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Hoods Websters International -...

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t 1 YJ X r Vegetable Sicilian mm renewer Beautifies and restores Gray Hair to its original color and vitality prevents baldness cures itching and dandruff A fine hair dressing EP Hall Co Props Nashua 2 Ht Sold by all Druggists tthif1rwGkMX Apple Bnttcr Liiko Grandmothers The first tiling to do is to secure sonic good sweet cider apple cider and boil it half away This should be done the day before you expect to begin with the apples I use a porcelain lined ket- tle ¬ that holds five gallons Boil it half away and let it remain in the kettle over night on the back of the stove Xhe advantage of this is it is warm and will begin cooking earlier As soon as jossible the next morning I begin and prepare the apples as for sauce and put into the eider nil it will hold Fill the pot full to the top and as itrcooks soft keep putting in more apples to keep the kettle full until it is quite thick and let cook slowly and stir very often as It will burn very readily if it is over too hot a fire It needs to be cooked a long time I never finish mine in one day simply move it back on the stove where ifl5 it will not cook but keep T night When it is done it w warm over ill be cooked away considerably and thick and dark like a jam or marmalade Do not sweeten until nearly done as it burns more quickly and by cooking away as it does it might be too sweet Use white sugar and sweeten to taste I use no spices as I consider it spoils the flavor of the cider and apples If they are used they should be of the very best and carefully added This recipe keeps perfectly without being put up air tight I put it in stone jars and tie a cloth over it merely to keep out dust Practical Farmer The Modern Mother Has found that her 4itile ones are im- proved ¬ more by the pleasant Syrup of JFigs when iu need of the laxative enect of u gentle remedy than by any otheraud that it is more acceptable to Uiem Chil ¬ dren enjoy it and it beuefits them The true remedy Syrup of Figs is manufac- tured ¬ by the Caliiornia Fig Syrup Com ¬ pany only It Belonged to Her Family A paper is responsible for the story that a lady when showing a gentle ¬ man over her grounds the other day was asked by him Does not this plant belong to the begonia family The begonia family answered his hostess bridling up Certainly not sir it is ours and always has been From Now Until Spring Overcoats and winter wraps will be in fashion They can be discarged tempor- arily ¬ while traveling in tiie steam healed trains of the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Railway For solid comfort for speed and for safetrno other Jin oan comparewiUi this great railway of the West Pruning Potato Vines Acting on the notion that as prun- ing ¬ was good for fruit trees it would benefit potato vines a citizen of Port- land ¬ Ore clipped off the vines in a patch close to the ground as soon as they were well up and some of the potatoes grown there were it is said among the largest and finest found A superb girl surpassingly lovely skin fair as a lily cheeks like roses and why It is because she uses Glenns Sulphur Soap Of druggists Cambric originally came from Cam bray whence its name and calico from Calicut Pisos Cure for Consumption is the only cough medicine used in my house D C Albright Mifflinhurg Pa Dec 11 95 To dream of an anchor indicates some unexpected success or good for- tune ¬ IT you bave tried Dobbins Floatlnc Borax Snap you have doclded to use It all the time If you havent tried It you owe lttu yourself to do so Your crocer has It or Trill tret it Be sure tbat wrapper are printed lu red Scamper originally signified only to go out of a field Mrs WlnsiovTa SooTnixa Btbup for Children teetblmz softens tho jjnms reauces luflommotion tllays pain cure wind colic 25 cents a bottla The word mob Is a Latin word sig ¬ nifying movable Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Ry Owns and operates 6154 miles of thoroughly equipped road FIRST CLASS IN ERY ft traverses the best sections of the States of Illinois Wisconsin Iowa Missouri Minnesota South Dakota North Dakota and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan For further information address GEO H HEAFFORD Genera Passenger Agent CHICAGO ILL CU8ES WHERE fill USE FAIIS Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Use I in iiEVN gold by druggists LET US ALL LAUGH eJOKES FROM THE PENS OF VARIOUS HUMORISTS Pleasant Incidents Occurring thn World Over Sayings that Are Cheer ¬ ful to Old or Young Funny Selections that You Will Enjoy Didnt Have To Lady Little boy Isnt your mother railing you Little Boy Yesm Why dont you answer her then Pops away New York Weekly Woeful Waste That man Beasly is the most reck- lessly ¬ extravagant fellow I know What has he done Bought an umbrella Cleveland Plain Dealer Horse and Horse First Horse The idea I never ex- pected ¬ to see you going about with your hair bleached Second Horse Had to come to it The woman who drives me has gone in for the new fashion of having her hair dyed red Indianapolis Journal HiaTlcw She Didnt you say when you asked me to niarry you that I should be the queen of the household I did but I didnt mean for you to be the boss of it Queens arent much more than deuce high these days In ¬ dianapolis Journal An X Kay View Mrs Commonplace Tbem folks next door sets a fine table John They use napkins and toothpicks One Satisfied It is strange remarked the observ- ant ¬ man but very few people are con- tent ¬ to do what they