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THE WASHIXGTOX TIIE SUNDAY AFGFST 1 1000 2 I BARCELONA Situation at Madrid Acute King Receiyed With Marked Coldness Continued from Firat Page Plainly the effects of the strain he ted been under His mea could be heard throughout the house as he bade each member of the family goodby The Queens apearanc was so distraught that she dared not accompany her husband to the station Thert are some who believe that Al- fonso has gone to his death in Madrid At first it was planned that the Queen would accompany the King but on advices from Senor Maura It was suddenly determined that the King Lad best make the trip alone FALL OF CABINET ABOUT ONLY HOPE MADRID Aug L Only the resigna- tion of the Maura cabinet it now seems quell the insUrrectlou which te now brewing over Spam and which it is apparent has been planned tor some- time Troops are posted everywhere The loyalty of the garrison here is unques- tioned but the strictest discipline te being maintained nevertheless Every possible kind of story that will stir the spirit of insurrection is being cir- culated The Queens apparent mdil- iorence to the poorer subjects of his i jesty ic being magnified as the story parses from mouth to mouth Reports that the Queen still adheres to Protestant religion are among those used to incite the public mind The Spanish Red Cross Is organising relief corys on a large scale Queen Victoria has accepted the position of August Protectress the body Mar tiuis Polaveijo has left fur Malaga where the wounded are ar- riving He will assume charge of the hospital arrangements SHOCKING STORIES ARE LEAKING OUT PARIS Aug 1In an intervIew with- a Madrid representative of the Figsjo De La Cterva minister of the interior Is quoted The insurrection at Barcelona watt terrible I dont know that there has 1een anything so awful Commune Incendiarism bathing In streets with con- vents destroying railroads and ex- ploding of dynamite all had their snare the uprising Shocking tales of cruelty to monks and nuns are creeping through from the French frontier at Cerbere Up to Thursday noon it is said the mob had he upper hand and its greatest fury YI as spent against the church and its representatives monks aad nuns being killed and beaten as they ran from burning convents When the govern inont became master situation it just as ruthless In striking down the ringleaders of the Insurrectionists AUTOPSY ON BODY OF CHINESE Wing Able to Identify His Assailant Before Dying NEW YOltK Aug JAn autopsy i as performed today on the body Loeh Wing Chinese vice consul in New York personal friend of Wu Tingfang and graduate of Harvard who was shot vesterday by Matuda Woung a Chins man in the consulate office 1 Broad- way and who died last night in St Gregorys Hcspltal Before his death Loch Wing wa able to identify his assailant HOSTILITIES CEASE QUIET an the In- n lnluala be the in ot the was CONSUL- Loch of the tele- graphic < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ROBBERY SUSPECT PROVES TO BE SON Old Man Breaks Down When He Unexpectedly Confronts Own Boy at Cell PHILADELPHIA Aug L When Will- iam W Carr came to elty today to appear against a man who is said to have robbed store at Ivyland Bucks ruunty yesterday and confronted the prisoner In police station he found ihat the man under arrest was his own eon Spencer Carr the held himself erect and hardly glanced at his father But the old man unable to witiwtarfd the shock broice down sad wept How could you do be asked THl that it wasnt you Spencer tll me that It Is all a mistake Thf old man turned to Magistrate carey and begged him with tears te- iflfaa his son the magistrate de- clined to do Died MJRPHTOn Saturday July a 1 1135 p m at his residence Stt K MM southwest JOHN J beloved husband Of the late K tlierte B Murphy Nottc of fuieral hereafter It hU home in Gardiner M July M 19 EI MUND J BROOKINO8 of Washington D K COPPKRFMITHOn Saturday July a 1M at ll a m EMMA wife of William E Coppertinith aged ctxtyffix year FMITH At K ihlehrai N H July M 1MB at 630 TI m CORNfiUA FRANCES be- loved wife of Thome C Smith V I L8ON Departed Saturday July 31 ai 4S a m 1TRANCE8 E WU RON Barley beloved wife of Bruce WilsoB DM W street northwest and daunh- ifr of JobS Barley and late Ella Logan In Memoriam ING RAM in loving remembrance of our dar mother SARAH A INGRAM who departed Ms one year a o today Tis but see year Yet sUB SMSM U ecer Th more hearts grow fonder Htr o r la at rest At tn glory And tIt to Mesa UKDERTAKERS HARRY M PADGETT 7W llta it 8 E tbune LJnc I3t- JyU Ot J WILLIAM LEE JJ2 Pa av X W Waanlngtoa D C Telephone Main 18 FUNERAL DESIGNS FUNERAL DESIGNS- of every daeertptlon moderately yrtoed GUDE this his the IOU me at 1a this ut a teas the Jarle Ute we u abu hut It By Her Children VNDlBTAXE AND EX1ALMER V11E1IlAXE AND LxvxuZr uu F K W ItT iNS alea her a at t ¬ ¬ > ¬ J Sherwood Succeeds WM Smith Almshouse Made- SelfSupporting WASHINGTON TIMES BUREAU v ALEXANDRIA VA AUGUST 1 Joshua Sherwood who or many years las been an efficient member of the Alexandria police department and who was recently elected keeper of the alms- house and workhouse this morning as- sumed the management of those insti- tutions W M Smith who for a long- time has been the keeper of the alms- house retired last evening aqd this nru rnbig Keeper Sherwood took up the management Mr Sherwood Intends to malts ex- tensive changes st the workhouse and next season expects to hav It a aetf sustaining institution He intends to place aU the ablebodied men who come under his supervision at work on the farm and in this Manner he will have help enough to supply ute needs of the almshouae and workhouse R E Lee Camp Confederate Veter- ans will hoW a meeting at their hall In Prince street tomorrow At this meeting much be transacted work of arranging the isfactorqy 8iid it expected that a formal opening of the museum will take place next taB Club to Debate The Young Mens Senate will hold a called meeting at the Young Peoples building in South Washington street next Tuesday evening At this meeting arrangements wiif be sides chosen fer the debate which win be held on the evening of Tuesday August 19 when th Question Resolved TbatvTIexandrln shall be reetrooeded to the District of Columbia will be discussed The funeral of the late Mrs Reverts Gorlmm will be held from her home SIC South street tomorrow afternoon- at 3 oclock Mrs was flfty- five years of age and is survived by four children A baseball game will be played on the new in Al fred street next Tuesday afternoon at 430 oclock between a composed of lawyers and one of An inter estngi contest fe promised Recognition Day Services