, moe your lawn and park their car on yourdriveway. Use automatic timer-switches to turn your lightson when it goes dark. Cancel any milk or newspaper deliveries. Avoid discussing holiday plans where someone Else might hear. Cut the lawn before you go and trim back any plants. Join the Post Office‟s „Keepsafe‟ service. They holdback the delivery of mail for up to two months. Leave valuable items and documents with otherfamily members or at the bank. Lock all outside doorsand windows and set the burglar alarm.

Bromley Cross

There have been 4 burglaries over the past 2 weeks. All but one occurring via insecurities in side/garden gates and windows. The other the offender doesn't gain entry to premises after trying to force a ground floor window. The offenders have entered the property via these insecurities and taken items from within.

Please ensure residents keep their front doors locked and secured at all times. Thiswill make you and easy target foropportunist thieves. Ensuring side gates are locked and secured will prevent offenders entering onto your premises. Also never leave valuables on show in your home.

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Astley Bridge

There have been 2 burglaries over the past two Weeks. The first happening on Sharples Ave where the offender gained access into the premises via an insecure window. Once inside The victim takes two sets of car keys and alsothe vehicles. The other occurred on BramleyRoad where the offender smashed the patiodoors But was disturbed by the victim beforeentry could be gained.

Please ensure residents are more vigilant with Home security. Always ensuring windows anddoors are securely locked when the house isempty and overnight. Never leave valuables onshow in your home as this can make you anEasy target for thieves.

Crompton and Hall'ithwood Wood

There has been one burglary over the past two weeks in this area. It occurred on Halliwell road were the offender entered the rear of thepremises and forced the rear door. Once inside the offender is disturbed by the victim but takesTV as exits.

Three thefts from motor vehicles have alsooccurred. The first happened when theoffenders cut a bike off the bike racksecured to the back of a vehicle. The otheroccurred by the offender forcing the lockon the door, gaining access. And the thirdwhen the offender cut the wire holding thespare wheel under the vehicle taking same.

Please ensure residents are more vigilant with home and vehicle security always ensuring doors and windows are locked and any alarms set.

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North Yorkshire Police has produced an awareness raising DVD called „Not Sure? Don‟t Open the Door!‟.

This film has been funded by money raised from the sale of a vehicle owned by a gang of convicted distraction burglars. The good news is that this film has now been placed onto the internet so that everyone can share it. The film is viewed through YouTube which many of you will have heard of.

If you wish to view the film please click on the below link.


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A celebrity football match and family fun day is to beheld on Sunday 12th August 2012 at Valley Road stadium in Urmston. The fun day will commence at 10am with the football match due to kick off at 2pm. TV stars are turning out in support of a local charity for a celebrityfootball match against officers and staff of GreaterManchester Police. The match will be the highlight ofa family fun day hosted by Northwich Victoria FC at their newly-acquired Valley Road stadium in Urmston.Other attractions will include a mas-cot race at half time, games and activities, music and a bouncy castle. Food and drink will be available both before and after the match, with a barbeque if weather permits. The fundraising event is being delivered as part of a partnership between GMP and Retrak, a CheadleHulme-based charity that gives street children in Africa an alternative to life on the streets.

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Please feel free to visit any of the places below to discuss any issues you may be having in your area. Your local neighbourhood officers will be there to offer advice and listen to any problems you may be having in your neighbourhood in the following drop in sessions:

Bolton West 21st August, Westhoughton Police Post, 18.00-20.00 Each Monday at 16.00 – 18.00 at Horwich Town hall

Bolton South 4th August, Asda Brackley Street, 13.00-15.00 6th August, New Bury Community Learning Centre, 10.00-12.00 6th August, Farnworth Market, King Street, 10.00- 00.00 7th August, Farnworth Cricket Club, Lavender Road, 10.00-12.00 14th August, Farnworth Cricket Club, Lavender Road, 10.00-12.00