are best qualified for Painters long to be musicians and musicians long to be authors and so it goes Yes replied the business man but there are exceptions to every rule I know a young man who has been doing the same thing for years and he seems perfectly satisfied with it What has he been doing Nothing Washington Star That Problem Again Hobson How do you stand on the currency question TJobsoh Dobson Im awfully sorry old man and Id be glad to accommodate you but the fact is Im broke New York Commercial Advertiser He Knew What He Was About I understand you have got married Jones Yes my friend Ive done it at last By Jove youve got courage to get married in these days when women are so extravagantly fond of dresses Oh I looked out for that My wife dont wear much of anything What No I married a ballet girl Bos- ton ¬ Courier The Coming Agre Ethel Oh Maud do come and see Here is the dearest little mouse running all around my feet Maud Why so he is Isnt he tame Do see him now running across to me I do think he is just about the cunning est little thing I ever saw Somerville Journal Womans Failing He Women never Have anyoimin life She How do you know He Did you ever see one throw a 6tone Sure Indication What do you regard as the most re- liable ¬ weather report professor Thunder Detroit Free Press A Terrible Catastrophe Sprocket I had a bad fall from my wheel last night Footleigh Hope you didnt hurt yourself Sprocket Hurt myself Thats all the sympathy I get from you Con- found ¬ it I broke three spokes in the hind wheel and two more in the other Boston Transcript Untamed Marriage said the unsophisticated youth Marriage has a civilizing effect on a man If not why is it that an old bachelor is so apt to be cross and crusty Because said the Cumminsville sage because an aid bachelor Is not afraid to say what be thinks Cincin ¬ nati Enquirer That boy of yours has put himself IDISEAbEAiND YVAii outside the pale of civilization Gracious What has he done now He is up the alley emptying the pail of beer you sent him after Exchange Ambitions Oim afraid said Mrs Dolan that Dinny is not industrious Hes ambitious enough Mrs Dolan replied Yis but thryin Is better ner prom Isln Oi loike ty see a young man put is besht fut forward But hell niver make headway if he laves it there to be admoired inshtid o bringin the other fut along up wid it Washington Star Timely Precaution A S3 1 J j Jem fill Mr Society James go to the grocers and get me a strong onion at once James An onion sir Mr Society Yes an onion I am go ing to a Leap Year ball to night Behind the Times I want a bicycle number of the Scot- tish ¬ Quarterly Review said he to tho newsdealer I dont tiling the Scottish Quarterly Review has issued a bicycle number sir No How very much behind the times Pittsburg Chronicle - Tele graph A Life Saver Puffy Just saved a mans life Guffy How was that Puffy Met a fellow on the streeu Said hed blow my brains out if I didnt give him my watch Gave him mj watch Detroit Free Press Just as Good I havent had any peace of mind at all said Mr Lushly since my wife got the bicycle craze She wants to ride does she No she wants me to ride She says she believes that a man who is out at night is as safe if hes confronted with the responsibility of getting a bicycle back as he Is if he has signed the pledge Washington Star Would Stay on the Safe Side Young Wife I always thought you were the bravest man in the world while we were courting You wouldnt go to Canada in case of another war would you dear Not if the war was with Canada Detroit Free Press At the Seashore SCS Wft -- vl B I r 1 ipo- - Farmer Wayback Say I want yer ter give me back thet quarter Thars not a duru bath tub in enny o them houses New Danger Mother Johnnie Johnnie Yessum Mother Look out for yourself there in the street if you dont the first thing you know youll be bicycled Roxbury Gazettee Hoped Not Mrs Gaswell Some people have an idea that we shall pursue in the next world the avocations which occupy our attention in this Mrs Dukane I am inclined to think there is something in the theory Oh I hope not Why Well my husband is such a con- firmed ¬ scorcher Pittsburg Chronicler Telegraph A Word Painter Daubyn tell me that he Is thinking of trying his hand at a picture of a prize fight Well I knew he was an artist in oils but I didnt know he leaned toward word painting Indianapolis Journal The Stuttering Man A stuttering man told a friend of his yesterday that very frequently he had to walk from the top to the ground floor of the tallest office buildings By the time he was able to say Down the elevator was usually four or five floors below him New York Times Kept Him Thin Wiekwire You seem to be pretty well trained down since you got your wheel and yet I never see you riding Mndge I dont have to ride It keeps me thin worrying about the payments Indianapolis Journal Tangled on the Proper Word Foreigner wishing a piece of tongue I will thank you my dear madam to pass me that language Washington Times Too Common Did you ever notice that almost all these misers reported in the papers are single men asked Mr Watts Yes answered Mrs Watts mar ¬ ried misers are too common to be worth mentioning Indianapolis Jom naJL An Old Fighter Finds Disease Harder to Batllo With than Armed Hosts From the ate City Kpokuh Ioica A reporter called on Captain A H EvanH coal dealer and member of the firm of Cliisholui Evans Co corner Main and Water streets Keokuk la and knows for himself the statements made here are true At the breaking out of flip Civil War said Captain Evans I enlisted in the army serving