Recognition Day services were this afternoon held at the First Baptist Church at Clarendon Alexandria coda ty Va They were conducted by the Rev W S O Thomas the pastor and the Rev W F Watson pastor of the First Baptist Church of thin city preached the sermon The singing of the front the First Church was a feature The Rex R Combs preached at S Pauls Protestant Episcopal Church this morning At the Second Presbyterian Church the Rev T M Holiday occupied the at all the services at the Mthodlst Episcopal Church SoBth was oenupled this morn- ing by the Rev JJ Rives and this evening the Rev Mr Cole will preach At the First Baptist Church this morn- ing special services were held hi honor of the first anniversary of the present pastorate The Rev W F Watson took for the of Ms sermon Forward Movement This evening Mr Watson will take for his subject No Continuing City Here Ferdinand Mankin Dies F Morris Murray colored reported the police that he had found a rosining in his yard at the corner el Princess and Alfred streets at an early hour this morning The horse wes r- to a stable to its owner POLICEMAN HEADS TWO INSTITUTIONS I evenIng pert L The 110 museum of the camp 1 progressing sat ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Word has been received in this city of the death at Lewinsville Va Jut of Ferdinand Ma kin a former Alexandrian son of Alec Mankin Mr Mankins funeral will be held from his home in Lewinsville next Tuesday at noon Frederick Williams colored created- a disorder at the opera house last evening antI was arrested by Policeman Bell At Christ Protestant Episcopal Church Dr S A Wafts of the Seminary conducted all the services and preached in the absence of the Rev W J Morton the pastor who is tak his vacation CHINAMEN IN JAIL FOR HOLDING GIRLS Sensation Expected to Follow Case Against Members of Sunday School Class FRANKLIN Pa Aug L Three Chinamen Ling Wtm Lu Chang Tu and Sun Lee members of a Sunday school class were arrested here on a charge of harboring white girls in their laundry The police found a pretty seventeenyearold white girl there The arrests and the Intimation that- a number of girls of good families have been in the habit of paying secret visits to thp Chinamen have stirred the town Sensational developments are expected Tilt H Kltu PfpHTtnvnt Rivfs tli in wiiiHi THE VELVET KIND is manufactured a rating of lo per ient A product pure HS tile plant is clean Price List Upon Request CkapiaSaeks Co 1st and M Sts N Phone Lincoln 380 You save money and still Cook best and cleanest and quickest use COKE We supply any quantity fiusHela Large CaUe delivered UM- Bwhela Large deUTer I- M Large Coke delivered UM Bushels Cnubed Coke delivered I 46 Bushel Crushed Ceke I- C niwhela Crushed delivered 3 I Washington Gaslight Co S Tenth St N W t the Rey as Manufacturing or t- I Consistent t I u a Coke t Jag 4 4 C C C C C C Ss 4 S S C Saving < Coke L7i Bushels use delivered i > + Possible That Hearriig May- Be Resumed Late This Week The Navy Departments formal re- fusal to accede to the request of James N Button who asked that the inquiry sons death at Annapolis- be restored Its former status and that she be relieved of the enforced role of seeming prosecutor of some officer probably will be made public tomorrow With the North Carolina aboard which are Lieutenant Utley and Surgeon Cook two vital witnesses within two days of Provincetown it is possible that the naval board may resume its delib- erations before the end of the week Davis to Remain- It is now believed that Henry E Davis of counsel for the Suttons will continue in the case despite the ruing of the Department against him and de- spite his inclination to withdraw when tin inquiry board without a moments warning terminated the Investigation suddenly last week by deciding that Mrs Sutton should be regarded as a complainant and he officers with Lieu tenant Sutton when he died as defend- ants in the proceedings Mr Davis was harsh in his criticism- of this turn of affairs maintaining that it placed the mother in a in that she had secured a reopening of the now famous case with a view to Ascertaining how h r son died and not with the idea of prosecuting- at least before p naval court she believed to have had 9 hand in his death which was coiled iy the first board suicide Not Quitters We are not qu4tters nald Mrs Rose Sutton Parker the sistftr or the dead lieutenant when asked if they would continue their fight despite the apparent setback given by the Inquliy board and now approved by the Navy Department We are in the fight to the end to clear James N Suttons name We do not want to be called accusers however For the present we only seek the facts and have no to see the officer with my brother when he died arraigned as defendants The department holds it is under stood that the of the board that Mrs Sutton and the brother offi- cers of Sutton should assume roles that neither relished in no ways affects the real investigation The formal refusal of the department to accept the con- struction puts upon this action bv Mrs Sutton and her attorneys Messrs Davis and Van Dyke who entered a lengthy and vigorous against the whole proceeding it is understood sets forth the following Ruling in Case There would seem to be impropriety- in the courts action In regarding Mrs Sutton as a complainant or accuser This in no way shifts the burden of the proof as you apparently assume as the court Is in no respect a trial court nor does it place upon Mrs Sutton nor her counsel the burden of determining who was responsible for Lieutenant death That te tie of the court The department must therefore decline to accede to your request to vacate the Should the jforth CarQllna be two or three days Inquiry win hardly be before Monday next as the court ordinarily would take an adjournment on Friday for the week- end Upon arrival under the de partments final decision Lieutenant must be placed in the category of a defendant to proceed as was done with other officers present at Suttons death and involved in the campus fight nearly two years ago BABY IS MISSING AFTER EARLY FIRE Think Infant Perished of Suffoca SUTTON WITNESSES ARE SOON Int po itlon anyone I ot re t EXPECTED Ifs Sut- ton the court ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ tion Three Others Injured Loss Reaches 3000 BOSTON Mass Aug 1 Three peo- ple were seriously burned and a baby is reported missing as the result of an early morning fire in the threestory brick dwelling at 12 Corning street Shortly after 3 oclock this morning a kerorene lamp expleded in the apart- ments of James and Sarah Gately who occupy the building netting fire to the house Before they were rescued they were