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Honest Values Media and Communications Education: The Five Filters of the Media

Date post: 20-Jul-2015
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By Joel Drotts Esq. of Honest Value Media! www.honestvalue.net
Page 1: Honest Values Media and Communications Education: The Five Filters of the Media

By Joel Drotts Esq. of

Honest Value Media!


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Authored and Produced by

Joel Drotts Juris Doctorate

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1. Prejudice and opinion of Story Teller!

2. Prejudice and Opinion of Story Reporter!

3. Prejudice and Opinion of

Story Sponsors!

4. Prejudice and Opinion of

Story Broadcaster!

5. Prejudice and Opinion of Story Makers

Honest Value Media Design

Copyright (c) 2015


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Factory worker on strike:

“We’re on strike, because the owner is a greedy corporate fat cat who refuses to pay fair wages!”

Drug Manufacturer

“Our drugs have a few negligible side effects.”


“Law Enforcement needs the power to eavesdrop, monitor communications, and read e-mails without a warrant, probable cause to get that warrant, and without telling the sending or receiving party of the monitoring. This is how we will remain free and safe, from ever becoming a dictatorship police state!”

Factory Owner“They’re on strike because the Union is asking for concessions that will completely eliminate the profits needed for growth and to remain competitive!”

Consumer Rights Group“Their drugs are the leading cause of zombfication! A disease that causes the user to become a zombie!”

Political RivalThose who sacrifice liberty for safety rarely receive either, and deserve neither! The US Constitution is clear, and monitoring is an intrusion no free people need suffer, and sufferance is caused by monitoring and a government free to do as it pleases, limited by no law or power, and not Constitutionally bound!

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What their motivators are, we leave to you to

figure out. We’re merely pointing out that their

motivators must be considered.

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There was a time before any of us were born (even

myself), when journalists prided themselves on being

third party neutral observers of the facts they reported


In fact, there was once a time that Governments

feared, with good reason, the pen of an intelligent and

observant reporter! Before fajita-gate, Kardashian-gate,

and all the other “gates,” there was the actual

Watergate Scandal. For those not in the know, this is

where a couple of journalists took down the most

powerful man in the world (AKA the President of the

United States).

What was this super weapon these two men used to

topple Nixon? Was it a bomb, covert anthrax, or even

maybe Chuck Norris (He can travel through time you


Their WMD of choice? A little thing called the TRUTH!

In fact, reporters used to use this weapon called

TRUTH quite often, and with great effect. The result

was a more engaged and informed society, and a

government more in tune with the will of the people!

Amazing how time can change the job performance

standards of certain professions!

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He who pays votes on how a

message is broadcast (If made

public at all), and does so via

advertising dollars!

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The thing to remember as we cover the last two

filters is that these filters never run or operate

exclusively of each other. It is therefore necessary

and proper to visualize and analyze any

scrutinized media through these filters in layered

format. That is to say the five filters are actually

more akin to five steps one must take in order to

de-propagandize and bore down through the five

layers or five stepped filters perverting or retarding

any message or content. This is done in order that

the media researcher or media consumer may

uncover or at least get close to the truthiness of

the message or content!

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Just in case you still don’t grasp the broadcaster bias, and in order to keep with the structure of the presentation… Here are some hypotheticals for the broadcaster bias.

1. The factory with the striking workers and the local newspaper are

owned by the same parent company. The local newspaper isn’t

going to cover the story of the striking workers. If it does cover the

strike, it will be to paint the workers as greedy, lazy, ungrateful, and

the factory management as embattled managers who have tried at

every step in the process to give highly generous offers that the

corrupt union officials keep rejecting.

2. The new drug producer also owns a trade magazine named “Drugs

are Cool Magazine.” No where in the weekly published trade

magazine “Drugs are Cool,” would you ever be able to find any

article or statements concerning the newly released drug and its

link to zombification.

3. A local politician realizes that a negative story will be shown on the

five o’clock news. Therefore, remembering that he is friends with

the TV station owner. He calls in a favor, and the story never gets


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I can’t obviously see a show of hands, but how many of you immediately jumped

to defend Obamacare, or wrote down some sort of rebuttal proving or rebutting

the presumption the Democratic Party are Socialists, how about Liberal, or

maybe tree hugger?

If any of you wrote down rebuttals, comebacks, or counter arguments to any of

my statements, then congratulations… You just screwed up big time! What did

your screw up cost you or what’s your punishment for screwing up? You now

have to debate, argue, or defend whatever counter arguments to my original

statement you drafted. So if you jumped on the “socialists” thing, you now have

to argue with me about why and how the democrats are not socialists! It doesn’t

matter that it’s not true, and in fact I know for a fact my statements were

untrue… I said them. Did I offer any proof or evidence to support my claims? Do

you think Democrats are socialists? Then why would you jump to defend a

position, own an unmerited ARGUMENT, or CLAIM unsubstantiated by

evidence. Why defend an argument, you don’t even believe yourself? The fact is

the general public doesn’t believe outrageous claims either, until some one

moves to defend and counter argue!

The good news is you should in no way feel embarrassed or stupid. Senior

politicians who have been in politics for decades, make this mistake all the time!

And they do this for a living, and yet they still allow their political opponent to

“frame the debate.”

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I may be a first rate scumbag, and a two time loser of a politician. However,

we’re not going to talk about those things that may be true about me, as long

as I can keep you defending and back peddling on issues and claims I made

that are without merit! Why? Because you’re going to let me.

Moreover, the more you protest you’re not a socialist, the more I will argue

you are. Which I can do, as long as you allow me to do so by defending

outrageous accusations like “democrats are socialists.” I don’t care if it’s not

true, because all I have to do is keep you from talking about my passed which

in this hypothetical may or may not be checkered with skeletons in the closet!

In this manner, I can say I have “framed the debate.” I have now managed

to dictate what the debate will be about, which is whether democrats are

socialists or not. We’re certainly not going to talk about how my foreign policy

platform sucks. Why? I have framed the debate, then you drew the picture for

me and the public. You did so by counter arguing my ridiculous points!

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Is your head hurting yet? Am I going to quick for you? How about a quick

video break. This brief clip from the Matrix explains the proper way to

think about these concepts. Remember don’t try to bend their rhetoric and

language, instead change and bend how you perceive their rhetoric and


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So lets recap, shall we.

The way that the story makers bias is a filter, is by influencing through

charisma, trickery, or word smithing which does then have an effect on the

greater society as a whole.

Therefore the story makers bias is already present in the jargon, debate,

framed issue, doctored and edited vocabulary, and the rhetoric started from

the story maker to the society at large.

Suspect = Person of interest

Torture= Enhanced Interrogation

Naked Booby=Wardrobe Malfunction

Data Collection=Spying on Citizens

Meta Data=Identifying Information

Thus completing the fifth filter of the media!

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