continuously from 1801 to 3SG5 in the Ninth New Jersey Regiment of Infantry You are identified with the Grand Army of the Republic are you not Cap ¬ tain Yes I am a member of Torrence Post No 2 Department of Iowa and served the Post as Commander during the year 1813 I am nlsHi Inspector of Grand Army Fosfs in the Department of Iowa Your health appears to be such that it allows you to fulfill your duties and enjoy life better than most men of your age Yes my health was never better than it is now and I owe it largely to a medi ¬ cine that is the medical marvel of the age What is that Captain J will tell you Last winter my usual good health began to fail me I suffered from dull feelings in my head an inclina- tion ¬ to shirk work and a general feeling of lassitude One day my wife was read- ing ¬ in a newspaper of a case similar to my own where a gentleman had been benefited by the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People and prevailed upon me to try them 1 did so purehas inpa box at McGrath Bros 500 Main street and began taking them according to directions I began taking the Pink Pills in April and they cured me and without the aid of a doctor or other medicine whatever Do other members of your family use the pills My wife has taken them and pro- nounces ¬ them the best regulator for the system she ever tried Would you hesitate to recommend the pills to others No indeed I can heartily recommend them to all who are suffering as I did for I know they will beuefit them You can say that I am always ready and willing to give information about Dr Williams Pink Pills to all who will call on me Dr Williams Pink Tills contain in a condensed form all the elements neces- sary ¬ to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves Pink Pills are sold by all dealers or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price 50 cents a box or six boxes for 250 they are never sold in bulk or by the 100 by addressing Dr Williams Medicine Company Schenectady N Y THE DOCTOR OF LONG AGO When People Were Bled and Filled with Medicine The doctor a hundred years ago and less was a more important personage than he is to day Indeed he was sec- ond ¬ only to the minister and the judge His genial face his engaging manners the sincerity with which he inquired after the carpenters daughter and the interest he took in the family of the poorest laborer made him a favorite for miles around Ho knew the names and personal history of the occupants olevery house he passed The farmers lads pulled off their hats to him and the girls dropped courtesies as he passed Sunshine or rain daylight and dark ¬ ness were alike to him He would ride ten miles in the darkest night over the worst roads in a pelting storm to ad- minister ¬ a dose of calomel to an old woman or attend a child in a fit The drugs were stowed away on the shelves of the village store among heaps of shoes Rohan hats packages of seeds and flitches of bacon Tho physician was compelled to com ¬ pound his own drugs make his own tinctures and put up his own prescrip- tions ¬ His saddle bag was the only drug store within forty miles Each spring the blood must be purified the kidneys excited and the damsel who fainted profusely bled Large doses of senna and manna and rhubarb and molasses were taken daily It is safe to say that more medicine was taken every year by the well than is now tak en by the sick in the same time Water was denied the patient tor- mented ¬ wltti fever In its stead was gives a small qaantity of clam juice Mercury was taken until the lips turn- ed ¬ blue and the gums fell away from the teeth An Easy Choice You know that Michigan is one of the few States in the Union where cap- ital ¬ punishment is forbidden by law said Frank H Hosford secretary ol the Democratic campaign committee and the people are very tenacious of the good name of the State in that re ¬ spect and although some persons in every Logislatnre fer many years have undertaken to restore the death pen airy the proposition baa always been defeated But the question TJobs up serenely with every Legislature there is any amount of oratory and long con- tests ¬ in each house of ihe Legislature Some years ago an amusing thing happened while the debate on this bill was pending in the house at Lansing Three able and loud lunged representa ¬ tives who sat near each other on the right side of the huse made succes ¬ sively Jng ami vigorous speeches on the question all in favor of the hanging bill When he last one took his seat a young man on the extreme left of the house roe quickly and said Mr Speaker I rise to a question of privi ¬ lege The gentleman will state his question of privilege sard the speak- er ¬ Mr Speaker continued the young man I want to inquire of our friends of the other side of the house whieh they think is preferable to be hanged or talked to death This statement was greeted with great applause promptly checked however and turn ¬ ed against its author by a big voiced member who rose right back of the throe offenders and called out in a boiler factory voice Well if youre go ¬ ing to talk we prefer to be hanged -- Chicago Times Herald The shallot takes Its name from its plentifulness in the vicinity of Asca loac In a Pcclc ol Trouble A dentist of Chelsea Mass the othei day was In a peck of trouble for a few minutes When it was all over though the incident seemed laughable enough The explosion of a vulcanizer In his laboratory tipped over an oil stove and caused that to blow up aleo Burning oil ran down into a two gallon can filled with kercsene This the dentist seized and