severely burned Alexander Cameron a lodger was also badly burned and all three were re- moved to the City Hospital A baby belonging to the Gatelys was found to be missing after the lire and is believed to have perished from suffocation Another lodger Roger Dorsey who sought safety on the roof was rescued by firemen He was also badly Injured The damage amounted to 3000 to- day ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I Rhine Wine front Shoornaker s rf II jill j J Exciting Meeting Held by 5000 Employes of the Pressed Steel Compar PITTSBURG Pa Aug 5000 striking employee of the Proved Steel Car Company held an exciting meeting- at Schoenville this morning The tem- per of the strikers is ugly and the local authorities and members of the State police guarding the big plant look for serious trouble this week The flat denial of the company offi- cials that negotiations on for a settlement and the equally emphatic declaration of the strike leaders that President Hoffstot did receive a dele- gation and begin consideration of a plan to settle the trouble provoked angry talk this morning The strikers say they are being double crossed roe leaders maintain that tne strike will be ended by Tuesday J H A CHIT vice chairman of the strikers committee hearing tfye rumor last night that company officiate had talked for the press on the supposed peace conference yes rday declared this was in direct violation of what had been agreed to the meeting Both employers and em ployes he said promisee not to talk until an agreement was reached or negotiations were declared off If the company broken this agreement or does break It Carr it will take just two hours Monday morning for us to show what we will do What the strikers proposed to do in thom two hours Carr would not say There are rumors about Schoenville of a big shapeup among managers of the car plant following a visit yesterday afternoon o tne board of and stockholders One report is that the stockholders frankly expressed their disapproval of that was being done their that harsh words were exchanged TILLMAN PURCHASES- A HIGHPRICED RAM Southerner While on Lecture Tour Pays 250 for Prize Rambouillet COLUMBUS Ohio Aug 1 Senator Ben Tillman while on a lecture tour stopped at Marysville went to the Max welton farm and bought a prize ram oC the Rambouillet species for 360 Sena- tor Tillman came on to Columbus where hte met William Jennings Bryan also en tour Tillman is to speak at a picnic here next Thursday with Governor Harmon The picnic Is to be held at an amusement park and Tillman re fused to speak because informed he was being used as a side show annex Gov ernor Harmon having sanctioned the af fair however he reconsidered and will speak NEGRO GIVES LIQUOR TO Mi OR IS CHARGE William Douglas Is ArrestedrrGirl Apparently Intoxicated Taken To Hospital Charged with giving liquor to a minor William Douglas a negro twenty three years old is locked up at the Seventh precinct station Pearl Gray a twelveyearold colorea girl was found on the street last night in an apparently intoxicated condition She became hysterical tvhcn taken to the station house sad her condition was such that she was taken to the Georgetown University Hospital Alberta a fourteenyearold colored girl was found an condition late last night in a house in ONeils court southwest She was taken to the Emergency Hospital The police were unable to she got the liquor and after treatment at the hos Incorrigibility BARKING OF DOG ALARM OF FIRE i POUGHKBBPSIE Aug LThe bark- ing of her shepherd dog and his tugging at her bedclothes aroused Mrs Tyldsley of Milbrook from a sound sleep early this morning She got up wondering what the animal was so disturbed about Looking out of the front window she saw that the front of C B Reardons furniture store was ablaze Mrs Tyldsley sounded the alarm and helped her neighbors form a bucket brigade and put out the fire AFRAID STRIKERS MAY no VIOLENCE 1The are at de- clared DoNe she was locked up on a charge has much namead r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Is the most delicious sum mer drink there is Its pure fight refreshing Shoomakers seal upon the bottle assures unsur passed excellence and quality Youll enjoy it to the last drop August V Noack Jr Geo A Williamson Pros and Treas Secretary Shoo makers 13314333 E Street ¬ ¬ ATLANTIC CITY CROWD BREAKS ALL RECORDSC- ots and Porch Rockers Sell at Filled and Autoists Use Prom- ised If Ministers Stop Ball Game PremiumGarages StreetsExcitement ATLANTIC CITY N J Aug 1 CJoes to a quarter of million visitors are placing their faith in the who predicted generally fair the coast elites and Atlantic Citys population today is largest ever known for the first August Sunday Cots and even rockers were at a premium last night for use of tired comers who had failed to reserve accommodations in hotels and baggage laden visitors paid high prices for the new beds left in hostelries whose smiling managers told tales of the se- verest rush of season Morning trains today brought down thousand of oneday TU urslonlats who dared the leaden skies of last night to prepare for a Ag and happy Sunday at the shore An spite of showers predicted likely by the weather harpe who hard- ly dampen the enthusiasm of the sea shore throngs The rush of last night overtopped all former figures for travel and left rail- road officials perspiring over the prob- lem of getting their patrons into the re sort Trains running in sections hard ly accommodated the August travelers while local garages turned to less fre quented streets as storage room for the overflow of automobiles that filled every available space under roof long before the final arrivals struck the city at midnight Owners of barns and other shacks started foundations of fortunes Three Are Seriously Injured When Collision Occurs Near Toledo TOLEDO Ohio Aug 1 Several par- sons were Injured three seriously when an Inbound electric car from Point Place struck a wagon carrying scen- ery of the Burgomaster company early today near the Casino Charles W Meek former Judge of the police court had his legs severely in- jured and was otherwise bruised Claude Sulkenburg Jackson Mich an electrician had an arm broken and was badly Injured internally John W Dowd former superintendent of the To- ledo schools was badly bruised and Prank Va LoG secretary of the board of elections had his shoulder twisted and was Internally injured Otto Wit rter a motorman was badly cut by glape Frank Berger and A R Ifpung wore painfully bruised Who collision occurred at a dark joint In the roadway and resulted in demol- ishing the scenery and wagon besides badly damaging the ear LOVE MESSAGE ON EGG BEDFORD