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Horizons February 2011

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February 2011 issue of HORIZONS magazine
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n articles

2 Editorial - How would you describe your “motor”?

6 Mission Services - 65 Years of Ministry, part one

n spotlights

5 Coming Events

6 From our Supporters

16 Memorial: Helen Myers Morse

18 Prayer Needs & Praises

n advertisement

17 Korea Christian Gospel Mission - Yoon Kwon Chae


Giving HopeAnnie became very discouraged on this homecoming visit, but then she remembred a medical team that came to her village when she was a child and how it gave both her and her sister, Ann, hope. They both worked and studied hard and were able to complete medical school in the United States and become citizens. She read to us during group devotions from Ecclesiastes 9 and focused on verse 4: “anyone who is among the living has hope.”

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2011coming events


MAY 23-24 Forwarding Agent Conference Johnson Bible College, Knoxville, Tennessee Theme: “The Work of the Forwarding Agent -- Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow” Contact information: Gerald Mattingly 865-251-2349 / [email protected]

JULY 5-8 North American Christian Convention Cincinnati, Ohio Theme: “unleashed: the church turning the world upside down” Contact information: North American Christian Convention 513-772-9970 / www.gotonacc.org

OCTOBER 6-9 National Christian Convention of the Deaf Council Bluffs, Iowa Theme: “different” President: Chad Entinger Contact information: Deaf Institute 3515 Warsaw Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45205 www.nccdeaf.org

OCTOBER 28-30 Eastern Christian Convention Hershey Convention Center, Hershey, Pennsylvania Theme: “Changed Lives” President: David Johnson, Colonial Point Christian Church Contact information: Eastern Christian Convention 410-836-6102 [email protected] / www.easterncc.com

NOVEMBER 17-20 National Missionary Convention Atlanta, Georgia Theme: “commissioned: making disciples of ALL nations” President: Wing Wong Contact information: David Empson 317-539-4231 / [email protected]

JULY 25-29 Global Gathering of the World Convention Goiania, Brazil Contact information: Gary Holloway 615-298-1824 / www.worldconvention.org________________________________________________________________________________

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Arizona ReservationMinistries• Pray for God’s leading for the newly elected Tribal Council in our area.

• Pray for the Lord to provide ser-vants to join the A.R.M. Team and wisdom reviewing appli-cants.

Around the World• D & L (restricted area) request prayer for efforts to send evan-gelistic materials into “Bugis” homes. Pray for the booklets to be received into the hands of people seeking the Lord.

• Charlie Budd (Ghana) requests prayer that, while on home assignment, he plans to make multiple trips to Haiti this year to help in ministry and outreach.

• Bill & Karleen Crandall (Ec-uador) request our prayers for the stability of the Ecuadorian government and God’s guidance as new laws are being formed concerning religious activity.

• Ask God to raise up young professionals with a heart for reaching the Arab & Muslim world.

Prayer Needs & Praisesfocus on

Celebrations• Praise and rejoice with Mission Services as 2011 marks 65 years serving mis-sions, ministries, and churches world-wide.

• Congratulations to Jim & Caranita Wolsieffer who will celebrate 40 years in Italy in 2011.

• Give praises that Madonna Burget Spratt recently completed 50 years as a missionary.

• Congratulations to Bana & Marguerite Uriah (India) as 2011 marks their 40th year serving the Lord together.

• Join in giving prayers of praise as the Polish churches celebrate the 90th an-niversary of the Fellowship of Christian Churches in that country.

Australia• Delroy & Merrilyn Brown (Toowoomba) request prayer regarding additional flooding in their area. News reports show the critical situation as many homes and lives are affected.

• Darryl & Carol Krause request prayer for the flooding situation in Australia as well. They served over 32 years in Queensland and are deeply concerned about the people in that area. They also have 3 sons and 7 grandchildren still living there.

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Team Expansion• Pray for Steve Dye (Venezu-ela) as he prepares church leaders to serve. Praise God for a new church plant, Impacto.

• Pray for Sam & Hilda Schutz (Venezuela) who were recently married. Pray that the couple will be able to obtain a visa for Hilda to travel to the U.S.

• Pray for Rebekah Hannum (Venezuela) as she works with new cell studies and church plants in Araira and Caucagua.

• Pray for healing from heart arrhythmia for Matt Johnson (Venezuela). Praise God for his recent marriage to Elsa and for several youth bap-tisms.

• Praise God for blessing Dave Linn (Venezuela) as he trav-eled and spoke on behalf of the National Missionary Convention and Restoration Revolution while on home service.

• Ask God to raise up prayer and ministry partners for M & S (sensitive field). Pray for their house to sell and for wis-dom concerning next steps.

• Pray for D & M’s new friend in a sensitive field. She does not believe in God but ap-pears willing to listen. Pray for open ears and an open heart.

Thailand• Beverley Kalnin (Frontiers Labourers for Christ) requests prayer for evangelistic outreaches in tribal villages reaching into Thailand, Myanmar, and Laos.

• F.L.C. is also involved in sewing, building, and Bible teaching programs in Thailand with a team from Fresno, California. Pray their efforts will bring spiritual revival to the villages they reach.

• F.L.C.’s Barefoot Doctor Program is be-ginning another session soon. Pray that all students will receive their Thai visas and arrive safely in Chiangmai for training.

Medical• Pray for Paul Clark (Japan) recently diag-nosed with prostate cancer. He is also battling high cholestrol and a concern for heart disease.

• Pray for David Kalb (Ghana) who is scheduled for out-patient laser surgery on March 17th to remove kidney stones. Previous procedures have failed to break up larger stones.

• Pray for Jim Wolsieffer (Italy) who recently visited a liver specialist and will undergo trial treatments to boost his immune sys-tem as he continues to battle hepatitis C.

Praise• Wayne, Martha Elba, and Vicky Hayes (Mexico) give praise that, in 2010, 47 people were immersed into Christ through the church at Aviation Colony. The church now averages attendance around 350.

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