started for the bathroom His wife was eo excited that she fell into the bathtub which was full water The doctor placed the blazing can on the lioor pulled his wife out of the tub took up the can again and ran with it back to the laboratory where it exploded with terrific force The fire department had been sum- moned ¬ When the firemen arrived the dentist showed them where the fire was Feeling faint he started to go down stairs to get some outer air The stairs were full of firemen The den- tist ¬ made a flying leap over their heads and when he picked himself up it was with a sprained ankle The fire was put out and the dentist is now laid up for repairs An Appeal for Assistance The man who Is charitable to himself will listen to the mute appeal for assistance made by his stomach or his liver In the shape of divers dyspeptic qualms and un ¬ easy sensations in the regions of the yland that secretes his bile IlostettOrs Stomach Bitters my dear sir or madam as the case may be Is what you require Hasten to use If you are troubled with heartburn wind In the Stomach or note that your skin or the whites of your eyes are taking a sallow hue To dream of being dressed in white means success in your next undertak ¬ ing Garden Spots of the South The Passenger Department of the Louis- ville ¬ and Nashville Railroad has just is- sued ¬ a 100 page book with the above title It is descriptive of the resources and capabilities of the soil of the coun- ties ¬ lying along this line in the slates of Kentucky Tennessee Alabama south ¬ ern Mississippi and western Florida It also con lains a county map of the above mentioned States and is well worthy of a perusal of any one interested in the South A copy will be sent to any address upon receipt of 10 cents in silver or stamps by OPAtmore Gen Pass Agt Louisville Ky Semi monthly excursions South Write for particulars Combing your hair in a dream be- tokens ¬ success in love or trade or both Hows This We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Howard for any case of catarrh that cannot bo cured by aking Halls Catarrh Cure F J CHENEY CO Props Toledo O Wo the undersigned have knownP J Chonoy for the last fifteen years and bellevo him per- fectly ¬ houorablo in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm Wost Trcax Wholoaalo Druggists Toledo O Walding Rinnan Marvin Wholosalo Drug ¬ gists Toledo Ohio Halls Catarrh Curo is taken internally acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system Price 75c per bottlo Sold by all DrucaiBts Climbing a tree while dreaming means you will attain a higher political honor Halls Vegetable Sicilian Hair Itenewer is unquestionably the best preservative ff the hdir It is also curative of dan ¬ druff tetter aiwLail scalp affections Ballot was once a little ball In many organizations ballots are still taken with marbles St Louis Globe Democrat is t so r jet nit BUT USE UII to rheu- matism JMS Doffe Jacobs and youTI find how quickly and surely S355j iSjj Ifsf 2j k35m27 to gP h if W m mm m V s r A S ine J5z cant be mind at rest ine One of out circulars to anything if Only tho suf ¬ ferer from ¬ can real out Twin s ize the ajony cause 1 by this dsetse It affects ih joints and whicn In ¬ come still and sore and cause constant suffering The cure for rheumati m 13 found in Hoods Sarsaparilla which thor- oughly ¬ purifier the blood and neutralizes fhc acid whib causes the aches and pains SarsaparilSa Is tho Host In fact the One True Blood Puriaor Hoods Pills agSpac5gr- 0KO0O0H0K0O0XXOKp- - Websters IMciiosiarv Invaluable Office School and Home I WEBSTER BiaiwmrJ S C N U it In A thorough revision otho which has been not UUplnv nor i the provision of nMterini tor i IMVlKtflll nntt aliAvw merit but th ln lutii-ini- - Rrhnlnrlv h i - -- - YwluKi iKtiVK inn wnicn in nu wie Manes of its Krowth has ob ¬ tained hi an pntinl degree the lavor and rniitldence of Bchol- - w we general ptioiic The Choicest of Gifts for Ciirist2nas Iv Vakiol 3 Sttlej of Binding us Specimen nati nt n mfiiUt G C 3IEXRIA2I CO rublisbers ajfinRneiu Mass USA The Cyclists Necessity Is the REPAIR KIT for all ACCIDENTS CTncqualed for Quickly Healing- - Larneness and Soreness of fluscles Wounds Bruises Stiffness Rheumatism Rub thoroughly with PONDS SXTSACT after each ride to keep muscles supple pliant strong fry Ponds Extract Ointment for Piles Avoid Substitutes Weak Water Worth I ess Ponos Extxact Co 76 Fifth Avenue New York Via Btm3ao 1 i imaniiKiua- - Cored DR JLSTEPHENS fiAlMHlOMIO m 49 00 Habit Cured Est In 1871 TnousandJ cured Cheap sat atftl best cure 1rekTbi al State case Dh Miksh Uuincy Mlcii SOOTHES and CURES JM6S48580000 IDSI POO I L6f UII a Constipation Kill You ANDY CATHARTIC 0 RE COIlT I PATIOH aP mMmmMWm all 1 2 50 S ammgmmi DRUGGISTS THE MOST WONDERFUL RELIABLE and EFFECTIVE MEDICINE EVER DISCOVERED pie asd booklet free Ad STEELING EESEDT CO Chicago Montreal CanorKenIori A that washing He muscles ipoeip Which costs most cyyr a sick baby or a package of Pearline Without the Pearl - Sasfel- - International theres always the prospect of sickness and perhaps worse for your baby or for - any other baby it comes from nursing bottles that are imper- fectly ¬ washed This is a source of infant trouble- - watched too closely Pearline will set your Nothing washes them so thoroughly as Pearl the largest makers of nursing bottles sends with his goods recommending Pearline for is wise for milk in any form cannot adhere washed with Pearline a va Bl v - iwimfff r - yiy Kt - Bin Tf - - The Best s Aye the Cheapest Avoid Imitations of and Sub- stitutes ¬ for SAPOLIO