Ind Aug 1 Near Bono lives Miss Daisy Talbott a farmers daughter who wrote her lame and ad dress on an egg which wa sold to a huckster The latter shipped it and it fell into the hands of Joseph Palmer of Decatur Ind who wrote to Miss Tal bott and she answered Letters were exchanged often and in course of time a proposal of marriage was accepted by the yeung woman which resulted re- cently In a wedding for the porch late big the GAR HITS WAGON SEVEN ARE HURT a weather- man ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ by renting out their spaces to house the stream of cars Even ground space brought a premium when the owners of machines found that the regular accom- modations were gone Claiming their right to run Sunday vaudeville so long as the local political baseball syndicate continues Sabbath managers of boardwalk and pier thea- ters may decide to define the law this afternoon and night despite the experi- ence of Manager W H Barrett of the Criterion Theater who paid a 200 fine yesterday for refusing to close his house Sunday In preparation for the coming war Chlcfaof Police Woodruff has is- sued a warning to the effect that arrests will follow all attempts to run vaude- ville and will be placed- in every theater this afternoon to re port on the sort of sacred concerts given As a result of the local excitement over promises of ministers to close up the resort on a Puritan basis if Sunday baseball is continued the entire city is interested In the probable action of the this afternoon wher a game between the local nine and the Reading team Is scheduled at Inlet Park Managers of the de- clared that they will go on while the ministerial objectors promise as faith- fully to make trouble which will include closing of Sunday saloons if the game is attempted Hundreds of visitors will attend the game in hopes that drastic action In the line of arrests may cause excite- ment TAFT ID SCOTT West Virginia Senator Guest of President at Church Senator Nathan B Scott was Presi- dent Tafts guest at church thfsi morn ingAn early visitor to the White Housed tha President invited the Senator to ac- company him to All Souls Church and pear the Rev Dr U G B Pierce preach his final sermon before the annual sum mer closing of the church The Presi- dent and the Senator arrived just be fore the beginning of the service and occupied the Presidents pew People cannot be made good by Dr PIerce declared during the course of his sermon on Authority The Plan of making people go to shurch by closing all the other places wont work Man must have the sense to be good in his heart he must recog nize the authority of God in the man who is Interpreting Gods word on earth iJe must be endowed with the spirit of to the authority At conclusion of the service the President and Senator Scott were driven Wlllard Hotel where Sen ator Scott was dropped and President Taft returned to the White House There was a very small congregation at the church this and very few people waited to see the President as lie came out All Souls Church will be closed until tho first Sunday In October KISS COSTS 280 ALTOONA Pa Aug they defied the conventionalities and publicly kissed and embraced each other on the street James Marie and Minnie Brant ner were arrested spent Ute night in the lockup and were fined each magnat HEAR OR PIERCE com- pulSion 1Because 280 ames f ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I CREDIT IS YOUR PURSE I j I- Store Closes 5P M Saturdays 6 P M t- I August Furniture Bargains I Easy Credit Terms The Hub Rose Bed A Matchless Underselling Special 9 at 595- I I IID I I bent I tubing hand decorated steel panels at head arid 5 95 foot shown In green and white 11 value Our bargain price 1 I This 850 Combination Felt and Fiber Mattress I 57 5- h i i I TIc J t mat and mot Mattress Over of r tIt nnrV ITleJ with a dcan springy 5 7 5 fAl- ombinatln fdt and fiLr and ovHed with t- llI tI Ig UltU An alac cial I- I TheHu1b 1 mrnhft I Q Southeast Corner Seventh and D Northwest Ijj ttTHE STORE THAT SAVES MONEY I r 1 I i H r- A beautifully designed Bed buIlt of heav continuous w special 4dk ftc sanitary ferel I C c 1 s Spt for C Streets I YOU > We want young people who wish to be isif- BportJ3ff and bor fcead COSMOS No charge unless ymi aro- entlcy oaMsUed Woods Commercial School 311 EAST CAPITOL STBEET SPECIAL NOTICES WASHINGTON RAILWAY RELIEF Excursion 1 The tot lowing numbers have been voted ear 12W2 OKI I7 750 40W 15860 MW13 27 WmT 18392 liStt 300 MsS H791 272SO K1K 26066 IbiS 1 7 Ztttt 2SW 1738 lulL 11KS 44i O44 1SB7 11709 NIL Can be had by present ing coupon at the office of the Superin tendent of Transportation 14th and East Capitol SU aul3t I WILL NOT PAY ANY BILLS MADB by my wife Annie L Lewis R HENRY LEWIS Riverdale Md aul3t BANKRUPT I OGK Of HumphlettSmoot Co Norfolk Va gives the Washington Public AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES Mens Womens and Chit drens Shoes are included ROBT BERSERIOHS SONS Washingtons Largest and Mo6 Progressive Shoe Mouse 16182022 7th Street Established ISO can be made sound and beautiful again by Dr Patton Examina- tion and advice FREE Plates guaranteed not to beautiful last a lifetime Painless Free When Teeth Are Ordered GoldSilver Cement CSOW2TS AND St 3R BBZDOEWOS3C 3 TO PAINLESS DENTIST U2HOST DENTAL PAS1OES 910 r STBE- ETectai None better Imported Ab solutely pure aad warranted Sold in Halves and Qnor- Valuable Presents given pith i pack- age The Great Atlantic 2- Pacific Tea Co Main Store 607 7th at 9 Branches In the City You You can get It at Andrews Special for This Week White Crepe Paper Napkins tOe per 100 B 7 AWDBEWS PAPEB CO Largest Paper House South of New York VC52729 La Ave X W Summer Dresses aDd Tailored Suits Worth 20 2250 25 and 30 BON Comic Opera Scores Reduced to 49c Regular Selling Price 200 Tattooed Man Miss Dolly Dollars Toreador- S argeant Blue Mummy Monarch Chaperons Social Whirl Yankee Jewel of Asia And nv ny others P 925 Pa Ave N for itself every time An extra neat booklet a betterthan usual circular always receives attention Wilkens work is Quality A in re Hth and E StsN W 1 t l Our Jytf UfO 4 7017 30000 SUMMER FOOTWEAR DECAYING ACHING TEETH ab- solutely dropmost Extra ting ILLI GS Ii DW DR PATTON Tea to cult all test Coo PEE ers n Near 950 MARC liE st 1 I Droop gDS I Quality PrintingPa- ys Eli GRADE T C gtzii 1ri hpt aOUND- c Jf each ii I wk 314310 Seventh F W- It j V every le- ct4j ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ > ¬ <<
Page 1: HOSTILITIES CEASE POLICEMAN BREAKS ALL€¦ · I 2 THE WASHIXGTOX TIIE SUNDAY AFGFST 1 1000 BARCELONA Situation at Madrid Acute King Receiyed With Marked Coldness Continued from Firat



Situation at Madrid AcuteKing Receiyed With

Marked Coldness

Continued from Firat PagePlainly the effects of the strain he tedbeen under His mea could be heardthroughout the house as he bade eachmember of the family goodby TheQueens apearanc was so distraughtthat she dared not accompany herhusband to the station

Thert are some who believe that Al-fonso has gone to his death in MadridAt first it was planned that the Queenwould accompany the King but on

advices from Senor Maura Itwas suddenly determined that the KingLad best make the trip alone



MADRID Aug L Only the resigna-tion of the Maura cabinet it now seems

quell the insUrrectlou which te nowbrewing over Spam and which it isapparent has been planned tor some-time

Troops are posted everywhere Theloyalty of the garrison here is unques-tioned but the strictest discipline tebeing maintained nevertheless Everypossible kind of story that will stirthe spirit of insurrection is being cir-culated The Queens apparent mdil-iorence to the poorer subjects of hisi jesty ic being magnified as the storyparses from mouth to mouth Reportsthat the Queen still adheres toProtestant religion are among thoseused to incite the public mind

The Spanish Red Cross Is organisingrelief corys on a large scale QueenVictoria has accepted the position of

August Protectress the body Martiuis Polaveijo has left fur Malaga

where the wounded are ar-riving He will assume charge of thehospital arrangements



PARIS Aug 1In an intervIew with-a Madrid representative of the FigsjoDe La Cterva minister of the interiorIs quoted

The insurrection at Barcelona wattterrible I dont know that there has1een anything so awfulCommune Incendiarism bathing Instreets with con-vents destroying railroads and ex-ploding of dynamite all had their snare

the uprisingShocking tales of cruelty to monks and

nuns are creeping through from theFrench frontier at Cerbere Up toThursday noon it is said the mob had

he upper hand and its greatest furyYI as spent against the church and itsrepresentatives monks aad nuns beingkilled and beaten as they ran fromburning convents When the governinont became master situation it

just as ruthless In striking downthe ringleaders of the Insurrectionists



Wing Able to Identify His

Assailant BeforeDying

NEW YOltK Aug JAn autopsy i asperformed today on the body LoehWing Chinese vice consul in NewYork personal friend of Wu Tingfangand graduate of Harvard who was shotvesterday by Matuda Woung a Chinsman in the consulate office 1 Broad-way and who died last night in StGregorys Hcspltal

Before his death Loch Wing wa ableto identify his assailant






n lnluala



ot thewas













Old Man Breaks Down When He

Unexpectedly Confronts Own

Boy at CellPHILADELPHIA Aug L When Will-

iam W Carr came to elty today toappear against a man who is said tohave robbed store at Ivyland Bucksruunty yesterday and confronted theprisoner In police station he foundihat the man under arrest was his owneon

Spencer Carr the held himselferect and hardly glanced at his fatherBut the old man unable to witiwtarfdthe shock broice down sad wept

How could you do be askedTHl that it wasnt you Spencertll me that It Is all a mistake

Thf old man turned to Magistratecarey and begged him with tears te-

iflfaa his son the magistrate de-clined to do

DiedMJRPHTOn Saturday July a 1

1135 p m at his residence Stt K MMsouthwest JOHN J beloved husband Ofthe late K tlierte B Murphy