rVegetable Sicilianmm renewer

Beautifies and restores GrayHair to its original color andvitality prevents baldnesscures itching and dandruffA fine hair dressingE P Hall Co Props Nashua 2 Ht

Sold by all Druggists


Apple Bnttcr Liiko GrandmothersThe first tiling to do is to secure sonic

good sweet cider apple cider and boilit half away This should be done theday before you expect to begin withthe apples I use a porcelain lined ket-


that holds five gallons Boil it halfaway and let it remain in the kettleover night on the back of the stoveXhe advantage of this is it is warm andwill begin cooking earlier As soon as

jossible the next morning I begin andprepare the apples as for sauce and putinto the eider nil it will hold Fill thepot full to the top and as itrcooks softkeep putting in more apples to keep thekettle full until it is quite thick andlet cook slowly and stir very often asIt will burn very readily if it is over toohot a fire It needs to be cooked a longtime I never finish mine in one daysimply move it back on the stove where

ifl5 it will not cook but keepT night When it is done it w

warm overill be cooked

away considerably and thick and darklike a jam or marmalade Do notsweeten until nearly done as it burnsmore quickly and by cooking away asit does it might be too sweet Usewhite sugar and sweeten to taste Iuse no spices as I consider it spoils theflavor of the cider and apples If theyare used they should be of the verybest and carefully added This recipekeeps perfectly without being put upair tight I put it in stone jars and tiea cloth over it merely to keep out dust

Practical FarmerThe Modern Mother

Has found that her 4itile ones are im-


more by the pleasant Syrup ofJFigs when iu need of the laxative enectof u gentle remedy than by any otheraudthat it is more acceptable to Uiem Chil ¬

dren enjoy it and it beuefits them Thetrue remedy Syrup of Figs is manufac-tured


by the Caliiornia Fig Syrup Com ¬

pany only

It Belonged to Her FamilyA paper is responsible for the story

that a lady when showing a gentle¬

man over her grounds the other daywas asked by him

Does not this plant belong to thebegonia family

The begonia family answered hishostess bridling up Certainly notsir it is ours and always has been

From Now Until SpringOvercoats and winter wraps will be infashion They can be discarged tempor-arily


while traveling in tiie steam healedtrains of the Chicago Milwaukee StPaul Railway For solid comfort forspeed and for safetrno other Jin oancomparewiUi this great railway of theWest

Pruning Potato VinesActing on the notion that as prun-


was good for fruit trees it wouldbenefit potato vines a citizen of Port-land


Ore clipped off the vines in apatch close to the ground as soon asthey were well up and some of thepotatoes grown there were it is saidamong the largest and finest found

A superb girl surpassingly lovely skinfair as a lily cheeks like roses and whyIt is because she uses Glenns SulphurSoap Of druggists

Cambric originally came from Cambray whence its name and calico fromCalicut

Pisos Cure for Consumption is the onlycough medicine used in my house D CAlbright Mifflinhurg Pa Dec 11 95

To dream of an anchor indicatessome unexpected success or good for-tune


IT you bave tried Dobbins Floatlnc Borax Snap youhave doclded to use It all the time If you havent triedIt you owe lttu yourself to do so Your crocer has Itor Trill tret it Be sure tbat wrapper are printed lured

Scamper originally signified only togo out of a field

Mrs WlnsiovTa SooTnixa Btbup for Childrenteetblmz softens tho jjnms reauces luflommotiontllays pain cure wind colic 25 cents a bottla

The word mob Is a Latin word sig ¬

nifying movable

Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Ry

Owns and operates 6154 miles ofthoroughly equipped road


ft traverses the best sections of theStates of

Illinois Wisconsin IowaMissouri Minnesota

South DakotaNorth Dakota and the Upper

Peninsula of Michigan

For further information address


Genera Passenger AgentCHICAGO ILL

CU8ES WHERE fill USE FAIISBest Cough Syrup Tastes Good Use I

in iiEVN gold by druggists



Pleasant Incidents Occurring thnWorld Over Sayings that Are Cheer ¬

ful to Old or Young FunnySelections that You Will Enjoy

Didnt Have ToLady Little boy Isnt your mother

railing youLittle Boy YesmWhy dont you answer her thenPops away New York Weekly

Woeful WasteThat man Beasly is the most reck-


extravagant fellow I knowWhat has he doneBought an umbrella Cleveland

Plain DealerHorse and Horse

First Horse The idea I never ex-


to see you going about with yourhair bleached

Second Horse Had to come to it Thewoman who drives me has gone in forthe new fashion of having her hairdyed red Indianapolis Journal