Nottc of fuieral hereafter IthU home in Gardiner M

July M 19 EI MUND J BROOKINO8of Washington D K

COPPKRFMITHOn Saturday July a 1Mat ll a m EMMA wife of William ECoppertinith aged ctxtyffix year

FMITH At K ihlehrai N H July M 1MBat 630 TI m CORNfiUA FRANCES be-loved wife of Thome C Smith

V I L8ON Departed Saturday July31 ai 4S a m 1TRANCE8 E WURON Barley beloved wife of BruceWilsoB DM W street northwest and daunh-ifr of JobS Barley and late Ella Logan

In MemoriamING RAM in loving remembrance of our

dar mother SARAH A INGRAM whodeparted Ms one year a o today

Tis but see yearYet sUB SMSM U ecer

Th morehearts grow fonder

Htr o r la at restAt tn glory

And tIt to Mesa


HARRY M PADGETT7W llta it 8 E tbune LJnc I3t-

JyU Ot

J WILLIAM LEEJJ2 Pa av X W Waanlngtoa D C

Telephone Main 18


FUNERAL DESIGNS-of every daeertptlon moderately yrtoed









this uta






It By Her Children


V11E1IlAXE AND LxvxuZr

uu F K W



alea her








J Sherwood Succeeds WMSmith Almshouse Made-



Joshua Sherwood who or many yearslas been an efficient member of theAlexandria police department and whowas recently elected keeper of the alms-house and workhouse this morning as-

sumed the management of those insti-tutions W M Smith who for a long-

time has been the keeper of the alms-house retired last evening aqd thisnru rnbig Keeper Sherwood took up themanagement

Mr Sherwood Intends to malts ex-

tensive changes st the workhouse andnext season expects to hav It a aetfsustaining institution He intends toplace aU the ablebodied men who comeunder his supervision at work on thefarm and in this Manner he will havehelp enough to supply ute needs of thealmshouae and workhouse

R E Lee Camp Confederate Veter-ans will hoW a meeting at their hallIn Prince street tomorrow Atthis meeting much betransacted work of arranging theisfactorqy 8iid it expected that aformal opening of the museum will takeplace next taB

Club to DebateThe Young Mens Senate will hold a

called meeting at the Young Peoplesbuilding in South Washington streetnext Tuesday evening At this meetingarrangements wiif besides chosen fer the debate which winbe held on the evening of TuesdayAugust 19 when th Question

Resolved TbatvTIexandrln shallbe reetrooeded to the District ofColumbia

will be discussed

The funeral of the late Mrs RevertsGorlmm will be held from her home SIC

South street tomorrow afternoon-at 3 oclock Mrs was flfty-five years of age and is survived byfour children

A baseball game will be played onthe new in Alfred street next Tuesday afternoon at430 oclock between a composed oflawyers and one of An interestngi contest fe promised

Recognition Day ServicesRecognition Day services were this

afternoon held at the First BaptistChurch at Clarendon Alexandria codaty Va They were conducted by theRev W S O Thomas the pastor andthe Rev W F Watson pastor of theFirst Baptist Church of thin citypreached the sermon The singing ofthe front the First Churchwas a feature

The Rex R Combs preached at SPauls Protestant Episcopal Church thismorning

At the Second Presbyterian Churchthe Rev T M Holiday occupied the

at all the servicesat the Mthodlst Episcopal

Church SoBth was oenupled this morn-ing by the Rev J J Rives and thisevening the Rev Mr Cole will preach

At the First Baptist Church this morn-ing special services were held hi honorof the first anniversary of the presentpastorate The Rev W F Watson tookfor the of Ms sermon ForwardMovement This evening Mr Watsonwill take for his subject No ContinuingCity Here

Ferdinand Mankin DiesF Morris Murray colored reported

the police that he had found arosining in his yard at the corner elPrincess and Alfred streets at an earlyhour this morning The horse wes r-to a stable to its owner









museum of the camp 1 progressing sat







Word has been received in this cityof the death at Lewinsville Va Jut

of Ferdinand Ma kin a formerAlexandrian son of Alec Mankin MrMankins funeral will be held from hishome in Lewinsville next Tuesday atnoon

Frederick Williams colored created-a disorder at the opera house lastevening antI was arrested by PolicemanBell

At Christ Protestant Episcopal ChurchDr S A Wafts of the

Seminary conducted all the services andpreached in the absence of the RevW J Morton the pastor who is tak

his vacation



Sensation Expected to Follow Case

Against Members of Sunday

School ClassFRANKLIN Pa Aug L Three

Chinamen Ling Wtm Lu Chang Tuand Sun Lee members of a Sundayschool class were arrested here on acharge of harboring white girls in theirlaundry The police found a prettyseventeenyearold white girl there

The arrests and the Intimation that-a number of girls of good families havebeen in the habit of paying secret visitsto thp Chinamen have stirred the townSensational developments are expected

Tilt H Kltu PfpHTtnvnt Rivfs tliin wiiiHi THE VELVET KIND

is manufactured a rating of lo per ientA product pure HS tile plant is clean

Price List Upon RequestCkapiaSaeks Co

1st and M Sts N Phone Lincoln 380

You save money and still Cookbest and cleanest and quickest

use COKE We supplyany quantity

fiusHela Large CaUe delivered UM-Bwhela Large deUTer I-

M Large Coke delivered UMBushels Cnubed Coke delivered I

46 Bushel Crushed Ceke I-C niwhela Crushed delivered 3 IWashington Gaslight Co

S Tenth St N W t

the Rey





Consistent t






4 4 C C C C C C Ss 4 S S C


< Coke L7iBushels

usedelivered i


Possible That Hearriig May-

Be Resumed Late ThisWeek

The Navy Departments formal re-

fusal to accede to the request ofJames N Button who asked that theinquiry sons death at Annapolis-be restored Its former status and thatshe be relieved of the enforced role ofseeming prosecutor of some officerprobably will be made public tomorrow