HiaTlcwShe Didnt you say when you asked

me to niarry you that I should be thequeen of the household

I did but I didnt mean for you tobe the boss of it Queens arent muchmore than deuce high these days In ¬

dianapolis Journal

An X Kay View

Mrs Commonplace Tbem folks nextdoor sets a fine table John They usenapkins and toothpicks

One SatisfiedIt is strange remarked the observ-


man but very few people are con-


to do what they are best qualifiedfor Painters long to be musicians andmusicians long to be authors and so itgoes

Yes replied the business man butthere are exceptions to every rule Iknow a young man who has been doingthe same thing for years and he seemsperfectly satisfied with it

What has he been doingNothing Washington Star

That Problem AgainHobson How do you stand on the

currency question TJobsohDobson Im awfully sorry old man

and Id be glad to accommodate youbut the fact is Im broke New YorkCommercial Advertiser

He Knew What He Was AboutI understand you have got married

JonesYes my friend Ive done it at lastBy Jove youve got courage to get

married in these days when women areso extravagantly fond of dresses

Oh I looked out for that My wifedont wear much of anything

WhatNo I married a ballet girl Bos-



The Coming AgreEthel Oh Maud do come and see

Here is the dearest little mouse runningall around my feet

Maud Why so he is Isnt he tameDo see him now running across to meI do think he is just about the cunningest little thing I ever saw SomervilleJournal

Womans Failing

He Women never Have anyoiminlife

She How do you knowHe Did you ever see one throw a


Sure IndicationWhat do you regard as the most re-


weather report professorThunder Detroit Free Press

A Terrible CatastropheSprocket I had a bad fall from my

wheel last nightFootleigh Hope you didnt hurt

yourselfSprocket Hurt myself Thats all

the sympathy I get from you Con-found


it I broke three spokes in thehind wheel and two more in the otherBoston Transcript

UntamedMarriage said the unsophisticated

youth Marriage has a civilizingeffect on a man If not why is it thatan old bachelor is so apt to be crossand crusty

Because said the Cumminsvillesage because an aid bachelor Is notafraid to say what be thinks Cincin ¬

nati Enquirer

That boy of yours has put himself IDISEAbEAiND YVAiioutside the pale of civilization

Gracious What has he done nowHe is up the alley emptying the pail

of beer you sent him after Exchange

AmbitionsOim afraid said Mrs Dolan that

Dinny is not industriousHes ambitious enough Mrs Dolan

repliedYis but thryin Is better ner prom

Isln Oi loike ty see a young man putis besht fut forward But hell nivermake headway if he laves it there to beadmoired inshtid o bringin the otherfut along up wid it Washington Star

Timely PrecautionA S3 1

J j Jem fill

Mr Society James go to the grocersand get me a strong onion at once

James An onion sirMr Society Yes an onion I am go

ing to a Leap Year ball to night

Behind the TimesI want a bicycle number of the Scot-


Quarterly Review said he to thonewsdealer

I dont tiling the Scottish QuarterlyReview has issued a bicycle numbersir

No How very much behind thetimes Pittsburg Chronicle - Telegraph

A Life SaverPuffy Just saved a mans lifeGuffy How was thatPuffy Met a fellow on the streeu

Said hed blow my brains out if I didntgive him my watch Gave him mjwatch Detroit Free Press

Just as GoodI havent had any peace of mind at

all said Mr Lushly since my wifegot the bicycle craze

She wants to ride does sheNo she wants me to ride She says

she believes that a man who is out atnight is as safe if hes confronted withthe responsibility of getting a bicycleback as he Is if he has signed thepledge Washington Star

Would Stay on the Safe SideYoung Wife I always thought you

were the bravest man in the worldwhile we were courting You wouldntgo to Canada in case of another warwould you dear

Not if the war was with CanadaDetroit Free Press

At the Seashore

SCS Wft -- vl B I r

1 ipo--

Farmer Wayback Say I want yerter give me back thet quarter Tharsnot a duru bath tub in enny o themhouses

New DangerMother JohnnieJohnnie YessumMother Look out for yourself there

in the street if you dont the first thingyou know youll be bicycled RoxburyGazettee

Hoped NotMrs Gaswell Some people have an

idea that we shall pursue in the nextworld the avocations which occupy ourattention in this

Mrs Dukane I am inclined to thinkthere is something in the theory

Oh I hope notWhyWell my husband is such a con-


scorcher Pittsburg ChroniclerTelegraph

A Word PainterDaubyn tell me that he Is thinking

of trying his hand at a picture of aprize fight

Well I knew he was an artist in oilsbut I didnt know he leaned towardword painting Indianapolis Journal