With the North Carolina aboardwhich are Lieutenant Utley and SurgeonCook two vital witnesses within twodays of Provincetown it is possible thatthe naval board may resume its delib-erations before the end of the week

Davis to Remain-It is now believed that Henry E

Davis of counsel for the Suttons willcontinue in the case despite the ruingof the Department against him and de-spite his inclination to withdraw whentin inquiry board without a momentswarning terminated the Investigationsuddenly last week by deciding thatMrs Sutton should be regarded as acomplainant and he officers with Lieutenant Sutton when he died as defend-ants in the proceedings

Mr Davis was harsh in his criticism-of this turn of affairs maintaining thatit placed the mother in ain that she had secured a reopening ofthe now famous case with aview to Ascertaining how h r son diedand not with the idea of prosecuting-at least before p naval courtshe believed to have had 9 hand in hisdeath which was coiled iy the firstboard suicide

Not QuittersWe are not qu4tters nald Mrs Rose

Sutton Parker the sistftr or the deadlieutenant when asked if they wouldcontinue their fight despite the apparentsetback given by the Inquliy board andnow approved by the Navy Department

We are in the fight to the end to clearJames N Suttons name We do notwant to be called accusers howeverFor the present we only seek the factsand have no to see theofficer with my brother when he diedarraigned as defendants

The department holds it is understood that the of the boardthat Mrs Sutton and the brother offi-cers of Sutton should assume roles thatneither relished in no ways affects thereal investigation The formal refusalof the department to accept the con-

struction puts upon this action bv MrsSutton and her attorneys Messrs Davisand Van Dyke who entered a lengthyand vigorous against the wholeproceeding it is understood sets forththe following

Ruling in Case

There would seem to be impropriety-in the courts action In regarding MrsSutton as a complainant or accuserThis in no way shifts the burden ofthe proof as you apparently assume asthe court Is in no respect a trial courtnor does it place upon Mrs Sutton norher counsel the burden of determiningwho was responsible for Lieutenant

deathThat te tie of the court The

department must therefore decline toaccede to your request to vacate the

Should the jforth CarQllna be two orthree days Inquirywin hardly be before Mondaynext as the court ordinarily would takean adjournment on Friday for the week-end Upon arrival under the departments final decision Lieutenant

must be placed in thecategory of a defendant to proceed

as was done with otherofficers present at Suttons death andinvolved in the campus fight nearly twoyears ago



Think Infant Perished of Suffoca




po itlon









the court













tion Three Others Injured

Loss Reaches 3000BOSTON Mass Aug 1 Three peo-

ple were seriously burned and a babyis reported missing as the result of anearly morning fire in the threestorybrick dwelling at 12 Corning street

Shortly after 3 oclock this morning akerorene lamp expleded in the apart-ments of James and Sarah Gately whooccupy the building netting fire to thehouse Before they were rescued theywere severely burned

Alexander Cameron a lodger was alsobadly burned and all three were re-moved to the City Hospital A babybelonging to the Gatelys was found tobe missing after the lire and is believedto have perished from suffocationAnother lodger Roger Dorsey whosought safety on the roof was rescuedby firemen He was also badly InjuredThe damage amounted to 3000








Rhine Wine frontShoornaker s


II jill j J

Exciting Meeting Held by5000 Employes of thePressed Steel Compar

PITTSBURG Pa Aug 5000striking employee of the Proved SteelCar Company held an exciting meeting-at Schoenville this morning The tem-per of the strikers is ugly and the localauthorities and members of the Statepolice guarding the big plant look forserious trouble this week

The flat denial of the company offi-cials that negotiations on for asettlement and the equally emphaticdeclaration of the strike leaders thatPresident Hoffstot did receive a dele-gation and begin consideration of aplan to settle the trouble provokedangry talk this morningThe strikers say they are being double

crossed roe leaders maintain that tnestrike will be ended by Tuesday J HA CHIT vice chairman of the strikerscommittee hearing tfye rumor last nightthat company officiate had talked for thepress on the supposed peace conferenceyes rday declared this was in directviolation of what had been agreed tothe meeting Both employers and employes he said promisee not to talkuntil an agreement was reached ornegotiations were declared off

If the company broken thisagreement or does break It Carr

it will take just two hoursMonday morning for us to show whatwe will do

What the strikers proposed to do inthom two hours Carr would not sayThere are rumors about Schoenvilleof a big shapeup among managers ofthe car plant followinga visit yesterday afternoon o tneboard of and stockholders Onereport is that the stockholders franklyexpressed their disapproval ofthat was being done theirthat harsh words were exchanged



Southerner While on Lecture TourPays 250 for Prize

RambouilletCOLUMBUS Ohio Aug 1 Senator

Ben Tillman while on a lecture tourstopped at Marysville went to the Maxwelton farm and bought a prize ram oCthe Rambouillet species for 360 Sena-tor Tillman came on to Columbus wherehte met William Jennings Bryan also entour Tillman is to speak at a picnichere next Thursday with GovernorHarmon The picnic Is to be held atan amusement park and Tillman refused to speak because informed he wasbeing used as a side show annex Governor Harmon having sanctioned the affair however he reconsidered and willspeak


William Douglas Is ArrestedrrGirlApparently Intoxicated Taken

To HospitalCharged with giving liquor to a minor

William Douglas a negro twentythree years old is locked up at theSeventh precinct station

Pearl Gray a twelveyearold coloreagirl was found on the street last nightin an apparently intoxicated conditionShe became hysterical tvhcn taken tothe station house sad her conditionwas such that she was taken to theGeorgetown University Hospital