The Stuttering ManA stuttering man told a friend of his

yesterday that very frequently he hadto walk from the top to the ground floorof the tallest office buildings By thetime he was able to say Down theelevator was usually four or five floorsbelow him New York Times

Kept Him ThinWiekwire You seem to be pretty well

trained down since you got your wheeland yet I never see you riding

Mndge I dont have to ride It keepsme thin worrying about the payments

Indianapolis JournalTangled on the Proper Word

Foreigner wishing a piece of tongueI will thank you my dear madam to

pass me that language WashingtonTimes

Too CommonDid you ever notice that almost all

these misers reported in the papers aresingle men asked Mr Watts

Yes answered Mrs Watts mar¬

ried misers are too common to beworth mentioning Indianapolis JomnaJL

An Old Fighter Finds Disease Harder to Batllo

With than Armed Hosts

From the ate City Kpokuh IoicaA reporter called on Captain A H

EvanH coal dealer and member of thefirm of Cliisholui Evans Co cornerMain and Water streets Keokuk laand knows for himself the statementsmade here are true

At the breaking out of flip Civil Warsaid Captain Evans I enlisted in thearmy serving continuously from 1801 to3SG5 in the Ninth New Jersey Regimentof Infantry

You are identified with the GrandArmy of the Republic are you not Cap ¬

tainYes I am a member of Torrence Post

No 2 Department of Iowa and servedthe Post as Commander during the year1813

I am nlsHi Inspector of Grand ArmyFosfs in the Department of Iowa

Your health appears to be such that itallows you to fulfill your duties and enjoylife better than most men of your age

Yes my health was never better thanit is now and I owe it largely to a medi ¬

cine that is the medical marvel of theage

What is that CaptainJ will tell you Last winter my usual

good health began to fail me I sufferedfrom dull feelings in my head an inclina-tion


to shirk work and a general feelingof lassitude One day my wife was read-ing


in a newspaper of a case similar tomy own where a gentleman had beenbenefited by the use of Dr WilliamsPink Pills for Pale People and prevailedupon me to try them 1 did so purehasinpa box at McGrath Bros 500 Mainstreet and began taking them accordingto directions

I began taking the Pink Pills in Apriland they cured me and without the aidof a doctor or other medicine whatever

Do other members of your family usethe pills

My wife has taken them and pro-nounces


them the best regulator for thesystem she ever tried

Would you hesitate to recommend thepills to others

No indeed I can heartily recommendthem to all who are suffering as I didfor I know they will beuefit them Youcan say that I am always ready andwilling to give information about DrWilliams Pink Pills to all who will callon me

Dr Williams Pink Tills contain in acondensed form all the elements neces-sary


to give new life and richness to theblood and restore shattered nervesPink Pills are sold by all dealersor will be sent postpaid on receipt ofprice 50 cents a box or six boxes for250 they are never sold in bulk or by

the 100 by addressing Dr WilliamsMedicine Company Schenectady N Y


When People Were Bled and Filledwith Medicine

The doctor a hundred years ago andless was a more important personagethan he is to day Indeed he was sec-


only to the minister and the judgeHis genial face his engaging mannersthe sincerity with which he inquiredafter the carpenters daughter and theinterest he took in the family of thepoorest laborer made him a favoritefor miles around Ho knew the namesand personal history of the occupantsolevery house he passed The farmerslads pulled off their hats to him and thegirls dropped courtesies as he passedSunshine or rain daylight and dark ¬

ness were alike to him He would rideten miles in the darkest night over theworst roads in a pelting storm to ad-


a dose of calomel to an oldwoman or attend a child in a fit

The drugs were stowed away on theshelves of the village store amongheaps of shoes Rohan hats packagesof seeds and flitches of bacon

Tho physician was compelled to com ¬

pound his own drugs make his owntinctures and put up his own prescrip-tions


His saddle bag was the onlydrug store within forty miles Eachspring the blood must be purified thekidneys excited and the damsel whofainted profusely bled Large doses ofsenna and manna and rhubarb andmolasses were taken daily It is safeto say that more medicine was takenevery year by the well than is now taken by the sick in the same time

Water was denied the patient tor-mented


wltti fever In its stead wasgives a small qaantity of clam juiceMercury was taken until the lips turn-ed


blue and the gums fell away fromthe teeth

An Easy ChoiceYou know that Michigan is one of

the few States in the Union where cap-


punishment is forbidden by lawsaid Frank H Hosford secretary olthe Democratic campaign committeeand the people are very tenacious of

the good name of the State in that re ¬

spect and although some persons inevery Logislatnre fer many years haveundertaken to restore the death penairy the proposition baa always beendefeated But the question TJobs upserenely with every Legislature thereis any amount of oratory and long con-tests


in each house of ihe LegislatureSome years ago an amusing thing

happened while the debate on this billwas pending in the house at LansingThree able and loud lunged representa ¬

tives who sat near each other on theright side of the huse made succes ¬

sively Jng ami vigorous speeches onthe question all in favor of the hangingbill When he last one took his seat ayoung man on the extreme left of thehouse roe quickly and said MrSpeaker I rise to a question of privi ¬

lege The gentleman will state hisquestion of privilege sard the speak-er


Mr Speaker continued the youngman I want to inquire of our friendsof the other side of the house whiehthey think is preferable to be hangedor talked to death This statementwas greeted with great applausepromptly checked however and turn¬

ed against its author by a big voicedmember who rose right back of thethroe offenders and called out in aboiler factory voice Well if youre go ¬

ing to talk we prefer to be hanged --Chicago Times Herald

The shallot takes Its name from itsplentifulness in the vicinity of Ascaloac

In a Pcclc ol TroubleA dentist of Chelsea Mass the othei

day was In a peck of trouble for a fewminutes When it was all over thoughthe incident seemed laughable enoughThe explosion of a vulcanizer In hislaboratory tipped over an oil stove andcaused that to blow up aleo Burningoil ran down into a two gallon canfilled with kercsene This the dentistseized and started for the bathroomHis wife was eo excited that she fellinto the bathtub which was fullwater The doctor placed the blazingcan on the lioor pulled his wife out ofthe tub took up the can again andran with it back to the laboratorywhere it exploded with terrific forceThe fire department had been sum-moned


When the firemen arrived thedentist showed them where the firewas Feeling faint he started to godown stairs to get some outer air Thestairs were full of firemen The den-tist


made a flying leap over theirheads and when he picked himself upit was with a sprained ankle The firewas put out and the dentist is nowlaid up for repairs

An Appeal for AssistanceThe man who Is charitable to himself will

listen to the mute appeal for assistancemade by his stomach or his liver In theshape of divers dyspeptic qualms and un ¬

easy sensations in the regions of the ylandthat secretes his bile IlostettOrs StomachBitters my dear sir or madam as the casemay be Is what you require Hasten to useIf you are troubled with heartburn windIn the Stomach or note that your skin orthe whites of your eyes are taking a sallowhue

To dream of being dressed in whitemeans success in your next undertak ¬


Garden Spots of the SouthThe Passenger Department of the Louis-


and Nashville Railroad has just is-


a 100 page book with the above titleIt is descriptive of the resources andcapabilities of the soil of the coun-ties


lying along this line in the slatesof Kentucky Tennessee Alabama south ¬

ern Mississippi and western Florida Italso con lains a county map of the abovementioned States and is well worthy of aperusal of any one interested in the SouthA copy will be sent to any address uponreceipt of 10 cents in silver or stamps byOPAtmore Gen Pass Agt LouisvilleKy Semi monthly excursions SouthWrite for particulars

Combing your hair in a dream be-tokens


success in love or trade orboth

Hows ThisWe offer Ono Hundred Dollars Howard for

any case of catarrh that cannot bo cured byaking Halls Catarrh Cure

F J CHENEY CO Props Toledo OWo the undersigned have knownP J Chonoy

for the last fifteen years and bellevo him per-fectly


houorablo in all business transactionsand financially able to carry out any obligationsmade by their firmWost Trcax Wholoaalo Druggists Toledo OWalding Rinnan Marvin Wholosalo Drug ¬

gists Toledo OhioHalls Catarrh Curo is taken internally acting

directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces oftho system Price 75c per bottlo Sold by allDrucaiBts

Climbing a tree while dreamingmeans you will attain a higher politicalhonor

Halls Vegetable Sicilian Hair Iteneweris unquestionably the best preservativeff the hdir It is also curative of dan ¬

druff tetter aiwLail scalp affections

Ballot was once a little ball Inmany organizations ballots are stilltaken with marbles St Louis GlobeDemocrat

is t so r jet



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to anything if

Only tho suf¬

ferer from ¬

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Twin size the ajony cause 1 by this dsetse Itaffects ih joints and whicn In¬

come still and sore and cause constantsuffering The cure for rheumati m 13

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InA thorough revision otho

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tained hi an pntinl degree thelavor and rniitldence of Bchol- -w we general ptioiicThe Choicest of Gifts

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Larneness and Soreness offluscles Wounds BruisesStiffness Rheumatism

Rub thoroughly withPONDS SXTSACT aftereach ride to keep musclessupple pliant strong

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washing He


ipoeipWhich costs most

cyyra sick baby or a package ofPearline Without the Pearl -



theres always the prospectof sickness and perhaps

worse for your baby or for- any other baby it

comes from nursingbottles that are imper-


washed This isa source of infant trouble- -

watched too closely Pearline will set yourNothing washes them so thoroughly as Pearlthe largest makers of nursing bottles sendswith his goods recommending Pearline foris wise for milk in any form cannot adhere

washed with Pearline ava Bl v - iwimfff r - yiy Kt

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The Best s Aye the CheapestAvoid Imitations of and Sub-