Alberta a fourteenyearoldcolored girl was found ancondition late last night in a house inONeils court southwest She was takento the Emergency Hospital The policewere unable to she got theliquor and after treatment at the hos




POUGHKBBPSIE Aug LThe bark-ing of her shepherd dog and his tuggingat her bedclothes aroused Mrs Tyldsleyof Milbrook from a sound sleep earlythis morning

She got up wondering what the animalwas so disturbed about Looking outof the front window she saw that thefront of C B Reardons furniture storewas ablaze Mrs Tyldsley sounded thealarm and helped her neighbors form abucket brigade and put out the fire








she was locked up on a charge













Is the most delicious sum

mer drink there is Itspure fight refreshing

Shoomakers seal upon

the bottle assures unsurpassed excellence andquality Youll enjoy itto the last drop

August V Noack Jr Geo A Williamson

Pros and Treas Secretary

Shoo makers

13314333 E Street




ots and Porch Rockers Sell atFilled and Autoists Use Prom-

ised If Ministers Stop Ball Game



CJoes to a quarter of million visitorsare placing their faith in the

who predicted generally fairthe coast elites and Atlantic Cityspopulation today is largest everknown for the first August Sunday

Cots and even rockers were ata premium last night for use of tired

comers who had failed to reserveaccommodations in hotels and baggageladen visitors paid high prices for thenew beds left in hostelries whosesmiling managers told tales of the se-

verest rush of seasonMorning trains today brought down

thousand of oneday TU urslonlats whodared the leaden skies of last night toprepare for a Ag and happy Sunday atthe shore An spite of showers predictedlikely by the weather harpe who hard-ly dampen the enthusiasm of the seashore throngs

The rush of last night overtopped allformer figures for travel and left rail-road officials perspiring over the prob-

lem of getting their patrons into the resort Trains running in sections hardly accommodated the August travelerswhile local garages turned to less frequented streets as storage room for theoverflow of automobiles that filled every

available space under roof long beforethe final arrivals struck the city atmidnight Owners of barns and othershacks started foundations of fortunes

Three Are Seriously InjuredWhen Collision Occurs

Near Toledo

TOLEDO Ohio Aug 1 Several par-sons were Injured three seriously whenan Inbound electric car from PointPlace struck a wagon carrying scen-ery of the Burgomaster company earlytoday near the Casino

Charles W Meek former Judge of thepolice court had his legs severely in-

jured and was otherwise bruisedClaude Sulkenburg Jackson Mich anelectrician had an arm broken and wasbadly Injured internally John WDowd former superintendent of the To-

ledo schools was badly bruised andPrank Va LoG secretary of the boardof elections had his shoulder twistedand was Internally injured Otto Witrter a motorman was badly cut by

glape Frank Berger and A R Ifpungwore painfully bruised

Who collision occurred at a dark jointIn the roadway and resulted in demol-ishing the scenery and wagon besidesbadly damaging the ear


lives Miss Daisy Talbott a farmersdaughter who wrote her lame and address on an egg which wa sold to ahuckster The latter shipped it and itfell into the hands of Joseph Palmer ofDecatur Ind who wrote to Miss Talbott and she answered Letters wereexchanged often and in course of timea proposal of marriage was accepted bythe yeung woman which resulted re-cently In a wedding


























by renting out their spaces to house thestream of cars Even ground spacebrought a premium when the owners ofmachines found that the regular accom-modations were gone

Claiming their right to run Sundayvaudeville so long as the local politicalbaseball syndicate continues Sabbathmanagers of boardwalk and pier thea-ters may decide to define the law thisafternoon and night despite the experi-ence of Manager W H Barrett of theCriterion Theater who paid a 200 fineyesterday for refusing to close his houseSunday In preparation for the comingwar Chlcfaof Police Woodruff has is-

sued a warning to the effect that arrestswill follow all attempts to run vaude-ville and will be placed-in every theater this afternoon to report on the sort of sacred concertsgiven

As a result of the local excitementover promises of ministers to close upthe resort on a Puritan basis if Sundaybaseball is continued the entire cityis interested In the probable actionof the this afternoon whera game between the local nine and theReading team Is scheduled at InletPark Managers of the de-

clared that they will go on while theministerial objectors promise as faith-fully to make trouble which will includeclosing of Sunday saloons if the gameis attempted

Hundreds of visitors will attend thegame in hopes that drastic action Inthe line of arrests may cause excite-ment


West Virginia Senator Guestof President at


Senator Nathan B Scott was Presi-dent Tafts guest at church thfsi morn

ingAn early visitor to the White Housedtha President invited the Senator to ac-company him to All Souls Church andpear the Rev Dr U G B Pierce preachhis final sermon before the annual summer closing of the church The Presi-dent and the Senator arrived just before the beginning of the service andoccupied the Presidents pew

People cannot be made good byDr PIerce declared during the

course of his sermon on AuthorityThe Plan of making people go to

shurch by closing all the other placeswont work Man must have the senseto be good in his heart he must recognize the authority of God in the manwho is Interpreting Gods word on earthiJe must be endowed with the spirit of

to the authorityAt conclusion of the service the

President and Senator Scott were drivenWlllard Hotel where Sen

ator Scott was dropped and PresidentTaft returned to the White HouseThere was a very small congregation atthe church this and very fewpeople waited to see the President aslie came out

All Souls Church will be closed untiltho first Sunday In October


defied the conventionalities and publiclykissed and embraced each other on thestreet James Marie and Minnie Brantner were arrested spent Ute night inthe lockup and were fined each


























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for itself everytime An extra neatbooklet a betterthanusual circular alwaysreceives attention

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